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L1[00:16:01] <Izaya> Good afternoon o/
L2[00:18:03] <Vexatos> Good morning o\
L3[00:18:12] *** Daiyousei is now known as LearningFairy
L4[00:21:06] <gamax92> good night
L5[00:22:05] <gamax92> also, phone was trying to suggest nightcore, its learning about me D:
L6[00:24:35] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
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L10[00:54:13] ⇨ Joins: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:223:18ff:feb3:5dfc)
L11[00:54:21] <Hunterz> hi
L12[00:54:39] <Izaya> Hi.
L13[01:13:31] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L14[01:35:14] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~samis@95f1419d.skybroadband.com)
L15[01:45:24] <Izaya> Woo
L16[01:45:33] <Izaya> Set a custom Windows 7 login background
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L21[02:26:40] *** Schooldra is now known as Sandra
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L38[05:23:55] <Izaya> http://shadowkat.tk/projects/winsec/ Yaaaay
L39[05:24:20] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~Izaya@ (Quit: Leaving)
L40[05:24:30] *** Izaya_ is now known as Izaya
L41[05:33:51] <heatseeker0> I'm having a bit of a problem playing with debug card runCommand. It seems none of the usual commands such as /tell work. Not even /help. They return the generic "Unknown command." Commands added by forge mods work though. What gives?
L42[05:35:17] <Kodos> Are you binding the debug card to yourself?
L43[05:35:25] <heatseeker0> Kodos, how do I do that?
L44[05:35:32] <heatseeker0> It's currently not bound.
L45[05:35:43] <heatseeker0> Just spawned it and placed in a computer.
L46[05:35:48] <Kodos> Just a tick
L47[05:35:54] <Kodos> I just woke up, let me find it on the thinger
L48[05:36:19] <heatseeker0> ~w debug
L49[05:36:19] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-debug
L50[05:36:46] <heatseeker0> right, you're not being very helpful ocdoc
L51[05:36:52] <Kodos> Sneak-use it
L52[05:36:56] <Kodos> shiftrightclick by default
L53[05:36:57] <heatseeker0> Moment
L54[05:39:37] <heatseeker0> Okay so I bound it to myself and now previous mod commands that had no permissions work. The usual commands still give same message.
L55[05:39:53] <Kodos> I'm obligated to ask what version you're using
L56[05:40:12] <heatseeker0> OpenComputers-MC1.7.10-1.4.7a.32-universal
L57[05:40:43] <Kodos> Try updating and seeing if it works. If it doesn't still, open an issue on the tracker with what commands you're trying to run
L58[05:40:48] <heatseeker0> Trying it in a lua prompt with =debug.runCommand("help")
L59[05:41:02] <Kodos> What's the error you're getting
L60[05:41:04] <heatseeker0> prior to that there's debug = component.proxy(component.list("debug")())
L61[05:41:18] <heatseeker0> Not getting an error, I get this output from the command:
L62[05:41:32] <heatseeker0> "Unknown command. Try /help for a list of commands"
L63[05:41:41] <Kodos> Lol at the irony
L64[05:41:45] <heatseeker0> Yea.
L65[05:41:51] <Kodos> Okay, one sec. Le tme fire mine up
L66[05:42:22] <heatseeker0> However something like =debug.runCommand("rftools") produces the correct output
L67[05:42:46] <Kodos> Okay. I'm launching now with latest dev build. Let me tinker a bit and see what I can do with it
L68[05:42:56] <heatseeker0> Sure. Thank you for the help.
L69[05:43:13] <Kodos> No worries. Too early to do much else, and mom won't have coffee ready for another 45 minutes
L70[05:43:15] <heatseeker0> I'm building an interactive bot for fun and profit. Named Jarvis. Go figure
L71[05:43:30] <Kodos> I hope you're using a chatbox from Computronics =)
L72[05:43:34] <heatseeker0> Of course!
L73[05:43:51] <Kodos> By chance, are you using openglasses too?
L74[05:44:12] <heatseeker0> Alas I didn't try it yet. Seemed a bit... outdated and didn't have time to try it yet.
L75[05:44:42] <heatseeker0> Planning to, if it's known to work with recent OC builds.
L76[05:45:12] <heatseeker0> Messing with Stargates via "voice" commands is fun and had players laughing all the time last night.
L77[05:45:51] <Kodos> Just for accuracy's sake, is the debug card in a computer case or a tablet, or a server
L78[05:46:01] <heatseeker0> computer case, tier 3
L79[05:46:05] <Kodos> Mkay
L80[05:48:18] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/fGnFv/e057afa0d6.png
L81[05:48:45] <Kodos> That's using build 402 off the dev branch of the Jenkins
L82[05:49:00] <heatseeker0> :(
L83[05:49:05] <Kodos> With an unbound card
L84[05:49:11] <Kodos> Because I derped and forgot to bind it
L85[05:49:16] <Izaya> Kodos: I regret to inform you that the trollface is a no-go
L86[05:49:31] <Kodos> Izaya, remind me what you're talking about
L87[05:49:42] <heatseeker0> Oh small thing, but maybe relevant: running on Cauldron. Think it matters?
L88[05:49:50] <Kodos> Likely
L89[05:49:57] <Izaya> Remember how I was securing Windows machines for my school and I had a script that displayed a trollface when someone tried to exploit it?
L90[05:50:03] <Kodos> Ah right
L91[05:50:17] <Kodos> heatseeker0, Cauldron, MCPC, and the similar ilk of its kind are infamous for half-breaking mods
L92[05:50:34] <Kodos> Try reproducing without cauldron
L93[05:50:44] <heatseeker0> I know Kodos, but unfortunately there's no workaround for me not to use Cauldron
L94[05:50:56] <heatseeker0> No practical way to run a public server on Forge alone
L95[05:51:05] <Kodos> I'm guessing you use it for protection then?
L96[05:51:26] <heatseeker0> Many things: island plugin, protection, other plugins.
L97[05:55:52] <heatseeker0> Let me try single player with that *prays it's a bug in OC fixed in last dev build and not a cauldron thingy*
L98[05:56:31] <heatseeker0> Kodos, do you happen to know if there's a way to make OC robots travel through portals (such as Deep Dark) and especially stargates?
L99[05:56:45] <Kodos> Robots? no. THey're blocks
L100[05:56:52] <Kodos> Drones should be able to
L101[05:57:06] <Kodos> And with latest dev, they can break hand-breakable blocks and place blocks
L102[05:57:09] <heatseeker0> Are they now? Hmm, interesting :)
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L107[06:13:44] <Kodos> Any luck, heatseeker0
L108[06:35:36] <heatseeker0> Kodos, not yet. Seems the runCommand can't run even in a LAN opened game.
L109[06:35:52] <heatseeker0> So I'm installing a forge based server locally
L110[06:42:32] <dangranos> java: "memory? what memory?"
L111[06:46:17] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L112[06:50:52] <heatseeker0> This gets weirder and weirder: "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!"
L113[06:51:06] <heatseeker0> In forge-1.7.10-, both console and ingame
L114[06:51:51] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-123-211-234-236.lnse4.woo.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
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L116[06:58:55] ⇨ Joins: RepairMan (webchat@mnch-5d856725.pool.mediaWays.net)
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L118[07:11:46] *** ConcernedAway is now known as ConcernedHobbit
L119[07:12:16] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L120[07:12:53] <Kodos> I smell a Sanger lurking about
L121[07:26:47] <heatseeker0> Kodos, it's a cauldron thing where commands seem shaded / remapped somehow when using getCommandManager.executeCommand. All pure forge commands work out of the box tho.
L122[07:27:13] <Kodos> Soo it -is- cauldron's fault then?
L123[07:27:18] <heatseeker0> Not sure yet
L124[07:27:39] <heatseeker0> I'm still getting that error when running a pure Forge based install, started removing mods one by one to find the culprit
L125[07:28:08] <heatseeker0> My initial assumption is there's a mod in the modpack doing something it's not supposed to and screwing up everything else
L126[07:29:00] <Lizzy> likely culprits of that: Greg Tech / DragonAPI
L127[07:29:16] <heatseeker0> Not in this modpack
L128[07:29:22] * Lizzy shrugs
L129[07:29:49] <heatseeker0> http://www.atlauncher.com/pack/SkyblockUnleashed
L130[07:31:15] ⇦ Quits: RepairMan (webchat@mnch-5d856725.pool.mediaWays.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L131[07:31:55] <Kodos> Oh lawd
L132[07:32:17] <Kodos> Someone I know, who won't be named out of kindness for them, just asked if I thought OC would be backported to 1.5.2
L133[07:32:30] <Kodos> I told them that I wasn't even going to dignify that question with an answer
L134[07:32:37] <Kodos> (Yes, they were asking that sincerely)
L135[07:33:31] <heatseeker0> Umm... Kodos do you think OC would be backported to 1.2.5 ?
L136[07:33:43] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Quit: Leaving)
L137[07:34:26] <Lizzy> why are people still on 1.5.2?
L138[07:34:33] ⇨ Joins: RepairMan (webchat@mnch-5d856725.pool.mediaWays.net)
L139[07:34:39] <Kodos> Lizzy, lots of mods never updated past that point
L140[07:34:45] <Kodos> One of my favorites was 'Liquid Energy'
L141[07:34:53] <Kodos> Also, UE hasn't been stable since 1.5.2
L142[07:34:54] <Lizzy> huh
L143[07:34:59] <Kodos> So those who enjoy that probably stayed on it
L144[07:35:45] <Kodos> Running next door because I forgot ice, back in a bit
L145[07:38:17] <Lizzy> AFK for a bit, restarting my machine at work because i moved it into a different OU
L146[07:44:17] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (webchat@host31-51-98-229.range31-51.btcentralplus.com)
L147[07:44:20] <Kodos> Fuck yeah, stepdad gave me the rest of the breyers they had in the freezer =D
L148[07:52:42] *** Away_21 is now known as Wuerfel_21
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L150[07:54:16] *** roflcopterattack69 is now known as Wuerfel_21
L151[07:57:51] *** Kilobyte is now known as Kiloff
L152[07:58:28] <Wuerfel_21> well, forge did *alot* of changes between 1.5.2 and 1.7.10, so backporting it would probably mean rewriting like 42% of the mod...
L153[08:01:21] <Kodos> Indeed
L154[08:02:00] *** Kiloff is now known as Kilobyte
L155[08:02:34] <heatseeker0> Kodos, I think I found the source of the problem. It seems Cauldron should send both Forge command event and Bukkit command event. For some reason the bukkit command events aren't dispatched properly in MinecraftServer.getServer.getCommandManager.executeCommand to the Bukkit side of things.
L156[08:02:52] <Kodos> Ahh
L157[08:03:25] <heatseeker0> All native forge commands work fine. None of the bukkit / plugin commands work. And some native forge commands (such as help) are replaced by Bukkit commands and the native ones removed, hence it doesn't work because of the above bug
L158[08:03:34] ⇨ Joins: Dangermaus3 (webchat@
L159[08:03:36] <dangranos> http://vimeo.com/117815404 reminds me of "if moon=1 pixel"
L160[08:04:08] <heatseeker0> I wonder if there's a workaround to executing commands other than MinecraftServer.getServer.getCommandManager.executeCommand
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L165[08:27:39] <Kodos> Oh sweet Jesus https://github.com/Victorious3/Integrated-Circuits/releases/tag/0.8r25
L166[08:29:23] ⇦ Quits: RepairMan (webchat@mnch-5d856725.pool.mediaWays.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L167[08:35:04] <dangranos> i have a feeling that "archlinuxcn" repo is going to be very usefull in russia soon
L168[08:37:41] <Kodos> Hm?
L169[08:38:05] <dangranos> its unofficial pacman repo for china users
L170[08:38:25] <Kodos> Ah
L171[08:41:39] <heatseeker0> That's a nice mod, didn't knew about it until now. Sounds awesome to play with
L172[08:49:29] <Kodos> If I could stop eating these pumpkin spice cupcakes, I might be able to accomplish something today
L173[08:49:44] <gamax92> Kodos: ooooh
L174[08:50:27] <dangranos> aura is terrible with dependencies
L175[08:50:36] ⇨ Joins: kreezxil (~kree@64-31-193-160.ip.pdq.net)
L176[08:51:05] <dangranos> package "b" requires "a", i have "a-aur", but it ignores it
L177[08:51:34] <dangranos> result: it fails to even try to build "b"
L178[08:52:32] <dangranos> wai
L179[08:52:36] <dangranos> maybe i am idiot
L180[08:55:11] <Wuerfel_21> dangranos, because a-aur is not api compatible with a?
L181[08:55:18] <dangranos> um
L182[08:56:00] <dangranos> nope, it has "provides=('a')"
L183[08:57:20] <dangranos> lol, it couldnt get += build dependencies
L184[09:02:56] <kreezxil> are there any developmental version for 1.8 yet? I know it would be bleeding edge, but I'm willing to run it if they're available.
L185[09:04:10] <Kodos> Kreez, if there were any, the builds would be on the jenkins
L186[09:04:21] <Kodos> I didn't see any when I looked last, so not likely yet
L187[09:07:07] <kreezxil> ok, cool. At least it looks like someone is trying to compile a version for it tho.
L188[09:09:23] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (webchat@host31-51-98-229.range31-51.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L189[09:10:01] <Kodos> Indeed.
L190[09:10:09] <Kodos> Also, my friend is hilarious.
L191[09:10:27] <Kodos> She wants me to ask Sanger if he'd 'be willing to work on a module of OC for OpenSIM'
L192[09:17:52] <gamax92> what is OpenSIM
L193[09:18:55] <Wuerfel_21> probably open Sex Injury Multiplicator
L194[09:19:15] <gamax92> >_>
L195[09:19:20] <gamax92> Wuerfel_21 wtf
L196[09:19:50] <Wuerfel_21> or open Stimulation Inducing Machine
L197[09:20:04] <gamax92> staph
L198[09:20:51] <Wuerfel_21> or open Shitlord Illness Malfunctionator
L199[09:21:51] <gamax92> wait
L200[09:21:52] <Wuerfel_21> or Soi I motherfuckingwant
L201[09:21:57] <gamax92> i thought you were perma banned
L202[09:22:19] <Kodos> Actually, Sim is just simulation in this case
L203[09:22:25] <Kodos> But thanks for all the x-rated suggestions.
L204[09:22:51] <dangranos> then its "OpenSim"
L205[09:22:51] <Kodos> OpenSim is an open source spinoff of Second Life, a virtual world in which you can do just about anything
L206[09:22:57] <Wuerfel_21> Kodos, what is it? a dating/sex simulator?
L207[09:23:07] <dangranos> maybe
L208[09:23:11] <Kodos> It's a virtual world, so technically I guess it could be
L209[09:23:16] <dangranos> i am sure its possible
L210[09:23:51] <dangranos> so, you have a server?
L211[09:24:18] <Kodos> Yes, we do
L212[09:24:19] <Inari> meh
L213[09:24:21] <Inari> waiting for SL2
L214[09:24:31] <Kodos> Inari, it's still a few years out at least
L215[09:24:36] <Wuerfel_21> will it be like http://www.amazon.de/media-Verlagsgesellschaft-Reeperbahn-Simulator/dp/B003F3SXB2 ?
L216[09:24:36] <gamax92> shiiiiiiiiiiiit
L217[09:24:39] <Inari> its supposed to release 2016
L218[09:24:40] <gamax92> wtf is wrong with me
L219[09:24:42] <gamax92> why did i rm *
L220[09:24:43] <gamax92> why
L221[09:24:43] <gamax92> why
L222[09:25:01] <Kodos> We're not even using actual SL, we have a private OpenSim grid
L223[09:25:04] <gamax92> god dammit
L224[09:25:06] <Inari> yeah
L225[09:25:12] <Kodos> because LL has shitty ToS, EULA, etc
L226[09:25:14] <Inari> but opensim doesnt really do much for itself
L227[09:25:17] <Inari> so i rather bet in SL2
L228[09:25:33] <Inari> *on
L229[09:25:48] <Wuerfel_21> gamax92, why dont unix ras some sort of recycler, anyways?
L230[09:26:04] <gamax92> Wuerfel_21 shut up
L231[09:26:14] <Inari> Kodos: need better mesh supoprt, mesh morpher, better UI, beter tech, better scripting
L232[09:26:17] <Inari> throw away LSL D:
L233[09:26:28] <Kodos> Inari, we use C++, C# and a few other languages
L234[09:26:37] <Kodos> Only use LSL and OSSL to a bare minimum
L235[09:27:01] <Kodos> Again, custom grid, overhauled OpenSim's framework for our private network
L236[09:27:44] <Inari> how big a grid
L237[09:27:52] <Kodos> As in how many sims? Or people
L238[09:27:55] <Inari> i guess one other issue ist hat opensim stuff doesnt tend to have a lot of content
L239[09:27:58] <Inari> both
L240[09:28:57] <Kodos> I'm getting the numbers now, but keep in mind it's a private grid existing solely for a roleplay group that moved out of SL
L241[09:29:05] <Kodos> We're still in build mode pretty much
L242[09:29:08] <Inari> ah :p
L243[09:29:17] <Inari> i'd love to find a good grid that can compete with SL
L244[09:29:20] <Inari> but so far i havent seen any
L245[09:29:44] <Inari> and i hate roleplay anyway :D
L246[09:29:55] <Kodos> But atm it's about 50 existing sims, with more able to be set up, we just need to find tenants that want to contribute. Uploads are free and we have no currency system in place yet
L247[09:30:08] <dangranos> browsing freenet
L248[09:30:15] <dangranos> >Manuals of suicide
L249[09:30:22] <dangranos> just wut
L250[09:30:34] <Inari> i tried avination or such
L251[09:30:38] <Inari> but meh, no good clothing etc
L252[09:31:07] <dangranos> can i connect to you?
L253[09:31:26] <dangranos> (and pls teach me how the hell to do that)
L254[09:31:39] <Kodos> Let me PM you, dan
L255[09:31:40] <dangranos> grids are servers?
L256[09:31:59] <Inari> grids are akint o irc networks i'D say
L257[09:32:03] <Inari> a bundle of servers
L258[09:32:23] <Kodos> And 'sims' are channels
L259[09:32:27] <Kodos> Good analogy, Inari
L260[09:32:27] <Inari> Kodos: so i guess you dont happen to know any good/big grids? xD
L261[09:32:42] <Kodos> Let me go check Hyper
L262[09:32:58] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (webchat@host31-51-98-229.range31-51.btcentralplus.com)
L263[09:33:10] <Inari> i wish i could find a good one with good clothing, many people and good scripting xD
L264[09:34:48] <Kodos> Indeed
L265[09:35:02] <Kodos> Honestly, the potential is there for OpenSim content to be as good as SL's
L266[09:35:17] <Kodos> Just need to have the builders in SL not focus solely on SL and actually explore how well OpenSim can do things too
L267[09:35:20] <Inari> gimme edelweiss stores in opensim :<
L268[09:37:12] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L269[09:37:39] <Inari> seems avination and metropolis are the biggest
L270[09:37:42] <Inari> er
L271[09:37:44] <Inari> OSGrid
L272[09:37:54] <dangranos> anyone on freenet?
L273[09:39:26] <vifino> Freenet? Did you mean Freenode?
L274[09:42:04] <dangranos> no, freenet
L275[09:43:08] <vifino> Never heard of that one.
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L277[09:51:07] <Sangar> o/
L278[09:52:47] <vifino> dsAway: Actually, i have no idea how to work on lllua, because I don't know llvm, so you'll have to do much. Hue.
L279[09:53:10] <vifino> Apart from that, another nice thing would be a lua which uses CUDA or OpenCL for it's math
L280[09:53:34] <vifino> No idea how that would be better or worse, but it's worth a shot, i think.
L281[09:54:18] <vifino> I mean, who doesn't want to run math ops on a gpu? :P
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L285[10:02:42] <vifino> I guess I have to hack the vm apart.
L286[10:10:12] <vifino> Ah fuck it.
L287[10:10:27] <vifino> I'm gonna implement compile time macro's in my lua compiler instead.
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L292[10:30:29] <GunArm1> i am interested in "profiling" my reactor, basically slowly raising control rod levels and taking measurements of various things to put in a line graph
L293[10:30:39] <GunArm1> I will need to record the data somehow
L294[10:31:25] <GunArm1> before I roll my own csv renderer or something like that, is there anything either built in, or in openprograms that would be a good way to write the data out?
L295[10:31:59] <GunArm1> i know there is some kind of database thing, but that's just for robots right?
L296[10:35:51] <Wuerfel_21> GunArm1, well... rendering some graphs and storing some tbles ain't hard...
L297[10:36:06] <GunArm1> I would probably use excell to make the graphs
L298[10:36:51] <GunArm1> i have to be careful or I'll go apeshit writing external code for stuff like that heh
L299[10:36:56] <GunArm1> have to keepmyself in check
L300[10:37:09] <wolfmitchell> you want a ps4? https://gfycat.com/AcidicHeartyDeer kek
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L302[10:41:33] <Kodos> GunArm1, someone on the forums did that already
L303[10:41:39] <Kodos> Should be in the showcase section
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L307[11:03:21] <GunArm1> Kodos: oh, which forums OC?
L308[11:03:28] <Kodos> Yer
L309[11:04:13] <GunArm1> wait, did what part of what I said exactly?
L310[11:04:21] <Kodos> Hang on
L311[11:04:21] <GunArm1> not sure what I'm looking for in the showcase?
L312[11:04:25] <Kodos> Let me pause my show
L313[11:05:40] <GunArm1> not sure if I'm looking for a table serializer, csv exporter, database, or a set of reactor graphs
L314[11:06:38] <Kodos> My bad
L315[11:06:39] <Kodos> http://sam.sargeant.name/post/101143387667/fun-with-minecraft-and-hosted-graphite
L316[11:06:43] ⇦ Quits: RepairMan (webchat@mnch-5d856725.pool.mediaWays.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L317[11:07:13] <GunArm1> oh wow cool thanks
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L322[11:18:07] * dangranos visited freenet index
L323[11:18:09] <dangranos> nope
L324[11:18:11] <dangranos> nope nope nope
L325[11:18:13] <dangranos> NOPE
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L327[11:19:42] <Pwootage> If people missed it last night who were interested, I got QEMU and OC communicating last night
L328[11:20:09] <dangranos> um
L329[11:20:13] <dangranos> communication?
L330[11:20:25] <dangranos> as in you run qemu and then oc connects to it?
L331[11:20:55] <Pwootage> Well OC handles the launching/save-stating of it too
L332[11:21:20] <Wuerfel_21> Pwootage, so one can emulate any QEMU supported cpu in OC?
L333[11:21:32] <dangranos> yay
L334[11:21:35] <Pwootage> I need to finish a binary communications protocol (you can only talk over a serial port, at least for the moment) then write a simple bios for arm as an example
L335[11:21:43] <dangranos> polish and release it
L336[11:21:49] <Pwootage> Wuerfel_21: yeah, with the limitation of talking over a serial port only
L337[11:21:58] <Pwootage> (with a protocol I have yet to design)
L338[11:22:05] <dangranos> um
L339[11:22:09] <dangranos> VGA driver?
L340[11:22:26] <Pwootage> Very, very difficult because of OC's graphics
L341[11:22:40] <dangranos> oclight2 vga driver?
L342[11:22:42] <Wuerfel_21> Pwootage, rather write BIOS and such for x86, its fastest on x86 hosts
L343[11:22:55] <Pwootage> I could write a VGA driver in x86 that gets called in the bios and proxies it through serial
L344[11:23:20] <Pwootage> Wuerfel_21: I wanted to write arm first because arm is neat :P x86 will come second
L345[11:23:23] <dangranos> who wrote OC vga driver for something x86 vm?
L346[11:24:08] <Pwootage> THey handled it differently and probably had access to the VGA text buffer memory, I would have to send such information over a serial port and process it in OC
L347[11:24:52] * dangranos pokes asie who is not here
L348[11:25:25] <dangranos> what is this stuff https://github.com/gamax92/OCDebugVGA ?
L349[11:25:35] <Pwootage> The biggest problem is since I'm limited to 4k (well, or will be when I actually make it load bios from eeprom)
L350[11:25:48] <Pwootage> dangranos: if I'm not mistaken, a debug video card with no resolution limits
L351[11:27:06] <Wuerfel_21> Pwootage, well, write some minimlistic code that loads the actual bios off a hdd
L352[11:27:40] <Pwootage> Yeah but I still have to write the basic comunications protocol in asm :P (or at least enough of it to bootstrap the actual kernel)
L353[11:28:00] <Pwootage> ...which won't be ELF-format, unfortunately
L354[11:28:13] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L355[11:28:35] <gamax92> Pwootage: are you writing an arch?
L356[11:28:37] <dangranos> why?
L357[11:28:49] <Pwootage> Ooh, I think I know an easy way of running linux (at least in x86) with a kernel module, neat
L358[11:28:50] <dangranos> *why not ELF?
L359[11:29:02] <Pwootage> dangranos: well that or I have to write an ELF parser in x86 asm in under 4k
L360[11:29:20] <Pwootage> (well I guess I could write it in something else, then do a three-part bootstrap)
L361[11:29:38] <dangranos> just some code that load actual bios from hdd?
L362[11:29:39] <Pwootage> gamax92: kinda, I have OC and qemu communicating over a serial port
L363[11:29:47] <Wuerfel_21> Pwootage, or just bitch at sangar to make eeproms bigger
L364[11:29:53] <gamax92> Pwootage: oh
L365[11:29:56] <Pwootage> Nah, I like the 4k limitation, that makes it fun
L366[11:29:57] <Temia> Well, the serial interface is usually one of the simplest systems available. I'd think it wouldn't be too impossible...
L367[11:30:06] <dangranos> nope, 4k forever
L368[11:30:09] <Temia> People have done stuf with 4KB before.
L369[11:30:15] <Temia> *stuff
L370[11:30:21] <Temia> Far less, even.
L371[11:30:24] <Pwootage> in arm that means I should write most of it in THUMB, which is neat
L372[11:30:43] <Pwootage> the boot sector of MBT hard drives is like 483 bytes
L373[11:30:54] <gamax92> why would you bitch at Sangar to make larger eeprom's
L374[11:31:01] <gamax92> just add a x86 bios item
L375[11:31:19] <gamax92> add a recipe where you craft it with a book, and get a SeaBIOS
L376[11:31:20] <dangranos> wtf
L377[11:31:33] ⇦ Quits: Benguin (~Ben@adsl-83-100-188-68.karoo.KCOM.COM) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L378[11:31:33] <gamax92> (I think SeaBIOS is the default bios qemu uses)
L379[11:31:43] <Wuerfel_21> Pwootage, problem is, you cant really "format" OC HDDs
L380[11:32:39] <Pwootage> Wuerfel_21: yeah, you won't get block devices in Linux, someone'll have to write a FS driver that goes over this serial protocol port
L381[11:33:30] <Pwootage> I think what I'll do is write a minimal <4k loader in at least x86 and arm, then write an elf boot loader in something that I can (mostly) cross-compile to both
L382[11:33:49] <Wuerfel_21> Pwootage, well, if x86, why not winderps viscrap?
L383[11:34:24] <Pwootage> Still limited by OC's 4M of memory ;D (well, or will be when I remember to add the -m flag to bootup)
L384[11:35:20] <Wuerfel_21> Pwootage, add higher rams, and also make a java vm for it, and then put minecraft on it, running OC
L385[11:36:00] <Temia> Wasn't there talk of just abstracting the RAM for other arches anyway?
L386[11:36:08] <Pwootage> at the very least I could probably compile and run lua
L387[11:36:19] <Pwootage> I can handle ram however I want, even add custom ram sticks, really easily
L388[11:36:32] <dangranos> iirc ram is now defined by arch
L389[11:36:46] <Kodos> dangranos, as of 1.5, y es
L390[11:37:06] <Pwootage> it's always been handled by arch, didn't know they changed how you make ram in 1.5, probably should start compiling against that
L391[11:37:34] <Kodos> Ram sticks no longer have predefined amounts on them, just tiers, arch determines amount of data
L392[11:37:40] <Pwootage> neat
L393[11:37:45] <Wuerfel_21> Pwootage, then you could make them common DDR3 sizes, like 8gb
L394[11:37:48] <nxsupert> arch?
L395[11:37:56] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (~dangranos@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L396[11:37:57] <Kodos> architecture
L397[11:38:01] <Temia> Architec--dammit
L398[11:38:02] <Kodos> Such as Lua
L399[11:38:10] <nxsupert> Oh.
L400[11:38:25] <Pwootage> Wuerfel_21: sounds a bit... huge, for embedding :P
L401[11:38:25] <Temia> Or in Pwootage's case, actual processor architectures.
L402[11:38:29] <nxsupert> You mean we might be getting more arch's than lua?
L403[11:38:44] * Wuerfel_21 wants java arch!
L404[11:38:52] <Pwootage> This will be an addon that only runs if you have qemu in your PATH
L405[11:39:20] <Pwootage> Java's not too bad, I could write a java arch easy
L406[11:39:24] <Pwootage> but I wouldn't, I'd write scala
L407[11:39:43] <nxsupert> Na. Pure assembly!
L408[11:39:59] <Pwootage> nxsupert: well I already hae most of that working :P
L409[11:40:08] <nxsupert> :P
L410[11:40:21] <Wuerfel_21> Pwootage, scala runs on the single same JVM as java
L411[11:40:32] <Pwootage> Wuerfel_21: I am well aware
L412[11:40:39] <nxsupert> I wouldn't mind a python architecture.
L413[11:40:59] <nxsupert> Or a BF arch.
L414[11:41:05] <Pwootage> what I really should do is abstract this into "external process arch" and then support a bunch of stuff
L415[11:41:20] <Wuerfel_21> or a 65816 arch...
L416[11:41:32] <Pwootage> nxsupert: the only hard part of bf is how to get component access, but it can use this same binary protocol over "stdio" pretty well
L417[11:42:01] <Temia> If we're talking processor architectures, 68K is the best target.
L418[11:43:04] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E7F341578ED5822E0DC4E62.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L419[11:43:04] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L420[11:43:06] <Wuerfel_21> Malboge!
L421[11:43:36] <Temia> :frogout:
L422[11:43:56] <Pwootage> the reason I hacked qemu into working here is because x86 and arm are rather complex archetectures and I don't want to write a VM when there's already a JIT-ing VM out there
L423[11:45:33] <Pwootage> time to drive to work, back later
L424[11:45:34] <nxsupert> ARM is the only really architecture I know a bit about thanks to the RPi.
L425[11:45:57] <Pwootage> arm is awesme, going to pick a pi up here in a bit myself
L426[11:46:13] <Pwootage> (not a 2b, a 1b+, since 2bs are sold out everwhere for the next while)
L427[11:46:15] <nxsupert> Make sure not to flash a light at it :P
L428[11:46:30] <Pwootage> wait what?
L429[11:47:11] <nxsupert> If you flash a light of a high frequency at a RPi 2. it will turn itself thanks to a photoeletric effect.
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L431[11:47:56] <nxsupert> http://www.raspberrypi.org/xenon-death-flash-a-free-physics-lesson/
L432[11:48:08] <Vexatos> \o+
L433[11:48:24] <nxsupert> Hello vexa
L434[11:50:01] <Pwootage> nice
L435[11:53:29] <Pwootage> next I need to get OC communicating with a VM running on a raspi :D
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L443[12:18:12] <McJty> Hi
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L445[12:24:17] <Vexatos> Hi McJty
L446[12:24:36] <McJty> Hi Vexatos
L447[12:24:51] <McJty> Sangar, don't know if you managed to get more info on those weird problems that I was getting?
L448[12:24:54] <McJty> s/was/is
L449[12:24:54] <Kibibyte> <McJty> Sangar, don't know if you managed to get more info on those weird problems that I is getting?
L450[12:25:09] <McJty> And it is still wrong :-)
L451[12:25:17] <McJty> All that bot effort for nothing.
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L464[13:13:09] <gamax92> Pwootage
L465[13:13:11] <gamax92> how is qemu
L466[13:20:33] <Kodos> https://github.com/CrazyPants/EnderIO/issues/725 I need this to be a thing
L467[13:22:28] <Caitlyn> It'd be very nice...
L468[13:23:13] <gamax92> Caitlyn: if i could get a box of candy
L469[13:23:22] <Kodos> I'd settle for a chocolate bar
L470[13:23:26] <Kodos> Or a pizza, since today is national pizza day
L471[13:23:30] <gamax92> guys my b'day, is 8 days away.
L472[13:24:04] <gamax92> the one day, that i have to deal with everyone being like "happy b'day your life is even shorter"
L473[13:24:21] <Caitlyn> Mine is 305 days away...
L474[13:24:41] <gamax92> Caitlyn: do you actually get anything worthwhile on your b'day
L475[13:24:49] <gamax92> i just get bad cheap cake with too much frosting
L476[13:24:56] <Caitlyn> I make my own cake :P
L477[13:26:08] <Caitlyn> Sometimes wifey bakes it.. but usually I do..
L478[13:29:00] <Sangar> McJty, not yet, will look into it now.
L479[13:29:08] <McJty> ok thanks
L480[13:32:37] <SkySom> I've never made cake.
L481[13:32:47] <SkySom> I've been thinking about baking me some.
L482[13:45:08] <Sangar> McJty, I may have a lead :P
L483[13:45:14] <Nentify> Is it possible to equip a microcontroller with a pickaxe or something? Same with placing blocks?
L484[13:45:14] <McJty> ah?
L485[13:45:45] <Lizzy> Nentify, no, use a robot for that
L486[13:46:11] <Kodos> Drones can place blocks, too, just not break anything harder than hand-breakable
L487[13:46:11] <Sangar> hmmm, or maybe not
L488[13:46:43] <Vexatos> Sangar, the leash upgrade has one
L489[13:46:57] <Kodos> huehue
L490[13:47:09] <Sangar> /kick Vexatos
L491[13:47:54] <Sangar> was thinking it might be because readFromNBT is called on the client, too, but there's a proper null check there, so that shouldn't be it
L492[13:48:09] <Sangar> (for oc nodes, which are only created on the server)
L493[13:49:16] <Vexatos> readFromWaila? :P
L494[13:49:47] <Sangar> welp
L495[13:50:41] <Sangar> trying different java version now...
L496[13:50:46] <Sangar> because... it works :/
L497[13:51:09] <McJty> I have tried with 6, 7, and 8.
L498[13:51:15] <McJty> It is really strange...
L499[13:51:31] <Sangar> tried 7 and 8 now, both worked
L500[13:51:36] <McJty> brb
L501[13:51:46] <Sangar> what os are you on?
L502[13:52:28] <Vexatos> OpenOS :3
L503[13:52:57] <Sangar> i really hope for you that that's not your primary os :P
L504[13:53:36] <Temia> Hmm.
L505[13:53:57] <Vexatos> Sangar, I run OpenOS in a VM inside micrOS
L506[13:54:23] <Temia> Is it possible to recolour existing characters without a get, setFG/BG and redraw?
L507[13:55:51] <Sangar> Temia, i don't think so
L508[13:56:07] <Inari> Temia: gonna write a translucency lib? :P
L509[13:56:17] <Temia> Foo. Okay, there goes--no.
L510[13:56:25] <Inari> hm
L511[13:56:26] <Sangar> oh, talking about weird stuff, i have no clue why the 1.8 branch of oc fails building on my server :/ it works fine on all my other machines... this is driving me nuts
L512[13:56:31] <Inari> i'd like a processpixel thingy
L513[13:56:44] <Inari> ~w gpu
L514[13:56:44] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:gpu
L515[13:57:02] <Inari> *goes to suggest*
L516[13:57:06] <McJty> Sangar, me? Java 6 on windows and Java7/8 on Linux
L517[13:57:06] <Temia> I've been pondering the possible optimisations that could be done on rendering a set of half-block "pixels"
L518[13:57:27] <Inari> Temia: copy and fill are 2 of course
L519[13:57:53] <Sangar> McJty, ok, gonna try in vm then, who knows
L520[13:58:40] <Inari> gpu.processPixels(x, y, widht, height, callback) , callback being a function called as function(x, y, color) and returning a new color that is set to the pixel... would benice
L521[13:58:43] <McJty> Sangar, https://bpaste.net/show/ccf490e6c8b9
L522[13:58:50] <McJty> Sangar, perhaps the mods I have in my dev env count too?
L523[13:58:59] <McJty> Because those are exactly the same on my windows and linux env
L524[13:59:03] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L525[13:59:18] <Sangar> hmm, no clue. have you tried what happens with only oc present?
L526[13:59:22] <Inari> Temia: also depends on how big your palette is
L527[13:59:36] <Inari> for a msall one you can draw all combinations of the colors and copy the pixels xD
L528[13:59:38] <McJty> Sangar, well I need at least CoFH too. But no I haven't tried that yet.
L529[14:00:39] <Sangar> right; tho the one pulled by gradle seems to be sufficient for me, because oc is the only thing in my mods ordner of my rftools clone :P
L530[14:01:05] <Inari> meh i want SL2 already
L531[14:02:03] <Kodos> Lol
L532[14:02:07] <Vexatos> Sandra, your mods ordner is quite German indeed
L533[14:02:13] <Vexatos> Sangar *
L534[14:02:18] <Inari> Kodos: theres no good opensim thingy :<
L535[14:02:20] * Vexatos throws bricks at autocomplete
L536[14:02:42] <Sangar> Vexatos, haha, oh god, talking and writing at the same time is always a terrible idea :X
L537[14:03:14] <Sangar> s/ordner/folder/
L538[14:03:14] <Kibibyte> <Vexatos> Sandra, your mods folder is quite German indeed
L539[14:03:19] <Sangar> screw you!
L540[14:03:48] <Sangar> crap, my ubuntu vm wants to download 400mb of updates >_>
L541[14:04:20] <Temia> Ideally 256 divided into 64-colour indexes. Might be able to scale down to something simpler, though.
L542[14:04:25] <McJty> Sangar, going to try with only OC now
L543[14:04:36] <Sangar> ok
L544[14:05:17] <Temia> Maybe for 16-colour, a common palette of 8 and supplemental palettes of 4 for each sprite... Or 4/6/6.
L545[14:05:18] <Sangar> oh, also, i noticed breakpoints continue working fine for me (i think i mentioned at some point they might not)
L546[14:05:59] <Vexatos> Sangar, IDEA is 2smart4u
L547[14:06:14] <Sangar> nah, asm is :P
L548[14:06:27] <Sangar> since i just rename the methods all the metadata like line numbers are kept, so yay
L549[14:06:51] <Kodos> Welp
L550[14:06:57] <Kodos> if I die or get diabetes, I deserve it
L551[14:07:06] <Kodos> In the span of this morning, I've had 12 spiced pumpkin cupcakes
L552[14:07:27] <Sangar> that sounds... excessive :P
L553[14:07:35] <Kodos> Deliciously excessive
L554[14:08:06] <Temia> Hmm. Not sure how well 64-colour indexes would work. That'd leave two bytes unused...
L555[14:08:50] <Vexatos> Temia, that sounds like you want a custom GPU
L556[14:08:53] <Vexatos> tiwe 3.5 or something :P
L557[14:08:55] <Temia> NEVER.
L558[14:09:10] <Temia> I enjoy pushing limits!
L559[14:09:35] * Temia ponders. Maybe the 8th bit could just be a transparency index... but what about the 7th...? ... eeehhh. Call it reserved.
L560[14:11:17] <McJty> Sangar, with OC, Thermal Expansion and rftools it fails.
L561[14:11:29] <McJty> Didn't remove TE because I actually need a wrench to activate my shield.
L562[14:11:36] <McJty> I have the only tech mod in existance without a wrench :-)
L563[14:12:15] <Sangar> i don't have one either; yet. considered adding one in the 1.8 branch for testing tho :P
L564[14:12:17] <Sangar> hrm
L565[14:12:19] <McJty> I'm afraid it will remain a mystery for just a while longer.
L566[14:12:59] <Sangar> this also happens in obf mc? or only dev env?
L567[14:13:11] <McJty> Only dev
L568[14:13:13] <Vexatos> Sangar, don't call it wrench
L569[14:13:19] <McJty> My mod works fine with OC outside dev env.
L570[14:13:29] <Vexatos> Call it "Advanced microsystem configuration device"
L571[14:13:30] <Temia> Call it the Kinetic Debugger?
L572[14:13:34] <Vexatos> ^
L573[14:13:43] <Vexatos> Kinetic Debugger <3
L574[14:13:48] <Kodos> Sangar, make it an Analyzer upgrade
L575[14:13:49] <Temia> :D
L576[14:13:50] <Sangar> Vexatos, that's a lame acronym :X
L577[14:13:52] <Kodos> Or even a mode
L578[14:13:55] <McJty> Sangar, thanks for the assistance. I have to go now though.
L579[14:14:12] <McJty> Later!
L580[14:14:14] <Sangar> ok, see you around. will wait until my vm is up-to-date then do a test run there
L581[14:14:17] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-8-196.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Ex-Chat)
L582[14:14:26] <Temia> Hmm. Damn.
L583[14:14:41] <Sangar> sonic screwdriver? :X how many mods add one?
L584[14:14:44] <Temia> Immibis' compression library is apparently based on ASCII text.
L585[14:15:19] <Kodos> Sangar, I know of one
L586[14:15:55] <Vexatos> I know of 2-3
L587[14:15:57] <Sangar> i remember seeing one in game, tho i can't remember which mod added it. i just assume there must be more than one mod adding one :X
L588[14:16:01] <Sangar> that sounds more likely
L589[14:16:03] <Vexatos> RP2 did
L590[14:16:06] <Vexatos> Bluepower does as well
L591[14:16:08] <Vexatos> IIRC
L592[14:16:23] <Kodos> There's one mod that adds one with a model and everything
L593[14:16:37] <Vexatos> Sangar, or simply call it "The wrench"
L594[14:16:54] <Sangar> totally read that as "The Wench" >_>
L595[14:17:25] <vifino> \o/ added compile time macros to my lua compiler \o/
L596[14:17:37] <Temia> Hmm. If there was a Kinetic Debugger, would it forcefully reset a peripheral's state if struck?
L597[14:19:36] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L598[14:20:26] <Sangar> uhmmm... http://i.imgur.com/8TYYEt9.png uwot
L599[14:20:56] <Vexatos> Sangar, get IDEA 14
L600[14:20:59] <Vexatos> that's free :3
L601[14:21:03] <Vexatos> Hurr hurr
L602[14:21:12] <Sangar> but i always buy my free stuff!
L603[14:21:45] <Temia> hmm.
L604[14:22:11] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E7F347978ED5822E0DC4E62.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L605[14:22:11] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L606[14:22:14] <Temia> A 64x80 single-byte bitmap would be exactly 5 kilobytes...
L607[14:22:24] *** Vexatos is now known as Guest97699
L608[14:22:24] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L609[14:25:56] <Sangar> wait. why does McJty have the universal jar in his devenv, not the deobf one? >_>
L610[14:26:03] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (webchat@host31-51-98-229.range31-51.btcentralplus.com)
L611[14:26:25] <Kodos> Because he's a nooby noob =D
L612[14:26:37] <Kodos> Would also explain why it works outside of dev
L613[14:27:04] <Sangar> time to test!
L614[14:27:33] ⇦ Quits: Guest97699 (~Vexatos@p200300556E7F341578ED5822E0DC4E62.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L615[14:27:49] <Sangar> yeah, that's it
L616[14:28:17] <Sangar> although i'm not really sure why...
L617[14:28:29] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (webchat@host31-51-98-229.range31-51.btcentralplus.com) (Client Quit)
L618[14:30:50] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host31-51-98-229.range31-51.btcentralplus.com)
L619[14:31:13] <Kodos> What's the issue exactly
L620[14:32:11] <Sangar> the name of the injected method is probably wrong when using the obfed version in dev mode
L621[14:33:00] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L622[14:33:05] <gamax92> Sangar: https://gist.github.com/jcromartie/238308
L623[14:34:01] <Vexatos> Sangar, which method is the one erroring?
L624[14:34:04] <nxsupert> Ok....
L625[14:34:06] <Vexatos> writeToNBT?
L626[14:34:13] <Vexatos> That's being obfuscated, I am pretty sure
L627[14:35:00] * Lizzy really wants to write a bot in LOLCODE now
L628[14:35:03] <Sangar> gamax92, ok. does locode have semicolons? it's been a while ... :X
L629[14:35:10] <gamax92> i dunno
L630[14:35:36] <Lizzy> #define LOL ;
L631[14:35:39] <nxsupert> I guess thats one way of making an esoteric
L632[14:35:45] <Sangar> Vexatos, nothing is erroring; the wrapped read/writeToNBT aren't being called tho (and probably validate/invalidate, too)
L633[14:35:59] <Vexatos> o_o
L634[14:36:06] <Sangar> in dev mode that is
L635[14:36:07] <Vexatos> But the lack of deobfed jar
L636[14:36:10] <Vexatos> is... weird
L637[14:36:38] <Sangar> i'm guessing the methods are srg named and need to be plain in the dev env
L638[14:36:51] <Sangar> and argend deobfed by ccc
L639[14:36:54] <Sangar> for some reason
L640[14:36:57] <Vexatos> Sangar, it does only in one-line parsers like Shocky's one
L641[14:36:57] <Sangar> *arent
L642[14:37:04] <Vexatos> (@LOLCODE ;)
L643[14:37:22] <Sangar> then wouldn't ITZ generate errors because of missing semicolons?
L644[14:37:56] <Sangar> or is the lolcode syntax ITZ blah LOL?
L645[14:38:03] <gamax92> don't think of it as exactly LOLCODE
L646[14:38:07] <gamax92> think of it like LOLCODE++
L647[14:38:11] <Sangar> mkay
L648[14:38:18] <gamax92> oh wait, this is for C ...
L649[14:42:09] <Vexatos> https://github.com/justinmeza/lolcode-spec
L650[14:42:19] <Vexatos> Offical LOLCODE manual
L651[14:42:19] <Vexatos> https://github.com/justinmeza/lolcode-spec/blob/master/v1.2/lolcode-spec-v1.2.md
L652[14:42:20] <Vexatos> :P
L653[14:43:51] <gamax92> Imma go eat a Negi
L654[14:44:03] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~samis@95f1419d.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L655[14:45:51] ⇨ Joins: tattyseal (~tattyseal@
L656[14:46:10] <vifino> I should write a LOLCODE implementation.
L657[14:54:07] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L658[14:55:24] <gamax92> "I have many voices, like cute high pitched girl, and excited high pitched girl, and sad high pitched girl, and sick high pitched girl, and angry high pitched girl"
L659[14:55:36] <gamax92> XD
L660[14:55:55] <Lizzy> gamax92, is that representing Skye|Ill?
L661[14:56:00] <gamax92> no ...
L662[14:56:08] <gamax92> but thanks for throwing him under the bus
L663[14:56:20] * Skye|Ill gets flattened by train
L664[14:56:35] <Skye|Ill> gamax92, what is that from?
L665[14:56:41] <gamax92> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP5wvhsG9lA
L666[14:56:41] -Kibibyte- [gamax92] nyaners can only do 1 VOICE??? THINK AGAIN | by nyanners | 4m36s | 46w1d ago | 376,563 views | Rated: 4.80/5.00
L667[14:56:54] <gamax92> around 1:00
L668[14:57:10] <Kodos> Bleh
L669[14:57:18] <Kodos> I'm watching Agent Carter, and I can't get past the chief of SSR
L670[14:58:18] <Skye|Ill> gamax92, my voice is better that just.
L671[14:58:32] <gamax92> Skye|Ill: english pls
L672[14:58:48] * Skye|Ill is ill
L673[14:58:59] <gamax92> k
L674[14:59:06] <gamax92> what does that have to do with nyanners
L675[14:59:21] * Skye|Ill throws Lizzy under a train
L676[15:01:14] <Skye|Ill> gamax92, blame Lizzy for pinging me..
L677[15:01:26] <gamax92> k
L678[15:01:44] <gamax92> Lizzy: how dare you ping Skye|Ill
L679[15:02:34] * vifino decapitates Skye|Ill for throwing Lizzy under a train
L680[15:03:23] * vifino throws Skye|Ill's head in a mixer and powers it on
L681[15:03:29] <vifino> Now just wait.
L682[15:03:33] <gamax92> vifino
L683[15:03:36] <gamax92> bad
L684[15:03:40] <vifino> gamax92: no
L685[15:03:42] <gamax92> yes
L686[15:03:45] <vifino> gamax92: no
L687[15:04:35] <vifino> gamax92: fix wiicraft
L688[15:05:09] <gamax92> vifino: who do you think you are, murdering people and then demanding others fix stuff?
L689[15:05:32] <vifino> gamax92: You forced me to translate this shit .-.
L690[15:05:56] <gamax92> i did not .-. you were bored and wanted something to do
L691[15:06:04] <vifino> no
L692[15:06:11] <vifino> You forced me to translate this crap
L693[15:06:11] <vifino> .-.
L694[15:06:20] <gamax92> bai
L695[15:06:50] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~samis@95f1419d.skybroadband.com)
L696[15:07:01] * Skye|Ill respawns
L697[15:07:02] <Skye|Ill> ...
L698[15:07:10] * Skye|Ill hugs vifino
L699[15:07:13] <CompanionCube> Skye|Ill, hi
L700[15:07:17] * vifino decapitates Skye|Ill again
L701[15:08:08] <Skye|Ill> WHY?
L702[15:08:09] <nxsupert> Why are people decapitating each other?
L703[15:08:31] <gamax92> don't know
L704[15:08:57] * Lizzy continues watching youtube videos and coding project EB3
L705[15:09:08] * Skye|Ill respawns
L706[15:09:20] *** AtomSponge is now known as AtomSponge|away
L707[15:09:21] * vifino decapitates Skye|Ill again again
L708[15:10:09] * Skye|Ill respawns
L709[15:10:20] <gamax92> vifino obviously has a murder fetish
L710[15:10:22] * Lizzy gives Skye|Ill a protective shield
L711[15:10:33] <Skye|Ill> thanks
L712[15:10:37] * vifino decapitates gamax92
L713[15:10:41] <vifino> ;_;
L714[15:10:48] <Skye|Ill> Lizzy is invincible
L715[15:10:57] <Lizzy> \o/
L716[15:10:57] <Skye|Ill> oh for the love of... vifino!!!!
L717[15:10:57] <gamax92> don't include me in your fetishes vifino
L718[15:11:03] * Skye|Ill stabs vifino
L719[15:11:12] * vifino decapitates Skye|Ill
L720[15:11:20] <Skye|Ill> *FAILS*
L721[15:11:20] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E7F347978ED5822E0DC4E62.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L722[15:11:32] * Lizzy locks vifino in a strait jacket
L723[15:11:45] * vifino sits down next to Lizzy
L724[15:12:19] * Skye|Ill sides on the other side of Lizzy
L725[15:12:34] <vifino> Give me cookies ._.
L726[15:12:42] * Skye|Ill gives vifino a cookie
L727[15:12:43] <gamax92> cookie fetish
L728[15:12:50] * vifino gives Skye|Ill the death stare
L729[15:12:51] * Lizzy hugs vifino and makes sure he cant cause anyone any harm
L730[15:13:01] * Skye|Ill throws a brick at vifino
L731[15:13:11] * Lizzy punches Skye|Ill
L732[15:13:16] * Skye|Ill throws a cookie at gamax92
L733[15:13:19] * Skye|Ill faints
L734[15:13:23] * gamax92 noms
L735[15:13:24] <gamax92> :D
L736[15:13:29] <gamax92> I'm like a dog
L737[15:13:35] <gamax92> I can catch cookies in mid air
L738[15:14:02] * Lizzy throws multiple cookies in gamax92's general direction
L739[15:14:02] <vifino> Yes, gamax92 is like a dog. Smart compared to a specific level and always after his tail.
L740[15:14:11] <gamax92> fuck you vifino
L741[15:14:24] * Lizzy slaps vifino
L742[15:14:24] * EnderBot2 laughs
L743[15:14:24] * vifino breaks Lizzy like a toothpick
L744[15:14:59] <Skye|Ill> ...
L745[15:15:02] <Skye|Ill> mah
L746[15:15:04] <Skye|Ill> nah
L747[15:15:38] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L748[15:19:01] <nxsupert> ...
L749[15:19:11] * nxsupert smacks everyone.
L750[15:19:15] <wolfmitchell> u fokkin wot
L751[15:19:24] <Caitlyn> ^
L752[15:19:49] <wolfmitchell> lol
L753[15:19:54] <nxsupert> ...
L754[15:23:24] * Lizzy throws vifino at nxsupert
L755[15:23:34] * nxsupert dodges
L756[15:23:49] * Negi eats gamax92.
L757[15:23:50] * vifino crawls back to Lizzy and sits next to her again
L758[15:24:31] * nxsupert hacks Negi
L759[15:24:40] * Negi can't be hacked.
L760[15:24:49] * Negi doesn't exist.
L761[15:24:49] * nxsupert nukes Negi
L762[15:24:59] * Negi can't be nuked. He doesn't exist.
L763[15:25:25] * nxsupert makes Negi exist. Then nukes him.
L764[15:25:32] * gamax92 ignore's Negi's laws, makes Negi exist, forces Negi to exist, gives existence to Negi, and then eats Negi
L765[15:25:38] * Negi can't be made existing. He doesn't exist.
L766[15:25:50] * Negi can't exist. He doesn't exist.
L767[15:25:50] <gamax92> Negi: you forgot >ignore's Negi's laws
L768[15:25:54] <gamax92> therefor, you exist
L769[15:25:55] <gamax92> and nom
L770[15:25:56] <nxsupert> Ok. this is getting silly
L771[15:26:13] <Negi> Also, gamax92, I ate you beforehand.
L772[15:26:16] <Negi> You can't eat me.
L773[15:26:17] <gamax92> oh
L774[15:26:20] <gamax92> darnit
L775[15:26:20] *** Negi is now known as Naegi
L776[15:26:26] <Naegi> And I'm not consumable anymore.
L777[15:26:32] * nxsupert nukes everyone.
L778[15:26:39] <Naegi> Since, yannow, Negi is actually a character.
L779[15:26:41] <Naegi> Not a leek.
L780[15:26:48] <gamax92> Naegi: wait, so if you don't exist, but you ate me, where am I?
L781[15:26:51] <gamax92> who am i?
L782[15:27:01] <Naegi> gamax92: You don't exist anymore.
L783[15:27:02] <nxsupert> You are gamax92
L784[15:27:04] <gamax92> yay!
L785[15:27:27] <Lizzy> nxsupert, welcome to #oc \o/
L786[15:27:35] <nxsupert> Yes. I know.
L787[15:27:59] <nxsupert> I may hop back to the other IRC.
L788[15:28:32] <gamax92> Naegi has granted me non existence
L789[15:28:37] <gamax92> ^-^
L790[15:28:53] <nxsupert> I force existence upon you.
L791[15:28:56] <gamax92> :(
L792[15:28:57] <gamax92> y
L793[15:29:15] <nxsupert> To be or not to be. That is the queston.
L794[15:29:22] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@109-205-170-119.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L795[15:29:24] <gamax92> oh wait, you aren't Naegi
L796[15:29:28] <gamax92> i thought you were
L797[15:29:45] *** nxsupert is now known as Naegi_
L798[15:29:50] <gamax92> impostor
L799[15:29:53] <Naegi_> Now i am :P
L800[15:30:00] <gamax92> you are impostor
L801[15:30:06] *** Naegi_ is now known as nxsupert
L802[15:30:19] <nxsupert> No. I am the all mighty nxsupert.
L803[15:30:33] <Sangar> my sanity has been saved, jenkins builds the 1.8 branch now \o/
L804[15:31:47] <nxsupert> Cool.
L805[15:32:28] <Naegi> Yay for Sangar \o
L806[15:32:36] <Naegi> Also nxsupert : I am under influence of none.
L807[15:32:55] <Naegi> Therefore thou have no influence on conditions I cast upon the mortals.
L808[15:33:42] <nxsupert> world.getEntity("Naegi").influence()
L809[15:34:06] <gamax92> Naegi override's influence and throws an error.
L810[15:35:57] *** ConcernedHobbit is now known as ConcernedAway
L811[15:36:07] <Skye|Ill> .-.
L812[15:36:21] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L813[15:36:40] <nxsupert> byte *naegiPointer = naegiLocation; int x = 0; while(true){ naegiPointer[x++] = 0;}
L814[15:37:05] <heatseeker0> Do I need to remove the peripheral blacklist TileEntityCommandBlock in addition to setting enableCommandBlockDriver to true?
L815[15:37:26] <Skye|Ill> goodnight
L816[15:39:30] <Naegi> gamax92: nxsupert: I don't exist. Your mere tools can't reach me.
L817[15:39:35] <Sangar> heatseeker0, no; the blacklist is for the cc wrapper driver
L818[15:39:42] <Sangar> the setting is for oc's own driver
L819[15:39:47] <Naegi> Master the art of ~ATH, and you may have a little hope
L820[15:39:48] <gamax92> Naegi: but i also don't exist?
L821[15:40:07] <nxsupert> ~ATH?
L822[15:40:09] <heatseeker0> Thank you Sangar. Is there a way to run those commands as a specific user rather than the generic OC fake player?
L823[15:40:25] <Naegi> nxsupert: Pseudo-esoteric language from Homestuck.
L824[15:40:29] <gamax92> oh
L825[15:40:32] <Naegi> It's U G L Y 8D
L826[15:40:35] <gamax92> I was gonna say it was All Time High
L827[15:40:42] <gamax92> and that Naegi wants us to be high
L828[15:42:19] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L829[15:42:24] <nxsupert> Nothing is as bad as BF though.
L830[15:43:56] <Sangar> heatseeker0, no, try using the debug card for that (shift-rightclick it while holding it to bind it)
L831[15:44:14] <heatseeker0> Sangar, I am. The debug card has limitations when ran on Cauldron.
L832[15:44:42] <heatseeker0> It can only run native Forge commands. For some reason it doesn't see any Bukkit commands.
L833[15:46:17] <Naegi> gamax92: ~ATH is read "til death".
L834[15:46:42] <Sangar> ah
L835[15:47:02] <Naegi> nxsupert: Even something that has conditional overlapping ?
L836[15:47:21] * CompanionCube gives Naegi the moebius double-reacharound virus
L837[15:47:41] * Naegi destroys it.
L838[15:47:44] <Naegi> CompanionCube: DON'T YOU
L839[15:48:29] <CompanionCube> Naegi, don't you what
L840[15:49:33] <Naegi> Mobious Double-Reacharound Virus. Once started it brings extreme bad luck upon yourself, those you met, and those you will meet in the future D:
L841[15:51:21] <Naegi> gamax92: Everything is essentially atoms doing stuff.
L842[15:51:25] <Naegi> Think about that.
L843[15:51:34] <Kodos> Sangar, could you put together a quick, small example program for the tablet's block analysis feature? Just something you can execute, right click a block, and have it spit out the data
L844[15:51:38] <gamax92> Naegi: my brain doesn't exist
L845[15:51:41] <Kodos> Not right now if you're busy, just when you have time
L846[15:51:54] <Naegi> gamax92: Your brain is bullcrap.
L847[15:52:02] <gamax92> Naegi: :'(
L848[15:52:35] <nxsupert> This IRC is weird.
L849[15:52:49] <Sangar> Kodos, `while true print(event.pull()) end`
L850[15:53:14] <Naegi> nxsupert: [Did you mean : This channel ?]
L851[15:53:20] <nxsupert> Yes
L852[15:53:29] <Kodos> Right, derp, nevermind
L853[15:54:28] <gamax92> "Help me, I'm drowning!" "Are you wearing a life preserver?" "No." "Well, if you had worn a life preserver, then you wouldn't be drowning. It's your own damn fault."
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L855[15:58:35] <Naegi> ^B in subl <3
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L857[16:02:41] <wolfmitchell> http://bazaar.tf/trade/1213568
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L860[16:25:05] <gamax92> http://www.summonthensa.com/
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L865[16:34:00] <Sangar> so yeah, http://ci.cil.li/job/OpenComputers-dev-MC1.8/ is a thing now. disregarding the remaining rendering issues, if anyone wants to start messing with it looking for non-visual bugs, feel invited to :>
L866[16:36:06] <gamax92> how do i forge 1.8?
L867[16:36:27] <Sangar> same as 1.7?
L868[16:36:33] <gamax92> okay
L869[16:36:38] <Sangar> i'd assume
L870[16:36:53] <Sangar> only have it in my dev-env, didn't try in normal mc at all yet :P
L871[16:36:54] <gamax92> i thought i had read they had to change the way you'd install forge because of things in 1.8 .-.
L872[16:37:05] <Sangar> oh?
L873[16:37:15] <Sangar> i dunno. let me know what you learn
L874[16:39:48] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L875[16:40:44] <gamax92> Sangar: craaaaaash
L876[16:40:49] <Sangar> \o/
L877[16:41:15] <Sangar> guess i'll have to install forge 1.8 after all :P
L878[16:41:39] <Gopher> oohkay, that ic mod seems to really, really not be ready for prime-time yet
L879[16:42:15] <Gopher> I was expecting buggy, but it seems unusable
L880[16:44:16] <Sangar> ic?
L881[16:44:37] <Gopher> integrated circuits http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/2352247-integrated-circuits-alpha-v0-8r25
L882[16:45:13] <Sangar> ohhh, that looks neat
L883[16:47:57] <Gopher> yah, shame I can't get the thing to work, like, at all
L884[16:51:41] <Sangar> hm, looks like it has a jenkins, maybe those builds have some fixes?
L885[16:52:45] <Gopher> the jenkins was down when I checked, grabbed latest from github, which was the same update he posted to the thread
L886[16:52:55] <Sangar> ah, ok
L887[16:53:06] <Kodos> Gopher, other people have said it works fine?
L888[16:53:26] <Gopher> who?
L889[16:53:43] <Kodos> I pasted the link in here a few days ago, and several people ahve tried it
L890[16:53:52] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L891[16:53:55] <Gopher> you pasted it last night
L892[16:53:55] <Wuerfel_21> BYEZ!
L893[16:54:07] <Kodos> Eh, last night may or may not have still been two sleeps ago for me
L894[16:54:09] <Gopher> the thread wasn't even created until yesterday
L895[16:55:07] *** Wuerfel_21 is now known as Away_21
L896[16:56:22] <Sangar> gamax92, it should at least start now :P
L897[16:56:49] <Gopher> when I say it's not working for me, I mean, really, nothing workign right. Red, green, and orange wires even connect to eachother.
L898[16:57:21] <Gopher> the cad won't accept a blueprint disk by any means I can think to try
L899[16:57:40] <Gopher> changing the scale pops up a confirmation dialog but doesn't have any effect unless I save and quit
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L901[16:58:35] <gamax92> Sangar: CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH
L902[16:59:01] <Sangar> liar
L903[16:59:04] <gamax92> Sangar: so go to creative, and start going through the tabs, it den crashes
L904[16:59:12] <Sangar> ^.-
L905[16:59:31] <Gopher> huh, now it's not connecting red and orange, and I think the intended behavior is green being used to connect the others
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L907[17:05:47] <Sangar> gamax92, fixed; that's what i get for using nei :P
L908[17:07:29] <gamax92> iron nugget is an untextured block
L909[17:07:56] <Sangar> yeah, a bunch of rendering stuff is still borked
L910[17:08:16] <gamax92> isn't that just a normal item like everything else in minecraft?
L911[17:08:35] <Sangar> gamax92, yeah, probably a typo in one of the model files
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L914[17:09:27] <gamax92> woah dayum
L915[17:09:31] <gamax92> dem tooltips
L916[17:09:44] <Sangar> ?
L917[17:10:14] <gamax92> Sangar: http://i.imgur.com/7xbat1E.png
L918[17:10:26] <Sangar> o.O
L919[17:10:29] <Sangar> what in the
L920[17:11:09] <gamax92> they also make the dim on gui's go brighter, along with all of the slot indicators
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L922[17:13:20] <gamax92> breaking keyboards spawn untextured and dirt particles
L923[17:13:46] <Sangar> hrm, maybe it's got something to do with nei being present in my dev env...
L924[17:13:51] <Sangar> and yeah, aware of the particles
L925[17:13:58] <Sangar> just no clue yet how to fix it :X
L926[17:15:55] <Sangar> mind dumping what you find in the 1.8 issue on github? that'd be great
L927[17:16:01] <gamax92> Sangar: are drones moving glitchly know
L928[17:16:03] <gamax92> okay
L929[17:16:08] <Sangar> hrm, so it's not nei
L930[17:16:11] <Sangar> so it's dev vs obf
L931[17:16:12] <Sangar> crap
L932[17:17:23] <Sangar> oh! now it's happening
L933[17:17:25] <Sangar> wtf
L934[17:21:38] <Sangar> gaaah, seems to be glstatemanager's broken texture binding again :/
L935[17:32:13] <Sangar> (which is totally not my fault by binding font textures directly, naaaah)
L936[17:32:37] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L937[17:33:32] <gamax92> Sangar: its totally your fault
L938[17:33:37] <gamax92> :P
L939[17:33:46] <Gopher> oh, I'm sure there's some blame to share for you, gamax92
L940[17:34:02] <gamax92> shush, mr broken recipes
L941[17:34:32] <Gopher> that's mr. mod-abandoner to you
L942[17:34:51] <gamax92> didn't you publish that code?
L943[17:34:56] <gamax92> or give to Liquid
L944[17:35:28] <Gopher> lyqyd's had it for a long time, and more recently I made the repo public so anyone that wants can pick it up
L945[17:35:49] <Gopher> tho tbh, if I were gonna do anything with it, I'd more likely start over than update, so I dunno that I would recommend anyone else picking it up XD
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L963[19:08:36] *** Benguin is now known as Benguin[ZzZ]
L964[19:10:48] <Gopher> well, made peace with the surface issues enough to fiddle around with designs in the intgrated circuit mod, but didn't take long to design something that broke it.
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L967[19:45:25] <SuPeRMiNoR2> what integrated circuit mod?
L968[19:47:37] <Caitlyn> SuPeRMiNoR2, http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/2352247-integrated-circuits-alpha-v0-8r25
L969[19:48:01] <SuPeRMiNoR2> thanks
L970[19:49:20] <Sangar> enough render glitch fixing for today. i'm off, gnight o/
L971[19:49:32] <SuPeRMiNoR2> \o
L972[19:49:49] <Caitlyn> Night Sangria
L973[19:49:50] <Caitlyn> :P
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L979[19:55:36] <Pwootage> Evening fellas/ladies
L980[19:57:04] <Gopher> evening, pwootage
L981[19:57:12] <Pwootage> ds84182: I got qemu connected in OC thru a serial port, if you didn't hear
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L988[20:55:01] <Pwootage> ah, [>] has got to be one of my favorite instructions
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L1001[21:30:12] <kkeith> hello
L1002[21:31:18] <kkeith> how do i properly transfer my computer setup after a server upgrade?
L1003[21:31:30] <kkeith> i keep losing all my hardware and it is driving me nuts
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L1006[21:33:01] <Izaya> Today is a good damn day
L1007[21:33:16] <Izaya> I just got out of class to do IT stuff.
L1008[21:36:26] <kkeith> anyone had that problem yet?
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L1012[21:44:11] <Temia> I haven't. Could you provide a more detailed explanation?
L1013[21:45:43] <kkeith> The mod pack I'm using had an update so I stopped my server, uploaded all files, moved my world over and started it again. After this happens, if I check the computer I have in my world, all the hardware is gone.
L1014[21:47:01] <kkeith> i haven't been able to find proper updating steps for opencomputers. Maybe I have overlooked them somewhere.
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L1023[22:14:40] <SuPeRMiNoR2> kkeith: why dont you just update the mods and config folders, that is probably all that is needed for a modpack update
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L1025[22:15:32] <kkeith> SuPeRMiNoR2: i like a clean install so nothing that is removed sticks around
L1026[22:19:50] <SuPeRMiNoR2> I dont really know for sure
L1027[22:20:11] <SuPeRMiNoR2> maybe the old version was really old, what version was it, and what version did it update to
L1028[22:22:08] <kkeith> last version was
L1029[22:22:35] <SuPeRMiNoR2> oh, that is not too old
L1030[22:22:42] <kkeith> updated to
L1031[22:23:06] <Caitlyn> oh em gee... downloading at 15 KB/s
L1032[22:23:07] <Caitlyn> wooooo
L1033[22:23:55] <kkeith> it has happened twice, last time i just remade everything. trying a avoid that since it is a pita just to get the tier 2 stuff
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L1035[22:24:32] <SuPeRMiNoR2> During the evening my internet slows down, sometimes to 20 KByte/s
L1036[22:24:39] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i know the pain Caitlyn
L1037[22:25:15] <SuPeRMiNoR2> then after people stop using the internet in this block, it speeds back up again
L1038[22:25:19] <Izaya> SuPeRMiNoR2: Residential or business area?
L1039[22:25:36] <SuPeRMiNoR2> residential
L1040[22:25:41] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Overload cable network i am sure
L1041[22:25:45] <SuPeRMiNoR2> overloaded*
L1042[22:25:46] <Izaya> Hm.
L1043[22:26:05] <Izaya> Cable in a business area is great- until 5 PM and every business closes up and sends it's data for the day.
L1044[22:26:14] <Izaya> its*
L1045[22:26:19] <SuPeRMiNoR2> lol
L1046[22:26:32] <SuPeRMiNoR2> the funny thing is, my upload speed stays perfect
L1047[22:26:42] <SuPeRMiNoR2> the general latency is ok
L1048[22:26:45] <SuPeRMiNoR2> no dropped packets
L1049[22:26:47] <SuPeRMiNoR2> just slow af
L1050[22:27:07] <SuPeRMiNoR2> even the cable modems signal levels stay the same
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