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L27[01:12:57] <ShadowKatStudios> ... Windows is a piece of shit.
L28[01:13:30] <ShadowKatStudios> Guess what? The 'My computer' folder, unlike a decent OS where that would be something like /media/, My Computer isn't actually a folder.
L29[01:14:43] <ShadowKatStudios> Also, the home folder in >= Windows 8 is terrible.
L30[01:19:40] ⇦ Quits: AndroUser2 (~androirc@135-23-172-172.cpe.pppoe.ca) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L37[01:48:40] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Where is the home Dir in 8?
L38[01:48:52] <ShadowKatStudios> It also doesn't exist
L39[01:48:57] <ShadowKatStudios> Otherwise I would
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L41[01:49:21] <ShadowKatStudios> 've symlinked my Home in W10 preview to my Computer, but neither exist >.<
L42[01:50:08] <Kubuxu> SKS: cygwin is somehow making drives show up as /c/ /d/ and so on.
L43[01:50:24] <Kubuxu> Oh sorry
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L77[03:26:20] <dangranos> huh
L78[03:26:21] <dangranos> http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Deathwatch#Dead_as_a_Doornail
L79[03:37:50] <dangranos> ...
L80[03:41:29] <ShadowKatStudios> Anyone able to reccomend a case that would fit a 9.5" Graphics Card in it? -- Happy?
L81[03:41:35] <ShadowKatStudios> Also, that's shiny, dangranos
L82[03:41:52] <dangranos> :O
L83[03:42:11] <dangranos> hi sks
L84[03:42:19] <ShadowKatStudios> oh ffs, I left the happy part in
L85[03:42:46] <dangranos> wut
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L101[04:41:26] <nxsupert> o/
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L107[04:50:12] <ShadowKatStudios> o/ Skye
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L112[05:02:27] <Skye> \o ShadowKatStudios
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L117[05:25:14] <nxsupert> Where would be a good place to store "AppData" on openos?
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L119[05:26:48] <Skye> nxsupert, /etc/ ?
L120[05:27:11] <nxsupert> Ok. Thanks :D
L121[05:28:19] <ShadowKatStudios> ~/.programname
L122[05:28:46] <Skye> ShadowKatStudios, erm...
L123[05:29:08] <ShadowKatStudios> I know, no home folder.
L124[05:29:15] <ShadowKatStudios> I really need to make OpenOS do that.
L125[05:29:39] <Skye> multiuser openOS?
L126[05:30:01] <ShadowKatStudios> Well, not neccesarily, just a /home/ and support for ~ globbing
L127[05:30:07] <nxsupert> Well. Let me describe what I need doing. I am making something like the atom.io editor in lua.
L128[05:30:43] <nxsupert> With the ability to use packages and stuff.
L129[05:30:47] <Skye> global / default configs should go into /etc/
L130[05:31:38] <nxsupert> How about addons? Like lua scripts designed to be loaded into a main script as a module.
L131[05:31:57] <Skye> hmm
L132[05:32:01] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L133[05:32:13] <Skye> /etc/ maybe?
L134[05:32:27] <nxsupert> Ok.
L135[05:33:32] <Magik6k> nxsupert, /lib/programname/addon.lua
L136[05:33:40] <Magik6k> (/usr/lib)
L137[05:33:49] <nxsupert> Ok.
L138[05:34:51] <nxsupert> Also. Am I correct in thinking that by disabling file buffering I can simply edit lua scripts in an external editor?
L139[05:35:09] <Magik6k> probably
L140[05:35:10] <ShadowKatStudios> Yep :D
L141[05:35:12] <Skye> nxsupert, yes
L142[05:35:23] <ShadowKatStudios> Disable FS buffering, get realtime external access
L143[05:35:32] <Magik6k> on servers you mat use MPT IDE
L144[05:35:58] <nxsupert> MPT IDE?
L145[05:36:00] <ShadowKatStudios> *sigh* All these IDEs.
L146[05:36:10] <ShadowKatStudios> Of course, the worst will always be Visual Studio.
L147[05:36:18] <nxsupert> :P
L148[05:36:20] * ShadowKatStudios uninstalled Visual studio once it installed the compilers
L149[05:36:27] <Magik6k> mpt.magik6k.net + you must dl package manager to OC
L150[05:36:56] *** AtomSponge|away is now known as AtomSponge
L151[05:36:58] <nxsupert> Mac OS over here. I <3 XCode
L152[05:37:16] <Skye> ShadowKatStudios, VS is good for auto completion
L153[05:37:38] <Magik6k> Sublime2 + GCC + Makefile here
L154[05:37:40] <Skye> I prefer the VS before they went "metro", though.
L155[05:38:05] <ShadowKatStudios> Skye: VS is terrible, it auto-inserts all this CRAP I don't want.
L156[05:38:17] <ShadowKatStudios> I can complete my own brackets and quotes, thank you Microshit
L157[05:38:20] <nxsupert> I just use TextWrangler for most scripting languages.
L158[05:38:24] <Skye> .-.
L159[05:38:26] * ShadowKatStudios uses vim
L160[05:38:35] <Skye> eep
L161[05:38:55] <ShadowKatStudios> Skye: Just admit you don't use the best editor ever and let's get it over with.
L162[05:39:35] <Skye> ....
L163[05:39:37] <nxsupert> Atom.io is brilliant though.
L164[05:39:48] * ShadowKatStudios will always take vim over an IDE
L165[05:40:15] <nxsupert> Hence I am trying to make something akin to atom.io in lua for OC.
L166[05:40:31] <Skye> ShadowKatStudios, there is not a "best text editor ever", there IS a best text editor for an individual, though.
L167[05:40:47] <ShadowKatStudios> Skye: I'm messing with you.
L168[05:40:50] <nxsupert> gnu nano ftw :P
L169[05:40:55] <ShadowKatStudios> I simply really fucking hate IDEs.
L170[05:41:57] <ShadowKatStudios> But hey, it's not like VS runs on anything other than DOS anyway
L171[05:42:54] <Magik6k> nano is too simple to replace
L172[05:42:55] <Skye> ...
L173[05:42:56] <Magik6k> IDE
L174[05:43:31] <Skye> Windows NT is not MS-DOS. for the love of ****. Windows NT is much worse than MS-DOS!
L175[05:43:33] <ShadowKatStudios> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SR2vwnL5_qk
L176[05:43:34] -Kibibyte- [ShadowKatStudios] Paramore - Here We Go Again Music Video [HD] | by boajRxHBCBzx85UQHmlQcA | 3m46s | 36w5d ago | 1,423 views | Rated: 5.00/5.00
L177[05:43:35] <Skye> :p
L178[05:43:46] <ShadowKatStudios> Song is relevant.
L179[05:43:51] <ShadowKatStudios> (Mainly the name.)
L180[05:44:11] <Skye> haha
L181[05:44:17] <nxsupert> In my opinion , windows is just simply rubish.
L182[05:44:25] * Skye slap ShadowKatStudios in the back of the head
L183[05:44:42] <Skye> nxsupert, windows is better for multi-monitor and GPU support.
L184[05:44:46] * ShadowKatStudios whacks Skye with a large wrench
L185[05:45:01] <ShadowKatStudios> Skye: Speak for yourself, 4 monitors, 2 GPUs, different model GPUs...
L186[05:45:09] <ShadowKatStudios> You're just afraid of xorg.conf
L187[05:45:12] <ShadowKatStudios> (Rightly so.)
L188[05:45:19] <Skye> someone told me to use xrandr
L189[05:45:27] <nxsupert> Na. my mac and linux box picked up my other monitors fine.
L190[05:45:29] <ShadowKatStudios> nvidia-settings
L191[05:45:48] <Skye> I use AMD and Intel graphics
L192[05:45:53] <nxsupert> Linux may be lacking in the decent drivers sector , but mac doesn't
L193[05:45:53] <ShadowKatStudios> You monster.
L194[05:46:09] <ShadowKatStudios> You'll need Gentoo or similar to use both the AMD and Intel drivers.
L195[05:46:21] <nxsupert> Mainly because Macs support very limited hardware very well.
L196[05:46:24] <ShadowKatStudios> (AMD official driver, intel driver)
L197[05:46:27] <Skye> I was using Arch Linux.
L198[05:46:41] <Skye> It "kind of" worked.
L199[05:46:44] <ShadowKatStudios> Arch Linux checks for driver conflicts
L200[05:46:52] <nxsupert> I normally used Ubuntu. Worked very well.
L201[05:46:55] <Skye> half of the screens were not working.
L202[05:46:58] <ShadowKatStudios> blergh
L203[05:47:02] <ShadowKatStudios> arch is best
L204[05:47:07] <Skye> ON DIFFERENT GPUs!
L205[05:47:10] <nxsupert> All the drivers were fine.
L206[05:47:18] <ShadowKatStudios> Ohfuck
L207[05:47:23] <ShadowKatStudios> Firefox hit the 2GB limit
L208[05:47:46] <nxsupert> But my laptop , which is a mac book , has far better hardware than my linux box.
L209[05:47:48] <ShadowKatStudios> Firefox on DOS is terrible
L210[05:48:01] <Skye> ShadowKatStudios...
L211[05:48:06] <Skye> for the love of...
L212[05:48:16] <ShadowKatStudios> Skye: I'm saying DOS just to annoy you :D
L214[05:48:25] <Skye> it's not funny
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L216[05:48:34] <ShadowKatStudios> But it's the same thing :3
L217[05:48:34] <Skye> once or twice, fine.
L218[05:48:41] <Skye> but not ALL THE TIME!
L219[05:49:11] <ShadowKatStudios> nxsupert: Welcome to #oc
L220[05:49:11] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L221[05:49:17] <nxsupert> :P
L222[05:49:27] <ShadowKatStudios> We argue over whether Windows NT is DOS or DOS with long filenames.
L223[05:49:42] <Skye> Windows NT is better than DOS
L224[05:49:58] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L225[05:50:01] <ShadowKatStudios> Indeed- NT supports NTFS, which has long filenames
L226[05:50:29] <Skye> no...
L227[05:50:37] <ShadowKatStudios> DOS 8.3 filenames are rather restricting.
L228[05:50:39] <Skye> Windows 95 is dos with long filenames.
L229[05:50:53] <ShadowKatStudios> Can't have libgl-nvidia-dri.so on DOS
L230[05:51:05] <Skye> ...
L231[05:51:15] <Skye> do you want me to leave #oc ?
L232[05:51:40] <ShadowKatStudios> Hm, is this going too far..?
L233[05:53:10] <ShadowKatStudios> q_q I can't have my 100+ firefox tabs on DOS because Firefox only has a 32-bit version
L234[05:53:38] ⇦ Parts: Skye (skyem123@theender.net) (I am starting to feel bullied))
L235[05:53:57] <ShadowKatStudios> ._.
L236[05:54:03] <ShadowKatStudios> Bullied?
L237[05:54:08] <ShadowKatStudios> What are you, 5?
L238[05:56:48] <nxsupert> Ok. Lua question here. How would one modify values in a table from within a function in the table?
L239[05:56:58] <dangranos> self?
L240[05:57:00] <dangranos> iirc
L241[05:57:15] <nxsupert> Ok. Thanks.
L242[05:57:20] <dangranos> maybe
L243[05:58:28] ⇨ Joins: Skye (skyem123@theender.net)
L244[06:02:17] <Magik6k> hi
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L246[06:02:40] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
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L249[06:05:00] <Magik6k> nxsupert, self, but you must call it like tab:func()
L250[06:09:25] *** Thog is now known as Thog|exam
L251[06:11:47] <Magik6k> I updated MPT post: https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/92-mpt-minecraft-packaging-toolbeta/
L252[06:12:30] <nxsupert> Magik6k: What do you mean?
L253[06:12:50] <Magik6k> is you have table tab = {}
L254[06:12:57] <Magik6k> you do:
L255[06:12:57] <nxsupert> Yes
L256[06:13:16] <Magik6k> function tab:func()self.hello = "hello" end
L257[06:13:24] <nxsupert> Ok.
L258[06:13:27] <Magik6k> and then tab.hello is "hello"
L259[06:13:27] <nxsupert> Thanks
L260[06:13:49] <Magik6k> (and you must call it tab:func() )
L261[06:16:06] <Magik6k> also, doing function "tab.func(self)[..]end" is equal to "function tab:func()[..]end" and tab:func() is equal to tab.func(tab)
L262[06:16:08] <Magik6k> nxsupert, ^
L263[06:18:03] <nxsupert> By using tab:func() is it possible to store a reference to the function in another table?
L264[06:18:34] <nxsupert> so self will modify tab instead of the table that stores the reference?
L265[06:18:54] <Magik6k> nxsupert, metatables
L266[06:19:04] <Magik6k> in short:
L267[06:19:10] <Magik6k> data = {}
L268[06:19:11] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L269[06:19:16] <phosphene> Are you talking pointers now? :P
L270[06:19:31] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L271[06:19:42] <Magik6k> tfunc = {} function tfunc:fn()self.aa = "bb"end
L272[06:20:28] <Magik6k> tab = setmetatable(data, {__index=function(t,k)return tfunc[k]end})
L273[06:20:37] <Magik6k> tab:fn()
L274[06:20:53] <Magik6k> and after that data.aa should be "bb"
L275[06:21:00] <Magik6k> (IIRC)
L276[06:21:03] <Magik6k> nxsupert, ^
L277[06:21:26] <nxsupert> Ok.....
L278[06:21:40] <Magik6k> ~w metatable
L279[06:21:40] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-getmetatable
L280[06:21:45] <Magik6k> ~w setmetatable
L281[06:21:45] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-setmetatable
L282[06:21:52] <Magik6k> nxsupert, read this^
L283[06:21:59] <nxsupert> Ok.
L284[06:22:47] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L285[06:23:08] <Magik6k> and that, more useful: http://www.lua.org/pil/13.4.1.html
L286[06:23:31] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L287[06:23:44] *** Away_21 is now known as Wuerfel_21
L288[06:24:15] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L289[06:27:04] <nxsupert> Ok.
L290[06:27:10] <Wuerfel_21> FOLL CRASS ECSTREN
L291[06:28:43] <Wuerfel_21> someone should set the anti-mass-ctcp mode on #oc
L292[06:28:51] *** ConcernedAway is now known as ConcernedHobbit
L293[06:30:05] ⇦ Quits: ShadowKatStudios (~ShadowKat@chocolate.paranoidlabs.org) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L294[06:30:24] ⇦ Quits: DeanIsaKitty (~Dean@chocolate.paranoidlabs.org) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L295[06:31:05] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-123-211-234-236.lnse4.woo.bigpond.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L296[06:34:54] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TN0b1lKx0Fw
L297[06:34:54] -Kibibyte- [Inari] 犬が作るスムージー Dog Makes Green Smoothie! Cooking with Dog YouTube エンタメウィーク | by cookingwithdog | 2m13s | 75w4d ago | 196,631 views | Rated: 4.89/5.00
L298[06:37:17] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L299[06:37:23] <dangranos> with?
L300[06:38:41] <dangranos> just pirated London Philharmonic Orchestra's game music cover/etc
L301[06:39:04] <dangranos> (am i using "'s" right?)
L302[06:50:05] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~Izaya@
L303[06:50:26] <Izaya> Looks like DOS couldn't handle the load- oh well, booted into Linux now.
L304[06:50:38] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@
L305[06:50:39] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L306[06:50:56] <Skye> hello
L307[06:51:12] * Skye slaps Izaya
L308[06:51:12] * EnderBot2 laughs
L309[06:52:38] <Izaya> Worst part is, it wasn's swapping nor under full load >.<
L310[06:56:06] <Izaya> Looks like DOS 10 has frekaed out on Gettin Ready again.
L311[06:58:42] ⇨ Joins: DeanIsaKitty (~Dean@paranoidlabs.org)
L312[06:58:42] zsh sets mode: +v on DeanIsaKitty
L313[06:58:52] ⇨ Joins: Izaya_ (~ShadowKat@chocolate.paranoidlabs.org)
L314[06:59:13] <Izaya> \o/ Looks like the bouncer is back
L315[06:59:24] <Izaya> ooooo
L316[06:59:32] <Izaya> DOS 10 x64 copes in virtualbox fine
L317[07:03:07] ⇦ Quits: Izaya_ (~ShadowKat@chocolate.paranoidlabs.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L318[07:03:07] ⇦ Quits: DeanIsaKitty (~Dean@paranoidlabs.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L319[07:04:32] <dangranos> what is DOS 10?
L320[07:05:01] <Izaya> dangranos, I'm saying DOS instead of Windows to piss off Skye
L321[07:05:22] <Skye> it's not funny.
L322[07:05:23] <Izaya> Also, looks like the bouncer died again >.<
L323[07:05:49] <Izaya> \o/ Speak for yourself.
L324[07:06:54] <dangranos> huh
L325[07:08:00] <Izaya> Oh yay, the file explorer button works in this build \o/
L326[07:08:27] * dangranos digs grave for izaya's bouncer
L327[07:09:11] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L328[07:10:06] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L329[07:11:57] <Izaya> Now, time to use the best Firefox downloading utility ever.
L330[07:15:54] <dangranos> :D
L331[07:15:58] <dangranos> wget?
L332[07:16:03] <dangranos> pacman?
L333[07:16:44] <Izaya> Internet Explorer. It's specifically designed for just that.
L334[07:17:36] <dangranos> some versions of dos (in EU, iirc) asked user what browser they wanted
L335[07:19:03] <dangranos> saw somewhere
L336[07:21:17] ⇦ Quits: phosphene (~androirc@135-23-172-172.cpe.pppoe.ca) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L337[07:27:19] <Izaya> Okay, so customising the start menu in this build of W10 is broken.
L338[07:28:00] <dangranos> huh?
L339[07:28:03] <asie> yes
L340[07:28:15] <asie> in the Union, it is forced by law (due to a court case with MS) that Microsoft provides a browser download option
L341[07:28:23] <asie> earlier it was build-specific
L342[07:28:28] <dangranos> *was
L343[07:28:31] <asie> nowadays, IIRC, they deliver it with region-specific patches
L344[07:28:37] <Izaya> I'm moving to europe.
L345[07:28:40] <asie> *was, i *guess
L346[07:28:44] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L347[07:29:02] <asie> Izaya: Just whatever you do, don't choose Greece or Poland
L348[07:29:58] <Izaya> Greece? Poland?
L349[07:32:47] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L350[07:33:10] <Izaya> So in the settings, "Customise Cortana & search settings" takes me to the page I'm on.
L351[07:33:29] * vifino pokes Izaya
L352[07:33:35] <Izaya> Hi vifino.
L353[07:33:56] <vifino> Izaya: You're not opped anymore in your channel?!
L354[07:34:42] <Caitlyn> Yeah the Cortana integration is a bit bork still
L355[07:35:12] <Izaya> Oh, not nickserv'd
L356[07:35:13] <Kodos> Haii
L357[07:35:38] * vifino slightly wonders what happened that ShadowKatStudios is Izaya again
L358[07:36:25] <Izaya> For one thing, Dean's bouncer is derping again.
L359[07:36:50] <vifino> Does it do that often?
L360[07:36:51] * Caitlyn hugs eos
L361[07:37:03] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L362[07:37:25] <Izaya> It's happened twice in the last week.
L363[07:37:38] <Caitlyn> Izaya, want a slot on mine? :P
L364[07:37:41] * dangranos pokes asie
L365[07:37:45] <vifino> Huh.
L366[07:37:55] <Izaya> Nah, I can set up an Esper account on my own server if I want.
L367[07:37:56] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C9359.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L368[07:37:56] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L369[07:38:16] <Kodos> Today is exciting
L370[07:38:18] <Izaya> Are there x86_64 builds of Firefox for Windows?
L371[07:38:26] <vifino> Izaya: I'm also available, if you want a @tty.sh bouncer.
L372[07:38:29] <Caitlyn> nop
L373[07:38:30] <dangranos> asie, how is audio-system mod is going?
L374[07:38:33] <dangranos> Izaya, nightly?
L375[07:38:34] <Vexatos> \o
L376[07:38:55] <vifino> Hello Vexatos o/
L377[07:38:59] <Lizzy> o/
L378[07:39:13] <dangranos> vifino, dat domain
L379[07:39:17] * Lizzy presents the offer of her bouncer
L380[07:39:34] <vifino> dangranos: Yes.
L381[07:39:44] <vifino> Lizzy! \o/
L382[07:40:03] * Lizzy waves to vifino
L383[07:40:09] <Izaya> Oh yay, this build has an opaque taskbar
L384[07:40:15] <Caitlyn> Izaya, there are Nightlies, or IIRC WaterFox is 64bit
L385[07:40:17] <Vexatos> SD card it working quite well :)
L386[07:40:30] <Izaya> I wonder how well Windows 10 will integrate into a W7 network...
L387[07:40:38] <Caitlyn> Izaya, I've hadn o issues?
L388[07:40:43] <Caitlyn> s/n o/ no/
L389[07:40:43] <Kibibyte> <Caitlyn> Izaya, I've had no issues?
L390[07:40:46] <vifino> I should set up a seperate ip for my bots. like bots.tty.sh or some durp like that.
L391[07:40:48] <dangranos> *everything crashes, EVERYTHING*
L392[07:41:04] <dangranos> Izaya, ^
L393[07:41:09] <Izaya> Caitlyn, I'm wondering if I should set up a W10 testing box at school, considering I run IT there.
L394[07:41:14] <Caitlyn> Server, Wifes computer, daughters computer etc.. are all win7
L395[07:41:20] <Izaya> s/run/help run
L396[07:41:20] <Kibibyte> <Izaya> Caitlyn, I'm wondering if I should set up a W10 testing box at school, considering I help run IT there.
L397[07:41:39] <dangranos> ninja fix?
L398[07:42:17] <vifino> uuuh, i run chrome on my intergrated gpu :/ now it is slow as fuuuu
L399[07:42:23] <Caitlyn> I've not tried joining it to a domain yet..
L400[07:42:32] <dangranos> vifino, what
L401[07:42:38] <dangranos> as in fully on gpu?
L402[07:43:04] <vifino> No, but the rendering happens on my intregrated and not my dedicated gpu :/
L403[07:43:08] * Lizzy 's work might start test running W10 soon
L404[07:43:42] <Caitlyn> The consumer preview should be out soonish
L405[07:44:28] <Lizzy> IIRC one of the other infrastructure guys has a few images on the team drive i could always use, not sure where they are though
L406[07:45:41] <Caitlyn> I'm really digging the direction of the xbox app
L407[07:45:50] * Izaya doesn't use consoles
L408[07:45:56] * Izaya uses Steam
L409[07:45:56] <Caitlyn> I now have 2.. lol
L410[07:46:23] <Lizzy> I have a PS3 and XBox 360, don't use either that much and i think my sister has my ps3 at the moment
L411[07:46:43] <Izaya> Actually, scratch that- I have a non-functional PS2 on my floor
L412[07:46:46] <Izaya> Good footrest.
L413[07:47:17] <Caitlyn> PS2, Sega Dreamcast, Wii, 2 360s
L414[07:49:04] <Kodos> PS2, N64, NES, SNES, 360, and a XBone
L415[07:49:34] <Izaya> I own a DS Lite, too.
L416[07:49:34] <Caitlyn> I have NES/SNES emus on the wii heh
L417[07:49:43] <dangranos> .-.
L418[07:49:52] <Kodos> If we're counting handhelds, 3DS and a DSL
L419[07:50:00] <Caitlyn> wife and I have 3DS XLs, oldest has a DSiXL
L420[07:50:02] <dangranos> i have nothing :|
L421[07:50:18] <Izaya> dangranos, You have all the consoles.
L422[07:50:31] * dangranos looks arround
L423[07:50:33] <dangranos> where&
L424[07:50:40] <dangranos> s/&/?
L425[07:50:40] <Kibibyte> <dangranos> where?
L426[07:50:41] <Izaya> Your computer.
L427[07:50:46] <dangranos> ah
L428[07:50:48] <dangranos> right
L429[07:51:06] <dangranos> Is there PS4 emu yet?
L430[07:51:15] <Caitlyn> lulz
L431[07:51:15] <vifino> I have a ps3, psp, ps vita and a 3DS. Ps3 is mainly our blueray player now. psp is my emulator handheld.
L432[07:51:18] <Izaya> Not yet.
L433[07:51:31] <vifino> Oh, and a wii.
L434[07:51:32] * Izaya doesn't have anything capible of bluray in his house
L435[07:51:50] <Caitlyn> Yeah nothing bluray here either thanks Microsoft....
L436[07:51:52] <vifino> Mainly getting consoles I can run homebrew on.
L437[07:52:17] * Izaya has an ftp server on his LAN
L438[07:52:23] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L439[07:52:24] * Izaya needs no physical media
L440[07:52:35] <Caitlyn> My server streams content everywhere
L441[07:53:20] <dangranos> what content?
L442[07:54:01] <Caitlyn> 1.4 TB of movies?
L443[07:54:40] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L444[07:55:36] ⇨ Joins: Brycey92|alt (~Brycey92@wjs5241-111-149.rh.psu.edu)
L445[07:56:29] ⇦ Quits: Brycey92 (~Brycey92@wjs5241-111-149.rh.psu.edu) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L446[07:56:47] * Skye has a Blu-Ray reader
L447[07:57:05] * Skye uses it to rip blu-rays to watch them.
L448[07:59:21] <Izaya> Caitlyn, I have a 1TB external USB HDD I use to store media, which is nice.
L449[08:01:13] <Caitlyn> the 3 TB in my server was external.. before I ripped it out of the case
L450[08:01:22] <Izaya> fun.
L451[08:01:22] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L452[08:01:23] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L453[08:01:35] <Caitlyn> mainly cause the existing 1 TB was full.. lol
L454[08:01:54] * Izaya somehow doubts you can get 1TB IDE drives
L455[08:02:35] <Caitlyn> You can get anything... if you're willing to pay enough :p
L456[08:02:47] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L457[08:02:59] <Izaya> I'm on a budget of what I can get from my school's IT department's scraps.
L458[08:03:08] <Caitlyn> I have a couple of SATA to IDE adapters too
L459[08:03:13] <Caitlyn> which work pretty well
L460[08:04:02] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64_2 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com)
L461[08:04:11] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L462[08:04:29] <Izaya> That'd work, I guess.
L463[08:05:42] <Caitlyn> I also have the reverse which I had to use for a DVD-R drive
L464[08:06:02] <Caitlyn> since my computer had exactly 0 IDE ports and the only drive I had was IDE
L465[08:12:38] <Izaya> Once they fix the issues with the start menu, Windows 10 will be very usable.
L466[08:12:54] <Izaya> At the moment, customising the menu and changing the search settings is borked.
L467[08:13:11] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L468[08:13:42] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L469[08:18:16] <dangranos> how do i load CPM?
L470[08:18:27] <dangranos> so it wont unload after first command
L471[08:18:37] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L472[08:20:43] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~samis@95f18f58.skybroadband.com)
L473[08:22:34] <Caitlyn> made waffles \o/
L474[08:22:42] <Caitlyn> found out after I had no syrup! yay
L475[08:23:18] <Izaya> fun
L476[08:23:23] <Izaya> just dump some coke on there
L477[08:23:30] <Lizzy> ....
L478[08:23:32] <Caitlyn> I have no coke either.. :P
L479[08:23:40] <Caitlyn> I have Raspberry Tea...
L480[08:23:46] <Caitlyn> but I don't think that'd work well
L481[08:28:33] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64_2 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L482[08:30:47] <nxsupert> Is there any inBuilt logging to file api for OpenOS?
L483[08:31:20] <Izaya> Caitlyn, Boil it to make it jelly-like, then- oh wait, tea...
L484[08:32:23] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/1NCpKYM.jpg My computer before I booted into linux from Windows: http://i.imgur.com/1NCpKYM.jpg
L485[08:33:04] <nxsupert> Ha.
L486[08:33:40] <Izaya> Sidenote: Fuckers with toughbooks, I want one :<
L487[08:33:58] <Izaya> Sure, a ProBook is good, but ToughBooks are fucking solid.
L488[08:34:04] ⇨ Joins: shawniac (webchat@
L489[08:35:04] <CompanionCube> Izaya, Can't what?
L490[08:35:25] <Caitlyn> Low on memory... dawww it's so cute
L491[08:35:35] <Caitlyn> I remember the last time I saw one of those..
L492[08:35:47] * CompanionCube only remembers seeing it once
L493[08:35:50] <Izaya> CompanionCube, Can't.
L494[08:35:51] <Caitlyn> loooooooooong long ago
L495[08:35:53] <CompanionCube> ....on Windows VIsta
L496[08:35:57] <CompanionCube> ...with only 2GB RAM
L497[08:36:06] <Izaya> Caitlyn, I OOM'd my W7 system, I have 8GB of RAM, and the same amount of swap.
L498[08:36:25] <Izaya> It was freaking the fuck out, everything was crashing :D
L499[08:36:29] <Caitlyn> o_O and I thought I was tough on RAM...
L500[08:36:39] <Caitlyn> I just slapped my 16GB in yesterday :D
L501[08:36:44] <Caitlyn> I was on 12 before that
L502[08:37:12] <nxsupert> SSD + Unix Swap = basicly unlimited ram :P
L503[08:37:41] * CompanionCube once ran VM'd Windows 7 with 512MB RAM and 10GB disk
L504[08:37:41] <shawniac> oh holy moly, is there a way to disable the noise that a turned on computer makes?
L505[08:37:48] <shawniac> this is horribly annoying...
L506[08:37:52] <Izaya> The config has it.
L507[08:38:26] <Izaya> Caitlyn, W10 VM, 100+ tabs in Firefox, one on Youtube, playing anime, doing other crap...
L508[08:38:30] <Izaya> Skype, Steam, gmod...
L509[08:38:53] <Izaya> It's a good thing my motherboard supports up to 32GiB, I'm gonna need it.
L510[08:38:55] <shawniac> Izaya: "soundVolume=1" set to 0 disables the running sound, what else does it disable? not the beeping I guess?
L511[08:39:14] <Kodos> shawniac, you could possibly comment out the lines of code that calls the beeping
L512[08:39:17] <Izaya> Dunno, never tested it.
L513[08:39:25] <shawniac> Kodos: i want the beeping though
L514[08:39:39] <Caitlyn> Ugh... alekso56 is online... but not on his usual nick, his ns info reports user seen: now..
L515[08:39:43] <Izaya> I usually turn off game sounds to play music
L516[08:39:45] <Caitlyn> but I have no idea what his current nick is
L517[08:39:49] <shawniac> only not that running noise... idk what the devs though when implementing this... it's a constant noise that annoying the shit out of me
L518[08:39:58] <Caitlyn> I love it..
L519[08:40:06] <shawniac> are you serious?
L520[08:40:07] <Kodos> Yeah, you're pretty much in the minority shawn
L521[08:40:18] <Caitlyn> I like walking through my computer room and hearing the whir
L522[08:40:31] <Caitlyn> and the drive acces sounds
L523[08:40:36] <Caitlyn> ooooh the drive access sounds
L524[08:40:57] <shawniac> yeah those are okay
L525[08:40:58] <Caitlyn> Sometimes I sit in the computer room, turn the game music off and walk away
L526[08:41:04] <shawniac> but a constant tone is annoying
L527[08:41:12] <shawniac> if you stand next to the computer doing things
L528[08:41:15] <shawniac> this is horrible
L529[08:41:23] <Caitlyn> Like I said, I like it.
L530[08:41:24] <Caitlyn> :P
L531[08:41:38] * Izaya wants a quieter fan sound but louder disk drive access
L532[08:41:58] * Izaya has HDDs that make noise when the r/w head moves
L533[08:42:07] <Caitlyn> Ever walked through a Datacenter shawniac? it's not very quiet heh
L534[08:42:25] <shawniac> yeah but it's not the same sound
L535[08:42:34] <shawniac> open computers sound is more like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey_noise
L536[08:42:49] <Kodos> Just a reminder, mods are optional. If it's that bad for you, you're always able to uninstall
L537[08:43:11] <Caitlyn> o_O I've never heard a computer sound anything like that :/
L538[08:43:32] <shawniac> Kodos: that is exaggerated, don't you think? i like the mod as whole, but i don't like a constant grey noise
L539[08:43:46] <shawniac> Caitlyn: i said open computers sound like that
L540[08:43:52] * Izaya has fans spinning up and down seemingly at random, yay for GPU fan control
L541[08:43:54] <shawniac> ofc no computer sounds like that, that's why i don't like it lol
L542[08:44:12] <Caitlyn> That's what I meant
L543[08:44:20] <Caitlyn> I've never heard an ingame computer sound anything like that
L544[08:44:27] <shawniac> oh, an ingame computer
L545[08:44:35] <shawniac> you said computer as the real thing
L546[08:44:45] <shawniac> well mine does
L547[08:44:55] <Caitlyn> We're in a channel talking about a computer mod
L548[08:45:04] <Caitlyn> computer" doesn't mean real computer 90% of the itme :p
L549[08:45:11] <Caitlyn> and wow I can't type today
L550[08:45:17] <shawniac> i checked if i was having some old world bugs or something, and setup a new world with the prebuild creative computer
L551[08:45:20] <shawniac> still the same noise :(
L552[08:45:53] <Kodos> Does the block noise slider affect computer noises?
L553[08:45:55] <Caitlyn> Yeah I think you've got something else going on if you hear that.. IDK what exactly.. but yeah
L554[08:46:17] <Izaya> Oh. Oh shit. I don't know what to call my W10 VM
L555[08:46:25] <Caitlyn> bob
L556[08:46:27] <Caitlyn> call it bob
L557[08:46:35] <shawniac> yes the block noise is controlling that grey noise sound
L558[08:46:44] <Caitlyn> And I'm now gonna go watch Titan AE..
L559[08:46:46] <Kodos> Then try turning it down if it's bothering you that bad
L560[08:46:47] <shawniac> and it turns off when i turn out all computers
L561[08:47:28] <Kodos> Caitlyn, is that movie on Netflix?
L562[08:47:44] ⇦ Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@amt189.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Leaving)
L563[08:47:54] <shawniac> and i might have noticed a bug? the music gets muted when i press escape (singleplayer) but that noise does not, or is it only the music that gets muted in general?
L564[08:47:54] <Caitlyn> I have no idea... I've only had netflix back for like 3 days.. one second
L565[08:49:17] <Caitlyn> Kodos, doesn't look like it... :/
L566[08:49:24] <shawniac> yeah turning down block noise kinda solves it... weird... i'm wondering if it's only my perception or this is actually some bugged sound and not intended this way
L567[08:49:26] <Caitlyn> Yaaarr time to go aquire it.
L568[08:50:16] <Caitlyn> well shawniac I'd fire up MC and test...
L569[08:50:22] <Caitlyn> but I'm getting one hell of an odd crash atm
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L571[08:51:38] <shawniac> and what's the trick with tablets? in creative i seem to be unable to get into the tablets GUI when right clicking often
L572[08:51:49] <shawniac> i keep spamming right click and it eventially opens
L573[08:52:54] <shawniac> and the prebuild drone doesn't boot up, while the tablet and robot do
L574[08:52:55] <Caitlyn> what the hell
L575[08:54:11] <shawniac> the drone is not destroyable too, neither with the creative hands or a sword
L576[08:54:47] <Kodos> Sneak rightclick with an empty hand
L577[08:54:50] <Kodos> No creative n eeded
L578[08:54:55] <Caitlyn> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLLog.getLogger()Ljava/util/logging/Logger; ¬_¬
L579[08:55:03] <Kodos> And the creative drone needs a programmed eeprom
L580[08:55:55] <shawniac> hmm idk abut you guys, but i think an super simply beginner guide would work wonders for beginners to get attracted to it and get basic knowledge of this mod spread
L581[08:56:06] <shawniac> i have no idea where to get all this info without asking here :O
L582[08:56:57] <shawniac> and how do i slam the eeprom into the drone?
L583[08:57:17] <Caitlyn> oh fmfl.. I had an old version of LanteaCraft in my mods folder.. lol
L584[08:57:18] <Kodos> Crafting the drone and the eeprom
L585[08:57:30] <Kodos> It'll swap out the EEProm int he drone with the one you put in the crafting grid
L586[08:57:41] <nxsupert> How does one use require() with the absolute path?
L587[08:58:08] <Kodos> What are you trying to require
L588[08:58:31] <Izaya> Grah.
L589[08:58:42] <Izaya> Windows 10 doesn't have an OS-Tan yet
L590[08:58:47] <nxsupert> A module for my program.
L591[08:58:52] <Temia> Does OpenOS have an OS-tan?
L592[09:01:18] <Sangar> o/
L593[09:01:34] <shawniac> \o/
L594[09:01:45] <Temia> The sword that cleaves evil does not make a very good OS-tan!
L595[09:01:55] <Caitlyn> k, can confirm pausing the game does NOT stop the running sound
L596[09:02:18] <shawniac> Kodos: is the "lua bios" eeprom not the one the drone needs? crafting it in did not help it boot :O
L597[09:02:18] <Caitlyn> I might should try these things in 1.4.9
L598[09:02:20] <Caitlyn> but.... effort
L599[09:02:42] <Izaya> Temia, We need this.
L600[09:02:50] <nxsupert> o/
L601[09:02:53] <Izaya> OpenOS needs an OS-tan
L602[09:02:55] <Kodos> shawniac, drones need programmed on the hardware level
L603[09:02:58] <shawniac> i'm on and it does not stop it either :P
L604[09:03:04] <Kodos> There's no OS on it
L605[09:03:05] <Caitlyn> shawniac, but I set the soundVolume to 0 and it does stop the running sound
L606[09:03:06] <Temia> Temimoo always comes up with good ideas. :>
L607[09:03:18] <Caitlyn> and the beeps still work fine
L608[09:03:23] <shawniac> Caitlyn: yay
L609[09:03:26] <Izaya> I assume pixel art is acceptable?
L610[09:03:31] <Izaya> I can't do proper art.
L611[09:03:38] <Izaya> Well, I can, but not digital.
L612[09:03:39] <shawniac> pixel art is proper art! :O
L613[09:03:46] <Caitlyn> SO... yeah set that to 0 and restart and you'll be good
L614[09:03:48] <Temia> Do whatever \o/
L615[09:03:59] * Temia awwws. Wants her cute floppy drive noises :<
L616[09:04:07] <nxsupert> Is there a proper way of loading in modules for a program?
L617[09:04:11] <Caitlyn> Also found out I have no creative power in this build of my tiny test pack..
L618[09:04:22] <Caitlyn> thankfully EnderIO ships a charged cap bank
L619[09:04:27] <Caitlyn> anyway afk
L620[09:04:44] <Magik6k> How do I close window in i3 wm(tiling manager?)
L621[09:05:14] <shawniac> yeah i want the floppy drive noises too :((( but not the computer running noise :/
L622[09:05:24] <shawniac> but atm you can't disable that individually
L623[09:05:34] <Caitlyn> Yeah kirk the floppy noise worked too
L624[09:05:45] <Caitlyn> Kirk? Wtf tablet iirc
L625[09:05:56] <shawniac> wtf is kirk meant to be lol
L626[09:06:24] <Caitlyn> "Iirc"
L627[09:06:33] <shawniac> wait it does?
L628[09:06:36] <Csstform> Caitlyn: mobile much?
L629[09:06:53] <Csstform> wait
L630[09:06:57] <Csstform> who's kirk
L631[09:06:57] <Temia> This is why I like my sliders and Bluetooth keyboards.
L632[09:06:57] <Caitlyn> Csstform yes...
L633[09:06:59] * shawniac gives it a go
L634[09:07:24] * Csstform lets it go
L635[09:07:29] <Caitlyn> Auto correct still slaps bt keyboards :p
L636[09:07:35] <Csstform> XD
L637[09:07:47] <Temia> Until you disable it outright.
L638[09:07:47] <Csstform> I disabled autocorrect on all my things
L639[09:07:58] <Csstform> it's so crappy
L640[09:08:01] <Csstform> well
L641[09:08:04] <Csstform> >crappy
L642[09:08:05] <Izaya> something something hacker's keyboard
L643[09:08:09] <Csstform> ^
L644[09:08:13] <Temia> Trick is that with hardware keyboards you don't need autocorrect to account for terrible input accuracy rates ;D
L645[09:08:15] <Caitlyn> I usually do too... but this is a brand new tablet lol
L646[09:08:17] <Csstform> best andro keyboard evar
L647[09:08:27] * Izaya uses a full keyboard in portrait mode on a small phone screen
L648[09:08:36] <Caitlyn> Yeah I'm using hackers keyboard atm
L649[09:08:59] <Caitlyn> I need the arrow keys at times
L650[09:09:26] * Temia has shaky hands and has been touchtyping since 1997, so she prefers getting tactile feedback for her accuracy. :x
L651[09:09:28] <shawniac> but hackers keyboard has no swipe right?
L652[09:09:56] <shawniac> or swift... or whatever that swipe to type feature is called
L653[09:09:58] <Temia> so instead I found the last good slider, which has almost the full ASCII printable range on a five-row keyboard. o/
L654[09:10:39] <shawniac> which one is it? :O
L655[09:10:47] <Temia> Samsung Galaxy S Relay 4G.]
L656[09:11:08] <Temia> Unfortunately a T-Mo USA exclusive, but it seems to have fairly good intl. network support?
L657[09:11:33] <Temia> So really it's just annoyingly branded and frequently in need of unlocking :x Oh well
L658[09:11:44] <shawniac> wow the keyboard looks awesome, but i preferd thin phones bc reasons :P
L659[09:11:55] <Temia> But yeah, it's only missing grave accents but it's got an unlocked bootloader so there is literally nothing stopping you from just adding it to one of the symbolless keys.
L660[09:13:28] <shawniac> oh noez, setting soundVolume to zero does indeed disable the HDD sounds :(
L661[09:14:08] <nxsupert> How do you tell require90 that you are giving it the absolute path to a lua script?
L662[09:14:25] <shawniac> can't you just input a path there?
L663[09:14:35] <Caitlyn> Does it? Odd... I could have sworn they worked
L664[09:14:57] <Caitlyn> Starting with / should work... never tried though..
L665[09:15:02] <shawniac> well atleast in it does not
L666[09:15:45] <Caitlyn> Yeah just got back to my PC and you're right :/
L667[09:16:07] <nxsupert> Nope. Doesn't work.
L668[09:16:14] <nxsupert> Acts as a relative path.
L669[09:16:32] <shawniac> the hdd sounds are the best thing, they grant a the illusion of real computers :P while that noise just pisses me off, my own computers makes enough noise lol
L670[09:17:16] <shawniac> are you sure? /tmp/module.lua does not work? i'll try ...
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L672[09:18:41] <nxsupert> Well the program is stored in a harddrive seperate from the one with the os. But that should still work right? I mean when I look up the files I find them.
L673[09:18:45] <shawniac> it does work nxsupert
L674[09:18:58] <shawniac> i just created the file "module.lua" in /tmp
L675[09:19:25] <shawniac> and that module only contained print("working module")
L676[09:19:37] <shawniac> and then in another script wrote require("/tmp/module")
L677[09:19:39] <shawniac> and it works
L678[09:19:46] <shawniac> maybe you accidentally added .lua
L679[09:19:48] <shawniac> in the require
L680[09:21:01] <Izaya> Fun, my MS account is registered to 'Izaya Orihara'
L681[09:21:17] <shawniac> isn't that your name? :O
L682[09:21:30] <Izaya> If Google is any good at data collection, it's gonna be so fucking confused.
L683[09:21:41] <Izaya> No, it's the name of my favourite character.
L684[09:21:48] <Caitlyn> Durararrraarrraaaa
L685[09:22:01] <Kodos> back soon
L686[09:22:03] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:510e:1fb3:13d:702) (Quit: Leaving)
L687[09:22:11] <Izaya> :D Someone gets it!
L688[09:22:23] <Caitlyn> lol I've gotten it for a while now :P
L689[09:22:43] <Caitlyn> That's like one of Naomi's fav anime :p
L690[09:23:07] <Cazzar> Hell, I have my desktop named Kanade and laptop, Azu-nyan because why not :3
L691[09:23:35] <shawniac> nxsupert: it seems to check in following paths for modules: /lib, /usr/lib, /home/lib and the path your supplied
L692[09:23:35] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L693[09:23:35] <Izaya> Nagato, Lain, Tsugumi, Sakeko, Shiro...
L694[09:23:40] <Caitlyn> my newest server is kusangi cause <3
L695[09:23:49] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L696[09:23:51] <nxsupert> Ok.
L697[09:24:02] <shawniac> were you able to fix it?
L698[09:24:06] <Caitlyn> http://ircmap.pc-logix.com/ and it's in Tokyo :D
L699[09:24:08] <Cazzar> When I saw Shiro, immediate thoughts was NGNL
L700[09:24:10] * shawniac feels like a tech support guy
L701[09:24:14] <nxsupert> My bad. It turns out that my path name stripper wasn't working properly
L702[09:24:22] <Izaya> Cazzar, Yep :D
L703[09:24:29] <Cazzar> \o/
L704[09:24:48] <nxsupert> regex's are so hard to understand :P
L705[09:25:01] <Caitlyn> When I see Shiro I think Deadman Wonderland
L706[09:25:03] <Cazzar> CBF reading the light novels, and I want more of it!
L707[09:25:30] <shawniac> has anyone seen "deadman wonderland"?
L708[09:25:37] <Caitlyn> ahem...
L709[09:25:50] <Caitlyn> "When I see Shiro I think Deadman Wonderland" :P
L710[09:26:16] * shawniac has no idea of animes and has only seen deadman wonderland and fullmetal alchmeist
L711[09:26:21] ⇨ Joins: ThatGuyBob (~ThatGuyBo@nsc69.38.119-74.newsouth.net)
L712[09:26:30] <Caitlyn> FMA:B was great...
L713[09:26:46] <shawniac> but i have been emotionally raped by that fact that the deadman wonderland anime is only a spoiler to the manga
L714[09:27:17] <Cazzar> http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7S93dCNRD5g/U01peJ1Ci5I/AAAAAAAAHFM/e960OVbLeyc/s1600/NGNL01005.jpg this is Shiro from NGNL
L715[09:27:17] <Caitlyn> the Manga was effing awesome..
L716[09:27:18] <shawniac> yeah everything of FMA was great :P
L717[09:27:42] <Caitlyn> I liked Brotherhood more then the original.. lol
L718[09:27:51] <shawniac> but i want to see deadman wonderland, not read it :( i don't fancy black and white all flipped around mangas :/
L719[09:28:01] <Izaya> Still trying to find a decent SFW wallpaper for Shiro...
L720[09:28:10] <Caitlyn> "All flipped around"... lol :P
L721[09:28:21] <Izaya> Last time I read manga, I then attempted to read a comic and was confused why it was backwards
L722[09:28:24] <Cazzar> Yeah, not many for NGNL I think I have a couple...
L723[09:28:30] <Caitlyn> Izaya, lol
L724[09:28:47] <Caitlyn> I've gotten too used to reading Manga, reading books hurts
L725[09:28:57] <shawniac> haha wat
L726[09:29:11] <Izaya> I have the LNs for NGNL, Mahouka Koukou no Rettousi and Durarara
L727[09:29:19] <Izaya> (In translated ebook form)
L728[09:29:25] *** nekosune_Away is now known as nekosune
L729[09:29:26] <Cazzar> http://konachan.com/post/show/185469/ there's one Izaya
L730[09:29:28] <Izaya> Something to do for my two hours on the bus each day
L731[09:30:10] <shawniac> yes mkdir in openos creates the full directory path without paramters yay
L732[09:30:13] <Cazzar> http://konachan.com/post/show/184589/ another.
L733[09:30:42] <Izaya> http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-CbzZv7OKR8A/U7e1lNMvuZI/AAAAAAAAMM4/d8RYFaqe7is/s1921/shiro-chess-anime-1920x1080.jpg
L734[09:31:01] <Izaya> Was looking for one specifically with Shiro alone in it.
L735[09:31:14] * Izaya is somewhat crazy about wallpapers
L736[09:31:17] <Cazzar> Ah, one sec.
L737[09:31:27] <Cazzar> Izaya, I have 10k wallpapers, soo
L738[09:31:35] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L740[09:32:04] <Izaya> I got a 4chan thread downloader script and ran it once a week for a few months, downloaded all of /w/, it's somewhere hiding.
L741[09:32:11] <Cazzar> Here, http://konachan.com/post/show/184886/
L742[09:32:37] <Cazzar> Izaya, I use hydrus, download some of /w/ and konachan every so often
L743[09:32:45] <Cazzar> Then manually pick out wallpapers.
L744[09:33:17] <Cazzar> http://konachan.com/post/show/185445/ is another.
L745[09:38:18] ⇨ Joins: Izaya_ (~Izaya@
L746[09:38:19] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~Izaya@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L747[09:38:24] *** Izaya_ is now known as Izaya
L748[09:38:35] <Izaya> Yay for journaling filesystems.
L749[09:39:17] <Izaya> Sometimes I have a weird issue in which my mouse can move but nothing works and I have to power-cycle to make anything work.
L750[09:39:27] <shawniac> \o/
L751[09:39:41] <Cazzar> Had that before on my laptop.
L752[09:39:59] <Cazzar> I should sleep...
L753[09:40:03] <Izaya> Ohyeah, head about the new FS in Windows 8/10?
L754[09:40:12] <Cazzar> It's 2:30AM, though no.
L755[09:40:20] <Izaya> Looks like MS is moving away from Old Technology File System
L756[09:40:27] <CompanionCube> Izaya, ReFS?
L757[09:40:34] <Izaya> Maybe?
L758[09:40:40] <Izaya> All I remember is it was new
L759[09:40:44] <CompanionCube> jhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReFS
L760[09:41:17] <CompanionCube> It has recovery issues.
L761[09:41:20] <shawniac> microsoft develops a new FS? oh no
L762[09:41:52] <shawniac> i can feel the world crying and bleeding already
L763[09:41:53] <Izaya> q_q the start menu in build 9926 is fixed-size
L764[09:42:03] <CompanionCube> 'Because ReFS was designed not to fail, if failure does occur there are no tools provided to repair it. Third party tools are dependent on reverse engineering the system and (as of 2014) few of these exist'
L765[09:42:18] <CompanionCube> 10/10 best ide
L766[09:42:22] <CompanionCube> *idea
L767[09:42:37] <Cazzar> Is VAC still broken Izaya?
L768[09:42:57] <shawniac> haha wtf
L769[09:43:18] <shawniac> designed not to fail, while it is garantued to fail at some point
L770[09:43:46] <CompanionCube> shawniac, and when it does fail
L771[09:43:47] <Vexatos> }o}
L772[09:43:49] <Izaya> VAC?
L773[09:43:49] <CompanionCube> you're most likely fucked
L774[09:43:51] <Vexatos> Guess what I am working o
L775[09:43:52] <Vexatos> on*
L776[09:44:21] <shawniac> CompanionCube: well windows users are used to being and getting fucked right?
L777[09:44:36] <CompanionCube> shawniac, yes
L778[09:44:53] <Izaya> Btrfs is still better.
L779[09:45:10] <Vexatos> http://puu.sh/fRGBL/6d9b8454bf.png Hurr hurr
L780[09:45:15] <shawniac> i still haven't looked into it, is there a simple benefit over ext4?
L781[09:45:17] <Cazzar> Izaya, Valve Anti Cheat, it crashed in 20 mins last I checked.
L782[09:45:32] <Vexatos> Bah, all the typos
L783[09:45:45] <CompanionCube> shawniac, I'd say snapshots are a simple benefit
L784[09:46:02] <Izaya> Deduplication
L785[09:46:09] <Izaya> Cazzar, Not logged into steam atm
L786[09:46:32] <shawniac> well a snapshot is just a backup build into the filesystem isn't it?
L787[09:46:32] <Izaya> Avoiding the people I know from RL for tonight, it's my friday night, I don't neccesarily want to play gmod with you :<
L788[09:46:40] <CompanionCube> shawniac, pretty much
L789[09:47:01] <CompanionCube> Subvolumes are neat too
L790[09:49:05] <Izaya> :/ Shortcuts are basically 'Tiles or nothing' now :/
L791[09:52:11] <Izaya> Meh, it does the job.
L792[09:52:42] <nxsupert> Ok. Fixed the extension problem , But it still doesn't seem to work.
L793[09:53:21] <Vexatos> Does anyone know if I can declare a lua function to accept an arbitrary amount of arguments?
L794[09:53:30] <Izaya> function derp(...)
L795[09:53:36] <Vexatos> s/arguments/parameters
L796[09:53:36] <Kibibyte> <Vexatos> Does anyone know if I can declare a lua function to accept an arbitrary amount of parameters?
L797[09:53:39] <Izaya> tArgs = {...}
L798[09:53:48] <Vexatos> U:
L799[09:54:07] <Izaya> for k, v in pairs(tArgs) do print(v) end end
L800[09:54:09] <Vexatos> But I thought ... already were the params passed into the executed program
L801[09:54:11] <nxsupert> require is still using the path i supplied as a relative one rather than an absolute one.
L802[09:54:25] <Izaya> Vexatos, running programs are just functions
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L805[09:56:26] <Izaya> Oh shit.
L806[09:56:29] <Izaya> I'm out of coke.
L807[09:57:15] <shawniac> how are you supposed to use the internal floppy drive of the robot? i can't seem to see a floppy slot in it's inventory
L808[09:57:31] <Izaya> Did you build one into it?
L809[09:58:00] <shawniac> i used creatix and it's said to have one
L810[09:58:13] <Izaya> Bottom of inv, IIRC
L811[09:58:34] <shawniac> well it says "floppy disk" i guess that does not mean it's got a floppy disk drive...?
L812[09:59:20] <nxsupert> shawniac: I fixed the file thing , now it REMOVED .LUA , but it is still treating it as a relative path.
L813[09:59:44] <shawniac> nxsupert: how do you know it's a relative path it's using?
L814[10:00:03] <Izaya> How much of Windows would I break if I removed IE?
L815[10:00:14] <shawniac> only the bad parts relying on IE
L816[10:00:17] <shawniac> so all of it?
L817[10:00:30] <Izaya> Why the fuck can't I uninstall music, you stupid piece of shit?
L818[10:00:33] <nxsupert> The error message doesn't show it searching the absolute path.
L819[10:00:34] <Caitlyn> Izaya, hardly anything anymore
L820[10:00:43] <Izaya> Okey.
L821[10:00:51] <Izaya> Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill...
L822[10:00:56] <shawniac> yeah depends on the windows version ofc
L823[10:01:03] <nxsupert> But it does show it searching the relative one.
L824[10:01:04] <Caitlyn> Explorer still uses the html renderer... but IE itself can go
L825[10:01:14] <shawniac> i used the windows remove functions feature to disable IE and it broke a skyrim modding tool lol
L826[10:01:20] <Caitlyn> lol
L827[10:01:57] <Izaya> Killed IE :D
L828[10:02:01] <shawniac> \o/
L829[10:02:26] <Izaya> Go away OneNote, I hate you and all of your family
L830[10:02:49] <shawniac> well the creative "creatix" preassembled robot does not have a disk drive then? can't i just dock it next to one and transfer the file over from the disk drive?
L831[10:02:51] <nxsupert> Solution: Don't use windows :P
L832[10:02:58] <Izaya> >Sports
L833[10:03:05] <Izaya> Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill
L834[10:03:08] <shawniac> nxsupert: can you paste a screenshot or something?
L835[10:03:18] <shawniac> >kill all the things
L836[10:03:58] <Izaya> Media Player is still installed...
L837[10:04:00] <Izaya> Huh.
L838[10:04:03] <shawniac> wat
L839[10:04:23] <Izaya> I can't kill Media Player
L840[10:05:03] <shawniac> why's that?
L841[10:05:08] <nxsupert> http://i.imgur.com/5NLgGr3.png
L842[10:05:11] <Izaya> Because it's part of Windows
L843[10:05:16] <Izaya> I could delete the executable
L844[10:05:21] <Izaya> but I could also just turn it off
L845[10:06:06] <shawniac> iirc you can disable of of it using the windows disable/enable feature
L846[10:06:29] <Izaya> I want to kill all of the shitty metro apps too, but the 'Store' doesn't have the option to remove them >.<
L847[10:06:29] <shawniac> atleast on win7 and i guess on win8/10 it's possbiel aswell
L848[10:06:45] <Izaya> I got rid of Media Player and Internet Explorer, which is nice
L849[10:06:45] <shawniac> s/possbiel/possible
L850[10:06:45] <Kibibyte> <shawniac> atleast on win7 and i guess on win8/10 it's possible aswell
L851[10:08:03] <shawniac> nxsupert: i guess there is no file "testPackage.lua" in /etc/blockio/
L852[10:08:15] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L853[10:08:24] <nxsupert> There is.
L854[10:08:27] <shawniac> you have to omit the .lua in the require line of the code
L855[10:08:44] <nxsupert> I did.
L856[10:09:18] <Izaya> <insert repeatedly crashing the store>
L857[10:09:42] *** Wuerfel_21 is now known as Away_21
L858[10:09:46] ⇦ Parts: ThatGuyBob (~ThatGuyBo@nsc69.38.119-74.newsouth.net) ())
L859[10:10:17] <shawniac> well it is checking in "/etc/blockio/" so you're wrong with the relative path assumption, post a screenshot of ls -l /etc/blockio and if that fails i'm done with you :P
L860[10:10:25] <Caitlyn> Izaya, it's almost like it's a preview or something!
L861[10:10:33] <shawniac> haha
L862[10:10:48] <wolfmitchell> http://i.imgur.com/EdsPFWA.gif thanks obama
L863[10:11:03] <shawniac> implying that the final store will not have bugs all over the place and will let you delete the windows bloat
L864[10:11:30] <shawniac> his face is destroying the thing :(
L865[10:11:34] <Caitlyn> I didn't imply that.. I was commenting on "<insert repeatedly crashing the store>"
L866[10:12:15] <shawniac> well but if the final store is the same, the fact that it's a preview does not change anything
L867[10:12:22] <nxsupert> http://i.imgur.com/qwEOLAx.png
L868[10:12:23] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L869[10:12:48] <Caitlyn> ¬_¬
L870[10:12:55] <shawniac> nxsupert: you monster i asked for a "ls -l /etc/blockio"
L871[10:13:35] <shawniac> and what's your require line saying?
L872[10:14:08] <nxsupert> Do you want me to pastebin the code?
L873[10:14:19] <shawniac> yeah
L874[10:14:24] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0)
L875[10:14:33] <Izaya> Killing all the random metro crap now :D
L876[10:14:38] <Izaya> Especially Video
L877[10:14:43] <nxsupert> http://pastebin.com/WvFAb2HG
L878[10:14:45] <Izaya> Video and Music annoys me
L879[10:14:55] <Izaya> <insert random PowerShell epilepsy-inducing flashing>
L880[10:15:42] <Izaya> I... I think I broke Windows.
L881[10:15:43] <Izaya> Oops.
L882[10:15:51] <CompanionCube> Izaya, how
L883[10:16:13] <Izaya> I removed all the metro stuff
L884[10:16:20] <Izaya> Now the start menu won't work
L885[10:16:33] <Caitlyn> ¬_¬
L886[10:16:33] <Izaya> Restarting now
L887[10:16:47] <shawniac> hahahaha
L888[10:17:02] <Izaya> TIL how to break the start menu in Windows 10
L889[10:17:07] <Izaya> Well, time for a fresh install then!
L890[10:17:10] <Izaya> :D
L891[10:17:12] <nxsupert> My code is probably really messy.
L892[10:17:16] *** Kilobyte is now known as Kiloff
L893[10:17:24] <Caitlyn> Ugh... anyone got a Deadman manga in CBR?
L894[10:17:31] <Caitlyn> this PDF bullshit isn't cutting it
L895[10:18:04] <Caitlyn> I'll take cbz if you've got it too.. lol
L896[10:18:19] <Izaya> So
L897[10:18:23] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L898[10:18:29] <Izaya> How do I remove 'Apps' from my Microshit account?
L899[10:19:10] <Vexatos> Okay, here is a problem
L900[10:19:25] <Caitlyn> You don't \o/
L901[10:19:27] <shawniac> nxsupert, well apart from upgrading to a new oc version and rewriting your code from a simple example, i'm lost
L902[10:19:31] <Temia> As time goes on, I feel increasingly comfortable in my decision to move to Linux for most of my needs.
L903[10:19:41] <Vexatos> the SD card will only be placable in robots, server racks and cases
L904[10:19:42] <shawniac> Temia: +1
L905[10:19:49] <Vexatos> as I can't support entities
L906[10:20:02] <Caitlyn> Linux is great.. unless you want to play games that shit themselfs on wine
L907[10:20:12] <shawniac> Vexatos: so creatix as no builtin floppy drive? :(
L908[10:20:26] <Vexatos> what?
L909[10:20:31] * Izaya just nuked his Windows 10 install
L910[10:20:35] <shawniac> yeah, but the future is bright for multiplatform games :D
L911[10:20:43] <Temia> Well, my dad surprised me by mailing me a gaming laptop with Win7 on it last christmas so.
L912[10:20:55] <Temia> Besides, making my own games is fun too \o/
L913[10:21:22] <shawniac> \o/ for shitty selfmade games because it's fun making them
L914[10:21:23] <nxsupert> Games are slowly being ported to linux. And every game that I have that has native linux support has always run faster on linux than windows.
L915[10:21:39] <shawniac> that's because directx sucks
L916[10:21:42] <vifino> I wish noone would have names, and have UUID's instead :|
L917[10:21:59] <CompanionCube> vifino, individuality is good
L918[10:22:06] <CompanionCube> UUIDs make us all bland, faceless entities.
L919[10:22:16] <vifino> That's what I want :|
L920[10:22:21] <shawniac> yeah
L921[10:22:27] <shawniac> UUID's for everything
L922[10:22:51] <Temia> It's like I'm on ICQ again \o/
L923[10:22:59] <Izaya> ICQ?
L924[10:23:00] <CompanionCube> ICQ?
L925[10:23:01] <shawniac> why's that?
L926[10:23:02] <Temia> ...
L927[10:23:10] * Temia sobs.
L928[10:23:11] <Izaya> CompanionCube, Jinx.
L929[10:23:13] <Temia> I'm so goddamn old ;A;
L930[10:23:16] <Caitlyn> Awww... if only UUIDs didn't start with numbers
L931[10:23:20] <Caitlyn> also ICQ...
L932[10:23:24] <Caitlyn> I sorta miss ICQ
L933[10:23:28] <shawniac> i know ICQ, why don't you guys do? :O
L934[10:23:34] <Caitlyn> I was totally going to /nick 2c0c214b-96f4-4565-b513-de90d5fbc977
L935[10:23:36] <CompanionCube> I know it's a thing
L936[10:23:37] * Temia hugs Caitlyn and Shawniac ;w;
L937[10:23:39] <Izaya> How long ago was ICQ?
L938[10:23:39] <shawniac> and why do you feel like being in ICQ? :O
L939[10:23:41] <Caitlyn> but no nicks starting with numbers :/
L940[10:23:46] <CompanionCube> but I don't know anything about it
L941[10:24:00] <Temia> Because of the UID#s.
L942[10:24:13] <shawniac> since '96
L943[10:24:13] <Izaya> Hm.
L944[10:24:14] <shawniac> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICQ
L945[10:24:26] <Izaya> Windows 10 is 4GB... I could fit it on a 4GB USB :D
L946[10:24:32] <Temia> (fact: my mom and aunt both have 6-digit UIDs. My family is a family of nerds >.>)
L947[10:25:12] <Caitlyn> I don't even remember my ICQ UID...
L948[10:25:16] <CompanionCube> ICQ is still a thing
L949[10:25:22] <Caitlyn> and it was registered to an ANCIENT AOL address
L950[10:25:25] <Izaya> My family got internet in 2007, and it was dialup.
L951[10:25:35] <Caitlyn> 2007 lol cute :p
L952[10:25:36] <shawniac> wat
L953[10:25:41] <CompanionCube> Stable release 8.3.7317 / 28 December 2014; 46 days ago
L954[10:25:42] <Izaya> I know not this ICQ you speak of.
L955[10:26:15] <Izaya> Caitlyn, You can either be amazed at the dialup in 2007 or the fact that was the first time my family had internet.
L956[10:26:15] * CompanionCube remembers his family having dialup with UKOnline
L957[10:26:41] <shawniac> i don't remember ICQ having UID's ... i must be retarded or sth :O
L958[10:26:41] <CompanionCube> Izaya, we got broadband in 2007. Sky though, so not exactly much better.
L959[10:26:43] <Caitlyn> I remember dialup in 1995.. :p
L960[10:26:49] <Caitlyn> we had cable in 2002
L961[10:27:11] <Caitlyn> no it was before that cause my dad died in 2001...
L962[10:27:12] <shawniac> yeah i haven't seen dialup since at least 15 years
L963[10:27:14] <Caitlyn> so yeah around 200 then
L964[10:27:21] <Caitlyn> 2000*
L965[10:27:22] <Izaya> I still know people here using dialup.
L966[10:27:26] <Izaya> Welcome to rural Australia
L967[10:27:31] <shawniac> sob sob family stories
L968[10:27:33] <Caitlyn> I know people HERE using dial up
L969[10:27:43] <Caitlyn> welcome to rural Arkansas.
L970[10:27:58] <CompanionCube> I don't know anyone using dialup
L971[10:28:06] <shawniac> where's your here Caitlyn? i don't think it's twisted treelines lol
L972[10:28:16] <CompanionCube> *looks at Fibre to the Cabinet support and drools envying the people here that have it*
L973[10:28:22] <shawniac> i don't know anyone even offering dialup lol
L974[10:28:38] * Izaya drools over fibre-to-the-exchange
L975[10:28:41] <Temia> I had dialup until 2004, with a brief fallback to some free numbers I know in '07
L976[10:28:53] <Temia> I still have those numbers just in case.
L977[10:28:54] <dangranos> yay, i found vm370 manual
L978[10:28:55] <dangranos> *s
L979[10:28:57] <Caitlyn> I'm about 60 miles from Memphis TN... any more then that and you can look at my domain's whois :p
L980[10:29:13] <dangranos> aaaand i have some kind of installer tape
L981[10:29:19] <CompanionCube> Izaya, lol FTTE
L982[10:29:24] <Temia> (And I checked, they're STILL up)
L983[10:29:44] <Izaya> For a month or so I was using dialup to IRC because my sister had dialup and we only had phone so I hooked up a P4 box to act as a server thingy
L984[10:29:56] <CompanionCube> Izaya, internet connection sharing?
L985[10:30:08] <Izaya> CompanionCube, Well, it's better than copper-to-the-exchange, right?
L986[10:30:11] <Temia> Ah, that's nostalgic.
L987[10:30:27] <dangranos> whaaaa
L988[10:30:36] <dangranos> some ISPs provide dialup?
L989[10:30:36] <Izaya> I was accessing the internet through a Thinkpad 600X running Arch
L990[10:30:43] <Temia> Yeah.
L991[10:30:44] <Caitlyn> lol, I gave my friends free internet access via a win2k box acting as a dialup server
L992[10:30:46] <Izaya> Connected directly to the phone.
L993[10:30:54] <Temia> Cait, awesome
L994[10:30:54] <Caitlyn> we had a spare phone line and they didn't have internet..
L995[10:30:59] <Izaya> No ethernet ports on that laptop
L996[10:30:59] <Vexatos> Sangar, what happens if I create a filesystem inside an EnvironmentHost that doesn't support filesystems?
L997[10:31:10] <Vexatos> e.g. Microcontrollers
L998[10:31:11] <Temia> Also awesome, Izaya :D
L999[10:31:17] <Temia> That kind of resourcefulness gets a thumbs-up from me
L1000[10:31:33] <Izaya> That 600X was a solid machine, and it only died last december- the thing is older than me.
L1001[10:31:37] <Temia> ...I've got an ethernet PCMCIA card somewhere if you still have it `3`
L1002[10:31:38] <Temia> Aw
L1003[10:31:48] <Izaya> I intend to repair it.
L1004[10:31:49] <Sangar> Vexatos, it doesn't not support them, it just doesn't provide any slots for hdds/floppies, so that should be fine
L1005[10:31:56] <Izaya> Maybe swap out the P3 for Lain's C3
L1006[10:31:58] <Vexatos> k
L1007[10:32:04] <Izaya> Get a working battery for it.
L1008[10:32:05] <Vexatos> Sangar, I mean, built-in FSes
L1009[10:32:06] <Temia> But yeah, Dan
L1010[10:32:08] <Izaya> Maybe some more RAM.
L1011[10:32:13] <Vexatos> like for built-in programs
L1012[10:32:13] <Sangar> Vexatos, it does have a tmpfs, so
L1013[10:32:16] <Vexatos> like wget
L1014[10:32:23] <dangranos> i really want real-life vm370 manuals
L1015[10:32:32] <dangranos> *paper
L1016[10:32:42] <Sangar> Vexatos, just keep in mind you won't have the fancy filesystem lib to wrap the component :P
L1017[10:32:50] <Izaya> Hardcopy? Pffft
L1018[10:32:53] <Sangar> unless you load openos from network
L1019[10:32:54] <Temia> I know a friend in rural Ontario using dialup, and Nocharge is a free dialup service that's STILL going for the Washington State, US area
L1020[10:32:56] <Sangar> or something
L1021[10:33:00] <Vexatos> Meh
L1022[10:33:08] <Vexatos> Guess I'll not support MCUs then
L1023[10:33:14] <Vexatos> for my Self-destructing card
L1024[10:33:18] <dangranos> free dialup?
L1025[10:33:20] <dangranos> huh
L1026[10:33:21] <Temia> Yep.
L1027[10:33:21] <Vexatos> (I am tempted to call it boom card)
L1028[10:33:32] <Izaya> Temia, How much would shipping to Australia be for that card?
L1029[10:33:42] <Temia> ...Good question.
L1030[10:33:43] <Sangar> Vexatos, well, you don't have to differentiate really, it's up to the system running on the MCU to handle filesystems if it wants
L1031[10:33:57] <Vexatos> But I do use quite a few libraries
L1032[10:33:58] <Vexatos> so meh
L1033[10:33:59] <Sangar> also boom card is nice, fits well will beep card :P
L1034[10:34:07] <Izaya> http://xkcd.com/466/ relevant xkcd
L1035[10:34:09] <Vexatos> But I want "Self-Destructing Card"
L1036[10:34:25] <Vexatos> The tooltip sais "Any proper villain needs such a thing."
L1037[10:34:39] <Soni> so let's wait for ppl to complain about locale stuff
L1038[10:35:27] <shawniac> anyone from europe here?
L1039[10:35:31] <dangranos> :O
L1040[10:35:32] <Izaya> heh, anyone ever done a sudo pacman -Syu over dialup?
L1041[10:35:37] <dangranos> i can just stop and start CPU
L1042[10:35:48] <dangranos> Izaya, you are crazy
L1043[10:35:57] <Vexatos> Sangar, what do you think about the name?
L1044[10:36:04] <shawniac> omg it's true, creatix does not have a builtin disk drive ... meh
L1045[10:36:05] <Izaya> dangranos, Do I look like I am? (The answer is yes.)
L1046[10:36:10] *** Csstform is now known as Queen_Elsa
L1047[10:36:14] <dangranos> :D
L1048[10:36:22] <dangranos> we all are
L1049[10:36:31] <Izaya> Several hundred megs of updates over a dialup line
L1050[10:36:37] <Sangar> Vexatos, i like book card, and think it's way too tempting to shorten it to sdcard otherwise which is hella confusing :X but if that's what you're aiming for, go for that :P
L1051[10:36:41] *** Queen_Elsa is now known as Csstform
L1052[10:36:42] <Sangar> *boom
L1053[10:36:43] <shawniac> well depends on the state of your machine Izaya
L1054[10:36:48] <Sangar> fat finger day
L1055[10:36:50] <dangranos> >_<
L1056[10:36:53] <dangranos> i am idiot
L1057[10:36:58] <Izaya> shawniac, Updated a month prior.
L1058[10:37:07] <Izaya> Oh yeah, this thing has a freaking 6GB HDD.
L1059[10:37:12] <Izaya> Plenty of space for my nethack saves.
L1060[10:37:28] <wolfmitchell> hahahha
L1061[10:37:30] <wolfmitchell> " Sebastian Andrzej Siewior discovered that ClamAV incorrectly handled
L1062[10:37:30] <wolfmitchell> certain upack packer files. An attacker could possibly use this issue to
L1063[10:37:30] <wolfmitchell> cause ClamAV to crash, resulting in a denial of service, or possibly
L1064[10:37:30] <dangranos> trying to find some commands/whatever in wrong manual
L1065[10:37:31] <wolfmitchell> execute arbitrary code."
L1066[10:37:43] <shawniac> well i run no DE or office suite, so my updates are all <100MB
L1067[10:37:53] <Izaya> (I eventually gave up on running xfce4 on the laptop and downloaded links2 and irssi)
L1068[10:38:07] <Izaya> Still, it copes with it "reasonably"
L1069[10:38:10] <Vexatos> " sdcard otherwise which is hella confusing" <-- totally not intended
L1070[10:38:22] <Sangar> thought so :P
L1071[10:38:34] <Izaya> But the only transfer methods are USB 1.1 or serial, or dialup, so...
L1072[10:38:44] <Vexatos> I could just not init the FS if "host instanceof internal.Microcontroller"
L1073[10:38:46] <Vexatos> right, Sangar?
L1074[10:39:06] <Sangar> you could, but why would you?
L1075[10:39:15] <Vexatos> Because the program wouldn't work
L1076[10:39:18] <Vexatos> it'd crash
L1077[10:39:19] <Sangar> maybe someone has running openos on it, booted via network, then it would work!
L1078[10:39:20] <Vexatos> Oh wait
L1079[10:39:31] <Vexatos> right...
L1080[10:39:35] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1081[10:39:36] <Vexatos> On a basic BIOS
L1082[10:39:36] <shawniac> Sangar: why would the preassembled creative robot not have a disk drive? :(
L1083[10:39:37] <Sangar> if nothing handles file systems nothing happens anyway :P
L1084[10:39:43] <Vexatos> the program won't even be accessible
L1085[10:39:46] <Vexatos> yea
L1086[10:39:50] <Vexatos> nevermind then
L1087[10:39:56] <Sangar> shawniac, it doesn't? eh, guess i'll change that.
L1088[10:40:01] <Vexatos> So, I just got a 4GB USB stick for free
L1089[10:40:10] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L1090[10:40:11] <shawniac> awesome, it says it has a "floppy disk" but that doesn't make sense to me
L1091[10:40:20] <shawniac> i read that as floppy drive but realized it really has none
L1092[10:40:21] <Sangar> shawniac, built-in openos floppy
L1093[10:40:40] <shawniac> huh?
L1094[10:41:11] <Sangar> it has an openos floppy to be able to boot
L1095[10:41:21] <shawniac> ahh
L1096[10:41:24] <dangranos> huh
L1097[10:41:39] <Sangar> eh
L1098[10:41:45] <dangranos> i guess dad installed traffic limiter and set his desktop to higher priority
L1099[10:42:04] <dangranos> or just priority
L1100[10:42:05] <shawniac> so what's the best way to get the "dig" program to the creatix atm then? i'll just copy it over in the .minecraft folder
L1101[10:42:19] <dangranos> wget
L1102[10:42:22] <CompanionCube> dangranos, QoS a shit
L1103[10:42:50] <shawniac> well
L1104[10:43:02] <shawniac> can i use wget to connect to a computer and download it from there (all ingame)
L1105[10:43:14] <shawniac> +?
L1106[10:43:45] <Sangar> you can wget it from the github repo :P or copy it via oc networking, yeah
L1107[10:44:17] <Caitlyn> wget is only going to do internet though... afaik anyway
L1108[10:44:42] <Sangar> yea
L1109[10:45:35] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1110[10:45:56] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L1111[10:46:32] <shawniac> :(
L1112[10:46:35] <shawniac> it failed
L1113[10:47:18] <Vexatos> Thanks SAngar
L1114[10:47:26] <Vexatos> Now I can't decide between SD card and Boom card
L1115[10:47:27] <shawniac> wget http://is.gd/iJhUVD dig.lua
L1116[10:47:29] <shawniac> :(((
L1117[10:47:39] <shawniac> i used both the shortened and unshortened version
L1118[10:49:37] <Caitlyn> man you just have shitty luck huh?
L1119[10:49:45] <Caitlyn> :P
L1120[10:49:46] <Sangar> Vexatos, boom card can be shortened to bc, isn't that also nicely confusing? :P
L1121[10:50:07] <Vexatos> SD card vs B card
L1122[10:50:19] <Sangar> bee card? :P
L1123[10:50:22] <Vexatos> Also SD sounds more like something a proper villain needs
L1124[10:50:56] <Vexatos> Sangar, also look at my hax: http://puu.sh/fROst/fed493bbb3.png
L1125[10:50:56] <Sangar> SV card? :X
L1126[10:51:31] <Sangar> hmkay...
L1127[10:51:40] <Caitlyn> shawniac,
L1128[10:51:45] <Caitlyn> I just downloaded it via the full url
L1129[10:51:47] <Caitlyn> with no issue :/
L1130[10:51:50] <Caitlyn> ls
L1131[10:52:16] <Caitlyn> http://i.imgur.com/o484cJc.png
L1132[10:52:19] <Caitlyn> really imgur?
L1133[10:52:20] <Caitlyn> ffs
L1134[10:52:24] <Caitlyn> I forgot to setup my FTP upload
L1135[10:52:26] *** nekosune is now known as nekosune_Away
L1136[10:52:34] <Vexatos> Sangar, is this good for a usage screen? http://puu.sh/fROEV/c00bf34255.png
L1137[10:52:41] <Vexatos> (Don't know about usage screen conventions=
L1138[10:52:42] <Vexatos> )
L1139[10:53:30] <Sangar> dunno if there are any conventions >_> but looks fine to me
L1140[10:53:56] <Sangar> wobbo would probably slap you for not using io.write :P
L1141[10:54:17] <Magik6k> print uses io.write
L1142[10:54:33] <Magik6k> afaik
L1143[10:55:17] <shawniac> Caitlyn: ahh my bad
L1144[10:55:38] <Vexatos> ~w term API
L1145[10:55:38] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:term
L1146[10:55:39] <Sangar> Magik6k, well, less because for technical than for... convention reaons. print is kinda meant for debugging.
L1147[10:55:41] * gamax92 pokes Caitlyn
L1148[10:55:42] <shawniac> Caitlyn: / isn#t writeable
L1149[10:55:59] <Vexatos> Sangar, why would I \n if I can simply print()
L1150[10:56:08] * Caitlyn pokes gamax92
L1151[10:56:16] <gamax92> Caitlyn: can i has love2d
L1152[10:56:16] <Sangar> Vexatos, because reasons, probably
L1153[10:56:42] <shawniac> gamax92: are you talking of this? https://love2d.org/
L1154[10:56:47] <Caitlyn> gamax92, umm wa?
L1155[10:56:48] <gamax92> yes
L1156[10:57:07] <Caitlyn> gamax92, why would I stop you?
L1157[10:57:10] <shawniac> is Caitlyn somehow connected to it or what were you trying to do?
L1158[10:57:18] <gamax92> Caitlyn: because im not root
L1159[10:57:26] <gamax92> and cannot install packages
L1160[10:57:37] <shawniac> what weird connection do you guys have lol
L1161[10:57:41] <vifino> gamax92: love2d does not run headless.
L1162[10:57:43] <gamax92> shawniac: shhh
L1163[10:57:50] <Caitlyn> oh.. you want it on eos..
L1164[10:58:00] <vifino> so you would need an X server running
L1165[10:58:15] <gamax92> vifino: umm no?
L1166[10:58:21] <shawniac> are you talking of ElementaryOS, the whiny boys, downloading for free is scam gorup?
L1167[10:58:22] <vifino> gamax92: umm yes?
L1168[10:58:23] <shawniac> *group
L1169[10:58:27] <Caitlyn> even if that were the case gamax92 can get a shell if he so wants...
L1170[10:58:42] <Caitlyn> shawniac, no.. eos...
L1171[10:58:50] <Caitlyn> »» [Caitlyn] (Katie@eos.pc-logix.com): Caitlyn
L1172[10:58:56] <Caitlyn> as in one of my servers.
L1173[10:59:08] <Soni> any complaints about locale yet?
L1174[10:59:14] <shawniac> nope
L1175[10:59:49] <shawniac> and how is gamax92 connected in this story?
L1176[11:00:04] <Caitlyn> because gamax92 has access to said server?
L1177[11:00:36] <shawniac> yeah, but "normal people" just do developement on their own computer, don't they?
L1178[11:00:37] <gamax92> all of the pings .-.
L1179[11:00:38] <Caitlyn> gamax92, if you DO ever need a graphical shell, you can connect via x2go over standard SSH
L1180[11:01:02] <gamax92> is there actually an X server running on eos?
L1181[11:01:05] <gamax92> ?
L1182[11:01:13] <gamax92> err wait ... that doesn't ...
L1183[11:01:41] <Caitlyn> Yes
L1184[11:01:42] <Caitlyn> there is
L1185[11:02:15] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L1186[11:02:20] <dangranos> .-.
L1187[11:02:47] <Caitlyn> I have in the past ran a SpaceEngineers server on it... which bitches and whines if there is no X server
L1188[11:03:26] <dangranos> :|
L1189[11:03:37] <dangranos> windows-orientied software
L1190[11:03:39] <vifino> Okay, Go Lua state dispatcher: Done.
L1191[11:04:21] <Soni> Windows: "Yeah, we're gonna shove GUI stuff into the kernel, and put that on the server. Have a problem with that?"
L1192[11:05:02] <Magik6k> ~w io.read
L1193[11:05:02] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-io.read
L1194[11:05:05] <vifino> Hmm. I wonder if I should make my own message passing thing or just use ZeroMQ.
L1195[11:05:15] <CompanionCube> Windows Server Core: "Maybe running a full graphical shell on a server OS is a bit much. Better only run the window manager and stuffs."
L1196[11:05:59] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1197[11:06:27] <Caitlyn> gamax92, I think? love is installed now
L1198[11:07:11] <gamax92> yay
L1199[11:08:27] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L1200[11:08:35] <Caitlyn> lemme know if it's not :P
L1201[11:08:36] <Izaya> So
L1202[11:08:38] <vifino> .vote
L1203[11:08:39] <^v> vifino, No vote started, use .newvote
L1204[11:08:41] <Izaya> As it turns out
L1205[11:08:56] <Izaya> a laptop that sits in someone's back room for 10 years
L1206[11:09:00] <Izaya> gathers a lot of dust inside
L1207[11:10:01] ⇦ Quits: Phosphene (~Phosphene@ (Quit: Bye)
L1208[11:10:54] <CompanionCube> .newvote Does anyone like this voting
L1209[11:10:54] <^v> CompanionCube, You must be voiced to make a new vote
L1210[11:10:58] <CompanionCube> :(
L1211[11:12:15] <nxsupert> Anyone here good with regex's?
L1212[11:12:32] <vifino> Yes.
L1213[11:13:11] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1214[11:13:12] <Magik6k> me
L1215[11:13:34] <nxsupert> Say I had the path of a file , How would I obtain , the path on its own , the file name without the extention and the extension using string.match?
L1216[11:14:07] <Magik6k> lua match?
L1217[11:14:10] <nxsupert> Yes
L1218[11:14:16] <vifino> So not regex.
L1219[11:14:19] <vifino> Lua patterns.
L1220[11:14:30] <nxsupert> There diffrent?
L1221[11:14:54] <Caitlyn> yes
L1222[11:15:00] <nxsupert> Oh.
L1223[11:15:22] <nxsupert> Still. Anyone know how you would do it with string.match?
L1224[11:15:41] <Magik6k> ^([^%.]+)
L1225[11:15:44] <Magik6k> I guess
L1226[11:15:58] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L1227[11:16:00] <Soni> Magik6k, no; nxsupert, for the path you be greedy, aka ".*", followed by a "/", followed by anoher ".*", followed by "%.", followed by another ".*"
L1228[11:16:15] <dangranos> wai
L1229[11:16:27] <dangranos> lua patterns != regexps?
L1230[11:16:39] <vifino> Yes.
L1231[11:16:43] <Soni> I assume "/" because linux can "\" in filenames even if OC is a dick when it comes to allowing that >.>
L1232[11:16:45] * dangranos is shocked
L1233[11:16:56] <Soni> (I blame Sangar for that)
L1234[11:17:04] <gamax92> vifino: it runs just fine headless
L1235[11:17:07] <dangranos> #blamesangar
L1236[11:17:18] <gamax92> Caitlyn: http://i.imgur.com/sEdXObB.png
L1237[11:17:19] <vifino> gamax92: does it open an X session?
L1238[11:17:22] <Csstform> #sangartheworst
L1239[11:17:25] <vifino> er
L1240[11:17:31] <vifino> connection
L1241[11:17:32] <vifino> w/e
L1242[11:17:33] <gamax92> no?
L1243[11:17:38] <vifino> Are you sure?
L1244[11:17:41] <gamax92> yes
L1245[11:17:42] <Magik6k> .l ("([^/%.]+)$").match("/dsdf/sgsg/dsfg.meh")
L1246[11:17:42] <^v> Magik6k, lua:1: bad argument #2 to 'match' (string expected, got no value)
L1247[11:17:57] <vifino> Since when does love2d allow being run headless?
L1248[11:18:05] <gamax92> $DISPLAY is blank anyway
L1249[11:18:11] <Soni> vifino, love2d as a library?
L1250[11:18:15] <gamax92> ^
L1251[11:18:26] <gamax92> or, you disable the windows and graphics modules
L1252[11:18:39] <Magik6k> .l ("([^/%.]+)$"):match("/dsdf/sgsg/dsfg.meh")
L1253[11:18:39] <^v> Magik6k, nil
L1254[11:18:52] <Sangar> iirc the fs lib just replaces all \s with /s, so paths with \ should work fine
L1255[11:19:07] <Soni> Magik6k, how about lua5.3.zip?
L1256[11:19:17] <vifino> gamax92: q_q why didn't you say you just use love2d as a library
L1257[11:19:29] <gamax92> vifino: did you look at that screenshot?
L1258[11:19:33] <vifino> no .-.
L1259[11:19:37] <gamax92> then look at it.
L1260[11:19:41] <vifino> i don
L1261[11:19:49] <vifino> 't see a link to a screenshot
L1262[11:19:54] <Caitlyn> <+gamax92> Caitlyn: http://i.imgur.com/sEdXObB.png
L1263[11:19:59] <nxsupert> "([^/%.]+)$" Gives me just the extension. I was wondering if there was a way of getting the path and name and extension
L1264[11:19:59] <Caitlyn> vifino, ^
L1265[11:20:06] <Izaya> ffff
L1266[11:20:18] <Izaya> ThinkPads may be indestructable, but they're hard to work on.
L1267[11:20:19] <Soni> Sangar, I can't access my "test\dir" (e.g. mkdir 'test\dir' on bash) with OC
L1268[11:20:36] <Soni> (or create them)
L1269[11:20:51] * Sangar shrugs
L1270[11:21:01] <Magik6k> Soni, blame DOS
L1271[11:21:03] <vifino> gamax92: Huh.
L1272[11:21:15] <Soni> Sangar, windows accepts both \ and / for path separator
L1273[11:21:16] <vifino> So it does have special logic for that.
L1274[11:21:22] <vifino> Nice to know.
L1275[11:21:22] <Soni> linux takes /, \ is part of the name
L1276[11:21:27] <gamax92> vifino: no
L1277[11:21:34] <vifino> Poor thing it still depends on SDL and stuff.
L1278[11:21:37] * Sangar shrugs some more
L1279[11:21:40] <vifino> gamax92: Yes, it is nice to know.
L1280[11:21:49] <gamax92> vifino: if you run it normally it'll complain there is no X/Mir server
L1281[11:21:53] <Soni> I want you to let the computers use the underlying OS/FS as-is
L1282[11:22:01] <Soni> e.g. let me use the damn \ in the filename
L1283[11:22:08] <gamax92> you have to disable modules.window and modules.graphics in conf.lua
L1284[11:22:16] <vifino> Oh.
L1285[11:22:19] <vifino> :/
L1286[11:22:31] <Soni> Magik6k, also blame Sangar because he's the one who hardcoded the anti-\ code
L1287[11:22:44] <gamax92> #BlameSangar
L1288[11:22:54] <Soni> (yes, a config option would make me happy)
L1289[11:23:21] <Magik6k> nah, this codeis good, just consider OpenOS not allowing this character in filename
L1290[11:23:44] <Magik6k> if ureallyneedthat just use component directly
L1291[11:24:15] <Magik6k> ..space derped
L1292[11:24:43] <gamax92> magik is drunk
L1293[11:24:55] <Sangar> i take pride in my anti-\-ism
L1294[11:25:07] <Caitlyn> ugh... why is my xfce desktop black and lacking desktop icons
L1295[11:25:08] <Sangar> accidental as it may be
L1296[11:25:10] <Caitlyn> the panels are there...
L1297[11:25:14] <Izaya> Sangar isn't a DOS user
L1298[11:25:33] <Izaya> Caitlyn, make sure all the xfce4 stuff is running
L1299[11:25:34] * gamax92 gives Sangar OS/2 Warp
L1300[11:25:40] <Soni> Magik6k, I thought it was written in scala?
L1301[11:25:42] * Sangar noms it
L1302[11:25:45] <Caitlyn> I'm pretty sure it is..
L1303[11:25:48] <Soni> Sangar, remove the code
L1304[11:25:49] <Izaya> OS\2 was *weird*
L1305[11:26:15] <Izaya> Next plan: Insist OS\2 is better than Windows
L1306[11:26:19] <Soni> Sangar, I mean, it's bloat and takes away power :/
L1307[11:26:19] <dangranos> isnt it "OS/2"?
L1308[11:26:26] <gamax92> it is
L1309[11:26:33] <dangranos> ah
L1310[11:26:36] <Izaya> fuckin windows slashes
L1311[11:26:37] <dangranos> sks doing it again
L1312[11:26:56] <dangranos> still sitting on dos 10?
L1313[11:27:04] <gamax92> umm what?
L1314[11:27:09] <gamax92> dos 10?
L1315[11:27:20] <dangranos> windows
L1316[11:27:22] <Sangar> i don't know which code exactly you're referring to
L1317[11:27:31] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L1318[11:27:39] <gamax92> why is windows, dos 10?
L1319[11:27:43] <Soni> oh wait
L1320[11:27:52] <Izaya> gamax92, I'm pissing off skyem by referring to all versions of Windows as DOS
L1321[11:27:57] <Soni> you use it for path separator parsing don't you?
L1322[11:28:02] <Izaya> Because really, NT is DOS with long filenames.
L1323[11:28:09] <gamax92> Except not at all.
L1324[11:28:10] <Izaya> And more memory usage.
L1325[11:28:20] <Magik6k> dos nt 10
L1326[11:28:22] * Caitlyn kills xfdesktop
L1327[11:28:26] <dangranos> <Izaya> dangranos, I'm saying DOS instead of Windows to piss off Skye
L1328[11:28:31] <Sangar> dos for workgroups?
L1329[11:28:36] <dangranos> um
L1330[11:28:41] <Soni> WinDOwS NT
L1331[11:28:43] <Izaya> gamax92, it's only to piss him off. It also has shitty multiuser support
L1332[11:28:53] <Izaya> WinDOS Old Technology
L1333[11:28:57] <dangranos> techinicall windows 3.11 for wg is dos
L1334[11:29:10] <Izaya> dangranos, dependancy loops.
L1335[11:29:11] <gamax92> Technically Windows ME and below is DOS
L1336[11:29:16] <Izaya> You need DOS to run DOSD
L1337[11:29:20] <Izaya> s/DOSD/DOS
L1338[11:29:20] <Kibibyte> <Izaya> You need DOS to run DOS
L1339[11:29:25] <dangranos> *DOS program
L1340[11:29:25] <gamax92> or, DOS is involved somewhere in there.
L1341[11:29:30] <dangranos> *MS/DOS
L1342[11:29:38] <Izaya> MS-DOS
L1343[11:29:43] <dangranos> MS\DOS
L1344[11:29:44] <gamax92> MS-DOG
L1345[11:29:45] <Sangar> DoSing with DOS
L1346[11:29:56] <dangranos> damn
L1347[11:30:04] <Izaya> Sangar, But not distributed because single-process machines
L1348[11:30:10] <Izaya> :3
L1349[11:30:10] <gamax92> there are ethernet drivers for my adapter for DOS
L1350[11:30:16] <gamax92> so, i have DOS on my laptop
L1351[11:30:23] <Izaya> I have FreeDOS with networking
L1352[11:30:33] <dangranos> meh
L1353[11:30:33] <Izaya> I can telnet telehack.com
L1354[11:30:38] <Soni> I have Linux
L1355[11:30:41] <dangranos> do it on DOS
L1356[11:30:46] <gamax92> FreeDOS is garbage
L1357[11:30:51] <dangranos> i have VM/370
L1358[11:30:57] <dangranos> hmm
L1359[11:30:58] <Izaya> FreeDOS works for me.
L1360[11:31:03] <gamax92> can't even run WfW in 386 mode
L1361[11:31:09] <Izaya> Sure, it can't run DOS 3.1 very well, but it does the job.
L1362[11:31:15] <Soni> so uhh
L1363[11:31:24] <Soni> when do we get \ support?
L1364[11:31:27] <Izaya> I use it to play daggerfall and telnet
L1365[11:31:28] <gamax92> never
L1366[11:31:36] <Izaya> Soni, Why would you need it?
L1367[11:31:39] <Soni> I guess I'll have to do it myself
L1368[11:31:44] <Izaya> \s are for escape characters
L1369[11:31:45] <Soni> Izaya, because I have files with damn \
L1370[11:31:46] <gamax92> yes, tis the way of Sangar
L1371[11:31:49] <Izaya> Why
L1372[11:31:52] <Caitlyn> woot init 3 && init 5
L1373[11:31:55] <Soni> Izaya, why not?
L1374[11:31:57] <Izaya> why do you have filenames with \ in the,?
L1375[11:32:03] <Caitlyn> logged in and works
L1376[11:32:03] <Izaya> Also \\ to escape a \
L1377[11:32:03] <Soni> linux supports it
L1378[11:32:04] <Vexatos> Sangar: Is internal.Adapter an EnvironmentHost?
L1379[11:32:11] <Soni> so let's put them there
L1380[11:32:14] <gamax92> OC isn't linux
L1381[11:32:21] <Soni> gamax92, it runs on linux
L1382[11:32:22] <dangranos> i am going to find how to: install vm370, configure it, get networking on it
L1383[11:32:25] <Sangar> Vexatos, yes
L1384[11:32:25] <Vexatos> Because it doesn't seem to be
L1385[11:32:27] <gamax92> and?
L1386[11:32:27] <Soni> and I can't access my files because of that
L1387[11:32:32] <gamax92> Soni
L1388[11:32:34] <Soni> unless...
L1389[11:32:40] <gamax92> Why do you have filenames with slashes in them
L1390[11:32:41] <Soni> Sangar, change your whole FS shit
L1391[11:32:46] <Caitlyn> http://i.imgur.com/qXzcBEa.jpg same wallpaper as my tablet
L1392[11:32:47] <Soni> dirs are objects
L1393[11:32:47] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1394[11:32:51] <Sangar> how about... no
L1395[11:32:55] <Soni> then rewrite the whole thing in Lua
L1396[11:33:01] <gamax92> Soni
L1397[11:33:02] <gamax92> "Why do you have filenames with slashes in them"
L1398[11:33:16] <Vexatos> Sangar, according to IDEA it's not extending EnvironmentHost q_q
L1399[11:33:19] <Izaya> Temia, I took a look inside my ThinkPad 600X, but all I got was both lungs full of dust.
L1400[11:33:31] <Sangar> Vexatos, then it's lying
L1401[11:33:43] <Izaya> Stock panels, Caitlyn?
L1402[11:33:57] <Soni> so e.g. to access "your/mom", you fs_root:getfsobj("your"):getfsobj("mom")
L1403[11:33:57] <Sangar> li.cil.oc.common.tileentity.Adapter extends li.cil.oc.common.tileentity.traits.Environment which implements EnvironmentHost
L1404[11:33:58] <Izaya> Near-stock*
L1405[11:34:08] <gamax92> Soni
L1406[11:34:12] <gamax92> Answer question.
L1407[11:34:12] <Caitlyn> yeah it's all I really need
L1408[11:34:19] <Soni> gamax92, because I do, that's why
L1409[11:34:23] * Izaya uses a single autohide panel
L1410[11:34:28] <Soni> I like them
L1411[11:34:29] * Izaya has 3 monitors
L1412[11:34:42] <Caitlyn> that's my server :P
L1413[11:34:49] <Caitlyn> my desktop has 3 as well
L1414[11:34:54] <Caitlyn> with room for 2 more
L1415[11:35:13] <Magik6k> Soni, show me a single person that is not you and needs that feature
L1416[11:35:19] <gamax92> XD
L1417[11:35:38] <Soni> Magik6k, the issue here is that OC limits access to the underlying FS features
L1418[11:35:46] <Soni> I probably can't use \0 on paths either :/
L1419[11:35:49] <Caitlyn> \o/ I can't open folders
L1420[11:35:56] <gamax92> SONI
L1421[11:36:00] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L1423[11:36:09] <Soni> gamax92, NUL*
L1424[11:36:11] <Soni> and why not?!
L1425[11:36:38] <gamax92> you do unusual shit and then complain when something doesn't support it
L1426[11:37:09] <Sangar> "unusual" is really quite the euphemism here :X
L1427[11:37:18] <Caitlyn> lol
L1428[11:37:36] <Magik6k> Soni, write fs lib for openos that turns filenames into base64 and you'll be able to do all of this
L1429[11:37:52] <Magik6k> you'll get whatever names u want
L1430[11:38:10] <Izaya> ooo
L1431[11:38:14] <Izaya> that is actually a good idea
L1432[11:38:18] <Soni> Magik6k, and then I can't use underlying OS/FS shit
L1433[11:38:28] <Izaya> base64 file/dir names
L1434[11:38:30] <Izaya> genius
L1435[11:38:35] <shawniac> the birth of macos
L1436[11:38:41] <Soni> and my path lengths would be severely limited
L1437[11:39:13] <Temia> Ouch, Izaya
L1438[11:39:19] <Magik6k> just 1/3 less
L1439[11:44:47] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L1447[11:55:58] <Izaya> I swear, I'm going to murder those people that put pictures up as .jpg
L1448[11:56:15] <Izaya> Like, good pictures
L1449[11:56:26] <Izaya> Ones where it matters if there are slight artifacts
L1450[11:56:32] * Caitlyn sighs
L1451[11:57:07] <Caitlyn> I fucking hate self-righteous pricks...
L1452[11:57:14] <Caitlyn> good news is.. I like most of you ^_^
L1453[11:57:59] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L1456[12:01:49] ⇦ Quits: shawniac (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L1457[12:02:45] <dangranos> good night
L1458[12:02:46] <dangranos> bye
L1459[12:02:49] <Izaya> \o
L1460[12:03:30] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (~dangranos@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1461[12:05:43] <Izaya> 5 AM
L1462[12:05:44] <Izaya> shit
L1463[12:05:47] <Izaya> I should go to bed.
L1464[12:06:54] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~Izaya@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1465[12:08:07] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L1466[12:08:11] <gamax92> Techokami!
L1467[12:08:16] <Techokami> ahoy
L1468[12:08:18] <Techokami> sup
L1469[12:08:26] <Lizzy> .
L1470[12:08:32] * Lizzy hugs Caitlyn
L1471[12:10:08] * Caitlyn returns the hug
L1472[12:12:21] <gamax92> what if you could return a hug in the sense of returning a gift
L1473[12:12:31] <Caitlyn> ¬_¬
L1474[12:13:00] <gamax92> i forgot why i wanted love2d
L1475[12:13:14] * Caitlyn bashes alekso56 over the head
L1476[12:13:16] <Caitlyn> WHERE ARE YOU
L1477[12:13:20] <Caitlyn> You're online....
L1478[12:13:34] <Caitlyn> but I can't find your current nick...
L1479[12:13:43] * gamax92 points to alekso56_off
L1480[12:14:03] <Caitlyn> wait.. why the hell won't Hexchat auto complete that?
L1481[12:14:09] <Caitlyn> wait
L1482[12:14:14] <Caitlyn> why Can't I see him in the nicklist
L1483[12:14:18] <Caitlyn> wtf
L1484[12:14:22] * Lizzy shrugs
L1485[12:14:25] <gamax92> master of deception :D
L1486[12:14:30] <Lizzy> i can see him
L1487[12:14:30] <Caitlyn> /whois alekso56_off works..
L1488[12:14:46] <Caitlyn> hexchat what are you smoking
L1489[12:14:54] ⇦ Parts: Caitlyn (Katie@eos.pc-logix.com) (Leaving))
L1490[12:14:56] ⇨ Joins: Caitlyn (Katie@eos.pc-logix.com)
L1491[12:14:57] *** Server sets mode: +ntz
L1492[12:14:57] zsh sets mode: +o on Caitlyn
L1493[12:14:57] *** Server sets mode: +ntz
L1494[12:14:57] *** Server sets mode: +ntz
L1495[12:14:59] <Lizzy> electrical weed
L1496[12:15:02] <Caitlyn> ¬_¬
L1497[12:15:05] <Caitlyn> there he is..
L1498[12:15:06] <Lizzy> .stats
L1499[12:15:06] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Ender \o/ http://goo.gl/Hzm22G
L1500[12:15:26] <Caitlyn> sonofabitch
L1501[12:15:28] <gamax92> #lua local a=1 while true do if a/10 ~= 0 then a = a/10 else break end end return a
L1502[12:15:28] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 9.8813129168249e-324
L1503[12:15:30] <gamax92> umm
L1504[12:15:38] <gamax92> umm
L1505[12:15:49] <gamax92> that was not what i was expecting.
L1506[12:16:32] <gamax92> #lua local a=1 while true do if a/10 ~= 0 then a = a/10 else break end end return string.format("%.17f",a)
L1507[12:16:32] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.00000000000000000
L1508[12:16:38] <gamax92> #lua local a=1 while true do if a/10 ~= 0 then a = a/10 else break end end return string.format("%.20f",a)
L1509[12:16:39] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.00000000000000000000
L1510[12:16:43] <Caitlyn> ¬_¬
L1511[12:16:43] <gamax92> where is garbage D:
L1512[12:18:23] <Caitlyn> lol I bought an SSL cert last week... and I've done nothing with it yet..
L1513[12:20:18] * Lizzy might go fiddle about with Inspircd2.2
L1514[12:20:41] <Caitlyn> I'm not looking forward to that upgrade.. lol
L1515[12:22:38] *** nekosune_Away is now known as nekosune
L1516[12:23:17] <CompanionCube> http://www.jasonwhaley.com/blog/2015/2/13/irc-as-a-hiring-filter
L1517[12:25:02] <Lizzy> Caitlyn, did you see the channel i made on your network for update 2.2?
L1518[12:26:26] <Caitlyn> yeah
L1519[12:29:23] <Caitlyn> now we wait..
L1520[12:29:43] <Lizzy> ?
L1521[12:30:10] <Caitlyn> waiting for my cert for api.pcldns.com
L1522[12:30:15] <Lizzy> ah
L1523[12:30:20] <Caitlyn> so that java will stop bitching about using startcom
L1524[12:30:50] <Caitlyn> cause modifying the certstore for all users is bad
L1525[12:30:54] <Caitlyn> and requires root on nix :p
L1526[12:33:40] <Magik6k> yaay,I managed to get sh.lua working with custom io.input
L1527[12:33:46] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@80-254-76-172.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L1528[12:33:50] <Magik6k> PR time!
L1529[12:43:59] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L1532[12:46:59] <Caitlyn> fak..
L1533[12:47:01] <Caitlyn> my gitlab is ded
L1534[12:47:12] <Lizzy> R.I.P
L1535[12:47:45] <Vexatos> https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/commit/1b7534e615d6c4b952598615357d7c2001548d24 Hurr hurr
L1536[12:47:54] <Caitlyn> no
L1537[12:47:56] <Caitlyn> gitlab is fine
L1538[12:48:00] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0)
L1539[12:48:01] <Caitlyn> the apache proxy is ded
L1540[12:48:27] <Lizzy> haha
L1541[12:49:34] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1542[12:49:43] <Caitlyn> \o/ new build of PCLDynDNS client on jenkins :D
L1543[12:51:59] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1544[12:52:36] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L1545[12:53:11] <Magik6k> Sangar, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/pull/912
L1546[12:53:42] <Caitlyn> ¬_¬ why am I not returning records suddnely
L1547[12:54:09] <Magik6k> Caitlyn, use nginx ;p
L1548[12:54:27] <Caitlyn> that has nothing to do with this :D
L1549[12:54:39] <Caitlyn> Also I WAS on nginx
L1550[12:54:45] <Magik6k> lel
L1551[12:55:06] <Caitlyn> but I need .htaccess for shit..
L1552[12:55:27] <Caitlyn> like you know other people on my server being able to do overrides and rewrites without having to bug me to put it into their vhost config
L1553[12:55:57] <Magik6k> that's true
L1554[12:56:27] <Caitlyn> that is the *ONLY* gripe I have with nginx
L1555[12:57:08] <Caitlyn> I prefer nginx over apache... and if they ever get a .htaccess like system I'll probably move back
L1556[12:57:24] <Caitlyn> But IIRC they've said it's not something they wanna add because of the overhead
L1557[12:58:08] <Lizzy> afk, dinner
L1558[12:58:22] <Caitlyn> mmm food
L1559[12:59:26] <Caitlyn> wait
L1560[12:59:28] <Caitlyn> wait...
L1561[12:59:31] <Caitlyn> WAIT..
L1562[12:59:37] <Caitlyn> what. the. fuck. java.
L1563[13:02:42] <Caitlyn> :@
L1564[13:05:35] <gamax92> That moment when you write an entire C program, and then forget every single semicolon
L1565[13:05:41] <Caitlyn> \o/
L1566[13:05:49] <Caitlyn> Also fakucomodo
L1567[13:09:24] <Caitlyn> \o/
L1568[13:09:30] <Caitlyn> had to make my own ca bundle
L1569[13:10:38] <Caitlyn> http://i.imgur.com/knWMKuR.png and I didn't have to force my CA
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L1572[13:14:48] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
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L1578[13:19:24] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
L1579[13:19:35] <Wobbo> o/
L1580[13:20:01] <Kodos> o/
L1581[13:22:49] <Wobbo> Reddit, Y U NO work? D:
L1582[13:23:59] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L1584[13:25:13] <nxsupert> Quick question , does "key_down" continously get called when a key is down or only when the initial press happens?
L1585[13:27:21] <Kodos> You could always test it
L1586[13:27:34] <Kodos> while true do print(event.pull()) end
L1587[13:27:35] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~Izaya@
L1588[13:27:40] <Izaya> I...
L1589[13:27:57] <Izaya> I just abused a Windows hack I patched for my school to repair my copy of Windows 10
L1590[13:28:03] <Wobbo> nxsupert: If I am correct, only when the key goes down.
L1591[13:28:04] <Izaya> I feel dirty.
L1592[13:28:20] <Wobbo> Izaya: And you have reason to, you use windows :P
L1593[13:29:03] <Izaya> Wobbo, it's virtualised
L1594[13:29:27] <Wobbo> Still windows
L1595[13:29:39] <Lizzy> back
L1596[13:29:43] <nxsupert> Ok. It seems to be it calls it once on the initial push , and than a lot of types a little after.
L1597[13:30:03] <nxsupert> times*
L1598[13:30:47] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L1605[13:35:56] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo_
L1606[13:39:22] <Caitlyn> http://michi.pc-logix.com/2015-02-13_13-39-14.png
L1607[13:39:27] <Caitlyn> \o/
L1608[13:39:32] <Caitlyn> it works again
L1609[13:39:37] <Caitlyn> stupid ftp uploader
L1610[13:39:49] <Wobbo_> Still doing your java thingy?
L1611[13:39:56] *** Wobbo_ is now known as Wobbo
L1612[13:40:10] <Caitlyn> Yeah, but that wasn't the point of the screenshot :p
L1613[13:40:19] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0)
L1614[13:40:31] <Negi> Mehmehmehmeh
L1615[13:40:36] * Negi moos at Temia
L1616[13:41:19] <vifino> http://i.imgur.com/CjRUu0y.png
L1617[13:41:21] <vifino> \o/
L1618[13:41:24] <vifino> It's alive!
L1619[13:43:02] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0) (Client Quit)
L1620[13:44:17] <Caitlyn> http://michi.pc-logix.com/2015-02-13_13-44-11.png
L1621[13:44:46] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0)
L1622[13:46:29] <Wobbo> Caitlyn: Yeah, I heard about that today
L1623[13:46:31] <Wobbo> .time
L1624[13:46:31] <EnderBot2> Current OC time: Fri Feb 13 19:46:30 2015
L1625[13:46:46] <Wobbo> Caitlyn: Only 3.25 hours left :P
L1626[13:47:18] <Caitlyn> it's only 2pm here :p
L1627[13:48:13] <Wobbo> Caitlyn: OC time is the only real time! :P Shit, then I have one hour more to wait…
L1628[13:48:47] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1629[13:49:14] <Wobbo> Although tomorrow might be worse, being valetines and all :/
L1630[13:50:11] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
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L1636[14:09:11] * Temia moos back =o=
L1637[14:13:47] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
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L1641[14:22:43] <Izaya> I'm gonna leave cmd.exe as my sticky keys for now
L1642[14:23:13] <Izaya> Just in case.
L1643[14:24:28] ⇦ Quits: nwmqpa (~EIRC_RR@LLamentin-151-10-39.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1648[14:30:44] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L1649[14:32:26] <Izaya> I think I'm misusing OneDrive - firefox and VLC installers, plus a thing to turn off IE and Windows Media Player
L1650[14:33:38] <CompanionCube> Izaya, hehehe
L1651[14:35:46] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L1652[14:36:08] <Izaya> CompanionCube, What am I missing from that?
L1653[14:36:30] <CompanionCube> Izaya, copy of tron or ninite maybe?
L1654[14:36:39] <Izaya> what are those?
L1655[14:36:54] <Wobbo> Izaya: A linux iso :P
L1656[14:36:59] <CompanionCube> https://github.com/vocatus/tron
L1657[14:37:16] <CompanionCube> https://ninite.com/
L1658[14:37:24] <Izaya> Wobbo, I'll dump a copy of arch onto there for good measure
L1659[14:37:29] <Izaya> also rawwrite.exe
L1660[14:38:47] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1661[14:39:48] <Izaya> CompanionCube, I may have gone overboard with ninite
L1662[14:40:11] <Izaya> Except for Java.
L1663[14:40:13] <Izaya> Fuck Java.
L1664[14:40:20] <Izaya> (8, specifically)
L1665[14:41:15] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L1666[14:44:38] <nxsupert> Is there a way to get the number of values in an iterator?
L1667[14:45:02] <Izaya> Count, I guess.
L1668[14:45:21] <Wobbo> nxsupert: which languages?
L1669[14:45:27] <nxsupert> lua
L1670[14:45:35] <Wobbo> Don't think so
L1671[14:46:24] <Wobbo> Iterators are actually not a feature, just a convention.
L1672[14:47:09] <nxsupert> Ok
L1673[14:47:26] ⇨ Joins: Phosphene (~Phosphene@
L1674[14:47:53] <nxsupert> I'm so glad I decided to implement a logger first :P
L1675[14:48:09] <Wobbo> loggers are always useful
L1676[14:48:32] <nxsupert> Although I do now have 32 log files.
L1677[14:49:00] *** ShoweringFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L1678[14:49:32] * Izaya has a keylogger for OpenOS
L1679[14:50:00] * Izaya has prevented MicrOS from being keylogged the same way by separating the hardware and software layers
L1680[14:50:15] <Izaya> D: Paint.NET won't run in Windows 10
L1681[14:51:11] <nxsupert> I feel like I should try and make my program compatible with micros.
L1682[14:51:26] <nxsupert> minos*
L1683[14:51:32] <gamax92> T_T
L1684[14:51:36] <nxsupert> minios*
L1685[14:51:37] <Izaya> New kernel is coming soon, I'd reccomend waiting for that if you intend to do anything with micrOS
L1686[14:52:03] <gamax92> trying to figure out why fread was segfaulting ...
L1687[14:52:07] <gamax92> was just a typo in the filename
L1688[14:52:28] <nxsupert> My program is kinda big.
L1689[14:52:57] * CompanionCube is writing a OC-related web application
L1690[14:53:36] <nxsupert> It is 4046 units , no idea if -l gives it to you in bytes or kilobytes
L1691[14:54:12] <nxsupert> Actually, It has to be bytes
L1692[14:54:35] <nxsupert> But to think , that is only the loading and logging.
L1693[14:55:29] <CompanionCube> nxsupert, well OpenOS runs on T1 computers with ~192K RAM, so it's not as if it won't run
L1694[14:56:05] *** Benguin is now known as Benguin[ZzZ]
L1695[14:56:13] * Izaya has an OS which runs in 64MiB
L1696[14:56:28] <Izaya> s/Mi/Ki
L1697[14:56:28] <Kibibyte> * Izaya has an OS which runs in 64KiB
L1698[14:56:29] <Izaya> ffs
L1699[14:56:33] <Izaya> I've been up too long.
L1700[14:56:59] <nxsupert> I keep doing cmd+q instead of ctrl+q meaning I exit minecraft.
L1701[14:57:27] <Wobbo> XD
L1702[14:57:30] <Kodos> Anyone know of any collections of RP2 programs? Thinking about starting an FTB Ultimate world
L1703[14:57:40] <Kodos> I wanna see what all the hubbub is about RP2
L1704[14:57:48] <Izaya> Does Windows NT support IPX at all?
L1705[15:00:18] <Izaya> http://shadowkat.tk/image/onedrive.png
L1706[15:03:35] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L1708[15:04:17] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L1709[15:05:26] <CompanionCube> Izaya, a copy of cntlm wouldn't be amiss if you have anything using NTLM auth
L1710[15:06:00] <Izaya> CNTLM?
L1711[15:06:11] * Izaya is bad at Windows
L1712[15:06:49] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0)
L1713[15:06:50] <CompanionCube> Izaya, NTLM is a Windows authentication protocol.
L1714[15:06:58] <CompanionCube> cntlm is a proxy server implementing it
L1715[15:07:35] <CompanionCube> so you can use it in combination with applications not supporting the protocol behind something using it
L1716[15:08:30] <Izaya> Noted.
L1717[15:08:36] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@amt189.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
L1718[15:08:43] * CompanionCube has used it to SSH from school
L1719[15:10:35] <Izaya> You know, once you get over the whole "It's Windows so it will never do what you want, Windows 10 is quite nice. Not as good as Linux, but a good Windows release.
L1720[15:11:31] <CompanionCube> Windows 10 is the anti-dote to the clusterfuck of Windows 8.
L1721[15:12:52] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C9359.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1722[15:13:15] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L1723[15:15:25] <Phosphene> What happened to windows 9?
L1724[15:15:34] <Kodos> It died
L1725[15:15:37] <Izaya> Phosphene, MS said they'd give it away
L1726[15:15:47] <Wobbo> Phosphene: They skipped it
L1727[15:15:54] <Izaya> Also wtf news sites, why must you always play stupid sounds!>
L1728[15:15:55] <CompanionCube> Phosphene, Windows 9 would cause compatbility issues with things trying to detect 95 or 98
L1729[15:16:23] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1730[15:16:37] <Wobbo> CompanionCube: I hope that wasn't the reason they skipped it…
L1731[15:16:38] <nxsupert> if os.name.startWith( "Windows 9") {do windows 95/98 stuff}
L1732[15:16:55] <CompanionCube> Wobbo, I believe it might've been a reason
L1733[15:17:02] <CompanionCube> not sure if it was THE reason
L1734[15:18:08] <Izaya> gah
L1735[15:18:12] <Izaya> I'm falling asleep
L1736[15:18:15] <Izaya> I'm off.
L1737[15:18:18] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~Izaya@ (Quit: Leaving)
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L1740[15:25:09] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L1741[15:26:43] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L1742[15:27:25] <Wobbo> I just got the genius idea to pipe output from fortune into say
L1743[15:30:01] <Temia> >not cowsay
L1744[15:30:04] <Temia> :frogout:
L1745[15:31:08] <Wobbo> I just need to run that shit at random moments :P
L1746[15:31:20] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~ping@2601:4:680:104c:88e3:b3e4:e9f7:e21c) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L1749[15:32:50] <Temia> Sorry
L1750[15:32:56] <Temia> Let me correct that
L1751[15:33:26] <Temia> http://pastebin.com/pMZcUjpK
L1752[15:34:37] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0) (Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1)
L1753[15:34:43] <Wobbo> Random fortune that I can't stop that blasts from my speakers? Can't be better right? :P
L1754[15:34:55] <Temia> Cows are cuter :<
L1755[15:35:08] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L1756[15:35:34] <Wobbo> Maybe I can find a dalek voice :P
L1757[15:36:07] <nxsupert> Quick question , How does one pcall a function defined using table:func instead of table.func
L1758[15:36:33] <Wobbo> nxsupert: pcall(tbl.func, tbl, <other args>)
L1759[15:36:42] <nxsupert> Ok. Thanks
L1760[15:37:44] <Wobbo> nxsupert: tbl:func(args) is syntactic sugar for tbl.func(tbl,args)
L1761[15:38:11] <nxsupert> Ahh. Ok.
L1762[15:38:29] <Temia> Basically a more object-oriented way to call it.
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L1765[15:41:49] *** wolfmitchell is now known as imgur
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L1770[15:43:26] *** tumble is now known as tumblr
L1771[15:43:51] *** fourchan is now known as Stary2001
L1772[15:43:58] *** tumblr is now known as imgur
L1773[15:44:08] *** imgur is now known as tumblr
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L1775[15:44:29] *** youtube is now known as googleplus
L1776[15:44:37] *** googleplus is now known as facebook
L1777[15:46:17] *** facebook is now known as sinaweibo
L1778[15:46:58] *** sinaweibo is now known as twitter
L1779[15:47:34] *** twitter is now known as twatter
L1780[15:47:43] <gamax92> umm ...
L1781[15:48:00] <gamax92> i am so confused ^
L1782[15:48:20] <Temia> Just smile and not.
L1783[15:48:23] <Temia> Nod, even
L1784[15:48:23] <Kodos> wolf, stop with the nickspam
L1785[15:48:37] <Temia> Smile, nod, and back away slowly. No sudden movements.
L1786[15:48:37] *** twatter is now known as googleplus
L1787[15:48:43] <Temia> Social networks can smell fear.
L1788[15:48:49] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L1789[15:48:52] <Kodos> Paging Lizzy
L1790[15:49:22] *** googleplus is now known as dongcopter
L1791[15:50:57] *** dongcopter is now known as prasselpikachu
L1792[15:52:06] <reddit> Kodos, i only did 2 of those nicks
L1793[15:52:15] <reddit> the rest were stary and prassel i think
L1794[15:52:20] <reddit> (i was only reddit and imgur)
L1795[15:52:57] <reddit> Temia, ^
L1796[15:53:20] <reddit> wait no prassel in ti
L1797[15:53:35] <SuPeRMiNoR2> mostly prassel, yeah
L1798[15:53:47] <reddit> wapt yeaj o see ot mpw
L1799[15:53:51] <reddit> wait yeah i see it now *
L1800[15:53:54] <reddit> gg me at typing
L1801[15:54:07] <SuPeRMiNoR2> I am suprise that nick is not registered
L1802[15:54:11] <SuPeRMiNoR2> much suprise
L1803[15:54:15] <reddit> what, reddit? :p
L1804[15:54:17] <reddit> and imgur?
L1805[15:54:19] <reddit> i got both
L1806[15:54:59] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L1807[15:55:22] <reddit> Stary2001, you should /nick fourchan again
L1808[15:55:22] <reddit> kek
L1809[15:55:25] <reddit> 'who is this fourchan'
L1810[15:55:34] <Stary2001> no lel
L1811[15:55:46] <reddit> yes
L1812[15:55:48] <reddit> top kek
L1813[15:55:54] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~samis@95f18f58.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L1816[15:57:20] <gamax92> brb
L1817[15:57:47] ⇨ Joins: fourchan (~quassel@2607:5300:100:200::23)
L1818[15:57:56] <fourchan> Who am i?
L1819[15:58:02] <reddit> ...
L1820[15:58:03] <fourchan> I only have 30 seconds
L1821[15:58:13] <reddit> gamax?
L1822[15:58:14] *** fourchan is now known as Guest22290
L1823[15:58:17] *** Guest22290 is now known as four_chan
L1824[15:58:43] <SuPeRMiNoR2> who is that four_chan?
L1825[15:58:53] <four_chan> its me ^
L1826[15:58:56] <Wobbo> four_chan: Are you the hacker 4chan? D:
L1827[15:59:10] ⇨ Joins: blixa (~blixa@wsip-70-184-255-144.ok.ok.cox.net)
L1828[15:59:12] <four_chan> Yes, prepare to be hacked
L1829[15:59:24] <blixa> why me!?
L1830[15:59:26] <four_chan> i have ipv6, you dont stand a change
L1831[15:59:30] <four_chan> chance
L1832[15:59:33] ⇦ Quits: four_chan (~quassel@2607:5300:100:200::23) (Client Quit)
L1833[16:00:05] <nxsupert> Now thats weird.
L1834[16:00:22] <blixa> what have i stumbled into?
L1835[16:00:23] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1836[16:00:27] <reddit> [17:00:12] -NickServ- Nick four_chan is now registered to your account.
L1837[16:00:39] <SuPeRMiNoR2> damn
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L1840[16:01:21] *** reddit is now known as four_chan
L1841[16:02:12] <nxsupert> If I modify a file is being require() , I have to reboot the computer for the changes to update.
L1842[16:02:30] <SuPeRMiNoR2> I have noticed that before
L1843[16:02:37] <nxsupert> Bug?
L1844[16:02:40] <SuPeRMiNoR2> it is annoying when i try to update superlib
L1845[16:02:46] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i dont know
L1846[16:02:50] <Caitlyn> nope it's "caching" :p
L1847[16:02:56] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i figured that
L1848[16:03:02] <SuPeRMiNoR2> is it possible to clear the cache though
L1849[16:03:10] <Caitlyn> Yep... reboot.
L1850[16:03:24] <SuPeRMiNoR2> thanks so much :P
L1851[16:03:37] <Caitlyn> You didn't ask if there was any OTHER way
L1852[16:03:38] <Caitlyn> :P
L1853[16:03:49] <nxsupert> Are there any other ways?
L1854[16:04:02] <blixa> you can set loaded.superlib to nil
L1855[16:04:18] <blixa> correction package.loaded.superlib
L1856[16:05:13] <Lizzy> o/
L1857[16:05:17] <nxsupert> o/
L1858[16:05:23] <Wobbo> blixa: package.loaded["packe.sub"] if the name contains spaces
L1859[16:05:29] <Wobbo> \o
L1860[16:05:33] <blixa> right
L1861[16:06:44] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L1862[16:07:16] <nxsupert> I feel like I shouldn't be using require if it permanently loads the file into memory
L1863[16:07:26] * Lizzy wishes the microsd she ordered would get here sooner
L1864[16:07:52] <nxsupert> Is there a way of loading a file without it being put in cache?
L1865[16:08:11] <SuPeRMiNoR2> loadstring?
L1866[16:08:25] <nxsupert> Well. loading Lua
L1867[16:08:47] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1868[16:08:48] <v^> nxsupert, dofile
L1869[16:08:48] <nxsupert> Loading in a module or package as it where for my program
L1870[16:08:49] <blixa> not with require().
L1871[16:08:54] <v^> .w nonstandard
L1872[16:08:54] <^v> v^, http://ocd.cil.li/api:non-standard-lua-libs
L1873[16:09:07] <v^> yeah
L1874[16:09:09] <v^> dofile
L1875[16:09:30] <Wobbo> nxsupert: put package.loaded.pckgname = nil in the top of your file
L1876[16:09:42] <v^> nxsupert, iirc its not permanent
L1877[16:09:49] <v^> it should use weak tables
L1878[16:10:21] <blixa> v^: is dofile readded by openos?
L1879[16:10:26] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i correct myself when i said loadstring, i mean load
L1880[16:10:35] <Wobbo> v^: It doesn't use weak tables, it also keeps libs like component and io loaded
L1881[16:11:27] <v^> Wobbo, because they are loaded by parts of the OS
L1882[16:11:50] *** AtomSponge is now known as AtomSponge|away
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L1884[16:14:36] <PotatoTrumpet> o/
L1885[16:14:39] <gamax92> Caitlyn: so ... turns out i didn't need love2d :P
L1886[16:14:47] <nxsupert> Thanks. That works :D
L1887[16:14:48] <Caitlyn> --
L1888[16:14:50] <Caitlyn> -_-*
L1889[16:14:55] <gamax92> Caitlyn: sorry
L1890[16:15:00] <gamax92> I ended up writing the entire thing in C
L1891[16:15:02] <gamax92> becuase faster
L1892[16:15:14] <PotatoTrumpet> -__-
L1893[16:15:24] <Caitlyn> ...
L1894[16:15:30] <PotatoTrumpet> ....
L1895[16:15:32] <Caitlyn> anyway afk to fix sink
L1896[16:15:52] * PotatoTrumpet fixes Caitlyn's sink
L1897[16:16:17] <Wobbo> gamax92: what you making?
L1898[16:16:21] * vifino fixes PotatoTrumpet
L1899[16:16:28] <gamax92> 3D grapher
L1900[16:16:39] <PotatoTrumpet> :D Wobbo
L1901[16:17:05] <Wobbo> gamax92: Whats that?
L1902[16:17:08] <Wobbo> PotatoTrumpet: Hi
L1903[16:17:20] <gamax92> Wobbo: it graphs 3D functions?
L1904[16:19:13] <Wobbo> gamax92: Ah, like gnuplot?
L1905[16:19:19] <gamax92> i ran the original version on my netbook in luajit and it took like 7 hours
L1906[16:19:27] <gamax92> don't exactly know what that is.
L1907[16:19:51] <SuPeRMiNoR2> it plots stuff
L1908[16:20:44] <Wobbo> gnuplot can plot a multitude of different kinds of plot. Its what octave(Open source matlab) uses for plotting
L1909[16:21:05] <gamax92> can i give it a function to plot
L1910[16:22:57] <Wobbo> Yeah, Think so
L1911[16:24:12] <Wobbo> gamax92: http://www.gnuplotting.org/plotting-functions/
L1912[16:26:54] <gamax92> Wobbo: i seem to be failing http://i.imgur.com/JMQWuSR.png
L1913[16:27:09] <Wobbo> LOL
L1914[16:27:38] <gamax92> its like, not even at all remotely close
L1915[16:28:13] <TabletCube> tried looking at the result in wolframlpha?
L1916[16:28:21] <Wobbo> gamax92: Maybe you need to do something with your range
L1917[16:30:38] <gamax92> wolfram's is a little harder to see but is supposed to do this http://i.imgur.com/kvFEkoO.gif
L1918[16:31:25] <TabletCube> checked the range then?
L1919[16:31:34] <gamax92> i just installed gnuplot >_>
L1920[16:31:39] <gamax92> and have no idea how to do that
L1921[16:31:43] ⇦ Quits: Mirodin (~quassel@2a02:810d:12c0:1878:a5b4:6700:d782:f5b9) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1922[16:31:46] ⇨ Joins: Wobbo_ (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L1923[16:31:46] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo_
L1924[16:31:46] <TabletCube> Google?
L1925[16:31:50] ⇦ Quits: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1926[16:32:01] <Wobbo_> No, I'm not google
L1927[16:32:06] *** Wobbo_ is now known as wobbo
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L1929[16:32:56] <gamax92> i did set zrange
L1930[16:33:09] <gamax92> nothing happened
L1931[16:33:30] <TabletCube> what about x and y
L1932[16:33:37] <Wobbo> Did you set xrange and yrange?
L1933[16:33:51] <Wobbo> Cause those two are the ones you want to fiddle with
L1934[16:35:27] <gamax92> no
L1935[16:35:31] <gamax92> the x and y ranges are fine
L1936[16:35:36] <gamax92> i wanted -10,10 >_>
L1937[16:36:11] <gamax92> i give up, my graphing tool returned its results anyway
L1938[16:36:32] <Wobbo> Alright, whatever you want
L1939[16:37:33] <gamax92> http://i.imgur.com/RrPwPFt.png
L1940[16:38:26] <Wobbo> Does look nice
L1941[16:38:47] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L1943[16:39:18] <gamax92> #lua return (20/0.0001)^2
L1944[16:39:18] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 40000000000
L1945[16:39:35] <gamax92> was only about 40 billion points
L1946[16:41:16] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-123-211-234-236.lnse4.woo.bigpond.net.au)
L1947[16:46:11] <nxsupert> Is there a way of passing a reference of a table to a function?
L1948[16:49:59] <v^> > reference of a table
L1949[16:50:06] <v^> tables are always references
L1950[16:50:14] <nxsupert> Oh.
L1951[16:50:16] <nxsupert> Ok.
L1952[16:50:20] *** ConcernedHobbit is now known as ConcernedAway
L1953[16:51:19] <Wobbo> nxsupert: In Lua, everything is a refernce. Its just that most things are immutable
L1954[16:51:37] <nxsupert> Ok.
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L1961[17:07:55] <blixa> ill be back later.
L1962[17:08:00] ⇦ Parts: blixa (~blixa@wsip-70-184-255-144.ok.ok.cox.net) ())
L1963[17:08:40] <Wobbo> I'm also going. Bye!
L1964[17:09:07] ⇦ Quits: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
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L1982[17:50:19] <PotatoTrumpet> :?
L1983[17:52:06] <TabletCube> PotatoTrumpet: hai
L1984[17:52:17] <PotatoTrumpet> hai
L1985[17:52:25] <TabletCube> How are you
L1986[17:52:35] <PotatoTrumpet> good
L1987[17:52:37] <PotatoTrumpet> you?
L1988[17:52:54] <TabletCube> On holiday. You get the invite yet?
L1989[17:53:12] <PotatoTrumpet> nope
L1990[17:53:15] <PotatoTrumpet> :(
L1991[17:53:23] <TabletCube> Damm they're slow.
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L2001[18:21:09] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L2002[18:21:13] <gamax92> TabletCube: http://i.imgur.com/RNOfgka.png
L2003[18:28:11] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
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L2024[19:42:34] <Kodos> http://pastebin.com/dqhsLqdC Ooooh neat
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L2031[19:52:16] *** nekosune is now known as nekosune_Away
L2032[19:58:51] <v^> Kodos, lol thats carp
L2033[19:59:04] <v^> ^vs is like a single line
L2034[19:59:08] <v^> .> fancynum
L2035[19:59:08] <^v> v^, function: 0x40f5e940
L2036[19:59:17] <v^> .> fancynum("2413456456457")
L2037[19:59:17] <^v> v^, 2,413,456,456,457
L2038[19:59:24] <v^> .sauce
L2039[19:59:24] <^v> v^, https://github.com/P-T-/-v4/
L2040[20:00:17] <v^> function fancynum(num) local num,neg=tostring(num):gsub("[^%d%.]",""),tostring(num):match("^%-") or "" return neg..num:gsub("%..+",""):reverse():gsub("...","%1,"):reverse():gsub("^,","")..(num:match("%..+") or "") end
L2041[20:00:29] <dangranos> >_<
L2042[20:00:32] <dangranos> idiots
L2043[20:00:41] <dangranos> our near-goverment is idiots
L2044[20:01:38] <Kodos> NP++ needs a damn formatter a la Eclipse
L2045[20:01:59] *** nekosune_Away is now known as nekosune
L2046[20:02:02] <dangranos> guess what They want to do?
L2047[20:02:36] <Temia> This is gonna be good.
L2048[20:04:38] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L2049[20:04:47] <dangranos> gtg
L2050[20:04:48] <dangranos> bye
L2051[20:05:19] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (~dangranos@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L2052[20:05:41] <gamax92> Temia: http://i.imgur.com/vehoBoN.jpg
L2053[20:06:36] <Temia> ...
L2054[20:06:39] * Temia aaaaugh
L2055[20:06:41] <Temia> that's terrible
L2056[20:09:43] ⇦ Quits: MrRatermat (ratermat@host81-158-132-107.range81-158.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: :)
L2057[20:10:04] * TabletCube makes Temia into a jar of sphagetti sauce
L2058[20:10:26] * Temia turns TabletCube into chunky salsa. :T
L2059[20:10:43] * TabletCube is the first fluid computer
L2060[20:11:02] <Temia> Sorry, dorfs got to that first
L2061[20:11:08] * TabletCube will become distributed when the jar is broken
L2062[20:12:39] <gamax92> So, Temia is prego?
L2063[20:13:12] * Temia axes Gamax :T
L2064[20:13:25] <TabletCube> Temia: how
L2065[20:13:33] <TabletCube> you have no arms
L2066[20:13:40] <Temia> I made my saving throw against saucification.
L2067[20:13:50] <gamax92> Temia: I am sorry senpai
L2068[20:13:57] <Kodos> Does OC or any addons have anything that will let me do hex to ascii and/or viceversa
L2069[20:14:19] * TabletCube has organised his salsa into the shape of a large CPU
L2070[20:14:53] <gamax92> #lua return (" Kodos "):gsub(".",function(a) return string.format("%02x",a:byte()) end)
L2071[20:14:53] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 204b6f646f7320 | 7
L2072[20:15:16] <gamax92> #lua return ("204b6f646f7320"):gsub("..",function(a) return string.char(tonumber(a,16)) end)
L2073[20:15:16] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Kodos | 7
L2074[20:15:33] <Kodos> Okay, now explain how you did that like I'm 5
L2075[20:15:59] <gamax92> Kodos: Where are your parents?
L2076[20:16:08] <Kodos> At my grandparents playing Skip Bo
L2077[20:16:42] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13 (~Johannes@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2078[20:17:13] <gamax92> Kodos: gsub(".") gets each character, a:byte() gets its ascii value, and string.format() formats the number, specifically as hex because i used %x
L2079[20:17:29] <gamax92> %02x means to pad the number out to two places, using 0 as a padding character
L2080[20:18:07] * ds84182 tries to figure out why he's running out of ram
L2081[20:18:17] <ds84182> has android studio and google chrome open
L2082[20:18:36] <gamax92> Kodos: for the reverse: gsub("..") will get two characters, tonumber() converts the two characters into a number, and then string.char converts the ascii value into the character itself.
L2083[20:20:02] <Kodos> gamax92, how hard would it be to make those two into functions
L2084[20:20:30] <gamax92> #lua function str2hex(a) return a:gsub(".",function(a) return string.format("%02x",a:byte()) end) end
L2085[20:20:30] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L2086[20:20:46] <gamax92> #lua function hex2str(a) return a:gsub("..",function(a) return string.char(tonumber(a,16)) end) end
L2087[20:20:46] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L2088[20:20:49] <Kodos> #lua str2hex("Herpaderp")
L2089[20:20:54] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 486572706164657270 | 9
L2090[20:21:14] <Kodos> #lua hex2str(486572706164657270)
L2091[20:21:14] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > lua:1: attempt to index local 'a' (a number value)
L2092[20:21:15] <Kodos> err
L2093[20:21:20] <Kodos> #lua hex2str("486572706164657270")
L2094[20:21:20] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Herpaderp | 9
L2095[20:21:23] <Kodos> Neat
L2096[20:22:40] <Kodos> Added that to my random lib file :3
L2097[20:23:05] <gamax92> .l52 math.log
L2098[20:23:05] <^v> Nope.
L2099[20:23:08] <gamax92> umm what
L2100[20:23:08] <Kodos> Does Eclipse have a Lua plugin or anything? I need something I can use to format my code
L2101[20:23:13] <gamax92> .l52 4
L2102[20:23:13] <^v> Nope.
L2103[20:23:14] <ds84182> .lua math.log
L2104[20:23:14] <^v> ds84182, function: 0x41c050
L2105[20:23:19] <ds84182> u dunse
L2106[20:23:21] <gamax92> .lua _VERSION
L2107[20:23:21] <^v> gamax92, Lua 5.2
L2108[20:23:23] <gamax92> k
L2109[20:23:32] <gamax92> .lua math.log(2.71)
L2110[20:23:32] <^v> gamax92, 0.99694863489161
L2111[20:23:35] <gamax92> .lua math.log10(2.71)
L2112[20:23:35] <^v> gamax92, 0.43296929087441
L2113[20:23:46] <gamax92> that annoys me.
L2114[20:24:08] <gamax92> math.e = 2.718281828459 math.ln = math.log math.log = math.log10 math.log10 = nil
L2115[20:25:59] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L2116[20:26:15] <Kodos> #lua math.round(math.pi, 2)
L2117[20:26:15] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3.14
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L2119[20:26:58] <Kodos> Oh I just had a funny idea
L2120[20:27:02] <gamax92> did you?
L2121[20:27:15] <Kodos> #lua kodos = "Return him? Who took him?!"
L2122[20:27:15] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L2123[20:27:18] <Kodos> Now watch this
L2124[20:27:20] <Kodos> #lua return kodos
L2125[20:27:21] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Return him? Who took him?!
L2126[20:27:42] <Kodos> Okay, so it was funnier in my head
L2127[20:27:43] <Kodos> Oh well
L2128[20:27:45] <Kodos> Going to bed
L2129[20:27:46] <gamax92> lol
L2130[20:27:48] <gamax92> :P
L2131[20:27:49] *** Kodos is now known as Kodos|Zzz
L2132[20:29:29] <gamax92> #lua a=0 b=1 while math.log(a) ~= 1 do if math.log(a+b) <= 1 then a=a+b else b=b/10 end end return a
L2133[20:29:30] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 2.718281828459
L2134[20:30:33] <ds84182> #lua math.e
L2135[20:30:33] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L2136[20:30:36] <ds84182> uh
L2137[20:30:36] <gamax92> #lua math.log(8,2)
L2138[20:30:36] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 2.0794415416798
L2139[20:30:52] <gamax92> #lua math.log10(8)/math.log10(2)
L2140[20:30:52] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3
L2141[20:31:13] <gamax92> #lua function math.logbase(a,b) return math.log(a)/math.log(b) end
L2142[20:31:13] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L2143[20:31:17] <gamax92> #lua math.logbase(8,2)
L2144[20:31:17] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3
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L2147[20:35:36] <vifino> gamax92: http://i.imgur.com/y29sQTW.png \o/
L2148[20:35:49] <gamax92> D:
L2149[20:35:53] <gamax92> what is this fancy terminal
L2150[20:36:05] ⇦ Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@amt189.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2151[20:36:16] <vifino> multithreaded multi-state luajit hypervisor with IPC and regexps \o/
L2152[20:36:23] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L2153[20:38:25] <vifino> gamax92: You're not interested, are you? :(
L2154[20:38:37] <gamax92> no
L2155[20:38:47] <gamax92> i don't know how i could use it
L2156[20:39:46] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L2157[20:40:06] <vifino> Write a multithreaded bot in lua, with message passing as interface?
L2158[20:41:12] <vifino> like, broadcast all the messages the irc server sends and receive the instructions on what to send from the ipc from other files.
L2159[20:42:05] <gamax92> but I've been doing stuff in C
L2160[20:42:23] <gamax92> where, its usually faster than its luajit equiv
L2161[20:43:05] <vifino> ._.
L2162[20:44:10] <gamax92> for example, the 3d graphing thing i wrote today
L2163[20:44:22] <gamax92> takes 20 seconds to do 400million points
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L2168[20:53:53] <v^> C is much faster .-.
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L2170[21:01:19] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
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L2173[21:04:37] <Caitlyn> http://michi.pc-logix.com/2015-02-13_21-04-25.png
L2174[21:04:41] <Caitlyn> Oh man.. how I wish
L2175[21:05:44] <Caitlyn> even at 152 Mbps its gonna take 3.5 hours to move 266 GB
L2176[21:06:01] <gamax92> lol what ...
L2177[21:06:09] <gamax92> that send speed is amazing
L2178[21:06:34] <Caitlyn> the great thing that's just acks :p
L2179[21:06:39] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L2180[21:06:49] <Caitlyn> I'm sending 1.1 Mbps in acks lol
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L2187[21:55:49] <vifino> Good night gamax92
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L2211[23:49:38] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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