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L1[00:03:47] ⇦ Quits: ping (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:25b5:9974:d140:b0cd) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L3[00:06:07] *** Benguin[ZzZ] is now known as Benguin
L4[00:09:52] <gamax92> oh boy ... geolyzer noise, intense
L5[00:10:41] <Temia> Hmm.
L6[00:11:27] <gamax92> wat why does this block have negative hardness
L7[00:11:44] <gamax92> robot has negative density
L8[00:12:14] <Temia> I had a crazy thought for a potential feature request: power management API. Poweroffs send signals for the computer to act on, and an option to store the computer's state is introduced?
L9[00:12:55] <Temia> Possibly in a fork()-style arrangement, where the saved and active state resume with different return values
L10[00:15:06] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L11[00:15:59] <gamax92> I guess I can just target all blocks that are 2.9 to 3.1
L12[00:16:16] <gamax92> geolyzer noise is stronk
L13[00:20:51] <Temia> Oh, and setting events to power on via card over, like redstone or particular network transmissions
L14[00:21:33] <LewsTherin> Does OC already provide WoL?
L15[00:25:34] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L16[00:31:11] * gamax92 redirects Temia to a file
L17[00:31:33] * Temia meeps?
L18[00:32:37] <gamax92> (Temia's ramdom OC ideas) > a\ file
L19[00:33:24] <Temia> :<
L20[00:33:36] <Temia> How rude! It should be >>!
L21[00:36:51] <Temia> Anyway I was partly thinking about it to develop a more efficient tablet OS -- one that would automatically suspend its state but still be able to wake up and alert the user if a message is sent over wireless.
L22[00:37:21] <Temia> Also computers turning on via redstone could be useful for preserving power in automation, I think.
L23[00:38:19] <Sandra> Temia, with computronics and buildcraft you can turn them on via BC Gates....
L24[00:38:20] <Sandra> :P
L25[00:39:05] <Temia> That's one option, I suppose... But I was thinking of a convenient byproduct of a different need
L26[00:39:25] <Sandra> yeah.
L27[00:39:42] <Sandra> I'm pretty sure there was a WoL thingy for OC.
L28[00:39:44] <gamax92> but there is no computronics for 1.8
L29[00:39:48] <Sandra> not sure how it worked.
L30[00:39:52] <gamax92> or buildcraft
L31[00:40:27] <gamax92> or a bunch of other mods computronics can intergrate with
L32[00:43:17] <Temia> ~w wake-on-LAN
L33[00:43:18] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:keyboard ( I tried D: )
L34[00:43:23] *** mallrat208 is now known as MR208|DeusEx
L35[00:43:25] <Temia> ~w wake
L36[00:43:25] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-package
L37[00:45:34] <Temia> Oh, there it is. Sure enough. Well, that's convenient!
L38[00:46:00] <Temia> Oh, the redstone API has it too. Man, is my face red.
L39[00:46:20] <Temia> ...So now I'm left wondering if it's already possible to implement some manner of suspend/resume system...
L40[00:52:41] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C85F7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L41[00:52:41] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L51[03:30:11] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
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L53[04:04:59] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
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L60[05:04:42] *** MR208|DeusEx is now known as mallrat208
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L62[05:16:03] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L63[05:25:55] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L64[05:42:49] <iceman11a> Let me see how i can explain this. thatsIch was telling me that some one may have an option to remove ores from a AE2 network to a loader from railcraft. The problem is with out having to add every ore to a export bus
L65[05:43:05] <iceman11a> Does any one have an idea on this.
L66[05:44:41] <iceman11a> thatsIch beleaves that this option maybe in opencomputers
L67[05:50:10] <Vexatos> Icedream, you can using the database upgrade
L68[05:50:23] <Vexatos> that means you'll have to add every ore to a database instead of the export bus
L69[05:51:27] <iceman11a> the database upgrade. Is this a part of AE2 or opencomputers.
L70[05:51:37] <iceman11a> and I guess your talking to me.
L71[05:54:10] ⇦ Quits: CoolSquid (~CoolSquid@ti0011a400-6728.bb.online.no) (Quit: Leaving)
L72[05:54:30] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L73[05:55:18] <Vexatos> iceman11a, OC, of course
L74[05:55:47] ⇦ Quits: DaeDroug (uid22591@id-22591.ealing.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L75[05:56:10] <iceman11a> well is there some thing to show me how to set this up and how to add ore to the database.
L76[05:57:06] <Vexatos> The ingame manual of OC?
L77[06:03:55] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-266-208.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L78[06:04:41] <iceman11a> Vexatos, I don't seem to find this manual. Do you know the name of the manual.
L79[06:05:00] <Vexatos> "Manual"
L80[06:05:07] <Vexatos> Are you sure you're using OpenComputers 1.5?
L81[06:05:14] <iceman11a> Yes
L82[06:05:51] <iceman11a> 1.5.2x
L83[06:06:35] <iceman11a> there's nothing about a manual on oc that I can find
L84[06:06:44] <iceman11a> ingame
L85[06:07:10] <Vexatos> iceman11a, it got added in 1.5.7
L86[06:08:19] <iceman11a> I fount the database upgrade, I didn't want to update the mod at this time.
L87[06:08:39] <iceman11a> due to the fact it's a part of a modpack
L88[06:12:11] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L89[06:17:11] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L90[06:22:09] <iceman11a> Vexatos Thanks. This just won't work for me. I would have to have some thing to show me step by step to set this up. and then I would need some one to program a lua code to do what I need it to do.
L91[06:23:05] <iceman11a> that would be too much of a pain in the butt.
L92[06:24:04] <iceman11a> Thanks for your time.
L93[06:25:13] <Izaya> I'm an idiot!
L94[06:25:28] <Izaya> I just realised how to fix the event system in my OS in one line.
L95[06:25:48] *** Altenius|Off is now known as Altenius
L96[06:26:40] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L97[06:36:07] <Temia> If you were an idiot, you never would have realised it.
L98[06:36:14] *** justastranger|zzz is now known as justastranger
L99[06:36:22] <Temia> Rather, you just had a breakthrough. '-'
L100[06:36:25] <Izaya> https://github.com/shadowkatstudios/amie/commit/6ec221d50de0e68a3ddfdd9a9a67b27a2352134e Was actually two lines.
L101[06:36:35] <Izaya> It took like two months to figure out
L102[06:36:49] <Izaya> (not that it was the top of my priorities during that time)
L103[06:41:13] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L104[06:43:46] <Sangar> o/
L105[06:44:25] <Izaya> \o
L106[06:44:37] <Vexatos> \o Snagar
L107[06:46:50] <Lizzy> \o
L108[06:53:18] <dangranos> o/
L109[06:59:39] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p5493562B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L110[07:01:32] <Izaya> ~w internet
L111[07:01:32] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:internet
L112[07:11:26] <nxsupert_> o/
L113[07:12:29] <Sandra> \o/o\o/
L114[07:14:58] <Kodos> Sangar, topic needs updated to 1.5.11
L115[07:15:08] *** Sangar changes topic to 'Forums: http://oc.cil.li/ | Wiki: http://ocd.cil.li/ | Latest version: 1.5.11 | Dev Builds: http://ci.cil.li/ | Channel Rules: http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/171- | Stats: http://goo.gl/Hzm22G | Don't ask to ask, just ask!'
L116[07:15:16] <Sangar> thanks for the reminder
L117[07:15:53] <Izaya> Sangar: what do http_response signals contain?
L118[07:16:08] <Sangar> they don't exist anymore, so nothing :P
L119[07:16:20] <Izaya> then how do I do low-level stuff with an internet card?
L120[07:16:32] <Sangar> define
L121[07:17:33] <Izaya> hm, can I rip internet.request reasonably unbreakingly?
L122[07:17:36] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L123[07:17:51] <Sangar> hmm?
L124[07:18:01] <Izaya> will internet.request work without OpenOS?
L125[07:18:10] <Kodos> How would you access the internet API
L126[07:18:19] <Sangar> ah. i dunno, does it `require` stuff? if not, sure :P
L127[07:18:27] <Izaya> by sticking it in my code, Kodos
L128[07:18:33] <Izaya> it's quite large :/
L129[07:20:11] <Kodos> Sangar, you started work on a remote control item?
L130[07:20:37] <Vexatos> a.k.a. a tablet without a screen? P:
L131[07:20:41] <Sangar> Kodos, thought about it, didn't actually do anything yet
L132[07:20:54] <Kodos> Ah, I saw the item file being started in the hover boots commit, wasn't sure
L133[07:21:35] <Sangar> yeah, had that lying around for a while and just accidentally commited it there :P as you saw, it was quite empty
L134[07:22:07] <Kodos> Indeed, and I liked the idea of sending predefined network code on right click, could make for some very creative uses
L135[07:22:15] <Kodos> Maybe have it take an EEPROM
L136[07:22:30] <Kodos> Actually, no, hm
L137[07:22:43] <Sangar> nah, it won't run any user defined code
L138[07:22:56] <Sangar> it'll be more like a wireless keyboard :P
L139[07:23:03] <Sangar> probably
L140[07:23:07] <Sangar> not sure yet
L141[07:23:30] <Kodos> Well, what do you think of it just being a 'button', that when right clicked, fires an event within a wireless range
L142[07:23:40] <Kodos> Or somethign to that effect
L143[07:23:57] <Sangar> yeah, that's what i meant. just with more 'buttons' ^^
L144[07:24:10] <Kodos> Maybe make T2 have more buttons =D
L145[07:24:34] <Sangar> eh, dunno, the t1 would be too useless then imho
L146[07:24:51] <Kodos> Actually, yours would make more sense as a remote control
L147[07:25:06] <Kodos> I guess I'm just wanting a 'big red button' of sorts to hit that I can make a program to react however
L148[07:25:27] <Kodos> ie, I can hit the button and it tells all my computers to self destruct
L149[07:25:30] <Sangar> crafting would be something like keyboard+wlan card+capacitor+stuff or something
L150[07:25:46] <Kodos> I'm assuming you mean in the Electronics assembler
L151[07:25:56] <Sangar> nah, just normal crafting
L152[07:26:08] <Kodos> Ah, I was going to say, you could have a 'Handheld Device Case'
L153[07:26:13] <Kodos> Which would leave the door open for other things
L154[07:27:08] <Sangar> ehh, i don't like that, too different from how all other assembled devices behave (i.e. the case mapping 1:1 to the output device, where there it'b 1:n)
L155[07:27:22] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L156[07:27:30] <Kodos> Ah, fair enough
L157[07:28:04] <Kodos> Is it safe to grab 641 of dev, or should I wait until you're done building for the day
L158[07:28:06] <Sangar> wow, how did that "d be" become just "b" o.O
L159[07:28:49] <Vexatos> " (i.e. the case mapping 1:1 to the output device, where there it'b 1:n)"
L160[07:28:55] <Vexatos> Too much Computer Science lately, I see
L161[07:30:05] <Izaya> Sangar: can I pass fscomponent.write a string of any size?
L162[07:30:35] <Sangar> Vexatos, always
L163[07:30:40] <Sangar> Izaya, i'd assume so
L164[07:30:45] <Izaya> excellent
L165[07:30:54] <Izaya> inb4 accidental buffer overflow exploit
L166[07:31:08] <Sangar> iirc i decided the limiting factor being the lua memory would be good enough for that
L167[07:31:22] <Sangar> probably
L168[07:31:23] <Sangar> :P
L169[07:31:23] <Vexatos> "lua memory"
L170[07:31:25] <Vexatos> "limiting"
L171[07:31:30] <Vexatos> I am running Selene in live mode
L172[07:31:36] <Vexatos> and haven't had a single OOM error
L173[07:31:40] ⇨ Joins: Tatjam (webchat@232.Red-79-148-247.staticIP.rima-tde.net)
L174[07:31:42] <Tatjam> hey
L175[07:31:45] <Vexatos> something seems wrong
L176[07:31:53] <Sangar> the point not there being a particularly low limit, but any limit at all
L177[07:32:13] <Izaya> I'm writing an init script for the titan bootloader
L178[07:32:21] <Izaya> just realised I can execute the kernel from RAM
L179[07:32:23] <Izaya> winning.
L180[07:32:35] <Vexatos> Selene is less bad on memory than I thought
L181[07:33:07] <Sangar> Kodos, ah, sorry, should be fine. i'll make a few more pushes (and one hotfix-ish release), just so you know
L182[07:33:17] <Kodos> That's fine, just let me know when you're done =)
L183[07:33:30] <Kodos> Haven't Minecrafted in nearly a month, so I'm cleaning up my pack and trying again
L184[07:33:54] <Izaya> Vexatos: I just figured out how to fix amie's event system in two lines, so that's pretty good.
L185[07:34:04] <Vexatos> Better add Selene to it
L186[07:34:13] <Vexatos> because that's totally not doubling the size of your OS
L187[07:34:20] <Izaya> how big is it?
L188[07:34:25] <Vexatos> let's see
L189[07:35:08] <Vexatos> Including the OpenOS interpreter+compiler+boot file: 32.2KB
L190[07:35:15] <Izaya> amie is 10551 bytes
L191[07:35:22] <Izaya> so it's roughly 3 times the size.
L192[07:35:27] <Vexatos> Only the files necessary: 28.7KB
L193[07:35:43] <Vexatos> (That being the parser and the library)
L194[07:35:50] <Kodos> A tablet -needs- the geolyzer upgrade to get the rightclick functionality of scanning blocks, right?
L195[07:37:42] <Vexatos> I'm just waiting for _some_ OpenComputers OS natively running Selene
L196[07:37:48] <Sangar> Kodos, for scanning blocks the geolyzer, yes, for their position the nav upgrade
L197[07:38:00] <Sangar> for sign text the sign upgrade
L198[07:38:01] <Kodos> Thankies
L199[07:38:18] <Sangar> Vexatos, for OC! :P
L200[07:38:20] <Kodos> Mehhhh, I'll just grab a creative tablet for now, if only for testing
L201[07:38:22] <Vexatos> Well, the selene package actually is Selene on OpenOS.
L202[07:38:34] <Vexatos> As it comes with the boot file, an interpreter and a compiler
L203[07:39:25] <Kodos> Hm, think I need to update Computronics and whatnot now too
L204[07:40:06] <Kodos> Yep, crashed, probably do
L205[07:40:21] <Izaya> https://github.com/shadowkatstudios/amie/commit/604a961a61a0e4090d5d8e6b7bc7743710701b68 so this is a thing now
L206[07:40:31] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L207[07:41:49] <Inari> sometimes i miss EU
L208[07:43:17] <Kodos> I only ever miss drums and the building wands
L209[07:44:22] <Izaya> unifont has lambda right?
L210[07:44:35] <Inari> Kodos: neither of those are outdated? xD
L211[07:44:46] <Inari> hm electrical age migth be nice to try, but last i checked they didnt have a lot of machinery
L212[07:45:17] <dangranos> ooooh
L213[07:45:18] <dangranos> niiice
L214[07:45:26] * dangranos hugs asie
L215[07:45:32] <dangranos> >_,
L216[07:45:36] <dangranos> damn
L217[07:45:44] * dangranos pushes asie away
L218[07:45:45] <Inari> dangranos: ku
L219[07:45:59] <dangranos> um?
L220[07:46:03] <Inari> lol
L221[07:46:13] * dangranos pokes inari
L222[07:46:18] * Inari pokes dangranos?
L223[07:46:33] * Izaya prods dangranos with a shift key
L224[07:47:04] <dangranos> sooo, i can just paste raw url of that file into "titanbios" :3
L225[07:47:09] <dangranos> right?
L226[07:47:16] <Izaya> I think so
L227[07:47:18] <Kodos> Looks like once I get this pack working again, I'll be making a permanent version of it.
L228[07:47:22] <Izaya> probably have to set the URL though
L229[07:47:42] <Izaya> component.eeprom.setData("<url here>")
L230[07:48:10] <dangranos> you can just paste it :|
L231[07:48:16] <dangranos> or type manually, dont remember
L232[07:48:55] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-121-222-124-103.lnse2.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L233[07:50:17] <Kodos> Hm, anyone else using Dev build 641 atm?
L234[07:50:26] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L235[07:50:39] <Sangar> don't tell me something's broken, because i just pushed to stable >_>
L236[07:50:45] <Izaya> 639 here
L237[07:50:49] <Kodos> Just getting some FPS loss with the charger GUI open
L238[07:51:05] <Izaya> well that was anticlimatic
L239[07:51:20] <Sangar> indeed
L240[07:51:24] <Sangar> luckily
L241[07:51:34] <Kodos> Bit of lag in general, it would seem
L242[07:51:36] <Sangar> only the charger gui or other guis as well?
L243[07:51:39] <Kodos> With the GUI open
L244[07:51:39] <Kodos> Checking
L245[07:52:00] <Kodos> Appears to be GUIs in general, checking other mod blocks
L246[07:52:03] <Sangar> also when nei overlay is disabled (aka it might be that :P)
L247[07:52:26] <Kodos> Just OC guis, checking without NEI
L248[07:52:40] <Kodos> Occurs with NEI Overlay off, as well
L249[07:52:58] <Sangar> hmkay
L250[07:53:10] <Vexatos> Snagar ubrokit
L251[07:53:26] <Izaya> ubrokit?
L252[07:53:26] <Sangar> don't think i'm doing anything fancy in the guis, really. so no clue what that is. will benchmark some time.
L253[07:53:39] <Izaya> Maybe I should make amie's superuser's name ubro
L254[07:53:45] <Izaya> so then there will ubrokits
L255[07:53:53] <Kodos> Vexatos, Just updated to latest computronics/asielib, and I have about 5 unnamed items in Computronics
L256[07:54:06] <Vexatos> wat
L257[07:54:18] <Vexatos> I just updated to latest Computronics and everything works just fine
L258[07:54:31] <Vexatos> Kodos, screenshot?
L259[07:54:31] <Sangar> Kodos, doing his thing again, breaking all the things
L260[07:54:38] <Kodos> \o/
L261[07:54:40] <Kodos> One sec, Vex
L262[07:54:45] <Vexatos> Do you mean unnamed ones in the creative tab?
L263[07:54:51] <Vexatos> Which version did you update from?
L264[07:55:00] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/hXuSc/c7858d4f7b.png
L265[07:55:00] <Kodos> Uhh
L266[07:55:05] <Kodos> Checking
L267[07:55:25] <Kodos> 1.4.5
L268[07:55:32] <Vexatos> ANd which OC version are you using?
L269[07:55:37] <Kodos> 641 out of Dev
L270[07:55:48] <Vexatos> And.... which are the unnamed items exactly?
L271[07:55:48] <Kodos> Let me test a quick theory
L272[07:55:54] <Kodos> Before you do anything
L273[07:55:57] <Kodos> Just to be safe
L274[07:56:15] <Vexatos> Unnamed can only occur if an item has no unlocalized name at all
L275[07:56:21] <Vexatos> which isn't possible :P
L276[07:56:33] <Kodos> Right, which is why I think it's something on my end, which I'm checking now
L277[07:56:44] <Kodos> Will take a moment because IC2/GT
L278[07:57:04] <Vexatos> GT 5?
L279[07:57:12] <Vexatos> You might want to update that to 5.07.07
L280[07:57:19] <Vexatos> No wait
L281[07:57:22] <Kodos> I have .06
L282[07:57:25] <Vexatos> I do see the GT items in the creative tab
L283[07:57:28] <Vexatos> yeah, should work just fine
L284[07:57:32] <Kodos> Just a mo
L285[07:57:33] <Sangar> not that that should matter
L286[07:57:43] <Vexatos> It shouldn't
L287[07:57:51] <Kodos> Okay, uhh
L288[07:57:56] <Vexatos> Would have crashed with a too outdated version anway
L289[07:57:57] <Kodos> Started a new world just to be safe
L290[07:57:58] <Vexatos> anyway*
L291[07:58:00] <Kodos> But
L292[07:58:12] <Kodos> The 3 upgrades taht aren't drone docking
L293[07:58:14] <Kodos> And the 4 cards
L294[07:58:18] <Kodos> Are unnamed
L295[07:58:59] <Vexatos> Kodos, first, do an NEI->Options->Tools->Data Dump-> Item
L296[07:59:19] <Vexatos> And upload the generated file
L297[07:59:26] <Vexatos> then also please send me your computronics.cfg
L298[07:59:29] <Vexatos> config file
L299[08:00:30] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/hXv5Y/defae01f3a.csv Here's the item dump, didn't think about the config. Let me puush my current and then I'll reset my configs to see if that fixes it
L300[08:00:38] <Vexatos> I mean, https://github.com/asiekierka/AsieLib/blob/1.7/src/main/java/pl/asie/lib/item/ItemMultiple.java#L50-L51
L301[08:00:42] <Vexatos> It literally can not be possible
L302[08:00:45] <Vexatos> Okay, I'll check that
L303[08:01:47] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/hXvac/55ee2ce43c.cfg
L304[08:01:49] <Kodos> Computronics config
L305[08:02:01] <Vexatos> they are all enabled
L306[08:02:03] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@asie.pl) (Quit: WeeChat 0.4.2)
L307[08:02:14] <Kodos> Ofc
L308[08:02:22] <Kodos> Shit
L309[08:02:24] <Kodos> 8 AM
L310[08:02:44] <Kodos> Gotta run next door for about 20-30... Will be back asap
L311[08:03:27] <Vexatos> This is literally not possible
L312[08:03:42] <Kodos> I'm testing now with a fresh computronics config, we'll see what happens
L313[08:03:46] <Kodos> Waiting on neighbor to text me back
L314[08:04:01] <Vexatos> You sure you have Computronics 1.5 and asielib 0.4?
L315[08:04:02] <Vexatos> >_>
L316[08:04:05] <Kodos> Yes
L317[08:04:15] <Kodos> I literally -just- grabbed them like 10 mins ago
L318[08:04:21] <Vexatos> Okay, the NEI dump shows the item properly registered
L319[08:04:30] <Kodos> I know because I had to update OpenMods' shit too
L320[08:05:19] <Vexatos> if it was an issue with resources, it's show the unlocalized name
L321[08:05:54] <Vexatos> but "Unknown" only displays if there is no unlocalized name and that's impossible as even in case of errors it'd show "Unknown Part" instead of "Unknown"
L322[08:05:57] <Vexatos> I blame Snagar.
L323[08:07:27] * Sangar slaps Vexatos with a truck
L324[08:07:27] * EnderBot2 chuckles
L325[08:07:45] * Vexatos slaps Snagar with a duck
L326[08:07:45] * EnderBot2 high-fives Vexatos
L327[08:07:50] * Sangar ducks
L328[08:07:55] <Kodos> Okay, fresh config, still unnamed shit
L329[08:08:00] <Kodos> I gotta run next door, back in a mo
L330[08:08:13] <Vexatos> Kodos, you may or may not have a very, very bad coremod somewhere in your installation
L331[08:08:23] <Vexatos> because I can't think of any other reason why this would happen
L332[08:08:44] <Vexatos> Last time I modified ItemMultiple.java was last November
L333[08:08:47] <Sangar> compare forge versions, just in case
L334[08:08:49] <Vexatos> and that contains the localization code
L335[08:11:27] <Vexatos> Sangar, no recent Forge commit seems to do anything related to localization for obvious reasons
L336[08:12:01] <Sangar> still, can't hurt
L337[08:12:41] <Vexatos> Also, the client log might be nice >_>
L338[08:14:27] <nxsupert_> o/
L339[08:14:38] <Sangar> \o
L340[08:15:17] <nxsupert_> I'm trying to use gpu.copy to increase the render speed of lnano. Its not going well :(
L341[08:19:44] <Sangar> Kodos, can't really reproduce those performance issues. sure, opening the gui slightly drops fps, but not more than, say an ae2 chest does, or pretty much any other gui for that matter :/ (which is normal because there's more to render, in particular, text)
L342[08:19:54] <Sangar> gtg, bbl
L343[08:24:45] <Vexatos> Kodos, are you using Waila?
L344[08:25:14] *** Skye|ZZZ is now known as Skye
L345[08:29:14] ⇨ Joins: S3 (~bhodgins@cpe-74-78-106-114.maine.res.rr.com)
L346[08:29:16] <S3> Hey guys.
L347[08:30:52] <Skye> Good afternoon.
L348[08:31:07] <Izaya> you know, I'm fairly confident my computer hates me.
L349[08:31:41] <Izaya> While it's a rather beefy machine, there's rarely a time when it's below 25% CPU usage
L350[08:31:43] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L351[08:32:48] <Kodos> Vexatos, yes
L352[08:33:58] ⇦ Quits: hitecnologys (~hitecnolo@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L353[08:34:51] <Vexatos> Kodos, which version
L354[08:35:20] <Kodos> Ah, weird, apparently I am not
L355[08:35:24] <Kodos> Hang on
L356[08:35:36] <Vexatos> You aren't? Okay
L357[08:35:45] <Vexatos> then I really have 0 idea what could be causing this
L358[08:35:54] <Kodos> Let me grab something real quick, hang on
L359[08:36:16] <Kodos> Probably unrelated, but just had this crash happen as well http://puu.sh/hXwCK/0ebe6f8095.txt
L360[08:37:19] <Vexatos> Could you maybe post your forge client log?
L361[08:37:44] <Kodos> Uploading, moment
L362[08:37:58] ⇨ Joins: hitecnologys (~hitecnolo@
L363[08:38:03] <Vexatos> Kodos, uuuh what
L364[08:38:24] <Vexatos> what the heck is that error
L365[08:38:25] <Kodos> wat
L366[08:38:30] <Kodos> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L367[08:39:05] <Kodos> Client Latest http://puu.sh/hXwKj/421de71f76.log
L368[08:39:29] ⇨ Joins: ShrewdSpirit (~ShrewdSpi@
L369[08:40:36] <Vexatos> I see
L370[08:40:39] <Vexatos> Kodos, Sangar broke it
L371[08:41:39] <Vexatos> Easy fix
L372[08:42:41] <Sangar> how did i break *your* item names? o.O
L373[08:42:47] <ShrewdSpirit> hi. why there is ender stone and iron ingot in oc tab? :o
L374[08:43:15] <Vexatos> Sangar, you renamed getKeybindName to getKeyBindingName
L375[08:43:16] <ShrewdSpirit> are they oc items or its the forge fault?
L376[08:43:23] <Vexatos> when you added NotEnoughKeys integration
L377[08:43:29] <Vexatos> that broke my OC-like tooltips
L378[08:43:39] <Sangar> Vexatos, ah, you used that? :P
L379[08:43:48] <Vexatos> For my OC items
L380[08:43:52] <Sangar> i see
L381[08:43:52] <Vexatos> the cards and upgrades
L382[08:43:57] <Vexatos> exactly those that are called "Unnamed"
L383[08:44:02] * Vexatos hits Sangar with a truck
L384[08:44:12] * Sangar blocks with a duck
L385[08:44:36] <Vexatos> Go gradle, update faster
L386[08:44:44] <Vexatos> need to release hotfix todai
L387[08:44:57] <Sangar> all the hotfixes!
L388[08:45:20] <Vexatos> I wonder why it didn't error before though
L389[08:45:24] <Vexatos> and just showed "unnamed"
L390[08:45:25] <Vexatos> q-q
L391[08:45:28] <ShrewdSpirit> java fault
L392[08:45:30] * ShrewdSpirit hides
L393[08:45:39] <Sangar> probably mc doing try-catches around tooltip generation
L394[08:46:26] <Vexatos> Snagar: Next time you change important internals I might use please tell me >_>
L395[08:46:35] ⇦ Quits: Tatjam (webchat@232.Red-79-148-247.staticIP.rima-tde.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L396[08:46:41] <Sangar> how would i know which internals you use >_>
L397[08:46:49] <Vexatos> I basically copied your tooltip code onto my OC items
L398[08:47:02] <Vexatos> Sangar, by knowing the 'tronics source by heart, of course >_>
L399[08:47:08] <Sangar> uhuhhh
L400[08:49:56] * Izaya hmms
L401[08:50:17] <Izaya> so if the SRAM on the ARM arch is configurable speed
L402[08:50:28] <Izaya> if you made it 2x the speed of the processor
L403[08:50:32] <Izaya> would that work faster?
L404[08:50:51] <Izaya> like, could you do ops in those 256 bytes of RAM faster than everything else?
L405[08:52:32] <Vexatos> I blame Snagar.
L406[08:52:40] <Vexatos> Oh well, now to launch MC once to make sure it works
L407[08:54:42] <hitecnologys> Izaya: RAM speed isn't as important as the speed of data transmission between CPU and RAM.
L408[08:55:09] <Izaya> hitecnologys: but it seems the speed of the processor when acting on that area of memory is restricted by the RAM
L409[08:55:15] <Izaya> maybe I'll play with it
L410[08:56:35] <Izaya> Heheh, on my custom keyboard, I may make it so that if you press OPT hjkl will act as arrow keys
L411[08:57:53] <hitecnologys> Izaya: well, if you're sure that's RAM, then it might work.
L412[08:58:07] <Izaya> it would be interesting if it does
L413[08:58:13] <Izaya> reminds me of ZP on 6502s
L414[08:58:32] ⇨ Joins: Tatjam (webchat@232.Red-79-148-247.staticIP.rima-tde.net)
L415[08:58:56] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: Bind WASD to KHJL and play Minecraft in vi-mode
L416[08:59:19] <hitecnologys> Heh.
L417[08:59:32] <Izaya> but I can only use the hjkl movement with my right hand
L418[08:59:42] <hitecnologys> DeanIsaKitty: it's more commonly referred as hjkl. What makes you write it like *that*?
L419[08:59:44] <gamax92> Taking program suggestions for things to write
L420[08:59:51] <DeanIsaKitty> Bind wasd to mouse movement and qe to buttons
L421[09:00:03] <DeanIsaKitty> hitecnologys: W is up and so is K.
L422[09:00:04] <Izaya> maybe I could bind it to numpad 4862 and use mouse emulation
L423[09:00:31] <hitecnologys> DeanIsaKitty: hmm. I see. Sounds reasonable.
L424[09:02:21] <Kodos> gamax92, Some sort of mail system using server(s) and a raid
L425[09:05:13] <Vexatos> DeanIsaKitty, I played MC with a USB game controller once
L426[09:05:17] <Vexatos> Was quite interesting
L427[09:05:46] <gamax92> does a Keyboard count as a USB game controller as long as its a USB Keyboard?
L428[09:05:54] <gamax92> Because USB, and can control games
L429[09:06:16] <DeanIsaKitty> Vexatos: I tried and while its was quite relaxing I am not used to game controllers and switched again :P
L430[09:06:38] <Izaya> I play MC with a controller sometimes
L431[09:06:45] <Izaya> but mostly skyrim
L432[09:07:07] <Izaya> so what's a good world generator nowdays?
L433[09:08:16] <gamax92> how do I give a robot a pickaxe? :P
L434[09:08:57] <gamax92> oh I just put it in the wrench slot
L435[09:12:20] <gamax92> robot.use is doing nothing .-.
L436[09:12:23] <gamax92> Sangar: halp
L437[09:12:43] <Izaya> so what was the mod I need to have installed (not COFH core) that lets me generate RF with Botania?
L438[09:12:45] <Kodos> ~w robot
L439[09:12:45] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:robot
L440[09:13:01] <Sangar> gamax92, if you have a pickaxe, you probably want robot.swing
L441[09:13:19] <gamax92> oh
L442[09:13:28] <Sangar> swing = left click, use = right click
L443[09:14:54] <Izaya> COFHLib, right?
L444[09:15:09] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L445[09:15:13] ⇨ Joins: mpmxyz (webchat@p5DCAD91C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L446[09:15:19] <Sangar> i think so. that or cofhcore, i can never remember
L447[09:15:34] <Izaya> COFHCore has worse lisencing, IIRC
L448[09:15:38] <Vexatos> Sangar, https://twitter.com/Croxmata/status/602115449673908226 P:
L449[09:15:42] <Vexatos> Ifixedit
L450[09:15:47] <mpmxyz> Good afternoon!
L451[09:15:54] <Sangar> Vexatos, gj!
L452[09:15:58] <gamax92> Good morning
L453[09:16:17] <Izaya> Okay, so I have ATG, AsieLib, Baubles, BoP, Boitania, COFHLib, Computronics, EBXL, Highlands, OC Glasses, OpenComputers and Thaumcraft.
L454[09:16:21] <Izaya> What am I missing?
L455[09:16:24] <Izaya> ... Railcraft!
L456[09:16:26] <mpmxyz> Ah, timezones. ^^
L457[09:16:43] <Izaya> It's morning here as of 16 minutes ago
L458[09:16:52] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com)
L459[09:17:14] <Izaya> forestry is nice too
L460[09:17:16] <Vexatos> Izaya, have Computronics 1.5.1? P:
L461[09:17:17] <Izaya> all the plants :D
L462[09:17:31] <Sangar> Izaya, i read your Boitania as Biotania and though it was a mod i didn't know :P
L463[09:17:34] <Izaya> Vexatos: 1.5.0, I'll check the wiki again
L464[09:17:47] <gamax92> Vexatos: What if, took Computronics, stripped everything but the tape drive and tapes, and ported to 1.8 :P
L465[09:18:04] <Vexatos> gamax92, would have to port AsieLib as well
L466[09:18:11] <Vexatos> including its custom block renderer
L467[09:18:14] <Vexatos> glhf
L468[09:18:17] <gamax92> oh yeah that
L469[09:18:25] <Sangar> you can have mine :P
L470[09:18:32] <gamax92> wait wtf is custom rendering about the tape drive
L471[09:19:19] <Izaya> Vexatos: does asielib 0.4 work with Computronics 1.5.1?
L472[09:20:03] * Izaya hrms
L473[09:20:20] <Izaya> On a scale of 1 to 11, how bad an idea is it to run a Minecraft server from a USB stick?
L474[09:20:36] <gamax92> MAXVAL
L475[09:20:55] <Vexatos> Izaya, of course >_>
L476[09:21:03] <Izaya> Okay, to put it in context, the OS runs off a USB stick too.
L477[09:21:11] <Izaya> So...
L478[09:21:20] <Vexatos> SSD speed? xD
L479[09:21:31] <Izaya> Vexatos: USB2
L480[09:21:43] <Izaya> Neither the USB nor the computer supports USB3
L481[09:21:44] <Vexatos> 2008 SSD speed
L482[09:22:09] <Izaya> so how the fuck do I use RCON for a minecraft server?
L483[09:22:12] <gamax92> how fast are CF IDE/SATA drives?
L484[09:22:20] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L485[09:22:21] <Izaya> and how can I tell it to save every 30 minutes?
L486[09:23:01] <Izaya> gamax92: how fast is IDE?
L487[09:23:10] <Izaya> 120ish MB/s?
L488[09:23:16] <Izaya> 132?
L489[09:23:49] <gamax92> I dunno
L490[09:24:03] <gamax92> Just that on a CF card could be a nice Poor mans SSD
L491[09:24:18] <Izaya> I know they doubled the speed since my old server was built - and it had 66MB/s IDE
L492[09:25:27] <Izaya> eheheh
L493[09:25:34] <Izaya> starting Minecraft now
L494[09:25:45] <Izaya> let's watch procexp
L495[09:26:05] <Izaya> huh, not too horrific
L496[09:26:37] <gamax92> I think the geolyzer is +33 to get 0 as the geolyzer itself
L497[09:27:57] ⇦ Quits: mpmxyz (webchat@p5DCAD91C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L498[09:34:39] <Kodos> Bleh
L499[09:34:45] <Kodos> Enhanced Portals 3's OC api is old, methinks
L500[09:35:58] <Vexatos> Kodos, Computronics 1.5.1 will fix your stuff
L501[09:36:05] <Kodos> Already up and running, thanks =)
L502[09:36:15] <Vexatos> Can you confirm it's been fixed? >_>
L503[09:36:28] <Kodos> Yep, it has
L504[09:37:03] <gamax92> Sangar: in a robot, is the geolyzer also dependent on the robot's rotation?
L505[09:37:24] <gamax92> or will x,z always be world x,z
L506[09:37:57] <Izaya> so I can access the Steam overlay in Minecraft
L507[09:38:00] <Izaya> why the hell not.
L508[09:39:27] <Izaya> Successfully crashed the game already :D
L509[09:39:29] <Izaya> PermGen
L510[09:39:35] <Kodos> Creative tablet doesn't have a geolyzer upgrade? I see the highlighting, but the tooltip doesn't list a geolyzer, and right clicking isn't triggering any signals as far as I can tell (Using while true do print event pull etc)
L511[09:45:36] <Kodos> ~w redstone
L512[09:45:36] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:redstone
L513[09:47:44] <gamax92> I see ... geolyzer is absolute
L514[09:47:57] <gamax92> that poses problem
L515[09:49:09] ⇨ Joins: Tatjam_ (~EiraIRC@232.Red-79-148-247.staticIP.rima-tde.net)
L516[09:49:33] <Tatjam> yep! that other tatjam is me connected from MC
L517[09:50:32] <Kodos> EWw Eira
L518[09:51:24] <Sangar> gamax92, uhh, yeah, i suppose it is. didn't really think of that. analyze should be rotation aware at least.
L519[09:55:08] ⇨ Joins: MindWorX (~MindWorX@80-161-13-134-static.dk.customer.tdc.net)
L520[09:56:04] <Lizzy> Tatjam, if you are to connect to this channel with EiraIRC please disable the death messages from comming through
L521[09:57:05] <gamax92> ~w navigation
L522[09:57:05] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:navigation
L523[10:08:29] ⇨ Joins: mpmxyz (webchat@p5DCAD91C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L524[10:11:11] <gamax92> .l 33^2*64
L525[10:11:12] <^v> gamax92, 69696
L526[10:15:07] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E0665863854ADAC4ACF8BB2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L527[10:15:07] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L528[10:16:57] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C85F7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L529[10:17:14] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L530[10:20:03] <Tatjam_> having trouble with tier3 graphics, the characters look "broken"
L531[10:20:38] <gamax92> Screenshot?
L532[10:20:49] <Tatjam_> wait a moment, will upload it
L533[10:21:09] <gamax92> Also, your minecraft's gui size is probably just too large, and if you're doing stuff with T3 you'd want to set that to Normal
L534[10:22:58] <Katie> Auto GUI size is evil.
L535[10:23:59] <Tatjam_> on normal it still looks bad, and on small even worst
L536[10:24:31] <gamax92> well small will break all screens
L537[10:24:39] <gamax92> if it looks bad on normal then your screen is probably just too small
L538[10:25:10] <Tatjam_> http://imgur.com/kGDtDu8
L539[10:25:20] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~christine@
L540[10:25:28] <gamax92> Your screen is too smal
L541[10:25:57] <gamax92> T3's max resolution needs atleast 1280 x 800, you have x 716
L542[10:26:10] <Tatjam_> ah ok! :)
L543[10:26:16] <Izaya> press F11
L544[10:26:46] <Izaya> might get that extra 84 pixels
L545[10:26:59] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L546[10:27:10] <gamax92> Izaya: it also takes in account the screen border, so ....
L547[10:27:27] <gamax92> plus 1366 is normally 1366 x 768
L548[10:27:49] <Tatjam_> Anyway, it is still readable, so no probem.
L549[10:28:05] <Izaya> http://imgur.com/a/fgej8#0
L550[10:28:15] <gamax92> Tatjam_: i believe there's an option in the config that would improve readability on scaling down ...
L551[10:28:28] <Izaya> or you know
L552[10:28:38] <Izaya> go to 48 instead of 50 rows
L553[10:29:54] ⇦ Quits: TangentDelta (~christine@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L554[10:33:30] <Altenius> Is it just me or is this font rendering ugly? http://i62.tinypic.com/r0uogz.png
L555[10:33:55] <Izaya> just you
L556[10:34:03] <Izaya> that's the normal font renderer
L557[10:34:23] <gamax92> Altenius: why is that font so blurry
L558[10:34:43] <Altenius> gamax92, idk, it only happens on some applications
L559[10:34:45] <CompanionCube> Izaya, you seen my latest planned PC build?
L560[10:34:57] <Izaya> no?
L561[10:35:22] <CompanionCube> http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/ZLznqs
L562[10:36:07] <nxsupert_> Windows 8? Yuck.
L563[10:36:18] <CompanionCube> nxsupert_, eh
L564[10:36:36] <CompanionCube> I could just as easily get win7 but realistically idk
L565[10:36:39] <Altenius> You're buying windows?
L566[10:36:41] <Izaya> only 1 8GB stick?
L567[10:37:09] <CompanionCube> Izaya, RAM be expensive bro
L568[10:37:18] <Izaya> merh, that's already like $900 already, fair point
L569[10:38:19] <Izaya> ... you're getting a DVD drive?
L570[10:38:29] <nxsupert_> That computer is cheaper yet more powerful than my laptop :(
L571[10:38:41] <CompanionCube> Izaya, I don't have a USB one to hand so
L572[10:38:51] <CompanionCube> and /me has a large collection of physical media
L573[10:39:02] <Izaya> My desktop has no optical drive
L574[10:39:08] <Izaya> though my server has two
L575[10:39:16] <Izaya> accessible over SMB
L576[10:40:06] <Izaya> :/ small case too
L577[10:40:15] <Izaya> can't get a bigger one for a similar price?
L578[10:40:17] <CompanionCube> Izaya, one interesting idea would be embedding an Arch ISO into a /boot partition
L579[10:40:35] <CompanionCube> so booting into it wouldn't need physical meida
L580[10:40:35] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~christine@
L581[10:40:48] <Izaya> also, if you can get a HSGT drive instead of a Toshiba one
L582[10:40:55] <Izaya> the failure rates are slightly lower
L583[10:41:25] <CompanionCube> this computer is from ~2008. No HDD failure yet.
L584[10:41:34] <Inari> ~oc AE
L585[10:41:34] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/block:case
L586[10:41:41] <Inari> ~oc applied
L587[10:41:41] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api
L588[10:41:51] <Altenius> ~w love
L589[10:41:51] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-load ( I tried D: )
L590[10:41:52] <Inari> :<
L591[10:41:59] <Izaya> Mine us using a cheap 500GB Seagate from 5-10 years ago
L592[10:42:02] <Inari> ~oc ~oc
L593[10:42:02] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/block ( I tried D: )
L594[10:42:11] <Inari> hm
L595[10:42:18] <gamax92> stahp abusin my bot
L596[10:42:51] <CompanionCube> Izaya, a 1TB HDD would go nice with my WD 1TB external
L597[10:43:44] <Izaya> http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/hitachi-internal-hard-drive-0a39289
L598[10:43:53] *** justastranger|zzz is now known as justastranger
L599[10:44:53] <CompanionCube> Izaya, too much of a price increase
L600[10:45:18] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L601[10:45:24] <Izaya> fair enough
L602[10:46:18] <CompanionCube> Izaya, got any case suggestions?
L603[10:46:34] <Izaya> I'll take a look
L604[10:46:46] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-173-175-101-132.satx.res.rr.com)
L605[10:47:19] <Izaya> I'd say to go for something bigger than that one
L606[10:47:25] <Izaya> a mid tower would probably do
L607[10:47:27] <Inari> ~oc event
L608[10:47:27] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L609[10:48:11] <Izaya> Just in case you want to upgrade a bit more
L610[10:48:24] * Izaya has a full case with a full ATX board
L611[10:52:59] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L612[11:02:18] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L613[11:08:11] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L614[11:14:12] <Kodos> This is nice http://i.imgur.com/Qntcwg0.png
L615[11:15:24] <dangranos> whoa
L616[11:15:31] <dangranos> what is this?
L617[11:16:44] <PotatoZzz> OMG
L618[11:16:47] <PotatoZzz> 1 hour left
L619[11:16:49] <PotatoZzz> :d
L620[11:16:51] <PotatoZzz> :D
L621[11:17:08] <dangranos> uh?
L622[11:17:30] <dangranos> to what?
L623[11:18:32] <gamax92> GTA V
L624[11:19:11] <gamax92> Eyyy, my naive robot pathfinding works
L625[11:19:51] <Izaya> http://imgur.com/gallery/M6YK4
L626[11:21:25] ⇨ Joins: nekosune (snoonet@2607:5300:60:128e::1)
L627[11:21:52] <nekosune> Sangar: Silly question, is the OC maven a public use one?
L628[11:22:45] <nekosune> I am tryign to make a wiki page with as many of the public mavens I know of on it, so that people making a mod, can look at one place, to find the maven repos for mods they want to work against
L629[11:31:20] <MindWorX> Is there a modding API for OC?
L630[11:31:25] <MindWorX> Been considering making a mod
L631[11:31:30] <nekosune> There is yes
L632[11:31:33] <MindWorX> Or rather, two mods.
L633[11:32:45] <dangranos> hm?
L634[11:33:09] <nekosune> MindWorX: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/tree/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/java/li/cil/oc/api
L635[11:33:21] <MindWorX> Sweet
L636[11:33:24] <MindWorX> I'll take a loot at it
L637[11:33:35] <nekosune> There is a maven, but I dont know if it is public
L638[11:33:41] <Katie> it is.
L639[11:33:46] <Vexatos> MindWorX, which kind of mod
L640[11:33:55] <MindWorX> nekosune, What's a maven?
L641[11:34:07] <nekosune> MindWorX: you use gradle for the mods now?
L642[11:34:09] <Katie> https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenPrinter/blob/1.7/build.gradle#L30-L39
L643[11:34:09] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L644[11:34:27] <nekosune> Katie: I knew the link, I just dindt know itf Sangar considered it, give to any
L645[11:34:47] <MindWorX> Vexatos, Well, a factory mod. Basically mostly just implementing existing features for standalone machines. I often make things where a robot is overkill just to detect a block in front of it or to simply use a tool.
L646[11:34:49] <Katie> I wouldn't have posted it if it wasn't..
L647[11:35:14] <MindWorX> The other mod is just some creative only stuff which could be useful for a challenge map I've been toying with for a while :)
L648[11:35:53] <MindWorX> nekosune, I've never used gradle. Would be my first time modding MC except for a few introductionary things like creating a custom ore.
L649[11:36:40] <MindWorX> Well, I might've used gradle. I remember using gradlew or some similar command to setup the dev environment
L650[11:36:57] <nekosune> MindWorX: see the section Katie linked?
L651[11:37:16] <nekosune> copy that into build.gradle and run the gradlew commands again
L652[11:37:30] <nekosune> it well not exact, dpeends on minecraft version
L653[11:37:36] <nekosune> so choose the one that fits
L654[11:37:52] <nekosune> Katie: making a list of mods that have public mavens, to try and make things easier :)
L655[11:37:58] <MindWorX> Interesting
L656[11:38:03] <Katie> I saw..
L657[11:38:10] <nekosune> Ahhh k
L658[11:46:21] ⇦ Quits: Tatjam_ (~EiraIRC@232.Red-79-148-247.staticIP.rima-tde.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L659[11:46:43] ⇦ Quits: Tatjam (webchat@232.Red-79-148-247.staticIP.rima-tde.net) ()
L660[12:02:23] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/UJbJRmX.jpg?1 Valve, everyone.
L661[12:04:01] <cloakable> Before I build this tablet, does anyone know if I can charge it with RF?
L662[12:04:23] <Izaya> you stick it in a charger to charge it
L663[12:04:29] <Izaya> and OC can take RF as power input
L664[12:05:44] <cloakable> Yea, but I have an enderio wireless charger hanging around, plus my armour recharges items using RF
L665[12:06:04] <cloakable> Just wondering if either will pump power in
L666[12:06:34] <cloakable> Otherwise I'll slap in a solar generator probably
L667[12:07:24] <Izaya> Wireless charger?
L668[12:07:27] <Izaya> No idea.
L669[12:08:05] <cloakable> Slapping it into an EnderIO capacitor bank?
L670[12:12:11] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L671[12:20:08] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com)
L672[12:29:12] <Altenius> Well, I don't like Windows 10 anymore http://vgy.me/qHgPMN.png
L673[12:31:09] <PotatoZzz> what?
L674[12:31:12] <PotatoZzz> I don't understand
L675[12:36:34] <alekso56> Altenius: looks better than when i load win10
L676[12:37:22] <Inari> Altenius: you dont like win 10 cause the non-final version ahs some UI bugs?
L677[12:37:48] <alekso56> if the user interface is trash, then the code behind is probably worse.
L678[12:37:54] <Altenius> Inari, yeah, I liked it before I noticed all the bugs
L679[12:37:59] <Inari> > non- final version
L680[12:38:00] <Inari> > bugs
L681[12:40:52] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L682[12:45:13] <Temia> I know that TE flux capacitors don't work to recharge tablets, unfortunately.
L683[12:45:43] <dangranos> OpenGlasses are one-way only? i mean user cant interact with glasses "content" without a computer, right?
L684[12:45:58] <Katie> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Device_Manager_2015-05-23_12-45-48.png looks fine to me Altenius
L685[12:46:20] *** Pyrolusite is now known as Pyrolusite|AFK
L686[12:46:24] <Altenius> Katie, how O:
L687[12:46:33] * Katie shrugs
L688[12:46:35] <Altenius> Do some of your programs have fuzzy text?
L689[12:46:37] <Katie> your font looks shit though
L690[12:46:39] <Katie> Nope.
L691[12:46:44] <Izaya> Katie: VT-D?
L692[12:46:59] <Altenius> Are you running it native?
L693[12:47:06] <Inari> use comic papyrus
L694[12:47:18] <Katie> Native ATM, my Windows 7 install has a 10 VM and has no issues either
L695[12:47:28] <Katie> I used VMWare though..
L696[12:47:33] <Izaya> anyway, time to go
L697[12:47:36] <Katie> VBox is a PITA with Win10 ATM
L698[12:47:53] <Izaya> can confirm
L699[12:47:58] <Izaya> source: has w10 in vbox
L700[12:48:11] <Katie> VBox's additions are partially broken, hald the time they don't let me fullscreen, I could never get spanned display across all 3 monitors
L701[12:48:15] <Katie> but VMware worked fine.
L702[12:48:28] <Altenius> I have to change DPI settings for most applications to look normal
L703[12:49:52] <alekso56> different rez monitors are a pain to adjust for in windows.
L704[12:50:30] <alekso56> the dpi is always wrong.
L705[12:56:42] <cloakable> Temia: Kay, I'll install a solar upgrade into it for more endurance :)
L706[12:57:35] ⇦ Quits: mpmxyz (webchat@p5DCAD91C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L707[13:05:23] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L708[13:13:56] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L709[13:15:08] <Inari> feature request: drones leashing players
L710[13:29:46] *** Pyrolusite|AFK is now known as Pyrolusite
L711[13:32:49] *** Skye is now known as Skye|Dinner
L712[13:36:44] <gamax92> I've made so many transistors ... and still need to make more ...
L713[13:36:52] <gamax92> So much micro crafting
L714[13:43:11] <gamax92> Oh hey, that connecting to another random screen bug is there
L715[13:45:11] *** Skye|Dinner is now known as Skye
L716[13:46:26] <Lizzy> PotatoZzz, how's GTAV?
L717[13:47:58] ⇦ Quits: ShrewdSpirit (~ShrewdSpi@ (Quit: Bye o/)
L718[13:51:00] ⇨ Joins: mpmxyz (webchat@p5DCAD91C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L720[13:55:18] ⇦ Quits: solenoids (~phillips1@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L721[13:55:27] ⇦ Quits: TangentDelta (~christine@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L722[13:58:55] <cloakable> Woot, updated to latest OC, now I need to go get emeralds for the tier 2 APU :D
L723[14:01:06] *** Benguin is now known as Benguin[Nap]
L724[14:09:51] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
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L728[14:54:40] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L729[14:59:28] <rashy> oh, right. need to update ocdoc with hover boots/APU
L730[15:16:51] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L731[15:18:19] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L732[15:25:40] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L733[15:34:09] <Skye> %p
L734[15:34:11] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 0.58s
L735[15:45:21] <Katie> wow.. I have NO idea how AE2 works...
L736[15:46:07] <gamax92> You must construct additional pylons
L737[15:57:10] <rashy> ah, AE2
L738[16:15:11] <gamax92> I need 7 ender pearls grrrr
L739[16:20:53] <Katie> gamax92, you can come pick them up at my server.
L740[16:21:35] <gamax92> hah
L741[16:21:49] <Vexatos> Now convince asie to revive EnderNet
L742[16:24:37] <Katie> I would... but I'm busy building roller coasters..
L743[16:25:28] *** LordFokas is now known as LordFokas|off
L744[16:25:46] <Katie> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-05-23_16-25-30.jpg I died while testing the timing on the arrow trap..
L745[16:27:00] <Katie> I'm about to stab ds84182... :P
L746[16:27:06] <ds84182> .-. window's font engine sucks
L747[16:27:18] <ds84182> and my wifi card sucks
L748[16:27:23] <ds84182> I'm going to start complaining
L749[16:27:36] <Katie> Ok.. I'm about to stab ds84182's WiFi card.
L750[16:27:38] * ds84182 stabs Katie first MUHAHAHA
L751[16:28:03] <ds84182> Eh, I'll just bridge my wifi over my other RELIABLE laptop
L752[16:28:04] <Katie> every time you connect I get 3 notices, same for disconnects.
L753[16:28:19] <ds84182> Why?
L754[16:28:30] <Katie> ZNC alerts me when someone connects/disconnects
L755[16:28:30] <ds84182> creepy ._.
L756[16:28:34] <ds84182> oh
L757[16:55:41] <ds84182> .p
L758[16:55:41] <^v> Ping reply from ds84182 0.36s
L759[16:55:56] <ds84182> why the FUCK does this shit keep happening to me
L760[16:56:17] * ds84182 stabs windows, I conclude that it's window's fault
L761[16:57:02] <ds84182> >Driver Date: 5/4/2013
L762[16:57:06] <ds84182> FUCK MY LIFE
L763[16:57:33] * ds84182 bends down. He cries.
L764[16:57:56] <ds84182> time to find updated drivers or something
L765[16:58:30] <ds84182> http://support.acer.com/error/res/img/404-image.png "ERROR Page 404 not Found"
L766[17:00:03] <ds84182> My Wifi drivers are 251mb... Q_Q
L767[17:03:39] <Katie> http://michi.pc-logix.com/2015-05-23_17-03-25.png
L768[17:03:43] <Katie> \o/
L769[17:06:02] * ds84182 inserts "Instead of using your computer and being productive, you'll be playing with your crystal. This has been proven to be 100% virus prone."
L770[17:06:07] <ds84182> wait
L771[17:06:18] * ds84182 inserts a flash drive into the book.
L772[17:06:19] <ds84182> There
L773[17:09:50] <Katie> lol
L774[17:11:19] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E0665863854ADAC4ACF8BB2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L775[17:28:01] <rashy> \o/
L776[17:39:35] ⇦ Quits: EvaKnievel (~EvaKnieve@87-198-113-182.ptr.magnet.ie) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L777[17:59:02] <rashy> damn, think my headsets finally crapped out. left earpiece doesn't work D:
L778[18:09:16] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@109-205-170-20.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L779[18:10:07] <Altenius> .stats
L780[18:10:07] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Ender \o/ http://goo.gl/Hzm22G
L781[18:10:08] <MichiBot> EnderBot2: http://stats.theender.net/opencomputers/ Page title: #oc @ EsperNet stats by Lizzy
L782[18:11:00] <gamax92> After having done that router upgrade and enabling ipv6, I now have several issues with ipv6
L783[18:11:17] <Temia> blerf.
L784[18:11:21] * Temia curls up. .w.
L785[18:11:34] * Skye pets Temia
L786[18:12:09] * rashy snuggles Temia
L787[18:13:19] ⇦ Quits: GUIpsp (~GUIpsp@c-73-164-116-168.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L788[18:14:49] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~christine@
L789[18:15:50] *** Skye is now known as Skye|ZZZ
L790[18:16:41] <gamax92> I've had to disable ipv6, it's causing too many issues here
L791[18:25:23] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L792[18:27:38] <Altenius> Wow, this is a lot more accurate than I was expecting https://www.imageidentify.com/result/1y0y393v8e7cl
L793[18:35:23] ⇦ Quits: rashy (~rashdanml@S010628c68e00b41e.vc.shawcable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L794[18:35:25] ⇨ Joins: Ditchbuster (~LudgeLiki@
L795[18:36:28] ⇦ Quits: Ditchbuster (~LudgeLiki@ (Client Quit)
L796[18:37:02] ⇨ Joins: rashy (~rashdanml@S010628c68e00b41e.vc.shawcable.net)
L797[18:37:28] <vifino> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=448020103
L798[18:39:23] ⇨ Joins: Ditchbuster (~Ditchbust@c-174-51-244-114.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L799[18:41:10] <Altenius> https://www.imageidentify.com/result/0yxd4o69ndb8v wow
L800[18:42:39] <vifino> Katie: Did you see the amazebawls update screen from win10?
L801[18:43:25] <vifino> i got it today. I must say.. it came unexpected and it may or may not got me way out of my plan.
L802[18:43:37] <Katie> I've been using windows 10 since the initial release... I've seen that fucking update screen more times then I car to count.
L803[18:43:50] <Katie> care*
L804[18:44:16] <ds84182> Katie, good news! I'm updating my WLAN drivers.
L805[18:44:23] <Katie> thank the gods.
L806[18:44:37] <Altenius> Everyone using win10 now?
L807[18:44:46] <ds84182> It took like 2 hours to download it
L808[18:44:56] <ds84182> suppisingly my wifi card didn't go out during the download
L809[18:44:56] <Inari> i should just use a microcontroller ofr this elevator, but it feels so much like defeat to not do it wiht circuitry xD
L810[18:45:06] <ds84182> but oh boy, one the download finished
L811[18:45:12] <ds84182> Altenius, yep
L812[18:45:28] <ds84182> I'm using it, I spent the last 12 hours resizing and moving partitions.
L813[18:46:04] <Temia> I'm not!
L814[18:46:16] <ds84182> Katie, wifi card is completely stable. woot_party();
L815[18:46:17] <Temia> Because I'm on Linux :D
L816[18:46:33] <Altenius> I was on Linux and I'm using win10 :P
L817[18:46:35] * Temia backflips onto motorbike, misses, lands on her butt. owmoo >^<
L818[18:46:47] <Altenius> Actually
L819[18:46:50] <Altenius> I have it in a VM too
L820[18:47:17] <Temia> I cba to run a VM as I have a limited memory space on my workstation. 6GBs only, to a potential maximum of 8.
L821[18:47:18] <gamax92> wow, the geolyzer noise is more strong than I thought
L822[18:47:20] <gamax92> even at 0,0
L823[18:47:20] <ds84182> I have both, I just feel like trying it
L824[18:48:05] <Altenius> I'm on arch atm, going to boot back.
L825[18:48:10] *** Altenius is now known as Altenius|Away
L826[18:48:30] <gamax92> the value can be off by 0.7 from the actual value
L827[18:48:42] <gamax92> err, 0.97
L828[18:49:09] <Izaya> so what line in the OC config am I looking for if I want to enable peaceful recipes?
L829[18:49:34] <vifino> Katie: .-.
L830[18:50:23] * vifino pats Temia
L831[18:50:44] *** Altenius|Away is now known as Altenius
L832[18:51:00] * vifino lifts up Temia onto the motorbike
L833[18:51:25] <Sandra> Izaya, config/opencomputers/user.config
L834[18:51:42] * Temia ...doesn't know how to drive ;w; freezes up and moos forlornly
L835[18:51:42] * vifino continues doing nothing
L836[18:51:46] <Sandra> comment out normal.recipes, uncomment peaceful.recipes
L837[18:51:52] <Sandra> i mean user.recipes.
L838[18:51:54] <Sandra> derp.
L839[18:52:01] <Izaya> yay, thanks Sandra :D
L840[18:52:09] <Izaya> now I just have to check drones are craftable
L841[18:52:09] <vifino> Well, that's okay too Temia.
L842[18:52:15] <Izaya> and possibly apply my drone recipe mods
L843[18:52:34] <Sandra> whatcha doiin Izaya?
L844[18:52:45] <Izaya> setting up a modpack
L845[18:52:47] * vifino sits behind Temia and offers to drive her where she wants to go
L846[18:53:01] <Sandra> neato, what kinda modpack?
L847[18:53:09] <Izaya> Magitech.
L848[18:53:14] <Altenius> ds84182, I don't guess you have issues with font rendering? http://vgy.me/wRijuK.png
L849[18:53:23] <Izaya> A few tech mods, but more magic - and power is generated with flowers :D
L850[18:53:34] <ds84182> Nope, I don't have that issue
L851[18:53:50] <Sandra> OOH YEAH BABY.
L852[18:53:52] <Altenius> What resolution are you using?
L853[18:53:59] <Sandra> mana fluxfield, Izaya?
L854[18:54:09] <Izaya> Eeyup :D
L855[18:54:10] * vifino waits for Lizzy to return
L856[18:54:12] <Sandra> I think that's what it's called.
L857[18:54:37] <Sandra> can I play it when it's finished?
L858[18:54:52] <Izaya> Sure.
L859[18:55:13] <Izaya> If you want to play on the server I'm gonna set up for it though, I'm only on ADSL2+ so my upload sucks
L860[18:56:01] <Sandra> I'm only on ADSL (apparenlty, it's supposed to be ADSL2+) so my download speed sucks.
L861[18:56:27] <Sandra> thankfully, since we're both in australia it should be mitegated somewhat.
L862[18:56:44] <Izaya> hopefully
L863[18:56:52] <Izaya> I need to get a packet radio station
L864[18:56:57] *** Altenius is now known as Altenius|Off
L865[18:57:01] <Izaya> then if anyone else had a packet radio station
L866[18:57:10] <Izaya> could have a not-terribad network speed :D
L867[18:58:05] <Izaya> It's gonna be on peaceful mode
L868[18:58:19] <Izaya> but I'm abusing the drones to be crafted using Natura clouds
L869[18:58:34] <Sandra> heh.
L870[18:59:07] <Sandra> goddammit vaygrim, you've given me this typing tick. :P
L871[19:00:01] <ds84182> woops
L872[19:00:14] <ds84182> Altenius|Off, if you come back, it's 1366x768
L873[19:00:16] <ds84182> #widescreenmasterrace?
L874[19:01:08] <Sandra> ooh yeah, the most common screen resolution these days.
L875[19:01:31] <Izaya> TIL.
L876[19:02:25] <Izaya> heh, so I re-arranged the SATA config in my desktop
L877[19:02:28] * Lizzy yawns
L878[19:02:37] * Lizzy flops on vifino's lap and Zzz
L879[19:02:41] <ds84182> Katie, awwfuk. It's still at it Q_Q
L880[19:02:43] <Izaya> and now the Windows C: drive is mounted as both C: and Z:
L881[19:02:49] <ds84182> Welp, Winderps is still fooberd
L882[19:02:59] * vifino kisses Lizzy, wraps his arms around her and smiles
L883[19:02:59] <ds84182> Time to boot into Linux and do something else.
L884[19:04:05] * vifino sometimes wishes Lizzy would wait longer before actually disapearing :(
L885[19:04:26] <Izaya> I have forgotten the texture name for Natura clouds
L886[19:04:36] <Izaya> or the block name
L887[19:04:38] <Izaya> or whatever
L888[19:04:44] * Sandra watches vifino and Lizzy with glee. <3.
L889[19:06:24] * vifino blushes
L890[19:08:48] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-173-175-101-132.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L891[19:15:03] <Izaya> so how do I use a robot to get the name of a block?
L892[19:17:36] <Sandra> Izaya, you don't.
L893[19:18:34] <Izaya> wellthen, educated guess it is.
L894[19:18:44] <Izaya> Let's see if Natura:Cloud is a valid block
L895[19:19:30] <Sandra> NEI data dump?
L896[19:19:43] <Izaya> welp, it seems to have worked.
L897[19:22:01] <Izaya> so the more and more I launch Minecraft
L898[19:22:11] <Izaya> the less and less defined the window buttons are
L899[19:22:15] <Izaya> Windows, everyone.
L900[19:22:30] <gamax92> robot, this is not impossible move.
L901[19:22:35] <gamax92> you have a hover 2 upgrade
L902[19:22:35] <Katie> How do you people keep getting these messed up issues... lol
L903[19:22:37] <gamax92> move up dammit
L904[19:24:33] <Izaya> so now the recipes aren't displaying in NEI
L905[19:25:11] <Izaya> com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$Parse: C:\Users\shadowkatstudios\Documents\MultiMC\instances\TheWired\minecraft\config\opencomputers\user.recipes: 41: in value for key 'input': List should have ended with ] or had a comma, instead had token: ':' (if you want ':' to be part of a string value, then double-quote it)
L906[19:25:13] <Izaya> ooohhh
L907[19:27:41] <Izaya> yep, not quoted
L908[19:27:42] <Izaya> gg me
L909[19:30:58] <Kodos> https://twitter.com/blackdew/status/602269203723198465 =(
L910[19:32:07] <Izaya> Are there any forge mods that let me pre-generate a world?
L911[19:32:22] <Sandra> Izaya, there's MCEdit.
L912[19:32:32] <Kodos> No mod ores, though
L913[19:32:33] <Sandra> give it your server instance it'll generate it for you.
L914[19:32:45] <Izaya> I need to generate it with the - that works?
L915[19:32:54] <Sandra> I believe so.
L916[19:32:56] <Katie> Kodos, it's on github, as soon as it's released it can be ported to support OC natively too
L917[19:33:00] <Izaya> I'm using fuckloads of worldgen mods
L918[19:33:16] <Kodos> Katie, good point, I forgot about his mods being open source
L919[19:33:18] <Sandra> there's an option for it, I've never used it personally.
L920[19:33:57] <Izaya> anyway, time to go
L921[19:34:20] <Izaya> o/
L922[19:34:27] <Katie> \o
L923[19:34:33] <Sandra> \o
L924[19:35:48] <Sandra> anyone know a good windows diff program?
L925[19:36:14] <Sandra> WinMerge?
L926[19:36:16] <Sandra> sure.
L927[19:36:16] <Katie> winmerge
L928[19:39:06] <Sandra> I wanna diff the OC recipes files.
L929[19:39:10] <Sandra> just because.
L930[19:39:49] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L931[19:41:41] <rashy> ooh. pressure pipes looks nice.
L932[19:42:08] <Kodos> Be sure to check out Advanced Generators, too
L933[19:42:11] <Kodos> Same dev
L934[19:42:22] <Kodos> Also brb, attempting to make myself a glass of tea with one arm/hand
L935[19:42:54] <rashy> :o cool
L936[19:45:59] <Katie> ¬_¬ Scala....
L937[19:46:10] <Katie> I was going to work on adding OC support... but this mod is in scala.
L938[19:46:24] * rashy pats Katie
L939[19:48:19] <Sandra> Katie, api is java?
L940[19:49:07] <Katie> OC's is yes... I was talking about Pressure Pipes being in scala, I know OC's API is.. I've used it, lots.
L941[19:49:28] <Sandra> oh right.
L942[19:49:34] <Sandra> okay.
L943[19:49:55] <Sandra> you can't scala?
L944[19:49:56] <Katie> I have no desire to learn Scala atm.
L945[19:50:28] ⇦ Quits: MisterErwin (~MisterErw@dslb-088-077-094-184.088.077.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Quit: Leaving.)
L946[19:52:27] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-121-222-124-103.lnse2.cha.bigpond.net.au)
L947[19:58:27] ⇨ Joins: KurikAmudnil (webchat@71-94-67-135.dhcp.reno.nv.charter.com)
L948[20:03:53] <KurikAmudnil> I just got a crash comming back from the End, the report is complaining about OC cables
L949[20:04:04] <KurikAmudnil> http://pastebin.com/sbcU7tfB
L950[20:04:33] ⇦ Quits: rashdanml (~rashdanml@S010628c68e00b41e.vc.shawcable.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L951[20:05:35] <Kodos> Does it happen consistently every time you leave the End?
L952[20:06:16] <Katie> Don't tells us what the crash complains about, show us the crash, via pastebin or the like.
L953[20:06:22] <Katie> s/tells/tell/
L954[20:06:23] <Kibibyte> <Katie> Don't tell us what the crash complains about, show us the crash, via pastebin or the like.
L955[20:06:30] <Kodos> He pastebin'd it after the message
L956[20:06:42] <Katie> Odd...
L957[20:06:43] <Katie> I wonder...
L958[20:06:46] <Katie> Oh crap.
L959[20:06:49] <Katie> gg hexchat
L960[20:06:57] <Katie> I'm blocking links \o/
L961[20:07:01] <Kodos> lol
L962[20:07:14] <Katie> It's there on another client lol..
L963[20:07:35] <Katie> My bad then :P
L964[20:08:41] <vifino> Katie: Any tips in regards to windows 10?
L965[20:08:44] <KurikAmudnil> its the first time I left the end with OC
L966[20:08:53] <Katie> vifino, use it? :D
L967[20:09:05] <vifino> Katie: ... 10/10
L968[20:09:47] <Katie> someone post a link to see if I unborked my client?
L969[20:09:48] *** Altenius|Off is now known as Altenius
L970[20:09:58] <KurikAmudnil> http://pastebin.com/sbcU7tfB
L971[20:10:03] <Katie> Thanks
L972[20:10:06] <Katie> \o/
L973[20:10:13] <gamax92> what even ...
L974[20:10:22] <gamax92> I just disconnected from my network, from ethernet
L975[20:10:37] <Katie> "// I blame Dinnerbone." Me too..
L976[20:10:46] <Altenius> Can a windows ISO be updated (without re-downloading everything), or a windows installation created into an installer ISO?
L977[20:10:53] ⇨ Joins: Techokamg (Techokami@heyo.theender.net)
L978[20:11:15] <Katie> Altenius, you can slipstream service packs... dunno about individual updates
L979[20:11:33] <KurikAmudnil> Yeah, I got a good laugh at that too
L980[20:11:38] <vifino> Katie: Well, how do I cups and sane in windows 10? .-.
L981[20:11:49] <Katie> I have no effing clue?
L982[20:11:54] <vifino> .-.
L983[20:11:56] ⇨ Joins: Berserker2K3_ (~Berserker@p4FC7B083.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L989[20:17:11] <Temia> Sorry Vifino, that's just not happening.
L990[20:17:21] <vifino> Hmm?
L991[20:17:29] <vifino> No cups in windows?
L992[20:17:30] <Temia> CUPS and SANE in Windows 10.
L993[20:17:33] <vifino> :/
L994[20:18:00] <vifino> Actually, I can get around without cups, have google cloudprint configured
L995[20:18:14] <vifino> but sane would be definitly a nice thing :/
L996[20:18:25] <vifino> *would definitly be
L997[20:18:48] <Temia> **definitely
L998[20:18:49] <Temia> <3
L999[20:19:33] <vifino> .-.
L1000[20:19:41] <vifino> Shush.
L1001[20:20:08] <vifino> Ai will maek all de typohs end spellong mistaks nao
L1002[20:20:17] <vifino> Or not, because it's effort =.0=
L1003[20:20:19] <vifino> .-.
L1004[20:20:22] <vifino> Or not, because it's effort =.=*
L1005[20:21:42] * vifino sighs
L1006[20:21:59] <vifino> Where did I put my external ssd again? .-,
L1007[20:22:02] <vifino> *.-.
L1008[20:25:38] <vifino> Aaaahh, back in arch.
L1009[20:25:44] <vifino> Feels so much better. <3
L1010[20:26:59] <vifino> Got awesome back, got muh vim back, got firlofax set up with ex commands and vim keybindings, pdf viewer with vim keybindings and ex commands :3
L1011[20:27:01] <KurikAmudnil> Going to the End again a couple of times and no repeat of that crash
L1012[20:27:04] <vifino> everything I know and love
L1013[20:27:18] <vifino> On my laptop that is.
L1014[20:28:57] <Kodos> KurikAmudnil, if you get it again, try to replicate it with just OC, otherwise it's likely another mod messing with cable rendering
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L1016[20:30:29] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L1017[20:32:10] *** Altenius is now known as Altenius|Off
L1018[20:32:51] <KurikAmudnil> I expect that it was probably a mod interaction. I have had an intermittent index out of bounds in world tick that I have tried to issolate without much luck too.
L1019[20:33:41] <KurikAmudnil> last time I tried to isolate a problem, I ended up having to reinstall minecraft because the mods quit working together
L1020[20:49:47] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p5493562B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1021[20:49:53] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L1022[20:54:13] <Kodos> Bah, I can't find that Timeapi lib I had anywhere
L1023[20:55:01] * vifino yawns
L1024[20:55:30] * vifino falls asleep still having his angel sleeping on him
L1025[21:16:30] * Kodos pokes gamax92
L1026[21:16:35] <gamax92> hi
L1027[21:16:44] <Kodos> Do you still have that timeapi lib you wrote me ages ago
L1028[21:16:53] <Kodos> I lost it, and the server I used it on is down
L1029[21:17:05] <gamax92> Uhh, maybe
L1030[21:17:59] <gamax92> I've also realized how ... bad the geolyzer's default noise is
L1031[21:18:03] ⇨ Joins: Minetech48 (~minetech4@
L1032[21:18:12] <Kodos> I always disable noise because single player
L1033[21:18:28] <gamax92> this is on a server though
L1034[21:18:49] <Minetech48> what is?
L1035[21:19:19] <gamax92> this block has a hardness of 3, range of possible values go from 1 to 5
L1036[21:21:04] <gamax92> blocks around it have a value of 1.5, range of values is -0.5 to 3.5
L1037[21:21:08] <gamax92> I'm sure you can see the overlap
L1038[21:21:15] *** Benguin[Nap] is now known as Benguin
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L1041[21:26:57] ⇨ Joins: minetech48 (~minetech4@
L1042[21:27:08] <minetech48> what just happened?
L1043[21:27:16] <gamax92> you quit
L1044[21:27:37] <Katie> "Minetech48 (~minetech4@ has Quit (Remote host closed the connection)" AKA something between your computer, and esper died.
L1045[21:27:53] <minetech48> did anyone see the random spam?
L1046[21:27:53] <EnderBot2> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE
L1047[21:27:54] <MichiBot> EnderBot2: Monty Python - Spam | length 3m 20s | Likes: 27596 Dislikes: 672 Views: 6615074 | by zumpzump
L1048[21:28:18] <gamax92> nope
L1049[21:28:44] <minetech48> okay
L1050[21:28:49] <minetech48> good
L1051[21:28:53] <Kodos> This oil is taking forever to burn off
L1052[21:29:00] ⇨ Joins: WireWulf (~SageKitsu@2602:306:ce4f:a280:a854:923:23ec:fdc7)
L1053[21:29:34] <minetech48> anyone here have a power problem
L1054[21:29:51] <Kodos> 1.8 I'm guessing?
L1055[21:30:11] <minetech48> me?
L1056[21:31:24] <Kodos> No, the other guy that was asking about a power problem
L1057[21:32:32] <minetech48> yes that was me and no i am in 1.7.10
L1058[21:32:47] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L1059[21:32:52] <minetech48> just wondering
L1060[21:36:58] ⇨ Joins: Randomguy2 (~randomguy@
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L1062[21:38:56] *** g is now known as gDroid2002
L1063[21:39:05] <Kodos> I can't seem to get a creative tablet to print out block analysis results
L1064[21:39:30] <Kodos> Ah, it would appear not to have a Geolyzer component installed
L1065[21:41:28] <gamax92> after 1304 trials, I've determined that 7 geolyzer scans are required to get an accurate result
L1066[21:41:55] ⇨ Joins: Randomguy1 (~randomguy@
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L1072[21:42:26] <Katie> …
L1073[21:42:39] <Randomguy1> experimenting
L1074[21:42:45] <Kodos> Experiment somewhere else, please
L1075[21:42:46] <Randomguy3> yes he is
L1076[21:42:58] <Randomguy2> we will
L1077[21:43:16] ⇦ Quits: Randomguy1 (~randomguy@ (Client Quit)
L1078[21:43:18] *** Katie sets mode: +b *!*@
L1079[21:43:38] ⇦ Quits: Randomguy2 (~randomguy@ (Client Quit)
L1080[21:43:51] ⇦ Quits: Randomguy3 (~randomguy@ (Client Quit)
L1081[21:43:55] ⇦ Quits: Randomguy4 (~randomguy@ (Client Quit)
L1082[21:44:08] <minetech48> sorry
L1083[21:44:34] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-266-208.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1084[21:45:24] <dangranos> гр
L1085[21:45:27] <dangranos> uh
L1086[21:51:48] *** Katie sets mode: -b *!*@
L1087[21:51:54] <Katie> Don't do that again minetech48...
L1088[21:53:08] <minetech48> sorry i did not realise that it would spam so much
L1089[21:53:08] <EnderBot2> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE
L1090[21:53:09] <MichiBot> EnderBot2: Monty Python - Spam | length 3m 20s | Likes: 27596 Dislikes: 672 Views: 6615191 | by zumpzump
L1091[21:53:51] ⇨ Joins: Randomguy5 (~randomguy@
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L1093[21:54:18] <minetech48> getting it for another server
L1094[21:56:25] <minetech48> nice program btw
L1095[21:58:13] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L1096[21:59:00] <minetech48> why does the boy sat things when i say spam
L1097[21:59:01] <EnderBot2> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE
L1098[21:59:02] <MichiBot> EnderBot2: Monty Python - Spam | length 3m 20s | Likes: 27596 Dislikes: 672 Views: 6615191 | by zumpzump
L1099[21:59:11] <minetech48> bot*
L1100[21:59:52] ⇦ Quits: minetech48 (~minetech4@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1101[22:00:18] <Katie> ¬_¬
L1102[22:04:08] <dangranos> ugh
L1103[22:05:42] <dangranos> so, playing on That Server, found out that they blocked few items because of dyping (AE2's Cell Workbench and Portable Cell). they are sipping on AE2 rv1.1
L1104[22:08:15] <dangranos> ...which is nearly a year old now
L1105[22:09:23] * dangranos has nobody to play with on another server
L1106[22:18:42] *** gDroid2002 is now known as gAway2002
L1107[22:25:42] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549705D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L1119[23:42:33] <dangranos> how do i break a drone?
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L1121[23:50:30] *** Skye|ZZZ is now known as Skye
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L1123[23:51:39] <Kodos> Sneak right click with an empty hand
L1124[23:52:10] <Skye> morning...
L1125[23:53:35] <PixelToast> its 1 am Skye
L1126[23:53:47] <PixelToast> its not morning
L1127[23:53:54] <Skye> 1am IS morning
L1128[23:53:56] <Skye> :p
L1129[23:54:03] <Skye> it's also 5:51am for me...
L1130[23:56:25] <dangranos> hover upgrade for tablets?
L1131[23:56:26] <dangranos> wut
L1132[23:56:27] ⇨ Joins: noiro_ (~noiro@c-76-17-29-38.hsd1.ga.comcast.net)
L1133[23:56:52] <Kodos> Uhh
L1134[23:56:55] <Kodos> Pretty sure that's not intentional
L1135[23:57:22] <Temia> That'd be hilarious if it actually worked on the item entity.
L1136[23:57:29] <Temia> Drop it and it floats at eye level.
L1137[23:57:29] <Skye> hah
L1138[23:58:18] <dangranos> who needs drones when there is flying tablets!
L1139[23:59:35] ⇦ Quits: tots__ (~noiro@2601:cd:301:a660:20da:906:86c9:c4c2) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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