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Stuff goes here
L1[00:00:08] <SF-MC> you write extension code for OpenComputers itself
L2[00:00:39] <ade124> don't worry, it's just as hard as it sounds
L3[00:01:48] <ade124> The horrible font rendering: https://s32.postimg.org/hzfjptb45/Screenshot_20160804_125948.png
L4[00:03:52] <gamax92> oh, the lack of antialiasing
L5[00:04:28] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L6[00:06:02] <ade124> I'm getting oracle JRE then
L7[00:07:27] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098)
L8[00:09:13] <gamax92> Nachtara: python can't really be sandboxed
L9[00:10:02] <Nachtara> aw
L10[00:10:57] <ade124> Yep, ttf-ms-fonts fixes the fonts, but there's still no antialiasing... yay
L11[00:11:30] <fingercomp> i connected to github, finally. http://i.imgur.com/d7K3vqv.png
L12[00:11:51] <gamax92> nice :D
L13[00:11:55] <SF-MC> good job
L14[00:12:54] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Smell ya later!)
L15[00:19:27] <ade124> great, my mod folder came with a nice shipment of .DS_Stores I have to delete
L16[00:21:48] ⇦ Quits: ade124 (~ade124@ (Quit: need to reboot, lovely KDE decided to glitch again)
L17[00:24:22] ⇨ Joins: ade124 (~ade124@
L18[00:24:42] <ade124> Why didn't I go with manjaro
L19[00:27:14] <gamax92> Manjaro is not Arch
L20[00:27:25] <ade124> I know
L21[00:27:32] <ade124> that's why
L22[00:27:38] <SF-MC> Fedora ftw
L23[00:28:30] <ade124> Never had fedora
L24[00:29:04] <ade124> tried debian once, almost killed myself due to KDE 4 (I wanted 5) and the nvidia drivers
L25[00:29:29] <ade124> Unity is nice but it's even harder to get nvidia drivers working for me on Ubuntu
L26[00:29:32] <SF-MC> Debian tends to lag a bit
L27[00:29:57] <SF-MC> It's reputation for being stable as a rock is a result of components that are old as a rock :P
L28[00:30:25] <SF-MC> unless you do something like testing or sid
L29[00:30:29] <ade124> I wonder what'd happen if I ran KDE 5 on my Raspberry pi
L30[00:30:38] <SF-MC> it would die from the stress
L31[00:30:42] <SF-MC> probably
L32[00:30:56] <ade124> single core arm processor best processor
L33[00:31:15] <SF-MC> I never did use mine for what I wanted to use it for
L34[00:31:41] <vifino> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjGSMUep6_4
L35[00:31:42] <MichiBot> Install Gentoo | length: 54s | Likes: 2309 Dislikes: 62 Views: 130469 | by ScottishDuckHunter
L36[00:31:50] <ade124> No
L37[00:31:57] <SoraFirestorm> I love this video!
L38[00:32:59] <ade124> I'm already nearly killing myself with arch, why would I gentoo
L39[00:33:05] <SF-MC> Gentoo was fun
L40[00:33:10] <vifino> >was
L41[00:33:15] <SF-MC> yeah
L42[00:33:18] <gamax92> nvidia drivers are super easy to install ...
L43[00:33:26] <vifino> SF-MC: Explain.
L44[00:33:27] <SF-MC> because it eventually got to be a pain to have to compile everything
L45[00:33:29] <potato> ade124: next time you have the urge to format, try antergos
L46[00:33:29] <ade124> I used the run file, kill me
L47[00:33:35] <potato> it's arch, but with defaults
L48[00:33:37] <vifino> It isn't :D
L49[00:33:49] <vifino> At least for me, that is.
L50[00:33:52] <SF-MC> I installed it on spare machines both times
L51[00:33:57] <SF-MC> never my main computer
L52[00:33:59] <ade124> but then everyone in the forums will kill me
L53[00:34:01] <gamax92> Hell with the Driver Manager, installing nvidia's driver is the matter of a few clicks
L54[00:34:09] <vifino> I run Gentoo on my desktop and on my NAS.
L55[00:34:18] <ade124> I used the run file, kill me twice please
L56[00:34:28] <gamax92> well don't do that :P
L57[00:34:32] <SF-MC> I wouldn't be so opposed to distro hopping some
L58[00:34:38] <SF-MC> but I'm just lazy rn
L59[00:34:41] <SF-MC> then school would start
L60[00:34:57] <SF-MC> and I *really* don't want to do anything like that on a machine I depend on
L61[00:35:12] <ade124> virtual machines to the rescue
L62[00:35:13] <vifino> I am pretty sure I will stick with gentoo for a while.
L63[00:35:25] <vifino> Makes things easier.
L64[00:35:27] <vifino> \o/
L65[00:35:38] <SF-MC> ade124: part of it is how well the distro supports my HW
L66[00:35:48] <ade124> "Unable to connect with libvirt" Well, Ŝit...
L67[00:36:00] <ade124> PCI passthrough's a thing
L68[00:36:14] <SF-MC> Don't feel like messing with that
L69[00:36:24] <SF-MC> I'm happy where I'm at
L70[00:36:24] <ade124> I did, now I just use wine
L71[00:36:36] <ade124> I really miss BeamNG.drive though
L72[00:36:41] <vifino> Can confirm, VGA passthrough is something you need to devote some time to, it has it's issues with newer cards.
L73[00:36:54] <gamax92> vifino: but swap on video ram
L74[00:37:01] <SF-MC> wtf why
L75[00:37:06] <ade124> it's relatively easy for me...
L76[00:37:17] <ade124> and I have a 960
L77[00:37:24] <SF-MC> 960 wat
L78[00:37:26] <gamax92> SF-MC: why not :D
L79[00:37:37] <SF-MC> VRAM is no good for swapping...
L80[00:37:40] <SF-MC> :P
L81[00:37:41] <ade124> 1. Smash windows 2. Jump out of it 3. ??? 4. VGA passthrough done
L82[00:37:53] <gamax92> SF-MC: oh?
L83[00:37:58] <vifino> ade124: Do you not reboot the VMs? Do you not use Windows 10? Do you not use the Latest And Greatest Nvidia drivers?
L84[00:38:12] <SF-MC> plus you don't have nearly as much VRAM as HDD space
L85[00:38:15] <ade124> Windows 7 was freezing on me
L86[00:38:23] <gamax92> SF-MC: but the HDD is slow
L87[00:38:30] <ade124> The earliest build for my Gfx card already had KVM detection
L88[00:38:35] <SF-MC> then have plenty of RAM :P
L89[00:38:43] <gamax92> but what if I don't
L90[00:38:53] <ade124> So I messed with the config
L91[00:38:55] <SF-MC> get more? idk
L92[00:39:03] <ade124> turns out I can't edit the xml... nice
L93[00:39:04] <gamax92> SF-MC: or swap on video ram
L94[00:39:13] <ade124> download more wam
L95[00:39:18] <ade124> it's easy
L96[00:40:57] <vifino> I really like this new asrock rack motherboard.
L97[00:41:21] <vifino> You do notice how much better it is in comparison to consumer stuff.
L98[00:42:06] <ade124> > Implying that I have money to upgrade
L99[00:43:06] <gamax92> actually he didn't
L100[00:43:19] <gamax92> all he said is that he got a new asrock motherboard
L101[00:43:39] <SF-MC> and that it totally ASRocked
L102[00:43:48] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L103[00:49:15] <ade124> Why do I always forget to type sudo
L104[00:50:27] <SF-MC> heh
L105[00:50:37] <SF-MC> finally got one of those 'herobrine was here' tags in EIO
L106[00:50:54] <gamax92> sudo !!
L107[00:51:07] ⇨ Joins: Hyst` (~Hysting@cpe-124-189-28-144.bkzh1.cht.bigpond.net.au)
L108[00:51:08] <ade124> ?
L109[00:51:44] <gamax92> !! resolves to the last thing you tried to run, and then sudo !! would put sudo infront of it
L110[00:51:56] <ade124> thanks
L111[00:52:07] <SF-MC> and it generalizes
L112[00:52:13] <SF-MC> if you know the history number of a command
L113[00:52:24] <SF-MC> !<NUMBER> runs that command
L114[00:52:38] <SF-MC> at least on bash and whatnot
L115[00:52:38] <ade124> I always just used <up> <home> sudo <space> <enter>
L116[00:52:48] <SF-MC> also
L117[00:52:52] <SF-MC> bash uses readline
L118[00:53:04] <SF-MC> so you can go to start of line with C-a (Ctrl-A)
L119[00:53:24] <ade124> nice
L120[00:54:46] <ade124> Minecraft on linux directly captures key inputs and doesn't have the IME intercept... no more not moving I guess
L121[01:06:18] ⇦ Quits: Ajloveslily|Sleep (Ajloveslil@Somebody.needs.a.hug.PanicBNC.ninja) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L127[01:16:08] ⇦ Quits: Ajloveslily (Ajloveslil@Somebody.needs.a.hug.PanicBNC.ninja) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L129[01:23:44] ⇦ Quits: Tris (~Flufflepu@2605:6001:e013:bf00:6dc0:6ab3:59a4:ab02) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L130[01:26:58] * Lizzy yawns and stretches
L131[01:29:35] ⇦ Quits: L00_Cyph3r (~L00_Cyph3@546A51B2.cm-12-3b.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L132[01:30:48] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L133[01:30:52] <Lizzy> Michiyo, the colours for female seem a bit washed out to me
L134[01:32:52] ⇦ Quits: SoraFirestorm (~user@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L135[01:43:27] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@
L136[01:43:52] <Sandra> I need to make a mock-up phone interface by tomorrow....
L137[01:43:57] <Sandra> I have no idea what to do it in.
L138[01:45:23] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L139[01:50:04] <ade124> Nice, the font in OC is japanese... (not that I care, it's still readable)
L140[01:50:21] <Hyst`> Does anyone else wish on the "recover password" page websites would remind you of their password rules (Or even in the "Invalid Password") screen?
L141[01:50:29] *** ade124 is now known as ade124|away
L142[01:50:34] <ade124|away> Yep
L143[01:51:43] <Hyst`> oh wow
L144[01:52:20] <ade124|away> ?
L145[01:52:55] <ade124|away> Do I have to change my nickname to ade124|IMightBeAwayVerySoonForLikeFifteenMinutesOrSomething ?
L146[01:53:28] <Lizzy> 1) you can't make it that long, 2) any nick over 16 characters gets quieted
L147[01:53:36] * vifino wakes up from Lizzy's stretching and snuggles her
L148[01:53:43] * Lizzy snuggles vifino
L149[01:53:47] <Lizzy> 2 days!
L150[01:53:54] <vifino> :3
L151[01:53:57] <Lizzy> i would be taking off now
L152[01:54:21] <Lizzy> actually no
L153[01:54:29] <Lizzy> i would have been in the air for 30 minutes
L154[01:54:37] <Lizzy> also i need to get dressed for work
L155[01:59:40] ⇦ Quits: nekosune (~BNCClient@darkmatter.spacetechnology.net) (Quit: Goodbye from Snoonet BNC!)
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L160[02:11:08] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L165[02:21:12] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L166[02:21:28] <Hyst`> ade124|away, i wasnt wowing you :p
L167[02:24:03] <Hyst`> if this pack launches i will be happy, then I can start configuring it :)
L168[02:24:27] <Hyst`> "Im just gonna add 5 or so mods." -goes through and installs almost everything.-" "Oh."
L169[02:24:38] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L170[02:25:14] <vifino> Anyone ever seen a 24 core, 48 thread htop?
L171[02:28:11] <gamax92> here come dat boi
L172[02:28:14] <gamax92> oh shit waddup
L173[02:34:12] ⇦ Quits: Sangar (~Sangar@2001:41d0:2:b7b9::) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L174[02:34:25] <Lizzy> vifino, i've seen a 36 core, 72 thread task manager, but not the one you're saying :P
L175[02:35:04] <Lizzy> also rip sangar
L176[02:36:18] ⇨ Joins: Sangar (~Sangar@2001:41d0:2:b7b9::)
L177[02:36:18] zsh sets mode: +o on Sangar
L178[02:38:50] <gamax92> Sangar is glitch
L179[02:42:29] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L180[02:45:19] <Lizzy> .shutdown
L181[02:45:19] <EnderBot2> Bye bye
L182[02:45:19] ⇦ Quits: EnderBot2 (enderbot2@athar.theender.net) (Quit: ByeBye)
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L184[02:45:23] zsh sets mode: +v on EnderBot2
L185[02:45:28] <Lizzy> .stats
L186[02:45:28] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Liz \o/ http://www.theender.net/stats/oc.html
L187[02:45:36] <Lizzy> wrong link but oh well
L188[02:46:26] <Lizzy> .stats Lizzy
L189[02:46:26] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Liz \o/ http://www.theender.net/stats/oc.html
L190[02:46:29] <Lizzy> ffs
L191[02:48:20] ⇦ Quits: Sangar (~Sangar@2001:41d0:2:b7b9::) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L193[02:51:18] zsh sets mode: +o on Sangar
L194[02:51:25] <Lizzy> .shutdown
L195[02:51:25] <EnderBot2> Bye bye
L196[02:51:25] ⇦ Quits: EnderBot2 (enderbot2@athar.theender.net) (Quit: ByeBye)
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L198[02:51:34] zsh sets mode: +v on EnderBot2
L199[02:51:42] <Lizzy> .stats
L200[02:51:42] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Liz \o/ http://www.theender.net/stats/oc.html
L201[02:51:45] <Lizzy> .stats Lizzy
L202[02:51:45] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Liz \o/ http://www.theender.net/stats/oc.html
L203[02:55:15] <Forecaster> heh
L204[02:55:24] <Forecaster> apparently there's going to be a Splash remake
L205[02:55:45] <asie> vifino: 20 core, 40 thread, yes.
L206[02:55:52] <asie> For BTM16.1, in fact
L207[02:56:02] <asie> Not 24/48 tho
L208[02:56:33] <vifino> asie: nice
L209[02:57:15] ⇦ Quits: EnderBot2 (enderbot2@athar.theender.net) (Quit: Ohh Noes)
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L211[02:57:20] zsh sets mode: +v on EnderBot2
L212[02:57:48] <Lizzy> .ststs
L213[02:57:50] <Lizzy> ffs
L214[02:57:52] <Lizzy> .stats
L215[02:57:52] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Caitlyn \o/ https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/stats.html
L216[02:57:58] <Lizzy> .stats Lizzy
L217[02:57:58] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Liz \o/ https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/stats.html
L218[02:58:02] <Lizzy> ¬_¬
L219[02:58:06] <Lizzy> what the fuck
L220[02:58:12] ⇦ Quits: EnderBot2 (enderbot2@athar.theender.net) (Client Quit)
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L222[02:58:54] zsh sets mode: +v on EnderBot2
L223[03:06:53] <Lizzy> .stats Lizzy
L224[03:06:53] <EnderBot2> Ermm, Lizzy I broked.. Plz fix
L225[03:06:53] <EnderBot2> Error: <type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'>: local variable 'e' referenced before assignment
L226[03:06:57] <Lizzy> .-.
L227[03:07:00] <Lizzy> oh
L228[03:07:06] ⇦ Quits: EnderBot2 (enderbot2@athar.theender.net) (Quit: Ohh Noes)
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L230[03:08:19] zsh sets mode: +v on EnderBot2
L231[03:08:27] <Lizzy> .stats Lizzy
L232[03:08:27] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Liz \o/ https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/stats.html
L233[03:08:34] <Lizzy> oh
L234[03:08:44] ⇦ Quits: EnderBot2 (enderbot2@athar.theender.net) (Client Quit)
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L236[03:09:33] zsh sets mode: +v on EnderBot2
L237[03:10:06] <Lizzy> .stats Lizzy
L238[03:10:06] <EnderBot2> Lizzy, https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/user.php?cid=oc&nick=Lizzy, Seriously :P
L239[03:10:09] <Lizzy> woop
L240[03:12:37] ⇦ Quits: EnderBot2 (enderbot2@athar.theender.net) (Client Quit)
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L242[03:13:28] zsh sets mode: +v on EnderBot2
L243[03:13:33] <Lizzy> .stats Lizzy
L244[03:13:33] <EnderBot2> Lizzy, https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/user.php?cid=oc&nick=Lizzy, Seriously :P
L245[03:13:36] <Lizzy> .stats
L246[03:13:37] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Caitlyn \o/ https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/stats.html
L247[03:14:23] ⇦ Quits: EnderBot2 (enderbot2@athar.theender.net) (Client Quit)
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L250[03:15:22] <Lizzy> sorry for the pings, Michiyo
L251[03:19:49] *** ade124|away is now known as ade124|here
L252[03:20:42] <ade124|here> Why is linux permission a thing...
L253[03:20:49] <ade124|here> *permissions
L254[03:22:14] ⇨ Joins: techno156 (~techno156@
L255[03:26:30] <ade124|here> finally got my minecraft server working again
L256[03:39:31] <Lizzy> ade124|here, ?
L257[03:46:36] <ade124|here> Too used to batch files and got confused about shell scripts
L258[03:48:47] <ade124|here> also I just realised forge on linux doesn't scan subdirectories inside ~/.minecraft/mods/<minecraft version>
L259[04:13:11] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L261[04:30:16] <Ember_Primrose> o/ im back
L262[04:30:47] <ade124|here> I'm F'ing around with ksp
L263[04:30:57] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L264[04:53:18] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2AE26504B73465B7B8F5AE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L265[04:53:18] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L266[04:57:44] <ade124|here> I'm going to torture myself again by replacing Windows on my Mac with Arch and i3
L267[04:58:41] * Lizzy now has a clean desk
L268[04:58:43] <Lizzy> at work
L269[04:59:11] * Forecaster puts an invisible grain of sand on Lizzy's desk
L270[05:00:58] <Ember_Primrose> Lol: http://imgur.com/gallery/OUmBS
L271[05:02:01] * ade124|here can't even fit 1 16:9 and 1 5:4 monitor properly on his desk
L272[05:02:09] <Forecaster> :P
L273[05:02:18] <Forecaster> I don't have a desk :D
L274[05:02:45] * ade124|here realizes that he forgot the root password
L275[05:03:11] <ade124|here> I've always locked myself out of using root and did anything via sudo anyways
L276[05:04:30] <Ember_Primrose> *Forecaster ghetto fits everything
L277[05:04:54] * ade124|here realises that he has too much free time
L278[05:05:57] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L281[05:07:40] <ade124|here> hmm... where are the hard drive images for reactos
L282[05:08:23] <Vexatos> Ember_Primrose, 3rd comment on that imgur post ._.
L283[05:09:11] <Ember_Primrose> :d
L284[05:09:13] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L285[05:09:21] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@194-166-5-228.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L286[05:10:18] <Ember_Primrose> Lizzy, why is your collection empty? D:
L287[05:11:00] <Ember_Primrose> %quote Lizzy
L288[05:11:02] <MichiBot> Quote #64: <Lizzy> I enjoy vifino.
L289[05:11:13] <Ember_Primrose> %quote Lizzy
L290[05:11:13] <MichiBot> Quote #76: <Lizzy> have you tried hitting it with a brick?
L291[05:11:28] <Ember_Primrose> xD
L292[05:12:52] <ade124|here> I love how ReactOS has better font rendering than Windows
L293[05:14:54] <Lizzy> it is?
L294[05:15:07] <ade124|here> yeah, I am using Chinese and it looks way smoother
L295[05:15:38] <Ember_Primrose> nuuu
L296[05:15:57] <ade124|here> %quote ade124
L297[05:15:58] <MichiBot> ade124|here: No quotes found for ade124
L298[05:16:07] <ade124|here> %quote ade124|here
L299[05:16:10] <MichiBot> ade124|here: No quotes found for ade124|here
L300[05:16:41] <Ember_Primrose> hey Lizzy
L301[05:17:15] <Ember_Primrose> you're steam collection is empty
L302[05:17:20] <Ember_Primrose> why?
L303[05:18:32] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-28-70-9.as13285.net)
L304[05:27:11] <ade124|here> The half-width fullwidth characters in Noto Sans CJK really bug me
L305[05:29:38] <Lizzy> Ember_Primrose, it shouldn't be
L306[05:30:15] * Ember_Primrose slaps Steams face
L307[05:30:16] * EnderBot2 chuckles
L308[05:30:54] <Ember_Primrose> -_-
L309[05:31:55] <Lizzy> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=732466852 not empyty for me
L310[05:32:34] <Ember_Primrose> its is flickering for me, aka i have to refesh twice after every subscribe
L311[05:33:27] <Ember_Primrose> Lizzy, this guy has really good lokking buildings: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197985501663/myworkshopfiles/?appid=255710
L312[05:33:27] *** Lizzy changes topic to 'Forums: https://oc.cil.li/ | Wiki: http://ocd.cil.li/ | Latest version: 1.5.22 | Dev Builds: http://ci.cil.li/ | Channel Rules: https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/171- | Stats: https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/stats.html | Discord: https://discord.gg/0hVukoQ2KYifZFCA'
L313[05:33:41] <ade124|here> Why is the EULA in French for a font installer
L314[05:33:48] <Lizzy> lol
L315[05:34:00] <ade124|here> That's supposed to be in english and installs a chinese font
L316[05:34:12] * Lizzy shrugs
L317[05:34:32] <ade124|here> I'd expect the actual code to be in arabic at this point
L318[05:36:49] ⇦ Quits: Dustpuppy (~kvirc@86-43-207-191-dynamic.b-ras1.wtd.waterford.eircom.net) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L319[05:37:12] ⇨ Joins: Dustpuppy (~kvirc@86-43-207-191-dynamic.b-ras1.wtd.waterford.eircom.net)
L320[05:38:29] <vifino> Man, I love PC speakers.
L321[05:38:44] <vifino> beep boop beep beep beep boop beeep
L322[05:39:03] <Lizzy> omg, vifino is awake
L323[05:39:32] * Lizzy snuggles her vifino
L324[05:40:14] <ade124|here> My case doesn't have a PC speaker... It doesn't even have a beeper
L325[05:41:03] <vifino> Lizzy: I was awake for a while, you derp
L326[05:41:09] * vifino snuggles Lizzy back
L327[05:41:14] <vifino> ade124|here: well, it is a beeper
L328[05:41:30] <Lizzy> i know but usually you stay up all night then fall asleep shortly after 9am
L329[05:41:34] <Lizzy> :P
L330[05:41:42] * vifino coughs
L331[05:41:47] <ade124|here> It completely lacks any sort of sound-making apparatus
L332[05:42:03] ⇨ Joins: Nentify (uid14943@id-14943.highgate.irccloud.com)
L333[05:42:25] <vifino> gamax92: midi to beeper linux
L334[05:42:36] <Forecaster> so you don't have any fans? :D
L335[05:48:57] ⇦ Quits: Dashkal (~dashkal@s0106d43d7ef8be0d.vf.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L336[05:51:45] <ade124|here> The fans are so quiet you don't even notice they are here
L337[05:52:48] <asie> that's OpenComputers's problem, yes :^)
L338[05:53:01] <Ember_Primrose> o/ asie
L339[05:53:20] <ade124|here> I have no idea what I should make
L340[05:53:57] <asie> make the world a better place
L341[05:54:08] <ade124|here> too hard
L342[05:54:17] <asie> you can do it
L343[05:54:29] <ade124|here> I wonder if I can code a camera
L344[05:54:54] ⇨ Joins: Meow-J (~Meow-J@
L345[05:56:08] ⇦ Quits: Dustpuppy (~kvirc@86-43-207-191-dynamic.b-ras1.wtd.waterford.eircom.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L347[05:57:39] <ade124|here> well, no vietnamese on oc then I guess
L348[06:00:42] <ade124|here> oc has impressive support for chinese actually, only some characters are missing
L349[06:00:44] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13 (Johannes13@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L352[06:04:24] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5dec6f93.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L353[06:04:29] <Ember_Primrose> o/
L354[06:05:06] <Saintmare> hi
L355[06:08:21] <Ember_Primrose> Lizzy, what happened to nopillars that made you remove it
L356[06:08:49] <Skye> ade124|here, you can extend the font that OC uses
L357[06:08:56] <ade124|here> how
L358[06:08:58] <Lizzy> i think there was another mod that did it
L359[06:09:07] <Lizzy> anyway, brb
L360[06:09:31] <Ember_Primrose> o/
L361[06:10:12] <Skye> ade124|here, https://github.com/asiekierka/funscii
L362[06:11:22] ⇨ Joins: flappy (~flappy@a88-113-155-120.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L363[06:11:31] <ade124|here> So... Do you use funscii-8 or -16?
L364[06:12:50] <Skye> not sure
L365[06:13:25] <Vexatos> need to ask asie
L366[06:15:31] <asie> funscii-16
L367[06:15:35] <asie> obviously, the OC font is 8x16
L368[06:17:13] <ade124|here> I can't count
L369[06:17:36] <ade124|here> I'm curious just how unreadable funscii-8 is for kanji though
L370[06:18:45] <Vexatos> You could check the chinese font
L371[06:18:54] <ade124|here> there's only a japanese font
L372[06:18:57] <Vexatos> see how readable those characters are
L373[06:18:58] <Vexatos> hmm
L374[06:19:09] <ade124|here> but kanji's almost universal with only minor difference
L375[06:19:10] <ade124|here> s
L376[06:19:20] <Vexatos> Yea it's essentially the same
L377[06:19:57] <ade124|here> like 漢, in Chinese it's 廿 and in Japanese it's 卄
L378[06:20:59] <xandaros> I wouldn't even be able to tell with my don't size
L379[06:21:18] <ade124|here> Autocorrect strikes again
L380[06:21:24] <xandaros> font... Stupid phone
L381[06:22:01] <ade124|here> I can though and it bugs the living ŝit out of me
L382[06:22:18] <ade124|here> I really need a compose key utility
L383[06:22:49] <xandaros> Ŝit, eh? Ĉu vi parolas Esperanton?
L384[06:23:00] <ade124|here> Jes
L385[06:23:17] <xandaros> :)
L386[06:24:00] ⇦ Quits: Saintmare (~Saintmare@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L388[06:28:28] <Vexatos> asie pls
L389[06:28:32] <Vexatos> stop the twitter jokes
L390[06:29:18] <ade124|here> ĉĝĥĵŝŭ
L391[06:29:20] <ade124|here> Nice
L392[06:29:46] <asie> ade124|here: the Chinese support actually comes from a CJK font I found
L393[06:29:57] <ade124|here> which
L394[06:29:57] <asie> well, CJ, and more J
L395[06:30:09] <asie> http://openlab.ring.gr.jp/efont/shinonome/index.html.en
L396[06:30:24] <ade124|here> So that explains 漢
L397[06:30:26] <asie> one of my requirements is public domain license as I refuse to put any restrictions whatsoever on a font
L398[06:30:33] <asie> that's silly
L399[06:30:48] <xandaros> ade124|here: For a while I actually used ǔ instead of ŭ, because I couldn't figure out the combination for ŭ. Turns out, ŭ is a lot easier to type than ǔ :D
L400[06:31:06] <ade124|here> It's b
L401[06:31:19] <ade124|here> it's the same on Alt-Latin, ABC extended and linux
L402[06:32:59] <asie> It's interesting that I could not find a single x16 public domain font for Korean
L403[06:33:10] <xandaros> I really need to figure out how to make your own compose combinations at some point. There's a number of characters I'd like to type that aren't part of the standard set
L404[06:33:15] <ade124|here> hangul fonts are relatively easy to make, you just have to combine things
L405[06:33:39] <xandaros> ade124|here: Have you ever made a font?
L406[06:33:40] <asie> yes, but someone would have to make one
L407[06:33:51] <asie> i welcome contributions to funscii and i apologize for the messy buildsystem
L408[06:33:57] <xandaros> Nothing is easy when it comes to fonts, lol
L409[06:34:01] <asie> xandaros: it's 16x16
L410[06:34:02] <ade124|here> Yes, but I didn't even make the uppercase
L411[06:34:07] <asie> there's much fewer ways to get things wrong there
L412[06:34:14] <asie> scalable fonts are the hard part
L413[06:34:16] <xandaros> Oh, is it bitmap fonts?
L414[06:34:20] <asie> yes
L415[06:34:20] <ade124|here> Vector
L416[06:34:23] <asie> ah
L417[06:34:26] <xandaros> Then it's not an issue
L418[06:34:27] <asie> funscii is bitmap, anyway
L419[06:34:46] <xandaros> Lack of Hangul is a bit sad, though. Hangul is bloody amazing :D
L420[06:35:07] <xandaros> I need to properly learn the consonants at some point, I only know the vowels
L421[06:35:19] <ade124|here> I don't even know the vowels
L422[06:35:36] <asie> xandaros: at least moving away from Unifont stopped OC from having a potential license concern
L423[06:35:49] <asie> as Unifont is GPLv3, with an exception for using the font in documents but not for bundling it with software
L424[06:36:02] <asie> i plan to combine funscii with Fixedsys Excelsior, though
L425[06:36:08] <asie> another public domain font with lots of awesome glyphs
L426[06:36:15] <asie> i also drew a few of my own glyphs
L427[06:36:24] <asie> but mostly for the symbols parts of Unicode
L428[06:36:39] <ade124|here> I can't even get a nice looking v, w and x
L429[06:39:46] <ade124|here> ả
L430[06:39:50] <ade124|here> nice, I can type vietnamese
L431[06:42:43] <ade124|here> Tôi có thể gõ tiếng Việt
L432[06:42:57] <ade124|here> Just to save you a trip to google translate, this means I can type vietnamese
L433[06:43:02] <ade124|here> according to google translate
L434[06:47:58] <ade124|here> I love how character support is all over the place
L435[06:48:16] <ade124|here> some that I don't even know how to read/what it means are displayable but some really basic vocab are missing
L436[06:50:12] ⇨ Joins: bauen1_ (~bauen1@2a02:810d:1980:1584:f0eb:ba4:c3b6:664f)
L437[06:52:01] <xandaros> Some of the characters are really low quality for me xD
L438[06:52:07] <xandaros> Fallback font?
L439[06:52:24] <xandaros> (ǔ is one of the low ql ones, incidentally. ŭ is not)
L440[06:52:32] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (~bauen1@2a02:810d:1980:1584:e536:38ec:f41e:10cc) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L441[06:52:39] <ade124|here> ?
L442[06:53:30] <xandaros> http://storage2.static.itmages.com/i/16/0804/h_1470311666_3200243_159c3e7106.png
L443[06:53:34] <ade124|here> ǚ
L444[06:53:41] <ade124|here> I can even type characters no one needed
L445[06:54:07] <xandaros> …How?
L446[06:54:45] <ade124|here> <compose(I have it set to menu, the most useless key ever invented)><:><c><u>
L447[06:54:54] <ade124|here> oops
L448[06:55:14] <fingercomp> ~w oppm
L449[06:55:14] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/tutorial:program:oppm
L450[06:55:19] <ade124|here> not working... nice
L451[06:55:25] <xandaros> My laptop doesn't have a right super key, so I rebound my menu key to right-super :P
L452[06:55:34] <xandaros> I use rshift for compose
L453[06:55:42] <xandaros> :cu doesn't work, though :(
L454[06:55:42] <ade124|here> KSP uses rshift for mod
L455[06:55:48] <xandaros> true
L456[06:55:49] <ade124|here> I forgot what it is
L457[06:56:03] <xandaros> rshift-f12 or something for cheat menu, too
L458[06:56:28] <xandaros> yup, rshift-f12
L459[06:56:49] <ade124|here> ǚ oops, c"u
L460[06:56:51] ⇦ Parts: Saintmare (~Saintmare@ (bb,))
L461[06:56:52] <ade124|here> ǚ
L462[06:57:00] <xandaros> ǚ
L463[06:57:01] <xandaros> AHA
L464[06:57:07] <xandaros> c"u works :)
L465[06:57:09] ⇨ Joins: BILLPC2684 (~BILLPC268@cpe-24-26-134-100.columbus.res.rr.com)
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L467[06:57:57] <ade124|here> ǎă (are they the same? they aren't supposed to be)
L468[06:57:59] <xandaros> I need to figure out how to make my own compose combinations at some point. There are a few I'd really like to have
L469[06:58:03] <xandaros> They're not
L470[06:58:07] <ade124|here> nice
L471[06:58:24] <xandaros> ǎ is pointier than ă
L472[06:58:24] <ade124|here> can I make combining diacritics though
L473[06:58:33] <ade124|here> yep, that's how it's supposed to be
L474[06:58:57] <xandaros> Also, best characters to have: “”‘’«»
L475[06:59:06] <xandaros> Proper quotation marks!
L476[06:59:24] <ade124|here> "" '' is good enough for me
L477[06:59:32] <ade124|here> and Chinese has 《》
L478[06:59:44] <xandaros> How o you make those? :D
L479[06:59:54] <xandaros> Also, if you know how to make the japanese ones…
L480[07:00:29] <ade124|here> 日本語もOK
L481[07:01:21] <ade124|here> You just type the romaji (nihonngo mo OK)
L482[07:01:47] <xandaros> I meant the parentheses :P Don't want to use IME when just pasting something
L483[07:02:05] <xandaros> (Especially since my ibus really doesn't like my terminal -_-)
L484[07:02:44] <ade124|here> Can confirm, ibus-table hates Konsole
L485[07:03:03] ⇦ Quits: wembly (~wembly@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L486[07:03:46] <xandaros> tesuto… It doesn't even do anything now. Before it just fucked up royally
L487[07:03:56] <ade124|here> テスト
L488[07:04:07] <ade124|here> Anthy works for me
L489[07:04:12] ⇨ Joins: wembly (~wembly@
L490[07:04:55] * Ember_Primrose is excited
L491[07:05:01] <ade124|here> Anthy hates konsole with a passion
L492[07:05:02] <Forecaster> :O
L493[07:05:03] <xandaros> ibus just seems to have urxvt. Though, it does seem to change my keyboard layout
L494[07:05:09] <Forecaster> whyyy?
L495[07:05:17] <Ember_Primrose> 8pm
L496[07:05:27] <ade124|here> lol it's 8pm here too
L497[07:05:39] <xandaros> ← 2pm
L498[07:05:41] <Ember_Primrose> it isnt' here
L499[07:05:53] <Ember_Primrose> <- 2pm
L500[07:06:13] <ade124|here> You guys live in some place in Europe I'd guess
L501[07:06:18] <Ember_Primrose> Forecaster, STEAM TEAM
L502[07:06:22] <Ember_Primrose> +r
L503[07:06:28] <xandaros> Indeed - Germany
L504[07:06:31] <Forecaster> :>
L505[07:06:44] <Ember_Primrose> xandaros, RSA\
L506[07:06:52] <ade124|here> <- Living in a ŝithole called Hong Kong
L507[07:07:05] <Ember_Primrose> ade124|here, :#
L508[07:07:08] <Ember_Primrose> :3
L509[07:07:10] <xandaros> Better than actual china :P
L510[07:07:15] <Ember_Primrose> ^
L511[07:07:26] <Ember_Primrose> sort of
L512[07:07:29] <ade124|here> Yeah I guess
L513[07:07:41] <ade124|here> (Well at least people know Hong Kong is a thing I guess)
L514[07:07:57] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L515[07:08:15] <Forecaster> mm pizza
L516[07:08:48] <Ember_Primrose> NOOOOOOOOOOO
L517[07:08:54] <Ember_Primrose> Forecaster,
L518[07:09:05] <ade124|here> I ate a meal of nothing, nice
L519[07:09:07] <Ember_Primrose> do you have the tsunami mod installed
L520[07:09:14] <Forecaster> no
L521[07:09:33] <Forecaster> why?
L522[07:10:00] <xandaros> I like how you keep spelling shit with ŝ :D
L523[07:10:12] <Ember_Primrose> good, shift right clicking a road to change its one way satus spawned A FUCKING 100M TIDAL WAVE
L524[07:11:04] <Forecaster> ooh
L525[07:11:12] <Ember_Primrose> D:
L526[07:12:23] <Lizzy> did i add that to the collection? whoops
L527[07:13:02] <Forecaster> I didn't enable it :P
L528[07:13:18] <Lizzy> i don't have it enabled either, i need to remove it
L529[07:13:35] <ade124|here> I just use that world editor with all the tools from the map editor
L530[07:13:50] <Lizzy> ?
L531[07:14:40] <ade124|here> I don't even know what I am talking about
L532[07:14:51] <Lizzy> k
L533[07:14:52] <Forecaster> cabbages!
L534[07:15:06] <ade124|here> Even broccoli is better than cabbages
L535[07:15:09] <ade124|here> jk
L536[07:15:18] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L537[07:15:22] <Forecaster> I hate eating cabbage
L538[07:15:26] <Forecaster> but it's a funny word :P
L539[07:15:42] <xandaros> ade124|here: Iu diris al mi ke Esperanto estas “populara” en la ĉino (kaj eble Honkongo). Kompreneble ne sampopulara kiel la ĉinan aŭ la anglan. Ĉu ĝi veras?
L540[07:16:44] <ade124|here> Ne, almenaŭ en Honkongo
L541[07:17:10] <xandaros> Hehe, mi pensis tion :P
L542[07:17:35] <Ember_Primrose> Forecaster, Lizzy, a D: ohno moment, (but actually feeling like :D) : http://imgur.com/a/I537X
L543[07:18:14] <Ember_Primrose> nvm
L544[07:18:14] <Forecaster> "image no longer exists"
L545[07:18:14] <Lizzy> image not available :/
L546[07:18:20] <Ember_Primrose> stupid imgur
L547[07:18:25] <Lizzy> lol
L548[07:18:35] <Ember_Primrose> i finished uploading and then was like "nope"
L549[07:18:40] <ade124|here> ... I can see it
L550[07:18:42] <ade124|here> wtf
L551[07:20:05] * Ember_Primrose slaps Imgur
L552[07:20:05] * EnderBot2 laughs
L553[07:20:17] * xandaros slaps EnderBot2
L554[07:20:18] * EnderBot2 grabs Ender's Katana and slices xandaros in half
L555[07:20:21] <xandaros> :D
L556[07:20:47] * Ember_Primrose pokes EnderBot2
L557[07:21:18] * ade124|here slaps no one
L558[07:21:18] * EnderBot2 high-fives ade124|here
L559[07:21:23] <Ember_Primrose> Forecaster, Lizzy, here fixed the upload: http://imgur.com/a/8vzxn
L560[07:21:26] * ade124|here slaps EnderBot3
L561[07:21:26] * EnderBot2 chuckles
L562[07:21:36] * xandaros slaps all bots
L563[07:21:36] * EnderBot2 rulls on the floor laughing
L564[07:21:39] <xandaros> :P
L565[07:21:44] * ade124|here slaps EnderBot2
L566[07:21:44] * EnderBot2 grabs Ender's Katana and slices ade124|here in half
L567[07:21:51] * ade124|here slaps Ender
L568[07:21:51] * EnderBot2 chuckles
L569[07:21:57] <ade124|here> ... Okay
L570[07:22:20] * ade124|here can actually see the picture
L571[07:22:22] <Forecaster> that's probably very scary standing right next to it
L572[07:22:24] <xandaros> It's not very smart it seems. But at least it knows when you slap it directly
L573[07:22:36] <ade124|here> do you want me to reupload it?
L574[07:22:37] <Ember_Primrose> leeme see in fps mode
L575[07:22:40] ⇦ Quits: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
L576[07:22:44] * Ender punches ade124|here to a pulp
L577[07:23:20] <ade124|here> ok
L578[07:23:30] ⇨ Joins: Corded (~Corded@eos.pc-logix.com)
L579[07:23:41] <ade124|here> You can also punch EnderBot2 to a pulp
L580[07:23:51] <Ender> no
L581[07:23:57] <Elizabeth> test
L582[07:23:58] <ade124|here> ok then
L583[07:24:08] <Lizzy> \o/ Corded is back
L584[07:24:19] <Forecaster> uau
L585[07:24:22] <Forecaster> yay*
L586[07:24:36] <ade124|here> don't you just love keyboards on phones
L587[07:25:04] <Lizzy> ?
L588[07:25:11] * ade124|here slaps himself out of boredom
L589[07:25:11] * EnderBot2 chuckles
L590[07:25:12] <xandaros> They're great. Much prefer them to actual keyboards
L591[07:25:27] <ade124|here> Ever tried a mechanical keyboard?
L592[07:25:34] <Forecaster> meh, I type faster and more reliably on a real keyboard
L593[07:25:51] * xandaros was being sarcastic
L594[07:26:01] <Forecaster> http://imgur.com/a/y0ZQW -- my throttle controller, now attached to my chair
L595[07:26:03] <Forecaster> :D
L596[07:26:06] <ade124|here> Meh, my real keyboard lights up the English keys but not the Chinese keys thus making me very frustrated
L597[07:26:46] <ade124|here> I have FSX steam edition but my play record is 13 hrs
L598[07:27:00] <ade124|here> now that I'm on linux it's going to be even harder for me to increase that record
L599[07:27:02] <Ember_Primrose> Forecaster, spend much?
L600[07:27:18] <Lizzy> Forecaster, E:D?
L601[07:27:23] <xandaros> I want to play flight sim, but... xplane is expensive :(
L602[07:27:27] <Ember_Primrose> I HAD THAT SAME KEYBOARD
L603[07:27:34] <xandaros> And fsx and p3d are windows only
L604[07:27:40] <Forecaster> I had to get it shipped from the US, so it was pretty expensive
L605[07:27:48] <ade124|here> So... I'm not the only one on the Linux Bandwagon?
L606[07:27:49] <Forecaster> because I wanted just the throttle
L607[07:28:03] <xandaros> ade124|here: If it wasn't obvious from the compose key discussion :P
L608[07:28:12] <ade124|here> Oh
L609[07:28:35] <xandaros> Been using Linux for years. I can't use windows anymore, it feels so clumsy and slow :(
L610[07:28:59] <xandaros> Although I suppose I'd feel the same in a DE like gnome or kde
L611[07:29:07] <ade124|here> KDE's great
L612[07:29:11] <Ember_Primrose> Forecaster, standing next to the wave: http://imgur.com/a/2jPVw
L613[07:29:23] <xandaros> ade124|here: Ever tried a tiling WM?
L614[07:29:28] <Lizzy> lol
L615[07:29:36] <Forecaster> it looks like a mountain :P
L616[07:29:39] <ade124|here> I'm going to get i3 soon on my Macbook pro
L617[07:29:45] * xandaros uses i3
L618[07:29:53] <Ember_Primrose> was just the outside ring
L619[07:30:19] <xandaros> I was sceptical about tiling WMs, but I wanted to try one. I installed i3. After about an hour, I didn't want to go back :D
L620[07:30:37] <Ember_Primrose> i3?
L621[07:30:41] <Ember_Primrose> as ins CPU
L622[07:30:46] <xandaros> As in window manager
L623[07:30:50] <Lizzy> vifino, what DE does you laptop use?
L624[07:31:00] * Ember_Primrose shrugs
L625[07:31:01] <xandaros> Ember_Primrose: https://i3wm.org/
L626[07:31:49] <xandaros> The default keybinds using jkl; was a bit weird, though. Changed that to hjkl, which I'm used to from vim, anyway
L627[07:32:45] <Ember_Primrose> oh, okay, no thx im good
L628[07:33:18] <Ember_Primrose> %logs
L629[07:33:56] <xandaros> Well, you're using Windows, so it's not like you could use it, anyway :P
L630[07:33:56] <Ember_Primrose> xandaros, why?
L631[07:34:06] <Ember_Primrose> what how
L632[07:34:15] <Ember_Primrose> how u CTCP?
L633[07:34:30] <xandaros> ./ctcp <name> <query> - at least in weechat
L634[07:34:44] <Ember_Primrose> oh, im on hexchat
L635[07:34:51] <xandaros> I know
L636[07:34:57] <Ember_Primrose> D:
L637[07:35:03] <ade124|here> Now I need to find my Ъях Лыникс Disk (Don't ask my why I labeled it that way)
L638[07:35:23] <xandaros> Ember_Primrose: Your client reveals quite a lot about system
L639[07:35:47] <Ember_Primrose> dunno how to turn that off
L640[07:35:52] <ade124|here> where
L641[07:35:56] <Ember_Primrose> or downscale info at leasr
L642[07:36:38] <ade124|here> I still use nano
L643[07:36:42] <ade124|here> Don't kill me
L644[07:36:52] <Ember_Primrose> stahp
L645[07:36:54] <xandaros> I still use ed. Like a pro
L646[07:36:55] <Forecaster> mine wont reveal info about my actual system :P
L647[07:36:56] <Lizzy> hold on
L648[07:36:58] <xandaros> (I don't)
L649[07:37:07] <ade124|here> Wait, how
L650[07:37:17] <ade124|here> I'm on hexchat
L651[07:37:34] <Ember_Primrose> recieving ctcp requests lags my hexchat D:
L652[07:37:50] <xandaros> Heh, I like it
L653[07:38:00] <Lizzy> there, made my modification :P
L654[07:38:07] <Ember_Primrose> ???
L655[07:38:08] <ade124|here> lol I don't even know what that does
L656[07:38:26] <Lizzy> Ember_Primrose, do /ctcp Ember_Primrose version
L657[07:38:42] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L658[07:39:00] <Forecaster> did you do something to znc? :P
L659[07:39:02] <Lizzy> you can add more on your settings page on znc
L660[07:39:08] <Ember_Primrose> \o/
L661[07:39:08] <ade124|here> Nice, but I don't even know what SMP means
L662[07:39:21] <Ember_Primrose> survival multiplayer
L663[07:39:23] <xandaros> Survival MultiPlayer
L664[07:39:25] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L665[07:39:33] <ade124|here> lol
L666[07:39:47] <ade124|here> How can I pretend I run gentoo
L667[07:39:56] <Ember_Primrose> ooh
L668[07:40:04] <Ember_Primrose> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjGSMUep6_4
L669[07:40:05] <MichiBot> Install Gentoo | length: 54s | Likes: 2309 Dislikes: 62 Views: 130486 | by ScottishDuckHunter
L670[07:40:15] <xandaros> I'd laugh at you for using gentoo :P
L671[07:40:16] <ade124|here> you just had to do it
L672[07:40:17] <Lizzy> anyway, afk. need to get some holiday supplies and other shiz
L673[07:40:17] * xandaros uses arch
L674[07:40:28] <Ember_Primrose> o/
L675[07:40:37] * Lizzy also uses arch, but uses windows on her main pc cause games
L676[07:40:40] * Ember_Primrose hugs Lizzy goodbye
L677[07:40:44] <ade124|here> ctcp ade124|here time
L678[07:40:50] * Lizzy hugs Ember_Primrose then wanders off
L679[07:40:54] <ade124|here> lol
L680[07:40:54] <Lizzy> you forgot a /
L681[07:41:01] <Forecaster> :P
L682[07:41:13] <xandaros> Huh‽ A ghost of Lizzy is speaking"
L683[07:41:14] <xandaros> !
L684[07:41:33] <xandaros> She went away but still talked to us! o_O
L685[07:41:44] <Ember_Primrose> :d
L686[07:41:52] <xandaros> Lizzy: I like your away message thing
L687[07:42:09] <Ember_Primrose> Lizzy,
L688[07:42:27] <Ember_Primrose> ye, its nice
L689[07:42:53] <xandaros> I'll have to get myself a plugin that does that, too
L690[07:43:12] <xandaros> Maybe responds with my idle time if it exceeds a certain time
L691[07:43:24] * Ember_Primrose doens't know what that is
L692[07:43:57] <xandaros> The time since my last activity in my client
L693[07:47:43] <ade124|here> Nice
L694[07:47:53] <ade124|here> You just need to type /set irc_hide_version on
L695[07:50:11] ⇨ Joins: Kiddobyte (~Kiddobyte@75-128-216-19.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com)
L696[07:51:19] <ade124|here> Nice, now I pretend I run RISC OS
L697[07:51:45] <xandaros> “Some Client”
L698[07:51:50] <ade124|here> Yep
L699[07:51:58] <xandaros> powerpc - I like it
L700[07:54:07] <ade124|here> And now I run NeXTSTEP... How easy
L701[07:54:20] <ade124|here> oops
L702[07:54:23] <ade124|here> it didn't save
L703[07:55:07] <ade124|here> yep, saved
L704[07:55:27] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L705[07:58:54] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L706[08:00:30] <xandaros> I changed my OS string when we were using TeamSpeak². Nobody ever noticed, though
L707[08:01:08] <xandaros> (It was hardcoded into the executable, but hex editors are a great thing :D)
L708[08:02:06] <ade124|here> I love running NeXTSTEP
L709[08:05:16] ⇨ Joins: ade124_2 (webchat@
L710[08:05:25] <ade124|here> CTCP Version ade124_2
L711[08:05:29] <ade124|here> lol
L712[08:05:58] ⇦ Quits: ade124_2 (webchat@ (Client Quit)
L713[08:08:28] <ade124|here> I guess I'm going to play me some prison architect now before I crash because I placed a shower head
L714[08:12:38] <Ember_Primrose> pc-logix and the-ender oclogs are cconflicting...
L715[08:12:44] <Lizzy> ?
L716[08:12:55] <Lizzy> also back
L717[08:13:43] <Ember_Primrose> o/ an yours say im said more lines than TheFox but Michiyo 's says otherwise
L718[08:13:59] <Ember_Primrose> is it due to diff amount of logs?
L719[08:15:00] <Lizzy> when you say logs, do you mean actual logs or the stats?
L720[08:15:34] <Ember_Primrose> whatever the stats are based of, which i presumed was the logs
L721[08:15:38] <Mimiru> Ember_Primrose, I'm not missing any logs anymore I have like 99.999% of the logs from this channel
L722[08:15:50] <Nachtara> question: for setBundledOutput(side: number, values:table):boolean, it mentions it needs a table with 16 values, but {15, 0, 0 ... 0} will activate orange, not white
L723[08:15:51] <Mimiru> I might be missing a few hours from the first day
L724[08:15:57] <Nachtara> What should I do to make it activate white?
L725[08:16:03] <Lizzy> Ember_Primrose, pisg is fucked up slightly.
L726[08:16:09] <Inari> Ember_Primrose: renew your subscription to shining fingered today! the world's leading VR adult entertainmnet site!
L727[08:16:10] <Lizzy> Mimiru has my logs
L728[08:16:17] <Inari> Michiyo: nice :3
L729[08:16:25] <Lizzy> also Mimiru, your stats are now the official ones
L730[08:16:32] <Ember_Primrose> :O
L731[08:16:36] <Inari> who decides wihch are official
L732[08:16:42] <Lizzy> me
L733[08:16:49] <Inari> am I official?
L734[08:17:01] <Lizzy> you're officially Inari
L735[08:17:14] <Lizzy> unofficially you're the lewd goddess
L736[08:17:25] <Lizzy> :P
L737[08:17:43] <Mimiru> Ember_Primrose, what's the difference? in line count?
L738[08:18:02] <Lizzy> .stats
L739[08:18:02] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Caitlyn \o/ https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/stats.html, seriously :)
L740[08:18:14] <Lizzy> also
L741[08:18:17] <Lizzy> .stats Mimiru
L742[08:18:17] <EnderBot2> Lizzy, https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/user.php?cid=oc&nick=Mimiru, Seriously :P
L743[08:18:25] <Inari> \o/
L744[08:18:44] * Inari sticks Officially approved by Lizzy stickers all over herself
L745[08:18:53] <Lizzy> heh
L746[08:18:55] <Mimiru> %stats
L747[08:18:56] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Stats: https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/stats.html
L748[08:18:59] <Mimiru> %stats Michiyo
L749[08:18:59] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Stats: https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/user?cid=oc&nick=Michiyo
L750[08:19:02] <Mimiru> lol
L751[08:19:07] <Ember_Primrose> uh lemme see
L752[08:19:12] <Inari> all over includes nipples and lewd zones!
L753[08:19:23] <Lizzy> obviously
L754[08:19:46] <Inari> disclaimer: dont try to pee while your pussy is all stickered closed
L755[08:19:47] <ade124|here> What's the timezone for the activity distribution by hour
L756[08:20:00] <Mimiru> I show 4008 lines across the nicks "ember_primrose,ember-primrose,ember_primrose_,ember`primrose,emberprimrose,ember_primrose_mobile,ember_primrose|away,embermobile,emberonwoc,emberp_mobile"
L757[08:20:04] <Ember_Primrose> Lizzy's says me: 4259 lines, thefox (as reference): 3843
L758[08:21:01] <Lizzy> also if one of EnderBot2's stat lines ends with seriously :D (notice the smiley) it means that an error occured during the normal way and it just resorted to providing the main stats link
L759[08:21:34] <Mimiru> ade124|here, UTC
L760[08:21:58] <Ember_Primrose> Inari, %lewd
L761[08:22:05] <Ember_Primrose> %lewd
L762[08:22:11] <Inari> %Inari
L763[08:22:13] <MichiBot> Inari: http://i.imgur.com/XoYgHyi.jpg
L764[08:22:18] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L765[08:22:27] <Ember_Primrose> also
L766[08:22:32] * Ember_Primrose hugs Inari
L767[08:22:33] <Mimiru> 200+ lines is a lot to be missing...
L768[08:22:33] <ade124|here> 21 - 8 = 13... do I have no activity now?
L769[08:22:56] * Inari hugs Ember_Primrose, sticking 'hugged by Inari' stickers onto her back
L770[08:22:57] <ade124|here> Maybe I'm dead and I'm a ghost
L771[08:22:57] <Ember_Primrose> i do save most of my hexchat logs
L772[08:23:15] <Mimiru> https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/user.php?cid=oc&nick=ade124 you have activity
L773[08:23:47] * Ember_Primrose licks Inari's nose and puts a Facebook Like button sticker on her nose
L774[08:24:05] <Inari> :P
L775[08:24:06] <ade124|here> so do you not count characters after |s
L776[08:24:15] <Mimiru> either pisg is grouping someone elses nick to yours (I don't know if pisg auto links)
L777[08:24:31] *** ade124|here is now known as ||||||||||||||||
L778[08:24:33] <Mimiru> or, the list of nicks I linked up there is missing one or more that you've used that pisg has linked to you
L779[08:24:36] <||||||||||||||||> nice
L780[08:24:50] <Ember_Primrose> you have TinyEmber?
L781[08:25:27] <||||||||||||||||> Still comes up as nonexistent
L782[08:25:28] <Lizzy> Mimiru, pisg does some nick tracking but not much. i think Ember_Primrose* is what i have grouped in pisg
L783[08:25:56] <Mimiru> well adding tinyember bumped you to 4071
L784[08:25:56] <Ember_Primrose> still, TinyEmber
L785[08:25:59] <||||||||||||||||> well, I guess I need to wait another hour now
L786[08:26:03] <Ember_Primrose> |o?
L787[08:26:13] <Ember_Primrose> goddammit
L788[08:26:16] <Ember_Primrose> \o/
L789[08:26:32] <Mimiru> That's not going to automatically link to your old nick, and I'm not going out of my way to do so either ||||||||||||||||
L790[08:26:45] <||||||||||||||||> IK
L791[08:26:48] <Lizzy> also my stats page for oc now 301's to Mimiru's
L792[08:26:54] <||||||||||||||||> going to change it back now, it hurts my eye
L793[08:27:05] *** |||||||||||||||| is now known as ade124|NotAway
L794[08:27:05] <Ember_Primrose> noooooo
L795[08:27:08] <Mimiru> gotta head to work, it's truck day
L796[08:27:08] <Lizzy> how do you think the rest of us feel?
L797[08:27:16] <Mimiru> so I gotta grab breakfast
L798[08:27:20] <Lizzy> have fun, Mimiru
L799[08:27:21] <Ember_Primrose> o/ bye
L800[08:27:41] <Lizzy> (or if you don't, think lewd thoughts of Naomi :P )
L801[08:27:51] * ade124|NotAway gets breakfast at 9pm (Yes I know timezones are a thing)
L802[08:27:56] <Ember_Primrose> just as i refreshed as well D:
L803[08:28:09] <Lizzy> Ember_Primrose, on my stats?
L804[08:28:16] <Lizzy> :P
L805[08:28:16] <Ember_Primrose> yes :|
L806[08:28:50] <Ember_Primrose> I NEED TO SEE THEM
L807[08:28:53] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L808[08:29:16] <Ember_Primrose> guess i lost my lead
L809[08:29:19] <asie> uh
L810[08:29:27] <asie> if you feel bored and have an OC computer handly
L811[08:29:30] <asie> handy*
L812[08:29:31] <asie> # oppm install mpt
L813[08:29:34] <asie> # mpt -Sy cc-installer
L814[08:29:36] <asie> # craftos install
L815[08:29:37] <Ember_Primrose> mpt?
L816[08:29:38] <asie> # craftos
L817[08:29:43] <asie> Ember_Primrose: magik's package manager
L818[08:29:48] <asie> much better for quick iteration
L819[08:29:49] <Ember_Primrose> :3
L820[08:29:56] <asie> but yes, those four commands
L821[08:29:58] <asie> also use Lua 5.2
L822[08:29:59] <Nachtara> question: for setBundledOutput(side: number, values:table):boolean, it mentions it needs a table with 16 values, but {15, 0, 0 ... 0} will activate orange, not white
L823[08:30:00] <ade124|NotAway> -> -Sy... might as well call it ocpacman at this point
L824[08:30:08] <Nachtara> What should I do to make it activate white?
L825[08:30:12] <asie> ade124|NotAway: it pretty much is
L826[08:30:26] <ade124|NotAway> does OC have grep?
L827[08:30:44] <ade124|NotAway> and all these fancy bash things like "pacman -Q|grep java"?
L828[08:30:56] <Ember_Primrose> -_-
L829[08:31:03] <ade124|NotAway> lol
L830[08:31:11] <Ember_Primrose> tidal wave is still a thing
L831[08:31:18] <Lizzy> Nachtara, you have to specifically put the keys in, the bundled cable colour index starts from 0, Lua tables start from 1
L832[08:31:42] <Lizzy> so like {[0]=15,[1]=2...blah}
L833[08:33:26] <Ember_Primrose> Lizzy, how did you set that away thing?
L834[08:33:39] <Lizzy> Irssi
L835[08:33:51] <Ember_Primrose> oh nvm then
L836[08:34:48] <Lizzy> since my connection to esper differs from yours, my client -> znc -> Irssi proxy -> esper
L837[08:35:07] <Lizzy> whereas yours is: clien.t -> znc -> esper
L838[08:35:18] <Nachtara> Lizzy, if I do that, does it mean I can also do something like {[0]=15, [4]=2...blah} and only change those values?
L839[08:35:24] * Ember_Primrose shrugs
L840[08:35:34] <Ember_Primrose> never knew what a proxy is or does
L841[08:35:50] <alekso56> asie: did you get the messages?
L842[08:35:53] <Lizzy> Nachtara, you could try, i'm not sure
L843[08:35:59] <asie> alekso56: which ones
L844[08:36:08] <asie> ade124|NotAway: it actually has grep
L845[08:36:11] <Ember_Primrose> brb rebooting
L846[08:36:14] <alekso56> asie: the ones i sent in pm ;<
L847[08:36:14] <asie> not sure if it has pipes yet but they were being worked on
L848[08:36:18] <ade124|NotAway> grep works a bit differently
L849[08:36:20] <ade124|NotAway> yes it has pipes
L850[08:36:23] <asie> alekso56: oh yes
L851[08:36:36] <alekso56> allright.
L852[08:36:39] <ade124|NotAway> cat <file>|grep "string" works
L853[08:37:53] <Nachtara> also, what do i need to do to allow copy/pasting into the computer
L854[08:38:17] <asie> nothing?
L855[08:38:21] <Lizzy> pasting into the computer, press the insert button
L856[08:38:46] <Nachtara> sweet
L857[08:38:57] <ade124|NotAway> would it be possible to offer a prebuilt computer (as in computer computer, not tablet computer) in Creative?
L858[08:39:28] <Ember_Primrose> this one is as lazy as cruor
L859[08:39:37] <ade124|NotAway> ?
L860[08:39:42] <xandaros> That would be nice - I am getting annoyed at putting in the components myself :P
L861[08:39:56] <Ember_Primrose> i thnk vex made a mod
L862[08:40:15] <xandaros> And the creative case shouldn't require power imo
L863[08:40:25] <Ember_Primrose> it doesn't
L864[08:40:27] <ade124|NotAway> and now I'm using the manual kinetic generator from IC2... why didn't they make a creative generator
L865[08:40:31] <alekso56> asie: you probably didn't recognize your own ctif converter at btm16.2 because i set it to tier2 :D
L866[08:40:41] <xandaros> Ember_Primrose: Mine dows :(
L867[08:40:51] <Ember_Primrose> versions
L868[08:40:51] <ade124|NotAway> mine too
L869[08:40:53] <xandaros> My version is a few weeks old, though
L870[08:40:58] <ade124|NotAway> 1.5.22 1.10.2
L871[08:41:04] <asie> alekso56: why would you do that
L872[08:41:07] <ade124|NotAway> Or "Just downloaded today"
L873[08:41:14] <Ember_Primrose> oh, might be cuz im using the 1.6 betas
L874[08:41:18] <asie> just use the width/height parameters if you need faster loading
L875[08:41:20] <xandaros> I'm also using 1.6
L876[08:41:21] <ade124|NotAway> oops
L877[08:41:28] <asie> tier2 limits you to 16 colors, too
L878[08:41:28] <ade124|NotAway> I meant 1.6... nice
L879[08:41:49] <Ember_Primrose> lemme see if it is a config thing
L880[08:42:01] <alekso56> asie: because oc is less than oc-tier2 i would have choosen oc-tier3 if that was present, oc just seems like tier1 for the people who don't read source.
L881[08:42:19] <asie> alekso56: no
L882[08:42:23] <asie> alekso56: it's the default
L883[08:42:26] <asie> tier2 is the odd one out
L884[08:42:57] <alekso56> :<
L885[08:43:00] <asie> besides, you could try it earlier
L886[08:43:02] <asie> :P
L887[08:43:34] <xandaros> I just use T3 for everything
L888[08:43:47] <ade124|NotAway> "/op-manager/opm.lua:30: module 'internet' not found
L889[08:43:52] <ade124|NotAway> nice, I even have an internet card
L890[08:44:01] <xandaros> You need the internet loot disk
L891[08:44:07] <Ember_Primrose> internet floppy
L892[08:44:23] <Ember_Primrose> s/internet floppy/^
L893[08:44:23] <MichiBot> <Ember_Primrose> ^
L894[08:44:38] <xandaros> Though, to be fair, the internet library is pretty easy to write yourself
L895[08:44:47] <xandaros> The internet component is rather powerful on its own
L896[08:44:52] <ade124|NotAway> wait, so how do I install that? I'm too lazy
L897[08:45:13] * Ember_Primrose slaps ade124|NotAway
L898[08:45:13] * EnderBot2 high-fives Ember_Primrose
L899[08:45:16] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L900[08:45:24] <xandaros> Get the floop,y put it in, run “install”
L901[08:45:26] * ade124|NotAway slaps myself
L902[08:45:26] * EnderBot2 chuckles
L903[08:45:36] <Ember_Primrose> ~oc disk
L904[08:45:37] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/block:disk_drive
L905[08:45:39] <ade124|NotAway> lol I'm an idiot
L906[08:46:04] * ade124|NotAway chuckles
L907[08:46:07] ⇨ Joins: alexbuzzbee (~alexbuzzb@d-162-223-180-83.cpe.metrocast.net)
L908[08:47:21] * ade124|NotAway realises that I am very bored
L909[08:47:29] * ade124|NotAway meant "He is"
L910[08:48:15] <xandaros> The “myself” was not very elegant, either :P
L911[08:48:43] <ade124|NotAway> ... The CraftOS installer actually downloads the jar? lol
L912[08:48:50] * ade124|NotAway slaps himself for stupidity
L913[08:48:50] * EnderBot2 laughs
L914[08:49:17] <Ember_Primrose> why can't i compile this
L915[08:49:35] <alekso56> ade124|NotAway: you should rework it to use https://github.com/alekso56/ComputercraftLua/
L916[08:49:37] <Ember_Primrose> can someone complile for me pls
L917[08:49:39] <Lizzy> ade124|NotAway, xandaros /oc_sc
L918[08:49:43] <Michiyo> because I uninstalled your compiler
L919[08:49:47] <Lizzy> for a instant pre-built computer
L920[08:50:07] <Ember_Primrose> Michiyo, D:
L921[08:50:09] <xandaros> Ah, good to know
L922[08:50:30] * Ember_Primrose kicks ALL the compilers
L923[08:52:18] <ade124|NotAway> what's /oc_sc
L924[08:52:34] <Ember_Primrose> in game command
L925[08:52:49] <ade124|NotAway> I remember craftOS having a movie on it
L926[08:53:14] <ade124|NotAway> "unknown command. Try /help for a list of commands"
L927[08:53:22] <Ember_Primrose> Michiyo, as soon as i try to test run it, within eclipse this happens: https://pastebin.com/eLUJRQuG
L928[08:55:06] <ade124|NotAway> ls -a doesn't work in OCraftOS... The joys
L929[08:56:08] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L930[08:56:49] ⇦ Quits: BILLPC2684 (~BILLPC268@cpe-24-26-134-100.columbus.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L931[08:56:52] <ade124|NotAway> I swear older versions of CC had one...
L932[08:57:02] ⇨ Joins: BILLPC2684 (~BILLPC268@cpe-24-26-134-100.columbus.res.rr.com)
L933[08:57:06] <asie> alekso56: my method is safer, so to say
L934[08:57:12] <asie> it does not infringe on any copyrirghts
L935[08:57:13] <Forecaster> aaagh
L936[08:57:25] <Forecaster> just "recorded" for 50 minutes
L937[08:57:26] <asie> even though dan gave permissions, i'd rather do it the safe route
L938[08:57:35] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L939[08:57:36] <ade124|NotAway> did he?
L940[08:57:36] <Forecaster> and it turns out it was never recording...
L941[08:57:41] <Ember_Primrose> D:
L942[08:58:04] <alekso56> asie: it's been around for 3 years already, i'd think it was pretty safe, i even asked dan if it was okay myself. >_>
L943[08:58:04] <ade124|NotAway> :D
L944[08:58:11] <Forecaster> and it went incredibly well too...
L945[08:58:20] <Forecaster> 3 bosses flawlessed in a row...
L946[08:58:21] <Ember_Primrose> oh no
L947[08:58:36] * Forecaster kicks something that deserves kicking
L948[08:58:50] <ade124|NotAway> Oh, it moved to a treasure disk
L949[08:59:00] * Ember_Primrose points Forecaster to griefer
L950[08:59:01] <asie> alekso56: contet
L951[08:59:03] <asie> context*
L952[08:59:10] <asie> i know he refused me for instance back in 2013
L953[08:59:15] <alekso56> asie: the github repo.
L954[08:59:16] <asie> as the scope of mobile emulation was something he wanted to monetize
L955[08:59:20] <Ember_Primrose> oh and my eclipse instance
L956[08:59:23] <asie> so for mobile emulators he said "no"
L957[08:59:31] <asie> in other words, i'd rather err on the side of caution
L958[08:59:42] <ade124|NotAway> Monetization, eh?
L959[08:59:45] <asie> ade124|NotAway: the emulator is not complete
L960[08:59:46] <alekso56> asie: im pretty sure he meant the JAR files, not lua files?
L961[08:59:50] <ade124|NotAway> Cheeky little people
L962[08:59:52] <asie> alekso56: i'm pretty sure he meant the lua files
L963[08:59:56] <asie> how would i use the JAR file on iOS/Android?
L964[09:00:07] <Ember_Primrose> what is the difference between Eclipse and IDEA free?
L965[09:00:12] <asie> Ember_Primrose: IDEA is superiror
L966[09:00:14] <asie> [/thread]
L967[09:00:18] <Michiyo> Ember_Primrose, Private Paste ID: eLUJRQuG
L968[09:00:19] <Ember_Primrose> how so?
L969[09:00:33] <Ember_Primrose> lemme fix that
L970[09:00:34] <alekso56> asie: but he stated that he does not care what people do with lua files, repeatedly. my repo is designed for devs. >_>
L971[09:00:51] <alekso56> maybe he refers to the use of CC TM
L972[09:00:56] <Ember_Primrose> Michiyo, fixed
L973[09:01:03] <ade124|NotAway> > Free -> Has a free edition -> Has a non-free edition -> non-free *Triggered*
L974[09:01:20] <Michiyo> wow that's special Ember_Primrose o_O
L975[09:01:35] * Forecaster kicks griefer into space
L976[09:01:42] <Ember_Primrose> Michiyo, wut
L977[09:01:50] <Michiyo> just.. strange
L978[09:02:03] * Ember_Primrose shrugs
L979[09:02:06] * ade124|NotAway plays on a private server he has been running for at least a year now
L980[09:02:46] <Ember_Primrose> so what is better and why, eclipse or idea, and NO KEK REASONS
L981[09:02:51] <Ember_Primrose> like bcuz
L982[09:02:56] <Lizzy> idea
L983[09:03:10] <Michiyo> I like Eclipse... but I've used it for years, so I'm used to it
L984[09:03:19] <ade124|NotAway> If only eclipse had python... (Why on earth would you need a python IDE though)
L985[09:03:27] <Michiyo> I've used IDEA, just find it hard to get used to
L986[09:03:38] <Lizzy> a Python IDE sounds interesting
L987[09:03:44] <Ember_Primrose> i used to use netbeans... O_o
L988[09:03:57] <Ember_Primrose> ew
L989[09:04:14] <Forecaster> I was taught java in netbeans :P
L990[09:04:33] <ade124|NotAway> ... I use Notepad ..)
L991[09:04:41] <Lizzy> eww
L992[09:04:57] <Ember_Primrose> i know it is a no no to use generated GUIs but good god netbeans just utterly fucked it up
L993[09:04:59] <Forecaster> notepad is not an IDE :P
L994[09:05:05] <Lizzy> go sit in the shame corner and think about what you've done
L995[09:05:20] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-28-70-9.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L996[09:05:27] <ade124|NotAway> Notepad++... Is that better?
L997[09:05:32] <Lizzy> slightly
L998[09:05:41] <asie> alekso56: but i asked in 2013
L999[09:05:44] <Michiyo> Lizzy, RE: washed out pink, it is a bit meh, gib better pink hex :P
L1000[09:05:44] <Ember_Primrose> first of all, what Forecaster said, secondly, USE NOTEPAD + +
L1001[09:05:47] <ade124|NotAway> still downloading eclipse
L1002[09:05:54] <asie> still, i don't see the effective point - just write your own installer
L1003[09:05:58] * Lizzy loads krita
L1004[09:05:59] <asie> as long as you initialize /cc/rom it's going to work fine
L1005[09:06:01] <ade124|NotAway> (I actually use notepad++)
L1006[09:06:07] <Ember_Primrose> krita?
L1007[09:06:20] <ade124|NotAway> can you throw in treasure disks too? too lazy to download them
L1008[09:06:37] <Forecaster> I used to write html/css/js/php in np++
L1009[09:06:41] <Forecaster> now I do it in IDEA
L1010[09:06:48] <ade124|NotAway> Krita: GIMP in KDE, only 145 times better
L1011[09:06:50] <Forecaster> code completion is nice
L1012[09:07:15] <Ember_Primrose> Forecaster, np== has a plugin for code completion
L1013[09:07:23] <Lizzy> Michiyo, #d22eae
L1014[09:07:25] <Forecaster> IDEA does more than that
L1015[09:07:29] <Ember_Primrose> s/==/++
L1016[09:07:44] * Ember_Primrose pokes MichiBot
L1017[09:07:50] <Ember_Primrose> hello?
L1018[09:07:57] <Ember_Primrose> nevermind then
L1019[09:08:00] <Lizzy> s/\=\=/++
L1020[09:08:01] <alekso56> asie: if i change the contents of rom, do i get a different version of cc? or does it break
L1021[09:08:06] * Lizzy shrugs
L1022[09:08:24] <Ember_Primrose> s/\=\=/\+\+
L1023[09:08:30] <Michiyo> ty Lizzy done
L1024[09:08:41] <Ember_Primrose> stupid regex
L1025[09:08:46] <Lizzy> .stats
L1026[09:08:46] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Caitlyn \o/ https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/stats.html, seriously :)
L1027[09:08:50] <Ember_Primrose> my mortal enemy
L1028[09:08:57] <Ember_Primrose> \o/
L1029[09:09:09] <alekso56> asie: you probably need to show an accept prompt if you want to be legal with the jar.
L1030[09:09:13] <Lizzy> ¬_¬
L1031[09:09:22] <Lizzy> i now have half this chat in my clipboard
L1032[09:09:28] * ade124|NotAway realises that he doesn't know java and has no idea how to learn it because he is a cheeky little *******
L1033[09:09:52] <Ember_Primrose> well, fuck
L1034[09:10:03] <Ember_Primrose> why do i ALWAYS LOSE STUFF
L1035[09:10:04] <asie> alekso56: good idea
L1036[09:10:07] * xandaros knows Java, but prefers Haskell. Needs to take a look at Scala at some point, but finds the syntax atrocious
L1037[09:10:44] <xandaros> Probably just a matter of getting used to
L1038[09:10:48] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1039[09:10:56] <alekso56> asie: and while you are in that accept prompt, choose if you want to download https://codeload.github.com/alekso56/ComputercraftLua/zip/master or the jar :D
L1040[09:11:22] <ade124|NotAway> OpenOS's much closer to linux compared to CraftOS... No ls -a? Really?
L1041[09:11:51] <alekso56> asie: add version number instead of master to get a different version
L1042[09:11:55] * xandaros hates everything CC
L1043[09:12:10] <Ember_Primrose> Lizzy, last night i had the dumbest moment of my life
L1044[09:12:18] <Lizzy> oh?
L1045[09:12:19] * Ember_Primrose uses both cc and oc
L1046[09:12:33] <Ember_Primrose> remember?
L1047[09:12:37] <Ember_Primrose> GitLab
L1048[09:12:40] <Lizzy> oh
L1049[09:12:42] <Lizzy> that
L1050[09:12:42] * Ember_Primrose facedesks
L1051[09:12:43] <Lizzy> lol
L1052[09:12:47] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L1053[09:12:58] <Lizzy> sorry, memory is patchy at the moment
L1054[09:13:08] <Ember_Primrose> tired, or?
L1055[09:13:27] <Lizzy> possibly
L1056[09:13:47] <Lizzy> I have been going to bed at 10/11pm and waking up at 6:45 recently
L1057[09:13:56] * ade124|NotAway used to hate CC because he got banned but realised that he deserveD it because he was the largest c**t ever when he was using CC... Seriously, if you want the largest amount of cringe anyone can handle read my old posts on CC if they are still therer
L1058[09:14:20] <Lizzy> ade124|NotAway, we don't care about your CC days
L1059[09:14:26] <ade124|NotAway> thank god
L1060[09:14:33] <Saphire> why would we?
L1061[09:14:49] <Saphire> so
L1062[09:14:49] <Lizzy> though if you're a cunt here you will be punished
L1063[09:14:53] * Lizzy pets Saphire
L1064[09:14:57] <Nachtara> random question: how do i talk to two different redstone interfaces at once
L1065[09:14:58] <Ember_Primrose> Lizzy, well you know you can yell the funniest thing iv'e ever heard in a few hours.
L1066[09:15:04] <Saphire> how is OC for you so faaa.. *purrrs*
L1067[09:15:13] <Forecaster> Nachtara: you mean like two separate components?
L1068[09:15:18] <Saphire> Nachtara: very their addresses
L1069[09:15:21] <Saphire> *get their
L1070[09:15:29] <ade124|NotAway> Don't worry, I won't be a c**t here, I was like 8 back then
L1071[09:15:38] <Saphire> hah
L1072[09:15:38] <Nachtara> No, i mean like tell two different redstone IOs to turn on at the same time
L1073[09:15:46] <Saphire> and now you're.. 12?
L1074[09:15:57] <ade124|NotAway> you're 2 years off I think
L1075[09:15:58] <Nachtara> i've already component.proxy'd them
L1076[09:16:07] <Saphire> 10? 14?
L1077[09:16:10] <Forecaster> then just call their methods at the same time?
L1078[09:16:13] <ade124|NotAway> 14... *cringes*
L1079[09:16:21] <Saphire> whoa
L1080[09:16:23] <Lizzy> Nachtara, not both at the exact same time, but you could just call them both one ater the other
L1081[09:16:26] <Lizzy> *after
L1082[09:16:27] <Saphire> ... gosh
L1083[09:16:34] <Nachtara> ...dangiut
L1084[09:16:34] <Forecaster> close enough :P
L1085[09:16:36] <Nachtara> dangit*
L1086[09:16:45] <Nachtara> so I can't do chords with different instruments
L1087[09:16:51] <Forecaster> what?
L1088[09:16:53] <Saphire> I just got hit by ”oh wow that was long ago..”
L1089[09:16:59] <Ember_Primrose> %addquote Lizzy IT'S FUCK OFF HOME TIME!!!!
L1090[09:17:01] <MichiBot> Ember_Primrose: Quote added at id: 77
L1091[09:17:05] <Saphire> like got hit and now crying
L1092[09:17:07] <Saphire> damn it
L1093[09:17:10] <Lizzy> Nachtara, it should be pretty fast
L1094[09:17:19] <Saphire> was it that long ago?
L1095[09:17:28] * Saphire hugs Lizzy
L1096[09:17:37] * Lizzy hugs Saphire
L1097[09:17:41] <Ember_Primrose> Lizzy, is it possible to quote a specific quote?
L1098[09:17:49] <Lizzy> ?
L1099[09:17:49] <Saphire> I'm too oooooold...
L1100[09:17:57] <Lizzy> %quote #1
L1101[09:17:59] <MichiBot> Lizzy: No quotes found for #1
L1102[09:17:59] <Lizzy> no
L1103[09:18:09] <Saphire> %quote 1
L1104[09:18:11] <Ember_Primrose> aww
L1105[09:18:11] <MichiBot> Saphire: No quotes found for 1
L1106[09:18:16] <Saphire> bleh
L1107[09:18:19] <Lizzy> alsp MichiBot be Michiyo's
L1108[09:18:23] <ade124|NotAway> %addquote ade124|NotAway No quotes here
L1109[09:18:24] <MichiBot> ade124|NotAway: Quote added at id: 510655
L1110[09:18:32] <Lizzy> lol
L1111[09:18:34] <ade124|NotAway> %quote ade124|NotAway
L1112[09:18:35] <MichiBot> Quote #78: <ade124|NotAway> No quotes here
L1113[09:18:36] <Saphire> ID looks random
L1114[09:18:39] <Lizzy> id derp
L1115[09:18:43] <ade124|NotAway> %quote ade124|NotAway
L1116[09:18:44] <MichiBot> Quote #78: <ade124|NotAway> No quotes here
L1117[09:18:53] <Saphire> lol
L1118[09:18:57] <Ember_Primrose> %quote Lizzy 77
L1119[09:18:59] <Saphire> something went wrong
L1120[09:19:08] <Saphire> you killed it
L1121[09:19:08] <Ember_Primrose> nope
L1122[09:19:13] <Saphire> great job
L1123[09:19:16] <Ember_Primrose> %quote Lizzy
L1124[09:19:16] <MichiBot> Quote #64: <Lizzy> I enjoy vifino.
L1125[09:19:23] <Saphire> %quote 64
L1126[09:19:23] <MichiBot> Saphire: No quotes found for 64
L1127[09:19:30] <Saphire> #quote 64
L1128[09:19:33] <Ember_Primrose> %quote \64
L1129[09:19:33] <MichiBot> Ember_Primrose: No quotes found for \64
L1130[09:19:34] <Saphire> meh
L1131[09:19:42] * Ember_Primrose shrugsd
L1132[09:19:45] <Ember_Primrose> words
L1133[09:19:46] <Michiyo> the ID isn't random, just sometimes the ID returned with the insert goes fucktarded, it uses the proer ID though
L1134[09:19:56] <Michiyo> but no, ATM you can't get a quote via ID, yet
L1135[09:19:58] <Michiyo> it's planned
L1136[09:20:01] <Ember_Primrose> \o/
L1137[09:20:01] <Michiyo> but I'm lazy
L1138[09:20:03] <ade124|NotAway> %addquote ade124|NotAway Is that so?
L1139[09:20:05] <MichiBot> ade124|NotAway: Quote added at id: 79
L1140[09:20:10] <ade124|NotAway> it's really random
L1141[09:20:18] <Michiyo> it's really noy.
L1142[09:20:21] <Michiyo> not*
L1143[09:20:31] <ade124|NotAway> %addquote ade124|NotAway Let's try again
L1144[09:20:32] <MichiBot> ade124|NotAway: Quote added at id: 510683
L1145[09:20:34] <Ember_Primrose> maybe a condition, like a certain pattern, like, idk, #num#
L1146[09:20:41] <Ember_Primrose> or #id#
L1147[09:20:53] <Ember_Primrose> then then id
L1148[09:20:55] <ade124|NotAway> %addquote ade124|NotAway How does it jump between 5xxxxx and 7x~8x?
L1149[09:20:57] <MichiBot> ade124|NotAway: Quote added at id: 81
L1151[09:21:11] <Michiyo> like I said
L1152[09:21:13] <Michiyo> for fucks sake
L1153[09:21:18] <ade124|NotAway> Oh
L1154[09:21:33] <Michiyo> 79 -> 80 -> 81... it's not random...
L1155[09:21:39] <Michiyo> but the RETURN isn't always right
L1156[09:21:43] <Michiyo> it's some issue in the sqllite lib
L1157[09:21:47] <ade124|NotAway> How about the 5xxxxx ones then... Are they actual ****ups
L1158[09:21:49] <Ember_Primrose> first woh was that aimed at? and D:
L1159[09:22:02] * Ember_Primrose slaps ade124|NotAway
L1160[09:22:03] * EnderBot2 rulls on the floor laughing
L1161[09:22:05] <Ember_Primrose> READ
L1162[09:22:08] <ade124|NotAway> ok
L1163[09:22:14] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L1164[09:22:52] <Michiyo> https://git.io/v6tAG
L1165[09:23:06] <Ember_Primrose> MichiBot fucksup the return output, but it didn't fuckup the storing of the actual id
L1166[09:23:17] <ade124|NotAway> Oh I see
L1167[09:23:28] <Michiyo> I use an autoinc, for the ID, I don't make it up on the fly
L1168[09:23:34] <Michiyo> I use addQuote.getGeneratedKeys().getInt(1) to get the ID on the insert
L1169[09:23:43] <Michiyo> but sometimes that returns the wrong thing
L1170[09:23:44] <Michiyo> dunno why
L1171[09:23:46] <Ember_Primrose> s/fucksup/fucked up
L1172[09:23:46] <MichiBot> <Ember_Primrose> MichiBot fucked up the return output, but it didn't fuckup the storing of the actual id
L1173[09:23:54] <Michiyo> anyway customer afk
L1174[09:23:59] <Ember_Primrose> o/
L1175[09:26:43] <Ember_Primrose> i got a sweet deal the other day for pastebin
L1176[09:27:07] *** ade124|NotAway is now known as ade124|maybeaway
L1177[09:27:17] <ade124|maybeaway> Exactly 16 characters, nice
L1178[09:27:41] <Inari> is that 16 chars as may be away or maybe away
L1179[09:27:57] <ade124|maybeaway> both interpretations work
L1180[09:28:00] <Ember_Primrose> I got pro for $2
L1181[09:28:12] <Forecaster> uh, Lizzy doesn't the znc relay nick-changes?
L1182[09:28:13] <Ember_Primrose> lifetime that is
L1183[09:28:16] <Forecaster> oO
L1184[09:29:37] <Michiyo> Ember_Primrose, o_O
L1185[09:29:39] <Michiyo> O_o
L1186[09:29:40] <Michiyo> :(
L1187[09:29:49] <Ember_Primrose> Michiyo, ?
L1188[09:30:07] <Michiyo> I said: o_O O_o :(
L1189[09:30:13] <Ember_Primrose> why tho?
L1190[09:30:15] <Forecaster> y tho
L1191[09:30:19] <Michiyo> y doe
L1192[09:30:19] <Ember_Primrose> ^^
L1193[09:30:30] <Michiyo> CAUSE I WAS SHOCKED AND SAD
L1194[09:30:30] <Forecaster> y moose
L1195[09:30:33] <Michiyo> q_q
L1196[09:30:43] <Forecaster> y moose you be sad? D:
L1197[09:30:45] <Ember_Primrose> but sad why
L1198[09:31:29] <Michiyo> cause I didn't get it for $2? lol
L1199[09:31:40] <Forecaster> I don't have pb pro at all :P
L1200[09:31:58] <Ember_Primrose> i got it as a student discount thing
L1201[09:32:05] <Ember_Primrose> #varsityLyfe
L1202[09:32:06] <Nachtara> awww
L1203[09:32:10] <Nachtara> i can't do chords
L1204[09:34:44] <Forecaster> me neither :D
L1205[09:34:48] <Forecaster> I don't have a guitar
L1206[09:35:57] <Nachtara> :P
L1207[09:36:13] <Nachtara> i can't trigger two different redstone IOs at the same time
L1208[09:37:28] <Nachtara> Hm
L1209[09:38:10] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@
L1210[09:38:17] <Nachtara> Can I trigger multiple wireless redstone channels at once?
L1211[09:38:40] <Forecaster> dunno
L1212[09:38:54] <Forecaster> don't know how wr works
L1213[09:39:04] <ade124|maybeaway> Yay, my macbook pro's DVD drive is dying
L1214[09:42:57] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
L1215[09:51:15] <Forecaster> Michiyo: would you mind if I submitted a pullreq for getting specific quotes by id?
L1216[09:51:26] <ade124|maybeaway> I have no idea how to learn java... nice
L1217[09:51:40] <ade124|maybeaway> (Whenever I type something after a long period of activity someone always ninjas me)
L1218[09:53:39] <Inari> Michiyo: how do i get lanteabot to listne to me ;-;
L1219[09:59:16] <Ember_Primrose> Anyone have a enumeration tut for java?
L1220[09:59:44] <Forecaster> https://crunchify.com/why-and-for-what-should-i-use-enum-java-enum-examples/
L1221[09:59:55] <Ember_Primrose> t hx
L1222[10:01:58] <Inari> Michiyo: sqlite is weird :s
L1223[10:02:14] <Ember_Primrose> idk what sqlite is :D
L1224[10:02:22] <Vexatos> Forecaster, you know what to use enums for: Backpacks
L1225[10:02:23] <Forecaster> database system
L1226[10:02:35] <Ember_Primrose> :P
L1227[10:02:39] <Vexatos> http://git.io/v6qvX :>
L1228[10:02:43] <Forecaster> Vexatos: you're an enum!
L1229[10:02:50] <Forecaster> I mean what
L1230[10:02:58] <Ember_Primrose> Vexatos, can you help me?
L1231[10:03:14] <ade124|maybeaway> I'm feeling so bored I might as well make a GUI API... is that a thing?
L1232[10:03:39] <Vexatos> Ember_Primrose, http://git.io/v6qv7 you are welcome
L1233[10:03:56] <Vexatos> Oh wait
L1234[10:04:00] <Vexatos> Ember_Primrose, wait wait wast
L1235[10:04:01] <Vexatos> wait*
L1236[10:04:03] <Vexatos> I have
L1237[10:04:05] <Vexatos> the best enum
L1238[10:04:06] <Ember_Primrose> why does this happen when trying to debug a project: https://pastebin.com/eLUJRQuG
L1239[10:04:07] <Vexatos> ever created
L1240[10:04:15] <Vexatos> http://git.io/v6qvF
L1241[10:04:15] <Vexatos> have
L1242[10:04:16] <Vexatos> fun
L1243[10:04:36] <Inari> returned ids be like
L1244[10:04:40] <Inari> 40, 41, 40, 43, ...
L1245[10:04:41] <Inari> ¬_¬
L1246[10:05:14] <Vexatos> Ember_Primrose, how would I know how you messed up your IDE
L1247[10:05:19] <Vexatos> I haven't use eclipse in years
L1248[10:05:36] * Ember_Primrose slaps IDE's
L1249[10:05:36] * EnderBot2 chuckles
L1250[10:05:50] <Ember_Primrose> well, delete and retry
L1251[10:06:17] <Forecaster> but but... that's cheating :O
L1252[10:06:29] <Ember_Primrose> Forecaster, ?
L1253[10:06:48] <Forecaster> nothing, ignore me :P
L1254[10:07:03] <Ember_Primrose> heh
L1255[10:07:07] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L1256[10:07:08] <ade124|maybeaway> <- No one cares about him
L1257[10:07:09] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1258[10:07:20] <xandaros> ↑
L1259[10:07:22] <Ember_Primrose> yes, now go away.
L1260[10:07:28] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L1261[10:07:33] <Ember_Primrose> :P
L1262[10:07:44] <Forecaster> you don't get people to care by complaining about how nobody cares :P
L1263[10:07:51] <ade124|maybeaway> <- Ignore him, he's the most cheeky bastard in the world (seriously)
L1264[10:07:59] <xandaros> You know how some of the unicode symbols in my font are weird and low ql? ← and → are high ql, ↓ and ↑ are low... dafuq
L1265[10:07:59] <Forecaster> pff
L1266[10:08:22] <ade124|maybeaway> How about vietnamese things
L1267[10:08:23] * xandaros needs to find a better font
L1268[10:08:34] <xandaros> I sent you a screenshot about those
L1269[10:08:40] <Ember_Primrose> Consolas 2 :D
L1270[10:08:55] <xandaros> currently using terminus
L1271[10:09:04] <ade124|maybeaway> Noto Mono, too lazy
L1272[10:09:23] <xandaros> Not quite convinced of it, to be honest. The lambda looks weird and … is like 2 dots in the middle instead of three at the bottom…
L1273[10:09:28] <Nachtara> erm
L1274[10:09:36] <Nachtara> my tablet's saying no bootable medium found
L1275[10:09:40] <Nachtara> how do i fix that
L1276[10:09:50] <Forecaster> put a bottable medium in it?
L1277[10:09:55] <Forecaster> bootable*
L1278[10:09:58] <Nachtara> how
L1279[10:10:16] <Ember_Primrose> ~oc tablet
L1280[10:10:16] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/item:tablet
L1281[10:10:22] <Forecaster> install openos on a harddrive and use it when assembling it
L1282[10:10:40] <Ember_Primrose> or, if preassembled
L1283[10:10:44] <xandaros> Well, ideally you'd craft it with one in it (It takes a HDD). Now you can probably use a charger and copy it over
L1284[10:10:46] <Forecaster> or put the tablet in a charger and access it's harddrive that way
L1285[10:10:58] <Ember_Primrose> dammit Forecaster
L1286[10:11:03] <Ember_Primrose> you stole my line
L1287[10:11:04] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L1288[10:11:05] <Forecaster> assuming you put one in
L1289[10:11:10] * Forecaster hugs ember
L1290[10:11:13] <xandaros> s/it's/its
L1291[10:11:13] <MichiBot> <Forecaster> or put the tablet in a charger and access its harddrive that way
L1292[10:11:23] * Ember_Primrose snuggles Forecaster
L1293[10:11:35] <Forecaster> xandaros: yes :P
L1294[10:14:00] <ade124|maybeaway> how are these characters rendering or is it rendering at all: ớ ẳ ệ
L1295[10:14:09] <Ember_Primrose> good
L1296[10:14:09] <ade124|maybeaway> just curious
L1297[10:14:21] <Ember_Primrose> consolas is cool
L1298[10:14:39] <ade124|maybeaway> I'm on the linux bandwagon so...
L1299[10:14:49] <ade124|maybeaway> nah I have ttf-ms-fonts
L1300[10:14:57] <Ember_Primrose> i am not
L1301[10:15:03] <Ember_Primrose> yet
L1302[10:15:06] <Ember_Primrose> maybe
L1303[10:15:19] <ade124|maybeaway> and I have the font folder copied from OS X and Windows
L1304[10:15:22] <ade124|maybeaway> *folders
L1305[10:17:23] <xandaros> ade124|maybeaway: They render, but they are of the low-ql variety
L1306[10:17:38] ⇨ Joins: AlexisMachina (uid57631@id-57631.charlton.irccloud.com)
L1307[10:17:40] * xandaros seriously needs to fix his fonts
L1308[10:17:48] <Vexatos> symbola masterrace?
L1309[10:17:57] <xandaros> At least my terminal font - don't really care about GUIs
L1310[10:18:15] <ade124|maybeaway> Wingdings masterrace
L1311[10:18:21] <ade124|maybeaway> I'm changing my font to wingdings
L1312[10:18:31] <xandaros> I'll use the daedric font from morrowind
L1313[10:18:59] <ade124|maybeaway> I don't have wingdings so I'll use Webdings instead
L1314[10:19:00] <xandaros> I mean… I can actually read it, but it takes some effort
L1315[10:19:07] <Nachtara> how do i grab a program from pastebin
L1316[10:19:13] <xandaros> wget it?
L1317[10:19:41] <xandaros> (Assuming OpenOS has wget… not sure)
L1318[10:19:47] <Vexatos> ade124|maybeaway, I once changed my OS font, terminal font, browser and IDE font all to Comic Sans MS
L1319[10:19:53] <Vexatos> :>
L1320[10:20:07] <ade124|maybeaway> Lol
L1321[10:20:12] <ade124|maybeaway> Me too
L1322[10:22:12] <ade124|maybeaway> Here's a screenshot... Try to read it, it's in webdings
L1323[10:22:13] <ade124|maybeaway> https://s31.postimg.org/s890ngn7v/Screenshot_20160804_232101.png
L1324[10:25:50] <Inari> Saphire: how old are you?
L1325[10:26:33] <ade124|maybeaway> I'm going to make an installer for openOS that is semi-graphical... How hard would that be?
L1326[10:27:22] <ade124|maybeaway> Like install that also installs optional things from "treasure" disks
L1327[10:31:25] <Inari> "The pleasure of being cummed inside can't get more realistic than this!" well then
L1328[10:31:50] <Lizzy> wut?
L1329[10:31:51] <Dustpuppy> using unicode symbols too atm for my railway system
L1330[10:32:25] <Saphire> Inari: 16 o..o
L1331[10:32:32] <Lizzy> ade124|maybeaway, the install program in OC 1.6 already does it
L1332[10:33:43] <Inari> Lizzy: http://shiningfingered.moe/
L1333[10:35:57] <Ember_Primrose> yay it works
L1334[10:36:05] <Nachtara> wtf
L1335[10:36:12] <Nachtara> why can't i pastebin get or wget
L1336[10:36:15] <Nachtara> i have an internet card
L1337[10:36:43] <Lizzy> what oc do you have?
L1338[10:36:48] <Lizzy> *oc version
L1339[10:36:56] ⇦ Quits: ade124|maybeaway (~ade124@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1340[10:37:18] <Nachtara> openOS 1.6?
L1341[10:37:28] <Inari> thats a bit too unsepcific
L1342[10:37:31] <Inari> it depends on the OC build
L1343[10:37:40] <Inari> there was a time where you had to install wget/pastebin from the internet card floppy
L1344[10:37:48] <Inari> in newer versions of openos its preinstalled again though
L1345[10:37:49] <Dustpuppy> getting forward. waypoints, loading bays and switch motors working http://imgur.com/a/eeCy6
L1346[10:38:18] ⇨ Joins: ade124 (~ade124@
L1347[10:38:19] <Inari> Dustpuppy: loading bays?
L1348[10:38:50] <ade124> How does the install program install things from "treasure" disks? My keyboard was being a twat so I had to reboot
L1349[10:38:50] <Dustpuppy> for loading and unloading oc minecarts
L1350[10:38:54] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@249-153-145-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl)
L1351[10:39:18] <ade124> (I watch too much british stuff)
L1352[10:39:48] <Lizzy> in openos, if you run the installer it'll ask you what you want to install
L1353[10:40:04] <Dustpuppy> this is the paint program for the layout. later it will show, what cart is where, what's loaded, destinations and handle requests and all transportations
L1354[10:40:08] <ade124> uhh... It only asks me where
L1355[10:40:23] <Lizzy> what disks do you have in it?
L1356[10:40:28] <ade124> Also I meant downloading it from the web (surely I can get it off github right)
L1357[10:42:17] <ade124> ,Just so that I don't have to torture myself whenever I build a new computer. Plus, I play on creative most of the time so that wouldn't ruin the fun
L1358[10:43:21] <Forecaster> still wget
L1359[10:43:43] <Vexatos> ade124, the terminal one is now just "install" and it auto-detects any loot disks connected :P
L1360[10:43:51] <ade124> I'm making an automation tool, just because I'm very lazy
L1361[10:44:14] <ade124> (Yes, I know, I'm too lazy to even put the loot disks inside the disk drive)
L1362[10:44:38] <ade124> Plus, I am very bored
L1363[10:45:04] <Dustpuppy> http://imgur.com/a/V3V0Q the test tracks. every waypoint, switch and loading port is handled by a microcontroller. mainsystem can handle up to 1000 microcontrollers for very complex layouts
L1364[10:45:47] <Inari> Dustpuppy: atmel?
L1365[10:46:18] <Dustpuppy> no, little ibm big blue clones
L1366[10:46:36] <Dustpuppy> umpf.....it's minecraft. oc microcontrollers
L1367[10:46:44] <Inari> :P
L1368[10:47:47] <Dustpuppy> for my lego tracks i am using arduino mini boards with bluetooth for handling :-P
L1369[10:47:52] <Inari> neat
L1370[10:48:06] <Vexatos> eww
L1371[10:48:20] <Vexatos> 2/10 no crushed obsidian foundation
L1372[10:48:25] <Inari> lol
L1373[10:48:32] <Inari> crushed obsidian replaced gravel?
L1374[10:48:52] <Inari> Dustpuppy: you hsould get a resource pack for 3d rails
L1375[10:48:57] <Vexatos> I know of a track in a town nearby the foundation and rails of which need to be re-built every 6 months
L1376[10:49:17] <Vexatos> because the carriages running across it weigh 500Gg each.
L1377[10:49:26] <Vexatos> (or 500 kilotons)
L1378[10:51:10] <Dustpuppy> the microcontrollers are build by ae system. just the bioses i have to flash by hand :-(
L1379[10:51:30] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/HKmYG4v.gif i want snickers nopw :|
L1380[10:51:38] <Inari> Dustpuppy: uh why
L1381[10:51:59] <Inari> im fairly sure you can set up an auto bios flashing station
L1382[10:52:06] <Inari> also couldnt you craft 2 bioses to copy them
L1383[10:52:11] <Inari> or do i misrecall that
L1384[10:52:25] * Inari auto-flashes Ember_Primrose
L1385[10:52:33] <Dustpuppy> you have to take out the bios from the computer your self. pullout will not work
L1386[10:52:48] <Inari> payonel: http://imgur.com/gallery/DPmCJ ?
L1387[10:52:53] <ade124> Keyboard glitching again,. lovely
L1388[10:53:00] <Vexatos> Dustpuppy, have you tried with an OC transposer?
L1389[10:53:12] <Inari> im pretty sure it should work, but let me try xD
L1390[10:53:21] <Forecaster> iirc you used to be able to craft two to copy them
L1391[10:53:28] <Vexatos> >"such a cat-ass trophy"
L1392[10:53:30] <Vexatos> Inari pls
L1393[10:53:39] <ade124> Turns out I might have enabled some wrong settings... Ah the joys of linux
L1394[10:53:44] <Vexatos> Forecaster, still works
L1395[10:53:58] <Vexatos> and you can craft an MCU with an EEPROM to insert it if it is already assembled
L1396[10:54:08] <Inari> well that solves that issue
L1397[10:54:12] <Inari> still wonder abotu atuo flashing though
L1398[10:54:16] <Forecaster> or shift-click it
L1399[10:54:26] <Forecaster> when placed in the world
L1400[10:54:56] <asie> Vexatos: i added chatbox/ironblock/camera support to the emulator
L1401[10:55:10] <asie> since the APIs for the three are 100% identical
L1402[10:55:12] <asie> it was as easy as
L1403[10:55:14] <Vexatos> But aren't the CC and OC side of those the exact same?
L1404[10:55:14] <asie> Forgot some synchronization. 5 months ago
L1405[10:55:16] <Dustpuppy> crafting a mcu with a bios is not the problem. i did'nt get duplication of the bios working
L1406[10:55:16] <asie>
L1407[10:55:17] <Vexatos> ._.
L1408[10:55:18] <asie> err
L1409[10:55:25] <asie> occ.peripheral.registerPassthrough("iron_noteblock")occ.peripheral.registerPassthrough("chat_box")occ.peripheral.registerPassthrough("camera")
L1410[10:55:28] <asie> Vexatos: they are
L1411[10:55:30] <asie> which is why it was easy
L1412[10:55:34] <Vexatos> asie, a while ago, I unified the API sides on every single tronics block
L1413[10:55:39] <asie> even the tape drive.
L1414[10:55:45] <Vexatos> the only difference left is read
L1415[10:55:48] <Vexatos> on the tape drive
L1416[10:55:48] <asie> ah
L1417[10:55:51] <Vexatos> as CC has no byte arrays
L1418[10:55:56] <Vexatos> and force-encodes UTF-8
L1419[10:56:04] <Vexatos> that is the eternal issue
L1420[10:56:14] <asie> colorful lamp and radar added.
L1421[10:56:19] <Vexatos> cipher blocks? :>
L1422[10:56:24] <asie> ah yes
L1423[10:56:25] <asie> both?
L1424[10:56:26] <Vexatos> I don't even know if the normal cipher block still works
L1425[10:56:31] <Vexatos> I have never touched it once
L1426[10:56:37] <asie> ah
L1427[10:56:39] <asie> so that's a no
L1428[10:56:48] <Vexatos> the advanced one works
L1429[10:56:53] <asie> magik is working on an OpenPeripheral glasses bridge API
L1430[10:56:54] <asie> for OpenGlasses
L1431[10:56:55] <Vexatos> at least now (thanks fingercomp)
L1432[10:57:00] <asie> so you can use OC glasses with OpenPeripheral software
L1433[10:57:16] <Vexatos> asie, ticket machine wrapper when :>
L1434[10:58:25] <asie> done
L1435[10:58:26] <Vexatos> Railcraft_1.10.2-10.0.0-alpha-0-dev.jar
L1436[10:58:28] <Vexatos> SO GUYS
L1437[10:58:32] <Vexatos> I GUESS I WILL BE RIGHT BACK
L1438[10:58:44] <asie> Vexatos: wait
L1439[10:58:46] <asie> is this a release yet
L1440[10:58:52] <Vexatos> >alpha-0
L1441[10:58:57] <asie> MAYBE IT IS
L1442[10:58:59] <Vexatos> it is literally pre-alpha
L1443[10:59:30] <Vexatos> BRB PORTING 20% OF COMPUTRONICS
L1444[11:00:12] <Inari> welp
L1445[11:00:19] <Inari> computers aren't an inventory according to OC
L1446[11:00:19] <Inari> :P
L1447[11:01:26] <asie> okay so preliminary drivers get
L1448[11:03:22] <Lizzy> HOME TIME!!!!
L1449[11:04:43] <Inari> Lizzy's on the hom erun
L1450[11:04:59] <Inari> actualyl thats a brilliant idea
L1451[11:05:33] <Inari> if you dont know if someone is written with a space, say i.e. "noone" vs "no one" just typo it as "noo ne" and people might think the space itsefl was a typo, not only its place, or if ti needs a space, think you just typoed it in the wrong place
L1452[11:05:58] <Inari> i guess that wouldbe e.g. more than i.e.
L1453[11:05:59] <Inari> but shush
L1454[11:06:28] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L1455[11:08:43] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1456[11:09:14] <Inari> http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/322 neat
L1457[11:11:22] <ade124> I comment my code just a bit too much (and by that I mean around 50% is comments)
L1458[11:12:03] <Inari> that sounds a bit much mybe yeah :P
L1459[11:12:11] <Inari> generally you only comment things that need ot bec ommented..
L1460[11:12:23] <ade124> You need a better keyboard
L1461[11:12:27] <Inari> int i = 0; // make the index
L1462[11:12:45] <Inari> while (i < maxUsers) { // loop through maxUsers
L1463[11:12:47] <Inari> :p
L1464[11:12:57] <ade124> It's actually like that
L1465[11:13:05] <Inari> dear god
L1466[11:13:06] <Inari> :p
L1467[11:13:10] <Inari> ade124: and nah
L1468[11:13:14] <Inari> just race conditiosn while typiung
L1469[11:14:19] <ade124> Meh, this happens a bit to me also
L1470[11:15:48] <ade124> I do too much python... Why am I forgetting to put "end" everywhere
L1471[11:17:23] ⇦ Quits: bauen1_ (~bauen1@2a02:810d:1980:1584:f0eb:ba4:c3b6:664f) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L1473[11:20:33] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1474[11:21:02] <alekso56> asie: why is cc width height defined as 164*2? does it mean that cc has better resolution than oc tier 3? >_>
L1475[11:21:20] <alekso56> +81 * 3 :v
L1476[11:22:03] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1477[11:22:04] <ade124> CC uses minecraft fonts IIRC
L1478[11:24:00] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L1479[11:27:08] <ade124> how do I require a custom API? Do I do require("path/to/api")?
L1480[11:27:34] <Forecaster> yes
L1481[11:27:40] <ade124> thanks
L1482[11:27:46] <Forecaster> think so
L1483[11:27:54] <Forecaster> might want to read the docs
L1484[11:28:00] <Forecaster> ~oc api
L1485[11:28:00] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api
L1486[11:32:04] <ade124> Why on earth am I almost writing another OS when I just wanted to make an installer that installs OpenOS independent of OpenOS
L1487[11:32:17] <Lizzy> Lol
L1488[11:35:16] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Quit: There are those who live without living. Don't be one of those.)
L1489[11:39:19] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (~bauen1@2a02:810d:1980:1584:f0eb:ba4:c3b6:664f) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1490[11:39:44] <xandaros> Since we have devfs now, we need dd. (payonel! :P)
L1491[11:41:42] <ade124> So... in order to make my own OS I HAVE TO DEVELOP MY OWN FILESYSTEM?
L1492[11:42:09] <ade124> I might as well ship OpenOS's filesystem with it then
L1493[11:43:35] <ade124> Or is OpenOS's filesystem available at boot when accessing the component?
L1494[11:44:48] <alekso56> i found a meta table https://www.equip4work.co.uk/media/img/shop/pd/022984.jpg
L1495[11:44:55] <Lizzy> ade124, eh?
L1496[11:44:56] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-25-98-190.as13285.net)
L1497[11:45:08] <xandaros> OpenOS's filesystem is based on the host's filesystem
L1498[11:45:19] <ade124> Can I use the drives in managed mode when I'm not using OpenOS?
L1499[11:45:29] <xandaros> So I wouldn't be surprised if it behaved differently depending on what OS the server runs on
L1500[11:45:32] <asie> alekso56: yes, yes it does
L1501[11:45:37] <Lizzy> ~w custom os
L1502[11:45:37] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/tutorial:custom_oses
L1503[11:45:41] <asie> with a max size monitor at min scale, it does
L1504[11:45:41] <Lizzy> if you mean in the EEPROM environment, look at ^
L1505[11:45:54] <asie> 164x81
L1506[11:46:23] <ade124> Most notably that includes the io, package and *filesystem* *libraries*... Is the filesystem *component* available?
L1507[11:46:26] <Temia> Managed mode disks expose the same file system to everything.
L1508[11:46:34] <asie> ade124: probably
L1509[11:46:40] <Lizzy> what Temia said
L1510[11:46:45] <ade124> thank god then I guess
L1511[11:47:10] <Lizzy> also the component methods are accessible and not tied to OpenOS
L1512[11:47:15] <alekso56> asie: asked because i made this for fun http://i.imgur.com/RILRdzs.png
L1513[11:47:26] <ade124> all of them without exceptions?
L1514[11:47:55] <Lizzy> yes, openos doesn't magically make components
L1515[11:47:58] <asie> alekso56: ok
L1516[11:48:06] <asie> but yes, CC has a higher resolution
L1517[11:48:11] <ade124> nice, now I don't want to kill myself then
L1518[11:49:59] ⇨ Joins: bauen1 (~bauen1@2a02:810d:1980:1584:f0eb:ba4:c3b6:664f)
L1519[11:53:52] <Ember_Primrose> yay poke go
L1520[11:54:59] ⇦ Quits: ade124 (~ade124@ (Quit: It's almost 1am where I live)
L1521[11:56:42] * Forecaster pokes go
L1522[11:58:02] <Ember_Primrose> it finally works on bluestacks
L1523[11:59:53] ⇨ Joins: Tris (~Flufflepu@2605:6001:e013:bf00:b01b:efce:22e2:f6f)
L1524[12:01:56] <Ember_Primrose> What team should i pick :D
L1525[12:04:37] <Forecaster> the blue one :D
L1526[12:05:30] <Michiyo> blue!
L1527[12:05:34] <Michiyo> Mystic ftw
L1528[12:05:46] <Ember_Primrose> i like the red ones logo tho...
L1529[12:05:47] <Ember_Primrose> fine
L1530[12:05:52] <Ember_Primrose> bllue it is
L1531[12:06:02] <Forecaster> I don't remember what they look like :P
L1532[12:06:05] <Forecaster> but I like blue
L1533[12:06:12] <Forecaster> (the color)
L1534[12:07:52] ⇨ Joins: Solace7 (~quassel@
L1535[12:08:06] <Ember_Primrose> eye ar een temu mystikoo
L1536[12:09:37] <Forecaster> hey Michiyo, did you see my question? :P
L1537[12:09:59] <Michiyo> No, I was likely unloading the truck
L1538[12:10:19] <Forecaster> would you mind if I submitted a pullreq for getting specific quotes by id?
L1539[12:10:36] * Michiyo shrugs if you want
L1540[12:10:42] <Michiyo> err there was an enter there
L1541[12:10:42] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L1542[12:10:45] <Michiyo> I swear
L1543[12:10:50] <Michiyo> I have a migraine from hell
L1544[12:10:54] <Michiyo> ugh fucking heat
L1545[12:10:57] <Michiyo> ugh fucking customers
L1546[12:10:59] <Michiyo> ugh
L1547[12:11:05] * Ember_Primrose hugs Michiyo
L1548[12:11:53] ⇦ Quits: Kiddobyte (~Kiddobyte@75-128-216-19.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L1549[12:12:55] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1550[12:15:34] <Forecaster> created pullreq
L1551[12:16:06] <Forecaster> I don't know how to run this thing so it's untested, but it's a simple addition, it'll probably work
L1552[12:41:56] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2AE26504B73465B7B8F5AE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection timed out)
L1553[12:42:33] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2AE26504B73465B7B8F5AE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1554[12:42:33] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L1555[12:43:22] <gamax92> hey Vexatos
L1556[12:43:53] <Inari> hm meh
L1557[12:43:54] <Vexatos> hi
L1558[12:43:55] * Lizzy is home
L1559[12:44:25] <gamax92> Inari: why :<
L1560[12:44:28] <Inari> i want a complex mmo :P i like healing, but even more so it owuld be cool to be an engineer (as in, not at the battlefields, but engineering tehcnologies and the like to be used ont he battlefield)
L1561[12:44:34] <Inari> (no, not Outisde)
L1562[12:45:08] <Forecaster> woo C:S stream in 15m
L1563[12:45:14] <Forecaster> :>
L1564[12:45:27] <gamax92> Inari: Have you tried the free to play mmo called Outside? I heard EVERYONE is playing it
L1565[12:45:54] <Inari> gamax92: :P shush
L1566[12:47:01] <Lizzy> WOOP WOOP International roaming is now set up on my phone
L1567[12:47:18] <gamax92> all the fees and charges!
L1568[12:47:30] <alekso56> all the 5gb max download limits
L1569[12:48:16] ⇨ Joins: Kimiro (~MobileDra@199-7-159-99.eng.wind.ca)
L1570[12:49:09] <Lizzy> i'll mainly be on wifi for internet, just needed to enable it for calls and texts
L1571[12:49:44] * Kimiro gives Lizzy a cupquake
L1572[12:50:12] <Tris> you left her a life size replica of ihascupquake?
L1573[12:50:30] <Lizzy> ?
L1574[12:50:46] <gamax92> Kimiro said cupquake
L1575[12:51:01] <Kimiro> ... No. It's just a giant cupcake decorated with smaller cupcakes.
L1576[12:52:10] <Kimiro> Basically diabetes in pallet-shippable form.
L1577[12:53:06] <Forecaster> tasty tasty diabetes
L1578[12:53:20] <gamax92> I want marble cake :<
L1579[12:53:27] * Kimiro hugs Forecaster
L1580[12:53:50] * Kimiro gives gamax92 a marble cake
L1581[12:53:59] <gamax92> oh
L1582[12:54:05] <gamax92> welp
L1583[12:54:18] <Forecaster> no time for hugs! time for stream soon!
L1584[12:54:32] <Kimiro> Hehe.
L1585[12:54:56] ⇦ Quits: BILLPC2684 (~BILLPC268@cpe-24-26-134-100.columbus.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1586[12:54:58] <gamax92> right so .... I need to do simple thread tests
L1587[12:55:06] * Kimiro gives Forecaster his strap-on and his super soaker full of lube.
L1588[12:55:20] <gamax92> oh ok
L1589[12:56:02] <Lizzy> ...
L1590[12:57:09] <Tris> lewd
L1591[12:57:20] <Kimiro> Knock 'em dead Forecaster.
L1592[12:57:31] <Forecaster> hm, problem... C:S wont start :I
L1593[12:57:41] <gamax92> try using the lube on C:S
L1594[12:57:49] <Lizzy> :/
L1595[12:57:54] <Lizzy> Forecaster, bandicam again?
L1596[12:57:55] <Kimiro> Heh.
L1597[12:58:07] <Forecaster> no, I shut that down completely
L1598[12:58:11] <Forecaster> it's something else
L1599[12:58:24] * vifino groans and snuggles Lizzy tightly
L1600[12:58:36] <vifino> I don't use a DE, Lizzy.
L1601[12:58:44] * Lizzy squeaks and snuggles vifino
L1602[12:58:49] <vifino> I use awesome or i3, a WM.
L1603[12:58:55] <Lizzy> whatever
L1604[12:59:03] <vifino> q_q
L1605[12:59:05] <Lizzy> they do similar things
L1606[12:59:07] <Lizzy> :P
L1607[12:59:43] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1608[13:00:03] <Kimiro> My mouth tastes of pineapple
L1609[13:00:37] * Lizzy thinks she's gonna go have a shower
L1610[13:01:35] * Kimiro adds another tick to his tally on the wall.
L1611[13:05:54] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1612[13:06:35] * Kimiro gives gamax92 the key to a custom built car
L1613[13:12:32] * gamax92 snaps it in half
L1614[13:12:37] <gamax92> what are you going to do now
L1615[13:15:14] <Ember_Primrose> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=467110757
L1616[13:15:19] <Ember_Primrose> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=426212120
L1617[13:20:35] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1618[13:20:41] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~MobileDra@199-7-159-99.eng.wind.ca) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L1622[14:00:11] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2AE26504B73465B7B8F5AE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1623[14:00:11] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L1631[14:55:46] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L1632[14:56:40] * Inari beats Ember_Primrose with cat fur
L1633[14:57:20] ⇨ Joins: Gyro (~Gyro@c-73-16-26-159.hsd1.me.comcast.net)
L1634[14:57:39] <asie> Gyro: you not at work?
L1635[15:11:16] <S3> okay who wants to hear a short udp joke?
L1636[15:11:22] <Ember_Primrose> that was fun, Forecaster
L1637[15:11:30] <Forecaster> yep :D
L1638[15:11:40] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L1639[15:11:45] <Ember_Primrose> although i missed half of it ?
L1640[15:11:47] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L1641[15:11:58] <Forecaster> didn't exactly mean for the first 45 minutes to be troubleshooting C:S, but het
L1642[15:12:04] <Forecaster> but hey*
L1643[15:12:34] <S3> wha
L1644[15:12:47] <S3> why is that windows 10 machine saying "downloading ubuntu from the windows store"
L1645[15:13:21] <Forecaster> at least it's not saying "downloading ubuntu from the iOS store" :P
L1646[15:13:22] * Ember_Primrose shrugs
L1647[15:13:36] <Forecaster> or whatever that's called
L1648[15:13:37] <Ember_Primrose> :d
L1649[15:13:40] <Ember_Primrose> :D
L1650[15:18:33] ⇨ Joins: Michiyo__ (~Michiyo@mail.pc-logix.com)
L1651[15:19:41] ⇦ Quits: Michiyo (~Michiyo@mail.pc-logix.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1652[15:20:53] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2AE26504B73465B7B8F5AE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1653[15:25:50] ⇦ Quits: feldim2425 (~feldim242@93-82-87-174.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
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L1656[15:33:52] * Forecaster licks Ember_Primrose
L1657[15:34:02] * Ember_Primrose grins
L1658[15:37:06] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L1659[15:39:51] <vifino> Forecaster, Ember_Primrose, get a room!
L1660[15:40:04] <Antheus> please
L1661[15:40:09] <Antheus> I'll even pay for it
L1662[15:40:14] <Ember_Primrose> i just smiled, dolt
L1663[15:40:35] <Antheus> vifino, isn't lizzy coming to visit you
L1664[15:40:43] <Antheus> or has that already happened
L1665[15:40:45] <vifino> Yes, saturday
L1666[15:41:17] <Antheus> Hopefully that goes well!
L1667[15:42:19] <vifino> it will ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L1668[15:44:19] <Forecaster> I can tell something very important was interrupted, oh wait :P
L1669[15:45:17] <Izaya> S3: there's a syscall emulator as part of Windows now
L1670[15:45:18] <Izaya> be afraid
L1671[15:45:22] <Izaya> it's an abomination
L1672[15:45:29] <S3> Izaya: I'm using it
L1673[15:45:39] <S3> urxvt doesn't frigging work
L1674[15:45:42] <S3> no idea why
L1675[15:45:43] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~^v@c-73-161-239-117.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1676[15:45:44] <S3> got aterm to work though
L1677[15:45:47] <Forecaster> how does one acquire that?
L1678[15:45:49] <Izaya> oh nice
L1679[15:45:49] <S3> and now I'm replacing bash with zsh
L1680[15:46:09] <Izaya> personally I run an Arch VM and use X11 forwarding when I'm stuck on Windows
L1681[15:46:14] <S3> you need to put windows 10 into developer mode, have gotten the updates the other day earlier this week, and enable the linux bash feature in the add / remove features
L1682[15:46:19] <S3> and you need xming or so
L1683[15:46:25] <Forecaster> ah
L1684[15:46:25] <S3> for an X server
L1685[15:46:35] <Izaya> VcXsrv > Xming
L1686[15:46:41] <S3> then you pull up a terminal, type bash, say y and itl download ubuntu
L1687[15:46:48] <S3> never used vcxsrv
L1688[15:46:56] <S3> I used xming back from like, 15 years ago lol
L1689[15:47:06] <Izaya> vcxsrv works a lot better
L1690[15:47:08] <Izaya> give it a go
L1691[15:47:24] <Izaya> someone here recommended it to me
L1692[15:47:37] <S3> why is it better?
L1693[15:47:44] <S3> I mean an X server is an X server
L1694[15:47:48] <S3> can't go wrong much there
L1695[15:47:50] <gamax92> S3: ...
L1696[15:47:53] <gamax92> yes you can :P
L1697[15:47:55] <Gwyndolin> you have to pay for latest xming
L1698[15:47:57] <Gwyndolin> afaik
L1699[15:48:00] <S3> no you don't?
L1700[15:48:01] <Gwyndolin> and the old version sucks horseballs
L1701[15:48:09] <Gwyndolin> then where do you download the newest builds?
L1702[15:48:11] <S3> I have never had a single problem
L1703[15:48:24] <S3> it's always worked mighty fine for me
L1704[15:49:03] <Gwyndolin> http://www.straightrunning.com/XmingNotes/
L1705[15:49:23] <gamax92> for some reason i can't load that page
L1706[15:49:44] <Izaya> S3: well for a start it supports not having a border around some windows
L1707[15:49:44] <S3> still don't see the issue
L1708[15:49:50] <S3> xming has always been able to do everything
L1709[15:49:50] <Izaya> so your XFCE panel will work properly
L1710[15:49:58] <S3> Izaya: so doesn't xming
L1711[15:50:16] <gamax92> oh ... the good ol paying for software hidden as "Donation for newer versions"
L1712[15:50:21] <S3> but I 'usually' go even further and make Xming show the root window
L1713[15:50:24] <Gwyndolin> gamax92: yes
L1714[15:50:34] <Gwyndolin> the latest free release is from fucking 2007
L1715[15:50:37] <S3> you can replace the shell in regedit so that it loads fluxbox instead from say cygwin
L1716[15:50:46] <Gwyndolin> older than my grandma
L1717[15:50:46] <S3> instead of explorer.exe
L1718[15:50:48] <Izaya> bb4win is sorta nice
L1719[15:50:50] <gamax92> yeah Gwyndolin is right
L1720[15:50:55] <S3> bb4win is 'okay'
L1721[15:50:58] <gamax92> you have to pay for newer versions
L1722[15:51:03] <Izaya> tbh I prefer explorer
L1723[15:51:13] <S3> be a pro and run twm!
L1724[15:51:16] <S3> XD
L1725[15:51:16] <Gwyndolin> vcxsrv works fine, mostly
L1726[15:51:20] <Izaya> twm is okay
L1727[15:51:25] <Izaya> not my favorite but not bad
L1728[15:51:28] <Izaya> I prefer fvwm2
L1729[15:51:34] <gamax92> I've not needed to run an X server in Windows for a long time though
L1730[15:51:36] <Izaya> or like, wmaker
L1731[15:51:44] <S3> trying to see right now if the windows ubuntu thing can run Fluxbox
L1732[15:51:50] <S3> it's complaining for sure
L1733[15:52:02] <gamax92> haven't bothered to switch to the developers Windows 10 to try out the bash
L1734[15:52:36] <S3> it's not working bad
L1735[15:52:42] <S3> but of course, perl frigging 5.18
L1736[15:52:44] <S3> so it's a bit outdated
L1737[15:52:56] <S3> I just did an apt-get upgrade and it helped.. a little..
L1738[15:53:34] <S3> let's see if Perl will actually work now
L1739[15:54:10] <S3> currently running aterm trying out vcxsrv
L1740[15:54:15] <S3> and doing styff in that on zsh
L1741[15:54:37] <S3> one complaint is that the network subsystem is 100% HAL exposed
L1742[15:54:47] <S3> so like, ifconfig and shit doesn't work
L1743[15:54:49] <S3> nor ip
L1744[15:55:03] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1745[15:55:08] <S3> so some programs that aren't so transparent, will break
L1746[15:56:01] <S3> gamax92: the other limitation is that there is no exe format gateway set up
L1747[15:56:09] <S3> so you can't launch windows programs from it (without wine)
L1748[15:56:35] <S3> which would be useful for example if you were running windows java and doing Minecraft modding and wanted a linuxlike dev environment
L1749[15:57:44] <S3> silly ubuntu, not coming with gnu make
L1750[16:00:07] * Forecaster hugs Ember_Primrose and wanders off to bed
L1751[16:00:21] <Ember_Primrose> nighto/
L1752[16:02:00] <gamax92> S3: does it have build-essential
L1753[16:02:43] <S3> doesnyes.
L1754[16:02:44] <S3> yes*
L1755[16:02:58] <S3> although if they were smart and used a slackware base then we wouldn't have that problem!
L1756[16:03:00] <S3> :P
L1757[16:03:03] <S3> actually
L1758[16:03:15] <S3> It'd be neat to have it be a systemd-less arch base
L1759[16:03:47] <S3> as an experiment.. I could try to do something like that, I mean it's just linux ELF support right?
L1760[16:03:57] <S3> technically the distribution shouldn't matter at all
L1761[16:08:52] <Antheus> My planned road map is coming along well
L1762[16:09:04] <Antheus> It includes Roads and trails/paths
L1763[16:09:15] <S3> for?
L1764[16:09:17] <Antheus> oh my wrong channel
L1765[16:09:35] <Antheus> S3 a lil project on a server I play on
L1766[16:09:50] <S3> does it include fiber loops for OCRANET support?
L1767[16:09:57] <S3> and intraserver comms
L1768[16:10:07] <S3> I do that on mine
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L1773[16:21:43] <Antheus> Nah it's vanilla
L1774[16:21:49] <Antheus> been taking a break from modded
L1775[16:22:52] <Tris> "OpenComputers: There were errors running the class transformer. Please report this"
L1776[16:22:58] <Tris> Is this a general conern, or can I ignore it?
L1777[16:29:07] <gamax92> you can ignore it but paste a log and I can point out what the exact errors were
L1778[16:30:48] <gamax92> Tris: ^
L1779[16:31:04] <Tris> A'ight
L1780[16:33:08] <Ember_Primrose> night peeps
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L1787[17:01:47] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L1788[17:02:09] <pkrjuzam> hello, anyone here? need some help with a robot. i build him but forgot to preload the hard disk, so how can i disassemble it? or write on the hdd? i do not have a disk drive, but a wireless card
L1789[17:02:39] <GreaseMonkey> pkrjuzam: welcome, uhh, i don't know much about robots here
L1790[17:03:07] <GreaseMonkey> IIRC with tablets you can just shove them back in the assembler, but you can't really pick up a robot
L1791[17:03:38] <pkrjuzam> sure i can pick him up, but i can't put him back into the assembler
L1792[17:04:03] <pkrjuzam> tin the tutorial they said there is a way to dissassemble things
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L1794[17:08:53] <pkrjuzam> so noone with an idea? it's a tier 3 with full upgrades
L1795[17:10:34] <pkrjuzam> oh found it, there is a dissassembler
L1796[17:11:08] <Dashkal> Just a thought, can you shove him in a disk drive? I know that works for tablets.
L1797[17:13:26] <pkrjuzam> no, tried that already
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L1801[17:17:54] * Lizzy falls asleep on vifino with a smile on her face
L1802[17:20:41] * vifino pets Lizzy and puts a blanket over her
L1803[17:24:19] * Inari sets up a machine for a conducting balloon to bap Ember_Primrose onto the head repeatedly
L1804[17:28:01] <CompanionCube> Inari: do you want extra lewds
L1805[17:28:33] <Inari> hm? of course
L1806[17:29:23] * CompanionCube transfers extra lewds to Inari...but he's not feeling well today
L1807[17:30:11] <Inari> \o/
L1808[17:30:18] * Inari absorbs all the lewds, feeling instantly even better
L1809[17:30:28] <Inari> CompanionCube: why not feeling well though
L1810[17:30:52] <CompanionCube> Inari: because i'm ill.
L1811[17:30:59] <Inari> what with
L1812[17:31:07] <CompanionCube> puking
L1813[17:31:10] <Inari> ew
L1814[17:31:13] <Kodos> Anyone talk to RWTema
L1815[17:31:13] <Inari> thats not very lewd
L1816[17:31:16] <CompanionCube> you asked.
L1817[17:31:36] <Inari> I mean some people seem to ahv ea fetish about girls puking after/during blowjobs, but yeah, thats not really my kind of thing
L1818[17:31:46] <GreaseMonkey> watching payo's talk: "does it run doom yet" - i was considering porting doom but i lost interest
L1819[17:32:00] <Kodos> To OC?
L1820[17:32:19] <CompanionCube> Inari: of course that's a thing that you know of
L1821[17:32:30] <Inari> i've jsut seen it mentioned before :|
L1822[17:32:52] <Inari> I thought its kinda common knowledge
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L1824[17:33:55] <Inari> also these MIT lectures on electricity are great
L1825[17:34:10] <Roosemberth> Hello!, is there any equivalent to reverse ssh? :)
L1826[17:34:28] <Roosemberth> I'm playing with the lua shell, but the lag is killing my nerves
L1827[17:34:58] <Inari> well
L1828[17:35:02] <Inari> you can use a local text editor
L1829[17:35:04] <Inari> and ocnetfs
L1830[17:35:19] <Roosemberth> I'm playing on a server
L1831[17:35:30] <Inari> yeah
L1832[17:35:34] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1833[17:35:42] <Roosemberth> I was more for opening a connection to a server I control and interpreting the received commands
L1834[17:35:56] <Inari> ocnetfs is a OC program (though it has a part taht you run on your PC of course) and connects to your pc to exchange the files you change/make or so
L1835[17:36:15] <Roosemberth> oh
L1836[17:36:17] <Inari> hm
L1837[17:36:26] <Inari> not sure how a connection to a server yuo contorl would help you
L1838[17:36:29] <Roosemberth> I'll go read about it ocnetfs :)
L1839[17:36:30] <Temia> The ssh protocol is probably wholly unimplementable in OC/lua.
L1840[17:36:49] <CompanionCube> Temia: even with the data card
L1841[17:36:51] <Temia> Even with the data card.
L1842[17:37:02] <Temia> Haha
L1843[17:37:02] <Roosemberth> ssh is very compley, but at least a tcp
L1844[17:37:28] <Roosemberth> like cat fifo | nc -l 22345 >(sh -s > fifo) :)
L1845[17:38:01] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1846[17:38:04] <CompanionCube> we could always go oldschool and implement rsh
L1847[17:38:16] <CompanionCube> which has no crypto at all
L1848[17:39:01] <Roosemberth> i'd be something
L1849[17:39:18] <Roosemberth> however, why did Temia and CompanionCube mention the data card?
L1850[17:39:22] <Roosemberth> is does crypto?
L1851[17:39:41] <Roosemberth> I'm very new to oc, sorry if I'm not completely up to speed
L1852[17:39:53] <CompanionCube> Roosemberth: specifically it offers RSA and maybe AES
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L1854[17:43:55] <Temia> Yes, I believe that functionality is available at tier 3.
L1855[17:44:38] <Roosemberth> wow, It has even ecdsa
L1856[17:45:01] <Roosemberth> guys, sure we can't have ssh on this thing?
L1857[17:46:07] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-25-98-190.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L1858[17:46:30] <Roosemberth> well, that seems interesting, I'll take a look at it later
L1859[17:47:02] <CompanionCube> Roosemberth: you might want to take a look at plan9k
L1860[17:47:07] <gamax92> :/, this QThread is hanging up my main gui ...
L1861[17:47:20] <Temia> If you want to read up on the protocol, you can try, but I'm still not sure it has the oomph needed to achieve it in lua.
L1862[17:47:22] <CompanionCube> which is a more unix-y OS iirc
L1863[17:47:42] <Temia> I've been considering writing a gopher client for OpenOS as a sidenote.
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L1865[17:50:35] <Roosemberth> what's the website for plan9k? did find the gh repository but can't get an idea about it
L1866[17:52:53] <CompanionCube> It comes with OC as a loot disk
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L1868[17:53:52] <Kodos> Zoology looks like a neat mod
L1869[17:59:42] <alekso56> gamax92: i made a thing https://cax.no/conv/index.html
L1870[17:59:49] <gamax92> alekso56: not right now
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L1872[17:59:57] <alekso56> okay :<
L1873[18:01:07] <Roosemberth> :D
L1874[18:01:24] * Roosemberth managed to get a reverse remote shell using a tcp socket :)
L1875[18:04:39] <Temia> I'm guessing via telnet?
L1876[18:05:15] <Inari> Fun dentist Facts 101: Electrical Dental Handpieces can overheat, causing tissue damage/burning on the patient, which may not be apparent to either operator or patient until later, as the patient can't feel the tissue burnign due to anesthesia.
L1877[18:07:37] <Kodos> TIL Hay Bales in minecraft nerf fall damage by 80%
L1878[18:07:38] <Roosemberth> Temia: component.proxy(component.list("internet")()).connect("host", 22345)
L1879[18:07:48] <Roosemberth> not so sure that's telnet
L1880[18:08:01] <Roosemberth> then a look evaluating the respose
L1881[18:08:52] <Temia> Fair enough.
L1882[18:09:46] <Temia> I can only speculate as I don't know what you've done on the host side.
L1883[18:10:08] <Roosemberth> nc -l 22345
L1884[18:11:00] <Roosemberth> how do we pass arguments to a lua script?
L1885[18:11:23] <Roosemberth> I'd like to specify the host and port when calling the script
L1886[18:11:31] <alekso56> lua.lua here is arguments
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L1888[18:12:02] <Inari> lua.lua here be dragons
L1889[18:12:21] <Inari> Kodos: them vanilla mechanics I never know about
L1890[18:12:42] <Kimiro> Dragons?
L1891[18:12:44] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriy_ (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1892[18:12:50] <Inari> Roosemberth: how to pass them in or how to read them from inside?
L1893[18:12:56] <Inari> Kimiro: Sapphires
L1894[18:13:01] <Inari> though Sapphire isnt a legal dragon yet
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L1896[18:13:05] <Inari> so keep your lewds down
L1897[18:13:10] <Roosemberth> Inari: how to read them, sorry
L1898[18:13:23] <Roosemberth> how to pass them I assume is ./script arg1 arg2 ...
L1899[18:13:26] <Kimiro> Inari: Noted. :B
L1900[18:13:28] <Temia> You were the only one thinking about lewds, Inari
L1901[18:13:37] <Inari> Roosemberth: yeah
L1902[18:13:38] <Temia> ~w parse
L1903[18:13:40] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-pairs
L1904[18:13:44] <Temia> Nooo
L1905[18:13:47] <Inari> well
L1906[18:13:54] <Roosemberth> merci :)
L1907[18:14:05] <Inari> to get the "raw args" you just use someting like local args = {...}
L1908[18:14:08] <Temia> That isn't what I was digging up
L1909[18:14:19] <Inari> in the top (or global scope anyawy) of your script
L1910[18:14:22] <Temia> Guh, my bus stop is coming up, BBIAB
L1911[18:14:24] <Inari> ~oc shell parse
L1912[18:14:24] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:shell
L1913[18:14:49] <Inari> Roosemberth: to nicely interpret them though, shell.parse is better
L1914[18:15:12] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1915[18:15:12] <Inari> as shown on that site there
L1916[18:17:42] <Roosemberth> Inari: oh, cool, thanks :)
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L1921[18:26:26] <xilni> Anyone willing to critique my code? https://github.com/xilni/StockMonitor
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L1926[18:35:09] <Inari> @xilni use local for the require stuff too i'd say
L1927[18:36:31] <Inari> @xilni since getItemAmount and getFluidAmount are pretty similar i think i' merge the two more to avoid code dupliation, though maybe thats being overzealous and bad in the long term xD
L1928[18:36:47] <Inari> same with checklfuid/checkitem i guess
L1929[18:36:52] <xilni> I wanted to do that
L1930[18:36:59] <xilni> But AE returns amount for fluids quantity
L1931[18:37:07] <xilni> and size for item quantity
L1932[18:37:35] <xilni> Mmm, but any one entry probably doesn't have both, I'd have to check for that
L1933[18:37:51] <Inari> either that or you just check which you rhave to return xD
L1934[18:38:07] <Inari> since you have to know if to call getFluids or getItems anyway
L1935[18:38:13] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1936[18:38:24] <xilni> Oh now I remember why I didn't use local on the require calls
L1937[18:38:37] <xilni> It gives me an error when I try to call component from within a function
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L1939[18:41:35] <Inari> which error? o.o
L1940[18:42:34] <xilni> Nevermind, that was just my IDE being bad
L1941[18:42:37] <xilni> Done
L1942[18:42:38] <Inari> xD
L1943[18:42:44] <Inari> what ide o.o
L1944[18:42:50] <xilni> Intellij IDE
L1945[18:43:08] <Inari> didnt know that does lua
L1946[18:43:15] <xilni> With the lua plugin it does
L1947[18:43:19] <xilni> Not perfectly apparently
L1948[18:43:24] <Inari> hmm might have to ry that out at some point
L1949[18:44:08] <xilni> I understand scope and why local variables are better, but what's the point of local on the require directive?
L1950[18:44:57] <gamax92> so that you aren't polluting your programs' globals
L1951[18:44:59] <Inari> why not? you prevetn cluttering the global namesapce with stuff like t"
L1952[18:45:01] <Inari> * "t"
L1953[18:45:44] <xilni> But isn't it already a global variable since it's in the main body?
L1954[18:46:02] <Inari> main body?
L1955[18:46:11] <gamax92> require is global, yes, but what you get from require doesn't need to be local
L1956[18:46:23] <gamax92> local component = require("component")
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L1960[18:49:14] <xilni> See this where I'm confused, I'm used to C++ scope, where there's no keywords but a variables declaration location is what determines's scope
L1961[18:49:59] <Inari> well "local" means local to the scope
L1962[18:50:25] <Inari> (that it was declared in)
L1963[18:50:37] <Inari> without local it goes into _ENV i think?
L1964[18:50:42] <gamax92> yup
L1965[18:51:07] <Inari> xilni: your program is basically a function anyway, so if you put it into the "main body" its just local to that main body if with "local"
L1966[18:51:17] <Inari> and otherwise in the _ENV table, which si the environment of your function
L1967[18:51:27] <Inari> is _ENV 5.3 or 5.2?
L1968[18:51:32] <gamax92> 5.2+
L1969[18:51:36] <Inari> ah, good
L1970[18:51:47] <xilni> Ah ok, see I don't know what _ENV is, time to read up
L1971[18:53:25] <Sandra> that means it's accessible to the ENTIRE program.
L1972[18:53:36] <Sandra> *ENTIRE Lua Interpreter.
L1973[18:53:47] <Sandra> so the whole system.
L1974[18:53:52] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L1975[18:55:02] <xilni> Does it make a difference since I'm only running one script at a time? Is there screen/tmux for OC?
L1976[18:55:05] <Inari> Sandra: well not necessarily
L1977[18:55:31] <Sandra> well, no.
L1978[18:55:32] <gamax92> Sandra: what you said before was correct,
L1979[18:55:42] <gamax92> OpenOS gives each program it's own _ENV
L1980[18:55:47] <Sandra> oh does it.
L1981[18:55:54] <Sandra> in that case ignore me.
L1982[18:56:00] <Inari> but it sets a metatable to its _ENV/_G, no?
L1983[18:56:12] <Sandra> (also what's the difference between _ENV and _G?)
L1984[18:56:14] <xilni> So local or no local is essentially the same? Are we just talking good lua habits then?
L1985[18:56:33] <Sandra> require doesn't change it.
L1986[18:56:36] <gamax92> Sandra: _G has no special meaning actually
L1987[18:56:41] <Sandra> so anything you require is the thing.
L1988[18:56:46] <Sandra> really?
L1989[18:56:57] <Inari> "the thing2?
L1990[18:56:59] <Inari> *"?
L1991[18:57:05] <gamax92> yeah, _ENV IS the environment, if you change _ENV then you changed your environment
L1992[18:57:22] <gamax92> before 5.2 though, _G only happens to be a table that points to your environment
L1993[18:57:33] <gamax92> you can set it to nil or a number and your function still works
L1994[18:57:33] <Sandra> ah.
L1995[18:57:41] <gamax92> you had to use getfenv and setfenv to be sure
L1996[18:57:50] <Inari> getfenv(0) \o/
L1997[18:59:10] <gamax92> anyway, gonna go watch some grumps before being frustrated at my program
L1998[18:59:17] <gamax92> irony
L1999[18:59:47] <gamax92> YouTube, buffer please.
L2000[19:01:25] <gamax92> there :3
L2001[19:02:07] <gamax92> >_> fine I'll just download it first.
L2002[19:05:31] <Inari> hmm migth have to ask payonel on how envs work now in openos :P
L2003[19:05:34] <Inari> but off to bed forn ow
L2004[19:06:57] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L2005[19:08:34] <xilni> so I've seen in other scripts that people call functions as local as well
L2006[19:08:53] <gamax92> mmhm
L2007[19:08:56] <xilni> So local everything?
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L2021[20:33:14] <GreaseMonkey> TIL MIPS cannot throw a bus error on write
L2022[20:33:52] <GreaseMonkey> it can throw an address store error, a TLB modification error, or a TLB store error, i think
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L2026[20:42:09] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/qqf3v/41e800183f.png Rough version of a sawmill, minus the piston because noise
L2027[20:50:42] <alekso56> GreaseMonkey: i made this https://cax.no/conv/index.html
L2028[20:51:03] <GreaseMonkey> wew
L2029[20:51:51] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2030[20:52:05] <GreaseMonkey> alekso56: wget https://cax.no/conv/ctif/1470361961-c2ielq.ctif 1464004958228.ctif
L2031[20:52:31] <alekso56> buh, then i have to start minecraft
L2032[20:56:19] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~MobileDra@199-7-159-84.eng.wind.ca) (Quit: Connection lost: Psionic link severed.)
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L2035[21:07:52] <alekso56> GreaseMonkey: what? http://i.imgur.com/0zkxrTP.png
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L2037[21:08:35] <GreaseMonkey> alekso56: IIRC it was linked on 4chan and then that link was passed onto me
L2038[21:10:04] <alekso56> GreaseMonkey: allright, sounds fair.
L2039[21:10:35] <alekso56> gamax92: you take the link from here.
L2040[21:11:21] <gamax92> alekso56: not now D:
L2041[21:11:32] <alekso56> gamax92: why not?
L2042[21:11:41] <gamax92> Because I'm fixing shit
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L2047[21:48:54] <GreaseMonkey> got a proposal for OC2, i need your view on it (cc S3, ds84182, Sangar): https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/1003-proposal-for-main-component-bus-interface-oc2/
L2048[21:56:38] ⇦ Quits: Dimensional (~kvirc@ (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L2049[21:59:52] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: run python on MIPS
L2050[22:00:06] <GreaseMonkey> gamax92: i'll leave that one to you as python is a shit of a thing to cross-compile
L2051[22:00:30] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: i'll leave that one you as cross-compilers are a shit of a thing to cross-compile
L2052[22:00:43] <GreaseMonkey> gamax92: that's ok, because you won't be cross-compiling a cross-compiler
L2053[22:00:51] <GreaseMonkey> https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/883-making-a-gcc-cross-compiler/ have fun
L2054[22:01:12] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: what about a JVM then
L2055[22:01:31] <GreaseMonkey> if you want to make it easier for you, you can skip on building the C++ compiler, IIRC python is all C
L2056[22:01:54] <GreaseMonkey> gamax92: that's an important thing to have but at this stage you might as well port e.g. jamvm
L2057[22:02:03] <gamax92> oh, no zerovm?
L2058[22:02:52] <GreaseMonkey> could possibly work
L2059[22:03:26] <GreaseMonkey> wait dammit
L2060[22:03:57] <GreaseMonkey> oh right... zero is probably out of the question
L2061[22:04:46] <gamax92> welp.
L2062[22:05:09] <GreaseMonkey> ...yeah you might as well just use jamvm: https://github.com/cfriedt/jamvm
L2063[22:06:36] <GreaseMonkey> general rule with MIPS1 is it usually lacks the LL/SC ops so you leave it to the kernel to emulate those
L2064[22:09:32] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: usually? is there a time when it doesn't lack?
L2065[22:09:56] <GreaseMonkey> well if you're an emulator author who cannot be fucked writing a proper kernel or want to be nice to people doing that you can just chuck them in
L2066[22:10:04] <GreaseMonkey> i *can* be fucked writing a proper kernel though
L2067[22:10:23] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: I mean an irl time
L2068[22:10:33] <gamax92> not some emulator that is not accurate(?)
L2069[22:12:15] <GreaseMonkey> i don't know, a completely standard MIPS1 will not have those two ops
L2070[22:12:32] <GreaseMonkey> and a completely standard MIPS2 will be fucking hard to get a hold of as that arch didn't sell well
L2071[22:12:57] <GreaseMonkey> basically, MIPS1 and MIPS3 were reasonably common, MIPS2 and MIPS4 were somewhat rare
L2072[22:14:05] <GreaseMonkey> there are several freely-available docs on MIPS1 and MIPS3, but the only MIPS2 and MIPS4 docs available were former MIPS/SGI-confidential docs
L2073[22:14:48] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: can't gcc emulate whatever those two ops do then?
L2074[22:15:41] <GreaseMonkey> gamax92: AFAIK no, because they pertain to hardware mutexes... you can, if you are feeling slack, replace them with plain loads/stores though
L2075[22:16:26] <GreaseMonkey> i.e. LL x, y(z) becomes LW x, y(z)
L2076[22:16:52] <GreaseMonkey> and SC x, y(z) becomes SW x, y(z) \ LI x, 1
L2077[22:18:05] <GreaseMonkey> note, this could result in race conditions, but there you go
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L2085[23:23:09] <GreaseMonkey> bfc0025c: 0ff000af jal bfc002bc <debug_putchar>
L2086[23:23:09] <GreaseMonkey> bfc00260: 1000ffff b bfc00260 <iloop_home+0x8>
L2087[23:23:10] <GreaseMonkey> oops
L2088[23:24:27] <gamax92> GreaseMonkey: 10/10
L2089[23:24:36] <GreaseMonkey> yeah, it turns out that was NOT an emulator bug
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L2093[23:32:49] <GreaseMonkey> what i reckon would be hillarious: if you manage to cause a TLB shutdown, or attempt to fetch data with the caches swapped, the comp should explode
L2094[23:33:09] <GreaseMonkey> although that's a bit overkill, but it SHOULD spray sparks and lock up and require a reboot
L2095[23:42:58] <gamax92> just put fire above the computer :P
L2096[23:43:50] <Antheus> just explode the computer
L2097[23:44:10] <gamax92> rp2 had a HCF opcode
L2098[23:44:19] <gamax92> it would halt, and then catch fire
L2099[23:44:25] <Antheus> just make it see if a player with the name "Antheus" is on the game and if so kill me
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L2101[23:46:10] <Kodos> Anyone play OpenTTD
L2102[23:46:16] <TheFox> Gooood "afternoon" who ever is in that time zone
L2103[23:46:36] <TheFox> and good [insert time of day here] to those who arent
L2104[23:47:06] <gamax92> Kodos: I used to
L2105[23:47:12] <Kodos> ELI5: Signals
L2106[23:47:18] <TheFox> %p
L2107[23:47:20] <gamax92> I don't know.
L2108[23:47:21] <MichiBot> Ping reply from TheFox 1.16s
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