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L1[00:03:43] ⇦ Quits: justastranger (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646) (Excess Flood)
L2[00:05:15] <Kodos> lol
L3[00:05:27] <Kodos> Yep, you'll slowly start to pick up stuff
L4[00:05:49] <Kodos> http://pastebin.com/GaGZmYMm That's a quick cointoss program I made to test an experiment
L5[00:06:02] <Kodos> Just use 'cointoss 100' to run the simulation 100 times
L6[00:06:09] <Kodos> It'll only print out the results
L7[00:06:11] <Kodos> So no massive spam
L8[00:06:11] <EnderBot2> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE
L9[00:06:11] -Kibibyte- [EnderBot2] Monty Python - Spam | by zumpzump | 3m20s | 422w0d ago | 6,502,255 views | Rated: 4.91/5.00
L10[00:07:04] <Khio_MC> Cool.
L11[00:09:08] ⇨ Joins: justastranger (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646)
L12[00:09:16] <Kodos> http://pastebin.com/01ZrHdgk WIP Colors library for my own personal use
L13[00:09:24] <Kodos> I have to fix a couple things with it though
L14[00:09:27] <Kodos> like rename lightgray to silver
L15[00:09:34] <Kodos> I think, anyway
L16[00:10:55] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L17[00:10:55] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L18[00:19:30] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L19[00:35:25] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L20[00:47:13] <Izaya> Afternoon o/
L21[00:50:38] <Kamran> p/ Izaya
L22[00:50:41] <Kamran> o/*
L23[00:50:51] <Izaya> :P
L24[00:53:39] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L25[00:59:21] ⇦ Quits: Khio_MC (~khionu@ip68-230-135-208.ri.ri.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L26[01:00:52] ⇨ Joins: Ir7_o (~Ir7_o@
L27[01:00:52] zsh sets mode: +o on Ir7_o
L28[01:19:56] *** Daiyousei is now known as LearningFairy
L29[01:25:59] ⇦ Quits: Kamran (~Kamran@dhcp-089-099-178-146.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L30[01:32:39] ⇨ Joins: Kamran (~Kamran@dhcp-089-099-178-146.chello.nl)
L31[01:33:43] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L32[01:48:33] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C85F7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L33[01:48:33] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L34[01:49:27] <Vexatos> \o
L35[01:52:28] <Izaya> So I have a friend that's very consumerish, and I told him that he can't buy Linux, so now he wants to donate the price of Windows to 'Linux' I think his impression is that Linux is a company ._.
L36[01:54:53] <Vexatos> Izaya, tell him to pick his favourite distro and donate to that :P
L37[01:55:43] <Izaya> I'm just...
L38[01:55:57] <Izaya> ._.
L39[01:57:44] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L40[01:57:54] ⇨ Joins: didiopod (~didiopod@ool-4353be4a.dyn.optonline.net)
L41[01:58:03] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L42[01:58:41] <didiopod> Ingame test: is this working?
L43[01:58:49] <Izaya> indeed
L44[01:58:53] <didiopod> Sweeeet
L45[01:59:04] <didiopod> I love this mod :)
L46[01:59:10] <Izaya> As do I.
L47[01:59:52] <didiopod> Has anyone made a browser for it yet?
L48[01:59:58] <didiopod> I know cc has one, sort of
L49[02:00:31] <Izaya> Uh, not really.
L50[02:00:42] <Izaya> I was intending to write a markdown parser eventually
L51[02:01:15] <didiopod> Awesome. I made a png renderer recently, was thinking about doing the parser at some point
L52[02:01:36] <didiopod> *a parser
L53[02:01:57] <Izaya> Fancy.
L54[02:02:11] <Izaya> I was then going to impliment gopher and some level of routing
L55[02:02:33] <didiopod> Should I know what gopher is?
L56[02:03:17] <Vexatos> Not really
L57[02:03:32] <didiopod> I need to now. What is it?
L58[02:03:49] <Vexatos> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gopher_%28protocol%29
L59[02:03:51] <Izaya> It's a text-based browsing protocol.
L60[02:03:55] <Vexatos> An internet protocol
L61[02:03:56] <Vexatos> yes
L62[02:03:58] <Izaya> Yeah, that one.
L63[02:04:02] <didiopod> Ooooh, cool
L64[02:04:04] <Izaya> It's hierachial and shit
L65[02:04:20] <Izaya> Existed before HTTP, but probably died out 'cause of the lisencing
L66[02:04:23] <Vexatos> Well, OC having an IRC client already is quite cool
L67[02:04:37] <didiopod> Abso-frikin-lutely
L68[02:04:45] <Vexatos> and it's got OPPM and besh, those are probably the most valuable loot disks
L69[02:05:01] <didiopod> Yeah, oppm is great too
L70[02:05:24] <didiopod> That's what drove me to switch from cc; the packages are all over the place
L71[02:05:46] <Vexatos> I guess I need to say "Mission accomplished."
L72[02:06:15] <didiopod> Yeah, totally
L73[02:07:26] <Stary2001> Izaya: o/
L74[02:07:42] <Izaya> o/ Stary2001
L75[02:07:48] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L76[02:07:48] <Kodos> install just copies whatever's on the floppy to the same location on '/' right?
L77[02:09:02] <didiopod> I'm not sure
L78[02:09:16] <didiopod> I think that's basically what it did for openos
L79[02:09:53] <didiopod> I didn't use it for irc or oppm
L80[02:11:40] <Vexatos> Kodos, no
L81[02:11:59] <Vexatos> With OPPM, you'll need to run it once
L82[02:12:03] <Vexatos> to make it install itself
L83[02:12:25] <Kodos> Sorry, my question was out of context; I just want to make a loot disk, and need to know how to ensure all my files will 'install' properly
L84[02:12:31] <Vexatos> didiopod, For OpenOS, you need to run the "install" program
L85[02:12:42] <Vexatos> to make it install properly
L86[02:12:47] <Kodos> I didn't realize my question would sound relevant to current convo
L87[02:13:03] *** Kilobyte is now known as Kiloff
L88[02:13:07] <Vexatos> Well, better you install it to /usr/bin and /usr/lib
L89[02:16:04] <Izaya> ooooo
L90[02:16:18] <Izaya> I can use Arch Linux on my online labs server
L91[02:18:05] <Izaya> and I can't think of a name
L92[02:18:07] <Izaya> daaamnit
L93[02:19:47] <didiopod> What about "Izarch"
L94[02:21:15] <Izaya> Generally I give them the names of female anime characters - ones good with computers, preferably - for example my home server is called lain
L95[02:21:39] ⇦ Quits: Ir7_o (~Ir7_o@ ()
L96[02:22:41] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54971F3B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L97[02:23:32] <Izaya> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robotics;Notes#Characters Frau will do. Maybe Airi...
L98[02:24:05] ⇦ Quits: Kamran (~Kamran@dhcp-089-099-178-146.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L99[02:24:14] ⇨ Joins: Kamran (~Kamran@dhcp-089-099-178-146.chello.nl)
L100[02:24:21] <Vexatos> "Frau" is the German word for "woman"
L101[02:24:28] <Izaya> Noted.
L102[02:24:32] <Izaya> *crosses that off*
L103[02:24:40] <didiopod> Lol
L104[02:24:50] <Izaya> Anyway, Kountdown in #KSPOfficial says Akiho.
L105[02:24:52] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54971F3B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L106[02:28:45] <didiopod> Vexatos, do you know what "computer" refers to in the "machine.lua" file?
L107[02:29:07] <Vexatos> I assume the own computer component
L108[02:29:32] <didiopod> Do you know where that's defined?
L109[02:32:09] <Izaya> In the scala source, I assume.
L110[02:33:06] <didiopod> Yep, just found it. It's in "ComputerAPI.scala". Thanks.
L111[02:33:41] * Izaya is currently waiting for his server to ping
L112[02:33:48] <Izaya> Ooo, transferring data
L113[02:34:14] <Izaya> Still no ping...
L114[02:35:04] ⇨ Joins: JohnRipley (~{insert@
L115[02:35:38] <JohnRipley> goood day everyone
L116[02:35:47] <Izaya> Good evening.
L117[02:35:49] <didiopod> Yo
L118[02:36:00] <JohnRipley> how's everyone doing
L119[02:36:17] <didiopod> Sleepy
L120[02:36:33] <Izaya> booting kernel
L121[02:37:26] <didiopod> "I'm doing sleepy"
L122[02:37:27] <didiopod> ...
L123[02:37:35] <didiopod> I don't think the grammar was right on that
L124[02:38:47] <JohnRipley> oh god, who's sleepy?
L125[02:39:03] <JohnRipley> sleeping is for the weak
L126[02:39:38] <didiopod> Then I'm very, *very* weak
L127[02:39:44] <didiopod> I love sleeping
L128[02:39:58] * Izaya lives on caffeine and ramen
L129[02:40:35] <didiopod> Hahaha, same
L130[02:40:38] <CompanionCube> Izaya, o.o
L131[02:40:39] <didiopod> And tacquitos
L132[02:40:43] <CompanionCube> http://thenextweb.com/microsoft/2015/03/19/microsoft-is-open-sourcing-visual-studios-build-tool-msbuild/
L133[02:40:43] <didiopod> I love tacquitos
L134[02:41:16] <Izaya> CompanionCube: Please tell me that's the command line program?
L135[02:41:24] <CompanionCube> Izaya, idfk
L136[02:41:31] * CompanionCube hasn't used visual studio...ever
L137[02:41:34] * JohnRipley seconds Izaya
L138[02:41:36] <Izaya> Because VS's interface is slow and huge ahd shit
L139[02:41:50] <CompanionCube> MSBuild is a build engine used for compiling applications from source. It helps automate the process of building code, performing tests and packaging the application.
L140[02:41:55] <CompanionCube> Microsoft also promised it�ll be porting MSBuild to Linux and Mac in the future so that developers can build .NET applications on those platforms too.
L141[02:42:01] <Izaya> Descriptive.
L142[02:42:04] <CompanionCube> so it'll be like your Makefile.
L143[02:42:16] <Izaya> looks like a command line program
L144[02:42:36] <CompanionCube> yep
L145[02:42:40] <Izaya> can get beind this
L146[02:42:40] <Izaya> Why not just port make to DOS?
L147[02:43:11] <CompanionCube> ...why DOS?
L148[02:43:34] <Izaya> Because Windows is DOS with users and long file names
L149[02:43:47] <Izaya> (I know, I know, it's not DOS. But it seems the same as DOS to me)
L150[02:43:59] <CompanionCube> Make *is* ported to windows
L151[02:44:55] <CompanionCube> Izaya, but yeah
L152[02:45:03] <CompanionCube> this is the program VS uses to compile yo shit
L153[02:45:13] <Izaya> so why doesn't it use make?
L154[02:45:21] <Izaya> OH WAIT
L155[02:45:22] <Izaya> microsoft
L156[02:45:29] <CompanionCube> exactly
L157[02:45:32] <Izaya> can't have open standards, bad for business.
L158[02:45:54] <didiopod> Noob question: make is only for C, right?
L159[02:46:03] <CompanionCube> didiopod, Make is language-agnostic
L160[02:46:13] <CompanionCube> you just have to write a Makefile.
L161[02:46:24] <didiopod> Oh
L162[02:46:27] <Izaya> Oh yeah, CompanionCube, I'm currently waiting till they finish installing the OS onto my online labs server :D
L163[02:46:48] <CompanionCube> Izaya, be careful, they have dynamic IPs by default
L164[02:46:57] <Izaya> I set it to static.
L165[02:46:59] <CompanionCube> and glhf getting a 'reserved' one by default
L166[02:47:20] <CompanionCube> Izaya, you know they can run Arch?
L167[02:47:25] <Izaya> I do inteed.
L168[02:47:28] <Izaya> indeed*
L169[02:47:57] <CompanionCube> sadly no hw virt
L170[02:48:41] <Izaya> Do I want to attach a HDD?
L171[02:48:49] <Izaya> (Like, later?)
L172[02:48:51] <CompanionCube> do you want more than 20 gig storage?
L173[02:49:11] <Izaya> Will I need it? I can't access it very quickly with my network connection.
L174[02:49:12] <JohnRipley> are you using azure or home lab?
L175[02:49:24] <CompanionCube> Izaya, up to you
L176[02:49:38] <CompanionCube> the root disk is only ~20GB iirc though
L177[02:49:45] <Izaya> I have a home lab, but I got an onlinelabs invite :D
L178[02:49:50] <Izaya> Yeah, 20GB SSD
L179[02:49:53] ⇦ Quits: Temia (~lamialily@shellx.eskimo.com) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L180[02:49:55] <JohnRipley> What's online labs?
L181[02:50:02] ⇨ Joins: Temia (~lamialily@shellx.eskimo.com)
L182[02:50:18] <CompanionCube> JohnRipley, betatesting cloud ARM servers
L183[02:50:31] <Izaya> https://doc.cloud.online.net/ In beta/alpha/whatever, you get a free physical ARM server
L184[02:50:36] <JohnRipley> Nice
L185[02:50:45] <CompanionCube> Izaya, actually you get 2
L186[02:50:53] <Izaya> 2!?
L187[02:50:56] <Izaya> Fuckyesss
L188[02:51:22] * CompanionCube needs to finish setting up his VPN
L189[02:51:29] <CompanionCube> to deal with those pesky dynamic IPs
L190[02:51:36] <JohnRipley> Nice, what are you going to use it for?
L191[02:51:51] <Izaya> You can assign it a static IP, CompanionCube
L192[02:52:00] <CompanionCube> Izaya, ik
L193[02:52:02] <JohnRipley>
L194[02:52:08] <Izaya> I might use it to run game servers, ie minecraft or starmade, because you can run those on the JVM
L195[02:52:09] <JohnRipley> Each user account is limited to:
L196[02:52:10] <JohnRipley> •2 servers
L197[02:52:10] <JohnRipley> •5 volumes
L198[02:52:10] <JohnRipley> •10 snapshots
L199[02:52:10] <JohnRipley> •100 images
L200[02:52:10] <JohnRipley> •1 reserved IP address
L201[02:52:31] <Izaya> 1 IP address between two servers...
L202[02:52:36] <Izaya> I could use a ssh proxy I s'pose.
L203[02:52:57] * CompanionCube used / is using a VPN to assign all nodes static IPs.
L204[02:53:13] <Izaya> Forward some ports on server 1 with the static IP to server 2 running half of the stuff
L205[02:53:23] <CompanionCube> Izaya, also the IP only changes upon reboot / stop-start
L206[02:53:33] <CompanionCube> for dynamic servers
L207[02:53:41] <Izaya> Meh.
L208[02:53:47] * Skye needs to do something with his labs.online.net servers
L209[02:54:00] <CompanionCube> Izaya, also, did you know they use a form of NAT?
L210[02:54:10] <Izaya> No?
L211[02:54:13] <CompanionCube> We want to thank you and all our early adopters, it has been amazing to see so many testers from all over the globe!
L212[02:54:15] <CompanionCube> It has been a huge success, imagine that during this preview you requested more than 200,000 servers!
L213[02:54:15] <CompanionCube> Again, thank you, your help and tests has been so useful!
L214[02:54:15] <CompanionCube> Some big news are coming in a couple of days, stay tuned...
L215[02:54:15] <CompanionCube> fuuu
L216[02:54:31] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L217[02:54:40] <Skye> hm
L218[02:55:22] <Skye> I want to see what the prices will be to see if I can afford them.
L219[02:55:50] <Izaya> I think I'd prefer an x86 cloud server, more software support. But hey, it's free for now, and it can java, so why not?
L220[02:55:55] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L221[02:56:03] <JohnRipley> If it's too expensive, you can use microsoft Azure
L222[02:56:05] <didiopod> Everything can java
L223[02:56:18] * CompanionCube just got a reserved IP
L224[02:56:21] <Skye> :O
L225[02:56:31] <Skye> I wish they had IPv6 support
L226[02:56:39] <Izaya> JohnRipley: Do I get a ssh-enabled Arch Linux machine with 4 cores and 2GB RAM and up to 120GB storage?
L227[02:56:53] <Izaya> actually, limit may not exist.
L228[02:57:04] <Izaya> (on storage - if you pay)
L229[02:57:17] <JohnRipley> Yeah you can i think, you can scale it alot more
L230[02:57:43] <JohnRipley> i once ran a 8 core, 64Gig ram 512Gig SSD with extra cache
L231[02:57:47] <JohnRipley> i loved it
L232[02:57:56] <Izaya> o.o
L233[02:58:21] <CompanionCube> JohnRipley, imagine how much that would cost
L234[02:58:21] <Izaya> My fancy new server is a C2D 8700 2.5Ghz, 4GB RAM and a 250GB HDD, quite an upgrade from the VIA C3 machine
L235[02:58:35] <Izaya> (home server, it's secretly a laptop, don't tell anyone)
L236[02:58:51] <didiopod> Lol, better than my secret home server laptop
L237[02:58:56] <JohnRipley> CompanionCube, theres some great prizes
L238[02:58:58] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L239[02:58:59] <JohnRipley> prices*
L240[02:59:00] <Skye> My "server" is an RPi with 512mb of ram.
L241[02:59:01] <didiopod> I have an x60
L242[02:59:11] * CompanionCube surfs the LowEndTalk forum for good deals
L243[02:59:23] <CompanionCube> haven't actually used any though
L244[02:59:26] <Izaya> I think this one is an X400, but I don't remember
L245[02:59:28] <Skye> I wonder...
L246[02:59:45] <Skye> I wonder if I could convince my dad to let me run a laptop all the time.
L247[03:00:08] <Skye> (there is an old laptop that is gathering dust)
L248[03:00:31] <didiopod> If you put arch on it and keep it on a schedule you won't draw much power at all
L249[03:01:43] <CompanionCube> Skye, you might want to look into the Intel NUC.
L250[03:01:47] <Izaya> Correction: My home server is a Lenovo ThinkPad T400
L251[03:01:54] <Skye> I cannot afford to buy things, CompanionCube
L252[03:02:11] <Skye> hmm
L253[03:02:31] <Skye> I wonder if the laptop supports wake on lan....
L254[03:02:35] <Skye> if it does....
L255[03:02:46] <Izaya> I set up emilia with WOL
L256[03:03:03] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L257[03:03:09] <Izaya> Shiny stuff, I can have her shut down except when the batch jobs run, where she un-hibernates :D
L258[03:03:39] <Skye> hmm
L259[03:03:44] <Stary2001> CompanionCube: oshit, end of beta?
L260[03:04:55] <Skye> I hope it is IPv6 support, but it looks like it probably is the end of the beta...
L261[03:05:41] <Vexatos> Izaya, still in need for a server name?
L262[03:05:55] <didiopod> Skye, have you looked at the raspberry pi 2?
L263[03:06:05] <Izaya> Vexatos: Went with akiho
L264[03:06:09] <Vexatos> Ok
L265[03:06:20] <Stary2001> Skye: probably. :c
L266[03:06:45] <Izaya> I'm going to use misaki for my other server, because misaki is ahiko's sister in Robotics;Notes
L267[03:06:56] <Stary2001> lol
L268[03:07:00] <Skye> didiopod: I cannot afford to buy things.
L269[03:07:39] <didiopod> Skye: I couldn't afford to buy it right now either, but it is only $35
L270[03:07:46] <Izaya> Can two servers share a volume?
L271[03:07:58] <Skye> I owe my dad around £100
L272[03:08:20] <didiopod> Oops
L273[03:08:25] <Skye> I CANNOT AFFORD ANYTHING
L274[03:08:31] <didiopod> And I'm just plain broke
L275[03:08:31] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L276[03:09:06] <Stary2001> Izaya: nope
L277[03:09:07] <Stary2001> Skye: ..gg
L278[03:09:36] <Skye> Look, I wanted to buy a monitor.
L279[03:09:52] <Skye> I'm also saving up for a graphics card.
L280[03:09:55] <Izaya> Damn, two servers with a single volume would be nice.
L281[03:11:03] <didiopod> Alright, time for me to get what sleep I can.
L282[03:11:10] <didiopod> Nice chattin with ya'll
L283[03:11:22] ⇦ Quits: didiopod (~didiopod@ool-4353be4a.dyn.optonline.net) (Quit: didiopod)
L284[03:16:36] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L285[03:18:00] <Stary2001> Izaya also
L286[03:18:12] <Stary2001> they use arm because they can make it crazy small
L287[03:18:22] <Izaya> Indeed, 1000 servers per rack
L288[03:18:24] <Izaya> insanity
L289[03:18:25] <JohnRipley> yo skye, there's a youtuber named skye i think? any relations?
L290[03:18:46] <Skye> no
L291[03:19:05] <JohnRipley> gtk
L292[03:19:28] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@
L293[03:19:29] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L294[03:21:34] <Izaya> eugh
L295[03:21:38] <Izaya> the latency to france suckks
L296[03:22:12] <Skye> JohnRipley: my youtube is skyemac123
L297[03:22:36] * Izaya is updating his servers
L298[03:22:39] <JohnRipley> umm
L299[03:22:43] <JohnRipley> okay?
L300[03:22:54] <Izaya> also, somehow, my second one finished before the first, so I gave it the IP.
L301[03:23:30] <Skye> JohnRipley, *shrug*
L302[03:23:57] <JohnRipley> Do you make videos?
L303[03:24:42] <Izaya> :D sudo pacman -Syu works!
L304[03:24:49] <Stary2001> Wheee
L305[03:25:05] *** Skye is now known as Skye|ProbablyGone
L306[03:25:36] *** Skye|ProbablyGone is now known as Skye
L307[03:26:01] <Skye> JohnRipley: I plan to, once I get a GPU that doesn't hate premiere elements 9
L308[03:26:24] <JohnRipley> :P
L309[03:26:26] <Izaya> :D First server has started!
L310[03:26:32] <Izaya> So I have a gateway machine now
L311[03:26:38] <JohnRipley> what are you going to run on the servers
L312[03:26:53] <JohnRipley> how do i get "the invite"
L313[03:27:14] <Skye> ask on their IRC
L314[03:28:07] <Stary2001> Or tweet them
L315[03:28:27] <Izaya> Or convince someone to send you one
L316[03:28:36] <Stary2001> heh
L317[03:29:04] <Skye> Izaya: doesn't really work
L318[03:29:07] <Stary2001> Izaya: "huh bad latency to france? oh right australia"
L319[03:29:33] <Stary2001> yeah poking then is instant invite
L320[03:29:47] <Stary2001> Inviting ppl is queued
L321[03:30:34] <Skye> I need to go now
L322[03:30:46] *** Skye is now known as Skye|ProbablyGone
L323[03:30:54] ⇨ Joins: Cube|school (webchat@
L324[03:30:58] <Cube|school> who's around?
L325[03:31:09] <Skye|ProbablyGone> not me!
L326[03:31:11] <Skye|ProbablyGone> bye
L327[03:31:21] <Stary2001> me
L328[03:31:22] <Stary2001> lel
L329[03:31:30] <Cube|school> Stary2001: you happy I passed assignment?
L330[03:31:37] <Izaya> me
L331[03:31:57] <Izaya> I enabled ssh compression, methinks I'll install mosh
L332[03:32:32] <Cube|school> Izaya: I did so much work on an assignment this week
L333[03:32:47] <Izaya> I did so much work on an assignment never
L334[03:33:42] <Cube|school> Izaya: I kinda want to play with UE4 but....8GB RAM...
L335[03:33:57] <Stary2001> lal
L336[03:34:22] <Stary2001> Cube|school: you passed? yey!
L337[03:34:35] <Cube|school> Stary2001: idfk
L338[03:34:38] * Cube|school thinks I failed
L339[03:36:33] <Stary2001> Gg
L340[03:36:36] <Cube|school> why the ping?
L341[03:36:54] <Izaya> testing whether I was still connected
L342[03:37:02] <Izaya> suddenly internet is slow
L343[03:37:06] <Izaya> maybe we hit the infinite limit
L344[03:37:08] <Cube|school> Stary2001: look at my IP on bgp.he.net
L345[03:40:03] <Cube|school> JANET iirc.
L346[03:43:05] <Cube|school> Izaya: http://i.imgur.com/ncIwBh1.jpg
L347[03:43:07] <Cube|school> crush
L348[03:43:08] <Cube|school> kill
L349[03:43:10] <Cube|school> destroy
L350[03:43:57] <Izaya> No, they've got it all wrong - all humans are shit :D
L351[03:47:35] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L352[03:52:28] *** Kiloff is now known as Kilobyte
L353[03:53:22] <Lizzy> Izaya, you're shit
L354[03:53:24] <Lizzy> :P
L355[03:53:54] <Izaya> Yep, I am :D
L356[03:57:04] * Izaya has set up mosh on his online labs server :D
L357[03:58:39] <Lizzy> i think someone invited me to that online labs thing but i have yet to get an invite to it
L358[03:58:59] <Izaya> Yeah, vifino invited me weeks ago, it waits till they get a new bunch I assume.
L359[03:59:03] <Izaya> anyway
L360[03:59:11] <Izaya> gotta boot into linux to modify my configs
L361[03:59:18] <Izaya> uno momento
L362[04:04:41] *** Yepoleb is now known as Guest89848
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L365[04:11:39] ⇦ Quits: Cube|school (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L366[04:11:53] <Izaya> Back.
L367[04:14:18] ⇦ Quits: shortybsd (~shortybsd@c-76-18-137-178.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L368[04:24:01] ⇨ Joins: Ender (~ubuntu@
L369[04:24:01] zsh sets mode: +o on Ender
L370[04:24:28] <Ender> heh, using a temporary vps from onlinelas
L371[04:24:37] <Ender> s/as/abs
L372[04:24:37] <Kibibyte> <Ender> heh, using a temporary vps from onlinelabs
L373[04:25:35] <Izaya> onlinelabs != virtual
L374[04:25:49] <Ender> meh, it was easier to type vps
L375[04:27:16] <Ender> %p
L376[04:27:19] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Ender 2.57s
L377[04:27:24] <Ender> eh?
L378[04:27:54] * Lizzy stabs LizzyLizard
L379[04:28:18] ⇨ Joins: shortybsd (~shortybsd@c-76-18-137-178.hsd1.tn.comcast.net)
L380[04:29:09] <Lizzy> oh, that's where LizzyLizard is connecting from
L381[04:30:30] ⇦ Quits: LizzyLizard (Siren@heyo.theender.net) (Quit: ZNC is being a stupid)
L382[04:31:52] <Lizzy> still had my other Lizzy account set up which was dormant till i accidentally went onto it with my phone
L383[04:32:00] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C85F7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L384[04:32:59] <Ender> wat
L385[04:33:16] * Izaya notes the continued lack of Dean
L386[04:33:58] <Lizzy> huh, i think the temporary server is now resetting itself
L387[04:34:31] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L388[04:36:21] ⇦ Quits: Ender (~ubuntu@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L389[04:44:01] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L390[04:44:24] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L391[04:55:33] <Skye|ProbablyGone> gah
L392[04:56:46] *** Skye|ProbablyGone is now known as Skye|School
L393[04:56:54] *** VikeStep is now known as VikeStep|A
L394[04:57:22] ⇨ Joins: Mirodin (~quassel@2a02:810d:12c0:1878:615c:ca5f:4b19:54f4)
L395[05:03:20] *** Benguin[ZzZ] is now known as Benguin
L396[05:10:12] <Skye|School> tmux is so useful.
L397[05:15:30] *** VikeStep|A is now known as VikeStep
L398[05:22:16] ⇦ Quits: JohnRipley (~{insert@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L399[05:22:55] <Izaya> It is indeed.
L400[05:23:00] <Izaya> It doesn't work on koding though :/
L401[05:23:17] <Izaya> Seems like koding uses it to manage its own multiplexing, or supports the keyboard shortcuts or something
L402[05:23:49] <Izaya> Also, tmux from a large distance is painful
L403[05:24:02] <Skye|School> eh?
L404[05:25:44] <Izaya> tmux has a fair bit of overhead
L405[05:25:57] <Izaya> on my onlinelabs it's near-unusable over normal ssh
L406[05:26:25] <Lizzy> Izaya, koding's backend uses screen
L407[05:26:48] <Izaya> Must just be bound to the keys then
L408[05:27:06] <Izaya> can't control-B -> to switch panes
L409[05:28:57] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L410[05:34:08] <Stary2001> :<
L411[05:34:24] * Skye|School hugs Stary2001
L412[05:34:26] <Skye|School> What's wrong?
L413[05:34:41] <Stary2001> nothing
L414[05:34:46] <Stary2001> just bored
L415[05:35:06] * Skye|School continues hugginh Stary2001
L416[05:35:16] <Skye|School> s/hugginh/hugging/
L417[05:35:16] <Kibibyte> * Skye|School continues hugging Stary2001
L418[05:35:21] <Stary2001> and the :< was at Izaya's koding fails
L419[05:36:01] * Skye|School wonders wether to slap Stary2001 or continue hugging him.
L420[05:36:01] * Stary2001 slaps Skye|School around a bit with a large trout
L421[05:36:01] * EnderBot2 laughs
L422[05:36:14] * Skye|School chooses to slap Stary2001
L423[05:36:14] * Stary2001 slaps Skye|School's bottom and grins cheekily
L424[05:36:14] * EnderBot2 high-fives Stary2001
L425[05:36:23] <Skye|School> O_o
L426[05:36:32] * Izaya has no idea what is going on
L427[05:36:36] * Skye|School gives EnderBot2 a cold stare
L428[05:36:58] * Skye|School joins Izaya in having no idea in what is going on
L429[05:37:05] <Izaya> ffs, need to copy my keys over
L430[05:37:12] <Stary2001> Gj
L431[05:37:21] <Izaya> I'll add a pass for my account first
L432[05:37:25] <Stary2001> lolo
L433[05:38:18] ⇨ Joins: JohnRipley (~{insert@
L434[05:43:15] <Izaya> woo, got my ssh bridge working \o/
L435[05:43:54] <Izaya> I can now ssh into my non-global-IP machine using a single command :D
L436[05:44:38] <Skye|School> heh
L437[05:44:55] <Stary2001> Wooo
L438[05:47:19] <dangranos> somehow plasmashell freezes and that break some thing .-.
L439[05:48:54] <Stary2001> ._.
L440[05:56:19] <Izaya> Would it be too much to proxy through lain as well?
L441[05:56:42] <Stary2001> yes
L442[06:06:58] <Izaya> proxy lain -> emilia -> misaki -> akiho, nothing can go wrong.
L443[06:12:03] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p549CE279.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L450[07:31:42] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-1-120-134-78.qcl9.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L451[07:38:02] <^v> [OpenComputers] http://git.io/h0Mx GoneNomad opened issue ( Suggestion: robot.chestCount() )
L452[08:02:09] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com)
L453[08:02:59] <^v> [OpenComputers] http://git.io/h07d fnuecke commented on issue ( Suggestion: robot.chestCount() )
L454[08:03:00] <^v> [OpenComputers] http://git.io/h0Mx fnuecke closed issue ( Suggestion: robot.chestCount() )
L455[08:12:18] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L456[08:14:49] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L457[08:17:24] <Izaya> Warning! hcbsfnjbvgsf
L458[08:17:31] <Izaya> I'll keep that in mind.
L459[08:21:18] <SuPeRMiNoR2> I just had to bike 2 or 3 miles in 30f (-1c). Its a lot worse then it sounds like
L460[08:21:54] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L461[08:24:24] <SkySom> Doesn't sound too bad
L462[08:24:32] <SkySom> Long as uou had enough layers on
L463[08:27:18] <Daiyousei> shrek has layers
L464[08:27:47] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L465[08:37:07] <^v> [OpenComputers] http://git.io/hEJL Hoijima opened issue ( 1.5.3 latest for 1.7.10 preforms very slow )
L466[08:38:17] *** AtomSponge|away is now known as AtomSponge
L467[08:42:06] <Izaya> so do onions?
L468[08:42:16] <vifino> Izaya! \O/
L469[08:42:21] * vifino hugs Izaya
L470[08:42:53] <Izaya> vifino! \o/
L471[08:43:00] * Izaya hugs vifino
L472[08:43:07] <vifino> How are you?
L473[08:43:58] * vifino sits on Lizzy
L474[08:45:07] <Izaya> Uh, pretty good.
L475[08:45:34] <vifino> That's nice.
L476[08:45:42] <Izaya> You?
L477[08:46:17] <vifino> I'm alright. As usual. Exceptions are unusual.
L478[08:46:53] <vifino> Whelp, people are starring my github repos
L479[08:46:57] * Lizzy hugs vifino
L480[08:47:23] * vifino hugs Lizzy
L481[08:47:25] <vifino> \o/
L482[08:49:06] <Izaya> You know, moving has advantages - here I can say I'm not interested in relationships because of someone from my last school :D
L483[08:49:39] <vifino> :(
L484[08:49:51] <vifino> That's a sad thing.
L485[09:14:49] ⇨ Joins: PotatoSchool (webchat@
L486[09:16:45] <PotatoSchool> CompanionCube,got invited it labs.online.net
L487[09:17:31] ⇦ Quits: ping (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:a16c:83db:7216:9763) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L489[09:17:54] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
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L496[09:26:02] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L497[09:28:00] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
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L514[10:36:31] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L515[10:52:44] ⇨ Joins: Daraketh (webchat@
L516[10:53:19] <Daraketh> hey all, is there an easy way to change eeprom in a robot without having to disassemble it? just updated to the latest version and my robot is bunk
L517[10:54:00] *** Skye|School is now known as Skye
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L519[10:56:44] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
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L529[11:54:09] <^v> [OpenComputers] rerorero started watching
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L533[13:05:02] <Kodos> Lizzy, and anyone else who places Space Engineers, OXYGEN UPDATE JIOGHJKHAJKHGKJAHSS
L534[13:05:40] <Katie> Yeah that just popped up on my FB
L535[13:05:44] <Katie> holy shaaaaat
L536[13:06:06] <Kodos> erjoh arehshdasdharhuy
L537[13:06:14] <Kodos> HYPETRAIN COMMENCE
L538[13:06:17] <Lizzy> Kodos, OMFG!!!!!!
L540[13:06:25] <Lizzy> :D :D :D :D
L541[13:06:39] <Techokami> not me, I'm working on a new structured modpack of my own :O
L542[13:06:45] <Kodos> MC or SE?
L543[13:06:50] <Techokami> MC
L544[13:06:55] <Kodos> Ffs
L545[13:07:05] <Techokami> it will require OpenComputers to access The End
L546[13:07:13] <Kodos> Looool
L547[13:07:17] <Kodos> Make OC required for all the things
L548[13:07:19] <Kodos> I'd play that
L549[13:07:21] <Techokami> heh
L550[13:07:28] <Kodos> Shit, you
L551[13:07:32] <Vexatos> Techokami, how?
L552[13:07:32] <Kodos> You're the one who made what mod
L553[13:07:36] <Kodos> I played it once
L554[13:07:39] <Kodos> more than once
L555[13:07:42] <Vexatos> Techokami, Will it contain Computronics and Flamingo?
L556[13:07:45] <Kodos> Flamingo, wtf
L557[13:07:49] <Kodos> Smoke another one, Vex
L558[13:07:54] <Lizzy> should i set up a SE server on my dedi?
L559[13:08:00] <Techokami> Vexatos, Computronics yes, what's Flamingo
L560[13:08:00] <Kodos> Lizzy, only if I can pick the mods :x
L561[13:08:16] <Lizzy> Kodos, sure *goes to google how to set up a SE dedicated server*
L562[13:08:23] <Katie> I have a SE on a dedi.. no one plays with me :P
L563[13:08:31] <Techokami> the idea is that the different content mods will have a purpose, and there will be structured progression
L564[13:08:33] <Kodos> Let me get a mod list together
L565[13:08:37] <Vexatos> Techokami, the best mod ever
L566[13:08:48] <Lizzy> Katie, well if you wanna add the mods Kodos wants we can all go on yours :P
L567[13:08:48] <Kodos> ACtually
L568[13:08:50] <Vexatos> http://giant.gfycat.com/LameShockingDingo.gif
L569[13:08:53] <Vexatos> http://gfycat.com/LameShockingDingo
L570[13:08:54] <Vexatos> Rather
L571[13:08:57] <Kodos> Let me go watch the Oxygen update video first
L572[13:08:58] <Kodos> brb
L573[13:09:02] <Vexatos> It's used as a currency on asie's server
L574[13:09:20] <Techokami> oh snap
L575[13:09:24] <Techokami> where can I get it
L576[13:09:34] <Vexatos> https://github.com/Vexatos/Flamingo/releases
L577[13:09:37] <Vexatos> Best currency ever
L578[13:09:46] <Vexatos> Require THAT to get to the end
L579[13:09:47] <Vexatos> :3
L580[13:09:57] <Techokami> yoink, will experiment with it on the test server
L581[13:10:20] <SkySom> Flamingo?
L582[13:10:20] <Techokami> here's a small sampling of things we're doing
L583[13:10:41] <Techokami> 1) Can't craft tools above stone. Use TiCon!
L584[13:10:50] <Katie> Also Lizzy I've never had the SE dedi work well on linux..
L585[13:10:53] <Katie> it runs...
L586[13:10:59] <Katie> but not well.. lol
L587[13:11:02] <Techokami> 2) Most Botania content is locked away behind Agricraft breeding
L588[13:11:30] <Lizzy> hexchat quit freezing up
L589[13:11:32] <Techokami> 3) "what do you mean I need a Cobalt shuriken to craft a quarry"
L590[13:12:01] <SkySom> Praise the Flamingo.
L591[13:12:04] <Lizzy> Katie, if your dedicated server or whatever works ok then we'll use that. saves me attempting to do stuff
L592[13:12:06] <SkySom> Second only to the Walrus
L593[13:12:21] <Techokami> 4) Custom dungeons generated in the world, like the GREENHOUSE OF DOOM
L594[13:13:20] * Katie sighs and spams F5 on the SEServerExtender github
L595[13:14:07] <Techokami> 5) To access The End, you need to master nearly everything in the pack, or get a bunch of friends to master different parts, so you can combine everything to make a gate to The End. Involves Witchery magics, TiCon and TE materials, Botania flowers, and a new OC peripheral to be driven by a computer
L596[13:14:38] <SkySom> That sounds almost forced though?
L597[13:14:49] <SkySom> It works this way cause I said so?
L598[13:15:39] <Vexatos> Techokami, does it say that on the tin?
L599[13:15:45] <Vexatos> i.e. a "GRRENHOUSE OF DOOM" sign
L600[13:15:47] <Vexatos> at the entrance
L601[13:16:05] <Techokami> most likely
L602[13:16:18] <Techokami> if the evil overgrowth doesn't hammer it in
L603[13:16:27] <Vexatos> Also, where's the flamingo required to visit the end
L604[13:16:49] <Techokami> well these are just our current ideas and plans, you just introduced me to the flamingo
L605[13:17:03] <Techokami> but I could see it being in the center of the circle
L606[13:17:07] <Techokami> that makes the portal
L607[13:17:09] <Vexatos> Hurr
L608[13:18:04] <Lizzy> fuck you internet
L609[13:18:05] <Techokami> so the flamingo would be the foci, the OC peripheral the catalyst, and then everything else is controlled through magic rites
L610[13:18:47] <Lizzy> now why the fuck is steam not launching
L611[13:18:56] <Kodos> Okay, video was good, now writing up mod list
L612[13:21:15] <Lizzy> .-. why does steam check for updates every time it starts
L613[13:22:58] ⇨ Joins: lperkins2 (~perkins@
L614[13:23:08] <Katie> Kodos, warning, I have a couple of must haves that I'll be tacking onto your list :P
L615[13:23:23] <Kodos> What are they? They're likely already on it
L616[13:23:42] <Katie> I'm willing to bet at least one isn't :P
L617[13:23:49] <Kodos> Let me guess, you made it?
L618[13:24:22] <Katie> :P
L619[13:24:31] <Lizzy> Katie, is your server survival or creative?
L620[13:24:35] ⇦ Quits: pong (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:7040:2907:b65:5776) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L621[13:24:41] <Katie> creative
L622[13:24:46] <lperkins2> So I'm having issues with a robot losing all it's components (running I'm gonna update to the latest version, but if it wasn't a known bug in, it's probably still around. Anything in particular I should do to gather debugging information about why? Only one robot has the issue...
L623[13:24:49] <Lizzy> cool
L624[13:24:57] ⇨ Joins: pong (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:7040:2907:b65:5776)
L625[13:24:57] zsh sets mode: +v on pong
L626[13:26:03] <Katie> It's really just a small tweak..
L627[13:26:13] <Katie> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=371600928
L628[13:28:51] <Kodos> I'll remove Ludicrous Speed and add that then
L629[13:28:54] <Kodos> Yours is faster
L630[13:31:08] <Katie> Theres also the FTL mod, and Stargates
L631[13:31:32] <Lizzy> i like the stargates, got them working once but forgot how to later on
L632[13:31:59] <Kodos> FTL is nice, Stargates were weird
L633[13:32:03] <Katie> Unless it's changed recently it's annoying.. you have to rename the DHD/Computer to the name of the remote gate
L634[13:32:10] <Katie> but I still love the mod..
L635[13:32:28] <Kodos> Let me finish my modlist and see what you think =P
L636[13:36:01] <Kodos> Wait, you said it was a creative server?
L637[13:36:08] <Lizzy> Katie, what's your server's address?
L638[13:37:05] <Katie> it's down ATM, but it's
L639[13:40:32] <Lizzy> Kodos, how's that list comming?
L640[13:40:50] <Kodos> Give me a bit, I've got 110 mods subscribed, and I'm trying to knock that down as I go
L641[13:41:01] <Lizzy> k
L642[13:41:04] <Kodos> A lot of it is blueprints though
L643[13:41:18] <Kodos> Katie, Lizzy, how do you feel about Star Trek in general?
L644[13:42:41] <Lizzy> Kodos, been meaning to watch the films
L645[13:43:34] <One_MTechSupport> Did someone say Star Treck?
L646[13:43:38] <One_MTechSupport> Trek*
L647[13:43:51] <Lizzy> also i'm currently sitting at 6GB of ram used hehe
L648[13:43:58] * Lizzy ** SysInfo ** Client: HexChat 2.10.1 (x64) ** OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate ** CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (3.00 GHz) ** RAM: 16351 MB Total (10139 MB Free) ** VGA: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 ** Uptime: 0.72 Hours **
L649[13:44:42] <One_MTechSupport> How did you do that?
L650[13:44:51] <Lizzy> hexchat sysinfo plugin
L651[13:45:04] <One_MTechSupport> Oh.
L652[13:48:18] * Skye ** SysInfo ** Client: HexChat 2.10.2 (x64) ** OS: Microsoft Windows 8.1 ** CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz (3.00 GHz) ** RAM: 7697 MB Total (3209 MB Free) ** VGA: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 ** Uptime: 3.13 Hours **
L653[13:48:41] <Kodos> about 1/3 done
L654[13:48:42] <Kodos> =\
L655[13:48:54] <Kodos> I apologize in advance for killing your server
L656[13:50:02] <Katie> My usual pack is around 87 mods
L657[13:50:41] * Daiyousei ** SysInfo ** Client: HexChat 2.10.2 (x64) ** OS: Microsoft Windows 8.1 ** CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz (2.00 GHz) ** RAM: 8088 MB Total (5479 MB Free) ** VGA: AMD Radeon HD 7600M Series ** Uptime: 13.32 Hours **
L658[13:51:11] * Katie ** SysInfo ** Client: HexChat 2.10.2 (x64) ** OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview ** CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor (3.00 GHz) ** RAM: 16382 MB Total (8052 MB Free) ** VGA: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 ** Uptime: 112.94 Hours **
L659[13:52:07] <Katie> WTF steam..
L660[13:52:13] <Katie> why is my server downloading SE at 4 KB/s
L661[13:52:26] <Katie> Correction 1.4 KB/s
L662[13:52:31] <Lizzy> wow
L663[13:52:36] <Katie> Corretion 508 byte/s
L664[13:53:28] <Lizzy> suprisingly whilst i'm waiting for Kodos to do his list i'm updating warframe, it's downloading at 2MB/s. I think my PCI wifi card is a PoS
L665[13:54:03] <Katie> 6 MB/s now
L666[13:54:14] <Lizzy> lol
L667[13:54:47] <Kodos> I need help finding a video
L668[13:55:04] <Katie> Steam is on crack.
L669[13:55:09] <Kodos> It was right before spherical gravity gens came out, SE put it out on one of their other channels, it's just a guy orbiting an asteroid, with a song playing
L670[13:57:25] * Lizzy likes her system clock http://puu.sh/gH1R9/5d1e838e5d.jpg
L671[13:58:03] <Kodos> I'd link you my rainmeter setup, but I don't feel like opening photoshop to airbrush out my IP
L672[13:59:38] <Katie> Lizzy, Anquietas?
L673[14:00:21] ⇦ Quits: One_MTechSupport (webchat@ftth-66-132.bvunet.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L674[14:00:49] <Kodos> I'm -really- excited to see what modders do with the 3 different blocks needed for oxygen generation
L675[14:00:53] <Katie> I may watch too much Stargate...
L676[14:01:30] ⇦ Quits: JZTech101 (jztech101@crabhost.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L677[14:03:09] <Katie> Setting up SESM for this..
L678[14:03:41] ⇨ Joins: Uni (~Uni@p549CE279.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L679[14:03:52] ⇨ Joins: OneM_Industries (webchat@ftth-66-132.bvunet.net)
L680[14:04:44] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p549CE279.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L681[14:05:30] <Lizzy> Katie, yup
L682[14:06:58] <Katie> Ugh
L683[14:07:01] <Katie> It's forcing IIS...
L684[14:07:03] <Katie> noooo
L685[14:07:09] <Kodos> Sorry it's taking me so long x.x So many mods
L686[14:07:11] <Kodos> IIS?
L687[14:07:20] <Katie> MS'S Shit web server
L688[14:07:25] <Katie> Internet Information Services
L689[14:07:28] <Kodos> Ew
L690[14:07:39] <Katie> This box already runs Apache...
L691[14:07:48] <Katie> ugh... it's because it uses ASP
L692[14:08:07] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/bdHVi/e323b9bcb7.jpg Does this look okay :x
L693[14:08:42] <Lizzy> Katie, i have learnt to read the numbers rather fast, i need to learn the letters so i can set it as my font on stuff and not allow normal people to read it
L694[14:09:02] <Lizzy> Kodos, what's that?
L695[14:09:04] <Kodos> Lizzy, I did the same thing with Aurebesh
L696[14:09:10] <Kodos> It's a thing I'm working on for Second Life
L697[14:09:15] <Lizzy> ah
L698[14:09:57] <Kodos> There's a vampire/lycan roleplay system that's pretty popular, but most of the clans have some sort of drama. I'm starting my own, but instead of the standard, I'm having my clan set in a timeline of about 3300
L699[14:10:30] <Kodos> I already own a massive space station, so I'm just gonna have that be the clan hall and shit
L700[14:11:55] <Lizzy> how's that list comming?
L701[14:12:20] <Katie> Lizzy, if it helps any.. I don't have the server ready yet :P
L702[14:12:31] <Katie> I'm setting up SESM for remote admin and stuff
L703[14:12:40] <Kodos> Working on it, sorry, getting distracted
L704[14:12:51] <Kodos> I'm at 28/48
L705[14:13:51] <Kodos> I promise it's worth it :x
L706[14:13:57] <Kodos> I'm adding in links and a small description to each mod
L707[14:14:45] <Lizzy> Katie, i'll start moaning at you once Kodos has done his list :P
L708[14:15:10] <Kodos> Katie, can you show me your must have mods
L709[14:15:41] ⇨ Joins: marcin212_ (~marcin212@awq240.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
L710[14:16:08] <Katie> Titan Engine, FTL, Stargate, PCLShipSpeed, and I have no idea which mod adds them but these awesome Industrial Engines..
L711[14:16:26] <Kodos> That would be the Industrial Engines mod
L712[14:16:28] <Katie> There's also a GPS mod that shows coords on screen at all times
L713[14:16:34] <Kodos> Katie, GPS is in vanilla now
L714[14:16:55] <Katie> Unless it's changed in the last patch or two, it doesn't show the coords on screen at all time
L715[14:16:55] <Kodos> Not sure it shows on screen all the time or not
L716[14:16:59] <Katie> It doesn't
L717[14:17:05] <Kodos> Does that mod show the vanilla GPS coords?
L718[14:17:16] <Katie> afaik yes
L719[14:17:18] <Kodos> Mkay
L720[14:17:36] <Kodos> Theoretically, I won't have to sub to them, the server should autodownload them for me
L721[14:17:46] <Katie> yep
L722[14:18:05] <Kodos> Just a heads up, there's like 40 mods on my list. I've cut down from 110 though, so yeah
L723[14:18:14] ⇦ Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@awq240.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L724[14:18:18] <Katie> This server usually runs 80+
L725[14:18:45] * Kodos flails about
L726[14:18:51] <Kodos> I wanna play, not write a stupid list. Better get finished
L727[14:19:03] <Katie> SESM is takeing AGES.
L728[14:20:01] <Katie> Correction installing SQL 2008 R2 is taking ages.
L729[14:22:43] <Katie> "Please wait during the installation. Would you like a coffee?"
L730[14:22:46] <Katie> I thought they were kidding
L731[14:22:47] <Katie> nope.
L732[14:26:14] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L733[14:28:46] <Kodos> http://pastebin.com/bDU5NW8c
L734[14:28:49] <Kodos> It's done
L735[14:29:10] <Kodos> Now I'm gonna go hassle Darth Biomech to fix his hydroponics mod
L736[14:29:18] <Katie> ¬_¬ fml
L737[14:37:41] <Katie> fucking .net 4.5 pool is stopping
L738[14:40:04] <Lizzy> \o/ oxygen works now that i've enabled it in the world settings
L739[14:40:06] <Lizzy> ¬¬
L740[14:42:12] <Pwootage> idk what you're talking about but enabling it usually fixes stuff yeah
L741[14:42:32] <Kodos> Space Engineers
L742[14:42:35] <Kodos> Oxygen Update was today
L743[14:42:40] <Kodos> The first part of it, anyway
L744[14:44:15] <Pwootage> I havn't played SE in a while... I probably should
L745[14:44:43] * CompanionCube does nnot has SE
L746[14:47:21] <Pwootage> it's always sad when someone does not has something :( I hope you can has some day
L747[14:47:49] <Pwootage> (that was almost painful to write)
L748[14:48:37] <SkySom> For $.05 a day... You can ensure that each and every person can has something.
L749[14:52:20] <Kodos> I have two copies of Torchlight and a copy of God Mode
L750[14:52:35] <Kodos> I kind of want to try Medeival engineers
L751[14:54:52] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L752[14:56:10] <CompanionCube> does space engineers into linux yet
L753[14:56:36] <Daiyousei> yes
L754[14:56:46] <Daiyousei> wait
L755[14:56:46] <Daiyousei> no
L756[14:56:59] <Daiyousei> no it doesnt
L757[14:57:03] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~doty1154@
L758[14:57:23] * CompanionCube really should upgrade to 8GB RAM
L759[14:57:37] * Kodos has 16GB
L760[14:57:43] * Skye wants 32gb
L761[14:57:48] * Skye has 8gb
L762[14:58:02] * Daiyousei wants 64 gb
L763[14:58:04] <CompanionCube> Skye, 32GB is only really useful for servers or really RAM-intensive shit
L764[15:01:30] * SkySom has 6gb
L765[15:01:35] <SkySom> I want at least 16GB
L766[15:02:06] <Daiyousei> 8 works fine for nearly everything tho
L767[15:02:09] <Daiyousei> most people dont need more
L768[15:02:38] * Lizzy is currently sitting at 6GB used
L769[15:02:42] <Daiyousei> unless you run 42 copies of Crap on Duty: Advanced Ram-eating
L770[15:03:19] <Katie> 9.6 GB used and climbing
L771[15:03:45] <Daiyousei> how much shit do you even run at once xD
L772[15:03:56] <Katie> LOTS.
L773[15:04:02] <Daiyousei> D:
L774[15:04:13] <Lizzy> Katie, how comes the server?
L775[15:04:44] * Izaya often goes over his single 8GB stick
L776[15:04:50] <Katie> Lizzy, http://michi.pc-logix.com/2015-03-19_15-04-37.png
L777[15:05:00] <Lizzy> \o/ ?
L778[15:05:08] <Katie> It can't connect to the DB.
L779[15:05:09] * CompanionCube only has 2GB RAM
L780[15:05:25] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L781[15:05:25] <Katie> I'd have more, but this board caps at 16
L782[15:05:35] <CompanionCube> I has monies to get up to 8GB though
L783[15:06:00] <Lizzy> this board supports up to 32 GB (4x8GB sticks)
L784[15:07:26] <CompanionCube> this board supports up to 8GB.
L785[15:07:53] <CompanionCube> Windows Vista was like, hogging 50% of my RAM on boot.
L786[15:11:34] <SkySom> Honestly, my biggest issue is I/O
L787[15:11:43] <SkySom> Followed by CPU.
L788[15:11:56] <SkySom> But really I could eat more ram if I upped both those.
L789[15:13:55] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/gH8jn/454cf0f2b3.png
L790[15:17:09] <Izaya> ffs, just cut my finger open on a heatsink
L791[15:23:22] <Katie> \o/ it worked
L792[15:23:41] <Stary2001> Izaya: :|
L793[15:23:43] <Lizzy> \o/
L794[15:24:22] <Katie> Lizzy, http://bast.pc-logix.com:9192/ works for you?
L795[15:24:48] <Lizzy> http://puu.sh/gH9fZ/cf5b1018ae.jpg
L796[15:25:07] <Katie> It wasn't insanely slow was it?
L797[15:25:17] <Lizzy> nope, rather quick
L798[15:25:25] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L799[15:25:29] <Katie> GOod... first request was SLOOOOOOOW
L800[15:25:35] <Katie> but that might have been it starting up the app pool
L801[15:26:54] <Temia> aaaaaa <3
L802[15:27:08] <Temia> I just got the prototyping board for my Raspberry Tau today!
L803[15:27:18] <Temia> And the HDMI panel cable for my joystick!
L804[15:27:21] <Katie> Lizzy, http://bast.pc-logix.com:9192/Account/login/ and create an account plox
L805[15:27:29] <Temia> And the SD card to begin my shmup development on!
L806[15:27:31] <Temia> And and and...
L807[15:27:35] <Temia> PENGUINS! <3
L808[15:27:56] * Skye is jealous of Temia
L809[15:28:20] <Lizzy> Katie, k, done that i htink
L810[15:29:36] <Katie> Yep, I made you an admin.. now I need to setup the paths and stuff
L811[15:29:37] <Lizzy> yep, logged in
L812[15:33:40] * Lizzy wants a render farm
L813[15:36:52] * Katie pokes Kodos
L814[15:37:01] <Kodos> Wat
L815[15:37:09] <Kodos> Trying to figure out what mod added this liquid helium
L816[15:37:17] <Katie> whats your steam?
L817[15:37:28] <Katie> can't find anything on your usual name
L818[15:38:28] <Kodos> In the URL bar thinger, use "MynameisKodos"
L819[15:38:30] <Lizzy> Ha, all 4 cores are maxed out cause unreal editor is compiling stuffs
L820[15:40:54] <Katie> \o/ Can't find you
L821[15:41:45] <Kodos> Ugh
L822[15:41:45] <Katie> got it :P
L823[15:41:46] <Kodos> Link yours
L824[15:41:48] <Kodos> Lol
L825[15:43:13] ⇦ Quits: justastranger|zzz (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646) (Excess Flood)
L826[15:43:38] * Lizzy waits for Katie to set up the server
L827[15:43:45] <Katie> I'm woooooorking on it
L828[15:43:58] <Lizzy> k
L829[15:44:06] <Lizzy> i'ma mess around in unreal some more
L830[15:44:42] <Kodos> Katie how much of my modlist made it in :x
L831[15:45:39] <Katie> ATM?
L832[15:45:42] <Katie> none.
L833[15:49:08] ⇨ Joins: justastranger (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646)
L834[15:49:58] <Temia> Hmmm.
L835[15:53:59] <Katie> Kodos, I added you to the group... last thing we want is random people dropping in and blowing stuff up :P
L836[15:54:26] <SkySom> But I love to randomly drop in and blow stuff up :(
L837[15:55:12] ⇦ Quits: Kamran (~Kamran@dhcp-089-099-178-146.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L838[15:55:26] <Katie> Ok.. now I can do the modlist
L839[15:56:51] <Kodos> Mkay
L840[15:57:00] <Kodos> Trying to figure out what the hell is adding this liquid helium
L841[15:57:09] <Kodos> It's not vanilla afaik, since Ice is where you get your oxygen from
L842[15:58:39] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1FAD155C7DBD0B39956FE6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L843[16:00:15] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L844[16:02:01] *** Uni is now known as Inari
L845[16:02:02] ⇨ Joins: Kamran (~Kamran@dhcp-089-099-178-146.chello.nl)
L846[16:04:01] *** AtomSponge is now known as AtomSponge|away
L847[16:06:08] * Lizzy prods Katie
L848[16:06:59] <Katie> ¬_¬
L849[16:07:21] <Kodos> I'm sorreh
L850[16:07:58] <Katie> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
L851[16:07:58] <Katie> at =H1P2jEZdfoahFOXwBy7s06kFWr=.Load()
L852[16:09:27] <Katie> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Sandbox.Definitions.MyDefinitionManager' threw an exception. ---> System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
L853[16:09:29] <Katie> WTF SE...
L854[16:10:55] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L855[16:11:32] <Katie> running a verify
L856[16:13:09] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (~Forecaste@
L857[16:13:41] ⇦ Quits: CoolSquid (~SquidHub@ti0011a400-5117.bb.online.no) (Quit: Leaving)
L858[16:19:44] <Katie> \o/ Could not load file or assembly 'SteamSDK.dll' or one of its dependencies.
L859[16:19:46] <Katie> pisehjgohdsegr
L860[16:20:09] <Katie> Oh good... seems like this is a recent thing.. "Posted an hour ago"
L861[16:20:13] <Katie> and no replies
L862[16:20:50] <Katie> Yeah I can't start a dedi on my local machine either
L863[16:20:55] <Katie> seems keen broke dedi's
L864[16:21:16] <Stary2001> :V
L865[16:27:23] ⇨ Joins: Hobbyboy (Hobbyboy@hobbyboy.co.uk)
L866[16:27:44] <Katie> ¬_¬
L867[16:28:00] <Katie> They updated VC++ it seems.
L868[16:28:41] <Katie> Fix
L869[16:28:46] <Katie> Fix't
L870[16:31:04] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0) (Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1)
L871[16:33:29] <Kodos> I wish SE was like Minecraft, in that gamemode was per person
L872[16:35:34] <Lizzy> :/ can't seem to connect
L873[16:37:28] <Lizzy> oh, it's still starting
L874[16:37:37] * vifino sits on Lizzy
L875[16:38:50] <Katie> urgh why is my connection to the server such crap
L876[16:39:47] <Katie> *something* is wrong.. it's sitting at 60 MB RAM and 12% CPU
L877[16:40:23] <Lizzy> on the server panel it says it's stopped
L878[16:41:05] <Katie> Yeah I stopped it
L879[16:42:41] <Katie> Ok.. I'm going to try this config ONE MORE time.
L880[16:45:30] <Katie> There it goes.
L881[16:48:01] <Lizzy> is it working or no?
L882[16:48:08] <Kodos> Well, this is stupid
L883[16:48:09] <Katie> It's starting now
L884[16:48:11] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L885[16:48:17] <Kodos> Apparently if you turn off 'Control Thrusters' on a fligth seat in a large ship
L886[16:48:20] <Kodos> That seat can STILL turn the ship
L887[16:48:41] <Lizzy> Kodos, that's because it does it through the gyros
L888[16:48:43] <Katie> Well, cause you turn with the Gyros
L889[16:49:03] <Lizzy> how long does it take to start up?
L890[16:49:28] <Kodos> I wonder how hard it would be to make a script where you had to mark your destination via GPS, and then the ship had to turn towards it, rather than doing it manually
L891[16:50:34] <Katie> Lizzy 6?
L892[16:51:50] <Katie> Dedicated servers are slow as hell to launch
L893[16:52:32] <Katie> log reports ready
L894[16:52:39] <Katie> trying to join now
L895[16:52:41] <Katie> downloading world
L896[16:53:44] <Katie> BTW, if you want to force your client to connect as soon as you launch the game, edit the startup options via steam and add +connect
L897[16:54:35] <Katie> worst case.. you hit cancel, best case... not having to touch that crap server browser even with the favorite crap
L898[16:55:11] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L899[16:55:41] <Lizzy> downloadin mpds
L900[16:56:35] ⇨ Joins: tattyseal (~tattyseal@
L901[16:56:36] <Lizzy> loading
L902[16:59:29] <Kodos> How do I manually enter an IP
L903[17:00:35] <Katie> from in the game? no a damn clue.. use the browser and hope like hell you find PC-Logix.. otherwise do like I suggested and toss it into the start up options.
L904[17:02:18] <Lizzy> se crashed ¬_¬
L905[17:03:58] <Lizzy> redownloading mods
L906[17:04:02] <Lizzy> \o/
L907[17:04:23] <Kodos> I'm coming in!
L908[17:04:34] <Katie> Well lizzy good news... you crashed blue
L909[17:04:40] <Lizzy> ha
L910[17:04:43] <vifino> I love watching twitch livestreams through vlc :D
L911[17:04:44] <Katie> but better news... I grabbed a blueprint when I first connected...
L912[17:04:53] ⇦ Quits: Nibato (~nibato@24-158-83-210.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L913[17:05:02] <Katie> Also yes, welcome to dedicated servers, where we redownload the mods EVERY. TIME. YOU. CONNECT.
L914[17:14:10] <Katie> At some point I'm going to have to bump RAM up
L915[17:16:30] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f19d8b.skybroadband.com)
L916[17:33:04] <Lizzy> :@ fucking updatea
L917[17:33:54] <Lizzy> fuck you windows update
L918[17:34:00] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Lizzy: i open space engineers right as you stop playing it
L919[17:34:28] <Lizzy> imdidnt stop windows started fucking shutting down
L920[17:34:39] <Lizzy> s/m/ /
L921[17:34:39] <Kibibyte> <Lizzy> i didnt stop windows started fucking shutting down
L922[17:34:52] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L923[17:35:26] <Lizzy> windows why do you need to diskcheck my usb stick?
L924[17:37:06] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com)
L925[17:37:49] <Lizzy> oh look, its gonna get stuck in a fucking update loop again
L926[17:38:36] <Katie> Ha
L927[17:38:36] <Katie> crap
L928[17:38:48] <Katie> I sit down just in time to see....
L929[17:38:51] <Katie> auto restart
L930[17:38:56] <Kodos> Lol
L931[17:39:00] <Lizzy> ?
L932[17:39:09] <Katie> the SE server auto restarted.
L933[17:39:33] <Lizzy> ah
L934[17:39:58] <Lizzy> might have pmed you with something Katie, not sure
L935[17:40:33] <Katie> yep :P
L936[17:40:42] <Temia> Man, it's been ages since I last played SE
L937[17:40:51] <Temia> Is it any fun in Survival yet?
L938[17:40:57] * Katie stabs everything between her and her server
L939[17:41:03] <Katie> SE has Survival?
L940[17:41:06] <Katie> who knew.
L941[17:41:06] <Katie> :P
L942[17:41:13] <Temia> So no then?
L943[17:41:23] * Katie shrugs
L944[17:41:33] <Katie> I've not played survival since like 2 days after I got the game.
L945[17:42:52] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L946[17:43:08] <Lizzy> i should go to bed
L947[17:43:20] <Katie> I should kill my ISP.
L948[17:44:40] ⇦ Quits: justastranger|zzz (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646) (Excess Flood)
L949[17:45:19] <Katie> Ok... DO NOT modify the server config via the control panel
L950[17:45:23] <Katie> It breaks shit.
L951[17:47:30] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L952[17:48:16] <Lizzy> k
L953[17:48:41] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L954[17:51:08] ⇨ Joins: justastranger (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646)
L955[17:51:58] <Katie> Lizzy, Kodos, server is up
L956[17:52:01] <Katie> loading world again
L957[17:52:36] <Katie> Oh man I was like 40 KM out from spawn sitting in a ship
L958[17:52:39] <Katie> >_<
L959[17:54:31] <Katie> what
L960[17:54:34] <Katie> the.
L961[17:54:42] <Kodos> Waat
L962[17:55:24] * Lizzy is in bed
L963[17:56:00] <Katie> Nothing fuckign saved.
L964[17:56:09] <Katie> auto save is set to 5 minutes...
L965[17:56:34] * Katie sighs
L966[17:56:36] <Katie> Fuck it
L967[17:56:42] <Katie> I'm done for now... I've gotta cook.
L968[18:00:25] ⇦ Parts: lperkins2 (~perkins@ ())
L969[18:04:29] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L970[18:13:37] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f19d8b.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L971[18:13:48] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f19d8b.skybroadband.com)
L972[18:16:54] * vifino sits next to Lizzy
L973[18:20:25] ⇨ Joins: JohnRipley (~JohnRiple@cm-
L974[18:22:34] ⇨ Joins: Nibato (~nibato@24-158-83-210.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com)
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L977[18:33:42] *** Skye is now known as Skye|ZZZ
L978[18:33:57] ⇦ Quits: seebs (~seebs@home.seebs.net) (Quit: Wandering off.)
L979[18:38:36] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L980[18:43:13] <Kodos> my wife asks a favor of you guys
L981[18:43:16] <Kodos> Since you know all about anime
L982[18:43:44] <Kodos> She's trying to remember the name of one, it's about a guy who has a super nice, expensive AI program on his computer and he never leaves his house
L983[18:43:50] <Kodos> Super descriptive, I know lol
L984[18:45:16] ⇨ Joins: eper2 (webchat@82-71-52-145.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk)
L985[18:45:28] ⇨ Joins: eper (~eper@82-71-52-145.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk)
L986[18:46:04] <gamax92> Kodos: is the ai a maid?
L987[18:46:20] <Kodos> Wife: No?
L988[18:46:22] <Kodos> As in she's not sure
L989[18:46:39] <eper> is there any way to wirelessly connect lets say a tubine computer port to a computer? ideally, I don’t want to run cable all the way, or put a computer next to it O_o
L990[18:46:46] ⇦ Quits: eper2 (webchat@82-71-52-145.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) (Client Quit)
L991[18:46:51] <Kodos> Wow
L992[18:46:52] <Kodos> lol
L993[18:46:56] <Kodos> Oh
L994[18:46:56] <Kodos> derp
L995[18:46:57] <Kodos> nvm
L996[18:46:58] <Kodos> Uhh
L997[18:47:00] <Kodos> Hm
L998[18:47:14] <Kodos> You could cable to a server, and network into the server
L999[18:47:17] <gamax92> welp that goes the only anime i thought of
L1000[18:47:23] <Kodos> What was it, just curious
L1001[18:47:27] <Kodos> She thinks she found it
L1002[18:47:41] <gamax92> sakurasou
L1003[18:48:06] <Kodos> Not what she found
L1004[18:48:12] <Kodos> She says she's running out of stuff to watch
L1005[18:48:22] <JohnRipley> ghost in a shell
L1006[18:48:23] <JohnRipley> ?
L1007[18:48:34] <JohnRipley> well, what does she like?
L1008[18:48:47] <Kodos> Beats me, and she sat back down at her PC
L1009[18:49:26] ⇦ Quits: JohnRipley (~JohnRiple@cm- (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1010[18:50:33] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@80-254-76-157.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L1011[18:54:18] <gamax92> I've found out that by tilting my head and holding a plastic cd cover on the side of my head causes my download speed to accelerate
L1012[18:54:28] <gamax92> or that it just happens to do so everytime i do so
L1013[18:59:02] <number5> gamax92: I found the other day that a durian near my wifi AP can totally block the signal...
L1014[18:59:21] <gamax92> XD
L1015[18:59:28] <gamax92> let me go fetch some water
L1016[18:59:52] * TabletCube spams number5 with deauth packets
L1017[19:00:29] <number5> TabletCube: send me some durian please
L1018[19:00:47] <TabletCube> why
L1019[19:01:17] <number5> durian better than deauth packets
L1020[19:01:27] <vifino> I want a Delorean instead.
L1021[19:01:50] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1022[19:02:25] <TabletCube> number5: would you rather I let you connect but ARP spoofed your router and dropped all yo shit@
L1023[19:05:16] ⇦ Quits: Mirodin (~quassel@2a02:810d:12c0:1878:615c:ca5f:4b19:54f4) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1024[19:05:39] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
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L1031[19:24:18] ⇨ Joins: Izaya-OL (~shadowkat@
L1032[19:24:44] <Izaya-OL> :D Hi from my OnlineLabs server
L1033[19:25:06] <vifino> Izaya-OL! \o/
L1034[19:25:09] * vifino hugs Izaya-OL
L1035[19:31:02] <Soni> Sangar, does OC have a jenkins?
L1036[19:31:12] <Kodos> .j
L1037[19:31:23] <Kodos> ci.cil.li
L1038[19:31:46] <Soni> Sangar, can you make it make torrents?
L1039[19:31:52] <Kodos> ...
L1040[19:32:06] <Soni> Kodos, thanks btw
L1041[19:33:46] <vifino> More useless ideas. /Hoooray./
L1042[19:34:04] <Izaya-OL> vifino! \o/
L1043[19:34:19] * Izaya-OL hugs vifino
L1044[19:34:36] <Izaya-OL> Ugh, slow javascript terminal connecting to france, then moshing into lain
L1045[19:37:51] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~ping@2601:4:680:104c:c1fe:51d7:f566:fb95) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1046[19:39:12] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L1047[19:45:58] ⇦ Quits: Izaya-OL (~shadowkat@ (Quit: leaving)
L1048[19:51:16] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f19d8b.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1049[20:01:37] <water> hm, quick question, does anyone happen to know a progra for attaching to a physical linux tty from ssh
L1050[20:01:58] <water> (ie. see what would be on tty1 (what you would see with ctrl+alt+1) via ssh)
L1051[20:07:51] <water> aand gotta go
L1052[20:10:22] ⇨ Joins: didiopod (~didiopod@ool-4353be4a.dyn.optonline.net)
L1053[20:10:33] <didiopod> Eeey
L1054[20:11:31] <didiopod> I think theres a bug in the lua interpreter
L1055[20:12:03] <didiopod> Lua doesn't recognize when I update required files
L1056[20:13:17] <Katie> Restart the computer, it cache's files when you require them. There IS a way to flush the cache but I don't remember it.
L1057[20:13:18] <didiopod> If I reboot my OC computer it will recognize changes I make
L1058[20:13:33] <didiopod> Oh, so that's a "feature"
L1059[20:13:39] <didiopod> lol
L1060[20:13:52] <Kodos> You can also yank the HDD out and stick it back in
L1061[20:13:54] <Kodos> And it'll update
L1062[20:14:08] <Kodos> wait
L1063[20:14:09] <Kodos> nvm
L1064[20:14:10] <Kodos> I'm an idiot
L1065[20:14:16] <Kodos> I should stop giving advice past 8PM
L1066[20:15:06] <didiopod> That would probably work too, though, right?
L1067[20:15:15] <didiopod> It's unecessary, but it would work
L1068[20:16:29] <didiopod> Maybe somebody should add some hash check thing for the cache
L1069[20:16:47] <didiopod> Rebooting all the time when debugging stuff is *really* annoying
L1070[20:16:59] <didiopod> I'll check out the flush command, but that would be annoying too, probably
L1071[20:17:06] <Katie> Like I said there IS a way to flush it.
L1072[20:17:09] <Katie> I just don't know it.
L1073[20:17:23] <Katie> Of course I started typing that before you said that :P
L1074[20:17:25] <didiopod> You mean manually, or automatically?
L1075[20:17:31] <didiopod> Lol, its cool
L1076[20:17:51] <Katie> Programmatically
L1077[20:18:02] <didiopod> Ok
L1078[20:18:15] <didiopod> Maybe there's a setting in the config file too; that would be nice
L1079[20:19:59] ⇦ Quits: didiopod (~didiopod@ool-4353be4a.dyn.optonline.net) (Quit: didiopod)
L1080[20:20:29] *** Benguin is now known as Benguin[ZzZ]
L1081[20:29:48] <Katie> Trying this crap again...
L1082[20:30:19] <Katie> I swear SE dedicated is one of the most frustrating things ever... and I run 3rd party MMO servers written in effing Java.
L1083[20:32:56] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L1084[20:52:12] <Katie> Kodos, no idea if you care anymore :P but the SE server no longer refuses to save...
L1085[20:52:32] ⇨ Joins: kenobi (webchat@ip70-176-173-230.ph.ph.cox.net)
L1086[20:52:52] <kenobi> if i wanted to run this irc on oc
L1087[20:52:57] <kenobi> wht port?
L1088[20:53:00] <kenobi> 80?
L1089[20:53:16] <Katie> esper listens on 5555, 6667-6669
L1090[20:53:31] <Katie> common IRC port is 6667, 99% of the networks outthere listen on it.
L1091[20:55:12] <Katie> I should setup a redirect for 194 -> 6667
L1092[20:55:21] <Katie> since 194 is the "official" IRC port...
L1093[20:58:26] <Pwootage> lol I didn't know 194 was the irc port
L1094[20:58:29] <Pwootage> I'm so used to 6667
L1095[20:58:47] <Pwootage> Esper also listens on port 6697 on SSL (which is what I'm using atm)
L1096[20:59:33] <Katie> Lemme know if you can connect to 6697 from within OC..
L1097[20:59:45] <kenobi> i keep getting disconnected
L1098[21:00:06] <Katie> what address are you connecting to?
L1099[21:00:32] <kenobi> http://puu.sh/gHyEy/b573d7be55.png
L1100[21:00:37] <kenobi> it's a screenshot
L1101[21:00:50] <Katie> I never would have guessed.
L1102[21:01:05] <Katie> o_O
L1103[21:01:25] <kenobi> lol?
L1104[21:01:28] <PotatoTrumpet> o/
L1105[21:01:31] <Katie> Ok.. first off "webchat.esper.net" is not what you connect to for straight IRC.
L1106[21:01:40] <Katie> just use irc.esper.net
L1107[21:01:51] <Katie> 2nd.. take your nick our, and replace the : with a space
L1108[21:01:57] <Katie> irc irc.esper.net 6667
L1109[21:02:01] <Katie> then just /nick when you get in
L1110[21:02:31] <Katie> Hell I even think the default if you don't include a server / port is espernet.
L1111[21:02:41] <Katie> so in theory irc would work
L1112[21:03:45] ⇨ Joins: Wookiee (~kenobi@ov7.bisecthosting.com)
L1113[21:03:53] <Wookiee> testing?
L1114[21:04:02] <Wookiee> ha!
L1115[21:04:05] <Wookiee> it worked.
L1116[21:04:38] <Katie> you CAN use the nick in the initial command.. but meh :P
L1117[21:04:42] <Wookiee> katie == hero
L1118[21:04:47] <Katie> last time I used OpenIRC you couldn't
L1119[21:05:06] <Pwootage> I guess OC added better SSL support
L1120[21:05:29] <Katie> Pwootage, how do you figure?
L1121[21:06:11] <Katie> kenobi, just remember, esper limits connections from a single host to 5, so if you connect from multiple computers anything over 5 will be killed.
L1122[21:06:28] <Wookiee> hmmm.
L1123[21:06:44] <Wookiee> lets just hope none of the other people on this server decide to hook up here
L1124[21:08:12] <Pwootage> IIRC, you couldn't open SSL connections for a long time at all (except https)
L1125[21:08:36] <Wookiee> lua question: how do i get refuel to work in programs, since it's in /bin/ and not /lib/ like the rest of the items i place in require("")
L1126[21:09:17] <Wookiee> I'm assuming require is like #include in C too btw.
L1127[21:09:49] <vifino> :O
L1128[21:09:56] ⇦ Quits: kenobi (webchat@ip70-176-173-230.ph.ph.cox.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L1129[21:10:01] <vifino> I'm almost building ffmpeg for my phone!
L1130[21:10:02] <vifino> \o/
L1131[21:11:55] <vifino> I really hope this barebones build works o_O
L1132[21:12:45] <Wookiee> good luck!
L1133[21:19:07] <vifino> ds84182: u dere?
L1134[21:19:16] <vifino> I need help with arm assembly n stuff
L1135[21:20:51] <vifino> ds84182: http://hastebin.com/quwavasego.avrasm with libavutil/arm/bswap.h in ffmpeg source
L1136[21:29:45] <Pwootage> arm assembly? I can help a bit, I like ARM asm
L1137[21:30:31] <Pwootage> I mean I can, but I'm not going to, because I'm mean like that (and busy :P:)
L1138[21:31:04] <vifino> :(
L1139[21:31:25] <vifino> monkey patched shit, at least it compiles. lets see how segfaulty it is.
L1140[21:31:56] <vifino> So many warnings x_x
L1141[21:32:11] <Pwootage> WARNING: Over 1000 warnings
L1142[21:32:30] <vifino> If you get 22 warnings per file in ffmpeg source..
L1143[21:32:40] <vifino> Well, lets just say 1000 sounds reasonable
L1144[21:33:45] *** justastranger is now known as [`-`]
L1145[21:33:51] <vifino> I need a working dysmutil, i think.
L1146[21:34:25] <Kodos> I need vim in oc =(
L1147[21:36:08] <vifino> Pwootage: If only I logged the build, warnings everywhere
L1148[21:36:24] <vifino> at least clang, so yay bold and pink warnings
L1149[21:37:17] <vifino> uhmwat
L1150[21:37:45] <vifino> lets nope the fuck out of ffmpeg source
L1151[21:37:51] <vifino> it's horribad
L1152[21:49:06] <gamax92> /* HACK!HACK!HACK! */
L1153[21:50:17] <vifino> gamax92: http://hastebin.com/axedokaris.xml
L1154[21:50:42] <gamax92> uhh
L1155[21:50:54] <gamax92> Pwootage: http://hastebin.com/axedokaris.xml
L1156[21:52:19] <vifino> whelp
L1157[21:52:21] <vifino> so many errors
L1158[21:52:56] <vifino> The errors alone just broke my 2k lines buffer q_q
L1159[21:53:06] <vifino> greeeaaaaat
L1160[21:53:38] <gamax92> y2k
L1161[21:53:45] <gamax92> y!4k
L1162[21:53:53] <gamax92> ||8k
L1163[21:54:05] <vifino> ... what?
L1164[21:54:14] <gamax92> why 2k, why not 4k, or 8k
L1165[21:54:44] * vifino shrugs
L1166[21:56:15] <vifino> Lets just not port ffmpeg.
L1167[21:56:28] <vifino> Lets just murder it in it's sleep like Erlang.
L1168[21:59:11] <SkySom> Errors are for the weak
L1169[22:05:32] <gamax92> mmhm
L1170[22:05:33] *** [`-`] is now known as [`-`]|AFK
L1171[22:19:25] <vifino> gamax92: What software should I port?
L1172[22:19:52] <vifino> Many packages fail, like cmake
L1173[22:20:29] <vifino> But automake works, so yay
L1174[22:20:55] <vifino> It's 04:20
L1175[22:21:06] <vifino> I should sleep
L1176[22:21:13] * vifino hugs gamax92
L1177[22:21:14] <vifino> bai
L1178[22:22:28] <gamax92> my internet is hitting a max of 3KB/s
L1179[22:22:47] <vifino> :( gamax92 no hugs me .-.
L1180[22:22:57] <vifino> gamax92 doesn't like me .-.
L1181[22:24:21] <vifino> Okay then :(
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L1188[22:46:02] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
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L1204[23:42:33] <ironmountain> I saw this and thought #oc would like it.http://goo.gl/ry2Qi9
L1205[23:43:54] ⇦ Quits: lostkangaroo (~lostkanga@c-73-32-137-97.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) (Quit: wandering off again.)
L1206[23:55:40] <^v> [OpenComputers] http://git.io/haSf Kodos-Atoz commented on issue ( left/right mixup )
L1207[23:58:43] ⇦ Quits: ironmountain (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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