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L1[00:01:00] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L2[00:02:17] <Kodos> =( Texture picker doesn't work on liquids
L3[00:06:47] <Kodos> Annd lava prints don't look like regular lava, so no hidden paths =(
L4[00:08:04] ⇦ Quits: OneM_Industries (webchat@ftth-66-132.bvunet.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L5[00:19:18] <Kodos> Bleh, I still can't move folders at a time?
L6[00:23:51] <^v> [OpenComputers] http://git.io/jUds Kodos-Atoz opened issue ( Moving files using existing filenames will delete files altogether )
L7[00:24:09] <Kodos> Yay for finding bugs when you're half asleep
L8[00:33:06] <gamax92> #p
L9[00:33:08] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 2.008 Seconds passed.
L10[00:33:20] <gamax92> i dunt get it, my internet seems to get worse as the quality indicator goes up
L11[00:33:51] <gamax92> 60%, horrid speed, most pages timeout, 53% decent speed, 40% horrid speed, most pages timeout
L12[00:56:56] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L13[01:10:25] <Kodos> If I wanted to run a piece of code 100 times, would I use for x = 1,100 or for x = 0, 100
L14[01:12:37] <Izaya> 1, I think.
L15[01:15:33] <Kodos> k
L16[01:15:42] <Kodos> Trying to think of how I want to do this autorun program
L17[01:16:50] <Kodos> You know, I have to admit, for all his anger problems, I'm curious as to what Kenny would be doing with RAIDs, Drones, and 3D printers were he still here
L18[01:17:43] <dangranos> who is kenny?
L19[01:17:52] <Kodos> Oh boy
L20[01:17:54] <Kodos> Let me tell you the story
L21[01:18:01] <Kodos> Better yet, one sec
L22[01:18:28] *** Daiyousei is now known as LearningFairy
L23[01:20:53] <Kodos> Check PMs
L24[01:21:22] <dangranos> just did
L25[01:23:21] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/gLDyO/c0ff1700f8.png <3
L26[01:24:40] <dangranos> huh?
L27[01:24:45] <dangranos> what is this?
L28[01:25:07] <Kodos> A conversation back when Kenny was around and had op powers
L29[01:25:31] <dangranos> no, screenshot
L30[01:25:31] <Kodos> Granted, it was partially my fault as well, but that's just a minor taste of the level of hostility he'd reached
L31[01:25:33] <Kodos> Oh
L32[01:25:38] <Kodos> That's an RFTools modular screen
L33[01:29:17] <dangranos> what +q mode is?
L34[01:30:17] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L35[01:30:34] <Dashkal> 'quiet'. Blocks the person from speaking to anybody but opers
L36[01:48:55] <Kodos> Mkay, time to write this redstone program
L37[01:52:16] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1FAD739DFB6CCE451A6456.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L38[01:52:17] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L39[01:52:28] <Kodos> Vexatos, 3D Printing in OC =D
L40[01:52:57] <Kodos> Wait, you knew that already
L41[01:52:58] <Kodos> Derp
L42[01:53:05] <Kodos> Sorry for ping =(
L43[01:53:54] <Vexatos> \o
L44[01:54:18] <Vexatos> Kodos, I was in this channel, working on OPPM for over 6 hours straight yesterday >_>
L45[01:54:23] <Kodos> I know, I saw the logs
L46[01:55:48] <dangranos> working on what exactly?
L47[02:06:05] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~doty1154@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L48[02:07:35] <Vexatos> dangranos, the ability to specify folders in your programs.cfg
L49[02:07:39] <Vexatos> instead of just files
L50[02:12:30] <Kodos> Heh, just found his debug print on pastebin
L51[02:15:48] <Vexatos> Kodos, he didn't set it to unlisted? >_>
L52[02:15:51] <Vexatos> I always do that
L53[02:16:17] <Kodos> He didn't even use his signin name
L54[02:16:20] <Kodos> It's under guest
L55[02:16:52] <Vexatos> well, oppm works now with folders :P
L56[02:17:13] <Vexatos> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Sangar-Programs/blob/master/programs.cfg#L62-L69
L57[02:17:14] <Vexatos> U:
L58[02:32:48] ⇨ Joins: Something12 (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net)
L59[02:35:17] <Kodos> Bleh, seems that tinting isn't working
L60[02:37:03] <dangranos> "Password: [your password] (in plain text, no SSL/Security)"
L61[02:37:21] <Kodos> wat
L62[02:37:32] <dangranos> just on some email server
L63[02:37:39] <Izaya> dangranos: Must be running Exchange
L64[02:37:54] <dangranos> why?
L65[02:37:55] <Izaya> Only mail server that would store it in plain text
L66[02:39:10] <dangranos> no, its connection info
L67[02:39:19] <dangranos> *how to connect to it
L68[02:39:39] <dangranos> little instruction on the bottom
L69[02:39:46] <Izaya> :P I'm just voicing my distrust of Exchange
L70[02:39:54] <dangranos> ah
L71[02:40:10] <dangranos> also, it doesnt use ssl because it's on cjdns/hyperboria
L72[02:40:49] <dangranos> why would you require encryption when the whole protocol includes it
L73[02:41:01] <Izaya> Paranoia, of course.
L74[02:41:11] <Izaya> Oh yeah, I'm getting a fancy case with a window, soon :D
L75[02:41:27] <dangranos> install windows on it
L76[02:41:31] <Izaya> ie this week
L77[02:41:52] <Izaya> dangranos: I'm going to put a Windows Vista sticker on it as a meta-joke of sorts.
L78[02:42:00] <dangranos> windows 8
L79[02:42:03] <dangranos> not 8.1
L80[02:42:22] <Vexatos> windows 93 q-q
L81[02:43:08] <Izaya> Vista was more of a joke than 8.
L82[02:43:13] <Vexatos> http://www.windows93.net/
L83[02:43:27] <Izaya> At least 8 could run on existing hardware.
L84[02:44:09] <dangranos> what is that?
L85[02:44:42] <Izaya> > /c/trash/
L86[02:44:47] <Vexatos> Izaya, heh
L87[02:45:27] <dangranos> ln -s /dev/null /c/windows
L88[02:45:44] <dangranos> noo
L89[02:46:02] <Izaya> It has nanoloop?
L90[02:48:16] <dangranos> what is nanoloop?
L91[02:49:02] <Vexatos> Izaya, it has got everything you'd ever not want
L92[02:49:28] <Izaya> Vexatos: Implied, it's Windows, after all.
L93[02:49:42] <Vexatos> :3
L94[02:59:26] <^v> [OpenComputers] http://git.io/jUds fnuecke closed issue ( Moving files using existing filenames will delete files altogether )
L95[02:59:42] <Sangar> o/
L96[03:01:34] <Kodos> Howdy
L97[03:02:30] <Kodos> I figured out that the texture of the ExU greenscreen doesn't get its green tint, so I have a 'blank' texture to use if I just want to tint
L98[03:04:18] <Sangar> heh
L99[03:05:10] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L100[03:07:19] <Kodos> Anyone have a hexcode for brown handy?
L101[03:08:03] <Vexatos> \o Snagar
L102[03:08:28] *** Skye|ZzZ is now known as Skye|School
L103[03:08:36] <Sangar> morning Vexatos
L104[03:08:52] <Vexatos> Kodos, 895520
L105[03:08:55] <Vexatos> Quite a nice brown
L106[03:09:20] <Vexatos> remove some blue if you want a stronger colour
L107[03:09:58] <Vexatos> http://html-color-codes.info/webfarben_hexcodes/ masterrace
L108[03:10:04] <dangranos> O_o listening websdr
L109[03:10:27] <dangranos> found someone by callsign and name on social network
L110[03:10:36] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/gOKYn/2911305898.png
L111[03:11:19] <Vexatos> Sangar, I am actually tempted to add a Canvas block to Computronics
L112[03:11:29] <Sangar> what'd it do?
L113[03:11:29] <Vexatos> with plain #FFFFFF
L114[03:11:34] <Vexatos> so you can add tint
L115[03:11:39] <Vexatos> for the printer
L116[03:11:44] <Vexatos> to that texture :P
L117[03:11:51] <Sangar> oh, you were to bed then? printer can tint now :P
L118[03:11:59] <Vexatos> That's what I mean
L119[03:12:01] <Vexatos> it can tint
L120[03:12:04] <Sangar> eh
L121[03:12:05] <Sangar> aaah
L122[03:12:11] <Sangar> so for the texture you mean?
L123[03:12:12] <Vexatos> but there is no pure white texture in vanilla OC
L124[03:12:20] <Kodos> Vanilla? No
L125[03:12:21] <Vexatos> i.e. what Kodos uses
L126[03:12:21] <Kodos> OpenLights though
L127[03:12:26] <Kodos> I'm using ExU though
L128[03:12:26] <Vexatos> he's abusing the greenscreen
L129[03:12:56] <Sangar> sure, why not :D
L130[03:12:56] <Vexatos> Sangar, how about 9 chamelium turns into a chamelium block
L131[03:13:18] <Sangar> that being colorless?
L132[03:13:20] <Vexatos> you can combine that with any dye to get a block of pure colour, and you can use its texture in the 3D printer for tinting
L133[03:13:26] <Sangar> ah
L134[03:13:54] <Sangar> so like wool, but a pure white base?
L135[03:14:08] <Vexatos> yes. also, the colours you apply won't change the texture name
L136[03:14:19] <Vexatos> so it will always be pure white for the 3D printer
L137[03:14:23] <Sangar> sure
L138[03:14:25] <Sangar> yeah
L139[03:14:28] <Vexatos> But.... It doesn't really fit into Computronics, does it..... Should add it to OC. :P
L140[03:15:19] <Kodos> BTW Vex
L141[03:15:21] <Kodos> Saw the teleporter gif
L142[03:15:24] <Kodos> When's that being pushed
L143[03:15:33] <Sangar> Vexatos, yeah, thought that, too
L144[03:15:40] <dangranos> ._.
L145[03:15:43] <Sangar> i'll add it in a bit
L146[03:15:43] <dangranos> i want radio T_T
L147[03:16:27] <dangranos> what mod is that? ._.
L148[03:16:29] <Vexatos> Sangar, just keep the texture and have a custom renderer just applying a dye colour in case you indeed colour it... Maybe a colouring system like leather armour?
L149[03:16:46] <Vexatos> Then you could do the same models you can do in the 3D printer
L150[03:16:52] <Vexatos> in real size
L151[03:16:54] <Sangar> Vexatos, Colored interface :P
L152[03:16:58] <Vexatos> Yessss
L153[03:17:03] <Vexatos> Sangar, new item
L154[03:17:06] <Sangar> like for cables and screens and such
L155[03:17:11] <Vexatos> Give it the 4 pieces of printer dye
L156[03:17:18] <Vexatos> it's GUI has RGB sliders
L157[03:17:24] <Kodos> No sliders
L158[03:17:26] <Vexatos> shift-right click to open GUI
L159[03:17:26] <Kodos> Number entry
L160[03:17:44] <Vexatos> Sangar, right click on Colourable(tm) blocks to apply
L161[03:17:45] <Kodos> Sliders irk me to no end, I can never get just the right number I'm trying to get
L162[03:17:49] <Vexatos> Or that
L163[03:17:51] <Vexatos> whatever
L164[03:17:58] <Izaya> Kodos: A button to switch!
L165[03:18:09] <Sangar> hrm... i actually wanted to get the color interface more towards using an enumdyes thinger, not free colors :X
L166[03:18:27] <Vexatos> Sangar, then make it work just for the chamelium blocks :P
L167[03:19:27] ⇦ Quits: gamax92 (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L168[03:19:27] ⇦ Quits: johnlage (johnlage@never.use.root.sx) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L169[03:19:54] <Kodos> http://pastebin.com/W4GLNE39
L170[03:20:02] <Kodos> This is your brain on CC
L171[03:20:06] <Kodos> (Kidding)
L172[03:20:21] ⇨ Joins: JohnRipley (~Something@
L173[03:20:23] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L174[03:20:35] <Sangar> Vexatos, please take into consideration that my productivity has gone to new lows now that i can make miniatures of all the things :X
L175[03:20:42] <Sangar> http://i.imgur.com/7VStCRG.png desert well \o/
L176[03:21:30] <Vexatos> Sangar, a 0xFFFFFF texture to use would be really amazing
L177[03:21:44] <Vexatos> Just saying ;)
L178[03:21:45] <Kodos> Vexatos, just green screen
L179[03:21:50] <Sangar> yeah, i will do that. just not the gui slidery thingy ^^
L180[03:21:51] <Vexatos> Kodos, in OC
L181[03:21:54] <Vexatos> I don't use ExU
L182[03:22:03] <Vexatos> Sangar, I'm fine with plain numbers
L183[03:22:17] <Vexatos> And the colouring of the block itself is just to make the actual block useful
L184[03:22:28] <Vexatos> Not that it only exists to provide a texture
L185[03:22:36] <Sangar> aye
L186[03:22:53] <Kodos> Sangar, new model idea
L187[03:23:01] <Kodos> Big red button that actually pushes in when you click it
L188[03:23:11] <Vexatos> label = "DO NOT PUSH!"
L189[03:23:11] <Kodos> I need this for my space station
L190[03:23:20] <Sangar> go for it
L191[03:23:29] <Vexatos> Kodos, get BuildCraft additions
L192[03:23:31] <Vexatos> and craft a KEB
L193[03:23:38] <Kodos> A ut
L194[03:23:38] <Kodos> wut
L195[03:23:51] <Kodos> What version of BC is it for
L196[03:23:52] <dangranos> :O
L197[03:23:56] ⇨ Joins: johnlage (johnlage@never.use.root.sx)
L198[03:24:06] <Kodos> I have 6.4.3 atm I think
L199[03:24:09] <dangranos> Sangar, what mod is that ._.
L200[03:24:16] <Vexatos> Kinetic Energy Buffer. It's like any other battery block, except that its GUI has a Big red Button that sais "DO NOT PUSH!". If you push it twice, everything asplodes :3
L201[03:24:18] <Sangar> dangranos, what mod is what?
L202[03:24:25] <Vexatos> And there is a 1x1 KEB, a 2x2 and a 3x3
L203[03:24:37] <dangranos> teleportes, 3d printers, etc
L204[03:24:38] <Kodos> What is the actual function of the KEB
L205[03:24:46] <Vexatos> and the 3x3's explosion if it's fully charged should explode enough to destroy at least half your base
L206[03:24:51] <Sangar> dangranos, teleporters is enderio, printer is oc
L207[03:25:01] ⇨ Joins: gamax92 (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu)
L208[03:25:08] <dangranos> and you are talking about what?
L209[03:25:12] <Vexatos> http://gfycat.com/UltimateCourageousColt \o\
L210[03:25:43] <Kodos> brb I'm gonna go find a voxel big red button
L211[03:25:52] <Sangar> dangranos, https://youtu.be/L46kdUxTcbk
L212[03:25:52] -Kibibyte- [Sangar] OpenComputers: 3D Printer Preview | by mightypirateslp | 10m17s | 13h41m ago | 357 views | Rated: 4.74/5.00
L213[03:26:08] <Vexatos> mightypiratesLP 11/10 best channel
L214[03:26:17] <dangranos> so, will there be interactive 3d printed things?
L215[03:26:22] <Sangar> yes
L216[03:26:29] <Vexatos> dangranos, "will"?
L217[03:26:36] <Vexatos> just watch the video q_q
L218[03:26:36] <Sangar> jenkins if you wanna mess with it now
L219[03:26:52] <Vexatos> Sangar, needs more OPPM tutorials on the channel
L220[03:27:00] <Sangar> :P
L221[03:27:01] <Vexatos> I was thinking like 9 parts @ 60 minutes each
L222[03:27:10] <Vexatos> xD
L223[03:27:15] <Sangar> uhuh. typing 'oppm install print3d' veeeerry slowly
L224[03:27:23] <Vexatos> veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery
L225[03:27:26] <Vexatos> vary
L226[03:27:30] <Vexatos> vary slowly
L227[03:27:34] <Vexatos> :3
L228[03:27:35] <Sangar> varry
L229[03:27:46] <Vexatos> vary very varrily
L230[03:28:00] <dangranos> wai, oc ores? :O
L231[03:28:06] <Vexatos> what? no q_q
L232[03:28:09] <dangranos> oh
L233[03:28:14] <Vexatos> Noone is THAT stupid
L234[03:28:36] <Sangar> retrogen all the ores ... maybe not :X
L235[03:28:46] <Sangar> Computerium
L236[03:28:49] <dangranos> what IS retrogen?
L237[03:28:56] <Kodos> Okay, time to design a button on graph paper
L238[03:29:03] <Sangar> dangranos, generating ores in already generated world areas
L239[03:29:45] <Sangar> Kodos, I use excel :X (not even kidding)
L240[03:29:58] * Kodos just googled Online graph paper
L241[03:30:19] <Vexatos> Sangar, use techne
L242[03:30:24] <Vexatos> and its coordinates :P
L243[03:30:28] <Vexatos> Totally not overkill
L244[03:30:31] <Kodos> s/techne/tabula
L245[03:30:31] <Kibibyte> <Vexatos> Sangar, use tabula
L246[03:30:33] <Sangar> uhuh
L247[03:30:50] <Vexatos> inb4 Sangar adds tcn mode parser to OPPM
L248[03:31:40] <Sangar> that would be something, wouldn't it :X
L249[03:33:22] <Kodos> How would you check whether it was doable in a 3dm or not
L250[03:33:58] <Vexatos> Sangar, you should have an example .3dm file on your repo that contains everything you can possibly do inside of it plus comments
L251[03:34:03] <Vexatos> just like my example.cfg
L252[03:34:09] <Vexatos> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Vexatos-Programs/blob/master/op-manager/example.cfg
L253[03:34:26] <Kodos> tint, state, emitRedstone, texture, am I missing anything?
L254[03:34:28] <Sangar> yes i should
L255[03:34:34] <Sangar> now that it's kinda ... finalish.
L256[03:35:06] ⇨ Joins: JohnRipleyy (~Something@
L257[03:36:07] ⇨ Joins: JohnRipley2 (~Something@
L258[03:36:07] <Kodos> My friend says that he wants to be able to make prints usable as beacon bases, even if it used a more expensive base material
L259[03:36:19] <Sangar> {label, tooltip, emitRedstone, buttonMode, shapes = {{...,texture,state,tint}}}
L260[03:36:45] <Kodos> Oh yeah, forgot about tooltip
L261[03:36:50] <Sangar> i'm not sure that's even technically possible - without asm anyway
L262[03:37:59] ⇦ Quits: JohnRipley (~Something@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L263[03:38:08] <Kodos> Well I know EIO adds blocks that can be used as beacon bases
L264[03:38:15] <Kodos> But I don't know how they implemented it :x
L265[03:39:14] ⇦ Quits: JohnRipleyy (~Something@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L266[03:41:44] <Vexatos> Sangar, https://github.com/SleepyTrousers/EnderIO/blob/master/src/main/java/crazypants/enderio/material/BlockIngotStorage.java#L79-L83
L267[03:42:01] <Sangar> oh, that simple
L268[03:42:19] <Vexatos> see all the parameters, i.e. you can actually make it depend on certain NBT data
L269[03:42:21] <Kodos> Also, Sangar, before I forget to ask, what inventory slots are which in a case? I'm using RFTool's modular screens to monitor inventories, power, etc
L270[03:42:54] <Vexatos> Soo, Sangar how about you craft a model with some item to upgrade it :3
L271[03:42:56] <Sangar> Kodos, uh, top-to-bottom left-to-right iirc
L272[03:43:09] <Kodos> Hm, the CPU didn't read as 3
L273[03:43:13] <Kodos> I'll poke around
L274[03:43:20] <Sangar> Vexatos, it's a possibility i guess. craft it with a block of diamond or so :P
L275[03:43:24] <Vexatos> Yes
L276[03:43:28] <Vexatos> Shouldn't be cheap
L277[03:43:33] <Sangar> ofc
L278[03:43:37] <Vexatos> and the crafting recipe would just add another NBT tag then
L279[03:43:41] <Vexatos> and isBeaconBase checks for that
L280[03:43:44] <Vexatos> it's really easy
L281[03:43:53] <Sangar> yeah
L282[03:44:02] <Sangar> one thing after the other :P
L283[03:45:07] <Kodos> Sangar, keep in mind there's no difference in using iron or diamond for a vanilla beacon base
L284[03:45:15] <Kodos> Buffwise and such, anyway
L285[03:45:21] <Vexatos> Sangar, first things first, though. Do the example.3dm :P
L286[03:45:26] <Vexatos> Make sure to not place it in /models
L287[03:45:35] <Vexatos> as it would then be downloaded q_q
L288[03:45:36] <Kodos> I get wanting to keep it not cheap, but a block of diamond seems a bit much if I want to make my beacon look like a proper pyramid
L289[03:45:52] <Vexatos> Kodos, it does not :P
L290[03:45:55] <Sangar> Vexatos, why shouldn't it get downloaded? o.O
L291[03:46:01] <Kodos> Also Vexatos how does one get a repo for oppm
L292[03:46:13] <Vexatos> Sangar, what you download in OPPM should _work_
L293[03:46:21] <Vexatos> examples aren't supposed to work
L294[03:46:26] <Sangar> wot
L295[03:46:31] <Vexatos> see my example.cfg, that thing's totally invalid
L296[03:46:32] <Sangar> examples should work >_>
L297[03:46:40] <Vexatos> it just shows everything you can possibly do
L298[03:46:42] <Sangar> well, that's nice. i'll make a working example tho :X
L299[03:46:51] <Vexatos> >_>
L300[03:47:06] <Kodos> Sangar, I have one request :x
L301[03:47:13] <Vexatos> Also, Sangar, I'd rather have print3d and print3d-examples downloading the /models folder
L302[03:47:18] <Kodos> When you commit the beacon thing, can you credit DeathRtH for the suggestion?
L303[03:47:19] <Vexatos> what if you only want the program?
L304[03:48:05] <Vexatos> Sangar, may I change it?
L305[03:48:06] <Sangar> ehh, i guess. you have edit rights, go right ahead :X
L306[03:48:15] <Vexatos> ok
L307[03:48:22] <Sangar> Kodos, sure
L308[03:48:24] <Vexatos> I also provide song and song-examples
L309[03:48:35] <Vexatos> song-examples has song as a dependency, so that's fine :P
L310[03:51:35] <Vexatos> .openprg
L311[03:51:45] <^v> Vexatos,
L312[03:52:18] <Vexatos> By the way, Sangar, have you seen the new search bar at http://openprograms.github.io/
L313[03:52:33] <Vexatos> Only took almost 2 hours to make >__>
L314[03:53:04] <Sangar> nifty
L315[03:53:40] <Sangar> adding simple blocks is so refreshingly simple :X
L316[03:53:42] <dangranos> now more animated mowement :D
L317[03:54:28] <Kodos> I want to be able to put prints on as a helmet
L318[03:54:32] <Kodos> So I can make myself a straw hat
L319[03:54:48] <dangranos> OC - now with hats!
L320[03:54:51] <Kodos> Or making weapons
L321[03:55:06] <Kodos> Just a regular melee weapon, standard damage across the board, but making something your own
L322[03:55:58] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p549CE279.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L323[03:56:12] <Sangar> Kodos, there's that mod that allows designing custom equipment for that :P
L324[03:56:18] <Sangar> i forget the name
L325[03:56:20] <Kodos> I know, but it's terrible
L326[03:56:24] <Kodos> Armourer's workshop
L327[03:56:25] <Sangar> it is? that's too bad
L328[03:56:30] <Sangar> http://i.imgur.com/3wy4eB5.png
L329[03:56:35] <Sangar> they look oddly delicious
L330[03:56:39] <Kodos> I'd just want a method of making a melee weapon
L331[03:56:42] <Kodos> Doesn't have to be strong
L332[03:57:01] <dangranos> CF2 :D
L333[03:57:08] <Kodos> Wut
L334[03:57:13] <dangranos> wi
L335[03:57:15] <dangranos> *wai
L336[03:57:22] <Vexatos> .openprg
L337[03:57:28] <^v> Vexatos,
L338[03:57:34] <dangranos> ^always misread os openrpg
L339[03:57:35] <Vexatos> Sangar, I just added URLs to all your packages >_>
L340[03:57:38] <Vexatos> for the website
L341[03:58:20] <Vexatos> .openprg
L342[03:58:24] <dangranos> links in oprg descriptions?
L343[03:58:26] <^v> Vexatos,
L344[03:58:30] <Sangar> k
L345[04:01:42] <Vexatos> okay, this error is ping's fault
L346[04:01:43] <Vexatos> .openprg
L347[04:01:47] <^v> Vexatos,
L348[04:02:03] <Eearslya> Is there any way to deal with a server getting tons of messages at once? It seems sometimes a few packets don't get caught because it's busy with others
L349[04:02:41] <dangranos> coroutines?
L350[04:02:59] <dangranos> mesages buffer?
L351[04:03:11] <Eearslya> OC has threads?
L352[04:03:29] <dangranos> its lua, ofc it has coroutines
L353[04:03:39] <dangranos> ~w coroutines
L354[04:03:40] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-coroutine
L355[04:03:45] <Eearslya> I've never been proficient at LUA
L356[04:04:10] <Eearslya> Well thanks; I'll look into that
L357[04:04:43] *** Yepoleb is now known as Guest80980
L358[04:04:45] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~quassel@178-191-133-88.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L359[04:05:54] <Vexatos> Eearslya, it's called Lua, not LUA :)
L360[04:06:08] <dangranos> we need LUABot
L361[04:06:29] <dangranos> which will correct LUA to Lua
L362[04:06:39] ⇦ Quits: Guest80980 (~quassel@178-191-135-249.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L363[04:07:12] <Kodos> Okay, 12x12 button design is done
L364[04:07:17] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@
L365[04:07:17] <Kodos> Now to figure out a way to fit it into 16 shapes
L366[04:07:18] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L367[04:08:14] <Eearslya> Well, excuuuse me, princess. XD
L368[04:08:38] <Vexatos> .openprg
L369[04:08:46] <^v> Vexatos,
L370[04:09:40] <Kodos> Vexatos, I want a repo for oppm :3
L371[04:09:50] <Vexatos> ping, it didn't push, apparently q_q
L372[04:09:52] <Vexatos> .openprg
L373[04:10:00] <^v> Vexatos,
L374[04:10:32] <Vexatos> Yup, ping
L375[04:10:35] <Vexatos> it didn't push
L376[04:10:41] <Vexatos> Kodos, okay
L377[04:10:45] <Kodos> Sweet
L378[04:10:47] <Vexatos> ~w oppm
L379[04:10:47] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/tutorial:program:oppm
L380[04:10:49] <Vexatos> read this first
L381[04:10:53] <Vexatos> once you read all of it, tell me
L382[04:14:20] ⇦ Quits: JohnRipley2 (~Something@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L383[04:16:22] <Kodos> The paths are a bit confusing, but none of my stuff is very complex, so I should be able to swing it
L384[04:16:38] <Kodos> In any case, done reading
L385[04:26:09] <Vexatos> k
L386[04:26:21] <Vexatos> It's really the easiest way to do it
L387[04:26:45] <Kodos> I think the fanciest thing I've coded is a dynamic capbank monitor program that uses a colorful lamp
L388[04:26:49] <Vexatos> Kodos, so I assume you also want your programs to be on OPPM?
L389[04:27:07] <Vexatos> By the way, better only put programs onto OPPM that actually work :P
L390[04:27:23] <Kodos> This works, it just -requires- a colorful lamp for right now
L391[04:27:26] <Vexatos> There, invite sent
L392[04:27:31] <Vexatos> go to github.com and accept it
L393[04:27:33] <Kodos> It's in the commented todo list that I need to fix it
L394[04:27:50] <Kodos> Who did you invite?
L395[04:27:53] <Kodos> Because it wasn't me
L396[04:28:05] <Sangar> http://i.imgur.com/7qiNZwY.png welp, looks silly, but works :X
L397[04:28:07] <Vexatos> What's your username, Kodos
L398[04:28:12] <Kodos> Kodos-Atoz
L399[04:28:16] <Vexatos> Then I did invite you
L400[04:28:22] <Kodos> Because the scrub kid who owns Kodos won't give up the name
L401[04:28:27] <Vexatos> Kodos, https://github.com/OpenPrograms
L402[04:28:36] <Vexatos> there should be an invitation
L403[04:28:47] <Kodos> There it is
L404[04:28:56] <Vexatos> Now you can make your own repo
L405[04:29:18] <Vexatos> for conventions' sake, call it Kodos-Programs
L406[04:29:50] <Vexatos> Once you get some programs on there and think they are good enough to make them public, make a programs.cfg file. Once that's done, tell me and I'll add your repo to OPPM
L407[04:29:53] <Vexatos> Kodos ^
L408[04:30:01] <Kodos> Okay
L409[04:30:11] <Kodos> It'll liekly be a few days
L410[04:30:17] <Kodos> I'll move the code now though
L411[04:30:18] <Vexatos> No problem :P
L412[04:30:27] <Kodos> But I cba to deal with configs today. CPAP machine being delivered
L413[04:30:30] <Kodos> ANd I still haven't slept
L414[04:30:40] <Kodos> And I still have to clean =(
L415[04:34:08] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p549CE279.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L416[04:38:07] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/gONTr/94e238330d.png
L417[04:38:10] <Kodos> How's that for a button design
L418[04:38:59] ⇨ Joins: Nibato|Work (nibato@24-158-83-210.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com)
L419[04:39:05] ⇦ Quits: Nibato` (nibato@24-158-83-210.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L420[04:41:37] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p549CE279.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L421[04:43:54] <Kodos> We just need a program for tablets that lets us right click two times to mark a 16x16 area, and it spits out a 3dm file
L422[04:44:41] <Sangar> that's a big button
L423[04:45:14] <Sangar> also, voxels -> bounding boxes is nontrivial :P
L424[04:45:24] <Sangar> not saying it's impossible, but, yknow
L425[04:46:16] <Kodos> Well I just used wool to design the button. I had to increase the thickness of the red part one block so I could make the entire back grey, so it only takes 4 shapes instead of 14 >.>
L426[04:46:37] <Kodos> Going to build a full size version of my dimension helper now to help measure the darn thing
L427[04:46:53] <Kodos> Hmm
L428[04:47:05] <Kodos> One could probably use a debug card to getBlock at specific coordinates
L429[04:47:15] <Kodos> And write a program to convert something built inworld to a 3dm
L430[04:47:36] <Sangar> or use a nav upgrade in a tablet ;)
L431[04:48:16] <Kodos> Actually my idea wouldn't work anyway, the math to figure out the needed shapes would be a giant pain in the ass
L432[04:48:32] <Kodos> Do creative-acquired nav upgrades work?
L433[04:49:34] <Sangar> possibly
L434[04:49:38] <Sangar> can't remember
L435[04:52:23] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L436[05:01:33] ⇦ Quits: Something12 (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net) (Quit: Bai)
L437[05:27:58] * Vexatos pings ping
L438[05:28:00] <Vexatos> ping pong
L439[05:28:02] <Vexatos> pang pung
L440[05:28:08] <Vexatos> pen püng
L441[05:29:51] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L442[05:29:52] <Sangar> Vexatos, http://git.io/jTbp feel free to improve :P
L443[05:31:40] * Vexatos fixes all the punctuation
L444[05:35:51] <Kodos> Okay, button is designed, now to just figure out coordinates for these shapes
L445[05:35:59] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p549CE279.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L446[05:38:51] <Vexatos> Kodos, you can use OpenPrograms to store your models as well
L447[05:38:59] <Vexatos> but please don't turn them into a package >_>
L448[05:39:08] <Vexatos> I don't want an OpenPrograms Model Manager
L449[05:39:15] <Kodos> opmpm
L450[05:42:51] * Vexatos pings ping some more
L451[06:41:52] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L452[07:11:59] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L453[07:12:45] <Kodos> Sangar, you around?
L454[07:33:56] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L455[07:36:09] *** Benguin[ZzZ] is now known as Benguin
L456[07:41:01] *** CiPeW is now known as Csstform
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L461[08:05:45] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L462[08:09:41] ⇨ Joins: JohnRipley (~Something@
L463[08:10:42] <vifino> https://soundcloud.com/firepowerrecs/etcetc-tha-trickaz-supa-hot-fire
L464[08:13:17] ⇦ Quits: JohnRipley (~Something@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L465[08:22:15] ⇨ Joins: JohnRipley (~Something@
L466[08:26:47] <dangranos> firefox https://pp.vk.me/c622726/v622726297/225b9/EueGKUSjkCQ.jpg
L467[08:30:33] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Quit: Leaving)
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L472[08:52:06] *** Kilobyte is now known as Kiloff
L473[08:56:52] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L474[09:02:18] <vifino> http://strawpoll.me/3957124
L475[09:04:36] * vifino slaps Vexatos
L476[09:04:36] * EnderBot2 laughs
L477[09:05:31] <Vexatos> Seriously, vifino, I can find you a bunch of names on pretty much anything
L478[09:05:51] <Vexatos> all of which are less boring than fireblazer :P
L479[09:05:55] <vifino> q_q
L480[09:06:07] <^v> [OpenComputers] http://git.io/jItv Hoijima commented on issue ( Odd slow performance rate )
L481[09:06:56] <vifino> Vexatos: Most of them are given to me, originally I had infinity
L482[09:09:16] <vifino> Vexatos: Give me a better name for a fucking turbine then? .-.
L483[09:09:30] <Vexatos> turbine?
L484[09:10:00] <vifino> Vexatos: When that thing turns on, it is like a jet engine starting
L485[09:10:20] <Katie> I miss that sound..
L486[09:10:21] <Katie> lol
L487[09:10:43] <Vexatos> vifino, Typhon?
L488[09:10:48] <vifino> Typhon?
L489[09:11:06] <Vexatos> Greek Mythology, something like a titan
L490[09:11:15] <vifino> Oooooh
L491[09:11:17] <Vexatos> represents whirlwind, hurricane and tornado
L492[09:11:35] <Vexatos> How about that?
L493[09:11:45] <vifino> Thats indeed very nice.
L494[09:11:52] <vifino> +1 Vexatos
L495[09:11:59] <Vexatos> The existence of the word "typhoon".... guess where that comes from
L496[09:13:01] <Vexatos> See, vifino? I won't ever have to worry about boring names anymore :P
L497[09:13:10] <vifino> :)
L498[09:13:27] <vifino> Gonna choose it over infinity without a doubt.
L499[09:18:02] ⇦ Quits: Kamran (Kamran@kamran.ml) (Quit: BNC - Hosted by EpicKitty. Also: Puppies!)
L500[09:19:51] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (Joe@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com)
L501[09:20:51] ⇨ Joins: Kamran (Kamran@kamran.ml)
L502[09:20:55] <iceman11a> Has any one even made a lua code that can work bundled cable for a traffic lights
L503[09:24:53] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@achs37.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
L504[09:25:02] <g> that's an awfully specific use case
L505[09:32:48] <vifino> Vexatos: Whelp, so many random people voting "other" with stupid ideas. '24U4u'
L506[09:33:35] <Vexatos> vifino, my suggestion's still better :P
L507[09:33:44] <g> vifino, do you have any servers already?
L508[09:33:49] <vifino> Better than 24U4u?
L509[09:33:50] <vifino> Yes.
L510[09:33:54] <g> What are they called?
L511[09:34:11] <vifino> Archie, Arachno, omega, chrono, ...
L512[09:34:21] <vifino> No scheme or anything.
L513[09:34:29] <g> You should really have some kind of naming convention
L514[09:34:36] <vifino> Just kool names given to me by others.
L515[09:34:41] <g> eg, all my servers were named after trees
L516[09:34:47] <vifino> I should, I could, but I won't.
L517[09:34:48] <g> ivy, birch, oak, elm, etc
L518[09:35:06] <g> well, it's just easier to remember
L519[09:41:39] <ping> Vexatos, im here
L520[09:42:07] <Vexatos> ping: caretv properly parsed .openprg
L521[09:42:10] <Vexatos> but didn't push
L522[09:42:27] <Vexatos> it didn't pull either
L523[09:42:30] <ping> ah
L524[09:42:37] <ping> its not pulling because of the modified js
L525[09:42:48] <Vexatos> Why do you have a modified js?
L526[09:43:15] <ping> removed the unused trySearch iirc
L527[09:43:25] <Vexatos> ping: Wasn't unused
L528[09:43:30] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (Joe@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L529[09:43:34] <Vexatos> I use it for the search button
L530[09:43:45] <Vexatos> Because I didn't want the key check inline
L531[09:43:49] <Vexatos> of the HTML
L532[09:44:15] <ping> but isnt trySearch the one that checks the key
L533[09:49:46] <ping> .openprg
L534[09:49:55] <^v> ping,
L535[09:50:16] <Vexatos> ping, it is
L536[09:50:21] <Vexatos> that's why we still need it
L537[09:50:25] <Vexatos> oh wait
L538[09:50:28] <Vexatos> derp
L539[09:50:29] <Vexatos> nevermind
L540[09:50:33] <Vexatos> yes, you can remove it
L541[09:53:09] <Vexatos> .openprg
L542[09:53:17] <^v> Vexatos,
L543[09:54:13] <Vexatos> ping: Now to sort packages by alphabet in generate.lua :p
L544[09:55:23] <ping> i dont think that would be a good idea
L545[09:55:41] <Sangar> Kodos, back now
L546[09:56:11] <ping> see how my esolangs are grouped together
L547[10:00:57] <vifino> maid bettur poll
L548[10:00:59] <vifino> http://strawpoll.me/3957461
L549[10:01:01] <vifino> Vexatos: ^
L550[10:01:01] <vifino> :D
L551[10:01:55] <Vexatos> :§
L552[10:01:56] <Vexatos> :P
L553[10:02:22] <Vexatos> vifino, has to be "typhon", "typhon", "typhon" etc
L554[10:02:30] <vifino> x_x
L555[10:02:41] <Vexatos> fireblazer really is a boring name
L556[10:02:55] <vifino> .-.
L557[10:06:02] <vifino> x_x great, noone is voting
L558[10:06:20] <Sangar> heh, the (very loud) server we had for testing clustering algorithms while i was in japan was called typhoon because i thought it was punny >_> apparently i'm not alone in that
L559[10:07:52] <Sangar> so i'd vote for that if it were spelled right :P
L560[10:08:20] <vifino> Sangar: Typon is the thingie Vexatos came up with
L561[10:08:21] <vifino> x_x
L562[10:08:34] <vifino> And it _IS_ spelled correctly
L563[10:08:51] <Vexatos> Typhon*
L564[10:08:56] <vifino> bleh
L565[10:09:27] <Vexatos> Sangar, it is spelled correctly
L566[10:09:33] <Vexatos> typhoon is a typo, actually
L567[10:09:39] <Vexatos> because English people can't greek
L568[10:09:55] <vifino> And german people can't english.
L569[10:10:02] <Sangar> wot
L570[10:10:06] * vifino stares at Vexatos
L571[10:10:07] <Vexatos> Again, typhon was something similar to a titan
L572[10:10:10] <vifino> jk :3
L573[10:10:19] <Vexatos> representing hurricanes, tornadoes and whirlwinds
L574[10:10:29] <Vexatos> typhoon derives from that name
L575[10:10:33] <Vexatos> so you better vote for it, Sangar
L576[10:11:09] <Vexatos> "zenith", vifino, why would you call it zenith... That's not even related to wind or turbines or noise
L577[10:11:30] <Vexatos> Why is it on the list q_q
L578[10:11:39] <vifino> Vexatos: RayereSs | vifino: what would you say about "Zenith"?
L579[10:11:41] <vifino> ._.
L580[10:11:50] <Vexatos> Yea, but
L581[10:11:55] <Vexatos> You told me to find a fitting name
L582[10:12:02] <Vexatos> and you randomly insert a random name
L583[10:12:03] <Sangar> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhoon 'The Chinese source is the word tai fung [...] meaning "big" [...] "wind"'
L584[10:12:05] <vifino> Yes, and you did. I'm proud of you, Vexatos.
L585[10:12:15] <Sangar> that's why i'm referring to it as punny :P
L586[10:12:17] <Vexatos> Sangar, that as well
L587[10:12:21] * vifino gives Vexatos a cookie
L588[10:12:31] <Vexatos> it's very punny because it derives both from a chinese and from a greek word
L589[10:13:05] <Vexatos> vifino, but now zenith is winning, and it's not related to any of the topics you wanted the name to be about
L590[10:13:07] <Vexatos> :(
L591[10:13:15] <Sangar> in that derivation the spelling with two 'o's is kinda correct tho ;)
L592[10:13:17] <vifino> :(
L593[10:13:37] <vifino> Sangar: Just think it would be written with two 'o's
L594[10:13:46] <Sangar> pffft
L595[10:13:55] <Vexatos> zenith is the highest point the sun can be relative to where you stand, meaning 90° depending on where the ITC is. It's on the opposite side of the nadir
L596[10:13:57] <vifino> Might spell it like that in the end.
L597[10:13:59] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13__ (~Johannes@HSI-KBW-149-172-102-11.hsi13.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L598[10:14:28] <Vexatos> typhoon is boring again as it is an English word
L599[10:14:29] * Sangar proceeds to vote for infinity to confuse people using ftb packs
L600[10:14:31] <Vexatos> Typhon is a greek one
L601[10:14:40] <Vexatos> zenith is an English word as well
L602[10:15:07] <Vexatos> well, also a greek one
L603[10:15:11] <Vexatos> but it relates to the sun
L604[10:15:15] <Vexatos> and not to wind or noise
L605[10:15:16] <vifino> Vexatos: Just think zenith isn't there, I don't like it either
L606[10:15:19] * vifino shrugs
L607[10:15:39] <Vexatos> Sangar, we want good names
L608[10:15:56] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13_ (qnet@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L609[10:15:58] <Vexatos> fireblazer, infinity and zenith are the worst ones
L610[10:16:07] <vifino> q_q
L611[10:16:47] <Sangar> does the jet engine in rotarycraft have a nickname? :P
L612[10:17:46] <Sangar> hurr, looking through the wiki page on jet engines, theres a merlin rocket :> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merlin_1D
L613[10:18:35] * Vexatos now feels offended and will never suggest a name to vifino again D:<
L614[10:18:43] <vifino> D:
L615[10:19:05] <Sangar> also "Draco", "Raptor" and "Executor"... people building rockets have a weird naming sense
L616[10:19:06] <vifino> ;_; But Typhon is the best name there!
L617[10:19:15] <Sangar> it kinda is
L618[10:19:36] <Sangar> tho it still irks me to see it written with one o, even tho i know it's a name :X
L619[10:19:36] <vifino> And I voted for it, Vexatos!
L620[10:19:40] <Vexatos> I mean, it's the living and immortal incarnation, the very epitome of hurricanes :3
L621[10:20:05] <Vexatos> Sangar, just pronounce it German, then you won't feel the struggle anymore
L622[10:20:15] <Vexatos> "Tüfonn"
L623[10:20:17] <Vexatos> xD
L624[10:20:40] * Sangar baps Vexatos
L625[10:20:43] <Sangar> repeatedly
L626[10:20:57] * Lizzy slaps Vexatos
L627[10:20:57] * EnderBot2 high-fives Lizzy
L628[10:21:03] * Lizzy high-fives EnderBot2
L629[10:21:04] <Sangar> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wind_deities he's not on there :(
L630[10:21:11] * vifino hugs Lizzy
L631[10:21:16] * Lizzy hugs vifino
L632[10:21:53] <Sangar> ok, Vitztlampaehecatl obviously wins
L633[10:22:27] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L634[10:23:50] * Skye|School hugs Lizzy
L635[10:24:07] * Lizzy sneezes
L636[10:24:16] * Lizzy hugs Skye|School
L637[10:24:24] <Lizzy> who the fuck is named Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep ?
L638[10:24:32] <Lizzy> oh
L639[10:24:34] <Lizzy> potato
L640[10:24:37] <Lizzy> the bastard
L641[10:24:48] <Skye|School> Not surprising
L642[10:25:07] <Vexatos> Sangar: Sounds aztec
L643[10:25:32] <Sangar> indeed
L644[10:25:36] * vifino gives Lizzy a handkerchief ( Did I mess the spelling up? D: )
L645[10:25:48] <Skye|School> Yea
L646[10:25:50] * Lizzy wipes her nose
L647[10:26:00] <vifino> Or was it a tissue? *shrugs*
L648[10:26:07] <Skye|School> Well...
L649[10:26:14] <Vexatos> Sangar, of course it isn't there
L650[10:26:22] <Skye|School> You spelt it right
L651[10:26:26] <Vexatos> The actual "god of wind" was Aiolos or Aeolus
L652[10:26:35] <Vexatos> And the Anemoi
L653[10:26:46] <Sangar> or so that page wants you to believe!
L654[10:27:19] <Skye|School> People don't really use handkerchiefs here...
L655[10:28:39] <Sangar> i think heard kleenex tends to be a synonym pretty much? (or was that just in us?)
L656[10:28:45] <Sangar> much like tempo in germany :P
L657[10:28:53] <Vexatos> Typhon got defeated by Zeus after Zeus threw Mount Etna onto him
L658[10:29:21] <Sangar> so you want to name the server after a loser?
L659[10:29:22] <Vexatos> That's quite brutal
L660[10:30:06] <Vexatos> Sangar, Well, uranos got cut into pieces by his sons with his own scythe... That's what I call a loser
L661[10:30:18] <Skye|School> Sangar, well, people will know what you mean, but... We call them tissues.
L662[10:30:32] <Vexatos> I call them handkerchiefs
L663[10:30:53] <Skye|School> Tissues
L664[10:31:04] <Vexatos> Tissues are issues
L665[10:31:08] <Lizzy> ^
L666[10:31:22] <Sangar> isn't handkerchief more like the cloth ones, whereas tissues are the paper ones?
L667[10:31:28] <Skye|School> Yes
L668[10:31:29] <Lizzy> Sangar, yeah
L669[10:31:31] <Sangar> \o/
L670[10:31:36] <Vexatos> Yes indeed
L671[10:32:06] <Sangar> that warm and fuzzy feeling when assumptions are confirmed to be correct :P
L672[10:32:53] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L673[10:39:36] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L674[10:43:36] <Vexatos> Sangar, that warm and fuzzy feeling when you feel warm and fuzzy
L675[10:46:28] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (Joe@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com)
L676[10:54:15] <vifino> Vexatos: :O
L677[10:54:19] <vifino> Look at the poll!
L678[10:54:36] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E1FAD377D5B8E2671A5B5EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L679[10:54:36] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L680[10:54:43] <vifino> Vexatos: http://strawpoll.me/3957461/r
L681[10:54:46] <vifino> ermagurd
L682[10:55:00] <vifino> typhon is winning! \o/
L683[10:55:35] <vifino> inb4 I'm gonna choose fireblazer anyways :P
L684[10:55:54] *** AtomSponge|away is now known as AtomSponge
L685[10:55:58] <Lizzy> there, i has turned off the wireless radio on my routerswitch at my dad's
L686[10:56:13] <vifino> Or infinity. Or the other thingies that Vexatos does not approve.
L687[10:56:53] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1FAD739DFB6CCE451A6456.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L688[10:57:29] <vifino> >wonders why he doesn't hear any music
L689[10:57:54] <vifino> >headphones unplugged themselves out of the multi connector thingie
L690[10:57:59] <vifino> ,_,
L691[11:05:09] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L692[11:12:27] <Vexaton> > wonders why he doesn't kill vifino already
L693[11:12:38] * Vexaton slaps himself
L694[11:12:38] * EnderBot2 chuckles
L695[11:12:40] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (Joe@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L696[11:12:44] <vifino> :<
L697[11:12:48] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L698[11:12:51] <Vexatos> Sorry, vifino
L699[11:15:55] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0)
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L703[11:26:52] *** Kiloff is now known as Kilobyte
L704[11:34:12] <Pwootage> Did someone say MURDER?!??!?
L705[11:34:30] * Lizzy slices Pwootage in hald
L706[11:34:34] <Lizzy> yes, hald
L707[11:34:40] <Pwootage> oh crap, not my hald
L708[11:34:52] * Lizzy slaps self
L709[11:34:52] * EnderBot2 chuckles
L710[11:34:59] <Pwootage> (or is hald a location? My apologies, I'm misunderformed)
L711[11:35:22] <Lizzy> Pwootage, hald is (citation needed)
L712[11:35:40] <Pwootage> Do you mean [Citation Needed]?
L713[11:35:50] <Lizzy> yes
L714[11:35:53] <Lizzy> maybe
L715[11:41:59] *** Kamran is now known as Spongebob
L716[11:42:32] *** Spongebob is now known as Kamran
L717[11:46:10] *** Kamran is now known as EpicKitty
L718[11:46:20] *** EpicKitty is now known as Kamran
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L729[12:21:06] <Kodos> Sorry Sangar, was napping. What about being able to use a count of 0 to have the print previewed in the printer
L730[12:22:09] <Sangar> doesn't that work already? it should
L731[12:22:17] <Kodos> 0 counts as 1
L732[12:22:17] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L733[12:22:20] <Kodos> So it still prints one
L734[12:22:26] <Sangar> it does? huh
L735[12:22:42] <Vexatos> Sangar, fix your Lua conventions >_>
L736[12:22:43] <Kodos> I'll try again today
L737[12:22:49] <Vexatos> never start at 0 :P
L738[12:24:06] <Sangar> guess there's no check for when it first runs, i'll look into it
L739[12:24:33] <Kodos> Bear in mind I'm using your example print program =)
L740[12:25:29] <Sangar> will fix in a bit, currently doing http://i.imgur.com/HO0e1wc.png :P
L741[12:26:47] * Vexatos continues posting https://twitter.com/FyberOptic/status/579486119605215232
L742[12:28:38] * Sangar continues to not care
L743[12:28:53] <Sangar> seriously, with the code i have in place to wrap the 1.8 render stuff it's pretty simple
L744[12:30:14] <asie> Sangar: nobody ust know
L745[12:32:02] <Sangar> best kept secret :P
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L749[13:07:58] <vifino> Sangar: O_O I must have dat.
L750[13:08:00] ⇨ Joins: OneM_Industries (webchat@ftth-66-132.bvunet.net)
L751[13:10:26] <Sangar> vifino, must have what now?
L752[13:11:12] <vifino> Sangar: Dat
L753[13:11:15] <vifino> .
L754[13:11:33] <vifino> @Sangar | will fix in a bit, currently doing http://i.imgur.com/HO0e1wc.png :P
L755[13:11:44] <vifino> Someday, I'll figure out how to properly use a keyboard.
L756[13:12:06] <Sangar> oh, the 1.8 port? will push in a bit, just have to fix a sync issue in the printer gui
L757[13:12:29] * vifino only wants the model
L758[13:12:43] <Sangar> http://git.io/jtsu
L759[13:12:51] <Vexatos> that git button
L760[13:12:53] <Vexatos> so overpowered
L761[13:12:54] <Sangar> :>
L762[13:12:55] <Vexatos> please nerf
L763[13:13:12] <vifino> Sangar: Praised be you.
L764[13:13:19] <Sangar> \o/
L765[13:13:38] <Lizzy> Hallowed is the Sangar
L766[13:14:30] <vifino> Lovely is the Lizzy
L767[13:14:33] * vifino hides
L768[13:14:43] <Lizzy> :)
L769[13:15:54] <vifino> Gotta get a mc server with oc n stuffs so I can test all the things.
L770[13:16:30] <Lizzy> my server is still up. i think
L771[13:16:40] <Lizzy> yep
L772[13:16:45] <Lizzy> well, it's still in IRC
L773[13:17:27] <vifino> Does it run the latests build with 3d printers? :o
L774[13:17:42] <Lizzy> not at the moment but i can make it do so
L775[13:18:05] <vifino> \o/
L776[13:18:11] <Lizzy> will go about updating it after my dinner
L777[13:18:33] <vifino> Okies! :D
L778[13:20:46] <Lizzy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gia6xOBRjQE
L779[13:20:46] -Kibibyte- [Lizzy] Step on a Crack - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts | by explosmentertainment | 1m5s | 6d13h ago | 1,588,171 views | Rated: 4.98/5.00
L780[13:21:10] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L781[13:25:04] <vifino> Has anyone made a webbrowser yet?
L782[13:27:39] <vifino> Vexatos: And the winner is: Whirlwind. http://strawpoll.me/3957461/r
L783[13:27:41] <vifino> Obviously.
L784[13:28:04] <Vexatos> Whirlwind actually wasn't that bad
L785[13:28:07] <Vexatos> well, it was
L786[13:28:13] <Vexatos> but not as bad as most of the others
L787[13:29:04] <vifino> Vexatos: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whirlwind_I
L788[13:41:12] ⇨ Joins: CyberTurd (~CyberTurd@host86-145-129-165.range86-145.btcentralplus.com)
L789[13:41:42] <CyberTurd> lizzy you home?
L790[13:41:54] <Lizzy> maybe
L791[13:42:01] <CyberTurd> i asume yes
L792[13:42:17] <CyberTurd> can you force start the server please
L793[13:43:29] <Lizzy> what server?
L794[13:43:45] <CyberTurd> the minecraft one you set up for me
L795[13:44:16] <Lizzy> oh that one. i think i still need to copy it to it's new home... hold on
L796[13:44:33] <CyberTurd> thank you
L797[13:45:23] <Sangar> http://git.io/jtVU 1.8 renderer for the 3d prints :> so happy i made those helper methods :X
L798[13:47:03] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p54934841.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L799[13:47:24] <CyberTurd> will the ip change?
L800[13:47:41] <Lizzy> CyberTurd, yes, will give the new ip when i migrate it
L801[13:47:46] <CyberTurd> thanks
L802[14:05:09] ⇨ Joins: Rascher (webchat@248-120-93-178.pool.ukrtel.net)
L803[14:08:47] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L804[14:09:42] <Rascher> Hi to all. Where can I find documentation for the adapter API? Thanks.
L805[14:10:58] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L806[14:13:17] <CyberTurd> how long will it take to migrate
L807[14:13:47] <Lizzy> CyberTurd, it's mostly migrated, need to fix permissions though or it wont work...
L808[14:13:57] <CyberTurd> ok thanks
L809[14:14:26] *** AtomSponge|away is now known as AtomSponge
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L814[14:24:52] <CyberTurd> is it done?
L815[14:25:12] <Lizzy> not quite,
L816[14:25:23] <CyberTurd> ok
L817[14:26:46] <Lizzy> ok, well it now starts but then fails to bind the port (because my main server is using it), lemme just change that
L818[14:27:29] <CyberTurd> thank you
L819[14:28:17] <Lizzy> providing i can remember my password
L820[14:30:48] <Lizzy> and now i need to find the port option...
L821[14:31:26] <Lizzy> which i currently cannot find
L822[14:32:13] <Lizzy> meh, i can change it manually
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L831[15:12:33] <Sangar> allrighters, so. would appreciate some people trying to break the printer and prints in the latest builds, want to release 1.5.4 this week :)
L832[15:13:28] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L833[15:20:56] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L834[15:25:55] <Vexatos> Sangar, did you fix the progress bar in the GUI ever since the preview video? :P
L835[15:26:20] <Sangar> remind me what was wrong with it?
L836[15:27:06] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L837[15:27:16] <Vexatos> It seemed to animate progress even if there was too little chamelium inside for it to actually produce anything
L838[15:27:53] <Vexatos> Might just have been me, though
L839[15:28:43] <Sangar> i think it just animates as long as another job's in the queue atm. guess i could look into changing it to animate when its *currently* doing something tho :P
L840[15:29:37] <Vexatos> Also, it's a little fast... I think it should take more time to print something
L841[15:30:07] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
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L845[15:32:20] <Sangar> yeah, i dropped it a bit to make testing quicker; i'm planning to up it (well, the energy required, resulting in slower printing) before release
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L848[15:34:10] <nwmqpa> Hello , I have a question , is the sending of a packet which have a 1/2 sencond of delaying or the receiving ?
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L852[15:46:55] zsh sets mode: +o on Sangar
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L859[16:28:38] * Vexatos is tempted to advertise Sangar's 3D Printer video on reddit
L860[16:29:13] <Sangar> :3
L861[16:30:14] <Sangar> go for it. moar hype \o/
L862[16:30:15] <Sangar> ;)
L863[16:31:09] <SkySom> No brakes on this hype train
L864[16:31:10] <Vexatos> http://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/30asic/so_apparently_opencomputers_is_getting_3d/ Hurr
L865[16:31:21] <Vexatos> Sangar, win-win situation
L866[16:31:33] <Vexatos> I advertise 3D Printers, you advertise OPPM in that video
L867[16:31:45] <Sangar> :D
L868[16:31:51] <Vexatos> I need to go now
L869[16:31:53] <Vexatos> Good night
L870[16:31:59] <Sangar> \o
L871[16:32:00] <Vexatos> (hooray for OPPM actually working again)
L872[16:32:38] * Vexatos quickly adds hypetrain.setSpeed(Double.MAX_VALUE)
L873[16:32:55] <Sangar> *Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
L874[16:33:49] <Vexatos> Ah right
L875[16:33:56] <Vexatos> Doubles are virtually infinite in size
L876[16:34:00] <Vexatos> kind of scary
L877[16:34:04] <Vexatos> BigInteger.MAX
L878[16:34:06] <Vexatos> Whatever
L879[16:34:07] <Vexatos> Byew
L880[16:34:11] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1FAD377D5B8E2671A5B5EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L881[16:34:11] <Sangar> gnight ;)
L882[16:34:40] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0) (Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1)
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L885[16:42:37] <gamax92> fjsdklfjsdkfsdhfu
L886[16:42:42] <gamax92> all of the comments are in german
L887[16:44:23] <Lumien> considering that's a german youtube channel it somewhat makes sense^^
L888[16:45:26] <Sangar> gamax92, don't worry, 90% of the comments are essentially "plz maek in grman cuz i cant into english" :P
L889[16:45:54] <Sangar> historically speaking :X
L890[16:48:35] <gamax92> Sangar: why is your skin steve?
L891[16:48:53] <Sangar> it is? then because dev-env probably
L892[16:48:58] <gamax92> oh, then yes
L893[16:49:09] ⇦ Quits: nwmqpa (~nwmqpa@LLamentin-656-1-36-39.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Remote host closed the connection)
L894[16:49:51] <gamax92> this printer is awesome
L895[16:49:57] <Lumien> So did you feel like players in 1.7.10 were missing out on the 1.8 model system so you put it in oc? :P
L896[16:50:31] <Sangar> basically :P
L897[16:50:40] <ds84182> lel
L898[16:54:05] *** Skye is now known as Skye|ZZZ
L899[16:55:35] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f128e7.skybroadband.com)
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L901[17:18:21] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L902[17:23:35] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L903[17:25:50] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f128e7.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L904[17:28:17] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L905[17:28:52] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f128e7.skybroadband.com)
L906[17:39:18] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com)
L907[17:41:13] <Sangar> http://i.imgur.com/TIBe3T2.png :3
L908[17:41:42] <Temia> Neat.
L909[17:43:56] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-1-120-134-78.qcl9.cha.bigpond.net.au)
L910[17:48:26] ⇨ Joins: GauHelldragon (~Gau@2602:306:bc96:8170:a178:3691:a6b2:7486)
L911[17:48:28] <GauHelldragon> hellooooo
L912[17:50:41] <Sangar> evening
L913[17:51:07] ⇦ Quits: EricBJ (~quassel@108-160-20-69.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L914[17:51:39] ⇨ Joins: EricBJ (~quassel@108-160-20-69.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca)
L915[17:52:33] <GauHelldragon> i notice there's library for midi codes or something?
L916[17:52:48] <GauHelldragon> so you could make a program that plays midi files?
L917[17:52:53] <vifino> Sangar, I love you.
L918[17:52:56] <vifino> <3
L919[17:53:09] <Sangar> :>
L920[17:53:11] <vifino> This could make my builds 100% fancier.
L921[17:53:41] * vifino waves to Temia and hugs
L922[17:53:59] <vifino> Temia: Help me find a hostname! D: http://strawpoll.me/3957461
L923[17:54:31] <vifino> Please don't tell me you voted for Zenith x_x
L924[17:54:36] <Temia> No. o.o
L925[17:54:40] <vifino> \o/
L926[17:54:42] <Temia> I don't... really find any of these interesting.
L927[17:55:00] <vifino> Alternatives? :(
L928[17:55:09] <Temia> Can't think of anything off the top of my head x.x
L929[17:55:22] <vifino> x_x
L930[17:56:10] <vifino> Typhon is at least a little bit interesting. Thanks Vexatos.
L931[17:56:54] <Temia> Was it intentionally Typhon and not Typhoon?
L932[17:56:57] <vifino> Yes.
L933[17:57:10] <Temia> Eh fuck it then, FFVI reference is better than nothing
L934[17:57:13] <vifino> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhon
L935[17:57:18] <Temia> or... that.
L936[17:57:20] <Temia> FOOEY.
L937[17:57:24] <Temia> And I already went and voted.
L938[17:57:25] <Temia> >:C
L939[17:57:31] <vifino> :/
L940[17:57:56] <vifino> What did you vote?
L941[17:58:01] <Temia> Stupid mythological names. But okay.
L942[17:58:05] <Temia> Typhon .-.
L943[17:58:07] <Temia> Good enough!
L944[17:58:35] <vifino> What did you want to choose instead? o_O
L945[17:59:15] * vifino is confused o.O
L946[18:00:23] <Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep> who the fuck is named Lizzy ?
L947[18:00:31] <Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep> Ph yah, the wonder ful amzing person
L948[18:00:35] *** Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep is now known as PotatoTrumpet
L949[18:00:44] <vifino> I'd love to kill you, PotatoTrumpet.
L950[18:00:44] * PotatoTrumpet hugs Lizzy
L951[18:00:59] * vifino pokes Temia
L952[18:01:08] <PotatoTrumpet> Sorry to everyone who's username bar just shifted 20 miles
L953[18:01:57] <Skye|ZZZ> vifino, do you have a knife?
L954[18:02:03] <vifino> Skye|ZZZ: I do.
L955[18:02:13] * Skye|ZZZ glares at potatoTrumpet
L956[18:02:24] <Skye|ZZZ> Can I borrow it?
L957[18:02:30] * PotatoTrumpet gives Skye|ZZZ some nyquil
L958[18:02:38] <Skye|ZZZ> Wat
L959[18:03:04] <vifino> Sure, Skye|ZZZ.
L960[18:03:26] * Skye|ZZZ takes the knife from vifino
L961[18:04:12] * Skye|ZZZ stabs PotatoTrumpet carefully in the back so to cause him extreme pain and paralysis
L962[18:04:33] * PotatoTrumpet is a potato and therefor can not experence pain.
L963[18:04:47] * Skye|ZZZ slices up potatoTrumpet
L964[18:04:49] * PotatoTrumpet rots and releases a poisionis gas that kills Skye|ZZZ
L965[18:05:03] * Skye|ZZZ puts potatoTrumpet into hot oil
L966[18:05:05] <vifino> Potato gas. Sounds tasty.
L967[18:05:13] <SkySom> Yes... Tasty
L968[18:05:16] <SkySom> A TASTY DEATH
L969[18:05:19] <Skye|ZZZ> Who wants chips?
L970[18:05:33] <PotatoTrumpet> ;-;
L971[18:05:38] <vifino> SkySom: Voooooooteeeeeeeee
L972[18:05:40] <vifino> ._.
L973[18:05:47] <SkySom> Vote?
L974[18:05:47] <PotatoTrumpet> wtf #oc, making potato chips out of a human
L975[18:05:51] <PotatoTrumpet> you sick fucks
L976[18:05:57] <TabletCube> Skye|ZZZ: I want a semi-decemt computer for £350 or less
L977[18:06:06] <vifino> SkySom: http://strawpoll.me/3957461
L978[18:06:06] <Skye|ZZZ> 11:04:31 pm ● PotatoTrumpet is a potato and therefor can not experence pain.
L979[18:06:07] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-258-228.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L980[18:06:07] <Sangar> great, now i'm hungry again -.-
L981[18:06:16] * vifino eats Sangar
L982[18:06:21] * PotatoTrumpet eats vifino
L983[18:06:26] <PotatoTrumpet> from the INSIDE OUT
L984[18:06:34] * PotatoTrumpet laughs like a mad scientist
L985[18:06:50] <Skye|ZZZ> TabletCube: hmm... No idea, computers are expensive
L986[18:06:51] <vifino> >implying you can eat my bedrock belly
L987[18:06:58] <SkySom> There vifino voted
L988[18:07:10] <vifino> SkySom: Hotrod?
L989[18:07:13] <Skye|ZZZ> "bedrock belly"
L990[18:07:16] <SkySom> :D
L991[18:07:35] <SkySom> DAMN RIGHT HOTROD
L992[18:07:41] <vifino> lol
L993[18:08:04] <PotatoTrumpet> vote?
L994[18:08:04] <vifino> I'd love if everyone here voted.
L995[18:08:08] <vifino> PotatoTrumpet: http://strawpoll.me/3957461
L996[18:09:12] <PotatoTrumpet> I voted for whirlwind
L997[18:09:19] <vifino> q_q
L998[18:09:32] <vifino> Better than zenith anyhow.
L999[18:09:57] <vifino> Zenith has nothing to do with that server.
L1000[18:10:00] <vifino> Or servers in general.
L1001[18:10:16] <Skye|ZZZ> vifino: I'm jealous of you. .~.
L1002[18:10:21] <vifino> Skye|ZZZ: Yes.
L1003[18:10:41] <vifino> Skye|ZZZ: It's gonna be to me like nano is to you.
L1004[18:10:47] <vifino> :P
L1005[18:10:48] <PotatoTrumpet> I thionk all syskk dfjoilf nsmr iy yognsfo
L1006[18:11:03] <PotatoTrumpet> FUCKINBGF STUCKY KEYS
L1007[18:11:10] * vifino thinks PotatoTrumpet's speech module is corrupted
L1008[18:11:20] <Skye|ZZZ> Have fun with your parents stabbing you with bills, vifino!
L1009[18:11:22] <PotatoTrumpet> 404 brain not found
L1010[18:11:33] <vifino> Skye|ZZZ: They are fine with it :)
L1011[18:11:39] <Skye|ZZZ> ...
L1012[18:11:41] <PotatoTrumpet> lucky
L1013[18:11:50] <PotatoTrumpet> my dad yells at me when I mess with our router
L1014[18:12:13] <PotatoTrumpet> Says "The Hackers are going to get into it"
L1015[18:12:25] <PotatoTrumpet> well
L1016[18:12:26] <vifino> I still have to tell my dad I'm going to get a 4U server ;D
L1017[18:12:27] <Skye|ZZZ> Funny, my 10th birthday present was to set up the router...
L1018[18:12:30] <PotatoTrumpet> time to play murder
L1019[18:12:37] <PotatoTrumpet> i'm board
L1020[18:12:43] <PotatoTrumpet> and want to troll some little kids
L1021[18:12:48] <Skye|ZZZ> ...
L1022[18:12:48] <vifino> My mom is so lovely.
L1023[18:12:53] <PotatoTrumpet> What famous youtuber should I be today?
L1024[18:13:01] <Skye|ZZZ> PotatoTrumpet....
L1025[18:13:11] <vifino> She gives her best to help me wherever she can. Love her for that <3
L1026[18:13:23] <Skye|ZZZ> PotatoTrumpet: you are not a nice person
L1027[18:13:34] <PotatoTrumpet> LadyGagaVevo?
L1028[18:13:38] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1029[18:13:59] <Skye|ZZZ> PotatoTrumpet... Stop.
L1030[18:14:11] <PotatoTrumpet> HammerTime?
L1031[18:14:22] <vifino> Skye|ZZZ: Did you vote? :o
L1032[18:14:27] <Skye|ZZZ> For me, trolling == bullying
L1033[18:14:32] <Skye|ZZZ> vifino: yup
L1034[18:14:33] <PotatoTrumpet> Nononono
L1035[18:14:36] <vifino> Skye|ZZZ: Thanks :)
L1036[18:14:37] <PotatoTrumpet> not that kinda trolling
L1037[18:14:42] * vifino hugs Skye|ZZZ
L1038[18:14:50] <PotatoTrumpet> Just having kids go "OMG It's __________"
L1039[18:15:00] * Skye|ZZZ hugs vifino back
L1040[18:15:03] <PotatoTrumpet> and then them freaking out
L1041[18:15:14] <PotatoTrumpet> Not the asshole trolling
L1042[18:15:18] <Skye|ZZZ> Still not nice
L1043[18:15:35] <PotatoTrumpet> Meh
L1044[18:15:46] <PotatoTrumpet> Just for you, I wont do it anymore
L1045[18:15:55] <Skye|ZZZ> Thank you.
L1046[18:16:14] <PotatoTrumpet> No problemo
L1047[18:17:41] <Skye|ZZZ> I... was bullied all my time in primary school and the first years in secondary school.
L1048[18:18:43] <PotatoTrumpet> American please?
L1049[18:20:48] <PotatoTrumpet> Skye|ZZZ,
L1050[18:22:59] <Skye|ZZZ> Hmm
L1051[18:23:44] <Skye|ZZZ> I was bullied in middle school and the one before that.
L1052[18:24:51] <ds84182> elementary, my dear
L1053[18:26:06] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L1054[18:26:57] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L1055[18:30:30] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f128e7.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1056[18:34:20] * vifino boops Lizzy
L1057[18:34:29] <Skye|ZZZ> I wish I knew how to make friends...
L1058[18:35:08] <vifino> Skye|ZZZ: You have me after all, so you do have friends. Weird friends maybe, but you do.
L1059[18:35:09] <vifino> :)
L1060[18:35:18] <Skye|ZZZ> Heh
L1061[18:35:49] <Skye|ZZZ> I would probably be depressed without the internet
L1062[18:35:58] <vifino> But I can understand that you don't know how to make friends. After all I just appear randomly.
L1063[18:37:40] <vifino> Skye|ZZZ: Soo, making friends 101: Randomly hug or poke people.
L1064[18:38:06] <Skye|ZZZ> That would get me arrested in real life.
L1065[18:38:07] <vifino> That's what I do, after all.
L1066[18:38:10] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f128e7.skybroadband.com)
L1067[18:38:12] <vifino> ._.
L1068[18:38:16] <Skye|ZZZ> :p
L1069[18:38:24] <vifino> Maybe you aren't huggably enough.
L1070[18:38:32] <vifino> Yes, that's a word.
L1071[18:38:40] <vifino> I just made it up, but it's a word now.
L1072[18:39:10] <Skye|ZZZ> Huggable
L1073[18:39:10] <vifino> I'm a very huggy person \o/
L1074[18:39:24] <Skye|ZZZ> In real life?
L1075[18:39:37] <vifino> Yes.
L1076[18:40:06] <SkySom> Pretty sure if you randomly hug me.
L1077[18:40:10] <SkySom> Imma stab you
L1078[18:40:15] * vifino hugs SkySom randomly
L1079[18:40:17] <vifino> :3
L1080[18:40:20] <Skye|ZZZ> My cousin thinks that I am a huggy person
L1081[18:40:21] * SkySom stabs vifino
L1082[18:40:28] <vifino> No you don't.
L1083[18:40:34] <vifino> No stabs.
L1084[18:40:39] <vifino> Just hugs. Loads of them.
L1085[18:40:39] <Skye|ZZZ> ^ what will happen in London
L1086[18:40:58] <vifino> Skye|ZZZ: Poking, then hugging.
L1087[18:40:59] <Skye|ZZZ> Dammit
L1088[18:41:07] * SkySom hugs vifino 's neck with his hands
L1089[18:41:13] <Skye|ZZZ> Still get stabbed
L1090[18:41:37] <Skye|ZZZ> Hugs make people think strange things about you.
L1091[18:41:41] <vifino> 'his'? o_O SkySom is a boy? Didn't know that O_o
L1092[18:41:49] * vifino shrugs
L1093[18:41:49] <SkySom> ...
L1094[18:41:51] <SkySom> wait.
L1095[18:41:56] <SkySom> You didn't know I'm a dude?
L1096[18:42:07] <vifino> Nope \o/
L1097[18:42:12] <SkySom> Oh lol
L1098[18:42:39] * vifino doesn't care either way, everyone who is friendly to him is good :)
L1099[18:43:09] * SkySom shrugs
L1100[18:43:13] <SkySom> You ain't the first
L1101[18:43:16] <SkySom> And you won't be the last.
L1102[18:43:23] <vifino> Well, "good" as in nice :x
L1103[18:43:35] * vifino wonders if he ever can into words
L1104[18:43:37] <SkySom> Even had someone from work email and use her.
L1105[18:44:00] <SkySom> I've been invited to beauty contests
L1106[18:44:02] <SkySom> You name it.
L1107[18:44:05] <vifino> o_o
L1108[18:44:20] <SkySom> Hell the CIA screwed up even when I did a freedom of information request.
L1109[18:44:22] <SkySom> Or FBI
L1110[18:44:25] <SkySom> one of them.
L1111[18:44:38] <vifino> o_O
L1112[18:44:40] <Skye|ZZZ> People would probably think I was less weird if I hug if I was a girl, but I'm a boy and there are stupid gender sterotypes
L1113[18:44:45] <vifino> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZbgyKJkHxQ
L1114[18:44:45] -Kibibyte- [vifino] Bonobo - Kong | by linobenga | 4m0s | 261w6d ago | 1,576,447 views | Rated: 4.96/5.00
L1115[18:44:59] <vifino> Skye|ZZZ: I'm a boy, too =.=
L1116[18:45:02] <Skye|ZZZ> SkySom: what is your name?
L1117[18:45:10] <SkySom> Skylar
L1118[18:45:21] <vifino> A very nice name! :D
L1119[18:45:25] <vifino> Adrian sucks.
L1120[18:45:31] *** justastranger is now known as justasausage
L1121[18:45:37] <SkySom> Dude Adrian would be cool
L1122[18:45:38] <Inari> stabbing poeple for hugging you just tends to encourage them
L1123[18:45:41] <Inari> /ignore for life
L1124[18:45:51] <vifino> :<
L1125[18:45:55] <reddit> who wants to open a 1.6gb file in their web browser?
L1126[18:46:02] <vifino> reddit: No.
L1127[18:46:04] <vifino> Just no.
L1128[18:46:31] <Skye|ZZZ> vifino: maybe there are less gender stereotypes where you live...
L1129[18:46:49] <reddit> 1.6gb text file: http://irc.nofla.me/mitch/pascal_10k.txt
L1130[18:46:51] <Inari> Loki and Neptune are 2 great girl names :D
L1131[18:47:31] <vifino> Inari: You don't ignore me, do you? :<
L1132[18:47:38] <SkySom> Yeah... gender stereotypes
L1133[18:47:46] <Inari> vifino: apparenlty not yet
L1134[18:47:46] <Inari> :p
L1135[18:48:00] <vifino> "not yet"? D:
L1136[18:48:14] <Inari> well if you'll insist on hugging me randomly, i will? xD
L1137[18:48:41] <vifino> D:
L1138[18:48:51] <vifino> Can I hug you, not randomly instead? D:
L1139[18:48:56] <Inari> nope
L1140[18:48:59] <vifino> Aww :(
L1141[18:50:06] <vifino> SkySom: Nah, Adrian sucks.
L1142[18:50:19] <Skye|ZZZ> I hate gender stereotypes because my personality is kinda better suited to being a girl.
L1143[18:50:36] <SkySom> Correct.
L1144[18:50:45] <Inari> Adria
L1145[18:50:47] <Inari> \o/
L1146[18:51:07] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f128e7.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1147[18:52:07] <SkySom> Though really it's not so much my personality as what I enjoy doing.
L1148[18:52:11] <SkySom> Get way too much shit for it.
L1149[18:52:38] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f128e7.skybroadband.com)
L1150[18:52:45] ⇨ Joins: Something12 (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net)
L1151[18:54:56] * vifino stabs Inari
L1152[18:56:09] <Skye|ZZZ> SkySom, I'm curious, what do you enjoy doing?
L1153[18:57:00] <SkySom> I bake, and I was a cheerleader until I got too old
L1154[18:57:03] <reddit> http://www.pcworld.com/article/2901028/radioshack-puts-customers-personal-data-up-for-sale-in-bankruptcy-auction.html !!!!
L1155[18:57:09] <SkySom> Those two are what I get the most shit for.
L1156[18:57:39] <Inari> despite there being many male professional cooks? xD
L1157[18:57:59] <vifino> I like cooking, but I don't get any blame for it. Probably because I have noone x_x
L1158[18:58:04] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L1159[18:58:29] <SkySom> I get a bit of crap for it.
L1160[18:58:44] <SkySom> I can cook all kinds of stuff
L1161[18:58:49] <SkySom> But baking is my favorite.
L1162[18:58:54] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f128e7.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1163[18:59:01] <SkySom> And I make amazing cookies.
L1164[18:59:15] <Skye|ZZZ> Who wouldn't want to bake? It sounds tasty!
L1165[18:59:42] <vifino> I really like making pancakes =.=
L1166[18:59:52] <vifino> I'd love to cook for a friend or so..
L1167[18:59:58] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f128e7.skybroadband.com)
L1168[19:00:11] * vifino finds cooking for just himself a little sad :(
L1169[19:00:14] <SkySom> Though once I made the mistake of promising cookies to a client.
L1170[19:00:32] <SkySom> I don't deal well with left overs :( so I don't usually cook for myself.
L1171[19:00:59] <Skye|ZZZ> My dad cooks in our house
L1172[19:01:12] <vifino> My dad does nothing.
L1173[19:01:23] <SkySom> That and I don't cook when I'm in Michigan since it's not my house
L1174[19:01:38] <SkySom> Just a rented room.
L1175[19:01:44] <Skye|ZZZ> My mum can only cook bland food to keep us alive until my dad gets home.
L1176[19:01:54] <SkySom> Mom can cook normal stuff.
L1177[19:01:57] <vifino> My dad works/is in the bar until it's late, and when he comes home he watches tv.
L1178[19:01:58] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L1179[19:02:02] <SkySom> And Dad's damn good with the grill.
L1180[19:02:13] <vifino> Doesn't even say hello to me..
L1181[19:02:15] <reddit> uhhh
L1182[19:02:16] <reddit> Reply from bytes=32 time=1907ms TTL=55
L1183[19:02:18] <reddit> i may be having network issues atm...
L1184[19:02:29] <SkySom> Thankfully he usually invites me down when he's grilling and I'm in town.
L1185[19:03:08] <Sangar> a propos reddit
L1186[19:03:14] * Sangar checks Vex's post
L1187[19:03:20] <reddit> Sangar, reddit is having network issues
L1188[19:03:27] * reddit waits for people to see what he's saying
L1189[19:03:28] <vifino> reddit sucks.
L1190[19:03:30] <Sangar> meh, not first place. much disappoint.
L1191[19:03:32] <reddit> fuck you vifino :p
L1192[19:03:41] <vifino> reddit: Okeys.
L1193[19:03:43] <vifino> ;D
L1194[19:03:46] <reddit> m8
L1195[19:03:49] <vifino> b8
L1196[19:03:54] <Sangar> w8
L1197[19:04:02] <Skye|ZZZ> h8
L1198[19:04:07] <reddit> ur so l8 m8, i'd r8 you an 8/8 on l8ness
L1199[19:04:21] <vifino> I'm going to not8 what you are saying, so w8, m8
L1200[19:04:22] <Sangar> gr8
L1201[19:04:47] <Skye|ZZZ> 888888
L1202[19:06:21] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f128e7.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1203[19:07:12] <vifino> SkySom: Okay, deal: I make pancakes for you when you bake me awesome cookies.
L1204[19:07:23] <SkySom> I'm up for pancakes.
L1205[19:07:27] <vifino> \o/
L1206[19:07:32] <Skye|ZZZ> I sometimes feel like I'm too nice of a person for my own good...
L1207[19:07:44] <SkySom> Only have had my pancake candle to give me the illusion of pancakes
L1208[19:08:02] <vifino> Skye|ZZZ: You can never be too nice.
L1209[19:08:05] <vifino> Never.
L1210[19:08:08] <vifino> No exceptions.
L1211[19:08:53] <Skye|ZZZ> I'm the kind of person who would harm themselves to protect others.
L1212[19:09:16] <Dashkal> Careful how you define 'nice'. There are common usages of that word that can definitely be taken too far
L1213[19:09:31] <Dashkal> I draw the line where it conflicts with being honest
L1214[19:09:46] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f128e7.skybroadband.com)
L1215[19:10:12] <Skye|ZZZ> I'm brutally honest
L1216[19:10:32] <Dashkal> My ideal is to be that way as well. But it's not commonly called 'nice'.
L1217[19:10:36] <vifino> Skye|ZZZ: Same.
L1218[19:11:11] <Skye|ZZZ> I... feel guilty for that.
L1219[19:12:09] <SkySom> I don't
L1220[19:12:11] <SkySom> You asked me
L1221[19:12:13] <SkySom> I told you.
L1222[19:12:29] <Skye|ZZZ> I will warn people.
L1223[19:12:31] <SkySom> If you weren't expecting my true thoughts you wouldn't have asked me in the first place.
L1224[19:12:43] <SkySom> I mean maybe if it's someone who doesn't know me well.
L1225[19:12:49] <SkySom> But all my friends know what's coming.
L1226[19:13:24] <Skye|ZZZ> I might not be honest with myself, I kinda dislike myself.
L1227[19:13:55] <vifino> I do too.
L1228[19:14:04] <vifino> Mostly my brain.
L1229[19:14:09] <SkySom> I mostly like myself
L1230[19:14:12] <vifino> Can't remember names.
L1231[19:14:42] <Dashkal> I found peace in who I am. I have improvements to make.
L1232[19:14:48] <Skye|ZZZ> I always think my stuff is rubbish (it is)
L1233[19:15:05] <Dashkal> I wouldn't claim I like/dislike myself. I don't consider such a judgement useful. I just try to know who I am and where I want to move.
L1234[19:15:21] <Dashkal> That would be known as depression, Skye|ZZZ. There's help for that.
L1235[19:15:37] <Skye|ZZZ> Is it?
L1236[19:15:46] <Dashkal> Constant self-esteem issues? I'd call it that.
L1237[19:16:19] <Dashkal> Even if the term 'depression' doesn't cover that specifically, the latter part remains true. There's help for that.
L1238[19:16:47] <vifino> I have autism and depression, I don't know what's normal or what's not, don't have anyone except me >_<
L1239[19:17:22] <Dashkal> I dropped 'normal' long ago. It cannot exist in any useful form. It's "Where am I?" then "Where do I want to be?"
L1240[19:17:57] <Skye|ZZZ> I'm am happy when I don't think.
L1241[19:18:42] <Skye|ZZZ> Gah
L1242[19:19:39] <Skye|ZZZ> I am meant to be going to counselling for this, but I have no idea what has happened...
L1243[19:19:49] * vifino hugs Skye|ZZZ
L1244[19:19:59] <Dashkal> Sounds like a useful step. Push on it
L1245[19:20:36] <vifino> Sounded like you could have needed a hug, Skye|ZZZ, so there you go.
L1246[19:20:43] <Dashkal> There's an important thing to understand. The world is not fair. And the world at large doesn't have to give a damn about you. That's your job. It's hard, it's not fair, but it's what it is. So do what you're able to pull yourself out. Even if that's just pushing on "Where's the counseller?"
L1247[19:20:44] <Skye|ZZZ> Thanks...
L1248[19:21:07] * Skye|ZZZ hugs vifino back
L1249[19:21:12] <Dashkal> That said, there are certainly individuals who care. Find them.
L1250[19:21:29] * vifino waves
L1251[19:21:46] <Skye|ZZZ> Hi!
L1252[19:22:32] *** justasausage is now known as jusnann`wah
L1253[19:22:42] <Skye|ZZZ> Right, battery on iPod almost dead...
L1254[19:22:45] *** jusnann`wah is now known as justann`wah
L1255[19:22:45] <Skye|ZZZ> So.z
L1256[19:22:46] <vifino> I'm weird, but I can indeed listen, and I like to do so. I also love helping other people, makes me feel like I did something right.
L1257[19:23:07] <Skye|ZZZ> I'm kinda like that...
L1258[19:23:20] <Skye|ZZZ> Well, I think I need to go now!
L1259[19:23:24] <Dashkal> Rest well
L1260[19:23:57] <Skye|ZZZ> I wake up in less than 6 hours. Ha... ha.
L1261[19:23:59] <vifino> Good night, Skye|ZZZ.
L1262[19:25:05] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p549CE5F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1263[19:25:24] <Skye|ZZZ> Night!
L1264[19:26:52] <vifino> I'm going to need to get flame stickers and put them on my new server then :P
L1265[19:29:43] <vifino> Lizzy: Ping, pong, music makes gong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZbgyKJkHxQ
L1266[19:29:44] -Kibibyte- [vifino] Bonobo - Kong | by linobenga | 4m0s | 261w6d ago | 1,576,498 views | Rated: 4.96/5.00
L1267[19:30:27] * vifino shrugs
L1268[19:30:33] <vifino> I'm bored ._.
L1269[19:35:27] <SkySom> Hi bored
L1270[19:35:30] <SkySom> I'm skylar
L1271[19:35:33] <SkySom> :D
L1272[19:36:01] ⇦ Quits: justann`wah (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646) (Excess Flood)
L1273[19:36:51] <vifino> Yes, SkySom, you are.
L1274[19:37:12] <SkySom> I should do some work....
L1275[19:37:18] <SkySom> So I can go home and play some MC.
L1276[19:37:33] <SkySom> Or start in on some new features
L1277[19:42:02] ⇨ Joins: justastranger (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646)
L1278[19:44:23] *** DFrostedWang is now known as Everybody
L1279[19:52:47] <GauHelldragon> hm
L1280[19:52:56] <GauHelldragon> the wget.lua program that comes with the internet card
L1281[19:53:08] <GauHelldragon> as an example it mentions downloading a .zip file
L1282[19:53:22] <GauHelldragon> is there actually a lua program that can unzip .zip files? :o
L1283[19:53:36] *** Everybody is now known as DFrostedWang
L1284[20:00:22] <Sangar> i think there was a pure lua gzip implementation floating around somewhere, yeah
L1285[20:02:34] <number5> Sangar: https://github.com/davidm/lua-compress-deflatelua
L1286[20:03:53] <PotatoTrumpet> Fucking wow. Someone told my sisters friend "Where red tomorrow if you want to live. I'm gonna shoot up the school"
L1287[20:03:54] <gamax92> hey Katie you there?
L1288[20:04:07] <PotatoTrumpet> :/
L1289[20:04:08] <Katie> It really depends on WHY you want to know.
L1290[20:04:22] <gamax92> Katie: do you have any idea what the inkspots file is in my public_html?
L1291[20:04:25] <PotatoTrumpet> Screw school tomorrow, I'm staying home
L1292[20:04:31] <gamax92> it just shows up as "data"
L1293[20:04:40] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f128e7.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1294[20:04:53] <Katie> then no I'm not here.
L1295[20:05:03] <gamax92> k...
L1296[20:05:09] <PotatoTrumpet> Sis has talked to the police, but I have that feeling in my gut that something isn't right
L1297[20:05:18] <PotatoTrumpet> Well, the police called her
L1298[20:06:50] <Katie> gamax92, no I have no idea what it is.
L1299[20:08:51] <PotatoTrumpet> It's times like this that I wish teachers could carry firearms
L1300[20:08:58] <Kodos> PotatoTrumpet, keep me posted
L1301[20:16:55] <GauHelldragon> cool
L1302[20:22:34] <PotatoTrumpet> Ok
L1303[20:22:41] <PotatoTrumpet> I'm not going to school tomorrow
L1304[20:22:51] <PotatoTrumpet> I value my life more than my education
L1305[20:27:25] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (Joe@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L1306[20:33:24] <ds84182> Ugh
L1307[20:33:34] <ds84182> I wish that could happen here so I don't have to fucking go to school
L1308[20:36:16] <vifino> Wooooow.
L1309[20:36:24] <vifino> PotatoTrumpet: Wish you best luck.
L1310[20:36:29] <vifino> ds84182: Go fuck yourself.
L1311[20:36:48] <ds84182> vifino: look, I don't like the people at my school anyways
L1312[20:36:48] <Pwootage> PotatoTrumpet: I agree, but I wouldn't neccessarily describe school as education
L1313[20:36:59] <Pwootage> ds84182: still agreeing with vifino here
L1314[20:37:01] <ds84182> they are all assholes
L1315[20:37:08] <Pwootage> So are you
L1316[20:37:11] <Pwootage> by definition
L1317[20:37:15] <ds84182> I just want a lock donw
L1318[20:37:17] <ds84182> *down
L1319[20:37:19] <ds84182> thats all
L1320[20:37:24] <ds84182> no bloodshed
L1321[20:37:43] <ds84182> just a fucking lockdown so I don't have to deal with these imbred shitheads
L1322[20:38:48] <PotatoTrumpet> :/
L1323[20:39:26] <Temia> ds, not cool.
L1324[20:39:30] <Temia> Just... seriously.
L1325[20:40:22] <ds84182> I love it when I accidentally speak my mind.
L1326[20:40:25] <PotatoTrumpet> ^
L1327[20:40:26] <ds84182> I should do it more often.
L1328[20:41:51] <Temia> Oh quit your sarcastic pissing and just own up to the fact that you should have a little empathy once in a while rather than thinking about yourself.
L1329[20:42:39] <ds84182> I know I should have some empathy
L1330[20:42:46] <ds84182> thats one of the many qualities I lack
L1331[20:42:48] <ds84182> too bad for me
L1332[20:43:11] <Temia> Don't think that it gives you an excuse to be an asshole though.
L1333[20:43:25] <ds84182> It doesn't
L1334[20:43:29] <ds84182> I am an asshole
L1335[20:43:34] <ds84182> Don't really care tho
L1336[20:43:39] <ds84182> I'm fine, how are you
L1337[20:44:25] <vifino> Hey Temia.
L1338[20:45:37] <Temia> Hey, what's up?
L1339[20:46:15] <vifino> Nuttin'. Just getting very tired and wondering if I should turn the heaters up more ._.
L1340[20:46:20] <vifino> And you?
L1341[20:46:47] <Temia> Mixed bag. Couldn't get a serial transceiver chip at the local hackerspace, but I did get a nice set of spacers.
L1342[20:46:48] <Pwootage> vifino, how many blankets do you own?
L1343[20:46:57] <vifino> Pwootage: Not enough.
L1344[20:49:05] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13_ (qnet@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1345[20:49:13] <vifino> Could *someone* remind me in a few days to grab my old harddrive and use it in my then arriven server?
L1346[20:50:12] <Temia> Might need to use a different set of screws than what came with though... Need a little more length
L1347[20:52:18] <vifino> What are you working on, Temia? :o
L1348[20:53:28] <Temia> Raspberry Tau in a joystick. :D
L1349[20:53:48] <Temia> I'll be simultaneously targeting it as a platform for my shmup as I will PC
L1350[20:54:04] <vifino> :O
L1351[20:54:17] <Temia> That way I can make sure my multithreading is efficient based on such limited specs
L1352[20:55:22] <ds84182> Oh my gosh it would be the funniest if government surveillance actually worked. Wonder what words will trigger an NSA watchlist.
L1353[20:55:48] <Katie> You share a channel with me, too late.
L1354[20:55:55] <ds84182> Oh darn
L1355[20:56:00] <vifino> Temia: I actually made my own gamepad once, was awesome :D
L1356[20:56:07] * vifino is proud
L1357[20:56:23] <ds84182> I wonder if I say a fake date and that airplanes will crash will it trigger it?
L1358[20:56:46] * vifino stabs ds84182
L1359[20:56:50] <vifino> Stahp it.
L1360[20:57:05] <ds84182> On 15/39/99, 255 planes will crash into the floating invisible plate in the sky
L1361[20:57:35] <ds84182> Yay now we are all on 25+ government watchlists!
L1362[20:58:13] <ds84182> Anybody got an RPG and some Helicopter missiles?
L1363[20:58:40] <ds84182> pesky helicopters wont stop looking into my window
L1364[20:59:02] <Katie> faking chrust
L1365[20:59:06] <Katie> christ too
L1366[20:59:19] <Temia> ds, shut up.
L1367[20:59:23] <ds84182> k
L1368[20:59:29] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
L1369[20:59:58] <vifino> Thanks Temia =.=
L1370[21:00:08] <vifino> ds84182 seems to be drunk.
L1371[21:00:13] <ds84182> possibly
L1372[21:04:33] ⇨ Joins: Kyros (webchat@
L1373[21:04:44] <Kyros> quick q - how to configure/flash custom eeproms?
L1374[21:04:47] <Kyros> Nothing obvious on the wiki
L1375[21:05:25] <Kodos> >Increased max shapes per print state to 24.
L1376[21:05:28] <Kodos> \o/
L1377[21:10:02] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L1378[21:10:54] ⇦ Quits: Kyros (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L1379[21:13:56] <reddit> vifino, you here?
L1380[21:14:05] <vifino> no.
L1381[21:14:20] <reddit> wait nvm
L1382[21:14:27] <reddit> forgot that you never talk on TS xD
L1383[21:14:52] <reddit> was gonna ask if you wanted to do a podcast thing on saturday with me and some people on GRA
L1384[21:15:30] <reddit> vifino, ^
L1385[21:15:54] <vifino> reddit: I'm out of this noflame gaming thingie
L1386[21:16:04] <vifino> shoulda have gotten the memo
L1387[21:16:11] <reddit> vifino, still though, don't have to be a member to be part of it lel
L1388[21:16:29] <vifino> reddit: I'm not doing anything for GRA without a damn good reason.
L1389[21:16:36] <reddit> meh, w/e
L1390[21:18:21] ⇨ Joins: pong (~notPing@2601:4:680:104c:b8e6:7666:1093:7218)
L1391[21:18:21] zsh sets mode: +v on pong
L1392[21:19:16] <vifino> reddit: give me a reason and I'll do it.
L1393[21:19:56] <reddit> vifino, you don't have to if you don't want to, I don't really have a reason for you to do it unless you really want to. It's something we're doing out of boredom.
L1394[21:20:29] <vifino> reddit: is it now named noflame shit or did it change again?
L1395[21:20:52] <reddit> that's still TBD
L1396[21:21:01] <vifino> .
L1397[21:22:21] <vifino> reddit: I'm just waiting for you to quit this shit q_q
L1398[21:22:35] <reddit> vifino, not gonna happen anytime soon
L1399[21:22:35] <reddit> lel
L1400[21:22:41] <vifino> Oh, right, you are actually getting paid, unlike me or stary
L1401[21:25:23] <vifino> reddit: But why did you want to ask me to do this stuff? You said if I "really want to".
L1402[21:25:34] <reddit> vifino, idk, thought you would like it
L1403[21:25:41] <vifino> ... srsly?
L1404[21:25:53] <reddit> idk
L1405[21:25:53] <reddit> :D
L1406[21:25:56] *** Nibato|Work is now known as Nibato
L1407[21:26:26] <vifino> Yeeeeaaaaah, 1) talking, woo, love that 2) Wooo, doing free stuff for an organization that is all in all full of bullshit and lies
L1408[21:36:40] <GauHelldragon> o_o?
L1409[21:40:07] <vifino> Good night, everyone.
L1410[21:40:50] <GauHelldragon> night
L1411[21:44:41] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L1412[21:50:00] <Soni> so
L1413[21:50:24] <Soni> please stop trying to stop the user from shooting themself in the foot
L1414[21:50:56] <Soni> because that's the thing I hate the most in any piece of software >.>
L1415[21:51:22] <Soni> I mean, if OpenSSL can get away with it, why can't everything else? :/
L1416[21:54:53] *** Kamran is now known as Kamran|away
L1417[21:56:40] *** Kamran|away is now known as Kamran
L1418[22:02:43] <PotatoTrumpet> Thankyou, ds84182 http://puu.sh/gPSJl/d0ce8177f8.png
L1419[22:02:59] <PotatoTrumpet> now to reboot winders as windwers is being stupid
L1420[22:03:43] <GauHelldragon> :o
L1421[22:06:47] <PotatoTrumpet> GauHelldragon, ?
L1422[22:07:40] <GauHelldragon> hi
L1423[22:07:42] * GauHelldragon eats some bacon
L1424[22:07:43] <PotatoTrumpet> hi
L1425[22:07:53] * PotatoTrumpet eats some potato chips
L1426[22:20:53] * Temia eats some pizza, drinks a gin and tonic. o3o
L1427[22:21:03] <Temia> Also Potato, yeah, he apologised to me too
L1428[22:21:10] <reddit> hm
L1429[22:23:01] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1430[22:23:02] <PotatoTrumpet> I feel like I want to sneaze out of my eyes
L1431[22:23:32] <Temia> Man, this plastic's soft.
L1432[22:23:42] <Temia> I can turn a drill bit with my hands and make a hole.
L1433[22:23:43] <PotatoTrumpet> Man, this humans rotten
L1434[22:24:00] <PotatoTrumpet> I can move it an inch and a limb falls off
L1435[22:24:51] * PotatoTrumpet throws gamax92's dead body in the dumpster and grabs reddit's dead body
L1436[22:25:03] <PotatoTrumpet> say, wasn't gamax92 voiced?
L1437[22:25:04] <reddit> u wot
L1438[22:25:10] zsh sets mode: +v on gamax92
L1439[22:26:08] * PotatoTrumpet thinks zsh is getting Alzheimer
L1440[22:27:01] <gamax92> PotatoTrumpet: have you ever noticed that the the world is getting worse as time goes on? Also that the brain is bad at noticing two consecutive the's?
L1441[22:27:31] <PotatoTrumpet> Oh yah
L1442[22:28:11] <PotatoTrumpet> TIL that Thou used to bee the the informal version of you
L1443[22:36:28] *** Benguin is now known as Benguin[ZzZ]
L1444[22:37:48] <Temia> Potato has never played FFVI.
L1445[22:37:50] <Temia> Tragic.
L1446[22:48:49] <GauHelldragon> uwaoo
L1447[22:48:50] * GauHelldragon leaps
L1448[22:49:00] ⇨ Joins: Sora (webchat@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L1449[22:49:13] <Sora> Hi there
L1450[22:49:28] <Sora> I have a question about the assembler
L1451[22:49:41] <Sora> It's sitting there at 0% and it hasn't done anything
L1452[22:49:52] <GauHelldragon> does it have power
L1453[22:49:53] <Sora> I'm feeding it power, and I can see it occasionally use power
L1454[22:49:59] <GauHelldragon> hmmM!!
L1455[22:50:02] <Sora> Is there something I'm doing wrong?
L1456[22:50:45] <Sora> I'm trying to make a microcontroller, if that makes any difference
L1457[22:51:09] <Sora> Didn't seem to be listed as a bug on Github
L1458[22:51:20] <Sora> Although admittedly I didn't look super-hard
L1459[22:51:36] <GauHelldragon> does it have stored energy
L1460[22:51:48] <Sora> 1000/1000
L1461[22:51:58] <Sora> It's connected directly to my big reactor
L1462[22:52:05] <Sora> Which has like... several k RF
L1463[22:52:07] <GauHelldragon> hmm!!!
L1464[22:52:12] <Sora> I have more than enough power
L1465[22:52:14] <Sora> I should anyways
L1466[22:53:16] <Sora> Actually, about 6.6mRF
L1467[22:53:25] <Sora> not that that should make a huge difference
L1468[22:53:32] <GauHelldragon> idk. i'll try making one too
L1469[22:53:47] <Sora> This is on 1.7.10, with the latest version, on a custom modpack
L1470[22:53:59] <Sora> thank you for double-checking
L1471[22:55:05] <GauHelldragon> ok
L1472[22:55:11] <GauHelldragon> i dont think i have the latest version
L1473[22:55:31] <Sora> It's... 1.5.3 I think...
L1474[22:55:35] <Sora> Lemme check
L1475[22:56:01] <Sora> OpenComputers-MC1.7.10-
L1476[22:57:20] <GauHelldragon> works for me
L1477[22:57:31] <GauHelldragon> is it stuck at 0%?
L1478[22:57:44] <GauHelldragon> and you pressed the 'go' button?
L1479[22:58:01] <Sora> yeah
L1480[22:58:21] <Sora> the green one to the right of the progress bar at the bottom?
L1481[22:58:24] <Sora> that grays out once you press it?
L1482[22:58:30] <Sora> left*
L1483[22:58:59] <Sora> And yes, stuck at 0%
L1484[23:01:30] <Sora> this is really weird
L1485[23:04:13] <GauHelldragon> anything in the MC console?
L1486[23:05:01] <GauHelldragon> i'm out of ideas, sorry :(
L1487[23:05:05] <GauHelldragon> wish i could have helped!
L1488[23:05:12] <Sora> Nothing related to OC afaict
L1489[23:05:16] <Sora> Aw no worries
L1490[23:05:21] <Sora> You were super helpful :D
L1491[23:07:51] <Sora> And with a closer look with grep
L1492[23:08:02] <Sora> nothing is obviously amiss in the log
L1493[23:11:36] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|AFK
L1494[23:15:33] ⇦ Quits: pong (~notPing@2601:4:680:104c:b8e6:7666:1093:7218) (Quit: http://i.imgur.com/Akc6r.gif)
L1495[23:16:11] <Sora> GauHelldragon: it seems not to be working in a fresh world either
L1496[23:16:16] <Sora> so... uh... hm...
L1497[23:16:39] <GauHelldragon> :<
L1498[23:16:47] <Sora> herp a derp
L1499[23:16:49] <Sora> haha
L1500[23:17:04] <GauHelldragon> i am using version
L1501[23:17:09] <GauHelldragon> ?? did you see what the trouble was?
L1502[23:17:36] <Sora> GauHelldragon: I only updated because it kept yelling at me to do it
L1503[23:18:05] <GauHelldragon> did updating fix it?
L1504[23:18:11] <GauHelldragon> also what's the difference between robots and drones
L1505[23:18:37] <Sora> I never had an OC assembler with 1.5.2, so no idea if it fixed or not
L1506[23:18:52] <Sora> I could try downgrading... maybe...
L1507[23:19:05] <Sora> that makes me nervous though
L1508[23:20:11] <Sora> worst part is that I was literally about to setup a server with this pack
L1509[23:20:18] <GauHelldragon> ah, drones have entity based movement and robots are tile based?
L1510[23:20:25] <Sora> and I don't want to now that I know something is broken
L1511[23:20:31] <Sora> GauHelldragon: I think that's part of it
L1512[23:20:46] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54970A23.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1513[23:21:04] <Sora> tbh never much used OC in survival before
L1514[23:21:38] <Sora> I'm going to try to start
L1515[23:21:48] <Sora> So that it actually gets used in my pack lol
L1516[23:22:11] <Sora> hm... maybe I toasted a config option somewhere...
L1517[23:22:39] *** justastranger|AFK is now known as justastranger
L1518[23:23:50] <GauHelldragon> so microcontrollers are basically computers but are more limited
L1519[23:23:56] <Sora> basically
L1520[23:24:02] <GauHelldragon> and they are 'cheaper'
L1521[23:24:06] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54971EFE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1522[23:24:08] <Sora> that's the theory
L1523[23:24:14] <GauHelldragon> in that it takes about 3 and a half less iron to make than a regular computer
L1524[23:24:21] <Sora> I intend to use one to control my reactor
L1525[23:25:10] <GauHelldragon> seems like jsut a regular computer would be easier
L1526[23:25:30] <GauHelldragon> easier to setup, no need to assemble it
L1527[23:25:32] <Sora> well... I wasn't aware that the microcontroller wouldn't work :P
L1528[23:25:44] <GauHelldragon> can customize it or upgrade it later
L1529[23:25:57] <GauHelldragon> and the material cost is basically the same
L1530[23:26:01] <Sora> I am going to say that for this particular purpose
L1531[23:26:11] <Sora> I slapped in a tier 1 CPU
L1532[23:26:39] <Sora> Low-grade tier 1 memory (which, btw, has been doubled from default for every memory in the pack)
L1533[23:26:40] <GauHelldragon> and you gotta program an eeprom
L1534[23:26:49] <Sora> And the eeprom
L1535[23:26:56] <Sora> which is cheaper than a HDD
L1536[23:27:10] <Sora> and you'd need to craft one for a standard microcomputer anyways
L1537[23:27:40] <LordFokas> that is exactly what microcontrollers were made for
L1538[23:27:53] <LordFokas> to sit in a hole guarding nuclear reactors
L1539[23:28:07] <LordFokas> or other unmanned devices
L1540[23:28:13] *** justastranger is now known as justaboom
L1541[23:28:15] <GauHelldragon> yea but
L1542[23:28:29] <LordFokas> you set it up once, hide it in the walls, and forget it's there
L1543[23:28:35] <Sora> I looked in the configs
L1544[23:28:43] <Sora> nothing that I think would have broken it :/
L1545[23:29:22] <GauHelldragon> cheaper than an hdd cuz it holds less data, is more difficult to edit and i also have no idea how to edit it ??
L1546[23:29:28] <Sora> LordFokas: mind helping me figure out a problem real fast?
L1547[23:29:34] <Sora> GauHelldragon: you flash it, basically
L1548[23:29:41] *** justaboom is now known as justalittleboom
L1549[23:29:56] <LordFokas> no but. CC has got people used to bad practices. Setting up a computer to handle an unmanned device is like using a cannon to kill a fly.
L1550[23:30:21] <Sora> yeaaa, I'm going to agree with that one
L1551[23:30:31] <GauHelldragon> for simple stuff i use MFC programable rednet computer :o
L1552[23:30:32] <LordFokas> Sora: I'm not very skilled or aware of OC's stuff, but I'll do my best.
L1553[23:30:46] <Kodos> MFC?
L1554[23:30:47] <Sora> K, so the assembler isn't working in survival
L1555[23:30:53] <GauHelldragon> minefactory reloaded
L1556[23:30:56] <Sora> it's getting power and everything
L1557[23:30:58] <Sora> and I started it
L1558[23:31:01] <Sora> but... it get's stuck
L1559[23:31:02] <Kodos> Oh, MFR
L1560[23:31:06] <Kodos> Programmable RedNet Controller
L1561[23:31:13] <GauHelldragon> yeah that
L1562[23:31:22] <GauHelldragon> lets you combine a dozen or so logic gates
L1563[23:31:27] <GauHelldragon> along with variables n such
L1564[23:31:31] *** justalittleboom is now known as justastranger|zzz
L1565[23:31:34] <Sora> It permanently stays at 0% completion
L1566[23:31:39] <Sora> I have no idea what I'm doing wrong
L1567[23:32:31] <Sora> This is OpenComputers-MC1.7.10-, running on a custom modpack
L1568[23:33:05] <LordFokas> I have never used assemblers
L1569[23:33:30] <LordFokas> even though I like OC more than CC, my knowledge of the mod is very limited.
L1570[23:34:23] <Sora> LordFokas: no prob. thanks for listening anyways.
L1571[23:35:24] <Kodos> Sora, can you screenshot your setup
L1572[23:35:34] <Sora> yeah, just a sec
L1573[23:35:41] <Rashy> takes a fair amount of skill to hit a fly with a cannon (completely irrelevant, ignore me)
L1574[23:35:49] <Kodos> Juggling IRC and Warframe, so bear with me
L1575[23:35:54] <Kodos> But I'll try to help as much as I can
L1576[23:36:13] <Sora> yeah, no problem
L1577[23:36:15] <Alissa> /hideuser Rashy
L1578[23:36:17] <LordFokas> Tenno scum!
L1579[23:36:22] <Alissa> done :)
L1580[23:36:30] <Rashy> D: oh, harsh
L1581[23:36:54] <GauHelldragon> yeah i like oc a lot
L1582[23:37:02] <GauHelldragon> although the crafting recipes are pretty harsh :D
L1583[23:37:32] <GauHelldragon> i don't think i'd be able to be able to build anything without a good ae2 crafting network in place :d
L1584[23:37:48] <LordFokas> computers are fairly easy to build
L1585[23:38:04] <GauHelldragon> yes
L1586[23:38:06] <LordFokas> it's not a bunch of stone and a bit of red dust
L1587[23:38:21] <Sora> I have multiple images
L1588[23:38:22] <LordFokas> but those are computers, not rocks
L1589[23:38:24] <GauHelldragon> i go to ae2 terminal and click on the parts i need
L1590[23:38:29] <GauHelldragon> and press 'craft'
L1591[23:38:30] <Sora> So this first one is just that - the first
L1592[23:38:30] <Kodos> Sora, an imgur album should work
L1593[23:38:31] <GauHelldragon> :3
L1594[23:38:36] <LordFokas> and OC makes CC computers look closer to a rock than a PC :p
L1595[23:38:37] <Sora> Kodos: I don't have imgur :(
L1596[23:38:44] <Sora> anyways
L1597[23:38:48] <Sora> First picture
L1598[23:38:48] <LordFokas> which justifies the recipes :p
L1599[23:38:50] <Sora> http://s4.postimg.org/ek18bc4wd/2015_03_25_21_36_24.png
L1600[23:39:05] <GauHelldragon> yes CC crafting recipes always bugged me
L1601[23:39:09] <Sora> http://s24.postimg.org/eoqzzj5w5/2015_03_25_21_36_29.png
L1602[23:39:31] <Sora> http://s24.postimg.org/j0flojct1/2015_03_25_21_36_50.png
L1603[23:39:31] <GauHelldragon> and how easy it is to make the robot
L1604[23:39:33] <Sora> that's it
L1605[23:39:37] <GauHelldragon> the turtle
L1606[23:39:46] <Sora> GauHelldragon: a couple crafts
L1607[23:39:54] <Kodos> mkay, one more picture request: The assembler GUI
L1608[23:39:59] <Sora> derp
L1609[23:40:04] <Sora> Should have thought of that one
L1610[23:40:06] <Sora> onesec
L1611[23:40:23] <GauHelldragon> although i think the drone shoudl require something in its recipe that allows it to hover like that :o
L1612[23:40:36] <Sora> http://s22.postimg.org/3lr35cwmp/2015_03_25_21_40_16.png
L1613[23:40:52] <Kodos> Do you happen to remember what components you used
L1614[23:40:54] <Sora> GauHelldragon: they are lighter than robots, which can't hover that much
L1615[23:41:03] <Sora> Kodos: Level 1 Microcontroller case
L1616[23:41:07] <GauHelldragon> what do you mean?
L1617[23:41:12] <GauHelldragon> don't robots get unlimited hovering
L1618[23:41:15] <Sora> Kodos: Tier 1 CPU
L1619[23:41:20] <Sora> Kodos: Tier 1 Memory
L1620[23:41:25] <Sora> Kodos: EEPROM
L1621[23:41:29] <Sora> that's all
L1622[23:41:40] <Sora> GauHelldragon: not anymore
L1623[23:41:47] <GauHelldragon> how does it work
L1624[23:41:50] <Kodos> ~w microcontroller
L1625[23:41:50] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:microcontrollercase
L1626[23:41:56] <GauHelldragon> can they only hover a certain number of squares off the ground?
L1627[23:41:58] <GauHelldragon> or not at all
L1628[23:42:05] <Sora> Default is 8
L1629[23:42:10] <Kodos> http://ocdoc.cil.li/block:microcontroller
L1630[23:42:12] <GauHelldragon> k
L1631[23:42:13] <Kodos> Someone fix plzkthx
L1632[23:43:16] <Kodos> Sora, I'll test in a bit, but just for shiggles, what version of OC are you using
L1633[23:43:41] <Sora> This is OpenComputers-MC1.7.10-, running on a custom modpack
L1634[23:44:02] *** LordFokas is now known as LordFokas|off
L1635[23:44:11] <Kodos> Would you mind testing with the dev builds, found at http://ci.cil.li/job/OpenComputers-dev-MC1.7.10/
L1636[23:44:16] <Kodos> And see if the problem still persists
L1637[23:52:35] <Sora> Scroller didn't automagicall
L1638[23:52:40] <Sora> Sorry about that
L1639[23:52:46] <Sora> Sure, I'll give a dev build a shot
L1640[23:53:34] <Sora> I'm going to be upfront and say that I'll be testing it in a testing environment, not the real pack instance
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