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L1[00:00:08] ⇨ Joins: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
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L21[01:41:58] *** Ajloveslily is now known as Ajloveslily|Sleep
L22[01:49:21] <Kodos> You know, if we can livestream minecraft to an OC computer, why hasn't anyone done security cameras to a screen yet
L23[01:52:00] <Kimiro> o.o Yo dawg, I heard you like watching MineCraft.
L24[01:52:54] ⇦ Quits: fotoply (~fotoply@2-104-228-18-static.dk.customer.tdc.net) ()
L25[01:53:08] <Kodos> Lol
L26[01:53:09] <Kodos> Well
L27[01:53:23] <Kodos> If SecurityCraft can do it (With LookingGlass, but still), why can't OC?
L28[02:03:48] <Izaya> ever noticed that every gtk theme on gnome-look.org has screenshots of GNOME 3
L29[02:04:00] <Izaya> because evidently those are the least special snowflake screenshots
L30[02:05:10] <Kodos> I understood half of the words in those sentences
L31[02:11:26] <Skye> Morning.
L32[02:29:19] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L33[02:30:34] <asie> Kodos: Because you'd need to run the client on the server.
L34[02:32:33] <Kodos> Ah
L35[02:46:21] * Izaya grumbles
L36[02:46:32] <Izaya> to get macro keys working on Windows with a razer keyboard
L37[02:46:36] <Izaya> you need to install their malware
L38[02:46:51] <Izaya> which naturally is 'cloud-connected drivers'
L39[02:46:52] <Kodos> The more important question is
L40[02:46:56] <Izaya> they use cloud-connected
L41[02:46:57] <Kodos> Why the fuck are you using their shit products
L42[02:46:58] <Izaya> as a selling point
L43[02:47:00] <Izaya> what the fuck
L44[02:47:04] <Izaya> cheapest mech keyboard I could get
L45[02:48:13] <Kodos> Wait
L46[02:48:17] <Kodos> Australia doesn't have Amazon?
L47[02:48:24] <Izaya> oh it does
L48[02:48:24] <Kodos> (not the kindle shit, actual amazon)
L49[02:48:34] <Izaya> the shipping is usually the price of the item though
L50[02:49:07] <Izaya> man wireshark takes so long to install D:
L51[02:49:26] <Izaya> Windows is physically painful to use
L52[02:49:42] <Izaya> is there any way to make Windows less painful?
L53[02:49:47] <Izaya> like I could use blackbox I guess
L54[03:00:08] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@nat-wifi-etu-2.univ-rouen.fr) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L55[03:01:14] <Kodos> https://twitter.com/McJty/status/727405102613585921
L56[03:01:15] <MichiBot> Tue May 03 02:51:05 CDT 2016 @McJty: Check this out: https://t.co/357cTLKwji
L57[03:05:53] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/j6chPuk.png evidently I need an account to use drivers
L58[03:06:48] <Izaya> aaand now it has to update
L59[03:13:31] * Lizzy groans
L60[03:13:35] <Lizzy> Off to work i go
L61[03:30:18] <Kodos> Off to bed I go
L62[03:31:50] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L63[03:32:51] <g> Off to Oz we go
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L68[04:58:30] <g> hmm, I wish there was a way to automatically rearrange the contents of attached storage drawers
L69[05:16:25] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L70[05:26:21] <Forecaster> pull everything out into a large temp storage, assign the new order, and pull everything back in
L71[05:29:13] <g> I don't have a storage that big
L72[05:29:16] <g> A temp storage I mean
L73[05:33:27] <Forecaster> build a pyramid of chests
L74[05:34:56] <g> lol
L75[05:35:21] <g> hm, I guess I could do it with a bunch of crystal ch ests
L76[05:35:24] <g> chests*
L77[05:38:38] <Lizzy> hmm, somehow i've managed to re-order the channels in my hexchat
L78[06:05:40] <Forecaster> crystal chests?
L79[06:05:53] <Lizzy> from the Iron Chests mod
L80[06:06:08] <Lizzy> IIRC they're the same size as diamond ones, just seethrough
L81[06:08:45] <Forecaster> ah, right
L82[06:08:57] <Forecaster> yeah I know those
L83[06:21:30] <g> I think they're bigger than diamond
L84[06:21:32] <g> Same size as obsidian
L85[06:21:46] <g> Obsidian/crystal are both upgrades from diamond
L86[06:24:00] <Izaya> okay, while Windows sucks, Chocolatey makes it slightly less bad
L87[06:24:15] <g> chocolatey is somewhat of a joke, imo
L88[06:24:32] <g> it has like 4 useful things in it, and it's really damn slow
L89[06:24:37] <Izaya> plus Xming, bb4win, some XFCE utils running in a VM, and remote mpd
L90[06:24:52] <g> Why are you trying to turn windows into linux?>
L91[06:25:05] <Izaya> I much prefer typing in choco install x than finding a program the usual way
L92[06:25:10] <Izaya> because Windows is painful
L93[06:25:27] <g> also, xming is awful, find something more up to date like xpra
L94[06:26:21] <g> `choco install x` doesn't work well for stuff like java, which you might need up to 4 different versions of
L95[06:26:33] <Izaya> "disconnect without losing state"
L96[06:26:38] <g> (x86/x64 JRE/JDK)
L97[06:26:39] <Izaya> see that isn't what I want or need
L98[06:26:43] <Izaya> I just want an X server
L99[06:26:53] <g> xming is ancient
L100[06:26:59] <g> to get a recent version of it, you have to pay
L101[06:27:10] <g> xming also doesn't support many, many, MANY x-server extensions
L102[06:27:29] <Izaya> welp, it's running xfce4-panel, xfce4-terminal, luakit and PCManFM
L103[06:27:46] <Izaya> it'd be nice if border disabling worked but that seems to be a Windows limitation
L104[06:28:12] <g> It's not
L105[06:28:35] <g> I just don't think any windows x-servers implement that properly
L106[06:28:56] <g> although you wouldn't be able to move around windows from the x-server without a border/title-bar without some more handles being added
L107[06:29:27] <g> it's possible though, many windows apps do it
L108[06:30:05] <Izaya> still, Xpra isn't what I want
L109[06:30:05] <g> sticky notes for example: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547120/ShareX/2016/May/StikyNot_2016-05-03_12-30-08.png
L110[06:30:13] <Izaya> I don't want a persistent session
L111[06:30:21] <g> oh, xpra isn't what I meant either
L112[06:30:25] <g> I'm trying ot remember the name of it
L113[06:30:31] <g> I have it on here but it's not in my start menu
L114[06:30:40] <Izaya> I'm all for a better X server for Windows but
L115[06:30:53] <Izaya> Xming is just what I'm used to
L116[06:31:03] <g> xming is just a re-package
L117[06:31:27] <Lizzy> Xming works for me most of the time, only time it fucks up is with virt-manager and only when i actualy go to look at a VM
L118[06:31:58] <g> VcXsrv
L119[06:31:59] <g> that's the one
L120[06:32:00] * Izaya goes to take a look at virt-manager
L121[06:32:36] <g> https://sourceforge.net/projects/vcxsrv/
L122[06:33:07] <Izaya> let's try this out I guess
L123[06:33:10] <Lizzy> I would suggest Cygwin but i could never get it's X server running properly for me to do X11 forwarding over ssh
L124[06:33:17] <g> It works the same as xming
L125[06:33:24] <g> It's just not ancient and has a lot of stuff fixed
L126[06:34:03] <Izaya> fuck I hate Red Hat-associated software
L127[06:34:12] <Izaya> everything seems to fork by default
L128[06:34:16] <Izaya> and have no way to stop that
L129[06:34:33] <Izaya> so if you run virt-manager in a terminal, instead of debug info, it just returns you immediately
L130[06:34:52] <Lizzy> yup
L131[06:35:46] <Lizzy> really annoying too if you wanted to do something like ssh user@host -XC "virt-manager"
L132[06:36:58] <Izaya> speaking of X11 in a VM
L133[06:37:06] <Izaya> or rather X11 forwarding from a VM
L134[06:37:15] <Izaya> which virtualization system sucks the least?
L135[06:37:25] <Izaya> VirtualBox 5 isn't bad, last time I used it
L136[06:37:35] <Izaya> VMWare Workstation is dead IIRC
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L149[08:10:03] <Saphire> yay
L150[08:10:19] * Saphire nibbles on Lizzy's powdrline
L151[08:10:25] <Saphire> *powerline
L152[08:15:44] <Izaya> g: thank you so much
L153[08:15:51] <g> ?
L154[08:15:56] <Izaya> VcXsrv is so much better than Xming
L155[08:16:00] <g> \o/
L156[08:16:06] <Lizzy> http://i.imgur.com/fdNBlXO.png
L157[08:16:08] <Izaya> I don't have to manually separate the X11 windows
L158[08:16:12] <Lizzy> Powerline!
L159[08:16:37] <Izaya> unrelated but interesting fact: Firefox behaves weirdly when Explorer.exe isn't running
L160[08:33:22] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-66-31-214-12.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L161[08:38:47] * vifino groans and throws himself at Lizzy
L162[08:38:47] <Izaya> https://a.pomf.cat/wzzzko.PNG only way to use Windows
L163[08:38:58] * Lizzy catches bi
L164[08:39:01] * Lizzy catches vifino
L165[08:39:12] <vifino> :3
L166[08:41:22] ⇨ Joins: Asior (~Test@
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L168[08:49:55] <CompanionCube> also, that detected WM is lies. I see no evidence of wmaker
L169[08:51:39] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L170[08:52:34] <Izaya> yeah I dunno what's going on with that
L171[08:53:11] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[AFK]
L172[08:58:02] <Izaya> actually
L173[08:58:09] <Izaya> we can do better than just linux working well on Windows
L174[08:58:14] <Izaya> let's make Windows blend well with Linux
L175[08:59:49] <CompanionCube> how so
L176[09:00:08] <Izaya> same icon set
L177[09:00:12] <Izaya> similar theme
L178[09:00:17] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity_ (~MajGenRel@c-66-31-214-12.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L179[09:00:20] <vifino> throw the windows install dvd in a blender with a gentoo cd
L180[09:00:28] <vifino> perfect blend.
L181[09:00:58] <vifino> Side note: Wintoo, not Gendows.
L182[09:02:15] ⇦ Parts: Asior (~Test@ (Once you know what it is you want to be true, instinct is a very useful device for enabling you to know that it is))
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L185[09:03:45] <Izaya> https://a.pomf.cat/hbimzf.png
L186[09:10:09] ⇨ Joins: reinei (~reinei@p50807F78.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L193[09:37:25] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L194[09:39:06] * Lizzy sighs at one of the responses to her form/q&a about her server
L195[09:43:17] * Saphire eats Lizzy's forms
L196[09:43:30] * reinei eats Saphire
L197[09:44:30] <Saphire> lewd
L198[09:44:38] * Saphire wiggles
L199[09:44:51] * reinei spits out Saphire
L200[09:45:13] <reinei> not really my taste anyway ... I like meat, but human is somehow gross
L201[09:45:39] <Lizzy> Saphire is a dragon
L202[09:45:45] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L203[09:45:45] <Lizzy> and a cute one at that
L204[09:46:25] ⇦ Quits: Dark (~MrDark@cpe-76-181-157-113.columbus.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L205[09:46:43] * Saphire blushes, lying upside down on her back, flailing her paws
L206[09:46:49] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~MobileDra@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by DragonBoots!~TimeDrago@s0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net)))
L207[09:46:54] * Lizzy pets Saphire's belly
L208[09:47:02] ⇨ Joins: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@s0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net)
L209[09:47:48] * Saphire cling to a petting hand o.o
L210[09:47:50] ⇨ Joins: Dark (~MrDark@cpe-76-181-157-113.columbus.res.rr.com)
L211[09:49:28] * Lizzy giggles
L212[09:52:03] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA386CBCA7CA3F4B7AD6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L213[09:52:04] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L214[09:52:23] <Lizzy> %tell Sangar *stab*
L215[09:52:23] <MichiBot> Lizzy: Sangar will be notified of this message when next seen.
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L218[09:56:17] * Saphire nibbles on Lizzy's stab
L219[09:57:16] <Lizzy> you like eating and nibbling don't you?
L220[09:59:30] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
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L223[10:10:47] <reinei> so MichiBot now supprots remote stabbing?
L224[10:11:39] <Lizzy> it always has
L225[10:11:41] <Lizzy> technicallt
L226[10:11:44] <Lizzy> technically*
L227[10:12:14] <reinei> /stab random.randomChoiceSet(users.getEveryone())
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L230[10:22:09] <Saphire> wai
L231[10:22:51] * Saphire licks reinei
L232[10:23:14] <reinei> aww
L233[10:26:20] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-277-109.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr)
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L236[10:52:22] <Vexatos> god dammit
L237[10:52:29] <Vexatos> I figured out why wine wasn't extracing >_>
L238[10:53:05] <Izaya> the file was broken?
L239[10:53:23] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L240[10:53:32] <Lizzy> you were attempting it in the first place?
L241[10:53:43] <Kodos> It hates you?
L242[10:54:35] <Vexatos> no, it was extracing
L243[10:54:38] <Vexatos> it only took 10 minutes
L244[10:54:46] <Vexatos> due to my antivirus >_>
L245[10:54:48] <Vexatos> ON AN SSD
L246[10:54:52] <Lizzy> ....
L247[10:54:58] <Lizzy> why do you have an AV on linux?
L248[10:55:18] <Vexatos> because I send files to non-linux people a lot
L249[10:55:27] ⇨ Joins: LuMistry (uid146685@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:2:3cfd)
L250[10:55:35] <Izaya> so scan them with ClamAV before you scan them?
L251[10:55:43] <LuMistry> Greetings
L252[10:55:59] <Vexatos> scan them before I scan them?
L253[10:55:59] <Vexatos> k
L254[10:56:08] <Izaya> Real-time AV - oh ffs
L255[10:56:10] <Izaya> it's 2 AM
L256[10:56:13] <Izaya> gimme a break
L257[10:56:16] <Izaya> s/scan/send/2
L258[10:56:16] <MichiBot> Izaya: Invalid regex invalid substitute flags in sed script: s/scan/send/2/
L259[10:56:27] * Lizzy breaks Izaya
L260[10:56:29] <Lizzy> there you to
L261[10:56:31] <Lizzy> *go
L262[10:56:32] <Lizzy> ¬_¬
L263[10:56:38] <Lizzy> it's only 5pm for me
L264[10:56:48] <Izaya> my point is it's fairly pointless to have anything definable as a real-time antivirus on Linux
L265[10:57:05] <Vexatos> I wonder why it takes so long though
L266[10:57:19] <Vexatos> sure, wine is 22MB, but atom is 50 and that's got normal extraction speed
L267[10:57:36] <Skye> Vexatos, Wine has windows DLLs
L268[10:57:40] <Skye> those are fishy
L269[10:58:43] <Lizzy> hmm, should i play mc for my last hour of work seeing as I have sod all to do apart from watching Sophos try and protect computers
L270[10:59:20] <Lizzy> yeah, fuck it. why not?
L271[10:59:21] <Vexatos> It's nice to know that you immediately assume sophos
L272[10:59:33] <Lizzy> Vexatos, ?
L273[11:00:36] <Lizzy> I (currently) manage the Sophos Enterprise Consoles at my work, currently trying to get the computers to be managed by the new servers
L274[11:01:19] <Lizzy> The Sophos comment was in no-way (apart from it being an AV that can run on linux) related to your stuff
L275[11:01:20] <Skye> It's funny how Antivirus software is almost like a virus in the methods it uses to protect the system.
L276[11:01:27] <Vexatos> aah wine is back
L277[11:01:50] <Vexatos> Lizzy, well I'm using sophos too as it appears to be one of the very very few linux anti-malware programs :P
L278[11:02:09] <Vexatos> and hey, the linux version is free forever™ and I can leech of my university's servers
L279[11:02:15] <Vexatos> s/of/off
L280[11:02:15] <MichiBot> <Vexatos> and hey, the linux version is free forever™ and I can leech off my university's servers
L281[11:02:27] <Saphire> hoi
L282[11:02:40] <Vexatos> hmmm I like wine-staging
L283[11:02:56] <Vexatos> got some neat stuff in it
L284[11:03:03] <Saphire> Skye: I said same thing once
L285[11:03:10] <Lizzy> I have the subscription keys for my work place so I can get updates when i'm not at work (for my windows install of my laptop)
L286[11:03:25] <Saphire> got 'no it's not' in response :\
L287[11:03:30] <Saphire> but I agree
L288[11:03:35] ⇨ Joins: Temportalist (uid37180@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:913c)
L289[11:03:49] <Vexatos> yea my laptop and desktop are connected to the uni server for updates
L290[11:03:59] <Lizzy> Skye, you having connection issues?
L291[11:04:28] <Izaya> anyway I also have AV software on my Linux, but it resides on my mail server and filters incoming and outgoing mail
L292[11:04:45] <Lizzy> Vexatos, my laptop uses my work's student side server (since that's accessible from all networks) and if it can't get that it falls back to the place that the sophos servers get the updates themselves
L293[11:05:23] <Vexatos> I need to do something
L294[11:05:26] <Vexatos> I'm bored
L295[11:15:43] <Skye> Lizzy, huh?
L296[11:15:52] <Skye> My phone might be messing up again.
L297[11:16:19] <Skye> yep
L298[11:16:21] <Lizzy> probably, i turned notify_conect back on on the bouncer again recently
L299[11:16:26] <Skye> it was my phone randomly reconnecting
L300[11:16:30] <Skye> becasue the wifi died
L301[11:16:35] <Lizzy> ah
L302[11:16:50] <Lizzy> also casually playing mc at work
L303[11:16:53] <Skye> my wifi dies for a few seconds only for mobile devices
L304[11:19:17] <Michiyo> I'm currently watching MythBusters at work...
L305[11:19:18] <Michiyo> \o/
L306[11:19:25] <Lizzy> lol
L307[11:19:40] <Michiyo> Hey, we're supposed to demo this POS streaming box
L308[11:19:45] <Michiyo> might as well enjoy it
L309[11:20:17] <Skye> I'm currently doing school work at home. :P
L310[11:22:36] <g> I'm currently busy not missing school in the slightest
L311[11:22:36] <Lizzy> hmm, which part of my rail network should i work on.... Code, appearence, destinations or something
L312[11:22:39] <Lizzy> else
L313[11:22:57] <Lizzy> curse you MC chat limit
L314[11:23:09] <g> lol, eiraIRC
L315[11:23:17] <Lizzy> EiraIRc works fine
L316[11:23:28] <g> It catches some messages that it shouldn't
L317[11:23:40] <g> It supports prefix-less commands and tends to eat messages that match them
L318[11:23:49] <Lizzy> hmm
L319[11:24:06] <g> We used ForgeEssentials for an IRC bot, but that isn't one connection per user
L320[11:24:38] <Lizzy> I think the closest i've seen to 1 connection per user was a plugin for bukkit caled Purple IRC
L321[11:25:00] <g> BukkitIRCd did it as well
L322[11:28:27] <Skye> one connection per user is not allowed by EsperNet
L323[11:30:21] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6456.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L324[11:30:51] <g> Nope, but that's just because of standard IP limits
L325[11:30:59] <g> If the connection comes from the user themselves, no problem
L326[11:37:04] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-66-31-214-12.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L327[11:37:42] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L328[11:40:26] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-72-74-136-57.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L329[11:41:28] ⇨ Joins: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-72-74-136-57.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
L330[11:45:22] <Inari> TIL Peanut butter makes your skin so fucking smooth.
L331[11:45:22] <Inari> Cats will be licking you for a week though and it takes hours to clean up.
L332[11:51:54] <gamax92> Inari: .-.
L333[11:55:32] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/zH3aFXb
L334[11:55:50] ⇦ Quits: reinei (~reinei@p50807F78.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L338[11:58:58] <Skye> Inari, how did you learn this?
L339[11:59:08] <Inari> imgur
L340[11:59:21] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/qfz1g
L341[12:02:00] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/BbRl6gu.jpg
L342[12:02:52] <Lizzy> heh
L343[12:03:55] <Lizzy> home time
L344[12:04:56] <Sangar> I'M NOT DEAD!
L345[12:05:01] <Sangar> also hi
L346[12:05:11] <Inari> ohi sangyr
L347[12:05:22] <Vexatos> lies
L348[12:05:23] <Vexatos> also hi
L349[12:05:32] <Inari> hi Vyx :D
L350[12:05:42] <Sangar> one of those days i'll be productive again
L351[12:05:43] <Sangar> probably
L352[12:05:54] <Vexatos> a) work b) Dark Souls
L353[12:05:55] <Vexatos> what was it
L354[12:06:02] <Sangar> c) rocket league
L355[12:06:06] <Vexatos> wat
L356[12:06:09] <Inari> lol
L357[12:06:10] <Sangar> d) cs go >_>
L358[12:06:11] <Vexatos> seriously?
L359[12:06:26] <Sangar> too many people to play too many games with
L360[12:06:27] <Vexatos> Sangar is a 12-year-old child confirmed
L361[12:06:29] <Sangar> hard times
L362[12:06:48] * Kodos still wants those rack mounted switch board thingers
L363[12:06:59] <Sangar> my approach to rl was "i'm gonna hate this, i hate soccer and i hate racing games". turns out, it's kinda fun :X
L364[12:07:23] ⇦ Quits: fingercomp (~fingercom@host-46-50-128-141.bbcustomer.zsttk.net) (Quit: .)
L365[12:07:24] <Inari> Sangar: were you the guy who wrote that review?
L366[12:07:29] <Sangar> i still want someone else to port oc to 1.9 for me
L367[12:07:36] <Sangar> Inari, i wrote no review, no
L368[12:07:41] <Inari> ah :P
L369[12:07:42] <Sangar> i'm sure i'm not a singular case though :P
L370[12:07:49] <Inari> yeah but like that wording haha
L371[12:09:21] <Inari> games like rocket league dont genrally go well wiht me though
L372[12:09:53] <Vexatos> Sangar, I like RL
L373[12:09:56] <Sangar> i probably wouldn't play it on my own. with a couple of friends you can yell at for being as shit as you are it's much better.
L374[12:09:56] <Vexatos> lots of chemistry :>
L375[12:10:02] * Vexatos runs
L376[12:10:11] <Inari> makes sense
L377[12:11:17] <Kodos> I've been playing a fuck ton of Titanfall
L378[12:11:26] <Kodos> Turns out I'm rather decent at it
L379[12:11:41] <Kodos> But now that DCUO is on the Xbox, my wife has it all the time
L380[12:11:48] <Sangar> ohh, that's still around? kinda dropped off the radar for me
L381[12:11:51] * KittyKath cuddles Sangar
L382[12:11:54] <Sangar> ohai
L383[12:11:56] <Kodos> Which?
L384[12:11:56] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L385[12:11:58] <Sangar> titanfall
L386[12:12:02] <Kodos> Ah
L387[12:12:37] <Kodos> It's not as popular as some stuff (And I'll hopefully be getting BF4 soon, too) but I still manage to get into a game any time I try
L388[12:17:11] <Vexatos> Sangar, OC 1.6 when
L389[12:18:03] <Sangar> this weekend maybe? i've lost track of what issues are still open, but if not a lot then quite possibly (since it's a long weekend)
L390[12:18:19] <gamax92> #lua 60/5
L391[12:18:19] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 12.0
L392[12:18:36] <Vexatos> Sangar, long?
L393[12:18:41] <Vexatos> I have 4.5 days off ;_;
L394[12:19:09] <Sangar> sounds about right
L395[12:19:14] <Kodos> #l53 60/5
L396[12:19:15] <Vexatos> lecturer was like "Thursday's off, friday too because Brückentag, And 4 hours on wednesday isn't worth it, right? RIGHT"?
L397[12:19:25] <Kodos> Hm, what's the Lua 5.3 command
L398[12:19:25] <gamax92> "Does the UK use 50 seconds per minute and 50 minutes per hour?"
L399[12:19:27] <Sangar> heh
L400[12:19:33] <Vexatos> They just wanted their holidays
L401[12:19:35] <gamax92> #lua _VERSION
L402[12:19:36] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Lua 5.3 Sandbox
L403[12:19:41] <Kodos> Oh
L404[12:19:45] <gamax92> :)
L405[12:19:47] <Kodos> #lua tonumber(60/5)
L406[12:19:47] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 12.0
L407[12:19:53] <Sangar> brb, food
L408[12:19:55] <Kodos> Has it always added the .0
L409[12:19:55] <Vexatos> tonumber?
L410[12:19:58] <Vexatos> 60/5 is a number
L411[12:20:12] <Kodos> Vexatos, no shit, I'm trying to remember how to get it to drop the .0
L412[12:20:14] <Vexatos> #lua tonumber(60//5)
L413[12:20:14] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 12
L414[12:20:22] <Kodos> Ah, right
L415[12:20:27] <Kodos> #lua 60//5
L416[12:20:27] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 12
L417[12:20:32] <gamax92> Yes, because Lua 5.3 is stupid with it's integers and doubles
L418[12:20:39] <Kodos> What about
L419[12:20:40] <Vexatos> also, Kodos math.tointeger
L420[12:20:49] <Vexatos> #lua math.tointeger(61/5)
L421[12:20:49] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L422[12:20:52] <Vexatos> #lua math.tointeger(60/5)
L423[12:20:52] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 12
L424[12:20:54] <Kodos> #lua print (60-5,60--5)
L425[12:20:54] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: ')' expected near <eof>
L426[12:20:55] <Vexatos> :)
L427[12:20:59] <Kodos> err
L428[12:21:02] <Vexatos> only with division
L429[12:21:04] <Kodos> Oh
L430[12:21:06] <Kodos> Well ffs
L431[12:21:08] <Vexatos> but you can do
L432[12:21:16] <Vexatos> there are two ways
L433[12:21:17] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@
L434[12:21:25] <Vexatos> #lua math.tointeger(61.0)
L435[12:21:25] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 61
L436[12:21:27] <Vexatos> and
L437[12:21:35] <Vexatos> #lua 61.0/1
L438[12:21:35] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 61.0
L439[12:21:36] <Vexatos> vs
L440[12:21:38] <Vexatos> #lua 61.0//1
L441[12:21:38] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 61.0
L442[12:21:41] <Vexatos> wait what
L443[12:21:43] <Vexatos> that used to work
L444[12:21:43] <Vexatos> >_>
L445[12:21:51] <Vexatos> welp, math.tointeger it is
L446[12:22:16] <Vexatos> there also is math.mininteger and math.maxinteger
L447[12:22:19] <Vexatos> and math.ult
L448[12:22:42] *** amadornes[AFK] is now known as amadornes
L449[12:23:04] <Kodos> Also, offtopic entirely, I'm trying to get Dave to do my lotto drawing. The easiest solution I've come up with is defining the table at the top of the program, and writing separate functions to draw and 'repeat' the numbers
L450[12:23:26] <Kodos> Is there something simpler I can do? The idea is to be able to tell him to draw new numbers, but then have it so anyone can come by and ask him to repeat them
L451[12:26:14] <Lizzy> Sangar, omg you're actually here
L452[12:26:23] <KittyKath> Not anymore :P
L453[12:26:46] <Lizzy> :<
L454[12:29:30] <Lizzy> Sangar: come back :(
L455[12:29:42] <Vexatos> RIP Snagar 03.05.2016 - 03.05.2016
L456[12:33:49] * Lizzy is home
L457[12:36:08] <Kodos> Right. I need a nap, else I'll be useless tonight
L458[12:42:57] ⇦ Quits: Wug (~Wug@wuggl.es) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L461[12:58:16] <Sangar> Lizzy, subforum: sure, do it
L462[13:01:20] <Vexatos> soupforum? what for D:
L463[13:02:10] <Lizzy> WOOP
L464[13:02:22] * Lizzy goes to take a backup of the forums
L465[13:02:26] <Sangar> soup, obviously
L466[13:04:30] <Lizzy> ^
L467[13:05:03] <Skye> Sangar! SNGR.
L468[13:05:12] <Skye> :P
L469[13:05:30] *** Ajloveslily|Sleep is now known as Ajloveslily
L470[13:29:09] *** Kimiro is now known as CB|Away
L471[13:33:39] <Lizzy> S3, not sure who else from the forums is here but take a look at the new Architectures section
L472[13:36:05] <Lizzy> Sangar, have a look at the forums
L473[13:38:57] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
L474[13:40:21] <Trangar> Sangar, we should switch names at one point
L475[13:40:33] <KittyKath> Nonono, you shouldn't.
L476[13:41:33] <Inari> TRangyr
L477[13:41:47] <Inari> why are good skirts always so hard to find :<
L478[13:42:48] ⇦ Quits: LuMistry (uid146685@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:2:3cfd) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L479[13:42:53] <CompanionCube> I notice there's an OETF section nos
L480[13:43:16] <Lizzy> nos?
L481[13:43:31] <CompanionCube> *no
L482[13:43:42] <Lizzy> do you mean now?
L483[13:43:45] <Lizzy> :P
L484[13:43:47] <CompanionCube> yes
L485[13:43:52] <greaser|q> hmm, how would you write an OETF document
L486[13:43:58] <greaser|q> what template
L487[13:43:59] * Lizzy shrugs
L488[13:44:13] <Lizzy> someone decide on one and i'll pin it
L489[13:44:23] <CompanionCube> presumably it'd be a good idea to take inspiration from the IETF's RFCs?
L490[13:44:32] <Lizzy> greaser|q, are you GreaseMonkey on the forums?
L491[13:44:35] <greaser|q> yes
L492[13:45:02] <Lizzy> okay, I've moved some topics around, any i've missed just "report" them and i'll move them
L493[13:45:05] <greaser|q> i take it there'd be a few types, ranging from "i don't actually know how to go about this or even if i should try making this work" to "this is actually implemented somewhere"
L494[13:45:12] <greaser|q> sweet
L495[13:45:59] <CompanionCube> greaser|q, you could mark that in a thread title
L496[13:48:06] <greaser|q> thinking atm [idea], [helpme], [standard] although not sure about the last one
L497[13:48:45] <S3> Lizzy: YAY!
L498[13:48:53] <S3> on new architecture section
L499[13:48:59] <S3> also I fixed my laptop wifi I think
L500[13:49:03] <S3> http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/5297955962
L501[13:49:12] <S3> the antenna feed to disconnected from the antenna
L502[13:49:13] <CompanionCube> perhaps [Discussion] and [Document] would be enough
L503[13:49:14] <S3> so had to resolder it
L504[13:49:38] <S3> greaser|q: so I can transmit but not receive.. on my radio
L505[13:49:40] <S3> wat
L506[13:49:49] <Lizzy> also in the Architectures subsection, the topics for the Architectures I'll pin, discussion threads can be normal ones
L507[13:49:58] <greaser|q> ouch
L508[13:50:29] <greaser|q> CompanionCube: could work, yeah
L509[13:50:59] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@s0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L510[13:51:23] <S3> Lizzy: is there a space to throw down RFC information on non cpu related stuff?
L511[13:51:40] <Lizzy> ?
L512[13:51:50] <Lizzy> perhaps [Idea], [Discussion], [Document], [Standard]? the set standards topics could then be pinned
L513[13:51:56] <S3> like Ocranet specs, and non ocranet related things, like API standards, etc?
L514[13:52:27] <Lizzy> S3, OETF subforum perhaps?
L515[13:52:36] <S3> what is OETF
L516[13:54:19] <Lizzy> OpenEngineering Task Force, like the IETF
L517[13:54:20] <KittyKath> Lizzy: How we had it is Drafts which are in development are are able to change and RFCs which are only able to be appended or replaced by other RFCs. And Draft threads are of course a place to discuss said drafts.
L518[13:54:50] <CompanionCube> you could easily replace Document with Draft in that set
L519[13:58:16] <Lizzy> i'll read this chat in a sec, currently playing mc
L520[14:00:07] ⇦ Quits: Tedster (~Tedster@host109-155-107-147.range109-155.btcentralplus.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L521[14:00:36] ⇨ Joins: Tedster (~Tedster@host109-155-107-147.range109-155.btcentralplus.com)
L522[14:06:17] <Sangar> Lizzy, looking good
L523[14:06:47] <Sangar> Trangar, next april first? :P
L524[14:06:52] <Lizzy> Sangar, :D
L525[14:06:57] <Lizzy> KittyKath, that could work
L526[14:07:07] <Trangar> :D
L527[14:07:17] <Trangar> That's 11 months from now, I can't wait that long!
L528[14:07:24] ⇦ Quits: Solace7 (~solace7@c-98-244-24-234.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L529[14:09:40] <Vexatos> Sangar, I know you don't live in the Netherlands though
L530[14:10:16] <Sangar> Vexatos, i'll get a proxy
L531[14:10:44] <CompanionCube> whatever template/format is used
L532[14:10:54] <CompanionCube> it should totally be the first 'standard' thing
L533[14:11:01] <Lizzy> yeah
L534[14:14:25] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/onxpkRL well then...
L535[14:17:02] <Vexatos> Mimiru, P O K E
L536[14:20:29] <Vexatos> hmm asie, OpenPrinter seems to work with any RGB colour and any character
L537[14:20:34] <asie> ...
L538[14:20:40] <asie> but it doesn't use the OC font
L539[14:20:43] <Vexatos> indeed
L540[14:20:46] <Vexatos> Mimiru, poke poke
L541[14:20:49] <Vexatos> puke peke
L542[14:21:40] <Vexatos> %tell Mimiru OpenPrinter using OC font when
L543[14:21:41] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Mimiru will be notified of this message when next seen.
L544[14:21:52] <Vexatos> %tell Mimiru we need this for BTM
L545[14:21:53] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Mimiru will be notified of this message when next seen.
L546[14:22:02] <Vexatos> %tell Mimiru potato
L547[14:22:02] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Mimiru will be notified of this message when next seen.
L548[14:23:57] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73_ (~Keanu73@host-78-150-236-20.as13285.net)
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L550[14:26:21] <Michiyo> -_-
L551[14:26:33] <Michiyo> Oh nice I get THAT to look forward to when I get home...
L552[14:27:11] <Michiyo> Vexatos, how the hell would I USE the OC font in a gui's write methods?
L553[14:27:18] <Michiyo> cause I have no clue
L554[14:27:46] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@181-219-144-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L555[14:27:48] <Vexatos> ask Sangar
L556[14:27:54] <Vexatos> :>
L557[14:28:01] <Michiyo> %flip Vexatos
L558[14:28:01] <MichiBot> Michiyo: (╯°□°)╯︵soʇɐxǝΛ
L559[14:33:27] <gamax92> %flip oyihciM
L560[14:33:27] <MichiBot> gamax92: (╯°□°)╯︵Wıɔɥıʎo
L561[14:34:02] <Vexatos> %tell Sangar teach Mimiru how to draw with OC font in a GUI
L562[14:34:02] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Sangar will be notified of this message when next seen.
L563[14:38:26] <Sangar> uhhh
L564[14:38:28] <Sangar> not trivially
L565[14:39:38] <Vexatos> Sangar, OCFontRenderer.draw() when
L566[14:39:59] <Sangar> well, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/client/renderer/font/TextureFontRenderer.scala#L115 probably
L567[14:40:51] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73_ (~Keanu73@host-78-150-236-20.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L568[14:40:51] ⇨ Joins: AmethystAir (~amethysta@170-72-60-164.vivintwireless.net)
L569[14:41:02] <AmethystAir> Hey all :)
L570[14:41:21] <Vexatos> Michiyo, ^
L571[14:42:17] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA386CBCA7CA3F4B7AD6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L572[14:42:22] <Michiyo> %tell Mimiru <@Sangar> well, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/client/renderer/font/TextureFontRenderer.scala#L115 probably
L573[14:42:22] <MichiBot> Michiyo: Mimiru will be notified of this message when next seen.
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L575[14:42:30] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L579[14:52:45] <Michiyo> Sangar, would I be able to use that from Java? I've had issues interacting with scala before.. lol
L580[14:54:11] ⇨ Joins: Wolf480pl (wolf480pl@faris.wolf480.pl)
L581[15:01:16] <Vexatos> I haven't :D
L582[15:04:49] * Michiyo pats Vexatos's head
L583[15:07:07] <Sangar> probably. somehow
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L592[15:27:47] <gamax92> "Skipping 0 bytes of junk"
L593[15:27:58] <gamax92> good for you mp3 decoder, good for you.
L594[15:29:25] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~MobileDra@199-7-159-21.eng.wind.ca) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L595[15:29:25] <KR> http://puu.sh/oF95d/38921c7600.mp4 Made an architecture that basically just wraps a Docker container, grabbing keyboard input and showing output on screen
L596[15:29:35] <KR> But basically it's Linux in-game
L597[15:30:44] <Skye> KR, woash
L598[15:30:47] <Skye> *woah
L599[15:30:48] <Skye> cool
L600[15:30:51] <KR> For fun, not exactly production ready lol
L601[15:31:20] <Skye> still cool
L602[15:31:25] <KR> Yeah
L603[15:32:10] <S3> I am so excited I fixed my laptop wireless!
L604[15:32:13] <S3> :)
L605[15:32:26] <KR> Can't access components or anything either, but I have a few ideas how to solve that
L606[15:32:46] <gamax92> Sangar: did you get that proxy working
L607[15:32:54] <S3> proxy?
L608[15:32:58] <gamax92> adapters
L609[15:33:11] <S3> adapters? why does that sound familiar..
L610[15:39:51] <Michiyo> watching MythBusters at work makers the day go better....
L611[15:40:59] <Michiyo> makes*
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L622[16:00:53] <g> http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/05/easily-exploited-bug-exposes-huge-number-of-sites-to-code-execution-attacks/
L623[16:01:24] <g> okay, that's pretty bad
L624[16:04:20] ⇦ Quits: reinei (~reinei@p50807f78.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L625[16:05:02] <CompanionCube> 'including nroff (man pages)'
L626[16:05:03] <CompanionCube> O.o
L627[16:06:25] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L628[16:08:15] <Temia> Yikes.
L629[16:09:23] <Michiyo> :/
L630[16:11:03] ⇦ Quits: Tedster (~Tedster@host109-155-107-147.range109-155.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L631[16:12:14] <g> Gitlab users: Don't forget to update
L632[16:12:15] <KittyKath> Converting user given data in the assumption that the data is sane? What is this? 1960?
L633[16:12:22] <g> A massive security patch was released today
L634[16:12:54] <KittyKath> Oh really?
L635[16:13:11] <g> https://about.gitlab.com/2016/05/02/cve-2016-4340-patches/
L636[16:13:30] <KittyKath> Cool, there was an update for OpenSSL too. But only High so don't stress yourself.
L637[16:13:53] <LordFokas> KittyKath, 1983 actually :p
L638[16:14:53] <KittyKath> LordFokas: ?
L639[16:15:59] <LordFokas> the 80s were a time when a lot more machines were out there but devs still produced horrible code
L640[16:16:46] <KittyKath> Wait, Devs stopped producing horrible code?? Someone should have told the Ruby guys!
L641[16:16:54] <Antheus> :O
L642[16:17:04] <g> :o
L643[16:17:05] <LordFokas> it doesn't matter
L644[16:17:21] <LordFokas> ruby guys are too busy looking at all that shiny syntax
L645[16:18:38] <Inari> g: ouch. @ imagemagick
L646[16:18:45] <KittyKath> LordFokas: True true.
L647[16:18:45] <g> yarp
L648[16:18:59] <LordFokas> and I meant that back then code was still comparatively MUCH worse than nowadays
L649[16:19:01] <Inari> how does that even still exist :P
L650[16:19:29] <LordFokas> Inari, PHP. It's cancer, it uses ImageMagick, and it still exists.
L651[16:19:37] <Inari> imagemagick isnt php though
L652[16:19:49] <LordFokas> but PHP is imagemagick :p
L653[16:19:55] <Inari> it uses it
L654[16:19:58] <Inari> nodejs can also use it
L655[16:19:58] <Inari> etc
L656[16:19:59] <g> imagemagick is used by plent of other stuff
L657[16:20:05] <g> plenty*
L658[16:20:34] <Inari> with modern C++/C functions protecting better against buffer overflows and stuff like rust and the like being around you'd think we'd solve them at somep oint
L659[16:20:35] <Inari> but guess not :P
L660[16:21:10] <KittyKath> Inari: Bad devs will always exist. Why do you think Ruby PHP & Node.js are still a thing? :P
L661[16:21:17] <LordFokas> wait, do you mean retroactively patching old code with new techniques and language features?
L662[16:21:24] <LordFokas> never gonna happen
L663[16:21:47] <Inari> should kind of happen if your stuff is widely used and very likely a huge security timebomb :P
L664[16:22:26] <KittyKath> It should. But fixing bugs doesn't pay.
L665[16:22:36] <LordFokas> ^
L666[16:23:02] <LordFokas> they're not stopping what they're doing to put their time into something else that is already successful and everywhere.
L667[16:23:22] <Inari> capitalism at its finest
L668[16:23:22] <Inari> :p
L669[16:23:48] <KittyKath> The only time when fixing bugs pays is when you're OpenSSL or GPG and publicly demonstrate how brittle the very foundation of our Security infrastructure really is.
L670[16:24:20] <Inari> if i believe anime
L671[16:24:24] <Inari> we should have more high school girl programmers
L672[16:24:29] <Inari> that would fix everything
L673[16:25:40] <KittyKath> Inari: Imagine this channel with two of me. Are you sure that would be beneficial? <.<
L674[16:25:52] <Inari> dunno
L675[16:26:15] <Inari> but in anime highschool girls seems to be great in anything from motorbikes, over various social acitivites, sports clubs, to operating tanks and battleships
L676[16:26:28] ⇨ Joins: Tedster (~Tedster@host109-155-107-147.range109-155.btcentralplus.com)
L677[16:26:55] <KittyKath> Never sat in a Tank but flying a fighter jet is manageable :P
L678[16:27:43] * Lizzy falls asleep on vifino
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L681[16:36:48] * Inari dresses KittyKath up in lolita fashion :f
L682[16:37:50] <Inari> military lolita looks so good ;-;
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L688[16:47:54] <KittyKath> Inari: I like cute, but not *that* kind of cute.
L689[16:48:24] <Inari> KittyKath: why not?
L690[16:48:50] <KittyKath> Very much not role models I want to aspire to.
L691[16:49:12] <Inari> what?
L692[16:49:28] <Inari> oh... well i got it more, but still not sure what you mean :D
L693[16:51:10] <KittyKath> The whole lolita and japanocentric culture is very much not my style. I'm a westener, Japanese culture is boring, traditionalist and conservative to no end. I don't need a feudal society that tells me where I am in life and what I can and can't do.
L694[16:52:09] <Inari> well i get the part of it not being your style :P i dont see how its traditionalist and conservative or has to do with japanese culture though. nor do I see how you being a westerner relating, since its inspired by western fashion
L695[16:54:10] <KittyKath> It is inspired by western fashion back when the west was a feudal society too. Also sex appeal is really not my selling point. My selling point is more that I can handle a welding torch and flew in a F/A-18 trainer.
L696[16:54:22] <Inari> haha :p
L697[16:54:55] <Inari> i dont see how it matters from which kind of era it was inspired anyway, but sure, you just dont like the style and thats fine :3
L698[16:55:32] <KittyKath> Exactly. I don't mind you dressing up in whatever fashion you choose but please don't expect me to like it too :P
L699[16:55:52] <Inari> everyone likes lolita fashion! </inari world>
L700[16:57:36] <KittyKath> Oh by the by Inari, you should read this: http://www.ipg-journal.de/kommentar/artikel/cyber-gedoens-1404/
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L703[17:06:36] <Inari> right, let them do their things, meanwhile i'll enjoy my https://i.imgur.com/sojU5u6.jpg
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L705[17:06:48] <g> Inari: that's may saaki
L706[17:06:57] <Inari> yeah
L707[17:07:03] <g> er
L708[17:07:06] <g> sakaali
L709[17:07:06] <Inari> may something at least
L710[17:07:08] <g> I messed up there
L711[17:07:09] <g> xD
L712[17:07:13] <g> http://maysakaali.deviantart.com/
L713[17:07:55] <Inari> sailor loli so good too <3
L714[17:08:02] <g> Her stuff is great
L715[17:08:03] <g> :P
L716[17:08:18] <Inari> http://maysakaali.deviantart.com/art/Sailor-Lolita-I-315509542 i need to buy a cap like that :f
L717[17:08:19] <Inari> and a cute beret
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L719[17:09:02] * Inari shakes g
L720[17:09:05] <g> o.o
L721[17:09:10] <Inari> so why does so much stuff not exist yet
L722[17:09:10] <Inari> D:
L723[17:09:29] <KittyKath> Inari: Start making it so others don't have to ask that question :P
L724[17:09:38] <Inari> KittyKath: i wouldt know how :P
L725[17:09:44] <Inari> plus it would probably cost
L726[17:09:46] <g> I actually entirely missed that sailor loli actually
L727[17:09:48] <g> somehow
L728[17:09:52] <KittyKath> Inari: You're smart. You'll figure it out ;)
L729[17:09:53] <g> guess I don't lurk enough
L730[17:09:59] <Inari> sailor, military and pirate are my fav styles :P
L731[17:10:04] <Inari> KittyKath: haha
L732[17:10:19] <Inari> KittyKath: i have no clue how you'd even produce microscopic pearls filled with stuff :P
L733[17:10:44] <Inari> the other thing might be easier, maybe
L734[17:11:05] <Inari> you know those stickers taht uh "soak up light" and emit it once its dark then?
L735[17:11:19] <Inari> grind these veeeeeeeryyyy fine, mix them with a bit of liquid and spray them on your hair :D
L736[17:11:23] <Inari> no clue if taht woudl work
L737[17:11:25] <Inari> but who knows
L738[17:11:56] <KittyKath> Inari: Glassworking is a craft I have not mastered. But you won't get good at it when you never start :P
L739[17:12:10] <Inari> uh, not glass
L740[17:12:15] <g> flourescent hair spray? yeah it's a thing
L741[17:12:25] <Inari> g: i;'ve never seen :o
L742[17:12:33] <g> http://www.graftobian.com/Fluorescent-Colorspray_p_570.html
L743[17:12:41] <Inari> KittyKath: also i doubt you can make microscopic pearls with glass working..
L744[17:12:45] <g> http://www.amazon.com/Century-Novelty-GRN-SPRAY-Fluorescent-Hairspray/dp/B0027XQ79G
L745[17:12:46] <g> etc
L746[17:13:01] <Inari> thats cool :o
L747[17:13:20] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by DragonBoots)))
L748[17:13:24] <KittyKath> Inari: That really depends on how small microscopic is for you and for what you want it.
L749[17:13:26] <g> I'm not sure it'd entirely glow in the dark, but you'd be the brightest wig in the room
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L751[17:14:06] <Inari> KittyKath: well there was the concept of microscopic pearls (porbably plastic?) filled with a gel that is liquid at higher temperatures, and in the liquid there was some suspendeced optical thingy thats also magnetic
L752[17:14:20] <Inari> so then while how and in clothing you would be able to chang ethe colour of the clothing by applying a magnetic field
L753[17:14:24] <Inari> and then let that lock in by cooling
L754[17:15:10] <g> while hot*
L755[17:15:25] <KittyKath> Ah. Hmm well colour changing is a thing in the animal kingdom. I think some animals do it via crystals though. And with my limited knowledge of fabrics that is probably where I'd start looking.
L756[17:16:05] <g> http://www.delsol.com/apparel.html
L757[17:16:15] <g> it's sunlight rather than heat, though..
L758[17:16:26] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKsgzk5quZU thats apparently an example of that
L759[17:16:26] <MichiBot> Magnetochromatic microspheres | length: 12s | Likes: 26 Dislikes: 1 Views: 8019 | by WIRED
L760[17:17:15] <Inari> g: hmm thats interesting, but not exactly what i mean xD
L761[17:17:24] <g> yeah, I know, it's the closest I could find
L762[17:17:24] <g> :P
L763[17:17:36] <Inari> i also want it as ink for tattoos or the like
L764[17:17:46] <KittyKath> Inari: Given that there's a video of it it very much already exists. Just not mass-market ready yet :P
L765[17:17:50] <Inari> and then i want someone to get their iris tattooed with free-floating (that doesnt get fixed by cooling) ones
L766[17:18:01] <g> iris tattoos?
L767[17:18:04] <g> Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooope
L768[17:18:06] <Inari> lol
L769[17:18:07] <g> nope
L770[17:18:16] <Inari> i wonder if htat slegally possible
L771[17:18:22] <KittyKath> Of course.
L772[17:18:25] <g> nopenopenopenope
L773[17:18:27] <Inari> because your iris colour would be changing
L774[17:18:31] <Inari> but your id card lists your eye colour
L775[17:19:08] <KittyKath> Inari: Yep, but iris colours can change over lifetime. It is very rarely a required identification.
L776[17:19:19] <Inari> also it might prove to give you issues in MRT :p
L777[17:19:21] <Kodos> %tell Vexatos Computronics needs to add methods to Railcraft's Steel Anvil for changing the name of something, and possibly checking whether the current items will output successfully or not. Or even the vanilla anvil. Or add a computer controlled anvil.
L778[17:19:21] <MichiBot> Kodos: Vexatos will be notified of this message when next seen.
L779[17:19:32] <KittyKath> Inari: Meh, probably not.
L780[17:19:35] <Inari> haha
L781[17:19:42] <g> iris scanners?
L782[17:19:50] <KittyKath> Useless Sci-Fi.
L783[17:19:59] <g> er, no, it's an actual thing
L784[17:20:00] <KittyKath> Well not Sci-Fi but still useless ;P
L785[17:20:22] <g> actually, it's pretty much the most robust and accurate method of biometric identification that exists
L786[17:20:43] <g> without having to go off to some dna lab of course
L787[17:20:45] <KittyKath> And totally foolproof and not fakeable yaddayadda I heard it all.
L788[17:21:36] <Inari> http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z168/thewordisberry/eyetattoo.jpg *shudders*
L789[17:21:45] <g> fuuuuck that
L790[17:21:47] <g> should not have clicked
L791[17:22:16] <KittyKath> >.>
L792[17:22:25] <Inari> haha
L793[17:22:46] <Inari> well time to snack and watch anime
L794[17:22:51] <KittyKath> g: Seriously? <.<
L795[17:22:58] <g> needles
L796[17:23:15] <KittyKath> That makes it even worse.
L797[17:23:31] <g> Everyone has phobias
L798[17:23:56] <Inari> well im not muhc a fan of needles either, especially not in my eye
L799[17:24:08] <Inari> more specifically
L800[17:24:10] <CompanionCube> to me it's just weird
L801[17:24:15] <g> I can't stand needles of any kind
L802[17:24:22] <Inari> im not a fan of anything stabbing, cutting or slicing me
L803[17:24:22] <g> I'm okay with maybe sewing needles
L804[17:24:28] <g> anything smaller than that, nope
L805[17:24:44] <KittyKath> g: In retrospect that makes too much sense. Oh well.
L806[17:25:09] <g> are you referring to that conversation about biohacking? :P
L807[17:25:15] <KittyKath> I am
L808[17:25:18] <g> yep
L809[17:25:49] <Inari> Dean Is A KittyKath, KittyKath, KittyKath, Dean Is A KittyKath, Kitty Kitty Kath *singS*
L810[17:26:20] <g> dean, is a kittykath, and she stabs stabs stabs, and she stabs stabs stabs
L811[17:26:25] <g> ...couldn't think of a better word
L812[17:26:37] <g> I wonder how old that thing is
L813[17:27:08] <g> 2004, crikey
L814[17:27:12] <KittyKath> o.O
L815[17:27:23] <g> if you don't get it, http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/kitty-cat-dance
L816[17:28:16] <KittyKath> You two and your problems :P
L817[17:28:38] *** Kimiro is now known as CB|Away
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L819[17:30:56] <Inari> i was actually arranging it after the melody of some children song
L820[17:31:18] <g> rings a bell, but I forget which
L821[17:31:40] <Inari> same
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L828[18:14:09] <Mimiru> ._.
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L830[18:19:37] <Mimiru> ....
L831[18:20:32] <Mimiru> I can't access any of the functions in li.cil.oc.client.renderer.font.TextureFontRenderer.
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L836[19:03:53] <Shuudoushi> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1d8cS1bA-XE
L837[19:03:53] <MichiBot> BADLOGIC SHORT - How to smoke | length: 57s | Likes: 17683 Dislikes: 153 Views: 227392 | by TwistedGrimTV
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L845[20:20:21] <Kodos> Mimiru, Looks like most of it is private or protected
L846[20:20:54] <Mimiru> Yeah.. I just found it funny that Sangar would link to it...
L847[20:23:15] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
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L852[21:20:56] <Kodos> Well fuck
L853[21:21:07] <Kodos> My old CoH character's name is taken on DCUO =(
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L857[22:22:04] <Sandra> I need to give away keys for shantae risky's revenge and human resource machine....
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L862[22:52:36] <lashtear> oh, coh.... I do miss you
L863[22:52:37] <lashtear> well
L864[22:52:39] <lashtear> CoV really
L865[22:52:46] <lashtear> mastermind 4 life, yo
L866[22:53:01] <Mimiru> I loved my Mastermind...
L867[22:53:08] <Mimiru> but my Kat/WP scrapper was my fav
L868[22:53:33] <Mimiru> And this is why I'm working with a friend to remake the game in UE4
L869[22:53:53] <lashtear> Had some of my greatest mmo fun on CoV. "Why aren't you attacking?" "Me? Surely you're kidding. I have /people/ for that." *ninjas everywhere*
L870[22:54:13] <Mimiru> Heh, my main vil was a Bots/FF MM
L871[22:54:45] <lashtear> I had a bot mm too... Penultimatum
L872[22:54:48] <Mimiru> Was pretty much Autopilot lol
L873[22:55:41] <lashtear> the ninja one was a small girl in red robes with heal/dark or whatever it was. "The Red Rasper"
L874[22:56:05] <lashtear> simple...movement was a lot of fun in that game.
L875[22:56:18] <lashtear> ...the quests were horribly tedious tho
L876[22:57:15] <Mimiru> Eh, I loved the missions
L877[22:57:36] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: FREE KNOTS! Ask me for some when I return!)
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L880[22:59:56] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L881[23:04:54] <Kodos> I just had a radiation blaster =( Was gonna remake her on DCUO but "Atomic Bombshell" was taken
L882[23:06:46] <Mimiru> I had... way too many characters
L883[23:08:38] <Mimiru> https://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/10067
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L885[23:38:10] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
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