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L1[00:03:22] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L7[01:24:34] zsh sets mode: +o on Michiyo_
L8[01:48:07] <payonel> xarses: you're trying to paste multiline text into the lua shell?
L9[01:48:16] <xarses> payonel: yep
L10[01:48:24] <xarses> used to work like a champ
L11[01:48:48] <payonel> there was a bug with multiline pasting in the shell
L12[01:48:59] <payonel> so...my fix there may have broken it in the other :/
L13[01:49:27] <xarses> it works fine in edit
L14[01:49:46] <payonel> i love how you expect those to use the same input stream
L15[01:50:15] <payonel> edit is a highly customized key_down handlers
L16[01:50:19] <payonel> -s
L17[01:51:00] <payonel> xarses: yeah, ok i'll look into that
L18[01:51:04] <xarses> gee I wonder why they wouldn't work the same
L19[01:51:29] <payonel> the lua shell and the shell normally SHOULD, so i'm surprised
L20[01:51:33] <payonel> i'll check it out
L21[01:51:39] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl)
L22[01:52:28] <payonel> thanks for the report
L23[01:53:21] <payonel> sorry for the 1.6.1 delay, i started fixing a minor issue in /bin/mv, and then i found a whole area of issues and code that needs refining
L24[01:53:35] <payonel> so i'm completely redoing /bin/cp and /bin/mv atm
L25[01:53:49] <payonel> no fret though, that's why we have almost 1700 unit tests now
L26[01:55:43] <Kodos> ELI5 Unit tests
L27[01:57:05] <payonel> well there are ~8 error results you can get from cp (maybe more), and ~16 different parsing rules (again, maybe more)
L28[01:57:31] <payonel> so that easily creates ~8*16 different work flows of how one might use cp, and that doesn't include the different options
L29[01:57:39] <payonel> like -f, -r, -P, -v, -i, and -u
L30[01:58:23] <payonel> so i write tests to cover them all, adding tests when i realize i forgot to test `cp a/. b` when is is a link with a link cycle (i.e., a link that can't resolve)
L31[01:59:29] <payonel> after a while, i have a rather large list of tests that cover everything from what you should see when you tab complete, to proving that a test script crash should print to the stderr, to proving that popen works, to proving cp works
L32[01:59:49] <payonel> and so, i'm over 1600 now, i haven't checked the final count in a while
L33[02:00:46] <payonel> anyways, i need sleep now. o/
L34[02:06:13] ⇨ Joins: Monkeyfish (Monkeyfish@monkey.fish)
L35[02:06:46] <Monkeyfish> How do you access sides in a microcontroller+transposer, as there's no sides API access?
L36[02:06:54] <Monkeyfish> I tried using numbers but it gets all out of whack
L37[02:13:29] <Kodos> Wait, you can stick a transposer inside a microcontroller?
L38[02:13:37] <Kodos> Or do you mean the inventory controller upgrade
L39[02:13:55] <xarses> transposer in a microcontroller... o.O
L40[02:16:11] <Monkeyfish> A transposer is a valid item in the upgrade slot of a microcontroller in the electronics assembler
L41[02:16:17] <Kodos> I'll be damned
L42[02:16:38] <Kodos> Anyway, I believe you can check the wiki for the corresponding numbers for sides
L43[02:16:43] <Kodos> They should be absolute
L44[02:16:50] <Kodos> Just do ~w sides
L45[02:16:52] <Kodos> in irc
L46[02:17:00] <Monkeyfish> the wiki defines the sides really weirdly http://ocdoc.cil.li/api:sides
L47[02:17:22] <Kodos> Yep, just use those numbers
L48[02:17:32] <Kodos> And keep in mind that left/right are in reference to the microcontroller
L49[02:17:36] <Monkeyfish> I kinda just looked at the second list, marked the cardinal direction needed, then used the first list to connect that to the number
L50[02:17:39] <Kodos> ie, looking at the front face, your left would be its right
L51[02:17:58] <Kodos> That may be where you got screwed up at
L52[02:18:02] <Monkeyfish> probably.
L53[02:18:15] <Monkeyfish> The wiki mentions north, south, east, and west, so I was going by that
L54[02:19:19] <Kodos> If it makes you feel any better, I always get screwed up with using numbers for sides, too, since I have to use a different format for sides on another platform that I code on
L55[02:19:30] <Kodos> So I'm used to 0 being top, and 5 being bottom
L56[02:22:23] <Monkeyfish> I'm on v10 of my script for the microcontroller, I've fucked up a lot of things
L57[02:22:31] <Monkeyfish> it worked flawlessly on a computer, in testing
L58[02:23:18] <Kodos> If one doesn't already exist, there should be a low level programming page on the wiki explaining what things like Microcontrollers have access to
L59[02:23:33] <Monkeyfish> the wiki is kinda limited at best
L60[02:23:46] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:b5fd:43ba:78a4:2cfa)
L61[02:23:47] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L62[02:23:52] <Monkeyfish> and a lot of the info that is in the guidebook isn't on the wiki, which is annoying, imo
L63[02:24:04] <Monkeyfish> I neglect looking at manuals and tend to use wikis, because of the search function, and two monitors
L64[02:24:05] <Kodos> ~w OS
L65[02:24:05] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-os
L66[02:24:12] <Kodos> Hm
L67[02:24:14] <Kodos> Not what I wanted
L68[02:24:16] <Kodos> ~w low level
L69[02:24:16] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/block:cable ( I tried D: )
L70[02:24:28] <Monkeyfish> THer's this http://ocdoc.cil.li/tutorial:custom_oses
L71[02:24:50] <Monkeyfish> The list says what BIOS/Microcontrollers have access to
L72[02:24:55] <Kodos> ^ that
L73[02:24:55] <Kodos> yues
L74[02:26:11] <Monkeyfish> os.sleep apparently isn't available
L75[02:30:59] <Kodos> No but you can copy the code from open os
L76[02:32:05] <Monkeyfish> oh, I was just going to rough up some crappy os.time() comparison thing :P
L77[02:33:58] <Kodos> That's basically what sleep is
L78[02:36:03] <Monkeyfish> OpenOS's sleep is kinda really weird.
L79[02:37:58] ⇨ Joins: TheReturningVoid (webchat@CPE-101-181-96-141.lnse5.cha.bigpond.net.au)
L80[02:39:36] <Kodos> Anyway, I'm going to (try to) sleep
L81[02:39:41] <Kodos> %tell Dashkal http://puu.sh/tDEzf/1295ab0aa0.png
L82[02:39:41] <MichiBot> Kodos: Dashkal will be notified of this message when next seen.
L83[02:40:11] <TheReturningVoid> Hello all, been playing around with nanomachines
L84[02:40:25] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE5925E151CCE968DBF9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L85[02:40:25] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L86[02:40:47] <TheReturningVoid> For some reason, all the inputs of my nanomachines seem to do nothing
L87[02:41:06] <TheReturningVoid> Is that normal? Could I have just gotten really bad liuck with my configuration?
L88[02:41:34] <Kodos> What are you using to input commands, and read the output?
L89[02:41:48] <Saphire> Hmmm
L90[02:42:07] <Saphire> ...why nobody added memory and emotions into chatbots?
L91[02:42:46] <TheReturningVoid> I'm using this program https://gist.github.com/fnuecke/dc8c79bfb37e66f99649
L92[02:42:47] <Saphire> I mean, all of them are just... They are just "action-reaction" systems that don't do anything other than reply
L93[02:43:05] <Kodos> TheReturningVoid, I have an updated version, which can be found here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MyNameIsKodos/OpenComputers-Programs/master/utils/nano.lua
L94[02:43:12] <Kodos> Run that on a tablet with a wireless networking card
L95[02:43:33] <Kodos> tl;dr Nanomachines have a terrible range for output, so tablets will solve that
L96[02:43:48] <Monkeyfish> So the guidebook doesn't even say that you can use "flash" to write to EEPROM. I understand others might use non-OpenOS things, but I feel like that's an important thing to mention
L97[02:43:49] <TheReturningVoid> Yeah, I'm using a tablet with a network card
L98[02:43:57] <Kodos> Network, or Wireless Network
L99[02:44:01] <TheReturningVoid> wireless
L100[02:44:22] <TheReturningVoid> I'll give that program a shot, even though it looks close to identical to the one I lonked
L101[02:44:24] <Monkeyfish> I found some random forum post when googling which mentioned the capacity (with Lua) and flash method
L102[02:44:27] <Kodos> It is nearly, es
L103[02:44:28] <Kodos> yes*
L104[02:44:45] <Kodos> What I'd recommend, is using the debug nanomachines command, and checking your console output for the list
L105[02:44:54] <Kodos> You may have indeed just gotten terrible luck, though it's unlikely
L106[02:45:36] <Kodos> Monkeyfish, I have zero experience with messing about with Microcontrollers, you -may- try Lizzy but I think she's asleep atm
L107[02:45:54] <Monkeyfish> Kodos, nah, I figured it out after long enough, but I had to find a random forum post, which is annoying
L108[02:48:19] <TheReturningVoid> So... I got to 7, all of then did nothing
L109[02:48:24] <TheReturningVoid> I get to 8, and it's magnet
L110[02:48:34] <TheReturningVoid> Looks like I got a horrible roll
L111[02:48:57] <Forecaster> !roll 1d20
L112[02:48:57] <Forecaster> Forecaster rolls the 1d20 and gets: 18 [18]
L113[02:49:02] <Forecaster> I didn't :D
L114[02:49:03] <Kodos> Aye, I personally just debug my set and eat new ones until I get a decent list
L115[02:49:20] <Kodos> %cointoss
L116[02:49:24] <Kodos> Why isn't that a thing
L117[02:49:28] <Kodos> !roll 1d2
L118[02:49:29] <Forecaster> Kodos rolls the 1d2 and gets: 2 [2]
L119[02:50:27] <TheReturningVoid> Wow, looks like 8 was the only input that did anything...
L120[02:50:57] <TheReturningVoid> What's the debug command?
L121[02:51:14] <Kodos> Just tabcomplete /oc_deb
L122[02:51:17] <Kodos> It should come up
L123[02:51:50] <TheReturningVoid> Only command that comes up for me is oc_debugwhitelist
L124[02:52:01] <TheReturningVoid> That might be because I'm on a multiplayer server
L125[02:52:03] <Kodos> Try /help OC and see what pops up
L126[02:52:05] <Kodos> Ah
L127[02:52:06] <Kodos> That may be
L128[02:52:08] <Renari> Is there a file size limit when downloading files via wget?
L129[02:52:11] <Kodos> You might need to be opped
L130[02:52:17] <Kodos> Renari, Uhh
L131[02:52:19] <Kodos> Maybe?
L132[02:52:23] <Kodos> payonel would be the one to ask
L133[02:52:30] <Forecaster> Renari: no, only the space on the system
L134[02:52:35] <Kodos> Or that
L135[02:52:36] <Kodos> =D
L136[02:52:46] <Renari> Hm, strange since I'm getting exactly 328byte files when the source is larger.
L137[02:52:47] <TheReturningVoid> Welp, time to make a new batch of nanomachines :P
L138[02:54:05] <Forecaster> do you get an error?
L139[02:54:15] <Renari> It was a https redirect was the problem.
L140[02:54:29] <Forecaster> ah
L141[02:54:31] <Kodos> Good luck to you all
L142[02:54:34] <Kodos> Sleeptime with the wife
L143[02:54:39] <Kodos> (Actual sleep, you pervs)
L144[02:54:41] <TheReturningVoid> cya o/
L145[02:54:44] <Kodos> o7
L146[03:13:37] <Vexatos> Kodos> Just tabcomplete /oc_deb
L147[03:13:40] <Vexatos> Kodos, or /oc_dn
L148[03:13:51] <Vexatos> or /oc_nm
L149[03:13:54] <Vexatos> for the printout
L150[03:14:09] <Vexatos> the /oc_dn actually generates a configuration with every behaviour in it
L151[03:16:53] <Dashkal> Kodos: Awesome
L152[03:17:22] <Monkeyfish> I'd kill for the analyzer to get a stacktrace from a microcontroller instead of a single statement
L153[03:17:42] <Monkeyfish> "invalid slot" doesn't help when there's 4 inventory interactions per main loop
L154[03:33:53] <Vexatos> %tell Sangar so potion resource locations changed in 1.8 explaining #1885. Should I make a config patch resetting the potion whitelist for nanomachines?
L155[03:33:53] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Sangar will be notified of this message when next seen.
L156[03:52:46] ⇨ Joins: m_A_y_A_t (Riry@2001:470:36:2de::5)
L157[04:01:52] <Saphire> Today i saw a person that had actual argument (and reasons) why ps4 is better than pc o..o
L158[04:05:40] <xarses> Monkeyfish: if you see a gap on the wiki, don't be afraid to create an issue ticket for it on github, one of us can get too it when we have time
L159[04:06:10] <Monkeyfish> If I get myself to, I'll probably go through and see what could be added
L160[04:06:33] <Monkeyfish> I started messing with it today, so I have the perfect view from a starter :D
L161[04:06:48] <xarses> the most precious view IMO
L162[04:08:37] <Monkeyfish> Everything is confusing and I have to go through Google hell to get answers
L163[04:09:53] <xarses> yep, drop an issue down, esp if you hang around on irc so we can figure out what you mean
L164[04:10:12] <xarses> we'll figure out what's missing and the next poor victim might have an easier time
L165[04:10:37] * xarses goes off and preps another live test dummy
L166[04:11:16] * xarses launches the code directly into production and heads to bed
L167[04:14:22] <Lizzy> yay, crashed windows by trying to install xorg in the ubuntu for windows thing
L168[04:29:45] <Vexatos> %tell Sangar actually, it only applies to 1.9+, you need to decide whether the potion whitelist should be a list of potion resource locations or a list of potion names
L169[04:29:45] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Sangar will be notified of this message when next seen.
L170[04:36:09] <Vexatos> %tell Sangar i.e. whether to put "mining_fatigue" or "effect.digSlowDown" there. The resource location is the unique ID so I am not sure
L171[04:36:10] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Sangar will be notified of this message when next seen.
L172[04:39:14] <Renari> I just installed computronics for the first time, do you have to find the tape floppy in a dungeon? It doesn't seem to have a crafting recipe.
L173[04:54:32] <Vexatos> It is currently unobtainable due to a missing feature in OC, it will be there in the next version
L174[04:54:39] <Vexatos> for now, just cheat one in or add a crafting recipe
L175[04:54:57] <Renari> I just used wget and pulled the program from github.
L176[04:55:03] <Vexatos> works too
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L183[05:43:19] * Vexatos pokes Sangar with a stick
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L186[06:08:46] ⇨ Joins: Shawn|i7-Q720M (~shawn156@c-50-170-156-102.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L187[06:08:47] <Shawn|i7-Q720M> howdy
L188[06:08:55] <Shawn|i7-Q720M> anyone here play BEVOs tech pack?
L189[06:10:09] <Forecaster> no, why?
L190[06:11:54] ⇨ Joins: TheReturningVoid_ (webchat@CPE-101-181-96-141.lnse5.cha.bigpond.net.au)
L191[06:13:24] <TheReturningVoid_> Is there a way to get the IRC program at all, seeing as the floppy for it hasn't been implemented yet?
L192[06:13:45] <Forecaster> what do you mean "hasn't been implemented"?
L193[06:13:54] ⇦ Quits: TheReturningVoid (webchat@CPE-101-181-96-141.lnse5.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Web client closed)
L194[06:14:02] *** TheReturningVoid_ is now known as TheReturningVoid
L195[06:14:10] <TheReturningVoid> Well, I'm not seing an IRC floppy in JEI
L196[06:14:30] <Forecaster> pretty sure the irc program is on oppm
L197[06:14:36] <TheReturningVoid> I'm assuming there's a way to get it on ippm
L198[06:14:38] <TheReturningVoid> yeah, thought so
L199[06:14:56] <TheReturningVoid> What would the package name be?
L200[06:15:17] <Forecaster> uh
L201[06:16:12] <Forecaster> "wocchat"
L202[06:17:42] <Vexatos> TheReturningVoid, it's not in JEI because floppies do not appear in JEI
L203[06:17:56] <Vexatos> See https://github.com/mezz/JustEnoughItems/pull/712
L204[06:19:39] <TheReturningVoid> Ah, righto
L205[06:19:58] <TheReturningVoid> I'm assuming there's still a recipe for it?
L206[06:20:46] <Vexatos> the normal scrench one
L207[06:23:55] <TheReturningVoid> How does that work?
L208[06:24:24] <TheReturningVoid> Made a floppy, doesn't seem to craft with a scrench
L209[06:25:14] <Vexatos> you need to make a program floppy
L210[06:25:16] <Vexatos> oppm or openos
L211[06:25:34] <TheReturningVoid> Ah, right
L212[06:26:31] <TheReturningVoid> Made it an openos floppy, still doesn't craft
L213[06:27:06] <TheReturningVoid> It's just the scrench and a floppy, right?
L214[06:27:38] <Vexatos> yea
L215[06:28:05] <Vexatos> It definitely works for me :P
L216[06:29:22] <TheReturningVoid> http://i.imgur.com/INPzoDw.png
L217[06:29:23] <TheReturningVoid> :/
L218[06:30:11] <TheReturningVoid> wait hang on, my inventory was desyncing
L219[06:30:14] <TheReturningVoid> that's probably why lol
L220[06:30:20] <Vexatos> ._.
L221[06:30:38] <TheReturningVoid> stupid multiplayer servers >:V
L222[06:31:35] <TheReturningVoid> Huh, still doesn't work
L223[06:31:40] <TheReturningVoid> It's shapeless?
L224[06:32:32] <TheReturningVoid> Running OC
L225[06:32:58] <Vexatos> can you take the floppy out of the output slot?
L226[06:33:08] <Vexatos> Just because it doesn't display a result doesn't mean it's not a valid recipe
L227[06:33:22] <TheReturningVoid> Huh, I can
L228[06:33:25] <TheReturningVoid> Never seen that before
L229[06:33:43] <Forecaster> then your server and client doesn't have the same recipes
L230[06:33:56] <Forecaster> ie non-synced configs
L231[06:34:00] <Forecaster> probably
L232[06:34:02] <TheReturningVoid> Possibly
L233[06:34:14] <TheReturningVoid> I mean, pretty sure we both use default SkyFac3 configs
L234[06:35:29] <TheReturningVoid> THen again, that server does crash when someone places a Rack
L235[06:35:44] <TheReturningVoid> Crashed the server twice doing that today... :P
L236[06:35:53] <Forecaster> fun times
L237[06:37:04] <TheReturningVoid> Is that a known issue, or something server side?
L238[06:37:24] <Forecaster> you mean the rack thing?
L239[06:37:26] <Forecaster> I dunno
L240[06:37:27] <TheReturningVoid> Yeah
L241[06:37:42] <Forecaster> I think there may be a ticket about it on the issue tracker
L242[06:38:05] <Forecaster> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/2219
L243[06:38:34] <TheReturningVoid> Hmm, looks like it is an OC thing
L244[06:39:35] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
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L248[06:43:17] ⇨ Joins: TheReturningVoid (~thereturn@eu3.modrealms.net)
L249[06:43:35] <TheReturningVoid> Well, looks to me as if OC irc is working :)
L250[06:43:59] <TheReturningVoid> Thanks for helping me with my noob questions :P
L251[06:44:22] <Forecaster> that's what we're here for :P
L252[06:45:56] <TheReturningVoid> Now it's easier for me to pester you guys with my questions :P
L253[06:47:09] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
L254[06:49:11] <Vexatos> TheReturningVoid, I think I just fixed the cycling recipe not appearing on the client
L255[06:50:05] <TheReturningVoid> Ah, what was th issue?
L256[06:50:18] <Vexatos> the cycling recipe was never sent to the client
L257[06:56:58] <Vexatos> ...I think
L258[06:58:25] <TheReturningVoid> Just looked at the git repo, and realized that the mod is mainly written in Scala
L259[06:58:29] <TheReturningVoid> That's awesome
L260[06:58:40] <TheReturningVoid> Scala is a really nice language imo
L261[07:01:04] <TheReturningVoid> Welp, looks like it's time for me to head off
L262[07:01:13] <TheReturningVoid> Thanks for helping me out again :)
L263[07:01:16] <TheReturningVoid> Cya all o/
L264[07:01:22] ⇦ Quits: TheReturningVoid (~thereturn@eu3.modrealms.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L267[07:44:57] <Vexatos> yo payonel, how's that there openos update going
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L276[08:17:25] <Ady (WriteEscape)> can a robot charge from the topside of a charger or does it have to be like the left or right?
L277[08:25:03] <Saphire> https://github.com/wiremod/Miscellaneous/blob/master/CPU%20%26%20GPU/zcpudocs/zcpudoc.pdf o..o
L278[08:25:13] <Saphire> make this an arch for OC o..o
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L283[09:26:14] <pwnagepineapple> Having some strange behavior with robots. They won't boot up at all. The analyzer says that no BIOS was found, despile the fact I put in a configured EEPROM. I even tested the EEPROM in a computer before assembling the robot
L284[09:30:23] <S3> so have you guys heard why trump takes anxiety medication?
L285[09:32:18] <Vexatos> pwnagepineapple, did you install an operating system?
L286[09:32:33] <S3> eeprom is probably not working
L287[09:33:17] <pwnagepineapple> Vexatos yes
L288[09:33:50] <Vexatos> OpenOS?
L289[09:35:46] <pwnagepineapple> Also yes
L290[09:38:53] <pwnagepineapple> The EEPROM and Hard Drive are both good. I tested them in a computer before installing them in the robot
L291[09:46:36] <pwnagepineapple> Any ideas?
L292[09:49:04] <Vexatos> No clue
L293[09:49:07] <Vexatos> it's working for me :X
L294[09:49:50] <pwnagepineapple> I'm reassembling now> I'll give it a shot and see how it goes
L295[09:50:36] <pwnagepineapple> These robots are going to be part of an automatic nether star farm, so I kinda do need them working
L296[09:56:05] <pwnagepineapple> wtf it works now. Whatever
L297[09:56:10] <S3> yay
L298[09:56:14] <S3> I got my first credit card
L299[09:56:37] <S3> being almost 30, I realized holy shit it's kinda a pain to keep paying with cash for everything
L300[09:56:37] <S3> lol
L301[09:57:05] <S3> pwnagepineapple: whatd you do?
L302[09:57:38] <S3> I wonder, can you stuff an internet card in a robot?
L303[09:57:41] <pwnagepineapple> Just disassembled, stuck both EEPROM and HDD into a computer, booted it up to test, then put both back in the robot
L304[09:57:51] <Forecaster> I stopped using cash years ago
L305[09:58:04] <pwnagepineapple> Now I can get my wither skeleton murderer running
L306[09:58:34] <pwnagepineapple> And literally automate nether stars
L307[10:00:06] <S3> I wonder what'd it'd be like to use lisp on OC..
L308[10:00:41] <pwnagepineapple> Somebody probably did it
L309[10:00:53] <pwnagepineapple> People port lisp to everything
L310[10:02:13] <S3> well s expressions are easy to interpret
L311[10:02:26] <S3> nbecause you can write one in a single function that tail calls itself
L312[10:03:06] <S3> you can treat a file itself as an s expression
L313[10:03:23] <S3> and handle its contents as an entire form
L314[10:03:34] <S3> and just recursively handle every s expression in them
L315[10:05:06] <Vexatos> pwnagepineapple, can confirm https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Sangar-Programs/blob/master/lisp.lua
L316[10:06:46] <pwnagepineapple> lol
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L331[10:34:42] <Forecaster> I've figured out that YT's content id can't identify songs if I play other music over them :D
L332[10:34:49] <Forecaster> which means I don't have to mute the game audio
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L336[10:48:56] <Lizzy> lol
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L338[10:53:10] <S3> pineapple apple pen?
L339[10:53:20] <S3> pwnagepineapple: are you the pineapple apple pen guy?
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L346[12:53:11] <Ady (WriteEscape)> does anyone here use Computronics in 1.10?
L347[13:02:09] <S3> hey uh
L348[13:02:25] <S3> would you guys say that I am crazy if I said that the OS I'm writing for OC will run on my desktop?
L349[13:02:29] <S3> without an OS
L350[13:02:53] <Ady (WriteEscape)> not if you have lua installed ;)
L351[13:03:16] <S3> I'm linking againt lua 5.3 with newlib and some assembly
L352[13:03:22] <S3> on my desktop upstairs
L353[13:03:37] <S3> plus a little C glue of course
L354[13:03:48] <S3> S3IX has a generic bus api
L355[13:04:09] <S3> so you can install a peripheral bus or a component bus on CC / OC
L356[13:04:27] <S3> but how does that prevent me from writing a small C binded PCI bus module
L357[13:05:02] <S3> details will come as development progresses
L358[13:05:44] <S3> but you should be able to run the OSyou run in OC on qemu soon
L359[13:05:51] <S3> well S3IX that is
L360[13:06:02] <S3> there won't be a component api
L361[13:06:08] <S3> etc
L362[13:06:32] <S3> memory management, etc will be done in the C side
L363[13:08:41] <CompanionCube> i recall something about plan9k and linux
L364[13:09:55] <CompanionCube> oh here we go
L365[13:09:55] <CompanionCube> https://libraries.io/github/vifino/LuPI2
L366[13:10:21] <CompanionCube> S3: ^
L367[13:10:57] <CompanionCube> better source: https://github.com/StarChasers/LuPI2
L368[13:11:23] <S3> yep
L369[13:12:07] <S3> that's cool CompanionCube
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L374[13:19:07] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L376[13:31:17] <SF-MC> o/
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L379[14:11:16] <payonel> Renari: there could be a memory limit issue (With wget) it probably isn't optimized for writing to disk and clearing the buffer. i didn't write wget but i could check
L380[14:13:26] <payonel> Renari: hmm, looks good actually (the buffer code in wget)
L381[14:13:48] <payonel> Renari: are you still seeing 328 byte limits on your wget downloads?
L382[14:13:55] <payonel> SF-MC: o/
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L384[15:02:37] <Renari> payonel, No, it was a https redirect.
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L386[15:10:46] <Thamathar> Hi there people
L387[15:10:48] <SF-MC> o/
L388[15:10:59] <Thamathar> How is every one today ?!
L389[15:11:05] <SF-MC> fairly good
L390[15:11:12] <Thamathar> Good to know :D
L391[15:12:06] <Thamathar> I'm having a little problem and was wondering if any could help me out, I have try several thinks, from the autostart.lua to edit the rc and such but whitout any luck on it, can't make the program to start at the boot of the computer :/
L392[15:12:30] <Thamathar> I did try to search the Wiki for this but whitout any luck :(
L393[15:14:09] <SF-MC> so what is it exactly that you're wanting to do?
L394[15:15:02] <Thamathar> trying to run a program when the computer starts, I did even check the "filesystem.isAutorunEnabled()"
L395[15:15:14] <SF-MC> Are you using OpenOS?
L396[15:15:23] <Thamathar> It return true, so rly don't understand what is happening here
L397[15:15:25] <Thamathar> Yep
L398[15:15:47] <Thamathar> Started messing arround today on OpenComputers (come from the computercraft)
L399[15:16:11] <Forecaster> did you add your program name to .shrc in /home?
L400[15:17:04] <Thamathar> I did see that option several times, but didn't see a "how to" for it
L401[15:17:16] <Thamathar> should I just alias program.lua ?!
L402[15:17:17] <Forecaster> cd /home
L403[15:17:18] <SF-MC> just add the name of your program to the end of it?
L404[15:17:23] <Forecaster> edit .shrc
L405[15:17:36] <Forecaster> type your program on a new line at the bottom
L406[15:17:39] <Forecaster> save and exit
L407[15:17:40] <Forecaster> reboot
L408[15:17:48] <Thamathar> let me try Forecaster
L409[15:17:52] <Forecaster> s/program/program name/
L410[15:17:52] <MichiBot> <Forecaster> type your program name on a new line at the bottom
L411[15:19:24] <Thamathar> Ahhh finnaly hehe ty Forecaster, I did see that file being mention on several topics and such but 0 mentions on "type your program on a new line at the bottom" :P
L412[15:19:24] <SF-MC> I read that autorun.lua is really meant for on fs mount
L413[15:19:44] <SF-MC> Thamathar: it's patterned after a common Unix-ism
L414[15:19:54] <SF-MC> and most people who use OC would have recognized it
L415[15:20:04] <SF-MC> that's probably why there wasn't much mentioning it
L416[15:20:06] <Forecaster> s/OC/unix/
L417[15:20:06] <MichiBot> <SF-MC> and most people who use unix would have recognized it
L418[15:20:23] <SF-MC> I meant what I said
L419[15:20:39] <SF-MC> mostly because people who use OC are generally those who use Unix
L420[15:20:43] <SF-MC> generally ;)
L421[15:20:49] <Forecaster> I'm sure you did
L422[15:20:58] <Thamathar> Not used to use Unix, only Linux and Windows hehe, on Linux didn't never have to use that file for it :P
L423[15:21:07] <SF-MC> because on Linux
L424[15:21:11] <SF-MC> it's .bashrc most of the time
L425[15:21:15] <SF-MC> As you use bash as your shell
L426[15:21:23] <CompanionCube> (and your at-startup tasks are usually done by the init system)
L427[15:21:23] <SF-MC> in most cases
L428[15:21:33] <SF-MC> that too CompanionCube
L429[15:21:35] <CompanionCube> I believe OC has one too, called 'rc' or something
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L431[15:22:24] <Thamathar> Thanks people :D, time to automate the basic power system now hehe, ohh by the way any one using the version for MC 1.10.2 ?"
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L433[15:22:40] <SF-MC> versions are generally cross-compatible
L434[15:22:44] <SF-MC> for the most part
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L436[15:23:28] <Thamathar> The Adapter isn't working properly with Ender IO did have to add the Computronics-1.10.2-1.6.1
L437[15:23:52] <Thamathar> To be able to interact with other mods, at least with Ender IO
L438[15:23:59] <SF-MC> maybe EIO support isn't in base OC
L439[15:24:05] <Thamathar> Haven't try other mods
L440[15:24:09] <SF-MC> base OC generally has support for most mods though
L441[15:24:18] <Vexatos> EIO support is in Computronics
L442[15:24:23] ⇦ Quits: glasspelican (~quassel@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L443[15:24:26] <SF-MC> so that's why :P
L444[15:24:34] <SF-MC> straight from the current dev btw
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L446[15:24:41] <Thamathar> Ohh hehe :P
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L449[15:25:23] <Thamathar> Sorry my bad, just started to use OC :P still getting use to with, normaly the modpack that I play (DW20) have the stuff ready to work with each other in sort of speak
L450[15:25:52] <Inari> Lua's hanlding of local's makes swapping a bit of a pain :|
L451[15:26:02] <SF-MC> it's just that base OC doesn't have EIO support... for some reason
L452[15:26:06] <SF-MC> idk why exactly
L453[15:26:11] <Inari> Noone wrote it
L454[15:26:14] <Inari> And EIO didn't make it
L455[15:26:18] <Inari> Usually the reasons :P
L456[15:26:24] <Thamathar> hehe
L457[15:26:30] <SF-MC> but if it's in Computronics
L458[15:26:31] <Forecaster> damn lazy devs
L459[15:26:35] <Inari> And since Computronics has it, OC proabbly wont
L460[15:26:39] <SF-MC> Why not move it?
L461[15:26:51] <Inari> Why not use both
L462[15:26:59] <Forecaster> because computronics is Java isn't it?
L463[15:27:02] <Forecaster> OC is Scala
L464[15:27:07] <SF-MC> I do use both
L465[15:27:08] <Inari> Might actually be the reason
L466[15:27:12] <Vexatos> Main reason
L467[15:27:14] <Vexatos> I wrote it
L468[15:27:20] <Vexatos> and I maintain Computronics and not OC
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L471[15:27:35] <SF-MC> but I can imagine not wanting all the extra Computronics stuff and wanting just the intergration
L472[15:28:22] <Thamathar> Back to some programing, brb
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L475[15:29:13] <Thamathar> BtW can we register nicknames on the IRC Server?! I remenber back in the days, the PTNet server would allow this (haven't use IRC for more then 10 years eheh)
L476[15:29:13] <Kodos> What's wrong with the extra stuff?
L477[15:29:20] <Kodos> Yes, Tham
L478[15:29:22] <SF-MC> Nothing
L479[15:29:31] <Thamathar> ./nickserver?!
L480[15:29:31] <Vexatos> SF-MC, I think you fail to notice Computronics and OC being two entirely separate mods
L481[15:29:32] <SF-MC> I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it
L482[15:29:36] <Vexatos> one is made by Sangar, and one by asie
L483[15:29:41] <SF-MC> I know?
L484[15:29:45] <Forecaster> Thamathar: /msg nickserv help
L485[15:29:45] <Vexatos> and I am maintaining Computronics
L486[15:29:50] <Thamathar> Ty
L487[15:29:50] <SF-MC> yes?
L488[15:29:54] <Vexatos> So naturally, any code I write I put into Computronics
L489[15:29:57] <Vexatos> and I wouldn't move it to OC
L490[15:30:08] <Vexatos> Not to mention Computronics still is a ComputerCraft addon too
L491[15:30:12] <Vexatos> including the EnderIO support
L492[15:30:14] <SF-MC> your perrogative I guess
L493[15:30:21] <Vexatos> ....no?
L494[15:30:29] <SF-MC> ah
L495[15:30:31] <SF-MC> right
L496[15:30:36] <SF-MC> I had forgotten about that
L497[15:31:04] <Vexatos> Would you add thaumic tinkerer to thaumcraft?
L498[15:31:12] <Vexatos> Would you add OpenPeripheral to ComputerCraft?
L499[15:31:28] <Vexatos> Why the hell would you move a feature of one mod to another you don't make
L500[15:31:43] <SF-MC> Kodos: because I can see wanting just intergration, maybe to keep mod # down for potato-PC packs
L501[15:32:01] <Kodos> If you've got a potato PC, you shouldn't really worry about OC, tbh
L502[15:32:06] <Vexatos> yea
L503[15:32:14] <SF-MC> anyways
L504[15:32:21] <SF-MC> obviously I'm on the losing side of this
L505[15:32:24] <SF-MC> I'll just be quiet :)
L506[15:34:10] <Forecaster> I will not be quiet!
L507[15:34:21] <Forecaster> bush was fake! the moon did 9/11!
L508[15:34:27] <SF-MC> the moon haha
L509[15:34:48] <Thamathar> One quick question guys if possible, can we scale up the font on the screens ?! To be bigger ? not the resolution it self
L510[15:35:01] <SF-MC> opencomputers.cfg IIRC
L511[15:35:16] <SF-MC> I may not RC though
L512[15:35:35] <Vexatos> Thamathar, if you lower the resolution, you make the font bigger :P
L513[15:35:40] <SF-MC> haha
L514[15:36:17] <Thamathar> We make it? Let me try hehe, just resolution w h?"
L515[15:36:31] <Vexatos> yea
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L517[15:37:18] <Thamathar> Numbers/letters still small eheh
L518[15:37:24] <Thamathar> have set to 160/50
L519[15:37:33] <SF-MC> that's still pretty big
L520[15:37:40] <SF-MC> try something more like 80x25
L521[15:38:26] <Thamathar> Better SF-MC, it seams changing the resolution its the only way hehe
L522[15:39:28] <payonel> Thamathar: o/
L523[15:40:04] <Thamathar> payonel, o/
L524[15:40:28] <payonel> Thamathar: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/2171
L525[15:40:58] <Thamathar> ty payonel but its resolve all ready :D
L526[15:41:11] <payonel> :) ok
L527[15:43:02] <Thamathar> coment on Unix = # like bash ? (if I remenber right)
L528[15:43:18] <SF-MC> in shell languages and most configuration files, yes
L529[15:43:19] <payonel> in a script? it is lua, so --
L530[15:43:27] <SF-MC> But ^ for Lua
L531[15:43:31] <payonel> Thamathar: are we talking openos?
L532[15:43:35] <SF-MC> ^ meaning above
L533[15:43:38] <Thamathar> No on the shrc
L534[15:43:42] <payonel> openos has /bin/source for shell commands, and yes, it respects #
L535[15:43:52] <payonel> /bin/source runs /etc/profile and /home/.shrc
L536[15:44:01] <payonel> so, it is shell commands, and yes, it respect # comment
L537[15:44:05] <Thamathar> Ty :D
L538[15:44:25] <Thamathar> so use to use the dam command nano and not edit -.- hehe
L539[15:44:31] <Thamathar> allways tryping nano hehe
L540[15:44:39] <payonel> :) add alias nano=edit in your .shrc
L541[15:44:47] <Thamathar> ohhh ty :D
L542[15:44:59] <SF-MC> won't get the nice editing keystrokes though
L543[15:45:10] <SF-MC> but nano's are terrible anyways, so not much loss ;)
L544[15:45:17] <payonel> are there any good editors in oppm?
L545[15:45:32] <Thamathar> I'm use to use nano, never got use to work with vi
L546[15:45:43] <Monkeyfish> I keep on using ctrl+x to try to exit the editor in OpenOS
L547[15:45:46] * Vi feels offended
L548[15:46:02] <payonel> i'll use you, Vi
L549[15:46:09] <Thamathar> Don't feel offended :P
L550[15:46:17] <Vi> \o/
L551[15:46:22] <Thamathar> \o/
L552[15:46:38] * Forecaster used to use nano
L553[15:46:43] <Forecaster> then started using vim
L554[15:46:52] <SF-MC> GNU Emacs <3
L555[15:47:05] <SF-MC> also
L556[15:47:07] <SF-MC> man
L557[15:47:22] <SF-MC> I forgot how much stuff you need to build even a small BR reactor
L558[15:47:41] <payonel> SF-MC: my previous power multiblock experience was ic2 reactors
L559[15:47:42] <vifino> Emacs? Man, I use ACME!
L560[15:47:52] <SF-MC> vifino: do you really?
L561[15:47:55] <payonel> so i found br to be super simple
L562[15:47:55] <Thamathar> Canola POWER!!! :P
L563[15:48:05] <Antheus> I use Microsoft Word 2003
L564[15:48:10] <payonel> SF-MC: but i respect that i am biased
L565[15:48:13] <SF-MC> Antheus: out. now.
L566[15:48:17] <payonel> Antheus: ha!
L567[15:48:19] <vifino> SF-MC: I do when I am not using vim.
L568[15:48:19] <payonel> nice
L569[15:48:21] <Antheus> Hai
L570[15:48:27] <Antheus> SF-MC, no u
L571[15:48:36] <SF-MC> payonel: It's been a while since I've done much modded period, soo
L572[15:48:48] <SF-MC> vifino: I respect you and feel bad for you at the same time
L573[15:48:54] <vifino> Why?
L574[15:48:56] <payonel> no mc or vanilla?
L575[15:49:02] <SF-MC> MC
L576[15:49:05] <SF-MC> no MC
L577[15:49:10] <vifino> Have you ever used ACME, SF-MC?
L578[15:49:16] <SF-MC> vifino: because Acme looks painful to use
L579[15:49:23] <vifino> It is not.
L580[15:49:23] <SF-MC> I'll admit that I have not
L581[15:49:34] <payonel> i go in spurts
L582[15:49:42] <TYKUHN2> Thamatar: Lua's smart. On linux it ignores the first #! IIRC
L583[15:49:45] <payonel> ive been playing with br and oc lately
L584[15:49:52] <vifino> It is more or less the oposite of vim.
L585[15:50:07] <vifino> Quite relaxing every one in a while.
L586[15:50:12] <SF-MC> I've watched a screencast (more than once!) about someone walking though Acme
L587[15:50:20] <SF-MC> He apparently did plan9port
L588[15:50:25] <SF-MC> anyways
L589[15:50:26] <vifino> Russ Cox?
L590[15:50:30] <SF-MC> think so
L591[15:50:38] <vifino> Well, he is /the/ guy.
L592[15:50:48] <vifino> Along with Rob Pike.
L593[15:50:53] <SF-MC> It's kinda like vi for me
L594[15:50:54] <vifino> Which you should definitly know.
L595[15:51:01] <SF-MC> I don't grok the mental model needed
L596[15:51:11] <SF-MC> plus, I'm often not using an explicitly 3 button mouse
L597[15:51:21] <SF-MC> And yes, Rob Pike
L598[15:52:38] <vifino> rsc is the main contributor to p9p nowadays.
L599[15:53:18] <vifino> Personally, I use a patched version of acme to have a dark colorscheme.
L600[15:53:22] <SF-MC> I would have tried it
L601[15:53:31] <SF-MC> but p9p nor Acme are in the Fedora repos
L602[15:53:46] <vifino> shame. should've installed gentoo instead.
L603[15:53:53] <SF-MC> and I don't want to put that much effort forth to get something I'm just going to test
L604[15:54:23] <vifino> https://github.com/vifino/vifino-overlay/blob/master/dev-util/plan9port/plan9port-9999999.ebuild :P
L605[15:54:32] <SF-MC> heh
L606[15:54:38] <Stary> waow
L607[15:56:50] <SF-MC> guess I ought to think about getting a computer set up now
L608[15:56:53] <SF-MC> to manage my reactor
L609[15:57:44] <vifino> First time I got in contact with gentoo, I installed it out of interest and maybe part joke. Now I'm addicted.
L610[15:58:12] <SF-MC> same
L611[15:58:17] <SF-MC> except I didn't get addicted
L612[15:58:24] <SF-MC> I ran it on somewhat old hw
L613[15:58:31] <SF-MC> so compiling everything was kinda painfully slow
L614[15:58:51] <SF-MC> especially for big pkg builds
L615[15:58:54] <vifino> Probably doesn't help that I tend to have a bunch of patched packages. Or that I love to tweak everything possible.
L616[16:00:45] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-78-148-133-192.as13285.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L617[16:00:58] <vifino> At some point I'm gonna implement the Ultimate Package Manager For Absolutely Everything(tm) I designed and gonna make my own distro based on it. At that point, I will probably have a beard putting stallman to shame.
L618[16:03:20] <vifino> Reminds me to fix crossdev and get the avr and arm toolchains bootstrapped correctly.
L619[16:03:49] <vifino> Oh well. That can wait.
L620[16:04:12] <vifino> I have more important things to do, like rgb-ifying everything. Everything. Absolutely everything.
L621[16:07:36] * Lizzy rgb-ifys vifino
L622[16:07:44] <vifino> Too late, already done.
L623[16:07:52] <Lizzy> :O :P
L624[16:08:04] <vifino> i have used 5 meters of rgb lighting.
L625[16:08:09] <Lizzy> wow
L626[16:08:13] <vifino> 150 leds.
L627[16:08:35] <vifino> Only draws around 8A @ 5V when white.
L628[16:09:08] <Thamathar> Humm was adapting my computercraft program, sleep(5) not working -.-
L629[16:09:16] <Mimiru> os.sleep(5)
L630[16:09:17] <Monkeyfish> try os.sleep()?
L631[16:09:25] <Thamathar> Ty let me see
L632[16:09:47] <Thamathar> \o/
L633[16:09:49] <Thamathar> ty
L634[16:10:27] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE5925E151CCE968DBF9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L635[16:25:04] <TYKUHN2> One guy takes 3 slugs to the head, other takes a quater slug to the foot. Both are no longer with us.
L636[16:25:27] <SF-MC> uh
L637[16:25:30] <SF-MC> that's... morbid
L638[16:25:46] <TYKUHN2> It's odd the damage model in this game.
L639[16:26:11] <Forecaster> apparently firefox is going to switch completely to WebExtensions soon
L640[16:26:12] <Forecaster> >:
L641[16:26:21] <TYKUHN2> I think that entire "armored suspect" mission I saw 2 pieces of armor.
L642[16:27:12] <CompanionCube> Forecaster: ikr
L643[16:27:17] <SF-MC> wow
L644[16:27:28] <SF-MC> the OC recipes now give out *tons* more
L645[16:27:29] <CompanionCube> vifino: why rgb-ify all the things
L646[16:27:32] <SF-MC> is this a 1.6.x thing?
L647[16:27:34] <vifino> because.
L648[16:27:46] <vifino> dont question the rgbification. ever.
L649[16:27:51] <Forecaster> that means a lot of interface changing addons will disappear
L650[16:28:12] <CompanionCube> Forecaster: did you see the dude basically going 'Fuck this shit, I can't do this.'
L651[16:28:39] * Lizzy wonders if she will be rgb-ified when she next visits vifino
L652[16:29:04] <Forecaster> CompanionCube: are you talking about Luis Miguel?
L653[16:29:08] <CompanionCube> Lizzy: why not rgb-ify yourself
L654[16:29:17] <CompanionCube> Forecaster: maybe
L655[16:31:46] <SF-MC> OC crafting is much nicer now 10/10
L656[16:31:51] * CompanionCube still wonders why firefox is basically wanting to be a Chromium clone for extensions
L657[16:36:23] <TYKUHN2> Is it me or is it awesome that in this game you can kill people by shooting them with lightsticks?
L658[16:40:34] <Thamathar> Humm people the string.len doesn't work on OC ? Is there an equivelent to it ?!
L659[16:40:46] <SF-MC> "doesn't work"?
L660[16:42:16] <Thamathar> local test = "this"
L661[16:42:26] <Thamathar> print (string.len(test))
L662[16:42:29] <Thamathar> should return 4
L663[16:42:33] <Thamathar> gives me error
L664[16:42:45] <SF-MC> I forget... does # work on strings?
L665[16:42:46] <Forecaster> wellp, time to disable auto update for FF
L666[16:42:47] <SF-MC> #test ?
L667[16:44:22] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@hsi-kbw-091-089-189-253.hsi2.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L668[16:44:46] <Thamathar> https://docs.coronalabs.com/api/library/string/len.html
L669[16:45:03] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC66D7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Beauty can be found where _everything_ is in harmony.' - Symmetra (Overwatch))
L670[16:45:13] <SF-MC> what's the output of `print(#test)` ?
L671[16:45:57] <Thamathar> With the print (string.len("test")) works
L672[16:46:07] <Thamathar> but doesn't work with the variable
L673[16:46:20] <SF-MC> wha?
L674[16:46:29] <SF-MC> are you doing this in a REPL?
L675[16:46:33] <SF-MC> Or in a file?
L676[16:46:52] <Thamathar> at the lua command at the momen tto test some stuff
L677[16:46:53] <SF-MC> if you're doing it in a REPL, don't local the variable
L678[16:46:59] <SF-MC> it goes out of scope after that line
L679[16:47:16] <SF-MC> that, or enclose in a body
L680[16:47:30] <SF-MC> do local test = "this" print(string.len(test)) end
L681[16:47:40] <SF-MC> to encase the code into a single lexical block
L682[16:48:14] <Thamathar> yep doing a "block" for it
L683[16:48:20] <Thamathar> did return the len of it
L684[16:48:26] <Thamathar> ty
L685[16:48:29] <SF-MC> It's a scope thing
L686[16:48:31] <SF-MC> np
L687[16:48:35] <SF-MC> that's not obvous
L688[16:48:47] <SF-MC> took me a minute to remember since I don't Lua all that often anymore
L689[16:48:59] <Thamathar> No worries :D
L690[16:49:33] <Thamathar> just trying to update specif parts of the screen depending on results, so I don't need to do a clear screen, well at least trying hehe
L691[16:52:44] ⇦ Quits: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L692[16:58:07] <Forecaster> "Trump's press secreatry has been fighting with Dippin' Dots for 5 years"
L693[16:58:08] <Forecaster> wut
L694[17:01:02] <TYKUHN2> Them dots man. They hurt
L695[17:02:00] <payonel> gamax92: beep volume (on ubuntu) seems to be reversed. 127 is nice and quiet. 1 is super loud, and in fact .1 just makes my speakers pop :)
L696[17:03:01] <gamax92> I dunno
L697[17:08:25] <Thamathar> Humm using term,setPosition(x,y) on lua command works, but not when i put it on a file and run it :/
L698[17:08:30] <Thamathar> do I need to os.term?!
L699[17:08:53] <Forecaster> local term = require("term")
L700[17:09:10] <Thamathar> ty
L701[17:09:39] <TYKUHN2> Yeah OC doesn't like loading things for you
L702[17:09:57] <Thamathar> Hehe no worries just need to get used to it :D
L703[17:09:58] <Forecaster> except in the lua prompt
L704[17:10:10] <TYKUHN2> Lua Prompt loads things it uses and not much more I don't think
L705[17:10:36] <TYKUHN2> Alternatively local term = require "term"
L706[17:10:41] <TYKUHN2> Save 1 byte >:)
L707[17:20:29] <Forecaster> "Florida woman used photocopied $20 bills at Walmart, Applebee's"
L708[17:20:32] <Forecaster> amazing
L709[17:22:04] <Forecaster> she apparently got questioned at the Walmart, ran away, then tried again at the Applebee's
L710[17:22:46] <Forecaster> where it happened again, but that time she left her phone behind
L711[17:28:32] <TYKUHN2> Idiot
L712[17:30:28] <Forecaster> she'd made the copies herself of course
L713[17:31:16] <TYKUHN2> Not sure if I want to combine sockets
L714[17:31:36] <TYKUHN2> If the same machine is handling connections not sure if I want to virtualize the TCP connections into a single socket.
L715[17:33:31] ⇨ Joins: Rubicon (~rubicon@
L716[17:33:46] ⇦ Quits: Rubicon (~rubicon@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L717[17:37:18] <TYKUHN2> Yeah. I'll virtualize it into "Control" and "Data" channels
L718[17:58:23] <TYKUHN2> "Doubly keyed" ooo
L719[18:14:13] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L720[18:14:30] <SF-MC> o/ again
L721[18:21:00] ⇨ Joins: TheReturningVoid (~thereturn@eu3.modrealms.net)
L722[18:22:53] ⇦ Quits: TheReturningVoid (~thereturn@eu3.modrealms.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L723[18:28:36] <payonel> \o
L724[18:32:12] <payonel> openos leaves very little in _G, namely: assert, string, type, rawget, select, _VERSION, require, pcall, print, runlevel, package, next, rawlen, getmetatable, dofile, os, loadfile, table, _OSVERSION, load, error, debug, setmetatable, checkArg, rawequal, coroutine, io, ipairs, tonumber, pairs, tostring, bit32*, math, xpcall, and rawset [bit32 if on lua 5.2]
L725[18:32:45] <SF-MC> basically just about everything raw Lua leaves and nothing more, looks like
L726[18:32:47] <SF-MC> well
L727[18:32:50] <SF-MC> _OSVERSION
L728[18:33:09] <payonel> coroutine, io, ipairs, tonumber, pairs, tostring, bit32*, math, xpcall, and rawset [bit32 if on lua 5.2]
L729[18:33:18] <payonel> err, sorry, bad paste
L730[18:35:03] <SF-MC> rawget runlevel package _OSVERSION checkArg rawequal
L731[18:35:10] <SF-MC> not that it matters much
L732[18:36:13] <payonel> what, things openos adds not in normal lua?
L733[18:36:18] <SF-MC> right
L734[18:36:19] <SF-MC> in _G
L735[18:36:24] <payonel> rawget?
L736[18:36:29] <SF-MC> wasn
L737[18:36:32] <SF-MC> wasn't sure
L738[18:36:37] <SF-MC> It's been too long :P
L739[18:37:13] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L740[18:37:15] <payonel> rawget, package, and rawequal are in vanilla lua
L741[18:37:17] <payonel> in _G
L742[18:37:40] <payonel> runlevel, _OSVERSION, checkArg, yeah we add those
L743[18:37:47] <SF-MC> wow
L744[18:37:49] <SF-MC> again, too long
L745[18:49:19] <Thamathar> Dont know why some times Computronics reads wrong the maxenergy from the capacitors of the endor IO, now I don't know if ender IO problem or computronics
L746[18:49:36] <Thamathar> I have 30Mil total but some times gives me 50Mil
L747[19:09:53] ⇦ Quits: Renari (~Renari@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L748[19:11:01] ⇨ Joins: Renari (~Renari@
L749[19:11:15] <SF-MC> whee made a quarry
L750[19:17:37] ⇦ Quits: bamajoe411 (~bamajoe41@cpe-174-111-254-181.triad.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L751[19:25:10] <TYKUHN2> I do have a question though. How dost thou "doubly key"? Metatable?
L752[19:26:10] ⇦ Quits: Renari (~Renari@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L753[19:26:49] <TYKUHN2> socket.select({table.unpack(sockets)}) feels wrong
L754[19:28:15] <TYKUHN2> It is wrong that's why
L755[19:29:56] ⇨ Joins: Renari (~Renari@
L756[19:32:17] ⇨ Joins: TheReturningVoid (~thereturn@eu3.modrealms.net)
L757[19:32:46] <TheReturningVoid> There seems to be very little documentation of programming EEPROMs and drones
L758[19:33:12] <SF-MC> OpenOS `flash` for EEPROMs
L759[19:33:28] <SF-MC> And drones for the most part are the same thing as normal computers
L760[19:33:33] <TYKUHN2> component.eeprom.get/set/getData/setData is all you need
L761[19:33:54] <TYKUHN2> How does one do the documentation bot?
L762[19:34:03] <SF-MC> ~w eeprom
L763[19:34:03] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:eeprom
L764[19:34:09] <SF-MC> like that :)
L765[19:34:11] <TYKUHN2> ~w drone
L766[19:34:24] <SF-MC> it may not pass through
L767[19:34:26] <SF-MC> ~w drone
L768[19:34:26] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:drone
L769[19:34:28] <TYKUHN2> Oh I'm discord so it didn't pass
L770[19:35:00] <TYKUHN2> Oh and the "custom documentation" tutorial is also helpful
L771[19:35:20] <TYKUHN2> Just remove "checkArg"
L772[19:37:07] <SF-MC> power prod is going down :/
L773[19:37:12] <SF-MC> not much I can do about it though
L774[19:37:21] <TheReturningVoid> Cool thanks for the info :)
L775[19:37:30] <SF-MC> wish I could find a fekkin nether base
L776[19:41:17] ⇨ Joins: Wiiplay123 (~kvirc@adsl-72-154-27-119.bna.bellsouth.net)
L777[19:41:25] <Mimiru> Yeah.. I keep asking for ocdoc to listen to corded...
L778[19:41:44] <SF-MC> doesn't sound like it would be that hard either
L779[19:42:13] <Mimiru> I'm considering making corded just send "~w whatever" when it detects the message starts with ~w
L780[19:42:19] <SF-MC> just special case in a second msg parse if Corded spoke
L781[19:42:26] <SF-MC> that too
L782[19:42:28] <SF-MC> that could be easier
L783[19:43:37] ⇦ Quits: TheReturningVoid (~thereturn@eu3.modrealms.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L784[19:44:24] <SF-MC> totally forgot I had a portal gun
L785[19:44:28] <SF-MC> that makes life easier
L786[19:46:21] <TYKUHN2> Proper tail calls!
L787[19:46:24] <TYKUHN2> return sock:close()
L789[19:47:22] <SF-MC> lol
L790[19:47:27] <TYKUHN2> Actidentally closed channels after sending even though they were to be reused
L791[19:48:07] <TYKUHN2> I have a wrapped send function that concatenates a bunch of data with some formatting into a single packet to reduce network load
L792[19:48:29] <TYKUHN2> That send function clsoed the socket automatically due to the code I copied it from could take advantage of that
L793[19:49:14] <Mimiru> restarting Yuri/Corded
L794[19:49:32] ⇦ Quits: Corded (~Corded@hekate.pc-logix.com) ()
L795[19:49:43] ⇨ Joins: Corded (~Corded@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L796[19:49:43] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L797[19:50:04] <Mimiru> ~w drone
L798[19:50:10] <Mimiru> ...
L799[19:50:16] <Corded> * Mimiru sighs
L800[19:51:24] <SF-MC> it generally doesn't take me this long to find a nether fortress
L801[19:51:25] <SF-MC> wtf
L802[19:56:39] <TYKUHN2> Hehe
L803[19:56:40] <TYKUHN2> HEHEHE
L804[19:56:48] <SF-MC> ?
L805[19:56:48] <TYKUHN2> {sock = destsock, destsock = sock}
L806[19:56:57] <TYKUHN2> Too easy.
L807[19:57:24] <TYKUHN2> Flip-flop
L808[19:57:36] <gamax92> Mimiru sorry I'll add this in now
L809[20:03:19] <Kodos> Where's ds at
L810[20:05:51] <TYKUHN2> So if you send the "BYE" message the server will scrub all your data from it's database and then preceed to send the packet {"BYE! SEE YOU SOON!", ";("}
L811[20:06:04] ⇦ Quits: ocdoc (~ocdoc@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L812[20:06:12] <TYKUHN2> It also closes the data channel associated with the closing socket
L813[20:07:26] ⇨ Joins: ocdoc (~ocdoc@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L814[20:08:08] <gamax92> ~w test
L815[20:08:08] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:text
L816[20:08:17] ⇨ Joins: AshIndigo (~EiraIRC@host-92-11-196-119.as43234.net)
L817[20:08:53] <gamax92> @Mimiru There
L818[20:09:19] <Kodos> Ah good now I can link shit for people
L819[20:09:26] <TYKUHN2> check(sock) and control(sock) sounds scarily english
L820[20:11:01] <TYKUHN2> Crap. Forgot I'm not coding in JS again
L821[20:15:17] <Mimiru> Oh.. thanks gamax92
L822[20:15:24] <Mimiru> I was working on getting that in Corded..
L823[20:19:33] <TYKUHN2> Crap I did it again
L824[20:19:37] <SF-MC> lol
L825[20:20:05] <TYKUHN2> Can someone message the maker of Lua and ask them to make concatenate +
L826[20:21:11] ⇨ Joins: ironmoutain (~root@50-201-41-253-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
L827[20:25:26] *** ironmoutain is now known as ironmountain
L828[20:27:21] <gamax92> @TYKUHN2 debug.getmetatable("").__add=function(x,y)return x..y end
L829[20:27:43] <TYKUHN2> Too lazy
L830[20:27:45] <gamax92> (don't actually use that and just get used to lua concat)
L831[20:27:51] <TYKUHN2> Then again I just did it again
L832[20:28:14] <TYKUHN2> + makes sense... I am adding two strings together
L833[20:28:20] <SF-MC> no you're not
L834[20:28:24] <SF-MC> you're concatenating them
L835[20:29:08] <TYKUHN2> I like how that worked out, but it will mean channel trimming could take a LONG time
L836[20:29:23] <gamax92> ?
L837[20:30:42] <TYKUHN2> If a dead socket is accessed by another socket then the channel accessed is trimmed. If a socket dies it is trimmed. If a socket dies and it has channels it must wait until the channels are accessed, it will be trimmed but not the channels.
L838[20:30:46] <TYKUHN2> Trim = remove
L839[20:31:45] ⇦ Quits: Thamathar (~Thamathar@ (Quit: Leaving)
L840[20:33:26] <gamax92> If a Laurn if seen by another Laurn both Laurn's will explode unless they have an active potion of blindness. If a Laurn explodes it is purged from the world and transfered to Delvans Realm. If a Laurn explodes and it has a family it must wait for it's family is notified of it's death., it will be purged but not it's family
L841[20:33:59] <gamax92> Explode = Death
L842[20:34:05] <SF-MC> XD
L843[20:34:34] <TYKUHN2> If gamax == gamax then return true else return "The world... what happened to it?" end
L844[20:34:49] <TYKUHN2> Technically
L845[20:34:56] <SF-MC> return gamax == gamax or "The world... what happend to it?"
L846[20:35:03] <SF-MC> pls
L847[20:35:06] <TYKUHN2> return gamax == gamax or "The world... what happened to it?"
L848[20:35:06] <gamax92> Technically what?
L849[20:35:22] <gamax92> the only way that can fail is if gamax is NaN
L850[20:35:36] <TYKUHN2> But nil == nil no? ?
L851[20:35:45] <gamax92> yes, it is, what's your point?
L852[20:35:46] <SF-MC> right
L853[20:35:49] <SF-MC> that's what he's saying
L854[20:35:55] <SF-MC> ONLY if gamax is a NaN
L855[20:35:58] <SF-MC> will that be false
L856[20:36:16] ⇦ Parts: AshIndigo (~EiraIRC@host-92-11-196-119.as43234.net) ())
L857[20:36:23] <SF-MC> because it's in iEEE768 that NaNs are never equal
L858[20:36:50] <TYKUHN2> Unless __eq = function() return false end
L859[20:36:53] <SF-MC> s/iEEE768/IEEE 754/g
L860[20:36:53] <MichiBot> <SF-MC> because it's in IEEE 754 that NaNs are never equal
L861[20:37:05] <SF-MC> and most hardware follows 754
L862[20:37:39] <gamax92> the PS2 doesn't
L863[20:37:45] <SF-MC> I said most
L864[20:37:54] <TYKUHN2> PS2 ShmeeS2
L865[20:38:14] <SF-MC> The PS2 may be the greatest selling console ever, but it has still sinned
L866[20:38:41] <ironmountain> Do you use linux on ps2 for your coding?
L867[20:39:18] <SF-MC> I'm not even sure you can find the YDL for PS2 disc anymore
L868[20:39:21] <SF-MC> even if you could
L869[20:39:24] <SF-MC> it's ancient
L870[20:39:25] <gamax92> >_> ... new mail filter, if message contains Viagra, send to spam
L871[20:39:37] <SF-MC> and the PS2 is pretty weak for developing on
L872[20:39:45] <SF-MC> <256MB RAM
L873[20:40:00] <ironmountain> How dare you! The ps2 is my primary desktop computing solution!
L874[20:40:08] <SF-MC> I'm so sorry
L875[20:40:14] <SF-MC> That sounds awful
L876[20:43:17] <ironmountain> Just did some research and the PS2 has 32mb of ram.
L877[20:43:26] <SF-MC> that's what I thought
L878[20:43:34] <SF-MC> didn't remember for sure though
L879[20:43:43] <ironmountain> Think that's enough for chrome?
L880[20:43:59] <SF-MC> that's not enough for a single tab
L881[20:44:04] <gamax92> Lol no
L882[20:44:13] <TYKUHN2> You ready for this guys?
L883[20:44:16] <SF-MC> Chrome is like... at least 128MB/tab
L884[20:44:16] <gamax92> no
L885[20:44:41] <TYKUHN2> Because it's time to test this code I wrote in <24hrs
L886[20:45:01] <TYKUHN2> And it involves a LOT of typing (no test suite yet)
L887[20:45:57] <TYKUHN2> First let me commit it
L888[20:46:00] <S3> so this is pretty bold
L889[20:46:14] <S3> I will not include a malloc in my OS
L890[20:46:21] <SF-MC> lol
L891[20:46:22] <TYKUHN2> ?
L892[20:46:23] <S3> well I'm actually lying, but not directly
L894[20:46:35] <SF-MC> "you deal with it, not my damn job"
L895[20:46:40] <SF-MC> OS to applications
L896[20:46:41] <TYKUHN2> ***He must die for his sins***
L897[20:46:51] <S3> SF-MC: it's an exokernel, I CAN say that
L898[20:46:53] <S3> and get away with it
L899[20:47:08] <S3> but no there's a very good reason why
L900[20:47:09] <SF-MC> I'd just bootstrap a Lisp and write in that
L901[20:47:21] <SF-MC> Free memory allocation and GC for everyone :P
L902[20:47:22] <S3> there is a memory allocation function but it's not malloc, nor calloc
L903[20:47:33] <S3> and it's also not the same effect
L904[20:47:54] <S3> my operating system does not (on purpose) support reserving memory of odd sizes.
L905[20:48:11] <S3> instead, you specify how much memory you need, and it provides you with 4K blocks of memory.
L906[20:48:22] <S3> all memory allocations are exactly the same size
L907[20:48:26] <S3> I call them mnodes
L908[20:48:32] ⇨ Joins: Thamathar (~Thamathar@
L909[20:48:36] <Thamathar> o/
L910[20:48:39] <S3> however I think I found a way to implement malloc if you need it
L911[20:48:54] <S3> and that is to make malloc interface my mnode allocation function
L912[20:49:04] <S3> and embed data in the allocated blocks
L913[20:49:13] <S3> of course this is slower but should work for compatability
L914[20:49:52] <Thamathar> People on this issue, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1908 the work arround its to change the config to startupDelay=0.25, but what config file? It doesn't specify the config file
L915[20:50:10] <SF-MC> <your_mc_dir>/config/opencomputers.cfg
L916[20:50:15] <SF-MC> or .conf, can't remember
L917[20:50:18] <SF-MC> you'll find it
L918[20:50:19] <TYKUHN2> Fuck shit shit fuck
L919[20:50:31] <TYKUHN2> Forgot Github for Windows is spastic about undos
L920[20:50:54] <Thamathar> Ty
L921[20:51:08] <S3> but fixed memory allocation is beautiful
L922[20:51:22] <SF-MC> until you need 5k :P
L923[20:51:48] <TYKUHN2> Github for Windows just deleted everything
L924[20:51:52] <TYKUHN2> Including my broken test suite
L925[20:54:42] <TYKUHN2> Now I have to blunder around with the world's worst file recovery software
L926[20:55:10] <ironmountain> Good luck restoring your data
L927[20:56:07] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L928[20:57:28] <TYKUHN2> "Volume locked by another process" well duhhh
L929[20:57:54] <S3> what's really cool tykuhn2
L930[20:58:13] <S3> is that my memory allocator is, if not very close to O(1)
L931[20:58:24] <S3> which is ridiculous
L932[20:59:25] <Thamathar> SF-MC, I just need to change on the server right?! Or the clients must do the change to the config of the mod also ?!
L933[20:59:31] <TYKUHN2> Anyone have any good file recovery software/methods of undoing what github just did
L934[20:59:42] <SF-MC> pretty sure it's just server-side for server config
L935[20:59:47] <SF-MC> but not 100% sure
L936[21:01:17] <Thamathar> Ty will try, the OC give me an blue screen saying that I did have 22 components conected but just have 3 in total
L937[21:01:30] <Thamathar> Screen just count as one right? Even if I have 1' or 20 ?
L938[21:01:39] <SF-MC> I believe so
L939[21:01:47] <SF-MC> also note that components act as cables
L940[21:02:06] <SF-MC> so components touching components touching computers count as well
L941[21:03:01] <Thamathar> Humm I just have cables to connect to the stuff
L942[21:03:31] <Thamathar> Have a Redstone I/O, adapter, screen (16 screen) and the keyboard
L943[21:03:33] <Thamathar> and thats it
L944[21:03:46] <Thamathar> so it should only be 4 right?
L945[21:04:36] <SF-MC> so long as something isn't connected that you don't realize
L946[21:05:17] <Thamathar> Humm the rest are just cables to conect the components nothing more
L947[21:06:10] <SF-MC> try taking pictures
L948[21:06:17] <SF-MC> maybe something is touching that you don't realize
L949[21:06:27] <Thamathar> sec
L950[21:06:36] <Thamathar> restarting the server
L951[21:06:49] <S3> Thamathar: also you can upgrade your cpu
L952[21:06:57] <S3> or use a server with a component bus or more
L953[21:07:15] <S3> you can get hundreds of components with servers maxed with component busses :D
L954[21:07:19] <ironmountain> "Rather than fixing the problem, work around it!"
L955[21:07:27] <S3> heheh
L956[21:07:31] <Thamathar> hehe
L957[21:07:40] <ironmountain> That's practically my motto for life
L958[21:07:47] <S3> ironmountain: you just explained x86.
L959[21:07:50] <SF-MC> lol
L960[21:08:01] <S3> the architecture used in almost every computer everyone uses todsay
L961[21:08:01] <Thamathar> Ya after the restart of the server
L962[21:08:14] <Thamathar> its saying that I have 8/16 not 22/16
L963[21:08:55] <Thamathar> but where does 8/16 comes from 1 sec taking a small video
L964[21:10:30] <Thamathar> uploading now
L965[21:11:06] <Thamathar> https://youtu.be/n8mT9I5uoHQ
L966[21:11:07] <MichiBot> 2017 01 29 03 09 15 | length: 20s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 0 | by Thamathar | Published On 29/1/2017
L967[21:12:17] <ironmountain> odd
L968[21:12:58] <SF-MC> ok
L969[21:13:02] <SF-MC> I don't see anything wrong with it
L970[21:13:05] <Thamathar> Did have to restart the server to fix this "bug"
L971[21:13:37] ⇨ Joins: bamajoe411 (~bamajoe41@cpe-174-111-254-181.triad.res.rr.com)
L972[21:13:41] <Thamathar> with the anylazer (sorry for my english :P) is saying now 8/16
L973[21:13:48] <Thamathar> before the server restart 22/16
L974[21:13:57] <SF-MC> oh
L975[21:13:58] <SF-MC> irhg
L976[21:13:59] <SF-MC> right
L977[21:14:06] <SF-MC> internal components are still components
L978[21:14:13] <SF-MC> hdd, floppy, etc
L979[21:14:14] <ironmountain> try switching your breakers off
L980[21:14:42] <Thamathar> breakers off?
L981[21:15:15] <Thamathar> even with hdd and such total counts 14/16
L982[21:18:08] <S3> ok so what do you think guys
L983[21:18:15] <S3> wipe on allocate or deallocate
L984[21:18:42] <S3> both have its advantages
L985[21:19:59] <S3> if you wipe on allocate, it makes handling crashes faster for larger applications and such, but if you wipe on deallocate, it makes memory allocation much faster when requesting a lot of memory
L986[21:20:29] <S3> the third is not not wipe at all. Some systems do this. However, I find it a security issue.
L987[21:20:34] <S3> and I would always wipe
L988[21:20:51] <S3> I don't want one program to see junk that was part of some other
L989[21:29:26] <Kodos> Why not both?
L990[21:30:50] <S3> both has no point
L991[21:30:53] <S3> waste of cputime
L992[21:30:57] <Kodos> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L993[21:30:57] <SF-MC> ^
L994[21:30:59] <Kodos> I'm doing LSL atm
L995[21:31:14] <Kodos> Adding decision making to SID
L996[21:31:35] <S3> Kodos: you're saying you want to set every bit in a block of memory to 0 when you free it and when you allocate it too?
L997[21:31:52] <S3> seems a bit fishy
L998[21:32:11] <Kodos> S3, Honestly I have no idea what I'm talking about usually when it comes to programming
L999[21:32:30] <S3> course you do
L1000[21:32:38] <S3> but this is operating system stuff
L1001[21:32:50] <Kodos> Indeed
L1002[21:32:52] <S3> (not for oc)
L1003[21:32:55] <Kodos> Ah
L1004[21:32:59] <Kodos> Then I definitely am clueless
L1005[21:33:24] <S3> I'm embedding a lua 5.3 interpreter in my OS
L1006[21:33:28] <S3> but it needs malloc
L1007[21:33:43] <S3> and my OS does not have a malloc because my os doesn't allow allocating memory in sizes other than 4 Kilobytes
L1008[21:33:48] <S3> at a time
L1009[21:34:01] <S3> if you ask for 13.5K you will get 16KB
L1010[21:34:46] * xarses tries to make sense of a computronix colorful lamp
L1011[21:35:12] <Kodos> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L1012[21:36:22] <Thamathar> There it goes again the Ender IO or Computronics, the total of capacitors its 30Mil, it says that I have 50Mil energy -.-
L1013[21:37:32] <Thamathar> Have this happen do you guys ?!
L1014[21:39:06] * xarses googles a bit and cant get to the wiki for computronix
L1015[21:40:53] <SF-MC> ok
L1016[21:41:10] <SF-MC> think I've had enough Minecraft for tonight
L1017[21:41:11] <SF-MC> o/
L1018[21:41:15] ⇦ Quits: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1019[21:41:19] <Thamathar> o/
L1020[21:43:20] <Kodos> xarses, what are you having issues with?
L1021[21:45:58] ⇨ Joins: techno156 (~techno156@
L1022[21:45:59] <xarses> Kodos: finally noticed the in game docs, but a 15 bit int... nice to screw with people
L1023[21:46:09] <Kodos> Lol
L1024[21:46:27] <Kodos> I use it for dynamically changing a gradient between red and green based on my total energy storage
L1025[21:46:48] <xarses> rofl
L1026[21:47:01] <xarses> it also made me feel it would take from the colors api and nope
L1027[21:47:31] <xarses> then I was like maybe I can pass it a string for standard colors ... nope
L1028[21:47:41] <Kodos> https://github.com/MyNameIsKodos/OpenComputers-Programs/blob/master/utils/powermon.lua#L71-L82
L1029[21:47:43] <Kodos> That's how I use it
L1030[21:47:47] <xarses> then i was like, surely it takes html colors...
L1031[21:48:26] <xarses> then I spend 15 minutes searching, sure as fu it takes a 15bit int
L1032[21:48:29] <xarses> XD
L1033[21:48:48] <xarses> it should at least take 3 args if people don't want to figure out the bits
L1034[21:48:59] * xarses wanders off for a bit
L1035[21:49:30] <Kodos> xarses, if you want an easier to use version, check out OpenLights
L1036[21:49:41] <Kodos> It takes a 0x###### Hex value for a color
L1037[21:54:34] <S3> that's too bad
L1038[21:54:37] <S3> why not 32 bit?
L1039[21:56:10] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:f01c:eeea:d0c1:6a88)
L1040[21:56:29] <Kodos> Dunno, Ask Vex
L1041[21:56:31] <Kodos> It was his project
L1042[21:56:38] <Thamathar> People any one you use Ender IO and use Computronix to read the capacitor stuff?!
L1043[21:56:38] <Kodos> Or do you mean on OL
L1044[21:56:47] <Kodos> Thamathar, I do
L1045[21:56:55] <Kodos> Let me see your code
L1046[21:57:08] <Thamathar> sec
L1047[21:57:17] <S3> 32 bit color is fantastic and only useful when you have z buffers / stackable framebuffers.
L1048[21:57:33] <S3> otherwise 24 bit is where it's at
L1049[22:01:28] <Thamathar> http://pastebin.com/zp9yVDgd
L1050[22:01:35] <Thamathar> Kodos is that one
L1051[22:03:01] <Kodos> That looks like basically what I do, yeah
L1052[22:03:02] <Thamathar> Its the same program that I did use on the computercraft
L1053[22:03:09] <Kodos> What is the issue you're having?
L1054[22:03:43] <Thamathar> The think is sometimes tells me from the capacitor.getMaxEnergyStored() that I have 50Mil or 30Mil
L1055[22:03:48] <Thamathar> and it should allways tell me 30Mil
L1056[22:04:02] <Thamathar> Since its what I have
L1057[22:04:16] <Thamathar> and not 50Mil like he some times tells me
L1058[22:05:20] <Kodos> Can you screenshot your physical setup?
L1059[22:05:34] <Thamathar> https://youtu.be/n8mT9I5uoHQ
L1060[22:05:34] <MichiBot> 2017 01 29 03 09 15 | length: 20s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 2 | by Thamathar | Published On 29/1/2017
L1061[22:05:46] <Thamathar> Its that one it will apear at the end
L1062[22:06:27] <Thamathar> have 6 capacitor bank
L1063[22:06:31] <Kodos> Hm
L1064[22:06:39] <Kodos> I don't see any reason it should be reporting a false value
L1065[22:06:48] <Kodos> But it's like 10pm and I've been awake all day so I may be missing something
L1066[22:06:50] ⇦ Quits: Wiiplay123 (~kvirc@adsl-72-154-27-119.bna.bellsouth.net) (Quit: KVIrc 4.9.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1067[22:07:24] <Thamathar> If it was from the code it self
L1068[22:07:38] <Thamathar> it should give me allways 50Mil or 30Mil
L1069[22:07:51] <Thamathar> it is reading wrong don't know why
L1070[22:07:58] <Thamathar> maby a bug from of of the mods ?!
L1071[22:08:08] <Kodos> Maybe
L1072[22:08:11] <Kodos> Might be a bad interaction
L1073[22:08:25] <Kodos> I'd check with Vex and have him test 'tronics against current EIO versions
L1074[22:08:28] <Kodos> Make sure something didn't change
L1075[22:09:21] <Thamathar> Vex comes to the channel?!
L1076[22:10:59] <Thamathar> lol now my screens doesn't show me a think -.- not my day for sure
L1077[22:11:55] <TYKUHN2> Pissing me off
L1078[22:12:05] <TYKUHN2> What's that one file recovery software?
L1079[22:12:53] <TYKUHN2> Thamathar atleast your software isn't deleted
L1080[22:13:36] <Thamathar> Dohehe agre, but thats why there are backup s:P
L1081[22:13:44] <TYKUHN2> Just racing the clock at this point to prevent corruption
L1082[22:13:58] <TYKUHN2> I wasn't intending on backing up the github repo locally.
L1083[22:14:02] <TYKUHN2> I just hadn't pushed yet
L1084[22:14:26] <TYKUHN2> I keep forgetting Github for Windows is unforgiving
L1085[22:16:58] <TYKUHN2> "Enable deep scan? Note this can take an hour on larger drives" 2 Minutes remaining
L1086[22:17:23] <Thamathar> Now doesn't matter how much time I will restart the OC computer it allways give me 50Mil -.-
L1087[22:17:43] <TYKUHN2> If it's gone forever I might as well redo it with the enhancments I already decided on
L1088[22:17:44] <xarses> Kodos: I don't want another mod to add
L1089[22:17:58] <Kodos> Well, your call, but it's literally one block
L1090[22:18:05] <xarses> I want a function with sensible input
L1091[22:22:25] <TYKUHN2> Wow
L1092[22:22:33] <TYKUHN2> Did github really just securly overwrite my file?
L1093[22:23:05] <xarses> it would also be fine if it just took a 32 bit int and truncated it so I don't have to go make a new color library
L1094[22:24:04] <TYKUHN2> Jesus it was just deleted as well
L1095[22:25:04] <TYKUHN2> Name: "" Path: "C:\?\" Last Modified: "Unknown" Size: 0B
L1096[22:25:08] <TYKUHN2> Guess what state it's in
L1097[22:26:47] <TYKUHN2> Ugh
L1098[22:26:54] <TYKUHN2> Github does securly overwrite
L1099[22:27:24] <TYKUHN2> ***Feature Request:*** Don't assume developer is suicidal
L1100[22:28:40] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L1101[22:29:18] <TYKUHN2> Ewww I have to load powershell
L1102[22:31:21] <TYKUHN2> Nope
L1103[22:34:37] <Monkeyfish> Feature request: make developer suicidal
L1104[22:36:03] <xarses> ugh, how am I even supposed to work with binary numbers
L1105[22:36:13] ⇦ Quits: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1106[22:36:19] * xarses bangs head into keyboard
L1107[22:37:43] <TYKUHN2> 9:50
L1108[22:38:00] <TYKUHN2> QUICK 9:50 PM into 24hr
L1109[22:38:09] <TYKUHN2> 21?
L1110[22:43:33] <TYKUHN2> Looks like the fateful command was a reset -mixed
L1111[22:45:29] <TYKUHN2> What's really odd is that when github scrubbed the git log it scrubbed it's own internal log
L1112[22:45:39] <TYKUHN2> So I can't actually find the exact time I initiated the commit
L1113[22:55:03] <TYKUHN2> Very compelete I'll give it that
L1114[22:55:42] <TYKUHN2> ?
L1115[22:55:46] <TYKUHN2> ?
L1116[22:55:49] <TYKUHN2> I found it
L1117[22:55:58] <TYKUHN2> ORIG_HEAD was saved
L1118[22:57:00] <TYKUHN2> I can see it with my own eyes
L1119[22:57:13] <TYKUHN2> Now how do I retrieve the cached item?
L1120[22:58:12] <TYKUHN2> Oh my god I had Github so much
L1121[22:58:20] <TYKUHN2> I broke recuva out for nothing it's right thee
L1122[22:58:43] <TYKUHN2> @MGR Jesus christ I have it
L1123[22:59:04] <TYKUHN2> ?
L1124[22:59:36] <TYKUHN2> And to the the reason I undid the change to begin with was because I included a bad file
L1125[23:00:00] <TYKUHN2> GG
L1126[23:00:22] <TYKUHN2> As I cross the date line: To y'all I say goodnite.
L1127[23:03:57] <Antheus> Presenting one of my old profile pics on facebook: http://i.imgur.com/oF5khmR.png
L1128[23:15:02] <Thamathar> Humm just notice something strange, if I type components, I do get 3 capacitor_bank (should only get 1) get 2 computers (should only get 1) redstone got 2 (should only get one) -.-
L1129[23:15:09] <Thamathar> any one knoes why this happends ?!
L1130[23:23:09] <Kodos> You got two computers linked together without a relay between them
L1131[23:23:17] <Kodos> That's why your banks are getting messed up
L1132[23:23:53] <Thamathar> The think is
L1133[23:23:59] <Thamathar> I just have one computer
L1134[23:24:11] <Thamathar> and no one else on the server is using OC beside me
L1135[23:24:31] <Thamathar> So it should only apear one on the components
L1136[23:24:56] <Thamathar> @Kodos Ohh you typing from here hehe ?
L1137[23:28:42] <Kodos> You probably have a computer linking back in on itself, somehow
L1138[23:28:50] <Kodos> I dunno how though
L1139[23:29:19] <Thamathar> Don't know too :/ you did check the code and there is nothing wrong with it
L1140[23:29:40] <Thamathar> I rly don't understand whats wrong with the mod ? I'm rly loving it
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L1142[23:31:25] ⇦ Quits: Thamathar (~Thamathar@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1143[23:42:04] ⇦ Quits: ironmountain (~root@50-201-41-253-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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