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L1[00:00:07] <Zer0AZ> I figure it might be useful to know how to do more than print ascii art
L2[00:00:29] ⇦ Quits: Zer0 (webchat@71-211-85-93.phnx.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L3[00:08:05] <Vindex> Classical school excessive) exercise - program snake
L4[00:08:28] <Vindex> Then snake on external screen
L5[00:08:33] <Vindex> Then on touchscreen
L6[00:09:01] <Vindex> Then on external screen controlled over network using tablet
L7[00:09:27] <Zer0AZ> Hmm. That seems like it'll suck to do, so that's the perfect practice I suppose lol
L8[00:10:43] <Vindex> It's not hard as base problem and you can start from simple to complex
L9[00:11:30] <Vindex> Then replace snake program with controlling a robot/drone :-D
L10[00:12:39] <Zer0AZ> Makes me wonder if you can do that with a robot and make it chase grass as the little points xD
L11[00:12:53] <Vindex> :-D
L12[00:13:59] <Vindex> Then make a robot deploy another robot like a snake tail :-D
L13[00:14:03] <Izaya> I need to do the 'play games using a DDR controller' thing again
L14[00:14:09] <Izaya> issue is that there's no games for OC
L15[00:15:21] <Zer0AZ> Correct me if I'm wrong: But is OC sort of like a wrapper for Lua inside of MC?
L16[00:16:03] <Izaya> OC has a version of native Lua packaged with it, and provides I/O and memory limitations and such
L17[00:16:10] <Izaya> It is a wrapper, of a sort.
L18[00:16:32] <Zer0AZ> Ah okay. That makes sense.
L19[00:16:56] <Izaya> Once upon a time you had to install Lua separately, but that isn't the case any more.
L20[00:18:52] <Izaya> At that point it was very much a wrapper
L21[00:21:50] <Vindex> Wait, what did you program in without Lua?
L22[00:22:12] <Izaya> You didn't.
L23[00:22:22] <Izaya> OC just didn't do anything without Lua installed on your system.
L24[00:29:11] <gamax92> It used to beep, install a reactor mod, build a reactor, then have it explode
L25[00:29:31] <Izaya> Same thing >.>
L26[00:48:39] <Zer0AZ> Does anyone have any sort of starting point for someone who wants to learn lua? A website or list of tutorials?
L27[00:50:10] <Saphire> Zer0AZ: okay, first question is: do you have any programming experience>
L28[00:50:24] <Saphire> I mean, literally anything, even a hello world?
L29[00:50:30] <Zer0AZ> It's been a long while but yes.
L30[00:51:07] <Zer0AZ> I've done PHP, Visual Basic (about 10 years ago), some light java for a RSPS,
L31[00:52:27] <Saphire> So, you do know the basics like what is a function, logic, how if/for works, right?
L32[00:52:36] <Zer0AZ> Yeppers.
L33[00:52:47] <Saphire> Only thing in Lua that is weird at first is the tables
L34[00:52:55] <Saphire> Uh, heard of hash tables?
L35[00:53:25] <Saphire> Where you have a table object, and you use a key to access a value.
L36[00:53:29] <Zer0AZ> Very vaguely. Something to do with abstract data types and arrays
L37[00:53:45] <Saphire> And, Lua has no fixed types.
L38[00:53:56] <Saphire> At least m pure Lua
L39[00:54:35] <Saphire> Well, I mean, if you assign a number 10 to variable a
L40[00:54:45] <Saphire> You can later set it to string
L41[00:54:48] <Saphire> Or even a function
L42[00:55:19] <Saphire> As for tutorials... Basically you need to know the syntax of it, and the rest is abstract programming
L43[00:55:21] <Zer0AZ> Oooh okay.
L44[00:55:59] <Saphire> Oh, functions and tables are objects. You store not a table or function, but a pointer to them, in a variable. Of
L45[00:56:24] <Saphire> By pointer I mean that of you have something like
L46[00:56:40] <Saphire> atable = {}
L47[00:56:45] <Saphire> And then do
L48[00:56:56] <Saphire> btable = atable
L49[00:57:25] <Saphire> If you do things with either of those variables, you'll do thing to the same table
L50[00:57:49] <Zer0AZ> Ahh okay. So it's just litterally learning the syntax and toying around from there then
L51[00:58:10] <Saphire> Yup
L52[00:58:23] <Saphire> And keeping in mind specific things like tables
L53[00:58:42] <Zer0AZ> Hmm fair enough. I think I'll see about picking apart this password protected door setup to start off then
L54[00:59:00] <Saphire> So to copy a take you don't sign the variable but create a new table and copy variables
L55[01:03:20] <Zer0AZ> https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/682-passworded-boor/?hl=password -- So with this page I'm planning to copy the code from the first reply. I know I'll need a case, screen, disk drive. I'm assuming I'll want a redstone i/o as well?
L56[01:04:06] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:1050:8dca:7dfd:2f01:f0ed) (Quit: Cervator)
L57[01:27:29] <Zer0AZ> Hm. I can't seem to use the label -a on my HD.
L58[01:27:37] <Zer0AZ> Throws a "Label is read-only" error.
L59[01:33:22] ⇨ Joins: Zer0-Ingame (~zer0-inga@71-211-85-93.phnx.qwest.net)
L60[01:33:33] <Zer0-Ingame> Ah okay now I've got the IRC working in-game
L61[01:33:45] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5b3c9d9d.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L62[01:33:46] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L63[01:34:14] ⇦ Quits: Zer0-Ingame (~zer0-inga@71-211-85-93.phnx.qwest.net) (Client Quit)
L64[01:37:57] <Saphire> Zer0AZ: hey, by the way
L65[01:38:06] <Saphire> Did you checked GitHub for the programs and etc?
L66[01:38:17] <Zer0AZ> I was browsing the forums a bit.
L67[01:38:24] <Saphire> Mainly, this
L68[01:38:27] <Saphire> http://openprograms.github.io/
L69[01:38:50] <Zer0AZ> Ah that seems useful.
L70[01:39:04] <Zer0AZ> I'm just setting up a computer in-game so that I can use my second screen for my stream chat xD
L71[01:39:16] <Zer0AZ> and check the IRC off the second pc ingame
L72[01:40:52] ⇨ Joins: Zer0AZ_InGame (~zer0az_in@71-211-85-93.phnx.qwest.net)
L73[01:59:12] <Zer0AZ> Saphire: I'm using BadCode's password door with a redstone i/o and I've modified the section where it sets the side the I/O should emit from to the north face. However it doesn't seem to emit a signal upon an accepted password. Any idea why that might be? Or am I using the I/O incorrectly?
L74[02:00:25] <Zer0AZ> Actually I'm sort of dumb. I have my cardinal directions backwards somehow.
L75[02:10:11] <Zer0CoolAZ> @Vexatos are you able to approve my question on the forums? ?
L76[02:13:10] <Vexatos> there is one ._.
L77[02:13:18] <Vexatos> oh nice I got a message
L78[02:13:48] <Vexatos> uuh
L79[02:13:53] <Vexatos> Zer0AZ, which one
L80[02:14:07] <Zer0AZ> It's under the support-> programming section for tweaking the password door script
L81[02:14:51] <Vexatos> I have never done this before D:
L82[02:14:55] * Vexatos glares at Lizzy
L83[02:15:19] <Lizzy> you're lucky i'm up for some reason
L84[02:15:34] <Zer0AZ_InGame> xD! Lizzy I don't know you yet, but thank you! <3
L85[02:15:47] <Vexatos> that reason being the perfectly normal™®© sleep schedule that most people in this channel seem to have
L86[02:15:58] <Lizzy> post approved
L87[02:16:03] <Vexatos> o
L88[02:16:06] <Vexatos> there is just a button
L89[02:16:08] <Vexatos> in the top
L90[02:16:09] <Vexatos> I SEE
L91[02:16:11] <Vexatos> THIS IS
L92[02:16:11] <Lizzy> yes
L93[02:16:12] <Vexatos> EASY
L94[02:16:17] <Vexatos> :I
L95[02:16:20] <Vexatos> ok then
L96[02:16:27] <AshIndigo> :|
L97[02:16:30] <Zer0AZ_InGame> Thanks :D. This script confuses me since it constantly emits redstone signal despite a password being accepted lol
L98[02:16:45] <Zer0AZ_InGame> er despite a password not being entered yet*
L99[02:17:27] <Lizzy> also I fell asleep at 8pm last night, woke up at 2 am, conked out again at 5am and have only just worken back up
L100[02:17:56] <Vexatos> Zer0AZ_InGame, basically, what it does is have RS level 15 as its default state
L101[02:17:57] <Lizzy> Zer0AZ_InGame, are you using vanilla redstone or a modded one?
L102[02:18:06] <Vexatos> and upon entering the password, it turns it off briefly
L103[02:18:15] <Vexatos> Do you just want to switch that?
L104[02:18:19] <Zer0AZ_InGame> I'm using vanilla redstone. and Yeah,
L105[02:18:34] <Lizzy> vanilla redstone's max value is 15
L106[02:18:46] <Lizzy> 255 is stuff like R:Red and other bundled wires
L107[02:18:51] <Zer0AZ_InGame> The way I understand how it /should/ work is that it shouldn't do anything until the password is accepted. Then emits it
L108[02:18:58] <Zer0AZ_InGame> Ah! So the 255 is what's killing it then
L109[02:19:03] <Lizzy> possibly
L110[02:19:16] <Vexatos> Doesn't look like it, actually
L111[02:19:20] <Vexatos> in every rs.setOutput, change 0 to 15 and 255 to 0, that should do
L112[02:19:32] <Vexatos> right now level 15 is the default, instead of 0
L113[02:19:42] <Zer0AZ_InGame> I'll give it a shot vex and see if that makes it do what I'm wanting. Thanks!
L114[02:20:01] <Lizzy> i'm now going to go stumble around my house to get a drink
L115[02:21:00] <Zer0AZ_InGame> That did it Vex. xD I'm trying to get a hang of this on FTB infinity lite, it's all so new to me lol
L116[02:34:07] <Zer0AZ> xD Well then, I suppose playing with the tape drive was a bad idea. It seemed to lock me into the GUI for it and I can't close it since I decided to press the record button lol
L117[02:38:02] ⇦ Quits: Zer0AZ_InGame (~zer0az_in@71-211-85-93.phnx.qwest.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L118[03:02:30] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L119[03:02:52] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com)
L120[03:05:47] <Vexatos> Zer0AZ, the record button should open a new window
L121[03:06:01] <Vexatos> (assume you are talking about charset, since Computronics doesn't have such a button >_>)
L122[03:23:59] <Forecaster> http://dilbert.com/strip/2017-07-22
L123[04:03:27] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L127[04:39:32] <Skye> %p
L128[04:39:34] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 0.17s
L129[04:55:43] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4FC1E0D1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L133[05:57:17] <AshIndigo> %p
L134[05:57:19] <MichiBot> Ping reply from AshIndigo 0.46s
L135[06:09:38] <Skye> %p
L136[06:09:40] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 0.97s
L137[06:35:27] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L139[06:56:08] <Kodos> %p
L140[06:56:15] <Kodos> Erm wait
L141[06:56:45] <AshIndigo> Ping reply from Kodos 0.27s
L142[06:58:05] <Izaya> %p
L143[06:58:08] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Izaya 0.7s
L144[06:58:09] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Izaya 0.34s
L145[06:58:20] <Izaya> I'd say your problem is that you're using Discord, but I seem to have made up the difference.
L146[07:00:00] ⇦ Quits: DeeJayh (~DeeJayh@184-91-158-101.res.bhn.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L147[07:07:59] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L148[07:41:00] <AshIndigo> https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10071-016-1001-6
L149[07:41:31] * AshIndigo wonders who thought of this study
L150[07:46:20] <Skye> %p
L151[07:46:23] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 0.18s
L152[07:46:24] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 0.28s
L153[07:46:28] <Skye> Wut.
L154[07:46:30] <Skye> Oh.
L155[07:46:34] <Skye> My laptop is still on.
L156[07:46:42] <Skye> I thought I turned it off.
L157[07:51:57] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L159[08:00:32] <Skye> %p
L160[08:00:34] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 0.92s
L161[08:00:35] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 0.2s
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L165[08:24:44] <AshIndigo> %p
L166[08:24:46] <MichiBot> Ping reply from AshIndigo 0.33s
L167[08:30:34] <Temia> Ash: A bloody genius.
L168[08:30:43] <Temia> Finding an excuse to play with cats and pass it off as research?
L169[08:32:11] <Vindex> Zer0AZ: well, I'll add to learning Lua one thing - read the manual
L170[08:33:29] <Vindex> https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/
L171[08:33:53] <Vindex> I call bullshit that it's just learning syntax - read this properly, test things out
L172[08:33:59] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@78-73-0-138-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
L173[08:34:15] <Vindex> You will be able to do more with Lua by groking it
L174[08:34:51] <Temia> Unless you plan on embedding it yourself though, you can safely skip chapter 4 though.
L175[08:35:13] <Vindex> I agree
L176[08:36:57] <Inari> Eh I think the best way to learn is by using it. :D
L177[08:41:46] <Temia> Honestly, my usual course of action with picking up a new language or library is to do tutorials, experiment with them, and learn how they tick.
L178[08:45:20] <Inari> Could also use koans
L179[08:45:37] <Syrren> rosetta code might help too
L180[08:46:06] <Syrren> ...holy shit, firefox just got nuked by the OOM killer
L181[08:46:10] <Syrren> haven't had that happen in years
L182[09:25:25] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Quit: Leaving)
L183[09:33:47] <vifino> gj
L184[09:36:20] <AmandaC> %choose try and play something while waiting or just sit and listen to the music
L185[09:36:21] <MichiBot> AmandaC: try and play something while waiting
L186[09:36:28] <AmandaC> hrm, nah
L187[09:37:00] <AmandaC> if I start a game, I'll just get frustrated when the ping happens that the build finished.
L188[09:45:09] <Inari> What are you building
L189[09:46:40] <AmandaC> gcc
L190[09:46:46] <AmandaC> for the 6502
L191[09:46:53] <AmandaC> trying to get the package I made for it to work right. :P
L192[09:52:48] <gamax92> %lua math.random(0,10).."/10"
L193[09:52:48] <MichiBot> 0/10
L194[09:52:53] <gamax92> Damn
L195[09:56:33] <AshIndigo> %choose flash soon or flash later
L196[09:56:34] <MichiBot> AshIndigo: flash later
L197[09:56:45] <AshIndigo> whatever you say MichiBot
L198[09:57:14] <AmandaC> ohai gamax92
L199[09:57:47] <gamax92> Good day AmandaC
L200[09:57:55] <AmandaC> How're you doing/
L201[09:58:59] <gamax92> Rewriting an encoder of mine from scratch cause the last time I worked on it was a year ago and I can't read my old code
L202[09:59:07] <AmandaC> haha
L203[10:29:54] ⇨ Joins: Dustpuppy (~kvirc@
L204[10:30:02] <Dustpuppy> hi
L205[10:30:20] <Dustpuppy> where can i find the thread lib?
L206[10:31:46] <AmandaC> %choose custom spec or keep trying to beat this one into submission
L207[10:31:47] <MichiBot> AmandaC: keep trying to beat this one into submission
L208[10:32:17] * AmandaC gets the Sharpened Stick of +1 code stabby back out
L209[10:39:57] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L211[10:58:15] * Temia yawnmoo. flops. zzz.
L212[10:58:28] <Temia> Getting this VM set up is tiring, but fulfilling.
L213[11:01:32] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-134-3-201-250.hsi14.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L214[11:05:54] <gamax92> Temia: passthrough?
L215[11:06:35] <Temia> Passthrough!
L216[11:06:53] <Temia> Audio works as well, but is a bit crackly. Now I just need to properly set up host audio.
L217[11:07:54] <Temia> Sad to say though that ALSA just does not cooperate well with digital outputs, so I've resorted to slaving it to PulseAudio :/
L218[11:08:26] <gamax92> but pulseaudio talks to alsa in the end
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L222[11:12:55] <Temia> If I was using just libpulse.
L223[11:13:15] <gamax92> Temia: I do not understand
L224[11:13:16] <Temia> Right now I have alsa configured to talk to Pulse instead. .-.
L225[11:13:38] <Temia> Or wait, I thought I did.
L226[11:14:04] <Temia> Ah crap, no, it's still using the old config file.
L227[11:14:08] * Temia tweak tweak fix fix
L228[11:14:15] <gamax92> pulse cannot talk to hardware without eventually going through alsa.
L229[11:15:25] <Temia> I could've sworn Pulse grabbed the device files directly.
L230[11:15:36] <gamax92> the device files are alsa .-.
L231[11:16:14] <Temia> Really? I thought they were exposed by an independent kernel module
L232[11:17:56] <Temia> Well, I can't be arsed to tear up my setup to double-check so I'll just correct myself: I've resorted to passing programs which use the ALSA API to Pulse via a custom asound.conf
L233[11:18:14] <Temia> At least once I've put that conf back in place.
L234[11:18:48] <gamax92> yeah that's a normal pulse setup, virtual alsa -> pulse -> alsa hw device
L235[11:19:03] <Temia> Since I was having no luck getting dmix to talk to the audio without constantly underrunning.
L236[11:19:25] <gamax92> alsa has a whole kernel driver api and it's own userspace api
L237[11:20:29] <Temia> Oh right, I was thinking only about the userspace library. I wasn't fully aware the kernel modules used an API defined by ALSA too.
L238[11:21:01] <Temia> Anyway!
L239[11:21:34] <Temia> Discovered that the confs installed as asound.conf.pacnew, corrected that. >_> Time to restart my ALSA-based software!
L240[11:22:35] <Temia> And I'll save any further work for when I get home because I'm gonna get out of the house and visit my sister. o/
L241[11:23:21] <Temia> I think I'm going to reserve my claim to saying that ALSA as a whole does not cooperate well with digital output because trying to get HDMI audio as a stopgap while I set up my stereo was impossible even when using Pulse for userspace. >_>
L242[11:25:08] <Temia> ...I wonder if my monitor exposes controls to the system to tell it to change inputs. Doubtful, but it'd be nice.
L243[11:25:57] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L244[11:26:13] <Temia> ...I don't see any means to run commands when Synergy changes viewports anyway so it'd be moot
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L261[11:44:22] <gamax92> uhh?
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L266[11:50:19] <Mimiru> looks like a server was having issues
L267[11:56:56] <gamax92> Mimiru: btw your cert is expired
L268[11:57:05] <Mimiru> numfucksgiven--;
L269[11:57:16] <Mimiru> LE is broken, I can't fix it, fuck it.
L270[11:57:40] <Inari> Shouldn't numfucksgiven be an unsigned variable
L271[11:57:45] <Inari> And thus if you were already low
L272[11:57:47] <Inari> wouldn't it overflow
L273[11:58:00] <gamax92> it's signed to account for debt
L274[11:58:04] <Mimiru> ^
L275[11:58:12] <Inari> "debt sex"
L276[11:58:13] <Inari> Interesting
L277[12:10:01] <Skye> Inari, wat
L278[12:11:00] <Temia> Inari pls.
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L289[15:10:06] <CompanionCube> you can be in debt for fucks given?
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L291[15:55:07] <Temia> I've been trying to think of how I want to approach passing USB devices to my Windows VM. Unfortunately, I cannot positively identify which ports go to which controllers as of yet; most of them seem to be to the same one, save for the ones which I'm already using for critical things like the keyboard and mouse (due to their short reach).
L292[15:55:18] <Temia> I might just end up getting a USB 3 hub and passing that to the VM instead.
L293[15:55:26] <Temia> Thoughts?
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L297[17:01:03] <AmandaC> %choose watch naime or watch youtube or listen to podcasts
L298[17:01:03] <MichiBot> AmandaC: watch youtube
L299[17:05:43] <Forecaster> Temia: sounds like a good plan
L300[17:06:59] ⇦ Quits: MalkContent (~MalkConte@p4FDCDACE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L301[17:18:21] <vifino> Temia: Can you add a usb card to the machine?
L302[17:18:30] <vifino> Pass that through directly, much, much more reliable.
L303[17:18:57] <Temia> Alas, the only USB card I have is PCI, and it's still in one of my old Alphastations back in Seattle .~
L304[17:18:59] <Temia> .~.
L305[17:18:59] <vifino> Tried to pass through just a subtree as well, didn't like hotplugging much.
L306[17:19:06] <Temia> Hrm.
L307[17:19:29] <Temia> So something I should definitely test before I make any investments myself, then.
L308[17:19:40] <vifino> Indeed.
L309[17:19:57] <vifino> On the other hand, $5 should get you a USB 2 one, little bit more for a USB 3 one.
L310[17:20:04] <vifino> Peanuts, really.
L311[17:22:19] <vifino> (Plus, ya know, more usb ports never hurt nobody.)
L312[17:22:55] <Temia> Yeah.
L313[17:23:05] <Temia> I'll give it some thought.
L314[17:23:34] <Temia> I don't need too many, honestly, just something to plug joysticks or gamepads into as needed.
L315[17:23:50] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5b3c9d9d.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L316[17:24:04] * vifino always manages to use them all
L317[17:26:46] <Skye> Goodnight!
L318[17:40:07] <AshIndigo> %choose mess with samba shares or meh
L319[17:40:12] <MichiBot> AshIndigo: mess with samba shares
L320[17:53:50] * AmandaC eyes Skye with suspicion, as she seems to have broken casuality. ( I swear the last time I read her message it had a lowercase 'g')
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L331[21:20:39] <cat2002> hello
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L341[22:03:02] <KarMagick> Sup guys, I'm in the process of re-learning lua and I need help with something, in all the documentation I could find, to clear the screen I'd use "term.clear() yeah? Except it's returning a nil error, am I doing this wrong?
L342[22:03:26] <Mimiru> did you require term?
L343[22:03:50] <Mimiru> term = require("term")
L344[22:03:54] <Mimiru> term.clear()
L345[22:03:59] <KarMagick> Ohhh okay, thank you!
L346[22:04:20] <Mimiru> s/term =/local term =/
L347[22:04:20] <MichiBot> <Mimiru> local term = require("term")
L348[22:04:22] <KarMagick> My only experience (when I say relearning) was CC and that was oversimplified and that could be skipped :p
L349[22:04:23] <Mimiru> :P
L350[22:04:59] <KarMagick> This is basically like calling libraries in java (or something like that, that's years behind too ;-;)
L351[22:07:31] <KarMagick> Welp I connected to the irc through the computer I'm trying to make this work on, so I'll disconnect to fix that, thank you very very very much Mimiru <3
L352[22:07:41] <Mimiru> No prob
L353[22:08:06] <KarMagick> Have a nice evening or day or whatever timezone you're in <3
L354[22:08:08] <KarMagick> o/
L355[22:08:11] <Mimiru> \o
L356[22:08:18] ⇦ Quits: KarMagick (~karmagick@ovd2.bisecthosting.com) (Quit: KarMagick)
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L359[22:45:47] <KarMagick> Hello I'm back :3 I got another problem now ;-; | pastebin get 97XTJwEj rfMonitor | I want it to not update the screen if values didn't change and I tried a bunch of different things and couldn't get that part working.. If anyone wants to help and test this code you just need to hook up a Immersive Engineering HV Capacitor to the adapter ^^ Thank you very much, any kind of help greatly appreciated <3
L360[22:50:52] <KarMagick> I think I figured it out actually, brb gonna attempt
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L363[22:52:12] <KarMagick> I didn't figure it out. :I
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L366[23:00:11] <logan2611> hot
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L370[23:07:01] * Temia patpats.
L371[23:08:05] <Temia> Also, I think I know what the problem might be?
L372[23:08:49] <Temia> Well, besides the obvious bit that you commented out the last updated value, but you tried to give it a local assignment multiple times -- you only need to do that when you first declare it.
L373[23:09:03] <Temia> So instead of "local last = cur", you can just have "last = cur"
L374[23:09:29] <Temia> Or at the end, remove the local from line 23 if you wish.
L375[23:09:39] <Temia> Either would work.
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L378[23:13:46] <Guest75878> so this community is still alive! fantastico.
L379[23:15:20] <Guest75878> so i'm looking for some projects to better understand OC and coding in general. any ideas?
L380[23:16:43] <Izaya> write programs for MultICE
L381[23:16:45] <Izaya> :3
L382[23:17:05] <Guest75878> looking that up
L383[23:17:24] <Izaya> https://shadowkat.net/projects/multice/
L384[23:18:23] <BobbyTables2012> being the cybersec student I am, my first project was to write a simple reverse shell
L385[23:18:36] <BobbyTables2012> and then to find some exploits
L386[23:18:57] <Guest75878> lol. worth looking into.
L387[23:18:59] <BobbyTables2012> would recomend if you want to really understand how oc works
L388[23:19:41] <BobbyTables2012> its also great to apply what I am learning in grad school
L389[23:21:06] <Guest75878> i may have to come back to that one. i've only been at this 3 days. i've gotten to the point where i can call a library i made, but still havnt delved into maths yet >.>
L390[23:21:43] <Guest75878> oc is my first dive into coding. its actually a little intimidating
L391[23:21:47] <BobbyTables2012> that was near where I was, but I knew a good ammount of lua and had training from both college and
L392[23:21:55] <BobbyTables2012> work in comp sci and infosec
L393[23:22:57] <Guest75878> lol. getting into IDS systems at work. this may actually be a good project. i'll add it to multiICE
L394[23:23:27] <BobbyTables2012> what you work in
L395[23:23:35] <Izaya> I've written a shell forwarding thing, including a terrible authentication system
L396[23:23:42] <Izaya> really need to switch it to sha rather than crc32
L397[23:24:54] <Guest75878> i work for an MSP :/ its not exiting, most of my work is on help desk, but because of the way i handle notes they want me on security monitoring
L398[23:25:11] <BobbyTables2012> ah
L399[23:25:35] <KarMagick> thanks Tamia, ill be right back to test it <3
L400[23:25:41] ⇦ Quits: KarMagick (~karmagick@ovd2.bisecthosting.com) (Quit: KarMagick)
L401[23:26:52] <Guest75878> with no formal training, even getting my first lua program to run was a little challenging at first. but if i can get a rubiks cube down, i think i can get this as well.
L402[23:28:29] * Izaya is conflicted
L403[23:29:05] <Izaya> I could bang out this application real quick if I write it in JS using QtQuick but that'd mean writing javashit for production use
L404[23:30:53] <Guest75878> would writing it better benefit you in the long run? will this become the E-tape on the wire that is temporarily perminent? will you use this every day?
L405[23:31:10] <BobbyTables2012> I believe there is a JS to lua compiler for opencomputers
L406[23:31:20] <Guest75878> if you answered yes to any of these questions then do it the hard way.
L407[23:31:54] <BobbyTables2012> oh there changed my nick from guest
L408[23:33:00] <Izaya> why would you want to write JS rather than Lua though?
L409[23:33:17] <Izaya> Lua's faster, cleaner, saner and doesn't have a new standard library every 3 minutes
L410[23:33:21] <BobbyTables2012> because you know JS well but dont know Lua well
L411[23:33:31] <BobbyTables2012> I got the impression that that was your situation
L412[23:33:42] <Temia> >Tamia
L413[23:33:55] <Temia> ...still better than some of the things people call me. >_
L414[23:33:58] <Temia> >_>
L415[23:33:59] <Izaya> Nah, it's either JS or C++, and I know a little JS but basically no C++
L416[23:34:08] <BobbyTables2012> ah
L417[23:35:11] <Guest75878> hey, as long as it doesn't turn into a front end for a database in microsoft access that "is mission critical" and crashes when you sneeze, it should be just fine.
L418[23:35:53] <Izaya> It basically manipulates CSV files
L419[23:36:04] <Izaya> but I mean, I'd much rather know C++ than Javashit so
L420[23:36:41] <Guest75878> whats wrong with javascript? :3 its only cancer...
L421[23:36:59] <Izaya> I could give you a few reasons but it'd cast them to NaN
L422[23:37:15] <BobbyTables2012> there is no chemo for javascript
L423[23:37:15] <Guest75878> lol
L424[23:37:21] <BobbyTables2012> thats whats wrong with it
L425[23:38:06] <BobbyTables2012> to be serious, javascript is worth learning if you plan to do stuff with web applications and stuff
L426[23:38:20] <BobbyTables2012> but c++ is probably more valuable to learn
L427[23:38:41] <Izaya> I'd rather shoot myself in the chest and foot at the same time than do web application development
L428[23:38:53] <Guest75878> i dont plan on doing too much with the web. what little i know about JS is pretty damned scary.
L429[23:39:28] <BobbyTables2012> I dont do web application development that much nowdays (thank god), but I do a lot with security
L430[23:39:38] <Guest75878> eventaully, all i want to do is make a reactor controll system with a histogram that pulls data logs from a raid array in OC
L431[23:40:23] <Guest75878> from there i can work on security robots and little slave robo quarries
L432[23:41:22] <Guest75878> but for now, i'm learning how to talk to other devices. UUID's in OC are a bit of a pain right now.
L433[23:41:26] <BobbyTables2012> my first job was some web app dev during college
L434[23:44:02] <Guest75878> never went. dropped out of highschool and joined the rat race. went from working in a boatyard to working on helpdesk. life has some funny turns.
L435[23:44:12] <BobbyTables2012> After which I basically became a junior sys admin
L436[23:44:16] <BobbyTables2012> which became formal
L437[23:45:51] <Guest75878> ah, so you get to deal with the C suite demanding rediculous programs that are expensive with no support, and when everything breaks you have to figure out why, and if you dont its your fault.
L438[23:45:54] <BobbyTables2012> I am currently in cybersec from there
L439[23:45:55] <BobbyTables2012> ah
L440[23:46:11] <BobbyTables2012> yep
L441[23:46:18] <BobbyTables2012> so glad I wasnt in there for long
L442[23:46:46] <Izaya> sysadmin is nice
L443[23:47:25] <Guest75878> sysadmin is nice like pork tenderloin is nice. its a great meal, but if your stuck eating it 20 days a month, then its pretty miserable.
L444[23:47:57] * Izaya shrugs
L445[23:48:08] <Izaya> at this point I spend most of my work time tweaking stuff or playing games
L446[23:48:59] <BobbyTables2012> yeah I'm not in it anymore but it was nice
L447[23:49:14] <Guest75878> "we need this integrated int our system* ooookay, so we have to integrate it with LDAP "no, active directory" -_-
L448[23:49:47] <Izaya> "so LDAP" "no the active directory >.> can we talk to your supervisor?"
L449[23:49:58] <BobbyTables2012> it was my launching point into vulnerability research and pentesting
L450[23:50:45] <Guest75878> lol i love it when my suporvisor says the same things i did. "alright, we'll get started with LDAP" 'but but but'
L451[23:51:13] <BobbyTables2012> the thing I always hated is when supervisors insisted on extremely insecure systems
L452[23:51:27] <Izaya> like Windows :^)
L453[23:52:10] <Guest75878> systems are inherently insecure. linux out of the box depending on flavor is one giant gaping maw of vulnerable. same with mac. same with windows.
L454[23:52:10] <BobbyTables2012> like remote command injection with root access that is so obvious that anybody competent will
L455[23:52:18] <BobbyTables2012> discover it in under 15 minutes bad
L456[23:52:52] <Guest75878> or programs from the 90's that send PW in plain text over telnet.
L457[23:52:56] <BobbyTables2012> yep
L458[23:53:09] <Izaya> are they written in Tcl, too?
L459[23:53:14] <Guest75878> "its our medical records framework!" O_______O
L460[23:53:22] <BobbyTables2012> kind of scary given that nuclear command and control is done by a 70s ibm mainframe
L461[23:53:46] <Guest75878> wait wat?
L462[23:53:49] <Guest75878> no upgrade?
L463[23:54:01] <BobbyTables2012> yeah
L464[23:54:13] <BobbyTables2012> its hardly the only one too
L465[23:54:21] <BobbyTables2012> the treasury also uses 70s machines
L466[23:55:00] <Guest75878> i mean...
L467[23:55:21] <Izaya> at least the attack surface would be small..?
L468[23:55:22] <BobbyTables2012> look at this
L469[23:55:25] <BobbyTables2012> http://www.gao.gov/assets/680/677436.pdf
L470[23:55:28] <BobbyTables2012> page 35
L471[23:56:01] <BobbyTables2012> at least the nuclear one is being upgraded this year
L472[23:56:19] <Izaya> hardware is p. irrelevant though tbh
L473[23:56:24] <Izaya> the question is the software
L474[23:56:38] <BobbyTables2012> software is also that old
L475[23:56:43] <Izaya> that's the issue
L476[23:56:57] <BobbyTables2012> like written in assembly
L477[23:56:59] <Izaya> some fancy Burroughs systems would probably have more "secure" hardware than modern systems
L478[23:57:14] <Izaya> what difference does the language make?
L479[23:57:34] <Izaya> actually scrap that question too lazy
L480[23:57:41] <BobbyTables2012> programs written in assembly tend to be insecure
L481[23:57:49] <Guest75878> security through obscurity? really?
L482[23:58:05] <Izaya> Guest75878: where?
L483[23:58:13] <BobbyTables2012> us federal government
L484[23:58:17] <Izaya> ah
L485[23:58:22] <BobbyTables2012> treasury
L486[23:58:25] <Guest75878> considering older systems secure because of age out is a baaad idea.
L487[23:58:25] <Izaya> yeah they're not very intelligent
L488[23:58:28] <BobbyTables2012> nuclear command and control
L489[23:58:48] <BobbyTables2012> among many others
L490[23:58:58] <BobbyTables2012> check p. 35 of the report I linked
L491[23:59:30] <BobbyTables2012> also, really old hardware tends to be less secure
L492[23:59:49] <Guest75878> what happens if one of those vacuum tubes goes out? lol. who's going to order that off of amazon? have to rob a museum
L493[23:59:55] <BobbyTables2012> particiularly for stuff like buffer overflows that old machines had poor protection against
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