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L1[00:44:58] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~Turtle@
L2[00:45:28] <Turtle> o/
L3[00:47:45] <Kodos> Heh, someone made an Ant Man suit mod
L4[00:50:48] <Turtle> That sounds reasonably silly
L5[00:50:54] <Turtle> and probably breaks a hundred other mods
L6[00:51:14] <Turtle> *Silly as in, fun
L7[00:56:49] ⇦ Quits: Wembly (~Wembly@ (Quit: Leaving)
L8[01:09:36] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~Turtle@ (Quit: Turtle)
L9[01:10:19] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L10[01:11:30] <sugoi> what upgrade would go in the adapter?
L11[01:11:35] <Kodos> A few
L12[01:11:42] <sugoi> that is, what upgrade makes sense to put in an adapter
L13[01:11:44] <Kodos> Tank/Inventory controllers
L14[01:11:49] <sugoi> ah
L15[01:12:09] <sugoi> ok, so the tooltip on inventory upgrade (refering to drones and robots) is a subset of such examples?
L16[01:12:25] <Kodos> Yes, though you can ignore the internal slot method
L17[01:16:15] <sugoi> it didn't help!
L18[01:16:33] <sugoi> i put an inventory upgrade into the adapter and rebooted -- i'm hoping to get info from the ImEng crusher
L19[01:16:42] <sugoi> which tells you nothing abotu what it's crushing :)
L20[01:16:55] <sugoi> anywho, the methods on the component.iecrusher are quite....disappointing
L21[01:17:03] <Kodos> What are they
L22[01:17:04] <sugoi> i thought ImEng had fun interop w/ oc
L23[01:17:08] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L24[01:17:18] <Kodos> afaik blu hasn't added anything specific
L25[01:17:26] <sugoi> getEnergyStored, getMaxEnergyStored, isEnergyProvider, isEnergyReceiver, slot, and type
L26[01:17:39] <Kodos> Yeah, that's standard with any component
L27[01:17:47] <sugoi> yeah...so..nothing :)
L28[01:17:51] <sugoi> even with the inventory upgrade
L29[01:18:11] <Kodos> You have to have the inv thing on the output
L30[01:18:16] <Kodos> So technically a transposer would be better
L31[01:18:26] <Kodos> since you'd have the functionality of the inventory controller, as well as still being able to move items
L32[01:18:43] <sugoi> transposer?
L33[01:18:49] <Kodos> Mhm
L34[01:19:01] <sugoi> ...i did not know of this block
L35[01:19:09] <Kodos> ~w transposer
L36[01:19:09] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-assert
L37[01:19:11] <Kodos> ...
L38[01:19:14] <Kodos> It still needs a wiki page?
L39[01:19:18] <Kodos> Geez
L40[01:19:21] <sugoi> no fret, i see the block in nei
L41[01:19:44] <sugoi> ah i saw a vid with this
L42[01:19:49] <sugoi> for fluid tx methinks
L43[01:20:01] <sugoi> so...this'll let me see the crusher inv?
L44[01:20:03] <sugoi> worth a try
L45[01:20:17] <Kodos> Yeah, it has integrated tank/inventory controller functionality
L46[01:27:36] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
L47[01:36:09] <sugoi> getInventorySize on the crusher gives me 0
L48[01:36:30] <sugoi> if i'm doing this correctly, which i think i am....the ImEng crusher has very little to offer oc
L49[01:36:35] <sugoi> i.e. nothing
L50[01:37:04] <Kodos> Let me get one built, I'll muck with it
L51[01:37:23] <Kodos> In the mean time, I have to recommend this mod http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2531592-catwalks-2
L52[01:37:41] <sugoi> Kodos: i may need to put the transposer in front of the crushser's output mouth
L53[01:37:43] <sugoi> testing that now
L54[01:37:53] <sugoi> catwalks? i looked at that, you like it?
L55[01:38:02] <Kodos> Testing it now, seems wicked useful
L56[01:40:31] <sugoi> we even have a warehouse
L57[01:40:38] <sugoi> using project red pipes and jabba barrels
L58[01:40:45] <sugoi> so catwalks would fit pretty well
L59[01:40:49] <Kodos> With the new IE, you can get Silos, too
L60[01:40:57] <sugoi> yeah! we upgraded today
L61[01:41:03] <sugoi> haven't even looked at those yet
L62[01:41:20] <Kodos> I'm most excited for the assembler
L63[01:42:10] <sugoi> we're staying away from automated crafts for now
L64[01:42:18] <sugoi> got burned out with AE2-all-the-things
L65[01:42:38] <Kodos> Can't blame you there, though a few assemblers with a full conveyor line is quite a sight
L66[01:42:41] <Kodos> to behold
L67[01:43:44] <Kodos> Bah, yeah looks like the crusher's output isn't an inventory, it just spits it out
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L69[01:47:10] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
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L71[01:48:33] <sugoi> crusher could use some code upgrades
L72[01:49:50] <sugoi> HAHA
L73[01:49:51] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@184-88-140-20.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L74[01:50:00] <sugoi> Kodos: i just crushed one of my transposers
L75[01:50:06] <sugoi> trying to place one on top...
L76[01:52:27] <sugoi> Kodos:
L77[01:52:36] <sugoi> ok, on the t op, a transposer DOES work
L78[01:52:43] <sugoi> i getInventorySize => 1
L79[01:53:05] <sugoi> but careful taking the transposer down :)
L80[01:53:40] <Kodos> Inded
L81[01:53:42] <Kodos> Indeed, rather
L82[01:55:53] <sugoi> Kodos: life pro tip, vacuum hoppers
L83[01:56:04] <sugoi> i used one to more-carefully take down my transposer
L84[01:57:56] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/l7F90/7e370a4fe1.png
L85[01:58:12] <sugoi> ha wow
L86[02:01:58] <sugoi> Kodos: ok laters, time for sleep. thanks for the help
L87[02:02:01] * sugoi is afk
L88[02:11:02] <Kodos> Yissss, found a gold vein in a chunk near my base
L89[02:17:17] ⇨ Joins: Vaht (~Tahg@pool-96-237-111-105.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
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L91[02:19:45] *** Daiyousei is now known as LearningFairy
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L96[02:58:28] ⇨ Joins: EricBJ (~eric@108-160-20-69.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca)
L97[03:03:00] <Izaya> fun idea:
L98[03:03:19] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~quassel@188-22-166-18.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L99[03:03:20] <Izaya> think it'd be practical to exploit Minceraft to load arbitrary java via resource packs?
L100[03:04:27] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~quassel@91-115-117-9.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L101[03:08:43] ⇨ Joins: phillips1012 (~phillips1@
L102[03:14:39] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~Turtle@
L103[03:22:48] <Sandra> oh cool, new idea version.
L104[03:23:27] <Sandra> i have no idea what the rules are about upgrading.
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L106[03:25:57] <Sandra> ok good, it expires september 26 2016.
L107[03:26:00] <Sandra> so I have a year.
L108[03:26:47] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~Turtle@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L109[03:28:17] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~Turtle@
L110[03:29:26] <Turtle> one netfail later
L111[04:27:54] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@asie.pl)
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L113[04:34:10] <Lizzy> I have awoken
L114[04:34:44] <Turtle> o/
L115[04:39:30] ⇦ Quits: lperkins2 (~perkins@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L117[04:52:09] <Sandra> the liz is wake.
L118[04:58:40] <Lizzy> yup
L119[04:58:59] <Sandra> the wake is lizzy.
L120[04:59:12] <Lizzy> ooh, just found some change in my pocket
L121[04:59:14] <Lizzy> woo
L122[05:28:16] <dangranos> poor syncthing
L123[05:58:20] <Lizzy> ?
L124[06:06:33] <Lizzy> dangranos, what did you do to syncthing?
L125[06:08:26] <dangranos> i'm trying to get a discosrv up on lalli...
L126[06:08:42] <dangranos> and i had to use v12 of syncthing for that..
L127[06:09:40] <dangranos> funny thing: syncthing-android 4.0.somethingRC2 doesn't unpacks lib/syncthing.so for some reason (maybe i should have deleted the whole data folder?)
L128[06:09:59] <dangranos> well, i'm trying to make syncthing use LAN for communication
L129[06:10:10] <dangranos> instead of some relay far away
L130[06:10:55] <Ender> the local discovery stuff should handle that
L131[06:11:46] <Lizzy> ^
L132[06:11:58] <Lizzy> also i should probably update the discovery server on janus
L133[06:12:02] <dangranos> well
L134[06:12:12] <dangranos> there is kerio between phone and desktop
L135[06:12:19] <Lizzy> kerio?
L136[06:12:24] <dangranos> phone connects to router with wifi...
L137[06:12:32] <dangranos> kerio is router/firewall solution
L138[06:12:49] <dangranos> and desktop is connected to kerio router, which then is connected to that wifi router
L139[06:12:50] <Lizzy> ah, does it filter traffic between lan and wlan connection?
L140[06:12:58] <dangranos> yeah
L141[06:13:06] <Lizzy> that sounds redundant
L142[06:13:09] <Lizzy> er#
L143[06:13:11] <Lizzy> stupid
L144[06:13:26] <Lizzy> not sure why i keep trying ot use redundant in places
L145[06:13:44] <dangranos> wifi router doesn't likes wlan
L146[06:14:01] <dangranos> well, it has awful setting for wlan
L147[06:14:22] <Lizzy> wlan is wifi...
L148[06:14:30] <dangranos> and it's also PPP gateway
L149[06:14:40] <dangranos> Lizzy: *vlan
L150[06:14:50] <Lizzy> oh
L151[06:15:09] <Lizzy> guessing your network is a small home one, why do you have vlans?
L152[06:15:28] * dangranos shrugs
L153[06:15:59] <dangranos> dad added that kerio router for security iirc
L154[06:17:05] * Izaya needs to obtain a WiFi AP
L155[06:17:27] <Lizzy> security from what? most routers which support NAT have built in firewalls due to the way NAT works
L156[06:17:46] * dangranos sighs
L157[06:17:51] <Lizzy> and if it's wireless, just use WPA2 with either AES or TKIP
L158[06:19:08] <dangranos> kerio is installed on a laptop.. which has only one ethernet port and connected to some dlink router with addition of vlan and that dlink is just bridging networks iirc
L159[06:19:31] <dangranos> and dlink is connected to wireless/optical router that's connected to isp
L160[06:19:59] <Lizzy> your network sounds a lot more complicated than it should be
L161[06:20:04] <dangranos> yeah
L162[06:21:00] <dangranos> hmm
L163[06:21:38] <dangranos> iirc dlink was used so there wont be a mess of wires going from all around the house to the isp router
L164[06:46:53] <Emblem> #lua local x={} x.one=true x.two=true x.three=true print(x["two"])
L165[06:46:53] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > true | nil
L166[06:47:06] <Emblem> #lua local x={} x.one=true x.two=true x.three=true print(x["four"])
L167[06:47:06] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L168[06:48:42] <Emblem> Yay, my idea should work, assuming you can hold as many variables in t3.5x2 ram as I'd expect
L169[06:51:29] <Turtle> What are you trying to do?
L170[06:54:28] <Emblem> Basically, I'm storing every column in the world that I've changed
L171[06:55:10] <Emblem> eg x["1,1"] = true --when I finish modifying that column
L172[06:55:23] <Emblem> so it knows not to touch it again
L173[06:57:24] <Emblem> I can probably have it indicate chunks rather than 1x1 colums to store more :v
L174[06:57:54] <Emblem> Actualy, yeah, 16x the storage space is good
L175[07:03:35] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p5DEC68F2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L176[07:05:58] <Emblem> Yeah, I:m basically using robots to make a compressed Skygrid map, with no gaps between blocks
L177[07:06:26] <Emblem> should be interesting if I can get it to work in an efficient manner
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L181[07:20:27] zsh sets mode: +o on TotallyNotKatie
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L184[07:20:39] zsh sets mode: +o on TotallyNotKatie
L185[07:31:51] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/TMe3As4.png
L186[07:36:40] <Turtle> hm?
L187[07:37:06] <Izaya> playing with tkinter
L188[07:38:00] <Turtle> ah
L189[07:41:25] <Turtle> ugh still upset I didn't get NBT tag list to work .-.
L190[07:44:31] <Mimiru> Turtle, whats the issue you're having?
L191[07:45:03] <Turtle> Not at computer able to run a dev env at all, but in short, trying to figure out how to get all child tags from a compound tag besides bruteforcing
L192[07:46:45] <Mimiru> Ahh.. hmm
L193[07:48:32] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Quit: Leaving)
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L196[07:57:29] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@nat-wifi-etu-1.univ-rouen.fr)
L197[08:05:58] <Lizzy> %lookup athar.theender.net
L198[08:06:01] <MichiBot> Lizzy: DNS Info for athar.theender.net
L199[08:14:14] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L200[08:20:03] ⇨ Joins: Meow-J (uid69628@id-69628.highgate.irccloud.com)
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L203[08:35:54] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6DF964E94036EE8F9A09EF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L204[08:35:54] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L205[08:40:34] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
L206[08:41:24] <S3> Morning guys
L207[08:45:29] <dangranos> hi
L208[08:45:56] <S3> so it looks like multiplexers can be used to easily simply logic circuits
L209[08:47:24] <S3> simplify*
L210[08:47:32] <S3> the question is
L211[08:47:43] <S3> how do I create the smallest multiplexer possible in MC
L212[08:48:00] <S3> (without integrated circuits or having the computer do it)
L213[08:48:09] <Mimiru> You write a mod that does the job. :P
L214[08:48:23] <S3> nah. I can probably whip something up in project red
L215[08:48:35] <S3> a single 2:1 multiplexer is simple. but making like a 16:1..
L216[08:49:48] <S3> I bet I could just make a PLA for it.
L217[08:50:28] <S3> the equation is just /s0w0 + s0w1
L218[08:53:49] <S3> at the same time, a demultiplexer can be used to take the output of a function and its selector inputs and determine all inputs of that original function :)
L219[08:54:24] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
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L221[09:25:18] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
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L223[10:05:23] *** Mimiru sets mode: +b *!*@kyuubi43.londontrustmedia.com
L224[10:11:56] <S3> Hey Turtle
L225[10:12:01] <Turtle> o/
L226[10:12:26] ⇦ Parts: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) ())
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L228[10:12:44] <Turtle> ... aparently my client has a channel close shortcut that involved dragging the mouse
L229[10:13:13] <Kodos> You sure you're not middleclicking
L230[10:15:15] <Turtle> nope, rightclick drag
L231[10:15:57] ⇦ Parts: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:d519:77ad:3b14:95ec) (Leaving))
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L233[10:16:01] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L234[10:16:03] <Kodos> Whoops
L235[10:21:32] ⇦ Quits: Dominance (~Dominance@72-186-205-33.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L236[10:26:22] *** Skye is now known as Skye|Horrible
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L238[10:33:45] <Kodos> Apparently 84% of my tweets have contained a dirty word
L239[10:33:52] <Kodos> err 80
L240[10:34:02] <XDjackieXD> lol
L241[10:37:16] * Mimiru slaps Sangar around with a large bug report
L242[10:37:17] * EnderBot2 rulls on the floor laughing
L243[10:44:23] <Kodos> What sort of bug
L244[10:44:27] <Vexatos> "rulls"
L245[10:47:07] <Mimiru> Kodos, that fucked up server issue Shuu and I have been having.
L246[10:47:15] <Mimiru> it only effects one server in the entire rack
L247[10:47:34] <Mimiru> I've replaced the rack, I've rebuilt the server from scratch, it's ALWAYS the top server
L248[10:47:47] <Kodos> What's it doing, and what are you expecting it to do
L249[10:47:54] <Mimiru> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1512
L250[10:47:56] <Mimiru> THat.
L251[10:48:34] <Kodos> Your paste is 404'ing
L252[10:48:37] <Kodos> But yeah, that's wierd
L253[10:48:39] <Kodos> weird, even
L254[10:49:00] <Mimiru> ¬_¬ thanks stikked
L255[10:49:54] <Mimiru> Oh hey... it's a NBT empty string
L256[10:55:12] <Turtle> so... Sangar dun goofed?
L257[10:55:41] <Mimiru> Not sure, seems to be something empty in the racks NBT, as the server is fine in another rack now
L258[10:55:57] <Turtle> obligatory did you break it and replace?
L259[10:56:09] <Mimiru> A number of times.
L260[10:56:14] <Kodos> Mimiru, you might try that NBTedit mod, or using a debug card
L261[10:56:23] <Mimiru> replacing the rack and the server is the only way to fix it
L262[10:56:39] <Mimiru> Kodos, I've been using nbtedit on it.
L263[10:56:49] <Mimiru> I have to wait for it to happen again
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L266[10:59:49] <Lizzy> "<+Vexatos> "rulls"" it was a bug but then it evolved to a feature
L267[11:00:24] <Kodos> Sounds like how Vex develops Computronics
L268[11:00:43] <Vexatos> what
L269[11:08:38] <Turtle> Time to print 256 nbt tags and pray this is not the way I'm supposed to do it
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L273[11:56:21] *** alfw is now known as alfw|Off
L274[11:56:34] <sugoi> in lua, what is a smart way to pass a lambda or function as a paramter to handle (i)pairs results?
L275[11:57:08] <sugoi> i apologize if my question makes little to no sense. i can make it work with another function wrapper
L276[11:57:59] <sugoi> like function foreach(iterator, handler) for k,v in iterator do handler(k,v) end
L277[11:58:11] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L278[11:58:12] <sugoi> and then call foreach passing (i)pairs and the lambda/function handler
L279[11:58:19] <Vexatos> lambdas? In Lua?
L280[11:58:19] <Vexatos> what is this madness
L281[11:58:22] <Vexatos> no wait
L282[11:58:27] <Turtle> iirc, it calls until nil is returned
L283[11:58:45] <sugoi> i didnt mean lambdas, i mean anonymous functions as a param
L284[11:58:46] <Vexatos> this is madness!
L285[11:58:46] <Vexatos> Lizzy, please
L286[11:58:46] *** EnderBot2 is now known as Leonidas
L287[11:58:47] <Leonidas> Madness....?
L288[11:58:47] <Leonidas> THIS.
L289[11:58:48] <Leonidas> IS.
L290[11:58:48] <Leonidas> #oc!!
L291[11:58:50] *** Leonidas is now known as EnderBot2
L292[11:58:50] <EnderBot2> Seriously, what did you think this was?
L293[11:58:57] <Vexatos> wow, that delay
L294[11:59:04] <Mimiru> Vexatos, what delay?
L295[11:59:13] <Vexatos> sugoi, uuuh
L296[11:59:16] <sugoi> at any rate, any slightly moreterse way?
L297[11:59:18] <Mimiru> http://i.imgur.com/60MCJbu.png
L298[11:59:24] *** Altenius is now known as Leonidas
L299[11:59:30] <Vexatos> for i, j in (t->do your thing with stuff)(tbl) do
L300[11:59:36] <Vexatos> I guess
L301[11:59:37] <Vexatos> should work
L302[11:59:38] <Lizzy> Vexatos, that was all in the same second here
L303[11:59:39] <Vexatos> I mean
L304[11:59:44] *** Leonidas is now known as Altenius
L305[12:00:00] <Vexatos> I made it.... so it probably doesn't
L306[12:00:00] <Vexatos> but it should
L307[12:00:05] <Lizzy> Altenius, fuck you
L308[12:00:08] <Mimiru> Dick move.
L309[12:00:09] <Altenius> lol
L310[12:00:15] <Vexatos> Mimiru, I have like 30 second IRC lag right now
L311[12:00:16] <Vexatos> wth
L312[12:00:19] *** Altenius is now known as Leonidas
L313[12:00:24] <Vexatos> I didn't even read any response
L314[12:00:27] *** Leonidas is now known as Altenius
L315[12:00:29] <Vexatos> up until now
L316[12:00:47] <Vexatos> interweb please
L317[12:00:53] <Vexatos> you can't be too slow for IRC
L318[12:00:56] <Vexatos> you just... can't
L319[12:01:21] <Lizzy> even though IRC was around when dialup was a thing
L320[12:02:09] <Vexatos> exactly
L321[12:02:20] <XDjackieXD> IRC exists since there were dial-up usergroups (not even a single internet)
L322[12:02:56] <XDjackieXD> this is why you can build networks from multiple servers (use one server to bridge the "gap" between two usergroups)
L323[12:03:24] <XDjackieXD> nobody had "uptime" in mind while designing this feature ^^
L324[12:04:20] <Vexatos> CONNECTION PLEASE
L325[12:04:24] <Vexatos> http://i.imgur.com/v2Plvs0.png
L326[12:04:28] <Vexatos> ;_;
L327[12:04:32] <Mimiru> %p Vexatos
L328[12:04:33] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Vexatos 0.44s
L329[12:04:37] <Vexatos> wat
L330[12:04:44] ⇦ Quits: mrdeadlocked (~admin@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L331[12:04:47] <Vexatos> oh nice, lag is gone
L332[12:04:51] <Vexatos> for at least half a minute I'd wager
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L339[12:58:09] <S3> Lizzy: Yep. IRC has been around for a long time. Why do I know this? IRC was born the same year I was :)
L340[13:01:08] <Vexatos> and you are... 4?
L341[13:10:17] ⇨ Joins: phillips1012 (~phillips1@
L342[13:10:55] <vifino> buuuurn!
L343[13:11:15] * Vexatos ingites vifino
L344[13:11:33] * Lizzy ignites herself and dances with vifino
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L346[13:20:25] <vifino> Wow, once again a proof that Lizzy is so unbelivably hot, she challanges the sun!
L347[13:20:28] * vifino hides
L348[13:23:50] * cloakable giggles
L349[13:30:11] <Vexatos> is she going to have her electrons ripped out of her D:
L350[13:30:47] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6DF964E94036EE8F9A09EF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L351[13:30:55] <vifino> Depending on what you mean, you may get different answers. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L352[13:32:48] <Lizzy> lewd
L353[13:32:50] <Lizzy> :P
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L355[13:59:11] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
L356[14:03:11] <vifino> Lizzy: Very. :*
L357[14:03:22] <Lizzy> *:
L358[14:04:13] <Kodos> I want to have a recipe that uses a floppy disk and a magnet upgrade, that creates a dead floppy disk that you can frisbee at people
L359[14:04:18] <Kodos> a la Shurikens from TiC
L360[14:04:50] ⇨ Joins: t3hero (~t3hero@2601:202:201:9030:bdb7:a3f7:1500:7590)
L361[14:06:51] <CompanionCube> 1988.
L362[14:07:23] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p5DEC652B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L363[14:12:54] <gamax92> ds84182: wooooooooooo
L364[14:13:00] <gamax92> all i had to do was set zcomploc to false
L365[14:13:03] <gamax92> alpha is fixed.
L366[14:13:21] <ds84182> are you fucking serious
L367[14:13:26] <gamax92> I am fucking serious.
L368[14:13:29] <ds84182> are you fucking serious
L369[14:13:39] * ds84182 explodes
L370[14:17:53] <Kodos> wat
L371[14:38:30] <S3> lol
L372[14:38:37] <S3> no I am not 4
L373[14:42:06] <S3> gamax92:
L374[14:42:08] <S3> http://qdb.us/310958
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L376[14:44:55] zsh sets mode: +o on Michi
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L384[15:12:07] <Kodos> Is sudo apt-get dwarf-fortress a thing
L385[15:13:54] ⇦ Quits: Ellpeck (~Ellpeck@p4FE445DB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L386[15:13:57] <Kodos> Nevermind, I'll just get it with xfce
L387[15:14:14] ⇨ Joins: Ellpeck (~Ellpeck@p4FE445DB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L391[15:38:45] ⇨ Joins: Herpaderpicus (webchat@107-205-68-67.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net)
L392[15:39:01] <Herpaderpicus> Okay, finally able to update my linux netbook
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L398[15:47:23] <ds84182> vifino: I attempted to get the game running on ARM. I conclude that I cannot.
L399[15:47:38] *** AndroUser2 is now known as Michi
L400[15:47:50] <ds84182> Menu runs fine, but love.string does unaligned accesses which fucks up ARM really bad
L401[15:48:01] <vifino> Dang.
L402[15:48:27] <vifino> ds84182: What platform did you try it on?
L403[15:48:34] <vifino> Android?
L404[15:48:37] <ds84182> Yes
L405[15:49:02] <vifino> Wasn't love on android fucked anyways?
L406[15:49:10] <ds84182> No, it's not Love's fault
L407[15:49:15] <ds84182> Love on android works pretty damn well
L408[15:49:25] <ds84182> It's my custom code that is fucking up
L409[15:49:30] <Inari> love loves it
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L412[15:50:33] <gamax92> love loves loving love
L413[15:50:48] <Inari> nessa loves love
L414[15:50:50] <Inari> nessa hates hate
L415[15:50:57] <Herpaderpicus> after running sudo startx, how do i exit the windows manager and return to just having a CLI
L416[15:51:09] <Herpaderpicus> < Kodos, btw
L417[15:51:26] <Inari> one day i'll use linux, one day
L418[15:52:53] <gamax92> Herpaderpicus: ctrl-alt-backspace
L419[15:52:57] <AndroUser2> Herpaderpicus sudo service gdm stop or sudo service lightdm stop
L420[15:52:59] <gamax92> or that.
L421[15:53:02] <gamax92> that's generally better
L422[15:53:32] <Inari> the primary thing holding me with windows is that theres stuff i use that is windows-only
L423[15:54:01] <AndroUser2> i just reinstalled linux, now to get the nvidia driver working
L424[15:54:31] *** AndroUser2 is now known as Michi
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L429[15:57:39] *** AndroUser2 is now known as Michi
L430[15:58:54] <Michi> Shit... i stopped lightdm for driver install, and can't get to shell
L431[15:58:59] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L432[16:00:21] ⇨ Joins: Tilmok (~kodos@2602:306:bcd4:4430:2409:8526:352:647b)
L433[16:01:14] <CompanionCube> Michi, tried sysreq?
L434[16:01:16] <CompanionCube> *sysrq
L435[16:03:03] <Michi> No?
L436[16:04:09] ⇦ Quits: Herpaderpicus (webchat@107-205-68-67.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
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L438[16:10:27] <Michi> Did it via apt... meh
L439[16:15:02] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
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L442[16:20:07] <Mimiru> And.... Linux doesn't like spanning my desktop across both my cards.
L443[16:23:50] ⇨ Joins: IzayaXMPP (~b1a037545@
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L445[17:25:29] <v^> Mimiru, ._. debian actually handled when i did that pretty well
L446[17:26:13] <v^> havent tried it cross architecture though rofl
L447[17:26:27] <v^> Nvidia AMD and Intel cards all at once
L448[17:26:28] <v^> rofl
L449[17:26:32] <AndroUser2> It does the 3 on my main 960, bjt not the 1 on my 2nd
L450[17:26:53] <AndroUser2> s/j/u/
L451[17:26:53] <Kibibyte> <AndroUser2> It does the 3 on my main 960, but not the 1 on my 2nd
L452[17:27:08] *** AndroUser2 is now known as Michi
L453[17:27:27] zsh sets mode: +o on Michi
L454[17:29:10] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
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L457[17:41:38] <Mimiru> yay back to windows
L458[17:45:23] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
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L460[17:57:17] <v^> ewwwww windows
L461[17:57:40] <Mimiru> Let me know when I can do all of the windows only stuff in linux. and Wine doesn't cut it.
L462[17:57:59] * cloakable is making a kubuntu startup disk. :D
L463[17:59:14] * gamax92 is going to make, is making, and has made, spaghetti
L464[18:00:30] <cloakable> :D
L465[18:00:45] <cloakable> Disk created, I am now going to Occupy Bed
L466[18:00:48] <cloakable> Night all
L467[18:00:58] <Izaya> "14.2GB of 14.1GB free" ntfs go drunk you're home
L468[18:01:09] <gamax92> Izaya: no it's compression, duh
L469[18:01:28] <Izaya> compression isn't enabled
L470[18:03:11] <Kodos> Speaking of compression, I need to finish working on that compressdir program
L471[18:11:46] <CompanionCube> Mimiru, does a windows VM not cut it either
L472[18:11:51] <Mimiru> no
L473[18:12:36] <XDjackieXD> Mimiru: Gaming?
L474[18:12:40] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L475[18:12:40] <Mimiru> Yes
L476[18:12:46] <Mimiru> among other things
L477[18:13:13] <XDjackieXD> This is the only reason I have windows installed... everything else works in wine/vm (and vmware finally got dx10 support)
L478[18:14:18] <Kodos> Ah, forgot I had a mostly finished version
L479[18:14:21] <Kodos> Anyone playing MC atm?
L480[18:17:30] <Izaya> *NP++ crashes when you open the config* Open config in NP++, save, restart
L481[18:24:00] <Kodos> I mostly use Atom now for dev, I'll still use NP++ over notepad for text and config files tho
L482[18:26:06] <XDjackieXD> I prefer JetBrains IDEs for development and gedit or vim for text editing :3
L483[18:26:33] <Kodos> Well, most of my 'dev' work consists of coding for OC, so an IDE isn't super important since there isn't a good way to test it
L484[18:26:54] <Kodos> The only thing I could really think of is using Eclipse with a forge/oc dev environment, and a Lua plugin
L485[18:26:57] <XDjackieXD> lua IDE with proper highlighting and intelligent code checking?
L486[18:27:08] <Kodos> I haven't finished the port yet
L487[18:27:10] <sugoi> i use vs with lua plugin
L488[18:27:13] <Kodos> Ironically that's one of the things I'm dev'ing
L489[18:27:28] <Kodos> I haven't tried vs yet
L490[18:27:32] <Kodos> Assuming Visual Studio
L491[18:27:43] <sugoi> yeah
L492[18:27:49] <sugoi> i use it because i use vs for everything
L493[18:27:53] <XDjackieXD> (the difference: I code for OC's API and haven't done anything ingame since ages apart from testing my stuff :3)
L494[18:27:56] <sugoi> so it's good for me just because i'm familiar with its interface
L495[18:28:07] <sugoi> and its hotkeys
L496[18:28:09] <XDjackieXD> I don't like vs as it doesn't have a proper dark theme...
L497[18:28:38] <sugoi> haha, i like its dark theme (and 2012 and before i found good ones online)
L498[18:28:55] <sugoi> but again, it's good for me because i'm familiar with its interface and hotkeys
L499[18:29:18] <XDjackieXD> the last one I used was 2013 and it's dark theme is very inconsistent and the 2010 we use at school doesn't even have usable theming support ._.
L500[18:29:22] <sugoi> and i use a custom build step to copy the files to ocemu dirs
L501[18:30:26] <sugoi> ive been using vs since vs 6 (1998) and yes, the theme support was quite bad
L502[18:30:36] <sugoi> so i had my tools and plugins to force themes that i liked
L503[18:31:01] <sugoi> but 2012's dark theme (and 2013 and 2015) wasn't bad. i like it quite a lot. but again, i use vs because i'm familiar with its interface and hotkeys
L504[18:31:04] <XDjackieXD> I can recommend resharper for vs :3
L505[18:31:06] <sugoi> to each her own
L506[18:31:17] <sugoi> and i absolutely detest resharper
L507[18:31:19] <sugoi> :)
L508[18:32:04] <XDjackieXD> vs's "native" code checking/intelligent autocompletion is the worst... (at least up to 2013)
L509[18:32:19] <XDjackieXD> resharper makes this so much better...
L510[18:32:32] * sugoi dumps on pointless flame war points
L511[18:34:14] <XDjackieXD> this isn't a real flamewar :P I have seen far worse on IRC XD
L512[18:34:48] <sugoi> :/ that's my way of side stepping disputes over ide and tool preferences
L513[18:34:55] <sugoi> as long as people are aware of the options, not much else to say
L514[18:35:00] <XDjackieXD> yes
L515[18:35:17] <Mimiru> I use a copy of notpad.exe I've migrated from windows 95
L516[18:35:28] <XDjackieXD> It's everyone's preference ^^ (I once coded solely with gcc and vim ^^)
L517[18:37:18] <Kodos> I really like this Pigments plugin for Atom
L518[18:37:25] <XDjackieXD> hm?
L519[18:37:56] <XDjackieXD> oh
L520[18:38:21] <Mimiru> I <3 the Fixedsys font, which is the only font you'll ever need too.
L521[18:38:37] <XDjackieXD> looks nice. (PHPStorm does something similar with CSS colors. very handy ^^)
L522[18:39:22] <XDjackieXD> I <3 the Ubuntu font for normal use and source code pro for coding ^,^
L523[18:40:04] <Mimiru> Fixedsys was the only font notepad could display until 98/NT
L524[18:40:08] <Kodos> I prefer Unispace over Fixedsys
L525[18:40:40] <XDjackieXD> Unispace looks nice
L526[18:41:21] <Mimiru> Fixedsys is love, Fixedsys is life.
L527[18:43:16] <XDjackieXD> (disclaimer: this is solely based on my opinion!) I don't really like Fixedsys as I prefer modern, simple fonts :P
L528[18:43:29] <Mimiru> I'm totally not being sarcastic.
L529[18:43:31] <Mimiru> nop
L530[18:43:44] <XDjackieXD> :3
L531[18:44:00] <Kodos> Okay, time to go test this file
L532[18:46:24] <Kodos> Fuuuu FO4 looks fun as hell
L533[18:46:35] <sugoi> Kodos: i'm taking time off work
L534[18:46:52] <Kodos> I'm not sure how I'm paying for it yet
L535[18:46:58] <Kodos> I have tons of 360 games, but most aren't worth much
L536[18:47:04] <Kodos> My birthday isn't until Dec
L537[18:48:16] <Mimiru> Kodos, I'm 6 d ays after you
L538[18:48:21] <Kodos> 11?
L539[18:48:41] <Mimiru> yep
L540[18:48:59] <sugoi> Mimiru: what's your mother's maiden name?
L541[18:49:23] <Mimiru> Smith
L542[18:49:29] <sugoi> cool cool
L543[18:49:31] <sugoi> pets?
L544[18:49:36] <Mimiru> 3 parrots
L545[18:49:43] <sugoi> :)
L546[18:50:16] <Kodos> Moe Larry and Abdullah
L547[18:50:24] <Kodos> Also http://puu.sh/l8wkE/1dad4703fb.png =D
L548[18:50:29] <Mimiru> "Disney May Be Officially Retiring Slave Leia From All ‘Star Wars’ Merchandise"
L549[18:50:32] * Mimiru cries in a corner
L550[18:54:52] <Kodos> err
L551[18:54:56] <Kodos> wat
L552[18:56:00] <Kodos> Okay, yeah I have no idea why this is erroring with not enough energy in a creative case
L553[18:56:58] <Kodos> Okay, something is SUPER borked
L554[18:57:08] <Kodos> I can't reboot the computer without using the power button in the gui
L555[18:57:30] <Kodos> Ohhh
L556[18:57:34] <Kodos> Whoops
L557[18:58:15] <Kodos> Okay, note to self, copy the files being compressed, then compress the copies, in case the files being compressed are important
L558[18:58:16] <Kodos> Like reboot.lua
L559[18:58:28] <Mimiru> lol
L560[18:58:38] <Kodos> Whoopth
L561[18:58:56] <Kodos> Still not sure why it was giving me errors about not enough energy
L562[18:59:10] <Mimiru> Yes.
L563[19:00:58] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
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L568[20:13:05] * Antheus sets Mimiru on fire
L569[20:13:35] <Mimiru> !kickban Antheus k
L570[20:13:37] <Mimiru> :D
L571[20:13:43] <Antheus> ouch
L572[20:13:53] <Antheus> roooood
L573[20:14:18] <Mimiru> You set me on fire... for no reason.
L574[20:15:18] <Antheus> I set you on fire becaus eyou are to hot (hot damn)
L575[20:15:33] <Antheus> also
L577[20:15:52] <Antheus> and
L578[20:16:02] <Antheus> I was in traffic for 8 hours
L579[20:16:03] <Antheus> stop and go
L580[20:16:14] <Antheus> Charter Bus's A/C broke
L581[20:16:26] <Antheus> was leaking rain water into the bus
L582[20:16:26] <Antheus> no outlets/wifi
L583[20:16:28] <Antheus> bathroom was broken
L584[20:16:44] <Antheus> I had no idea you could be stuck in traffic for 8 hours until friday
L585[20:16:50] <Mimiru> lol
L586[20:17:06] <Antheus> ALso saw the Alamo
L587[20:17:10] <Antheus> very cool
L588[20:17:14] <Antheus> I will always remember it
L589[20:21:33] <Mimiru> Well.. that IS what they were going for.
L590[20:28:56] ⇨ Joins: Wembly (~Wembly@
L591[20:39:18] <Kodos> Ugh, Supergirl makes me sad to be a Superman universe fan
L592[20:51:59] <Kodos> Windows 7 alternatives to Cortana/Siri, go
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L608[23:47:52] *** Vaht is now known as Tahg
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