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L1[00:00:21] ⇨ Joins: calclavia (uid15812@id-15812.highgate.irccloud.com)
L2[00:00:22] zsh sets mode: +v on calclavia
L3[00:05:51] <rashy> ~w manual
L4[00:05:51] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-rawequal
L5[00:09:21] <PotatoTrumpet> When was the Creative CPU added?
L6[00:09:49] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L7[00:09:53] <PotatoTrumpet> OOh, the CPU's have arch's now
L8[00:25:35] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L9[00:50:58] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L10[00:51:30] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C84D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L11[00:51:30] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L12[01:09:19] ⇦ Quits: Temia (merlin@shellx.eskimo.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L13[01:28:21] <rashy> might have been added with the APU updated, PotatoTrumpet
L14[01:29:13] <rashy> update*
L15[01:35:13] ⇨ Joins: Temia (merlin@shellx.eskimo.com)
L16[02:06:02] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L17[02:30:06] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L18[02:31:17] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L19[02:53:48] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p54934E0B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L20[03:00:10] ⇦ Quits: AshenWonderland (~ashlynn@adsl-74-235-112-62.clt.bellsouth.net) (Quit: leaving)
L21[03:00:20] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~quassel@178-190-224-254.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Killed (aperture.esper.net (Nickname regained by services)))
L22[03:00:22] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~quassel@178-191-130-166.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L23[03:02:16] <Sandra> .p
L24[03:02:20] <^v> Ping reply from Sandra 4.38s
L25[03:02:26] <Sandra> yaaaaay.
L26[03:04:23] ⇦ Quits: calclavia (uid15812@id-15812.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L27[03:12:51] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L28[03:18:30] *** Skye|ZZZ is now known as Skye
L29[03:20:05] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L30[03:23:39] * Izaya is updating his pack
L31[03:23:43] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L32[03:27:45] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@109-205-170-104.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L33[03:28:56] ⇨ Joins: DaeDroug (uid22591@id-22591.ealing.irccloud.com)
L34[03:34:26] <Izaya> so OC Glasses doesn't like OC 1.5
L35[03:35:51] <Vexatos> I blame Kubuxu
L36[03:36:07] <Kubuxu> I blame marcin212
L37[03:36:20] <Kubuxu> Izaya, which build are you using?
L38[03:36:35] <Izaya> 1.0.46
L39[03:36:40] <Kubuxu> hmm
L40[03:37:03] <Izaya> I have OC 1.5 installed, it complains and says it needs OC >=1.4
L41[03:37:10] <Kubuxu> lol
L42[03:37:27] <Kubuxu> Izaya, I will try fixing it quickly.
L43[03:37:39] <Kubuxu> Oh it is tagged as 1.4.+
L44[03:37:42] <Kubuxu> This is why.
L45[03:37:56] <Izaya> is it an easy fix?
L46[03:38:07] <Kubuxu> If it works with 1.5API yes.
L47[03:38:09] <Kubuxu> I will do it.
L48[03:38:54] <Izaya> thanks :D
L49[03:40:08] <Izaya> Back shortly, obtaining pizza
L50[03:41:03] <Izaya> Vexatos: before I go, is 1.5.1 still the newest computronics?
L51[03:41:28] <Vexatos> Well, I am currently rushing to release 1.5.2
L52[03:41:42] <Izaya> Noted.
L53[03:41:42] <EnderBot2> Interesting...
L54[03:42:13] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L55[03:42:35] <Vexatos> But I ran across a BCC bug so I am currently test-launching and hopefully it'll work this time
L56[03:48:29] <Izaya> okay, never mind, my sister is going for pizza so she has an excuse to get rum
L57[03:48:31] ⇨ Joins: RaptorJeebus (RaptorJeeb@CPE-120-144-28-209.lnse5.win.bigpond.net.au)
L58[03:49:34] ⇨ Joins: EvaKnievel (~EvaKnieve@87-198-113-182.ptr.magnet.ie)
L59[03:56:40] <Kubuxu> Izaya, pushing now.
L60[03:56:41] <Temia> Hmm.
L61[03:56:48] <Kubuxu> Wait for now build and check if it works.
L62[03:57:05] <Kubuxu> It was working for me.
L63[03:57:09] <Temia> I wonder if there'd be any interest in an AE/OC integration mod that allows signals to be sent upon crafting or processing requests in an ME network.
L64[03:57:29] <Kubuxu> Temia, could be useful.
L65[03:57:33] <Temia> Basically something you can use to override the normal system if you want to make something more... extendable.
L66[03:58:20] <Kubuxu> http://starchasers.pl:8080/job/OpenGlasses/47/
L67[03:58:23] <Kubuxu> Izaya, ^^
L68[04:02:37] <Izaya> Woo, thanks Kubuxu :D
L69[04:02:38] <EnderBot2> I did not know that..
L70[04:03:13] <Izaya> Let's see if it works then
L71[04:04:43] <Kubuxu> Izaya, but this is weird. AFAIK we have OCglasses on our pack with newest OC...
L72[04:05:31] <Izaya> >[19:03:56] [Client thread/WARN] [FML/]: Zip file OpenComputers-MC1.7.10- failed to read properly, it will be ignored
L73[04:05:31] <EnderBot2> Yep
L74[04:05:34] <Izaya> ._. what
L75[04:05:48] <Kubuxu> Lol. What.
L76[04:05:59] ⇨ Joins: XDjackieXD (~XDjackieX@2a03:f80:ed15:151:236:12:222:1)
L77[04:06:26] ⇨ Joins: Krutoy242 (webchat@
L78[04:08:12] <Izaya> Kubuxu: sorry for making you do that, my copy of OC wasn't downloaded properly x_x
L79[04:08:19] <Kubuxu> Izaya, np.
L80[04:08:26] <Izaya> damnit firefox
L81[04:09:15] <Izaya> o.o is it loading?
L82[04:09:39] <Izaya> it loaded! \:D/
L83[04:17:08] <rashdanml> =o
L84[04:17:08] <EnderBot2> I know...
L85[04:34:27] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L86[04:55:55] <Kodos> o/
L87[04:58:31] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@109-205-170-104.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L88[05:01:36] <Izaya> server updated... pack is go :D
L89[05:02:52] ⇨ Joins: calclavia (uid15812@id-15812.highgate.irccloud.com)
L90[05:02:52] zsh sets mode: +v on calclavia
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L92[05:09:41] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
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L94[05:18:36] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L95[05:28:36] *** Benguin[ZzZ] is now known as Benguin
L96[05:50:04] *** Pyrolusite is now known as Pyrolusite|AFK
L97[06:10:40] ⇨ Joins: newbie (~EvaKnieve@87-198-113-182.ptr.magnet.ie)
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L100[06:22:25] *** Pyrolusite is now known as Pyrolusite8IRC
L101[06:22:30] *** Pyrolusite8IRC is now known as Pyrolusite_IRC
L102[06:30:42] *** Daiyousei is now known as Fairy
L103[06:32:03] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@mcl71-h03-89-95-84-184.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr)
L104[06:35:51] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L105[07:08:53] ⇦ Quits: Krutoy242 (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L106[07:47:18] *** Altenius|Off is now known as Altenius
L107[07:56:49] *** Pyrolusite_IRC is now known as Pyrolusite
L108[07:58:30] *** Altenius is now known as Bender
L109[07:58:40] *** Bender is now known as Altenius
L110[08:10:06] *** Sandra is now known as Sleepdra
L111[08:14:44] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@mcl71-h03-89-95-84-184.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr) (Quit: WeeChat 1.2)
L112[08:36:29] <Vexatos> Hooray https://twitter.com/Croxmata/status/607178541965430785
L113[08:45:12] ⇦ Quits: MaHuJa (~chatzilla@cm- (Remote host closed the connection)
L114[09:25:42] ⇦ Quits: cloakable (~cloakable@cpc2-aztw27-2-0-cust437.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L115[09:30:11] <Izaya> so I watched episode 10 of Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu
L116[09:30:15] <Izaya> and now I'm depressed
L117[09:30:16] <Izaya> :/
L118[09:32:00] <Vexatos> i.e. noone didn't die
L119[09:32:01] <Vexatos> P:
L120[09:32:20] <Izaya> no, if someone died it'd be even worse
L121[09:32:28] <Izaya> but now the name makes sense...
L122[09:45:00] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@93-94-245-31.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L123[09:51:19] ⇨ Joins: ping (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:50d3:dc3f:9f09:d861)
L124[09:51:19] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
L125[09:51:23] <gamax92> PING
L126[09:51:36] <ping> gamax92, lots of dtama
L127[09:51:38] <ping> drama
L128[09:51:51] <gamax92> lamas?
L129[09:51:56] ⇨ Joins: roscop (webchat@
L130[09:51:56] <ping> girlfriend has been cheating since we started
L131[09:52:09] ⇨ Joins: cloakable (~cloakable@cpc2-aztw27-2-0-cust437.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L132[09:52:26] * Lizzy hides
L133[09:52:40] <ping> so basically i have to tell my mom i have been dating and having sex for the past 5 months
L134[09:52:56] <gamax92> ping: Yeah but whats the smallest b64 encoder you have
L135[09:53:18] <ping> gamax92, an http request to a b64 encoder site
L136[09:53:31] <ping> i have the fastest vanilla lua b64 though
L137[09:53:31] <Lizzy> gamax92 don't care about no girlfriend, he wants to code
L138[09:53:47] <roscop> hey guys. if i craft a blank eeprom with the OC manual, i just get a blank eeprom back instead of the lua bios version.
L139[09:53:50] <ping> well its extremely extremely heartbreaking
L140[09:54:05] <vifino> ping: mumble. Now.
L141[09:54:06] <gamax92> Would I rather be heartbroken at the end or avoid that?
L142[09:54:26] <Lizzy> roscop, it takes a normal book IIRC (inless that changed)
L143[09:54:33] <Lizzy> s/in/un
L144[09:54:33] <Kibibyte> <Lizzy> roscop, it takes a normal book IIRC (unless that changed)
L145[09:54:40] <gamax92> it should be lua manual
L146[09:54:45] <gamax92> that did change
L147[09:54:51] <Lizzy> ah, k
L148[09:54:52] <gamax92> err, oc manual*
L149[09:55:10] <Izaya> ping: code to forget?
L150[09:55:28] <gamax92> Where does the using star's as correction indicator even come from
L151[09:55:30] <ping> i cant forget
L152[09:55:37] <ping> we have been best friends for over a year
L153[09:55:46] <ping> my house and room is full of her
L154[09:56:09] <Izaya> wait, you tried to take my advice seriously
L155[09:56:16] <Izaya> there are far better ways to forget
L156[09:56:22] <gamax92> inb4 beer
L157[09:56:28] <ping> fuck no
L158[09:56:38] <Lizzy> Aliants!
L159[09:56:40] <Lizzy> er
L160[09:56:40] <Lizzy> wow
L161[09:56:41] <gamax92> become a raging alcoholic
L162[09:56:47] <Lizzy> *Aliens
L163[09:56:51] <Izaya> gamax92: no, dumbass, etherkillers.
L164[09:57:08] <gamax92> good call, explosives
L165[09:57:37] <ping> im on mumble
L166[09:57:41] <vifino> Jesus christ, just shut up everyone.
L167[09:57:43] <roscop> tried it with a regular book and it gives no crafting output at all.
L168[09:57:48] <ping> you wont hear anything but endless sadness
L169[09:59:27] <gamax92> how do you even open up nano's file browser
L170[09:59:37] *** Fairy is now known as Daiyousei
L171[10:03:19] <gamax92> There's a browser.c but cannot see how to open
L172[10:04:21] <XDjackieXD> compile it? o.O
L173[10:04:33] ⇦ Quits: phillips1012 (~phillips1@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L174[10:04:47] * gamax92 hits XDjackieXD
L175[10:04:52] <gamax92> its a part of nano
L176[10:05:01] <Vexatos> open it using nano
L177[10:05:11] <Izaya> well ping, if it makes you feel better, my ex (who I still like but I've moved :/ ) is now going out with someone else, so :/
L178[10:05:13] <XDjackieXD> a c source file?
L179[10:05:31] <ping> Izaya, dont compare
L180[10:05:37] <ping> i dont think it can be worse
L181[10:05:45] <Izaya> I'll just shut up now.
L182[10:08:23] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~Majgenrel@c-98-217-11-4.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L183[10:08:29] <MajGenRelativity> Hello
L184[10:09:48] <gamax92> hey
L185[10:09:55] * MajGenRelativity wishes nxsupert a good day
L186[10:10:10] <MajGenRelativity> Must go
L187[10:10:15] <MajGenRelativity> Hi Gamax
L188[10:10:26] <MajGenRelativity> I Audi, back later
L189[10:10:29] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~Majgenrel@c-98-217-11-4.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
L190[10:10:37] <Izaya> audi
L191[10:10:39] <Izaya> k
L192[10:11:08] <gamax92> vroomo
L193[10:14:52] ⇨ Joins: phillips1012 (~phillips1@
L194[10:15:24] <Lizzy> Just went to go feed my cat, we have no cat food :/
L195[10:15:55] ⇨ Joins: daemon (webchat@cpc16-linc11-2-0-cust140.12-1.cable.virginm.net)
L196[10:16:08] <daemon> hey all when I combine an EEPROM with the manual I get anoter blank EEPROM back
L197[10:16:10] <gamax92> Lizzy: bake soem?
L198[10:16:16] <Lizzy> ?
L199[10:16:27] <gamax92> daemon: which version of oc are you on?
L200[10:16:31] <daemon> 1.5.12
L201[10:16:37] <gamax92> 1.7.10 or 1.8?
L202[10:16:40] <daemon> 1.7.10
L203[10:16:54] <daemon> both eeproms have the Exact same ID
L204[10:16:58] <daemon> according to NEI
L205[10:17:13] <gamax92> I'll go confirm myself and report issue on github.
L206[10:17:21] <daemon> already on github just needs confirming
L207[10:17:25] <daemon> PaulGWebster :)
L208[10:17:28] <gamax92> because i don't remember that bugging out on that version
L209[10:18:03] <daemon> I got the standard eeprom, walked over to workbench shoved it with a manual (book+microchip)
L210[10:18:16] <daemon> the recipe was succcesful but the EEPROM I got back was the default blanjk one
L211[10:18:31] <daemon> exact same error on the machine 'blah blah ... configured eeprom'
L212[10:20:42] <roscop> having the same problem
L213[10:21:22] <gamax92> I got a Lua BIOS
L214[10:21:40] <daemon> my frfiend on my server got a LUA bios as well
L215[10:21:46] <daemon> I did the exact same and got blank
L216[10:22:05] <gamax92> what forge version are you using btw
L217[10:22:13] <gamax92> to both roscop and daemon
L218[10:22:36] <daemon> 1374
L219[10:22:41] <roscop> forge-1.7.10-
L220[10:23:35] <gamax92> ahh okay, bug is EEPROM's with an id assigned cannot be converted into Lua BIOS
L221[10:23:59] <gamax92> when it doesn't have an id yet, the crafting works
L222[10:24:37] <daemon> ah thats why it worked for my friend
L223[10:24:40] <daemon> but failed for me
L224[10:25:27] <roscop> how do they get assigned an id? or rather how do i avoid assigning it one?
L225[10:25:44] <daemon> roscop: create the book and eeprom in one go then combine them
L226[10:25:46] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@abhk180.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
L227[10:25:47] <daemon> do not leave the work bench :P
L228[10:26:06] <gamax92> daemon: ehh, it's specifically putting it in the case that gives it a uuid
L229[10:26:29] <roscop> i'll give that a try now.
L230[10:29:20] <roscop> yeah, that works fine. thanks for the help.
L231[10:32:44] <daemon> np :)
L232[10:47:39] ⇦ Quits: roscop (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L233[10:54:58] ⇨ Joins: EvaKnievel (~EvaKnieve@87-198-113-182.ptr.magnet.ie)
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L235[11:12:05] ⇦ Quits: Kibibyte (~PircBotX@cucumber.kilobyte22.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L236[11:12:05] <Guest75362> %sed enable
L237[11:16:15] <gamax92> So Guest75362 is Katie then.
L238[11:16:21] <gamax92> Cover blown
L239[11:22:17] *** Vic is now known as _Vic
L240[11:22:27] *** _Vic is now known as Vic
L241[11:22:52] ⇨ Joins: Boingo (~Boingo@cpe-107-184-162-139.socal.res.rr.com)
L242[11:23:09] <Lizzy> %sed enable
L243[11:23:09] <MichiBot> Lizzy: Enabled SED for this channel
L244[11:23:26] <Boingo> Hello all. Working with the debug card for a minigame. Looking to create a chest, with things in it.
L245[11:23:35] <Boingo> I can create the chest just fine.
L246[11:23:41] <Boingo> How do I put stuff in it?
L247[11:24:08] <gamax92> Boingo: the debug card doesn't support NBT editing yet
L248[11:24:28] <gamax92> which is what you'd need to put items in it.
L249[11:24:37] <Boingo> Oh.
L250[11:24:43] <Boingo> :-(
L251[11:25:20] <Izaya> can it spawn items in the world?
L252[11:25:43] <Izaya> 'cause you could like
L253[11:25:45] <Izaya> place a chest
L254[11:25:50] <Izaya> place a hopper above the chest
L255[11:25:58] <Izaya> spawn items above the hopper
L256[11:26:03] <Izaya> then destroy the hopper
L257[11:26:11] <Boingo> I am going to try a summon command.
L258[11:26:27] <Boingo> Since you can use /summon from a command block.
L259[11:27:01] <Boingo> So I think the runCommand might work?
L260[11:27:08] *** Guest75362 is now known as TotallyNotKatie
L261[11:27:27] zsh sets mode: +o on TotallyNotKatie
L262[11:30:34] *** Pyrolusite is now known as Pyrolusite_IRC
L263[11:33:20] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-173-175-101-132.satx.res.rr.com)
L264[11:38:50] <hitecnologys> Do you need to put it there just once or many times?
L265[11:39:18] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L266[11:40:58] <Boingo> I need to replace it semi-frequently.
L267[11:41:14] <Boingo> Hmm.... setblock doesnt seem to be working.
L268[11:42:26] <Boingo> It works from a command block though.
L269[11:43:03] <Mimiru> I don't remember if you have to right click, or shift right click, but one sets the fakeplayer to you so it has your permissions
L270[11:43:15] <Mimiru> it's to stop people from being able to run op commands, unless they are actually ops.
L271[11:43:19] <Boingo> Shift click on what?
L272[11:43:24] <Mimiru> the debug card.
L273[11:43:25] <Boingo> The card? The case?
L274[11:43:27] <Mimiru> hold it in your hand
L275[11:43:31] <Boingo> Ok, let me try.
L276[11:43:37] <Mimiru> and either shift click or just right click
L277[11:44:02] <Mimiru> the tooltip will show your name when it works.
L278[11:44:22] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-06_11-44-18.png
L279[11:46:06] <gamax92> No stop eating the crops, you want to plant them
L280[11:46:08] <gamax92> bad Minecraft
L281[11:47:17] <Boingo> Yes, linking the debug card to me (an OP) seems to make the setblock command work.
L282[11:47:19] <Boingo> Thanks!
L283[11:47:24] <Mimiru> Np
L284[11:50:10] <Boingo> Is there a better editor?
L285[11:50:17] <Boingo> "edit".... um sorta sucks.
L286[11:50:24] <gamax92> not sorta.
L287[11:50:26] <gamax92> it really sucks
L288[11:50:31] <Boingo> (No offence to whoever wrote it)
L289[11:50:43] <Mimiru> Sangar. :P
L290[11:50:48] <Boingo> like vim?
L291[11:51:01] <Boingo> Or nano or whatever.
L292[11:51:11] <gamax92> we have neither yet.
L293[11:51:11] <EnderBot2> Yep
L294[11:51:14] <Mimiru> someone was writing lnano.... dunno who
L295[11:51:22] <gamax92> nxsupert was writing lnano
L296[11:51:35] <Mimiru> what I do is just turn off buffered filesystem, and edit the files directly
L297[11:51:53] <Boingo> Mimiru, oh please do explain!
L298[11:52:16] <Boingo> I would love to edit dreictly from vim on the FS.
L299[11:52:17] <Mimiru> open the config find the buffered file system set to false, then you edit the files at save/world/opencomputers/hddid/
L300[11:52:39] <Boingo> What is the downside?
L301[11:52:42] * gamax92 slaps Mimiru
L302[11:52:42] * EnderBot2 rulls on the floor laughing
L303[11:52:52] <gamax92> Boingo: look for "bufferChanges" in the config
L304[11:52:53] <Boingo> I mean, by turning off the buffered FS?
L305[11:53:00] <Mimiru> Boingo, bufferChanges
L306[11:53:03] <Lizzy> oh yeah, i have still yet to probe EnderBot2
L307[11:53:05] <Mimiru> set false.
L308[11:53:05] <Mimiru> done.
L309[11:53:12] <gamax92> Boingo: no downsides
L310[11:54:34] <Mimiru> read the blurb above it in the config decide if it bothers you.
L311[11:54:55] <Boingo> Nah, looks ok.
L312[11:55:04] <Boingo> Do I have to reset the server to take effect?
L313[11:55:15] <Mimiru> Yeah, you'll have to restart
L314[11:55:24] <Boingo> Ok, thanks. vim here I come!
L315[11:56:55] *** Pyrolusite_IRC is now known as Pyrolusite
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L318[12:05:19] <vifino> gamax92: ;-;
L319[12:05:23] <vifino> come back .c
L320[12:05:24] <vifino> *:c
L321[12:05:25] <EnderBot2> :D
L322[12:06:02] <vifino> gamax92: i beg :<
L323[12:06:14] *** Pyrolusite is now known as Pyrolusite|TF2
L324[12:26:53] *** gamax92 is now known as Jason_Kaltos
L325[12:27:36] *** Jason_Kaltos is now known as gamax923
L326[12:27:37] *** gamax923 is now known as gamax92
L327[13:00:52] <wolfmitchell> vifino, http://hitbox.tv/wolfmitchell :3
L328[13:01:15] <vifino> wolfmitchell: !
L329[13:01:32] <vifino> wolfmitchell: wot gaim? WD?
L330[13:01:52] <wolfmitchell> vifino, Distance
L331[13:01:55] <vifino> ohok
L332[13:06:20] <vifino> wolfmitchell: ur streem b ded
L333[13:06:35] <wolfmitchell> vifino, refresh?
L334[13:06:36] <wolfmitchell> idk
L335[13:06:39] <wolfmitchell> gonna be afk for a min tho
L336[13:06:41] <vifino> :\
L337[13:08:01] *** Pyrolusite|TF2 is now known as Pyrolusite
L338[13:10:03] *** Skye is now known as Skye|Dinner
L339[13:17:34] <wolfmitchell> vifino, >emailing virginia tech about a college campus visit
L340[13:17:41] <wolfmitchell> >
L341[13:17:42] <wolfmitchell> The error that the other server returned was:
L342[13:17:42] <wolfmitchell> 550 5.1.1 <csundh@cs.vt.edu>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table
L343[13:17:51] <wolfmitchell> seems legit
L344[13:17:59] <vifino> 10/10 legit
L345[13:18:12] <vifino> wolfmitchell: meanwhile: buying soundblaster sound card :3
L346[13:18:16] <vifino> because awwwyyis
L347[13:18:18] <wolfmitchell> lol
L348[13:21:03] *** Skye|Dinner is now known as Skye
L349[13:26:13] <gamax92> vifino: 12/10 legit with rice
L350[13:26:25] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L351[13:26:25] <vifino> gamax92: wot
L352[13:32:14] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~quassel@178-191-130-166.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
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L356[13:51:19] <wolfmitchell> vifino, you should get Distance
L357[13:56:33] <vifino> wolfmitchell: i should
L358[13:56:44] <vifino> wolfmitchell: you also said you' get me watch dogs :3
L359[13:56:47] * vifino cough
L360[13:58:23] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L361[13:58:29] <Kodos> I still need to trade off 2x Torchlight 2, and a copy of God Mode
L362[14:00:02] <wolfmitchell> vifino, i said i would consider it
L363[14:00:17] <vifino> rip
L364[14:05:21] <wolfmitchell> vifino, honestly it depends if one of my friends is at church for the next 2 weeks
L365[14:05:37] <vifino> o.O
L366[14:05:39] <wolfmitchell> this week so i can give him a $20 to get me a visa gift card, next week so he can give me the card
L367[14:05:51] <wolfmitchell> i have $0 in my paypal atm
L368[14:05:57] <vifino> ohok
L369[14:11:05] <gamax92> wolfmitchell: hook up paypalz to bankz?
L370[14:11:26] <Kodos> My friend just randomly texted me
L371[14:11:36] <Kodos> "I'd say the worst thing about being Japanese is having pixelated genitals"
L372[14:11:47] <wolfmitchell> gamax92, bank only is savings acct
L373[14:11:50] <wolfmitchell> no checking acct
L374[14:12:04] <gamax92> Kodos: XD
L375[14:12:06] <wolfmitchell> i need permission from parents for it since i'm a minor
L376[14:16:29] ⇦ Quits: RaptorJeebus (RaptorJeeb@CPE-120-144-28-209.lnse5.win.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L377[14:19:04] <Boingo> Ok, finally got around to rebooting the server.
L378[14:19:13] <Boingo> I have a floppy disk in a robot.
L379[14:19:23] <Boingo> Can I edit that disk on the filesystem?
L380[14:19:43] <Boingo> I mean, when I created and edited a file, then ls inside the robot, the changes arent there.
L381[14:20:25] <Kodos> Park it next to a charger
L382[14:21:15] <Boingo> Oh?
L383[14:21:21] <Boingo> Hm...
L384[14:21:24] <Boingo> Let me try.
L385[14:21:42] <Kodos> Sorry, tired, let me try to explain better
L386[14:22:00] <Kodos> Put robot next to a charger, wire the charger to a computer via network cable, and access the robot's fs via the computer
L387[14:22:31] <Boingo> I am trying to use VIM to edit the files on the system directly.
L388[14:22:32] <Mimiru> Kodos, I think he's trying to edit the floppy in the robot from the servers file system.
L389[14:22:40] <cloakable> That works for robots as well?
L390[14:22:42] <Mimiru> If you disabled the FS buffer
L391[14:22:43] <Kodos> Yes
L392[14:22:45] <Mimiru> it should work.
L393[14:22:50] <cloakable> Cool
L394[14:23:02] <cloakable> I've only tried a tablet
L395[14:23:24] <Boingo> It is disabled.
L396[14:23:52] <Boingo> bufferChanges = false
L397[14:23:59] <Boingo> But still no love?
L398[14:25:59] <Mimiru> Boingo, http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-06_14-25-24.png <-Before After -> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-06_14-25-54.png
L399[14:26:01] <Mimiru> Works fine for me.
L400[14:26:24] <Mimiru> I edited the file on the server with no issue.
L401[14:26:30] <Mimiru> And that's on a floppy
L402[14:26:45] <Boingo> Ok, so what did I mess up?
L403[14:26:56] <Boingo> I changed the config, saved it, rebooted the server.
L404[14:27:03] <Boingo> I created a blank floppy.
L405[14:27:12] <Boingo> Put it into the robot, it was assigned an ID.
L406[14:27:28] <Boingo> I see the floppy on the server's filesystem.
L407[14:27:43] <Boingo> I tried to create a file on the server and on the floppy.
L408[14:27:52] <Kodos> I think I have a problem... I just spent 2 hours playing Viscera Cleanup Detail
L409[14:27:56] <Boingo> I can only see each file created from where it was created.
L410[14:28:23] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-06_14-28-10.png Both of those files were created on the server
L411[14:29:12] <Mimiru> Boingo, MC/OC version?
L412[14:29:30] <Boingo> Mimiru, I believe you. I am sure I messed somethign up.
L413[14:29:35] <Boingo> 1.7.10
L414[14:29:54] *** prasselshower is now known as prasselpikachu
L415[14:29:58] <Boingo>
L416[14:30:20] <Mimiru> I'm on
L417[14:30:41] <Boingo> Let me try a hard drive.
L418[14:32:52] <Boingo> Ok, it works on hard drives.
L419[14:33:01] <Boingo> Just not floppy disks in robots.
L420[14:33:58] <Mimiru> ¬_¬ I need a way to restart a server from redstone, while running another program in the foreground
L421[14:34:21] <Mimiru> Boingo, I have no idea, should work fine o_O
L422[14:34:50] <Boingo> Did you try a floppy in a robot? (Not saying you need/have to, just trying to see the comparison)
L423[14:35:24] <Lizzy> Mimiru, small script that sets up an eventlistener for redstone_changed in one of the boot files?
L424[14:35:25] <Mimiru> I'm fresh out of robots :P
L425[14:36:20] <Boingo> lol
L426[14:37:06] <Mimiru> Boingo, http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-06_14-37-02.png
L427[14:37:17] <Mimiru> Test created on server
L428[14:38:39] <Boingo> Hmm.... a floppy in a server works fine.
L429[14:38:55] <Boingo> It seems to just be a floppy in a robot.
L430[14:39:57] <Mimiru> I have no clue, the content I update on the server is reflected on the floppy in my test robot
L431[14:41:15] <Boingo> I think I am being an idiot....?
L432[14:41:35] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-173-175-101-132.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L433[14:41:42] <Vexatos> <Mimiru> ¬_¬ I need a way to restart a server from redstone, while running another program in the foreground
L434[14:41:56] <Boingo> What is /mnt/f01 ?
L435[14:42:06] <Vexatos> IIRC there is some feature in the redstone IO block
L436[14:42:17] <Kodos> wakeOnRedstone?
L437[14:42:25] <Mimiru> f01 is the first 3 characters of whatever your id is.
L438[14:42:29] <Vexatos> http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:redstone
L439[14:42:34] <Vexatos> setWakeThreshold
L440[14:42:40] <Mimiru> like the floppy in my robot is ed0
L441[14:43:02] <Mimiru> the full id is ed0d1295-d6a7 etc
L442[14:43:14] <Boingo> I don't see that file on the server
L443[14:43:22] <Mimiru> Thanks Vexatos / Kodos I'll look into it
L444[14:43:22] <EnderBot2> I did not know that..
L445[14:43:32] <Mimiru> Boingo, you'll see the full ID on the server
L446[14:43:52] <Boingo> Yeah, I get that.
L447[14:44:01] <Boingo> I don't see anything that even starts with that.
L448[14:45:18] <Mimiru> I have no idea what your f01 is, when I cd mnt on my robot I get http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-06_14-45-01.png
L449[14:45:26] <Boingo> it is tmpfs
L450[14:45:26] <Mimiru> ed0 is the ID of my floppy disk
L451[14:45:29] <Boingo> sigh....
L452[14:46:00] <Boingo> Ok, yup, just me being an idiot.
L453[14:46:28] <Mimiru> It happens
L454[14:46:56] <Boingo> Yeah.
L455[14:48:06] <Boingo> Now, time to build a robot.
L456[14:48:08] <Mimiru> redstone wake.. will that let me turn the server off, and back on with just redstone? Sounds like it's for WOL when the server is already off
L457[14:48:21] <Boingo> ANyone know of any good stripmine robots that are already built?
L458[14:48:46] <Boingo> Just take an area, mine everything, put it in a chest somewhere.
L459[14:48:47] <Kodos> Mimiru, you can wake it on redstone with that, you could also code shutting down on redstone in your program
L460[14:49:30] <Mimiru> The issue I have is my DHD program runs on a server in the ground with just the monitor sticking out, randomly when I leve the area and come back monitor will be unresponsive and I'll have to break the block in front of the server, and reboot manually to get control back
L461[14:49:50] <Kodos> Why not stash away a remote terminal?
L462[14:49:53] <Mimiru> Yeah I guess I'll have to let redstone send a reboot signal in my foreground program
L463[14:50:09] <Mimiru> Because I'm not the only user and don't want people to have to carry a terminal to restart the DHD
L464[14:50:22] <Kodos> You're using a server rack?
L465[14:50:26] <Mimiru> Yeah
L466[14:50:34] <Kodos> Are you using all 4 racks already?
L467[14:50:39] <Mimiru> No
L468[14:50:46] ⇦ Quits: EnderBot2 (EnderBot2@heyo.theender.net) (Quit: Ohh Noes)
L469[14:50:48] ⇨ Joins: EnderBot2 (EnderBot2@heyo.theender.net)
L470[14:50:48] zsh sets mode: +v on EnderBot2
L471[14:50:59] <Kodos> You could always use a server to tell another server to reboot
L472[14:51:06] *** Lizzy sets mode: -q $a:EnderBot
L473[14:51:12] <Mimiru> lol
L474[14:51:13] <Lizzy> !deop
L475[14:51:13] zsh sets mode: -o on Lizzy
L476[14:51:17] <Lizzy> .time
L477[14:51:17] <EnderBot2> Current OC time: Sat Jun 6 19:51:17 2015
L478[14:51:18] <Lizzy> k
L479[14:51:20] <Lizzy> !op
L480[14:51:20] zsh sets mode: +o on Lizzy
L481[14:53:22] <Mimiru> lolol http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-06_14-53-18.png
L482[14:53:26] <Mimiru> that hurts to look at
L483[14:53:52] <Kodos> I still need to rework init.lua to make my computer look like a commodore
L484[14:54:14] <XDjackieXD> Mimiru: green on black not white on green! XD
L485[14:54:44] <Mimiru> :P
L486[14:58:26] <Kodos> Where in the Lua files/ jar would I find what affects the colors of the pwd?
L487[14:58:34] <Kodos> The prompt, rather
L488[14:59:04] <Vexatos> pwd.lua
L489[14:59:05] <Vexatos> P:
L490[15:01:06] <Kodos> Yeah, not seeing anything about colors being set in there. I'll look after I've had some sleep
L491[15:05:10] <Mimiru> ¬_¬ how the hell do I use a redstone card in a server, if the side is already used by a network cable.. lol
L492[15:05:22] <Mimiru> eff it redstone io block
L493[15:05:24] <Mimiru> lol
L494[15:06:14] <Kodos> I've probably asked this half a dozen times and gotten an answer but I have shit memory; Can a redstone IO block handle bundled redstone cable?
L495[15:06:23] <MajGenRelativity> yes?
L496[15:06:33] <MajGenRelativity> i think?
L497[15:06:35] <Mimiru> afaik yes.
L498[15:06:59] <Kodos> Sweet. Now I just need Aidan to fix the mekanism shit
L499[15:11:44] <Vexatos> Kodos, yes
L500[15:12:32] <Mimiru> \o/ that worked
L501[15:13:17] <Mimiru> hitting a button now reboots the server
L502[15:13:54] <Vexatos> Could also use Buildcraft gates
L503[15:16:22] <Mimiru> Well, I only need to do it IF the server has locked and stopped showing anything on the screen
L504[15:17:23] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-06_15-17-15.png
L505[15:20:27] <Vexatos> What does the screen show? "explorer.exe has stopped working"
L506[15:21:04] <Mimiru> Umm, it shows a blank until you reboot it :P
L507[15:21:06] <Mimiru> then it shows http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-06-06_15-20-47.png
L508[15:33:13] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Time to go, to adventure!)
L509[15:34:58] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C84D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L510[15:36:47] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
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L513[15:50:13] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
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L516[16:02:43] *** PHP is now known as JavaPlugin
L517[16:24:33] <Boingo> Is there a way to pick up a robot intact?
L518[16:25:53] <rashy> could try with a scrench. shift right-click, maybe?
L519[16:26:05] <Boingo> Doesn't seem like it.
L520[16:26:40] <gamax92> I wonder why the durability in OC is off by one
L521[16:26:58] <gamax92> Diamond pickaxe: something/1562, but you have to multiply by 1561 to get a proper number
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L523[16:42:08] *** Pyrolusite is now known as Pyrolusite_IRC
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L530[17:00:01] <Boingo> Ok, working with a mining robot. I have swing, move, swing move etc etc.
L531[17:01:26] <gamax92> Boingo: My mining robot has a geolyzer to detect ores and a basic pathfinder/navigator to get to the ores
L532[17:01:43] <Boingo> Cool.
L533[17:01:47] <Boingo> WOuld love to see it.
L534[17:01:58] <Boingo> Right now I am trying to learn a bit.
L535[17:02:11] <Boingo> So, just a simple sweep pattern (box)
L536[17:02:15] <Boingo> and dig everything.
L537[17:02:25] <Boingo> Something is off though.
L538[17:02:57] <gamax92> feel free to show code: http://pastebin.com/
L539[17:07:10] <Boingo> http://pastebin.com/cqtXezZr
L540[17:07:25] <Boingo> it makes the pattern fine when it doesn't dig.
L541[17:07:34] <Boingo> a 3 x 3 grid
L542[17:07:48] <Boingo> But when it has to dig, it doesn't move forward.
L543[17:08:02] ⇨ Joins: phillips1012 (~phillips1@
L544[17:08:39] <gamax92> Boingo: there is a weird thing where when it should be able to move forward, after digging whats infront of it, yet doesn't do so and says there's something there
L545[17:08:49] <Boingo> Yeah!
L546[17:08:58] <Boingo> Ok, it isn't just me?
L547[17:09:03] <gamax92> no, i get that as well
L548[17:09:24] <gamax92> Boingo: what you should do is make a function that tries to move forward and stops trying when robot.forward returns true
L549[17:09:26] <Boingo> Ok..... so.... um, how do you get around it?
L550[17:09:33] <Boingo> Ah.
L551[17:13:46] <Boingo> while robot.forward() == false do end ??
L552[17:16:29] <gamax92> Boingo: that'd work
L553[17:16:46] <Boingo> Only sorta.
L554[17:16:50] <gamax92> oh?
L555[17:17:08] <Boingo> I think.
L556[17:17:25] <Boingo> If I put a block in front of it, it stops.
L557[17:17:34] <Boingo> But doesn't sit there and loop either.
L558[17:17:37] <Boingo> It reutrns.
L559[17:18:36] <gamax92> oh, because it return true or nil instead of true or false
L560[17:18:51] <gamax92> Boingo: while not robot.forward() do robot.swing() end
L561[17:19:11] <Boingo> Better. Thanks.
L562[17:23:44] <Boingo> Ok, that solves the digging problem. Thanks. Now to fix my math errors. :-)
L563[17:28:30] ⇨ Joins: shortybsd (~shortybsd@c-98-240-4-254.hsd1.tn.comcast.net)
L564[17:33:54] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@93-94-245-31.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L565[17:35:22] <Shuudoushi> 50000 lines of text in my buffer... time to clear it
L566[17:36:00] <gamax92> Shuudoushi: or be active more
L567[17:36:33] <Shuudoushi> being active more will just make the buffer fill faster
L568[17:36:57] <Shuudoushi> it was my hexchat buffer itself that was filling up, not the bouncers buffer
L569[17:39:26] ⇦ Quits: Fridtjof_mc (~EIRC_RR@x5f709fda.dyn.telefonica.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L570[17:41:21] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L571[18:04:40] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L572[18:07:02] <Kodos> Triple Crown get =D
L573[18:11:00] <Kodos> Oh motherfu... http://www.reddit.com/r/Dinnerbone
L574[18:12:15] <Temia> pfft.
L575[18:15:50] <Temia> Say, is it me or has Mojang been releasing an awful lot of security updates ever since Forge got ported over to 1.8?
L576[18:18:48] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L577[18:21:04] <gamax92> Temia: it's secretly just adding a line of code that will support the Microsoft DLC
L578[18:29:30] <Daiyousei> minecraft KMS licensing when?
L579[18:30:07] <Keridos> is there a program to download stuff from pastebin in openos?
L580[18:32:29] <Mimiru> put a internet card in and pastebin get pastid filename
L581[18:32:38] <Mimiru> there is also pastebin pu filename
L582[18:32:46] <Keridos> ok thanks
L583[18:32:58] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/2015-06-06_18-32-56.png
L584[18:43:03] <PotatoTrumpet> Hmm
L585[18:43:13] <PotatoTrumpet> I was pinged but I can't find out by who
L586[18:43:29] *** Sleepdra is now known as TheSandromatic
L587[18:44:03] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L588[18:50:40] * PotatoTrumpet noms on Mimiru
L589[18:53:35] * vifino slaps PotatoTrumpet
L590[18:53:35] * EnderBot2 rulls on the floor laughing
L591[18:53:48] <vifino> One does not simply nom on a lady without her permission.
L592[18:54:10] <Mimiru> Indeed.
L593[18:54:11] <Mimiru> :P
L594[18:54:22] <vifino> :3
L595[18:54:31] * PotatoTrumpet slaps vifino with a large sword from skyrim
L596[18:54:31] * vifino gives PotatoTrumpet a dozen GoldFish, who then takes them and swallows them, forced, one by one
L597[18:54:31] * EnderBot2 feeds PotatoTrumpet to the lions
L598[18:54:42] <vifino> :O
L599[18:54:45] <PotatoTrumpet> :O
L600[18:54:54] <PotatoTrumpet> I love goldfish!
L601[18:54:57] <vifino> EnderBot2... protects me now?! :o
L602[18:55:03] <PotatoTrumpet> Hold on
L603[18:55:04] * vifino hugs EnderBot2
L604[18:55:04] * EnderBot2 hugs vifino
L605[18:55:07] <vifino> :O
L606[18:55:07] <PotatoTrumpet> :O
L607[18:55:11] * PotatoTrumpet hugs EnderBot2
L608[18:55:11] * EnderBot2 is wondering why PotatoTrumpet is hugging him...
L609[18:55:23] <vifino> Oh. My. Goodness.
L610[18:55:33] ⇨ Joins: PotatoTesting12343 (webchat@
L611[18:55:39] * PotatoTesting12343 slaps vifino
L612[18:55:39] * vifino breaks PotatoTesting12343 like a toothpick
L613[18:55:39] * EnderBot2 feeds PotatoTesting12343 to the lions
L614[18:55:43] <PotatoTrumpet> Yep
L615[18:55:48] <PotatoTrumpet> He protects you now
L616[18:55:50] <vifino> :D
L617[18:55:54] ⇦ Quits: PotatoTesting12343 (webchat@ (Client Quit)
L618[18:56:10] * PotatoTrumpet bows down to vifino
L619[18:56:15] <vifino> :3
L620[18:56:20] * vifino hugs PotatoTrumpet
L621[18:56:35] * PotatoTrumpet is wondering why vifino is hugging him...
L622[18:56:59] <vifino> Because I like you? >:V
L623[18:57:41] <vifino> You're not *that bad*
L624[18:59:01] <PotatoTrumpet> *that bad*
L625[18:59:03] <PotatoTrumpet> Hey
L626[18:59:10] <PotatoTrumpet> It's almost been a year since I found #oc
L627[18:59:15] <PotatoTrumpet> which reminds me
L628[18:59:24] <PotatoTrumpet> I tried to create shitty banners for oc
L629[18:59:27] <PotatoTrumpet> forgot about thekm
L630[18:59:31] <PotatoTrumpet> oh well
L631[19:00:08] <vifino> + You also helped me when I were down, which is quite a memerable thing..
L632[19:00:15] <PotatoTrumpet> Yah
L633[19:00:25] <PotatoTrumpet> I feel like this is civ
L634[19:00:42] <PotatoTrumpet> And i've done a lot to piss you off
L635[19:01:21] <PotatoTrumpet> and as my father would say
L636[19:01:28] <PotatoTrumpet> I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL
L637[19:01:49] * vifino burst in laughter at 2 am just now
L638[19:01:56] <vifino> 10/10
L639[19:02:07] <vifino> But wouldn't do again, my parrents will probably wake up
L640[19:02:23] <PotatoTrumpet> SuPeRMiNoR2, wasn't that the song that I got stuck in your head yesterday
L641[19:02:25] ⇨ Joins: Azazel (uid52684@id-52684.highgate.irccloud.com)
L642[19:05:23] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p54934E0B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L643[19:07:02] <Keridos> is there a way in lua to just end the current for loop
L644[19:07:07] <Keridos> but continue with the next?
L645[19:07:49] ⇦ Quits: newbie (~EvaKnieve@87-198-113-182.ptr.magnet.ie) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L646[19:07:55] <PotatoTrumpet> break?
L647[19:08:08] <Keridos> hm, does that cancel the loop completely?
L648[19:08:22] <PotatoTrumpet> I have no idea
L649[19:08:35] <vifino> Keridos: Yes.
L650[19:08:49] <Keridos> and if i just want to go to the next step in the loop?
L651[19:09:12] <vifino> I think that would be next.
L652[19:09:16] <vifino> But I'm not sure.
L653[19:12:13] <Keridos> that doesnt work
L654[19:12:19] <Keridos> apparently lua has no continue statement
L655[19:17:57] <vifino> Hmm. Too bad then.
L656[19:18:14] <vifino> Just wrap the inner code in an if statement?
L657[19:23:16] ⇦ Quits: Guest58886 (Kamran@kamran.ml) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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L664[19:58:13] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
L665[19:59:25] *** Azazel is now known as Nihilumbra
L666[20:02:05] <gamax92> Keridos: goto!
L667[20:02:16] <PotatoTrumpet> Oh yah
L668[20:02:21] <Keridos> oh that would work, thanks
L669[20:02:22] <PotatoTrumpet> isn't that new in 5.3
L670[20:02:26] <gamax92> thats 5.2
L671[20:02:40] <PotatoTrumpet> as if I keep up with versions of lua
L672[20:02:50] <PotatoTrumpet> So
L673[20:02:58] <PotatoTrumpet> Has anyone made a CPU with a different arch?
L674[20:03:02] <Keridos> didnt someone want to do a lua that can do D or c++ or something?
L675[20:03:06] <Keridos> not lua
L676[20:03:09] <Keridos> a bios and cpu
L677[20:03:09] <gDroid2002> There's a javascript arch
L678[20:03:18] <gamax92> some dude is making an ARM arch
L679[20:05:04] <gDroid2002> We could have actual real Linux tools then
L680[20:05:15] <gDroid2002> I can't help but feel that it'd be slow though
L681[20:05:29] <PotatoTrumpet> It's MC
L682[20:05:33] <PotatoTrumpet> it will always be slow
L683[20:05:39] <PotatoTrumpet> no matter what you do
L684[20:05:54] <gDroid2002> On your machine, maybe.
L685[20:06:06] <gDroid2002> The code isn't good, but it's manageable
L686[20:06:07] <gamax92> PotatoTrumpet can run GTA at ... how many fps?
L687[20:06:13] <PotatoTrumpet> 60
L688[20:06:18] <PotatoTrumpet> about 99% maxed out
L689[20:06:26] <PotatoTrumpet> have it limited to 60 though
L690[20:06:47] <gDroid2002> Okay?
L691[20:06:47] <gamax92> well unlimit and benchmark
L692[20:06:54] <PotatoTrumpet> I will later
L693[20:06:55] <gDroid2002> And that has what to do with Hava performance?
L694[20:06:58] <gDroid2002> :P
L695[20:07:00] <gDroid2002> Java*
L696[20:07:01] <daemon> PotatoeTrumpet: could always just write MC in c# or something C based :)
L697[20:07:10] <gamax92> gDroid2002: "gDroid2002> On your machine, maybe."
L698[20:07:31] <gDroid2002> Yes. The render thread is hardly the MC bottleneck.
L699[20:08:52] <gDroid2002> In this case you'd be worried about the server regardless
L700[20:12:23] <gDroid2002> FPS in any other game is generally irrelevant because of the way MC does stuff
L701[20:12:33] <gDroid2002> You guys are smart, I'm sure you'll work to out
L702[20:12:46] *** gDroid2002 is now known as gAway2002
L703[20:14:32] ⇨ Joins: Cole0209 (webchat@c-73-218-65-254.hsd1.nh.comcast.net)
L704[20:14:46] <Cole0209> anyone have a pastebin for the http program?
L705[20:15:16] ⇦ Quits: Cole0209 (webchat@c-73-218-65-254.hsd1.nh.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
L706[20:16:51] <Mimiru> wat?
L707[20:19:34] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-431-153.w92-132.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L708[20:24:53] <gamax92> uwot
L709[20:27:23] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L710[20:28:05] *** Skye is now known as Skye|ZZZ
L711[20:33:55] <bananagram> low attention spans
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L713[20:34:38] zsh sets mode: +v on calclavia
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L715[20:48:40] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
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L718[20:57:54] <gamax92> http://www.speedtest.net/result/4414470581.png
L719[21:14:08] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L720[21:29:54] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
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L728[22:49:43] <Izaya> https://lainchan.org/cyb/res/8880.html#8897 heheh
L729[22:49:58] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L730[22:50:04] <Izaya> gamax92, is that your speedtest?
L731[22:50:38] <gamax92> Izaya: yes
L732[22:51:39] <Izaya> I hate you.
L733[22:51:45] <gamax92> Izaya: <3
L734[22:51:50] <Izaya> 22Mbps down, 3 up q_q
L735[22:51:51] <Temia> tfw you could be DoSed by most anyone
L736[22:51:57] <Temia> 1.
L737[22:52:00] <gamax92> ?
L738[22:52:05] <Temia> Consider yourself lucky, Izaya.
L739[22:52:22] <Mimiru> 20/2 actual 15/1
L740[22:52:41] <Izaya> Temia, most of Australia could be DoSed by anyone else
L741[22:53:19] <Temia> Yeah
L742[22:53:22] <Temia> But even you could DoS me.
L743[22:53:25] <gamax92> Izaya: does it help if I say I can only actually get 77% of that dl speed?
L744[22:53:37] <Temia> That says a lot, doesn't it?
L745[22:53:58] <Izaya> you have <3Mbps down?
L746[22:54:07] <gamax92> the router can only do 10/100, I was plugged directly into the modem to test that
L747[22:54:19] <gamax92> so it normally caps out around 94
L748[22:55:20] <Izaya> gamax92, your WAN down speed is better than my LAN
L749[22:55:44] <TheSandromatic> and then there's me. http://www.speedtest.net/result/4414593012.png
L750[22:55:56] <gamax92> lovely!
L751[22:56:05] <gamax92> wait, that nick ...
L752[22:56:16] * Temia flops with Sandra. Mopes about connections with.
L753[22:56:25] <gamax92> oh is just Sandra
L754[22:56:29] <TheSandromatic> yes.
L755[22:56:37] <TheSandromatic> I use a variety of nicks.
L756[22:57:49] <gamax92> infact I was thinking of completely the wrong thing
L757[23:00:29] <Izaya> I would do a speedtest except I'm using half my bandwidth on other stuff
L758[23:00:30] <TheSandromatic> 22Mb/s is something that I can only dream of.
L759[23:00:42] <TheSandromatic> let alone 100Mb/s
L760[23:00:54] <Izaya> I had 100Mbps once upon a time
L761[23:01:03] <Izaya> that which is lost will one day be regained
L762[23:01:11] <gamax92> but then it took an arrow to the cable
L763[23:01:18] <Izaya> at which point the rest of the world will be using 10Gbps
L764[23:01:23] <TheSandromatic> I occasionally get 10Mbps
L765[23:01:31] <TheSandromatic> that's the speed I'm SUPPOSED TO GET.
L766[23:01:42] <Izaya> Shub-Internet must be happy at those pointsd
L767[23:02:22] <Temia> Eh.
L768[23:02:26] <Temia> You're lucky then.
L769[23:02:31] * TheSandromatic has worse internet than anyone she knows, but also uses the internet more than anyone she knows.
L770[23:02:40] <Temia> 1Mbps is the maximum capable over this phoneline's copper.
L771[23:02:56] <Temia> It's poorly maintained and in a bad neighborhood where no provider wants to risk their techs' necks.
L772[23:03:03] * Izaya is still waiting for the National FTTN Network
L773[23:03:10] <gamax92> Cable modem here
L774[23:03:15] <gamax92> weee DOCSIS
L775[23:03:16] <Temia> It was a pain just finding someone that offered unmetered internet at all.
L776[23:03:18] <Temia> ADSL.
L777[23:03:35] <gamax92> sounds fun
L778[23:04:20] <Izaya> ADSL2+ here, unmetred
L779[23:05:42] * rashy nuzzles Temia
L780[23:05:48] <Izaya> http://www.bytecellar.com/siteimages/panorama_2012_large.jpg o.o
L781[23:07:21] <rashy> 100/5 Mb cable here, but it's a promotional thing which should drop back down to 25/3ish after the promotion is over
L782[23:08:29] <gamax92> I'm not entirely sure what we should actually be getting
L783[23:09:05] <Izaya> so one of the new OS X releases is called Yosemite, yes?
L784[23:09:20] <TheSandromatic> I have ADSL2+ apparenlty.
L785[23:09:50] <TheSandromatic> Temia, what country are you in?
L786[23:09:59] <Temia> United States.
L787[23:10:08] <TheSandromatic> oh my.
L788[23:10:21] <Temia> Inside Seattle city limits at that, so I don't have the excuse of living in the middle of nowhere.
L789[23:10:51] <Temia> I'm a prime example of how fucked up internet access is even in the heart of society.
L790[23:11:39] <Izaya> I'm in a small reigonal city, why is my internet access average for Australia?
L791[23:12:22] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L792[23:12:29] <Temia> Sorry, meant in the context of the US. .-.
L793[23:13:00] <TheSandromatic> I'm in a moderate sized city.
L794[23:13:37] <Izaya> AEST... Guessing somewhere along the coast.
L795[23:13:40] <TheSandromatic> (admittedly, I do live on a peninsula and so they have to run the wires around the place.)
L796[23:14:05] <TheSandromatic> yep.
L797[23:14:30] <TheSandromatic> about an hour north of sydney.
L798[23:15:04] <TheSandromatic> (an hours drive.)
L799[23:15:27] <Izaya> Guessing newcastle or nearby
L800[23:15:31] <TheSandromatic> yep.
L801[23:16:25] <TheSandromatic> I live on an almost island.
L802[23:16:47] <TheSandromatic> so my connection's worse than most of newcastle.
L803[23:17:10] <Izaya> almost island...
L804[23:17:24] <TheSandromatic> yes, it's an island, but it has a land bridge.
L805[23:18:16] <Izaya> too lazy to look around newcastle on google maps for an almost island
L806[23:18:33] <TheSandromatic> tbh it's very visible.
L807[23:19:03] <TheSandromatic> you just go to newcastle, then north across the river.
L808[23:19:15] <TheSandromatic> tada.
L809[23:19:38] <Izaya> kooragang island? though it appears to be an actual island
L810[23:19:41] <TheSandromatic> no.
L811[23:19:45] <TheSandromatic> stockton.
L812[23:20:48] <Izaya> oic
L813[23:21:38] <Izaya> that would result in screwy cables indeed
L814[23:22:31] <Izaya> better than an actual island, I guess
L815[23:22:41] <TheSandromatic> mmm hmm.
L816[23:22:50] <TheSandromatic> also I think our wire's bad.
L817[23:23:41] <TheSandromatic> where abouts are you at Izaya?
L818[23:24:11] <Izaya> near Byron Bay, but somewhat inland
L819[23:25:48] <TheSandromatic> mmmkay.
L820[23:27:51] <TheSandromatic> that far north eh.
L821[23:28:24] <Izaya> I'd say you're quite a distance south
L822[23:33:49] <TheSandromatic> heh.
L823[23:40:29] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/4kD2p0r.png meanwhile
L824[23:42:45] <daemon> hey all I have a robot with a redstone IO card
L825[23:42:51] <daemon> the charger is to sides.back
L826[23:42:56] <daemon> byut
L827[23:43:04] <daemon> but when I set the signal to 15 it does not enable the charger
L828[23:43:22] <daemon> there something special I have to do
L829[23:44:54] <Izaya> try the other sides, I guess
L830[23:45:43] <daemon> ah front is back apparently (0_o)
L831[23:47:36] <daemon> ah there is a bug
L832[23:47:51] <daemon> with every side set to 15, it will not trigger if either the front or back of the robot is facing the charger
L833[23:48:01] <daemon> it must be the left or right side
L834[23:50:35] <daemon> infact he top/bottom does not work either
L835[23:50:40] <daemon> left/right only
L836[23:57:02] <Izaya> black magic
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