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L1[00:08:05] ⇨ Joins: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
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L3[01:00:33] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L5[01:07:59] *** TheFox is now known as TheFox|afk
L6[01:20:44] ⇨ Joins: Mettaton_Fab (~datboi@p54BCBBF5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L7[01:20:50] <Mettaton_Fab> oi.
L8[01:21:26] <Forecaster> gerbs
L9[01:22:05] <Mettaton_Fab> what
L10[01:22:41] <Forecaster> what!
L11[01:27:34] <Mettaton_Fab> doot.
L12[01:28:09] <Mettaton_Fab> in other news, i now have enough PSUs to make 4 more computers.
L13[01:33:55] ⇨ Joins: techno156 (~techno156@
L14[01:39:49] <Mettaton_Fab> someone played E1M1 from the original Doom on 8 floppy drives.
L15[01:40:29] <Forecaster> E1M1?
L16[01:42:11] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L20[01:56:02] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5dec6321.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L21[01:56:57] <Mettaton_Fab> from the first DOOM Episode 1 Map 1
L22[01:57:07] <Forecaster> ah
L23[01:58:00] <Inari> https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71Hf8kCXYqL._UY679_.jpg i hate when people stand taht way with a skirt, it just ruins the whole look :|
L24[02:00:57] ⇦ Quits: S3 (~S3@coreos2.lobsternetworks.com) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L25[02:01:12] <Mettaton_Fab> Inari, thats how skirts are advertised today.
L26[02:01:44] <Mettaton_Fab> and i can see the materials used to make a LCD screen.
L27[02:01:49] <Inari> you see some nicer ones around still though :P
L28[02:02:19] <Inari> imo if you want to stand like that with a skirt, just wear pants :P
L29[02:02:52] <Mettaton_Fab> why is there no lewd advertisement.
L30[02:04:44] <Mettaton_Fab> also, some people like to print songs on dot matrix printers.
L31[02:07:44] <Izaya> woot
L32[02:07:46] <Izaya> TW3 installed
L33[02:10:15] <Mettaton_Fab> what is tw3?
L34[02:10:24] <Izaya> The Witcher 3
L35[02:10:37] <Izaya> in other news, slowly convincing RL friends to use XMPP/OTR
L36[02:10:48] <Mettaton_Fab> i just realized myself. i think i need more sleep
L37[02:10:58] <Izaya> Don't we all?
L38[02:11:56] <Mettaton_Fab> why do people like to print songs like "Atemlos"
L39[02:16:44] <Inari> atem is a weird word
L40[02:17:44] <Mettaton_Fab> Atem is breath
L41[02:17:57] <Inari> i know
L42[02:17:59] <Inari> its still a weird word
L43[02:24:57] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2AE26918A4EE67C5096673.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L44[02:24:57] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L45[02:25:22] <Mettaton_Fab> Inari, how about a guy playing the Pokemon intro season 1 Gen1 on old computer hardware.
L46[02:29:48] <Inari> how old
L47[02:30:25] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L48[02:32:12] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L49[02:35:10] <Mettaton_Fab> Floppy drives, Scanners, Hard disks.
L50[02:36:25] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L51[02:37:41] <Temia> Okay, uh.
L52[02:37:57] <Temia> Only one of those is actually antiquated.
L53[02:38:35] <Mettaton_Fab> the good old floppy drives.
L54[02:38:39] <Temia> Secondly, fuck you? Content creators have need for scanners all the time. Just because a consumer doesn't have much use for them doesn't mean they're worthless.
L55[02:39:05] <Mettaton_Fab> Temia, those are his instruments.
L56[02:39:17] <Mettaton_Fab> also a computer to control it all.
L57[02:39:20] <Temia> Ah.
L58[02:39:32] <Temia> You were talking about stepper motor controlling.
L59[02:39:58] <Temia> Well, pardon me for picking up the complete lack of context.
L60[02:40:38] <Mettaton_Fab> yup, he was a student and built such things in his spare time. he also wrote most of the code while having lectures.
L61[02:41:22] ⇨ Joins: MalkContent (~MalkConte@p4FDCF6DA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L62[02:41:42] <Inari> MalkContent: your name always reminds me of that milk pokemon :|
L63[02:41:49] <Temia> Miltank?
L64[02:41:55] <Inari> yeah
L65[02:41:57] <Temia> ...Don't you start getting ideas. :T
L66[02:42:02] <Inari> :D
L67[02:42:08] * Temia axes.
L68[02:42:12] <Inari> D:
L69[02:42:14] <Inari> nande
L70[02:42:22] <Temia> YOU KNOW WHY D:
L71[02:42:43] <MalkContent> that's the first time i got that
L72[02:43:02] <MalkContent> usually people are reminded of malk, now with vitamin R :x
L73[02:46:35] * Mettaton_Fab starts petting Temia
L74[02:46:43] <Temia> Grr. Moo. :T
L75[02:47:36] * Mettaton_Fab gets Inari and pets her too
L76[02:47:44] <Mettaton_Fab> Stereo Petting.
L77[02:48:01] <Temia> Yeah, no.
L78[02:48:12] * Temia moves away :x
L79[02:48:52] * Mettaton_Fab pulls Temia back and puts her in the "Wah Box"
L80[02:49:08] <Temia> Okay, seriously, no.
L81[02:49:25] <Temia> I'm not comfortable with you and I'd rather you not interact with me at all.
L82[02:50:05] <Mettaton_Fab> wait...
L83[02:50:24] <Mettaton_Fab> i had a funny idea.
L84[02:52:48] <Inari> https://www.amazon.de/Sweetiee-Entwurf-Sterling-Stulpearmband-170x9mm/dp/B01C6Z3JL8 that looks kinda nice
L85[02:53:21] <Mettaton_Fab> it looks really nice.
L86[02:53:38] <Mettaton_Fab> maybe i can make one of those out of aluminium.
L87[02:53:41] <Temia> ...that's too cute. <.<
L88[02:55:28] <Inari> Which tree do diamonds come from?
L89[02:56:25] <Forecaster> carbon trees
L90[02:58:28] <Mettaton_Fab> highly compressed carbon trees.
L91[02:59:09] <Inari> right,. time fro more fun with electronics
L92[02:59:16] <Inari> (no, i dont mean electrostimulation, you pervs)
L93[02:59:33] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L94[02:59:44] <Temia> You were the only one thinking that <.<
L95[02:59:48] <Temia> Also to make a point.
L96[03:00:14] * Temia sticks her head under Inari's palm. Will accept pets from even Inari if it means not getting pet by MTT. :l
L97[03:01:28] <Temia> I reserve the right to smack the hand away if it starts wandering tho. :l
L98[03:02:16] <Inari> im not sure i should be happy or sad about that
L99[03:02:16] <Inari> :P
L100[03:02:40] <Temia> >.> Okay I did come off as a bit callous there. I'm sorry.
L101[03:02:56] <Inari> haha
L102[03:03:17] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L103[03:03:32] <Vexatos> Inari, please stop torturing innocent components
L104[03:03:50] <Inari> now where did i stick those capacitors
L105[03:03:51] <Vexatos> Or I'll have to call the Electronics Rights activists
L106[03:04:37] <Vexatos> What types of capacitors do you have ._.
L107[03:05:15] <Inari> multiple?
L108[03:05:41] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098)
L109[03:07:09] <Inari> Vexatos: there are multilayer ceramic ones
L110[03:07:22] <Vexatos> What capacity?
L111[03:08:37] <Inari> 100 pf
L112[03:12:09] <Mettaton_Fab> that is a classic ceramic one.
L113[03:12:27] <Mettaton_Fab> it has "104" written on it.
L114[03:15:00] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L115[03:20:23] <MalkContent> "building a rooobot, building a rooobot" ... "forgot to set the cpu to 5.3, forgot to set the cpu to 5.3" ... "disassembling a rooobot, disassembling a rooobot"
L116[03:23:42] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L117[03:28:43] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L118[03:31:10] <Mettaton_Fab> Malk, this happens to everyone.
L119[03:32:42] <Inari> Vexatos: why anyway
L120[03:33:12] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L121[03:33:27] ⇦ Quits: lashtear (~lashtear@cpe-50-113-67-84.san.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L122[03:34:22] <Mettaton_Fab> temps are rising to about 85°C onl loading minecraft
L123[03:43:39] <MalkContent> imma check if i can get a robot to sneak click them into lua 5.3
L124[03:44:00] <MalkContent> and then only get parts via that guy
L125[03:44:35] <Inari> right, i was confused there and thought my function generator is outputting 50v instead of 5v it should :D
L126[03:44:46] <Inari> tip: don't have your scoep set to 10x probes if you use 1x probes
L127[03:46:07] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L128[03:47:14] <MalkContent> and i can
L129[03:49:26] <Kodos> Anyone know if the IE Refinery can do BC oil by default, or if I have to MT the recipe in
L130[03:51:23] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L131[03:52:10] <Kodos> nevermind q.q
L132[03:55:13] ⇨ Joins: Izaya-TW3 (Mibbit@210-1-213-55-cpe.spintel.net.au)
L133[03:56:00] <Izaya-TW3> TW3 is p.good
L134[03:56:20] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L135[03:57:53] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L136[03:58:37] * Temia patpats Kodos
L137[03:58:47] ⇨ Joins: Xilandro (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:c538:d4a6:3fae:bd87)
L138[03:58:47] zsh sets mode: +v on Xilandro
L139[04:01:00] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:c538:d4a6:3fae:bd87) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L141[04:10:21] *** Xilandro is now known as Kodos
L142[04:10:26] <Kodos> Anyone familiar with how to use Minetweaker
L143[04:10:35] <Forecaster> yeh
L144[04:10:47] <Kodos> Do you have any scripts for IE? I'm wanting to add a refinery recipe
L145[04:10:57] <Forecaster> I don't use IE
L146[04:11:00] <Kodos> Ah, oaky
L147[04:11:27] <Forecaster> it's not that hard though
L148[04:12:46] <Forecaster> mods.immersiveengineering.Refinery.addRecipe(OutputFluid, inputFluid1, inputFluid2);
L149[04:12:55] <Kodos> Okay, I'll check it out
L150[04:18:18] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
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L153[04:29:23] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L154[04:32:38] <gamax92> oh hello skyrocketing latency
L155[04:33:01] ⇨ Joins: Nentify (uid14943@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:1:0:3a5f)
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L158[04:33:44] * Lizzy screams manically for a few moments before stopping and going to make breakfast
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L160[04:34:06] *** Lizzy sets mode: -b *!*@
L161[04:38:12] ⇨ Joins: merg (webchat@ip-159.net-89-2-160.rev.numericable.fr)
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L166[04:52:01] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L167[04:53:54] <Kodos> Ugh, fucking MT
L168[04:53:59] <Kodos> Forecaster, halp
L169[04:54:29] <Forecaster> ?
L170[04:54:39] <Kodos> Puushing my script now
L171[04:54:42] <Kodos> Then I'll explain
L172[04:54:56] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/r56uH/2562522039.txt
L173[04:55:04] <Kodos> This gives me an error, saying '; expected' on line 2
L174[04:55:12] <Kodos> Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have one on the end there
L175[04:56:04] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (~Backslash@ip-84-119-213-220.unity-media.net)
L176[04:56:07] <Forecaster> you don't use the blocks for fluids
L177[04:56:15] <Forecaster> you need the actual fluid dictionary names
L178[04:56:40] <Forecaster> written as eg <liquid:lava>
L179[04:57:17] <Forecaster> so probably <liquid:fuel> and <liquid:oil>
L180[04:57:32] <Kodos> Okay, changed to that, and still same parsing error
L181[04:57:44] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (~Backslash@ip-84-119-213-220.unity-media.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L182[04:57:52] <Forecaster> show me the updated script?
L183[04:57:56] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (~Backslash@ip-84-119-213-220.unity-media.net)
L184[04:58:02] <Kodos> mods.immersiveengineering.Refinery.addRecipe(<liquid:fuel> * 1, <liquid:oil> * 1, <liquid:oil> * 1);
L185[04:58:42] <Forecaster> oh, it might be the comments
L186[04:58:45] <Forecaster> MT uses //
L187[04:58:47] <Forecaster> not #
L188[04:58:49] <Kodos> Oh ffs
L189[04:58:53] <Kodos> The other thing I saw used #
L190[04:59:45] <Forecaster> mine all have // because that's what the examples on the wiki uses
L191[05:00:17] <Kodos> Okay, so I removed the comment, the file is only 1 line long, and it's STILL reporting the error on Line 2, so I'm thinking it's not updating properly
L192[05:00:33] <Forecaster> are you doing /mt reload?
L193[05:01:08] <Kodos> Yes
L194[05:01:13] <Kodos> That's when it gives the error
L195[05:01:56] <Kodos> Gonna try reloading the world from main menu
L196[05:02:27] <Kodos> Newp
L197[05:02:47] <Inari> interesting
L198[05:03:00] <Inari> project highrise's resident's gender is actaully an enum
L199[05:03:05] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L200[05:03:10] <Forecaster> that's strange
L201[05:03:18] <Inari> it has M, F, and U
L202[05:03:45] <Forecaster> you sure it's saved the file...?
L203[05:03:50] <Kodos> Yes, I'm using NP++
L204[05:03:52] <Inari> seems to be using a ECS
L205[05:04:01] <Kodos> Saving it as a .zs file
L206[05:04:13] <Forecaster> where?
L207[05:04:13] <Kodos> Oh, wait
L208[05:04:16] <Kodos> Hang on
L209[05:04:18] <Kodos> I think I know the issue
L210[05:05:12] <Kodos> I'm a moron
L211[05:05:14] <Kodos> I got it, thanks
L212[05:05:27] <Forecaster> what was it?
L213[05:06:01] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L216[05:09:02] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098)
L217[05:09:50] <Kodos> NP++ still had the version from the ZS folder I made in my Documents, NOT the one in the MC Dir
L218[05:09:57] <Kodos> So the MC dir one was still the borked one
L219[05:10:00] <Forecaster> ah
L220[05:10:01] <Kodos> tl;dr I'm a moron
L221[05:14:05] * Mettaton_Fab borks
L222[05:16:48] ⇨ Joins: Backslash_ (~Backslash@ip-84-119-213-220.unity-media.net)
L223[05:17:30] <MalkContent> is there a way to make a background process that runs periodically?
L224[05:18:05] <Kodos> ~w rc
L225[05:18:05] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:rc
L226[05:20:18] <MalkContent> tried to work with that and failed so far :D
L227[05:20:27] <MalkContent> i already used that once with event listen
L228[05:20:27] <Kodos> Give me a moment and I'll see if I can dig out my old one
L229[05:20:42] <MalkContent> like a year or so back
L230[05:20:48] <MalkContent> but this time i dont have an event
L231[05:20:55] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (~Backslash@ip-84-119-213-220.unity-media.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L232[05:22:11] <Kodos> https://pastebin.com/gKPxknc8
L233[05:22:23] <Kodos> Yeah, not sure how to use it with stuff aside from events
L234[05:22:33] ⇦ Quits: Backslash_ (~Backslash@ip-84-119-213-220.unity-media.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L235[05:23:19] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L236[05:24:04] <MalkContent> still good to have :D at least i got a point of reference
L237[05:24:07] <MalkContent> thanks
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L239[05:25:37] ⇦ Quits: Daiyousei (Daiyousei@dai.is.best.fairy.stary2001.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L240[05:29:05] ⇨ Joins: Daiyousei (Daiyousei@dai.is.best.fairy.stary2001.co.uk)
L241[05:29:16] <MalkContent> did you create a new signal there?
L242[05:34:27] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (~Backslash@ip-84-119-213-220.unity-media.net)
L243[05:35:25] <Forecaster> I don't know what this is but I'll just leave it here
L244[05:35:27] <Forecaster> https://twitter.com/cubewatermelon/status/774157536660328449
L245[05:35:27] <MichiBot> Fri Sep 09 03:08:34 CDT 2016 @cubewatermelon: @cubewatermelon Shiteyanyo is very important to me https://t.co/HMj49Eqhzq
L246[05:36:01] <MalkContent> obviously the girlfriend of ripped jeans
L247[05:36:01] <gamax92> ☑ absolutely rekt
L248[05:36:31] <MalkContent> (for reference: http://sinister-lore.de/picdump/rippedjeans.png)
L249[05:36:50] <Forecaster> xD
L250[05:37:38] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L251[05:39:16] <Temia> I did not expect Cube to be linked in here o:
L252[05:39:40] <Temia> She does cute comics. You should read 'em.
L253[05:40:33] <MalkContent> i think i read some of those. judging solely by the twitter info "recently returned reaching english in japan"
L254[05:41:52] <MalkContent> neat drawing style
L255[05:43:40] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L256[05:45:26] <MalkContent> hmmmm. event.timer is a thing...
L257[05:46:26] <Forecaster> I read them
L258[05:47:54] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L259[05:48:54] <Izaya> muahahahaha
L260[05:49:02] <Izaya> got another person on XMPP
L261[05:49:03] <Izaya> one day
L262[05:49:23] <Izaya> nobody will have to worry about people eavesdropping their conversations
L263[05:49:50] <Izaya> end-to-end encryption for all
L264[05:50:53] <MalkContent> and it does exactly what i need it to do ;_;
L265[05:51:45] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L266[05:54:55] <Lizzy> annoyingly Xabber(XMPP) doesn't work when i'm on the work wifi cause the ports are blocked
L267[05:55:18] * Lizzy wonders if TOR will work
L268[05:55:29] <Izaya> probably
L269[05:55:35] <Izaya> can you ssh?
L270[05:55:52] <Izaya> just tunnel through
L271[05:56:01] <Lizzy> yes, i can access ports 22,80,443&8080
L272[05:56:44] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L273[05:56:44] <Lizzy> sometimes perhaps a few more ports
L274[05:56:50] <Lizzy> but nothing udp based sadly
L275[05:58:09] ⇦ Quits: Izaya-TW3 (Mibbit@210-1-213-55-cpe.spintel.net.au) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
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L277[05:58:27] <Izaya> you can tunnel udp over ssh
L278[05:58:33] <Izaya> it's a horrid hack but it works
L279[05:58:55] <Lizzy> i know, but the only thing i'd use udp for would be mosh
L280[05:59:03] <Lizzy> which kinda defeats the purpose of mosh
L281[05:59:07] <Izaya> mmh, not much point for that over ssh
L282[06:08:25] <Lizzy> also Xabber over ssh socks proxy isn't working ¬_¬
L283[06:10:20] * vifino groans and snuggles Lizzy
L284[06:11:14] * Lizzy snuggles her vifino and offers a bacon sandwich
L285[06:11:23] <vifino> :O
L286[06:11:31] * vifino *nom nom nom*
L287[06:11:51] * Lizzy giggles and noms her bacon sandwich
L288[06:12:18] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L289[06:14:24] <Izaya> well then
L290[06:14:31] <Izaya> that explains why I can't open any of these documents
L291[06:14:41] <Izaya> don't have libreoffice installed
L292[06:14:59] * Lizzy puts the rest of the bacon sandwiches on the table for people to grab
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L296[06:30:25] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/YJPwe dont click, NSFL
L297[06:31:01] <Izaya> thanks for the warning
L298[06:32:00] <Forecaster> ew
L299[06:32:02] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L300[06:32:17] <MalkContent> well that cured my appetite from all that talk about sandwiches
L301[06:33:43] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/rDTqv something a bit nicer
L302[06:35:09] <Forecaster> hehe
L303[06:39:16] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L304[06:44:04] <Lizzy> eww
L305[06:44:51] <Saphire> lol
L306[06:44:53] <Saphire> http://jonahellison.com/archive/coldfirez/sohacker.htm
L307[06:44:58] <Saphire> Where can you get VB or C++? You buy it (or...ahem, cough, warez, cough, cough, friend with CD burner, cough, cough).
L308[06:45:05] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L309[06:45:09] <Saphire> (cough "" cough)
L310[06:45:59] <Forecaster> heh
L311[06:46:28] ⇨ Joins: S3 (~S3@coreos2.lobsternetworks.com)
L312[06:46:39] <S3> Inari: wat
L313[06:47:17] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L314[06:47:57] <Z0idburg> Saphire:You canoften find vVB in vthe trash
L315[06:48:21] <Saphire> psss: check your keyboard o..o
L316[06:48:37] <Saphire> oh, nevermind
L317[06:48:54] <Z0idburg> It's vbehaving kind vof weird
L318[06:49:26] <Saphire> Um..
L319[06:49:31] <Saphire> Did you spioll anything near space?
L320[06:49:34] <Saphire> *spill
L321[06:49:41] <Z0idburg> LOL
L322[06:49:47] <Saphire> hm?
L323[06:49:55] <Z0idburg> spioll
L324[06:50:07] <Z0idburg> I have no idea, it is possible.
L325[06:50:14] * Saphire eyerolls
L326[06:51:28] <Z0idburg> man somebody offered me a really nice buick custom last night
L327[06:52:06] <Z0idburg> But I didn't take it
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L336[07:07:11] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/F1lWJ well thats a wild ride
L337[07:08:07] <Forecaster> I've seen that :>
L338[07:08:57] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/w66VEUh now i want cookies
L339[07:09:09] <Inari> Forecaster: the movie or htat gallery?
L340[07:09:26] <Forecaster> both :P
L341[07:09:31] <Inari> welcome to the club
L342[07:09:41] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L348[07:22:33] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/r5blN/952e33e0bd.png \o/
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L351[07:37:44] <Lizzy> grr
L352[07:37:56] <Lizzy> can't run steam in online mode at work on linux
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L358[08:03:53] <Izaya> https://a.pomf.cat/exvscj.jpg
L359[08:03:58] ⇨ Joins: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@
L360[08:04:14] <Izaya> Kodos: I like your lights
L361[08:04:19] <Inari> https://g.redditmedia.com/S13PM3CrCQuUmFW6M9fQvMbZuPrHGJRD5r61OMNSQAg.gif?w=720&fm=mp4&mp4-fragmented=false&s=7969301ff30a3de2376b66b27921da71
L362[08:05:41] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L363[08:08:23] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/aGVMS lmao
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L365[08:09:58] <Forecaster> baaat
L366[08:13:21] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/BLB2gi1.gif idle aniamtion in games
L367[08:13:35] <Z0idburg> hi cat
L368[08:13:47] <Mettaton_Fab> Inari.jpg
L369[08:13:54] <Mettaton_Fab> aka lewd.
L370[08:15:29] <Z0idburg> ... So we have about 5 miles of cable here thicker than your thumb, but no frigging steel rods or anything lying around
L371[08:15:31] <Z0idburg> I'm sad
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L374[08:24:21] <Mettaton_Fab> make some rods out of it!
L375[08:24:30] <Z0idburg> ...
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L379[08:54:58] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L380[08:58:09] <Forecaster> https://youtu.be/iLITue8mtmI
L381[08:58:09] <MichiBot> WheezyWaiter Explained | length: 4m 22s | Likes: 5621 Dislikes: 27 Views: 136804 | by WheezyWaiter
L382[08:58:18] <Forecaster> probably the best channel intro I've seen so far
L383[08:59:58] <Mettaton_Fab> have you ever made banana milk with nutella?
L384[09:00:12] <Mettaton_Fab> i did, now my bird wants some.
L385[09:01:33] ⇨ Joins: WatchtowerOrator (~Watchtowe@
L386[09:01:33] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L387[09:01:33] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/KtG0QWch9g8 - Modded Minecraft [Episode 122] - The Budding Roboticist
L388[09:01:33] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: OpenComputers,Robots,Electronics Assembler,Crafting,Planning
L389[09:01:34] <MichiBot> Modded Minecraft [Episode 122] - The Budding Roboticist | length: 34m 6s | Likes: 2 Dislikes: 0 Views: 87 | by Forecaster
L390[09:01:55] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L391[09:02:19] <Forecaster> that might happen a bunch more times today
L392[09:02:55] <Forecaster> once per hour at most though, and until it runs out of old videos that haven't been announced yet
L393[09:04:30] ⇦ Quits: WatchtowerOrator (~Watchtowe@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L394[09:07:15] <MalkContent> a crap. "I'll just make a cheapass t1 computer to control the factory below". TIL component limit on cpus :D
L395[09:10:22] * MalkContent calls for multicores to increase component limit
L396[09:10:36] <Forecaster> use a server
L397[09:14:58] <MalkContent> that probably should do, yea
L398[09:16:28] <Vexatos> like there's not already three tiers of an item to increase component limit :P
L399[09:18:19] <Sangar> o/
L400[09:18:50] <MalkContent> true. that call for multicores wasn't really serious ^^
L401[09:19:25] <Kodos> If I was gonna want anything, I'd say T3 Microcontrollers that can access one (or more, maybe) external components
L402[09:19:36] <Kodos> Sometimes a server just seems like overkill
L403[09:20:08] <MalkContent> \o
L404[09:20:46] <Vexatos> I mean
L405[09:20:54] <Vexatos> an MFU in an MCU... could technically work? ._.
L406[09:21:05] <Vexatos> Although I did intend it to only be allowed in adapters
L407[09:22:44] <Kodos> In other news, I learned how to use Minetweaker today, so now I can keep making mini mods and use the items in custom recipes
L408[09:23:43] <Forecaster> \o/
L409[09:28:13] <MalkContent> the problem with accessing just one component is that you'd have to bind it to a side, say the front like with signs, but that would rule out using it with components that can only be accessed through top/bottom
L410[09:28:22] <Kodos> I'm thinking of making a metal press recipe for my industrial dyes mod
L411[09:28:30] <MalkContent> while i was typing that i kind of imagined that it would have adapter functionality*
L412[09:28:37] <Kodos> Just have any dye pressed with a custom plate turns into an industrial dye
L413[09:29:21] <MalkContent> hehe. vee must deel with eet
L414[09:31:48] <Forecaster> if you just need to interact with one component use a computer :P
L415[09:31:56] <Forecaster> not a server
L416[09:32:42] <Kodos> But a computer is more for a "I need to manually do this now and then"
L417[09:32:47] <Kodos> I want a MCU for things I can set and forget
L418[09:32:56] <Kodos> But in some situations like that, a server is overkill
L419[09:34:42] <Inari> OC MCUs have always been kind of an oddity
L420[09:35:05] <Vexatos> Kodos, a server is for when you need more than 32 components
L421[09:35:19] <Kodos> Or when you want a pseudo AI to help you operate your base via chat
L422[09:35:24] <Vexatos> for anything below that, use a case
L423[09:36:05] <Vexatos> I don't see why so many people have a problem with headless casey
L424[09:36:07] <Vexatos> cases*
L425[09:36:20] <Vexatos> It's not like they're much more expensive than MCus
L426[09:36:21] <Kodos> Can you link a remote terminal to a case
L427[09:36:22] <Vexatos> MCUs*
L428[09:36:29] <Vexatos> I said headless
L429[09:36:33] <Vexatos> no graphics whatsoever
L430[09:36:39] <Vexatos> just like an MCU
L431[09:37:23] <Vexatos> A case is not much more expensive than an MCU case
L432[09:37:27] <Vexatos> can interact with components
L433[09:37:44] <Vexatos> has slightly more storage space than an MCU as it is capable of storing HDDs in addition to the EEPROM
L434[09:37:50] <Vexatos> why would you not use it?
L435[09:38:05] <Vexatos> ("slightly" being about 4000 times more)
L436[09:38:19] <Vexatos> (no wait, 1000 times)
L437[09:38:58] <Kodos> Why would I need to bother with 1000x more storage space when the EEPROM program will suffice
L438[09:39:30] <Kodos> Anyway, I'm going tos leep
L439[09:39:33] <Kodos> to sleep, too
L440[09:39:41] <Vexatos> You don't
L441[09:39:44] <Vexatos> You just
L442[09:39:46] <Vexatos> *gasp*
L443[09:39:50] <Vexatos> Don't insert any HDD!
L444[09:40:09] <Kodos> Don't be a smartass
L445[09:40:14] <Forecaster> but then there will be an empty slot :O
L446[09:40:18] <Kodos> I'm going to bed now
L447[09:40:20] <Vexatos> Seriously. A case may very well be an MCU
L448[09:40:30] <Vexatos> Advantage: Interaction with external components
L449[09:40:32] <Kodos> And a server may very well be a case
L450[09:40:33] <Forecaster> except mcu's are easier to move around
L451[09:40:35] <Vexatos> Disadvantage: No upgrade slots
L452[09:40:38] <Vexatos> simple as that
L453[09:40:40] <Vexatos> that too
L454[09:40:49] <Kodos> /ignore Vexatos
L455[09:40:58] <Vexatos> also of course you might just use a server
L456[09:41:12] <Vexatos> but all I'm saying is that there is no need for a "tier 3 MCU", really
L457[09:41:35] <Kodos> So what you're saying is
L458[09:41:54] <Kodos> Someone should make an addon with a T3 MCU that can interact with components
L459[09:41:58] <Kodos> Got it
L460[09:42:05] <Kodos> Now, goodnight
L461[09:42:07] <Vexatos> want super simple networking or redstone logic stuffs? Use an MCU. Want anything with external components? Use a case outfitted exactly the same as an MCU.
L462[09:42:59] <MalkContent> meh
L463[09:43:02] <Vexatos> The MCU is for things that a tier 1 case is overkill for. The most basic of tasks
L464[09:43:24] <Vexatos> like, say, a tank gauge.
L465[09:43:28] <Vexatos> :⁾
L466[09:43:53] <MalkContent> like toggling a machine on/off depending on the machines state?
L467[09:44:26] <Vexatos> If the machine's state can be gathered using redstone (e.g. a comparator), sure
L468[09:44:36] <Vexatos> if not, you'll probably need component interaction, i.e. a case
L469[09:45:06] <MalkContent> then you need a power distributor so the t1 cpu doesn't get bombed
L470[09:45:28] <Vexatos> Why would you?
L471[09:45:53] <Kodos> Actually, you know what I want more than a T3 MCU
L472[09:45:54] <MalkContent> o wait, cases can get power without net :D
L473[09:46:04] <MalkContent> cable*
L474[09:46:15] <Kodos> I want the ability to check whether a server is powered externally, or is running off of stored energy in the rack/rack capacitor
L475[09:46:32] <Vexatos> But... I thought I made it so that you can
L476[09:46:43] <Kodos> Did you? Elaborate
L477[09:46:46] <Kodos> I haven't tested
L478[09:47:31] <Vexatos> if component.rack_capacitor.energy() < component.rack_capacitor.maxEnergy - somemargin then -- the internal capacitor is clearly losing energy
L479[09:47:54] <Kodos> Ah, fair enough
L480[09:47:56] <Vexatos> That's exactly there because you requested it :P
L481[09:47:57] <Kodos> I'll poke it tomorrow
L482[09:47:58] <Kodos> :3
L483[09:48:03] <Kodos> I need sleeps now
L484[09:48:05] <Kodos> It's 10 am
L485[09:48:06] <Vexatos> You requested the entire item, after all.
L486[09:48:13] <Kodos> I requested the last like what, 4 items?
L487[09:48:20] <Vexatos> Hmm
L488[09:48:24] <Kodos> Lights, switch, capacitor
L489[09:48:26] <Kodos> Uhh
L490[09:48:29] <Vexatos> The switch wasn't you
L491[09:48:30] <Vexatos> was it
L492[09:48:37] <Kodos> It was my issue on the OC repo
L493[09:48:39] <Vexatos> It was
L494[09:48:39] <Vexatos> yes
L495[09:49:04] <Kodos> I know I requested the lamp at one point, though OpenLights technically came first
L496[09:49:23] <Kodos> Creative Chat Box was mine as well, iirc
L497[09:49:47] <Forecaster> go to bed!
L498[09:50:02] <Vexatos> Kodos, the interdimensional stuff in the creative box was yours
L499[09:50:06] <Vexatos> that much I know
L500[09:50:29] <MalkContent> idk. you're right vex. i guess it just feels off to have a mcu at hand and then having small tasks you just can't accomplish with it, even though it kind of feels over the top to use a computer
L501[09:50:47] <Vexatos> MalkContent, have you seen a tier 1 computer case?
L502[09:50:52] <Vexatos> Like, the recipe, the GUI?
L503[09:50:56] <MalkContent> lol yes
L504[09:50:59] <Vexatos> It's far from "over the top"
L505[09:51:03] <MalkContent> i know its not really more expensive :D
L506[09:51:03] <Vexatos> it can barely do anything
L507[09:51:26] <MalkContent> its not cost wise or anything like that
L508[09:51:35] <Vexatos> The MCU was made because it was over the top for stuff like simple redstone logic or networking
L509[09:51:42] <Vexatos> those are the main tasks an MCU can do
L510[09:52:08] <Vexatos> If you just build a case and don't put a graphics card or HDD in it, it is no different to an MCU in terms of cost
L511[09:52:16] <Kodos> I still want to use the camera upgrade for a thermograph program
L512[09:52:17] <Vexatos> and also capabilities
L513[09:52:20] <MalkContent> but i mean, why even bother with mcus at all then
L514[09:52:41] <Vexatos> Kodos, detecting entities is... technically possible now that I wrote a custom raytracer :X
L515[09:52:48] <MalkContent> those 3,5 iron ingots cost difference just don't make it
L516[09:52:52] <Kodos> Not even entities, just landscapes
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L518[09:52:58] <Vexatos> Kodos, well that has already been done+
L519[09:53:05] <Kodos> I know, I've seen MineOS
L520[09:53:10] <Kodos> But that thing has so many translation issues
L521[09:53:14] <Vexatos> no
L522[09:53:16] <Vexatos> oppm install camera
L523[09:53:20] <Vexatos> :>
L524[09:53:21] <Kodos> Oh, no shit?
L525[09:53:23] <Kodos> I'll do that
L526[09:53:26] <Kodos> Tomorrow
L527[09:53:31] <Vexatos> It's the program used in MineOS
L528[09:53:37] <Kodos> But in proper english
L529[09:53:38] <Vexatos> fingercomp has been busy with https://github.com/OpenPrograms/OpenPrograms.ru
L530[09:54:33] <Vexatos> MalkContent, MCUs can hold some upgrades
L531[09:54:42] <Vexatos> Also, they are easier to move around
L532[09:54:44] <Kodos> I think tomorrow, I'm gonna make an IE/OC 1.10.2 pack
L533[09:54:48] <Vexatos> as they don't drop everything when broken
L534[09:54:52] <Kodos> Is Tronics on 1.10 yet
L535[09:54:56] <Vexatos> of course
L536[09:54:58] <Kodos> Okay
L537[09:55:00] <Vexatos> there is a tronics for every OC
L538[09:55:00] <MalkContent> :D (one)
L539[09:55:00] <Kodos> Tomorrow then
L540[09:55:06] <Kodos> Back Soon™
L541[09:55:12] <Vexatos> You mean today :^)
L542[09:55:19] <Kodos> Depends on how long I sleep
L543[09:55:24] <Vexatos> pffft
L544[09:55:25] <MalkContent> but yea, that's fair
L545[09:55:29] <Vexatos> your sleep schedule is way off
L546[09:55:48] <MalkContent> so instead of connecting to external components
L547[09:55:53] <MalkContent> how about an adapter upgrade
L548[09:55:55] <Vexatos> MalkContent, also, MCUs can be mass-produced a lot easier
L549[09:56:04] <Vexatos> MalkContent, oh you mean the MFU?
L550[09:56:11] <MalkContent> would work similar to inventory/tank controller upgrade
L551[09:56:22] <Vexatos> http://git.io/vKzSA
L552[09:56:37] * vifino curls up on Lizzy and demands petting
L553[09:56:54] * Lizzy pets vifino
L554[09:57:15] <Vexatos> http://git.io/viB34
L555[09:57:32] <MalkContent> what's MFU stand for?
L556[09:58:26] <Vexatos> That's a secret.
L557[09:58:33] <Vexatos> The U stands for "Upgrade", obviously
L558[09:58:45] <Vexatos> Basically a remote adapter
L559[09:58:47] <Vexatos> 3 block range
L560[09:59:04] <Vexatos> Still not merged yet because sangar doesn't know whether it should exist or not
L561[09:59:15] <Vexatos> It was made to solve a certain problem which has since resolved itself anyway
L562[09:59:26] <Vexatos> so now it's just a matter of does it make sense to exist
L563[10:01:02] <MalkContent> hm. well i guess that would more than solve that issue
L564[10:01:26] <MalkContent> I'd be happy to have it without the range
L565[10:01:33] <MalkContent> would be nice for robots/drones, too
L566[10:03:57] <MalkContent> o i forgot. inventory/tank controllers aren't even allowed in microcontrollers :x
L567[10:04:55] <MalkContent> a well. little network/redstone machines they are, i guess
L568[10:06:36] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
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L571[10:18:00] <Mimiru> God damn stupid cock sucking ISP
L572[10:18:22] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> hey dose enyone know how to use OCLights?
L573[10:20:28] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L574[10:21:35] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L575[10:22:18] <Forecaster> @FLORANA(BILLPC2684) be more specific?
L576[10:22:50] ⇨ Joins: lorena (~lorena@
L577[10:22:59] <lorena> hello
L578[10:23:04] <Forecaster> hi
L579[10:23:10] <lorena> I am Lorena
L580[10:23:24] <Forecaster> so it would seem :>
L581[10:24:15] ⇦ Quits: lorena (~lorena@ (Client Quit)
L582[10:24:23] <Mimiru> gj Forecaster
L583[10:24:34] <Forecaster> >:
L584[10:24:37] <MalkContent> yea, gj Forecaster
L585[10:25:34] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> @Forecaster what i mean is how to i use it? like program it to display
L586[10:26:47] <Forecaster> you use it's component to call methods that set the pixels presumably
L587[10:26:54] <Forecaster> I don't know what the methods are, I've never used it
L588[10:26:58] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L589[10:29:13] ⇨ Joins: lorena (~lorena@
L590[10:30:42] * vifino purrs at Lizzy
L591[10:30:44] ⇦ Quits: lorena (~lorena@ (Client Quit)
L592[10:31:06] ⇨ Joins: lorena (~lorena@
L593[10:31:11] <lorena> hello
L594[10:31:18] <Forecaster> hi again :>
L595[10:31:40] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> D: i can't find eny docs about OCLights
L596[10:32:10] <vifino> ask gamax92 or ds84182
L597[10:32:12] <Forecaster> ask gamax92
L598[10:32:31] <lorena> ...
L599[10:32:34] ⇦ Quits: lorena (~lorena@ (Client Quit)
L600[10:32:35] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> are they online?
L601[10:32:40] <Forecaster> or just use the component in the lua prompt to find the methods
L602[10:33:31] ⇨ Joins: lorena (~lorena@
L603[10:33:36] <lorena> my computer as crashed
L604[10:34:18] <Mimiru> Or look at the code https://git.io/viBCh Everything with @Callback is a OC method
L605[10:35:44] <Mimiru> https://git.io/viBCj https://git.io/viBWf https://git.io/viBWU https://git.io/viBWT and https://git.io/viBWY
L606[10:36:20] <vifino> Lizzy: "Lizzy has accepted vifino's marriage proposal." :3
L607[10:36:59] <Vexatos> vifino, I see what you did there
L608[10:37:15] ⇦ Quits: lorena (~lorena@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L609[10:38:25] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-78-148-142-207.as13285.net)
L610[10:38:48] <vifino> Vexatos: yep, Lizzy gifted me rimworld and I named my starting
L611[10:38:51] <vifino> q_q
L612[10:39:26] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl)
L613[10:39:42] <vifino> named two of my starting characters Lizzy and vifino, following what Lizzy did
L614[10:39:45] <vifino> *
L615[10:41:14] ⇨ Joins: alexbuzzbee (~alexbuzzb@d-74-214-39-159.cpe.metrocast.net)
L616[10:41:20] <Elizabeth> My 2 did the same :P
L617[10:41:54] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> oh :3
L618[10:42:02] <FLORANA(BILLPC2684)> i gtg but i'll be back
L619[10:42:36] <Elizabeth> Also on my colony vifino got a plague but he developed an immunity to it
L620[10:43:44] <vifino> :O
L621[10:44:47] <Elizabeth> Also my colony has no steel so I'm going to need to set up some more mining areas
L622[10:47:00] <Elizabeth> But the good news is that my colony made it through winter with a lot of food to spare
L623[10:47:39] <vifino> Elizabeth: my two do "Lovin'" twice a night, sometimes more
L624[10:47:43] <vifino> I win :P
L625[10:47:50] <Elizabeth> Most of that was due to a few alpha beavers threatening my wood so I hunted them all down
L626[10:48:18] <Elizabeth> Mine would probably do that if they both went to bed at the same time
L627[10:48:45] <Elizabeth> But one of them is usually up doing something
L628[10:50:43] <Elizabeth> When I left it I was trying to recruit a prisoner so should have more man power which can be put to good use
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L635[11:23:30] <Elizabeth> Vifino did you get my text? <3
L636[11:24:41] * vifino didnt notice his phone
L637[11:25:51] <Elizabeth> You derp
L638[11:25:58] <Forecaster> *phone is staring through the window*
L639[11:27:01] <Elizabeth> My derp <3
L640[11:27:01] <Elizabeth> My derp <3
L641[11:27:17] <Elizabeth> Stupid discord
L642[11:27:29] <Forecaster> 2x derp
L643[11:27:56] <Daiyousei> your derps
L644[11:37:45] * Mettaton_Fab pets Daiyousei
L645[11:37:55] <Daiyousei> :>
L646[11:38:13] * Forecaster puts a coconut crab on Mettaton_Fab
L647[11:38:30] * Mettaton_Fab throws it back at Forecaster
L648[11:38:55] <Forecaster> :P
L649[11:39:08] <Daiyousei> coconut gun
L650[11:40:13] <Mettaton_Fab> which gun, my right ARM?
L651[11:40:49] <Mettaton_Fab> ok, that joke would only be funny with a Raspberry Pi to my right.
L652[11:42:18] <Mettaton_Fab> Wh likes Cave Story?
L653[11:42:22] <Mettaton_Fab> *who
L654[11:42:28] <Forecaster> never played it
L655[11:42:31] <Mettaton_Fab> i hate dat keyboard
L656[11:43:09] <Mettaton_Fab> it is pretty good, 2d platformer with bullet hell like gameplay elements
L657[11:44:30] <Daiyousei> theres also a company named CAVE that makes bullet hells
L658[11:44:31] <Daiyousei> :^)
L659[11:45:18] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L661[11:46:08] <MalkContent> i like that bullet hells still are a thing
L662[11:46:16] <Lumindia> dids someone say
L663[11:46:18] <Lumindia> BULLET HELL
L664[11:46:20] *** Lumindia is now known as Lily_White
L665[11:46:20] <Lily_White> 8D
L666[11:46:27] * Lily_White appears, DANMAKU EVERYWHERE
L667[11:46:35] <Forecaster> enter the gungeon
L668[11:46:36] <Forecaster> :>
L669[11:46:44] <Daiyousei> team fortress 2 counts as a bullet hell right
L670[11:46:49] <Daiyousei> cant move without getting shot
L671[11:46:52] <Lily_White> kek
L672[11:46:56] * Lily_White smooches the other fairy
L673[11:46:56] <Lily_White> o 3o
L674[11:46:59] <Daiyousei> <3
L675[11:47:07] <Lily_White> <3
L676[11:48:42] <Mettaton_Fab> How about Perfect Cherry Blossom?
L677[11:49:35] <Daiyousei> fairy wars > *
L678[11:49:35] <Daiyousei> 1v1 me
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L681[11:51:31] * Mettaton_Fab puts Daiyousei and Lily_White in an Arena, puts a sign upfront that reads: "Fairy Fight"
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L684[11:54:16] <Lily_White> nah
L685[11:54:20] <Lily_White> we teamed up against Cirno, remember?
L686[11:54:21] <Lily_White> = 3=
L687[11:54:26] <Lily_White> and still got our asses handed to us
L688[11:55:20] <Daiyousei> :<
L689[11:56:38] ⇨ Joins: Jezza_ (~Jezza@
L690[12:00:25] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L691[12:01:04] * Mettaton_Fab gives tiny chocolate butts to Lily_White and Daiyousei
L692[12:01:36] *** Jezza_ is now known as Jezza
L693[12:07:30] <Daiyousei> tinyyy
L694[12:07:38] <Mettaton_Fab> yes, very smol.
L695[12:09:03] * Mettaton_Fab pets Daiyousei
L696[12:13:29] <Mettaton_Fab> why did i build an amp again?
L697[12:14:12] <Mettaton_Fab> oh, yeah, to troll school.
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L700[12:20:38] <MalkContent> i got almost 2 stacks of diamond now during this mining run but i can't find freaking gold for my components
L701[12:28:52] <MalkContent> well i guess at least this has been lucky as far as the diamonds go :x
L702[12:33:06] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L706[12:52:05] <MalkContent> are remote terminals borked in 1.6 rc1?
L707[12:52:18] <Mimiru> No?
L708[12:52:33] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L709[12:53:36] <MalkContent> i mean i sneak rightclick the same place i normal-rightclick to enter the servers hardware gui, right?
L710[12:54:13] <Mimiru> in 1.6 you link terminals to the terminal server
L711[12:54:47] <MalkContent> aa okay
L712[13:03:44] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L713[13:04:08] <Forecaster> https://deepmind.com/blog/wavenet-generative-model-raw-audio/
L714[13:08:54] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriy_ (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
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L717[13:16:29] ⇦ Quits: Hyst (cxsss1@CPE-124-189-28-144.bkzh1.cht.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L722[13:30:43] *** TheFox|afk is now known as TheFox
L723[13:30:44] <TheFox> Hello
L724[13:30:46] <TheFox> !
L725[13:35:03] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L726[13:43:24] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/Tevvh
L727[13:46:11] <Inari> i want this stupid EM drive in sapce already,a nd i want it to work :P i doubt it will, but i want it to
L728[13:46:13] <MalkContent> they are so not worthless if you can hire tiny antcopers with it
L729[13:46:22] <MalkContent> copters*
L730[13:58:25] <TheFox> ant-copers works aswell MalkContent
L731[13:58:59] <TheFox> it workks "AS WELL" i never said it worked well
L732[14:03:06] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L733[14:05:57] <Forecaster> He's going to ruin their economy
L734[14:06:19] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L735[14:07:05] <Forecaster> http://m.imgur.com/gallery/8J7rfnx
L736[14:17:04] <Forecaster> http://m.imgur.com/gallery/8JFOS
L737[14:17:11] <Forecaster> Seems legit
L738[14:17:35] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@3.sub-70-197-13.myvzw.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L740[14:21:17] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/WzIdq
L741[14:22:11] ⇨ Joins: Marisa (webchat@
L742[14:22:46] <Marisa> hello guys
L743[14:23:29] <Forecaster> Inari: that's pretty cool
L744[14:23:34] <Forecaster> Marisa: hello
L745[14:23:35] <Inari> Marisa: beware of fondling
L746[14:24:18] <Marisa> Have anyone an error that the lua get =component.openfm_radio is false, while openfm is installed?
L747[14:24:25] <Marisa> sry for my bad eng
L748[14:24:52] <Mimiru> what version of OpenFM, and OpenComputers?
L749[14:24:58] <Mimiru> <-- OpenFM dev
L750[14:25:13] ⇨ Joins: Marisa_ (webchat@
L751[14:25:45] <Marisa_> missclicked :\
L752[14:25:48] <Marisa_> so
L753[14:25:52] <Mimiru> [14:24:55] <@Mimiru> what version of OpenFM, and OpenComputers?
L754[14:25:52] <Mimiru> [14:25:02] <@Mimiru> <-- OpenFM dev
L755[14:26:31] <Marisa_> OC
L756[14:26:44] <Marisa_> OpenFM 1.0-38
L757[14:26:58] <Forecaster> https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/774228055132889088
L758[14:26:59] <MichiBot> Fri Sep 09 07:48:47 CDT 2016 @jeb_: For 1.11 there is a new game rule called "maxEntityCramming" with the default set to 24 (i.e. 25+ entities at the same spot will suffocate)
L759[14:27:12] <Forecaster> https://xkcd.com/1172/
L760[14:27:12] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Workflow Posted on: 2/11/2013
L761[14:27:20] <Marisa_> same shit with november releases of OpenFM
L762[14:27:28] <Inari> payonel: http://imgur.com/gallery/cOyVo
L763[14:27:51] <Forecaster> daaw, it's a cat totem pole
L764[14:27:51] ⇦ Quits: Marisa (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L765[14:28:10] <Marisa_> ah
L766[14:28:26] <Mimiru> build 39 is latest, and fixes a major issue with speakers, and I use it with OC 1.6 with no issue
L767[14:29:06] <Marisa_> kk, I'm going to try now
L768[14:30:09] <Mimiru> I'm loading up a test instance to make sure, but yeah
L769[14:31:41] <Mimiru> Marisa_, http://michi.pc-logix.com/javaw_2016-09-09_14-31-37.png
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L772[14:35:27] <MalkContent> how do you get a set of specified non-primary components of the same type? iterate through component.list("component") and check addresses, or is there a simpler way already existing?
L773[14:35:49] ⇨ Joins: Marisa (~sailfish@
L774[14:37:36] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@3.sub-70-197-13.myvzw.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L775[14:37:37] <Mimiru> MalkContent, AFAIK it's that or whatever = component.proxy(component.get("short address"))
L776[14:37:51] <TheFox> you beat me to it, i was just typing that Mimiru
L777[14:37:51] <Mimiru> Marisa, http://michi.pc-logix.com/javaw_2016-09-09_14-31-37.png in case you missed it
L778[14:38:08] <TheFox> but i believe you can sort by name
L779[14:38:35] <MalkContent> awesome thanks
L780[14:40:16] <Mimiru> Although... In testing, it seems to clear the radio URL when calling start() o_O
L781[14:41:16] ⇦ Quits: Marisa_ (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L782[14:42:05] <Mimiru> ffs
L783[14:42:06] <Mimiru> why
L784[14:42:07] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L785[14:45:13] <Mimiru> I swear, this code is the most fragile thing EVER
L786[14:45:35] * Forecaster pokes it with a toothpick
L787[14:45:37] ⇦ Quits: alexbuzzbee (~alexbuzzb@d-74-214-39-159.cpe.metrocast.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L788[14:45:45] <Mimiru> Maybe one day I'll pay someone to rewrite it
L789[14:46:24] <Kodos> o/
L790[14:46:44] <Mimiru> Fucking DepLoader fucking sucks.
L791[14:46:46] <Mimiru> that is all
L792[14:46:52] <Marisa> meh
L793[14:46:58] <Marisa> same shit
L794[14:47:09] <Mimiru> It works, so something is breaking it
L795[14:47:15] <Marisa> u.pomf.is/qasyuc.png
L796[14:47:24] <Marisa> screenshot here
L797[14:47:31] <Mimiru> I just used a OC computer to set a URL, start a stream, listen to it, and stop it
L798[14:48:06] <Kodos> marisa, try getting out of the shell, and running "components", and screenshotting the output
L799[14:49:08] <Kodos> Out of the interpreter, and into the shell, that is
L800[14:49:42] <Marisa> one sec pls
L801[14:50:28] <Marisa> u.pomf.is/imeidz.png
L802[14:51:02] <Forecaster> it's not listed...
L803[14:51:02] <Kodos> Okay, now I need a screenshot of your physical setup
L804[14:51:02] <Mimiru> It's not detecting the radio at all...
L805[14:51:12] <Kodos> Shhhh I gots dis
L806[14:51:38] <Marisa> Kodos: gimme more details, pls
L807[14:52:21] <Kodos> I need a picture of how you have the radio connected to the computer
L808[14:54:18] <Marisa> u.pomf.is/mlpufm.png
L809[14:54:44] <TheFox> hello Kodos and Forecaster
L810[14:54:47] <Kodos> Howdy
L811[14:55:23] <Kodos> Marisa, yeah, no idea then. Just gonna hand that off to Mimiru
L812[14:56:04] <Mimiru> works4me.aac
L813[14:56:17] <Kodos> Marisa, what versions of OC and OFM are you using
L814[14:56:25] <Kodos> Or did you already say while I was getting coffee
L815[14:56:28] <Mimiru> 1.6 rc1 and ofm 38
L816[14:56:34] <Mimiru> might be 39 now
L817[14:57:10] <Kodos> Wait, does the JDK install JRE automatically now?
L818[14:57:24] <Mimiru> Marisa, check your logs and see if you have this entry "[OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class pcl.OpenFM.TileEntity.TileEntityRadio."
L819[14:57:50] <Mimiru> If not, then OC isn't injecting the Component stuff for some reason
L820[14:58:27] <Kodos> How would I update my workspace's Forge version without borking my src
L821[14:59:01] <Mimiru> change the forge version in your build.gradle and rerun setupDecompWorkspace and eclipse (or whatever you have to do for IDEA)
L822[14:59:45] <TheFox> well, you could do that, or copy and past the src folder into a new workspace
L823[14:59:47] <TheFox> with the new forge
L824[14:59:59] <TheFox> oh! idea not eclipse
L825[15:00:01] <TheFox> nvmd
L826[15:00:01] <Mimiru> Why the hell would you do that?
L827[15:00:18] <Kodos> Just wanting to update ID to 1614 or whatever latest forge is
L828[15:00:20] <Kodos> For 1.7.10
L829[15:00:31] <TheFox> 1614 is the new one yes
L830[15:00:41] <Kodos> I guessed right! \o/
L831[15:00:54] <Temia> Blar. I am having trouble reconciling the fact that text is going to be horribly tiny in this JRPG plan.
L832[15:01:16] <Marisa> hey, guys, I just switched JVM to OpenJDK and now it works
L833[15:01:37] <Marisa> u.pomf.io/nkhkrn.png
L834[15:01:43] <Temia> At 256 x 192, there won't be enough VRAM to store a decent amount of sprites, map tiles and a sufficiently large 8x8 font set, so I'm at a loss.
L835[15:02:14] <Temia> ...I guess drawing straight from code isn't the end of the world...
L836[15:02:19] <Mimiru> I use Oracle JDK on my laptop with no issue
L837[15:02:48] <Marisa> I don't give a fuck how it works, but
L838[15:03:24] <Marisa> on OracleJDK I have this trouble, meh
L839[15:03:37] <Marisa> Thank you, anyway
L840[15:03:55] <Marisa> You are pretty cool :p
L841[15:04:11] <Kodos> Well, shit
L842[15:04:18] <Kodos> I think my local shit is newer than my repo
L843[15:04:21] <TheFox> Marisa: Mimiru is the glue around here
L844[15:04:22] <Kodos> And I have no idea what I'm doing anymore
L845[15:04:44] <Temia> Come to think of it, maybe that's what OC needs -- a 32x16 tilemap corresponding to custom characters or something.
L846[15:05:06] <TheFox> what is that about Temia ?
L847[15:05:24] <TheFox> where did that come from, i dont disagree, i jsut want to know where
L848[15:05:34] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUy7OCnhD94
L849[15:05:35] <MichiBot> tan(x) [60 FPS] | length: 5m 32s | Likes: 2226 Dislikes: 22 Views: 75571 | by lolligerjoj
L850[15:05:35] <Mimiru> Ok, on to fixing this dependency unpacking
L851[15:05:39] <Temia> Oh, trying to work out the GPU shenanigans necessary to make an 8-bit JRPG in OC.
L852[15:05:48] <Mimiru> I guess I'll just steal the code from OpenSecurity's sound unpacker
L853[15:06:01] <Marisa> Mimiru: if you're wondering, my OS is Hardened Gentoo 3
L854[15:06:13] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L855[15:06:14] <Temia> A custom tilemap would allow for basic tile animation too like water...
L856[15:06:15] <Marisa> *3.19.0-pf1
L857[15:06:32] <TheFox> oh, thats what you want.
L858[15:06:43] <Marisa> I think this trouble is specific for my system
L859[15:07:08] <Temia> Though regrettably a greatly reduced visual depth. The tricks I've pulled to get the basics of colour in the current system only go so far.
L860[15:07:20] <Skye> listening to the doctor who theme is so addicting
L861[15:07:21] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-50-136-14-108.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L862[15:07:34] <TheFox> Doctor who? whats his name
L863[15:07:35] <MajGenRelativity> hello Temia
L864[15:07:39] <Temia> Hey. o/
L865[15:07:40] <TheFox> hello MajGenRelativity!
L866[15:07:49] <MajGenRelativity> hi TheFox
L867[15:07:49] <Kodos> Temia, maybe a second, dedicated GPU with a screenbuffer (If that's even the right word) of all the things you need to draw
L868[15:07:55] <MajGenRelativity> wassup
L869[15:07:55] <Marisa> bb, guys
L870[15:07:58] <Skye> TheFox, if I told you that, the universe will end.
L871[15:08:19] <TheFox> 0_0, isnt it required in england to carry ID at all times?
L872[15:08:21] <Temia> Can you even copy between two GPUs?
L873[15:08:28] <TheFox> Temia: probably
L874[15:08:28] ⇦ Quits: Marisa (~sailfish@ (Quit: IRC for Sailfish 0.9)
L875[15:08:39] <Temia> You probably can't.
L876[15:08:46] * vifino rubs his eyes and wanders around aimlessly
L877[15:08:50] <TheFox> not efficently.
L878[15:08:53] <Temia> The API call on the docs doesn't allow something like that.
L879[15:08:59] * TheFox directs vifino towards the wall
L880[15:09:12] <TheFox> Temia: maybe i mis understood somewhere
L881[15:09:21] <Kodos> Can I still use
L882[15:09:22] <Temia> Also that's becoming a bit too costly. A computer with a T3 GPU would make up most workstations, but two GPUs is something you'd run Crysis on.
L883[15:09:25] <Kodos> Or is there a new version now I need to put in
L884[15:09:43] * vifino stops one centimeter before the wall and turns around, walking towards Temia
L885[15:09:57] <Kodos> OH GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE
L886[15:10:06] <Temia> If I'm just "copying" by using get() and set(), then I may as well draw directly from the code. =_=
L887[15:10:10] <Temia> Also hi Vifino. >.>
L888[15:10:23] <TheFox> Temia: yes
L889[15:10:54] <TheFox> why is vifino wandering around aimleslly
L890[15:10:55] <TheFox> ?
L891[15:10:58] <Temia> Oh well, in this case there's no complex colour depth needing to be copied, so some set()s won't hurt.
L892[15:11:15] <Temia> 8x8 tiles it is \o/
L893[15:11:27] * vifino sleepishly waves to Temia before before falling down at a random spot, instantly falling asleep
L894[15:11:39] * Temia blinkblinks. Scoops up Vifino and puts in her lap.
L895[15:11:40] * Temia petpetpets
L896[15:11:43] ⇦ Quits: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@ (Quit: return 0;)
L897[15:12:00] * vifino purrs lightly
L898[15:12:14] <Temia> At least you didn't do something silly like faceplant into my blouse. <.<
L899[15:12:42] <TheFox> vifi purrs? ok learn something new
L900[15:12:51] <Temia> He's a catboy, of course he purrs. >_>;
L901[15:13:01] <vifino> only in your lewd dreams. or rather, if i would be just a little less tired
L902[15:13:29] <TheFox> ok, ik now that vifino is a cat. vifino dring coffee
L903[15:14:01] <vifino> no, coffeeine has barely any effect on me
L904[15:14:21] <Inari> touch~
L905[15:15:07] <Temia> Oh, I thought you were. o.o
L906[15:15:24] <Temia> Didn't you have cute cat ears at some point? Am I misremembering? D:
L907[15:15:26] <TheFox> vifino: same here, thats why i make about 1 1/2 quarts in the morning
L908[15:15:44] <Temia> I am confused and also kind of tired ;A;
L909[15:16:02] <TheFox> Temia: tired?!? isnt it lik 2PM for you?
L910[15:16:02] <vifino> Temia: no, i was referring to faceplanting into your blouse
L911[15:16:21] <Temia> I slept 'til noon.
L912[15:16:22] <Temia> OH.
L913[15:16:24] <Temia> Ooohh. >.>
L914[15:16:25] <Temia> Okay.
L915[15:16:46] <Temia> I might've been hanging around Inari too long is all.
L916[15:16:46] <TheFox> Temia: oh, ok makes sense
L917[15:16:59] <TheFox> i thought it was gamax92 that was the cat
L918[15:17:27] <MajGenRelativity> TheFox, I'm Frieza
L919[15:17:27] <gamax92> vifino is the cat
L920[15:17:49] <MajGenRelativity> because my friend introduced me as "this is my frienda ******"
L921[15:17:52] <TheFox> MajGenRelativity: what?
L922[15:17:59] <MajGenRelativity> and we had just finished talking about Dragon Ball Z
L923[15:18:06] <MajGenRelativity> and I heard 'frienda' as Frieza
L924[15:18:10] <MajGenRelativity> so now I'm Frieza
L925[15:18:14] <vifino> Temia: don't worry, i am not judging you for your lewdety, plus i am exactly as much cat as you think, not only in your dreams
L926[15:18:24] <Temia> Yay catness. \o/
L927[15:18:27] * Temia petpets
L928[15:18:32] * vifino purrs more
L929[15:19:12] * TheFox watches the sight of a giant mematour petting a "human/cat"
L930[15:19:26] <Temia> "Mematour"?
L931[15:19:34] <Temia> Also, "Giant"?
L932[15:19:53] * MajGenRelativity powers up
L933[15:20:00] <TheFox> son of a. i hate this keyboard
L934[15:20:02] <Temia> Also Maj, I can't think of Frieza without thinking of Snowflake from Buttlord GT.
L935[15:20:06] <Temia> So you are now Snowflake.
L936[15:20:09] <vifino> dammit, too bad i don't have my cute catman drawings anymore
L937[15:20:17] * Temia awws. :<
L938[15:21:04] <MajGenRelativity> Temia, Buttlord GT?
L939[15:21:06] * TheFox stares at Temia's Axe while she is distracted by vifino
L940[15:21:08] <MajGenRelativity> never heard of it
L941[15:21:20] <Temia> You are in for a treat.
L942[15:21:29] <MajGenRelativity> oh no
L943[15:21:34] * MajGenRelativity powers up into Second Form
L944[15:21:46] <Temia> http://imgur.com/gallery/9Xvvj Classic parody comic.
L945[15:21:58] <Temia> Like, over a decade old.
L946[15:22:21] * TheFox slowly stalkes Temia's axe, moving forwads, hands out stretched towards it
L947[15:22:21] <Kodos> What's the new Forge version of "GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapedOreRecipe());
L948[15:22:34] * Temia grabs TheFox by the muzzle.
L949[15:22:37] * Temia pushes over.
L950[15:22:41] <Temia> Nu.
L951[15:22:43] <TheFox> ShapedOreRecipe() ?
L952[15:22:56] <Kodos> (I have no idea what I'm doing)
L953[15:23:15] <Temia> Also, http://www.cleverpun.com/random/priv/temia-shiro.png I am a perfectly short and cute minotaur thankyouverymuch.
L954[15:23:40] <TheFox> Temia: its curiosity killed the cat, not the canine.
L955[15:23:49] <TheFox> Kodos: you know more then me
L956[15:24:01] <MajGenRelativity> Temia, why does that comic exist?
L957[15:24:07] <MajGenRelativity> also your lower half is cow, didn't know that
L958[15:24:09] <TheFox> my experience stops at addShapedRecipe()
L959[15:24:21] <Mimiru> And now running 3 builds of OFM
L960[15:24:50] <Kodos> Let's try removing that line entirely, compiling, and seeing what happens
L961[15:25:23] ⇨ Joins: AlexisMachina (uid57631@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:e11f)
L962[15:25:34] <Temia> Because someone felt like poking fun at DBZ.
L963[15:25:48] * TheFox tries to get MajGenRelativity to grab Temia axe
L964[15:26:04] * MajGenRelativity begins powering up
L965[15:26:19] * TheFox grabs phone and starts recording
L966[15:27:13] * MajGenRelativity powers up into Third Form
L967[15:27:13] <Inari> i'd watch dbz if they remade it wiht lolis
L968[15:27:17] <Inari> but then again i can just watch nanoha
L969[15:27:21] <Kodos> Welp, I did break something
L970[15:27:26] <MajGenRelativity> I haven't watched a minute of any DragonBall
L971[15:27:28] <Kodos> No textures, and names are unlocalized
L972[15:27:31] <TheFox> Kodos: what are you tring to do
L973[15:27:33] <TheFox> ?
L974[15:27:36] <Kodos> Update my mod to 1614
L975[15:27:44] <TheFox> MajGenRelativity: join the club XD
L976[15:27:51] <Kodos> I may just try grabbing my repo source and going from there
L977[15:27:52] <Mimiru> Not a lot changed in 1614 o_O
L978[15:27:54] * MajGenRelativity begins powering up
L979[15:28:09] <Inari> Temia: so
L980[15:28:11] <Inari> do you wear shoes?
L981[15:28:15] <Temia> Nope.
L982[15:28:23] <Mimiru> Just pushed out fixed builds of OFM cause the deploader sucked
L983[15:28:28] <Mimiru> now going to go play with my kids
L984[15:28:59] <MajGenRelativity> pretty sure you don't need shoes if you have hooves
L985[15:29:04] * MajGenRelativity continues powering up
L986[15:29:15] * TheFox creeps forward towards the axe slowly, not trying to take it
L987[15:30:25] * MajGenRelativity powers up into Final Form
L988[15:30:28] <MajGenRelativity> ALRIGHT
L989[15:30:29] <MajGenRelativity> LETS GO
L990[15:30:33] * MajGenRelativity picks up axe
L991[15:30:35] * MajGenRelativity flies off
L992[15:30:42] * Temia sets off the explosives in that axe.
L993[15:30:45] * Temia pulls out another.
L994[15:30:48] * MajGenRelativity is completely unfazed
L995[15:30:56] <MajGenRelativity> u wot m8
L996[15:31:02] <Temia> Yeah, it's mostly so I can make a claim with insurance.
L997[15:31:03] <MajGenRelativity> crap
L998[15:31:04] <Kodos> I... I think I fixed it
L999[15:31:12] <MajGenRelativity> now I gotta look at the wiki to see what Frieza's moveset is
L1000[15:32:15] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@
L1001[15:32:39] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1002[15:33:53] <CompanionCube> https://www.usbkill.com/
L1003[15:34:17] <Kodos> Okay, no idea
L1004[15:34:19] <Kodos> back soon
L1005[15:34:21] <CompanionCube> A while ago, the USB killer came into existence
L1006[15:34:31] <MajGenRelativity> Alright!
L1007[15:34:34] <MajGenRelativity> I found the page
L1008[15:34:37] <CompanionCube> It appears they're now being mass-produced, unlike the etherkiller
L1009[15:34:42] * MajGenRelativity fires a Ki blast at Temia
L1010[15:34:52] * Temia ducks
L1011[15:34:58] * MajGenRelativity powers up to 2% power
L1012[15:35:04] * MajGenRelativity fires 100 Ki blasts at Temia
L1013[15:35:17] * Temia grazegrazegrazegraze
L1014[15:35:25] <Temia> I play shmups. :V
L1015[15:35:31] <Mettaton_Fab> Cube, isnt that the device that charges capacitors to -115 V and releases it into the port?
L1016[15:35:54] * MajGenRelativity powers up to 10% power
L1017[15:36:00] <CompanionCube> Mettaton_Fab: yep
L1018[15:36:01] * MajGenRelativity uses his telekinesis to hold Temia in place
L1019[15:36:11] <MajGenRelativity> It's time to end this
L1020[15:36:13] <MajGenRelativity> I'm sorry Temia
L1021[15:36:17] <CompanionCube> the difference is that instead of making it yourself, you can just order one
L1022[15:36:19] * MajGenRelativity fires death counter at Temia
L1023[15:36:24] <Skye> CompanionCube, Lizzy: I have the doctor who theme stuck looping in my head
L1024[15:36:25] <Mettaton_Fab> Temia, that Cow/human combination reminds me of a character drawn by graphiteknight
L1025[15:37:06] <Temia> ...
L1026[15:37:12] <Temia> Maj
L1027[15:37:15] <Temia> Shoot him instead.
L1028[15:37:16] <Temia> Please.
L1029[15:37:20] <CompanionCube> also
L1030[15:37:22] <Mettaton_Fab> i think the characters name was heather or something along those lines?
L1031[15:37:25] <CompanionCube> apparently it's 240V now
L1032[15:37:27] <Lily_White> oh there you are
L1033[15:37:27] <Inari> Temia: lewd
L1034[15:37:30] <MajGenRelativity> Temia, shoot who?
L1035[15:37:34] <Temia> MTT.
L1036[15:37:45] <MajGenRelativity> k
L1037[15:37:45] <CompanionCube> why
L1038[15:37:46] <Mettaton_Fab> Oh, Yes!
L1039[15:37:48] <Temia> Actually, better yet, maybe MTT should power up first
L1040[15:37:49] <Temia> :V
L1041[15:37:52] * MajGenRelativity powers up to 20% max power
L1042[15:37:54] * Lily_White snrk
L1043[15:37:55] * CompanionCube powers up
L1044[15:38:10] * CompanionCube explodes any electronic devices near Temia
L1045[15:38:10] * MajGenRelativity fires Supernova at Mettaton_Fab
L1046[15:38:12] <MajGenRelativity> done
L1047[15:38:14] * Mettaton_Fab gets back into MTT body box to be safe
L1048[15:38:20] * Temia 's axe explodes. ow.
L1049[15:38:27] <MajGenRelativity> I win again
L1050[15:38:29] * Temia pulls out another. Also a set of insurance claim forms.
L1051[15:38:31] <MajGenRelativity> 2:0 Frieza|MGR
L1052[15:38:37] *** MajGenRelativity is now known as MGR|Frieza
L1053[15:38:46] <Temia> s/Frieza/Snowflake
L1054[15:38:46] <MichiBot> <MajGenRelativity> 2:0 Snowflake|MGR
L1055[15:38:50] * CompanionCube infects the insurance systems with malware
L1056[15:38:54] <MGR|Frieza> hey
L1057[15:38:57] <MGR|Frieza> I'm not snowflake
L1058[15:38:58] <Mettaton_Fab> Maj, i am invulnerable in my Body Box (tm)
L1059[15:38:59] <CompanionCube> Good luck getting your claim processed now.
L1060[15:39:05] <MGR|Frieza> I also haven't finished reading that comic
L1061[15:39:11] <MGR|Frieza> Mettaton_Fab, I shot you before you went into your body box
L1062[15:39:27] * MGR|Frieza powers down to 1%
L1063[15:39:28] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-78-148-142-207.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L1064[15:39:47] <Mettaton_Fab> but i had 1% left after you hit me.
L1065[15:39:51] <Skye> CompanionCube, I'm sorry, but Temia's Insurance Firm is owned and sponsered by the largest typewriter and paper company. :P
L1066[15:40:00] <MGR|Frieza> Mettaton_Fab, rly
L1067[15:40:02] <MGR|Frieza> all right
L1068[15:40:09] * MGR|Frieza powers up to 85% max power
L1069[15:40:15] * MGR|Frieza roars
L1070[15:40:45] <Mettaton_Fab> still in the Body Box (tm)
L1071[15:40:52] * MGR|Frieza fires "Shockwave from the Fingertips" at Mettaton_Fab
L1072[15:40:55] <MGR|Frieza> now you're stunned
L1073[15:41:02] * MGR|Frieza powers up to 100% power
L1074[15:41:05] * MGR|Frieza begins powering up
L1075[15:41:13] <MGR|Frieza> Mettaton_Fab, you might want to check back in 5 minutes
L1076[15:41:15] * CompanionCube powers down now-unneeded hardware
L1077[15:41:18] <MGR|Frieza> I'll probably be done then
L1078[15:41:59] * Temia sips coffee
L1079[15:42:02] <CompanionCube> Having no physical body to look after is awesome.
L1080[15:42:19] * Skye sighs
L1081[15:42:25] <Temia> Yeah.
L1082[15:42:32] <Temia> I wholly agree, Skye.
L1083[15:42:44] <CompanionCube> Skye: what's wrong?
L1084[15:42:45] * Skye installs a virus on CompanionCube that does a 4 beat rhythm, again and again.
L1085[15:43:03] * CompanionCube has antivirus software. *good* antivirus softwae.
L1086[15:44:11] * Skye uses clever circuit trickery to make CompanionCube's system clocks use the 4 beat rhythm
L1087[15:44:30] <CompanionCube> yay, more skew to be corrected by ntpd.
L1088[15:44:34] * MGR|Frieza nears end of power up
L1089[15:45:29] <Inari> CompanionCube: i like the idea of having a physical body to sex though :P
L1090[15:45:41] * MGR|Frieza powers up to Golden Frieza
L1091[15:45:45] <MGR|Frieza> BEHOLD
L1092[15:45:58] * CompanionCube installs Lewd.exe/dmg/elf on Inari's computer
L1093[15:46:01] * Mettaton_Fab is still in Body Box (tm)
L1094[15:46:12] <Inari> lol
L1095[15:46:16] * MGR|Frieza fires Emperor's Edge at Mettaton_Fab
L1096[15:46:24] * MGR|Frieza watches the blades slice through the body box
L1097[15:46:27] <MGR|Frieza> KO
L1098[15:46:43] ⇦ Quits: MalkContent (~MalkConte@p4FDCF6DA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L1099[15:47:40] <MGR|Frieza> I think I'm going to walk around for a while, see how much sunlight I can reflect off my armor
L1100[15:48:09] <Mettaton_Fab> the Body Box (tm) is indestructable.
L1101[15:48:42] * Mettaton_Fab pets MGR
L1102[15:48:56] <MGR|Frieza> A powerful long blade-like energy beam Frieza creates with two of his fingers and that can slice through anything
L1103[15:49:08] <MGR|Frieza> that's the description for the death wave
L1104[15:49:14] <Mettaton_Fab> also, Skye, that virus must make a backdoor in the BIOS
L1105[15:49:16] <MGR|Frieza> the Emperor's Edge is an even more powerful form
L1106[15:49:39] <Mettaton_Fab> remember the Body Box (tm)
L1107[15:50:15] <MGR|Frieza> trademarks aren't worth a flying spaghetti monster
L1108[15:50:23] <Temia> Hey MTT! MGR has killed everyone and Alphys is pinning all her hopes on you to end him. Good luck! o/
L1109[15:50:33] <MGR|Frieza> who is Alphys?
L1110[15:50:39] <MGR|Frieza> Temia, I don't want to kill people
L1111[15:50:44] <MGR|Frieza> I literally just wanted your axe
L1112[15:50:46] <Temia> Ssshh.
L1113[15:50:49] * MGR|Frieza blames TheFox
L1114[15:51:00] <Temia> I'm trying to set off a death flag
L1115[15:51:03] * MGR|Frieza powers down to First Form at 1% power
L1116[15:51:10] *** MGR|Frieza is now known as MajGenRelativity
L1117[15:51:32] <MajGenRelativity> Temia, what?
L1118[15:52:09] <Temia> Well you broke it so I guess there's no need to explain myself. =3=
L1119[15:52:39] * MajGenRelativity shrugs
L1120[15:53:59] <Inari> i wish playstore had a button to filter out games with in-app purchases
L1121[15:54:28] <MajGenRelativity> Temia, what's shmups?
L1122[15:54:35] <Inari> shoot em ups?
L1123[15:54:52] <MajGenRelativity> ah
L1124[15:55:06] * Inari shmups Saphire
L1125[15:55:36] * MajGenRelativity resumes training
L1126[15:58:03] <gamax92> @@@@@@@@@@@ teehee
L1127[15:59:41] <Inari> https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5QutPXQXS8Q/maxresdefault.jpg ;3 ;3
L1128[16:00:04] <Vi> :::
L1129[16:00:05] <Temia> Inari, quit lusting after the robot
L1130[16:00:09] <Vi> senseless ping
L1131[16:00:10] <Inari> lol
L1132[16:00:16] <gamax92> why the fuck is this image so huge
L1133[16:00:25] <Inari> Temia: nande D:
L1134[16:00:41] <Inari> Temia: also i lust after my nii :f
L1135[16:01:13] <Temia> ...okay fine you may lust after the robot.
L1136[16:01:18] <Temia> But if you get any trojans, it's your own fault.
L1137[16:01:20] <Inari> psh
L1138[16:01:24] <Inari> haha
L1139[16:01:30] <Inari> nah, she's clean ^.^
L1140[16:04:48] <gamax92> Go to Google Translate, set it to en -> en, then fill it with a bunch of the @ symbol and then have it speak it
L1141[16:05:13] <TheFox> MajGenRelativity: blames TheFox for what? sorry i was in the shower
L1142[16:05:24] <MajGenRelativity> TheFox, for me killing 2 people
L1143[16:05:37] <TheFox> oook
L1144[16:06:27] <ping> Vi, D:<
L1145[16:06:39] <Forecaster> Iv
L1146[16:06:43] <MajGenRelativity> TheFox, you had me take Temia's axe
L1147[16:06:47] <MajGenRelativity> She wouldn't let me have it
L1148[16:06:54] <MajGenRelativity> So I killed her and took her axe
L1149[16:07:03] <MajGenRelativity> Then her ghost told me to kill Mettaton_Fab, so I did
L1150[16:07:12] <Temia> I'm not dead.
L1151[16:07:17] <Temia> I just facetanked the hit. '3'
L1152[16:07:21] <MajGenRelativity> wait, what?
L1153[16:07:36] * TheFox celebrates temia not being dead
L1154[16:07:37] <Temia> Shmup. Extra lives.
L1155[16:07:39] <CompanionCube> Temia: only worried about trojans?
L1156[16:07:46] * Temia goes back to petting Vifino.
L1157[16:07:54] <MajGenRelativity> Temia, I hit you a couple hundred times
L1158[16:07:55] <Temia> What else would Inari be worried about?
L1159[16:07:57] <MajGenRelativity> It's a Death Counter
L1160[16:08:00] <Temia> Oh, I grazed those shots.
L1161[16:08:00] * Mettaton_Fab changes to Mettaton EX and begins to be fabulous
L1162[16:08:06] <CompanionCube> ransomware?
L1163[16:08:07] <Temia> Through shenanigans.
L1164[16:08:08] * vifino purrs some more at Temia, barely awake
L1165[16:08:08] <MajGenRelativity> Temia, I'm not talking about the Ki Blasts
L1166[16:08:09] <Temia> Or something.
L1167[16:08:10] <Mettaton_Fab> Oh Yes!
L1168[16:08:22] <Temia> Maybe I played RefleX most recently. Yeah, that works.
L1169[16:08:24] <MajGenRelativity> You never responded to the Death Counter
L1170[16:08:28] <Temia> Eh.
L1171[16:08:29] <MajGenRelativity> So that means you died
L1172[16:08:31] <Temia> Too much trouble now.
L1173[16:08:36] <Temia> I'm alive and that's that.
L1174[16:08:58] <MajGenRelativity> :|
L1175[16:09:03] <MajGenRelativity> Who has the Dragon Balls?
L1176[16:09:13] <vifino> I wanted to draw some stuffs again, but turns out sway, my window manager for wayland, does not support touch and similar things. Meaning gimp doesn't like it.
L1177[16:09:15] <Temia> If you want roleplay, there are better channels to do it on.
L1178[16:09:21] * Mettaton_Fab hits Maj with a "Metal" Rod in the Face with a speed of 88MpH
L1179[16:09:24] <Temia> That bites, Vifino D:
L1180[16:09:49] <Mettaton_Fab> Inari?
L1181[16:09:55] <vifino> Sad part is that to make it work decently I have to use weston or X11. Weston is barely usable and X11 is X11. :|
L1182[16:10:17] <Mettaton_Fab> you need to give me as much lewd power as possible for a lewd spirit bomb.
L1183[16:10:22] <MajGenRelativity> wat
L1184[16:10:32] <vifino> I guess I'll run sway for everything but GIMP.
L1185[16:10:38] * MajGenRelativity powers up
L1186[16:10:42] <Temia> Oh god, this really is turning into Buttlord GT
L1187[16:10:43] * MajGenRelativity powers up again
L1188[16:10:49] * Mettaton_Fab gathers lewd energy
L1189[16:10:49] * MajGenRelativity powers up into Final Form
L1190[16:10:54] * MajGenRelativity powers up to 100% power
L1191[16:10:58] * MajGenRelativity begins powering up
L1192[16:11:00] <TheFox> anyone here at Pen testing experience ?
L1193[16:11:01] <Temia> Can you two keep it down?
L1194[16:11:09] <Temia> Go zweefight in PM or something.
L1195[16:11:11] * Mettaton_Fab gathered enough lewd energy for a lewd spirit bomb
L1196[16:11:14] <MajGenRelativity> I trained for like 5 minutes, so I can power up into Golden Frieza faster
L1197[16:11:21] * MajGenRelativity powers up into GoldenFrieza
L1198[16:11:25] *** MajGenRelativity is now known as MGR|GoldenFrieza
L1199[16:11:28] <Corded> * Eleria is confused
L1200[16:11:28] <Temia> groan.
L1201[16:11:30] * MGR|GoldenFrieza powers up to 100%
L1202[16:11:33] <gamax92> playing with Wayland?
L1203[16:11:38] <gamax92> or are you using Wayland full time
L1204[16:11:46] <Temia> Mimiru, Lizzy, do either of you happen to be around?
L1205[16:11:59] * Temia still hasn't tried out Wayland. Too lazy. `-`a
L1206[16:11:59] <Mimiru> I'm here for a second, whats up?
L1207[16:12:06] <Lily_White> Wayland?
L1208[16:12:12] <Daiyousei> display server thingy
L1209[16:12:14] <Temia> Can you deal with Snowflake and Huge overthere?
L1210[16:12:20] <Daiyousei> for linux
L1211[16:12:20] * Mettaton_Fab gets back into Body Box (tm) after firing lewd spirit bomb
L1212[16:12:25] <Mimiru> What?
L1213[16:12:31] * Temia points at Maj and MTT.
L1214[16:12:41] <MGR|GoldenFrieza> I'm sort of just sitting here
L1215[16:12:43] <CompanionCube> technically, for roleplay there is the unused #ocmadness
L1216[16:12:45] <Temia> They've been at this for the better part of an hour.
L1217[16:12:54] <MGR|GoldenFrieza> wow
L1218[16:12:57] <MGR|GoldenFrieza> longer than I thought
L1219[16:12:58] <MGR|GoldenFrieza> alright
L1220[16:13:02] * MGR|GoldenFrieza powers down
L1221[16:13:05] *** MGR|GoldenFrieza is now known as MGR
L1222[16:13:07] <Mettaton_Fab> it wasnt even a hour.
L1223[16:13:09] * MGR goes off to train
L1224[16:13:42] <TheFox> Mettaton_Fab: she said for the better part, not a whole entire hour :3
L1225[16:14:01] <TheFox> shit i actually just did :3, what thehell is wrong with me
L1226[16:14:46] <MGR> TheFox, the same disease that afflicts most of the people here in #oc
L1227[16:15:00] <Forecaster> internetitis
L1228[16:15:38] <TheFox> MGR + Forecaster, us Foxes are immune, i hope XD
L1229[16:15:49] <MGR> TheFox, you are clearly not
L1230[16:15:54] <CompanionCube> no one is immune
L1231[16:16:07] <MGR> I've only managed to slow the progression
L1232[16:16:14] <Daiyousei> are you sure about that m8
L1233[16:16:21] <CompanionCube> I embraced it years ago
L1234[16:16:44] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (~Backslash@ip-84-119-213-220.unity-media.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1235[16:16:44] <Vexatos> I have never used the forbidden acronym
L1236[16:16:50] <Vexatos> I am pure
L1237[16:16:56] <Vexatos> Anyways, time to sleep
L1238[16:16:59] <vifino> Temia: Are you a fan of tiling/i3/awesomewm?
L1239[16:17:06] <Temia> Eh.
L1240[16:17:10] <Temia> Not especially.
L1241[16:17:11] <CompanionCube> there is no forbidden acronym
L1242[16:17:15] <TheFox> i needs more RAM, i have 4 GB of ram on my mac air (2011) and i am trying to run a heavy linux vm, why the hell? because thts why
L1243[16:17:21] <MGR> Daiyousei, I was eccentric long before the Internet
L1244[16:17:24] <vifino> If so, try sway. It runs with your existing i3 config, practically no modifications needed.
L1245[16:17:25] <Forecaster> I've never used it either
L1246[16:17:29] <MGR> I've managed to slow the acquisition of further issues
L1247[16:17:31] <Temia> I can see its use in more embedded systems, but I prefer a more versatile workspace.
L1248[16:17:51] <vifino> Temia: /me pretends to not have heard that sentence
L1249[16:17:54] * Lily_White hugs the Temoo
L1250[16:17:55] * CompanionCube likes tiling, but is not fan of some other things commonly associated with it
L1251[16:17:55] <Lily_White> :D
L1252[16:18:06] * Temia patpats Vifino.
L1253[16:18:49] <vifino> But yeah, there are other alternatives, like weston, the reference one, pretty much. Enlightenment also has a wayland port, haven't gotten that to work though. GNOME3 also runs on wayland.
L1254[16:18:54] <Mimiru> Well.. I'm glad I could help o_O
L1255[16:18:54] * vifino purrs even more
L1256[16:19:01] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2AE26918A4EE67C5096673.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1257[16:19:22] <CompanionCube> vifino: I think I accidentally launched E under wayland once
L1258[16:19:37] <CompanionCube> It did launch, but I don't think any app actually started :p
L1259[16:20:00] <TheFox> i will see you guys later, time for a long ass weekend of work. :( and not the fun kind.
L1260[16:20:04] <vifino> It should if you properly configure it, CompanionCube.
L1261[16:20:06] *** TheFox is now known as TheFox|afk
L1262[16:20:13] <Temia> Once I get my secondary workstation set up again, I'll mess with Wayland on another system.
L1263[16:20:29] <CompanionCube> vifino: I wasn't intending to use wayland so
L1264[16:20:41] <vifino> GTK3, SDL, Clutter, QT5 and enlightenment's own things all support wayland.
L1265[16:20:53] <CompanionCube> it just happened because I did enlightenment_start directly from the CLI
L1266[16:20:57] <CompanionCube> rather than .xinitrc
L1267[16:21:16] <vifino> So you got 99% of the important stuff already. The rest runs under XWayland. Faster than running under plain X11, too.
L1268[16:21:20] <Temia> SDL2, I'm assuming.
L1269[16:21:34] <vifino> Correct, Temia.
L1270[16:21:37] <Temia> Alright.
L1271[16:21:50] <CompanionCube> I have minor misgivings about Wayland's architecture though
L1272[16:21:59] <vifino> Not sure when it was implemented or if it has been backported.
L1273[16:22:14] <vifino> CompanionCube: Are you a developer?
L1274[16:22:15] <Temia> Nah, just wanted to get a better idea of where it got implemented.
L1275[16:22:17] <CompanionCube> mostly around the fact that you're rather boned if you want to run shit outside of the compositor
L1276[16:22:34] <CompanionCube> I don't need that functionality myself, but I can see the flaws
L1277[16:22:45] <Temia> So Wayland might be worth looking into for some of my projects then, because I'm trying my best to ditch SDL 1.2 and its framebuffer mode isn't exactly compatible for a lot of systems.
L1278[16:23:30] <vifino> Unless you have an NVidia GPU, you shouldn't have much trouble getting wayland to run.
L1279[16:23:32] <Temia> There's, like, VESA framebuffers, the GP2X family and the Raspberry Pi 1.
L1280[16:23:34] * Mettaton_Fab pets Temia out of curiosity
L1281[16:23:37] <Temia> ...ahahaha.
L1282[16:23:43] <vifino> Works even on a raspberry pi, with hardware acceleration.
L1283[16:23:44] <Temia> yeah, not going on my main workstation then c.c;
L1284[16:23:59] <Temia> MTT, I've warned you not to before.
L1285[16:24:03] <Temia> Do I need to get an op involved?
L1286[16:24:50] * Mettaton_Fab writes note into tiny notes book: "do not pet Temia or death is near"
L1287[16:24:52] <vifino> Temia: NVidia is trying to get the wayland/weston devs interested. They did EGLStream things and technically have a port, however the devs do not like the way it is implemented.
L1288[16:25:03] <Temia> Of course. .3.
L1289[16:25:11] <Temia> Ah well, I can still surely use Wayland for some of my projects.
L1290[16:26:36] <MGR> Mettaton_Fab, I think we've annoyed people enough today
L1291[16:26:39] <MGR> let them cool off
L1292[16:27:12] <vifino> I ran a Pi2 with Gentoo and Wayland for a while. I was amazed by how smooth everything was. I was debating wether or not I would use it as a desktop for a while, since it Just Worked(tm).
L1293[16:27:49] ⇦ Quits: feldim2425 (~feldim242@91-113-88-71.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1294[16:28:15] <Temia> Well, depending on benchmarks I might supplant the Pi2 in my joystick with a Zero (with the benefit of maintaining the build via my Pi1 since there's no easy internet access through a Pi2)
L1295[16:28:22] <Temia> But experimentation! Fun!
L1296[16:28:41] <vifino> Woop woop.
L1297[16:29:03] <CompanionCube> pi3 op because built-in wifi
L1298[16:29:11] <Temia> Don't have the money sadly.
L1299[16:29:27] <Temia> Also the bigger issue with the built-in Pi is that it's a pain in the ass to hook up testing equipment to.
L1300[16:29:47] <gamax92> testing equipment?
L1301[16:30:18] <Temia> Yeah, I have a hat on it with screw terminals and a TTL-to-RS232 chip, with pinouts for a ribbon cable.
L1302[16:30:34] ⇨ Joins: feldim2425 (~feldim242@88-117-32-99.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L1303[16:30:37] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1304[16:30:43] <Temia> So I can hook up my DEC terminal and get access to a shell in mid-operation.
L1305[16:30:52] <vifino> waitwaitwait
L1306[16:30:57] <gamax92> magik.
L1307[16:30:57] <vifino> DEC TERMINAL?!
L1308[16:30:59] <Temia> Yes.
L1309[16:31:00] <vifino> :O
L1310[16:31:09] <Temia> I have a DEC VT420 serial terminal, with nice green phosphors :3
L1311[16:31:09] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L1312[16:31:20] <vifino> *.*
L1313[16:31:47] <Temia> It makes up one of the three displays on my secondary workstation, the other two being a 1280x1024 LCD on a swivel mount (for that TATE goodness) and an old Amiga CRT monitor.
L1314[16:32:05] <Temia> Though I am honestly likely moving them both out to make room for a TV I got on freecycle.
L1315[16:32:22] <Temia> (Terminal's there to stay tho.)
L1316[16:33:17] <Mettaton_Fab> Temia, you have an old Terminal?
L1317[16:33:19] <CompanionCube> what's it ultimately going to be used for
L1318[16:33:26] <Temia> I do.
L1319[16:33:31] <Temia> Cube: The terminal or the TV?
L1320[16:33:34] * Mettaton_Fab looks at Temia in interest
L1321[16:33:40] <CompanionCube> the terminal
L1322[16:33:49] <Temia> Pretty much everything you'd use a serial terminal for :P
L1323[16:34:13] <CompanionCube> you should use it to access an emulated UNIX box of the same period
L1324[16:34:21] <Temia> I mostly use it with embedded devices, though.
L1325[16:34:27] <Temia> Oh, I've done that too.
L1326[16:34:34] <Temia> I got a couple of old Alphastations from a different Freecycle
L1327[16:34:51] <Temia> Need to try setting TRU64 UNIX up on one of them as an experiment one of these days.
L1328[16:34:54] <CompanionCube> oo, Alphas
L1329[16:34:57] <Temia> Yep. :3
L1330[16:35:07] <Temia> Really old ones though.
L1331[16:35:15] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/VTKQcwA.jpg
L1332[16:35:29] <CompanionCube> if you were so inclined (likely not) you could emulate a lisp machine on those
L1333[16:35:40] * gamax92 shoves Inari away, it's now lewd time right now.
L1334[16:35:43] <Temia> 200 4/233 to be specific. One came with a Redhat installation, the other came with an optical drive but no hard disk. Fortunately I had a spare SCSI drive just sitting around.
L1335[16:35:49] <Temia> I could!
L1336[16:36:01] <Inari> aw
L1337[16:36:03] <Inari> its 4 images, not 1
L1338[16:36:23] <CompanionCube> it's a good thing that software was ported to x86 though
L1339[16:36:27] <Skye> "you're not so innocent, you're a disgrace to your country. If you fled a million miles, I'd chase you for a day... (if I could be bothered)"
L1340[16:36:33] <Inari> there: http://akari.in/pinky_0Qul5
L1341[16:36:46] <Temia> Yeah.
L1342[16:37:01] <Temia> The Alphas are ultimately just a curio in the end.
L1343[16:37:10] <Temia> Also white devil alert D:
L1344[16:37:14] * Temia hides from the gundam
L1345[16:37:31] <Skye> wat?
L1346[16:37:35] <Temia> Nanoha is a gundam. Fact.
L1347[16:37:37] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway.insomnia247.nl) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1348[16:37:42] <Inari> haha
L1349[16:37:48] * CompanionCube wonders if there was anything particularly weird about the various terms for the UNIX that ran on the Alpha
L1350[16:37:59] <CompanionCube> DEC OSF/1, Digital Unix, Tru64
L1351[16:38:05] <Temia> Also, you know, pretty smart to hide anyway lest you get FULL POWER TOTAL DESTRUCTION'd.
L1352[16:38:38] <Inari> Temia: she just wants to befriend you
L1353[16:38:40] * Temia tried setting up NetBSD (and later openBSD) on that second alphastation but it was such a mess she'd rather try with TRU64 in the future =x=a
L1354[16:38:47] <Temia> Please no befriending ;A;
L1355[16:38:48] <Temia> It hurts
L1356[16:39:00] <CompanionCube> I'm not sure where you'd find a copy though.
L1357[16:39:11] * CompanionCube sees if winworld has one
L1358[16:39:14] <Temia> I think HP still has disc images up on their site
L1359[16:39:37] <Inari> Temia: i prefer her loli version though
L1360[16:39:48] <Skye> another quote from a song... "holy bombs make holy holes, holy holes make homeless moles. Take the turtle and hare, don't run around if you can walk there~~"
L1361[16:39:49] * Temia spraybottle
L1362[16:39:56] <Inari> what :<
L1363[16:39:59] <Inari> shes just not cute as adult
L1364[16:40:05] <vifino> dammit Temia, stop making me jelly ;-;
L1365[16:40:13] * Temia patpats Vifino
L1366[16:40:24] <Temia> I'm literally just taking other people's junk, that's all
L1367[16:40:27] <Inari> vifino becomes jelly in teh vicinity of spray bottles?
L1368[16:40:29] <Temia> I just happen to live in a very geeky metropolis.
L1369[16:44:29] * Lily_White headpats Temia. "And we like our geeky moo!"
L1370[16:44:36] <CompanionCube> ohey
L1371[16:44:45] <CompanionCube> WinworldPC has Tru64 5.0
L1372[16:45:08] ⇨ Joins: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway.insomnia247.nl)
L1373[16:46:31] <CompanionCube> so obtaining it shouldn't be difficult
L1374[16:46:32] <Temia> Ooh. :o
L1375[16:46:34] <Temia> Okay.
L1376[16:46:55] <MGR> Temia, I could only make it 3/4 of the way through Buttlord GT
L1377[16:46:57] <MGR> It's just so bad
L1378[16:47:08] <CompanionCube> https://winworldpc.com/product/tru64
L1379[16:47:23] <Temia> Can't say it isn't accurate, though.
L1380[16:48:09] <MGR> Temia, haven't seen any DragonBall Z, so I can't comment
L1381[16:48:10] * Mettaton_Fab tries to move the lewd away from Inari
L1382[16:48:30] <Temia> You haven't?
L1383[16:49:08] <CompanionCube> Mettaton_Fab: attempt to interfere with Inari's lewd will only end in failure
L1384[16:49:11] <CompanionCube> or destruction
L1385[16:49:38] <MGR> Temia, I have not
L1386[16:49:42] <MGR> nor have I read the manga
L1387[16:51:36] * Mettaton_Fab tries to use commands to separate lewd and Inari
L1388[16:51:51] <MGR> Mettaton_Fab, you should probably stop
L1389[16:54:09] <Temia> Ooh, HP's public FTP server is up.
L1390[16:54:18] * Temia starts slurping down files for the Alphastation
L1391[16:55:45] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway.insomnia247.nl) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1392[16:55:51] ⇨ Joins: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway.insomnia247.nl)
L1393[16:57:10] * Kimiro shivs Temia in the mouth with a spear of asparagus
L1394[16:57:41] <Temia> Speaking of someone who should probably stop
L1395[16:58:22] <Kimiro> Yeah. But then my inevitable suicide would be tragic rather than a relief.
L1396[16:58:39] <Mettaton_Fab> Kimiro, why asparagus?
L1397[16:59:19] <Kimiro> Mettaton_Fab: Because a single piece of asparagus is a spear.
L1398[16:59:58] <Temia> I'll see about hopping on later to pick some stuff up, but for now...
L1399[17:00:28] <Skye> sO
L1400[17:00:41] <Temia> So?
L1401[17:00:53] <Forecaster> s1
L1402[17:01:05] * Temia nap.
L1403[17:03:56] <CompanionCube> so
L1404[17:04:02] <CompanionCube> someone mixed Trump with WordPress
L1405[17:04:09] <CompanionCube> the result is this: 'WordPress is not sending us their best. They're sending us their SQL injections and remote shells. And some, I assume, are nice plugins.'
L1406[17:07:15] <vifino> Right, Lizzy apparently crashed at a coworkers house, so much for waiting for her. I'mma go to bed, then.
L1407[17:07:19] <vifino> Good night, everyone.
L1408[17:07:23] * Mettaton_Fab doots around the channel
L1409[17:07:46] <Mettaton_Fab> night vifino.
L1410[17:07:53] * vifino curls up on Temia and nods off, but not without demanding pettings
L1411[17:08:21] * Temia snaps awake, petpetpets Vifino.
L1412[17:08:27] * Mettaton_Fab carefully puts a burrito on vifino
L1413[17:08:40] * Kimiro writes something in a little grey notebook
L1414[17:09:29] * Temia smacks the burrito off :T
L1415[17:11:00] * Kimiro saves the burrito
L1416[17:12:32] <Kimiro> (TMW You really wish you could call down a bombardment of 10m long tungsten javelins from orbit.)
L1417[17:13:28] <CompanionCube> why
L1418[17:13:37] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1419[17:13:51] <Corded> * Eleria Eleri tries to look in Kimiro 'S notebook
L1420[17:14:06] <Kimiro> CompanionCube: Because I want to destroy a lot of stupid people.
L1421[17:14:19] <CompanionCube> you will hit other targets
L1422[17:14:29] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (~Brandon@
L1423[17:14:47] <Inari> internet
L1424[17:14:51] <Inari> pls, stop being so helpful, its too much
L1425[17:15:00] <Kimiro> @Eleria funds the notebook full of heavily encoded text written in a swooping alphabet.
L1426[17:15:14] <Kimiro> Finds. Not funds.
L1427[17:15:35] <Corded> * Eleria Eleri tries to decode it
L1428[17:15:54] <CompanionCube> bruteforce?
L1429[17:16:10] <Eleria> Nah logic xD
L1430[17:16:11] <Kimiro> @Eleria will be at that for approximately 100 trillion lifetimes.
L1431[17:16:21] <Corded> * Eleria starts that
L1432[17:16:22] <Inari> whys it so ahrd to find out where to dump mercury
L1433[17:16:23] <Inari> sheesh
L1434[17:16:37] <Kimiro> Inari: Call poison control.
L1435[17:16:38] <Eleria> (Has enough time as *coughs*)
L1436[17:16:49] <Temia> Hmm.
L1437[17:16:57] <Temia> It seems getting a license for Tru64 could be tricky
L1438[17:16:58] <Inari> Kimiro: :P
L1439[17:17:12] <Inari> Kimiro: like you'd thikn they want that infomration easily available
L1440[17:17:21] <Inari> so like people actaully get rid of it properly
L1441[17:17:26] <Inari> instead of just throwing into some lake
L1442[17:17:43] <Kimiro> Inari: I mean... Ostensibly they should be the ones with that information.
L1443[17:18:41] <Inari> Kimiro: yeah,, but it shoudl be on the net
L1444[17:18:42] <Inari> :P
L1445[17:19:07] <Mettaton_Fab> Inari, do it the african toilet way.
L1446[17:19:13] <CompanionCube> Temia: I'd be more inclined to say 'impossible'
L1447[17:19:17] <Inari> Mettaton_Fab: ?
L1448[17:19:22] <Mettaton_Fab> put it in a bag and throw it very far away.
L1449[17:19:26] <Inari> ...
L1450[17:19:28] <Inari> i'd rather not :P
L1451[17:19:35] <Temia> Well, yes.
L1452[17:19:39] <Kimiro> Inari: How much mercury do you have?
L1453[17:19:41] <Mettaton_Fab> or get it into a school.
L1454[17:19:49] <Inari> Kimiro: dunno, like 10 drops? :P
L1455[17:19:59] <Kimiro> Old thermostats?
L1456[17:20:03] <Inari> tilt switches
L1457[17:20:16] <Mettaton_Fab> tilt switches?
L1458[17:20:22] <Kimiro> So decidedly less than an ounce?
L1459[17:20:26] <Mettaton_Fab> how do these look?
L1460[17:20:29] <Inari> i suppose?
L1461[17:20:41] <Inari> Mettaton_Fab: http://www.chinaxurui.net/uploads-xr/1-m/2015-04/mercury-switch-pz-103.jpg
L1462[17:20:58] <Kodos> Okay, so did anything change between 1558 Forge and 1614 that would cause textures AND localization to break? Forge's IRC is no help
L1463[17:21:05] <Kimiro> Inari: Sealed container, taped shut. Call poison control and inquire about mercury disposal in your area.
L1464[17:21:27] <Inari> Kimiro: also its in the switches ofc and i'd rather not break them to get it out :P
L1465[17:21:34] <Kimiro> Yeah.
L1466[17:21:43] <Kimiro> Same procedure though.
L1467[17:21:48] <Inari> hm k
L1468[17:21:54] <Kimiro> Sealed container, taped shut.
L1469[17:22:05] <Inari> damn china and thier non-rohs tilt switches :D
L1470[17:22:14] <Kimiro> Heh.
L1471[17:22:31] <Kimiro> To be fair though, tilt switches are a useful thing in some circumstances.
L1472[17:22:44] <Inari> sure, but they can be built wihtout mercury
L1473[17:23:19] <Kimiro> True, but mechanical tilt switches have a lot more failure modes.
L1474[17:23:42] <Inari> mayhaps
L1475[17:23:51] <Inari> anyway, i'm a klutz :D so i'd rather not work with these
L1476[17:26:47] <Inari> meanwhile i still dont understand this phaseshift thingy :|
L1477[17:28:00] <Inari> china is kinda OP though
L1478[17:28:50] <MajGenRelativity> looks @Kimiro
L1479[17:28:52] * Kimiro drops a few tungsten rods on China
L1480[17:29:05] <Inari> i order stuff, free shipping (i mean it takes 15~48 days or so to arrive but hey) and then you get the parcel with a sticker from your local post service saying "Parcel has been exempt from customs office control" on them
L1481[17:29:40] <Skye> Inari, apparently china has cheap shipping by being lazy
L1482[17:29:55] <Skye> they expect the destination postage system to sort everything out
L1483[17:30:11] <Inari> Skye: but its.. free, im nto sure why our delivery services even do that for free
L1484[17:30:20] <Skye> Inari, because losing mail is worse
L1485[17:30:23] <Skye> like
L1486[17:30:34] <Inari> they could just tell china to pay or fuck off :P
L1487[17:30:37] <Skye> it probably costs less to work out where it goes than to have to refund for lost goods
L1488[17:31:27] <Mettaton_Fab> Inari, i gots all the parts to build my amp from china.
L1489[17:31:50] <payonel> Inari: o/
L1490[17:32:02] <Inari> payonel: o/
L1491[17:32:15] <Mettaton_Fab> also, if you wanna give those switches a good time, get 20 amps trough and tilt it.
L1492[17:32:33] <Mettaton_Fab> maybe it will glow.
L1493[17:32:37] <Mettaton_Fab> or not.
L1494[17:32:52] <Inari> nty
L1495[17:32:58] <Inari> im keeping them far away from me
L1496[17:32:58] <Inari> :P
L1497[17:33:07] <Inari> plus my power supply only does 3A anyway
L1498[17:33:12] <Kimiro> Mettaton_Fab: Depending on if they were filled with inert gas or not, they might glow or they might explode.
L1499[17:33:25] <Kimiro> And given China... Yeah.
L1500[17:33:58] <Mettaton_Fab> send them to ElectroBOOM!
L1501[17:34:01] <Inari> exploding mercury sounds fun
L1502[17:34:10] <Mettaton_Fab> or the Hydraulic Press Channel
L1503[17:34:22] <Kimiro> Inari: Do you want brain damage? Because that's how you get brain damage.
L1504[17:34:34] <Inari> :P
L1505[17:34:43] <Inari> Kimiro: do you know the mercury girl story?
L1506[17:35:05] <Mettaton_Fab> Kimiro, Inaris brain has probable been mostly replaced with lewd
L1507[17:35:28] <Kimiro> Inari: Is it the story of the girl who ate mercury and then developed seizures so bad she died within a month?
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L1509[17:35:42] <Inari> uh, nope
L1510[17:36:00] <Kimiro> Ah. Okies. But that one is also true.
L1511[17:36:58] * Kimiro chews on Inaris' lewd
L1512[17:37:22] <Inari> Kimiro: http://imgur.com/gallery/SP6fMa2
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L1516[17:40:18] <Kimiro> Ah. That mercury girl.
L1517[17:40:51] <Mettaton_Fab> wow, with her eye, she looks like a mirrored beat um johnny 5!
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L1521[17:45:11] <Mettaton_Fab> and i know what i talk about.
L1522[17:45:57] * Kimiro balances a brick of heroin on Mettaton_Fab
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L1524[17:52:51] <Mettaton_Fab> why a heroin brick?
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L1526[17:57:05] <Kimiro> Because you're an addict, Harry.
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L1547[19:03:15] <gamax92> This browser does not support video playback.
L1548[19:03:38] <gamax92> lol twitter you're crazy.
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L1555[19:54:14] <merg> I made that real time plotting of a reactor temperature, but super it's ulgy
L1556[19:54:37] <merg> but it's super ugly*
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L1560[20:16:37] <Temia> Screenshot?
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L1570[21:17:01] <Kimiro> https://youtu.be/49tpIMDy9BE
L1571[21:17:01] <MichiBot> Shatter Me Featuring Lzzy Hale - Lindsey Stirling | length: 5m 20s | Likes: 636635 Dislikes: 9009 Views: 58196287 | by Lindsey Stirling
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L1574[21:33:36] <Izaya> https://a.pomf.cat/ihqhpk.jpg
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L1580[22:48:57] <merg> Temia http://imgur.com/a/MgIgA
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L1584[23:12:21] <Temia> Try using block elements instead.
L1585[23:15:42] * Kimiro dumps a vat of estrogen and plastic explosives on Temia, then wanders off to bed
L1586[23:16:10] <Temia> 'k.
L1587[23:27:27] <gamax92> Temia: help ;-;
L1588[23:27:38] <gamax92> My arch broke
L1589[23:31:57] <Temia> D: What happened?
L1590[23:32:49] <gamax92> I dunno, did updates, X no longer works, says something about nvidia kernel api mismatching the client, but as far as I'm aware the kernel modules are the newer ones and should indeed match
L1591[23:32:57] <gamax92> yet somehow older ones are loaded
L1592[23:34:04] <Temia> Did you reboot?
L1593[23:34:16] <gamax92> yeah
L1594[23:35:17] <Temia> Weird.
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L1596[23:41:46] <gamax92> Temia: oh, it probably has old copies inside the initrd ...
L1597[23:41:53] <gamax92> I'll have to rebuild that
L1598[23:41:59] <Temia> Ah, that would do it, yeah.
L1599[23:42:48] <Temia> I force mine to use a regular console since Nvidia's drivers like to complain when you're using a framebuffer for it.
L1600[23:42:56] <Temia> And on occasion crash.
L1601[23:43:49] <gamax92> I wonder if there are any consoles that are implemented using kms instead of a framebuffer
L1602[23:44:24] <gamax92> And also if I can tell pacman to rebuild the initrd when that package updates ...
L1603[23:46:23] <Temia> There's a hook for it if there was a Linux kernel update.
L1604[23:46:43] <Temia> Which I'm used to seeing on any sizable update.
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L1606[23:47:19] <gamax92> :3 pacman does allow me to add in custom hooks
L1607[23:47:49] <gamax92> and yeah, ... kernel didn't update for me this time, only the nvidia module iirc
L1608[23:48:08] <Temia> Welp
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