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L1[00:00:01] ⇦ Quits: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2[00:00:09] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Hah
L3[00:00:17] ⇨ Joins: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L4[00:00:17] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L5[00:00:19] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Izaya: so true
L6[00:01:56] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
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L12[00:08:31] ⇦ Quits: nullreturn (webchat@107-138-114-47.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L13[00:18:02] *** SleepingFairy is now known as LearningFairy
L14[00:27:35] ⇦ Quits: VanillaBean (~VanillaBe@c-98-232-42-143.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L15[00:29:48] <Meelock> wow 36.9 gigibites of ram...
L16[00:30:40] ⇦ Quits: Xal (~sam@S0106881fa12987ab.vw.shawcable.net) (Quit: cya)
L17[00:30:59] ⇦ Quits: h3po (~h3po@aftr-5-146-248-153.unity-media.net) (Quit: Leaving.)
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L19[00:32:39] <gamax92> oh yeah sorry, I took a bite out of your ram
L20[00:47:20] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|dreamland
L21[01:22:26] ⇦ Quits: ping (~v^@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L23[01:23:55] ⇦ Quits: ^v4 (~ping@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L24[01:27:27] <Meelock> yeah one GIGAbite...
L25[01:27:42] <Meelock> hehehehhehe... ok ill take my self out...
L26[01:29:29] <gamax92> can't tell if stupid or intentional
L27[01:29:41] <gamax92> going with stupid
L28[01:30:34] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L29[01:31:09] <lashtear> or both
L30[01:33:47] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L31[01:48:13] <gamax92> I was looking at Sales tax for various places, and typed in Hell
L32[01:48:16] <gamax92> It gave me Spain
L33[02:05:38] ⇨ Joins: ^v4 (~ping@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
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L41[02:37:59] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6E79.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L42[02:51:49] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRR_pXJT0zU
L43[02:51:51] <MichiBot> Inari: Flying Whales | length: 21s | Likes: 3488 Dislikes: 19 Views: 127676 | by shapiro127
L44[03:00:18] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~quassel@194-166-5-162.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Killed (nova.esper.net (Nickname regained by services)))
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L46[03:00:34] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@
L47[03:03:00] <Turtle> soo official RF api is out \o/
L48[03:03:08] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/fKEbncf
L49[03:03:27] <Inari> Turtle: did they make Rf interesting yet? :<
L50[03:03:44] <Turtle> No, kinglemming is still salty at mojang :p
L51[03:04:37] <Inari> how does that relate xD
L52[03:05:13] <Sandra> Turtle, ooh? official RF api for 1.8?
L53[03:05:15] <Sandra> really?
L54[03:05:32] <Turtle> https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/451lzq/official_189_rf_is_there/
L55[03:06:21] <Sandra> Inari, RF is just an API... there's no reason it can't be interesting.
L56[03:07:06] <Turtle> forgegradle is now mdk? vOv
L57[03:07:41] <Inari> Sandra: well the biggest reason being it nto encouraging anything of interest i guess :P too simple transfer of single-value stuff
L58[03:08:06] <Sandra> Inari, the only thing it forces is single-value.
L59[03:08:26] <Temia> I'm pretty sure the salt's directed at LexManos, unless something has been revealed to change that?
L60[03:08:27] <Sandra> simple transfer is just due to the mods being dumb.
L61[03:08:29] <Sandra> :P
L62[03:08:30] <Inari> it can handle loss of power over distance, and different power modes?
L63[03:08:39] <Sandra> Inari, course it can.
L64[03:08:48] <Sandra> depends on the wire that does it.
L65[03:09:05] <Inari> interesting :p so you can transfer high-powered RF and low-powered RF and such too?
L66[03:09:28] <Inari> but anyway
L67[03:09:35] <Inari> the single-value is a pretty harsh limiter
L68[03:09:56] <Sandra> the only things that the RF api does is "this block receives this amount of energy." "this block has this amount of energy in it" "pull out this amount of energy."
L69[03:10:05] <Sandra> any transfer depends on the mod.
L70[03:10:22] <Inari> but ti doesnt support energy other than RF?
L71[03:10:58] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L72[03:11:04] <Sandra> Inari, no?
L73[03:11:36] <Inari> well ignore me :P just still wishing more mods would be less creative-mode machines and more actual stuff
L74[03:11:37] <Sandra> why would it?
L75[03:11:54] <Inari> cause then you'd have a distinction between high-powered RF and low-powered RF
L76[03:11:54] <Inari> xD
L77[03:12:05] <Sandra> Inari, mod can do that of course.
L78[03:12:16] <Inari> how if the pai doesnt support it?
L79[03:12:28] <Sandra> say "this pipe can only transfer between 1000-2000RF/t."
L80[03:12:43] <Sandra> and if you don't put 1000RF into it it does nothing.
L81[03:12:50] <Sandra> and doesn't accept it.
L82[03:12:57] <Sandra> the api supports that.
L83[03:13:19] <Inari> well i meant an actual distinction, like som emods have, not just a certain amount of RF
L84[03:13:47] <Turtle> ?
L85[03:13:48] <Temia> Make your own power system then? >.>
L86[03:13:59] <Temia> As it is, the way you're phrasing it sounds completely arbitrary
L87[03:13:59] <Inari> ideally you'd not need a disntiction because its a more-value system but yeah xD
L88[03:14:14] <Sandra> well yeah.
L89[03:14:21] <Sandra> the RF API doesn't support that.
L90[03:14:24] <Inari> Temia: nah, it seesm to be what a lot of mods like IC and such do, and is just to simulate the complexity when it isnt there
L91[03:14:26] <Sandra> it's a single-variable system.
L92[03:14:38] <Sandra> that's the only limitation you have.
L93[03:14:53] <Turtle> Even then it´s just on the endpoints to machines/whatevers
L94[03:14:54] <Sandra> (and i mean there's no reason you can't extend that.)
L95[03:15:31] <Sandra> Inari, this one function here is about all that's needed for RF.
L96[03:15:33] <Sandra> https://github.com/CoFH/RedstoneFlux-API/blob/1.8/src/main/java/cofh/api/energy/IEnergyReceiver.java
L97[03:16:07] <Inari> Temia: i would, proabbly in Terasology thouhg once its more usable :P
L98[03:16:07] <Sandra> that's what you have.
L99[03:16:36] <Turtle> Okay, lets see how badly 1.8.9 killed my shitty mod :p
L100[03:17:09] <Sandra> Turtle, probably not that bad (what version are you updating from?)
L101[03:17:20] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/6N4ZIEc
L102[03:17:29] <Turtle> 1.7.10, and 50% of it was abstracted out of minecraft anyway :p
L103[03:17:43] <Turtle> (i.e. these are variables, they do things, and stuff)
L104[03:18:33] <Sandra> Inari, :P
L105[03:19:00] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/MtUVQaf.png
L106[03:21:54] <Turtle> And now we convince forgegradle to behave :p
L107[03:21:55] <Inari> so
L108[03:22:42] <Inari> i kinda suck at poems, but i made a V-day yandere poem! roses are red, violets are blue, my knives sharpened, always for you
L109[03:23:00] * Turtle stares at a calendar
L110[03:23:07] <Turtle> ... I guess?
L111[03:28:53] ⇦ Quits: Tedster (~Tedster@host86-191-38-240.range86-191.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L112[03:29:37] ⇨ Joins: Tedster (~Tedster@host86-191-38-240.range86-191.btcentralplus.com)
L113[03:30:56] <Temia> http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/078930e4bb06c628f9f82d9614eb1414.png flowers for your yandere valentine, Inari
L114[03:31:33] <Turtle> hmpf, if intellij didn´t trip over gradle dependencies, that´d be great >,<
L115[03:37:13] * Saphire boops the Temia
L116[03:37:25] * Temia moops
L117[03:37:35] <Turtle> ... OC 1.8 is not going to be working with the CoFH RF api, eh?
L118[03:39:16] * Saphire examines Temia's axe :O
L119[03:40:17] <Izaya> Temia: that is a terrifying image
L120[03:50:53] <Inari> Temia: haha thats great
L121[03:52:09] <Elizabeth> lol
L122[03:52:16] <Elizabeth> also morning
L123[03:52:37] <Inari> i wonder if "my knives sharpend" or "my knife's sharpened" works better...
L124[03:52:46] <Inari> well guess it woudl be knife 's
L125[03:52:47] <Inari> :P
L126[03:52:48] <Inari> no clue
L127[03:53:11] <Elizabeth> it doesn't matter how sharp my knife is i'm still gonna stab you
L128[03:53:13] <Elizabeth> jk
L129[03:53:14] <Elizabeth> ❤
L130[03:53:17] <Inari> lol
L131[03:54:00] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L132[03:55:22] <Izaya> oh yay more unrenderable characters
L133[03:55:31] <Elizabeth> ?
L134[03:55:56] <Izaya> <Elizabeth> ❤
L135[03:55:59] <Izaya> doesn't render
L136[03:59:56] <Turtle> It´s a heart... emoji are they called now?
L137[04:00:09] <Turtle> Did the old symbols get retroactively named emoji too?
L138[04:00:36] <Izaya> probably considering people
L139[04:03:10] ⇨ Joins: Tedster_ (~Tedster@host86-191-38-240.range86-191.btcentralplus.com)
L140[04:03:21] <Elizabeth> Izaya: it be a heart < 3
L141[04:04:48] <Corded> * Elizabeth keeps mistaking @Inari's pic on here for a real person and not an anime character
L142[04:05:16] <Inari> haha
L143[04:05:33] ⇦ Quits: Tedster (~Tedster@host86-191-38-240.range86-191.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L144[04:05:50] <Elizabeth> brb, food
L145[04:05:50] <Turtle> damnit mapstorage got private´d
L146[04:06:22] <Turtle> Aaand fixed.
L147[04:07:24] <Inari> true yandere use the blood of theri frist victims to forge weapons
L148[04:08:17] <Turtle> Maybe butcher something that is not spelling :p
L149[04:08:28] <Turtle> (Ha, puns)
L150[04:08:48] <Inari> i wasnt planning on murdering spelling bee condidates
L151[04:11:22] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (webchat@108-226-6-195.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net)
L152[04:11:22] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L153[04:11:41] <Kodos> Pretty sure I should still be in bed or something. Just tried to order pizza on amazon
L154[04:12:49] <Turtle> ´GC overhead limit exceeded´ Damn it.
L155[04:12:56] <Turtle> Kodos, ha
L156[04:13:44] <Kodos> I don't even have my glasses on
L157[04:13:50] <Kodos> Not sure where they are tbh
L158[04:14:07] <Inari> https://i.imgflip.com/s4y5s.jpg free butts
L159[04:20:12] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/IoOGwFy
L160[04:20:38] <Elizabeth> ¬_¬ Inari pls ?
L161[04:20:57] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/iD2BVhY.gif
L162[04:22:29] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/CuCLk
L163[04:23:08] <Kodos> So COFH UPdated their API to 1.8.9
L164[04:23:37] <Turtle> yup
L165[04:23:53] <Turtle> Snagar: You probably have work to do judging by what other modders are saying.
L166[04:24:01] <Turtle> Yes typo intended >.>
L167[04:24:21] <Inari> Snickers work is never done
L168[04:24:23] <Kodos> Still pings him =P
L169[04:24:35] <Turtle> Snagar you bastard
L170[04:29:09] <Inari> s/ard/ard, I'm through
L171[04:29:10] <MichiBot> <Turtle> Snagar you bastard, I'm through
L172[04:32:37] <Turtle> Oh dear, chunkgen changed
L173[04:41:00] <Izaya> Welp, this is the weirdest thing I've done this week.
L174[04:41:14] * Izaya is preparing to install Arch on a Pentium III box... and then compile CDE on it
L175[04:41:41] <Inari> http://imgur.com/gallery/yk7Uw i bet thats some cheap crappy vibrator
L176[04:41:48] <Inari> well dildo/vobrator
L177[04:41:49] <Inari> :p
L178[04:43:23] <Inari> http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-politics-trump-idUSMTZSAPEC2ABCY89O
L179[05:01:50] <Turtle> worldgen code fixed
L180[05:02:01] <Turtle> now to see if I can add RF API + OC into the dev env and fix my blocks
L181[05:08:50] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L183[05:11:42] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ (Quit: Leaving)
L184[05:14:35] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L185[05:16:23] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@
L186[05:16:38] <Izaya> http://lain.shadowkat.science/~izaya/oldboxen.png
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L189[05:26:51] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@
L190[05:42:37] <Kodos> Okay, I feel better
L191[05:42:42] <Kodos> Napped a bit more, got a shower, and found my glasses
L192[05:46:35] <Turtle> damnit, I need to go figure out all the tileentity interfaces now
L193[05:47:11] <Kodos> Oh man, Rocket League is coming to Xbox One next week
L194[05:47:24] <Kodos> I know what I'm doing with my turn this week
L195[05:47:52] <Lizzy> is Rocket League cross-platform multiplayer?
L196[05:48:02] <Kodos> No idea, knowing Microshit, probably not
L197[05:48:31] <Turtle> It is
L198[05:48:39] <Turtle> PC <-> PS right now
L199[05:49:23] <Kodos> Lol, republicans are losing their shit because Trump actually won the first primary
L200[05:49:35] <Izaya> the US is doomed
L201[05:49:50] <Izaya> shall I find a bag of microwave popcorn and stick it on the roof?
L202[05:50:53] <Kodos> Lizzy: No mention of Crossplatform play, but apparently we get 3 of the DLCs bundled into the 19.99 USD purchase
L203[05:51:29] <Lizzy> Kodos, looking at it on the googles, PS and PC can crossplatform play but not Xbox because microsoft
L204[05:51:36] <Kodos> Indeed
L205[05:52:06] <Kodos> Okay, brb, I need to go rewash my feet, try something new with a thing I found on facebook, and make food
L206[06:02:28] <Kodos> Okay, that's neat af
L207[06:03:49] <Kodos> So, TIL that Listerine, Vinegar, and Water is a great mixture for removing calluses and dead skin off of your feet
L208[06:04:22] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ (Quit: Leaving)
L209[06:18:40] <Izaya> https://lainchan.org/tech/src/1455093675448.jpg
L210[06:18:44] <Kodos> Dannng, almost a 1200 Hu/s reactor
L211[06:19:04] <Kodos> Thinkpad! My doctor uses that
L212[06:19:30] <Izaya> they're usually fairly solid
L213[06:19:34] <Izaya> at least a lot of them were
L214[06:20:28] ⇨ Joins: AlexisMachina (uid57631@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:e11f)
L215[06:27:50] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
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L220[06:59:44] <Mimiru> Izaya, I have a Thinkpad E545
L221[07:00:24] <Izaya> Solid?
L222[07:00:36] <Izaya> I just know that my ancient 600X has a magnesium chasis
L223[07:00:55] <Mimiru> IDK, friend gave it to me last week, and I had to put an LCD in it...
L224[07:01:00] <Mimiru> I'm a bit pissed at it ATM
L225[07:02:21] ⇦ Quits: wembly (~wembly@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L226[07:02:52] <Mimiru> It likes to randomly power off... so I'm thinking it needs a board too
L227[07:04:57] ⇨ Joins: wembly (~wembly@
L228[07:05:09] ⇨ Joins: vifino|mobile (~vifino@ip-62-143-8-247.hsi01.unitymediagroup.de)
L229[07:06:51] <vifino|mobile> meep
L230[07:09:04] <Saphire> eeep!
L231[07:11:29] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB7901D46ED6EA9D75E7F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L232[07:11:29] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L233[07:12:23] <Sharidan> hmm
L234[07:12:54] <Sharidan> I'm a bit confused about the relay functionality of the server rack. will the 4 servers will able to intercommunicate if the rack is in external mode?
L235[07:17:49] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (webchat@108-226-6-195.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net)
L236[07:17:49] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L237[07:21:46] <Lizzy> o/
L238[07:21:55] <Kodos> o/
L239[07:22:31] <Lizzy> Sharidan, the servers will be able to communicate internally regardless of the mode. in external mode the rack acts like a switch
L240[07:23:02] <Sharidan> ah sweet - thanks for clearing that up for me Lizzy :)
L241[07:23:05] <Sharidan> o/ Kodos
L242[07:23:30] <Kodos> Herro
L243[07:23:40] <vifino|mobile> LIZZY!!!
L244[07:23:47] <Lizzy> :)
L245[07:23:51] * vifino|mobile flops on Lizzy
L246[07:23:56] <Kodos> Here comes Suzy Snowflake
L247[07:24:00] <Kodos> >.>
L248[07:24:00] * Lizzy pets vifino|mobile
L249[07:24:08] * vifino|mobile purrs
L250[07:24:20] <Sharidan> uhm ok so - what should be used: relay or switch?
L251[07:24:31] <Sharidan> switch has a red name in tooltip
L252[07:24:49] <Kodos> Relay
L253[07:24:52] <Kodos> Switches are deprecated
L254[07:25:00] <Kodos> Will be removed in a later patch entirely
L255[07:25:02] <Sharidan> good, that was my guess :)
L256[07:25:14] <Kodos> One thing I love, is you can use a linked card in a relay
L257[07:25:52] <Sharidan> yea that is nice :)
L258[07:26:22] <Kodos> Okay, MC finally loaded. Couldn't resist, and added GT5u
L259[07:26:24] <Sharidan> anyone know if there's a chance the T3 server will be upgraded to hold more than two T3 cards? or is the current design final
L260[07:26:34] <Kodos> Pretty sure it's final, tbh.
L261[07:26:35] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@
L262[07:26:46] <Kodos> You could always network two servers together if you need more T3 slots
L263[07:27:24] <Sharidan> uhm, I need to bridge about 170 linked cards :P .. two per server, that's a lot of T3 servers in a lot of server racks :P
L264[07:29:02] <Kodos> Jesus, wtf do you need 170 linked cards for
L265[07:29:02] ⇦ Quits: vifino|mobile (~vifino@ip-62-143-8-247.hsi01.unitymediagroup.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L267[07:29:56] <Mimiru> even on an SSD my 147 mod pack still takes 2 minutes to load.. lol
L268[07:29:56] ⇦ Quits: vifino|mobile (~vifino@ip-62-143-8-247.hsi01.unitymediagroup.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L269[07:30:20] <Sharidan> I'm building a railway control system. current rail system has about 170 stations and I need a centralized control center for those stations
L270[07:36:28] <Kodos> Sharidan: What do you need OC for at every station tho? Couldn't you simplify it with something like WRCBE?
L271[07:36:55] <vifino> meep
L272[07:37:12] <Sharidan> well, for destination selection and ticketting
L273[07:37:28] <vifino> I figured out how to connect to my ZNC on AndroIRC
L274[07:37:31] <vifino> woohoo
L275[07:37:35] <Turtle> :p
L276[07:40:29] <vifino> All the ssl io errors.
L277[07:40:44] <Keridos> minecraft load times are cpu bound
L278[07:40:47] <Keridos> not hd
L279[07:40:59] <Keridos> the game with a few mods is a few hundred MB usually
L280[07:42:23] ⇦ Quits: AlexisMachina (uid57631@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:e11f) (Quit: bbl)
L281[07:42:45] <Turtle> Yup, are mods doing that much shit in their init tho? o-o
L282[07:43:21] <Keridos> usually I found in larger modpacks its mods like reikas one
L283[07:43:32] <Keridos> that reload the texture manager twice after it already loaded
L284[07:43:42] <Keridos> or cycle through ALL the recipe lists a few dozen times
L285[07:44:15] <Keridos> that is what I encountered so far in a custom modpack I maintain since a few years
L286[07:44:30] <Keridos> gregtech/Reikas mods increase load times by a lot
L287[07:44:43] ⇨ Joins: AlexisMachina (uid57631@id-57631.charlton.irccloud.com)
L288[07:44:51] <Turtle> ... cycle through -all- the recipes? Why
L289[07:44:59] <Mimiru> Moving to an SSD cut my load time from near 5 minutes, to 2
L290[07:45:15] <Keridos> Mimiru: then your HDD sucks? :p
L291[07:45:20] <Turtle> Like, if you need to do a fuckton of operations on the recipes cycle once and dump the relevant ones into a list?
L292[07:45:39] ⇨ Joins: t3hero (~t3hero@2601:202:200:fb50:5c3e:3a84:4c02:1380)
L293[07:45:54] <Keridos> do not try to apprehend reikas style of programming
L294[07:46:03] <Keridos> it is "different"
L295[07:46:20] <Keridos> Mimiru: for me load times are pretty much the same, on HDD, SDD or RAM Drive
L296[07:47:41] <Turtle> Keridos, eh, I still have to implement a somewhat sane E:D-style worldgen, I could fuck that up quite badly
L297[07:47:58] <Keridos> Turtle: i dont do worldgen :D
L298[07:48:19] <Keridos> the 2 mods i maintain just use stuff from other mods
L299[07:48:20] <Turtle> Going to do abstract worldgen that mojang can´t break :p
L300[07:48:34] <Keridos> ah
L301[07:48:44] <Turtle> (i.e. a bunch of vars in the memory, rather than actual-worldgen)
L302[07:49:06] <Keridos> i never really got into worldgen, dont know the internals
L303[07:49:12] <Keridos> just a few very rough outlines
L304[07:49:18] <Turtle> I want to see if I can do something alike FTL in minecraft, so no actual worldgen since y´know space
L305[07:49:21] <vifino> >that mojang can't break
L306[07:49:29] <Turtle> (Well, just basic void age worldgen, but eh)
L307[07:49:32] <vifino> Hold on.
L308[07:49:55] <Keridos> you could remap setBlock to setBlockToAir during worldgen, problem solved
L309[07:49:56] <vifino> Mojang will find a way.
L310[07:50:01] <Keridos> no chunk errors anymore
L311[07:50:01] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L312[07:50:50] <Turtle> Keridos, currently just making a blank ChunkPrimer
L313[07:50:58] <Turtle> didn´t test it tho so who knows :p
L314[07:51:41] <Turtle> damnit, RF is enumfacing again, lemme fix my shit
L315[07:52:32] <Keridos> EnumFacing has no UNKNOWN direction o.O
L316[07:52:44] <Keridos> that was a bit annoying in patching to 1.8
L317[07:53:18] <Turtle> yeah
L318[07:53:52] <Turtle> damn it rip offsets
L319[07:55:01] <Izaya> ping
L320[07:55:08] <Izaya> ping: sorry
L321[07:55:39] <Turtle> Izaya, err?
L322[07:55:52] <Turtle> oh he´s voice nvm
L323[07:55:58] <Izaya> Testing connectiob
L324[07:56:13] <Turtle> Didn´t see someone named that, but was being a blind doofus
L325[07:59:32] <Turtle> Did just iicons get rekt? the compiler doesn´t seem to complain about anything else
L326[08:00:51] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~Izaya@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L327[08:01:42] <Saphire> ...huh
L328[08:01:49] <Saphire> izaya got timeout? O_o
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L331[08:06:35] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~Izaya@
L332[08:16:08] <Kodos> Ugh, fucking world edit is making it so I can't use an axe to chop wood
L333[08:16:32] <Sharidan> switch it to a stick instead
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L336[08:23:17] <Turtle> oh christ it´s json models now isn´t it
L337[08:23:41] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L338[08:24:50] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ (Quit: Leaving)
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L345[09:22:01] <Kodos> Holy shit
L346[09:22:06] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L347[09:22:06] <Kodos> We finally have a magic version of Sync mod
L348[09:23:37] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L349[09:41:47] <Vexatos> Kodos, have you tried 1.8.9putronics yet .-.
L350[09:41:59] * Vexatos pokes marcin212
L351[09:56:03] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L352[10:04:38] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
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L354[10:18:47] <Sharidan> Vexatos?
L355[10:19:36] <vifino> Sharidan?
L356[10:20:15] <Sharidan> I was just wondering about the digital locomotive relay in computronics
L357[10:20:32] <Sharidan> what does it do and is it for electric locomotives only?
L358[10:23:15] <Vexatos> Only electric locomotives
L359[10:23:35] <Vexatos> How would you make the thing send wireless data without electricity
L360[10:23:42] <vifino> magic
L361[10:23:43] <vifino> batteries
L362[10:23:51] <Vexatos> RTGs
L363[10:24:00] <vifino> they are the same thing, Vexatos
L364[10:24:23] <Vexatos> Sharidan, for what it does.... Just read the in-game manual >_>
L365[10:24:39] <vifino> man Vexatos
L366[10:24:49] <vifino> waaat, no manual entry
L367[10:25:19] <Sharidan> yea that wasnt particularly informative, hence my question mate :)
L368[10:25:20] <Vexatos> of course there is .-.
L369[10:25:32] <Vexatos> Sharidan, it tells you exactly what it does
L370[10:25:38] <Sharidan> control as in start/stop/speed ?
L371[10:25:38] <Vexatos> " allows computers to communicate with the Electric locomotive from Railcraft"
L372[10:25:45] <Vexatos> "communicate with"
L373[10:25:47] <Vexatos> not "control"
L374[10:25:56] <Vexatos> you can only gather data
L375[10:26:11] <Sharidan> "Once attached the electric locomotive can be controlled using the locomotive_relay component API"
L376[10:26:15] <Vexatos> huh
L377[10:26:18] <Vexatos> damn you, rashy
L378[10:26:33] <Sharidan> hehe
L379[10:26:45] <Vexatos> well there is still the U key in NEI
L380[10:26:51] <Vexatos> to get all the methods the component provides >_>
L381[10:27:00] <Sharidan> I've got CMB for that :)
L382[10:27:43] <Sharidan> hokay, I'll get my answers taking it apart. thanks for your time Vex :)
L383[10:27:54] <Vexatos> It's not very useful
L384[10:28:00] <Vexatos> like most blocks about Railcraft
L385[10:28:14] <Vexatos> I made them in an attempt to not make any Railcraft block useless
L386[10:28:25] <Vexatos> I wouldn't want to ruin Railcraft
L387[10:28:31] <Sharidan> lol
L388[10:28:43] <Vexatos> So all the four blocks do very specific things
L389[10:29:04] <Sharidan> I'll figure them out eventually :)
L390[10:29:22] <Vexatos> the detector gathers far more data than the relay for instance
L391[10:29:30] <Vexatos> but obviously the train needs to pass the block
L392[10:29:34] <Vexatos> it's not wireless
L393[10:29:46] <Vexatos> but it's not bound to a single locomotive either
L394[10:29:58] <Vexatos> oh, Sharidan, you can set a locomotive's destination using the relay
L395[10:30:11] <Sharidan> oh that's a pretty sweet feature
L396[10:30:21] <Vexatos> the digital receiver box can only read aspects, obviously
L397[10:30:27] <Sharidan> I've always wanted a programmable routing track
L398[10:30:34] <Vexatos> For everything else, there is redstone and the drivers
L399[10:30:37] <Vexatos> http://git.io/vOSea
L400[10:30:48] <Vexatos> these are the RC blocks Computronics adds CC and OC drivers for
L401[10:31:03] <Vexatos> routing switch and detector allow reading and writing the entire routing table inside
L402[10:31:06] <Sharidan> aah ok - cool
L403[10:31:17] <Vexatos> so you can change that as you want
L404[10:31:22] <Sharidan> nice
L405[10:31:38] <Vexatos> the electric one simply allows getting charge of anything that makes/transmits/needs electricity
L406[10:31:46] <Vexatos> and the track ones are quite obvious
L407[10:31:54] <Vexatos> Locomotive Track driver allows changing the mode
L408[10:32:01] <Vexatos> Limiter Track the speed
L409[10:32:38] <Vexatos> priming track can have the Fuse time set
L410[10:32:42] <Sharidan> I know all the tracks from railcraft
L411[10:32:52] <Vexatos> Routing Track can have the ticket's destination set and gotten
L412[10:32:56] <Vexatos> Sharidan, all that using OC, that is
L413[10:33:06] <Sharidan> I've got a closed server with a rail system that currently has 170 stations connected
L414[10:33:22] <Sharidan> oh so OC can interface directly to those tracks?!?
L415[10:33:30] <Vexatos> That's what I meant
L416[10:33:33] <Vexatos> all I just told you
L417[10:33:37] <Vexatos> can be done with OC and CC
L418[10:33:40] <Sharidan> <3 OC \o/
L419[10:33:56] <Vexatos> Computronics doesn't only add blocks, you know
L420[10:34:01] <Vexatos> >_>
L421[10:34:05] <Sharidan> I could never get it working with CC
L422[10:34:19] <Vexatos> 50% of the mod is actually just drivers with other mods' blocks
L423[10:34:23] <Vexatos> Sharidan, get what working
L424[10:34:46] <Vexatos> Actually, Computronics is particularly popular for its GregTech and EnderIO drivers .-.
L425[10:34:56] <Vexatos> Noone ever cares about RC :X
L426[10:35:01] * Lizzy does
L427[10:35:07] <Vexatos> Lizzy <3
L428[10:35:57] <Sharidan> I know that most people don't give a crap about railcraft these days. it's all about instant teleporting somewhere or instant item/liquid/power transfer from A to B
L429[10:36:12] <Vexatos> Computronics adds CC/OC drivers for EnderIO telepads :X
L430[10:36:13] <Sharidan> I like building up large rail systems tho
L431[10:36:24] <Lizzy> although transporters have less setup time and generally lower maintenance, there's just some satisfaction to looking over your creation and saying "I made this" as your system buggers itself up and trains crash into each other :P
L432[10:36:24] <g> I like railcraft
L433[10:36:37] <Sharidan> don't worry - Computronics is already in my collection :)
L434[10:36:39] <g> but I can't justify rail systems
L435[10:36:53] <g> then again I don't have a need for mass amounts of anything but power yet
L436[10:37:15] <Vexatos> So yea, Sharidan... 50% of the mod isn't actually documented anywhere :X
L437[10:37:49] <Sharidan> well I thank thee, Vexatos for enlightening me on the mod - very useful information indeed :)
L438[10:38:04] <Vexatos> IIf you are looking for those, go to http://git.io/vmJpm and find any file the name of which is starting with "Driver". That's all the other mods' blocks Computronics adds CC/OC support for
L439[10:38:16] <Sharidan> sweet :)
L440[10:38:36] <Vexatos> EnderIO one is rather ambiguous though
L441[10:38:37] <Sharidan> bookmarked for reference!
L442[10:38:43] <Vexatos> since most of that mods' drivers are superclasses
L443[10:38:45] <Lizzy> for like, super-long distance stuff (read, more than like, 16 chunks or cross dimension) teleportation is okay but i still want a complete rail network that i can be at one station, request a train elsewhere and have the train come and take you there
L444[10:38:54] <Vexatos> so Computronics in fact adds a driver to literally every enderio machine
L445[10:39:10] <Vexatos> No exception
L446[10:39:15] <Sharidan> even sweeter :)
L447[10:39:20] <Vexatos> Even if it's just a single function
L448[10:39:28] <Lizzy> Vexatos, do you know if the multi-destination/route tickets have become a thing in RC yet? (like, specify multiple destinations and each one gets knocked off or something)
L449[10:39:33] <Vexatos> but then there's things like Dimensional Transceivers
L450[10:39:38] <Vexatos> which have like 22 functions
L451[10:39:45] <Sharidan> not afaik yet Lizzy
L452[10:39:56] <Vexatos> Lizzy, you can do that with Computronics
L453[10:40:20] <Vexatos> detector to read destination, use computer to crop dest string and push it to a Routing Track
L454[10:40:29] <Vexatos> train passes detector
L455[10:40:31] <Vexatos> then routing track
L456[10:40:43] <Vexatos> et voilà: New cropped destination
L457[10:41:06] <Vexatos> SHOULD work
L458[10:41:08] <Lizzy> hmm, would need a fairly interesting system and perhaps have the train go at a lower speed
L459[10:41:11] <Vexatos> I can't think why it wouldn't
L460[10:41:11] <Lizzy> or something
L461[10:41:21] <Vexatos> Well you can even computer-control limiter tracks .-.
L462[10:41:27] <Lizzy> only issue i can see is timing/block spacing
L463[10:41:35] <Vexatos> Well here is my idea
L464[10:41:37] <Vexatos> detector track
L465[10:41:45] <Vexatos> then locking track
L466[10:41:49] <Vexatos> then routing track
L467[10:41:52] <Vexatos> pass detector
L468[10:41:56] <Vexatos> hold on locking track
L469[10:42:10] <Vexatos> when computer is done setting the routing track, use Redstone IO block to release train
L470[10:42:13] <Lizzy> that could be doable
L471[10:42:46] <Vexatos> No Railcraft driver has functions for turning on/off something, you are meant to use Redstone IO blocks for that
L472[10:43:29] <Vexatos> "For everything else, there's MasterCard"
L473[10:43:32] <Lizzy> hmm, i wonder how well the standard RC stuff would like if i had a ticket that read something like desta/b/d/f
L474[10:43:33] <Vexatos> etc
L475[10:43:57] <Vexatos> Lizzy, it works if your networks is branched
L476[10:44:17] <Lizzy> so one main line and the stations branching off of it?
L477[10:44:24] <Vexatos> i.e. only ever one "parent" station
L478[10:44:32] <Vexatos> so if it only goes in one direction
L479[10:44:43] <Sharidan> yup, that works rather well in pure RC if you setup your routes correctly
L480[10:44:59] <Vexatos> because a ticket with "a/b/c/d" matches Dest="a" as well as Dest="a/" as well as Dest="a/b" etc
L481[10:45:01] <Vexatos> OH WAIT
L482[10:45:05] <Vexatos> RC supports regex now
L483[10:45:07] <Vexatos> so nevermind
L484[10:45:13] <Vexatos> it will work for sure
L485[10:45:14] <Lizzy> oh it does? awesome
L486[10:45:17] <Vexatos> yep
L487[10:45:35] <Sharidan> 80% of my current rail system is built that way Lizzy
L488[10:46:07] <Vexatos> Lizzy, just Dest?= instead of Dest=
L489[10:46:11] <Lizzy> also what characters can the route ticket take? like Az-Zz, 0-9, special chars?
L490[10:47:13] <Sharidan> it prefers a-z, 0-9 (case sensitive), but you can use /-., aswell without huge hickups
L491[10:47:33] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@
L492[10:48:18] <Lizzy> cause i'm thinking seperating the actual destinations with like, "_" so i can still have baseA/cargo_baseB/Cargo (the computers will then strip off the stuff up to and including the first _ if it's their place)
L493[10:48:41] <Sharidan> yup, you can easily do that
L494[10:48:51] <Lizzy> cool
L495[10:49:09] <Lizzy> tonight i might either work on that or later on if i get distracted by gmod again
L496[10:49:20] <g> there's a new version of cookie clicker
L497[10:49:21] <Sharidan> most of my setups, I use something like this: <mainline>/<offshootbranch>/<subbranch>/<destination>
L498[10:49:21] <g> ._.
L499[10:49:50] <Sharidan> mainline may contain direction specific tags aswell, depending where on my rail network the origin lies compared to the final destination
L500[10:49:51] <Vexatos> I'd probably go the Cartographer's route
L501[10:50:01] <Vexatos> District/Sector/Town/Dest
L502[10:50:24] <Vexatos> And have the computer have a 2D map stored
L503[10:51:41] <Sharidan> with the options available through Computronics, that is definately a change I've got planned for my setup
L504[10:52:23] <Sharidan> hence why I'm working on a management system for my rail network
L505[10:52:56] <Lizzy> I'll probably do my setup with a single 'main line' (i.e. you don't go through a main station to reach another main station)
L506[10:53:00] <Sharidan> with that in hand, I can centralized change that map and bubble the new updates out to all stations. plus it'll cut down update time for me when adding/removing stations on the rail network
L507[10:54:13] <Vexatos> Lizzy, but what if you have A-C-D-E-F-B but A and B are like 100 blocks apart :X
L508[10:54:14] <Lizzy> also random question: how long do you make your signal blocks normally? I do mine about 2 chunks worth (sometimes 4 if it's a long section of track)
L509[10:54:49] <Lizzy> Vexatos, then it'll simply have to take that long
L510[10:55:16] <Sharidan> depends on the stretch of track. if it's low-speed I usually go every 2 chunks like you. seems to work the best
L511[10:55:36] <Sharidan> if it's high-speed tracks, I usually wireless redstone lock the entire length of the track when it's occupied
L512[10:56:01] <Vexatos> wireless redstone?
L513[10:56:03] <Vexatos> Chea
L514[10:56:03] <Vexatos> ter
L515[10:56:08] <Vexatos> You evil person you
L516[10:56:24] <Sharidan> true, it's cheating, however it's the most stable thing to use when we talk 100+ chunks distance
L517[10:56:26] <Inari> Cou
L518[10:56:27] <Inari> gar
L519[10:56:33] <Lizzy> I might also have fuel stops along the way, just a routing track that diverts a train off to refuel then drops it back on the main line
L520[10:56:43] <Sharidan> longest highspeed bi-directional track I've got at the moment is 189 chunks long
L521[10:56:51] <Inari> Vexatos: lets talk again once pipe mods and the like have become competent
L522[10:57:26] <Vexatos> Sharidan, Computers
L523[10:57:29] <Vexatos> Wireless relays
L524[10:57:32] <Inari> asie: does charset handle unloaded pipes?
L525[10:57:35] <Vexatos> It's called an Internet
L526[10:57:49] <Lizzy> or linked cards back to a central location
L527[10:57:53] <Vexatos> ^
L528[10:57:59] <Sharidan> lol
L529[10:58:01] <Vexatos> There's various ways not to cheat in this :P
L530[10:58:14] <Sharidan> plan is to eventually convert it all over to computer controls
L531[10:58:16] <Inari> linked cards as as much cheating as wireless redstone is
L532[10:58:31] <Vexatos> At least they cost a bunch of energy
L533[10:58:33] <Sharidan> I couldnt do that with CC, hence why I've trashed CC in favor of OC :)
L534[10:58:34] <asie> Inari: Charset is dead.
L535[10:58:36] <Vexatos> still cheating
L536[10:58:38] <asie> Actually, all of my modding is dead.
L537[10:58:41] <Inari> asie: what
L538[10:58:50] <Vexatos> Sharidan, you could do all of that with CC
L539[10:58:52] <asie> But the items will just stop AFAIK
L540[10:58:55] <asie> if not that's easy to implement
L541[10:58:57] <Lizzy> also Vexatos is there any plans to get read-only 'signal boosters' for the locomotive relay? Or perhaps have an area one that can only see the status (current destination and fuel level, perhaps more) of trains within a certain radius?
L542[10:59:23] <Sharidan> Vexatos: not without a crap-ton of chunk loading
L543[10:59:38] <Inari> asie: whys it dead thist ime? :p
L544[10:59:39] <Vexatos> Sharidan, you mean wireless messages? True
L545[10:59:41] <Vexatos> but anything else
L546[10:59:46] <Vexatos> you can do with CC + Computronics
L547[10:59:47] <asie> Inari: I left Minecraft as all it was was escapism for me
L548[10:59:48] <asie> No enjoyment
L549[10:59:54] <Lizzy> hmm, i'm not in rc's channel
L550[11:00:02] <Inari> o.o
L551[11:00:04] <Vexatos> Lizzy, http://git.io/vgVGf
L552[11:00:06] <Inari> so what you gonna do now?
L553[11:00:10] <Sharidan> true I can - but I wouldnt be able to bind my rail system to a centralized control center for the rail network with CC
L554[11:00:12] <Vexatos> there is already enough ways to break the thing
L555[11:01:03] <asie> Inari: I don't know.
L556[11:01:07] <asie> I'm too depressed to care right now.
L557[11:01:07] <Vexatos> (oh yea, the relay access actually consumes energy both on the Relay side and on the locomotive itself :D)
L558[11:02:24] <Inari> asie: not that i really understand, but sure xD
L559[11:02:27] <Lizzy> Vexatos, that doesn't really answer my first question and doesn't answer the 2nd at all
L560[11:02:37] <Vexatos> Hmm
L561[11:02:50] <Vexatos> I don't think "signal boosters" of any kind would make sense
L562[11:03:01] <Vexatos> "Use more x to get more range" is the epitome of power creep
L563[11:03:29] <Inari> "Use more relays to get more strength"
L564[11:03:30] <Inari> ;D
L565[11:04:50] <Lizzy> well I want to potentially have a system where if a locomotive has ran out of energy, it stops all other trains and/or cross references it's name with a detection network to see where the train was last detected and tell me "train X is currently stuck in sector y"
L566[11:05:58] <Vexatos> if it runs out of energy
L567[11:06:08] <Vexatos> it wouldn't be able to send any data to the relay
L568[11:06:23] <Vexatos> <Vexatos> (oh yea, the relay access actually consumes energy both on the Relay side and on the locomotive itself :D)
L569[11:06:28] <Vexatos> >" and on the locomotive itself2
L570[11:07:02] <Vexatos> Also, for that, my idea would be to have a bunch of Any Detectors at various sections of track, Lizzy
L571[11:07:09] <Vexatos> all of them logging to Redstone IO blocks
L572[11:07:24] <Lizzy> yes, i know, which the relay component would give back a "no energy" error or something but if it was out of range it wouldnt be able to
L573[11:07:27] <Lizzy> or something
L574[11:07:35] <Lizzy> i've actually forgotten my original point ¬_¬
L575[11:08:14] <Lizzy> also does the digital detector emit 1 event per train/cart it sees or once per tick all the time a train/cart would 'trigger' it
L576[11:08:17] <Lizzy> ?
L577[11:09:49] <Inari> suddenly everyones using railcraft?
L578[11:09:51] <Lizzy> (i would test but i'm in work)
L579[11:09:59] <Lizzy> Inari, no, i always use RC
L580[11:10:27] <Lizzy> even if connecting 2 remote LogiPipes networks with it is horrible inefficient
L581[11:12:50] <Lizzy> ah, everyone else is gone
L582[11:12:58] <Lizzy> now to turn the lights off because they annoy me
L583[11:18:30] <Vexatos> Lizzy, one per cart
L584[11:18:56] <Lizzy> okay
L585[11:19:53] <Vexatos> Ever since marcin212 fixed it emitting one a tick
L586[11:24:07] * Temia picks up Asie.
L587[11:24:22] * Temia puts on a couch, gives a cute robot to cuddle and covers with a blanket.
L588[11:24:30] * Temia headpats.
L589[11:24:32] <asie> Temia: This is not reality.
L590[11:24:35] <asie> My head hurts.
L591[11:24:44] <Temia> I know.
L592[11:24:59] <Temia> But the feelings can be real
L593[11:25:04] <Lizzy> might help if i was looking on the right domain for a pc
L594[11:25:26] <asie> Temia: Ehh.
L595[11:29:07] <Inari> asie: it is factually part of reality though - as written text, but part of it
L596[11:29:25] <asie> Inari: It's fiction. Like books.
L597[11:29:48] <Inari> i think the difference would be that its another being writing to you xD
L598[11:30:08] <Inari> but yeah people can feel uplifted by books
L599[11:30:33] <asie> Inari: Fiction is also written by another being
L600[11:30:54] <Inari> but written in a general broadcast of a story, not meant to address you
L601[11:32:09] <vifino> In my opinion, it is history.
L602[11:37:05] <sugoi> LUA
L603[11:37:05] <EnderBot2> Lua*
L604[11:37:07] <sugoi> thanks EnderBot2
L605[11:37:31] <vifino> MUA
L606[11:37:38] * Skye hugs asie
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L611[11:57:55] <Kodos> Okay, naptime's over
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L650[12:00:10] <^v> Oh noes! insanity,portlane split 3:
L651[12:02:53] <Kodos> Uhhh
L652[12:03:19] <gamax92> Kodos is agressive
L653[12:03:22] <gamax92> hide
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L692[12:03:43] *** nova.esper.net sets mode: +vvo Vexatos Kilobyte Lizzy
L693[12:03:44] <EnderBot2> Ohai there Lizzy
L694[12:03:47] * Michiyo bans everyone from insanity and portla... damn
L695[12:04:15] <vifino> Aww, party over :(
L696[12:04:44] * Kodos bops gamax92
L697[12:05:12] <Kodos> Lasagna sounds good for lunch but I cba to turn on the oven
L698[12:05:36] <vifino> THROW THE OVEN IN THE WITCH!
L699[12:05:53] <vifino> Almost nailed it.
L700[12:07:09] <Kodos> %calc 1271 - 576
L701[12:07:09] <MichiBot> Kodos: 1,271
L702[12:07:12] <Kodos> wat
L703[12:07:24] <Kodos> %calc 1271-576
L704[12:07:24] <MichiBot> Kodos: 695
L705[12:07:29] <Kodos> There we go
L706[12:07:32] <Kodos> Neat, so it did pull out
L707[12:07:36] <Kodos> That means I still have 5 bucks =D
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L787[12:17:01] <EnderBot2> Ohai there Lizzy
L788[12:17:27] <gamax92> Why does stuff like audio cables and ethernet cables end up in the bakery markdown section
L789[12:17:37] <gamax92> did the audio cable get close to expiring?
L790[12:18:10] <Inari> hm now to think of a cheap product i want to buy
L791[12:18:16] <gamax92> Inari: audio cables
L792[12:18:22] <vifino> Inari: ethernet cables
L793[12:18:26] <Inari> i d ont think i need either of those :P
L794[12:18:35] <Inari> maybe an sd card
L795[12:18:36] <gamax92> you said want
L796[12:18:38] <gamax92> not need
L797[12:18:39] <vifino> you suck at thinking.
L798[12:18:45] <Inari> gamax92: if i dont need it, i dont want it
L799[12:19:20] <vifino> So.. You don't want to be rich or famous?
L800[12:19:39] <vifino> Or 1.5m tall..
L801[12:20:01] <Inari> i'd rather be rich and non-famous tbh
L802[12:20:09] <gamax92> vifino: why that short?
L803[12:20:15] <Inari> but the height sounds good
L804[12:20:16] <Inari> :P
L805[12:20:16] <vifino> gamax92: Ask Inari
L806[12:20:25] <vifino> Inari: You need none of those.
L807[12:20:25] <gamax92> Inari: why that short?
L808[12:20:29] <vifino> Check mate.
L809[12:20:40] <Inari> basically i need to spend 11 cents mroe on amazon, but i alsod ont feel like getting some crappy stuff i dont actualyl want
L810[12:21:31] <xarses> Is anyone attached to the gregtech5 recipe set? some of them are a bit overboard and others are not using the right parts
L811[12:21:48] <gamax92> I am flop
L812[12:21:53] * gamax92 flops on bed
L813[12:21:59] <Inari> gamax92: cause its cute? :P
L814[12:22:07] <gamax92> Inari is cute
L815[12:22:16] <Inari> would be cuter if 1.5m
L816[12:22:17] <Inari> :<
L817[12:22:32] <Inari> so what costs like an euro and is nice
L818[12:22:33] <Inari> :D
L819[12:23:01] <gamax92> heart shaped chocolate
L820[12:23:16] <vifino> a heart on the black market
L821[12:23:43] <vifino> *heart chocolate
L822[12:25:04] ⇦ Quits: AlexisMachina (uid57631@id-57631.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L823[12:25:36] <Inari> sigh
L824[12:25:46] <Inari> whys it so hard to program a webstore
L825[12:25:48] <Inari> like please
L826[12:27:45] <Inari> eh
L827[12:27:49] <Inari> just gonna order some reishunge rbasmati
L828[12:28:12] <Inari> ...which doesnt count cause its from another seller
L829[12:28:15] <Inari> amazon pllssss
L830[12:28:17] <gamax92> failed to detect language
L831[12:28:27] <Inari> gamax92: ?
L832[12:28:35] <gamax92> oh that's why
L833[12:28:43] <gamax92> you moved the r from the end of the first word
L834[12:28:46] <Inari> :P
L835[12:28:50] <Inari> its a company
L836[12:28:51] <Inari> that sells reis
L837[12:28:53] <Inari> *rice
L838[12:29:20] <Inari> cant they like
L839[12:29:22] <Inari> sell cents
L840[12:29:23] <Inari> please
L841[12:30:36] <gamax92> Inari: cellophane noodles
L842[12:39:07] <Inari> http://akari.in/pinky_dtLQ9 wat
L843[12:40:41] <gamax92> wat
L844[12:41:34] <Inari> like seriously, amazon seems to be the best webstore and even they suck
L845[12:42:43] <gamax92> Inari: do you have a high dpi display?
L846[12:42:49] <Inari> maybe?
L847[12:44:15] <Inari> btw i wondered that for a while
L848[12:44:33] <Inari> is the X stuff they havein anime 2 crossed hiarpins or a twisted double-wrapped-around hairband kinda thing
L849[12:45:17] <gamax92> send help
L850[12:45:26] <gamax92> more and more icons on my desktop just show up
L851[12:47:51] <vifino> TIL there are people named Sundip in the world.
L852[12:50:44] ⇦ Quits: Sharidan (sharidan@0x5552afe5.adsl.cybercity.dk) (Quit: screw this)
L853[12:51:39] * Lizzy is home
L854[12:53:45] ⇦ Quits: primetoxinz (~primetoxi@ip68-107-226-229.hr.hr.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L855[13:00:31] <vifino> LIZZY!!!!!
L856[13:00:37] * vifino throws himself at Lizzy
L857[13:00:52] * Lizzy is knocked over by vifino
L858[13:01:06] * vifino has no regrets
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L864[13:23:31] <Inari> omg amazon
L865[13:23:33] <Inari> fu already
L866[13:30:19] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
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L869[13:34:06] <Inari> https://twitter.com/DivineOmega/status/696806187526983680
L870[13:34:08] <MichiBot> Mon Feb 08 15:21:55 CST 2016 @DivineOmega: The one true #PHP exception handler. ;) https://t.co/vwx6Xylry0
L871[13:35:52] ⇨ Joins: AlexisMachina (uid57631@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:e11f)
L872[14:01:21] <Inari> hm
L873[14:01:24] <Inari> whats a good keyboard xD
L874[14:01:49] <vifino> one with keys
L875[14:02:04] ⇨ Joins: ZalnarT (webchat@port-53679.pppoe.wtnet.de)
L876[14:02:20] <ZalnarT> Hellou :)
L877[14:02:37] <vifino> Hello.
L878[14:02:41] <Kodos> Howdy
L879[14:03:35] <ZalnarT> Does anyone know if there is a way to open loot bags with a robot?
L880[14:03:45] <ZalnarT> from the loot bags mod of course
L881[14:04:18] <Kodos> Might try having the robot 'equip' the bag, and use'ing the bag
L882[14:04:37] <Kodos> Making sure to use an inventory upgrade in the robot
L883[14:04:53] <Temia> If the contents spill out, you'll probably have to run a suck() too.
L884[14:05:56] <Temia> Or whatever it was
L885[14:06:04] <Temia> ~w suck
L886[14:06:04] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-os.clock ( I tried D: )
L887[14:06:09] <Temia> Hmm.
L888[14:06:11] <Temia> ~w robot
L889[14:06:11] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:robot
L890[14:06:35] <Temia> IT IS SUCK
L891[14:06:38] <Temia> YOU LIED TO ME, BOT
L892[14:06:58] <ZalnarT> xD
L893[14:07:09] <ZalnarT> thanks, i'll try that
L894[14:09:52] <gamax92> Temia: ocdoc doesn't know the contents of pages
L895[14:10:00] <gamax92> ocdoc just knows the pages
L896[14:10:09] <Temia> It doesn't even have methods cached?
L897[14:11:06] <ZalnarT> Nope, doesn't work... You have to transfer the items from a gui that pops up when you use the bag
L898[14:11:17] *** Mine|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L899[14:11:20] <ZalnarT> i guess robots can't see thet ^^
L900[14:11:30] <Temia> Nope.
L901[14:11:40] <Temia> Here I was hoping they'd just work like Thaumcraft's bags
L902[14:12:52] <ZalnarT> Damn, then i have to open them manually. Whelp... That's what you get for being greedy xD
L903[14:18:38] <gamax92> Temia: there aren't anchors anyway
L904[14:19:03] <gamax92> and getting methods would mean I'd have to download every page and then try to parse it
L905[14:19:52] <Temia> Hm.
L906[14:19:56] <Temia> Well that's a bit annoying.
L907[14:20:39] <Temia> Seems like there might be a good way to parse it?
L908[14:22:32] <Temia> The <code> tags immediately starting each <li>-nested <div> seem like they are unanimously the methods
L909[14:22:52] <Temia> Wait, no.
L910[14:22:57] <Temia> Non-standard lua is a problem.
L911[14:23:09] <Temia> (the page)
L912[14:26:33] <Temia> ...I just managed to crash my music player (Clementine) by simultaneously hitting my stop and play/pause media keys while a song was playing.
L913[14:30:33] <Inari> clementine <3
L914[14:31:35] <Inari> doesnt crash it for me
L915[14:34:34] <Inari> is there some way to express a "leaning" in a notation of A~B? so say i think i'll take somewhere around 20 to 30 minutes to do a task but im thinking its more likely around 30 than around 20, just saying 20~30 doesnt express that, i mean ic ould attach an "but probably more towards 30" but wondered if theres some common way to short-notate that
L916[14:34:44] <Temia> Must've been a fluke. I've had it open for a while
L917[14:35:05] <Temia> Also I'm happy to know that for all our disagreements and headbutting, we seem to share music player choices :p
L918[14:36:40] <Inari> haha
L919[14:37:00] <gamax92> the fuck
L920[14:37:01] <Inari> eh, so far its the best i found, tried various, some monkeysomething one, foobar2000, winamp, itunes, etc
L921[14:37:07] <Inari> gamax92: ?
L922[14:37:12] <gamax92> I went back into ocdoc's screen session, all of the text is red
L923[14:37:22] <gamax92> why is it red .-.
L924[14:37:28] <Inari> something died?
L925[14:37:36] <Inari> what do you mean ocdocs sceens ession .-.
L926[14:37:56] * Inari sticks a clementine hairpin onto Temia's tail tuft
L927[14:38:06] <Temia> Gamax is probably running ocdoc in an instance of GNU screen to access the output and/or interact with it?
L928[14:38:08] * Temia meep.
L929[14:38:39] <Vexatos> Inari, iTunes U WOT
L930[14:38:42] ⇦ Quits: ocdoc (gamax92@eos.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L931[14:38:45] <Vexatos> foobar2000 masterrace
L932[14:38:46] <gamax92> ... oops
L933[14:38:54] <Daiyousei> foobar ftw!
L934[14:38:59] <Inari> trie dfoobar
L935[14:39:01] <Vexatos> foobar is the best bar
L936[14:39:01] <Inari> didnt like it
L937[14:39:01] <Inari> :p
L938[14:39:02] ⇨ Joins: ocdoc (gamax92@eos.pc-logix.com)
L939[14:39:02] zsh sets mode: +v on ocdoc
L940[14:39:06] * Vexatos kickbans Inari
L941[14:40:31] * Inari squeezes clementine juice into Vexatos' eyes
L942[14:40:35] <Vexatos> I wish there was foobar2000 official for Linux ;_;
L943[14:40:50] <Vexatos> Inari, there is orange juice flowing through my veins
L944[14:41:52] <Vexatos> wub wub foobar2000 runs through PlayOnLinux
L945[14:42:06] <Vexatos> now I just need to copy over my configs .-.
L946[14:42:20] <vifino> Vexatos pls
L947[14:42:22] <vifino> what are you doing
L948[14:42:24] <Vexatos> Wine really is some weird piece of software
L949[14:42:29] <Vexatos> Some programs run flawlessly on it
L950[14:42:35] <vifino> you're weird <.<
L951[14:42:57] <Vexatos> vifino, I just tried installing foobar2000 through PlayOnLinux for like the tenth time
L952[14:43:01] <Vexatos> but the last time was half a year ago
L953[14:43:04] <Vexatos> and this time it worked
L954[14:43:09] <vifino> well duh
L955[14:43:15] <vifino> wine updates constantly
L956[14:43:28] <Vexatos> yup
L957[14:44:44] <Vexatos> notepad++ works very well too
L958[14:45:16] <Vexatos> aaand installed 7-zip
L959[14:45:21] <Vexatos> what to try next...
L960[14:45:27] <vifino> WHAT ARE YOU DOING VEXATOAST
L961[14:45:39] <Vexatos> vifino, trying out wine since it appears to work 500% better than half a year ago
L962[14:45:40] <Vexatos> like
L963[14:45:45] <Vexatos> all the programs that used to crash work now
L964[14:45:53] <vifino> why are you doing it in the first place ;_;
L965[14:46:07] <Vexatos> well foobar2000 because it's the best music player
L966[14:46:08] <Temia> Foobar2000 official for Linux wouldn't work very well because AFAIK foobar plugins are just dynamic link libraries
L967[14:46:17] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L968[14:46:32] <vifino> Vexatos: try mpd.
L969[14:46:34] <Temia> And thus not readily convertible to a shared object format lest a whole new plugin system is designed around that.
L970[14:46:37] <vifino> mpd best mpd.
L971[14:47:18] <Vexatos> mpd is just a server though apparently .-.
L972[14:47:43] <vifino> Vexatos: mpd + ncmpcpp
L973[14:47:52] <vifino> ncmpcpp best mpd interface
L974[14:48:03] <Daiyousei> good on linux, but foobar2000 beats it on windows
L975[14:48:04] <Daiyousei> kek
L976[14:48:10] <Vexatos> vifino,
L977[14:48:10] <vifino> Daiyousei: m9
L978[14:48:15] <vifino> 1v1 me irl
L979[14:48:18] <Vexatos> terminal-based music player
L980[14:48:20] <Vexatos> pls
L981[14:48:22] <Daiyousei> 1v1 me in tf2 vifino
L982[14:48:28] <vifino> Daiyousei: skrub
L983[14:48:36] <vifino> I'll rancho relaxo ur ass
L984[14:48:38] <vifino> ok
L985[14:48:38] <Vexatos> Daiyousei, I'd watch
L986[14:48:50] <Vexatos> TAKING BETS NOW
L987[14:48:53] <Daiyousei> ill pubstomp u
L988[14:49:08] * Daiyousei grabs unusual safari hat and strange spec. ks original
L989[14:49:31] <vifino> no. u.
L990[14:50:36] <Vexatos> hmmm
L991[14:50:43] <Vexatos> now to make foobar2000 default music player
L992[14:50:51] <Vexatos> vlc just isn't doing it
L993[14:50:52] <Vexatos> ,-,
L994[14:53:18] <Vexatos> hmm I can install 8 different versions of Internet Explorer
L995[14:53:29] <Vexatos> Which one should I use in favour of Firefox :D
L996[14:57:56] <Kodos> FastCraft needs to be 1.8.9 already
L997[15:03:04] <Inari> so you're saying fastcraft needs to be faster
L998[15:04:50] <Inari> https://imgur.com/eb0cphL.gifv
L999[15:05:41] <Kodos> A sheep, a note block, and a creeper tumble down a hill. What noise do they make
L1000[15:07:39] <gamax92> bah pluck kaboom
L1001[15:07:57] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-25-105-227.as13285.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1002[15:08:13] <Kodos> Baa, thum, hiss
L1003[15:08:36] <Kodos> Nevermind
L1004[15:12:23] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
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L1009[15:39:33] <Inari> Kodos: wouldnt the noteblocks noise depend on the material?
L1010[15:41:23] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB7901D46ED6EA9D75E7F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
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L1013[15:49:52] <sugoi> Sangar: hi
L1014[15:58:38] <Kodos> Shhh
L1015[16:08:10] *** Gavle|Away is now known as Gavle
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L1018[16:26:49] <Turtle> yay ms exchange is acting up .-.
L1019[16:35:45] <Turtle> ... Damn it. I got caught in a luser safety net.
L1020[16:36:14] <Turtle> .-. Microsoft pls just let us do some kind of test to prove we're not a luser and we don't need you to hang on to every deleted item
L1021[16:36:26] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-25-105-227.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L1022[16:37:42] <Temia> Turtle, MS doesn't manufacture OSes for non-lusers anymore :p Use Linux
L1023[16:37:57] <Turtle> This was exchange, i.e. their calendar/email shit
L1024[16:38:13] <Turtle> I was confused as fuck why a calendar I deleted was still showing up in some clients but not in others
L1025[16:38:21] <Temia> First-party software tends to fall under the same purview.
L1026[16:38:44] <Turtle> Aparently as long as it's still in the 'deleted items' folder, calendars will show up and spam notifications
L1027[16:38:44] <EnderBot2> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE
L1028[16:42:33] <Michiyo> I still need to move user stuff to hekate.. -_-
L1029[16:42:38] <Michiyo> fml
L1030[16:42:48] <Kodos> Welp, with just JEI, JEI Addons, Thaumcraft, Tanks! and its dep, and Intangible, having 1.8.9 open pins my CPU constantly
L1031[16:43:14] <Michiyo> I wonder how many connections are active from eos ATM...
L1032[16:43:20] <Michiyo> cause the exempt expires in 4 hours...
L1033[16:43:24] * Michiyo sighs
L1034[16:43:25] <Michiyo> shit
L1035[16:44:12] <Michiyo> MichiBot, ocdoc, Corded
L1036[16:44:17] <Michiyo> what else
L1037[16:44:39] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L1038[16:45:07] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L1039[16:46:29] <Michiyo> Well.. in 4 hours we'll know :D
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L1042[16:55:01] ⇦ Quits: DeanIsaKitty (~Dean@chocolate.paranoidlabs.org) (Quit: I just nomnomed the Interweb)
L1043[16:55:42] <Kodos> Lanteabot?
L1044[16:55:50] <Kodos> PCL's connection?
L1045[16:59:25] *** Flenix is now known as Sleepyfglnxehf
L1046[17:01:34] <Michiyo> Kodos: PCL's connection is from Midori, so different IP, different range thanks to OVH's networking
L1047[17:01:53] <Michiyo> and LanteaBot only connects from my home connection when I'm rnning from Eclipse debug
L1048[17:05:23] <Kodos> Okay, well it looks like ALL my packs are pinning my CPU, even ones with fastcraft. Looks like I'm done playing MC on this computer, too
L1049[17:07:38] <Daiyousei> it just gets worse and worse for every update :v
L1050[17:18:04] <IzayaXMPP> 1.3 was the only release ever to be optomised pretty much
L1051[17:19:12] ⇦ Quits: h3po (~h3po@aftr-5-146-249-185.unity-media.net) (Quit: Leaving.)
L1052[17:22:30] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (webchat@108-226-6-195.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1053[17:23:19] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L1054[17:35:09] <snowden89> 1.3 of what ?
L1055[17:36:11] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
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L1102[21:29:23] <LadyAlissa> Greetings.
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L1110[22:38:29] <sugoi> guys i need some advice on api for term.read
L1111[22:38:32] <sugoi> it's gotten out of hand
L1112[22:38:44] <LadyAlissa> what do you mean?
L1113[22:38:54] <sugoi> the current term.read has 5 parameters: history, dobreak, hint, pwchar, filter
L1114[22:39:05] <sugoi> and i would like to add a 6th, wrapInput
L1115[22:39:09] <sugoi> but this is absurd
L1116[22:39:26] <LadyAlissa> pass it a table of options?
L1117[22:39:36] <sugoi> that's what i'd do were this another language
L1118[22:39:48] <LadyAlissa> .. although it would break history if history is a tbale
L1119[22:39:50] <LadyAlissa> table*
L1120[22:39:51] <sugoi> but a table of options isn't very discoverable
L1121[22:40:31] <sugoi> that is true, history could be given special status
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L1123[22:41:28] <sugoi> though what would have been even better -- is if term.read took buffer.read like args
L1124[22:41:36] <sugoi> with an additional config table option
L1125[22:41:46] <sugoi> hmm
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L1130[23:10:23] <Xal> sugoi, does term.read need to do everything? it seems like you could split it into more than one function
L1131[23:16:47] <sugoi> Xal: also good points
L1132[23:17:02] <sugoi> but i also don't want to break a lot of stuff
L1133[23:17:08] <sugoi> i need to make a list of 1.7 features :)
L1134[23:17:17] <sugoi> this is my current idea
L1135[23:17:22] <sugoi> term.read params remain unchanged
L1136[23:17:34] <sugoi> but term.read calls term.readKeyboard, which takes an options table
L1137[23:17:45] <sugoi> note, term.readKeyboard is also very helpful for another workflow i'm fixing
L1138[23:18:19] <sugoi> Xal: and then for your idea, i would introduce that in 1.7
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L1140[23:18:34] <sugoi> and all term read method flavors would build options and call term.readKeyboard
L1141[23:20:31] <Kodos> #lua return 16 ^ 3
L1142[23:20:31] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 4096.0
L1143[23:20:37] <Kodos> That's not too terrible
L1144[23:21:44] <sugoi> #lua return seed or LUA
L1145[23:21:44] <EnderBot2> Lua*
L1146[23:21:45] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > -5042897973
L1147[23:21:46] <gamax92> Kodos: I made a virtual eeprom that stored data in a 16x16x16 cube
L1148[23:23:10] <sugoi> gamax92: should i make term.read default to wrapping input and give you the new method details, or make the old horizontal scrolling the default?
L1149[23:24:28] * LadyAlissa thinks WeeChat format should be used for everything. :P
L1150[23:24:37] <LadyAlissa> A text input at the bottom and a buffer of text above it
L1151[23:24:49] <gamax92> nah
L1152[23:25:03] <LadyAlissa> "should i do x or y"
L1153[23:25:05] <LadyAlissa> "no"
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L1158[23:37:22] <gamax92> Xal: term.read is now the entire OS
L1159[23:39:01] <sugoi> heh
L1160[23:39:06] <sugoi> pretty much
L1161[23:39:24] <gamax92> %p
L1162[23:39:25] <MichiBot> Ping reply from gamax92 0.26s
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L1165[23:42:26] * ping gamax92
L1166[23:42:43] <gamax92> no
L1167[23:43:56] <Xal> it sounds like we need ncurses :P
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L1169[23:44:23] <LadyAlissa> Xal: sure as long as it isn't ugly :D
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L1171[23:48:04] <snowden89> ncurses
L1172[23:48:07] <snowden89> :P
L1173[23:50:10] <sugoi> what if instead of term.read(...)
L1174[23:50:27] <sugoi> one would have to call term.setMask("*")
L1175[23:50:31] <sugoi> and then term.read??
L1176[23:51:13] <sugoi> term.setDoBreak(), term.setHintHandler()
L1177[23:51:29] <sugoi> i feel this is all bad ideas
L1178[23:51:51] <Xal> can you have optional parameters in lua functions?
L1179[23:51:54] <Kodos> What the fuck, I just saw the Will Defoe Snickers commercial
L1180[23:52:03] <Kodos> Xal, a function is only used it one is passed
L1181[23:52:35] <Kodos> So you could do local myFunction(a,b,c) and have something like 'if c then doExtraStuff() end"
L1182[23:52:42] <Xal> in lisp I would make it (unholy-side-effect-function :mask #\*)
L1183[23:52:44] <Xal> :P
L1184[23:52:48] <Kodos> Pseudo code, but you get the gist
L1185[23:56:22] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
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