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L1[00:06:00] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p5B3C9359.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L2[00:06:00] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L3[00:06:29] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L4[00:09:24] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~Izaya@
L5[00:10:07] <Izaya> o/
L6[00:11:28] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L7[00:17:18] <Kodos> 4 hours of GMod later >.>
L8[00:17:31] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L9[00:27:47] ⇦ Quits: Random (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L10[00:30:05] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L11[00:43:50] ⇨ Joins: phosphene (~androirc@135-23-172-172.cpe.pppoe.ca)
L12[00:47:30] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C9359.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L13[00:55:36] ⇦ Quits: lperkins2 (~perkins@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L14[00:56:11] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
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L16[01:00:44] ⇨ Joins: manmaed (~Ender@5ec2fc03.skybroadband.com)
L17[01:09:15] *** justastranger is now known as justasausage
L18[01:18:18] *** justasausage is now known as justastranger|zzz
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L20[01:47:24] ⇨ Joins: Nirek_l (~Nirek@ip68-110-162-86.no.no.cox.net)
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L22[01:51:36] *** Nirek_l is now known as Nirek
L23[01:56:01] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p54934A3A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L26[03:03:28] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~quassel@178-191-133-250.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
L27[03:03:35] ⇨ Joins: Xilandro (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:b126:9e7a:499d:a5af)
L28[03:03:35] zsh sets mode: +v on Xilandro
L29[03:04:33] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~quassel@178-191-9-190.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L30[03:08:42] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:b126:9e7a:499d:a5af) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L31[03:36:37] ⇦ Quits: darktomas (~darktomas@ipbcc329c6.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L32[04:16:31] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L33[04:22:28] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L34[04:24:03] ⇨ Joins: darktomas (~darktomas@ipbcc329c6.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
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L39[05:09:45] <Lizzy> o/
L40[05:10:17] <Izaya> I will end whoever messes with GRUB in Debian 8.
L41[05:13:15] <Lizzy> uhoh
L42[05:14:10] <Izaya> Know what's down at the moment?
L43[05:14:29] <Lizzy> err, one of the print servers at my work?
L44[05:14:52] <Izaya> Lain is down.
L45[05:15:07] <Lizzy> ah
L46[05:15:08] <Izaya> Know why?
L47[05:15:13] <Lizzy> you broke it?
L48[05:15:47] <Izaya> I updated to Debian 8
L49[05:15:51] <Lizzy> ah
L50[05:16:15] *** Away_21 is now known as Wuerfel_21
L51[05:16:35] <Izaya> and it can't load an i686 copy of GRUB
L52[05:18:06] <Izaya> A- AMD64!?
L53[05:20:16] <Lizzy> lol
L54[05:20:43] <Izaya> http://xkcd.com/705 Someone is going to die
L55[05:23:17] <Izaya> please xecuse me while i destroy the universe
L56[05:23:54] *** Kilobyte is now known as Kiloff
L57[05:24:57] <Izaya> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaasdsdsdsdsdsssssssddwwwwwww yay for joysticks
L58[05:27:06] <Lizzy> lol
L59[05:27:38] * Lizzy is increasing her VM Drive's size on her work pc
L60[05:30:06] <Kubuxu> Why MathLab weights 6.5GB??
L61[05:32:18] ⇨ Joins: phosphene (~androirc@135-23-172-172.cpe.pppoe.ca)
L62[05:46:09] ⇦ Parts: phosphene (~androirc@135-23-172-172.cpe.pppoe.ca) (later))
L63[05:49:21] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L64[05:50:46] *** Skye|ZZZ is now known as Skye
L65[05:55:57] * Lizzy is now installing windows 10 in a vm
L66[06:05:07] ⇦ Quits: Wuerfel_21 (Wuerfel21@bronyville.me) (Quit: lol im out bye TACOS)
L67[06:06:20] <TabletCube> Izaya: poor you
L68[06:06:38] *** ConcernedAway is now known as ConcernedHobbit
L69[06:07:41] ⇨ Joins: Wuerfel_21 (Wuerfel21@bronyville.me)
L70[06:20:53] <Izaya> TabletCube: Was that sarcasm?
L71[06:21:10] <TabletCube> maaybe
L72[06:21:16] <Izaya> mmmk
L73[06:21:19] <Izaya> sudo userdel samis
L74[06:21:32] <TabletCube> :(
L75[06:21:37] * TabletCube hugs Izaya
L76[06:21:42] <TabletCube> Sorries?
L77[06:21:45] <Izaya> It's not OK to joke about the dead,
L78[06:21:59] <Izaya> even if death is temporary
L79[06:22:07] <TabletCube> ?
L80[06:26:05] <TabletCube> Izaya: friends?
L81[06:26:39] <Izaya> TabletCube: Fear not, I'm not trying to kill you specifically
L82[06:26:45] <Izaya> Just the whole universe.
L83[06:28:36] ⇦ Quits: darktomas (~darktomas@ipbcc329c6.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L85[06:35:49] ⇨ Joins: MrRatermat (ratermat@host81-158-132-107.range81-158.btcentralplus.com)
L86[06:39:02] <Skye> Izaya, wat
L87[06:39:21] ⇨ Joins: number5 (~Odovbold@
L88[06:39:48] *** nekosune_Away is now known as nekosune
L89[06:39:57] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@
L90[06:43:13] <number5> Does this error make sense to you guys: There was a critical exception handling a packet on channel JABBA
L91[06:43:15] <number5> java.lang.ClassCastException: li.cil.oc.common.tileentity.PowerConverter cannot be cast to mcp.mobius.betterbarrels.common.blocks.TileEntityBarrel
L92[06:43:19] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L93[06:43:49] <number5> I don't even craft any OC stuff yet
L94[06:48:55] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-123-211-234-236.lnse4.woo.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L95[06:52:25] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L97[06:52:57] ⇨ Joins: dangranos (~dangranos@178.186.63-40.xdsl.ab.ru)
L98[06:56:55] <Altenius> Why did I never use node.js befor .-.
L99[06:58:42] <Altenius> This channel used to be so active
L100[07:08:52] <TabletCube> lolo
L101[07:14:38] *** nekosune is now known as nekosune_Away
L102[07:14:43] *** Benguin[ZzZ] is now known as Benguin
L103[07:15:12] *** AtomSponge|away is now known as AtomSponge
L104[07:24:52] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L105[07:29:15] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L106[07:30:32] * dangranos pokes sks
L107[07:32:36] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L108[07:33:07] * Izaya pokes dangranos
L109[07:33:15] <dangranos> yay
L110[07:34:46] <Wuerfel_21> number5, seems like a JABBA barrel thinks a power converter is a barrl
L111[07:42:28] <number5> Wuerfel_21: found the issue, it was CoFHCore/ThermalExpansion/ThermalFoudation updates (latest dev) causing Computronics getting that error... -_- still don't know why but reverted the TE/CoFH fixed it
L112[07:42:58] *** nekosune_Away is now known as nekosune
L113[07:45:47] * Skye pokes dangranos
L114[07:52:29] <dangranos> yaaaay
L115[07:52:39] <dangranos> i am being poked by people :3
L116[08:03:34] *** Skye is now known as Skye|Recording
L117[08:14:30] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~Izaya@ (Quit: Leaving)
L118[08:15:50] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L119[08:17:56] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
L120[08:19:47] *** Daiyousei is now known as ShoweringFairy
L121[08:22:40] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~samis@
L122[08:38:49] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L123[08:45:45] *** Skye|Recording is now known as Skye
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L125[08:50:28] *** ShoweringFairy is now known as Daiyousei
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L127[09:04:45] *** Kiloff is now known as Kilobyte
L128[09:12:56] *** Wuerfel_21 is now known as Away_21
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L131[09:48:04] *** Kilobyte is now known as Kiloff
L132[09:50:24] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L133[09:57:11] <Cruor> ~w inventory controller
L134[09:57:11] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/component:inventory_controller
L135[09:59:19] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L136[10:00:14] <Magik6k> !w event
L137[10:00:17] <Magik6k> ~w event
L138[10:00:17] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L139[10:01:05] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E7F3445C0E658CD4F66EDC7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L140[10:01:06] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L141[10:17:12] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@anf111.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
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L143[10:29:01] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L144[10:37:49] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L145[10:37:50] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
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L149[10:47:37] <Magik6k> I'm looking for name for a command outputting events, is 'dmesg' reasonable?
L150[10:54:25] <Techokami> bahahahaaha, ComputerCraft is playing catch-up with OpenComputers now :D Newest release adds its own version of the Debug Card
L151[10:54:42] <Vexatos> Indeed
L152[11:04:14] <asie> Techokami: Remember CC 1.6?
L153[11:04:28] <Vexatos> asie. :takenfrom
L154[11:04:30] <Vexatos> :P
L155[11:06:20] <Techokami> hehehe
L156[11:21:19] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L157[11:25:46] ⇨ Joins: darktomas (~darktomas@ipbcc329c6.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L158[11:27:58] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0)
L159[11:30:31] *** kirby|away is now known as mrkirby153
L160[11:42:15] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0) (Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1)
L161[11:50:36] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-440-136.w92-132.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L162[11:53:44] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0)
L163[11:57:26] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L164[12:02:07] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L165[12:05:19] <Magik6k> ~w microcontroller
L166[12:05:19] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:microcontrollercase
L167[12:05:27] <Magik6k> ~w microcontroller api
L168[12:05:27] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:microcontrollercase
L169[12:05:30] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L170[12:09:21] ⇦ Quits: shortybsd (~shortybsd@c-76-18-137-178.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L171[12:12:43] <Magik6k> does anyone have coppy of skex-bios?
L172[12:12:47] <Magik6k> shadowkats' website seems to be down
L173[12:13:43] <CompanionCube> Magik6k, iirc the php scripts on it were fuxed
L174[12:14:43] <Magik6k> CompanionCube, I got link to .tar from google cache but it still fails to download
L175[12:19:18] <Lizzy> o/
L176[12:19:25] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L177[12:19:26] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L178[12:19:32] <Lizzy> my microsd card came today \o/
L179[12:19:58] ⇨ Joins: shortybsd (~shortybsd@c-76-18-137-178.hsd1.tn.comcast.net)
L180[12:20:35] <Lizzy> now to pry it's packaging open
L181[12:25:52] <Lizzy> sd card is free, also i hurt my thumbnail (it got slightly ripped from the skin
L182[12:27:31] <Vexatos> Bah, my classmate has gotten an RPi2 for the new machine he and his father are inventing and I don't have one :(
L183[12:28:31] <asie> inventing
L184[12:28:33] <asie> gah
L185[12:29:20] <Magik6k> I got RPi B+ few days before RPi2 ;/
L186[12:35:05] ⇨ Joins: lperkins2 (~perkins@
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L188[12:44:41] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (~iceman11a@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L189[12:45:23] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L190[12:45:30] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~ping@2601:4:680:104c:614c:d84c:8cb0:5b57)
L191[12:47:17] * Temia didn't get a Model B+ at all herself. Didn't seem worth the upgrade for her use case.
L192[12:47:41] <Temia> The Raspberry Tau though? Heck yeah +_+
L193[12:52:04] <Temia> Vex, did you not order one? Or is it still on the way?
L194[12:53:58] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Oh crap :/ my backup hdd is not happy
L195[12:54:32] <SuPeRMiNoR2> feels like a click of death D:
L196[12:54:55] <Temia> Uh-oh.
L197[12:55:44] <SuPeRMiNoR2> lets hope it is the usb enclosure that failed
L198[12:56:57] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i hate hard drives -_-
L199[12:58:37] <Temia> Got smartmontools by any chance?
L200[12:59:14] <SuPeRMiNoR2> yes
L201[12:59:40] <SuPeRMiNoR2> drive does not show at all, which is why i am ripping apart the usb enclosure with my bare hands (ow)
L202[12:59:52] <Temia> Well, that'll help narrow things down at l--ooh. that's not good.
L203[13:00:27] <Temia> I'd at least recommend a slotted screwdriver if it's one of those annoying plastic tab enclosures.
L204[13:00:48] <SuPeRMiNoR2> heh, i did use a screw driver near the end
L205[13:00:54] <SuPeRMiNoR2> inside, there is a metal box
L206[13:01:23] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i think i will avoide ripping this apart
L207[13:02:08] <SuPeRMiNoR2> if it works, i wont know if it is because i banged it around some, or because i took it out of the usb enclosure
L208[13:04:39] <SuPeRMiNoR2> dont click dont click
L209[13:04:42] <SuPeRMiNoR2> :D
L210[13:04:57] <SuPeRMiNoR2> now it works
L211[13:05:45] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Magik6k: do you still need SKS's micros?
L212[13:06:39] <Vexatos> Temia, not ordered
L213[13:06:55] <Temia> Then do it o3o
L214[13:07:28] <SuPeRMiNoR2> there was dried up bugs in the enclosure -_-
L215[13:07:32] <Temia> Superminor, how do smartctl's readings look?
L216[13:07:34] <Temia> ...ew.
L217[13:07:43] <Magik6k> SuPeRMiNoR2, the skexbios
L218[13:07:49] <Temia> Going back to the roots of the computer bug etymology I see.
L219[13:08:06] <SuPeRMiNoR2> they are all still fine, except for the temp, it failed once
L220[13:08:12] <SuPeRMiNoR2> but i knew about that
L221[13:08:21] <SuPeRMiNoR2> crappy seagate enclosure
L222[13:09:19] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Magik6k: i have MicroOS, but not skexbios
L223[13:09:20] <SuPeRMiNoR2> :(
L224[13:09:30] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i do have skex.lua, i think that is an editor
L225[13:10:03] <Magik6k> yep, it is, but i needed the bios to run on uC
L226[13:11:20] <Temia> Eh, so long as no prefail thresholds are met and the error log's empty..
L227[13:11:41] <SuPeRMiNoR2> the error log is indeed empty
L228[13:11:52] <Magik6k> ~w modem api
L229[13:11:53] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/component:modem
L230[13:11:59] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Magik6k: well, if you want micros, i have it :P
L231[13:12:02] <SuPeRMiNoR2> but not the bios
L232[13:12:05] <SuPeRMiNoR2> sadly
L233[13:12:17] <Temia> Sweetness.
L234[13:12:25] <SuPeRMiNoR2> scared me
L235[13:12:32] <Temia> And yeah, Seagate's enclosures are garbage, I agree.
L236[13:12:43] <SuPeRMiNoR2> no fans at all
L237[13:12:44] <Magik6k> I need the bios, I'm trying to fit routet from my network stack onto EEPROM ;p
L238[13:12:55] <SuPeRMiNoR2> no holes for air even
L239[13:13:09] <SuPeRMiNoR2> other then some small ones on the bottom
L240[13:13:11] <Temia> Was yours one of those weird LED-lit tower-mount ones with the finicky capacitive power-on?
L241[13:13:24] <SuPeRMiNoR2> no
L242[13:13:29] <Temia> Ah, okay.
L243[13:13:40] <Temia> I've had to tear one of those apart once.
L244[13:13:54] <Temia> It was also a serious piece of consumer-grade junk.
L245[13:14:07] <SuPeRMiNoR2> http://static.bootic.com/_pictures/1417439/seagate-expansion-external-drive.jpg
L246[13:14:10] <Magik6k> huh, I'll need to fit 10KiB of code into eeprom, gonna be funny
L247[13:14:53] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i wonder what happened to sks's website
L248[13:20:10] <Xilandro> Anyone ever mess around with GMod/WireMod?
L249[13:20:41] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i ahve
L250[13:20:43] <SuPeRMiNoR2> have*
L251[13:20:56] <Xilandro> Know of any tutorials about building a basic computer?
L252[13:20:59] <Xilandro> With WireMod, ofc
L253[13:21:03] <SuPeRMiNoR2> No
L254[13:21:12] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i normally would use starfall
L255[13:24:06] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Temia: this is what the drive looked like https://superminor2.net/i/seagate.jpg
L256[13:24:52] <Temia> Oh, one of those models.
L257[13:24:57] <Temia> I've seen them too.
L258[13:25:53] <SuPeRMiNoR2> looks like that camera does not have an ir filter
L259[13:29:00] <Caitlyn> most don't... good way to test TV remotes lol
L260[13:29:17] <SuPeRMiNoR2> or a wii ir bar in that picture
L261[13:29:21] <Caitlyn> Yep
L262[13:29:32] <SuPeRMiNoR2> which too many people call a sensor bar
L263[13:29:42] <Caitlyn> Sensor is in the Wiimote lol
L264[13:29:48] <SuPeRMiNoR2> ik
L265[13:29:53] <Caitlyn> nice little IR camera
L266[13:34:05] *** Kiloff is now known as Kilobyte
L267[13:35:07] ⇦ Quits: GUIpsp (~GUIpsp@c-66-41-216-194.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L269[13:38:06] * Temia ...drops her coffee cup *-* HER RASPBERRY TAU IS ALMOST HEEEERE
L270[13:38:33] <SuPeRMiNoR2> 2?
L271[13:38:38] <Temia> Yep. :>
L272[13:38:42] <SuPeRMiNoR2> nice
L273[13:39:00] <SuPeRMiNoR2> you wont get it, i stole it.
L274[13:39:02] <SuPeRMiNoR2> hehehehe
L275[13:40:35] <Temia> Oh no you don't :T
L276[13:40:52] <SuPeRMiNoR2> dont take a picture of it with a xenon flash XD
L277[13:41:02] <Temia> Don't worry, I won't.
L278[13:42:49] <Temia> I'm surprised they haven't just dobbed the affected chip with \epoxy or something.
L279[13:42:56] <Temia> s/\\/
L280[13:42:56] <Kibibyte> <Temia> I'm surprised they haven't just dobbed the affected chip with epoxy or something.
L281[13:43:01] <Caitlyn> o_O
L282[13:43:10] <SuPeRMiNoR2> fancy
L283[13:43:18] <Temia> Slightly out of the normal use case, but it'd be pretty relevant
L284[13:44:06] <ds84182> If someone could totally lend me a Segate GoFlex adapter that would be great.
L285[13:44:26] <ds84182> At this point I just want to migrate to a less shitty USB hdd
L286[13:44:29] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i could steal my grandmas one and give it to you
L287[13:44:32] <SuPeRMiNoR2> with portals
L288[13:44:33] <ds84182> like a solid state or something
L289[13:45:23] <ds84182> stealing from grandmas are bad
L290[13:45:32] <ds84182> unless they steal from you. if so, go on
L291[13:45:50] <SuPeRMiNoR2> the only thing she has stolen is free tech support from me
L292[13:47:46] <Sangar> evening o/
L293[13:47:53] <Magik6k> o/
L294[13:48:09] <SuPeRMiNoR2> \o
L295[13:48:31] <ds84182> /o
L296[13:48:43] <Caitlyn> |o
L297[13:48:57] * Temia can't wait for her Tau... Is gonna do so much fun stuff on it! Like try to build a realtime kernel and write multithreaded applications in such a restricted environment and... ,3
L298[13:49:01] <Temia> *<3
L299[13:49:23] <Temia> I swear by the end of this year I will have a working shmup on that thing and I will have it mounted in my joystick.
L300[13:51:00] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L301[13:51:26] <Lizzy> o/
L302[13:52:47] <Temia> OH
L303[13:52:49] <Temia> That reminds me
L304[13:52:53] <SuPeRMiNoR2> hi Lizzy
L305[13:52:59] <Temia> I wanted to see how Allegro 5.1 ran on my Model B.
L306[13:53:18] <Temia> Since I THINK it has GLES support...
L307[13:53:27] <Temia> (Allegro 5.1 I mean)
L308[13:54:34] <Lizzy> hai SuPeRMiNoR2
L309[13:55:01] <Lizzy> ubuntu ont he pi 2 doesn't see my wifi adapters at all so going back to raspbian
L310[13:56:16] <Lizzy> ffs
L311[13:56:24] <Lizzy> computer stop trying to use IPv6
L312[13:59:02] <Caitlyn> keep using IPv6!
L313[13:59:07] ⇨ Joins: DaeDroug (uid22591@id-22591.ealing.irccloud.com)
L314[13:59:14] <Caitlyn> IPv6 for lyfe!
L315[14:00:24] <Magik6k> Sangar, I did what you suggested in #915
L316[14:01:35] <Sangar> ah, right, 4 not 2 :P looks good. thanks!
L317[14:02:28] <Lizzy> Caitlyn, except it dont fucking work
L318[14:02:39] <Caitlyn> make it work
L319[14:03:22] <Lizzy> Caitlyn, i tried, my pi just doesn't want to send anything out through the tunnel
L320[14:04:17] <Caitlyn> ¬_¬
L321[14:04:18] <Caitlyn> slap it
L322[14:04:32] <SuPeRMiNoR2> slap the person who configured it
L323[14:04:33] <Lizzy> i whipped it, it didn't confirm
L324[14:04:38] * Lizzy slaps SuPeRMiNoR2
L325[14:04:38] * EnderBot2 laughs
L326[14:04:46] <SuPeRMiNoR2> $shit Lizzy
L327[14:04:46] * SuperBot shits on Lizzy, it was super effective
L328[14:04:52] <Caitlyn> O_o
L329[14:04:56] <Xilandro> dafuq
L330[14:05:07] <Lizzy> $nuke SuPeRMiNoR2
L331[14:05:07] <Xilandro> I tabbed back in to someone being shat on
L332[14:05:08] <Xilandro> wtf
L333[14:05:10] <Lizzy> meh
L334[14:05:21] <Lizzy> sod you and your weird ass bot perms
L335[14:05:34] <SuPeRMiNoR2> dont be such a Slut Banging Douche Pancake
L336[14:05:50] <Lizzy> lol
L337[14:05:52] <SuPeRMiNoR2> $nuke test
L338[14:05:59] <SuPeRMiNoR2> it is just broke
L339[14:06:06] <Lizzy> lolz
L340[14:07:36] *** Daiyousei is now known as wat
L341[14:10:25] *** wat is now known as allmywat
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L347[14:20:09] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L348[14:24:54] *** Vexatos is now known as Guest24961
L349[14:24:54] ⇦ Quits: Guest24961 (~Vexatos@p200300556E7F3445C0E658CD4F66EDC7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (insanity.esper.net (Nickname regained by services)))
L350[14:24:54] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L351[14:26:10] <Lizzy> \o/ got my pi on wifi
L352[14:26:21] *** jogel is now known as Daiyousei
L353[14:26:23] <Temia> wipi.
L354[14:26:30] <SuPeRMiNoR2> ahahaha
L355[14:26:34] <Lizzy> WiPi MagPi
L356[14:26:38] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i have wiredpi
L357[14:26:47] <Lizzy> i have wiredpi and wipi
L358[14:27:10] <Lizzy> oh, Vexatos, question: does computronics do any Galacticraft intergration with OC?
L359[14:27:34] <Vexatos> No...?
L360[14:27:38] <Vexatos> Why should it
L361[14:27:49] <Vexatos> sealable OC cable belongs into either GC or OC natively :3
L362[14:28:11] <Lizzy> huh, i remember something adding GC support to OC for it's sealer/atmosphere info
L363[14:28:26] <Lizzy> or at least discussion about it
L364[14:28:36] <Vexatos> Ah that
L365[14:28:40] <Vexatos> that's OC I think
L366[14:28:49] * Lizzy prods Sangar
L367[14:28:57] <Sangar> you mean the world sensor card?
L368[14:29:30] * Vexatos always reads "prods" as "produces"
L369[14:29:40] * Sangar doesn't
L370[14:29:52] * Vexatos /me
L371[14:30:03] <Lizzy> Sangar, yeah, i dont recall seeing that when i run GC, could be wrong though.... lemme check
L372[14:30:12] <Vexatos> lemme <-- best word
L373[14:30:40] <Sangar> nah, meh is best word
L374[14:30:55] <Vexatos> nah or meh?
L375[14:31:03] <Sangar> meh ofc
L376[14:31:07] <Vexatos> ofc best word
L377[14:31:13] <Sangar> ofc
L378[14:31:21] <Vexatos> oh fudging cows
L379[14:31:23] <Vexatos> ofc
L380[14:31:36] <Vexatos> ordinary flax cows
L381[14:31:44] <Lizzy> oh fling Caitlyn
L382[14:31:48] <Sangar> cows love standing on hologram projectors for some reason
L383[14:31:55] <Caitlyn> o_O
L384[14:32:10] <Temia> They're warm. 'w'
L385[14:32:12] <Sangar> in every test world i make, sooner or later a cow stand on the hologram projector
L386[14:32:18] <Sangar> :P
L387[14:32:45] <Vexatos> Stupid entity pathfinding
L388[14:32:54] <Vexatos> bad at non-full blocks
L389[14:32:58] <gamax92> Sangar: you should make that an actual feature
L390[14:33:11] <Vexatos> they randomly walk onto it and aren't able to escape
L391[14:33:18] <Sangar> it actually might be, if they're attracted to light :X
L392[14:33:20] <Vexatos> it's like an expensive cow trap
L393[14:33:33] <gamax92> like somehow add hologram projector's to the cow ai
L394[14:34:05] <Sangar> or make it attract zombies instead? :>
L395[14:35:41] <Lizzy> huh, ok i do have the world sensor card, very well
L396[14:35:49] <Lizzy> is there documentation on the wiki for it?
L397[14:35:58] <Lizzy> ~w world sensor card
L398[14:35:58] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:wireless_network_card
L399[14:36:02] <Lizzy> close
L400[14:36:08] <Sangar> dunno. there's always `u`
L401[14:36:25] <Vexatos> Sangar, I already considered making the Assembler attract creepers while it's assembling. The more complex the thing to assemble, the further the attraction range. Also make creepers explode their way towards the assembler. Will turn your robot assembly into a tower defense game
L402[14:36:34] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L403[14:36:47] <Sangar> Vexatos, that's just plain evil o.O
L404[14:36:49] <Sangar> i like it
L405[14:36:51] <Vexatos> Because the stuff inside is really freaking expensive and you really don't want to lose it
L406[14:37:22] <Lizzy> Sangar, there be no documentation on the wiki for it
L407[14:37:44] <Sangar> Lizzy, then add it \o/
L408[14:37:47] * Lizzy can see her Pi2 blinking out of the corner of her eye
L409[14:37:57] <Vexatos> Sangar, config option for AssemblerTD please
L410[14:38:18] <Lizzy> Sangar, i would if i knew how to use it. i might do later once i know how to use it via trial and error testing
L411[14:38:45] <Lizzy> er, what does it mean when a Pi2's power LED flashes?
L412[14:38:45] <Sangar> Lizzy, nei usage screen maybe?
L413[14:38:57] <Lizzy> Sangar, aha
L414[14:39:21] <Sangar> Vexatos, i actually think that's a pretty funny idea :> make an issue :D
L415[14:41:05] *** The_Doctors_Life|Away is now known as The_Doctors_Life
L416[14:42:24] <Vexatos> Sangar, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/917
L417[14:42:59] <Vexatos> I need to go now, Computer Science exam tomorrow \o\
L418[14:43:00] <Vexatos> bye
L419[14:43:09] <Vexatos> (Topic is mealy automata and databases
L420[14:43:10] <Vexatos> )
L421[14:43:51] <Sangar> good luck!
L422[14:43:53] <Sangar> or fun
L423[14:45:31] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L424[14:45:32] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L425[14:48:12] <ds84182> Caitlyn: I compared the cpu flags from eos's and the one on my computer thinking that I should be jealous... I continue to underestimate the power of my crappy laptop.
L426[14:48:34] <Magik6k> Sangar, is that normal that raid when connected to network doesn't send any event?
L427[14:48:59] <Sangar> it doesn't?
L428[14:49:08] <Magik6k> nope it soesn't
L429[14:49:18] <Magik6k> even after inserting drives
L430[14:49:19] <ds84182> My laptop for some ungodly reason has every extension since BMI1
L431[14:49:27] <Caitlyn> ds84182, https://www.ovh.com/us/dedicated-servers/enterprise/2014-SP-64.xml the server running Eos
L432[14:49:31] * Sangar goes test
L433[14:49:58] <Magik6k> Sangar, it may be same issue marcin212 have with his nfc reader
L434[14:50:32] <ds84182> The server beats my laptop when it comes to cores and processing power, but the number of extensions my laptop does is ungodly
L435[14:51:54] <ds84182> >3dnowprefetch
L436[14:51:57] <ds84182> what even
L437[14:53:21] <ds84182> If I max out my cpu usage my laptop hits 95C
L438[14:55:15] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L439[14:56:15] *** The_Doctors_Life is now known as Doctors
L440[14:57:22] *** Doctors is now known as The_Doctors_Life
L441[14:57:56] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Caitlyn: i want to steal eos
L442[15:00:33] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E7F3431C0E658CD4F66EDC7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L443[15:01:07] <Sangar> Magik6k, while i can't reproduce that (in 1.5) i noticed it doesn't leaves a dangling second raidfs >_> but component_connected/removed events are fired properly for me.
L444[15:02:03] ⇦ Quits: darktomas (~darktomas@ipbcc329c6.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L445[15:04:31] <Magik6k> Sangar, did youtest in dev env?
L446[15:04:38] <Sangar> yes
L447[15:05:19] <Magik6k> hmm
L448[15:05:45] <Magik6k> wait a sec
L449[15:12:19] <Magik6k> Sangar, so with marcin212 we saw it broken on SP on dev(forge and nondev(
L450[15:12:29] <Magik6k> on latest oc build
L451[15:12:57] *** Away_21 is now known as Wuerfel_21
L452[15:13:27] <Sangar> checked the logs? any other mods present that might interfere somehow (aka. reproduced with no other mods present?)
L453[15:16:21] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L454[15:17:18] <Magik6k> Sangar, I dont have anything special there, nethier marcin212.. https://gist.github.com/marcin212/53ec15bc7766c7b41091
L455[15:18:23] <Magik6k> Sangar, I can send you my save as it's tiny
L456[15:18:46] <Sangar> with oc being the only mod needed?
L457[15:19:10] <Magik6k> Sangar, on map there's only OC, and some minecraft
L458[15:19:20] <Sangar> ok, sure then
L459[15:19:33] <Magik6k> forge should remove unknown things
L460[15:25:17] <Magik6k> Sangar, https://magik6k.net/assets/ocsave.tar.xz
L461[15:29:49] <Sangar> Magik6k, works for me :/ (after adding the third hdd ofc, no fs before that)
L462[15:30:40] *** AtomSponge is now known as AtomSponge|away
L463[15:30:42] <Magik6k> Sangar, but one drive is enough?
L464[15:30:49] <Sangar> no
L465[15:30:54] <Magik6k> facepalm
L466[15:30:59] <Sangar> all three
L467[15:31:12] <Sangar> that's why there are red lights if the slot is empty ;)
L468[15:31:33] <Magik6k> I guess it should be noted somewhere
L469[15:32:00] <Sangar> i thought it was, doesn't it say that in the tooltip or at least nei usage info?
L470[15:37:37] *** Xilandro is now known as Kodos
L471[15:37:39] <Kodos> What did I miss
L472[15:39:10] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-130-188-21.range86-130.btcentralplus.com)
L473[15:40:05] <Magik6k> Sangar, also in 1.5 did anything changed about own components/sending events? (java api)
L474[15:40:24] <Sangar> Magik6k, i don't think so
L475[15:43:16] <Dashkal> "Fixed: Tablet disassembly." <-- oh thank you. Wasn't sure what I did wrong there...
L476[15:47:13] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~doty1154@
L477[15:51:30] <Magik6k> Sangar, I sent you a class yesterday, marcin added some sysouts, and it doesn't seem normal, have a look if you don't mind, logs after clicking: http://www.hastebin.com/dubuwapelu.avrasm, https://github.com/marcin212/Zetta-Industries/blob/master/src/main/java/com/bymarcin/zettaindustries/mods/nfc/tileentity/TileEntityNFCReader.java
L478[15:52:35] <Magik6k> i.e. node.network() is null
L479[15:55:13] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-440-136.w92-132.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L480[15:59:43] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L481[16:06:34] <GunArm> what are the main modpacks that use OC?
L482[16:06:49] <GunArm> is it a huge list?
L483[16:07:46] ⇦ Parts: number5 (~Odovbold@ (WeeChat 1.1.1))
L484[16:08:45] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~samis@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L485[16:08:53] <SkySom> One of those days, I'll actually release the pack I use with buddies.
L486[16:09:03] <SkySom> But I don't know too many that use OC over CC.
L487[16:09:17] <Sangar> Magik6k, looks like the node exists but wasn't added to a network yet?
L488[16:09:46] <GunArm> well Bevo's Tech Pack is one of them
L489[16:09:57] <GunArm> but I can't figure out if it's abandoned or what
L490[16:10:21] <SkySom> Heh. Shows how well I pay attention to mod packs
L491[16:10:27] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@
L492[16:10:30] <GunArm> it's like Bevo geared up for a year to release this pack and it came out nov-dec ish
L493[16:10:39] <Negi> GunArm: It's still updated, afaik.
L494[16:10:42] <GunArm> and even on his own forums its like there must be 10 posts since then
L495[16:11:06] <Negi> SkySom: I didn't even knew about BTP since two months ago when I heard about ATLauncher. :7
L496[16:11:25] <GunArm> Negi: you use BTP?
L497[16:11:32] <SkySom> Yeah I used to use the launcher and stuff.
L498[16:11:34] <Negi> I did.
L499[16:11:51] <SkySom> Hell my pack started off as a Direwolf pack in like early 1.6.4
L500[16:11:51] <Negi> On a youtube channel. Of a french dude. Who makes videos. with a lot of other ppl. On a custom modpack. That uses both OC and CC.
L501[16:12:05] <SkySom> And then it just kinda evolved from there.
L502[16:12:31] <SkySom> It's pretty much a kitchen sink pack nowadays :D
L503[16:12:38] <GunArm> we have a BTP server and it just runs terrible. not sure if the modpack is just really poorly put together, or if the 3 seperate bases in the world are just too much
L504[16:12:40] <SkySom> Just added OC finally.
L505[16:12:55] <GunArm> bevo seems to know his stuff but.... we have to restart the server 1-2 times per day
L506[16:13:02] <SkySom> Yikes.
L507[16:13:06] <SkySom> And I thought ours was bad.
L508[16:13:13] <SkySom> Usually needs a restart every couple of days.
L509[16:13:16] <GunArm> i wasn't sure if it was even worth posting bug reports about, since the community seems so dead
L510[16:13:22] *** Skye is now known as Skye|ZZZ
L511[16:13:25] <SkySom> Was constantly trying to keep up.
L512[16:13:27] <Negi> GunArm: It's put together poorly. :I
L513[16:13:52] <GunArm> Negi: ah. hard for me to tell since it's the first time I've played a modded world
L514[16:14:02] <Negi> I didn't manage to run it correctly with a decent config (for a laptop, Core i5 (can't tell exact model), and 8GB RAM).
L515[16:14:16] <Negi> And actually, some packs run smoothly.
L516[16:14:23] <GunArm> interesting
L517[16:14:31] <Negi> It really depends on the mods you put in.
L518[16:14:44] <GunArm> yeah well even Bevo admitted this pack has too many mods
L519[16:15:20] <SkySom> Meh. Why does it add Thaumcraft
L520[16:15:26] <GunArm> its hard for me to figure out because like, it seems likee he's had previous packs with the same name, and they all runtogether in the forums and github issues
L521[16:15:27] <SkySom> And none of the add ons
L522[16:15:29] <SkySom> Come on.
L523[16:15:38] <GunArm> SkySom: thaumcraft is an optional addon
L524[16:15:38] <Magik6k> Sangar, marcin212 found out that the update method(which should be adding the tile to network), after placing next to cble doesn't get called(yes he added super() there)
L525[16:15:57] <GunArm> bloodmagic too, they are sortof an afterthought
L526[16:16:07] <SkySom> Ah just looking through the page made it seem like it was on.
L527[16:16:17] <SkySom> And yeah all the magical aspects should just be removed.
L528[16:16:23] <SkySom> They seem such after thoughts.
L529[16:16:27] <SkySom> And it's a tech pack.
L530[16:16:34] <SkySom> But way too much extra stuff.
L531[16:16:48] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
L532[16:16:56] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0) (Quit: Baï !)
L533[16:16:59] <GunArm> right well first he said no magic (except botania), then I guess he tacked thaum and BM on as optional things, who knows why
L534[16:17:40] <Sangar> Magik6k, do you have the deobf oc version in your devenv or the obfed one?
L535[16:18:23] <GunArm> with 3 teams/groups/bases running I calculated that significantly over half of the ticks are being skipped
L536[16:18:29] ⇦ Quits: justastranger|zzz (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646) (Excess Flood)
L537[16:18:31] <SkySom> Oh god.
L538[16:18:35] <SkySom> Wonder what cause that.
L539[16:18:39] <SkySom> We don't have it that bad.
L540[16:18:50] <SkySom> But we were speaking about 30 ticks every minute or two.
L541[16:18:56] <SkySom> And that was with three bases.
L542[16:19:02] ⇨ Joins: lperkins2 (~perkins@
L543[16:19:02] <SkySom> Now it seems better.
L544[16:19:15] <SkySom> I was wondering if a mod or two was having issues and they fixed it.
L545[16:19:21] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L546[16:19:25] <lperkins2> Hm, using the internet card, is there anything like select?
L547[16:19:27] <Magik6k> Sangar, it's OpenComputers-MC1.7.10- in dev workspace
L548[16:20:04] <Sangar> ohwait, if you have a node it's not a simplecomponent anyway
L549[16:20:07] <Sangar> no idea then
L550[16:24:04] <Lizzy> i'm off o/
L551[16:24:32] ⇨ Joins: justastranger (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646)
L552[16:25:09] <Magik6k> ohwaaaaaaait
L553[16:25:34] <Magik6k> Sangar, when that update should get called: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/commit/298d97639e98f38d96bb18a41e0cb32e6a6cd6eb#diff-03710b227ba1fec4a08b298d7a0ef26fL99
L554[16:25:42] <Magik6k> (the new one)
L555[16:27:19] <Magik6k> waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
L556[16:27:22] <Sangar> that should be called per tick, because of the "IUpdatePlayerListBox"
L557[16:27:30] <Magik6k> "import net.minecraft.server.gui.IUpdatePlayerListBox;"
L558[16:27:34] <Magik6k> ???
L559[16:27:37] <Sangar> which is actually ITickable
L560[16:27:41] <Sangar> because reasons
L561[16:27:51] <Sangar> i don't know who came up with that name
L562[16:28:18] <Sangar> but trust me, it is what 1.8 uses to mark tile entities as tickable
L563[16:28:51] <Magik6k> lel.. mcp
L564[16:29:20] <Magik6k> but that method doesn't get called
L565[16:29:38] <Sangar> wait
L566[16:29:40] <Magik6k> is that for 1.7.10?
L567[16:29:41] <Sangar> is that the 1.7 branch
L568[16:29:43] <Sangar> dafuq
L569[16:30:01] <Sangar> yeah that makes no sense in 1.7, lemme revert that o.O
L570[16:30:17] <Sangar> it does in 1.8 tho! ugh
L571[16:30:28] <Magik6k> yeap, that'd explain all the derpy stuff happening
L572[16:31:33] <Sangar> aye
L573[16:31:35] <lperkins2> Do events sit in a queue till something calls computer.pullEvent? Or if there is nothing waiting when an event is fired does it get lost?
L574[16:31:42] <Sangar> sorry about that :/
L575[16:32:34] <Sangar> lperkins2, yes, they sit there until pullEvent is called. tho that's usually how you yield at lowest level (e.g. os.sleep calls event.pull which calls computer.pullEvent).
L576[16:33:18] <Magik6k> hmm, are the events counted as used ram?
L577[16:34:15] <lperkins2> that's what I thought. I'm writing a twisted-like reactor, and didn't want to worry about events being lost since it doesn't multithread
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L579[16:34:49] <lperkins2> Since the sockets are non-blocking, I assume that instead of using select, I just try reading a byte and see what happens...
L580[16:36:47] <Magik6k> Sangar, works
L581[16:36:48] <Magik6k> \o/
L582[16:36:53] <Sangar> \o/
L583[16:37:37] <Sangar> and no, pending signals don't count towards ram usage. and yes, that's somewhat exploitable :P
L584[16:39:03] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L585[16:41:47] <Magik6k> Sangar, is there any way to know on which side a message arrived to uC?
L586[16:43:54] <Sangar> no. mostly because i couldn't come up with a nice way to communicate that in a compatible/not-too-special-casey manner
L587[16:44:05] <Sangar> didn't think about it too much tho, admittedly :P
L588[16:44:17] <Magik6k> hmm
L589[16:44:54] <Magik6k> but, I think I may use that magic network card from computronics
L590[16:51:21] <Kodos> Magic Network card?
L591[16:51:29] <Kodos> Oh
L592[16:51:30] <Kodos> Spoofing
L593[16:53:06] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-123-211-234-236.lnse4.woo.bigpond.net.au)
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L595[16:56:27] <Pwootage> gah, it's going to take another 20 min to write this image to my microsd so I can finally turn on my pi ;-;
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L601[17:12:16] <lperkins2> Hm, is there a way to set a coroutine timeout with lua 5.2?
L602[17:13:19] <Kodos> ~w coroutine
L603[17:13:19] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-coroutine
L604[17:14:06] <Magik6k> lperkins2, nope, there are only debug hooks for that(blocked in oc)
L605[17:15:18] * Lizzy cant sleep
L606[17:15:22] <Lizzy> :/
L607[17:15:47] <Kodos> WHen I can't sleep, I usually stay laying down, but try to get myself lost in thought
L608[17:15:51] <Magik6k> don't sleep then
L609[17:15:56] <Kodos> Usually the next thing that happens is I wake up 10 hours later
L610[17:16:06] <Lizzy> Magik6k: i have work in the morning
L611[17:16:19] <Lizzy> Kodos: i end up keeping myself awake when i do that
L612[17:16:29] <lperkins2> Hm, that is unfortunate...
L613[17:16:38] <Dashkal> I use meditation. Work to stop the mental monologue. I either succeed and promptly fall asleep, or tire myself trying, and fall asleep.
L614[17:17:07] * Lizzy doesnt have any inner control
L615[17:17:34] <Dashkal> It took me years to learn that trick. Stopping the mental chatter is /hard/.
L616[17:18:02] * Lizzy likes talking to herlself
L617[17:18:32] <lperkins2> How hard would it be to reenable the debug library and what are the security ramifications?
L618[17:19:19] <Magik6k> lperkins2, without touching machine.lua, well... have fun ;p
L619[17:19:29] <Dashkal> Straightforward with a code edit, and oh my god you'd better not let anybody untrusted on that server.
L620[17:20:16] <Dashkal> Actually, not sure it's end of the world. I think lua is sandboxed enough
L621[17:20:39] <Pwootage> I would still not let anyone untrusted on it (seems like a major breach of a sandbox to me :P)
L622[17:21:18] <Magik6k> Dashkal, it's still better than CC, but enabling whole debug lib theotetically give power of machine.lua
L623[17:21:28] <Dashkal> Can you resurrect fully deleted references via debug? Not so sure.
L624[17:21:31] <lperkins2> so it is disabled for security reasons rather than bugs...
L625[17:21:52] <Dashkal> Been awhile since I read up on that lib.
L626[17:21:53] <lperkins2> hm... maybe I'd be better off trying to get the x86 emulator to not be quite so crashy...
L627[17:28:20] *** |0xDEADBEEF| is now known as HAL9000
L628[17:28:43] <Pwootage> I probably should get qemu x86 working in OC... but eew x86 asm
L629[17:28:50] *** HAL9000 is now known as Guest2976
L630[17:28:56] *** Guest2976 is now known as |0xDEADBEEF|
L631[17:29:04] <lperkins2> qemu has a java implementation?
L632[17:29:36] <Pwootage> No, I just launch the process externally and talk over a serial port
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L636[17:46:42] <Pwootage> Woohoo, hello from my rasberry pi! :D
L637[17:52:16] *** Benguin is now known as Benguin[ZzZ]
L638[17:55:33] <Dashkal> Welcome to the club :P
L639[17:55:45] <Dashkal> I'm currently running weechat on mine. A little underpowered for it though.
L640[17:57:57] <Pwootage> time to bust out my other SD card and try running my OS on it :D
L641[18:05:53] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L642[18:06:54] <Pwootage> wohoo, my 368 byte kernel works!
L643[18:09:26] <Magik6k> huh, so I'm not the only one doing osdev stuff for rpi here?
L644[18:13:05] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L645[18:16:33] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L646[18:17:20] *** Kilobyte is now known as Kiloff
L647[18:17:45] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
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L649[18:34:41] ⇦ Parts: lperkins2 (~perkins@ ())
L650[18:50:31] <Pwootage> I have done it indeed
L651[18:50:47] <Pwootage> https://twitter.com/Pwootage/status/567482893832691712
L652[18:50:48] <Temia> I was considering setting up a purpose-built kernel config, but that's the extent of my inolvement.
L653[18:51:57] *** Wuerfel_21 is now known as Away_21
L654[18:57:45] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L655[19:02:37] <Dashkal> Meh, if you really want proper RNG? Go with quantum effects. Radioactive decay is actually somewhat attainable.
L656[19:09:30] <vifino> Proper RNG? Hamsters. Loads of them.
L657[19:10:43] <Dashkal> I'm a fan of gathering entropy from network collisions on a busy network
L658[19:10:56] <Dashkal> Can also do (detected) ram memory errors
L659[19:11:16] *** The_Doctors_Life is now known as The_Doctors_Life|Away
L660[19:11:36] <Caitlyn> return 4
L661[19:11:41] <Skye|ZZZ> How about measuring the British weather?
L662[19:11:49] <Skye|ZZZ> :p
L663[19:11:57] <Pwootage> there's some interesting reserach on using basically a special led + a smartphone camera to use photons for trng
L664[19:12:04] <Caitlyn> http://xkcd.com/221/ That is all.
L665[19:12:08] <Dashkal> Caitlyn: I prefer 221
L666[19:12:08] <Pwootage> Skye|ZZZ, biased toward "rainy and just terrible in general"
L667[19:12:11] <Dashkal> Drat, too slow
L668[19:12:29] <Pwootage> mmmm xkcd <3
L669[19:12:35] <Caitlyn> \o/ MichiBot now uses Youtube API v3
L670[19:13:29] <Alissa> pfft youtube
L671[19:13:41] <vifino> Caitlyn: I had 'function math.random() return 42 end' in one of my lua-vm-embedding shit, because I broke math.random :/
L672[19:13:54] <Caitlyn> lol...
L673[19:14:09] <vifino> Yeah, don't mess around with math.
L674[19:14:15] <Pwootage> you linear contegrual (or however it's spelled) is one line of code >.>
L675[19:14:32] <vifino> wat?
L676[19:17:58] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L677[19:25:22] <Pwootage> function math.random() return state = state * <value> + <value> end
L678[19:25:33] <Alissa> Pwootage: that wouldn't work.
L679[19:25:38] <Alissa> you can't set a variable and return it.
L680[19:25:50] <Alissa> unless you put in hilarously useless code
L681[19:25:50] <Pwootage> well I figured that might be T.T
L682[19:26:08] <Alissa> function math.random() return (function() state=state * value + value return value end)() end
L683[19:26:50] <vifino> function math.random() return nil end
L684[19:27:33] <Pwootage> Specifically, glibc uses state * 1103515245 + 12345 (which is what I use too)
L685[19:27:40] <Pwootage> At least, per wikipedia
L686[20:07:08] *** nekosune is now known as nekosune_Away
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L691[20:28:11] <Dashkal> Caitlyn: https://github.com/OpenMods/OpenModsLib/blob/master/src/main/java/openmods/utils/TextureUtils.java#L55
L692[20:41:12] *** nekosune is now known as nekosune_Away
L693[20:49:43] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L694[20:51:27] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L695[21:15:31] <vifino> Good night everyone.
L696[21:36:14] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
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L699[21:41:55] <gamax92> Pwootage: i use an xorshift
L700[21:45:16] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|away
L701[21:45:30] *** justastranger is now known as justa|pitch
L702[21:57:09] <Temia> Hello, Raspberry Pi, my old friend. It's good to see you booting again.
L703[21:57:21] <Temia> ...
L704[21:57:23] <Temia> HRMPH. :T
L705[21:57:33] <Temia> Allegro 5.1 isn't in the Arch Linux ARM AUR.
L706[21:58:14] <Pwootage> gamax92, yeah I should try that sometime
L707[22:00:23] * gamax92 gives Temia a Raspberry Pi and a Raspberry Pie
L708[22:00:38] * Temia nom.
L709[22:00:46] <gamax92> which one did you nom?
L710[22:01:15] <Temia> ...
L711[22:01:22] * Temia flees with a mouthful of Pi(e)
L712[22:02:39] <gamax92> pi^e
L713[22:02:55] * blixa wonders what pi tastes like
L714[22:07:30] <gamax92> .! YEAH
L715[22:07:30] <^v> gamax92, YEAH!one!!one!1!!!!!!!
L716[22:07:46] * blixa now wants a piece of pi
L717[22:07:47] <gamax92> .! YEEEEEEAAAAAHHH
L718[22:07:48] <^v> gamax92, YEEEEEEAAAAAHHH!!!!one!!1!one!one!!
L719[22:08:06] * blixa covers their ears from all the yelling
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L721[22:10:28] * blixa puts on sunglasses and yells.
L722[22:15:30] * PotatoZzz wonders why blixa is still yelling
L723[22:19:27] * blixa isn't sure
L724[22:24:59] ⇦ Quits: Utoxin (~quassel@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:feae:1fc9) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L730[22:41:47] <lperkins2> What's the advantage of event.pull relative to computer.pullSignal()?
L731[22:42:22] <blixa> event.pull is run for every registered function, while computer.pullSignal() is used by event.pull
L732[22:43:26] <lperkins2> I know that event.pull uses computer.pullSignal, but I'm implementing a much more sophisticated event handler than event.pull provides, so I'm wondering if I should make my event handler use event.pull, or just use computer.pullSignal directly...
L733[22:44:45] <lperkins2> Eh, I just found the source for event.pull, so I'll poke it and see if it adds anything I would have missed
L734[22:44:48] <lperkins2> I don't think it does.
L735[22:50:38] *** justa|pitch is now known as justastranger
L736[22:52:10] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|away
L737[22:55:14] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L738[23:02:30] <lperkins2> Does a redstone signal changing generate an event?
L739[23:04:05] <lperkins2> looks like it does
L740[23:06:33] *** LordFokas is now known as LordFokas|off
L741[23:21:17] *** VikeStep is now known as VikeStep|A
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