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L1[00:00:35] ⇦ Quits: cloakable (~cloakable@cpc87219-aztw31-2-0-cust211.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L3[00:24:53] <Dasm> Will OC interface with Draconic evolution to give a readout for the energy core in 1.10.2?
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L5[00:47:07] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|dreamland
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L11[00:57:40] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L14[01:01:02] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L15[01:16:09] <Forecaster> Dasm: try putting adapters on things and see for yourself
L16[01:27:58] ⇦ Quits: Madxmike (~Madxmike@99-116-221-165.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L17[01:33:57] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE7844FE71B199F404DC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L18[01:57:20] <Lizzy> Yay. Fucking trains
L19[01:58:03] <Forecaster> lewd
L20[01:58:05] <Forecaster> wait
L21[02:04:37] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5dec67df.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L25[02:52:56] <Inari> http://poorlydrawnlines.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/trouble.png
L26[03:16:49] <Forecaster> what about people who are "looking for trouble"
L27[03:21:25] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Quit: Leaving)
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L29[04:27:57] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway.insomnia247.nl) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
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L31[05:29:16] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/uHUVCGv.jpg this is a little out of hand at this point
L32[05:29:45] <Forecaster> looks like you have lots of hands
L33[05:31:33] <vifino> Well, time to write my own torrent tracker. Gotta show up with something for 34C3, right? I only have so many months.
L34[05:33:42] <Lizzy> heh
L35[05:34:10] <Lizzy> why do my limbs hurt :/
L36[05:34:21] <Forecaster> maybe you've been using them wrong
L37[05:34:28] <Forecaster> or it's lack of lubrication
L38[05:36:35] <Inari> Lewd
L39[05:36:51] <Corded> * Lizzy wishes Fallout 4 was multiplayer/had a multiplayer mod
L40[05:39:04] <Corded> * Lizzy sighs
L41[06:11:56] ⇦ Quits: Hyst (cxsss1@CPE-124-189-28-144.bkzh1.cht.bigpond.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L42[06:43:05] <Inari> http://img.komicolle.org/2016-10/14760252979159.jpg
L43[07:03:54] <Kodos> Someone tell Dasm "Only with computronics
L44[07:03:56] <Kodos> Someone tell Dasm "Only with computronics"
L45[07:04:24] <Forecaster> uh, why "someone"
L46[07:13:22] <Kodos> Because I can't see if he's online in IRC
L47[07:13:34] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@
L48[07:13:35] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/xDjc5XX.jpg Pretty
L49[07:13:46] <Forecaster> if they weren't we couldn't tell them either :P
L50[07:14:07] <Inari> Dasm: Kodos tell me to tell you "Only with computronics" because he can't tell you as he can't see if you areo n IRC
L51[07:20:04] <Forecaster> also %tell works from discord I'm pretty sure
L52[07:29:57] <Kodos> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L53[07:30:51] ⇨ Joins: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p579642f2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L54[07:35:29] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L55[07:39:03] <Inari> %tell Inari meow
L56[07:39:03] <MichiBot> Inari: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L57[07:39:06] <Inari> Guess so
L58[07:40:56] <Inari> Seems insecure
L59[07:41:20] <TotallyLegitLizzy> %tell Inari meow
L60[07:41:20] <MichiBot> TotallyLegitLizzy: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L61[07:41:30] <Inari> l
L62[07:41:34] <Inari> [14:41:30] *MichiBot* TotallyLegitLizzy in #oc said: meow on Jan 12 @ 13:41 UTC
L63[07:44:20] <Forecaster> insecure how?
L64[07:53:23] <Lizzy> other than discord users being able to 'impersonate' people, it doesn't seem that insecure
L65[07:53:48] <Lizzy> and if you're worrying about other people seeing your tell's then you shouldn't be using tell
L66[07:58:21] <Inari> The impersonation, obviously
L67[07:58:21] <Inari> :P
L68[08:02:39] <DaMachinator> if you don't want other people seeing your tells use memoserv
L69[08:02:52] <DaMachinator> both parties need to be registered with nickserv though
L70[08:03:08] <vifino> totally works on discord.
L71[08:05:34] <DaMachinator> https://xkcd.com/1782/
L72[08:05:34] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Team Chat Posted on: 1/6/2017
L73[08:05:39] <DaMachinator> I will be that one guy.
L74[08:11:26] <Forecaster> you're not :P
L75[08:11:32] <Forecaster> there's several
L76[08:11:42] <Forecaster> you're not a special snowflake
L77[08:12:00] <DaMachinator> I am well aware of that :)
L78[08:12:23] <DaMachinator> I've noticed my attempts at humor are taken literally quite often
L79[08:13:52] <DaMachinator> Side thought: The property of uniqueness is common to all snowflakes.
L80[08:14:26] <Forecaster> "When everyone is special no one is" - Syndrome
L81[08:14:46] <vifino> https://xkcd.com/525/
L82[08:14:46] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: I Know You're Listening Posted on: 1/2/2009
L83[08:16:30] <Inari> DaMachinator: Its common to every macroscopic object
L84[08:17:37] <DaMachinator> True.
L85[08:20:56] <Mettaton_Fab> i want my mobo
L86[08:21:44] <Mettaton_Fab> are nidec fans good?
L87[08:24:46] <Mimiru> Nah, they blow.
L88[08:24:53] <Mimiru> Or suck, depending on how you look at them.
L89[08:25:02] <Forecaster> or how you mount them
L90[08:25:14] <Mimiru> :P
L91[08:25:38] <Inari> Mimiru: Are you saying theyboth suck and blow?
L92[08:28:40] <Kodos> Something something party on
L93[08:32:24] <Mettaton_Fab> i have one fro my CPU cooler
L94[08:37:32] <vifino> <obligatory use noctua plug>
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L97[08:52:56] <Lizzy> noctua best brand
L98[08:53:04] <Lizzy> for fans that is
L99[08:53:49] <Saphire> https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware
L100[08:53:56] * Saphire grins
L101[08:57:53] <Saphire> Hmmm.. now i wonder if it's possible to port openos on that
L102[09:05:02] <Mettaton_Fab> i could also order a fan from EBM-Papst
L103[09:06:44] <Michiyo> Forecaster, so.. an issue I've found with the hunting log crap is that some logs have 2-5 enemies to defeat, but some have less icons than that which makes it very hard to match them up. And to make it REALLY fun... they share the same table cell :/
L104[09:07:03] <Michiyo> gamerescape has them better laid out I think though
L105[09:07:12] <Michiyo> which I can't remember which wiki page I directed you too lol
L106[09:08:00] <Michiyo> Oh, it was gamer escape lol
L107[09:10:53] <Michiyo> And even there ._. the damn icons are wrong
L108[09:11:00] * Michiyo slaps wiki maintainers
L109[09:11:36] <Forecaster> *all fource users whince as thousands of voices say "OW"*
L110[09:12:00] <Forecaster> force* dangit
L111[09:12:03] <Michiyo> heh
L112[09:12:24] <Skye> @Lizzy, I use a noctua CPU cooler.
L113[09:12:41] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Quit: Leaving)
L114[09:12:42] <Michiyo> I have a Corsair H80i
L115[09:12:53] <Skye> Saphire, Ooo interesting
L116[09:13:37] <Michiyo> http://imgur.com/TJEYGNE :P
L117[09:18:02] <vifino> lol, i have real microcontrollers running the nodemcu firmware right now.
L118[09:18:10] <vifino> you guys are late.
L119[09:18:52] <Lizzy> @Skye, same
L120[09:19:30] <vifino> but to answer your question, it is practically impossible to port it, since nodemcu depends on events, without callback hell, it ain't doin jack shit.
L121[09:24:08] <20kdc> Michiyo: I presume we'll be seeing bubbling glass cylinders and pressure gauges next?
L122[09:28:17] <Corded> * Lizzy snuggles vifino
L123[09:28:44] * vifino snuggles Lizzy
L124[09:41:31] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L125[09:41:44] <Kodos> Good games on Steam that are 20 USD or less that don't require a high end CPU
L126[09:42:33] <Forecaster> Gnomoria
L127[09:42:35] <Forecaster> :D
L128[09:43:44] <Kodos> What kind of game is it
L129[09:43:48] <Kodos> Wife's looking for something to spend her bday money on
L130[09:43:55] <Skye> Shenzhen IO
L131[09:43:57] <Forecaster> Dwarf Fortresslike
L132[09:44:15] <Forecaster> https://youtu.be/tFTzec0Q3ZM
L133[09:44:15] <MichiBot> Forecaster's Detours [Episode 10] - Next Stop: Gnomoria | length: 34m 2s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 15 | by Forecaster | Published On 7/1/2017
L134[09:54:05] <Lizzy> :3
L135[09:57:32] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L136[10:01:22] <Saphire> Uh...
L137[10:01:29] <Saphire> Gnomoria is abandoned iirc
L138[10:04:20] <20kdc> it doesn't say anything about that... though, then again,
L139[10:04:24] <20kdc> the last blog update was in...
L140[10:04:38] <20kdc> ... February 23, 2016
L141[10:04:41] <20kdc> ok, it's abandoned
L142[10:04:52] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-091-089-189-253.hsi2.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L143[10:07:47] <Inari> Last twet by Robert West on 27 feb 2016
L144[10:07:49] <Inari> "Just picked up @factoriogame yesterday and I'm in love. It's amazing!"
L145[10:07:54] <Inari> Confirmed, factorio killed gnomoria
L146[10:08:49] <Inari> Ah
L147[10:08:58] <gamax92> Is that a pro Inari?
L148[10:09:03] <Inari> its one of those EA games that instead of getting truly abandoned are kicked out of the door mostly unfinished
L149[10:11:23] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE68118E799948F176EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L150[10:11:23] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L151[10:19:28] <Forecaster> but it's released and fun to play?
L152[10:19:31] <Forecaster> so who cares
L153[10:20:42] <Mettaton_Fab> http://imgur.com/gallery/WVv4i
L154[10:24:06] <Kodos> TIL CovertJaguar is a Trump supporter ?
L155[10:24:33] <Inari> Terrible
L156[10:24:38] <Inari> you should stop using Railcraft immedaitely
L157[10:26:22] <Lizzy> ?
L158[10:28:16] <Kodos> I dunno about not using the mod, but were I supporting him on paypal, I'd have probably pulled that
L159[10:28:50] <Inari> paypal?
L160[10:28:58] <Kodos> All political standpoints aside, anyone who can support a grown adult who mocks a disabled person doesn't deserve my money
L161[10:29:00] <Kodos> Patreon*
L162[10:29:48] <Inari> But mocking non-disabled people is fine? :p
L163[10:31:20] <Kodos> Obviously it's not, but I shouldn't have to clarify that
L164[10:31:43] <Inari> Well your original statemetn seemed to imply that
L165[10:31:54] <Kodos> Well, t here's this thing called common sense
L166[10:31:58] <Kodos> Trump supporters seem to lack it
L167[10:32:42] <Inari> Whats a trump supporter anyway? Someone who voted for trump? Could just mean they decided thats thelesser of the two evils
L168[10:35:50] <Lizzy> I wonder how long it takes Patreon stuff to update. My guess is it'll last till the start of the next month
L169[10:36:24] <Forecaster> what do you mean?
L170[10:36:52] <Kodos> Inari, he is definitely not the lesser of two evils
L171[10:41:29] <Forecaster> He's an idiot
L172[10:41:46] <Forecaster> though I can't say the alternative was a clearer choice in any way
L173[10:44:57] <Forecaster> though while he's making a fool of himself I doubt thing will be much different
L174[10:47:42] <Inari> Kodos: Thats your opinion at least
L175[10:48:08] <Inari> Trump will basically be 4 years of nonsense, but thats about it. Imo :p
L176[10:51:56] <Kodos> Maybe I'm just worried because my household's sole income is my social security, and my wife and I rely on the ACA for our medical insurance
L177[10:53:34] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl)
L178[11:03:21] <Inari> payonel: https://i.imgur.com/stG69wG.gifv
L179[11:04:52] <Izaya> vote #1 McAfee
L180[11:05:17] <payonel> Inari: !!!
L181[11:05:18] <payonel> love it
L182[11:11:04] ⇦ Quits: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p579642f2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L183[11:15:31] <Lizzy> I hate sleet
L184[11:15:44] <Forecaster> what's that?
L185[11:16:13] <Temia> Sleet? It's icy rain.
L186[11:16:24] <Forecaster> oh
L187[11:16:48] <Lizzy> Kinda like wet snow
L188[11:19:38] ⇨ Joins: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p579642F2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L189[11:24:48] * Izaya has never seen snow, nor does he want to
L190[11:27:31] * vifino loves snow
L191[11:27:57] <vifino> snowboarding isn't much fun without snow, ya know?
L192[11:28:26] <vifino> or skiing. but i do that less.
L193[11:31:18] <gamax92> Izaya: I will import a snowball to throw at you.
L194[11:32:41] <Inari> https://imgur.com/gallery/Z3NB9
L195[11:32:52] <vifino> and i will... throw my snowboard at him?
L196[11:33:05] <Izaya> see
L197[11:33:07] <Izaya> we have surfing
L198[11:33:22] <Izaya> from what I hear europe and stuff hardly has waves
L199[11:33:25] <Izaya> they're more ripples
L200[11:33:27] <gamax92> Inari: no thank you.
L201[11:34:24] <Lizzy> vifino, i like snow too. the stuff that's falling now isn't snow
L202[11:34:48] * Lizzy sits infront of the fire
L203[11:37:37] <Inari> gamax92: I'd so freak out from that :P
L204[11:39:22] <Lizzy> vifino, we has snow now. It aint gonna settle though because thr grounds too wet :(
L205[11:42:11] <Lizzy> although saying that it is settling a bit
L206[11:57:05] <vifino> we
L207[11:57:08] <vifino> aw*
L208[12:09:26] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
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L212[12:17:58] <S3> so guys
L213[12:18:19] <Forecaster> and gals
L214[12:19:10] <S3> who has a 386 machine?
L215[12:21:07] <Forecaster> mine doesn't spin I'm afraid
L216[12:21:25] <Forecaster> it has spinning parts though I suppose
L217[12:23:00] <Mettaton_Fab> i know one who has one.
L218[12:23:02] <S3> :(
L219[12:23:15] <S3> I wish I never threw away my dozens of computers
L220[12:23:22] <Mettaton_Fab> he is in my school
L221[12:23:29] <S3> I had 486s and K6 machines and you name it
L222[12:23:52] <S3> plus I threw out at least 20 or 30 floppy drives
L223[12:24:02] <S3> some of which were 5 1/4 inch
L224[12:24:10] <S3> (this was almost 10 years ago)
L225[12:24:37] <S3> so I think I will do it btw
L226[12:24:52] <S3> I think I will make a DOS for OC
L227[12:25:07] <S3> why? because it's so simple..
L228[12:26:42] <S3> what do you need? COMMAND.COM, KERNEL.SYS (usually MSDOS-SYS or IBMDOS.SYS).. some drivers such as KEYBOARD.SYS.. coroutine yields can emulate software IRQs which is how DOS programs talked to the kernel
L229[12:28:42] <S3> and I can do this on a FAT floppy for OC
L230[12:29:11] ⇨ Joins: camedo (~camedo@c-73-67-147-155.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
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L232[12:30:32] <S3> thoughts?
L233[12:35:58] <S3> I can do it without FAT to start
L234[12:36:01] <S3> and a normal system
L235[12:38:42] <Kodos> I always thought Windows 1.0 would be neat to have on OC
L236[12:39:32] <S3> LOL
L237[12:40:37] <S3> if I make an OCDOS
L238[12:40:42] <S3> then it will have the 8.3 filename limit
L239[12:40:43] <S3> :)
L240[12:44:51] <S3> so apparently drivers all show up with their names like COM1, PRN (printer), CON (console handling) , etc
L241[12:45:01] <S3> this is pretty simple
L242[12:46:23] <S3> you could effectively have devices like REDS (Redstone IO), INET (Internet API), 3DPRN (3D Printer), etc.
L243[12:47:58] <vifino> Hey, S3.
L244[12:48:03] <S3> ?
L245[12:48:27] <vifino> Why did you install 386BSD and not something sane, like FreeBSD or Gentoo?
L246[12:50:15] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L247[12:50:24] <vifino> You could've at least installed MINIX3. :/
L248[12:51:40] <Forecaster> My old laptop's drivers don't like win10 >:
L249[12:51:47] <Forecaster> it keeps bluescreening
L250[12:52:12] <Forecaster> might have to wipe it and put win8.1 on it
L251[12:52:29] <Forecaster> or... hm
L252[12:52:39] <Forecaster> are there any good ip-camera programs for linux?
L253[12:54:30] <S3> vifino: because now I have a desktop at home with an unfinished OS that works.
L254[12:54:34] <S3> that I can write drivers for
L255[12:54:46] <vifino> but can you actually do much with it?
L256[12:54:57] <S3> I only need it to do two things really:
L257[12:55:02] <S3> edit code, and network.
L258[12:55:10] <S3> now here's the insane part
L259[12:55:14] <vifino> that's all you use your desktop for?
L260[12:55:16] <S3> instead of dealing with IP
L261[12:55:23] <S3> I think I may implement OCranet on it
L262[12:55:48] * vifino sighs
L263[12:56:57] <20kdc> Forecaster: ip-camera? As in, a program to broadcast from a camera, or a program to receive a camera's output?
L264[12:57:19] <Forecaster> A program that receives input from a network-camera
L265[12:57:27] <20kdc> Depends highly on the network-camera.
L266[12:57:47] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhdMwgvU2EI every other thingy I've seen of that kinda stuff is just people writing their names or other idiotic line art :P
L267[12:57:47] <MichiBot> 'Darkness Is My Canvas, Light Is My Brush' | length: 2m 22s | Likes: 432 Dislikes: 1 Views: 7,373 | by Great Big Story | Published On 12/1/2017
L268[12:59:33] <Forecaster> @20kdc you're gonna have to elaborate on that, assuming you know what you're talking about :P
L269[13:02:26] <S3> vifino: the odea is to implement OCR_NNR rev. 2on it
L270[13:02:36] <S3> and then connect it to Gavle|Away's gert setup
L271[13:03:27] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-091-089-189-253.hsi2.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L272[13:04:18] <20kdc> Forecaster: Some cameras give you a web interface, and that's it
L273[13:04:40] <Forecaster> I know, mine does
L274[13:04:44] <Forecaster> but it's not that great
L275[13:05:03] <Forecaster> I prefer using a program to receive the ouput so I can do more with it
L276[13:05:18] <20kdc> Ah, so it does have an interface other than the web interface?
L277[13:05:21] <Inari> Are you going into porn production?
L278[13:05:27] <Forecaster> ...
L279[13:05:37] <Forecaster> why would I ask about a replacement program for linux if it didn't
L280[13:05:51] <Forecaster> I'm asking because I'm using a windows one currently
L281[13:05:52] <20kdc> IDK, but I'd need to know what that interface is to try and find something
L282[13:06:05] <20kdc> like, is it just streaming video over HTTP?
L283[13:06:06] <Forecaster> if I was using the web interface it wouldn't be an issue
L284[13:07:42] <Forecaster> I believe it's not video, but rather a stream of images
L285[13:07:59] <Forecaster> Foscam MJPEG
L286[13:08:25] <Forecaster> it's a videostream.cgi connection
L287[13:10:22] <20kdc> ...aw, flip. Goodness knows. It might be supported by something, might not - I think I have a similar thing to test against somewhere. Maybe.
L288[13:14:12] <vifino> S3: what is that "gert" you refer to?
L289[13:14:55] <S3> get is a routing protocol for OCranet
L290[13:15:10] <S3> OCranet OCR networks can't route themselbves
L291[13:15:19] <S3> so they need a routing protocol of choice to sit on top of it
L292[13:27:01] ⇨ Joins: Hyst (cxsss1@CPE-124-189-28-144.bkzh1.cht.bigpond.net.au)
L293[13:32:16] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-091-089-189-253.hsi2.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L294[13:35:02] <gamax92> Inari: :/
L295[13:39:44] <Amerem> who do I credit for computronics I don't see it anywhere
L296[13:39:59] <Lizzy> Vexatos/Asie
L297[13:40:46] <Amerem> ok thanks
L298[13:41:47] <Inari> gamax92: ?
L299[13:42:50] <Skye> asietos
L300[13:42:54] <Skye> vexie
L301[13:43:12] <Inari> Vexasietos
L302[13:46:50] <Kodos> Vexatoasted Asie
L303[13:53:53] <gamax92> Inari: :o
L304[14:00:19] <Mettaton_Fab> i hzasz virus on my pc
L305[14:00:47] <Forecaster> you should get anti-virus on your pc
L306[14:01:27] <Mettaton_Fab> it is a batch file
L307[14:01:36] <Mettaton_Fab> i wrote it for school pcs
L308[14:01:57] <Forecaster> good for you
L309[14:03:41] <CompanionCube> 'batch file' and 'virus' are oxymorons
L310[14:04:16] <gamax92> Mettaton_Fab: you wrote a batch file, wow you are master hacker now
L311[14:04:40] <Mettaton_Fab> i will use it at school to annoy some people
L312[14:04:48] <Temia> Oh boy, the clown's at it again, isn't he.
L313[14:04:57] <Kodos> Better than the mime
L314[14:04:58] <Lizzy> Temia, yup
L315[14:04:59] <Mettaton_Fab> it can delete the C:\ drive
L316[14:05:03] <Lizzy> also my ignore list is broken
L317[14:05:16] <Mettaton_Fab> how does that happen?
L318[14:05:23] <Kodos> "Delete the C:\ Drive" Are you fucking retarded?
L319[14:05:28] <Mettaton_Fab> nuh.
L320[14:05:32] <gamax92> yes*
L321[14:05:45] <Temia> s/no/yes
L322[14:05:45] <MichiBot> <Lizzy> also my igyesre list is broken
L323[14:05:50] <gamax92> XD
L324[14:05:53] <Temia> Oh, rats.
L325[14:06:09] <Temia> >_>
L326[14:06:26] <20kdc> added note: "Temia can predict the future"
L327[14:06:28] <Mettaton_Fab> i like to use the appropriate symbols shown on a windows machine
L328[14:06:49] <CompanionCube> one does not simply delete a hard drive
L329[14:07:03] <Temia> I was actually trying to predict what he already said since I have him on ignore
L330[14:07:39] <Corded> * 20kdc edits note to say "Temia is capable of predicting things they have no direct observation over"
L331[14:08:18] <Mettaton_Fab> but i changed it so it will try to format a
L332[14:08:43] ⇨ Joins: Wiiplay123 (~kvirc@adsl-72-154-27-119.bna.bellsouth.net)
L333[14:08:57] <gamax92> hey Wiiplay123
L334[14:09:00] <Forecaster> nobody thinks you're cool for messing with school computers
L335[14:09:09] <Forecaster> quite the opposite really
L336[14:09:15] <Kodos> In fact, it's pretty retarded to do it
L337[14:09:20] <Kodos> Since all you're doing is costing people time and money
L338[14:09:23] <Wiiplay123> hey
L339[14:09:44] <Wiiplay123> I actually haven't used CC or OC in a while
L340[14:09:53] <gamax92> same
L341[14:10:21] <Temia> Yeah, I just hang out in the channel because I have friends here at this point
L342[14:10:32] <Wiiplay123> yup
L343[14:10:37] <Forecaster> I use OC :P
L344[14:10:40] <Wiiplay123> And also because it's got pretty good general programming people
L345[14:10:56] * Temia shuns Forecaster! SHUUUN
L346[14:11:04] * Temia ... hugs <3 j/k ilu
L347[14:11:11] <gamax92> Mada Mada
L348[14:11:11] <Wiiplay123> People that I can discuss things with like the fact that yesterday I made a python program specifically for converting my HTML web archive links that downthemall accidentally downloaded to the CORRECT links
L349[14:11:17] <Wiiplay123> to images on the web archive
L350[14:11:22] <vifino> Same. I don't know how many months ago I last played minecraft...
L351[14:11:32] <Kodos> ComputerCraft is shit anyway
L352[14:11:39] <Wiiplay123> Haven't really had the time recently to play Minecraft
L353[14:12:02] <Wiiplay123> When I have time, I'll probably go look at the code to that OC program I made and convert it over to CC
L354[14:12:13] <Wiiplay123> Or better yet, make it a single program that will run on both CC and OC just fine
L355[14:12:34] <gamax92> compatibility header?
L356[14:12:52] <Wiiplay123> What's that
L357[14:13:06] <Wiiplay123> I have this ultimate program I designed that's meant to play the game for me
L358[14:13:17] <gamax92> A thing that you would write so it works on both CC and OC at the same time
L359[14:13:20] <Wiiplay123> So I can put down a single CC turtle and a few things around it that are inexpensive
L360[14:13:27] <Wiiplay123> not that simple with this program
L361[14:13:44] <Temia> A block of code that is designed to cover differences between largely compatible environments.
L362[14:13:50] <Wiiplay123> oh cool
L363[14:14:29] <Temia> I've written one before for a library for Python 2/3.
L364[14:14:30] <gamax92> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiPqnwn6MWE
L365[14:14:31] <MichiBot> FPGASID_proto1 power up | length: 2m 22s | Likes: 8 Dislikes: 0 Views: 145 | by andi6510 The FPGASID Project | Published On 3/1/2017
L366[14:19:58] <vifino> :| the trackpoint of my thinkpad moves the cursor on it's own sometimes
L367[14:20:15] <vifino> i do not like this.
L368[14:20:30] <Kodos> %g Hitchhiker - 11
L369[14:20:31] <MichiBot> Kodos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZa4yre0uEk - *Hitchhiker 히치하이커_11(ELEVEN)_Music Video - YouTube*: "Sep 10, 2014 ... Hichhiker's single 11(Eleven) available on iTunes @ https://itunes.apple.com/us/ album/1st-single-11-eleven-single/id918449883?ls=1 ..."
L370[14:24:40] * Michiyo quits
L371[14:25:21] <Kodos> Lol
L372[14:25:31] * Forecaster hires Michiyo to set annoying people on fire
L373[14:25:43] <Michiyo> fuck yeah
L374[14:25:51] <Michiyo> lol
L375[14:26:15] <Kodos> Not liking the song then?
L376[14:26:22] <Michiyo> At work, can't listen
L377[14:26:25] <Kodos> Ah
L378[14:28:15] <S3> man SQL databases suck
L379[14:28:28] <Kodos> Tell me about it
L380[14:28:33] <Kodos> We're -still- having issues with the new comms
L381[14:28:36] <S3> all this relational group concat data mapping bullshit
L382[14:28:42] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L383[14:29:08] <S3> Kodos yeah.. I'm at work, but I'm glad I moved on to NoSQL databases in my personal projects heh
L384[14:29:18] <S3> because my databases resemble my OOP classes.
L385[14:29:33] <S3> in a hierarchy
L386[14:30:32] <Kodos> Well if we can't get it fixed soon, I'm gonna push for using the ones we had before new years
L387[14:30:44] <Kodos> Morketh won't like it, but at least we'll have functional comms
L388[14:31:17] <S3> I would offer help but what you're doing doesn't really seem like a 3 person job
L389[14:31:37] <Kodos> Eh, he's working on it, but I don't know enough about what he's done so far to contribute
L390[14:31:51] <S3> heh
L391[14:32:09] <Kodos> I got SID done and got the new alarm system working
L392[14:32:11] <Kodos> I'll take it
L393[14:32:20] <S3> oh cool
L394[14:32:44] <S3> does the SL scripting stuff support websockets?
L395[14:32:49] <S3> that would be so ideal
L396[14:32:50] <Kodos> I have no idea
L397[14:33:00] <Kodos> You'd have to check the wiki
L398[14:35:29] <S3> I guess it doesn't
L399[14:35:39] <S3> the browser MIGHT but
L400[14:36:22] ⇦ Quits: Dasm (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L401[14:37:23] <S3> The good news Kodos is that without websockets you can simulate a token ring network
L402[14:37:46] <S3> which is probably how it's kinda happening
L403[14:38:01] <S3> via polling
L404[14:38:55] <Inari> Oh ffs
L405[14:39:04] <Inari> Is there some good shell/window manager/whatever for win10? :P
L406[14:39:31] <Michiyo> Yeah, I use Explorer.. :P
L407[14:39:55] <Inari> :P
L408[14:40:07] <Inari> I'm so sick of new stuff stealing focus
L409[14:45:59] <MGR> Awesome, I redesigned my research factory
L410[14:46:08] <MGR> It now has much more scalability in the front and back ends
L411[14:46:22] <MGR> Work Unit scalability is still subpar though
L412[14:46:49] <S3> Inari: bb4win?
L413[14:46:51] <S3> heh
L414[14:47:37] <vifino> ah, that reminds me, i need to test 2bwm.
L415[14:47:58] <Inari> S3: Does it workon win10? Is it stable?
L416[14:48:07] <S3> meh. I never liked it
L417[14:48:10] <SolraBizna> my solution is to not run any software that steals focus
L418[14:48:10] <S3> and I have no idea
L419[14:48:15] <SolraBizna> s/that steals focus//
L420[14:48:15] <MichiBot> <SolraBizna> my solution is to not run any software
L421[14:48:29] <Inari> SolraBizna: Literally all software steals focus on windows
L422[14:49:57] <SolraBizna> my desktop environment is an arbitrary number of xterms in an arbitrary number of workspaces
L423[14:50:20] <Inari> Good for you
L424[14:50:38] <20kdc> SolraBizna: I'm guessing your game library is a bit limited, then.
L425[14:50:43] <Inari> I'll try that whenever I don't feel like playing games or using software the general population uses
L426[14:50:54] <20kdc> (Actually... wait, no, I can see how libcaca could be (ab)used to make Minecraft usable)
L427[14:50:57] <Forecaster> what do you mean by "steal focus"?
L428[14:51:01] <SolraBizna> like me!
L429[14:51:11] <Inari> Forecaster: Takes focus from what it currently is to the newly opened thing :P
L430[14:51:14] <SolraBizna> I was exaggerating, I actually do use other software
L431[14:51:25] <SolraBizna> but one of the few actual advantages of my setup is that nothing ever steals focus in a terminal
L432[14:51:31] <Inari> blackbox sounds interesting
L433[14:51:32] <Inari> Might try that
L434[14:51:38] <Forecaster> unless you mean when you start it that's not true then :P
L435[14:51:46] <Inari> Forecaster: Yeah, when soemthing pops open
L436[14:51:51] <gamax92> has bb4win even been updated in a while? last I saw it's very dead
L437[14:52:03] <SolraBizna> it's not focus stealing if it's a direct, expected, immediate result of a user action
L438[14:52:08] <SolraBizna> otherwise the term would be meaningless
L439[14:52:09] <gamax92> or any of the many derivatives
L440[14:52:18] <Forecaster> don't have things that pop up unexpectedly? :P
L441[14:52:38] <SolraBizna> IM applications were often the worst offenders
L442[14:53:08] <Inari> Forecaster: Even the ones that pop up expectedly are a pain though :P Like I start something and go back to typing on IRC, now it steals focus to the newly popped up window of what I was starting, sometimes two times or such because of how the app loads
L443[14:53:30] <Inari> Also sutff like messageboxes (dialogs for yes/no, ok/cancel, etc) popping up and you hit one of the choices because you are typing and hit space
L444[14:53:36] <Inari> Like who eve rthought thtats a good idea
L445[14:53:50] <Forecaster> maybe I don't experience that because I have irc on a separate computer
L446[14:54:11] <SolraBizna> some people would say the real problem is modality
L447[14:54:19] <SolraBizna> I don't know what those people expect to have instead
L448[14:55:31] <20kdc> SolraBizna: maybe the computer should just magically know what you want it to do, by putting a brainscanner on you or something
L449[14:55:51] <SolraBizna> the only app I routinely use (daily or so) that has real focus stealing problems is Mumble
L450[14:56:03] <Inari> When using CreationKit that was also a pain
L451[14:56:04] <SolraBizna> I start it, the main window comes up fairly quickly
L452[14:56:12] <SolraBizna> a random amount of time later, the "connect to server" dialog appears and steals focus
L453[14:56:19] <Inari> cause while loading the Requiem esp it would pop open like 15 dialog boxes :P But not all at once, as it was loading
L454[14:56:20] <SolraBizna> it autoconnects, and "returns" focus to the main window
L455[14:56:25] <Inari> but I also didn't want to just sit there and watch it load
L456[14:58:05] <vifino> Oh, hello 20kdc!
L457[15:00:37] <Forecaster> also helps having 3 monitors on my main computer so things don't pop up above something I'm focused on I guess
L458[15:03:34] <gamax92> Inari: pop up a dialog box for every action, great design :D
L459[15:03:59] <Inari> gamax92: Not action
L460[15:04:05] <Inari> It loads the thing and encounters some errors
L461[15:04:09] <Inari> So it asks you if to ignore and continue
L462[15:04:14] <gamax92> well fix the errors :v
L463[15:04:27] <SolraBizna> not possible when thousands(!!) of errors are in the original data that you can't avoid loading
L464[15:04:28] <Inari> Not my job :P
L465[15:04:33] <Inari> And some it migth just think are errors
L466[15:04:35] <Inari> or are wranings
L467[15:04:42] <SolraBizna> and if you hit Ignore All, you risk not finding errors in your own mod
L468[15:04:45] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-25-103-212.as13285.net)
L469[15:04:51] <Inari> Oh I hit Ignore All
L470[15:04:57] <SolraBizna> (me too)
L471[15:05:00] <Inari> But that only counts for some specific category or something
L472[15:05:03] <Inari> So it sitll pops up ilke 15
L473[15:05:14] <S3> OK ITS LIKE AFTER FOAR
L474[15:05:19] <S3> so ima drive home.
L475[15:05:22] <gamax92> bye
L476[15:05:26] <S3> in a bit
L477[15:05:29] <gamax92> damn
L478[15:05:31] <gamax92> I mean ... nothing
L479[15:05:39] <S3> gamax92: fix my BSD
L480[15:05:45] <S3> it's not installing
L481[15:05:50] <gamax92> try harder
L482[15:05:54] <S3> nu
L483[15:05:55] <gamax92>
L484[15:07:25] <Tokiko> install linux
L485[15:07:31] <SolraBizna> actually, now that I think about it
L486[15:07:38] <SolraBizna> one time I tried manually ignoring all the errors, one at a time
L487[15:07:44] <SolraBizna> I only got ~20 errors in and CK crashed
L488[15:08:45] <gamax92> what is this for?
L489[15:09:07] <SolraBizna> Skyrim
L490[15:09:07] <CompanionCube> S3: 386BSD?
L491[15:10:07] <gamax92> oh
L492[15:10:15] <gamax92> never played Skyrim, only watched others play it
L493[15:10:43] <Tokiko> tfw skyrim is only good with mods
L494[15:10:46] <Tokiko> base game sucks balls
L495[15:11:06] <gamax92> but what type of mods
L496[15:11:12] <Tokiko> porn mods!
L497[15:11:16] <gamax92> thought so
L498[15:11:24] <SolraBizna> Well, there are other mods too
L499[15:11:34] <SolraBizna> like ones that make getting cold actually suck, or ones that make hunting actually useful
L500[15:12:04] <Inari> I never find the porn mods fit in well sadly
L501[15:12:21] <Inari> That thingy that makes a gamepad or such vibrate according to ingame events make them fit /slightly/ better
L502[15:12:23] <Inari> but still meh
L503[15:12:29] <SolraBizna> It really depends on the mods
L504[15:12:42] <SolraBizna> there are two types... the "this system would fit in the game" type, and the "created entirely with one hand" type
L505[15:13:06] <Inari> So which are nice? :P
L506[15:13:19] <gamax92> what about the entire overhaul mods that replace the entire game with something else
L507[15:13:20] <SolraBizna> that depends on whether you're looking for a game to play entirely one hand :P
L508[15:13:32] <Inari> ?.?
L509[15:13:39] <gamax92> yeah, what?
L510[15:13:45] <Inari> Well so far I haven't found porn mods that fit in well
L511[15:13:49] ⇦ Quits: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p579642F2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: gotta go to bed or other stuff, maybe its not even midnight and im just sleepy af)
L512[15:14:24] <SolraBizna> there are a ton more of the second type than the first type
L513[15:14:38] <gamax92> but wtf does that second type mean
L514[15:14:47] <Tokiko> shit mod
L515[15:14:49] <Inari> For non-porn mods, frostfall is nice at least
L516[15:14:55] <Inari> Still waiting for last seed
L517[15:15:12] <SolraBizna> gamax92: the other hand was doing something related to the subject matter of the mod, but not related to its creation
L518[15:15:16] <SolraBizna> I don't think I can be more explicit under the rules
L519[15:15:39] <gamax92> so porn mods? :P
L520[15:15:53] <SolraBizna> I was specifically talking about porn mods when laying out those types
L521[15:16:05] <Inari> So what are porn mods that fit in incely
L522[15:16:15] <Tokiko> does any even exist?
L523[15:16:24] <Tokiko> i should look after one that fits in
L524[15:16:24] <Inari> I haven't found any
L525[15:16:30] <Inari> But SolraBizna seemst o suggest there are
L526[15:16:31] <Tokiko> just for scientific purposes, ofcourse
L527[15:16:39] <SolraBizna> the only one I can think of off the top of my head was originally a mod that fleshed out the Lover's Comfort buff
L528[15:17:29] <Inari> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C1-_erhWIAEQNH1.jpg
L529[15:19:00] <SolraBizna> the big problem I have is finding a body mod that doesn't have breasts bigger than a human torso
L530[15:19:49] <Inari> Seems easy enough
L531[15:19:58] <Inari> Just install UUNP and configure the breasts via sliders
L532[15:20:24] <SolraBizna> too complicated
L533[15:20:29] <Inari> ¬_¬
L534[15:20:30] * SolraBizna installs the FreeBSD mod instead
L535[15:20:45] <Inari> Well if basic character creation is too complicated I can't help yhou
L536[15:20:51] <SolraBizna> how do sliders woooork
L537[15:21:05] <Skye> you need to play the sims 3
L538[15:21:07] <Skye> too many sliders
L539[15:22:02] <SolraBizna> I thought you were talking about those things that have an external tool where you configure the mod's parameters
L540[15:22:12] <SolraBizna> I would be fine with those except every one I've tried crashed
L541[15:22:28] <SolraBizna> solving it in character creation doesn't solve it for the vast majority of characters in the game
L542[15:22:28] <Inari> SolraBizna: Just normal racemenu sliders
L543[15:23:29] <Inari> Eh well, even bodyslide is easy enough
L544[15:23:32] <Inari> TAkes about a minute
L545[15:23:46] <Inari> Start thingy, pick Zeroed slidres preset, check "build morphs", click "build"
L546[15:23:49] <Inari> There you go
L547[15:24:07] <SolraBizna> like I said, I'd be fine with that if it worked for me
L548[15:24:13] <SolraBizna> it would probably work today, but I'm not playing Skyrim today
L549[15:24:25] <Inari> I j ust hope you're using MO
L550[15:25:20] <gamax92> http://www.speedtest.net/result/5962030071.png
L551[15:25:56] <gamax92> this upload speed ...
L552[15:26:24] <SolraBizna> modified orbits?
L553[15:26:36] <Inari> Mod Organizr
L554[15:26:51] <SolraBizna> I just used NMM
L555[15:27:02] <SolraBizna> a tool nearly as unstable as a Bethesda game
L556[15:27:07] ⇨ Joins: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p579642f2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L557[15:27:08] ⇦ Quits: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p579642f2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Client Quit)
L558[15:27:33] <Michiyo> http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/5962045676 this everything speed...
L559[15:28:20] <gamax92> Michiyo: mmm, that's some good speed right there
L560[15:28:23] <Inari> Ew NMM
L561[15:28:44] <gamax92> Michiyo: not as good as http://i.imgur.com/YvlaAxQ.png
L562[15:28:46] <Inari> Michiyo: Gimme your speed
L563[15:29:32] <gamax92> that's not Michiyo's home speed :P, it's a server host in Montreal
L564[15:29:54] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-091-089-189-253.hsi2.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L565[15:29:59] <Inari> I just want better home speed :<
L566[15:30:12] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-25-103-212.as13285.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L567[15:30:30] <SolraBizna> you should do what I did, and live in an area rich enough for the Gods on Mount Google to grace it with fiber
L568[15:30:38] <SolraBizna> just don't do the other thing I did, and live in the poor part of that area
L569[15:30:45] <gamax92> so do I :<, this is my father's speed, I get a very unstable laggy <2mbps speed most of the time
L570[15:31:53] <gamax92> videos take longer to download then the actual length of the video
L571[15:31:55] * Inari tries to decide which is lewder: "panty shot" or "shot panty"
L572[15:32:01] <gamax92> what is latter?
L573[15:32:22] <Inari> Well a "shot panty" could mean semen was shot onto it~
L574[15:32:24] <Inari> Or such :3
L575[15:33:25] <gamax92> probably the latter then
L576[15:33:42] <SolraBizna> Japanese obscenity laws agree
L577[15:34:05] <gamax92> your entire face is pixelation
L578[15:38:01] ⇨ Joins: pwnagepineapple (~pwnagepin@
L579[15:39:06] <Inari> Lew
L580[15:39:07] <Inari> d
L581[15:39:10] <pwnagepineapple> General programming question: What would be the best way to detect if a program is being run for the first time?
L582[15:39:28] <Inari> pwnagepineapple: config entry/file?
L583[15:40:31] <Inari> You might want to ask in freenode's ##programming
L584[15:41:33] <Michiyo> I own the nick "Discord" now... Vote: should I switch "Corded" to "Discord" ?
L585[15:41:44] <gamax92> no
L586[15:41:48] <gamax92> you force me to recompile quassel
L587[15:41:51] <Michiyo> lol
L588[15:42:04] <Forecaster> Do it!
L589[15:42:14] <Forecaster> I can just change my script :>
L590[15:42:25] <Forecaster> or add to it rather
L591[15:42:31] <Michiyo> I'd been watching the nick for a while, it expired a few weeks ago, and I gave it time..
L592[15:42:39] <Michiyo> but I decided enough time had lapsed
L593[15:44:09] <Skye> Michiyo, keep corded. :p
L594[15:46:12] <Michiyo> so.. 2 no, 1 yes..
L595[15:46:17] <gamax92> Michiyo: think of the potential spam too, Corded is not a common thing but Discord is a common name
L596[15:46:38] <Michiyo> K?
L597[15:46:58] <Forecaster> common name?
L598[15:47:01] <Forecaster> wut
L599[15:47:12] <Michiyo> Not sure why it would matter, I assure you, the bot won't mind if it's pinged
L600[15:47:24] <Forecaster> ^
L601[15:51:35] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5AFE68118E799948F176EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L602[15:53:20] <pwnagepineapple> How does one properly bind a remote terminal to a server on OC 1.6? The wiki info still shows info on 1.5
L603[15:53:23] <GreaseMonkey> if you lose Corded call it Corroded instead
L604[15:53:41] <Forecaster> pwnagepineapple: you need a terminal server
L605[15:53:44] <Forecaster> it's a rack mountable
L606[15:53:49] <pwnagepineapple> I have one in there
L607[15:53:59] <Forecaster> right click it with the terminal
L608[15:54:04] <GreaseMonkey> make sure it's properly hooked up
L609[15:54:04] <pwnagepineapple> I'm just not sure how to get the terminal server and the server talking
L610[15:54:06] <Forecaster> you also need to connect it to the server
L611[15:54:24] <Forecaster> they need to be connected to the same side with a component connection
L612[15:54:33] <Forecaster> or different sides with an external connection I guess
L613[15:55:17] <pwnagepineapple> They are both connected to the same side. All I get is a blank screen from the remote terminal
L614[15:55:40] <Forecaster> and you right clicked the terminal server with the terminal?
L615[15:55:49] <Forecaster> and a blue light came on on the TS?
L616[15:56:00] <pwnagepineapple> Yes
L617[15:56:14] <Forecaster> is the server on?
L618[15:56:36] <pwnagepineapple> Yes
L619[15:56:53] <Forecaster> screenshot the rack gui?
L620[15:57:22] <pwnagepineapple> One sec
L621[15:57:58] <pwnagepineapple> https://imgur.com/a/Cr3IS
L622[15:58:41] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORL1d7GWoBc
L623[15:58:41] <MichiBot> Sleight Trailer #1 (2017) | Movieclips Trailers | length: 2m 12s | Likes: 1,317 Dislikes: 108 Views: 9,968 | by Movieclips Trailers | Published On 12/1/2017
L624[15:59:19] <Forecaster> pwnagepineapple: looks right...
L625[16:00:30] <Forecaster> https://imgur.com/gallery/V4yks
L626[16:03:21] <Michiyo> Holy balls man.. 1:55 to get the right answer.. lol
L627[16:03:39] <Forecaster> at least he figured it out eventually :P
L628[16:03:50] <Forecaster> imagine if he tried programming
L629[16:04:36] <Michiyo> lol
L630[16:05:20] <pwnagepineapple> so... any idea why it's not working?
L631[16:05:30] <Forecaster> oh
L632[16:05:36] <Forecaster> did you put a gpu in the server? :P
L633[16:05:53] <pwnagepineapple> lol oops
L634[16:05:58] <Forecaster> yeah
L635[16:06:50] <pwnagepineapple> there we go lol
L636[16:10:14] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
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L639[16:12:32] <gamax92> finally got around to flipping around the hard drive led inside this case so now it actually works and lights up
L640[16:12:40] <gamax92> or well, the motherboard connector
L641[16:19:01] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L642[16:23:13] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L643[16:24:04] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L644[16:24:29] <Amerem> computronics doesnt work with the beta versions of ender io?
L645[16:26:24] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L646[16:27:22] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L647[16:28:06] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L648[16:32:11] <gamax92> @Amerem what MC version?
L649[16:32:21] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L650[16:32:40] <Amerem> 1.7.10
L651[16:32:44] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5dec67df.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'I still love you.' - D.Va (Overwatch))
L652[16:33:06] <Amerem> ive got enderio beta 429 but it wants 424
L653[16:34:31] <gamax92> probably just an easy fix for whenever Vexatos is around, but yeah it is currently built against specifically 424
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L655[16:35:55] <Amerem> ok I guess Ill try rolling back to the 424 beta for now then
L656[16:38:28] <Amerem> nope I have to have at least the 427 beta :/ oh well no computronics in this version of the pack I guess
L657[16:38:38] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L658[16:39:04] <Amerem> thx for the help
L659[16:39:52] <Michiyo> https://imgur.com/gallery/fZzW8 where's OC's Discord client...? :P
L660[16:41:23] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
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L662[16:43:33] <pwnagepineapple> If OpenOS gets a discord client before Linux does, I'm going to be very upset
L663[16:43:51] <vifino> that one is cheating, though.
L664[16:44:18] <Forecaster> linux has one...
L665[16:44:25] <Forecaster> unless you're talking CLI
L666[16:44:28] ⇦ Quits: maty71 (~maty71@ (Client Quit)
L667[16:45:19] <pwnagepineapple> How did I not know this?
L668[16:45:44] <medsouz> Discord's client is just Electron
L669[16:45:46] <vifino> because it's crap.
L670[16:46:43] <gamax92> vifino: yep, that has to have some sort of discord -> cc mitm stuff ...
L671[16:47:04] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L672[16:47:22] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L673[16:47:51] <vifino> gamax92: could be that it is using the bot feature of discord, or did only slack have that?
L674[16:48:27] <vifino> at least slack has an api which can send stuff as whatever user, without registering. pretty sure something like that happened there too.
L675[16:48:42] <vifino> no passwords and such. would just use a single api key.
L676[16:48:56] <gamax92> iirc discord works over websocket
L677[16:49:25] <Amerem> nvm I had like a REALLY old version of enderio in there as well for some reason
L678[16:50:14] <vifino> gamax92: https://puu.sh/tk40T.png
L679[16:50:35] <gamax92> minetest?
L680[16:50:39] <vifino> yes
L681[16:50:56] <gamax92> it's a computer
L682[16:51:14] <vifino> great observation skills you have indeed, gamax92
L683[16:51:27] <gamax92> :D
L684[16:51:28] <gamax92> thank you!
L685[16:51:35] <vifino> :3
L686[16:52:58] <vifino> in the picture, there is a ZPU cpu block, address bus, ram modules, memory chain unit, IO bridge, digiline IO chip and a digiline console
L687[16:53:20] <vifino> all working together to produce a lovely BASIC prompt
L688[16:53:25] <ping> my cat
L689[16:53:26] <ping> does nothing
L690[16:53:29] <ping> but annoy us
L691[16:53:33] <ping> by sitting on laptops and keyboards
L692[16:54:04] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L693[16:54:07] <vifino> gamax92: https://github.com/vifino/minetest-computech maybe help us? :3
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L695[16:55:07] <vifino> currently the main basic interpreter isn't open sourced yet, 20kdc will most likely do that sometime.
L696[16:55:26] <Stary> gg
L697[16:56:15] <vifino> Stary: hey, you get a basic prompt, what more do you want?!
L698[16:56:26] <Stary> port linux
L699[16:56:26] <Stary> /s
L700[16:56:27] <vifino> it only takes 3 seconds to print help!
L701[16:57:22] <gamax92> vifino: that's as fast as sending messages on irc at home!
L702[16:57:30] <vifino> :P
L703[16:58:16] <vifino> gamax92: if you could help optimize some stuff, like the fallback bitlib or address bus, that would be much appreciated
L704[16:59:07] <vifino> bitops are the slowest part of this, at the moment. every little bit helps.
L705[16:59:54] <gamax92> https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/5njgdw/
L706[17:03:10] * vifino pokes gamax92
L707[17:03:45] <gamax92> bzzt
L708[17:04:23] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L709[17:09:06] *** Mine|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L710[17:15:43] <Kodos> Any of you use OC to deal with IC2's replicator
L711[17:20:45] <vifino> I'mma go to bed. It is late o'clock and I am tired. Good night, Stary and gamax92. o/
L712[17:21:00] <Stary> go bed
L713[17:21:16] <gamax92> let bed eat you
L714[17:28:22] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L715[17:30:21] <pwnagepineapple> Ok... WHat exactly do the functions in the RC API do?
L716[17:31:03] <pwnagepineapple> The wiki is... well... "Todo: Fill in the info regarding what each of these functions do." I wish that wasn't a direct quote
L717[17:33:51] <Kodos> RC is basically like a daemon
L718[17:35:37] <pwnagepineapple> I understand that, but I'm still curious as to what the functions do
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L722[18:42:42] <Mimiru> I figured the rc api out once upon a time...
L723[18:42:43] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.)
L724[18:42:52] <Mimiru> but... I don't remember anything
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L727[18:50:09] <pwnagepineapple> lol
L728[18:53:29] <Mimiru> and the world that server was on is long gone
L729[18:54:01] <pwnagepineapple> What is the Sign I/O upgrade supposed to do when placed into a tablet? Apparently it's compatible
L730[18:54:49] <pwnagepineapple> The only upgrades that make sense to put in tablets are batteries and maybe the solar generator
L731[18:55:29] <gamax92> does a geolyzer fit in a tablet
L732[18:57:54] <pwnagepineapple> nope
L733[18:58:47] <pwnagepineapple> Why do you ask?
L734[19:02:28] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
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L736[19:33:27] <TYKUHN2> Can I fit a Geolyzer in a Nexus 7?
L737[19:34:26] <pwnagepineapple> OpenSecurity Question: What tier data card does the data block act as?
L738[19:36:53] <TYKUHN2> Does it contain AES?
L739[19:38:10] <TYKUHN2> Odd. I thought AES was Tier 3.
L740[19:39:36] <pwnagepineapple> GPG is tier 3
L741[19:39:52] <pwnagepineapple> AES is tier 2
L742[19:40:32] <TYKUHN2> I just noticed something. Someone updated the wiki page... but kept all my previous content. They simply added headers. Am I that good of a cryptographer? ?
L743[19:47:11] <TYKUHN2> "Someone in russia sneezed" "CLOSED EVERYTHING DOWN"
L744[19:50:02] <Mimiru> pwnagepineapple, IIRC it does 1 and 2
L745[19:50:50] <Mimiru> It also does rot13, lol
L746[19:51:40] <Mimiru> Ok.. no
L747[19:51:41] <Mimiru> it does 1
L748[19:51:44] <Mimiru> I never finished 2
L749[19:53:15] <pwnagepineapple> Dang. Was hoping it'd do 3
L750[19:53:34] <Mimiru> I don't know how to implement them, and no one wants to do it
L751[19:53:58] <pwnagepineapple> Can't most of the code be borrowed from OC?
L752[19:54:32] <TYKUHN2> OC uses Java based encryption libraries
L753[19:54:50] <TYKUHN2> Java's library includes built in ECSDHAASD encryption
L754[19:54:52] <Mimiru> and it's implemented in scala
L755[19:54:57] <Mimiru> and I don't know how to use it.
L756[19:55:00] <Mimiru> soooo
L757[19:55:11] <TYKUHN2> >:)
L758[19:56:33] <TYKUHN2> What is scala perchance?
L759[19:56:49] <Mimiru> scala is what OC is written in
L760[19:56:53] <Mimiru> it compiles to java bytecode..
L761[19:57:01] <Mimiru> but it's very different from java
L762[19:57:55] <TYKUHN2> Butt.... whyyy?
L763[19:58:11] <TYKUHN2> Java is superior to everything! That's why Minecraft is written in it! >:)
L764[20:01:04] ⇦ Quits: Cazzar (~CazzarZNC@vocaloid.lovers.at.cazzar.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L766[20:01:19] zsh sets mode: +v on Cazzar
L767[20:02:00] <TYKUHN2> Scala is python that turns into java? Really?
L768[20:02:45] <TYKUHN2> Where's the library for ECHSDAS... fuck it RSA encryption?
L769[20:03:19] <CompanionCube> because Scala allows you to do things differently than in java
L770[20:03:22] <CompanionCube> and you may prefer that way
L771[20:07:53] <TYKUHN2> What's the differences?
L772[20:17:10] <TYKUHN2> ?
L773[20:17:50] <gamax92> oh
L774[20:18:15] <gamax92> you can specify LUA_FLOORN2I = 1 in lua 5.3, and instead of erroring on double -> int conversion it'll just do it, like it did in all version before it
L775[20:23:31] <TYKUHN2> Wait what?
L776[20:23:35] <TYKUHN2> OC has Zip support?
L777[20:24:47] <Kodos> It has inflate and deflate. Not sure bout zips
L778[20:25:08] <TYKUHN2> In the scala it has "ZipOutputStream" or something like that in the FS (server?) files
L779[20:26:28] <TYKUHN2> Maybe for .zip file extensions?
L780[20:27:06] <TYKUHN2> Userdata has docs...
L781[20:27:20] <gamax92> there is literally never a mention of ZipOutputStream in OC's code.
L782[20:28:08] <TYKUHN2> It's a file located at OpenComputers/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/server/fs/ZipFileInputStreamFileSystem.scala
L783[20:28:13] <TYKUHN2> Maybe not used
L784[20:28:29] <TYKUHN2> FOUND IT
L785[20:28:57] <Kodos> ??
L786[20:29:11] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com)
L787[20:29:57] <TYKUHN2> java.security.interfaces.ECPublicKey
L788[20:29:58] <TYKUHN2> import javax.crypto.Cipher
L789[20:29:58] <TYKUHN2> import javax.crypto.KeyAgreement
L790[20:30:01] <TYKUHN2> Try thoose
L791[20:30:36] <Kodos> Or you know... don't
L792[20:44:13] <TYKUHN2> Android UI design is actually very easy
L793[20:44:23] <TYKUHN2> It's a nice change
L794[20:54:02] <ping> "Android UI design is actually very easy"
L795[20:54:16] <ping> someone hasnt done much ui design thern
L796[21:05:15] ⇦ Quits: pwnagepineapple (~pwnagepin@ (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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L798[21:29:27] <ds84182> >"Android UI design is actually very easy"
L799[21:29:28] <ds84182> oh
L800[21:29:29] <ds84182> lol
L801[21:29:30] <ds84182> LOL
L802[21:30:04] <ds84182> Its easy until you figure out that your layout is suboptimal because it uses multiple nested viewgroups, which trash performance
L803[21:30:14] <ds84182> and right to left layouts in general
L804[21:30:43] <ds84182> and supporting the off chance where someone on Android N goes into dev options and removes the minimum size restriction for activities in multiwindow mode
L805[21:30:53] <ds84182> oh, and my favorite one: transitions.
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L809[22:37:25] <TYKUHN2> I found OCRanet! http://ipaddress.com/map/ocra2.ocranet.com~
L810[22:37:48] <TYKUHN2> Government testing project obviously
L811[23:05:11] ⇨ Joins: Bjorguv (webchat@c-73-83-133-41.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L812[23:07:24] <Bjorguv> could anyone point me towards a good place to learn lua?
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