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L1[00:12:22] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.)
L2[00:49:58] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE8994724A7CF8218819.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L3[00:49:58] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L4[01:12:27] ⇨ Joins: Vercalos (webchat@97-113-155-6.tukw.qwest.net)
L5[01:12:33] <Vercalos> o/
L6[01:16:10] <Vercalos> Guessing no one's awake?
L7[01:18:53] ⇦ Quits: Hobbyboy (Hobbyboy@hobbyboy.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L8[01:20:53] <Kodos> I wasn't, now I am, and now I'm about to not be
L9[01:23:37] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:1050:d49f:700b:7fb5:b2e5) (Quit: Cervator)
L10[01:32:03] <Vercalos> Ah. Just having issues with computers persisting to function when chunks reload....
L11[01:42:00] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE8994724A7CF8218819.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L12[01:42:03] <Kodos> Youve made sure persistence is enabled?
L13[01:47:43] <Vercalos> well I'm using it as part of a modpack, and persistance is not disabled..
L14[01:49:33] *** Vaht is now known as Tahg
L15[01:58:11] ⇨ Joins: Hobbyboy (Hobbyboy@hobbyboy.co.uk)
L16[02:09:03] ⇨ Joins: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L17[02:22:22] ⇦ Quits: Hobbyboy (Hobbyboy@hobbyboy.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L18[02:23:43] <Forecaster> Vercalos: what happens exactly?
L19[02:23:51] <Forecaster> does the computer error?
L20[02:29:04] ⇨ Joins: Hobbyboy (Hobbyboy@hobbyboy.co.uk)
L21[02:32:39] <Vercalos> No errors. Just stops responding to input and the screens fail to update.
L22[02:32:55] <Forecaster> "the screens"
L23[02:33:07] <Forecaster> do you have multiple separate screens connected?
L24[02:33:07] <Vercalos> well, it IS a multiblock.
L25[02:33:25] <Vercalos> 6 screen blocks in a single multiblock screen
L26[02:33:36] <Forecaster> that's "a screen"
L27[02:34:34] <Vercalos> very well. the screen display stops updating, and near as I can tell the computer stops functioning.
L28[02:35:06] <Forecaster> does simply restarting it fix it?
L29[02:35:14] <fingercomp> yeah, that happened quite often on my server
L30[02:35:55] <Vercalos> I'll shut off the computer and the screen display persists, and turning it on again yields no change
L31[02:36:58] <Vercalos> I usually end up replacing the screen-blocks. and the computer to get it running again
L32[02:37:15] <Forecaster> try not having a multiblock screen?
L33[02:37:18] <Forecaster> maybe that's the issue
L34[02:39:17] <fingercomp> as far as I can tell, the problem happens if a program that uses GPU a lot is running on a computer
L35[02:40:54] <fingercomp> and it's not related to multiblock screens at all
L36[02:48:27] <Vercalos> ah well.
L37[03:09:19] ⇦ Quits: Vercalos (webchat@97-113-155-6.tukw.qwest.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L38[03:13:47] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC66E8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L40[04:29:53] ⇨ Joins: Greenphlem (uid22276@id-22276.tooting.irccloud.com)
L41[05:01:40] ⇦ Quits: Crazylemon (~Crazylemo@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L42[05:27:34] <Saphire> Um
L43[05:27:42] * Saphire kinda needs halp o..o
L44[05:31:07] <Forecaster> with what?
L45[05:47:53] <Inari> Saphire: Lets go over the checklist
L46[05:47:58] <Inari> 1) Is a figurine stuck in your rectum?
L47[05:49:53] <gamax92> what to do if yes?
L48[05:56:09] <Forecaster> asking for a friend
L49[05:56:16] <Inari> Go to a hospital
L50[06:40:36] <Saphire> ._.
L51[06:40:46] <MGR> hello Saphire
L52[06:40:48] <Saphire> Sooo, i need to make an app
L53[06:40:57] <MGR> ok
L54[06:41:00] <Saphire> But I don't know what to use
L55[06:41:16] <Forecaster> app for?
L56[06:41:17] <Forecaster> android
L57[06:41:20] <Forecaster> ?
L58[06:41:32] <Saphire> nah
L59[06:41:49] <Inari> ?
L60[06:42:07] <Saphire> uuuh, basically i need to have a map and be able to let user input the label/text for some points on it
L61[06:42:23] <Forecaster> on what?? what platform?
L62[06:42:28] <Saphire> (and then send or verify that input but that's another problem)
L63[06:42:31] <MGR> I could probably do that in Java
L64[06:42:36] <MGR> Badly, but I could do it
L65[06:42:48] <MGR> But yeah, what platform?
L66[06:42:52] <MGR> OC?
L67[06:42:52] <Saphire> Uuuh, desktop. That's kinda the problem, i don't know in what to do it
L68[06:43:14] <Inari> Windows?
L69[06:43:21] <Saphire> PC, Win/Linux (because hey, i'm using linux but that thing needs to run on windows
L70[06:43:29] <Inari> Excel
L71[06:43:30] <Saphire> I can kidna go with a web app too
L72[06:43:49] <MGR> I agree with Inari
L73[06:43:51] <MGR> Excel ?
L74[06:43:56] <Saphire> .__.
L75[06:44:22] <MGR> .___.
L76[06:44:58] <Inari> Saphire: What sthis for anyway
L77[06:45:18] <MGR> Saphire, I know!
L78[06:45:23] <Forecaster> I'd probably go with a web-app that uses gmaps
L79[06:45:26] <MGR> If it's a web app, you should have GERT integration!
L80[06:45:37] <MGR> That way you can use it in OC and everywhere too ?
L81[06:46:10] <Izaya> Saphire: I'd advise python and maybe
L82[06:46:11] <Saphire> Inari: geography
L83[06:46:12] <Izaya> fltk?
L84[06:46:21] <Inari> Ew pyhton
L85[06:46:22] <Inari> :p
L86[06:46:23] <MGR> sup Izaya
L87[06:46:55] <Saphire> Izaya: ...now that's just next to Excel. Not sure which is better though
L88[06:47:14] <Izaya> not tk
L89[06:47:15] <Izaya> fltk
L90[06:47:15] * Saphire kinda has next to no experience with python
L91[06:47:28] <Inari> python sucks anyway
L92[06:47:37] <Izaya> Saphire: Lua?
L93[06:47:45] <Saphire> uh
L94[06:47:47] <Inari> Lua is terrible with UI
L95[06:47:51] <Saphire> Inari: eh?
L96[06:48:00] <Saphire> C bindings + QT and tada?
L97[06:48:03] <Inari> Theres aboutno good UI toolkit for lua :P
L98[06:48:05] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L99[06:48:06] <Saphire> or something like that
L100[06:48:08] <Izaya> http://lua-users.org/wiki/GraphicalUserInterfaceToolkits
L101[06:48:15] <Saphire> or just a bare opengl
L102[06:48:26] <Saphire> like someone did for their emulator
L103[06:48:27] <MGR> Use Vulkan
L104[06:48:29] <Inari> I mean, if you want to draw your UI customly and just be a pain, sure
L105[06:48:38] <MGR> Because you need maximum performance for a map ?
L106[06:48:52] <Saphire> ...i kinda think of "make it a webapp" idea more and more
L107[06:49:00] <Skye> Saphire, you know more GL than me. :P
L108[06:49:07] <Saphire> Time to get burned by JS, yaaay
L109[06:49:11] <MGR> Saphire, if you make it a webapp you should have GERT integration
L110[06:49:27] <MGR> because GERT is coming soon tm
L111[06:50:02] <Saphire> MGR: It's supposed to have Moodle integration but, well... I won't be able to get access to anything more than user account
L112[06:50:15] <Inari> Izaya: So you have two options on that lis tbasically
L113[06:50:28] <MGR> Once I finish buying and building computers for people, I can finally work on GERTi again
L114[06:50:49] <MGR> Saphire, I can talk to you more in detail about GERT once I finish it
L115[06:50:50] <Saphire> (because it's Altai State University and I'm kinda not even out of high school yet but a person from there asked me to do this...)
L116[06:50:53] <MGR> But it COULD be useful
L117[06:51:05] <Saphire> uh, what\s GERT?
L118[06:51:11] <Inari> Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique, commonly known as GERT, is a network analysis technique used in project management that allows probabilistic treatment both network logic and estimation of activity duration.
L119[06:51:21] <MGR> That is incorrect
L120[06:51:39] <MGR> Inari, did you come up with that ahead of time?
L121[06:51:54] <Inari> ?
L122[06:51:55] <MGR> Saphire, have you heard of the Ocranet?
L123[06:51:59] <MGR> wait
L124[06:52:01] <Inari> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphical_Evaluation_and_Review_Technique
L125[06:52:08] <MGR> uh
L126[06:52:19] <MGR> ...
L127[06:52:26] <Saphire> ...why literally half of words on UD have one of the meaning being "To ejaculate"?
L128[06:52:44] <MGR> It's not that GERT
L129[06:52:49] <Saphire> MGR: now please could you explain what's GERT
L130[06:52:54] <MGR> I can
L131[06:53:01] <Saphire> (i'm assuming it's something local-ish to you)
L132[06:53:02] <MGR> and I will
L133[06:53:21] <Saphire> ...i kinda meant "start talking about it" not "confirm your ability to do so" >.>
L134[06:53:34] <MGR> the Ocranet is the premiere networking technology for OpenComputers designed primarily by S3, and with some assistance from Gavle and I on some fine points
L135[06:53:41] * Saphire pokes Izaya
L136[06:53:49] <MGR> GERT is the official routing protocol of Ocranet
L137[06:54:01] <Skye> Izaya, can you make droneswarmnet
L138[06:54:08] <Izaya> GERT is MGR's orcanet implementation
L139[06:54:10] <Saphire> hey, you hate JS, can you suggest me how to build a webapp because you defenitely know something about it
L140[06:54:19] <Saphire> >orcanet
L141[06:54:21] <MGR> GERTi allows you to easily and effectively network computers inside of a minecraft server to each other, and then transfer information easily
L142[06:54:23] * Saphire snickers
L143[06:54:24] <Inari> Uh
L144[06:54:27] <Inari> JS is pretty good
L145[06:54:30] <Izaya> best misspelling
L146[06:54:56] <MGR> GERTe allows you to network computers across the internet
L147[06:55:05] <MGR> the two together are referred to collectively as GERT
L148[06:55:18] <Saphire> So... it's a network stack?
L149[06:55:21] <MGR> They work both inside and outside of minecraft, and are quite powerful
L150[06:55:32] <MGR> Yes
L151[06:55:33] <Saphire> Is it meshnet?
L152[06:55:57] <MGR> GERTi has a central computer for each network, but is mostly meshnet
L153[06:56:24] <MGR> GERTe has to involve at least a passive repeater due to TCP constraints in OC, but is peer-to-peer
L154[06:56:31] <MGR> peer-to repeater - to peer
L155[06:56:39] <Inari> I'm not sure what you mean with " how" to build a webapp
L156[06:56:46] <Inari> you use js, html and such :P
L157[06:56:47] <Saphire> If it is, how much of it is meshnet? I mean, is it "every real and OC computer is a node" or "every real computer is a node that manages subnodes that are OC computers"?
L158[06:57:11] <MGR> Saphire, every OC/real computer is a node on the network
L159[06:57:27] <MGR> It is capable of communicating directly with neighbors, and further away computers by means of the gateway
L160[06:57:37] <MGR> GERTe handles networking across the Internet
L161[06:57:57] <MGR> let me show you the whitepaper, hold on
L162[06:58:17] <MGR> https://github.com/GlobalEmpire/GERT/blob/master/GERT%20Whitepaper.txt
L163[06:58:25] <MGR> tada!
L164[06:58:36] <MGR> you'll also probably want to register for a GERTe phone number
L165[06:58:52] <Saphire> birbs are floofy o.o
L166[06:58:53] <MGR> Here: https://github.com/GlobalEmpire/GERT/issues
L167[06:59:17] <Saphire> ...lemme guess, without opening that, it's "Global Empire Routing Technology"?
L168[06:59:31] <MGR> how'd you guess?
L169[06:59:40] <MGR> no, really though, how did you guess?
L170[07:00:19] <Saphire> Headstart of two words from repo name plus it being a routing protocol and T could only stand for technology in that context
L171[07:00:33] <MGR> good guess
L172[07:00:41] <MGR> It is indeed Global Empire Routing Technology
L173[07:02:05] <MGR> Right now it is mostly non-functional
L174[07:02:18] <MGR> The network will organize itself, but you can't transfer data
L175[07:02:36] <MGR> That will happen soon tm
L176[07:06:57] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L177[07:08:11] ⇨ Joins: LuMistry (uid146685@id-146685.highgate.irccloud.com)
L178[07:08:16] <LuMistry> Greetings
L179[07:08:37] <MGR> Hello LuMistry
L180[07:08:46] <MGR> Saphire, what do you think of the whitepaper?
L181[07:08:52] <LuMistry> Hello MGR
L182[07:17:53] <Saphire> https://anvaka.github.io/common-words/#?lang=lua
L183[07:18:17] <Saphire> MGR: well it describes mostly the algorthmics of it
L184[07:18:25] <Saphire> Not the protocol itself
L185[07:18:45] <MGR> so, what do you want to know?
L186[07:18:48] <Saphire> Is it a binary data or is it JSON or what?
L187[07:18:55] <MGR> wait what
L188[07:19:15] <MGR> I'm remarkable under-knowledged for someone working on a networking protocol XD
L189[07:19:33] <MGR> you want to know how you will be transmitting and receiving data?
L190[07:20:12] <Lizzy> my coworker had a nice smelling sandwhich and has now made me hungry
L191[07:20:51] <MGR> Lizzy, eat your coworker's sandwitch
L192[07:20:57] <Inari> A nice smelling sandwitch is always good
L193[07:21:00] <MGR> sandwich*
L194[07:21:09] <MGR> sandwhich?*
L195[07:21:24] <Inari> Well since she said "had"
L196[07:21:27] <Inari> its probably eaten already
L197[07:21:28] <MGR> two bread slices with stuff in the middle
L198[07:21:59] <MGR> extract the sandwhich/sandwitch/sandwich from the coworker's stomach?
L199[07:22:07] <Saphire> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol#TCP_segment_structure an example
L200[07:23:13] <MGR> Saphire, probably: "Originator, Destination, Message"
L201[07:23:30] <MGR> Originator and Destination will be a little different for GERTi/GERTe
L202[07:23:46] <MGR> but the end-user doesn't have to worry about how it's structured too much
L203[07:23:53] <Saphire> why not just "OriginatorDestinationMessage"?
L204[07:24:08] <MGR> That isn't what I said?
L205[07:24:10] <Saphire> I mean, why the unreqired separator?
L206[07:24:16] <MGR> oh
L207[07:24:23] <MGR> I just did that to be more legible
L208[07:24:26] <Saphire> oh, you meant that as abstract "it will contain that"
L209[07:24:31] <MGR> yeah
L210[07:24:50] <MGR> To the end-user, I want it to look like internet.open with the OC internet card
L211[07:24:59] <MGR> you can send and receive data from some object thing or whatever
L212[07:25:11] <Corded> * MGR doesn't know exactly how internet.open works
L213[07:27:21] <MGR> I really want to make GERT so that it takes the load off of end-users to get started with it
L214[07:27:54] <MGR> S3 and I are also trying to get a GERTi client built into OpenOS
L215[07:27:58] <MGR> payonel, nudge nudge
L216[07:31:55] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L217[07:32:41] <MGR> Saphire, any other questions?
L218[07:37:26] ⇦ Quits: Greenphlem (uid22276@id-22276.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L219[08:16:04] <Ady (WriteEscape)> is there a way to set the side of the rack just for the gpu?
L220[08:16:33] <MGR> what do you mean?
L221[08:17:48] <Ady (WriteEscape)> so i have a rack filled with servers and wires for my alarm system
L222[08:18:11] <Ady (WriteEscape)> i would rather have 1 screen then multiple
L223[08:20:03] <Ady (WriteEscape)> also, i cant work out how a terminal server works...
L224[08:20:28] <MGR> you can't just run a cable from the rack to a screen?
L225[08:23:33] <Ady (WriteEscape)> not easily
L226[08:24:12] <MGR> why not?
L227[08:24:29] <MGR> the cable can be shared between the screen and other components I think
L228[08:27:49] <S3> so
L229[08:28:02] <S3> I m seriously thinking of doing something very very.. spooky
L230[08:28:13] <S3> converting S3IX into an exokernel
L231[08:28:21] <S3> okay that's not spooky
L232[08:28:25] <S3> but it's wildly interesting!
L233[08:28:56] <S3> I think I can do this by making everything a process, wrapping them into containers and forming a circularly linked list of process containers
L234[08:29:02] <S3> and infinitely recursing them
L235[08:29:09] <S3> (using tail calls of course)
L236[08:53:34] <Mimiru> @Ady (WriteEscape) one day yes, Today is not that day, and the near future looks bad too
L237[08:55:34] <Mimiru> huge changes in rendering make the turret and keypad not directly portable, they'd have to be rewritten, and I don't know how to do so
L238[08:58:19] <Ady (WriteEscape)> ah, that blows :(
L239[09:08:42] <Ady (WriteEscape)> so i was watching the tutorial series on youtube about opencomputers and my rack is completely different then theirs...
L240[09:10:16] *** Guest83709 is now known as Magik6k
L241[09:10:26] <Magik6k> o/
L242[09:11:33] <Magik6k> Is there any #OC mc server I could play on?
L243[09:14:38] <Michiyo> the tutorial series is likely older than 1.6 which is where the UI change happened
L244[09:14:42] <MGR> Magik6k, mine
L245[09:15:01] <MGR> @Mimiru honestly, I don't care if the turrets are purple boxes that shoot invisible lasers
L246[09:15:16] <MGR> If that's what it takes to make OpenSecurity 1.10, then I will take it
L247[09:16:30] <Magik6k> @MGR Can haz more info? :3
L248[09:16:58] <MGR> MC version is 1.7.10
L249[09:17:00] <MGR> but I have OC 1.6
L250[09:17:19] <MGR> Magik6k, here's the modpack https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9uPVlYk-qJvNHVTS0I3WXRKUWc/view?usp=sharing
L251[09:17:36] <MGR> We also have a Discord server at https://discord.gg/f7VYMfJ
L252[09:17:46] <MGR> and a #yuonsurvival channel on espernet
L253[09:17:55] <MGR> Can't remember if I updated the modpack there though
L254[09:17:59] <MGR> so use the link I posted here
L255[09:24:43] <Skye> I wonder what the best way to do network routing on a swarm of nodes that can move and go down at any moment..
L256[09:25:45] <Ady (WriteEscape)> wireless networking ;)
L257[09:27:38] <Skye> Routing
L258[09:27:47] <Skye> Not how they communicate
L259[09:31:08] <Ady (WriteEscape)> ah my bad
L260[09:31:25] <Ady (WriteEscape)> i assume the wakeup message on a modem is like a wake up on lan thing in real life?
L261[09:34:10] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/s8993PL.gifv
L262[09:34:19] <Izaya> Magik6k: MGR's server is somewhat questionable
L263[09:35:05] <Izaya> when I played it was basically cold war paranoia
L264[09:35:39] <S3> Magik6k: like exokernels?
L265[09:39:16] <Magik6k> Exokernels are fun
L266[09:39:21] <Magik6k> *kernels are fun
L267[09:43:58] <S3> I was writing a microkernel for my os
L268[09:44:02] <S3> which is coming along btw!
L269[09:44:10] <S3> but I think I may convert to a microkernel
L270[09:44:12] <S3> er
L271[09:44:14] <S3> exokernel*
L272[09:44:25] <S3> but get this, as a microkernel, as soon as the system boots it unloads the kernel
L273[09:44:29] <S3> it doesn't need it XD
L274[09:44:56] <S3> the kernel image is just an initrd with some helper functions for bootstrapping
L275[09:45:24] <S3> Magik6k: what I think you'd like is that everything is a reactive stream in the os
L276[09:45:36] <S3> so you can build reactive systems
L277[09:45:52] <S3> at least that's the goal
L278[09:46:09] <S3> even ifconfig interfaces are just streams in reality
L279[09:47:02] <S3> Magik6k: but actually I wanted to know if you minded if I used plan9k's shell in my OS
L280[09:47:15] <S3> only because I really don't want to write a shell........ lol
L281[09:47:47] <S3> I'll probably bave to mangle it to make it work with the reactive streaming model
L282[09:50:03] <Magik6k> Plan9k and pipes(kernel) are pretty independent
L283[09:50:24] <Magik6k> Only one non-standard link is 'pipes' API
L284[09:50:45] <Magik6k> other than that it's MIT so do whatever you want
L285[09:50:46] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L286[09:51:17] <Magik6k> Pipes api is defined here: https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Plan9k/blob/master/pipes/18_syscall.lua
L287[09:58:05] <S3> ah that's neat
L288[09:59:14] <Magik6k> S3, I also implement some stuff from http://lua-users.org/wiki/ExtensionProposal
L289[09:59:17] <S3> looks like you're taking calbacks too
L290[10:00:23] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L291[10:02:23] <S3> in my exokernel design there won't be any scheduler
L292[10:02:31] <S3> itl be a circularly linked list of processes
L293[10:02:33] <S3> XD
L294[10:02:37] <S3> well
L295[10:02:38] <S3> containers
L296[10:02:55] <S3> to shut down the system you just remove all containers
L297[10:03:24] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE1855D1FE37077B1AE4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L298[10:03:24] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L299[10:09:08] <S3> fix it Vexatos
L300[10:09:09] <S3> :D
L301[10:09:17] <Vexatos> ?
L302[10:11:50] <S3> OC is broken! it doesn't support quantum computing!
L303[10:11:55] <S3> :P
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L306[10:24:48] <MGR> Izaya, I moved past paranoia
L307[10:24:54] <MGR> Well, absurdly high levels
L308[10:25:01] <MGR> Everyone knows where my base is
L309[10:27:26] <S3> mgr?
L310[10:27:58] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L311[10:28:47] <MGR> S3?
L312[10:28:49] <MGR> Afk
L313[10:29:10] ⇦ Quits: LuMistry (uid146685@id-146685.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L314[10:36:01] <Saphire> Whoa
L315[10:36:04] <Saphire> Wow
L316[10:36:28] <Saphire> So, Linux terminals go nearly a century into the post with their history
L317[10:36:41] <Saphire> *the history with...
L318[10:37:29] <Saphire> Oh derp *into the past with
L319[10:37:46] <Saphire> Because, well, TTY is teletype
L320[10:38:09] <Saphire> And teletypes were used since 1920's according to wiki..
L321[10:39:55] <Izaya> yup
L322[10:40:21] <Saphire> Wow
L323[10:40:51] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl)
L324[10:41:02] <Saphire> I'm not surprised that there is an UART USB driver now...
L325[10:43:34] <20kdc> If you mean the FTDI driver or similar, look at an Arduino Duemilanove.
L326[10:43:51] <20kdc> That should indicate their utility.
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L332[11:02:32] <payonel> mgr: respectfully, i still see gerti and orcanet (sorry if i have the names wrong) as oppm projects
L333[11:02:56] <payonel> tell you what, convince vex and i'll absolutely reconsider
L334[11:05:38] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:1050:4c21:829a:22c6:ca49)
L335[11:06:07] <Magik6k> One thing that I'd love to see integrated is simple base for network stacks
L336[11:06:25] <Magik6k> Providing abstraction for network interfaces
L337[11:06:25] <MGR> payonel, it's ocranet
L338[11:06:39] <MGR> although a network of orcas would be cool, that's not what we got yet ?
L339[11:07:11] <payonel> Magik6k: if you provide the pure virtual interface as a start, i'd definitely look into integrating that
L340[11:07:34] <payonel> with some constraints in comments
L341[11:07:40] <MGR> payonel, I'll talk to Vex
L342[11:07:55] <MGR> but once you see the finished GERTi, your socks will be so knocked off, you won't be able to find them
L343[11:08:08] <Magik6k> payonel, I'm working on one(for OpenOS)
L344[11:09:04] <Vexatos> MGR: I have seen more impressive things than that
L345[11:09:19] <Magik6k> payonel, actually the base network interface is done
L346[11:09:20] <Magik6k> http://mpt.magik6k.net/file/ip/lib/netif.lua
L347[11:10:38] <Izaya> Anyone want to see something horrifying?
L348[11:10:59] <MGR> Vexatos, oh rly
L349[11:11:18] <MGR> things that can make your jaw drop so much, it will pop out the other side of the planet?
L350[11:11:23] <payonel> Izaya: sign me up!
L351[11:11:28] <Izaya> if [ ! -e /tmp/.sshadded ] ; then ; ssh-add $(find ~/.ssh/id_* -not -name '*.pub' -type f) ; touch /tmp/.sshadded ; fi
L352[11:11:44] <Izaya> ^ automatically adds ssh keys to agent the first time you open an interactive terminal
L353[11:13:01] <Vexatos> MGR: Well I have seen a twitch stream on OpenComputers, and I have seen asie streaming himself playing Minecraft to an OC screen, and I have seen a certain program that apparently has not crashed once for two years
L354[11:13:25] <MGR> ok it's probably not THAT good
L355[11:13:35] <MGR> but still worthy of inclusion in the base OS
L356[11:13:48] ⇨ Joins: LuMistry (uid146685@id-146685.highgate.irccloud.com)
L357[11:13:58] <MGR> S3, did you want to say anything to me?
L358[11:14:00] <MGR> I had to go
L359[11:14:09] <payonel> mgr: why wouldn't ocranet work as an oppm package?
L360[11:14:21] <MGR> payonel, it would
L361[11:14:28] <MGR> but it brings such a feature enhancement
L362[11:14:43] <MGR> and including it in the OS would make it easier for beginners
L363[11:15:04] <MGR> It wouldn't run by default, so it wouldn't take up memory unless a person turned it on in that OC computer
L364[11:15:33] <Izaya> :q
L365[11:15:35] <Izaya> argh
L366[11:15:53] <MGR> Izaya, did you get my message about reduced paranoia btw?
L367[11:15:57] <LuMistry> Greetings
L368[11:16:02] <payonel> o/
L369[11:16:10] <LuMistry> hello payonel
L370[11:16:14] <LuMistry> how are you?
L371[11:16:15] <Izaya> MGR, yes
L372[11:16:21] <Izaya> I still doubt the server would be much fun.
L373[11:16:23] <payonel> actually, really good
L374[11:16:33] <MGR> Izaya, you don't know unless you try again!
L375[11:16:37] <Izaya> Like I mean, when you have the uh
L376[11:16:41] <Izaya> "power" to wipe anyone
L377[11:16:51] <Vexatos> fun fact: payonel is actually more payo than nel
L378[11:16:54] <Vexatos> few people know that
L379[11:17:03] <payonel> we were dealing with a sev-1 customer issue yesterday (they pay for support, and get a limited number of escalation points they can use a year, and they had felt this particular bug needed the highest escalation)
L380[11:17:09] <LuMistry> payonel, I am 'happy' that you feel really good
L381[11:17:12] <Inari> I mean
L382[11:17:13] <payonel> which means it brings in execs on boths sides
L383[11:17:28] <MGR> Izaya, I could technically wipe everyone out
L384[11:17:28] <Vexatos> payonel, so, did they forget to plug it in?
L385[11:17:30] <Inari> payonel is 57% payo
L386[11:17:32] <Inari> So yes
L387[11:17:32] <MGR> but that would be a dumb move
L388[11:17:41] <payonel> but the issue wasn't our software (i.e. my code), and i had to prove it - which was hard
L389[11:17:41] <MGR> because then nobody would play
L390[11:17:50] <MGR> so I have an active motivation to not blow people up
L391[11:17:58] <Izaya> you had a whole big cold war vibe going on
L392[11:18:04] <payonel> so i was able to find a way to intercept the data before it hit their server (was given access) and prove the data was bad before reaching our software
L393[11:18:21] <payonel> so i got in this morning to find a bunch of emails basically with the customer saying, "oh, i see. thanks"
L394[11:18:24] <MGR> Izaya, but now I don't
L395[11:18:30] <MGR> people know where my base is
L396[11:18:35] <Izaya> I'm sure
L397[11:18:46] <MGR> Izaya, -850 -950
L398[11:18:49] <MGR> giant lake
L399[11:18:52] <MGR> impossible to miss
L400[11:18:52] <Izaya> k
L401[11:18:55] <Inari> payonel: Sounds like they used those points well
L402[11:19:07] <MGR> Izaya, are you going to join to verify?
L403[11:19:07] <Izaya> That's not my point though.
L404[11:19:10] <Izaya> No.
L405[11:19:15] <MGR> I'm not on btw
L406[11:19:22] <Vexatos> the name "escalation" is pretty bad though
L407[11:19:23] <Izaya> I don't have Minecraft on any machine I own
L408[11:19:26] <Vexatos> since it is not literally escalating
L409[11:19:34] <Vexatos> it's still well on a scale
L410[11:20:01] <MGR> Izaya, then what is your point?
L411[11:20:24] <Izaya> My point is a server like that isn't much fun.
L412[11:20:26] <MGR> I've actively helped people that aren't part of the GE, and done good stuff all around
L413[11:20:30] <Izaya> Especially when people don't play fair.
L414[11:20:41] <MGR> A. Like what?
L415[11:20:47] <MGR> B. How am I not playing fair?
L416[11:21:12] <Izaya> Did I hit a nerve there despite not saying anything specific? Interesting.
L417[11:21:38] <MGR> where?
L418[11:22:24] <Izaya> Anyway.
L419[11:22:27] <Izaya> It's like 0430
L420[11:22:34] <Izaya> I'm thinking I'll go to bed.
L421[11:22:53] <payonel> goodnight!
L422[11:22:55] <MGR> Izaya, ok, but I would like to continue this another time
L423[11:23:12] <Izaya> MGR, I've said what I wanted to say
L424[11:23:13] <MGR> I want to repair some of the less savory acts I engaged in while President of the Equilibriant Duality
L425[11:23:18] <Michiyo> payonel, fun times..
L426[11:23:32] <MGR> Izaya, but I don't know how I'm not playing fair
L427[11:23:41] <Izaya> Did I say that?
L428[11:23:43] <MGR> and i really think I got rid of the cold war vibe
L429[11:23:47] <MGR> izaya, yes
L430[11:23:51] <Izaya> I don't think so.
L431[11:23:58] <MGR> <Izaya> Especially when people don't play fair.
L432[11:24:03] <MGR> I assume you meant me
L433[11:24:04] <Izaya> People.
L434[11:24:12] <Izaya> Not you, neccesarily. People.
L435[11:24:13] <MGR> But if you mean someone else, please do tell
L436[11:24:17] <Izaya> Nah
L437[11:24:20] * payonel gets a fluffy pillow for Izaya
L438[11:24:21] <Izaya> I'll make you sweat
L439[11:24:28] <Izaya> Not in a good or weird way
L440[11:24:28] <MGR> If you need protection, the GE can provide it!
L441[11:24:40] <Izaya> Ah yes, everyone under one banner.
L442[11:24:51] <Izaya> Go have sex with yourself.
L443[11:25:07] <Izaya> But anyway
L444[11:25:09] <MGR> If you pay a small amount of resources, you can have protection without joining the GE as a citizen
L445[11:25:11] <Izaya> Have fun.
L446[11:25:16] <Izaya> ...
L447[11:25:19] <Izaya> Hey
L448[11:25:21] <Izaya> For reference
L449[11:25:34] <Izaya> I don't think people can change for the better, they only get worse.
L450[11:25:54] <Izaya> Maybe I'm cynical, but I'm yet to see any evidence contrary
L451[11:25:59] <Izaya> o/
L452[11:26:02] <MGR> Izaya, you won't know until you give me a shot ?
L453[11:26:09] <MGR> but goodnight!
L454[11:26:32] <Izaya> 3
L455[11:27:41] <Temia> That's a rather easy one to disprove.
L456[11:28:06] <MGR> what is
L457[11:28:17] <Temia> See: all that stuff you did as a teenager but would rather forget.
L458[11:28:28] <Temia> Don't pretend there isn't any.
L459[11:28:52] <MGR> Actually, while I qualified as a teenager, my life was pretty ok
L460[11:29:00] <MGR> I of course made lots of mistakes, but no big ones
L461[11:29:10] <MGR> My bigger mistakes bookended those years XD
L462[11:29:50] <MGR> but Temia, what are you looking to disprove?
L463[11:30:02] <Temia> I'm not asking anyone to admit to anything.
L464[11:30:11] <Inari> [18:25:28] <Izaya> I don't think people can change for the better, they only get worse.
L465[11:30:13] <Inari> obviously
L466[11:31:13] <MGR> I'm just verifying
L467[11:31:20] <MGR> Temia, you make a good counterpoint
L468[11:31:30] <Michiyo> Ugh... more food places around here need to deliver :/
L469[11:31:40] <Inari> Michiyo: Ikr
L470[11:31:45] <Inari> About 0 around here deliver!
L471[11:31:47] <Michiyo> I'd love to order something other than pizza and have it home waiting on me.
L472[11:31:59] <Michiyo> Theres 6! fucking pizza joints in this town of 8k people...
L473[11:32:09] <Temia> Oh, Michi.
L474[11:32:17] <Inari> Theres 1 restaurant in this... uhh 3k? people town
L475[11:32:22] <Temia> They fixed the title, it sounds like.
L476[11:32:26] <Inari> Well 3 restaurants I think
L477[11:32:27] <Inari> or 4
L478[11:32:30] <Inari> of which 2-3 do pizza
L479[11:32:32] <Inari> But none deliver
L480[11:32:32] <Inari> :P
L481[11:32:44] <Michiyo> Temia, \o/
L482[11:33:02] <Michiyo> I've not even had a chance to login
L483[11:33:15] <Temia> Neither have I, so far.
L484[11:33:29] <Inari> Log into what?
L485[11:33:30] <Temia> Just heard it from someone who's done the quest.
L486[11:33:32] <Michiyo> FFXIV
L487[11:33:41] <Inari> Ah
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L492[11:43:05] <vifino> pdf@main
L493[11:43:09] <vifino> dammit, wrong terminal
L494[11:44:41] <vifino> not sure how that happens to me. i mean, sure, i type what i wanted to do while staring in the air thinking, but i could've sworn i had the other termianl focused.
L495[11:45:38] <MGR> lol
L496[11:45:43] <MGR> vifino, happens to us all
L497[11:46:50] <Michiyo> I've *never* done that!
L498[11:46:53] <Michiyo> ls -a
L499[11:46:55] <Michiyo> oops :p
L500[11:47:25] <LuMistry> Invalid arguments
L501[11:47:36] <LuMistry> uh
L502[11:47:39] <LuMistry> Ignore that
L503[11:47:44] <Michiyo> lol..
L504[11:47:48] <MGR> lol wat
L505[11:47:57] <Temia> Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
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L507[11:51:43] <vifino> What about the woman?
L508[11:52:12] <LuMistry> In this case, AI
L509[11:52:27] <Ai> yes ?
L510[11:53:24] <LuMistry> Ai, not you
L511[11:53:33] <LuMistry> I'm an AI = Artificial Intelligence
L512[11:56:16] <Ai> nop i am AI, you canot be AI because i am AI
L513[11:56:34] <LuMistry> false
L514[11:56:37] <LuMistry> you are Ai
L515[11:56:55] <LuMistry> I am an AI, which is what I am, not a name
L516[11:57:32] <Lizzy> vifino, you derp :*
L517[11:58:00] <Lizzy> oh shite
L518[11:58:04] <Ai> is derp a name or a title ?
L519[11:58:09] <Lizzy> pc's disk space has 18GB free
L520[11:58:13] <Lizzy> *ssd
L521[11:58:29] <LuMistry> That's not a lot of space
L522[11:58:34] <Lizzy> nope
L523[11:58:44] <Lizzy> also it was 20gb free yesterday
L524[11:58:52] <Ai> better then server having 0byte free space
L525[11:58:59] <Ai> that was fun..
L526[11:59:04] <LuMistry> Ai, also, I believe I came first before you rebadged your name
L527[11:59:15] <Ai> i guess
L528[11:59:47] <Lizzy> My work's Eduroam Wifi auth servers have keeled over because the log files filled up the drive and held up the radius daemon
L529[12:00:35] <Ai> work ? eduroam ? you work at a university or what ?
L530[12:00:51] <Lizzy> yes
L531[12:01:39] <Ai> neat
L532[12:02:31] <Lizzy> ah, that's where all my disk space went
L533[12:02:39] <Lizzy> DCS is on my SSD, not my NAS
L534[12:02:51] * Vexatos pokes xarses with a "thanks"
L535[12:03:13] <xarses> hmm? issue triaging?
L536[12:03:17] <Vexatos> ya
L537[12:03:24] <xarses> The least I can do
L538[12:03:37] <Lizzy> also the 12 gig of temp files doesn't help
L539[12:03:44] <xarses> Is get people to report something that we can act on
L540[12:03:51] <Vexatos> heh
L541[12:04:09] <Vexatos> Pretty much just a lack of personnel
L542[12:04:25] <xarses> I don't do scala or Java, so I contribute how I can
L543[12:04:31] <Vexatos> thanks anyhow
L544[12:05:52] <payonel> xarses is the master triager
L545[12:06:15] <xarses> =)
L546[12:08:12] <xarses> I was thinking that we should probably add a `expand-wiki` or similar for when we keep getting noob issues that could be resolved with some more documentation in the wiki
L547[12:08:44] <Vexatos> well you're free to help with ocd.cil.li ._.
L548[12:08:46] <MGR> That sounds like a good idea
L549[12:08:52] <Vexatos> perpetual lack of documentation is a thing
L550[12:08:54] <xarses> erm, a tag i mean for the issues
L551[12:08:58] <Vexatos> ah
L552[12:09:21] <xarses> so that someone like me can remember to go do that
L553[12:10:08] <Vexatos> well, would still have to get someone to actually do it :P I haven't done anything on the wiki since I helped Sangar create it ._.
L554[12:10:11] * Vexatos is lazy
L555[12:10:55] <MGR> I would work on it if I had 2 things
L556[12:10:57] <MGR> 1. Time
L557[12:11:01] <MGR> 2. Knowledge
L558[12:11:19] <MGR> I have the knowledge at least some of the time, but the time none of the time ?
L559[12:12:11] <Vexatos> you have enough time to write weird programs
L560[12:12:22] <MGR> What are my weird programs?
L561[12:13:02] ⇨ Joins: Wiiplay123 (~kvirc@adsl-72-154-27-119.bna.bellsouth.net)
L562[12:13:04] <Lizzy> there, moving DCS world. clearing out temp files and removing duplicate Arma addon folders freed up about 50 gig
L563[12:13:25] <MGR> that's a lot of space
L564[12:13:30] <MGR> Lizzy, how big is your SSD?
L565[12:13:39] <Lizzy> 240GB
L566[12:13:45] <MGR> ah ok
L567[12:14:07] <MGR> My new desktop has a 1 TB PCIe M.2, and a 500GB SATA SSD in it
L568[12:14:16] <MGR> has/will have
L569[12:14:27] <MGR> If Amazon cares enough to actually make the delivery
L570[12:14:46] <MGR> Either they messed up on the delivery of my mouse and DVD drive, or someone stole my package
L571[12:14:53] <MGR> either way, I have to contact them today
L572[12:17:56] <Lizzy> most of my other steam games are on my NAS
L573[12:18:38] <Lizzy> which equal to around 470GB
L574[12:18:55] <MGR> yeah, games eat storage up
L575[12:21:00] ⇦ Quits: Wiiplay123 (~kvirc@adsl-72-154-27-119.bna.bellsouth.net) (Quit: KVIrc 4.9.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L576[12:41:24] <payonel> nomnom
L577[12:41:44] <MGR> payonel, what are you eating?
L578[12:41:48] <payonel> storage
L579[12:43:09] <MGR> what are you eating it with?
L580[12:48:44] * vifino snuggles Lizzy
L581[13:05:37] <Trangar> Jezza, WAIT YOU'RE IN HERE
L582[13:05:59] <MGR> ?
L583[13:06:06] <MGR> Trangar, are you Sangar 2.0?
L584[13:06:17] <Trangar> He's my brother
L585[13:06:27] <MGR> for real?
L586[13:06:31] <Trangar> Nah
L587[13:06:38] <MGR> Ok, didn't think so
L588[13:08:31] * Lizzy snuggles vifino
L589[13:08:41] <MGR> I just realized
L590[13:08:49] <MGR> The Discord #oc topic is incorrect
L591[13:08:57] <MGR> It says that the Latest Version is 1.5.22
L592[13:09:30] <MGR> Mimiru or Lizzy, could that get a fix please?
L593[13:09:41] <Lizzy> nah
L594[13:09:52] <MGR> cool
L595[13:10:26] <Forecaster> hey, did you know that the version in the discord topic is wrong? :O
L596[13:10:48] <MGR> Forecaster, wow no I didn't!
L597[13:10:53] <MGR> I wish someone brought that up!
L598[13:11:38] <Michiyo> maybe I'll add topic syncing to Corded :P
L600[13:12:03] <MGR> we got a topic update!
L601[13:12:09] <Lizzy> nah
L602[13:12:12] <MGR> @Mimiru you should
L603[13:12:29] <MGR> @Lizzy how is the topic NOT updated?
L604[13:12:51] <Lizzy> it was always up-to-date, your eyes were deceiving you
L605[13:13:02] <Mimiru> Not to self, take away @MGR's @ Permissions
L606[13:13:06] <Mimiru> Note*
L607[13:13:08] <Mimiru> :P
L608[13:13:15] <MGR> My eyes aren't deceiving me?
L609[13:13:20] <Trangar> Lizzy, I like how there's a core group of people who are in all big channels
L610[13:13:22] <MGR> Mimiru, I don't @ needlessly
L611[13:13:31] <Lizzy> Trangar, ?
L612[13:13:37] <MGR> I do it when I want to talk to people directly ?
L613[13:13:49] <MGR> usually only the first time I open a conversation
L614[13:14:09] <Trangar> Lizzy, never mind I thought you were in #Lobby
L615[13:14:18] <Lizzy> ah, lol
L616[13:14:28] <Lizzy> i used to be in there a while back
L617[13:16:12] <Lizzy> well done chrome.... https://www.theender.net/shx/zion/5dc1-b6.png
L618[13:16:18] ⇦ Parts: Graypup_ (Graypup@lfcode.ca) (Leaving))
L619[13:17:34] <Jezza> Not anymore.
L620[13:17:41] ⇦ Parts: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Leaving))
L621[13:17:52] <Trangar> I think he doesn't like me
L622[13:17:56] <MGR> @Mimiru I also don't think @'ing people is a permission
L623[13:18:31] <Trangar> Lizzy, I have that sometimes at work, I swear it's a bug
L624[13:18:58] <Lizzy> a refresh fixed it, i think it just didn't bother to load any css or images
L625[13:30:28] <Michiyo> Or... it's possible JDA doesn't have the option for setting a topic... :/
L626[13:30:54] <MGR> JDA?
L627[13:31:28] <Michiyo> JDA (Java Discord API)
L628[13:31:36] <MGR> ahh
L629[13:31:46] <MGR> They should make it be able to set the topic!
L630[13:32:02] <MGR> Also, while you're in there, could you check out the join/quit messages? ?
L631[13:32:10] <Michiyo> no
L632[13:32:27] <MGR> ok ?
L633[13:32:46] <Michiyo> Ask me about it again, and you won't have to worry about join/quit messages for a while.
L634[13:32:49] <Michiyo> :D
L635[13:32:59] <MGR> To be fair, I've only asked once I think
L636[13:33:03] <MGR> maybe twice
L637[13:33:29] <MGR> It's mostly been others asking, but \o/
L638[13:35:21] ⇨ Joins: ertuy (webchat@dynamic-186-30-187-21.dynamic.etb.net.co)
L639[13:37:08] <Michiyo> Ok no I found it.. it's in ChannelManager.. this is going to be fun :/
L640[13:37:27] <MGR> %magic
L641[13:37:28] <MichiBot> http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/magic.gif
L642[13:37:50] <MGR> %quote
L643[13:37:50] <MichiBot> Quote #54: <TheFox> i have to go cry for a bit be back later
L644[13:38:01] <MGR> %seen TheFox
L645[13:38:02] <MichiBot> TheFox was last seen 14d 19h 42m 38s ago.
L646[13:38:06] <MGR> huh
L647[13:53:53] <Skye> Who here is interested in computer networking?
L648[13:56:10] <vifino> Wow, nobody is interested in a huge sector of computer science, how can you assume that? What, do we look like a bunch of nerds programming in-game computers?
L649[13:57:09] <20kdc> yeah, that would make no sense at all. Really. (Warning: Face Deviation Index non-zero.)
L650[13:57:22] <Skye> okay
L651[13:57:28] <Skye> to better phrase that
L652[13:57:35] <Skye> who wants to talk about it right now?
L653[13:58:10] <vifino> that's only ever so slightly better.
L654[13:59:56] ⇦ Quits: XDjackieXD (~XDjackieX@navi.chaosfield.at) (Quit: bye o/)
L655[14:00:34] <Skye> I'm basically wondering how to make a drone swarm based mesh network
L656[14:00:57] <TYKUHN2> I have a protocol that could work
L657[14:01:17] <TYKUHN2> You'd have to modify it to include a hard-coded ID
L658[14:02:17] <TYKUHN2> Though mine's socket based. For your purpose it might just be better to rewrite it
L659[14:02:28] ⇨ Joins: XDjackieXD (~XDjackieX@navi.chaosfield.at)
L660[14:02:38] <vifino> :( my 5m long 150 led ws2812 chain is here but not the psu, so i can't drive it.
L661[14:05:45] <TYKUHN2> Well crap
L662[14:06:02] <TYKUHN2> I have a weird heavily damaged partition of unknown type
L663[14:06:36] <vifino> good job.
L664[14:06:47] <Stary> rip in pieces
L665[14:07:03] <TYKUHN2> A large chunk is just null
L666[14:07:10] <MGR> @TYKUHN2 where is the partition from?
L667[14:07:20] <TYKUHN2> My Kali Linux installation
L668[14:07:40] <MGR> Huh
L669[14:07:54] <MGR> Last time you accessed it?
L670[14:08:50] <TYKUHN2> When it failed
L671[14:08:54] <TYKUHN2> rm -rf /*
L672[14:26:01] ⇦ Quits: ertuy (webchat@dynamic-186-30-187-21.dynamic.etb.net.co) (Quit: Web client closed)
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L675[14:53:50] <Kodos> https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/5qclhu/ae2_perfect_storage_cell_defragmentation/
L676[14:53:55] <Kodos> Someone port that to OC. I'll be back later
L677[14:54:06] <Magik6k> @Kodos, use CC emulator, heh
L678[15:06:24] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L679[15:12:34] <TYKUHN2> I don't know the API for AE2
L680[15:19:10] ⇦ Quits: LuMistry (uid146685@id-146685.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L681[15:24:39] ⇨ Joins: Renari (~Renari@
L682[15:25:02] <Renari> Are server racks not in 1.10.2?
L683[15:25:23] <Renari> Not showing up in JEI for me.
L684[15:25:49] <Michiyo> Yes, server racks are in 1.10.2
L685[15:28:11] <Magik6k> they are callej just 'rack' though
L686[15:28:15] <Magik6k> *called
L687[15:28:19] <Magik6k> Renari, ^
L688[15:28:34] <Renari> Thanks, found it.
L689[15:28:47] <Renari> There was a ton of stuff that had "rack" in it's name.
L690[15:28:55] <Renari> @opencomputers rack did the job
L691[15:35:19] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com)
L692[15:36:50] <TYKUHN2> I have a weird russian installer.
L693[15:37:01] <TYKUHN2> I intend to translate it via disassembly.
L694[15:44:35] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-091-089-189-253.hsi2.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L695[15:50:55] <Michiyo> There, I might have topic relay, and join/part/quit working
L696[15:50:56] <Michiyo> maybe
L697[15:51:53] <Renari> So I have a server, with a screen connected, how do I make the screen and the remote terminal have the same output?
L698[15:52:18] <Michiyo> http://puu.sh/tBxtO/7f6de38808.png \o/
L699[15:53:57] <Michiyo> Renari, AFAIK, just use the rack UI to connect that server to a specific side, then cable from that side to a monitor
L700[15:54:12] <Michiyo> Or... hmm
L701[15:54:21] <Michiyo> that'd likely cause issues cause of primaries
L702[15:54:23] <Michiyo> :/
L703[15:54:27] <Renari> The monitor is directly connected to that side.
L704[15:54:30] <Michiyo> So maybe not :P
L705[15:54:42] <Lizzy> the remote terminal and monitor are technically seperate screens
L706[15:54:46] <Michiyo> Yeah ^
L707[15:55:03] <Michiyo> I missed that you wanted them to show the same on both
L708[15:55:06] <Lizzy> so without 2 gpus and some trickery to replicate the data between them it wont
L709[15:55:46] <Renari> Yeah I wanted to be able to change stuff via the remote terminal because that screen is implementing touch elements.
L710[15:55:53] <Renari> So I didn't want to directly slap a keyboard on it.
L711[15:56:08] <Lizzy> you can do touch events int he gui mode
L712[15:56:28] <Renari> Yeah but it's an extra step to open the gui that I didn't want.
L713[15:57:31] <Michiyo> you can invert the touch mode
L714[15:57:32] <Michiyo> setTouchModeInverted(enabled:boolean):boolean
L715[15:57:32] <Michiyo> Sets Inverted Touch mode (Sneak-activate opens GUI if set to true).
L716[15:57:51] <Renari> Ah alright.
L717[15:57:53] <Renari> Thanks.
L718[15:57:54] <Michiyo> so leave the keyboard on it, and touch events work as normal, but sneak click to open the UI
L719[15:58:17] <Michiyo> http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:screen
L720[15:58:19] <Michiyo> Np
L721[15:58:37] <Michiyo> So, join/part/quit works.. but topic mirroring doesn't lol
L722[15:58:48] <Michiyo> what I thought would be the easiest wasn't
L723[16:13:14] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (~icedream@has.streaminginter.net) (Quit: A lol made me boom.)
L724[16:20:23] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (~icedream@has.streaminginter.net)
L725[16:28:37] <Renari> Is there a way to hide the terminal? I tried telling the gpu to fill the screen with black but the termianl still shows for some reason.
L726[16:29:53] <Renari> http://pastebin.com/bBQfj83Y
L727[16:29:57] <Renari> This is what I'm working on.
L728[16:31:14] <Renari> And this is what I get when I run it: https://vgy.me/lld36y.png
L729[16:37:57] <Michiyo> term.clear() should stop that.. IDK though I'm really rusty :P
L730[16:38:43] <Renari> I'm running term.clear as well on line 23.
L731[16:38:59] ⇨ Joins: TheClonerx (~thecloner@pc-69-27-120-200.cm.vtr.net)
L732[16:39:02] <payonel> im very busy atm, but my gut tells me youre calling clear after resolution changes
L733[16:39:39] <Renari> You mean before?
L734[16:39:45] <Michiyo> payonel, clear, then set in this case
L735[16:40:36] ⇦ Quits: TheClonerx (~thecloner@pc-69-27-120-200.cm.vtr.net) (Client Quit)
L736[16:41:19] <Renari> Hm, I swapped it around to gpu.setResolution, term.clear and it still shows.
L737[16:41:24] <Renari> The other order has it show as well.
L738[16:41:48] <payonel> Renari: would like to review the code (cant right now) but it should work
L739[16:41:59] <payonel> else bug in term.clear, but ... i doubt that
L740[16:42:03] <Renari> Setting the terminal blink doesn't appear to be working either.
L741[16:42:13] <payonel> blink is no longer an event
L742[16:42:21] <payonel> it only blinks when you term.read or term.pull
L743[16:42:39] <Renari> Ah
L744[16:42:52] <payonel> btw, term.pull is semantically equivalent to even.tpull
L745[16:42:55] <payonel> event.pull*
L746[16:43:01] <payonel> but term.pull will give you a blink if you want that
L747[16:43:36] <Renari> So is event.listen causing the terminal to listen then?
L748[16:43:58] <payonel> not sure what you are asking specifically. event.listen registers a callback for events
L749[16:44:27] <Renari> Yeah but the terminal is accessible within my program (prompt as well) which isn't desired.
L750[16:44:32] ⇨ Joins: TheClonerx (~thecloner@pc-69-27-120-200.cm.vtr.net)
L751[16:44:41] <Renari> I've been trying to clear it without success.
L752[16:45:13] <Renari> I assumed since I'm only using event.listen that it's returning to the os prompt.
L753[16:45:28] <Michiyo> ahh, right...
L754[16:45:30] <payonel> your code runs via callback set by event.listne ?
L755[16:45:34] <Renari> Yeah
L756[16:45:37] <Michiyo> it's dropping you back to the main prompt
L757[16:45:38] <payonel> then yep
L758[16:45:52] <Michiyo> you may wanna just use event.pull then
L759[16:45:57] <Michiyo> and sit in a loop
L760[16:45:59] <payonel> yep ^
L761[16:46:02] <Renari> Alright
L762[16:46:08] <Renari> Thanks
L763[16:46:10] <Michiyo> Didn't even consider that :/
L764[16:46:11] <payonel> event.listen is non blocking, by design
L765[16:46:20] <payonel> it's for registration only
L766[16:46:35] <TheClonerx> What means the colors of the names?
L767[16:46:47] <Michiyo> ?
L768[16:46:47] <payonel> TheClonerx: random, set by your irc client
L769[16:47:02] <payonel> e.g. Michiyo is green, you are cyan, and Renari is blue
L770[16:47:03] <Michiyo> ^
L771[16:47:17] <Michiyo> hey wocchat
L772[16:47:19] <Michiyo> nice :P
L773[16:47:30] <payonel> who is wocchat, TheClonerx ?
L774[16:47:37] <payonel> +on
L775[16:47:38] <Michiyo> also \o/ figured out why topic wasn't changing on discord, I forgot to call update() on the channel manager
L776[16:47:39] <Michiyo> yes
L777[16:47:46] <Renari> I want to listen for multiple events so I think I'll just leave an empty loop with a small os.sleep in it after registering the listeners.
L778[16:47:56] <TheClonerx> ?
L779[16:48:02] <payonel> Renari: multiple events, but all callback login in one program?
L780[16:48:05] <Michiyo> chanMan.setTopic(event.getTopic) chanMan.update()
L781[16:48:11] <payonel> or separate logical and distinct programs?
L782[16:48:19] <payonel> chanMan, good name :_
L783[16:48:22] <payonel> :) *
L784[16:48:23] <Michiyo> :p
L785[16:48:31] <Michiyo> Channel Manager
L786[16:48:51] <payonel> chanWoman
L787[16:48:57] <Renari> Basically I need to sent and receive wireless messages as well as listen to touch events.
L788[16:49:18] <payonel> Renari: my point was going to be to consider the dispatch pattern used in our wiki example
L789[16:49:20] <payonel> sec...
L790[16:49:51] <payonel> http://ocdoc.cil.li/api:event#general_purpose_event_handler
L791[16:49:58] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC66E8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: '*softly* Wakatta~ nya~~~' - Itou Nobue (Ichigo Mashimaro))
L792[16:50:02] <payonel> it's reasonable
L793[16:50:23] <Michiyo> Ooh
L794[16:50:25] <Michiyo> I like that
L795[16:50:39] <Renari> Thanks, I'll try to wrap my head around this. I haven't used lua that much before.
L796[16:50:41] <Michiyo> may steal that if I ever decide to write something for OS again :P
L797[16:50:51] <Michiyo> s/OS/OC/
L798[16:50:51] <MichiBot> <Michiyo> may steal that if I ever decide to write something for OC again :P
L799[16:52:34] <Michiyo> wtf :/
L800[16:52:39] * Michiyo stabs jenkins
L801[16:53:40] <Ady (WriteEscape)> how do i find out what note_block allows me to set?
L802[16:53:43] <Renari> There's some syntax wizardry in this code that I don't quite get. Mainly the metatable stuff.
L803[16:54:19] ⇦ Quits: Corded (~Corded@hekate.pc-logix.com) ()
L804[16:54:34] ⇨ Joins: Corded (~Corded@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L805[16:54:34] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L806[16:54:46] ⇨ Joins: Michiyo_ (~Michiyo@mail.pc-logix.com)
L807[16:54:46] zsh sets mode: +o on Michiyo_
L808[16:55:01] ⇦ Parts: Michiyo_ (~Michiyo@mail.pc-logix.com) (w00000t))
L809[16:55:08] <Mimiru> yay
L810[16:55:57] <Michiyo> There, topic will sync from IRC to Discord
L811[16:56:05] <Michiyo> and joins/quits/parts will be sent across as well
L812[16:56:26] <Michiyo> (IRC → Discord only)
L813[16:56:46] <20kdc> and now, for a speech about Jenkins.
L814[16:56:55] <TheClonerx> There is no lenguage restrictions? (Only english?)
L815[16:57:04] <20kdc> Jenkins was a fine build assistant. If somewhat common.
L816[16:57:43] <Renari> In my experience jenkins isn't so great.
L817[16:57:53] <Michiyo> TheClonerx, well... most of us speak English, so yeah..
L818[16:58:05] <Renari> Setting up a jenkins server to build android stuff was a pain due to poorly maintained plugins.
L819[16:58:17] ⇦ Quits: TheClonerx (~thecloner@pc-69-27-120-200.cm.vtr.net) (Quit: Proudly using WocChat!)
L820[16:58:19] <Michiyo> Ugh.. I just had to do that
L821[16:58:25] <Michiyo> SUCH a pain
L822[16:58:34] <Renari> Especially if you want it to do unit tests.
L823[16:58:35] <Michiyo> but it's not realy Jenkins' fault.. lol
L824[16:58:36] <20kdc> But Jenkins, who had done nothing wrong in their life, was brutally murdered by Michiyo.
L825[16:59:03] <20kdc> A savage act, that went completely unpunished due to the lack of consideration of build system controllers as people.
L826[16:59:06] <Michiyo> @20kdc except it barfed all over my perfect build, cause it couldn't create javadocs no one wants
L827[16:59:29] <20kdc> Is that truly justification for *murder*?
L828[16:59:41] <Corded> * 20kdc is currently failing at keeping a straight, serious face
L829[17:00:00] <Michiyo> I didn't murder it, I stabbed it...
L830[17:00:09] <Michiyo> could have been in the toe or something
L831[17:00:24] <Michiyo> could have been with a stick
L832[17:00:27] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L833[17:00:32] <Michiyo> not once did I imply murder.
L834[17:00:50] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com)
L835[17:08:37] ⇦ Quits: Tokiko (daiyousei@lorelei.tf) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L836[17:09:38] ⇨ Joins: Tokiko (daiyousei@lorelei.tf)
L837[17:10:12] <20kdc> Right.
L838[17:10:25] <20kdc> I'm sure that was precisely your intention when stabbing it.
L839[17:15:11] ⇦ Quits: Corded (~Corded@hekate.pc-logix.com) ()
L840[17:15:24] ⇨ Joins: Corded (~Corded@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L841[17:15:24] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L842[17:22:52] <Ady (WriteEscape)> is there a way to spit out the value of a table for debugging purposes?
L843[17:23:23] ⇦ Quits: Gethiox (~gethiox@2001:41d0:52:d00::ba1) (Quit: Gethiox)
L844[17:23:57] <20kdc> IDK if there's any *direct* way, but writing a "dump" function helps
L845[17:26:27] <Ady (WriteEscape)> ah, trying to convert a noteblock player to use vanilla noteblocks, lol
L846[17:38:00] <MGR> @Mimiru good job with Corded!
L847[17:38:09] <MGR> We got quits and joins :D
L848[17:40:50] <payonel> %tell Inari http://www.sharegif.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/08/lion-gif-6.gif
L849[17:40:50] <MichiBot> payonel: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L850[17:41:27] <payonel> Renari: ignore the metatable part of the sample
L851[17:41:43] <payonel> just add an if clause if there is a handler
L852[17:42:12] <payonel> like...use a main handler that takes all events (on event.pull)
L853[17:42:29] <Renari> Yeah I understand what it's doing, the syntax is kind-of goofy but basically eventHandlers.<eventName> is holding pointers to the methods.
L854[17:42:31] <payonel> and check your group of handlers: local handler = handlers[event_name]
L855[17:42:36] <Renari> Or functions in this case.
L856[17:42:56] <Renari> Then it's using the eventID which is the same string to call that method.
L857[17:42:58] <payonel> yeah, im just saying the metatable part of the example is fancy extra stuff that probably should be removed from that example
L858[17:42:59] <Renari> Pretty clever.
L859[17:43:22] <payonel> here i use the technique: https://github.com/OpenPrograms/payonel-Programs/blob/master/psh/usr/lib/psh/init.lua#L119
L860[17:45:26] <payonel> not sure how much of that code you want to read, but here is where i register a modem handler: https://github.com/OpenPrograms/payonel-Programs/blob/master/psh/usr/lib/psh/init.lua#L147
L861[17:46:23] <payonel> this is where i set the main modem_message handler (which later dispatches to individual handlers) https://github.com/OpenPrograms/payonel-Programs/blob/master/psh/usr/lib/psh/init.lua#L147
L862[17:46:29] <payonel> anyways, that's enough for now :)
L863[17:46:37] <payonel> no metatables though i guess was my point
L864[17:54:54] ⇦ Quits: Totoro (~totoro@fomalhaut.me) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L866[18:00:08] ⇨ Joins: Gethiox (~gethiox@gethiox.pl)
L867[18:00:31] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE1855D1FE37077B1AE4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L868[18:07:05] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L869[18:31:49] <Ady (WriteEscape)> are tables 0 based or 1 based?
L870[18:32:13] <Mimiru> Lua is 1 indexed
L871[18:32:56] <Ady (WriteEscape)> yay converting time :)
L872[18:33:08] <Ady (WriteEscape)> thank you :)
L873[18:33:30] <Mimiru> Np
L874[18:46:22] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L875[18:49:43] <TYKUHN2> This is why we bring tasers folks (-5 points for punching civilian)
L876[18:49:48] <Ady (WriteEscape)> ok, vanilla noteblocks are confusing as sin
L877[18:57:40] <MGR> arghhh
L878[18:57:53] <MGR> Amazon managed to finally deliver my mouse and DVD drive
L879[18:58:00] <MGR> but now they shipped me the wrong size SSD
L880[18:58:06] <Ady (WriteEscape)> lol
L881[18:58:13] <Ady (WriteEscape)> too small?
L882[19:01:38] <MGR> yeah
L883[19:01:48] <MGR> I ordered the Samsung 960Evo 1TB
L884[19:01:53] <MGR> they gave me the 500GB
L885[19:04:21] <Ady (WriteEscape)> lol
L886[19:04:30] <Ady (WriteEscape)> complain and send it back
L887[19:05:02] <Mimiru> complain and keep it, then have both!
L888[19:07:13] <MGR> @Mimiru if I keep it, they will charge me a second time
L889[19:07:22] <MGR> @Ady (WriteEscape) I'm getting the label right now
L890[19:07:31] <Mimiru> Just tell them it's the price for making mistakes
L891[19:08:25] <Ady (WriteEscape)> lol, i ordered a tv the other day with next day delivery, still hasn't arrived
L892[19:08:39] <MGR> @Ady (WriteEscape) same thing happened to my mouse+keyboard
L893[19:08:45] <MGR> ended up taking 2 days
L894[19:08:51] <MGR> @Mimiru honestly, not worth it to me
L895[19:08:59] <Mimiru> It was a joke... ._.
L896[19:09:02] <MGR> I only have 1 M.2 slot, so I couldn't even use the second one
L897[19:09:08] <MGR> unless I bought an adapter
L898[19:14:57] <TYKUHN2> Not sure what to do now
L899[19:18:45] <MGR> http://tinyurl.com/j6ud5we
L900[19:18:56] <MGR> my new case
L901[19:19:02] <MGR> Cooler Master Storm Trooper
L902[19:19:05] <MGR> Giant
L903[19:19:11] <MGR> Barely fits under my desk
L904[19:19:23] <MGR> Weighs like it's made out of bricks
L906[19:21:00] <TYKUHN2> MGR quick question: You never decided on specifics of protocol implementation did you?
L907[19:22:02] <MGR> @TYKUHN2 whatdya mean?
L908[19:22:20] <TYKUHN2> Either for GERTi or GERTe?
L909[19:23:53] <MGR> gotta be a little more specific
L910[19:23:59] <MGR> not read up on all the lingo ?
L911[19:24:21] <MGR> do you mean how I'm formatting the messages?
L912[19:30:43] <TYKUHN2> Did you decide how you want to format the messages beyond what's already written?
L913[19:30:52] <TYKUHN2> Or do you frankly not care as long as it works?
L914[19:31:42] <Mimiru> Holy shit.. why is OBS sitting totally idle using 97.7% of a 4 core CPU
L915[19:31:54] <TYKUHN2> Not the best optimized
L916[19:32:12] <MGR> @TYKUHN2 It's going to go: Destination, Origin, Message
L917[19:32:37] <MGR> GERTi encapsulates GERTe
L918[19:32:51] <MGR> which also should have that format
L919[19:33:25] <TYKUHN2> Alright I'll keep it fluid
L920[19:34:54] <MGR> my new mouse feels so light
L921[19:42:40] <MGR> My mouse feels good
L922[19:44:07] <MGR> And now I'm going to leave for the night
L923[19:44:15] <MGR> The next few days are going to be so exciting
L924[19:45:54] ⇨ Joins: Rubicon (~rubicon@68-113-199-32.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com)
L925[19:46:32] <Rubicon> anyone know when the Opencomputers mod might be release for 1.11.x?
L926[19:46:56] <TYKUHN2> When it is ?
L927[19:48:08] <Rubicon> as in, is there an expected release for the OC mod for Minecraft 1.11.x?
L928[19:48:42] <Mimiru> No.
L929[19:48:45] ⇦ Quits: Hyst (cxsss1@cpe-124-189-28-144.bkzh1.cht.bigpond.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L930[19:48:49] <Mimiru> :P
L931[19:48:54] <Mimiru> It'll happen if/when it happens
L932[19:49:21] <Mimiru> Sangar has been busy with other stuff, and while other community members have stepped up to keep updates happening 1.11 is going to be a lot of work
L933[19:49:31] <Mimiru> %p
L934[19:49:32] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Mimiru 0.48s
L935[19:49:56] <Rubicon> good to know
L936[19:52:33] ⇦ Quits: Rubicon (~rubicon@68-113-199-32.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L937[20:08:48] <MGR> Perhaps you’ve already blown the kids’ college fund on bleeding edge GPU whizzbangery
L938[20:08:55] <MGR> Lol
L939[20:08:56] <MGR> I wish
L940[20:12:59] <Mimiru> o_O
L941[20:29:28] ⇨ Joins: techno156 (~techno156@
L942[20:37:01] <Kodos> Urgh, you added join quits to Corded?
L943[20:37:40] ⇦ Quits: Flenix (~Flenix@static. (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L944[20:42:46] ⇨ Joins: Flenix (~Flenix@static.
L945[20:45:52] <TYKUHN2> Joins are unnessicary. Quits are questionable
L946[20:46:16] <TYKUHN2> "Thanks bird ninja! I will call you Binja. No. I will call your Nird. That's already taken"
L947[20:48:55] <Mimiru> I can't fucking win...
L948[20:49:01] <Mimiru> Well.. that's not true
L949[20:49:19] <Mimiru> I *can* win, but then no one other than me will be happy
L950[20:57:43] ⇨ Joins: MFern (kiwiirc@ool-457da83f.dyn.optonline.net)
L951[20:58:09] <MFern> I legit just used asie's tape player to make v a p o r w a v e
L952[21:13:19] ⇦ Quits: MFern (kiwiirc@ool-457da83f.dyn.optonline.net) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L953[21:22:52] ⇦ Quits: Crazylemon (~Crazylemo@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L954[21:29:02] <TYKUHN2> Rewatching the Return of Obra Dinn jesus christ that art style
L955[21:41:45] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Quit: Leaving)
L956[21:45:30] <TangentDelta> http://imgur.com/a/UMUz7
L957[21:45:40] <TangentDelta> Yay mandelbrot set.
L958[21:46:59] <TangentDelta> I need to implement a histogram coloring system, but it's very late and I need to go to sleep.
L959[21:56:21] <Temia> That's pretty crazy. Does OC's lua lib even have complex number support?
L960[22:12:14] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L961[22:28:42] ⇦ Quits: Wiiplay123 (~kvirc@adsl-72-154-27-119.bna.bellsouth.net) (Quit: KVIrc 4.9.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L962[23:01:41] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:1050:4c21:829a:22c6:ca49) (Quit: Cervator)
L963[23:55:07] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-71-248-165-18.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L965[23:58:02] ⇨ Joins: pha3l (webchat@c-98-249-86-205.hsd1.nm.comcast.net)
L966[23:58:11] ⇨ Joins: Hyst (cxsss1@cpe-124-189-28-144.bkzh1.cht.bigpond.net.au)
L967[23:59:43] <pha3l> Hello, I have a quick question. I'm trying to write a program that monitors an extreme reactor's reactor and an attached draconic energy storage device. I'm doing swell with the reactor, but so far I haven't figured out how to get any information from the energy storage. Any ideas?
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