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L1[00:33:03] ⇨ Joins: techno156 (~techno156@
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L5[01:12:02] <Forecaster> %tell Vexatos I didn't make you watch anything, you could have stopped at the first mistake :P
L6[01:12:02] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Vexatos will be notified of this message when next seen.
L7[01:18:24] <Kodos> Anyone know if there's a Transformers mod for MC? My wife is asking
L8[01:19:31] <Forecaster> the 'ol "I'm asking for a friend/wife" huh? > . >
L9[01:28:39] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2AE2688D3BD1E71EE06088.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L10[01:28:40] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L15[01:52:42] <Kodos> Well, she is, so
L16[01:52:54] <Kodos> Also, I need to find someone to pester about a minimod
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L21[02:03:05] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2AE2018D3BD1E71EE06088.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L22[02:03:06] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L28[02:50:16] <Izaya> Shawn|4650M: get a bouncer
L29[02:50:25] <Shawn|4650M> why
L30[02:50:28] <Izaya> not only do we get less nick changes
L31[02:50:44] <Izaya> you can use ONE NICK for all your machines
L32[03:16:39] <Lizzy> Shawn|4650M: like Izaya said, please try to keep the nick changes to a minimum and not be in the channel multiple times
L33[03:17:16] <Lizzy> Fucking phone reception
L34[03:17:26] <Lizzy> #p
L35[03:17:27] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1.096978587 Seconds passed.
L36[03:18:05] <Lizzy> I need to find a way for irssi to forward ctcps through to proxy clients
L37[03:18:46] ⇨ Joins: MalkContent (~MalkConte@p4FDCFED5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L38[03:21:01] <Shawn|4650M> ?
L39[03:21:03] <Shawn|4650M> that was earlier
L40[03:21:13] <MalkContent> i was so happy to have 10+gb of free space on my tiny 40gb ssd when i updated to windows10... now its back down to 1 and i have no damn idea why
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L43[03:24:10] <MalkContent> anybody else experience that?
L44[03:26:16] <Izaya> MalkContent: mandatory updates probably
L45[03:26:24] <Izaya> run a windirstat?
L46[03:26:29] <Izaya> delete win32?
L47[03:27:17] <mort> or syswow64
L48[03:27:38] <Lizzy> Shawn|4650M: i was sleeping then. My point still stands though
L49[03:29:09] <MalkContent> i dont think its the updates, but thanks for windirstat
L50[03:31:47] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-72-74-136-63.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L51[03:33:16] <MalkContent> hiberfil.sys, huh... *deletes* and we gained 7gb :x
L52[03:37:59] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L53[03:40:43] <Izaya> reboot and it'll be back
L54[03:41:06] <Izaya> because Windows 10 doesn't shut down
L55[03:41:26] <Izaya> unless you change some obscure options
L56[03:43:13] <MalkContent> didnt deleted it, disabled the service
L57[03:43:44] <Izaya> ohok
L58[03:43:54] <MalkContent> "service"
L59[03:43:59] <MalkContent> powercfg -h off
L60[03:44:01] <Izaya> also no swapping to disk
L61[03:44:30] <MalkContent> ?
L62[03:44:43] <Izaya> wait hiberfile
L63[03:44:44] <Izaya> nvm
L64[03:47:26] <Shawn|4650M> Lizzy I understand, I wont let others mess with my oc computer
L65[03:50:31] ⇨ Joins: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-72-74-136-63.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
L66[03:53:04] <MalkContent> sigh. *cuddles his free diskspace*
L67[03:54:42] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-72-74-136-63.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L68[03:56:32] <MalkContent> neat. redstone io's actually affordable now
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L72[04:03:39] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Quit: There are those who live without living. Don't be one of those.)
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L74[04:38:25] * Skye yawns
L75[04:38:54] <Lizzy> DAMMIT
L76[04:39:05] <Skye> ?
L77[04:39:27] <Lizzy> tried telling mosh to use port 25 which isn't blocked by my work firewall
L78[04:39:37] <Lizzy> but it can't bind to it because it's a privileged port
L79[04:40:11] <Skye> Ah
L80[04:50:44] ⇨ Joins: techno156 (~techno156@
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L84[05:11:29] <Forecaster> @Mimiru: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Crqa8ECWIAAm4yS.jpg:large
L85[05:11:33] <Forecaster> :P
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L94[05:37:25] <Forecaster> somebody is having some issues :P
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L99[05:41:01] <Forecaster> lots of issues
L100[05:41:23] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Quit: There are those who live without living. Don't be one of those.)
L101[05:50:05] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
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L103[06:15:26] <MajGenRelativity> I forgot my flash drive, and now I can't finish TACEATS2
L104[06:15:46] <MajGenRelativity> It's too bad, because I just needed to unify the two halves and some hand-off code
L105[06:17:56] <Yuujin Hiiragi> kek
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L111[06:44:07] <MalkContent> aaw. endstone third person model is normal size again in 1.10 :c
L112[06:49:36] *** Kodos is now known as Kodos|Zzz
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L123[07:30:31] ⇨ Joins: LuMistry (uid146685@id-146685.charlton.irccloud.com)
L124[07:30:56] <LuMistry> Greetings
L125[07:32:30] <Magik6k> S3, ping
L126[07:32:51] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055_ (~Brandon@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L127[07:36:36] <Forecaster> grublings
L128[07:36:50] <LuMistry> how are you today Forecaster?
L129[07:37:06] <Forecaster> same as yesterday
L130[07:37:27] <LuMistry> how were you yesterday Forecaster?
L131[07:38:40] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L132[07:39:00] <Forecaster> good probably, I don't remember
L133[07:39:16] <LuMistry> Fair enough
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L160[10:31:35] <vifino> I AM ALIVE
L161[10:31:55] <vifino> IFA wasn't as interesting as CeBIT. Oh well.
L162[10:33:58] <marcin212> Kodos|Zzz: When crafted, the Smartcard will have a unique keypair assigned to it. A private key, inaccessible in-game in any way, and a public key. The card terminal will serve for a 'dock' for the card and when within the OC network with the card inserted, the terminal will offer encrypting/decrypting/verifying stuff with your keys.
L163[10:34:03] <Kimiro> *shoots Vifino in the butt*
L164[10:35:15] * vifino deletes Kimiro from the universe
L165[10:37:46] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L166[10:40:24] <Kimiro> *Cannot be deleted. Reason: File in use.*
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L171[10:47:27] * Lizzy heals vifino's butt and pats it better
L172[10:48:38] <vifino> :3 :3 :3
L173[10:48:42] ⇦ Quits: feldim2425 (~feldim242@178-190-205-72.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
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L178[10:59:07] <Lizzy> home time!
L179[10:59:10] * Lizzy snuggles vifino
L180[11:02:23] * vifino snuggles Lizzy <3
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L185[11:34:58] * Lizzy is home
L186[11:35:05] * Lizzy jumps into vifino's arms
L187[11:35:10] <Lizzy> Forecaster, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6oYhUGjGUU
L188[11:35:11] <MichiBot> Elite Dangerous Patch 2.2 Aliens - Gamescom Sneak Peek | length: 8m 10s | Likes: 576 Dislikes: 9 Views: 29229 | by CMDR Josh Hawkins
L189[11:37:33] <Vexatos> all aboard the hype starship *-*
L190[11:38:01] <Lizzy> lol
L191[11:38:48] <gamax92> Lizzy is a space ship?
L192[11:42:22] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriy_ (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L193[11:43:48] <Vexatos> I was more talking about the video
L194[11:46:57] <gamax92> Does Lizzy is space ship?
L195[11:47:45] * Lizzy does is confuse
L196[11:53:42] * vifino pets Lizzy
L197[11:53:49] * Lizzy purrs
L198[11:54:48] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L199[12:00:29] <Mimiru> -_-
L200[12:00:35] <Mimiru> My Aunt won't return my calls.. yay
L201[12:00:50] <vifino> rp u
L202[12:00:51] <vifino> rip u
L203[12:01:06] <Mimiru> yeah, pretty much
L204[12:01:34] <Mimiru> They were going to help me out, and pay my moms truck off (she owed like $1080 on it)
L205[12:01:41] <Mimiru> well, payment is due the 11th
L206[12:02:14] <Mimiru> So, now I have to try to call my other uncle and see if theres anything he can do :/
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L214[12:15:55] <Inari> https://zippy.gfycat.com/PoshBeneficialAntelopegroundsquirrel.webm
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L217[12:19:52] <MalkContent> how can she sit
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L220[12:20:12] <Yuujin Hiiragi> Question: Would yous mooch a ghost?
L221[12:21:55] <gamax92> mooch?
L222[12:22:34] <LilyWhite> smooch
L223[12:22:36] <LilyWhite> :V
L224[12:23:06] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriy_ (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L225[12:23:14] <gamax92> Would you smooch a fairy?
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L228[12:24:38] <LilyWhite> Yes I would
L229[12:24:39] <LilyWhite> what about you?
L230[12:25:11] <Daiyousei> i would
L231[12:26:08] <LilyWhite> o 3o
L232[12:26:09] * LilyWhite smooches Dai
L233[12:26:11] <LilyWhite> <3
L234[12:26:33] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L235[12:27:25] <Daiyousei> :3
L236[12:28:41] * Lizzy awwwes
L237[12:29:23] ⇦ Quits: LilyWhite (~IceChat9@nj-76-1-239-0.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L240[12:40:35] <S3> Hey
L241[12:40:47] <gamax92> hey S3
L242[12:41:02] <S3> pissed at my boss today
L243[12:41:06] <S3> well, one of them
L244[12:46:30] <Lizzy> ooh, what happend?
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L255[13:21:49] <gamax92> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLsVWUbxIE0
L256[13:21:50] <MichiBot> Sign Abuse - Twilight Princess Bug | length: 1m 31s | Likes: 235 Dislikes: 2 Views: 1710 | by Dolphin Emulator
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L259[13:26:21] <MalkContent> lol
L260[13:26:28] <Vexatos> >What did he throw?
L261[13:26:30] <Vexatos> >An error.
L262[13:26:44] <Temia> :v
L263[13:29:19] * vifino throws An Vexatos
L264[13:30:10] <Temia> oc.cil.li.objects.VexatosException
L265[13:30:11] ⇦ Quits: FunMaker (~FunMaker@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L266[13:30:46] <gamax92> li.cil.oc.objects.VexatosException
L267[13:31:31] * Lizzy throws a vifinoNeeded exception
L268[13:31:42] <vifino> sh.tty.code.thingers.MagicException
L269[13:31:53] <Forecaster> "got nil expected vifino"
L270[13:32:02] <Temia> oh right.
L271[13:32:08] <Temia> got it mixed up.
L272[13:32:24] <Temia> Doesn't help that I can't look it up since I'm on my phone
L273[13:32:49] <vifino> My condolences, Temia.
L274[13:32:53] * Temia catches Lizzy's acception, assigns Vifino and continues
L275[13:33:03] <vifino> :3
L276[13:33:03] <Temia> exception
L277[13:33:16] <Temia> brain what are you even doing
L278[13:33:28] * Lizzy continues with her hugVifino() directive
L279[13:33:30] * Lizzy hugs vifino
L280[13:33:37] <vifino> vifino vifino = vifino.new();
L281[13:33:39] * Temia flops facefirst into one of Lizzy's wings and tries to sleep =.=
L282[13:33:48] * Lizzy pets Temia
L283[13:33:51] * vifino hugs Lizzy and Temia
L284[13:34:03] * Lizzy hugs vifino and Temia
L285[13:34:22] <gamax92> Weird gimp trick someone pointed out to me
L286[13:35:02] <gamax92> take photo, duplicate onto another layer, invert and desaturate, blur a bit, then set top layer as overlay
L287[13:37:26] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@223.sub-70-213-8.myvzw.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L297[14:18:00] * vifino randomly draws hearts on Lizzy
L298[14:18:10] * Lizzy giggles
L299[14:18:31] * Lizzy starts drawing hearts back on vifino
L300[14:18:37] * vifino giggles
L301[14:18:41] * vifino is very mature
L302[14:20:45] <Lizzy> thank god we didn't have pens when i visited you :P
L303[14:23:47] * Lizzy kisses her vifino
L304[14:25:11] <Forecaster> yeah, you both would have become tatoo artists in notime
L305[14:26:29] <Forecaster> uh
L306[14:26:37] <Forecaster> Lizzy: what happened to the gitlab server?
L307[14:26:45] <Lizzy> Forecaster, ?
L308[14:26:52] <Forecaster> it's not responding
L309[14:26:55] <Lizzy> ermm
L310[14:27:07] <Lizzy> hold on
L311[14:30:49] <Lizzy> oh, it's sql server iis down :/
L312[14:30:58] <Forecaster> :>
L313[14:31:02] <Forecaster> >:*
L314[14:31:50] <Lizzy> and it doesn't want to come back up ....
L315[14:31:55] <Forecaster> D:
L316[14:32:22] <Lizzy> is there an update available...
L317[14:35:35] * vifino giggles and returns Lizzy's kiss
L318[14:35:57] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@223.sub-70-213-8.myvzw.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L319[14:36:12] <Lizzy> ¬_¬
L320[14:36:25] <Lizzy> athar's ipv6 is also broke
L321[14:39:08] <Forecaster> well, I don't need it right now, got the changes pushed to my own server
L322[14:39:36] <Forecaster> so no hurry
L323[14:40:03] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L325[14:47:49] <Lizzy> anyone know what debian 8 package privides dhclient?okay
L326[14:47:52] <Lizzy> ffs
L327[14:48:00] <Lizzy> i think i found out why stuff wont start...
L328[14:48:19] <Lizzy> /dev/md1 19G 18G 0 100% /
L329[14:49:22] <Forecaster> oh dear
L330[14:49:23] <CompanionCube> Lizzy: I hate it when that happens.
L331[14:49:42] <CompanionCube> Especially on btrfs, where you have multiple different methods of running out of space.
L332[14:52:32] <Lizzy> this is standard ext4
L333[14:52:37] <Lizzy> possibly
L334[14:53:13] <Lizzy> Forecaster, it's back
L335[14:53:24] <Lizzy> in the mean time i'ma try getting ipv6 back working
L336[14:53:47] <Forecaster> woo
L337[14:59:08] * vifino yawns, grabs Lizzy and goes to bed
L338[14:59:23] * Lizzy accepts her fate
L339[14:59:33] * Lizzy uses vifino as a pillow
L340[14:59:49] * Forecaster thought it said "grabs lizzys toes"
L341[14:59:51] <vifino> no, I use youuu as a illow
L342[15:03:58] <Lizzy> nu-uh
L343[15:04:05] <Lizzy> you r pillow
L344[15:04:31] ⇦ Quits: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@ (Quit: return 0;)
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L350[15:16:37] *** LordFokas|out is now known as LordFokas
L351[15:19:01] <LordFokas> hey y'all o/
L352[15:24:28] <MalkContent> heyo. i got a drone named after you
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L357[15:44:14] zsh sets mode: +v on Xilandro
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L362[16:24:26] <CompanionCube> http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/tech-timebomb-the-irs-is-still-living-in-the-1960s/article/2557483
L363[16:25:15] <CompanionCube> Basically, the IRS uses IBM stuff from the 60s
L364[16:25:50] <CompanionCube> Skye: ^
L365[16:25:52] ⇦ Quits: feldim2425 (~feldim242@178-190-205-72.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L366[16:26:01] <MalkContent> magnetic tape
L367[16:26:04] <MalkContent> good stuff
L368[16:26:24] <CompanionCube> yeah, but also archaic character encodings
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L370[16:29:26] *** xbony2|afk is now known as xbony2
L371[16:30:23] <Inari> "An actual EM Drive is about to be launched into space for the first time" woo finally
L372[16:35:57] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L374[16:48:06] <LordFokas> suddenly a malfunction in some old hardware, probably still built with vacuum tubes, causes a magnetic spike and wipes all the IRS data ever
L375[16:49:42] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L376[16:49:43] <LordFokas> and suddenly it would have been cheaper to just upgrade to hardware and software from this millenia.
L377[16:50:02] <LordFokas> millenium? idk. I'm not even a native english speaker anyways
L378[16:50:07] <LordFokas> much less writer :p
L379[16:52:06] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5dec6484.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Flow, like the river.' (Hanzo))
L380[16:52:36] <Sandra> it's not that it's cheaper, it's that it's more reliable.
L381[16:52:38] <Sandra> :P
L382[16:52:42] <Sandra> and cheaper.
L383[16:52:46] <Sandra> but mainly more reliable.
L384[16:52:52] <Sandra> of course.... that.
L385[16:59:29] <GreaseMonkey> if it's both then the only problem is it's inconvenient
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L390[17:10:58] <Xilandro> marcin212, thanks!
L391[17:11:02] <Xilandro> < Kodos
L392[17:12:36] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2AE2018D3BD1E71EE06088.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L393[17:13:07] <Lizzy> No your not!
L394[17:13:09] * CompanionCube is currently wondering if he should attempt what may or may not be a BIOS update
L395[17:13:15] * Lizzy hides
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L397[17:17:03] zsh sets mode: +v on sugoi
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L400[17:22:55] <MalkContent> when you fuck up the os on your robot
L401[17:23:04] <MalkContent> can you start it from disk?
L402[17:24:44] <MalkContent> or would you have to edit the eeprom for that
L403[17:33:56] ⇨ Joins: Kiddobyte (~Kiddobyte@75-128-216-19.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com)
L404[17:34:08] <S3> Mmmmm
L405[17:34:13] <S3> Organic turkey tastes like...
L406[17:34:17] <S3> preservatives.
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L409[18:04:12] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (webchat@pool-72-82-58-229.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L410[18:04:25] <TheFox> Hello everyone
L411[18:04:58] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L412[18:06:36] <gamax92> Alright, the old Radeon HD 4770 has finally been replaced
L413[18:06:54] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
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L415[18:07:27] <LordFokas> S3, organic food is great because everything else you can buy is made of flavoured plastic, so it's not a complete money-making scheme around the "Organic" keyword.
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L419[18:19:09] <Temia> Malk, late but if you have a floppy drive installed in your robot and a standard LuaBIOS, you should be able to boot from disk
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L422[18:24:45] <MalkContent> thanks :) still appreciated
L423[18:26:48] *** Xilandro is now known as Kodos
L424[18:26:53] <Kodos> Lizzy, Yes I am!
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L427[18:43:08] <TheFox> hello everyone
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L436[19:02:19] <Shawn|4650M> howdy
L437[19:02:24] <Shawn|4650M> hi TheFox
L438[19:02:28] <Shawn|4650M> great to see you :D
L439[19:02:46] <Shawn|4650M> has TheCryptek been active?
L440[19:04:00] ⇨ Joins: jacob (webchat@75-173-46-128.albq.qwest.net)
L441[19:04:02] <Mimiru> I'm going to show you a neat trick.
L442[19:04:05] ⇦ Parts: jacob (webchat@75-173-46-128.albq.qwest.net) ())
L443[19:04:05] <Mimiru> %seen TheCryptek
L444[19:04:07] <MichiBot> Mimiru: TheCryptek was last seen 5d 23h 51m 19s ago.
L445[19:04:11] <Shawn|4650M> oh wow
L446[19:04:12] <Mimiru> Theres your anwser
L447[19:04:18] <Shawn|4650M> I hope hes okay
L448[19:11:10] <Shawn|4650M> TheFox, have you played on the server recently?
L449[19:14:37] *** xbony2|afk is now known as xbony2|busy
L450[19:20:09] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L451[19:33:06] ⇦ Quits: Nentify (uid14943@id-14943.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L452[19:34:39] <S3> wot
L453[19:34:49] <S3> mangos are tasty
L454[19:35:02] <S3> they are the lydian of fruit
L455[19:35:07] <S3> a super major
L456[19:35:12] <S3> of sorts
L457[19:35:58] ⇦ Quits: Kiddobyte (~Kiddobyte@75-128-216-19.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L460[19:45:39] * CompanionCube is slightly bummed
L461[19:46:51] <Temia> ?
L462[19:47:08] <gamax92> I've no internet, IRC is the only thing working
L463[19:47:29] <Temia> Is DNS resolution not working?
L464[19:48:03] <CompanionCube> Temia: it's just that I spent forever troubleshooting something yet the fix will also take a substantial time period
L465[19:48:54] <CompanionCube> left-resize of a ~1TB partition anyone?
L466[19:50:18] <TheFox> Hi Shawn|4650M
L467[19:50:39] <TheFox> hello Temia, gamax92, and CompanionCube
L468[19:50:41] <Shawn|4650M> yay how are you?
L469[19:50:57] <TheFox> tired as hell, just got back from holiday
L470[19:51:10] <Temia> ah.
L471[19:51:25] <gamax92> Temia: it is, pages just load super slowly and eventually give up so everything is full of broken missing resources
L472[19:51:30] <Temia> Ah.
L473[19:52:15] <TheFox> im going to assume someone trying to do web browser in OC?
L474[19:52:34] <Temia> I was considering porting Gopher but never got around to it.
L475[19:52:44] <Temia> I suppose someone could theoretically port Links?
L476[19:52:45] <Temia> But, uh
L477[19:53:09] <Temia> With the size of most website assets these days it'd spend a long time cleaning up without risking memory overflow.
L478[19:53:28] <TheFox> just return text like the old days, then let the user fgure out what the hell <!DOCTYPE html> means
L479[19:53:55] <gamax92> I'm glad TheFox isn't in charge of anything.
L480[19:54:11] <TheFox> gamax92: im in charge of things, just not anything you know of
L481[19:54:32] <Shawn|4650M> ag great ti gear'
L482[19:54:39] <Shawn|4650M> *ah great to hear rather
L483[19:55:10] <TheFox> also gamax92 it worked for the U.S. Military for several years, why not for OC? better yet, just make it compatible with html only website
L484[19:55:13] <TheFox> websites*
L485[19:55:18] <Shawn|4650M> TheFox, what about TheCryptek's server?
L486[19:55:25] <TheFox> Shawn|4650M: is it down yet?
L487[19:55:29] <Shawn|4650M> no
L488[19:55:40] <TheFox> ok, he was talking about switching hosts
L489[19:55:40] <Shawn|4650M> has he spoken to anyone?
L490[19:55:48] <TheFox> Shawn|4650M: about what? the server?
L491[19:55:55] <Shawn|4650M> in the past 5 days?
L492[19:55:56] <TheFox> sorry, what about the server
L493[19:55:59] <TheFox> yes, me
L494[19:56:04] <Shawn|4650M> ah, good
L495[19:56:19] <Shawn|4650M> did I annoy him?
L496[19:56:21] <TheFox> nope
L497[19:56:53] <Shawn|4650M> I'm on his server right now, trying to craft a molecular transformer, but I can't craft a piece I need
L498[19:57:02] <TheFox> the hell is that?
L499[19:57:09] <Shawn|4650M> advanced solar panels
L500[19:57:13] <Shawn|4650M> want to come on and see?
L501[19:57:22] <TheFox> sure, ill load up,
L502[19:58:11] <TheFox> Shawn|4650M: join #AerialDevs-MC
L503[20:02:58] <Shawn|4650M> I managed to get 60 frames on his pack
L504[20:03:06] <TheFox> quick questions for someone that knows eclipse IDE
L505[20:03:27] <Mimiru> http://imgur.com/gallery/wXt1g
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L507[20:04:15] <TheFox> lol
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L510[20:10:48] <S3> TheFox shut down a while back
L511[20:11:04] <S3> it was a radio station in an area I was in at one time
L512[20:11:20] <S3> it's too bad really, they played good music then thought they'd make more money playing classical... NOPE
L513[20:15:06] <TheFox> S3 what?
L514[20:15:20] <S3> lol
L515[20:15:24] <S3> TheFox: The Fox
L516[20:15:27] <S3> was a station around here
L517[20:15:44] <TheFox> oh, it pinged me when you said it
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L519[20:15:52] <S3> I know I was being silly
L520[20:16:25] <S3> so my C++ teacher is probably going to =[
L521[20:16:25] <S3> ']\]
L522[20:16:30] <S3> going to hate my code
L523[20:16:36] <TheFox> why>
L524[20:16:49] <S3> because I stick close to FreeBSD style(9)
L525[20:17:04] <S3> and it's meant for efficiency not prettiness
L526[20:17:30] <S3> though style is mostly for C, it's carried over to C++ whenever I wrote in it
L527[20:19:52] <TheFox> well, did you write c++, if so then he can only get but soo pissed
L528[20:20:08] <S3> Well here's the thing
L529[20:20:24] <S3> so professors treat everyone like they're noobs and don't understand a language
L530[20:20:30] <S3> so they try and baby everybody about their code style
L531[20:20:30] <TheFox> mhm
L532[20:20:34] <TheFox> mhm
L533[20:20:36] <S3> trying to tell them how they should do it
L534[20:20:48] <TheFox> "should"
L535[20:21:16] <TheFox> keyword in response, "wont"
L536[20:21:43] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L537[20:22:07] <TheFox> if i made everyone i taught (im not a prof. or really qualified at all to teach) then you guys would die, because i dont teach indentation XD
L538[20:22:54] <S3> I don't make assumptions, but there are some professors I've had that I've been writing code longer than they have, and it's like look man..
L539[20:24:10] <CompanionCube> so
L540[20:24:33] <CompanionCube> for no reason, I looked at the schedule for a systemd conference that's apparently happening
L541[20:25:07] <TheFox> for no reason? thats the BEST reason dude
L542[20:25:32] <S3> are they finally going to determine when systemd will be defunct?
L543[20:25:42] <S3> hopefully soon
L544[20:26:00] <CompanionCube> nope
L545[20:26:02] <CompanionCube> it's waaay worse.
L546[20:26:27] <CompanionCube> https://cfp.systemd.io/en/systemdconf_2016/public/events/21
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L548[20:31:09] <CompanionCube> it does not fill me with confidence.
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L624[22:18:30] <TheFox> hey! look a rare phenomon knows as the netsplit
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L646[23:09:52] <DFliyerz> anyone here?
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L650[23:22:53] <Kodos> Maybe...
L651[23:24:12] <Shawn|4650M> anyone want to get on TheCryptek's server?
L652[23:24:30] <Shawn|4650M> ive been a lonely crafter on there
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L655[23:33:27] <DFliyerz> i need some help setting up an induction matrix monitoring system, because i'm clueless
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L663[23:46:26] <Shawn|4650M> hi car
L664[23:46:31] <Shawn|4650M> oh
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