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L1[00:21:06] *** Daiyousei is now known as LearningFairy
L2[00:25:41] <gamax92> "Couldn't locate or make a system partition" *reboot* "Oh, everything's fine now, carry on."
L3[00:25:51] <gamax92> Windows you piece of shit
L4[00:26:29] <vifino> gamax92: hai
L5[00:26:47] <gamax92> hi vifino
L6[00:28:04] <vifino> gamax92: did you see the oldroot stuffs? it's creepy
L7[00:28:12] <gamax92> nope
L8[00:35:24] <v^Laptop> jet fuel uses melt
L9[00:35:29] <v^Laptop> its innefective
L10[00:36:58] <gamax92> i hate it when mah keyboard dunt work on boot
L11[00:38:38] <Sandra> o/ all.
L12[00:39:30] <vifino> gamax92: read iiiiiit
L13[00:39:31] <gamax92> Sandra: I may have an alternative to that luasdl2 thing
L14[00:39:38] <gamax92> vifino: no imma finish fixing windows
L15[00:39:48] <gamax92> then i can test said alternative
L16[00:39:56] <vifino> gamax92: After that?
L17[00:40:02] <gamax92> then i sleep
L18[00:40:05] <vifino> :(
L19[00:40:16] <Sandra> gamax92, nice, what?
L20[00:40:34] <gamax92> custom made binding
L21[00:40:43] <gamax92> that hopefully won't be so clusterfuck to compile
L22[00:41:17] <Sandra> sounds good?
L23[01:08:34] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L24[01:14:41] <Sandra> Sangar, are you there?
L25[01:16:21] <Temia> Gamax: is it ncurses? `o`
L26[01:16:47] <gamax92> cannot tell if serious or joke
L27[01:17:42] <Temia> ... Yes `o`
L28[01:19:39] <Sandra> well, time to either try to figure this out on my own or wait for Sangar.
L29[01:22:01] <gamax92> Temia: what cha doin
L30[01:22:25] <Temia> Being in bed, contemplating sleep
L31[01:31:11] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L32[01:35:35] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L33[01:39:00] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-1-120-134-78.qcl9.cha.bigpond.net.au)
L34[02:00:23] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L35[02:01:24] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L36[02:11:58] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L37[02:13:39] <Sandra> anyone willing to help me figure out why the assemble method isn't working? https://github.com/AwesomeSauceMods/OpenAutomation/blob/master/main/scala/com/awesomesauce/minecraft/forge/openautomation/common/oc/baubles/BaubleAssembler.scala#L80-L110
L38[02:14:06] <Sandra> I wish Sangar was online.
L39[02:14:20] <Sandra> hey Sangar Sangar.
L40[02:23:08] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L41[02:23:16] <Sandra> ~w imc
L42[02:23:16] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/imc
L43[02:26:19] ⇦ Quits: v^Laptop (~ping@2601:4:680:104c:caf7:33ff:fea5:c1cf) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L44[02:33:26] ⇨ Joins: v^Laptop (~ping@2601:4:680:104c:caf7:33ff:fea5:c1cf)
L45[02:33:26] zsh sets mode: +v on v^Laptop
L46[02:34:34] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L47[02:35:47] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L48[02:45:51] ⇦ Quits: v^Laptop (~ping@2601:4:680:104c:caf7:33ff:fea5:c1cf) (Quit: Leaving)
L49[02:45:59] ⇨ Joins: v^Laptop (~ping@2601:4:680:104c:caf7:33ff:fea5:c1cf)
L50[02:45:59] zsh sets mode: +v on v^Laptop
L51[02:50:26] ⇦ Quits: v^Laptop (~ping@2601:4:680:104c:caf7:33ff:fea5:c1cf) (Client Quit)
L52[02:50:33] ⇨ Joins: v^Laptop (~ping@2601:4:680:104c:caf7:33ff:fea5:c1cf)
L53[02:50:34] zsh sets mode: +v on v^Laptop
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L56[02:51:47] zsh sets mode: +v on v^Laptop_
L57[02:54:54] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L58[02:56:40] ⇦ Quits: v^Laptop_ (~ping@2601:4:680:104c:caf7:33ff:fea5:c1cf) (Remote host closed the connection)
L59[02:57:31] * rashdanml snuggles Temia
L60[03:03:29] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~quassel@188-23-115-222.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
L61[03:04:36] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~quassel@194-166-1-161.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L62[03:44:22] <Sangar> morning o/
L63[03:47:07] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L64[03:47:38] <Sangar> Sandra, use Double.valueOf, or get the latest dev build
L65[03:52:00] <Sandra> oh okay.
L66[03:59:12] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L67[04:01:47] <vifino> I gots vifino.cc back :D
L68[04:04:45] <vifino> welp, almost
L69[04:27:59] <Sandra> well it assembles now.
L70[04:31:48] ⇦ Quits: Kubuxu (~root@kubuxu.magik6k.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Kubuxu_)))
L71[04:31:57] *** Kubuxu_ is now known as kubuxu
L72[04:32:17] *** kubuxu is now known as Kubuxu
L73[04:32:55] <Sandra> okay, my goal is to get baubles done before build 200.
L74[04:33:21] <Sandra> is this going to succeed?
L75[04:33:23] <Sandra> idfk.
L76[04:36:17] <Sandra> I have 17 builds to get baubles working.
L77[04:36:19] <Sandra> CAN I DO IT.
L78[04:36:23] <Sandra> place your bets.
L79[04:43:13] <Sandra> Sangar, http://paste.ee/p/8CuNa
L80[04:45:40] <vifino> Sandra: Doubt it :'D
L81[04:48:50] <Sangar> Sandra, don't create or at least don't update machines on the client side
L82[04:48:54] <Sangar> they're server side only
L83[04:49:06] <Sandra> mmm kay.
L84[04:49:13] <Sandra> that was an accident.
L85[05:12:21] <Sandra> ~w event
L86[05:12:21] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L87[05:41:11] <Sandra> Sangar, any way I can add error logging to the bauble?
L88[05:41:32] <Sandra> like, how can I get errors from the machine.
L89[05:46:24] <Sandra> because something must be failing but I don't know what.
L90[05:49:27] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L91[05:50:13] <Sangar> hmmm
L92[05:52:00] <Sandra> how does OC do it?
L93[05:52:07] <Sangar> hmmm. for now maybe just show it in the tooltip?
L94[05:52:13] <Sangar> tablet? not at all atm
L95[05:52:19] <Sandra> yeah I can send it to something.
L96[05:52:31] <Sandra> but how do I get the error text?
L97[05:52:47] <Sangar> maybe i could make a tooltip show up if hovering an itemstack while "holding" the analyzer (i.e. having it picked up in the inventory) ...
L98[05:52:50] <Sangar> oh
L99[05:52:55] <Sangar> machine.lastError or something
L100[05:52:59] <Sangar> lastMessage?
L101[05:53:25] <Sandra> although I think I can guess what the error is.
L102[05:53:31] <Sandra> not enough energy.
L103[05:53:31] <Sangar> lastError it is
L104[05:53:34] <Sangar> ah
L105[05:53:55] <Sandra> how do I supply it with energy? just give the machine.node energy?
L106[05:54:04] <Sangar> yeah, basically
L107[05:54:44] <Sandra> how does OC charge tablets again? a slot in the charger?
L108[05:54:54] <Sangar> ((Connector)machine.node).changeBuffer(value) e.g.
L109[05:54:56] <Sangar> yeah
L110[05:55:01] <Sangar> tablets go in the charger
L111[05:55:05] <Sandra> any way I can hook into that?
L112[05:55:23] <Sandra> if not can you add a way?
L113[05:55:37] <Sangar> you can have an item driver that doesn't create an env but defines the slot type "tablet"
L114[05:55:59] <Sangar> api.driver.item.Slot.Tablet i.e.
L115[05:56:08] <Sangar> that's what the charger checks for
L116[05:56:16] <Sangar> tho i'll have to see how the actual charging works...
L117[05:56:19] <Sandra> mmmkay, but how would that charge it.
L118[05:56:25] <Sangar> not sure that'd work right away
L119[05:56:30] <Sangar> yeah
L120[05:56:41] <Sangar> if it does create an env and charges via that i was clever
L121[05:56:44] <Sangar> but i doubt it
L122[05:56:45] <Sangar> :X
L123[05:57:02] <Sangar> i'll look into that
L124[05:57:48] <Sandra> it requires a TabletData.
L125[05:57:53] <Sandra> hmm.
L126[05:58:03] <Sandra> it'd be good if you could get that to work better.
L127[05:58:09] <Sandra> for now I'll just use the RF API.
L128[05:58:25] <Sangar> yeah, that currently goes directly via tablet info; i'll change that
L129[05:58:54] <Sangar> it already creates an env anyway (for the tablet's fs)
L130[05:58:56] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L131[05:59:00] <Sangar> i can reuse that env to do the actual charging
L132[05:59:08] <Sangar> then it'll be reusable for third-party stuff
L133[06:02:13] <Sandra> is there anyway to just turn off the power usage?
L134[06:03:17] <Sandra> machine.setCostPerTick(0)?
L135[06:03:27] <Sandra> that wouldn't turn it off for component use though.
L136[06:03:34] <Sandra> hmm.
L137[06:04:34] <Sangar> yeah, that'd only disable it for the cpu. you can just inject power out of nothing each tick
L138[06:04:39] <Sangar> that's what creative cases do :P
L139[06:05:08] <Lizzy> blleuuurhhhh
L140[06:05:21] * Lizzy goes to get something to bring her blood sugar levels back up
L141[06:05:52] <Roadcrosser> bap
L142[06:06:30] <Sangar> zap
L143[06:07:02] <Sandra> so machine.node doesn't have the changeBuffer mode.
L144[06:07:03] * Roadcrosser sneezes
L145[06:07:23] <Roadcrosser> ooh, bauble computers?
L146[06:07:26] <Roadcrosser> what do those do?
L147[06:07:31] <Sangar> Sandra, <Sangar> ((Connector)machine.node).changeBuffer(value) e.g.
L148[06:07:34] <Sangar> you'll have to cast it
L149[06:08:04] <Sangar> or connect a custom node to it that you create on your own, that definitely is a connector
L150[06:08:39] <Sandra> Roadcrosser, they're baubles, that are computers.
L151[06:08:50] <Sandra> they're like microcontrollers.
L152[06:08:53] <Sandra> but wearable.
L153[06:08:57] <Roadcrosser> ...
L154[06:08:58] <Roadcrosser> :O
L155[06:09:32] <Roadcrosser> reminds me of widget from ace attorney
L156[06:09:34] <Sandra> and I'm planning on adding specific components that act with the player that are /only/ placeable in baubles.
L157[06:09:45] <Sandra> those come later though.
L158[06:10:22] <Roadcrosser> do they involve potatoes? :3
L159[06:10:55] <Roadcrosser> hah, a novel potato component would be interesting
L160[06:11:06] <Roadcrosser> someone should make a mod called opendoors
L161[06:11:23] <Roadcrosser> or openwindoss
L162[06:11:26] <Roadcrosser> w*
L163[06:11:46] <Sandra> oh yes, Roadcrosser and the obsession with potatoes.
L164[06:11:53] <Roadcrosser> :P
L165[06:12:58] <Roadcrosser> this soulbound thing is interesting
L166[06:13:11] <Roadcrosser> too bad we'll probably never get to use it
L167[06:13:34] <Roadcrosser> mmmm
L168[06:26:17] <Sandra> Roadcrosser, what about soulbound?
L169[06:26:24] <Sandra> it works and all.
L170[06:28:53] <Roadcrosser> yeah
L171[06:29:08] <Roadcrosser> I'm not certain about th future of our pack is all
L172[06:30:26] <Roadcrosser> not to mention how there is likely too many mods on it
L173[06:35:18] *** LearningFairy is now known as Fairy
L174[06:41:41] *** Sandra is now known as Sandrafk
L175[06:46:26] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1FAD57D0E9C5240176C8B7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L176[06:46:26] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L177[06:51:37] ⇨ Joins: tattyseal (~tattyseal@
L178[06:57:22] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Quit: Leaving)
L179[06:58:40] *** Fairy is now known as Daiyousei
L180[07:00:47] *** Sandrafk is now known as Sandra
L181[07:16:33] ⇨ Joins: Flenix (~Flenix@97e31234.skybroadband.com)
L182[07:20:29] *** Kodos|Zzz is now known as Kodos
L183[07:20:40] <Kodos> Goooooooood mythi- Ahem, goood morning
L184[07:24:32] <Lizzy> heyoo
L185[07:29:09] *** Oddstr13 is now known as Odd|Away
L186[07:29:31] <Kodos> Watching my morning NCIS, then it's off to the Xbox
L187[07:43:54] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@abhj47.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
L188[07:44:33] *** Skye|zzz is now known as Skye
L189[07:48:46] <Kodos> I want pizza so bad =(
L190[07:53:43] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L191[07:54:11] <Lizzy> Kodos: :(
L192[07:54:19] <Lizzy> would so give you pizza if i could
L193[07:55:41] <Kodos> Little Italy doesn't open for another 8 hours
L194[07:55:57] <Kodos> And I don't get paid until tomorrow, and even then I'm not even sure we'll be able to get one
L195[07:59:28] *** dagranos is now known as dangranos
L196[08:05:59] <Sandra> anyone with artistic inclinations feel like drawing me some textures for the baubles?
L197[08:06:59] <Sandra> I mean, I could do it myself but that'd look pretty shit.
L198[08:07:07] <Sandra> probably.
L199[08:08:09] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L200[08:08:19] *** Skye is now known as Skye|School
L201[08:08:28] <Kodos> Okay, show's over, time for Xbox. Leave me PMs if you need anything and I'll check em around lunchtime
L202[08:08:45] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L203[08:13:10] <Roadcrosser> hey kodos
L204[08:13:27] <Roadcrosser> Good mythical morning? rings a bell.
L205[08:13:45] <Roadcrosser> speaking of, have you seen the latest tabletop episode?
L206[08:30:45] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-1-120-134-78.qcl9.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L207[08:34:04] * Vexatos cries
L208[08:34:21] <Roadcrosser> aw
L209[08:34:26] <Roadcrosser> there there
L210[08:34:31] * Roadcrosser pets Vexatos
L211[08:34:35] <Roadcrosser> what seems to be the matter?
L212[08:34:43] <Vexatos> I just literally wrote the worst exam I've ever written
L213[08:34:49] <Roadcrosser> oh
L214[08:35:06] <Vexatos> and it counts as much as one entire year of school
L215[08:35:24] <Vexatos> Because final exams are awesome >_>
L216[08:36:14] <Roadcrosser> ah well
L217[08:36:17] * Roadcrosser vanishes
L218[08:36:27] <Vexatos> :P
L219[08:36:49] <Sandra> I love how intellij is just like.
L221[08:37:11] <Sandra> set a master password that you have to type in instead.
L222[08:37:27] <Vexatos> I didn't set any
L223[08:37:41] <Sandra> that didn't work for me.
L224[08:37:51] <Sandra> it just didn't save it.
L225[08:45:46] ⇨ Joins: CoolSquid (~SquidHub@ti0011a400-5117.bb.online.no)
L226[08:59:58] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L227[09:00:36] <Sandra> "Hope you get taken apart, Hope you die in a fire!"
L228[09:02:24] <Vexatos> Sangar, any reason why the UpgradeRenderer methods are not @SideOnly?
L229[09:05:35] <Sangar> Vexatos, nah, just that it's not really necessary (all parameters are available on both sides)
L230[09:06:00] <Sangar> that and sideonly ususally causes more issues for me than it solves >_>
L231[09:06:43] <Sangar> how did y- oh. well. test went so badly? :/
L232[09:07:30] <Sandra> SideOnly apparently shouldn't be used by anything except forge btw.
L233[09:07:36] <Vexatos> Sangar, not @SideOnly on the class
L234[09:07:39] <dangranos> hi
L235[09:07:39] <Vexatos> just on the methods
L236[09:07:51] <Vexatos> because you may or may not access opengl or net.minecraft.client somewhere
L237[09:07:57] <Sandra> from what I remember talking to Lex.
L238[09:08:11] <dangranos> just saw new steam workshop "feature" in its news
L239[09:08:13] <dangranos> fck
L240[09:08:17] <dangranos> just fck that
L241[09:08:26] <Sangar> Vexatos, sure, but that won't matter so long as the method isn't called
L242[09:08:35] <Sandra> yeah.
L243[09:08:56] <Sandra> and SideOnly or not, that will still crash.
L244[09:09:07] <Sangar> the call to it? yeah
L245[09:12:49] <Vexatos> Of course
L246[09:13:09] <Vexatos> I am just being careful about which classes in Computronics get loaded
L247[09:13:14] <Vexatos> because there are some that should not ever be
L248[09:13:30] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p5493562B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L249[09:17:03] <gamax92> Vexatos: pl.asie.computronics.secret.KillSangarOnWorldLoad
L250[09:17:42] <Vexatos> pl.asie.computronics.secret.SpecialThingerCeption
L251[09:18:11] <Sandra> THE SPECIAL THINGERS!
L252[09:18:27] <gamax92> are not worth the effort
L253[09:19:01] <gamax92> well, while windows decided to sit at 15% completion on update, might as well get breakfast
L254[09:26:21] *** Skye|School is now known as Skye|Train
L255[09:26:30] <Sandra> Sangar, if I get these bauble things working would I be eligable for a Special Thinger?
L256[09:26:40] <Sangar> definitely
L257[09:26:51] <Sandra> cool.
L258[09:27:22] <Sangar> haha, i just found a fun "bug" :X
L259[09:27:29] <Sangar> not sure i care enough to fix it
L260[09:27:32] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L261[09:27:44] <dangranos> i remember that issue about async animation feature that turned out to be a bug
L262[09:28:02] <Sangar> duplicating tablets (middle-click) will make them run faster... because update gets called for each tablet with the same id in the player's inventory >_>
L263[09:28:17] <Sandra> :P
L264[09:28:20] <dangranos> so, is that async animation a bug or a feature now?
L265[09:28:47] <Sandra> nah, you can only do that in creative anyway.
L266[09:28:47] <Sangar> if by "async" you mean the thing where they kept animating if the game was paused, that's fixed now
L267[09:29:21] <Sangar> that's what i'm thinking, yeah
L268[09:29:26] <dangranos> ^
L269[09:29:38] <dangranos> but they arent magical copy of same computer instance?
L270[09:29:41] <dangranos> or are they?
L271[09:30:23] <Sandra> so that's a feature! :P
L272[09:30:35] <Sangar> they reference the same machine. i.e. regardless of which one you "open" the same screen will show
L273[09:30:42] <Sandra> yeah.
L274[09:31:02] <Skye|Train> yay! my train wasn't late!
L275[09:31:18] <Sangar> i honestly don't see a reasonable way to fix that anyway, so yeah. creative stoopudutay
L276[09:32:05] <Sandra> and I mean, would it really hurt that much having CREATIVE ONLY things run twice as fast?
L277[09:32:20] <Sangar> exactly
L278[09:32:34] <Sangar> yey, generic item charging seems to work
L279[09:32:38] <Sandra> since, y'know, it's creative.
L280[09:32:40] <gamax92> hehehehe Sangar
L281[09:32:56] <gamax92> Detect when there are multiple copies, like 3 or 4, and then explode the player
L282[09:33:11] <Sandra> ...
L283[09:33:12] <gamax92> TOOO FAST FOR YOU
L284[09:33:14] <Sangar> i'm charging a portable cell in the charger right now. veeeery slowly, but still :P
L285[09:33:39] <Sandra> oh cool, so it'll charge any RF/other energy system things in the charger now?
L286[09:33:40] <Sandra> cool.
L287[09:34:01] <Sandra> so I don't need to change my charging system, that I just implemented, for RF.
L288[09:34:05] <Sangar> yeah, the ones i add anyway. so rf and what else i can find and already have integration for (ic2,... is there anything else?)
L289[09:34:19] <Sangar> nope, that'll work. so long as cofhcore/lib is present
L290[09:34:35] <Sandra> I ship RF with my mod anyway.
L291[09:34:35] <dangranos> will there ever be OC generators?
L292[09:34:59] <Sandra> RF is designed to be shipped with everything that uses it.
L293[09:35:04] <Sangar> dangranos, maaaaybe. might have been more interested in adding those if progressive automation for 1.8 weren't a thing :P
L294[09:35:18] <Sangar> if i do add generators i want them to be a little more interesting than "add coal get power" though
L295[09:35:19] <gamax92> coughcore?
L296[09:35:22] <dangranos> PA?
L297[09:35:25] <dangranos> what is PA?
L298[09:35:29] <gamax92> question mark?
L299[09:35:45] <dangranos> Sangar, yay?
L300[09:36:03] <Sangar> Sandra, ehhh, i like not shipping any apis whatsoever.
L301[09:36:13] <Sangar> but if you ship it, that'll be fine :P
L302[09:36:15] <Sandra> yeah, up to you and all.
L303[09:36:16] <Sangar> and i won't care
L304[09:36:20] <Sandra> if you're just a consumer.
L305[09:36:23] <Vexatos> Sangar, spin around in circles, generates 1 RF per gram of vomit on your screen
L306[09:36:41] <Vexatos> No wait
L307[09:36:43] <Vexatos> Mhm
L308[09:36:44] <Sangar> Vexatos, jumping on a vanilla pressure plate will generate energy
L309[09:36:48] <gamax92> "OCs generators run on computer parts! Sacrifice your hard work for a little bit of energy"
L310[09:36:54] <Vexatos> Sangar, that's already overdone
L311[09:36:58] <Sangar> it is?
L312[09:36:59] <Sangar> darn
L313[09:37:05] <Vexatos> Sangar, grog generator
L314[09:37:10] <Sangar> :X
L315[09:37:17] <Vexatos> (Please don't)
L316[09:37:18] <Sandra> I actively do stuff with RF so I ship it.
L317[09:37:51] <dangranos> so you are actively shipping things? :D
L318[09:38:24] <Sandra> hmm, so the fact that you can charge anything with the charger adds an in-oc way to get power out of OC format and into RF/other format.
L319[09:38:35] <Lizzy> power idea: the more work (CPU time) the computer uses the more power it uses, have a generator that you can run code on in which the more code that runs at once the more energy it produces
L320[09:38:54] <Sandra> I was actually thinking of adding such a thing Lizzy.
L321[09:38:59] <Sangar> Sandra, true. very slowly though :P
L322[09:39:26] <gamax92> WTF
L323[09:39:28] <gamax92> WINDOWS NO
L324[09:39:35] <Sangar> Lizzy, sadly that's hugely unreliable because other threads eating cpu time can make that vary wildly
L325[09:39:42] <dangranos> hmmmm
L326[09:39:45] <gamax92> "Failure configuring Windows updates" "Reverting changes"
L327[09:39:51] <dangranos> what about a steam/water generator?
L328[09:40:01] <Vexatos> pour water over your computer
L329[09:40:02] <dangranos> that runs on highload code
L330[09:40:03] <Vexatos> when it breaks
L331[09:40:08] <Vexatos> you get OC energy
L332[09:40:19] <Sangar> >_>
L333[09:40:24] <Lizzy> heheh
L334[09:40:38] <Vexatos> Sangar, about a certain private var rendering
L335[09:40:38] <Sangar> let's make it run on blood
L336[09:40:40] <gamax92> What if Server rack's were furnaces
L337[09:40:47] <Vexatos> could you maybe, just maaaaybe make it not private? :P
L338[09:40:54] <Sangar> Vexatos, eh?
L339[09:41:08] * Vexatos makse hints at Special Thingers with radars
L340[09:41:14] <Sangar> <_>
L341[09:41:24] * Vexatos hides
L342[09:41:31] <Lizzy> gamax92: :O use the heat from server racks to either power furnaces or produce heat for generators that use it in other mods
L343[09:41:35] <Sangar> i could make them call the callbacks, too, i guess
L344[09:41:47] <Sangar> nowait
L345[09:41:50] <Sangar> they don't have items
L346[09:41:53] <Sangar> eh
L347[09:41:57] <gamax92> like, the more active server's in the server rack, the faster stuff is cooked
L348[09:42:19] <CompanionCube> gamax92, perhaps have server complexity increase the heat generated by a server?
L349[09:42:38] <Sangar> so the heat generated by running a computer generates more than enough energy to run a computer? that seems... uhhh... yeah, totally makes sense.
L350[09:42:45] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L351[09:42:55] <Vexatos> Sangar, the robotrenderevent in that particular case ships null as the robot
L352[09:43:00] <Vexatos> and the mount points
L353[09:43:10] <Sangar> oh it sends a render event?
L354[09:43:15] <CompanionCube> Sangar, just balance it by making the conversion process inefficient
L355[09:43:16] <Sangar> X:
L356[09:43:16] <Vexatos> Yep
L357[09:43:20] <Vexatos> You use it yourself, Sangar
L358[09:43:22] <gamax92> CompanionCube: like it is in real life
L359[09:43:25] <Vexatos> See private val rendering
L360[09:43:39] <dangranos> Sangar, just write it to make it 1/3 or /14 fo wasted energy
L361[09:43:41] <gamax92> since when does stuff have 100% efficiency rates in stuff like this.
L362[09:44:30] <Sandra> I literally have no idea why the machine isn't working.
L363[09:44:34] <Sandra> ...
L364[09:44:56] <Lizzy> Sangar: but not directly, also could take the biome's heat into consideration (i.e. hot server in tundra would generate a fair amount, in a desert, not so much)
L365[09:45:05] <Sangar> Vexatos, oh, for the color
L366[09:45:08] <Sangar> uhhh
L367[09:45:24] <Vexatos> remove the "private" from private val rendering
L368[09:45:26] <dangranos> Lizzy, and add some water cooling
L369[09:45:28] <Vexatos> and I could do things and stuff
L370[09:45:47] <Vexatos> No wait
L371[09:45:49] <Vexatos> I couldn't
L372[09:45:50] <Sangar> that's... kinda suboptimal tho
L373[09:45:51] <Sandra> Sangar, robots that run on treadmills.
L374[09:46:10] <CompanionCube> dangranos, water cooling is overkill
L375[09:46:26] <Vexatos> Sangar, it very much is
L376[09:46:26] <Lizzy> Also does anyone know how Resonant Induction or whatever it's called these days is going?
L377[09:46:38] <gamax92> that reminds me, at least the last time i tried it, robots could self power themselves with a clock work generator and clicking it
L378[09:46:38] <Sandra> Lizzy, it's called electrodynamics.
L379[09:46:57] <Sandra> and afaik it's been put aside for a bit.
L380[09:47:03] <Vexatos> Sangar, SPECIALTHINGERRENDEREVENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111one <_>
L381[09:47:11] <Sangar> >_>
L382[09:47:26] <Vexatos> My brain is soo empty right now it's weird
L383[09:47:31] <Vexatos> I cannot think at all
L384[09:47:36] <Vexatos> this exam was just too much for me
L385[09:47:39] <CompanionCube> but yeah, you should totally be able to extract (some) energy from server heat
L386[09:47:41] <dangranos> Sangar, are your bauble computers working?
L387[09:47:46] <Vexatos> I've never been so sad and frustrated before
L388[09:47:53] <Vexatos> dangranos, Sandra *
L389[09:48:04] <dangranos> damn
L390[09:48:07] <Sandra> dangranos, they're... sorta workingish?
L391[09:48:19] <Sandra> idk.
L392[09:48:20] <dangranos> Sandra, and what they can do?
L393[09:48:24] * Lizzy is going to *try* and take an attempt at implimenting her mod idea when she gets home
L394[09:48:30] <Sandra> by that I mean not working at all.
L395[09:48:43] <Sangar> Vexatos, join the club, the job out the ones that i was currently in negotiations for that i *really* wanted (badly) didn't work out :/
L396[09:48:51] <Sandra> you can craft them and equip them without crashing!
L397[09:48:54] <Sandra> :P
L398[09:49:06] <Vexatos> Sangar, well, this exam was worth an entire year of school
L399[09:49:08] <Vexatos> and Chemistry
L400[09:49:10] <Sandra> actually running though, ehh.
L401[09:49:15] <Vexatos> I am going to study Chemistry
L402[09:49:43] <Sandra> Crash bugs are easy to fix.
L403[09:49:56] <Vexatos> (Not that anyone would care about my grades, as long as you have your Allgemeine Hochschulreife you have permission, noone is stupid enough to study Chemistry >___>
L404[09:49:58] <Vexatos> )
L405[09:49:59] <Sandra> when it DOESN'T CRASH though, that's hard.
L406[09:51:10] <Sangar> Vexatos, yeah, still sucks tho :/
L407[09:51:10] <Sandra> it's very hard to track down a bug that is simply: doesn't work.
L408[09:51:17] <Vexatos> Sangar, indeed
L409[09:51:24] <Vexatos> I am glad I'm going to study chem
L410[09:51:29] <Sangar> Sandra, throw more breakpoints at it!
L411[09:51:31] <Vexatos> there's never enough Chemists
L412[09:51:35] <Vexatos> So, after 6 years of studying
L413[09:51:38] <Vexatos> and a doctorate
L414[09:51:46] <Vexatos> you are pretty much guaranteed to get a job
L415[09:51:52] <Sangar> heh
L416[09:51:59] <Vexatos> Some of my classmates are going to study Computer Science
L417[09:52:10] <Vexatos> I already told them they will have a hard time >___>
L418[09:52:12] <Sandra> but that requires debuggerer which means that I have to setup stuff and things.
L419[09:52:17] ⇦ Quits: CoolSquid (~SquidHub@ti0011a400-5117.bb.online.no) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L420[09:52:23] <Sandra> println statements ftw.
L421[09:52:26] <Sangar> well, i could get *a* job. there's enough demand for coders, but i'm just still a bit... picky
L422[09:52:33] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com)
L423[09:52:35] <Lizzy> Lizzy's brain recently has just been a mixture of white noise and music
L424[09:52:42] <Vexatos> Sangar, not for "Wirtschaftsinformatik" really
L425[09:52:47] <Sangar> ah well
L426[09:52:51] <Sangar> screw those guys
L427[09:53:01] <Vexatos> i.e. make databases for companies and custom programs
L428[09:53:13] <Vexatos> and spend your life fixing bugs in those and get yelled at
L429[09:53:19] <Vexatos> (Why would anyone want to study that?)
L430[09:53:22] <Sangar> yeah, that sounds like a lot of fun
L431[09:53:34] <Sandra> my goal is to get baubles working before b200 of OpenAutomation.
L432[09:53:45] <Sandra> we're currently at b191.
L433[09:53:47] <Sandra> :(
L434[09:54:35] <Lizzy> I should move my Jenkins over to Thor
L435[09:55:30] <Lizzy> well, i'll probably do that when i get around to needing it
L436[09:57:02] <Sandra> and now I know why it didn't work. *facepalm*
L437[09:58:07] ⇨ Joins: Therandus (~therandus@
L438[09:58:35] <Therandus> hello
L439[09:58:44] ⇦ Quits: Therandus (~therandus@ (Client Quit)
L440[10:00:04] ⇨ Joins: surferconor425 (~surfercon@cpc8-linc11-2-0-cust879.12-1.cable.virginm.net)
L441[10:00:34] <Sandra> as it happened, I never gave the baubles ids. FACEPLAM.
L442[10:00:43] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-173-175-101-132.satx.res.rr.com)
L443[10:01:02] <Sandra> ah, a join-hello-quit.
L444[10:02:09] <Lizzy> .-.
L445[10:02:42] <Lizzy> I wonder if i could make an algorthym to detect that and auto-ban after a few times
L446[10:02:56] <Skye|Train> auhh
L447[10:03:03] <Skye|Train> uhh
L448[10:03:15] <Daiyousei> easyyyyyyyyyyy
L449[10:03:24] <Sandra> Lizzy, count how many times a person joins and says one line then quits.
L450[10:03:46] <Sandra> so when a person joins, check if they say 2 lines.
L451[10:04:01] <Sandra> :P
L452[10:04:09] <Lizzy> Sandra: that's the hard part, it's detecting if they say anything then leave shortly after, i have an idea for it though
L453[10:04:13] *** Skye|Train is now known as Skye
L454[10:04:39] <Sandra> when someone joins: add name to list.
L455[10:04:50] <Sandra> when they say a line: increment counter.
L456[10:05:02] <Sandra> if counter > 2: remove from list.
L457[10:05:14] <Sandra> when someone leaves: remove from list.
L458[10:05:28] <Lizzy> Sandra: that's a good way of putting it
L459[10:06:57] <Skye> well
L460[10:07:09] <Skye> what if they say something, then wait for an hour?
L461[10:07:32] <Lizzy> i'll have it compare timestamps
L462[10:08:16] <Lizzy> so if they leave in under 2 mins it'll ban, any longer and it will remove it the same way as if they had said more than 3 lines
L463[10:08:49] <Skye> uhh
L464[10:09:13] <Lizzy> s/leave/say 3 lines and leave
L465[10:09:13] <MichiBot> <Lizzy> so if they say 3 lines and leave in under 2 mins it'll ban, any longer and it will remove it the same way as if they had said more than 3 lines
L466[10:11:47] <Lizzy> also i think i might make something send out the rules to people who first join then storing their user@host in a database so they don't get the message again unless they change stuff
L467[10:16:06] <Lizzy> also i think i'm gonna put my EB3 project on hold for now and continue on with my first plan for EnderBot3 and incorperate it into EB3 later
L468[10:17:53] <Lizzy> nearly hometime
L469[10:18:04] <Kodos> Or a bot that will detect someone who asks something, or says something stupid, and then leaves
L470[10:18:26] <Lizzy> Kodos: you cannot parse stupidity :/
L471[10:19:18] <Kodos> No, but you can ban it =D
L472[10:20:15] <Lizzy> Kodos: i know, just unless you can think of some sort of AI to detect stupid it will be hard for a bot to tell if a question is really dumb and a troll or a legitimat one
L473[10:20:50] <Kodos> Even if it's legitimate, if someone was too lazy to check the wiki for an answer, I think that still counts
L474[10:21:01] <Kodos> Not to mention there's ingame documentation now
L475[10:22:00] <Lizzy> It's an important and popular fact that things are not always what they seem
L476[10:22:43] ⇨ Joins: Mywbuwifn3 (webchat@cox-24-248-155-193.pool.twotrees.net)
L477[10:23:04] <Mywbuwifn3> it would appear this irc grew a bit since the last time I checked it .-. nice
L478[10:23:12] * Lizzy tips her hat
L479[10:23:19] <Mywbuwifn3> and SpiritedDusty is still dead, rip
L480[10:23:29] <Lizzy> He comes around occasionally
L481[10:23:40] *** Odd|Away is now known as Oddstr13
L482[10:23:46] <Mywbuwifn3> Everytime I check here he is not here lol
L483[10:23:50] <Lizzy> He's like a solar eclipse, except less predictable
L484[10:23:59] <Lizzy> s/less/much less
L485[10:23:59] <MichiBot> <Lizzy> He's like a solar eclipse, except much less predictable
L486[10:24:27] <Mywbuwifn3> :P well then
L487[10:25:12] ⇦ Quits: Mywbuwifn3 (webchat@cox-24-248-155-193.pool.twotrees.net) (Client Quit)
L488[10:25:18] <Kodos> Anyone know about IndexOutOfBounds exceptions?
L489[10:25:40] <Lizzy> Kodos: usually something is outside the bounds of the object in question
L490[10:25:58] <Kodos> https://github.com/brandon3055/Draconic-Evolution/issues/77 Somehow this crash doesn't make sense to me
L491[10:26:05] <Kodos> According to the thing, it should be within the range
L492[10:26:39] <Vexatos> Snagar: All the hax
L493[10:26:49] <Sangar> hmm?
L494[10:26:55] <Vexatos> I cannot comprehend how much hax this is
L495[10:26:59] <Vexatos> I'll show you in a minute
L496[10:28:12] <Sangar> Kodos, zero based indexing. so if you have [1,2,3] it's length 3, but indexing 3 would be trying to get element 4, which is out of bounds
L497[10:28:55] <Lizzy> Kodos: i think java indexes start from 0, so something with size of 10 would be 0-9 thus making 10 out of bounds
L498[10:29:06] <Kodos> Makes sense
L499[10:29:23] <Kodos> I also noticed a few typos in the guy's code, so I'm pointing that out, hoping it helps root out the cause.
L500[10:30:05] <Lizzy> home time
L501[10:30:41] <Temia> Is it me or is DE kiiind of a hackjob >.>
L502[10:31:05] <Temia> I still have no idea what the scrambled crash-me buttons in the dislocation charm GUI were about
L503[10:31:58] <Vexatos> Oh gosh so much hax
L504[10:32:04] <Vexatos> Sangar, why does this work q_q
L505[10:34:58] <Sangar> Vexatos, cute :3
L506[10:35:39] <Sangar> Vexatos, ohgodwhy >_>
L507[10:35:44] <Vexatos> ohgodwhy indeed
L508[10:35:54] <Vexatos> why the f does this work anyway
L509[10:36:19] <Vexatos> Now wondering whether I should do it
L510[10:36:23] <Sangar> well why wouldn't it :P hacky, still
L511[10:36:27] <Vexatos> The VerySpecialThinger
L512[10:36:31] <Vexatos> (tm)
L513[10:36:32] <Sangar> hurr
L514[10:36:43] <Vexatos> Also with colours, if you like
L515[10:37:15] <Vexatos> I cannot comprehend how hacky this is
L516[10:41:57] <gamax92> Vexatos: 2 + hack = hack
L517[10:42:08] <gamax92> hack is like a nan, it will make everything nan
L518[10:46:08] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E1FAD60EC3769A0F30E4DFA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L519[10:46:08] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L520[10:46:38] *** Vexatos is now known as Guest77465
L521[10:46:39] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L522[10:47:19] <Sangar> i totally read that as "hack it like a man"
L523[10:47:50] <Vexatos> Now I wish I could do maps as nice as you can in Scala
L524[10:48:04] <Vexatos> private HashMap<String, Vector3f> entitledPlayers;
L525[10:48:06] <Vexatos> hurr
L526[10:48:12] <dangranos> http://imgur.com/gallery/y8ocFFr steam paid workshop mods in a nutshell
L527[10:48:29] <dangranos> also top comment "That guy didn't even develop it, just took it from Nexus and changed the name. " too
L528[10:51:45] ⇦ Quits: Guest77465 (~Vexatos@p200300556E1FAD57D0E9C5240176C8B7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L529[10:53:20] <Sandra> oh yeah Sangar, this happens every time I load my world. https://imgur.com/a/3uqWu
L530[10:54:53] <Sangar> Sandra, uhh, might well be that was one of the reasons tablets aren't persistable :X try waiting a bit before starting the machine; server is probably so busy loading the initial chunks that the executor thread gets put on hold for too long
L531[10:55:23] <Sandra> Sangar, that's a regular computer.
L532[10:55:37] <Sandra> like a computer case computer.
L533[10:56:10] <Sangar> uhhh... how crappy is your (real) computer? >_> there's a config option to increase the initial start/resume delay for computers
L534[10:56:15] <Sangar> might want to bump that up a little
L535[10:56:33] <Sandra> very crappy.
L536[10:56:37] <Sandra> mmmkay.
L537[10:57:15] <Sandra> it's not really for games at all.
L538[10:57:18] <gamax92> When you run mplayer, does it shout at you that your computer is too slow?
L539[10:57:27] <Sandra> I don't run mplayer.
L540[10:57:34] <gamax92> then run mplayer
L541[10:57:45] <gamax92> is good for you
L542[10:58:37] <Sandra> but but vlc.
L543[10:58:46] <Sandra> also windows.
L544[10:59:40] <gamax92> my windows inst decided it wanted to never work again, and always just load up the update screen and then hang
L545[10:59:54] <gamax92> and yes, hang, the spinny thing stops spinny and no hdd activity
L546[11:00:04] <Sandra> eeprom slots have tiers?
L547[11:00:09] * Sandra creates a t2 eeprom.
L548[11:00:57] <gamax92> wait what
L549[11:00:59] <Sangar> you can make them have tiers if you want to, yeah :P
L550[11:01:08] <Sangar> the ones in oc devices don't tho
L551[11:01:22] <Sangar> so all tiers of eeprom would work in there, if someone were to make tiered eeproms
L552[11:01:59] <Temia> If we got 8KB/16KB EEPROMs that'd be kind of cool
L553[11:03:40] <gamax92> I think OCSymon needs 16KB EEPROMs
L554[11:05:10] <Sangar> ehhh, maybe. if - if! - i add tiered eeproms the slot would remain untiered though, i think.
L555[11:06:13] <Vexatos> Temia, would be OP
L556[11:06:41] <Temia> Why? >.>
L557[11:07:18] <Kodos> What about T3 Tablet, drone, and MCU cases
L558[11:07:27] <Kodos> And then each tier of those would have the corresponding tier EEPROM slot
L559[11:07:31] <Temia> Also it's a shame the Computronics EEPROM writer doesn't have a slot for OC EEPROMs.
L560[11:07:53] <Vexatos> Why would it
L561[11:07:55] <Sandra> computronics has an eeprom writer?
L562[11:07:59] <Vexatos> You can just flash inside OC >__>
L563[11:08:29] <Temia> Yeah but it'd be easier for automation if a separate machine could have EEPROMs switched in and out
L564[11:09:06] <Sandra> you want an assembly line for eeproms?
L565[11:09:30] <Temia> Well, if I mass-produce tablets or something, I would :o
L566[11:10:10] <Sangar> oooor you could clone the eeproms with autocrafting :P
L567[11:10:18] <Temia> ....oh yeah.
L568[11:10:22] <Temia> That's a thing.
L569[11:10:33] <Temia> ...It's a boring thing but I suppose it is a thing. :<
L570[11:10:39] <Sandra> daww, that's boring.
L571[11:10:39] <Sangar> :P
L572[11:10:51] <Sandra> plz remove is boring.
L573[11:11:08] * Sangar deletes half the classes from oc
L574[11:11:30] <Sangar> eh, now it's broken :/
L575[11:14:04] <Sandra> OC is now broken everyone.
L576[11:14:08] <Sandra> please go home.
L577[11:15:39] <Sangar> nothing to see here, please move along
L578[11:18:10] ⇦ Quits: surferconor425 (~surfercon@cpc8-linc11-2-0-cust879.12-1.cable.virginm.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L579[11:25:46] <Sandra> well there's my problem.
L580[11:26:45] <Sandra> I thought that one of the methods in EntityPlayer was a thing about whether the world was remote or not.
L581[11:26:51] <Sandra> and I mistakenly used that.
L582[11:27:07] <Sandra> but really what it was was is this single player or not.
L583[11:30:31] * gamax92 is not sure how that is not what you wanted
L584[11:31:04] <Temia> LAN play, gamax.
L585[11:31:09] <gamax92> ahh, okay
L586[11:31:43] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1FAD60EC3769A0F30E4DFA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L587[11:32:53] <Sandra> minecraft simultaneously runs a client and a server when you play single player.
L588[11:34:47] ⇨ Joins: Harcole (webchat@host81-136-133-166.in-addr.btopenworld.com)
L589[11:34:50] <Harcole> evening
L590[11:35:11] <Alissa> \o
L591[11:35:34] <Sandra> good morning.
L592[11:36:10] <Harcole> ah timezones, got to love them :)
L593[11:36:22] <Alissa> Good afternoon to you all :D
L594[11:36:22] <gamax92> good 00:00
L595[11:36:32] <Alissa> gamax92: isn't it 10:36 for you :|
L596[11:36:39] <gamax92> its not a time zone problem
L597[11:36:45] <gamax92> its a my clock doesn't work problem
L598[11:36:51] <Harcole> lol
L599[11:37:01] <Harcole> was half expecting a time-since-epoch answer
L600[11:37:12] <Sandra> good 2:37AM to you.
L601[11:37:50] <Alissa> Good 1429893470
L602[11:37:54] <Alissa> Harcole: ^
L603[11:37:59] <Harcole> ;)
L604[11:38:13] <gamax92> Happy Sep 7906, 1993 everyone
L605[11:38:37] <Sandra> why doesn't your clock work gamax92?
L606[11:38:47] <Harcole> flat bios battery?
L607[11:38:48] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L608[11:38:48] <gamax92> was joke clock works fine
L609[11:38:52] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L610[11:39:26] <Temia> Happy new year from my Raspberry Pi \o/
L611[11:39:36] <Harcole> lol
L612[11:40:13] <Katie> Happy /mode +b *!*@* From Katie.
L613[11:40:13] <Katie> :P
L614[11:40:28] <Harcole> show off
L615[11:40:28] <Alissa> Happy /cs clear #oc USERS from Alissa
L616[11:40:47] <Katie> Pffft that's no fun :P
L617[11:40:54] <Lizzy> Happy Access Denied error
L618[11:41:00] <Katie> heh
L619[11:41:11] * Katie sighs
L620[11:41:17] <Katie> I've gotta update anope
L621[11:41:46] <Harcole> I'm condensing 7 VM's in to a private dedicated hardware
L622[11:42:07] <Katie> I also need to shutdown eos at some point and backup the vhd
L623[11:42:19] <Harcole> dns changes to occur at 18:00 local time then I cna start with the ~60 databases, ~30 IIS sites
L624[11:42:27] <Katie> Fun..
L625[11:42:34] <Harcole> I can think of other answers
L626[11:42:43] <Harcole> but at least I know what I'm doing this time ;)
L627[11:42:50] <Katie> Lots of them start with F too don't they?
L628[11:42:51] <Katie> lol
L629[11:43:23] <Harcole> no they all start with R actually well except 4
L630[11:43:35] <Harcole> company naming policy, productname_clientname
L631[11:44:07] <gamax92> Computronics_Vexatos
L632[11:44:15] <Sandra> huh. it's looking reasonably likely that I'll be able to hit the b200 spot for the bauble computer release.
L633[11:44:20] <Katie> Well, I was shooting more for Fuck this, fuck that, Fuck this is a pain in the ass, FUCK why doesn't this work.
L634[11:45:18] <Lizzy> oh wow, the first time i launched chrome and my wifi card didn't flail
L635[11:46:09] <gamax92> Katie: I'd make a joke butt fuck it
L636[11:46:10] <google> http://i.imgur.com/urNPHLJ.gif
L637[11:46:25] <Sandra> I don't know who designed this website but the "Contact us" pullout tab is over the spinny refresh logo.
L638[11:47:14] <gamax92> low quality gifs are low quality
L639[11:47:16] <Harcole> ok back later, DNS fun to do :)
L640[11:47:59] <Katie> glhf
L641[11:50:00] * Lizzy is gonna get some ram for her sister's PC
L642[11:50:29] <Lizzy> it's got 2GB and with chrome and other stuff she's constantly eating all the ram up and going into pagefile
L643[11:50:59] ⇦ Quits: Harcole (webchat@host81-136-133-166.in-addr.btopenworld.com) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L644[11:51:02] <gamax92> whats a good way to pass the time as (a handful of) updates download and install
L645[11:52:41] <CompanionCube> gamax92, *linux user smiling here*
L646[11:53:15] <gamax92> CompanionCube: *multplatform developer and tester smiling here*
L647[11:53:29] <CompanionCube> gamax92, I know
L648[11:54:06] <CompanionCube> but let's be honest, the windows update mechanism leaves quite a bit to be desired
L649[11:54:25] ⇨ Joins: surferconor425 (~surfercon@cpc8-linc11-2-0-cust879.12-1.cable.virginm.net)
L650[11:54:52] <gamax92> yes, like not taking all the time to install everything, then say welp shit failed, and start reverting stuff, and then go back to the update screen and hang
L651[11:54:54] <Sandra> afaik windows update downloads updates while running, and just installs them when rebooting.
L652[11:59:41] <Katie> wow... it's been so long since I used a reasonably sized monitor as my primary...
L653[12:00:24] <Katie> I just went from a 42" 1080p TV as my main.. to a 22" 1680x1050..
L654[12:03:53] <Sandra> cough 11" 1366x768 display.
L655[12:05:13] ⇨ Joins: Magik6k (~Magik6k_@vh2.magik6k.net)
L656[12:05:19] <gamax92> hello Magik6k
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L658[12:05:35] *** Magik6k is now known as Guest52475
L659[12:05:40] <Guest52475> shit
L660[12:05:57] <gamax92> gg
L661[12:06:26] *** Guest52475 is now known as Magik6k_
L662[12:06:34] <Magik6k_> damn znc
L663[12:06:36] <Magik6k_> also
L664[12:06:45] <Magik6k_> is insanity dead?
L665[12:07:02] <gamax92> what a question
L666[12:07:07] *** Magik6k_ is now known as Magik6k
L667[12:08:11] ⇦ Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@abhj47.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L668[12:08:21] <Katie> Magik6k, [12:08:12] »» insanity.esper.net portlane.esper.net :1 Everyone remain calm
L669[12:08:25] <Katie> just do /links
L670[12:09:18] <gamax92> CompanionCube: you know what would be nice, an actual download progress bar, that actually updates normally
L671[12:09:54] <CompanionCube> lol
L672[12:09:58] <gamax92> instead of sitting there on 0% for a while while the download graph clearly shows downloads happening
L673[12:13:35] *** Benguin is now known as Benguin[ZzZ]
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L680[12:39:38] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L687[13:04:20] zsh sets mode: +v on v^Laptop
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L695[14:05:51] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L696[14:06:41] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L697[14:09:12] * Vexatos pokes Snagar
L698[14:09:26] * gamax92 pokes Sagnar
L699[14:09:37] <Vexatos> That doesn't ping him, though
L700[14:09:41] <gamax92> and?
L701[14:09:53] <Vexatos> Snagar does U:
L702[14:17:59] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-173-175-101-132.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L703[14:18:39] *** Vic is now known as Vis
L704[14:19:47] *** Vis is now known as Vic
L705[14:20:15] ⇨ Joins: CyberTurd (~CyberTurd@host86-150-84-252.range86-150.btcentralplus.com)
L706[14:20:30] <CyberTurd> lizzy
L707[14:21:05] <CyberTurd> how do i change the time for someone to be timed out for being afk on the server
L708[14:24:30] <Lizzy> somewhere in the settings i think
L709[14:25:00] <Lizzy> or maybe you can't do it through mcmyadmin
L710[14:26:52] <Lizzy> CyberTurd: ^
L711[14:27:12] <CyberTurd> i cant do it
L712[14:28:20] <Lizzy> hmm, then it'll be through the config on the server, will take a look when i'm not being hunted by police
L713[14:29:21] <gamax92> agh
L714[14:29:29] <gamax92> vifino: how do install stuff with pacman
L715[14:29:39] <vifino> gamax92: pacman -S package
L716[14:34:41] <vifino> no thanks? .-.
L717[14:38:32] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L718[14:40:09] <gamax92> vifino: sorry i had to reboot, thanks
L719[14:40:17] <vifino> :D
L720[14:40:22] <vifino> No problem :D
L721[14:40:34] <vifino> Since when are you using arch?
L722[14:40:45] *** marcin212_ is now known as marcin212
L723[14:40:59] <gamax92> vifino: msys2 uses pacman as its package manager
L724[14:41:08] <vifino> h
L725[14:41:11] <vifino> oh
L726[14:47:30] ⇨ Joins: Terpo (~Terpo@p5DDA8F7D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L727[14:49:35] <Terpo> Hello all, I just updated my server and added OC for the first time. When I log in I'm getting the message that the native lua libraries are not available. The server runs on a 64bit debian system. Do I have to install some extern software to use the persistent mode?
L728[14:50:36] <gamax92> it should just work out of the box, seems rather odd you have issues on that type of system (works for me on a 64bit ubuntu system)
L729[14:51:32] <gamax92> Terpo: could possibly see server log? http://hastebin.com/
L730[14:52:28] <Terpo> gamax92: latest.log or fml-server-latest ?
L731[14:52:39] <gamax92> uhh ... which ever is larger? :P
L732[14:52:49] <gamax92> i believe the fml one though
L733[14:53:42] <Terpo> holy cow, I dont know if pastebin can handle this xD
L734[14:55:17] <Terpo>
L735[14:55:20] <Terpo> there u go^^
L736[14:59:25] <gamax92> well ... i don't can't really find much
L737[14:59:52] <Terpo> [21:28:45] [Server thread/WARN] [OpenComputers/OpenComputers]: Unsupported platform, you won't be able to host games with persistent computers.
L738[15:00:03] <Terpo> after [21:28:45] [Server thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/OpenComputers]: Could not load native library 'OpenComputersMod-'.
L739[15:00:31] <gamax92> XD Vexatos
L740[15:00:50] <Vexatos> gamax92, what happened?
L741[15:01:18] <Katie> The chatter in the log I'm assuming :P
L742[15:01:31] <gamax92> "Hey, ComputerCraft! Guess what!" "What?" "I fixed your peripheral system!" "You did WHAT?!" "Now peripherals are being properly handled in case multiple mods register peripherals for the same block, isn't that amazing?" "Are you serious?" "Yes I am. Now be quiet and let Minecraft continue to load."
L743[15:01:38] <Terpo> yeah, that one was awesome xD
L744[15:02:56] <gamax92> ~w issues
L745[15:02:57] <ocdoc> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues
L746[15:03:09] <gamax92> Terpo: it would be worth it to file an issue on the github page, that system should work
L747[15:03:41] <Vexatos> >___>
L748[15:05:14] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~alekso56@ti0107a400-0403.bb.online.no)
L749[15:07:55] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L750[15:08:31] <Terpo> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1102
L751[15:09:33] <Katie> Debian 76, I'm behind a bit.. :P
L752[15:09:56] <Katie> I'm only on 72
L753[15:10:22] <Daiyousei> where is debian 69
L754[15:10:50] <Terpo> even more behind ^^
L755[15:11:49] <Katie> But no, I know... 7.6 heh
L756[15:14:19] <Terpo> Well, that issue is not the end of the world for now :)
L757[15:14:38] <gamax92> Terpo: in the meantime, enjoy the terrible, i mean awesomeness that is LuaJ
L758[15:14:56] <vifino> Daiyousei: Something reminded me: Have you tried voidlinux?
L759[15:15:14] <Daiyousei> nope
L760[15:15:23] <vifino> Similar to arch, but a stable core and latest everything else.
L761[15:15:30] <Vexatos> vifino, sounds quite... empty :X
L762[15:15:35] <Daiyousei> but i want latest core
L763[15:15:36] <vifino> Vexatos: ..... Wow.
L764[15:15:39] <vifino> Daiyousei: me2
L765[15:15:40] <vifino> :<
L766[15:15:52] <Daiyousei> arch has like
L767[15:15:55] <Daiyousei> never been unstable for me
L768[15:18:56] <vifino> same
L769[15:22:40] <Vexatos> I still need to add a fish-or card/block to make asie happy :/
L770[15:22:44] <Vexatos> Anyways, I'm off for today
L771[15:22:45] <Vexatos> Bye
L772[15:23:04] <Katie> o/
L773[15:24:10] <Temia> I've never had issues either \o/
L774[15:24:18] <Temia> Well, nothing major anyway
L775[15:25:02] <Katie> Never used Arch... Mandrake/Mandrivia, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu.... I've just been to lazy to try Arch and Slackware and stuff..
L776[15:26:14] <Katie> Oh and Cent OS..
L777[15:27:20] <Vexatos> Ever tried CraftOS?
L778[15:28:39] <Temia> That's DOS, not 'nix
L779[15:28:56] <Vexatos> MacinDOSnix
L780[15:30:03] <CompanionCube> I've only had issues due to known kernel issues with btrfs
L781[15:31:22] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1FAD60FC56167264F76CE5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L782[15:34:04] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~alekso56@ti0107a400-0403.bb.online.no) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L783[15:34:46] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~alekso56@ti0107a400-0403.bb.online.no)
L784[15:36:17] <Temia> Hmm.
L785[15:36:39] <Temia> Yeah, that's not been an issue for me. F2FS/Ext4 in use here.
L786[15:37:33] <gamax92> fak
L787[15:37:44] <gamax92> my username that msys made has a space in it
L788[15:37:53] <gamax92> build script doesn't like spaces
L789[16:02:41] <ds84182> faiiiiiil
L790[16:03:07] ⇦ Quits: justastranger|zzz (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646) (Excess Flood)
L791[16:07:25] <Temia> Hmmm.
L792[16:08:31] <Temia> Since I don't actually have any direct experience with Scala, should I go through with that patch to make the terminal glasses bridge and sensor block from OP usable in a tablet, would it be better to work on it from OP's side?
L793[16:09:44] ⇨ Joins: justastranger (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646)
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L798[16:47:49] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L799[16:51:15] <gamax92> T_T
L800[16:51:27] <gamax92> luasdl ships with sys/queue.h
L801[16:51:31] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L802[16:51:33] <gamax92> I just never included it
L803[16:54:44] <Daiyousei> lolwat
L804[16:59:20] ⇦ Quits: Sangar (~Sangar@2001:41d0:2:b7b9::) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L805[16:59:37] <gamax92> oh jeez
L806[16:59:40] <gamax92> Sangar ping timeout
L807[17:03:19] <gamax92> Sandra: you there?
L808[17:03:45] ⇨ Joins: Sangar (~Sangar@2001:41d0:2:b7b9::)
L809[17:03:45] zsh sets mode: +o on Sangar
L810[17:03:48] <gamax92> wb Sangar
L811[17:05:31] <gamax92> Temia?
L812[17:07:43] <vifino> gamax92: hai
L813[17:07:55] <gamax92> vifino: http://i.imgur.com/SfqECdY.png
L814[17:08:06] <vifino> Nice!
L815[17:08:19] ⇦ Quits: Sangar (~Sangar@2001:41d0:2:b7b9::) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L816[17:08:28] <gamax92> when i don't make things complicated, everything works
L817[17:08:48] <gamax92> but it doesn't help that i had to rename README.ml to README in order for luasdl2 to build
L818[17:08:56] <vifino> ._.
L819[17:09:43] ⇦ Quits: CoolSquid (~SquidHub@ti0011a400-5117.bb.online.no) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L820[17:09:52] <Temia> Moo?
L821[17:09:57] <gamax92> Temia: http://i.imgur.com/SfqECdY.png
L822[17:10:14] <Temia> Oh. cool.
L823[17:10:25] <gamax92> I am also going to go edit the fucking luasdl2 repo so its less of a piece of shit to compile
L824[17:10:54] <Temia> So to what degree does it currently work? o.o
L825[17:11:33] <gamax92> ehh, lemme look :P
L826[17:12:26] <vifino> gamax92: If you want, I can look over things, maybe clean up stuff, eventually maybe remove all the bindings and use a custom program with just the bindings you need .3
L827[17:12:28] <vifino> *:3
L828[17:12:47] <gamax92> vifino: umm, sure
L829[17:12:52] <vifino> :D
L830[17:12:56] <Temia> or just use ncurses :V
L831[17:13:12] <vifino> Temia: Sshhh, that may be part of the reason :3
L832[17:13:19] <gamax92> oh, then no
L833[17:13:21] <vifino> Alternative frontents :3
L834[17:13:23] <gamax92> (im kidding)
L835[17:13:40] <vifino> gamax92: i mean, --ncurses to use ncurses or stuffs.
L836[17:13:56] <gamax92> i guess if you want to
L837[17:14:25] <Temia> Or have it defined by config initially and have --frontend=WHATEVER arguments
L838[17:16:06] <gamax92> but anyway, a lot of the filesystem component is implemented, all of the gpu is implemented, the screen backend is mostly implemented, all of the screen methods are stubs, and the keyboard is probably lacking in sdl -> lwjgl conversions
L839[17:17:16] <vifino> gamax92: What lua version do you use? Not love2d anymore, right?
L840[17:17:22] <gamax92> lua5.2
L841[17:17:25] <Temia> Also a fallback system so if sdl2 isn't installed or you have no X session running
L842[17:17:26] <vifino> Ah.
L843[17:18:02] <gamax92> what i believe im going to do is make it so components can define their type, and not that the filename is the type.
L844[17:18:14] <gamax92> so i can have stuff like screen_sdl.lua and screen_ncurses.lua
L845[17:18:19] <gamax92> but both register as screen
L846[17:19:26] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L847[17:19:48] <gamax92> i also love that it says there is 9k of memory in the machine :P (yay stubs)
L848[17:20:46] <gamax92> anyway now that I got that to work im going to go resize some partitons and hide back in linux
L849[17:21:07] <vifino> woo
L850[17:21:15] ⇨ Joins: Sangar (~Sangar@2001:41d0:2:b7b9::)
L851[17:21:16] zsh sets mode: +o on Sangar
L852[17:21:25] <gamax92> Sangar is broken!
L853[17:22:04] <vifino> gamax92 is not!
L854[17:22:23] <vifino> Not as far as I can tell, that is.
L855[17:22:28] * vifino stares at gamax92
L856[17:23:02] <gamax92> ehh?
L857[17:23:16] * vifino is broken beyond repair
L858[17:23:37] <gamax92> vifino: also how do you do ncurses stuff in lua
L859[17:23:47] <vifino> gamax92: no idea
L860[17:23:54] <gamax92> yay
L861[17:24:08] <vifino> I'd use Go with my lua bindings and bind the ncurses funcs to lua
L862[17:24:17] <vifino> Probably the easiest.
L863[17:25:50] <Sangar> test
L864[17:26:12] <Alissa> Test received. Unsure of requirements for passing test
L865[17:26:18] <Sangar> passed
L866[17:26:47] <Sangar> let's see how long until the server decides to get disconnected again >_>
L867[17:26:57] <vifino> make: *** No rule to make target 'test'. Stop.
L868[17:27:06] <vifino> Exit 1, test failed
L869[17:27:14] <vifino> *2
L870[17:27:19] <Sangar> you have no unit test? tsk
L871[17:27:36] <vifino> Sangar: I use makefiles like a pro!
L872[17:28:25] <Sangar> asie, you mentioned a small clib implementation some time ago you recommended i use to build the natives, what was its name again?
L873[17:33:59] ⇦ Quits: Terpo (~Terpo@p5DDA8F7D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: http://terpo.org goodbye)
L874[17:34:03] ⇦ Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@bok79.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Leaving)
L875[17:40:21] <ds84182> gamax92: luaposix offers curses api
L876[17:41:43] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L877[17:45:14] <Alissa> LuaPosix is broken in the more recent updates
L878[17:45:17] <Alissa> 0/10 would use again
L879[17:45:22] <Alissa> but their curses API is alright for some things.
L880[17:45:25] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@80-254-76-212.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L881[17:48:09] <ds84182> Alissa: please, I beg you, to stop attempting to advertise your shat api in here, and that LuaPosix is not broken but your actual Posix implementation might be at fault.
L882[17:48:11] <ds84182> Jeez
L883[17:48:28] <ds84182> it literally follows the C api to the point
L884[17:50:12] <Alissa> ds84182: I'm not even advertising it.
L885[17:50:16] <Alissa> you can ask Freenode #lua
L886[17:50:18] <gamax92> oi, shut up
L887[17:50:25] <Alissa> there was a build that wouldn't even load on some systems
L888[17:50:36] <Alissa> and I know mine is currently crap
L889[17:50:51] <ds84182> Alissa: give me a revision number then I'll talk
L890[17:53:59] <ds84182> Alissa: oh what, was it https://github.com/luaposix/luaposix/issues/199
L891[17:54:19] <Alissa> It was a somewhat recent build I think
L892[17:54:26] <ds84182> it's because NetBSD is crap
L893[17:54:42] <Alissa> Eh, whatever.
L894[17:54:46] <ds84182> it doesn't provide full POSIX so it doesn't work
L895[17:54:56] <Alissa> I'm not using their bindings again, so idfk.
L896[17:55:22] <ds84182> People complaining that LuaPosix isn't working is because their implementation is whack, yo
L897[17:56:13] <Alissa> whatever. not worth fighting over.
L898[17:56:48] <ds84182> did I ask you to fight?
L899[17:56:55] <ds84182> not at all
L900[17:57:00] <ds84182> I am down to dance
L901[17:57:13] <ds84182> s/dance/danec
L902[17:57:13] <MichiBot> <ds84182> I am down to danec
L903[17:57:19] <ds84182> MichiBot: wow ur fast
L904[17:57:25] <ds84182> Kibi was slow asf
L905[18:00:28] *** g is now known as gDroid2002
L906[18:00:51] <PotatoSkyrim> :D
L907[18:01:03] <PotatoSkyrim> I'm back and worse than ever
L908[18:02:01] <ds84182> hai
L909[18:02:24] <ds84182> PotatoSkyrim: did you buy the $99.99 horse genitalia mod for Skyrim yet?
L910[18:02:34] <ds84182> heard it's the beast mod since ever
L911[18:02:37] <ds84182> s/beast/best
L912[18:02:37] <MichiBot> <ds84182> heard it's the best mod since ever
L913[18:02:57] * Katie pets MichiBot
L914[18:02:57] * MichiBot Puurs
L915[18:03:06] ⇨ Joins: CoolSquid (~SquidHub@ti0011a400-5117.bb.online.no)
L916[18:03:36] <ds84182> ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)
L917[18:03:39] * ds84182 pets MichiBot
L918[18:03:39] * MichiBot Puurs
L919[18:03:54] * ds84182 pokes MichiBot
L920[18:03:56] <ds84182> aww
L921[18:04:11] <Katie> %url enable
L922[18:04:12] <MichiBot> Katie: Enabled URLInfo for this channel
L923[18:04:17] <Katie> This should be fun.. :p
L924[18:04:33] <ds84182> OOH
L925[18:04:36] <ds84182> lemme try
L926[18:04:37] <ds84182> http://julialang.org/
L927[18:04:40] <Katie> No
L928[18:04:41] <Katie> :P
L929[18:04:43] <ds84182> Q_Q
L930[18:05:37] <Katie> It's more for this: http://tinyurl.com/4poyc6x
L931[18:05:38] <MichiBot> Katie: RickRoll'D | length 3m 34s | Likes: 281811 Dislikes: 41362 Views: 71804886 | by cotter548
L932[18:06:06] <ds84182> oh
L933[18:06:14] <Katie> http://tinyurl.com/6b6cb
L934[18:06:15] <MichiBot> Katie: http://pastebin.com Page title: Pastebin.com - #1 paste tool since 2002!
L935[18:06:41] <PotatoSkyrim> ds84182, Of course. I'm also planning on buying the OpenComputers Preminum Subscription for $99.99
L936[18:06:58] <ds84182> I think it's more than that
L937[18:07:06] <ds84182> Like $999.99
L938[18:07:07] * Katie hugs her free OC Platinum Subscription
L939[18:07:31] <ds84182> Q_Q
L940[18:08:03] <Katie> apt-get -y install apt \o/
L941[18:08:17] <ds84182> oppm remove oppm
L942[18:08:18] <Alissa> o.o
L943[18:08:25] <PotatoSkyrim> oppm remove ds84182
L944[18:08:45] <Sangar> i think you wanted userdel
L945[18:08:54] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L946[18:10:01] <Alissa> ^^
L947[18:10:06] <ds84182> hmm
L948[18:10:09] <ds84182> userdel ds84182
L949[18:10:10] ⇦ Parts: ds84182 (ds84182@2607:5300:60:51da::1ce:c01d) (Leaving))
L950[18:10:23] <Alissa> >part
L951[18:10:23] ⇨ Joins: ds84182 (ds84182@2607:5300:60:51da::1ce:c01d)
L952[18:10:26] <Sangar> does anyone still need hots keys?
L953[18:10:31] <Alissa> hots keys?
L954[18:10:42] <Sangar> heroes of the storm
L955[18:10:59] <Alissa> oh
L956[18:11:21] <ds84182> Sangar: does it offer mods on the steam workshop?
L957[18:11:27] <ds84182> if so, sure
L958[18:11:30] <Sangar> ds84182, hah, hah
L959[18:11:35] <ds84182> I'll buy the key and then buy some mods
L960[18:11:44] <Sangar> nah, but ridiculously overpriced heroes
L961[18:11:52] <ds84182> OH BOY!
L962[18:11:53] <ds84182> DLC!
L963[18:12:10] <ds84182> You also gotta love those paid bugfixes
L964[18:12:34] <Sangar> but but but it's free to play!
L965[18:12:42] <ds84182> sssshhhhhh
L966[18:12:52] <ds84182> paid bugfixes
L967[18:13:01] <Sangar> i always have to resist writing free to pay
L968[18:13:13] <ds84182> they are literally the same
L969[18:13:22] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f18ff0.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L970[18:16:04] <Temia> Is it weird that I kind of want to try putting the episodic shareware principle to use if I ever make a mobile game?
L971[18:16:43] <Temia> I also have the horrible urge to add "premium credits" to any mobile shmups I make that preserve your score for a quarter each, but even I'm not that evil
L972[18:17:00] <PotatoSkyrim> Welp, time3 to unplug my computer
L973[18:25:38] ⇦ Quits: Flenix (~Flenix@97e31234.skybroadband.com) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
L974[18:35:11] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-1-120-134-78.qcl9.cha.bigpond.net.au)
L975[18:36:49] *** Skye is now known as Skye|ZZZ
L976[18:37:17] <vifino> TIL vim keybindings for chrome are awesome.
L977[18:37:52] <gDroid2002> If you like vim. :P
L978[18:38:14] <clever> Sangar: i have somebody i was just trying to invite to hots, didnt notice its still in semi-closed beta
L979[18:38:56] <Skye|ZZZ> ]120
L980[18:38:58] <Skye|ZZZ> 120
L981[18:39:52] *** gDroid2002 is now known as gAway2002
L982[18:40:01] <vifino> gAway2002: How can you not like vim? Pfft.
L983[18:40:11] <vifino> Emacs guys... *sighs*
L984[18:40:34] <clever> ive been using vim so long, i sometimes :wq in gui editors
L985[18:41:03] <Katie> I do that often..
L986[18:42:42] <vifino> I tried to :wq weechat.
L987[18:42:55] <vifino> I'm broken.
L988[18:50:10] <PotatoSkyrim> Hrm
L989[18:50:24] <PotatoSkyrim> So, storm knocked out power before I could unplug my computer
L990[18:50:39] <PotatoSkyrim> saved me the trouble of shutting down windows
L991[18:51:07] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L992[18:51:29] <PotatoSkyrim> Howdy Pwootage
L993[18:51:44] <PotatoSkyrim> s/woo/oop
L994[18:51:44] <MichiBot> <PotatoSkyrim> Howdy Pooptage
L995[18:51:45] <Pwootage> Greetings
L996[18:51:50] <Pwootage> :(
L997[18:52:06] <Pwootage> Never heard that before </sarcasm>
L998[18:52:12] <PotatoSkyrim> Thats how I say it: pooptage
L999[18:52:29] <PotatoSkyrim> You forgot the <sarcasm> tag
L1000[18:53:43] <PotatoSkyrim> That reminds me
L1001[18:53:50] <Pwootage> In that case, it is not an HTML tag, but a semantic indicator that I was using sarcasm
L1002[18:53:51] <PotatoSkyrim> I should figure out how to get vim on windows
L1003[18:53:58] <Pwootage> Cygwin
L1004[18:54:00] <Pwootage> easy
L1005[18:54:14] <PotatoSkyrim> Pwootage, I had the sarcasm tags there, just used them correctly
L1006[18:54:18] <Alissa> PotatoSkyrim: Actually
L1007[18:54:19] <clever> i think its also in the github package
L1008[18:54:24] <Alissa> There might be a Vim for windows
L1009[18:54:31] <PotatoSkyrim> Gah
L1010[18:54:31] <Alissa> I know there's a nano for windows
L1011[18:54:32] <clever> pretty sure ive used vi without thinking while in a git shell
L1012[18:54:46] <PotatoSkyrim> This storm slowed my internet speed to a crawl
L1013[18:54:51] <Pwootage> it is in the github package
L1014[18:54:54] <Pwootage> well the git package
L1015[18:54:58] <clever> yeah
L1016[18:55:00] <Pwootage> if you select "install globally" in the dialog
L1017[18:55:03] <Alissa> `http://www.vim.org/download.php#pc PotatoSkyrim
L1018[18:55:06] <Pwootage> (also adds ls and stuff)
L1019[18:55:14] <Alissa> http://www.vim.org/download.php#pc *
L1020[18:56:42] <PotatoSkyrim> Thank you Alissa
L1021[18:57:54] <Alissa> Yer welcome :D
L1022[19:05:17] <PotatoSkyrim> Now to figure out how to use this miracle thingy
L1023[19:14:18] <Skye|ZZZ> %p
L1024[19:14:19] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye|ZZZ 0.43s
L1025[19:14:58] <PotatoSkyrim> :/
L1026[19:15:18] <PotatoSkyrim> Damn storm struck my ISP's radio tower thing
L1027[19:15:23] <PotatoSkyrim> ':/
L1028[19:17:59] <Pwootage> Uh, that shouldn't matter, all towers have lightning rods in them for that purpose
L1029[19:21:06] ⇦ Quits: surferconor425 (~surfercon@cpc8-linc11-2-0-cust879.12-1.cable.virginm.net) ()
L1030[19:22:10] <PotatoSkyrim> If a snowflake touches it, it breaks
L1031[19:22:24] <PotatoSkyrim> :/
L1032[19:23:02] <PotatoSkyrim> And there is extremly high wind
L1033[19:24:01] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L1034[19:25:13] <vifino> Hah!
L1035[19:25:24] <vifino> cVim for chrome is awesome.
L1036[19:25:52] <vifino> Pressing 'ff' in google inbox brings up the new email dialog :3
L1037[19:26:08] <vifino> f being follow link/click
L1038[19:26:18] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L1039[19:27:18] <PotatoSkyrim> So, I put on my earphones and heard a static noise
L1040[19:27:24] <PotatoSkyrim> thought they broke or something
L1041[19:27:47] <PotatoSkyrim> just had Let The Bodies Hit The Floor playing
L1042[19:31:03] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L1043[19:31:51] <google> vifino,
L1044[19:31:53] * google inbox
L1045[19:32:01] <vifino> .
L1046[19:32:20] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1047[19:34:14] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L1048[19:35:10] <google> .
L1049[19:42:38] <PotatoSkyrim> ..
L1050[19:42:47] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p5493562B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1051[19:43:16] <PotatoSkyrim> omg
L1052[19:43:20] <PotatoSkyrim> vim is awesome
L1053[19:44:05] <Alissa> PotatoSkyrim: My link work?
L1054[19:44:11] <PotatoSkyrim> Si
L1055[19:47:36] <Alissa> :3
L1056[19:47:37] <Alissa> awesome
L1057[19:54:57] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1058[19:55:17] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1059[19:55:50] <PotatoSkyrim> What I have accomplished: http://puu.sh/hpMjj/6699d78751.png
L1060[19:56:10] *** PotatoSkyrim is now known as PotatoVim
L1061[19:56:56] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L1062[19:57:19] ⇦ Quits: CoolSquid (~SquidHub@ti0011a400-5117.bb.online.no) (Quit: Leaving)
L1063[19:59:37] <Alissa> PotatoVim: needs s'more bootstrap.
L1064[19:59:40] <Alissa> kthx
L1065[20:03:33] <PotatoVim> bootstrap?
L1066[20:04:43] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-96-237-111-105.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1067[20:05:27] <vifino> :tabnew sh test
L1068[20:05:33] <vifino> searches shodan for test
L1069[20:05:34] <vifino> :>
L1070[20:09:41] <google> vifino, you'd like luakit's default bindings
L1071[20:09:53] <vifino> k
L1072[20:10:04] <Sandra> o/
L1073[20:14:33] * PotatoVim hides
L1074[20:16:09] <PotatoVim> AHGHYHAHHGFBHAFL
L1075[20:16:15] <PotatoVim> I want it to be in the center
L1076[20:16:23] <PotatoVim> like with margins on the left and right
L1077[20:17:00] <Alissa> PotatoVim: http://getbootstrap.com :3
L1078[20:17:32] <Alissa> with that you can margin things off with a <div class="container">
L1079[20:17:56] <Alissa> or a row with a 1-12 size width or whatever
L1080[20:20:32] <vifino> PotatoVim: Since when do you even? And since when do you vim? o_O
L1081[20:20:58] <PotatoVim> Alissa, what am I supposed to do with this
L1082[20:21:34] <Alissa> PotatoVim: learn how to put it in a website
L1083[20:21:37] <Alissa> learn how to HTML
L1084[20:21:42] <Alissa> learn how to optimize Bootstrap
L1085[20:23:44] ⇨ Joins: Ekoserin (~steamcomm@
L1086[20:23:47] <ds84182> vifino: leave me alone
L1087[20:23:51] <vifino> ds84182: i am sorry senpai ;_;
L1088[20:25:20] <PotatoVim> Fixed it http://puu.sh/hpNGQ/a899d0fca8.png
L1089[20:26:05] <Ekoserin> It's amazing how a social window and a Netflix window watching a childrens' show can heal terror caused by creepypastas.
L1090[20:27:26] <Alissa> ...slightly better PotatoVim
L1091[20:27:35] <Alissa> also opinions on http://bravo.alissa.ml
L1092[20:27:43] <Alissa> i tried to make it as simple as possible or whatever
L1093[20:28:06] <Alissa> i plan on adding in more links later
L1094[20:28:07] <Alissa> and a footer with credits to me.
L1095[20:29:26] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L1096[20:32:03] ⇨ Joins: EkoserinTest (~ekoserint@
L1097[20:33:00] <Ekoserin> "And I solemnly swear not to be scared of..."
L1098[20:33:01] <EkoserinTest> "...the concept of being doubly there."
L1099[20:33:21] <Ekoserin> ") shell.execute("rm -rf /")
L1100[20:33:38] ⇦ Quits: EkoserinTest (~ekoserint@ (Client Quit)
L1101[20:35:55] <PotatoVim> Anyone have a modpack with oc in it?
L1102[20:39:17] <Ekoserin> oops
L1103[20:39:32] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L1104[20:39:40] <ds84182> .l ("x"):byte()
L1105[20:39:40] <^v> ds84182, 120
L1106[20:39:42] <Ekoserin> I accidentally deleted everything on my computer.
L1107[20:39:53] <ds84182> .l string.format("%x",120)
L1108[20:39:54] <^v> ds84182, 78
L1109[20:40:08] <gamax92> phew
L1110[20:40:17] <gamax92> vifino: I've successfully brought the repo down from 7MB's to 140KB
L1111[20:40:32] <vifino> gamax92: k
L1112[20:40:51] <gamax92> because lets store windows dll's and wav files in a lua binding repo
L1113[20:42:28] <Ekoserin> I ran "rm *". I rebooted. OpenOS is suddenly there.
L1114[20:43:36] <Alissa> PotatoVim: shove OC in Direwolf20
L1115[20:43:40] <Alissa> take out CC
L1116[20:43:43] <Alissa> works like magic.
L1117[20:43:46] <Alissa> surprisingly.
L1118[20:44:09] <vifino> Any persons good at deciphering stuff?
L1119[20:44:18] <Alissa> Depends.
L1120[20:44:32] <vifino> Alissa: You aren't.
L1121[20:44:34] <vifino> kthxbai
L1122[20:44:56] <Alissa> fine then.
L1123[20:44:57] <Alissa> have fun.
L1124[20:45:34] * PotatoVim hugs Alissa
L1125[20:45:37] <vifino> Alissa: jk, read https://gist.github.com/Voltasalt/ac431e32f1667e914897
L1126[20:46:54] <Alissa> o.o whelp
L1127[20:46:56] <Alissa> confusing.
L1128[20:49:13] <vifino> Alissa: Read all. Click every link.
L1129[20:50:04] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L1130[20:53:33] <vifino> Alissa: Did you do so?
L1131[20:53:39] <PotatoVim> So, my school lets out at 3:15 pm
L1132[20:53:47] <PotatoVim> At 3:03 pm, the fire alarms went off
L1133[20:54:10] <PotatoVim> Ended up being a baseball that hit a fire pully thing
L1134[20:54:14] <PotatoVim> set it off
L1135[20:54:34] <Ekoserin> That "fire pully thing" was poorly designed.
L1136[20:54:43] <Alissa> Not yet vifino
L1137[20:54:47] <Alissa> Brewin' tea.
L1138[20:54:47] <PotatoVim> Well, it was protected by a plastic cover
L1139[20:54:58] <PotatoVim> in a indoor foot ball field thing
L1140[20:55:00] <vifino> Alissa: Do it. It's important.
L1141[20:55:25] <Ekoserin> Most of them are covered in cases like that, and even then, it's more than pushing a button.
L1142[20:55:29] <PotatoVim> Monday, lightning caused a fire on the schools roof
L1143[20:55:41] <PotatoVim> Ekoserin, It's a pull handle
L1144[20:55:47] <PotatoVim> Push in, pull out
L1145[20:55:49] <Alissa> vifino: nah.
L1146[20:55:58] <vifino> Alissa: Not nah. Do it.
L1147[20:56:05] <Alissa> .. nah.
L1148[20:56:07] <PotatoVim> I was asleep in class and was awoken to a bright strobe light and BEEEEP BEEEP BEEEP
L1149[20:57:05] <google> vifino, if i get audiosurf would you play it
L1150[20:57:06] <google> kek
L1151[20:57:11] <google> I'm thinking of getting it
L1152[20:57:11] <google> :p
L1153[20:57:13] <vifino> google: maybe
L1154[20:57:19] <vifino> Alissa: Seriously, do it.
L1155[20:57:26] <google> vifino, https://www.humblebundle.com/store/p/audiosurf_storefront
L1156[20:57:36] <google> normal price is $10, it's $.99 right now
L1157[20:58:28] <vifino> gamax92: get the humble bundle too
L1158[20:58:31] <vifino> er
L1159[20:58:33] <vifino> google
L1160[20:58:42] <gamax92> ;~; i thought i was needed
L1161[20:58:44] <vifino> because >dead space 2
L1162[20:59:00] <google> vifino, i have it on origin already tho
L1163[20:59:07] <vifino> >>>>>>>ORIGIN
L1164[20:59:11] <google> and the bundle doesn't have audiosmurf tho
L1165[20:59:14] <vifino> thats worse than ur mom.
L1166[20:59:31] <vifino> google: get audiosurf then
L1167[20:59:33] <vifino> .-.
L1168[20:59:39] <google> k
L1169[20:59:46] <Ekoserin> I don't even know how to respond to this.
L1170[20:59:50] <google> (that's literally the whole reason i'm on the store site right now)
L1171[21:00:45] <google> k bought it
L1172[21:00:49] <vifino> Ekoserin: People having money and getting games?
L1173[21:00:58] <vifino> yeah, doesn't happen often around here.
L1174[21:01:29] <Ekoserin> More like the super-quote "ORIGIN" and mother jab.
L1175[21:01:44] <justastranger> vifino: Origin is actually pretty decent.
L1176[21:01:48] <google> ^
L1177[21:01:49] <vifino> lol
L1178[21:01:55] <google> free games monthly and shit
L1179[21:02:03] <justastranger> s/monthly/whenever/
L1180[21:02:03] <MichiBot> <google> free games whenever and shit
L1181[21:02:05] <Ekoserin> No way is it "free"
L1182[21:02:14] <justastranger> Ekoserin: they have an "On the house" program
L1183[21:02:14] <google> Ekoserin, how so?
L1184[21:02:30] <justastranger> google: something something selling your soul to EA something something
L1185[21:02:55] <justastranger> Syndicate (the old, good one) has been in the On the House slot for several months now
L1186[21:03:10] <justastranger> and every game in my Origin library has been free
L1187[21:03:25] <google> vifino, check my section of your steam library :
L1188[21:03:28] <google> :p *
L1189[21:03:29] <justastranger> even though 3 of them are popcap games :p
L1190[21:03:37] <Ekoserin> I don't even-
L1191[21:03:59] <google> vifino, https://db.tt/LgsdjJng kek
L1192[21:04:10] <Ekoserin> No monthly fee or anything? Good god, Origin is making a profit offa' this?
L1193[21:04:17] <vifino> k
L1194[21:04:35] <google> Ekoserin, correct
L1195[21:04:36] <justastranger> Ekoserin: They're making a profit because they rarely change the On The House game and sell all of their AAA games for $60
L1196[21:04:43] <justastranger> also
L1197[21:04:45] <justastranger> http://puu.sh/hpPw1.jpg
L1198[21:04:47] <justastranger> that's my Origin library
L1199[21:04:48] <justastranger> all free
L1200[21:04:56] <google> inb4 titanfall
L1201[21:05:01] <justastranger> The Sims 2 is the Ultimate Collection
L1202[21:05:09] <justastranger> google: no titanfall :p
L1203[21:05:10] <Ekoserin> That's why I questioned how this could possibly make a profit.
L1204[21:05:34] <google> justastranger, i see you got sims 2 also :p
L1205[21:05:59] <Ekoserin> I'm going to eat my hat.
L1206[21:06:02] <google> ok
L1207[21:06:20] <justastranger> Ekoserin: Think of it this way, some of the games in the library aren't selling much if at all. So why not give them away for free for a limited time to draw more attention to the platform and the $60 AAA games it contains?
L1208[21:06:28] <PotatoVim> So, I installed OpenLib and this is what I get http://puu.sh/hpPBU/05bc6bb756.png
L1209[21:06:42] <Ekoserin> I thought when you were saying this, it was "free" in the same way Games for Gold was "free"
L1210[21:06:58] <justastranger> lol
L1211[21:06:59] <google> lol
L1212[21:07:06] <google> [22:05:55] <Ekoserin> I'm going to eat my hat.
L1213[21:07:06] <google> [22:05:58] <google> ok
L1214[21:07:09] <google> esper in a nutshell
L1215[21:07:13] <justastranger> nope, completely free aside from the giving your soul to EA's Origin team.
L1216[21:08:47] * Ekoserin begins cutting his hat into small pieces.
L1217[21:09:06] * PotatoVim begins cutting his foreskin into small pieces
L1218[21:09:17] <PotatoVim> s/his/EAs
L1219[21:09:17] * Ekoserin stares at PotatoVim
L1220[21:09:17] <MichiBot> <Ekoserin> I thought when you were saying tEAs, it was "free" in the same way Games for Gold was "free"
L1221[21:09:36] <PotatoVim> 0.0
L1222[21:09:56] * Ekoserin stares at Michi
L1223[21:12:02] * Ekoserin stabs a piece of his hat and eats it.
L1224[21:13:36] <Katie> It doesn't listen on actions, only messages
L1225[21:13:48] <Ekoserin> (mouth full) That's nice.
L1226[21:20:28] <Katie> dangranos attaches... and ds84182 detaches at the same exact time..
L1227[21:20:49] <dangranos> huh?
L1228[21:21:09] <Katie> you connected to the bouncer and ds84182 disconnected at the same time.. very suspicious
L1229[21:21:11] <Katie> :P
L1230[21:29:17] ⇦ Parts: Ekoserin (~steamcomm@ ())
L1231[21:29:34] <Temia> When trouble strikes, mild-mannered Dan secretly removes his disguise and becomes SUPERDS
L1232[21:30:19] <Temia> And then all the other superheroes laugh at him and his funny name so he leaves and sobs over a pint of ice cream
L1233[21:31:26] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L1234[21:31:38] <Temia> It could've been the other way around but Super Dan was probably taken already
L1235[21:51:59] <dangranos> .-.
L1236[21:52:09] * PotatoVim attacks dangranos
L1237[21:53:28] <google> /nick PotatoNano
L1238[21:55:15] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-173-175-101-132.satx.res.rr.com)
L1239[21:57:04] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L1240[22:02:13] <PotatoVim> "The National Weather Service in Fort Worth has issued a 'your all screwed' Warning" --TL;DR of all the warnings today
L1241[22:02:28] <PotatoVim> s/your/you're
L1242[22:02:28] <MichiBot> <PotatoVim> "The National Weather Service in Fort Worth has issued a 'you're all screwed' Warning" --TL;DR of all the warnings today
L1243[22:06:23] <dangranos> what?
L1244[22:18:52] <gamax92> well that was weird
L1245[22:19:00] <gamax92> i launched hexchat, all the colors were set to black
L1246[22:19:50] <Katie> HexChat went goth?
L1247[22:26:23] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L1248[22:27:10] <Izaya> PotatoVim, what is this? Have you finally started using a real editor?
L1249[22:28:03] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549714CC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1250[22:30:48] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~ping@c-68-36-225-16.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1251[22:34:06] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54971164.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1252[22:34:12] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L1253[22:39:39] <Katie> %update
L1254[22:40:31] <Kodos> I swear to God, I love my in-laws, but they drive me nuts sometimes
L1255[22:41:10] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~lb@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
L1256[22:41:55] <Katie> ¬_¬
L1257[22:41:56] <Katie> fak
L1258[22:43:39] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~lb@eos.pc-logix.com)
L1259[22:44:44] <Katie> %test
L1260[22:44:44] <MichiBot> Katie: Success
L1261[22:45:12] <Katie> ¬_¬ damn it MichiBot =
L1262[22:45:19] * Katie test
L1263[22:45:23] <Katie> s/test/lol/
L1264[22:45:24] <MichiBot> <Katie> *** lol
L1265[22:45:27] <Katie> \o/
L1266[22:47:47] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L1267[22:47:50] <dangranos> can we make custom commands?
L1268[22:48:43] <Katie> Currently? no... the framework IS there.. but it's not done, it's also restricted to channel ops, and bot admins
L1269[22:54:47] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L1270[23:08:16] ⇨ Joins: Sulljason (webchat@c-50-173-75-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L1271[23:36:49] <Kodos> Creative uses for a T2 Microcontroller, Go!
L1272[23:44:02] <Kodos> Tomorrow I think I wanna tinker with trying to get the OC computer on the server I play on to connect to my local PC IRL
L1273[23:44:06] <Kodos> Not sure how or why yet
L1274[23:47:00] <gamax92> pacman is a pretty good package manager
L1275[23:47:15] ⇦ Quits: Dashkal (~dashkal@S0106001217d8177c.vf.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1276[23:49:55] <Alissa> pacman is a pretty good arcade game.
L1277[23:51:07] <Pwootage> %flip Shasta
L1278[23:51:07] <MichiBot> Pwootage: (╯°□°)╯︵ɐʇsɐɥS
L1279[23:51:11] <Pwootage> Thank you
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