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L1[00:01:24] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L2[00:03:06] <Kodos> Bah, wish I had money, or could find people to trade with on Steam that aren't asshats
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L8[00:33:24] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
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L12[01:33:10] <Izaya> are the hitman games good?
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L23[03:36:17] zsh sets mode: +v on Xilandro
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L30[04:25:40] <Turtle> o/
L31[04:28:26] <Izaya> \o
L32[04:29:18] <Turtle> PHP multiple choice ('What is the result of this code' x40) exam for 1st year programming students here, RIP 755
L33[04:29:20] <Turtle> *75%
L34[04:29:36] <Turtle> *As in, 75% failed based on the preliminary grades
L35[04:30:10] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055_ (~Brandon@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L36[04:33:45] <Izaya> o.o
L37[04:33:47] <Izaya> wow
L38[04:34:04] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/dpjHgfE.png meanwhile
L39[04:34:05] <Turtle> yeaah PERHAPS php is not a good language to teach students who have 0 programming experience
L40[04:34:10] <Turtle> also: "UK Prime Minister Apparently Last To Realize New EU Net Neutrality Rules Mean No Porn Filtering" lmfao.
L41[04:34:22] <Turtle> As if hameron will stop now :p
L42[04:34:40] <Turtle> Izaya, ha, nice.
L43[04:34:45] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (~Brandon@
L44[04:36:12] <Turtle> (Regarding starting from 0 experience, not sure if Lua is any better, but it's loads better at hiding it's quirks, php is so in-your-face with them .-.)
L45[04:36:53] <Izaya> python or ruby are probably ideal langhuages
L46[04:36:57] <Izaya> languages for teaching*
L47[04:37:42] <Turtle> python, probably, not a huge fan of it myself, but I can see it being less quirky than Lua
L48[04:38:05] <Izaya> python's syntax is screwy
L49[04:38:13] <Izaya> that's my issue with it
L50[04:38:19] <Turtle> yeah
L51[04:38:34] <Turtle> I really dig Lua's 'english' syntax for code blocks
L52[04:38:40] <Izaya> mmm
L53[04:38:42] <Sandra> eh, lua is not THAT bad for teaching.
L54[04:38:50] <Sandra> also python, not quirky?
L55[04:38:59] <Sandra> no.
L56[04:39:03] <Turtle> Sandra, fair enough
L57[04:39:20] <Izaya> lua doesn't really have many extensions though
L58[04:39:22] <Turtle> but it's not a scripting language to write a markup language written as a hack by this one dude
L59[04:39:58] <Turtle> Izaya, yeah, it's good as a starter to get into programming, but not to actually do stuff
L60[04:40:11] <Turtle> (That said, things like löve exist, so you CAN do things with it)
L61[04:40:24] * Izaya was playing with python and tk today
L62[04:40:33] <Sandra> I'm writing a game with love now actually.
L63[04:40:58] <Izaya> I sorta want to try to do something with python and tk
L64[04:41:20] <Izaya> apparently if I do something with a GUI and networking I only need to do one program instead of 5 for my assignment
L65[04:42:27] <Sandra> why would you need to write 5 programs?
L66[04:42:48] <Izaya> because that's the assignment
L67[04:42:54] <Izaya> since when does school make sense?
L68[04:43:01] <Turtle> How would you get 5 programs to cooperate with one gui and one network connection.
L69[04:43:03] <Sandra> god damn it.
L70[04:43:11] <Izaya> Turtle, no that's the thing
L71[04:43:25] <Izaya> if you do GUI and/or networking you can do just one
L72[04:43:29] <Turtle> ah
L73[04:43:53] <Turtle> ... lol uni wants us to agile/scrum a small website project
L74[04:44:38] <Izaya> so naturally I'm gonna do a program with both a GUI and networking and blow everyone else out of the water
L75[04:44:43] <Turtle> :p
L76[04:44:59] <Sandra> I mean, I came up with a terrible game written in LOVE in 1 week for my multimedia assignment.
L77[04:45:11] <Izaya> I have about 2 days to do this
L78[04:45:26] <Turtle> Should be plenty of time
L79[04:45:26] <Sandra> not that love is terrible, it's just that I only had a week.
L80[04:45:34] <Sandra> you'll be fiiine.
L81[04:45:40] <Izaya> mmm
L82[04:45:56] <Izaya> gotta put my server in its 'new' case tonight though
L83[04:46:19] <Turtle> But, srsly, agile/scrum on a project made by ICT students with near-zero experience?
L84[04:46:35] <Sandra> why not?
L85[04:46:49] <Turtle> Blurred tasks
L86[04:47:07] <Turtle> You can't clear-cut a task as no-one is experienced enough to do it entirely without having a billion tasks
L87[04:49:24] <Izaya> so as it turns out
L88[04:49:34] <Izaya> it's hard to find pictures of servers from 2001
L89[04:49:50] <Sandra> whoa I never would have guessed.
L90[04:50:02] <Izaya> I may the only person
L91[04:50:07] <Izaya> that posesses pictures of
L92[04:50:10] <Izaya> the Optima Vizon II
L93[04:50:16] <Izaya> and two models, nonetheless
L94[04:51:28] <Turtle> ... I think my uni might -actually- be retarded here
L95[04:51:58] <Turtle> Product owner (In scrum), who has the best programming experience
L96[04:52:00] <Turtle> yeah rip.
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L99[05:17:52] ⇨ Joins: GodusX (~godusx@92-240-135-95.pool.ukrtel.net)
L100[05:18:35] <GodusX> hi there! Can somebody help me?
L101[05:18:46] <Lizzy> potentially, yes
L102[05:19:32] <GodusX> I have a trouble with holoprojector. It says "Not enought memory" even if i don't connect it to computer.
L103[05:20:12] <Lizzy> how much ram did you put in the computer?
L104[05:20:36] <GodusX> 2 planks with 4096M
L105[05:21:21] <Lizzy> does it happen as soon as you turn the pc on or after you run a program?
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L107[05:23:04] <GodusX> It happend after i reloaded server. Also it happend on my old save, so looks like it isn't ingame computer. Can it be given by insufficient memory on real computer?
L108[05:24:00] <Lizzy> doubtful, how much ram does your pc have and can you check how much is used when running mc? (using taskmanager if you're on windows)
L109[05:29:32] <GodusX> I'm using Windows on clientside and Ubuntu on serverside. On clientside minecraft using around 721M. XMX1024M, XX:MaxPermSize=256M. Real memory limit - around 1512M. But on serverside i using java 8. XMX2048M, real memory limit - 1024M, so using SWAP. (No matter, server don't lag, rly). So the holoprojectors work on first server run with no matter how much memory used, but after restarting all holoprojectors stop working with no matter where to pl
L110[05:30:19] <GodusX> Oh my english... Oh my fingers...
L111[05:31:15] <Lizzy> mind posting some screenshots of your setup? also are your configs for OC at their defaults?
L112[05:33:28] <GodusX> Screenshots i can't post due to that i'm using wocchat (oppm). OC settings are custom, but no matter, realy it doesn't take effect. I tryed various setups. Server running on forge core, not KCauldron.
L113[05:33:49] <Lizzy> can you try again with default configs?
L114[05:39:35] <GodusX> Done. Not working.
L115[05:40:38] <Lizzy> what exactly are you doing right before it runs out of memory?
L116[05:41:39] <GodusX> Nothing. Just placing holoprojector.
L117[05:42:02] <Lizzy> and you're using 2 sticks of teir 3.5 ram, yes?
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L121[06:03:47] <GodusX> Yes
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L128[06:44:52] <Turtle> o/
L129[06:45:27] <Turtle> ooo, TC5 is out
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L134[07:37:13] <S3> yeah I'm not too fond of redlogic I reminded myself
L135[07:37:23] <S3> but it does have a couple of neat things
L136[07:37:53] <S3> also, having fun with single input NAND gates! :)
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L155[09:07:05] <Lizzy> .load
L156[09:07:11] <Lizzy> ffs
L157[09:07:46] <Ender> I'll go poke him
L158[09:08:45] ⇨ Joins: EnderBot2 (enderbot2@athar.theender.net)
L159[09:08:46] zsh sets mode: +v on EnderBot2
L160[09:08:51] <Ender> there he is
L161[09:08:56] <Ender> .load
L162[09:08:58] <Ender> hm
L163[09:09:07] <Lizzy> .load
L164[09:09:07] <EnderBot2> CPU: 1.31 1.33 1.42 , RAM: 11.0G/31.3G (~35.2%), SWAP: 278.3M/88.2G (~0.3%)
L165[09:09:40] <Ender> i though you'd have used more
L166[09:09:53] <Lizzy> I'm actually suprised it's that low
L167[09:10:15] <Ender> heh
L168[09:10:41] <Lizzy> might go up whenever i get the mc server back up again, gonna give that like, 4GB of ram cause i can
L169[09:10:53] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-078-043-218-228.hsi4.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L170[09:11:12] <Ender> The one you talked to me about earlier?
L171[09:11:14] <Lizzy> yep
L172[09:11:17] <Ender> Awesome
L173[09:11:54] <Ender> How far did you get with that wrapper?
L174[09:12:20] <Lizzy> the line parser works, now i just need to work out how to pipe the output from the server into it
L175[09:12:41] <Ender> Coolio
L176[09:13:12] <Ender> Do i want to try working on getting IPv6 working on athar or not....
L177[09:13:51] <Lizzy> Going by the fact that the last 2 times you haven't managed to get it working, no
L178[09:13:57] <Ender> :P
L179[09:14:03] <S3> Wait a minute why do you have 88 GB of swap
L180[09:14:10] <S3> That's really inefficient
L181[09:14:26] <Ender> no clue
L182[09:14:33] <Ender> it's been like that since it was set up
L183[09:14:45] * Lizzy blames online.net's installer
L184[09:15:16] <S3> Lizzy: wow. I can't believe they think that is okay.
L185[09:16:03] <Ender> S3: I initially selected 10G per drive in the installer page, but it derped it seems
L186[09:16:07] <S3> It's true that servers do need more swap than your desktop in practice but to much swap can make your machine more vulnerable to performance issues
L187[09:16:25] <S3> If in the car out actually started to use much more swap than it is now
L188[09:16:31] <S3> If in the case*
L189[09:17:15] <Lizzy> S3: did you see the ram amount of actual RAM it has? If we manage to use up all that we have other questions to ask
L190[09:17:50] <S3> I dunno my server has 32 and we use 20 something most of the time
L191[09:17:59] <Ender> Unless we end up running loads of VPS/VMs and other stuff
L192[09:18:35] <S3> But or swap is like 4 GB
L193[09:18:42] <S3> Our"
L194[09:19:11] <Lizzy> S3: what are you running on your server? Athar (where EnderBot2 is pulling it's data) has 3x2GB RAM VPSs, an MC server on the main host, GitLab and a few other bits
L195[09:19:50] <S3> If more than a GB f swap is used the memory manager will panic a bit and start cleaning up but we will get an email with an alert
L196[09:19:52] <infina> S3: enterprise does not use swap...
L197[09:19:55] <Lizzy> S3: eh, I know it's bad, but without doing a complete backup and re-install, I'm not able to change the Raid
L198[09:20:41] <S3> Infina: there should be an lvm volume for it
L199[09:21:04] <Lizzy> Ender: how much space does your backup plan have?
L200[09:21:07] <Ender> 100GB
L201[09:21:11] <infina> S3: not mounted in fstab. no swapfs at all.
L202[09:21:19] <Ender> and i'm not even sure how ot store backups on it
L203[09:21:21] <Lizzy> :/
L204[09:21:26] <S3> Lizzy we run ven vpss and have ftb Minecraft servers etc
L205[09:22:01] <Lizzy> S3: k, so your extra ram usage is because you're using it
L206[09:22:15] <Inari> ;o
L207[09:22:18] <Inari> new overwatch hero is pretty cute
L208[09:22:21] <S3> Infina: it should have something.. But enterprise only needs a very small position for swap
L209[09:22:24] <Ender> Lizzy: at least we got rid of Thor....
L210[09:22:30] <Lizzy> Ender: that was a massive pain
L211[09:22:35] <S3> Lizzy: yep
L212[09:23:17] <S3> Lizzy f the box was idling if worry about using ram
L213[09:23:20] <S3> Lol
L214[09:23:22] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L215[09:24:25] <S3> Most of our vms run FreeBSD.. Not all of them but an idling FreeBSD server or of the box runs about 8mb of ram
L216[09:24:53] <S3> Which makes FreeBSD fantastic for Minecraft
L217[09:25:06] <Lizzy> http://puu.sh/l3cBW/7d4e415dc6.png
L218[09:26:44] <Lizzy> the 3 VPSs on Athar (i use VPS when refering to VMs for other people with public IPv4 addresses, VMs when referencing prvate stuff) are running: Ubuntu Server (Scj's), Arch ( Izaya's ) and Debian 8 (Kathleen's). the first 2 are probably running MC servers of their own
L219[09:27:04] <Lizzy> on the main host Temia has a server running, i think
L220[09:27:25] <Lizzy> and there's a single ubuntu vm running which i was using to test vpn network stuff
L221[09:27:59] <S3> We run the official xkcd server somewhere...
L222[09:28:04] <S3> For mc
L223[09:28:04] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/f34IQE4.jpg http://i.imgur.com/hb3YR97.jpg :D
L224[09:28:43] <S3> Wat
L225[09:28:57] <S3> Am I blind or u is that an evga psu
L226[09:29:20] <Izaya> it is
L227[09:29:35] <S3> Didn't know they made those
L228[09:29:42] <S3> Not that surprised
L229[09:29:47] <Izaya> don't ask how the SSD is attached
L230[09:30:58] <Ender> How is the SSD attached, Izaya?
L231[09:31:13] <Izaya> ._.
L232[09:31:17] <Izaya> well I guess I should say
L233[09:31:20] <Izaya> so uh
L234[09:31:20] * Ender chuckles
L235[09:31:33] <Izaya> I've got it screwed to the motherboard
L236[09:32:12] <Inari> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSj2uL6XAAA6OI1.png:large cute
L237[09:32:53] * Lizzy wants https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/51/21/f7/5121f7392352d647c59b145c61376c4b.jpg
L238[09:34:07] <Ender> ffs go away onenote, i didn't mean to summon you
L239[09:35:39] <Izaya> E V I L
L240[09:35:47] <Izaya> we have one user
L241[09:35:52] <Izaya> and they do EVERYTHING on OneNote
L242[09:35:56] <Izaya> now the desktops have 200GB HDDs
L243[09:36:04] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L244[09:36:05] <Izaya> they've managed to fill the HDDs with onenote cache
L245[09:36:38] *** Dominance|away is now known as Dominance|reallyaway
L246[09:36:46] <Lizzy> wow
L247[09:37:07] <Lizzy> reminds me of the 37GB IE cache folder on one of the PCs at my work
L248[09:37:14] <Izaya> as such, I want to uninstall OneNote
L249[09:37:15] <S3> So using red Logic or project red can anyone give me ideas about making try state buffers as small as possible?
L250[09:37:21] <Izaya> because fuck cleaning that out repeatedly
L251[09:37:27] <S3> Since I did not see one included
L252[09:37:36] <Izaya> Lizzy, all the computers have no cache for Internet Exploder here
L253[09:37:43] <Izaya> local http proxy ftw
L254[09:37:49] <Izaya> caching
L255[09:38:12] <Lizzy> we used to have a http proxy, but with like, 3k clients it got bogged down a tonne, or so i heard
L256[09:38:39] <CompanionCube> Izaya, if only you could symlink the cache to /dev/null
L257[09:39:58] <Lizzy> AAH FUCK
L258[09:40:03] <Lizzy> sat on my legs for too long
L259[09:40:09] <Lizzy> now my feet sting
L260[09:40:16] <Ender> heh
L261[09:40:45] <Inari> hehe
L262[09:40:47] <Izaya> CompanionCube, nah, just a script to nuke the cache dir incase it didn't keep the settings on logout
L263[09:41:11] ⇨ Joins: Meow-J (uid69628@id-69628.highgate.irccloud.com)
L264[09:42:41] <S3> You know technically f speaking am and cell works as a try state buffer
L265[09:42:47] <S3> An*
L266[09:43:07] <Ender> S3: are you having trouble typing toda?
L267[09:43:11] <Ender> *today
L268[09:43:14] <Ender> seems i am as well
L269[09:43:17] <Ender> ¬_¬
L270[09:43:36] <S3> I'm on my phone
L271[09:43:40] <Ender> ah
L272[10:09:21] ⇨ Joins: lacsap (~lacsap@
L273[10:14:42] <S3> Ok.
L274[10:15:26] <S3> POS circuits are fun
L275[10:19:21] <S3> Inari: wouldn't you think so?
L276[10:19:33] <Inari> ?
L277[10:20:34] <S3> Circuits that are a pos
L278[10:21:47] <S3> But ironically almost every pos circuit I've seen has been better than a sop that does the same thing.
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L281[10:22:40] <Lizzy> I'm assuming pos means something other than pile of shit
L282[10:23:06] <S3> Why would it?
L283[10:23:11] <Izaya> point of sale, usually
L284[10:23:20] <Izaya> it's just the marketing term though
L285[10:23:56] <S3> It stands for product of sums
L286[10:24:27] <S3> You have a circuit: ab + bc
L287[10:24:31] <S3> That's a pos
L288[10:24:51] <S3> Er sorry that's a sun of products.
L289[10:25:20] <S3> I meant (a + b)(b + C)
L290[10:25:38] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
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L292[10:27:08] <S3> Turtle
L293[10:32:19] <S3> I just saw somebody walking around school with a red eternal and a mutant ninja turtle costume
L294[10:32:20] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L295[10:32:34] <S3> Red eye mask
L296[10:35:15] <Turtle> lol
L297[11:01:26] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L298[11:02:56] *** surferconor425|Away is now known as surferconor425
L299[11:05:12] <Sangar> o/
L300[11:05:42] <Izaya> \o
L301[11:06:27] <Lizzy> o/
L302[11:10:07] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (~Brandon@
L303[11:11:24] <Xilandro> If anyone cares, Thaumcraft 5 is out
L304[11:11:33] <Lizzy> link pls
L305[11:11:40] <Xilandro> http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1292130-thaumcraft-5-0-0-updated-2015-10-30
L306[11:12:39] <Lizzy> aww, it's for 1.8 only
L307[11:13:41] <Xilandro> INdeed
L308[11:13:55] <Sangar> as it's been announced to be since the beginning :P
L309[11:19:18] <Xilandro> Speaking of new versions people have been wanting...
L310[11:27:51] <Turtle> Not moving to 1.8 without CoFH's stuff though
L311[11:31:59] <Xilandro> KL has already explicitly said he's not going to 1.8
L312[11:32:14] <vifino> woo, 38 days uptime on my freebsd überstack
L313[11:32:24] <vifino> jails <3
L314[11:33:06] <Turtle> Xilandro, ah, jumping directly to 1.9?
L315[11:33:16] <Xilandro> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L316[11:33:55] <Lizzy> https://github.com/RS485/LogisticsPipes/commit/24d814c32be7865a48f0866f068eacfb4a1ff21b woo
L317[11:34:54] <Xilandro> They finally fixed OC support
L318[11:35:05] <vifino> Lizzy: :D
L319[11:35:09] * vifino remembers that
L320[11:35:42] <Xilandro> Oh shit
L321[11:35:47] <Xilandro> The guy who was making that OC Turret mod
L322[11:35:50] <Xilandro> Is sending me a test version
L323[11:35:58] <vifino> OC Turret mod?
L324[11:36:00] <vifino> Huh?
L325[11:36:08] <Xilandro> Hang on
L326[11:36:13] ⇦ Quits: hitecnologys (~hitecnolo@ (Quit: Gone)
L327[11:36:14] <Xilandro> http://i.imgur.com/m2yAI1b.png
L328[11:36:15] * vifino only thinks of portal when he hears turret
L329[11:36:25] <vifino> :o
L330[11:36:33] <vifino> I thought they'd be satelite links...
L331[11:36:37] * vifino shrugs
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L334[11:43:44] <SkySom> So drone mounted mini guns?
L335[11:43:59] <Xilandro> Not that I know of, just block ones for now
L336[11:44:04] <Xilandro> Though I shall suggest it to him
L337[11:46:14] *** Skye|Homework is now known as Skye
L338[11:47:45] <Izaya> this is most unusual
L339[11:47:52] <Izaya> so any of these images I upload
L340[11:47:54] <Izaya> end up flipped
L341[11:47:56] <Lizzy> you're gonna create the starting of SkyNet at this rate
L342[11:47:59] <Lizzy> also home
L343[11:48:10] <Lizzy> though now i need to get ready for stuff
L344[11:48:44] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852__ (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-078-042-113-168.hsi3.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L347[11:53:20] <Turtle> ... I wonder if worldsaveddata is available before world load
L348[11:53:45] <Turtle> otherwise everyone would be kicked out of the dimension if they connect to a server too quickly >.<
L349[12:04:14] <vifino> Blarg.
L350[12:04:20] <vifino> So my cousin has a mail server.
L351[12:04:25] <vifino> He wants mail on my webstack.
L352[12:04:39] <vifino> How do I do this semi-intelligently? >_>
L353[12:04:51] <vifino> Like, he wants php's mail function to work..
L354[12:04:54] <vifino> Blargh.
L355[12:06:06] <vifino> I've been trying to get this to work with a stupid simple ssh tunnel but it doesn't work .-.
L356[12:06:20] <vifino> I mean, i can connect to the smtp thing, but it aint mailin.
L357[12:08:55] <vifino> I hate mail q_q
L358[12:12:22] <Izaya> emai
L359[12:12:23] <Izaya> l
L360[12:12:24] <Izaya> is
L361[12:12:25] <Izaya> evil
L362[12:14:04] <vifino> Izaya: Agreed.
L363[12:14:21] <Turtle> ooo worldsaveddata seems to somewhat work
L364[12:14:56] <Izaya> vifino, http://imgur.com/a/AUXzn
L365[12:15:38] <vifino> Izaya: :D
L366[12:15:52] ⇦ Quits: Barbas (~Barbas@35-176-233-186.raimax.com.br) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L367[12:17:12] <Lizzy> have you looked at the background on imgur?#
L368[12:18:11] ⇨ Joins: Barbas (~Barbas@35-176-233-186.raimax.com.br)
L369[12:19:10] <Xilandro> Speaking of imgur, I just got the trophy for finding all the haunted tokens
L371[12:34:00] *** Daiyousei is now known as Baghdaddy
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L374[12:58:37] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
L375[13:05:44] <asie> Where's Vexatos D:
L376[13:05:50] <asie> Turtle: Nobody is, really
L377[13:06:00] <asie> BuildCraft only has a 1.8 release as someone spent 4 months porting it
L378[13:06:06] <asie> OC does, too, but that's because Sangar is some kind of wizard
L379[13:06:15] <asie> tons of decor mods too as the JSON models make that far easiere
L380[13:06:16] <asie> easier*
L381[13:07:15] <asie> https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/3qurui/thaumic_tinkerer_30_released_for_thaumcraft_50/
L382[13:07:17] <asie> Okay, wait.
L383[13:07:19] <asie> What.
L384[13:09:48] <Turtle> back, I was afk for quite a while, asie, you mean, no-one is porting to 1.8? or no-one is skipping to 1.9? :P
L385[13:17:07] <Sangar> i'm a wizard? yay \o/
L386[13:17:30] <gamax92> oh, XD first time I've had 100% all patches worked on lucky patcher
L387[13:17:38] <gamax92> it's usually like 42%
L388[13:18:29] <Turtle> Sangar, because lack of shitcode? :P
L389[13:18:38] <gamax92> because Scala
L390[13:18:55] <gamax92> the powers of Scala fill Sangar with dark magic
L391[13:20:42] zsh sets mode: +v on Techokami
L392[13:24:44] <Sangar> muhahaha
L393[13:43:33] ⇨ Joins: sugoi_ (~sugoi@174-31-186-168.tukw.qwest.net)
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L396[13:49:36] <Turtle> welp, time to shitcode a bunch of nbt .-.
L397[13:50:03] ⇦ Quits: Barbas (~Barbas@35-176-233-186.raimax.com.br) (Read error: No route to host)
L398[13:51:19] <vifino> gamax92: whatcha patchin?
L399[13:53:31] ⇨ Joins: Barbas (~Barbas@35-176-233-186.raimax.com.br)
L400[13:54:16] <Daiyousei> the powers of scala will fullfull his deep dark fantasy
L401[13:54:19] <Daiyousei> fullfill*
L402[13:56:20] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-37-209-116-12.hsi15.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L403[14:04:02] ⇨ Joins: Dominance|reallyaway (~Dominance@72-186-205-33.res.bhn.net)
L404[14:06:57] <Inari> https://www.twitchinstalls.com/ Oo
L405[14:07:14] <Turtle> Something something gentoo
L406[14:09:10] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6DF937698B156CF1666327.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L407[14:09:10] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L408[14:09:41] <vifino> Turtle: there are extra points for installing gentoo.
L409[14:09:45] <vifino> so yeah, gentoo.
L410[14:12:44] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L411[14:19:05] ⇨ Joins: CitadelCore (webchat@CPE-58-170-135-202.lns1.pie.bigpond.net.au)
L412[14:19:12] <CitadelCore> Hello
L413[14:19:29] <CitadelCore> @Sangar's here?
L414[14:20:28] <vifino> If you need an answer to a question, just ask.
L415[14:20:38] <CitadelCore> Ah alright
L416[14:20:53] <CitadelCore> What's the name of that convention you do about OpenComputers?
L417[14:20:56] <Xilandro> Whee, turret mod guy gets off work in an hour, then I get to test that mod
L418[14:21:31] <CitadelCore> You know, the one where we all get on a server and watch or something? Sangar mentioned it in one of his replies to asie on Twitter
L419[14:22:05] <vifino> BetterThanMinecon
L420[14:22:06] <CitadelCore> He abbreviated it as "BTM" I think
L421[14:22:14] <CitadelCore> Ohhhh
L422[14:22:20] <CitadelCore> Yeah that's it
L423[14:22:32] <CitadelCore> I remember seeing it somewhere. When's your next one?
L424[14:22:49] <vifino> No idea.
L425[14:23:02] <asie> Yeah
L426[14:23:05] <asie> January 3-4 2016
L427[14:23:09] <asie> is when the next one's happening
L428[14:23:14] <asie> Will be working on a website+proper signups soon
L429[14:23:28] <CitadelCore> Nice, I'll definately be there for it. Any chance I could help with the building/setting it up?
L430[14:23:32] <Vexatos> asie totally doesn't get pinged by that
L431[14:23:34] <asie> You can get a booth or panel.
L432[14:23:36] <asie> Vexatos: I don't.
L433[14:23:40] <asie> I just have no laifu
L434[14:23:43] <Vexatos> by the way hi
L435[14:23:46] <asie> Vexatos: By the way
L436[14:23:52] <asie> I've been working on something secret today
L437[14:23:53] <Vexatos> asie: Same here, thanks to university now >_>
L438[14:23:54] <asie> A second version of a mod
L439[14:24:01] <CitadelCore> oooh
L440[14:24:01] <asie> It's almost ready to release
L441[14:24:11] <asie> I never told you as I wanted to keep it a surprise
L442[14:24:12] <Vexatos> inb4 BC 7, version 2
L443[14:24:15] <asie> Vexatos: nope.
L444[14:24:19] <vifino> Vexatoast!
L445[14:24:20] <asie> It's one of my own mods
L446[14:24:26] <Vexatos> inb4 PonySocks2
L447[14:24:29] <asie> Vexatos: Yes.
L448[14:24:32] <asie> Actually, yes.
L449[14:24:33] <Vexatos> I knew it.
L450[14:24:36] <vifino> wat
L451[14:24:41] <vifino> ... wat
L452[14:24:42] <asie> In fact, absolutely that.
L453[14:24:44] <Vexatos> such a troll
L454[14:24:44] ⇦ Quits: CitadelCore (webchat@CPE-58-170-135-202.lns1.pie.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Web client closed)
L455[14:24:52] <asie> This time it comes with dyeing recipes.
L456[14:24:57] <Vexatos> finally
L457[14:25:01] <asie> after 2 years
L458[14:25:01] <Xilandro> asie if I swear not to tell can I help test
L459[14:25:13] <Vexatos> Xilandro, just
L460[14:25:15] <Vexatos> uuuh
L461[14:25:16] <Vexatos> uhm
L462[14:25:18] <Vexatos> well
L463[14:25:22] <Vexatos> .....
L464[14:25:23] <asie> Xilandro: http://asie.pl/ponysocks2beta.jar
L465[14:25:32] <Turtle> http://i.imgur.com/aDaLjwV.gif
L466[14:25:57] <Xilandro> My god it's real
L467[14:25:59] <vifino> Lets see if the new kernel build will kill everything horribadly.
L468[14:26:08] <Vexatos> so asie is still twisting the knife
L469[14:26:10] <vifino> Godspeed, gentlemen.
L470[14:26:10] <Vexatos> :/
L471[14:26:43] <asie> Vexatos: I actually did it this time
L472[14:26:45] <asie> FOR ONCE
L473[14:27:46] <Vexatos> Such
L474[14:27:46] <Vexatos> a
L475[14:27:48] <Vexatos> troll
L476[14:27:50] <Vexatos> so evil
L477[14:27:52] <Vexatos> :(
L478[14:28:56] ⇦ Quits: Xakorik__ (~Xakorik@173-80-89-182.bklycmtk02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L480[14:44:07] <Temia> good god what.
L481[14:45:13] <vifino> bloob blob blab.
L482[14:45:18] <vifino> <,<
L483[14:45:21] <vifino> >.>
L484[14:45:23] <gamax92> s/l/o/
L485[14:45:23] <Kibibyte> <vifino> booob blob blab.
L486[14:45:32] <vifino> ._.
L487[14:45:52] <gamax92> slog
L488[14:46:44] <Xilandro> s///g
L489[14:46:44] <Kibibyte> <gamax92> slog
L490[14:46:47] <Xilandro> s//g
L491[14:46:47] <Kibibyte> <gamax92> gslog
L492[14:46:49] <Xilandro> ...
L493[14:46:55] <Xilandro> s// /g
L494[14:46:56] <Kibibyte> <Xilandro> . . .
L495[14:47:00] <Xilandro> wat
L496[15:00:45] <gamax92> Xilandro: sed!
L497[15:00:55] <Xilandro> What did I say
L498[15:01:23] <gamax92> wat
L499[15:03:19] ⇦ Quits: Dominance|reallyaway (~Dominance@72-186-205-33.res.bhn.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L500[15:09:23] <Xilandro> Yay, my stomach doesn't feel bottomless now
L501[15:11:20] <Turtle> :p
L502[15:12:45] *** Daiyousei is now known as ShoweringFairy
L503[15:15:05] <Turtle> Alright, I think I should be loading dimensions depending on world properly now
L504[15:16:45] <Sangar> dafuq is ponysocks
L505[15:18:03] <nxsupert> o/
L506[15:18:49] <asie> Sangar: a mod which adds sock armor for mine little pony
L507[15:18:56] <asie> i made it in 2012, when i was a different person
L508[15:19:00] <asie> and now i updated it to 1.7 for laughs
L509[15:19:05] <Sangar> wow
L510[15:19:10] <asie> actually, in early 2013
L511[15:20:38] <Turtle> "when i was a different person" It feels like there is an interesting story of 'Fandom, you did WHAT?' behind that.
L512[15:21:23] <asie> Turtle: Twilight the Alicorn.
L513[15:21:23] <Sangar> i wasn't actively aware there even was a mlp mod. not that i'm surprised. but still. wow. :X
L514[15:21:29] <asie> The Polish MLP fandom is a lot better than the American one
L515[15:21:33] <asie> and the anime fandom is opposite that
L516[15:21:43] <Turtle> Wait what they did that?
L517[15:21:51] <asie> Turtle: Season 3, episode 13.
L518[15:22:01] <Sangar> so... different kinds of bad? (is there such a thing as a good fandom? :X)
L519[15:22:10] <asie> Sangar: (opencomputers has a fandom)
L520[15:22:23] <Turtle> A fandom with no existance on tumblr
L521[15:22:36] <Sangar> (assuming i accept that premise, doesn't answer my question :X)
L522[15:22:38] <asie> LET'S FIX THAT
L523[15:22:39] <Turtle> optionally with no existance on 4chan either, but 4chan is tolerable, most of the time.
L524[15:23:24] <Sangar> (because let's be honest, we're all horrible people)
L525[15:23:52] <Turtle> No I'm not horribl- *looks at IDE* oh. right. shitcode.
L526[15:24:17] <Sangar> \o/
L527[15:25:34] <Sangar> (and yes, i'm horrible, too, for being too lazy to work on the bloody server racks. hopefully i'll find the motivation to do something this weekend)
L528[15:26:01] <Turtle> I'm planning on doing 90% of interfacing via OC components :p
L529[15:26:07] <Turtle> (As in, for the spaceships thing)
L530[15:26:17] <Sangar> spaceship things?
L531[15:26:24] <Turtle> You familiar with starbound?
L532[15:27:05] <Turtle> I want to implement their spaceships into minecraft, since it's actually a neat little hack. (TLDR: Seperate dimension as spaceship, with moving skyboxes rather than wonky entities)
L533[15:27:07] <Sangar> i own it. last played it... over a year ago or so?
L534[15:27:07] <Inari> inb4 twitch hacks <something>
L535[15:27:22] <Sangar> sounds neat
L536[15:28:08] ⇨ Joins: Dominance (~Dominance@72-186-205-33.res.bhn.net)
L537[15:28:24] <Turtle> It's turning out to be decently trivial too, it should be possible to shove a ton of planets into a single dimensions by doing a huge checkerboard of different 'planet' biomes
L538[15:28:34] <Turtle> not sure how large of an area most people tend to move around in though, chunks wise
L539[15:30:43] <Sangar> maybe 'worldborder' the 'planets'?
L540[15:31:01] <Turtle> Would have to do a hacky worldborder since I'd need one every, say, 100 chunks
L541[15:31:45] <Sangar> assuming players don't reach extreme velocities, just port them out of the margin areas to the closest valid area?
L542[15:32:02] <Turtle> could work
L543[15:32:19] <Vexatos> <Turtle> I want to implement their spaceships into minecraft, since it's actually a neat little hack. (TLDR: Seperate dimension as spaceship, with moving skyboxes rather than wonky entities)
L544[15:32:27] <Vexatos> Pretty sure Advanced Rocketry should do it like this
L545[15:32:47] <Turtle> Vexatos, pretty sure it just replaces blocks with a entity thingy, from what I saw
L546[15:33:03] <Vexatos> if it does they didn't take my advice (yet) :P
L547[15:33:09] <Vexatos> Btw, hi Snagar
L548[15:33:27] <Sangar> also, hi Vexator :P
L549[15:33:29] <Xilandro> Sanger, I might have posted in the special thinger thread >.>
L550[15:33:45] <Turtle> Vexatos looking at the alpha 0.2.0 video, that's still very much entities
L551[15:33:52] <Vexatos> Xilandro, do you have what it takes? :3
L552[15:34:19] <Vexatos> "Requested color is 255, 255, 255 because clinical white is kind of my thing"
L553[15:34:22] <Xilandro> I've contributed to OpenPrinter, as well as helping out in IRC when people come in with nub questions that I actually know the answer to
L554[15:34:32] <Vexatos> I think I'll have to disappoint
L555[15:34:45] <Vexatos> the white thinger isn't really clinical white
L556[15:34:55] <Vexatos> it's more "yea it has been clinical white 5 years ago" white
L557[15:34:56] <Xilandro> Maybe, but it's still the RGB setting I want
L558[15:35:27] <Vexatos> " I help out a TON in IRC when people come in asking for help with things." a.k.a. swearing, insulting, scaring people off etc.
L559[15:35:32] * Vexatos takes cover
L560[15:35:41] <Vexatos> :P
L561[15:35:43] <Vexatos> yea sure
L562[15:35:45] <Xilandro> Sorry, wut? Do I look like Kenny?
L563[15:35:55] <Vexatos> " Did I mention how awesome I am? "
L564[15:35:56] <Vexatos> k
L565[15:36:03] <Xilandro> Besides
L566[15:36:22] <Turtle> ... minecraft worlds are 4 billion chunks long, I doubt most people even venture out further than a few hundred at most
L567[15:36:28] <Vexatos> even Skye has more than you .-. apart from the "I've been here since forever" you forgot to mention
L568[15:36:29] <Vexatos> :P
L569[15:37:43] <Turtle> ... hmh, 18 trillion explorable areas in a single dimension, yeaaah that could work
L570[15:39:07] ⇨ Joins: t3hero (~t3hero@2601:202:201:9030:d901:57bc:f3e9:7687)
L571[15:40:05] <Skye> Vexatos, can you explain the context of the sentence that I was in?
L572[15:40:54] <Vexatos> Skye, nevermind
L573[15:40:55] <Vexatos> :P
L574[15:41:13] <Skye> nah
L575[15:41:16] <Skye> I'm curious
L576[15:41:30] <Vexatos> Magic!
L577[15:42:05] <Lizzy> "<+Vexatos> " I help out a TON in IRC when people come in asking for help with things." a.k.a. swearing, insulting, scaring people off etc." Do you have logs to back that up?
L578[15:42:18] <Vexatos> Lizzy, I was joking
L579[15:42:26] <Vexatos> Xilandro was quite right with his reply :P
L580[15:42:38] <Turtle> Alright, the official numbers are in, before minecraft craps out b/c of world size, you can give every planet in the milky way a 13000 chunks by 13000 chunks area, and have plenty to spare.
L581[15:42:45] <Turtle> I -think- I'll be fine with a single dimension :P
L582[15:43:58] <vifino> Vexatos: Get your shit together, this is not a school and especially not a situation you want to be the clown in.
L583[15:44:34] <vifino> Now back to doing nothing.
L584[15:44:35] <Vexatos> Turtle: Lies.
L585[15:45:02] <Turtle> :p
L586[15:45:05] <ds84182> NOW GET BACK IN THAT FUCKING BOX
L587[15:45:23] * Lizzy boxes ds84182 and mails them to venus
L588[15:45:48] <ds84182> Dammit
L589[15:45:56] <ds84182> Boys go to Venus to get more... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L590[15:46:04] <ds84182> I like it at Venus.
L591[15:47:22] ⇨ Joins: t3hero_ (~t3hero@2601:202:201:9030:3947:1bbb:5d23:4f01)
L592[15:50:13] <Xilandro> Oh hey, that guy sent me the mod jar for that turret addon
L593[15:50:23] <Xilandro> Time to go program an antibat program
L594[15:50:32] ⇦ Quits: t3hero (~t3hero@2601:202:201:9030:d901:57bc:f3e9:7687) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L597[16:05:07] <Turtle> hmmm, I've got a slightly silly idea, I might randomize the location of the overworld/solarsystem with regards to the 'galaxy'
L598[16:05:19] <Turtle> Then generate said galaxy with a hardcoded seed
L599[16:05:29] <Lizzy> .-. fuck, chrome wont launch
L600[16:06:30] <Turtle> Lizzy, noes, try running it from a console?
L601[16:06:45] <Lizzy> i'm on windows
L602[16:06:51] <Turtle> cmd.exe?
L603[16:07:51] <Lizzy> okay, ie is also having issues, lemme reboot
L604[16:10:06] *** ShoweringFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L605[16:10:35] <Inari> https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/87/76/82/8776821cb161413dcaa62797878c7926.jpg ~
L606[16:11:48] <Xilandro> Okay, the turret is kind of weird in how it aims, but I like it
L607[16:12:43] <Xilandro> This is going to involve some major math
L608[16:12:47] <Turtle> hmm?
L609[16:12:58] <Xilandro> I'm testing a new, unreleased addon mod for OC
L610[16:13:06] <Turtle> yeah, but how does the aim work? :P
L611[16:13:07] <Xilandro> Computer controlled energy turrets is the only thing in it for now
L612[16:13:08] <Turtle> Setting angles?
L613[16:13:13] <Xilandro> Not even that, that would be easy
L614[16:13:21] <Xilandro> You set a pitch, and a yaw, given in ranges from 0-1
L615[16:13:30] <Turtle> aka, angles.
L616[16:13:31] <Xilandro> So .5 is 45 degrees
L617[16:13:36] <Xilandro> Yes
L618[16:13:45] <Xilandro> But not as simple as just saying whatever degree
L619[16:13:53] <Turtle> tbh, that's not too hard, two levels of trigonometry :P
L620[16:13:54] <Xilandro> Because you still have to work out the math depending on where your target is positioned
L621[16:14:06] <Xilandro> And the turret doesn't instantly move
L622[16:14:44] <Turtle> Soo... deflection, pretty decent mechanic I guess
L623[16:15:49] <Inari> now
L624[16:15:52] <Inari> make UAVs
L625[16:15:52] <Inari> :<
L626[16:16:48] <Xilandro> Inari, that request will be in my final report to the guy
L627[16:16:53] <Inari> haha
L628[16:17:11] <Xilandro> Also bigger turrets
L629[16:17:14] <Inari> that are somewaht drone-like but with more plane-like controls i guess and can have turrets attached
L630[16:17:18] <Xilandro> With slower movement and longer cooldowns
L631[16:17:32] <Inari> also particle accelerators
L632[16:18:23] <vifino> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzAektg101M
L633[16:18:24] <MichiBot> vifino: Dope - You Spin Me Round | length: 2m 45s | Likes: 14008 Dislikes: 324 Views: 3516856 | by untuned20
L634[16:18:26] <Turtle> Tiny little rover carts as tanks would be neat :P
L635[16:24:25] <Xilandro> Welp
L636[16:24:27] <Xilandro> One issue already
L637[16:24:36] <Xilandro> I can literally fire 200k damage shots seconds apart
L638[16:25:34] <Xilandro> Turtle, as someone who doesn't know trig, how would you propose I come up with those calculations you mentioned
L639[16:25:56] <Turtle> Assuming the computronics radar / motion sensor provides you with a offset, triangles.
L640[16:26:45] <Turtle> From wikipedia: http://i.imgur.com/8h0yyfb.png
L641[16:27:16] <Xilandro> Ye ol' Pythagorean theorum
L642[16:27:26] <Turtle> no
L643[16:28:14] <Turtle> Assuming the gun is at A, the length of C is (mostly) irrelevant
L644[16:28:55] <gamax92> sines and cosines land?
L645[16:29:23] <Turtle> I think inverse tangent is what you want
L646[16:30:21] <gamax92> oh right.
L647[16:30:23] <Turtle> Angle A = atan(a/b) I believe
L648[16:30:28] <gamax92> mmhm
L649[16:30:36] <gamax92> though i think it's y/x ?_?
L650[16:30:42] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055_ (~Brandon@
L651[16:30:51] <Turtle> You need to do it twice, once for horizontal angle, once for vertical
L652[16:35:50] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L655[16:36:55] <Xilandro> TIL I can't math
L656[16:37:11] <Xilandro> Tried to shoot a sheep I have on a dirt pillar, watched laser whizz past my head
L657[16:38:27] ⇦ Quits: Dominance (~Dominance@72-186-205-33.res.bhn.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L658[16:38:40] <Xilandro> Does Lua do trig in radians or degrees
L659[16:39:08] <Turtle> "Return the inverse tangent in radians" Lua user wiki on math lib
L660[16:39:30] <gamax92> lua works in radians
L661[16:39:38] <gamax92> math.rad will convert degrees to radians
L662[16:39:51] <Xilandro> I have no idea what I'm doing
L663[16:39:53] <Turtle> math.deg for the other way round :P
L664[16:39:57] <Xilandro> I was probably the wrong guy to test this mod
L665[16:40:04] <Turtle> Xilandro, have it try to aim horizontally first
L666[16:40:23] <Xilandro> Turtle, you're implying I can figure out the math to figure out what it needs to aim to
L667[16:40:35] <Turtle> look at the triangle image I linked you
L668[16:40:49] <Turtle> A = turret, B = target
L669[16:41:12] <Xilandro> Correct
L670[16:41:14] <Turtle> Angle A is atan(a/b)
L671[16:41:23] <Xilandro> ~w atan
L672[16:41:29] *** Xilandro is now known as Kodos
L673[16:41:36] <Kodos> ~w math
L674[16:41:42] <Turtle> http://lua-users.org/wiki/MathLibraryTutorial
L675[16:41:46] <Turtle> atan = inverse tangent
L676[16:41:49] <gamax92> huh where is bot ...
L677[16:42:06] <Turtle> Regular tangent will take the angle and turn it into the ratio a/b, inverse will take the ratio and give you the angle
L678[16:42:49] <Turtle> a and b will be the offsets to your target in x and z I believe
L679[16:43:05] <gamax92> oh, the netsplit
L680[16:44:02] ⇨ Joins: ocdoc (gamax92@eos.pc-logix.com)
L681[16:44:13] <Kodos> What's the ratio format? Because the angles for horizontal are in the range of 0 through 1, 0 being 0 and 1 being 359
L682[16:44:24] <Kodos> And in the pitch, 1 is 90
L683[16:44:29] <Turtle> Lua wiki says it's in radians
L684[16:44:42] ⇨ Joins: Dominance (~Dominance@72-186-205-33.res.bhn.net)
L685[16:44:48] <Kodos> I am terrible at math, Radians could be a unit of measurement for sunlight for all I know
L686[16:45:10] <Lizzy> the Radians are a noble race
L687[16:45:13] <Turtle> The 'official' unit of angle
L688[16:45:35] <Turtle> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4e/Circle_radians.gif
L689[16:46:12] ⇦ Quits: Dominance (~Dominance@72-186-205-33.res.bhn.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L690[16:46:40] <Turtle> tldr: The angle where the length of the arc is equal to the radius
L691[16:47:09] <Kodos> Right now, I'm just working out how to have the radar only give a fuck about giving me coordinates for one mob out of the list it gives me
L692[16:47:36] <Turtle> err I thought we were talking the turret thing
L693[16:47:40] <Kodos> We are
L694[16:48:00] <Turtle> oh, derp.
L695[16:48:08] <Kodos> I'm having that conversation here, and I'm also in OC trying to grab the x,y, and z offsets of a single mob
L696[16:48:13] <Kodos> Specifically the sheep on a dirt pillar
L697[16:48:14] <Turtle> :p
L698[16:48:39] <Turtle> it should have the mob type in the table somewhere(tm)
L699[16:48:52] <Kodos> It does
L700[16:49:01] <Kodos> It's the second entry, under the key 'name'
L701[16:49:26] <Turtle> :p then look for a table with that key-value pair? :P
L702[16:49:37] <Kodos> That's not the issue
L703[16:49:39] <Kodos> Hang on
L704[16:50:12] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/l3DkN/e663c91723.png
L705[16:50:23] <Kodos> I'm trying to figure out how to separate the subtables
L706[16:50:48] <Turtle> radarTable[INDEX][name]
L707[16:50:53] ⇨ Joins: dfo (webchat@cpe-173-95-179-34.nc.res.rr.com)
L708[16:50:58] <Turtle> or just subtable = radarTable[INDEX]
L709[16:51:28] <dfo> hey guys, any way to read the name of ethereal essence with either a turtle or a robot? i believe the name is stored in the NBT data so i dont knwo if it can be done
L710[16:51:39] <Turtle> err, note that I goofed and ment ['name'] in the former
L711[16:51:54] <dfo> robot or a computer*
L712[16:52:23] <Turtle> dfo, you can use the database to compare
L713[16:52:39] <dfo> problem is i need the name of the type of essence
L714[16:52:51] <dfo> i could manually assign a name to each database entry i guess
L715[16:52:59] <Turtle> Yep, that's how you'd do it
L716[16:53:04] <dfo> k, no easy way out then xD
L717[16:54:21] <Kodos> dfo, have you removed Thaumcraft from the blacklist of mod interaction on the OC config?
L718[16:57:44] <Kodos> Okay, so I think I did this right. I grabbed the x,y, and z difference between the radar and the sheep, and did the atan thing with X and Z, and got -0.7 and change
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L720[16:59:21] <Kodos> Yeah, that turret didn't even remotely close to point in the right direction
L721[17:00:49] <Kodos> Oh
L722[17:00:51] <Kodos> Guy just PM'
L723[17:00:52] <Kodos> err
L724[17:00:58] <Kodos> Just pm'd me back, "Then radians will be used for moveTo"
L725[17:00:59] ⇨ Joins: t3hero (~t3hero@2601:202:201:9030:4d96:bfb4:b087:b7b4)
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L727[17:02:34] <Turtle> lol
L728[17:02:53] <Turtle> try swapping x/z, see what happens
L729[17:03:01] <Turtle> because I haven't use trigonometry in a while either
L730[17:03:02] ⇦ Quits: t3hero_ (~t3hero@2601:202:201:9030:b192:a622:6f3d:7c08) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L731[17:05:10] <Kodos> Lol, now I'm just making a 21 gun salute program
L732[17:05:15] <Turtle> :p
L733[17:05:29] <Kodos> What's an easy way to capture a GIF
L734[17:05:43] <Turtle> pushX has built in gif capturing if you have it, otherwise gifcam is pretty useful
L735[17:06:23] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055__ (~Brandon@
L736[17:06:30] <Turtle> http://blog.bahraniapps.com/gifcam/ <- is what I used for a while
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L739[17:15:54] <dfo> wtf kinda component is "multipart_inventory"
L740[17:16:00] <mrammy> http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/10/twitchs-latest-idiotic-adventure-installing-linux/
L741[17:16:07] <mrammy> what
L742[17:16:45] <dfo> i swear the adapter block is detecting the microblock cover i have as a component
L743[17:17:22] <dfo> i literally need 1 (ONE) more component slot to be able to boot this server but the cover is messing with the adapter block i think
L744[17:19:39] <dfo> yup that was it LOL
L745[17:19:52] <dfo> apparently covers from forge microblocks are detected as a component by the adapter block
L746[17:20:09] <dfo> now i gotta route this ae2 cable around the block too because that cable was detected as a component as well
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L752[17:37:20] <S3> yeah.. I'm going back to project red. Red logic just doesn't have the gates I need
L753[17:37:31] <S3> I was hoping they updated
L754[17:37:38] <S3> (like everyone told me)
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L778[18:18:19] <Kodos> Okay, dinner consumed, let's see if I can't math this shit now
L779[18:18:31] <Kodos> ~w event
L780[18:18:31] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L781[18:24:08] ⇦ Quits: h3po (~h3po@aftr-5-146-248-192.unity-media.net) (Quit: Leaving.)
L782[18:24:14] <Kodos> Okay, well the 21 gun salute program works
L783[18:24:46] <Kodos> I didn't account for one thing with the radar m ath though
L784[18:28:43] ⇨ Joins: kjack1111 (webchat@c-73-26-160-231.hsd1.nm.comcast.net)
L785[18:29:05] <kjack1111> is majgenrelativity?
L786[18:29:09] <kjack1111> on.
L787[18:29:12] <kjack1111> sorry, so tired
L788[18:29:26] <Kodos> Doesn't look like it atm
L789[18:30:02] <kjack1111> is there a command to pass a message?
L790[18:30:16] <Kodos> I believe so, though I don't know it offhand
L791[18:30:23] <Mimiru> you can use %tell nick message
L792[18:30:28] <Kodos> There it is
L793[18:30:54] <kjack1111> thanks
L794[18:31:28] <kjack1111> %tell majgenrelativity Hey, sorry for not being on for a long time. need the modpack again, its me kjack1111 too
L795[18:31:31] <MichiBot> kjack1111: majgenrelativity will be notified of this message when next seen.
L796[18:31:41] <kjack1111> majgenrelativity is his nick right?
L797[18:31:56] <Kodos> If it's not, I'll relay the msg when I see him next
L798[18:32:03] <Kodos> Otherwise he'll get it Soon™
L799[18:32:16] <kjack1111> You may relay it if he dosnt get the MSG.
L800[18:32:27] <kjack1111> in the meantime, reading a book on kindle
L801[18:35:59] <kjack1111> tell him to %tell me the link to his modpack.
L802[18:43:27] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6DF937698B156CF1666327.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
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L804[18:51:04] *** Daiyousei is now known as Spookyousei
L805[18:59:11] <Kodos> TIL QWOP plays the Chariots of Fire song
L806[19:00:28] <Kodos> Oh shiz, 7 oclock
L807[19:00:32] <Kodos> back in a few hours
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L813[19:24:43] <Kodos> Or not, my grandparents are out of their fucking mind
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L816[19:35:12] <S3> Kodos: why/
L817[19:35:41] <Kodos> They got phished for their internet information via a scam AT&T email, and accused my brother of 'hacking their VPN wifi' (They have no idea what they're talking about)
L818[19:35:50] <Kodos> Because they're too prideful and gullible to admit they've been had
L819[19:36:03] <Kodos> So my brother, myself, and my wife all just walked out on our weekly family card night
L820[19:36:12] <S3> TIL that my soon to be father in law was a phreaker when he was a kid
L821[19:37:06] <S3> before capn crunch man blew whistles into the pay phones, he tape recorded the sound of putting in the change he needed
L822[19:37:23] <S3> then called the operator, operator says put the coins in. OK! *hits play on tape recorder*
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L825[19:40:15] <vifino> nice
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L827[19:48:30] <dfo> stupid lua question, i have a for loop creating a table , with something like table[index] = value, how do i get it to create parenthesis around the value?
L828[19:49:59] <dfo> maybe i need to use tostring(value)
L829[19:50:45] <dfo> yup, answered my own question
L830[19:50:49] <dfo> ignore me
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L832[19:52:08] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
L833[19:52:16] <gamax92> /ignore dfo
L834[19:52:25] <Spookyousei> do it
L835[19:52:27] <Spookyousei> just do it
L836[19:52:30] <Spookyousei> dont let your dreams be dreams
L837[19:53:33] <Kodos> Never thought I'd see the day when my brother and myself would tell my grandparents to go fuck themselves, but here we are
L838[19:55:29] <v^> Kodos, wow what happened
L839[19:56:01] <Kodos> tl;dr my grandparents' computers got phished because of a fake AT&T email, they automatically assumed my brother was fucking with their internet since he knows more about tech than they do
L840[19:56:19] <Kodos> They took their laptops to a computer repair shop, and all of a sudden they're tossing words at my brother like VPN and shit. THey don't even have a VPN
L841[19:56:35] *** Spookyousei is now known as Therapist
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L843[19:59:01] <Inari> Kodos: eh, people are stupid when scared and people tend to be scared by technology they don't understand
L844[19:59:29] <Kodos> Still, my GRANDPARENTS accused their grandson of fucking with their internet simply because they were having issues. What pissed me off even more was that my mother didn't even say a word to defend him
L845[20:00:33] <Sandra> my grandparents do that as well.
L846[20:00:36] <Sandra> it's eh.
L847[20:00:56] <Kodos> I'm sure others do, but with my grandparents it's wayy out of character
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L873[20:31:06] <Kodos> Ugh, so angry I could cry
L874[20:31:10] <Kodos> Gonna go watch TV
L875[20:52:13] <Inari> people usually dont cry from being angry Oo
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L886[21:46:09] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
L887[21:46:26] <dfo> quick question, if i have several databases connected to the same computer, how can i easily find the FULL address of each database?
L888[21:48:12] <dfo> as far as i know I can't do component.proxy(<part of address here>), right?
L889[21:48:40] ⇦ Quits: Dominance (~Dominance@72-186-205-33.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L890[21:54:51] <Inari> .list("database")() ?
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L893[22:10:27] <Kodos> Okay, I feel better now
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L895[22:10:29] zsh sets mode: +v on v^Laptop
L896[22:10:42] <Kodos> Lots of chocolate, coca-cola, and a long discussion with my mother
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