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L1[00:00:05] ⇨ Joins: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
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L10[01:05:37] ⇦ Quits: Hyst (~cxsss1@CPE-124-189-12-66.iacz1.cht.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L11[01:10:38] <Skye> Morning
L12[01:24:38] ⇨ Joins: Kimiro (~MobileDra@199-7-159-57.eng.wind.ca)
L13[01:27:46] <Antheus> Oh my, its 1:10 AM
L14[01:30:33] <Izaya> Good time for dinner
L15[01:30:50] <Antheus> It would be if I didn't have to wake up at 5:45 AM
L16[01:30:55] <Kodos> I may or may not be eating a buffalo chicken and baby swiss sandwich atm
L17[01:31:21] <Antheus> Meh, I could just sleep in school
L18[01:31:41] <Antheus> 4/8 Classes are done for the year
L19[01:49:40] <asie> Sangar: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/aaa146c10da9869f59c97105411aa767d4712785
L20[02:16:01] <Kodos> "Fuck. I'm bored. Let's go break Forge" - Lex, probably
L21[02:21:35] ⇨ Joins: lperkins2 (~perkins@
L22[02:22:05] <lperkins2> Is there a way in OClua to get a count of the different types?
L23[02:22:23] <lperkins2> Number of strings, numbers and tables allocated
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L27[02:59:28] <Inari> again?
L28[03:07:10] <Kimiro> Lolwut
L29[03:10:35] <asie> Kodos: shitposting is fun!
L30[03:10:39] <asie> anyhow that's just what Sangar was looking for in 1.9
L31[03:10:42] <asie> loot tables
L32[03:24:23] <Kodos> In all seriousness, it looks interesting, and I'm curious to see what modders do with it
L33[03:24:36] <Kodos> Now I need to go watch 5 hours of Agents of Shield
L34[03:35:25] <Kodos> Can you put a transposer into a microcontroller? Or am I stuck using multiple upgrades
L35[03:41:54] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/B1JaleJ.jpg so it begins
L36[03:42:25] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L37[03:42:58] <Kodos> Erm, is that ESO?
L38[03:43:53] <Stary2001> oh hey Izaya
L39[03:44:03] <Izaya> yes it is
L40[03:46:53] <Stary2001> Izaya, did you get your AD pass sorted out
L41[03:47:01] <Izaya> uh
L42[03:47:08] * Izaya goes to find a way to open the link on Winderps
L43[03:47:16] <Stary2001> http://rdp.9net.org/rdweb
L44[03:47:59] <Stary2001> https even
L45[03:48:31] <Izaya> Error: Unable to display RD Web Access
L46[03:48:37] <Izaya> Do I need javashit enabled?
L47[03:52:23] <Stary2001> ...probably
L48[03:52:25] <Stary2001> blame MS
L49[03:52:40] <Stary2001> Izaya, you only need to grab the rdp file once
L50[03:52:58] <Izaya> what's the domain?
L51[03:53:13] <Kodos> http://i.imgur.com/6I3D74N.jpg
L52[03:54:27] <Stary2001> Izaya, 9net
L53[03:57:54] <Stary2001> welp gtg to english
L54[03:58:02] <Izaya> have 'fun'
L55[04:04:26] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Quit: There are those who live without living. Don't be one of those.)
L56[04:09:44] <Inari> in the morning we'll break up! </denglish>
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L58[04:13:49] <Lizzy> morning
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L60[04:22:11] *** alfw|Off is now known as alfw
L61[04:27:39] <Forecaster> marble
L62[04:37:28] <GreaseMonkey> Kodos: it's even better when you have to zoom in to get it at full res and you start scrolling it
L63[04:46:25] <Inari> meh, i dont like when mods put in a new ore but onyl spawn it in their special biome so its ahuge PITA to turn the huge biome into a swiss cheese to find the stupid ore, getting lots of other crap ores you already have tons of and are just in the way, since like any normal thing they spawn everywhere
L64[04:56:19] <g> You could grind up an MFE laser mining drill
L65[04:56:31] <g> MFR*
L66[04:56:44] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L67[04:57:05] <g> it's expensive but you'll end up with infinite amounts of every ore provided you can satiate its insane power requirements
L68[04:57:06] <g> :P
L69[04:58:13] <Inari> except thers no MFR :P
L70[04:58:33] <g> oh, you're using 1.9 or something?
L71[04:58:39] <Inari> ya
L72[04:59:28] ⇨ Joins: kremsy (~Lukas@cm56-201-86.liwest.at)
L73[04:59:31] <g> just another reason for me to stay on 1.7.10 then..
L74[04:59:41] <kremsy> yoyoyoyo guys
L75[04:59:57] <kremsy> if you connect 2 redstone IOs to a computer, how to adress them seperately
L76[04:59:59] <g> old-school rapper, eh
L77[05:00:02] <kremsy> before i just used component.redstone.
L78[05:00:05] <g> Using their addresses
L79[05:00:11] <g> ~w component api
L80[05:00:11] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:component
L81[05:00:35] <Inari> g: haha, well lots of mods are 1.9 already :p and the combat is muchnicer
L82[05:00:50] <g> Nothing in 1.8 or 1.9 has made me want to upgrade really
L83[05:01:01] <Sandra> you can use the analyzer to get the address of the component, and you can use component.list("redstone") to get a list of the redstone components.
L84[05:01:15] <Sandra> (i believe. (for the latter, 100% sure about the prior.))
L85[05:01:16] <g> and the fact that most of the mods I'm using haven't updated to either of those just gives me even more reason to stay back
L86[05:01:17] <g> :P
L87[05:01:39] <g> Sandra, yeah
L88[05:01:52] <g> then you'd do rs1 = component.proxy(address)
L89[05:01:54] <g> for example
L90[05:02:01] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L91[05:02:15] <Sandra> component.list() returns an iterator, actually.
L92[05:02:19] <Sandra> iirc.
L93[05:02:35] <g> that isn't helpful at all really
L94[05:02:43] <g> you almost always need to know which I/O you're using
L95[05:03:16] <g> so explicit addresses are the way to go
L96[05:03:28] <kremsy> but the whole adress?
L97[05:03:31] <kremsy> takes ages to type xD
L98[05:03:33] ⇨ Joins: reinei (~reinei@p508070D4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L99[05:03:35] <Sandra> unfortunately.
L100[05:03:37] <Sandra> yeah.
L101[05:03:38] <g> just copy it with the analyzer
L102[05:03:43] <g> and paste it
L103[05:03:55] <Sandra> oh you can c/p with analyzer?
L104[05:03:59] <Sandra> that's cool.
L105[05:04:00] <g> yeah, just click the address in chat
L106[05:05:04] <kremsy> how to paste, if i have that thing in my hand i cant acess the keyboard anymore
L107[05:06:08] <g> ...
L108[05:06:12] <g> did you read what I said?
L109[05:06:17] <g> click the address in chat
L110[05:06:20] <g> and just paste normally
L111[05:07:13] <kremsy> cant click there^^
L112[05:07:19] <g> yeah you can
L113[05:08:35] <Sandra> you... press t.
L114[05:08:41] <Sandra> then click the address.
L115[05:08:57] <kremsy> ah ye me dump, the game chat
L116[05:08:59] <kremsy> i copied it xD
L117[05:09:08] <kremsy> ctrl v doesnt work for paste
L118[05:09:30] <g> yeah, use insert
L119[05:11:12] <kremsy> me confused :D
L120[05:11:23] <g> insert? the key??
L121[05:11:29] <g> you have a keyboard right?
L122[05:11:30] <g> :P
L123[05:11:42] <kremsy> got it thanks xD
L124[05:11:46] <kremsy> actually never used that key in my life :D
L125[05:11:54] <g> Now you have :P
L126[05:14:37] <Lizzy> "<kremsy> takes ages to type xD" use component.proxy( component.get( "FIRST-FEW-LETTERS") )
L127[05:16:37] <kremsy> i thought thers smth possible like that xD
L128[05:16:41] <kremsy> frogto about the component.get
L129[05:16:42] <kremsy> thanks^^
L130[05:17:47] <Lizzy> ooh, just seen a user on the forums with an IPv6 address, cool
L131[05:20:09] <Izaya> ^
L132[05:20:11] <Izaya> wait
L133[05:20:15] <kremsy> hmm sad that the adapter doesnt support the item loader of railcrqaft, guess need todo it over redstone^^
L134[05:20:18] <Izaya> >.> scrolling
L135[05:21:09] <Lizzy> kremsy, ?
L136[05:22:15] <kremsy> well i thought maybe the advanced item loader has some controlelrs which cant be accessed over the adapter^^
L137[05:23:35] <Lizzy> all the RC intergration is added by Computronics, Though IIRC Vexatos didn't want to make other ways of doing stuff obsolete so you can't do anything and everything with OC
L138[05:24:25] <kremsy> but the adapter is from OC right?
L139[05:24:34] <Lizzy> yes
L140[05:24:59] <kremsy> my question was just why does the adapter not support the adv item loader of railcraft
L141[05:25:00] <kremsy> ^^
L142[05:26:10] <Lizzy> because OC would have to integrate RC's api or vice-versa, neither currently do so Computronics bridges the gap for it. Would probably be something to suggest ot Vex
L143[05:27:07] <kremsy> hmm ok
L144[05:27:25] <kremsy> so just doing with computronics redstone I/O is the best way
L145[05:27:32] <Lizzy> ?
L146[05:28:00] <kremsy> or is there smth else in computronics to use^^
L147[05:28:04] <kremsy> doesnt matter^^
L148[05:28:57] <Lizzy> if you want to see what in the loader's inventory, put an inventory controller upgrade in an adapter next to it, for redstone either use normal stuff or a redstone ioblock
L149[05:32:16] * KittyKath pokes Lizzy
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L209[05:32:41] <Lizzy> KittyKath, yes?
L210[05:32:44] <Lizzy> oh wow
L211[05:32:47] <KittyKath> Lizzy: You poked me.
L212[05:33:12] <reinei> what just happened there?!
L213[05:33:14] <Lizzy> i did? OH! yeah some people were asking about the OETF website
L214[05:33:18] <Lizzy> reinei, netsplit
L215[05:35:00] <KittyKath> Lizzy: Ah, yeah no idea if I have a copy anywhere.
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L277[05:40:58] *** anarchy.esper.net sets mode: +vov SuPeRMiNoR2 zsh EnderBot2
L278[05:41:01] <EnderBot2> Ohai there Lizzy
L279[05:41:03] <Izaya> holy fuck
L280[05:41:08] <reinei> unsplit xD
L281[05:41:16] <kremsy> so i thought a digital dector could be handy if you would have methods, getInventory and stuff
L282[05:43:36] <kremsy> are the normal detctors like the item detector methodcallable via adapters?
L283[05:44:18] <Sandra> from... railcraft?
L284[05:44:26] <kremsy> ye
L285[05:44:29] ⇦ Parts: kremsy (~Lukas@cm56-201-86.liwest.at) (Leaving))
L286[05:44:30] <Sandra> check.
L287[05:44:41] ⇨ Joins: kremsy (~Lukas@cm56-201-86.liwest.at)
L288[05:44:44] <kremsy> have i been kicked? xD
L289[05:47:46] <Snapples> you could join the Discord chat, so you can read the backlog without being kicked/disconnected by IRC.
L290[05:49:38] <Lizzy> kremsy, no, you left
L291[05:50:28] <Lizzy> and the digital detector is for detecting the passing carts/trains, it can't get any more data other than what's on the Computronics wiki (which i added at the weekend)
L292[05:56:09] <Inari> https://imgur.com/gallery/E2vSzlv haha
L293[05:58:16] <Inari> https://i.imgur.com/2tfoHR4.jpg
L294[06:02:15] <reinei> How did I know it would be Inari posting that second picutre?
L295[06:02:23] <Inari> :p
L296[06:05:44] <Inari> https://i.imgur.com/zFKeMn5.jpg
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L299[06:08:40] <Kodos> MRW I realize 'stressed' spelled backwards is desserts...
L300[06:09:36] <reinei> mmh desserts xD
L301[06:11:38] ⇨ Joins: Xilandro (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:8095:2b95:b17a:4e70)
L302[06:11:38] zsh sets mode: +v on Xilandro
L303[06:13:31] <Xilandro> Okay, my new goal is to make something like this https://youtu.be/Z9Zuj0U3puI?t=10m27s
L304[06:13:32] <MichiBot> [Minecraft] [FTB Ultimate] Fusion Power Plant | length: 24m 26s | Likes: 605 Dislikes: 23 Views: 30908 | by Thorinair
L305[06:13:35] <Xilandro> Only for OC, obviously
L306[06:13:57] <reinei> is that a reik_a fusion plant?
L307[06:14:01] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:8095:2b95:b17a:4e70) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L308[06:14:02] <Inari> https://i.imgur.com/fkiREfX.png haha
L309[06:14:04] <reinei> cannot be bothered to lcikc
L310[06:14:05] <Xilandro> Nah, GT Fusion Reactor
L311[06:14:11] <Xilandro> From 1.4.7
L312[06:14:32] <Inari> Oo
L313[06:14:50] <Inari> thats a damn pretty software there
L314[06:14:55] <Xilandro> Right?
L315[06:16:28] <reinei> but OC has native utf-8, right?
L316[06:16:57] <Xilandro> Uses a new font afaik
L317[06:17:04] <Xilandro> Sleep time though~
L318[06:17:17] <reinei> doesn't matter, utf-8 = way better display capabilities xD
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L322[06:37:54] <asie> hi Sangar
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L325[06:45:30] <Inari> https://i.imgur.com/i2SeA1P.jpg *shakes head* peopel...
L326[07:22:48] <Snapples> No.
L327[07:31:53] * Izaya is really tired today
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L330[07:35:41] <S3> So!
L331[07:35:52] <S3> Did you guys pre order your GTX 1080 yet?
L332[07:36:15] <S3> It handles the minimum requirements of minecraft
L333[07:36:23] <S3> with no mods
L334[07:38:07] <Izaya> whoa
L335[07:38:09] <g> don't worry, mojang will find a way to make it obsolete before it releases
L336[07:38:11] <Izaya> impressive
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L338[07:41:04] <S3> I don't know if I have enough space on my beaglebone to sync the package repos
L339[07:41:24] <S3> lists*
L340[07:43:04] <S3> all I know is that I need to compile that program
L341[07:43:09] <S3> and I don't have time
L342[07:43:46] <S3> OMG this nut
L343[07:44:00] <S3> she took like 15 tries to park in our parking lot
L344[07:44:18] <S3> just squeeze it in and be done with it
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L352[08:03:15] * Inari hats g
L353[08:03:42] * vifino groans and curls up on Lizzy
L354[08:06:08] <Inari> i left a positive review on a vn/anime game and now steam throws all the anime/vn games at me x.x
L355[08:06:14] <Stary2001> gj
L356[08:06:41] <Inari> ii hope we'll have recommendation algorithms that can understand the content of a review someday
L357[08:06:41] <Inari> :P
L358[08:07:09] <vifino> Inari: "Not enough loli"
L359[08:07:40] <Inari> eh, i have specific tastes :P and in the review i said "I don't usually like/play many VNs" or something liek that
L360[08:11:32] <reinei> Inari, same for me, but i didn't review it, I just bought it
L361[08:12:00] <reinei> but you reviewed this, so SURELY you must love all of this!
L362[08:12:45] * Lizzy pets vifino
L363[08:13:19] <Inari> reinei: yeah, it was an odd vn that managed to fit my tastes pretty well haha
L364[08:13:32] <Inari> i wonder if they fixed the queue stuff yet
L365[08:13:49] <Inari> i recall getting recommendations based on games i've seen in the discovery queue, even if i put them on "not interested"
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L368[08:35:04] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/nYggKeP.png
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L371[08:56:50] ⇨ Joins: Vex|Mobile (Vexatos@eduroam-pool8-127.wlan.uni-bremen.de)
L372[08:57:16] <Vex|Mobile> Hello from this tiny keyboard
L373[08:57:46] <Vex|Mobile> %tell gamax92 Potato.
L374[08:57:47] <MichiBot> Vex|Mobile: gamax92 will be notified of this message when next seen.
L375[08:57:51] <gamax92> hi
L376[08:57:55] <Vex|Mobile> hmm
L377[08:57:57] <Vex|Mobile> hi
L378[08:59:32] <Vex|Mobile> just sitting here, waiting for my partner to arrive to doing homework *sigh*
L379[09:03:22] *** Gavle|Away is now known as Gavle
L380[09:03:52] * Lizzy is working on her signal controoler
L381[09:04:15] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by DragonBoots)))
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L383[09:05:18] * gamax92 is working on homework
L384[09:05:21] <Izaya> I'm just sitting here procrastinating instead of doing homework
L385[09:05:40] <Vex|Mobile> I need to fix rotation on 1.9 (asie halp) and remember everything to do after merging gamax92's PR once it is done
L386[09:05:50] <gamax92> There's a PR up
L387[09:06:05] <Vex|Mobile> finished
L388[09:06:15] <Vex|Mobile> You said it wasn't
L389[09:06:51] <asie> Vex|Mobile: (haw abawt naw)
L390[09:06:51] <gamax92> for the most part, was getting some odd stupid issues that I'll probably look into ... after homework and turning it in.
L391[09:07:01] <asie> (i don't have such prawblems)
L392[09:07:24] <Vex|Mobile> asie: No clue why it happens
L393[09:07:28] <asie> same
L394[09:07:33] <asie> i don't even get what your problem is it's just rotation
L395[09:07:33] <Gavle> Here we go
L396[09:07:35] <Vex|Mobile> and ony in your hand
L398[09:07:45] <Gavle> My phone was being weird
L399[09:07:45] <gamax92> mainly certain sounds in my music player don't seem to work and one song was causing it to jump back into old audio data
L400[09:07:47] <asie> BECAUSE 1.9 REWROTE HAND RENDERING
L401[09:07:49] <asie> HOW HARD IS THAT
L402[09:07:57] <Vex|Mobile> 90 degree turn
L403[09:07:59] <asie> Charset has a lot of hand-written quaternions
L404[09:08:02] <asie> it's normal
L405[09:08:07] <asie> well, hand-written rotations
L406[09:08:07] <gamax92> mmm, Charset
L407[09:08:09] <Vex|Mobile> yea but
L408[09:08:10] <asie> changed to quaternions with a converter
L409[09:08:11] <Gavle> Ok, so, I have a question
L410[09:08:14] <Vex|Mobile> I cannot fix it
L411[09:08:16] <asie> Yes you can
L412[09:08:19] <asie> Just add transforms
L413[09:08:22] <asie> how hard is it
L414[09:08:29] <Vex|Mobile> I tried rotating manually based on view
L415[09:08:33] <asie> based on what?
L416[09:08:44] <gamax92> Vex|Mobile: you did see what I did to the audio playback though, right? :)
L417[09:08:44] <Gavle> Is OpenOS released under a particular license?
L418[09:08:52] <Vex|Mobile> i.e. firstperson-righthand etc
L419[09:09:02] <asie> yeah
L420[09:09:07] <asie> well it works fine for me
L421[09:09:10] <asie> not sure what you getting at
L422[09:09:38] <Vex|Mobile> gamax92, I did
L423[09:10:22] <Gavle> So, is OpenOS licensed?
L424[09:10:37] <gamax92> Gavle: it'd fall under OpenComputer's general license
L425[09:10:41] <Vex|Mobile> asie: I am not using any ISBM, only standard models
L426[09:10:50] <gamax92> Gavle: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/LICENSE
L427[09:10:53] <Gavle> Ok, thank you gamax92
L428[09:11:57] <asie> Vex|Mobile: still no idea what you mean
L429[09:12:02] <asie> i had no problems porting to 1.9
L430[09:12:11] <Vex|Mobile> asie: thing is, it does not happen in your inv or in block form and there is nothing in my base models that is not in some MC model
L431[09:12:16] <Vex|Mobile> those all work
L432[09:12:21] <Vex|Mobile> but mine do not
L433[09:13:03] <Gavle> Gamax92, thank you very much for your help
L434[09:13:12] <asie> https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/blob/1.9/src/main/resources/assets/computronics/models/block/base_cube.json
L435[09:13:13] <Vex|Mobile> I can probably fix it
L436[09:13:13] <Gavle> You have improved my playing hand significantly
L437[09:13:27] <Vex|Mobile> but I would like to know what I am doing weong
L438[09:13:32] <Vex|Mobile> wrong*
L439[09:13:35] <asie> you don't need "parent": "block/block"
L440[09:13:39] <asie> i actually think it's deterimental
L441[09:13:43] <asie> as transforms are determined by"transform": "forge:default-block"
L442[09:14:03] <Vex|Mobile> I did try removing it
L443[09:14:09] <Vex|Mobile> did not do a thing
L444[09:14:09] <reinei> hey Vex|Mobile are potion ids actual 32 bit integers at least?
L445[09:14:22] <reinei> or at least bigger than 8 bits?
L446[09:14:26] <gamax92> oh, am finished now.
L447[09:14:36] * gamax92 goes to pull up eclipse and look for issues
L448[09:14:55] <Vex|Mobile> ewwclipse
L449[09:15:03] <asie> Vex|Mobile: you know what's funny
L450[09:15:04] <gamax92> 2bad
L451[09:15:05] <asie> i don't actually use that transform
L452[09:15:08] <asie> "inventory": [{
L453[09:15:10] <asie> "transform": "forge:default-block"
L454[09:15:12] <asie> }],
L455[09:15:14] <asie> that's how i do it
L456[09:15:22] <gamax92> Thats how we do it in here?
L457[09:15:24] <asie> also "uvlock": false, no idea why
L458[09:15:27] <Vex|Mobile> and no transform at all otherwise?
L459[09:15:32] <asie> oh pipes
L460[09:15:34] <asie> Vex|Mobile: yeah
L461[09:15:38] <asie> because you don't need it for in-world blocks
L462[09:15:41] <asie> though you /can/ have it
L463[09:15:41] <Vex|Mobile> ok
L464[09:15:45] <Vex|Mobile> gtg now
L465[09:15:47] <Vex|Mobile> bye
L466[09:15:47] <gamax92> Vex|Mobile: fortunately for me I have a software oscilloscope setup
L467[09:15:51] <gamax92> oh, bye
L468[09:16:10] ⇦ Quits: Vex|Mobile (Vexatos@eduroam-pool8-127.wlan.uni-bremen.de) (Quit: TurboIRC for iOS. Available at the App Store.)
L469[09:16:23] <Temia> Mooo.
L470[09:16:28] * Lizzy pets Temia
L471[09:16:28] <gamax92> hai Temia
L472[09:16:38] * Temia leans into pets. =w= tailswishes.
L473[09:16:50] <reinei> o/ Temia
L474[09:16:52] *** Gavle is now known as Gavle|Away
L475[09:16:56] <Temia> \o
L476[09:17:59] <Temia> Gamaaaax, do you happen to have an example of the chiptunes using StreamingAudioPlayer? :o I'm cuuurious
L477[09:18:57] <gamax92> Uhh, I could record another
L478[09:19:22] <Temia> :D
L479[09:20:30] ⇨ Joins: Dimensional (~kvirc@
L480[09:20:51] <gamax92> also clear not working .-.
L481[09:21:00] <Temia> D:
L482[09:23:12] <gamax92> hmm odd ... there's still previous audio data here.
L483[09:23:32] <gamax92> asie, you still here?
L484[09:23:59] <asie> no
L485[09:24:32] <gamax92> asie: okay, when using StreamingAudioPlayer, how much previous data does it retain?
L486[09:24:40] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L487[09:25:02] <asie> 1 second?
L488[09:25:42] <gamax92> does all the data I put into it have the be the same size or is variable sized byte array's fine
L489[09:26:33] <gamax92> oh I see, there's a BUFFER_PACKETS
L490[09:27:22] <Saphire> hey
L491[09:27:30] <asie> StreamingAudioPlayer is bad though
L492[09:27:34] <asie> i am iterating on my Charset implementation slowly
L493[09:27:42] <gamax92> that uses the same configuration as that tape drive ... oh dear.
L494[09:27:47] <asie> yes i warned you
L495[09:27:49] <asie> :P
L496[09:27:56] <asie> charset is going to get its own audio system, most likely
L497[09:28:02] <asie> using streamingaudioplayer for sound cards is a Bad IDea
L498[09:28:02] <gamax92> Well, until that happens ... :P
L499[09:28:11] <asie> also mine will be 1.9+ only
L500[09:28:13] <gamax92> hey, the previous solution was worse
L501[09:28:48] <Temia> Ah, the fun of collaborative coding
L502[09:29:31] <gamax92> asie: Vex was trying to wait until a certain delay passed to play the next chunk of audio hoping that it'd line up with the previous bit
L503[09:32:45] *** Kimiro is now known as CB|Away
L504[09:37:41] <Skye> Afternoon
L505[09:38:09] <Lizzy> o/
L506[09:38:19] <Skye> \o
L507[09:38:47] <Stary2001> o/
L508[09:40:42] <Lizzy> \o
L509[09:40:47] <reinei> o/
L510[09:40:55] <vifino> \o
L511[09:41:12] <Skye> o/
L512[09:41:32] <Lizzy> \o
L513[09:42:31] <Skye> o/
L514[09:42:44] <gamax92> fuck your chain
L515[09:42:51] <Inari> /°
L516[09:43:13] * Skye stabs gamax92 with a rusty chain
L517[09:44:53] * Skye turns Inari upside down
L518[09:47:13] <Inari> o/
L519[09:47:13] <Skye> asie: is there a language that is low level like C and is sutible for the same low level things yet is simpler to learn and understand?
L520[09:47:37] <Inari> i thought C was the epitome of simple
L521[09:47:48] <Stary2001> sort of
L522[09:51:49] <payonel> imo c is not simple, lua is simple
L523[09:51:57] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@hsi-kbw-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L524[09:53:31] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
L525[09:55:50] <payonel> Skye: what language do you know the best?
L526[09:58:30] <gamax92> I don't get it.
L527[09:58:59] <gamax92> why does this song want to keep jumping to old data
L528[10:04:27] <S3> wtf..
L529[10:04:38] <S3> I have 100MB of disk space left on my beaglebone
L530[10:04:43] <S3> but I am out of disk space
L531[10:04:51] <S3> I am 100% out of inodes.
L532[10:05:28] <Lizzy> lol
L533[10:05:39] <Lizzy> ~oc eeprom
L534[10:05:39] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:eeprom
L535[10:06:00] <Snapples> Why are there even inodes
L536[10:07:00] <S3> inodes are fine, but the thing is, ext has a fixed count of them
L537[10:07:01] <S3> which is dumb
L538[10:07:36] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-25-106-99.as13285.net)
L539[10:08:52] ⇦ Quits: rikai (~quassel@rekd.net) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
L540[10:09:09] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@188-23-114-102.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
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L542[10:10:21] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L543[10:11:38] ⇦ Quits: Dimensional (~kvirc@ (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L544[10:11:40] <Michiyo> s3, I had 1 500gb disk, with like 1.5 mil inodes... disk usage was like 30% and I was out of inodes... stupid fucking vm providers
L545[10:12:42] <gamax92> this song must be haunted.
L546[10:16:34] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
L547[10:18:10] <gamax92> oh dammit XD
L548[10:18:15] <gamax92> I had only one channel going
L549[10:18:48] <gamax92> Temia: I will have song soon ... after I go to drop off homework.
L550[10:19:15] <gamax92> everything except that one song sounds fine
L551[10:22:27] <Temia> That one song?
L552[10:35:48] <Michiyo> Woooo November 18
L553[10:35:52] <Michiyo> needs to hurry up...
L554[10:38:32] * Magik6k did a thing that takes 5min to load
L555[10:38:33] <Magik6k> https://lupi.magik6k.net/
L556[10:40:40] <Lizzy> Magik6k, minecraft?
L557[10:40:45] <Magik6k> nah
L558[10:42:46] <Magik6k> https://assets.magik6k.net/screenshoots/1462894948.png
L559[10:42:49] <Magik6k> heh
L560[10:49:38] <Magik6k> umm, derp, forgot to do 1 thing
L561[10:50:13] <Magik6k> (switch keyboard layout back to qwerty)
L562[10:51:48] <payonel> Michiyo: nov 18?
L563[10:56:47] ⇨ Joins: kremsy (~Lukas@cm56-201-86.liwest.at)
L564[11:19:43] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L565[11:28:22] <kremsy> how to make a cyclic 1s endless loop?
L566[11:28:57] <Magik6k> while true do --[[ your stuff ]] end
L567[11:29:04] <kremsy> is it automatically 1s?
L568[11:29:04] <Magik6k> kremsy, ^
L569[11:29:23] <Magik6k> no, you need to add os.sleep(1) at end
L570[11:29:31] <kremsy> or doesnt it mater for performance anyways
L571[11:29:44] <kremsy> ah ye and how to stop the script if its ruinning endless in the openos?
L572[11:29:46] <Magik6k> it probably does
L573[11:30:15] <Magik6k> depending on what it does, probably ctrl-c or ctrl-alt-c
L574[11:30:27] <kremsy> just have a print in a while xD
L575[11:30:30] <kremsy> cant stop that thingy xD
L576[11:30:41] <kremsy> ctrl c ctrl alt c doesnt work both
L577[11:30:48] <Magik6k> if there is no sleep reboot the computer
L578[11:31:08] <Magik6k> ctrl-c works on event.pull/os.sleep
L579[11:31:08] <kremsy> ok i restart
L580[11:31:11] <kremsy> ok
L581[11:31:25] <Magik6k> even os.sleep(0) iirc
L582[11:31:50] <kremsy> hmm ctrl c doesnt work for me even with sleep
L583[11:32:05] <Magik6k> btw printing without uses more power
L584[11:32:20] <kremsy> ok^^
L585[11:32:25] <Magik6k> dunno then, I havent been playing with OC since few months
L586[11:32:31] <kremsy> hmm ok xD
L587[11:32:35] <kremsy> annoying to always reboot
L588[11:32:43] <kremsy> and what if you want run multiple scripts
L589[11:32:51] <payonel> you can try crtl+alt+c
L590[11:32:58] <kremsy> hmm maybe the rc api does that
L591[11:33:09] <kremsy> ah ye ctrl alt c worked now
L592[11:33:18] <payonel> kremsy: lua does not have preemptive threading. if you want multiple script, they must yield
L593[11:33:41] <Magik6k> plan9k is close to it ;p
L594[11:34:08] <Magik6k> maybe because most methods yield
L595[11:34:33] <kremsy> with yielad you mean, making a loop, calling all subscripts than in that one loop
L596[11:34:42] <kremsy> im not familar yet with lua^^ but okay
L597[11:35:16] <Snapples> Yield
L598[11:35:36] <Skye> Magik6k, how do I start the download again on the lupi website?
L599[11:35:49] <Magik6k> Skye, browswer?
L600[11:35:54] <Skye> chrome
L601[11:36:15] <Magik6k> use incognito, cache is broken for some weird reason
L602[11:36:25] <Magik6k> FF works
L603[11:37:06] <g> https://i.imgur.com/UPvQeEz.jpg
L604[11:37:07] <g> this is great
L605[11:37:08] <g> xD
L606[11:40:08] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L607[11:40:36] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA7334C6279691D4A03C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L608[11:40:37] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L609[11:40:48] <Magik6k> Vexatos, o/
L610[11:40:51] <Michiyo> payonel, Pokemon Sun and Moon release date
L611[11:41:27] <payonel> kremsy: ctrl+c sends an event, "terminated"
L612[11:42:00] <payonel> ctrl+alt+c raises an abort on the current thread
L613[11:42:05] <payonel> with the message "terminated"
L614[11:42:52] <Magik6k> payonel, btw how does threading work in OpenOS?
L615[11:42:55] <payonel> also, hi Magik6k :)
L616[11:43:02] <Magik6k> ohai
L617[11:43:10] <payonel> Magik6k: via process meta data
L618[11:43:34] <payonel> /lib/process.lua holds a list of thread metadata, intercepting coroutine calls
L619[11:43:42] <Magik6k> and where is context switching implemented?
L620[11:44:13] <payonel> any call to metadata goes through process.info(nil) which uses current running thread
L621[11:46:50] <gamax92> Temia: yes, that one song ... is evil
L622[11:46:51] <kremsy> would be cool to have the possability to run multiple lua scripts in the future
L623[11:46:53] <gamax92> (turrican)
L624[11:47:42] <gamax92> I have idea though, could possibly be trying to use channels that don't exist and ... maybe it's silently crashing? dunno
L625[11:47:57] <gamax92> there's no check in the song player though, realized this.
L626[11:48:15] <gamax92> there's also no check in the api, which I should add
L627[11:48:19] <gamax92> Vexatos: D:<
L628[11:51:35] <gamax92> also could add in foundation for buffer size limit and delay limit
L629[11:55:04] <gamax92> if it were somehow silently crashing when generating data ... then it would have put nothing into the stream ... and it runs out of data, and then it actually gets valid data, and then it starts using old data!
L630[11:55:06] <gamax92> (maybe)
L631[11:57:23] <gamax92> Also today was not the day to turn in homework, was tomorrow, but whatever I just email'd him scans and turned it into his office
L632[12:00:40] <Lizzy> HOME TIME!!!
L633[12:01:39] <Vexatos> asie, it doesn't work :(
L634[12:02:25] <gamax92> Vexatos: would it okay if I added checks to all of the lua api to make sure the channel number is in range
L635[12:02:38] <Vexatos> I was going to do that anyway
L636[12:02:44] <gamax92> Well too bad D:<
L637[12:02:45] <Vexatos> I need to foolproof the hell out of that
L638[12:02:54] <gamax92> mine D:<
L639[12:03:38] <gamax92> though while StreamingBlahPlayer is nice and makes the sound continuous, it's also kinda comes with its own issues ...
L640[12:04:40] <gamax92> I have to clear the buffer if it hasn't been used in a while ..., and also have the server send things ahead of time a little bit
L641[12:05:18] <gamax92> lol Sangar I see that thumbs up.
L642[12:13:22] <Magik6k> Vexatos, https://lupi.magik6k.net/ (note that it may take 2-10min to start depending on potato level :p)
L643[12:13:37] <potato> i'm level 81
L644[12:13:50] <potato> wait no!
L645[12:13:51] <potato> 83
L646[12:14:03] <potato> Magik6k: what is this
L647[12:14:57] <Magik6k> OpenComputers emulator(LuPI) running on Linux running in v86 emulator running in javascript in browser
L648[12:15:02] <Magik6k> potato, ^
L649[12:15:34] <payonel> Magik6k: that is magnificent
L650[12:20:27] <payonel> where is the LuPI source?
L651[12:21:35] <Magik6k> payonel, https://github.com/StarChasers/LuPI2
L652[12:23:08] <Vexatos> asie :(
L653[12:24:16] <payonel> Magik6k: for step 6 listed on that readme.md, it suggests plan9k. is there any reason it can't be any oc compatible os? e.g. openos?
L654[12:25:12] <Magik6k> not translating some input codes in events from vt52/100
L655[12:25:35] <payonel> ah, ok
L656[12:27:47] <Magik6k> Input in LuPI is basically stub code that passes stdin for now
L657[12:28:04] <Magik6k> Network also needs some work
L658[12:31:06] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by DragonBoots)))
L659[12:31:19] ⇨ Joins: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net)
L660[12:38:24] * Lizzy is home
L661[12:39:03] * gamax92 puts a ribbon in Lizzy's hair
L662[12:40:18] * Lizzy thanks gamax92
L663[12:54:22] <Inari> i hate when songs get censored and you just hear "f---" or "sh----", just breaks the flow of the lyircs x.x
L664[12:54:42] <Inari> (---- being just silence, not beeps)
L665[12:54:54] <g> Yeah, it works better with, eg, forget you/fuck you
L666[12:55:10] <Inari> hm?
L667[12:55:29] <g> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc0mxOXbWIU
L668[12:55:29] <MichiBot> CeeLo Green - FUCK YOU (Official Video) | length: 3m 54s | Likes: 595768 Dislikes: 12998 Views: 82047930 | by CeeLo Green
L669[12:55:35] <g> on the radio/etc, this was "forget you"
L670[12:56:52] <g> they even re-did the video
L671[12:57:08] <Inari> that... doesnte ven sound like it would make any kind of sense
L672[12:57:23] <g> It doesn't, really, but you don't lose the rhythm
L673[12:57:42] <Inari> hearing weird text that doesnt fit kinda hurts the rhythm too i think xD
L674[12:58:31] <Inari> the tabs are finally decreasgin \o/
L675[12:59:17] <Inari> (still doing that thing where i started with 1 song and opened all songs in "related videos" that i know and at least not idslike... and then keep doing that (close the one you listened to, next tab, listen, open related songs that you havent listened to yet, you dont dislike and you know)
L676[12:59:23] <Inari> for a while it just kept getting more tabs haha
L677[12:59:45] <vifino> YAY
L678[12:59:50] * vifino throws himself at Lizzy
L679[12:59:54] * Inari slaps vifino with Lizzy
L680[12:59:54] * vifino breaks Inari like a toothpick
L681[12:59:59] <Inari> :<
L682[13:00:06] <KittyKath> Nuuu not Inari!
L683[13:00:10] <Inari> why would you break a toothpick
L684[13:00:23] <KittyKath> Anger issues.
L685[13:00:41] <vifino> -_-
L686[13:01:05] * Inari growth huge like a toothpick and crushes vifino
L687[13:02:08] * vifino pets Inari
L688[13:02:40] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@hsi-kbw-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L689[13:02:43] * Inari bites
L690[13:03:53] * Lizzy falls over
L691[13:05:48] <kremsy> whats the error too many components are connected to this computer
L692[13:07:24] <Mimiru> It means too many components are connected to the computer.
L693[13:07:28] <Inari> too many components are connected to the computer
L694[13:07:36] <Mimiru> each CPU has a limit of how many components can be connected at any time
L695[13:07:45] <kremsy> ah i see need to upgrade cpu
L696[13:07:49] <payonel> kremsy: http://ocdoc.cil.li/item:cpu
L697[13:07:58] <kremsy> thanks
L698[13:08:03] <payonel> T1=8, T2=12, T3=16
L699[13:23:16] <kremsy> alright now the fun begins, got two pcs with 2 wirless network cards :D
L700[13:35:18] <kremsy> is there also a none blocking way of receiving network messages
L701[13:36:24] ⇦ Parts: kremsy (~Lukas@cm56-201-86.liwest.at) (Leaving))
L702[13:36:48] <KittyKath> You ain't gonna find out by just leaving.
L703[13:37:27] <gamax92> silly person.
L704[13:37:54] ⇨ Joins: kremsy (~Lukas@cm56-201-86.liwest.at)
L705[13:38:52] <KittyKath> kremsy: Are you using a proper client?
L706[13:41:03] <kremsy> just using the snipped from the mdoem component^^
L707[13:41:16] <KittyKath> So no.
L708[13:41:21] <kremsy> is it a mistake in the snipped or does each pc using a own port?
L709[13:41:50] <kremsy> what you mean with propper client?
L710[13:42:08] <KittyKath> A proper IRC client.
L711[13:42:10] <Inari> "CTCP VERSION reply from kremsy [~Lukas@cm56-201-86.liwest.at]: HexChat 2.9.6 [x64] / Windows 8 [3.32GHz]" :p silly people, asking, psh.
L712[13:42:15] <kremsy> ah irc
L713[13:42:19] <kremsy> hexchat
L714[13:42:31] <kremsy> but sometimes if i maximize minecraft it throws me out of the channel
L715[13:42:34] <kremsy> must be a shortcut
L716[13:42:40] <KittyKath> Windows(TM)?
L717[13:42:55] <Inari> it says so o.o
L718[13:43:36] <payonel> kremsy: you can register an event handler
L719[13:43:39] <KittyKath> Inari: The question was rather if it's a Windows-specific problem. I wouldn't know, I haven't used Winderps for years.
L720[13:43:48] <Inari> :p
L721[13:44:09] <Inari> instead you're using linderps?
L722[13:44:15] <KittyKath> Yup
L723[13:44:52] <payonel> kremsy: http://ocdoc.cil.li/api:event
L724[13:44:55] <payonel> see event.listen
L725[13:45:44] <Inari> KittyKath: linux will die by 2020 anyways
L726[13:45:52] <KittyKath> Inari: Cool
L727[13:46:04] <payonel> one could add event.listen("modem_message", function(...) print("modem message received") end)
L728[13:46:32] <Inari> according to https://xkcd.com/1508/ anyway
L729[13:46:40] <kremsy> got themesage at least
L730[13:46:42] <Inari> well not "die"
L731[13:46:50] <Inari> but oyu get the idea
L732[13:46:50] <Inari> :P
L733[13:46:54] <kremsy> but it still blocks until an event appears
L734[13:47:02] <kremsy> oh wait yours is just a closure, than it continues?
L735[13:47:02] <payonel> event.listen does not block
L736[13:47:22] <CompanionCube> Inari, the only problem with that
L737[13:47:34] <CompanionCube> is the implication of GNU/HURD even achieving actual usage
L738[13:47:40] <Inari> i was actualyl trying to fin da different xkcd
L739[13:47:42] <Inari> but coudltn recall its name
L740[13:47:43] <Inari> :3
L741[13:47:50] <KittyKath> Inari: No that's just what the XKCD guy uses. I'll only go even more crazy and switch to GentPleaseKillMeNow or one of the BSDs as to annoy the fuck out of asie.
L742[13:48:01] <kremsy> is it possible on event.listen to access local fields from the closure?
L743[13:48:09] <Inari> KittyKath: use the original bsd tests :D
L744[13:48:17] <KittyKath> Inari: Nah
L745[13:48:20] <payonel> kremsy: yes
L746[13:48:21] <Inari> :<
L747[13:48:24] <Inari> hm
L748[13:48:26] * CompanionCube would most likely be using an OS styled in the form of Genera
L749[13:48:34] <Inari> genera?
L750[13:48:55] <CompanionCube> basically, an OS where everything was written in a single languge
L751[13:49:00] <payonel> kremsy: closures are actually tables of data that are created for the function code chunk, and hold refs
L752[13:49:03] <CompanionCube> and you could view / modify all of the system's code
L753[13:49:03] <KittyKath> payonel: Lua closures? Actual closures or just anonymous functions?
L754[13:49:14] <asie> KittyKath: What?
L755[13:49:15] <Inari> CompanionCube: that would be cool :p
L756[13:49:17] <asie> I used NetBSD and OpenBSD both.
L757[13:49:24] <asie> In fact, I'm typing from OpenBSD on a VPS right now!
L758[13:49:29] <KittyKath> CompanionCube: So Linux if people would stop using shitty languages?
L759[13:49:39] <asie> He means modify live.
L760[13:49:42] <asie> So something like the Smalltalk VM?
L761[13:49:48] <CompanionCube> pretty much
L762[13:49:48] <asie> Or a FORTH/LISP Machine?
L763[13:50:03] <CompanionCube> Smalltalk VMs / LISP machines are surprisingly similar in that area
L764[13:50:42] <CompanionCube> the main difference imho is that a Lisp machine has hardware specially designed / used for the task
L765[13:50:50] <vifino> KittyKath: GentPleaseKillMeNow?
L766[13:50:56] <vifino> How dare you.
L767[13:50:57] <KittyKath> asie: You just *know* I would send every bugreport to you (with a kiss) just because I know you'd hate it :P
L768[13:51:02] <KittyKath> vifino: Just to offend you <3
L769[13:51:14] <vifino> HOW DARE YOU
L770[13:51:53] <CompanionCube> A Smalltalk environment in OC would be awesome...but adding a non-crap interface would be Fun.
L771[13:55:38] <kremsy> wtf it keeps listening even if i kill the thingy with ctrl alt c and be in the editor
L772[13:56:46] <Inari> event listeners dont automatically unregister :P
L773[13:57:31] <kremsy> how to kill the script than probably? xD
L774[14:03:34] <gamax92> Temia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_4WpWBA9uA
L775[14:03:35] <MichiBot> Computronics SoundCard - Second Test | length: 3m 8s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 0 | by gamax92
L776[14:03:59] <Temia> \o/
L777[14:04:36] <kremsy> if i make handleEvent(eventId, ...)
L778[14:04:45] <kremsy> the message should be the 6th parameter, how to access that one?
L779[14:04:52] <gamax92> select(6, ...)
L780[14:06:36] <Lizzy> Inari, http://imgur.com/gallery/W35hAhs
L781[14:07:18] <Temia> Hmm. Gamax, is this using the basic waves without frequency modulation? Or am I just half-asleep and not noticing the signs of it? o.o
L782[14:07:45] <gamax92> I don't have anything to use with FM
L783[14:07:51] <kremsy> it works, amazing
L784[14:07:52] *** Gavle|Away is now known as Gavle
L785[14:07:58] ⇨ Joins: LuMistry (uid146685@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:2:3cfd)
L786[14:08:04] <Temia> Ah.
L787[14:08:08] <LuMistry> Greetings
L788[14:08:45] <Temia> Port a SID song?
L789[14:09:11] <gamax92> That is a SID song :P
L790[14:09:23] <Temia> Oh.
L791[14:09:41] * Temia rubs her eyes. She's still sleepy. =.=
L792[14:09:58] <Temia> Plenty of SID music out there that does some great modulation though...
L793[14:10:02] * gamax92 lifts Temia up and puts in tree
L794[14:10:08] * Temia moo? o-o
L795[14:13:54] <Inari> gamax92: sounds better than test 1 :P
L796[14:17:46] <S3> gamax92: OCBSD will be so nice because of write-behind block caching
L797[14:17:54] <S3> but I wonder how much I can really buffer
L798[14:18:07] <S3> I need to do it in a way that you can prevent from running out of ram
L799[14:18:26] * Lizzy gets Temia down from the tree
L800[14:18:38] * Temia flumps against Lizzy. yaaay \\o/
L801[14:19:15] <Vexatos> Cruor ._.
L802[14:20:31] <Cruor> Vexatos: wat
L803[14:20:52] <Vexatos> You seen that video gamax92 linked
L804[14:21:06] <Cruor> working on it
L805[14:21:32] * Lizzy collapses from tiredness
L806[14:21:33] <Cruor> :> this is nice
L807[14:22:25] <Cruor> gamax92: where is this from?
L808[14:22:31] <gamax92> Cruor: which?
L809[14:22:37] <Cruor> second test
L810[14:24:03] <Cruor> wait, the braille in OC, are all the dots next to each other?
L811[14:24:12] <Cruor> like the teletext chars in newest CC
L812[14:24:15] <gamax92> yeah, on the new font
L813[14:24:23] <Cruor> thats nice :o
L814[14:24:25] <gamax92> new font also has 3x2
L815[14:24:38] <gamax92> erm ... 2x3
L816[14:24:39] <S3> can we write pixels yet?
L817[14:24:44] <Cruor> S3: yea :p
L818[14:24:50] <S3> REALLY?!
L819[14:24:56] <S3> so I can start making my own font now..
L820[14:25:07] <Cruor> you just have 2 unique colors per 2x3 chunk :p
L821[14:25:16] <gamax92> 2x4 chunk
L822[14:25:26] <Cruor> oh, right
L823[14:25:46] <Cruor> what resolution does that end up at?
L824[14:26:02] <gamax92> 160x50 -> 320x200
L825[14:26:31] <asie> yeah
L826[14:26:35] <gamax92> Cruor: were you not here when GreaseMonkey and asie were battling it out with image generation algorithms to use the new braille font?
L827[14:26:40] <asie> https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/864-chenthread-image-format-high-quality-images-on-opencomputers/
L828[14:26:54] <S3> Cruor: well that's dumb.. I thought we escaped color pallettes 20 years ago
L829[14:26:56] <asie> and since I felt a bit of a charity spirit that day
L830[14:26:58] <asie> http://www.computercraft.info/forums2/index.php?/topic/26186-chenthread-image-format-quality-images-on-18-computercraft/
L831[14:27:06] <Temia> Why is it called Chenthread anyway?
L832[14:27:08] <Cruor> gamax92: i dont really read anything in this channel :p
L833[14:27:12] <asie> Temia: the demoscene group is called ChenThread
L834[14:27:14] <S3> lo
L835[14:27:15] <S3> lol*
L836[14:27:17] <gamax92> lolo
L837[14:27:20] <asie> lolol
L838[14:27:33] <Temia> ...and why is the demoscene group called ChenThread D:
L839[14:27:34] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L840[14:27:40] <asie> Temia: because Chen
L841[14:27:44] * asie honks violently
L842[14:27:55] <Temia> This works for me
L843[14:28:00] <asie> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sIKYlxDxwE
L844[14:28:01] <MichiBot> Chen Goes Fishing - Digitally Remastered | length: 1m 31s | Likes: 2765 Dislikes: 25 Views: 92214 | by Primantiss
L845[14:28:02] <asie> how can you not love chen
L846[14:28:16] <S3> Ok next step: We need translation functions on the GPU to swap pages and grab sections and animate them, etc
L847[14:28:23] <S3> and layering and alpha
L848[14:28:27] <asie> lol
L849[14:28:32] <asie> have fun with client sync
L850[14:28:44] <Cruor> anyone got all the colors in a .png at hand? :p
L851[14:28:46] <asie> while NOT eating a lot of bandwidth
L852[14:28:51] <Cruor> T3 once that is
L853[14:28:58] <S3> asie: :D
L854[14:29:15] <S3> asie: well that's it then
L855[14:29:27] <S3> I will add a Progressive scan framebuffer in OCBSD that canbe turned on
L856[14:29:28] <Temia> Hmm.
L857[14:29:34] <asie> OCBSD?
L858[14:29:40] <S3> yep!
L859[14:29:45] <asie> which is?
L860[14:29:48] <asie> Cruor: http://asie.pl/ocpal.gif
L861[14:29:52] <S3> exactly what it says
L862[14:29:59] <S3> a BSD like kernel on OC
L863[14:30:00] <asie> S3: OpenComputers based on the NetBSD kernel
L864[14:30:00] <Temia> Hey Asie, how much of a nightmare do you think transparency in CTIF would be?
L865[14:30:02] <asie> oh.
L866[14:30:04] <asie> :(
L867[14:30:11] <asie> Temia: "No"
L868[14:30:19] <Cruor> asie: i hope that image only contains 256 unique colors :p
L869[14:30:20] <S3> asie: it's actually closer to the FreeBSD arch
L870[14:30:24] <asie> Cruor: It's a .gif :P
L871[14:30:35] <S3> asie: and it will work with Magik6k's MRFS
L872[14:30:54] <Cruor> asie: so you are telling me i can grab a frame with only the colors? :p
L873[14:30:57] <gamax92> But what is MRFS
L874[14:31:03] <asie> https://github.com/asiekierka/modalyzer here's a little thing i coded
L875[14:31:07] <asie> it analyzes mods
L876[14:31:17] <asie> can accurately determine minecraft version and side just by analyzing .class files
L877[14:31:18] <S3> asie: but the real beauty with OCBSD besides networking is that it runs on unmanaged disks with write behind block cache so it runs faster than managed drives on OpenOS
L878[14:31:21] <gamax92> and then strips out api's from them?
L879[14:31:25] <gamax92> :>
L880[14:31:27] <g> I thought that was a moodalyzer
L881[14:31:29] <g> :v
L882[14:31:37] <S3> gamax92: Magik6k's multi rack file system
L883[14:31:37] <Temia> I'm just trying to figure out how much effort it would be to use CTIF to make visual novel graphics.
L884[14:31:45] <asie> Temia: Oh.
L885[14:31:48] <gamax92> oh
L886[14:31:51] <asie> You should do it for the OC Demo Competition!
L887[14:31:58] <asie> http://blog.asie.pl/2016/03/29/btm16/
L888[14:32:01] <asie> It has a Game category
L889[14:32:03] <Temia> Well I might... but I can't draw.
L890[14:32:07] <Temia> Also effort.
L891[14:32:07] <asie> Team up!
L892[14:32:15] <gamax92> asie: when's btm16 agan?
L893[14:32:17] <asie> gamax92: July 29-31
L894[14:32:22] <gamax92> can probably make
L895[14:32:22] <Forecaster> I can't draw either, but I try sometimes
L896[14:32:23] <Forecaster> :P
L897[14:32:56] <S3> I can draw fancy looking stick men
L898[14:33:12] <gamax92> S3: Handsome Stickman?
L899[14:33:17] <S3> no..
L900[14:33:20] <Vexatos> gamax92, make sure to finish sound card before :>
L901[14:33:28] <S3> gamax92: YES
L902[14:33:32] <gamax92> Vexatos: yeah, investigating an idea to help fix a thing
L903[14:33:49] <S3> gamax92: and make me a damn blasted frigging ADC w/ Comparator so I can do DSP damn it
L904[14:33:56] <gamax92> which will get rid of this minor regression when moving to the Streaming thingy
L905[14:33:57] <Vexatos> what kind of issues were you having with buggyaudioplayer?
L906[14:34:08] <gamax92> is too fucking slow :v
L907[14:34:52] <gamax92> oh, that's problematic, idea no go
L908[14:34:57] <Temia> I was also thinking of using DFPWM to stream background music for the VN, but depending on the noise card's progress by that point, MIDI playback might be an option too.
L909[14:35:09] <gamax92> Temia: like a true Visual Novel :P
L910[14:35:24] * Temia grabs her pile of old free RPG Maker MIDIs from obscure doujin sites +_+
L911[14:35:45] <asie> Temia: Do it!
L912[14:35:50] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L913[14:35:53] <asie> I am planning to make a game myself too.
L914[14:36:16] <gamax92> asie: is beep-goes-the-pixel a good game?
L915[14:36:17] <S3> zork!
L916[14:36:21] <asie> gamax92: sure
L917[14:36:23] <asie> anything
L918[14:36:24] <Gavle> ~w openos
L919[14:36:24] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:openos_floppy
L920[14:36:25] <asie> just submit SOMETHING
L921[14:36:26] <gamax92> yes port a z machine to OpenOS
L922[14:36:34] <S3> ~w relay
L923[14:36:34] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-io.read ( I tried D: )
L924[14:36:37] <gamax92> asie: THEN FIX THE AUDOEIOFJK
L925[14:36:49] <S3> ~w betterwiki
L926[14:36:49] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/
L927[14:36:55] <gamax92> lol
L928[14:37:01] <gamax92> good job ocdoc.
L929[14:37:03] <asie> Sangar: https://twitter.com/asiekierka/status/730119485269643265 plz rt
L930[14:37:03] <gamax92> good job.
L931[14:37:04] <MichiBot> Tue May 10 14:37:04 CDT 2016 @asiekierka: Reminder: OpenComputers Demo/Game Competition - Deadline: July 29th - Official website this week! - Info/Rules: https://t.co/Lmq4thhzub
L932[14:37:12] <Cruor> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23386746/ShareX/2016/05/10/t6.png oh... this looks a lot nicer with 256 colors instead of CC 16 :p
L933[14:37:19] <asie> Cruor: JUST USE CTIF
L934[14:37:27] <asie> unless you are
L935[14:37:33] <asie> you aren't; it's still 328x243
L936[14:37:40] <asie> also, CTIF will generate a few extra colors
L937[14:37:41] <Cruor> yeah, i didnt resize it
L938[14:37:44] <asie> as the first 16 are overrideable
L939[14:37:46] <gamax92> lewd
L940[14:37:49] <asie> but yeah
L941[14:38:01] <Cruor> i just changed the palette and pixels per char
L942[14:38:02] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L943[14:38:03] <asie> i can't wait to see OpenComputers become yet another porn platform
L944[14:38:05] <asie> :|
L945[14:38:26] <Gavle> is there a GitHub for openOS or something?
L946[14:38:31] <Gavle> I think there is, but I can't find it
L947[14:38:49] <Forecaster> ask payonel
L948[14:38:51] <Cruor> asie: i was just using the previous test image <_<
L949[14:38:52] <Gavle> ~w BIOS
L950[14:38:53] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-io
L951[14:39:50] <asie> but yes
L952[14:39:52] <asie> everyone and all of you
L953[14:39:55] <asie> GET CODING
L954[14:39:56] <asie> 2.5 months left
L955[14:39:58] <asie> produce something awesome
L956[14:40:00] <asie> and win prizes!
L957[14:40:06] * CompanionCube is not sure what to do
L958[14:40:11] <kremsy> still wondering that i have enough ram with the 2x tier 1 xED
L959[14:40:13] <Cruor> asie: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23386746/ShareX/2016/05/10/t6.png happy? (sharex loves uploading files .-.)
L960[14:40:15] <kremsy> im done with all i needed xD
L961[14:40:27] <CompanionCube> 4MB would always be nice, yes.
L962[14:40:39] <asie> Cruor: x256?
L963[14:40:40] <asie> 320x200 is the res
L964[14:41:05] <Cruor> i cba to resize the image <_>
L965[14:41:09] <gamax92> Cruor is drunk
L966[14:42:23] <asie> Druor
L967[14:42:33] <Cruor> gamax92: not yet ;_;
L968[14:43:03] <Cruor> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23386746/ShareX/2016/05/10/cc_t6.png buying colors, send help
L969[14:43:31] <S3> asie: I will make a game!
L970[14:43:36] <S3> and I won't tell you how I'ma make it
L971[14:43:40] <S3> because itl blow your mind
L972[14:43:53] <asie> Cruor: CC/10
L973[14:44:01] <CompanionCube> I'm tempted to make an OS / kernel
L974[14:44:11] <asie> for the competition's Wild? anything goes
L975[14:44:30] <Skye> I want to make Izaya make a drone based network system
L976[14:45:21] <Cruor> what is going on in here even? ;_;
L977[14:45:24] <Cruor> some event? :I
L978[14:45:28] <kremsy> partey
L979[14:45:41] <asie> Cruor: Yes
L980[14:45:45] <asie> http://blog.asie.pl/2016/03/29/btm16/
L981[14:45:50] <asie> soon
L982[14:45:56] <Vexatos> ™®©
L983[14:45:57] <Cruor> o, btm
L984[14:46:12] <Cruor> Vexatos: i know what i can code for btm
L985[14:46:30] <Vexatos> Cruor, what
L986[14:46:47] <S3> CompanionCube: work on S3IX/OCBSD
L987[14:47:07] <Cruor> Vexatos: please :I
L988[14:47:23] <Vexatos> Cruor, what do you want to code U:
L989[14:47:25] <CompanionCube> eh
L990[14:47:32] * Cruor gives up Vexatos
L991[14:47:51] <Vexatos> Oh wait
L992[14:47:54] <Vexatos> O H W A I T
L993[14:48:01] <Vexatos> O H W A I T
L994[14:48:03] <Vexatos> ._.
L995[14:48:04] <CompanionCube> what will OCBSD be like? Written in Lua or are you targeting another arch
L996[14:48:09] <Vexatos> Cruor, sorry ;_;
L997[14:48:10] <Vexatos> ;________;
L998[14:48:22] <Temia> I am wholly tempted to be lazy
L999[14:48:28] <Vexatos> (._.
L1000[14:48:35] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L1001[14:48:38] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-25-106-99.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L1003[14:48:39] <Temia> And just write a Cosmosphere simulator
L1004[14:48:44] <Cruor> :I
L1005[14:48:48] <Vexatos> so uh
L1006[14:48:55] <Vexatos> %tell Cruor Shurtle when
L1007[14:48:59] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Cruor will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1008[14:48:59] <Temia> (and thus indoctrinate a mass of impressionable young minecrafters' minds to ar tonelico muwahahaha)
L1009[14:49:06] <Cruor> :I
L1010[14:49:39] <Vexatos> asie, which demo category would robot programs fall into
L1011[14:50:01] <asie> Vexatos: Wild
L1012[14:50:02] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1013[14:50:04] <asie> most of the crazy stuff is in WIld
L1014[14:50:07] <Vexatos> Cruor goes wild
L1015[14:50:10] <asie> Demo is for screen demos, Game is for games
L1016[14:50:12] <Inari> "For the Wild category - go wild! You can use Robots, Drones, even TIS-3D or redstone! "
L1017[14:50:14] <Inari> do you even read
L1018[14:50:14] <Inari> :P
L1019[14:50:20] <Cruor> always wild
L1020[14:50:23] <payonel> Forecaster: ask me what?
L1021[14:50:28] <Vexatos> Cruor, you have never been wilderer
L1022[14:50:33] <Inari> Cruor: hentai VN?
L1023[14:50:36] <payonel> github for openos?
L1024[14:50:41] <Cruor> Inari: yea, im porting renpy to OC
L1025[14:51:01] <payonel> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/tree/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/OpenOS
L1026[14:51:06] <Inari> hm i might see if i submit something
L1027[14:51:10] <payonel> Gavle: ^
L1028[14:51:10] <Inari> though i dont think it woudl win any prizes
L1029[14:51:11] <Inari> :P
L1030[14:51:23] <Gavle> payonel, I just figured that out
L1031[14:51:29] <Gavle> thank you for your assistance though
L1032[14:51:43] <Inari> asie: why is the map not provided for DL btw?
L1033[14:51:45] <Cruor> Vexatos: ill learn you viking language
L1034[14:51:48] <Cruor> you ready?
L1035[14:51:53] <asie> Inari: Reasons.
L1036[14:51:57] <Inari> :<
L1037[14:52:06] <Vexatos> Cruor, Swedish? :3
L1038[14:52:08] * Vexatos runs
L1039[14:52:08] <KittyKath> Inari: 99% Shadow, 1% all the other people.
L1040[14:52:10] <asie> I am archiving the maps and I will eventually publish them.
L1041[14:52:13] <Cruor> Vexatos: uhh, norwegian
L1042[14:52:16] <Cruor> but close enough
L1044[14:52:36] <Inari> i couldnt look at all the booths last time (cause there was weird lag when i trie dto <.<) and noone seemed to have recorded em all
L1045[14:52:40] <Vexatos> dammit cruor
L1046[14:52:42] <Vexatos> :<
L1047[14:52:43] <Cruor> Vexatos: when you hold your glass
L1048[14:52:44] <Cruor> you say
L1049[14:52:48] <Cruor> "skål for faen"
L1050[14:52:50] <asie> Inari: we'll debug it harder this time
L1051[14:52:57] <Cruor> this is viking/10 language
L1052[14:53:04] <Vexatos> Cruor, how about no
L1053[14:53:08] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-72-74-136-57.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1054[14:53:08] <Cruor> wat
L1055[14:53:14] <Inari> asie: well i seemed to be one of the few people getting that werid lag :P where everything i did was kind only getting ot the server 30 seconds later
L1056[14:53:17] <Vexatos> I don't know Norwegian but I can tell you that this is wrong anyway
L1057[14:53:18] <Inari> i saw other people moving about just fine
L1058[14:53:18] <Vexatos> >_>
L1059[14:53:22] * Inari shrugs
L1060[14:53:25] <Cruor> Vexatos: wtf man
L1061[14:53:27] ⇨ Joins: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-72-74-136-57.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
L1062[14:53:53] <S3> so the holographic viscor in OC
L1063[14:53:55] <Vexatos> Cruor, please, Oddstr13 is better at this than you >_>
L1064[14:53:55] <S3> visor*
L1065[14:53:57] <Inari> whats thea rtwork category for even? who can make the best image display in OC?
L1066[14:54:00] <S3> can I draw pixels to that too?
L1067[14:54:03] <asie> Inari: Actual art you make.
L1068[14:54:06] <Cruor> Vexatos: wtf man
L1069[14:54:07] <asie> Also, the categories are not set in stone
L1070[14:54:07] <Inari> ah
L1071[14:54:08] <Inari> :P
L1072[14:54:10] <Cruor> what was wrong with my viking?
L1073[14:54:13] <payonel> KittyKath: what was your question about closures? "Lua closures? Actual closures or just anonymous functions?" kremsy was asking if the anonymous function could use variables in an implicit closure -- context: lua
L1074[14:54:14] <Vexatos> asie, also 3D prints?
L1075[14:54:18] <asie> Vexatos: I suppose.
L1076[14:54:19] <Inari> S3: theres a holo visor?
L1077[14:54:23] <asie> But then Chisels&Bits counts too, no?
L1078[14:54:24] <S3> yes
L1079[14:54:28] <Vexatos> Cruor, well it is Viking, but not related to glass at all :P
L1080[14:54:32] <S3> Inari: I forget what its called
L1081[14:54:34] <Inari> S3: since when? o.o
L1082[14:54:36] <Cruor> Vexatos: FINE
L1083[14:54:38] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L1084[14:54:40] <S3> Inari: addon
L1085[14:54:41] <Vexatos> asie, only if you build computers with them
L1086[14:54:44] <Cruor> take your biggest and meanest ****ing drinking HORN
L1087[14:54:45] <Inari> ah, so not OC :P
L1088[14:54:47] <Cruor> and just
L1089[14:54:51] <Cruor> "SKÅL FOR FAEN" :I
L1090[14:54:56] <Cruor> now you are true viking
L1091[14:54:57] <Vexatos> No.
L1092[14:55:14] <S3> Inari: not with oc but fo roc
L1093[14:55:30] <Inari> is glowstone cooling a new redstone mod?
L1094[14:55:36] <asie> no
L1095[14:55:38] <KittyKath> payonel: I think I was asking if Lua has real closures or just anonymous functions.
L1096[14:55:38] <Cruor> Vexatos: :I you are bad viking
L1097[14:55:48] <Inari> :p
L1098[14:55:48] <Vexatos> Cruor, I am German
L1099[14:55:52] <asie> Inari: glowstone cooling is reducing lighting calculation load on the server
L1100[14:55:55] <Inari> i like that it will be on 1.9
L1101[14:55:56] <asie> redstone does a lot of lighting updates in vanilla
L1102[14:55:59] <asie> 1.9.4*
L1103[14:56:13] <Inari> 1.9.4 :p
L1104[14:56:22] <Inari> page says 1.9
L1105[14:56:28] <asie> 1.9.x*
L1106[14:56:34] <Cruor> Vexatos: uhhh... Toast zu ficken?
L1107[14:56:36] <asie> doesn't it?
L1108[14:56:39] <Inari> Cruor: wat
L1109[14:56:44] <Inari> "Minecraft Version: 1.9"
L1110[14:56:46] <asie> huh
L1111[14:56:48] <asie> whatever
L1112[14:56:48] <Vexatos> Cruor, pls
L1113[14:56:50] <Vexatos> but yes
L1114[14:56:53] <Vexatos> pretty much
L1115[14:56:54] <Cruor> XD
L1116[14:57:01] <KittyKath> Cruor: Perfect translation. +1
L1117[14:57:15] <Cruor> KittyKath: google translate op
L1118[14:57:16] <Inari> its not exactly toast
L1119[14:57:18] <Inari> but reminds me of http://www.foodbeast.com/news/russian-hacker-icecream/
L1120[14:57:21] <Cruor> the english one was horribad
L1121[14:57:28] <Cruor> "toast to fuck"
L1122[14:57:30] <Cruor> yup,
L1123[14:57:32] <Cruor> thats what i meant
L1124[14:57:38] <Vexatos> this is what the German one means ;)
L1125[14:57:39] <Vexatos> apparently
L1126[14:57:39] <Cruor> german one seems like that to :p
L1127[14:57:57] <Vexatos> 14/10 would viking again
L1128[14:58:02] <S3> Inari: http://starchasers.pl/OpenGlasses/doku.php?id=lineworld
L1129[14:58:18] <Cruor> Vexatos: "Toast for fucks sake" would be correct :p
L1130[14:58:19] <payonel> KittyKath: lua closures are real closures
L1131[14:58:26] <S3> not that page in particular, Inari heh
L1132[14:58:28] <KittyKath> Inari: Liquid nitrogen is pretty good for making icecream though...
L1133[14:58:35] <Vexatos> KittyKath, nub
L1134[14:58:39] <gamax92> nub
L1135[14:58:39] <Vexatos> real pros use liquid oxygen
L1136[14:58:43] <Vexatos> it's blue
L1137[14:58:45] <Vexatos> SKY BLUE
L1138[14:58:51] <Inari> KittyKath: odd
L1139[14:58:51] <gamax92> sky soda
L1140[14:58:52] <Inari> wrong link :P
L1142[14:59:00] <S3> you know
L1143[14:59:12] <payonel> #lua g=function(x)return function(y)return x+y end end c1=g(1) c2=g(2) return c1(0),c2(0)
L1144[14:59:12] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1 | 2
L1145[14:59:14] <Gavle> hm
L1146[14:59:21] <gamax92> S3: I didn't :o
L1147[14:59:23] <S3> water is the only compound on earth we know about that occurs in 3 of all four states naturally
L1148[14:59:24] <Gavle> my basic eeprom fails hard
L1149[14:59:26] <payonel> KittyKath: ^
L1150[14:59:27] <KittyKath> Vexatos: So is Cherenkov radiation.
L1151[14:59:30] <Gavle> https://gist.github.com/MajorGeneralRelativity/73192e71a4de7f73f8ce865553fe629b
L1152[14:59:33] <payonel> that constitutes real closures
L1153[14:59:37] <Inari> KittyKath: http://www.foodbeast.com/news/this-cherry-blossom-bread-totally-looks-like-a-vagina-nsfwish/ fixed
L1154[14:59:49] <gamax92> umm.
L1155[14:59:59] <Vexatos> KittyKath, but it is blue because of an unpaired electron ;_; almost as cool as glacial ice which literally contains free electrons trapped in the crystal
L1156[15:00:03] <Vexatos> and is blue because of that
L1157[15:00:04] <gamax92> oh that thing.
L1158[15:00:11] <KittyKath> Inari: Why are you sending me that? I know what a vagina looks like kthx.
L1159[15:00:11] <Gavle> it says "failed loading bios: bios 55: <eof> expected near 'local'"
L1160[15:00:18] <Inari> KittyKath: haha
L1161[15:00:18] <Cruor> Vexatos: i can learn you more viking
L1162[15:00:31] <Vexatos> Cruor, http://kuchengabel.de
L1163[15:00:43] <Gavle> I can't figure out why line 55 would keep breaking
L1164[15:00:44] <Cruor> kjøkkengaffel? .-.
L1165[15:00:52] <Inari> Vexatos: no, thats badly centered text
L1166[15:00:54] <S3> you know
L1167[15:01:03] <gamax92> S3: I didn't :o
L1168[15:01:03] <S3> liquid oxygen can actually be suspended by using magnets
L1169[15:01:13] <payonel> Gavle: because you have a return before it
L1170[15:01:17] <S3> gamax92: WELL NOW YOU KNOW
L1171[15:01:18] <payonel> #lua return 1 c = 4
L1172[15:01:18] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: <eof> expected near 'c'
L1173[15:01:28] <Gavle> payonel, um
L1174[15:01:34] <Gavle> I thought that was to make io exist?
L1175[15:01:39] <S3> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSJAwndDTds
L1176[15:01:40] <MichiBot> DID YOU KNOW THAT? | length: 9s | Likes: 5125 Dislikes: 55 Views: 651449 | by Daniel Causton
L1177[15:01:44] <Gavle> do I not need that io?
L1179[15:01:50] <Gavle> I mean return
L1180[15:02:00] <gamax92> Vexatos: what's a good chunk size in ms?
L1181[15:02:09] <payonel> Gavle: from a QUICK read of the code, no, you don't need that line at all
L1182[15:02:14] <Vexatos> gamax92, n
L1183[15:02:17] <Gavle> ok, i'll delete it
L1184[15:02:27] <gamax92> Vexatos: 14>
L1185[15:02:28] <gamax92> ?
L1186[15:02:42] <gamax92> okay, 14ms chunks it is then
L1187[15:03:43] <Vexatos> gamax92, n ∊ ℝ
L1188[15:03:55] <Cruor> Vexatos: just ask, and ill translate to viking language for you
L1189[15:04:01] <Cruor> so you can be viking, just like crucru
L1190[15:04:18] <Gavle> payonel, do you happen to know where the require function comes from?
L1191[15:04:22] <Gavle> I need to implement that too
L1192[15:04:23] <Vexatos> But I don't want to be Viking
L1193[15:04:29] <Vexatos> Vikings have no awesome bread
L1194[15:04:38] <Cruor> :I
L1195[15:04:42] <Vexatos> and only one decent university
L1196[15:04:45] <gamax92> KittyKath: Do you want some DDR2
L1197[15:04:56] <KittyKath> gamax92: No, why should I?
L1198[15:04:57] <Cruor> Vexatos: ta deg en bolle :I
L1199[15:05:05] <gamax92> KittyKath: because is free
L1200[15:05:10] <KittyKath> gamax92: So?
L1201[15:05:25] <Vexatos> Cruor, I wot
L1202[15:05:33] <gamax92> KittyKath: Would you like a motherboard with blown capacitors and extra money to fix capacitors?
L1203[15:06:12] <Cruor> Vexatos: :I
L1204[15:06:12] <KittyKath> gamax92: No, not really. Give it to someone who enjoys playing with that kind of stuff, maybe asie or Izaya.
L1205[15:06:46] <gamax92> First come first serve!
L1206[15:06:46] <gamax92> Broken electronics from gamax92!
L1207[15:06:46] <gamax92> Everything free!
L1208[15:07:21] <asie> Nothanks
L1209[15:07:34] <Cruor> Vexatos: you can just you know, google translate it :I
L1210[15:07:38] <CompanionCube> also, Izaya would likely not want it because shipping is hell
L1211[15:07:38] <Cruor> because it will make sense
L1212[15:07:53] <gamax92> Ever desired a GPU that displays broken graphics at 1920x1080? Well I've got just the thing for you!
L1213[15:08:08] <gamax92> (no joke, have old GPU that failed)
L1214[15:08:21] <Gavle> gamax92, want to give me a Geforce GTX 1080? :P
L1215[15:08:24] <Gavle> I want 2 XD
L1216[15:08:30] <Vexatos> Cruor, totally
L1217[15:08:31] <gamax92> out of stock
L1218[15:08:39] <Gavle> dang
L1219[15:09:35] <gamax92> KittyKath: What about homemade carrot cake?
L1220[15:10:21] <gamax92> There's too much carrot cake here left .-.
L1221[15:10:29] ⇦ Quits: kremsy (~Lukas@cm56-201-86.liwest.at) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1222[15:11:11] <Cruor> Vexatos: du må snakke viking :<
L1223[15:11:30] <Vexatos> Cruor, nope
L1224[15:11:44] <KittyKath> gamax92: If you bring it here, sure.
L1225[15:12:26] <gamax92> how much does a flight to germany and back cost
L1226[15:12:57] <Vexatos>
L1227[15:13:04] <gamax92> yes that's a character
L1228[15:13:26] <Vexatos> Cruor, I use the Å
L1229[15:13:36] <Cruor> :I
L1230[15:13:41] <Vexatos> it's an Ångström, 10^(-10)m
L1231[15:13:48] <Cruor> den e brun? :I
L1232[15:16:14] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@hsi-kbw-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L1233[15:16:33] <Gavle> hot damn
L1234[15:16:50] <Gavle> my supposedly simple eeprom is now up to 4KB
L1235[15:18:14] <Gavle> that's it, I'm going to stop trying to make shortcuts and just do this myself
L1236[15:18:31] <payonel> Gavle: i was afk, "do you happen to know where the require function comes from?" still relevant?
L1237[15:18:39] <Gavle> nope
L1238[15:18:41] <payonel> k
L1239[15:19:04] <Gavle> I just want to read and print to the damn screen XD
L1240[15:19:18] <Gavle> I thought I could just implement the relevant libs, but they probably won't fit
L1241[15:19:24] <payonel> #lua print("to the damn screen XD")
L1242[15:19:24] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > to the damn screen XD | nil
L1243[15:19:31] <payonel> oh
L1244[15:19:35] <payonel> yeah, you're in eeprom
L1245[15:20:03] <payonel> take a look at //init.lua status() it uses some simple gpu code for printing
L1246[15:20:46] <Gavle> where can I find said init.lua?
L1247[15:21:20] <payonel> Gavle: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/OpenOS/init.lua#L50
L1248[15:25:26] <Gavle> payonel, this gives me an error: https://gist.github.com/MajorGeneralRelativity/3bbdd5ff543d250fc3220038aa0c9c82
L1249[15:25:32] <Skye> asie, are you here?
L1250[15:25:36] <Gavle> it says, "unrecoverable error: computer halted"
L1251[15:25:40] <asie> Skye: No.
L1252[15:26:35] <alekso56> hakase hakase hakase
L1253[15:27:31] <payonel> Gavle: well you don't have a screen variable defined (thus nil) but i shouldn't have crashed, just done nothing
L1254[15:28:08] <payonel> you could also add local screen = component.list('screen', true)()
L1255[15:28:33] <gamax92> Vexatos: okay there, now you can accept PR
L1256[15:32:52] <payonel> Gavle: also, i looked a little more carefully at your test eeprom code you pasted earlier
L1257[15:32:54] <Vexatos> gamax92, how often are packets sent... and how big are they >_>
L1258[15:33:05] <gamax92> Vexatos: that's for you to write
L1259[15:33:11] <Vexatos> what?
L1260[15:33:12] <payonel> you're making some erroneous assumptions about how libraries in lua work
L1261[15:33:13] <gamax92> did you really expect me to do everything for you
L1262[15:33:17] <Vexatos> No, I mean
L1263[15:33:19] <Vexatos> you did that
L1264[15:33:29] <Vexatos> how would you record a video
L1265[15:33:32] <Gavle> payonel, that's almost certainly the case XD
L1266[15:33:35] <Vexatos> without having sent any packet
L1267[15:33:45] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (~icemna11a@cpe-66-61-77-228.neo.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1268[15:33:58] <gamax92> packets are sent based on how many delay's are there
L1269[15:34:29] <gamax92> they should probably be chunked up though ... and server sided processing so that a state can be sent to a new client
L1270[15:35:09] <Vexatos> hm I see
L1271[15:35:29] <Vexatos> But yea, you'd have to send the state to any player coming in listening range
L1272[15:35:36] <Vexatos> hmm
L1273[15:35:37] <gamax92> and I don't know how to do that :D
L1274[15:35:42] <Vexatos> Me neither
L1275[15:35:44] <gamax92> heh.
L1276[15:35:48] <Vexatos> apart from NBTing the entire state
L1277[15:36:30] * gamax92 looks at code that might have what I want ...
L1278[15:37:03] <Gavle> payonel, I PM'd you
L1279[15:37:29] <gamax92> Vexatos: fine I guess I can work on it some more ... :P
L1280[15:38:00] <Vexatos> Question is how to detect if a player already has gotten the packet
L1281[15:38:11] <Vexatos> asie, you worked on this some day. any idea? ._.
L1282[15:39:53] <gamax92> one of the issues is that if this were a block ... you have a client sided TE that actually works unlike client sided ManagedEnvironments, and could just send out a request by it simply existing
L1283[15:40:23] <gamax92> but client sided ManagedEnvironments are wonky and not really usable at this point.
L1284[15:40:45] <Vexatos> yes
L1285[15:41:09] <payonel> Gavle: 'computer halted' occurs when your eeprom code returns - so yes, it is a "lack of loop" type issue
L1286[15:41:35] <Vexatos> gamax92, have fun finding a solution ._.
L1287[15:41:36] <Gavle> would it be possible to do a "while true do" type loop with nothing inside, or would that get wrecked?
L1288[15:41:40] <Vexatos> I remember thinking about this before
L1289[15:41:44] <Vexatos> and having failed >_>
L1290[15:42:11] <gamax92> it would work fine ... if it would actually spawn correctly when I join the world
L1291[15:42:24] <gamax92> but I'm only getting a client sided one spawn when I remove and reinsert the card
L1292[15:42:27] <Vexatos> but yes, the player has to receive the state exactly once
L1293[15:42:30] <gamax92> which is not exactly a good solution :P
L1294[15:42:34] <Vexatos> when getting close to the thing in any way
L1295[15:44:40] <payonel> Gavle: that would time out - take too long to respond. you have computer in your eeprom env, you could call computer.pullSignal(0)
L1296[15:44:50] <payonel> while true do computer.pullSignal(0) end
L1297[15:44:55] <Gavle> excellent!
L1298[15:46:13] <Vexatos> time to go sleep >_>
L1299[15:46:14] <Vexatos> bye
L1300[15:46:17] <gamax92> bye
L1301[15:46:18] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA7334C6279691D4A03C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1302[15:46:27] * gamax92 keeps looking for solution.
L1303[15:46:44] <Gavle> payonel, it works!
L1304[15:47:33] <Gavle> tomorrow, I will work on reading from a screen
L1305[15:48:02] <Gavle> thank you for your help, payonel
L1306[15:48:07] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Bye)
L1307[15:48:10] <payonel> Gavle: note that computer.pullSignal() is the basis for event.pull()
L1308[15:48:16] <Gavle> I'm aware
L1309[15:48:19] <payonel> ok
L1310[15:48:31] <payonel> you're welcome
L1311[15:50:14] <Gavle> I don't have much time, but do you happen to know off the top of your head an easy way to read stuff of a screen payonel?
L1312[15:50:16] <Inari> so someone with experience tell me why the master clock rate is divided as if it was a value of computing? its in hertz, which as far as im aware is a normal 1000 unit, not a 8/32/1024/whatever
L1313[15:50:33] <Sandra> Gavle, read stuff of a screen?
L1314[15:50:47] <Gavle> Sandra, obtain user input
L1315[15:50:55] <Gavle> sorry, for my inaccuracy
L1316[15:51:29] <Forecaster> you should be D:<
L1317[15:51:35] <Forecaster> how dare you be inaccurate
L1318[15:52:23] <Sandra> ah... um...
L1319[15:52:26] <Sandra> not sure.
L1320[15:52:47] * Gavle stabs Forecaster
L1321[15:52:51] <Temia> ~w data
L1322[15:52:52] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:data
L1323[15:52:56] <Gavle> It's ok Sandra :)
L1324[15:54:10] <Forecaster> Gavle: pff, you inaccurately missed my heart by several millimeters > . >
L1325[15:54:29] ⇨ Joins: sheep (webchat@
L1326[15:54:45] * Forecaster dies from being stabbed
L1327[15:54:59] <Gavle> heh
L1328[16:00:07] <Gavle> well, I'll be back tomorrow to discuss this more
L1329[16:00:29] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1330[16:00:30] <KittyKath> Inari: Yes, Hertz is a SI unit, so it's base 1000. However given CPU speeds the imprecision gained by using powers of two is very quickly outweighted by the added simplicity of not having to convert (when using CPU speed in calculations on the CPU itself)
L1331[16:00:40] *** Gavle is now known as Gavle|Away
L1332[16:01:00] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@188-23-114-102.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
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L1335[16:05:32] ⇦ Quits: sheep (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L1336[16:06:33] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (~icemna11a@cpe-66-61-77-228.neo.res.rr.com)
L1337[16:10:38] <Sandra> 1Hz = 1/s
L1338[16:15:00] <Inari> KittyKath: so we just use 1024 instead of 1000 and the difference isnt enough to make it not e.g. 50hz in the end?
L1339[16:15:06] <Inari> given the mck is 25mhz
L1340[16:17:01] <payonel> Inari: master clock rate as in cpu speeds? are you saying 133MHz is actually 133*1024 Hertz?
L1341[16:17:18] <payonel> or a 3.2GHz is actually 3.2*1024*1024 Hertz?
L1342[16:17:54] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-273-188.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L1343[16:18:13] <Inari> payonel: im saying this thing has 1024 mhz, but its timers let you set things like MCKI/8, /16, /32, /1024, which ocnfused me as it should be /1000 etc
L1344[16:18:19] <Michiyo> I gotta say, being able to watch pretty much any TV show I want at work, IS pretty nice
L1345[16:18:22] <Inari> er
L1346[16:18:24] <Inari> has 25 mhz
L1347[16:18:25] <Inari> <.<
L1348[16:18:40] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L1349[16:20:00] *** Kimiro is now known as CB|Away
L1350[16:21:16] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
L1351[16:22:13] *** alfw is now known as alfw|Off
L1352[16:24:04] <payonel> in my experience mucking with intel cpus on my own machines, it's always been speeds based on a core clock speed * multiplier, and the core clock speed stepped in base 10 vlues
L1353[16:24:05] <payonel> values*
L1354[16:24:17] <payonel> so, i guess you're just using a different cpu than i'm used to
L1355[16:24:55] <Inari> well its a microcontroller
L1356[16:27:35] <Inari> payonel: apparently you configure what the input for the timer is (so how often it counts up I think). and then you tell it the max value and values to compare against
L1357[16:27:44] <Inari> and for that input you can use e.g. MCKI/1024
L1358[16:34:39] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L1359[16:41:30] <payonel> LUA
L1360[16:41:30] <EnderBot2> Lua*
L1361[16:41:45] <g> that bot is annoying
L1362[16:41:46] <g> I mean
L1363[16:41:50] <g> WHAT IF I WANT TO SHOUT ABOUT LUA?
L1364[16:41:50] <EnderBot2> It's Lua, not LUA. Name, not an acronym
L1365[16:41:57] <g> CHECKMATE, LUA BOT
L1366[16:41:58] <EnderBot2> Lua*
L1367[16:42:24] <Izaya> I believe that bot is written in Python, actually
L1368[16:42:35] <Forecaster> maybe it should realize that the entire sentence is in caps
L1369[16:42:53] <payonel> #lua toupper
L1370[16:42:53] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L1371[16:42:57] <g> it doesn't have a proper version response
L1372[16:43:03] <g> I hate it when bot devs don't implement one
L1373[16:43:13] *** Kimiro is now known as CB|Away
L1374[16:43:15] <g> it's like they don't want people to find their code
L1375[16:43:19] <g> [EnderBot2 VERSION reply]: Ermm, could you not?
L1376[16:43:21] <CompanionCube> go poke Lizzy
L1377[16:43:26] <g> oh, it's Lizzy's?
L1378[16:43:34] <g> I thought it was Ender's
L1379[16:44:29] <CompanionCube> https://www.theender.net/projects/
L1380[16:46:25] <g> Yep, python
L1381[16:46:39] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
L1382[16:46:54] <payonel> #lua for k,v in (_G) do print(k) end
L1383[16:46:54] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to call a table value
L1384[16:47:04] <payonel> #lua for k,v in pairs(_G) do print(k) end
L1385[16:47:04] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Output: http://pb.i0i0.me/p/rcoVv7kl
L1386[16:47:23] <payonel> #lua this
L1387[16:47:23] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > this
L1388[16:47:27] <payonel> haha
L1389[16:47:32] <payonel> #lua type(this)
L1390[16:47:32] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > string
L1391[16:48:24] <payonel> #lua type(channel)
L1392[16:48:24] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > string
L1393[16:48:28] <payonel> #lua channel
L1394[16:48:28] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > #oc
L1395[16:48:31] <payonel> ah
L1396[17:12:36] ⇦ Quits: reinei (~reinei@p579016c0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L1397[17:13:54] <gamax92> You're under arrest for being too sexy.
L1398[17:14:24] <g> Oh, thtop it, gamax92
L1399[17:14:48] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L1400[17:16:07] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@hsi-kbw-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
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L1402[17:18:44] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L1403[17:21:24] <CompanionCube> #lua for k,v in pairs(_G) do _G[k] = nil end
L1404[17:21:30] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to index a nil value (global '_G')
L1405[17:22:35] <gamax92> CompanionCube: rookie mistake
L1406[17:23:04] <gamax92> if _G points to globals, then setting _G._G to nil means you can't set anything else to nil because you keep referring to the globals by a global
L1407[17:24:09] <CompanionCube> and _G is obviously not near the end :(
L1408[17:24:53] <CompanionCube> #reset
L1409[17:25:36] <gamax92> how is that obvious?
L1410[17:25:52] <gamax92> you're using pairs, the order of what it gives is well ... not.
L1411[17:26:36] <CompanionCube> I thought it would be somewhat consistent
L1412[17:27:38] <gamax92> #lua for k,v in pairs(_G) do print(k) end
L1413[17:27:38] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Output: http://pb.i0i0.me/p/AtnfYuqj
L1414[17:27:53] <gamax92> look at how much it's not :0
L1415[17:30:15] <vifino> g: EnderBot2 is closed source.
L1416[17:30:25] <gamax92> cleaned contacts on mouse, is working again
L1417[17:30:29] <CompanionCube> for funsies
L1418[17:30:44] <g> vifino: was trying to verify the language
L1419[17:30:47] <g> now I'm going to bed
L1420[17:30:49] <gamax92> I want to get the mouse some laser eye surgery though, so that we don't have to keep fixing it's contacts
L1421[17:30:52] <g> have these sharks: https://i.imgur.com/p3G2x0R.jpg http://i.imgur.com/mTr4HC8.png
L1422[17:30:55] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L1423[17:31:12] <CompanionCube> #lua for k,v in pairs(_G) do _G[v] = k end for k,v in pairs(_G) do print(k) end
L1424[17:31:12] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Output: http://pb.i0i0.me/p/mLvRCnvc
L1425[17:34:43] *** Kimiro is now known as CB|Away
L1426[17:36:18] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L1427[17:45:56] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
L1428[17:56:25] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6312.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 4.3.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1429[17:57:08] ⇨ Joins: Temportalist (uid37180@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:913c)
L1430[17:58:27] <payonel> finally
L1431[17:58:33] <payonel> i upgraded |0xDEADBEEF| :/
L1432[17:58:45] <payonel> #lua serialize({a=1})
L1433[17:58:45] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > {a=1}
L1434[17:58:57] <payonel> #lua serialize({a=1,"foobar"})
L1435[17:58:57] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > {"foobar",a=1}
L1436[17:59:02] <payonel> #lua serialize(_G,true)
L1437[17:59:03] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Error: Took too long.
L1438[17:59:14] <payonel> #lua return serialize(_G,true)
L1439[17:59:14] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Error: Took too long.
L1440[17:59:18] <payonel> :/
L1441[17:59:28] <payonel> #lua return serialize(_ENV,true)
L1442[17:59:28] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Error: Took too long.
L1443[17:59:30] <payonel> ha
L1444[17:59:32] <gamax92> hah.
L1445[17:59:48] <payonel> #lua return serialize(os,true)
L1446[17:59:48] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > {clock=function: 0x7f565854a060, | date=function: 0x7f565854a3b0, | difftime=function: 0x7f565854a010, | exit=function: 0x7f5638051610, | time=function: 0x7f565854a220}
L1447[18:01:26] <payonel> ok, gotta run
L1448[18:01:28] <payonel> o/
L1449[18:02:50] ⇦ Quits: LuMistry (uid146685@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:2:3cfd) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1450[18:03:54] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1451[18:04:18] <payonel> #lua loadstring=function(str,name) return load(loader(str),name) end
L1452[18:04:18] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L1453[18:04:24] <payonel> yes i'm still here
L1454[18:04:34] <payonel> #lua foo=loadstring("return 123")
L1455[18:04:34] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L1456[18:04:38] <payonel> #lua foo()
L1457[18:04:38] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 123
L1458[18:05:06] <payonel> not sure why, but deadbeef didn't have loadstring
L1459[18:05:59] <payonel> o/
L1460[18:08:19] <gamax92> payonel: because it's 5.3
L1461[18:12:36] <Sandra> #lua loadstring("return 1+2+3+123")()
L1462[18:12:36] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: return 1+2+3+123
L1463[18:12:45] <Sandra> good.
L1464[18:13:05] <Sandra> is that supposed to be an error message?
L1465[18:13:15] <Sandra> #lua 1/0
L1466[18:13:15] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > inf
L1467[18:13:26] <Sandra> #lua pqorwajshdjahfhjadgdfhadsgywegaydfgyudsag()
L1468[18:13:26] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to call a nil value (global 'pqorwajshdjahfhjadgdfhadsgywegaydfgyudsag')
L1469[18:13:47] <Sandra> *shrug*
L1470[18:41:48] ⇨ Joins: Dimensional (~kvirc@
L1471[18:58:52] <S3> #lua foobar\nPRIVMSG #oc :trololol
L1472[18:58:52] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: syntax error near '\'
L1473[18:59:04] <S3> oops
L1474[18:59:28] <S3> #lua foobar\nPRIVMSG\s#oc\s:trololo()
L1475[18:59:28] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: syntax error near '\'
L1476[18:59:34] <S3> yay!
L1477[18:59:36] <S3> bot is safe
L1478[19:02:45] <S3> what if I were like
L1479[19:02:46] <vifino> S3: You are doing it wrong.
L1480[19:03:46] <S3> #lua x = "\nPRIVMSG #oc :Test"; _G[x]()
L1481[19:03:46] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to call a nil value (field '?')
L1482[19:04:00] <S3> vifino: not exactly
L1483[19:04:19] <vifino> S3: Yes, you are.
L1484[19:04:29] <S3> nope
L1485[19:04:37] <vifino> That is a darn syntax error.
L1486[19:04:55] <S3> doesn' tmatter
L1487[19:04:56] <vifino> It's not interpreting a plain text \n because IT IS NOT A STRING
L1488[19:05:05] <S3> I was hoping it wouldn't say ?
L1489[19:05:09] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1490[19:05:37] <vifino> In the other try, you tried to call a string?
L1491[19:05:49] <S3> I tried a couple of things
L1492[19:05:52] <vifino> Or nil, with the string as key.
L1493[19:05:55] <vifino> Which makes no darn sense.
L1494[19:06:06] <vifino> Actually, none of the things you tried make any sense.
L1495[19:06:21] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1496[19:06:32] <S3> it works in a script :)
L1497[19:06:36] <S3> believe it or not
L1498[19:06:39] <S3> i tested it
L1499[19:06:45] <S3> but I was hoping the bot was stupid
L1500[19:06:54] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L1501[19:07:59] <S3> http://google.com
L1502[19:08:55] <S3> huh
L1503[19:09:04] <S3> I thought there was a title bot in here
L1504[19:20:19] ⇨ Joins: Hyst (~cxsss1@CPE-124-189-12-66.iacz1.cht.bigpond.net.au)
L1505[19:24:27] ⇨ Joins: AlexisMachina (uid57631@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:e11f)
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L1507[19:28:30] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (~icemna11a@cpe-66-61-77-228.neo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Going on a long tril and forgetting IRC for now)
L1508[19:32:51] <Antheus> %weather 76020
L1509[19:32:55] <MichiBot> Antheus: Current weather for 76020 Current Temp: 86°F/30°C Feels Like: 95°F/35°C Current Humidity: 72 Wind: From the SSE 17 Mph/28 Km/h Conditions: Thundery outbreaks in nearby
L1510[19:32:59] <ds84182> %weather lazy town
L1511[19:33:01] <MichiBot> ds84182: Current weather for Lazy, Ukraine Current Temp: 43°F/6°C Feels Like: 45°F/7°C Current Humidity: 91 Wind: From the SE 2 Mph/3 Km/h Conditions: Clear
L1512[19:33:11] <ds84182> lol
L1513[19:33:22] <Antheus> >Thundery otbreaks in nearby
L1514[19:34:05] <Techokami> http://www.ebay.com/sch/satechokami/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from= CHEAP GAME BOY GAMES, GET YOUR CHEAP GAME BOY GAMES HERE
L1515[19:34:21] <Antheus> No
L1516[19:34:25] <Techokami> ;_;
L1517[19:34:33] <Techokami> why not
L1518[19:34:40] <Antheus> My parents gave away my gameboy when I turned 10
L1519[19:34:51] <Techokami> o_o
L1520[19:34:52] <Antheus> I think it was 10
L1521[19:34:53] <Antheus> idk
L1522[19:35:03] <Antheus> I just remember I loved playing this Tonka game
L1523[19:37:22] <Techokami> welp, you can uh... get a Game Boy Pocket for cheap on eBay?
L1524[19:38:12] <Techokami> I've seen them selling for like, $10
L1525[19:38:32] <Antheus> It would end up being a paper weight
L1526[19:38:55] <Techokami> not a fan of videogames?
L1527[19:41:36] <CompanionCube> likely emulation
L1528[19:42:47] <gamax92> Sometimes ... you don't want the authentic experience.
L1529[19:42:54] <gamax92> Virtual Boy.
L1530[19:43:53] <Techokami> Virtual Boy had decent game
L1531[19:43:55] <Techokami> one game
L1532[19:44:00] <Techokami> the Wario Land
L1533[19:44:16] ⇨ Joins: CB|Away (~TimeDrago@s0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net)
L1534[19:44:20] <Techokami> that was a top tier Wario game
L1535[19:44:32] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
L1536[19:44:37] <Techokami> shame they never bothered to bring it to other platforms
L1537[19:44:57] <Techokami> the 3DS is perfect for replicating the 3D effects without murdering your eyeballs
L1538[19:45:35] <gamax92> What about cardboard or rift
L1539[19:46:03] <Techokami> those would work too, but I was talking official ports by Nintendo to a Nintendo platform :V
L1540[19:46:40] <Techokami> heck the Pockulus would work for emulation, too
L1541[19:49:20] <gamax92> the Pockulus :v
L1542[19:54:51] <Antheus> I still need to figure out what to put this thing that my ISP uses to provide internet access to make it stop acting as a router and just act as if it is just kinda a cable connecting to WAN
L1543[19:55:00] <Antheus> NAT, Tunnel, Bridge, or Router
L1544[19:55:08] <Antheus> It's currently set as NAT
L1545[19:56:27] <CompanionCube> usually 'bridge' means 'just dumb thing in middle'
L1546[20:05:19] <Mimiru> Yeah, you'd want Bridge
L1547[20:06:12] <gamax92> oh, that's why the sounds sounds awful
L1548[20:06:59] <gamax92> it's accidentally pushing frequencies higher than the sample rate, but since it's only use a -= 1 and not a %= 1, then it stays above 1 and some things are not designed to work above 1
L1549[20:14:10] ⇦ Quits: Temportalist (uid37180@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:913c) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1550[20:25:22] <Antheus> I set it to bridged mode
L1551[20:25:26] <Antheus> Now I can't seem to access it
L1552[20:26:31] <Mimiru> Some devices won't let you access the config while bridged... it's annoying
L1553[20:26:54] <Antheus> Well, this says that it *should*
L1554[20:27:07] <Antheus> Its WAN > Thingy > Router > Me
L1555[20:27:23] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (~icemna11a@cpe-66-61-77-228.neo.res.rr.com)
L1556[20:27:41] <Mimiru> > Thingy
L1557[20:28:07] <Antheus> Dual Mode CPE7000 is the proper name iirc
L1558[20:28:09] <Antheus> by Telrad
L1559[20:29:08] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (~icedream@has.streaminginter.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1560[20:29:34] <Mimiru> Ahhh WiMax/LTE
L1561[20:32:35] <Antheus> I think I know how I'm going to try and get to it...
L1562[20:35:45] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L1563[20:39:51] <Antheus> jk
L1564[20:40:10] * gamax92 goes to look into why SteamingAudioPlayer is such a piece of garbage.
L1565[20:40:39] *** Kimiro is now known as CB|Away
L1566[20:54:22] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (~icedream@has.streaminginter.net)
L1567[20:57:09] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
L1568[21:03:27] * gamax92 plays with reflection!
L1569[21:04:09] <gamax92> If this works, I can get the ByteBuf inside the packet, to see how much it's storing and debug output that
L1570[21:04:35] <Antheus> I guess I could go up into my attic tomorrow
L1571[21:04:45] <Antheus> or something and reset it, if there is access inside of my attic
L1572[21:04:57] <gamax92> no such field?
L1573[21:05:21] <Antheus> Since I can't seem to find a way to access it
L1574[21:07:05] *** Kimiro is now known as CB|Away
L1575[21:08:41] ⇦ Quits: Hyst (~cxsss1@CPE-124-189-12-66.iacz1.cht.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1576[21:18:52] <Antheus> %isdown antheus.tk
L1577[21:19:00] <Antheus> .-.
L1578[21:20:38] <Antheus> \o/
L1579[21:21:22] <Antheus> Well, the issue I was trying to solve is now fixed
L1580[21:21:30] <Antheus> So I guess I'll just leave it :P
L1581[21:21:33] <Mimiru> is...down..?
L1582[21:21:34] <Mimiru> isup....
L1583[21:21:43] <Antheus> %isup antheus.tk
L1584[21:21:43] <MichiBot> Antheus: antheus.tk Is Down.
L1585[21:21:46] <Antheus> .-.
L1586[21:22:00] <gamax92> %isup stockmarket
L1587[21:22:00] <MichiBot> gamax92: stockmarket Is Down.
L1588[21:22:08] <Antheus> SELL ALL THE STOCKS
L1589[21:22:14] * Mimiru cries quietly in the corner
L1590[21:22:27] <Mimiru> %isup pc-logix.com
L1591[21:22:28] <MichiBot> Mimiru: pc-logix.com Is Down.
L1592[21:22:31] <Mimiru> %isup http://pc-logix.com
L1593[21:22:32] <MichiBot> Mimiru: http://pc-logix.com Is Down.
L1594[21:22:36] <Mimiru> %isup https://pc-logix.com
L1595[21:22:36] <MichiBot> Mimiru: https://pc-logix.com Is Down.
L1596[21:22:39] <gamax92> das be broke.
L1597[21:22:39] <Mimiru> lol wut
L1598[21:22:43] <Antheus> %isup google.com
L1599[21:22:44] <MichiBot> Antheus: google.com Is Down.
L1600[21:22:58] <gamax92> #lua function isup(site) return site .. " is down." end
L1601[21:22:58] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L1602[21:23:06] <gamax92> #lua isup "google.com"
L1603[21:23:06] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > google.com is down.
L1604[21:23:10] <gamax92> perfect simulation!
L1605[21:23:11] <Mimiru> %isup http://google.com
L1606[21:23:11] <MichiBot> Mimiru: http://google.com Is Up.
L1607[21:23:17] <Antheus> %isup antheus.tk
L1608[21:23:17] <MichiBot> Antheus: antheus.tk Is Down.
L1609[21:23:18] <Mimiru> You. Need. the. http://
L1610[21:23:23] <Antheus> %isup http://antheus.tk
L1611[21:23:24] <MichiBot> Antheus: http://antheus.tk Is Up.
L1612[21:23:27] <Antheus> \o/
L1613[21:23:53] <Mimiru> Also, PC-Logix was failing cause the DB Error returns an http error code
L1614[21:23:59] <gamax92> %isup Happiness
L1615[21:23:59] <MichiBot> gamax92: Happiness Is Down.
L1616[21:24:13] <Antheus> %isup Down Syndrome
L1617[21:24:13] <MichiBot> Antheus: Down Syndrome Is Down.
L1618[21:24:34] <gamax92> okay, so my method for cleaning up the sound card appears to be working
L1619[21:24:42] <Antheus> gamax92, what exactly are you doing
L1620[21:25:00] <gamax92> needed an automatic reset after a period of no activity
L1621[21:25:03] <gamax92> so put one it
L1622[21:25:28] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@71-93-33-88.static.snlo.ca.charter.com)
L1623[21:28:35] <gamax92> the worst I get now is just a really tiny brief blip of old data
L1624[21:32:35] ⇨ Joins: Hyst (~cxsss1@CPE-124-189-12-66.iacz1.cht.bigpond.net.au)
L1625[21:43:34] *** Xilandro is now known as Kodos
L1626[21:43:57] ⇦ Quits: Dimensional (~kvirc@ (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1627[21:46:11] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
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L1630[22:15:16] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
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L1632[22:35:37] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549613EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1633[22:42:47] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54961216.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1634[22:51:10] <S3> whee
L1635[22:55:38] ⇦ Quits: AlexisMachina (uid57631@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:e11f) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1636[23:07:28] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA7334B56DC7DBD4AF54.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1637[23:07:29] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L1638[23:27:06] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L1639[23:27:58] <gamax92> hey Vexatos, fixed the ridiculous latency issue.
L1640[23:28:58] <gamax92> also fixed a corrupted sound issue, technically an issue with my player but the sound card now handles it properly
L1641[23:30:25] <Vexatos> k
L1642[23:30:38] <Vexatos> I keep thinking about the best way to change api.audio
L1643[23:30:54] <Vexatos> to allow audio cables to connect to computer with a sound card in them (visually)
L1644[23:31:21] <Vexatos> because if we are using the system, we might as well be using it properly
L1645[23:31:40] <Vexatos> anyways, off to university once more. Bai
L1646[23:31:45] <gamax92> bai
L1647[23:32:05] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA7334B56DC7DBD4AF54.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1648[23:32:36] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@188-23-114-102.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Quit: Yepoleb)
L1649[23:57:05] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L1650[23:59:54] ⇦ Quits: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Remote host closed the connection)
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