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L16[02:33:51] <g> Everyone blame @Dudblockman
L17[02:34:23] <Dudblockman> Well for the record I created corrupted microcontrollers that nuked the server... twicwe
L18[02:34:38] <Dudblockman> And the mods were not exactly happy
L19[02:34:47] <Dudblockman> The server got nuked again
L20[02:35:08] <Dudblockman> This time it was ExtraUtils2 quantum quarry
L21[02:35:23] <Dudblockman> I can say for certain I am one of the few not using it
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L23[03:21:44] ⇨ Joins: payomc (~payomc@74-36-194-237.dr01.atmr.al.frontiernet.net)
L24[03:21:49] <payomc> more testing
L25[03:21:59] <payomc> fantastic
L26[03:22:01] <payomc> it works!
L27[03:22:16] <payomc> hi everyone!
L28[03:22:24] <payomc> gamax92: o/
L29[03:23:47] ⇦ Quits: payomc (~payomc@74-36-194-237.dr01.atmr.al.frontiernet.net) (Client Quit)
L30[03:36:07] <payonel> %tell gamax92 i think i'll need to have the keyboard and mouse register as input sources to the frame
L31[03:36:08] <MichiBot> payonel: gamax92 will be notified of this message when next seen.
L32[03:44:24] ⇨ Joins: opt (~khalidopt@
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L34[03:54:22] <Izaya> FireGL: My GPUs right now
L35[03:59:30] <payonel> Izaya: o/
L36[04:00:26] <payonel> Izaya: check out the gifs i pasted in the comments https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/pull/2449
L37[04:00:44] <payonel> the latest openos 1.6.7 update has some serious terminal text wrapping performance improvements
L38[04:02:58] <Izaya> payonel: that's quite the difference
L39[04:03:22] <Izaya> was thinking I should probably leave the current MultICE tty.lua as is
L40[04:03:27] <Izaya> but the new one
L41[04:03:45] <Izaya> VT{52,100} support, and have a buffer rather than blit each character to the screen individually
L42[04:32:14] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
L43[04:41:40] <Ember_Primrose> goodmorning oc!
L44[05:09:10] <Izaya> whoa you're alive
L45[05:23:21] <Ember_Primrose> barely XD
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L48[05:41:34] <Izaya> how's stuff?
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L52[06:12:48] <Skye> Hai @Ember_Primrose
L53[06:13:14] <Ember_Primrose> hello!
L54[06:57:17] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4FC1EFC5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L60[07:40:11] <Saphire> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boring_Company
L61[07:40:23] <Saphire> ... I thought that was a joke at first O.o
L62[07:42:46] ⇨ Joins: vifino (~vifino@tty.sh)
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L64[07:45:04] <Izaya> man the Metro games run so ridiculously well
L65[07:45:10] *** Guest45470 is now known as vifino
L66[07:45:46] <Izaya> they look better than some other games and I get a solid 120FPS with my weak CPU and 5-gen-old GPU
L67[07:46:47] <Saphire> Well, it was made for Russia
L68[07:46:56] <Saphire> Where most people don't have off-the-shelf GPUs
L69[07:47:14] <Izaya> off the shelf GPUs?
L70[07:47:14] <Saphire> So, it must run at least on 2005s or 2008s GPUs
L71[07:47:35] <Saphire> Izaya: I mean, the current (for the release) generation
L72[07:47:41] <Saphire> Like some games might need
L73[07:47:43] <Izaya> orite
L74[07:47:51] <Ember_Primrose> a wild inari has appeared
L75[07:47:53] <Izaya> not a huge amount of people do the computer enthusiast thing
L76[07:48:09] <Izaya> off the shelf means not custom to me
L77[07:48:23] <Skye> A wild Ember has appeared?
L78[07:48:28] <Saphire> Izaya: wanna play some .io games? :D
L79[07:48:35] <Ember_Primrose> was always here lel
L80[07:48:37] <Ember_Primrose> well
L81[07:48:39] <Ember_Primrose> today
L82[07:48:39] <Saphire> O hi Ember!
L83[07:48:40] <Izaya> that means using javascript
L84[07:48:44] <Ember_Primrose> hey
L85[07:48:46] <Skye> Saphire, the source engine also works quite well.
L86[07:48:48] <Saphire> And... don't think I have seen you in a while?
L87[07:48:50] <Izaya> so that'd mean installing a real browser
L88[07:48:56] <Saphire> Izaya: aww...
L89[07:48:57] <Ember_Primrose> yeea
L90[07:49:15] <Izaya> random thought
L91[07:49:21] <Izaya> is there ... anything using webasm yet?
L92[07:49:24] <Ember_Primrose> irl things and personal crap
L93[07:49:30] <Saphire> So, uh, did anyone saw "The Boring Company" thing?
L94[07:49:39] <Saphire> Izaya: nope, haven't heard about it AT ALL
L95[07:49:41] <Skye> Saphire, why cars why not trains
L96[07:49:53] <Saphire> Skye: that's LaterTM
L97[07:50:29] <Saphire> But really, he already proposed pressurized tunnels for capsules. Not trains, but I guess that counts still?
L98[07:50:46] <Skye> ugh
L99[07:50:49] <Izaya> railcars :^)
L100[07:50:56] <Skye> what is wrong with US people and trains
L101[07:51:28] <Izaya> we had lots of trains in Australia
L102[07:51:42] <Izaya> the government figured out they could make more money off trucks
L103[07:51:44] <AmandaC> %choose tempt the comcast gods or meh
L104[07:51:45] <MichiBot> AmandaC: tempt the comcast gods
L105[07:51:48] <Izaya> so now we only have trains in major cities
L106[07:53:14] <AmandaC> Trains are mostly freight in the US
L107[07:53:21] <Saphire> Skye: Russia uses trains /a lot/
L108[07:53:53] <Saphire> They are pretty much go-to method of moving things across the whole country if you don't want to may a lot for the planes
L109[07:54:08] <Saphire> That is both passengers and good/etc
L110[07:54:12] <AmandaC> There's this whole mentality implanted by car companies that having a car is "freeing" so nobody wants to support public transport, so that's shitty, so cars are a better option for mobility in most cities / towns
L111[07:54:27] <Saphire> AmandaC: fun fact
L112[07:54:41] <Saphire> So, my city, not so great , right?
L113[07:54:46] <Saphire> But there is tram network here
L114[07:54:55] <Saphire> And it was made all the way back in USSR
L115[07:54:57] <AmandaC> Better public transport than the best US town, I'm guessing.
L116[07:55:00] <Saphire> And, they had a project
L117[07:55:13] <Saphire> Of connecting it all around the city
L118[07:55:24] <Saphire> There's a forest that is kiinda slightly in the city
L119[07:55:32] <Saphire> And they wanted to have a line all the way trough
L120[07:55:57] <Saphire> So it would connect central and more residential parts of the city with more than one road
L121[07:56:18] <Saphire> Guess what happened? USSR fell apart, and that pretty much got vuried
L122[07:56:20] <Saphire> *buried
L123[07:56:41] <Skye> meanwhile the UK was building rails
L124[07:56:44] <Saphire> Seriosly, the place for it is practically there, but
L125[07:56:46] <Skye> then world war I happened
L126[07:56:49] <Skye> then world war II
L127[07:56:50] <Saphire> It's all covered in buildings.
L128[07:57:01] <Saphire> Oh, another funny thing
L129[07:57:07] <Saphire> The city is expanding. Very very fast
L130[07:57:08] <Skye> then it was nationalised, ooo, then suddenly the beeching axe
L131[07:57:20] <Skye> now our trains are overcrouded
L132[07:57:32] <Saphire> In just a few years they practically built an entine new part of the city.
L133[07:57:48] <Saphire> Well, extended the old residential area and put even MORE apartment buildings
L134[07:57:59] <Saphire> (they are so close that there's pretty much no parking space...)
L135[07:58:18] <Skye> Saphire, sounds a bit like london
L136[07:58:19] <Skye> except
L137[07:58:29] <Skye> instead of expand, it's more... fill in all the green
L138[07:58:32] <Saphire> And underground parking? Ha! They don't have /time/ for it
L139[07:58:37] <Skye> and old industrial buildings
L140[07:58:39] <Saphire> Skye: that's included too.
L141[07:58:45] <Saphire> Actually, so
L142[07:58:49] <Skye> like... london is surrounded by a barrier
L143[07:58:50] <Saphire> All industrial buildings
L144[07:58:55] <Saphire> All, ALL OF THEM
L145[07:58:57] <Skye> it is illegal for it to go past that barrier.
L146[07:58:58] <Saphire> They are malls
L147[07:59:16] <AmandaC> Skye: London or the Town of London?
L148[07:59:49] <Skye> London itself
L149[07:59:53] <Skye> surrounded by the green belt
L150[08:00:02] <Skye> (greater london)
L151[08:00:06] <Saphire> The biggest factories that were here... My dad was laughing just yesterday how an old soviet overview of the city talked about them...
L152[08:00:08] <AmandaC> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrObZ_HZZUc
L153[08:00:10] <MichiBot> The (Secret) City of London, Part 1: History | length: 4m 48s | Likes: 44,063 Dislikes: 530 Views: 4,057,797 | by CGP Grey | Published On 23/7/2012
L154[08:00:18] <Saphire> And he was just saying "gone, bankrupt, bankrupt, gone..."
L155[08:00:22] <Skye> the "City of London" is well... surrounded by Greater London.
L156[08:00:24] <Saphire> And so on.
L157[08:01:38] <Skye> let's all create our own country
L158[08:07:09] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L159[08:08:34] <Izaya> yay
L160[08:08:43] <Izaya> Skye: we should build a space station
L161[08:08:47] <Izaya> become space communists
L162[08:09:08] ⇨ Joins: nervous (~nervous@pinkbyte.ttyh.ru)
L163[08:09:15] <Skye> Izaya, fun fact: doctor who says that capitalism fails humanity
L164[08:09:40] <Izaya> tbh all government sucks
L165[08:09:48] <Izaya> and that's not saying anarchy works either
L166[08:10:01] <Izaya> it's p. much if you want stuff to work you can't have humans involved
L167[08:15:18] <Izaya> is it cheating to switch to night vision when fighting the dark ones?
L168[08:17:11] <vifino> not really.
L169[08:17:23] <vifino> that's what it is there for, really.
L170[08:21:42] <Izaya> I guess so.
L171[08:23:41] *** Guest9627 is now known as Thog
L172[08:45:33] * Inari wonders how ant meat would taste if ants were big
L173[08:46:43] <AmandaC> Inari: like chicken
L174[08:48:12] ⇦ Quits: nervous (~nervous@pinkbyte.ttyh.ru) (Quit: Proudly using WocChat!)
L175[08:51:47] <Izaya> everything tastes like chicken
L176[09:12:59] <Vindex> I like this channel, discussion ranging from programming to urban planning
L177[09:13:25] <Vindex> And sometimes.
L178[09:13:32] <Vindex> ... weird studf
L179[09:17:03] <Saphire> Lik eInari?
L180[09:17:29] * Saphire picks up AmandaC and carefully hats Vindex
L181[09:21:03] <Vindex> I think Inari, not sure right now
L182[09:28:38] <Saphire> *Like Inari
L183[09:28:45] <Saphire> Space derp :P
L184[09:28:53] <Mimiru> eInari ftw.
L185[09:31:46] <Mettaton_Fab> isnt that writing like Inari?
L186[09:32:04] <Mettaton_Fab> i have like 3 spiders in my room, what should i do?
L187[09:33:52] <Temia> Does the e stand for ero?
L188[09:33:59] <Temia> Because that's all I expect out of her :p
L189[09:36:51] <AmandaC> @Mettaton_Fab burn down the house, it's the only way to be sure.
L190[09:37:19] <Mettaton_Fab> its tiny spiders tho
L191[09:38:31] <vifino> Temia: Isn't that implied?
L192[09:38:55] <Temia> Maybe
L193[09:39:34] * Temia flops against Saphire. Still doesn't know what the chirping was for earlier, so do tell? :o
L194[09:40:46] * Saphire blinks
L195[09:40:55] <Saphire> Whoa, you haven't been on here for a while D
L196[09:40:57] <Saphire> *D:
L197[09:41:03] * Saphire snugs Temia
L198[09:41:08] <Saphire> Don't remember!
L199[09:41:26] <Saphire> Oh, right, saw your twitter o..o I think that's your...?
L200[09:41:44] <Saphire> It's just around 2m of reposts, right?
L201[09:41:46] <Inari> Temia: I can't decide if thats lewd or rude
L202[09:41:51] <Inari> So lets go with lude
L203[09:42:09] <Temia> ?
L204[09:42:18] <Temia> Saphire, username in quetsion?
L205[09:42:23] <Temia> *question
L206[09:42:27] <Inari> @ [16:33:55] <Temia> Because that's all I expect out of her :p
L207[09:42:46] <Temia> No Inari, I know what you thought was rude.
L208[09:42:53] <Temia> I was talking with Saphire though.
L209[09:43:17] * vifino sighs
L210[09:44:08] <Temia> Because that doesn't sound like my twitter.
L211[09:44:19] ⇨ Joins: Dimensional (~kvirc@
L212[09:52:03] <Temia> Saphire? :o
L213[10:00:17] <Saphire> Oh o..o
L214[10:00:20] * Saphire shrugs
L215[10:00:40] <Saphire> Oh whatever.
L216[10:00:55] * Saphire sits on Temia's head.
L217[10:01:31] <Saphire> ...as in, tiny-sized
L218[10:02:07] <gamax92> 'ello
L219[10:03:21] <Saphire> 'ey!
L220[10:03:26] <AshIndigo> Eyo gamax
L221[10:04:30] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-37-209-117-136.hsi15.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L222[10:09:36] <Saphire> ...youtube.
L223[10:09:37] <Saphire> Youtube.
L224[10:09:40] <Saphire> Why.
L225[10:09:42] <Saphire> WHY
L226[10:09:46] <Saphire> WHY DON'T YOU REMEMBER
L228[10:10:02] <Saphire> Sigh.
L229[10:16:20] <gamax92> Russian
L230[10:19:46] <Saphire> ...yes.
L231[10:20:05] <Saphire> It always, and I mean ALWAYS resets it to fucking Russian
L232[10:20:13] <Saphire> With russian subtitles...
L233[10:20:26] <Saphire> And very terrible russian videos
L234[10:20:56] <AshIndigo> Did you get the computer from Russia?
L235[10:21:42] <AshIndigo> I got my laptop while I was in Poland and google always thinks I'm in Poland even though I'm in the UK now
L236[10:23:14] <gamax92> AshIndigo: Saphire is russian
L237[10:23:30] <AshIndigo> Oh
L238[10:40:46] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C9D9D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L239[10:40:46] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L240[10:47:36] <Mimiru> %p
L241[10:47:39] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Mimiru 0.24s
L242[10:47:43] <Mimiru> %p
L243[10:47:44] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Mimiru 0.24s
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L247[10:50:34] ⇦ Quits: Dimensional (~kvirc@ (Quit: KVIrc 4.9.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L248[10:50:46] <Techokami> @payonel, stupid question, but how do I play with your super awesome OpenOS improvements if there's no new OC build on Curse to update my Curse-using modpack with?
L249[10:50:58] <Techokami> the VT100 stuff is crazy exciting
L250[10:53:40] <Vexatos> http://ci.cil.li/
L251[10:56:19] <gamax92> Techokami: abandon Curse?
L252[10:56:38] <gamax92> it's a Curse that forces you to only be able to use Curse stuff
L253[10:57:19] <Techokami> well the pack is actually owned by someone else
L254[10:57:29] <Techokami> who is a big Curse user >_>
L255[10:57:29] <Vexatos> I know three curse mod packs using the flamingo mod :D
L256[10:57:32] <gamax92> yell at them then and tell them to stop
L257[10:57:46] <Techokami> imho it does make updating things easier
L258[10:57:51] <gamax92> if they are a friend then stop being friends with them
L259[10:58:00] <Vexatos> if they are you then stop being yourself
L260[10:58:20] <Techokami> before I had to scour everyone's project repos and go through adfly links
L261[10:58:41] <Techokami> now it just autodownloads updates when I click a button ._.
L262[11:00:07] <Skye> Techokami, just download it onto a disk
L263[11:01:04] <Techokami> the only truly stupid part of Curse is that mods that aren't on Curseforge have to get approval from the Curse admins to be added to a master list so they can be safely added to a pack. And even then that fails at times (MaryTTS keeps getting flagged despite being on the list, admins don't respond to me about it, wtf)
L264[11:01:58] <Techokami> Skye as in, wget every file from the GitHub repo?
L265[11:02:09] <Vexatos> Yea I put mary on there
L266[11:02:11] <Vexatos> because I am sane :I
L267[11:02:22] <Vexatos> and it was approved within like a day
L268[11:02:53] <AmandaC> and now Vexatos has a very large transient botnet! /s
L269[11:03:10] <Techokami> Vexatos, can you please poke gamax92 to do the same with his mods so I can add Thistle to the pack?
L270[11:03:11] <Vexatos> yes yes
L271[11:03:17] <Vexatos> my malicious open-source text-to-speech system
L272[11:03:24] <Vexatos> Computronics 1.6.5 has speech upgrades
L273[11:03:27] <Vexatos> robots can talk
L274[11:03:30] <Vexatos> world domination imminent
L275[11:03:49] * AmandaC wonders if a radar and a speec upgrade could be added to one robot
L276[11:04:05] <Techokami> yeah, they should
L277[11:04:13] <AmandaC> make a bunch of robots that run after people who aren't known to your base shouting "INTERLOPER!"
L278[11:04:14] <Vexatos> In fact, it is designed that way
L279[11:04:23] <Vexatos> security drones
L280[11:04:32] <gamax92> Techokami: why do you want to use Thistle
L281[11:04:32] <Vexatos> (yes, it works with drones)
L282[11:04:39] <gamax92> it is garbage and I'm unhappy with it
L283[11:04:44] <Techokami> awwww
L284[11:04:56] <AmandaC> gamax92: it's pretty neat, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
L285[11:05:07] <AmandaC> OR ELSE
L286[11:05:16] <Lizzy> %choose cook bacon or order pizza
L287[11:05:17] <MichiBot> Lizzy: cook bacon
L288[11:05:17] <Techokami> I wanted to play around with a different arch :(
L289[11:05:18] * AmandaC holds a sharpened claw to gamax92's neck
L290[11:05:22] <Lizzy> thanks MichiBot
L291[11:05:22] <MichiBot> Lizzy: You're welcome!
L292[11:05:52] <gamax92> AmandaC: my arms are covered in scars from my own cats
L293[11:05:55] <gamax92> you got nothing.
L294[11:06:00] <AmandaC> hahaha
L295[11:06:32] <gamax92> anyway I need to add some sort of built in disk to Thistle and also fix more bugs
L296[11:06:54] <Vexatos> Who needs Thistle when you can have Selene :⁾
L297[11:07:03] <Vexatos> (thistle is an amazing name though=
L298[11:07:13] ⇦ Quits: progwml6 (~progwml6@ (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L299[11:07:22] ⇨ Joins: progwml6 (~progwml6@
L300[11:07:32] <AmandaC> Vexatos: can I program in C++ with selene, much to other's displesure?
L301[11:07:40] <gamax92> probably
L302[11:07:55] <Techokami> Selene?
L303[11:08:12] <gamax92> Vexatos's language and runtime built on top of Lua
L304[11:08:40] <gamax92> %sel $("Still don't know what $ does")
L305[11:08:40] <MichiBot> Still don't know what $ does
L306[11:08:44] * AmandaC cuddles up in gamax92's lap, contemplates what to do, because she's in a cod-y mood but doesn't have any ideas for what to code
L307[11:10:03] <gamax92> AmandaC: I need to make some sort of gui-like file manager and launcher, editor, and also a bunch of demos, and shove it all on a built in disc for Thistle
L308[11:10:07] <Vexatos> gamax92, $ is the generic wrap
L309[11:10:13] <Vexatos> it wraps tables into lists or maps
L310[11:10:18] <Vexatos> depending on whether ipairs works on it or not
L311[11:10:33] <gamax92> also maybe port EhBASIC to Thistle
L312[11:10:41] <gamax92> and some form of FORTH
L313[11:10:43] <Vexatos> And those are the two data structures in selene
L314[11:12:33] <Vexatos> AmandaC, I dare you find a use for selene :⁾
L315[11:12:42] <AmandaC> Vexatos: nah
L316[11:13:20] <Vexatos> :<
L317[11:13:35] <AmandaC> I thought of using it for some stuff, but decided the runtime was too heavy for what I was most interested in it for (the cleaner lambdas)
L318[11:14:04] <Vexatos> Everything is so nice though
L319[11:14:08] <Vexatos> the runtime is only 40kB D:
L320[11:14:14] <Vexatos> It's just
L321[11:14:17] <Vexatos> not useful :I
L322[11:14:30] <Vexatos> It's all useful and amazing in theory ,-,
L323[11:14:59] <AmandaC> in theory everything works as it does in theory, in practice, it doesn't
L324[11:15:03] <Vexatos> Rumour has it that S3 uses it but otherwise >_>
L325[11:15:39] <AmandaC> %choose play with rofi or meh
L326[11:15:40] <MichiBot> AmandaC: meh
L327[11:19:00] * gamax92 pets AmandaC
L328[11:24:09] <Mettaton_Fab> yee, i can fix my mainboard
L329[11:24:22] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@
L330[11:24:25] <Mettaton_Fab> but for that i need parts i can get in my schools IT rooms
L331[11:24:27] <MajGenRelativity> ~w computer
L332[11:24:28] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:computer
L333[11:25:24] * Techokami pokes Sangar with a pointy stick
L334[11:25:38] <Techokami> push some beta builds of OC to Curse
L335[11:25:40] <Techokami> please
L336[11:25:45] * Temia nudges Saphire. o.o
L337[11:25:53] <Temia> Which twitter account was it that you thought was mine?
L338[11:26:10] <Vexatos> implying Sangar still exists >_>
L339[11:26:43] <AmandaC> Vexatos: "still"? Did he ever?
L340[11:26:47] <Techokami> if Sangar is gone, why is he still in the IRC, and who is in charge otherwise
L341[11:28:52] <Vexatos> nobody is
L342[11:28:57] <Vexatos> Sangar isn't gone
L343[11:29:00] <Vexatos> he's just gone from IRC
L344[11:32:18] <payonel> Techokami: Vexatos and I are making the commits. there is a small group of people that discuss future scope. and from time to time we talk with sangar about things we don't feel in authority to decide
L345[11:32:29] <Techokami> ahh
L346[11:32:37] <Vexatos> Bt he's been away from IRC for like a month
L347[11:32:38] <Vexatos> >_>
L348[11:33:18] <Techokami> also payonel, my initial dumb question stands: how do I update OpenOS without being able to update OpenComputers
L349[11:33:58] <Vexatos> wget :D
L350[11:34:12] <Techokami> each and every file?
L351[11:34:18] <Vexatos> wget -r :D
L352[11:34:25] <Techokami> aha
L353[11:34:25] <gamax92> svn export the openos loot folder, compress, download and extract from openos?
L354[11:34:36] <gamax92> I would just svn export the openos loot folder
L355[11:35:05] <payonel> Techokami: i use ci for the latest builds
L356[11:35:25] <Techokami> I'm bound to Curse :/
L357[11:35:29] <Techokami> for this modpack
L358[11:35:30] <payonel> why?
L359[11:35:35] <payonel> oh, it's a pack
L360[11:35:35] <gamax92> svn export https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/trunk/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/openos
L361[11:35:43] <Techokami> I'm not the creator of the pack
L362[11:35:51] <gamax92> now you have latest copy of openos folder that's on github
L363[11:36:26] <gamax92> oh right, I should use svn checkout in ocemu so that the loot folder could be easily checked for updates
L364[11:37:52] <payonel> gamax92: i'm thinking through a rework of inputs and frames. i think it'll make things better
L365[11:38:47] <payonel> i want to add something like Frame::openKeyboard, the Keyboard component will call it during init
L366[11:38:49] <gamax92> payonel: but yeah the issue with SDL2 is it says it wants me to run event loop in the same thread that did video stuff
L367[11:39:22] <payonel> yeah, and this would put the onus of kb driver or kb events on the frame
L368[11:40:32] <payonel> gamax92: i think you'll like it. i just need to give it some thought and move code around
L369[11:41:46] <gamax92> for ocvm, you can do `svn info --show-item revision system/loot` and `svn info --show-item revision https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers`
L370[11:43:12] <payonel> that would be a cool solution. but i use symlinks of loot to my oc dev env
L371[11:43:14] <payonel> :>
L372[11:43:25] <payonel> but for everyone else, that'd be better
L373[11:43:33] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L374[11:44:51] <payonel> Techokami: you saw my vt100 PR post? and the performance gifs
L375[11:44:59] <Techokami> oh yes
L376[11:45:10] <Techokami> that is some exciting stuff
L377[11:46:04] <gamax92> I haven't, linky?
L378[11:46:32] <Techokami> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/pull/2449
L379[11:47:22] <gamax92> wow
L380[11:47:29] <gamax92> good job payonel
L381[11:47:51] <gamax92> one step closer to the death of plan9k
L382[11:55:32] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:1050:1136:a972:7751:acb)
L383[11:56:57] ⇨ Joins: smoke_fumus (~smoke_fum@
L384[11:57:05] <smoke_fumus> : Is anyone here using computronics? i don't seem to be able to make sound card to produce any sound
L385[11:57:52] <Mimiru> Vexatos, gamax92 ^
L386[11:57:54] <Mimiru> :P
L387[11:58:31] <gamax92> oh
L388[11:58:41] <smoke_fumus> also looks like this is the reason why discord is so silent - erryone's on irc channel. :D
L389[11:58:57] <gamax92> the two are connected
L390[11:59:08] <smoke_fumus> Yeah, but only at oc channel, general is separate
L391[11:59:18] <smoke_fumus> also[3:32 PM] smoke_th: What i really don't understand is - who's bright idea it was to actually make floppies device-like medium, rather than just storage. wouldn't it be more logical to make floppyDRIVE a device-medium with attachable storage? i mean - how the hell floppy disk even stores it's UID?
L392[11:59:18] <smoke_fumus> [3:32 PM] smoke_th: let alone makes system mount each individual floppy under different mnt
L393[11:59:56] <Vexatos> ten out of ten Vexatoasters agree that you should ask gamax92 about the sound card
L394[12:00:09] * Vexatos runs away
L395[12:00:19] <gamax92> Vexatos: didn't you put an example on your wiki?
L396[12:00:24] <fingercomp> heh, it took me a few months until I realized how the sound card works :P
L397[12:00:27] <smoke_fumus> That's the problem
L398[12:00:31] <smoke_fumus> the cocking example doesn't work
L399[12:00:35] <Vexatos> gamax92, the in-game manual has some
L400[12:00:56] <Vexatos> smoke_fumus, is your sound turned on :I
L401[12:01:02] <Vexatos> That's 90% of bug reports so far
L402[12:01:25] <smoke_fumus> Which one? Minecraft's Music channel?
L403[12:01:48] <Vexatos> the jukebox one, I think
L404[12:02:01] <smoke_fumus> PIECE OF SHIT
L405[12:02:07] <smoke_fumus> yeah, it was
L406[12:02:08] <AshIndigo> :|
L407[12:02:13] <Vexatos> See :I
L408[12:02:17] <Vexatos> Now it's 92%
L409[12:02:25] <smoke_fumus> :D
L410[12:02:28] <gamax92> oh, so problem solved?
L411[12:02:38] <Vexatos> nah actually it's more like 80%->90% now
L412[12:02:51] <Vexatos> 92% would imply more than four people ever having used this thing
L413[12:02:53] <smoke_fumus> Well, you should state in the wiki, in bold font, right before the first example that "warning - this soundcard uses JUKEBOX sound channel"
L414[12:03:04] <smoke_fumus> because tonnel vision
L415[12:03:05] <Vexatos> I thought it was, like, obvious
L416[12:03:09] <gamax92> it's not
L417[12:03:10] <smoke_fumus> *tunnel
L418[12:03:10] <Vexatos> that music devices use the music slider
L419[12:03:15] <gamax92> just like how to use the sound card is also not obvious
L420[12:03:15] <Vexatos> tape drive does too
L421[12:03:19] <Vexatos> well yea
L422[12:03:25] <Vexatos> the sound card itself is the epitome of obscure
L423[12:03:27] <Vexatos> buuut
L424[12:03:44] <Vexatos> I mean, the tape drive is kind of intuitive because it's basically the next-gen jukebox
L425[12:04:00] <gamax92> but is getting music on the tape intuitive?
L426[12:04:02] <smoke_fumus> how do you work with it anyway? i haven't touched it yet
L427[12:04:05] * AshIndigo only turns off music volume and turns down master volume
L428[12:04:06] <Vexatos> gamax92, hahahaha
L429[12:04:09] <Vexatos> of course
L430[12:04:17] <Vexatos> You look at tapes and immediately think about downloading LionRay
L431[12:04:32] <Vexatos> and writing a bash script to ffmpeg-pipe-ify your music into it
L432[12:04:44] <Vexatos> That's what everyone does, right
L433[12:04:50] <Vexatos> RIGHT
L434[12:04:52] <gamax92> can't handle that 10/10 java resampler quality?
L435[12:04:58] <AshIndigo> yeah
L436[12:05:01] <Vexatos> It's too good
L437[12:05:15] <Vexatos> smoke_fumus, in-game manual
L438[12:05:29] <Vexatos> just, uuh, read it, I guess
L439[12:05:46] <Vexatos> Techokami, I already told you about the portable tape drive, right? >_>
L440[12:05:53] <Techokami> yes
L441[12:05:56] <Vexatos> good
L442[12:05:58] <Techokami> I even helped test it for you
L443[12:06:00] <Techokami> remember?
L444[12:06:02] <Vexatos> RIGHT
L445[12:06:11] <Vexatos> The sound position thing
L446[12:06:13] <Techokami> yes\
L447[12:06:19] <Vexatos> Which I received 0 bug reports on so far
L448[12:06:22] <Vexatos> which totally means it's stable
L449[12:06:30] <Vexatos> and not that nobody uses hard-to-get dev builds
L450[12:06:54] <Vexatos> (anyone want to test the portable tape drive on their favourite minecraft version)
L451[12:06:57] <gamax92> nope
L452[12:06:58] <Vexatos> (please)
L453[12:07:53] * AshIndigo is on nobile
L454[12:07:54] ⇨ Joins: Yarillo (~Yarillo@rumia.aius.u-strasbg.fr)
L455[12:07:57] <AshIndigo> *mobile
L456[12:08:09] <smoke_fumus> But my other question still stands. why individual floppy drives are treated like separate devices rather than a medium of a same device? it's like someone wanted to make them usb flashdrives but didn't
L457[12:09:02] <Vexatos> If you want that kind of thing
L458[12:09:07] <Vexatos> look into the tape drive
L459[12:09:12] <Vexatos> it has legit linear data storage
L460[12:09:22] <Vexatos> (which, if it happens to be music, plays music)
L461[12:09:23] <smoke_fumus> I mean - that's just logical. And irl floppies do work just like that.
L462[12:09:42] <AshIndigo> %inv add linear data
L463[12:09:44] * MichiBot summons 'linear data' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L464[12:09:50] <Vexatos> and a computer can only distinguish tapes via their (manually set) label
L465[12:11:00] <smoke_fumus> actually if you want to make it REALLY follow the rules- you add another abstraction layer UID for floppies, one which pc can't actually read (rather than re-using same UID system for hard drives), but keep themselves as just attachable medium to the same /mnt/flp/ device
L466[12:11:34] <gamax92> .-. this pack has openos 1.6.4
L467[12:11:48] <Vexatos> gamax92, just so the most recent released version
L468[12:11:50] <Vexatos> :P
L469[12:12:03] <gamax92> not a dev build means full of bugs
L470[12:12:21] <Vexatos> indeed
L471[12:12:27] <gamax92> stable is not stable its (I'm tired of people complaining about lack of features that exist in dev builds)
L472[12:12:36] <payonel> haha, totally
L473[12:13:06] <gamax92> I'll update openos over ocnetfs
L474[12:13:18] <Vexatos> It's "Sangar not releasing a version for a year because there are critical bugs on the tracker only he can (and won't) fix while payonel keeps PRing OpenOS updates every three days, making it hard to release"
L475[12:13:31] <smoke_fumus> is there a OC-DOS OS or something? :D
L476[12:13:34] <smoke_fumus> *an
L477[12:13:39] <Vexatos> Why
L478[12:13:41] <Vexatos> would you
L479[12:13:43] <Vexatos> EVER
L480[12:13:45] <Vexatos> want DOS
L481[12:13:49] <Vexatos> D:
L482[12:13:54] <smoke_fumus> Because fuck you, DOS had games on it.
L483[12:13:58] <smoke_fumus> *nix practically didn't
L484[12:14:18] <Vexatos> There is Thistle :⁾
L485[12:14:35] <gamax92> Thistle is not close to DOS either
L486[12:14:40] <Vexatos> nope
L487[12:14:44] * AshIndigo runs off with emacs
L488[12:14:55] * Vexatos runs off with ed
L489[12:15:14] <gamax92> while true do io.read() print("?") end
L490[12:15:36] <Vexatos> %sel (->(->))()()
L491[12:18:16] <smoke_fumus> here's a fun idea. can i make a PCBooter-like floppy? i mean - back in the day - in CGA times - we had such a method of programming your games where you init the pc hardware by hand in custom binary - you put a floppy into pc (no harddrive) and it will boot straight into the game. Kinda like cartridge based gaming.
L492[12:18:32] <smoke_fumus> helped save precious ram :D
L493[12:18:54] <smoke_fumus> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PC_booter
L494[12:19:16] ⇨ Joins: glasspelican (~quassel@ktnron060ww-lp130-02-64-231-88-121.dsl.bell.ca)
L495[12:19:37] <Vexatos> The EEPROM just launches an init.lua file it finds on a connected filesystem
L496[12:19:38] <Vexatos> whatever it is
L497[12:19:42] <Vexatos> (default EEPROM)
L498[12:20:02] <smoke_fumus> original m.u.l.e release for ibm pc to example used pc booter
L499[12:21:08] <smoke_fumus> Vexatos: Hmm. I guess i can if-then-else custom eeprom to see if attached floppy has a custom starter file. Can i read binary?
L500[12:21:43] <Vexatos> you can read bytecode if you enable it in the config
L501[12:21:58] <Vexatos> Just make sure you are aware you're able to break out of the sandbox with it
L502[12:22:01] <smoke_fumus> i mean - literal binaryReader with seek and parsing of floats, ints, chars and what-not
L503[12:22:29] <smoke_fumus> oh no, i don't need bytecode for what i'm thinking about. just a binary stream reader
L504[12:22:47] <gamax92> well lua 5.3 has it's string.pack and string.unpack that would help
L505[12:22:53] <smoke_fumus> :|
L506[12:22:56] <smoke_fumus> *sigh*
L507[12:23:01] <Vexatos> binary stream read? easy
L508[12:23:07] <Vexatos> that is very much supported
L509[12:23:18] <smoke_fumus> are you being sarcastic right now?
L510[12:24:25] <Vexatos> no?
L511[12:24:39] <Vexatos> You can read files byte-by-byte :P
L512[12:24:39] <smoke_fumus> i can't tell :D
L513[12:24:49] <smoke_fumus> What about bit to bit?
L514[12:25:02] <Vexatos> You can read files byte-by-byte :P
L515[12:25:07] <Vexatos> Lua has bitshifting
L516[12:25:15] <Vexatos> so separating is not that hard
L517[12:26:13] <smoke_fumus> Ok, yeah, that should probably do it. what i'm thinking is having a basic 8086 asm interpreter with specific adresses.....wait no, not gonna work, oc virtual hardware doesn't have device adresses
L518[12:26:29] <smoke_fumus> i mean adressable by hex
L519[12:27:26] ⇦ Quits: SquidDev (~SquidDev@host109-147-134-34.range109-147.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: Outside.)
L520[12:37:35] ⇨ Joins: xilni (~xilni@pool-96-255-57-15.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
L521[12:40:42] <smoke_fumus> gamax92: ok look at this code and tell me why does it produce a third saw-like sound rather than playing 2 different ones on different channels https://www.screencast.com/t/ruIlSNH1u
L522[12:41:50] <Vexatos> did you .clear() the queue before? Are you sure all channels were closed?
L523[12:42:11] <smoke_fumus> this is the whole code
L524[12:42:27] <Vexatos> what did you do with the sound card before
L525[12:42:36] <Vexatos> if you open a channel, it stays open
L526[12:42:41] <Vexatos> FOREVER™+
L527[12:42:49] <smoke_fumus> uh, i'm pretty sure everything is closed
L528[12:48:59] <smoke_fumus> side question. how to check if certain component is availible?
L529[12:49:08] <smoke_fumus> i really don't wanna see ugly stacktraces
L530[12:49:27] <Vexatos> component.isAvailable
L531[12:49:56] <smoke_fumus> Vexatos: i take it it handles it raw, same as io
L532[12:50:11] <gamax92> it?
L533[12:50:19] <smoke_fumus> interpreter when i launch a .lua program
L534[12:50:43] <smoke_fumus> attempt to index global component (nil)
L535[12:50:55] <gamax92> you have to require("component") first
L536[12:51:26] <smoke_fumus> no primary 'isavailible' availible
L537[12:51:33] <gamax92> case sensitive
L538[12:51:39] <Vexatos> Lua 101
L539[12:51:47] <smoke_fumus> i mistyped in irc message lol
L540[12:51:47] <Vexatos> You should read the PIL :D
L541[12:52:14] <smoke_fumus> my poor engrish. isAvailable not isAvailible
L542[12:52:42] <Vexatos> yes
L543[12:54:22] <smoke_fumus> :V why are expansion cards slots on computer hotswappable? i mean thanks for that, but isn't that a much higher tier hardware feature in general?
L544[12:54:54] <Vexatos> because sanity
L545[12:55:27] <gamax92> would you rather have the computer explode because you accidentally took out the card?
L546[12:55:44] * AshIndigo adds magic smoke to oc
L547[12:56:26] <gamax92> cause while OC is trying to have some realism, it's not realistic irl to just go up to a computer and rip the card out, but super easy to do in mc
L548[12:57:37] <Vexatos> You can totally remove cards from a running computer
L549[12:57:41] <Vexatos> it's just not sane
L550[12:57:54] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-37-209-117-136.hsi15.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L551[12:58:28] <smoke_fumus> no you can't irl. They have 12/5 v on them - only thing that will happen is that pc will detect a HW failure and will halt the system completely untill you trigger power breaker
L552[12:58:42] <smoke_fumus> or reboot
L553[12:59:01] <gamax92> hot swappable cards exists
L554[12:59:11] <smoke_fumus> yes BUT you need a special socketed management to be able to hotswap them
L555[12:59:23] <smoke_fumus> that feature absent on cosumer-grade hardware all around
L556[12:59:29] <Vexatos> >pc will detect a HW failure and will halt the system completely
L557[12:59:29] <Vexatos> yes
L558[12:59:34] <Vexatos> if the hardware supports that
L559[12:59:53] <Vexatos> OC computers simply don't do that :D
L560[13:00:03] <smoke_fumus> well i'm talking about IRL lol
L561[13:00:07] ⇨ Joins: SquidDev (~SquidDev@host109-147-134-34.range109-147.btcentralplus.com)
L562[13:00:39] <smoke_fumus> and if it doesn't (which i pre 2000s motherboards) - angry pixies which were choochin the card you pulled will get re-directed back into 5v and then into whichever component is closer.
L563[13:01:16] <Vexatos> yes indee
L564[13:01:19] <Vexatos> indeed*
L565[13:01:27] <Vexatos> luckily, OC computers do not run on electricity
L566[13:01:31] <Vexatos> So everything is fine :D
L567[13:01:50] <smoke_fumus> :D
L568[13:02:36] <smoke_fumus> however - better add that. or else little timmy, after playin with OC gonna decide that he's master of pcs, gonna try hot swapping graphics card in running computer, and then his fater will get angry and will send little timmy to military school
L569[13:02:39] <smoke_fumus> you really want that?
L570[13:04:23] <AshIndigo> Yes
L571[13:04:46] <smoke_fumus> *thumbs up* my man. xD
L572[13:09:24] * CompanionCube wonders if Skye's MiniOS still works. I think that's the closest we have to DOS.
L573[13:09:32] <Skye> it still works
L574[13:10:48] <CompanionCube> there's also plan9k which tends to be more *nix than OpenOS
L575[13:10:57] <Skye> plan9k is broken! :P
L576[13:11:55] <CompanionCube> there's also the most GUI-y one: MineOS
L577[13:12:06] <payonel> CompanionCube: give me an example of linuxness you have in plan9k that you don't have in openos (not sarcasm, i just dont use plan9k)
L578[13:12:21] <CompanionCube> payonel: I don't know plan9k well enough either
L579[13:12:40] <payonel> >_>
L580[13:12:45] <CompanionCube> sue me :p
L581[13:13:02] <AshIndigo> Ew mineos
L582[13:13:25] <payonel> vifino: i swapped out 10 or ipairs that are hit during boot
L583[13:13:52] <payonel> averaging memory over 100 boots i see on average ~100 bytes more allocated
L584[13:14:09] <payonel> s/or i/or so i/
L585[13:14:09] <MichiBot> <payonel> vifino: i swapped out 10 or so ipairs that are hit during boot
L586[13:16:12] <smoke_fumus> Huh. After update openos suddenly has pipe and > support. Neat.
L587[13:16:31] <payonel> o_O how old was your openos build before that?
L588[13:16:44] <smoke_fumus> no idea
L589[13:16:57] <fingercomp> I guess it was 1.5
L590[13:17:03] <Mimiru> 1.1
L591[13:17:04] <smoke_fumus> it was at least 8 month old the 1.7.10 pack
L592[13:17:05] <Mimiru> :P
L593[13:17:09] <smoke_fumus> so yea, probably 1.1
L594[13:17:18] <CompanionCube> https://github.com/IgorTimofeev/OpenComputers/blob/master/MineOS/EFI.lua O.o
L595[13:17:19] <payonel> smoke_fumus: :) Mimiru was joking
L596[13:17:34] <smoke_fumus> *shrugs*
L597[13:17:55] <payonel> smoke_fumus: openos 1.5 to openos 1.6.7 is an enormous upgrade
L598[13:18:01] <payonel> you should be running 1.6.7 btw :) if you can
L599[13:18:09] <CompanionCube> did the mineos people write a custom eeprom for their OS
L600[13:18:15] <gamax92> CompanionCube: don't
L601[13:18:17] <CompanionCube> and why is it named EFI of all things
L602[13:18:20] <gamax92> don't dig too deep into this
L603[13:18:21] <smoke_fumus> is anything crucial have changed?
L604[13:18:27] <gamax92> yes
L605[13:18:33] <gamax92> because if I say no you'll not want to update
L606[13:18:36] <gamax92> so I'll say yes
L607[13:18:39] <payonel> smoke_fumus: i've made hundreds of fixes and improvements
L608[13:18:54] <AshIndigo> When in doubt update!
L609[13:18:56] <smoke_fumus> can you name a biggest fix you made tho? in terms of user frustration
L610[13:19:05] <payonel> ._.
L611[13:19:07] <smoke_fumus> 'pre-fix user frustration that is
L612[13:19:14] <AshIndigo> Threads! (Those are implemented right?)
L613[13:19:20] <payonel> yes, there are threads now
L614[13:19:25] <payonel> um
L615[13:19:26] <smoke_fumus> *giggles* stretch your mutex just right
L616[13:19:44] <gamax92> payonel: btw how to do a recursive copy without it asking to overwrite
L617[13:19:53] <payonel> smoke_fumus: memory, openos 1.6.7 allocated ~65k less memory than 1.5 did
L618[13:19:58] <AshIndigo> That should be a good enough reason to update
L619[13:20:03] <payonel> gamax92: -f
L620[13:20:08] <gamax92> cp doesn't support that
L621[13:20:15] <smoke_fumus> Oh that is actually neat, granted max ram is 2mb right now
L622[13:20:31] <smoke_fumus> on basic 3 tier case that is
L623[13:20:33] <LeshaInc> payonel: i see you mixed up magenta and cyan in the implementation of the vt100 terminal
L624[13:20:48] <smoke_fumus> okay, how do i update? just run OPPM on it or do i dig into stored files and update them manually?
L625[13:20:57] <payonel> gamax92: it does, but...cp -i is dumb and trumps -f
L626[13:20:58] <AshIndigo> Update of?
L627[13:21:04] <AshIndigo> *jc
L628[13:21:09] <smoke_fumus> openos
L629[13:21:09] <AshIndigo> *OC
L630[13:21:12] <payonel> LeshaInc: really? oh
L631[13:21:18] <AshIndigo> 3rd times the charm!
L632[13:21:28] <gamax92> payonel: no
L633[13:21:30] <gamax92> it does not.
L634[13:21:36] <payonel> smoke_fumus: tons and tons of proper shell parsing
L635[13:21:39] <smoke_fumus> LeshaInc: only thing left is to implement ntsc artifacting to actually take advantage of CGA
L636[13:21:49] <payonel> gamax92: really? `touch a b; cp -if ab`
L637[13:21:52] <payonel> derp
L638[13:21:56] <payonel> `touch a b; cp -if a b`
L639[13:21:58] <payonel> still prompts
L640[13:22:14] <gamax92> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/openos/bin/cp.lua#L22
L641[13:22:15] <gamax92> no f
L642[13:22:19] <smoke_fumus> payonel: you kidding me, right? no proper internet system updates?
L643[13:22:37] <payonel> smoke_fumus: i've not gone through the trouble, no
L644[13:22:43] <smoke_fumus> *facepalm*
L645[13:22:45] <payonel> gamax92: fair, but what i mean is irl, -fi doesn't matter
L646[13:22:46] <smoke_fumus> SHAME.
L647[13:22:53] <gamax92> smoke_fumus: kinda hard to do
L648[13:23:19] <smoke_fumus> No it isn't. if you have internet card and the interface - give player a bootdisk with system updater which pulls up new system and does incremental updates
L649[13:23:22] <Vexatos> payonel, you seen the latest and greatest part of oppm? :I
L650[13:23:22] <smoke_fumus> That's it really
L651[13:23:29] <gamax92> svn uses HTTP OPTIONS which we can't specify, git is a binary mess, and github's api is rate limited
L652[13:23:31] <payonel> Vexatos: no?
L653[13:23:31] <AshIndigo> Then you make it ;)
L654[13:23:51] <Vexatos> payonel, You can now mark files as "only install if file doesn't exist or you run with option -f", meaning you can do config files properly :I
L655[13:23:56] <gamax92> so, no it's not easy to do
L656[13:24:01] <smoke_fumus> also oppm install is a mess
L657[13:24:06] <smoke_fumus> like - complete mess right now
L658[13:24:09] <Vexatos> yes, yes it is
L659[13:24:11] <Vexatos> but it works
L660[13:24:12] <Vexatos> so whatevers
L661[13:24:15] <smoke_fumus> Yeah, cat .install
L662[13:24:18] <smoke_fumus> then copy last line
L663[13:24:26] <smoke_fumus> the part of it that is
L664[13:24:30] <payonel> smoke_fumus: ?
L665[13:24:36] <payonel> you just run `install oppm`
L666[13:24:41] <smoke_fumus> it didn't work
L667[13:24:46] <payonel> smoke_fumus: update openos
L668[13:24:47] <Vexatos> works for me
L669[13:24:51] <smoke_fumus> Well here you go
L670[13:24:52] <Vexatos> source: tested it a day ago
L671[13:25:00] <smoke_fumus> that's probably because i'm running old openos
L672[13:25:08] <payonel> smoke_fumus: this has been the way of things for over a year
L673[13:25:12] <Vexatos> 1.5 didn't even have proper install scripts
L674[13:25:14] <smoke_fumus> *sigh*
L675[13:25:20] <smoke_fumus> Fuck my life
L676[13:25:34] <smoke_fumus> ok, where's my backup floppy, let me move some tat over, then i can craft a new openos disk with proper installer
L677[13:25:47] <Vexatos> are you running latest OC?
L678[13:25:50] <smoke_fumus> No
L679[13:25:56] <LeshaInc> payonel: also will be there any way to dynamically change color palette?
L680[13:25:59] <AshIndigo> Update ;)
L681[13:26:07] <AshIndigo> (Unless your on a server)
L682[13:26:11] <smoke_fumus> it seems to me that when the 1.7.10 pack updated it didn't (obviosuly) update .lua files
L683[13:26:18] <smoke_fumus> on the hard disk
L684[13:26:42] <smoke_fumus> so it is new internal guts of OC with old guts of openos
L685[13:27:30] <payonel> LeshaInc: can you review this line: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/openos/lib/tty.lua#L355
L686[13:27:43] <payonel> LeshaInc: that controls number->color mapping
L687[13:27:54] <Vexatos> smoke_fumus, the openos floppy is always up-to-date :⁾
L688[13:27:57] <payonel> LeshaInc: how does one change color palette entries with vt100?
L689[13:28:08] <smoke_fumus> Vexatos: how do i boot from it
L690[13:28:13] <Vexatos> take out HDD
L691[13:28:14] <Vexatos> boot
L692[13:28:17] <Vexatos> put in HDD
L693[13:28:19] <smoke_fumus> xD
L694[13:28:27] <payonel> you can also `rm /init.lua` and reboot
L695[13:28:30] <payonel> or
L696[13:28:31] <Vexatos> payonel, was there some specific flag to update OpenOS?
L697[13:28:37] <Vexatos> or just "install"
L698[13:28:39] <payonel> you dont have to BOOT from the openos floppy
L699[13:28:43] <payonel> you just run install
L700[13:28:48] <payonel> Vexatos+1
L701[13:29:56] <LeshaInc> payonel: seems that it's implementation defined
L702[13:30:19] <payonel> smoke_fumus: updating OC isn't going to go find all of your hdds around all your worlds and change your files. it will, however, update your read-only loot disks such as the OpenOS loot disk
L703[13:30:29] <smoke_fumus> fun thing
L704[13:30:36] <smoke_fumus> it doesn't boot from this openos lootdisk
L705[13:30:43] <Vexatos> update OC :D
L706[13:30:52] <payonel> LeshaInc: to change colors in palette? if you have a implementation that makes sense to you, feel free to github-issue it. i'll definitely review that
L707[13:31:18] <payonel> smoke_fumus: rm /init.lua and reboot
L708[13:31:32] <smoke_fumus> i removed hard drive and inserted only openos floppy
L709[13:31:36] <smoke_fumus> no init.lua found
L710[13:31:47] <Vexatos> uh
L711[13:31:50] <payonel> multiplayer?
L712[13:31:52] <payonel> smoke_fumus: ^
L713[13:31:55] <smoke_fumus> singleplayer
L714[13:31:56] <smoke_fumus> local
L715[13:32:05] <Vexatos> why don't you just update OC then :I
L716[13:32:18] <smoke_fumus> that's the problem - it's he latest one
L717[13:32:26] <smoke_fumus> i assume this specific floppy broke
L718[13:32:30] <Vexatos> from http://ci.cil.li/?
L719[13:32:41] <Vexatos> openos floppies cannot break
L720[13:32:44] <LeshaInc> payonel: local colors = {0x0,0xff0000,0x00ff00,0xffff00,0x0000ff,0xff00ff,0x00ffff,0xffffff}
L721[13:32:46] <smoke_fumus> latest one Jon put into the 1.7.10 pack latest update, which came a day ago
L722[13:33:08] <Vexatos> which version is it though
L723[13:33:22] <Vexatos> latest is
L724[13:33:33] <LeshaInc> payonel: i've just swaped 0xff00ff (magenta) and 0x00ffff (cyan)
L725[13:33:38] <payonel> smoke_fumus: how big is your world and pack in mb?
L726[13:34:51] <payonel> LeshaInc: ok thanks. i'll look into selecting palette colors instead of hard coded hexes too. that way you could control the palette
L727[13:35:25] <smoke_fumus> Alright, freshly crafted openOS diskette did work
L728[13:35:30] <smoke_fumus> so yeah, it actually did broke
L729[13:35:32] <payonel> would that be sufficient? also, if you have a ansi code suggestion for setting colors, i'm grateful for the feedback
L730[13:35:36] <Vexatos> what ._.
L731[13:35:51] <Vexatos> they both should take their stuff from the exact same part of the jar file .-.
L732[13:36:01] <payonel> smoke_fumus: i use the same openos disk in a test work constantly as i test my updates
L733[13:36:14] <payonel> so, with what you've said, that doesnt make sense
L734[13:36:25] <payonel> test world*
L735[13:39:07] <smoke_fumus> what. the. fuck. https://www.screencast.com/t/pJuhz9GXR8P
L736[13:39:54] <smoke_fumus> do i need to craft new hard drive either
L737[13:40:12] <Vexatos> you installed from the wrong "openos"
L738[13:40:13] <LeshaInc> payonel: i found something about changing palette colors: http://archive.is/QSYHd
L739[13:40:13] <payonel> smoke_fumus: it asked you "What do you want to install?"
L740[13:40:31] <smoke_fumus> OH
L741[13:40:32] <smoke_fumus> lol
L742[13:40:34] <gamax92> you should fix that payonel, cause I also told you about that before
L743[13:42:04] <payonel> gamax92: so this is the case where / is the floppy, thus /mnt/1f2 is a valid source even though it was the previous install. but it's not valid really because it is the only valid target
L744[13:42:16] <payonel> yeah...i can check for that
L745[13:43:00] <gamax92> payonel: if you have a list of sources and only one of them is read write, it cannot be chosen as a source medium because then all you'd have left for targets is read only devices
L746[13:43:56] <payonel> LeshaInc: so looks like P(%d)([%dabcdef]+) => palette index, color hex value
L747[13:43:57] <payonel> basically
L748[13:44:11] <gamax92> %x
L749[13:44:12] <gamax92> :P
L750[13:44:23] <payonel> oh right, i forget lua has that
L751[13:44:27] <payonel> thanks :)
L752[13:44:50] <Vexatos> everything has that
L753[13:44:55] <Vexatos> every sane language, that is
L754[13:45:02] <payonel> gamax92: yeah, i just have other reasons to also check targets before sources, so i dont like the mess of the code checking A then B then A again
L755[13:45:04] <Vexatos> god damn printf has it D:
L756[13:45:06] <payonel> but, i'll figure it out
L757[13:45:23] <payonel> Vexatos: lua regex is very slim, and i forget what it has and doesn't have
L758[13:46:00] <LeshaInc> payonel: maybe vt100 library should provide a way to add custom escape sequences?
L759[13:46:28] <payonel> LeshaInc: heh, sure but why?
L760[13:46:36] <payonel> i mean, are you hitting an issue?
L761[13:46:46] <smoke_fumus> Sidenote - you might wanna look into (if java even got anything like that) - direct compute with direct rendertexture>gpu rendering for your screens - i recently written completely parallel Virtual graphics adapter on unity3d using that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlICa6Xwygg
L762[13:46:48] <MichiBot> Virtual graphics adapter on compute shader | length: 1m 17s | Likes: 5 Dislikes: 0 Views: 79 | by Smoke Fumus | Published On 13/4/2017
L763[13:47:02] <smoke_fumus> and it's fast as shit
L764[13:47:25] <LeshaInc> payonel: nop, but it could be a good enhancement
L765[13:48:47] <gamax92> payonel: staph calling it lua regex
L766[13:48:52] <payonel> LeshaInc: it would be very easy to support. but setting that value would be done via the tty library, and ... i would prefer the tty library not be an api yet
L767[13:49:00] <Vexatos> "regex" ,_,
L768[13:49:02] <Vexatos> it's patterns
L769[13:49:03] <payonel> gamax92: :>
L770[13:49:04] <Vexatos> not regex
L771[13:49:05] <gamax92> patterns
L772[13:49:14] <payonel> LUA
L773[13:49:26] <CompanionCube> what happened to enderbot
L774[13:49:35] <payonel> MichiBot ate her
L775[13:49:51] <CompanionCube> then why aren't they complaining :p
L776[13:50:09] <gamax92> they didn't merge
L777[13:50:25] <gamax92> EnderBot was just destroyed by MichiBot
L778[13:50:50] <CompanionCube> gamax92: there can only be one?
L779[13:51:36] <smoke_fumus> Thing is - i started writing a thing to, basically, one-up uplink. about a year ago. but halted project after a month later because code became a tangled mess, and also because i wasn't aware i can use direct compute to directly manipulate tetxtures like that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8QcZz2bcJM < i didn't even knew opencomputers exist back then. only learned it about 2 weeks ago.
L780[13:51:36] <MichiBot> NetBreakers prototype preview 1 | length: 5m 28s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 50 | by Smoke Fumus | Published On 23/6/2016
L781[13:52:31] <smoke_fumus> difference is that i'm aiming to use Sprak (used in else heart.break()) to code everything, rather than lua
L782[13:53:32] <payonel> LeshaInc: oh right, the palette colors in oc are grays when in depth 8, by default
L783[13:53:37] <payonel> LeshaInc: sad ...
L784[13:53:50] <payonel> else i could just use the palette for vt100 colors
L785[13:53:57] <smoke_fumus> and also - because os part itself was hardcoded rather than written on language. i think digging through OC code gonna help me (algorithmically, not copy-pasting any code) to write a better basis for an ultimate hacker game. :D
L786[13:54:02] ⇨ Joins: Firiusfoxx (~Firiusfox@mobile-166-170-44-38.mycingular.net)
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L788[13:54:56] <LeshaInc> payonel: but now that also allows using rgb color codes
L789[13:55:36] <payonel> LeshaInc: what i mean is, if openos vt100 was using palette colors, you could set up your palette and then use vt100 coloring to access that palette
L790[13:55:41] <payonel> but as it is, the colors are hard coded
L791[13:56:18] <payonel> now, you're also talking about \e[P%x%x+ to configure that palette
L792[13:56:20] <Mimiru> ok.. 8 days of uptime with NTFS drives mounted
L793[13:56:24] <Mimiru> lets try moving stuff again
L794[13:56:26] <payonel> but it would be nice if i wasn't adding two palettes, essentially
L795[13:56:45] <smoke_fumus> payonel: on the fly indexed color TGA when
L796[13:56:49] <gamax92> smoke_fumus: have fun looking though that scala
L797[13:57:25] <smoke_fumus> gamax92: Yeaaaaah. i mean i do understand concepts completely fine. it's the details - those elude me to a degree
L798[13:58:00] <smoke_fumus> right now - the new coderig is basically controlling virtual display directly by sending commands to compute shader. that includes setting textures to upload and what-not
L799[13:58:10] <smoke_fumus> haven't even attached Sprak to it
L800[13:58:19] <smoke_fumus> or c# virtualfs for that matter
L801[13:58:32] <payonel> smoke_fumus: tga support sounds like a good oppm project, not core openos imo
L802[13:58:50] <smoke_fumus> No shit. :D someone hafta make console picture viewer
L803[13:59:01] <smoke_fumus> And then MacPaint
L804[13:59:42] <payonel> smoke_fumus: if people ask me about a feature or program, i assume they're asking about core openos support
L805[14:00:36] <smoke_fumus> Yeah, i figured. I mean - if this was a graphical os - picture viewer is a given. iss naht
L806[14:02:51] <payonel> LeshaInc: colors fixed, thanks
L807[14:03:27] <LeshaInc> smoke_fumus: if you are really going to create a picture viewer, here's mine advice: use unicode braille characters for a better result
L808[14:05:21] <smoke_fumus> nah, not gonna. i don't have that much spare time on my hands to partake in such projects anyway :|
L809[14:07:12] <payonel> LeshaInc: btw, did you know you can `echo 4 > /dev/components/by-type/gpu/0/depth` ?
L810[14:07:13] <payonel> :)
L811[14:08:11] ⇦ Quits: SquidDev (~SquidDev@host109-147-134-34.range109-147.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: Dinner)
L812[14:08:36] <payonel> also @here, if you've updated to 1.6.7 you can now use control+w or control+backspace to cut a word in shell
L813[14:08:47] <LeshaInc> payonel: looks cool, i tried that in the emulator
L814[14:14:33] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L815[14:15:02] <AmandaC> %choose :shipit: or hide the abomination
L816[14:15:03] <MichiBot> AmandaC: :shipit:
L817[14:17:52] * payonel is afk
L818[14:20:06] <CompanionCube> smoke_fumus: I assume you've played telehack then?
L819[14:20:39] <smoke_fumus> CompanionCube: i've played a lot of hacking games. not sure about telehack tho
L820[14:21:06] <CompanionCube> http://telehack.com/telehack.html
L821[14:24:27] <smoke_fumus> closest which came to uplink recently was hacknet and even then it was basically an 'baby's first hacking game' when compared to uplink
L822[14:25:23] <smoke_fumus> and even then it was better than those god awful " hacker evolution" series.
L823[14:25:46] <smoke_fumus> how can you make same piece of shit ripoff 3 times in a row and sell it - is beyond me
L824[14:25:50] <smoke_fumus> one worse than another
L825[14:25:55] <smoke_fumus> duality was a complete piece of garbage
L826[14:26:05] <CompanionCube> I wonder if it's common for players not to be faceless entities but instead a complete part of the game's world, with all the consequences that entails
L827[14:26:35] <smoke_fumus> You've seen the video - i plan on adding more than just a screen to that thing
L828[14:27:16] <smoke_fumus> There was a midway 'hacking' game recently - quadrilaterial cowboy - but it basically was a puzzle game which required programming small pieces on the go
L829[14:27:28] <smoke_fumus> you went along the level and hacked pieces of it
L830[14:27:42] <CompanionCube> smoke_fumus: y'know, you can buy a copy of Uplink's source I believe]
L831[14:27:52] <smoke_fumus> Can i now?
L832[14:27:56] <CompanionCube> not sure about the terms and conditions
L833[14:28:12] <CompanionCube> https://www.introversion.co.uk/uplink/developer/developercd.html
L834[14:28:18] <Inari> https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/6l7jd1/i_trained_my_cat_to_boop_on_command_xpost_from/
L835[14:28:31] <smoke_fumus> https://github.com/gene9/uplink-source-code what about this
L836[14:29:11] <AmandaC> May gods have mercy on my soul: https://gitlab.darkdna.net/amanda/oc-aas
L837[14:29:24] <AmandaC> ( ocvm ssh server thing I showed some videos of yesterday )
L838[14:30:06] <smoke_fumus> AmandaC: unless you just said the most insanely idiotic thing some tv host just heard - you should be fine
L839[14:30:27] <CompanionCube> ' TODO Make Private ' ;)
L840[14:30:46] <smoke_fumus> :D
L841[14:31:16] <smoke_fumus> only thing i'm REALLY interested in - is uplink's ai and it's routines of hacking detection
L842[14:31:25] <smoke_fumus> let's face it- these were the best
L843[14:32:07] <CompanionCube> wasn't the detection basically a timer-based thing
L844[14:32:25] <smoke_fumus> Heheheh. have you tried hacking bank accounts there?
L845[14:32:34] <smoke_fumus> there is a whole set of routines which kicks in
L846[14:32:58] <smoke_fumus> on top of that there is reverse node walking with difficulty detection.
L847[14:33:11] <smoke_fumus> looking up exactly how they managed to achieve it will be interesting
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L849[14:45:27] * AshIndigo wishes that he owned a 3d printer
L850[14:45:52] <Mimiru> AshIndigo, http://imgur.com/gallery/2DFxm
L851[14:46:52] * AshIndigo resists a sigh
L852[14:50:11] <Altenius> aghh I really don't feel like implementing the userdata api
L853[14:55:20] <vifino> payonel: that makes zero sense
L854[14:55:57] <Mimiru> I'm like 99% sure COrded can't do @Everyone or @Here
L855[14:56:03] <Mimiru> and now I'm 100%
L856[14:56:05] <Mimiru> lol
L857[14:56:27] <AshIndigo> @@Here
L858[15:05:27] ⇨ Joins: TuxMan20 (~tuxman20@
L859[15:05:31] <TuxMan20> yo!
L860[15:07:40] <AshIndigo> !oy
L861[15:23:19] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-37-209-117-136.hsi15.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L862[15:24:13] <gamax92> @Altenius I didn't
L863[15:24:26] <gamax92> I dunno if that's bad or not but I have no such thing
L864[15:24:27] <Altenius> @gamax92 did you do persistence though?
L865[15:24:33] <gamax92> ahh I see
L866[15:45:55] ⇦ Quits: SquidDev (~SquidDev@host109-147-134-34.range109-147.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: <quit message here>)
L867[15:53:34] <Altenius> The userdata api was made to work well for Java and NBT data so this'll be fun :/
L868[16:04:25] ⇨ Joins: SquidDev (~SquidDev@host109-147-134-34.range109-147.btcentralplus.com)
L869[16:07:33] * AmandaC isn't entirely clear on why a emulator would need persistence?
L870[16:08:23] <AmandaC> persistence is there to (hopefully) transparently manage stuff out of the control of the computer, such as the chunk getting unloaded because the player walked away.
L871[16:10:27] <AmandaC> and it's being handled because otherwise it's not really clear to a user why their computers keep restarting when they go to the nether. Closing the emulator is a much more explicit action with explit consequences
L872[16:11:34] <AmandaC> </armchair-ux-desgner>
L873[16:12:52] <Altenius> AmandaC, because it's really not that difficult to implement.. besides userdata
L874[16:13:00] <AmandaC> ah
L875[16:13:25] <AmandaC> %choose teather or rely on the good will of the comcast gods
L876[16:13:26] <MichiBot> AmandaC: rely on the good will of the comcast gods
L877[16:14:40] <Altenius> Really though I think I'll just put persistence off for a long time
L878[16:15:11] <AshIndigo> What good will
L879[16:16:45] <AmandaC> AshIndigo: shhhh! They'll hear you and drop my packets again!
L880[16:18:20] * AshIndigo quietly says it
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L883[16:30:40] <payonel> vifino: it has to do with the size of the instructions
L884[16:34:12] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-37-209-117-136.hsi15.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L888[16:40:41] <gamax92> father logic: "Something's wrong with this yogurt" *keeps eating it* "This tastes funky" *eats more* "Yuck, that's not right" *eating*
L889[16:44:10] ⇦ Quits: SquidDev (~SquidDev@host109-147-134-34.range109-147.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: sleep)
L890[16:59:16] <payonel> %logs
L891[16:59:17] <MichiBot> https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/
L892[17:02:15] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C9D9D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L893[17:20:07] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4FC1EFC5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'The Neutron has come to be. Loaded with Mass is he. Of Charge, forever free.' (Chadwick))
L894[17:33:35] <payonel> gamax92: i think i have a reasonable fix for instalal
L895[17:33:40] <payonel> instalalalal
L896[17:41:22] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L897[17:44:41] <vifino> payonel: strip the debug info, should be better
L898[17:45:17] ⇦ Quits: xilni (~xilni@pool-96-255-57-15.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: xilni)
L899[17:46:14] <payonel> vifino: first of all, that's not an option
L900[17:46:58] <payonel> secondly, ok i'll do that and let you know the difference :)
L901[17:47:52] <vifino> like the code size should be bigger, but the instructions should be less.
L902[17:48:03] <vifino> just the debug info bloating it up, in theory.
L903[17:48:06] <payonel> i understand that code size != instruction size
L904[17:49:00] <payonel> ipairs with arg list, and multiple return, and an implicit call to the iterator
L905[17:49:15] <payonel> and instead, just a len(), and the instructions for incrementing
L906[17:49:21] <payonel> should be fewer instructions
L907[17:49:40] <payonel> but doesn't necessarily mean the bytes needed to declare those instructions and their args take up less space
L908[17:49:49] <payonel> though, i would think it would
L909[17:50:03] <payonel> but who knows, maybe lua's bytecode for i++ is 50 bytes big! /s
L910[17:51:03] <vifino> Kaggin: weigh in here
L911[17:56:39] ⇦ Quits: TomyLobo2 (~TomyLobo@2a02:8109:87c0:20c:b414:ba8f:268a:e1d6) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L912[17:57:27] <payonel> gamax92: i have a fix for the bad wtrunc but...it'd slow terminal down. please review https://github.com/payonel/OpenComputers/commit/ae1af505aff9486f0aa1d4946ed2068359fdfcca
L913[17:57:49] <payonel> because i love a fast terminal, i'm not inclined to merge that. it's not that big of a deal
L914[17:57:52] <payonel> anywho, gotta run
L915[17:57:53] * payonel is afk
L916[17:58:29] <gamax92> payonel: gmatch with a utf8 character pattern?
L917[17:59:37] <gamax92> utf8.charpattern = "[\0-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*"
L918[18:20:34] ⇦ Quits: smoke_fumus (~smoke_fum@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L919[18:23:00] <gamax92> "The solution is left as an exercise for the reader." "Oh no thanks, I don't exercise"
L920[18:32:27] ⇨ Joins: Dimensional (~kvirc@
L921[18:38:31] <gamax92> a reddit bot who's only purpose is to reply to another reddit bot
L922[18:47:18] <payonel> gamax92: and what, not print those?
L923[18:48:58] <gamax92> payonel: ?
L924[18:49:13] <gamax92> nobody said anything about printing characters
L925[18:49:54] <gamax92> hmm, I guess that wouldn't include the characters between the two
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L928[19:47:59] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com) (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
L929[19:58:09] <AmandaC> Sounds like ww3 is getting started
L930[20:08:18] <payonel> the nk's icbm?
L931[20:47:28] <AmandaC> About the same level of explosion, yes (4th of july fireworks)
L932[21:15:45] ⇦ Quits: Unh0ly_Tigg (~Robert@c-24-21-196-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L933[21:36:41] <gamax92> AmandaC: AVALANCHE
L934[21:52:32] <AmandaC> gamax92: onose
L935[21:52:48] * AmandaC curls up against the sleeping inari, goes to sleep -- night nerds
L936[21:52:51] <gamax92> crap
L937[21:52:57] <gamax92> JWM and MATE running at the same time
L938[22:00:47] <Izaya> that would result in fun stuff
L939[22:00:52] <Izaya> gamax92: are you still using a C2Q?
L940[22:00:59] <gamax92> Yes
L941[22:01:26] <Izaya> Is it reasonable to use for general usage?
L942[22:02:13] <Izaya> Y'know, web browsing etc?
L943[22:02:13] <gamax92> yeah
L944[22:02:13] <Izaya> Okay good
L945[22:02:13] <Izaya> a C2D-era Xeon should do just as well then
L946[22:02:13] <Izaya> only like $15
L947[22:02:15] <gamax92> the old C2D I had worked fine for it too
L948[22:02:31] <Izaya> Looking to stretch it a bit and use it for some light gaming
L949[22:02:31] <gamax92> I only upgraded to a C2Q due to gaming
L950[22:02:46] <gamax92> define light
L951[22:03:09] <Izaya> heavier than source engine but not current AAA games
L952[22:03:48] <gamax92> depending on the clock speed of that Xeon you might find it being a bottle neck
L953[22:04:00] <Izaya> Apparently they OC pretty well
L954[22:04:07] <gamax92> oh yeah they do
L955[22:04:24] <gamax92> the old board I had I clocked up to 4GHz
L956[22:04:35] <Mimiru> I've got a kitten with a broken leg... :(
L957[22:04:37] <Izaya> And I mean the 775 board I have is really nice, SLI, tri-channel RAM etc
L958[22:04:41] <gamax92> :(
L959[22:04:51] <Izaya> Just need to mod the socket and it should happily OC
L960[22:04:56] <Izaya> even supports DDR3
L961[22:05:01] <Mimiru> gotta take him to the vet tomorrow
L962[22:05:07] <gamax92> what happened?
L963[22:05:54] <Mimiru> I'm not 100% sure, but I think he had a run in with one of my father-in-laws dogs
L964[22:06:15] <Mimiru> little guy escaped the living room
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L975[23:31:14] <gamax92> Well
L976[23:31:27] <gamax92> Turns out we only bought 2 fireworks and a bunch of pull string crap
L977[23:31:33] <gamax92> oh well was still fun
L978[23:36:05] <Saphire> Izaya: wanna see a joke?
L979[23:36:07] <Saphire> http://redditsilver.com/
L980[23:36:15] <Saphire> Now, look at the source
L981[23:36:53] <Izaya> what am I looking at
L982[23:36:55] <gamax92> hey Saphire
L983[23:36:56] <Saphire> jquery, bootstrap and some "blocs"
L984[23:37:06] <Saphire> Just to display a single image
L985[23:37:23] <Saphire> (thank stars they aren't ACTUALLY used... I think)
L986[23:38:43] <Izaya> this uh
L987[23:38:48] <Izaya> doesn't have anything in it
L988[23:39:24] <Saphire> ...huh?
L989[23:39:31] <Izaya> I mean
L990[23:39:34] <Izaya> it's a page of a picture
L991[23:39:36] <Izaya> do they have
L992[23:39:38] <Izaya> like
L993[23:39:44] <Izaya> a bunch of frameworks and libraries and stuff
L994[23:39:50] <Saphire> It's just a page with a picture
L995[23:40:04] <Izaya> in a page that could be done with 4 lines of CSS and two lines of HTML?
L996[23:40:11] <Saphire> Yes
L997[23:40:23] <Saphire> And analytics, but everything has it.
L998[23:40:43] <Izaya> Not everything :D
L999[23:40:52] <Izaya> ... I need to update my DNS stuff.
L1000[23:41:36] <Saphire> Izaya: add it!
L1001[23:41:41] <Saphire> >:D
L1002[23:41:43] <Izaya> why tho
L1003[23:42:08] <Izaya> I could get basically the same thing if I made my /index.html into a /index.cgi and made it increment a counter
L1004[23:49:10] <Saphire> Make it into logging every query into SQL!
L1005[23:49:40] <Izaya> I don't even have a database installed on any of my webservers
L1006[23:50:14] <Izaya> Hell, on all of my stuff I have two non-static pages
L1007[23:50:47] <Izaya> Across all the domains I own, if you add it up, I have two pages that aren't just a plain .html file
L1008[23:51:00] <Izaya> And one of them is a hook for githib
L1009[23:51:03] <Izaya> github*
L1010[23:56:16] <Temia> Prerisoft is wholly devoid of analytics and dynamic content too >.>
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