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L1[00:00:01] ⇦ Quits: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2[00:00:18] ⇨ Joins: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L3[00:00:18] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L4[00:14:47] <Izaya> I use command-line git
L5[00:15:32] <FatalDistraction> for?
L6[00:18:15] <ping> command-line git <3
L7[00:21:44] <FatalDistraction> But is virtualizing a filesystem in under 3kb possible
L8[00:21:50] <FatalDistraction> for OpenComputers, that is
L9[00:22:40] <sugoi> ok now less of a smartgit fan. switching between "log" view and the main view, less than ideal, and then the staging view is not succinct
L10[00:23:12] <sugoi> Corded: i'm going to talk to you as if you were fataldistraction
L11[00:23:16] <sugoi> again, i hate you Corded
L12[00:23:20] <sugoi> i pray for your death
L13[00:23:25] <sugoi> but anyways
L14[00:23:49] <sugoi> Corded: i have not tried to make a slim filesystem module, i'm not sure
L15[00:24:14] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L16[00:24:22] <sugoi> the default fs lib in openos has a few methods that are not used for boot, i was able to reduce the fs lib load cost by ~20 or ~30 %
L17[00:24:43] <sugoi> that is, from ~10k to 7-8k
L18[00:25:20] <sugoi> but that reduction was superficial, the methods I put into dynamical-load would be quickly needed for pretty much any fs call besides the simple boot needs
L19[00:25:32] <sugoi> so for openos 1.6, fs is not reduced, but left as is
L20[00:26:29] <Sharidan> whoever put daemons in OC/OpenOS: <3
L21[00:26:39] <sugoi> Sharidan: as in rc?
L22[00:26:41] <Sharidan> yup
L23[00:27:15] <sugoi> wobbo did, Oct 24th 2014
L24[00:27:17] <Sharidan> converted my robot powerlevel monitor to a daemon
L25[00:27:30] ⇨ Joins: Lordmau5 (~Lordmau5@2a01:4f8:162:50e3::2)
L26[00:27:35] <sugoi> Sharidan: note there is a bug in openos 1.5 with boot daemons losing process on gc
L27[00:27:42] <sugoi> it'll be fixed in 1.6
L28[00:27:55] <FatalDistraction> gamax92's vcomponent can virtualize a filesystem in 4.72kb
L29[00:28:02] <FatalDistraction> I need to do it in 3 or less
L30[00:28:02] <Sharidan> so far I havnt run into the bug
L31[00:28:12] <gamax92> ?
L32[00:28:20] <FatalDistraction> ah, there you are
L33[00:28:27] <gamax92> yes hi o.o
L34[00:28:39] <Sharidan> monitor changes the light colors on the robot, according to current power levels
L35[00:28:47] <FatalDistraction> Is it possible to simply run a filesystem in RAM with 3kb of code or less
L36[00:28:58] <FatalDistraction> like vcomponent, but specifically for a single filesystem
L37[00:29:06] <gamax92> memory wise or code size wise?
L38[00:29:23] <FatalDistraction> I mean 3kb of code
L39[00:29:38] * sugoi points to lua minifiers
L40[00:29:41] <FatalDistraction> I need it to fit onto an EEPROM, so that I can run a filesystem in memory without needing a disk in
L41[00:30:11] <sugoi> Corded: code size vs load size is a very different question, i'm glad gamax92 asked for clarification
L42[00:31:00] <gamax92> @FatalDistraction Are you trying to also store a <1kb file on the eeprom for this virtual fs? o.o
L43[00:31:20] <FatalDistraction> What I'm asking is: Is it possible to have a program, that can fit onto an eeprom, that can virtualize a fs inside RAM.
L44[00:31:28] <gamax92> probably
L45[00:31:38] <Saphire> Maybe
L46[00:31:49] <gamax92> but the whole diskless thingy, what would you be storing on the fake fs?
L47[00:32:19] <FatalDistraction> Well, here's the gist
L48[00:32:25] <FatalDistraction> I figured out how to encrypt a filesystem
L49[00:32:36] <FatalDistraction> So, I'm going to store the encrypted filesystem on a floppy
L50[00:32:51] <gamax92> oh, you just want transparent encryption
L51[00:32:58] <FatalDistraction> The EEPROM will read the floppy and decrypt it, but only store the decrypted filesystem in RAM
L52[00:33:11] <greaser|q> you can shim the component API
L53[00:33:13] <FatalDistraction> so that the user can't view it, and the files delete on shutdown
L54[00:33:25] <greaser|q> i.e. setmetatable is your friend
L55[00:33:39] <gamax92> basically what greaser|q said, except not too sure why setmetatable is useful here
L56[00:33:54] <greaser|q> actually yeah i guess setmetatable isn't strictly necessary
L57[00:33:56] <sugoi> gamax92: greaser|q is turned on by setmetatable calls
L58[00:34:01] <gamax92> oh okay
L59[00:35:08] <greaser|q> but yeah, have you ever done EEPROM-level programming before?
L60[00:35:38] <greaser|q> basically, computer and component are exposed to you directly, but you do NOT have the e.g. "component.gpu" helpers handy
L61[00:36:00] <gamax92> yeah I know
L62[00:36:33] <greaser|q> anyway you can definitely fit it into 4KB
L63[00:36:51] <greaser|q> take the current EEPROM, strip out the comments, add a shim for component
L64[00:36:51] <FatalDistraction> well, more like 3, because of the already-existing bios
L65[00:37:19] <greaser|q> i have a ~650-byte bios for netbooting ;)
L66[00:38:04] <greaser|q> but yeah, if your algo fits and by algo i do mean component.invoke(component.list("data")(), "decrypt", ...) is valid then you should be fine
L67[00:38:23] <greaser|q> for extra fun use unmanaged disks and put a filesystem on
L68[00:38:39] <gamax92> greaser|q: encrypted binary table :P
L69[00:38:39] <Saphire> Heh
L70[00:39:07] <Saphire> you'll need to get a fs api loaded, thougj
L71[00:39:09] <Saphire> *h
L72[00:39:26] <FatalDistraction> component has it's own fs api
L73[00:39:29] <greaser|q> if you want to be a cheapshit and you're using less than 64KB of space you can just dump the files on tmpfs
L74[00:39:48] <FatalDistraction> I just had to do component.invoke(address, "read, open, whatever", ...)
L75[00:40:29] <FatalDistraction> where is the component api source?
L76[00:40:50] <greaser|q> look on ocdoc
L77[00:40:56] <greaser|q> you'll be emulating the API
L78[00:41:08] <greaser|q> you'll need to shim .list and .invoke
L79[00:41:16] <greaser|q> and invent some sort of address
L80[00:41:40] <greaser|q> or use the address of the floppy
L81[00:41:51] <greaser|q> in that case you only need to shim .invoke
L82[00:42:04] <FatalDistraction> gamax was nice enough to include an address creator in vcomponent
L83[00:42:12] <FatalDistraction> vcomponent.uuid ❤
L84[00:42:14] <greaser|q> (unless it's unmanaged in which case you will need to hide it in "drive" and add it to "fs")
L85[00:42:22] <greaser|q> nice
L86[00:42:28] <gamax92> yeah
L87[00:43:56] <FatalDistraction> Wait a second..
L88[00:44:22] <FatalDistraction> if I do computer.pushSignal("component_added", "filesystem", ...), will it create a filesystem in RAM?
L89[00:44:47] <gamax92> no
L90[00:45:02] <gamax92> it'll just lie to the computer that a non existant component was added
L91[00:45:08] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (webchat@108-226-6-195.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net)
L92[00:45:08] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L93[00:45:24] <gamax92> hey Kodos
L94[00:45:41] <Kodos> %tell Gavle I've had the day to cool off. I wanted to apologize to you for both grouping your nick, and accusing you of being MGR.
L95[00:45:42] <Kodos> Howdy
L96[00:45:42] <MichiBot> Kodos: Gavle will be notified of this message when next seen.
L97[00:45:49] <Sharidan> o/ Kodos
L98[00:45:50] <sugoi> gamax92: is screen.txt 0 based?
L99[00:45:54] <Kodos> o/
L100[00:46:01] <sugoi> in ... the sdl code
L101[00:46:09] <gamax92> ?
L102[00:46:56] <sugoi> ocemu src/component/screen_sdl2.lua
L103[00:46:59] <sugoi> there is a screen.txt[][]
L104[00:47:05] <gamax92> it's 1 based
L105[00:47:26] <sugoi> well what the crap then...
L106[00:47:47] <sugoi> if i call gpu.fill(1,1,110,50,' ') i get nil string expected
L107[00:48:02] <sugoi> did some debugging, found that #screen.txt[1] is 109
L108[00:48:03] <gamax92> uhh
L109[00:48:09] <sugoi> i use 110x50, fyi
L110[00:49:17] <gamax92> what's the full error message
L111[00:49:22] <Sharidan> gpu.fill(1, 1, 110, 50, " ") -- should work just fine. top-left corner is 1, 1
L112[00:50:36] <sugoi> component/screen_sdl2.lua:225 bad argument #1 to 'byte' (string expected, got nil): (stack trace)
L113[00:50:42] <sugoi> [C]: in fucntion 'byte'
L114[00:51:18] <sugoi> this happens if i call gpu.fill(1,1,110,50," ") where gpu.getViewport() is 110,50
L115[00:52:20] <sugoi> debugged and found that the screen.txt[y][x] values for y,x are 1,110
L116[00:52:28] <sugoi> and #screen.txt[1] is 109
L117[00:53:27] <Sharidan> that's under 1.6, right?
L118[00:53:36] <sugoi> yes, 1.6+ :)
L119[00:53:44] <sugoi> i'm working on a new commit for my pending pr
L120[00:53:52] <Sharidan> is/are there similar table(s) for on-screen color(s)?
L121[00:53:59] <sugoi> a slim term, separating the lib into 2 parts
L122[00:54:55] <sugoi> Sharidan: yes: txt, fg, bg, fgp, bgp
L123[00:55:04] <sugoi> but this is ocemu, not oc
L124[00:55:31] <Sharidan> ah ok
L125[00:56:30] <gamax92> uhhhh
L126[00:57:50] <sugoi> gamax92: if i'm using the api correctly in this one place, then i must have jacked things up elsewhere
L127[00:57:57] <sugoi> i'm still looking
L128[00:58:10] <Kodos> %weather 62012
L129[00:58:12] <MichiBot> Kodos: Current weather for 62012 Current Temp: 46°F/8°C Feels Like: 40°F/5°C Current Humidity: 57 Wind: From the WSW 14 Mph/22 Km/h Conditions: Clear
L130[01:03:55] * Sharidan puts a pot of fresh steaming hot coffee on the room table
L131[01:03:58] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@184-88-190-37.res.bhn.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L132[01:11:30] <sugoi> #lua return ("%d"):format(10)
L133[01:11:31] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 10
L134[01:13:56] <sugoi> gamax92: i'm breaking it in an earlier copy
L135[01:16:03] ⇨ Joins: adam (webchat@c-71-63-155-151.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
L136[01:16:26] *** adam is now known as adsmith
L137[01:16:40] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|dreamland
L138[01:16:51] <adsmith> Hi all. Having trouble following a lua tutorial on serialization and hoping someone can help?
L139[01:17:00] <sugoi> Sharidan: you know what we need, vram
L140[01:17:04] <sugoi> off screen buffer
L141[01:17:16] <Sharidan> yes!! that's what I've been sayin' :D
L142[01:17:34] <Sharidan> adsmith: what seems to be the problem? :)
L143[01:17:34] <gamax92> sugoi: viewport?
L144[01:17:53] <adsmith> lemme write up a gist. It'll be easier to explain :)
L145[01:18:19] <sugoi> gamax92: can you set viewport larger than display?
L146[01:18:30] <sugoi> no, that's not a "view" port
L147[01:18:30] <gamax92> don't think so
L148[01:18:34] <Sharidan> adsmith: alright. if you need to showcase code, pastebin links are fine :)
L149[01:18:58] <sugoi> adsmith: and if youre in openos, we have a serialization lib
L150[01:19:44] <sugoi> Sharidan: weird question, does a gpu have a viewport without a screen?
L151[01:20:02] <sugoi> Sharidan: test that, 2 gpus 1 screen, then query data about the non-primary gpu
L152[01:20:21] <sugoi> oh, but we don't have a trans-gpu copy
L153[01:20:25] <sugoi> we need this
L154[01:20:26] <sugoi> :)
L155[01:20:36] <Sharidan> you are catching on sugoi :)
L156[01:20:40] <sugoi> haha
L157[01:20:53] <sugoi> i work in graphics (irl)
L158[01:20:57] <sugoi> but openos to me is all text
L159[01:21:02] <adsmith> I'm considering using serialization, but it's less human readable than the format I saw on lua.org. I may have to fallback to that! In any case
L160[01:21:03] <sugoi> so i hadn't considered this need until now
L161[01:21:07] <adsmith> here is my code https://gist.github.com/NotTheEconomist/8070c4f4ef255ac32b3d
L162[01:21:48] <adsmith> main.lua should call saved.lua, which deserializes by way of literally being syntactically valid lua
L163[01:22:05] <adsmith> however saved.lua can't see main.lua's `Foo` definition
L164[01:22:10] <adsmith> which should be in scope (I think)
L165[01:22:20] <adsmith> the example from lua.org is here http://www.lua.org/pil/12.html
L166[01:23:02] <sugoi> adsmith: and what happens, does someArray not have {{1,2,3},{2,3,4}} after?
L167[01:23:28] ⇦ Quits: nullreturn (webchat@107-138-114-47.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L168[01:23:30] <adsmith> attempt to call global 'Foo' (a nil value)
L169[01:23:49] <sugoi> perhaps the default dofile is _G and not _ENV
L170[01:24:08] <sugoi> try loadfile("saved.lua","t",_ENV)
L171[01:24:12] <sugoi> try loadfile("saved.lua","t",_ENV)()
L172[01:24:39] <adsmith> I'm too wet behind the ears in lua -- what's the "t" do?
L173[01:25:00] <Sharidan> urgh - the stock dig program truely does stink :/
L174[01:25:14] <sugoi> adsmith: "t" for text, meaning, the file is text
L175[01:25:19] <adsmith> gotcha
L176[01:25:22] <adsmith> will try, one moment
L177[01:26:52] <adsmith> Hey look at that -- it works!
L178[01:27:08] <adsmith> do you have time to explain what the difference between _G and _ENV is?
L179[01:27:30] <sugoi> yeah, _ENV is the environment of the current code chunk, when you define non local vars, you're creating _ENV values
L180[01:27:48] <Sharidan> sniped me there sugoi :P
L181[01:27:50] <sugoi> when you load new code chunks, they get new, clean, _ENV
L182[01:27:52] <greaser|q> _G usually points to _ENV but doesn't have to
L183[01:28:03] <sugoi> yeah, usually does
L184[01:28:16] <sugoi> _G is different, _G is the global env, but _ENV is the active environment
L185[01:28:19] <greaser|q> sugoi: only if you feed one in, otherwise it inherits from the parent
L186[01:28:31] <sugoi> greaser|q: thank you, that is important
L187[01:28:49] <greaser|q> _ENV is special in that it ALWAYS points to your environment, _G has no special functionality so you COULD just do _G = "DONGS" and it'll be OK
L188[01:28:54] <sugoi> adsmith: this is the important part, _ENV is your current environment, where non-locals go when you create them
L189[01:29:00] <greaser|q> but that will probably break software that actually uses _G
L190[01:29:04] <adsmith> so loadfile(...) is running "saved.lua" in a given context?
L191[01:29:19] <adsmith> when we provide _ENV as that context, it works
L192[01:29:35] <sugoi> adsmith: _ENV works because non locals are created in _ENV
L193[01:29:43] <adsmith> but _G isn't mirroring _ENV, and dofile runs in _G's context
L194[01:31:17] <sugoi> adsmith: looks like the default behavior is to use nil for the env, which ...
L195[01:31:19] <sugoi> ~w load
L196[01:31:19] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-load
L197[01:31:36] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L198[01:32:09] <sugoi> which i think means it'll pass _G
L199[01:33:30] <sugoi> adsmith: i like to think of _ENV as being my current context, and _G is the special context that is global and spans contexts
L200[01:33:50] <sugoi> but if you put something in _ENV, then switch to _G context, it won't see your _ENV values
L201[01:33:51] <adsmith> gotcha. This seems to be specific to OC's lua implementation. I asked the question on StackOverflow (now deleted, but for any 10k+ SOers.... http://stackoverflow.com/q/35147931/3058609) and the consensus was "Hey it runs for me.
L202[01:38:10] <sugoi> adsmith: i didn't know it worked differently, but i would assume at this point that this was intentional
L203[01:38:26] <sugoi> because our lua environment IS the os, we need to protect _G a bit more than that
L204[01:39:05] <adsmith> sugoi: no big deal, just pointing it out since it seemed idiosyncratic! Thanks for the help :)
L205[01:39:17] <sugoi> adsmith: i learned lua entirely through my development on openos :) so, my lua understanding is, itself, sandboxed :)
L206[01:42:47] <adsmith> yes this is my first time dabbling in lua as well. I come from Python and more recently golang
L207[01:44:38] <sugoi> so you have +10k on SO, or you can just see it bc you owned it?
L208[01:45:28] <adsmith> http://stackoverflow.com/users/3058609/adam-smith
L209[01:45:47] <adsmith> (although I could see it because I owned it and self-deleted, as well)
L210[01:46:44] <sugoi> nice :)
L211[01:46:58] <adsmith> Thanks!
L212[01:47:02] <sugoi> http://stackoverflow.com/users/788195/payo
L213[01:47:05] <sugoi> :)
L214[01:47:31] <sugoi> i'm not active anymore
L215[01:47:42] <sugoi> i really got into it when i found out my friend had like 60k
L216[01:47:50] <sugoi> and i'm really prideful and felt i was smarter than him
L217[01:48:44] <adsmith> ha! C#, C++, LINQ... You're in a whole 'nother world from me
L218[01:48:44] <sugoi> but then i actually swallowed (some of) my pride (choked it back up) and read some his answers .... he's actually annoying gifted and resolving bad design-laced questions
L219[01:48:52] <greaser|q> i've heard of LINQ
L220[01:49:01] <sugoi> i'm very much into c++, but c++ers in SO are BRUTAL
L221[01:49:06] <sugoi> c# ppl are far more accepting
L222[01:49:15] <greaser|q> afaik LINQ was a Burroughs thing
L223[01:49:35] <sugoi> gifted at* i meant to say
L224[01:49:43] <adsmith> well C++ picked up the status of "wizard" when people stopped using C (which picked it up when they stopped using assembly :P)
L225[01:50:13] <adsmith> so anyone daring to utter the dark sorcery poorly is worthy of ridicule
L226[01:50:18] <adsmith> (or so the prophecy foretells)
L227[01:50:24] <Skye> Uhh
L228[01:51:01] * Sharidan offers Skye a cup of hot chocolate
L229[01:51:17] <Skye> C is still used, at least for linking purposes, because C++ names are strange
L230[01:51:37] <greaser|q> pretty sure people didn't stop using C
L231[01:51:39] <adsmith> Oh absolutely. I never meant to imply that C has been lost and forgotten
L232[01:51:45] <adsmith> but when was the last time you saw a (new) project written in C?
L233[01:51:45] <greaser|q> actually i'm pretty sure C is more common in open source projects than C++
L234[01:52:01] <adsmith> really? That would surprise me, but I certainly don't have those numbers :)
L235[01:52:02] <greaser|q> uhh, the last however many projects i've written are in C
L236[01:52:14] <adsmith> **wizard**
L237[01:52:33] <Skye> I would rather use C, because there is less stuff to keep track of than C++
L238[01:52:57] <adsmith> I'm terrible with those lower-level languages. I appreciate my language doing a lot of the bookkeeping for me
L239[01:53:10] <adsmith> Even picking up pointers with golang was a headache for about a week
L240[01:53:42] <adsmith> where I'd just add `*` and `&` in front of expressions until the code compiled LOL
L241[01:55:35] <greaser|q> C still has that appeal that it's a lot less complex than C++
L242[01:55:54] <greaser|q> and yeah the thing with * and & very much applied to when i was coding C++, and the equivalent when i was coding in Perl
L243[01:55:56] <sugoi> c has no appeal to me, if i may join the battle
L244[01:56:14] <greaser|q> sugoi: if you ever learn assembly, soon you'll see the appeal
L245[01:56:18] <sugoi> i won't list reasons, but i'm quite the opposite, c++ is my way of thinking
L246[01:56:30] <sugoi> i have learned assembly
L247[01:56:31] <Sharidan> discussing preferred programming languages is like discussing religion
L248[01:56:39] <sugoi> i read it almost every other day
L249[01:56:54] <sugoi> it was definitely my favorite course in college as well
L250[01:58:07] <greaser|q> tiobe index is usually pretty fun: http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/index.html
L251[01:58:16] <sugoi> greaser|q: but no, i dont care for C, at all. but i do enjoy assembly when it's needed
L252[01:58:50] <greaser|q> java's in 1st, followed by C, followed by C++
L253[01:58:55] <sugoi> hahaah
L254[01:58:58] <sugoi> i'm COMPLETELY opposite
L255[01:59:00] <greaser|q> a year ago, C and java had swapped places
L256[01:59:04] <sugoi> nothing is below java, though
L257[01:59:05] <greaser|q> erm as of that
L258[01:59:11] <Sharidan> java is a relic left by the 90s
L259[01:59:28] <greaser|q> well yeah but so's C++
L260[01:59:33] <adsmith> I don't write any Java anymore. I learned a decade ago and haven't ever written anything in it since
L261[01:59:44] <greaser|q> and yeah java's used in a fuckton of enterprise stuff
L262[01:59:54] <Sharidan> difference between java and c++ is that the c++ language still evolves - java doesnt
L263[01:59:56] <sugoi> thanks to the dotcom boom crap
L264[02:00:00] <adsmith> I don't think I'd even know how to write Hello World in Java.
L265[02:00:38] <greaser|q> Sharidan: not true, java 7 added lambdas
L266[02:01:29] <sugoi> yeah so anyways, welcome adsmith -- how long have you been using oc?
L267[02:01:31] <greaser|q> i'm trying to think of a lang that's worse than java but eh
L268[02:01:43] <Sharidan> pascal?
L269[02:01:46] <sugoi> php
L270[02:01:47] <Sharidan> :p
L271[02:02:05] <greaser|q> tbh i'd still rate java above C++ although the java build tools are all fucking terrible except for gradle which is not completely fucking terrible
L272[02:02:05] <Izaya> Javascript
L273[02:02:17] <greaser|q> javascript's a candidate yeah, php probably not
L274[02:02:32] <greaser|q> actually i'd be tempted to rate C++ above javascript
L275[02:02:50] <greaser|q> because at least C++ is fast... but then again so's javascript these days
L276[02:03:06] <Sharidan> wow
L277[02:03:26] * Sharidan is stunned
L278[02:03:33] <greaser|q> but basically i'd say if you like C++, awesome, i like to avoid compiling it though especially when it's code from 5 years ago
L279[02:03:34] <adsmith> sugoi: About a week and a half? I think?
L280[02:03:49] <greaser|q> because if you give it 5 years, it will, without fail, fail
L281[02:04:01] <greaser|q> at least i know how to fix a lot of the compile errors nowadays
L282[02:04:30] <greaser|q> i WILL say this, to its defense, that C++11's threading is nice
L283[02:04:34] <sugoi> greaser|q: the things we are able to do with c++ for memory and performance aren't even in the context of possible in javascript or java or so many other languages
L284[02:04:36] <greaser|q> (wrote a raytracer in C++ for the hell of it)
L285[02:04:56] <sugoi> and it's actually part of my job to hold courses to update our developers to "modern c++"
L286[02:05:08] <greaser|q> sugoi: yeah that's definitely one upside of it, if you know what the hell you're doing you can have small C++
L287[02:05:27] <sugoi> it's not just small, but efficient and fast -- not vm fast :) but real application fast
L288[02:05:45] <adsmith> greaser|q: My brain did a flip going from Python to go because of concurrency. In (C)Python you're stuck behind the Global Interpreter Lock so you can't multithread to gain speed in 90% of cases
L289[02:05:49] <greaser|q> as a lang there's nifty shit in it, i just utterly hate compiling other peoples' rotted or other-compiler C++ code with a passion
L290[02:06:11] <adsmith> in Go 90% of problems are solved by spinning off a new goroutine and letting it die whenever GC decides it should.
L291[02:06:12] <greaser|q> adsmith: ah yes, that is one really shitty thing about python
L292[02:06:19] <sugoi> are code remains pretty clean as we ship cross platform (mac and windows)
L293[02:06:27] <greaser|q> adsmith: also that description smells a lot like erlang
L294[02:06:36] <greaser|q> wait shit not quite
L295[02:06:50] <greaser|q> even though go is afaik natively-compiled
L296[02:06:54] <adsmith> yep
L297[02:06:55] <sugoi> s/^are/^our/
L298[02:06:55] <Kibibyte> <sugoi> ^our code remains pretty clean as we ship cross platform (mac and windows)
L299[02:07:14] <greaser|q> sugoi: how much #ifdef WIN32 do you need
L300[02:07:24] <sugoi> <1%
L301[02:07:35] <greaser|q> afaik asiekierka is or was into go
L302[02:07:37] <sugoi> and, it's by far, more ifdef mac :)
L303[02:07:45] <adsmith> s/\^//g :)
L304[02:07:46] <sugoi> thought that's <1% as well
L305[02:08:19] <sugoi> yeah sorry ..
L306[02:08:19] <greaser|q> add linux to the mix and i think you'd be using #if defined(MAC) || defined(LINUX) a lot if you're doing #ifdef MAC
L307[02:08:26] <sugoi> \^// :)
L308[02:08:29] <adsmith> go has some tools to cross-compile, but I haven't used any of them
L309[02:08:52] <greaser|q> case in point, i wrote a game engine and once we got someone to make a mac build there was only one mac-specific #ifdef
L310[02:09:05] <sugoi> greaser|q: oh actually no, it's because mac ui events are complicated
L311[02:09:16] <sugoi> they change between versions a lot
L312[02:09:25] <greaser|q> ah righty
L313[02:09:51] <greaser|q> ...ok that's just fucking terrible, i know that glibc is terribad for doing the symbol versioning thing and can break backwards compat
L314[02:10:03] <greaser|q> like seriously, symbol versioning is fucking stupid
L315[02:10:12] <greaser|q> when they don't even properly take advantage of it
L316[02:10:44] <greaser|q> but yeah, when i say breaking backwards compat, i do mean the case where they did a memcpy that didn't provide the guarantees of \memmove
L317[02:10:54] <greaser|q> and complicated the shit out of it
L318[02:11:31] <greaser|q> well shit, according to the tiobe index, assembly's more popular than objc and swift individually
L319[02:11:43] <greaser|q> shot up from 26th a year ago to 13th
L320[02:14:25] <ping> greaser|q, symbol.. versioning?
L321[02:14:34] <ping> like putting the version number in the symbol name?
L322[02:14:37] <greaser|q> yeah
L323[02:14:43] <sugoi> greaser|q: can i get a link to your compact T{} again?
L324[02:14:50] <ping> holy shit whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy on earth would you ever do that
L325[02:14:51] <greaser|q> https://gist.github.com/iamgreaser/8d5aa475497fde68ae72
L326[02:14:55] <sugoi> ty
L327[02:15:00] <ping> static compilation i would guess?
L328[02:15:02] <greaser|q> ping: because someone thought it was a good idea and they didn't fucking stop
L329[02:15:41] <greaser|q> it's fucking rude when you run a program and the only issue is it doesn't have the right symbol version on strlen or some shit like that
L330[02:17:57] <ping> that seems dumb
L331[02:18:04] <ping> language pls
L332[02:19:24] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L333[02:36:34] <adsmith> headed to bed -- thanks for your help everyone!
L334[02:36:40] ⇦ Quits: adsmith (webchat@c-71-63-155-151.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L335[02:38:04] <greaser|q> ah right, language, got it, mi nitcu lo nu catra lo malbebna poi krici lo si'o ti xamgu sidbo
L336[02:38:14] <Sharidan> hokay, changing the color of a floppy, wipes it completely :/
L337[02:38:25] <greaser|q> {tr: i need to kill the fucking idiot who believed that was a good idea}
L338[02:43:33] <sugoi> greaser|q: is it safe to T.write('\n')? it seems bx wouldn't be set yet?
L339[02:44:03] <sugoi> Sharidan: are you changing colors with a magnet? :)
L340[02:44:23] <greaser|q> sugoi: should be fine
L341[02:44:26] <greaser|q> just try it
L342[02:44:37] <sugoi> greaser|q: bx<tw would be nil<number, no?
L343[02:44:46] <sugoi> greaser|q: well it's quite broken in my adaptation
L344[02:44:50] <greaser|q> but b would be equal to "" thus not getting past that check
L345[02:44:51] <sugoi> i'm trying to understand why
L346[02:44:57] <sugoi> ah ok thanks
L347[02:47:23] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L348[02:50:08] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L349[02:50:44] <sugoi> greaser|q: do you run this in oc only? or have you tested it in ocemu?
L350[02:51:02] <greaser|q> OC 1.5 for 1.8.9
L351[02:51:06] <sugoi> ok
L352[02:51:15] <sugoi> i think the copy is implemented differently in ocemu....
L353[02:51:16] <greaser|q> 1.6 shouldn't be too different
L354[02:53:20] <sugoi> HA YEP
L355[02:53:23] <sugoi> finally, figured it out
L356[02:53:38] <sugoi> greaser|q: ok for ocemu, i have to min the amoutn copied
L357[02:53:39] <sugoi> gpu.copy(bx,w.y,w.w-bx,1,math.min(#b,w.w-bx),0)
L358[02:53:47] <greaser|q> ah righty
L359[02:54:00] <sugoi> note w is my table data, w.w would be tw
L360[02:54:23] <sugoi> greaser|q: i'm going to either keep this min, and/or submit a patch for ocemu
L361[02:54:40] <sugoi> ok, time for bed
L362[02:54:48] <sugoi> sheesh this was too much for my tired brain
L363[02:54:49] <sugoi> bleh
L364[02:54:53] <sugoi> thanks for your help greaser|q
L365[02:54:58] ⇦ Quits: Something12 (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L366[02:54:59] <greaser|q> no worries
L367[02:56:10] <greaser|q> on an unrelated note, this is why i love raytracing: (just waiting on imgur to finish uploading the image)
L368[02:56:16] <greaser|q> https://i.imgur.com/A4zX1nS.png
L369[02:56:22] <greaser|q> ^ 640x360 on an intel HD 3000
L370[02:56:33] <greaser|q> unoptimised shader
L371[02:56:47] <greaser|q> 1000 render distance because after a while it doesn't really impact the FPS anymore
L372[02:57:04] <greaser|q> (for 100 i get about 143fps)
L373[02:57:44] <greaser|q> at 1280x720 i get about 39fps
L374[02:58:40] ⇨ Joins: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@184-88-190-37.res.bhn.net)
L375[03:01:42] <ping> greaser|q, +1
L376[03:02:44] <greaser|q> cheers, also if you ever get to mess around with GLSL, try writing a raytracer, if you can work out how to fire the ray in the right direction it's actually not hard
L377[03:03:07] <greaser|q> raymarchers tend to be even easier
L378[03:03:14] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~quassel@194-166-7-52.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L379[03:03:37] <greaser|q> although the underlying architecture for a raymarcher is a bit more complex than a uniform grid raytracer
L380[03:03:47] <ping> yeah ive messed around with GLSL but never wrote my own raytracer
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L388[04:31:51] * Lizzy groans
L389[04:59:20] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L390[05:06:25] <Sharidan> o/ Lizzy
L391[05:06:35] <Lizzy> o/
L392[05:06:46] * Sharidan offers Lizzy a cup of coffee
L393[05:07:40] * Lizzy turns down the coffee for she does not like coffee
L394[05:08:16] <Sharidan> hmm, don't have any tea in-house, but I can offer a coke or a cherry coke instead
L395[05:08:32] <Sharidan> :)
L396[05:08:34] <Lizzy> na, still got some Pepsi Max from last night :P
L397[05:08:46] <Sharidan> fair enough :)
L398[05:10:46] <Sharidan> writing up a daemon for robots that monitor power level and changes the light color accordingly
L399[05:11:22] <Sharidan> is there a way to get the startup path of a program?
L400[05:11:38] <Sharidan> possibly also the actual filename
L401[05:12:12] <g> Lua by default doesn't have a "native" way of supporting the concept of "current directory", or, in fact, the concept of "directory".
L402[05:12:19] <g> it'd have to be part of the OC libs
L403[05:12:23] <g> ~wiki filesystem
L404[05:12:23] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:filesystem
L405[05:12:54] <g> don't see it in there
L406[05:13:10] <g> ah, shell.getWorkingDirectory()
L407[05:13:44] <Sharidan> ah, so the shell lib ...
L408[05:14:00] <g> it's pretty much just an alias for os.getenv("PWD")
L409[05:14:26] <Sharidan> mkay, I'll have to play around with that a bit then. thanks g!
L410[05:15:12] <Sharidan> I'm trying to include an installer in my daemon, but I'd need the path and filename of the actual script to get the daemon code
L411[05:16:38] <Sharidan> hmm
L412[05:20:20] <Sharidan> event.timer() will always return a non-zero value, right?
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L417[06:26:45] <Sharidan> is | a regex control char?
L418[06:27:18] <DeanIsaKitty> Sharidan: Insides some control structures yes
L419[06:27:39] <Sharidan> so if I wanna string.find() that char, I should use: %| ?
L420[06:28:23] <DeanIsaKitty> Sharidan: Lua patterns are not regex ^^
L421[06:29:17] <Sharidan> hum .. I've always had trouble with the lua patterns. just can't wrap my brain around them :/
L422[06:30:19] <DeanIsaKitty> Sharidan: http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#6.4.1
L423[06:30:40] <Sharidan> use that frequently already, but thanks anyways Dean :)
L424[06:31:06] <Sharidan> it's the top-most bookmark in my lua bookmark folder :)
L425[06:32:23] <DeanIsaKitty> Saphire: Anyway, | can be escaped or used literally. Both should work
L426[06:32:44] <Sharidan> cool - thanks Dean :)
L427[06:32:52] <DeanIsaKitty> *Sharidan Sorry Saphire ^^
L428[06:33:01] <Sharidan> triple letters then tab ;)
L429[06:33:21] <DeanIsaKitty> I used Sa.. :P
L430[06:33:35] <Sharidan> you used sh ;)
L431[06:33:48] <Sharidan> can I confuse you?! :P
L432[06:33:59] <DeanIsaKitty> Nope
L433[06:34:06] <Sharidan> dang! better luck next time Shar :P
L434[06:34:08] <Sharidan> lol
L435[06:34:46] <DeanIsaKitty> All the people in here are trying really hard to cofuse me, I have been become resistant :P
L436[06:34:51] <Skye> should I sleep, try to learn erlang, play minecraft, or do something else?
L437[06:35:23] <DeanIsaKitty> Skye: If you're tired, sleep otherwise learn erlang :P
L438[06:51:04] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6E35.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L440[07:00:19] <DeanIsaKitty> I just found the cutest copyright note: "Copyright: ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share."
L441[07:00:48] <Sharidan> lol
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L445[07:38:59] <Mimiru> Installing OSes \o/
L446[07:39:52] <Mimiru> Hekat will be the new Eos
L447[07:41:03] <Mimiru> Gotta get ready for work
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L453[08:06:09] <Inari> meh
L454[08:06:15] <g> http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/Beezow-Doo-doo-Zopittybop-bop-bop-Arrested-for-Assault-367415631.html
L455[08:06:17] <Inari> i still wish i could find an explanation of electricity that i get :P
L456[08:06:33] <Saphire> http://www.autistici.org/bakunin/mod_bash/
L457[08:06:36] <g> Inari: MAGNETS
L458[08:06:52] <Inari> hm?
L459[08:07:26] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: https://imgur.com/gallery/YsbKHg1
L460[08:07:37] <Inari> :P
L461[08:07:52] <Inari> thats... not an accpetable explanation
L462[08:08:09] <DeanIsaKitty> What? But that worked the last 3000 years <.<
L463[08:08:33] <DeanIsaKitty> Pff. Humans. Never satisfied with *anything* >.<
L464[08:09:00] <Inari> for most of hte last 3000 years people werent ver yconcerned with electricity
L465[08:10:13] <DeanIsaKitty> Well... There is this theory that egyptians had some very crude form of electricity, but I haven't checked up on that for ages.
L466[08:11:01] <g> Inari, https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/2hpje7/eli5_how_does_electricity_work/
L467[08:13:15] ⇨ Joins: caitlyn (~caitlyn@2607:5300:60:9553::c0f:fee)
L468[08:13:17] <caitlyn> woo
L469[08:13:25] <Inari> thanks :P sounds awfully like school tries to explain it though and not really looking fro an ELI5
L470[08:13:43] *** caitlyn is now known as Guest61631
L471[08:13:50] <Guest61631> lol.. oops
L472[08:18:45] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
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L474[08:22:57] <Inari> also still want a good explanation for law of thelever
L475[08:32:28] *** Gavle|Away is now known as Gavle
L476[08:34:29] <Gavle> Hello
L477[08:34:37] <g> Hallo
L478[08:34:38] <DeanIsaKitty> Sup
L479[08:34:43] <Gavle> Thank you Kodos
L480[08:34:52] <Gavle> I accept your apology
L481[08:35:07] <Gavle> How do I do the tell thing
L482[08:36:01] <DeanIsaKitty> %tell who what
L483[08:36:01] <MichiBot> DeanIsaKitty: who will be notified of this message when next seen.
L484[08:36:44] <Gavle> %tell Kodos Thank you for the apologies, I accept. No hard feelings?
L485[08:36:44] <MichiBot> Gavle: Kodos will be notified of this message when next seen.
L486[08:36:51] <Gavle> Excellent
L487[08:36:56] <Gavle> Thank you Dean
L488[08:38:27] *** Gavle is now known as Gavle|Away
L489[08:39:26] <Inari> %tell MichiBot michi!
L490[08:39:27] <MichiBot> Inari: MichiBot will be notified of this message when next seen.
L491[08:39:42] <DeanIsaKitty> %tell Inari something
L492[08:39:44] <MichiBot> DeanIsaKitty: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L493[08:39:47] <Inari> :P
L494[08:40:00] <Inari> at least it uses proper bot protocols ;)
L495[08:40:25] <DeanIsaKitty> Of course. It was written by the allmighty Mimiru. :P
L496[08:40:50] <Inari> haha
L497[08:41:42] * Inari puts a ribbon around DeanIsaKitty's neck and ties it into a bow :3
L498[08:42:04] * DeanIsaKitty makes the cutest face possible :3
L499[08:42:13] <Inari> of course a safety ribbon
L500[08:42:14] <Inari> :P
L501[08:43:04] <Cruor> %tell Cruor :I
L502[08:43:06] <MichiBot> Cruor: Cruor will be notified of this message when next seen.
L503[08:43:11] <Cruor> :I
L504[08:44:15] *** Gavle|Away is now known as Gavle
L505[08:44:47] <Gavle> GavleGavle
L506[08:44:53] <Inari> hm i wonder wha the differneces between paw and fist exactly are, maybe just how tightly squeezes it is and maybe a first wraps the fingers in more
L507[08:45:05] <Inari> (paw meaining when you imititate having paws like they do in anime :P)
L508[08:45:13] <Gavle> Ah
L509[08:45:43] <Cruor> Inari: my paws arent real?! :I
L510[08:46:21] <Gavle> Uh
L511[08:46:29] <Gavle> My timestamps are messed up
L512[08:46:45] <Gavle> Oh
L513[08:46:59] <Gavle> They are on a different time zone than server ones
L514[08:47:02] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: Well, in (asian) martial arts a paw is generally an open hand with each finger bent at the last joint. But that's probably not what you want to hear :P
L515[08:47:07] <Gavle> XD
L516[08:47:24] <Inari> well thats not waht they do in anime :P
L517[08:47:28] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L518[08:49:38] <g> %tell MichiBot %tell MichiBot LOOP
L519[08:49:39] <MichiBot> g: MichiBot will be notified of this message when next seen.
L520[08:51:12] <Michiyo> -_- ...
L521[08:52:04] <Michiyo> %test
L522[08:52:04] <MichiBot> Michiyo: Success
L523[08:52:14] <Michiyo> I have no idea if it's actually doing anything that that g...
L524[08:52:23] <Inari> why would it?
L525[08:52:31] <Michiyo> I really doubt it though
L526[08:52:33] <Inari> it goes "DeanIsaKitty in #oc said: something"
L527[08:52:34] <Inari> :P
L528[08:52:37] <Michiyo> since it only listens to server messages
L529[08:52:40] <Inari> so it would go "g in blah said"
L530[08:52:41] <Inari> not %tell
L531[08:52:43] <Michiyo> yeah
L532[08:53:18] * vifino groans and flops on Lizzy
L533[08:53:21] <Michiyo> Which is why I said I had no idea not "OMG WHY DID YOU DO THAT YOU ASSHOLE I'LL BAN YOU FOR LIFE RAGE ONEONEELEVENTYONE!"
L534[08:53:37] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L535[08:53:38] <vifino> I had to fix unitymedia's fuckup on the docsis modem just now.
L536[08:53:46] <vifino> Urgh.
L537[08:53:49] <Michiyo> co-worker is out... so it's just boss and I today.. so I may be slow on chat...
L538[08:53:59] <Michiyo> which sucks cause I wanted to work on new box today
L539[08:54:09] <vifino> I love probably being more qualified to administer these things than the poor people doing it.
L540[08:54:11] <vifino> ¬_¬
L541[08:54:15] <DeanIsaKitty> Jeeez Michiyo, oneoneeleventyone? Its onetyeleventyone <.<
L542[08:54:16] <Inari> Michiyo: i'd say technicall yits still a 48h ban offense :P but eh
L543[08:54:26] <Michiyo> Nah
L544[08:54:57] <Michiyo> now for the fun... I'm RDPed into my old windows server, going to VNC over a "vpn" to my home desktop
L545[08:55:23] <vifino> I'm so fucking mad at unitymedia. They can't get their shit together.
L546[08:55:25] <vifino> ¬_¬
L547[08:56:02] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L548[08:56:24] <Gavle> Well
L549[08:56:51] <Gavle> In a surprising show of social adeptness, MGR managed to actually form an empire on his server
L550[08:56:59] <Gavle> Who wants to go break it?
L551[08:57:28] <Inari> it'll fall apart on its own ina week
L552[08:57:37] <Gavle> Probably
L553[08:58:13] <Gavle> Well, I shall report in later on its likely demise :P
L554[08:58:53] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: How do I make unitymedia not fuck my modem up every few days? ._.
L555[08:59:11] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: Its unitymedia... They can't not fuck up.
L556[08:59:26] <vifino> That poor cisco modem has a hard time managing the shit unitymedia does.
L557[08:59:53] *** Gavle is now known as Gavle|Away
L558[08:59:55] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: Today, they failed to set the upstream channel.
L559[09:00:00] <vifino> Like, at all.
L560[09:00:02] <DeanIsaKitty> I mean when you allow remote control via telnet & Linux shell on 3 million Modems including full access to VoIP you're pretty much the worst ISP out there.
L561[09:00:35] <vifino> You make it seem like only unitymedia would do tha.t
L562[09:01:06] <DeanIsaKitty> Well, unitymedia was caught and had to be kicked in the ass several times before they fixed it.
L563[09:04:12] <vifino> (yಠ,ಠ)y unitymedia y u no
L564[09:07:29] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L565[09:11:00] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: Feel like recommending another ISP to me?
L566[09:14:22] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L567[09:15:06] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: Literally any other there is. Telekom has become quite good actually. Stay away from Vodafone for obvious reasons. If you have a local ISP or one with 499 clients go to them (or in the 499 case ask their parent company) :P
L568[09:15:41] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: Frankfurt am Main, pls help
L569[09:16:11] * Lizzy pets vifino
L570[09:16:25] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@
L571[09:16:37] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: ffs, do your own research.
L572[09:17:27] <Lizzy> pcall in Lua is my new favourite global function
L573[09:17:38] <CompanionCube> DeanIsaKitty, what about an ISP that explicitly forbids using any other router than the provided one in the Terms and Conditions?
L574[09:17:49] <Lizzy> CompanionCube, like Sky?
L575[09:18:41] <DeanIsaKitty> CompanionCube: Laugh them in the face. Unless local law actually allows that kind of bs.
L576[09:18:42] <xarses_> CompanionCube: I'm sure that is not enforceable in the US since thats why we broke up 'ma' bell
L577[09:19:08] <Lizzy> IIRC i still have a dissassembled ADSL netgear modem router thingy in my cupboard at my mother's which can be the actual router if i wanted it to
L578[09:19:25] *** xarses_ is now known as xarses
L579[09:19:41] <Lizzy> why is it dissasembled you ask? I wanted to see what was inside it then lost the screws
L580[09:19:55] <Lizzy> so at the best of times it's held together by a rubber band
L581[09:20:13] <CompanionCube> http://www.sky.com/shop/__PDF/Sky_Broadband_Talk_UK.pdf
L582[09:20:21] <CompanionCube> Page 6, Section 2J
L583[09:20:56] <Lizzy> ah, that says fibre
L584[09:21:16] <CompanionCube> Lizzy, non-fibre it's easy
L585[09:21:19] <Lizzy> so ADSL is fine, they just wont support it
L586[09:21:46] <Lizzy> huh, this computer i'm using as a 'desk' for my laptop is missing one of it's rubber feet
L587[09:21:52] <CompanionCube> the PPP credentials for Sky's ADSL should be easy to find on Google
L588[09:22:11] <Lizzy> CompanionCube, i found them a while back and put them in my spare ADSL router
L589[09:22:18] <Inari> im looking forward to the day i can get real internet
L590[09:22:34] <Lizzy> read my previous message about dissasembled routers
L591[09:22:57] <CompanionCube> Lizzy, even with the modern ones
L592[09:23:05] <CompanionCube> it's a matter of simply wiresharking the password out of it
L593[09:23:22] <CompanionCube> the usage of DHCP ensures that it will be broadcasted on every boot :)
L594[09:23:48] <Lizzy> so it broadcasts the password out to the LAN as well?
L595[09:24:05] <CompanionCube> Lizzy, likely not
L596[09:24:19] <CompanionCube> but I've never tested it
L597[09:24:29] <Lizzy> then how would one wireshark it other than getting an old modem or something to use with wireshark?
L598[09:24:37] <Lizzy> for ADSL this is
L599[09:24:43] <Lizzy> unless you meant fibre
L600[09:24:46] <DeanIsaKitty> Lizzy: A lot of modem's run a full linux. :P
L601[09:24:53] <CompanionCube> Lizzy, I meant fibre
L602[09:24:59] <Lizzy> DeanIsaKitty, yeah, Sky's is locked down though
L603[09:25:02] ⇦ Quits: AlexisMachina (uid57631@id-57631.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L604[09:25:08] <Lizzy> CompanionCube, as, useless to me then
L605[09:25:13] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: "a full linux
L606[09:25:14] <vifino> "
L607[09:25:48] <CompanionCube> Username: install@o2broadband.co.uk. Password: install. yay for universal PPP/ADSL passwords.
L608[09:26:23] <DeanIsaKitty> Lizzy: They also tend to have all their deamons run as UID 0... Just saying. ^^
L609[09:27:00] <CompanionCube> DeanIsaKitty, or tend to run a shell via a hidden serial port
L610[09:27:24] <DeanIsaKitty> CompanionCube: "hidden" until you open the case.
L611[09:27:25] <Lizzy> brb. going to remove the bottom of my laptop to see what storage spots i have in it
L612[09:28:01] * CompanionCube still gives kudos to the person who managed to disable signature verification in the proprietary Broadcom/Sky bootloader
L613[09:28:35] <Inari> why would a modem run linux
L614[09:28:41] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: Why not?
L615[09:28:47] <Inari> unneeded
L616[09:28:47] <CompanionCube> although
L617[09:28:48] <Inari> :p
L618[09:28:58] <CompanionCube> I've heard reports of Sky's GPL tarballs going missing
L619[09:29:04] <CompanionCube> should really poke them about that
L620[09:29:35] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: Ease of use? I mean the software you need for a modem are available everywhere. All the ISPs have to do is slap some stuff together and it works well. No need to develop anything in house.
L621[09:30:06] <CompanionCube> http://www1.sky.com/opensourcesoftware/SkyHub/opensourcesoftwaredownloads.html broken MIME much?
L622[09:30:09] <CompanionCube> or is this something else
L623[09:30:45] <Inari> DeanIsaKitty: and thats why i dont like ISPs :P
L624[09:30:48] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: You are free to develop an network stack on a RTOS, but you won't get as fast as the FreeBSD or Linux Network stack anyway, you'll have to write everything by hand and will have less funktionality. Why even bother?
L625[09:31:03] <Skye> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="OpenOffice.org 3.0 (Unix)">
L626[09:31:05] <Inari> with all the shit you here tehy seem to operate by principle of "works well enough to throw out" not "is well done" :P
L627[09:31:06] <Skye> oh god
L628[09:31:12] <DeanIsaKitty> And modern modems come with a full MIPS CPU and several MB of RAM anyway.
L629[09:31:27] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: Building on top of Linux *is well done
L630[09:31:28] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (uid74214@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:1:21e6)
L631[09:31:29] <DeanIsaKitty> *
L632[09:31:33] <DeanIsaKitty> FFs 8 key <.<
L633[09:32:12] <Inari> are we talking about the same"modem" xD
L634[09:32:25] <CompanionCube> Skye, it gets worse
L635[09:32:35] <CompanionCube> when you look up that OpenOffice 3 is from 2008.
L636[09:32:43] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L637[09:32:46] <CompanionCube> so either the tag is lying
L638[09:32:53] <CompanionCube> or there are bigger problems
L639[09:33:06] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: I don't know what you are talking about but I am talking about Internet modems that convert [AV]?DSL to whatever network standard you want on the other side.
L640[09:33:54] <Inari> hm well i was mostly thinking about "pure" modems i supopse :P ones who are only responsible for translating the physical info they get and vice versa and possibly framing
L641[09:34:53] <DeanIsaKitty> Yeah, but those are highly specialiced circuits with little to no code at all. Those are of course excempt
L642[09:35:33] <Inari> exactly, hence why i wondered why they'd usel inux xD
L643[09:42:42] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: I think telekom's DeutschlandLAN IP Voice/Data S Premium
L644[09:42:44] <vifino> ..
L645[09:43:09] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: I think telekom's DeutschlandLAN IP Voice/Data S Premium seems decent, you get a static ip \o/
L646[09:43:35] <Inari> i actually prefer a dynmiac ip
L647[09:43:51] <vifino> Good for you, Inari.
L648[09:48:47] <Inari> ikr
L649[09:49:15] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@
L650[09:49:42] <vifino> Inari: But why?
L651[09:50:26] <Inari> feels more private i guess xD
L652[09:50:48] <vifino> ...
L653[09:50:55] <vifino> .........
L654[09:51:12] <Inari> if someone were to ddos me fro some reason (unlikely, but hey) i just reconnect and am gone
L655[09:51:12] <Inari> :P
L656[09:51:29] * vifino facepalms
L657[09:51:36] <Inari> what
L658[09:51:58] <Inari> plus my ip cant be tracked as well (yeah theres cookies and all, but shush)
L659[09:52:15] * vifino facepalms again
L660[09:52:20] <Inari> ?
L661[09:52:36] <Saphire> http://imgur.com/gallery/gnt6XaQ
L662[09:53:01] * Saphire joins vifino's facepalming
L663[09:53:15] <Inari> i like opm but not really undertale :<
L664[09:54:39] <Inari> vifino: explainu :P
L665[09:55:15] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: Your reverse DNS generally stays the same. So its little work finding out what your new IP is...
L666[09:56:35] <Inari> if my ip changes so does the part before .dip0 though?
L667[09:57:10] <Inari> or maybe i dont udnerstand what you'Re saying with reverse dns there :P
L668[09:58:11] <g> rdns is, by definition, per-ip
L669[09:58:20] <g> new ip? new rdns.
L670[10:06:02] <Michiyo> Unless.. like my new box, the same RDNS resolves to 6 IPv6, and atleast one IPv4 address :p
L671[10:09:33] <Lizzy> I knew I'd end up breaking something when I took the Base off of my laptop
L672[10:10:44] *** Gavle|Away is now known as Gavle
L673[10:13:34] <Inari> hm interesting
L674[10:13:35] <vifino> Lizzy: You didn't break your laptop, did you?
L675[10:13:37] <Inari> didnt know air ionisers were a thign
L676[10:13:52] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-25-109-66.as13285.net)
L677[10:14:10] <Lizzy> Not entirely, just the little status lights
L678[10:14:13] <Michiyo> http://michi.pc-logix.com/2016-02-03_10-13-31.png
L679[10:14:48] <Michiyo> oh damn Lizzy o_O
L680[10:15:21] <Lizzy> Bent the little ribbon cable for them ever so slightly
L681[10:15:43] <Lizzy> So now trying to straighten the connector
L682[10:16:17] <Inari> Michiyo: well im not hosting anything and am not running a server xD
L683[10:16:30] <Inari> arent servers usually not seen icely on residential IPSs anyway
L684[10:16:38] *** SleepyFlenix is now known as Flenix
L685[10:17:13] *** Gavle is now known as Gavle|Away
L686[10:18:27] <Michiyo> Inari: I R Confus?
L687[10:18:31] <Michiyo> Butk
L688[10:18:32] <Michiyo> :p
L689[10:18:39] <Inari> hm?
L690[10:18:49] <Inari> well usually residential ISPs dont want youj to host servers i think :P
L691[10:18:58] <Michiyo> Never said they did?
L692[10:19:27] <Inari> well iirc the conversation came from vifino liking that tcom thingy having static IP and i believe he wants it for home use
L693[10:19:44] <Inari> so that was implied
L694[10:19:44] <Inari> :p
L695[10:20:51] <Michiyo> Well, I was more replying to g's comment about RDNS being per ip
L696[10:21:22] <Michiyo> you can map a single host name to multiple IPs with RDNS
L697[10:22:48] <Lizzy> Right, I have hdd back but that's it :/
L698[10:23:28] <Lizzy> Okay, cable is loose -_#
L699[10:24:13] <vifino> Inari: How "home use" do you think I am?
L700[10:24:30] <vifino> I have a darn rack in my room and a HP ProLiant DL580 under my desk.
L701[10:24:59] <vifino> I don't think I am quite "home use", don't you think?
L702[10:26:35] <Michiyo> Now I get to figure out how to convert my hmail mssql compact database... to mysql.
L703[10:26:53] <Lizzy> Windows shut the fuck down
L704[10:29:51] ⇦ Quits: ven000m (~e@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L705[10:30:08] ⇨ Joins: ven000m (~e@
L706[10:31:07] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB7683CD9F1D78C62CD05.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L707[10:31:08] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L708[10:36:07] <Lizzy> \o/ all back
L709[10:38:56] <Lizzy> my feet hurt :/
L710[10:38:59] <Lizzy> well
L711[10:39:06] <Lizzy> specifically my lest foor
L712[10:39:08] <Lizzy> *foot
L713[10:40:00] <Lizzy> would a P4 box make a good file server.. probably not
L714[10:40:28] <Lizzy> kinda annoyed that the board i bought for my file server didn't work
L715[10:41:07] <Inari> vifino: if it runs on your residential isp? ;D
L716[10:44:06] <Lizzy> Michiyo, is bast a VM on eos/midori? if so is it's IP and gateway in the same network range? I would set up a public facing windows vm but my extra IPs are on different networks to the gateway which windows hates
L717[10:44:19] <Michiyo> Lizzy: not really no, the CPU would REALLY limit the throughput with the P4
L718[10:45:03] <Michiyo> Yeah, Bast is a VM on midori, and "NewBast" is a VM on Victory, both handle having the gateway on a different network just fine
L719[10:45:12] <Lizzy> hmm
L720[10:45:19] <Michiyo> it just says that it can cause issues when you hit Ok when you set it up manually in the network config
L721[10:45:37] <Lizzy> well mine said that but then also didn't work
L722[10:45:43] <Michiyo> I've had 0 issues from either of them... unless it's caused by me fucking wit hshit
L723[10:45:58] <Lizzy> hmm, might try again later today
L724[10:46:12] <Michiyo> I'm in the middle of setting up email on "NewBast" right now
L725[10:48:45] ⇦ Quits: Saphire (~Saphire@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L726[10:52:52] <Lizzy> right, time to pack up at my dad's and head back to my mother's
L727[10:53:34] ⇨ Joins: Saphire (~Saphire@
L728[10:59:53] <Sharidan> just putting it out there: robots are freakin' amazing
L729[11:01:11] <Temia> I doubt the CPU would be the real bottleneck in a fairly stock P4 box
L730[11:01:26] <Temia> But rather all the supporting hardware that's legacy enough to support a P4
L731[11:02:07] <Michiyo> Temia: I ran a fileserver on an older CPU, I pegged the CPU at 100% doing a simple network copy
L732[11:02:11] <Michiyo> on 100 mbit
L733[11:02:23] <Temia> Okay, fair enough.
L734[11:03:04] <Michiyo> yeah, that's why my local server is a Phenom II now
L735[11:03:12] <Michiyo> that.. and I had the spare hardware
L736[11:03:40] <Michiyo> ugh.. gotta configure ipv6 on NewBast... forgot to
L737[11:03:43] <vifino> Anybody got a allinone windows 10 iso that I can download at not 200KB/s on a gigabit network link?
L738[11:07:40] <FatalDistraction> Is it possible to create a tmpfs in RAM?
L739[11:07:59] <FatalDistraction> I need a filesystem that will automatically delete on shutdown.
L740[11:08:07] <ping> Just write one
L741[11:08:25] <FatalDistraction> what
L742[11:08:31] <ping> Yea you want a ramdisk
L743[11:08:43] <FatalDistraction> yeah pretty much, but in opencomputers
L744[11:08:47] <Skye> why would you want a ramdisk in OC
L745[11:08:53] <Skye> where would you get the RAM from
L746[11:09:05] <FatalDistraction> Uh, there's RAM in the OC Computer
L747[11:09:06] <vifino> detodated wamm
L748[11:09:09] <FatalDistraction> about 8m max
L749[11:09:16] <ping> Write a fs proxy that stores files as tables
L750[11:09:19] <FatalDistraction> nuu dedotated wamm 2 op plz nerf
L751[11:09:27] <Temia> Hey, hey
L752[11:09:29] <Temia> guys.
L753[11:09:32] <Temia> run mount without arguments
L754[11:09:33] <Temia> fyi
L755[11:09:47] <Temia> There is already a ramdisk
L756[11:09:55] <ping> Oh its already a thing
L757[11:09:58] <ping> LOL
L758[11:10:38] <FatalDistraction> I'm running this without libs, on an EEPROM
L759[11:10:44] <Temia> oh.
L760[11:10:44] <FatalDistraction> so how could I use fs.mount?
L761[11:10:53] <Temia> Weeeell
L762[11:10:56] <Skye> isn't the ramdisk on by default
L763[11:11:07] <Temia> Look at the fs code and see how it works
L764[11:11:26] <Temia> Isn't that what they suggest for implementing sleep() after all
L765[11:11:43] <vifino> Temia: tmpfs is a component provided by the computer, afaik.
L766[11:11:50] <Temia> Ah.
L767[11:11:52] <vifino> I'm quite sure it doesn't consume ram.
L768[11:12:14] <Temia> Sure enough, fs doesn't even have an OpenOS proxy according to the OpenOS loot disk
L769[11:14:06] <Temia> Huh.
L770[11:14:27] <Temia> I stumbled upon someone's programming playlist on Youtube and it has a ton of Ar Tonelico at the beginning, and Undertale music at the end.
L771[11:14:35] <Temia> I have found a bonafide NERD
L772[11:15:02] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L773[11:21:58] <FatalDistraction> and where is the fs code?
L774[11:27:25] <Temia> Built-in, apparently
L775[11:28:00] <Skye> @FatalDistraction, check the GitHub project
L776[11:29:45] <Elizabeth> Skye, doing @someone from irc doesn't work
L777[11:30:33] <Michiyo> yeah... #blamediscordapi
L778[11:30:39] <Elizabeth> @FatalDistraction check what Skye just said
L779[11:30:42] <Michiyo> I might try updating stuff when I move corded over to Hekate
L780[11:30:55] <vifino> #blamemimimimimi?
L781[11:31:00] * vifino hides
L782[11:31:13] <Michiyo> I didn't write the bot, the api, the implementation
L783[11:31:16] <Michiyo> I just run it :P
L784[11:31:34] <vifino> But but but, who to blame if not you?! D:
L785[11:31:38] <vifino> :P
L786[11:31:44] <Michiyo> Oh man... I gotta install java8 on Hekate for MichiBot to run
L787[11:31:47] <Michiyo> CopyGirl.
L788[11:31:49] <Michiyo> :P
L789[11:32:09] <vifino> /blame -level 9001 CopyGirl
L790[11:32:16] <vifino> oops
L791[11:32:42] ⇨ Joins: nullreturn (webchat@107-138-114-47.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net)
L792[11:34:40] <vifino> %quote
L793[11:34:40] <MichiBot> Quote #8: <DeanIsaKitty> I, <insert name here>, hereby declare that I find vifino attractive. Signed - <insert name here>
L794[11:34:52] <vifino> %quote
L795[11:34:52] <MichiBot> Quote #4: <Kodos> Life is too short for matching socks.
L796[11:35:01] <vifino> ahahahhaha
L797[11:39:58] <vifino> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=1519.866 ms
L798[11:40:13] <vifino> something something router is going nuts something something
L799[11:40:15] <FatalDistraction> So I have the filesystem encryption program for my new OS, now I just need a program to decrypt and store the filesystem on RAM, while fitting on an EEPROM
L800[11:40:18] <Michiyo> vifino: had a friend with the same issue yesterday :P
L801[11:40:33] <FatalDistraction> https://github.com/FatalDistraction/TekkOS/blob/testing/encryptfs.lua
L802[11:42:27] <vifino> Right. Internet going to shit because windows 10 iso download. Time to play Brutal DooM 2 with classical music playing in the background.
L803[11:43:31] <vifino> ... Nice, X crashed.
L804[11:45:17] <FatalDistraction> Hmm....
L805[11:47:43] <FatalDistraction> I could actually store vcomponent on an unencrypted floppy, then run it on startup, and simply do vcomponent.register(vcomponent.uuid, "filesystem", ...)
L806[11:55:07] <vifino> %quote
L807[11:55:10] <MichiBot> Quote #8: <DeanIsaKitty> I, <insert name here>, hereby declare that I find vifino attractive. Signed - <insert name here>
L808[11:55:18] <vifino> %quote
L809[11:55:18] <MichiBot> Quote #7: <vifino> She's even more far away
L810[11:55:25] <vifino> ¬_¬
L811[11:55:58] <Saphire> %quote
L812[11:56:00] <MichiBot> Quote #4: <Kodos> Life is too short for matching socks.
L813[11:56:11] <Saphire> #quote
L814[11:56:15] <Saphire> Meh
L815[11:57:04] <Skye> %quote
L816[11:57:07] <MichiBot> Quote #9: <vifino> DeanIsaKitty, you're an idiot. I like you.
L817[11:57:45] * Lizzy is back at her mother'
L818[11:58:15] <vifino> LIZZY!!!
L819[11:58:21] * vifino throws himself at Lizzy
L820[11:58:23] <Lizzy> :)
L821[11:58:33] * Lizzy catches vifino and tumbles to the floor
L822[11:58:39] <Skye> cute!
L823[11:59:34] <vifino> Yes, Lizzy is cute
L824[12:00:10] * Saphire mews and tries to be cute as well
L825[12:00:26] * Lizzy pets Saphire
L826[12:00:35] * Saphire purrrs
L827[12:00:59] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L828[12:01:35] <Saphire> G's messages are hard to identify on weechat
L829[12:02:15] <Saphire> I mean, it's hard to notice a 1 symbol nick among the usual 5-8
L830[12:02:18] <g> you're welcome Saphire
L831[12:02:19] <g> :3
L832[12:02:35] <Saphire> :P
L833[12:02:46] <Lizzy> g, when you were changing nick i thought it was someone saying go away ¬_¬
L834[12:03:05] <Michiyo> lol
L835[12:03:39] <Saphire> G, I hope 2002 is year of joining esper/internet? .-.
L836[12:03:57] <g> Saphire: it used to be a password reminder when I was 12
L837[12:04:10] <g> have had this nick for a damn long time
L838[12:04:16] <Saphire> Ah?
L839[12:04:21] <g> well, the nick it's based off of
L840[12:04:22] <g> gdude2002
L841[12:04:24] <g> which I don't use on esper
L842[12:05:09] * Saphire have seen a load of 2000, 2001 nicknames few years ago..
L843[12:06:20] <Lizzy> and main pc is back on after it deciding to do yet another disk check of the old w7 drive
L844[12:12:05] ⇨ Joins: Harakhti (~harakhti@BC24103D.catv.pool.telekom.hu)
L845[12:12:10] <Harakhti> Hello there.
L846[12:12:50] <Harakhti> :>
L847[12:13:10] <Saphire> hOI
L848[12:13:31] <Harakhti> You tryin' to have a bad tem?
L849[12:15:05] ⇦ Quits: Harakhti (~harakhti@BC24103D.catv.pool.telekom.hu) (Client Quit)
L850[12:17:16] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (webchat@108-226-6-195.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net)
L851[12:17:16] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L852[12:17:24] <gamax92> hello
L853[12:18:29] <Kodos> o/
L854[12:18:53] <Kodos> %tell Gavle Indeed.
L855[12:18:53] <MichiBot> Kodos: Gavle will be notified of this message when next seen.
L856[12:24:09] <gamax92> DeanIsaKitty: you here?
L857[12:27:16] <Sangar> o/
L858[12:28:03] <Kodos> o/
L859[12:30:07] <DeanIsaKitty> gamax92: Yes
L860[12:30:20] <gamax92> DeanIsaKitty: what even is calliper
L861[12:30:28] <gamax92> It seems very pre-alpha
L862[12:30:53] <DeanIsaKitty> gamax92: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caliper_%28disambiguation%29 :P
L863[12:31:00] <gamax92> :|
L864[12:31:05] <gamax92> fine whatever
L865[12:34:30] <DeanIsaKitty> gamax92: Crowbar was an editor for source games (like Hammer) that (unlike Hammer) runs on Linux. It changed owner a few times and calliper is the most recent out of that tree. I never played with it but there were some screenshots from a year ago that showed an earlier version at somewhat working. I never started any of them anyway.
L866[12:35:20] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L867[12:36:15] <gamax92> I'll look at crowbar then :/
L868[12:36:28] <Kodos> I think the next TiC Broadsword I make, I'm going to name it 'Desperate Measures'
L869[12:36:49] <g> Seems accurate.
L870[12:37:01] <Kodos> Indeed
L871[12:37:08] <Kodos> Also, g, did you see that I apologized to Gavle?
L872[12:37:34] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L873[12:37:44] <g> I did
L874[12:38:06] <Kodos> I just wanted to make sure that you knew that while I didn't immediately do so, I wanted to make sure that when I did, I was calm, cooled off, and the apology was genuine and sinceere
L875[12:38:20] <g> That's fair enough, I can respect that
L876[12:38:41] <Kodos> I know you mentioned me not doing so after I left, so I wanted to explain why I waited
L877[12:39:29] <Kodos> Ho shit, Hand of Fate is free on Xbox
L878[12:39:34] * Kodos downloads
L879[12:39:55] *** alfw is now known as alfw|Off
L880[12:40:09] <g> Which xbox?
L881[12:40:20] <Kodos> Xbone
L882[12:40:26] <g> Is that console any good?
L883[12:40:48] <Kodos> I love mine. I don't have Kinect for it, but it's nice having Netflix and Skype on my TV
L884[12:41:02] <g> I've got a WiiU, since I'm not a huge console gamer that's about it
L885[12:41:07] <g> but I keep hearing mixed stories about the xbone
L886[12:41:11] <g> did they fix the back compat yet?
L887[12:41:21] <Kodos> Yeah, it's a thing, but only for some games, not universal
L888[12:41:31] <Kodos> There's a complete list on the site iirc
L889[12:41:33] <Mimiru> more are coming quiet often though
L890[12:41:45] <g> Well what I mean is
L891[12:41:53] <g> I have an original (first-edition?) xbox
L892[12:42:03] <gamax92> eos migration hype
L893[12:42:03] <g> the console doesn't work anymore but the games are all fine
L894[12:42:04] <Kodos> Oh, no, you can't play original Xbox games on a One
L895[12:42:11] <Kodos> Only some 360 games
L896[12:42:14] <g> ah, I see
L897[12:42:34] <Kodos> Honestly tho, you can find a regular xbox cheap enough I would imagine
L898[12:42:36] <Kodos> Let me go look
L899[12:42:39] <Mimiru> I have 2
L900[12:42:39] <Mimiru> lol
L901[12:42:45] <Mimiru> Both softmodded for XMBC
L902[12:42:52] <Mimiru> one has a 250 GB hdd loaded with games
L903[12:43:08] <gamax92> I have 0
L904[12:43:08] <gamax92> lol
L905[12:43:34] <g> it's just kind of a shame, like
L906[12:43:45] <g> great games like the blinx games, or far cry primal
L907[12:43:53] <g> afaik you can't emulate xbox still
L908[12:44:02] <gamax92> uhh ...
L909[12:44:05] <gamax92> not sure bout that
L910[12:44:12] <Mimiru> I have a Halo 5 Edition One coming soon
L911[12:44:17] <Mimiru> And a Kinect
L912[12:44:32] <Kodos> My favorite old gen console game is probably Irritating Stick
L913[12:44:35] <Kodos> PS1
L914[12:44:55] ⇨ Joins: surferconor425|Cloud (uid77899@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:4:1:304b)
L915[12:45:23] <gamax92> The only thing I have is a Wii, but I use it for emulation of several older things
L916[12:45:24] <g> I know there's Xeon which can kinda-sorta-emulate halo 1
L917[12:46:01] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L918[12:47:02] <gamax92> I know of xqemu
L919[12:47:33] <gamax92> which ... guess what that's based off of :P
L920[12:48:06] <g> that's a neat idea
L921[12:48:28] <g> but hey, latest commit 2 hours ago
L922[12:48:56] <gamax92> 30k commits as wel
L923[12:49:18] <gamax92> granted that's shared with qemu
L924[12:49:25] <Kodos> So apparently Microsoft moved Windows 10 to a recommended, automatic update for 7 and 8.1
L925[12:49:32] <Kodos> Heads up for anyone who's still on 7
L926[12:49:48] <g> not quite
L927[12:49:59] <g> they moved the _installer_ and its files to recommended
L928[12:49:59] <gamax92> nvm I guess only 722 commits
L929[12:50:06] <gamax92> "This branch is 722 commits ahead"
L930[12:50:06] <Kodos> Ah
L931[12:50:13] <Kodos> Article I read was bad then
L932[12:50:29] <g> they also added a method to prevent it from nagging you if you don't want it
L933[12:51:13] <Skye> I will probably try Windows 10 on my cheap and slow HDD
L934[12:51:21] <Skye> and see if it's worth it on my computer
L935[12:51:25] <g> w10 is pretty great
L936[12:51:29] <g> but it still has a few issues
L937[12:51:31] <gamax92> w10 is nice
L938[12:52:42] <Kodos> Now there needs to be a method to prevent me from nagging everyone about rack mounted raids ;-D
L939[12:52:52] <Skye> If it's nice, I will install it on my SSD
L940[12:54:13] <gamax92> Kodos: gags
L941[12:54:17] <ping> > w10 is nice
L942[12:54:17] <ping> Yea besides the part where it sends counteless bits of personal information ._.
L943[12:54:38] <ping> Oh and it forces you to download its 0day holes constantly
L944[12:54:43] <Kodos> You mean the personal info that only exists if you put it there
L945[12:55:04] <Kodos> Kidding
L946[12:55:08] <Kodos> Not going to get into that discussion
L947[12:55:09] <Skye> :/
L948[12:55:16] <Skye> Linux doesn't work on my computer
L949[12:55:19] <Kodos> Gonna make lunch and watch TV
L950[12:55:22] <ping> Location, file usage, WiFi password
L952[12:55:32] <gamax92> grow up
L953[12:55:42] <ping> Skye ._. Linux works on everything
L954[12:55:47] <g> yeah, no, I don't buy into the alarmism
L955[12:55:58] <Skye> ping, it works, but not graphically
L956[12:56:01] <vifino> https://i.imgur.com/vCiiZaq.jpg
L957[12:56:12] <gamax92> Skye: what graphics card/chip does it have?
L958[12:56:18] <g> considering I've been using it since the insider builds appeared and have seen all the things it does collect, and all the options they provide to turn that off
L959[12:56:25] <Skye> gamax92, intel and AMD
L960[12:56:36] <Kodos> g, to be fair, for awhile, disabling it would still set it to enabled
L961[12:56:41] <gamax92> hybrid onboard and dedicated?
L962[12:56:45] <g> during the beta, yeah
L963[12:56:49] <g> but yknow, beta
L964[12:56:52] <Kodos> Indeed
L965[12:57:00] <Kodos> Gonna go make pork egg rolls now
L966[12:57:14] <Skye> gamax92, no
L967[12:57:47] <ping> Did you read any of the snowden leaks, we have known the NSA has a budget of over ten million dollars of putting vulnerabilities in software ._.
L968[12:57:59] <gamax92> Skye: anyway you never answered the question
L969[12:58:11] <Skye> gamax92, dedicated
L970[12:58:15] <g> ping, there has been no solid proof that the OS is backdoored
L971[12:58:17] <gamax92> again this answers nothing
L972[12:58:19] <gamax92> Intel means nothing, just like AMD means nothing
L973[12:58:32] <gamax92> AMD Radeon HD 4770 however, answers something
L974[12:58:40] <gamax92> and Intel GMA 915, answer's something
L975[12:58:54] <DeanIsaKitty> g: It may or may not be. But we for example know that Skype was (still is?) heavily backdoored. I don't trust Microsoft at all.
L976[12:59:13] <Michiyo> "I feel like I'm already tired tomorrow"
L977[12:59:13] <g> skype has been backdoored since before MS owned it
L978[12:59:14] <Michiyo> Yep.
L979[12:59:30] * DeanIsaKitty hugs Michiyo
L980[12:59:32] <DeanIsaKitty> Poor you
L981[12:59:35] <gamax92> DeanIsaKitty: but the odd logic is people don't trust 10 but will trust 7 and 8?
L982[12:59:36] <Michiyo> :P
L983[12:59:48] <DeanIsaKitty> gamax92: No, I don't trust Microsoft at all.
L984[12:59:53] <gamax92> DeanIsaKitty: not you
L985[12:59:55] <gamax92> "people"
L986[13:00:38] <DeanIsaKitty> gamax92: Uhm, well, I wouldn't say 10 is worse than 8, but the notion of 8 pushing a) App store b) Metro on people disgusts me.
L987[13:00:40] <ping> Yeah Skype was backdoored a few years ago
L988[13:01:17] <gamax92> I find it funny that in 8 the app store couldn't be uninstalled but in 10 it easily goes poof
L989[13:01:18] <ping> Someone found out information containing encryption keys for voice calls were sent to Skype servers
L990[13:01:22] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (uid74214@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:1:21e6) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L991[13:01:31] <DeanIsaKitty> g: If M$ cared about security they would have closed the hole.
L992[13:01:32] <g> you can nuke any modern apps you like with a powershell command
L993[13:01:37] <ping> Which is pretty blatant
L994[13:01:39] <gamax92> g: And I do
L995[13:01:42] <DeanIsaKitty> gamax92: Oh, does it? That is really really nice.
L996[13:02:00] <g> I'll admit it, I don't like the new settings app
L997[13:02:08] <ping> SMB shares security is ages behind for a reason.
L998[13:02:11] <g> not least because there's a problem with my install that sometimes stops all modern apps from opening
L999[13:02:12] <gamax92> I don't either, but I'm not in it often
L1000[13:02:51] <g> also: skype is backdoored. so just don't use it?
L1001[13:02:54] <ping> They only recently increased security since penetration testing tools are commonly available
L1002[13:02:58] <gamax92> A ton of the store apps are 100% garbage or fake
L1003[13:02:59] <DeanIsaKitty> ping: But MS at least don't claim skype is secure
L1004[13:03:37] <ping> Skype still uses RC4
L1005[13:03:37] <ping> Sooo
L1006[13:04:35] * Michiyo sighs
L1007[13:04:36] <Kodos> So, anyone do anything fun with OC lately?
L1008[13:04:55] <Michiyo> I REALLY want to go nginx all the way on Hekate
L1009[13:04:56] <ping> Did I mention the backdoored PRNG in intel chips
L1010[13:05:07] <Michiyo> but I REALLY need .htaccess for user directories..
L1011[13:05:09] <gamax92> ping: go stab firewolf some more
L1012[13:05:15] <DeanIsaKitty> ping: [Citiation needed]
L1013[13:05:16] <g> Michiyo: no you don't
L1014[13:05:24] <Michiyo> g, yes.. yes I do
L1015[13:05:30] <g> What specifically are you requiring them for?
L1016[13:05:31] <Michiyo> I'm not giving my users access to nginx configs :p
L1017[13:05:33] <ping> Deanisakitty look it up please
L1018[13:05:40] <nullreturn> Kodos: aside from polishing a few scripts, not really
L1019[13:05:40] <ping> It's blatant
L1020[13:05:44] <DeanIsaKitty> Michiyo: I'm pretty sure nginx has an equivalent for that
L1021[13:05:50] <g> what're you doing, domain.ext/~username ?
L1022[13:06:15] <Michiyo> Also, Kodos ci.pc-logix.com (for now as I'm moving it to new box soon) has OS-dev builds that build as I push to github
L1023[13:06:31] <Michiyo> without going to curseforge
L1024[13:06:45] <ping> They also tried to make it the only entropy source in Linux distros
L1025[13:06:55] <Kodos> Michiyo, anything new since build 3?>
L1026[13:07:06] <Michiyo> well.. people get theirchoice.pc-logix.com, but it's served out of their home directory with apache/php running as their user
L1027[13:07:40] <Michiyo> Build 4 has more lighting stuff... I still don't know what could be wrong with OGL, everything LOOKS fine
L1028[13:07:50] <g> right, so.. what do you need htaccess for?
L1029[13:08:02] <Michiyo> So.. they can override shit?
L1030[13:08:07] <g> like what?>
L1031[13:08:08] <Inari> i stil ldont really understand the "SO" term
L1032[13:08:21] <gamax92> Inari: Stack Overflow
L1033[13:08:25] <Kodos> If I knew how to fix OpenGL outsid of Minecraft, I'd try adjusting a setting or seeing when it was last updated
L1034[13:08:38] <DeanIsaKitty> ping: I'm guessing you're talking about http://sharps.org/wp-content/uploads/BECKER-CHES.pdf ?
L1035[13:08:45] <Inari> gamax92: not that one
L1036[13:08:46] <Inari> :p
L1037[13:08:56] <Michiyo> Like.. whatever they want to override... like on oclogs I override the directory sorting and how logs are served
L1038[13:08:57] <Inari> and i meant i dont get why people use the term, not that i dont know what it means
L1039[13:09:17] <gamax92> So old?
L1040[13:09:25] <g> can't htaccess override pretty much anything in your config anyway?
L1041[13:09:25] <Kodos> Who's lead dev on Totemic now
L1042[13:09:30] <Kodos> I want to go poke them for an idea
L1043[13:09:43] <Michiyo> Not if I configure it to not let it..
L1044[13:10:03] <Michiyo> Override none is the default...
L1045[13:10:16] <g> I would prefer a custom tool that allowed my users to, for example like
L1046[13:10:29] <g> $ site-edit rewrite whatever
L1047[13:10:39] <Michiyo> Or... I could just let them use the standard... .htaccess :P
L1048[13:10:48] <Michiyo> that like 99% of all web software ships one of
L1049[13:10:51] <g> it's not worth it for the slowdown imo
L1050[13:11:10] <Michiyo> I haven't ever noticed a slowdown.
L1051[13:11:19] <Michiyo> then again I don't run webservers on potatos.
L1052[13:11:39] <Inari> how woudl you backdoor chip rng anyway o.o
L1053[13:11:54] <vifino> I would like to put my X next to your Y, but we need 7 others to spell Xylophone
L1054[13:12:10] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: Long and complicated, but most certainly doable if you have the resources and time.
L1055[13:12:39] <Inari> DeanIsaKitty: i just dont see how you would do it in any way that would be abusable by a third-party and not detectable xD
L1056[13:13:42] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: CPUs are a few orders of magniture more complex than you might think. Hardware bugs are abundand and one more or less is not that hard to cover up. Read the paper if you really care.
L1057[13:14:26] <Inari> well what kind of scenario are we even talking about
L1058[13:15:32] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: Either somebody having control about the design process or at least the precise design specs and the ability to not have bugs fixed.
L1059[13:16:09] <Inari> i mean, what abuse scenario... like they cant really much influence key generation in an undetectable way Oo but well might look at the paper if i can find it
L1060[13:17:22] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: http://sharps.org/wp-content/uploads/BECKER-CHES.pdf <.<
L1061[13:18:24] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: PRNG are not true randomness based on quantum physics. They are based on input and maths. And if you can influence the input you can influence the outcome pretty easily
L1062[13:18:58] <Inari> well a good prng still has a spread similar to a "true" rng
L1063[13:19:44] <gamax92> xorshift is neat
L1064[13:20:26] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Windows 10 keeps on tempting me to use it
L1065[13:20:51] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: Still maths.
L1066[13:21:02] <Michiyo> SuPeRMiNoR2: doooo eeeeet
L1067[13:21:09] <Inari> DeanIsaKitty: exactly
L1068[13:21:10] <Michiyo> Join the Dark Side, we have awesome... and cookies
L1069[13:21:14] <Inari> maths tells you how the rng output should be
L1070[13:21:16] <Inari> and you can test that
L1071[13:21:24] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: the P in front of the RNG basically just states that the same input will yield the same output. A true RNG would not do that.
L1072[13:21:26] <SuPeRMiNoR2> In case that was not clear, I meant using windows 10 as my main OS
L1073[13:21:29] <SuPeRMiNoR2> I do have 10
L1074[13:21:56] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Then I remember how much harder it is to do half the things I do on windows
L1075[13:21:58] <Inari> im even confused ab out the trojan described there :P
L1076[13:22:05] <Inari> i donts ee how you can "hand a udp packet" to aprocessor
L1077[13:22:08] <Michiyo> Switch Further to the dark side
L1078[13:22:36] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: Uhm... every udp packet ever gets handed to your processor. How else would you process it?
L1079[13:22:41] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Michiyo: How big is that IP block you got?
L1080[13:22:55] <Inari> DeanIsaKitty: sure
L1081[13:22:58] <Michiyo> 4 ipv4, I'm using 2 currently
L1082[13:22:59] <Inari> but its just data being processed
L1083[13:23:05] <Inari> theres nothing special about it being udp data
L1084[13:23:08] <Michiyo> I have plans for atleast 1 of the others
L1085[13:23:16] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: Hardware bugs is a priciple you're familiar with? <.<
L1086[13:23:17] <SuPeRMiNoR2> do they give you a /64 ipv6?
L1087[13:23:20] <Michiyo> just.. not the TIME right now
L1088[13:23:21] <Michiyo> yep
L1089[13:23:34] <SuPeRMiNoR2> nice
L1090[13:23:46] <Michiyo> 4 ipv4 for $12 setup, no monthly
L1091[13:24:09] <SuPeRMiNoR2> I am honestly suprised they have enough to keep on doing that
L1092[13:24:13] <Michiyo> the base IP is 99.9999% unused... I'm going to see if I can use it for another VM is I forward it
L1093[13:24:24] <Inari> DeanIsaKitty: well lets assume the processor has some kind of bug like that, it still needs ot be triggered, just seems like that would heavily depend on the code that processes the UDP packet
L1094[13:24:26] <Michiyo> if I forward it*
L1095[13:24:48] <Michiyo> since the base IP is just sitting on the ESXi box... running esxi
L1096[13:24:49] <Michiyo> lol
L1097[13:24:49] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: *sigh* x86
L1098[13:25:19] <SuPeRMiNoR2> speaking of ESXi, I need to find somewhere to install it to try it out
L1099[13:25:31] <SuPeRMiNoR2> maybe my laptop
L1100[13:25:35] <Michiyo> I got a free serial.. it was just a touch of a hassle...
L1101[13:25:39] <Inari> DeanIsaKitty: well unless x86 has a literal UDP instruction, theres still some assembly code that goes and handles the UDP packet, and it would hav eto do so in a specific way in order to trigger the bug
L1102[13:26:04] <vifino> SuPeRMiNoR2: hf with patching esxi to support your hardware
L1103[13:26:13] <vifino> it'll most likely not find anything.
L1104[13:33:47] <ping> Deanisakitty no that's not what I was talking about
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L1110[13:44:08] <FatalDistraction> so gamax, I finished the encryption program
L1111[13:44:13] <FatalDistraction> https://github.com/FatalDistraction/TekkOS/blob/testing/encryptfs.lua
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L1114[13:47:18] <Kodos> Can you use until in a for x in y loop?
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L1117[13:55:43] <Inari> so... i made an imgur comment, refreshed and it says my comment was made "in a few seconds"
L1118[13:55:44] <Inari> gj imgur
L1119[13:56:01] <Inari> Kodos: what?
L1120[13:56:21] <Kodos> Inari https://github.com/FatalDistraction/TekkOS/blob/testing/encryptfs.lua#L41-L56
L1121[13:56:36] <Kodos> I genuinely want to know if that works
L1122[13:56:45] <Kodos> Because I wasn't aware that you could if it does
L1123[13:56:56] <Inari> hm
L1124[13:56:59] <Inari> interesting, never saw that
L1125[13:57:27] <Inari> you sure for file in files do even wokrs? :P
L1126[13:57:44] <DeanIsaKitty> Kodos: In priciple, yes. I would use a block device for encryption though.
L1127[13:58:42] <Inari> doesnt seem to work
L1128[13:59:10] <Inari> #lua a = {"a", "b", "c"} for k, v in pairs(a) do print(v) end
L1129[13:59:10] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > a | b | c | nil
L1130[13:59:17] <Inari> #lua a = {"a", "b", "c"} for k, v in pairs(a) do print(v) until v == "b"
L1131[13:59:17] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: 'end' expected near 'until'
L1132[13:59:48] <Inari> @FatalDistraction: you sure this actaully works? xD
L1133[13:59:58] <FatalDistraction> fairly sure
L1134[14:00:04] <FatalDistraction> haven't tried it yet
L1135[14:00:06] <Inari> why would for file in files do work
L1136[14:00:23] <FatalDistraction> files is the table that stores all file paths with associated file data
L1137[14:00:39] <Inari> yeah... but you cant just use tables that way xD
L1138[14:01:22] <FatalDistraction> ....why?
L1139[14:01:26] <Inari> which you seem to nkow given you used pairs just a few lines below
L1140[14:01:44] <FatalDistraction> oh wait...
L1141[14:01:47] <FatalDistraction> I see what you mean....
L1142[14:02:19] <DeanIsaKitty> Fatal, Python usually? :P
L1143[14:02:25] <Inari> haha
L1144[14:02:37] <Vexatos> <Inari> #lua a = {"a", "b", "c"} for k, v in pairs(a) do print(v) until v == "b"
L1145[14:02:38] <Vexatos> what
L1146[14:02:44] * Inari throws tabby slime at DeanIsaKitty
L1147[14:02:47] <Inari> Vexatos: ?
L1148[14:03:02] <Vexatos> #lua a = {"a", "b", "c"} for k, v in pairs(a) do print(v) if v == "b" then break end
L1149[14:03:02] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: 'end' expected near <eof>
L1150[14:03:05] <Vexatos> #lua a = {"a", "b", "c"} for k, v in pairs(a) do print(v) if v == "b" then break end end
L1151[14:03:06] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > a | b | nil
L1152[14:03:10] <Vexatos> is that what you meant?
L1153[14:03:13] <Inari> i know of that, the quesiton was if "until" works
L1154[14:03:13] <Inari> :P
L1155[14:03:15] * DeanIsaKitty cuddles the tabby Inari threw at her
L1156[14:03:22] <Vexatos> until only works with repeat
L1157[14:03:35] <Inari> yeah, hence why i tested if ti worsk with for, since iw ouldnt have known it does
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L1168[14:55:41] <Inari> http://cdn4.sci-news.com/images/2016/02/image_3608-Smallest-Lattice-Structure.jpg
L1169[15:00:35] <greaser|q> good job
L1170[15:05:11] <Kodos> How do you guys feel about rack-mounted upgrade containers
L1171[15:06:07] <Inari> hm thinking about it, i barely ever see anyone sit in an anime-girly way around here :P
L1172[15:07:39] <Sharidan> rack mounted upgrade containers?
L1173[15:09:45] <Kodos> It could hold things like Inventory Controllers, Geolyzers (I hope), and whatnot
L1174[15:10:48] <Sharidan> setup like the server racks for networks/computers? or for robots?
L1175[15:10:57] <Kodos> Hang on
L1176[15:11:05] <Sharidan> sowwy for all the Q's - I'm curious :)
L1177[15:11:26] <Kodos> It's all good
L1178[15:11:33] <Kodos> I have it up over on https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1594 if you wanna comment
L1179[15:11:44] <DeanIsaKitty> Sharidan: Ask all you want. But don't get upset if you don't get an answer. :P
L1180[15:11:45] <Kodos> But things like piston, sign, Database, etc
L1181[15:11:59] ⇨ Joins: AlexisMachina (uid57631@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:e11f)
L1182[15:12:38] <Sharidan> generally I expect to have to dig up answers, so I rarely ever get disappointed if I don't get an answer :)
L1183[15:14:15] <Sharidan> I'm guessing you figure a setup like how we craft the robots
L1184[15:15:02] <Kodos> As in having to use teh assmbler to make it?
L1185[15:15:46] <Sharidan> na, more along the lines of tossing a bunch of misc. components into slots in a UI (in this case this new rack)
L1186[15:16:22] <Kodos> Nah, this would likely only have one slot, to keep it somewhat balanced
L1187[15:16:30] <Sharidan> gotcha
L1188[15:16:38] <Sharidan> it's a nice idea for sure :)
L1189[15:17:51] <Sharidan> found something useful to use the lights on the robots for
L1190[15:18:05] <Kodos> Oh?
L1191[15:18:44] <Sharidan> wrote a small rc that monitors power levels on the robot and changes the light color accordingly, so you at a glance can see the power levels from a distance
L1192[15:19:06] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L1193[15:19:38] <Sharidan> green/yellow/orange/red indication
L1194[15:19:40] <Kodos> Oh nic
L1195[15:19:41] <Kodos> nice*
L1196[15:19:47] <Kodos> Bitshifting the light or no
L1197[15:19:48] <Temia> Okay, Inari's remark got swept away by the tide, but I must ask -- what is the context of "here" and what do you mean an anime-girly way? >.>
L1198[15:20:08] <Inari> "here" meaning germany :P
L1199[15:20:12] <Sharidan> nope, pre-selected specific colors - checking energy level percentages
L1200[15:20:31] <Inari> Temia: hm i guess 3 general ways, not a single
L1201[15:20:48] <Inari> http://orig15.deviantart.net/f99a/f/2014/094/8/1/anime_girl_render_12_by_bellathedoll-d7d0lgw.png something like this you see variations of but they usually looks pretty different
L1202[15:22:28] <Kodos> Sharidan: Check out lines 72 to 82 here https://pastebin.com/H4Uzause
L1203[15:22:37] <Sharidan> Kodos: here's the installer with the rc embedded: http://pastebin.com/A1jvp0ch
L1204[15:22:43] <Kodos> I use that to bitshift a colorful lamp depending on how much energy I have in a capacitor bank
L1205[15:22:49] <Kodos> Feel free to steal code :3
L1206[15:23:08] <Inari> whys fniding exmaple pics so hard despite seeing it all the tim ein anime :P
L1207[15:23:31] <Inari> http://img3.goodfon.su/wallpaper/big/6/fd/anime-art-devochka-stol-pufik.jpg something like this, though usually more down with the bottom (so on knees, but the lower legs are spread to the side more... maybe a bit like that http://www.theanimegallery.com/data/thumbs/790px/0069/tAG_69076.jpg
L1208[15:23:52] <Inari> and third something like this: http://media.photobucket.com/user/mcfuzzyhair/media/Goth.jpg.html?filters[term]=anime%20girl%20sitting%20down%20on%20ground&filters[primary]=images&filters[secondary]=videos&sort=1&o=13 i suppose
L1209[15:24:06] <Sharidan> Kodos: at first I did bitshifting for the color selection, but I didnt like the shades I got, so I changed it to shades I liked better
L1210[15:25:53] <Kodos> Fair enough
L1211[15:26:58] <Sharidan> starts up with a sky blue shade, then switches over. if you stop the rc, it'll default back to the sky-blue
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L1213[15:27:53] <Inari> Temia: of the third you can see a little, but usually more so when someone leans to the front and needs some support from legs or such :P not as an actual way to just sit
L1214[15:28:12] <Kodos> Admittedly, I'm still a bit of a Lua moron. Do you mind isolating the rc code itself in a separate pastebin, so I can see how you did it? I'm still learning how to use rc, but I want to make a server dedicated to running them
L1215[15:28:34] <Sharidan> the rc is in the block comment between [[ and ]]
L1216[15:28:48] <Temia> I see
L1217[15:29:26] <Sharidan> Kodos: and I'm calling rc.runCommand() directly to enable/start and stop/disable .. you should be able to find those aswell :)
L1218[15:31:07] <Sharidan> Kodos: Lines 8 to 40, both included make out the rc itself. the rest is "just" the installer/uninstaller
L1219[15:31:26] <Kodos> Neat, thanks
L1220[15:31:34] <Kodos> Where are you disabling the timer?
L1221[15:32:01] <Sharidan> in the stop() function
L1222[15:32:13] <Kodos> Ah, right
L1223[15:32:15] <Sharidan> line 36: event.cancel(id)
L1224[15:32:39] <Sharidan> stopping and disabling the rc happens in lines 80 & 81
L1225[15:33:10] <Sharidan> enabling and starting the rc happens in lines 110 & 111
L1226[15:34:07] <Kodos> Got it
L1227[15:34:17] <Inari> rc?
L1228[15:34:18] <Sharidan> Kodos: once it's installed, you can always command line: rc rplm stop .. kills the timer, sets the lights to the blue shade
L1229[15:34:33] <Sharidan> daemon - service
L1230[15:35:39] <Sharidan> Inari: an rc is daemon or service if you like that definition better
L1231[15:35:50] <Sharidan> background application
L1232[15:36:13] <Kodos> The part I think I'll probably end up having trouble with is assigning addresses to things. I plan on having one server operate a ton of daemons and components, including probably multiple light boards
L1233[15:37:22] <Sharidan> how so, having trouble assigning addresses?
L1234[15:39:55] <Kodos> Well, no, that part is easy, since I just need to component.get the address, and then assign the proxy for that addr to a variable
L1235[15:40:06] <Kodos> Just making sure the right daemon is always using the right component
L1236[15:40:23] <Sharidan> that's what configs are for ;)
L1237[15:41:34] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|away
L1238[15:41:39] <Kodos> Indeed
L1239[15:42:11] <Sharidan> shout if you need a hand with your daemons Kodos :)
L1240[15:43:13] <Kodos> Will do
L1241[15:43:22] <Kodos> I have most of the code already done, since it's just rc versions of my existing programs
L1242[15:45:00] <Sharidan> any public functions in your rc, will be listed as commands for the service. local functions don't get listed. you should include a public start() function if you want the service to auto-start at boot-up
L1243[15:45:16] <Sharidan> other than that you can call them whatever you want
L1244[15:45:39] <Kodos> Yeah I understood about 20% of that
L1245[15:45:49] <Kodos> Lol
L1246[15:45:53] <Sharidan> hehe
L1247[15:45:54] <Kodos> Let me just show you what I have for programs
L1248[15:46:26] <Sharidan> erh - not public - in lua it's called global function when they don't have "local" in front of them
L1249[15:46:33] <Kodos> Yeah
L1250[15:46:58] <lashtear> wow I need coffee
L1251[15:46:59] <Kodos> https://pastebin.com/Hp8Kw3rC This is two programs in one that'll both end up becoming rc. One is my chat interaction software, the other handles my magcard door(s) to my base
L1252[15:47:30] <lashtear> "Let me just show you what I have for programs..." "Er... not in public! SCANDALOUS!"
L1253[15:48:35] <Sharidan> Kodos: yea, you may have to change your event handler setup slightly to get it working as an rc
L1254[15:49:39] *** ds84182 is now known as `-`
L1255[15:50:07] *** `-` is now known as ds84182
L1256[15:50:09] <ping> `-`
L1257[15:50:12] * Sharidan hands lashtear a fresh cup of coffee
L1258[15:50:12] <ping> ds84182, stop
L1259[15:50:14] <ping> bad name
L1260[15:50:25] <ping> `-` is literally worst than v^
L1261[15:50:27] <ds84182> FukyoubitIknowwhati'mdoing
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L1263[16:00:41] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L1264[16:02:33] *** Gavle|Away is now known as Gavle
L1265[16:02:48] <Gavle> I am Gable
L1266[16:03:05] <Gavle> Gavle*
L1267[16:03:08] <Sharidan> Gavle is Gabling? :P
L1268[16:03:23] <Gavle> what?
L1269[16:03:41] <Sharidan> nothing :)
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L1272[16:09:23] * Michiyo pokes ds84182
L1273[16:09:37] <ds84182> Hmm?
L1274[16:09:53] <Michiyo> Heya...
L1275[16:09:56] <Michiyo> Hows it goin..
L1276[16:10:17] <ds84182> Hi, school is in the process of fucking me over
L1277[16:10:27] <Michiyo> Oh
L1278[16:10:28] <Michiyo> fun
L1279[16:10:43] <ds84182> (Because every teacher thinks their class is more important than each others)
L1280[16:11:05] <Kodos> You know, I hear contributing to the development of addon mods cures that
L1281[16:11:32] <ds84182> Yeah, but then I would fail all my classes and get held back a year
L1282[16:11:56] <ds84182> I'm pretty sure I don't want to spend an extra year in the hell hole called "High School"
L1283[16:12:42] <Michiyo> This is why I spent 2 months in High School, said fuck this, and got my GED.
L1284[16:13:25] <ds84182> I have too many teachers and family members betting on me to graduate
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L1286[16:13:53] <Michiyo> I'd done like 90% of my HS shit by the time I was finishing MS anyway, thanks to being home schooled..
L1287[16:14:43] <ds84182> I currently have a 62 in AP English Lang
L1288[16:15:45] <ds84182> My highest grade in the class is an 88, and that was from some bullshit vocab quiz that was pulled out of their asses at the last second because 90% of their class is failing
L1289[16:16:19] *** Mine|away is now known as minecreatr
L1290[16:16:37] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Michiyo: you were homeschooled? and you got a GED?
L1291[16:16:38] <ds84182> However, that quiz is weighted with a multiplier of 0.1, so it didn't actually help any
L1292[16:16:39] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Are you me?
L1293[16:17:30] <Michiyo> IDK, are you also a chick?
L1294[16:17:41] <Sharidan> lol
L1295[16:18:54] <SuPeRMiNoR2> I dont think so
L1296[16:19:22] <Michiyo> Hmmm, then it seems doubtful in that case SuPeRMiNoR2
L1297[16:19:26] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Yeah probably
L1298[16:19:41] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Same general idea though
L1299[16:19:46] <SuPeRMiNoR2> fuck high school
L1300[16:19:56] <Michiyo> fuck that plaaaace
L1301[16:20:52] <Michiyo> man... NO customers all day, one return at like 10:30
L1302[16:21:42] <Michiyo> then suddenly $191
L1303[16:21:44] <Michiyo> BAM
L1304[16:21:53] <Michiyo> 4 people back to back
L1305[16:22:02] <SuPeRMiNoR2> impressive
L1306[16:22:16] <Michiyo> and not a single dollar in cash
L1307[16:22:17] <Michiyo> lol...
L1308[16:22:19] <Kodos> Lol
L1309[16:22:26] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-25-109-66.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L1310[16:22:33] <Michiyo> which means come closing time... toss dat shit in the money bag.. and put it up
L1311[16:22:36] <Michiyo> no counting req
L1312[16:24:35] ⇦ Quits: fotoply (~fotoply@2-104-228-18-static.dk.customer.tdc.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1313[16:24:50] <g> we leave the float in the till and count the profits into the safe
L1314[16:24:59] <g> that way if someone robs the place while nobody's there, they'll take the float and not look for the safe
L1315[16:25:27] <Michiyo> profits go next door, float goes to the safe, change stays in the register
L1316[16:25:35] <Michiyo> change as in, coins
L1317[16:25:50] * g nods
L1318[16:25:59] <g> we can only bank profits once per week
L1319[16:26:04] <Michiyo> someone breaks in.... "These MFers are brooooke"
L1320[16:26:20] <g> also we're like
L1321[16:26:25] <g> a store in a small shopping centre
L1322[16:26:31] <g> there's no other building nearby
L1323[16:26:37] <Michiyo> We're a store... in a building
L1324[16:26:38] <Michiyo> lol
L1325[16:26:56] <g> :o no way
L1326[16:27:04] <Michiyo> I know RIGHT?!
L1327[16:27:08] <g> I thought radioshack was one of those market stalls by the side of the road!
L1328[16:27:08] <Michiyo> I was shocked too!
L1329[16:27:10] <g> mind=blown
L1330[16:27:17] <Michiyo> RIGHT!?
L1331[16:27:19] <g> xD
L1332[16:27:48] <g> Hey Michiyo, do you remember that ps1 game, rollcage?
L1333[16:28:19] <Michiyo> we share a building with Sears.. theres a portable building that a dude runs a car lot next door,. a store to the west, a motel to the east... a farm equip place across the road....
L1334[16:28:21] <Michiyo> No
L1335[16:28:41] <g> aw, that game was great
L1336[16:28:50] <g> someone decided to make another game inspired by it, and it looks awesome: http://www.pcgamer.com/grip-the-rollcage-inspired-racing-game-hits-steam-early-access/
L1337[16:31:41] <Michiyo> neat
L1338[16:34:02] <Gavle> Michiyo, quick question
L1339[16:34:13] <Gavle> OS energy turrets' moveTo method
L1340[16:34:22] <Gavle> does it accept negative degrees in the first arguement?
L1341[16:34:29] <Gavle> moveTo(-10, 0)
L1342[16:34:52] <Kodos> 0-360 iirc
L1343[16:35:03] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L1344[16:35:24] <Gavle> ok, so I'll have to correct for that
L1345[16:35:36] <Michiyo> 0-360, but it *should* (assuming you have a new enough version) track in the proper direction for shortest distence
L1346[16:35:39] <Michiyo> distance too
L1347[16:35:56] <Kodos> Michiyo: Testing #4 now
L1348[16:36:14] <Michiyo> I'm still not seeing anything wrong in the OGL calls.. lol
L1349[16:36:37] <Michiyo> and I don't know anyone other than ds84182 that knows ogl that would help
L1350[16:36:41] <Gavle> btw, how does the damage upgrade work?
L1351[16:36:48] <Gavle> does it allow fire with a number greater than 50?
L1352[16:36:56] <Gavle> or does it just tack on extra damage to any number
L1353[16:37:04] <Michiyo> No... fire doens't take a number anymore...
L1354[16:37:27] <Gavle> what?
L1355[16:37:45] <Michiyo> Fire. Doesn't. Take. A. Value. Any. More.
L1356[16:37:50] <Gavle> I'm running 1.0-86
L1357[16:37:55] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1358[16:38:03] <ds84182> OGL calls for what?
L1359[16:38:05] <Gavle> so, the damage is not variable?
L1360[16:38:14] <Kodos> Keypad looks better, checking IE's Assembler now
L1361[16:38:16] *** ` is now known as justasausage
L1362[16:38:21] <Michiyo> Gavle: correct, it is controlled by the number of damage upgrades.
L1363[16:38:32] <Gavle> even in -86?
L1364[16:38:33] <Michiyo> ds84182: there seems to possibly be an issue with the OS Keypad now
L1365[16:38:46] <Michiyo> Gavle: since... like... whenever damage upgrades were added
L1366[16:38:55] <Gavle> ah, ok
L1367[16:39:10] <Gavle> thank you Michiyo
L1368[16:39:30] <Michiyo> https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenSecurity/blob/master/src/main/java/pcl/opensecurity/tileentity/TileEntityEnergyTurret.java#L371-L377
L1369[16:39:35] <Michiyo> base is 3, each card adds 3
L1370[16:39:46] <Michiyo> err upgrade*
L1371[16:40:03] <Michiyo> I'm looking at making the base a variable again upto... a number.
L1372[16:40:05] <Michiyo> some number
L1373[16:40:09] <Michiyo> IDK right now
L1374[16:40:19] <Michiyo> I'm at work, configuring 3 servers, while trying not to get fired.
L1375[16:40:20] <Michiyo> :p
L1376[16:40:41] <ds84182> There are some other lighting bits that you need to disable in order to get good lighting results
L1377[16:40:53] <ds84182> It's in OC's source somewhere
L1378[16:41:04] <Kodos> Might just be my eyes, testing something else
L1379[16:42:35] <Michiyo> ds84182: https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenSecurity/blob/master/src/main/java/pcl/opensecurity/client/renderer/RenderKeypad.java if you get a chance to glance over it, thanks if not no biggy
L1380[16:42:52] <ds84182> Yeah, I was just looking at it
L1381[16:42:53] <Kodos> https://gyazo.com/b0e473b4e5ba202e8279f645de47670e Michiyo
L1382[16:43:00] <Kodos> With #4
L1383[16:43:17] <Kodos> Getting ready to test the colored keys
L1384[16:43:22] <ds84182> I'm pretty sure Minecraft uses some 3D texturing for light maps or something along those lines
L1385[16:43:36] <ds84182> I think it does that if the GL version supported is high enough
L1386[16:44:05] <Gavle> is there a way to take a negative number and make it positive?
L1387[16:44:54] <Kodos> math.abs?
L1388[16:44:55] <Kodos> Maybe
L1389[16:44:58] <Kodos> ~w math.abs
L1390[16:44:58] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-math.abs
L1391[16:45:07] <ds84182> OC uses RenderState.disableLighting
L1392[16:45:19] <Gavle> Kodos, yes
L1393[16:45:27] <ds84182> Which is in some utility class
L1394[16:45:30] <Kodos> Michiyo: Good news and bad news
L1395[16:45:31] <Gavle> I just looked it up independantly and arrived at the same conclusion
L1396[16:45:34] <Gavle> I must go
L1397[16:45:52] <Kodos> Good news
L1398[16:45:53] <Kodos> https://gyazo.com/7c303b4d503a86cb008953c6da50d5a4
L1399[16:46:12] <ds84182> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/util/RenderState.scala#L28
L1400[16:46:23] <Michiyo> thanks ds84182
L1401[16:46:44] <ds84182> Now it's homework time Q_Q
L1402[16:46:51] <Michiyo> Sorry
L1403[16:46:57] <ds84182> Well, it's alright
L1404[16:50:24] <Kodos> Something's definitely fucky with my OpenGL
L1405[16:50:33] <Kodos> The keypads work fine now with #4 from the dev
L1406[16:50:39] <Kodos> But IE's assembler GUIs still show water as black
L1407[16:50:49] <Michiyo> can you try it without OS?
L1408[16:50:52] ⇦ Quits: AdminComputer1 (~admincomp@h69-130-70-227.nansme.broadband.dynamic.tds.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1409[16:50:57] <Kodos> Yeah, one sec
L1410[16:51:39] <Kodos> While MC loads, how would I tell what version of OpenGL I have, if that's even a thing
L1411[16:51:56] <DeanIsaKitty> Kodos: glxinfo dump
L1412[16:52:15] <Kodos> W10
L1413[16:52:44] <Michiyo> google vlxview
L1414[16:52:46] <Michiyo> err
L1415[16:52:48] <Michiyo> glxview
L1416[16:53:02] <Michiyo> http://www.realtech-vr.com/glview/download.php
L1417[16:53:04] <Michiyo> that
L1418[16:53:05] <Michiyo> ffs
L1419[16:53:29] <Michiyo> I can't fuckin type
L1420[16:55:49] <Kodos> OpenGL 3.3
L1421[16:57:33] <Kodos> Without OS, Assembler still shows black
L1422[16:57:43] <Kodos> And I've already asked in IE's channel, no one else gets the error
L1423[16:57:46] <Kodos> err bug
L1424[16:57:58] <Kodos> I can also replicate it with just IE
L1425[16:59:30] <Michiyo> Ok.. so I feel a BIT better...
L1426[16:59:37] <Kodos> Indeed
L1427[16:59:40] <Michiyo> I know it's not me fucking up the global ogl stuff
L1428[16:59:43] <Kodos> I'm asking in IE's channel now, with a screenshot
L1429[16:59:55] <Kodos> I really hope it's not my wife's GPU dying
L1430[17:00:06] <Kodos> I've been using her PC since Thanksgiving
L1431[17:00:10] <Kodos> So I hope I didn't kill hers, too
L1432[17:00:10] <Kodos> lol
L1433[17:00:17] <Michiyo> What does she have?
L1434[17:00:30] <Kodos> nVidia GeForce 9600 GSO I think
L1435[17:00:43] <Michiyo> I have a GTX 250.. if she has a PCI x16 slot
L1436[17:00:48] * g pets his GTX 460
L1437[17:01:04] <Michiyo> I'd send the 560... but I have plans for it
L1438[17:01:07] <g> yes I know it's old
L1439[17:01:12] <g> it plays MSG5 ad 60 fps
L1440[17:01:14] <g> :u
L1441[17:01:16] <g> at*
L1442[17:01:22] <Kodos> Well
L1443[17:01:23] <Kodos> Luckily
L1444[17:01:41] <Kodos> Mom's getting ready to sell the property, so hopefully I'll get a new GPU for my PC, and my wife can get a decent tower
L1445[17:01:54] <Kodos> But, anyway
L1446[17:01:57] <Michiyo> Nice.. offer is there if you need it though
L1447[17:01:58] <Kodos> Keypads look fine with #4
L1448[17:02:01] <g> that sounds like an awkward living arrangement
L1449[17:02:09] <Kodos> How so?
L1450[17:02:25] <g> like, you're living with your wife and your mom?
L1451[17:02:33] <g> in your mom's house?
L1452[17:02:34] <Kodos> No, I live in a separate house on the property
L1453[17:02:37] <g> ah, okay
L1454[17:02:41] <Michiyo> g, I live with my father-in-law, he's disabled, so we help take care of him.. Like.. in the same house.
L1455[17:02:53] <g> Michiyo, yeah, but that's different
L1456[17:03:08] <g> you're looking after person, person isn't going to sell house on you
L1457[17:03:17] <Michiyo> He might :p
L1458[17:03:31] <Kodos> Mom isn't selling on us, either. We've already got housing lined up. That was taken care of before selling this one was put on the table
L1459[17:03:34] <g> Uhhuh. :P
L1460[17:03:37] <Kodos> And it's a good opportunity for us to downsize
L1461[17:03:37] <Michiyo> Oh man... server 2016 TP 4 is neat
L1462[17:03:49] <g> Kodos: yeah, that makes sense now
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L1465[17:05:57] <Michiyo> all I really need to do is move this IRC client over to "NewBast" and get webmail setup...
L1466[17:06:10] <Michiyo> then start working on the linux VM..s
L1467[17:06:41] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L1468[17:06:59] <Michiyo> Oh man... so many things to build
L1469[17:07:10] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (webchat@108-226-6-195.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
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L1475[17:31:31] * vifino picks up Lizzy and carries her to bed
L1476[17:31:42] * Lizzy falls asleep in vifino's arms
L1477[17:31:49] <vifino> aww :)
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L1502[18:42:25] <^v> Oh noes! chaos split 3:
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L1520[18:45:22] <gamax92> .-.
L1521[18:45:27] <vifino> .-.
L1522[18:45:38] <gamax92> I swear I haven't been playing games for hours no idea where the time went.
L1523[18:50:17] <Turtle> :p
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L1527[19:04:55] zsh sets mode: +o on Michiyo
L1528[19:05:15] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L1529[19:05:22] <Mimiru> yay my rdns hasn't kicked in yet
L1530[19:05:23] <Mimiru> oh well
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L1532[19:06:25] <Michiyo> o/ Hai from new box
L1533[19:08:34] <gamax92> :D
L1534[19:08:42] <Michiyo> This is the new windows VM
L1535[19:08:51] <gamax92> D:
L1536[19:09:10] <Michiyo> Oh.. I thought you would be happy gamax92..
L1537[19:09:18] <Michiyo> you were asking about using bast lol
L1538[19:10:35] <gamax92> Well yes it'll work, was just thinking of eos though
L1539[19:11:49] <gamax92> I tried running the server with wine, shit performance and crashes, so yes I'm happy :P
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L1541[19:21:57] <S3> okk
L1542[19:22:13] <S3> anyone know how the analog outputs / inputs work with this integrated circuit stuff?
L1543[19:29:41] <greaser|q> are you talking about the integrated circuits mod
L1544[19:29:42] *** Gavle is now known as Gavle|Away
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L1547[19:35:19] <Terra1> Hi
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L1549[19:36:30] <gamax92> Hi
L1550[19:36:38] <gamax92> please do not connect multiple times
L1551[19:37:15] <vifino> Please donut.
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L1553[19:38:30] <gamax92> ...
L1554[19:38:37] * gamax92 pokes Mimiru
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L1558[19:42:04] <gamax92> it fixed itself :D
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L1560[19:51:54] <Mimiru> Sorry back, had to get food
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L1562[20:04:15] <gamax92> mmm food
L1563[20:04:34] <Mimiru> subway
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L1566[20:31:39] <Mimiru> There...
L1567[20:31:45] <Mimiru> Now I have hexchat on bast.
L1568[20:31:55] <Mimiru> So much nicer
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L1570[20:38:23] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L1571[20:40:47] <Kodos> o/
L1572[20:45:03] <DeanIsaKitty> \o
L1573[20:45:32] <Kodos> Does anyone know if Magneticraft has any sort of multiblock crafting machine, or do they still just have the single block one
L1574[20:46:15] <DeanIsaKitty> Mimiru: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX1wPLjPhlc :P
L1575[20:46:15] <MichiBot> DeanIsaKitty: The Dirty Youth - "Fight" - Official Music Video | length: 3m 13s | Likes: 55081 Dislikes: 1463 Views: 5634339 | by THEDIRTYYOUTH
L1576[20:52:55] <S3> greaser|q, I was
L1577[20:53:09] <S3> and also I think I just discovered how to make FPGAs with it that are scalable in size
L1578[20:53:24] <greaser|q> ah righty
L1579[20:53:29] <S3> by creating a NAND flash like LUT and then just creating a grid of ICs
L1580[20:53:36] <S3> but yes I havern't figured out the analog stuff yet
L1581[20:53:38] <greaser|q> oooh nice
L1582[20:53:43] <Kodos> Can you use ICs in your ICs yet
L1583[20:53:50] <greaser|q> yo dawg
L1584[20:54:19] <S3> the idea I have is to make it so that when you program a cell in the FPGA
L1585[20:54:22] <S3> which is one IC
L1586[20:54:32] <S3> it remembers it is programmed and goes into Read Only mode
L1587[20:54:45] <S3> until you set a clear bit which clears everything like a daisy chain
L1588[20:55:00] <S3> and every single time you resend the data to program
L1589[20:55:11] <S3> it passes it to the next IC in a horrizontal - vertical fashion
L1590[20:55:22] <S3> so you write the whole thing at once
L1591[20:55:23] <S3> but
L1592[20:55:29] <S3> (easy for an OC computer to do)
L1593[20:55:54] <S3> and the number of gates is somewhat proportional to the size of your IC network
L1594[20:56:20] <S3> I may find a way to make it so that you have more than one LUT per IC
L1595[20:56:28] <S3> maybe 4 or 8 or something
L1596[21:00:38] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: geeettttttt dunked on!!!)
L1597[21:03:30] <Kodos> Bleh, I think I'm gonna go take a nap before I change my pack around
L1598[21:03:45] <DeanIsaKitty> Kodos: Good night :P
L1599[21:03:49] <Kodos> Indeed
L1600[21:03:53] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (webchat@108-226-6-195.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L1601[21:08:37] <malcom2073> Pah, I spent quite a while working around the 16 component limit... only to realize that servers can do a great many more, and are a drop-in replacement for computers. Doh
L1602[21:09:38] <Mimiru> yay, session exemptions moved to new IP
L1603[21:17:46] <Saphire> ?
L1604[21:17:51] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (~icedream@212-83-173-97.rev.poneytelecom.eu) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L1607[21:53:10] <Temia> What's this about FPGAs '3'
L1608[21:54:11] <greaser|q> Temia: S3's using the integrated circuits mod and trying to make FPGAs with it
L1609[21:54:27] <Temia> Ooooh.
L1610[22:03:32] ⇦ Quits: Reika (~Reika@reika.kalseki.mods.abrarsyed.me) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L1612[22:03:45] <Saphire> hOI!
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L1614[22:05:08] * Saphire hides under table before Temia grabs the axe
L1615[22:05:27] * Temia is under the table already. With the axe drawn. +_+
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L1620[22:20:41] <sugoi> gamax92: hello. found a difference between oc gpu.cpy and ocemu's
L1621[22:21:09] <gamax92> that ocemu's gpu.copy is very incomplete?
L1622[22:21:19] <sugoi> that issue i had was that if you copy past the end of the buffer, you can get nils in the screen
L1623[22:21:31] <gamax92> ahh
L1624[22:21:41] <sugoi> part of me wants to fix ocemu's, part of me wants to make my gpu code safe
L1625[22:21:59] <gamax92> both
L1626[22:22:00] <gamax92> :P
L1627[22:22:03] <sugoi> fair
L1628[22:22:44] <sugoi> also, side note. scary day. 10% reduction at work todaya
L1629[22:22:47] <sugoi> today*
L1630[22:22:55] <sugoi> 925 people to be let go
L1631[22:22:59] <sugoi> we don't know who yet
L1632[22:23:08] <sugoi> i may find myself with a LOT of time to work on openos
L1633[22:23:21] <Mimiru> Oh damn sugoi... best of luck
L1634[22:23:29] <sugoi> thanks :)
L1635[22:24:11] <sugoi> http://dailyreadlist.com/article/autodesk-announces-925-layoffs-10-of-its-workfo-4
L1636[22:24:31] <sugoi> i guess this is the better link http://venturebeat.com/2016/02/03/autodesk-announces-929-layoffs-10-of-its-workforce-as-part-of-restructuring-plan/
L1637[22:35:27] <DeanIsaKitty> sugoi: That sounds nasty. Good luck from me too.
L1638[22:36:07] <sugoi> i appreciate it. we're supposed to just wait for meeting invites from our management. my boss wasn't in the office today, i just at this moment had a chat window open to ping him....and closed it not wanting to know :)
L1639[22:37:32] <sugoi> gamax92: so i think the issue lies with line 585 and 586 of screen_sdl2.lua
L1640[22:37:41] <sugoi> it is assuming tx and ty are within boundaries
L1641[22:37:59] <sugoi> but if, say, tx is width+1, then mx1==mx2==width
L1642[22:38:07] <sugoi> and then copy at x-x1-tx is nil
L1643[22:38:32] <sugoi> maybe a if tx < 1 or tx >= width...type thing would do
L1644[22:38:39] <sugoi> (for each, of course)
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