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L1[00:03:21] ⇦ Quits: Temportalist (uid37180@id-37180.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L2[00:03:36] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-66-69-96-209.satx.res.rr.com)
L3[00:05:52] ⇨ Joins: terminal3 (~terminal3@
L4[00:06:18] <terminal3> hello
L5[00:07:10] <Izaya> hi
L6[00:10:57] ⇨ Joins: terminal1 (~terminal1@
L7[00:11:07] <terminal1> hello
L8[00:11:10] <terminal1> who
L9[00:12:14] <cord> <Roadcrosser> where
L10[00:13:25] <terminal3> hello terminal 1
L11[00:13:48] <cord> <Roadcrosser> what
L12[00:14:18] <Roadcrosser> I feel like this would be against the esper charter
L13[00:16:38] ⇦ Quits: terminal1 (~terminal1@ (Quit: terminal1)
L14[00:19:23] ⇨ Joins: Xal (~Xal@S0106881fa12987ab.vw.shawcable.net)
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L24[01:16:47] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@
L25[01:17:34] <cord> <SentientTurtle> o/
L26[01:19:24] ⇦ Quits: Sulljason (webchat@c-24-23-9-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L27[01:19:38] <Izaya> \o
L28[01:21:14] <Kubuxu> Whoever is using btrfs, update to 4.4 (at least rc1) http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-btrfs/msg49766.html
L29[01:21:36] <Kubuxu> I've got this issue for a while, it hard to track.
L30[01:23:47] <Kubuxu> It isn't backported yet.
L31[01:31:08] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L32[01:35:44] ⇦ Quits: v^Laptop (~ping@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L33[01:37:36] *** v^ is now known as ping
L34[01:37:36] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
L35[01:37:40] *** ping is now known as v^
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L38[01:49:42] ⇦ Quits: Stary2001 (Stary2001@praise.ipv6.fossil.stary2001.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L39[01:49:51] ⇦ Quits: Lumien (Elite13049@ipv6.6.sigma.elitebnc.org) (Quit: EliteBNC free bnc service - http://elitebnc.org - be a part of the Elite!)
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L50[01:57:24] ⇨ Joins: Naomi (Naomi@eos.pc-logix.com)
L51[01:57:54] <Izaya> Elite: Dangerous reminds me of Starfighter: Disputed Galaxy
L52[02:00:00] ⇨ Joins: Shuudoushi (Shuudoushi@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L53[02:00:16] ⇨ Joins: ConcernedHobbit (me@irc.concernedhobbit.eu)
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L56[02:51:38] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L57[02:51:56] <cord> <Elizabeth> @Roadcrosser what would be against Esper Charter?
L58[02:53:00] <cord> <Elizabeth> also woo for being able to seemlessly use discord text chat whilst in work
L59[02:53:25] <Sandra> There's a thing against bridge bots iirx
L60[02:53:31] <cord> <Roadcrosser> I'm assuming terminal1 and 3 was someone testing
L61[02:53:36] <v^> Sandra, they need to be voiced
L62[02:53:42] <Sandra> Ah.
L63[02:53:59] <cord> <Roadcrosser> Using ingame terminals
L64[02:54:23] <cord> <Roadcrosser> At the same time I remembered when someone told me this kind of thing was against the charter
L65[02:54:27] <v^> Sandra, also they cant use one nick for each person on the other end, i think forgeirc does that by default
L66[02:54:38] <cord> <Roadcrosser> Earlier I looked through it and could find nothing of the sort though
L67[02:54:40] <cord> <Elizabeth> were they both from the same hostmask? (laptop is stil starting up so can only see discord atm
L68[02:54:44] <cord> <Roadcrosser> So I'm not sure
L69[02:55:00] <cord> <Roadcrosser> He was on irc and cord doesn't show join messages
L70[02:55:08] <cord> <Elizabeth> i know
L71[02:55:10] <cord> <Roadcrosser> IP was the same though
L72[02:55:23] <cord> <Roadcrosser> I'm on my phone now
L73[02:55:36] <cord> <Roadcrosser> I was browsing reddit until I got pinged
L74[02:55:53] <cord> <Elizabeth> my laptop's fully started now so i can check there
L75[02:56:56] <Sandra> Also I'm going to the midnight showing of ep 7 in 4 hours. :D
L76[02:57:08] <Izaya> I have some friends that are going
L77[02:57:32] <Izaya> tfw wasn't invited
L78[02:57:40] ⇦ Quits: t3hero (~t3hero@2601:202:200:fb50:bdb7:a3f7:1500:7590) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L79[02:58:15] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@
L80[02:58:18] <cord> <Roadcrosser> What show
L81[02:58:38] <cord> <Roadcrosser> Also, opm finale next week
L82[02:58:47] <Elizabeth> meh, if someone sees the terminalX users again (if there's more than one) please point them to the channel rules in the topic
L83[02:58:51] <Sandra> Star wars.
L84[02:59:17] <cord> <Roadcrosser> oh yeah
L85[03:00:16] ⇦ Quits: DFrostedWang (~DFrostedW@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L86[03:00:27] <cord> <Roadcrosser> It's the same day when LOK finale came out a year ago
L87[03:00:52] <cord> <Roadcrosser> New xkcd
L88[03:01:22] <cord> <Roadcrosser> Haha
L89[03:01:37] ⇨ Joins: ICWiener (~DFrostedW@
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L97[03:24:13] ⇦ Quits: ^vDoge (~mooooon@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L100[03:29:26] * vifino kisses Elizabeth and curls up on her
L101[03:29:46] * Elizabeth pets vifino
L102[03:29:55] * vifino purrs
L103[03:35:13] <v^> Elizabeth, your old acc still has doge on it
L104[03:36:51] <Elizabeth> huh, which one was that?
L105[03:36:59] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@
L106[03:37:07] <v^> JoshTheEnder
L107[03:37:31] <Elizabeth> huh, is there any way you can transfer that to my current one?
L108[03:37:35] <v^> yah
L109[03:37:55] <v^> $> req("move","esper-JoshTheEnder","esper-Lizzy")
L110[03:37:56] <^vDoge> v^, cli error: move "fromaccount" "toaccount" amount ( minconf "comment" ) | Move a specified amount from one account in your wallet to another. | Arguments: | 1. "fromaccount" (string, required) The name of the account to move funds from. May be the default account using "". | 2. "toaccount" (string, required) The name of the account to move funds to. May be the default account using "". | 3. minconf (numeric, optional, def
L111[03:38:03] <v^> $> req("move","esper-JoshTheEnder","esper-Lizzy",5000)
L112[03:38:03] <^vDoge> v^, true
L113[03:38:04] <v^> derp
L114[03:38:06] <v^> there u go
L115[03:38:18] <v^> its 4 am so i gtg bed
L116[03:38:21] <v^> o/
L117[03:38:32] <Elizabeth> o/ bai
L118[03:53:42] ⇨ Joins: Sulljason (webchat@c-24-23-9-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
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L120[04:03:40] <Izaya> http://www.simonstalenhag.se/bilderbig/thelan_1920.jpg
L121[04:06:13] <Roadcrosser> neat
L122[04:07:48] <Izaya> http://www.simonstalenhag.se/index.html
L123[04:08:04] <Roadcrosser> ,#
L124[04:08:10] <Roadcrosser> ♥
L125[04:33:10] ⇨ Joins: hitecnologys (~hitecnolo@
L126[04:38:19] <Turtle> Someone remind me why I need a bot to copy over appointments from microsoft exchange to google calendar?
L127[04:38:55] <Izaya> you made the mistake of using a microsoft product?
L128[04:39:20] <Turtle> Well I made the mistake of choosing a uni using a microsoft product
L129[04:39:26] <Turtle> i.e. all of them in the god damn country
L130[04:40:53] ⇦ Quits: Sulljason (webchat@c-24-23-9-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L131[04:41:03] ⇨ Joins: Sulljason (webchat@c-24-23-9-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L132[04:41:06] <Turtle> to explain, they use some weird internal calendar for stuff, which can be exported to their microsoft exchange server
L133[04:41:34] <Turtle> except because microsoft I can't point exchange at google calendar, so I have to have a bot 'manually' read out each appointment, and make a new equivalent one in google calendar
L134[04:41:39] <cord> <Roadcrosser> microsoft has the monopoly on schools
L135[04:41:42] <Turtle> all because their exchange server hates my android phone
L136[04:42:01] <Sulljason> When I was in school they pretty much all had Macs.
L137[04:42:05] <Izaya> oh fun times
L138[04:42:18] <Sulljason> Those weird fruity colored Macs.
L139[04:42:21] <cord> <Roadcrosser> hhrrrrh
L140[04:42:26] <Izaya> I'm constructing a linux lab at school out of all the written-off machines
L141[04:42:31] <cord> <Roadcrosser> apple's only good product is the iphone
L142[04:42:35] <cord> <Roadcrosser> and maybe earpods
L143[04:42:41] <cord> <Roadcrosser> ipads are kinda eugh
L144[04:42:43] <Izaya> iOS is pretty bad IMO
L145[04:42:49] <Izaya> but everyone to their own
L146[04:42:52] <Sulljason> whats with the '<cord>'
L147[04:42:55] <Izaya> if it works for the user...
L148[04:42:56] <cord> <Roadcrosser> terrible
L149[04:43:02] <cord> <Roadcrosser> It's terrible to modify
L150[04:43:04] <Izaya> Sulljason, it's a bot to bridge from Discord
L151[04:43:07] <Roadcrosser> bridge bot
L152[04:43:10] <Roadcrosser> for discord
L153[04:43:19] <Roadcrosser> because we totally have a discord
L154[04:43:28] <cord> <Roadcrosser> yeah definitely, what he said
L155[04:43:35] <Roadcrosser> iOS has terrible user customizability
L156[04:43:42] <Izaya> I'd much prefer a cheap Android phone I can stick CyanogenMod on than an iOS device I can sort of almost kinda maybe get some control over
L157[04:43:42] <Turtle> it does?
L158[04:43:47] <Roadcrosser> but I jailbroke mine
L159[04:43:51] <Turtle> I thought that was the point of ios, being pretty pretty to end users
L160[04:44:09] <Roadcrosser> iOS is the only mobile device I can use to play FTL
L161[04:44:17] <Izaya> Turtle, it's pretty if you like Apple's design style
L162[04:44:23] <Turtle> "Look, it's pretty pretty it's good" - apple users before I can murder them
L163[04:44:26] <Roadcrosser> which I somehow base a lot of my decisions on
L164[04:44:33] <Izaya> FTL is fun
L165[04:44:44] <vifino> I use an iphone. 1v1
L166[04:44:52] <Roadcrosser> I even decided to get a new monitor just so I could play ftl
L167[04:45:07] <Roadcrosser> iPhons are only usable for me if I jailbreak them
L168[04:45:11] <Izaya> I wonder how hard it would be to get qemu-system-arm to emulate the iPhone hardware
L169[04:45:17] <Izaya> and then run that on ARM
L170[04:45:27] <Izaya> and run iOS on rooted Android
L171[04:45:36] <vifino> Roadcrosser: Duh.
L172[04:45:41] <Roadcrosser> yeah
L173[04:45:47] <vifino> They are just expensive bricks without jailbreaking them.
L174[04:45:53] <Roadcrosser> exactly
L175[04:45:56] <Izaya> It would almost definitely be above my level of wizardry
L176[04:46:47] <Izaya> but hey, if it works for the user \o/
L177[04:47:28] <Roadcrosser> I wonder if I can turn my raspi into a phone
L178[04:47:51] <Izaya> do SIM expansion things support calls?
L179[04:48:54] <vifino> Izaya: if you mean 3g dongles, some.
L180[04:49:15] <vifino> a few more if you unlock the function.
L181[04:49:19] <Izaya> well that works too then
L182[04:49:28] <Izaya> "well, it shouldn't, but it does."
L183[04:49:33] <vifino> Exactly.
L184[04:49:52] <vifino> that's how I kinda got my tmobile 3g dongle to make calls.
L185[04:50:04] <vifino> 'cept I ain't got no sim card.
L186[04:50:25] <Izaya> that would make it somewhat redundant
L187[04:50:41] <vifino> I'd totally hook it up to asterisk and make it call or text me on uptime issues.
L188[04:50:57] <Izaya> that'd be cool
L189[04:51:01] <Izaya> or even better
L190[04:51:16] <Izaya> make it listen for texts, and if possible make it make calls when you send the right text
L191[04:51:21] <Izaya> so you can escape from conversations
L192[04:51:31] <vifino> haha, perfect.
L193[04:52:59] ⇨ Joins: Ivoah (~Ivoah@p-68-237-136-19.dsl1.rtr.chat.fpma.frpt.net)
L194[04:53:04] <vifino> Well, to escape conversations, I just tell the one I am talking with to shut the hell up. That, or some lie I make up on the spot.
L195[04:53:40] <Izaya> *sniff sniff* Can you smell ozone?
L196[04:53:43] <Izaya> I think I can.
L197[04:53:48] <Izaya> I should probably check on that.
L198[04:53:58] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L199[04:54:31] <Izaya> Works for me.
L200[04:54:35] <Izaya> Once or twice, anyway
L201[04:56:16] ⇦ Quits: Ivoah (~Ivoah@p-68-237-136-19.dsl1.rtr.chat.fpma.frpt.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L202[04:56:53] <vifino> Izaya: That... is glorious.
L203[04:56:57] <vifino> I will remember that.
L204[04:57:28] <Izaya> Also, guess what I spent most of today doing?
L205[04:57:58] <vifino> That, or something very similar, like "Hey, do you smell that? Smells like dihydrogen monoxide... Shit, I should check on that."
L206[04:58:34] <Izaya> my english teacher actually trolled the whole class with dihydrogen monoxide once
L207[04:58:38] <vifino> Izaya: Hmm?
L208[04:58:39] <Izaya> then after the big reveal
L209[04:58:40] <vifino> haha
L210[04:58:47] <Izaya> I told them about the flouride in the water
L211[04:58:59] <Izaya> y'know, the industrial waste-grade flouride
L212[04:59:00] <Izaya> anyway
L213[04:59:06] <vifino> lol
L214[04:59:10] <Izaya> I spent today labelling and re-imaging every computer in the school
L215[04:59:17] <vifino> fun.
L216[04:59:26] <Izaya> there's about 850
L217[04:59:32] <Izaya> but it was the last day of the year!
L218[04:59:32] <Izaya> LD
L219[04:59:34] <Izaya> :D
L220[05:00:53] <vifino> haha
L221[05:01:15] <Izaya> also figured out which set of second-gen i5 boxen we can use for the linux lab
L222[05:01:21] <Izaya> the department doesn't make images for them
L223[05:01:30] <Izaya> so we can't use them on the domain
L224[05:02:21] <Izaya> and they're worth too much to just write off
L225[05:02:21] <cord> <Roadcrosser> draw some with mspaint
L226[05:02:40] <Izaya> as such, they're now being dumped on IT to do something with
L227[05:02:43] <Izaya> as such, linux lab
L228[05:05:13] <Izaya> so I have 6 weeks to build a sane autoinstalling debian installer and learn to use salt
L229[05:07:49] <dangranos> ._.
L230[05:07:54] <dangranos> whaaat?
L231[05:09:00] <cord> <Roadcrosser> http://www.duden.de/_media_/full/S/Salzkorn-201020591356.jpg
L232[05:10:58] <dangranos> mispaste?
L233[05:11:06] <vifino> Izaya: glhf
L234[05:11:41] <Roadcrosser> no
L235[05:11:49] <Roadcrosser> It's salzkorn
L236[05:11:53] <Roadcrosser> saaalt
L237[05:15:20] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L238[05:15:37] <Izaya> okay so I now have an autoinstall image that requires 0 input
L239[05:15:47] <Izaya> next thing next, can I load the installer into RAM?
L240[05:18:58] ⇦ Quits: calclavia (uid15812@2001:67c:2f08:6::3dc4) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L241[05:20:22] <vifino> oh damn, pi2 is building guile
L242[05:20:49] ⇨ Joins: ven000m (~bitlbee@root.capsload.it)
L243[05:22:15] <Izaya> some years later
L244[05:22:27] <Roadcrosser> pi2?
L245[05:25:43] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@
L246[05:27:05] <Izaya> Anyone remember the old Minecraft youtubers
L247[05:27:07] <Izaya> ?
L248[05:27:19] <Izaya> AdamazoneTopMarks, SSLithuania...
L249[05:27:21] <ven000m> No
L250[05:28:21] <Izaya> It just seems sad, most of them have stopped doing their stuff
L251[05:28:41] <Izaya> AdamazoneTopMarks being GameChap (and Bertie)
L252[05:29:09] <Izaya> The last MC video they did was over a year ago
L253[05:29:14] <ven000m> you got a video of them playing really early mc?
L254[05:30:36] <Izaya> they used to do mod videos
L255[05:30:43] <Roadcrosser> gamechap
L256[05:30:54] <Roadcrosser> to quote lewis "Those guys were assholes"
L257[05:31:15] <ven000m> yeah, send a link Izaya
L258[05:31:29] <Izaya> look it up yourself
L259[05:31:37] <Izaya> I closed that tab like 5 minutes ago
L260[05:31:54] <Roadcrosser> isn't their channel mostly "Two guys talking in cockney accents too fast for you to parse while doing stuff related to anime and boobs"
L261[05:31:54] <Izaya> vifino, you have a ProLiant, right?
L262[05:32:01] <Izaya> (is that how you spell it?)
L263[05:33:01] <vifino> Izaya: I do. And yes.
L264[05:33:12] <Izaya> What gen?
L265[05:33:16] <vifino> G5.
L266[05:33:22] <Izaya> oic
L267[05:33:46] <vifino> Nehalem :/
L268[05:35:24] <Izaya> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLhlY61ho-Y
L269[05:35:25] <MichiBot> Izaya: EEVblog #691 - Dumpster Dive Xeon Servers | length: 17m 40s | Likes: 1969 Dislikes: 80 Views: 134575 | by EEVblog
L270[05:42:05] <ven000m> who do you prefer to watch Izaya
L271[05:42:11] <ven000m> Adamzon or SSLithuania?
L272[05:42:25] <Izaya> I haven't watched either in literal years
L273[05:43:31] <Izaya> :3 so I have a debian instllation image that I don't even have to touch once the machine boots
L274[05:44:27] <ven000m> and? :D
L275[05:45:30] <Izaya> and that means, once I finish configuring GRUB, I can load an installer image into RAM and then remove the USB
L276[05:45:43] <Izaya> and boot both 32 and 64-bit installer image
L277[05:45:45] <Izaya> s
L278[06:07:47] <Turtle> :P
L279[06:20:20] <malcom2073> You know, I believe that. I got my G7 from a place that was throwing it away
L280[06:20:25] <malcom2073> re: the EEVblog video
L281[06:21:40] <Izaya> Dumpster diving is great when you have somewhere to do so
L282[06:21:46] <Izaya> my grandad used to do it on the gold coast
L283[06:22:24] <Izaya> my last computer was assembled from either written-off or salvaged parts
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L293[07:43:38] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p5DEC6C74.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L294[07:43:52] <Inari> ohis
L295[07:43:55] <Turtle> o/
L296[07:44:06] <Inari> so how do i tell gradle "i already DLed that for you"? :p
L297[07:44:39] <Turtle> compile files
L298[07:44:52] <Inari> hm?
L299[07:45:29] <Turtle> 2s
L300[07:45:31] <Inari> basically I dled resonantengine
L301[07:45:41] <Inari> and want to tell it that it doesnt have to DL that to compile OC
L302[07:45:49] <Turtle> compile files ("lib/CoFHLib.jar")
L303[07:45:55] <Turtle> is that I use for Cofhlib
L304[07:46:50] <Turtle> *what
L305[07:48:10] <Magik6k> o/
L306[07:48:18] <Magik6k> Sangar, u here?
L307[07:48:44] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L308[07:49:57] <Inari> Turtle: uh.. in dependencies?
L309[07:50:06] <Turtle> yep
L310[07:50:38] <Inari> and i suppose i remove " provided "dev.calclavia.resonantengine:resonant-engine:${config.re.version}:dev""
L311[07:51:04] ⇨ Joins: Kevin (~kevin@99-96-57-112.lightspeed.milwwi.sbcglobal.net)
L312[07:51:54] <Kevin> is there a tabbed terminal app (similar to what cc does, or something like screen) written for opencomputers yet?
L313[07:54:02] <Inari> not that i've seen, but i dont see much :P
L314[08:01:01] <Kevin> where can I change the amount of text returned before it's truncated with "..."?
L315[08:01:12] <cord> <Roadcrosser> …
L316[08:01:23] <Roadcrosser> …
L317[08:02:36] <Inari> sigh
L318[08:02:39] <Inari> why cant stuff ever just work
L319[08:02:43] <Roadcrosser> ikr
L320[08:02:59] <Inari> "To compile OC just do this", yeah, no
L321[08:03:07] <Inari> "To use notenoughkeys put this into your build.gradel"
L322[08:03:08] <Inari> errors
L323[08:03:09] <Inari> <.<
L324[08:03:17] <cord> <Roadcrosser> That's why you use Apple™ Products that Just Works™
L325[08:03:42] <Inari> for some reason ti doesnt like that compile dev.modwarriors.notenoughkeys:NotEnoughKeys:1.7.10-3.+:deobf xD
L326[08:03:50] <Alissa> Kevin: if #text > text_length then text = text:sub(1, text_length - 3) .. "..." end
L327[08:03:53] <Alissa> Kevin: ^
L328[08:04:02] <Inari> i'll just put quotes around it
L329[08:04:51] <Kevin> Alissa: what file is that in?
L330[08:05:21] <Alissa> Oh, I thought you meant in Lua.
L331[08:05:34] <Kevin> I do
L332[08:05:58] <Alissa> Just put that where your text is that you want to truncate
L333[08:06:10] <Kevin> I just searched through both the hard drive contents and the mod source and I can't find that line
L334[08:06:22] <Kevin> Alissa: it already truncates the text, I want it to NOT do so
L335[08:06:36] <Alissa> oh
L336[08:06:39] <Alissa> idunno then
L337[08:06:44] <Alissa> what program does that?
L338[08:06:45] <cord> <Mimiru> "it".. what is "it"?
L339[08:09:20] <Roadcrosser> huh
L340[08:09:40] <Kevin> found it
L341[08:09:41] <Kevin> $ grep -r '\"\.\.\.\"' .
L342[08:09:41] <Kevin> ./init.lua: status("Booting " .. _OSVERSION .. "...")
L343[08:09:41] <Kevin> ./lib/serialization.lua: return result:sub(1, truncate) .. "..."
L344[08:09:59] <Kevin> still haven't found the screen equivalent, as it's not searchable :(
L345[08:11:30] <Kevin> the terminal cannot be scrolled, correct?
L346[08:13:41] <Inari> Turtle: whys it still trying to DL NeK though
L347[08:13:55] <Turtle> vOv you did something else bad then
L348[08:14:02] <Turtle> because compile files shouldn't try to dl shit
L349[08:14:07] <Inari> oh right
L350[08:14:08] <Inari> it shoudl
L351[08:14:21] <Inari> well this one is just "compile "dev.modwarriors.notenoughkeys:NotEnoughKeys:1.7.10-3.+:deobf""
L352[08:14:23] <Inari> so thats fine :P
L353[08:14:27] <Izaya> so, anyone know how I would go about chainloading a partition (that WILL change) with no decent identifiers because it's an iso image attached to a partition?
L354[08:15:20] <Inari> NeK mavne broke too
L355[08:15:22] <Inari> sheeeesh
L356[08:16:09] <Inari> so uh
L357[08:16:13] <Inari> how im supposed to get nek now
L358[08:16:14] <Inari> <.<
L359[08:18:23] <Inari> is there like a... maven repo viewer
L360[08:19:03] <cord> <Mimiru> Yes, it's usually called a "Web Browser" :p
L361[08:19:36] <Inari> so if web browser says 403, maven broke? xD
L362[08:19:41] <cord> <Mimiru> Yes
L363[08:19:47] <cord> <Mimiru> Or, they have it locked down
L364[08:19:51] <Inari> so much broken
L365[08:19:52] <cord> <Mimiru> because they're annoying pricks
L366[08:19:58] <Magik6k> Inari, try getting pom.xml
L367[08:20:06] <cord> <Mimiru> ^
L368[08:21:36] <Inari> no clue how i'd get that
L369[08:21:54] <Magik6k> what url are you trying to get now?
L370[08:22:14] <Inari> http://ci.builtbroken.com/maven/dev/modwarriors/notenoughkeys/NotEnoughKeys/1.7.10-3.0.0b15/NotEnoughKeys-1.7.10-3.0.0b15-deobf.jar apparently
L371[08:23:07] <Magik6k> lel, there is no pom.xml.. wat
L372[08:23:12] <cord> <Mimiru> gg
L373[08:23:21] <Magik6k> ummmmm
L374[08:23:24] <Magik6k> http://ci.builtbroken.com/
L375[08:23:37] <cord> <Mimiru> lmao
L376[08:24:15] <cord> * Elizabeth is back from jumping between sites
L377[08:24:47] <cord> <Mimiru> o/ @Elizabeth
L378[08:25:22] <Inari> yeah im asking in #BuiltBroken what happened to that
L379[08:25:27] <Inari> seems everyone asleep currentyl though
L380[08:25:30] <Inari> so.... lunchtime!
L381[08:26:28] <Inari> %tell Vexatos so far machine.scala isnt that bad, but i only looked into it slightly, whats your favourite parT?
L382[08:26:28] <MichiBot> Inari: Vexatos will be notified of this message when next seen.
L383[08:26:34] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L384[08:27:13] <cord> <Elizabeth> \o @Mimiru
L385[08:29:03] <cord> <Mimiru> How goesd
L386[08:29:06] <cord> <Mimiru> goes too
L387[08:30:54] <cord> <Elizabeth> Not bad, configured the B end of one of our external site links today in preperation from whenever BT decide to actually do what they were asked (we wanted the ethernet ports on the link boxes mad ...
L388[08:31:15] <cord> <Mimiru> Sounds fun
L389[08:31:42] <cord> <Mimiru> I tore an LCD apart to figure out what size caps I need to replace... sadly I don't have any
L390[08:33:01] <cord> <Mimiru> Also, I can no longer stand the taste of Soda... :(
L391[08:33:13] <cord> * Elizabeth likes Pepsi Max
L392[08:33:16] <cord> <Mimiru> Which makes me sad, I LOVE Vanilla Coke...
L393[08:33:21] <cord> <Mimiru> and I can't stand the taste anymore.
L394[08:33:22] <cord> <Mimiru> q_q
L395[08:33:22] * Magik6k wonders what in on the other side of that cord
L396[08:33:35] <cord> <Elizabeth> Discord
L397[08:33:39] <Mimiru> %discord
L398[08:33:40] <Elizabeth> %discord
L399[08:33:42] <MichiBot> Mimiru: https://discord.gg/0hVukoQ2KYifZFCA
L400[08:33:43] <Mimiru> :P
L401[08:33:45] <MichiBot> Elizabeth: https://discord.gg/0hVukoQ2KYifZFCA
L402[08:34:02] <Magik6k> lel
L403[08:35:11] <cord> <Mimiru> o/ @M6k
L404[08:35:13] <Magik6k> noice
L405[08:35:19] <cord> <Mimiru> Oh, and he left right before I pinged :P
L406[08:35:41] <cord> <M6k> \o
L407[08:35:46] <cord> <Mimiru> heh
L408[08:38:43] <cord> <Mimiru> Bleh... I'm hungry
L409[08:40:39] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L410[08:41:27] <Magik6k> Dat can be noice: http://news.stanford.edu/pr/2015/pr-n3xt-computing-structure-120915.html
L411[08:42:11] <cord> <Elizabeth> Right, now out to get food
L412[08:42:21] <cord> <Mimiru> @Elizabeth pick me up something please?
L413[08:47:29] <malcom2073> Magik6k: For some reason, that reminds me of this: http://i41.tinypic.com/jttgup.jpg
L414[08:47:35] <malcom2073> Which we all know, is the beginning of the end times
L415[08:53:16] <cord> * Elizabeth hands @Mimiru a portion of chips
L416[08:53:24] <cord> <Elizabeth> or french fries
L417[08:53:25] <cord> <Mimiru> \o/ Thanks
L418[08:53:29] <cord> <Mimiru> heh either way :P
L419[08:53:30] <cord> <Elizabeth> whatever the hell you call them#
L420[08:59:53] <cord> <Mimiru> Dude I can't wait til Friday...
L421[09:00:04] <cord> <Mimiru> This new Alvin and the Chipmunks is gonna be GREAT
L422[09:00:23] <cord> <Roadcrosser> It'll be a year after LOK finale came out
L423[09:01:44] <Izaya> Mimiru, not Star Wars?
L424[09:01:52] <cord> <Mimiru> Star wats?
L425[09:02:10] <malcom2073> Star Spoilers
L426[09:02:11] <Izaya> Episode 7
L427[09:02:20] <cord> <Roadcrosser> It's funny how movies come out on the same day
L428[09:02:21] <Izaya> I have a few friends going to see it tonight
L429[09:02:24] <Izaya> they should be there now
L430[09:02:26] <cord> <Elizabeth> Wat wars
L431[09:02:27] <cord> <Mimiru> Episode 7?! wow...
L432[09:02:35] <cord> <Roadcrosser> I remember that the last alvin and the chipmunks came out on christmas day
L433[09:02:45] <cord> <Roadcrosser> apparently
L434[09:02:54] <cord> <Roadcrosser> even though the wiki says otherwise
L435[09:03:18] <malcom2073> change it, if you're wrong, someone will change it back
L436[09:03:23] <malcom2073> :P
L437[09:03:49] <cord> <Mimiru> Yes... I of course mean Star Wars..
L438[09:04:00] <cord> <Elizabeth> no you dont
L439[09:04:05] <cord> <Elizabeth> :P
L440[09:04:06] <cord> <Mimiru> I've worn out many a copy of the Original Trillogy on VHS as a kid.
L441[09:04:18] <cord> <Mimiru> Were it not for the wonders of Digital Copies I'd be broke replacing them.
L442[09:04:34] <Izaya> tfw taped The Clone Wars on VHS
L443[09:04:42] <cord> <Roadcrosser> But it's possible the regional release was on christmas for my region
L444[09:05:12] <cord> <Roadcrosser> There's also an Alvin and the Chipmunks TV show
L445[09:05:24] <cord> <Roadcrosser> there seem to be a lot of Movie based tv shows nowadays
L446[09:05:36] <Izaya> wait it's not friday there Mimiru?
L447[09:05:38] <cord> <Mimiru> I used to watch thr AatC TV show as a kid..
L448[09:05:40] <cord> <Roadcrosser> I mean, just look at the TV show avatar that was based on The Last Airbender
L449[09:05:43] <Izaya> whaaaaaaaaaaaat
L450[09:05:48] <cord> <Mimiru> Izaya... erm no... it's Wed.
L451[09:05:53] <Izaya> wait
L452[09:05:57] <Izaya> right
L453[09:05:57] <cord> <Roadcrosser> directed by M Night Schmamalyn or whatever his name was
L454[09:05:58] <Izaya> never mind me
L455[09:06:02] <Izaya> I'm not drunk at all
L456[09:06:06] <cord> <Mimiru> lol
L457[09:06:18] <Izaya> totally not doing crazy shit with debian installers while drunk
L458[09:06:20] * Izaya nods
L459[09:06:28] <cord> <Mimiru> lol....
L460[09:06:36] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/ONzXayZ.png
L461[09:06:41] <cord> * Elizabeth confiscates Izaya's vortex manipulator
L462[09:06:45] ⇦ Quits: cord (~cord@copy.mcft.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L463[09:06:51] <Mimiru> Well... shi
L464[09:06:53] <Mimiru> t
L465[09:07:06] <Izaya> I want that back later :<
L466[09:07:23] <Izaya> tfw friends went to see Star Wars, wasn't invited
L467[09:08:07] <dangranos> what does "nil" means?
L468[09:08:14] <hydraz> It means there's nothing here
L469[09:08:27] <dangranos> i always though that means "Not initialized"
L470[09:08:44] <Izaya> that's the IBM version of the term
L471[09:08:47] * Izaya is sure of it
L472[09:08:48] <Inari> im not sure theres that in lua :P
L473[09:09:00] <Magik6k> ~w unicode
L474[09:09:00] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:unicode
L475[09:09:11] <dangranos> Inari^ haven't coded for OC for a lond time
L476[09:09:14] <dangranos> or lua i guess :D
L477[09:09:16] ⇨ Joins: Corded (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L478[09:09:16] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L479[09:09:17] <Mimiru> test
L480[09:09:22] <Mimiru> K..
L481[09:09:25] <Elizabeth> k
L482[09:09:35] <Mimiru> Not as feature rich as cord... but it'll work
L483[09:09:35] <hydraz> #lua nil
L484[09:09:35] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L485[09:09:58] <Inari> Mimiru: whats it written in? ;o
L486[09:09:59] <Mimiru> Wish I could get "cord" to work..
L487[09:10:03] <Mimiru> Livescript
L488[09:10:09] <Inari> whys cord broken? D:
L489[09:10:18] <hydraz> we have way too many *Script-s already
L490[09:10:28] <hydraz> what's next, deadscript?
L491[09:10:32] <Mimiru> IDK the version on CopyGirl's github doesn't actually relay... the stuff shows up in the log..
L492[09:10:37] <Mimiru> but nothing is ever sent..
L493[09:10:42] <Inari> weird
L494[09:10:43] <Mimiru> it replys to commands on both sides
L495[09:10:47] <Mimiru> so I know it CAN send
L496[09:10:53] <Mimiru> it replies too
L497[09:11:22] <Mimiru> https://github.com/copygirl/cord If you wanna look it over
L498[09:11:42] <Mimiru> I don't wanna open an issue cause they said they don't wanna have to maintain it/support it
L499[09:11:44] <Inari> so uh what does it not relay exactly xD
L500[09:11:50] <Mimiru> Anything....
L501[09:11:59] <Inari> but [16:06:40] <+cord> * Elizabeth confiscates Izaya's vortex manipulator ?.?
L502[09:12:02] <Mimiru> Nothing said on either side gets relayed to the other side
L503[09:12:12] <Mimiru> Yes, the one that CG runs works
L504[09:12:15] <Mimiru> the one on github doesn't
L505[09:12:18] <Inari> oh
L506[09:12:18] <Mimiru> IDK why
L507[09:12:41] <Mimiru> corded is a VERY basic version that has like NONE of the featutres of cord
L508[09:12:47] <Inari> i dont think i even ever heard of livescript
L509[09:12:50] <Mimiru> stuff like /me doesn't work and stuff
L510[09:12:58] ⇨ Joins: Corded1 (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L511[09:13:14] <Corded1> <Mimiru> I wish I could figure out livescript... I'd like to add join/part relay
L512[09:13:23] <Corded1> <Mimiru> so discord users could see join/parts from IRC
L513[09:13:28] <Corded1> <Mimiru> arg
L514[09:13:31] ⇦ Quits: Corded1 (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Client Quit)
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L517[09:13:42] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L518[09:14:52] <Mimiru> Yes.
L519[09:15:12] <Mimiru> Also... The script Corded is running on likes to randomly spawn a clone of itself
L520[09:15:15] <Mimiru> and I dunno why
L521[09:16:06] ⇦ Quits: Corded (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Client Quit)
L522[09:16:10] ⇨ Joins: Corded (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L523[09:16:11] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L524[09:16:16] <Mimiru> Anyway
L525[09:16:20] ⇨ Joins: Xal (~Xal@S0106881fa12987ab.vw.shawcable.net)
L526[09:16:20] <Mimiru> It'll work for now
L527[09:16:51] <Mimiru> Assuming I can get it into the right channels ¬_¬
L528[09:16:53] <Mimiru> come on damn it
L529[09:16:55] ⇦ Quits: Corded (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Client Quit)
L530[09:17:02] ⇨ Joins: Corded (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L531[09:17:02] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L532[09:17:08] <Mimiru> ffs
L533[09:17:16] <Inari> lol
L534[09:17:47] ⇦ Quits: Corded (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Client Quit)
L535[09:17:50] ⇨ Joins: Corded (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L536[09:17:51] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L537[09:17:54] <Mimiru> Helps if I don't typo it
L538[09:18:16] <Elizabeth> ooh, found a python based discord library
L539[09:18:30] <Mimiru> Oh yeah?
L540[09:18:53] <Elizabeth> https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py
L541[09:19:31] ⇦ Quits: Xal (~Xal@S0106881fa12987ab.vw.shawcable.net) (Client Quit)
L542[09:20:24] <Mimiru> Nice..
L543[09:20:32] <Mimiru> I've been tempted to write it directly into MichiBot.. lol
L544[09:20:43] <Mimiru> "Discord4J" lol
L545[09:21:40] ⇨ Joins: Corded1 (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
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L547[09:21:45] ⇦ Quits: Corded (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Remote host closed the connection)
L548[09:21:46] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Krampus
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L550[09:21:48] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L551[09:21:59] ⇨ Joins: Myrex (~Myrex@
L552[09:24:59] <Elizabeth> k, looking more at the examples in that repo it shouldn't be that hard to create a brdige
L553[09:26:39] <Mimiru> Well, if you want to, by all means, one less thing on my todo
L554[09:26:40] <Mimiru> lol
L555[09:26:51] ⇨ Joins: Corded1 (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
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L557[09:27:01] ⇦ Quits: Corded (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Remote host closed the connection)
L558[09:27:04] ⇨ Joins: Corded (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L559[09:27:04] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L560[09:27:05] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L561[09:28:54] <Magik6k> ~w serialization
L562[09:28:54] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:serialization
L563[09:29:17] <Inari> how do you even run cord
L564[09:29:26] <Elizabeth> yep, gonna take a shot at that
L565[09:29:50] * Elizabeth goes to set up a discord account for testing
L566[09:30:26] <Mimiru> Wow yet another reason to hate LexManos... he wants them to remake the Original Trilogy because the prequels use of CGI makes them look bad.
L567[09:31:04] <Inari> i compiled it o js but node doesnt like it
L568[09:31:05] <Inari> :<
L569[09:31:39] <Elizabeth> now how the hell do you log out of the web app...
L570[09:31:49] <Inari> options cogwheel thingy
L571[09:31:57] ⇨ Joins: Corded1 (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L572[09:31:58] <Mimiru> http://paste.pc-logix.com/view/0b4cad5e ¬_¬
L573[09:32:02] <Inari> then account
L574[09:32:06] <Inari> bottom left theres an arrow thingy
L575[09:32:10] <Myrex> can anyone tell me that i did wroin in such simple prograso that it makes whole server lagging? http://pastebin.com/iwEvCPmf
L576[09:32:15] ⇦ Quits: Corded1 (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Client Quit)
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L579[09:32:20] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L580[09:32:42] <Elizabeth> yay, duplicate messages
L581[09:32:45] <Myrex> lots of typos, sorry
L582[09:32:56] <Inari> Mimiru: how did you run it? :o
L583[09:33:08] <Mimiru> lsc discord.ls
L584[09:33:21] <Elizabeth> aha, found the logout button
L585[09:33:22] <Mimiru> well, not the one on cg's github...
L586[09:33:40] <Elizabeth> if i couldn't find it this would have been like SAO
L587[09:33:48] <Mimiru> http://hastebin.com/ofugimupeg.hs
L588[09:34:14] <Inari> thats corded?
L589[09:34:17] <Mimiru> Yes
L590[09:34:22] <Inari> but i mean cord
L591[09:34:23] <Inari> o.o
L592[09:34:30] <Mimiru> CopyGirl's original version of cord.
L593[09:34:34] <Mimiru> how do I run cord?
L594[09:34:36] <Mimiru> lsc cord.ls
L595[09:34:36] <Inari> oh
L596[09:34:50] <Inari> *dls discord.js*
L597[09:35:08] <Mimiru> ls
L598[09:35:10] <Mimiru> not js
L599[09:35:11] <Mimiru> :p
L600[09:35:11] <Mimiru> ls
L601[09:35:16] <Mimiru> er
L602[09:35:17] <Mimiru> nvm
L603[09:35:18] <Mimiru> :P
L604[09:35:45] <Mimiru> BoP 1.8.8
L605[09:35:46] <Mimiru> …
L606[09:35:48] <Myrex> looks like all are busy
L607[09:35:49] <Inari> its right there, stop claiming it isnt
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L612[09:36:20] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L613[09:36:20] <Mimiru> ffs god damn it
L614[09:36:28] <Mimiru> Myrex, I looked at your code.
L615[09:36:30] <Mimiru> it looks ok
L616[09:36:31] <Mimiru> idk.
L617[09:36:37] <Myrex> darn
L618[09:36:52] <Myrex> that code eats half server tick
L619[09:37:23] <Mimiru> On an unrelated note... I keep checking a monitor that no longer sits on my desk...
L620[09:37:24] <Mimiru> lol
L621[09:37:43] <Elizabeth> %discord
L622[09:37:45] <MichiBot> Elizabeth: https://discord.gg/0hVukoQ2KYifZFCA
L623[09:37:47] <Mimiru> My neck also hurts... cause I'm constantly looking hard to the left to the monitor that does exist.
L624[09:38:14] <Evey> Ahh, white theme hurt eyes
L625[09:39:41] <Mimiru> There is a dark theme.
L626[09:39:52] <Evey> i know
L627[09:39:55] <Evey> :P
L628[09:39:58] <Mimiru> :P
L629[09:40:02] ⇨ Joins: Corded1 (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
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L633[09:40:24] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L634[09:40:24] <Mimiru> WHY?
L635[09:40:32] <Elizabeth> lol
L636[09:44:30] <Mimiru> On December 21, 2015 The Death Star will be visible from Alderaan, this will be the only time this ever happens.
L637[09:44:39] <Mimiru> q_q
L638[09:45:33] ⇨ Joins: Corded1 (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
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L640[09:45:45] ⇨ Joins: Sulljason (webchat@c-24-23-9-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L641[09:46:38] <Elizabeth> test
L642[09:46:45] ⇦ Quits: Corded1 (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Client Quit)
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L645[09:46:49] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L646[09:47:08] <Elizabeth> test
L647[09:47:49] <Elizabeth> cool, debug printing works okay. now to test this library a bit more then write an arpritary bot around it
L648[09:49:16] <Elizabeth> annoyingly this library uses asyncio which locks up whatever thread it's in so only it's own stuff works. lets see if i can get around that
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L653[09:50:49] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L654[09:54:08] <Inari> Mimiru: dunno, works foor me xD
L655[09:54:17] <Mimiru> ..?
L656[09:54:21] <Mimiru> which one?
L657[09:54:21] <Inari> as in
L658[09:54:22] <Inari> it relays
L659[09:54:25] <Inari> the oone from github
L660[09:54:32] ⇨ Joins: Corded1 (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
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L662[09:54:39] ⇦ Quits: Corded (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Remote host closed the connection)
L663[09:55:07] <Magik6k> ~w modem
L664[09:55:07] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:modem
L665[09:55:15] ⇨ Joins: Corded (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L666[09:55:15] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L667[09:55:17] <Mimiru> Test
L668[09:55:20] <Mimiru> Err
L669[09:55:26] <Mimiru> What
L670[09:55:39] <Mimiru> Ok.
L671[09:55:43] <Mimiru> It works here
L672[09:55:49] <Inari> "here"?
L673[09:55:50] <Mimiru> but not in my Minecraft channel
L674[09:55:56] <Inari> what minecraft channle
L675[09:56:02] <Mimiru> #PCL-Minecraft
L676[09:57:22] * Mimiru test
L677[09:57:29] <Mimiru> k..
L678[09:57:31] <Mimiru> well then
L679[09:57:40] ⇨ Joins: Ivoah (~Ivoah@p-68-237-136-19.dsl1.rtr.chat.fpma.frpt.net)
L680[09:58:13] *** Mimiru sets mode: +q *!*@copy.mcft.net
L681[09:59:00] <Elizabeth> test
L682[09:59:03] <Elizabeth> hmm
L683[09:59:18] <Elizabeth> there we go
L684[09:59:22] <Elizabeth> nice logging span
L685[09:59:31] <Mimiru> K, lemme start this in screen then
L686[09:59:34] ⇦ Quits: Corded (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Client Quit)
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L688[09:59:48] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L689[10:01:33] <Mimiru> anyway
L690[10:02:03] <Mimiru> So it seems the bot just has an issue with the mc channel
L691[10:02:10] <Mimiru> wonder if it's the "-"
L692[10:04:04] <Pwootage> Mooorning
L693[10:04:09] <Mimiru> o/ @Pwootage
L694[10:04:38] <Pwootage> Is there an easy way to get a git.io link so I don't have to link this huge long url in an issue?
L695[10:04:43] <Pwootage> I've never shortened on github before
L696[10:04:51] <Mimiru> I have a chrome addon for it
L697[10:05:03] <Pwootage> oh I'll get that then
L698[10:05:08] <Mimiru> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gitio-url-shortener/baceaeopmlhkjbljoiinmbnnmpokgiml?hl=en
L699[10:05:31] <Mimiru> then you just click the little icon in the URL bar when on github
L700[10:06:30] <Elizabeth> @Evey hai
L701[10:06:47] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C8798.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L702[10:06:47] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L703[10:07:31] <Elizabeth> k, there be a lot of console spam when you turn on debug logging
L704[10:07:37] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C8798.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L705[10:09:37] <Pwootage> Are you surprised?
L706[10:09:47] <Elizabeth> nope
L707[10:09:54] <Pwootage> :P
L708[10:10:02] <Pwootage> I wonder if you can turn off auto-emoji in discord
L709[10:10:18] <Elizabeth> you can
L710[10:11:27] <Pwootage> I don't see where
L711[10:11:34] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E14A467BCDDFD441C973735.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L712[10:11:35] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L713[10:11:48] * Vexatos vifino poke
L714[10:11:52] <Evey> settings > text and images
L715[10:12:17] <Pwootage> I don't see anuthing about emoji there, I wonder if I'm out of date
L716[10:12:17] <vifino> Vexatos: Hmm?
L717[10:12:40] <Vexatos> vifino, y ur server ded
L718[10:12:45] <vifino> what?
L719[10:12:56] <Vexatos> vifino, http://wiki.vex.tty.sh/
L720[10:13:07] <Pwootage> Ah, I was
L721[10:13:09] <Pwootage> ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
L722[10:13:18] <Vexatos> it 5xxes again <3
L723[10:13:34] <vifino> the fuck
L724[10:13:59] <Mimiru> /me happily browses wiki.vexatos.com :p
L725[10:14:08] <Vexatos> Mimiru, yup, praise the mirror
L726[10:14:10] <Mimiru> Also booo no /me on mobil didcord still
L727[10:14:33] <Mimiru> S
L728[10:14:37] <Mimiru> So many typos
L729[10:14:41] <Mimiru> -_-
L730[10:14:45] <Elizabeth> and there, i updated @Evey's profile pic
L731[10:14:51] <Mimiru> Heh
L732[10:15:59] <Elizabeth> http://puu.sh/lXMDj/d0dffd6363.png
L733[10:16:11] <Elizabeth> brb
L734[10:16:30] <Mimiru> How... verbose
L735[10:16:36] <Elizabeth> indeed
L736[10:17:11] <vifino> 2015/12/16 16:16:14 [error] 13410#0: *20 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: wiki.vex.tty.sh, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "wiki.vex.tty.sh"
L737[10:17:20] <vifino> Fun, hhvm fucked up. Like alwys.
L738[10:17:22] <Mimiru> 200 indeed.... fuckin bot
L739[10:18:27] <vifino> oh, great. hhvm segfaults.
L740[10:18:54] <Elizabeth> 300 was a good film
L741[10:20:59] <vifino> You know what, hhvm? Fuck you.
L742[10:21:15] <Roadcrosser> si, si, si!
L743[10:21:26] <vifino> Vexatos: What php version do you need/want?
L744[10:21:53] <Roadcrosser> terrible joke
L745[10:22:20] <Vexatos> vifino, https://www.dokuwiki.org/install:php
L746[10:22:26] <Vexatos> does that help?
L747[10:22:55] <vifino> No, no it doesn't.
L748[10:23:35] <Vexatos> hmmm
L749[10:25:04] <vifino> "No input file specified. "
L750[10:25:08] <vifino> Fuck. You. PHP.
L751[10:25:29] <Vexatos> Perfect Hate Producer.
L752[10:26:50] <vifino> Indeed.
L753[10:28:31] <Pwootage> Friends don't let friend write PHP
L754[10:28:55] <Mimiru> Fuck... I think I rolled my eyes so hard I detached a retina
L755[10:29:55] <Pwootage> Uh, if I'm opening a pull request, I should do it against the onesix branch, I assume?
L756[10:30:33] <Mimiru> It depends... would you like to see your fix in a build before the new year?
L757[10:30:33] <Mimiru> :P
L758[10:30:52] <Pwootage> Well it depends if there's another build of 1.5 going to be made :P
L759[10:31:05] * Mimiru asks Sangar
L760[10:31:12] <Mimiru> %seen Sangar
L761[10:31:13] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Sangar was last seen 19h 12m 40s ago.
L762[10:31:14] ⇦ Quits: Ivoah (~Ivoah@p-68-237-136-19.dsl1.rtr.chat.fpma.frpt.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L763[10:31:25] <Mimiru> Seems I'm 19 hours too late for that
L764[10:31:31] <Mimiru> or.... ?? hours too early
L765[10:31:45] ⇨ Joins: Ivoah (~Ivoah@p-68-237-136-19.dsl1.rtr.chat.fpma.frpt.net)
L766[10:34:14] <Pwootage> 19 hours seems like a "it's almost time for him to get on today" sort of time to me
L767[10:35:26] <Mimiru> maybe
L768[10:35:34] ⇦ Quits: Ivoah (~Ivoah@p-68-237-136-19.dsl1.rtr.chat.fpma.frpt.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L769[10:36:17] <Pwootage> I have finals in a few hours, if I miss him while taking a test do you mind asking him for me?
L770[10:36:31] <Mimiru> you can %tell him
L771[10:36:32] <Pwootage> I mean I guess I could like update the issue and ask there but I mean
L772[10:36:41] <Pwootage> oh right, I could
L773[10:36:52] <Mimiru> And then you don't have to worry about me forgetting
L774[10:36:53] <Mimiru> like I will.
L775[10:37:20] <Pwootage> :P that works fine
L776[10:37:58] <Pwootage> %tell Sangar Which branch do I open a merge request for? Onesix or master-1.7.10 or a different one?
L777[10:38:00] <MichiBot> Pwootage: Sangar will be notified of this message when next seen.
L778[10:39:43] <vifino> Fuck my fucking life.
L779[10:40:15] * Elizabeth obliges
L780[10:40:48] * vifino shrugs
L781[10:46:49] <vifino> I.. I don't get it.
L782[10:47:57] <vifino> It's just php that broke.
L783[10:48:02] <vifino> FCGI Wrap didn't.
L784[10:50:02] ⇦ Quits: Sulljason (webchat@c-24-23-9-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L785[10:51:21] <Magik6k> oc 1.6 network still has some packet duplicate issues: https://assets.magik6k.net/screenshoots/1450284568.png (all that was 1 ping)
L786[10:53:17] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L787[10:53:42] <Magik6k> Pwootage, I'd open PR to onesix
L788[10:54:41] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L789[10:55:46] <Vexatos> vifino, did you try turning it off and on again=
L790[10:56:32] <Corded> * Elizabeth is running a build on the onesix branch
L791[10:56:57] <Elizabeth> i wonder if i could auto-create dated folders
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L794[10:59:55] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L795[11:00:16] <Mimiru> Test
L796[11:00:17] <Mimiru> woo
L797[11:00:23] <Pwootage> Magik6k: that's what I was guessing, I'll wait for sangar to confirm before I actually do it though
L798[11:00:40] <Pwootage> oh right, Magik6k's website is blocked at school for some reason (loL)
L799[11:00:56] <Magik6k> Maybe letsencrypt cert
L800[11:01:00] <Mimiru> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/125675911474446336/126730304760184832/1450284568.png
L801[11:01:07] <Mimiru> Pwootage, ^
L802[11:01:42] <Pwootage> I'd call that a few extras :P
L803[11:02:02] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L804[11:02:06] <Mimiru> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/125675911474446336/126730581403762689/7xc3hat.png
L805[11:02:12] <Mimiru> [/spoilers]
L806[11:02:15] <Pwootage> AAAH SPOILERS
L807[11:02:31] <Pwootage> Literally avoiding most of the internet to avoid spoilers right now lol
L808[11:02:41] <Mimiru> lol
L809[11:02:56] <Pwootage> I figure #oc and github are pretty safe, though
L810[11:03:45] <v^> Spoilers
L811[11:03:47] <Pwootage> It's not the let's encrypt cert, oc.cil.li works fine
L812[11:04:02] <Mimiru> I won't post spoilers.. I swear.
L813[11:04:06] <Mimiru> also... corded will brb
L814[11:04:21] ⇦ Quits: Corded (michiyo@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L816[11:04:29] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L817[11:04:48] <Mimiru> Test
L818[11:04:51] <Mimiru> K
L819[11:05:04] <v^> I'm trying to get letsencrypt working
L820[11:05:14] <v^> They use a deprecated python install thats incompatible with debian
L821[11:05:20] <XDjackieXD> lel
L822[11:05:23] <Magik6k> wat
L823[11:05:28] <v^> Which is pretty bad
L824[11:05:29] <Mimiru> Erm.... getting LE working was stupid simple.
L825[11:05:38] <Magik6k> can't debian handle multiple python versions?
L826[11:05:42] <Mimiru> Yes..
L827[11:05:43] <v^> It would have been simple
L828[11:06:03] <Pwootage> Are there any docs on nanomachines?
L829[11:06:10] <v^> It's an old python package
L830[11:06:14] <Magik6k> I got like 4 certs from them working in less that 30min
L831[11:06:19] <v^> I forgot what it was called
L832[11:06:46] <v^> But I can't get it working without breaking all the dependencies
L833[11:06:54] <Mimiru> idk.. it works fine on 2.7.6 and 3.4.3
L834[11:07:00] <Elizabeth> v^: it worked on my servers (both debian 8)
L835[11:07:27] <Elizabeth> and afaik it sets itself up a virtual environment
L836[11:07:29] <v^> Or compiling my own crap
L837[11:07:29] <v^> Are you using debian Jessie?
L838[11:07:30] <v^> Ah
L839[11:07:32] <Pwootage> Oh right, there's like a book with documentation literally built into OC *facepalm*
L840[11:07:38] <vifino> oh, nice, now its just blank.
L841[11:07:49] <Mimiru> yeah it does it's on virtual env stuff...
L842[11:08:51] <v^> Elizabeth aptitude has no solutions for it
L843[11:09:08] <Elizabeth> i just used the source package they provide
L844[11:09:24] <Mimiru> I cloned from git and ran that.. heh
L845[11:09:40] <v^> Their source package doesn't include everything
L846[11:09:42] <v^> I used got too
L847[11:09:47] <v^> Git*
L848[11:10:02] <vifino> Vexatos: if i moved the wiki to another server, would you be fine with that?
L849[11:10:12] <Vexatos> vifino, as long as the URL remains the same
L850[11:10:13] <Vexatos> sure
L851[11:10:15] <vifino> because that one doesn't have fucking php whatever that problem is.
L852[11:10:17] <vifino> alright.
L853[11:10:30] <Vexatos> Don't care about which server it's on as long as it's on :P
L854[11:10:36] <Mimiru> v^ what's it missing...?
L855[11:11:05] <Pwootage> Oh man, now I kinda want to write a tablet with a passive nanomachine hack program on it... heh
L856[11:12:05] <v^> Mimiru I'm on my phone itle take me a sec to find out
L857[11:16:49] <Elizabeth> latest build onesix branch is in https://www.theender.net/mod-builds (ignore version string, it's whatever is in the gradle stuff) it's the latest entry
L858[11:18:03] <Mimiru> I wonder how bad the API changes are
L859[11:20:20] <Elizabeth> hai @Evey
L860[11:20:39] <Elizabeth> .-.
L861[11:24:54] ⇨ Joins: Ivoah (~Ivoah@p-68-237-136-19.dsl1.rtr.chat.fpma.frpt.net)
L862[11:26:36] <Izaya> https://paste.teknik.io/2559 uh
L863[11:28:17] <Mimiru> wow Izaya...
L864[11:29:14] <Mimiru> Something like https://github.com/letsencrypt/letsencrypt/issues/1151 ?
L865[11:29:33] <Pwootage> ok apparently I'm calling something at the wrong time, I'm getting null for my component the first time my code is run
L866[11:30:10] <Izaya> c/_cffi_backend.c:2:20: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory
L867[11:30:18] ⇦ Quits: Myrex (~Myrex@ ()
L868[11:30:18] <Izaya> well that would make a difference I guess
L869[11:30:32] <vifino> jesus, so bright
L870[11:30:54] <Pwootage> must not be syncing on something I'm supposed to or something
L871[11:31:21] <Izaya> python-dev : Depends: libpython-dev (= 2.7.9-1) but it is not going to be installed
L872[11:31:22] <Izaya> Depends: python2.7-dev (>= 2.7.9-1~) but it is not going to be installed
L873[11:31:22] <Izaya> E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
L874[11:31:22] <Izaya> OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE DEBIAN
L875[11:32:54] <Elizabeth> test
L876[11:34:02] <Elizabeth> woo, http://puu.sh/lXR23/4ae3543d0f.png @Mimiru
L877[11:34:18] <Elizabeth> i now know the basics of the library
L878[11:34:35] <Elizabeth> hmm
L879[11:34:46] <Elizabeth> k, converting the mentions may take a bit
L880[11:34:50] <Elizabeth> but meh, going home
L881[11:35:42] <vifino> woo
L882[11:36:00] * vifino waits for Elizabeth to return home
L883[11:37:05] <vifino> Vexatos: the records are updating, when they are, check if it works
L884[11:37:37] <Vexatos> k
L885[11:37:48] <vifino> I'll poke ya when they updated.
L886[11:38:36] <Izaya> WHY IS DEBIAN SO FUCKED UP
L887[11:40:42] ⇦ Quits: _CURS0R_ (~CURS0R@bl11-178-109.dsl.telepac.pt) (Remote host closed the connection)
L888[11:41:02] ⇨ Joins: _CURS0R_ (~CURS0R@bl11-178-109.dsl.telepac.pt)
L889[11:42:44] <dangranos> why not? :D
L890[11:42:50] <dangranos> bye, going to sleep
L891[11:43:24] <Izaya> https://paste.teknik.io/2561 fucking hell
L892[11:47:27] <MajGenRelativity> Hi
L893[11:47:52] <MajGenRelativity> Bye
L894[11:50:22] <Elizabeth> missed the train ¬_¬
L895[11:50:30] <vifino> ?
L896[11:50:35] <Pwootage> :(
L897[11:50:53] <Elizabeth> still, woo for VPN. sitting on platform coding
L898[11:51:00] <vifino> \o/
L899[11:51:30] <Elizabeth> and charging phone since i forgot to do that earlier
L900[11:57:26] <Elizabeth> right, train comming
L901[11:57:36] <vifino> \o/
L902[11:58:17] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L903[11:59:50] <Elizabeth> K, laptop didn't give phone much charge
L904[11:59:57] <Kodos> http://gfycat.com/SameImaginaryBovine when
L905[12:00:05] <Elizabeth> O/ @Kodos
L906[12:00:17] <Kodos> o7
L907[12:03:05] ⇨ Joins: Sulljason (webchat@c-24-23-9-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L908[12:04:26] <nxsupert> こんにちは。
L909[12:06:22] ⇨ Joins: Sulljason_ (webchat@c-24-23-9-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L910[12:06:40] ⇦ Quits: Sulljason (webchat@c-24-23-9-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L911[12:07:39] <Mimiru> Nice @Elizabeth
L912[12:08:02] <Mimiru> Also not home atm
L913[12:08:53] <vifino> Vexatos: try making sure wiki.vex.tty.sh resolves to, then try to access it
L914[12:10:50] <Mimiru> It works here
L915[12:11:04] <Vexatos> vifino, how can I make sure
L916[12:11:06] <Izaya> fucking versioned distros
L917[12:11:07] <Izaya> fucking shit
L918[12:11:07] <vifino> hooray
L919[12:11:11] <Izaya> I want my rolling-release
L920[12:11:13] <vifino> Thanks Mimiru.
L921[12:11:22] <Alissa> Vexatos: 'ping wiki.vex.tty.sh' ?
L922[12:11:58] <Izaya> right, 5 AM, I'm going to bed and waking up in 4 hours
L923[12:12:01] <Vexatos> for me
L924[12:12:04] <Vexatos> how do I change it
L925[12:12:11] <Alissa> flush DNS queue
L926[12:12:27] <Vexatos> how does I >_>
L927[12:13:17] <Alissa> Windows?
L928[12:14:10] ⇦ Quits: DFrostedWang (~DFrostedW@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L929[12:14:48] <Vexatos> Alissa, Linux
L930[12:14:50] ⇨ Joins: calclavia (uid15812@richmond.irccloud.com)
L931[12:14:50] zsh sets mode: +v on calclavia
L932[12:15:45] <Alissa> http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/rhel-debian-ubuntu-flush-clear-dns-cache/
L933[12:22:32] * Elizabeth is home
L934[12:23:34] <Pwootage> Must be warmer where you are than it is here :P
L935[12:23:44] <Elizabeth> ?
L936[12:24:21] <Kodos> %weath- Oh right, bot commands don't work
L937[12:24:26] <Pwootage> Oh heh disconnected, didn't see a bunch of messages in the way: <Elisibeth> still, woo for VPN. sitting on platform coding
L938[12:24:53] <Elizabeth> na, it's still cold. laptop was giving some warmth when coding
L939[12:24:58] <Elizabeth> @Kodos soon, perhaps
L940[12:25:13] <vifino> Elizabeth!!! \o/
L941[12:25:14] <Kodos> Well, if anyone in irc could do %weather 62012, that'd be great
L942[12:25:21] * vifino flops on Elizabeth and kisses her
L943[12:25:21] <Pwootage> It's -3C right now :P
L944[12:25:30] <Elizabeth> %weather 62012
L945[12:25:32] <MichiBot> Elizabeth: Current weather for 62012 Current Temp: 57°F/14°C Feels Like: 54°F/12°C Current Humidity: 55 Wind: From the SSW 16 Mph/26 Km/h Conditions: Partly Cloudy
L946[12:25:34] * Elizabeth pets vifino
L947[12:25:40] * vifino purrs
L948[12:25:43] <malcom2073> http://lmgtfy.com/?q=weater+62012
L949[12:25:49] <malcom2073> Fail.
L950[12:25:55] <Kodos> Malcom, we hav a bot for that
L951[12:26:04] <Kodos> Anyway, wife wants her PC for now, so I'll be back soon
L952[12:26:07] <Kodos> (TM)
L953[12:26:12] <malcom2073> %help
L954[12:26:17] <malcom2073> %lmgtfy test
L955[12:26:18] <malcom2073> :(
L956[12:32:47] <v^> Doing a dist-upgrade without restarting
L957[12:32:53] <v^> Linux masterrace
L958[12:34:01] <Alissa> v^: that awesome face when upgrading from Debian 6 to 8, nothing brokereds too badly, and i didn't even restart the pooter
L959[12:34:35] <Alissa> >key is not available: D1820DB22A11534E
L960[12:34:38] <Alissa> >key received: D1820DB22A11534E
L961[12:34:45] <Alissa> why are you saying it's not available. >_>
L962[12:35:40] <Pwootage> I still generally restart when I run updates, mostly because it's just as convenient as restarting my window manager and/or I want the newest kernel running
L963[12:35:55] <Pwootage> (servers not so much)
L964[12:36:22] ⇨ Joins: t3hero (~t3hero@2601:202:200:fb50:e8d8:bec2:d674:b1bf)
L965[12:42:18] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E14A467BCDDFD441C973735.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
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L967[12:42:57] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L968[12:45:47] <v^> Vexatoast
L969[12:45:59] <Vexatos> Yes?
L970[12:46:37] <v^> How to tell if someone is vegan
L971[12:46:42] <v^> They will tell you
L972[12:54:13] <Pwootage> #js null == undefined && null !== undefined
L973[12:54:13] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > true
L974[12:54:17] <Pwootage> js plz
L975[12:55:12] <Vexatos> vifino, http://wiki.vex.tty.sh/ is still blank for me .-.
L976[12:55:32] <vifino> Vexatos: fix your dns
L977[12:55:38] <Pwootage> (it's working for me)
L978[12:55:41] <Vexatos> but it's also still at the old IP for me
L979[12:55:47] <Vexatos> and I have no clue how to remove that entry
L980[12:56:08] <Vexatos> Alissa's thing wasn't doing anything
L981[12:56:55] <Pwootage> Vexatos: Which OS/distro
L982[12:56:56] <Pwootage> ?
L983[12:57:08] <Vexatos> Linux Mint
L984[12:57:32] <lashtear> are you using nscd?
L985[12:57:51] <lashtear> it may be also that a local DNS is caching the old value
L986[12:58:03] <lashtear> sudo service nscd restart ... if the former
L987[12:58:26] <Vexatos> unrecognized service
L988[12:58:45] <vifino> Vexatos: just darn reboot
L989[12:58:49] <Pwootage> Restarting your browser might help, and if restart doesn't help it's your dns server giving you the wrong address
L990[12:58:49] <Elizabeth> Vexatos, do nslookup wiki.vex.tty.sh
L991[12:58:58] <Pwootage> also that ^
L992[12:59:00] <vifino> that's the tl;dr of everything everybody is saying here
L993[12:59:17] <Vexatos> Elizabeth, yea, still old IP
L994[12:59:18] <Elizabeth> also dns updates to take a while to propengate depending on what timeout they have
L995[12:59:49] <Pwootage> which dns server are you using? (I'm on Google's
L996[13:00:02] <Vexatos> Server?
L997[13:00:16] <Pwootage> Default, then
L998[13:00:18] <Vexatos> "Server" in nslookup tells me :P
L999[13:00:51] <Pwootage> then you do have a local cache and rebooting should fix it >.>
L1000[13:00:59] <Mimiru> ^
L1001[13:01:15] <Elizabeth> or try service dns-clean start
L1002[13:01:27] <Elizabeth> not sure what that'll do, just saw it in my services list
L1003[13:02:04] <Vexatos> did that too
L1004[13:02:06] <Vexatos> no effect
L1005[13:02:13] <Elizabeth> then restart
L1006[13:02:19] <Vexatos> Meh ;_;
L1007[13:07:43] <Inari> hm
L1008[13:07:48] <Inari> i recalling %telling vex something
L1009[13:07:50] <Inari> but i dont recall what
L1010[13:08:55] <Mimiru> Check https://oclogs.pc-logix.com ?
L1011[13:09:37] <Inari> orhight
L1012[13:09:39] <Inari> about machien.scala
L1013[13:09:51] <Inari> woo OC compilation successful
L1014[13:14:37] <Pwootage> Heh, randoming through some XKCDs, forgot about this one: http://xkcd.com/528/
L1015[13:14:56] <Sangar> o/
L1016[13:15:05] <Elizabeth> p/
L1017[13:15:07] <Elizabeth> o/ *
L1018[13:15:36] <Mimiru> \o
L1019[13:16:20] <Mimiru> Ugh.. i'm currently on sat. Internet -_-
L1020[13:16:25] <Mimiru> Such latency
L1021[13:16:27] <Inari> now to get it to actaully start :P
L1022[13:17:08] <Mimiru> Wait... why didnt michibot respond to that xkcd...
L1023[13:17:17] <Mimiru> -_-
L1024[13:17:42] <Elizabeth> http://xkcd.com/528/
L1025[13:17:43] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Windows 7 Posted on: 1/9/2009
L1026[13:17:50] * Elizabeth shurgs
L1027[13:18:58] <Inari> help :<
L1028[13:19:06] <Elizabeth> ?
L1029[13:20:15] <Inari> libs/ProjectRed-1.7.10- also gradel.build compile files ("ProjectRed-1.7.10-") in dependencies, but starting crashes <.<
L1030[13:20:22] <Inari> [20:19:31] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: Caught exception from ProjRed|Illumination java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: mrtjp/projectred/illumination/BlockLamp
L1031[13:21:24] <Inari> i tried putting projectred lighting into run/mods but then it complaisn about double ProjREdIllumination
L1032[13:21:29] <Inari> so im confused :P
L1033[13:22:40] <Sangar> Pwootage, i've looked over the open issues and nothing seems critical enough to require a last 1.5 build, so i'll prob merge onesix into master in a bit
L1034[13:22:53] <Sangar> then you can pr into that
L1035[13:23:08] <Sangar> unless someone sees something that does need urgent fixing i overlooked
L1036[13:28:02] ⇦ Quits: Dashkal (~dashkal@S0106d43d7ef8be0d.vf.shawcable.net) (Quit: leaving)
L1037[13:28:50] ⇨ Joins: Dashkal (~dashkal@S0106d43d7ef8be0d.vf.shawcable.net)
L1038[13:32:28] <Inari> so adding forge multipart fixed that :P but still errors haha
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L1041[13:35:34] <Inari> https://gist.github.com/Inari-Whitebear/f85bb24296e679c6e5c7
L1042[13:36:33] <Inari> wonder if its cause of "java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find packaged.srg or joined.srg"
L1043[13:45:11] <Inari> yeah, i have no clue why projectred transportation even error as it has nothing to do with anything x.x or at least not mor eor less than other mods
L1044[13:47:59] ⇨ Joins: jhagrid77 (webchat@
L1045[13:48:27] <jhagrid77> It is I the all mighty Jhagrid77
L1046[13:49:28] <Inari> probably a better place to caht :P
L1047[13:49:57] <SkySom> Doesn't Project red require one of the Code Chicken things?
L1048[13:50:24] <Alissa> i thought it was independent
L1049[13:50:34] <Inari> well multipart is there
L1050[13:50:34] <Alissa> but it might require CodeChickenCore
L1051[13:50:40] <jhagrid77> Yeah
L1052[13:50:40] <Inari> hm
L1053[13:50:41] <Inari> maybe
L1054[13:50:46] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1055[13:51:21] <SkySom> So yeah you need to navigate to where forge is unpacked and find one of those srg
L1056[13:51:30] <Inari> i did :P
L1057[13:51:47] <SkySom> And now it can't find it?
L1058[13:51:51] <SkySom> Well shiiizzzz
L1059[13:51:55] <Inari> maybe, maybe not
L1060[13:52:03] <Inari> theres another srg it probably uses
L1061[13:52:35] <Inari> http://akari.in/pinky_G2e4v
L1062[13:53:09] ⇨ Joins: surferconor425|Cloud (uid77899@id-77899.tooting.irccloud.com)
L1063[13:54:23] <Inari> still errors the same with codechickencore
L1064[13:55:38] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-078-042-115-204.hsi3.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L1065[14:03:19] <Inari> thats in run/mods/1.7.10 => http://akari.in/pinky_cs9iM
L1066[14:03:44] <Inari> and in /libs http://akari.in/pinky_quKar
L1067[14:03:50] ⇦ Quits: jhagrid77 (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1068[14:13:42] <Inari> well i hope theres someone who knows and they are just busy xD
L1069[14:18:20] ⇨ Joins: v^Laptop (~ping@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L1070[14:18:21] zsh sets mode: +v on v^Laptop
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L1074[14:32:26] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L1075[14:34:00] ⇨ Joins: cord (~cord@copy.mcft.net)
L1076[14:37:47] <orthoplex64> is there a way to give 3D prints the end portal texture?
L1077[14:37:47] <cord> <Corded> <**orthoplex64**> is there a way to give 3D prints the end portal texture?
L1078[14:37:48] <[IRC]> <**orthoplex64**> is there a way to give 3D prints the end portal texture?
L1079[14:37:49] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**orthoplex64**> is there a way to give 3D prints the end portal texture?
L1080[14:37:50] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**orthoplex64**> is there a way to give 3D prints the end portal texture?
L1081[14:37:52] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**orthoplex64**> is there a way to give 3D prints the end portal texture?
L1082[14:37:53] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**orthoplex64**> is there a way to give 3D prints the end portal texture?
L1083[14:37:54] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**orthoplex64**> is there a way to give 3D prints the end portal texture?
L1084[14:37:55] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**orthoplex64**> is there a way to give 3D prints the end portal texture?
L1085[14:37:56] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1086[14:37:57] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1087[14:37:59] <CompanionCube> ...oh god.
L1088[14:37:59] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1089[14:38:00] <[IRC]> <**CompanionCube**> ...oh god.
L1090[14:38:00] <cord> <Corded> <**CompanionCube**> ...oh god.
L1091[14:38:01] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1092[14:38:02] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**CompanionCube**> ...oh god.
L1093[14:38:03] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1094[14:38:04] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**CompanionCube**> ...oh god.
L1095[14:38:05] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1096[14:38:06] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**CompanionCube**> ...oh god.
L1097[14:38:07] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1098[14:38:08] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**CompanionCube**> ...oh god.
L1099[14:38:09] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**CompanionCube**> ...oh god.
L1100[14:38:10] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1101[14:38:11] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**CompanionCube**> ...oh god.
L1102[14:38:12] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1103[14:38:13] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**CompanionCube**> ...oh god.
L1104[14:38:14] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Cord ...
L1105[14:38:15] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**CompanionCube**> ...oh god.
L1106[14:38:16] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1107[14:38:17] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1108[14:38:18] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1109[14:38:24] <CompanionCube> Mimiru,
L1110[14:38:25] <[IRC]> <**CompanionCube**> Mimiru,
L1111[14:38:25] <cord> <Corded> <**CompanionCube**> Mimiru,
L1112[14:38:26] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**CompanionCube**> Mimiru,
L1113[14:38:27] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**CompanionCube**> Mimiru,
L1114[14:38:28] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**CompanionCube**> Mimiru,
L1115[14:38:29] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**CompanionCube**> Mimiru,
L1116[14:38:30] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**CompanionCube**> Mimiru,
L1117[14:38:32] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**CompanionCube**> Mimiru,
L1118[14:38:33] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**CompanionCube**> Mimiru,
L1119[14:38:35] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**CompanionCube**> Mimiru,
L1120[14:38:36] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1121[14:38:37] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1122[14:38:38] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1123[14:38:39] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1124[14:38:40] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1125[14:38:41] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1126[14:38:42] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1127[14:38:43] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1128[14:38:44] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1129[14:38:45] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Cord ...
L1130[14:38:46] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1131[14:38:47] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1132[14:38:48] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1133[14:38:49] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1134[14:38:50] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1135[14:38:51] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1136[14:38:52] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1137[14:38:53] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1138[14:38:54] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1139[14:38:55] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Cord ...
L1140[14:38:56] <XDjackieXD> ._.
L1141[14:38:56] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1142[14:38:57] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1143[14:38:57] <cord> <Corded> <**XDjackieXD**> ._.
L1144[14:38:58] <[IRC]> <**XDjackieXD**> ._.
L1145[14:38:59] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1146[14:39:00] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**XDjackieXD**> ._.
L1147[14:39:01] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1148[14:39:02] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**XDjackieXD**> ._.
L1149[14:39:03] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1150[14:39:04] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**XDjackieXD**> ._.
L1151[14:39:05] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1152[14:39:06] <Alissa> Elizabeth: Mimiru: Sangar: ._.
L1153[14:39:06] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**XDjackieXD**> ._.
L1154[14:39:07] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1155[14:39:07] <cord> <Corded> <**Alissa**> Elizabeth: Mimiru: Sangar: ._.
L1156[14:39:08] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**XDjackieXD**> ._.
L1157[14:39:09] <[IRC]> <**Alissa**> Elizabeth: Mimiru: Sangar: ._.
L1158[14:39:10] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1159[14:39:11] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**XDjackieXD**> ._.
L1160[14:39:12] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Alissa**> Elizabeth: Mimiru: Sangar: ._.
L1161[14:39:13] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> 200
L1162[14:39:14] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**XDjackieXD**> ._.
L1163[14:39:15] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Alissa**> Elizabeth: Mimiru: Sangar: ._.
L1164[14:39:16] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Cord ...
L1165[14:39:17] <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**Corded**> <[IRC]> <**XDjackieXD**> ._.
L1166[14:39:17] *** Corded was kicked by Elizabeth (Corded))
L1167[14:39:21] ⇨ Joins: Ellpeck (~Ellpeck@p2003006F8B6E795EE53A3229BC19704A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1168[14:39:27] ⇦ Parts: Ellpeck (~Ellpeck@p2003006F8B6E795EE53A3229BC19704A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Leaving))
L1169[14:39:28] <Inari> um
L1170[14:39:29] <Dashkal> >.>
L1171[14:39:46] <cord> <Elizabeth> yay, @Mimiru it duped again
L1172[14:39:47] <Sangar> dafuq was that? bot shortcircuit?
L1173[14:39:56] <orthoplex64> I seem to have caused it. sorry
L1174[14:40:03] <CompanionCube> I think 2 bots were trying to bridge the same channel
L1175[14:40:07] <Elizabeth> Sangar, the bot Mimiru is running likes spawning another copy of itself
L1176[14:40:16] <Inari> Sangar: got not ideas btw? or just busy wiht 1.6 atm? XD
L1177[14:40:20] <CompanionCube> resulting in a feedback loop
L1178[14:40:44] <Elizabeth> oh, also cord is copygirls and is back now so that may have been it
L1179[14:40:47] <orthoplex64> here's my question again: is there a way to give 3D prints the end portal texture?
L1180[14:41:12] <Sangar> Inari, more with tis3d :P but yeah. finally merged the onesix branch into master
L1181[14:41:43] <Sangar> orthoplex64, i don't think that's a block texture, but a custom one/shader used in the portal's te, so probably not
L1182[14:41:44] <Elizabeth> Sangar, so where should i be pulling from to build oc 1.6?
L1183[14:42:07] <Sangar> Elizabeth, master. also my jenkins will be building that as per usual
L1184[14:42:08] <Inari> hm where to put this even, are the forums active? i dont feel like it fits an issue tracker ticket
L1185[14:42:13] <Elizabeth> okay
L1186[14:42:15] <Vexatos> oh right
L1187[14:42:21] <Vexatos> inariwannatrypurtronics?
L1188[14:42:40] <Inari> try what
L1189[14:42:48] <Vexatos> modulotronics
L1190[14:42:58] <Inari> dunno, is there a code UI yet? :P
L1191[14:43:22] <Sangar> the answer is still yes >_>
L1192[14:43:32] <Sangar> was already yesterday or when last you asked. and i told you :X
L1193[14:43:50] <Inari> i thougth that was "yes but not released"
L1194[14:43:50] <Inari> :p
L1195[14:43:53] <Vexatos> vifino, now my FTP client fails to connect once again ;_;
L1196[14:44:02] <Sangar> Inari, jenkins :P
L1197[14:44:02] <orthoplex64> ok. and I noticed I can't use the texture picker on liquids, but I saw someone use liquid textures once
L1198[14:44:18] <Inari> well im busy wiht other things anyway
L1199[14:44:21] <Inari> like trying to get OC to run
L1200[14:44:28] <Sangar> heh
L1201[14:45:25] <vifino> Vexatos: ... you won't be able to ftp files to wiki.* anymore, since its on another server.
L1202[14:45:35] <vifino> but files and secretserverhere are fine.
L1203[14:45:43] <Vexatos> I am doing vexatos@tty.sh
L1204[14:45:49] <vifino> should work.
L1205[14:45:58] <Vexatos> ah
L1206[14:45:59] <Vexatos> it did now
L1207[14:46:03] <vifino> hooray
L1208[14:46:03] <Vexatos> only took two minuts
L1209[14:46:06] <vifino> wat
L1210[14:46:21] <vifino> .... Do you have dns issues again? :|
L1211[14:46:30] <Vexatos> nope
L1212[14:46:32] <vifino> Not like that happened before. >.>
L1213[14:46:35] <Vexatos> wiki.* resolves now
L1214[14:46:47] <Vexatos> but connecting via FTP takes ages again
L1215[14:46:49] <vifino> I was talking about the time you blamed me for tty.sh being slow for you.
L1216[14:46:52] <Vexatos> just like it did half a year ago :P
L1217[14:46:55] <Vexatos> yea that exactly
L1218[14:46:56] <vifino> It was your dns being shit. :v
L1219[14:47:02] <Vexatos> ah right
L1220[14:47:09] <Vexatos> whatever that was
L1221[14:48:42] ⇦ Quits: v^Laptop (~ping@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1222[14:48:42] <Vexatos> vifino, permission denied
L1223[14:48:49] <Vexatos> files have got the wrong owner again
L1224[14:48:58] <vifino> one second
L1225[14:49:27] <vifino> fixed, Vexatos.
L1226[14:49:29] <vifino> sudo chown -R vexatos files.vex.tty.sh phora.vex.tty.sh
L1227[14:49:31] <vifino> \o/
L1228[14:50:13] <vifino> Does it work now, Vexatos?
L1229[14:51:35] <Vexatos> stillconnecting
L1230[14:51:56] <Pwootage> Yay, finals are done
L1231[14:52:06] <Vexatos> vifino, works
L1232[14:52:15] <vifino> hooray!
L1233[14:52:25] <Vexatos> Inari, http://files.vex.tty.sh/Computronics/dev/Computronics-1.7.10-1.6.1-NotEnoughModules.jar
L1234[14:52:27] <Vexatos> interested?
L1235[14:53:53] <Sangar> dat name
L1236[14:54:30] <hydraz> NotEnoughNotEnoughX.
L1237[14:55:00] <Inari> currently busy with setting up spee dmeasurements, since i have no clue what OC lacks :P
L1238[14:55:20] <Pwootage> Sangar: so I'm guessing I should open a requires for Master-1.7.10 since you merged in onesix :P
L1239[14:55:30] <Pwootage> s/requires/request/
L1240[14:55:30] <Kibibyte> <Pwootage> Sangar: so I'm guessing I should open a request for Master-1.7.10 since you merged in onesix :P
L1241[14:55:50] <Sangar> Pwootage, yep!
L1242[14:56:36] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~^v@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1243[14:56:49] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~^v@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L1244[14:56:52] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1245[14:57:37] <Pwootage> Sangar: One other thing: What do I need to sync on/wait for for init to ensure that the network is up before anything tries to call a component API? I'm getting a NPE if the computer is on when the world is loaded
L1246[14:57:49] <Inari> wireless modems would be so good right now
L1247[14:58:11] <Inari> well block modems
L1248[14:58:34] <Sangar> Pwootage, wait for first update/onConnect?
L1249[14:58:57] <Pwootage> Sangar: Ok I'll try that
L1250[14:59:23] <Pwootage> also, do I need to do this to ensure non-direct calls arn't in the async thread? http://git.io/v0DkK
L1251[14:59:40] <Inari> ~oc signals
L1252[14:59:40] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:signals
L1253[15:01:12] <Sangar> hmm
L1254[15:01:42] <Pwootage> (I think the lua arch handles that in lua?)
L1255[15:02:33] <Sangar> Pwootage, invoke may return null (at least according to the jdoc i wrote :X), so the way you have it, it'd call sync again, calling it twice
L1256[15:03:35] <Pwootage> Sangar: well I'll fix that... but do I need to do the direct() check?
L1257[15:04:49] <Sangar> as in will machine.invoke throw LRE if it's not direct?
L1258[15:05:13] <Sangar> i don't think so (you couldn't invoke sync'ed ones at all then, no?) so i think what you have is necessary
L1259[15:05:28] <Pwootage> Ok, I'll leave it then
L1260[15:06:49] <Sangar> and yeah, for lua its handled sorta lua side (by yielding the callback to be called synchronously)
L1261[15:07:37] <Pwootage> Yeah I have to do it in scala because I can't run JS on the main thread (infinite loops would crash Minecraft, and I can at least thread.stop() a seperate thread)
L1262[15:09:13] <Sangar> ah, no hook-like thing? wasnt' there some exec count callback thinger in java's/rhino's scripting framework?
L1263[15:10:04] <Pwootage> Yeah, there isn't in Nashorn, and it makes it horribly slow, anwyway
L1264[15:10:12] <Sangar> ah
L1265[15:10:32] <Pwootage> if/when I implement duktape or v8 or something, those should be more safe in that regard
L1266[15:11:06] <Pwootage> I also can't limit memory, or be persistent (duktape solves a lot of these problems)
L1267[15:14:27] <Inari> hm, so microcontrollres can do wireless networking?
L1268[15:15:00] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E14A466FCC906D9DDB7E6DF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1269[15:20:20] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64_2 (~orthoplex@cpe-66-69-96-209.satx.res.rr.com)
L1270[15:20:21] <gamax92> \o/
L1271[15:20:37] <gamax92> finished semester
L1272[15:20:50] <vifino> congratz!
L1273[15:21:02] <Dashkal> Congrats :D
L1274[15:21:14] <gamax92> I failed 3 out of 4 classes though
L1275[15:21:29] <vifino> :(
L1276[15:21:42] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-66-69-96-209.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1277[15:21:45] <gamax92> Kidding, only had two and both should be passed, I know one of them is atleast
L1278[15:22:35] <vifino> Thank god.
L1279[15:22:44] <gamax92> No, thank me for doing well
L1280[15:22:53] <alekso56> Thanks mr gamax92.
L1281[15:22:59] <alekso56> doot doot
L1282[15:23:05] <gamax92> hue hue sat sat
L1283[15:23:11] <alekso56> con con
L1284[15:23:17] <gamax92> HSC?
L1285[15:23:30] <alekso56> !
L1286[15:23:44] <gamax92> wtf colorspace is that
L1287[15:24:17] <alekso56> instagramm'd dark rainbows
L1288[15:26:59] ⇦ Quits: _CURS0R_ (~CURS0R@bl11-178-109.dsl.telepac.pt) (Quit: the POSIX many-worlds interpretation implementation: while (event()) { fork(); })
L1289[15:29:10] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-66-69-96-209.satx.res.rr.com)
L1290[15:29:58] <gamax92> alekso56: You are invited to the HuesatCon
L1291[15:30:24] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64_2 (~orthoplex@cpe-66-69-96-209.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1292[15:33:15] <Inari> ~oc leash
L1293[15:33:15] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:leash
L1294[15:33:33] <alekso56> kinky
L1295[15:33:36] <gamax92> :P
L1296[15:33:48] <Inari> ~oc sides
L1297[15:33:49] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:sides
L1298[15:33:55] <alekso56> my sides!
L1299[15:34:19] <Inari> stop making jokes and help me get OC working xP
L1300[15:34:51] <alekso56> What's yarr problem?
L1301[15:35:03] <Inari> ~oc computer
L1302[15:35:04] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:computer
L1303[15:35:16] <alekso56> oh the computer? tried turning off and on again?
L1304[15:35:29] <Dashkal> Is it plugged in?
L1305[15:35:31] <Dashkal> >.>
L1306[15:35:52] <Dashkal> The blocky bit with lights on it, not just the shiny part with a glass front.
L1307[15:35:58] * alekso56 smears buttery into the load caches.
L1308[15:35:59] <Inari> https://gist.github.com/Inari-Whitebear/f85bb24296e679c6e5c7
L1309[15:36:08] * Dashkal has been hanging out on notalwaysright for too long
L1310[15:36:47] <gamax92> ~el
L1311[15:36:47] <ocdoc> I have 987 entries in my DB.
L1312[15:37:59] <alekso56> Inari: either resonant-engine other mods .-.
L1313[15:38:07] <alekso56> #blame cofh
L1314[15:40:41] <sugoi> how do you guys feel about NOT forcing shell line after command/script execution to return term in start of new line? e.g. echo -n hi
L1315[15:40:46] ⇨ Joins: nwmqpa (~EiraIRC@LLamentin-656-1-36-39.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L1316[15:41:06] <gamax92> ~reload
L1317[15:41:06] <ocdoc> Everything's cool
L1318[15:41:06] <gamax92> ~el
L1319[15:41:07] <ocdoc> I have 987 entries (323o/645a/19f) in my DB.
L1320[15:41:24] <Inari> hm drone transport is pretty slowish
L1321[15:41:32] <Inari> 8 blocks/s
L1322[15:41:43] <gamax92> that's pretty fast
L1323[15:41:53] <Inari> sprint-jumping is like 7.2 ish and, sprinting like 5.5-ish and high speed rails 16.5 ish
L1324[15:42:07] <Inari> well i guess its fast for not having to do anythign during the flight and not having to lay rails
L1325[15:42:14] <gamax92> exactly
L1326[15:42:17] <gamax92> just add more drones
L1327[15:42:24] <Inari> lol
L1328[15:42:26] <Inari> does that work
L1329[15:42:30] * gamax92 shrugs
L1330[15:42:40] <Inari> but yeah
L1331[15:42:44] <Inari> i got it compiled
L1332[15:42:46] <Inari> but it wont run :<
L1333[15:43:01] <alekso56> Inari: resonant-engine- cannot be parsed as valid JSON < hue > java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: codechicken/multipart/MultiPartRegistry$IPartFactory
L1334[15:43:14] <gamax92> hue
L1335[15:43:40] <Inari> wel i've seen those json errors before with things working anyway
L1336[15:45:27] <gamax92> ls
L1337[15:45:29] <gamax92> dfskfjsdfjsdf
L1338[15:46:25] <Inari> https://gist.github.com/Inari-Whitebear/b4b3ceeeb8c8dbbd3ae9 there json fixed, same issue xD
L1339[15:46:47] <alekso56> Inari: then re run the setupdecomp commands
L1340[15:46:52] <alekso56> it'll prob fix it all
L1341[15:47:23] <Inari> well cant hurt to try i guess
L1342[15:48:20] ⇦ Quits: Sulljason_ (webchat@c-24-23-9-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1343[15:50:31] <gamax92> BUFFER UNDERRUN
L1344[15:50:42] ⇨ Joins: Sulljason (webchat@c-24-23-9-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L1345[15:52:19] <vifino> RUN FASTER THAN THE BUFFER
L1346[15:52:21] <alekso56> else you should do something to ~/.gradle/caches/minecraft/net/minecraftforge/forge/<ForgeVersion>/unpacked/conf (replace ~ with %USERPROFILE% on Windows).
L1347[15:52:41] * alekso56 runs away
L1348[15:52:56] <gamax92> OUTRUN THE BUFFER
L1349[15:53:00] <gamax92> new game comming 2075
L1350[15:55:40] <Inari> neat, now theres 5 billion errors xD
L1351[15:56:36] <alekso56> yarr doin it wrong
L1352[15:57:03] <`-`> gamax92: I hate powerpc now
L1353[15:57:09] <gamax92> `-`: why's that
L1354[15:57:09] <`-`> ARM is so much better
L1355[15:57:09] <Inari> it cante ven find its own crap now
L1356[15:57:11] <gamax92> why's that
L1357[15:57:18] <`-`> gamax92: I'm doing low level assembly stuff
L1358[15:57:23] <Inari> Error:(17, 15) object repack is not a member of package li.cil import li.cil.repack.com.naef.jnlua._
L1359[15:57:23] <gamax92> mmhm?
L1360[15:57:23] <`-`> The opcodes are so bad
L1361[15:57:27] <gamax92> mmhm?
L1362[15:57:34] <`-`> helpme
L1363[15:57:42] <gamax92> have you tried using ARM instead?
L1364[15:57:47] <`-`> I would love to
L1365[15:58:03] <alekso56> assembly is amazing, the opcodes are amazing too
L1366[15:58:07] <gamax92> but?
L1367[15:58:20] <Sangar> i'm off o/
L1368[15:58:23] <`-`> bai
L1369[15:58:24] <gamax92> bye
L1370[15:58:28] <sugoi> -o-
L1371[15:58:52] <alekso56> waaa, sugoi
L1372[15:58:57] <gamax92> XD
L1373[15:58:58] <sugoi> waaaaaa
L1374[15:59:01] <`-`> Damn phone is bootloops
L1375[15:59:08] <gamax92> `-`: you have a powerpc phone?
L1376[15:59:15] <`-`> gamax92: no
L1377[15:59:17] <`-`> God no
L1378[15:59:20] <gamax92> phew
L1379[15:59:29] <`-`> My phone was struck by a case of the bootloops
L1380[15:59:35] ⇦ Quits: nwmqpa (~EiraIRC@LLamentin-656-1-36-39.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1381[15:59:37] <`-`> I think
L1382[15:59:42] <gamax92> have you tried fixing it?
L1383[15:59:48] <`-`> It's taking an extremely long time to boot right now
L1384[15:59:48] <gamax92> fixing it might fix it
L1385[15:59:54] <sugoi> alekso56: ?
L1386[15:59:57] <`-`> I was just in Safe Mode uninstalling an app I installed
L1387[16:00:04] <gamax92> safe mode?
L1388[16:00:09] <`-`> Safe Mode
L1389[16:00:11] <gamax92> oh, xposed safe mode?
L1390[16:00:24] <alekso56> sugoi: sugoineee?
L1391[16:00:34] <`-`> gamax92: No
L1392[16:00:39] <`-`> Regular Android Safe Mode
L1393[16:00:46] <gamax92> I didn't know android had this
L1394[16:00:52] <gamax92> since when
L1395[16:00:57] <gamax92> and how
L1396[16:00:58] <`-`> Since forever
L1397[16:01:01] <sugoi> yep, i'm sugoi :)
L1398[16:01:06] <vifino> phone_wrapped_in_condom.png
L1399[16:01:06] <`-`> And I think it's vendor specific
L1400[16:01:08] <gamax92> oj
L1401[16:01:11] <`-`> But there is safe mode
L1402[16:01:13] <gamax92> vifino pls no
L1403[16:01:23] <vifino> gamax92: SAFE MODE
L1404[16:01:23] <`-`> Mine is hold power button down until it finished boot
L1405[16:01:23] <gamax92> would cm12.1 have safe mode?
L1406[16:01:28] <`-`> gamax92: Should
L1407[16:02:01] <`-`> It disables third party apps and stuff
L1408[16:02:13] <gamax92> oh, can't have that.
L1409[16:02:30] <`-`> Well, while in safemode
L1410[16:02:39] <`-`> Then when you leave safemode your apps can run again
L1411[16:03:08] <`-`> Great for getting rid of that CP Virus... I mean er nothing
L1412[16:03:08] <gamax92> how is that safe if you can replace system apps
L1413[16:03:21] <`-`> gamax92: Normally you can't replace system apps, dummy~
L1414[16:03:32] <`-`> Woot
L1415[16:03:34] <`-`> Phone is back
L1416[16:05:33] <`-`> gamax92: I'm doing ELF linking and modules in WiMu
L1417[16:05:42] <`-`> which reminds me, I should put some changes on github
L1418[16:05:52] <gamax92> `-`: k
L1419[16:05:58] <`-`> Saltyaf
L1420[16:06:02] <cord> <MajGenRelativity> Ho
L1421[16:06:04] <cord> <MajGenRelativity> Hi
L1422[16:06:32] <gamax92> `-`: what happened to your oc kernel os thingy
L1423[16:06:43] <`-`> gamax92: It died with the rest of the ARM arch
L1424[16:06:47] <gamax92> `-`: no that.
L1425[16:06:50] <gamax92> it's lua based
L1426[16:06:52] <`-`> or are you talking about Anix
L1427[16:06:53] <`-`> Oh
L1428[16:06:54] <gamax92> yes
L1429[16:06:55] <gamax92> that
L1430[16:07:05] <cord> <MajGenRelativity> Bye
L1431[16:07:08] <`-`> I need to do a text based terminal driver for it before I get too far
L1432[16:07:09] <gamax92> Pwootage: how is your js arch btw
L1433[16:07:23] <Mimiru> Elizabeth, I switched bots to CopyGirl's current one
L1434[16:07:29] <Mimiru> so no, it doesn't spawn copies of itself?
L1435[16:07:32] <Inari> i might just clean the workspace and start over :P mabye that will help, if htis doesnt work
L1436[16:07:36] <cord> <Pwootage> gamax92: working swell, got require working, fixing a bug involving a computer booting disconnected from the network
L1437[16:07:44] <gamax92> Mimiru: is the 200 fixed?
L1438[16:07:50] <Mimiru> In theory
L1439[16:07:59] <Mimiru> I see cord is back too..
L1440[16:08:06] <Elizabeth> Mimiru, i thought that at first then realised it was looping back through cord
L1441[16:08:47] <sugoi> i haven't seen cord talk yet (today, since i joined)
L1442[16:08:50] * Mimiru sighs
L1443[16:09:00] <Mimiru> Yeah... cause I had it quieted.
L1444[16:09:11] *** Mimiru sets mode: -q *!*@copy.mcft.net
L1445[16:09:13] <Dashkal> cord was listening to irc, and reporting on discord. corded was listening on discord and reporting in irc.
L1446[16:09:30] <cord> <gamax92> hey
L1447[16:09:32] <sugoi> Mimiru: oh thank you :)
L1450[16:09:35] <sugoi> oh ...
L1451[16:09:36] <cord> <MajGenRelativity> Hi
L1452[16:09:37] <sugoi> crap
L1453[16:09:42] <gamax92> still 200
L1454[16:09:43] <sugoi> why why
L1455[16:09:51] <sugoi> let's quite cord again!
L1456[16:09:52] ⇦ Quits: Sulljason (webchat@c-24-23-9-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1457[16:09:52] <cord> * MajGenRelativity wince
L1458[16:09:53] <sugoi> :(
L1459[16:09:53] <Mimiru> gamax92... cord isn't MY bot.
L1460[16:09:55] * sugoi hides
L1461[16:09:59] <gamax92> oh
L1462[16:10:01] <Mimiru> CORDED is my bot... and it's not here anymore.
L1463[16:10:04] <Mimiru> so meh.
L1464[16:10:12] <Elizabeth> i kicked it because of spam
L1465[16:10:13] <EnderBot2> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE
L1466[16:10:14] <Pwootage> oh is cord not working
L1467[16:10:23] <Inari> Error:(232, 29) java: li.cil.oc.integration.computercraft.DriverPeripheral.Environment.UnsupportedLuaContext is not abstract and does not override abstract method issueMainThreadTask(dan200.computercraft.api.lua.ILuaTask) in dan200.computercraft.api.lua.ILuaContext
L1468[16:10:24] <Inari> wat
L1469[16:10:27] <Pwootage> @gamax92 I got it working, mostly, think I just fixed a wierd bug
L1470[16:10:28] <Inari> i think i'll just clean and redo xD
L1471[16:10:29] <Mimiru> No cord is working.. it just has a bug with replacing long messages with "200"
L1472[16:10:38] <cord> <MajGenRelativity> Lol
L1473[16:10:42] <Mimiru> I fixed it in Corded..
L1474[16:10:45] <Mimiru> But whatever.
L1475[16:10:47] <sugoi> #lua ('a'):rep(201)
L1476[16:10:49] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Output: http://hastebin.com/raw/losurugite
L1477[16:10:54] <sugoi> :)
L1478[16:11:05] <Mimiru> Well Inari fixed it
L1479[16:11:07] <Mimiru> but meh again.
L1480[16:11:16] <cord> <MajGenRelativity> It should say, "over 9000!"
L1481[16:13:07] <Pwootage> Yay, bug fixed
L1482[16:14:11] ⇨ Joins: DFrostedWang (~DFrostedW@
L1483[16:16:46] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L1484[16:21:01] <Pwootage> gamax92: it was an adventure trying to find all the sandbox-breaking points in nashorn >.> I'm still not sure I got them all and I dug through the internals of Nashorn to find them
L1485[16:22:17] <CompanionCube> which did you discover so far
L1486[16:23:51] <Pwootage> http://git.io/v0DKd
L1487[16:24:17] <Inari> Pwootage: hint: you dont
L1488[16:25:11] <Pwootage> Inari: yeah, but I can at least prevent most of the obvious/easy to do accidentally ways... I currently don't know how to break out of the sandbox, if you can, please let me know so I can see if I can work around it or not
L1489[16:25:46] <Inari> well will have to look throguh the code for taht xD thats javascript (as in, the arch you're putting in) right?
L1490[16:26:00] <Magik6k> Pwootage, what now tools are coming from you to OpenOS in 1.6(any repo?)?
L1491[16:26:02] <Inari> though im by no means brilliant in breaking sandboxes
L1492[16:26:39] <Inari> either way, i'd be happy to see more archs in OC, there had been some started projects but seems they didnt go anywhere (yet?)
L1493[16:26:51] <Pwootage> Magik6k: I don't have anything other than my JS arch, which isn't ported to 1.6 yet. I might write a proxy addon that lets you fake keyboard, mouse, filesystem, etc
L1494[16:27:03] * vifino picks up Elizabeth and carries her to bed
L1495[16:27:18] <Pwootage> (well and the OS that goes with my JS arch)
L1496[16:27:44] <Inari> something fancy? :p
L1497[16:27:48] <Inari> or openosJS?
L1498[16:28:15] <vifino> ojos
L1499[16:28:17] <Magik6k> ohwait, I guess it was payonel I wanted to poke ;p
L1500[16:28:21] <Pwootage> It's going to be async in nature, it's called oc.js right now
L1501[16:28:30] <vifino> Pwootage: ojos!
L1502[16:28:54] <Pwootage> vifino: I like it, going to rename it
L1503[16:28:56] <Inari> Ojous
L1504[16:29:08] <Inari> for the ojou-samas
L1505[16:29:08] <Inari> :<
L1506[16:29:12] <vifino> Pwootage: Ojo = Eye in spanish, Ojos = eyes :P
L1507[16:29:29] <Inari> ojos sounds like orange juice os
L1508[16:29:38] <vifino> Inari: thats it.
L1509[16:29:44] <Pwootage> Oop, train ending, back soon
L1510[16:30:03] <Inari> i dont like orange juice much :P
L1511[16:30:07] <Inari> well i do like orang ejuice
L1512[16:30:10] <Inari> but actaul orange juice
L1513[16:30:17] <Inari> not the weird stuff they sell labelled as orange juice
L1514[16:30:20] <vifino> Too bad, Inari.
L1515[16:31:48] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@2001:470:1f15:958:223:7dff:feed:6c92) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1516[16:36:22] <cord> <Kodos> Haiii
L1517[16:37:27] <cord> <Kodos> Oh hey, Kodos. How are you?
L1518[16:37:30] <cord> <Kodos> I'm fine Kodos, thanks for asking.
L1519[16:37:34] <cord> <Kodos> >.>
L1520[16:38:09] <vifino> Hey Kodos! o/
L1521[16:39:28] ⇨ Joins: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@2001:470:1f15:958:223:7dff:feed:6c92)
L1522[16:39:56] <cord> <Kodos> Hiya!
L1523[16:40:12] <cord> <Kodos> I see the 1.6 branch got merged to master
L1524[16:40:57] <vifino> woot
L1525[16:41:17] <Inari> what, kodos?
L1526[16:41:18] <Inari> ohy eah
L1527[16:41:19] <Inari> hi kodos
L1528[16:41:34] <cord> <Kodos> Howdy
L1529[16:41:51] <cord> <Kodos> Also, Mimiru and Elizabeth or Lizzy, not sure which IRC name you're on atm. https://www.reddit.com/r/spaceengineers/comments/3x3p32/camera_feeds_to_lcd_display_mod_wip_by_tyrsisxl/
L1530[16:42:09] <cord> <Kodos> I've come to the conclusion that KSH is just lazy
L1531[16:42:56] <Inari> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: codechicken/multipart/MultiPartRegistry$IPartFactory :<
L1532[16:45:05] <vifino> rip Inari
L1533[16:45:07] <cord> <Kodos> What did you break now
L1534[16:46:27] <gamax92> Pwootage: that's a nice looking arch you got there
L1536[16:46:45] * gamax92 gives Antheus the penny he has on steam
L1537[16:46:53] <Antheus> :D
L1538[16:47:03] <Antheus> I have twenty pennies on steam
L1539[16:47:39] <gamax92> if you buy 80 more games you could get one game free
L1540[16:47:53] <gamax92> or, 79 I guess
L1541[16:49:06] <Antheus> WHY DID I INSTALL THE 32 BIT VERSION OF JAVA
L1542[16:49:34] <gamax92> Because you have to install both
L1543[16:50:04] <cord> * Kodos doesn't
L1544[16:50:34] <Antheus> There's a discord channel for #oc?
L1545[16:50:38] <gamax92> yes
L1546[16:50:44] <vifino> %discord
L1547[16:50:46] <MichiBot> vifino: https://discord.gg/0hVukoQ2KYifZFCA
L1548[16:50:49] <vifino> Antheus:
L1549[16:51:02] <cord> <gamax92> Why not join us
L1550[16:51:18] <cord> <Antheus> :P
L1551[16:52:18] <Inari> Kodos: dunno im trying to run my compiled OC
L1552[16:52:22] <Inari> but it doesnt like something
L1553[16:52:38] <gamax92> I can compile OC
L1554[16:52:41] <Inari> i wonder if this works
L1555[16:52:42] <gamax92> what do ya need
L1556[16:52:43] <Inari> @Inari test
L1557[16:52:47] <Inari> seems so
L1558[16:52:54] <cord> <gamax92> @Inari test
L1559[16:52:59] <Inari> gamax92: i want to dev for OC :P so you compiling stuff doesnt really help
L1560[16:53:09] <cord> <gamax92> ... how are you failing to do that
L1561[16:53:15] <Inari> dunno
L1562[16:53:17] <cord> <Antheus> Well, first thing is..... You have to...... to begin....
L1563[16:53:30] <cord> <gamax92> what's your build.gradle
L1564[16:53:59] <Inari> https://gist.github.com/Inari-Whitebear/afcacb005a735d8704ee
L1565[16:55:26] <cord> <gamax92> oh, you meant modifying OC
L1566[16:55:32] <Inari> ya :P
L1567[16:56:01] <Inari> basically doing the "for adoption" features and such stuff
L1568[16:56:12] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p5DEC6C74.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 4.3.1 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1569[16:56:21] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p5DEC6C74.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1570[16:56:25] <Inari> wrong button
L1571[16:56:37] <cord> * gamax92 slow claps
L1572[16:57:01] * vifino does the same
L1573[16:57:15] <Inari> after a day or two i finally got it to compile :< but now it doesnt run
L1574[16:57:38] <`-`> gamax92: How the fuck do I jump to a specific address in memory in Dolphin's code viewer
L1575[16:57:44] <Antheus> So, i'm going to galveston this weekend
L1576[16:57:48] <Antheus> Very excited
L1577[16:57:57] <`-`> Oh wait, I found it
L1578[16:58:03] <cord> <gamax92> I haven't used dolphin's debugging stuff in a long time
L1579[16:58:05] <`-`> There is a 3 pixel wide textbox in a toolbar
L1580[16:58:19] <`-`> I'm about fucking done.
L1581[16:58:21] <cord> <gamax92> Not ever since trying to figure out why WiiCraft crashes when not loaded from HBC
L1582[16:58:24] <Inari> gamax92: so you dunno? xD
L1583[16:58:34] <Antheus> `-`, WATCH YOUR MOUTH YOU CRACK HORSE
L1584[16:58:39] <cord> <gamax92> (HBC passes an argument to the app, tcp loading and dolphin doesn't)
L1585[16:59:27] <Inari> Magik6k: whats with the cake btw?
L1586[16:59:43] <Antheus> YOUR FACE
L1587[16:59:44] <Antheus> oooooh
L1588[16:59:46] <Antheus> OOOH
L1589[16:59:57] <cord> <gamax92> Apply cold water to burned area
L1590[17:00:52] <Inari> well of course my face is with cake
L1591[17:00:53] <Inari> its tasty
L1592[17:00:54] <Inari> o.o
L1593[17:01:02] <gamax92> o.o!
L1594[17:01:06] <Inari> (the cake :P)
L1595[17:01:10] <gamax92> :c
L1596[17:01:17] <Inari> ~.~
L1597[17:01:38] <Inari> *goes all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yu5sRAIE8HM on gamax92*
L1598[17:01:39] <MichiBot> Inari: Nimu Nimu | length: 9m 49s | Likes: 3 Dislikes: 1 Views: 824 | by Leet-Skull
L1599[17:01:45] * gamax92 dies
L1600[17:04:23] <vifino> oh noes, gamax92
L1601[17:04:30] * vifino reboots gamax92
L1602[17:05:12] * Inari attaches many components to gamax92
L1603[17:05:29] <v^> vifino-senpai just the tip please
L1604[17:15:33] <Pwootage> Home, and FINALS ARE DONE
L1605[17:15:35] <Pwootage> except a paper, I guess
L1606[17:16:15] <Mimiru> Oh... also Elizabeth when you kicked Corded... you killed it. so it died in PCLMC too
L1607[17:16:34] <Mimiru> :P
L1608[17:19:51] <Antheus> So
L1609[17:20:00] <Antheus> this girl who was at the top of my class
L1610[17:20:11] <Antheus> was before she moved to a different school
L1611[17:20:17] <Antheus> is pregnant
L1612[17:20:24] <Antheus> and her due date was today
L1613[17:20:26] <Antheus> TIL
L1614[17:35:38] <vifino> Antheus: Good job.
L1615[17:41:39] <`-`> Antheus: You dun goofd
L1616[17:41:50] <`-`> This is why I told you to make sure the other one gets protection
L1617[17:41:59] <`-`> Antheus: Now how are you going to raise the child as a single mother
L1618[17:42:17] <`-`> Ah, the old mother-switcharoo
L1619[17:42:22] <Antheus> ITS NOT EVEN MY CHILD
L1620[17:42:22] <`-`> Hold my baby, I'm going in
L1621[17:42:35] <Antheus> THE FATHER IS LIKE 25
L1622[17:42:54] <`-`> Antheus: Wow, you must really like old guys
L1623[17:43:02] <Antheus> .-.
L1624[17:43:03] <`-`> He's like, double your age
L1625[17:43:05] <vifino> Antheus: Oh, she dumped you and now she wants child money?
L1626[17:43:14] <`-`> s/she/he/g
L1627[17:43:14] <Kibibyte> <vifino> Antheus: Oh, he dumped you and now he wants child money?
L1628[17:43:15] <vifino> Damn.
L1629[17:43:18] <Antheus> AJKHFGNTLD:::::::::::::::::: VNeam,w.gydfrv54etwihnjkmusl
L1630[17:43:27] * Antheus shoots vifino and antheus
L1631[17:43:29] <Antheus> umm
L1632[17:43:31] <`-`> lol
L1633[17:43:36] <Antheus> s/antheus/`-`
L1634[17:43:36] <`-`> Wrong target
L1635[17:43:37] <Kibibyte> * Antheus shoots vifino and `-`
L1636[17:43:47] *** `-` is now known as `_`
L1637[17:43:48] <vifino> Antheus: I lol'd.
L1638[17:44:00] <`_`> My mouth fell
L1639[17:44:02] <vifino> But thanks for the back scratching, really like that.
L1640[17:48:22] ⇨ Joins: t3hero_ (~t3hero@c-67-182-65-239.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
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L1642[17:50:52] <`_`> gamax92: I finally got the module system to work ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)
L1643[17:51:26] <`_`> https://github.com/ds84182/WiMu/commit/2b72bd73d53805b94686d12af996b5c7648c50c1
L1644[17:56:33] <cord> <Pwootage> Awesome, lost my mass effect save when I reformated -.-
L1645[17:58:07] <cord> <gamax92> heyo
L1646[17:59:17] <Inari> mah
L1647[17:59:20] <Inari> i wanna dev
L1648[17:59:21] <Inari> :<
L1649[17:59:45] <cord> <gamax92> Inari I fucking swear, if I download OC and build it in one shot
L1650[18:00:03] <Inari> then you'd have lots of cached dependencies ;)
L1651[18:00:08] <Inari> besides, build works now, just running not :P
L1652[18:00:26] <cord> <gamax92> + and run it
L1653[18:02:22] <Inari> *tries changing compile to provided*
L1654[18:02:25] <cord> <gamax92> Hi Mimiru
L1655[18:02:31] <cord> <Mimiru> Recapped Naomi's monitor \o/
L1656[18:03:00] <cord> <gamax92> Capacitors?
L1657[18:03:09] <cord> <Mimiru> Yeah 5 of them were swollen
L1658[18:03:14] <cord> <gamax92> ouch
L1659[18:03:15] <Inari> l-lewd?
L1660[18:03:33] <cord> <gamax92> Wanna recap an entire soundcard to not use garbage capacitors?
L1661[18:03:35] <cord> <gamax92> ?
L1662[18:03:53] <cord> <Mimiru> Had to make my own 690 uF with a 470 and a 220
L1663[18:03:58] <cord> <Mimiru> lol
L1664[18:04:02] <cord> <Mimiru> Sure... send it to me
L1665[18:04:10] <cord> <gamax92> O_o
L1666[18:04:24] <vifino> gamax92: Hint: You will never see it again.
L1667[18:04:27] <cord> <gamax92> You ruined my plan, I didn't expect a Sure
L1668[18:04:30] <Inari> send it to mama
L1669[18:04:50] <cord> <Mimiru> Vifino... No, if I was able to fix it I'd totaly do so, and send it back
L1670[18:05:27] <cord> <Mimiru> I dropped $10 on some caps to not have to replace a $100 monitor.. heh
L1671[18:05:31] <cord> <gamax92> The thing is that it's not exactly broken, it's just that they manufactured them all with incorrect types and numbers for capacitors
L1672[18:05:37] <Inari> really
L1673[18:05:39] <cord> <Mimiru> fun..
L1674[18:05:41] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L1675[18:05:48] <Inari> whoever told me to use compile did wrong :<
L1676[18:06:02] <cord> <gamax92> ./gradlew build
L1677[18:06:08] <Inari> as in
L1678[18:06:14] <Inari> compile files("blablha.jar")
L1679[18:06:21] <cord> <gamax92> ohhh
L1680[18:06:26] <Inari> changed to provided
L1681[18:06:26] <Inari> works
L1682[18:06:27] <Inari> <.<
L1683[18:06:30] <cord> <gamax92> that'd work though
L1684[18:06:35] <Inari> apparently not
L1685[18:06:46] <vifino> Mimiru: You would actually do send it back? o_O
L1686[18:06:59] <Inari> vifino is surprised
L1687[18:07:01] <Inari> hew oudl keep it
L1688[18:07:02] <cord> <Mimiru> Yes..?
L1689[18:07:16] <Inari> yay time to dev
L1690[18:08:01] <Inari> hrm
L1691[18:08:01] <cord> <gamax92> BUILD SUCCESSFUL
L1692[18:08:04] <Inari> why card btw
L1693[18:08:11] <Inari> gamax92: gz, you have cached dependencies
L1694[18:08:18] <cord> <gamax92> What are you writing in OC anyway
L1695[18:08:22] <Inari> trading card
L1696[18:08:28] <cord> <gamax92> no I removed the gradle cache
L1697[18:08:43] <Inari> *shrug* then you are magic because the mavens these refer to are broken
L1698[18:09:09] <cord> <gamax92> Would you like relevant cache files then :D?
L1699[18:09:26] <Inari> i.e.: http://ci.builtbroken.com/maven/ http://calclavia.com/maven/
L1700[18:09:40] <Inari> well it runs for now
L1701[18:09:52] <Inari> so woudlnt a trading thing be an upgrade, not a card?
L1702[18:09:58] <Inari> since it doesnt make sense ofr pcs to trade
L1703[18:10:14] <Inari> and you kinda need special hardware
L1704[18:11:25] <Inari> ohr ight
L1705[18:11:27] <Inari> its an upgrade, ignore me
L1706[18:12:05] <cord> <gamax92> You know what would be nice though? A SoundCard that you can stream things to
L1707[18:17:49] <vifino> StreamCard
L1708[18:27:08] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L1709[18:27:43] <`_`> SteamCard
L1710[18:35:11] ⇦ Quits: calclavia (uid15812@richmond.irccloud.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1711[18:35:53] *** Krampus is now known as Cranium[Away]
L1712[18:37:21] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Krampus
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L1714[18:38:51] ⇨ Joins: calclavia (uid15812@id-15812.richmond.irccloud.com)
L1715[18:38:51] zsh sets mode: +v on calclavia
L1716[18:39:56] <Inari> ScreamCard
L1717[18:44:55] <Inari> so i have an upgrade but i cant put it into upgrades :D neat
L1718[18:46:02] <cord> <gamax92> did you return the slot type as Upgrade?
L1719[18:46:16] <Inari> in the driver, yeah
L1720[18:46:33] <cord> <gamax92> oh, then I ran out of advice
L1721[18:49:36] <Inari> hm maybe i bound the driver to ti wrongly
L1722[18:49:41] <Inari> only thing i did was tell the workswith to use the tiem
L1723[18:49:48] <`_`> Ugh, I need something to remangle c++ symbols
L1724[18:52:55] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-078-042-115-204.hsi3.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Quit: Bye :))
L1725[19:01:06] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-428-57.w92-132.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L1726[19:01:22] <cord> <gamax92> please help, I keep hearing some random noise from my speaker
L1727[19:01:44] <Inari> send an exorcist?
L1728[19:02:42] <GauHelldragon> hrmm
L1729[19:02:44] <cord> <gamax92> It's either from the card or the speaker itself
L1730[19:02:47] <GauHelldragon> anyone know what this line does? https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Sangar-Programs/blob/master/print3d.lua#L46
L1731[19:03:14] <cord> <gamax92> "local data, reason = load("return " .. rawdata)"
L1732[19:03:17] <cord> <gamax92> load returns a function
L1733[19:03:44] <GauHelldragon> oh, ok
L1734[19:04:24] <GauHelldragon> i'm trying to find out what load exactly does
L1735[19:04:50] <GauHelldragon> i am reading the line in the lua reference manual over and over again and
L1736[19:05:10] <cord> <gamax92> compiles lua code into a function
L1737[19:05:23] <GauHelldragon> ah. ok thank you
L1738[19:05:45] <cord> <gamax92> load("return 4") -> function(...) return 4 end
L1739[19:06:02] <GauHelldragon> ah ha yes.
L1740[19:06:26] <GauHelldragon> ok i get it now, thank you
L1741[19:07:53] <GauHelldragon> hrm
L1742[19:08:20] <GauHelldragon> yeah im looking at http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-load and was really confused
L1743[19:08:30] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Krampus
L1744[19:08:34] <GauHelldragon> cuz it sounds more like loadstring ?
L1745[19:09:43] <vifino> GauHelldragon: load is lua 5.2+'s loadstring.
L1746[19:09:52] <GauHelldragon> alright yeah
L1747[19:10:38] ⇨ Joins: Something12 (~Something@s010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net)
L1748[19:10:41] <Techokami> oops, looks like GRUB has a rude exploit in it since December of 2009
L1749[19:11:24] <Techokami> if you password protect the bootloader, press Backspace 28 times
L1750[19:11:37] <vifino> yeah.
L1751[19:11:43] <Techokami> and it just dumps you into a Grub Rescue Shell
L1752[19:16:36] <`_`> lol
L1753[19:16:52] <cord> <gamax92> which grub version is this
L1754[19:16:57] <`_`> Thats not really a backdoor though
L1755[19:17:12] <`_`> If you have physical access to the machine, then you've got the ultimate backdoor
L1756[19:17:24] <`_`> So really, the backspace thing isn't a "backdoor"
L1757[19:17:34] <`_`> It's just a Forgot Password mechanism
L1758[19:17:39] <`_`> A really shitty one
L1759[19:18:11] <`_`> I could put grub on a flash drive with matching configs as the target computer and I could get passed the installed grup
L1760[19:18:14] <`_`> *grub
L1761[19:18:15] <`_`> lol
L1762[19:18:23] <cord> <gamax92> what if the machine is just a remote keyboard, and bios is locked down and doesn't have something stupid like usb before hdd
L1763[19:18:35] <cord> <gamax92> well actually that wouldn't matter, you only have a keyboard, no usb ports
L1764[19:18:38] ⇨ Joins: Xal (~Xal@S0106881fa12987ab.vw.shawcable.net)
L1765[19:18:56] <Xal> i think I'm regretting installing windows 10 on my windows machine already
L1766[19:19:03] <Xal> there are ads in the FUCKING INSTALLER
L1767[19:19:04] <`_`> what
L1768[19:19:14] <cord> <gamax92> I didn't get that
L1769[19:19:16] <`_`> Xal: Maybe you shouldn't be installing FUCKING
L1770[19:19:19] <cord> <Mimiru> What ads..?
L1771[19:19:23] <cord> <gamax92> Yeah What ads
L1772[19:19:25] <`_`> I heard GROPING was better
L1773[19:19:34] <`_`> And more SFW
L1774[19:19:34] <Xal> razer ad or somethin
L1775[19:19:38] <cord> <Mimiru> I've done several windows 10 installs... I can't remember any ads.
L1776[19:19:39] <Techokami> the grub version is 1.98 to the version just before the most recent release (which patched it)
L1777[19:19:40] <GauHelldragon> microsoft has to make money somehow
L1778[19:19:42] <cord> <Mimiru> Yeah... no ads.
L1779[19:19:59] <cord> <gamax92> Techokami: legacy grub?
L1780[19:20:09] <GauHelldragon> it's either that or they'd have to actually sell windows for money
L1781[19:20:11] <Techokami> legacy to very recent
L1782[19:20:13] <Xal> weird as hell, looks like it was an installer
L1783[19:20:14] <`_`> Plus, who password protects grub
L1784[19:20:19] <Xal> a razer synapse installer
L1785[19:20:29] <Techokami> it was just patched recently
L1786[19:20:46] <Techokami> and yeah, you need physical access to exploit it
L1787[19:20:58] <Techokami> still very laffo
L1788[19:21:03] <`_`> Unless you are at a blackhat conference demonstrating your new BlackBox(TM), you shouldn't worry about the lost password mechanism
L1789[19:21:31] <Techokami> also why is everyone talking through the user cord??
L1790[19:21:42] <Mimiru> %discord
L1791[19:21:45] <MichiBot> Mimiru: https://discord.gg/0hVukoQ2KYifZFCA
L1792[19:21:46] <cord> <Mimiru> ^
L1793[19:21:56] <cord> <gamax92> Join us :}
L1794[19:22:22] <cord> <Mimiru> Oh @gamax92 thanks to your script.. I've adapted it to a few other bots.. lol
L1795[19:22:28] <cord> <gamax92> heh, nice
L1796[19:22:44] <cord> <gamax92> hexchat's scripting stuff is pretty simple, can be too simple at times
L1797[19:22:45] <cord> <Mimiru> like my MC bridge, a few other discord bridges etc
L1798[19:22:59] <GauHelldragon> .. hm
L1799[19:23:04] <Techokami> oh interesting
L1800[19:23:23] <GauHelldragon> libraries go in /lib and programs go in /bin
L1801[19:23:26] <GauHelldragon> where do data files go
L1802[19:23:34] <cord> <gamax92> /usr/share
L1803[19:23:38] <`_`> dammit
L1804[19:23:43] <`_`> I tried to type it but then /
L1805[19:23:43] <cord> <gamax92> (guess)
L1806[19:23:50] <GauHelldragon> thanks
L1807[19:24:08] <cord> <Mimiru> o/ @Techokami
L1808[19:24:18] <cord> <Mimiru> Also, pings/tab complete use @'s
L1809[19:24:19] <cord> <Techokami> so it's like Skype but in a browser and you made a bot that bridges IRC and this?
L1810[19:24:20] <cord> <gamax92> Atleast I remember print3d having models there
L1811[19:24:30] <cord> <gamax92> configuration data in /etc
L1812[19:24:31] <cord> <Mimiru> There are apps as well
L1813[19:24:39] <cord> <Mimiru> you don't HAVE to use a browser.
L1814[19:24:47] <GauHelldragon> ok cool, thanks
L1815[19:24:58] <cord> <Mimiru> And this bot was made by CopyGirl
L1816[19:25:05] <cord> <Xal> yeah I don't see why this is better than irc besides voice
L1817[19:25:08] <cord> <Xal> i'm gonna go back
L1818[19:25:34] <cord> <Mimiru> Built in backlog, no need to run a bouncer, sync across devices
L1819[19:25:37] <cord> <Mimiru> I could go on..
L1820[19:25:38] <cord> <Mimiru> but meh.
L1821[19:25:47] <cord> <gamax92> I'm mainly here because my internet is being disconnecty garbage, and I lose messages or get not sent messages
L1822[19:25:49] <Xal> irc might not be as good
L1823[19:25:53] <Xal> but it's good enough(tm)
L1824[19:26:59] <Mimiru> I have both, both fill niches
L1825[19:27:38] <cord> <gamax92> that reminds me, I was going to write a program to convert oclogs stuff to hexchat scrollback data
L1826[19:28:07] <Inari> need to learn more scala xD
L1827[19:28:21] <cord> <Mimiru> As long as whatever you write trusts LE certs, as it's forced https now :P
L1828[19:28:22] <cord> <gamax92> java2scala ❤
L1829[19:28:43] <cord> <Mimiru> Also, remember how to get the data as a .tgz?
L1830[19:28:48] <cord> <gamax92> uhh, no
L1831[19:29:12] <cord> <Mimiru> https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/.getlatest.php
L1832[19:29:13] <Inari> haha
L1833[19:29:25] <Inari> currently im stuck on how to best put the contesnts of an arraylist into a vector
L1834[19:29:27] <cord> <Mimiru> dumps the entire collection as a single tgz
L1835[19:29:39] <cord> <gamax92> o_o I wish I knew that.
L1836[19:29:52] <Xal> installing windows 10: microsoft edge, yay or nay?
L1837[19:30:00] <cord> <Mimiru> Edge is actually decent.
L1838[19:30:04] <cord> <gamax92> I'm using Waterfox though
L1839[19:30:10] <cord> <Mimiru> I still install Chrome/Firefox though
L1840[19:30:11] <Xal> better than chrome?
L1841[19:30:20] <Techokami> yeah Edge is not that bad, I still use Firefox tho
L1842[19:30:29] <Xal> i'm not going to install it unless it is objectively better than chrome
L1843[19:30:42] <cord> <gamax92> What do you mean install, it comes with w10
L1844[19:30:47] <Techokami> it's far better than IE
L1845[19:30:48] <cord> <Mimiru> ^?
L1846[19:30:51] <Xal> you can select it during the installation
L1847[19:30:54] <Xal> whether you want it or ot
L1848[19:30:55] <Techokami> and the only thing it's missing is extensions
L1849[19:31:00] ⇨ Joins: demhydraz (matheus@lambdaos.org)
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L1851[19:31:07] <Techokami> which will come in a future update
L1852[19:31:08] <cord> <Mimiru> I didn't have an option...
L1853[19:31:20] <Xal> you have to select customize installation
L1854[19:31:20] <cord> <gamax92> Neither did I
L1855[19:31:25] <cord> <gamax92> I did
L1856[19:31:32] <Xal> huh
L1857[19:31:39] <Xal> I check it in, I'll give it a chance
L1858[19:32:03] <Techokami> Microsoft said it'll be like Chrome's extensions
L1859[19:32:34] <Techokami> also it's going to be open sourced a bit
L1860[19:32:54] <Dashkal> Jurisdiction? Bet MS has to allow no-Edge in the EU.
L1861[19:32:55] <Techokami> the Javascript engine will be released under MIT on GitHub next month
L1862[19:32:58] <cord> <gamax92> Techokami, Do you know anything bout compiling C64 BASIC disks outside of C64 (making d64 images?)
L1863[19:33:02] ⇨ Joins: wer38l (~wer38@wer38.info)
L1864[19:33:09] <Xal> what the FUCK microsoft?
L1865[19:33:15] <Techokami> I don't know anything about C64 :(
L1866[19:33:24] <Xal> "This app was removed because it wasn't compatible" it removed cpuz
L1867[19:33:31] <cord> <gamax92> darn
L1868[19:33:31] <Techokami> reinstall it?
L1869[19:33:34] ⇨ Joins: ashka_ (~postmaste@
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L1872[19:33:53] <cord> <gamax92> Xal: Are you clean installing or upgrading?
L1873[19:34:00] <Xal> gah, upgrading
L1874[19:34:05] <Xal> too lazy to clean install right now
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L1899[19:34:10] <^v> Oh noes! aperture split 3:
L1900[19:34:12] <cord> <gamax92> That's probably why you have all these choices then
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L1918[19:34:27] <Alissa> what haha later losers
L1919[19:34:29] <Alissa> aww
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L1922[19:35:11] <vifino> God, it was so amazing on the other side.
L1923[19:35:21] <vifino> You all just have to ruin everything :(
L1924[19:37:00] <cord> <Mimiru> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/125675911474446336/126860159686279168/12366397_10153766892294320_5723972043757243205_n.png
L1925[19:37:01] <cord> <Mimiru> <3
L1926[19:37:13] <cord> <gamax92> cute
L1927[19:37:22] <Alissa> vifino: sorrynotsorry
L1928[19:39:07] <Techokami> hedgehogs <3
L1929[19:39:59] <vifino> Mimiru: Ermahgurd. That is so adorable. *.*
L1930[19:40:15] <cord> <Mimiru> @Techokami http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Shaymin_(Pok%C3%A9mon)
L1931[19:40:22] <cord> <Mimiru> oh ffs
L1932[19:40:26] <Techokami> I know :V
L1933[19:40:32] <cord> <Mimiru> :P
L1934[19:40:37] <Techokami> Shaymin is based on a hedgehog
L1935[19:40:44] <cord> <Mimiru> I know :P
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L1969[19:51:49] <`_`> So I made a C++ mangler
L1970[19:52:07] <`_`> It takes a valid C++ function def and turns it into the mangled version
L1971[19:53:18] <cord> <Techokami> why would you want to mangle your C++ code
L1972[19:53:36] <GauHelldragon> wow!
L1973[19:53:39] <GauHelldragon> i can't believe that worked.
L1974[19:54:08] <GauHelldragon> i thought for sure i would have to do some shenanigans with datatypes
L1975[19:54:22] <`_`> Techokami: I forgot what I was going to use it for
L1976[19:54:24] <`_`> lol
L1977[19:54:58] <`_`> Oh, I remember
L1978[19:55:19] <`_`> I was linking ELF files in memory on my Wii
L1979[19:55:25] <Alissa> what's the thing that replaces the semicolons with the utf8 version thing
L1980[19:55:34] <Alissa> and does other modifications randomly
L1981[19:55:40] <`_`> And I needed a way to easily mangle and demangle names so I can create libdefs easier
L1982[19:55:55] <`_`> Alissa: An annoying asshole?
L1983[19:56:19] <Alissa> besides that
L1984[19:56:27] <`_`> Auto replace?
L1985[19:56:44] <Alissa> it was a script but that works too
L1986[19:56:58] <`_`> Ok
L1987[19:59:53] <v^> ELF best format
L1988[20:00:05] <`_`> ELF for smash, fuck Bayonetta
L1989[20:00:44] <v^> PE sucks
L1990[20:01:10] * `_` throws a.out
L1991[20:01:34] <v^> -o out.a
L1992[20:01:49] <`_`> ah, the old -o-switcheroo
L1993[20:01:56] <`_`> Hold my GCC, I'm going in!
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L1996[20:07:38] <TYKUHN2> Hehe. Google has a seperate category for that random facebook photo of the dress someone posted
L1997[20:08:19] <TYKUHN2> Thats how wrong a post can get
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L2000[20:12:47] <TYKUHN2_> I saw my own quit messaghe
L2001[20:12:54] *** TYKUHN2_ is now known as TYKUHN2
L2002[20:18:58] <TYKUHN2> I logged out of twitch. I am still logged in. Best account management since the wheel
L2003[20:31:57] <v^> Ctrl f5
L2004[20:34:16] <gamax92> `_`: b-but clang
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L2006[20:48:54] <cord> <Kodos> Okay, I've eaten half a dozen tacos, what have I missed
L2007[20:50:06] <cord> <Kodos> Oooh new dev build
L2008[20:51:46] <cord> <Kodos> I'll be glad to get moved and get faster internet ?
L2009[20:51:54] <cord> <Kodos> .1 Megabyte a second is badd
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L2015[21:03:43] <cord> <Kodos> Laaame
L2016[21:03:48] <cord> <Kodos> I can't access a server's contents anymore
L2017[21:08:51] <cord> <Kodos> There we go. Now I just need a RAID server, and I'll have the perfect headless computer in a block that can do my bidding
L2018[21:11:44] ⇦ Quits: Dashkal (~dashkal@S0106d43d7ef8be0d.vf.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L2019[21:11:48] <TYKUHN2> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaEmCFiNqP0
L2020[21:11:49] <MichiBot> TYKUHN2: Nyan Cat - Smooth Jazz Cover | length: 14m 27s | Likes: 90004 Dislikes: 2111 Views: 8592218 | by Heartless Corporation
L2021[21:12:06] <TYKUHN2> Should have bitlyed that
L2022[21:12:10] ⇨ Joins: Dashkal (~dashkal@S0106d43d7ef8be0d.vf.shawcable.net)
L2023[21:12:33] <TYKUHN2> 3:45 in
L2024[21:12:59] <TYKUHN2> Waiting for the onion
L2025[21:14:10] <TYKUHN2> Still not even sure. I must decode this while decoding this saz file
L2026[21:15:39] <vifino> So, apparently I am designing a laser scanner for a friend of mine, but I think he doesn't like my water cooled laser engraver perception of the idea... He didn't respond to the switch that toggles between death ray mode and disco light mode yet..
L2027[21:15:39] <TYKUHN2> Lol youtube translated Nyan into Onion
L2028[21:16:52] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p5DEC6CA8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2029[21:17:18] <TYKUHN2> Still surprised Youtube understood the word Nyan
L2030[21:19:12] ⇦ Quits: calclavia (uid15812@id-15812.richmond.irccloud.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L2031[21:19:25] <TYKUHN2> Vifino why is that not an OC addon yet?
L2032[21:19:30] <vifino> what
L2033[21:19:54] <TYKUHN2> Disco death laser
L2034[21:20:07] <TYKUHN2> 11 minutes of Nyan make it stop.
L2035[21:20:45] <vifino> k
L2036[21:21:01] <gamax92> Visual6581 or Visual8502 when?
L2037[21:21:43] <gamax92> 8580*
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L2041[21:29:07] <cord> <Kodos> Whee, I have a rack with a server, a terminal server, and 2 disk drives
L2042[21:31:43] <cord> <Kodos> Quick, someone make a rackmountable thing that's dyeable!
L2043[21:34:51] <cord> <Kodos> Uhhh where's the power button on racks
L2044[21:35:34] <GauHelldragon> has anyone made arcade machine boxes for oc
L2045[21:35:42] <GauHelldragon> er, cabinets
L2046[21:36:12] <cord> <Kodos> Not yet
L2047[21:37:49] <cord> <Kodos> Is there a way to have a function's code printed out
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L2049[21:43:16] <gamax92> ._.
L2050[21:43:38] <gamax92> http://oms.wmhost.com/misc/MOS_8580R5_full.png this exists
L2051[21:47:09] <lashtear> that is a large picture
L2052[21:47:17] <gamax92> it is indeed
L2053[21:48:16] <cord> <Kodos> Text.tokenize is neat
L2054[21:48:42] ⇦ Quits: TYKUHN2 (webchat@cpe-75-186-10-24.cinci.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L2055[21:54:38] <Xal> I need to work on organizing my windows machine
L2056[21:54:49] <Xal> tfw recycling bin had 46GB of shit in it
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L2060[22:13:10] <Izaya> fucking debian
L2061[22:13:19] <Izaya> fucking versioned distros
L2062[22:13:22] <Izaya> fucking crap
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L2064[22:16:07] <cord> <Kodos> uwot
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L2066[22:19:20] <Izaya> never have weird issues with pacman refusing to install packages
L2067[22:19:24] <Izaya> just the whole apt system
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L2071[22:25:13] <cord> <Kodos> I need FortressCraft in my life x.x
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L2074[22:29:38] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L2075[22:43:43] <cord> <Kodos> Someone go into #thermalexpansion on Esper, and request a Fluid Transposer recipe of slimeballs + lava into magma creams
L2076[22:59:51] <cord> <Kodos> So how badly do addons break with 1.6
L2077[23:11:24] <cord> <Kodos> Watching this video for FortressCraft makes me want to write a tablet program that 'scans' blocks and stores them in a database
L2078[23:11:33] <cord> <Kodos> Err not an actual database, but some sort of file
L2079[23:11:57] <cord> <Kodos> Speaking of, I still need a program that can print out data retrieved from a tabletscan
L2080[23:13:16] <gamax92> 1.7724538509055160272981674833411451827975494561223871282138077898529112845910321813749506567385446653
L2081[23:13:32] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~jorrit@d8D872E30.access.telenet.be)
L2082[23:13:54] <McJty> Hi, a question about OC for 1.8. Where do you get your RF from? Trying to find an RF generator for 1.8.8 :-)
L2083[23:14:48] <cord> <Kodos> There aren't any power mods for 1.8.8 afaik
L2084[23:14:57] <cord> <Kodos> CoFHCore isn't officially in 1.8, and won't be officially, ever iirc
L2085[23:15:05] <cord> <Kodos> There are ports, but I'm not sure of any off the top of my head
L2086[23:16:20] <McJty> I wonder if Buildcraft for 1.8.8 uses/generates RF
L2087[23:16:43] <GauHelldragon> i think it does
L2088[23:16:48] <GauHelldragon> or uh
L2089[23:16:50] <GauHelldragon> no i have no idea
L2090[23:17:41] <cord> <Kodos> Is BC on 1.8.8 already?
L2091[23:17:49] <cord> <Kodos> I haven't been keeping track of MC beyond 1.8
L2092[23:17:51] <McJty> In beta
L2093[23:18:03] <McJty> I guess I'll just put in a simple RF generator in RFTools 1.8.8 for now
L2094[23:19:14] ⇨ Joins: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L2095[23:19:32] <cord> <Kodos> Wow, Custom NPCs is already on 1.8.8?
L2096[23:20:00] <Vexatos> McJty, it doesn't produce RF though :P
L2097[23:20:01] <cord> <Kodos> Oh nice, Thut's Lifts are 1.8.8 too
L2098[23:20:32] <cord> <Kodos> I want a generator that produces RF via an alternating redstone signal system
L2099[23:20:34] <cord> <Kodos> That isn't RotaryCraft
L2100[23:21:21] <cord> <Kodos> Actually
L2101[23:21:26] <cord> <Kodos> Let me switch over to webchat
L2102[23:21:43] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (webchat@108-226-6-195.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net)
L2103[23:21:43] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L2104[23:21:50] <Kodos> There
L2105[23:23:04] <Izaya> gah
L2106[23:34:23] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E14A466C99C371EA3C37FFB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L2107[23:34:46] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L2108[23:47:23] <Kodos> Okay, so I have a function that -should- be able to print out a table, and all subtables
L2109[23:47:40] <gamax92> so, serialize?
L2110[23:48:07] <Kodos> Doesn't serialize put it into a single string?
L2111[23:48:21] <gamax92> and then you'd print the string
L2112[23:48:26] <Kodos> Well
L2113[23:48:39] <Kodos> tl;dr I'm trying to make a program that can cleanly spit out the data from tabletscanning a block
L2114[23:51:51] <Kodos> So far the only thing I can get it to spit out is "tablet_use"
L2115[23:51:54] <Kodos> Which is the event name
L2116[23:53:04] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L2117[23:56:40] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8002:ea78:2039:d904:2231:c80) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2118[23:57:44] <orthoplex64> has anyone made a midi player to work with computronics' beep cards? it's like computer.beep except up to 8 of them can be going on at the same time
L2119[23:58:17] *** mr208 is now known as mallrat208
L2120[23:58:43] <Kodos> I believe so, yes
L2121[23:58:51] <Kodos> You just missed Vex, or I'd say ask him
L2122[23:59:08] *** Krampus is now known as Cranium[Away]
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