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L5[00:59:25] <Skye> Morning
L6[00:59:28] <SF-MC> hiya
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L20[01:27:09] <^v> Oh noes! insanity split 3:
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L22[01:27:10] <EnderBot2> Ohai there Lizzy
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L47[02:14:01] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6B6E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L48[02:51:05] <Inari> its kind of ironic how hung up western media get over the "lolita" name due to the the name of nabokov's book. choosing to obsess over a name chosen in a western work while ignoring another western work
L49[02:51:26] <Inari> namely
L50[02:51:26] <Inari> What's in a name? that which we call a rose
L51[02:51:26] <Inari> By any other name would smell as sweet;
L52[02:53:03] <snowden89> lolita was not even that young right?
L53[02:53:13] <Cruor> Inari: dont you fancy quote me D:
L54[02:53:36] <Cruor> or whatever :I
L55[02:53:44] <Inari> snowden89: no clue
L56[02:53:50] <Inari> i n ever actaully read that book or had any interest in
L57[02:53:50] <Inari> :P
L58[02:54:07] <snowden89> well they gave it to us in school
L59[02:54:11] <Inari> "who is obsessed with the 12-year-old Dolores Haze"
L60[02:54:17] <snowden89> well had it in school
L61[02:54:24] <snowden89> then made it into a movie
L62[02:54:36] <snowden89> with that french guy
L63[02:54:41] <snowden89> who always sounds suspicious
L64[02:55:05] <snowden89> though i look at japanese for issues of sexualisation of minors
L65[02:55:27] <snowden89> as they are more prone to it then the european in there litriture?
L66[02:55:49] <snowden89> that being said europeans are less prudish in general as well.
L67[02:56:00] <Inari> eh, i dont really care about sexualisation in art much
L68[02:56:07] <snowden89> ie. nudist beaches are family friendly
L69[02:56:12] <Inari> western fashion keeps sexualising grown people
L70[02:56:13] <Inari> *shrug*
L71[02:56:15] <snowden89> as opposed to things only 18+ can do
L72[02:58:11] <Inari> anyway
L73[02:58:31] <Inari> its alos very odd how people call the fashion style "childlike" yet you dont actually ever see children wear anything like that
L74[02:59:46] <snowden89> so in closing are you for or against child brides?
L75[02:59:48] <snowden89> lol
L76[03:00:17] <Izaya> wget -m -A webm https://cdn.media.ccc.de/congress/2015/webm-hd/
L77[03:00:20] <Inari> hmm interesting topic :P
L78[03:00:32] <Inari> i'd say im the same as with sexual things + children
L79[03:00:40] <Inari> I feel in generla the rule of a certain minimum age is good
L80[03:01:03] <Inari> but I also feel there should be the possibility of restrictions like that being lifted on a case-by-case basis if one could proof the child really wants it in some way
L81[03:01:16] <Inari> (and understands the consequences, etc)
L82[03:01:58] ⇦ Quits: rashy (~rashdanml@S0106c8fb2652fb6e.vc.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L83[03:02:30] <Inari> theres already a similar example even
L84[03:02:58] <Inari> a court can emancipate you before you reach the age at which it happens
L85[03:06:11] <Inari> i think in that area i just heavily dislike the idea of restricting the individuals freedom due to the dumbness of the mass based on some vague age limits
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L87[03:09:33] ⇨ Joins: Herpaderpicus (~herpaderp@static.
L88[03:09:40] <Kodos> Eet works
L89[03:16:30] <xandaros> Is there a function that returns the target of a link, apart from filesystem.isLink?
L90[03:16:59] <Kodos> ~w filesystem
L91[03:16:59] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:filesystem
L92[03:18:05] <xandaros> Why do people keep linking me to the library I'm asking about? I am obviously looking at the docs to ask my question...
L93[03:18:25] <Kodos> Actually, I was getting the link for myself, so I could read and check to see if I could answer your question
L94[03:18:34] <Kodos> However, since you're reading the docs, and you don't see the function, I would assume there's not
L95[03:18:43] <xandaros> Ah. Sorry, then
L96[03:20:05] <xandaros> Guess I'll split it into predicate and getter myself, then. In Lua, that is probably the best option as it is, not that I think about it
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L98[03:28:28] ⇨ Joins: rashy (~rashdanml@S0106c8fb2652fb6e.vc.shawcable.net)
L99[03:34:50] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJUhlRoBL8M so good
L100[03:34:50] <MichiBot> Eric Idle - "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" - STEREO HQ | length: 3m 11s | Likes: 19115 Dislikes: 420 Views: 3220354 | by Melonhead622
L101[03:34:57] <Inari> also i see i killed snowden89
L102[03:34:57] <Inari> :P
L103[03:36:52] <snowden89> lol nah
L104[03:36:56] <snowden89> just at work right now
L105[03:36:58] <snowden89> :P
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L112[05:07:47] <Inari> http://www.kawacura.com/moripress/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/ft1.png now thats a kind of pretty print
L113[05:23:42] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L114[05:45:54] ⇨ Joins: IAlekseyI (webchat@
L115[05:45:59] <IAlekseyI> HELLO!
L116[05:46:00] <IAlekseyI> Please tell me how to enable PVP on a raft?
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L118[05:47:04] <snowden89> umm
L119[05:47:10] <xandaros> "Hi, I have this really urgent question" *leave*
L120[05:47:11] * snowden89 equips knife
L121[05:47:29] <Forecaster> well, you give everyone on the raft an axe
L122[05:47:30] -snowden89- PVP ENABLED
L123[05:47:38] <snowden89> :P
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L126[06:06:33] <Inari> so ive been wondering
L127[06:06:57] <Inari> is there some point at which more calories dont actaully contribute to calories gained?
L128[06:07:10] <Inari> say i eat 30000 calories in 20 minutes
L129[06:07:16] <Inari> would all those be converted and stored? xD
L130[06:08:37] <Forecaster> if you overeat I'd think your body would reject the excess food
L131[06:09:08] <Inari> https://images.sankakucomplex.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Bakuon-Episode3-Omake-4.gif
L132[06:11:29] <Forecaster> lewd?
L133[06:12:18] ⇨ Joins: techno156 (~techno156@
L134[06:12:44] <Inari> lewd.
L135[06:19:20] * Forecaster hits the "lewd alarm" button
L136[06:27:18] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/EK0veXk.jpg cute
L137[06:28:21] * Forecaster notices the button doesn't work
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L140[06:40:32] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/x4rNv3S
L141[06:43:09] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/fEdBvxh
L142[06:44:19] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTz5MtxrDTA with sound :D
L143[06:44:20] <MichiBot> Red Panda gets scared by zookeeper | length: 31s | Likes: 5066 Dislikes: 110 Views: 938681 | by Swagmiser
L144[06:44:23] <Forecaster> now that is adorable
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L148[07:15:16] <Sandra> huh? why is c complaining that I have an array in my code?
L149[07:15:32] <Sandra> oh.
L150[07:15:34] <Sandra> whoops.
L151[07:20:56] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
L152[07:34:08] * vifino groans, stumbles around and flops on Lizzy
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L154[07:43:31] <LuMistry> Greetings
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L157[07:51:20] * Lizzy pets VikeStep
L158[07:51:26] * Lizzy unpets VikeStep
L159[07:51:30] * Lizzy pets vifino
L160[07:51:39] * Lizzy presents her middle finge rto irrsi
L161[07:51:50] * vifino purrs and snuggles Lizzy
L162[07:51:59] <CompanionCube> https://www.google.com/transparencyreport/safebrowsing/diagnostic/index.html?hl=en-US#url=google.com
L163[07:52:00] <CompanionCube> LOL.
L164[07:57:28] *** Gavle|Away is now known as Gavle
L165[08:01:57] <g> what's funny about that?
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L168[08:17:57] <Sandra> heh, tokelau is the largest country on the internet.
L169[08:18:51] <Sandra> g, google are calling themselves potentially dangerous?
L170[08:19:06] <g> Sandra: just says no data available for me
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L172[08:20:02] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L173[08:20:43] <Sandra> ah.
L174[08:23:51] <Sandra> g, http://i.imgur.com/Bzuzg93.png
L175[08:24:19] <g> ah, okay
L176[08:24:50] <Inari> says partiall dangerou sfro me too
L177[08:30:07] <Sandra> huh, this part is interesting.
L178[08:30:21] <Sandra> 4shared is where the most copyright infringing things are hosted.
L179[08:30:24] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L180[08:30:38] <Sandra> s/most/highest number of/
L181[08:30:38] <MichiBot> <Sandra> 4shared is where the highest number of copyright infringing things are hosted.
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L184[08:45:11] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
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L186[08:56:13] <bauen1> lmao
L187[09:01:33] <Inari> its a sad day when one has to make afacebook account
L188[09:02:34] * Inari sighs
L189[09:02:36] <Inari> I hate facebook already
L190[09:02:44] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
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L193[09:23:33] <Inari> uhhh
L194[09:23:36] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdLbBJgrsnM why does this want to use flash
L195[09:23:37] <MichiBot> 【PV】Die Milch - Rosaria - Japanese Gothic and Lolita unit | length: 5m 11s | Likes: 343 Dislikes: 5 Views: 19052 | by Die Milch Official
L196[09:24:40] <Vexatos> "Die Milch" wow
L197[09:24:41] <Vexatos> Just
L198[09:24:42] <Vexatos> wow.
L199[09:24:44] <Inari> lol
L200[09:24:53] <Vexatos> s/l/w/g
L201[09:24:53] <MichiBot> <Inari> wow
L202[09:25:39] <Inari> oh rihgt
L203[09:25:46] <Inari> i forgot to disable the opear user agent masking
L204[09:25:55] <Inari> thats why everything looked weird
L205[09:25:55] <Inari> woo
L206[09:28:04] <g> Hmm.. I wonder, did any of you play the old timesplitters games on PS2/gamecube?
L207[09:29:53] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L208[09:31:08] <g> Huh, I guess not. That's a surprise.
L209[09:32:02] <Inari> i wanna play something :f
L210[09:32:04] <Inari> but im not sure what
L211[09:32:10] <g> timesplitters :o
L212[09:33:19] <Inari> i wanna play no man's sky
L213[09:34:17] <g> you need to dance dance dance dance dance like a monkey, move move move move move like a monkey, kill kill kill kill kill like a monkey, shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot like a monkey..
L214[09:34:25] <g> :v
L215[09:34:32] <Inari> i hate monkeys
L216[09:34:48] <g> you'll hate them more when they're carrying guns
L217[09:35:01] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Bye)
L218[09:35:12] <Gavle> peace homies
L219[09:35:43] *** Gavle is now known as Gavle|Away
L220[09:39:33] <Izaya> Inari, why do you have to use that terrible service?
L221[09:39:46] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L222[09:39:59] <Inari> facebook? cause everyone seems to use it :P
L223[09:40:09] <Izaya> and?
L224[09:40:17] <payonel> o/
L225[09:40:25] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@
L226[09:40:32] <Inari> Izaya: and thus I need a facebook account to connect to anyone? :P
L227[09:40:44] <Izaya> 'anyone'
L228[09:40:48] <Izaya> so no-one has a phone?
L229[09:41:02] * CompanionCube has a Facebook account but does not use it
L230[09:41:09] <Inari> well phones kinda of dont lend themselvs to asychronous group chats
L231[09:41:11] <CompanionCube> and all mail from Facebook goes in the 'Spam' directory
L232[09:41:20] <g> facebook isn't about direct contact entirely anyway
L233[09:41:25] ⇨ Joins: AlexisMachina (uid57631@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:e11f)
L234[09:41:29] <g> CompanionCube, that's not entirely wise
L235[09:41:46] <g> facebook is also an email forwarder, you can nicely hide your real email with it
L236[09:41:55] <g> emailing eg CompanionCube@facebook.com
L237[09:42:14] <CompanionCube> the point of that being
L238[09:42:23] <Inari> facebook also doesnt let you have a nickname unless you hand it a mobile phone number
L239[09:42:32] <Inari> oh and then you cant tell it that noone shoudl be able to find you with that number
L240[09:42:33] <Inari> \o/
L241[09:42:39] <payonel> Inari: ha yeah. phone group chats are horrible
L242[09:43:01] <Inari> Izaya: anyway, the poeple use facebook
L243[09:43:04] <Inari> hence i need to use facebook
L244[09:43:11] <Izaya> that's most unfortunate
L245[09:43:21] <CompanionCube> very much so
L246[09:43:26] <Inari> it is :p
L247[09:43:28] * payonel isn't on facebook
L248[09:43:32] <Izaya> anyone that wants to talk to me can have either my email or XMPP address
L249[09:43:35] <KittyKath> Inari: I just got 90% of my people to use XMPP or EMail. And the other 10% I either don't care about or will just at some point give an ultimatum if they want to stay in contact with me :P
L250[09:43:37] <Izaya> anyone else can bugger off
L251[09:44:11] <Izaya> (or steam, if they play games, but I access that through Pidgin anyway)
L252[09:44:16] <Inari> KittyKath: well they are people, not "my people"
L253[09:44:29] <KittyKath> Inari: My people being all people I want to contact.
L254[09:44:37] <Inari> well, good for you xD
L255[09:44:41] <KittyKath> Or rather who want to contact me.
L256[09:45:48] * CompanionCube should start using Matrix with some bridges
L257[09:46:28] <g> these days it's really not unfair to assume that most people have facebook
L258[09:46:55] <g> although it could arguably be a big privacy loss for some people, you can still give it a false set of details
L259[09:47:26] <CompanionCube> I can't remember the last time I logged into the site.
L260[09:47:33] <CompanionCube> Used to be big on the games.
L261[09:47:50] <g> I get what KittyKath is saying, but I disagree in that not all stubborn people aren't worth talking to
L262[09:47:59] <g> ..although that should be obvious since I consider KittyKath worth talking to
L263[09:47:59] <g> :P
L264[09:48:26] <g> CompanionCube, yeah, I remember the days when I bothered with those
L265[09:48:37] <g> these days my feed is highly filtered, I block lots of apps
L266[09:48:43] <KittyKath> g: You never asked me for either an EMail address or an XMPP address so that really is your own fault :P
L267[09:48:53] <g> KittyKath, you use IRC and I have you on steam :P
L268[09:49:23] <g> and I barely understand xmpp anyway
L269[09:49:24] <g> lol
L270[09:49:26] <Inari> i wanna eat blueberry cream
L271[09:49:43] <CompanionCube> XMPP is a decent chat thing, but the protocol is not exactly the best in existence
L272[09:50:01] <Inari> Izaya: basically im looking more into lolita fashion now than I had before, so Im looking for local lolita groups to get infos on deals and the like :P but seems they all moved to facebook
L273[09:50:04] <g> I can forgive the XML given that it's a pretty old protocol at this point
L274[09:50:23] <Izaya> ah
L275[09:50:27] <g> I'd actually love to support it in Ultros but doing that is nowhere near close to trivial
L276[09:50:40] <vifino> KittyKath! \o/
L277[09:50:47] * vifino hugs KittyKath
L278[09:50:53] * KittyKath hugs vifino
L279[09:50:58] <g> and that's _with_ twisted supporting xmlpp
L280[09:51:00] <g> xmpp*
L281[09:51:01] <g> :v
L282[09:51:14] <Izaya> XMPP is a very interesting protocol
L283[09:51:17] <vifino> I should maybe set up xmpp on my tty.sh vm thinger.
L284[09:51:27] <g> I was going to say I should just wrap libpurple but libpurple is pretty bad
L285[09:51:36] <vifino> Though Lizzy's xmpp stuffs is good nuff.
L286[09:56:10] * CompanionCube likes fontconfig without any 'slight' hinting because it looks crap.
L287[09:58:09] <g> hmm, seems that wokkel extends twisted's xmpp stuff quite a bit
L288[09:58:23] <payonel> you all seem to have things that you really care about having work/look a very certain way. name something you use that you really dont care about its specifics
L289[09:58:40] <payonel> #askoc
L290[09:58:42] <g> payonel: anything I don't use.
L291[09:58:51] <Saphire> wel[
L292[09:58:54] <Saphire> *welp
L293[09:58:56] <payonel> g: 'something you use'
L294[09:59:02] <g> yeah, I know
L295[09:59:21] <g> that's still my answer, can't think of anything I use that I don't care about the UX of
L296[09:59:22] <g> lol
L297[09:59:27] <Saphire> now i can read homestuck and at least know that it won't change or branch out..
L298[09:59:40] <Saphire> hint: the homestuck ended
L299[09:59:40] <payonel> g: can be tangible things to
L300[09:59:52] <Saphire> 'THE END', curtains
L301[09:59:57] <Izaya> too bad homestuck is so difficult to archive
L302[10:00:05] <Izaya> I'd love to read it on my phone
L303[10:00:12] <Izaya> aren't some of the pages in .swf though?
L304[10:00:21] <g> yeah, some of them are flash animations
L305[10:00:38] <Izaya> that makes it difficult
L306[10:00:47] * Izaya has purged that security hole from all of his machines
L307[10:00:51] <g> payonel: idk, medication?
L308[10:00:56] <g> as long as it works, I don't care how it works
L309[10:01:04] <Saphire> Izaya: vm?
L310[10:01:10] <Saphire> coverter?
L311[10:01:14] <Saphire> *con
L312[10:01:21] <g> I'm having a hard time thinking of things that match your criteria honestly
L313[10:01:23] <Izaya> I shall run a VM in a container on a sandboxed and firewalled machine
L314[10:01:24] <Michiyo> I have an XMPP server, going to use it for chat in the MMO I'm working on
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L316[10:01:33] <Saphire> Izaya: :\
L317[10:01:37] <Izaya> :D
L318[10:01:37] <Saphire> neeeeerd
L319[10:01:41] <Izaya> what else?
L320[10:01:53] * Saphire has three router interconnected >.<
L321[10:01:55] <Izaya> nah I'll just throw it up on my paranoid bridge on asakura
L322[10:02:21] <Saphire> i could draw a map of my home net..
L323[10:02:32] <gamax92> Saphire: it'd look like an ant colony
L324[10:02:32] <Izaya> except it wouldn't make sense?
L325[10:02:39] <Saphire> heh, bridges would be difficult
L326[10:02:45] <Saphire> yeah
L327[10:02:53] <Izaya> no I mean
L328[10:02:57] <Izaya> brctl bridges
L329[10:03:13] <Izaya> I have one that has a whitelist
L330[10:03:29] <gamax92> Izaya: is that one an ant colony?
L331[10:03:30] <Saphire> three routers, some vlans, a bridge and a kerio running and managing all the inet trough a single wire
L332[10:03:57] <Izaya> is what an ant colony?
L333[10:04:04] <gamax92> Izaya: your networking setup
L334[10:04:10] <Izaya> no, actually
L335[10:04:14] <Izaya> more of a tree
L336[10:04:15] <gamax92> :O
L337[10:04:25] * Saphire uses a corporative routing software for the routing at home
L338[10:04:30] <Izaya> it's once you look at the VMs that it turns into an ant colony
L339[10:04:47] <Saphire> gamax92: mine is just a mess
L340[10:05:20] <gamax92> Saphire: oh, so it's an aubutorimizer plentaronicao?
L341[10:06:44] <g> well, if anyone wants to help me with xmpp, maybe I'll manage an implementation..
L342[10:07:52] <gamax92> g: hi
L343[10:08:04] <g> Hi gamax92 o/
L344[10:10:10] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@194-166-6-10.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L345[10:10:26] <CompanionCube> that was weird.
L346[10:10:30] <KittyKath> g: Write an XMPP implementation? AHAHAHHAHAH have fun
L347[10:10:36] <CompanionCube> the kernel completely crapped itself.
L348[10:10:40] <g> KittyKath, that's not quite what I said
L349[10:11:05] <KittyKath> g: Well I think the word you were searching for then was "hosting" :P
L350[10:11:09] <g> ..no
L351[10:11:10] <CompanionCube> Multiple stacktraces - I only really saw the phrase 'fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed!'
L352[10:11:10] <g> :P
L353[10:11:13] <g> I meant an ultros protocol implementation
L354[10:11:44] <KittyKath> g: Well that was missing some context.
L355[10:11:50] <g> I mentioned it earlier
L356[10:12:38] <CompanionCube> Stary2001, Izaya ^
L357[10:12:46] <Stary2001> lel
L358[10:12:51] <Stary2001> gg
L359[10:13:46] <KittyKath> payonel: Did you ask for something in terms of software that I use on a regular basis that I don't care how it works exactly?
L360[10:14:15] <payonel> KittyKath: yeah, but i was trying to be general, not just software
L361[10:14:23] <gamax92> >_> why cant I see payonel talking
L362[10:14:25] <Izaya> you broke it, CompanionCube
L363[10:14:43] <payonel> you guys+gals all just seem so concerned about having things "just so"
L364[10:14:50] <CompanionCube> Izaya, there was much spewage of debug information over tty2
L365[10:14:54] <payonel> i find myself not being all the concerned a lot of the time
L366[10:14:57] <payonel> gamax92: !
L367[10:15:03] <KittyKath> payonel: JS & the ECMA standard since ... 4 years? (aka since I last had to webdev). If you want something I use voluntarely... now it gets harder. :v
L368[10:15:10] <CompanionCube> good thing I switched to it because my Xorg session was behaving weirdly.
L369[10:15:37] <payonel> gamax92: are you ignoring me? :)
L370[10:15:55] <gamax92> oh there you are
L371[10:17:18] <gamax92> KittyKath: "Game hated by millions because article of clothing deemed too realistic"
L372[10:18:02] <KittyKath> payonel: But I think you are getting it the other way around. If I use something extensively it pays of to know how it works. I tend to learn and understand - or at least try - everything I use and then actively search for flaws in it. Also of course look out for alternatives where it's useful.
L373[10:19:01] <payonel> o/
L374[10:19:01] <Izaya> KittyKath: I discovered I could do something fun
L375[10:19:02] <Izaya> wget -m -A webm,srt https://cdn.media.ccc.de/congress/2015/webm-hd/
L376[10:19:02] ⇦ Quits: Kamran (Kamran@Youre.All.Mad.PanicBNC.ca) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L377[10:19:13] <KittyKath> Izaya: Gj :P
L378[10:19:29] <KittyKath> Izaya: Next time just be there in person ;)
L379[10:19:55] <Izaya> can't afford plane
L380[10:19:57] <Izaya> nor passport
L381[10:20:03] <Izaya> why the fuck do you have to pay for a passport?
L382[10:20:19] <KittyKath> Izaya: Just move to europe :P
L383[10:20:20] <Izaya> what if you want to go somewhere where you don't have to pay for a passport?
L384[10:21:18] * g sighs and installs wokkel
L385[10:21:24] <g> I guess I'll need some kind of xmpp server as well
L386[10:21:25] <g> hmm
L387[10:21:29] <reinei> Izaya, move to europe and you get all of Schengen for (almost) free
L388[10:21:52] ⇨ Joins: Kamran (Kamran@Youre.All.Mad.PanicBNC.ca)
L389[10:21:57] * Lizzy is not sure if she can remember how to configure her XMPP server
L390[10:22:08] <KittyKath> reinei: Are you sure that the schengenzone will survive 2016? :P
L391[10:22:14] <Izaya> also europe is in the middle of some serious issues
L392[10:22:28] <Lizzy> %dns SRV theender.net
L393[10:22:31] <reinei> Izaya, everyone is, all the time
L394[10:22:36] <Lizzy> hmm
L395[10:22:40] <Lizzy> #dns SRV theender.net
L396[10:22:41] <|0xDEADBEEF|> >
L397[10:22:51] <Lizzy> #dns xmpp-client theender.net
L398[10:22:51] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ : String XMPP-CLIENT not a member of Dnsruby::Types
L399[10:22:59] * Lizzy mehs
L400[10:23:30] <Izaya> so in the US: trump vs clinton
L401[10:23:46] <Izaya> in Australia, double dissolution because of party politics
L402[10:23:47] <Lizzy> Sanders
L403[10:24:16] <CompanionCube> anyone but trump
L404[10:24:16] <Izaya> in europe, screwy stuff with immigration
L405[10:24:30] <Izaya> in the UK, 1984 now
L406[10:24:46] <CompanionCube> also in the UK, EU referrendum
L407[10:25:17] <gamax92> if trump in candidates then !trump else decide(candidates) end
L408[10:25:36] * CompanionCube thinks that both the EU and UKGov is fucked....but the EU is less fucked
L409[10:25:42] <Izaya> I don't see Sanders getting in, honestly, but you never know I guess
L410[10:27:14] <g> sanders promised to take the media lobbying out of politics
L411[10:27:22] <g> so the media will do everything to make sure that doesn't happen
L412[10:27:22] <g> :P
L413[10:27:54] <CompanionCube> is it weird that if not sanders, clinton is likely the best person for the job
L414[10:28:03] <Izaya> more of the same I guess
L415[10:28:43] <Lizzy> wifi stay the fuck connected
L416[10:29:23] <Skye> CompanionCube, that view of the EU is basically what Jeremy Corbyn has
L417[10:29:27] <gamax92> my majestic cat is casually licking her beautiful paw
L418[10:29:51] <CompanionCube> https://status.cloud.google.com/incident/compute/16007
L419[10:30:08] <CompanionCube> 'On Monday, 11 April, 2016, Google Compute Engine instances in all regions lost external connectivity for a total of 18 minutes, from 19:09 to 19:27 Pacific Time.' kek
L420[10:31:18] ⇦ Quits: Reika (~Reika@reika.kalseki.mods.abrarsyed.com) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
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L422[10:32:56] ⇨ Joins: Cazzar (~CazzarZNC@vocaloid.lovers.at.cazzar.net)
L423[10:32:56] zsh sets mode: +v on Cazzar
L424[10:33:03] <g> CompanionCube, you really need to start explaining why these things are funny
L425[10:33:03] <g> :vb
L426[10:33:06] <g> :v *
L427[10:33:17] ⇨ Joins: Reika (~Reika@reika.kalseki.mods.abrarsyed.com)
L428[10:33:18] <CompanionCube> maybe 'kek' would be the wrong phrase
L429[10:34:28] <Inari> fun bug
L430[10:34:39] <Skye> two bugs
L431[10:34:53] <Skye> two bugs in failsafe software
L432[10:35:02] <Inari> :p
L433[10:36:06] <Izaya> "Shooting lasers into space - for science"
L434[10:36:46] <Inari> and then it hits a spoaceship of aliens that are harmed severly by lasers
L435[10:36:50] <Inari> and we just declared interstellar war
L436[10:37:04] <Izaya> 'oops'
L437[10:41:17] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L438[10:44:19] * Kimiro whips a pineapple at Izaya
L439[10:44:34] * Izaya slices the pineapple into pieces
L440[10:44:52] <Izaya> Suitable for use on pizza.
L441[10:45:01] * Vexatos puts pieces onto pizza and serves vifino and Lizzy
L442[10:45:05] <Kimiro> ... I'm okay with that.
L443[10:45:18] <Kimiro> I was going to add it to a fruit salad but pizza is fine too.
L444[10:45:21] <Temia> 'q'
L445[10:45:27] <payonel> Vexatos: o/
L446[10:45:54] <payonel> Temia: to answer your irc question from yesterday. i've been using irc since 2003 (espernet and freenode)
L447[10:46:17] <Vexatos> eww freenode
L448[10:46:17] <payonel> i've seen splits and i never cared, hense i filter then out
L449[10:46:22] <vifino> :O
L450[10:46:28] <payonel> haha, i don't pick where the channels are :)
L451[10:46:29] <vifino> Thank you, Vexatos!
L452[10:46:31] * vifino noms
L453[10:46:35] <Temia> Ah.
L454[10:46:37] <Inari> split split split *chants*
L455[10:46:38] <Izaya> 'eww freenode'
L456[10:46:41] <Izaya> Vexatos:
L457[10:46:43] <Izaya> that was a joke
L458[10:46:44] <Izaya> right?
L459[10:46:47] <Temia> Huh, actually around the same time I started using Esper.
L460[10:46:58] <Kimiro> Fight! Fight! Fight!
L461[10:47:18] ⇦ Parts: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA03C188BAC1088F2292.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (*.net *.split))
L462[10:47:21] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA03C188BAC1088F2292.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L463[10:47:21] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L464[10:47:25] <Vexatos> :X
L465[10:47:25] <Temia> Well, cheers to you then
L466[10:47:36] * Temia bap :T
L467[10:47:47] <payonel> i dont mean to be argumentative
L468[10:48:31] <Inari> Open the rifts, tear them apart, let the red burst forth as the line falls, the netsplit comes! <is very bored>
L469[10:53:33] <Lizzy> home time
L470[10:54:01] * Inari throws Lizzy up into the air
L471[10:54:03] * Inari swings a bit
L472[10:54:06] * Inari shoots Lizzy home
L473[10:54:11] <Inari> *bat
L474[10:54:12] <Inari> \.\
L475[10:54:43] <payonel> /./
L476[10:54:50] <Inari> haha
L477[10:55:08] <Inari> payonel: who pays you even
L478[10:55:20] <payonel> why the 'even'? :)
L479[10:55:41] <payonel> sounds like you're saying "who would even want to pay you?"
L480[10:55:46] <payonel> hehe
L481[10:56:12] <Inari> :p
L482[10:56:26] <Inari> nah more like "im curious" :P
L483[10:57:26] <payonel> sure, i'll share
L484[10:57:47] <payonel> http://www.elementaltechnologies.com/
L485[10:57:55] <Inari> it was mostly joking on your name :p
L486[10:57:59] <Inari> but good to know
L487[11:36:18] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L489[11:48:01] ⇨ Joins: cogor (webchat@
L490[11:48:31] <cogor> Hi guys, I have heard that you can copy the configuration of nanomachines, please tell me how to do it.
L491[11:49:04] <g> there's no straight up like
L492[11:49:07] <g> copyConfiguration()
L493[11:49:18] <g> but I think you are able to get the values in a similar way to how you set them
L494[11:49:28] <g> ~w nanomachines
L495[11:49:28] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/item:nanomachines
L496[11:49:45] <g> yep getInput()
L497[11:50:14] <fingercomp> There is no way to copy nanomachines configuration
L498[11:50:44] <g> Not entirely true
L499[11:50:53] <g> You can iterate their values and set them on another set of nanomachines
L500[11:51:00] <fingercomp> getInput() just returns a state of input: on/off
L501[11:51:03] <cogor> fingercomp, а мне вот доказывают, что есть
L502[11:51:12] <cogor> но заставляют искать самому
L503[11:51:19] <g> fingercomp, yeah, that's right
L504[11:51:23] <fingercomp> setInput() turns them on/off
L505[11:51:28] <g> exactly
L506[11:53:39] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L507[11:55:43] <fingercomp> Oh, wait, there IS "saveConfiguration" in the OC sources
L508[11:55:46] <Inari> http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zH4i5CLUEXM/UNsD7h98OrI/AAAAAAAACNM/jlnyWTCDfvk/s1600/tumblr_lw4g3hMtuQ1qb3b0jo1_500.jpg Oo
L509[11:55:47] <Forecaster> getInput() => setInput()
L510[11:55:49] <Forecaster> :P
L511[11:57:54] <cogor> fingercomp, more details, please
L512[12:00:32] <fingercomp> I'm not good at Scala at all but I guess this command saves nanomachines configuration to the empty "nanomachines" item
L513[12:03:15] <cogor> This "copy Configuration ()"?
L514[12:03:47] <fingercomp> ?
L515[12:04:22] <fingercomp> btw, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/common/nanomachines/ControllerImpl.scala#L80-L96
L516[12:05:07] <cogor> Thank you so much
L517[12:07:33] ⇨ Joins: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@
L518[12:07:57] ⇦ Parts: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@ (Die))
L519[12:15:17] <Inari> classical music so good
L520[12:18:18] * Lizzy is now home
L521[12:22:40] <vifino> WOOO
L522[12:22:46] * vifino kisses Lizzy all over
L523[12:23:01] <Forecaster> lewd
L524[12:25:17] * Lizzy reutrns the kisses
L525[12:26:55] <Inari> Lizzy: that was a long flight
L526[12:27:52] <Lizzy> Inari: ?_?
L527[12:28:14] <Inari> Lizzy: i thew you up and hit you with a bat to fling you home
L528[12:28:24] <Lizzy> ah
L529[12:35:42] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@181-219-144-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
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L532[13:05:06] <Michiyo> https://thenanfang.com/chinese-residents-warned-spies-posing-laowai-boyfriends/
L533[13:06:25] <Forecaster> the jig is up!
L534[13:06:30] * Forecaster jumps out the window
L535[13:07:22] <Michiyo> lol
L536[13:12:14] <Inari> lol
L537[13:17:52] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@74-93-99-217-washington.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
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L539[13:25:55] <Sangar> o/
L540[13:26:01] <SF-MC> hiya Sangar
L541[13:26:38] <SF-MC> I have a question about the saving and loading of computer memory internally -
L542[13:26:56] <SF-MC> Do pointers stay valid? Or does the underlying address change each load?
L543[13:27:15] <Sangar> what pointers?
L544[13:27:20] <SF-MC> ok
L545[13:27:39] <SF-MC> so, I had an idea on how to better track who alloc'ed what for my coroutine stuff
L546[13:27:45] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L547[13:28:07] <Forecaster> MCU's work now :D
L548[13:28:08] <SF-MC> I'd stuff a pointer to the lua_State that alloc'd it right before the memory
L549[13:28:14] <Forecaster> I don't have to reboot them all the time!
L550[13:28:25] <SF-MC> but this only works if the address stays the same across game save/loads
L551[13:28:26] <Sangar> Forecaster, yay, thanks for confirming :)
L552[13:29:10] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity_ (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L553[13:29:23] <Forecaster> ^^
L554[13:29:24] <SF-MC> does that assumption hold, or do I need to figure out a different method?
L555[13:29:24] <Sangar> SF-MC, so you mean on the c level? it doesn't, all objects are re-created, and references *inside* lua restored.
L556[13:29:38] <SF-MC> assumption does not hold
L557[13:29:40] <SF-MC> damn, so close
L558[13:29:57] <SF-MC> thank you for confirming
L559[13:30:53] <Sangar> sure. one thing that would survive serialization, but that sounds... scary... would be having a table in lua that maps coroutine to amount of memory allocated via that coroutine.
L560[13:31:28] <SF-MC> that might work
L561[13:31:29] <Sangar> problem there obviously being that you'd want to update the table somehow, and most likely *not* inside alloc >_>
L562[13:31:39] <SF-MC> right
L563[13:31:58] <Sangar> i mean. it might work from within alloc... but it sounds... scary :X
L564[13:32:06] <SF-MC> I'd rather not chance it looping
L565[13:32:09] <Sangar> like, what if the table updates allocs again
L566[13:32:10] <Sangar> yeah
L567[13:32:12] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L568[13:32:20] <SF-MC> I see what you mean :)
L569[13:32:24] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@181-219-144-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl)
L570[13:32:40] * Michiyo pokes Sangar
L571[13:33:28] <Sangar> Michiyo, what's the version of that class corresponding to that stacktrace? :P
L572[13:33:34] <Sangar> because line 48 is empty in the one you linked
L573[13:33:58] <Michiyo> ffs
L574[13:34:02] * Michiyo slaps self
L575[13:34:02] * EnderBot2 rulls on the floor laughing
L576[13:34:03] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity_ (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L577[13:34:16] <SF-MC> rulls haha
L578[13:34:17] <Michiyo> the NPE is from where I call the node.connect(meh.next())
L579[13:34:24] <Michiyo> or node().connect
L580[13:34:25] <Michiyo> I forget
L581[13:34:38] <Michiyo> I'm at work, or I'd just get a fresh stack trace
L582[13:35:34] <Michiyo> also the repo is in a flux between oc 1.5 and oc 1.6.. that class is utilizing 1.6 though
L583[13:35:45] <Sangar> :P
L584[13:36:44] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L585[13:37:14] <Michiyo> but anyway... yeah line 46 is where the error is
L586[13:37:25] <Michiyo> I removed some commented out code I had there which bumped the line up
L587[13:40:36] <Sangar> mm, idk. node() shouldn't be null, so i'm guessing what screws you over is the iterator; which is probably invalidated the moment you remove the node. try putting the neighbors in a new list instead, before removing the node.
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L591[13:43:23] <S3_> Wow
L592[13:43:24] <Michiyo> that's the thing I can print meh.next() instead of trying to connect to it and I get Node(address, some.path.to.Machine(I think)@computer) or something like that I'd have to go dig out logs
L593[13:43:30] <Michiyo> afk cust
L594[13:43:32] <S3_> so whatever server on esper my bouncer was connected to is down
L595[13:43:59] <S3_> greaser|q: I noticed in mocha you are not using assembly to bootstrap your os?!
L596[13:44:09] <S3_> 3looks like some elf magic going on..
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L599[13:47:19] <Vexatos> Sangar, actually, this.node is null
L600[13:47:22] <Michiyo> Ok back
L601[13:47:23] <Vexatos> IIRC
L602[13:47:46] <Sangar> but it's set to a new one right before o.O
L603[13:47:46] <Michiyo> I even took Vexatos's advice and removed all of my local node setting stuff in the constructor and crap, and it still did it
L604[13:47:57] <Vexatos> Sandra, Sangar, Trangar
L605[13:48:03] <Vexatos> Just need Sangu now
L606[13:48:14] <Vexatos> too many people
L607[13:48:21] <Sangar> too many pings
L608[13:48:22] <SF-MC> lol
L609[13:48:22] <Sangar> :P
L610[13:48:31] <Trangar> Was anyone here close with noiro?
L611[13:48:46] <Vexatos> Who is noiro :>
L612[13:48:48] * Vexatos runs
L613[13:48:56] <Trangar> I'm serious
L614[13:48:59] <Michiyo> I wouldn't say "close" but we interacted from time to time
L615[13:49:05] <Trangar> She passed away yesterday
L616[13:49:11] <Vexatos> w@t
L617[13:49:15] <Michiyo> ...
L618[13:49:18] <Michiyo> Oh man
L619[13:49:19] <Michiyo> :/
L620[13:49:26] <SF-MC> now I feel bad for having never seen her :/
L621[13:49:42] <Trangar> I was going to visit her in 4 weeks :(
L622[13:49:49] <Trangar> I'm her boyfriend, by the way
L623[13:49:55] <Trangar> Well, was, I guess
L624[13:50:04] <SF-MC> :(
L625[13:50:04] <Sangar> my condolences :(
L626[13:50:15] <CompanionCube> condolences :(
L627[13:50:15] <Forecaster> passed away from what? D:
L628[13:50:19] <SF-MC> ^
L629[13:50:23] <Michiyo> condolences for sure.. very sorry
L630[13:50:33] <Vexatos> Forecaster, the worst way possible
L631[13:50:43] <SF-MC> then I'd rather not know
L632[13:51:04] <Vexatos> Well, the worst non-painful way possible.
L633[13:51:20] <Vexatos> (I hope)
L634[13:51:33] <Trangar> Knowing her life, this was definitely the least painful for her
L635[13:54:29] <Vexatos> :|
L636[14:04:16] ⇦ Quits: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@74-93-99-217-washington.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L638[14:07:07] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@74-93-99-217-Washington.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
L639[14:07:48] <SF-MC> aww ffs
L640[14:07:51] <SF-MC> :/
L641[14:08:14] <SF-MC> I didn't find the pipes I really wanted because they aren't called pipes :/
L642[14:09:09] <SF-MC> now I have the liquid pipes for when I need them, I guess
L643[14:10:44] ⇦ Quits: Trangar (~Trangar@181-219-144-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
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L645[14:12:50] <Temia> Oh dear.
L646[14:13:08] <vifino> Oh fuck. Poor noiro. :(
L647[14:13:14] <Temia> ...Well, Trangar's already gone, but I'm sorry to hear that. ._.
L648[14:13:47] <vifino> Same. Very sad to have someone pass away.
L649[14:18:08] <Vexatos> <Skye> https://xkcd.com/686/
L650[14:18:34] <Michiyo> I need to fix that fucking regex -_-
L651[14:27:05] <Kimiro> Welp.
L652[14:27:22] <Kimiro> I beat Factorio.
L653[14:27:28] <Kimiro> In so far as you can beat it.
L654[14:27:34] <gamax92> Kimiro: :D
L655[14:28:04] <Kimiro> All research, multiple sets of the top-tier power armor, everything is god module 5'd to hell and back...
L656[14:28:25] <Kimiro> I even fortified my island.
L657[14:29:05] <Dashkal> Launched the rocket?
L658[14:32:52] <gamax92> TerribleBloom.glsl
L659[14:40:22] <Kodos> Michiyo, did you get any help today
L660[14:40:39] <Michiyo> Ugh this laptop a customer brought in is so riddled with trojans and shit it hurts
L661[14:40:58] <Michiyo> Kodos, "It shouldn't be null" and nothing since :P
L662[14:41:15] <Vexatos> Michiyo, no Avira? :>
L663[14:41:34] <Michiyo> Woo KSP 1.1
L664[14:42:08] * Kodos has yet to try KSP past the demo
L665[14:42:08] <Michiyo> They had an expired mcafee install... that was infected itself.
L666[14:42:43] <Forecaster> but if you infect the anti-virus, it strengthens it's immune system right? :D
L667[14:42:48] <SF-MC> XD
L668[14:43:09] <Kodos> That sounds like something a person would say that also needs to have the phrase 'Big Blue E' spoken to them
L669[14:43:11] <Vexatos> Michiyo, so you just ran Avira on it and it discovered 500 viruses? :>
L670[14:43:45] <Vexatos> Pretty much every computer store I know uses free antivirus programs, heh
L671[14:44:16] <Michiyo> Not Avira, I have a PE based tool that runs a few AVs on the computer :P
L672[14:44:28] <Forecaster> PE?
L673[14:44:36] <gamax92> Portable Environment
L674[14:44:38] <Michiyo> ^
L675[14:44:40] <Forecaster> ah
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L681[14:56:51] <Forecaster> well... I'm taking this mouse back to the store tomorrow...
L682[14:57:30] <Forecaster> the scroll wheel manages to jerk back and forth while scrolling for some reason
L683[14:57:40] <Forecaster> it's extremely annoying
L684[14:59:01] <Forecaster> and annoyingly this is a replacement mouse
L685[14:59:06] <Forecaster> the first one had the same problem...
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L687[15:01:06] <Michiyo> Fun...
L688[15:01:41] <Forecaster> it's great when trying to select something in minecraft
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L690[15:02:17] <Inari> anyone know a nice ave maria version where the singer actually holds notes rather htan going vibrato
L691[15:02:21] <gamax92> Forecaster: Well you could visit Michiyo at Radioshack and get a new mouse for $89.95
L692[15:02:23] <Forecaster> or any game for that matter
L693[15:02:38] <g> my mouse is a little expensive too..
L694[15:02:41] <Forecaster> gamax92: that's a little out of the way I think :P
L695[15:02:53] <Michiyo> lol gamax92... $89.95
L696[15:02:53] <g> €109.00 or so :v
L697[15:02:57] <Michiyo> I wish ours were that cheap
L698[15:03:00] <Michiyo> :P
L699[15:03:05] <gamax92> :P
L700[15:03:06] <Forecaster> mine was like $30 when I bought it
L701[15:03:23] <Forecaster> now it's around $50 for some reason
L702[15:03:31] <Forecaster> I have no idea why the price went up...
L703[15:03:35] <g> maybe it was on sale
L704[15:03:44] <Forecaster> I don't think so
L705[15:03:57] <Michiyo> We've got Gigaware, Logitech and "Connect It" Mice, ranging from $19.99 to $49.99
L706[15:04:16] <Forecaster> This is a Steel Series
L707[15:04:31] <Forecaster> I like it a lot other than the persistant scroll issue
L708[15:05:44] <Inari> issue?
L709[15:06:23] <Forecaster> when scrolling in a direction the mouse randomly jump a number of steps in the opposite direction sometimes
L710[15:06:37] <Skye> I'm getting a unicomp buckling spring
L711[15:06:45] <SF-MC> ooooh Unicomp
L712[15:06:46] <Forecaster> makes it very difficult to be precise when for example selecting things in minecraft
L713[15:07:04] <Forecaster> it's so bad I tend to use the number keys...
L714[15:07:44] <Forecaster> also, this is amazing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5CQUy3OKL4
L715[15:07:44] <MichiBot> EEVblog #870 - Shonky Z-Energeia Energy Saving Wipes | length: 17m 25s | Likes: 1731 Dislikes: 55 Views: 20364 | by EEVblog
L716[15:07:52] <Forecaster> "Energy Saving Wipes"
L717[15:07:56] <gamax92> Forecaster: scroll debounce
L718[15:08:14] <Forecaster> gamax92: what?
L719[15:08:57] <Kodos> Vexatos, I replied on my suggestion :x
L720[15:09:05] *** Kimiro is now known as CB|Away
L721[15:09:22] <Vexatos> Kodos, I get emails from that
L722[15:09:35] <Kodos> Right
L723[15:09:36] <Kodos> Derp
L724[15:10:02] <gamax92> Forecaster: some mice will get caught up when scrolling over a tick and send stuff like ....UUUDUDUDUUDUDUDU...., instead of just ....U....
L725[15:10:23] <Forecaster> sometimes it does nothing
L726[15:10:35] <gamax92> oh, well then ...
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L728[15:11:18] <Forecaster> it's very random
L729[15:11:36] <Forecaster> (I assume when it does nothing it's actually sending UD)
L730[15:11:40] <Forecaster> cancelling itself out
L731[15:14:46] <gamax92> I remember when I last bought something at radioshack
L732[15:15:11] <gamax92> It was a DVI to VGA adapter, which normally costs 3 dollars anywhere else costs 15 there
L733[15:15:30] <Kodos> Last time I was at a radio shack was 15 years ago
L734[15:15:32] <Forecaster> I've never been to a radioshack
L735[15:15:43] <SF-MC> It's been a couple years for me
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L737[15:18:12] <Forecaster> I think there *are* radioshacks here, but they're not common
L738[15:18:14] <Temia> I tend to visit Ratshack if I have need for a discrete component that I didn't notice I lacked until it was too late.
L739[15:19:29] <Temia> ...speaking of which, crap, I neglected to order a mini-USB breakout board with that order I made. That's going to make powering the converter box I'm building difficult
L740[15:19:50] <Temia> Maybe I'll have to see if they have a barrel receptacle or something I can use instead
L741[15:21:09] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
L742[15:27:06] <Michiyo> gamax92, DVI to VGA is $15.99 plus 9.5% tax... ._.
L743[15:27:53] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA03C188BAC1088F2292.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L744[15:30:23] <Forecaster> if I get a new mouse I'm going to ask to try it in the store...
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L749[15:47:29] <Inari> why am i running 4--6 software applications just to caht with everyone
L750[15:47:30] <Inari> x.x
L751[15:48:41] <Michiyo> Cause
L752[15:49:13] <CompanionCube> Inari, because bridging each community is har
L753[15:49:15] <CompanionCube> *hard
L754[15:49:29] <Inari> im using pidgin for the people on gtalk
L755[15:49:43] <Inari> steam for the poeple on steam, irc fro the people on irc, discord fro the people on discord and then the random webchat in brwoser
L756[15:49:49] <Inari> like what, cant i have one stupid client please
L757[15:50:13] <Kodos> I miss the days when Trillian was the one thing you needed
L758[15:50:24] <Inari> well i never was at those
L759[15:50:28] <Inari> cause trillian was kind of ugly and kept crshing
L760[15:51:00] <Inari> im actually surprised there isnt a modern messenger client yet like that
L761[15:51:07] <Inari> opensource, hackable
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L763[15:51:13] zsh sets mode: +v on Kilobyte
L764[15:52:32] * CompanionCube hopes that eventually https://matrix.org/ could fill a trillian-like role on the server
L765[15:54:52] <CompanionCube> support for something that allows powerful bridging is baked into the client/server protocol specification
L766[15:55:56] ⇦ Quits: cogor (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
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L770[16:03:11] <Inari> CompanionCube: eh, seems unrealistic, i'd rather have a client that connects to all of these services
L771[16:06:25] * Temia uses Steam for the people on Steam, fucked off Discord because no Linux support and she'd rather use a bridge, and uses IRC with Bitlbee for everything else `3`
L772[16:06:50] <Temia> Though I may start using bitlbee-steam...
L773[16:10:57] <vifino> discord has a linux app now afaik
L774[16:12:25] <g> yep, it does
L775[16:19:16] * Dashkal continues to use the webapp for discord.
L776[16:19:20] <Dashkal> Works fine on linux.
L777[16:20:33] <Dashkal> The linux client isn't out out yet. A preview can be found here: https://blog.discordapp.com/2016-4-18-change-log/
L778[16:20:54] <Dashkal> I cba to try it. I'm working when booted linux, so the voice parts just don't matter and the webapp is plenty for text.
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L780[16:37:34] * vifino picks up Lizzy and carries her to bed
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L782[16:49:05] * Michiyo sighs
L783[16:49:14] <Michiyo> I need a network drop in the back of the shop
L784[16:49:18] <Michiyo> and theres no way to get it
L785[16:50:48] * CompanionCube wonders if they made an actual client
L786[16:51:02] <CompanionCube> or just stuck their webapp in a Webkit desktop shell and called it a day
L787[16:54:13] <Kodos> Someone remind me to beat my brother's ass later
L788[16:58:41] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6B6E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 4.3.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L789[17:02:13] <Dashkal> CompanionCube: That's more or less what they did for the windows client. UI stuffed in a webkit shell. A couple OS things so they could hook the PTT and system tray. About it.
L790[17:02:53] <CompanionCube> I don't believe they are truly desktop *clients*
L791[17:02:58] <CompanionCube> more like desktop *launchers*
L792[17:03:13] <Dashkal> The OS hooks are the point. If it was strictly a launcher, you'd just use your browser.
L793[17:04:02] <CompanionCube> true
L794[17:04:19] <Dashkal> In the case of linux, I find that sufficient, and so I only use the webapp. For windows when gaming, I need a global PTT, and hooking a hotkey needs more access that Fx will give it.
L795[17:04:36] <Dashkal> In related news
L796[17:04:58] * Dashkal shakes his fist at games that don't let you bind left and right modifiers separately.
L797[17:05:23] <vifino> ^
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L806[17:52:29] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L807[17:55:51] <Kodos> SmartMoving needs to hurry up and update to 1.9
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L811[18:11:00] <Kodos> Is there a ls option that i can use to list all files in subdirectories of the pwd
L812[18:11:10] <SF-MC> -R?
L813[18:11:22] <Kodos> Thanks
L814[18:11:29] <SF-MC> yup
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L827[18:38:46] * Mimiru sighs
L828[18:38:57] <Mimiru> I have no idea what the fuck is wrong with this gods damned driver
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L830[18:39:16] <S3> FINALLY
L831[18:39:23] <S3> the server I was connected to went down
L832[18:39:36] <S3> greaser|q: get my message earlier?
L833[18:41:09] ⇦ Quits: l (Graypup@lfcode.ca) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L834[18:41:37] <S3> gamax92: Know the quinne mcluskey method?
L835[18:41:42] <gamax92> no
L836[18:42:05] <S3> If I can write it up, this FPGA setup will be much smaller
L837[18:42:22] <S3> it's a systematic boolean expression simplification algorithm set
L838[18:42:34] <S3> I've done it by hand before, but is intended for writing as a program
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L844[18:43:05] <^v> Oh noes! chaos split 3:
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L852[18:44:02] <S3> yep
L853[18:44:35] <S3> vifino: Told my professor about plans to communicate to germany, he thinks it's a great idea for the HAM shack
L854[18:44:49] <S3> I'm technically vice president of the radio club
L855[18:45:06] <Mimiru> Fuck it...
L856[18:45:13] <S3> Mimiru: ?
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L862[18:46:04] ⇦ Quits: Willfon (~willfon@lurk.uio.no) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L863[18:46:23] <Mimiru> S3, stupid OpenSec stuff that no one seems to know how to do inc Sangar and Vex
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L876[18:56:41] <gamax92> Mimiru: What are you working on btw (I don't remember the details)
L877[18:57:36] <Mimiru> NEtwork Card, has a function that generates a new address
L878[18:57:48] <Mimiru> So I have to disconnect the node, make a new one, and reconnect it
L879[18:58:28] <gamax92> ahh, is it like a card that extends OC's networking card and just adds a few new callbacks?
L880[18:58:57] <Mimiru> Yeah public class SecureNetworkCardDriver extends NetworkCard {
L881[18:59:39] <gamax92> Mimiru: got a repo/gist/bin I could work with, would like to try
L882[19:00:14] <Mimiru> https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenSecurity/blob/master/src/main/java/pcl/opensecurity/drivers/SecureNetworkCardDriver.java
L883[19:00:21] <Mimiru> it's 1.6
L884[19:00:29] <gamax92> alright
L885[19:08:13] <gamax92> build failed :/
L886[19:08:43] <Mimiru> Did you try using the OS repo directly, or your own?
L887[19:08:48] <gamax92> the OS repo
L888[19:09:01] <Mimiru> AHh yeah... that's not gonna work...
L889[19:09:02] <Mimiru> givem e a second
L890[19:09:41] <Mimiru> gamax92, let that push, and it should work
L891[19:10:43] <Mimiru> There latest commit should fix the failing buildyness
L892[19:11:28] <gamax92> ahh yep, worked
L893[19:11:44] <Mimiru> yeah the build.gradle still had 1.5 set
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L895[19:43:06] <vifino> S3: Awesome.
L896[19:45:29] <gamax92> Mimiru: okay, fixed it up but running into one issue
L897[19:45:37] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L898[19:45:45] <Mimiru> I've been trying to get that to work for days..
L899[19:45:48] <Mimiru> What's the issue?
L900[19:46:09] <gamax92> items, like all other components, will store their last address in their NBT and so when you go to make a new node it just pulls that old address
L901[19:47:37] <Mimiru> Anyway to change the nbt from the driver?
L902[19:48:45] <gamax92> I know you can override load
L903[19:49:08] <gamax92> but ... I'm not sure if that gets called for the node or just the driver
L904[19:52:23] <gamax92> Mimiru: anyway the issue was that you were doing .node and not .node(), the private field in your Environment is not only uninitialized but also unused, ManagedEnvironment has it's own _node field with node() and setNode() to manage it
L905[19:52:42] <Mimiru> I'd had the entire thing using node()
L906[19:52:47] <Mimiru> For some time there was no local node
L907[19:52:50] <gamax92> other issue is that doing newNode doesn't add the node to any network, so trying to call .connect will fail
L908[19:53:08] <gamax92> Network.joinNewNetwork(this.node()); works ... but I'm not sure myself that's correct
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L910[20:10:28] <S3> vifino: you know what isn't fair?
L911[20:10:29] <S3> :D
L912[20:10:49] <S3> in europe and asia you're allowed to send packets over CB radio
L913[20:10:55] <S3> in most of europe and asia anyways
L914[20:11:15] <Kimiro> Who pinged me?
L915[20:11:17] <Kimiro> owo
L916[20:11:55] <S3> I dunno
L917[20:11:56] <S3> you?
L918[20:12:00] <Kimiro> Oh.
L919[20:12:08] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@74-93-99-217-Washington.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
L920[20:12:08] <Kimiro> CB pings me. Still.
L921[20:13:13] <S3> LOL?
L922[20:13:14] <S3> why
L923[20:14:56] <S3> Kimiro: how bout this?
L924[20:15:02] <S3>
L925[20:15:10] <S3> does that ping you?
L926[20:15:37] <gamax92> okay, joinOrCreateNetwork did not work
L927[20:18:29] <gamax92> Mimiru: overwriting the environment's load() won't work sadly
L928[20:19:07] <gamax92> I'm going to go patch OC's jar to see where load is being called from
L929[20:19:37] <ping> S3 yes
L930[20:21:14] <gamax92> err well, that depends on if building OC wasn't as slow as molasses
L931[20:21:23] <Mimiru> fuckin right,,,?
L932[20:29:24] <Kimiro> S3: Alternate name is ChronoBoots.
L933[20:35:29] ⇦ Quits: AlexisMachina (uid57631@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:e11f) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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L935[20:48:49] <gamax92> oh it built
L936[20:50:29] <Mimiru> What were we working on again?
L937[20:50:36] <Mimiru> It's been so long...
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L940[21:04:41] <gamax92> >_> wat how are these nodes the same.
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L944[21:34:59] <gamax92> Mimiru: I'm not entirely sure what's going on :/
L945[21:35:32] <gamax92> newNode successfully makes a new node, but then setNode doesn't change the node and node() returns the old one
L946[21:35:40] <scj643> http://scj643.theender.net:8000/live.aac enjoy
L947[21:37:02] <S3> scj643: wat
L948[21:37:19] <gamax92> oh,
L949[21:37:27] <gamax92> NetworkCard has it own node?
L950[21:37:30] <scj643> I take requests
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L953[21:38:58] <gamax92> scj643: this is oddly listenable ...
L954[21:39:08] <scj643> Fort minor
L955[21:39:30] <scj643> BTW this is coming from spotify
L956[21:39:43] <scj643> Being routed through my computer to an icecast server
L957[21:41:32] <gamax92> Mimiru: so I guess in your card you'll have to also override node and setNode
L958[21:42:01] <Mimiru> gamax92, I had, before
L959[21:42:13] <Mimiru> http://hastebin.com/oluyexitur.hs
L960[21:42:59] <gamax92> uhh, I'm not sure you have to call super at all :P
L961[21:43:40] <gamax92> anyway, still looking into it
L962[21:45:14] <gamax92> >_> ...
L963[21:45:25] <gamax92> Why must NetworkCard change the return type of node()
L964[21:54:48] <gamax92> Mimiru: https://i.imgur.com/0gWPG3x.png
L965[21:55:13] <Mimiru> :O
L966[21:56:50] <gamax92> Mimiru: http://hastebin.com/qiwozositu.java
L967[21:57:35] * gamax92 wonders why NetworkCard shittly overwrites node() like that
L968[21:58:53] <gamax92> well, I should check if that network join is still needed.
L969[22:01:00] <gamax92> it is indeed needd
L970[22:04:24] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p5496159E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L971[22:05:55] <Kodos> So wait
L972[22:06:00] <Kodos> I go to dinner, and you got it working?
L973[22:06:27] <Mimiru> Kodos, http://michi.pc-logix.com/javaw_2016-04-19_22-06-24.png you tell me..
L974[22:06:39] <Kodos> Hooray =D
L975[22:06:50] <Kodos> Now to convince my server owner to update :3
L976[22:06:56] <Mimiru> So... what EXACTLY was I doing wrong? lol
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L978[22:10:12] <gamax92> Mimiru: without overwriting node and setNode, setNode points to ManagedEnvironment's and node points to NetworkCard's
L979[22:10:33] <gamax92> and so they don't match up and setNode does nothing
L980[22:10:36] <Mimiru> Well I was overriding both, and it didn't work.. I'm not 100% sure WHY I removed it
L981[22:11:03] <gamax92> also you wern't joining a network, which does through an NPE which you might have been mis interpreting :/
L982[22:11:10] *** OmegaCenti_ is now known as OmegaCenti
L983[22:11:23] <Mimiru> Yeah, I think that was the real issue
L984[22:11:42] <Mimiru> I swear I had joinNewNetwork at one point
L985[22:11:44] <Mimiru> but who knows
L986[22:11:48] <Mimiru> Thanks gamax92
L987[22:14:44] <Mimiru> Want to do the item for the "MoarRam" too? :P
L988[22:15:51] <Kodos> What about the Sanitizer
L989[22:15:56] <gamax92> Mimiru: nah, I have to go run around collecting stuff for an hour to earn 22 cents
L990[22:16:04] <Mimiru> Heh, I tried :P
L991[22:16:05] <Mimiru> Thanks again
L992[22:16:09] <Kodos> gamax92, SL Traffic cone thingers?
L993[22:16:23] <gamax92> crystals
L994[22:21:39] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
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L996[22:54:16] <Mimiru> ¬_¬ http://michi.pc-logix.com/KSP_x64_2016-04-19_22-54-15.png
L997[22:54:29] <Mimiru> And I can't change the res
L998[22:55:04] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/KSP_x64_2016-04-19_22-54-54.png
L999[22:55:11] <Mimiru> the right arrow for the res is off screen
L1000[22:58:06] <Mimiru> had to modify the settings.cfg to 1024x768 now I can use the config screen ¬_¬ lol
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L1008[23:20:45] <ds84182> aptitude is a godsend
L1009[23:21:26] *** Kimiro is now known as CB|Away
L1010[23:21:34] <ds84182> I screwed up my packages while doing a dist upgrade to the point where libstdc++ was broken so apt-get couldn't be used
L1011[23:21:55] <ds84182> So I manually force installed the right version of libstdc++ to attempt apt-get
L1012[23:22:10] <ds84182> apt-get just said "it's not my job" and bailed on me
L1013[23:22:34] <ds84182> but aptitude let me enter visual mode so I could fix stuff
L1014[23:23:29] <ds84182> However I may have fucked up and uninstalled my system... may have.
L1015[23:23:38] <ds84182> dkms was just removed ...
L1016[23:24:27] <ds84182> Oh, that was exactly what aptitude was doing... uninstalling everything
L1017[23:25:45] <ds84182> It's trying to install all of gnome and kde
L1018[23:25:47] <ds84182> what
L1019[23:26:58] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@194-166-6-10.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1020[23:28:37] <Izaya> you need to install lennartware to install GNOME
L1021[23:28:39] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
L1022[23:32:18] <Mimiru> wooo, made it to the mun
L1023[23:32:24] <Kodos> Other than EnderIO Capbanks, can anyone think of what I can use to control power flow limit with just code
L1024[23:32:26] <Mimiru> Without Mecjeb
L1025[23:37:11] <Kodos> Working on a program for DE to automate/monitor a Reactor
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L1027[23:50:31] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L1030[23:56:19] * Vexatos pokes nekosune with a pointy http://git.io/jwJB
L1031[23:57:42] <gamax92> hey Vexatos
L1032[23:58:08] * Temia looks at ds's apt problems. Is so glad she uses Arch. e.e;
L1033[23:58:50] <gamax92> Temia: don't worry, it's just ds's problems.
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