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L1[00:00:08] <TheFox> The more options put into the field for use forces people to improve theirs, or enables them to improve by seeing it done other ways.
L2[00:00:24] <Izaya> Aye. Competition is good.
L3[00:01:13] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:6012:bdfb:ddb1:a133)
L4[00:01:56] <Izaya> Next project will be building a version that can be used easily in EEPROMs I guess
L5[00:01:58] <TheFox> Anyone remake that ComputerCraft minecraft game to Open Computers?
L6[00:01:58] <TheFox> If so maybe someone should make a multiplayer server for it in with minitel... that would be nice.
L7[00:02:16] <Izaya> That'd be cool
L8[00:02:27] <Izaya> I was thinking I might implement some sort of mail server
L9[00:02:32] <TheFox> That's what I tried with my protocol first. Design it on an EEPROM and it will work anywhere... nah..... even with that minifier payo uses I couldn't get it small enough.
L10[00:03:06] <TheFox> payo or ... someone else.. I cannot remember who sent it to me.
L11[00:03:06] <Izaya> The fancy implementation of Minitel is only 5k with comments and lots of space
L12[00:03:27] <Izaya> if I were to minify that and remove stuff you don't really need for an embedded device
L13[00:03:30] <TheFox> Already minified?
L14[00:03:33] <TheFox> oh, no it's not.
L15[00:03:43] <Izaya> meshing, for example
L16[00:03:54] <Izaya> I'd probably end up with about 2k of actual code
L17[00:04:09] <TheFox> well then you'd have no issues getting it on there then >.>
L18[00:04:09] <TheFox> I think what drove mine up in size was enabling it to take commands instead of JUST running... debug commands to force it to do things and what not.
L19[00:04:43] <Izaya> Take commands?
L20[00:05:22] <TheFox> Yes, just so I could debug it and see if the packets made it into the sending table and what not. Route control API.
L21[00:05:32] <Izaya> Ah
L22[00:05:42] <Izaya> I just have a lot of print statements that can be toggled on
L23[00:05:47] <TheFox> Was intending to make the routers kinda handle their own efficent routing ... mebe implementing EIGRP in my project... that ran way too far.
L24[00:06:24] <TheFox> and completely broke everything honestly..
L25[00:06:43] <Izaya> Can relate :P
L26[00:06:59] * Izaya hmms
L27[00:07:31] <TheFox> who needs efficent routing
L28[00:07:37] <TheFox> it's totally overrated
L29[00:07:40] <Izaya> I can work out how to make stuff listen for connections opening, but I dunno how I'd make them stop :|
L30[00:07:46] <Izaya> I mean, most OC networks are pretty small
L31[00:07:58] <Izaya> and you usually won't cross more than say 5 network boundaries anyway
L32[00:08:51] <TheFox> yeahhh... my test bed wasn't that small... each computer had an equivelant routing device beside it... and they were all connected, I wanted to get it there without packet duplication, but I endedup with MASSIVE packet duplication and somehow mangling of data.
L33[00:09:23] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:6012:bdfb:ddb1:a133) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L34[00:09:32] <Izaya> Minitel routing, despite basically being "rebroadcast everything" is surprisingly efficient
L35[00:09:54] <TheFox> how many devices can you go up to?
L36[00:10:00] <Izaya> Any amount.
L37[00:10:03] <TheFox> I haven't had a chance to sit and look at it yet.
L38[00:10:05] <TheFox> ?
L39[00:10:05] <Izaya> Well
L40[00:10:24] <Izaya> Addresses are up to 256 chars, and only printable ones are valid
L41[00:10:55] <TheFox> well, that's a shit ton, that's for sure
L42[00:11:02] <Izaya> No node will ever repeat a packet twice, and once it gets to its destination everything on the way will know a the way that got it there fastest
L43[00:11:46] <Izaya> (keeps a cache of what HW address packets from a minitel address came from, so it knows where to send it back, both when routing and sending new packets)
L44[00:12:30] <TheFox> depending on the size of the network, wouldn't you eventually face issues with RAM on a EEPROM if it were in a microcontroller unit?
L45[00:12:53] <Izaya> Assuming that there weren't uh
L46[00:13:06] <Izaya> lots of different addresses talking in the space of 30 seconds (by default) it'd be fine
L47[00:13:28] <Izaya> you can configure how long addresses stay in the cache too, so if you really wanted you could drop them immediately
L48[00:14:04] <TheFox> I feel like putting this in a world and testing how many I can get it to at once in that 30 second window.. just for the sake of me being curious
L49[00:14:15] <Izaya> It'd be interesting to know
L50[00:14:27] <TheFox> How are the routes saved?
L51[00:14:43] <TheFox> to the cache*
L52[00:15:09] <Izaya> [minitel address] = {local modem address, remote modem address, time last received}
L53[00:15:55] <TheFox> Are the addresses 256 char long NO MATTER what? Even if it's not used completly, or are they dynamically sized?
L54[00:16:05] <Izaya> Dynamically sized
L55[00:16:15] <Izaya> It actually uses separate fields in send/broadcast so
L56[00:16:53] <TheFox> well, then, there are a lot of variables at play that would decide how fast it filled the cache..
L57[00:17:01] <Izaya> aye
L58[00:17:32] <Izaya> I'll also note that the reference implementation doesn't enforce 255 char limits
L59[00:17:38] <Izaya> it's something it really should
L60[00:18:17] <Izaya> but I'm focusing on keeping it simple and functional, and light, over enforcing things that really shouldn't need to be there
L61[00:19:18] <TheFox> I'm not trying to say there should be saftey's implemented or anything, I'm just curious about the limitations of it, which seem to be pretty far out there.
L62[00:19:40] <TheFox> You can have a pretty damn big network, EVEN WITH 256 byte addreses
L63[00:19:42] <TheFox> You can have a pretty damn big network, EVEN WITH 256 byte addresses [Edited]
L64[00:19:59] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (xarses_!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L65[00:20:17] <Izaya> you only get 95 characters out of each byte, I'll note
L66[00:20:20] <Izaya> welllllll
L67[00:20:37] <Izaya> behavior of characters >127 are undefined
L68[00:21:07] <Izaya> Not saying you can't use them, but I wouldn't.
L69[00:24:26] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (xarses_!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
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L72[00:27:16] <TheFox> oh, ok
L73[00:27:20] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (xarses_!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
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L75[00:27:28] <TheFox> welll that changes the math a bit.
L76[00:27:41] <Izaya> Still a lot of addresses.
L77[00:28:56] <TheFox> Very
L78[00:30:39] <Izaya> .... And now there's a net.flisten(), so you can have daemons on OpenOS that wait for sockets to be opened.
L79[00:39:14] <Izaya> Hm. I might write a netsniff tool, so you can disable caching and view the packets
L80[00:45:52] <Izaya> https://my.mixtape.moe/xfnfnj.webm
L81[00:52:12] <Forecaster> @Mimiru need documentation!
L82[00:52:19] <Mimiru> @Forecaster on?
L83[00:52:28] <Forecaster> all the things!
L84[00:52:33] <Mimiru> ._.
L85[00:52:46] <Forecaster> what does the security terminal do exactly?
L86[00:52:58] <Mimiru> exactly what your request was.
L87[00:53:18] <Mimiru> :P it stops breaking blocks.
L88[00:53:37] <Forecaster> I turned on particles and there's two explosions in the air above it
L89[00:53:42] <Forecaster> and I'm not sure what that means
L90[00:53:45] <Forecaster> what's the range?
L91[00:53:46] <Mimiru> that shows the bounding box
L92[00:53:58] <Mimiru> I was gonna draw lines... but IDK OpenGL :D
L93[00:54:08] <Forecaster> oh there's 4 of them
L94[00:54:13] <Mimiru> Yep
L95[00:54:17] <Mimiru> weell 8
L96[00:54:27] <Mimiru> one for each corner of the cube
L97[00:54:38] <Forecaster> well yeah, but half are underground right now :P
L98[00:55:04] <Mimiru> it's a 16 block cube, centered on the terminal.. it might be 17.. cause of the block itself.
L99[00:55:10] <Forecaster> the range appears to be 7
L100[00:55:18] <Forecaster> not including the block
L101[00:55:18] <Mimiru> it should be 8...
L102[00:56:12] <Mimiru> anyway
L103[00:56:22] <Mimiru> set a password, then call enable("password")
L104[00:56:36] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y952o9oe
L105[00:56:40] <Mimiru> Then only you as the owner, ops and creative players can break blocks
L106[00:56:46] <Forecaster> the spark comes from the corner of the black tower
L107[00:57:06] <Forecaster> hm, what if you have a shared base?
L108[00:57:19] <Mimiru> I've not implemented adding allowed players yet
L109[00:57:22] <Mimiru> but it IS planned
L110[00:57:26] <Forecaster> okay good :>
L111[00:57:26] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (xarses_!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L112[00:57:35] <Mimiru> soon™ which is why I've not ran a build to CF yet
L113[00:57:51] <Forecaster> also being able to set the range would be nice
L114[00:58:02] <Forecaster> for increased energy usage?
L115[00:58:04] <Mimiru> but this weekend is busy doing the struts on my car, so IDK if I'll have a chance.
L116[00:58:10] <Forecaster> that's okay
L117[00:58:13] <Mimiru> every block break attempt uses 30 energy :P
L118[00:58:42] <Mimiru> (I don't think that'll stay)
L119[00:58:47] <Forecaster> I'm just weary about having to place millions of these for proper coverage
L120[00:58:55] <Forecaster> is there any idle draw?
L121[00:59:00] <Mimiru> your request was 16 blocks.
L122[00:59:02] <Mimiru> :/
L123[00:59:02] <Mimiru> lol
L124[00:59:06] <Forecaster> it was?
L125[00:59:11] <Forecaster> I don't remember
L126[00:59:23] <Mimiru> https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenSecurity/issues/53
L127[00:59:24] <MichiBot> Title: Add device that allows protecting an area as long as it's active | Posted by: Forecaster | Posted: Tue Jun 28 05:22:40 CDT 2016 | Status: open
L128[00:59:49] <Forecaster> well that person was stupid(er)
L129[00:59:53] <Forecaster> D:
L130[01:00:21] <Forecaster> 16 blocks is next to nothing :|
L131[01:00:25] <Forecaster> I don't know what I was thinking
L132[01:00:47] <Forecaster> also what does the data block do?
L133[01:00:48] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (xarses_!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L134[01:00:52] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/idea64_2018-02-17_01-00-43.png ._.
L135[01:00:53] * Mimiru sighs
L136[01:00:55] <Forecaster> it has no component and isn't on the wiki
L137[01:01:01] <Mimiru> it's the data card, in a block
L138[01:01:05] <Mimiru> with the addition of bcrypt
L139[01:01:11] <Forecaster> ah
L140[01:01:37] <Forecaster> and what's the private door for?
L141[01:01:46] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (xarses_!~xarses@
L142[01:01:58] <Mimiru> it's a door... with no window
L143[01:02:11] <Forecaster> I see :P
L144[01:02:19] <Mimiru> No, that's the point.
L145[01:02:20] <Mimiru> :P
L146[01:02:22] <Mimiru> you don't see
L147[01:02:23] <Mimiru> lol
L148[01:02:34] <Forecaster> maybe I have x-ray vision D:
L149[01:02:40] <Mimiru> hax.
L150[01:03:10] <Mimiru> damn it idea
L151[01:03:16] <Mimiru> ffs eclipse atleast works wtf
L152[01:03:36] ⇦ Quits: andreww (andreww!~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L153[01:08:42] <Mimiru> considering removing the creative check...
L154[01:09:15] <Forecaster> yeah, then I could use it on the creative server to allow people to protect their things
L155[01:09:30] <Forecaster> then I could default people to creative mode instead of spectator
L156[01:23:33] <Mimiru> I may have just added the allowed list.
L157[01:23:41] <Mimiru> but either way I'm going to bed as soon as I test this.
L158[01:23:59] <Forecaster> awesome
L159[01:24:46] <Mimiru> Also.. I don't really have a way to make the range configurable via computer.
L160[01:25:00] <Forecaster> aw
L161[01:25:09] <Mimiru> cause I have to specify the bounding box in the block break event and I need the range to find the TE
L162[01:25:15] <Mimiru> and I need the TE to allow changing the range
L163[01:25:38] <Izaya> ~w oppm
L164[01:25:38] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/tutorial:program:oppm
L165[01:30:43] <Mimiru> @Forecaster it works \o/
L166[01:30:49] <Forecaster> yay
L167[01:31:40] <Forecaster> what if you had a bunch of set ranges you could choose from, then you can look for the TE using each of those until you find it
L168[01:32:07] <Forecaster> like 16, 32, 64 etc
L169[01:32:26] <Mimiru> that sounds like it would be very slow..
L170[01:32:54] <Forecaster> maybe, I dunno
L171[01:33:08] <Mimiru> cause this event is fired for *every* block break in the world.
L172[01:33:22] <Forecaster> oh, right
L173[01:33:25] <Mimiru> on the door/controllers it'
L174[01:33:33] <Mimiru> 's a simple instanceof check
L175[01:33:43] <Mimiru> for this I have to scan the entire volume looking for a block
L176[01:36:48] ⇨ Joins: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@
L177[01:37:52] <PrismaticYT> Is it possible to get the location of a file specified after the command and copy it to a specific location?
L178[01:38:15] <PrismaticYT> for example addpkg test.lua would add the file test.lua to /usr/bin
L179[01:38:37] <Forecaster> also, does it block explosion events?
L180[01:38:39] <Izaya> tArgs = {...}
L181[01:38:45] <Izaya> location = tArgs[1]
L182[01:39:00] <PrismaticYT> And how do I copy the file?
L183[01:39:14] <Izaya> I think fs has a method
L184[01:39:14] <Izaya> ~w
L185[01:39:14] <ocdoc> Hello, I'm #oc's wiki bot.
L186[01:39:17] <Izaya> ~w fs
L187[01:39:18] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:filesystem
L188[01:39:37] <Izaya> filesystem.copy(fromPath: string, toPath: string): boolean or nil, string
L189[01:39:46] <PrismaticYT> thanks
L190[01:41:36] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@ (Quit: PrismaticYT)
L191[01:43:52] <Mimiru> @Forecaster woot I got usernames to work, so you don't have to manually get a players UUID.
L192[01:44:02] <Forecaster> yay :D
L193[01:45:24] <Forecaster> why is my robot receiving two modem events from one broadcast....
L194[01:45:32] <Mimiru> so addUser("password", "MichiRavencroft") will allow me to break stuff
L195[01:45:51] <Mimiru> and delUser("password", "username") for the reverse.
L196[01:47:08] <Forecaster> oh, it was a nearby relay with a wireless card in it...
L197[01:47:28] <Forecaster> apparently it was echoing the broadcast so the robot got it twice
L198[01:47:31] <Forecaster> that's dumb
L199[01:47:37] <Forecaster> how do you prevent that from happening
L200[01:50:13] <Mimiru> No clue :D
L201[01:50:22] <Mimiru> I'll add doc strings to this later
L202[01:50:28] <Forecaster> woo
L203[01:50:35] <Mimiru> I need sleep if I'm going to not put the struts on my car upside down.
L204[01:51:10] <Mimiru> range is still +/-8 for now
L205[01:51:17] <Mimiru> I'll look into increasing it later too
L206[01:52:39] <Mimiru> @Forecaster https://ci.pc-logix.com/job/OpenSecurity%201.10/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/build/libs/OpenSecurity-MC1.10.2-1.0-43.jar?noredirect=true
L207[01:53:50] <Mimiru> I might make it check a 64 cubed area, then have a range setting in the TE... pass the range into the TE check and if it's out of range return false and let it break.
L208[01:53:58] <Mimiru> still sounds slow...
L209[01:54:31] <Forecaster> I'm going to see if I can find out how Pneumaticcraft does it
L210[01:54:50] <Forecaster> there has to be a way, its security station has range upgrades you can put in or take out however you want
L211[01:56:54] ⇨ Joins: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@
L212[01:57:08] <PrismaticYT> function arguments missing near ` -- what does this mean?
L213[01:57:15] <PrismaticYT> ,*
L214[01:57:20] <Forecaster> show code
L215[01:57:43] <Forecaster> it probably means you're doing something like function(argument,)
L216[01:58:07] <PrismaticYT> im using tArgs to get the location of a file and filesystem.copy to copy it
L217[01:58:21] <Forecaster> pastebin your code
L218[01:58:28] <PrismaticYT> how do i copy
L219[01:58:39] <Forecaster> are you in singleplayer?
L220[01:58:41] <PrismaticYT> yes
L221[01:58:57] <Forecaster> then you can find the computer files in the opencomputers dir in the world dir
L222[01:59:04] <Mimiru> internet card and pastebin put filename, or ^
L223[01:59:15] <PrismaticYT> ..how do I copy text I mean
L224[01:59:24] <PrismaticYT> Ctrl-V doesn't work
L225[01:59:24] <Forecaster> you can't in-game
L226[01:59:41] <PrismaticYT> https://pastebin.com/H522ENVT
L227[01:59:43] <Forecaster> also ctrl+v is paste, not copy
L228[01:59:45] <PrismaticYT> it was bound to insert
L229[02:00:02] <Mimiru> that's paste, not copy :P
L230[02:00:04] <PrismaticYT> I meant paste xD
L231[02:00:15] <Forecaster> ...
L232[02:00:18] <Mimiru> remove the "fromPath:", and "toPath:"
L233[02:00:22] <Forecaster> what is this supposed to be
L234[02:00:22] <Mimiru> that'
L235[02:00:25] <PrismaticYT> why
L236[02:00:33] <PrismaticYT> do they not work
L237[02:00:37] <Mimiru> because that's not how that works... IDK if this will actually work..
L238[02:00:44] <Mimiru> but at the very least THAT will screw everything up
L239[02:00:45] <Forecaster> you also don't have the closing parenthesis
L240[02:00:52] <PrismaticYT> I do
L241[02:00:54] <Mimiru> the docs o nthe wiki show the function signatures.
L242[02:00:55] <PrismaticYT> Hold on
L243[02:00:57] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@ (Client Quit)
L244[02:01:24] <Forecaster> ...
L245[02:01:48] ⇨ Joins: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@
L246[02:02:01] <PrismaticYT> something something error near /
L247[02:02:19] <Mimiru> use quotes around the path..?
L248[02:02:20] <Forecaster> we can't do anything with that.
L249[02:02:29] <Mimiru> variables don't need quotes, strings do.
L250[02:02:35] <PrismaticYT> Oh you use quotes around the path?
L251[02:02:43] <Forecaster> yes...
L252[02:02:45] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@ (Client Quit)
L253[02:02:48] <Mimiru> ANY s tring will need quoted, othe.
L254[02:02:49] <Mimiru> ffs.
L255[02:03:34] <Mimiru> @Forecaster looks like Pnumaticraft does basically what I'm talking about.
L256[02:03:38] ⇨ Joins: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@
L257[02:03:42] <Forecaster> cool
L258[02:03:46] <PrismaticYT> attempt to index filesystem: a nil value
L259[02:03:58] <Mimiru> fuckin hell... I'm going to bed.
L260[02:04:00] <Forecaster> I've never had any lag issues with PC
L261[02:04:25] <Forecaster> PrismaticYT: Look at an actual example
L262[02:04:29] <PrismaticYT> ?
L263[02:04:51] <PrismaticYT> like what?
L264[02:04:52] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/yc56ntgs
L265[02:04:59] <Forecaster> these are examples of functional code
L266[02:05:03] <Forecaster> look for those on the wiki
L267[02:05:48] <PrismaticYT> so I need local filesystem = require("filesystem")?
L268[02:05:53] <Forecaster> yes
L269[02:06:07] <PrismaticYT> alright
L270[02:06:07] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@ (Client Quit)
L272[02:07:16] ⇨ Joins: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@
L273[02:07:28] <PrismaticYT> alright that works but is there a way to print an error on invalid filename?
L274[02:07:33] <Forecaster> PrismaticYT: there is a link to the discord server in the topic, please
L275[02:07:58] <PrismaticYT> that link is incredibly long
L276[02:08:05] <PrismaticYT> and i can't click it
L277[02:08:13] <Forecaster> it's not that long...
L278[02:08:20] <PrismaticYT> it's about 20 characters
L279[02:08:28] <chernobyl> lol
L280[02:08:41] <PrismaticYT> 20 character long link + tiredness = oh god why
L281[02:08:47] <chernobyl> are you running IRC on a potato in-game computer?
L282[02:08:51] <PrismaticYT> No
L283[02:09:01] <PrismaticYT> actually yes
L284[02:09:10] <Forecaster> you just need the code at the end.
L285[02:09:29] <Forecaster> the rest you can copy paste from somewhere else
L286[02:09:33] <PrismaticYT> well when I say "potato" I mean "creative computer"
L287[02:09:43] <chernobyl> lol
L288[02:09:53] <chernobyl> all in-game OCs are potato
L289[02:10:01] <PrismaticYT> yes technically
L290[02:10:06] <chernobyl> given you dont have fancy software on it that allows you to click links and things
L291[02:10:14] <PrismaticYT> also has anyone ever made SSH in OC?
L292[02:10:20] <Forecaster> yes
L293[02:10:24] <Izaya> Several times
L294[02:10:32] <PrismaticYT> server and client or client only
L295[02:10:32] <Forecaster> and there is no browser in OC, clicking links is useless
L296[02:10:40] <Forecaster> otherwise it'd be completely possible
L297[02:10:46] <Izaya> Ingame to ingame
L298[02:10:48] <Izaya> There'
L299[02:10:49] <PrismaticYT> and by ssh I mean ssh that can connect to real computers
L300[02:10:52] <Izaya> s a telnet client
L301[02:11:15] <Forecaster> you can only do outbound connections
L302[02:11:20] <Forecaster> ie game => internet
L303[02:11:30] <PrismaticYT> isn't that exactly what SSH is
L304[02:11:35] <PrismaticYT> the client anyway
L305[02:12:46] <logan2611> doesnt OC support TCP tho
L306[02:12:54] <Izaya> yeah
L307[02:12:55] <PrismaticYT> does it support UDP?
L308[02:13:07] <Forecaster> @lizzy should put a discord link on the forum next to the irc webchat link
L309[02:13:07] <logan2611> idk, probably not
L310[02:13:10] <Izaya> Don't think anyone's implemented SSL/whatever handshakes yet
L311[02:13:26] <PrismaticYT> doubt that'd be possible
L312[02:13:32] <Forecaster> @Lizzian should put a discord link on the forum next to the irc webchat link [Edited]
L313[02:13:51] <PrismaticYT> but ssh over an insecure connection should work
L314[02:13:54] <Izaya> We have the data card that can do RSA and AES
L315[02:14:00] <Izaya> ssh over an insecure connection is not ssh
L316[02:14:02] <logan2611> there are libs too
L317[02:14:04] <Izaya> as ssh is 'secure shell'
L318[02:14:08] <logan2611> ^^
L319[02:14:15] <Izaya> and you're basically referring to telnet
L320[02:14:23] <PrismaticYT> is telnet like ssh?
L321[02:14:37] <PrismaticYT> same command-line functions like ls and mkdir?
L322[02:14:47] <Izaya> ssh doesn't provide those
L323[02:15:04] <logan2611> ssh is just a tunnel
L324[02:15:13] <logan2611> everything is provided clientside
L325[02:15:13] <PrismaticYT> I mean support for those commands
L326[02:15:31] <PrismaticYT> those commands are built in to every (at least most) systems
L327[02:15:36] <Corded> * <logan2611> windows
L328[02:15:37] <Izaya> all ssh does is connect stdio on one machine to stdio on another, over an encrypted connection
L329[02:15:42] <PrismaticYT> win...dows?
L330[02:15:49] <PrismaticYT> the hell is that
L331[02:15:50] <Izaya> Windows supports neither ssh nor ls
L332[02:15:57] <logan2611> windows 10 as an ssh server
L333[02:16:01] <PrismaticYT> must be a bad os
L334[02:16:01] <logan2611> windows 10 jas an ssh server [Edited]
L335[02:16:04] <logan2611> windows 10 has an ssh server [Edited]
L336[02:16:11] <PrismaticYT> I think it's an OS?
L337[02:16:11] <Izaya> oh right but that's under linux anyway right
L338[02:16:14] <PrismaticYT> it sounds like one
L339[02:16:17] <logan2611> I think its a bad os
L340[02:16:26] <PrismaticYT> it sounds very bad
L341[02:16:35] <logan2611> its named after something that breaks
L342[02:17:03] <PrismaticYT> not the best buisness model
L343[02:17:07] <logan2611> indeed
L344[02:17:11] <PrismaticYT> "Our OS is really broken"
L345[02:17:23] <logan2611> I try to avoid them
L346[02:17:25] <Izaya> mfw I didn't even start it this time
L347[02:17:26] <logan2611> but they just come back
L348[02:17:53] <PrismaticYT> being able to list files is a basic terminal function
L349[02:18:11] <logan2611> correct
L350[02:18:36] <PrismaticYT> installing programs must be hard
L351[02:18:57] <PrismaticYT> assuming you can't just run apt install <program>
L352[02:19:09] <logan2611> or pacman -s
L353[02:19:14] <logan2611> no, get this
L354[02:19:22] <logan2611> you have to open a shitty browser that crashes all the time
L355[02:19:27] <logan2611> and go to their website
L356[02:19:31] <logan2611> navigate the malware
L357[02:19:51] <logan2611> and then click download, at which point you run the file and then get assaulted with more malware
L358[02:19:55] <PrismaticYT> pacman -s? what's that? I use Linux every day and I've never heard of that
L359[02:20:00] <logan2611> I think its Arch
L360[02:20:03] <PrismaticYT> also why is there so much malware
L361[02:20:13] <PrismaticYT> pacman for me is literally pacman
L362[02:20:18] <logan2611> oh
L363[02:20:30] <logan2611> I've been lied to my whole life
L364[02:20:39] <PrismaticYT> Except for some reason it runs like a commodore 64
L365[02:20:50] <logan2611> oh
L366[02:21:09] <PrismaticYT> i think the clockrate is incorrect for the program
L367[02:21:25] <PrismaticYT> everything else runs fine
L368[02:21:32] <logan2611> thankfully its fixable
L369[02:21:41] <logan2611> unlike that Microsoft "Operating" System
L370[02:21:42] <PrismaticYT> what is
L371[02:21:45] <logan2611> anything
L372[02:21:47] <logan2611> almost
L373[02:21:55] <logan2611> mainly your speed issue
L374[02:21:56] <PrismaticYT> oh yeah
L375[02:21:59] <logan2611> which btw you should fix
L376[02:22:05] <PrismaticYT> I don't know how
L377[02:22:12] <logan2611> internet
L378[02:22:15] <PrismaticYT> there's no config option or anything
L379[02:22:29] <logan2611> reinstall
L380[02:23:03] <PrismaticYT> i wonder
L381[02:23:09] <PrismaticYT> has anyone made pacman in lua
L382[02:23:30] <logan2611> probably something similar
L383[02:24:03] <PrismaticYT> it'd be easy to make I assume
L384[02:24:17] <PrismaticYT> just 'change piece of text every frame or two'
L385[02:24:44] <logan2611> you say this is easy
L386[02:24:55] <PrismaticYT> clear -> draw frame -> repeat (but it has to run fast enough to not see the clearing)
L387[02:25:05] <Izaya> don't bother with clearing
L388[02:25:12] <logan2611> that works too
L389[02:25:21] <PrismaticYT> the only problem is the rng
L390[02:27:02] <PrismaticYT> and the fact that OC's screen refresh rate is probably not very good
L391[02:27:10] <logan2611> I thought itt was 30Hz
L392[02:27:17] <logan2611> I thought itt was 20Hz [Edited]
L393[02:27:26] <Izaya> Refresh rate is 20hz, but drawing is v. slow
L394[02:27:44] <Izaya> s/Refresh/Theoretical refresh/
L395[02:27:44] <MichiBot> <Izaya> Theoretical refresh rate is 20hz, but drawing is v. slow
L396[02:27:59] <PrismaticYT> Would that look nice on a 60Hz monitor? (Most monitors are 60Hz I think?)
L397[02:28:14] <logan2611> most monitors are 60Hz, also it doeesn't look too bad
L398[02:28:36] <PrismaticYT> you really only need 60Hz
L399[02:28:44] <logan2611> not with that attitude
L400[02:28:52] <Izaya> Higher is nice
L401[02:28:57] <Izaya> I miss cheap 90Hz CRTs
L402[02:29:05] <PrismaticYT> I have one xD
L403[02:29:07] <logan2611> I miss 75Hz
L404[02:29:23] <logan2611> for some reaosn
L405[02:29:26] <logan2611> for some reason [Edited]
L406[02:29:53] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (xarses_!~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L407[02:30:08] <PrismaticYT> one of the only bad things about linux is the fact that it hates FPS values that aren't multiples of 10
L408[02:30:29] <logan2611> who said windows doesnt too
L409[02:30:42] <logan2611> more specifically NT
L410[02:30:47] <PrismaticYT> does windows lag tho if it's not a multiple of 10?
L411[02:30:47] <logan2611> as 9x supported it just fine
L412[02:30:54] <PrismaticYT> 9x what?
L413[02:30:57] <logan2611> Windows 9x
L414[02:31:01] <PrismaticYT> oh
L415[02:31:09] <logan2611> as DOS ran natively as 75HHz
L416[02:31:11] <logan2611> as DOS ran natively as 75Hz [Edited]
L417[02:31:50] <logan2611> also honestly I don't know, I only ever used a 75Hz monitor as a second one
L418[02:32:04] <logan2611> didnt seem bad tho
L419[02:32:35] <PrismaticYT> fun fact: on some CRTs (At least, on mine, not sure about other ones) you can't actually see the scanline
L420[02:33:52] <logan2611> I imagine those are called good CRTs
L421[02:36:56] <PrismaticYT> brb
L422[02:36:57] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@ (Quit: PrismaticYT)
L423[02:42:35] ⇨ Joins: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@
L424[02:42:38] <PrismaticYT> um
L425[02:42:43] <PrismaticYT> filesystem.copy isn't working
L426[02:42:50] <PrismaticYT> it doesn't copy anything
L427[02:43:00] <Izaya> what does it return
L428[02:43:04] <PrismaticYT> nothing
L429[02:43:06] <PrismaticYT> no output
L430[02:43:13] <Forecaster> not output
L431[02:43:15] <Forecaster> return
L432[02:43:22] <PrismaticYT> nothing
L433[02:43:23] <Forecaster> local return = filesystem.copy
L434[02:43:27] <PrismaticYT> oh
L435[02:43:29] <Forecaster> what is return
L436[02:43:36] <PrismaticYT> hang on
L437[02:43:37] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@ (Client Quit)
L438[02:43:38] <Forecaster> (don't use return, that's a keyword)
L439[02:43:40] <Forecaster> dammit
L440[02:43:43] <Forecaster> -_-
L441[02:43:43] <Izaya> ohboy
L442[02:44:24] ⇨ Joins: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@
L443[02:44:30] <PrismaticYT> <name> expected near return
L444[02:44:41] <PrismaticYT> that's what happens with local return = filesystem.copy
L445[02:44:46] <Forecaster> yeah, like I said just after you disconnected
L446[02:44:57] <Forecaster> don't use the name "return", it's a keyword
L447[02:44:59] <Forecaster> -_-
L448[02:45:04] <Forecaster> please stop disconnecting
L449[02:45:13] <PrismaticYT> can't edit without disconnecting
L450[02:45:32] <Forecaster> so either use a different computer, get on discord or get on irc proper
L451[02:45:42] <Forecaster> I don't care which
L452[02:45:52] <PrismaticYT> so what do i use instead of return
L453[02:46:09] <Forecaster> anything... it's a variable...
L454[02:46:44] <PrismaticYT> so local <anything> = filesystem.copy?
L455[02:46:51] <Forecaster> yes
L456[02:46:56] <PrismaticYT> ok hold on
L457[02:46:58] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@ (Client Quit)
L458[02:48:19] ⇨ Joins: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@
L459[02:48:23] <PrismaticYT> no difference/
L460[02:49:44] <PrismaticYT> didn't maske any difference
L461[02:49:57] <PrismaticYT> make*
L462[02:52:44] <PrismaticYT> wait hold on
L463[02:52:46] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@ (Client Quit)
L464[02:56:05] ⇨ Joins: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@
L465[02:56:27] <Kodos> Are you connecting via a computer in Minecraft?
L466[02:56:35] <PrismaticYT> Yes
L467[02:56:50] <Kodos> %tell Mimiru we need a command for MichiBot to link the webchat with the channel filled in already
L468[02:56:50] <MichiBot> Kodos: Mimiru will be notified of this message when next seen.
L469[02:57:10] <PrismaticYT> because I'm currently watching youtube (on my second monitor)
L470[02:57:22] <Kodos> We also have a Discord
L471[02:57:29] <Izaya> It's on the forum
L472[02:57:39] <Forecaster> I already tried that.
L473[02:57:41] <PrismaticYT> How would I watch the video and use Discord and MC at the same time?
L474[02:57:54] <Izaya> Does your system not allow overlapping windows?
L475[02:58:04] <PrismaticYT> yes but I don't like that is looks ugly
L476[02:58:08] <PrismaticYT> it*
L477[02:58:13] <Izaya> well then
L478[02:58:15] <Izaya> there's your answer
L479[02:58:23] <Izaya> use 1970s technology
L480[02:58:52] <Forecaster> %addcommand webchat https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/1167-irc-webchat/
L481[02:58:53] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Command Added
L482[03:02:52] <Kodos> Hey, someone remind me. Youtube has a pause button on their videos, right? I mean, I'm not crazy, am I?
L483[03:03:05] <Forecaster> what do you mean?
L484[03:03:12] <PrismaticYT> No there's no pause button
L485[03:03:18] <Izaya> Bottom left corner, last I checked
L486[03:03:30] <Kodos> Well, call me crazy, but couldn't he pause the video and get help easier, and then watch his video?
L487[03:03:31] <Izaya> yup, still there
L488[03:03:47] <Forecaster> what a wild concept
L489[03:03:57] <Kodos> Right? Am I just innovative or w hat
L490[03:04:16] <Izaya> ngl I thought you were making a jab at Google for removing the view image button
L491[03:04:37] <PrismaticYT> ?
L492[03:05:19] <TheFox> lmao izaya
L493[03:05:27] <TheFox> and Kodos.. ofc you're crazy.
L494[03:05:59] <TheFox> but that's where good ideas come from >..
L495[03:06:16] <TheFox> \s/>.. />.>
L496[03:06:21] <TheFox> well fml...
L497[03:06:29] <TheFox> that was a miserable failure.
L498[03:12:42] <Kodos> I believe you want to remove the first \
L499[03:13:12] <Kodos> Oh, right, because Discord thinks it's a command [Edited]
L500[03:13:17] <Kodos> /help
L501[03:13:26] <Kodos> Oh, sure, commands are a thing, but /help gets passed through
L502[03:13:45] <Forecaster> you use %s/ to use MichiBot's SED from discord
L503[03:13:57] <Kodos> %s/>.. />.>
L504[03:13:58] <MichiBot> <TheFox> \s/>.>/>.>
L505[03:14:04] <Kodos> Welp
L506[03:23:30] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@ (Quit: PrismaticYT)
L507[03:26:16] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E187E16D85AC08F46679EC7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L508[03:26:16] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L509[03:42:08] <Izaya> Skye, @TheFox: https://my.mixtape.moe/ugffef.webm
L510[03:57:17] <TheFox> Izaya, ssorry, didn't get the ping. Nice! A lot can be done with it from what you've showed so far.
L511[03:57:37] <TheFox> Too tired to load a world to try what 's been posted, but I'm also too tired to sleep
L512[03:59:27] <Izaya> I think as a replacement for Copper and the MultICE internal protocol it's turned out better than both.
L513[05:12:01] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC68D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L514[05:23:25] <Lizzian> @Forecaster for some reason that didn't show up as a proper ping....
L515[05:23:33] <Lizzian> but yeah, will look into it
L516[05:23:50] <Forecaster> probably because I edited it into a ping because I failed the first time
L517[05:26:39] <Lizzian> ah
L518[05:29:36] <Lizzian> well i still got pinged from the first attempt on irc
L519[05:30:12] * Izaya hmms
L520[05:31:08] <Izaya> Forum question, would the Libraries section be the right place to post a networking stack?
L521[05:31:23] <Lizzian> i think so
L522[05:32:04] <Inari> payonel: https://i.imgur.com/2cELJOA.jpg tahts a beautiful pair
L523[05:32:10] <Inari> AmandaC: ^
L524[05:32:51] <Izaya> :3
L525[05:32:55] <Izaya> oh that reminds me
L526[05:33:33] <Izaya> You might find this amusing Inari https://n33r.tk/files/everybody.webm
L527[05:34:52] <Forecaster> that's some uncanny animation
L528[05:35:05] <Izaya> Uncanny valley as hell
L529[05:35:09] <Izaya> I think the big issue is the eyes
L530[05:35:11] <Inari> Kizuna Ai style animation I see
L531[05:35:19] <Forecaster> yeah, definetly the eyes
L532[05:35:40] <Forecaster> I mean
L533[05:35:42] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/yahjvm2z
L534[05:35:43] <Forecaster> :|
L535[05:35:54] <Inari> Real Felix is better
L536[05:36:04] <Izaya> yeahhhh
L537[05:36:09] <Inari> Or Ferris
L538[05:36:11] <Izaya> or when the pupils fill the whole eye
L539[05:36:11] <Inari> Whatever the real nam was
L540[05:36:12] <Inari> :P
L541[05:36:20] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQngg8iQipk
L542[05:36:20] <MichiBot> Ferris' Sand Canyon | length: 1m 18s | Likes: 32,534 Dislikes: 549 Views: 1,701,550 | by Rlcemaster3 | Published On 12/9/2016
L543[05:38:19] <Corded> * <Lizzian> goes to see where the forum favicon went
L544[05:38:33] <Forecaster> it's on vacation, better not bother it
L545[05:38:50] <Inari> It's going to get a tan
L546[05:43:16] <Lizzian> aha! found it
L547[05:43:29] <Lizzian> i guess it didn't copy over when i set up the new forum software
L548[05:49:09] <Izaya> Can I embed a webm on the forum?
L549[05:49:44] <Lizzian> you can try
L550[05:49:50] <Lizzian> (meaning, idk)
L551[05:50:00] <Izaya> Somehow I doubt it'll embed as an image
L552[05:50:02] <Lizzian> also there, discord link on the main banner
L553[05:50:20] <Forecaster> nice
L554[05:50:44] <Izaya> yeah no embedding as an image http://pb.i0i0.me/p/9r3pSybu
L555[05:59:19] <Inari> Cleaning up code feels good :p
L556[06:00:55] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p4FED4FE5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L558[07:06:19] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (BearishMushroom!~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com)
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L560[07:36:28] ⇨ Joins: orrche (orrche!webchat@213-238-244-10.customers.ownit.se)
L561[08:30:30] <AmandaC> Izaya: I'm pretty sure that was meant to be nestled pretty comfortably in uncanny valley, with the puple resizing and the lack of attempt of breaking the model with the eyelid movements
L562[08:30:53] <AmandaC> s/attempt of/attempt of not/
L563[08:30:53] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> Izaya: I'm pretty sure that was meant to be nestled pretty comfortably in uncanny valley, with the puple resizing and the lack of attempt of not breaking the model with the eyelid movements
L564[08:31:09] <Izaya> Aye
L565[08:37:55] <Arcan> Izaya: broken link?
L566[08:38:07] <Izaya> that's the point
L567[08:38:13] <Izaya> I tried to put a webm in an img tag
L568[08:38:25] <Izaya> no webm embedding on the forum, apparently
L569[08:38:40] <AmandaC> webm is a video format, anyway. webp is the image one
L570[08:39:13] <AmandaC> %choose be nice or be mean
L571[08:39:13] <MichiBot> AmandaC: be mean
L572[08:39:13] <Izaya> I wanted to test just in case browsers would do it anyway
L573[08:39:21] <Izaya> was hoping to embed the demo in the page but no luck
L574[08:39:31] <Izaya> this exists now, anyway https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/1556-minitel-for-openos/
L575[08:39:39] * AmandaC goes to wake her sister for vidya games
L576[08:45:32] <Forecaster> ohno
L577[09:02:26] <Lizzian> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxPpn6kSi28 oooh
L578[09:02:26] <MichiBot> Lets Play S9 E86 Reactor Control | length: 39m 34s | Likes: 297 Dislikes: 5 Views: 2,718 | by direwolf20 | Published On 17/2/2018
L579[09:04:03] <Forecaster> psh
L580[09:04:07] <Forecaster> :P
L581[09:17:06] <ben_mkiv> uh reactorcraft looks cool, why did i miss that mod? -.-
L582[09:17:11] <ben_mkiv> and its 1.7.10 only ;_;
L583[09:17:25] <Lizzian> it's also made by Reika, and uses dragonapi
L584[09:17:33] <Lizzian> so will fuck your world over when you use it
L585[09:17:41] <ben_mkiv> xD
L586[09:17:51] <ben_mkiv> yea, just read about the id mismatch trouble
L587[09:18:03] <ben_mkiv> anyways, only playing 1.12+
L588[09:18:40] <Lizzian> not just that, i'm not sure what exactly it did but basically if you used dragonapi on a world, you couldn't just take it out of a pack because it fucks with the data in some way
L589[09:22:38] <Lizzian> @Direwolf20, a thing to note the Teir 3 computer case have a Floppy disk drive built-in so you don't need the extra disk drive block to read floppies (though showing the use of the disk drive does help with people starting to mess with it in early game)
L590[09:23:46] <Lizzian> also most stuff is plug-and-play so you don't need to always reboot
L591[09:32:03] ⇨ Joins: onJune (onJune!webchat@93-120-237-241.dynamic.mts-nn.ru)
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L593[10:24:50] <Kodos> Lizzy you forgot about the bad behavior with component count
L594[10:35:02] <Lizzian> ?
L595[10:48:08] ⇨ Joins: rrt (rrt!webchat@user-94-254-236-42.play-internet.pl)
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L597[14:25:01] ⇨ Joins: zzarr (zzarr!~zzarr@h83-209-217-68.cust.se.alltele.net)
L598[14:25:13] <zzarr> Hello!
L599[14:25:39] <zzarr> I have a little problem understanding how a few things work
L600[14:26:36] <Forecaster> %hello
L601[14:26:47] <Forecaster> um
L602[14:26:54] <Forecaster> %test
L603[14:26:55] <MichiBot> Forecaster: No.
L604[14:27:00] <Forecaster> %hello
L605[14:27:00] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L606[14:29:07] <zzarr> I have two computers (A and B) connected with a network cable, when I boot A, it displays on A's screen, when I boot B it overrides A's screen and displays the bootup there
L607[14:29:20] <Forecaster> put a relay between them
L608[14:29:32] <Forecaster> it prevents component connections
L609[14:30:31] <zzarr> thanks, I just read about it, it's exactly what I need, thanks
L610[14:31:55] <zzarr> Corded, thanks for the help :)
L611[14:32:08] <zzarr> now I can experiment more
L612[14:33:02] <zzarr> will a relay act as a network card or will I still need one?
L613[14:33:50] <zzarr> it's like a router right? (where the LAN is the computers parts and WAN is the network)
L614[14:42:44] <AmandaC> You'll still need one
L615[14:42:54] <AmandaC> also, Corded is a bridge bot
L616[14:43:44] <zzarr> AmandaC, okey, thanks
L617[14:44:04] <zzarr> ohh, Corded is a bot :D
L618[14:46:28] <zzarr> I loaded the chat program from github at https://github.com/MetallEast/OpenComputers-chat/tree/master/Chat I know it's written for wireless networks, but I'm trying to get it to work with a wired network
L619[14:47:19] <zzarr> I have only commented out the modem.setStrength() method in both client and server
L620[14:48:37] <zzarr> I installed the network disk on both the computers and ran ifconfig bind 120 on A and ifconfig bind 110 on B
L621[14:49:28] <zzarr> I started the server on A
L622[14:49:58] <zzarr> should I set serverAddress to 120 on B's client?
L623[15:01:04] <zzarr> I'm reading the wiki for modems/network card apis on cli.li, but I don't understand how to send a data paket from one computer to another, is there a good tutorial?
L624[15:05:39] <Forecaster> zzarr there is no difference between a wired and wireless network except for the obvious
L625[15:06:52] <AmandaC> I'm guessing the ifconfig thing is for the plan9 thing, which I've never touched. I've only used OpenOS and EEPROMs I've written
L626[15:08:38] <zzarr> I have not tested plan9k, the network floppy is just a set of commands
L627[15:09:03] <AmandaC> Never touched that, I've only used the modem component APIs directly
L628[15:09:08] <zzarr> I installed it in OpenOS
L629[15:09:24] <zzarr> okey
L630[15:09:47] <zzarr> that's what I want to use
L631[15:10:15] <Forecaster> what are you trying to do?
L632[15:11:12] <zzarr> if i have computer A and computer B and each have a modem how do I connect them together so I can sen info between them?
L633[15:11:23] <AmandaC> just run a cable and a router
L634[15:11:48] <Forecaster> what info?
L635[15:11:53] <AmandaC> `component.modem.broadcast(42, "hello world")` and `component.modem.open(42)`
L636[15:12:20] <zzarr> I think I'm missing the router
L637[15:12:20] <AmandaC> on the computer you ran `open` on it'll get a `modem_message` event
L638[15:12:57] <Forecaster> zzarr you're not writing a program are you?
L639[15:13:06] <zzarr> that was what I though
L640[15:14:39] <zzarr> there are not a router block
L641[15:14:46] <AmandaC> s/router/relay/
L642[15:14:46] <MichiBot> <zzarr> there are not a relay block
L643[15:15:50] <AmandaC> That is to say, it's called relay
L644[15:16:02] <zzarr> right now I have Computer - Relay -- Relay - Computer
L645[15:16:45] <zzarr> the reason for 1 relay per computer is that I plan to add more computers
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L650[15:18:01] <AmandaC> What are you doing on the receiving computer? pastebin the code?
L651[15:18:12] <AmandaC> ( or screenshot of the lua prompt )
L652[15:19:04] ⇨ Joins: tom094 (tom094!webchat@ip4da10498.direct-adsl.nl)
L653[15:20:11] <zzarr> I have the code from the wiki
L654[15:20:21] <AmandaC> which page on the wiki?
L655[15:21:13] <zzarr> on one computer all I did was swapped the ports (123 for 321 and 321 for 123) http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:modem
L656[15:22:29] ⇦ Quits: tom094 (tom094!webchat@ip4da10498.direct-adsl.nl) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L657[15:26:59] <AmandaC> not sure then, sorry
L658[15:27:03] <AmandaC> That should work
L659[15:28:09] <zzarr> I will test in a more naked system, now I have 2 computers in my base
L660[15:28:48] <Forecaster> how did you set up the computers?
L661[15:29:04] <Forecaster> did you copy the network cards?
L662[15:29:36] <Forecaster> the items that is
L663[15:29:38] <zzarr> copy network cards?
L664[15:29:51] <Forecaster> are you playing in creative mode?
L665[15:30:58] <zzarr> no, survival
L666[15:31:05] <Forecaster> okay, then nevermind
L667[15:34:17] <zzarr> great AI in the bot
L668[15:34:46] <AmandaC> @Forecaster activate the self-destruct, they're onto us!
L669[15:34:47] <Skye> the bot is actually a discor drelay
L670[15:34:49] <Skye> rlkeya
L671[15:34:51] <Skye> fknsd;khbdgsad
L672[15:35:13] <zzarr> ohh
L673[15:35:18] <zzarr> I see
L674[15:49:51] <zzarr> now I got 2 new computers with OpenOS on
L675[15:50:39] <zzarr> they are connected through a relay each via a network cable
L676[15:54:49] <zzarr> ohh, that works...
L677[15:55:35] <zzarr> some hardware issue...
L678[16:01:03] <zzarr> is there a way to check if a computer can access a relay?
L679[16:02:09] <zzarr> nevermind, found the problem
L680[16:03:40] <zzarr> heureca, it works :D
L681[16:03:54] <Forecaster> for future reference, I believe relays have a component
L682[16:03:56] <zzarr> thanks to all of you
L683[16:04:05] <Forecaster> if the computer sees the component it can access the relay
L684[16:04:30] <zzarr> I see
L685[16:06:51] <zzarr> cracking one nut, on to next, servers and racks
L686[16:13:24] <AmandaC> %choose watch or play or both
L687[16:13:25] <MichiBot> AmandaC: play
L688[16:18:38] <zzarr> I have written a simple script, putting it in /autorun.lua but it don't start on boot (it says in the wiki it should)
L689[16:23:40] <Forecaster> use the .shrc file in the home dir
L690[16:25:08] <zzarr> how should that be used?
L691[16:25:36] <Forecaster> each line is run as a shell command
L692[16:26:05] <zzarr> I see
L693[16:26:20] <Forecaster> aka just put the name of the script on a line
L694[16:26:54] <zzarr> it worked thanks
L695[16:31:47] <zzarr> how do I access command line arguments?
L696[16:32:25] <Forecaster> what
L697[16:32:40] <Forecaster> oh you mean in code?
L698[16:33:11] <zzarr> if I have myscript.lua and launch it with myscript 1 2 3
L699[16:33:13] <zzarr> yes
L700[16:36:25] <Forecaster> the only example I have in my programs seem to be
L701[16:36:26] <Forecaster> local args, options = shell.parse(...)
L702[16:36:47] <Forecaster> you'll have to require shell
L703[16:37:02] <Forecaster> and then "args" should be a table of the arguments
L704[16:37:20] <zzarr> thanks :)
L705[16:44:25] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC68D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'The wave-particle duality is like a struggle between a tiger and a shark: each is supreme in his own element but helpless in that of the other.')
L706[16:50:54] <AmandaC> %give MichiBot Curtans that look suspicuously like Inari's, but shreaded
L707[16:50:54] * MichiBot accepts Curtans that look suspicuously like Inari's, but shreaded and adds it to her inventory
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L715[18:34:51] <zzarr> how can I see what blocks an adapter can interact with?
L716[18:35:36] <Forecaster> Put it next to things and see if a component pops up
L717[18:36:35] <zzarr> is there a command to se if a component poped up?
L718[18:38:42] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E187E16D85AC08F46679EC7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ?)
L719[18:40:44] <Mimiru> zzarr, you can either run components or dmesg you have to keep running components, but dmesg will show you "component_available" or whatever the event name is
L720[18:41:11] <zzarr> thanks
L721[18:41:42] <zzarr> it shows the event name I guess
L722[18:41:59] <zzarr> dmesg
L723[18:42:29] <Mimiru> dmesg is great for debugging events.
L724[18:43:04] <zzarr> okey, I recognize it from Linux
L725[18:44:18] <zzarr> I'm putting the adapter beside a computer but it don't show up
L726[19:01:36] <zzarr> ohh, the adapter itself is invisible, but a note block shows up
L727[19:06:08] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:384e:e67e:d3e1:6297)
L728[19:09:37] <Saphire> Flop
L729[19:10:11] <Mimiru> @Forecaster 64x3 takes 19-35 milliseconds
L730[19:16:23] <zzarr> I see, theres no driver for ender io in opencomputers in 1.10.2
L731[19:19:05] <Skye> Goodnight
L732[19:20:47] <zzarr> gn
L733[19:27:05] ⇦ Quits: jazzpi (jazzpi!~jazzpi@2a03:4000:6:20f::2) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
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L736[20:00:49] <Ben> zzarr you sure about that?
L737[20:01:33] <Ben> anyways, the enderio conduits behaved weird for me, at least with cc iirc
L738[20:02:48] ⇦ Quits: xarses (xarses!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L741[20:13:39] <zzarr> well there are ender io conduits for oc network, but an capacitor bank will not be recognized by an adapter
L742[20:13:50] <zzarr> I have read that this is the case
L743[20:14:53] <zzarr> would I need to install the driver manually on the computer?
L744[20:15:09] <Mimiru> zzarr, I think Computronics adds drivers for EIO
L745[20:15:12] <Mimiru> I could be wrong though.
L746[20:15:23] ⇨ Joins: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@
L747[20:15:30] <PrismaticYT> I put a computer on a cloud
L748[20:15:31] <zzarr> that's what I have read
L749[20:15:37] <PrismaticYT> Is this cloud computing
L750[20:15:46] <zzarr> yes
L751[20:15:51] <Izaya> You're a few years late to make that joke though :P
L752[20:15:56] <PrismaticYT> What?
L753[20:16:11] <PrismaticYT> ...when did Natura come out?
L754[20:16:18] <Izaya> Like 2013?
L755[20:16:25] <PrismaticYT> and OC?
L756[20:16:26] <Izaya> Maybe earlier
L757[20:16:31] <Izaya> OC was 2014?
L758[20:16:43] <PrismaticYT> so I'm four years late?
L759[20:16:46] <Izaya> CC was earlier than that though, so the joke was ready to be made years ago, and was, many times.
L760[20:17:16] <PrismaticYT> did I just revive an ages-old joke
L761[20:17:18] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@ (Client Quit)
L762[20:17:28] <Izaya> I'd tell you if you stuck around to find out.
L763[20:18:17] ⇨ Joins: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@
L764[20:18:23] <PrismaticYT> Accidentally broke my screen
L765[20:18:31] <PrismaticYT> Had to reboot xD
L766[20:18:35] <Izaya> Ah, still not using a proper client.
L767[20:18:42] <PrismaticYT> Nope
L768[20:18:48] <Izaya> Friendly reminder that there's a link on the forum to the webchat.
L769[20:18:49] <PrismaticYT> Because of the 'cloud computing' joke
L770[20:19:22] <Mimiru> %webchat
L771[20:19:22] <MichiBot> Mimiru: https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/1167-irc-webchat/
L772[20:19:38] <Mimiru> ._. why was the topic linked?
L773[20:19:49] <Mimiru> Oh
L774[20:19:52] <Mimiru> cause it's embeded...
L775[20:19:52] <Izaya> It's embedded in the page
L776[20:19:54] <Mimiru> interesting.
L777[20:20:04] <Izaya> tfw no embedded webms
L778[20:20:05] <Mimiru> I mean. you can get the same thing without using the embed.. but mkay.
L779[20:20:38] <PrismaticYT> Will Plan9k ever have apt?
L780[20:20:48] <Izaya> It has a package manager.
L781[20:21:07] <PrismaticYT> WHat's it called
L782[20:21:14] <Izaya> I don't remember, mpt or something?
L783[20:21:31] <PrismaticYT> should be renamed to apt
L784[20:21:35] <PrismaticYT> and copied to make apt-get
L785[20:21:40] <Izaya> No, because then it would be confused with apt.
L786[20:21:47] <PrismaticYT> ?
L787[20:21:50] <Izaya> Besides, I think it's more like pacman than apt
L788[20:21:59] <PrismaticYT> apt-get = apt = pacman = mpt
L789[20:22:05] <PrismaticYT> Same thing
L790[20:22:10] <Izaya> apt(-get) != pacman
L791[20:22:13] <Izaya> they are very different
L792[20:22:19] <Izaya> try installing a .deb with pacman
L793[20:22:20] <Mimiru> Linux = Windows!
L794[20:22:23] <Mimiru> or... you know not.
L795[20:22:30] <Izaya> Mimiru: :o
L796[20:22:46] <PrismaticYT> Linux != Windows
L797[20:23:05] <AmandaC> chocolaty = apt = pacman = mpt then?
L798[20:23:11] <chernobyl> lunix = mack
L799[20:23:18] <PrismaticYT> chocolaty? What?
L800[20:23:21] <AmandaC> oh, don't forget brew, too
L801[20:23:24] <chernobyl> YOUR MOM
L802[20:23:30] <PrismaticYT> there was a package manager before apt and packman?
L803[20:23:33] <PrismaticYT> pacman*
L804[20:23:33] <AmandaC> chocolaty is a package maanager for windows.
L805[20:23:34] <Izaya> I'd really prefer to forget brew, honestly
L806[20:23:37] <AmandaC> brew is one for mac
L807[20:23:50] <chernobyl> what about oppm
L808[20:23:51] <PrismaticYT> package managers are for Linux systems
L809[20:23:56] <chernobyl> or npm
L810[20:24:02] <PrismaticYT> OPPM = Apt
L811[20:24:05] <Izaya> luarocks
L812[20:24:05] * AmandaC sighs
L813[20:24:14] <Izaya> what's the python one?
L814[20:24:16] <Izaya> pip?
L815[20:24:17] <AmandaC> pip
L816[20:24:17] <chernobyl> PrismaticYT, npm works on windows
L817[20:24:28] <AmandaC> package managers are hardly linux specific
L818[20:24:30] <PrismaticYT> NPM was for Windows?
L819[20:24:31] <Izaya> I goddamn hate language-specific package managers but they do exist nonetheless
L820[20:24:39] <Izaya> Haiku has a package manager but it's not a Linux system
L821[20:24:42] <PrismaticYT> (Before OC made NPM for Plan9k)
L822[20:24:49] <PrismaticYT> Is it unix based
L823[20:24:50] <Izaya> OpenBSD and FreeBSD have package managers but they aren't Linux.
L824[20:24:51] <chernobyl> No no
L825[20:24:54] <chernobyl> i mean the IRL NPM
L826[20:24:59] <chernobyl> node package manager
L827[20:25:16] <PrismaticYT> Are Open and Free BSD Unix-based?
L828[20:25:31] <chernobyl> prismatic stap being such a software nazi
L829[20:25:35] <Izaya> Do you count a total rewrite as Unix-based?
L830[20:25:37] <chernobyl> it does the do, and therefore works
L831[20:25:41] <Izaya> Because technically there's no Unix code left
L832[20:25:43] <AmandaC> pip, npm, rubygems, nuget, are all available on windows too. nuget actually started on windows, seeing as it's for .NET libraries
L833[20:25:51] <PrismaticYT> ...and apt?
L834[20:26:10] <AmandaC> I seriously hope you're trolling
L835[20:26:15] * AmandaC wanders off
L836[20:26:22] <chernobyl> ^ ditto
L837[20:26:31] <PrismaticYT> Can the filesystem API be loaded twice?
L838[20:26:39] <chernobyl> what do you mean
L839[20:26:51] <PrismaticYT> I'm using it for a package manager API
L840[20:27:27] <PrismaticYT> (That supports adding packages mid-code and adding user packages)
L841[20:28:04] <chernobyl> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/ututewehij
L842[20:28:12] <PrismaticYT> for example filesystem.copy(fromPath, toPath) becomes pkman.add(pkgLocation, pkgEndpoint)
L843[20:28:25] <chernobyl> lol
L844[20:28:48] <PrismaticYT> I love invalid links
L845[20:28:51] <chernobyl> you could just do
L846[20:28:51] <chernobyl> `pkman.add = require("filesystem").copy`
L847[20:29:16] <Mimiru> PrismaticYT, where do you see an invalid link..?
L848[20:29:21] <PrismaticYT> but pkman = require("filesystem") is less lines
L849[20:29:41] <PrismaticYT> paste.pc-logix.com/ututewehij redirects to paste.pc-logix.com
L850[20:29:59] <Mimiru> works fine here..
L851[20:30:03] <Mimiru> fix. yo. shit.
L852[20:30:14] <PrismaticYT> I typed it in the web browser
L853[20:30:17] <PrismaticYT> exact link
L854[20:30:23] <Mimiru> Works for me.
L855[20:30:27] <Mimiru> fix. yo. shit.
L856[20:30:28] <Mimiru> :D
L857[20:30:49] <chernobyl> creepy
L858[20:30:55] <PrismaticYT> Also, why isn't the title 'paste.pc-logix.com'? the title is apparently 'hastebin' (Sounds like a pastebin ripoff. A ripoff of a ripoff?!)
L859[20:31:19] <Izaya> This can't be for real.
L860[20:31:22] <Mimiru> it's not a "ripoff" it's hastebin's code, that I run so that I'm not spamming hastebin with peoples shitty code.
L861[20:31:23] <chernobyl> i did not consent to have my horrible example pastad onto a ripoff website
L862[20:31:24] <Mimiru> :D
L863[20:31:39] <chernobyl> you have raped my intellectual property
L864[20:31:43] <chernobyl> and now will go to prison forever and ever
L865[20:31:47] <Mimiru> Well, if you don't like it, you're free to leave the discord server.
L866[20:31:53] <Mimiru> So, shoo.
L867[20:31:53] <chernobyl> NO
L869[20:32:03] <Mimiru> I can help you out if you insist.
L870[20:32:13] <chernobyl> lolno
L871[20:32:21] <Mimiru> Yeah, so enough of that shit then. kthnx
L872[20:32:26] <chernobyl> kthen
L873[20:32:43] <PrismaticYT> you can't tell anyone what to do
L874[20:32:56] <AmandaC> Being here is a privlige not a right.
L875[20:33:06] <PrismaticYT> On an unrelated note
L876[20:33:12] <AmandaC> Right, script finished, toodles IRC
L877[20:33:14] <PrismaticYT> How do I add code to the end of a file
L878[20:33:16] <chernobyl> http://paste.pc-logix.com/vetitepule.nginx
L879[20:33:17] <Izaya> o/
L880[20:33:31] <chernobyl> How do you add code the the end of the file, thats a good question.
L881[20:33:39] <Mimiru> later AmandaC
L882[20:33:51] <PrismaticYT> that link redirects to paste.pc-logix.com
L883[20:34:01] <chernobyl> your web browser is cooky
L884[20:34:11] <PrismaticYT> it's firefox
L885[20:34:15] <PrismaticYT> becuase chrome is dog shit
L886[20:34:26] <chernobyl> how many years of patches have you missed
L887[20:34:38] <PrismaticYT> this is firefox quantum
L888[20:34:49] <chernobyl> Yes
L889[20:35:05] <PrismaticYT> like I said chrome is dog shit
L890[20:35:19] <chernobyl> everyone had it forced down their throuts a handfull of months ago
L891[20:35:22] <chernobyl> if i can even fucking spell
L892[20:35:38] * Izaya is still using firefox addons
L893[20:35:40] <PrismaticYT> actually I chose to switch to the bea
L894[20:35:41] <Mimiru> PrismaticYT, It works on IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, across IOS/Android/Windows/Linux here.
L895[20:35:42] <Mimiru> sooooo
L896[20:35:48] <Mimiru> if it's broken it's something on your end.
L897[20:35:53] <PrismaticYT> IOS is not an OS
L898[20:36:00] <chernobyl> lol
L899[20:36:01] <PrismaticYT> It's a piece of shit.
L900[20:36:05] <PrismaticYT> Same thing with Safari
L901[20:36:08] * Mimiru rolls her eyes
L902[20:36:09] <Izaya> Both Cisco IOS and Apple iOS are indeed operating systems.
L903[20:36:12] <Mimiru> shut the fuck up.
L904[20:36:15] <PrismaticYT> Wait
L905[20:36:18] <chernobyl> yo dawg i heard you like sandboxes so i put a sandbox inside your sandbox
L906[20:36:23] <PrismaticYT> Cisco? A shopping center made an OS?
L907[20:36:25] <Mimiru> your inane drivel is starting to get old.
L908[20:36:31] <PrismaticYT> I think it's a shopping mall
L909[20:36:37] <Mimiru> that's COSCO you shoe.
L910[20:36:50] <chernobyl> lmfao
L911[20:36:52] <PrismaticYT> ooh
L912[20:37:07] <chernobyl> cisco makes network switches and shit
L913[20:37:20] <chernobyl> NOT sell B-grade food products for dirt cheap
L914[20:37:37] <Izaya> brainlet question
L915[20:37:55] <Izaya> if I :match("(.+)\n.+") I should get the first line, right?
L916[20:38:07] <chernobyl> i dont fucking know
L917[20:38:10] <chernobyl> strings are black magic to me
L918[20:38:22] <PrismaticYT> uh
L919[20:38:31] <PrismaticYT> print("what the fuck is a string")?
L920[20:38:40] <chernobyl> i mean stuff like match
L921[20:38:58] <chernobyl> where you have to input moonspeak to get it to work
L922[20:39:00] <PrismaticYT> Hold on I'mma make an autorun that checks if true == false
L923[20:39:11] <chernobyl> no
L924[20:39:17] <chernobyl> make an autorun that reboots the computer
L925[20:39:24] <chernobyl> for maximum memory leak reduction
L926[20:39:27] <PrismaticYT> if true == false then
L927[20:39:29] <PrismaticYT> os.reboot()
L928[20:39:36] <chernobyl> no
L929[20:39:58] <Izaya> well, time to do something horrible x_x
L930[20:39:59] <chernobyl> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/luqozixopu
L931[20:40:13] <Izaya> :find("\n"), sub 1, whatever -1
L932[20:40:28] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L933[20:40:29] <chernobyl> english motherfucker do you speak it
L934[20:40:59] ⇨ Joins: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@
L935[20:41:07] <PrismaticYT> OK so don't use computer cases as blocks
L936[20:43:12] <chernobyl> lol
L937[20:43:24] <chernobyl> does your game die?
L938[20:43:27] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (Turtle!~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L939[20:44:16] <PrismaticYT> No
L940[20:44:22] <PrismaticYT> Does Plan9k need init.lua
L941[20:44:36] <chernobyl> i dont fucking know
L942[20:44:39] <chernobyl> plan9k is garbage
L943[20:44:44] <zzarr> is there a way to copy text in the edit command?
L944[20:44:53] <chernobyl> no
L945[20:44:55] <Mimiru> No, sadly
L946[20:45:00] <Mimiru> you can paste, but not copy
L947[20:45:07] <zzarr> okey
L948[20:46:43] <PrismaticYT> EEPROMs are 4KB right
L949[20:47:11] <PrismaticYT> Is it possible to increase this to 16KB?
L950[20:47:23] <Mimiru> Yes, unless you have OpenSecurity installed, and it happens to be one of the versions with the "Large EEPROM" option enabled.
L951[20:47:29] <Mimiru> yeah, you can set that in the config
L952[20:47:45] <PrismaticYT> OK good
L953[20:48:09] <PrismaticYT> Figured OpenLoader 0.3 should be on the EEPROM not 0.2
L954[20:50:58] <PrismaticYT> is it possible to get the CPU and GPU tier?`
L955[20:54:34] <PrismaticYT> Also, is it possible to get the OS version?
L956[20:58:38] <Corded> * <chernobyl> yes
L957[20:59:08] <chernobyl> _G.OSVERSION, gpu.getMaxResolution
L958[20:59:12] <chernobyl> but no cpu get
L959[21:03:52] <PrismaticYT> When is the init.lua STDERR triggered?
L960[21:04:00] <PrismaticYT> (the "unknown error")
L961[21:06:10] <PrismaticYT> Filesystem errors?
L962[21:09:15] * Mimiru pokes payonel
L963[21:10:00] <payonel> zup
L964[21:10:15] <payonel> PrismaticYT: the craftable EEPROM (lua) needs init.lua
L965[21:10:35] <payonel> so an OS should use init.lua if it wants to be compat with our default lua EEPROM
L966[21:10:35] <PrismaticYT> Yes, but when is the init.lua (in OpenOS) error triggered?
L967[21:10:46] <payonel> can you elaborate?
L968[21:10:56] <PrismaticYT> The io.write error in OpenOS' init.lua
L969[21:11:31] <Izaya> woo, dumb as rocks file server works
L970[21:11:41] <payonel> PrismaticYT: you mean this line? io.stderr:write((reason ~= nil and tostring(reason) or "unknown error") .. "\n")
L971[21:11:47] <PrismaticYT> Exactly
L972[21:11:55] <payonel> that is hit if the shell crashes
L973[21:12:00] <Izaya> payonel: https://my.mixtape.moe/ugffef.webm check it out
L974[21:12:17] <PrismaticYT> OK, so to manually trigger it all I have to do is... crash the shell during boot?
L975[21:12:54] <payonel> Izaya: are those on separate networks?
L976[21:13:02] <payonel> PrismaticYT: what are you trying to do?
L977[21:13:19] <PrismaticYT> tes the custom init.lua error
L978[21:13:27] <Izaya> payonel: all on the same network, I disabled caching of routes so you can see the output on the top one
L979[21:13:32] * Mimiru bashes head on desk
L980[21:14:03] <payonel> PrismaticYT: you're trying to test the custom init.lua error? i don't understand
L981[21:14:13] <PrismaticYT> trying to trigger the init.lua error
L982[21:14:17] <payonel> why?
L983[21:14:29] <PrismaticYT> to see if it's modifyable and if print() works with it
L984[21:14:39] <Mimiru> 43.829214001622255 and 43.382023926967726 both round to 44... wtf
L985[21:14:51] <payonel> PrismaticYT: print writes to io.write
L986[21:14:52] <PrismaticYT> That's computer logic for you!
L987[21:15:02] <PrismaticYT> so print = io.write()?
L988[21:15:31] <Arcan> Mimiru: what round function are you using
L989[21:15:35] <payonel> io.write, io.stdout, print all use stdout io
L990[21:15:36] <Mimiru> Math.round
L991[21:15:47] <payonel> io.stderr is stderr
L992[21:15:54] <Arcan> it might be using round to nearest even, Mimiru
L993[21:15:56] <Mimiru> trying to take 2 points in 3d space, and find the distance between them
L994[21:16:04] <payonel> PrismaticYT: but seriously, what are you trying to do?
L995[21:16:09] <Mimiru> no I'll get 43 the next set of blocks down
L996[21:16:32] <Arcan> behaves as math.ceil?
L997[21:16:57] <PrismaticYT> I've replaced the error message with "1962: Operating system not found" (The shell is basically the OS - If it crashes, nothing works) and want to see is that outputs
L998[21:17:00] <PrismaticYT> if*
L999[21:17:06] <Mimiru> I'm wondering if I'm just doing it wrong :D
L1000[21:18:29] <payonel> PrismaticYT: if require("shell").getShell() is not a function, then the system will crash
L1001[21:18:32] <Mimiru> return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(pos1.getX() - pos2.getX(), 2) + Math.pow(pos1.getY() - pos2.getY(), 2) + Math.pow(pos1.getZ() - pos2.getZ(),2));
L1002[21:18:45] <PrismaticYT> so all I have to do is not load that?
L1003[21:19:11] <payonel> Izaya: is this a new component?
L1004[21:19:16] <payonel> or a modem protocol
L1005[21:19:23] <Izaya> Modem protocol
L1006[21:19:49] <Izaya> Implements layers 3, 4 and 5 of the OSI model, including reliable packet delivery, ordering of packets, and bidirectional streams
L1007[21:20:22] <payonel> Izaya: is our packet delivery unreliable? :P and do we change the order?
L1008[21:20:45] <Izaya> OC networking is v. reliable
L1009[21:20:53] <Izaya> however, going over other mediums via flood routing is less reliable
L1010[21:20:59] <PrismaticYT> Uh
L1011[21:21:05] <PrismaticYT> Is SSHD in Plan9k supposed to not work
L1012[21:21:18] <payonel> PrismaticYT: i haven't played with nor tested plan9k in a long time
L1013[21:21:28] <payonel> and my pssh is outdated for openos, one day i'll update it
L1014[21:21:54] <PrismaticYT> inb4 someone makes an OC to IRL PC SSH
L1015[21:22:13] <payonel> PrismaticYT: so you asked, "all i have to do is not load that?" i said the system will crash, i.e. the machine will halt
L1016[21:22:22] <payonel> if require("shell").getShell() is not a function
L1017[21:22:26] <payonel> e.g. if it is nil
L1018[21:22:51] <PrismaticYT> And if that's nil then the init.lua error will be displayed?
L1019[21:22:57] <payonel> no
L1020[21:22:57] <Izaya> payonel: It does mesh routing over long distances and fancy stuff like that :3
L1021[21:22:59] <payonel> for crying out loud
L1022[21:23:01] <payonel> the machine will halt
L1023[21:23:51] <payonel> Izaya: using broadcasts?
L1024[21:24:06] <Izaya> payonel: broadcasts if it doesn't know the route, sending if it has it cached
L1025[21:24:12] <payonel> i see
L1026[21:24:22] <Izaya> ie if you send a packet that wants an ack, you'll only end up with one packet broadcast
L1027[21:24:57] <payonel> PrismaticYT: you're trying to write a custom shell? and you are pretending that the shell is the os? and you want to see your os crash messages displayed on the screen?
L1028[21:25:13] <PrismaticYT> yes and no
L1029[21:25:34] <payonel> see, this is why what you are trying to do doesn't make any sense :)
L1030[21:25:52] <PrismaticYT> I'm trying to display "1962: Operating system not found" if it can't find an OS
L1031[21:26:02] <payonel> then modify the eeprom to say that
L1032[21:26:10] <payonel> the eeprom loads the os
L1033[21:26:19] <payonel> the os is the init.lua, essentially
L1034[21:26:35] <PrismaticYT> Is it possible to modify the lua BIOS EEPROM?
L1035[21:26:41] <payonel> of course it is
L1036[21:26:46] <payonel> it is a rw device
L1037[21:26:50] <PrismaticYT> how do you read from it though
L1038[21:26:56] <payonel> in openos, you can even do: edit /dev/eeprom
L1039[21:27:12] <PrismaticYT> ooooh
L1040[21:27:56] * Mimiru flips table
L1041[21:28:04] <payonel> Mimiru: how far?
L1042[21:28:09] <payonel> 44?
L1043[21:28:18] <PrismaticYT> right that works - is it possible to omit "bios:58:"?
L1044[21:28:20] <Mimiru> yes
L1045[21:28:40] <payonel> PrismaticYT: read the eeprom code, you'll see that it uses gpu.set directly
L1046[21:29:13] <payonel> oh, nevermind :)
L1047[21:29:15] <payonel> haha, it doesnt
L1048[21:29:19] <Izaya> payonel: I like how rc works, makes it v. easy to run services in the background and stop them
L1049[21:29:23] <payonel> but, boot.lua in openos has some good gpu.set examples in it
L1050[21:29:37] <payonel> Izaya: wiki it :)
L1051[21:29:47] <PrismaticYT> How do I initialize "print" in the EEPROM?
L1052[21:29:48] <Izaya> that said I dunno enough about it to write any useful docs, I just copied the example
L1053[21:29:55] <Izaya> I'll read through the code in a while
L1054[21:29:56] <payonel> PrismaticYT: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/openos/lib/core/boot.lua
L1055[21:30:10] <payonel> PrismaticYT: print is an openos library, it's not really something you can just "initialize"
L1056[21:30:15] <PrismaticYT> Oooh
L1057[21:30:24] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:4190:65e2:6c10:ebd8) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1058[21:30:27] <payonel> PrismaticYT: btw, i'm the openos dev
L1059[21:30:36] <payonel> so, if you have more os questions, i should be able to help
L1060[21:30:43] <payonel> also, a few in here have made their own operating systems
L1061[21:30:48] <payonel> so, many here can help
L1062[21:30:53] <payonel> e.g. Izaya
L1063[21:31:13] <payonel> Izaya: wiki info doesn't have to be "docs"
L1064[21:31:32] <payonel> "hey, so, i've been guessing at how this works and this is what i know so far"
L1065[21:31:35] <payonel> perfect
L1066[21:31:47] <PrismaticYT> how do I point `install` to a specific location to install?
L1067[21:31:57] <Izaya> Alright, I'll write down what I know in a while
L1068[21:32:10] <payonel> PrismaticYT: `man install` will have lots of info, but: install --to=/mnt/abc
L1069[21:48:59] <PrismaticYT> file not found: /etc/profile.lua - what does this mean? (I copied /etc/profile.lua over to the disk)
L1070[21:49:37] <PrismaticYT> wait no
L1071[21:49:42] <PrismaticYT> there is no /etc/profile.lua
L1072[21:49:52] <PrismaticYT> nevermind
L1073[21:49:58] <PrismaticYT> I was trying to run cd /etc/profile
L1074[21:51:36] <PrismaticYT> nevermind - `etc` was a file
L1075[21:53:34] * payonel is afk
L1076[21:59:16] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (BearishMushroom!~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1077[22:06:44] <Saphire> Hmm
L1078[22:06:51] <Saphire> How to call this shit..? x.x
L1079[22:08:36] <Saphire> Effect, Function, or what?
L1080[22:12:55] <AmandaC> Saphire: call it affect, feed off the confusion and anger
L1081[22:13:15] * AmandaC notices the time, goes off to sleep
L1082[22:13:51] <Saphire> Hmm
L1083[22:14:21] <Saphire> It's basically different commands that can be also chained together into a "trigger"
L1084[22:15:28] <Izaya> payonel: https://my.mixtape.moe/xdtels.webm
L1085[22:17:28] <Saphire> That's a router?
L1086[22:22:17] <Arcan> Saphire: gist or something?
L1087[22:22:24] ⇨ Joins: xarses (xarses!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
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L1089[22:23:55] <Saphire> Arcan: hmm? Whatcha mean?
L1090[22:24:08] <Arcan> you were asking how to name something
L1091[22:24:22] <Arcan> i don't know really what you're talking about, it would be easier if i could see it
L1092[22:25:33] ⇦ Quits: xarses (xarses!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L1093[22:36:33] <Saphire> Hm
L1094[22:36:53] <Saphire> I am just wondering how to, well, make something that will make sense out of certain things
L1095[22:42:12] <Arcan> still not really sure rawr
L1096[22:42:45] ⇨ Joins: xarses (xarses!~xarses@
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L1100[22:55:51] <PrismaticYT> is l an alias for ls -l?
L1101[23:02:12] <PrismaticYT> How do I define an install point on a disk?
L1102[23:06:28] <PrismaticYT> boot/00_base.lua:2: attempt to index local `filename` (a nil value)
L1103[23:06:54] <PrismaticYT> when running man [program]
L1104[23:16:21] <PrismaticYT> when running install --from
L1105[23:19:02] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (Cervator!~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:1d5d:384e:e67e:d3e1:6297) (Quit: Cervator)
L1106[23:32:20] ⇦ Quits: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1107[23:32:35] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:9529:2d11:fdda:4c3e)
L1108[23:46:58] ⇨ Joins: PrismaticYT (PrismaticYT!~prismatic@
L1109[23:47:49] <PrismaticYT> Is it possible to label an OS for OpenLoader 0.3 to use?
L1110[23:48:29] <PrismaticYT> (OpenLoader 0.3 (Packaged with Plan9k) displays OS labels, like Plan9k and OpenOS)
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