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L1[00:00:09] ⇨ Joins: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L2[00:00:09] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L3[00:00:57] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Nachie's out, PEACE)
L4[00:01:24] ⇦ Quits: Xal (~xal@S0106f0f2490b0073.vw.shawcable.net) (Quit: bye)
L5[00:27:48] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L6[00:28:35] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L7[00:40:33] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L8[00:44:14] <asie> Tris: ye
L9[00:44:36] <Tris> are ye looking for a builder, mate?
L10[00:44:42] <asie> dozens of them
L11[00:44:48] <asie> show me your wonders
L12[00:48:11] ⇦ Quits: TwilightVanish (TwilightVa@50721A15.cm-15.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L13[00:48:53] <GreaseMonkey> .o'ai
L14[00:50:17] <gamax92> I love the reviews on xposed apps on Google Play
L15[00:52:54] <Tris> http://imgur.com/a/IGdH2 asie
L16[00:52:59] <gamax92> "there's no icon" "what does it do" "can't open it" "Thanks! As soon as I enabled it the WiFi stays connected and no more dropouts" "it only says uninstall lolol" "where is icon pls :("
L17[00:53:19] <asie> Tris: hmm.
L18[00:53:31] <asie> i'll get back to you when i'm less sleepy
L19[00:53:39] <Tris> k
L20[00:56:31] ⇨ Joins: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L21[01:08:34] ⇨ Joins: lyneca (lyneca@sf1.hashbang.sh)
L22[01:14:30] ⇦ Quits: Temportalist (uid37180@id-37180.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L23[01:34:26] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-75-56.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L24[01:34:37] <TheFox> helllooo everyone, whats up
L25[01:35:50] <TheFox> anyone active?
L26[01:37:06] <TheFox> oky-dok welp nvmd then, got other things to do. just dont wanna do them :D
L27[01:37:13] ⇦ Quits: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-75-56.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Client Quit)
L28[01:51:24] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L31[01:53:41] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098)
L32[01:55:40] <Antheus> When am done with High School / College, I'm going to get a dog and take it for walks along the lake
L33[01:55:45] <Antheus> that is my goal in life
L34[02:09:09] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-28-88-250.as13285.net)
L35[02:12:46] <Cruor> Antheus: sounds like a nice goal :>
L36[02:13:26] <Antheus> :3
L37[02:13:46] <Tris> and then vlog it, and post it, and get millions, and then use the millions to afford going to even more lakes
L38[02:14:50] ⇨ Joins: techno156 (~techno156@86.03.01a8.ip4.static.sl-reverse.com)
L39[02:26:36] <Saphire> ._.
L40[02:26:54] * Saphire slaps idiot who thought that converting to utf-8 is a must
L41[02:26:54] * EnderBot2 rulls on the floor laughing
L42[02:27:05] <Saphire> i just want a damn byte dump Q_Q
L43[02:27:33] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-28-88-250.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L44[02:40:13] * Skye converts Saphire to UTF-8
L45[02:40:45] <Saphire> meep
L46[02:42:31] ⇨ Joins: ven000m (~e@
L47[02:48:38] <Skye> UTF-8 Dragon?
L48[02:53:00] <Temia> Is UTF-8 more or less fluffy?
L49[03:00:17] <Saphire> dunno
L50[03:05:00] <Skye> ASCII art
L51[03:11:35] <Antheus> Happy Monday!
L52[03:21:11] * vifino groans, snuggles and kisses Lizzy, then, after realizing that he can't get her awake that way, starts placing random objects on her
L53[03:24:08] <Antheus> vifino, I can help
L54[03:24:22] * Antheus bashes Lizzy's skull with an ice cream cake.
L55[03:24:25] <vifino> no, no you can't.
L56[03:24:32] * vifino slaps Antheus
L57[03:24:32] * EnderBot2 laughs
L58[03:24:41] <Antheus> ._.
L59[03:24:45] * Antheus slaps vifino
L60[03:24:45] * vifino likes slapping people and randomly picks Antheus to slap
L61[03:24:52] * vifino cleans Lizzy up and resumes placing objects on her
L62[03:37:03] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6637.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L63[03:55:24] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L64[03:55:24] <Cruor> vifino: ruud
L65[03:57:22] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098)
L66[04:04:02] <Forecaster> tooty frooty
L67[04:06:21] <Magik6k> I love messing with Plan9k scheduler
L68[04:06:44] <Magik6k> Cursor doesn't blink and 'ps' causes kernel panic <3
L69[04:07:52] <Magik6k> Actually, trying to run any pragram causes kernel panic
L70[04:09:49] <Skye> payonel: wait... You don't ask the user if they want to set the FS to be used for booting?
L71[04:22:12] <Antheus> Magik6k, what is this \scheduler'?
L72[04:23:39] <Magik6k> Antheus, the thing that manages processes, sending signals, sleeping, switching program context and all sorts of stuff
L73[04:24:46] <Antheus> Hmm
L74[04:24:56] <Magik6k> Or just the single most important and fragile piece of code in any multitasking OS :D
L75[04:24:57] <Antheus> Next time I play MC I will check it out
L76[04:27:29] <Antheus> :D
L77[04:32:40] <Antheus> Have you made any documentation of it yet, Magik6k?
L78[04:35:26] <Inari> %tell Vexatos watching this new youtuber (new as in, new to me) i found (Vaygrim) when suddenly a stray Vexatos pops up :f
L79[04:35:27] <MichiBot> Inari: Vexatos will be notified of this message when next seen.
L80[04:36:12] <Forecaster> :O
L81[04:36:19] <Forecaster> vexatoast everywhere
L82[04:36:28] <Magik6k> Antheus, not much
L83[04:36:56] <Antheus> Forecaster, vexatoast?
L84[04:37:08] <Inari> Vexaton
L85[04:37:10] <Magik6k> It has much OpenOS compat, has vt100 terminal, /dev, /proc and stuffs
L86[04:37:28] <Magik6k> And os.opawn, io.popen
L87[04:37:48] <Magik6k> I need to write some docs tho
L88[04:40:03] <Antheus> Plan9k Wiki: It does stuff. Very compliacted stuff. Stuff. (help me)
L89[04:41:16] <Magik6k> That's actually accurate :D
L90[04:47:07] <Inari> Later comes, eventually.
L91[04:50:00] <Forecaster> vexavex
L92[04:51:16] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L94[05:04:37] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L95[05:09:01] <Antheus> 100% of my city us uneducated
L96[05:09:15] <Antheus> even though I have sufficent schools
L97[05:09:28] <Antheus> I wonder what mod broke this .-.
L98[05:15:37] <Antheus> .-.
L99[05:16:01] <Cruor> where do i obtain a bot like corded? :p
L100[05:16:11] <Antheus> the drug store
L101[05:16:14] <Cruor> o
L102[05:16:34] <Antheus> jfc minecraft is taking up 3 GB of my memory
L103[05:16:44] <Cruor> how does the thing look on the discord side?
L104[05:16:46] <Antheus> bringing me up to 98% Memory usage
L105[05:17:51] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13_ (Johannes13@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L106[05:18:29] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13_ (john@
L107[05:21:50] <Antheus> agghghgh
L108[05:22:26] <Antheus> I need to pick up another 8GB of ram
L109[05:22:29] <Antheus> badlyt
L110[05:22:37] <Antheus> like, 8GB is not enough
L111[05:23:08] <Forecaster> for excersice I'd recommend something heavier, like 16GB
L112[05:25:09] <Antheus> aah screw this, I'm just going to split that 1TB drive and shove arch on it
L113[05:28:54] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13_ (john@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L117[05:44:05] ⇦ Quits: OneM_Industries (~OneM_Indu@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L118[05:47:57] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13__ (Johannes13@
L119[05:51:11] * Lizzy groans, opens her eyes, sees whats on top of her and closes her eyes and doesn't move till they're all gone
L120[05:52:25] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13_ (Johannes13@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L121[05:54:31] * Forecaster calls vifino: cleanup in aisle lizzy
L122[05:55:04] * vifino sighs
L123[05:55:06] <vifino> Fiiiine
L124[05:55:26] * vifino removes all the random objects from Lizzy
L125[05:55:46] * Lizzy sits up
L126[05:58:23] <Cruor> wtf is even
L127[05:58:42] <Forecaster> a vifino? I have no idea
L128[05:58:54] <Forecaster> some kinda particle?
L129[05:58:57] * vifino snuggles and kisses Lizzy
L130[05:59:12] ⇨ Joins: Dracotech (~techno156@
L131[05:59:33] * Lizzy sleepishly kisses back
L132[06:01:28] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@86.03.01a8.ip4.static.sl-reverse.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L133[06:01:40] * Saphire nibbles around
L134[06:02:57] * Cruor pokes Saphire
L135[06:02:58] <Cruor> make me tea
L136[06:03:10] <Saphire> meep?
L137[06:03:15] * Saphire makes water
L138[06:03:22] * Skye gives Saphire a peanut butter chocolate thing to nibble on
L139[06:03:42] <Forecaster> you made water? :O
L140[06:03:50] <Forecaster> witchcraft
L141[06:05:22] <Skye> Forecaster, Saphire is a dragon
L142[06:05:29] <Skye> more impressive than a witch
L143[06:05:29] <Forecaster> dragonmagic!
L144[06:05:52] <Magik6k> So ofically first IPv4 from OC was sent to the internet: https://assets.magik6k.net/screenshoots/1465815869.png
L145[06:06:02] <Magik6k> IPv4 packet
L146[06:06:25] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L147[06:06:35] <Forecaster> did the internet like it?
L148[06:06:41] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13__ (Johannes13@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L149[06:06:57] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13__ (john@
L150[06:07:05] <Skye> so
L151[06:07:15] <Forecaster> se
L152[06:07:17] <Skye> OC has IPv4?
L153[06:07:34] <Magik6k> IPv4+UDP+ICMP ping
L154[06:07:42] <Forecaster> plank9k does I'd guess :P
L155[06:07:44] <Skye> I guess all alternate network protocols are not now obsolete?
L156[06:08:02] <Magik6k> Now make forwarding work, and implement IPv6 side
L157[06:08:13] * Saphire nibbles on Forecaster
L158[06:08:35] <Forecaster> ohno my exterior
L159[06:08:57] <Magik6k> I probably will replace network floppy with this stack when I port it to OpenOS
L160[06:09:20] * Forecaster nibbles Saphire back
L161[06:09:31] <Magik6k> Hmm, I can implement VLAN's using network card ports
L162[06:09:34] <Saphire> :o
L163[06:09:35] <Magik6k> sounds fun
L164[06:09:38] <Stary2001> Magik6k: :o
L165[06:09:39] * Saphire nibbles more
L166[06:10:59] <Skye> well
L167[06:11:02] <Skye> ;-;
L168[06:11:38] <Forecaster> then someone just needs to port counter strike to oc and we can have a lan party :D
L169[06:11:40] *** Dracotech is now known as techno156
L170[06:11:42] <Lizzy> anyone know of a way i can execute a command over ssh on a few machines and get it's output without the ssh_command ability?
L171[06:11:42] <Forecaster> in minecraft
L172[06:12:01] <Forecaster> ssh_command ability?
L173[06:12:41] <Lizzy> Forecaster, you can do "ssh user@host "command stuff here"" to execute that command on the remote device
L174[06:12:57] <Lizzy> but the switches at my work place dont support the "command stuff here" part
L175[06:13:01] <Lizzy> which is really annoying
L176[06:13:26] <Forecaster> huh
L177[06:13:31] <Forecaster> I didn't know that
L178[06:13:44] <Lizzy> and i don't feel like logging onto all 84 of our switches to run a command to get it's rom/firmware revision
L179[06:13:48] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13__ (john@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L180[06:14:12] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13__ (Johannes13@
L181[06:14:18] <Cruor> Lizzy: the switches dont support it? o_o
L182[06:14:44] <Magik6k> Lizzy, not even ssh user@host "/bin/sh -something command stuff here" ?
L183[06:14:46] <Lizzy> nope
L184[06:14:47] <Forecaster> can you upload a script to them?
L185[06:15:13] <Lizzy> Magik6k, they don't support the ssh_command, so even doing anything will not work
L186[06:15:15] <Forecaster> that does it
L187[06:15:21] <Magik6k> ohboi
L188[06:15:27] <Lizzy> Forecaster, eh, not really. these are not linux boxen
L189[06:15:29] <Magik6k> No other protocols?
L190[06:15:36] <Lizzy> we have telnet
L191[06:15:44] <Lizzy> but i'd prefer ssh
L192[06:15:58] <Lizzy> other than that it's SNMP
L193[06:16:03] <Lizzy> and i have no idea how to work that
L194[06:16:34] <Magik6k> If it's not over internet, you could pipe predefined things into netcat and hope to get output
L195[06:16:45] <Magik6k> to netcat to telnet
L196[06:17:23] <Lizzy> wait nvm
L197[06:17:41] <Lizzy> just realised our IMC server for the switches shows their rom/revision number
L198[06:17:57] <Magik6k> lel
L199[06:18:00] <Lizzy> will give netcat a try though, could be handy in the future
L200[06:18:06] <vifino> Lizzy: hp procurve switches?
L201[06:18:08] <Lizzy> vifino, yup
L202[06:18:17] <vifino> I wrote such a thing.
L203[06:18:42] <Lizzy> i remember asking you for it and you said something like "it's not production ready / not very good"
L204[06:18:59] <vifino> that was about the monitoring
L205[06:19:11] <vifino> you didnt ask me about executing commands on my switch
L206[06:20:41] <vifino> so, what switches do you have there? how do you log in? do you get a simple password: prompt or via ssh keys?
L207[06:21:28] <Forecaster> I've run out of cola >:
L208[06:21:36] <Lizzy> err, a few different models, simple password over ssh
L209[06:22:30] <Lizzy> haven't worked out how to do the ssh keys yet but probably not going to bother with them because it's more work if we need to change the password when someone leaves/joins
L210[06:22:53] <vifino> good, cause my script doesnt work with ssh keys.
L211[06:23:20] <vifino> install expect on your linux box, wont work on windows and not without expect.
L212[06:23:30] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L213[06:23:53] <Lizzy> done
L214[06:24:28] <vifino> wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vifino/procurve_scripts/master/procurve-exec -O procurve-exec && chmod +x procurve-exec
L215[06:25:00] <vifino> HPPROCURVEPASS=switchpassword ./procurve-exec user@switch cmdhere
L216[06:25:16] ⇨ Joins: TwilightVanish (TwilightVa@50721A15.cm-15.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L217[06:25:44] <vifino> if it works, great, if it doesn't, you are outta luck
L218[06:27:08] <Lizzy> \o/ it did something
L219[06:27:30] <Forecaster> yay something
L220[06:27:49] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L221[06:27:56] <vifino> Lizzy: did it execute the command and show the output or not?
L222[06:28:10] <Lizzy> i did show vlan and it showed me the vlans
L223[06:28:58] <vifino> that would be about the time to say "thanks for saving my butt by doing something nobody else did" :v
L224[06:29:32] <Lizzy> thanks
L225[06:29:47] <vifino> very elaborate .-.
L226[06:30:09] <Forecaster> all hail the vifino
L227[06:30:17] <vifino> that's the spirit.
L228[06:30:50] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L229[06:31:38] <Lizzy> sorry for not praising you like you've just brought someone back from the dead. you didn't have to give me the script so don't expect a massive thanks.
L230[06:31:53] <Lizzy> if i sound bitter it's because i'm fucking tired
L231[06:32:49] <Forecaster> class is boring
L232[06:32:52] <Forecaster> I wish I was home
L233[06:33:06] <Forecaster> just 1 more hour
L234[06:34:04] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L235[06:35:57] <vifino> yes, that sounded a bit bitter. ya know, the part where i did something nobody else managed and saved you a lot of work is at least worth more than one word, id say.
L236[06:36:02] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13__ (Johannes13@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L237[06:36:10] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098)
L238[06:36:22] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13__ (Johannes13@
L239[06:36:35] * Forecaster hides behind Saphire
L240[06:38:25] * Skye brings in a coffee machine and sets it to make a lot of coffee with a lot of caffeine
L241[06:39:04] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (~dangranos@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L242[06:39:11] ⇨ Joins: dangranos (~dangranos@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L243[06:39:25] * Forecaster wants a cola-machine
L244[06:39:42] * Dustpuppy loves all kind of ine...caffeine, nicotine, coca cola.... :-)
L245[06:42:12] <Lizzy> <@Lizzy> wait nvm
L246[06:42:12] <Lizzy> <@Lizzy> just realised our IMC server for the switches shows their rom/revision number
L247[06:44:42] <Forecaster> Lizzy: I assume you can see all repos on gitlab
L248[06:46:26] <Lizzy> yes
L249[06:47:06] <Dustpuppy> thinking about a game. 2 teams, each 5 robots with wireless modem and piston upgrade. an arena 16x8. 5 minutes time to push a block into opposites goal.... oc-football :-)
L250[06:47:11] <Forecaster> I just realized I've pushed by db connection files to these repos...
L251[06:47:29] <Forecaster> because they were on my own server
L252[06:47:52] <Forecaster> Dustpuppy: autoonomous? :P
L253[06:47:53] <Lizzy> Forecaster, lol, i'm the only one who can see all the repos and i don't look at people's personal stuff
L254[06:48:22] <Dustpuppy> Forecaster: yes, that's the fun. you have to code your team
L255[06:48:26] <Saphire> hmmm
L256[06:48:29] <Saphire> oc-ttd
L257[06:48:36] <Forecaster> ttd?
L258[06:48:45] <Saphire> transport tycoon deluxe
L259[06:48:52] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e34:ef13:4150:de53:60ff:febc:baf1)
L260[06:48:58] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13__ (Johannes13@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L261[06:49:00] <Saphire> Google openttd
L262[06:49:06] <Forecaster> I know about that
L263[06:49:13] <Forecaster> I thought it was related to football
L264[06:49:15] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13__ (Johannes13@
L265[06:49:18] <Forecaster> :P
L266[06:49:42] <Forecaster> I'm working on a mod specifically for that
L267[06:50:24] <Saphire> huh
L268[06:50:51] <Forecaster> very slowly due to limited time
L269[06:51:10] <Saphire> are we talking about that ”football” in USA or the football?
L270[06:51:28] <Saphire> not like I care about sports, though
L271[06:51:39] <Forecaster> pretty sure the "ball" would have to stay on the ground
L272[06:51:52] * Forecaster also don't care about sports
L273[06:52:05] <Forecaster> only if programming is involved :P
L274[06:52:22] <Forecaster> s/don't/doesn't
L275[06:52:22] <MichiBot> <Forecaster> *** also doesn't care about sports
L276[06:52:29] <Dustpuppy> the ball could be a block. a robot with piston upgrade can push it around
L277[06:52:29] <Cruor> does railcraft allow storing "data" on minecarts for routing?
L278[06:52:45] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13__ (Johannes13@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L280[06:53:02] <Lizzy> Cruor, in what sense? the Locomotives have the routing tickets
L281[06:53:04] <Forecaster> Cruor: kind of, the routing system lets you route carts based on name
L282[06:53:10] <Saphire> huh l
L283[06:53:14] <Saphire> *huh
L284[06:53:16] <Forecaster> (anvil name)
L285[06:53:33] <Forecaster> locomotives have that, plus the ticket destination
L286[06:53:34] <Saphire> ah
L287[06:53:35] <Cruor> Forecaster: is there a way to rename them without manualy doing so?
L288[06:53:43] <Forecaster> not in railcraft
L289[06:53:57] <Forecaster> for that you'll want a locomotive
L290[06:54:33] <Forecaster> unless you can use command blocks
L291[06:54:41] <Cruor> any mods that would allow renaming the carts?
L292[06:54:51] <Cruor> lets say, anvil with oc/cc methods?
L293[06:54:57] <Dustpuppy> put a cart in an anvil
L294[06:55:07] <Forecaster> openblocks maybe?
L295[06:55:23] <Cruor> hmmm :p
L296[06:55:24] <Oddstr13> openperipheral in that case
L297[06:55:28] <Forecaster> autocraft with a nametag? dunno if that works
L298[06:55:46] <Cruor> but i would have to name the nametag somehow :p
L299[06:55:51] <Dustpuppy> open blocks auto anvil
L300[06:55:54] <Dustpuppy> ?
L301[06:56:12] <Forecaster> I've never had a need to do that, so I don't know
L302[06:56:23] <Cruor> Lizzy, Forecaster: any nice documentation on the ticket system?
L303[06:56:33] <Cruor> i have about 0 experience with railcraft
L304[06:56:45] <Forecaster> I made a video tutorial for the routing system
L305[06:56:47] <Oddstr13> Cruor: I have used ticket stuff in the past, dw
L306[06:56:48] <Lizzy> Forecaster has routing tutorials
L307[06:57:02] <Oddstr13> it requires using painfully slow locomotives tho, no boosters
L308[06:57:15] <Cruor> oh, so the routing system isnt a problem, just the locomotives? :p
L309[06:57:16] <Oddstr13> which is why I've never really set up a railway with it
L310[06:57:19] <Lizzy> what do you mean, painfully slow?
L311[06:57:35] <Cruor> locomotives sounds fun :I
L312[06:57:37] <Forecaster> locomotives aren't slow, and they are affected by boosters as well
L313[06:57:43] <Oddstr13> a fully booster standalone chart on hs rails moves waaaay faster than the locs
L314[06:57:56] <Oddstr13> I guess that has changed since last time I tried then
L315[06:57:56] <Lizzy> well that's because it's HS rails
L316[06:58:02] <Forecaster> that's because trains have drag
L317[06:58:09] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13_ (Johannes13@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L318[06:58:54] <Cruor> locomotives use coal and water right? :I
L319[06:59:01] <Oddstr13> yea
L320[06:59:02] <Forecaster> the steam one does yes
L321[06:59:11] <Forecaster> there's also an electric one
L322[06:59:20] <Cruor> do you get far with a full tank on them?
L323[06:59:32] <Oddstr13> fair bit, yea
L324[06:59:56] <Oddstr13> few hundred blocks atleast iirc
L325[06:59:56] <Forecaster> you can also hook a tank cart with water behind the locomotive
L326[07:00:01] <Forecaster> it will pull water from it
L327[07:00:12] <Cruor> this sounds fun :I
L328[07:00:18] <Lizzy> the fuel items last a while (at least, coalcoke blocks do, water in a tank behind the loco will let it run for ages
L329[07:00:25] <Oddstr13> same with electric loc, can pull from msfu carts
L330[07:00:36] <Forecaster> that's really slow though
L331[07:00:39] <Forecaster> not recommended
L332[07:00:50] <Cruor> steam or electric the fastest? :o
L333[07:01:00] <Lizzy> both are generally the same speed
L334[07:01:07] <Forecaster> they're the same, but the battery carts have high drag
L335[07:01:15] <Oddstr13> urgh
L336[07:01:16] <Cruor> ah okay
L337[07:01:22] <Forecaster> but if you have electric tracks they're the same
L338[07:01:23] <Oddstr13> got a chart over drag?
L339[07:01:32] <Cruor> Oddstr13: this sounds fun :I
L340[07:01:33] <Lizzy> Forecaster, they only seem to have the drag when powering an electric loco
L341[07:01:36] <Lizzy> well
L342[07:01:41] <Lizzy> they were the last ttime i tried
L343[07:01:44] ⇦ Quits: wembly (~wembly@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L344[07:01:56] <Cruor> i guess i need signaling and stuff on intersections? :I
L345[07:02:00] <Forecaster> I think they always do? I'm not sure
L346[07:02:01] <Lizzy> yes
L347[07:02:37] <Forecaster> if you don't want collisions sure :P
L348[07:02:43] <Oddstr13> Cruor: let's include op mods in the pack this time >.>
L349[07:02:51] <Cruor> like what? :p
L350[07:02:59] <Lizzy> Forecaster, i haven't used IC2 in a while and Mimiru doesn't have it on her server so cant check, though i remember the electric locos not going above speed 2 when there wasa battery cart in the train
L351[07:03:13] <Oddstr13> just something that makes us *not* use all the time to collect resources.
L352[07:03:19] <Cruor> :p
L353[07:03:32] <Oddstr13> so that we can do fancy stuff like railroads instead :P
L354[07:03:35] <Cruor> i want rc, cc, oc and some decoration stuff atleast :>
L355[07:03:45] <Lizzy> eww CC
L356[07:03:51] <Forecaster> why would you want both cc and oc?
L357[07:03:51] <Oddstr13> Lizzy: shuddup
L358[07:03:54] <Lizzy> :P
L359[07:03:58] <Oddstr13> both of you >.<
L360[07:04:02] <Cruor> Forecaster: because muh dirt cheap compuderps
L361[07:04:12] <Oddstr13> there would be no oc without cc >.<
L362[07:04:18] <Lizzy> eh
L363[07:04:35] <Forecaster> there would be no cars without hore drawn carriages :P
L364[07:04:40] <Cruor> Oddstr13: i want bundleds :I
L365[07:04:42] <Forecaster> don't see people riding to work in those anymore :P
L366[07:04:52] <Lizzy> s/ho/who
L367[07:04:52] <MichiBot> <Forecaster> don't see people riding to work in twhose anymore :P
L368[07:04:56] <Lizzy> fuck
L369[07:04:58] <Oddstr13> Cruor: let's start with the ftb infinity pack
L370[07:05:04] <Lizzy> s/hor/whor
L371[07:05:04] <MichiBot> <Forecaster> there would be no cars without whore drawn carriages :P
L372[07:05:07] <Lizzy> :P
L373[07:05:13] <Forecaster> lewd
L374[07:05:13] <Cruor> Lizzy: can i have one
L375[07:05:21] <Cruor> with 9wp
L376[07:05:24] <Lizzy> ?
L377[07:05:24] <Cruor> need atleast that many
L378[07:05:28] <Oddstr13> slim it down quite a bit, and add some mods
L379[07:05:35] <Saphire> nom
L380[07:05:46] * Saphire nibbles on Forecaster's lewd
L381[07:05:49] <Cruor> if a carriage with 2 horses is 2hp, then guess what one with 9wp is :>
L382[07:05:52] <Forecaster> anyway, signaling is pretty straightforward once you get into it
L383[07:06:01] <Oddstr13> Lizzy: joke on horse power -> whore power >.>
L384[07:06:02] <Forecaster> I have videos on that too :P
L385[07:06:07] <Lizzy> ah
L386[07:06:30] <Skye> Saphire, lewd
L387[07:06:47] <Cruor> Oddstr13: give me a modlist on infinity then
L388[07:06:52] <Cruor> is at work :I
L389[07:07:00] <Oddstr13> ...and if AmandaC was op in here, we'd all have a 2month ban now xD
L390[07:07:11] <Cruor> :green_apple:
L391[07:07:14] <Cruor> or whatever it is
L392[07:07:26] <Forecaster> also I'm pretty sure a train with a locomotive can reach the HS max speed as long as you don't go overboard with the carts
L393[07:07:46] <Inari> Oddstr13: diffrent channel, different rules/enforcmeent
L394[07:07:48] <Inari> so no, you wouldnt
L395[07:07:50] <Forecaster> Oddstr13: who? why?
L396[07:07:56] <Cruor> Forecaster: always.
L397[07:08:02] ⇦ Quits: feldim2425 (~feldim242@93-82-138-83.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L398[07:08:18] <Oddstr13> Forecaster: hehe, she was op in cc for a while
L399[07:08:22] <Inari> afaik CC is supposed to be pg friendly
L400[07:08:26] <Oddstr13> yep
L401[07:08:34] <Cruor> i enforce that so hard booois
L402[07:08:35] <Inari> oc i dont think is so much
L403[07:08:46] <Oddstr13> mainly due to ccedu I guess?
L404[07:08:52] <Inari> maybe
L405[07:08:54] <Skye> OC is not PG. It's closer to a 12 in the UK.
L406[07:08:58] <Inari> lol
L407[07:08:59] <Cruor> i enforce it so hard that i almost forgot how to nickban people
L408[07:09:25] <Forecaster> I haven't had to ban anyone in ages
L409[07:09:37] <Forecaster> #railcraft is very quiet
L410[07:09:41] <Inari> plus eventaully people really just wanted to be banned
L411[07:09:41] <Skye> reminds me...
L412[07:09:52] <Oddstr13> last time I banned someone, was when they used silly nics
L413[07:10:04] * Oddstr13 slaps ^v
L414[07:10:04] * EnderBot2 high-fives Oddstr13
L415[07:10:06] <Skye> fun fact: Serial Experiments Lain is rated R-17+ in the US, yet it's rated 12 in the UK/
L416[07:10:06] <Cruor> Oddstr13: but gib mod list
L417[07:10:09] ⇨ Joins: feldim2425 (~feldim242@178-191-243-219.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L418[07:10:13] <Inari> Skye: heh
L419[07:10:24] <Cruor> Skye: what is wrong with Lain?
L420[07:10:28] <Cruor> its just, weird af
L421[07:10:28] <Inari> how is SEL R-17+
L422[07:10:40] <Skye> Inari, violence and profanity
L423[07:10:46] <Cruor> oh, maybe because of suicide :p
L424[07:10:55] <Inari> i thought violence and profanity is like the basis of american television
L425[07:10:59] <Inari> according to all the talkshows i see anyway
L426[07:11:17] <Inari> is american daytime television R17+ now? o.o
L427[07:11:47] ⇨ Joins: wembly (~wembly@
L428[07:12:34] <Lizzy> "<Oddstr13> ...and if AmandaC was op in here, we'd all have a 2month ban now xD" a previous op of this channel was kinda like her
L429[07:13:11] <Cruor> Oddstr13: sudo make modpack :<
L430[07:13:12] <Oddstr13> Cruor: https://oddstr13.openshell.no/paste/V16jQqAB/
L431[07:13:15] <Cruor> oh
L432[07:13:16] <Cruor> that was quick
L433[07:13:26] <Oddstr13> that's not latest version tho
L434[07:13:33] <Skye> Inari, do school girls jump off of buildings in daytime TV?
L435[07:13:38] <Oddstr13> just what was used on that server I played a bit
L436[07:13:49] <Skye> aslo
L437[07:13:54] <Cruor> daheck is draconic evolution
L438[07:13:54] ⇨ Joins: Gyro_ (~Gyro@2601:184:300:5d60:9dd1:5248:fbbc:15c2)
L439[07:13:55] <Skye> the UK tends to have darker stuff than the US
L440[07:13:58] <Inari> Skye: i would count that as neither violenc enor profanity xD
L441[07:14:07] <Skye> Inari, it's violent
L442[07:14:08] <Inari> Skye: damn racist US
L443[07:14:15] <Skye> Inari, I mean
L444[07:14:17] <Skye> as in
L445[07:14:20] <Skye> more scary
L446[07:14:26] <Inari> i know :P
L447[07:14:29] <Cruor> dafuq is springboards
L448[07:14:55] <Lizzy> boing
L449[07:15:15] <Cruor> boing? :>
L450[07:15:23] <Oddstr13> meh, I bet it is cause of nipples or something.
L451[07:15:28] <Forecaster> pssh, missing smart moving
L452[07:15:30] <Forecaster> :P
L453[07:15:49] <Skye> nope
L454[07:15:55] <Cruor> wtf is buildcraft?
L455[07:15:59] <Skye> D:
L456[07:16:02] <Cruor> :⁾
L457[07:16:07] <Skye> asie, educate Cruor!
L458[07:16:10] <Inari> wtf is Cruor
L459[07:16:16] <Cruor> oh god have mercy on my soul
L460[07:16:26] <Lizzy> Forecaster, what tutorials do you have for intersections? Not that i need them but i think you only have old ones of those
L461[07:16:27] * Skye asies Cruor
L462[07:16:29] ⇦ Quits: Gyro (~Gyro@2601:184:300:5d60:d131:8243:512a:c8e9) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L463[07:17:00] <Cruor> Oddstr13: uhh, remove portal mod atleast :I
L464[07:17:03] * Lizzy Skyes Skye so they can Skye Skye whilst Skye Skyes Skye
L465[07:17:12] <Forecaster> yeah it's only the archived ones
L466[07:17:27] <Oddstr13> Cruor: aww :P
L467[07:17:29] <Cruor> why would you want portals when you have locomotives :I
L468[07:17:31] * Skye makes a map called "SkyeBlock"
L469[07:17:43] <Izaya> urrrrrggghhhh
L470[07:17:51] <Cruor> install animecraft mod
L471[07:17:54] * Forecaster has no item teleportation in his custom pack
L472[07:17:57] <Skye> Izaya, I agree
L473[07:18:00] <Skye> :P
L474[07:18:02] <Izaya> no like
L475[07:18:11] <Cruor> Forecaster: is it fun? :I
L476[07:18:11] <Izaya> I just spent far too long burning 10 CDs of Trisquel
L477[07:18:25] <Skye> Izaya, why not make a machine with 4 CD drives?
L478[07:18:27] <Forecaster> Cruor: I think so, I've recorded 150 episodes
L479[07:18:28] <Forecaster> :P
L480[07:18:32] <Cruor> o
L481[07:18:40] <Cruor> Oddstr13: remove all teleportation
L482[07:18:46] <Cruor> i want items traveling by rails
L483[07:18:55] <Izaya> Skye: I don't have a machine with integrated graphics, a S775 socket and 2 IDE channels
L484[07:19:01] <Inari> Cruor: so use rails :f
L485[07:19:05] <Cruor> Forecaster: got a mod list at hand?
L486[07:19:10] <Oddstr13> fair enough I guess
L487[07:19:22] <Oddstr13> so, disable item tesseracts too then?
L488[07:19:25] <Izaya> or rather
L489[07:19:27] <Izaya> a motherboard
L490[07:19:29] <Cruor> yeh
L491[07:19:32] <Forecaster> Cruor: http://towerofawesome.org/youtube/modlist
L492[07:19:48] <Izaya> also shit freaks out when you burn more than one CD at once
L493[07:19:51] <Inari> #squidapi
L494[07:19:52] ⇦ Quits: ChJees (~ChJees@h211n5-sv-a13.ias.bredband.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L495[07:20:06] <Forecaster> I have a downloadable modpack as well
L496[07:20:16] <Inari> well theres the big "get the modpack" on the top
L497[07:20:17] <Inari> :p
L498[07:20:29] <Forecaster> yes :P
L499[07:20:48] <Cruor> Inari: uhh, i missed that one
L500[07:21:31] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L501[07:21:55] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@
L502[07:22:34] <Cruor> Forecaster: looks nice :I
L503[07:22:54] <Forecaster> well, I think so, obviously :P
L504[07:24:59] <Cruor> Oddstr13: just use meilyr if you need a server :I
L505[07:25:10] <Oddstr13> Forecaster: got an estimate on number of hours it takes to start the mod pack? :P
L506[07:25:27] <Oddstr13> cause ftb infinity takes too long :P
L507[07:25:44] <Forecaster> it takes like 20 minutes maybe?
L508[07:25:46] <Oddstr13> Cruor: gona put it on alekso's box was the plan
L509[07:25:48] <Forecaster> I dunno, never timed it
L510[07:25:54] <Cruor> oh
L511[07:26:06] <Cruor> thats even better :p
L512[07:26:14] <Oddstr13> can set up backup going to meilyr tho
L513[07:26:22] <Oddstr13> "hot standby" kinda thing
L514[07:26:49] <Cruor> uhh
L515[07:26:55] <Cruor> meilyr has a ssd :I
L516[07:27:32] <Dustpuppy> i have only 64 mods running. don't need more :-)
L517[07:28:15] <Cruor> Oddstr13: but how do i git gud on legoland, roonskip and meinkraft at the same time?!
L518[07:28:29] <Oddstr13> you don't.
L519[07:29:30] <Forecaster> the server looks like it takes about 6 minutes to start
L520[07:29:38] <Forecaster> the client takes a bit longer
L521[07:29:53] <Oddstr13> urgh
L522[07:31:16] <Forecaster> time to go home!
L523[07:31:57] <Oddstr13> the thing I really dislike with the ftb ifinity pack, is that it takes forever to start it, or restart when something goes wrong
L524[07:32:13] <Antheus> There is too many mods in FTB infinity
L525[07:32:24] <Oddstr13> yea
L526[07:32:25] <Antheus> very redundant, slow, and complicated
L527[07:32:35] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA95753FA2FE5EFA9D94.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L528[07:32:35] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L529[07:34:19] <Antheus> ffs now cities skylines won't start
L530[07:35:55] <Dustpuppy> i have a mod pack, only with mods, that work together with oc and some basic mods like waila, fastcraft, voxelmap
L531[07:36:55] <Oddstr13> Cruor: TE RC as core mods?
L532[07:37:30] ⇨ Joins: Wiiplay123_ (~Wiiplay12@adsl-72-154-26-25.bna.bellsouth.net)
L533[07:37:51] <Cruor> Oddstr13: sure :I
L534[07:37:58] <Cruor> do add drawers though
L535[07:38:04] <Cruor> i kinda liked them :p
L536[07:38:24] <Oddstr13> also AE
L537[07:38:36] <Oddstr13> cause OC ._.
L538[07:39:20] <Cruor> what
L539[07:39:24] <Cruor> no :<
L540[07:39:32] <Cruor> just use cruor.recipes :p
L541[07:39:47] <Oddstr13> dosn't help enough
L542[07:39:47] <Cruor> oh wait, these were way outdated :p
L543[07:39:54] <Cruor> dont use cruor.recipes :I
L544[07:39:55] <Lizzy> Inari, http://imgur.com/gallery/CqdoL
L545[07:40:22] <Cruor> Oddstr13: i got the holy beast of beast from work
L546[07:40:24] <Cruor> fear my i3
L547[07:40:26] <Vexatos> Cruor, use CC
L548[07:40:30] <Vexatos> If you know what I mean :>
L549[07:40:30] <Oddstr13> also, myst? or are there any other good alternatives for mining world?
L550[07:40:39] <Cruor> i want myst :o
L551[07:41:13] <Oddstr13> no way we're adding twilight forest tho
L552[07:41:20] <Oddstr13> it's the king of lag
L553[07:41:21] ⇦ Quits: Wiiplay123_ (~Wiiplay12@adsl-72-154-26-25.bna.bellsouth.net) (Client Quit)
L554[07:41:26] <Vexatos> %tell Inari Where did I pop up? TELL ME TEH EPISODEZ also watch season 1 because https://youtu.be/k6zfuGXA8zc?list=PLgp-X9TjgGoBH_Z9_eD0ROs9Q6vYz7EcS
L555[07:41:28] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L556[07:41:29] <MichiBot> Vaygrim's Chance - S01E19 "Total Cowmagedon" | length: 18m 32s | Likes: 44 Dislikes: 1 Views: 760 | by Vaygrim's Chance
L557[07:41:38] <Vexatos> Oddstr13, RFTools? :P
L558[07:41:48] <Vexatos> Cruor, what about CC
L559[07:42:09] <Cruor> Oddstr13: add CC
L560[07:42:14] <Cruor> dear god please no
L561[07:42:21] <Vexatos> %tell Inari they are just one pixel in front of the texture. The texture is one pixel inside the block, the hit box is the outside of the block
L562[07:42:21] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L563[07:42:36] <Vexatos> %tell Inari blame Sangar
L564[07:42:36] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L565[07:42:38] <Vexatos> Cruor, pls
L566[07:42:48] <Vexatos> Oddstr13, http://git.io/vu7rB best mod
L567[07:42:49] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@188-23-117-126.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L568[07:42:51] <Oddstr13> Vexatos: nah, TE
L569[07:42:52] <Vexatos> must add
L570[07:42:53] <Vexatos> must
L571[07:42:54] <Vexatos> add
L572[07:43:03] <Inari> Vexatos: s3, ep 2
L573[07:43:19] <Vexatos> Inari, you better watch the apocowlypse :>
L574[07:43:26] <Inari> Vexatos: i hope he changes the format a little, its a bit meh to never see him do anything, just explaining what was done off camera
L575[07:43:30] <Magik6k> ~w modem
L576[07:43:30] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:modem
L577[07:43:51] <Vexatos> Well he does
L578[07:44:03] <Cruor> Oddstr13: is this for TK?
L579[07:44:07] <Vexatos> I've been watching him since he was at 2 uploaded videos :P
L580[07:44:15] <Oddstr13> Cruor: ye, let's do a TK
L581[07:44:27] <Cruor> Vexatos: yo fam, play on TK with the all mighty derp
L582[07:44:40] <Oddstr13> we kinda tend to drop the worlds where it's only us two rather fast
L583[07:44:43] <Inari> Vexatos: sure but in Vc 3 so far its been just "oh this and this has been done off camera"
L584[07:44:48] <Inari> people int ehc omments also complained about that XD
L585[07:45:13] <Cruor> Inari: you racecondition the spacebar way to much .-.
L586[07:45:15] <Vexatos> Cruor, I'm invited to like 5 MC servers
L587[07:45:18] <Vexatos> and I never play on and :o
L588[07:45:24] <Vexatos> anyÜ
L589[07:45:26] <Vexatos> any****
L590[07:45:32] <Cruor> Vexatos: but its TK bruh
L591[07:45:41] <Vexatos> Cruor, why not SK
L592[07:45:44] <Vexatos> :^)
L593[07:45:49] <Cruor> no :⁽
L594[07:45:52] <Vexatos> Shurtle
L595[07:45:54] <Vexatos> Kingdom
L596[07:46:13] <Vexatos> Inari, not sure. Season one and two were really nice
L597[07:46:14] <Oddstr13> hm... what mod was it that did the protection stuff?
L598[07:46:25] <Cruor> Oddstr13: i want sniper rifles and such
L599[07:46:25] <Vexatos> Most episodes are building episodes so you can watch him build cool things
L600[07:46:34] <Oddstr13> Cruor: eh
L601[07:46:39] <Cruor> wtf man
L602[07:46:42] <Cruor> just add flans weapons
L603[07:46:50] <Vexatos> Inari, the interesting thing is that he's got achromatopsia
L604[07:46:52] <Cruor> i want some realistic enough pewpews :p
L605[07:47:19] <Vexatos> Cruor, robot + pewpew = ???
L606[07:47:33] <Oddstr13> s/,/ +/
L607[07:47:53] <Cruor> Cruor + nukes + tired = ?
L608[07:48:09] <Lizzy> Inari, http://i.imgur.com/Rmw6OJN.jpg
L609[07:48:10] <Oddstr13> s/?/rip server/
L610[07:48:10] <MichiBot> Oddstr13: Invalid regex Dangling meta character '?' near index 0
L611[07:48:12] <Lizzy> err
L612[07:48:25] <Lizzy> s/Inari/Izaya
L613[07:48:25] <MichiBot> <Lizzy> Izaya, http://i.imgur.com/Rmw6OJN.jpg
L614[07:48:59] <Izaya> how is there fire underwater
L615[07:49:11] <Cruor> because it wants to be there
L616[07:49:11] <Antheus> .-.
L617[07:49:22] ⇨ Joins: Trangar_ (~Trangar@
L618[07:49:24] <Cruor> Vexatos: but you need to play on the TK :I
L619[07:49:33] <Lizzy> Izaya, bwcause somepng bot
L620[07:49:34] <Cruor> just think about all the things i will derp
L621[07:49:36] <Antheus> Both my cellphones connection and internet connection have been going on and off for the past 4 hours
L622[07:49:37] <Lizzy> *because spongebob
L623[07:49:39] <Lizzy> ffs
L624[07:49:41] <Lizzy> afk
L625[07:49:55] <Vexatos> Cruor, I'll just watch the strim and LP :>
L626[07:49:57] * Vexatos runs
L627[07:50:12] <Cruor> its just that im to useless to do a LP :I
L628[07:50:14] <Vexatos> :⁾
L629[07:50:18] <Cruor> :⁾
L630[07:50:22] <Vexatos> compose key best key
L631[07:50:37] <Oddstr13> Cruor: we could stream tho
L632[07:50:37] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@ (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Trangar_)))
L633[07:50:39] *** Trangar_ is now known as Trangar
L634[07:50:44] <Cruor> :⁽⁰⁾
L635[07:50:45] <Oddstr13> streaming is less effort
L636[07:50:51] <Cruor> i am going to stream :I
L637[07:51:21] <Cruor> but we need peeps Odd
L638[07:53:30] <Cruor> Oddstr13: uhh, when did i leave TK channel? :I
L639[07:53:47] <Oddstr13> Cruor: https://bitbucket.org/snippets/turtlekingdomminecraftserver/eK56M
L640[07:54:12] <Cruor> Computronics
L641[07:54:15] <Cruor> need the flamingo
L642[07:55:05] <Cruor> Chisel? :>
L643[07:55:36] ⇨ Joins: Temportalist (uid37180@id-37180.charlton.irccloud.com)
L644[07:55:37] <Vexatos> vifino, server still dead? D:
L645[07:55:37] <Antheus> 0/me screaches
L646[07:55:51] <vifino> Vexatos: Yes.
L647[07:55:56] <Vexatos> carp+
L648[07:56:04] ⇦ Quits: spiriteddusty (~spiritedd@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L649[07:56:07] <vifino> maybe will take another day.
L650[07:56:20] <Antheus> rip spiriteddusty
L651[07:56:20] <Vexatos> :⁽
L652[07:56:31] <Oddstr13> Cruor: you should have permissions to change that snippet
L653[07:56:32] <vifino> yeah, really shitty situation.
L654[07:56:49] <Antheus> .p
L655[07:56:58] <Cruor> Oddstr13: im not logged in :p
L656[07:57:17] <Oddstr13> not my problem :P
L657[07:58:34] <Antheus> .-.
L658[07:59:12] <Antheus> %p
L659[07:59:16] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Antheus 1.94s
L660[07:59:20] <Antheus> jfc
L661[07:59:22] ⇨ Joins: spiriteddusty (~spiritedd@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L662[07:59:23] zsh sets mode: +o on spiriteddusty
L663[07:59:35] <Antheus> !p
L664[07:59:36] <Antheus> #p
L665[07:59:39] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 2.008034197 Seconds passed.
L666[08:00:41] <Vexatos> %tell Sangar will it ever be possible to render text on floppies again? :X
L667[08:00:42] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Sangar will be notified of this message when next seen.
L668[08:01:21] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L669[08:01:29] ⇨ Joins: DaMachinator (~Code_Ninj@110-2-111-208-in-addr-arpa.omnispring.net)
L670[08:02:06] <asie> Vexatos: should be easy to do
L671[08:02:17] <Vexatos> asie, yea it's still missing on 1.8+
L672[08:02:18] <Vexatos> :<
L673[08:04:04] <Inari> how am i so clumsy x.x
L674[08:04:11] <Izaya> great skill
L675[08:04:30] <Inari> not quiet
L676[08:04:32] <Inari> *quite
L677[08:09:16] <Vexatos> %tell Sangar I like this minor version bump http://git.io/vr7BK
L678[08:09:18] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Sangar will be notified of this message when next seen.
L679[08:11:54] <Lizzy> back
L680[08:14:29] <Antheus> front
L681[08:16:12] <Inari> cool flag http://akari.in/pinky_ope0L
L682[08:20:59] <Dustpuppy> time to start coding something new :-)
L683[08:21:02] <Dustpuppy> http://imgur.com/dENaaE4
L684[08:21:28] <Inari> Dustpuppy: whats that
L685[08:22:35] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
L686[08:23:15] <Dustpuppy> 2 teams, 5 robots and a computer each team. a redstone block as ball. the robots have to push the block into the opposite goal autonomous. let them play a game :-)
L687[08:23:38] <Cruor> Dustpuppy: i wanna code center :I
L688[08:23:41] <Inari> pitch that for btm
L689[08:23:49] <Vexatos> Dustpuppy, give them colorful upgrades
L690[08:23:59] <Vexatos> and have them have a colour per team
L691[08:24:04] <Vexatos> so they are easily distinguishable :>
L692[08:24:48] <Cruor> Vexatos: the ace should have other color :I
L693[08:25:25] <Dustpuppy> if i get it working, i make a framework, that is to use and take out all game related code. then people can code their own team and play against other teams
L694[08:25:51] <Dustpuppy> color will be set by the light of robots
L695[08:26:32] <lyneca> that sounds exciting
L696[08:26:35] <Vexatos> so no coloured case?=
L697[08:26:47] <Vexatos> I think that tiny band may be a little too... little, no? :>
L698[08:26:49] <Dustpuppy> can i color the case?
L699[08:26:59] <Vexatos> With a Colorful Upgrade, sure :⁾
L700[08:27:13] <Dustpuppy> how?
L701[08:27:38] <Vexatos> uuuh
L702[08:27:40] * Vexatos checks
L703[08:28:02] <Vexatos> component.colors.setColor(<thecoloryouwant>)
L704[08:28:59] <Cruor> remember that you can store ints in that :p
L705[08:29:03] <lyneca> I think that I am going to have a lot of fun with this once assessments are over
L706[08:29:03] <Cruor> it persists everything
L707[08:29:27] <lyneca> are the lua files accessible from outside mc?
L708[08:29:44] <lyneca> (aside from NBT editing)
L709[08:32:15] <Inari> Cruor: i found a market niche :3
L710[08:32:24] <Inari> Cruor: take dakimakura cover pics and print htem on bandaids
L711[08:32:25] <Inari> \o/
L712[08:33:10] <Cruor> ... oh jesus
L713[08:33:27] <Cruor> so is the scary part inside or outside on the bandaid? :p
L714[08:33:35] <Inari> outside ofc
L715[08:33:39] <Cruor> oh jesus
L716[08:34:09] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Nachie_)))
L717[08:34:14] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L718[08:35:31] <Magik6k> I have logical problem: In OC LAN network, should the computers advirtise themselves to others, probably in some intervals(say, 5min), or ask for their address when needed(like ARP)
L719[08:35:42] <Lizzy> http://imgur.com/gallery/4vxdn
L720[08:35:46] * Lizzy cringes
L721[08:35:54] <Magik6k> first would be faster and would allow for little memory savings
L722[08:36:04] <Dustpuppy> lyneca: in saves/worldname/opencomputers are the harddisks. there you can access them. just after editing with an external editor you have to take the disk out of the computer, put it back and reboot the computer to sync the data
L723[08:36:57] <Magik6k> Latter would save that memory unless someone wanting to send a thing would actually need to cache it while resolving OC peer address
L724[08:37:47] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/cZHaV6u.jpg how even
L725[08:37:56] <Inari> Vexatos: OJ expert opinions on http://i.imgur.com/lvGvCLy.jpg ?
L726[08:43:01] <payonel> Magik6k: openos has io.popen, too
L727[08:43:48] <Magik6k> payonel, I know
L728[08:44:07] <Magik6k> And it's magic..
L729[08:44:20] <payonel> Skye: does it need to ask? the loot disk .prop defines .setboot if the install is supposed to set the boot address
L730[08:44:30] <Skye> payonel, well
L731[08:44:33] <Magik6k> Does it just buffer data or switches to other side when needed btw?
L732[08:44:34] <Skye> the original installer asked
L733[08:44:35] <Skye> so
L734[08:44:39] <Skye> it should ask]
L735[08:45:33] <lyneca> Dustpupper
L736[08:45:35] <payonel> Magik6k: it is magic. that thing was actually really hard to debug to get working. learned a lot about coroutines though. it switches - resumes and yields
L737[08:45:44] <lyneca> Wow soz typing on a phone
L738[08:45:53] <lyneca> Dustpuppy: thanks
L739[08:46:07] <payonel> it uses coroutine stacks, is able to suspend, essentially, entire stacks
L740[08:46:15] <payonel> technically, the stacks are lists, emulating a stack
L741[08:47:26] <payonel> Skye: i'm not fully opposesd to that
L742[08:48:55] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L743[08:49:10] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L744[08:49:34] <Vexatos> Inari, no
L745[08:49:53] <Lizzy> Inari, http://imgur.com/gallery/VxWxx
L746[08:56:43] <Skye> hahahah
L747[08:56:45] <Magik6k> payonel, now imagine debugging that thing, but with entire OS based on that, even terminal. That's what Plan9k scheduler debugging is like :p
L748[08:57:33] <Magik6k> If you're lucky the kernel will panic, if you're not it will either hang or give no output
L749[08:59:55] <payonel> Magik6k: honestly, i can imagine. i'm glad i'm not the only one that find that painful :)
L750[09:00:00] <Inari> dva i slove dva is life
L751[09:00:08] <payonel> Skye: https://git.io/voCJo
L752[09:00:18] <payonel> Skye: i'll talk to The One about it
L753[09:01:22] <payonel> Magik6k: i wonder how similar our coroutines are
L754[09:01:24] <Skye> payonel++
L755[09:02:12] <payonel> i have to run
L756[09:02:14] <payonel> o/
L757[09:02:16] * payonel is afk
L758[09:02:21] <Antheus> sp
L759[09:02:22] <Antheus> so
L760[09:02:31] <Antheus> I just unpluged my iPhone
L761[09:02:34] <Antheus> from my computer
L762[09:02:43] <Antheus> and nvidia drivers crashed .-.
L763[09:03:22] <Antheus> causing the game I was playing to crash
L764[09:05:10] <Lizzy> brb, moving a cable
L765[09:06:45] <Antheus> I too hate it when I have to move an undersea cable
L766[09:06:51] <Keridos> o.O you are doing new releases for 3 minecraft versions simultaneously?
L767[09:07:07] <Saphire> xD
L768[09:07:09] <Antheus> Make it 4 and we have a deal
L769[09:07:19] <Antheus> #1.2.5Masterrace
L770[09:07:35] <Saphire> I don't know why, but I'm just reading some zootopia fanfics
L771[09:08:02] <Saphire> ...ofc I yet have to find something that is /not/ tagged ”romance”
L772[09:08:38] <Antheus> I prefer stuff that is \not\ or |not| tagged with 'romance' or `romance`
L773[09:09:07] <Saphire> ... now that's just formatting
L774[09:09:36] <Antheus> I saw that album
L775[09:09:47] <Saphire> um?
L776[09:09:59] <Antheus> right next to the Now that's what I call 80's, 90's and 00's
L777[09:10:33] <Antheus> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Now_That%27s_What_I_Call_Music!
L778[09:12:03] <Antheus> I think I'm going to go to bed
L779[09:12:17] <Saphire> yeah
L780[09:12:25] <Antheus> I really need to stop staying up to 9am
L781[09:12:33] *** Antheus is now known as Antheus|Sleep
L782[09:12:35] <Saphire> your messages don't even connect with each other
L783[09:12:42] <Saphire> wow, that was fast
L784[09:12:54] <Antheus|Sleep> That's what she said
L785[09:13:25] <Lizzy> back
L786[09:14:04] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L787[09:22:45] ⇦ Quits: Tris (~Flufflepu@2605:6001:e013:bf00:94cc:c931:227b:4f81) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L788[09:27:57] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@ (Quit: Leaving)
L789[09:28:01] <Inari> Magik6k: why not use debugging tools?
L790[09:28:43] <Saphire> three most stupid things I have ever seen: Russian censorship of internet, Russia banning bitcoins
L791[09:28:50] <Saphire> and PA:Titans
L792[09:30:21] ⇨ Joins: Solace7 (~solace7@c-98-244-24-234.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L793[09:33:00] <Magik6k> Inari, I ended up writing them
L794[09:33:15] <Inari> i mean you could use sethook and such for debugging purposes
L795[09:33:17] <Magik6k> That was still painful to debug
L796[09:33:25] <Inari> step by line
L797[09:33:26] <Inari> view lcoals
L798[09:34:05] <Magik6k> Only problem was that I haven't got any way to run that outside of OC
L799[09:34:17] <Magik6k> Now there is LuPI
L800[09:39:52] ⇦ Quits: Solace7 (~solace7@c-98-244-24-234.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L801[09:50:09] ⇨ Joins: mc-fm (~mc-fm@130-191-142-83.office.freshmail.pl)
L802[09:52:24] * vifino sleepily curls up on Lizzy
L803[09:57:35] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Quit: There are those who live without living. Don't be one of those.)
L804[09:58:37] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L805[10:06:06] ⇨ Joins: AlexisMachina (uid57631@id-57631.charlton.irccloud.com)
L806[10:11:54] <Lizzy> stupid rain
L807[10:15:52] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L808[10:21:44] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@ip-64-134-222-177.public.wayport.net)
L809[10:22:45] <payonel> Skye: what did you mean "can lua embed functions" ?
L810[10:22:54] <payonel> Sangar: you're going to be away for a couple weeks to move?!
L811[10:23:00] <payonel> but i need to improve install! :(
L812[10:23:34] <Skye> ?
L813[10:23:37] <Skye> payonel, wut?
L814[10:23:46] <payonel> Skye: that question was from a few days ago
L815[10:23:58] <payonel> i was looking for an old comment to me, and saw i had missed that question from you
L816[10:24:53] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/CqdoL
L817[10:25:31] <Lizzy> Inari, i sent that to you earlier
L818[10:25:44] <Skye> can you embed code in the .prop stuff
L819[10:25:59] ⇨ Joins: ChJees (ChJees@h211n5-sv-a13.ias.bredband.telia.com)
L820[10:26:23] <Vexatos> .install, Skye
L821[10:26:34] * Skye .installs Vexatos into a random Computer
L822[10:27:03] <Inari> Lizzy: seems i misse dit among the many highlights :P
L823[10:27:15] <Lizzy> lol
L824[10:29:41] <payonel> Skye: if your loot disk has a .install file, *it* is run instead of install's default cp allthethings
L825[10:30:39] <payonel> also, technically, .prop is loaded via a load("return " .. prop_data)
L826[10:30:42] <payonel> so....
L827[10:30:48] <payonel> one could do many things there
L828[10:32:15] <payonel> #lua w=setmetatable({}, {__index=function() print("I CAN DO THINGS WHEN YOU ASK FOR MEH KEYS") end})
L829[10:32:16] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L830[10:32:19] <payonel> #lua return w.fo
L832[10:32:24] <Vexatos> payonel, my favourite was the oversandboxing "attempt to call global "os" (a nil value)"
L833[10:32:32] <payonel> Vexatos: :/ yeah
L834[10:32:36] <payonel> i was rushed
L835[10:32:48] <payonel> i put more hours into openos last week than my real job
L836[10:33:06] <Vexatos> I hope sangar pays you well
L837[10:33:15] <Vexatos> How many virtual cookies an hour?
L838[10:33:19] <payonel> :)
L839[10:33:29] <payonel> and i actually, i pay him :)
L840[10:33:37] <payonel> s/d i/d /
L841[10:33:37] <MichiBot> <payonel> and actually, i pay him :)
L842[10:33:44] <payonel> s/ / /
L843[10:34:30] <Vexatos> so when will we get that computer.getProgramLocations
L844[10:34:43] <Vexatos> used by shell
L845[10:35:02] <payonel> well sangar is gone for two weeks
L846[10:35:07] <payonel> so, apparently i have some time off, too
L847[10:35:09] <payonel> :)
L848[10:35:22] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@181-219-144-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl)
L849[10:35:26] <payonel> but i made a github issue to track it
L850[10:35:40] ⇦ Quits: ds84182 (~ds84182@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L851[10:35:42] <payonel> i'm working on devfs using getDeviceInfo next
L852[10:35:49] ⇨ Joins: ds84182 (~ds84182@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L853[10:35:54] <payonel> i have a bit of progress there
L854[10:36:15] <payonel> /dev/components/by-{key}/ for vendor, class, and product
L855[10:36:23] <payonel> it's mostly a proof of concept
L856[10:36:33] <payonel> then i'll work out how exaxtly we want it to look
L857[10:39:23] <payonel> ha! i could add /dev/sd[a-z] or similar
L858[10:39:30] <payonel> and support mount /dev/sda /mnt/foo
L859[10:39:38] <payonel> heh
L860[10:44:39] <Magik6k> nice
L861[10:45:22] <Magik6k> payonel, if you want fast hdd driver you may grab http://mpt.magik6k.net/api/file/plan9k-drivers/lib/modules/base/17_drive.lua
L862[10:46:27] <Magik6k> payonel, this one is also very, very, very, very useful: http://mpt.magik6k.net/api/file/plan9k-drivers/lib/modules/base/17_eeprom.lua
L863[10:46:45] <Magik6k> cat drone.lua > /dev/eeprom
L864[10:48:07] <Cruor> :o
L865[10:51:44] <payonel> Magik6k: i should check out the list of your dev points for reference
L866[10:52:37] <Magik6k> payonel, not much in there: https://assets.magik6k.net/screenshoots/1465833124.png
L867[10:54:33] <Magik6k> from drivers I have /dev/sdX, /dev/tapeX for computronict tapes, /dev/eeprom[-data], /dev/chatboxX for chatbox, /dev/urandom from data card random
L868[10:55:55] <payonel> what is eeprom-data vs eeprom?
L869[10:56:14] <Magik6k> ~w eeprom
L870[10:56:15] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:eeprom
L871[10:56:33] <Magik6k> -data is set by setData
L872[10:56:41] <vifino> Magik6k: why urandom and not random? given that the data card is a hardware rng and not a pseudo rng, it should be mixed with other rng sources to get /dev/random, urandom is for the infinite pseudo rng
L873[10:56:47] <Magik6k> it's where usually boot address is
L874[10:56:54] <payonel> ah i see
L875[10:56:59] <payonel> makes sense, cool
L876[10:57:06] <payonel> yeah, i DEFINITELY need to add those
L877[10:57:09] <payonel> though, not pts
L878[10:57:13] <payonel> not quite there yet for something like that
L879[10:57:20] <payonel> getting closer, though
L880[10:57:56] <payonel> you think ppl would complain if i treat /dev like the joining of /proc and /dev ? :)
L881[10:57:58] <payonel> i really would like to
L882[10:58:06] <payonel> there is cost to even mounting /dev
L883[10:58:13] <payonel> i delay everything in dev that i can
L884[10:58:19] <payonel> but, memory is not cheap
L885[10:58:39] <payonel> so just have /proc for kicks and giggles is not justified, but if i could put pids and fds in dev, that'd be nice
L886[10:58:41] <Magik6k> vifino, I'm more than aware of that, but the point was that users seeing /dev/random would instantly know what it does
L887[10:58:44] ⇦ Quits: DaMachinator (~Code_Ninj@110-2-111-208-in-addr-arpa.omnispring.net) (Quit: Abort | Retry | Fail)
L888[10:59:03] <payonel> Magik6k: what's your opinion on that?
L889[10:59:04] <Magik6k> payonel, If I were to merge them, I'd throw them at /sys
L890[10:59:25] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L891[10:59:37] <Magik6k> /sys/device and /sys/proc
L892[10:59:41] <vifino> Magik6k: so instead of having /dev/random, you have /dev/urandom even though you just said it would make more sense?
L893[10:59:43] <payonel> really. ive never studdied what /sys should have
L894[10:59:57] <payonel> well .....
L895[11:00:03] <payonel> that's not the answer i wanted
L896[11:00:05] <payonel> :)
L897[11:00:12] <payonel> if i drop /dev for /sys/device
L898[11:00:20] <payonel> people won't be as pleased
L899[11:00:23] <Magik6k> vifino, it would, but I need to actually change that
L900[11:00:32] <payonel> like myself, with >/dev/null basically muscle memory
L901[11:00:35] <payonel> :/
L902[11:00:36] <Magik6k> payonel, /sys in usually different across systems
L903[11:00:44] <vifino> Magik6k: Sooo, fixed in a future version? :P
L904[11:00:51] <Magik6k> so feel froo to make any structure you want ;P
L905[11:00:53] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-75-56.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L906[11:00:58] <TheFox> Hello wveryome
L907[11:01:01] <vifino> Nice work, by the way.
L908[11:01:05] <Magik6k> vifino, should be
L909[11:01:15] <vifino> Great!
L910[11:01:15] <payonel> Magik6k: yes, that makes sense for /sys -- but i wouldn't want to omit /dev
L911[11:01:26] <payonel> TheFox: p/
L912[11:01:52] <Magik6k> hmm
L913[11:02:00] <TheFox> Quick real Linux question again. Is there a way that I can pass some rendering work onto the graphics card directly?
L914[11:02:13] <TheFox> 3d rendering from blender
L915[11:02:22] <Lizzy> TheFox, depends on the program, hardware and other stuff
L916[11:02:31] <Magik6k> payonel, mayby link /dev to /sys/device
L917[11:02:38] <Magik6k> *maybe
L918[11:02:44] <payonel> Magik6k: oh, symlink on boot?
L919[11:02:47] <Magik6k> yup
L920[11:02:51] <payonel> bc we dont have persistent links :)
L921[11:02:54] <payonel> hmm, not a bad idea
L922[11:02:58] <payonel> i'll think about that, and test it
L923[11:03:17] <payonel> does plan9k have persistent links btw? :)
L924[11:03:35] <Lizzy> Magik6k, small bug i found when i was trying to use the lua shell on plan9k, when i tried pressing the up arrow to go to the previous thing i ran it seemed to double click, also if i did something that went on multiple lines i couldn't go back and edit the line above
L925[11:03:38] <Magik6k> I'll probably use that fs when I'll be porting IP stack to OpenOS
L926[11:04:01] <vifino> TheFox: Cycles, the blender internal renderer or which renderer?
L927[11:04:25] <TheFox> Vifino internal.
L928[11:04:26] <Magik6k> Lizzy, I know, probably a bug in my term.read
L929[11:04:41] <vifino> TheFox: Then you are out of luck. Cycles is GPU accelerated.
L930[11:04:57] <vifino> So are many other alternative renderers.
L931[11:04:57] <TheFox> I have w graphics card (can't cross fire, different brands)
L932[11:05:15] <Lizzy> w graphics? never seen that before
L933[11:05:22] <Dustpuppy> how do i get out off the lua shell on plan9k?
L934[11:05:31] <Magik6k> Dustpuppy, os.exit()
L935[11:05:41] <Lizzy> oh, i just ^D'd it
L936[11:05:43] <TheFox> Vifino, blender render already uses my gpu???????
L937[11:05:50] <TheFox> Well then
L938[11:05:55] <Lizzy> heh, blender render
L939[11:06:00] <TheFox> I have another problem
L940[11:06:11] <Magik6k> Ctrl-C is broken because I have no idea how to integrate it nicely in PTY model
L941[11:06:27] <TheFox> Vifino, any ways I could speed it up?
L942[11:06:37] <Lizzy> more dedodated wam
L943[11:06:51] <TheFox> I'm on linux btw
L944[11:06:51] <vifino> TheFox: Lower the output resolution.
L945[11:07:54] <TheFox> There's now way to accelerate it past lowering the quality? I'm just looking to get the most out of it. I'm already at a good time. Just looking to make it better
L946[11:08:07] <TheFox> Thanks for the help
L947[11:09:02] <TheFox> Anything else i can do I have 2x GPUs that don't share the load because one is and the other is ati I think
L948[11:10:06] <Lizzy> Amd and ati are the sake company
L949[11:10:20] <Inari> all the sake
L950[11:10:26] * Inari pours some sake for vifino
L951[11:10:30] <TheFox> Its an old graphics card it was a gift along with the and one
L952[11:10:32] <payonel> o/ Inari
L953[11:10:34] <TheFox> And**
L954[11:10:37] <Inari> payonel: oha
L955[11:10:40] <TheFox> AMd**
L956[11:10:49] <Inari> payonel: have you thougth about using the debuglibrabry?
L957[11:10:50] <vifino> Inari: Thanks, I really needed that.
L958[11:11:18] <TheFox> Is there a way I can get the two to share the load?
L959[11:11:28] <vifino> Not really.
L960[11:11:30] <payonel> the machine.lua sandbox gives me almost nothing
L961[11:11:40] <payonel> Inari: is that what you're referring to? using it for what?
L962[11:12:17] <Inari> payonel: well you cant use it in proudction, but you can disable the sandbox for development
L963[11:12:22] <Inari> using sethook to step per line then
L964[11:12:23] <TheFox> Grrrrrrrrrr I have 500 dollars with of graphics cards that don't share a load, there has to be something I can do to speed up my computer
L965[11:12:25] <Inari> read local vars etc
L966[11:12:29] <Inari> makes debugging easier i suppose
L967[11:12:38] <TheFox> I feel like I screwed myself haven't i
L968[11:12:56] <payonel> Inari: amazingly, i have not done ANY smart debugging in lua
L969[11:13:04] <vifino> TheFox: If you set them both up as proper opencl targets, you can maybe get blender to use them both, but really, if you have two GPUs you should use one for your system and the other for rendering.
L970[11:13:09] <payonel> how i have lived this without going mad, i don't know
L971[11:13:14] <Inari> haha
L972[11:13:37] <payonel> what would be just outstanding is if i could hook up my ide to ocemu and debug openos
L973[11:13:40] <payonel> that...would be awesome
L974[11:14:00] <TheFox> How can I set them aiside like so vifino. My system doesnt require that much so I would probably give it the 3850
L975[11:14:58] <vifino> TheFox: Put the weaker card, aka the one you want to use for your system, in the first PCI-e slot of your system, attach your monitor and hope display comes up.
L976[11:15:08] * Saphire cries
L977[11:15:11] <Saphire> wryyyyy
L978[11:15:16] * Saphire looks at the costs of GPUs
L979[11:15:24] * Saphire looks at USD to RUB ratio
L980[11:15:30] <TheFox> And plug in the other one with out the display?
L981[11:15:40] <vifino> Yes.
L982[11:15:42] <Saphire> ...i guess i'll be fine with a 2012/2013's GPU
L983[11:15:48] <TheFox> That's it, I was expecting terminal
L984[11:15:53] <Saphire> not like i can play anything on linux ._.
L985[11:15:58] <Saphire> *cough cough*
L986[11:16:10] <TheFox> Sapphire that's what I'm using
L987[11:16:19] <vifino> TheFox: The reason behind it is that when you render things, the GPU will be at 100%, making the display lag like hell.
L988[11:16:37] <Saphire> GTX-630
L989[11:16:51] <TheFox> OK, so Linux will but it on the card with no display
L990[11:17:52] <vifino> TheFox: You should really use cycles. It is much better.
L991[11:18:17] <TheFox> Saphire I have a and radeon (the cheap one > $80) and an Asus eah3850 vifino I was
L992[11:18:28] <TheFox> I was using cycles
L993[11:18:46] <vifino> You just said you were using blender's internal renderer.
L994[11:19:16] <TheFox> I thought that was cycles, my bad
L995[11:19:26] <TheFox> I had cycles render selected
L996[11:21:23] <TheFox> It took it 5 minutes to render 4000 prices of hair (which I'm trying to use as grass) in 5 minutes with clump on but I would like it to go as fast as possilb
L997[11:21:25] <TheFox> e
L998[11:24:51] <TheFox> I gtg, I will be back later though
L999[11:24:53] <vifino> Another thing you could try is changing the tile size.
L1001[11:26:22] * Saphire slashes someone's arteries open. All of them. At once.
L1002[11:28:56] <gamax92> payonel: AMAZEBALZ
L1003[11:29:08] <payonel> take my pr, bruh
L1004[11:29:13] <payonel> gamax92: but what is amazing?
L1005[11:29:28] <gamax92> I dunno, debugging openos?
L1006[11:29:37] <gamax92> Not sure how you'd plan to do that but good luck!
L1007[11:29:59] <payonel> haha, punk
L1008[11:31:19] ⇨ Joins: reinei (~reinei@p57901FC6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1009[11:32:51] <AlexisMachina> Saphire: overkill much ?
L1010[11:33:31] <gamax92> Anyone here have CM13 or Android Marshmallow in general? Are the icons in the Notification/Status bar all white or do any of them have color?
L1011[11:34:29] <Lizzy> %tell scj643 Sup?
L1012[11:34:30] <MichiBot> Lizzy: scj643 will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1013[11:34:42] <Saphire> AlexisMachina: there is no such thing as overkill for the monster who created this abomination of http header field
L1014[11:35:31] <vifino> gamax92: all white on cm13
L1015[11:35:48] * Lizzy sighs
L1016[11:35:54] * Lizzy has felt like shit all day
L1017[11:36:02] ⇦ Quits: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-75-56.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1018[11:36:09] <gamax92> :/
L1019[11:36:22] <Lizzy> not sure if i want to cry, fall asleep or just stop existing
L1020[11:36:39] <ds84182> gamax92: All white
L1021[11:36:55] <vifino> Lizzy: please don't do the latter
L1022[11:36:56] <ds84182> Thats because when the bars are set into light mode they turn black
L1023[11:37:08] <vifino> I'd be very sad.
L1024[11:37:40] <gamax92> ds84182: :/
L1025[11:37:50] <gamax92> ds84182: so they basically broken all apps that were designed before marshmallow?
L1026[11:37:58] <ds84182> gamax92: They told developers they were doing it back in lollipop
L1027[11:38:02] <Forecaster> woo home
L1028[11:38:15] <ds84182> And actually it's been a single color standard since ics
L1029[11:38:29] <gamax92> ahh ... I just remember in lollipop having colored icons :P
L1030[11:38:34] <ds84182> So they basically broke apps that came out before ics (if they were even working before)
L1031[11:39:06] <ds84182> gamax92: Lollipop didn't have colored icons on the lock screen overflow button thing
L1032[11:39:22] <ds84182> lock screen notification overflow thing
L1033[11:39:48] <gamax92> ds84182: well, how do I manually fix up the icons? Some of these apps haven't been updated since like 2013
L1034[11:40:25] <ds84182> You can't really
L1035[11:40:35] <gamax92> Why not?
L1036[11:40:42] <ds84182> Unless you have source or are willing to devote time to unboxing them and changing resources
L1037[11:40:53] <ds84182> s/unboxing/unbox
L1038[11:40:53] <MichiBot> <ds84182> Unless you have source or are willing to devote time to unbox them and changing resources
L1039[11:40:56] <gamax92> former can be created and latter can be done
L1040[11:42:10] <ds84182> You might be OK with unboxing them since the apps may never be updated (you have to repack unsigned and stuff)
L1041[11:42:42] <ds84182> Because they'll be unsigned you'll lose all data (unless you back up the app's data before)
L1042[11:43:02] <vifino> YAY
L1043[11:43:18] <vifino> I'm getting a liter of isopropyl alcohol tomorrow
L1044[11:43:27] <ds84182> vifino: Don't get drunk now
L1045[11:43:37] <vifino> I'd die if I would drink that q_q
L1046[11:43:48] <ds84182> lol
L1047[11:44:47] <Lizzy> can i have it?
L1048[11:45:02] <vifino> ds84182: isopropyl alcohol is a common choice for people trying to suicide. not very good for getting wasted not permanently
L1049[11:45:10] <vifino> Lizzy: No. >:(
L1050[11:45:41] <Lizzy> aww
L1051[11:46:22] <ds84182> vifino: I heard it's great for cleaning electronics
L1052[11:46:32] <vifino> ds84182: That's why I am buying it.
L1053[11:46:37] <vifino> That and... flamethrowers.
L1054[11:46:41] <vifino> Mostly the first.
L1055[11:46:45] * vifino coughs
L1056[11:46:48] <ds84182> I wonder how well it could clean out an... nevermind
L1057[11:46:55] <Inari> im so confused :f
L1058[11:46:58] <ds84182> 2lewd4thischannel
L1059[11:47:03] <gamax92> ds84182: oh, what about through Theming?
L1060[11:47:09] * Saphire lewds Inari
L1061[11:47:14] <gamax92> Themes can change icons, right?
L1062[11:47:22] <Saphire> oh god
L1063[11:47:24] <Inari> i have a table cenv
L1064[11:47:25] <ds84182> gamax92: I don't know if it can change notification icons
L1065[11:47:32] <Inari> and i make a function cenv.debug.sethook
L1066[11:47:43] <Inari> how the heck is that cllaed when i call debug.sethook x.x
L1067[11:48:08] <Saphire> shit
L1068[11:48:10] <Saphire> shit shit shit
L1069[11:48:16] * Saphire is compiling a linux kernel
L1070[11:48:21] <Saphire> well, linux-criu
L1071[11:48:29] <gamax92> Saphire: what's so bad about that?
L1072[11:48:29] <Saphire> (damn, criu logo is nice)
L1073[11:48:36] <Inari> this ia ctaully confusing :f
L1074[11:50:49] <Skye> so... Saphire is lewd confirmed? :P
L1075[11:51:31] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:54d5:9ffd:8f3f:a889)
L1076[11:51:31] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L1077[11:51:46] * Saphire nibbles on Skye
L1078[11:51:47] <Saphire> hm?
L1079[11:51:54] <Skye> :P
L1080[11:52:00] <Skye> * Saphire lewds Inari
L1081[11:52:23] <Inari> right
L1082[11:52:27] <Inari> this hsould be imposisble
L1083[11:52:29] <Inari> or im missing something
L1084[11:52:29] <Inari> :P
L1085[11:53:02] <gamax92> ds84182: ooh: https://github.com/andchat-irc/andchat
L1086[11:53:07] <Kodos> o/
L1087[11:53:13] <ds84182> wat
L1088[11:54:08] ⇦ Quits: dustinm` (~dustinm@68.ip-149-56-14.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1089[11:54:15] <Saphire> >andchat
L1090[11:54:17] <Saphire> meh
L1091[11:54:22] <Saphire> atomic \o/
L1092[11:54:42] <Saphire> ...i want a faster processor
L1093[11:55:18] <gamax92> I'll look into Atomic
L1094[11:56:01] <ds84182> >bundles different libraries inside the source
L1095[11:56:06] <ds84182> >bundles support v4
L1096[11:56:18] <ds84182> Can I cut my legs off now?
L1097[11:56:35] <gamax92> ds84182: sure, bye
L1098[11:57:48] <ds84182> yay
L1099[11:58:39] <Inari> hm
L1100[11:58:46] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L1101[11:59:11] <Inari> %tell Sangar why was debug lib disabled by the way? just security concerns?
L1102[11:59:12] <MichiBot> Inari: Sangar will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1103[11:59:31] <gamax92> ds84182: but what do you mean?
L1104[11:59:53] <payonel> Inari: i haven't researched it, but yes, it's related to all kinds of ways to get out of the sandbox
L1105[12:00:06] <ds84182> gamax92: It uses gradle but doesn't use the dependency system
L1106[12:00:08] <payonel> or to abuse gc, host cpu, etc
L1107[12:00:24] <gamax92> ahh
L1108[12:00:27] <Inari> payonel: well would just be nice if we could include a wrapped version of it
L1109[12:00:29] <Inari> thats afe to use :3
L1110[12:00:45] <ds84182> You aren't supposed to put static version of code available as dependencies in your app because what happens when you need to update them?
L1111[12:00:59] <payonel> Inari: :)
L1112[12:01:03] <gamax92> ds84182: I mean who even knows if that's really a legit repo, it's has one commit by "AndChat Author"
L1113[12:01:03] <ds84182> And also no version information is available so you don't even know what version you're on
L1114[12:01:23] ⇨ Joins: SoraFirestorm (~user@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L1115[12:01:24] <ds84182> They probably open sourced it when the stopped working on the app
L1116[12:01:26] <SoraFirestorm> o/
L1117[12:01:33] <ds84182> o/
L1118[12:02:16] <Inari> payonel: looksl ike sethook can be reasonably wrapped at least
L1119[12:02:22] <Inari> getinfo shouldnt be hard too
L1120[12:04:47] ⇨ Joins: Doyan (webchat@cust-95-80-14-186.csbnet.se)
L1121[12:05:34] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L1122[12:05:48] <SF-MC> o/ again
L1123[12:08:41] <Lizzy> what the fuck am i still doing at work, it's past home time so lets fuck off home
L1124[12:13:20] <Forecaster> argh
L1125[12:13:41] <Forecaster> why did I have my watchdog program play a sound when a ping fails?!
L1126[12:13:42] <Forecaster> why?!
L1127[12:13:46] <SF-MC> lol
L1128[12:14:01] <Forecaster> it happened right in the middle of recording!
L1129[12:14:02] <Forecaster> D:<
L1130[12:14:05] <SF-MC> that doesn't sound like a problem to me
L1131[12:14:12] <SF-MC> unless you have it set to repeat :P
L1132[12:14:13] <SF-MC> ooooh
L1133[12:14:19] <SF-MC> ok, that'll ruin your day
L1134[12:14:47] <Forecaster> fortunately it was right when I had a menu open, so I might be able to cut it out without loosing anything
L1135[12:15:01] <Magik6k> OC modem support is done \o/ https://assets.magik6k.net/screenshoots/1465838052.png
L1136[12:15:06] <Forecaster> otherwise I'll have to throw it out and re-record tomorrows gungeon episode D:
L1137[12:15:09] <Magik6k> Now packet forwarding
L1138[12:15:17] <SF-MC> neat
L1139[12:15:44] * Forecaster gnaws nerviously on Saphire while reviewing the footage
L1140[12:15:53] *** alfw|Off is now known as alfw
L1141[12:16:03] <Forecaster> nervously*
L1142[12:16:19] <SF-MC> s/nerviously/nervously/
L1143[12:16:20] <MichiBot> <Forecaster> *** gnaws nervously on Saphire while reviewing the footage
L1144[12:16:42] <Saphire> uh?
L1145[12:17:13] * Saphire wonders when she opted to work as a nervous gnawed thing
L1146[12:17:25] <Temia> Just gnaw back.
L1147[12:17:29] <SF-MC> lol
L1148[12:17:30] * Skye gives Saphire cookies
L1149[12:18:40] <Forecaster> you were nibbling on me earlier today > . >
L1150[12:18:56] <Temia> omai.
L1151[12:19:07] <SF-MC> dun-dun-duuuuun
L1152[12:19:12] * Saphire gives Forecaster a tail
L1153[12:19:41] <SF-MC> 57 buckets of fuel wooo
L1154[12:22:14] <Forecaster> oh right, that noise, if it was recorded, will be on the game audio track...
L1155[12:22:22] <Forecaster> it wont interfere with my voice
L1156[12:22:25] * Skye hands Saphire some cat eared head bands
L1157[12:22:51] * Saphire puts them on Forecaster
L1158[12:22:56] <Saphire> *one
L1159[12:23:13] <Skye> do you want different animal ears?
L1160[12:23:41] * Saphire has horns
L1161[12:24:24] <Dustpuppy> hellboy?
L1162[12:24:41] <Skye> no
L1163[12:24:43] <Skye> dragon
L1164[12:24:57] <SF-MC> so get this
L1165[12:25:05] <SF-MC> I just made a random Mystcraft age
L1166[12:25:16] <SF-MC> Packed ice terrain
L1167[12:25:18] <Forecaster> was it filled with robots?
L1168[12:25:22] <SF-MC> with lava oceans
L1169[12:25:25] <SF-MC> *claps*
L1170[12:25:28] <Saphire> lol
L1171[12:25:34] <Saphire> at least not reverse
L1172[12:25:36] <SF-MC> unfortunately
L1173[12:25:45] <SF-MC> world has open-sky poison
L1174[12:25:52] <Saphire> xD
L1175[12:25:56] <Saphire> it's perfect
L1176[12:26:00] <Saphire> for survival
L1177[12:26:05] * Temia bumps heads with Saph. Horn buddies~
L1178[12:26:20] <Lizzy> Saphire is a respectable young dragon girl, who is also cuddly
L1179[12:26:41] * Saphire us kind of full dragon x3
L1180[12:26:44] <Saphire> *is
L1181[12:26:56] <Lizzy> Meh
L1182[12:27:01] * Skye uses a TF gun on Saphire and then destroys it
L1183[12:27:04] <Skye> HA! :D
L1184[12:27:20] <Lizzy> Ffs Skye
L1185[12:27:20] <Forecaster> time for icecream
L1186[12:27:21] <Saphire> /me can be a dragon girl though o..o
L1187[12:27:28] * Temia takes the hit!
L1188[12:27:29] * Forecaster goes to get icecream
L1189[12:27:36] * Temia makes her fort save!
L1190[12:27:36] <SF-MC> will totally pump the shit out of this place though
L1191[12:27:41] <SF-MC> even if there's nothing else forth having here
L1192[12:27:43] * Temia neener neener~
L1193[12:27:49] <SF-MC> twas supposed to be a mining age though
L1194[12:28:01] * Saphire realizes that tf meant transformation...
L1195[12:28:20] * Saphire is now a dragon girl. And still horned
L1196[12:28:24] <Skye> Lizzy, well, thing is, Saphire's a dragon girl in another channel. :P
L1197[12:28:29] <Forecaster> with chips
L1198[12:28:37] <Saphire> eh, it depends on the place and etc
L1199[12:28:41] * Skye eats Forecaster's ice cream
L1200[12:28:47] <Skye> is Saphire cuddly?
L1201[12:28:48] <Temia> oh. '^' well okay.
L1202[12:28:55] <Lizzy> Skye: yes
L1203[12:29:05] * Saphire nibbles on Temia's frown D:
L1204[12:29:09] <Saphire> nuuuuh
L1205[12:29:10] * Temia headbumps Saph and leans on. monstergirl solidarity!
L1206[12:29:19] * Temia ... yawnmoo. zzzz.
L1207[12:29:20] * Lizzy should practice her drawing then do an #oc portrait
L1208[12:29:20] * gamax92 puts a paper hat on Temia
L1209[12:29:30] <SF-MC> lol
L1210[12:29:48] <Skye> meanwhile I know someone who is drawing my character, slowly.
L1211[12:29:58] <Lizzy> ?
L1212[12:30:11] * Saphire squeaks as jet horns get bumped..
L1213[12:30:24] <Saphire> hey, they are also my ears x.x
L1214[12:30:46] * Saphire nibbles on all the ice cream
L1215[12:30:49] <SF-MC> awwww
L1216[12:30:53] <Temia> How silly. Having separate ears is also cute.
L1217[12:31:07] <SF-MC> turt^H^H^H^Hice all the way down :(
L1218[12:31:27] * Forecaster nibbles on chips
L1219[12:31:57] <Skye> Temia, can't monster girls be different? :P
L1220[12:32:09] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-25-99-253.as13285.net)
L1221[12:32:37] <SF-MC> lava for eons tough
L1222[12:32:55] * gamax92 nudges Temia's paper hat
L1223[12:33:29] <SF-MC> poison is starting to irritate me
L1224[12:34:04] <Forecaster> I'd wear an ic2 hazmat suit
L1225[12:34:11] <SF-MC> No IC2 here
L1226[12:34:22] <Forecaster> shame
L1227[12:34:25] * Saphire nibbles on Temia's horns
L1228[12:34:50] <SF-MC> time to make another myst age
L1229[12:37:31] <SF-MC> eeehhh
L1230[12:37:37] <Forecaster> I wish I had a more powerful server
L1231[12:38:07] <Forecaster> it's still more efficient that running a SP world, on my computer, but it's not great
L1232[12:38:12] <Forecaster> :I
L1233[12:38:51] <SF-MC> this one has surface mining fatigue and the bad attack oe
L1234[12:38:55] <SF-MC> s/oe/one/
L1235[12:38:56] <MichiBot> <SF-MC> this one has surface mining fatigue and the bad attack one
L1236[12:38:58] <SF-MC> acceptable
L1237[12:39:03] <SF-MC> let's see what we got
L1238[12:39:12] <Cruor> asie: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23386746/20160613_193355.jpg i did good :I
L1239[12:39:31] <asie> Cruor: you did good
L1240[12:39:34] <Forecaster> hm, since the nanomachines aren't going well, maybe I should visit the twillight forest
L1241[12:39:37] <SF-MC> redstone ore orbs
L1242[12:40:16] <Forecaster> I need something to do in wednesdays episode
L1243[12:43:20] <Forecaster> now I'm all out of chips and icecream
L1244[12:45:29] <Vexatos> Cruor, €129.00? ⁽:
L1245[12:45:36] <Cruor> yes
L1246[12:45:38] <Vexatos> Insanity.
L1247[12:45:41] <Cruor> i tried to remove it
L1248[12:45:45] <Cruor> it doesnt ****ing work
L1249[12:46:06] <alekso56> he's a diehard asie fan.
L1250[12:47:34] <Forecaster> hm, I wonder if solar panels work in the twillight forest
L1251[12:48:01] <Vexatos> asie vs. cruor: Who's the biggest fan
L1252[12:48:05] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Nachie_)))
L1253[12:48:08] <Vexatos> *cue asie with pic of nano with fan*
L1254[12:48:10] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L1255[12:48:41] <Forecaster> Cruor: steam is usually good for removing glued on stickers
L1256[12:49:02] <Forecaster> or very hot water
L1257[12:49:04] <Cruor> but on paperback? .-.
L1258[12:49:19] <Forecaster> very hot water but very little and be very careful
L1259[12:49:39] <SF-MC> uh
L1260[12:49:41] <Forecaster> just needs to melt the glue so it lets go of the book
L1261[12:49:42] <SF-MC> I wouldn't
L1262[12:49:48] <SF-MC> personal opinion
L1263[12:51:10] <Forecaster> http://www.instructables.com/id/Removing-price-tags-from-books-3-methods-compari/step3/Method-3-Acetone-WINNER/
L1264[12:52:34] <SF-MC> uh
L1265[12:52:35] <SF-MC> wtf
L1266[12:52:36] <SF-MC> wtf
L1267[12:52:53] <SF-MC> linking book took me to middle of nowhere
L1268[12:52:59] <Saphire> well
L1269[12:53:02] <Saphire> good news
L1271[12:53:05] <SF-MC> FUUUU
L1272[12:53:11] <Saphire> I am not getting a kernel panic yet
L1273[12:53:16] <Forecaster> good news everyone!
L1274[12:53:23] <Forecaster> you're all fired.
L1275[12:53:31] <Forecaster> - Futurama
L1276[12:53:33] <SF-MC> well
L1277[12:53:37] <SF-MC> relog fixed my inv
L1278[12:53:38] <Skye> Saphire, want to play on my MC map? :P
L1279[12:53:39] <SF-MC> *phew*
L1280[12:53:43] <SF-MC> still in the wrong damn place
L1281[12:53:53] <Saphire> Skye: I want to sleep
L1282[12:54:02] <Skye> okay
L1283[12:54:03] <Saphire> like full night of sleep
L1284[12:54:06] <Skye> heh
L1285[12:58:46] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:54d5:9ffd:8f3f:a889) (Quit: Leaving)
L1286[12:58:54] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L1287[12:59:03] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L1288[12:59:26] <Inari> Forecaster: whats so bad about the sound?
L1289[12:59:28] <Inari> is it moaning?
L1290[13:01:05] <Dustpuppy> is it possible to connect oc and cc computers?
L1291[13:01:10] <SF-MC> define 'connect'
L1292[13:01:29] <Vexatos> Cruor ^
L1293[13:01:32] <Vexatos> you are wanted
L1294[13:01:32] <SF-MC> you can pass network messages between them
L1295[13:01:43] ⇨ Joins: dustinm` (~dustinm@68.ip-149-56-14.net)
L1296[13:01:48] <Vexatos> SF-MC, don't spread false information, let Lord Crucru handle this
L1297[13:01:57] <SF-MC> oh
L1298[13:01:58] <SF-MC> uh
L1299[13:01:59] <SF-MC> okay
L1300[13:02:00] <Forecaster> Inari: it's unprofessional...
L1301[13:02:01] <SF-MC> I lied
L1302[13:02:03] <SF-MC> I guess
L1303[13:02:06] <Vexatos> You didn't :>
L1304[13:02:07] <Inari> Forecaster: meh
L1305[13:02:09] <Vexatos> Cruor, halp
L1306[13:02:15] <Forecaster> gungeon gungeon gungeon RANDOM ALERT gungeon
L1307[13:02:26] <Inari> Forecaster: just go "oh, sorry for that. was just my watchdog program making a sound when a ping fails."
L1308[13:02:28] <SF-MC> Vexatos: just going with it
L1309[13:02:35] <Cruor> Vexatos: wut
L1310[13:02:37] ⇦ Quits: Doyan (webchat@cust-95-80-14-186.csbnet.se) (Quit: Web client closed)
L1311[13:02:39] <Vexatos> Cruor, <Dustpuppy> is it possible to connect oc and cc computers?
L1312[13:02:59] <Cruor> uhhh
L1313[13:03:00] <Vexatos> Also Cruor, isopropyl alcohol is best for removing glue. Acetone would also dissolve the paper.
L1314[13:03:13] <Cruor> switches work
L1315[13:03:15] <Vexatos> at least the ink
L1316[13:03:18] <Cruor> until openperipheral integration
L1317[13:05:06] <payonel> Vexatos: i wanted to test your tape loot disk, is that in computronics?
L1318[13:05:28] <Vexatos> payonel, haven't built it yet
L1319[13:05:35] <Vexatos> Which version of MC?
L1320[13:05:39] <payonel> any
L1321[13:05:54] <Vexatos> Me too
L1322[13:05:55] <Vexatos> so decide
L1323[13:05:56] <Vexatos> NOW
L1324[13:06:14] <Forecaster> I chose 1.8
L1325[13:06:15] <payonel> also, i dont really know what computronics is, i looked, the wiki links from asie's github were not working
L1326[13:06:24] <payonel> 1.7.10 is my happy place
L1327[13:06:32] <g> It's a bunch of extra stuff for OC/CC
L1328[13:06:38] <g> tape drives, chat boxes, etc
L1329[13:06:42] <payonel> g: and that's all i know
L1330[13:06:47] <payonel> but i wanted a deeper understanding
L1331[13:06:56] <payonel> well, -etc
L1332[13:07:01] <payonel> i dont know what the etc is
L1333[13:07:03] <payonel> :)
L1334[13:07:25] <g> http://wiki.vexatos.com/wiki:computronics
L1335[13:07:26] <gamax92> ~w computronics
L1336[13:07:26] <ocdoc> http://wiki.vex.tty.sh/wiki:computronics
L1337[13:07:33] <Vexatos> payonel, it's all documented in the manual >_>
L1338[13:07:33] <g> bitch please
L1339[13:07:45] <gamax92> D:< you changed the url again?
L1340[13:08:05] <Vexatos> payonel, then you need this
L1341[13:08:06] <Vexatos> http://files.vex.tty.sh/AsieLib/dev/
L1342[13:08:10] <Vexatos> and computronics is building
L1343[13:08:59] <Inari> http://img07.deviantart.net/f44d/i/2016/164/0/9/overwatch_d_va_by_yukionetwo-da653mv.png new wallpaper
L1344[13:09:00] <Inari> \o/
L1345[13:09:25] <gamax92> ~reload
L1346[13:09:26] <ocdoc> Everything's cool
L1347[13:09:39] <Inari> ~reload
L1348[13:09:40] <Inari> :<
L1349[13:09:49] <Vexatos> payonel, http://files.vex.tty.sh/Computronics/dev/Computronics-1.7.10-1.6.1-tape-floppy-OC1.6.jar there
L1350[13:10:31] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L1351[13:10:57] <gamax92> ~Inari
L1352[13:11:16] * Lizzy sighs
L1353[13:11:24] <Lizzy> computer if you could stop being a cunt that'd be nice
L1354[13:12:32] <Skye> Inari, you really seem to like that character! :P
L1355[13:12:45] <Inari> Skye: i do
L1356[13:13:52] <payonel> wiki.vex.tty.sh/wiki:computronics doesn't load
L1357[13:13:54] <payonel> where is the manual?
L1358[13:14:01] <g> payonel, I gave you a darmn link
L1359[13:14:02] <g> :P
L1360[13:14:05] <Inari> payonel: ingame manual
L1361[13:14:05] <g> http://wiki.vexatos.com/wiki:computronics
L1362[13:14:06] <Lizzy> payonel, the server that site is on is down
L1363[13:14:07] <Inari> ;3
L1364[13:14:14] <g> my link works
L1365[13:14:19] <gamax92> ~w computronics
L1366[13:14:19] <ocdoc> http://wiki.vexatos.com/wiki:computronics
L1367[13:14:32] <Inari> or that
L1368[13:14:36] <payonel> g: but then gamax92 .. .and then
L1369[13:14:43] <payonel> i didn't understand the "you changed the link" argument
L1370[13:14:46] <payonel> undersand now
L1371[13:14:52] <gamax92> >_>
L1372[13:14:53] <g> haha
L1373[13:14:53] <payonel> s/s/st/
L1374[13:14:53] <MichiBot> <payonel> understand now
L1375[13:14:54] <g> it's okay
L1376[13:15:09] <payonel> y'all get so grumpy
L1377[13:15:14] <gamax92> Because you're being lazy.
L1378[13:15:15] <Vexatos> gamax92, wrong link, no?
L1379[13:15:21] <Vexatos> should be http://wiki.vex.tty.sh/wiki:computronics
L1380[13:15:25] <Dustpuppy> hmmm....making this robot game is more complicated then expected
L1381[13:15:29] <gamax92> Vexatos: it doesn't work
L1382[13:15:34] <Vexatos> gamax92, blame vifino's server host
L1383[13:15:45] <Vexatos> it's been down for half a week now
L1384[13:15:46] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@181-219-144-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L1385[13:15:50] <Vexatos> and he apparently has no way to fix it
L1386[13:15:57] <gamax92> well you know what Vexatos?
L1387[13:15:58] <payonel> not trying to be lazy
L1388[13:16:07] <payonel> i google "asie vexatos computronics" and i get om/
L1389[13:16:10] <payonel> derp
L1390[13:16:13] <payonel> http://www.computercraft.info/forums2/index.php?/topic/17430-mc-1641721710-cc-15x16x-computronics-060-audio-tapes-cameras-encryption/
L1391[13:16:27] <payonel> so itry the 2nd, and the 3rd, and so on
L1392[13:16:48] <payonel> then i find a another github https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics
L1393[13:17:06] <payonel> but that's a ... mod_pack_ ?
L1394[13:17:10] <payonel> and the links there ALSO don't work
L1395[13:17:12] <vifino> Vexatos: you mean a day and a half?
L1396[13:17:19] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54960562.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1397[13:17:21] <Vexatos> vifino, got a tweet three days ago saying it's down
L1398[13:17:32] <Vexatos> payonel, was for legal purposes
L1399[13:17:37] <Vexatos> I could probably remove it now
L1400[13:17:41] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@ip-64-134-222-177.public.wayport.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1401[13:17:42] <vifino> never heard that and only got told it is down yesterday.
L1402[13:17:46] <payonel> what was for legal purposes? broken links? :)
L1403[13:18:11] <payonel> also, as for "in-game manual"
L1404[13:18:19] <Vexatos> the OC one
L1405[13:18:20] <payonel> um, i haven't played mc for a loooong time haha
L1406[13:18:22] <Vexatos> and the TIS-3D one
L1407[13:18:22] <Skye> it's probably for drama
L1408[13:18:22] <Vexatos> :P
L1409[13:18:36] <Vexatos> also, legal purposes because asie and PSIL
L1410[13:18:46] <Vexatos> before neptune changed it
L1411[13:18:52] <payonel> g: also, http://wiki.vexatos.com/wiki:computronics doesn't work for me
L1412[13:19:13] <Vexatos> wut
L1413[13:19:16] <Mimiru> That works fine for me
L1414[13:19:20] <asie> Vexatos: it's an in-joke
L1415[13:19:21] <g> payonel, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547120/ShareX/2016/June/vivaldi_2016-06-13_19-19-24.png
L1416[13:19:23] <asie> >:(
L1417[13:19:54] <payonel> NOW it works
L1418[13:19:57] <payonel> seriously...
L1419[13:20:05] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael (~Lathanael@p54961938.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1420[13:20:14] <vifino> Vexatos; by the way, if you get more "its down pls help vex" tweets, feel free to redirect them to me if you want
L1421[13:20:28] <Temia> What did I miss out on?
L1422[13:20:30] <Mimiru> Vexatos.com is hosted on Eos, one of my servers
L1423[13:20:32] <payonel> so yeah -- google+computronics=nightmare
L1424[13:20:36] <Temia> Drama? Legal?
L1425[13:20:48] <Inari> Temia: milk
L1426[13:20:54] <Temia> Fuck off.
L1427[13:20:59] <Inari> :<
L1428[13:21:06] <SF-MC> Harsh :(
L1429[13:21:11] * payonel gives Inari some chocolate milk
L1430[13:21:15] <gamax92> Harsh? How.
L1431[13:21:22] * Inari sips chocolate milk, starting at Temia
L1432[13:21:31] <Temia> :T
L1433[13:21:36] <Inari> haha
L1434[13:21:57] * Skye replaces all milk with milk substitute
L1435[13:22:06] <Inari> nuu
L1436[13:22:13] <Temia> Mwahaha
L1437[13:22:25] * alekso56 replaces all choco with choco substitute.
L1438[13:22:33] <Temia> YOU FIEND
L1439[13:22:36] <gamax92> D:
L1440[13:22:37] * Lizzy sighs and collapses on vifino
L1441[13:22:40] * Inari replaces all protons wiht proton substitute
L1442[13:22:45] <SF-MC> uh
L1443[13:22:45] * vifino replaces all the substitute with substitute substitute
L1444[13:23:02] <Mimiru> I wonder if I can convert a vbox VM to an ESXi VM without any issue...
L1445[13:23:02] * vifino pets Lizzy
L1446[13:23:03] <SF-MC> now we've definitely gone too far
L1447[13:23:12] <Inari> Vexatos: what woudl proton substitute even me
L1448[13:23:14] <Vexatos> asie, changed readme because payonel was the fourth person now to be confused about it, sorry :/
L1449[13:23:21] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1450[13:23:25] <asie> Vexatos: >:(
L1451[13:23:43] <Vexatos> asie, also, apparently that CC thread is the first hit on Computronics? >_>
L1452[13:23:52] <asie> ispose
L1453[13:23:57] <SF-MC> wouldn't surprise me
L1454[13:24:02] <Vexatos> could you add some header to it that it's moved and/or outdated as hell
L1455[13:24:15] <Inari> mine: http://akari.in/pinky_APeMx
L1456[13:24:55] <Vexatos> vifino, I wish I could make it so one website shows an error page with a link to the other when either is down >_>
L1457[13:25:50] <payonel> anywho, thanks all for the computronics info
L1458[13:26:24] <Skye> gamax92, when will you make a standalone binary of OCemu?
L1459[13:26:31] <payonel> Inari: my mistake was including the authors in my search
L1460[13:26:45] <vifino> Vexatos: Sorry for the downtime, I can't help it. The provider keeps fucking me over, but I can't change for a while because I got a yearly deal and such.
L1461[13:26:50] <gamax92> Skye: you didn't yell at me
L1462[13:27:05] <Skye> gamax92, I'm too nice to yell at you
L1463[13:27:10] * Lizzy is thinking about setting up some new mail servers for her domain
L1464[13:27:13] <vifino> <citation needed>
L1465[13:27:15] * Temia is fine with OCemu sauce. 'w'
L1466[13:27:34] * vifino prefers single binary everythings
L1467[13:27:38] <payonel> but yeah, the first hit on JUST computronics [ https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/14-mc-164-oc-122-computronics-015/ ] with this outdated url [ http://wiki.vex.tty.sh/ ]
L1468[13:27:38] <Skye> vifino, okay, I try to be nice. :P
L1469[13:27:54] * Inari dips some chips into OCemu sauce
L1470[13:27:55] <Vexatos> payonel, wiki.vex.tty.sh is correct though
L1471[13:28:04] <vifino> payonel: it isn't outdated.
L1472[13:28:06] <payonel> oh that one times out for me (still)
L1473[13:28:15] <Inari> payonel: its just broke this week
L1474[13:28:16] <vifino> yes. because for the nth time, the server is down.
L1475[13:28:17] <Lizzy> payonel, cause the host is a cunt
L1476[13:28:19] <payonel> oh i see
L1477[13:28:28] <Lizzy> err
L1478[13:28:30] <Lizzy> *provider
L1479[13:28:33] * payonel removes drama card from the pile
L1480[13:28:35] <Lizzy> bah
L1481[13:29:11] <Temia> Do we still have asie's drama generator somewhere?
L1482[13:29:15] <Inari> vifino: hey, its confusing if you never dealt with it :P someitme it took me 2 mins to find the correct URL ebcause all the frist links were outdated CC threads and outdated wiki links
L1483[13:29:26] <SF-MC> Temia: it's in charset, apparently
L1484[13:30:47] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1485[13:31:09] * Skye yells https://github.com/gamax92/OCEmu/issues/14 at gamax92
L1486[13:31:12] <Skye> :P
L1487[13:33:43] <Vexatos> payonel, just use my dev builds :P
L1488[13:34:04] <payonel> chatboxes is a brilliant idea, btw
L1489[13:34:24] <SF-MC> chatboxes are old
L1490[13:34:31] <SF-MC> MiscPeripherals
L1491[13:34:35] <SF-MC> that was the shit
L1492[13:34:40] <SF-MC> I still miss the speaker
L1493[13:34:48] <Inari> why
L1494[13:34:55] <SF-MC> I thought it was hella cool
L1495[13:34:59] <Inari> what did it do
L1496[13:35:11] <SF-MC> used the system voice synth to actually speak words
L1497[13:35:16] <Inari> ah right
L1498[13:35:22] <Inari> i recall that only ever working for half the users lol
L1499[13:35:29] <SF-MC> worked fine for me
L1500[13:35:34] <SF-MC> *shrug*
L1501[13:37:14] <Inari> then you were in the half it worked for
L1502[13:37:15] <Inari> ;3
L1503[13:37:33] <gamax92> lewd
L1504[13:37:51] <payonel> Vexatos: question about the tape api, thre is a diff between oc and cc, read and write take byte arrays vs strings
L1505[13:38:10] <gamax92> payonel: CC strings are not binary preserving
L1506[13:38:24] <payonel> what does cc do to the strings?
L1507[13:38:32] <SF-MC> mangles them
L1508[13:38:32] <Inari> ah CC strings
L1509[13:38:33] <Inari> good ays
L1510[13:38:34] <Skye> why is payonel doing CC stuff?
L1511[13:38:35] <Inari> *days
L1512[13:38:39] <gamax92> corrupts them if they aren't UTF-8 :P
L1513[13:38:40] <payonel> i'm not!
L1514[13:38:45] <payonel> i'm just reading docs :)
L1515[13:38:49] <Vexatos> It force-encodes to UTF-8
L1516[13:38:53] <asie> payonel: use the integer read/write
L1517[13:38:55] <payonel> i see
L1518[13:39:03] <Vexatos> the reason why you cannot download DFPWM from the internet on CC
L1519[13:39:27] <asie> you can if you proxy it to base64
L1520[13:39:30] <asie> .dfpwm64
L1521[13:39:44] <Skye> oh gos
L1522[13:41:40] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1523[13:42:42] <payonel> Inari: wallpaper for your phone?
L1524[13:42:48] <Inari> nah
L1525[13:42:57] <Forecaster> phonepaper for your wall?
L1526[13:42:58] <payonel> monitor for ants?
L1527[13:43:06] <Inari> nah
L1528[13:43:20] <SF-MC> ooh
L1529[13:43:21] <payonel> i'm not offering something, i'm asking what the image is used for?
L1530[13:43:24] <SF-MC> fairly good nether spawn
L1531[13:43:39] <payonel> SF-MC: right in front of a blaze spawn? :)
L1532[13:43:56] <payonel> Inari: sorry, context missing. you gave a link, saying "\o/"
L1533[13:44:00] <payonel> about a new wallpaper
L1534[13:44:13] <payonel> the overwatch art, i believe
L1535[13:44:17] <Inari> ya?
L1536[13:45:18] <payonel> are you using that for a new wallpaper? quote> [url] new wallpaper! \n \o/
L1537[13:45:19] <SF-MC> nether fortress not too far away alriiiiight
L1538[13:46:15] <Vexatos> asie, 32MB song @ base64?
L1539[13:46:17] <Vexatos> yes or yes
L1540[13:46:25] <Inari> payonel: yeah :p but an upscaled version of it
L1541[13:46:27] <asie> Vexatos: yes
L1542[13:46:36] <Inari> whichi thoguth was the one i had linked
L1543[13:46:37] <Inari> but seems not
L1544[13:47:05] <Vexatos> Magik6k, you have a yt->dfpwm transcoder on your site, why not make a dfpwm->dfpwm64 transcoder? :>
L1545[13:47:25] * Vexatos runs
L1546[13:48:10] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1547[13:48:40] <SF-MC> where the hell did my shovel go?
L1548[13:49:22] <SF-MC> oh well
L1549[13:49:36] <Inari> SF-MC: checked the obvious spots?
L1550[13:49:54] <SF-MC> meh
L1551[13:49:57] <SF-MC> not like it matters much
L1552[13:49:59] <SF-MC> already replaced it
L1553[13:50:02] <SF-MC> just an iron shovel
L1554[13:50:03] <Inari> like, your offhand, some bag in your inventory, some place ytou accidentally dropped it iwht "q", your butt, some chest in your base, some grave?
L1555[13:50:10] <Magik6k> Vexatos, umm, why like so?
L1556[13:50:19] <Magik6k> I mean, what's the point?
L1557[13:50:33] <Magik6k> or did you mean like waw to dfpwm?
L1558[13:50:43] <payonel> Magik6k: for cc, aparently
L1559[13:50:50] <SF-MC> omg
L1560[13:50:53] <SF-MC> two wasp nests
L1561[13:50:54] <SF-MC> RIP
L1562[13:51:01] <gamax92> RIP
L1563[13:51:12] <Inari> at least it aint bees
L1564[13:51:21] <Magik6k> Vexatos, it can already convert yt to dfpwm64 soo
L1565[13:51:44] <Vexatos> base64, really? U:
L1566[13:52:05] <Vexatos> SF-MC, my grandfather found a huge hornet hive
L1567[13:52:14] <Vexatos> that's why we had no wasps last year <3
L1568[13:52:19] <Inari> huge hornets, or huge hive?
L1569[13:52:30] <payonel> a hive, with one, huge, hornet
L1570[13:52:35] <Vexatos> well hornets are always starting helicopters
L1571[13:53:11] <Inari> always reminds me of http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/10/08/article-2449483-187F47DC00000578-460_634x423.jpg
L1572[13:53:23] <SF-MC> ick nononononono
L1573[13:53:51] <Temia> >dailyfail
L1574[13:54:09] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e34:ef13:4150:de53:60ff:febc:baf1) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1575[13:54:27] <Inari> SF-MC is like http://imgur.com/gallery/MHuW96t
L1576[13:55:57] <Skye> Inari, AIEEEG! the daily mail! D:
L1577[13:56:36] <Inari> am i missing some joke here
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L1585[14:05:10] <Skye> Inari, the daily mail is right wing
L1586[14:05:12] <Skye> and stupid
L1587[14:06:35] <Skye> Izaya, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eBT6OSr1TI
L1588[14:06:35] <MichiBot> The Daily Mail Song | length: 2m 47s | Likes: 29279 Dislikes: 383 Views: 2135500 | by dananddanfilms
L1589[14:08:53] <Skye> wait
L1590[14:08:59] <Skye> Inari, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eBT6OSr1TI
L1591[14:08:59] <MichiBot> The Daily Mail Song | length: 2m 47s | Likes: 29279 Dislikes: 383 Views: 2135500 | by dananddanfilms
L1592[14:09:57] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1596[14:16:32] <Kin_Jong-Un> Super fast question (it's not on the wiki) - how many component "slots" does a T3 Component Bus add?
L1597[14:17:07] <Lizzy> same as the cpu
L1598[14:17:15] <Lizzy> it also says it on the tooltip
L1599[14:17:19] <Kin_Jong-Un> Alright, thanks :)
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L1602[14:19:26] <SoraFirestorm> brb
L1603[14:24:17] <SoraFirestorm> back
L1604[14:24:19] <SoraFirestorm> you know
L1605[14:24:23] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1606[14:24:25] <SoraFirestorm> someone ought to work on the wiki some
L1607[14:24:31] <SoraFirestorm> it's super out of date in a lot of places
L1608[14:24:44] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L1612[14:30:36] <SoraFirestorm> uuggghhhh
L1613[14:31:12] <Forecaster> SoraFirestorm: read the in-game manual
L1614[14:31:34] <SoraFirestorm> I suppose
L1615[14:31:44] <SoraFirestorm> I still think that the manual needs API documentation as well
L1616[14:31:55] <SoraFirestorm> plus, can't always boot up MC for the manual
L1617[14:32:16] <Forecaster> maintaining documentation is hard
L1618[14:32:24] <SoraFirestorm> but it
L1619[14:32:29] <SoraFirestorm> but it's already there for the most part
L1620[14:32:47] <SoraFirestorm> most of it can be accessed via computer, at least a short summary
L1621[14:34:30] <SoraFirestorm> there has to be a way to programmatically copy that
L1622[14:34:40] <Forecaster> copy what?
L1623[14:35:39] <SoraFirestorm> the one-liner function documentation that accompanies most functions
L1624[14:35:53] <SoraFirestorm> it's the printed representation of most functions IIRC
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L1626[14:41:49] <SoraFirestorm> for example
L1627[14:41:52] <SoraFirestorm> with the network card
L1628[14:41:58] <SoraFirestorm> the broadcast function has this
L1629[14:42:06] <SoraFirestorm> """function(port:number, data...) -- Broadcasts the specified data on the specified port."""
L1630[14:44:10] <SoraFirestorm> hm
L1631[14:44:30] ⇦ Quits: Temportalist (uid37180@id-37180.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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L1633[14:49:58] <Inari> i was thinking of maybe working on the wiki :P but who knows, payonel also wanted to edit some stuff iirc
L1634[14:50:44] <SoraFirestorm> maybe ought to work on my Scala and write a new program to generate the method stuff
L1635[14:51:26] <Skye> is it just me or does minecraft volume beta sound sadder than minecraft volume alpha?
L1636[14:51:35] <gamax92> sadder?
L1637[14:51:38] <SoraFirestorm> couldn't say
L1638[14:51:59] <payonel> Inari: i actually got all the windows open to get some of that work done on saturday
L1639[14:52:03] <Skye> https://c418.bandcamp.com/album/minecraft-volume-alpha vs https://c418.bandcamp.com/album/minecraft-volume-beta
L1640[14:52:07] <payonel> wiki page, code, game
L1641[14:52:15] <payonel> then i had errands to run
L1642[14:52:19] <payonel> and it didn't happen
L1643[14:52:20] <Inari> hehe
L1644[14:54:05] *** ds84182 is now known as Achai
L1645[14:54:37] <CompanionCube> http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/home-office-refusing-to-reveal-whether-women-in-yarls-wood-have-been-raped-to-protect-the-commercial-a7077736.html
L1646[14:55:17] <Inari> Vexatos: uhhhh what was the german expression again? "wohl!"? when its like... "you're stupid!" - "am not!" - "you are!" kidn of..... i suck at explaining
L1647[14:55:53] ⇨ Joins: Gyro (~Gyro@2601:184:300:5d60:750b:8bec:98dc:7688)
L1648[14:56:44] <CompanionCube> self.confidence[in(government)] = nil
L1649[14:57:17] ⇦ Quits: Gyro_ (~Gyro@2601:184:300:5d60:9dd1:5248:fbbc:15c2) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1650[14:57:52] <payonel> Inari: tbh, i think it'd be grand if we could do it together. but, that'd be hard to schedule :) but with your magic words and my magic code, i think a good wiki we could make
L1651[14:58:08] <Inari> > explaining a german thingy in english, to get the reassurance of teh german thing to then ask about the englihs equivalent
L1652[14:58:22] <Inari> payonel: i dont think im so great at words xD
L1653[14:59:17] <payonel> :) Inari https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0T-Eo0j092Q
L1654[14:59:17] <MichiBot> Trump Knows Words | length: 14s | Likes: 55 Dislikes: 0 Views: 10501 | by vgolfoz
L1655[14:59:23] <Inari> haha
L1656[14:59:53] ⇦ Quits: Solace7 (~solace7@wifi-student.yccd.edu) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
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L1658[15:01:18] <gamax92> Achai: dammit.
L1659[15:01:29] <gamax92> I replaced every icon except the correct one.
L1660[15:02:37] <Achai> ...
L1661[15:02:39] <Achai> ....
L1662[15:02:41] <Achai> .....
L1663[15:02:42] <Achai> ..
L1664[15:02:43] <Achai> ..
L1665[15:02:52] <gamax92> impressive dot arrow you got there
L1666[15:02:54] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L1667[15:03:02] <Achai> danks
L1668[15:03:11] <SoraFirestorm> was thinking the same thing
L1669[15:03:19] <SoraFirestorm> awww dammit
L1670[15:03:21] <SoraFirestorm> it's raining outside
L1671[15:03:23] <SoraFirestorm> ffffff
L1672[15:03:34] <SoraFirestorm> do not want
L1673[15:03:50] <Vexatos> Inari, "Doch!"?
L1674[15:03:53] <SoraFirestorm> guess I'll just get raingear...
L1675[15:03:53] <gamax92> but yeah ... now I understand how this works a bit better.
L1676[15:04:00] <Inari> hmm kind of
L1677[15:04:05] <Inari> but there was a version wiht "wohl!" too
L1678[15:04:09] <Inari> Vexatos: whats the englihs equivalent?
L1679[15:04:10] <Vexatos> There is no "Doch" in English in case you are wondering.
L1680[15:04:22] <payonel> gamax92: have you reviewed my PR?
L1681[15:04:36] <payonel> i have one sitting in your repo that's been there for ages, added another commit to it this morning
L1682[15:04:36] <gamax92> you can have specific icons for specific versions of android, marked by the -v## at the end of a folder name
L1683[15:04:44] <Inari> Vexatos: i guess "du bist dumm!" "gar nich!" "wohl!"
L1684[15:04:45] <Inari> :p
L1685[15:04:47] <gamax92> so if I make one called -v21, it should work
L1686[15:05:00] <Vexatos> Inari, that's where you would use "Doch" unless you have a horrible dialect.
L1687[15:05:22] <Inari> haha
L1688[15:05:33] ⇦ Quits: TwilightVanish (TwilightVa@50721A15.cm-15.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1689[15:05:35] <Inari> Vexatos: damn englihs lacking its doch
L1690[15:06:36] <Vexatos> Also lacking Schwindelfrei and Schadenfreude and some other things
L1691[15:07:37] <gamax92> ... pfft.
L1692[15:07:42] ⇨ Joins: scj643 (~quassel@
L1693[15:07:45] <gamax92> ldpi notification icons
L1694[15:07:55] <scj643> I'm back with quassel
L1695[15:07:56] <gamax92> 12x12 png
L1696[15:11:54] ⇨ Joins: Kenny164 (~pkinney@host217-42-125-204.range217-42.btcentralplus.com)
L1697[15:13:01] <Inari> Vexatos: damn communists :f /s
L1698[15:13:06] <SoraFirestorm> laters for now you lot o/
L1699[15:13:09] *** SoraFirestorm is now known as SF-AFK
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L1702[15:19:04] <vifino> gamax92: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzPpWInAiOg
L1703[15:19:04] <MichiBot> Doot - E1M1 [Knee-Deep in the Doot] | length: 3m 13s | Likes: 7097 Dislikes: 28 Views: 256533 | by Nick Ino
L1704[15:20:32] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-24-61-100-175.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
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L1707[15:55:58] <gamax92> Achai: alright, threw in a bunch of -v21 with new notification icons, now it's not a white square
L1708[15:56:12] <Inari> its odd, i don't like coffee, but i love coffee-flavored stuff (icecream, chocolate, etc)
L1709[15:56:21] <gamax92> if I want the proper color though, I'd have to compile a new version to use setColor which ... I'm happy with the current solution
L1710[15:57:05] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Nachie's out, PEACE)
L1711[15:57:10] <Achai> nice
L1712[15:58:35] <ping> Bitches can't handle my shit
L1713[15:58:35] <ping> They get really excited when they see my dick
L1714[15:59:05] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1715[15:59:32] <gamax92> what dick
L1716[16:01:36] <Inari> how does your dick relate to your shit
L1717[16:01:45] <Inari> unless you're somehow dysfunctioanlly built
L1718[16:01:51] <Achai> ping: Do not start.
L1719[16:02:02] <Achai> Wrong channel.
L1720[16:02:08] <Inari> nah
L1721[16:02:15] <Inari> its #oc we talk about everything and everyone
L1722[16:02:27] <Achai> Inari: If you insist
L1723[16:02:30] <Achai> ping: Start.
L1724[16:02:35] <Negi> I see no dick, and frankly it is hard to imagine there ever was a dick, in plain sight or otherwise.
L1725[16:02:44] <Inari> Negi: haha
L1726[16:02:59] <Inari> Achai: wasnt achai some boss or instance or something in WoW
L1727[16:03:23] <Achai> I don't know
L1728[16:03:26] <Achai> I don't play WoW
L1729[16:05:07] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1730[16:05:24] <ping> Achai, start what
L1731[16:05:44] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1732[16:05:51] <Achai> ...
L1733[16:05:52] <Achai> ......
L1734[16:05:58] ⇦ Quits: AlexisMachina (uid57631@id-57631.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1735[16:06:41] <scj643> I forgot how good need for speed most wanted is
L1736[16:06:52] <ping> OH GOD
L1737[16:06:57] <ping> I JUST REALIZED THIS IS OC
L1738[16:07:46] <scj643> Lol
L1739[16:07:52] <Vexatos> ping, now it's NSFOC
L1740[16:08:05] <Achai> LO
L1741[16:08:06] <Achai> L
L1742[16:08:11] <ping> i literally almost copy pasted the entire song's lyrics
L1743[16:08:28] <ping> because i thought i was still in that one popular nsfw channel
L1744[16:08:40] <Achai> I've always hoped I'd never mistake #oc for #[redacted]
L1745[16:08:46] <Achai> It would be the end of me
L1746[16:09:06] <Achai> ping: I feel bad for you
L1747[16:09:07] <Achai> lol
L1748[16:10:26] <ping> Achai, did you see the crap i did in #shocky last night
L1749[16:10:45] <Achai> No
L1750[16:10:53] <ping> go look
L1751[16:10:56] <Achai> take this to #[redacted] pls
L1752[16:11:15] <CompanionCube> why are you redacting a channel
L1753[16:11:25] <CompanionCube> it's not exactly secret
L1754[16:11:35] <Achai> CompanionCube: shut the hell up
L1755[16:11:39] <payonel> why do you think we care?
L1756[16:11:40] <Achai> channels r sekret
L1757[16:11:50] <Achai> payonel: idk
L1758[16:12:02] <scj643> Time to play CS:GO
L1759[16:12:06] <CompanionCube> would I be wrong to glare at #V
L1760[16:12:12] <Achai> If you didn't care then you wouldn't ask why I was redacting the channel
L1761[16:12:27] <Achai> CompanionCube: shutyourwhoremouth.jpeg
L1762[16:12:33] <Achai> I mean
L1763[16:12:38] <vifino> #V is secret?
L1764[16:12:40] <Achai> CompanionCube: Not the right one
L1765[16:12:41] <vifino> oh yeah, right
L1766[16:12:43] <vifino> cool
L1767[16:12:56] <Achai> vifino: 5000 years dungeon
L1768[16:13:05] <vifino> lewd
L1769[16:13:17] <Achai> ~
L1770[16:14:42] <Dustpuppy> how can i scan only one block in the given row with the geolyzer, then from -32 to 32?
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L1774[16:26:23] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA95753FA2FE5EFA9D94.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1775[16:26:51] <xarses> Inari: wrgt https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1870 isn't his what event.pullMultiple is for?
L1776[16:27:36] <Inari> Vexatos sneakily deleted his commnet I see
L1777[16:27:37] <Inari> or who was it
L1778[16:27:38] <Inari> :f
L1779[16:27:48] * Lizzy stretches then curls up on vifino
L1780[16:27:48] * vifino picks up Lizzy and carries her to bed
L1781[16:28:02] <Lizzy> that timing though
L1782[16:28:06] <vifino> exactly
L1783[16:28:11] <Lizzy> 1 second
L1784[16:28:13] <Inari> xarses: from what i've seen pullMultiple is like "give me an event that mtaches one of the following names" rahter htan "give me an event of the following name" that pull is
L1785[16:28:16] <Lizzy> :P
L1786[16:28:17] <Lizzy> <3
L1787[16:28:19] <Inari> while i want to be able to get all events
L1788[16:28:20] <vifino> we are perfectly in sync, Lizzy <3
L1789[16:28:30] * Lizzy falls asleep on the way
L1790[16:28:30] <vifino> i mean, apart from that second
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L1794[16:35:31] <Inari> payonel: well wiki is pretty good at allowing unsynced collaboration... since multiple people can edit, it has talk pages, etc
L1795[16:36:12] <Inari> payonel: ideally the wiki webserver would be hosted on a OC computer on some official OC server
L1796[16:36:13] <Inari> :f
L1797[16:36:35] ⇦ Quits: Solace7 (~solace7@c-98-244-24-234.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
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L1799[16:38:40] <eniallator> hey
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L1803[16:47:48] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-75-56.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L1804[16:47:59] <TheFox> Hello, Everyone
L1805[16:48:50] <Dustpuppy> someone an idea, how i can get the id of a block on given x,y,z values relative of the position of a computer? i have an area of 9x17 blocks i need to scan. geolyzer is too slow, because it scans a whole row of 64 blocks
L1806[16:49:33] <TheFox> im not familiar with the library of the world card
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L1808[16:50:30] <TheFox> anything new happen since i left
L1809[16:51:46] <Mimiru> %oclogs
L1810[16:51:48] <MichiBot> Mimiru: https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/
L1811[16:51:49] <Mimiru> :P
L1812[16:51:52] <Mimiru> Check lol
L1813[16:52:54] <TheFox> that looks like it might be very very long
L1814[16:53:00] <TheFox> %ping
L1815[16:53:03] <MichiBot> Ping reply from TheFox 2.62s
L1816[16:53:14] <TheFox> not as bad as i thought it would be
L1817[16:54:27] ⇨ Joins: Simon (Mibbit@
L1818[16:55:41] <TheFox> actually chat doesnt seem to have been active tell later in the afternoon
L1819[16:56:37] <TheFox> anyone interested or familair with ARM?
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L1822[16:58:30] <TheFox> welp, looks like i might have to go again. check out the OC-ARM thread. im rougeminner. its a fun little project that ive been having a good time using. Solra put alot of work into it and the project has a very long back story check it out you might like it
L1823[16:58:31] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://tinyurl.com/y42zurt
L1824[16:59:03] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L1825[17:00:32] <TheFox> cya later.
L1826[17:03:52] ⇦ Quits: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-75-56.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
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L1834[17:36:02] <gamax92> hmm ... Freedreno
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L1843[17:57:13] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/g5brK73.jpg
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L1845[18:03:39] <payonel> Inari: o/ back
L1846[18:03:55] <Inari> payonel: haha, just about to head off ot bed
L1847[18:04:33] <payonel> the point i had about collaboration is that -- there is a benefit to working on documentation at the same time, show simple questions with short simple answers
L1848[18:04:36] <payonel> but yeah
L1849[18:04:48] <payonel> ideally...i'll write up a bunch of crap descriptions, but it'll be substantial
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L1851[18:04:53] <payonel> and you can make it readable
L1852[18:05:06] <Inari> haha, just no guarantee on readability :D
L1853[18:05:13] <payonel> :)
L1854[18:05:15] <payonel> goodnight then
L1855[18:05:21] <payonel> until tomorrow
L1856[18:05:28] <Inari> night
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L1862[18:32:07] <scj643> Minecraft pocket edition now has pistons
L1863[18:32:40] ⇨ Joins: Gyro (~Gyro@2601:184:300:5d60:a8e7:3e91:e2cf:3582)
L1864[18:35:55] <gamax92> well freedreno might not be possible for me but killing android and then allowing X to use the framebuffer is much nicer than having to use vnc.
L1865[18:38:31] <CompanionCube> you know
L1866[18:38:43] <CompanionCube> there are X11 servers available as android apps
L1867[18:39:05] <gamax92> CompanionCube: mmhm?
L1868[18:39:14] <payonel> oh look at this
L1869[18:39:16] <payonel> https://github.com/gamax92/OCEmu/pull/12
L1870[18:39:20] <payonel> oh that's interesting
L1871[18:39:30] <payonel> :P
L1872[18:39:35] <CompanionCube> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=x.org.server
L1873[18:39:53] <gamax92> payonel: >_>;
L1874[18:40:02] <CompanionCube> software rendering only though iirc
L1875[18:40:16] <gamax92> payonel: Give me an updated title to use for my merge operation
L1876[18:40:23] <payonel> oh fine
L1877[18:40:28] <gamax92> payonel: no no, not on github
L1878[18:40:30] <gamax92> tell me.
L1879[18:40:34] <payonel> oh
L1880[18:40:36] <payonel> um
L1881[18:41:18] <payonel> it's mostly modem fixes, 1 sdl change, and 1 ignore change
L1882[18:41:20] <payonel> so
L1883[18:41:30] <gamax92> oh nvm, it doesn't actually matter GitHub defaulted to the wrong merge mode ._.;
L1884[18:41:39] <payonel> modem-update-and-stuff :/
L1885[18:41:43] <payonel> what merge mode would that be?
L1886[18:41:51] <gamax92> squash
L1887[18:42:34] <payonel> \o/
L1888[18:43:14] <gamax92> CompanionCube: how is that better then :P
L1889[18:43:32] <CompanionCube> gamax92, you're not screwed if the X11 server dies?
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L1891[18:48:06] <gamax92> payonel: sorry
L1892[18:48:11] <payonel> ?
L1893[19:03:04] * payonel is afk
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L1897[19:25:57] <scj643> I've been trying to play PE recently
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L1908[20:19:50] <Izaya> scj643: minetest > MC PE
L1909[20:20:33] <Achai> Call me when minetest supports "tile entities"
L1910[20:20:48] <Achai> And proper guis
L1911[20:20:59] <Achai> especially proper guis
L1912[20:21:12] <Izaya> Achai: yeah proper GUIs are something I want too
L1913[20:21:26] <Izaya> but easy modding on mobile is nice
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L1934[21:34:18] <TheFox> welp, that made my day, and possibly the rest if ny week, i was able to speed up my real computer to the point where i couldnt go any faster, graphics wise
L1935[21:36:02] <Mimiru> Wooo importing 10GB of sounds into my UE4 project
L1936[21:44:30] <gamax92> root@d2att:/ # e2fsck /dev/block/mmcblk1p2
L1937[21:44:31] <gamax92> You must have r/w access to the filesystem or be root
L1938[21:44:48] <Temia> uh.
L1939[21:45:21] <Temia> Is this a phone?
L1940[21:45:27] <gamax92> This is a phone!
L1941[21:45:34] <Temia> Wow.
L1942[21:45:41] <gamax92> Imma try in recovery
L1943[21:45:41] <Temia> Fuck phone manufacturers.
L1944[21:47:02] <gamax92> mmcblk1p2 has unsupported feature(s): metadata_csum
L1945[21:47:06] <gamax92> welp.
L1946[21:48:04] <ping> gamax92, i repaired my phones image by backing up the flash.img to my computer and then using e2fsck
L1947[21:48:24] <gamax92> Good for you.
L1948[21:48:25] <ping> which you should probably be backing stuff up anyway
L1949[21:50:19] ⇨ Joins: Darklumiere (webchat@
L1950[21:50:42] <Darklumiere> Hello, I was wondering if someone could help a newbie like me install OPPM? I am getting an error whenever I try to
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L1952[21:51:50] <Darklumiere> Anyone here?
L1953[21:52:09] <Mimiru> Don't ask to ask, ask. Yes there are roughly 160 people here...
L1954[21:52:14] <Temia> What's the error?
L1955[21:52:30] <Darklumiere> One moment, let me pull it up again
L1956[21:53:34] <Darklumiere> "/op-manager/oppm.lua:30: module 'internet' not found:"
L1957[21:53:44] <Darklumiere> Yes, I do have a internet card installed
L1958[21:53:44] <Mimiru> Do you have an internet card installed?
L1959[21:53:47] <Darklumiere> Yes lol
L1960[21:53:50] <Mimiru> OC version?
L1961[21:53:55] <Darklumiere> Beta 3, 1.9.4
L1962[21:54:27] <Mimiru> Theres something about a driver or something you have to install from disk now...
L1963[21:54:35] <Mimiru> IDK I've not MCed in a good month...
L1964[21:54:44] <Darklumiere> Do you happen to know? The infomation I find is out of date.
L1965[21:54:44] <gamax92> Yeah, cards no longer carry the software with them, they've been split off onto separate floppies
L1966[21:54:54] <Darklumiere> Oh, I don't see it listed in JEI
L1967[21:54:57] <Darklumiere> Know what it is called?
L1968[21:55:54] <gamax92> I haven't played with MC in a while either ... just that I know that was a recent change
L1969[21:56:10] <Darklumiere> Okay. Thank you, that is better than I know before
L1970[21:56:18] <Mimiru> There's some way to cycle through the disks...
L1971[21:56:22] <Mimiru> but I don't know how lol
L1972[21:56:31] <Darklumiere> Okay, I will look into it
L1973[21:57:45] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1974[21:57:53] <Darklumiere> In the manual it just talks about that attaching the chip, will add a custom filesystem containing programs
L1975[21:58:14] <Mimiru> Yeah the help hasn't been updated yet
L1976[21:58:19] <Darklumiere> Ah.
L1977[21:58:24] ⇦ Parts: Tris (~Flufflepu@2605:6001:e013:bf00:35ef:6cbe:f890:5717) (Le poof, out of the channel I go~))
L1978[21:58:35] <Darklumiere> Do you know for sure if the driver floppies have been added yet?
L1979[21:58:38] <Mimiru> + # Whether to allow loot disk cycling by crafting them with a wrench.
L1980[21:58:38] <Mimiru> + lootRecrafting: true
L1981[21:58:48] <Darklumiere> Thank you!
L1982[21:58:55] <Mimiru> throw an open os floppy in a table with a wrench
L1983[21:59:01] <Mimiru> it should cycle through the disks
L1984[21:59:06] <Darklumiere> That is working!
L1985[21:59:09] <Darklumiere> Thank you so much
L1986[22:01:10] <gamax92> Temia: I did ext3 which the version of e2fsck on there (2013 :/) can recognize
L1987[22:04:17] ⇦ Quits: Darklumiere (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1988[22:05:41] <gamax92> "I have no name!@localhost:/# "
L1989[22:21:23] <lashtear> heh
L1990[22:21:31] <lashtear> I like the old HP-UX strategy
L1991[22:21:48] <lashtear> type whoami when your uidnumber isn't in passwd/nis/tcb? INTRUDER ALERT
L1992[22:25:55] <Antheus> woah
L1993[22:25:58] <Antheus> that sounds interesting
L1994[22:26:00] <Antheus> drivers
L1995[22:26:01] <Antheus> woah
L1996[22:26:24] <Antheus> I still remember when openos was like cc's os, embedded
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L1998[22:35:49] <Saphire> ^
L1999[22:35:59] ⇨ Joins: Tris (~Flufflepu@2605:6001:e013:bf00:35ef:6cbe:f890:5717)
L2000[22:36:20] <Saphire> wtf, ftb
L2001[22:36:54] ⇦ Parts: Tris (~Flufflepu@2605:6001:e013:bf00:35ef:6cbe:f890:5717) ())
L2002[22:37:54] <TheFox> wow, that was an awesomely long afk time
L2003[22:38:12] <TheFox> whats up everyone
L2004[22:38:21] <TheFox> hey saphire
L2005[22:38:27] * TheFox waves
L2006[22:38:31] <Saphire> o/
L2007[22:38:47] <Saphire> I just saw asie's tweets
L2008[22:38:51] <TheFox> im sorry idk what that means
L2009[22:39:33] <Saphire> ... NDA for FTB beta modpacks and apparently mods exclusively for FTB
L2010[22:40:14] <Saphire> exclusive mods == FTB pays devs to make them, apparently
L2011[22:40:40] <TheFox> that actually sounds like a kinda fun job
L2012[22:41:09] <TheFox> but thats not what i mean
L2013[22:41:17] <TheFox> i meant the o/ thing in chat
L2014[22:43:50] <TheFox> what does o/ mean
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L2016[22:44:51] <Saphire> ”I mean, I'm not in the slightest trying to take away from all the work mod authors do. But FTB puts in hundreds of man hours for a big pack. Something like expert mode probably had thousands. We must be doing something constructive with all that time.”
L2017[22:44:54] <Saphire> why
L2018[22:44:56] <Saphire> *wut
L2019[22:45:04] <Saphire> TheFox: that's waving
L2020[22:45:09] <Saphire> kind of ”hi”
L2021[22:45:13] <TheFox> oh, ok
L2022[22:45:26] <Saphire> or high fiving
L2023[22:45:39] <TheFox> I just **** myd a second GPU to my linux and it turned a 20 hour encoding into a 3 hour one
L2024[22:45:58] <TheFox> myself not myd***
L2025[22:46:13] <TheFox> ok, theres not a good way to recover that typo id there
L2026[22:46:23] <TheFox> the darn bluetooth keyboard
L2027[22:46:31] <TheFox> goota find a better one
L2028[22:46:42] <TheFox> be right back
L2029[22:49:25] <TheFox> OK back
L2030[22:49:40] <TheFox> Sorry about that I really am
L2031[22:50:13] <TheFox> Anyone?
L2032[22:50:19] <TheFox> There?
L2033[22:51:46] <snowden89> umm maybe
L2034[22:52:34] <snowden89> though i am at work so not very present
L2035[22:53:09] <TheFox> OK, you must be on the other side of the pond then
L2036[22:53:25] <TheFox> Sapphire you there?
L2037[22:53:33] <TheFox> %ping
L2038[22:53:37] <MichiBot> Ping reply from TheFox 2.76s
L2039[22:54:24] <ping> TheFox, what do you want
L2040[22:54:50] <Saphire> hmmm
L2041[22:54:53] <TheFox> Not trying to get you just trying to get !y ping from mici bot
L2042[22:54:54] <Saphire> Paying to have custom mods etc. Try to at least read what I am saying. When it comes to mods that we pay to have developed, Im not saying that we are specifically trying to make mods that add content that can only be used by us. If you took a moment to check everything we release is free to be used by anyone and everyone. We don't have to do that, we choose to do that. Almost nothing we have is closed source or rights withheld and it will remain …
L2043[22:54:55] <Saphire> …like that for the vast majority of our content. It might even be like that for all of our content, but I cant see the future so I just dont know right now.
L2044[22:54:57] <TheFox> Sry
L2045[22:55:02] <Saphire> okay, that is better..
L2046[22:55:10] <Saphire> but ”almost”?
L2047[22:55:16] <ping> TheFox, :P you must be new here
L2048[22:55:23] <TheFox> No
L2049[22:55:30] <TheFox> Kinda old here
L2050[22:55:33] <ping> the correct response is to say "dont complain your name is ping"
L2051[22:55:45] <TheFox> Not lookin to harass
L2052[22:55:55] <TheFox> But I should've huh.
L2053[22:57:06] <TheFox> That must be really annoying huh?
L2054[22:57:13] <snowden89> ping is used to it
L2055[22:57:24] * snowden89 changes ping to pong
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L2057[22:57:37] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L2058[22:57:49] <TheFox> I guess its an acquired taste I would get tired of it
L2059[22:58:18] * snowden89 tastes TheFox
L2060[22:58:20] <ping> im on irc constantly i dont mind if i get piged often
L2061[22:59:09] <TheFox> Why taste me
L2062[22:59:13] <TheFox> ???
L2063[23:00:15] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael (~Lathanael@p54961938.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2064[23:01:19] <TheFox> Seems these IEC are dying slowly some days other days there more active then the rabbits
L2065[23:02:26] <Antheus> .-.
L2066[23:04:24] <TheFox> Why tthink of it that way, why
L2067[23:04:53] ⇦ Quits: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-75-56.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L2068[23:05:22] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (webchat@pool-108-4-75-56.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L2069[23:05:23] <TheFox> Oops
L2070[23:05:30] <Antheus> I feel like it's going to be a "You can only use this mod as part of (mod pack). Anything else violates the liscense, and it contains code that crashes the game if it detects it is not apart of the mod pack"
L2071[23:06:22] <TheFox> anyone want to key me in on what this conversation is about?
L2072[23:07:08] <snowden89> TheFox: you dont taste an acquired taste
L2073[23:07:20] <snowden89> taste more like a red head?
L2074[23:07:36] <TheFox> i get that its about a mod or mods but why does it involve FTB? hey watch it Snowden i bite
L2075[23:08:11] <TheFox> if that was a actual question i will answer it though
L2076[23:08:59] <TheFox> ok, so we have 1 of 2 things down. i dont taste "acquired" but i still dont know what this FTB talk is about. anyone?
L2077[23:09:20] <TheFox> Saphire how have you been these past few days?
L2078[23:10:01] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54961FBC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L2079[23:10:10] <TheFox> hey welcome to chat
L2080[23:10:15] <Antheus> ...
L2081[23:10:28] <TheFox> whats wrong Antheus
L2082[23:10:56] <Saphire> hmmm?
L2083[23:11:08] <TheFox> ok, chats slowly coming back now
L2084[23:11:22] <TheFox> Saphire what was your "rant" about FTB, what did they do this time?
L2085[23:11:39] <Saphire> TheFox: you can assume that nobody is here unless someone says something
L2086[23:11:46] <Saphire> even if they just joined
L2087[23:12:03] <Saphire> because most people use bouncers to connect to IRC
L2088[23:12:04] <TheFox> yeah, still thought i would welcome them though
L2089[23:12:10] * Saphire shrugs
L2090[23:12:26] <TheFox> so what did FTB do this time?
L2091[23:12:39] <Saphire> NDA for their beta modpacks
L2092[23:12:58] <Temia> Seriously?
L2093[23:13:06] <Saphire> on the other news: whoops
L2094[23:13:08] <TheFox> just so where on the same page here "non disclosure agreement"?
L2095[23:13:41] <Saphire> https://m.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/4nxej2/ftb_just_opened_applications_for_their_beta/?utm_source=mweb_redirect&compact=true
L2096[23:13:52] <Saphire> whoops, mobile reddit
L2097[23:14:03] <Saphire> https://reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/4nxej2/ftb_just_opened_applications_for_their_beta/
L2098[23:14:11] <Saphire> here, fixed it for you
L2099[23:14:41] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L2100[23:14:43] <TheFox> nope its fine i am still on mobile
L2101[23:14:59] <TheFox> ok, so FTB is claiming there work as itellectual property
L2102[23:15:20] <TheFox> kinda makes since i mean microsoft did the same thing, thats why i use mac, IOS, Android, and Linux
L2103[23:15:24] <TheFox> NOT WINDOWS
L2104[23:15:48] <TheFox> although i still get stuck teaching people how to open the internet
L2105[23:15:55] <TheFox> ...
L2106[23:16:52] <TheFox> i saw something hillarious the other day, the Mcdonalds drive through sign BSOD'ed
L2107[23:17:11] ⇨ Joins: andreww (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L2108[23:17:21] <TheFox> that was funny just absouletly un believable, i didnt even know that it was possible
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L2110[23:19:38] <Saphire> it's pretty possible
L2111[23:19:56] <TheFox> i thought it was an embeded system not windows
L2112[23:20:11] <TheFox> then again i never did minimum wage IT work
L2113[23:20:15] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L2114[23:21:25] <TheFox> welp it was nice talking to yall again, i have to go now. i will see yall day after next
L2115[23:22:00] *** Ajloveslily is now known as Ajloveslily|Sleep
L2116[23:22:36] <snowden89> most point of sales use windows actually
L2117[23:23:04] <snowden89> and advertisement screens as well
L2118[23:23:19] <snowden89> as it is easier to just use a cheap windows pc with software
L2119[23:23:32] <snowden89> then build and make an embedded system to manage it
L2120[23:23:59] <snowden89> and work with a variety of addon hardware from paywave/eftpos/cash registers
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L2128[23:50:24] <Saphire> yay
L2129[23:50:38] <Saphire> messing around with the bootloader
L2130[23:58:40] <TheFox> welp, i guess i never left, what are you going to do to your bootloader
L2131[23:58:58] <Saphire> expanding the bootloader fs
L2132[23:59:27] <TheFox> is this a personal project? or what?
L2133[23:59:57] ⇦ Quits: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Remote host closed the connection)
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