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L1[00:00:42] <Ruuqo> Just asking for help is all
L2[00:00:52] <gamax92> I've never used the linked cards, sorry
L3[00:02:11] <Mimiru> me either, but in theory you'd just component.tunnel.send("This is your data here") or the like..
L4[00:02:32] <Ruuqo> it usually complains if I dont have the =
L5[00:02:38] <Mimiru> the receiving card will fire a modem_message signal with the same format as the network card
L6[00:02:55] <Ruuqo> ill run over to that thing and try it, brb
L7[00:03:22] <Mimiru> Well, RFIDs in tablets don't get write, and idfc anymore.
L8[00:03:38] <Mimiru> I'll poke it later
L9[00:03:53] <Mimiru> I'm tired, and have to work tomorrow... err later today
L10[00:04:55] ⇨ Joins: gamax92_ (~gamax92_@
L11[00:08:10] ⇦ Quits: Ruuqo (~ruuqo@68-119-109-50.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L12[00:12:32] ⇨ Joins: Ruuqo (~ruuqo@68-119-109-50.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com)
L13[00:12:40] <Ruuqo> I tried it, and it did not send the message xD
L14[00:12:47] <Ruuqo> Either that or I dont know the pull message
L15[00:13:42] <Mimiru> whats the code on your receiving computer
L16[00:14:23] <Ruuqo> I TRIed component.tunnel.pull, but thats apparently not a command
L17[00:14:25] <Ruuqo> xD
L18[00:14:31] <Ruuqo> Am I supposed to use a normal modem pull?
L19[00:15:18] ⇨ Joins: WireWulf (~SageKitsu@2602:306:ce4f:a280:8520:27d7:6ac5:ccab)
L20[00:17:41] <Mimiru> you can either register an event listener: function modemTest (_,_, from, _, data) print(data) end event.listen("modem_message", modemTest) Or, local _,_, from, _, data = event.pull("modem_message") print(tostringdata))
L21[00:18:01] <Mimiru> tostring(data))*
L22[00:18:10] <Mimiru> either of those should work...
L23[00:18:22] *** Benguin is now known as Benguin[ZzZ]
L24[00:18:33] <Mimiru> though if you do the event.listen, each time you run the script, it'll register another listener, so you'll get duplicate messages :P
L25[00:18:52] <Ruuqo> My lua coding abilities need work xD
L26[00:19:12] <Ruuqo> brb, gonna make some more computers with linked cards closer to here, so I dont have to run around so much
L27[00:20:35] ⇦ Quits: gamax92_ (~gamax92_@ (Quit: gamax92_)
L28[00:23:16] <Kodos> Fucking kids man
L29[00:23:20] <Ruuqo> >is very confused
L30[00:23:34] <Kodos> I keep getting votekicked out of a dungeon on Neverwinter because I'm the second GF joining
L31[00:23:35] <gamax92> Kodos: what'd did the kids do this time?
L32[00:24:10] <Kodos> There's literally no way for me to queue as a tank, so I can't just jump in a group that's missing one
L33[00:25:35] <Ruuqo> so merely getting the linked card to send the message is where im stumped
L34[00:26:25] <Ruuqo> cant figure out how to get the right command
L35[00:26:32] <Kodos> ~w linked
L36[00:26:32] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:linked_card
L37[00:27:18] <Ruuqo> that page doesn't really help me
L38[00:27:25] <Kodos> Indeed, I'm looking for one that will
L39[00:28:02] <Ruuqo> I figured out how to get the recieve computer to pull a message from a linked card, but the command to send the message evades me like my step father
L40[00:28:05] <Mimiru> I'm writing example code.
L41[00:28:10] <Mimiru> I should be in bed... but meh
L42[00:28:13] <Kodos> ^
L43[00:28:14] ⇨ Joins: jaquadro_ (~chatzilla@c-76-28-30-178.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L44[00:28:16] <Kodos> As should I
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L46[00:28:33] *** jaquadro_ is now known as jaquadro
L47[00:28:48] <Kodos> Does a wake message require opening a port before setting it
L48[00:28:54] <Kodos> Or will it hear it on any port
L49[00:29:05] <Ruuqo> any port, the linked cards only send message to one machine
L50[00:29:09] <Ruuqo> so no port needed
L51[00:30:01] <Kodos> Merrr
L52[00:30:03] <Kodos> I'm going to bed
L53[00:30:07] *** Kodos is now known as Kodos|Zzz
L54[00:30:43] <Mimiru> I'm getting 0 on my reciver... so now it's just figuring out why :P
L55[00:31:18] <Ruuqo> on my recieve computer, i typed =event.pull("tunnel"
L56[00:31:21] *** Daiyousei is now known as LearningFairy
L57[00:31:25] <Ruuqo> and it waits for a message xD
L58[00:31:35] <Ruuqo> poor thing
L59[00:31:44] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-17_00-31-43.png
L60[00:32:06] <Mimiru> Receiver: http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-17_00-31-58.png
L61[00:32:16] <Mimiru> Sender: http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-17_00-32-17.png
L62[00:33:54] <Mimiru> the Receiver is an actual lua file, not typed on the commandline
L63[00:34:35] <Ruuqo> hmm
L64[00:36:20] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L65[00:36:45] <Mimiru> anyway, to bed.
L66[00:36:46] <Mimiru> Night
L67[00:37:17] <Ruuqo> night
L68[00:37:21] <Ruuqo> thanks, btw
L69[00:41:36] ⇨ Joins: gamax92_ (~gamax92_@
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L71[00:43:07] <Ruuqo> hmm
L72[00:43:12] <Ruuqo> still no wurk
L73[00:56:29] <Ruuqo> Still cant understand it, just going to post on the oc forum
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L86[01:17:41] <Ruuqo_> Who can help with this code http://pastebin.com/qmTAUpsB I would like it to be able to forward a recieved message to the computer's network, like a modem broadcast
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L91[01:34:32] ⇨ Joins: CyberTurd (~CyberTurd@host86-145-128-87.range86-145.btcentralplus.com)
L92[01:35:00] <CyberTurd> when lizzy comes on can someone tell him that i skyped him some stuff
L93[01:35:12] <CyberTurd> i need to go to school
L94[01:37:05] ⇦ Quits: CyberTurd (~CyberTurd@host86-145-128-87.range86-145.btcentralplus.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L98[01:49:04] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
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L102[01:58:47] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L104[02:11:04] ⇦ Quits: WireWulf (~SageKitsu@2602:306:ce4f:a280:8520:27d7:6ac5:ccab) (Quit: Leaving)
L105[02:12:24] <PotatoTrumpet> .tell
L106[02:12:29] <PotatoTrumpet> .tell tell tell
L107[02:12:32] <PotatoTrumpet> >_>
L108[02:12:36] <PotatoTrumpet> >_<
L109[02:12:39] <PotatoTrumpet> <_>
L110[02:12:51] <PotatoTrumpet> What happened to ^v
L111[02:15:41] <dangranos> ugh
L112[02:15:50] <dangranos> np info about ipv6 and my ISP at al
L113[02:15:52] <dangranos> *all
L114[02:15:57] <dangranos> &no
L115[02:16:06] <dangranos> ugh, it's a way too hot today
L116[02:23:36] * dangranos sighs
L117[02:34:14] *** Skye is now known as Skye|School
L118[02:40:57] <dangranos> huh
L119[02:41:12] <dangranos> 6to4 sounds nice but there is a problem that i dont have a static ipv4
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L122[03:19:57] <Lizzy> dangranos: if oyu get a tunnel from tunnelbroker.net, there is a way you can have it auto-update
L123[03:21:18] <Kubuxu> What was this network called that was working on IPv6 and prevented MitM attacks?
L124[03:21:33] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p54934E0B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L125[03:21:35] <dangranos> Lizzy, it's a tunnel .-.
L126[03:21:59] <dangranos> Kubuxu, dunno
L127[03:22:09] <dangranos> Kubuxu, more info?
L128[03:23:35] <Kubuxu> There is network that cryptographically gives you an IPv6 adress and using existing IPv6 connection you can connect to different host in this network using route that is impossible to predict.
L129[03:27:36] <Kubuxu> CJDNS
L130[03:27:46] <dangranos> ah, yep
L131[03:28:08] <dangranos> well, route can be predicted
L132[03:28:28] <dangranos> and ipv6 is only inside that net
L133[03:34:22] <PotatoTrumpet> So
L134[03:34:34] <PotatoTrumpet> I got 704 karma on a image post
L135[03:34:40] <PotatoTrumpet> image karma is so easy
L136[03:36:19] <dangranos> ...
L137[03:36:28] <dangranos> what the..
L138[03:36:43] <dangranos> router has an admin account that isnt available?
L139[03:37:44] <dangranos> rly
L140[03:37:50] <dangranos> ...
L141[03:37:54] <dangranos> well, i am in
L142[03:38:33] <dangranos> what's up with that laser program?
L143[03:38:58] *** PotatoTrumpet is now known as PotatoSleep
L144[03:39:20] * Inari lasers dangranos
L145[03:39:37] <PotatoSleep> If a pineapple is yellow, why is Inari a squash
L146[03:39:48] <PotatoSleep> -PotatoSleep, before he fell asleep
L147[03:39:50] <Inari> PotatoSleep: cause i hate pineapple
L148[03:39:54] <PotatoSleep> :O
L149[03:39:57] <PotatoSleep> YOU MONSTER
L150[03:40:05] <PotatoSleep> Pineapple is best apple
L151[03:40:17] <PotatoSleep> if apple is it's origional meaning
L152[03:40:24] <Inari> well i gues im overall not a huge apple fan :P thouhg normal apples taste better
L153[03:40:25] <PotatoSleep> which is any type of fruit
L154[03:40:28] <Inari> just my teeth tend to not like them :3
L155[03:40:37] <PotatoSleep> I like the sweet red apples
L156[03:40:45] <PotatoSleep> hate butter apples
L157[03:40:48] <PotatoSleep> s/u/i
L158[03:40:48] <MichiBot> PotatoSleep: Invalid regex
L159[03:40:54] <PotatoSleep> -_-
L160[03:41:07] <PotatoSleep> Mimiru, explain your bots malfunction
L161[03:41:30] <Inari> https://www.flickr.com/photos/3point141/7181339710 TIL sugar apple
L162[03:42:08] <Inari> http://www.bakingdom.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Beautiful-Candy-Apple.jpg best red apple
L163[03:42:11] <PotatoSleep> You've confused a STD with a fruit again
L164[03:43:07] <PotatoSleep> Well
L165[03:43:08] <PotatoSleep> adios
L166[03:43:17] <Inari> bye bee
L167[03:43:34] * PotatoSleep releases a massive shart and sets fire to it
L168[03:43:40] <Inari> lol
L169[03:48:04] <dangranos> oooh, i got into shell
L170[03:48:10] <Lizzy> PotatoSleep: you clean that up before you go to sleep!
L171[03:48:14] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOw4G0wBBZ0 still so weird
L172[03:48:14] <MichiBot> Inari: Saint October - Loli Red Transformation | length 32s | Likes: 7 Dislikes: 2 Views: 3007 | by Mantis King
L173[03:48:26] <dangranos> XD /webs
L174[03:49:15] <Inari> i wonder if sugar charcoal tastes sweet
L175[03:49:39] <dangranos> what's that /usr/sbin/flash_eraseall? nope
L176[03:50:59] <dangranos> huh, there's /etc/samba
L177[03:51:14] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L178[03:55:23] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1WiYtAfNoQ <3
L179[03:55:24] <MichiBot> Inari: Konata' Sky High | length 1m 14s | Likes: 4311 Dislikes: 88 Views: 411129 | by Yui Jegnan
L180[03:58:13] <dangranos> hm
L181[03:58:26] <dangranos> i wonder if i can run something from flash drive on that router
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L206[04:58:40] <Lizzy> urghh
L207[04:58:49] <Lizzy> YAML is such a pile of shit
L208[04:58:55] <Lizzy> why does it even exist?
L209[05:02:55] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L210[05:33:01] *** Benguin[ZzZ] is now known as Benguin
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L215[05:59:45] zsh sets mode: +v on calclavia
L216[06:05:18] <robhol_> Lizzy: because sadomasochism in computing is real and ever present
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L218[06:17:35] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L219[06:32:40] <Inari> hm
L220[06:33:28] <Inari> actually, i should just write a small rust prog that listens on tcp, then a prog for OC where i launch a program via TCP (as in, sending the code from my PC)... that way i can use a good text editor without lag but still code on a server easily
L221[06:33:57] <Izaya> robhol_: Can confirm, source: currently writing TIS-100 asm
L222[06:34:04] <robhol_> haha
L223[06:34:14] <robhol_> I actually sort of wanted to look into that
L224[06:34:17] <Inari> TIS-100 is fun
L225[06:34:27] <Izaya> I'm trying to multiply
L226[06:34:29] <Izaya> multiply is hard
L227[06:34:32] <Inari> hehe
L228[06:34:36] <robhol_> I'm just extremely unsure if I want to shell out ten bucks for it
L229[06:34:38] <Izaya> I have add, subtract and double finished
L230[06:34:40] <Inari> think i got to that but havent done it yet
L231[06:34:44] <Izaya> robhol_: I torrented it.
L232[06:34:45] <Inari> or wait
L233[06:34:49] <Inari> multiply was easy maybe :P
L234[06:34:51] <Izaya> I'm a terrible person
L235[06:34:55] <robhol_> (I'm extremely skeptical and, well, cheap, when it comes to games)
L236[06:35:09] <robhol_> Izaya: maybe I will as well. Will buy if I actually like it for more than 20 minutes
L237[06:35:09] <Inari> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18783800/ShareX/2015/06/2015-06-12_16-19-56_ESwogs.png still proud of my pro coding
L238[06:35:28] <robhol_> aww, dat font. nostalgia
L239[06:35:31] <Izaya> increase it by 4 cycles
L240[06:35:38] <Inari> haha
L241[06:37:00] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/wMuEKXK.png mostly working calculator
L242[06:37:00] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L243[06:37:08] <Izaya> prefix followed by operand
L244[06:37:16] <Izaya> 0, 10, 0, 10 to add 10 and 10
L245[06:37:28] <Izaya> 1, 10, 1, 10 to subtract 10 from 10
L246[06:37:34] <Izaya> 2, 10 to double 10
L247[06:37:38] <Inari> hm
L248[06:37:41] <Inari> multiply shoudlnt be too hard even
L249[06:37:45] <Izaya> -1, 10 to do fuck-all to 10
L250[06:38:15] <Inari> i like the manual
L251[06:38:21] <Izaya> the manual is great
L252[06:38:27] * Inari boots up her TIS-100 machine
L253[06:38:37] <Izaya> http://shadowkat.science/files/TIS-100_manual.pdf
L254[06:38:46] <Inari> i printed it out :D
L255[06:38:55] <Izaya> :D
L256[06:39:40] <Inari> oh... hmmm
L257[06:40:06] <Inari> trying to think of how to do multiply on one node
L258[06:40:19] <Izaya> I can work with two
L259[06:40:30] <Inari> not sure if even possible wiht 1
L260[06:46:25] <Inari> well i have a working multiply, but its slow :D
L261[06:46:57] <Izaya> can haz code?
L262[06:47:12] <Inari> http://akari.in/pinky_3k3bb9
L263[06:47:33] <Inari> actually
L264[06:47:35] <Izaya> two-node multiply?
L265[06:47:38] <Inari> i can throw out that swp on second line XD
L266[06:47:47] <Inari> yeah
L267[06:47:50] <Inari> sadly :p
L268[06:47:55] <Inari> my first idea was one node
L269[06:48:01] <Izaya> this works
L270[06:48:03] <Inari> but then i realized i'd have no way to store the original number
L271[06:48:15] <Inari> well that code is crude and can be optimized a lot
L272[06:49:55] <Inari> sadly TIS-100 doesnt suppor tbitwise operation
L273[06:52:02] <Inari> ~oc tractor
L274[06:52:02] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/component:tractor_beam
L275[06:52:08] <Inari> hm
L276[07:03:30] <Inari> not sure if any better XD http://akari.in/pinky_qQv4F9
L277[07:15:32] <robhol_> heh. can't help but be a bit skeptical about the whole thing actually
L278[07:15:43] <robhol_> "let's make a game about writing ASM"
L279[07:15:52] <Izaya> it also has a plot
L280[07:15:58] <Izaya> sort of
L281[07:20:08] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0)
L282[07:32:53] *** Wuerfel_21 is now known as Away_21
L283[07:36:21] <Inari> robhol_: why not? its essentially a puzzel game xD
L284[07:37:54] <robhol_> dunno. I think it's mostly that ASM to me doesn't carry a heavy association towards "fun" :p
L285[07:38:49] <Inari> well its simplified asm, puzzel-y tasks and its fun to try to potimiize your solution to either match better ones on the global leaderboard or try to improve even
L286[07:42:07] <Inari> also
L287[07:42:12] <Inari> why " if i like it for longe rthan 20 mins"
L288[07:42:18] <Inari> you can juist buy, play <2 hours and refund if you dont like
L289[07:52:45] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-123-211-66-81.lnse4.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L290[07:56:45] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-66-69-96-209.satx.res.rr.com)
L291[08:03:40] <dangranos> or torrent it
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L301[08:53:55] <dangranos> xkcd.com/1538/
L302[09:32:43] ⇨ Joins: MDave (~MDave@catv-176-63-185-54.catv.broadband.hu)
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L304[09:32:49] ⇦ Parts: MDave (~MDave@catv-176-63-185-54.catv.broadband.hu) ())
L305[09:42:27] <Inari> ~oc robot
L306[09:42:27] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:robot
L307[09:44:41] <Lizzy> ~w network
L308[09:44:41] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:network_card
L309[09:46:28] * Lizzy prods Mimiru
L310[09:49:38] <Vexatos> ~w fishpie
L311[09:49:38] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:filesystem
L312[09:49:40] <Vexatos> k
L313[09:50:07] <Lizzy> local fishpie = require("filesystem")
L314[09:53:01] *** Skye|School is now known as Skye
L315[09:53:57] <Lizzy> \o Skye
L316[09:54:32] <Skye> \o Lizzy
L317[10:04:35] <Inari> ~oc invnetory controller
L318[10:04:35] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/component:inventory_controller
L319[10:08:23] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
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L322[10:14:20] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L323[10:15:36] <Lizzy> Cyberial Turdings!
L324[10:23:10] <Skye> uh
L325[10:24:41] ⇨ Joins: Vaht (~Tahg@pool-96-237-111-105.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
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L327[11:07:07] <dangranos> anyone wants to play CAH?
L328[11:12:29] ⇦ Quits: Brycey92 (~Brycey92@ool-4572f1bc.dyn.optonline.net) (Quit: Live long and prosper)
L329[11:15:15] *** Altenius is now known as Altenius|Off
L330[11:21:05] <Inari> CAH?
L331[11:22:13] <gamax92> Cards Against Humanity
L332[11:22:57] <Inari> ah, meh
L333[11:33:20] ⇨ Joins: daemon (Paul@2001:470:1f09:17e:a419:e216:512e:74fa)
L334[11:41:40] <daemon> can I give code references to components, something like .... local obj = require("cheese") cheese.func(&myFunc)
L335[11:41:54] <daemon> then from 'func' in cheese call the referenced function in the parent
L336[11:50:28] <Kodos> You'd want obj.func, since you're assigning the cheese require to obj
L337[11:50:39] <daemon> got it
L338[11:50:47] <Kodos> Now, brb making breakfast
L339[11:50:50] <daemon> Kodos, ty ill give it a read up
L340[11:52:04] ⇨ Joins: Brycey92 (~Brycey92@ool-4572f1bc.dyn.optonline.net)
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L342[11:55:40] <gamax92> daemon: you want to pass a function to a library?
L343[11:55:54] <daemon> gamax92, reference to function
L344[11:56:04] <gamax92> daemon: it already is a reference
L345[11:56:52] <gamax92> you would just do obj.func(myFunc)
L346[11:56:57] <gamax92> that would work just fine
L347[12:01:05] <daemon> ah sweet
L348[12:01:07] <daemon> thank you again gamax92
L349[12:03:34] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0)
L350[12:04:21] <daemon> gamax92, am I right in returning multiple values I just use a comma seperated list
L351[12:04:25] <daemon> return val1,val2
L352[12:04:31] <gamax92> yes
L353[12:04:33] <daemon> or is it better to return a table of values
L354[12:04:41] <daemon> return {val1,val2}
L355[12:04:42] <gamax92> depends
L356[12:04:55] <daemon> mhmm I use a lot of while func's
L357[12:05:00] <daemon> probably better returning seperate values
L358[12:05:05] <daemon> second value for greater inspection
L359[12:05:19] <gamax92> something like, getPosition
L360[12:05:27] <gamax92> separate would be better
L361[12:05:34] <daemon> mine2bedrock
L362[12:05:34] <gamax92> you would just do local x, y = getPosition()
L363[12:05:43] <daemon> returns false when it hits an unminable block
L364[12:05:45] <daemon> true when it hits bedrock
L365[12:05:54] <gamax92> contradiction
L366[12:05:55] <daemon> on false the second param is the ypos
L367[12:05:59] <gamax92> bedrock is a unminable block
L368[12:06:11] <daemon> yeah I have other ores that are unminable without specific picks
L369[12:06:20] <daemon> adamantium and shit
L370[12:06:47] <daemon> mind you suppose I should make it generic so it would work on anything so others can use it
L371[12:06:52] <daemon> ill just make it return true or false
L372[12:06:59] <daemon> true if it makes it to real bedrock, false otherwise
L373[12:07:07] <daemon> false val2 = Y it failed at
L374[12:07:19] <daemon> true val2 = y of bedrock at that x,z
L375[12:07:32] <gamax92> you have like a navigation upgrade or a geolyzer or something?
L376[12:07:56] <daemon> no, the entire point of these bots is they will work with nothing other than a wireless card,pick & inventory
L377[12:08:01] <daemon> tier2
L378[12:08:10] <gamax92> oh, so they have to be told what position they are at?
L379[12:08:26] <daemon> yeah they start from a specific point where the charger is which you enter the manual x,y,z
L380[12:08:34] <daemon> from there they keep locx,locy,loz them selfs
L381[12:08:41] <daemon> if invetory full or anything like that
L382[12:08:46] <daemon> they will head backto base to recharge
L383[12:08:51] <daemon> optionally stopping at a chest
L384[12:09:05] <gamax92> My mining robot only has the navigation upgrade to get the robot's rotation, since the geolyzer works in absolute coordinates and isn't relative to the robot
L385[12:09:13] <gamax92> but besides that its entirely worthless
L386[12:14:13] <hitecnologys> gamax92: you can determine the rotation by moving robot and then analyzing again to find out how the landscape has moved. This is costly but it only needs to be done once since then you can just keep track of robot's own movements.
L387[12:14:38] <hitecnologys> gamax92: I guess you considered that, right?
L388[12:14:54] <daemon> gamax92, I use a launcher in a U shape
L389[12:14:56] <gamax92> I fail to see how that would work
L390[12:15:04] <daemon> chest one side, charger to the back, block to the right
L391[12:15:09] <daemon> where the missing side is north
L392[12:15:20] <daemon> the bots auto 'spin' when first initilized
L393[12:15:25] <daemon> the missing side is then known as north
L394[12:15:34] <hitecnologys> gamax92: well, if you have to points in absolute coordinates you have a vector.
L395[12:16:12] <gamax92> oh you meant movement as in not rotating it
L396[12:16:18] <hitecnologys> Aye.
L397[12:16:25] <hitecnologys> Moving position.
L398[12:16:27] <gamax92> Yeah but that can fail
L399[12:16:54] <hitecnologys> Sure, but if you repeat it several times it's highly unlikely.
L400[12:17:01] <gamax92> ooooooooooooooooooooor
L401[12:17:07] <gamax92> i just use a navigation upgrade
L402[12:17:16] <gamax92> which is not slow, and 100% accurate
L403[12:17:20] <hitecnologys> That's not as interesting. =P
L404[12:17:24] <gamax92> I don't care
L405[12:17:41] <gamax92> the geolyzer is slow enough and not accurate already
L406[12:18:00] <hitecnologys> You could increase precision by using three or more computers and triangulating robot's position based on wireless modem feedback.
L407[12:18:25] <hitecnologys> Then you could also scan nearby surface for even better accuracy.
L408[12:18:30] <hitecnologys> Sounds like a plan to me.
L409[12:18:37] <gamax92> okay, that requires i build three or more computers
L410[12:18:45] <gamax92> and three or more wireless modems
L411[12:18:48] <SuPeRMiNoR2> That sounds like a pain
L412[12:18:51] ⇨ Joins: Ruuqo (webchat@68-119-109-50.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com)
L413[12:18:52] <hitecnologys> But it leaves upgrade slot free!
L414[12:18:56] <gamax92> and another wireless modem for the robot.
L415[12:18:58] <Ruuqo> Could someone offer some aid?
L416[12:19:11] <hitecnologys> And it's cool.
L417[12:19:16] <gamax92> no its annoying and slow
L418[12:19:20] <hitecnologys> Ruuqo: depends on what kind of help you need.
L419[12:19:48] <Ruuqo> http://pastebin.com/qmTAUpsB This code someone here wrote for me to get a computer with a linked card to receive a message, and it works. What else would I need to do to get that message forwarded to the network that receiving computer is on?
L420[12:20:00] <hitecnologys> gamax92: who cares about speed? We have the whole eternity ahead.
L421[12:20:25] <gamax92> /ignore hitecnologys all
L422[12:20:32] <hitecnologys> =P
L423[12:20:33] <gamax92> shut the fuck up already
L424[12:20:48] <hitecnologys> Fascinating.
L425[12:21:02] <Ruuqo> Trying to bridge inter-dimensional networks
L426[12:21:10] <daemon> anyway to use remote terminal with robots
L427[12:27:36] <Ruuqo> :(
L428[12:28:38] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com)
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L431[13:02:56] ⇨ Joins: Kibibyte (~PircBotX@cucumber.kilobyte22.de)
L432[13:02:56] <TotallyNotKatie> %sed disable
L433[13:02:57] <MichiBot> TotallyNotKatie: Disabled SED for this channel
L434[13:09:25] ⇨ Joins: WireWulf (~SageKitsu@2602:306:ce4f:a280:8520:27d7:6ac5:ccab)
L435[13:10:53] <ds84182> whats going on
L436[13:14:40] <gamax92> ds84182: lightly cooked eggs
L437[13:15:20] <ds84182> ok
L438[13:15:35] <gamax92> i.e, when someone tries to make eggs and their stove is going out, but they have to serve their guests something so they play it off
L439[13:15:51] <ds84182> yes
L440[13:15:51] <gamax92> they also solve that problem by killing off their guests with food poisoning
L441[13:16:07] <ds84182> Thats usually what I do to my guests
L442[13:21:39] <dangranos> huh
L443[13:21:42] <dangranos> tree undo
L444[13:21:54] <dangranos> s/undo/edit history/
L445[13:21:55] <Kibibyte> <dangranos> tree edit history
L446[13:22:25] <dangranos> TotallyNotKatie, maybe you should add some auto-disable when kibi shows up?
L447[13:22:52] <daemon> gamax92, I found a solution to that a while ago
L448[13:22:56] <daemon> I kill the guests before I start making the eggs
L449[13:23:00] <daemon> no race condition then
L450[13:24:42] <Magik6k> Ruuqo for routing networks via linked cards try to play with network floppy, you may want to upgrado your oc as there was a bug in tcp implementation
L451[13:25:07] <daemon> Magik6k, there is no TCP -_- well at least as far as wireless is concerned
L452[13:26:06] <Magik6k> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/Network/data/lib/network.lua#L89-L183
L453[13:26:23] <Magik6k> not 100% tcp but basic functionality there
L454[13:26:36] <Inari> gamax92: nav upgrade has limited range though :D
L455[13:27:26] <daemon> Magik6k, yes like how .send cannot grantee the host received it, what was TCP actually put into place for :)
L456[13:27:33] <Inari> daemon: what eggs
L457[13:27:48] <Magik6k> daemon, that's why it's not full tcp
L458[13:28:04] <daemon> Magik6k, if it does not actually do what the protocol was meant for its not 80% or 40% either its 0%
L459[13:28:29] <gamax92> Inari: rotation works everywhere
L460[13:28:54] <gamax92> I'm not sure if that's a bug or intended, but if it gets changed I will murder Sangar
L461[13:29:00] <Magik6k> in properly designed oc networks there in no packet loss
L462[13:29:04] * Inari opens an issue
L463[13:31:26] <daemon> Magik6k, try 3 or 4 communicating nodes with wireless, the loss is far from 'correct' even with 802.11a as a baseset comparator
L464[13:35:43] <gamax92> Inari: aha! not a bug
L465[13:35:51] <gamax92> it specifically says only getPosition will fail
L466[13:36:04] <Inari> cheap
L467[13:41:09] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5B216C2B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L469[13:44:41] <gamax92> I wonder how unicode api handles invalid utf8
L470[13:45:34] <gamax92> Time to try!
L471[13:46:30] <dangranos> RIP gamax92 19**-2015 "Time to try!"
L472[13:46:53] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@93-94-245-63.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L473[13:46:57] <dangranos> maybe i should try to sit in IRC at 00:46
L474[13:47:03] * dangranos goes to sleep
L475[13:47:04] <dangranos> bye
L476[13:54:19] <Magik6k> daemon, I don't have proper wireless driver atm
L477[14:12:41] <gamax92> Magik6k: ndiswrapper?
L478[14:13:27] ⇦ Quits: SuPeRMiNoR2 (~SuPeR@adam.superminor2.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L479[14:13:27] ⇦ Quits: SuperBot (~SuperBot@adam.superminor2.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L480[14:13:39] <gamax92> also why would the buffers use unicode api
L481[14:13:48] <Magik6k> gamax92, wat
L482[14:13:54] <Magik6k> it's for oc
L483[14:14:00] <gamax92> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1207
L484[14:14:03] <gamax92> Magik6k: yeah but that.
L485[14:14:22] <gamax92> if it were just normal bytes, it would always be the same sized buffer, and wouldn't corrupt
L486[14:14:39] <gamax92> 1024 characters may not be 1024 bytes
L487[14:20:19] <Mimiru> "[13:22:32] <dangranos> TotallyNotKatie, maybe you should add some auto-disable when kibi shows up?" dafuq?
L488[14:22:38] <Mimiru> <@TotallyNotKatie> %sed disable and michibot disabled like almost 20 minutes before you said that.
L489[14:23:03] <Mimiru> Anyway came home from work to take youngest to the doctor... going to do so now
L490[14:52:43] zsh sets mode: +v on gamax92
L491[14:58:53] <PotatoSleep> Oh yay
L492[14:58:58] <PotatoSleep> everything is flooding
L493[14:59:01] <PotatoSleep> excewpt my house
L494[14:59:08] <PotatoSleep> b/c it's on a big hill
L495[15:00:51] <gamax92> PotatoSleep: sleep well
L496[15:00:57] <gamax92> it may be your last >:D
L497[15:01:02] ⇦ Quits: CyberTurd (~CyberTurd@host86-145-128-87.range86-145.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L498[15:01:02] <gamax92> no seriously, good luck
L499[15:01:07] <gamax92> you'll need it >:D
L500[15:01:11] <PotatoSleep> Meh, I'm fine
L501[15:01:14] <PotatoSleep> It's 3 pm
L502[15:01:23] <PotatoSleep> I live at the top of a massive hill
L503[15:02:35] <PotatoSleep> And we didn't get as much rain as they were predicting
L504[15:02:39] <PotatoSleep> bout half
L505[15:05:06] ⇦ Quits: daemon (Paul@2001:470:1f09:17e:a419:e216:512e:74fa) (Quit: Leaving)
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L510[15:10:25] <gamax92> !!!!!!
L511[15:10:36] <gamax92> Java char's are 16bit unsigned numbers
L512[15:10:58] <gamax92> why not shove utf-16 into them, moar characters
L513[15:11:42] ⇨ Joins: ExDomino (webchat@modemcable066.129-82-70.mc.videotron.ca)
L514[15:19:00] <PotatoSleep> 52555555555555555558642648642468462468462468462468462648
L515[15:23:47] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C84D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L516[15:24:16] <gamax92> never mind, I'm completely stupid
L517[15:31:46] <robhol_> Inari: goddamn TIS-100
L518[15:32:05] <robhol_> the differential thing already kind of got me stuck for a while. admittedly I'm kinda sleepy
L519[15:33:32] <ExDomino> hello, i would liked to ask something to sanger, but i sent to him a pm instead
L520[15:33:58] <gamax92> okay?
L521[15:36:41] ⇨ Joins: LastAncient85 (~lastancie@
L522[15:37:50] <robhol_> Inari, Izaya, I did manage to remember basic fucking arithmetics and rewrite it to use half the cycles though :3
L523[15:47:52] ⇦ Quits: LastAncient85 (~lastancie@ (Quit: LastAncient85)
L524[15:52:37] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L526[16:04:19] zsh sets mode: +v on SuPeRMiNoR2
L527[16:04:20] ⇦ Quits: SuPeRMiNoR2 (~SuPeR@adam.superminor2.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L528[16:04:32] <PotatoSleep> Not Superminor
L529[16:04:40] ⇨ Joins: SuPeRMiNoR2 (~SuPeR@adam.superminor2.net)
L530[16:04:40] zsh sets mode: +v on SuPeRMiNoR2
L531[16:04:44] <PotatoSleep> Welcome back SuPeRMiNoR2
L532[16:06:04] ⇨ Joins: LastAncient85 (~lastancie@
L533[16:06:12] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Hello potato.
L534[16:06:18] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Test
L535[16:06:21] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Hmm, lots of lag
L536[16:06:47] <Lizzy> meep
L537[16:06:53] <SuPeRMiNoR2> boop
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L541[16:10:04] <Inari> robhol_: xD
L542[16:10:33] <robhol_> Although, what is that cycle count graph thing at the end?
L543[16:14:06] <gamax92> https://i.imgur.com/LL9BhSI.png
L544[16:14:12] <gamax92> I am totally the best at making textures
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L547[16:40:08] <Inari> robhol_: leaderboards :P the higher hte bar, the more people made a solution at taht cycel count
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L552[16:47:46] zsh sets mode: +v on calclavia
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L554[16:49:35] <PotatoSleep> Some one should draw #oc as if it was a house
L555[16:50:00] <Temia> moo. 'o'
L556[16:50:07] <gamax92> and then make it a sitcom
L557[16:50:13] <PotatoSleep> yah
L558[16:50:23] <Temia> I must be the cutest thing on the page!
L559[16:50:35] <PotatoSleep> The whole place would be on fire
L560[16:50:41] <Temia> ...or one of the cutest.
L561[16:50:51] <PotatoSleep> with Mimiru spraying a water hose on the fire
L562[16:50:56] <PotatoSleep> with that face -_-
L563[16:51:11] <PotatoSleep> and vifino hanging from lizzys feet with the .-. face
L564[16:52:20] <vifino> .-.
L565[16:52:34] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L566[16:52:44] <Temia> pfft.
L567[16:52:51] <PotatoSleep> PFFFFSTSTFCSTFFTTT
L568[16:53:15] <Temia> And Potato being randomly obnoxious >.>
L569[16:53:45] ⇦ Quits: Ruuqo (webchat@68-119-109-50.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L570[16:54:07] <Temia> Probably the one who started the fire <.<
L571[16:57:34] * gamax92 cuddles Temia
L572[16:57:54] <ds84182> What about me
L573[16:58:00] <ds84182> I'm now irrelataventeteetete
L574[16:58:04] * ds84182 glitches
L575[16:58:06] <ds84182> woopsies
L576[16:58:07] <gamax92> PotatoSleep: what's ds's role in this sitcom
L577[16:58:25] <ds84182> Randomly reapears after 15 years
L578[16:58:38] <ds84182> and then disappears for 20 more
L579[17:04:54] <gamax92> hmm, not sure if this is java bug ...
L580[17:06:26] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L581[17:08:09] <PotatoSleep> ds84182 is the family sugar glider
L582[17:08:15] <PotatoSleep> or pineapple
L583[17:08:17] <PotatoSleep> either or
L584[17:08:22] <PotatoSleep> neither nor
L585[17:08:34] <CompanionCube> wut
L586[17:08:51] <PotatoSleep> CompanionCube, you can be a Companion Cube
L587[17:08:57] *** PotatoSleep is now known as PotatoTrumpet
L588[17:09:10] * CompanionCube radiates companionship
L589[17:10:08] <Temia> mooo. .o.
L590[17:10:35] * Temia requests permission to flop on Katie's lap for moopets.
L591[17:11:02] <gamax92> this has to be a bug ...
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L594[17:22:50] <gamax92> Temia: http://pastebin.com/UPYPBMCr
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L618[19:55:13] <PotatoTrumpet> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
L619[19:55:17] <PotatoTrumpet> bacab
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L622[20:34:25] <gamax92> I'm horridly confused, how do the natives build? Like where is the lua source code it uses, is it packaged in one of the repo's or does it just download it?
L623[20:41:00] <gamax92> It must download it ... I see it in none of these repos
L624[20:48:34] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
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L643[22:19:49] <dangranos> huh
L644[22:20:05] <dangranos> flash file can change itself
L645[22:26:13] <Shuudoushi> ...
L646[22:26:42] <Shuudoushi> I think I'm just going to do my OS' login stuff the lazy way
L647[22:27:55] <Shuudoushi> have my installer disable autorun through handy af built-in shit, then have my login shit run autoruns >.>
L648[22:28:26] <Shuudoushi> oh, and have my login script started by init.lua
L649[22:35:33] <dangranos> heh
L650[22:36:09] <dangranos> i guess soon the "OpenOS vs handmade" drama will start
L651[22:36:59] <Shuudoushi> eh
L652[22:37:12] <Shuudoushi> I'm just modding the piss out of openos for the most part
L653[22:37:31] <gamax92> dangranos: drama?
L654[23:17:25] <Shuudoushi> found out why just using my login script as a boot script wasn't putting the user into their home dir like it was supposed to (turns out I just forgot to make sure it was there after having an issue with my installer that has been fixed)...
L655[23:18:37] <gamax92> Shuudoushi: what is this drama dan is talking about
L656[23:19:00] <dangranos> generic drama about something
L657[23:19:03] <Shuudoushi> not a fucking clue
L658[23:19:07] <Mimiru> %drama
L659[23:19:08] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Azanor says using Pixelmon and Hats together is wonderful
L660[23:19:10] <Mimiru> Stuff like that..
L661[23:19:10] <gamax92> okay
L662[23:19:23] <gamax92> Hats for Pixelmon!
L663[23:20:03] <dangranos> drama like "Someone takes down bukkit-based server (cauldron and etc)"
L664[23:20:08] <dangranos> *s
L665[23:20:19] <gamax92> but what if not dead
L666[23:20:34] <dangranos> who said they are dead? :)
L667[23:20:43] <gamax92> they are dead, r.i.p 1994
L668[23:20:54] <Shuudoushi> lol
L669[23:21:52] <Mimiru> rip in peace
L670[23:22:15] <gamax92> ooooh, glowstone
L671[23:22:38] <gamax92> ... last commit Feb 7
L672[23:22:56] <Mimiru> KCaludron. ftw :P
L673[23:23:29] * gamax92 puts a cardboard hat on Mimiru
L674[23:23:53] ⇨ Joins: LastAncient85 (~lastancie@
L675[23:27:37] <gamax92> Glowstone seems to be very heavily forked
L676[23:28:20] <Mimiru> 63 downloads of OS on Curse
L677[23:34:59] <PotatoTrumpet> So, playing Murcer on a GMOD server
L678[23:35:08] <PotatoTrumpet> people vote for a map change
L679[23:35:22] <PotatoTrumpet> no one can connect to server b/c the server doesn't actually have the mep
L680[23:35:36] <dangranos> lol
L681[23:35:59] <dangranos> Mimiru, that's not including yours? :3
L682[23:36:05] <gamax92> PotatoTrumpet: man I love that Murcer game
L683[23:36:33] <Mimiru> dangranos, I can download directly from jenkins. Others get directed to curse :P
L684[23:37:16] <dangranos> huh
L685[23:40:36] ⇨ Joins: stonelegion (webchat@pool-98-112-67-183.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net)
L686[23:40:48] <stonelegion> dose any one knonw of a program for Active Cooled Big Reactor ?
L687[23:41:55] <Mimiru> stonelegion, I use autopid from oppm, paired with power-monitor I love it.
L688[23:42:34] <Mimiru> The only "issue" is if you have a lot of turbines, you have to tweak the example reactor pid files a bit as it'll go a bit crazy
L689[23:42:38] <Mimiru> I run 6 with no issue
L690[23:45:53] <Shuudoushi> if you just want to monitor the reactor and one turbine, I have a program for that
L691[23:46:11] <Shuudoushi> even lets you adjust the control rods
L692[23:46:43] <Shuudoushi> though I think it may still be broken from an update, autopid is way better either way though
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L695[23:50:04] <Shuudoushi> stonelegion: https://github.com/Shuudoushi/Misc-Programs/blob/master/BR_Reactor.lua
L696[23:50:40] <Shuudoushi> btw, the programs built in updater likes the name of the program to be "reactor.lua"
L697[23:52:04] <Shuudoushi> and it seems I've already fixed its broken-ness o.O
L698[23:52:14] <Shuudoushi> that's abnormal for me...
L699[23:57:18] <Mimiru> gamax92, I think you were looking for these? https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/tree/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/lib/lua52
L700[23:59:12] <PotatoTrumpet> Road near my house: http://puu.sh/itanI/2b1dcfb1ec.jpg
L701[23:59:24] <PotatoTrumpet> by near, I mean 10 miles
L702[23:59:29] <gamax92> Mimiru: no not the compiled libraries, i can't edit those
L703[23:59:40] <Mimiru> the source is also in a MightyPirates repo..
L704[23:59:48] <gamax92> WHERE
L705[23:59:52] <Mimiru> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OC-Natives
L706[23:59:54] <Mimiru> Magic.
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