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L27[00:53:56] <ShadowKatStudios> Two days.
L28[00:54:26] <Pwootage> Two days?
L29[00:56:11] <ShadowKatStudios> It's the second, name changes are allowed on the 4th
L30[00:57:44] <Pwootage> right, you want to change usernames
L31[00:57:59] <Pwootage> because unlike me your MC username sucks ;D
L32[00:57:59] <ShadowKatStudios> Yep :D
L33[00:58:18] <Pwootage> Best part is your "Yep :D" message came after mine (at least on my screen)
L34[00:59:08] <ShadowKatStudios> Well, I'd be lying if I said my name was at all original
L35[00:59:40] <Pwootage> I actually have no idea what it is, I just remember you mentioning you hate it
L37[01:00:01] <ShadowKatStudios> Good.
L38[01:00:52] <Pwootage> A screen name is like a middle name
L39[01:00:55] <Pwootage> Nobody is meant to know it
L40[01:01:15] <ShadowKatStudios> I don't have a middle name.
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L44[01:02:24] <Pwootage> Well then nobody knows it ;D
L45[01:02:38] ⇨ Joins: shortybsd (~shortybsd@c-76-18-137-178.hsd1.tn.comcast.net)
L46[01:02:46] <Pwootage> Oh, tab connected to the wrong wifi, that's why netflix broke
L47[01:07:53] <Pwootage> Gosh dangit, why doesn't every programming language have pattern matching functions D:
L48[01:09:44] <dangranos> ?
L49[01:11:09] <Pwootage> sec
L50[01:11:37] <ShadowKatStudios> Pwootage: Because it would violate the laws of physics- it would make JavaScript and php less retarded
L51[01:11:43] <Pwootage> http://pwootage.com/paste/p93dxvl74
L52[01:11:48] <Pwootage> ShadowKatStudios: fair enough
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L54[01:12:40] <Pwootage> Javascript has some interesting things, but man php is retarded
L55[01:14:20] <ShadowKatStudios> My project tonight
L56[01:14:28] <ShadowKatStudios> is to test the HDD I'm gonna put into lain
L57[01:14:46] <shortybsd> is there a way to set the screen foreground/background back to the original color when exiting a program? or a quick key other that rebooting the pc
L58[01:15:04] <shortybsd> s/that/than
L59[01:15:04] <Kibibyte> <shortybsd> is there a way to set the screen foreground/background back to the original color when exiting a program? or a quick key other than rebooting the pc
L60[01:15:21] <ShadowKatStudios> Uh, you could have the program that gets the original color then sets it to it again afterwards
L61[01:15:57] <shortybsd> even if halting a loop via control+alt+c ?
L62[01:16:15] <ShadowKatStudios> Uh, that wou;d be more difficult.
L63[01:16:30] <shortybsd> heh that was what i was thinking
L64[01:16:40] <ShadowKatStudios> A wrapper program for it, I guess?
L65[01:16:46] <ShadowKatStudios> Modify the shell to do it?
L66[01:16:57] <shortybsd> ahh might just do that
L67[01:17:01] <shortybsd> thanks!
L68[01:17:43] <Vexatos> o/
L69[01:18:00] <ShadowKatStudios> Evening Vexatos
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L74[01:19:23] <shortybsd> ahh line 231 it sets the foreground color, a background is missing so i'll just add it to the shell itself. super easy fix
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L77[01:25:48] <shortybsd> nice .. add after the foreground var line - local background = component.gpu.setBackground(0x000000) then line after it sets foreground color just do component.gpu.setBackground(0x000000)
L78[01:26:10] <shortybsd> at least then if you had an app that changes the background for an example to white (crazy i know) .. when you exit you can see your shell
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L81[01:28:34] <shortybsd> whoops, put the var in the component line pretty obvious ! lol sleepy time
L82[01:29:08] <shortybsd> so glad i moved to OC from the (other mod)
L83[01:29:24] <ShadowKatStudios> :D
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L138[05:19:30] <iceman11a> some time ago some one gave me a link to download a lua library that lets me add buttons and menus. Does any one know that link by chance. I could all so use the sample code all all
L139[05:19:35] <iceman11a> all *so
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L143[05:44:30] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L144[05:46:57] <Lizzy> iceman11a: was it Gopher's GML library? if so it's on OpenPrograms
L145[05:47:17] <iceman11a> ok, thanks.
L146[05:47:40] <iceman11a> Do you know any thing about video cards by chance
L147[05:48:14] <Lizzy> possibly, care to elaborate on what you mean by that?
L148[05:49:15] <iceman11a> well in order to play minecraft with no lag on the client side. I need a better video card. My fps is a round 50 fps and it should be a lot higher then that
L149[05:49:30] <iceman11a> well I just can't a ford %500 for a video card
L150[05:49:44] <iceman11a> %500 *$500
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L152[05:49:59] <Lizzy> 50fps isnt that bad
L153[05:50:16] <iceman11a> well I still get way too much lag.
L154[05:50:28] <Lizzy> framerate lag or block lag?
L155[05:50:49] <iceman11a> I was told frame rate. My fps is way too low
L156[05:50:58] <Lizzy> 50fps isn't low
L157[05:51:13] <Lizzy> i've played MC on 20fps before
L158[05:51:24] <iceman11a> Ok now many mods
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L160[05:52:57] <iceman11a> not even a guess
L161[05:53:30] <iceman11a> well see I have between 100 and 190 mods and I was told that I needed a video card upgrade
L162[05:53:49] <Kodos> Whoever told you that was probably not computer-savvy enough to know what he's talking about
L163[05:54:05] <Lizzy> well, 190 mods is quite a bit and will need more resources to handle it
L164[05:54:09] <iceman11a> The fps jump up and down. going from 20 to 50 fps.
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L166[05:55:23] <iceman11a> well the pc I just got is a quode core with 8 gig's of ram. SO I don't think it's the pc
L167[05:55:45] <iceman11a> quode *quade
L168[05:56:03] <Lizzy> *quad
L169[05:56:15] <iceman11a> my spelling sucks. lol/ Yes that's it. Thanks
L170[05:56:19] <Lizzy> what graphics card do you have?
L171[05:56:55] <iceman11a> AMD Radeon HD 5870, what minecraft requires. How ever I don't think that include 100 + mods
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L173[05:58:29] <iceman11a> The card can support 75 fps. In game it's less the 50
L174[05:58:37] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13 (~Johannes@
L175[05:59:06] <iceman11a> and I was told that the lag, or pause I get is from the graphics card
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L179[06:03:01] <Kodos> iceman, do you know what a dxdiag report is?
L180[06:03:30] <iceman11a> No, I'm sorry I don't
L181[06:03:49] <Kodos> Do you know how to access your Run window for Windows? Assuming you're using windows, ofc
L182[06:03:57] <iceman11a> Yes.
L183[06:04:04] <Kodos> Okay, do that, and run 'dxdiag'
L184[06:04:08] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L185[06:04:11] <Kodos> When it's done running, click 'Save all information'
L186[06:04:13] <Kodos> And pastebin that file
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L188[06:05:07] ⇦ Quits: Away_21 (Wuerfel21@bronyville.me) (Quit: lol im out bye TACOS)
L189[06:06:14] <iceman11a> http://pastebin.com/gjtGuRmT
L190[06:07:27] ⇨ Joins: Away_21 (Wuerfel21@bronyville.me)
L191[06:08:04] <Kodos> First of all yours is 2 core, not quad
L192[06:08:27] <iceman11a> Hmm, That's not what I paid for
L193[06:08:38] <Kodos> Says write on line 11, 2 CPUs
L194[06:08:42] <Kodos> right*
L195[06:08:43] <Kodos> fuck I'm tired
L196[06:09:02] <Kodos> I've been coding all night ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L197[06:09:42] <iceman11a> Ok, Thanks for telling me, Is is not what I paid for.
L198[06:10:05] <Lizzy> Kodos: it's dual core with hyperthreading (so 4 logical processors)
L199[06:10:26] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L200[06:10:36] <iceman11a> ok
L201[06:10:53] *** dangranos_ is now known as dangranos
L202[06:11:04] <Kodos> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L203[06:11:23] <Kodos> I just spent the last 12 hours on this
L204[06:11:24] <Kodos> http://pastebin.com/Y7t2QKHr
L205[06:11:27] <Kodos> And I'm not even sure it works
L206[06:12:00] <vifino> Lizzy: *cores
L207[06:12:18] <vifino> 4 processors would fucking server grade stuff.
L208[06:12:25] <Lizzy> ¬¬_
L209[06:12:41] <vifino> :( I wish I had a server at home
L210[06:12:52] <iceman11a> It looks like you have. So did that info help you to help me. or do you thing it's that I need a new pc.
L211[06:14:32] <Kodos> Honestly, it doesn't look much worse than mine. You may just need to allocate more RAM to your game, or possibly use AMD's video software to enable OpenGL Triple Buffering to javaw.exe
L212[06:14:43] <Kodos> How much RAM do you have on that 100 mod modpack
L213[06:14:52] <dangranos> is that teeth or eyes http://sssscomic.com/comic.php ?
L214[06:14:53] <iceman11a> 8 gigs
L215[06:15:05] <Kodos> No not your entire PC, just the MC instance
L216[06:15:33] <Kodos> Let's start with this question; What launcher do you use? Vanilla, MultiMC, FTB, ATLauncher, etc?
L217[06:15:46] <iceman11a> ?. I don't under stand. I don't know what you mean
L218[06:16:03] <Kodos> Let's start with this question; What launcher do you use? Vanilla, MultiMC, FTB, ATLauncher, etc?
L219[06:16:18] <iceman11a> ATLAuncher. Oh ok, That info hold on and I'll get it for you
L220[06:17:15] <iceman11a> the init is set at 2048. amd the max is 4096
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L222[06:17:50] <Kodos> You might try setting it to one or the other across both. I find that when it doesn't have to fluctuate and adjust, it works better
L223[06:18:19] <Kodos> I run about 109 mods at 2gb RAM and it runs fine
L224[06:18:45] <Kodos> Do you know if you have a 64 bit OS?
L225[06:18:47] <iceman11a> So can you tell me just what your saying
L226[06:18:54] <iceman11a> Yes, 64 bit
L227[06:19:53] <Kodos> What part of what I'm saying are you having trouble understanding
L228[06:20:08] <iceman11a> You might try setting it to one or the other across both. I find that when it doesn't have to fluctuate and adjust, it works better
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L232[06:22:00] <iceman11a> That's what I'm having problems under standing
L233[06:23:03] <iceman11a> I don't know if I should set the numbers higher or ?
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L238[06:34:16] <Kodos> I have no idea, I'm going to sleep because I already dozed off once
L239[06:34:55] <iceman11a> ok
L240[06:35:09] <iceman11a> good night
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L244[06:36:53] <MindWorX> It's not possible to detect specific blocks without having an instance of the block inside a robot right?
L245[06:37:07] <MindWorX> Like, detect water source block, chests, etc?
L246[06:37:31] <Sleepdra> yeah.
L247[06:37:48] <MindWorX> Alright
L248[06:37:48] <Sleepdra> you can pop it in a database component or something if you want though.
L249[06:37:55] <MindWorX> Oh
L250[06:37:57] <MindWorX> I should do that.
L251[06:38:12] <MindWorX> Finally I get to use the DB component :P
L252[06:40:12] *** Sleepdra is now known as Sandra
L253[06:40:16] *** Sandra is now known as Sleepdra
L254[06:41:55] <MindWorX> Hmm, looks like I'll still have to request another debug method. compare is a command that takes time to execute. I need instant execution like the other debug functions.
L255[06:42:07] <MindWorX> Hmm
L256[06:42:15] <MindWorX> Maybe the debug card already has a method like that. :P
L257[06:42:45] <MindWorX> getBlockId!
L258[06:42:47] <MindWorX> Perfect!
L259[06:44:18] <ShadowKatStudios> dangranos: oh shiiit.
L260[06:44:30] <dangranos> hello sks
L261[06:44:30] * ShadowKatStudios is now caught up on SSSS
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L263[06:44:37] <dangranos> >:D
L264[06:45:32] <ShadowKatStudios> also, dangranos, arms.
L265[06:45:42] <ShadowKatStudios> The bodt extends towards the back
L266[06:45:46] <ShadowKatStudios> body
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L268[06:46:19] <dangranos> huh
L269[06:46:59] <dangranos> i was talking about this white dots around mouth
L270[06:47:27] <ShadowKatStudios> oh
L271[06:47:39] <ShadowKatStudios> I'd say they're barnacles
L272[06:47:40] <MindWorX> Oh noes :(
L273[06:47:49] <dangranos> tongues?
L274[06:47:56] <MindWorX> getBlockId returns the world-local integer id. Not the string id.
L275[06:48:13] <dangranos> nevermind
L276[06:48:25] <iceman11a|off> Lizzy: It doesn't look like this is the right library. This one made menus and buttons. that you could click on and the main file is called screen.lua.
L277[06:48:38] * Lizzy shrugs
L278[06:50:15] <dangranos> ouch
L279[06:50:43] <dangranos> my throat hurt >_<
L280[06:50:47] <ShadowKatStudios> So ~1.3% of Steam users with DX9 GPUs have a VIA/S3G UniChrome Pro IGP - I have one of those on a Pentium 4 box with integrated graphics
L281[06:51:22] <dangranos> VIA has GPUs?
L282[06:51:28] <ShadowKatStudios> It did.
L283[06:51:35] <ShadowKatStudios> When it made chipsets
L284[06:51:55] * Lizzy is playing Pretend you're Zyzzy (Cards agains humanity on the interweb)
L285[06:52:59] <Caitlyn> Lizzy, http://ircstats.pc-logix.com/ \o/
L286[06:53:29] <Lizzy> cool
L287[06:53:53] <Caitlyn> SearchIRC now redirects everything to mibbit and I liked their graphs.. so I had to find something to do it instead
L288[06:54:54] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L289[06:55:32] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1)
L290[06:55:33] <dangranos> webcomics are most evil thing ever invented afterr books
L291[06:58:14] <ShadowKatStudios> is my site working for anyone?
L292[06:58:26] <ShadowKatStudios> or is the vhosts royally fucked?
L293[06:58:46] <Lizzy> it's not getting through so probably
L294[07:02:16] <ShadowKatStudios> shit
L295[07:02:22] <ShadowKatStudios> I think I broke apache
L296[07:03:14] <Lizzy> lol
L297[07:04:53] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L298[07:06:50] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-58-165-35-99.lns1.lon.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L299[07:11:21] <Caitlyn> http://www.raspberrypi.org/raspberry-pi-2-on-sale/ hmmm....
L300[07:11:33] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L301[07:14:30] <Lizzy> might just have to buy one....
L302[07:27:10] <Caitlyn> same.. I've wanted a Pi for awhile, and hey perfect excuse :P
L303[07:28:08] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L305[07:42:09] <Brycey92> whaaaa and i got my rpi 1 for $35
L306[07:43:04] <Brycey92> hey are creative tablet cases a thing?
L307[07:50:14] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Quit: Leaving)
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L318[08:35:54] <gamax92> Are Lizzy and Caitlyn a couple?
L319[08:36:03] <Caitlyn> ....
L320[08:36:03] <Lizzy> no?
L321[08:36:10] <Caitlyn> ^
L322[08:36:14] <gamax92> Oh ...
L323[08:36:25] <gamax92> nvm me then
L324[08:36:30] <Caitlyn> I'm happily married :P
L325[08:36:44] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L326[08:37:48] * Lizzy is unhappily alone
L327[08:37:49] <Caitlyn> ff is using 2.5 GB ram and is being extra funky
L328[08:37:49] <Caitlyn> yay
L329[08:38:04] * Lizzy nomz Caitlyn's FF
L330[08:41:49] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
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L336[08:48:13] ⇨ Joins: Bacon (~tasty@
L337[08:48:13] zsh sets mode: +v on Bacon
L338[08:49:42] <gamax92> EmptyWorkingSet is best firefox cleaner
L339[08:51:39] <gamax92> You're beautiful!
L340[08:51:54] * Lizzy blushes
L341[08:51:59] <Lizzy> :P
L342[08:52:11] <gamax92> :s
L343[08:52:24] <Lizzy> huehuehue
L344[08:53:23] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p54934DCB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L345[08:53:32] <gamax92> You're beautiful! %s
L346[08:53:40] <gamax92> pffffff
L347[08:53:44] <gamax92> y u no
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L350[08:57:22] zsh sets mode: +v on Kilobyte
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L353[08:58:16] *** iceman11a|off is now known as iceman11a
L354[08:58:58] <iceman11a> Can I chat a lua code here in the irc or is there another irc channel for that of oc. or ?
L355[08:59:46] <Lizzy> you can discuss lua code here
L356[09:00:18] <dangranos> i fcking love when there is alive and fresh fanfiction story
L357[09:00:21] <Lizzy> just dont paste an entire script into the channel
L358[09:00:23] <Caitlyn> Just pastebin the code don't paste it directly here :P
L359[09:00:26] <dangranos> ^
L360[09:00:27] <Caitlyn> damn ninja'd
L361[09:00:31] <Lizzy> ha
L362[09:00:31] <iceman11a> cool, thanks. You did get my message earlier. Right that library was the wrong one.
L363[09:00:34] <iceman11a> any way
L364[09:00:57] <dangranos> weeel, irc can be very slow
L365[09:00:58] <iceman11a> How do I turn all the cables off in a bundled cable
L366[09:01:12] <dangranos> sec
L367[09:01:13] <Lizzy> ~w redstone
L368[09:01:21] <Caitlyn> ocdoc is ded...
L369[09:01:22] <Caitlyn> :/
L370[09:01:23] <dangranos> damn
L371[09:01:28] <Lizzy> It's ded jim
L372[09:01:30] <Caitlyn> sexc
L373[09:01:31] <Caitlyn> fashsfdh
L374[09:01:33] <Caitlyn> sec*
L375[09:01:40] <dangranos> #g opencomputers wiki
L376[09:01:40] -Kibibyte- dangranos: 1660 results total; First: Official documentation of OpenComputers [OpenComputers] | http://ocdoc.cil.li/
L377[09:01:51] <Lizzy> Caitlyn: i know your struggles
L378[09:02:02] <dangranos> #g site:ocdoc.cil.li redstone
L379[09:02:02] -Kibibyte- dangranos: 8 results total; First: Official documentation of OpenComputers [OpenComputers] | http://ocdoc.cil.li/
L380[09:02:06] <Caitlyn> hmmm
L381[09:02:09] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L382[09:02:09] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L383[09:02:11] ⇦ Quits: Soni (SoniEx2@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L384[09:02:48] <dangranos> try to set none colors?
L385[09:02:48] ⇨ Joins: ocdoc (OCDocBot@eos.pc-logix.com)
L386[09:03:01] <Caitlyn> There... I think it got hung during the netsplode
L387[09:03:02] <iceman11a> set colors to none.
L388[09:03:06] <dangranos> oh sorry
L389[09:03:14] <dangranos> no, value to 0
L390[09:03:22] <iceman11a> Oh, ok. Thanks
L391[09:03:28] <dangranos> maybe .-
L392[09:03:30] <Caitlyn> ~w redstone
L393[09:03:30] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:redstone
L394[09:03:33] <dangranos> .-.
L395[09:03:40] <dangranos> setBundledOutput(side: number, color: number, value: number): number
L396[09:03:59] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L397[09:04:09] <dangranos> damn #computercraft
L398[09:04:18] <dangranos> yep, as in channel
L399[09:04:33] <iceman11a> any way I'm looking for a library that has the option of adding menus and buttons. It was called screen.lua and I lost this script. Does some one know what I'm talking about and has a link for me
L400[09:05:16] <Lizzy> for i=0,15 do redstone.setBundledOutput( SideNumber, i, 0) end -- should set all colours on SideNumber to off
L401[09:05:24] <dangranos> hmm
L402[09:05:36] <Lizzy> don't quote me on that though
L403[09:05:41] <dangranos> can any bot link to forums?
L404[09:05:45] <Lizzy> .forums
L405[09:05:45] <^v> Lizzy, http://oc.cil.li/
L406[09:05:51] <dangranos> :O
L407[09:05:57] <dangranos> ^V is alive!
L408[09:06:10] <dangranos> .fail
L409[09:06:10] <^v> dangranos, [6] <pong> dicks are simple <Boop> From: Pokemon RESEARCH TEAM
L410[09:06:24] <Lizzy> haha
L411[09:06:29] <dangranos> not best example .-.
L412[09:06:48] <Lizzy> .fail
L413[09:06:49] <^v> Lizzy, [1] * matrixdevuk wonders what in the world a dox is
L414[09:06:49] <iceman11a> so doing some thing like this won't work. rs.setBundlesOutput(sides.back, 0)
L415[09:07:03] <dangranos> so
L416[09:07:08] <dangranos> http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/255-button-api-now-for-oc-updated-9-6-2014/
L417[09:07:11] <dangranos> this?
L418[09:07:19] <Lizzy> iceman11a: no, because you're not giving it a colour to change
L419[09:07:37] <dangranos> waaaaait
L420[09:07:41] ⇨ Joins: Soni (SoniEx2@
L421[09:07:48] <dangranos> color isnt bitmask?
L422[09:08:02] <iceman11a> ok, thanks
L423[09:08:22] <Lizzy> no, colour is a number
L424[09:08:37] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Quit: Leaving)
L425[09:08:48] <dangranos> i see
L426[09:09:57] <iceman11a> dangranos, Thanks I'm sorry that's the wrong one, The file names is screens.lua and gets placed in the lib folder. I think there were all so 5 others files that came with it, Just not needed
L427[09:09:58] *** Kilobyte is now known as Kiloff
L428[09:10:43] <iceman11a> This library you can make boxes. and clickable buttons
L429[09:11:01] <iceman11a> I mean colored boxed.
L430[09:11:29] <dangranos> guys, is there any way to search in OP repos?
L431[09:11:38] <dangranos> like, in all of them
L432[09:11:51] <Lizzy> search in the organisation view
L433[09:13:50] <dangranos> is this page dead http://openprograms.github.io/ ?
L434[09:14:20] <SuPeRMiNoR2> no
L435[09:14:33] <Lizzy> i cant remember the command to regenerate it
L436[09:14:38] * Lizzy prods ping
L437[09:15:06] <dangranos> .-.
L438[09:15:08] <SuPeRMiNoR2> .openprg
L439[09:15:15] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i think
L440[09:15:20] <^v> SuPeRMiNoR2,
L441[09:15:20] <Lizzy> .openprg
L442[09:15:23] <Lizzy> whoops
L443[09:15:25] <dangranos> um
L444[09:15:29] <^v> Lizzy,
L445[09:15:53] <Lizzy> there, updated
L446[09:15:59] <dangranos> >4 months ago
L447[09:16:03] <dangranos> yeeeeeeah
L448[09:16:06] <dangranos> very updated
L449[09:16:58] <dangranos> sorry, iceman11a, i couldnt find anything yet
L450[09:17:23] <iceman11a> Thank you for trying. I'm sorry for losing it
L451[09:17:33] ⇨ Joins: Mirodin (~quassel@2a02:810d:12c0:1878:48c:a51e:c9a3:cc51)
L452[09:18:35] <iceman11a> I have a question related to the redstone IO. The block is not mark to tell me what side is front or rather what side is what side.
L453[09:19:06] <iceman11a> Is there a function that I can make to get and return that info for me
L454[09:19:24] *** Kiloff is now known as Kilobyte
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L457[09:23:19] <gamax92> Complement machine
L458[09:25:26] <gamax92> Lizzy: Happy birthday
L459[09:26:17] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L460[09:26:27] <asie> https://twitter.com/asiekierka/status/562266097731534849
L461[09:26:58] <Roadcrosser> \o/
L462[09:26:58] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~samis@95f16429.skybroadband.com)
L463[09:27:03] <iceman11a> it would be helpful if I oculd find what I need. lol, How do I list all the components on a oc
L464[09:27:05] * Roadcrosser shoots samis
L465[09:27:16] * CompanionCube sneezes over Roadcrosser
L466[09:27:22] * Roadcrosser dies
L467[09:28:18] <iceman11a> Is there a function that I can make to get and return that info for me
L468[09:28:23] * CompanionCube goes to Roadcrosser's funeral
L469[09:28:33] <Roadcrosser> RIP
L470[09:29:02] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L471[09:29:42] <SuPeRMiNoR2> iceman11a: component.list() ?
L472[09:30:32] <Caitlyn> you can also type components at the prompt (not the lua prompt)
L473[09:31:31] <iceman11a> nothing happens
L474[09:31:44] <iceman11a> do I do this in the lua or out of
L475[09:32:00] <iceman11a> -component.list()
L476[09:32:07] <Caitlyn> component.list() is in lua iirc it returns a table, components not in lua it just prints them off
L477[09:35:48] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L478[09:36:46] <iceman11a> Thanks, I'm going back to watch the videos on this so I don't have to bug every one on every minute
L479[09:42:31] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
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L482[09:47:40] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~McJty@bluecoat2.uzleuven.be)
L483[09:47:43] <McJty> Hi
L484[09:52:10] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L485[09:52:30] <Lizzy> gamax92: you're a bit early for that
L486[09:52:54] ⇨ Joins: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5249BC59.cm-4-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L487[09:52:54] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
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L490[10:06:15] <Wobbo> o/
L491[10:07:45] ⇨ Joins: Ivoah (~Ivoah@dsl-216-227-122-44.taconic.net)
L492[10:09:52] <Wobbo> .time
L493[10:09:52] <EnderBot2> Current OC time: Mon Feb 2 16:09:52 2015
L494[10:11:22] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L495[10:11:22] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L496[10:11:24] ⇦ Quits: Gopher (~Gopher@188.sub-70-193-163.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L497[10:12:52] <McJty> Time to go
L498[10:12:54] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~McJty@bluecoat2.uzleuven.be) (Quit: Poof)
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L501[10:15:44] zsh sets mode: +v on pong
L502[10:15:52] <Wobbo> Hi pong
L503[10:16:18] <pong> hi
L504[10:17:29] <Lizzy> also iceman11a, to get the sides use the sides api
L505[10:17:32] <Lizzy> ~w sides
L506[10:17:32] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:sides
L507[10:17:47] ⇦ Quits: ping (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:50d3:dc3f:9f09:d861) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L508[10:19:32] <iceman11a> Thanks. I watch the video on it and it gave me another option. Just point in the directory the bundles cables is coming out of the redstone IO and just use that
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L511[10:26:19] <Wobbo> I'm going to prepare and eat food and stuff, bbl
L512[10:26:21] *** Wobbo is now known as Wobbo|AFK
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L514[10:29:24] <Inari> http://www.japantrendshop.com//img/runa/giant-isopod-case-iphone-5-no-1-au-2.jpg <- gimme D:
L515[10:35:55] ⇨ Joins: GunArm1 (~barrett@firewall.mitsi.com)
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L518[10:42:47] <GunArm1> Sangar: thanks for the work on the robot armor repair issue
L519[10:44:54] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E024B98F5AD2FF63E2BF501.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L520[10:44:55] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L522[10:53:27] <Sangar> o/
L523[10:53:47] <Sangar> GunArm1, thanks for reporting it!
L524[10:53:59] <Sangar> (if that was you >_> I'm terrible with names)
L525[10:56:19] * Lizzy 's head is pounding :/
L526[10:59:04] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
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L528[11:02:58] * GunArm1 nods
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L531[11:07:19] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L532[11:07:49] <gamax92> hi Magik6k
L533[11:08:54] <Magik6k> ohai gamax92
L534[11:10:19] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L535[11:11:53] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
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L539[11:15:29] <Negi> HEYLO \o
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L546[11:34:12] <McJty> Hi all
L547[11:34:39] <McJty> Sangar, didn't solve my dev env problem with regards to OC for my mod but at the very least I got it to work if I test in a normal MC env. So I'm happy and two of my machines support OC now :-)
L548[11:36:06] <Sangar> ah cool, that's something at least! how did you get it to work in normal mc?
L549[11:36:23] <McJty> Well it just does. I'm implementing SimpleComponent.
L550[11:36:32] <McJty> Added callbacks and done
L551[11:36:38] <McJty> Really very easy. Thanks for that :-)
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L554[11:40:16] * Caitlyn stabs gson in the face with a rusty knife
L555[11:40:33] <Caitlyn> org.json ftw.
L556[11:41:08] * Lizzy is back home
L557[11:41:16] <Lizzy> also my Pi's storage is full
L558[11:41:18] <Lizzy> :/
L559[11:42:02] <Caitlyn> SuPeRMiNoR2, http://puu.sh/fnywR/2b075733d7.png woot lol
L560[11:42:33] <SuPeRMiNoR2> whoa
L561[11:42:40] <SuPeRMiNoR2> what gui toolkit are you using?
L562[11:42:47] <Caitlyn> That's java :P
L563[11:42:54] <SuPeRMiNoR2> oh right
L564[11:42:54] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L565[11:42:58] <SuPeRMiNoR2> i see the java symbol now
L566[11:43:02] <Caitlyn> heh
L567[11:43:02] <SuPeRMiNoR2> ....
L568[11:43:17] <Caitlyn> I remembered how much I suck at python
L569[11:43:26] <Caitlyn> and got it working via org.json instead of using gson
L570[11:43:34] <SuPeRMiNoR2> java is a Uptight Poop Stump
L571[11:43:43] <Caitlyn> loading the list there is 8 lines of code
L572[11:44:00] <Caitlyn> and 4 of those are setting variables lol
L573[11:44:39] <SuPeRMiNoR2> nice
L574[11:45:22] <Sangar> McJty, ah, ok then. i wonder if i'll ever know what it is that's breaking in dev then :P
L575[11:45:25] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L576[11:46:49] <iceman11a> I go into the lua editor and i type the required component and the I type is rs.setBundledOutput(sides.north, colors.blue, 255) and when I do this I get a stdin:1 attampt to index global 'rs' (a nil value)
L577[11:47:21] <iceman11a> and I know what this means, It just can't find it. and it shows in the components list
L578[11:47:39] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L579[11:47:57] <Temia> Can you post the line of your require() call?
L580[11:48:27] <iceman11a> local component = require("component")
L581[11:48:51] <iceman11a> local rs = component.redstone
L582[11:49:14] <Lizzy> if you're in the lua prompt dont use local
L583[11:49:15] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L584[11:49:19] <Lizzy> it makes it local to that line
L585[11:49:32] <McJty> Sangar, don't know. To be honest it bothers me too. I don't like such loose ends.
L586[11:49:40] <McJty> Sangar, but for now I have no clue where to go look for the issue.
L587[11:49:45] <McJty> And I'm the only one who has it apparently.
L588[11:50:10] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L589[11:51:18] * Temia drafts a proposal for a new POSIX standard -- the stdmoo stream. moo 'o'
L590[11:51:24] <iceman11a> ok, how about in my lua code. I been using local in that. It's all ways worked fine
L591[11:51:32] <Sangar> McJty, yeah. i'll probably clone rftools on a different machine and test if that also works for me. soonish. eherm.
L592[11:51:49] <McJty> Sangar, no hurry. For now I can proceed at least. And that's the most important thing.
L593[11:51:51] <Vexatos> Do you have any coremod in your dev environment, McJty?
L594[11:51:55] <Vexatos> Apart from OC, I mean
L595[11:51:57] <McJty> hmm
L596[11:52:00] <Lizzy> what would be a better language to try for minecraft modding, Java or Scala? (bearing in mind i'm used to python)
L597[11:52:19] <McJty> Lizzy, Scala is cleaner but I find it a bit more complicated.
L598[11:52:27] <McJty> Lizzy, if you get over the learning curve it is nice though
L599[11:52:31] <McJty> I personally prefer Kotlin however
L600[11:52:35] <Temia> Iceman: In a script, local is constrained to the scope it's declared in, so it'd be available to the rest of your script
L601[11:52:36] <McJty> But that's not very well known
L602[11:52:43] <Lizzy> iceman11a, in normal programs it makes it local to that script, in the lua prompt because of the way it executes stuff
L603[11:52:55] <iceman11a> Oh, ok
L604[11:53:12] <Lizzy> ignore my reply, it makes no sense ¬_¬
L605[11:53:13] <McJty> Vexatos, I have BoP, ChickenChunks, COFH stuff, EnderIO, NEI, and WAILA
L606[11:53:25] <McJty> Vexatos, of BoP and EnderIO I have the non-dev versions.
L607[11:53:35] <McJty> The rest is dev
L608[11:53:37] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L609[11:54:11] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L610[11:55:00] <Sangar> re: scala learning curve, DeanIs-aKitty linked me this recently http://blog.fogus.me/2011/09/02/scala-is-for-drivers/ :P getting into scala can be overwhelming, but once you're used to it it's super comfortable.
L611[11:56:51] <iceman11a> Hmm, makes no sense. This all ways worked before.
L612[11:58:15] <iceman11a> It worked on the video. The same way I have mine coded.?
L613[11:58:43] *** Daiyousei is now known as ShoweringFairy
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L617[12:02:08] zsh sets mode: +v on pong
L618[12:05:33] <Wobbo|AFK> iceman11a: Small detailed explanation for why local doesn't work in the prompt: local makes a variable local to the current chunk(function, file, do-block, etc). And when you type in a line in the prompt, that is seen as its own chunk. so local a= 10; print(a) works, but once you press enter, the line gets executed and all the local variables get cleared, because the chunk ended.
L619[12:06:23] ⇦ Quits: SuPeRMiNoR2 (~SuPeR@superminor2.net) (*.net *.split)
L620[12:06:25] <^v> Oh noes! brutus split 3:
L621[12:06:37] <iceman11a> ok, thanks
L622[12:07:23] <iceman11a> Right now I'm tring to figure out why this pc doesn't see the redstone io
L623[12:08:16] <iceman11a> the components see it. and it knows it's there. Like I said when I try and run a setBundledOutput is when I get the nil error
L624[12:08:26] <iceman11a> It just doesn't see it for some reason
L625[12:09:02] <Lizzy> mind taking a screenshot of your OC Screen?
L626[12:11:05] ⇨ Joins: SuPeRMiNoR2 (~SuPeR@adam.superminor2.net)
L627[12:11:05] zsh sets mode: +v on SuPeRMiNoR2
L628[12:11:27] <iceman11a> That's why, my spelling is wrong again
L629[12:11:45] <Lizzy> lol
L630[12:12:50] <iceman11a> using term how do I print to the monitor. term.write doesn't seem to be in the doc's
L631[12:13:03] <Lizzy> ~w term
L632[12:13:03] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:term
L633[12:13:22] <Wobbo|AFK> iceman11a: Why use term? Just use io.write and io.read
L634[12:13:23] <Lizzy> term.write( "hello world" )
L635[12:14:05] <iceman11a> Lizzy, That's how I have it
L636[12:14:23] <Lizzy> then i do not understand why it isnt working
L637[12:14:29] <iceman11a> That's why I printed it off
L638[12:15:31] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
L639[12:16:38] <McJty> Later!
L640[12:16:41] ⇦ Parts: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-252-38.access.telenet.be) (Ex-Chat))
L641[12:24:01] <iceman11a> Can I cast values in lua
L642[12:24:25] <iceman11a> to print them out on the monitor
L643[12:26:07] <Wobbo|AFK> iceman11a: tostring
L644[12:26:20] <Vexatos> tostring(value)
L645[12:27:02] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L646[12:28:04] <iceman11a> Thanks
L647[12:30:00] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~samis@95f16429.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L651[12:38:00] <Wobbo|AFK> Csstform: What is the current status of OCJam? Was it last weekend or weren't there enough participants?
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L658[12:52:01] <Wobbo|AFK> Alright, lets find a professor to stalk tomorrow
L659[12:53:40] *** Wobbo|AFK is now known as Wobbo
L660[12:54:13] *** ShoweringFairy is now known as Daiyousei
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L663[13:06:52] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
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L665[13:21:58] <Negi> Meh.
L666[13:26:40] * Lizzy is bored
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L668[13:27:50] <gamax92> Lizzy: Would you like a taco?
L669[13:28:04] * Negi steals taco from gamax92.
L670[13:28:06] <Lizzy> yes, gimmie!
L671[13:28:15] <gamax92> oh :<
L672[13:28:19] <gamax92> Negi has it
L673[13:28:29] * Negi gives it to Lizzy and absconds to make a sandwich.
L674[13:28:30] * Lizzy steals the taco from Negi and beats him within an inch of his life
L675[13:28:37] <Negi> :I
L676[13:28:38] <gamax92> LOLOLOL
L677[13:28:47] <Wobbo> Sangar: What sounds more interesting, arguing agents or Quadratic Assignment problems?
L678[13:28:47] * Lizzy nomz the taco
L679[13:30:52] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L680[13:32:28] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L681[13:34:08] * Negi attacks Lizzy with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kh4Zyq3Cqc
L682[13:34:43] <Negi> Oh. Lucky me. Kibibyte doesn't react to links in action messages ._.
L683[13:35:03] <gamax92> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kh4Zyq3Cqc
L684[13:35:03] -Kibibyte- [gamax92] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu - Hare Hare Yukai Full Dance [3D] | by speedhacker101 | 3m38s | 221w4d ago | 232,447 views | Rated: 4.95/5.00
L685[13:35:07] <pong> Negi, why is this gamiliar
L686[13:35:08] * gamax92 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kh4Zyq3Cqc
L687[13:35:10] <gamax92> oh wow
L688[13:35:15] <gamax92> i need to remember that.
L689[13:35:32] <pong> Haruhi Suzumiya
L690[13:35:37] <pong> ._.
L691[13:35:40] <pong> why do i remember this
L692[13:35:41] <gamax92> that would be why.
L693[13:35:48] <Wobbo> Negi: Dafuq is that?
L694[13:35:58] <pong> is it pr0n? because i remember boobs
L695[13:36:01] <pong> ._.
L696[13:36:02] <gamax92> pong: no.
L697[13:36:12] <gamax92> its not porn
L698[13:36:13] <pong> i dont remember watching this anime
L699[13:36:18] <Negi> Wobbo : The ending from "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya".
L700[13:36:25] <pong> Negi, thats it
L701[13:36:33] <gamax92> Negi: oh full framerate 3d <3
L702[13:36:36] <pong> i totally watched this anime when i was so little
L703[13:36:41] <Wobbo> Negi: The ending? Pretty sure I saw all of that Anime.
L704[13:36:51] <Negi> The ending...
L705[13:36:53] <Negi> Like
L706[13:37:04] <Negi> Wobbo: You know what an ending is, right ?
L707[13:37:16] <gamax92> end of the season or end of the episode?
L708[13:37:26] <Wobbo> Negi: That is not the ending of every episode, I'm pretty sure it isn't.
L709[13:37:31] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L710[13:37:42] <Negi> Wobbo: The graphical render is not. The music is, though :I
L711[13:37:42] <gamax92> i guess finale is a more appropriate term
L712[13:37:51] <ShadowKatStudios> good series
L713[13:38:03] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: I agree
L714[13:38:09] <Wobbo> Negi: I recognised the music, not the graphics
L715[13:38:14] * gamax92 did not watch it in broadcast order tho
L716[13:38:34] <pong> gamax92, have you used https://github.com/alakazard12/OCEmulator-Qt
L717[13:38:35] <Sangar> Wobbo, arguing agents
L718[13:38:41] * Negi watches #DataGueule just because of the noises they use.
L719[13:39:25] <Wobbo> Sangar: I'm leaning more towards QAD, but MAS is interesting and shit
L720[13:40:41] <Sangar> can't you have both? :P
L721[13:40:58] <Wobbo> Its for a bachelors project, no, don't think so
L722[13:41:06] <Sangar> ah
L723[13:41:16] <Wobbo> Although, arguing using reinforment learning, that could be plausible :P
L724[13:41:46] <Kubuxu> ~w time
L725[13:41:47] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-os.time
L726[13:41:48] <Sangar> i'll patiently wait for paranoid robots :P
L727[13:41:54] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L728[13:42:16] <Wobbo> Sangar: Marvin? :P
L729[13:42:22] <Sangar> aye :P
L730[13:42:41] <Wobbo> OC robots sitting at an auction would be pretty awesome actually
L731[13:43:53] <Wobbo> I guess going with the agents is also better for myself, since I don't really understand how agents work, but I sort of understand how ML works
L732[13:44:25] <Sangar> whichever you feel more comfortable with
L733[13:46:15] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L734[13:46:22] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L735[13:47:32] <Wobbo> Yeah, will probably visit the agents guy first, then the QAB guy.
L736[13:47:43] <Wobbo> s/B/P/g
L737[13:47:43] <Kibibyte> <Wobbo> Yeah, will probably visit the agents guy first, then the QAP guy.
L738[13:49:19] <Wobbo> I fiannly found a list of all the researchers! God, so much PhD students that might be intersting as well!
L739[13:50:20] <Sangar> :D
L740[13:51:52] <Wobbo> From the first reaserch group, only two had a website, one with no info, and the other did research into recognizing handwritten Thai ¬_¬ yeah, no
L741[13:52:14] <Sangar> that seems... oddly specific
L742[13:52:30] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L743[13:53:16] <Wobbo> Sangar: Lambert Schomaker is a proffer at the RUG who is specialized in handwriting recognition for old Dutch. I can see why the Thai guy is here.
L744[13:53:26] ⇨ Joins: lordwolf76 (webchat@
L745[13:56:32] <Sangar> huh. i wonder what they research? refining techniques to those writings or fundamentally new stuff?
L746[13:56:48] <lordwolf76> is this the correct syntax to bind a screen, for a case with one GPU, and Two monitors.....................local gpu.bind(d538b568)
L747[13:57:34] <Wobbo> Sangar: They teach machines how to read text, from the input to the ascii output.
L748[13:58:18] <Wobbo> Sangar: Its mostly machine learning behind the scenes, but also image recognition for featrue extraction and stuff. Really interesting actually. But I have no interest in handwriting recognition
L749[13:58:46] <Sangar> lordwolf76, close. `component.gpu.bind("d53...")`
L750[13:59:43] <lordwolf76> ah i see the difference. Then I can print to that Screen, then bind it to the second one.
L751[13:59:48] <Wobbo> Sangar: on this site you can search through a large collection of old dutch handwriting: http://application02.target.rug.nl/cgi-bin/monkweb?cmd=scroogle&db=1002
L752[14:00:36] *** AtomSponge is now known as AtomSponge|away
L753[14:00:43] <Sangar> Wobbo, yeah, i just wondered about the specifics :P (as in: do they just cobble existing algorithms together or invent new ones - for the individual tasks)
L754[14:00:45] <Wobbo> Sangar: If you cloick on the book menu, you can also find Medivial German
L755[14:00:47] <Sangar> Wobbo, dat facepalm
L756[14:01:03] <Wobbo> Its a Monk and he is working :P
L757[14:01:15] <Wobbo> But they do a little of Both I believe.
L758[14:01:15] <Sangar> that's what they want you to believe!
L759[14:01:28] <Sangar> k
L760[14:01:42] <gamax92> bugs == features
L761[14:02:06] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L762[14:03:05] <Wobbo> Sangar: The first result for Groningen: http://application02.target.rug.nl/cgi-bin/monkweb?cmd=lexexpshow&label=Groningen
L763[14:03:26] <Wobbo> You can see the outline of the word underneath the scanned picture
L764[14:03:44] <Sangar> mhm
L765[14:03:52] <Wobbo> This one was labeled though, as far as I can tell
L766[14:04:27] <Wobbo> I do like that it links to the dutch wikipedia :P
L767[14:04:47] <Sangar> trying to get the chinese entry give me something :P
L768[14:06:26] <Wobbo> I could also build a bayesian network to solve old crimes… Don't know what a Bayesian network is though
L769[14:06:27] <gamax92> Grog?
L770[14:06:58] <Sangar> i only know the term because it's used for spam filtering :X
L771[14:07:15] <Wobbo> That is Bayesian statistisch, isn't it?
L772[14:07:17] <Sangar> also, searching for 'München' crashed firefox >_>
L773[14:07:23] <Sangar> isn't that related?
L774[14:07:24] * gamax92 filters Sangar's spam with Grog
L775[14:07:41] <gamax92> It's not very effective
L776[14:07:49] <Wobbo> They use the term here to conclude shit about crimal cases and stuff
L777[14:08:01] * Sangar noms the spam and flushes it down with some grog
L778[14:08:08] <Wobbo> Sangar: Yeah, I tried that before as well, it didn't give me answers
L779[14:08:18] * Lizzy noms Sangar
L780[14:08:36] <Sangar> Wobbo, it started printing a bunch of results, then ff locked up and died :P
L781[14:08:46] <Vexatos> Sangar, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE
L782[14:08:47] -Kibibyte- [Vexatos] Monty Python - Spam | by zumpzump | 3m20s | 415w4d ago | 6,418,281 views | Rated: 4.91/5.00
L783[14:08:56] <Wobbo> Must be the umlaut then, I used it without
L784[14:09:25] <Lizzy> Vexatos, :D
L785[14:09:28] <Wobbo> Amir, why do you not have webstie? D:
L786[14:09:29] <Vexatos> Monty Python literally invented the word Spam
L787[14:09:34] ⇦ Quits: SuperBot (~SuperBot@superminor2.net) (Quit: Goodbye)
L788[14:09:35] ⇦ Quits: SuPeRMiNoR2 (~SuPeR@adam.superminor2.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L789[14:09:42] <Vexatos> Like, literally
L790[14:10:19] <gamax92> SPiced hAM?
L791[14:10:40] <Wobbo> Sangar: from introduction into bachelor project idea: Recently, the famous Dutch case of the Deventer moordzaak was reopened. New information about the evidence led to the idea that the sequence of events leading up to the murder may have been quite different from what the court previously thought and had based their conviction on. It is now thought that the victim may have died on a different day altogether.
L792[14:10:43] <Wobbo> LOL
L793[14:11:33] <Sangar> ... wow
L794[14:11:45] ⇨ Joins: SuPeRMiNoR2 (~SuPeR@adam.superminor2.net)
L795[14:11:45] zsh sets mode: +v on SuPeRMiNoR2
L796[14:12:03] <Wobbo> I just lost a little bit of faith in the dutch crimial system :P
L797[14:12:12] ⇨ Joins: SuperBot (~SuperBot@adam.superminor2.net)
L798[14:12:44] <Sangar> wait, you had any to begin with? :P
L799[14:13:19] <Wobbo> Sangar: Anyway, everything that starts with Bayesian is connect in the way that they all use the same mathematical principles to do statistics.
L800[14:13:27] <Wobbo> Yeah, normally it works
L801[14:13:53] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L802[14:14:16] <Sangar> i used to know this stuff >_>
L803[14:15:32] <Wobbo> Like, half a year ago?
L804[14:16:51] <Sangar> somewhat longer back :X
L805[14:17:47] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L806[14:17:59] <Wobbo> Now, should I check out cognitive modelling… On one hand its really intersting, on the other hand, psychology D:
L807[14:18:06] <Sangar> in the end the statistics stuff i had to remember was about stochastic processes and generalized regression models :P
L808[14:18:28] <Wobbo> LOL, thats not much
L809[14:18:39] <Sangar> it was bad enough ;)
L810[14:18:55] <Wobbo> I'm a Student Assistant for Research Methodology now, so I have to keep that stuff a little up to date :P
L811[14:19:03] <Sangar> heh
L812[14:19:27] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L813[14:19:30] ⇨ Joins: Dyonovan (~Dyonovan@ip-67-213-71-210.fibre.fibrestream.ca)
L814[14:20:02] <Dyonovan> ok am i missing something. im trying to build a robot but it doesnt have a screen and cant find a screen slot per say in the assembelr?
L815[14:20:36] <Sangar> Dyonovan, put a t1 screen in an upgrade slot
L816[14:20:43] <Dyonovan> o just t1
L817[14:20:45] <Dyonovan> i was trying t3
L818[14:20:48] <Dyonovan> Thank you!
L819[14:20:51] <Sangar> np :)
L820[14:21:21] *** ShadowKatStudios is now known as SKS-Away
L821[14:21:33] <Sangar> sooo... quick feedback: screen text copying (for pasting on other screen) via analyzer, sound reasonable?
L822[14:21:47] <Sangar> i.e. shift-rightclick to copy a line, rightclick to paste stored line
L823[14:21:51] <Dyonovan> and i forgot the keyboard
L824[14:22:00] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L825[14:22:13] <Wobbo> Sangar: What is actually pretty funny, as a SA I am officially a employe at the RUG, so I have a @rug.nl and a @student.rug.nl adress :D
L826[14:22:25] <Sangar> Wobbo, fancy :>
L827[14:22:27] <Wobbo> Sangar: Sounds reasonable
L828[14:22:31] <Vexatos> Sangar, only if you click on the screen side
L829[14:22:33] <Vexatos> other sides for info
L830[14:22:43] <Sangar> Vexatos, yep
L831[14:22:54] <Dyonovan> o btw, getting a crash when right clicking a tier 3 screen.
L832[14:23:01] <Dyonovan> let me pastebin the crashlog if you want it
L833[14:23:02] <Wobbo> Sangar: I all ends up on my @gmail though :P
L834[14:23:06] <Sangar> Dyonovan, remove `li` directory from DragonAPI jar
L835[14:23:12] <Dyonovan> *sigh*
L836[14:23:20] <Dyonovan> reaika is becoming a pain
L837[14:23:34] <Vexatos> Like, Sangar doesn't even need crash logs anymore
L838[14:23:41] <Dyonovan> thought we got all the apis removed from it :(
L839[14:23:42] <LordFokas> someone should revoke his modding license :p
L840[14:23:47] <Sangar> Dyonovan, he's working on getting the apis out, he's running into some really odd problems though
L841[14:24:07] <Dyonovan> yea hes causing us major issues developing the new Beyond Reality pack
L842[14:24:08] <Vexatos> Maybe because he is using a COREMOD
L843[14:24:18] <Vexatos> He should really seperate out the coremod part and the rest
L844[14:24:21] <Vexatos> into different jars
L845[14:24:39] <Vexatos> Dyonovan, *new* Beyond Reality?
L846[14:24:43] <Vexatos> What will be different?
L847[14:24:57] <Dyonovan> yea. beyond reality: divergence
L848[14:25:00] <Dyonovan> no greg
L849[14:25:05] <Dyonovan> some smaller but hard modes
L850[14:25:07] <Vexatos> BR without greg?
L851[14:25:07] <Dyonovan> mods*
L852[14:25:08] <LordFokas> Vexatos, when users come to you with the same issue a hundred times a day, you can see the whole thing in your head without logs or even detailed descriptions :p
L853[14:25:10] <Vexatos> What is this madness
L854[14:25:25] <Sangar> Vexatos, why does it work for others though? :/ he even tried the only-inject-interfaces-when-mod-is-present-route now, and that's acting up, too. really strange.
L855[14:25:32] <Dyonovan> going to be as hard if not harder then greg :P
L856[14:25:51] <Vexatos> LordFokas, "my x crashed due to an API error" - if this issue is on Computronics' repo, it's an ExU bug for sure, if it's on OC's repo, it's a DragonAPI bug
L857[14:25:52] <Vexatos> :P
L858[14:26:03] <Vexatos> Sangar, because Reika
L859[14:26:11] <Wobbo> Huh, there is a Cognitive Modelling conference in Groning in April. Interesting…
L860[14:26:18] <Sangar> Vexatos, hah
L861[14:26:23] <Vexatos> Dyonovan, I assume OC will be inside, what will be the _main_ mods?
L862[14:26:32] <Dyonovan> iof course :P
L863[14:26:47] <Vexatos> Sangar, btw, i know someone made a private mod pack where OC robots&drones are the only way of item transport
L864[14:26:49] <Dyonovan> chemlab
L865[14:26:54] <Vexatos> aaaah
L866[14:27:06] <Sangar> Vexatos, wow, that's awesome *and* crazy. in equal measures :>
L867[14:27:08] <Dyonovan> femtocraft
L868[14:27:17] <Vexatos> Sangar, blame Cruor
L869[14:27:21] <Wobbo> And of course it is hosted by my porfessors :P
L870[14:27:23] <Vexatos> Dyonovan, so all the science
L871[14:27:27] <Dyonovan> yea
L872[14:27:37] <Vexatos> Will Computronics be in the pack *cough cough*
L873[14:27:39] <Cruor> ;_;
L874[14:27:49] <Dyonovan> um, not sure
L875[14:27:49] <Vexatos> Sorry, Cruor, couldn't resist
L876[14:27:51] <Dyonovan> let me check
L877[14:27:56] * Sangar blames Cruor for some reason he doesn't understand
L878[14:28:00] <Inari> rotarycraft
L879[14:28:02] <Inari> \o/
L880[14:28:08] <Vexatos> \o/ indeed
L881[14:28:11] <Vexatos> /o\
L882[14:28:25] <Dyonovan> yes rotarycraft will be in
L883[14:28:27] * LordFokas stares at Cruor. wait. Weren't you one of those all-in-for-cc guys?
L884[14:28:34] <gamax92> when its between life and death, people are willing to do embarrasing things to save someone's life.
L885[14:28:38] <Dyonovan> hmm not seeing computronics.. whats it about
L886[14:28:42] <Cruor> since when was i that
L887[14:28:42] <Vexatos> LordFokas, we successfully partially converted him
L888[14:28:51] <Vexatos> he's using both CC and OC now :3
L889[14:28:52] <Dyonovan> and my new mod (shamefull plug)
L890[14:28:59] <gamax92> Cruor: since CCLights
L891[14:29:02] <gamax92> and miku
L892[14:29:06] <Cruor> .-. wat
L893[14:29:10] <Cruor> i rendered homura
L894[14:29:10] <Vexatos> Dyonovan, I know it was in the old BR pack, at least last time I checked
L895[14:29:11] <Cruor> not miku
L896[14:29:21] <Dyonovan> bascially the pack is going to be gated
L897[14:29:21] <gamax92> Cruor: i remember you putting miku on the light grid.
L898[14:29:29] <Dyonovan> you need to do quests to unlock mods
L899[14:29:32] <Vexatos> Nice
L900[14:29:35] <Vexatos> Dyonovan, http://mc.shinonome.ch/doku.php?id=wiki:computronics
L901[14:29:43] <Inari> Cruor: did you use OC to render it?
L902[14:29:47] <Vexatos> Basically, an addon to CC/OC/NC and any bundled redstone mod
L903[14:29:51] <gamax92> remember this is back when there were light grids and you had to do turtle networking to use all the screens.
L904[14:29:52] <Cruor> ... OC wasnt out
L905[14:30:01] <Inari> boo
L906[14:30:08] <Dyonovan> ahh yea i remember that one
L907[14:30:08] <Inari> go re-do it in OC
L908[14:30:15] <Cruor> gamax92: i still like my 16x16 wool display
L909[14:30:16] <Vexatos> Also, Dyonovan, quests to _unlock_ mods? Sounds really cool
L910[14:30:16] <gamax92> OC was only a figment of Sangar's imagination
L911[14:30:18] * Vexatos likes
L912[14:30:21] <gamax92> Cruor: lol yes i remember.
L913[14:31:01] <Dyonovan> yes. there will be a main spawn building with doors. you get keys to unlock the doors from quests. also BC blueprints that you can give the the builder in the builder for rewards
L914[14:31:07] * Inari likes, favourites, follows, +1's, subscribes, stalks, threatens, ignores and forgets
L915[14:31:14] <Vexatos> Dyonovan, asie will love you for the blueprints
L916[14:31:18] <Vexatos> Sangar, any rough ETA for 1.4.7?
L917[14:31:23] <gamax92> Inari: dat favourites
L918[14:31:32] <gamax92> Vexatos: when its finished
L919[14:31:41] <Vexatos> gamax92, Sangar usually has a rough idea
L920[14:31:41] <Dyonovan> yea except there seems to be an issue with it. The slot that takes the blueprint can be accessed with pipes etc
L921[14:32:00] <Dyonovan> so i need the robot to distingish slots so the builder will finish before the blueprint will be removed
L922[14:32:16] <Vexatos> OC or BC robot?
L923[14:32:19] <Sangar> Vexatos, probably before i go to bed, just the copy-pasting left on todo list
L924[14:32:24] <Dyonovan> oc of course :P
L925[14:32:25] <Vexatos> Sangar, awesome!
L926[14:32:37] <Vexatos> Dyonovan, inventory controller uprade allows specifying a slot
L927[14:32:38] <Vexatos> doesn't it
L928[14:32:41] <Vexatos> Sangar, AMAZING
L929[14:32:41] <Dyonovan> yeup
L930[14:32:43] <Dyonovan> allready added
L931[14:32:47] <Vexatos> Then I can release Computronics 1.4 tomorrow
L932[14:32:50] <Vexatos> with all the amazing things
L933[14:33:08] <Dyonovan> just had the screen issue then forgot to add keyboard then i crashed
L934[14:33:47] <gamax92> Sangar: do you remember the time when OC was just a little baby?
L935[14:34:09] <Vexatos> "then forgot to add keyboard"
L936[14:34:11] <Vexatos> Happens far too often
L937[14:34:12] <Dyonovan> Vex, you on tybak?
L938[14:34:20] <Vexatos> I am whitelisted on it
L939[14:34:23] <Vexatos> But I never played
L940[14:34:24] <Dyonovan> ahh ok
L941[14:34:52] <Sangar> gamax92, yeah, barely. just had a glance over the first commits again a few days back, so weird :X the api was initially in scala >_>
L942[14:34:57] <Dyonovan> im supposed to tell you that Dom wants more THUTMC updates
L943[14:35:01] <gamax92> Sangar: lol :P
L944[14:35:49] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L945[14:35:52] <Vexatos> Dyonovan, thutmc?
L946[14:36:03] <Dyonovan> thats what he said
L947[14:36:04] <Dyonovan> no clue
L948[14:36:05] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L949[14:36:11] <Vexatos> "he"?
L950[14:36:17] <Dyonovan> Dominance
L951[14:36:21] <Vexatos> Wait
L952[14:36:23] <Vexatos> thut
L953[14:36:26] ⇦ Quits: wolfmitchell (~wolfmitch@ns510198.ip-198-27-68.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L954[14:37:10] <Vexatos> Probably means this mod http://gfycat.com/ClutteredMerryAdeliepenguin
L955[14:37:18] <Vexatos> I maintained it for a few months
L956[14:37:20] <Cruor> http://puu.sh/fo0L1/5559e4d1e4.png god bless
L957[14:37:22] <Vexatos> But now thut's back
L958[14:37:24] <Vexatos> and has a new mod
L959[14:37:34] <Wobbo> Sangar: How does the API actually work? is it a java wrapper around scala code or something?
L960[14:37:36] <Vexatos> Dyonovan, tell him this http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/224375-thuts-elevators
L961[14:37:38] <Vexatos> In case he means that
L962[14:38:08] <Sangar> Wobbo, it's just Java. Scala classes implement the Java interfaces, that's all.
L963[14:38:35] <Wobbo> Ah. So that is how you work your magic
L964[14:38:40] *** MrRatermat is now known as xXX[MC]MrR8rm8XxX
L965[14:38:55] <Cruor> do i need to update OC now? D:
L966[14:39:11] <Sangar> soon (tm)
L967[14:39:12] <Negi> Craaaaap :c
L968[14:39:13] <Vexatos> Anyways, Dyonovan, I hope Computronics will be in the pack, I heard it's a nice addon *cough cough*
L969[14:39:18] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L970[14:39:23] <Cruor> Vexatos: it is the sux
L971[14:39:28] <Cruor> wtf doesnt even toast bread
L972[14:39:44] <Sangar> Vexatos, I heard it was abandoned by someone leaving the modding scene [/s] :P
L973[14:39:45] <Negi> GParted takes more than 10 seconds to scan a disk => Ouch.
L974[14:39:50] <Vexatos> Sangar, /me kills
L975[14:39:54] <Negi> I/O Error while scanning => Double Ouch.
L976[14:40:13] <Vexatos> Cruor, no toaster in the mod, storry
L977[14:40:15] <Vexatos> sorry*
L978[14:40:17] <Cruor> i have a slight problem
L979[14:40:21] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-317-80.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L980[14:40:33] * Vexatos quickly notes down "computer-controlled toaster" on his to-do list
L981[14:40:40] *** xXX[MC]MrR8rm8XxX is now known as MrRatermat
L982[14:40:42] <Vexatos> Cruor, what's the problem?
L983[14:40:54] <Cruor> http://puu.sh/fo1rl/328f3de2fb.png this
L984[14:41:13] <Wobbo> Sangar: Reasoning about law is also interesting. It is essentially reasoning with a lot of uncertainty
L985[14:41:16] <Vexatos> what's that
L986[14:41:25] <Cruor> dont question what it is, that is the problem
L987[14:41:38] * Cruor shakes fist
L988[14:41:40] <Vexatos> it is s decorative block
L989[14:41:42] <Cruor> yes
L990[14:41:50] <Vexatos> it overwrites some recipe?
L991[14:41:50] <Cruor> and i cant craft it
L992[14:41:52] <Vexatos> ah
L993[14:41:54] <Vexatos> oh
L994[14:41:55] <Cruor> http://puu.sh/fo1xV/839cf6b7cc.png <_>
L995[14:42:06] <Vexatos> Cruor, re-do one of the recipes with minetweaker
L996[14:42:16] <Cruor> customNPCs can do it :p
L997[14:42:37] <Vexatos> Or that
L998[14:42:45] <Vexatos> just move the redstone down one
L999[14:42:45] <Sangar> Wobbo, yeah. it's kind of "objective by consent" :P
L1000[14:42:49] <Vexatos> I need to go now
L1001[14:42:53] * Vexatos throws cookies around
L1002[14:42:55] <Vexatos> <3 vifino
L1003[14:42:57] <Vexatos> Bye
L1004[14:43:28] <vifino> Bye Vexatos.
L1005[14:43:39] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E024B98F5AD2FF63E2BF501.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1006[14:43:39] <Wobbo> Sangar: Yeah, sort of like that :P
L1007[14:44:28] ⇦ Quits: Dyonovan (~Dyonovan@ip-67-213-71-210.fibre.fibrestream.ca) (Quit: Leaving)
L1008[14:44:47] *** pong is now known as xxXXn0sc0p3r1337P1ngXXxx
L1009[14:45:04] *** xxXXn0sc0p3r1337P1ngXXxx is now known as ping
L1010[14:49:51] <Wobbo> Well, I think I have a list of people I want to visit tomorrow
L1011[14:52:15] <Wobbo> Sangar: Btw, if you want more information about Bayesian statistics, I might be able to sneak you into a lecture about that :P
L1012[14:54:02] <Sangar> Wobbo, i'm good, thanks :P
L1013[14:55:26] <Wobbo> Already thought so :P
L1014[14:55:44] <gamax92> :s
L1015[14:58:44] ⇨ Joins: wolfmitchell (~wolfmitch@ns510198.ip-198-27-68.net)
L1016[15:01:40] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L1017[15:02:19] <vifino> I could visit Sangar if I wanted, i guess.
L1018[15:02:21] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1019[15:02:26] * vifino waves to Sangar
L1020[15:02:51] <vifino> Well, germany -> germany doesn't seem too far.
L1021[15:04:37] <Sangar> everything is relative :P
L1022[15:05:17] <Dashkal> I live in British Columbia. My sense of scale makes going to the next European country over a short drive >.>
L1023[15:05:20] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1024[15:05:25] <Wobbo> vifino: I live closer to germany than to Amsterdam, but even though Sangar ia far away
L1025[15:05:37] <vifino> Wobbo: :P
L1026[15:05:51] <Dashkal> I have got to get out there in the next few years...
L1027[15:07:09] <Wobbo> Dashkal: I guess the closest European country for you would be either France or the Netherlands. Plus, its ropical there and shit!
L1028[15:07:25] <Wobbo> Being the caribean and all
L1029[15:08:04] ⇦ Quits: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5249BC59.cm-4-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1030[15:09:59] ⇨ Joins: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5249BC59.cm-4-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L1031[15:09:59] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
L1032[15:10:11] <Wobbo> Alright, that was crappy
L1033[15:10:52] <Dashkal> Currently planning on focusing on Italy. The food... ye gods I want the food.
L1034[15:11:12] <Wobbo> Italian cuisine is more than just pizza :P
L1035[15:11:39] <Dashkal> Heh, what I call 'Pizza' has nothing to do with Italy
L1036[15:11:50] <Dashkal> I want to try proper Italian cuisine.
L1037[15:12:39] <Dashkal> I've had shadows of it. Vancouver is a culture city, we do have some pretty authentic restaurants here.
L1038[15:12:49] <Dashkal> s/,/;
L1039[15:12:49] <Kibibyte> <Dashkal> I've had shadows of it. Vancouver is a culture city; we do have some pretty authentic restaurants here.
L1040[15:14:29] <Wobbo> I don't actually know if I've had "real" italian cuisine. Been in italy multiple times, but never really picked out "real" Italian food.
L1041[15:14:43] <Wobbo> As far as I remeber anyway
L1042[15:14:46] <Wobbo> .time
L1043[15:14:46] <EnderBot2> Current OC time: Mon Feb 2 21:14:46 2015
L1044[15:16:47] <Dashkal> My city makes me want to travel because of that. We have all sorts of cultures represented.
L1045[15:17:03] <Dashkal> And since it's quite often people who migrated here running the places, it's pretty good stuff.
L1046[15:17:11] <Wobbo> I can just travel if I want to see another culture :P
L1047[15:17:35] <Wobbo> Not a lot of international students yet however, would be intersting to see that happen as well.
L1048[15:17:40] <Dashkal> My travel budget is pretty pegged, sadly. Can't seem to scrape together enough extra to hop continents.
L1049[15:17:52] <Wobbo> But that won't happen for my year, I'm in the last full Dutch year
L1050[15:18:07] <Dashkal> My SO is on board, so it'll happen.
L1051[15:18:24] <gamax92> Wobbo: lets sing.
L1052[15:18:25] <Wobbo> One of the pluses of living in Europe, travelling to another country is relativly easy :P
L1053[15:18:36] <Wobbo> gamax92: sing?
L1054[15:18:39] <gamax92> sing
L1055[15:18:44] <LordFokas> wobbo: depends on where you live
L1056[15:18:44] <Wobbo> sing
L1057[15:18:46] <gamax92> sing.
L1058[15:18:51] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1059[15:18:55] <Dashkal> Oh it's easy to travel to one other country :P
L1060[15:19:02] <Dashkal> And I do twice a year.
L1061[15:19:19] <Wobbo> LordFokas: True. but even crossing Germany is only two/three days by car or something like that?
L1062[15:19:24] <Dashkal> I vacation south of the border far more often than elsewhere in Canada.
L1063[15:19:32] <LordFokas> I live in Portugal, next 2 countries are spain and france, which means I don't get to go anywhere cool easily,
L1064[15:19:35] <Wobbo> gamax92: but really, sing?
L1065[15:19:42] <gamax92> sing.sing!
L1066[15:19:48] <Dashkal> 2/3 days? Really? Slow speed limits?
L1067[15:19:49] <Sangar> Wobbo, one
L1068[15:19:51] <Wobbo> LordFokas: Spain is cool. At least Barcelona
L1069[15:19:57] <Dashkal> Ok, that seems more like it
L1070[15:20:02] <Wobbo> Sangar: from west to east I meant.
L1071[15:20:22] <GunArm1> when you guys are working on OC lua programs, how do you do your dev? do you typically edit code on github and then transfer it over to execute?
L1072[15:20:30] <Wobbo> Sangar: I can get to Austria in one day :P
L1073[15:20:35] <Sangar> Wobbo, that's even less >_> well. then again, i don't know quite *how* crappy roads are in east germany, admittedly
L1074[15:20:41] <LordFokas> there's this thing where portuguese and spanish people can barely stand each others, so no, spain is totally not cool.
L1075[15:20:55] <Lizzy> lol?
L1076[15:21:06] <Wobbo> GunArm1: Normally I disable file buffering and just work on the hdd in OC from an external program
L1077[15:21:07] <Temia> I'm too lazy to alt-tab so I just usually use edit in-game, but I also tend to only do small utility scripts at the same time .-.
L1078[15:21:27] <LordFokas> and we've been at this for the last 900 years so I don't think it's going to change soon.
L1079[15:21:38] <Wobbo> Sangar: Might be one day as well. Its a few years ago that I went to Berlin and Prague
L1080[15:21:39] <Sangar> holding a grudge much?
L1081[15:21:51] <LordFokas> yup
L1082[15:21:58] <Wobbo> LordFokas: Welcome to Europe, where neighbours just can't stand eachother! :D
L1083[15:22:09] <Sangar> such a wonderful union!
L1084[15:22:35] <LordFokas> me and my SO are considering visiting London next summer... I'd like to be able to make it to Minecon, but I doubt we can afford it :(
L1085[15:22:39] <GunArm1> Wobbo: so like you just use vim on the server?
L1086[15:22:50] <Wobbo> At least we can all agree on one thing, we all hate the French!
L1087[15:22:53] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1088[15:22:57] <LordFokas> yes
L1089[15:23:06] <LordFokas> screw the french!
L1090[15:23:07] <Wobbo> GunArm1: I normally don't play on servers. So vim on local machine
L1091[15:23:16] <GunArm1> sure
L1092[15:23:27] <LordFokas> actually french aren't so bad. I'm not too fond of them but meh.
L1093[15:23:41] <Lizzy> LordFokas, ooh you'll have to tell me when you're in london so i can try and meet up with you :P
L1094[15:24:10] <Wobbo> LordFokas: The French that speak something different than French are alright. The others, meh…
L1095[15:24:24] <Pyrolusite> We hate you all too, I guess
L1096[15:24:55] <LordFokas> Lizzy, we'll I've been discussing this with AngieBLD|Off, and we really want to go there and we'd love to meet you, but we still don't know if we're going.
L1097[15:25:31] <Wobbo> I might be travelling through England/Scotland this summer.
L1098[15:25:49] <MindWorX> Sangar, Seriously. :P 10/11 suggestions implemented in no time. :P
L1099[15:25:57] <MindWorX> You're way too efficient :P
L1100[15:26:02] * Dashkal blinks
L1101[15:26:08] <LordFokas> MindWorX, magic
L1102[15:26:11] <Dashkal> Wait, you can turn off buffering and just edit the hdd directly?
L1103[15:26:15] <Dashkal> Oh my...
L1104[15:26:20] <MindWorX> Dashkal, Yeah. I do that :p
L1105[15:26:35] <Dashkal> I'm the admin. This is shortly going to be a thing...
L1106[15:26:48] <MindWorX> If the choice is between NPP and the ingame text editor, the choice is pretty clear :P
L1107[15:27:04] <Dashkal> In my case, vim. Hosted server.
L1108[15:27:26] <Dashkal> (Well, I believe npp has sftp integration, so could go that way too)
L1109[15:27:34] <Negi> Wobbo: I'm french, damn it <_<
L1110[15:27:48] <Wobbo> Negi: :P
L1111[15:28:34] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1112[15:28:35] <Negi> Please respect the fact that I'm not as much of an asshole as 99% of the french population >_<
L1113[15:28:52] <MindWorX> Negi, You must be, you're French.
L1114[15:29:15] <MindWorX> It's destiny
L1115[15:29:22] <MindWorX> Like me, I'm Danish, so I must be a racist. :P
L1116[15:29:44] <Negi> MindWorX: If you're racist I'm punching you in the balls :D
L1117[15:30:34] <Wobbo> Negi: Its what MindWorX said, I'm Dutch, so I must be stoned right now :P
L1118[15:30:58] <Negi> Wobbo: >_<
L1119[15:31:14] <MindWorX> Wobbo, You're saying you're not?
L1120[15:31:16] <Negi> If I were that much of a french I'd be drinking wine and eating bread fyi.
L1121[15:31:40] <Negi> (And I hate wine. And bread. Holy shit so many people round here wouldn't like that.)
L1122[15:31:41] <MindWorX> baguettes*
L1123[15:31:52] <LordFokas> not just any bread! un bagette!
L1124[15:32:00] <Wobbo> MindWorX: Nah, I had to get my bike repaired, so I couldn't buy more weed and my own plants aren't ready for harvest yet
L1125[15:32:05] <Pyrolusite> I don't like wine, but I don't mind bread though
L1126[15:32:05] <Negi> baguette* LordFokas.
L1127[15:32:10] <MindWorX> Wobbo, You poor thing. :(
L1128[15:32:14] <Negi> ge and gue are different things :I
L1129[15:32:16] <LordFokas> ah I knew I was missing something
L1130[15:32:27] <LordFokas> yeah I know
L1131[15:32:29] <MindWorX> On an unrelated note! Sangra made the fluid stuff I wanted! Time to implement my Hydrobot!
L1132[15:32:40] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L1133[15:33:13] <Negi> An hydrobot ?
L1134[15:33:20] <MindWorX> It's for a challenge map :P
L1135[15:33:23] <Negi> HOLY HYDROBOTS ?!
L1136[15:33:23] <Wobbo> MindWorX: Sangar is here, you can ping him now to thank him :P
L1137[15:33:33] <MindWorX> I sort of did :P
L1138[15:33:59] <MindWorX> Negi, It's a world of Dried Dirt, Dead Wood and Dead Grass. :P The Hydrobot will serve to make those materials usable.
L1139[15:34:16] <Sangar> yeah, he sorta did ;) my pleasure btw [also, slow to react because copying to clipboard is a relative pain because client vs server :X]
L1140[15:34:23] <MindWorX> Dried Dirt -> Dirt, Dead Wood -> Oak Wood and Dead Grass -> Grass
L1141[15:35:27] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0) (Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1)
L1142[15:38:08] <MindWorX> Is there a way to get blockname from id?
L1143[15:38:18] <MindWorX> err, name from id*
L1144[15:41:57] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1145[15:42:04] <MindWorX> Sangar, if I use insertItem on air, it returns true. Is this intended?
L1146[15:42:27] <Sangar> hmm, that seems odd
L1147[15:42:53] <Sangar> it should return nil, "no inventory"
L1148[15:42:59] <MindWorX> Hm
L1149[15:43:05] <MindWorX> I'll double-check.
L1150[15:43:28] <MindWorX> Actually, you might be right. I'm being a bit stupid I think.
L1151[15:43:33] <MindWorX> while component.debug.getWorld().insertItem(result.item, count, result.damage, "", xo, yo, zo, 0) == false do
L1152[15:43:51] <MindWorX> Since nil != false, it continues with the code. :P
L1153[15:44:27] <MindWorX> What's the != operator in Lua? <>?
L1154[15:44:31] <MindWorX> ~=?
L1155[15:44:50] <Wobbo> ~=
L1156[15:45:02] <MindWorX> Okay
L1157[15:45:20] <MindWorX> So I'll just change it to while component.debug.getWorld().insertItem(result.item, count, result.damage, "", xo, yo, zo, 0) ~= true do
L1158[15:46:27] <Wobbo> MindWorX: Why compare it with something in the first place?
L1159[15:46:31] <Sangar> you can also do `while not ...insertItem(...) do`
L1160[15:46:40] <MindWorX> Oh
L1161[15:46:53] <Sangar> nil is coerced to false when used in boolean expressions
L1162[15:47:09] <MindWorX> I'll do that
L1163[15:47:29] <Wobbo> Sangar: I thought that not nil was defined seperately. TIL I guess
L1164[15:48:07] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1165[15:48:10] <Sangar> i'm pretty sure that works, but...
L1166[15:48:15] <Wobbo> Sangar: If I ever were to create a dynamicly typed language, I wouldn't even include false I guess. Or True. just nil. make if a test for existance.
L1167[15:48:19] <Sangar> now you make me doubt myself :P
L1168[15:48:31] <Sangar> Wobbo, like lisp? ;)
L1169[15:48:47] <Wobbo> Sangar: Lisp has T which is true sort of, but yes.
L1170[15:49:07] *** Skye is now known as Skye|ZZZ
L1171[15:49:34] <Wobbo> Sangar: if can be used for a test of existance. macros can be used to define while, unless and when
L1172[15:49:39] <Sangar> .l if not nil then print("ok") else print("nope") end
L1173[15:49:39] <^v> Sangar, ok | nil
L1174[15:49:50] <Sangar> i'm sane \o/
L1175[15:50:16] <vifino> Sangar and sane? I call BS.
L1176[15:50:17] <Wobbo> Sangar: That doesn't disprove my theory :P I thought that not nil just resulted in true
L1177[15:50:20] <vifino> :P
L1178[15:50:21] <Shuudoushi> lol
L1179[15:50:24] <MindWorX> Sangar, Using not didn't work.
L1180[15:50:29] <MindWorX> Using ~= true did.
L1181[15:50:40] <ping> .l not true
L1182[15:50:40] <^v> ping, false
L1183[15:50:47] <ping> .l not nil
L1184[15:50:47] <^v> ping, true
L1185[15:50:48] <Sangar> huh
L1186[15:51:33] <Wobbo> That is extremely weird
L1187[15:51:44] <ds84182> what are we talking about
L1188[15:51:48] <Wobbo> .l not nil, "hello"
L1189[15:51:48] <^v> Wobbo, true | hello
L1190[15:51:48] <Sangar> MindWorX, that kind of doesn't make sense, unless i'm missing something
L1191[15:51:52] <ds84182> .l not not not true
L1192[15:51:52] <^v> ds84182, false
L1193[15:52:08] <MindWorX> Sangar, Hm.
L1194[15:52:10] <Wobbo> Sangar: Multiple return values destorying shit?
L1195[15:52:21] <Shuudoushi> They maybe using an older ver of OC that doesn't rec not?
L1196[15:52:33] <Sangar> Wobbo, nah, lua just drops the rest in those cases... afaik, anyway :P
L1197[15:52:53] <Sangar> .l52 not nil
L1198[15:52:53] <^v> Nope.
L1199[15:52:55] <Wobbo> Sangar: focus on the next line I write
L1200[15:52:57] <Sangar> uwot
L1201[15:53:01] <Wobbo> .l not nil, "Hello"
L1202[15:53:01] <^v> Wobbo, true | Hello
L1203[15:53:04] <ds84182> .l __VERSION
L1204[15:53:04] <^v> ds84182, nil
L1205[15:53:07] <ds84182> .l _VERSION
L1206[15:53:07] <^v> ds84182, Lua 5.2
L1207[15:53:13] <Shuudoushi> that or Sangar broke something while adding/fixing something else >.>
L1208[15:53:14] <ds84182> .l is already 5.2
L1209[15:53:28] <Sangar> psht, i *never* break shit. *ever*.
L1210[15:53:35] <Sangar> ds84182, yeah
L1211[15:53:37] <Shuudoushi> uh huh
L1212[15:53:38] <Sangar> sooo, no clue
L1213[15:53:40] <ds84182> suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure
L1214[15:53:53] <ds84182> remember that time when that thing broke
L1215[15:53:59] <Shuudoushi> lol
L1216[15:54:04] <ds84182> that thing, ya kno the thing I'm talking about
L1217[15:54:10] <Sangar> wasntme, must've been dragonapi
L1218[15:54:11] <ds84182> the thinggy thing
L1219[15:54:19] <gamax92> OpenThing
L1220[15:54:26] <LordFokas> I'm pretty sure it was the thing that does the stuff
L1221[15:54:27] <ds84182> ThinggyCraft
L1222[15:54:33] <gamax92> MineThing
L1223[15:54:46] <LordFokas> NotEnoughThings
L1224[15:54:49] <ds84182> I should subtly corrupt a program's memory
L1225[15:54:51] <Wobbo> Sangar: I guess that nil does take multi args in regard
L1226[15:54:54] <MindWorX> Alright! Time to try the fluid stuff! Gotta find them bugs!
L1227[15:55:03] * ds84182 starts poking at hexchat
L1228[15:55:09] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1229[15:55:11] <ds84182> sudo su -
L1230[15:55:11] <Kodos> Fluid stuff?
L1231[15:55:22] <Kodos> Also, anyone wanna help me by testing my reactor program?
L1232[15:55:30] <MindWorX> Sangar kindly added insertItem/removeItem to the debug card.
L1233[15:55:33] <GunArm1> Kodos: what does it do
L1234[15:55:44] <GunArm1> at this very moment I was writing a feature list for one I was going to write
L1235[15:55:46] <gamax92> Sangar: can i have access to every function in MC from the debug card
L1236[15:55:51] <Kodos> Well, provided I didn't fuck it up, it automatically sets up your control rods based on power being consumed
L1237[15:55:58] <Kodos> Which is gauged by how full or empty the buffer is
L1238[15:56:00] <Sangar> gamax92, go for it, make all the prs! :P
L1239[15:56:03] <gamax92> like System.exit
L1240[15:56:09] <Sangar> lol
L1241[15:56:15] <ds84182> gamax92: you have to make a mapping of all the mc functions
L1242[15:56:19] <gamax92> ds84182: no stfu
L1243[15:56:25] <ds84182> fine
L1244[15:56:30] <ds84182> be that way
L1245[15:56:33] <ds84182> bitch
L1246[15:56:38] <ds84182> jklol
L1247[15:56:40] <gamax92> lol
L1248[15:56:42] * gamax92 hugs
L1249[15:56:42] <MindWorX> oh snap
L1250[15:56:50] <gamax92> did he?
L1251[15:56:55] <ds84182> why am I over here
L1252[15:57:05] <GunArm1> can't test it now, at work, but i'm interested
L1253[15:57:05] <gamax92> guys help!
L1254[15:57:07] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~samis@95f126c6.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1255[15:57:11] <MindWorX> [22:55:33] [Server thread/INFO] [fml.ModTracker]: This world was saved with mod OpenComputers version and it is now at version, things may not work well
L1256[15:57:16] <LordFokas> I can smell the BanHammer
L1257[15:57:26] <ds84182> LordFokas: nah, thats just my fart
L1258[15:57:29] <Caitlyn> LordFokas, that'd be because I'm welding it :D
L1259[15:57:44] <Caitlyn> <-- Raging badmin!
L1260[15:57:45] <ds84182> the ban hammer has a scratch and sniff ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)
L1261[15:57:48] * gamax92 prays to our #oc Goddess Caitlyn not to ban
L1262[15:57:57] <Sangar> MindWorX, yeah, that's normal, nevermind that
L1263[15:57:59] * gamax92 also donates money at the shrine
L1264[15:58:03] <MindWorX> I know :P
L1265[15:58:06] <Caitlyn> lol
L1266[15:58:19] <ds84182> where are we
L1267[15:58:21] <Sangar> s/donates money/donates kittens/
L1268[15:58:21] <Kibibyte> * gamax92 also donates kittens at the shrine
L1269[15:58:22] <ds84182> japan
L1270[15:58:26] <LordFokas> gamax92, you forgot to sacrifice a goat, your sould shall not be spared.
L1271[15:58:29] <ds84182> now entering japan
L1272[15:58:31] <ds84182> glhf
L1273[15:58:45] <gamax92> Loading Japan ... [| ] 1%
L1274[15:58:51] <Sangar> 日本へようこそ
L1275[15:58:57] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1276[15:59:00] <gamax92> dammit Sangar
L1277[15:59:04] <Caitlyn> 三千代
L1278[15:59:07] <gamax92> D:
L1279[15:59:12] <LordFokas> oh noes
L1280[15:59:15] <Caitlyn> It's ok... that's just my name :P
L1281[15:59:19] ⇦ Parts: gamax92 (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu) (I can't take this.))
L1282[15:59:22] <Sangar> Caitlyn, hah, amazingly enough, i can read that :P
L1283[15:59:27] <Caitlyn> woot
L1284[15:59:32] <ds84182> シンボルスープ
L1285[16:00:22] <Sangar> allrighty, copying lines seems to work
L1286[16:00:34] <Sangar> and because i never break shit, all will be just fine
L1287[16:00:38] <Wobbo> Could you all stop talking japanese for a minute? My translotro isn't finished yet!
L1288[16:00:46] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f126c6.skybroadband.com)
L1289[16:00:53] <Wobbo> Sangar: Copied from stack overflow?
L1290[16:01:02] <ds84182> Jhaphanise
L1291[16:01:09] <Sangar> Wobbo, stackoverflow has minecraft code snippets? :P
L1292[16:01:23] <Shuudoushi> DarkMultiPlayer for KSP 0.90 seems to be better than the old KSPM
L1293[16:02:12] ⇨ Joins: gamax92 (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu)
L1294[16:02:12] zsh sets mode: +v on gamax92
L1295[16:02:49] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L1296[16:03:49] <Wobbo> Sangar: Probably
L1297[16:04:16] *** Away_21 is now known as Wuerfel_21
L1298[16:04:29] <Wobbo> Its stackoverflow, it has all the things!
L1299[16:04:34] <gamax92> Caitlyn: Three thousand generations
L1300[16:04:39] <ds84182> I overwrote part of hexchat's stack
L1301[16:04:46] <Caitlyn> gamax92, wat
L1302[16:04:57] <ds84182> what should I do next
L1303[16:05:10] <Wobbo> ds84182: Port it to lua?
L1304[16:05:10] <Caitlyn> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IZw2CoYztk
L1305[16:05:10] -Kibibyte- [Caitlyn] "Paperwork Explosion" | by hensoncompany | 4m59s | 252w6d ago | 78,75 views | Rated: 4.99/5.00
L1306[16:05:12] <Caitlyn> o_O
L1307[16:05:15] <Caitlyn> the 60's man
L1308[16:05:16] <Wuerfel_21> bababa, STACKOVERFLOW! "Helping everyone not to die since... evearz!!!11!"
L1309[16:05:19] <MindWorX> I see a creative Tablet case!
L1310[16:05:22] <gamax92> Caitlyn: your children shall live past three thousand generations
L1311[16:05:29] <ds84182> I'll corrupt heap next
L1312[16:05:30] <Caitlyn> mkay
L1313[16:05:55] <MindWorX> Hmm, are tank upgrades not visible on the UI of a robot?
L1314[16:06:00] <ds84182> so. I wonder what changed
L1315[16:06:17] <Sangar> MindWorX, nope, sorry, they're not :/
L1316[16:06:22] <ds84182> heh
L1317[16:06:26] <ds84182> simply crashed
L1318[16:06:28] <ds84182> it took some time
L1319[16:06:29] <MindWorX> That's alright. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something silly.
L1320[16:07:10] <Shuudoushi> this thing RAPES my FPS... http://puu.sh/fogLf/df4b769b1d.png
L1321[16:07:22] <Wobbo> Caitlyn: Yeah, old adds are weird
L1322[16:07:49] <GunArm1> speaking of FPS, on my server, robots (hovering up and down) render about 2-4 frames per second, when the rest of my world is normal FPS. is that typical? or indicative of a problem?
L1323[16:08:21] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1324[16:10:07] <Temia> ....k-kibbal?
L1325[16:10:33] <Sangar> GunArm1, that seems extreme... are you sure it's the robots?
L1326[16:11:25] <GunArm1> well, it's not dragging the rest of the serverd own, everything is pretty normal (40-60fps) except the robots kinda tick-tick-tick up and down
L1327[16:11:48] <GunArm1> i think they are responsive enough to programming and everything
L1328[16:12:06] <GunArm1> just a visual thing, which isn't a big deal, just htought I'd ask about it
L1329[16:12:19] <Sangar> i'm not sure i understand. you mean the fps remains normal but the hover anymation is jerky?
L1330[16:12:25] <GunArm1> yes
L1331[16:12:29] <Sangar> ah
L1332[16:12:30] <Sangar> hrm
L1333[16:12:55] * Sangar starts server
L1334[16:13:29] <Temia> Probably a choppy transmission? .-.
L1335[16:13:50] <MindWorX> No touchevents for robots?!
L1336[16:14:07] <Wobbo> MindWorX: no touch events for tier one screens
L1337[16:14:16] <MindWorX> And robots only accept tier one screens :(
L1338[16:14:22] <Sangar> hrm, smooth for me
L1339[16:14:23] <Wobbo> Yep
L1340[16:14:48] <Sangar> the vertical position i purely based on the client's frame time anyway, so it shouldn't be affected by networking...
L1341[16:14:52] <Sangar> *is
L1342[16:15:01] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L1343[16:15:01] <MindWorX> That's alright! Keyboard is fine!
L1344[16:15:54] <GunArm1> Sangar: interesting. I have not even tried it on a local game. I could do that
L1345[16:17:07] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1346[16:18:14] <Sangar> hrm, tho there is one minor oddity in the code, looking over it again...
L1347[16:18:38] *** Oddstr13 is now known as Odd|Away
L1348[16:20:01] <MindWorX> Is os.sleep(math.huge) the appropriate way of keeping a program alive that is purely event driven?
L1349[16:20:20] <Sangar> GunArm1, try build 392 when it's done (or wait for 1.4.7), that *may* help. can't really say, because i see no difference, personally, but who knows :P
L1350[16:20:35] <GunArm1> Sangar: ok, will do
L1351[16:21:08] <Sangar> MindWorX, you can do that, i guess. or you could just have a standard event.pull loop instead of using listeners, which is the more common approach.
L1352[16:21:23] <MindWorX> Hmm, event listeners just seem so nice :P
L1353[16:21:28] ⇦ Quits: GUIpsp (~GUIpsp@c-66-41-216-194.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L1354[16:21:31] <Temia> Aren't listeners mostly for TSRs anyway?
L1355[16:21:35] <GunArm1> can't you just subscribe to the events and let the program exit?
L1356[16:21:40] <GunArm1> "driver mode"
L1357[16:21:52] <GunArm1> i thought I read that
L1358[16:21:53] <MindWorX> Well, the program keeps starting because I've replaced the shell :P
L1359[16:22:07] <Wobbo> MindWorX: You could also write an rc script and just have the robot return to the shell
L1360[16:22:16] <Temia> Pull for a specific user-made exit event?
L1361[16:22:18] <MindWorX> No shell!
L1362[16:22:31] * MindWorX stomps on the shell.
L1363[16:22:34] <MindWorX> Away it goes!
L1364[16:22:39] <MindWorX> Kill those Goombas
L1365[16:22:49] <Wobbo> MindWorX: Let it read from a log file to display its contents
L1366[16:24:09] ⇦ Quits: DFrostedWang (~DFrostedW@ (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L1367[16:24:14] ⇨ Joins: GUIpsp (~GUIpsp@c-66-41-216-194.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
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L1370[16:27:10] *** Odd|Away is now known as Oddstr13
L1371[16:29:05] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L1372[16:30:21] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1373[16:34:00] <Wobbo> .time
L1374[16:34:01] <EnderBot2> Current OC time: Mon Feb 2 22:34:00 2015
L1375[16:34:11] <Wobbo> I'm going for today. Speak you all later!
L1376[16:34:16] <Caitlyn> o/
L1377[16:34:24] ⇦ Quits: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5249BC59.cm-4-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
L1378[16:36:40] *** AngieBLD|Off is now known as AngieBLD
L1379[16:38:18] <MindWorX> Is there a simple way to format a number with two digits?
L1380[16:38:19] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
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L1382[16:48:29] *** Wuerfel_21 is now known as Away_21
L1383[16:50:13] <Sangar> MindWorX, string.format("%.2f", number)
L1384[16:50:13] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
L1385[16:50:21] <MindWorX> Alright
L1386[16:51:09] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1387[16:52:55] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L1388[16:52:55] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L1389[17:06:24] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-317-80.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L1390[17:06:24] <Sangar> all right, someone want to give 1.4.7 a quick go before the release proper?
L1391[17:08:18] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1392[17:12:05] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L1397[17:21:50] <MindWorX> Sangar, A quick go?
L1398[17:22:01] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L1399[17:22:12] <Sangar> see if anything obvious breaks :X
L1400[17:22:15] <MindWorX> I'm using 390 if that's of any use.
L1401[17:22:22] <MindWorX> So far my scripts are working :)
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L1404[17:23:12] <Sangar> great. so if anything broke at least it was in the two commits directly before the release :>
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L1412[17:36:56] <MindWorX> Is there a way to do log2 natively? Or should I just calculate it?
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L1421[17:56:39] <MindWorX> Is there a shortcut for persistant values? Or do I need to use files?
L1422[17:56:59] <MindWorX> I guess I could just have a table and the serialize/deserialize it to/from a file.
L1423[17:57:04] <MindWorX> then*
L1424[17:57:09] <Inari> whats a good and quick image hoster that doesnt delete images and has an account system?
L1425[17:57:17] <MindWorX> imgur
L1426[17:57:43] <Inari> hmm not really liking that one too much
L1427[17:57:45] <Dashkal> You aren't very likely to ever find both free and never-deletes.
L1428[17:58:00] <MindWorX> What's wrong with imgur?
L1429[17:58:02] <Dashkal> Imgur has something around a 200 limit for free accounts.
L1430[17:58:11] <MindWorX> Really?
L1431[17:58:14] <MindWorX> Never knew that.
L1432[17:58:25] <Dashkal> It's there, but not exactly low, so a bit of a non-issue.
L1433[17:58:38] <MindWorX> 225 apparently
L1434[17:58:55] <Inari> well theres dropbox, but its slow :<
L1435[17:59:30] <Inari> i curretnly have 750 screenshots on dropbox
L1436[17:59:46] <Inari> i'll just go and abuse some MC server as imagehost
L1437[18:00:14] <Dashkal> I think imgur's limit is climbing over time.
L1438[18:01:42] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L1439[18:01:43] *** Sangar changes topic to 'Forums: http://oc.cil.li/ | Wiki: http://ocd.cil.li/ | Latest version: 1.4.7 | Dev Builds: http://ci.cil.li/ | Channel Rules: http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/171- | Stats: http://goo.gl/Hzm22G | Don't ask to ask, just ask!'
L1440[18:02:12] <Caitlyn> I just use sharex and FTP upload lol
L1441[18:02:44] <Caitlyn> sharex also uploads to owncloud which works well
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L1445[18:09:57] <Inari> Caitlyn: i use shareX with drpobox
L1446[18:10:00] <Inari> i have no FTP thouhg
L1447[18:10:10] <Caitlyn> Inari, I have 2 TB of storage with FTP access :P
L1448[18:10:23] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1449[18:10:38] <Inari> :p
L1450[18:10:45] <Caitlyn> Need space? lol
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L1453[18:14:17] <MindWorX> Hydrobot UI: http://i.imgur.com/1gDYfdV.png
L1454[18:14:24] <MindWorX> Heading in the right direction.
L1455[18:15:07] <Sangar> ohhh, fancy. upgrades.
L1456[18:15:56] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1457[18:16:29] <MindWorX> Yeah
L1458[18:16:34] <MindWorX> log2 scaled.
L1459[18:16:41] <MindWorX> So people can throw in as many as they like :P
L1460[18:16:54] <MindWorX> Not going to be very efficient compared to the alternatives, but they have the option.
L1461[18:17:20] <MindWorX> And since I'm utilizing tanks, they could just pump in the water from the outside.
L1462[18:17:44] <Sangar> nice
L1463[18:19:48] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L1464[18:36:09] <MindWorX> Hmm, looks like my deltaTick calculations are working nicely as well.
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L1466[18:36:38] <MindWorX> I needed a steady fluid insertion that didn't care too much about lag.
L1467[18:36:44] <MindWorX> Or time spent in the program.
L1468[18:37:25] <Inari> whats hydrobot
L1469[18:38:28] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1470[18:41:52] <MindWorX> A machine for a challenge map
L1471[18:42:21] <Inari> ah
L1472[18:42:38] <MindWorX> It takes place in an infinite "Wasteland" biome from Biomes O Plenty. The Hydrobot converts Dead Wood to Oak Wood, Dried Dirt to Dirt and Dead Grass to Grass using water from it's internal tank. :)
L1473[18:42:46] <MindWorX> It makes heavy use of the debug card, but it works nicely. :P
L1474[18:42:50] <Inari> i still want quicker drawing for OC
L1475[18:43:42] <Dashkal> The upgrades aren't fast enough?
L1476[18:43:57] <Dashkal> They got a hell of a boost a couple versions back.
L1477[18:44:36] <Inari> upgrades?
L1478[18:45:26] ⇦ Quits: justastranger|zzz (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646) (Excess Flood)
L1479[18:45:33] <Dashkal> Inari: From 1.4.3: "Changed: Faster GPU draw calls. Finally got around to do some proper testing and verified the old limits were a tad too conservative. It only took me a year!"
L1480[18:46:00] <Shuudoushi> sounds like Sangar...
L1481[18:46:09] <Inari> hm
L1482[18:46:13] <Inari> wonder how quick it is now then
L1483[18:46:20] <Sangar> 16x
L1484[18:46:21] * Shuudoushi slaps Caitlyn around with a fish.
L1485[18:46:21] * EnderBot2 laughs
L1486[18:46:35] * Caitlyn kicks Shuudoushi
L1487[18:46:39] <Inari> hm thats nice~
L1488[18:46:39] <Shuudoushi> XD
L1489[18:47:05] <Shuudoushi> Caitlyn: you still have a KSP server?
L1490[18:47:08] <Caitlyn> no
L1491[18:47:15] <Shuudoushi> didn't think so lol
L1492[18:47:22] <Dashkal> It was immediately apparent too. Fired up component browser program I had in a test world and the redraw was suddenly off of 33.6k modem levels :P
L1493[18:47:41] <Shuudoushi> XD
L1494[18:47:48] <Dashkal> That's probably generous.. pre buff it was probably 9600...
L1495[18:47:49] <Inari> *goes to find her program to test that*
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L1497[18:48:42] <Shuudoushi> and I'm treating KSP like MC again... The number of mods that have to be loaded is insane...
L1498[18:49:05] <Inari> hope the next KSP update will make it more interesitng
L1499[18:49:21] <Shuudoushi> that's why we have mods though :S
L1500[18:49:23] <Shuudoushi> :D*
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L1502[18:49:37] <Shuudoushi> what was the last ver you played with Inari?
L1503[18:49:45] <Inari> beta
L1504[18:49:52] <Shuudoushi> so o.90?
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L1506[18:49:55] <Inari> ya
L1507[18:50:06] <Inari> not for very long thouhg
L1508[18:50:24] <Shuudoushi> yeah, it's really grindy i you ask me
L1509[18:50:43] <MindWorX> What functions are affected by robot levels?
L1510[18:50:46] <Inari> the contract stuff is more annoying than interesting, it doesnt work wiht my joystick, timewarp still breaks things left and right, and meh
L1511[18:50:50] <MindWorX> Swing, suck/drop?
L1512[18:51:01] <Caitlyn> Ugh... anyone wanna suggest a sensible way to start/stop a timer across classes?
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L1514[18:51:42] <Shuudoushi> Inari: yeah... the contract system needs a rework from hell... and you still need a mod to use joysticks/controllers...
L1515[18:51:56] <Caitlyn> just calling myTimer.cancle() wants the timer to be static, but that leads to everything it accesses needing to be static, which leads to moar stuff being static and it all goes to hell :D
L1516[18:52:20] <Inari> guess id eleted my program
L1517[18:52:21] <Inari> ohwell
L1518[18:53:20] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f126c6.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1519[18:53:35] <Inari> not gonna rewrite it right now XD
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L1534[19:21:17] zsh sets mode: +v on calclavia
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L1539[19:23:11] <GunArm> if I edit my lua files (or any files) outside of of the game client in /minecraft/world/opencomputers/{guid}/file do I have to do something to make that be reflected in game?
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L1543[19:24:07] <Sangar> GunArm, set bufferChanges=false in the config or force the world to save or remove and re-insert the disk/floppy
L1544[19:25:34] <GunArm> thx
L1545[19:26:11] <Dashkal> Any of those three?
L1546[19:26:17] <Dashkal> Hrm, the disk dance may be more than enough
L1547[19:26:23] <Sangar> any, yes
L1548[19:26:31] *** AngieBLD is now known as AngieBLD|Off
L1549[19:26:42] <GunArm> yes pulling the disk out and putting it back is easiest
L1550[19:26:54] <GunArm> is there any side effects of setting bufferCHanges=false?
L1551[19:27:07] <GunArm> (pulling the disk worked, of course)
L1552[19:27:11] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~ping@2601:4:680:104c:1cf0:5769:637f:876d)
L1553[19:27:21] <Dashkal> Only the one you asked for. Any IO from the OC computer now turns to IO on your server.
L1554[19:27:40] <GunArm> neat
L1555[19:27:41] <Sangar> GunArm, more real disk i/o, potential of fs desyncing with computer state if game crashes
L1556[19:27:53] <GunArm> ah I see
L1557[19:28:17] <Dashkal> Yeah, think I'll go with that route. Working on a floppy isn't too much to pay to avoid potental server issues.
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L1561[19:34:12] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L1562[19:35:01] <ping> .-. TIL sqrt(x) is just x^(1/2)
L1563[19:35:14] <Pwootage> ping: really? Did you not take college algebra?
L1564[19:35:51] <wolfmitchell> well i just learned that
L1565[19:37:18] <Sangar> so, i just opened curse.com in chrome. almost didn't recognize the site with all those ads o.O
L1566[19:37:44] <Caitlyn> Sangar, ads? ads where? AdBlock+ ftw :P
L1567[19:37:46] <Pwootage> Curse is one of the two reasons I ever use adblock (and I don't hardly use curse ever)
L1568[19:37:54] <Pwootage> because holy crap ads
L1569[19:38:03] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
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L1572[19:38:35] <ping> Pwootage, im not even in college
L1573[19:39:05] <Sangar> Caitlyn, in ff, yeah :P i intentionally keep chrome "vanilla" for pages that break from noscript/adblock
L1574[19:39:22] <Caitlyn> This is why you can disable adblock per page :P
L1575[19:39:32] <ds84182> ping: you learn that in 11 grade algerbra
L1576[19:39:38] <ds84182> s/algerbra
L1577[19:39:41] <ds84182> s/algerbra/math
L1578[19:39:41] <Kibibyte> <ds84182> s/math
L1579[19:39:44] <ds84182> lol
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L1581[19:39:53] <Sangar> Caitlyn, there have been cases where that didn't work for me. maybe that's fixed or idk, but it's just as easy this way :P
L1582[19:40:01] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-58-165-35-99.lns1.lon.bigpond.net.au)
L1583[19:40:28] <Pwootage> College algebra and 11th grade math are the same thing >.>
L1584[19:40:49] <ds84182> trudatyo
L1585[19:41:07] <ds84182> you should of atleast learned that 2^6*2^8 = 2^14
L1586[19:41:20] <ds84182> .l 2^6*2^8
L1587[19:41:20] <^v> ds84182, 16384
L1588[19:41:23] <ds84182> .l 2^14
L1589[19:41:23] <^v> ds84182, 16384
L1590[19:42:02] <Pwootage> I wonder if lua does
L1591[19:42:08] <ds84182> and with that logic, 2^(1/2)*2^(1/2) = 2^1
L1592[19:42:14] <ds84182> Pwootage: does what
L1593[19:42:14] <Pwootage> .l 2^(1/2)
L1594[19:42:14] <^v> Pwootage, 1.4142135623731
L1595[19:42:19] <Pwootage> it does! nice
L1596[19:42:23] <ds84182> ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)
L1597[19:42:51] ⇦ Quits: theREALorthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1598[19:42:52] <ds84182> and that 2^(math.log(5)/math.log(2)) = 2^5 (if i remember right)
L1599[19:43:00] <ds84182> .l 2^(math.log(5)/math.log(2))
L1600[19:43:00] <^v> ds84182, 5
L1601[19:43:03] <ds84182> oh wait
L1602[19:43:12] <ds84182> s/= 2^//
L1603[19:43:17] <ds84182> duckyou Kibi
L1604[19:43:51] <Pwootage> rip kibi
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L1606[19:48:45] <Dyonovan> ok stupid question. i cant for the life of me remeber the keystroke to stop a program running. cant find it on wiki either
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L1608[19:52:35] <Sangar> ctrl+alt+c
L1609[19:54:15] <Dyonovan> alt thats what i was missing.. thanks agin
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L1611[20:03:17] <Sangar> i'm off, gnight o/
L1612[20:06:58] <Pwootage> Dashkal: are you here?
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L1621[20:28:20] <ds84182> dolphin source code makes my eyes bleed
L1622[20:28:22] <ds84182> goodnight
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L1624[20:29:28] <ShadowKatStudios> o/
L1625[20:29:37] <ShadowKatStudios> Science is great.
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L1627[20:33:19] <wolfmitchell> i'm honestly not sure if graphics mods or photoshopped skyrim UI onto a real picture http://i.imgur.com/dBiavs7.jpg
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L1632[20:39:29] <iceman11a> has any one played with this lua library http://pastebin.com/6D6wpqSB
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L1634[20:47:58] <LordFokas> wolfmitchell, totally 'shopped.
L1635[20:48:23] <LordFokas> trust me, I've played like 100 hours of Skyrim past week
L1636[20:48:27] <wolfmitchell> lol
L1637[20:48:47] <LordFokas> it says here I have 155 hours
L1638[20:48:54] <LordFokas> past week I had like 30
L1639[20:49:04] <LordFokas> and then I started a new save in Legendary
L1640[20:49:15] <LordFokas> and I'm now lvl 51 and op as fuck
L1641[20:50:58] <Dashkal> Pwootage: Ish. Currently deciding if I want to take up an amateur radio hobby
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L1643[20:51:09] <Pwootage> Dashkal: Two things for you
L1644[20:51:26] <Pwootage> I havn't tried it yet but http://www.jetbrains.com/mps/ looks interesting
L1645[20:51:39] <Pwootage> And why does every langauge not have pattern matching function definitions ;-;
L1646[20:52:23] <Dashkal> Never heard of this thing, and no idea.
L1647[20:52:40] <Dashkal> There's a reason I'm planning on writing my own language :P
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L1649[20:58:01] <Pwootage> Yeah, I found it on accident and intend to try it when I'm not trying to finish a project due tomorrow :P
L1650[20:58:28] <Dashkal> I'm just about done that paper I linked you.
L1651[20:58:47] <Dashkal> Next up is write you a haskell. That's the on I really want to read.
L1652[21:00:23] <Dashkal> I finally have a handle on existential types. Turns out I've been using them for years.
L1653[21:00:52] <wolfmitchell> supercollider hates me, getting this error if i do 3.wait; http://wolfmitchell.com/p/bwDxbwFj7N
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L1668[21:39:41] <PotatoTrumpet> WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE
L1669[21:43:14] <Pwootage> aw yis my malloc works
L1670[21:43:15] <Pwootage> http://pwootage.com/paste/pjuhklwqf
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L1673[21:57:12] <PotatoTrumpet> Pwootage, you should get pwootage.poop
L1674[21:57:32] <Pwootage> wait is that really a thing? Unfortuantely it wouldn't work with my ssl cert
L1675[21:57:36] <PotatoTrumpet> :/
L1676[21:57:42] <PotatoTrumpet> you have ssl cert?
L1677[21:58:23] <PotatoTrumpet> fix yo shiz Pwootage http://puu.sh/fp5iJ/30666d750e.png
L1678[21:58:41] <Pwootage> Yes, it might not be redirecting like it's supposed to atm
L1679[21:58:48] <Pwootage> one moment...
L1680[21:59:47] *** SKS-Away is now known as ShadowKatStudios
L1681[22:01:13] <PotatoTrumpet> Pwootage, http://i.imgur.com/0kZvS1J.jpg
L1682[22:01:39] <Pwootage> main page fixed, still working on ssl redirect
L1683[22:02:25] <ShadowKatStudios> today
L1684[22:02:32] <PotatoTrumpet> is
L1685[22:02:33] <PotatoTrumpet> a
L1686[22:02:35] <PotatoTrumpet> great day
L1687[22:02:36] <ShadowKatStudios> good day
L1688[22:02:39] <PotatoTrumpet> to learn
L1689[22:02:41] <PotatoTrumpet> something new
L1690[22:02:46] <PotatoTrumpet> well
L1691[22:02:57] <ShadowKatStudios> I know it's not nice
L1692[22:02:58] <PotatoTrumpet> it's 10:02 PM
L1693[22:03:09] <PotatoTrumpet> i'm thinking about going to sleep soon
L1694[22:03:10] <ShadowKatStudios> but I'm benifiting from someone's sacking
L1695[22:03:54] <ShadowKatStudios> so
L1696[22:03:57] <ShadowKatStudios> budget cuts mean
L1697[22:04:10] <ShadowKatStudios> my school can no longer employ an IT person
L1698[22:04:19] <PotatoTrumpet> 0.0
L1699[22:04:27] <Pwootage> there we goo, pwootage.com is now redirecting to https properly (and redirecting to /blog properly)
L1700[22:04:59] <PotatoTrumpet> http://i.imgur.com/ftyTLKi.jpg
L1701[22:05:06] <PotatoTrumpet> my internet speed at tme moment
L1702[22:05:40] <Pwootage> PotatoTrumpet taking after his name
L1703[22:06:19] <ShadowKatStudios> so basically now they're getting students to do IT
L1704[22:06:28] <PotatoTrumpet> :(
L1705[22:06:40] <PotatoTrumpet> my school districts IT are old crabby ladies
L1706[22:07:11] <PotatoTrumpet> and my school district is richasfuck
L1707[22:07:22] <PotatoTrumpet> building a whole new gym
L1708[22:07:29] <PotatoTrumpet> and more classrooms
L1709[22:07:33] <PotatoTrumpet> to the only high school
L1710[22:07:55] <Pwootage> I'm graduated from high school :3
L1711[22:08:00] <Pwootage> (best thing ever)
L1712[22:08:16] <PotatoTrumpet> meh
L1713[22:08:17] <PotatoTrumpet> sophomore
L1714[22:17:37] ⇨ Joins: dangranos (Mibbit@857.rt-barnaul-02.dianet.ru)
L1715[22:18:26] <ShadowKatStudios> PotatoTrumpet: So I have Daggerfall running in a DOS VM
L1716[22:18:35] <PotatoTrumpet> 0.0
L1717[22:18:44] <PotatoTrumpet> I have well
L1718[22:18:45] <PotatoTrumpet> uhh
L1719[22:18:54] <PotatoTrumpet> firefox running on windows 8.1
L1720[22:19:17] <dangranos> i got nothing
L1721[22:20:09] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1722[22:20:36] <ShadowKatStudios> I have ssh
L1723[22:20:36] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1724[22:21:10] <ShadowKatStudios> using koding
L1725[22:22:08] <PotatoTrumpet> i prefer codng
L1726[22:22:10] <Pwootage> I have a Lua computer running in Minecraft! :D
L1727[22:22:25] <dangranos> meh
L1728[22:22:29] <ShadowKatStudios> PotatoTrumpet: I mean the site, but you know that.
L1729[22:22:44] <dangranos> Pwootage: unless its redstone computer
L1730[22:22:51] <PotatoTrumpet> Pwootage, pfft, we ALL did that
L1731[22:22:54] <dangranos> ^
L1732[22:22:56] <Pwootage> :(
L1733[22:23:00] <PotatoTrumpet> #CC2012BestYear
L1734[22:23:24] <Pwootage> Actually now that I'm thinking about it I have a vm running compiled c++ code in OC
L1735[22:23:26] <Pwootage> technically
L1736[22:23:31] <dangranos> hmm, minecraft x86 redstone computer (with screen and etc)
L1737[22:23:55] <gamax92> hahaha mp
L1738[22:24:36] <ShadowKatStudios> ffs
L1739[22:24:39] <ShadowKatStudios> Koding can't cope with C-b
L1740[22:25:51] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (Mibbit@857.rt-barnaul-02.dianet.ru) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
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L1742[22:31:28] *** ShadowKatStudios is now known as SKS-Away
L1743[22:37:13] *** PotatoTrumpet is now known as Potato|SleepMoFo
L1744[22:49:21] <Xilandro> What's the windows command to set a timed shutdown
L1745[22:49:47] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54970929.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L1747[22:50:31] <Caitlyn> shutdown /s /t 0-600 Xilandro
L1748[22:51:01] <Xilandro> And what's the numbers, seconds? Minutes?
L1749[22:51:05] <Caitlyn> seconds
L1750[22:51:16] <Xilandro> I need like... 4-6 hours later
L1751[22:51:27] <Caitlyn> then use at
L1752[22:51:32] <Xilandro> I'm on TeamViewer working on my Mother in law's PC
L1753[22:52:11] <Caitlyn> at hh:mm "shutdown /s /t 0" should work
L1754[22:53:21] <gamax92> Caitlyn: some people are just really easily fooled by photoshop.
L1755[22:54:12] <Caitlyn> k..
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L1757[22:55:44] <ping> gamax92, breaking rule #3 is fun
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L1759[22:55:58] <gamax92> >_> ..
L1760[22:56:20] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L1761[22:56:24] <gamax92> Caitlyn: you do realize that I haven't been bring #ocbots shit in and that they do, right?
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L1764[22:56:28] <ping> im ded
L1765[22:56:29] <ping> leik so ded
L1766[22:56:38] <Caitlyn> woot... DNS updater is posting valid JSON now
L1767[22:56:44] <gamax92> ooh, cool
L1768[22:57:02] <gamax92> Caitlyn: oh is that that one java app you were working on?
L1769[22:57:07] <gamax92> with the whole gson issue
L1770[22:57:09] <ping> invalid json is best json though
L1771[22:57:28] <Caitlyn> yeah, I dropped gson for the domain parsing dropped org.json in and 4 lines of code later had it working
L1772[22:57:51] <gamax92> lol ...
L1773[22:59:02] <Caitlyn> Yeah.. I was a bit pissed when it turned out to be so simple
L1774[22:59:05] <ping> java has a org. for everything >_>
L1775[22:59:08] <Caitlyn> gson was just making it a huge pain in the ass
L1776[22:59:14] <ping> exept org.girlfriend ofc
L1777[22:59:35] <gamax92> dat moment when you go to girlfriend.org
L1778[22:59:55] <gamax92> ping: "Failed to load page content"
L1779[23:01:02] <ping> gamax92, thats funny
L1780[23:01:04] <ping> it loads for me
L1781[23:01:08] <gamax92> what
L1782[23:01:17] <gamax92> oh its probably adblock then
L1783[23:01:44] <ping> gamax92, it was a joke
L1784[23:01:55] <gamax92> dammit ping
L1785[23:02:00] ⇦ Parts: gamax92 (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu) (Leaving))
L1786[23:02:00] <ping> im failing to burn you more
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L1792[23:06:02] <gamax92> Caitlyn: (\(^-^)/)
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L1798[23:15:18] <GunArm> i'm trying to use this code http://lua-users.org/wiki/FormattingNumbers to format numbers, but by itself, calling format_num(.....) it gives an error in the comma_value function : bad argument #1 (string expected, got number)
L1799[23:15:40] <GunArm> i'm accustomed to strongly typed languages and having trouble telling where the problem is
L1800[23:16:35] <GunArm> I can change the comma_value function to start with "local formatted = tostring(amount)" which seems to fix it most of the time, but is this code flawed, or am I giving it the wrong type to begin with?
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L1808[23:59:22] <lordwolf76> i am trying to learn from the wiki, but...... setOutput(side: number, value: number): number
L1809[23:59:55] <lordwolf76> does that mean side or number, followed by a value or number
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