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L1[00:25:40] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:220f:e0ea:1311:a7f6:6b4b) (Quit: Cervator)
L2[00:28:18] <abculatter_2> How much CPU would 3D pathfinding for a drone use, in terms of OC CPUs?
L3[00:28:55] <abculatter_2> Well... relative to the Hz values present in OC CPUs
L4[00:38:27] <Izaya> Depends on the method, I imagine
L5[00:40:06] <abculatter_2> A*
L6[00:40:36] <abculatter_2> Assuming that's the best way to pathfind in 3D?
L7[00:43:24] <abculatter_2> I'm not that familiar with programming...
L8[00:45:09] <KoxFox> @abculatter_2 There is an outdated mod with your "utility fog" idea in it, but I'm not so sure if it's exaaaactly what you were asking for
L9[00:45:55] <abculatter_2> You mean the one where it draws freeform lines and such?
L10[00:46:35] <ben_mkiv> for non solid stuff you could use openglasses, but thats only visible to players that wear the glasses
L11[00:49:08] <abculatter_2> I know about OpenGlasses
L12[00:49:20] <abculatter_2> That was actually what inspired the utility fog idea ?
L13[00:50:02] <ben_mkiv> if you just want textured cubes, i've forked the openglasses a while ago and added more features
L14[00:52:40] <ben_mkiv> but at all, i think that solid fog stuff would be something cool for an addon
L15[00:53:46] <abculatter_2> Indeed
L16[00:53:53] <abculatter_2> I don't mind it as an addon
L17[00:54:02] <abculatter_2> I just wanted to throw it out there
L18[00:54:13] <ben_mkiv> i would do it, but im busy with another project
L19[00:54:18] <ben_mkiv> so maybe january
L20[00:54:30] <abculatter_2> Okay
L21[00:55:28] <ben_mkiv> sent you a friendrequest on discord
L22[00:55:42] <abculatter_2> Another addon to the idea; allow player right-click interaction with the fog blocks, similar to a button, possibly also allowing detection of where on the block they click
L23[00:55:46] <abculatter_2> Uh, sure?
L24[00:56:21] <abculatter_2> Dunno why you sent a request but sure why not
L25[00:56:33] <ben_mkiv> so i can bug you to test it :P
L26[00:56:48] <abculatter_2> Ah, I see ?
L27[00:57:24] <abculatter_2> I'll have to actually get into programming in OC first, which I've yet to do... I'd like to, though time is a problem...
L28[00:57:51] *** greaser|q is now known as GreaseMonkey
L29[00:58:49] <ben_mkiv> so my idea is like a block which can be filled with chamelium and then spawns nanobots which fly to their destination to setup the block
L30[00:59:26] <ben_mkiv> my/your
L31[00:59:32] <ben_mkiv> if i got that right
L32[01:00:10] <ben_mkiv> with a limited range, like a radius of 32 blocks or something
L33[01:01:11] ⇨ Joins: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@ip70-171-63-205.ga.at.cox.net)
L34[01:03:00] ⇦ Quits: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@ip70-171-63-205.ga.at.cox.net) (Client Quit)
L35[01:03:26] <abculatter_2> Well... I mean, that sounds more complicated then it probably needs to be
L36[01:04:18] <ben_mkiv> but thats the only way it would be kinda realistic
L37[01:04:26] <ben_mkiv> without beaming matter around xD
L38[01:04:34] <abculatter_2> I was thinking the actually nanobots themselves would be abstracted away as power cost and CPU power, and the projector would simply spawn the specified block at the location once it's done, possibly with some particle effcts
L39[01:04:38] <abculatter_2> effects*
L40[01:05:04] <ben_mkiv> yea those bots wouldnt be spawned to fly there, just an animation
L41[01:05:15] <abculatter_2> Oh, okay
L42[01:06:07] <abculatter_2> That's fine, then. As long as it's just an animation, though I dunno how much effort that would take to make?
L43[01:06:33] <ben_mkiv> thats some goal for the final result, first releases would just spawn said blocks
L44[01:06:40] <ben_mkiv> like you said
L45[01:06:41] <abculatter_2> kk
L46[01:07:07] <ben_mkiv> also i feel like it would kinda work good with chisel and bits :>
L47[01:07:23] <ben_mkiv> so you have to fill chisel bits of the material you want the final block of
L48[01:07:52] <ben_mkiv> then those mini drones would assemble a hollow chisel'n'bits "block"
L49[01:08:53] <abculatter_2> Hm...
L50[01:09:55] <ben_mkiv> or any kind of block from a chisel'n'bit blueprint
L51[01:10:17] <abculatter_2> Personally, I don't see how that's different from just copying the 3D printer?
L52[01:10:55] <ben_mkiv> 3D Printer is limited at some point
L53[01:11:21] <ben_mkiv> something around 25 shapes for a block, while chisel'n'bits doesnt have that limit
L54[01:13:01] <abculatter_2> I dunno, personally I feel like that changes the functionality from a utility fog to more of a fleet of construction nanobots
L55[01:13:34] <abculatter_2> I don't completely dislike the idea, though
L56[01:16:54] <ben_mkiv> yea its kinda abstracted from what a oc robot would be able to do when you give him blocks and positions to place them
L57[01:17:05] <ben_mkiv> just on a smaller scale and more automated
L58[01:18:50] <abculatter_2> I feel like that's voiding the purpose of programming builder programs, though...
L59[01:19:03] <ben_mkiv> isnt the whole idea about that? :D
L60[01:20:03] <ben_mkiv> but also like you said those blocks could be "interactive"
L61[01:20:08] <ben_mkiv> and respond to user actions
L62[01:20:53] <abculatter_2> No, it's meant to be more like... temporary blocks, or permanent blocks that require being continuously tethered to the projector
L63[01:21:03] <abculatter_2> And yeah, that was something I thought of afterward
L64[01:21:10] <abculatter_2> Which would be really neat
L65[01:21:38] <abculatter_2> It's more like a solid hologram then an actual physical block, is the intent
L66[01:21:43] <Forecaster> Yay still no internet at work
L67[01:21:53] <ben_mkiv> they could/should still require energy as upkeep cost
L68[01:22:23] <ben_mkiv> thats why i thought of a limited range, so that the projector has to be in range to supply the energy
L69[01:22:48] <abculatter_2> Yeah, that's kinda what I was trying to get at with the continuous RAM usage, but continuous energy usage might be better
L70[01:23:27] <ben_mkiv> what should happen if they run out of energy? the material would be wasted?
L71[01:23:35] <abculatter_2> Yeah
L72[01:23:51] <abculatter_2> The blocks would eventually and randomly disappear
L73[01:24:06] <abculatter_2> Or they could just instantly disappear, if that's easier
L74[01:24:18] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway02.insomnia247.nl) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L75[01:24:34] <abculatter_2> The eventually and randomly part is more an aesthetic and slight realism idea
L76[01:24:41] <abculatter_2> then a necessary one
L77[01:28:03] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@2602:30a:c0ab:a810:ddac:a868:636f:5f48)
L78[01:28:44] <abculatter_2> Also, a thought for limiting what a projector can do while keeping it relatively simple, is to make it so that chamelium goes into an internal tank in the projector, and when the projector uses chamelium from this tank it doesn't disappear from the tank, rather it gets marked as 'in use'. This would limit how many blocks a single projector could support, and the projector could have RAM added to its recipe as a way to explain why it need
L79[01:28:44] <abculatter_2> continuous energy and has a limit on how much it can project at a time.
L80[01:29:30] <abculatter_2> This could also be expanded with additional chamelium tanks, which allow for additional storage to be added to the projector much like the OC Capacitors
L81[01:29:47] <ben_mkiv> would rather like to use it up, and some command to disassemble which gives you back the chamelium
L82[01:29:56] <ben_mkiv> while running out of power would end up in wasted material
L83[01:30:39] <ben_mkiv> so when you turn off a projected block, the chamlium would get back to the tank
L84[01:30:59] <abculatter_2> Right. I figured that was implied when I said that.
L85[01:31:03] <ben_mkiv> but when the block runs out of power... it may drop some chamelium in the world or just waste it
L86[01:32:59] <abculatter_2> Chamelium that is marked as 'in use' would basically be gone from the tank, as far as it's concerned. To put it in real-world terms, the actual space is empty, and the 'in use' marker is more a signifier of the RAM being used.
L87[01:34:42] <abculatter_2> Also, instead of just straight chamelium, tit could instead use 'Utility Nanobots' as an item the mod adds, crafted with chamelium blocks, nanobots, and endstone
L88[01:34:48] <abculatter_2> it*
L89[01:35:27] <ben_mkiv> sounds good
L90[01:36:50] <ben_mkiv> or chamelium + grog to make liquid chamelium and the nanobots as 2nd item
L91[01:38:13] <abculatter_2> Sure
L92[01:46:14] ⇦ Quits: Alaura (~Alaura@2600:8804:5901:e200:d1a1:dd6d:be51:3918) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L93[02:14:22] <Forecaster> %shell internet provider
L94[02:14:22] * MichiBot loads an air can into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near internet provider, Sandra and Lathanael|Away. They each take 7, 8 and 6 splash damage respectively.
L95[02:16:19] <Forecaster> Well, if the connection doesn't get fixed today I'll have to get the cable
L96[02:16:34] <Forecaster> I won't leave this code here over the weekend
L97[02:56:13] ⇦ Quits: Yarillo (~Yarillo@2001:660:4701:2004:5054:ff:feb8:97e9) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L98[03:02:48] <Forecaster> yay we're back
L99[03:03:57] <Izaya> we are?
L100[03:05:23] <Forecaster> yep
L101[03:13:52] ⇨ Joins: Yarillo (~Yarillo@2001:660:4701:2004:5054:ff:feb8:97e9)
L102[03:52:21] ⇦ Quits: Yarillo (~Yarillo@2001:660:4701:2004:5054:ff:feb8:97e9) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L103[04:01:00] ⇨ Joins: Yarillo (~Yarillo@2001:660:4701:2004:5054:ff:feb8:97e9)
L104[04:51:00] <Skye> %p
L105[04:51:01] <Skye> Uh
L106[04:56:25] <Skye> Uhhhh
L107[04:56:25] <Skye> %p
L108[04:56:34] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 8.96s
L109[04:58:50] <Forecaster> she didn't hear you the first time, you didn't %p loud enough
L110[04:59:16] <Forecaster> also, isn't technology amazing? http://theworstthingsforsale.com/2017/12/07/touchjet-wave/
L111[05:00:08] <AshIndigo> %give Michibot a ?
L112[05:00:08] * MichiBot searches through her inventory for a bit. "I couldn't find anything..."
L113[05:00:21] <AshIndigo> %give MichiBot a ?
L114[05:00:21] * MichiBot accepts the ? and adds it to her inventory
L115[05:00:53] <AshIndigo> thats kinda cool
L116[05:01:04] <AshIndigo> just wish you didnt have to touch your tv
L117[05:07:02] <Kodos> Mod Idea: Xerox Machine. Put item in along with ender pearls and ink, and get a duplicate of that item. Creative only ofc
L118[05:14:37] <Forecaster> That's kind of the entire point of the device :P
L119[05:34:16] <ben_mkiv> actually you dont have to touch probably
L120[05:34:25] <ben_mkiv> it looks like a gesture cam
L121[05:35:38] <ben_mkiv> Kodos, sounds like a creative chest with a new texture
L122[05:35:55] <ben_mkiv> but which requires you to also spawn in ink and pearls xD
L123[05:39:18] <Forecaster> The video on the product page features only people actually touching the screen
L124[05:39:59] <ben_mkiv> yea, people like to touch stuff...
L125[06:08:05] <Forecaster> lewd
L126[06:32:24] <SAL9000> Anyone here who's gotten audio/video calls over XMPP/Jingle working?
L127[07:10:58] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p4FED57CD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L128[07:17:11] <Forecaster> %shell XMPP
L129[07:17:11] * MichiBot loads a heavy lead brick into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near XMPP, OneM_Industries and yorick. They each take 9, 2 and 4 splash damage respectively.
L130[07:20:20] <SAL9000> %shell Verified by Visa
L131[07:20:20] * MichiBot loads a rubber ducky into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near Verified by Visa, payonel and Naomi. They each take 3, 4 and 9 splash damage respectively.
L132[07:20:38] <SAL9000> never receive the damned SMS with the verification code UGH
L133[07:20:56] <SAL9000> one does not simply book a flight.
L134[07:22:21] <Forecaster> one does not simply book a fight either
L135[07:30:58] ⇦ Quits: lp (~lp@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1)
L136[08:01:46] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4FC1E847.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L137[08:01:53] <Inari> https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/NREJxAFecO0WsIvZVnXOIOHHZSnw0lOv4YFef8snK8M/https/i.imgur.com/1EwqGGz.jpg
L138[08:06:45] ⇨ Joins: ironmountain (~anon@mobile-166-172-190-36.mycingular.net)
L139[08:10:19] ⇦ Quits: ironmountain (~anon@mobile-166-172-190-36.mycingular.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L140[08:17:21] <Forecaster> lewd
L141[08:19:12] <Forecaster> http://i.imgur.com/YvuZR.jpg
L142[08:19:26] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L143[08:19:31] <Forecaster> https://farm5.static.flickr.com/4057/4321596019_7083fb6031_b.jpg
L144[08:19:37] <Forecaster> :P
L145[08:32:35] <Inari> Haha
L146[08:35:49] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E187E04D937333A0FC0D4F0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L147[08:35:49] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L148[08:36:40] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com)
L149[08:36:46] <Forecaster> Rhubarb is here!
L150[08:38:20] <Vexatos> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG62zay3kck
L151[08:38:21] <MichiBot> Rhabarberbarbara | length: 2m 10s | Likes: 34,300 Dislikes: 1,297 Views: 3,929,933 | by winmic7 | Published On 28/2/2013
L152[08:42:13] <Temia> %give Temia a ?
L153[08:42:13] * MichiBot gives Temia a ? from her inventory
L154[08:42:20] * Temia takes and hugs tight
L155[08:42:51] <Temia> %give MichiBot a ?
L156[08:42:51] * MichiBot accepts the ? and adds it to her inventory
L157[08:42:56] <Temia> Thank you, I needed that.
L158[09:10:44] <Forecaster> %inv add a rhubarb
L159[09:10:44] * MichiBot summons 'a rhubarb' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L160[09:42:00] <vifino> %inv add Gowjadina po-strogonowski
L161[09:42:00] * MichiBot summons 'Gowjadina po-strogonowski' and adds to her inventory. This seems rather fragile...
L162[09:48:21] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-37-209-86-166.hsi15.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L163[09:51:53] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:220f:9431:7002:5d6d:76e3)
L164[09:56:19] <Forecaster> https://imgur.com/gallery/8QeaU32
L165[10:03:01] <Forecaster> https://imgur.com/gallery/ip2LT
L166[10:03:04] <Forecaster> That one too
L167[10:03:07] <Forecaster> super adorable
L168[10:14:33] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L169[10:20:27] <Forecaster> Temia: https://imgur.com/gallery/K2ujm
L170[10:24:28] <Forecaster> Also woop, committed and pushed the new (incomplete) Character class
L171[10:26:47] <Inari> %give MichiBot a happy lil' sushi roll
L172[10:26:48] * MichiBot accepts the happy lil' sushi roll and adds it to her inventory
L173[10:30:57] <Temia> mmh.
L174[10:31:14] <Temia> I think I need some time away, sorry.
L175[10:31:15] ⇦ Quits: Temia (~temia@monmusu.me) (Quit: "All coders are created equal; that they are endowed with certain unalienable rights, of these are beer, net connectivity, and the pursuit of bugfixes..." ~Gregory R. Block)
L176[10:31:30] <vifino> :(
L177[10:48:53] <S3> vifino: according to this guy
L178[10:49:00] <S3> HTML might be better than C
L179[10:49:01] <S3> XD XD XD
L180[10:50:12] <vifino> Murder him.
L181[10:51:18] <Skye> wait ugh
L182[10:51:21] <Skye> wait uh [Edited]
L183[10:51:33] <Skye> what happened to Temia?
L184[10:51:48] <vifino> Forecaster's fault.
L185[10:52:06] <S3> payonel: just for a laugh..
L186[10:52:18] <Skye> vifino, that seems a little to strong of a reaction?
L187[10:52:40] <S3> If I created a cpu dummy slot that took a dummy CPU placeholder.. would you merge? XD just to mess with Soni
L188[10:59:30] <S3> phew
L189[10:59:39] <S3> 3 hours to write almost 6 pages
L190[10:59:42] <S3> maybe 2 hours
L191[11:03:39] <Kodos> Did Temia just pull an asie
L192[11:04:03] <Inari> Temia doesn't mod, so, no?
L193[11:04:45] <S3> So I guess JS will be possible in MC at a large scale soon I hear?
L194[11:06:35] <Inari> Thats certainly almost a sentence
L195[11:07:00] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L196[11:07:51] ⇦ Quits: Xal (~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L197[11:08:35] <S3> ?
L198[11:09:29] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-37-209-86-166.hsi15.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L199[11:10:07] ⇨ Joins: Xal (~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net)
L200[11:19:40] <Inari> S3: Either you guess, or you hear
L201[11:19:41] <Inari> :P
L202[11:20:15] <S3> Huh?
L203[11:21:30] <AshIndigo> =/ hope temias alright
L204[11:21:33] <S3> There is nothing wrong with that sentence.
L205[11:27:40] <Inari> S3: *shrug'* sounds weird to me, you can't guess something and hear it. Either you hear it, or you guess it. Imo :P
L206[11:28:00] <S3> It's just our accent.
L207[11:28:23] <S3> I wouldn't think too much into it XD
L208[11:30:00] <vifino> Actually, Inari's not wrong.
L209[11:30:13] <vifino> Fix your grammar, S3.
L210[11:30:19] <S3> No, I disagree.
L211[11:30:36] <S3> I think you're assuming context
L212[11:30:44] <vifino> You can't guess that you hear.
L213[11:30:56] <S3> Sure you can.
L214[11:31:10] <vifino> That makes zero sense.
L215[11:32:28] <Inari> ^
L216[11:32:42] <Inari> S3: Well what was the origin of that comment anyway
L217[11:34:19] <S3> Makes perfect sense to me. It might be a New England thing.
L218[11:36:33] <S3> Inari: To answer your question, somebold me.
L219[11:36:59] <vifino> somebold me?
L220[11:37:08] <Inari> Have you had enough water?
L221[11:37:12] <S3> Whoops
L222[11:37:15] <vifino> Is that also one of your random things, which you claim to be correct?
L223[11:37:19] <S3> I wonder how that happened.
L224[11:37:23] <S3> Somebody told me*
L225[11:37:33] <S3> I think I touched the touchpad and it screwed it up
L226[11:37:40] <S3> I was reading a paper while typing that :D
L227[11:41:09] <S3> vifino: No, it's just, that is my accent and regardless of what you find grammatically correct there, It's useless to argue against it since I do it out of cultural habbit. That's just the way I talk. That's exactly an example of how my family talks, how my neighbors talk, and townspeople. To me, I see nothing wrong with that sentence.
L228[11:41:17] <S3> Be glad I don't pronounce it on chat :D
L229[11:42:51] <S3> We begin sentences like that all the time.
L230[11:43:32] <vifino> So basically, you just don't care that it is wrong?
L231[11:43:44] <vifino> Makes sense.
L232[11:43:53] <S3> I disagree that it is wrong
L233[11:45:05] <S3> That'd be like me telling my coworker from Nigeria that the way he uses the word "would" is incorrect. They speak English in Nigeria, and that is just how they say it.
L234[11:46:28] <vifino> But it is.
L235[11:46:56] <S3> Where you are from, it may be.
L236[11:47:56] <S3> Perhaps slmost anywhere it could be.
L237[11:51:16] <S3> vifino: Have you ever heard of the melting pot effect?
L238[11:55:10] <AmandaC> S3, "I hear" goes on the beginning, not the end
L239[11:55:14] <Skye> bah
L240[11:55:21] <Skye> use received pronunciation!
L241[11:55:33] <AmandaC> At least, in pa it does
L242[11:56:12] <S3> I can understand that, but people speak very differently in these three or four states than in New York, I have no idea what PA is like
L243[11:56:22] <S3> New Yorkers speak a -lot- differently
L244[11:56:39] <Skye> use received pronunciation! >:|
L245[11:58:31] <S3> To be honest, I usually try quite a bit to not write sentences the way I say them
L246[12:00:21] <S3> But I am not going to go over my head to make sure the listener hears everything they want to say the way they want to hear it. Put them to work I say.
L247[12:00:48] ⇨ Joins: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@ip70-171-63-205.ga.at.cox.net)
L248[12:00:51] <S3> I tried hard enough not to speak so hard of hearing to MGR the last time I spoke with him :P
L249[12:02:18] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L250[12:09:04] <S3> An example thing I might say is like, "soa guess say gochya ah big fish ova theya , ain cha bub?
L251[12:09:37] <S3> Now, I added pronounciations, but it'd still be pretty bad if I ordered my sentences like that all the time now wouldn't it
L252[12:09:39] <Corded> * <Forecaster> doesn't know what's wrong with a cow with a cat on it
L253[12:09:52] <S3> Heh
L254[12:15:24] <Skye> what does that mean
L255[12:16:28] <S3> Skye: What I said using my accent, or my comment afterwards?
L256[12:17:24] ⇦ Quits: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@ip70-171-63-205.ga.at.cox.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L257[12:17:32] <S3> So the more downeast you go (east / southeast) the thicker they get
L258[12:19:35] <Skye> S3, what does "soa guess say gochya ah big fish ova theya , ain cha bub?" mean
L259[12:21:40] <S3> Skye: that sentence literally means that somebody or some group gave you something significant (or, it could be explicit and be a big fish, but we speak metaphorically a lot so it could be a lot of something or something big or important). The very last part translates to, "don't you?" Which, i dunno if they use that sort of speech in Europe, but I'm not quite sure how to explain that one if you don't!
L260[12:22:25] <Skye> oh
L261[12:22:28] <S3> If I tried to say that here I'd probably write it as "I guess they got you a big one over there didnt' they?"
L262[12:23:27] <Skye> still doesn't make sense but it's less difficult to read
L263[12:23:32] <S3> likeways, don't you bub and didn't they are two different things, but we like to switch it around and put it into a more finger pointing you posess this now
L264[12:23:36] <S3> uh oh
L265[12:23:52] <S3> What doesn't make sense?
L266[12:24:22] <Skye> "I guess they got you a big one"
L267[12:24:49] <Inari> Hrm meh, I don't think I really like Zachtronics games anymore
L268[12:25:10] <S3> Oh, I said that for lack of context. If I were a fisherman, for example down east, I would likely refer to a lot of something as the big fish, or a big catch
L269[12:25:17] <S3> just theoretically
L270[12:25:29] <S3> imagine this
L271[12:25:40] <S3> imagine you went to your friends house to borrow a gun for hunting
L272[12:26:03] <S3> and they gave you a 50 caliber
L273[12:26:08] <S3> now that's a big damn gun
L274[12:26:42] <S3> and imagine I said, "Wow, they got you the big one, didn't they?"
L275[12:30:46] <S3> Skye: So, iirc, your mother is from Maine, and the auburn area isn't necessarily known for having a thick accent. I'm guessing hers is very subtle, but sometime you should ask her to say something in the Maine accent just to see what she says XD
L276[12:30:52] <CompanionCube> %oclogs
L277[12:30:53] <MichiBot> https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/
L278[12:31:16] <S3> If she's from Auburn then I'm guessing it won't be that hard to understand
L279[12:31:29] <Inari> Lets just all speak standard English
L280[12:31:31] <Inari> so much easier
L281[12:31:31] <Inari> :p
L282[12:31:41] <Skye> S3, her accent sounds like a poor imitation of a british accent
L283[12:31:45] <S3> but she might say something silly like calling a car a Cah (I don't do that, wtf that's just stupid)
L284[12:33:06] <S3> Besides, downeast it's more like Cahr, the r is quieter.
L285[12:33:47] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jP6MFBXFaA
L286[12:33:48] <MichiBot> Mechanical LEGO Keyboard | length: 6m 3s | Likes: 965 Dislikes: 10 Views: 7,569 | by JK Brickworks | Published On 8/12/2017
L287[12:34:05] <S3> Skye: It might also scare you that some of us even speak some phrases while taking a breathe in
L288[12:34:12] <S3> instead of talking while exhaling
L289[12:34:36] <S3> And we can do it loudly, without sounding like we're huffing drugs :P:
L290[12:35:07] <Forecaster> https://xkcd.com/1926/
L291[12:35:07] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Bad Code Posted on: 12/8/2017
L292[12:35:12] <Forecaster> new XKCD!
L293[12:36:25] <payonel> S3: actually, i wouldn't merge but if you make a PR that pretends to add cpus and tier 4 cpus or whatever
L294[12:36:38] <payonel> S3: i'd be happy to pretend to love it
L295[12:36:44] <S3> rofl
L296[12:36:46] <payonel> you dont even have to make it compile
L297[12:36:50] <payonel> or even close to correct :)
L298[12:36:53] <S3> I was just making fun of him
L299[12:36:58] <payonel> yeah i know :)
L300[12:37:06] <Forecaster> commit "TODO: add CPU's"
L301[12:37:14] <S3> Oh man, April Fools Day ideas
L302[12:37:20] <payonel> yep ^
L303[12:39:28] <S3> I will think of something
L304[12:39:43] <S3> I can do empty committs
L305[12:39:50] <S3> with comitt messages
L306[12:40:16] <Skye> S3, I talked to my mum about accents
L307[12:40:20] <Skye> so basically
L308[12:40:35] <Skye> she has learnt to pronounce rs properly
L309[12:40:38] <Izaya> https://lain.elnath.uberspace.de/torrents/memes/inital%20d%20real%20life%20assholish%20driving%20on%20highway%20558c81ad.webm
L310[12:40:39] <Skye> after living in the UK so long
L311[12:40:52] <S3> Is that what she said? ahahahaha
L312[12:41:07] <Skye> well
L313[12:41:11] <Skye> for example
L314[12:41:12] <Skye> park
L315[12:41:19] <Skye> pahrk
L316[12:41:20] <S3> pahk!
L317[12:41:25] <Skye> ye
L318[12:41:28] <S3> haha
L319[12:44:06] <Inari> And this is why we need self driving cars
L320[12:44:12] <S3> Why
L321[12:44:32] <Inari> So idiots don't drive like that :|
L322[12:44:45] <S3> Drive like what?
L323[12:44:51] <Inari> Like Izaya's link
L324[12:44:54] <S3> We are very good drivers.
L325[12:44:55] <S3> ohhh
L326[12:44:57] <S3> I missed that
L327[12:45:45] <S3> Man this is why we have bull bars
L328[12:46:06] <Izaya> This is why we have GTA - so it's hopefully contained
L329[12:46:21] <Inari> I'm bored :< Need a fun game
L330[12:47:14] <S3> Play the new animal crossing
L331[12:47:22] <S3> I saw somebody playing it at the lounge the other day
L332[12:47:26] <Inari> It stil lhas anthromorphic animals
L333[12:47:55] <Inari> I should refund Opus Magnum and buy Ylands from that :P
L334[12:49:51] <S3> lol
L335[12:50:56] <S3> Oh WTF libre office
L336[12:51:06] <S3> Libre Office marks most of the words I spell as incorrect
L337[12:51:22] <S3> Because Mideval theory you know, lots of really old words..
L338[12:51:48] <S3> But this time it went so far to say I spelt Nominalist wrong.
L339[12:51:56] <S3> nominalist*
L340[12:53:39] ⇨ Joins: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway02.insomnia247.nl)
L341[12:55:01] <S3> I almost thought jackmcbarn was Jackman
L342[12:55:05] <S3> which is the name of a town
L343[12:59:51] <S3> OH NOOOOOOOO
L344[13:00:03] <AshIndigo> %ohyes
L345[13:00:33] <S3> I have this political theory paper I'm writing and instead of writing about Christine de Pizan, I got the name mized up and started writing about Cathrine
L346[13:00:42] <S3> headliess catherine from catherine's hill XD
L347[13:00:48] <CompanionCube> welp
L348[13:00:58] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway02.insomnia247.nl) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L349[13:03:48] ⇨ Joins: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway02.insomnia247.nl)
L350[13:04:15] <S3> Ok..
L351[13:05:07] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L352[13:05:42] <S3> Christine de Pizan was an important political thinker of the late Mideval period, well known for visiting the recognition of the emerging merchant class and subjecting society to the categories of new class reform.
L353[13:05:48] <S3> sounds good to you?
L354[13:09:25] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity_ (~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L355[13:12:26] <S3> There he is
L356[13:12:46] <S3> MajGenRelativity_: I did a good job of hiding my accent from you when we spoke way back didn't I?
L357[13:28:45] <payonel> Inari: https://slack-imgs.com/?c=1&url=https%3A%2F%2Fpbs.twimg.com%2Fmedia%2FDQevdQlW0AAzj5K.jpg
L358[13:28:51] <payonel> stupid slack
L359[13:29:06] <Inari> Heh
L360[13:29:17] <payonel> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DQevdQlW0AAzj5K.jpg
L361[13:43:36] <AmandaC> payonel: is it possible to re-schedule a timer using the event API?
L362[13:43:57] <AmandaC> as in, I said I want it to fire in 30s, 5s later, I decid I want it to be in 60s
L363[13:44:13] <AmandaC> ( ther than canceling and re-adding it )
L364[13:47:44] <AmandaC> payonel: ( Contemplating how to make my screensaver thing use less CPU if I can, to start with: not waking up every 15s regardless of the screen state )
L365[13:50:49] <payonel> AmandaC: nope, sorry. there is only set and remove
L366[13:51:12] <AmandaC> payonel: ah well, thanks for the info. :)
L367[13:51:32] ⇦ Quits: LuMistry (uid146685@id-146685.brockwell.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L368[13:56:45] <AmandaC> payonel: can I progromaically call rc.d service methods? (other then os.exec("rc foo bar")
L369[13:57:30] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity_ (~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L370[13:58:22] ⇨ Joins: TestGR (~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L371[14:11:12] * AmandaC discovers `rc.loaded.<service>` but isn't sure if that's meant to be a public API
L372[14:25:47] <Forecaster> http://maximumble.thebookofbiff.com/2017/12/08/1652-happy/
L373[14:25:54] <Forecaster> slight glitch
L374[14:35:31] <Vexatos> That's a pretty funny comic, actually
L375[14:36:35] *** TestGR is now known as MajGenRelativity
L376[14:37:19] <Inari> Haha, nice comic
L377[14:37:43] <payonel> AmandaC: i had not added rc api to the library
L378[14:37:57] <payonel> so, no
L379[14:38:41] <payonel> but for what it's worth, rc.loaded is a string:table array, with [lib name, lib env] pairs
L380[14:39:03] <AmandaC> payonel: http://ocdoc.cil.li/api:rc is linked from the main page, however none of the functions exist
L381[14:39:24] <AmandaC> ( except for unload )
L382[14:39:26] <payonel> ooooh right
L383[14:39:29] <payonel> i never updated that
L384[14:39:39] <payonel> i can add those though
L385[14:39:42] <payonel> that was my plan
L386[14:39:47] <payonel> just forgot :)
L387[14:40:06] <AmandaC> hehe
L388[14:40:13] <payonel> yeah, i should implement those
L389[14:40:38] <payonel> also i dont like those methods
L390[14:40:41] <payonel> i'd make better ones
L391[14:42:39] <AmandaC> payonel: my usecase for this was I was thinking I'd add a `rc screensaver caffinate` thing, and I'd like to have a story for programmatically doing so, other than shelling out.
L392[14:42:59] <payonel> AmandaC: see updated doc page: http://ocdoc.cil.li/api:rc
L393[14:44:06] <AmandaC> payonel: :)
L394[14:46:31] <AmandaC> payonel: semi-relatedly, is it intentional that the ocvm screen goes completely white when you call `turnOff`? Totally black would make more sense to me, although it could be confusing. If not I'll happily do a quick PR for that.
L395[14:46:48] <payonel> sounds like a bug
L396[14:46:52] <payonel> it definitely didn't use to do that
L397[14:47:03] <AmandaC> Actually, lemme check something
L398[14:47:24] <payonel> doesn't go white for me, goes black
L399[14:47:29] <AmandaC> Ah, it's only doing it under vscode
L400[14:47:46] <payonel> huh, really?
L401[14:47:48] * payonel tests
L402[14:48:08] <payonel> huh, still black there
L403[14:48:12] <payonel> what terminal?
L404[14:48:12] <AmandaC> Hrm
L405[14:48:43] <AmandaC> ...
L406[14:48:48] <AmandaC> Okay, that's weird
L407[14:48:56] <payonel> yeah?
L408[14:49:07] <AmandaC> calling `turnOff` from the lua console turns it off properly, if my screensaver program does it it goes all white
L409[14:49:23] <payonel> maybe ocvm is dumb and prints " " everywhere
L410[14:49:28] <payonel> and maybe the gpu color was white still
L411[14:49:38] <payonel> i don't remember, but i'll check how i did that
L412[14:50:01] <AmandaC> That appears to be it, yeah. After doing it manually thrugh the lua shell it's going all-black now as it should
L413[14:50:42] <payonel> AmandaC: ansi_escape.cpp line 153
L414[14:50:50] <payonel> it print Ansi::clear_term to the terminal
L415[14:51:04] <payonel> which is the ansi code for clearing the screen
L416[14:51:10] <payonel> so, i did it smart, at least
L417[14:51:18] <payonel> but maybe that should switch the color to black first
L418[14:51:50] <payonel> AmandaC: see frame.cpp line 76
L419[14:51:57] <payonel> bool Frame::on(bool bOn)
L420[14:52:03] <payonel> that is called when you turn the screen on or off
L421[14:52:09] <payonel> that's where i should probably change to black
L422[14:53:08] <payonel> or maybe just in onClear
L423[14:53:10] <payonel> yeah
L424[14:53:25] <payonel> perhaps void AnsiEscapeTerm::onClear() needs to black out first
L425[14:53:45] <payonel> the ocvm vm never intends to clear to the current color
L426[14:53:58] <payonel> these methods imply that the graphics are removed
L427[14:57:14] <AmandaC> payonel: testing a quick idea
L428[14:57:19] <payonel> AmandaC: change the cout to: cout << "\0277\27[m" << Ansi::clear_term << "\0278" << Ansi::set_pos(1, 1) << flush;
L429[14:57:53] <payonel> that was untested
L430[14:58:00] <payonel> and i think it has a stray char
L431[14:58:30] <AmandaC> At a cursory, minimally-tested glance, this seems to work, too: ```cout << Ansi::color_reset << Ansi::clear_term << Ansi::set_pos(1, 1) << flush;```
L432[14:58:33] * Inari finds cout ugly
L433[14:59:03] <AmandaC> At the very least I'm not seeing anything funky with the OpenOS Shell with that
L434[14:59:22] <payonel> AmandaC: yeah that would be good. i was trying to use save+restore to keep the previous color data
L435[14:59:28] <AmandaC> ah
L436[14:59:36] <payonel> AmandaC: i'll make a commit this weekend to fix that
L437[15:00:29] <AmandaC> payonel: it seems onWrite is setting the colour codes every write, anyway.
L438[15:00:43] <payonel> only when they change (i thought...)
L439[15:00:54] <payonel> but yeah
L440[15:01:00] <AmandaC> ah
L441[15:01:04] <AmandaC> yeah, I missed the if there
L442[15:01:31] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L443[15:02:01] <payonel> but your code is correct to use color_reset, that's the same thing i was using (just didn't notice i had that constant) :)
L444[15:02:09] <AmandaC> ah, heh
L445[15:02:37] <AmandaC> I'll send it out as a small PR if you'd like, or not, it's hardly a big deal. :)
L446[15:02:54] <AmandaC> ( just with that one line changed )
L447[15:03:07] <payonel> i want to play with save+restore (i tested it and i had something wrong, but not really time to test it now)
L448[15:03:28] <AmandaC> fairy snuff
L449[15:17:04] <Forecaster> hrm
L450[15:17:26] <Forecaster> YouTube's new creator studio seems to lack a pretty important feature...
L451[15:17:36] <Forecaster> there doesn't seem to be a way to delete videos...
L452[15:17:56] <payonel> @forecaster you can't stop the stream, mal
L453[15:19:16] <payonel> anyone stream from linux?
L454[15:19:34] <Forecaster> boops @Lizzy
L455[15:19:36] <Forecaster> maybe
L456[15:19:38] <payonel> @forecaster does twitch have private streaming?
L457[15:19:42] <Vexatos> I would if I had any interweb
L458[15:19:48] <Forecaster> I don't use twitch
L459[15:20:01] <payonel> @forecaster do you do live streaming?
L460[15:20:02] <Corded> * <Lizzy> was booped
L461[15:20:11] <Forecaster> sometimes
L462[15:20:15] <payonel> i want to live stream, privately, from linux
L463[15:20:22] <Forecaster> I stream on Beam/Mixer though
L464[15:20:28] <Vexatos> It's called teamviewer :3
L465[15:20:29] * Vexatos runs
L466[15:20:41] <payonel> haha
L467[15:22:09] <Michiyo> I just used an ancient rtmp plugin for an ancient version of nginx for a while
L468[15:22:14] <Michiyo> worked well enough.
L469[15:22:40] <Michiyo> s/plugin/module/
L470[15:22:40] <MichiBot> <Michiyo> I just used an ancient rtmp module for an ancient version of nginx for a while
L471[15:23:15] <vifino> payonel: i stream from linux and freebsd.
L472[15:23:16] <Lizzy> PAyonel, i stream from linux
L473[15:23:27] <vifino> rarely, but i do.
L474[15:24:05] <payonel> to what service? twitch? and what linux capture tool do you use?
L475[15:24:14] <Skye> OBS seems to be good?
L476[15:26:28] <Lizzy> twitch and obs
L477[15:28:23] <tim4242> twitch and slighty changed OBS plus a custom overlay renderer written into OBS in C
L478[15:29:30] <tim4242> twitch and slighty changed OBS plus a custom overlay renderer written intoto OBS in C [Edited]
L479[15:29:46] <Michiyo> >intoto
L480[15:29:50] <tim4242> twitch and slighty changed OBS plus a custom overlay renderer written into OBS in C [Edited]
L481[15:33:10] <Forecaster> Fancy new splash screen is fancy
L482[15:33:13] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/yctnue8j
L483[15:33:26] <payonel> i haven't updated
L484[15:33:30] <Vexatos> that's what they always do
L485[15:33:43] <Vexatos> A new icon every year, and a new colour palette every major update
L486[15:35:18] <tim4242> But do you guys think there is a market for livestream overlays rendered on the GPU, with the performance of any other in-game overlay? Because if there is I'll probably make my setup a little more portable and put it up somewhere.
L487[15:42:18] <vifino> @tim4242 PR it in.
L488[15:42:37] <Vexatos> can just make an addon >_>
L489[15:42:38] <vifino> payonel: obs studio and twitch/youtube live
L490[15:43:22] <vifino> iirc you can stream to youtube privately, but i dunno.
L491[15:43:39] <vifino> everytime i needed to do that, i had my own streaming setup via a vpn.
L492[15:43:56] <vifino> telepresence and whatnot.
L493[16:02:17] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose1 (~Patrick@2602:30a:c0ab:a810:6829:f2d2:cf5c:3d9b)
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L495[16:04:31] <Inari> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DQjmnEsU8AEyH_s.jpg:large cute
L496[16:04:35] <Inari> I kind of want a plushy like that now
L497[16:21:10] <S3> I am so mad at society
L498[16:21:18] <S3> some times I just want to move back to the woods and start a farm
L499[16:21:28] <Vexatos> Hi it's me
L500[16:21:30] <S3> raise some pigs and goats, get some mules
L501[16:21:30] <Vexatos> I live on a farm
L502[16:21:37] <S3> you do?
L503[16:21:47] <Vexatos> guess why my internet is so bad
L504[16:21:49] <S3> Do you research chemical hormones?
L505[16:21:53] <S3> lol
L506[16:21:55] <Vexatos> ...no? >_>
L507[16:22:03] <S3> You said you were a chemist
L508[16:22:06] <Vexatos> yes
L509[16:22:08] <Vexatos> I study chemistry
L510[16:22:12] <S3> Lol
L511[16:22:27] <S3> most of this state is abandoned.
L512[16:22:42] <S3> so you can usually start a farm by picking a spot
L513[16:23:11] <Izaya> S3: I desire to move into the bush and live with no electricity or anything
L514[16:23:45] <Michiyo> I want to douse myself in gas, and light it on fire. :)
L515[16:24:29] <Izaya> Quick and effective, I guess.
L516[16:24:33] <S3> Michiyo: so my coworker is from Nigeria
L517[16:24:40] <Vexatos> most gases diffuse very quickly
L518[16:24:49] <Vexatos> that wouldn't work too well unless you are talking about oxygen
L519[16:24:50] <Inari> Which gases do not?
L520[16:24:51] <Michiyo> gasoline.
L521[16:24:51] <S3> and he told me a story of how at his country they syphon gasoline with their cheeks
L522[16:24:54] <S3> and stomachs
L523[16:25:01] <S3> to move them into containers between cars
L524[16:25:05] <Vexatos> Inari, there are always borderline cases
L525[16:25:23] <Izaya> S3: is that different to just sucking on a tube to get it started
L526[16:25:27] <Inari> Luckily the atmosphere doesn't ahve so much oxygen that a snigle flame sets it all abalze :P
L527[16:25:32] <S3> Izaya: I have no idea
L528[16:25:39] <S3> but that's what I heard so it may be wrong XD
L529[16:25:42] <Vexatos> Inari, oxygen isn't inflammable >_>
L530[16:25:43] <S3> but hilarious from my point of view
L531[16:25:52] <S3> oxygen supports combustion
L532[16:25:53] <Izaya> because I mean, I've gotten fuel back out of a tank like that
L533[16:25:54] <Inari> Vexatos: ? I didn't say it was
L534[16:25:58] <Vexatos> you did
L535[16:26:03] <Vexatos> You cannot light oxygen on fire
L536[16:26:09] <Inari> Oh, I misread that :P
L537[16:26:10] <S3> however, you can catch a dry rag on fire by blowing oxygen on it!
L538[16:26:16] <Inari> You can't? I nteresting
L539[16:26:20] <Inari> I thought you could :D
L540[16:26:21] <Vexatos> No you can not
L541[16:26:24] <Vexatos> you still need a flame
L542[16:26:28] <Vexatos> or a spark or whatever
L543[16:26:33] <Inari> Flames are weird to me :s
L544[16:26:59] <S3> No with compressed oxygen I have caught things on fire without a spark to ignitte. I assume it was the friction.
L545[16:27:09] <S3> not compressed air, compressed oxygen
L546[16:27:12] <Vexatos> our inorganic chem prof made a neat experiment, he drenched a cigar in liquid oxygen (it's very cold and sky blue, guess why the sky is blue) and lit it, then proceeded to melt through solid aluminium with it
L547[16:27:39] <Inari> I thought the sky is blue due to rayleigh scattering
L548[16:27:56] <Vexatos> the sky is blue because lone electrons are blue
L549[16:28:04] <Vexatos> and oxygen contains those
L550[16:28:23] <Vexatos> other planets do not have a blue sky because they don't have much oxygen
L551[16:28:34] <Vexatos> it's the only common gas that is blue
L552[16:28:53] <S3> what you need
L553[16:29:03] <S3> is to create an oxygen rich atmosphere on the sun
L554[16:29:06] <Inari> Well, either thats whats called rayleigh scattering
L555[16:29:11] <S3> above the suns atmosphere
L556[16:29:13] <Inari> Or dunno
L557[16:29:13] <Inari> :P
L558[16:29:15] <Vexatos> I found it super funny when I learnt that electrons are blue, because you already see them blue (and protons red) in models etc
L559[16:29:28] <Vexatos> like, electrons are actually blue in real life
L560[16:29:31] <Vexatos> that's just hilarious
L561[16:30:06] <S3> Vexatos: why are they blue? Are you suggesting that they reflect photons at the blue frequencies?
L562[16:30:27] <Izaya>
L563[16:30:32] <Izaya> oops
L564[16:30:36] <S3> or perhaps, do they emit a frequency equivalent to that of blue somehow
L565[16:30:43] <S3> just by coincidence
L566[16:30:52] <Inari> Vexatos: You do?
L567[16:30:57] <Inari> Th emodels I've seen had neutrons as blue
L568[16:31:17] <S3> welcome to physics for kids
L569[16:31:26] <S3> where neutrons are blue and protons are red
L570[16:32:31] <S3> OH crap
L571[16:32:39] <S3> I have to write a whole new section on juristic thought
L572[16:32:53] <Vexatos> S3, they absorb photons of that energy, yes
L573[16:33:15] <S3> wait a minute
L574[16:33:17] <Vexatos> That's also why glacial ice is blue
L575[16:33:25] <S3> if they absorb photons, shouldn't they lack light?
L576[16:33:30] <S3> or color altogether
L577[16:33:32] <Vexatos> wat
L578[16:33:37] <Vexatos> sir
L579[16:33:40] <Inari> xD
L580[16:33:40] <Vexatos> do you even quantum mechanics
L581[16:33:45] <Vexatos> they only absorb specific quanta
L582[16:34:01] <S3> Of course not, I have only taken up through Calculus based Physics II
L583[16:34:02] <S3> XD
L584[16:34:03] <Vexatos> in this case, only those that make the electron appear blue
L585[16:34:10] <Vexatos> also uh
L586[16:34:12] <Vexatos> you can't see electrons
L587[16:34:13] <Vexatos> :P
L588[16:34:15] <Vexatos> they are quite small
L589[16:34:35] <S3> Omg I have something funny maybe
L590[16:34:57] <Inari> Aren't photons quite small too
L591[16:34:57] <S3> so in my physics class once before I took calc based physics, I had an applied physics class at some community college
L592[16:35:14] <S3> there was this professor Vexatos that would always talk down at us and shit
L593[16:35:22] <S3> always talking about how insignificant our minds were right
L594[16:35:30] <Michiyo> "Professor Vexatos"
L595[16:35:32] <Michiyo> :P
L596[16:35:34] <S3> now, as a kid I read a lot of electrical engineering books
L597[16:36:01] <Vexatos> but yes, glacial ice is also sky blue for the same reason - the ice can, over millions of years, just randomly lose electrons - those normally just react with whatever is near them and you don't notice anything, but in the dense crystal structure of glacial ice, they have nowhere to go, and that is why glacial ice is blue. That is also why you might smell ozone when cracking it, since you release electrons which react
L598[16:36:01] <Vexatos> with air to produce ozone
L599[16:36:11] <S3> in high school especially, I had to ask around to figure out how integrals worked just to read parts of the books I got but anyways.. not the point. I read a little bit about charges in the first chapter I had remembered
L601[16:36:56] <S3> and one day the physics teacher was like "You guys don't even know yet how to describe something very very big with a magnitude, or something super super super tiny, like the charge of an electron!" and at that second I jumped out of my seat and pointed and yelled, "1.602 * 10 ^ - 19" Coulombs!
L602[16:37:13] <S3> and the physics teacher just stared. and stared, and stared for a long moment, in complete surprise
L603[16:37:34] <Vexatos> I only remember 1.6*10^-19
L604[16:37:35] <S3> It was hilarious
L605[16:37:47] <S3> When I took calc based physics we used 1.6
L606[16:37:57] <S3> but my old EE book from the 80s said 1.602
L607[16:38:01] <S3> so I dunno
L608[16:38:13] <Vexatos> noone cares about the third digit
L609[16:38:18] <S3> I think the 02 is probably insignificant
L610[16:38:19] <S3> lol
L611[16:38:36] <S3> but it was still hilarious
L612[16:38:41] <S3> he was in complete disbelief that I did that
L613[16:38:51] <S3> he's like "how the fuck?!"
L614[16:40:47] <Inari> The charge of an electron might be low, but theres quadrillions of them!
L615[16:41:07] <Inari> Vexatos: Today's episode of "The lucky 10000"?
L616[16:42:39] <S3> So Vexatos
L617[16:42:41] <S3> Time travel
L618[16:42:44] <S3> Plausible?
L619[16:42:55] <Vexatos> I don't know >_>
L620[16:42:59] <Vexatos> I study chemistry >->
L621[16:43:02] <S3> We go back in time and give everyone in this channel lottery winnings
L622[16:43:13] <S3> but you need some sort of physics background
L623[16:43:22] <S3> Chemistry is on top of the foundation of physics
L624[16:43:38] <S3> and then you have biology or wtf it is
L625[16:43:39] <Vexatos> Inari, joke's on you, I moved 4.579152*10^21 electrons around in today's experiment
L626[16:44:00] <S3> why not move one?
L627[16:44:32] <Vexatos> because that doesn't help with calculating the transition number of potassium in alkaline water
L628[16:44:32] <S3> Vexatos: oh! I'd like to know how I can construct a couple opf crystals to split protons
L629[16:44:32] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway02.insomnia247.nl) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L630[16:44:39] <S3> so we can make linked particles
L631[16:44:42] <S3> and form a new internet!
L632[16:44:45] <S3> outside of RF
L633[16:44:53] <S3> quantum entanglement ftw
L634[16:46:36] ⇨ Joins: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway02.insomnia247.nl)
L635[16:46:41] <MGR> I'm pretty sure you can't use quantum entanglement to pass information
L636[16:48:23] <Inari> You kind of can
L637[16:48:30] <Inari> I seem to recall
L638[16:48:36] <Inari> Just not faster tahn the speed of light :P
L639[16:48:48] <MGR> Oh yeah, that's right XD
L640[16:53:54] <S3> MGR: Of course you can. if you modify state, state is information
L641[16:54:16] <S3> the idea is not to worry about the speed of light
L642[16:54:26] <S3> the idea is to somehow make an internet that nobody knows how it works!
L643[16:54:32] <S3> so people can't control it that shouldn;'t
L644[16:57:29] <Forecaster> %shell
L645[16:57:29] * MichiBot loads a random letter from the alphabet into a shell and fires it. It strikes the ground near Sava, linuxdaemon and Renari. They each take 2, 5 and 8 splash damage respectively.
L646[16:57:30] * MichiBot The random letter from the alphabet met a Pikachu and was shocked..
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L650[17:00:46] <S3> Woaaaah
L651[17:00:49] <S3> this is deep shit
L652[17:01:02] <Inari> ?
L653[17:01:16] <S3> so during the late medieval reform of the 14th century, people were starting to recognize corporations as an individual, not a body of people.
L654[17:01:43] <S3> oh btw, I study political theory classes too, just fyi
L655[17:01:45] <S3> I might get a minor
L656[17:01:52] <S3> been doing that for a while
L657[17:02:06] <S3> tbh. I hate history
L658[17:02:25] <S3> but looking at these political theory and science classes I find that they're better than history classes :P
L659[17:02:44] <S3> and it just so turns out I wish school would teach history this way instead of just babbling on about events
L660[17:02:56] <S3> in gradeschool
L661[17:04:45] <S3> The way our college does it is that we have like more than one type of class, but the classes I like take the most significant political thinkers, and revolve a history course showing source and effects, etc
L662[17:05:08] <Inari> Kernladungszahl is still one of my favourite physics words
L663[17:05:48] <S3> heh.
L664[17:05:53] <S3> What's that?
L665[17:06:05] <Inari> "Atomic number", but that doesn't sound as nice :P
L666[17:06:18] <S3> Ah so this is where the term persona became popular
L667[17:08:40] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4FC1E847.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'And about shoes: FLAT IS JUSTICE!')
L668[17:08:46] <Skye> Lol
L669[17:11:23] <S3> That is a word I have NEVER wrote before.
L670[17:11:24] <S3> Wow.
L671[17:11:28] <S3> fictive
L672[17:11:50] <S3> How come Libre Office knows WTF fictive is but not nominalism.
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L675[17:30:59] <S3> Loading . .. ...
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L683[19:01:18] <payonel> %tell inari https://i.redd.it/a5b17qccmi201.jpg
L684[19:01:18] <MichiBot> payonel: inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L685[19:07:34] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E187E04D937333A0FC0D4F0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L686[19:08:56] <S3> OK wut
L687[19:09:00] <S3> looks at weather next week
L688[19:09:03] <S3> SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW
L689[19:09:08] <payonel> S3: where?
L690[19:09:11] <S3> Maine
L691[19:09:16] <payonel> ah well of course
L692[19:09:17] <payonel> :)
L693[19:09:18] <S3> a couple days without snow
L694[19:09:20] <S3> but snow of course
L695[19:09:32] <Mimiru> I want snow :(
L696[19:10:00] ⇦ Quits: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca) (Remote host closed the connection)
L697[19:10:06] ⇨ Joins: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca)
L698[19:10:11] <Izaya> apparently it snowed in texas
L699[19:13:54] <S3> Oh nvm it's no big deal
L700[19:14:01] <S3> we're only getting 9 inches of snow tomorrow
L701[19:14:05] <S3> I was freaking out for a minute
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L704[19:15:45] <Stargazer> test
L705[19:16:07] <Stargazer> shi
L706[19:16:11] <Stargazer> xD
L707[19:16:20] <Stargazer> im eating rn
L708[19:16:26] <Stargazer> this is fancy
L709[19:17:00] <payonel> eating rn?
L710[19:17:04] ⇦ Quits: Stargazer (~stargazer@HSI-KBW-149-172-71-208.hsi13.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Client Quit)
L711[19:17:04] <ben_mkiv> right now
L712[19:17:23] <payonel> i dont understand kids these days
L713[19:17:27] <ben_mkiv> same
L714[19:17:31] ⇨ Joins: Elmocrafto (~elmocraft@HSI-KBW-149-172-71-208.hsi13.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L715[19:17:35] <ben_mkiv> i was like 10 times on urbandictionary last week
L716[19:17:38] <ben_mkiv> getting old
L717[19:18:39] <S3> You know what's hilarious
L718[19:18:43] <S3> it always storms on finals week
L719[19:18:49] <S3> we always get at least a couple days of snoe XD
L720[19:18:50] <S3> snow*
L721[19:19:06] <payonel> i think s3's threshold of what constitutes hilarity is a bit low
L722[19:19:24] <S3> why?
L723[19:19:29] <S3> also, I'm so excited
L724[19:19:37] <S3> on wednesday night it's going to get down to 9 degrees
L725[19:19:40] <S3> winter is coming!
L726[19:20:08] <S3> Winter is my favorite time of year
L727[19:20:13] <payonel> because you prefaced that anecdote as it being "hilarious"
L728[19:20:29] <S3> it is hilarious
L729[19:20:56] <payonel> mhm
L730[19:21:37] ⇦ Quits: Elmocrafto (~elmocraft@HSI-KBW-149-172-71-208.hsi13.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L731[19:22:15] <S3> it just always happens that fall semester we get pounded with snow
L732[19:22:34] <S3> actually a few years ago instead of snow, I had a final exam at like 7-9pm right
L733[19:22:40] <S3> and it was freezing rain really bad
L734[19:22:46] <S3> very few people even showed up
L735[19:23:26] <S3> the roads had at least half an inch of solid, clear, smooth and slippery black ice on top
L736[19:26:12] <S3> Welp
L737[19:26:25] <S3> Looks like tomorrow morning I'm going to go to the store and buy like 5 or 6 bags of sand
L738[19:26:28] <S3> 50 pounds a piece
L739[19:26:52] <S3> how else am I going to drive tomorrow afternoon
L740[19:30:18] <S3> Hm. 3.20 USD each, ok, bout 20 bucks for 6 of em
L741[19:30:23] <S3> that's 300 pounds of sand
L742[19:30:54] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com) (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
L743[19:44:59] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (~icedream@has.streaminginter.net) (Quit: A lol made me boom.)
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L748[19:59:54] <S3> well that's concerning XD
L749[20:00:11] <S3> the murcury is missing from the oral thermometer
L750[20:00:53] <payonel> AmandaC: ocvm updated
L751[20:01:38] ⇨ Joins: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@modemcable205.133-178-173.mc.videotron.ca)
L752[20:04:42] <AmandaC> S3: I mixed it into your cereal, hope that's okay
L753[20:04:53] <AmandaC> payonel: nice
L754[20:04:58] <S3> AmandaC: ocvm?
L755[20:05:31] <AmandaC> S3: the murcury
L756[20:05:45] <S3> oh that
L757[20:08:09] <S3> I looked on the back and it said murury free apparently
L758[20:08:13] <S3> so at least there's that XD
L759[20:08:21] <S3> I wonder what they use in its place
L760[20:21:19] <AmandaC> payonel: https://imgur.com/2IDcaGs
L761[20:22:18] <AmandaC> %tell Inari https://imgur.com/2IDcaGs
L762[20:22:18] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L763[20:25:36] <payonel> my cat loves dry leaves
L764[20:47:05] <S3> oh shit
L765[20:47:08] <S3> I still have some raking to do
L766[21:20:09] <S3> welp
L767[21:20:28] <S3> Now I remember why I hate DVDs
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