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L1[00:05:10] <dangranos> Anyone wants some lake trip photos?
L2[00:07:46] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L3[00:09:57] ⇦ Quits: hi117 (~hi117@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L4[00:12:33] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Do they have a lake in them?
L5[00:12:36] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Lol
L6[00:13:12] <rashdanml> I'd be willing to bet quite a bit that a lake trip has a lake in it somewhere
L7[00:13:23] <rashdanml> even if it's a measly pond
L8[00:25:36] <dangranos> .p
L9[00:26:49] <nightsta69> if you use event.listen to listen for an event, and then use event.ignore later on in the program, can you still call the same event with event.pull?
L10[00:33:43] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L11[00:35:26] <dangranos> http://imgur.com/gallery/AnR6p/new so, photos
L12[00:43:56] ⇨ Joins: hi117 (~hi117@68-200-177-34.res.bhn.net)
L13[00:49:12] ⇦ Quits: Soni (SoniEx2@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L14[00:49:24] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L15[00:50:38] <Izaya> o/
L16[00:53:22] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L17[00:53:22] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L18[00:54:33] <Izaya> nightsta69, yes.
L19[00:58:57] * Izaya sighs
L20[00:59:07] <Izaya> I have two english assignments to do this weekend
L21[00:59:27] <Izaya> s/english//g
L22[00:59:27] <Kibibyte> <Izaya> I have two assignments to do this weekend
L23[01:02:11] <nightsta69> Izaya: thanks
L24[01:07:19] ⇨ Joins: Soni (SoniEx2@
L25[01:09:59] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-1-120-134-78.qcl9.cha.bigpond.net.au)
L26[01:20:09] *** Daiyousei is now known as LearningFairy
L27[01:22:00] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L28[01:22:20] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L29[01:41:10] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~doty1154@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L30[01:51:05] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C85F7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L31[01:51:06] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L32[01:51:23] <Vexatos> \o
L33[01:51:52] <Izaya> o/
L34[01:52:12] *** Skye|ZZZ is now known as Skye
L35[01:56:18] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f16a80.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L39[02:31:15] ⇨ Joins: nightsta69 (~nightsta6@ns4008824.ip-192-99-0.net)
L40[02:34:54] ⇦ Quits: GauHelldragon (~Gau@2602:306:bc96:8170:a178:3691:a6b2:7486) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L42[02:36:40] ⇨ Joins: GauHelldragon (~Gau@2602:306:bc96:8170:a178:3691:a6b2:7486)
L43[02:36:46] <gamax92> Thanks drawception http://i.imgur.com/H0KMmfe.png
L44[02:36:50] ⇦ Quits: echo_phyber (~echo_phyb@CPE-58-166-22-174.lnse2.win.bigpond.net.au) (Client Quit)
L45[02:36:52] <gamax92> totally needed to know this 1000 times
L46[02:37:01] ⇦ Quits: RaptorJeebus (echo_phybe@CPE-58-166-22-174.lnse2.win.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L47[02:59:42] ⇦ Quits: nightsta69 (~nightsta6@ns4008824.ip-192-99-0.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L48[03:13:17] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L49[03:15:23] ⇦ Quits: GauHelldragon (~Gau@2602:306:bc96:8170:a178:3691:a6b2:7486) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L50[03:18:34] ⇨ Joins: nightsta69 (~nightsta6@ns4008824.ip-192-99-0.net)
L51[03:20:51] <Skye> %ping
L52[03:20:54] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 2.15s
L53[03:22:48] <Skye> --- github.com ping statistics ---
L54[03:22:50] <Skye> 49 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 48001ms
L55[03:22:52] <Skye> the ****
L56[03:23:30] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L57[03:24:29] <nightsta69> does anyone know if OC has a failsafe that prevents computers from reconnecting to servers via http on a server restart?
L58[03:25:44] <Skye> don't think so
L59[03:26:41] <nightsta69> hmm, ok. cause i'm messing with the tcpnet, and i have like 4 computers sending/receiving information back and forth, and they were working fine, but after my server restarted they were all frozen. not turned off, just frozen.
L60[03:27:37] <Skye> maybe a timeout?
L61[03:27:52] <Skye> Make a timeout on the client that makes it reconnect?
L62[03:28:31] <Vexatos> Yup, you can specify a timeout
L63[03:28:46] <nightsta69> i have 2 servers that act as ping servers, they talk to each other thru tcpnet, and the other computers ping them periodically. if they can't be reached or if the ping servers can't talk to each other, then they reset the connection.
L64[03:29:32] <nightsta69> but they weren't reseting the connection because they were frozen. couldn't even ctrl-alt-c them. had to go thru and manually turn them off and on.
L65[03:29:48] <Skye> ...that sounds like a bug.
L66[03:30:19] <nightsta69> hmm, ok i'll post it to the github them.
L67[03:30:22] <nightsta69> then*
L68[03:30:25] <nightsta69> thanks
L69[03:30:45] <Skye> github is apparently under a DDoS attack.
L70[03:30:55] <nightsta69> wow really?
L71[03:32:40] *** Skye is now known as Skye|School
L72[03:33:55] <Temia> No surprise.
L73[03:34:01] <Temia> People can be jerks like that
L74[03:34:09] * Temia goes to flop over. zzzmoo. =.=
L75[03:35:26] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L76[03:35:42] ⇦ Quits: nightsta69 (~nightsta6@ns4008824.ip-192-99-0.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L77[03:42:02] ⇨ Joins: nightsta69 (~nightsta6@ns4008824.ip-192-99-0.net)
L78[03:44:13] <nightsta69> ok i did a little bit more research on the subject of my computers freezing up, and on a second restart of the server i noticed this in console when i right clicked on the server racks http://pastebin.com/rqTQjDAC
L79[03:44:38] ⇦ Quits: Kiloff (~Kilobyte@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L80[03:44:38] ⇦ Quits: Bacon (~tasty@ (Write error: Connection reset by peer)
L81[03:47:28] <Vexatos> Probably a bug
L82[03:47:41] <nightsta69> so i should report this then to the github?
L83[03:48:31] <Vexatos> I think so
L84[03:48:46] <nightsta69> ok will do, and i'll try to document it as much as possible. thanks.
L85[03:57:30] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@
L86[03:57:31] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L87[04:03:29] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~quassel@188-23-113-161.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
L88[04:04:33] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~quassel@188-22-162-215.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L89[04:17:53] <nightsta69> ok i posted in the github, tried to be as detailed as possible.
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L94[04:52:58] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (Joe@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com)
L95[04:54:25] <Kodos> Bleh, OC doesn't like Mekanism's induction matrixes
L96[04:58:18] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p549CE5F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L103[05:58:02] zsh sets mode: +v on Bacon
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L110[07:20:32] <Sangar> o/
L111[07:21:01] <Vexatos> \o
L112[07:28:55] <Sangar> so, did anyone mess around with the printers and find something that needs fixing?
L113[07:29:44] <vifino> Uuuuuh, I feel bad, wtf dad x_x
L114[07:31:21] <Izaya> Somehow, my svg icons and super-blocky theme don't really blend well.
L115[07:31:23] <Izaya> Also,
L116[07:31:26] <Izaya> vifino! \o/
L117[07:32:45] <vifino> Izaya! \o/
L118[07:33:00] * Izaya hugs vifino
L119[07:33:14] * vifino hugs Izaya
L120[07:33:46] <Izaya> How are you?
L121[07:34:10] <vifino> Bad .-.
L122[07:34:30] <Izaya> Still dealing with that stuff of... questionable legality?
L123[07:35:04] <vifino> Whatever my dad had in it's bag was horrible ;_;
L124[07:37:55] <SkySom> Ah look vifino is still alive
L125[07:38:05] <SkySom> Sup yo
L126[07:38:22] ⇨ Joins: Stary|web (Staryweb@
L127[07:39:04] <vifino> SkySom: I feel bad ,_,
L128[07:40:49] <Izaya> vifino, I have two assignments due on monday.
L129[07:41:45] <vifino> Soo, my dad got muffins from someone in the gardening group, had them in his bag, mom accidentally hit the bag and thought I would like to eat a muffin. I ate it, i were on whatever drug. Dad apparently flushed the other one.
L130[07:41:59] <Stary|web> .-.
L131[07:42:07] <SkySom> "Gardening group"
L132[07:42:22] <Stary|web> weed "gardening"
L133[07:42:24] <Stary|web> it makes so much sense
L134[07:42:30] <Stary|web> jkjk
L135[07:42:47] <vifino> SkySom: Yes, the group organization thingie that manages the gardens and their owners
L136[07:44:37] <Izaya> Urgh, I think I need to sleep.
L137[07:44:43] <vifino> They don't say what or how they knew about this, nor do I think it was a plain "gift"
L138[07:44:48] <vifino> q_q
L139[07:45:04] <Stary|web> q__q
L140[07:45:14] <Izaya> My brain's started looking over the bad things that have happened since monday, time to sleep indeed.
L141[07:45:23] <Stary|web> welp yes
L142[07:45:25] <Stary|web> goto bed;
L143[07:45:33] <vifino> They both know about this shit and just accept it like "Uh, drugs? What's wrong?'
L144[07:45:40] <Stary|web> .....
L145[07:45:42] <vifino> ;_;
L146[07:46:12] <Izaya> Interesting fact: I don't actually have any extra coping mechanisms or anything, I just avoid thinking about it :D
L147[07:46:24] <Izaya> vifino, erm, get better soon, I guess?
L148[07:46:32] <vifino> Note: My parrents were always saying "DRUGS ARE BAD. IF YOU USE OR OWN THEM YOU ARE BAD."
L149[07:46:40] <vifino> ;_;
L150[07:46:41] * Stary|web siiiigh
L151[07:46:42] <Stary|web> yep
L152[07:46:42] <Izaya> Not really much you can do about such things after the fact.
L153[07:47:14] <Izaya> I'm just going to note that my mum and sister are in the back room atm enjoying a certain leafy plant.
L154[07:47:26] <vifino> Why does everyone know what to do about this? q_q
L155[07:47:33] <Stary|web> Izaya: Rofl.
L156[07:48:07] <vifino> Do you all get like, drug education in school? .-.
L157[07:48:14] <Izaya> Yep.
L158[07:48:19] <Stary|web> nope :D
L159[07:48:19] <Izaya> That's the theory part of PE.
L160[07:48:34] <Stary|web> Izaya: Ha PE. all we do is do sportsssss.
L161[07:48:36] <Izaya> Which is mandatory in Australia, because retarded brainwashed society
L162[07:48:42] <vifino> Well, that explains stuff.
L163[07:49:25] <Izaya> Stary|web, I only do the theory part - I spend sport fixing whatever the lusers have broken though the week, and I sit out of PE because I've convinced teacher guy that I'm allergic to vitamin D
L164[07:49:33] <Stary|web> LOL
L165[07:49:37] <Stary|web> NICE
L166[07:51:32] ⇦ Quits: Sorroko (~Sorroko@andromeda.ryanwelch.me) (Quit: Quit.)
L167[07:51:41] <Izaya> (Yes, my teacher believed that. He's notably not the teacher that does the theory part.)
L168[07:51:43] ⇨ Joins: Sorroko (~Sorroko@andromeda.ryanwelch.me)
L169[07:52:01] <Stary|web> xD
L170[07:52:02] <Stary|web> yes.
L171[07:52:05] <Lumien> What's the name of the "big" open computers addon again?
L172[07:52:10] <Lumien> that adds the chat thingy and stuff
L173[07:52:12] <Izaya> computronics?
L174[07:52:38] <Lumien> right
L175[07:52:40] <Lumien> thanks :)
L176[07:53:32] <Izaya> Anyway
L177[07:53:34] <Izaya> sleep time
L178[07:53:39] <vifino> :(
L179[07:53:53] <Stary|web> cya
L180[07:53:53] <Izaya> I should be up reasonably early tomorrow, though.
L181[07:53:57] <Stary|web> :>:
L182[07:53:58] <Stary|web> :>
L183[07:53:58] <vifino> Good night, Izaya :(
L184[07:53:58] <Izaya> Weekend :D
L185[07:54:03] <Stary|web> hehehe
L186[07:54:07] <Stary|web> its fridaaay here
L187[07:54:18] <Izaya> I have to finish two assignments in two days, of course, but whatever, still weekend
L188[07:54:21] * Lizzy dive-hugs vifino
L189[07:54:27] <Izaya> still no proxy, even if I do have an admin account.
L190[07:54:30] * vifino hugs Lizzy
L191[07:54:32] <Izaya> Seeya, vifino, have fun.
L192[07:54:48] <Izaya> You seem to have someone to hang out with, now, anyway.
L193[07:54:52] <Stary|web> heh
L194[07:54:59] <Stary|web> i gotta go go maths now so.. :/
L195[07:55:02] <Stary|web> cya vifino
L196[07:55:07] <Izaya> maths was great today
L197[07:55:08] <vifino> Bai Stary|web
L198[07:55:15] <Izaya> was listening to music and eating in class
L199[07:55:19] <Izaya> teacher didn't notice
L200[07:55:24] <Izaya> good day
L201[07:55:34] <Stary|web> ^^
L202[07:55:38] ⇦ Quits: Stary|web (Staryweb@ (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L203[07:56:35] <Lizzy> is github still getting ddos'd?
L204[07:59:00] <vifino> Yes.
L205[08:01:20] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-1-120-134-78.qcl9.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L206[08:01:42] <Izaya> I just remembered
L207[08:02:07] <Izaya> I must be sick. Anyone want to guess why?
L208[08:02:39] <vifino> I'm no good at guessing.
L209[08:03:04] * Izaya sighs
L210[08:03:10] <Izaya> It's because...
L211[08:03:39] <vifino> Yes?
L212[08:03:50] <Izaya> I spent 20 minutes on the bus talking to a girl when I could have sat there and ignored her.
L213[08:04:05] <vifino> :v
L214[08:05:02] <vifino> Izaya, for your own good, talk to all the girls. Or boys. Make god damn friends ._.
L215[08:05:21] <vifino> *at least friends*
L216[08:05:27] * vifino cough
L217[08:06:45] * vifino pokeypokes Izaya
L218[08:30:18] * Skye|School hugs vifino
L219[08:30:29] * vifino hugs Skye|School
L220[08:30:32] <Skye|School> You scared us last night
L221[08:34:39] ⇦ Quits: GUIpsp (~GUIpsp@c-66-41-216-194.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (*.net *.split)
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L224[08:36:11] <SkySom> Talking to people is good.
L225[08:36:16] <SkySom> Though people are usually lame
L226[08:36:58] <Skye|School> I... want friends, but I don't have any.
L227[08:37:33] ⇨ Joins: The_Doctors_Life (~Doctors@irc.thedoctorslife.com)
L228[08:40:36] <vifino> Skye|School: I'm here, too. ;_;
L229[08:41:02] <Skye|School> vifino: yeah....
L230[08:41:20] <SkySom> I'd hug you and I say I'm your friend
L231[08:41:23] <SkySom> But I don't do hugs
L232[08:41:25] <SkySom> Only stabs
L233[08:41:31] <SkySom> Which are kinda like hugs.
L234[08:41:33] <SkySom> In a way
L235[08:41:49] * Lizzy slaps SkySom
L236[08:41:49] * EnderBot2 high-fives Lizzy
L237[08:42:05] * SkySom slaps Lizzy
L238[08:42:05] * EnderBot2 feeds SkySom to the lions
L239[08:42:09] <SkySom> ....
L240[08:42:12] <Lizzy> heheh
L241[08:42:20] * SkySom slaps EnderBot2
L242[08:42:20] * EnderBot2 grabs Ender's Katana and slices SkySom in half
L243[08:42:25] <SkySom> ......
L244[08:42:27] * Skye|School hugs Lizzy
L245[08:42:32] * Lizzy hugs Skye|School
L246[08:42:34] <SkySom> Why you do this EnderBot2
L247[08:42:36] <Skye|School> :3
L248[08:42:49] * Lizzy instructs EnderBot2 to stab SkySom in the eye
L249[08:42:49] * EnderBot2 complies!
L250[08:42:49] * EnderBot2 stabs SkySom in the eye
L251[08:43:00] * SkySom stabs Lizzy
L252[08:43:13] <SkySom> Gotta have EnderBot2 do your dirty work?
L253[08:43:38] * Lizzy splits SkySom's atoms apart
L254[08:43:48] * vifino stabs SkySom in the eyes
L255[08:44:00] <SkySom> WHY DO YOU ALL GO FOR THE EYES
L256[08:44:06] * Skye|School looks and the blood and gore and sighs
L257[08:44:11] * vifino shrugs
L258[08:44:21] * SkySom cuts off vifino 's toes
L259[08:44:29] <Lizzy> right, food time
L260[08:44:30] <vifino> Nice try.
L261[08:44:43] * Lizzy impales SkySom on a pole and cooks them
L262[08:44:49] <Lizzy> afk
L263[08:44:55] <SkySom> I can assure you I'm not tasty
L264[08:45:12] <SkySom> That and I'm mostly bones.
L265[08:45:16] <SkySom> Soooo HA
L266[08:45:35] <vifino> Lizzy likes bones.
L267[08:46:05] <SkySom> ...
L268[08:46:27] <SkySom> lol
L269[08:46:42] <Skye|School> Can't Lizzy consume anything?
L270[09:08:52] <Lizzy> yes
L271[09:09:02] <Skye|School> heh.
L272[09:09:06] <Skye|School> I need to go now, bye!
L273[09:15:48] * vifino sits on Lizzy and sleeps
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L277[09:41:27] <Lizzy> Apparently I've morphed into my Boss.....
L278[09:46:09] *** Sangar changes topic to 'Forums: http://oc.cil.li/ | Wiki: http://ocd.cil.li/ | Latest version: 1.5.4 | Dev Builds: http://ci.cil.li/ | Channel Rules: http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/171- | Stats: http://goo.gl/Hzm22G | Don't ask to ask, just ask!'
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L280[09:49:02] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L281[10:14:52] <vifino> Lizzy: o_O?
L282[10:17:21] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@abhw83.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
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L284[10:21:34] <Lizzy> vifino, one of the UPS' sent an email to the IT helpline and one of the other guys in the team forwarded it to me when the system contact was my boss
L285[10:21:56] <vifino> o_O
L286[10:22:34] <Inari> ah vifino did survive
L287[10:22:49] <vifino> Yes, at least I think so.
L288[10:23:24] <Vexatos> gamax92, I may or may not have done some progress today
L289[10:23:39] <Inari> maybe you'Re a ghost?
L290[10:24:55] <Vexatos> I'll just leave this here: http://puu.sh/gRJOK/ec6986e7fd.mp4
L291[10:29:23] * vifino sits on Temia instead
L292[10:31:16] *** AtomSponge|away is now known as AtomSponge
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L294[10:36:19] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L295[10:37:08] <Vexatos> The only thing left to do is find a way to convert the TTS audio into minecraft-compatible data
L296[10:37:16] <Vexatos> :(
L297[10:38:02] ⇨ Joins: Phosphene (~Phosphene@
L298[10:42:53] <gamax92> Vexatos: Mary is very flat
L299[10:43:21] <Vexatos> flat?
L300[10:44:25] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L301[10:44:26] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L302[10:51:00] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~ping@2601:4:680:104c:7022:9380:ecab:c6d4)
L303[10:53:14] <Vexatos> What do you mean, gamax92?
L304[10:54:05] <gamax92> as far as pitch goes it seems flat
L305[10:55:01] <Vexatos> what do you mean with "flat"
L306[10:57:51] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~ping@2601:4:680:104c:7022:9380:ecab:c6d4) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L307[10:58:07] <Vexatos> ping, caretv died
L308[10:58:49] <vifino> ping, carrotWii died
L309[10:59:26] <ping> ik it segfaulted bc im recompiling luajit so
L310[11:01:30] <vifino> ping: what are you modding in luajit?
L311[11:02:24] <ping> vifino, luajit doesnt have a c side api to manipulate cdata
L312[11:02:43] <ping> so i have to accesss the TValues from inside luajit
L313[11:03:00] <vifino> .. k
L314[11:10:09] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L315[11:11:53] ⇦ Parts: Phosphene (~Phosphene@ ())
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L324[11:37:16] <Lizzy> #p
L325[11:37:17] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.377 Seconds passed.
L326[11:37:37] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L327[11:38:12] <Skye> %p
L328[11:38:13] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 0.14s
L329[11:38:14] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 0.26s
L330[11:38:42] <vifino> #p
L331[11:38:42] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.124 Seconds passed.
L332[11:39:06] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L333[11:41:19] ⇦ Quits: Vic (~Victoriou@kurisu.rx14.co.uk) (Quit: Nyuu~)
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L341[12:03:21] <^v> [OpenComputers] http://git.io/j8Rz nightstalker6669 commented on issue ( persistence dies across server restarts when trying to reconnect via tcp )
L342[12:04:32] ⇨ Joins: nightsta69 (webchat@108-239-139-45.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net)
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L344[12:11:51] <ping> Sangar, ^
L345[12:19:07] ⇦ Quits: nightsta69 (webchat@108-239-139-45.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
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L348[12:40:15] ⇨ Joins: CyberTurd (~CyberTurd@host86-145-129-165.range86-145.btcentralplus.com)
L349[12:40:51] <CyberTurd> lizzy
L350[12:41:13] <CyberTurd> one more thing with the sever can you enable command blocks
L351[12:41:23] <Lizzy> CyberTurd
L352[12:41:26] <Lizzy> yes
L353[12:41:35] <CyberTurd> thank you
L354[12:43:22] <Lizzy> done
L355[12:45:13] <CyberTurd> thank you
L356[12:48:11] ⇨ Joins: MC-IDE (~MC-IDE@
L357[12:48:50] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L358[12:52:08] <Temia> VIFI D:
L359[12:52:11] * Temia hugs tight ;_;
L360[12:52:48] ⇦ Quits: Brycey92 (~Brycey92@bmb5663-111-148.rh.psu.edu) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L362[13:10:45] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L363[13:23:29] * vifino hugs Temia back
L364[13:23:43] <vifino> I'm alive! Wooo \o/
L365[13:24:30] <Temia> I was so worried after what happened yesterday! I never saw any kind of reaction like that out of cannibis alone and was stuck wondering what the heck that muffin was spiked with D:
L366[13:25:08] <vifino> I have no idea, but it made me feel heavy and slow
L367[13:25:52] * Lizzy squeeze hugs vifino and doesn't let go
L368[13:26:05] <Temia> I'm just glad you're OK ;.; I hope your dad's sorry as hell too
L369[13:26:14] * vifino hugs Lizzy and pulls Temia in, too
L370[13:26:42] <vifino> Yeah, I'm okay, I guess. Having a horrible headache, but apart from that I'm fine.
L371[13:27:04] <SkySom> YEAH HEADACHES
L372[13:27:12] * vifino stabs SkySom
L373[13:27:20] * SkySom bleeds
L374[13:27:27] * SkySom brutally murders vifino
L375[13:27:43] <vifino> >implying I were alive the whole time and not a ghost
L376[13:27:51] <vifino> U dun goofd.
L377[13:28:04] * SkySom calls the ghost busters
L378[13:28:06] <Temia> Nooo, don't be a ghost ;.;
L379[13:28:17] * Temia headbutts all who dare hurt Vifi D:<
L380[13:28:21] <vifino> :3
L381[13:28:26] <Temia> Even if it's Bill Murray!
L382[13:28:40] <vifino> :O
L383[13:29:05] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L384[13:29:39] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~ping@2601:4:680:104c:7022:9380:ecab:c6d4) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L385[13:30:18] <vifino> Dad just *left* to somewhere, no idea where he is right now, but not here.
L386[13:30:27] <Temia> Ah. o.o
L387[13:31:20] ⇨ Joins: tattyseal (~tattyseal@
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L389[13:32:11] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L390[13:32:48] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L391[13:33:13] * vifino takes a nap next to Temia ( I'll return in... a few minutes? *shrugs* )
L392[13:33:31] * Temia pulls Vifi into her lap, petpetpets.
L393[13:35:51] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L394[13:37:06] <rashdanml> ohey vifino
L395[13:37:38] ⇨ Joins: CyberCrap (~CyberTurd@host86-150-87-25.range86-150.btcentralplus.com)
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L398[13:39:52] <Lizzy> for those who care i'm playing Rocksmith and routing the output audio to teamspeak, if anyone wants to connect just use the address in my hostname
L399[13:40:26] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~ping@2601:4:680:104c:7022:9380:ecab:c6d4)
L400[13:41:07] <^v> [OpenComputers] http://git.io/j43v nightstalker6669 commented on issue ( persistence dies across server restarts when trying to reconnect via tcp )
L401[13:41:53] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L402[13:50:06] <vifino> /set weechat.look.highlight $nick,vifi,adrian
L403[13:50:07] <vifino> :D
L404[13:50:35] <rashy> >.>
L405[13:54:21] <vifino> rashy: What? D:
L406[13:54:32] <rashy> nuthin :D
L407[13:54:41] * vifino shrugs
L408[13:54:44] <vifino> Okeeey then..
L409[13:56:31] * vifino just decides to continue sleeping in Temia's lap
L410[13:57:07] * Temia peeeets <3
L411[14:01:18] <Kodos> Sangarrr
L412[14:01:39] <Kodos> Actually...
L413[14:01:43] * Kodos runs off to go check github
L414[14:02:00] <Kodos> Yep
L415[14:02:01] <Kodos> Nevermind
L416[14:06:56] <Kodos> Bwahahahaha, I can one shot players with Witchery now. Hope my friend's server host lets me play soon :3
L417[14:07:47] <Dashkal> Did you discover a thing?
L418[14:07:51] <Kodos> I did!
L419[14:07:58] <Dashkal> I still need to go looking for that. Hopefully tonight
L420[14:08:02] <Kodos> Apparently I'm one of very few who know it
L421[14:08:16] <Kodos> And after making it known that I knew, I was PM'd by two different people
L422[14:08:24] <Kodos> One to make me swear to secrecy
L423[14:08:28] <Kodos> The other begging me for instructions
L424[14:08:32] ⇨ Joins: Brycey92 (~Brycey92@bmb5663-111-148.rh.psu.edu)
L425[14:09:27] <Dashkal> If I figure it out by my alternate methods, I'll be going with secrecy. I don't see myself finding it without hints so that's probably how it'll bee.
L426[14:09:31] <Dashkal> -e
L427[14:16:21] * Lizzy got paid today
L428[14:16:29] <Kodos> =D
L429[14:16:31] * Lizzy just pre-ordered GTA5
L430[14:16:42] <Kodos> I get paid my weekly 40 later
L431[14:16:48] <rashy> Lizzy sucks at managing money ;D
L432[14:16:49] <Kodos> But I gotta get gas and other shit
L433[14:17:04] <Lizzy> rashy, no, i'm rather good actually
L434[14:17:12] <rashy> (I'm kiding)
L435[14:19:46] * SkySom sucks at managing money.
L436[14:19:56] <SkySom> Thankfully my mother was an account for several years
L437[14:19:59] <SkySom> accountant
L438[14:25:06] <vifino> Well, if I get money, I use it. :P
L439[14:25:20] <rashy> I have a simpler solution: I have no money to manage!
L440[14:25:21] <SkySom> I want to use it.
L441[14:25:36] <SkySom> But then I remember "Man I will never hear the end of it, if I buy this."
L442[14:25:44] * vifino looks at the email from ebay about his recent shopping spree in the server area
L443[14:25:44] <SkySom> And then I usually reconsider the purchase
L444[14:25:56] <SkySom> I need ot buy me a new computer.
L445[14:26:04] <SkySom> My laptop has seen better days
L446[14:26:35] <vifino> Wish that server I bought would support vt-d and efi..
L447[14:26:38] <vifino> Meh.
L448[14:27:26] * SkySom looks at his "server"
L449[14:27:33] <SkySom> damn thing doesn't even support loading from usb
L450[14:28:17] * Kodos wants a server but has no idea what he'd use it for
L451[14:29:04] <vifino> o_O 36 persons voted on my vote about the hostname of that new-old thing!
L452[14:29:19] * vifino sighs
L453[14:29:26] <vifino> Zenith is still winning ¬_¬
L454[14:29:44] <Lizzy> .-. my cat's being a little shit
L455[14:30:25] <SkySom> Pfft most cats are little shits
L456[14:30:29] <SkySom> Except my cats
L457[14:30:33] <SkySom> My cats are awesome.
L458[14:30:39] * vifino read: @Lizzy | .-. my cat made a little shit
L459[14:30:41] <vifino> Woops.
L460[14:30:44] <SkySom> Almost like dogs that shit in a litter box
L461[14:32:11] * Lizzy starts headbanging to her music
L462[14:32:44] <SkySom> I always want to dance to my music
L463[14:32:49] <SkySom> But then I remember I'm at work
L464[14:32:58] * Lizzy is listening to Nirvana
L465[14:33:10] <Lizzy> and vifino is too, if he hasn't muted TS :P
L466[14:33:20] <vifino> I didn't :D
L467[14:33:40] * SkySom is listening to Sy & Unknown :D
L468[14:37:02] <vifino> I just found someone staring my thingies o_O
L469[14:37:10] <Lizzy> ?
L470[14:37:13] <Lizzy> oh
L471[14:37:21] <SkySom> Staring your thingies
L472[14:37:24] <SkySom> Kinky
L473[14:37:31] <vifino> "yukimono" stared my golua fork.
L474[14:37:32] <Kodos> Starring, vifino
L475[14:37:40] <Kodos> <3
L476[14:37:44] <vifino> .-.
L477[14:37:48] <vifino> Same thingies
L478[14:40:18] <vifino> SkySom: .-.
L479[14:40:34] <vifino> You are a pervert x_x
L480[14:40:52] <vifino> I am /obviously/ not one.
L481[14:41:25] <GauHelldragon> i accidently infused my robot with the soul of light
L482[14:41:31] <GauHelldragon> and now hobgoblins are worshiping it
L483[14:41:37] <GauHelldragon> please help
L484[14:42:26] <vifino> ... What?
L485[14:42:57] <GauHelldragon> just kidding~
L486[14:43:18] <Kodos> Is that what that infusion does?
L487[14:43:29] <GauHelldragon> na
L488[14:43:43] <GauHelldragon> you need a statue for worship
L489[14:44:12] <GauHelldragon> was jokin around in the witchery channel about giving a robot infusion powers and then giving it a mystic branch~
L490[14:44:25] <GauHelldragon> and making robot poppets
L491[14:44:47] <GauHelldragon> but now i wonder what silly stuff you can actually do with robots
L492[14:47:05] <vifino> ._. i wish I wouldn't have updated llvm
L493[14:47:32] * vifino sighs
L494[14:47:39] <vifino> Too late now .-.
L495[14:47:49] ⇨ Joins: Berserker2K3 (~Berserker@p4FC78ECE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L496[14:47:55] <Berserker2K3> Greetings
L497[14:48:26] <vifino> Sup.
L498[14:49:48] <vifino> Hmm. I need to program something, but I have absolutely no idea what to do right now ._.
L499[14:50:08] <GauHelldragon> :(
L500[14:52:35] ⇦ Quits: ICWiener (~DFrostedW@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L501[14:53:06] <Lizzy> right, i need to show my server some love
L502[14:57:15] ⇨ Joins: ICWiener (~DFrostedW@
L503[14:58:53] <CyberCrap> what server?
L504[14:59:54] ⇨ Joins: tattyseal2 (~tattyseal@
L505[14:59:55] <Lizzy> CyberCrap, my modded one
L506[15:00:11] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L507[15:00:13] <CyberCrap> oh
L508[15:00:15] <CyberCrap> ok
L509[15:00:41] * Lizzy pokes CyberCrap with a PM
L510[15:02:02] <CyberCrap> whats pm
L511[15:02:20] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L512[15:02:30] <CyberCrap> penis modulator?
L513[15:02:38] <Lizzy> Private message, should look similar to http://puu.sh/gS3l0/86f250977f.png except with my name instead of yours
L514[15:02:39] <CyberCrap> prime minister
L515[15:02:39] <Kodos> Oi
L516[15:02:45] <Kodos> PG13
L517[15:02:50] <Lizzy> CyberCrap, ¬_¬
L518[15:02:51] <CyberCrap> lol
L519[15:03:15] <vifino> Lizzy: I heard you screenshot on ts:P
L520[15:03:16] <CyberCrap> what it was a possible match
L521[15:03:36] <Lizzy> vifino, lol
L522[15:04:17] <Lizzy> CyberCrap, it should be on the left hand side of the hexchat window
L523[15:04:32] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal2 (~tattyseal@ (Client Quit)
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L529[15:37:25] ⇨ Joins: Wrothmonk (webchat@71-219-183-230.dvnp.qwest.net)
L530[15:41:55] <Wrothmonk> I'm having some issues getting a program to work properly. For some reason, before a print command even completely finishes the program quits and returns me to the base OS. No error message or anything.
L531[15:42:39] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Quit: Leaving)
L532[15:42:53] <Kodos> Code please
L533[15:43:30] <Wrothmonk> http://pastebin.com/VTWNx09e
L534[15:44:46] <Wrothmonk> When I run it, it does successfully print out the components, but it never reaches the print("debug1")
L535[15:48:14] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L536[15:48:59] <^v> [OpenComputers] http://git.io/jB3v nightstalker6669 commented on issue ( persistence dies across server restarts when trying to reconnect via tcp )
L537[15:48:59] <^v> [OpenComputers] http://git.io/jl76 nightstalker6669 closed issue ( persistence dies across server restarts when trying to reconnect via tcp )
L538[15:51:01] <^v> [OpenComputers] http://git.io/jB39 fnuecke commented on issue ( persistence dies across server restarts when trying to reconnect via tcp )
L539[15:55:15] <Kodos> Okay, so I know how to round a number with a long fractional decimal thinger, but how would I round a large integer
L540[15:55:27] <Kodos> In Lua*
L541[15:56:22] <Lizzy> #lua math.round( math.pi)
L542[15:56:23] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3
L543[15:56:28] <Lizzy> #lua math.round( math.pi, 3)
L544[15:56:28] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3.142
L545[15:56:57] *** vifino is now known as Viffy
L546[15:57:25] *** Viffy is now known as vifino
L547[15:58:26] <Kodos> Right but if I did
L548[15:58:35] <Kodos> #lua return math.pi *1000
L549[15:58:35] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3141.5926535898
L550[15:58:42] <Kodos> How would I round something like that to 3000
L551[15:58:48] <Kodos> or 3200
L552[15:58:49] <Kodos> Or anything
L553[15:58:52] <Lizzy> hmm
L554[15:59:06] <Lizzy> #lua math.round( math.pi * 1000 )
L555[15:59:06] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3142
L556[15:59:09] <Lizzy> hm
L557[15:59:13] <Kodos> I wonder
L558[15:59:22] <Kodos> #lua math.round(math.pi*1000,-2)
L559[15:59:22] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3100
L560[15:59:24] <Kodos> =D
L561[15:59:28] <Kodos> That works
L562[15:59:31] <Kodos> #lua math.round(math.pi*1000,-3)
L563[15:59:31] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3000
L564[16:00:46] <Kodos> #lua data = math.round(math.pi*10232,-4) return math.round(data, #data)
L565[16:00:47] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > lua:1: attempt to get length of global 'data' (a number value)
L566[16:00:53] <Kodos> #lua local data = math.round(math.pi*10232,-4) return math.round(data, #data)
L567[16:00:53] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > lua:1: attempt to get length of local 'data' (a number value)
L568[16:01:01] <Wrothmonk> figured out what was going wrong with my program.
L569[16:01:07] <Kodos> #lua local data = math.round(math.pi*10232,-4) return math.round(data, tostring(#data))
L570[16:01:08] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > lua:1: attempt to get length of local 'data' (a number value)
L571[16:01:08] <Lizzy> Kodos, len(data)
L572[16:01:11] <Kodos> Oh
L573[16:01:12] <Kodos> Thanks
L574[16:01:17] <Kodos> Also sorry for spam
L575[16:01:17] <EnderBot2> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE
L576[16:01:17] -Kibibyte- [EnderBot2] Monty Python - Spam | by zumpzump | 3m20s | 423w1d ago | 6,517,426 views | Rated: 4.91/5.00
L577[16:01:29] <Kodos> #lua local data = math.round(math.pi*10232,-4) return math.round(data, len(dat))
L578[16:01:29] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > lua:1: attempt to call global 'len' (a nil value)
L579[16:01:37] <Lizzy> huh
L580[16:01:51] <Wrothmonk> I accidentally named the program the same name as one in the bin.
L581[16:01:56] <Kodos> Let me try this
L582[16:01:59] ⇦ Quits: justastranger|zzz (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646) (Excess Flood)
L583[16:02:22] <Wrothmonk> so apparently it was running that instead of my own.
L584[16:02:31] <Lizzy> i swear you could do len(something)
L585[16:02:42] <Kodos> let me try stringing it
L586[16:02:53] <Kodos> #lua local data = math.round(math.pi*10232,-4) tostring(data) return math.round(data, len(data))
L587[16:02:53] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > lua:1: attempt to call global 'len' (a nil value)
L588[16:03:01] <Lizzy> oh, len() is python. my bad
L589[16:03:04] <Kodos> ...
L590[16:03:08] <Kodos> ~w lua
L591[16:03:08] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-load
L592[16:03:20] <Kodos> strlen
L593[16:03:43] <Kodos> #lua local data = math.round(math.pi*10232,-4) tostring(data) return math.round(tonumber(data), strlen(data))
L594[16:03:43] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > lua:1: attempt to call global 'strlen' (a nil value)
L595[16:03:43] <ds84182> #data
L596[16:03:52] <Kodos> #lua local data = math.round(math.pi*10232,-4) tostring(data) return math.round(tonumber(data), #data)
L597[16:03:52] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > lua:1: attempt to get length of local 'data' (a number value)
L598[16:03:53] <ds84182> or data:len()
L599[16:03:56] <Kodos> I give up
L600[16:03:59] <ds84182> ugh
L601[16:04:10] <ds84182> #lua local data = tostring(math.round(math.pi*10232,-4)) return math.round(tonumber(data), #data)
L602[16:04:10] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 30000
L603[16:05:00] <ds84182> all string functions except tostring are in the string table
L604[16:05:03] <ds84182> so string.len
L605[16:05:06] <ds84182> string.sub
L606[16:05:10] <ds84182> and so forth
L607[16:05:20] <^v> [OpenComputers] http://git.io/jBWb nightstalker6669 commented on issue ( persistence dies across server restarts when trying to reconnect via tcp )
L608[16:07:52] ⇦ Quits: Wrothmonk (webchat@71-219-183-230.dvnp.qwest.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L609[16:10:33] ⇨ Joins: justastranger (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646)
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L612[16:23:03] ⇦ Quits: GUIpsp (~GUIpsp@c-66-41-216-194.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L613[16:27:49] *** ping is now known as ginp
L614[16:29:52] <Kodos> ginp, you're Steaming NP++
L615[16:29:53] <Kodos> loool
L616[16:30:25] <ginp> Kodos, ._.
L617[16:31:03] <Kodos> I said Steam, not stream
L618[16:31:45] *** Pyrolusite is now known as Manganese
L619[16:34:36] <Vexatos> ginp: How are you
L620[16:34:44] <Vexatos> You look kind of... inverse
L621[16:35:19] *** ginp is now known as ping
L622[16:36:23] <Temia> Think that's weird? I've Steamed my own game. '-'
L623[16:41:38] *** Manganese is now known as Pyrolusite
L624[16:43:57] <CompanionCube> Temia, you have a game?
L625[16:49:24] *** justastranger is now known as justasausage
L626[16:51:48] <Temia> Yeah.
L627[16:51:54] <Temia> Just a bit of one, and an incomplete demo thereof.
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L630[17:00:10] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f19398.skybroadband.com)
L631[17:06:00] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L632[17:07:42] ⇦ Quits: justasausage (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646) (Excess Flood)
L633[17:10:02] <^v> [OpenComputers] http://git.io/jBHt fnuecke commented on issue ( persistence dies across server restarts when trying to reconnect via tcp )
L634[17:11:46] <Kodos> Anyone familiar with MySQL
L635[17:11:57] <rashy> bits and pieces
L636[17:14:00] <TabletCube> Kodos: what's your question?
L637[17:14:07] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/gSedt/4c5f78d01c.jpg
L638[17:14:19] <Kodos> A friend hosts a server and is getting this error with her SQL shit
L639[17:14:31] <Kodos> She's working on getting a proper error log now
L640[17:14:43] <TabletCube> screenie pls?
L641[17:14:50] <Kodos> one sec
L642[17:14:53] <Kodos> I need to run next door
L643[17:15:03] ⇨ Joins: justastranger (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646)
L644[17:15:40] <rashy> http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/repair-table.html this should work (assuming it hasn't been tried yet)
L645[17:19:18] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L646[17:19:42] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C85F7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L647[17:19:55] <Katie> \o/ DNS axfrs are failing again
L648[17:23:28] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L649[17:23:56] <Lizzy> k, so aparrently i don't have permission to edit my own files...
L650[17:24:12] <rashy> way to go
L651[17:24:23] <Lizzy> oh, cause i'm not in the group i'm trying to add to them
L652[17:25:15] <Lizzy> or not
L653[17:25:17] <Lizzy> ....
L654[17:25:19] <rashy> xD
L655[17:25:29] <Lizzy> -_-
L656[17:30:43] <Lizzy> #p
L657[17:30:44] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.169 Seconds passed.
L658[17:33:16] * ds84182 pokes PotatoTrumpet
L659[17:33:25] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-1-120-134-78.qcl9.cha.bigpond.net.au)
L660[17:35:36] ⇨ Joins: tattyseal (~tattyseal@
L661[17:48:06] <SkySom> Am not vifino
L662[17:48:12] <SkySom> That's what you are but what am I?
L663[17:54:14] ⇦ Quits: MisterErwin (~MisterErw@dslb-178-010-042-195.178.010.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Quit: Leaving.)
L664[18:00:23] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L665[18:06:36] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Quit: Leaving)
L666[18:08:49] <CyberCrap> swwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggg
L667[18:09:03] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L668[18:09:22] <CyberCrap> night guys
L669[18:09:34] ⇦ Quits: CyberCrap (~CyberTurd@host86-150-87-25.range86-150.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L670[18:13:47] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
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L673[18:15:13] *** echo_phyber is now known as RaptorJeebus
L674[18:18:37] *** AtomSponge is now known as AtomSponge|away
L675[18:22:43] <Lizzy> some of the stuff CyberCrap/CyberTurd does keeps justifying the name i gave him on skype
L676[18:32:08] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f19398.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L677[18:45:51] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f19398.skybroadband.com)
L678[18:49:50] <Kodos> =( Turns out I won't be able to get Flight Sim X while it's on sale
L679[18:49:57] <Kodos> Looks like it might be too old anyway
L680[18:52:15] <Izaya> Morning o/
L681[18:55:32] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@80-254-76-184.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L682[18:59:23] ⇦ Quits: GUIpsp (~GUIpsp@c-66-41-216-194.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L684[19:05:23] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L685[19:10:21] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L686[19:12:15] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p549CE5F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L687[19:15:50] *** Skye is now known as Skye|ZZZ
L688[19:24:57] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f19398.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L691[19:46:40] * vifino yawns
L692[19:47:53] * Lizzy stretches then curls up on vifino's lap
L693[19:48:03] <vifino> :o
L694[19:48:21] <Skye|ZZZ> How big is Lizzy ?
L695[19:48:35] * Lizzy shrugs
L696[19:49:18] * Skye|ZZZ gets out a futon and a duvet
L697[19:49:30] <reddit> my life in a nutshell https://twitter.com/eldrone/status/581527853608656896
L698[19:50:02] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f19398.skybroadband.com)
L699[19:51:06] <vifino> :o
L700[19:51:10] <vifino> Looks.. fluffy.
L701[19:51:22] <Skye|ZZZ> Eh?
L702[19:51:26] <TabletCube> ?
L703[19:51:34] * vifino shrugs
L704[19:51:59] <Skye|ZZZ> My duvet?
L705[19:52:26] * vifino nods
L706[19:52:43] * Skye|ZZZ clings onto her duvet
L707[19:53:04] <vifino> "her"? o_O
L708[19:53:39] * vifino is confused
L709[19:54:00] <Dashkal> vifino!
L710[19:54:04] <vifino> Me!
L711[19:54:21] <vifino> Erm, I meant to say 'Dashkal!', of course.
L712[19:54:27] * vifino shrugs
L713[19:54:29] <Dashkal> First I've seen you since you vanished under worrying circumstances
L714[19:54:43] <Dashkal> I'll go read my scrollback
L715[19:54:55] <vifino> Okay then o_O
L716[19:55:07] <vifino> I'm alive. /Yay./
L717[19:55:36] <reddit> vifino, what happened last night anyway ._.
L718[19:55:37] <vifino> Only thing that you need to know about this, I guess..
L719[19:55:48] <reddit> i mean i heard about the muffin but what happened after that
L720[19:56:43] ⇦ Quits: RaptorJeebus (~echo_phyb@CPE-58-166-22-174.lnse2.win.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L721[19:56:54] ⇨ Joins: echo_phyber (~echo_phyb@CPE-58-166-22-174.lnse2.win.bigpond.net.au)
L722[19:56:54] <Skye|ZZZ> ( vifino, I am apparently a girl in channels that Lizzy are in because of an incident with regex and an exploding computer, and the fact that Lizzy wants me to keep doing this... )
L723[19:57:12] <Lizzy> yes
L724[19:57:31] <vifino> reddit: I started to feel heavy n stuffs, moving anything got very hard/impossible, and then I went KO above my keyboard.
L725[19:57:33] * TabletCube makes Skye|ZZZ a boy
L726[19:57:33] <Dashkal> Glad you're feeling better, vifino.
L727[19:57:36] *** echo_phyber is now known as RaptorJeebus
L728[19:57:45] <Alissa> TabletCube: You can make boys out of nothing?
L729[19:57:47] <Alissa> I want 7.
L730[19:57:47] <reddit> vifino, did you get to the hospital? or what
L731[19:57:48] <Dashkal> Not really my business beyond standard concern for other sapient types.
L732[19:57:50] <Alissa> but they have to be hot.
L733[19:57:57] <vifino> reddit: No, i just woke up
L734[19:58:02] <reddit> vifino, what was in the muffin
L735[19:58:07] <vifino> reddit: No idea.
L736[19:58:09] <reddit> ...
L737[19:58:13] <vifino> Buuuuut...
L738[19:58:15] <TabletCube> Alissa: I can't make shit ex nhilio.
L739[19:58:16] * Izaya is going with mulbutter
L740[19:58:18] <reddit> and who did it?
L741[19:58:18] <vifino> Don't do drugs, kids.
L742[19:58:31] <Alissa> TabletCube: Lies. You just made Skye|ZZZ a boy.
L743[19:58:38] <Dashkal> Heh, I have my own similar stories. Random drugs bad.
L744[19:59:05] <TabletCube> Alissa: was already a girl vs making an entire body
L745[19:59:40] * Skye|ZZZ wonders what tech TabletCube has
L746[19:59:56] <Izaya> Skye|ZZZ, a psyche chip, obviously
L747[20:00:01] <reddit> probably the same tech soni used but in reverse
L748[20:00:03] <reddit> kek
L749[20:00:04] <vifino> reddit: tl;dr dad *somehow* got some drugged muffins, had them in his bag. Mom found them and thought "Hmm, Adrian would surely like muffins."
L750[20:00:08] <Lizzy> TabletCube, you bitch... :(
L751[20:00:16] <reddit> vifino, ...wow
L752[20:00:23] <reddit> did your dad get yelled at
L753[20:00:28] <TabletCube> Lizzy: Deal with it :>
L754[20:00:37] <Izaya> *ban*
L755[20:00:40] <Izaya> :P
L756[20:00:58] * Skye|ZZZ blinks
L757[20:00:59] <Lizzy> Izaya, i'm not kenny
L758[20:01:04] <Izaya> I know.
L759[20:01:09] <vifino> reddit: Nope. He blamed my mom.
L760[20:01:10] * TabletCube zaps Izaya with the BOFH's cattleprod
L761[20:01:14] <reddit> vifino, ...wtf
L762[20:01:22] <reddit> why did he have them in the first place!
L763[20:01:37] <reddit> why were they not at least clearly labled!
L764[20:01:44] <Izaya> Hah, I just remembered, I was in class and was showing one of my friends LibreOffice, and the teacher asked what we were doing, so I yell "downloading communism"
L765[20:02:04] <vifino> And every time I/mom/we said anything about him having these things, he just said we were "teaming up against him"
L766[20:02:20] <Skye|ZZZ> Uhm...
L767[20:02:33] <Izaya> vifino, and you and your mum had every right to do so.
L768[20:02:45] <vifino> Oh well..
L769[20:03:19] <TabletCube> Izaya: the last time I booted my Windows Vista was to use Word.
L770[20:03:55] * Izaya has been using Google Docs recently
L771[20:03:56] <vifino> All I really got out of him were "You don't feel bad because of this."
L772[20:04:02] <vifino> ._.
L773[20:04:06] <Skye|ZZZ> I just hope that he has internally recognised what has happened and won't be so stupid in the future, and he is just doing that because he is scared to take the blame for some reason...
L774[20:04:48] <TabletCube> Izaya: laying out many pictures in a document sucks ass with libreoffice.
L775[20:04:50] <Izaya> Skye|ZZZ, >standard male >learning from mistakes
L776[20:05:22] <Skye|ZZZ> Err... I said 'hope'
L777[20:05:35] <Izaya> And I said why it was unlikley ;)
L778[20:05:59] * Skye|ZZZ hugs vifino
L779[20:06:08] * vifino hugs Skye|ZZZ
L780[20:07:30] <Skye|ZZZ> I don't know what that feels like, and I never want to know what that feels like.
L781[20:08:17] <Skye|ZZZ> It sounds horrible...
L782[20:10:27] * Skye|ZZZ continues to hug vifino
L783[20:11:15] ⇨ Joins: Phosphene (~Phosphene@135-23-172-172.cpe.pppoe.ca)
L784[20:11:22] ⇦ Parts: Phosphene (~Phosphene@135-23-172-172.cpe.pppoe.ca) ())
L785[20:13:51] * Skye|ZZZ gets another fluffy duvet to give to vifino
L786[20:14:07] * Skye|ZZZ gets back onto her futon
L787[20:14:12] <Skye|ZZZ> Goodnight!
L788[20:15:28] <Alissa> nini Skye|ZZZ
L789[20:15:36] <vifino> Good night, lady Skye|ZZZ :P
L790[20:15:47] * vifino giggles
L791[20:15:55] <Izaya> o/
L792[20:16:54] <Skye|ZZZ> Oh... Just before I sleep...
L793[20:17:02] <Skye|ZZZ> TabletCube: https://twitter.com/skyem123/status/580277205982449664
L794[20:17:34] <TabletCube> Wow such old
L795[20:18:03] <Skye|ZZZ> Also, it's kinda funny as 'Skye' fits for both 'he' and 'she'...
L796[20:18:17] <TabletCube> Skye|ZZZ: that network actually relied on a device generating a clock signal
L797[20:18:34] <Skye|ZZZ> Huh
L798[20:18:37] <Skye|ZZZ> Well
L799[20:18:44] <Skye|ZZZ> sleep now
L800[20:18:47] <Skye|ZZZ> Bye
L801[20:18:49] <TabletCube> i.e you would possibly have a dedicated special 'clock device'
L802[20:19:10] <Skye|ZZZ> Night!
L803[20:20:22] * Izaya is cleaning out emilia's daemons, so far, killed off apache2 and mysql
L804[20:21:02] <TabletCube> lol, earlier today a teacher was honest about the class in an email
L805[20:21:05] <TabletCube> ' he idea was for "Principles of HCI" to go into the P2 upload as it's most likely to be plagiarised.
L806[20:21:49] <TabletCube> Honest teacher is honest.
L807[20:21:56] <Izaya> human/computer or host controller?
L808[20:22:12] <TabletCube> former
L809[20:22:36] <vifino> Mmmm. The delivery service confirmed that my server comes on next thursday.
L810[20:23:03] <Izaya> yay?
L811[20:23:05] <TabletCube> I bet the honesty was because it was a email rather than ir.
L812[20:23:07] <TabletCube> *irl
L813[20:23:10] <vifino> Izaya: Yes, yay.
L814[20:24:05] <Izaya> TabletCube, my multimedia teacher was like "Don't plagiarise in real life, but I know you'll do it here anyway so I'll allow it."
L815[20:24:11] <TabletCube> Izaya: the best bit? When my submission got checked it said 0% was plagiarised. Not a single word. Like a boss.
L816[20:24:37] <Izaya> Oh yeah, automated checkers >.<
L817[20:24:42] <Izaya> Forgot those.
L818[20:24:48] * vifino yawns again
L819[20:24:55] <vifino> Time to sleep, I guess.
L820[20:25:25] <TabletCube> Izaya: I believe the class record was set in a networking assignment.
L821[20:25:31] <Izaya> Sleep well, then, vifino.
L822[20:25:32] <TabletCube> 60% or so.
L823[20:25:36] <vifino> Good night, everyone.
L824[20:25:42] <vifino> Thanks, Izaya, you too.
L825[20:25:59] <Izaya> I know someone that submitted their sibling's assignment and got a 100%
L826[20:26:03] <Izaya> That was impressive
L827[20:26:10] * Lizzy follows vifino
L828[20:26:22] * Izaya sighs
L829[20:26:42] ⇦ Quits: CoolSquid (~SquidHub@ti0011a400-5117.bb.online.no) (Quit: Leaving)
L830[20:26:45] * vifino cuddlesleeps between Lizzy and Temia :3
L831[20:27:09] <TabletCube> Izaya: I once got 75% because it marked words from my previous attempt submitted differently.
L832[20:27:15] <vifino> ( Yes, that's a word now. I just now trademarked it :P )
L833[20:27:52] <SkySom> Boo trademarks
L834[20:28:26] <TabletCube> I could tell because it did it exactly up to the point where I added shit.
L835[20:28:27] * Izaya watches the packages being removed
L836[20:29:40] <TabletCube> Izaya: are electronic submissions a thing for you?
L837[20:30:04] <Izaya> Some classes.
L838[20:30:14] <Izaya> Hell, my english teacher likes us to use Google Docs
L839[20:30:19] <TabletCube> for me all of them are electronix
L840[20:30:51] <TabletCube> Izaya: one of our teachers knows of libreoffice
L841[20:31:09] <Izaya> Apparently they won
L842[20:31:11] <TabletCube> and I know some others in my class use it
L843[20:31:26] <Izaya> 't teach !MS because it's not "industry standard"
L844[20:31:40] <Izaya> ugh, sometimes I hate updating
L845[20:31:49] <Izaya> suddenly, half my programs don't respect my gtk theme
L846[20:32:03] <Izaya> one even refuses to have window borders
L847[20:32:32] <Izaya> Damn gnome programs, I DON'T USE A TABLET THANKS
L848[20:32:49] * TabletCube is known as the linux guy at the
L849[20:32:59] <TabletCube> *this point
L850[20:34:41] <TabletCube> To the point where I once spent a lesson where everyone got to try out linux doing an actual task
L851[20:35:10] <Izaya> fun
L852[20:35:43] <TabletCube> more recently, another teacher asked if I knew grub commands
L853[20:36:05] *** wer38 is now known as Wer38|afk
L854[20:37:09] <TabletCube> Izaya: my task ended up in failure though.
L855[20:38:59] <Lizzy> http://imgur.com/gallery/ugZDtx5
L856[20:40:08] <TabletCube> I like it,
L857[20:40:13] <TabletCube> Very much.
L858[20:43:08] <TabletCube> Apple have 9001% markup on their hw.
L859[20:44:08] <Izaya> And a 9001% markup for every place it ships through.
L860[20:47:39] <Lizzy> I'ma go sleep, my eyes are starting to burn from being awake all day
L861[20:49:24] <Izaya> Unfortunate that that happens.
L862[20:52:51] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-258-228.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
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L865[21:08:14] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
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L868[21:08:32] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
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L870[21:17:56] <ironmountain> HAY
L871[21:19:37] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com)
L872[21:19:42] <Soni> so where can I talk about suicide?
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L875[21:35:13] <Soni> so, where can I talk about suicide?
L876[21:35:42] *** Kilobyte is now known as Kiloff
L877[21:51:10] <Kodos> I love you guys
L878[21:51:20] <Soni> meh :/
L879[21:51:27] <Soni> am I on quiet again?
L880[21:51:37] * Soni slaps EnderBot2
L881[21:51:41] <ironmountain> We love you
L882[21:51:45] <Soni> >.>
L883[21:51:55] * Soni slaps Lizzy and Katie and Sangar
L884[21:53:48] <TabletCube> ...weird
L885[21:53:49] * ds84182 glomps Kodos
L886[21:55:21] * Soni slaps Lizzy and Katie and Sangar again
L887[21:56:30] <Kodos> Lizzzzzy
L888[21:56:43] <Kodos> Oh
L889[21:56:45] <Kodos> You went to bed
L890[21:56:46] <Kodos> Lame
L891[21:57:54] * TabletCube glomps ds84182
L892[21:59:16] <Kodos> !flags
L893[21:59:20] <Kodos> Well fine
L894[22:02:41] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L895[22:06:58] <TabletCube> Kodos: you around?
L896[22:07:05] <Kodos> Yerp
L897[22:07:43] <TabletCube> A studen
L898[22:08:02] <TabletCube> student union here went full retard
L899[22:08:14] <TabletCube> Never go full retard.
L900[22:08:37] <Kodos> What happened
L901[22:09:01] <TabletCube> http://instinctmagazine.com/post/uk-students-union-passes-policy-banning-gay-white-men-acting-black-women
L902[22:09:13] <TabletCube> The title ought to be enough.
L903[22:09:55] <Kodos> Indeed
L904[22:09:59] <Kodos> Now brb, setting up singularity engine
L905[22:10:27] <TabletCube> Lord Singuloth demands to be fed.
L906[22:10:54] <Kodos> Indeed.
L907[22:11:20] <Kodos> But first
L908[22:11:48] <Kodos> I have to fill the phoron tanks, set up the RCAs, wrench and weld the emitters and the field generators, set up the PA, and make sure the SMES for the emitters is charged
L909[22:12:25] <Kodos> Then I can turn the emitters on, enable the containment field, and activate the PA so the gravitational singularity generator can fire
L910[22:12:46] <Kodos> Annnd I nearly forgot my Optical Meson Matrix Goggles
L911[22:13:44] *** Kiloff is now known as Kilobyte
L912[22:14:26] <Kodos> Then I still have to go fix the wires in the kitchen and armory because our mapmaker borked them
L913[22:14:34] <Kodos> And then hook up the 4 solar arrays
L914[22:15:56] <TabletCube> Phoron tanks?
L915[22:16:07] <TabletCube> Is it not plasma?
L916[22:16:30] <Kodos> On the server I play on, Plasma is called Phoron
L917[22:16:40] <Kodos> Same thing though
L918[22:18:51] <TabletCube> Kodos: I was considering joining that union
L919[22:19:14] <TabletCube> But now? Fuck it, they be SJWs
L920[22:19:58] <Kodos> Not going to even have that discussion, tbh
L921[22:20:54] <TabletCube> Social Justice (if it's actual justice) is fine. Tumblr-style justice is terrible
L922[22:24:48] <Kodos> Okay, RCAs are set, PA is assembled, now I'm heading out to set up the containment field and then I can fire up the PA :3
L923[22:25:00] <Kodos> Love being CE <3
L924[22:32:40] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L925[22:34:19] <Kodos> And we have stabilization at stage 2.5 :3
L926[22:35:19] <Kodos> I'll always remember how much of a beauty the singularity engine is
L927[22:35:20] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f19398.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L928[22:38:35] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Kodos: what game were you talking about there
L929[22:38:43] <Kodos> Space Station 13
L930[22:39:20] <Kodos> Takes me about 20-30 minutes to set up the engine, but it can run for RL Days once I'm done
L931[22:39:34] <Kodos> Well, until the phoron runs out and I have to refill the tanks
L932[22:40:00] <Kodos> But unless I get lucky and no one griefs the server while I'm in bed, the server usually restarts before that happens
L933[23:01:25] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f19398.skybroadband.com)
L934[23:02:33] <TabletCube> http://www.reddit.com/r/teenagecoders/comments/30khr0/pseudopsa_html_is_not_a_programming_language/
L935[23:02:39] <TabletCube> upvote please
L936[23:02:44] * gamax92 downvotes
L937[23:03:11] <reddit> .
L938[23:04:53] ⇦ Quits: Graypup_ (~Graypup@2600:3c00:e000:bc::17) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
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L940[23:06:19] <^v> [OpenComputers] http://git.io/jR7E kreezxil opened issue ( Forge b1344 breaks OpenComputers )
L941[23:09:58] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/lL3LtFD.jpg
L942[23:11:36] <^v> [OpenComputers] http://git.io/jR5e Kodos-Atoz commented on issue ( Forge b1344 breaks OpenComputers )
L943[23:15:16] <^v> [OpenComputers] http://git.io/jR5s gamax92 commented on issue ( Forge b1344 breaks OpenComputers )
L944[23:16:17] <^v> [OpenComputers] http://git.io/jR58 Kodos-Atoz commented on issue ( Forge b1344 breaks OpenComputers )
L945[23:17:49] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54971B7A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L951[23:39:30] <rashy> technically, javascript is a scripting language >.>
L952[23:46:58] <Izaya> rashy: The joke is that someone applied the complaints about JS to Java
L953[23:53:49] <TabletCube> rashy: programming == scripting
L954[23:53:56] <TabletCube> your point?
L955[23:54:26] <TabletCube> Izaya: ^
L956[23:55:59] <rashy> jokes aside, there's a difference: programming languages are compiled, scripting languages are interpreted.
L957[23:56:13] <Izaya> shiiit, where is my Analogue save file!?
L958[23:56:24] <Izaya> Did I leave them on lain?
L959[23:56:57] <gamax92> "Draw something with your eyes closed"
L960[23:57:01] <gamax92> best failures 10/10
L961[23:57:25] <Izaya> Is there a way to actually delete a file without doing the recycle bin crap on Windows?
L962[23:57:29] <TabletCube> rashy: python compiles stuffs to .pyc files
L963[23:57:43] <TabletCube> your definition is inaccurate
L964[23:58:27] <gamax92> Izaya: shift delete
L965[23:58:34] <gamax92> iirc
L966[23:58:48] <Izaya> It confuses me why it's not in the context menu
L967[23:59:03] ⇦ Quits: Soni (SoniEx2@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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