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L1[00:02:11] ⇦ Quits: Greenphlem (uid22276@id-22276.ealing.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L2[00:32:47] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:fddd:d218:33:a044) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L4[01:22:48] ⇨ Joins: Greenphlem (uid22276@id-22276.ealing.irccloud.com)
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L7[02:21:20] <gamax92> I have added basic compression support to OCNetFS, backwards compatible with old clients/servers
L8[02:23:11] <gamax92> an old client will just not make the request and the old server will just return nil, "some error message" for commands it doesn't understand, which is interpreted as no compression
L9[02:25:21] <gamax92> I just need to make it more robust to errors, add support in the other server implementation, and then push to GitHub
L10[03:17:13] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (~icedream@has.streaminginter.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L11[03:23:01] <Lizzy> ~oc computer
L12[03:23:01] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:computer
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L20[04:34:07] <Inari> %give MichiBot photonic erosion
L21[04:34:08] * MichiBot accepts photonic erosion and adds it to her inventory
L22[04:38:40] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@2601:5c2:c580:35de:a148:7ed1:e80:3b6c)
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L25[05:31:56] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y927t6vj
L26[05:32:10] <Forecaster> #inari
L27[05:36:09] <Inari> :P
L28[05:49:57] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGFhc8R_uO4 quite interesting
L29[05:50:03] <MichiBot> Indistinguishable From Magic: Manufacturing Modern Computer Chips | length: 1h, 1m 20s | Likes: 1,032 Dislikes: 13 Views: 68,472 | by Andor Gafotas | Published On 2/8/2012
L30[05:52:37] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p57972076.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L31[06:05:11] <Forecaster> pretty sure it's distinguishable from magic :P
L32[06:10:39] <Izaya> for one, this produces results
L33[06:33:03] <Forecaster> well, for "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" it's not about the results, but the source
L34[06:33:27] <Forecaster> namely the source being unknown/and or incomprehensible
L35[06:33:39] <Forecaster> (to the observer)
L36[06:34:00] <Inari> I mean
L37[06:34:09] <Inari> a lot of this is basically magic to the common observer
L38[06:40:16] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose1 (~Patrick@2601:5c2:c580:35de:c4e:c0e5:9e0e:a16b) (Quit: Leaving.)
L39[06:41:24] <MGR> "Nonsense you do you IT and digital stuff came after analogue... so it would be easy for you." --- Quote 1/3
L40[06:41:54] <MGR> The sound that came out of my mouth when I read this was the sound of laughter crossed with screaming
L41[06:42:33] <MGR> It's just..... so bad
L42[06:45:29] <Forecaster> that makes no sense
L43[06:46:07] <MGR> @Forecaster I know
L44[06:46:15] <MGR> It fails logic forever
L45[06:46:34] <MGR> Digital isn't always better than analogue, and because you know one, doesn't grant you knowledge of the other
L46[06:47:22] <Forecaster> no I mean, the sentence isn't good or bad, it just makes no sense
L47[06:47:41] <MGR> Oh
L48[06:48:16] <MGR> The boss was saying that because the worker was in the IT department and worked with computers (digital stuff), he would be qualified to work on an analogue radio and also become Head of Security (physical security, not network security)
L49[06:49:53] <S3> gamax92: I wrote an entire page on my exam yesterday on why dynamically scoped variables are a bad idea
L50[06:50:11] <S3> when it sked to say what they were
L51[06:50:22] <g> I guess PDF exploits are still out in the wild, eh?
L52[06:50:37] <g> I just got a phishing email claiming to be from Apple, asking me to open a PDF to verify that I just tried to log in
L53[06:50:40] <g> lol
L54[06:51:18] <Corded> * <MGR> sighs
L55[06:51:31] <Forecaster> I could be head of security
L56[06:51:40] <Forecaster> if someone broke the rules I could throw my computer at them
L57[06:51:45] <MGR> My grandparents *almost* fell for a call from "Microsoft". Worked until "Microsoft" asked for their credit card
L58[06:51:54] <MGR> @Forecaster Ooh! That could be me too!
L59[06:52:44] <S3> MGR: Yeah my father in law almost did the same thing
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L61[06:53:01] <S3> then he asked me if it was the right thing to do to hang up on him
L62[06:53:14] <MGR> Yes, you hang up on the telemarketer
L63[06:53:27] <S3> some don't
L64[06:53:38] <S3> my step father likes to talk to telemarketers
L65[06:53:52] <Forecaster> I wouldn't call them telemarketers, they're scammers at best
L66[06:53:56] <S3> he never buys anything; He just likes to have conversation with them
L67[06:54:11] <S3> Sometimes, he even tries to sell them stuff.
L68[06:54:17] <MGR> @Forecaster True, but same goes for both
L69[06:54:22] <S3> after long discussions
L70[06:54:27] <MGR> If you're not on my contact list, I don't pick up
L71[06:54:46] <MGR> If you're important or know me, you will leave me a voicemail, text me, or use one of my primary communication methods
L72[06:54:52] <S3> just do call screening
L73[06:54:56] <MGR> Meh
L74[06:55:03] <MGR> Pushing a big red button is easy
L75[06:55:14] <Forecaster> I have an app that looks up who's calling if they're not in my address book
L76[06:55:19] <S3> if you can't leave a message on my answering machine you are not worth my time
L77[06:55:40] <MGR> That's..... harsh
L78[06:55:47] <MGR> But usually not unwarranted
L79[06:56:09] <Forecaster> I always pick up if I'm not super busy
L80[06:56:16] <Forecaster> if it's garbage I hang up and block the number
L81[06:56:50] <S3> Forecaster That doesnt always work well.I have friends that will not pick up the phone when I call because it says the town name and they get calls from the same callerid that are telemarketers
L82[06:57:03] <S3> I have to call twice in a row
L83[06:57:16] <Forecaster> I never call my friends
L84[06:57:20] <MGR> I never pick up if I don't recognize the number
L85[06:57:28] <S3> some people also pay to be unlisted and no callerid
L86[06:57:30] <MGR> I also never call my friends over the phone, unless it is an emergency
L87[06:57:42] <MGR> I use one of my primary communication methods
L88[06:57:48] <Forecaster> and my friends never call me
L89[06:57:52] <Forecaster> we only text or IM
L90[06:58:03] <S3> well don't you live in a society where everybody has an Internet connection
L91[06:58:13] <MGR> I have voice calls on the Internet every now and then
L92[06:58:21] <Forecaster> texts don't require an internet connection :P
L93[06:58:30] <S3> a lot of u here do NOT have Internet
L94[06:58:38] <MGR> I also don't text, because I have a low-tier plan that gives me almost no texts
L95[06:58:42] <S3> and a lot of maine has ZERO cell service
L96[06:58:55] <MGR> S3, we know Maine is one step away from complete wilderness ?
L97[06:58:58] <S3> lol
L98[06:59:04] <S3> just saying
L99[06:59:05] <dequbed> S3: Just HAM your way trough life :P
L100[06:59:08] <MGR> And I'm talking about Maine Maine, not Northern Massachusetts Maine
L101[06:59:25] <Forecaster> sounds terrible
L102[06:59:26] <S3> dequbed: we can do tat, but its hit or miss wether they are listening
L103[06:59:44] <S3> MGR I LOVE THAT ROFL
L104[06:59:46] <MGR> @Forecaster It is
L105[06:59:55] <S3> northern massechusettes maine omg lol that's epic
L106[07:00:14] <MGR> If everything north of Bangor fell into the Atlantic, nobody would even notice, unless they wanted to get to the snowland that is Canada
L107[07:00:18] <S3> I will use that drom now on to describe the southern maine idiots
L108[07:00:23] <MGR> Uh
L109[07:00:33] <MGR> Maine Maine only consists of Maineiacs, so watch your tongue
L110[07:00:38] <Forecaster> ...
L111[07:00:52] <Forecaster> Dammit I'm hungry...
L112[07:00:56] <S3> wut
L113[07:01:04] <Forecaster> but I had lunch an hour ago...
L114[07:01:07] <Forecaster> :|
L115[07:01:27] <Forecaster> @MGR do you mean "maniacs"?
L116[07:01:36] <Forecaster> oh wait, I get it :P
L117[07:01:42] <S3> I discovered the other day there's tons of free land up in the northern northern maine
L118[07:02:16] <Corded> * <MGR> nods @Forecaster \
L119[07:02:20] <MGR> Oops
L120[07:02:37] <MGR> S3, there's tons of free land because Northern Northern Maine has a population of around 100 ?
L121[07:02:52] <S3> its bigger than that but not far off
L122[07:02:53] <S3> :)
L123[07:02:57] <MGR> Like I said, it could slide into the ocean, and people would only care because they couldn't take 95 into Maine
L124[07:03:09] <S3> there are definartely parts of population 0
L125[07:03:09] <MGR> Canada, I mean
L126[07:03:44] <S3> 95 goes through southern and central maine and lower east northern into canada
L127[07:03:50] <MGR> Yes
L128[07:04:18] <S3> once you get above old town about 5 miles north of bangor the cell phone service just starts plummeting gradually
L129[07:04:25] <MGR> There's a town of Medway? Did someone try to name it Midway, and just made a typo?
L130[07:04:31] <S3> and pretty much dissapears past lincoln
L131[07:04:49] <MGR> Yeah, everything past Bangor doesn't count ?
L132[07:05:07] <S3> MGR so. one day my friend drove up from augusta and missed the bangor exit. When he looked up he was in medway
L133[07:05:24] <MGR> Yes
L134[07:05:28] <S3> if he had not much gas left and if he missed medway.....
L135[07:06:15] <S3> he would be uh, walking for a while
L136[07:06:23] <MGR> I'm telling you. Someone wanted to name their town Midway, and just didn't know how to spell, or made a typo ?
L137[07:07:36] <MGR> I'll be driving through Maine someday
L138[07:07:47] <S3> its named afteryou will see trees
L139[07:07:51] <S3> lots of trees
L140[07:08:10] <S3> but you wont go past medway without good reason :P
L141[07:08:30] <S3> maybe if you're going to grandmas inn
L142[07:08:32] <MGR> I want to go the end of US Route 1
L143[07:08:35] <S3> in haynesviller
L144[07:08:41] <S3> haynesville*
L145[07:08:44] <S3> oh
L146[07:09:01] <S3> it just goes into canada and becomes a super nice divided highway
L147[07:09:04] <MGR> Yeah, my next vacation is to drive to all 4 corners of the 48 states, and Yellowstone National Park
L148[07:09:19] <MGR> US Route 1 is old, so it's cool
L149[07:09:20] <S3> oh yeah! you'll go to mars!
L150[07:09:25] <MGR> I heard there's a monument or whatever
L151[07:09:29] <S3> iirc mars is on route 1 up there before you get to caribou
L152[07:09:36] <S3> somewhere around there
L153[07:09:42] <MGR> Depends on the route I take
L154[07:09:45] <S3> they have lots of potato fields there
L155[07:09:50] <MGR> I probably won't be making the trip for a year or so
L156[07:09:52] <S3> and so the potato bags say they're from mars
L157[07:09:52] <S3> XD
L158[07:09:56] <S3> instead of mars maine
L159[07:09:57] <MGR> Nice
L160[07:10:11] <S3> I get my potatoes from corrinth though
L161[07:10:22] <S3> much closer
L162[07:11:20] <MGR> What are gas prices like?
L163[07:11:36] <Forecaster> I'd like potatoes from Mars
L164[07:11:43] <S3> right this moment? like 2.40
L165[07:11:48] <S3> depends on what town
L166[07:11:51] <MGR> Not bad
L167[07:11:57] <S3> sometimes you can get it for like 2.20
L168[07:12:15] <S3> I haven't seen any above 2.50 and most not above 2.44
L169[07:12:42] <S3> you can always go to the equipment supply stores and buy off road fuel
L170[07:12:54] <S3> for like 1.50 to 1.75 a gallon
L171[07:12:57] <S3> XD
L172[07:13:33] <S3> it's not legal because it's tax evasion, and itl dye your gas tank a particular color, but it sure is cheap! :D
L173[07:13:54] <dequbed> S3: Install a seperate tank for that kind of fuel then :P
L174[07:13:58] <S3> they have both diesel and gasolene options
L175[07:14:00] <S3> haha
L176[07:15:08] <MGR> I'll skip that, no thank you
L177[07:15:40] <dequbed> S3: Do you happen to know if that diesel contains additive anti-geling if it's marketed as "off-road"?
L178[07:16:06] <S3> irrc if you get caught with off road fuel in your car some states charge like $1K fine per gallon
L179[07:16:27] <S3> dequbed: it contains a red dye, it wont hurt your engine
L180[07:16:31] <S3> but itl dye your tank red
L181[07:16:42] <S3> other than that it is the same
L182[07:16:51] <S3> its meant for like tractors and lawn mowers
L183[07:17:31] <dequbed> S3: Anti-gel additive don't hurt your engine either. They can actually increase your MPG slightly. But the stuff is usually expensive so if it does I probably don't want to tank *that* cheap stuff :P
L184[07:18:34] <S3> dequbed: I don't want to be putting in some loud obnoxious exhaust, but I want to get a flowmaster or something for my jeep so I can get an extra 1, 2 or so mpg back
L185[07:19:06] <S3> in Maine it's ilegal to have an after market exhaust. Underneath it it says IF you have papers from your garage proving it is under 90 dba then it's legal
L186[07:19:21] <S3> it used to be legal but then a bunch of kids ruined it with glass packs in small towns
L187[07:19:55] <S3> but basically, the less your engine has to work to get the exhaust out the more HP you retain
L188[07:20:28] <dequbed> I'm aware of the concept of engine brakes ;P
L189[07:20:32] <S3> one of my instructors also built a special type of fuel cell that gives you another 2mpg or so
L190[07:20:58] <S3> the mpg I get is very dependent on how I drive
L191[07:21:11] <dequbed> That's ... about as normal as it gets :P
L192[07:21:23] <S3> if I'm in a good mood and just having some fun I'll get like 15 - 18 mpg
L193[07:21:40] <S3> if I am driving on backroads traveling at like 60 mph I get like 30
L194[07:21:53] <S3> usually I get about 22 - 24 or so
L195[07:21:58] <S3> on average
L196[07:22:43] <S3> dequbed: well automatics are more consistent with their mileage. this Jeep is 6 speed manual, so the fuel economy is a very wide range.
L197[07:22:54] <dequbed> Gasoline or Diesel?
L198[07:23:09] <S3> It's gas. They do make a diesel version
L199[07:23:20] <S3> it's also not 4wd, it's RWD
L200[07:23:27] <S3> so hey, all the more power to the wheels
L201[07:23:28] <S3> :D
L202[07:23:42] <S3> I'm ok with that
L203[07:24:05] <S3> with almost 250 HP who wouldn't be
L204[07:24:07] <dequbed> Yeah but useless on anything but roads :P
L205[07:24:17] <Izaya> oh right isn't it a PITA to get a diesel car in the US or something?
L206[07:24:27] <S3> Izaya: no they're all over the place
L207[07:24:32] <S3> VW sells a LOT of them too
L208[07:24:38] <dequbed> Izaya: Not exactly. It's a PITA to get a Diesel anywhere outside the EU. xD
L209[07:24:39] <Izaya> oh, must've been somewhere else then
L210[07:25:08] <S3> dequbed: I am not so sure about that. 4wd certainly helps, but there are plenty of people here that mud in 2wd too
L211[07:25:37] <S3> keep in mind we deal with solid iced roads in the winter and half of us don't even bother with snow tires :D
L212[07:25:45] <dequbed> S3: Yeah, but the US has like 10-ish percent Diesel in the <4t category. The EU has more like 40%. Also offroading with RWD is painfull compared to 4WD <.<
L213[07:26:07] <S3> I haven't tried it with my Jeep
L214[07:26:21] <S3> but I have all my heavy toolboxes in the back and the differential is also locked
L215[07:26:35] <dequbed> Oh god. Static locked differential? 0.0
L216[07:26:36] <S3> I have to be careful around corners
L217[07:26:45] <dequbed> I do feel sorry for you.
L218[07:26:46] <S3> better in the snow
L219[07:26:56] <S3> I've gotten quite used to it
L220[07:27:04] <S3> dequbed: the best part:
L221[07:27:06] <S3> No ABS
L222[07:27:21] <S3> for a 2005 that's interesting
L223[07:28:14] <dequbed> Right... Remind me to never ever drive closer than 100m to your Jeep unless I'm in a much tankier car than you <.>
L224[07:29:05] <S3> dequbed: I'm considering buying bull bars.
L225[07:29:15] <dequbed> That would be a smart move :P
L226[07:30:05] <S3> tbh here in Maine we are excellent drivers especially in very hazardous conditions
L227[07:30:12] <S3> you have nothing to worry about :)
L228[07:30:16] <S3> and we keep our distance
L229[07:30:23] <S3> we HATE people who tailgate, etc
L230[07:30:52] <dequbed> I would too if I were driving in a car like yours <.>
L231[07:31:02] <Inari> https://twitter.com/mikko/status/927821531157278720 Hmmmmmm
L232[07:31:04] <MichiBot> Tue Nov 07 02:54:25 CST 2017 @mikko: But, did he nmap it anyway? https://t.co/TBfiMIYbhm
L233[07:31:13] <S3> dequbed: why's that
L234[07:31:29] <S3> I don't have roll back issues
L235[07:32:14] <dequbed> S3: RWD on icy roads with no ABS with what sounds like a way to heavy car with a way too powerful motor. That's a catastrophy waiting to happen.
L236[07:33:21] <MGR> Dequbed, there's a reason Maineiac is a term :)
L237[07:36:23] <MGR> Also, I hate printers
L238[07:39:14] <S3> dequbed: a couple of times there were idiots that tailgated me quite close at avery steep intersection, and I purposely rolled back before the light turned green and creeped back up
L239[07:39:47] <S3> what's funny is when somebody does that and when you creep up they creep closer
L240[07:40:30] <S3> I don't roll back, but there's always that possibility if for example my foot slipped or somethin g you know
L241[07:40:37] <S3> it's never happened though
L242[07:43:24] * g folds arms
L243[07:47:44] <Mimiru> lol damn errant spaces
L244[07:52:01] <AmandaC> g: how're you liking oddssey?
L245[07:52:29] <Forecaster> %juggle 6
L246[07:52:32] * MichiBot juggles with a polynomial dice, a foxgirl charm, Water soluble bikini, tilda~, an orange oil lamp, & a sugar rune
L247[07:52:33] * MichiBot drops a polynomial dice which takes 4 damage, the polynomial dice is eaten by a Grue.
L248[07:52:34] * MichiBot drops a foxgirl charm which takes 4 damage, the foxgirl charm vibrates into the ground.
L249[07:52:35] * MichiBot drops tilda~ which takes 2 damage
L250[07:52:36] * MichiBot drops an orange oil lamp which takes 4 damage
L251[07:52:37] <MichiBot> Dammit!
L252[07:52:52] <Forecaster> wellp, there went the dice
L253[07:53:57] <g> AmandaC, It's great
L254[07:54:05] <g> I finished the story quite fast but there's so much more to do
L255[07:54:16] <g> apparently there's 830 findable moons, plus you can buy some from the shops
L256[07:56:05] <g> once you finish the story you unlock a slew of extra moons in each of the kingdoms, plus another kingdom given to you immediately, and two more given when you have enough moons for them
L257[07:56:44] <g> if you don't have a peach amiibo and you find this kind of game hard, you should try to pick one up - free heal whenever you want it
L258[07:57:43] <AmandaC> Hehe, I finished the story a bit ago, too. Me and sister have been playing around co-op since to gather all the moons and purple coin
L259[08:00:58] <g> It's surprisingly hard to complete everything
L260[08:01:00] <g> They did a good job
L261[08:01:09] <g> Have you done dark side yet?
L262[08:01:30] <AmandaC> unlocked it, but noped out because wasn'tin the mood for a bunch of fighting
L263[08:06:21] ⇨ Joins: flappy (~flappy@a88-113-154-4.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L264[08:08:53] <g> yeah, it's trickty
L265[08:08:55] <g> tricky*
L266[08:09:01] <g> I think I'm gonna cheese it with my amiibo
L267[08:09:11] <g> can't get further than the third one
L268[08:09:18] <g> darker side looks tricky too but I haven't unlocked it yet
L269[08:12:02] <AmandaC> I'm thinking I'llg et the three pack of the peach, mario, bowser oddssey ones
L270[08:12:40] <g> I had a peach from way back, luckily (or unluckily)
L271[08:12:45] <g> I always wanted a rosalina but they're so hard to find
L272[08:12:54] <g> but I have the squid sisters so it's okay
L273[08:18:46] <AmandaC> ah
L274[08:19:06] <g> Yup, that about covers it
L275[08:24:44] <MGR> Young: You’ve got a keyboard there, can I have that one? Me: No, its attached to a PC. Again this is a security desk. --- Quote 2/3
L276[08:37:49] <Forecaster> forgot the quotation marks there
L277[08:37:52] <Forecaster> I want my money back
L278[08:38:10] <MGR> @Forecaster Fight me for it!
L279[08:38:30] <Forecaster> I don't get into fights over imaginary money, you can keep it!
L280[08:38:50] <MGR> Awesome
L281[08:38:57] <Corded> * <MGR> throws money @Forecaster
L282[08:41:02] <KoxFox> Don't worry, people are always stupid, there will be more to come
L283[08:41:13] <MGR> Always
L284[08:43:34] <Forecaster> Ugh
L285[08:43:39] <Forecaster> I hate file encoding
L286[08:43:42] <MGR> "Me: Why has the computer got a fork stuck in the USB port? YoungSec: See boss I was telling the others that sometimes the metal contacts on the USB get rusty, so we tried cleaning them off." --- Quote 3/3
L287[08:43:52] <MGR> A. Got you your quotation marks. B. *screaming*
L288[08:44:00] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/ybgu3gbg
L289[08:44:01] <Forecaster> Hate
L290[08:45:12] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L291[08:45:38] <AmandaC> Forecaster: RW5jb2RpbmcgaXMgZWFzeSEK
L292[08:45:57] <Forecaster> no u
L293[08:45:59] <Forecaster> D:
L294[08:46:05] <Forecaster> I mean what
L295[08:46:23] <dequbed> AmandaC: gbgnyyl!
L296[08:46:49] <AmandaC> dequbed: Failed to decode.
L297[08:47:06] <dequbed> AmandaC: because it's ROT13 and not Base64.
L298[08:47:10] <AmandaC> :P
L299[08:49:19] <AmandaC> Navi just appointed me the hero of rhyme!
L300[08:49:39] <dequbed> We have a server named Navi and I was very confused for a second there.
L301[08:55:46] <MGR> Are there draw call limits for the hologram projector like for a gpu, or is it just limited by CPU speed?
L302[08:56:30] <Forecaster> probably the latter
L303[08:56:59] <KoxFox> You could test it with a few lines of bad code
L304[08:57:24] <MGR> I could
L305[08:57:29] <MGR> I can't right now though
L306[08:57:47] <MGR> I was just wondering about the limits on individually manipulating 73,000 points of data
L307[08:59:49] <KoxFox> ._.
L308[09:00:26] <KoxFox> I don't mess with holoprojectors too often, I wouldn't know
L309[09:00:42] <MGR> Yeah
L310[09:00:59] <MGR> I was just speculating on the worst case scenario for my software
L311[09:02:18] <MGR> I fully expect to cut down the number of operations by at least 10, but worst case speculation never hurts
L312[09:02:32] <MGR> by at least a factor of 10*
L313[09:03:11] <Michiyo> nope, locked in, 72,990 ops.
L314[09:04:04] <MGR> Now, imagine controlling a couple dozen hologram projectors with that many ops ?
L315[09:04:26] <MGR> If it really came to that, I'd have to give up my auto rotate feature
L316[09:04:45] <MGR> Or the Uncanny Valley would become so extreme, not even I could withstand it
L317[09:39:23] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:83b3:e424:c84f:9c12:7321)
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L319[10:10:30] * Michiyo patiently watches the front porch camera for the FedEx delivery of her Xbox... from work
L320[10:11:59] <MGR> Xbox One (X/S)?
L321[10:14:03] <Michiyo> X
L322[10:15:08] <MGR> Nice
L323[10:15:20] <MGR> I'm PCMR, but the X has decent enough specs
L324[10:19:32] <Michiyo> I game on PC and Console...
L325[10:19:36] <Michiyo> so, good times.
L326[10:19:45] <MGR> I don't have the money or the setup
L327[10:20:03] <MGR> Although the first is entirely because I "had" the money, just spent it on my PC
L328[10:20:31] <Michiyo> heh
L329[10:21:11] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p57972076.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L330[10:21:35] <MGR> I want to find an emulator sometime, so I can practice my Super Smash Brothers skills
L331[10:23:27] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-37-209-86-166.hsi15.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L332[10:27:42] <MGR> https://videocardz.com/73892/nvidia-titan-xp-collectors-edition-is-star-wars-themed
L333[10:27:46] <MGR> Shame it isn't still crazy overpriced
L334[10:27:57] <MGR> Shame it IS still crazy overpriced*
L335[10:28:31] <gamax92> I can't afford Super Smash Bros, so I play Awesome Destruction Siblings
L336[10:28:47] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E4C1932DC3934098F3ECFBD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L337[10:28:47] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L338[10:29:27] <gamax92> It has all your favorite characters like Maleo, Sponge, and the Hulk
L339[10:29:48] <Turtle> Huhm. 1.12 made my stupid json hacks easier, rather than harder. weird.
L340[10:36:33] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@2601:5c2:c580:35de:ed9f:93cd:a221:8dc3) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
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L342[10:55:40] <MGR> "Sorry, you saw a printer lodged in a wall, so you thought…. I’ll just go plug that in?" --- Quote 4/3 (Yes I know it exceeds my quota, but it's just so insane)
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L346[11:38:12] <Corded> * <Forecaster> fires @MGR
L347[11:38:35] <MGR> Nooooooooooo
L348[11:38:56] <Forecaster> (out of a cannon, into the sun)
L349[11:41:14] <MGR> That killed my brother!
L350[11:41:52] <Forecaster> #FuturamaReferences
L351[11:44:57] <Inari> " The next workshop on IUT Summit was held at the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Kyoto in July 2016.[23] After that workshop at least ten mathematicians now understand the theory in detail."
L352[11:44:59] <Inari> Talk about exotic
L353[11:45:28] <Forecaster> well, they did say "at least"
L354[11:47:11] <Inari> It's kinda cool though
L355[11:47:34] <Inari> New theory being worked on for like 20 years. Proofs some conjectures in maths, takes mathematicians years to learn the theory to validate the proof
L356[11:55:58] ⇦ Quits: Xal (~Xal@S010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L357[11:58:22] <MultiDarkSamuses> Why does my code crash when I call `gpu.bind(screen)`? I get an error that `bind` is undefined.
L358[11:59:03] <MGR> Did you first set the gpu component?
L359[11:59:19] <MultiDarkSamuses> What do you mean?
L360[11:59:21] <MGR> component.gpu or component.proxy(the stuff for the gpu thingermajigy)
L361[11:59:44] <MultiDarkSamuses> I did Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/ajavepoker.
L362[12:00:01] <MGR> I believe you need to do component.proxy() in order for it to work properly
L363[12:00:30] <MultiDarkSamuses> Oh, okay.
L364[12:01:07] <Inari> I think list just returns an address, yeah
L365[12:01:16] ⇨ Joins: Xal (~Xal@s010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net)
L366[12:25:17] <Kodos> Let me know how the X is, we're thinking of getting it
L367[12:25:43] <Forecaster> you can't steal it! that'd be rude!
L368[12:26:42] <MGR> Noooooo
L369[12:28:18] <gamax92> payonel: ls calls isDirectory() on everything even though list() will append names with slashes to indicate if they're a directory
L370[12:28:44] <gamax92> payonel: ls also calls size and last modified on everything even if it doesn't need that information for say the default non long listing mode
L371[12:29:37] * AmandaC boggles why an rti is causing thistle to jump to $0000
L372[12:36:20] <AmandaC> oh, I must be smashing the stack. \o/
L373[12:36:51] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y7erspr7
L374[12:37:35] <Skye> AmandaC, I was about to suggest something like that. :P
L375[12:37:58] <Toskin> Any easy way to copy-paste components identificators?
L376[12:38:02] <AmandaC> Is it possible to read/write the stack pointer on the 65c02?
L377[12:38:35] <Forecaster> @Toskin analyzer?
L378[12:39:32] <Toskin> I mean in computer itself. I'm using draconic generator controller, but it needs interfaces identificators to be set manually and considering how long those strings are...
L379[12:40:21] <Forecaster> I don't know what that is
L380[12:40:43] <MGR> You can use component.get so you only have to copy the first 3 letters
L381[12:41:43] <Forecaster> I just tend to use the whole address
L382[12:43:08] <MGR> Your perogative ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L383[12:44:07] <Forecaster> oh is it? :P
L384[12:44:11] <Forecaster> I hadn't noticed
L385[12:45:16] <MGR> What is this free will you speak of?
L386[12:48:54] <MGR> ~w signals
L387[12:48:54] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:signals
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L392[13:01:11] <MGR> https://xkcd.com/1912/
L393[13:01:22] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Thermostat Posted on: 11/6/2017
L394[13:01:50] <MGR> I have tried it, but I won anyways
L395[13:02:09] * AmandaC discovers tsx/txs
L396[13:02:24] <Michiyo> %p
L397[13:02:26] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Michiyo 0.63s
L398[13:03:06] <Michiyo> %xkcd random
L399[13:03:12] <MichiBot> Michiyo: https://xkcd.com/221/ - *xkcd: Random Number*: "Random Number. | · >|. Permanent link to this comic: https://xkcd.com/221/ Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): ..."
L400[13:03:30] <Michiyo> (No that's not a random comic, I knew it wouldn't do that)
L401[13:03:35] <Michiyo> why so slow... hmm
L402[13:14:39] <Toskin> Any way to copy identification strings from this list? http://tinyurl.com/y9cdehcq
L403[13:15:37] <Toskin> Because fucking one of these up means non-zero possibility of exploding DE reactor for me.
L404[13:15:54] <MGR> Can't you just get the address in your program?
L405[13:16:03] <MGR> Or go component.draconic_reactor?
L406[13:16:14] <Toskin> I want to use this: https://tenyx.de/draconic_control/index.html#about
L407[13:16:31] <Toskin> And it needs user to fill identificators manually.
L408[13:16:37] <Toskin> It have no auto-identify.
L409[13:17:03] <MGR> That.....
L410[13:17:12] <MGR> Is not the best system
L411[13:17:27] <Toskin> Only working I found for draconic reactor.
L412[13:17:35] <MGR> If you're willing to wait a little bit, I can look at modifying it to do auto-identify
L413[13:17:49] <Toskin> That program isn't mine.
L414[13:18:06] <Toskin> I'm just using it for not blowing my base up.
L415[13:18:30] <MGR> Hmmm, it uses a config file
L416[13:18:56] <MGR> You could have a program write the address in the format you want, then format the output and call it a day
L417[13:19:11] <MGR> local address = componenet.(thestuff)
L418[13:19:16] <MGR> file:write(address)
L419[13:19:36] <Toskin> I already did it with this program in another save and way I did it was to print-screen window, paste to paintbrush and rewrite it symbol by symbol
L420[13:20:49] <MGR> Uhhhhhhhh
L421[13:21:02] <Toskin> Yeah.
L422[13:21:11] <MGR> Oh, that's different than what I thought, but still convoluted
L423[13:21:37] <MGR> The only way you can fix that is to either edit the program, which could be hard, or write a short program that generates the configuration file
L424[13:21:42] <Toskin> Yeah, every adress have like two dozens symbols and I have to write it three times.
L425[13:21:49] <MGR> Which is something I should be able to make for you, if you're willing to wait
L426[13:22:11] <Toskin> No problem.
L427[13:22:15] <Toskin> And thanks.
L428[13:22:18] <MGR> You're welcome
L429[13:22:21] <MGR> I'm always happy to help
L430[13:24:24] <Michiyo> you can also just bleh = component.proxy(component.get("first-few-chars-of-address"))
L431[13:24:42] <Michiyo> 4-6 chars is a lot easier to not typo then an entire UUID
L432[13:24:47] <MGR> But it needs to be put in a configuration file
L433[13:25:01] <Michiyo> modify the program, cause ffs that's some shit code. :P
L434[13:25:03] <Toskin> Funny thing; I started to use this program after testing setting up reactor manually in save 1. I did it in RFtools dimensions. After almost DOZEN of blown up dimensions, I gave up setting that monster manually.
L435[13:25:14] <MGR> Michiyo, agreed, but it's split in a lot of files
L436[13:25:28] <MGR> @Toskin I set up my reactor manually ?
L437[13:25:37] <Toskin> I wouldn't touch anyone elses program, even if I'd understand how to Lua.
L438[13:25:42] <MGR> I eventually managed to not make it explode
L439[13:25:48] <Toskin> Then you know how that thing works better than me.
L440[13:26:08] <MGR> It's fairly complex
L441[13:31:28] <gamax92> AmandaC: you can transfer from/to the stack pointer
L442[13:31:39] <Toskin> Example? First reactor, I used TIER 3 pylons, WITHOUT FLUX GATES. Guess how well that went.
L443[13:31:55] <Kodos> gg
L444[13:31:58] <gamax92> there's also the push and pull instructions that will manipulate the stack directly
L445[13:32:08] <Toskin> I honestly thought it will be good if I'll be able to get power from output to input fast enough...
L446[13:33:27] <AmandaC> gamax92: indeed, I discovered my pushes/pulls must be unbalanced in my irq handler. :P
L447[13:34:08] <MGR> Hahah
L448[13:34:12] <MGR> Flux gates are necessary
L449[13:34:25] <payonel> o/
L450[13:36:09] <MGR> Hello payonel
L451[13:36:25] <Michiyo> %rot13 payonel
L452[13:36:28] <MichiBot> Michiyo: cnlbary
L453[13:36:44] <Michiyo> \o cnlbary
L454[13:37:45] <MGR> %rot13 \o cnlbary
L455[13:37:45] <MichiBot> MGR: \b payonel
L456[13:39:12] <gamax92> %rot13 Michiyo
L457[13:39:12] <MichiBot> gamax92: Zvpuvlb
L458[13:40:54] <MGR> %rot13 MajorGeneralRelativity
L459[13:40:54] <MichiBot> MGR: ZnwbeTrarenyEryngvivgl
L460[13:41:01] <AmandaC> hrm. The stack pointer is right, but I'm still getting a jump to $0000 after a RTI
L461[13:44:31] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p57972076.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L462[13:56:39] <AmandaC> That's weird.
L463[13:56:59] <AmandaC> Changing my state-saving code to avoid copying the memory where the stack is causes it to get fixed.
L464[13:58:43] <Inari> Messing with thistle again?
L465[13:59:22] <AmandaC> yep
L466[14:05:25] * Izaya sighs
L467[14:05:26] <MGR> I just read a tech story where a company decided to switch to Windows Phone
L468[14:05:42] <MGR> I can't wait to see the results
L469[14:05:55] <Forecaster> bluescreens everywhere!
L470[14:06:50] <MGR> I like Windows for desktops, but not even I can countenance Windows Phone
L471[14:06:57] <Inari> @MGR Thats an odd decision
L472[14:07:09] <Forecaster> I've never used one
L473[14:07:10] <MGR> Yez
L474[14:07:14] <MGR> Yes*
L475[14:07:24] <MGR> I have used one once. It was not a fun time
L476[14:07:33] <Forecaster> it might be because they've got software they want to use with them
L477[14:07:47] <Forecaster> or something like that
L478[14:08:36] <Forecaster> one thing I wish PHP had, overloads
L479[14:08:47] <Forecaster> class methods can't have overloads >:
L480[14:10:44] <MGR> No
L481[14:11:08] <MGR> The decision was "Windows for desktops is easy to use, so we will use Windows for phones"
L482[14:11:27] <Forecaster> ah, that's... sure
L483[14:11:28] <gamax92> @Forecaster PusH Processor status
L484[14:11:56] <Forecaster> ?
L485[14:12:18] <gamax92> PHP
L486[14:12:59] <Forecaster> k
L487[14:14:05] <Izaya> YESSSSSSSSSSS
L488[14:14:15] <Izaya> found a set of headphones in a box
L489[14:14:26] <Izaya> they're 9001 times better than my $2 set
L490[14:14:31] <Forecaster> was the box yours?
L491[14:14:34] <Izaya> yes
L492[14:14:36] <Izaya> kind of
L493[14:14:39] <Izaya> mostly
L494[14:14:43] <Forecaster> good enough
L495[14:14:44] <Izaya> it isn't theft okay
L496[14:14:56] <Forecaster> I approve
L497[14:14:59] <MGR> Suuuure
L498[14:15:15] <Izaya> also more comfy
L499[14:15:21] <Izaya> today is a good day
L500[14:15:41] <Izaya> they're black too! way better than the ugly white apple headphone clones >.>
L501[14:16:03] <Forecaster> wait, are we talking in-ear?
L502[14:17:05] <Izaya> yes
L503[14:17:11] <Forecaster> I hate those
L504[14:17:24] <Izaya> eh they're okay sometimes
L505[14:17:35] <Izaya> used to wear them with a set of over-ear ones
L506[14:17:47] <Forecaster> they cause my ears to clog up D:
L507[14:17:56] <Forecaster> I avoid them like the plague nowadays
L508[14:17:58] <Izaya> two inputs >:D
L509[14:18:14] <Forecaster> also they always fall out eventually
L510[14:18:34] <CompanionCube> Izaya: inb4 totally theft
L511[14:18:50] <Michiyo> in after totally theft
L512[14:19:15] <Izaya> only downside is they aren't shaped like my motorla ones
L513[14:19:18] <Izaya> but I'll live
L514[14:24:22] ⇦ Quits: viomi (~viomi@kurosawa.daviszone.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L515[14:34:55] <xarses> payonel: if I wanted to document a component provided from another mod, which doesn't have their own wiki, is ocdoc an ok place for that content?
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L517[15:01:53] <Inari> https://cafedelites.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Blueberry-Lemon-Waffles-11.jpg that looks super tasty
L518[15:02:34] <Forecaster> when aren't waffles tasty (unless extremely poorly made)?
L519[15:02:58] <Inari> Yeah, but that looks extra tasty (almost typo'd that as "look sextra tasty")
L520[15:11:06] <xarses> equally as valid statement
L521[15:24:49] <payonel> xarses: that would be good, and i have a place for it
L522[15:24:52] ⇦ Quits: flappy (~flappy@a88-113-154-4.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L523[15:25:01] <payonel> xarses: what is the name of the mod and also what is the name of the component?
L524[15:26:02] <xarses> OpenPeripheral
L525[15:26:11] <xarses> openglasses_bridge
L526[15:26:29] <xarses> and drawer are the two I'll be updating soon
L527[15:27:21] <xarses> actually, I'm not certain that thats the right name of the bridge
L528[15:27:47] <xarses> but if your building a namespace pattern `drawer` is a component that mod sort of exposes
L529[15:28:30] <Mettaton_Fab> aw man, my CD drive broke
L530[15:28:34] <xarses> it aslo requires storage drawers mod
L531[15:28:43] <xarses> what's a CD drive?
L532[15:29:30] <Mettaton_Fab> a Drive to utilize Compact Discs
L533[15:29:35] <Mettaton_Fab> mine died
L534[15:29:48] <Mettaton_Fab> it even had an oaktech chipset
L535[15:30:03] <xarses> Compact Disks, whats that? is that a cloud provider?
L536[15:30:19] <ben_mkiv> sounds like a minecraft mod
L537[15:30:39] <Mettaton_Fab> it is a optical storage medium
L538[15:30:54] <Mettaton_Fab> the smallest size is 700MB
L539[15:30:55] <xarses> optical storage medium? you mean like a book?
L540[15:31:03] <Mettaton_Fab> nope, lasers
L541[15:31:15] <xarses> a book with freakin lasers...
L542[15:31:16] <xarses> damn
L543[15:31:21] <xarses> how do you cool that?
L544[15:31:38] <Mettaton_Fab> passive air cooling
L545[15:31:41] <xarses> I mean, wouldn't it catch on fire?
L546[15:32:08] <Forecaster> maybe the laser books are made out of asbestos?
L547[15:32:18] <xarses> hmmm
L548[15:32:37] <xarses> so I just tried stuffing the OC manual into the disk port, it didn't like that
L549[15:32:40] <Mettaton_Fab> why do all the awesome things ahve to fail all of a sudden
L550[15:32:59] <Mettaton_Fab> oh well, i can buy another one and more for 10€
L551[15:33:02] <Forecaster> @Mettaton_Fab drama
L552[15:33:15] <Mettaton_Fab> what
L553[15:33:27] <Forecaster> they have to fail because of drama
L554[15:33:41] <Mettaton_Fab> or maybe the IC had been shorted somehow
L555[15:33:58] <Mettaton_Fab> well, the rest of the drive is still ok tho
L556[15:34:05] <Mettaton_Fab> only this one IC
L557[15:34:13] <Mettaton_Fab> it is causing problems
L558[15:45:04] <payonel> xarses: ha, i was building a structure in the wiki for your request...and found we already had something. not the same as i was building it, but just add your details to this: http://ocdoc.cil.li/crossmod_interoperation
L559[15:45:04] <Forecaster> damn, darkest dungeon is 60% off on chrono.gg....
L560[15:45:11] <Forecaster> now I've gotta buy it
L561[15:46:01] <payonel> xarses: i'm not sure the cleanest way to link your ideas into that page, but, that's a good start
L562[15:46:20] <xarses> its mediawiki right?
L563[15:46:35] <payonel> xarses: if you have ideas of how that contents box at the bottom should be fixed, i can explain how to edit those
L564[15:47:04] <payonel> xarses: the part i don't know is specifically referring to layout design, look and feel
L565[15:47:07] <payonel> i'm not referring to mark up
L566[15:49:03] <xarses> oh, we can figure that out
L567[15:49:27] <xarses> I was guessing that I should add a namespace for the mod, and then keep everything there
L568[15:49:51] <Michiyo> so, something like how http://ocdoc.cil.li/addon:thutconcrete was done? :P
L569[15:49:58] <Michiyo> Also, no ocdoc isn't mediawiki
L570[15:50:11] <xarses> ya, I noticed trying to go into edit
L571[15:50:34] <xarses> ya, something like that
L572[15:51:04] <Michiyo> oh, and the computronics link needs fixed on the page you linked payonel :P
L573[15:51:09] <xarses> maybe with a better contents injection
L574[15:52:00] <xarses> Michiyo: which is the correct one now days?
L575[15:52:36] <Michiyo> https://wiki.vexatos.com/wiki:computronics would be the proper one for that link
L576[15:52:54] * payonel wishes everyone would contribute to the wiki
L577[15:53:11] <xarses> done
L578[15:53:18] <Michiyo> I tried to create an account many years ago... failed, said fuck this
L579[15:53:20] <Michiyo> :/
L580[15:53:31] <payonel> :\
L581[15:53:47] <xarses> payonel: ya, I can read the template markup and edited the right page, don't need directions =)
L582[15:53:53] <Kodos> Why can't discord support markdown tables ?
L583[15:54:17] <Michiyo> mentioned the error to... Sangar I think... no idea what the issue was, I could likely sign up now if I wanted
L584[15:54:22] <xarses> @Kodos, probably because no one asked
L585[15:54:25] <Michiyo> But instead I'm ordering pizza for dinner.
L586[15:54:45] <payonel> xarses: navigating is the hard part, like getting the contents box to show up, and knowing that [page_name]:contents is how to edit it
L587[15:54:50] <Michiyo> So I don't have to cook while setting up my shiny new xbox when I get home
L588[15:55:50] <payonel> xarses: it's not impossible, i just found it highly non-intuitive
L589[15:56:12] <payonel> oh and i hate that markup interpreter
L590[15:56:31] <xarses> payonel: if ocdoc is an appropriate place for this, then I can futz with it to get it to look sane
L591[15:56:33] <payonel> how you think you're adding new sections, or new bullet points, or tab code sections
L592[15:56:53] ⇦ Quits: Xal (~Xal@s010664777dabacc3.vw.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L593[15:56:57] <payonel> big nope, it decides that what you've written is an entirely new block, or it decides nope, that's a child element
L594[15:57:58] <Inari> payonel: Any tips on making OC devenv run :D
L595[15:58:16] <payonel> Inari: well i wanted to comment on the ticket when i had a good answer
L596[15:58:22] <Inari> Ah ^^
L597[15:58:24] <payonel> Inari: but it's a pain. honestly
L598[15:58:30] <Inari> I gave it the stuff it wanted
L599[15:58:36] <Inari> Couldn't find baubles deobf, so I went for normal baubles
L600[15:58:42] <Inari> Now it crashes with some calssnotfound stuff xD
L601[15:58:56] <payonel> Inari: it wasn't sangar's intention that you would have to work your ass off finding all those mods to get it to run
L602[15:59:03] <Inari> ^^
L603[15:59:09] <Inari> How's it supposed to operate? :o
L604[15:59:23] <payonel> rather, we are supposed to mark which mods are "provided" and which ones are "compiled"
L605[15:59:32] <Michiyo> Inari, you gave it normal baubles, did you atleast deobf it yourself? or what MC version?
L606[15:59:39] <payonel> all vanilla/fml mods are compiled, everything else is provided
L607[15:59:52] <payonel> Inari: if allll of that is setup right, then it'll start with only needing oc
L608[15:59:59] <Inari> Michiyo: Not sure how to deobf it. I diodn't seem to have to deobf all the other mods :|
L609[16:00:08] <payonel> that's also how sangar never noticed the AE2 jar is jacked up
L610[16:00:32] <Michiyo> which mc version though?
L611[16:00:40] <Inari> 1.7.10
L612[16:01:13] <payonel> Inari: i was going to provide either a script to change those settings correctly
L613[16:01:20] <payonel> or see if i could commit the settings
L614[16:01:25] <payonel> but they are configured in the idea config
L615[16:01:39] <payonel> it's just something i haven't looked into carefully yet
L616[16:02:18] <Inari> Okay
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L618[16:02:31] <Michiyo> yeah 1.7.10 was pretty dumb.. you had to feed it deobf builds or it choked... 1.8 or 1.9 changed so you could give it normal builds and it could runtime deobf for you if you set it up right..
L619[16:02:52] <Michiyo> umm.. one of the code chicken core or code chicken lib mods can on the fly deobf for you if you tell it where your mcp conf is..
L620[16:03:08] <Michiyo> that's how I used to have to deal with the shitload of deps in 1.7
L621[16:03:45] <Inari> I told it that
L622[16:05:03] <Michiyo> so, which CNF is it?
L623[16:05:13] <Inari> CNF?
L624[16:05:28] <Inari> Oh
L625[16:05:29] <Michiyo> ClassNotFOund
L626[16:05:38] <Michiyo> s/O/o/
L627[16:05:45] <MichiBot> <Michiyo> ClassNotFound
L628[16:05:46] * Michiyo stabs MichiBot
L629[16:05:51] <Michiyo> why. so. slow.
L630[16:06:05] <Inari> Because a quickie is no fun
L631[16:06:55] <payonel> Inari: i like you
L632[16:06:56] <payonel> haha
L633[16:07:54] <Michiyo> Oh... hey
L634[16:07:59] <Michiyo> I was able to make an account.
L635[16:08:00] <Michiyo> woo.
L636[16:08:05] <Inari> payonel: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4pz6ws93yd58nb4/iroha_c.webm?raw=1&dl=0
L637[16:08:50] <Forecaster> http://www.prezzybox.com/flamingo-slippers.aspx
L638[16:09:29] <Inari> Vexatos: As your resident flamingo appriciation minister, I feel you should review those
L639[16:10:05] <AmandaC> Inari is a member of FLAMINGO?
L640[16:10:17] <Inari> "our" means #oc
L641[16:10:26] <AmandaC> :P
L642[16:12:05] <xarses> payonel: well, I wanted to figure out the templates as it was for ocdoc, I wanted to fix up the signals page. I'll look into sorting something out for the addon and more
L643[16:13:32] <Inari> Michiyo: https://gist.github.com/Inari-Whitebear/2f4a0ed880e9b2aa54165dace847b114
L644[16:14:28] <Michiyo> Caused by: java.lang.ClassFormatError: Duplicate method name&signature in class file net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiContainer
L645[16:14:29] <Michiyo> o_O
L646[16:14:32] <Michiyo> that's....
L647[16:14:34] <Michiyo> different.
L648[16:14:46] <Inari> Maybe I pointed it to the wrong MCP
L649[16:15:05] <Michiyo> does the error print the list of loaded mods by chance?
L650[16:15:24] <Inari> Nope
L651[16:15:32] <Michiyo> damn...
L652[16:15:58] <Inari> https://gist.github.com/Inari-Whitebear/2c41794fb1613982d597cde35351af05 thats all
L653[16:17:46] <xarses> payonel: https://wiki.vexatos.com/wiki:computronics ?
L654[16:17:58] <xarses> bad link
L655[16:18:02] <xarses> payonel: http://ocdoc.cil.li/tutorial:autorun_options ?
L656[16:18:29] <payonel> xarses: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/2171
L657[16:18:55] <payonel> payonel said, "I think I should make a ocdoc page "
L658[16:19:09] <payonel> thus, i made a link in the ocdoc to that page
L659[16:19:13] <payonel> when i get around to it
L660[16:21:42] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-37-209-86-166.hsi15.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L661[16:23:29] <xarses> http://ocdoc.cil.li/tutorial:autorun_options
L662[16:23:32] <xarses> =P
L663[16:24:15] <payonel> haha, nice
L664[16:24:28] <xarses> I hate red links on a wiki
L665[16:24:41] <xarses> at least there is something to read now
L666[16:25:51] <xarses> also, I need to make a drivecopy program, install annoys me to no end
L667[16:27:08] <xarses> oh, shite I updated and nearly forgot about the new-old thingy I wanted to use
L668[16:27:23] <payonel> xarses: rm -rf /mnt/foo/*; cp -r /mnt/from/. /mnt/foo/
L669[16:27:34] <xarses> what was that thing that remotely connects to a TE in the adapter?
L670[16:28:19] <xarses> payonel: with a event.pull for filesystem component added
L671[16:28:44] <xarses> I hate the yes to confirm and the no to not reboot
L672[16:30:20] <The_Nick> wut is dis
L673[16:30:43] <payonel> xarses: --noreboot
L674[16:31:06] <payonel> xarses: but yeah, i'm open to feedback. it could be improved of course
L675[16:31:38] <payonel> xarses: i have a mtg, have to run, but, what do you mean? "with a event.pull for filesystem component added"
L676[16:32:06] <Michiyo> @The_Nick what is what?
L677[16:33:00] <The_Nick> i guess this is some sort of synh between two chats
L678[16:33:04] <Forecaster> Inari you said "your", not "our" :P
L679[16:33:30] <Inari> Oh
L680[16:33:33] <Inari> Fail :P
L681[16:34:00] <Michiyo> Yes, this channel is bridged between IRC and Discord... it even says so in the topic.
L682[16:34:05] <xarses> payonel: ./clone.lua --from / -> insert new disk -> event for component added-> figure out which disk path is new -> copy from source to new disk -> beep when done. -> remove disk -> repeat
L683[16:34:31] <The_Nick> Ye i know
L684[16:34:33] <xarses> I usually make 8 ish disks in a batch
L685[16:34:39] <The_Nick> But where are you chatting rn
L686[16:35:18] <Michiyo> IRC :P irc.esper.net #oc
L687[16:37:26] <The_Nick> I saw there was an OpenIRC or something like that, which i could install in OpenComputer, so i can connect to this using that? ?
L688[16:38:00] <Michiyo> yeah, it defaults to here IIRC
L689[16:38:51] <Michiyo> Though... if you're gonna use OpenIRC... grab wocchat from oppm
L690[16:39:05] <Michiyo> it's tons better :P just make sure you have a t2-t3 system to really enjoy it.
L691[16:39:36] <gamax92> well, just make sure you have a T2-T3 system to use it at all
L692[16:48:05] <Inari> https://twitter.com/sasukken/status/928031026986680320
L693[16:48:09] <MichiBot> Tue Nov 07 16:46:53 CST 2017 @sasukken: Nani the fuck did you just fucking iimasu about watashi, you chiisai bitch desuka? Watashi’ll have anata know that… https://t.co/7tnOOBk0Hs
L694[17:03:50] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L695[17:03:55] <Inari> https://twitter.com/LargeCardinal/status/928026769483096065 brilliant
L696[17:03:59] <MichiBot> Tue Nov 07 16:29:58 CST 2017 @LargeCardinal: WHY?! https://t.co/hrt4qOksDI
L697[17:04:33] <AmandaC> %choose cry or war 2.0
L698[17:04:34] <MichiBot> AmandaC: war 2.0
L699[17:05:29] <Michiyo> ahh... gotta love it when it's dark as shit @ 5 pm.
L700[17:08:09] <Inari> Michiyo: Whys it dark brown?
L701[17:09:28] <Michiyo> Lots of rednecks playing in the mud from all the rain.
L702[17:12:50] <S3> Inari: wtf?
L703[17:16:24] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC63FD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Flow, like the river.' - Hanzo (Overwatch))
L704[17:17:41] <Michiyo> lol
L705[17:18:54] <Vexatos> Nothing quite like finishing a report after midnight that's due on Friday
L706[17:56:52] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
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L711[18:33:49] <S3> infina: That actually does not always work.
L712[18:33:56] <S3> er
L713[18:34:06] <S3> inari but inari quit
L714[18:34:25] <S3> you cannot use int.MaxValue to reliably determine evenness
L715[18:39:24] <S3> This is because it can break in particular casts of ones compliment numbers
L716[18:39:45] <S3> where maxint might for some reason be -0
L717[18:39:47] <S3> which is even
L718[18:40:24] <S3> it probably wouldn't, but it is possible
L719[18:43:29] <S3> especially if you passed it -0
L720[18:50:01] <infina> S3: stop pinging me when I am driving.
L721[18:53:20] *** xarses_ is now known as xarses
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L726[19:00:11] <S3> :D
L727[19:11:55] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p57972076.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: no! no!! not that button!!!)
L728[19:16:26] <gamax92> I have to try doing audio stuff when my sound environment is being polluted by asshole neighbors
L729[19:16:34] <gamax92> :D
L730[19:17:10] <Izaya> so...
L731[19:17:12] <Izaya> https://a.uguu.se/lBT0Rzgl58i2_27706.jpg
L732[19:17:36] <gamax92> Izaya: a battery?
L733[19:18:16] <Izaya> my T420's
L734[19:18:23] <Izaya> it fell off a desk and cracked the casing
L735[19:20:44] <gamax92> r.i.p
L736[19:24:15] <Izaya> still works
L737[19:24:24] <Izaya> gonna tape it up and buy some replacements
L738[19:24:41] <Izaya> not a fan of carrying around a potential fire hazard
L739[19:35:43] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E4C1932DC3934098F3ECFBD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L740[19:47:17] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L741[19:49:36] <S3> gamax92: oh?
L742[19:49:45] <S3> gamax92: was it me?
L743[19:49:53] <S3> I was playing guitar
L744[19:50:03] <S3> and I have an 8000 watt amplifier
L745[20:15:06] <gamax92> it is silent now, I shall begin.
L746[20:16:22] * S3 turns on his amp
L747[20:16:41] <S3> I have a FreEBSD image for my beaglebone to flash
L748[20:16:55] <S3> and no way that isnt extremely painful to install it
L749[20:18:39] <gamax92> S3: EBSD
L750[20:18:53] <S3> oh?
L751[20:19:11] <S3> I'm just upgrading
L752[20:19:14] <S3> from 10.0 to 11.1
L753[20:35:13] <xarses> payonel: if i wanted to overload the terminal to work with similar, but not quite screen and keyboard devices, where would I start tty?
L754[20:35:43] <xarses> or just wrap the real components and play referee?
L755[20:38:39] <S3> xarses: .....
L756[20:38:42] <S3> wut.
L757[20:41:20] <xarses> https://slack-files.com/T0BHSB4HW-F7XNYNERM-55100bdf89
L758[20:42:11] <xarses> I need to do more to fake the gpu screen binding than just redirect the event names
L759[20:53:23] <KoxFox> Does anyone know of a pre-existing image file format for OC?
L760[20:53:29] <KoxFox> a.. simple one ... preferably.
L761[20:55:09] <gamax92> there's CTIF
L762[20:55:25] <gamax92> 320x200 pixel images
L763[20:55:37] <KoxFox> oc.cil.li?
L764[20:55:44] <gamax92> what?
L765[20:56:20] <gamax92> https://github.com/ChenThread/ctif
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L771[22:26:39] <AmandaC> xarses: glasses fake screen?
L772[22:28:29] * AmandaC curls up, sleeps
L773[22:31:58] <xarses> AmandaC: yes, I want to rope the glasses
L774[22:33:28] <xarses> and trick open os into sending the terminal there
L775[22:45:44] <Dudblockman> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/dekenodexuOdds of this blowing up in my face?
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L777[22:50:57] <Arcanitor> isn't there already an os.sleep() command
L778[22:52:00] <Dudblockman> I'm working in the BIOS environemnt
L779[22:52:07] <Dudblockman> I'm working in the BIOS environment [Edited]
L780[22:52:33] <Dudblockman> os.sleep() is part of OpenOS, and I cannot use it
L781[22:53:07] <xarses> the paste is broken?
L782[22:53:13] <gamax92> https://paste.pc-logix.com/dekenodexu
L783[22:53:23] <xarses> anyway your doing computer.pullsignal(0.1)?
L784[22:53:42] <Dudblockman> I modified the code from OpenOS to make that function, swapping event.pull for computer.pullSignal, and added a thing to recycle signals that get eaten by the loop
L785[22:54:30] <xarses> uh, I thought pullSignal took ms, not a timestamp
L786[22:55:01] <Dudblockman> If you do timestamp - currentTime
L787[22:55:45] <Dudblockman> If a singal fires while the sleep is going, it will prematurely end its slumber
L788[22:56:28] <Dudblockman> So it figures how much longer it needs to sleep, and adds the signal that woke it to a 'to do' list
L789[22:56:39] <Dudblockman> And returns to its peaceful nap
L790[22:57:32] <Dudblockman> Once it wakes, it pushes the 'to do' list back on to the signal stack in order, hopefully I'm preserving order correctly
L791[22:57:43] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549602B6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L792[22:58:15] <Mimiru> man I'm SO glad I added the code block -> pastebin stuff...
L793[22:59:07] <Dudblockman> XD
L794[22:59:33] <Dudblockman> Code block format is so pretty on discord...
L795[23:00:02] <Dudblockman> I can't imagine how it gets mangled when being sent to IRC
L796[23:00:39] <Mimiru> it gets nicely pastebined and then the link gets sent to IRC
L797[23:00:57] <Mimiru> https://paste.pc-logix.com/dekenodexu
L798[23:03:56] <xarses> cant you just sleep with a yield?
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L800[23:04:50] <Dudblockman> coroutines? I guess
L801[23:05:45] <Dudblockman> I just wanted a... faithful replication of os.sleep for uses in drone control and microcontroller timing\
L802[23:06:22] <Dudblockman> Or... psuedomicrocontroller computer/servers
L803[23:06:28] <xarses> also, isn't `os` a core module
L804[23:06:51] <Mimiru> you could have also stolen the actual os.sleep implementation... :P
L805[23:06:52] <Dudblockman> os.sleep is implemented in the boot process of OpenOS
L806[23:07:02] <Dudblockman> I did steal it ?
L807[23:07:40] <Dudblockman> I just modified it so it wouldn't chew up my signals without needing to include the event API
L808[23:07:54] <Dudblockman> Because... EEPROM
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L822[23:23:44] ⇨ Joins: Reika (~Reika@reika.kalseki.mods.abrarsyed.com)
L823[23:33:10] <payonel> xarses: tty.stream is the stream that the tty reads/writes from/to
L824[23:33:30] <payonel> xarses: this isn't ... a promised api (nothing in tty is) because it's still something i want to clean up over time
L825[23:34:26] <payonel> xarses: so if you set io.output and io.input to a custom stream, or a child type of tty.stream, you could implement some custom behavior
L826[23:34:44] <payonel> also the gpu the tty uses is tty.window.gpu (again, NOT an api)
L827[23:34:52] <payonel> so you could set that and intercept it
L828[23:35:12] <payonel> note that /lib/term does some of these things with tty
L829[23:36:08] <payonel> xarses: but at the end of the day, you just have to define an input and output stream for io.input/output
L830[23:36:28] <payonel> that's all the system expects
L831[23:36:34] <payonel> and that much IS api
L832[23:36:52] <payonel> @Dudblockman: i see you talking a lot about openos and os.sleep, did you have a question
L833[23:36:52] <payonel> ?
L834[23:37:20] <Dudblockman> It was more, does my code do any bad https://paste.pc-logix.com/dekenodexu
L835[23:37:26] <xarses> trying to get https://paste.pc-logix.com/dekenodexu to work
L836[23:38:12] <Dudblockman> https://pastebin.com/BtpV05Qs
L837[23:38:15] <xarses> payonel: hmm, I'll look there
L838[23:38:50] <Dudblockman> Uploaded to pastebin for in case hastebin is not workin for ya
L839[23:39:08] <payonel> hastebin not work for some people?
L840[23:39:14] <Dudblockman> I can english I swar, I'm just exhausted
L841[23:39:29] <payonel> xarses: is that the link you meant?
L842[23:39:40] <Dudblockman> xarses seems to be having trouble :/
L843[23:39:45] <payonel> :)
L844[23:39:53] <xarses> payonel: that was dublockman's link
L845[23:40:16] <payonel> xarses: oh you were answering my question to dudblockman
L846[23:40:17] <payonel> i see
L847[23:40:49] <payonel> xarses: i would like to abstract all things gpu from tty, and let tty JUST be the terminal driver
L848[23:41:00] <Dudblockman> payonel: The hastebin was actually some auto upload thing, I typed it all out as a codeblock in discord :/
L849[23:41:11] <payonel> xarses: but...the more i abstract, the more memory it usually costs :)
L850[23:41:20] <Dudblockman> fancy discord code blocks ?
L851[23:42:03] <gamax92> payonel: all the debugging output
L852[23:42:12] <payonel> @dudblockman i have two recommendations
L853[23:42:35] <payonel> 1. use table.pack as a rule of thumb when wanting to wrap results and then republish them
L854[23:42:41] <payonel> else you'll lose nils on the end
L855[23:42:41] <gamax92> whenver I don't understand why something is doing what it does I just put an output statement every line with random characters
L856[23:42:53] <Dudblockman> Neat ok
L857[23:43:00] <gamax92> and then I see oh IDKF goes to IOJDOI but then skipped IKDOGL
L858[23:43:35] <gamax92> and then I can have it output the values that would cause IKDOGL to be skipped and then see exactly what's going on
L859[23:43:53] <payonel> and 2. (and maybe you want it this way) why pack the signals collected during sleep, instead of dispatch ... ah, you don't have dispatch, you just want to requeue them because other code will just use pullSignal directly
L860[23:43:55] <payonel> sure, that's fine
L861[23:44:18] <gamax92> it is time to sleep
L862[23:44:45] <Dudblockman> payonel: Yeah, I just figured I wouldn't want to lose any signals that would normally be tossed during the sleep
L863[23:45:02] <payonel> mhmm
L864[23:45:33] <payonel> so: local d = table.pack(pull(t)), and if d.n > 0 then push(table.unpack(d, 1, d.n)) end
L865[23:45:49] <payonel> not literally t, and not literally push/pull
L866[23:45:53] <payonel> that's just the basic idea
L867[23:46:25] <payonel> and in your case i guess it'd be if d.n > 0 then e[#e+1] = d end
L868[23:47:45] <xarses> payonel: there appear to be a couple of random gpu calls in term otherwise ya, looks like most is with the stream
L869[23:47:59] <Dudblockman> I was just checking to make sure I wasn't trying to throw any nameless signals onto the stack
L870[23:48:09] <xarses> erm tty even
L871[23:48:13] <xarses> to many files
L872[23:49:22] <payonel> xarses: ah yeah! i should(CAN!) remove those gpu calls in term
L873[23:49:24] <Dudblockman> I forgot what happens when you try to push a signal without a name, I didn't want to find out
L874[23:49:39] <payonel> xarses: i'll do that soon
L875[23:49:55] <payonel> @dudblockman bad arg to push
L876[23:53:12] <Dudblockman> Figured error
L877[23:54:35] <payonel> xarses: if you start digging into how tty works, and you feel a different set of methods would make more sense, a code review would be welcome :)
L878[23:55:27] <xarses> payonel: if I ever get that far =/
L879[23:59:27] <Dudblockman> Thank you, payonel :D
L880[23:59:33] <payonel> yep :)
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