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L1[00:07:04] ⇨ Joins: TrueLove (~3volta@TrueLove.Putka.Info)
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L13[01:14:51] ⇦ Parts: robhol (~robhol@ (東雲家は、今日も平和であった。))
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L15[01:30:37] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L16[01:36:33] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E14A459941954A2E63AB30D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L17[01:36:33] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L21[01:51:25] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
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L23[02:00:46] <vifino> /aaway
L24[02:01:37] <Vexatos> /ooway
L25[02:01:48] * Vexatos pokes Techokami
L26[02:04:57] <vifino> Vexatos: /aaway runs /away on every server I am connected to.
L27[02:05:14] ⇨ Joins: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L28[02:06:01] <Vexatos> #tell
L29[02:06:07] <Vexatos> Mhm how does this work again
L30[02:06:09] <vifino> Jesus, that took forever.
L31[02:06:44] <vifino> I took like 5 tries to get my nickserv password right.
L32[02:08:21] <Vexatos> #help
L33[02:08:23] <Vexatos> .-.
L34[02:08:27] <Vexatos> Uuuh
L35[02:08:32] <Vexatos> what was the prefix for MichiBot again
L36[02:08:41] <vifino> %.
L37[02:08:45] <Vexatos> %tell
L38[02:08:45] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Who did you want to tell?
L39[02:08:47] <Vexatos> there we go
L40[02:08:47] <vifino> %tell Vexatos to rtfm
L41[02:08:47] <MichiBot> vifino: Vexatos will be notified of this message when next seen.
L42[02:08:57] <Vexatos> %tell vifino there is a manual?
L43[02:08:57] <MichiBot> Vexatos: vifino will be notified of this message when next seen.
L44[02:09:08] <Alissa> vifino: /aa best alias though
L45[02:09:20] <vifino> %tell Vexatos `man MichiBot`
L46[02:09:20] <MichiBot> vifino: Vexatos will be notified of this message when next seen.
L47[02:10:28] <Vexatos> %tell Techokami We're on the official "Third-Party Mod List". Read http://www.curseforge.com/knowledge-base/120-minecraft-modpack-submission https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SUxIEfbAf8tqAJP-HXnT0sPOY3atCF1OKy56cHxKNdk/
L48[02:10:29] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Techokami will be notified of this message when next seen.
L49[02:12:08] <v^> VexaToast
L50[02:12:22] <Vexatos> Hi
L51[02:13:50] <vifino> I need to get an Amiga 1200.
L52[02:14:36] <Vexatos> v^, what's up
L53[02:14:44] <Vexatos> Have you fixed openprg? >_>
L54[02:14:48] <v^> oh right
L55[02:16:18] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L56[02:19:25] <lperkins2> Vexatos, is there a way to specify a dependency should be installed without specifying where?
L57[02:20:13] <Vexatos> Well you could specify "/" as the dependency
L58[02:20:24] <Vexatos> which would equal "the same folder you install the parent package in"
L59[02:20:32] <lperkins2> Ah, okay
L60[02:22:09] <lperkins2> now installing python-gml should automatically pull in gml
L61[02:25:55] <v^> Vexatos, looks like ^v4 is segfaulting for no goddamn reason
L62[02:26:08] <v^> so im attaching gdb so i can fix it
L63[02:26:17] <Vexatos> segfault is the best
L64[02:34:25] <ven000m_> hey guys.
L65[02:34:51] <ven000m_> thats my current script: https://code.capsload.it/#-K4MWrzYly7cWN9zCAOz
L66[02:35:01] <ven000m_> i wonder if i can add the player name that presses the button to the script
L67[02:35:12] <ven000m_> so i can use http://URL/?player=%p
L68[02:35:14] <ven000m_> or smth like that
L69[02:35:18] <ven000m_> would that work in LUA?
L70[02:35:38] <v^> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
L71[02:35:38] <v^> 0x00007fffe9e781bb in ?? () from /usr/lib/fglrx/libamdocl64.so
L72[02:36:00] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8002:ea78:e01c:1fa0:fad3:494) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L74[02:37:58] *** Guest65614 is now known as Vi
L75[02:37:58] <v^> Vexatos, here you go
L76[02:38:04] <v^> -^v4- From ds84182: I'm going to murder you and wear your hair ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
L77[02:38:07] <v^> lol
L78[02:38:15] <Vexatos> <openprg
L79[02:38:16] <v^> turns out ^v4 requires an x server
L80[02:38:23] <v^> .openprg
L81[02:38:24] <Vexatos> but why
L82[02:38:28] <v^> i have no clue
L83[02:38:35] <^v4> v^, http://v4.pixeltoast.tk/paste/ds79f.html
L84[02:38:40] <v^> it has probably become sentient
L85[02:38:43] <v^> also that URL doesnt work
L86[02:39:03] ⇨ Joins: Jelmazmo (~aljel@host-95-189-170-178.pppoe.omsknet.ru)
L87[02:39:08] <v^> http://v4.pxtst.com/paste/ds79f.html
L88[02:39:17] <Vexatos> yay .-.
L89[02:39:23] <v^> just replace pixeltoast.tk to pxtst.com
L90[02:39:32] <Vexatos> but
L91[02:39:34] <Vexatos> the URL did work
L92[02:39:43] <v^> > just replace pixeltoast.tk to pxtst.com
L93[02:39:53] <Vexatos> <^v4> v^, http://v4.pixeltoast.tk/paste/ds79f.html
L94[02:39:55] <Vexatos> that worked
L95[02:40:11] <v^> OH
L96[02:40:24] <v^> i was thinking of ptoast.tk
L97[02:40:38] <v^> ptoast.tk now is a malware dickfest thanks to parking
L98[02:41:41] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L99[02:42:50] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L100[02:43:06] <Izaya> if depth > 100 then
L101[02:43:07] <Izaya> error("link cycle detected")
L102[02:43:16] <Izaya> that's rather not ideal
L103[02:43:28] <v^> Izaya, lmao
L104[02:43:39] <Izaya> not my code
L105[02:43:43] <v^> good
L106[02:44:02] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (~Forecaste@
L107[02:44:05] <Izaya> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/OpenOS/lib/filesystem.lua#L49-L50
L108[02:44:29] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L109[02:44:42] <ven000m_> can a LUA script detect a player name?
L110[02:45:00] <Izaya> you can pull a keyboard event
L111[02:45:09] <v^> ven000m_, key press events give you a player name IIRC
L112[02:45:15] <v^> or is it a UUID now
L113[02:45:17] <ven000m_> that'd be cool
L114[02:45:23] <Kubuxu> Izaya: you could run proper loop detection but it would complicate code a bit
L115[02:46:26] <v^> Kubuxu, well
L116[02:46:37] <v^> if you have a custom filesystem or something
L117[02:47:00] <Izaya> I can safely say that the filesystem lib is incomprehensible to me
L118[02:47:05] <v^> you could end up in a while loop situation without being able to tell if it is an infinite loop or not
L119[02:49:01] <Kubuxu> v^: proper loop detection in O(1) memory is to walk the list at two speeds, ie. normal and once in two times. If there is loop they will sooner or later collide.
L120[02:49:02] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (~Forecaste@
L121[02:49:27] <lperkins2> ugh, we need a way to use CC peripherals without CC installed...
L122[02:49:47] <lperkins2> I wonder how hard it would be to auto generate mockups...
L123[02:49:50] <Vexatos> why
L124[02:50:28] <lperkins2> I hate having CC installed, but have several addons that use it's peripheral API
L125[02:50:33] <Kodos> Such as?
L126[02:51:12] <lperkins2> A patch for ProjectRed which interfaces with request pipes
L127[02:51:25] <lperkins2> and a programmable transporter mod,
L128[02:51:59] <lperkins2> Also, some world sensors
L129[02:52:07] <lperkins2> which work with IC2 reactors
L130[02:52:21] <Vexatos> For reactors, use Nuclear Control
L131[02:52:35] <Vexatos> for world sensors, Computronics and OpenPeripheral Addons
L132[02:52:52] <Vexatos> "programmable transporter" is a Transposer or a Drone I guess
L133[02:53:34] <lperkins2> it's a bit more sophisticated than that,
L134[02:53:58] <lperkins2> I can update it to use OC's API, but I haven't touched its code in like 2 years
L135[02:56:06] <lperkins2> Similarly, project red is open source, so I can make it work too,
L136[02:56:20] <lperkins2> but a way to use any CC peripheral without CC installed would still be nice
L137[02:57:11] <Turtle> I'm fairly certain you can't do that without breaking several conventions and getting the wrath of dan for doing so
L138[02:59:49] <v^> lol i had the problem of Project Red ONLY working for OC and not CC
L139[03:00:24] <lperkins2> Don't need to do anything with his stuff, just have to make OC think CC is installed and dynamically translate implementors of IPeripheralProvider to implement ManagedPeripheral
L140[03:01:04] <lperkins2> Or possibly just the second half of that
L141[03:01:39] <Turtle> yeah but you need classes for that that are CC's stuff
L142[03:02:20] <lperkins2> No, you need classes which have the same name, and good exception handling
L143[03:02:21] <Turtle> you can reimplement those, but it will not play along nice with updates and such, and we already have plenty of drama in minecraft modding
L144[03:02:40] <lperkins2> I'm not sure how much you'd actually need
L145[03:02:44] <Turtle> lperkins2, same name, same package, and basicly identical functionality or updates will ruin everyone involved's lives
L146[03:03:20] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~quassel@178-190-231-5.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L147[03:03:23] <Turtle> I'm also pretty sure using someone else's package name, let alone intentionally creating a collision, is bad practise anyway.
L148[03:03:49] <lperkins2> You'd have to declare a mod conflict with CC so that you can't have both installed
L149[03:04:10] <lperkins2> but all the arguments to callMethod are interfaces,
L150[03:04:24] <lperkins2> so you could just provide your own implementations of them
L151[03:04:28] <Turtle> they are? I haven't looked at the CC api tbh
L152[03:04:46] <Vexatos> lperkins2, OC already has CC peripheral support
L153[03:04:55] <lperkins2> Yes, but only if CC is installed
L154[03:04:58] <Vexatos> the issue is that most mods remove their peripheral stuff when CC is not installed
L155[03:05:02] <Vexatos> like, completely get rid of it
L156[03:05:06] <Vexatos> via @Optional
L157[03:05:09] <Turtle> ohhh, hurr
L158[03:05:11] ⇦ Quits: t3hero (~t3hero@2601:202:200:fb50:1d22:9ece:4477:1a9d) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L159[03:05:24] <Kodos> What if you made a dummy mod
L160[03:05:24] <Vexatos> it won't even be there
L161[03:05:29] <Kodos> With the same mod ID
L162[03:05:35] <Kodos> So it would trigger the peripheral optionals
L163[03:05:41] <Vexatos> then Computronics would error for instance
L164[03:05:45] <Vexatos> As would CCTweaks
L165[03:05:52] <Vexatos> and OpenPeripheral, probably
L166[03:05:53] <Kodos> NotMyFaultException
L167[03:06:02] <Turtle> It is if you made the dummy mod
L168[03:06:07] <Vexatos> gregtech.api.util.GT_ItsNotMyFaultException
L169[03:06:08] <lperkins2> So if the other mod leaves the functions, then OC can still use the peripheral
L170[03:06:10] <Vexatos> get your references
L171[03:06:13] <Vexatos> :<
L172[03:06:42] <Vexatos> lperkins2, it would work if dan's API was an @API but it is not
L173[03:06:51] <v^> well it would probably be easier to just remove the recipies for CC
L174[03:06:59] <v^> so it wouldnt even matter
L175[03:07:38] <lperkins2> Aye, that's what we've done
L176[03:08:05] <Turtle> Back to abusing selenium
L177[03:15:31] <Vexatos> red or grey
L178[03:17:39] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~quassel@91-115-116-2.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L179[03:19:50] <Kodos> Was that a question about Selenium, or are you just asking randomly
L180[03:20:54] <Turtle> Vexatos, I just can't be bothered to pull the api out of >8k lines of poorly written undocumented JS
L181[03:28:39] <v^> dan is bad coder
L182[03:28:53] <Vexatos> Kodos, red or grey selenium
L183[03:28:56] <Vexatos> Se6 or Se8 :P
L184[03:29:16] <v^> CC is closed source because dan and cloudy would be laughed at
L185[03:29:23] <Vexatos> no
L186[03:29:32] <Vexatos> it was something something MCEdu contract
L187[03:29:53] <Vexatos> IIRC
L188[03:31:06] <v^> i thought MCEdu was like way after CC was made
L189[03:32:43] <Turtle> v^ something something the internals of minecraft
L190[03:32:58] <Kodos> FOSS or gtfo
L191[03:33:00] <v^> xD
L192[03:33:07] <v^> they could just make their github public
L193[03:33:51] <Turtle> I ment to poke fun about minecraft's internals being a laughable mess, not the losed source nature of minecraft
L194[03:33:55] <Turtle> >.<
L195[03:34:10] <v^> talking about CC
L196[03:34:32] <v^> MC has been decompiled pretty much completely
L197[03:39:40] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
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L200[04:22:06] *** Guest95495 is now known as Roadcrosser
L201[04:31:09] <vifino> Which is faster, a Pentium M @ 2Ghz or a Pi2 @ 1Ghz?
L202[04:31:29] <vifino> Answer: They are both slow. :|
L203[04:32:22] <vifino> Jack segfaults on the pentium. ¬_¬
L204[04:42:45] <v^> vifino, well the pi is ARM right?
L205[04:42:51] <v^> doesnt arm have shitty ipc
L206[04:43:12] ⇦ Parts: lperkins2 (~perkins@ ())
L207[04:43:20] <vifino> v^: Four cores compared to a shitty old pentium m?
L208[04:43:41] <v^> x86 bruh
L209[04:43:53] <v^> x86 is magic
L210[04:44:00] <vifino> ¬_¬
L211[04:45:26] <v^> i have to sleep
L212[04:45:31] <v^> so yeah
L213[04:46:57] <v^> vifino, pentium M gets around 9 ipc
L214[04:47:24] <v^> or 18 MIPS
L215[04:47:30] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (~Brandon@
L216[04:47:34] <v^> x86 mind you
L217[04:48:29] <v^> or wait
L218[04:48:34] <v^> 18000 MIPS
L219[04:48:36] <v^> im stupid
L220[04:50:35] <v^> and most of the time ARM cores are only 1 ipc
L221[04:50:49] <v^> so its 4000 MIPS vs 18000 MIPS
L222[04:51:11] ⇨ Joins: Ivoah (~Ivoah@p-74-209-21-150.dsl1.rtr.chat.fpma.frpt.net)
L223[04:52:16] ⇦ Quits: v^ (~ping@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L224[04:54:42] ⇦ Quits: Ivoah (~Ivoah@p-74-209-21-150.dsl1.rtr.chat.fpma.frpt.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L226[05:02:21] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: v^ is right though. x86 is absolute magic when it comes to raw power. On the other hand ARM is absolute magic when it comes to raw power draw :P
L227[05:07:25] <vifino> For fucks sake, this pentium m laptop really doesn't fucking like jack.
L228[05:10:15] <vifino> Maybe it's just freebsd being useless in regards to audio.
L229[05:10:20] <vifino> Fuck OSS.
L230[05:10:43] <vifino> "===> Compilation failed unexpectedly."
L231[05:10:48] <vifino> Thanks, freebsd.
L232[05:13:15] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L233[05:13:24] ⇨ Joins: Kodosuntu (~Kodosuntu@2602:306:ce20:6c30:fd22:4603:2e8:d84c)
L234[05:13:34] <Kodosuntu> My netbook seems to think it's still plugged in...
L235[05:14:19] ⇨ Joins: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L236[05:14:28] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodosuntu
L237[05:19:47] ⇦ Quits: Kodosuntu (~Kodosuntu@2602:306:ce20:6c30:fd22:4603:2e8:d84c) (Quit: Leaving)
L238[05:29:24] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E14A459941954A2E63AB30D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L239[05:34:48] * Lizzy sneezes
L240[05:35:28] <DeanIsaKitty> bless you
L241[05:35:32] <Lizzy> Thanks
L242[05:35:37] * Lizzy hugs DeanIsaKitty
L243[05:36:06] ⇨ Joins: Mrvideogame||TheMadman (~TheMadman@
L244[05:36:23] ⇨ Joins: Vaht (~Tahg@pool-96-237-111-105.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
L245[05:36:45] * Lizzy is nmapping her servers to see what ports she can access from work
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L247[05:38:05] <Lizzy> if only i could make nginx act as a socks proxy to ZNC's stuff
L248[05:38:12] <Lizzy> actually that wouldn't work
L249[05:38:13] <Lizzy> nvm
L250[05:38:17] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-96-237-111-105.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L263[05:50:53] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@
L264[05:52:08] ⇨ Joins: PrinzJuliano (webchat@
L265[05:52:47] <PrinzJuliano> Is there an alternative to getfenv () ?
L266[05:58:35] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (~icedream@212-83-173-97.rev.poneytelecom.eu)
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L270[06:06:58] <Typogre> Hello
L271[06:07:43] <Lizzy> hi
L272[06:08:14] <vifino> Great, the test I returned to the teacher had a weird formatting, resulting in me getting a 5. .-.
L273[06:08:37] <vifino> Should have just exported it as a PDF. Oh well.
L274[06:09:37] ⇦ Quits: Typogre (~typogre@host109-152-211-175.range109-152.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L275[06:10:07] <vifino> Also, I apparently thought solving it in my head would be a good idea.
L276[06:11:16] <vifino> Soo, I returned a test with invalid stuff, solved the excercises in my head and didn't notice anything wrong.
L277[06:11:34] <vifino> Such smart I am.
L278[06:16:56] <dangranos> literally with... oh
L279[06:18:00] <vifino> dangranos: Hmm?
L280[06:18:31] <dangranos> btw, by "in your head" you mean without pen and paper at all?
L281[06:18:36] <vifino> Yeah.
L282[06:18:56] <vifino> I did write down the result, of course.
L283[06:19:00] <vifino> But nothing else.
L284[06:19:13] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (~Brandon@
L285[06:19:58] <vifino> But yeah, no shit I got stuff wrong, that test wasn't supposed to be solvable without a calculator.
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L288[06:24:06] <vifino> I have a not so low chance of failing school, great.
L289[06:24:41] <vifino> At least there are people right now that want to hire me, so I think even if I fail, I'll at least get a decent job.
L290[06:29:13] ⇨ Joins: PrinzJuliano (webchat@p4FD46202.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L291[06:29:43] <PrinzJuliano> hey guys. Is there an alternative for getfenv() in lua 5.2?
L292[06:30:00] <dangranos> no
L293[06:30:11] <dangranos> that's short answer
L294[06:30:24] <dangranos> and i guess a long answer too?
L295[06:30:34] <PrinzJuliano> but how can you recreate the functionallity tho?
L296[06:30:46] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p5DEC6883.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L297[06:31:01] <dangranos> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#8
L298[06:31:11] <dangranos> CC switcher i guess?
L299[06:31:38] <dangranos> wai
L300[06:31:57] <dangranos> >Functions setfenv and getfenv were removed, because of the changes in environments.
L301[06:32:42] <PrinzJuliano> yes i used to be coding on computer craft and im porting one of the Frameworks i used to code with to oc
L302[06:33:16] <PrinzJuliano> can i simply use the _ENV table as environment?
L303[06:33:52] <Sangar> short answer: yes. long answer: probably.
L304[06:34:08] <dangranos> you can sandbox certain things
L305[06:34:24] <DeanIsaKitty> Sangar: 5 letters more! You are so talky! :P
L306[06:34:42] <dangranos> PrinzJuliano: what is the problematic code btw?
L307[06:35:29] <Sangar> DeanIsaKitty, indeed!
L308[06:35:45] <dangranos> you can also make a sublibrary that will contain vendor-specific code
L309[06:35:46] <PrinzJuliano> see it at https://github.com/oeed/Bedrock/blob/master/Bedrock line 27
L310[06:36:02] <dangranos> couldn't you name it .lua?
L311[06:36:04] <dangranos> just asking
L312[06:36:37] <PrinzJuliano> its from cc where you do not wirte the .lua extension for simplicity
L313[06:36:45] <PrinzJuliano> *write
L314[06:38:11] <dangranos> ouch, hard tabs
L315[06:39:12] <PrinzJuliano> btw. it's not my code it is from oeed. But I think that this API is great to use
L316[06:39:13] <vifino> Boo-hoo, tabs, lets be hurt by allowing people to select their favourite spacing between indentation levels!
L317[06:39:15] <vifino> ¬_¬
L318[06:39:27] <dangranos> -_-
L319[06:39:52] <PrinzJuliano> guys i think you're missing the point here
L320[06:40:03] <dangranos> so you just... wrap the _G into a table?
L321[06:40:12] <PrinzJuliano> basicly
L322[06:40:34] <PrinzJuliano> but its the functions environment not the global one
L323[06:40:40] <dangranos> and that's necessary because... why?
L324[06:41:06] <PrinzJuliano> loading dynamicly components at program start
L325[06:41:30] <dangranos> i mean, why mess with environment?
L326[06:42:39] <PrinzJuliano> well i think i can just try to require the component and then import the functions into .... right there is the point with the environment
L327[06:43:26] <dangranos> require("filename") returns whatever this filename returns iirc
L328[06:43:59] <PrinzJuliano> alright then
L329[06:44:06] ⇦ Parts: PrinzJuliano (webchat@p4FD46202.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) ())
L330[06:44:14] <dangranos> derp?
L331[06:44:36] <dangranos> i still don't understand the point of those manipulations
L332[06:47:21] <Sangar> one of the reasons i'm happy for _ENV is that i got the feeling a lot of people misused g|setfenv because they didn't know better
L333[06:49:11] <dangranos> i think he tries to sandbox the environment?
L334[07:01:29] <Izaya> Is there a decent way to do plausible deniability under Linux?
L335[07:02:28] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: Yes. What exactly do you need?
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L337[07:03:11] <Izaya> Well I was thinking, it comes up with the usual dm-crypt stuff, enter the password for volume whatever
L338[07:03:23] <Izaya> but if I enter one password, it boots to a more clean system
L339[07:03:38] <Izaya> and if I enter a different password, it boots to a somewhat... less clean system
L340[07:04:24] <vifino> Fancy Grub2 configs + btrfs subvolumes maybe?
L341[07:04:53] <DeanIsaKitty> Thats easy. A (well done) dm-crypt system looks like random garbage anyway, so does empty space inside a dm-crypt system. So you just have a system inside empty space of another system.
L342[07:05:09] ⇨ Joins: wembly (~wembly@
L343[07:05:59] <DeanIsaKitty> But make sure you have an encrypted /boot. Otherwise you can just drop the whole thing since its useless.
L344[07:10:37] <Izaya> hm, looks like I can tell it to use different GRUB config files based on usernames and passwords
L345[07:10:41] <Izaya> excellent
L346[07:10:51] <Izaya> okay,
L347[07:11:33] <Izaya> so, encrypted /boot, have users/passwords for grub on top of that, the main one will have clean linux and windows, and the hidden one will have the nonclean system
L348[07:11:55] <Izaya> :D
L349[07:12:04] <Izaya> *paranoia intensifies*
L350[07:12:14] <Izaya> too bad my laptop doesn't support Libreboot
L351[07:12:21] <DeanIsaKitty> Make sure the windows does not come anywhere near the dirty system
L352[07:12:58] <Izaya> DeanIsaKitty, it'll be on the same disk, but the dirty system will be encrypted and using a filesystem windows can't read anyway, even with third-party tools
L353[07:13:01] <DeanIsaKitty> Also you should keep in mind that when your clean linux starts writing into the aera the dirty system is you *will* face system corruption.
L354[07:13:06] <Izaya> (is there a BTRFS driver for Windows?)
L355[07:13:20] <DeanIsaKitty> No, because it will corrupt the dirty system in an instant
L356[07:14:25] <vifino> God, k20 needs a makeover.
L357[07:14:37] <Izaya> so if I had simply an encrypted linux and a windows partition
L358[07:14:42] <Izaya> it would corrupt that too?
L359[07:14:44] <vifino> Fugal, did you really have to make a ringbuffer wrapper for JACK's?
L360[07:16:21] <DeanIsaKitty> If you have the hidden partition in the same area as windows it will corrupt far more likely than if you have it at the very end of a linux partition. You can control how Linux uses the space easier.
L361[07:16:51] <Izaya> Why would I have my Windows not on a different partition?
L362[07:17:02] <DeanIsaKitty> Also, why not just run with an encrypted live USB stick? Last time I checked Australia had no key disclosure laws.
L363[07:17:23] <Izaya> DeanIsaKitty, I'm doing this mostly for kicks
L364[07:17:23] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: I don't know why you even have Windows at all.
L365[07:17:35] <Izaya> I have very little to hide, but I want to be able to anyway.
L366[07:17:42] <Izaya> DeanIsaKitty, to play... like... CLANNAD
L367[07:17:55] <Izaya> Like the only game that doesn't work better in WINE
L368[07:18:16] <Izaya> I could probably strip the Windows install down to 20-25GB if I wanted
L369[07:18:49] <vifino> Izaya: VT-x?
L370[07:19:01] <Izaya> vifino, blame HP, no VT-x
L371[07:19:07] <vifino> .-.
L372[07:19:15] <vifino> God damn it, HP.
L373[07:19:27] <Izaya> if I don't mind a lot of heat output I can run it without VT-x though
L374[07:19:28] <vifino> It's not like it would give you less performance if you leave it activated.
L375[07:19:33] ⇨ Joins: Ivoah (~Ivoah@p-74-209-21-150.dsl1.rtr.chat.fpma.frpt.net)
L376[07:19:37] <Izaya> just a tiny 32-bit XP VM
L377[07:19:45] <Izaya> vifino, supposedly it's for battery life
L378[07:19:49] <Izaya> all 5 minutes extra
L379[07:19:55] <vifino> Yeah..
L380[07:20:16] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L381[07:20:28] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: a) Keep the hidden partition as small as possible. Us a FS thats easily resizeable. b) Use a FS you know and understand for the "host" and do some legwork. If you can make it not write in the hidden part and have it not look suspicious, you should do that.
L382[07:21:13] <DeanIsaKitty> c) If you ever hacked a HDD controller to make some sectors seem corrupted unless the right os booted from them, you know what paranoia means :P
L383[07:21:36] <Izaya> that sounds above my wizardry level for the moment
L384[07:21:53] <vifino> @schiermi | gepahed?
L385[07:21:53] <vifino> ripp | muss irgendwas thailaendisches zu essen sein
L386[07:21:53] <vifino> 10/10
L387[07:23:29] <DeanIsaKitty> "My hard drive boots linux" "Nothing special, like half of the people in here use Linux" "No, you don't understand. My HDD Controller RUNS LINUX." "..."
L388[07:23:47] <Izaya> hm
L389[07:23:57] <Izaya> depending on how advanced the controller is and whether it uses a proper processor
L390[07:24:10] <Izaya> I imagine more expensive controllers could actually be made to do that
L391[07:24:23] <DeanIsaKitty> That was a real conversation. (translated ofc)
L392[07:25:55] <vifino> Izaya: Many newer HDD's have quite powerful controllers in them, and it's a thing.
L393[07:26:53] <Izaya> that's sorta awesome
L394[07:27:11] <Izaya> aren't there like, smart cards that can run Linux or something?
L395[07:27:55] <vifino> I don't know about that.
L396[07:28:29] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: Yeah there are. I haven't played with that yet sadly.
L397[07:28:34] <vifino> But if there are washing machines which run linux, I'm sure somewhere someone thought the exact same thing.
L398[07:28:54] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: Linkity?
L399[07:29:17] <Izaya> Maybe someone should make linux printers, induce some sanity
L400[07:30:02] <vifino> Oh, there are plenty already.
L401[07:30:06] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@
L402[07:30:28] <DeanIsaKitty> Somehow the mozilla webpage confuses me every time ._.
L403[07:30:41] <Izaya> vifino, are they still evil?
L404[07:31:03] <vifino> Izaya: That was a rethorical question, wasn't it?
L405[07:31:15] * Izaya sighs
L406[07:32:35] <DeanIsaKitty> Has anybody in here experience with C/C++ Development on Windows? :S
L407[07:32:57] * vifino was about to say "I do." but then read the last two words
L408[07:33:09] <Izaya> DeanIsaKitty, Borland?
L409[07:33:24] * Izaya has not touched C/C++ on Windows
L410[07:33:46] <DeanIsaKitty> Hmm, I was more looking at Mingw et al.
L411[07:34:11] <vifino> >>> Emerging (5 of 22) x11-base/xorg-drivers-1.17::gentoo
L412[07:34:12] <vifino> Here we go
L413[07:34:16] <vifino> Brace for impact.
L414[07:34:43] <vifino> ... Oh, it contains nothing to be actually compiled.
L415[07:34:50] <vifino> Fair enough.
L416[07:49:47] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L417[07:55:31] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L418[08:06:38] <vifino> The musicpd package has been successfully installed.
L419[08:06:40] <vifino> ~o~
L420[08:07:29] <vifino> While my pi is building wayland, my pentium m laptop has built mpd!
L421[08:07:30] <vifino> wee
L422[08:07:44] ⇦ Quits: Lumien (Elite13049@ipv6.6.sigma.elitebnc.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L423[08:08:45] <Izaya> vifino, I had a great idea
L424[08:08:54] <vifino> I'm listening.
L425[08:09:09] <Izaya> so, first, stick my best Pentium 4 in my old desktop
L426[08:09:21] <Izaya> then, modify the CPU cooler
L427[08:09:21] <vifino> Yes, then?
L428[08:09:31] <vifino> Fun.
L429[08:09:34] <vifino> Let it explode!
L430[08:09:35] <Izaya> stick a large flat surface on it
L431[08:09:43] <Izaya> or maybe finned
L432[08:09:48] <Izaya> either way
L433[08:09:58] <Izaya> I want to cook bacon and boil water on it
L434[08:10:02] <vifino> :D
L435[08:10:20] <vifino> If my i7-5960X is dead, I'll make a hand warmer out of it.
L436[08:10:25] <DeanIsaKitty> Want some tea? Welp, lets compile the new kernel.
L437[08:10:26] <vifino> A 1.2k€ handwarmer.
L438[08:10:41] <Izaya> and to make it heat up more: folding@home
L439[08:10:48] <Lizzy> Izaya, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BjNESTTZjk
L440[08:10:49] <MichiBot> Lizzy: Nvidia 9800GT Stability Test | length: 5m 30s | Likes: 6042 Dislikes: 10443 Views: 2196684 | by lehmejoun
L441[08:10:51] <vifino> Gentoo. Nuff said.
L442[08:11:13] <Izaya> 3.4Ghz, 64-bit, hyperthreaded
L443[08:15:31] <Jelmazmo> Hi. What`s wrong with Gentoo? And one question: anybody tried to create browser able to open "local" sites on Minecraft server? And "local" web-server, of course. I am just want to learn programming using OC (like a visual material where I can see all changes instantly), so I am interested in "long-time"-challenge.
L444[08:16:24] <Izaya> nothing is wrong with gentoo if it's what you like
L445[08:16:35] ⇨ Joins: Lumien (Elite13049@ipv6.6.sigma.elitebnc.org)
L446[08:16:39] <Izaya> solid source-based distro
L447[08:17:09] <Izaya> side effect of that means it's not too hard to use gentoo to turn a machine into a heater though
L448[08:17:09] <Jelmazmo> In "local" sites I mentioned something like in-game forums, chats (without default MC-chat) and other similar thing
L449[08:17:28] <Jelmazmo> > [20:10] <vifino> Gentoo. Nuff said.
L450[08:17:52] <Jelmazmo> I was interested about that. Said that Gentoo like a something bad.
L451[08:17:54] <vifino> Jelmazmo: Compiling -> Heats up CPU
L452[08:18:11] <vifino> I run Funtoo on my raspberry pi2.
L453[08:18:22] <vifino> And I don't dislike it.
L454[08:19:22] <Jelmazmo> Possible. As I know, Gentoo have to compile all packets it is use, so on weak procs it is can be very long to install nesessary apps
L455[08:19:49] <vifino> Indeed.
L456[08:20:06] <Alissa> I had to compile the latest znc once on a Raspberry Pi. That took forever. \o/
L457[08:20:24] <vifino> But I'm a fan of ricing, so it's not like I particularly dislike it, if I get good results.
L458[08:20:26] <Alissa> Especially considering I had to recompile it after compiling a custom version of SWIG
L459[08:23:43] <Jelmazmo> I tried Gentoo but it gave me lesser that 1 percent for perfomance, heh. So I remained at Debian as a primary OS (and later passed on Kubuntu, but is is a derivative of Ubuntu => Debian, so it isn`t matters(
L460[08:24:07] <vifino> Jelmazmo: On a Pi2, it matters much.
L461[08:24:10] <Jelmazmo> Bump: "And one question: anybody tried to create browser able to open "local" sites on Minecraft server? And "local" web-server, of course. I am just want to learn programming using OC (like a visual material where I can see all changes instantly), so I am interested in "long-time"-challenge."
L462[08:24:50] ⇦ Quits: Keridos|away (~Keridos@ironhide.stw-bonn.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L463[08:24:56] <vifino> Compared to Arch, it is really speedy, because it uses fancy hard float, -O3 and stuff. Also contains serveral "accellerated" versions of software.
L464[08:25:10] <vifino> Like gstreamer with hardware h264 decoder.
L465[08:25:26] <vifino> :D
L466[08:25:33] <vifino> Cousin just told me my mainboard arrived today!
L467[08:25:36] <vifino> Weeeee!
L468[08:25:43] <Jelmazmo> vifono: Possible. In Russia isn`t very popular devices like that, but Google gave me enough info, so I can agree with you.
L469[08:26:21] ⇦ Quits: Ivoah (~Ivoah@p-74-209-21-150.dsl1.rtr.chat.fpma.frpt.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L470[08:26:42] <vifino> Yeah, sadly it's not popular everywhere.
L471[08:26:48] <vifino> It's a really nice thing to toy around with.
L472[08:27:21] <Inari> Jelmazmo: why would you not tab-complete ;-;
L473[08:27:34] <vifino> I imported dev boards from china with my cousin, bought some from a guy who hand soldered ones, etc..
L474[08:27:48] <vifino> But in the end, the raspberry pi's are the ones I like the most.
L475[08:27:51] <vifino> \o/
L476[08:28:07] <Izaya> Does the Pi 2 have SATA?
L477[08:28:11] <vifino> Nope.
L478[08:28:25] ⇨ Joins: Keridos|away (~Keridos@ironhide.stw-bonn.de)
L479[08:28:25] <vifino> Only a slow usb 2 bus.
L480[08:28:35] <vifino> Not even usb otg.
L481[08:28:54] <Izaya> right, not that I have one, but I'd prefer a board with SATA
L482[08:30:16] <Jelmazmo> It is very small, yep, and will find task, but in Russia... http://demotivation.me/images/20090215/mn4ulo2zoajj.jpg (translation: Soviet nanobots is a largest nanobots in world :) )
L483[08:31:07] <vifino> Hehe :)
L484[08:32:51] <Jelmazmo> Of course, it is possible to order devices, and it is relatively cheap (yet after this events with Crimes, Ukraine, ISIS/Torkey and other...), but it is really nowhere to plug-in them
L485[08:34:15] <DeanIsaKitty> Jelmazmo: You're in Russia? Go into HF electronics, you'll have way more fun <.<
L486[08:39:46] <Jelmazmo> Factories uses big servers with great power: in Russia big factory = only one factory, small factories can`t live because Bratva (local mafia, heh)/Military orders. In phones - Androids/IPhone only, in PCs is preferred a "standart" ATX big computer cases with powerful (and cheap, heh) Chinese chitterlings. In is have no application for Pi/Pi2, microcontrollers or too small/unpowerful for general PC/phone/tablet/anything, or too powerful
L487[08:39:47] <Jelmazmo> for very simple task that can be realised by 3,5 lamps
L488[08:42:27] <Jelmazmo> Honestly speaking, I am working on military factory and there are all electronics or still on diods/triods, because it is enough, or it is super-powerful server that can to "feed" really all the plant, offices and other related things
L489[08:43:08] <Jelmazmo> Serve. Instead of feed, srry, I don`t know language well and practicising
L490[08:43:18] * Izaya wants one of those soviet LSI-11 clones
L491[08:44:59] <Jelmazmo> Izaya: You are about PDP? It is found nowadays only in museums, heh. It was too... "middle" and unspecialised.
L492[08:45:45] <Izaya> I only want a PDP-11 because old UNIX, a piece of history
L493[08:46:35] <Izaya> I found a few single chip PDP-11 processor clones from the USSR or whatever on ebay for like $10/piece
L494[08:46:35] <Jelmazmo> But I see them in some schools/universities like a clearly "tutorial" machine that working with some instrumentation.
L495[08:46:59] <Izaya> Oh cool.
L496[08:48:09] <Jelmazmo> Possible, it is possible (sorry for tautology :) ) to buy one of this from school/university, and relatively cheap. It is changing nowadays for modern microcontrollers
L497[08:49:25] <Jelmazmo> But where it even works well... It is works, and making it`s task - what the profit to change working instrument to another, that isn`t better for it`s task?
L498[08:49:38] <dangranos> *Possibly?
L499[08:49:55] <Jelmazmo> *Possible, srry :/
L500[08:50:11] * dangranos is confused
L501[08:51:55] <Izaya> "Don't fix what isn't broken"?
L502[08:52:11] ⇨ Joins: Ivoah (~Ivoah@p-74-209-21-150.dsl1.rtr.chat.fpma.frpt.net)
L503[08:52:14] <Jelmazmo> *\Or maybe possibly, I have 3 in English in school :)
L504[08:52:26] <Jelmazmo> You know better, I think
L505[08:52:36] <Jelmazmo> Izaya: Yep.
L506[08:52:58] <Jelmazmo> It is working => DON`T TOUCH!!!11
L507[08:53:08] <Izaya> Keeping old machines running would be the hard part
L508[08:53:25] <Izaya> The older the machine, the harder it is to get parts
L509[08:53:47] <dangranos> Jelmazmo: not really
L510[08:54:02] <dangranos> english isn't even my native and i'm only at 9th grade
L511[08:57:34] <Jelmazmo> Well, it is yet pretty much of "oldschool" specialists that are remembering all about old components. When they all will go on pension/die/anything else, Russia will massively buy new electronics - but for now it isn`t needed. Old is working well, giving nesessary speed of calculations, and we have a people who can to work with it - all is well. And this "old-school" people are tutoring young generation (students in university), so they
L512[08:57:34] ⇦ Parts: infina (~infina@9600-baud.net) ())
L513[08:57:35] <Jelmazmo> loose will not be a catastrophe.
L514[08:59:19] <Jelmazmo> And, I want to mention one fact: knowledge of historic electronics really helps in novadays. "From simpler to hardest".
L515[09:01:20] <Jelmazmo> And of cource, if prrogrammer knows how is working lowest-level hardware, then he will write much more optimized code because of don`t using some "bydlo"-features
L516[09:01:30] <Alissa> >_>
L517[09:01:33] <Jelmazmo> *course
L518[09:01:35] <Alissa> my school blocked dash.papyros.io
L519[09:01:38] <Alissa> but not papyros.io
L520[09:01:43] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L521[09:01:46] <dangranos> wut
L522[09:01:47] <Alissa> so i can't update papyros \o/
L523[09:01:59] <dangranos> i bet they use pirated copy
L524[09:02:05] <dangranos> oh
L525[09:02:10] <dangranos> it's a distro XD
L526[09:02:13] <Alissa> and on that note, anyone know how to set up pacman to use a SOCKS proxy?
L527[09:02:23] <Alissa> dangranos: distro and shell, I'm trying to install the shell atm
L528[09:02:24] <Jelmazmo> Alissa: Schools is so schools :) More precisely, their system administrators.
L529[09:02:30] <dangranos> though that it was some propriritarty program
L530[09:02:51] <dangranos> okay, this is interesting
L531[09:02:57] <dangranos> build on top of pacman?
L532[09:03:32] <Alissa> papyros is an Arch fork
L533[09:03:45] <Alissa> I'm currently just trying to get the shell.
L534[09:04:52] <Jelmazmo> I don`t tried Arch but on Debian in likely situation I just dow
L535[09:04:55] <Jelmazmo> Fck
L536[09:05:09] <Jelmazmo> downloaded packed files and launched them directly
L537[09:07:13] <Jelmazmo> http://noblockme.ru/ - just enter name of site (or google.com, or anything). I doubt that your system admins blocked a russian site :D
L538[09:07:39] <Alissa> Jezza: That's how official packages and some AUR packages work.
L539[09:07:52] <Alissa> ._.
L540[09:07:55] <Alissa> weird tab complete
L541[09:08:00] <Alissa> Jelmazmo: *
L542[09:08:10] <Alissa> and, it's not the proxy that's the problem
L543[09:08:20] <Alissa> the problem is hooking my package manager up to the proxy
L544[09:09:02] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L545[09:10:02] <dangranos> bastaaaard
L546[09:10:14] <dangranos> papyros-shell is wayland thing
L547[09:10:20] <dangranos> i'm on nvidia
L548[09:10:44] <dangranos> Jelmazmo: than you
L549[09:10:49] <dangranos> *THANK YOU
L550[09:11:38] <Jelmazmo> Alissa: strange. http://tau.rghost.ru/6cVMC9qsh/image.png must to work, I trien right now
L551[09:11:49] <dangranos> ...this isn't https
L552[09:11:54] * dangranos flips the table
L553[09:12:01] <Alissa> Jelmazmo: Don't worry about it.
L554[09:12:14] <Alissa> dangranos: what is wayland?
L555[09:12:19] <Alissa> i tried looking it up a while back
L556[09:12:19] <Jelmazmo> k
L557[09:12:24] <Alissa> but i have no idea what it is still
L558[09:12:26] <dangranos> x replacement
L559[09:12:37] <dangranos> also something that requires KVM
L560[09:12:45] <DeanIsaKitty> Alissa: `man pacman.conf` look at XferCommand
L561[09:12:46] <dangranos> nvidia says "fuck you" at KVM support
L562[09:12:49] <Jelmazmo> Wayland is still live? Hm.
L563[09:13:17] <Alissa> so wait it /requires/ wayland?
L564[09:13:28] <Alissa> because KVM support is a nope for this computer.
L565[09:14:46] <DeanIsaKitty> Alissa: Seems that way, yes
L566[09:14:54] <Alissa> :c
L567[09:14:57] <vifino> I hate and love being the tech support guy.
L568[09:15:01] <vifino> Urgh.
L569[09:15:02] <Alissa> time to get a new computer \o/
L570[09:15:10] <Alissa> vifino: i just /love/ being family tech support
L571[09:15:12] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: I only hate it :P
L572[09:15:13] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L573[09:15:20] <Alissa> because somehow i can manage to fix a fan :I
L574[09:15:35] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: At work I get paid for it, pretty good might I add :P
L575[09:15:54] <DeanIsaKitty> Brb, gotta install Windows 8 on my mum's laptop <.<
L576[09:15:54] <vifino> Installing a cracked windows 7 on a laptop? 100€! :D
L577[09:16:04] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: I feel your pain. :v
L578[09:16:44] <Alissa> DeanIsaKitty: Heh, my dad made me install Windows 8.1, install /every/ update possible, THEN upgrade to Windows 10.
L579[09:16:50] <DeanIsaKitty> Nvm, windows want to take its time >.<
L580[09:17:11] <DeanIsaKitty> Alissa: Luckily my dad hates W10 even more than I do
L581[09:17:22] <Jelmazmo> vifino: in Russia it is a great business. It is very simple for _very_ lazy man that dealing w/ support to get 10000 rubles (~1700-1800 $) in _one_ day. And this is just for setupping cracked Windows 7 and trial Avast Internet Security :D
L582[09:17:51] <dangranos> heh
L583[09:18:10] <DeanIsaKitty> 10000 RUB is around 145 USD / EUR
L584[09:18:10] <dangranos> my dad hates people like that
L585[09:18:27] <dangranos> because those people then will complain "it's not working!"
L586[09:18:34] <dangranos> also, cracked windows is shit
L587[09:18:41] <dangranos> especially when it's modified
L588[09:18:43] <dangranos> ugh
L589[09:18:44] <Jelmazmo> Shit, ywe. DealnlsaKitty thx, I losed one null
L590[09:18:47] <dangranos> "Zver CD"
L591[09:18:56] <Daiyousei> >cracked windows
L592[09:18:56] <Daiyousei> wot
L593[09:18:58] <dangranos> that shit is everywhere, saw it in my school too
L594[09:19:09] <dangranos> Daiyousei: welcome to para... russia
L595[09:19:14] <Daiyousei> oh
L596[09:19:15] <Daiyousei> i see
L597[09:20:00] <Jelmazmo> Daiyousei: hm, in other countries police are checking all the flats and arresting for pirate Shindoshs?
L598[09:21:35] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L599[09:22:13] <Jelmazmo> And why cracked windows is shit? Repack by Vasyan1999_PRO_S4P3R is even more stable than official distributable disk of Windows because consist browser (IE isn`t browser), basic antivirus, some visual themes and soft like DaemonTools, VLC or other useful things
L600[09:22:59] <Jelmazmo> And, of course, repack have latest updates. Without anal zonds of uncle John :)
L601[09:23:23] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (~Brandon@
L602[09:24:00] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@
L603[09:24:15] * vifino is listening to Own Little World - Celldweller
L604[09:29:29] <vifino> mmm. freshly restarted weechat.
L605[09:30:26] ⇦ Quits: phillips1012 (~phillips1@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L606[09:30:46] ⇦ Quits: Ivoah (~Ivoah@p-74-209-21-150.dsl1.rtr.chat.fpma.frpt.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L611[09:50:54] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-135-012.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L612[09:58:47] * Lizzy wants the 3rd to hurry up
L613[09:58:53] * Lizzy wants the 3rd to hurry up and get here
L614[09:59:16] * vifino wants Lizzy to hurry up and get here
L615[09:59:18] * vifino runs
L616[10:01:25] <Lizzy> don't run, i'll have to go further to get to you
L617[10:01:55] * vifino runs to Lizzy
L618[10:02:14] <Lizzy> \O/
L619[10:02:23] <vifino> :3
L620[10:04:15] <hitecnologys> Jelmazmo: first you install cracked Windows, then you get 5 years in jail. Install Linux instead.
L621[10:06:23] <DeanIsaKitty> Where the fuck do you live that you'd get 5 years for *installing* a cracked windows? 0.0
L622[10:06:49] <Lizzy> hitecnologys, i've been using cracked windows and i have no police records
L623[10:07:15] <DeanIsaKitty> Also, can you uninstall malware like Internet Explorer and the Store on W8.1?
L624[10:08:03] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L625[10:08:15] <Lizzy> DeanIsaKitty, i'm not sure, lemme check
L626[10:08:17] <hitecnologys> Lizzy: you're not installing it on someone else's machine for money.
L627[10:08:34] <Lizzy> hitecnologys, you didn't specify that
L628[10:09:07] <hitecnologys> Lizzy: well, I was replying in context specified by Jelmazmo.
L629[10:09:23] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E14A459B195B7F73E0FB5D5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L630[10:09:23] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L631[10:09:28] <hitecnologys> Lizzy: that already included "for money" and "on someone's computer".
L632[10:09:33] <Lizzy> ah
L633[10:09:46] <Lizzy> DeanIsaKitty, you can remove IE. the store is still there though
L634[10:09:51] <Lizzy> *cant be removed
L635[10:11:02] <hitecnologys> Lizzy: and it's not some scary tale. Decent amount of people goes down like that and pays huge fines or worse.
L636[10:12:02] <DeanIsaKitty> Lizzy: How do you remove IE?
L637[10:12:10] <vifino> format C:
L638[10:12:26] <DeanIsaKitty> Huh, mingw comes with vim 7.2 ...
L639[10:12:33] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjj9newZBp0
L640[10:12:34] <MichiBot> vifino: How To Uninstall Internet Explorer | length: 1m 8s | Likes: 90502 Dislikes: 4064 Views: 2866037 | by HowToBasic
L641[10:13:37] <Lizzy> DeanIsaKitty, go to add/remove programs, turn windows features on/off, untick IE
L642[10:14:17] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: Does not include enough Shotgun.
L643[10:14:45] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: Indeed. That's why you will make a new version for me. >:3
L644[10:15:09] * vifino would totally watch internet explorer get uninstalled using a shotgun
L645[10:16:14] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: 0.0
L646[10:16:17] <DeanIsaKitty> But ... but
L647[10:16:23] <DeanIsaKitty> My poor shotgun :<
L648[10:16:39] <vifino> Yeah... But do the service for humanity.
L649[10:17:41] <Jelmazmo> hitecnologys: but I an installed Linux already. I just wanted to say than uneducated in PC people in Russia (Лохи - reads as "lohi") want to be installed Windows on their PCs because "linux have not gaems and vkontakte ^(" and really ready to pay money for me to install on their PCs cracked OS with kit of base soft
L650[10:18:12] <Jelmazmo> Good sidejob, and not difficult :)
L651[10:18:23] <hitecnologys> Jelmazmo: I know that, I live here.
L652[10:18:41] <hitecnologys> Jelmazmo: sidejob? I've seen quite a lot of people doing that for *living*!
L653[10:20:00] <hitecnologys> Jelmazmo: err, to be accurate I mean there, in Russia.
L654[10:20:01] <DeanIsaKitty> Do you people have too much or too little money? <.<
L655[10:20:14] <Jelmazmo> hitecnoligys: they are working above bratva and have to pay very large percent from profit for крыша (krisha - sort of tax from bratva if you are enough moron to make with them agreement)
L656[10:20:37] <Alissa> C+ :<
L657[10:20:53] <Alissa> wrong buffer sorry
L658[10:20:54] <Jelmazmo> I am taking 100% of price I making, without any bratva. It is not 90-s and it is possible to work in small business
L659[10:20:54] <DeanIsaKitty> C++ :>
L660[10:20:55] * hitecnologys Auto completion detector: *PING*
L661[10:21:27] <hitecnologys> Somebody misspelled my name when trying to retype it!
L662[10:21:30] <Alissa> DeanIsaKitty: >_>
L663[10:21:41] <DeanIsaKitty> Alissa: <_<
L664[10:21:57] <Jelmazmo> DeanIsaKitty: it is much of prople who have many money and small amount of brains, like in every place of world :)
L665[10:22:01] <Jelmazmo> *people
L666[10:22:04] <hitecnologys> Jelmazmo: hmm, not that familiar with how it works exactly. I'm into legal business mostly.
L667[10:22:27] <DeanIsaKitty> Jelmazmo: I like the fact that you differentiate between many and much but then use them the wrong way round x)
L668[10:22:44] <Vexatos> is it illegal to install an illegally acquired OS for someone else if that other person was the one who acquired it? :P
L669[10:22:48] <hitecnologys> DeanIsaKitty: I wouldn't say it's either. Some people just aren't motivated enough to become qualified enough for serious business.
L670[10:23:01] <Alissa> Vexatos: Depends on the terms of service.
L671[10:23:07] <Alissa> Just make them agree to all the terms of service
L672[10:23:33] <Vexatos> I hope I won't ever have to agree to the new winderps TOS
L673[10:23:35] <Vexatos> ToS*
L674[10:23:52] <Alissa> I got lucky in that I - for some reason - didn't have to.
L675[10:23:54] <Jelmazmo> Vexatos: in Russia police don`t watch on illegal/legal soft _on PCs of simple citizens_. We have checks on factories and offices, but not more
L676[10:23:55] <Vexatos> Already copied over the skype configs to my other device so it won't ask me to agree to them :P
L677[10:24:11] <Vexatos> Jelmazmo, noone ever does
L678[10:24:12] <Alissa> probably something about upgrading from 8.1 means i skip ToS
L679[10:24:26] <Vexatos> Lots of people in here have gotten _something_ illegally
L680[10:24:35] <Vexatos> if only copyrighted images from Google
L681[10:24:38] <Alissa> Jelmazmo: But if you want support, you're fudged.
L682[10:24:52] <hitecnologys> Alissa: no, you just call the guy who installed it.
L683[10:25:06] <Vexatos> I have been a student all my life, so I am allowed to download random images from google :>
L684[10:25:06] <Jelmazmo> Alissa: Support? We have Google and Yandex :D
L685[10:25:06] <hitecnologys> Is it even on topic here? =P
L686[10:25:18] <Alissa> hitecnologys: We're talking computers. :P
L687[10:25:27] <Vexatos> Since it is legal "for academic purposes" <_>
L688[10:25:30] <hitecnologys> Oh well, alright then.
L689[10:25:33] <Jelmazmo> It is the best support I think
L690[10:25:46] <Vexatos> Jelmazmo, DuckDuckGo
L691[10:25:51] * Vexatos hides
L692[10:26:00] * hitecnologys pets Vexatos.
L693[10:26:23] <Vexatos> linux mint ships duckduckgo as one of the default search engines for firefox
L694[10:27:06] <hitecnologys> At least DDG doesn't have shitty ads all over the page that adjust to your queries.
L695[10:27:20] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (samis@osiris.stary2001.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L696[10:27:40] <Jelmazmo> Vexatos: I am speaking about simple citizen, w/ most probability he doesn`t know about DDG
L697[10:27:54] ⇦ Quits: Daiyousei (Daiyousei@2001:bc8:395b::2) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
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L699[10:28:17] ⇦ Quits: Fridtjof (prassel@2001:bc8:395b::1) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L700[10:28:33] <Alissa> hitecnologys: adblock though
L701[10:28:38] <Vexatos> "simple" is a nice English word. It is highly suggestive in multiple ways
L702[10:28:46] ⇦ Quits: Stary2001 (Stary2001@osiris.stary2001.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L703[10:28:49] <DeanIsaKitty> Lizzy: http://i.imgur.com/uqcJmWs.png How it should be from the very start.
L704[10:29:48] <hitecnologys> Alissa: right, but I download them anyway so it's traffic and unnecessary load on mine and their equipment.
L705[10:29:58] <Alissa> DeanIsaKitty: I wish it installed with Firefox pre-installed
L706[10:30:00] <Alissa> Or Chrome.
L707[10:30:00] <Lizzy> lol
L708[10:30:12] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L709[10:30:35] <Jelmazmo> And yes, in Russia from 1st January of 2016 isn`t legal to use Windows on state factories. offices and companies, also in schools/universities because they are mostly state too, they will be force changed on ALT Linux/Kubuntu/some other distros
L710[10:30:42] *** alekso56 is now known as Guest95485
L711[10:30:52] <Jelmazmo> Partially because of Windows 10 :/
L712[10:31:13] <Vexatos> Linux Mint is the best <3
L713[10:31:21] <Alissa> Arch :<
L714[10:31:33] <DeanIsaKitty> Alissa: That's exactly what I'm talking about. Only malware left is SkyDrive(?) and Store...
L715[10:31:49] <Alissa> OneDrive* ?
L716[10:31:51] <DeanIsaKitty> What even is SkyDrive? Like Google's Drive thingy?
L717[10:31:56] <Alissa> idk
L718[10:31:59] <Vexatos> Microsoft's drive thing
L719[10:31:59] <Alissa> i thought it was OneDrive
L720[10:32:02] <Vexatos> renamed to OneDrive
L721[10:32:04] <Lizzy> ^
L722[10:32:04] <Vexatos> about a year ago
L723[10:32:10] <Jelmazmo> So, in next 10 years it will be a full generation of linuxoids in whole country, heh
L724[10:32:12] <Vexatos> it doesn't allow direct links
L725[10:32:15] <Vexatos> so it's useless to me
L726[10:32:28] <Alissa> cloud storage in general is pretty useless.
L727[10:32:35] <Alissa> i just scp everything over to my backups server :3
L728[10:32:38] <hitecnologys> Jelmazmo: from what i know, RosaLinux is the only distro actually approved by Federal Security Agency.
L729[10:32:42] <Vexatos> Jelmazmo, if you get to recommend one, check out Linux Mint. It's quite nice for people used to Windows and too much to get used to
L730[10:32:47] <Lizzy> also i think they slashed the storage space on onedrive just because a few people were abusing the 'unlimited' plan
L731[10:33:06] <Alissa> Lizzy: Terabytes of porn? :P
L732[10:33:29] <Lizzy> Alissa, i don't know what it was, i just heard it from the WAN Show
L733[10:33:32] <Vexatos> Alissa: Yobibytes
L734[10:33:38] <Jelmazmo> hitechnologys: I read that they allowed more distros for using
L735[10:33:44] <Lizzy> i think it was a few petabytes
L736[10:33:48] <DeanIsaKitty> Lizzy: How do I use windows update on 8.1?
L737[10:33:54] <Vexatos> PETERBYTES
L738[10:34:10] ⇦ Quits: Ivoah (~Ivoah@p-74-209-21-150.dsl1.rtr.chat.fpma.frpt.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L739[10:34:14] <hitecnologys> Alissa: who stores that on onedrive? It's not reliable enough! Gotta go with RAID10 with at least two sites for extra redundancy at least.
L740[10:34:17] <Lizzy> DeanIsaKitty, same way as W7, just open the charms menu, click settings and then go to the control panel
L741[10:34:28] <Jelmazmo> Kubuntu is working in school where is my nephew learning, for example, and they are not planning to change OS on PCs
L742[10:34:33] <DeanIsaKitty> Lizzy: Found it \o/
L743[10:34:34] <hitecnologys> Err, s/at least././
L744[10:34:34] <Lizzy> DeanIsaKitty, or right click the start button
L745[10:35:12] <Alissa> Jelmazmo: We've (My school) moved to Google /everyhting/
L746[10:35:17] ⇦ Quits: Jasontti (~Jason@dsl-prvbrasgw1-50dc0d-30.dhcp.inet.fi) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L747[10:35:21] <hitecnologys> Jelmazmo: maybe.
L748[10:35:28] <Alissa> so now it's Chromebooks, Google Classroom, Google Drive, Google Lunches...
L749[10:35:32] <Alissa> (just kidding on the last part)
L750[10:35:39] <hitecnologys> Jelmazmo: don't really follow it since we use mostly Linux at work anyway.
L751[10:35:51] ⇨ Joins: Ivoah (~Ivoah@p-74-209-21-150.dsl1.rtr.chat.fpma.frpt.net)
L752[10:35:52] <Jelmazmo> Vexatos: I am very long working with Linux distros, so for home I selected Kubuntu quite a long time ago. But I know about Mint, yes
L753[10:36:17] <Sangar> o/
L754[10:36:32] <Alissa> Hey Sangar.
L755[10:36:33] <Vexatos> o\
L756[10:36:45] <hitecnologys> Vexatos: serious people use LFS anyway, why bother choosing between all those distros when you can just build your own?
L757[10:36:46] <Alissa> For home, I use Windows 10 because bleh, bite me.
L758[10:36:47] <DeanIsaKitty> Snagar! \o/
L759[10:36:51] <hitecnologys> Sangar: greetings!
L760[10:37:01] <Alissa> My laptop is Arch.
L761[10:37:02] * DeanIsaKitty bite-crushes Alissa arm
L762[10:37:18] <hitecnologys> Alissa: does it break after each update?
L763[10:37:21] <Alissa> Although I might start using Papyros eventually
L764[10:37:23] <Jelmazmo> hitecnologys: de facto it is only one requirement - OS mustn`t have US anal sonds, like Windows 7/8/8.1 (with latest updates)/10 or MacOSX (nuff said)
L765[10:37:25] <Sangar> how are we?
L766[10:37:30] <Vexatos> Sangar, many
L767[10:37:30] <Alissa> hitecnologys: As a matter of fact, never once has it broken.
L768[10:37:34] <Alissa> well actually that's a lie
L769[10:37:38] <Alissa> an AUR package broke once
L770[10:37:43] <Jelmazmo> Just politics and anti-intelligence, nothing else
L771[10:37:44] <Alissa> but it was because it was the unstable Git uild
L772[10:37:45] <hitecnologys> Alissa: I see. Lucky you.
L773[10:37:47] <Sangar> excellent
L774[10:37:50] <Alissa> but only once
L775[10:37:56] <Alissa> and i didn't even need it apparently \o/
L776[10:38:26] <hitecnologys> Jelmazmo: I see.
L777[10:39:18] <Jelmazmo> Alissa: for what anybody should bite you? anal zonds is your choise, nobody will not judge you :3
L778[10:39:52] <Alissa> Jelmazmo: I can think of many reasons.
L779[10:39:56] <Alissa> 1. Obviously delicious
L780[10:40:05] <Alissa> 2. Attempt to gain radioactive powers
L781[10:40:11] <Alissa> I'll stop there.
L782[10:40:28] <hitecnologys> Alissa: can I get a free sample on (1)? Not so sure about that.
L783[10:40:55] <Alissa> Maybe some other time. DeanIsaKitty took out a bit too much. :P
L784[10:41:10] * DeanIsaKitty burps
L785[10:41:13] <hitecnologys> Eh, gonna get some coffee then. Be right back.
L786[10:41:16] <Jelmazmo> Hm. I waited something "FPS in games" or "native commercial soft". For 2nd we have a wine or windows XP/7/8/8.1 without latest updates in dualboot
L787[10:42:12] <Jelmazmo> For 1st - games that have clear OpenGL version (not translator from DirectX) even have higher FPS under Linux
L788[10:43:19] <Jelmazmo> And bump :D
L789[10:43:21] <Jelmazmo> "And one question: anybody tried to create browser able to open "local" sites on Minecraft server? And "local" web-server, of course. I am just want to learn programming using OC (like a visual material where I can see all changes instantly), so I am interested in "long-time"-challenge."
L790[10:43:53] <dangranos> ._.
L791[10:44:00] <dangranos> PPPoE
L792[10:44:01] <Alissa> DeanIsaKitty: ._.
L793[10:44:06] <dangranos> on optical fibre
L794[10:44:15] <dangranos> i'm... wat
L795[10:44:15] <hitecnologys> Jelmazmo: I think "hardware virtualization and direct IO access" and "we don't need dual-boot" is what you were actually trying to say.
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L799[10:46:58] * DeanIsaKitty cuddles CompanionCube
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L801[10:47:18] <Jelmazmo> hitecnologys: virtualization have lower efficiency when we requied FPS or just high perfomance
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L803[10:47:58] ⇨ Joins: ConcernedHobbit (~chobbit@god.hobbits.science)
L804[10:48:07] <Jelmazmo> So wine/if wine cannot, then dualboot is sometimes most applicable decision
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L807[10:59:04] <hitecnologys> Oh wee, I like those random hardware failures.
L808[10:59:30] <hitecnologys> Are there logs?
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L815[11:24:13] <Lizzy> The game
L816[11:24:16] <Alissa> Back to class. Bye.
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L820[11:52:12] <DeanIsaKitty> Sangar: How the fuck do you manage to be productive on Windows? q.q
L821[11:54:21] <Sangar> DeanIsaKitty, i bought the strongest potions
L822[11:55:01] <Vexatos> Tier 3 mana regen
L823[11:55:59] *** Guest95485 is now known as alekso56
L824[11:57:02] <DeanIsaKitty> I mean I'm not used to it, but absolutely everything is an uphill battle against M$ because they think every user of Windows is stupid af. >:|
L825[11:57:25] *** Crucru is now known as Cruor
L826[11:57:37] <Sangar> DeanIsaKitty, idk, i feel the same about mac os :P
L827[11:58:26] <Vexatos> Well Winderps is for the realls stupid and average people
L828[11:58:28] <DeanIsaKitty> Sangar: Guess why I don't use that either. >.>
L829[11:58:34] <Vexatos> Mac OS is for the really stupid and rich people :>
L830[11:58:41] * Vexatos hides
L831[11:58:53] * Sangar revels in his averageness
L832[11:59:02] <Sangar> in other news, progress on my new mod \o/
L833[11:59:15] <scj643> New mod!!!
L834[11:59:20] <asie> Sangar: what is it?
L835[11:59:28] <vifino> NotOpenComputers
L836[11:59:29] <DeanIsaKitty> Sangar: Why didn't you tell me earlier?? :<
L837[11:59:30] <asie> Sangar: also, http://charset.asie.pl/download
L838[11:59:31] <Sangar> https://twitter.com/SangarWasTaken/status/671092930472517632
L839[11:59:32] <MichiBot> Sun Nov 29 16:26:37 CST 2015 @SangarWasTaken: Working on a new mod on the side. Once I'm more confident I'll actually finish it, I'll share some details. https://t.co/jzErYarwk8
L840[11:59:37] <XDjackieXD> os x isn't as bad. iOS is the worst shit >.>
L841[11:59:46] <scj643> I'm on iOS
L842[11:59:54] <scj643> It isn't shit for a mobile OS
L843[12:00:04] <Sangar> asie, les pipes - 1.8.8 right?
L844[12:00:09] <asie> Sangar: yes
L845[12:00:15] <CompanionCube> OSX is for people who like to burn money. And for hipsters.
L846[12:00:22] <XDjackieXD> It's completely locked down. I like to tinker with my mobile os... (I had an iPod touch and I couldn't survive without jailbreaking it...)
L847[12:00:23] <Sangar> might throw that in my devenv then :3
L848[12:00:28] <scj643> Or hackentoshes
L849[12:00:31] <Vexatos> Sangar, also install Flamingos
L850[12:00:34] <Vexatos> test with those
L851[12:00:36] <XDjackieXD> CompanionCube: I have os x inside a VM :P
L852[12:00:37] <asie> worldrenderer seems to be mostly mapped now, too
L853[12:00:39] <scj643> I am jailbroken too
L854[12:00:40] <asie> but yeah it's les pipes
L855[12:00:47] <Vexatos> Sangar, https://github.com/Vexatos/Flamingo/releases/tag/v1.4
L856[12:00:49] <asie> i'm also going to add les locks and les backpacks from BetterStorage
L857[12:00:52] <Vexatos> your argument is invalid.
L858[12:01:04] <asie> and eventually les Computronics audio system
L859[12:01:05] <Sangar> yeah, i saw. still not sure how i have to port my old calls, but i'll get to that eventually :X
L860[12:01:08] <Vexatos> DM
L861[12:01:15] <Vexatos> Sangar, https://github.com/Vexatos/Flamingo/releases/tag/v1.4 https://github.com/Vexatos/Flamingo/releases/tag/v1.4 https://github.com/Vexatos/Flamingo/releases/tag/v1.4
L862[12:01:20] <Vexatos> doooooooo eeeeeeet
L863[12:01:21] <Sangar> as for what it is... there's a spoiler in that screenshot!
L864[12:01:21] <Vexatos> :3
L865[12:01:27] <asie> "tis3d"
L866[12:01:30] <asie> "TIS-100"
L867[12:01:33] <asie> oh please no
L868[12:01:35] <Sangar> :3
L869[12:01:41] <asie> i wanted to have dibs on the new assembly computer mod
L870[12:01:41] <Vexatos> 3tis5me+
L871[12:01:44] <asie> thanks for ruining my fun.
L872[12:01:46] <asie> :(
L873[12:01:50] <Sangar> >_>
L874[12:01:53] <Vexatos> Call it TooManyGraphics
L875[12:01:54] <Sangar> you can always do better
L876[12:01:57] <asie> nah
L877[12:02:00] <asie> i can't beat yoooou
L878[12:02:03] <Vexatos> or NotEnoughGraphics?
L879[12:02:05] <Sangar> or contribute once i push it to github
L880[12:02:09] <asie> >Scala
L881[12:02:11] <Sangar> nope
L882[12:02:12] <Sangar> java
L883[12:02:16] <asie> what
L884[12:02:19] <Sangar> mhm
L885[12:02:23] <asie> ehhh
L886[12:02:25] <asie> i had a vision already and all
L887[12:02:27] <asie> bleh
L888[12:02:32] <Sangar> then go with that ;)
L889[12:02:34] <Vexatos> Why not Selene though
L890[12:02:37] <Vexatos> >Go
L891[12:02:41] <Vexatos> asie would probably love to
L892[12:02:50] <Sangar> i don't even have guis yet :X
L893[12:03:07] <Vexatos> I wrote one GUI in my life
L894[12:03:24] <asie> Sangar: i don't have a lot of time sadly
L895[12:03:29] <asie> and I have to write an entire redstone logic mod first
L896[12:03:46] <Vexatos> BreadLogic
L897[12:03:52] <Sangar> asie, i know that problem. which is why this mod will be very... focused
L898[12:03:52] <Vexatos> Adds all kinds of flavours
L899[12:03:57] <Vexatos> you need to bake your gates
L900[12:04:00] <Vexatos> in an oven
L901[12:04:01] <asie> Sangar: well, mine isn't
L902[12:04:05] <asie> Charset is meant to be everything
L903[12:04:06] <Vexatos> with different flour and grain
L904[12:04:10] <Vexatos> asie: am I doing this right?
L905[12:04:10] <asie> in modules
L906[12:04:14] <asie> Vexatos: haha
L907[12:04:30] <Vexatos> brotkultur.de
L908[12:04:51] <Vexatos> 3266 :U
L909[12:11:26] <Sangar> https://youtu.be/Kg1uJ0xHWp0 \o/
L910[12:12:09] <XDjackieXD> the instructions look a lot like ASM :3
L911[12:12:19] <Sangar> yep
L912[12:12:31] <Sangar> totally not the TIS-100 instruction set, nope :P
L913[12:12:35] <XDjackieXD> :P
L914[12:13:29] <asie> Sangar: okay that is pretty neat
L915[12:13:31] <asie> but not my style
L916[12:13:32] <XDjackieXD> ohhhhh the game looks nice and now I know what it does/should do ^^
L917[12:14:06] <Sangar> asie, then all is well and you can still do your asm mod ;)
L918[12:14:19] <asie> well, forth mod with an asm backend
L919[12:16:42] ⇦ Quits: Xaeliuz (Xaeliuz@2001:470:1f09:4a4::1:aac2) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L920[12:17:36] <Sangar> i'm not sure i wouldn't actually prefer writing asm over forth :X
L921[12:17:48] <vifino> Wow, ruuude.
L922[12:17:55] <vifino> All hail forth.
L923[12:17:58] <vifino> <.<
L924[12:18:20] <asie> Sangar: You can do both!
L925[12:18:28] <vifino> ForthSM
L926[12:18:38] <Sangar> okthen
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L929[12:24:20] <Pwootage> That's kinda a cool idea
L930[12:29:28] ⇨ Joins: Hobbyboy (Hobbyboy@hobbyboy.co.uk)
L931[12:32:33] <Vexatos> "Florian Nücke"? Who's that
L932[12:34:44] * Vexatos blames Sangar
L933[12:34:58] <Sangar> <_>
L934[12:41:47] ⇨ Joins: Xaeliuz (Xaeliuz@2001:470:1f09:4a4::1:aac2)
L935[12:44:35] <CompanionCube> imagine if you integrated the asm with OC
L936[12:46:10] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E14A459B195B7F73E0FB5D5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L937[12:57:36] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
L938[12:58:50] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Quit: Leaving)
L939[12:59:18] <Pwootage> You know, writing a vm to run in OC isn't hard (in lua or scala as an archetecture)
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L941[13:00:16] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L950[15:26:42] <ds84182> Sangar: Question, how do you build windows executables while in your non Windows OS for OC
L951[15:27:18] <asie> ds84182: mingw exists for linux
L952[15:27:34] <ds84182> asie: Yeah, but doesn't that build executables that depend on mingw?
L953[15:27:42] <asie> ds84182: Can't you link statically?
L954[15:27:46] <asie> Also, mingw is not Cygwin
L955[15:27:54] <ds84182> Oh yeah
L956[15:27:57] <asie> Also, I *think* Sangar doesn't actually recompile the executables every time
L957[15:28:01] <asie> but just when Lua versions change
L958[15:28:09] <ds84182> And you can't statically link at runtime .-.
L959[15:28:42] <ds84182> If I were to ever resume making this ARM arch for OC, I would have to opt for using a native ARM implementation
L960[15:28:46] ⇦ Quits: PixelToast (PixelToast@Found.Nemo.In-Da.Pub) (Quit: Account terminated by the PanicBNC Staff Team.)
L961[15:29:03] <asie> Sangar: Lua 5.3.2 is out
L962[15:29:05] <asie> should I update eris to that?
L963[15:29:13] <ds84182> lol, ping got rekt
L964[15:29:54] <Sangar> asie, ik, and sure, maybe i even find the motivation to recompile the libs :P
L965[15:30:06] <Vexatos> Sangar, dooo eeet
L966[15:30:07] <Sangar> (so yes, i do build them by hand when i have to)
L967[15:30:14] <asie> Sangar: there's actually some nice crash fixes fixed
L968[15:30:24] <ds84182> CRASH FIXES
L969[15:30:29] <Vexatos> Sangar, idea: If no compatible lib can be found, try running "make" :3
L970[15:30:30] <asie> crash bugs fixed
L971[15:30:34] * Vexatos hides
L972[15:30:40] <ds84182> Lua is now Nintendo
L973[15:30:54] <ds84182> Various improvements to system stability and performance
L974[15:31:13] <asie> no
L975[15:31:20] <asie> Lua doesn't quietly block scripts from running
L976[15:31:25] <asie> only to leave twenty extra holes
L977[15:31:42] <Sangar> welp
L978[15:32:00] <Vexatos> Sangar, or make it open a GUI that has a button
L979[15:32:05] <Vexatos> "compile for my system"
L980[15:32:06] <Vexatos> :3
L981[15:32:29] <Vexatos> because that's totally a great idea
L982[15:32:45] <Vexatos> anyway... asie, anything interesting except for fug bixes?
L983[15:32:51] <asie> Vexatos: no
L984[15:32:53] <Sangar> totally
L985[15:33:16] <asie> Integrated Dynamics will be integrating with CharsetPipes
L986[15:33:28] <asie> with the two combined (and when CharsetPipes adds color-coding and fluids) you get pretty much all of BC's functionality
L987[15:34:51] <asie> Sangar: TIS3D sounds like a very neat vanilla+ computer mod, by the way
L988[15:34:58] <asie> and let me tell you
L989[15:35:06] <asie> "vanilla+ computer mod" is something i had never in my life expected to say
L990[15:35:31] <Vexatos> Sangar, will it have component support
L991[15:35:51] <Vexatos> Imeantotallynotgoingtobeanedocomputerreplacementifievergettoportcomputronicscoughcough
L992[15:38:01] <Sangar> asie, glad to hear it, because that's pretty much what i'm aiming for!
L993[15:38:23] <Sangar> Vexatos, it'll have an api to add custom modules
L994[15:38:28] <asie> Sangar: good
L995[15:38:28] <Sangar> (the things that slot in the sides of casings)
L996[15:38:36] <Vexatos> also an adapter module
L997[15:38:39] <Vexatos> for component access
L998[15:38:41] <asie> i am planning to add some kind of adapter for my computer mod for OC
L999[15:38:43] <Vexatos> and BUSes
L1000[15:38:46] <Vexatos> able to send bytes
L1001[15:38:46] <asie> might also add one for the new mod
L1002[15:38:46] <Vexatos> ;_;
L1003[15:38:48] <asie> though
L1004[15:38:55] <asie> i might just use TIS3D
L1005[15:38:59] <Sangar> coolio
L1006[15:39:03] <asie> what i do plan to work on though
L1007[15:39:07] <asie> is a redstone logic mod
L1008[15:39:13] <asie> wires first likely
L1009[15:40:20] <Sangar> mhm
L1010[15:40:32] <asie> also a locking omd
L1011[15:40:34] <asie> mod*
L1012[15:40:47] ⇨ Joins: Madxmike (~Madxmike@
L1013[15:41:11] <Vexatos> Sangar, we need a way to send bytes to other blocks.... like the thing that NedoComputers had
L1014[15:41:22] <Vexatos> or some way for me to make my tape drive get bytes again >_>
L1015[15:41:27] <Vexatos> or asie's tape drive
L1016[15:41:28] <Vexatos> rather
L1017[15:41:28] <Vexatos> :P
L1018[15:41:32] <asie> but
L1019[15:41:46] <Sangar> should be doable to have a module that reads numbers and outputs bytes to a neighboring block
L1020[15:41:50] <Vexatos> imagine TIS3D.... with a 128-minute tape
L1021[15:41:56] <Vexatos> that'll be a LOT of storage
L1022[15:41:58] <ds84182> What is TIS3D
L1023[15:42:01] <ds84182> link me pls
L1024[15:42:14] <Vexatos> ds84182, The Immersive Systems - 3D
L1025[15:42:22] <Vexatos> best backronym
L1026[15:42:24] <Sangar> <_>
L1027[15:42:36] <Sangar> ds84182, wip new mod i'm working on. https://youtu.be/Kg1uJ0xHWp0
L1028[15:42:50] <Vexatos> s/w/wh/
L1029[15:47:28] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L1030[15:48:13] <ds84182> Ohmy
L1031[15:49:06] <ds84182> Wait, so wait what
L1032[15:49:43] <ds84182> Oh
L1033[15:49:47] <ds84182> I see how that works I think
L1034[15:50:57] <ds84182> Sangar: Question, when doing a MOV to a direction, does that invoke the executable below you?
L1035[15:51:37] <Vexatos> Sangar, now... does that mod contain ASM itself
L1036[15:52:01] <Vexatos> because then you would have ASM running in a VM implemented in Java modified using ASM U:
L1037[15:52:13] <ds84182> fak, my phone just randomly rebooted
L1038[15:52:15] <ds84182> gr8
L1039[15:52:42] <Sangar> ds84182, no, they (pretend to) run in parallel
L1040[15:53:25] <Sangar> Vexatos, not really :P at least for now i'm just parsing the code with regex and generating instruction nodes with an `execute` function
L1041[15:53:34] <ds84182> Sangar: What happens in a loop then?
L1042[15:53:52] <Vexatos> Sangar, wait, there's not even a VM?
L1043[15:53:54] <Vexatos> I mean, ASM is ASM
L1044[15:54:00] <Sangar> pseudo vm
L1045[15:54:07] <Vexatos> I could implement that with matches and pens
L1046[15:54:12] <Vexatos> literally
L1047[15:54:25] <Vexatos> Call the mod NotEnoughInstructions
L1048[15:54:37] <Vexatos> anyways, time to go
L1049[15:54:37] <Vexatos> bye
L1050[15:54:39] <ds84182> Ok, so if I got this correctly, MOV <SIDE> <SIDE> pretty much just connects the two forever
L1051[15:54:45] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E14A401B195B7F73E0FB5D5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1052[15:54:56] <Sangar> ds84182, writing to a port works by having the two endpoints calling beginWrite and beginRead, after the update if both were called (at some point) the port will enter transferring mode and in the next update the reader can actually read the value
L1053[15:55:30] <Sangar> mov right right would read a value from the right and bounce it back to the right
L1054[15:55:46] <Sangar> i.e. mov finishes the read first, then begins the write
L1055[15:55:59] <ds84182> Sangar: So, now I'm guessing that programs restart from the beginning after finishing?
L1056[15:56:08] <Sangar> yes
L1057[15:56:21] <ds84182> Alrighty, that actually makes a lot of sense now
L1058[15:56:46] <ds84182> Sangar: lit panels would be cool :P
L1059[15:56:53] <Sangar> yeah, planned ^^
L1060[15:56:59] <ds84182> : D
L1061[15:57:01] ⇨ Joins: Jelmazmo (~aljel@host-95-189-170-178.pppoe.omsknet.ru)
L1062[15:57:13] <Sangar> also probably some way of programming them without books :X (or at least in addition to)
L1063[15:57:31] <ds84182> Sangar: You could copy the book UI over and do stuff that way
L1064[15:57:44] <ds84182> And you could have syntax highlighting too
L1065[15:57:58] <Sangar> possibly, yeah. just selecting at an arbitrary position would make this a lot less... painful :X
L1066[15:58:02] <Sangar> and that
L1067[15:58:22] <ds84182> Sangar: How many registers does it have
L1068[15:58:29] <Sangar> and in-advance info on parser errors. that's the t3 magical-code-input-thinger then :X
L1069[15:58:45] <Sangar> ds84182, two. acc and bak, and bak can only be accessed by sav and swp
L1070[15:59:00] <Sangar> it's really just tis-100's instruction set :P
L1071[15:59:35] <Izaya> did gamax92 have a table-to-tape program?
L1072[15:59:59] <Izaya> like, semi-transparent?
L1073[16:01:11] <ds84182> Sangar: It would also be cool if you could move items on your walls :P
L1074[16:01:39] <Sangar> ?
L1075[16:01:59] <ds84182> I dunno, I was thinking of some more complex stuff
L1076[16:02:17] <ds84182> Like, sucking the items out of chests and pushing them through the modules
L1077[16:02:31] <Sangar> that's what pipes are for :P
L1078[16:02:39] <ds84182> Ohmy
L1079[16:02:54] <ds84182> Sangar: Also, if you add an API, let us add instructions and new modules :P
L1080[16:02:55] <Sangar> i.e. asie's metier
L1081[16:03:18] <Sangar> new modules yes, instructions nah, will have to make your own execution module for that :P
L1082[16:12:43] <ds84182> Oh god, these call stacks are enormous
L1083[16:12:57] <ds84182> http://hastebin.com/axucalojur.lua
L1084[16:17:11] <MajGenRelativity> eyyyyy it's Sangar
L1085[16:17:14] <MajGenRelativity> sup
L1086[16:17:30] <Sangar> yo
L1087[16:18:04] <MajGenRelativity> I still like your mod, so my life's good. How's yours?
L1088[16:19:02] <Sangar> i'm working a new (well, additional) mod, so also good ;)
L1089[16:19:11] <MajGenRelativity> what is it called?
L1090[16:19:17] <Sangar> TIS-3D
L1091[16:19:23] <MajGenRelativity> what does it do?
L1092[16:19:34] <Sangar> https://youtu.be/Kg1uJ0xHWp0
L1093[16:19:41] <Sangar> disclaimer: very much wip
L1094[16:20:07] <DeanIsaKitty> Sangar: Programming without books? Soo.... Punchcards?
L1095[16:20:24] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L1096[16:20:26] <Sangar> heh
L1097[16:20:28] <MajGenRelativity> um
L1098[16:20:29] <MajGenRelativity> well
L1099[16:20:38] <MajGenRelativity> I'll look into it more as it progresses :)
L1100[16:21:21] ⇦ Quits: Madxmike (~Madxmike@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1101[16:23:46] ⇨ Joins: Naix (~Naix@97-89-21-205.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com)
L1102[16:26:18] <MajGenRelativity> my new modpack be crashing
L1103[16:27:40] <MajGenRelativity> I have to do things, and then I will submit a crash report somewhere
L1104[16:27:53] *** MajGenRelativity is now known as MGR
L1105[16:28:58] <DeanIsaKitty> http://blog.jgc.org/2015/11/the-secret-message-hidden-in-every.html
L1106[16:30:36] <MGR> DeanIsaKitty
L1107[16:30:49] <DeanIsaKitty> MGR
L1108[16:30:56] <MGR> I feel like something happened a couple days ago involving you, but I can't remember what
L1109[16:31:05] <MGR> I do remember that I am supposed to feel slightly miffed
L1110[16:31:16] <MGR> Either way, I gtg
L1111[16:31:18] <DeanIsaKitty> Well, I couldn't care less.
L1112[16:31:20] <DeanIsaKitty> Bye :P
L1113[16:31:25] <MGR> :)
L1114[16:31:28] ⇦ Quits: MGR (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Time to go, to adventure!)
L1115[16:33:27] <ds84182> DeanIsaKitty: lead foil hat
L1116[16:33:54] <ds84182> because we all know that new pieces of tin foil contain government audio receivers
L1117[16:35:11] <DeanIsaKitty> ds84182: Nonono, wolfram foil hat
L1118[16:37:37] ⇨ Joins: aljel (~aljel@host-2-60-144-205.pppoe.omsknet.ru)
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L1122[16:42:29] * CompanionCube is recompiling his DE and its dependencies from source
L1123[16:42:34] <CompanionCube> hope nothing breaks
L1124[16:43:29] <Mimiru> ugh moar packets
L1125[16:43:33] <Mimiru> q_q
L1126[16:44:11] ⇨ Joins: v^ (~ping@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L1127[16:44:11] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
L1128[16:54:31] ⇨ Joins: oc (~oc@pool-173-65-214-22.tampfl.fios.verizon.net)
L1129[16:54:36] <oc> hello?
L1130[16:55:00] <oc> Anyone here? I just got the irc floppy
L1131[16:55:09] <CompanionCube> hi
L1132[16:55:17] <oc> oh ok phew. Hey :)
L1133[16:55:29] <oc> I'm running on a tablet in minecraft
L1134[16:56:27] <Sangar> wee, saving works
L1135[16:56:36] <oc> saving on what?
L1136[16:56:52] *** prasselpikachu is now known as Fridtjof
L1137[16:57:05] *** oc is now known as test
L1138[16:57:11] <test> hmm
L1139[16:57:14] <test> better
L1140[16:57:24] <Sangar> stuff
L1141[16:59:06] ⇦ Quits: test (~oc@pool-173-65-214-22.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) (Client Quit)
L1142[17:03:22] * DeanIsaKitty throws a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qk2zZjGk3C8 at Sangar
L1143[17:07:37] * Sangar has a hard time resisting thinking of "wollt ihr den totalen krieg"... :/
L1144[17:09:26] <DeanIsaKitty> Sangar: They do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cb485CVJKBw
L1145[17:09:28] <MichiBot> DeanIsaKitty: Warum nimmt die Bundesregierung Bruch des Völkerrechts in Kauf? | length: 4m 27s | Likes: 271 Dislikes: 3 Views: 2466 | by Tilo Jung
L1146[17:11:24] <Sangar> i actually listened to the full videos for a time... but i can't do it anymore, it's just too painful
L1147[17:12:22] <DeanIsaKitty> Sangar: Yeah, it is cringeworthy. Who voted for those guys again?
L1148[17:12:30] * Sangar shrugs
L1149[17:14:42] * DeanIsaKitty is torn between getting more popcorn or building a nuclear bunker.
L1150[17:21:23] <Sangar> well, i'm off. gnight o/
L1151[17:22:19] <ds84182> Sangar: gnight
L1152[17:30:10] <DeanIsaKitty> Sangar: Night, lets hope we don't wake up to Germany starting yet another war :P
L1153[17:30:33] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~tangentde@
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L1155[17:31:43] *** MajGenRelativity is now known as MGR
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L1157[17:39:13] <ds84182> DeanIsaKitty: I thought Turkey started the war
L1158[17:39:57] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~tangentde@
L1159[17:42:19] <ds84182> https://github.com/ds84182/Anix/commits/master
L1160[17:42:23] * ds84182 collapses
L1161[17:44:07] *** mr208 is now known as mallrat208
L1162[17:44:22] ⇦ Quits: Naix (~Naix@97-89-21-205.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1172[18:12:22] ⇦ Quits: Lumien (Elite13049@ipv6.6.sigma.elitebnc.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1173[18:13:50] <MGR> I must go
L1174[18:14:02] ⇦ Quits: MGR (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Time to go, to adventure!)
L1175[18:14:07] <scj643> Bye
L1176[18:14:44] <ds84182> scj643: Do you want to know about our lord and savior Anix?
L1177[18:15:02] * scj643 walks away slowly
L1178[18:15:22] <ds84182> Our lord and savior Anix will answer your prayers in the kobject.newFuture()
L1179[18:15:23] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~coob@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: I appear to have flexed out of the room.)
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L1181[18:26:33] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
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L1183[18:37:55] <Mimiru> Ugh... I need to have a way to put memory cards into radios without making the GUI huge..
L1184[18:40:47] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L1185[18:45:27] ⇦ Quits: lacsap (~lacsap@modemcable157.188-82-70.mc.videotron.ca) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1186[18:51:07] <Inari> Mimiru: rightclick on a slot on radio model?
L1187[18:51:12] <Inari> with memory card in hand
L1188[18:51:16] <Inari> no UI :P
L1189[18:53:20] <Mimiru> Ugh..
L1190[18:57:49] ⇨ Joins: v^Phone (~ping@c-68-41-215-101.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L1191[18:57:49] zsh sets mode: +v on v^Phone
L1192[19:01:35] ⇨ Joins: lacsap (~lacsap@modemcable157.188-82-70.mc.videotron.ca)
L1193[19:03:21] <Mimiru> That means rendering and shit
L1194[19:04:19] ⇦ Quits: lacsap (~lacsap@modemcable157.188-82-70.mc.videotron.ca) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1195[19:04:46] <Alissa> Mimiru: But it also means no UI.
L1196[19:04:56] <Mimiru> But it means rendering and shit
L1197[19:05:01] <Mimiru> I'd much rather do a GUI
L1198[19:05:07] ⇨ Joins: lacsap (~lacsap@modemcable157.188-82-70.mc.videotron.ca)
L1199[19:10:52] <Alissa> Whatever floats your goat.
L1200[19:20:16] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~coob@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L1201[19:22:12] <ds84182> s/floats your goat/sinks your submarine
L1202[19:22:33] <Alissa> ds84182: whatever floats your submarine.
L1203[19:24:06] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8002:ea78:1519:d8e2:1f5a:9c5d)
L1204[19:26:49] <Mimiru> %sed enable
L1205[19:26:52] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Enabled SED for this channel
L1206[19:27:02] <Mimiru> Kibided
L1207[19:27:07] <ds84182> kibided
L1208[19:27:10] <ds84182> heded
L1209[19:27:11] <gamax92> KIBIRIPU
L1210[19:27:17] <Mimiru> and TotallyNotKatie is ded too
L1211[19:27:20] <Mimiru> though I can fix that now
L1212[19:27:26] <gamax92> I guess this means ...
L1213[19:27:30] <gamax92> that ocdoc must take over
L1214[19:27:37] <ds84182> ocdoc takeover
L1215[19:28:17] <Mimiru> hmm.. I need to test
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L1218[19:28:47] ⇦ Parts: Kibibyte (Caitlyn@2001:470:1f0f:dec::1bad:babe) ())
L1219[19:28:58] <Mimiru> hmm
L1220[19:29:22] ⇦ Parts: Mimiru (Mimiru@eos.pc-logix.com) ())
L1221[19:29:31] ⇨ Joins: Mimiru (Mimiru@eos.pc-logix.com)
L1222[19:29:31] *** Server sets mode: +ntz
L1223[19:29:31] *** Server sets mode: +ntz
L1224[19:29:31] *** Server sets mode: +ntz
L1225[19:29:31] zsh sets mode: +o on Mimiru
L1226[19:29:32] <ds84182> party();
L1227[19:29:32] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L1228[19:29:33] <Mimiru> ffs
L1229[19:29:33] <ds84182> SHIT
L1230[19:29:52] <gamax92> til ffs is not a sound but actually "for fucks sake"
L1231[19:30:01] <Mimiru> lol...
L1232[19:30:09] <Alissa> gamax92, :P
L1233[19:30:19] <ds84182> "FFS", said the wind.
L1234[19:30:20] <gamax92> it works both ways though
L1235[19:35:37] <Temia> >;
L1236[19:39:55] <ds84182> #lua >;
L1237[19:39:55] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: unexpected symbol near '>'
L1238[19:40:06] <ds84182> [string "Temia"]:1: unexpected symbol near '>'
L1239[19:41:03] <ds84182> <> >;
L1240[19:41:03] <^v> ds84182, false
L1241[19:41:11] <Temia> Now I want to see a scripting language built around shitposting.
L1242[19:41:20] <Temia> ">implying x = 1"
L1243[19:41:30] <ds84182> Temia: LuaJIT + Unicode
L1244[19:41:50] <ds84182> <> >=print
L1245[19:41:50] <^v> ds84182, nil
L1246[19:42:03] <ds84182> <> >"implying x = 1"
L1247[19:42:03] <^v> ds84182, nil
L1248[19:42:07] <ds84182> lel
L1249[19:42:08] <ds84182> fail
L1250[19:42:16] ⇨ Joins: Kibibyte (Caitlyn@2001:470:1f0f:dec::1bad:babe)
L1251[19:42:16] <Mimiru> disable
L1252[19:42:21] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L1253[19:42:22] <ds84182> Mimiru: enable
L1254[19:42:26] <gamax92> Mimiru: enablew
L1255[19:42:32] *** Kibibyte is now known as test123
L1256[19:42:36] ⇦ Parts: test123 (Caitlyn@2001:470:1f0f:dec::1bad:babe) (Leaving))
L1257[19:42:40] <gamax92> instead of EnableA, EnableW
L1258[19:43:13] ⇨ Joins: Kibibyte (Caitlyn@2001:470:1f0f:dec::1bad:babe)
L1259[19:43:13] <Mimiru> %sed disable
L1260[19:43:14] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Disabled SED for this channel
L1261[19:43:18] ⇦ Quits: Kibibyte (Caitlyn@2001:470:1f0f:dec::1bad:babe) (Quit: Leaving)
L1262[19:43:18] <Mimiru> %sed enable
L1263[19:43:19] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Enabled SED for this channel
L1264[19:43:22] <Mimiru> k
L1265[19:43:31] <Mimiru> There.. no more need for "TotallyNotKatie"
L1266[19:44:40] <ds84182> <> >"implying x = 1"
L1267[19:44:41] <^v> ds84182, lua:1: attempt to call method 'matches' (a nil value)
L1268[19:44:43] <ds84182> shit
L1269[19:44:55] <ds84182> <> >"implying x = 1"
L1270[19:44:55] <^v> ds84182, nil
L1271[19:44:59] <ds84182> <> shitpost_x
L1272[19:44:59] <^v> ds84182, 1
L1273[19:45:04] <ds84182> Temia: done
L1274[19:46:05] ⇦ Quits: TangentDelta (~tangentde@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.3)
L1275[19:46:05] <Mimiru> %sed enable
L1276[19:46:15] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L1277[19:46:16] <Mimiru> wtf
L1278[19:46:21] <Mimiru> fmfl I hate python
L1279[19:48:13] ⇨ Joins: Kibibyte (Caitlyn@2001:470:1f0f:dec::1bad:babe)
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L1282[19:49:45] <Mimiru> %sed disable
L1283[19:49:50] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Disabled SED for this channel
L1284[19:49:54] ⇦ Parts: Kibibyte (Caitlyn@2001:470:1f0f:dec::1bad:babe) ())
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L1287[19:50:12] <Mimiru> %sed disable
L1288[19:50:14] ⇦ Quits: Kibibyte (Caitlyn@2001:470:1f0f:dec::1bad:babe) (Client Quit)
L1289[19:50:14] <Mimiru> %sed enable
L1290[19:50:15] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Enabled SED for this channel
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L1293[19:50:38] <Mimiru> k there.
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L1312[21:05:12] <Mimiru> why the fuck do I have 100% usage and 8 second latency on my main drive
L1313[21:05:14] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Task_Manager_2015-11-30_21-04-16.png
L1314[21:05:26] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~Izaya@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1315[21:05:28] <Mimiru> Oh look 11 ms
L1316[21:05:32] <Mimiru> err 11s
L1317[21:10:19] <Temia> Why?
L1318[21:10:27] <Temia> You're running Windows, the eternal anomalous state.
L1319[21:10:59] <Mimiru> …
L1320[21:11:11] <Temia> For all I know, the kernel entered a blocking file operation on a bad handle.
L1321[21:11:36] <malcom2073> Windows 7 there was an application taht would show you which applications were using hard drive bandwidth
L1322[21:11:39] <malcom2073> does 8+ have the same?
L1323[21:11:58] <Mimiru> Sure resource monitor, but it shows nothing
L1324[21:12:09] <malcom2073> So by sure.... you mean no?
L1325[21:12:27] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Resource_Monitor_2015-11-30_21-11-52.png
L1326[21:13:02] <malcom2073> Heh, probably utorrent bitcoining :P
L1327[21:13:11] <Mimiru> this is utorrent before all that shit
L1328[21:13:23] <Mimiru> 2.2.1
L1329[21:13:31] <Mimiru> Also, it's not started on boot
L1330[21:13:34] <Mimiru> I started it myself
L1331[21:14:32] <malcom2073> Just hassling ya heh
L1332[21:14:55] <Mimiru> Oh ffs, and now chrome is tossing random connection refused
L1333[21:15:39] ⇨ Joins: Xal (~Xal@S0106881fa12987ab.vw.shawcable.net)
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L1336[21:58:11] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p5DEC6883.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 4.3.1 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1337[22:25:54] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549613ED.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L1339[22:39:00] ⇨ Joins: IzayaPhone (~Userlessn@pa49-195-128-90.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au)
L1340[22:39:18] <IzayaPhone> oh fun
L1341[22:40:04] <IzayaPhone> power went out -> servers at home went down
L1342[22:42:29] ⇦ Quits: IzayaPhone (~Userlessn@pa49-195-128-90.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au) (Client Quit)
L1343[23:03:49] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E14A4014404FB1345FDE5BF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1344[23:03:49] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L1346[23:23:22] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L1347[23:26:16] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E14A4014404FB1345FDE5BF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1348[23:33:30] ⇦ Quits: Ivoah (~Ivoah@p-74-209-21-150.dsl1.rtr.chat.fpma.frpt.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1349[23:36:02] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L1350[23:49:17] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L1351[23:52:02] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
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