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L23[02:32:38] <samofdreams> Question.. is there an easy way to "copy/paste" from outside minecraft into a robot program? The only thing I could think of is pastebin and an internet card... and I'm lazy and don't want to track down enderpearls
L24[02:33:06] <Mimiru> Yeah, you can paste into computers/robots
L25[02:33:08] <Mimiru> insert.
L26[02:33:13] <Mimiru> or middle mouse click I think
L27[02:33:27] * OneM_Industries is lonely on teamspeak....
L28[02:33:27] <Mimiru> though there IS a limit, I'm not 100% sure on what that limit is
L29[02:35:19] <Kodos> 255 lines iirc
L30[02:35:46] <samofdreams> heh.. right now I'm at 40.
L31[02:38:53] <samofdreams> is there a formula for how much power wireless network cards use?
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L33[02:44:34] <samofdreams> oh.. enderpearls... nevermind.
L34[02:45:24] <Devoenix> I made a "The World acording to Devoenix" map
L35[02:45:31] <Devoenix> ._.
L36[02:48:00] ⇦ Quits: Kubuxu (~Kubuxu@kubuxu.magik6k.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L37[02:48:01] <Devoenix> some of the things on it is funny, others offensive, others "wat"
L38[02:48:20] <Dimitriye98> Are there any major OC only servers going?
L39[02:55:49] <Izaya> major?
L40[02:56:36] <Izaya> There's PCL, which I dunno about invites or whitelisting or anything - I've only been on a few times
L41[02:56:40] <Izaya> and I run a server
L42[02:56:59] <Izaya> but it has as much latency and bandwith as you would expect from a server hosted in Hell
L43[02:57:28] <Vexatos> (read: Australia)
L44[02:57:49] <Dimitriye98> xD
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L46[02:59:08] <Dimitriye98> I was hoping for something like some CC-only servers which have creative plot worlds where pretty much all anyone does is program. The one advantage CC has over OC is that sort of community. In fact I think most of the community programs posted on forums come from servers like that... :/
L47[02:59:27] <Izaya> 'community'
L48[02:59:28] <Izaya> well
L49[02:59:37] <Izaya> there's certainly a lot of people with door locks
L50[03:00:10] <Dimitriye98> CC has literal in-game IDEs IIRC... Or well, high-quality text editors.
L51[03:00:40] <Dimitriye98> Hmm, actually, a good in-game IDE could probably draw a lot of users to OC if someone made one.
L52[03:00:42] * Dimitriye98 should.
L53[03:00:44] * Dimitriye98 is lazy.
L54[03:01:01] <Izaya> It also has a faster set of 'graphics' stuff
L55[03:01:11] <Izaya> ie you can use a lot more bandwidth with CC
L56[03:01:19] <Izaya> hence why we've so far got edit in OC
L57[03:01:28] <Izaya> though we have... plan9k's slower edit
L58[03:01:37] <Dimitriye98> Why is OC so much slower?
L59[03:01:38] <Izaya> and I believe I saw someone working on a vi-like
L60[03:01:47] <Izaya> To save bandwidth, for balance.
L61[03:01:59] <Izaya> Processors have call limits - x calls per second
L62[03:02:08] <Izaya> better processors have higher call limits
L63[03:02:19] <Izaya> at least, I think the processors have call limits
L64[03:02:30] <Dimitriye98> Can you get a good processor with call limits comparable to CC's unrestricted calling?
L65[03:02:42] <Kodos> Let's not forget that OC doesn't have the glaring bug that makes its computers unusable until a server restart
L66[03:02:56] <Kodos> That hasn't been fixed in what, 3 years?
L67[03:03:00] <Izaya> ^
L68[03:03:15] <Izaya> and the coroutines are actually sandboxed
L69[03:03:31] <Izaya> and we have memory limits so you can't make an infinitely-sized table
L70[03:04:03] <Izaya> and lag the hell out of the server
L71[03:04:09] <Izaya> and then crash every computer
L72[03:04:11] <Dimitriye98> Fair. The reason I've switched to OC is because it's a better mod than CC. But it still would be nice to be able to make somewhat major applications.
L73[03:04:19] <Izaya> Well you can
L74[03:04:27] <Izaya> It's just not as OP-ishly fast
L75[03:04:32] <Kodos> You're only limited by the amount of effort you're willing to put in
L76[03:04:54] <Dimitriye98> Well, but how is speed in any way related to balance? Arguably it only matters with robots.
L77[03:05:08] <Kodos> OC can't bring a server to its knees
L78[03:05:16] <Kodos> Well, usually
L79[03:05:23] <Izaya> The most likley reason there are no GUI programs for OC is that most of the users prefer command-like
L80[03:05:25] <Izaya> line*
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L84[03:05:53] <Izaya> and those that don't usually don't migrate from CC or start with CC and never go further
L85[03:06:28] <Dimitriye98> True, it was hell convincing my friends to switch to OC for my private server.
L86[03:07:04] <Dimitriye98> Still though, good GUI-applications would probably be able to grab a not insignificant userbase.
L87[03:07:56] <Izaya> Perhaps so.
L88[03:08:16] <Izaya> I'm personally more interested in the actual operating system development
L89[03:08:17] <Dimitriye98> One thing I was disappointed with was that OC essentially clones CC's crappy HTTP capabilities. Yes, I know, you can use sockets and probably handle your own HTTP code, but I really wish you could use any HTTP request you wanted.
L90[03:08:33] <Dimitriye98> E.g. GET, POST, (both already available), PUT, DELETE, etc.
L91[03:08:46] <Izaya> Make a ticket
L92[03:08:48] <Dimitriye98> For use with RESTful apis
L93[03:08:55] <Izaya> Maybe someone will impliment it
L94[03:09:29] <Dimitriye98> I'd implement it myself if I could figure out where the backend for those APIs is in the code.
L95[03:09:41] <Vexatos> Dimitriye98, you can o_o
L96[03:09:58] <Vexatos> using internet sockets, you can do literally any HTTP request
L97[03:10:08] <Dimitriye98> Vexatos: I know. I mentioned that.
L98[03:10:17] <Dimitriye98> But I mean with the HTTP api
L99[03:10:27] <Vexatos> That's what sockets are for
L100[03:10:29] <Vexatos> open socket
L101[03:10:31] <Vexatos> make request
L102[03:10:32] <Vexatos> read
L103[03:10:34] <Vexatos> close socket
L104[03:10:36] <Dimitriye98> Is there any good reason to limit it to get and post?
L105[03:10:43] <Vexatos> It's not limited o_o
L106[03:10:56] <Vexatos> you can write ANYTHING to a socket
L107[03:10:57] <Dimitriye98> I'm talking about the HTTP api, not sockets.
L108[03:11:05] <Vexatos> Those are part of the internet API
L109[03:11:19] <Vexatos> Those are there for anything that's not a simple PUT or GET
L110[03:11:22] <Vexatos> POST or GET*
L111[03:12:13] <Vexatos> why would you want functions in the internet API when you can just use the socket part of the internet API to do exactly that
L112[03:12:32] <Dimitriye98> Well, sockets can be used for IRC clients and such as well. But *why* force people to use sockets for HTTP requests, instead of incorporating a full XHTTP suite?
L113[03:12:43] <Izaya> Why not write one then?
L114[03:13:02] <Vexatos> pretty much
L115[03:13:11] <Izaya> My OS isn't compatible with OpenOS so I'm gonna have to roll my own stuff
L116[03:13:14] <Dimitriye98> I'd do so and pull request, but I can't find the backend in the code :/
L117[03:13:15] <Vexatos> sockets are part of the internet API and they are as easy to use as functions
L118[03:13:21] <Vexatos> don't make a PR
L119[03:13:29] <Vexatos> OpenOS is already bloated
L120[03:13:39] <Izaya> mind you I hate http
L121[03:13:41] <Vexatos> And I really don't see a use for your suggestion
L122[03:13:57] <Dimitriye98> ... Gist api for example?
L123[03:14:22] <Vexatos> I am accessing that
L124[03:14:26] <Vexatos> already
L125[03:14:36] <Vexatos> well, the github API
L126[03:15:04] <Vexatos> You know... I just read through the internet API
L127[03:15:12] <Vexatos> and the API itself is using sockets for request()
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L130[03:15:27] <Vexatos> so...... your suggestion would just literally be a socket with hardcoded requests
L131[03:15:34] <Dimitriye98> request() is an ugly method.
L132[03:15:40] <Vexatos> but GET and POST are the only ones actually used often
L133[03:15:53] <Dimitriye98> Not with REST apis, of which there are many.
L134[03:16:11] <Vexatos> well, then just use sockets.
L135[03:16:22] <Vexatos> More almost useless functions would just me confusing, in my opinion
L136[03:16:29] <Vexatos> you're free to make a legit "API" yourself
L137[03:16:32] <Vexatos> for yourself
L138[03:16:33] <Dimitriye98> But having request methods is a cleaner interface.
L139[03:16:41] <Vexatos> ...no?
L140[03:18:02] <Dimitriye98> Calling "xhttp.get(url, [header table])" or "xhttp.post(url, info, [header table])" is a very nice, clean, interface.
L141[03:18:41] <Dimitriye98> Much more user friendly than having to read documentation for the xhttp protocol and manually handle it
L142[03:19:00] <Dimitriye98> Or well, "internet.xhttp.get"/post
L143[03:19:15] <Vexatos> that's not how it works >_>
L144[03:19:36] <Dimitriye98> Vexatos: ?
L145[03:19:39] <Vexatos> Again, you're free to do it yourself, for yourself, but it really doesn't fit into OpenOS
L146[03:20:13] <Dimitriye98> I don't understand why?
L147[03:21:46] <Dimitriye98> The request method is user unfriendly...
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L155[03:48:11] <samofdreams> my robot is just stuck, throwing out brown sparks at me... any idea how to see whats wrong with it?
L156[03:48:30] <Kodos|Zzz> Analyzer
L157[03:49:18] <samofdreams> tried it. i figured it out tho. it needs a hover upgrade.
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L190[07:04:08] <BanditDragon> i have a line of " if item ==( name of item ) then print ("found it") else Print("Slot ".. slot .." is empty") end "
L191[07:04:19] <BanditDragon> yet whenever i type the name of the item it dosent work
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L196[07:14:15] <Inari> "name of item" cant be a name of a variable :P since they dont have spaces... also, pastebiny our actual code
L197[07:14:38] <BanditDragon> i think i have it figured out
L198[07:14:43] <BanditDragon> i needed it item.name
L199[07:14:59] <BanditDragon> got it
L200[07:15:11] <BanditDragon> now im getting an error the second it hits an empty slot now tho
L201[07:16:04] <BanditDragon> can i embed the if statement that checks the name of the item in an if statement that checks if there is an item ?
L202[07:16:15] <Lizzy> yeah
L203[07:16:21] <BanditDragon> alright cool :D
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L205[07:17:48] <TotallyNotKatie> %sed enable
L206[07:17:48] <MichiBot> TotallyNotKatie: Enabled SED for this channel
L207[07:22:31] <alekso56> s/cool/bool
L208[07:22:31] <MichiBot> <BanditDragon> alright bool :D
L209[07:26:52] <BanditDragon> YEAH it works now ouo
L210[07:27:50] <Izaya> ... there should be a holiday for UNIX
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L213[07:39:43] <Vexatos> TIL Lua supports semicola
L214[07:39:52] <Vexatos> #lua local a=4 return a
L215[07:39:56] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 4
L216[07:39:57] <Vexatos> #lua local a=4; return a
L217[07:39:57] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 4
L218[07:39:59] <Vexatos> :|
L219[07:40:01] <Vexatos> |:
L220[07:40:07] <reinei> ?
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L222[07:40:48] <Izaya> Vexatos, it has the desired effect?
L223[07:40:59] <Izaya> It's treated as a command separator like whitespace
L224[07:41:16] <Izaya> but it means if you're used to semicoloning you won't fuck everything up
L225[07:41:50] <reinei> I somehow managed to get used to NOT putting a semicolon after each statement ...
L226[07:42:24] <Izaya> I think it's less damaging to get used to it
L227[07:42:27] <reinei> thus my java speed dropped by about 80% :(
L228[07:42:44] <Izaya> I find it hard to write that weird C thing Arduino uses because I'm used to no semicolons
L229[07:42:48] <reinei> but ECMAScript 6 is awesome!
L230[07:43:05] <reinei> you can flash your Arduino to python or something, you know?
L231[07:44:21] <Vexatos> Izaya, for something like this
L232[07:45:01] <Vexatos> #lua local a = 4 local b = 1 + a (print)(a)
L233[07:45:01] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: attempt to call a number value (local 'a')
L234[07:45:04] <Vexatos> #lua local a = 4 local b = 1 + a; (print)(a)
L235[07:45:04] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 4 | nil
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L238[08:10:11] <BanditDragon> nyahahahaha
L239[08:10:20] <BanditDragon> now it finds all the seeds and stacks them
L240[08:19:20] <BanditDragon> is there a way of pasting whats in the minecraft robot into a text document?
L241[08:26:23] <Inari> well
L242[08:26:44] <Inari> as in.. take the tiems and write them down into a txt feil ro what
L243[08:26:53] <BanditDragon> im guessing im just going to have to copy it manualy
L244[08:35:08] <BanditDragon> im guessing im just going to have to copy it manualy
L245[08:45:51] <BanditDragon> http://pastebin.com/LYHq6xLF there we go my little find it and equip program
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L248[09:01:49] <Inari> you should indent your code ;D
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L250[09:02:52] <TotallyNotKatie> %sed disable
L251[09:02:53] <MichiBot> TotallyNotKatie: Disabled SED for this channel
L252[09:03:00] <reinei> yep, just thought the locals were not inside the loop xD
L253[09:03:20] <reinei> but why no sed?
L254[09:04:45] <reinei> BanditDragon, why do you have line 13 and 15 in your find and equip paste?
L255[09:04:57] <reinei> they are absolutely unneccessary ...
L256[09:11:55] <BanditDragon> i wanted it to move all the seeds into slot 16 regardless of where they are in the inventory
L257[09:12:29] <BanditDragon> plus 100% noob >w<
L258[09:13:12] <BanditDragon> the idea was that it would remake a full stack of seeds before it runs out
L259[09:13:43] <Inari> is the geolyzer noise always teh same?
L260[09:13:56] <Inari> for the same position
L261[09:14:49] <reinei> welp. you check wether or not i is in the range of [-inf, 16) but your for loop only works in te range [0, 16) making the check useless
L262[09:18:09] ⇦ Quits: noiro (~noiro@2601:cd:301:a660:58af:ae82:9284:aeeb) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L264[09:20:14] <BanditDragon> ah yes the loop works from 1-16 but the transfer to statement needs to do all of those but not on the last one
L265[09:20:22] <BanditDragon> cuz theres no such value as 17
L266[09:20:40] ⇨ Joins: noiro_ (~noiro@2601:cd:301:a660:58af:ae82:9284:aeeb)
L267[09:20:56] <BanditDragon> of course there is probably a better way of doing that owo;;
L268[09:23:26] ⇦ Quits: noiro (~noiro@2601:cd:301:a660:2412:a1a3:6377:ee55) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L271[09:25:37] ⇦ Quits: noiro (~noiro@2601:cd:301:a660:7593:e125:5abf:206) (Client Quit)
L272[09:27:52] <BanditDragon> wait i think i see the mistake now
L273[09:31:53] <BanditDragon> hmmm the program is behaving oddly when i place it in the farming program
L274[09:43:44] <BanditDragon> yay for dumb mistakes
L275[09:47:52] <BanditDragon> excellent its working as intended
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L277[09:52:54] *** Cranium[Away] is now known as Cranium
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L280[10:14:21] <gamax92> hmm, I wonder if I can just simply change the shell path temporary, and have everything work
L281[10:24:00] *** ShiaLaBeouf|Sleep is now known as PotatoAway
L282[10:26:37] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L283[10:30:16] <BanditDragon> is there a way of detecting something like fully grown wheat? for a robot
L284[10:33:07] <reinei> can a robot detect metadata?
L285[10:33:20] <BanditDragon> i have no idea o3o
L286[10:37:46] <Sandra> for people who complain about OC's limits. they can be modified in the config, so you can speed up your computers if you have a server that can handle them.
L287[10:38:05] <reinei> wrong channel?
L288[10:38:14] <reinei> or was that a general announcment?
L289[10:38:24] <Sandra> just... a random announcement.
L290[10:38:26] <Sandra> yes.
L291[10:38:34] <Inari> lol
L292[10:38:45] <Sandra> I was reading back in the backlog and saw people complain about them.
L293[10:39:07] <Inari> i complained about the limits now making sense :D
L294[10:39:24] ⇨ Joins: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com)
L295[10:42:50] <Sandra> time to see what OCEmu is like these days.
L296[10:43:09] <Sandra> paging gamax92.
L297[10:43:18] <gamax92> dnfgkfjgdlkdgjdfkgjdf
L298[10:43:22] * gamax92 poweroff
L299[10:43:47] ⇦ Quits: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L300[10:43:53] <gamax92> Sandra: ooh, I want to see how OC feels with minimal limits
L301[10:44:07] ⇨ Joins: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com)
L302[10:44:42] <Sandra> yeah, I kinda want to too. I only just remembered that's a thing you can do.
L303[10:45:22] <gamax92> I wonder if it will feel like using OCEmu :o
L304[10:45:31] <Inari> 1 operation per 20 minutes?
L305[10:45:40] <gamax92> lol
L306[10:45:53] <Sandra> set the call limit to 1000000000000000.
L307[10:46:23] <Inari> doesnt sound minimal
L308[10:46:40] <Sandra> and execution delay to 0.
L309[10:47:09] <Sandra> and more ram and more threads.
L310[10:47:45] ⇦ Quits: BanditDragon (webchat@cpc3-wisb1-2-0-cust122.4-4.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L311[10:48:42] <gamax92> Sandra: Well I wouldn't have modified ram
L312[10:48:53] <Sandra> just disable ram.
L313[10:48:56] <Sandra> heh.
L314[10:48:58] <gamax92> :P
L315[10:49:43] <Inari> https://twitter.com/ExpertBeginner1/status/623121920020611076
L316[10:57:24] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L320[11:10:34] <gamax92> i is less than slash three you
L321[11:11:06] *** PotatoAway is now known as PotatoTrumpet
L322[11:11:19] <PotatoTrumpet> \o/
L323[11:11:29] <reinei> ah
L324[11:11:32] <PotatoTrumpet> No more wifi
L325[11:11:34] <reinei> a wild Potato appeared!
L326[11:11:37] * PotatoTrumpet celebrates with joy
L327[11:12:00] * gamax92 used hot oil attack
L328[11:12:49] * PotatoTrumpet becomes fried
L329[11:12:53] <PotatoTrumpet> with SCIENCE!
L330[11:14:27] <gamax92> my copy of FFVIII never worked properly, It would always hang at a certain cutscene
L331[11:16:35] <PotatoTrumpet> FFVIII?
L332[11:16:46] * reinei is shocked
L333[11:17:20] <reinei> you don't know what FFVIII MEANS?!
L334[11:17:20] <Sandra> final festival vexatos i it items?
L335[11:17:33] <PotatoTrumpet> Seems about right
L336[11:17:34] <reinei> Sandra, you're just trolling :P
L337[11:17:48] <gamax92> Fantasy Festival: Vexatos III
L338[11:18:18] <Vexatos> ping ping ping ping pong
L339[11:18:28] <Vexatos> 75% packets lost
L340[11:18:52] <Sandra> sporatic vexatoasts eat sandwiched dogs.
L341[11:20:11] <PotatoTrumpet> So, driving to Dallas from San Antonio
L342[11:20:16] <gamax92> svesd?
L343[11:20:57] <PotatoTrumpet> Streetnames: Spanish Spanish English Spanish German German German German Spanish German Czech Spanish English English English Spanish English
L344[11:21:28] <reinei> thats a German and an Englisch BINGO right there
L345[11:21:32] <Sandra> I am watching MultiMC download 26 update files VERY VERY SLOWLY.
L346[11:21:58] <PotatoTrumpet> Sandra, sounds not fun
L347[11:22:20] <gamax92> not fun sounds
L348[11:22:30] <reinei> !!!FUN!!!!
L349[11:22:33] <Sandra> and it's a bloody modal dialog so you can't actually launch minecraft while it's doing so.
L350[11:22:49] <Sandra> I hate modal download dialogs with a passion.
L351[11:22:55] <Sandra> do not do them.
L352[11:23:22] <Sandra> there is no reason to.
L353[11:23:42] <Sandra> the FTB launcher also has them.
L354[11:24:00] <Sandra> the vanilla one, strangely, doesn't.
L355[11:24:03] * PotatoTrumpet grunts about the FTB launcher
L356[11:24:17] <Sandra> curse voice sort of has them
L357[11:24:40] <Sandra> you can't do anything in the minecraft part of curse voice while it's downloading.
L358[11:24:45] * PotatoTrumpet complains about curse
L359[11:24:46] <Sandra> but you can do other things.
L360[11:25:20] <Sandra> but what else is there to do in curse, other than chat to people.
L361[11:25:38] * reinei uses undeletable, unstoppable worm-virus-trojan combo to destory all of curse
L362[11:25:53] <Sandra> eh, curse isn't that bad.
L363[11:26:04] <Sandra> it's very convenient.
L364[11:27:12] <Sandra> but... eh.
L365[11:27:45] <Sandra> my point is that I hate modal progress bars any time ever.
L366[11:28:04] <Vexatos> <reinei> thats a German and an Englisch BINGO right there
L367[11:28:09] <Vexatos> <reinei> Englisch
L368[11:28:13] <Vexatos> :|
L369[11:28:35] <Sandra> reinei, are you somehow accessing IRC within NEI?
L370[11:28:36] * Vexatos flails
L371[11:28:50] <PotatoTrumpet> Germansch
L372[11:29:33] <PotatoTrumpet> I just realized
L373[11:29:41] <PotatoTrumpet> I drove through the most german part of texas
L374[11:29:49] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@p5DC11780.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L375[11:29:55] <PotatoTrumpet> and didn't stop to try that funny sounding bread that Vexatos told me about
L376[11:30:20] <PotatoTrumpet> did stop at Czech stop and got some amazing Czech pastries!
L377[11:30:29] <Vexatos> noooooo
L378[11:32:00] <reinei> NEI? what?
L379[11:32:06] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC11780.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L380[11:32:49] <PotatoTrumpet> And when driving through New Braunfels, I discovered that the reason traffic was backed up for 4 miles was because everyone and their dog wanted to go to Schlitterbahn
L381[11:32:50] <gamax92> Never Eat Icecream
L382[11:34:01] <PotatoTrumpet> Never Eat Ice Ice Baby's
L383[11:34:05] <reinei> why are there two German words/Names in that AMERICAN sentence?
L384[11:34:22] <gamax92> s/AMERICAN/MURIKAN/
L385[11:34:22] <Kibibyte> <reinei> why are there two German words/Names in that MURIKAN sentence?
L386[11:34:34] <reinei> %sed off
L387[11:34:34] <PotatoTrumpet> s/K/C
L388[11:34:34] <Kibibyte> <reinei> why are there two German words/Names in that MURICAN sentence?
L389[11:34:49] <Sandra> s/MURIKAN/English/
L390[11:34:49] <Kibibyte> <reinei> why are there two German words/Names in that English sentence?
L391[11:34:53] <reinei> I Write Kool with K because Kool with K is cooler
L392[11:35:00] <gamax92> s/English //
L393[11:35:00] <Kibibyte> <reinei> why are there two German words/Names in that sentence?
L394[11:35:10] <reinei> s/<reinei>//
L395[11:35:11] <PotatoTrumpet> I really want to go to Schlitterbahn
L396[11:35:14] <gamax92> ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping
L397[11:35:17] <PotatoTrumpet> pong
L398[11:35:21] <gamax92> I really want to go home
L399[11:35:28] * PotatoTrumpet sends gamax92 home
L400[11:36:08] <PotatoTrumpet> :P
L401[11:36:39] <Inari> reinei: cause kindergarden
L402[11:36:45] <PotatoTrumpet> kindergarten
L403[11:36:54] <Vexatos> Kindergarten*
L404[11:36:55] <Vexatos> D:<
L405[11:36:57] <Inari> yeah :P
L406[11:37:00] <Inari> i thought they replaced that one t
L407[11:37:01] <gamax92> Kindergarten
L408[11:37:02] <Inari> but seems not
L409[11:37:02] <Vexatos> D: <
L410[11:37:02] <reinei> that is OK, because the MURICAN people were nable to find a word of theire own
L411[11:37:17] <PotatoTrumpet> Vexatos, just accept the fact that English is better than Deutsch
L412[11:37:22] <reinei> it IS kindergarden in english, apparently
L413[11:37:33] <Vexatos> reinei, it's not
L414[11:37:34] <gamax92> Well, that's what get said most often
L415[11:37:37] * reinei slaps PotatoTrumpet into the sky
L416[11:37:41] <PotatoTrumpet> reinei, it is Kindergarten
L417[11:37:43] <Vexatos> it's a typo so common it's been accepted
L418[11:37:43] <gamax92> but it's actually garten
L419[11:37:45] * reinei slaps PotatoTrumpet into the ground
L420[11:37:49] <Vexatos> but it's not in any dictionary
L421[11:37:58] * PotatoTrumpet sends reinei to the 7th layer of hell
L422[11:38:00] <Skye> http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/kindergarten
L423[11:38:03] <PotatoTrumpet> Kinder Garden
L424[11:38:06] <PotatoTrumpet> :P
L426[11:38:22] <Inari> > kindergartener
L427[11:38:25] <reinei> so instead of making adjustments to german words you just went ahead and simply copied them? O.o
L428[11:38:31] <PotatoTrumpet> yes
L429[11:38:32] * Skye throws http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/kindergarten at PotatoTrumpet
L430[11:38:44] * PotatoTrumpet throws a brick at Skye
L431[11:38:52] * Skye ducks
L432[11:39:03] <PotatoTrumpet> Hold on
L433[11:39:11] <PotatoTrumpet> Lemme get a image real quick
L434[11:39:12] * reinei binds PotatoTrumpet to a hydrogen bomb and send it off into SPAACE
L435[11:39:47] <PotatoTrumpet> Vexatos, do you speak Texasdeutsch?
L436[11:40:00] <Vexatos> >_>
L437[11:40:05] <PotatoTrumpet> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_German
L438[11:41:01] <PotatoTrumpet> https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texasdeutsch for you non english speaking peoples
L439[11:41:39] <reinei> Flugzeug flight gear so wrong xD
L440[11:41:55] <reinei> a TRUE literal translation would be: flight thing
L441[11:41:56] <gamax92> Deuteriumsch
L442[11:43:16] <PotatoTrumpet> Some say, the german's didn't discover the space bar until the mid 20th century
L443[11:43:31] <reinei> PotatoTrumpet, we INVENTED the fucking Spacebar
L444[11:43:42] <reinei> but we ALSo invented the freedom NOT TO use it
L445[11:43:51] <reinei> s/ALSo/ALSO
L446[11:43:52] <Kibibyte> <reinei> but we ALSO invented the freedom NOT TO use it
L447[11:44:30] <PotatoTrumpet> reinei, all germans invented was part of the english language
L448[11:44:50] ⇦ Quits: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L450[11:48:27] <LadyAlissa> I was writing Markdown earlier... https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/third_way.png
L451[11:49:10] * PotatoTrumpet eats LadyAlissa's left toe's
L452[11:49:38] <LadyAlissa> but... I liked that foot. :c
L453[11:49:42] <LadyAlissa> Now it's useless.
L454[11:56:59] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L455[12:09:02] * PotatoTrumpet is now know as ________________
L456[12:09:26] <gamax92> "is now know"
L457[12:09:33] * reinei inflates ________________ to then stomp on him
L458[12:09:45] <PotatoTrumpet> shuddup gamax92
L459[12:09:52] <gamax92> shuddup PotatoTrumpet
L460[12:10:03] <PotatoTrumpet> Stop.
L461[12:10:06] * Mimiru sets mode #oc -z
L462[12:10:08] <PotatoTrumpet> Collaborate and listen.
L463[12:10:14] * gamax92 sets mode FUCK YOU
L464[12:10:17] * Mimiru sets mode +q *!*@*
L465[12:10:29] <LadyAlissa> rude. :c
L466[12:10:30] * PotatoTrumpet sets mode #oc +b *!*@*
L467[12:10:38] <PotatoTrumpet> er
L468[12:10:42] <PotatoTrumpet> I screwed that up
L469[12:19:45] <PotatoTrumpet> now to setup samba
L470[12:20:45] * Sandra sets mod #oc +abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz *!*@*
L471[12:21:00] * Sandra sets mode #oc +abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz *!*@*
L472[12:21:19] * PotatoTrumpet sets mode +q *!*@*
L473[12:22:56] <Vexatos> +ZOMG
L474[12:23:27] * Mimiru has kicked PotatoTrumpet from #oc (Stop that)
L475[12:23:47] <PotatoTrumpet> +StopInTheNameOfLove
L476[12:24:15] <Sangar> same old #oc i see
L477[12:24:19] <Mimiru> heh
L478[12:24:21] <Vexatos> :3
L479[12:24:23] <PotatoTrumpet> ehe
L480[12:24:44] <Sangar> also: evening o/ :P
L481[12:24:56] <reinei> o/
L482[12:25:04] <PotatoTrumpet> something something timezones
L483[12:25:10] <Mimiru> \o
L484[12:25:21] <Sandra> I should really sleep.
L485[12:25:32] * PotatoTrumpet loves Kolaches
L486[12:25:41] <Sandra> I'm jetlagged, so used to europe timezone but I'm in malaysia.
L487[12:26:06] <PotatoTrumpet> I'm so used to Central Time, that I know the hour just by guess
L488[12:26:18] <PotatoTrumpet> #CDT4lyfe
L489[12:26:30] <PotatoTrumpet> or #CST4lyfe
L490[12:26:38] <Vexatos> https://github.com/aidancbrady/Mekanism/issues/2826 U:
L491[12:26:39] <Vexatos> :U
L492[12:26:46] <Vexatos> Snagar gets all the snag
L493[12:28:15] <Sangar> :O
L494[12:28:19] <Sangar> noice
L495[12:28:33] * Sangar pats Vexatos
L496[12:28:35] <Sangar> good job
L497[12:29:35] <Vexatos> I know that part of the API so well it's scary
L498[12:29:40] <Sangar> haha
L499[12:29:51] <Vexatos> Also, dem walls o' text
L500[12:30:35] <Vexatos> Mmmmmmhm https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/issues/144
L501[12:30:46] <Sangar> welp, better than having to adjust things afterwards because something was left unclear ;)
L502[12:31:04] <gamax92> ohai Sangar
L503[12:31:15] <PotatoTrumpet> ohai gamax92
L504[12:31:18] <Sangar> \o
L505[12:31:22] <Vexatos> Any idea how I would do this?
L506[12:31:43] <PotatoTrumpet> for k,v in pairs(myTable) do print("IDK") end
L507[12:31:47] <gamax92> Sangar: so it was recently brought up that call limits, execution delays, and other various factors of slowness could be lifted
L508[12:32:06] <Sangar> gamax92, elaborate
L509[12:32:19] <gamax92> Sangar: the config file?
L510[12:32:19] ⇦ Quits: phillips1012 (~phillips1@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L511[12:32:27] <Sangar> oh, that's what you mean. well, yeah.
L512[12:32:36] <gamax92> Why haven't you told me about this D:<
L513[12:32:55] <Sangar> i'm pretty sure i mentioned it some time >_> sorry you may or may not have been present
L514[12:33:03] <Sandra> it's not that surprising.
L515[12:33:10] <Sandra> OC's config file is a monster.
L516[12:33:31] <gamax92> indeed
L517[12:33:33] <Sangar> Vexatos, nope; and i'm kind of not motivated enough to get into that whole stuff atm which is why i haven't done anything with that pr, yet, either :X
L518[12:34:01] <reinei> why is it a FILE anyway? couldn't it have one of those fancy config guis instead?
L519[12:34:01] <Sangar> A Config Appears; how do you wish to fight it?
L520[12:34:11] <reinei> with GUI programming!
L521[12:34:22] * reinei hides in his corner
L522[12:34:26] <Sandra> my mods have automagically generated config files which are massive monsters.
L523[12:34:43] <Sangar> well, main-ish reason is that having a read-write config with typesafe config is kind of a pain
L524[12:34:54] <Sandra> for every block added there is automatically 8 separate values set.
L525[12:35:12] <Sangar> you aspire gregtech i see ;)
L526[12:35:16] <Sandra> no wait 9.
L527[12:35:22] ⇨ Joins: sshika (webchat@i16-les01-ix2-62-35-10-238.sfr.lns.abo.bbox.fr)
L528[12:35:25] <reinei> I need to get back into coding again
L529[12:35:32] <reinei> well, coding Java and mods that is
L530[12:35:34] <Lizzy> reinei, what would the gui offer over manually setting the values apart from possibly live value updating?
L531[12:35:43] <reinei> Lizzy, order?
L532[12:35:44] <PotatoTrumpet> a GUI
L533[12:35:53] <gamax92> a gooey mess
L534[12:35:54] <reinei> due to it allowing nice submenus
L535[12:35:57] <sshika> hi
L536[12:36:02] <PotatoTrumpet> howdy sshika
L537[12:36:02] <gamax92> hi
L538[12:36:07] <Sandra> 1 for adding additional textures to blocks, 6 for setting textures to block sides, 1 for disabling items, 1 for disabling recipes.
L539[12:36:24] <Sandra> eh heheh.
L540[12:36:27] <Lizzy> reinei, Sangar could probably make a way for the config to be sorted in some order
L541[12:36:33] <sshika> i have a question with OC and mekanism ?
L542[12:36:47] <gamax92> Sangar's word wrapping in the term.write and whatever else relavent is quite weird/broken
L543[12:36:54] <reinei> Lizzy, but that would still not allow for various groupings
L544[12:36:56] <Sandra> and in OA, every module gets a turn off config option.
L545[12:37:07] <PotatoTrumpet> What about it, sshika?
L546[12:37:08] <reinei> if you went REALLY ridiculous with config GUI programming you would have categories
L547[12:37:09] <Lizzy> reinei, define 'groupings'
L548[12:37:14] <sshika> its possible to communicate with fusion but impossible to communicate with laser amplifier.
L549[12:37:15] <PotatoTrumpet> No hablo ingles!
L550[12:37:18] <reinei> which allowed values to appear in more than one screen
L551[12:37:33] <Sangar> the config is already categorized, and entries are sorted alphabetically :P
L552[12:37:41] <sshika> there is a method to obtain informations and control laser amplifier ?*
L553[12:38:00] <PotatoTrumpet> ummmm
L554[12:38:00] <Sangar> Vexatos, integration person ^
L555[12:38:01] <Lizzy> Also what's the point with having 2 places to change the same value?
L556[12:38:01] <reinei> Sangar, but what about those FTB config guis thingymahics
L557[12:38:02] <PotatoTrumpet> errr
L558[12:38:16] <Vexatos> what what what?
L559[12:38:20] <reinei> Lizzy, dunno, it only makes sense in certain situations
L560[12:38:24] <Sangar> reinei, wat? the most advanced thing i know are those forge provicdes
L561[12:38:29] <PotatoTrumpet> sshika, i have no idea
L562[12:38:32] <PotatoTrumpet> :{
L563[12:38:37] <gamax92> so lets say the current string you have fits the entire screen, GREAT! it's all on one line
L564[12:38:39] <reinei> if you click the mods button and select a mod
L565[12:38:46] <Sandra> there's so much stuff in OC it's easy to forget things exist.
L566[12:38:47] <reinei> and then click 'config'
L567[12:38:53] <gamax92> if you add an extra word though, it'll also move the previous word to the next line
L568[12:38:55] <Lizzy> I don't think it would give any benifit over the current system
L569[12:39:06] <Sangar> reinei, i don't use any launchers >_>
L570[12:39:11] <reinei> Lizzy, the config file would STILL have to exist
L571[12:39:11] ⇦ Quits: black3agl3 (~black3agl@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L572[12:39:19] <gamax92> please fix this monstrosity of a word wrapper Sangar
L573[12:39:23] <Sangar> well. not regularly anyway.
L574[12:39:25] <reinei> Sangar, on the server or what?
L575[12:39:33] <sshika> ok TT
L576[12:39:36] <Sangar> gamax92, fix it yourself if you already know what's wrong :X cuz i don't
L577[12:39:42] <reinei> duh FTB !== FML != Forge
L578[12:39:49] <reinei> I can be stupid sometimes
L579[12:39:53] <sshika> i wanted to control all my fusion system and create initialise program
L580[12:39:57] <gamax92> Sangar: ... do you need an example?
L581[12:39:59] <reinei> I meant the Minecraft Client 'mods' button
L582[12:40:03] <Vexatos> sshika, fusion?
L583[12:40:04] ⇨ Joins: black3agl3 (~black3agl@
L584[12:40:04] <Vexatos> Which mod?
L585[12:40:09] <reinei> Mekanism
L586[12:40:13] <Vexatos> https://github.com/aidancbrady/Mekanism/issues/2826 :P
L587[12:40:13] <reinei> he already said so
L588[12:40:17] <Vexatos> It will be there soon, heh
L589[12:40:22] <Sandra> I keep forgetting that the geolyzer, and also the hologram projector, and also the other thing and the other thing.
L590[12:40:42] <Sangar> reinei, ah ;) well yeah. but as i said, the underlying system i use for the configs isn't really friendly for modifying values later on (all its structures are immutable)
L591[12:40:58] <Sangar> writing it back out after parsing it is painful enough :X
L592[12:41:03] <reinei> you can have values require a restart you knowß
L593[12:41:12] <PotatoTrumpet> ß
L594[12:41:14] <Sangar> that's not really the problem
L595[12:41:30] <Sangar> i don't use the forge config system is the problem (because lex told me it'd get removed in 1.7 -.-)
L596[12:41:41] <reinei> also, nothing that is not native is TRULY immutable
L597[12:41:44] <gamax92> Sangar: http://hastebin.com/toqeyivaye.txt
L598[12:42:02] <Sangar> reinei, not worth the hassle :P
L599[12:42:03] <sshika> vexatos i don't understand the post(sorry i'm not english)
L600[12:42:19] <reinei> all I'ma say: Field a = class.getDeclaredField(); a.setAccessible(true);
L601[12:42:41] <Vexatos> sshika, basically, mekanism is getting OpenComputers support soon
L602[12:42:56] <sshika> a ok
L603[12:43:04] <Sangar> reinei, look up typesafe config before you continue ;)
L604[12:43:40] *** PotatoTrumpet is now known as ShiaLaBeouf
L605[12:44:43] <gamax92> Sangar :I
L606[12:44:48] <Sangar> gamax92, uhh, dunno. off by one? tbh, i kind of don't care about the lua code being suboptimal as much :X makes people want to do it better themselves
L607[12:44:48] <sshika> and the laser amplifier is just a block can use redstone. but there is a capacity of energy,
L608[12:45:00] <gamax92> Yes you do
L609[12:45:06] <Sangar> "as much"
L610[12:45:24] <sshika> i go ta talk about this to the developper of mekanism about this
L611[12:45:57] ⇨ Joins: phillips1012 (~phillips1@
L612[12:51:12] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L613[12:51:26] ⇦ Quits: sshika (webchat@i16-les01-ix2-62-35-10-238.sfr.lns.abo.bbox.fr) (Quit: Web client closed)
L614[12:51:38] <Kodos|Zzz> Anyone running recent mekanism v8 and project red?
L615[12:52:08] <Mimiru> Kodos|Zzz, I have Mek, and P:R
L616[12:52:24] ⇨ Joins: Something12 (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net)
L617[12:52:24] <Kodos|Zzz> Can you stick a laser amp down, and put a framed red insulated wire on top of it, and screenshot it for me
L618[12:52:39] <Mimiru> It'll take a few, gotta start the pack
L619[12:52:39] ⇨ Joins: Something12_ (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net)
L620[12:53:00] <Kodos|Zzz> Eh, just whenever is fine
L621[12:53:12] <Kodos|Zzz> I just need to know if I need to go poke aidan about canConnectRedstone on the amps as well
L622[12:53:22] <Kodos|Zzz> He's already put it on the adapter
L623[12:53:31] <ShiaLaBeouf> :P
L624[12:53:45] ⇦ Quits: Something12 (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net) (Client Quit)
L625[12:53:56] <Mimiru> It's about time to make some damn French Fries...
L626[12:54:00] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L627[12:54:01] <Mimiru> Or maybe some Hash Browns.
L628[12:54:08] <Kodos|Zzz> I made tater tots last night
L629[12:54:23] * Mimiru tazes ShiaLaBeouf
L630[12:54:37] * Mimiru drags him over to the fryer
L631[12:54:51] <Kodos|Zzz> Technically we could kick him for impersonating
L632[12:54:52] * ShiaLaBeouf brandishes a knife
L633[12:55:00] <Kodos|Zzz> The rules don't specify impersonating someone from IRC until the second part of the rule
L634[12:55:22] * Mimiru reminds ShiaLaBeouf that he is tazed, and unconscious
L635[12:55:33] <Sandra> who's impersonating whom?
L636[12:55:42] * ShiaLaBeouf is tazed, and unconscious
L637[12:55:51] <Mimiru> ShiaLaBeouf, is impersonating ShiaLaBeouf
L638[12:56:16] <ShiaLaBeouf> can you fry me and dice me now?
L639[12:56:34] <ShiaLaBeouf> I have an appointment with Sandra at 2
L640[12:57:19] <Mimiru> Kodos|Zzz, http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-07-20_12-57-14.jpg ?
L641[12:57:28] <Kodos|Zzz> Ugh, alright, thanks
L642[12:57:31] <Kodos|Zzz> I'll go open another issue
L643[12:57:43] * CompanionCube fries ShiaLaBeouf in oil
L644[12:57:45] <Sandra> ShiaLaBeouf, okay then, I'll see you in 3 minutes.
L645[13:00:46] <gamax92> It's been 3 minutes
L646[13:01:27] <Mimiru> "* LexManos is half tempted to flat out steal NEI and implement it as a Forge module"
L647[13:01:28] <Mimiru> lol...
L648[13:01:41] <ShiaLaBeouf> Shia Suprise!
L649[13:01:49] * ShiaLaBeouf grunts about setting up Samba
L650[13:02:04] *** ShiaLaBeouf is now known as PotatoTrumpet
L651[13:02:27] <PotatoTrumpet> Sandra, would you like the basic, deluxe, or platinum package?
L652[13:03:10] *** Kodos|Zzz is now known as Kodos
L653[13:03:10] <Sandra> PotatoTrumpet, gimme the platinum.
L654[13:03:57] <Sandra> okay, thaumcraft's forum post has 1400 pages of comments.
L655[13:06:33] * PotatoTrumpet gives sandra http://www.eternalweddingfilms.co.uk/assets/platinum-package.jpg
L656[13:08:27] <Mimiru> Kodos, do you still want that bouncer?
L657[13:08:37] <Kodos> Sure
L658[13:08:48] <Mimiru> Canada, or Japan? :P
L659[13:08:51] <Kodos> Canada
L660[13:09:06] <PotatoTrumpet> CehNehDeh
L661[13:09:17] <Mimiru> I'd offer new york, but I shut that server down yesterday
L662[13:09:41] <Lizzy> Canadia
L663[13:09:50] <Kodos> Canadamerica
L664[13:10:56] <Sandra> OpenAutomation 1000 Downloads party! Rave Rave Rave!
L665[13:11:34] <gamax92> wtf is openautomation
L666[13:11:42] ⇨ Joins: Kodos_ (kodos@eos.pc-logix.com)
L667[13:11:42] <Sandra> http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/224991-openautomation
L668[13:12:14] <Kodos> ohai Kodos_
L669[13:12:57] <PotatoTrumpet> i've never unerstood how to say gjgfuj
L670[13:13:46] <Lizzy> gig-fuge is how i'd say it
L671[13:14:04] <Sandra> correct.
L672[13:14:10] <gamax92> It's snowing on mount fuji
L673[13:19:22] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:c1eb:e10b:f346:5f79) (Quit: Leaving)
L674[13:20:23] *** Kodos_ is now known as Kodos
L675[13:20:36] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L676[13:22:18] <Sandra> jig fuuge.
L677[13:22:28] <Sandra> is the correct way actually.
L678[13:22:41] <Sandra> but eh.
L679[13:22:55] <Lizzy> meh, you're called Sandra at the moment so i shall call you that
L680[13:23:02] <Sandra> indeed.
L681[13:23:08] <Sandra> as I shall call you Lizzy.
L682[13:23:09] <vifino> I thought it would be good job gefudge
L683[13:24:17] ⇦ Parts: Kodos (kodos@eos.pc-logix.com) (Leaving))
L684[13:24:21] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (kodos@eos.pc-logix.com)
L685[13:24:21] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L686[13:32:06] <PotatoTrumpet> I GOT SAMBA SET UP
L687[13:32:10] <PotatoTrumpet> AYHHAFHAHFHAHFHA
L688[13:32:40] <Sandra> rip
L689[13:32:48] <Ekoserin|Off> God damn it Nvidia
L690[13:33:07] *** Barbas|sleep is now known as Barbas
L691[13:33:55] <PotatoTrumpet> s/damn/watermelon
L692[13:33:55] <Kibibyte> <Ekoserin|Off> God watermelon it Nvidia
L693[13:35:11] <Sandra> s/.*//
L694[13:35:11] <Kibibyte> <Ekoserin|Off>
L695[13:35:13] <Sandra> s/.*//
L696[13:35:14] <Kibibyte> <Ekoserin|Off>
L697[13:35:15] <Sandra> s/.*//
L698[13:35:16] <Kibibyte> <Ekoserin|Off>
L699[13:35:27] <Ekoserin|Off> FFS, Sandra
L700[13:35:30] <reinei> he/she/it won't replace the name sadly
L701[13:35:49] <Sandra> s/she/it/
L702[13:35:49] <Kibibyte> <reinei> he/it/it won't replace the name sadly
L703[13:36:00] <Sandra> s/he/she/
L704[13:36:01] <Kibibyte> <reinei> she/it/it won't replace the name sadly
L705[13:36:06] <Sandra> s/it/she
L706[13:36:06] <Kibibyte> <reinei> she/she/it won't replace the name sadly
L707[13:36:12] <reinei> no
L708[13:36:12] <Sandra> s/it/she/g
L709[13:36:12] <Kibibyte> <reinei> she/she/she won't replace the name sadly
L710[13:36:15] <reinei> yes
L711[13:36:17] <Ekoserin|Off> s/she/whatever the fuck I am
L712[13:36:17] <Kibibyte> <reinei> whatever the fuck I am/she/she won't replace the name sadly
L713[13:36:24] <Vexatos> Sangar, you here?
L714[13:36:25] <Lizzy> s/\/she\/she//
L715[13:36:25] <Kibibyte> <reinei> whatever the fuck I am won't replace the name sadly
L716[13:36:25] <Ekoserin|Off> Eh, close enough.
L717[13:36:58] <Sandra> s/whatever.*am/whomever/g
L718[13:36:58] <Kibibyte> <reinei> whomevere sadly
L719[13:37:00] <Vexatos> Sangar: Question about the geolyzer: Do you know if the Y position the geolyzer itself is on counts towards the positive or the negative range of it?
L720[13:37:03] <Sangar> Vexatos, back now
L721[13:37:22] <Sangar> Vexatos, range is geolyzer's pos +-32 iirc
L722[13:37:41] <Inari> is geolyzer noise always the same for the same position?
L723[13:37:50] <reinei> could you guys stop messing with my messages?
L724[13:37:52] <gamax92> eyy that works, I just had to set the shell path
L725[13:38:01] <Sandra> s/stop/continue/
L726[13:38:02] <Kibibyte> <reinei> could you guys continue messing with my messages?
L727[13:38:16] <Sandra> s/guys/gals/
L728[13:38:16] <Kibibyte> <reinei> could you gals continue messing with my messages?
L729[13:38:22] <gamax92> s/gals/gals please/
L730[13:38:22] <Kibibyte> <reinei> could you gals please continue messing with my messages?
L731[13:38:23] <Mimiru> …
L732[13:38:32] <Inari> s/messing with my/massaging my/
L733[13:38:32] <Kibibyte> <reinei> could you gals please continue massaging my messages?
L734[13:38:35] <Lizzy> #sed disable
L735[13:38:39] <reinei> s/(.*)messing(.*)messages(.*)/\1messages\2messing\3/g
L736[13:38:39] <Lizzy> #heml
L737[13:38:40] <Kibibyte> <reinei> 1messages2messing3
L738[13:38:43] <Lizzy> #help
L739[13:38:44] <reinei> aww
L740[13:39:02] <Mimiru> And this is why MichiBot's sed listens to channel ops.
L741[13:39:05] <Sandra> s/#/!@#$%^&*()_/
L742[13:39:06] * Ekoserin|Off chuckles
L743[13:39:18] <Lizzy> Sandra, stop
L744[13:39:19] *** Ekoserin|Off is now known as Ekoserin
L745[13:39:45] <Sandra> s/stop/no u/
L746[13:39:45] <Kibibyte> <Lizzy> Sandra, no u
L747[13:39:52] *** Sandra was kicked by Lizzy (Sandra))
L748[13:39:56] ⇨ Joins: Sandra (Sandra@2001:19f0:6800:8161:1:5ee:bad:c0de)
L749[13:40:00] <PotatoTrumpet> inb4 sa oh wait
L750[13:40:01] <Sandra> ok I'll stop now.
L751[13:40:02] <PotatoTrumpet> it happened
L752[13:41:19] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L753[13:41:56] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L754[13:45:43] <Vexatos> Sangar: I mean, the y position the geolyzer is on
L755[13:45:52] <Vexatos> does that count towards + or -
L756[13:45:57] <Sangar> yes
L757[13:46:07] <Vexatos> <Vexatos> does that count towards + or -
L758[13:46:07] <Vexatos> <Sangar> yes
L759[13:46:30] <Sangar> it does
L760[13:46:34] <Vexatos> ....
L761[13:46:49] <Vexatos> That is not an answer >_>
L762[13:46:54] <Lizzy> yes
L763[13:46:55] <Inari> Lol
L764[13:47:02] <Sangar> miny = geo.y - 32; maxy = geo.y + 32; (one of them is a 31 but whatever)
L765[13:47:06] <Sangar> so the answer is yes :P
L766[13:47:11] <gamax92> Sangar: what if we had assertArg
L767[13:47:21] <Vexatos> sooo
L768[13:47:28] <Vexatos> the range is 65 blocks?
L769[13:47:37] <gamax92> like checkArg, it would take argument number, something to evaluate, and a message to give
L770[13:47:40] <Sangar> 64 (hence one being 31) but yeah.
L771[13:47:41] <Sangar> iirc
L772[13:47:45] <Sangar> probably configurable?
L773[13:47:46] <Sangar> idk
L774[13:47:51] <Vexatos> "(one of them is a 31 but whatever)"
L775[13:47:52] <Sangar> gamax92, uhh, what if?
L776[13:47:53] <Vexatos> I see
L777[13:47:55] <Vexatos> BUT WHICH ONE
L778[13:47:59] <Vexatos> That is my question ;_;
L779[13:48:08] <Sangar> Vexatos, one
L780[13:48:13] <Vexatos> lfi>ZUJNCB>IFGUYXZOJÖKLMNGBLFSE
L781[13:48:25] <Sangar> :3
L782[13:48:47] <gamax92> Sangar: and then if it fails, it'll error(string.format("bad argument #%d (%s)", n, msg), 3)
L783[13:49:12] <Sangar> how's that different to checkArg?
L784[13:49:25] <gamax92> checkArg checks for a specific type
L785[13:49:47] <Sangar> oh, you mean just check for "something"?
L786[13:49:55] <gamax92> yeah
L787[13:49:58] <Sangar> eh, dunno, is that really useful?
L788[13:50:01] <gamax92> yes
L789[13:50:05] <Sangar> when?
L790[13:50:11] <gamax92> assertArg(1,sides[side],"invalid side")
L791[13:50:28] <gamax92> assertArg(2,modes[mode],"invalid mode")
L792[13:50:34] <gamax92> Everythingz
L793[13:51:14] <gamax92> Bleh I'll just use it in ccemu ;-;
L794[13:51:37] <reinei> write it yourself
L795[13:51:40] <gamax92> I did
L796[13:51:43] <Sangar> eh, could still kinda use checkArg for that :P
L797[13:52:26] <Sangar> but that's the good thing, you can just use whatever you like ;)
L798[13:53:33] <Vexatos> Ok
L799[13:53:37] <Vexatos> it's -32 to 31
L800[13:54:05] <Vexatos> assuming for (ry <- 0 until e.data.length) only goes up to 63
L801[13:54:09] <Vexatos> in a 64-length array
L802[13:54:56] <reinei> is it a [) range maybe?
L803[13:55:52] <Sandra> Sangar, did you ever make the driver bits for the ME Controller not require the ME controller because that's a bad place to put them?
L804[13:56:14] <Sangar> Sandra, it now works on controller and interface, always
L805[13:56:21] <Sandra> ahkay.
L806[13:56:24] <Sandra> interface.
L807[13:56:29] <Sangar> will prob. throw out it working on the controller in 1.6 or so. if i remember to.
L808[13:57:07] ⇨ Joins: Xilandro (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:c1eb:e10b:f346:5f79)
L809[13:57:07] zsh sets mode: +v on Xilandro
L810[13:57:47] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L811[13:58:13] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L812[13:58:30] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L813[13:58:32] <Mimiru> %test
L814[13:58:32] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Success
L815[13:58:40] <reinei> %fail
L816[13:58:54] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L817[13:58:58] <reinei> no build in fail command?
L818[13:59:11] <Sandra> is there any way to detect where export buses are on a block?
L819[13:59:11] <Mimiru> No..? lol
L820[13:59:35] <Sandra> also it should really be a separate component per bus.
L821[13:59:46] <Sandra> but I understand if that's impossible.
L822[14:00:00] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L823[14:00:13] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L824[14:02:26] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (kodos@eos.pc-logix.com) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Xilandro!~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:c1eb:e10b:f346:5f79)))
L825[14:02:30] ⇨ Joins: kodos (kodos@eos.pc-logix.com)
L826[14:02:35] <Xilandro> ... Mimiru fix it
L827[14:03:00] *** kodos is now known as Guest39561
L828[14:03:00] <Guest39561> You know you can use the web panel, and change it's nick, and or disconnect it.. right? :P
L829[14:03:13] *** Guest39561 is now known as Kodos|ZNC
L830[14:03:46] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L831[14:03:51] <gamax92> Mimiru: you shouldn't hijack ZNC clients ;-;
L832[14:03:52] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L833[14:04:03] <Mimiru> gamax92, you should mind your own fucking business. :D
L834[14:04:13] <gamax92> Mimiru: b-but
L835[14:04:19] <Mimiru> I'm trying to figure out why his client isn't getting sent /joins when he connects.
L836[14:06:16] <gamax92> Sangar: https://github.com/gamax92/OCScriptDev/blob/master/ccemu/ccemu.lua
L837[14:06:20] * Ekoserin spins around in his chair
L838[14:06:41] <Sangar> > tabs
L839[14:06:44] <gamax92> Shhh
L840[14:06:46] <Sangar> :P
L841[14:06:47] <Inari> lol
L842[14:07:18] <LadyAlissa> Spaces are superior to tabs only for OpenComputers programs. D:<
L843[14:07:21] <Lizzy> Xilandro, try opening a server tab for PCL, going to window > raw log and seeing if it does send the join messages
L844[14:07:35] <Sangar> LadyAlissa, let's not start that religious war all over again :P
L845[14:07:39] <Xilandro> Sec, fighting a dragon
L846[14:07:52] <reinei> but I agree with LadyAlissa
L847[14:08:07] <Inari> meh imo code should be saved unformatted
L848[14:08:15] <PotatoTrumpet> tabs all the way
L849[14:08:32] <LadyAlissa> Sangar: Most of the time really it depends on the language.
L850[14:08:32] <PotatoTrumpet> #TabsMasterrace
L851[14:08:44] <Inari> #flatcode
L852[14:08:44] <LadyAlissa> Python is four spaces. Lua is tabs. C is either two spaces or tabs.
L853[14:08:59] <gamax92> Sangar: anyway besides tabs, whadda think
L854[14:08:59] <reinei> and c++, Java and C# don'T care
L855[14:09:01] <Mimiru> 36 spaces, 2 tabs, and a newline.
L856[14:10:20] <Vexatos> LadyAlissa, Lua uses spaces
L857[14:10:23] <PotatoTrumpet> that reminds me
L858[14:10:24] <Sangar> gamax92, just from looking at the code? cool. that todo on peripherals tho :3
L859[14:10:27] <Vexatos> At least everywhere I have seen
L860[14:10:32] <LadyAlissa> Vexatos: impossibru. :c
L861[14:11:20] <Sangar> gamax92, also line 14 <3
L862[14:11:33] <Vexatos> forgot a semicolon? :P
L863[14:11:46] <gamax92> line 14 is oldpal?
L864[14:18:22] <Mimiru> Man, in a month, I've transfered 2 GiB on ZNC.
L865[14:22:02] *** Xilandro is now known as Kodos
L866[14:24:33] <gamax92> peripherals is the confusing part on how to handle, it's going to need translation wrappers for that stuff but also to store a peripheral mapping.
L867[14:25:20] <Altenius> Has anyone found a decent free VPS host since haphost died?
L868[14:25:42] *** PotatoTrumpet is now known as PotatoNap
L869[14:26:38] <Mimiru> Altenius, haphost wasn't decent, why are you suddenly setting the bar so high? :P
L870[14:26:40] <Mimiru> Also, no.
L871[14:26:56] <Altenius> It was decent for a free one
L872[14:27:29] <Mimiru> Eh, the one I had dropped connection every 5-10 minutes
L873[14:27:34] <Mimiru> for a few minutes at a time.
L874[14:28:20] <Altenius> I was hosting a gmod server on mine that ran fine besides the ping
L875[14:30:46] <Mimiru> I ran an IRCd on mine, would drop very often. Tried running DNS on it, couldn't connect half the time.
L876[14:30:48] <CompanionCube> http://greentexted.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/what-happens-when-mom-thinks-you-are.html
L877[14:30:53] <CompanionCube> this hit me right in the feels.
L878[14:30:53] <Mimiru> maybe you got lucky and got a good server...
L879[14:31:07] <CompanionCube> Mimiru, at one point
L880[14:31:13] <Mimiru> Or maybe I got unlucky and got a few shit servers.. but I never had any lock
L881[14:31:15] <CompanionCube> my haphost VPS had system uptime of ~163 days
L882[14:31:22] <Mimiru> Oh the uptime was great
L883[14:31:28] <Mimiru> Never had an issue with uptime.
L884[14:31:36] <CompanionCube> and that uptime was accurate
L885[14:31:38] <Mimiru> But when the network connection just *DIES* Uptime is useless.
L886[14:32:21] <CompanionCube> (Read the link. The mom in the story deserves to have her files stored in RAM only.)
L887[14:39:20] <Kodos> Jesus
L888[14:39:30] <Kodos> I would've literally just left with my laptop and never came back
L889[14:40:46] <CompanionCube> Kodos, the computer would suspciously obtain cryptolocker or other ransomware
L890[14:40:55] <Lizzy> CompanionCube, i wanna punch that woman so much... :@
L891[14:41:25] <CompanionCube> and then the coup de etat: 'Shame I can't touch that computer. Removing Cryptolocker isn't difficult.'
L892[14:41:28] <Lizzy> the computer would be gone if that was my mother
L893[14:41:53] <reinei> my mother already jokingly thinks I'm a hacker
L894[14:42:10] <reinei> AAND she knows that me not having a PC=== she not having Internet, or telephone
L895[14:42:11] <CompanionCube> I will admit that I'm a hacker. By an uncommon definiton.
L896[14:42:14] <reinei> or anythign electrical
L897[14:43:00] <Lizzy> luckilly my mother is fairly good with computers (in a general sense) and she wouldn't make stupid acusations. most of my family are pretty good except for my crazy aunt on my dad's side
L898[14:43:07] <CompanionCube> http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/hacker
L899[14:43:10] <CompanionCube> Definition 3a.
L900[14:43:17] <Sandra> my dad is pretty good with computers.
L901[14:43:17] <Kodos> https://twitter.com/Emasher_/status/623215941715767296
L902[14:43:20] <Kodos> Well no shit
L903[14:43:22] <Sandra> my mum has no idea.
L904[14:43:34] <Lizzy> also dammit CompanionCube now you've made me really angry
L905[14:44:02] <Ekoserin> That story makes me unbelievably angry.
L906[14:44:04] <CompanionCube> Lizzy, at leas
L907[14:44:09] <CompanionCube> he most likely learned the importance
L908[14:44:11] <Lizzy> Kodos, do you know if they've reported those issues?
L909[14:44:14] <CompanionCube> of off-sitte backups
L910[14:44:23] <Kodos> No idea, I'm curious too though
L911[14:44:46] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L912[14:44:55] <CompanionCube> also
L913[14:45:07] <CompanionCube> I wonder why the dude stuck with a terminal. Isn't Xorg generally better
L914[14:46:40] <Kodos> Woo, Aidan added cCR to laser amps
L915[14:46:44] <CompanionCube> Lizzy, the ultimate thing, would be to BIOS password the computer. It's there, but she can't use it. And only you know the password. Being computer illterate, she won't know that BIOS passwords are easily reset using the mobo.
L916[14:48:53] <Inari> can i figure out if a player is sneaking? (with OC)
L917[14:49:05] <Kodos> debug card -might- be able to get that
L918[14:49:22] <Kodos> I'm on Neverwinter atm or I'd check
L919[14:49:23] <Inari> no debug card
L920[14:49:37] <Kodos> Uhh only other way I could think of would be a screen facing up
L921[14:49:43] <Kodos> Not sure if sneaking produces a different event
L922[14:49:57] <Kodos> If it doesn't, you could always open an issue as a suggestion for it
L923[14:50:35] <Inari> hrm
L924[14:50:40] <Inari> dman, so no zero-g elevator
L925[14:50:54] <Sandra> sneaking ontop of a screen actually sounds like a good idea.
L926[14:51:01] <Sandra> for a thing.
L927[14:51:36] <CompanionCube> http://greentexted.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/how-to-avoid-technical-support-scams.html
L928[14:51:41] <CompanionCube> This is just *glorios*
L929[14:52:21] <Pwootage> wait wait wait
L930[14:52:36] <Pwootage> screens give the location of people standing on them when they're facing up?
L931[14:52:38] <Pwootage> THAT'S AMAZING
L932[14:53:55] <OneM_Industries> %weather 24201
L933[14:53:56] <MichiBot> OneM_Industries: Current weather for 24201 Current Temp: 86°F/30°C Feels Like: 94°F/35°C Current Humidity: 67 Wind: From the SSW 8 Mph/13 Km/h Conditions: Partly Cloudy
L934[14:53:57] <gamax92> No they actually just cause the world to explode
L935[14:54:08] <Kodos> %weather 62012
L936[14:54:10] <MichiBot> Kodos: Current weather for 62012 Current Temp: 79°F/26°C Feels Like: 83°F/28°C Current Humidity: 79 Wind: From the S 7 Mph/11 Km/h Conditions: Overcast
L937[14:54:19] <Kodos> Ofc it's 79 humidity
L938[14:54:33] <Kodos> Does that thing do forecast too
L939[14:54:40] <Vexatos> Ask Forecaster
L940[14:54:43] <Mimiru> No
L941[14:54:46] <reinei> %weather 99999
L942[14:54:49] <reinei> aww
L943[14:54:52] <Vexatos> %weather 11111
L944[14:54:57] <Vexatos> %weather 12345
L945[14:54:57] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Current weather for 12345 Current Temp: 89°F/32°C Feels Like: 89°F/32°C Current Humidity: 35 Wind: From the WNW 8 Mph/13 Km/h Conditions: Sunny
L946[14:55:00] <Vexatos> .-.
L947[14:55:06] <gamax92> but where is 12345
L948[14:55:07] <Vexatos> German postal codes are sane
L949[14:55:18] <reinei> sane or INsane?
L950[14:55:21] <Vexatos> sane
L951[14:55:24] <Mimiru> State: New York. City Name: Schenectady
L952[14:55:24] <reinei> why?
L953[14:55:34] <gamax92> %weather Sane
L954[14:55:34] <MichiBot> gamax92: Current weather for Sane, Angola Current Temp: 80°F/27°C Feels Like: 87°F/31°C Current Humidity: 27 Wind: From the ESE 5 Mph/8 Km/h Conditions: Clear
L955[14:55:37] <Vexatos> because 12345 and alike doesn't exist
L956[14:55:43] <Vexatos> %weather gamax
L957[14:55:50] <Vexatos> %weather Kodos
L958[14:55:51] <reinei> %weather 22955
L959[14:55:52] <Vexatos> Awww
L960[14:56:00] <Vexatos> %weather 31415
L961[14:56:01] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Current weather for 31415 Current Temp: 94°F/35°C Feels Like: 113°F/45°C Current Humidity: 63 Wind: From the W 8 Mph/13 Km/h Conditions: Partly Cloudy
L962[14:56:01] <gamax92> %weather Sangar
L963[14:56:02] <MichiBot> gamax92: Current weather for Sangar, Russia Current Temp: 55°F/13°C Feels Like: 55°F/13°C Current Humidity: 54 Wind: From the N 3 Mph/5 Km/h Conditions: Thundery outbreaks in nearby
L964[14:56:13] <Vexatos> %weather Samara
L965[14:56:14] <Kodos> Okay, stop spamming the bot now
L966[14:56:14] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Current weather for Samara, Russia Current Temp: 70°F/21°C Feels Like: 70°F/21°C Current Humidity: 63 Wind: From the S 11 Mph/18 Km/h Conditions: Partly Cloudy
L967[14:56:15] <gamax92> Thundery outbreaks in nearby
L968[14:56:16] <reinei> %weather Java
L969[14:56:17] <MichiBot> reinei: Current weather for Java, Georgia Current Temp: 69°F/21°C Feels Like: 69°F/21°C Current Humidity: 70 Wind: From the ENE 6 Mph/9 Km/h Conditions: Clear
L970[14:56:24] <Ekoserin> %weather Hell
L971[14:56:25] <MichiBot> Ekoserin: Current weather for Hell, Norway Current Temp: 57°F/14°C Feels Like: 56°F/13°C Current Humidity: 72 Wind: From the WNW 7 Mph/11 Km/h Conditions: Partly Cloudy
L972[14:56:26] <Kodos> !quiet MichiBot
L973[14:56:26] *** zsh sets mode: +q *!*@eos.pc-logix.com
L974[14:56:26] <Mimiru> ffs.
L975[14:56:32] <gamax92> uuuuuh
L976[14:56:32] <Mimiru> Stahp
L977[14:56:37] <Lizzy> !unquiet MichiBot
L978[14:56:37] *** zsh sets mode: -q *!*@eos.pc-logix.com
L979[14:56:38] <Mimiru> …
L980[14:56:50] <Kodos> Sorry, it was the only way I knew how to stop it D=
L981[14:56:50] <reinei> sorry, I guess?
L982[14:56:51] <Ekoserin> 57 degrees in Hell!?
L983[14:56:55] <ocdoc> Halp!
L984[14:57:01] <ocdoc> Kodos is trying to mute me
L985[14:57:19] * ocdoc gasps for air
L986[14:57:21] <Lizzy> anyone spamming the bot(s) will be punished
L987[14:57:44] <vifino> Yeah, punish the one spamming, not the bots. The bots do nothing on their own ( mostly. ).
L988[14:57:54] <Mimiru> I can just %ignore user :P
L989[14:58:27] * ocdoc hugs vifino
L990[14:58:46] <Mimiru> CovertJaguar confirms that closed-source mods should be less like RedLogic
L991[14:58:52] <Mimiru> Yay drama.
L992[14:58:53] * vifino hugs ocdoc back
L993[14:58:56] <Mimiru> :P
L994[14:59:31] <Vexatos> ~w gamax
L995[14:59:31] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-math.max
L996[14:59:41] <gamax92> I swear
L997[14:59:45] <gamax92> if you fucking start spamming ocdoc
L998[14:59:53] <vifino> ~w Vexatoast
L999[14:59:53] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-tostring ( I tried D: )
L1000[15:00:05] <Temia> moo .3.
L1001[15:00:09] <vifino> meep
L1002[15:00:11] * Lizzy Temiahug
L1003[15:00:14] * gamax92 pats Temia
L1004[15:00:15] <LadyAlissa> hai Temia. :D
L1005[15:00:33] * Mimiru sighs
L1006[15:00:35] <Mimiru> I need Pizza..
L1007[15:00:38] ⇨ Joins: [zzz] (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net)
L1008[15:00:40] <LadyAlissa> so I'm building a program to be somewhat like xdg-open -- any ideas on what to name it?
L1009[15:00:41] * Temia eeps and is buried in hugs and pats. owo
L1010[15:00:55] * LadyAlissa also gives Temia two snuggles. :O
L1011[15:00:57] <vifino> LadyAlissa: xdg-open.lua
L1012[15:01:03] <LadyAlissa> vifino: :I
L1013[15:01:12] <LadyAlissa> currently it's just 'open'
L1014[15:01:32] <LadyAlissa> which is, of course, a great name despite the fact it's so openly usable.
L1015[15:01:36] <vifino> Mimiru: I need Pizza too... :/
L1016[15:01:47] * vifino grumblegrumble
L1017[15:01:52] <vifino> I need tuna. ._.
L1018[15:02:03] <gamax92> tuna makes good sandwiches
L1019[15:02:08] <Mimiru> vifino, let's start a GoFundMe "#OC should buy Mimiru, and vifino pizza" :P
L1020[15:02:11] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L1021[15:02:22] ⇦ Quits: Something12_ (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1022[15:02:27] <Ekoserin> Funding Goal: $50
L1023[15:02:31] <vifino> Mimiru: Yes! :D
L1024[15:02:54] <gamax92> GoFundMe: I need some pencils, Goal: $2
L1025[15:03:36] <Temia> I want pizza now :<
L1026[15:03:43] <Ekoserin> I need to make an awesome website! Goal: $10 (it can't be that hard, right?)
L1027[15:03:51] <Kodos> Me too! I only need 5 bucks for my pizza...
L1028[15:04:10] * Temia gives Vifino a can of tuna in exchange for kickstarted pizza
L1029[15:04:12] * vifino shares his pizza with Lizzy and Temia '.'
L1030[15:04:15] <vifino> :O
L1031[15:04:18] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC11780.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1032[15:04:21] <Lizzy> \o/
L1033[15:04:21] <vifino> More tuna?! \o/
L1034[15:04:28] * gamax92 is making a chicken quesadilla
L1035[15:04:32] * vifino omnomnom tuna <3
L1036[15:04:45] * gamax92 has tuna but, also had chicken, so is using chicken
L1037[15:04:56] * Lizzy saves the pizza for later because she's still full from the kebab she had
L1038[15:05:01] <Temia> Having a catboy for a boyfriend... you're so lucky, Lizzy. .3.
L1039[15:05:32] <Lizzy> eh, in most departments it's good, hair is not one of them when combined with me
L1040[15:05:40] <Lizzy> because there's 2x the hair now
L1041[15:06:06] <gamax92> It's okay, I'm used to picking up all the fur from two cats :/
L1042[15:06:16] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852_ (~Nathan185@p5DC11780.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1043[15:06:51] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C84D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1044[15:06:53] <vifino> '.'
L1045[15:08:07] <gamax92> huh, I'm horridly confused what this recording is
L1046[15:08:25] <gamax92> it's road6 of skyroads, but is not the FM version
L1047[15:08:26] * vifino hugs Temia and thanks her for the tuna, then curls up on Lizzy
L1048[15:08:42] * Lizzy strokes vifino
L1049[15:09:10] <gamax92> it's also stereo, which this song isn't normally
L1050[15:11:21] * vifino snuggles Lizzy and takes a nap
L1051[15:11:29] <gamax92> oh >_> it's a video extract and not a recording
L1052[15:11:58] <gamax92> Yes ofc, I wouldn't have been so foolish as to have left the sound effects on when recording
L1053[15:15:21] <OneM_Industries> Ghack....
L1054[15:15:30] <OneM_Industries> Too...bloody...hot....
L1055[15:17:13] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1056[15:17:30] <OneM_Industries> Ok, 35C with no air conditioning is really too much.]
L1057[15:17:50] <Mimiru> %weather 72396
L1058[15:17:51] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Current weather for 72396 Current Temp: 94°F/34°C Feels Like: 104°F/40°C Current Humidity: 51 Wind: From the WSW 0 Mph/0 Km/h Conditions: Sunny
L1059[15:17:55] <Mimiru> I agree.
L1060[15:18:18] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L1061[15:18:21] <Temia> %weather 98144
L1062[15:18:22] <MichiBot> Temia: Current weather for 98144 Current Temp: 72°F/22°C Feels Like: 76°F/24°C Current Humidity: 53 Wind: From the WSW 13 Mph/20 Km/h Conditions: Partly Cloudy
L1063[15:18:29] <Temia> =w=
L1064[15:18:37] <Temia> After yesterday this is bliss.
L1065[15:18:54] ⇨ Joins: rashdanml (~rashdanml@S0106bc4dfb2d6523.vc.shawcable.net)
L1066[15:19:47] <OneM_Industries> Ugh.
L1067[15:21:53] <Ekoserin> Fahrenheit Master Race
L1068[15:22:52] <OneM_Industries> I am slowly going to Celsius, because that is what my computers use....
L1069[15:24:29] ⇨ Joins: rjs232323 (webchat@75-120-129-121.dyn.centurytel.net)
L1070[15:24:51] <rjs232323> Is there a way to disable returning back to the openOS text input after running program once?
L1071[15:25:10] <rjs232323> i made a touch screen event based program but when it execute the program, it also returned back to its OS
L1072[15:25:13] <rjs232323> is there a way to stop that?
L1073[15:26:36] <rjs232323> I'd like to have this programming running without the text input screen thing if possible?
L1074[15:27:05] <vifino> %weather Frankfurt am Main, Germany
L1075[15:27:06] <MichiBot> vifino: Current weather for Frankfurt Am Main, Germany Current Temp: 75°F/24°C Feels Like: 78°F/26°C Current Humidity: 74 Wind: From the WNW 7 Mph/11 Km/h Conditions: Shower In Vicinity
L1076[15:27:07] <Mimiru> use a while loop?
L1077[15:27:20] <vifino> Hmm. Seems quite accurate.
L1078[15:27:51] <rjs232323> Without using a deadlock loop, no other way?
L1079[15:30:39] <Kodos> I'm confused. Let's see your program, and we'll get a better understanding of what you want/need
L1080[15:36:52] <reinei> vifino, so you just gave away your general position to a IRC chat full of programmers
L1081[15:37:15] <vifino> duh.
L1082[15:37:42] <reinei> still, to far to drive for a surprise "I located you!"
L1083[15:37:48] <CompanionCube> reinei, GeoIP can also that. Much lower accuracy rate, but still.
L1084[15:37:50] <vifino> Worst thing that could happen is Vexatoast visiting me. >_<
L1085[15:38:04] <reinei> why worst?
L1086[15:38:13] <reinei> <b>I</b> could visit you!
L1087[15:38:42] <vifino> s/\<b\>I\<b\>/I/
L1088[15:38:45] <vifino> q_q
L1089[15:38:57] <reinei> how did you bold that I?
L1090[15:39:05] <vifino> magic.
L1091[15:39:08] <Mimiru> ctrl-b on a sane client?
L1092[15:39:13] <Mimiru> wot
L1093[15:39:27] <reinei> also, what does sed do with <'s for you to escape them?
L1094[15:39:32] <Mimiru> Hexchat also lets you right click the text entry and do plenty of other fancy :P
L1095[15:39:33] <reinei> test end
L1096[15:39:39] <vifino> ctrl-c b for weechat
L1097[15:39:40] <CompanionCube> bold is bold
L1098[15:39:47] <reinei> why is my bold different than yours? O.o
L1099[15:39:55] <vifino> reinei: i think named captures, not sure
L1100[15:40:11] <CompanionCube> you can also underline
L1101[15:40:20] <reinei> aaah I can't get this italics off of me xD
L1102[15:40:22] <vifino> indeed.
L1103[15:40:26] <Mimiru> You can also do this
L1104[15:40:29] <gamax92> umm vifino
L1105[15:40:41] <reinei> yes I know that test
L1106[15:40:41] <Mimiru> RLO Override ftfw.
L1107[15:40:49] <vifino> gamax92: shhh
L1108[15:41:14] <Mimiru> I should make MichiBot use RLO..
L1109[15:41:16] <gamax92> Mimiru: once upon a time, someone had a logging service, it didn not properly handle RLO
L1110[15:41:37] <Mimiru> And it took over the world?
L1111[15:41:45] <Inari> RLO?
L1112[15:41:51] <Mimiru> Right to Left Override
L1113[15:41:53] <gamax92> No, it just had really broken logs for a while until the owner figured it out
L1114[15:41:57] <Mimiru> lol
L1115[15:46:08] <Mimiru> http://www.theallium.com/engineering/computer-programming-to-be-officially-renamed-googling-stackoverflow/
L1116[15:47:01] <reinei> well, so what do the people WRITING answers on stackoverflow do then?
L1117[15:47:13] <Mimiru> Google other stack overflow questions.
L1118[15:47:20] <Temia> Or become gurus.
L1119[15:47:27] <Temia> Or computer enginee--OH WAIT
L1120[15:47:36] <Temia> :V
L1121[15:47:43] <gamax92> Temia: but can you make a hardware
L1122[15:48:26] <Temia> ...I'm unofficially training for that, AKA faffing about with some breadboards and shit '3'
L1123[15:48:50] <gamax92> fancy
L1124[15:48:53] <Temia> I am in fact working on putting together a little arcade joystick interface for a Raspberry Tau
L1125[15:49:13] <reinei> Tau?
L1126[15:49:24] <reinei> a atheist! Kill him with fire
L1127[15:49:24] <Temia> Pi 2. '3'
L1128[15:49:25] <gamax92> Tau, I.E pi*2
L1129[15:49:32] <gamax92> umm what
L1130[15:49:49] * Temia moos? .3.
L1131[15:49:55] <gamax92> please don't kill the Temia
L1132[15:50:07] *** Daiyousei is now known as ShoweringFairy
L1133[15:50:13] <reinei> I wouldn't KILL him
L1134[15:50:18] * Temia wouldn't die even if you killed her.
L1135[15:50:20] <Lizzy> her*
L1136[15:50:21] <reinei> I'd simply bind him to a gemstone or something
L1137[15:50:25] <gamax92> her*
L1138[15:50:29] <reinei> s/him/her
L1139[15:50:29] <Kibibyte> <reinei> I'd simply bind her to a gemstone or something
L1140[15:50:48] <Temia> ...Hold that thought.
L1141[15:50:53] * Temia digs up an old PHB.
L1142[15:51:06] * gamax92 attempts to hold a thought
L1143[15:51:28] <gamax92> err, nope, it's gone, thoughts of how delicious pizza would be are flooding in
L1144[15:51:29] <Temia> DAMMIT, it's a will save ;w;
L1145[15:51:32] * reinei is starting to suffocate, because thats the only way to REALLY hold a thought
L1146[15:51:41] * Temia punts the PHB
L1147[15:52:19] <LadyAlissa> i made a huge mistake naming my OS PlutOS
L1148[15:52:27] <LadyAlissa> i can't ever abbreviate it.
L1149[15:52:40] <Lizzy> heh
L1150[15:53:00] <LadyAlissa> which means that i can't use pos-open now blah. :c
L1151[15:53:36] <gamax92> What's wrong with Point Of Sale?
L1152[15:53:54] <gamax92> Or Properties Of Sodium
L1153[15:54:14] <Mimiru> They're unusually Pieces of Shit
L1154[15:54:24] <Mimiru> err
L1155[15:54:26] <Mimiru> Usually
L1156[15:54:29] <Mimiru> damn it
L1157[15:54:29] <gamax92> no no no, it's Parabolas on Steroids
L1158[15:54:48] <LadyAlissa> I don't support drug use.
L1159[15:55:04] <LadyAlissa> Especially for algebraic curves.
L1160[15:55:16] <vifino> lol
L1161[15:55:29] <gamax92> Pluto's Only Satellite
L1162[15:55:38] <LadyAlissa> I'm just gonna stop working on it for now or whatever
L1163[15:55:40] <LadyAlissa> then rename it later.
L1164[15:55:56] <OneM_Industries> does\
L1165[15:56:00] <OneM_Industries> OOps.
L1166[15:56:16] <OneM_Industries> Well, now I know bold works on hexchat.
L1167[15:56:22] ⇦ Quits: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1168[15:56:48] <gamax92> bold does not work on wocchat
L1169[15:57:03] <reinei> and underline ditalics works too but no RLO?
L1170[15:57:07] <gamax92> and that's either Sangar or asie's fault, or both
L1171[15:58:21] <asie> what
L1172[15:58:23] <asie> whaaaat
L1173[15:58:50] <gamax92> You heard me :/
L1174[15:59:26] <Ekoserin> Are you kidding me? GameFront requires surveys now.
L1175[15:59:45] <Ekoserin> At least they aren't the ones that steal your information.
L1176[15:59:56] <gamax92> but that's all surveys
L1177[16:00:01] ⇨ Joins: Starhero-MC (~EiraIRC@24-113-128-11.wavecable.com)
L1178[16:00:19] <gamax92> a survey by nature of being a survey, takes information from you
L1179[16:00:33] <Ekoserin> Smartass.
L1180[16:00:38] <reinei> gah summer vacation is stupid, I finished another anime and now I'm bored to death again
L1181[16:00:41] <gamax92> Yes hi?
L1182[16:00:41] <reinei> 5s later ...
L1183[16:01:22] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC11780.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Bye :))
L1184[16:01:33] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC11780.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1185[16:06:19] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L1186[16:09:22] <reinei> temia, may I stop holding that thought now?
L1187[16:09:34] <Temia> Oh.
L1188[16:09:36] <Temia> Uh, yes.
L1189[16:09:36] <reinei> its getting quite painfull
L1190[16:09:40] <reinei> thank you
L1191[16:09:46] <Temia> I already looked up what I needed to, much to my dismay. :<
L1192[16:10:02] * Lizzy sneezes
L1193[16:10:07] <gamax92> D:
L1194[16:10:45] * vifino gives Lizzy a tissue
L1195[16:10:55] * Lizzy takes tissue and wipes nose
L1196[16:11:28] <Mimiru> Hmm... to try to implement overlays instead of texture swaps...
L1197[16:11:30] <Mimiru> or say fuck it.
L1198[16:11:44] <reinei> overlays for what?
L1199[16:11:48] <reinei> mod blocks?
L1200[16:11:49] <Lizzy> your face
L1201[16:11:50] <Mimiru> to do overlays I have to do my own renderer..
L1202[16:12:10] <Mimiru> reinei, Some of the blocks in OpenSecurity have status indicators
L1203[16:12:12] <reinei> Lizzy, in order to overlay my face properly, you would need to look at it once
L1204[16:12:30] <Mimiru> ATM they swap the face texture
L1205[16:12:32] * Lizzy starts singing paint it black
L1206[16:12:37] <reinei> and I doubt you'd survive that in a state with the ability left to overlay me Xd
L1207[16:13:05] <Temia> You could always borrow from Chisel's code?
L1208[16:13:11] <Temia> Or OC, if they use overlays.
L1209[16:13:24] <Temia> Never looked at their code for computer status lights and such.
L1210[16:13:33] <Mimiru> OC uses overlays yes, but Scala.
L1211[16:13:35] <gamax92> OC code is cala
L1212[16:13:44] <gamax92> keyboard wtf
L1213[16:14:15] <reinei> scala? wasn'T that this language capable of being cross compiled to java code or something?
L1214[16:14:23] <reinei> s/T/t
L1215[16:14:24] <Kibibyte> <reinei> scala? wasn't that this language capable of being cross compiled to java code or something?
L1216[16:14:29] <Mimiru> Scala compiles to java bytecode yes
L1217[16:14:36] <Mimiru> but... it's not Java :P
L1218[16:14:38] <reinei> what I meant
L1219[16:14:50] <gamax92> Decompiled Scala -> Horridly broken Java
L1220[16:14:53] <Mimiru> ^
L1221[16:15:01] <Mimiru> It's BAAAAAAAD lol
L1222[16:15:16] <reinei> is it 'efficient' then?
L1223[16:15:16] <gamax92> $MODULE.Anonfun
L1224[16:15:20] <Sangar> it can access java code and java can access scala code. though java accessing scala tends to be the more painful route :P
L1225[16:15:33] <Mimiru> Yeah I tried extending a scala class
L1226[16:15:38] <Mimiru> and everything noped RIGHT the hell out
L1227[16:16:06] <Sangar> well, if you extend a scala class you'll probably have to compile your code with the scala compiler even if it's a java class
L1228[16:16:24] <Mimiru> Sangar, I couldn't evne get Eclipse to like the fact I was extending it
L1229[16:16:27] <Mimiru> much less trying to build.
L1230[16:16:42] <Sangar> i'll just blame that on eclipse :P
L1231[16:17:00] <Sangar> or the lack of a scala plugin
L1232[16:17:32] <Mimiru> The hierarchy of the type ClassNameHere is inconsistent
L1233[16:17:48] <Mimiru> is what I get when trying to extend anything in OC Scala.
L1234[16:17:55] <reinei> why does Java have to disallow the diamond-problem?
L1235[16:18:01] <gamax92> the what?
L1236[16:18:02] <reinei> BUT allow constructor chaining?
L1237[16:18:11] <reinei> gamax92, class A extends B, C
L1238[16:18:22] <reinei> it allows forming a hirachy 'diamond'
L1239[16:18:35] <Sangar> more commonly known as multiple inheritance
L1240[16:18:47] <gamax92> oh, I know it as what Sangar said
L1241[16:18:48] <Sangar> at least in my experience :P
L1242[16:18:53] <Mimiru> The number of times that would have been handy lol
L1243[16:19:01] <reinei> Sangar, you somehow just managed to stop my hexchat sending the sed command to correct my hierarchy
L1244[16:19:20] <Sangar> huh
L1245[16:19:25] <reinei> well it IS multiple inheritance, but it was done to prevent the problem :(
L1246[16:19:43] <reinei> and C++ doesn't allow constructor chaining
L1247[16:20:45] <reinei> for anyone who doesnt know: public TestClass(int i) { this(); this.i = i; } TestClass() { //stub }
L1248[16:26:05] <Magik6k> ~w internet
L1249[16:26:05] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:internet
L1250[16:26:38] <gamax92> ohai Magik6k
L1251[16:26:51] *** ShoweringFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L1252[16:27:11] ⇦ Quits: rjs232323 (webchat@75-120-129-121.dyn.centurytel.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L1253[16:30:48] <Sangar> i'm off o/
L1254[16:30:53] <reinei> o/
L1255[16:32:17] <LadyAlissa> \o
L1256[16:37:14] ⇨ Joins: PotatoOMG39 (~potatoomg@
L1257[16:38:25] <PotatoOMG39> I can play with other friends and chat with the mod installed?
L1258[16:39:27] <Mimiru> Erm.. wut?
L1259[16:40:33] <PotatoOMG39> If can chat withn my friends via OpenComputers or IRC
L1260[16:40:52] * Mimiru blinks
L1261[16:40:55] <Lizzy> If you mean an ingame IRC client, you are welcome to join it to this channel providing you adhere to the following: No death/join messages, no spamming and only one user per connection
L1262[16:41:10] * Lizzy goes to put that in the rules
L1263[16:41:31] <PotatoOMG39> oh ok thanks bye :)
L1264[16:41:40] ⇨ Joins: MineMaarten (~MineMaart@static.
L1265[16:41:46] <Lizzy> o/ MineMaarten
L1266[16:41:47] ⇦ Quits: PotatoOMG39 (~potatoomg@ (Client Quit)
L1267[16:41:52] <MineMaarten> o/
L1268[16:42:42] <MineMaarten> I'm trying to figure out how to add custom AE2 P2P tunnels, and I've heard from Fireball that this is the place to be
L1269[16:43:46] <MineMaarten> as apparently OC has added it. I've looked into the AE2 code but it looks quite hard to add on to the existing P2P's, but Fireball told me that the OC dev didn't have much problems with it
L1270[16:44:10] <MineMaarten> but in the OC integration part of AE2 I can't really see any traced that lead toward the P2P addition..
L1271[16:44:31] <reinei> Sangar already went to bed afaik
L1272[16:44:40] <reinei> after all its 23:44 for him
L1273[16:44:41] <MineMaarten> ah bummer
L1274[16:44:46] <Lizzy> Sangar (the OC dev) went off about 45 mins ago, also I'm not sure what happened to the P2P tunnel. I think it was really buggy so he removed it
L1275[16:44:47] <MineMaarten> same for me :)
L1276[16:45:01] <MineMaarten> ah that explains
L1277[16:45:05] <reinei> why are so many MC mod devs european?
L1278[16:45:17] <reinei> I thought the american continents were the boom place for mods O.o
L1279[16:45:27] <MineMaarten> pff you americans ;)
L1280[16:45:34] <reinei> I am GERMAN
L1281[16:45:37] <Sangar> (i removed it because it's in rv3 actually)
L1282[16:45:38] <reinei> its 23:44 for me too
L1283[16:45:42] <Mimiru> Sangar, LIES!
L1284[16:45:44] <Lizzy> Sangar, go the fuck to sleep
L1285[16:45:48] <Sangar> >_>
L1286[16:45:48] <Mimiru> ^^^
L1287[16:45:53] <Lizzy> :P
L1288[16:45:59] <Mimiru> lol
L1289[16:46:30] <MineMaarten> oh, nice
L1290[16:46:45] <Ekoserin> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_the_Fuck_to_Sleep
L1291[16:46:59] <Sangar> but yeah, MineMaarten if you hadn't seen it yet, http://git.io/vUvgu is the pr
L1292[16:47:04] <Mimiru> I loved hearing Samuel L Jackson reading that.
L1293[16:47:05] <Sangar> so everything that adds the oc tunnels
L1294[16:47:39] <MineMaarten> I didn't think of PR-ing into AE2.. >.> that might be a good idea
L1295[16:47:41] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L1296[16:47:51] <Sangar> yeah, it's a lot less painful that way
L1297[16:48:05] <MineMaarten> yeah :)
L1298[16:48:11] <MajGenRelativity> heyyyyyyy
L1299[16:48:12] <MajGenRelativity> sup?
L1300[16:48:19] <Sangar> aaaand i'm really off now ^^ gnight
L1301[16:48:28] <MineMaarten> I'll bookmark that PR for reference
L1302[16:48:30] <MineMaarten> tnx for the info
L1303[16:48:30] <Mimiru> Night Sangar
L1304[16:48:36] <Sangar> np :)
L1305[16:48:49] * Lizzy throws a pillow at Sangar
L1306[16:48:56] <MajGenRelativity> night Sangar!
L1307[16:49:00] * Sangar catches and begins to zzzz
L1308[16:49:03] * Ekoserin reads Go The Fuck To Sleep to Sangar.
L1309[16:49:26] <Ekoserin> The cats nestle close to their kittens now. The lambs have laid down with the sheep.
L1310[16:49:39] <Mimiru> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sOA_U3-HOs
L1311[16:49:39] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Go The **** to Sleep | length 4m 38s | Likes: 6592 Dislikes: 152 Views: 719096 | by SoundAsleepFilm
L1312[16:49:44] <Ekoserin> You're cozy and warm in your bed, my dear. Please go the fuck to sleep.
L1313[16:50:12] <Lizzy> grr, GPlay music only has 2 tracks for Fit For Rivals :(
L1314[16:50:12] <MajGenRelativity> I shall be back!
L1315[16:50:17] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
L1316[16:50:26] <Ekoserin> The windows are dark in the town, child. The whales huddle down in the deep. I'll read you one very last book if you swear. You'll go the fuck to sleep.
L1317[16:50:28] <gamax92> And thus
L1318[16:50:31] <gamax92> he never returned
L1319[16:50:43] <Mimiru> gamax92, couldn't be that lucky
L1320[16:50:48] <gamax92> :P
L1321[16:51:28] <Ekoserin> The eagles who soar through the sky are at rest, and the creatures who crawl, run, and creep. I know you're not thirsty, that's bullshit; stop lying. Lie the fuck down, my darling, and sleep.
L1322[16:52:26] <Ekoserin> The wind whispers soft through the grass, hon. The field mice, they make not a peep. It's been thirty-eight minutes already; Jesus Christ, what the fuck? Go to sleep!
L1323[16:52:40] * reinei kicks Ekoserin, literally
L1324[16:52:49] <Ekoserin> Ow.
L1325[16:52:59] <reinei> sorry I just had to
L1326[16:53:08] *** ConcernedHobbit is now known as SleepingHobbiy
L1327[16:53:10] *** SleepingHobbiy is now known as SleepingHobbit
L1328[16:53:14] <Ekoserin> All the kids from daycare are in dreamland. The froggie has made his last leaep. Hell no, you can't go to the bathroom; you know where you can go? The fuck to sleep.
L1329[16:53:56] <Ekoserin> The owls fly forth from the treetops. Through the air, they soar and sweep. A hot crimson rage fills my heart, love. For real, shut the fuck up and sleep.
L1330[16:54:41] <Ekoserin> The cubs and the lions are snoring, wrapped in a big snuggly heap. How is it you can do all this other great shit, but you can't lie the fuck down and sleep!?
L1331[16:55:41] <Ekoserin> The seeds slumber beneath the [E/e]arth now, and the crops that the farmers will reap. No more questions, this interview's over. I've got two words for you kid: FUCKING SLEEP.
L1332[16:55:50] <Mimiru> Mkay.
L1333[16:55:54] <Mimiru> Enough of that.
L1334[16:56:09] ⇦ Parts: MineMaarten (~MineMaart@static. ())
L1335[16:56:19] * Ekoserin goes the fuck to sleep
L1336[16:56:26] *** Ekoserin is now known as Ekoserin|Off
L1337[16:56:29] <Mimiru> Sounds like a plan.
L1338[16:56:31] <Mimiru> :P
L1339[16:58:58] ⇨ Joins: SoraFirestorm (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L1340[16:59:16] <Ekoserin|Off> SoraFirestorm, want me to read You Have to Fucking Eat?
L1341[16:59:27] <SoraFirestorm> uh
L1342[16:59:32] <SoraFirestorm> no?
L1343[17:02:34] <Ekoserin|Off> What about "Do You Want To Play With My Balls?" (an actual kids book)
L1344[17:02:43] <SoraFirestorm> uh
L1345[17:02:44] <SoraFirestorm> no
L1346[17:11:00] ⇨ Joins: Devoenix (~Devoenix@cpe-70-119-108-122.tx.res.rr.com)
L1347[17:11:44] <Devoenix> msg nickserv identify SenpaiNoticeMe
L1348[17:11:46] <Devoenix> f!@k
L1349[17:12:01] <reinei> welp
L1350[17:12:12] <reinei> nice pass though xD
L1351[17:12:17] <Devoenix> x3
L1352[17:12:26] <Devoenix> i was joking, my actual password is much, much longer
L1353[17:12:30] <Devoenix> (thats what she said)
L1354[17:12:33] <Devoenix> and much more complicated
L1355[17:12:44] <rashdanml> wtg
L1356[17:13:08] <Temia> msg nickserv ghost Devoenix SenpaiNoticeMeUguu
L1357[17:13:18] <Ekoserin|Off> Bite my shiny metal ass.
L1358[17:13:28] * rashdanml huggles Temia
L1359[17:13:34] * Temia moos? o-o
L1360[17:13:40] <rashdanml> :D hai
L1361[17:13:40] * Ekoserin|Off barks
L1362[17:13:49] <vifino> ohai rashy
L1363[17:15:22] <rashdanml> \o/
L1364[17:15:48] <gamax92> huh ... why is inext not a default thing in the lua environment
L1365[17:16:44] <Inari> because its +1?
L1366[17:17:37] <Inari> msg nickserv regain Temia SenpaiNoticeMeUguuNanoDesuDeshou
L1367[17:18:00] <gamax92> omfg, so i can just do __inext = ipairs({})
L1368[17:18:26] <Inari> wat
L1369[17:18:57] <Inari> why would you want to get the next i of an empty table
L1370[17:19:08] <gamax92> no i want to get the inext function
L1371[17:19:46] <Inari> well
L1372[17:19:49] <Inari> ipairs returns an interator
L1373[17:20:03] <gamax92> it returns the inext function >_>
L1374[17:20:07] <SoraFirestorm> which is inext() right?
L1375[17:20:15] <Inari> gamax92: bound to the table though
L1376[17:20:26] <gamax92> no it's literally just the inext function
L1377[17:20:32] <Inari> o.ô
L1378[17:21:18] <Inari> thats odd :P
L1379[17:22:11] <Inari> anyway, why would you need that?
L1380[17:22:18] <Inari> if you have i, inext is literally like i+1
L1381[17:22:28] <gamax92> because its in the LuaJ environment by default
L1382[17:22:34] <gamax92> as __inext
L1383[17:22:45] <Inari> yeah, just trying to see a point in having it
L1384[17:22:45] <Inari> xD
L1385[17:25:31] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~christine@
L1386[17:25:52] <Ekoserin|Off> Greetings, mortal!
L1387[17:32:51] <Magik6k> ~w string.pack
L1388[17:32:52] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-string.match
L1389[17:35:16] <gamax92> ooh, look at this editor http://i.imgur.com/4QJOnBt.png
L1390[17:36:13] * Ekoserin|Off 's mouth waters
L1391[17:36:16] <Ekoserin|Off> Where can I get that
L1392[17:36:23] <SoraFirestorm> Is that a mod of 'edit'?
L1393[17:36:33] <gamax92> It's the computercraft editor :P
L1394[17:36:47] <SoraFirestorm> hahaha
L1395[17:36:47] <Ekoserin|Off> oh my god
L1396[17:37:15] <Ekoserin|Off> Surely it's mostly ifelse, so it shouldn't be too hard to port.
L1397[17:37:31] <SoraFirestorm> question
L1398[17:37:50] <SoraFirestorm> can't you just use gpu.setColor() and it will automatically pick the closest color?
L1399[17:38:00] <gamax92> yes
L1400[17:38:01] <SoraFirestorm> So all you need to do is set a color, regardless of color depth?
L1401[17:38:13] <gamax92> yea
L1402[17:38:36] <gamax92> but you can also specify the palette index when you're in an appropriate depth
L1403[17:38:57] ⇨ Joins: Sora (~Sora@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L1404[17:38:59] <vifino> gamax92: cc emulation layer coming along nicely?
L1405[17:39:06] <Sora> sorry dropping out
L1406[17:39:08] <Sora> was I right?
L1407[17:39:10] <gamax92> Yes
L1408[17:39:16] <gamax92> and yes
L1409[17:39:21] <Sora> Then that's a trivial patch then
L1410[17:39:22] *** Sora is now known as Guest97981
L1411[17:39:24] <Mimiru> Also, Yes.
L1412[17:39:28] <Guest97981> Just do color codes
L1413[17:39:42] <Guest97981> Think Sangar would merge that patch?
L1414[17:39:58] <Guest97981> waitwaitwait
L1415[17:40:01] <Guest97981> I forgot the hard part
L1416[17:40:04] <Guest97981> the parsing bits
L1417[17:40:08] <Inari> "hard"
L1418[17:40:24] <Guest97981> well, yeah, 'just split string and check for kws'
L1419[17:40:38] <gamax92> Well I'll be continuing to fix up my emulator
L1420[17:40:39] <Guest97981> I know, but that's more effort than just slapping in color change calls
L1421[17:40:44] <Inari> :p
L1422[17:40:52] <Guest97981> :P
L1423[17:40:56] <gamax92> feel free to do your own thing
L1424[17:42:54] ⇦ Quits: SoraFirestorm (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1425[17:43:18] <Guest97981> I'll likely write an editor for my OS anyways
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L1436[17:55:07] <primetoxinz> can the 3d printer use mod textures?
L1437[17:55:30] <Kodos> Yes
L1438[17:55:32] <Kodos> I believe so
L1439[17:55:45] <Kodos> It depends on how the texture is implemented, though
L1440[17:55:49] <primetoxinz> oh ok
L1441[17:55:55] <Kodos> For example, Chisel 2's warning signs are a bit wonky
L1442[17:55:57] <primetoxinz> it was a chisel texture
L1443[17:55:59] <Kodos> Due to how they're used
L1444[17:55:59] <Kodos> Yeh
L1445[17:56:05] <primetoxinz> "chisel:spruce_planks"
L1446[17:56:12] <Kodos> It's the way they have textures implemented
L1447[17:56:16] <primetoxinz> mmhmm
L1448[17:56:16] <Kodos> ie their fault, not ours
L1449[17:56:47] <primetoxinz> what about metadata?
L1450[17:56:52] *** Ekoserin|Off is now known as Ekoserin
L1451[17:56:56] <Kodos> That's usable, yes
L1452[17:57:04] <Kodos> ~w 3D print
L1453[17:57:04] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/component:3d_printer
L1454[17:57:15] ⇨ Joins: Habitablenut59 (~Habitable@
L1455[17:58:08] <Kodos> Actually, do you have an example of what you want to use for metadata texture
L1456[17:58:15] <Kodos> That sentence makes sense in my head
L1457[17:58:29] <primetoxinz> like "forestry:planks:1"
L1458[17:58:33] * Ekoserin takes a photo of Kodos
L1459[17:58:43] <primetoxinz> there are many planks with different textures
L1460[17:59:22] <Kodos> OC has an item called a Texture Picker, you can just get the texture name for the block using that
L1461[17:59:36] <primetoxinz> ok
L1462[17:59:37] <Kodos> I don't have Forestry in my pack or I'd test for you
L1463[17:59:44] <Kodos> (I should add it though, I've been itching to make an orchard)
L1464[18:01:02] *** Skye is now known as Skue|ZZZ
L1465[18:01:43] <primetoxinz> that's why I always get it, for the trees
L1466[18:03:19] <Kodos> Let's see if latest breaks my world/pack
L1467[18:03:37] <primetoxinz> one last thing, can there be comments in a 3dm?
L1468[18:03:57] <Kodos> I believe it's read like a lua file, so -- should work
L1469[18:04:01] <primetoxinz> cool
L1470[18:04:03] <Kodos> I'd check the example repo
L1471[18:04:19] <Kodos> Yup, looks like -- should work
L1472[18:04:23] <primetoxinz> worked
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L1475[18:17:28] <Kodos> Okay, now to decide whether to keep Ic2 for the coolant, or pull it
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L1480[18:35:44] <Ekoserin> I am so hyped.
L1481[18:37:52] <Kodos> Okay, pack is -finally- complete, I'm pretty sure
L1482[18:38:06] <Kodos> Probably need an update here and there, but additions are done
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L1484[18:44:31] <Kodos> Uhh
L1485[18:44:39] <Kodos> Anyone know why a forestry sapling wouldn't render
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L1487[18:47:39] <reinei> I'ma go to sleep
L1488[18:47:49] <reinei> Sangar always has good ideas, like going to sleep xD
L1489[18:47:51] <reinei> o/
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L1492[19:05:23] <primetoxinz> Kodos: they sometimes do after a block update
L1493[19:05:29] <primetoxinz> it's weird
L1494[19:05:40] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1495[19:05:46] <Kodos> Yeah, apparently a known bug
L1496[19:05:47] <Kodos> Ah well
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L1498[19:05:52] <primetoxinz> ahh
L1499[19:05:54] <Kodos> It'll be on a harvester setup most of the time anyway
L1500[19:06:19] <Kodos> Okay, now I just need some early game mining.
L1501[19:06:24] <Kodos> Reallllly don't wanna get TiC
L1502[19:08:07] <Kodos> Actually, I guess there's enough in this pack to be fine
L1503[19:08:19] <Kodos> Plus I have OC anyway, so robots can always work too
L1504[19:11:41] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L1505[19:20:05] <Kodos> http://imgur.com/gallery/ySVyc9N
L1506[19:20:18] ⇦ Parts: Devoenix (~Devoenix@cpe-70-119-108-122.tx.res.rr.com) (Leaving))
L1507[19:20:54] <Ekoserin> Recreate that in OC.
L1508[19:25:57] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1510[19:38:58] <Magik6k> ~w gpu
L1511[19:38:58] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:gpu
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L1514[19:42:08] <Ekoserin> Wow, someone made a Gameboy Color emulator in a programming language made for kids.
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L1518[19:52:33] <dangranos> Ekoserin, that Scrath one?
L1519[19:52:52] <Ekoserin> Yeah, the one that requires Phosphorus to run at an acceptable speed.
L1520[19:53:36] <Ekoserin> Anyway, I'm making a RAM scrambler for it, but there is no "RAM", but there's "ERAM" "VRAM" "WRAM" and "ZRAM". Which one should I scramble?
L1521[19:59:24] ⇦ Quits: TangentDelta (~christine@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1522[20:04:51] <ds84182> Ekoserin: ERAM.
L1523[20:05:15] <ds84182> ZRAM is basically a mirror, VRAM is video ram, ofc, WRAM is cartridge I think
L1524[20:05:22] <ds84182> No, ERAM and WRAM are backwards
L1525[20:05:26] <ds84182> E -> External
L1526[20:05:31] <ds84182> W -> Writable
L1527[20:05:49] <ds84182> Ekoserin: still hella impressive, tho. I made Forth in Scratch
L1528[20:06:08] <ds84182> I imported the Minecraft font and everything. I had a per pixel font engine.
L1529[20:07:13] <Ekoserin> Cool
L1530[20:07:30] <Ekoserin> Something scheduled for 2100 is happening at 2100.
L1531[20:07:42] <SoraFirestorm> congrats?
L1532[20:08:18] <vifino> I made ds84182 go wtf, wat do
L1533[20:08:32] <Ekoserin> -Oh, I meant it's not happening. C'mon, deliver!
L1534[20:08:54] <ds84182> I should actually get back into Scratch.
L1535[20:09:05] <ds84182> https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/14323193/
L1536[20:09:11] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L1537[20:09:38] <ds84182> It even had threadding
L1538[20:09:43] <ds84182> Which was fucking awesome as shit
L1539[20:09:56] <Ekoserin> I don't know what that means, but good job
L1540[20:10:41] <ds84182> Shit, I had some code somewhere that actually spawned a full interpreter
L1541[20:12:09] <ds84182> begin "# " write input execAndWait again
L1542[20:13:41] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1543[20:13:56] * Ekoserin desperately claws at his phone like it's the one thing that can save him from something horrible
L1544[20:15:18] <Ekoserin> C'mon, deliver! Please deliver! I am WAITING!
L1545[20:15:48] <ds84182> Ekoserin: I did
L1546[20:15:51] <ds84182> begin "# " write input execAndWait again
L1547[20:16:02] <Ekoserin> Huh, what?
L1548[20:16:15] <ds84182> Wait, whats even going on anymore
L1549[20:16:39] <ds84182> I remember why I stopped using scratch... I couldn't make methods so I went to BYOBs
L1550[20:16:46] <Ekoserin> I'm waiting for the private alpha of a game that should have been released 16 minutes ago.
L1551[20:16:52] ⇦ Quits: primetoxinz (~primetoxi@ip70-160-106-199.hr.hr.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1552[20:17:09] <CompanionCube> ds84182: you could've hacked with the Smalltalk.
L1553[20:17:58] <ds84182> I didn't have time.
L1554[20:18:16] <Ekoserin> ds84182: Custom blocks are sort of like functions
L1555[20:18:35] <ds84182> Ekoserin: yeah, but argument passing was via variables
L1556[20:18:45] <ds84182> Which was terrible looking an inefficent
L1557[20:19:29] <SoraFirestorm> AE2 storage!
L1558[20:19:30] <SoraFirestorm> yay!
L1559[20:20:40] <CompanionCube> Scratch 2 is worse.
L1560[20:20:56] <CompanionCube> The whole platform is flash and actionscript
L1561[20:21:32] <ds84182> Yeah, someone made a thing where you can run any scratch project in Javascript
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L1563[20:22:07] <CompanionCube> ds84182: I mean
L1564[20:22:21] <Ekoserin> Scratch 2 is just fine.
L1565[20:22:35] <CompanionCube> Ekoserin: flash needs to burn in a fire.
L1566[20:22:48] * Ekoserin slaps CompanionCube
L1567[20:22:52] * ds84182 stabs Ekoserin
L1568[20:23:05] * Ekoserin shoots ds84182
L1569[20:23:15] <CompanionCube> The only excuse for flash is legacy games.
L1570[20:23:19] <ds84182> oww
L1571[20:23:56] <Ekoserin> FFS, at least capitalize what you're criticizing.
L1572[20:32:18] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L1573[20:34:53] <gamax92> There we go, fake shell api is much more functional
L1574[20:35:05] <SoraFirestorm> gamax92: whatcha workin' on?
L1575[20:35:11] <gamax92> cc emulator for oc
L1576[20:35:16] <SoraFirestorm> cool
L1577[20:36:06] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5DC11780.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1578[20:36:23] <Ekoserin> Looking forward.
L1579[20:36:44] <Ekoserin> Does it work by actually emulating or porting CC programs to OC then executing them? Or is it a mix of both?
L1580[20:39:17] *** Shuudoushi is now known as Shuudoushi|Away
L1581[20:50:17] <Ekoserin> This game should have been released an hour ago.
L1582[20:51:50] <vifino> Ekoserin: It should be the first.
L1583[20:52:07] <gamax92> it's the first
L1584[20:52:11] <Ekoserin> I don't understand.
L1585[20:52:24] <gamax92> cause you know, "emulator"
L1586[20:52:44] <SoraFirestorm> not an entirely far stretch to call it a compat lib/layer though
L1587[20:52:51] <Ekoserin> Context is something I struggle with, apparently.
L1588[20:53:01] <SoraFirestorm> the whole signal handling thing though
L1589[20:53:07] <SoraFirestorm> that's got to be mostly emulated
L1590[20:53:15] <Ekoserin> I'm talking about something else.
L1591[20:53:29] <Ekoserin> I should have clarrified, sorry.
L1592[20:53:32] <gamax92> SoraFirestorm: Well i dunno
L1593[20:54:09] <gamax92> all it does is just pull standard OC events, translate them to CC events, and then resume the coroutine with the event
L1594[20:54:35] <SoraFirestorm> just that the both the peirpheral->component and event->signal stuff requires glue
L1595[20:55:00] <SoraFirestorm> s/event->signal/signal->event/
L1596[20:55:00] <Kibibyte> <SoraFirestorm> just that the both the peirpheral->component and signal->event stuff requires glue
L1597[20:55:11] <gamax92> Well yeah, there are a ton of wrappers everywhere
L1598[20:57:43] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1599[20:57:44] <gamax92> CC's power of two color -> OC's palette index, scroll -> copy and fill, getFreeSpace -> total space - used space, etc etc
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L1601[21:00:47] <SoraFirestorm> so quick mod question
L1602[21:00:52] <SoraFirestorm> using Thermal Dynamics
L1603[21:01:13] <SoraFirestorm> how can I force the pipe network to place items into barrels before a chest?
L1604[21:02:18] <SoraFirestorm> actually
L1605[21:02:23] <SoraFirestorm> I think I know what to do
L1606[21:12:24] <Magik6k> Sangar, plan9k update: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/pull/1317
L1607[21:13:54] <SoraFirestorm> oh I got it
L1608[21:13:59] <SoraFirestorm> sweet
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L1613[21:53:45] <Shuudoushi> does this look like i'm using it right? 'path = shell.resolveAlias(args[1], args[2], ...)' (context http://puu.sh/j6QiU/d4085dabed.txt )
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L1619[22:08:07] * Izaya has returned
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L1622[22:14:49] * Shuudoushi stuffs Izaya back into his box.
L1623[22:15:09] * Izaya was never in a box
L1624[22:15:33] <vifino> Lemme guess, you took the other pill?
L1625[22:15:39] <Shuudoushi> no, it was just such a nice box that you never realized that it was a box
L1626[22:16:37] <vifino> Shuudoushi: that would have been a perfect matrix reference, but then you happened x.x
L1627[22:16:47] <Shuudoushi> yw :D
L1628[22:16:52] <vifino> .-.
L1629[22:17:21] <Shuudoushi> vifino: here, be happy, http://i.imgur.com/XTuRoOs.gif
L1630[22:17:55] <vifino> Shuudoushi: I'm never really happy, although that gif is adorable, so I'm saving that for later.
L1631[22:18:03] <Shuudoushi> XD
L1632[22:18:06] * ds84182 slaps vifino with a kitten
L1633[22:18:06] * vifino likes slapping people and randomly picks ds84182 to slap
L1634[22:18:11] <ds84182> .-.
L1635[22:18:14] <ds84182> ( ͡¯ ͜ʖ ͡¯)
L1636[22:18:16] <Shuudoushi> LMFAO
L1637[22:18:37] * vifino throws a brick at ds84182
L1638[22:19:09] <ds84182> Q_Q
L1639[22:19:28] <Izaya> vifino, >I'm never really happy,
L1640[22:19:29] <Izaya> edgy man
L1641[22:19:30] <Izaya> edgy
L1642[22:19:33] <Izaya> edgy/19
L1643[22:19:35] <Shuudoushi> for some reason, kitten nunchucks popped into my head XD
L1644[22:19:39] <Izaya> ... close enough
L1645[22:20:00] <vifino> Izaya: Yes, deal with it.
L1646[22:20:07] <vifino> Shuudoushi: wat.
L1647[22:20:32] <ds84182> vifino: don't invoke the explanation task dammit
L1648[22:20:39] <Shuudoushi> just thoughts from a psychopath ^^;
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L1650[22:21:20] <vifino> ds84182: I invoke the tasks I want ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L1651[22:21:31] <Shuudoushi> http://imgur.com/epe2GKo
L1652[22:22:07] <ds84182> ( ͡ಠ ͜ʖ ͡ಠ)
L1653[22:22:59] <Shuudoushi> well then... http://imgur.com/Pggrwld
L1654[22:23:21] <Shuudoushi> http://i.imgur.com/8KuJXEq.jpg
L1655[22:24:12] <vifino> Shuudoushi: Although you got nice images there, I don't think #oc is the right place to just paste them here..
L1656[22:24:25] <Shuudoushi> fair enough
L1657[22:24:46] <Shuudoushi> just be happy that i'm leaving the really sick shit where I found it though :P
L1658[22:25:54] <vifino> k.
L1659[22:26:14] <vifino> noooooow. where were i.
L1660[22:26:18] <vifino> Right. Bawt.
L1661[22:26:59] <vifino> eeeh, its laaate
L1662[22:27:09] <vifino> I'll just give up for now. Night guys.
L1663[22:27:12] <SoraFirestorm> night
L1664[22:27:15] <vifino> \o
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L1668[22:54:43] ⇦ Quits: SoraFirestorm (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1669[22:58:04] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1670[23:02:22] ⇦ Quits: SnowDapples (~powered@p5791B619.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SnowDapples_!~powered@pD9589DD1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)))
L1671[23:02:28] ⇨ Joins: SnowDapples (~powered@pD9589DD1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1672[23:08:15] <dangranos> huh https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community-testing/x86_64/cjdns/ it finally got to the repos
L1673[23:11:35] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1674[23:21:18] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
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L1677[23:42:06] *** Barbas is now known as Barbas|Sleep
L1678[23:46:12] <Shuudoushi> ~w computer
L1679[23:46:12] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:computer
L1680[23:58:27] ⇨ Joins: samofdreams (webchat@c-71-57-86-46.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
L1681[23:58:40] <samofdreams> am i insane or is robot.compareUp() not a function?
L1682[23:59:41] <dangranos> this is not CC
L1683[23:59:49] <dangranos> so yup
L1684[23:59:59] <samofdreams> http://ocdoc.cil.li/api:robot says it should be, but when i try and call it it fails
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