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L4[00:24:15] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L5[00:24:28] <payonel> lperkins2: what is not polluting via /bin/source that you were expecting to pollute?
L6[00:30:20] <S3> Holy crap!
L7[00:30:33] <S3> did Minecraft remove the ability to push pistons with pistons in 1.7?
L8[00:33:27] <GreaseMonkey> i thought you could still do that just as long as the piston you were pushing was retracted
L9[00:34:13] <GreaseMonkey> [18:05:15] <lperkins2> ugh, why oh why is bool(0) true!!! bit me again <-- because everything that isn't exactly false or nil is true
L10[00:40:15] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|dreamland
L11[00:47:26] ⇦ Quits: Madxmike (~Madxmike@99-116-221-165.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L12[00:50:49] <lperkins2> payonel, if I set an environment variable in /home/somescript.sh, and type 'source /home/somescript.sh' the environment variable shows up in the shell
L13[00:51:12] <lperkins2> if I set the shabang to #!/bin/source.lua and run /home/somescript.sh
L14[00:51:27] <lperkins2> the environment variable does not show up in the shell
L15[00:52:24] <lperkins2> GreaseMonkey I know what lua considers false, I just don't understand what the authors of lua chose what they chose...
L16[00:52:39] <lperkins2> *why
L17[00:52:58] <GreaseMonkey> because they probably wanted people to actually use a boolean when they meant to use a boolean
L18[00:53:11] <lperkins2> so why allow testing non booleans?
L19[00:53:22] <payonel> GreaseMonkey: bleh :)
L20[00:53:30] <lperkins2> I don't have a problem with java's if-requires-a-boolean mentality
L21[00:53:32] <payonel> look, i love lua
L22[00:53:34] <GreaseMonkey> because it's convenient when you want to weed out nils
L23[00:53:34] <payonel> it is amazing
L24[00:53:48] <payonel> but they made pretty stupid choices imso
L25[00:53:48] <GreaseMonkey> think about it. true vs false tends to go into an if statement, and nil vs everything else tends to go into an "and" chain
L26[00:54:08] <lperkins2> aye, but it would be nice to filter out 0s and empty tables too
L27[00:54:10] <GreaseMonkey> if user and user.thing and user.thing.has_rabies() then gtfo() end
L28[00:54:24] <lperkins2> which would get you scheme's system
L29[00:54:44] <lperkins2> heck, I'd settle for filtering out empty tables
L30[00:54:52] <lperkins2> since that isn't a trivial task in lua
L31[00:55:01] <lperkins2> {}=={} is false
L32[00:55:07] <lperkins2> #{a=5} is 0
L33[00:55:24] <lperkins2> you end up doing a pairs call just to see if it's an empty table
L34[00:55:37] <payonel> lperkins2: next() is best, btw
L35[00:56:46] <payonel> GreaseMonkey: you can have 0 be falsey and still have the benefits youre talking about
L36[00:56:59] <GreaseMonkey> it fucks up ternaries
L37[00:57:09] <payonel> and 1-based arrays ushers the apocolypse
L38[00:57:20] <GreaseMonkey> yeah ok, 1-based arrays is definitely bullshit
L39[00:57:39] <lperkins2> that's been the biggest pain in writing python in lua
L40[00:57:50] <lperkins2> converting all the list indices to lua table indices and back
L41[00:58:41] <payonel> lperkins2: anyways, if next(tbl) then --[[ table is not empty ]]-- end
L42[00:58:56] <payonel> #lua not not next({})
L43[00:58:56] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > false
L44[00:59:03] <payonel> #lua not not next({a=5})
L45[00:59:03] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > true
L46[00:59:07] <payonel> #lua not not next({5})
L47[00:59:08] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > true
L48[00:59:27] <payonel> #lua not not next({false})
L49[00:59:28] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > true
L50[00:59:56] <payonel> #lua not not next({nil})
L51[00:59:56] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > false
L52[00:59:59] <payonel> :)
L53[01:00:44] <payonel> but in my work i don't use 0 as false very often, almost never
L54[01:00:46] <lperkins2> sweet, not sure how I missed that
L55[01:01:02] <lperkins2> heh, I'm used to C family languages
L56[01:01:08] <lperkins2> there is no false, there is no true
L57[01:01:14] <lperkins2> they are just #define FALSE 0
L58[01:01:15] <payonel> as am i, lperkins2
L59[01:01:20] <lperkins2> and #define TRUE 1
L60[01:01:27] <payonel> but as a matter of style and tradition, we don't use 0
L61[01:01:30] <Vexatos> The weirdest thing in Lua: ternary booleans :>
L62[01:02:27] <payonel> lperkins2: im not a c programmer, but c++
L63[01:02:30] <payonel> which Vexatos hates
L64[01:02:32] <payonel> :)
L65[01:02:46] <payonel> and i love
L66[01:02:48] <GreaseMonkey> c++ can also eat shit
L67[01:02:52] <payonel> haha
L68[01:02:55] <Vexatos> It's so ugly ,_,
L69[01:03:01] <payonel> i find it beautiful
L70[01:03:07] <lperkins2> I detest c++
L71[01:03:07] <payonel> and extremely fun
L72[01:03:14] <lperkins2> when I need object oriented C I link against python
L73[01:03:16] <Vexatos> SEE PAYO
L74[01:03:19] <Vexatos> YOU ARE WRONG D:<
L75[01:03:30] * payonel basks in the warmth of the hate
L76[01:03:32] <GreaseMonkey> static_cast<size_t>(thing) is not what i call beautiful
L77[01:04:04] <lperkins2> I do like what you can do with c++ though
L78[01:04:10] <lperkins2> I wish there was something like it, but pretty
L79[01:04:27] <payonel> i'm so glad you all hate it - job security
L80[01:04:36] <payonel> i tell youngin's it's aweful
L81[01:04:38] <payonel> awful
L82[01:04:46] <lperkins2> heh, I spend a lot of time writing in languages I hate
L83[01:05:01] <lperkins2> a significant portion of my main client's website is written in php
L84[01:05:07] <Vexatos> My job is going to be pretty secure once I am done with uni, I'm not worried about that :P
L85[01:05:10] <GreaseMonkey> i've been spending the past week and a bit coding in javascript
L86[01:05:34] <lperkins2> javascript isn't bad, 'though browser support is a royal pain
L87[01:05:52] <GreaseMonkey> i've figured out that JS isn't actually the problem
L88[01:06:05] <payonel> well i was being facetious, i actually tell people i think it's great...obviously
L89[01:06:05] <GreaseMonkey> warts and all... the real warts are "everything else"
L90[01:06:51] <GreaseMonkey> the ultimate challenge is "try to line something up vertically in CSS that will work in a multitude of browsers"
L91[01:06:58] <GreaseMonkey> erm, centre vertically
L92[01:07:08] <payonel> s/re/er/
L93[01:07:08] <MichiBot> <GreaseMonkey> erm, center vertically
L94[01:07:17] <payonel> freedom spelling
L95[01:07:17] <GreaseMonkey> s/ter/tre/
L96[01:07:18] <MichiBot> <GreaseMonkey> erm, centre vertically
L97[01:07:22] <GreaseMonkey> real spelling
L98[01:07:26] <GreaseMonkey> correct spelling
L99[01:07:27] <payonel> :)
L100[01:07:38] <GreaseMonkey> correct to the max
L101[01:07:40] <lperkins2> yeah, I'm lucky enough to mostly get to do static web pages and command and control systems
L102[01:08:06] <lperkins2> so I only have to support chrome
L103[01:08:11] <lperkins2> most of the time
L104[01:08:26] <GreaseMonkey> for me it's desktop firefox + chrome, and mobile webkit things
L105[01:08:53] <lperkins2> yeah, I try to support firefox, it's just so broken lately I've partially given up
L106[01:11:17] <GreaseMonkey> i don't find it broken tbh
L107[01:11:34] <GreaseMonkey> what's broken is... well, a lot of things that are basically standardly broken
L108[01:11:50] <GreaseMonkey> also fuck touch so much
L109[01:12:08] <lperkins2> so the latest thing is it only pulls in half of jquery and then hangs
L110[01:12:17] <Vexatos> GreaseMonkey, as long as it works in IE4 :^)
L111[01:12:17] <GreaseMonkey> oh, you want to be able to tap shit like it's a real mouse and not a fucking pile of shit touch screen? well fuck you, you get a 300ms delay
L112[01:12:27] <GreaseMonkey> >jquery
L113[01:12:29] <lperkins2> or any other resource over a similar size
L114[01:12:51] <GreaseMonkey> fingers can't handle typing document.getElementById("id-of-thing") ?
L115[01:13:12] <lperkins2> um, I do command and control systems, lots of fancy buttons and what not
L116[01:13:34] <GreaseMonkey> and the bulk of your work will be in CSS
L117[01:13:38] <lperkins2> I really don't want to recreate the automatic sizers and datepickers and progress bars
L118[01:13:44] <GreaseMonkey> ah righty
L119[01:13:50] <payonel> ok sleep time, later all o/
L120[01:13:54] <lperkins2> cya
L121[01:13:54] <GreaseMonkey> cya payo
L122[01:14:05] <GreaseMonkey> OTOH we don't have a shitbutt of fancy widgets on our things
L123[01:14:16] <lperkins2> I almost never use jquery itself, it's jquery-ui that I need
L124[01:14:30] <lperkins2> plus things like $.redirectPost
L125[01:14:41] <GreaseMonkey> yeah you've basically justified a use of at least something that has jquery in its name
L126[01:14:57] <GreaseMonkey> anyhow, going to play hotline miami
L127[01:15:07] <lperkins2> right, which depends on jquery,
L128[01:15:09] <Izaya> javashit should die
L129[01:15:20] * Izaya deposits his $0.05
L130[01:15:37] <lperkins2> heh, i do a bunch in pypyjs too
L131[01:15:55] <lperkins2> treat javascript as a lightweight vm, run a better system on it
L132[01:16:07] <Izaya> >javascript
L133[01:16:10] <Izaya> >lightweight
L134[01:16:44] <lperkins2> it's called asm.js, it's a tiny subset of the language that is actually reasonably fast
L135[01:17:00] <lperkins2> the problem is all the written-in-javascript crap that is layered on top of it
L136[01:17:23] <Izaya> see I don
L137[01:17:33] <Izaya> t count asm.js as the same as javashit
L138[01:17:37] <Izaya> even if it has javashit in the name
L139[01:17:40] <lperkins2> emscripten can target asm.js from clang,
L140[01:18:04] <lperkins2> it's kinda like java only got particularly useful after google redid a bunch of the standard library
L141[01:19:16] <Vexatos> just use Lua if you want lightweight
L142[01:19:22] <Vexatos> that stuff is six kilobytes :⁾
L143[01:19:30] <Izaya> and exists in no browsers
L144[01:19:31] <Izaya> >.>
L145[01:19:46] <lperkins2> well, hit lua's c sources with clan+emscripten and it could :)
L146[01:19:48] <Vexatos> You can just send the entire language to the client
L147[01:19:54] <Vexatos> :⁾
L148[01:20:00] <lperkins2> it'd be smaller than pypyjs
L149[01:20:11] <lperkins2> the first version of pypyjs came in around 150 MB
L150[01:21:23] <Izaya> holy shit
L151[01:21:44] <Izaya> it used to take me days to download GBA ROMs when I was out in the middle of nowhere
L152[01:21:49] <Izaya> ie ADSL1 and lower speeds
L153[01:22:00] <Izaya> fuck that'd still take like
L154[01:22:21] <Izaya> over a minute to download on my current internet
L155[01:22:45] <lperkins2> yup, they've managed to get it down to like 20 MB uncompressed,
L156[01:23:02] <lperkins2> and your browser caches it, so you only have the long load the first time
L157[01:23:13] <lperkins2> but it's not small enough yet for a general purpose javascript replacement
L158[01:23:38] <lperkins2> I use it for command and control systems, which only refresh the page once a day at most
L159[01:24:40] <lperkins2> works great for unit testing/integration testing websites
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L161[01:43:39] <snowden89> well
L162[01:43:50] <snowden89> i thought something else when i seen pypyhs
L163[01:44:02] <snowden89> i thought it was like python instead of js
L164[01:44:05] <snowden89> on webpage
L165[01:44:52] <Antheus> Bleh
L166[01:45:00] <Antheus> it is supposed to get down to freezing next week
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L169[01:46:31] <Antheus> It takes me about 8 Min to download a 191MB file
L170[01:46:33] <lperkins2> it's snowing here
L171[01:46:42] <Antheus> and about 14 to download a 271 MB one
L172[01:46:49] <Antheus> I'm fine with snow
L173[01:47:05] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E653118A1EBBDEB660BCB0D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L174[01:47:05] <Antheus> Snow = No Bread/Milk and everything shutting down for the day
L175[01:47:19] <Antheus> like literally the whole area goes to sleep
L176[01:47:41] <lperkins2> it is python instead of javascript on a web page, it just happens to be implemented on top of javascript
L177[01:47:54] <lperkins2> as opposed to some other systems which translate python to javascript
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L179[01:48:53] <lperkins2> heck, you can even get some first person shooter games to run in the browser now
L180[01:52:11] <Antheus> I love the old installers that went full screen with a slide show and the blue bars :3
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L182[01:55:51] <Skye> Antheus, do you want a Windows 95 ISO?
L183[01:56:30] <Antheus> why the hell not
L184[01:57:10] <Skye> Or a Windows NT 3.51 CD
L185[01:57:25] <Antheus> ISO
L186[01:57:27] <Skye> Can run on PowerPC and Alpha
L187[01:57:34] <Antheus> Win 95
L188[01:57:37] <Antheus> plz
L189[01:57:46] <Skye> ISO representing a CD I mean
L190[02:00:55] <LizzyTheKitty> Yay, between Pitsea and Stanford there's issues with the overhead line so all the trains from Stanford have been cancelled
L191[02:01:14] <Antheus> lol
L192[02:01:18] <Antheus> rip Lizzy
L193[02:01:35] <Antheus> I wish I had trains to ride
L194[02:01:55] <Antheus> Can't wait till I take my drivers test on the 13th :#
L195[02:01:57] <Antheus> :3
L196[02:02:54] <LizzyTheKitty> So I'm now on a bus instead, hopefully it gets me to work on time
L197[02:03:07] <Antheus> :(
L198[02:03:20] <Skye> @LizzyTheKitty, there's an issue with the train where I was, so I might be late to school.
L199[02:04:04] <Antheus> @LizzyTheKitty, there's an issue with the human where I am, so I might not go to sleep before I go to school (in 6 hours)
L200[02:04:33] <Skye> At least the train is warm, but people leave the doors open.
L201[02:05:20] <Antheus> My school installed thermostats controlled by the school district, so monday it was hot AF, tuesday it was cold AF, and today it was meh
L202[02:05:24] <Antheus> well, wednesday it was meh
L203[02:05:32] <Antheus> oh and we had a tornado drill
L204[02:05:51] <Antheus> On a scale of success from 1 to 10, I give it a 4
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L206[02:06:15] <LizzyTheKitty> Skye, there's a difference between being late and all the trains being cancelled due to line issues
L207[02:06:48] <Skye> The most exciting thing in our school was either a sudden power cut, or a fire that was tiny, or my dad having fun with potassium.
L208[02:07:37] <Antheus> lol
L209[02:08:21] <Skye> @LizzyTheKitty, every train is delayed due to something that happened before the station I was at.
L210[02:08:42] <Skye> And by delayed I mean basically cancelled its so late
L211[02:08:53] <Antheus> the most exciting thing at mine was when it started snowing after school started so they closed school early and it took like an hour to get home on a normally 10 min drive
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L213[02:09:16] <Antheus> and everyone getting stuck on the road outside the school due to ice
L214[02:09:31] <Skye> And the actual cancelled trains go past you, because you're the only person on the platform.
L215[02:09:56] <Antheus> :(
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L228[04:24:04] <Forecaster> http://imgur.com/gallery/k6inPXa
L229[04:24:11] <Forecaster> huh, never seen this before
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L249[05:28:00] <Xilandro> Hokay, time to spend 3 hours converting youtubes to ogg files for CustomThings
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L254[05:34:53] <Lizzy> lol
L255[05:36:54] <Xilandro> I wanted the entirety of Back in Black stored in my collection in my base
L256[05:42:02] <Xilandro> Also, Lizzy, now that I've gotten a basic grasp of signals with Railcraft, I feel comfortable asking you; Can you explain to me what your microcontroller program actually does?
L257[05:42:35] <Lizzy> which one?
L258[05:42:45] <Xilandro> Uhh I wasn't aware you had more than one
L259[05:42:56] <Xilandro> I just know you ran a uC for your railcraft stuff
L260[05:42:57] * Lizzy has gone through a few a few rivisions and scrapped some
L261[05:43:40] <Xilandro> Whichever one has been most useful to you
L262[05:43:45] <Xilandro> I have no idea tbh
L263[05:43:52] <Xilandro> I was just curious as to what they do/did
L264[05:44:23] <Forecaster> so apparently "firm" wasn't meant to be a synonym, it was "up for interpretation"
L265[05:44:32] <Forecaster> I have no idea what the point of that is
L266[05:45:24] <Lizzy> ah, i think i know what one you mean. the uC itself basically just listens for network messages from a server, the server uses Digital Receiver Boxes to get information about signal blocks and then works out what aspects each signal needs to display and sends out network messages to them
L267[05:45:53] <Lizzy> I think it uses a 4-aspect system
L268[05:46:01] <Lizzy> I can't honestly remember
L269[05:46:58] <Lizzy> though if it is the 4-aspect, red means the block behind the signal is occupied, yellow means the next signal is red, double yellow is next signal is yellow, green is either all clear or next signal is D.Y
L270[05:47:20] <Lizzy> I probably should work on it more at some point, maybe even do a setup guide
L271[05:47:49] <Xilandro> I'd like to look at the networking bits, too. I'm interested in using a server as a primary control for a few things, and then use Microcontrollers for the receiving and handling of actions
L272[05:49:10] <Lizzy> though i think the most recent iteration of my signal controller actually uses T1 cases because it uses digital controller boxes because they are a fair bit easier to manage than redstone signals
L273[05:49:43] <Lizzy> also the networking bits is litterally just the server sending a broadcast out with the change
L274[05:53:50] <Xilandro> Do you separate it into separate vars in the network message, or a single string that the microcontroller parses
L275[05:54:03] <Lizzy> not sure, lemme go check
L276[05:54:33] <Xilandro> Seems like it would be easier to send separate strings and bools, since you could check for v1 being a specific microcontroller's name, so you could manage more than one
L277[05:54:56] <Xilandro> But the single string would be easier on the network
L278[05:55:52] <Lizzy> I really need to add comments to my code ¬_¬
L279[05:56:13] <Forecaster> //TODO add comments
L280[05:56:23] <Xilandro> --TODO*
L281[05:56:41] <Forecaster> yes
L282[06:01:10] <Lizzy> it sends 2 bits of data in a message, the zone and it's occupancy status. in my controller, 'line' was something like A,B,C,D which would be different exits from an intersection; Direction was either T (towards) or A (away), Gate was the border between signal blocks ;; https://github.com/OpenPrograms/LizzyTrickster-Programs/blob/Dev/RailcraftControl/SignalControl/SignalController.lua
L283[06:02:43] <Lizzy> the "server" part litterally just parses the data it gets from the event then shoves the message out https://github.com/OpenPrograms/LizzyTrickster-Programs/blob/Dev/RailcraftControl/SignalControl/SignalMaster.lua
L284[06:04:42] <Xilandro> Guessing on the server bit, line 13 is using regex?
L285[06:04:51] <Forecaster> luaex
L286[06:05:24] <Lizzy> Xilandro, i think so
L287[06:05:31] <Xilandro> k
L288[06:05:40] <Lizzy> though it might be using whatever Lua has built in
L289[06:05:57] <Forecaster> lua has a kind-of-regex-thing
L290[06:06:03] <Forecaster> it's not quite regex
L291[06:06:05] <Forecaster> :P
L292[06:06:09] <Forecaster> but it's similar
L293[06:06:53] <Xilandro> Just as soon as I can get MC to load into a world and not crash and die in a fire, I'll probably start working on network code
L294[06:07:45] <Xilandro> Does anyone have any code examples of using 2 or more network cards in a single server/case
L295[06:07:54] <Xilandro> Server would be preferred
L296[06:08:22] ⇨ Joins: Xenotech (~techno156@
L297[06:08:44] <Lizzy> Xilandro, the server script i linked above has half of it, kinda.
L298[06:09:19] <Xilandro> Well I basically want to have incoming messages come in on the right, and the resulting, necessary network message go out the left
L299[06:09:19] <Forecaster> http://i.imgur.com/SrsZaml.png
L300[06:09:22] <Forecaster> what D:<
L301[06:09:55] <Xilandro> Open for interpretation, but only if you guess its specific meaning
L302[06:10:02] <Xilandro> Sooooo he's an asshole then?
L303[06:10:30] <Xilandro> Tell him to say what he means, and not be vague
L304[06:10:40] <Lizzy> Xilandro, use component.proxy to put both in variables then when network messages come in, check if it's the right card's UUID, if it is send its data out the left one
L305[06:10:57] <Xilandro> Eh, guess that'll work
L306[06:11:37] <Xilandro> Also, if you want a good extra food mod that isn't massive like HC, check out Food Expansion =D
L307[06:14:04] ⇦ Quits: Dracotech (~techno156@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L308[06:14:22] <Lizzy> I might create a small instance with OC, Computronics, RC, TIS and maybe a few others for making the RC stuff
L309[06:14:48] <Forecaster> Xilandro: she*
L310[06:15:23] <Lizzy> cause the main problem i have with mc at the moment is the main pack i play is Michiyo's which is quite big and i've got a lot of stuff built in my base so my laptop doesn't get that high of fps
L311[06:15:52] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@107-145-175-135.res.bhn.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L312[06:16:33] <Xilandro> Let me get you a list, Lizzy
L313[06:16:40] <Xilandro> I'll show you my current modpack
L314[06:17:56] <Xilandro> http://puu.sh/sAwNw/9bce629d30.txt
L315[06:18:12] <Lizzy> as long as it doesn't take too long to load i should be able to use it. I get burnt out quite easilly if minecraft frustraights me
L316[06:18:57] <DaMachinator> you might like my modpack if you take reika's mods out of it...they about double the loading time
L317[06:19:34] <DaMachinator> i just hang around on IRC while it loads, myself
L318[06:20:47] <Lizzy> I aint touching Reika's mods with a 100ft pole
L319[06:20:55] <Lizzy> just.. fuck that shit
L320[06:21:11] <Xilandro> Right now I'm working out the logic in getting a 1^3 LP Boiler that's fueling (powering?) a steam oven, since afaik IE's Arc Furnace doesn't cook food
L321[06:21:32] <Xilandro> And I wanted a multiblock furnace
L322[06:21:35] <DaMachinator> Lizzy: why not...
L323[06:21:38] <DaMachinator> Xilandro: lol
L324[06:21:39] <Xilandro> And Modular Systems is terrible
L325[06:21:55] <Xilandro> DaMachinator, go try and use OC with ANYTHING from Rotarycraft
L326[06:22:00] <DaMachinator> oh
L327[06:22:01] <DaMachinator> right
L328[06:22:11] <DaMachinator> you do know i'm doing that right now
L329[06:22:28] <Xilandro> Have you tried hooking up a sizeable RoC build with OC?
L330[06:22:31] <DaMachinator> it can be convenient yet at the same time a plague
L331[06:22:33] <MGR> Xilandro, do you have Mekanism?
L332[06:22:35] <Xilandro> Because even shafts are components
L333[06:22:42] <MGR> because smelting factory should be able to do food
L334[06:22:53] <DaMachinator> he specifically said multiblocks
L335[06:22:55] <MGR> oh wait multiblock
L336[06:22:56] <Xilandro> MGR, I'm trying my best to avoid magic blocks that aren't OC
L337[06:23:07] <MGR> Mekanism is a tech mod
L338[06:23:09] <Xilandro> Because OC is a computer, it should be expected that it can do a ton
L339[06:23:09] <DaMachinator> anything can be a multiblock with the proper application of some microblocks
L340[06:23:33] <Xilandro> MGR, I use 'magic block' in the sense that in a 1^3 block space, I can do everything from a smelting factory to a sawmill
L341[06:23:38] <MGR> ahh
L342[06:23:44] <MGR> Infernal Furnace from Thaumcraft?
L343[06:23:50] <MGR> It produces meat nuggets too I think
L344[06:23:52] <DaMachinator> ^^^
L345[06:23:52] <Xilandro> I'm so burnt out on thaumcraft
L346[06:24:01] <Xilandro> You can only do that mod so many times
L347[06:24:08] <DaMachinator> Xilandro: yes, as a matter of fact, i'm trying to make an extractor monitoring system
L348[06:24:08] <Xilandro> I barely touched TC5
L349[06:24:12] <Lizzy> DaMachinator, i'm not sure if he still does it, but DragonAPI fucks with a lot of other mods and does stuff to the world that makes it need to have a conversion or something to restore it back to something that games without fragon api can use
L350[06:24:18] <Xilandro> Also that
L351[06:24:42] <DaMachinator> that's because DAPI registers minecraft's technical blocks (like placed redstone) as actually existing (why i do not know)
L352[06:26:16] <DaMachinator> i am currently making an extractor monitoring and control system, which is one of the more complicated setups you're going to have with RotaryCraft
L353[06:27:03] <Lizzy> also generally any game i've used with some of reika's mods has always ended up getting to the point where it causes crashes so i just can't be fucked with it
L354[06:27:14] <DaMachinator> i can feel you...
L355[06:27:24] <DaMachinator> i'll go make an issue on his github, if it makes you feel better - because arguably things that computers can't do anything with don't need to be components
L356[06:27:40] <DaMachinator> it will make my life easier yet more complicated at the same time
L357[06:28:04] <Xilandro> Good luck, he's already said here in IRC, in not so many words, 'lolnowon'tfix'
L358[06:28:18] <Lizzy> i think it's been argued at length before and it's not being resolve
L359[06:28:19] <Lizzy> d
L360[06:28:29] <DaMachinator> so?
L361[06:28:38] <MGR> @LizzyTheKitty If it makes you feel any better, I'll be updating my server within a couple of months to 1.10, and we won't have Reika then ?
L362[06:28:49] <DaMachinator> i never heard anything before in about 5 minutes from now
L363[06:29:44] <Lizzy> @MGR I probably wont be doing much MC multiplayer anymore
L364[06:30:57] <MGR> ?
L365[06:31:08] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (~icedream@has.streaminginter.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L367[06:34:40] * DaMachinator can be just as stubborn as certain other people sometimes
L368[06:35:23] <DaMachinator> now i just need to put together a list of components that fall under this category
L369[06:37:11] <DaMachinator> oh, by the way
L370[06:37:23] <DaMachinator> do blocks attach even if they are not connected properly
L371[06:37:38] <DaMachinator> e.g. if i put two extractors next to each other will I see both of them?
L372[06:37:49] <DaMachinator> for reika's stuff
L373[06:38:21] <DaMachinator> i suppose this could be tested relatively easily
L374[06:38:24] <Xilandro> Yes
L375[06:38:37] <Xilandro> Which is the issue
L376[06:38:39] <Xilandro> Since shafts are components
L377[06:38:41] <MGR> DaMachinator, yes
L378[06:38:45] <Xilandro> So any relatively large setup will break OC
L379[06:38:47] <Xilandro> Since too many components
L380[06:38:56] <MGR> EVERY RC machine is a cable
L381[06:38:57] <Xilandro> Which is one of the issues I have with it
L382[06:39:14] <MGR> Not sure, but even ReactorCraft concrete may be a cable/component
L383[06:39:17] <MGR> such logic
L384[06:39:20] <Xilandro> Indeed
L385[06:39:31] <Xilandro> Shame, too, since ReactorCraft has some of the prettiest multiblocks in Minecraft
L386[06:39:37] <MGR> yes
L387[06:39:38] <Xilandro> Especially the RF Turbine
L388[06:39:42] <MGR> I love Reika's Mods
L389[06:40:00] <MGR> I just hate that you basically cannot integrate with OC without raising component limits
L390[06:40:27] <Xilandro> Now I just need to figure out a solid method to keep my animal count down
L391[06:40:37] <MGR> Xilandro, why?
L392[06:40:38] <Xilandro> Because Railcraft Feed Stations are ridic
L393[06:40:52] <Xilandro> I watched a chicken have 5 offspring
L394[06:42:18] <MGR> Railcraft has farming??
L395[06:42:22] <MGR> This is news to me
L396[06:42:45] <Xilandro> It doesn't have farming, the feed station is part of the automation module
L397[06:43:18] <MGR> ah
L398[06:43:23] <MGR> well, it's still farming to me ?
L399[06:43:35] <MGR> Xilandro, don't chicken bomb your sever ?
L400[06:43:43] <Lizzy> Xilandro, @MGR any blocks that are created using stuff in DragonAPI will be a cable/component IIRC (Which obviously reactor/roatarycraft use
L401[06:43:44] <Lizzy> )
L402[06:44:47] <MGR> Lizzy, well that sucks
L403[06:45:17] <Xilandro> This is what happens when you get bored http://puu.sh/sAxJd/6d24e38349.png
L404[06:45:51] <Lizzy> one putting down and the other tearing up?
L405[06:46:23] <Lizzy> reminds me of FARL in bulldoze mode on Factorio
L406[06:46:27] <MGR> Xilandro, build a railroad across the world!
L407[06:47:08] <DaMachinator> MGR: how does OC make it's multiblock screens one component, then?
L408[06:48:59] <MGR> DaMachinator, damned if I know
L409[06:49:04] <MGR> probably specific code?
L410[06:49:21] <DaMachinator> i've heard that screens are magic, so that's probably the case
L411[06:49:33] <DaMachinator> no
L412[06:49:37] <DaMachinator> wat
L413[06:49:44] <DaMachinator> pipes are components too?
L414[06:49:52] <DaMachinator> that defies all logic
L415[06:50:02] <Lizzy> DaMachinator, "..any blocks that are created using stuff in DragonAPI will be a cable/component IIRC.."
L416[06:50:05] <MGR> DaMachinator, correct
L417[06:50:14] <MGR> every sentence you said was correct
L418[06:50:22] <MGR> screens = magic, Reika+OC = wut
L419[06:50:31] <Lizzy> cause reika put the OC stuff in his base block class
L420[06:50:41] <Xilandro> Wish there was more TARDIS mod schemas
L421[06:50:57] <DaMachinator> you will be relieved to hear that ReC concrete is not a component
L422[06:51:01] <Lizzy> schemas? you mean like the corridors and stuff?
L423[06:51:44] <Xilandro> Yes. Before you say anything though, I've already got all the ones from that forum post
L424[06:51:46] <MGR> DaMachinator, well that's good?
L425[06:51:47] <Xilandro> I still need more
L426[06:51:49] <Xilandro> Preferably matching oens
L427[06:51:50] <Xilandro> ones*
L428[06:52:17] <Xilandro> Or at least the ability to dye every attached block at once
L429[06:52:20] <Xilandro> Instead of having to manually do it
L430[06:52:23] <Xilandro> And end up messing something up
L431[06:52:27] <Lizzy> as for screens, I think the blocks work out who their 'neighbours' are then merge themselves, IIRC it's then the bottom left-most monitor that becomes the 'master'
L432[06:52:49] <Lizzy> shift-right clicking does a slightly bigger area
L433[06:53:18] <MGR> yeah!
L434[06:53:21] <MGR> magic code!
L435[06:53:26] ⇨ Joins: qws-user-1229 (~quassel@cpe-76-181-123-141.columbus.res.rr.com)
L436[06:53:34] ⇦ Quits: qws-user-1228 (~quassel@cpe-76-181-123-141.columbus.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L437[07:04:57] <Izaya> https://imgur.com/a/iynwJ some asshole at the companions said that a Skyforge steel sword would be better than my current one. hahahaha.
L438[07:07:44] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:91ce:74ee:3d52:2ebd)
L439[07:07:45] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L440[07:07:54] <Kodos> Fucking piece of shit internet
L441[07:08:02] <Kodos> gamax92, sorry to bother you but do you happen to have that code handy from the other day when I asked you about parsing a string into a table using a delimiter?
L442[07:09:39] <MGR> Hi Kodos, long time no see ?
L443[07:09:44] ⇦ Quits: Xilandro (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:91ce:74ee:3d52:2ebd) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L444[07:10:03] <Kodos> No one say a word lol
L445[07:10:04] <Lizzy> hehehe
L446[07:14:01] <Kodos> Lizzy, which TARDIS console do you use
L447[07:14:07] <Saphire> Rawr
L448[07:14:20] <Lizzy> err, I think one called Tenthish usually
L449[07:15:34] *** Xenotech is now known as techno156
L450[07:16:11] <Forecaster> http://imgur.com/gallery/8DfrO
L451[07:16:24] <Forecaster> cats in sink
L452[07:16:33] <20kdc> poor cats
L453[07:16:56] <Caitlyn> %weather 72396
L454[07:16:57] <MichiBot> Current weather for Wynne, AR Current Temp: 32.2°F/0.1°C Feels Like: 32°F/0°C Current Humidity: 96% Wind: From the WSW 0.0 Mph/0.0 Km/h Conditions: Clear
L455[07:17:04] <Forecaster> what's poor about them
L456[07:17:21] <Kodos> %weather 62012
L457[07:17:22] <MichiBot> Current weather for Brighton, IL Current Temp: 29.7°F/-1.3°C Feels Like: 30°F/-1°C Current Humidity: 79% Wind: From the West 0.0 Mph/0.0 Km/h Conditions: Clear
L458[07:17:24] <Kodos> Ugh
L459[07:17:38] <Kodos> I really don't want to go out in that shit
L460[07:17:52] <Caitlyn> it's 60 inside... :/
L461[07:18:20] <Lizzy> %weather Grays, UK
L462[07:18:21] <MichiBot> Current weather for Grays, United Kingdom Current Temp: 42.3°F/5.7°C Feels Like: 42°F/6°C Current Humidity: 85% Wind: From the NNE 1.8 Mph/2.9 Km/h Conditions: Clear
L463[07:18:36] <Forecaster> Caitlyn: @firm http://i.imgur.com/SrsZaml.png
L464[07:20:50] <Caitlyn> o_O kaaaay
L465[07:21:11] * Lizzy wonders if Caitlyn has looked at her discord server yet
L466[07:21:31] <Forecaster> yeah :|
L467[07:25:00] <Caitlyn> Nope, I blew up discord
L468[07:25:01] <Caitlyn> sorry
L469[07:25:13] <Lizzy> aww :(
L470[07:26:19] <Forecaster> not giving up yet, but this girl might not be worth the trouble in the end...
L471[07:26:25] <Forecaster> also http://imgur.com/gallery/1hjx8Ij
L472[07:27:16] <Caitlyn> ugh, truck day
L473[07:29:45] <MGR> @Mimiru at least it's not hot out!
L474[07:31:31] <DaMachinator> it is done
L475[07:31:44] <DaMachinator> now to suffer the consequences
L476[07:32:02] <MGR> DaMachinator, what is done?
L477[07:32:52] <DaMachinator> https://github.com/ReikaKalseki/Reika_Mods_Issues/issues/1236
L478[07:33:26] <DaMachinator> that is done
L479[07:33:48] <DaMachinator> it is funny that reika's machines behave this way since reika himself uses OC and not CC
L480[07:34:05] <MGR> once I put my 2 factor code in, you'll get my vote
L481[07:34:16] <DaMachinator> 2-factor code?
L482[07:34:28] <DaMachinator> oh, you have 2-factor auth on your GitHub account
L483[07:34:40] <MGR> yep
L484[07:34:42] <MGR> and my discord
L485[07:34:47] <DaMachinator> Make sure it is professional as possible and triple-check your grammar.
L486[07:34:55] <MGR> refresh your page
L487[07:34:58] <DaMachinator> These things are important.
L488[07:35:05] <MGR> I use 2FA on everything that I can
L489[07:35:07] <MGR> which is like 3 things
L490[07:35:32] <DaMachinator> can you at least put periods at the end of your sentences?
L491[07:35:42] <MGR> I just did before you typed that
L492[07:35:45] <MGR> refresh it one more time
L493[07:35:47] <DaMachinator> thx
L494[07:35:56] <DaMachinator> now
L495[07:35:57] <DaMachinator> we wait
L496[07:36:17] <DaMachinator> also a lot of rotarycraft blocks have functions I never knew existed :)
L497[07:36:47] <MGR> refresh one more time, and you can see that I made my comment even more glorious XD
L498[07:36:55] <DaMachinator> you can build a complete 3D map of a thing with the GPR and a hologram projector
L499[07:37:04] <DaMachinator> yay
L500[07:37:07] <DaMachinator> now
L501[07:37:08] <DaMachinator> we wait
L502[07:37:14] <MGR> DaMachinator O_O
L503[07:37:17] <MGR> that
L504[07:37:17] <DaMachinator> what
L505[07:37:20] <MGR> IS INCREDIBLE
L506[07:37:26] <DaMachinator> the Ground Penetrating Radar
L507[07:37:27] <MGR> I will definitely investigate that
L508[07:37:32] <MGR> the 3D mapping
L509[07:37:59] <DaMachinator> has functions getBlockAtPos(int offset, int depth)
L510[07:38:05] <MGR> yes
L511[07:38:11] <DaMachinator> and shiftPlane()
L512[07:38:19] <MGR> that would be useful for TACEATS4
L513[07:38:39] <DaMachinator> it is even better than the actual GUI of the GPR lol
L514[07:38:46] <MGR> heh
L515[07:39:05] <MGR> Thank you for your support Kodos
L516[07:39:23] <Forecaster> koala x butterfly
L517[07:39:25] <Forecaster> http://imgur.com/gallery/vSlyNK8
L518[07:39:28] <DaMachinator> i
L519[07:39:33] <DaMachinator> am using RoC and OC together
L520[07:39:39] <DaMachinator> and haven't changed the component limits
L521[07:39:59] <DaMachinator> i just don't want to make a server with a set of T3 component buses for everything
L522[07:40:06] <MGR> yeah
L523[07:40:17] <DaMachinator> for some things (say if i wanted to monitor a steam turbine) it is acceptable
L524[07:40:30] <DaMachinator> but for other things...
L525[07:41:08] <DaMachinator> you can also make auto-aiming block/TNT cannons
L526[07:41:25] <DaMachinator> there is a function to set their angle, direction, and velocity
L527[07:42:08] <MGR> yes
L528[07:42:19] <MGR> DaMachinator, there are so many things I could do with RoC
L529[07:42:46] <DaMachinator> with a CVT i can run my extractor program with only a T2 CPU (I think)
L530[07:42:57] <DaMachinator> with a multi-clutch a T3 is necessary
L531[07:43:56] <DaMachinator> too bad you can't make a program to aim the various turrets
L532[07:44:59] <DaMachinator> The big question here is, if he implemented it the way you said he did (where the block constructor thingy itself makes things OC components) it may be a LOT of effort to fix it
L533[07:45:10] <DaMachinator> more than he is willing to invest
L534[07:45:27] <MGR> DaMachinator, the problem isn't necessarily that everything is a component
L535[07:45:32] <MGR> The problem is that everything is a cable
L536[07:45:44] <DaMachinator> but don't adjacent components connect?
L537[07:45:50] <MGR> If he changes it from everything is a cable, to everything is a component, it will fix it
L538[07:45:59] <MGR> DaMachinator, not if you use an adapter block
L539[07:46:09] ⇨ Joins: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p57964318.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L540[07:46:14] <Izaya> :D
L541[07:46:21] <MGR> It's still more difficult, but It makes a setup actually possible
L542[07:46:26] <Izaya> managed to braid my own hair
L543[07:48:25] <DaMachinator> the worst offender i see here is the pipes
L544[07:48:49] <MGR> DaMachinator, yes
L545[07:49:01] <DaMachinator> that can take a simple setup from "possible to run on a T3 system with default configs" to "just not possible"
L546[07:49:56] <MGR> yes
L547[07:49:56] <DaMachinator> for now i'll probably have to use mekanism ultimate pipes since they have the highest throughput of all the "normal" pipes I know of
L548[07:50:07] <MGR> DaMachinator, super-laminar fluiducts
L549[07:50:13] <MGR> or warp itemducts
L550[07:50:17] <DaMachinator> i have pressure pipes
L551[07:50:26] <MGR> what are you looking to move?
L552[07:50:28] <DaMachinator> pretty sure both of those aren't "normal"
L553[07:50:31] <DaMachinator> fluids
L554[07:50:39] <MGR> super-laminars have infinite throughput
L555[07:50:46] <MGR> and are not hard to make
L556[07:51:06] <DaMachinator> At any rate, I want to get my extractor monitor working first.
L557[07:51:36] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L558[07:52:12] <Kodos> I love Pressure Pipes, since you just need to run a single line
L559[07:52:45] <MGR> Pressure Pipes have infinite throughput, right?
L560[07:53:08] <Kodos> Not so much infinite throughput, more like "Okay, is water being provided? Cool, how much? Enough, okay, let's instantly fill this 2 million bucket container"
L561[07:53:49] <MGR> Kodos, I'm not quite sure how that is different from infinite throughput?
L562[07:53:58] <MGR> Does it just let it build up and then provide it all at once?
L563[07:54:14] <Kodos> I'd suggest just going and reading the PP Wiki
L564[07:54:32] <MGR> ok
L565[07:55:32] <MGR> Kodos, "Fluids are instantly transported, throughput is unlimited"
L566[07:55:59] <MGR> It seems like it's a wired tesseract
L567[07:56:17] <MGR> In which case, it does have an edge over super-laminars, as those can only transport one fluid at once and take time for transportation
L568[07:56:22] <Kodos> Indeed. There's also nice tanks
L569[07:56:40] <MGR> I saw
L570[07:56:51] <Kodos> You can get a direct pressurized output from the tank, an interface for things like AE2/RS fluid storage, and a data port for computer interaction
L571[07:57:03] <MGR> kewl
L572[07:57:18] <Kodos> I do wish there was a way to grab the fluid's color, similar to how ExU Drums get colored
L573[07:57:20] <MGR> well, I think it will go in my 1.10 modpack
L574[07:57:21] <Kodos> Using OC
L575[07:57:45] <MGR> thank you Kodos for pointing me to it!
L576[07:58:24] <Kodos> Oh, there's also fluid canisters and a hand pump
L577[07:58:29] <Kodos> For those annoying oil wells while you're out and about
L578[07:58:58] <MGR> yeah!
L579[07:59:06] <MGR> does anything add oil in 1.10?
L580[07:59:18] <MGR> Buildcraft 1.10 yet?
L581[07:59:39] <Kodos> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L582[07:59:47] <Kodos> I am still on 1.7.10, too much shit I rely on hasn't moved on yet
L583[08:00:06] <MGR> Kodos, yeah I am right now too
L584[08:00:23] <MGR> I'm thinking about moving to 1.10 in a couple of months though
L585[08:04:24] <Kodos> Wish TARDIS mod had a button to find the nearest village and go there
L586[08:08:56] <Caitlyn> fml it's cold
L587[08:09:15] <Lizzy> :/
L588[08:10:05] <Caitlyn> I can deal with cold outside..
L589[08:10:12] * Lizzy is designing an SQL database for a program she'll write soon
L590[08:13:24] <Kodos> Using PHP to interact with it via internet calls?
L591[08:13:35] <Kodos> Or do you mean something not in MC
L592[08:13:42] <Lizzy> non-mc related
L593[08:14:30] <Lizzy> gonna use it to help keep better track of my VM stuff
L594[08:16:23] <Kodos> Ah
L595[08:16:34] <Kodos> You don't want to see my current SQL database setup lol
L596[08:16:47] <Lizzy> a google sheets document can only take me so far
L597[08:17:27] <Kodos> Not sure if you can access it, but http://ci-main.no-ip.org/admin/UFGQ%20Database%20Relations.png
L598[08:17:41] <Lizzy> yep, i can see it
L599[08:18:11] <DaMachinator> at least is SQL and not Access
L600[08:18:11] ⇨ Joins: MalkContent (~MalkConte@p4FDCDAD5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L601[08:18:15] <DaMachinator> Access can die in a fire
L602[08:18:19] <Kodos> Also do you know of a way to undo any decorative changes I made to my console room walls? changing the console room doesn't seem to fix it
L603[08:18:38] <Lizzy> Kodos, what kind of decorative changes?
L604[08:19:03] <Kodos> I was checking out the decorator tool, not realizing it placed multiple blocks in an area
L605[08:19:15] <Kodos> And I don't remember what was there before
L606[08:19:37] <DaMachinator> i can't toggle between speed and torque on the CVT
L607[08:19:43] <DaMachinator> with a function
L608[08:19:47] * DaMachinator is sad puppy now
L609[08:20:02] <MGR> DaMachinator, there isn't a function for that?
L610[08:20:18] <Lizzy> hmm, don't think there's any way to undo, see if you can remove the blocks in that area then try resetting the console room theme
L611[08:20:29] <MGR> just wondering, how are you checking for the presence of the functions?
L612[08:20:37] <Lizzy> IIRC when you change console layouts it'll only remove blocks that are in the way
L613[08:21:34] <Kodos> That did it, thanks :3
L614[08:22:04] <Lizzy> :)
L615[08:22:08] <Kodos> Any way to make a loot disk and add it to a resource pack'
L616[08:22:31] <Lizzy> IIRC if you edit the loot.properties file in a resource pack oyu can use that to do it
L617[08:24:28] <Kodos> Can I have two while loops running independently of each other in a single program, as long as they both resolve true, or should I start writing this like a daemon
L618[08:24:44] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L619[08:24:53] <Kodos> Well, like an rc program
L620[08:25:31] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L621[08:25:39] <Lizzy> probably best trying it like an rc program, cause otherwise the first loop will start but then it'll stay in that loop until it ends then it'll do the second one
L622[08:25:45] <MalkContent> ^
L623[08:25:56] <Kodos> Mkay
L624[08:25:57] <Lizzy> as Lua (or OC's Lua at least) isn't multithreaded
L625[08:25:59] <Kodos> Yeah
L626[08:26:06] <MalkContent> sure that even rc would work?
L627[08:26:16] <Kodos> Basically I was going to have a switch board, and have each switch toggle a portion of code off and on
L628[08:26:16] <MGR> I'm not so sure it would
L629[08:26:30] <Lizzy> if you can use/make coroutines, that would allow you to 'run' two loops at the same time
L630[08:26:30] <MGR> I think it would do one loop then the other
L631[08:26:39] <MalkContent> cause in my experience infinite looping in an rc borks your computer
L632[08:26:39] <MGR> that is true
L633[08:26:46] <Kodos> I never learned Coroutines
L634[08:26:51] <MGR> same
L635[08:26:54] <MalkContent> me neither x)
L636[08:26:57] <DaMachinator> MGR: they're all listed in the manua
L637[08:26:59] <DaMachinator> l
L638[08:27:08] <MGR> DaMachinator, ok
L639[08:27:14] <Lizzy> I know some bits about them, but only for one of the GMod servers i go on
L640[08:27:21] <Kodos> Oh God, Gmod
L641[08:27:23] <Kodos> I fired that up the other day
L642[08:27:28] <Kodos> Got lost in WireMod all over again
L643[08:27:35] <DaMachinator> i'm trying to figure out exactly what functions are available on the CVT with this:
L644[08:27:44] <Lizzy> The server I play/moderate on is quite nice
L645[08:27:51] <Kodos> Do they have wiremod?
L646[08:27:53] <Lizzy> the server owner has put a lot of work into it
L647[08:27:54] <Lizzy> yes
L648[08:28:04] <Kodos> Would they care if someone just came on and putzed around
L649[08:28:09] <Kodos> Or is it like a theme server
L650[08:28:13] <DaMachinator> tbl = cp.methods(cp.list("AdvancedGear")())
L651[08:28:18] <Lizzy> it's a spacebuild server
L652[08:28:22] <Kodos> Ooooh
L653[08:28:25] <MGR> DaMachinator : https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/835-cmb-component-methods-browser/#comment-3346
L654[08:28:26] <DaMachinator> for index = 1, #tbl, 1 do
L655[08:28:29] <Lizzy> http://teamscm.co.uk
L656[08:28:35] <Lizzy> i think that's the right url
L657[08:28:36] <DaMachinator> print(tbl[index])
L658[08:28:39] <DaMachinator> end
L659[08:28:44] <Lizzy> yup!
L660[08:28:47] <MGR> My friend Sharidan made a nice program for seeing deep into components
L661[08:29:07] <MGR> It lists methods, has a GUI, and usually lists what each method does and parameters and stuff
L662[08:30:38] <Kodos> Only if the mod author did proper javadocs, I think, isn't it?
L663[08:30:52] <MGR> Kodos, are you talking about CMB?
L664[08:31:07] <Kodos> No, the grabbing of what each method does, isn't that provided by javadocs
L665[08:31:11] <Lizzy> the server also has C(r)AP for stargates and stuff, though some stuff is disabled because they have no real use and generally only be used as a troll device
L666[08:31:32] <MGR> Kodos, A. No Idea B. I have seen methods with no documentation
L667[08:31:57] <MGR> So it is possible for a method to have no documentation, but it still will at least list every method and the name and stuff
L668[08:32:04] <MGR> With a clean looking interface
L669[08:32:08] <DaMachinator> nothing has any documentation internally
L670[08:32:17] <DaMachinator> other than its return value
L671[08:32:21] <Kodos> Do you know if KENOs are disabled?
L672[08:32:26] <Kodos> KINO
L673[08:32:27] <Kodos> idr
L674[08:32:30] <Lizzy> they're enabled
L675[08:32:30] <MGR> KINO?
L676[08:32:34] <Kodos> =D
L677[08:32:42] <Kodos> Little flying camera balls
L678[08:32:51] <MGR> oh, not OC
L679[08:33:01] <Lizzy> stuff like the wraith dart are disabled cause they have no use apart from being annoying
L680[08:33:01] <Kodos> I'm back and forth between GMod and OC
L681[08:33:05] <Kodos> Trying to finish shit before I vanish for the day
L682[08:33:11] <Kodos> Yeah
L683[08:33:23] <Kodos> One day I'll probably do a proper SGC
L684[08:33:24] <DaMachinator> confirmed there is no toggle() method or similar
L685[08:33:26] <DaMachinator> time to make
L686[08:33:35] <DaMachinator> YET ANOTHER GITHUB ISSUE \o/
L687[08:34:09] <Lizzy> and other stuff that is either extremely buggy or a troll device have been removed / restricted
L688[08:34:20] <Lizzy> wifi pls
L689[08:35:44] <Kodos> As long as stargates work and most/all of WireMod exists I'm a happy Kodos
L690[08:35:52] <Lizzy> Kodos, if you do go on there and want to look at the starfall stuff (Lua), if you see T-18 about he's a good person to ask for SF advice
L691[08:36:01] <Kodos> Okay
L692[08:36:02] <DaMachinator> looks like direct CVT control isn't a viable option, which means yet another code revision
L693[08:36:16] <DaMachinator> and i also can't modify the ratios with the CVT in redstone control mode
L694[08:36:51] <MGR> DaMachinator, I thought you could change the ratio?
L695[08:36:59] <DaMachinator> yes
L696[08:37:07] <DaMachinator> but i cannot toggle between speed and torque mode
L697[08:37:11] <Lizzy> yeah, all but the supergate are still enabled, supergate is only for staff to spawn and most of wiremod, including E2 if you want to use that, is still enabled
L698[08:37:30] <MGR> is that the only thing you can't change?
L699[08:37:35] <MGR> also, will decimal values work?
L700[08:37:36] <Kodos> I never got around to figuring out E2
L701[08:37:36] <Lizzy> Kodos, it also has Startrek stuff and a custom resoruce distribution system
L702[08:37:45] <DaMachinator> no, it takes an int as an argument
L703[08:37:45] <Kodos> Whitelist, I'm guessing?
L704[08:38:01] <DaMachinator> and also doesn't work with the extractor in redstone control mode
L705[08:38:04] <MGR> DaMachinator, ok
L706[08:38:35] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC69E4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L707[08:38:59] <Lizzy> Kodos, nope
L708[08:39:05] <DaMachinator> is there a way to cause the program to quit without throwing an error
L709[08:39:11] <Lizzy> free roam
L710[08:39:16] <MGR> DaMachinator, shell.exit() I believe
L711[08:39:22] <MGR> or maybe just exit()
L712[08:39:58] <Lizzy> though you will start off at the guest rank and have very limited stuff, 5 hours to regular then 2 days playtime and a post on the forums for member
L713[08:40:23] <Lizzy> (note i can't rank people up, only admin+ can)
L714[08:40:41] <Kodos> I will probably check it out tonight after I've had more sleep today and (my) lizzy passes back out so I can have the computer uninterrupted
L715[08:41:00] <Lizzy> :O IMPOSTER!
L716[08:41:03] <Lizzy> :P
L717[08:41:06] <Kodos> Lol
L718[08:41:34] <Kodos> Ugh, 8:40... guess I should get ready to go into town
L719[08:41:38] <Kodos> %weather 62012
L720[08:41:39] <MichiBot> Current weather for Brighton, IL Current Temp: 34.0°F/1.1°C Feels Like: 34°F/1°C Current Humidity: 79% Wind: From the West 0.0 Mph/0.0 Km/h Conditions: Clear
L721[08:41:47] <Kodos> At least it got... 4 degrees warmer?
L722[08:41:51] <DaMachinator> it seems to be os.exit() but that throws an error
L723[08:42:14] <DaMachinator> if i knew how labels worked i could also put a label at the very end and use goto statements
L724[08:42:38] * Lizzy wants to be with her vifino
L725[08:42:44] <Kodos> Oh holy shit I can page up in less now
L726[08:42:54] <MGR> DaMachinator, os.exit(), that's it
L727[08:42:59] <MGR> Couldn't remember, and then couldn't find it
L728[08:43:31] <DaMachinator> os.exit works by throwing an error lol
L729[08:43:44] <MGR> well
L730[08:43:50] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L731[08:43:52] <MGR> why did you need it to not throw an error?
L732[08:44:09] <DaMachinator> because it spews unnecessary red debug text
L733[08:44:30] <DaMachinator> the intention is that someone else can set up and use this without issue
L734[08:44:35] <MGR> true
L735[08:44:41] <Kodos> Well shit, either I have an old OpenSec, or the secure network card still doesn't work =(
L736[08:44:49] <Kodos> Ah well, no time to mess with it today
L737[08:44:52] <Kodos> Back Soon™
L738[08:45:20] <DaMachinator> i may see what os.exit() does
L739[08:45:28] * Lizzy slaps her wifi card
L740[08:45:29] * EnderBot2 high-fives Lizzy
L741[08:45:54] <DaMachinator> os.exit is a proper silent exit
L742[08:45:54] <MGR> DaMachinator, patch os.exit ?
L743[08:46:00] <DaMachinator> it already works properly
L744[08:46:04] <DaMachinator> i just tested it
L745[08:46:09] <MGR> what?
L746[08:46:15] <MGR> so that means that your code is erroring
L747[08:46:17] <MGR> for realz
L748[08:46:21] <DaMachinator> it works as i want it to
L749[08:46:29] <DaMachinator> it is erroring for realz
L750[08:46:35] <DaMachinator> that's what error() does
L751[08:46:48] <MGR> then use os.exit
L752[08:46:57] <DaMachinator> i made it error on purpose when important things are missing
L753[08:47:32] <MGR> that's good
L754[08:47:40] <MGR> is this your extractor control program?
L755[08:48:34] <Michiyo> Kodos, I'm pretty sure it works..
L756[08:50:36] <MalkContent> is anyone of you using a robot to farm cobble from a cobble gen?
L757[08:51:00] <MalkContent> in mc 1.10.2
L758[08:51:17] <MalkContent> cause if you got one that doesn't crap up, i'd really like to see the code
L759[08:52:18] <Inari> Define "crap up"
L760[08:52:48] <MGR> MalkContent, all you really need is a loop, a pickaxe, and a chest above the robot I think
L761[08:52:57] <MGR> It's not SUPER hard to make
L762[08:53:11] <MGR> I would make one for you, but I'm not 'working'
L763[08:53:15] <MGR> wait
L764[08:53:18] <MalkContent> well before i put in failsaves and made it react to an outer redstone signal, it had a habit of suddely producing insane amounts of cobble
L765[08:53:23] <MGR> I AM working
L766[08:53:29] <MalkContent> couldnt be powered down
L767[08:53:35] <MGR> the robot?
L768[08:53:44] <MalkContent> and if you broke it, it kept going
L769[08:53:56] <Inari> Uh..
L770[08:53:57] <MalkContent> like, the cobble got broken, every now and then it got dumped
L771[08:54:00] <MGR> the robot?
L772[08:54:12] <MGR> because that's not normal
L773[08:54:12] <MalkContent> yea, the robot couldnt be powered down
L774[08:54:17] <MalkContent> i know
L775[08:54:18] <Inari> If you rrobot keeps breaking after you break the robot
L776[08:54:22] <Inari> Thers kind of more of an issue here
L777[08:54:23] <MalkContent> or rather "i guessed as much"
L778[08:54:25] <MGR> that's a bug in OC
L779[08:54:47] <MGR> I would GitHub issue that up MalkContent
L780[08:54:50] ⇨ Joins: Dandrik (webchat@71-217-78-150.tukw.qwest.net)
L781[08:55:14] <Forecaster> what the heck is "plenk"?
L782[08:55:30] <MalkContent> i would, too, but i haven't come up with a simple description yet
L783[08:55:30] <DaMachinator> With the GPU API, do I write to screens on the pixel or character level?
L784[08:55:31] <Dandrik> What do i have to do to get Applied Energistics to connect to OC?
L785[08:56:10] <Inari> DaMachinator: character :P Theres no pixels unless you use halfblock characters or the like
L786[08:56:12] <DaMachinator> e.g. when I run GPU.fill are x,y,width, and heigth in pixels or rows/columns
L787[08:56:17] <MalkContent> so far it's "well idk, download this simple cobble farmer and see for yourself. also here's a placeholder for that video i am gonna make some time when i am not sick anymore and can be bothered dealing with unkown programs"
L788[08:56:17] <DaMachinator> ok thx
L789[08:56:33] ⇦ Quits: ` (justastran@python.bouncer.ml) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L790[08:56:38] <DaMachinator> Dandrik: let me see if i can find it again....
L791[08:56:47] <MGR> MalkContent, that works ?
L792[08:56:52] <MGR> It's still good to get awareness up
L793[08:57:00] <Inari> MalkContent: "and heres my save" :D
L794[08:57:12] <DaMachinator> Dandrik: https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/957-applied-energistics-components-documentation/#comment-3981
L795[08:57:14] <Dandrik> DaMachinator: Thanks
L796[08:57:25] <MalkContent> *groans* fine. ill see if i can get it to bork up in a pure oc install first though
L797[08:57:30] <DaMachinator> more helpful: https://github.com/Yepoleb/oc-components-doc
L798[08:57:45] <MalkContent> i came here to bitch and now you made me work for the greater good
L799[08:57:48] <DaMachinator> lol
L800[08:57:51] <Inari> :P
L801[08:57:58] <MGR> MalkContent, I'm such a good person, aren't I?
L802[08:57:59] <MalkContent> (the greater good)
L803[08:58:04] <Corded> * MGR is a terrible person
L804[08:58:12] <Inari> MGR: we know
L805[08:58:37] <MGR> Inari, you know which statement?
L806[08:59:51] <DaMachinator> how does an OpenOS library work
L807[09:00:09] <MGR> DaMachinator, please hold
L808[09:00:14] <MGR> I have an example
L809[09:00:22] <MGR> I think
L810[09:00:23] <DaMachinator> e.g. if i want to write a library of functions i use it, where do i put it and how do i use it
L811[09:00:45] <MGR> you put it in /lib
L812[09:00:46] <DaMachinator> i assume it will involve local lib = require("libfilename")
L813[09:00:52] <MGR> arghhhh
L814[09:00:56] <DaMachinator> wat
L815[09:00:58] <Corded> * MGR goes to dig up link from Gavle
L816[09:01:05] <MGR> DaMachinator, yes
L817[09:01:15] <DaMachinator> can has link plz
L818[09:01:18] <Michiyo> bunch of functions, in a table, something something more specific.
L819[09:01:18] <Michiyo> :p
L820[09:01:30] <MGR> and he deleted the file
L821[09:01:37] <MGR> Goddamn security protocols
L822[09:01:54] <MGR> DaMachinator, let me write you up a small example on the fly
L823[09:03:40] <Inari> MGR: that syou're a horrible person
L824[09:04:37] <MCR> Inari, correct!
L825[09:05:02] <MCR> DaMachinator, https://gist.github.com/MajorGeneralRelativity/afce27edacd354be1d2d8f5c67a3ca05
L826[09:05:05] <DaMachinator> i assume it's going to look something like this: https://imgur.com/0sPBkqV.png
L827[09:05:30] <MCR> DaMachinator, yes
L828[09:05:40] <DaMachinator> local <libname> = {}
L829[09:05:45] <MCR> yep
L830[09:05:57] <DaMachinator> declare functions as <libname>.<funcname>
L831[09:05:58] <MCR> and then function libname.<name>()
L832[09:06:01] <MCR> and return libname
L833[09:06:06] ⇨ Joins: ` (~justastra@python.bouncer.ml)
L834[09:06:09] <DaMachinator> return <libname>
L835[09:06:13] <Forecaster> https://twitter.com/rockpapershot/status/804338319723266048
L836[09:06:14] <MichiBot> Thu Dec 01 08:56:13 CST 2016 @rockpapershot: Drone Swarm is an RTS in which you control 32,000 units at once https://t.co/F82qX1uLEk https://t.co/LZo78CS8TR
L837[09:06:15] <DaMachinator> ok sounds easy enough
L838[09:06:30] <DaMachinator> it also looks like libs can go in /usr/lib/ as well'
L839[09:06:35] *** ` is now known as Guest5356
L840[09:06:41] <Dandrik> The issue that I am having is ME Controller is not showing up as a component.
L841[09:06:43] <Forecaster> https://twitter.com/TynanSylvester/status/804336716744130561
L842[09:06:44] <MichiBot> Thu Dec 01 08:49:51 CST 2016 @TynanSylvester: Transport pods go both ways :D https://t.co/o4qN3Z1OBv
L843[09:06:45] <Forecaster> :O
L844[09:06:54] <Forecaster> RimWorld update in the works it seems!
L845[09:07:00] <Lizzy> oh?
L846[09:07:00] * Forecaster gets excited
L847[09:07:15] <DaMachinator> can the library contain things other than function definitions - e.g. setup values for the functions to use
L848[09:07:18] <MCR> DaMachinator, libs going in /usr/lib is new to me
L849[09:07:24] <MCR> yes, I believe so
L850[09:07:25] <Forecaster> the fuel cans are new
L851[09:07:29] <DaMachinator> well, the folder exists...
L852[09:07:31] <DaMachinator> idk if it works
L853[09:07:37] <Forecaster> as are the blue square things in the resource index in the top left
L854[09:07:40] <Forecaster> :O :O
L855[09:07:41] <Forecaster> I wants
L856[09:07:56] <MCR> I would be able to check that, but Gavle is doing his job right for once, and cleaned out his gists
L857[09:08:21] <MCR> DaMachinator, but yes, you should be able to require libs from inside your lib, and store other values outside of functions
L858[09:08:28] <MCR> libception!
L859[09:08:34] * DaMachinator is making yet another GUI lib for his own convenience
L860[09:08:37] <DaMachinator> don't kill me yet
L861[09:09:04] <DaMachinator> mostly so that i can write fancy error messages to the screen
L862[09:09:17] <MCR> DaMachinator, I would never kill you
L863[09:09:25] <MCR> I would like to see your lib when you are done though
L864[09:09:27] <DaMachinator> hmm
L865[09:09:38] <DaMachinator> even if i cut off the coolant supply to your fusion reactor
L866[09:09:42] <MCR> also 'never' is a stretch
L867[09:09:56] <DaMachinator> lol thought so
L868[09:10:08] <MCR> there are clear circumstances when I would do you damage IRL, but they are exceedingly unlikely
L869[09:10:32] ⇦ Quits: Guest5356 (~justastra@python.bouncer.ml) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L870[09:10:52] <DaMachinator> i know too many powers of 2
L871[09:11:41] <Dandrik> Is there an addon that gives support for Applied Energistics, like computronics?
L872[09:12:37] <Michiyo> Dandrik, what MC version..?
L873[09:12:45] <MCR> Dandrik, vanilla Opencomputers should support AE2
L874[09:12:45] <Dandrik> 10.2
L875[09:12:49] <MCR> uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
L876[09:12:53] <Michiyo> Oh..
L877[09:12:55] <MCR> AE2 went 1.10?
L878[09:12:56] <MCR> when?
L879[09:13:05] <DaMachinator> ~month ago
L880[09:13:17] <MCR> I'll be damned
L881[09:13:25] <Corded> * MCR applauds AE's developers
L882[09:13:26] <Michiyo> I doubt theres AE2 support in OC 1.10
L883[09:13:27] * DaMachinator goes back to playing 1.7.10
L884[09:13:33] <MCR> I'll have to get on IRC and applaud them
L885[09:13:37] <MCR> later
L886[09:13:39] <DaMachinator> Michiyo: isn't that on AE2's end to do
L887[09:13:47] <Michiyo> No, it was done on OCs side iirc
L888[09:14:03] <DaMachinator> but AE2 can do it if they want to
L889[09:14:13] <DaMachinator> 1.10: ask shartte <- in #AppliedEnergistics topic
L890[09:14:16] <MCR> wait what
L891[09:14:20] <MCR> what's Forge Energy????
L892[09:14:26] <MCR> Is there finally a standard energy system?
L893[09:14:30] <MCR> and what's Tesla?!
L894[09:14:30] <DaMachinator> the internal forge energy system API
L895[09:14:38] <DaMachinator> spiritual successor to RF
L896[09:14:51] <Michiyo> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/OC1.6-MC1.7.10/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/integration/appeng/ModAppEng.scala
L897[09:15:07] <MCR> whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
L898[09:15:12] <DaMachinator> forge energy is like an internal API for making basic one-dimensional power systems
L899[09:15:15] <MCR> so much has changed since 1.10!
L900[09:15:27] <MCR> 1.7.10*
L901[09:15:33] <DaMachinator> well dur
L902[09:15:38] <Michiyo> The integration code is still there in 1.10, but I doubt it works
L903[09:15:39] <DaMachinator> it's been like 3 game versions
L904[09:15:53] <DaMachinator> think of all the things that have changed since MC 1.4
L905[09:16:00] <MCR> I am legitimately interested in upgrading my personal instance now
L906[09:16:10] <MCR> DaMachinator, I started playing with 1.7.2
L907[09:16:13] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L908[09:16:59] <DaMachinator> i started playing seriously after forge for MC 1.8 already existed but noone had mods for it (except optifine and a few others)
L909[09:17:13] <MCR> heh
L910[09:17:19] <Dandrik> Thanks guys, I'll ask over there too
L911[09:17:21] <DaMachinator> there are mods for MC 1.11 now
L912[09:17:29] <MCR> MC 1.11 is a thing ?!
L913[09:17:42] <MCR> I have been living under a rock!
L914[09:18:59] <DaMachinator> i've been living under a rock but i have a skylight
L915[09:19:46] * MalkContent prepared the robot.
L916[09:19:51] <MalkContent> time to watch you fail, little buddy
L917[09:19:52] <DaMachinator> apparently McJty's The One Probe is well set to surpass WAILA as primary information mod
L918[09:20:56] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKzIgHzv71k ~
L919[09:20:57] <MichiBot> Amitav's Song | length: 3m 18s | Likes: 378 Dislikes: 6 Views: 41,236 | by jayl111792 | Published On 19/8/2010
L920[09:20:59] <MalkContent> if i fail to recreated this in pure oc, i think i'll cry a little. not looking forward to binary search for a bad mod interaction with this
L921[09:21:29] <DaMachinator> binary search is better than removing one mod at a time
L922[09:23:06] <MalkContent> i still need 3 steps and that would take like 90 minutes
L923[09:23:18] <MalkContent> cause the robots needs a while to crap up
L924[09:23:21] <Inari> I prefer the jp version but for some reason that isn't to be found on YT
L925[09:24:47] <MCR> DaMachinator, The One Probe???
L926[09:24:52] <MCR> WAILA is replaced?!
L927[09:24:57] <MCR> First NEI, now WAILA?!
L928[09:25:09] <DaMachinator> I didn't say it was replaced per se
L929[09:25:10] <Inari> NEI is not so much replaced as dead
L930[09:25:20] <DaMachinator> but a lot of people use TOP instead of Waila
L931[09:25:29] <MCR> SO MUCH CHANGE
L932[09:25:37] <Inari> I dunno, One Probe isjust yet another item you have to lug around
L933[09:25:39] <DaMachinator> note that by default TOP requires an item to work, but this can be changed in the config
L934[09:25:40] <MCR> Inari, it died and was replaced
L935[09:25:59] <DaMachinator> it didn't die in much the same way that latin didn't die
L936[09:26:03] <DaMachinator> it still exists
L937[09:26:08] <DaMachinator> same with NEI
L938[09:26:23] <Corded> * MCR i'm quaking
L939[09:26:54] <Inari> Whos MCR
L940[09:27:06] <DaMachinator> MCR is a man of many names
L941[09:27:21] * DaMachinator is feeling cryptic
L942[09:27:39] <Lizzy> My Chemical Romance
L943[09:28:07] <MCR> wait
L944[09:28:20] <Corded> * MGR sighs
L945[09:28:24] <MGR> MCR is me
L946[09:28:28] <MGR> someone keeps changing my name
L947[09:29:13] <MGR> which I didn't notice for 20 minutes
L948[09:29:40] <Michiyo> Well... you also didn't notice the huge change for months.. sooo
L949[09:30:14] <MGR> yes, but that is different
L950[09:30:19] *** Away_21 is now known as Wuerfel_21
L951[09:30:24] * MalkContent plays the waiting game
L952[09:30:37] <MGR> When I'm in online mode, I refer to myself as MGR internally so I can think faster
L953[09:31:04] <MGR> therefore, the visual input merely lined up with internal representations, which didn't trip the alarms
L954[09:31:22] <MGR> not noticing MCR is different and bad, especially after Tuesday
L955[09:34:02] <Wuerfel_21> why don't you use your name as a nick, but instead prefix every line with it?
L956[09:34:08] <DaMachinator> why does one refer to themselves internally
L957[09:34:15] <DaMachinator> AFAIK i just am
L958[09:34:47] <MGR> Wurefel_21, what?
L959[09:35:30] <MGR> DaMachinator, I need to refer to myself internally for reasons
L960[09:35:32] <MGR> Like coherence
L961[09:38:23] <Lizzy> I should probably play some more rimworld again soon
L962[09:38:50] <Mettaton_Fab> how can one even change someone elses username?
L963[09:39:21] <DaMachinator> i think IRC operators can change anyone's username'
L964[09:39:34] <DaMachinator> Mettaton_Fab: being an admin
L965[09:39:49] <MGR> DaMachinator, @Mimiru insisted that she was the only one who could change my name, and that she wasn't doing it
L966[09:40:07] <MGR> so I just don't know anymore
L967[09:40:23] <Mettaton_Fab> so admin can just annoy the shits outta people?
L968[09:40:24] <DaMachinator> might have been you...
L969[09:40:43] <DaMachinator> Mettaton_Fab: generally trolls never become admins
L970[09:41:03] <DaMachinator> on normal platforms
L971[09:41:33] <MGR> DaMachinator, I have NOT been changing my nick like crazy
L972[09:41:43] <MGR> on Tuesday, I couldn't and it was flipping around like nuts
L973[09:41:56] <DaMachinator> this is Discord?
L974[09:42:02] <DaMachinator> i'd report it as a bug to them
L975[09:42:07] <MGR> yes
L976[09:42:24] <MGR> If I can get confirmation from @Mimiru that it wasn't her again, I will submit a report
L977[09:42:56] <Inari> Michiyo: which hugehcange
L978[09:42:58] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E653117C176A6B1FCEF1DA7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L979[09:42:58] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L980[09:43:11] <Inari> Vexatos: Vexos!
L981[09:43:16] <DaMachinator> also does your nick change universally or only in one domain
L982[09:43:26] <Inari> Only in that server
L983[09:43:34] <MGR> DaMachinator, only on OC's Discord
L984[09:43:43] <Mettaton_Fab> Vexatoast!
L985[09:43:46] <DaMachinator> is OC's discord it's own server
L986[09:43:52] <Vexatos> o7
L987[09:43:52] <Mettaton_Fab> yes.
L988[09:43:53] <MGR> what?
L989[09:43:59] <DaMachinator> is OC's discord it's own server
L990[09:44:02] <MGR> It's not shared with anyone else
L991[09:44:05] <MGR> just OC
L992[09:44:16] <MGR> I don't know about the physical server
L993[09:44:24] <MGR> probably only Discord knows that ?
L994[09:44:27] <DaMachinator> physical server doesn't really matter
L995[09:44:46] <Lizzy> there is no 'servers' for discord, you just use a bit of one of their many servers
L996[09:44:51] <DaMachinator> so the only people who could change your name are Discord operators or OC server admins
L997[09:45:27] <DaMachinator> Lizzy: last i checked discord was divided into units called "servers" with subunits called "channels" or sth
L998[09:45:28] <MGR> That's how it should work normally
L999[09:45:46] <Lizzy> DaMachinator, yes, 'servers" the term that is used very lightly
L1000[09:46:19] <DaMachinator> is michiyo the only admin of this unit
L1001[09:46:26] <MalkContent> hrm. didn't crap up so far
L1002[09:46:53] <DaMachinator> if yes, then michiyo is the only one who can change your name
L1003[09:47:00] <Michiyo> I lied, Lizzy, Myself, and Sangar have the "Admin" permission, we're the only 3 with the admin permission, and no other roles have the change nick permission
L1004[09:47:22] <Michiyo> @everyone has permission to change their own nicks, but not others.
L1005[09:47:23] <Lizzy> hmm, how the hell do i export this model from sql workbench into an actuall DB...
L1006[09:47:39] <DaMachinator> well, now you have 3 people to ask instead of 1
L1007[09:48:34] <MGR> @LizzyTheKitty are you changing my name?
L1008[09:48:40] <LizzyTheKitty> yes
L1009[09:48:41] <MGR> @Sangar are you changing my name?
L1010[09:48:48] <DaMachinator> Lizzy: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15884693/how-can-i-import-data-into-mysql-database-via-mysql-workbench
L1011[09:48:58] <MGR> I figured as much
L1012[09:49:07] <LizzyTheKitty> I was wondering how long it'd take you to realise
L1013[09:49:16] <DaMachinator> also https://dev.mysql.com/doc/workbench/en/wb-admin-export-import-management.html
L1014[09:49:16] <MGR> I thought it highly unlikely that Mimiru was the ONLY person with change nick permission
L1015[09:49:36] <LizzyTheKitty> all of the random nick changes from tuesday were me
L1016[09:49:39] <MGR> The more likely situation was that it was admin only
L1017[09:49:46] <MGR> and I noticed that you were set to invisible
L1018[09:50:05] <MGR> so I formed a weak association, and decided to mention it
L1019[09:50:14] <MGR> wait no that came out wrong
L1020[09:50:15] <DaMachinator> so why did i waste 5 minutes reasoning "out loud"
L1021[09:50:25] <DaMachinator> *implied facepalm*
L1022[09:50:40] <MGR> I formed a weak association, and decided to say I would submit a bug report if it happened again
L1023[09:51:01] <MGR> anyways @LizzyTheKitty can you please stop changing my name?
L1024[09:51:11] <LizzyTheKitty> ok
L1025[09:51:22] <DaMachinator> you said you would submit a bug report after asking the one person if they did it
L1026[09:51:24] <MGR> thank you
L1027[09:51:41] <DaMachinator> eh whatever back to work
L1028[09:51:45] <MGR> DaMachinator, yes but I was betting that Mimiru would have a chance of saying what she did
L1029[09:51:45] <Corded> * LizzyTheKitty wonders if that just triggered a notification
L1030[09:52:16] <LizzyTheKitty> meh, I need to go poke a UPS
L1031[09:54:13] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-78-148-129-59.as13285.net)
L1032[09:55:53] *** alfw|Off is now known as alfw
L1033[09:56:28] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L1034[09:57:09] <Michiyo> yay patreon is 503ing
L1035[09:58:07] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@
L1036[09:59:40] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1037[10:02:18] <MalkContent> i just stapled the TIS-100 manual on the exact spot the top page shows the stapler. i am proud of myself
L1038[10:05:54] ⇨ Joins: fotoply (~fotoply@
L1039[10:06:36] <MalkContent> it was a crappy place to staple it at
L1040[10:09:55] <MalkContent> i am an idiot. i placed the bot in the spawn chunk where it's loaded, ofc it's gonna work there -.-
L1041[10:09:58] <Forecaster> http://m.imgur.com/gallery/TxsZ5iq
L1042[10:10:04] <Forecaster> Cute fail
L1043[10:13:35] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Quit: There are those who live without living. Don't be one of those.)
L1044[10:20:36] <DaMachinator> if i make an event that waits for a keypress with no timeout, will the program pause there and wait until a key is pressed or the program is halted by other means (e.g. power loss)
L1045[10:22:54] <MGR> DaMachinator, event.pull or event.listen?
L1046[10:23:51] <DaMachinator> event.pullFiltered
L1047[10:23:59] <DaMachinator> oops
L1048[10:24:01] <DaMachinator> event.pull
L1049[10:24:05] <MGR> that should halt the computer
L1050[10:24:24] <MGR> event.pull always halts everything until it is satisfied or timeout
L1051[10:25:32] <MalkContent> ^
L1052[10:25:53] <MalkContent> there is also term.pull
L1053[10:26:03] <MalkContent> that keeps the cursor blinking while waiting
L1054[10:26:09] <MGR> ah
L1055[10:26:12] <MGR> that's cool
L1056[10:26:27] <MalkContent> never used it, but i just read it yesterday ^^
L1057[10:27:15] <DaMachinator> and event.listen doesn't keep the computer waiting?
L1058[10:27:16] <MalkContent> yay i successfully bugged the bot
L1059[10:28:52] <MGR> DaMachinator, correct
L1060[10:29:34] <DaMachinator> ok good
L1061[10:29:41] <DaMachinator> i know what needs to happen now
L1062[10:29:57] <DaMachinator> hmm
L1063[10:29:59] <MGR> death?
L1064[10:30:31] <Michiyo> warning, if you run event.listen multiple times, your function will be called multiple times on a single keypress for example
L1065[10:30:35] <DaMachinator> it seems that using setBackground() and filling a region with spaces will draw an appropriately colored box on the screen
L1066[10:31:28] <DaMachinator> Michiyo: according to the documentation you can only register one event listener for a given unique pair of "event" and "function" arguments
L1067[10:31:31] <Forecaster> which is why you should unregister your events when your program closes
L1068[10:31:46] <MGR> you know forecaster, that's a good idea
L1069[10:31:52] <MGR> I never do that, but I should
L1070[10:32:17] <Michiyo> DaMachinator, make a script that registers a event.listen for a keypress and make the function print something to screen, and run that program a few times
L1071[10:32:19] <MGR> although that would only work for a couple of my programs
L1072[10:32:19] <Michiyo> then hit the key
L1073[10:32:22] <Michiyo> I'll wait.
L1074[10:32:35] <MGR> a bunch are self-contained in the listener
L1075[10:32:36] <DaMachinator> i'll take your word for it
L1076[10:32:52] <payonel> what's the question about the event listeners?
L1077[10:33:24] <DaMachinator> their behaviour as regarding the contined operation of the computer between the time when they are called and the time when they are triggered
L1078[10:33:59] <payonel> DaMachinator: Michiyo is correct - and so is the documentation. but if you run a script multiple times - and each time it adds a listener, you'll have multiple hits because the function is recompile each time you run the script
L1079[10:34:13] <DaMachinator> sounds fun
L1080[10:34:31] <DaMachinator> is it a function of the OS to keep track of event listeners
L1081[10:34:37] <payonel> yes
L1082[10:34:50] <Forecaster> if you reboot it will clear them
L1083[10:35:03] <DaMachinator> can the OS not keep track of which program registered said event listeners and stop caring about them when the program exits
L1084[10:35:17] <Michiyo> It would make me sad if it did
L1085[10:35:18] <Michiyo> :P
L1086[10:35:18] <Forecaster> it could, but it doesn't
L1087[10:35:24] <payonel> every time you sleep/pull events - the event handler has an oppurtunity to invoke callbacks for listeners
L1088[10:35:32] <DaMachinator> k
L1089[10:35:41] <DaMachinator> will keep in mind
L1090[10:36:02] <MGR> also, the OS doesn't let you see what listeners are registered ?
L1091[10:36:18] <payonel> right now, the only process cleanup is stdio handles are closed on exit
L1092[10:36:25] <Michiyo> :/ wtf my autodiscover vserver has broken
L1093[10:36:34] <DaMachinator> if i put stuff other than functions in my library
L1094[10:37:02] <payonel> event listerns are intended for "driver" or "daemon" like behaviors
L1095[10:37:09] <DaMachinator> those are run once when "require("libname")" is called
L1096[10:37:09] <payonel> they aren't intended for scope of a process
L1097[10:37:32] <payonel> DaMachinator: correct, and the package lib caches the code block and doesn't execute again
L1098[10:37:39] <DaMachinator> ok good...
L1099[10:37:44] <DaMachinator> that means this should work as intended
L1100[10:39:48] <payonel> ok, i have to go for now
L1101[10:39:49] <payonel> o/
L1102[10:40:00] ⇨ Joins: gwyneth (~123@
L1103[10:40:24] <MGR> bye payonel
L1104[10:43:44] <DaMachinator> um
L1105[10:43:52] <DaMachinator> so, when a function returns two values
L1106[10:44:09] <DaMachinator> how do i access one or the other
L1107[10:44:34] <MGR> local result1, result2 = function(input)
L1108[10:46:01] <DaMachinator> is there a character i can use to tell Lua to discard that value
L1109[10:46:13] <MGR> local _, result2 = function(input)
L1110[10:46:20] <DaMachinator> kthx
L1111[10:46:31] <Forecaster> that doesn't exactly discard it
L1112[10:46:39] <Forecaster> _ is just the goto dump variable :P
L1113[10:46:43] <Michiyo> ^
L1114[10:46:45] <Forecaster> in lua
L1115[10:46:49] <MGR> technically true
L1116[10:46:59] <Forecaster> that's the best kind of true
L1117[10:47:08] <MGR> but I doubt he's going to name his variables "_"
L1118[10:47:33] <DaMachinator> new question
L1119[10:47:37] <Forecaster> that was never a concern
L1120[10:47:38] <Michiyo> new answer
L1121[10:47:41] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L1122[10:47:53] <Michiyo> sarcastic retort
L1123[10:48:06] <Forecaster> cry of anguish
L1124[10:48:17] <DaMachinator> gpu.getBackground returns a number as the color value
L1125[10:48:22] <Lizzy> jffjfjskjflsdf
L1126[10:48:27] <Michiyo> http://www.bash.org/?23396
L1127[10:48:30] <DaMachinator> i assume that if i convert this value to hex it will match a hex color
L1128[10:48:48] <Forecaster> yeah
L1129[10:49:35] <DaMachinator> which means i need to convert hex color codes to an int before passing them to gpu.setBackground
L1130[10:49:42] <Forecaster> no
L1131[10:49:55] <Forecaster> if the second argument is true it accepts the numeric value
L1132[10:50:01] <Forecaster> ie setBackground(num, true)
L1133[10:50:21] <Forecaster> if it's false (the default) it accepts hex values
L1134[10:50:33] <DaMachinator> oh wait right
L1135[10:51:59] <DaMachinator> are the palette indices words or hex values...
L1136[10:52:08] <Forecaster> what?
L1137[10:52:39] <DaMachinator> screens are wierd
L1138[10:52:48] <DaMachinator> t1 screens can be either white or black
L1139[10:53:08] <DaMachinator> t2 screens can be (some index on a palette)
L1140[10:53:46] <DaMachinator> t3 screens can be any hex color, with a 16-color palette that for some reason defaults to a grayscals
L1141[10:54:31] <MGR> Seasonic claims those slots on the side are for ventilation, but I maintain that they're to help the power supply go faster.
L1142[10:54:33] <MGR> rofl
L1143[10:55:03] <MGR> DaMachinator, for those of us less enlightened about color schemes, how many colors can T2 screens support vs T3?
L1144[10:55:06] <DaMachinator> power supplies are typically stationary units
L1145[10:55:29] <MGR> And is it just smaller gradations of shades, or an expanded color range?
L1146[10:55:53] <DaMachinator> MGR: according to the wiki T2 screens support the 16 MC colors while T3 screens have an 8-bit color depth
L1147[10:55:54] <MalkContent> someone proofread this please, i feel dizzy and might have added some incomprehensibles https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/2151
L1148[10:55:57] <DaMachinator> 255 colors
L1149[10:56:20] <Forecaster> 256*?
L1150[10:56:34] <MGR> DaMachinator, so 16 colors vs 255?
L1151[10:56:42] <MGR> not bad
L1152[10:56:47] <DaMachinator> 256 colors...
L1153[10:57:04] <MGR> whatever
L1154[10:57:08] <MGR> and like I said
L1155[10:57:09] <DaMachinator> 0 through 255
L1156[10:57:20] <MGR> is it expanded color range, or finer gradations?
L1157[10:57:24] <Forecaster> :>
L1158[10:58:25] <DaMachinator> it depends on how the 8-bit color works internally
L1159[10:58:30] <Forecaster> http://towerofawesome.org/oc_interface_designer/
L1160[10:58:34] <Forecaster> there's a chart
L1161[10:59:23] <DaMachinator> there are 3 color channels: red, green, and blue
L1162[11:00:12] <MalkContent> but what about alpha and octarine
L1163[11:00:16] <DaMachinator> so either the 255 possible colors are mapped internally to a palette or it is "8-bit truecolor"
L1164[11:00:26] <DaMachinator> there is no alpha channel on OC screens AFAIK
L1165[11:00:52] <Forecaster> no there is not
L1166[11:01:15] <DaMachinator> octarine doesn't exist IRL either
L1167[11:01:36] <Forecaster> sure it does
L1168[11:01:43] <Forecaster> we just can't see it because we aren't wizards
L1169[11:01:52] <MGR> what is octarine?
L1170[11:02:00] <DaMachinator> a thing from discworld
L1171[11:02:01] <Forecaster> the color of magic
L1172[11:02:04] <Forecaster> :P
L1173[11:02:04] <MalkContent> ^
L1174[11:02:14] <MGR> so, synthestesia?
L1175[11:02:41] <MalkContent> http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/magic.gif
L1176[11:02:41] <Forecaster> no
L1177[11:02:56] <DaMachinator> no, that is where you associate colors with various things
L1178[11:03:11] <DaMachinator> like the letter "a" with red
L1179[11:03:52] <MalkContent> one could argue that all discoworld magic capables have a special case of synthestesia
L1180[11:04:10] <MalkContent> then again it is an extra color
L1181[11:04:24] <MGR> it depends
L1182[11:04:33] <MGR> you are associating a non-color object with a color
L1183[11:04:57] <MGR> I think that qualifies for synthestesia
L1184[11:05:06] <MalkContent> as long as that color is the extra color that noone else can see
L1185[11:21:47] <MGR> Once again, we still have those speed slots on the side to help the unit go faster. Or... assist with case cooling. It's one of those two things.
L1186[11:23:20] ⇨ Joins: jc (~jc@78-71-136-138-no271.tbcn.telia.com)
L1187[11:24:01] <jc> .commands
L1188[11:24:03] ⇦ Quits: jc (~jc@78-71-136-138-no271.tbcn.telia.com) (Client Quit)
L1189[11:24:43] <MGR> hello jc
L1190[11:24:48] <MGR> how are you?
L1191[11:25:25] <Michiyo> they left
L1192[11:25:34] <MGR> well that was odd
L1193[11:25:36] <Michiyo> they joined, typed .commands, and left.
L1194[11:26:08] <EnderBot2> You can find information about the different bot commands here: https://goo.gl/X2hEb8
L1195[11:26:28] <Michiyo> l...ol
L1196[11:26:46] <Michiyo> It's ok EnderBot2 you tried.
L1197[11:26:49] <MGR> did someone trigger that?
L1198[11:27:58] <Michiyo> iirc that's what .commands triggers
L1199[11:29:07] <Michiyo> also.. this: http://puu.sh/sAKmE/57442bc3d6.png is currently sitting in the moderation queue on the OC forums...
L1200[11:30:25] <MGR> @Mimiru that is obviously OC related! ?
L1201[11:31:12] <Michiyo> obviously..
L1202[11:35:51] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
L1203[11:37:24] <Lizzy> i think EnderBot2 was responding to jc's message
L1204[11:37:26] <Lizzy> .commands
L1205[11:37:31] * Lizzy shrugs
L1206[11:37:58] <MGR> yeah
L1207[11:38:21] <MGR> just to satisfy my curiosity, has jc been in #oc before?
L1208[11:38:27] * Lizzy shrugs
L1209[11:38:29] <MGR> I don't recall seeing that nick before
L1210[11:38:31] <Lizzy> don't think so
L1211[11:38:37] <MGR> yeah
L1212[11:39:23] <Lizzy> Michiyo, lol, i saw that and just left it for a bit (mainly because the email alert came through on my phone
L1213[11:39:34] <EnderBot2> You can find information about the different bot commands here: https://goo.gl/X2hEb8
L1214[11:39:47] <Lizzy> wow EnderBot2 y u so slow?
L1215[11:39:48] <Michiyo> Lizzy, I think .commands does trigger that, and EnderBot2 is lagging a bit :p
L1216[11:40:12] <MGR> 'bit'
L1217[11:40:14] <Lizzy> Michiyo, yeah, i was just curious if you putting it in the middle of a message somehow triggered it
L1218[11:40:23] <Lizzy> no idea why the hell EnderBot2 is lagging behind
L1219[11:40:25] * Lizzy slaps EnderBot2
L1220[11:40:25] * EnderBot2 wonders why he deserved a slap
L1221[11:40:30] <Lizzy> that's fast
L1222[11:40:31] <Michiyo> ... lol
L1223[11:40:32] <Lizzy> hmm
L1224[11:40:33] <Michiyo> wow..
L1225[11:40:34] <Michiyo> wot
L1226[11:40:36] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-78-148-129-59.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L1227[11:40:37] * Lizzy shrugs
L1228[11:41:06] <Michiyo> I misread your message, I thought you said you *didn't* think it was responding to it
L1229[11:41:45] <Lizzy> i probably misindented some internet request or something so it's doing that then responding
L1230[11:51:18] <MalkContent> OC isn't using the iitemhandler yet, is it?
L1231[11:51:57] <payonel> .commands
L1232[11:52:04] <Lizzy> payonel, .....
L1233[11:52:08] <payonel> LUA
L1234[11:52:11] <Lizzy> the response isn't gonna change
L1235[11:52:18] <payonel> I...
L1236[11:52:26] <payonel> I just wanted to be a part of the fun :)
L1237[11:53:38] <MalkContent> at least my quicksearch of the code says it isn't
L1238[11:54:05] <EnderBot2> You can find information about the different bot commands here: https://goo.gl/X2hEb8
L1239[11:54:05] <EnderBot2> It's Lua, not LUA. Name, not an acronym
L1240[11:54:08] <MalkContent> that explains why these don't work together with the other mod's inventory ^^
L1241[11:54:12] <Lizzy> LUA
L1242[11:54:12] <EnderBot2> It's Lua, not LUA. Name, not an acronym
L1243[11:54:14] <Lizzy> huh
L1244[11:54:19] <Lizzy> OH
L1245[11:54:23] <Lizzy> i know why it's slow
L1246[11:54:33] <Lizzy> cause it uses googles URL shortener
L1247[11:54:44] <MGR> In 2007, a report surfaced that Multnomah County, Oregon, was hiring Klingon translators for its mental health program in case patients came into a psychiatric hospital speaking nothing but
L1248[11:55:06] <MGR> Taxpayer dollars being put to good use there
L1249[11:58:21] <DaMachinator> kek
L1250[11:58:53] <Lizzy> why the hell am i still at work? lets go home
L1251[11:59:03] <Forecaster> woodoo
L1252[11:59:10] <Forecaster> v*
L1253[12:18:16] ⇨ Joins: UbuntuCube (webchat@5ec1649b.skybroadband.com)
L1254[12:20:55] <UbuntuCube> grr
L1255[12:21:05] <Forecaster> *anger*
L1256[12:21:07] <LizzyTheKitty> Grr, a pair of leggings I was looking at on amazon are no longer available :(
L1257[12:21:12] <UbuntuCube> so, while my dekstop booted just last ngiht
L1258[12:21:16] <UbuntuCube> it no longer boots
L1259[12:21:25] <LizzyTheKitty> :/
L1260[12:22:41] <UbuntuCube> as in
L1261[12:23:02] <UbuntuCube> ....damn
L1262[12:23:13] <UbuntuCube> btrfs check spews errors out the wazoo
L1263[12:24:50] <MGR> can you access the BIOS?
L1264[12:25:07] * UbuntuCube is currently booted from an ubuntu livecd so
L1265[12:25:08] <UbuntuCube> yes
L1266[12:26:01] <MGR> well, that's something
L1267[12:26:04] <Temia> Another corrupted btrfs volume? And some people wonder why I stay clear.
L1268[12:26:14] <MGR> Most likely worst case scenario - new hard drive time
L1269[12:27:00] <Temia> MGR, question.
L1270[12:27:06] <MGR> shoot
L1271[12:27:22] <Temia> Do you know the CLI command to check a hard disk's health?
L1272[12:27:44] <MGR> I'm not aware of CLI, but I know what S.M.A.R.T. is
L1273[12:27:53] <Temia> Then quit providing unwarranted tech advice. :l
L1274[12:28:02] <MGR> I didn't say the hard drive was bad
L1275[12:28:28] <MGR> I said that the worst thing that is wrong within 90% certainty is the hard drive broke
L1276[12:28:41] <MGR> It's probably a software issue
L1277[12:28:46] <Skye> Temia, I just replaced my hard drive. It was stressful and painful.
L1278[12:28:48] <MGR> I don't know, and I don't presume to know
L1279[12:29:09] <Skye> gparted crashed as soon as it finished moving an NTFS volume
L1280[12:29:15] <Skye> luckily no data was lost, but it's scary
L1281[12:29:24] <UbuntuCube> it did kernel panic last night, which most likely caused the filesystem to become inconsistent
L1282[12:29:31] <UbuntuCube> but it weirdly booted fine afterwards...
L1283[12:29:36] <UbuntuCube> but not today, it seems
L1284[12:29:38] <Skye> UbuntuCube, what level?
L1285[12:29:41] <Temia> Let the channel record a vote of no confidence in MGR's predictions.
L1286[12:30:00] <MGR> Temia, I didn't make a prediction on the cause
L1287[12:30:10] <Temia> Yes, you did.
L1288[12:30:14] <MGR> when?
L1289[12:30:19] <Skye> I've never had an issue with btrfs
L1290[12:30:28] <Temia> When you say something with a percentile certainty, that is a prediction.
L1291[12:30:29] <UbuntuCube> Skye: just a regular btrfs
L1292[12:30:32] <Skye> even when I mucked up and unplugged two drives
L1293[12:30:34] <UbuntuCube> no RAID-stuffs
L1294[12:30:39] <Skye> when one of the drives was corrupting
L1295[12:30:41] * Lizzy is home
L1296[12:30:44] <MGR> Temia, that was my worst case scenario prediction
L1297[12:31:00] <MGR> Not my most likely scenario prediction, which is usually wrong, and why I don't state it anymore
L1298[12:31:01] <Temia> Quit being pedantic.
L1299[12:31:09] <Lizzy> :O A TEMIA
L1300[12:31:13] * Lizzy pets Temia
L1301[12:31:16] <UbuntuCube> also, unity is meh.
L1302[12:31:39] <Temia> You gave it a 90% certainty rate, tell me how that isn't most likely.
L1303[12:31:55] <MGR> I gave it a 90% certainty rate that it wouldn't be worse than that
L1304[12:31:59] <MGR> not that it was what happened
L1305[12:32:15] <MGR> 90% certainty that the hard drive needed to be replaced or something less extensive
L1306[12:32:23] <Temia> Then keep your doomsday preaching for yourself!
L1307[12:32:34] <MGR> Ok
L1308[12:32:57] * Temia sighs and hugs Lizzy
L1309[12:33:05] * Lizzy hugs back
L1310[12:36:15] <Temia> god, now I forgot what I was even thinking about.
L1311[12:36:22] <UbuntuCube> it's not the HDD, it just passed the short SMART test
L1312[12:37:23] <Temia> Well, that's good, at least.
L1313[12:37:39] <Temia> I'm guessing the error log was also empty?
L1314[12:38:47] <UbuntuCube> yes
L1315[12:40:19] <MGR> Temia, want another prediction from me? ?
L1316[12:41:29] <Temia> No.
L1317[12:41:48] <MGR> Ok ?
L1318[12:43:49] <Lizzy> nice squares
L1319[12:44:01] <MGR> ?
L1320[12:44:22] <MGR> I thought corded translated the emojicons properly now?
L1321[12:45:03] <Mettaton_Fab> i can see smileys.
L1322[12:45:37] ⇦ Quits: beschio (~beschio@besch.io) (Quit: Kernel upgrade)
L1323[12:46:20] <UbuntuCube> I can too
L1324[12:46:44] <MGR> Lizzy, what squares??????????
L1325[12:47:03] <Forecaster> it depends on the client
L1326[12:47:09] <Forecaster> I see questionmark boxes
L1327[12:47:17] <Forecaster> I'm in a terminal, it can't display images
L1328[12:47:18] ⇨ Joins: beschio (~beschio@besch.io)
L1329[12:47:30] <UbuntuCube> it's mst likely a unicode thing
L1330[12:47:33] <MGR> ahh
L1331[12:47:41] <Lizzy> https://www.theender.net/shx/zion/hexchat_2016-12-01_18-47-35.png
L1332[12:50:06] <MGR> huh
L1333[12:50:14] <MGR> your client must not support images
L1334[12:50:53] <Lizzy> ?
L1335[12:51:18] <Temia> Emoji support has never been a major focus of GTK/Qt.
L1336[12:51:52] <MGR> Lizzy, I typed Emojicons
L1337[12:52:08] <MGR> Corded translates them into some format or other that's readable to most IRC clients
L1338[12:52:23] <MGR> it should have been a ? face and a ? face
L1339[12:52:27] <MGR> oops
L1340[12:52:36] * Temia facepalms
L1341[12:52:36] <MGR> :/P and :/D
L1342[12:52:43] <Temia> I'm going back to bed.
L1343[12:52:43] <MGR> there!
L1344[12:52:48] <Lizzy> like i said, nice squares
L1345[12:52:50] <MGR> have a good sleep Temia
L1346[13:00:58] * cloakable goes mu at Temia
L1347[13:01:05] <cloakable> sleep well
L1348[13:01:27] <UbuntuCube> 'root@ubuntu:~# wc -l btrfs-check.txt 162595 btrfs-check.txt'
L1349[13:01:33] <UbuntuCube> when you know you are fucked
L1350[13:01:43] <cloakable> Looking forward to oc-minecarts for 1.10.2 :D
L1351[13:04:52] <cloakable> Having little robot minecarts trundle around with railcraft and signals
L1352[13:05:26] <UbuntuCube> Skye: 162k lines of check errors. 162 THOUSAND LINES.
L1353[13:05:48] <Skye> O_o
L1354[13:05:56] <UbuntuCube> btrfs is awesome but this makes me want to say 'fuck it, use XFS.#
L1355[13:06:00] <DaMachinator> that's like
L1356[13:06:21] <DaMachinator> assuming average 80 characters per line
L1357[13:06:22] <Skye> UbuntuCube, I want to make a 68k that can run Linux
L1358[13:06:28] * UbuntuCube reaches for his trust filesystem-aware data carver
L1359[13:06:31] <DaMachinator> a video
L1360[13:06:42] * Temia curls up on Cloakable. fluff. =.=
L1361[13:07:01] <DaMachinator> UbuntuCube: that's like over a gigabyte of errors
L1362[13:07:06] <UbuntuCube> DaMachinator: nope.
L1363[13:07:08] <UbuntuCube> 14M.
L1364[13:07:11] * cloakable shares her coffee with Temia. Is also warm and flufy.
L1365[13:07:23] <DaMachinator> UbuntuCube: wot
L1366[13:08:04] <DaMachinator> oh right
L1367[13:08:09] <DaMachinator> derpdederp
L1368[13:08:15] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-78-148-129-59.as13285.net)
L1369[13:08:20] <DaMachinator> i can math and you should totally believe me
L1370[13:08:57] * Temia coffeesip.
L1371[13:11:58] *** Mine|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L1372[13:14:46] * DaMachinator teasip.
L1373[13:15:01] <DaMachinator> hmm
L1374[13:15:08] <UbuntuCube> I'm not installing Gentoo for a third time so I wonder if there's any other interesting ones for me to try
L1375[13:16:02] <DaMachinator> i am trying to make my GUI library dynamically change the resolution based on screen aspect ratio...
L1376[13:17:02] <DaMachinator> problem is chars are rectangular and screen blocks are square
L1377[13:17:31] <Skye> DaMachinator, half a char is a square
L1378[13:19:04] <Forecaster> or, a characters height is two times the width
L1379[13:22:45] <DaMachinator> that is useful
L1380[13:23:13] <DaMachinator> means i need to divide height aspect by 2
L1381[13:24:03] <MGR> DaMachinator, you're working on screen aspect ratio?
L1382[13:34:20] <DaMachinator> MGR: No, dynamic resolution adjustment.
L1383[13:34:33] <DaMachinator> So that i can draw on the entirety of the screen area.
L1384[13:34:54] <MGR> ah ok
L1385[13:36:10] <DaMachinator> This involves screen aspect ratio, though.
L1386[13:36:35] <DaMachinator> Since screen.getAspectRatio returns the dimensions of the screen in blocks (precise enough for me)
L1387[13:36:47] <MGR> ahh
L1388[13:38:31] <Inari> DaMachinator: Hows that an issue though
L1389[13:39:32] <DaMachinator> avoiding borders at the top/bottom or left/right of the usable area
L1390[13:48:37] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L1391[13:52:12] <Mettaton_Fab> warning, offensive audio: https://youtu.be/Xjju215vP8A?t=4m58s
L1392[13:52:13] <MichiBot> You Laugh You Lose (YLYL) - Swearing Parrot Edition - Compilation #23 | length: 6m 24s | Likes: 1,066 Dislikes: 15 Views: 81,566 | by Offensive Compilations | Published On 8/8/2016
L1393[13:53:16] <MGR> hello again Mettaton_Fab
L1394[13:53:26] <Mettaton_Fab> ohai there.
L1395[13:54:39] <Mettaton_Fab> why am i watching the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam livestream?
L1396[13:57:10] <DaMachinator> where did you come from
L1397[13:58:05] <DaMachinator> https://gist.github.com/DaMachinator/72f12b6d37adc34285a6e3b2836f43ef
L1398[13:58:18] <DaMachinator> dunno if this will work; hopefully yes
L1399[13:58:40] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1400[14:04:13] <MGR> well, I'm off
L1401[14:04:27] <MGR> I'll be back eventually
L1402[14:05:08] <DaMachinator> bye
L1403[14:06:11] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L1404[14:06:24] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1405[14:07:44] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:1050:ddfc:9d87:7b1f:eee0)
L1406[14:10:22] ⇦ Quits: UbuntuCube (webchat@5ec1649b.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1407[14:19:41] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L1408[14:20:59] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1409[14:21:22] ⇨ Joins: UbuntuCube (webchat@5ec1649b.skybroadband.com)
L1410[14:21:45] * UbuntuCube should use this as an opportunity to try out Riot
L1411[14:26:42] <Vexatos> ewwbuntu
L1412[14:26:59] <DaMachinator> can one not call a function without assigning the result to a variable, even if the function returns nothing?
L1413[14:27:40] <ping> DaMachinator, you simply call the function
L1414[14:27:48] <DaMachinator> getting "attempt to index a boolean value" when calling my custom function from a library
L1415[14:28:02] <ping> thats an error when indexing, not calling
L1416[14:28:17] <ping> whats the line?
L1417[14:28:26] <DaMachinator> i'm not intentionally indexing anything
L1418[14:28:35] <ping> well clearly you are :P
L1419[14:28:42] <payonel> DaMachinator: are you using lua prompt or executing a script?
L1420[14:28:48] <DaMachinator> executing a script
L1421[14:28:55] <DaMachinator> the line number is line 3
L1422[14:28:57] <ping> potato.walrus() indexes potato["walrus"]
L1423[14:29:06] <DaMachinator> which reads libmach.autoRes()
L1424[14:29:06] <payonel> ^
L1425[14:29:12] <ping> libmach is a boolean
L1426[14:29:14] <payonel> libmach is
L1427[14:29:17] <DaMachinator> dafaq
L1428[14:29:29] <DaMachinator> it's supposed to be a library of functions lol
L1429[14:29:30] <payonel> ping wins the typing race!
L1430[14:29:37] <ping> kek
L1431[14:29:40] <payonel> DaMachinator: we're interpreting your error code
L1432[14:29:45] <Lizzy> .stats
L1433[14:29:46] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Caitlyn \o/ https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/stats.html, seriously :)
L1434[14:29:50] <DaMachinator> new question
L1435[14:29:53] <ping> im busy getting nvidia'd rn
L1436[14:30:09] <DaMachinator> why does it think the library is a boolean value
L1437[14:30:12] <payonel> DaMachinator: put a `print(type(libmach))` before your line 3
L1438[14:31:01] <payonel> Lizzy: it has gender o_O i would not have expected that
L1439[14:31:04] <DaMachinator> boolean
L1440[14:31:23] <Lizzy> payonel, the old one had gender as well you know
L1441[14:31:36] <DaMachinator> payonel: it is boolean and it should not be
L1442[14:31:37] <payonel> i didn't
L1443[14:31:48] <Lizzy> ah
L1444[14:31:55] <DaMachinator> the only other statement in the test file is 'local libmach = require("libmach")
L1445[14:32:11] <payonel> DaMachinator: then your libmach lib file is returning a boolean
L1446[14:32:25] <Lizzy> also Michiyo, i think the stats are slightly borked, latest "most recent URLs" part is from the 13th of november
L1447[14:32:31] <DaMachinator> wait
L1448[14:32:48] <DaMachinator> i need to put 'return libmach' at the end of the library file, don't i
L1449[14:32:50] <Lizzy> oh, the stats haven't been updated since then
L1450[14:32:53] <DaMachinator> dur
L1451[14:36:01] <Mettaton_Fab> could someone define "borked" for me?
L1452[14:36:19] <Forecaster> you could google it :P
L1453[14:36:36] <payonel> Mettaton_Fab: sincerely? just a replacement word for broken
L1454[14:36:43] <payonel> even spelled 'b0rked' sometimes
L1455[14:37:01] <Mettaton_Fab> is there a borkedness scale already?
L1456[14:38:00] <DaMachinator> on a scale of somewhat dysfunctional to irrepairably broken how borked is this thing
L1457[14:38:02] <Mettaton_Fab> so who of you watched the linked video?
L1458[14:38:09] <DaMachinator> i didn't
L1459[14:38:14] <Michiyo> crap is the stats cron broked again
L1460[14:38:18] * Michiyo murders cron
L1461[14:38:22] <Lizzy> lol
L1462[14:38:30] <Mettaton_Fab> that rhyme is the best rhyme i've ever heard.
L1464[14:38:50] <Michiyo> sqlite3 extension isn't loaded
L1465[14:39:36] <DaMachinator> fix all the things
L1466[14:45:52] <Michiyo> Stats update
L1467[14:45:53] <Michiyo> ed
L1468[14:45:55] <Michiyo> dsd
L1469[14:51:30] <DaMachinator> https://github.com/DaMachinator/OC-Programs/blob/master/lib/libmach.lua
L1470[14:52:13] <DaMachinator> this isn't loading properly - require("libmach") returns a boolean variable
L1471[14:52:33] <Lizzy> what is the boolean valyue?
L1472[14:53:22] <Gethiox> it is true or false
L1473[14:53:24] <Gethiox> :D
L1474[14:53:44] <DaMachinator> true
L1475[14:53:50] <UbuntuCube> Vexatos: if it helps I'm not using Ubuntu by choice
L1476[14:54:07] <DaMachinator> Lizzy: libmach = true
L1477[14:54:21] <Lizzy> hmm
L1478[14:54:51] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-78-148-129-59.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L1479[14:54:51] <Lizzy> might help if i looked at your lib
L1480[14:54:57] <DaMachinator> i just posted it
L1481[14:55:12] <DaMachinator> <DaMachinator> https://github.com/DaMachinator/OC-Programs/blob/master/lib/libmach.lua
L1482[14:55:15] <Lizzy> i know
L1483[14:56:23] ⇦ Quits: MalkContent (~MalkConte@p4FDCDAD5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: zzz)
L1484[14:56:24] <payonel> DaMachinator: you have to reboot
L1485[14:56:30] <payonel> the lib is cached
L1486[14:56:44] <payonel> or, you can `package.loaded["libmach"]=nil`
L1487[14:57:06] <DaMachinator> rebooting sounds easier..
L1488[14:57:33] <Lizzy> Kodos, would you mind zipping/7zipping up your mods folder and send it to me somehow? I cba to go download shit :P
L1489[15:01:03] <payonel> DaMachinator: require() does caching
L1490[15:01:06] <payonel> just, keep that in mind
L1491[15:01:18] <DaMachinator> ok
L1492[15:01:24] <DaMachinator> how do i turn a float into an int?
L1493[15:01:39] <Lizzy> math.floor?
L1494[15:01:42] * Lizzy shrugs
L1495[15:01:50] <DaMachinator> i'll try that
L1496[15:01:54] <Lizzy> #lua math.floor(math.pi)
L1497[15:01:55] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3
L1498[15:01:57] <Lizzy> yep
L1499[15:02:03] <Lizzy> #lua math.pi
L1500[15:02:04] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3.1415926535898
L1501[15:03:47] <DaMachinator> i'm guessing a float value isn't a valid argument for setResolution...
L1502[15:03:57] <Lizzy> nope
L1503[15:04:23] <DaMachinator> well, this part should work now
L1504[15:04:33] ⇨ Joins: lperkins2 (~perkins@
L1505[15:05:17] <Vexatos> So this person wants their repo to be added to OPPM but I already had to remove it once due to a messed up programs.cfg I couldn't fix
L1506[15:05:20] <Vexatos> and now they want to be re-added
L1507[15:05:22] <DaMachinator> i have a function that dynamically resizes the screen resolution to fit the display\o/
L1508[15:05:27] <Vexatos> their programs.cfg being broken yet again
L1509[15:05:33] <Lizzy> lol?
L1510[15:05:34] <DaMachinator> maybe check their work this time
L1511[15:05:44] <Vexatos> like wtf
L1512[15:05:51] <Vexatos> Any IDE could tell you there's a missing comma
L1513[15:06:06] <DaMachinator> why don't you make a pull request
L1514[15:06:09] <Vexatos> not to mention the dependency declaration is wrong and they clearly don't know what they're doing
L1515[15:06:12] <Lizzy> also Michiyo, do you remember when we were on your pixelmon server and the trains/carts were ghostly?
L1516[15:06:19] <Michiyo> yeah
L1517[15:06:21] <DaMachinator> i bet they wrote it with notepad++ or similar, which isn't an IDE
L1518[15:06:27] <Vexatos> because last time I made one (to fix the reason I removed them) it took about a month to get merged
L1519[15:06:35] <Vexatos> Sorry
L1520[15:06:38] <Vexatos> one and a half months
L1521[15:06:51] <Lizzy> Michiyo, that was the halloween seasonal stuff
L1522[15:06:55] <Lizzy> in railcraft
L1523[15:06:56] <Michiyo> Yes, I'm aware
L1524[15:07:01] <Lizzy> ah
L1525[15:07:10] <Lizzy> i wasn't, and was confused
L1526[15:07:16] <Michiyo> Did I saw I didn't know?
L1527[15:07:19] <Michiyo> Cause if so sorry
L1528[15:07:21] <DaMachinator> if it were me (because i'm overly generous) i'd tell them "go fix your <broken things here> and then maybe"
L1529[15:07:24] <Michiyo> s/saw/say/
L1530[15:07:24] <MichiBot> <Michiyo> Did I say I didn't know?
L1531[15:07:34] * Lizzy shrugs
L1532[15:07:35] <Michiyo> Also... just saw a semi almost t-bone a car
L1533[15:07:37] <Michiyo> :/
L1534[15:07:51] <Lizzy> I just remembered you being as confused as i was about it
L1535[15:08:11] <Michiyo> lots of smoke from the tires.. my windows shaking from them breaking..
L1536[15:08:31] <DaMachinator> the semi?
L1537[15:08:44] <Michiyo> That's strange cause I knew it was a thing before it was released cause I was in the channel when Covert was working on it
L1538[15:08:47] <Michiyo> yeah
L1539[15:08:50] <DaMachinator> did the car do something dumb?
L1540[15:09:07] <Michiyo> no, light changed, and I guess the truck thought it had time
L1541[15:09:09] <Michiyo> it didn't
L1542[15:09:53] <Lizzy> Vexatos, is computronics 1.6.1 the latest?
L1543[15:10:01] <DaMachinator> i think that hydraulic brakes aren't the only thing those semi trucks use to slow down
L1544[15:10:26] <Michiyo> They're pneumatic
L1545[15:10:45] <Vexatos> Lizzy, yes
L1546[15:10:49] <Lizzy> thanks
L1547[15:10:58] <Michiyo> I've seen a blown airline fuck a truck's breaks right up
L1548[15:11:07] <Vexatos> as far as I know, at least
L1549[15:11:17] <Michiyo> But they also use engine breaking for slowing down, but for full stop they use the main breaks
L1550[15:11:50] <Vexatos> never break brakes
L1551[15:12:30] <Michiyo> yes sorry brakes*
L1552[15:12:34] <DaMachinator> i do not recommend attaching solid rocket motors to your vehicle sufficient to exert 4 G's of acceleration in the direction opposite that of travel
L1553[15:12:35] <Lizzy> pffft, who needs brakes?
L1554[15:12:49] <DaMachinator> you will be able to go from 60-0 in under a second, but the car behind you won't
L1555[15:12:54] <Lizzy> DaMachinator, that sounds like something you'd do in ksp
L1556[15:13:32] <DaMachinator> no, in KSP you attach the rocket motors such that the car goes up
L1557[15:13:38] <Vexatos> "4 G of acceleration" :<
L1558[15:13:52] <Vexatos> The only proper units are m/s² :>
L1559[15:14:10] <Inari> 30 m/s^2 of time
L1560[15:14:26] <payonel> up is relative
L1561[15:14:32] <DaMachinator> 40 m/s^2 then
L1562[15:14:40] <payonel> also, "opposite that of travel" you mean retrograde
L1563[15:14:52] <payonel> <- fellow kerbalnaut!
L1564[15:14:52] <DaMachinator> payonel: radial out, then
L1565[15:15:02] <Inari> your mom then?
L1566[15:15:38] <DaMachinator> proceeded to go to the grocery store
L1567[15:17:20] <DaMachinator> and now
L1568[15:17:27] <DaMachinator> the reason for all of this shenanigans
L1569[15:17:41] <DaMachinator> writing an error message in a white box centered on the screen
L1570[15:20:52] <Inari> Neat
L1571[15:21:27] * Inari wonders what happens if windows encounters a fatal error while in bluescreen and collecting info
L1572[15:25:32] <Lizzy> fucking hell, adfly needs to fucking die
L1573[15:25:36] <LordRyan> Inari: idunno but i managed to mess up a kernel panic :D
L1574[15:25:54] <LordRyan> Lizzy: and water is wet
L1575[15:25:59] <LordRyan> :P
L1576[15:26:03] <Lizzy> ?
L1577[15:26:16] <LordRyan> Lizzy: but what is adfly doing now?
L1578[15:26:30] ⇦ Quits: qws-user-1229 (~quassel@cpe-76-181-123-141.columbus.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1579[15:26:40] <Lizzy> shitty ads that play loud music/videos
L1580[15:26:44] <LordRyan> Inari: i was running rm -rf --no-preserve-root in a VM and it displayed like half of a kernel panic
L1581[15:27:10] ⇨ Joins: qws-user-1228 (~quassel@cpe-76-181-123-141.columbus.res.rr.com)
L1582[15:27:33] <Lizzy> specifically trying to get Chickenbone's mods
L1583[15:27:38] <Mettaton_Fab> what does half a kernel panic look like?
L1584[15:27:49] <Lizzy> half a kernel panic
L1585[15:30:57] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com)
L1586[15:30:59] <DaMachinator> Mettaton_Fab: i imagine it looks like a laptop screen when the ribbon cable connecting the screen to the motherboard is shorted out or loose
L1587[15:31:38] <Mettaton_Fab> that dooesnt only look bad, but also smell bad.
L1588[15:31:48] <DaMachinator> not alwaus
L1589[15:32:13] <LordRyan> Mettaton_Fab: it started displaying kernel panic information, and then stopped halfway through
L1590[15:33:05] ⇨ Joins: Banjooie (~banjooie@
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L1592[15:34:30] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com)
L1593[15:36:28] <Banjooie> So, when I boot my pack, OpenComputers complains about errors running the class transformer.
L1594[15:37:01] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|away
L1595[15:41:50] <Michiyo> Banjooie, what version of OC are you on?
L1596[15:42:24] <Banjooie> Oh, hm. I'm behind.
L1597[15:43:10] <Michiyo> Yeah that's been fixed for a bit, get the release
L1598[15:43:46] <Banjooie> Hokay.
L1599[15:47:54] *** Gavle|Away is now known as Gavle
L1600[16:02:52] <Wuerfel_21> there is an OC 1.6 release now?
L1601[16:03:54] <Lizzy> yes, there has been for a while
L1602[16:04:00] <Lizzy> it's also in the topic
L1603[16:05:21] <Wuerfel_21> 19 days...
L1604[16:06:23] <Wuerfel_21> Also, bless all gods and godesses that ever existed for the fact it has a 1.7.10 binary!
L1605[16:08:37] ⇦ Quits: Mettaton_Fab (~OyVey@p57964318.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: here goes dat boi!)
L1606[16:11:29] <Lizzy> TIL that if you shift+rightclick with a wrench on a bc creative engine, you can change how much energy it makes
L1607[16:13:11] <DaMachinator> i hate to break it to you, but that's been around for at least two years
L1608[16:13:32] <Lizzy> ...
L1609[16:13:39] <Skye> DaMachinator, that's the point of saying "TIL"
L1610[16:13:45] <Skye> "Today I Learned"
L1611[16:14:10] <Skye> not that it's new, just that, right now somebody has learned something.
L1612[16:14:48] <DaMachinator> a lot of people use it in such a way that implies they think it's a new feature
L1613[16:15:09] <Skye> https://www.xkcd.com/1053/
L1614[16:15:10] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Ten Thousand Posted on: 5/9/2012
L1615[16:15:12] <Forecaster> that's not really relevant to the statement
L1616[16:15:19] <Forecaster> whether the feature is new or not
L1617[16:15:22] <DaMachinator> unfortunately it happens often enough that i have somehow associated that additional meaning to the acronym
L1618[16:17:32] <Skye> DaMachinator, well
L1619[16:17:42] <Skye> for people it feels like a new feature
L1620[16:17:46] <Skye> even though it may not be
L1621[16:18:14] <Forecaster> if you just discovered something, how would you know when it was added
L1622[16:19:57] <payonel> Wuerfel_21: i develop on 1.7.10 and upmerge
L1623[16:20:44] <Skye> DaMachinator, also "i hate to break it to you," sounds a bit sarcastic
L1624[16:22:52] <Inari> payonel: Hope we can drop 1.7.10 soon :P
L1625[16:23:11] <payonel> is it holding us back?
L1626[16:26:57] <Inari> Isn't it? Extra work to have to develop for it and then make changes for other versiosn
L1627[16:27:17] <Wuerfel_21> a metric crapton of stuff is 1.7 only. Might just be me, but i don't like some/most stuff thats been added in MC 1.8+
L1628[16:27:42] <Inari> Eh
L1629[16:27:48] <Inari> I don't care for horses. New combat I like
L1630[16:28:00] <Inari> Can't think of much other stuff that would bother you
L1631[16:28:26] <Forecaster> horses?
L1632[16:28:37] <Inari> Did 1.7 add those?
L1633[16:28:38] <Inari> No clue
L1634[16:28:39] <Inari> :p
L1635[16:28:48] <Inari> I never cared for them
L1636[16:29:13] <Inari> Wuerfel_21: What is ti that you dislike :o
L1637[16:29:29] <Wuerfel_21> i'm typing!
L1638[16:31:55] <Antheus> frack
L1639[16:32:02] <Wuerfel_21> 1.9 combat. Stupid one-trick worldgen. lag, lots of it. on-by-default auto-jump. Armor stands as entities. Mobs that don't fit (tematically) in with the old ones. BlockPos. No ISBRH. Some other stuff that i don't remember.
L1640[16:32:06] <Antheus> I just remembered I need to finish my college essay
L1641[16:32:14] <Antheus> to try and get into the program I want to.
L1642[16:32:27] <Forecaster> armor stands have always been entities
L1643[16:32:43] <Inari> I'm not really sure why the autojump bothers you that much lol. Lag, yeah I can see that. Worldgen, well you have mods for that.
L1644[16:32:51] <Inari> Not sure why BlockPos bothers ytou
L1645[16:33:38] <Wuerfel_21> Because immutable objects. Because java is too crud for value types. Buat they still try. ugh. Also, lag.
L1646[16:33:54] <Michiyo> You can also turn the auto jump off (I did :P)
L1647[16:34:09] <Inari> Michiyo: He knows
L1648[16:34:14] <Michiyo> on by default isn't an issue, when yo ucan turn it off.
L1649[16:34:20] <Inari> ^
L1650[16:34:20] <Michiyo> oh no... 10 seconds wasted.
L1651[16:34:29] <payonel> one-trick worldgen?
L1652[16:34:34] <Inari> I like the auto jump
L1653[16:34:38] <payonel> auto-jump yeah, but you can disable it
L1654[16:34:43] <Antheus> I also just ordered a $31 pizza
L1655[16:34:47] <Antheus> damn you Pizza Hut!
L1656[16:34:48] <payonel> Inari: i find myself bubbleing around blocks too often with it
L1657[16:34:49] <Inari> Seems I'm the rare exception with that
L1658[16:34:51] <Forecaster> I think it's too floaty
L1659[16:35:00] <Michiyo> It's handy at times, I disabled it cause it got in the way of some world-edit stuff I was doing
L1660[16:35:03] <Inari> payonel: Same, but I also had that issue with the mod ones
L1661[16:35:04] <payonel> isbrh?
L1662[16:35:14] <Forecaster> I prefer the snappy one you get by setting step-height to 1
L1663[16:35:37] <Inari> Forecaster: I like the floaty aspect, feels mor elike you're climbing up rather than teleporting
L1664[16:35:42] <Michiyo> ISimpleBlockHandlingRenderer
L1665[16:35:51] <Michiyo> It's a very handy low lag block renderer for stuff that doesn't change
L1666[16:36:12] <Forecaster> meh
L1667[16:36:16] <Michiyo> a nice alt to the TESR which renders EVERY EFFING FRAME.
L1668[16:36:23] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L1669[16:36:24] <Forecaster> I'm used to "teleporting"
L1670[16:36:43] <Michiyo> Err ISimpleBlockRenderHandler*
L1671[16:36:49] <Michiyo> See... Lysdexia..
L1672[16:36:55] <Inari> Michiyo: So just use prerendered models
L1673[16:37:04] <Wuerfel_21> Michiyo, that. I must confess that i never used it, but i would have if my computer didn't die at that point.
L1674[16:37:30] <Forecaster> much prefer responsiveness
L1675[16:37:50] <Michiyo> Inari, fuck json.
L1676[16:37:58] <Michiyo> thanks4playing.mp4
L1677[16:38:00] <Michiyo> :P
L1678[16:38:09] <Wuerfel_21> Inari, but if your model depends on the surrounding blocks? JSON is cool for resourcepacks, but too static for cewl stuff.
L1679[16:38:42] <Michiyo> I've yet to learn the IBakedModel shit..
L1680[16:38:46] <Inari> Wuerfel_21: Forge has code for that
L1681[16:38:47] <Michiyo> it hurts my brain
L1682[16:40:11] <Wuerfel_21> I remember the buildcraft(?) people having trouble making pipes render because of that. might be different now. BUt then, you still can't change their model using JSON (i guess).
L1683[16:40:44] <Wuerfel_21> also, no supersecretsettings. And worst of all....
L1684[16:40:47] <Antheus> woo 400/500 words!
L1685[16:40:50] <Antheus> yee haw!
L1687[16:42:05] * Wuerfel_21 slams keyboard
L1688[16:42:10] * Wuerfel_21 flips table
L1689[16:42:11] <Forecaster> ...
L1690[16:42:15] <payonel> %flip Wuerfel_21
L1691[16:42:15] <MichiBot> payonel: (╯°□°)╯⇂ⵒ‾lǝɟɹǝnM
L1692[16:42:25] <Antheus> Wuerfel_21, there is a button above the left shift key that enables/disables Caps Lock. you might have pressed it
L1693[16:42:25] <Forecaster> I feel someone is overreacting a bit
L1694[16:42:44] <Antheus> but I think the keyboard slam fixed it
L1695[16:43:04] <Lizzy> i should be going to bed, but instead i'm looking for stuff i don't need to buy on amazon
L1696[16:43:12] * Wuerfel_21 orders a UTF-8 pizza
L1697[16:43:21] <Antheus> Lizzy, buy vinifo
L1698[16:43:26] <Wuerfel_21> Wanna have a slice? ?
L1699[16:43:37] <Lizzy> nice square
L1700[16:43:44] <Mystia_Lorelei> nice ~U
L1701[16:43:49] <Antheus> ooh it has little pepperonis :3
L1702[16:43:50] <Michiyo> woo squares
L1703[16:43:53] <Lizzy> Antheus, i already have a vifino
L1704[16:44:02] <Antheus> but do you have a vinifo?
L1705[16:44:19] <Antheus> its the antheusian pronunciation of vifino
L1706[16:44:36] <Lizzy> https://www.amazon.co.uk/Axent-Wear-Headphones-Speakers-Purple/dp/B015ORGFNE/ref=gbps_img_m-8_de37_d8a413a8?smid=A201O7OWBS2B7C&pf_rd_p=17953d06-2a41-4491-bce1-2d010357de37&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-8&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_i=4781753031&pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_r=C792R6YQBKDQR626CJYP
L1707[16:44:39] <Wuerfel_21> Blasphemy! This be a pizza! Your fonts are just to cruddy to display it's gloriousness!
L1708[16:44:41] <Lizzy> that's a long ass url
L1709[16:44:43] <Lizzy> oops
L1710[16:44:58] <Antheus> rip
L1711[16:45:00] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1712[16:45:00] <Lizzy> though those things look kinda cool but i bet they're a pos
L1713[16:45:13] <Skye> Wuerfel_21: ?
L1714[16:45:18] <Antheus> 10 min until my pizza arrives :3
L1715[16:45:24] <Antheus> are those shoes or eyes, Skye
L1716[16:46:39] <Skye> ?
L1717[16:46:56] <Antheus> Aye-aye Skye
L1718[16:47:10] <Wuerfel_21> Skye, even my fonts are too cruddy for that!
L1719[16:47:43] <Inari> Meh
L1720[16:47:46] <Inari> I hate modern MMO design choices
L1721[16:47:55] <Wuerfel_21> anyways, GTG
L1722[16:48:34] *** Wuerfel_21 is now known as Away_21
L1723[16:49:05] ⇨ Joins: Guest66102 (justastran@python.bouncer.ml)
L1724[16:49:05] <Michiyo> Antheus, I want a pizza... And it'll only cost $12.99 plus tax and delivery
L1725[16:49:36] <Antheus> Does it have extra mushrooms? perurian cherry pepers? extra cheese?
L1726[16:49:53] <Lizzy> https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01BNJ69IS/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=19ZFJGYBBO5CR&coliid=I39OA92LU1HWQH this looks cool
L1727[16:50:22] <payonel> Lizzy: what would come out of the speakers?
L1728[16:51:10] <Lizzy> payonel, IIRC (cause they were featured on LTT at some point) a distorted version of whatever is being played on the headphones when you switch it to them
L1729[16:52:09] *** Guest66102 is now known as `
L1730[16:52:50] <Antheus> Lizzy, that jacket looks ugly
L1731[16:53:01] <Lizzy> your face looks ugly
L1732[16:53:20] <Antheus> you've never even seen it
L1733[16:53:21] <Michiyo> Antheus, no... just larger pepperoni delivered
L1734[16:53:27] <Michiyo> err large*
L1735[16:53:39] <Antheus> 1 large pepperoni plz
L1736[16:53:42] <Antheus> no pizza
L1737[16:53:57] <Inari> pasteroni, pepperoni but with pasta
L1738[16:57:38] <Michiyo> I really wish I knew why adding a private nic to my linux VMs breaks internet connectivity :/
L1739[16:58:00] <Inari> TIL burned human bodies get quite small
L1740[16:59:00] <Michiyo> https://twitter.com/internetofshit/status/804250582601125888
L1741[16:59:00] <MichiBot> Thu Dec 01 03:07:35 CST 2016 @internetofshit: the year is 2020: our voice assistants only talk amongst themselves https://t.co/qci3XQ7Cvk https://t.co/YMy0VEPZKc
L1742[16:59:26] <Lizzy> Antheus, still ugly
L1743[16:59:30] <Lizzy> :P#
L1744[17:00:24] <Inari> Michiyo: Meh, bad example of IoS
L1745[17:00:39] <Inari> Of course if you're too stupid to use the provided tools, the tools won't replace your brain for you
L1746[17:03:55] <Forecaster> http://m.imgur.com/gallery/OFFKM
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L1750[17:11:35] <Forecaster> Those eyes...
L1751[17:13:52] <Antheus> OMGOMGOMG
L1752[17:13:55] <Antheus> 431 words
L1753[17:14:13] <Antheus> just need to get it above 450ish to make it be close to 500
L1754[17:20:26] <Inari> I need something like chips (not pommes frittes :P) But with less calories and less satiation
L1755[17:20:30] <Inari> SoI can keep eating for a nhour
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L1758[17:35:28] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L1759[17:38:25] <Antheus> Inari, veggie straws?
L1760[17:38:54] <Inari> Whats that
L1761[17:39:28] <Antheus> https://www.amazon.com/Sensible-Portions-Garden-Veggie-Straws/dp/B00LJCFF26/ref=pd_lpo_325_tr_t_3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=SFRTJSXR7K95XH78X4S1
L1762[17:40:52] <Antheus> Ew
L1763[17:41:03] <Antheus> just got an email from Texas Tech wanting me to apply
L1764[17:41:16] <Antheus> why would I want to go to a college in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere
L1765[17:41:16] <Inari> Antheus: So if you eat a bag of htose you got 2600 calories
L1766[17:41:18] <Inari> :P
L1767[17:41:22] <Antheus> oh my
L1768[17:41:33] <Inari> At least If i read this correctly
L1769[17:41:37] <Antheus> I usually get one of the small serving bags
L1770[17:41:42] <Antheus> like the ones from a vending machine
L1771[17:41:42] <Inari> "Servings per container 20"
L1772[17:41:47] <Antheus> and just munch on them
L1773[17:41:54] <Inari> "Amount Per Serving" "Calories 130"
L1774[17:45:41] <Antheus> interesting
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L1776[17:56:29] <payonel> bbl
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L1785[18:22:13] <xandaros> %tell Vexatos Is there any way for a driver to define a callback that takes a function? Even with checkAny, all I get back is null :(
L1786[18:22:14] <MichiBot> xandaros: Vexatos will be notified of this message when next seen.
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L1793[20:00:15] <Antheus> aghhhghghhghhhghh
L1794[20:00:21] <Antheus> this essay makes me want to die
L1795[20:00:26] <Antheus> trying to get it perfect
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L1800[20:57:07] <gamax92> ?
L1801[21:00:39] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com)
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L1805[21:39:48] <xandaros> Damn, I'm one component short. Guess I won't be using a tier 1 computer, after all :/
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L1808[22:42:21] ⇨ Joins: Dasm (Mibbit@
L1809[22:43:40] <Dasm> Hey guy, I'm pretty excited about this mod, though I'm not fully aware of its capabilities. I just started :D http://i.imgur.com/7sRebiK.png
L1810[22:43:59] <LordRyan> cool, now go write an OS :P
L1811[22:44:06] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p5496026A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1812[22:44:11] <Dasm> Write an OS? Uhh...
L1813[22:45:04] <LordRyan> oh wait, this isn't ComputerCraft </badjoke>
L1814[22:50:32] <Dasm> Wait, did the link to the picture I share show up?
L1815[22:51:34] <LordRyan> yes
L1816[22:51:38] <LordRyan> it looks like the Lua manual page
L1817[22:52:21] <Dasm> :D It is, I just got the thing together.
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L1819[23:10:03] <LordRyan> Dasm: the joke about ComputerCraft is people write fake operating systems as often as they write a Hello world! app
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L1821[23:11:03] <Temia> That said, OC certainly does have the facilities to write more thorough OSes.
L1822[23:12:43] <LordRyan> Temia: hence why people aren't churning them out like an assembly line :P
L1823[23:13:24] <Temia> I know, just saying it for Dasm's benefit.
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L1825[23:15:06] <gamax92> redstone password doors
L1826[23:15:22] <LordRyan> RedstoneDoorOS
L1827[23:19:01] <gamax92> os.sleep(1) term.write(".") os.sleep(1) term.write(".") os.sleep(1) term.write(".") os.sleep(1) term.write(".") os.sleep(1) term.write(".")
L1828[23:19:38] <Antheus> os.sleep
L1829[23:19:42] <Antheus> os.sheep
L1830[23:19:48] <gamax92> baaaah
L1831[23:21:08] * Temia petpets Gamaxsheep.
L1832[23:22:43] * LordRyan petpets Temia
L1833[23:22:47] <LordRyan> PETCHAIN :D
L1834[23:23:15] * Antheus feeds Temia bread crumbs
L1835[23:29:08] <gamax92> uhh.
L1836[23:38:11] * Temia blinks.
L1837[23:38:24] <Temia> Do I look like a bird `-`
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L1839[23:44:04] <Dasm> Do I need an OS?
L1840[23:44:55] <gamax92> Yes, but thankfully OpenComputers ships with OpenOS
L1841[23:45:30] <gamax92> which you appear to have already installed
L1842[23:46:55] <xandaros> It also comes with Plan9k. So you actually have two OSs to choose from! :D (They are both Linux-like, though... or so I'm told. Never actually tried Plan9k, though I've been meaning to)
L1843[23:50:54] <xandaros> Not sure about writing an OS, but I think I'm going to make myself a better editor at some point. The default one is painful
L1844[23:53:00] <gamax92> I wonder if plan9k even still works
L1845[23:55:05] <Temia> I believe Magik has been maintaining it.
L1846[23:57:39] <Dasm> @gamax92 The thing I installed with the floppy disc and manual?
L1847[23:57:57] <LordRyan> Dasm: that's OpenOS.
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