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L1[00:00:25] *** Greylocke|afk is now known as Greylocke
L2[00:10:02] <Cinder> I know tech mods are all the rage and stuff
L3[00:10:14] <Cinder> but sometimes you just gotta sit back and bask in the creativity of the magic mods.
L4[00:11:49] <ShadowKatStudios> Cinder: I abused some configs into giving me flower-powered computers and drones that need cloud blocks
L5[00:11:59] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L6[00:12:03] ⇦ Quits: JjStAr992_Gaming (~EIRC_RR@CPE-121-214-110-139.lnse4.lon.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L7[00:16:34] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-352-26.w92-132.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L8[00:17:01] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-352-26.w92-132.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Client Quit)
L9[00:18:06] ⇨ Joins: Rorax (~Rorax@121-99-29-116.bng1.nct.orcon.net.nz)
L10[00:18:18] <Rorax> did drones replace robots?
L11[00:18:29] <gamax92> no robots are still around.
L12[00:18:39] <Rorax> I'm only seeing creatix in NEI'
L13[00:18:49] <ShadowKatStudios> Gah
L14[00:18:59] <ShadowKatStudios> Why does everyone try to spawn robots and drones!?
L15[00:18:59] <gamax92> you can't find robots in nei, they have to be assembled.
L16[00:19:02] <ShadowKatStudios> ~w robot
L17[00:19:02] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:robot
L18[00:19:07] <ShadowKatStudios> ~w block:robot
L19[00:19:07] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/block:robot
L20[00:19:12] <ShadowKatStudios> ~w item:drone
L21[00:19:12] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/item:drone
L22[00:19:18] <Rorax> yes I realize they need to be assembled
L23[00:19:22] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: Tell sangar to add in spawn eggs :P
L24[00:19:32] <Rorax> but last I checked (1.3 vids) it was a matter of installing the parts into a blank robot
L25[00:19:53] <gamax92> err, robots are made in the assembler
L26[00:20:02] <gamax92> you put a case, some parts, and bam: robot
L27[00:20:34] <Rorax> cases right! there we go okay thats the bit I was missing
L28[00:25:20] *** g is now known as gAway2002
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L30[00:27:11] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
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L35[00:32:21] *** skyem123 is now known as skyem123|ZZZ
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L37[00:35:09] ⇦ Quits: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host81-158-132-107.range81-158.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L38[00:37:37] <Sangar> > nobody reading the changelogs
L39[00:37:39] <Sangar> D:
L40[00:38:17] <ShadowKatStudios> Bumped default sample rate for generating computer speaker beeps to avoid artifacts and made it a setting. (commit: d869ba4df94d9c9e00620bc07d421d028158c108) — fnuecke / githubweb
L41[00:38:24] <Sangar> http://git.io/c7E-vw
L42[00:38:26] <gamax92> ohai Sangar
L43[00:38:26] <Sangar> second point
L44[00:38:31] <Sangar> ohwell
L45[00:39:08] <gamax92> Sangar: D: you could have made them spawn eggs
L46[00:39:09] <ShadowKatStudios> Sangar: checksums?
L47[00:39:18] <gamax92> (robots and drone's are technically entities right?)
L48[00:39:20] <Sangar> i could, but why would i? :P
L49[00:39:26] <Sangar> robots aren't
L50[00:39:28] <Sangar> drones are
L51[00:40:30] <ShadowKatStudios> Can we get a drone spawn egg? :P
L52[00:41:09] <gamax92> dat moment when Sangar fixes bugs :O
L53[00:41:10] <Sangar> nah, spawning non-working drones from eggs seems pointless :P
L54[00:41:15] *** Keridos_off is now known as Keridos
L55[00:41:40] <gamax92> Sangar: also, the eeprom is just a component right?
L56[00:41:45] <Sangar> yes
L57[00:42:06] <gamax92> does it compress the 4k bytes at all?
L58[00:42:54] <Sangar> i'm pretty sure the nbt gets compressed by mc when it saves anyway, why?
L59[00:42:58] <gamax92> oh
L60[00:43:18] <gamax92> Because I've noticed it takes a while to save the world when i have my 6502 (4m of memory)
L61[00:43:54] <Sangar> hum. dunno. just from one?
L62[00:43:57] <gamax92> yeah
L63[00:44:02] <Sangar> that's... unexpected
L64[00:44:17] <gamax92> im just assuming its that though, not really checked
L65[00:47:56] ⇨ Joins: phillips1012 (~phillips1@
L66[00:49:34] <Kodos> is 'until this == that do' a proper start to a loop
L67[00:51:14] ⇦ Quits: gDroid2002 (~AndChat63@ (Quit: Bye)
L68[00:52:03] ⇦ Quits: phillips1012 (~phillips1@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L69[00:55:30] ⇦ Quits: dobegor (webchat@dojulia.soborka.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L70[00:57:29] <Sangar> Kodos, `while condition do ... end` or `do ... until condition` iirc
L71[00:57:44] <gamax92> that beeping sounds like a buzzer
L72[00:57:50] <gamax92> Sangar what did you do
L73[00:58:07] <Kodos> So while not this == that do
L74[00:58:17] <Kodos> Or while this != that do
L75[00:58:21] <gamax92> ~=
L76[00:58:22] <Kodos> or is it ~=
L77[00:59:01] <Kodos> Thank ye
L78[00:59:10] <gamax92> wtf is this waveform
L79[00:59:20] <Kodos> <3 Creatix
L80[00:59:59] <Sangar> gamax92, bumped the sampling rate so that it doesn't freak out on frequencies like 999 :P you can change it back in the config if you want
L81[01:00:20] <gamax92> shouldn't it sound the same though?
L82[01:00:55] <Sangar> "shouldn't sound stuff the same regardless of sampling rate?" - no?
L83[01:01:05] <Sangar> swap 2 and 3
L84[01:01:11] <gamax92> .-. wut
L85[01:01:32] <Sangar> why would we user higher sampling rates if it did? >_>
L86[01:01:57] <gamax92> no i mean why did the wave form change
L87[01:02:05] <Sangar> it didn't
L88[01:02:31] <Sangar> it just didn't have enough samples/s before, apparently
L89[01:03:45] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L90[01:03:51] <Cinder> gamax92: it should sound like a square wave, but the sampling rate that was being used was causing distortion
L91[01:04:47] <Cinder> so some frequencies were bugging out, and polyphonics on the Beep card from Computronics were somewhat... BUZZZZZZZZZZZZ?
L92[01:05:17] <Cinder> one example of the bug was computer.beep(999,2)
L93[01:09:19] <Cinder> forums still slow/down for anyone else?
L94[01:09:39] <gamax92> Sangar: http://i.imgur.com/rpoM0bt.png
L95[01:11:08] <Caitlyn> %isup http://oc.cil.li
L96[01:11:09] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: http://oc.cil.li Is Down.
L97[01:11:39] * gamax92 wonders why the waveform looks like secant
L98[01:13:26] <Cinder> No idea, but the "new" waveform above is technically "correct"
L99[01:13:51] <Cinder> the lower waveform has a delta positive and the sample rate was too low to capture some of the negitive, so there's always a DC offset.
L100[01:13:56] <Cinder> that was one of the distortions
L101[01:15:25] <gamax92> I'm pretty sure there's a much worse underlying problem if thats the case ...
L102[01:17:13] <Cinder> Well it needed more samples anyways.
L103[01:17:26] <Cinder> there isn't a DC offset anymore because of the higher sample rate.
L104[01:18:09] <Cinder> I honestly don't mind the little bit of distortion on it
L105[01:18:21] <Cinder> it gives it a little more of a "real" quality than a pure square wave.
L106[01:18:38] <gamax92> excuse me ... this 486 to my right that has a pc speaker in it begs to differ.
L107[01:19:25] <ShadowKatStudios> Is it beeping in objection, gamax92?
L108[01:19:32] <gamax92> Yes :D
L109[01:19:48] <ShadowKatStudios> http://i.imgur.com/Rya2Re0.png Windows Server 2003 R2
L110[01:21:11] <ShadowKatStudios> I must say, I'm impressed
L111[01:21:15] <Cinder> wait gamax92, did you compile the latest version or did you get it from somewhere?
L112[01:21:20] <ShadowKatStudios> It's snappy but XP-compatible
L113[01:21:22] <Cinder> there isn't an update on curse
L114[01:21:33] <gamax92> I got the latest from jenkins
L115[01:21:39] <Cinder> oooh
L116[01:21:43] <Cinder> I suppose that's not public?
L117[01:21:46] <gamax92> ci.cil.li
L118[01:21:48] <ShadowKatStudios> http://ci.cil.li
L119[01:21:50] <ShadowKatStudios> It's in the topic
L120[01:21:52] <ShadowKatStudios> silly
L121[01:22:11] <Caitlyn> ShadowKatStudios, http://puu.sh/eFmZz/cfa12122a2.jpg 2012 R2 :p
L122[01:22:12] <Cinder> oh
L123[01:22:14] <Cinder> HERP
L124[01:22:16] <Cinder> DERP
L125[01:22:30] <ShadowKatStudios> Nice standard 8
L126[01:22:37] <ShadowKatStudios> waaiy
L127[01:22:47] <ShadowKatStudios> waiit, is that actually server 2012?
L128[01:23:24] <ShadowKatStudios> Please tell me it lacks the metro menu?
L129[01:23:25] <Caitlyn> http://puu.sh/eFnch/2d8e948d30.jpg
L130[01:23:28] <Caitlyn> IDK.. tell me
L131[01:23:46] <Caitlyn> R2 has the stock Windows 8 Metro
L132[01:23:58] <ShadowKatStudios> R1?
L133[01:24:13] <Caitlyn> R1 is just "Windows Server 2012"
L134[01:24:51] <Caitlyn> Win 10 drops, and the server version of it drops you'll get a 10 style start menu
L135[01:24:56] <Caitlyn> When win 10*
L136[01:25:18] <ShadowKatStudios> I dislike the metro menu.
L137[01:25:29] <Caitlyn> Who doesn't?
L138[01:25:31] <ShadowKatStudios> The Windows 10 one seems somewhat of an improvement.
L139[01:25:37] <ShadowKatStudios> But it's still tiles.
L140[01:26:44] <Cinder> hmm
L141[01:26:52] <Caitlyn> That box runs a mail server, and webmail.
L142[01:26:59] <Cinder> gamax92: you're right, there is something off about the square wave generator.
L143[01:27:03] <Caitlyn> It's al ittle underloaded atm
L144[01:27:19] <ShadowKatStudios> "a little"
L145[01:27:21] <Cinder> it's a little more "buzzy" at the higher sample rates, but polyphonics work properly on the beep card.
L146[01:27:36] <ShadowKatStudios> I would kill for something with 8 cores
L147[01:27:48] <ShadowKatStudios> Even if it is AMD.
L148[01:27:51] <Caitlyn> It's a VM on a OVH dedi
L149[01:27:54] <Cinder> IMHO it needs a good low pass filter on it :P
L150[01:28:08] <Caitlyn> my other VM on that box is also 8 cores, but 12gb it's what runs my Linux VM that does EVERYTHING
L151[01:28:21] <ShadowKatStudios> Dual-core with HT is something, but at times it's not enough
L152[01:29:04] <Sangar> feel free to pr improvements to the audio class, it's good enough for me now so meh :P
L153[01:29:17] <Altenius> Any windows users want to try and get this to work? https://github.com/alakazard12/OCEmulator-Qt Submit a pull request if it doesn't
L154[01:29:39] <SuPeRMiNoR2> what is the host os on the dedi Caitlyn?
L155[01:29:49] * Caitlyn sighs
L156[01:29:52] <Caitlyn> Ubuntu 14.04...
L157[01:29:55] <Caitlyn> Not my choice
L158[01:29:59] <SuPeRMiNoR2> oh
L159[01:30:03] <Caitlyn> Xubuntu* but meh
L160[01:30:07] *** Altenius is now known as Altenius|Away
L161[01:30:39] <Caitlyn> Though the VM Linux is also Ubuntu...
L162[01:30:50] <Caitlyn> but that's because I needed Debian without the 3 year old packages
L163[01:31:35] <SandraNicole> the win10 menu looks neat.
L164[01:31:43] <Caitlyn> Yeah it does.. I really like it
L165[01:31:50] <SandraNicole> I like the tiles-ish, although I dislike the theme.
L166[01:31:54] <SandraNicole> it's a nice idea.
L167[01:32:17] <Caitlyn> At this point I'd be better off reinstalling the Tech preview..
L168[01:32:26] <Caitlyn> I've not booted into it in like 2 months
L169[01:39:28] <Cinder> I have just come to realise I can't read Scala.
L170[01:39:30] <Cinder> o-o
L171[01:43:23] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (iceman11a@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com)
L172[01:43:51] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L173[01:44:51] <gamax92> Cinder: so what frequency did you say caused bugs? 999?
L174[01:44:55] <gamax92> in the old one
L175[01:45:20] <Cinder> 999
L176[01:45:30] <Cinder> 200 had an interesting bug too but I think it might have been unrelated.
L177[01:45:50] <Cinder> also, if you have computronics installed, try the song api test song
L178[01:46:20] <gamax92> yeah no 999Hz works just fine in 8000Hz sampling rate (tested on a sample generator)
L179[01:48:13] <Cinder> I tried it in audacity and there was a minute "click" in it.
L180[01:48:24] <Cinder> but 999 was going ape in OC
L181[01:48:36] * gamax92 tries it on old OC
L182[01:49:24] <Cinder> you do need to play it for more than a second
L183[01:50:07] <gamax92> # (120-99)/120
L184[01:50:09] <gamax92> #lua (120-99)/120
L185[01:50:10] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.175
L186[01:53:09] <gamax92> Cinder: http://i.imgur.com/oL8cLAh.png
L187[01:53:18] <gamax92> and now to try 999
L188[01:53:36] <gamax92> XD wtf
L189[01:54:15] <Cinder> Yeah
L190[01:54:20] <Cinder> eets fooked.
L191[01:57:07] <Cinder> but now it's less fooked.
L192[02:00:50] <Caitlyn> ShadowKatStudios, http://puu.sh/eFsjh/b2a1beed75.jpg
L193[02:01:15] <Caitlyn> excuse the win7 task bar in front of the 2k12 server.... puush won't capture my local desktop with RDP up
L194[02:01:45] <Cinder> dem wallpapers.
L195[02:02:05] <Cinder> is it bad that my linux install is pimped as all hell but my windows desktop is Windows 2000 blue?
L196[02:02:15] <Caitlyn> My local desktop cycles a google search of "Anime Girls" across all 3 monitors new background every 5 minutes
L197[02:02:25] <Caitlyn> sometimes I just minimize everything hide desktop icons and sit back..
L198[02:03:25] <Cinder> if I had a desktop like the center one my little sister would flip a shit.
L199[02:03:37] <Caitlyn> lol really?
L200[02:03:41] <Cinder> yeah
L201[02:03:51] <Cinder> she has it in her head that I'm gay or something along those lines :U
L202[02:03:54] <Caitlyn> So pointint out I have safe search disabled on said background cycle would be just awesome huh? :p
L203[02:04:02] <Caitlyn> pointing*
L204[02:04:28] * Caitlyn <--- Totally into chicks so :P
L205[02:05:50] <Cinder> yep
L206[02:06:41] <gamax92> Cinder: D: cannot read scala
L207[02:08:54] <Cinder> I'm looking at the audio class and don't have a clue what's going on
L208[02:09:06] * gamax92 is decompiling the Audio class so its java
L209[02:09:08] ⇨ Joins: Ir7_o (Ir7_o@CPE-1-123-22-72.sfl9.fli.bigpond.net.au)
L210[02:09:08] zsh sets mode: +o on Ir7_o
L211[02:10:01] <Ir7_o> ok. status report: i am getting the old data off the corrupt partition now. the forums ill be back soon. partition with the database is intact.
L212[02:10:14] <gamax92> oops ... that moment when you accidently "killall -9 pulseaudio" instead of "killall -9 pavucontrol"
L213[02:10:22] <Cinder> HAHAHA
L214[02:10:34] <Cinder> You just kill -9'd it?
L215[02:10:37] <Cinder> Wow. XD
L216[02:11:07] <Cinder> Ir7_o: Good job, IT really needs more people like you.
L217[02:11:34] <Ir7_o> lol. im hopeless.
L218[02:12:04] <Ir7_o> ill be on and off with updates and stuff
L219[02:12:12] <Ir7_o> it should be online in the next 2-6 hours
L220[02:12:25] <Ir7_o> otherwise, there are some issues.
L221[02:12:30] <Ir7_o> bye for now
L222[02:12:35] ⇦ Quits: Ir7_o (Ir7_o@CPE-1-123-22-72.sfl9.fli.bigpond.net.au) (Client Quit)
L223[02:12:36] <gamax92> ofc procyon doesn't exactly ... decompile scala into java perfectly, its not the same language
L224[02:12:39] <gamax92> but it does a good job
L225[02:15:10] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L226[02:15:35] <Caitlyn> Oh hey... I just noticed Ir7_o's server is missing from my IRC Network... wonder if that's related :P
L227[02:19:17] ⇨ Joins: Gopher (~Gopher@83.sub-70-193-161.myvzw.com)
L228[02:19:48] * gamax92 is severely confused on how this is supposed to generate a square wave
L229[02:25:26] *** Kilobyte is now known as Kiloff
L230[02:26:13] <Cinder> I'm not sure either
L231[02:26:21] <Cinder> you'll have to ask Sangar
L232[02:27:34] ⇨ Joins: Ekoserin (webchat@c-98-231-193-97.hsd1.va.comcast.net)
L233[02:29:07] <Ekoserin> Hello. I can't seem to access oc.cil.li. I can access cil.li and ocdoc.cil.li just find, but oc.cil.li results in a timeout error.
L234[02:29:35] <Cinder> It's been down for the last 12 hours, expect it to be back in about 2-6 hours.
L235[02:29:49] <gamax92> Cinder: okay so i did manage to port it to lua
L236[02:29:50] ⇦ Quits: pong (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:b40e:716b:e7d5:ad15) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L237[02:29:58] <Ekoserin> Why is it down?
L238[02:30:02] <Cinder> One of the disks on the server decided to have an unscheduled disassembly.
L239[02:30:10] ⇨ Joins: pong (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:b40e:716b:e7d5:ad15)
L240[02:30:10] zsh sets mode: +v on pong
L241[02:30:13] <Caitlyn> The server it was on died.
L242[02:30:20] <Ekoserin> Ah.
L243[02:30:25] <Caitlyn> Usually bad for things.
L244[02:30:40] <Caitlyn> It also killed an IRC server on my network lolol
L245[02:30:56] <Ekoserin> Reminds me of the time my hard drive temporarily failed when playing Gmod off of it.
L246[02:31:51] ⇦ Parts: Ekoserin (webchat@c-98-231-193-97.hsd1.va.comcast.net) ())
L247[02:31:54] <Cinder> from what Ir7_o (the webmaster) said, the database is intact and he's just doing recovery.
L248[02:32:01] <Cinder> so nobody's posts are lost, thankfully.
L249[02:32:43] <gamax92> Cinder: http://pastebin.com/mC2rcuPD
L250[02:33:06] ⇦ Quits: SKS|Skyrim (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L251[02:33:14] <gamax92> I'm just doing "luajit square.lua | ffplay -f u8 -ac 1 -ar 44100 -i -"
L252[02:33:38] <Cinder> is it right or is it wrong?
L253[02:33:47] <gamax92> what do you mean?
L254[02:33:53] <Cinder> I mean, the waveform it puts out
L255[02:34:02] <gamax92> It's what OC is doing
L256[02:34:06] <gamax92> and no that is not a square wave
L257[02:34:14] <Cinder> mmhm.
L258[02:34:31] <gamax92> though actually ...
L259[02:34:40] <gamax92> it is more like one if you simply put it in signed ...
L260[02:36:03] <gamax92> Sangar: you there?
L261[02:36:19] <Cinder> It looks (generally) like a square wave, minus a few kinks
L262[02:36:38] <Cinder> wait hang on
L263[02:36:39] <Cinder> math.pi
L264[02:36:48] <Cinder> why would you need math.pi to generate a square wave?
L265[02:37:00] <gamax92> because he's cheating and using a sine wave magically
L266[02:37:11] <Cinder> :P
L267[02:37:23] *** Greylocke is now known as Greylocke|afk
L268[02:37:34] <Gopher> there are cases where that qualifies as cheating
L269[02:37:39] <Gopher> in this case I think that qualifies as "the hard way
L270[02:37:58] <gamax92> Cinder: i think the waveform is just signed wrong .-. http://i.imgur.com/DjlGBr9.png
L271[02:38:13] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (iceman11a@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L272[02:38:23] <Cinder> That looks far better
L273[02:38:32] <gamax92> Top is parsed as signed8 and bottom is parsed as unsigned8, where in OC its set up as unsigned8
L274[02:38:42] <gamax92> which iirc is fixable via a simple xor of 0x80
L275[02:39:29] <Cinder> worth a shot
L276[02:39:45] <gamax92> .-. i don't know how to xor in scala ...
L277[02:40:21] <Cinder> def xor(x:Boolean, y:Boolean) = (x && !y) || (y && !x)
L278[02:40:29] <gamax92> .-. umm what.
L279[02:40:36] <Cinder> well that's in boolean
L280[02:40:45] <gamax92> yeah no thats very unhelpful
L281[02:40:47] <Cinder> IDK I just typed it into google and that was the most promising
L282[02:41:15] <Sangar> a ^ b
L283[02:41:20] <gamax92> ohai Sangar
L284[02:42:27] <Cinder> I just realised I'm using a golem instead of a pipe in my minecraft build.
L285[02:42:34] <Cinder> oh well
L286[02:43:16] <Sangar> the 'cheating' is because a "pure" square wave makes no sound when sent as an analog audio signal, at least for me :P but i'm far from an expert on that field, as you can tell by all the derps in that class :X
L287[02:44:23] <gamax92> .-. no?
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L291[02:49:53] <Sangar> welp, it sounds a lot better with ^ 0x80 at least, from what i can tell
L292[02:50:41] <Cinder> it should do, it's removing a lot of the noise and boosting the amplitude.
L293[02:51:35] <gamax92> Sangar: if you want to keep the same volume as the old one, replacing Byte.Max with 38 works.
L294[02:51:49] ⇨ Joins: justastranger (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646)
L295[02:52:00] <gamax92> yes arbitrary value calculated purely by looking at a waveform graph
L296[02:52:04] <Sangar> :D
L297[02:53:12] <Sangar> is it bad that i want to make it 32 instead because it's a nicer number? >_>
L298[02:53:26] <gamax92> nah
L299[02:53:28] <gamax92> i also wanted to
L300[02:53:52] <gamax92> Sangar: also this: "value = math.max(math.min(math.sin(angle)*5,1),-1)" instead of "for k = 0,6 do value = value + math.sin((1 + k * 2) * angle) / (1 + k * 2) end"
L301[02:54:14] <gamax92> ofc thats lua but you can see what i was aiming for.
L302[02:56:32] *** AngieBLD is now known as AngieBLD|Off
L303[02:57:40] <Sangar> what kind of magic number is that *5?
L304[02:57:53] <dangranos> >м
L305[02:57:58] <dangranos> damn
L306[02:58:07] <dangranos> hello btw
L307[02:58:49] <gamax92> Sangar: one that is low enough to allow for rising and falling without it being extremely sharp
L308[02:59:09] <dangranos> reading latest issues/etc >Starcraft siege tank
L309[03:01:00] <gamax92> Sangar: it could just be something like 1000 if you want a normal square wave
L310[03:01:03] <Sangar> hmkay
L311[03:01:06] <gamax92> yay magic numbers
L312[03:03:37] * Sangar thinks he just didn't add the amplitude when he used "pure" square waves >_>
L313[03:03:50] <gamax92> lol
L314[03:06:42] <SandraNicole> https://github.com/gjgfuj/unify-lang peeps, just look at that.
L315[03:08:39] ⇦ Quits: gamax92 (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L323[03:17:13] <Sangar> and that fixes that for good methinks
L324[03:17:30] <Sangar> and i'm off to bed! gnight o/
L325[03:17:43] <ShadowKatStudios> p/
L326[03:17:45] <ShadowKatStudios> o/
L327[03:17:46] <Cinder> p/
L328[03:17:50] <Cinder> dangit
L329[03:17:51] <Cinder> o/
L330[03:21:52] * Cinder waits for Jenkins to finish it's build so he can hear the change
L331[03:21:52] <gamax92> oh, math.signum is a thing
L332[03:24:30] <dangranos> good morning
L333[03:24:38] <Cinder> good morning
L334[03:24:52] <Cinder> gamax92, is it just me or is Jenkins taking a long ime?
L335[03:24:53] <Cinder> *time
L336[03:25:05] <gamax92> Cinder: it's just you
L337[03:25:13] <Cinder> you sure?
L338[03:25:47] <Cinder> build 351 is still being built 8 mins in
L339[03:26:04] <gamax92> well it just made some jars
L340[03:26:24] <gamax92> Cinder: oh i see what you mean
L341[03:26:33] <gamax92> 350: "Total time: 1 mins 21.329 secs"
L342[03:27:07] <Cinder> yeah
L343[03:27:16] <Cinder> wait no there we go it just dropped
L344[03:27:33] <Cinder> 10x the usual time
L345[03:27:34] <Cinder> weird
L346[03:29:57] <Cinder> there doesn't seem to be any issues
L347[03:30:13] *** Hatsuse is now known as Azazel
L348[03:32:12] <Cinder> The sounds are beautiful
L349[03:32:23] * gamax92 bumps the beep volume to 40
L350[03:32:59] ⇦ Quits: Gopher (~Gopher@83.sub-70-193-161.myvzw.com) ()
L351[03:34:17] <gamax92> that would be a great easter egg, if you sent google.com a HUG request instead of GET, and it gives you a custom page
L352[03:34:38] <Cinder> heh
L353[03:58:23] ⇦ Quits: Cinder (~Neil@86-41-114-220-dynamic.b-ras2.lmk.limerick.eircom.net) (Quit: Leaving)
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L355[03:59:56] <dangranos> ыщгтвы,
L356[04:00:00] <dangranos> sounds?
L357[04:01:11] ⇦ Quits: VivienVoid (~Vivien@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L358[04:04:34] <PotatoTrumpet> dangranos, what language was that?
L359[04:04:57] <dangranos> english, typed with russian layout
L360[04:05:04] <dangranos> forgot to switch
L361[04:05:19] <PotatoTrumpet> Hmm
L362[04:05:29] <PotatoTrumpet> What alphabet does russian use?
L363[04:05:46] <SandraNicole> cyrillic?
L364[04:06:03] <PotatoTrumpet> :P
L365[04:06:12] <PotatoTrumpet> Can we just all go to the latin alphabet
L366[04:09:42] <Dashkal> 否定的
L367[04:10:28] <Caitlyn> 三千代
L368[04:12:40] ⇦ Quits: TangentDelta (~christine@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L369[04:13:08] *** LordFokas is now known as LordFokas|off
L370[04:14:05] <dangranos> Неа.
L371[04:14:28] <dangranos> *-а
L372[04:29:13] <dangranos> #ping
L373[04:29:13] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.226 Seconds passed.
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L377[04:41:28] <Pwootage> Universal cable + OC computer = using >10k/t
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L381[04:51:06] <Wired> ShadowKatStudios: So I've been watching Lain...
L382[04:51:46] <Wired> I like it, in a weird non-traditional anime kinda way.
L383[04:55:37] ⇨ Joins: ping (webchat@0587351146.wireless.umich.net)
L384[04:55:46] <ping> kso im gona memorize base64
L385[04:56:22] <Wired> MIME?
L386[04:57:14] <Wired> (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /)
L387[04:58:24] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L388[05:05:07] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: http://i.imgur.com/Pv1r7m7.png
L389[05:05:13] <gamax92> 3D stuff on a OCL tablet
L390[05:06:25] <gamax92> >_> why are the tablets changing the GUI settings...
L391[05:07:32] <dangranos> OCL?
L392[05:07:40] <dangranos> oh
L393[05:08:36] <SandraNicole> what is OCL?
L394[05:08:44] <gamax92> OCLights2
L395[05:08:45] <dangranos> oclights
L396[05:08:49] <gamax92> 2
L397[05:08:58] <SandraNicole> k.
L398[05:09:01] <dangranos> then it should be OCL2
L399[05:09:13] <dangranos> right?
L400[05:09:17] <gamax92> no?
L401[05:09:23] <gamax92> im shortening it to what i'd like to kthx
L402[05:09:46] ⇦ Parts: meathack (~svs@teo.hianga.com) (Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com))
L403[05:10:00] <dangranos> there was oclights(1)?
L404[05:10:06] <gamax92> yes
L405[05:10:12] <gamax92> well, cclights(1)
L406[05:10:16] <gamax92> which is even worse :P
L407[05:11:53] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p549CE7B6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L408[05:11:58] <dangranos> hmm, what donts do gmod uses?
L409[05:12:00] <dangranos> *f
L410[05:12:07] <dangranos> because i have some squares
L411[05:12:21] <dangranos> 1/2 of server list has them
L412[05:14:19] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
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L415[05:47:24] <gamax92> dammit rakiru|offline
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L428[06:44:35] <gamax92> lol, the N64DD
L429[06:44:59] <Wired> There are people that actually care about that thing?
L430[06:45:48] <gamax92> Yes .-.
L431[06:46:02] <gamax92> people are working on a newer dumper atm iirc
L432[06:48:34] <Roadcrosser> how many hat players also hang out here anyway
L433[06:49:05] <Roadcrosser> I count 5
L434[06:50:30] <gamax92> hat players?
L435[06:50:48] <Roadcrosser> yea
L436[06:50:54] <Roadcrosser> people who play on the hat server
L437[06:51:01] <gamax92> ?_? what is this hat server
L438[06:51:07] <gamax92> why is the server a hat
L439[06:51:19] <Roadcrosser> *cough* http://puu.sh/eG0QL/51b4672218.png
L440[06:51:29] <gamax92> oooooooh tat.
L441[06:51:55] <Roadcrosser> I have like, several stacks of nether stars there
L442[06:52:19] <gamax92> I have like ... a Computer doing 3D drawing
L443[06:52:32] <Roadcrosser> that's nice
L444[06:53:07] <Wired> "a Computer doing 3D drawing" can you elaborate a bit?
L445[06:53:37] <Roadcrosser> so where you set up at
L446[06:53:39] <Roadcrosser> main base?
L447[06:53:39] <gamax92> It's just a computer that's displaying a 3D rotating cube
L448[06:53:49] <gamax92> no im in the end
L449[06:53:59] <Roadcrosser> main platform?
L450[06:54:01] <gamax92> also did the server crash?
L451[06:54:05] <Roadcrosser> or did you build an offshoot
L452[06:54:07] <Roadcrosser> dunno why
L453[06:54:23] <gamax92> It randomly timed out and then it wouldn't connect again
L454[06:54:30] <Roadcrosser> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L455[06:54:33] <Roadcrosser> that happens sometimes
L456[06:54:34] <Roadcrosser> it seems
L457[06:54:42] <Roadcrosser> I took a visit to he end
L458[06:54:50] <Roadcrosser> and noticed that the end portal is missing
L459[06:54:56] <Roadcrosser> did you have anything to do with that
L460[06:55:04] <gamax92> No, i noticed that as well
L461[06:55:31] <Roadcrosser> someone could just destroy that link book and everyone'd be stuck
L462[06:55:40] <gamax92> there is a link book?
L463[06:55:54] <Roadcrosser> next to the exit portal, yes.
L464[06:55:57] <Roadcrosser> I placed it there
L465[06:56:11] * gamax92 hopes this was just now, or else he'd feel really dumb :P
L466[06:57:41] <gamax92> Roadcrosser: yeah i still can't connect to it.
L467[06:58:47] <Roadcrosser> it's been there
L468[06:58:48] <Roadcrosser> for ages
L469[06:58:53] <gamax92> Welp ...
L470[06:58:55] <Roadcrosser> how did you get in the end anyway
L471[06:59:02] <gamax92> through an end portal with g
L472[06:59:18] <gamax92> He was showing me a bug with OCLights2
L473[06:59:20] <Roadcrosser> which one
L474[06:59:24] <gamax92> .-. uhh ...
L475[06:59:38] <Roadcrosser> there are 3 end portals
L476[06:59:45] <Roadcrosser> me and him stole 1
L477[06:59:52] <gamax92> I've been in the end mostly :P
L478[06:59:58] <Roadcrosser> being stuck there?
L479[07:00:00] <Roadcrosser> goodjib
L480[07:00:02] <Roadcrosser> o
L481[07:00:15] <gamax92> well no, i have a computer :D
L482[07:00:55] <Roadcrosser> and how is it powered
L483[07:01:14] <gamax92> it's a creative computer
L484[07:02:07] <Roadcrosser> cheat
L485[07:04:57] <Roadcrosser> huh
L486[07:05:04] <Roadcrosser> I get a "can't connect to server"
L487[07:05:07] <Roadcrosser> guess it isn't just you'
L488[07:07:13] *** Azazel|sleep is now known as Azazel
L489[07:08:26] <gamax92> yeah, i havent really setup myself on the server
L490[07:09:21] <gamax92> I was mainly on there to test stuff with OCLights2
L491[07:10:43] <gamax92> Which I found more bugs :P
L492[07:13:34] <Roadcrosser> lol
L493[07:20:14] * gamax92 accidently put a + instead of a -
L494[07:20:53] <Roadcrosser> so you're not gonna play there all the time, are you?
L495[07:20:57] <Roadcrosser> all the time being
L496[07:20:59] <Roadcrosser> regularly
L497[07:21:03] <Roadcrosser> how did I forget that word
L498[07:31:49] <gamax92> Probably not
L499[07:32:15] <Roadcrosser> k
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L505[08:10:09] <SandraNicole> Does the BR computer ports work as network components or adapter components?
L506[08:11:26] <Kodos> Network
L507[08:11:29] <Kodos> No adapter needed
L508[08:12:09] <Vexatos> SandraNicole, easy to test
L509[08:12:11] <Vexatos> place a cable next to it
L510[08:12:16] <Vexatos> if it connects, no adapter needed
L511[08:12:43] <SandraNicole> yes, but I don't have minecraft open at the moment.
L512[08:12:58] <SandraNicole> goodie it's a network component.
L513[08:13:08] <SandraNicole> no need for me to figure out how adapters work.
L514[08:13:20] <Kodos> Telling someone to test it themselves is like telling someone to PR a feature request they want into an OSS project rather than saying whether or not it'd happen; It's not really conducive to a helpful environment
L515[08:13:28] <Kodos> Especially when it' sa simple question
L516[08:13:46] <SandraNicole> exactly.
L517[08:14:34] <Wired> I like how you analogy.
L518[08:14:50] <SandraNicole> goddamn my internet's slow at the moment.
L519[08:15:09] <SandraNicole> apparently it'll take 16 minutes to download OC.
L520[08:15:18] <SandraNicole> it's running at like 5KB/s.
L521[08:16:47] <Vexatos> o.o
L522[08:16:53] <Vexatos> SandraNicole, How to adapter
L523[08:17:00] <Vexatos> Step 1: Place adapter next to adaptable block
L524[08:17:03] <Vexatos> step 2: Connect cable
L525[08:17:04] <Vexatos> done
L526[08:17:24] <Vexatos> it's literally placing an adapter instead of a cable to connect the thing
L527[08:17:34] <SandraNicole> and.... how do you access the thing?
L528[08:18:46] <SuPeRMiNoR2> component api
L529[08:21:10] <Kodos> print(component.list())
L530[08:21:19] <Kodos> Or something like that
L531[08:21:46] <SandraNicole> yeah, I'll figure it out.
L532[08:21:52] <SandraNicole> I know how the component api works.
L533[08:23:14] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L534[08:28:09] *** Benguin is now known as Benguin[ZzZ]
L535[08:28:23] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L536[08:33:24] <gamax92> Oh hey Vexatos?
L537[08:33:38] <Vexatos> O hey gamax92?
L538[08:34:08] <gamax92> That beep code got fixed :D
L539[08:35:20] <gamax92> its no longer this awkward approximation that sounds really bad
L540[08:35:51] <Wired> http://oc.cil.li/ isn't loading for me. Is it down?
L541[08:36:24] <Wired> http://isup.me/ says it's down :(
L542[08:36:30] <gamax92> its been down, some server corruption issues
L543[08:37:06] <gamax92> Though was told it'll be back up in a few hours
L544[08:38:00] ⇦ Quits: Rorax (~Rorax@121-99-29-116.bng1.nct.orcon.net.nz) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L545[08:39:55] * gamax92 wonders why that fourier approximation was used anyway
L546[08:40:28] <gamax92> Its entirely dependant on specific sample rates
L547[08:40:49] <Vexatos> Gamax: How has it been fixed?
L548[08:41:43] <gamax92> its no longer inverted sign and its a pure square wave
L549[08:42:38] <Vexatos> ^ 0x80 >_>
L550[08:43:53] <gamax92> Vexatos: hmm?
L551[08:44:01] <gamax92> Yes thats part of it
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L553[08:45:56] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L554[08:47:04] <Vexatos> o/ asie
L555[08:48:25] <gamax92> Vexatos: the main part is the math.signum(math.sin(angle)) part
L556[08:48:51] <Vexatos> I never heard of signum
L557[08:48:55] <Vexatos> what does it do?
L558[08:49:22] <gamax92> Returns the sign of the input number
L559[08:49:34] <Vexatos> ah
L560[08:49:38] <Vexatos> it turns a sine wave
L561[08:49:41] <Vexatos> into a square one
L562[08:49:50] <gamax92> Yep
L563[08:53:39] <gamax92> x/|x|
L564[08:53:59] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L565[08:54:01] <gamax92> except 0 ...
L566[08:54:04] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0)
L567[08:54:15] <gamax92> Hello Negi
L568[08:55:24] <Vexatos> what does Math.signum(0) produce
L569[08:55:30] <Vexatos> an error?
L570[08:57:09] *** AtomSponge|away is now known as AtomSponge
L571[08:57:39] <gamax92> I dunno
L572[08:57:51] <Negi> gamax92 hello.
L573[08:58:02] <gamax92> Probably 1 since the sign bit is off
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L577[09:05:33] <Vexatos> gamax92, assuming math.abs is something like (n & ~(1<<31))
L578[09:06:06] ⇦ Quits: Guest20242 (~quassel@178-190-230-231.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L579[09:08:42] <gamax92> Err what?
L580[09:09:06] <gamax92> Oh
L581[09:09:37] <gamax92> I didn't mean that was how signum was implemented
L582[09:09:54] <gamax92> I just meant thats similar
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L585[09:18:04] <SandraNicole> so in this old code there's something called shell.running(), what is that, and what is the current version.
L586[09:19:32] <SandraNicole> nevermind, I found it.
L587[09:19:38] <SandraNicole> process.running()
L588[09:29:18] *** Lathanael|Away is now known as Lathanael
L589[09:50:26] <SandraNicole> Can I ask someone something? Does this work:
L590[09:50:31] <SandraNicole> for file in filesystem.list("/usr/lib/sbcs/") do
L591[09:50:31] <SandraNicole> table.insert(modules, loadfile(file))
L592[09:50:40] <SandraNicole> end
L593[10:03:34] <SandraNicole> okay I fixed it nevermind.
L594[10:04:00] *** Kiloff is now known as Kilobyte
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L597[10:15:02] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L598[10:19:05] ⇨ Joins: Timmy94 (webchat@
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L603[10:23:54] <Timmy94> is http//oc.cil.li down?
L604[10:24:07] <Timmy94> is http://oc.cil.li down?*
L605[10:25:00] <Negi> Well I think the test page is pretty explicit about that...
L606[10:25:20] <g> docs are still up!
L607[10:25:22] <g> that's the important part
L608[10:25:23] <Negi> Yep.
L609[10:25:26] <Ender> Timmy94, yes, Ir7_o was having issues with the forums
L610[10:25:27] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (~dangranos@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L611[10:25:35] <g> You guys use xenforo, right?
L612[10:25:46] <Ender> g, they're on a sparate hosts IIRC (the docs)
L613[10:25:52] <Ender> g, i think so
L614[10:25:56] <g> xen's pretty nice
L615[10:26:12] <g> I like discourse better but xen is definitely my favourite "traditional" forum
L616[10:26:17] <Timmy94> WBB3 is the best platform :D
L617[10:26:49] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L618[10:27:42] <Negi> I kind of feel like OETF has been abandonned.
L619[10:27:51] <g> oetf?
L620[10:28:09] <Ender> Negi, the maintainer of it has a lot on at the moment
L621[10:28:55] <Kodos> OETF?
L622[10:29:01] <g> ^
L623[10:29:14] <Negi> Ender : Probably, but I didn't meant it that way. The database it used has been deleted :I
L624[10:29:33] <Azazel> 40 days of unread messages
L625[10:29:39] <Azazel> oh mai
L626[10:30:15] <Ender> Kodos, Open Engineering Task Force, like IETF but for OC
L627[10:30:28] <g> No idea what IETF is either
L628[10:30:29] <g> lol
L629[10:30:45] <Ender> go google it
L630[10:30:46] <DeanIsaKitty> Negi: To be completely honest: MySQL has been shut down because I had a security hole somewhere and I haven't yet been able to close it. >.<
L631[10:31:06] <g> "internet enineering task force"
L632[10:31:22] <Negi> Oh so that's the why of it.
L633[10:31:46] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L634[10:31:51] <g> oetf site has a bad cert
L635[10:31:58] <Azazel> ew mySQL
L636[10:32:02] <Azazel> is just no..
L637[10:32:05] <Ender> g, it's self signed
L638[10:32:13] <g> exactly
L639[10:32:20] <Ender> not all of us have money to splash out on signed certs
L640[10:32:25] <g> so get a free one?
L641[10:32:35] <Timmy94> Ender do you know where i can get the latest OC version?
L642[10:32:38] <Azazel> what are you talking about g
L643[10:32:42] <g> https://www.startssl.com/
L644[10:32:42] <DeanIsaKitty> g/Kodos, the basic Idea is that its a platform to publish Standard drafts for OC programs. I.e. DNS-like protocols, DHCP-like or whatever else you want to come up with.
L645[10:32:51] <Ender> Timmy94, http://ci.cil.li
L646[10:32:56] <Negi> Signed certs aren't free afaik ??
L647[10:33:02] <g> signed certs are free
L648[10:33:06] <g> I just linked to a place you can get one
L649[10:33:13] <Ender> g, hahahah no
L650[10:33:17] <Azazel> Don't click it
L651[10:33:19] <g> though it's the only semi-decent free signed cert vendor that I can think of
L652[10:33:20] <Ender> it's fucking impossible to get one from there
L653[10:33:24] <g> Ender: I use them
L654[10:33:28] <Azazel> free things don't exist on the internet
L655[10:33:46] <g> Azazel, it's startcom
L656[10:33:48] <g> do your research
L657[10:34:00] <Ender> also they dont count for the fact that some houses have names
L658[10:34:01] <Azazel> Nah
L659[10:34:03] <DeanIsaKitty> g: The reason why its self-signed is that until now 90% of the visitors were close friends of mine and I gave them the CA cert on a USB stick so they had it installed and trusted. :P
L660[10:34:07] <Azazel> don't have time
L661[10:34:24] <g> Azazel, then don't call bullshit when you're not willing to prove it?
L662[10:34:33] <Azazel> Wat
L663[10:34:35] <g> I've used these guys for years
L664[10:34:40] <Azazel> I just said nothing is free
L665[10:34:48] <g> You told people not to click it
L666[10:34:48] <Azazel> Which is practically true
L667[10:34:52] <Timmy94> Ender: thank you
L668[10:34:55] <Azazel> Well uh
L669[10:34:56] <g> Well, no, you're wrong in this case
L670[10:35:00] <Azazel> Um
L671[10:35:05] <Azazel> its common sense
L672[10:35:13] <g> StartSSL is a very well-known free signed cert vendor
L673[10:35:20] <Azazel> Also this from my server
L674[10:35:22] <g> Run by StartCom
L675[10:35:28] *** Ender sets mode: +q *!*g@hi.i.just.wanted.to.say.that.programming.is.evidently.sexy
L676[10:35:31] *** Ender sets mode: +q *!*uid52684@id-52684.charlton.irccloud.com
L677[10:35:38] <Ender> i'll remove those in 1 min
L678[10:35:50] <Azazel> programming is sexy?
L679[10:36:10] <Azazel> An SSL cert?
L680[10:36:22] <Negi> Also Azazel opensource software is free.
L681[10:36:28] <Negi> Mostly.7
L682[10:36:31] <Negi> -7
L683[10:36:43] <DeanIsaKitty> Negi: FOSS is free. OSS not necessarily ;)
L684[10:36:58] <Negi> "Mostly."
L685[10:37:15] <Negi> But saying that free software is free would've been dumb.
L686[10:37:15] <Ender> .... okay, EnderBot2's console is fucked up
L687[10:37:58] <Azazel> g don't let your jimmies reach max rustle
L688[10:38:00] <Ender> can anyone understand whatever the hell this is http://i.imgur.com/BVKTMXa.png
L689[10:38:25] <Azazel> looks like encrypted haskell
L690[10:38:33] <Azazel> and unsafe coerce
L691[10:38:33] *** Ender sets mode: -q Azazel!*@*
L692[10:38:36] *** Ender sets mode: -q g!*@*
L693[10:38:39] <Ender> ¬_¬
L694[10:38:40] <Azazel> Wat
L695[10:38:41] <Negi> Fucked up encoding ?
L696[10:38:43] <Ender> ffs hexchat
L697[10:38:46] <Ender> Negi, seems like it
L698[10:38:53] <Azazel> whats with the Azazel
L699[10:38:59] <Azazel> -q
L700[10:39:03] *** Ender sets mode: -q *!*g@hi.i.just.wanted.to.say.that.programming.is.evidently.sexy
L701[10:39:07] *** Ender sets mode: -q *!*uid52684@id-52684.charlton.irccloud.com
L702[10:39:08] <g> That was unnecessary (and unexplained), a warning or "shut up" would have sufficed
L703[10:39:12] <g> also, Probably someone sent some funky unicode earlier that your terminal doesn't understand
L704[10:39:14] <Ender> was meant to do that
L705[10:39:30] <g> I've had the same thing happen with my terms on IRC
L706[10:39:34] <Azazel> I am of the confused
L707[10:39:52] ⇦ Quits: EnderBot2 (NoIdent@theender.net) (Quit: Ohh Noes)
L708[10:40:01] <g> usually have to restart my terminal to fix it
L709[10:40:17] <Azazel> is it for your bot
L710[10:40:18] ⇨ Joins: EnderBot2 (NoIdent@theender.net)
L711[10:40:19] zsh sets mode: +v on EnderBot2
L712[10:40:34] <Azazel> What do you use to code? / program
L713[10:40:35] <Ender> yes, had to restart the screen session
L714[10:40:50] <Azazel> graphical error¿
L715[10:40:54] <Ender> to code it, either vim or Sublime Text 3
L716[10:41:06] <Negi> subl is cool.
L717[10:41:07] <g> ST \o/
L718[10:41:11] <Azazel> oh sublime
L719[10:41:16] <g> What's the language?
L720[10:41:19] <Ender> that was just running in it's terminal though, havent touched EnderBot2's code in ages
L721[10:41:23] <Ender> Python 2
L722[10:41:26] <g> Yaaay, python
L723[10:41:31] *** Kilobyte is now known as Kiloff
L724[10:41:33] <Azazel> 2?!
L725[10:41:37] <g> yes, 2
L726[10:41:38] <Azazel> but why
L727[10:41:40] <g> 3 isn't really viable yet
L728[10:41:52] <g> most of the major libraries haven't finished porting
L729[10:41:53] <Ender> I do use 3 but not on v2 of my bot
L730[10:42:01] <g> such as twisted
L731[10:42:03] <Azazel> I don't neccesarily use python often
L732[10:42:04] <g> which I use a lot
L733[10:42:04] <g> lol
L734[10:42:14] <Azazel> technically speaking I use it a lot
L735[10:42:23] <Ender> v3 is on python 3 though i dont think it would be that hard to make it work on either
L736[10:42:23] <Azazel> but only for libraries
L737[10:42:28] <g> Ender: What does your bot do?
L738[10:42:35] <g> also yeah, making it work on both is possible
L739[10:42:37] <Azazel> it eats cake
L740[10:42:41] <Ender> .stats
L741[10:42:41] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Ender \o/ http://goo.gl/Hzm22G
L742[10:42:43] <Ender> .cmds
L743[10:42:43] <EnderBot2> You can find information about the different bot commands here: http://goo.gl/X2hEb8
L744[10:42:48] <g> factoids, then
L745[10:42:54] <Negi> I don't understand a flick about Python GUI or Python networking libs.
L746[10:42:56] <Ender> oh yeah, forums are down
L747[10:43:05] <Ender> .jenkins
L748[10:43:09] <Azazel> Negi: use Haskell
L749[10:43:11] <Azazel> lol
L750[10:43:13] <g> I have a large bot project as well
L751[10:43:14] <EnderBot2> Latest builds: ICBMComponent: #21 | OpenLights1.7: #18 | OpenComputersDev: #351 | OpenPrinter: #79 | OpenComputers: #28 | OpenLights: #20 | OpenGlasses: #44 | OpenPrinter1.7: #102
L752[10:43:20] <Kodos> Any of you lot a MineTweaker wiz?
L753[10:43:27] <Ender> nope
L754[10:43:28] <g> Kodos, I know a little
L755[10:43:32] <Azazel> My bot is just my entire server
L756[10:43:36] <Negi> Azazel: Don't you Hasktroll me. <_<
L757[10:43:40] * Ender tries to think of what other commands EnderBot2 has
L758[10:43:47] <Ender> .josh
L759[10:43:47] <EnderBot2> Future ruler/ender of the world, often likes to destroy people by throwing busses full of children at them. Sometimes puppies are in place of children. Does not give a damn about what you think, and will pretty much eat your soul.
L760[10:43:47] <EnderBot2> - http://goo.gl/35fRvm
L761[10:43:48] <Azazel> and I'm dissapointed in its preformance lately
L762[10:43:49] <Ender> ha
L763[10:43:51] <Kodos> This is madness!
L764[10:43:51] <EnderBot2> That doesn't surprise me.
L765[10:43:53] <g> trying to remember the url of my bot's web interface
L766[10:43:59] <Kodos> Well fuck you too EnderBot2
L767[10:43:59] <g> oh yeah, http://ivy.gserv.me:9090/
L768[10:44:00] <Ender> This is madness!
L769[10:44:00] *** EnderBot2 is now known as Leonidas
L770[10:44:00] <Leonidas> Madness....?
L771[10:44:01] <Leonidas> THIS.
L772[10:44:02] <Leonidas> IS.
L773[10:44:02] <Leonidas> #oc!!
L774[10:44:03] *** Leonidas is now known as EnderBot2
L775[10:44:03] <EnderBot2> Seriously, what did you think this was?
L776[10:44:18] <g> EnderBot2: madness
L777[10:44:18] <DeanIsaKitty> ^ EnderBot2 best bot
L778[10:44:35] <Ender> EnderBot2, hearbeat
L779[10:44:42] <Ender> EnderBot2, heartbeat
L780[10:44:42] * EnderBot2 taps out a four-beat rhythm...
L781[10:44:53] <DeanIsaKitty> EnderBot2, dance
L782[10:44:54] * EnderBot2 dances
L783[10:45:01] * Ender goes to look at code to see what else it can do
L784[10:45:07] <g> doesn't it do like
L785[10:45:09] * g slaps Ender
L786[10:45:09] * EnderBot2 laughs
L787[10:45:10] <g> yeah
L788[10:45:13] * DeanIsaKitty instructs EnderBot2 to give g cake
L789[10:45:13] * EnderBot2 complies!
L790[10:45:13] * EnderBot2 gives g cake
L791[10:45:42] <Ender> .news
L792[10:45:42] <EnderBot2> Ender is currently working on making me better so yay, I guess. As for anything else that might be news that's not me.
L793[10:45:42] * EnderBot2 shrugs
L794[10:45:48] <Ender> lol
L795[10:45:59] <Ender> .power
L796[10:45:59] <EnderBot2> THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS YOU!
L797[10:46:05] <g> http://i.imgur.com/R2Mopni.png
L798[10:46:05] <g> yeey
L799[10:46:13] <g> ..yeah, I think this is probably an older project lol
L800[10:46:29] <g> yours is neat too
L801[10:46:30] <Ender> .time
L802[10:46:31] <EnderBot2> Current OC time: Sun Jan 18 10:46:30 2015
L803[10:46:31] <g> bots are kind of my thing
L804[10:46:33] <Azazel> bottom scale
L805[10:46:41] <Azazel> you are using a lot?
L806[10:46:41] * Negi flops down on the ground. He is now a carpet.
L807[10:46:49] <g> the bottom graph?
L808[10:46:57] <Azazel> ye
L809[10:47:00] <g> http://i.imgur.com/etwRndY.png
L810[10:47:04] <Azazel> it sky rocketed
L811[10:47:04] <g> that's maxing at like 2%
L812[10:47:17] <g> the top isn't 100%
L813[10:47:25] <g> the scale changes depending on what the higest value is
L814[10:47:31] <g> highest*
L815[10:47:46] <Azazel> http://sorch.info/ is all I have to show my lag stat lol
L816[10:48:04] <g> Ultra High Lag
L817[10:48:05] <g> lol
L818[10:48:14] <g> but that's just image loading
L819[10:48:16] <Azazel> I don't bot much any more
L820[10:48:21] <g> f5 and it's low
L821[10:48:22] <g> so
L822[10:48:49] <g> I dunno
L823[10:48:49] <g> my bots are like
L824[10:48:56] <g> there was a point where I had way too much free time
L825[10:49:15] <Azazel> ugh it went up to 800
L826[10:49:17] <g> so.. I made a big plugin system and events and mutiple protocols and web and.. yeah..
L827[10:49:19] <g> it's a bit ott
L828[10:49:19] <g> lol
L829[10:49:24] <g> http://i.imgur.com/nlirfJS.png
L830[10:50:22] <Negi> Ugh I just remembered I need to work on my parser D:
L831[10:50:52] <g> parser \o/
L832[10:51:04] <Negi> g : Inline languages are the worst.
L833[10:51:05] <Azazel> xml parsing bombs
L834[10:51:37] <g> Negi: yeah, they're hard, but.. I like parsing
L835[10:51:39] <Azazel> Lol this is like the worst lag stat I've gotten all month
L836[10:51:56] <Azazel> ( S/serv ) [ I ] [ 789.86, 9 ] [ 894()8; ] Multitude of bytes per handler = 7852e10
L837[10:52:05] <Azazel> I just need
L838[10:52:11] <Azazel> to turn every thing off
L839[10:52:15] <g> http://i.imgur.com/T29wiMM.png
L840[10:52:17] <g> </advertise>
L841[10:52:44] <Negi> g : Especially when it's a language where you replace a lot of stuff and can't rely on character positions. (And especially when you know that Python lists aren't insertion ordered...)
L842[10:52:46] <Azazel> advertise?
L843[10:52:47] <Azazel> what
L844[10:52:55] <g> just realise I was posting tons of screenshots
L845[10:52:56] <Azazel> a billion laughs
L846[10:52:58] <g> realised*
L847[10:52:58] <g> lol
L848[10:53:17] <g> Negi: python lists are insertion ordered, it's dicts that aren't ordered?
L849[10:53:38] <g> even then we have OrderedDict so meh
L850[10:53:44] <Negi> g : Weird, re.findall always acted up with me.
L851[10:53:47] <Azazel> I need a way to screen shot on mobile
L852[10:54:00] <Negi> The results weren't showing up in the order they were in the text :I
L853[10:54:01] <g> lists are definitely ordered
L854[10:54:05] <g> ah, that's not lists
L855[10:54:14] <Negi> Those are tuples
L856[10:54:17] <Negi> I know.
L857[10:54:20] <g> no, I mean
L858[10:54:24] <g> um
L859[10:54:25] <g> hold on
L860[10:54:27] * Azazel pets g's head
L861[10:55:02] <Azazel> its super windy here ;-;
L862[10:55:08] <g> "Return all non-overlapping matches of pattern in string, as a list of strings. The string is scanned left-to-right, and matches are returned in the order found."
L863[10:55:10] <SandraNicole> there's suddenly people talking here whoa.
L864[10:55:27] <Negi> So yeah that's a list.
L865[10:55:40] <Azazel> sounds like stacking
L866[10:55:51] <g> a list, yeah, but it should be in the order you want
L867[10:56:05] <SandraNicole> I'm currently learning Gopher's old GML system although it was slightly outdated.
L868[10:56:25] <Azazel> WhAt?
L869[10:56:29] <Azazel> why
L870[10:56:30] <Negi> Ugh no now I remember why I stopped to work on it.
L871[10:56:42] <SandraNicole> because it'
L872[10:56:44] <SandraNicole> s
L873[10:56:44] <Azazel> GHC.unsafe.coerce
L874[10:56:56] <Azazel> use coerce for everything
L875[10:57:11] <SandraNicole> cool and well made.
L876[10:57:27] <Negi> g : instruction block depth is a thing I don't know how to manage.
L877[10:57:35] <g> Negi: you and me both
L878[10:57:38] <Azazel> Negi: what?
L879[10:57:48] <Azazel> I've never heard of that
L880[10:57:53] <g> Why are you writing a language, anyway?
L881[10:58:04] <Azazel> They want to be famous
L882[10:58:04] <Negi> g : Tumblr pages and laziness.
L883[10:58:09] <Azazel> Oh
L884[10:58:11] <Azazel> html?
L885[10:58:14] <Negi> Yeah.
L886[10:58:21] <Azazel> Wellpp
L887[10:58:27] <SandraNicole> I'm writing a language as well as a matter of fact.
L888[10:58:37] <Azazel> Me too
L889[10:58:38] <g> you're parsing html?
L890[10:58:42] <Negi> Nah
L891[10:58:45] <Azazel> Its an esoteric
L892[10:58:50] <Azazel> though
L893[10:58:56] <SandraNicole> esoteric?
L894[10:59:26] <SandraNicole> also yay for this: https://imgur.com/a/PhXCQ
L895[10:59:56] <g> a gooey
L896[10:59:57] <Negi> g : I'm parsing inline code in HTML (or others) files that formats it with code from files wrote in a description language I already wrote a parser for.
L897[11:00:15] * g scratches head
L898[11:00:32] <SandraNicole> it is indeed a gooey.
L899[11:00:33] <Negi> A lot of re.sub, re.search and re.findall, tbh.
L900[11:00:38] <g> hm, okay
L901[11:00:58] <g> I was gonna say since if you're parsing html, you use beautifulsoup
L902[11:01:19] <Negi> I can read IPv6 regex like they're text, now.
L903[11:01:19] <SandraNicole> my language that I have designed revolves around excessive levels of metaprogramming.
L904[11:01:23] <g> lol
L905[11:01:25] <Azazel> http://esolangs.org/wiki/0x29A
L906[11:01:29] <Azazel> there
L907[11:01:36] <Negi> SandraNicole: TooMuchMeta exception is a thing ?
L908[11:01:43] <Azazel> best example of esoteric maybe
L909[11:02:11] <SandraNicole> Negi: of course not, you can never have enough meta.
L910[11:02:18] <Azazel> oh
L911[11:02:31] <Azazel> I have a friend who is good at html
L912[11:02:41] <Azazel> she only does it on chatango thougb
L913[11:02:50] <Negi> Lessnot talk about HTML.
L914[11:02:52] <Azazel> which im dissapointer with
L915[11:03:00] <Azazel> XHTML
L916[11:03:06] <Negi> I am really really frustrated with every XML derivates.
L917[11:03:14] <Negi> derivated languages*
L918[11:03:16] <Azazel> ok Negi
L919[11:03:18] <SandraNicole> My lang involves embedding languages within other languages, it's basically lisp macros++.
L920[11:03:23] <Azazel> here's what you do
L921[11:03:32] <Negi> Or however it's wrote.
L922[11:03:33] <Azazel> 1. Delete your OS
L923[11:03:43] <Azazel> 2. Leave the internet
L924[11:03:53] <Azazel> 3. Become god and rule of the universe
L925[11:04:12] <Azazel> That's about it
L926[11:04:31] <Azazel> Oh and once you become god teir you can html p well
L927[11:05:15] <Negi> That'll wait the day I receive SBURB Beta.
L928[11:10:14] <SandraNicole> the program has been running for 1000 seconds.
L929[11:12:43] <Vexatos> downloading a 14 MB song onto a cassette tape >_>
L930[11:13:00] <Azazel> I can manually forkbomb my server from irc now
L931[11:13:09] <Negi> Vexatos: Which song ?
L932[11:13:20] * Vexatos looks around
L933[11:13:25] <Vexatos> Negi, Nyan cat, 1h loop
L934[11:13:35] <Vexatos> :3
L935[11:14:55] <Ender> http://i.imgur.com/JaZLhYX.jpg is DeanIsaKitty :P
L936[11:16:24] <Negi> I smell the prank.
L937[11:16:50] <Ender> ?
L938[11:19:47] *** Azazel is now known as Satan
L939[11:20:03] *** Satan is now known as Azazel
L940[11:21:14] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L941[11:21:14] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L942[11:22:44] <Negi> I meant for Vexatos's 1h loop of Nyan Cat, Ender.
L943[11:22:51] <Ender> ah
L944[11:22:54] ⇨ Joins: Mirodin (~quassel@2a02:810d:12c0:1878:d99a:5ae5:1fd3:9676)
L945[11:29:27] <g> gamax92: you crashed the server with oclights
L946[11:29:28] <g> lol
L947[11:30:11] <g> gamax92: http://i.imgur.com/NBF4eXM.png
L948[11:31:33] *** Lathanael is now known as Lathanael|afk
L949[11:37:52] ⇦ Quits: Azazel (uid52684@id-52684.charlton.irccloud.com) ()
L950[11:41:07] <Vexatos> Strange
L951[11:41:31] ⇦ Quits: Nirek (~Nirek@ip68-110-162-86.no.no.cox.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L952[11:41:43] ⇨ Joins: Nirek (~Nirek@ip68-110-162-86.no.no.cox.net)
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L954[11:49:58] ⇨ Joins: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host81-158-132-107.range81-158.btcentralplus.com)
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L958[12:07:11] <Sangar> o/
L959[12:07:43] <Negi> Hello Sangar
L960[12:08:38] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L961[12:10:48] <Vexatos> Hey, Sangar, I have a problem
L962[12:11:05] ⇨ Joins: tattyseal (~tattyseal@
L963[12:11:34] *** skyem123|ZZZ is now known as skyem123
L964[12:11:41] <Vexatos> I am currently trying to download a 14 MB file onto a cassette tape using internet.open(), but once I reach around 1.4 MB it simply stops
L965[12:12:09] <Sangar> Vexatos, may be related to requestMaxDownloadSize setting?
L966[12:12:27] <Vexatos> I am not using request
L967[12:12:29] <Sangar> wait, internet.open is sockets, right
L968[12:12:29] <Kodos> Isn't that a capped packet size?
L969[12:12:33] <Sangar> hum
L970[12:12:41] <Vexatos> Kodos, I am reading 1kB per request
L971[12:12:48] <Vexatos> 1 kiB
L972[12:12:51] <Vexatos> rather
L973[12:13:27] <Sangar> can you send me a minimal script to reproduce that?
L974[12:14:01] <Vexatos> You could use the tape program you get when connecting to a tape drive
L975[12:14:05] <Vexatos> from Computronics
L976[12:14:28] <Sangar> > minimal
L977[12:14:31] <Vexatos> You'd need that mod anyway due to the file to download being 14MB in size
L978[12:15:34] <Kodos> Does Zetta Industries have a guide or wiki
L979[12:15:37] <Vexatos> Sangar: My minimal program would just be the tape program without the functions
L980[12:15:49] <Vexatos> without the functions not related to write()
L981[12:16:32] <Sangar> that's fine. just want to see the issue in its essensce, to be sure its nothing else somwhere in the code :P
L982[12:17:05] <Vexatos> Ok
L983[12:19:01] <Vexatos> Sangar, http://pastebin.com/7rd0VJd6
L984[12:19:06] <Vexatos> This is as short as I can get it
L985[12:19:10] <Vexatos> (I hope it still works)
L986[12:19:39] <Vexatos> just run "./tape write http://puu.sh/eGmVD/085f5c9678.dfpwm&quot;
L987[12:19:44] <Vexatos> Sangar ^
L988[12:20:27] <Sangar> that's minimal? >_>
L989[12:21:02] <Vexatos> Sangar, most of the code is used to strip the TCP header
L990[12:21:12] <Sangar> i was hoping for something like `h=internet.open(...); while true do h:read() end` or something :P
L991[12:22:02] <Vexatos> Well, it's there, see line 120
L992[12:22:26] <Negi> Augh I have to rewrite both parsers from scratch T_T
L993[12:23:36] *** AngieBLD|Off is now known as AngieBLD
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L995[12:28:17] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p549CE7B6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L996[12:28:34] <Vexatos> Oh, btw, Sangar
L997[12:28:39] <Vexatos> You will need a 64 minute tape
L998[12:32:04] ⇨ Joins: SKS|Skyrim (webchat@
L999[12:34:26] <Vexatos> Sangar: I cannot reproduce it in SSP
L1000[12:34:41] <Vexatos> Seems to be something related to asie's server :/
L1001[12:35:24] <Vexatos> Oh wait
L1002[12:35:25] <Vexatos> I can
L1003[12:35:30] <Vexatos> this time it just stopped later
L1004[12:35:38] <SKS|Skyrim> Karliah is going down.
L1005[12:35:39] <Vexatos> at 2.3 MB
L1006[12:36:06] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-352-26.w92-132.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L1007[12:36:50] ⇦ Quits: Timmy94 (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1008[12:37:00] <Sangar> wrote minimal test case, testing now :P
L1009[12:38:02] <Sangar> am at 3.7 mb so far
L1010[12:39:16] <Sangar> 6.2...
L1011[12:39:17] <Vexatos> I am testing on 4MB RAM now
L1012[12:39:22] <Vexatos> (creative server)
L1013[12:39:31] <Vexatos> to see if there's a memory leak in my code
L1014[12:39:33] <Sangar> the machine i'm testing with has 2
L1015[12:39:41] <Vexatos> I tested with 2 as well
L1016[12:39:44] <Sangar> http://git.io/ro5p-A writing to a raid
L1017[12:41:31] <Vexatos> this time it stopped at 2 MB
L1018[12:41:33] <Sangar> 10.5 :X
L1019[12:41:39] <Vexatos> in SSP
L1020[12:41:42] <SKS|Skyrim> Shit.
L1021[12:41:49] <Vexatos> so memory can't be the issue
L1022[12:41:50] <SKS|Skyrim> This dungeon needs a key.
L1023[12:41:56] <SKS|Skyrim> I don't have the key
L1024[12:42:04] <Sangar> setup a raid and run the script i linked (adjusting the mount path ofc), see if it also happens with that
L1025[12:42:15] <Sangar> (3 t3 hdds)
L1026[12:42:37] <Sangar> read until it ran out of disk space for me
L1027[12:42:45] <Sangar> so ~12mb
L1028[12:43:22] <Vexatos> hold on
L1029[12:43:28] <Vexatos> it might actually have written everything
L1030[12:43:32] <SKS|Skyrim> Gooing in.
L1031[12:43:34] <Vexatos> just that my progress indicator has derped
L1032[12:43:37] <Vexatos> this is really weird
L1033[12:43:52] <Sangar> :P
L1034[12:48:16] <Vexatos> no, it did not
L1035[12:48:28] <Vexatos> it actually read as much as it said
L1036[12:48:30] <Vexatos> about 2 MB
L1037[12:48:34] <Vexatos> then it suddenly stopped
L1038[12:49:14] <Vexatos> This is so weird, sangar
L1039[12:49:19] <Vexatos> I have no idea why it's happening
L1040[12:49:45] <Sangar> see what happens if you use my testcase
L1041[12:50:00] *** Kiloff is now known as Kilobyte
L1042[12:50:04] <Vexatos> it doesn't seem to be related to RAM, as it stopped earlier on 4k than it did on 2k
L1043[12:50:07] <Vexatos> Okay, I'll try
L1044[12:51:56] <Vexatos> Sangar, what does assert() do?
L1045[12:53:21] <Sangar> assert(val, msg) := if val return val else error(msg)
L1046[12:54:19] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L1047[12:55:16] <Vexatos> interesting
L1048[12:55:59] <Vexatos> Currently running your test program
L1049[12:56:17] <Vexatos> It does indeed seem to work
L1050[12:56:24] <Vexatos> but it is much faster than my tape program
L1051[12:56:28] <Vexatos> due to it not writing to a tape
L1052[12:56:39] <Vexatos> could it be that puush terminates the connection after a while, Sangar?
L1053[12:56:59] <Sangar> possibly
L1054[12:57:08] <Sangar> at least if you're reading too slowly, maybe
L1055[12:57:09] <Vexatos> Unfortunately there is no other service I can use to test
L1056[12:57:18] <Sangar> because ssl?
L1057[12:57:26] <Vexatos> yep, no dropbox
L1058[12:57:34] <Vexatos> and I don't know of any other good service to do so
L1059[12:58:27] <Sangar> github? :P
L1060[12:58:46] <Vexatos> Yea, right, let me setup a git repo just for one file
L1061[12:58:55] <Sangar> just upload it as a "release" :> (i have no clue if that's against their tos, actually)
L1062[12:59:44] <Sangar> Vexatos, well then, resort to uploading the file in 1mb sized parts? :P
L1063[13:04:07] <Aedda> Getting a "oc.cil.li Driver Error" and error with the database when trying to view http://oc.cil.li/
L1064[13:04:29] <Ender> Aedda, forums are on the fritz, it's know
L1065[13:04:36] ⇦ Quits: SKS|Skyrim (webchat@ (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ShadowKatStudios!~ShadowKat@chocolate.paranoidlabs.org)))
L1066[13:04:45] <Aedda> Ah, ok
L1067[13:05:04] *** Ender changes topic to 'Forums: http://oc.cil.li/ [Borked] | Wiki: http://ocd.cil.li/ | Latest version: 1.4.5 | Dev Builds: http://ci.cil.li/ | Channel Rules: http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/171- | Stats: http://goo.gl/Hzm22G | Don't ask to ask, just ask!'
L1068[13:10:01] <Vexatos> Sangar: Github releases also enforce HTTPS
L1069[13:10:15] *** Altenius|Away is now known as Altenius
L1070[13:10:17] <Aedda> Ah thank you Vexatos, the Beep Card is mentioned in the change log but not the related wiki list of peripherals and OC upgrades.
L1071[13:10:23] ⇨ Joins: Gopher (~Gopher@83.sub-70-193-161.myvzw.com)
L1072[13:10:25] <Altenius> What's the default palette colors?
L1073[13:10:59] <Vexatos> Aedda, it is inside Computronics
L1074[13:11:43] <Vexatos> Also, check out my song API if you want to see how it's being used
L1075[13:12:22] <Aedda> Vexatos: Aye, what I was saying is the Beep Card is not mentioned outside the changelog on http://mc.shinonome.ch/doku.php?id=wiki:computronics so I overlooked it in my haste.
L1076[13:12:25] <Aedda> Will do!
L1077[13:12:33] <Vexatos> Ah, it's not
L1078[13:12:40] <Vexatos> yea, someone needs to update the computronics wiki :P
L1079[13:13:21] <Vexatos> asie: You here?
L1080[13:13:44] <asie> no
L1081[13:13:46] <asie> i'm coding BC
L1082[13:13:47] <Vexatos> Dang
L1083[13:13:56] <Vexatos> Sangar, it appears that your program works and mine doesn't
L1084[13:14:00] <Vexatos> now we need to figure out why
L1085[13:15:06] <Vexatos> Because puush shouldn't be closing the connection as your program also runs long enough for it to do that
L1086[13:15:12] <Altenius> Sangar, what's the default palette?
L1087[13:15:15] <Vexatos> It has to be something in the tape program
L1088[13:15:30] <Aedda> Should I close that issue while replying to it?
L1089[13:15:44] <Sangar> Altenius, for t2: mc colors. for t3: grayscale.
L1090[13:15:47] <Vexatos> Aedda, no clue, I certainly can't be bothered to make triangular and sine waves
L1091[13:15:57] <Vexatos> I'll just use the beeps Snagar provides
L1092[13:16:03] <Vexatos> for my beep cards
L1093[13:16:16] <Altenius> Sangar, do they both hold 16?
L1094[13:16:23] <Sangar> Altenius, yes
L1095[13:16:49] <Vexatos> Sangar, could you help me find something in my code that makes it derp?
L1096[13:16:56] <Vexatos> A memory leak or something
L1097[13:17:07] <Vexatos> because it really looks like it might be related to a memory leak
L1098[13:17:21] <Vexatos> as one time I ran it the screen started behaving weirdly
L1099[13:17:57] <Sangar> in the pastebin script?
L1100[13:18:02] <Aedda> Vexatos: Ah good point. In the grand scheme of things though those features are probably fairly low priority. It will probably depend on if it is possible to make retro style sounds.
L1101[13:18:25] <Vexatos> Aedda, keep in mine beeps are meant for motherboard output
L1102[13:18:28] <Vexatos> not for music :)
L1103[13:18:33] <Vexatos> For music, use tapes ~O
L1104[13:20:09] <Negi> Tapes are life.
L1105[13:20:11] <Vexatos> This is so weird.....
L1106[13:20:24] <Vexatos> It does only happen after a certain amount of time
L1107[13:20:43] <Vexatos> either it's related to inet connection or to ingame memory
L1108[13:21:54] <Aedda> Vexatos: Ah but floppy drives are meant for reading and storing data on floppy disks but that has not stopped hackers from using them to play crude music :3
L1109[13:22:10] <Vexatos> Aedda, which is why I made the beep card and my Song API
L1110[13:22:41] <Vexatos> Aedda, http://puu.sh/dufJQ/694854629a.mp4 :P
L1111[13:22:56] <Sangar> Vexatos, line 121 may be derping
L1112[13:23:05] <Sangar> if .. or bytes == "" then break end
L1113[13:23:14] <Sangar> read may return "" if there is no more data *currently*
L1114[13:23:17] <Sangar> it'll return nil at eof
L1115[13:23:24] <Vexatos> I never knew that
L1116[13:23:25] <Aedda> That, was, awesome Vexatos
L1117[13:23:27] <Vexatos> let me try
L1118[13:23:36] <Vexatos> Aedda, that's the beep card, before Sangar fixed the beeps
L1119[13:23:41] <Vexatos> now it is 1000% better
L1120[13:24:13] <Aedda> You should make an updated video so I can give it to a friend who may be into this sort of thing, have been trying to get them back into MC for a while ;)
L1121[13:25:30] <Vexatos> Sangar, but you are testing for #data>0 as well
L1122[13:25:37] <Vexatos> in your test program
L1123[13:25:55] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1124[13:26:10] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~samis@95f1d7dd.skybroadband.com)
L1125[13:26:11] <Sangar> but i don't break the loop
L1126[13:26:20] <Sangar> i just keep trying
L1127[13:26:50] <Sangar> the loop in the testcase only stops when `not data` (see the until)
L1128[13:26:50] <Vexatos> ah, right
L1129[13:26:54] <Vexatos> yes, indeed
L1130[13:27:02] <Vexatos> Let me replace it with a repeat loop as well
L1131[13:27:05] <Vexatos> looks much better
L1132[13:27:30] ⇦ Quits: Gopher (~Gopher@83.sub-70-193-161.myvzw.com) ()
L1133[13:27:39] <Vexatos> wait, Sangar
L1134[13:27:51] <Vexatos> repeat has access to local variables inside of it?
L1135[13:27:53] <Vexatos> o.o
L1136[13:28:17] <Sangar> the until? yes <3
L1137[13:28:49] <Vexatos> Never knew that
L1138[13:28:51] <Vexatos> that's amazing
L1139[13:28:54] ⇨ Joins: Cinder (~Neil@86-41-114-220-dynamic.b-ras2.lmk.limerick.eircom.net)
L1140[13:29:05] <Sangar> it makes for nicer code, yes :>
L1141[13:29:42] <Cinder> ?
L1142[13:29:47] <Cinder> Good afternoon everybody
L1143[13:30:55] <Sangar> hithere
L1144[13:31:07] ⇨ Joins: tattyseal (~tattyseal@
L1145[13:31:09] ⇨ Joins: Ir7_o (~Ir7_o@CPE-124-182-81-245.lns2.fli.bigpond.net.au)
L1146[13:31:09] zsh sets mode: +o on Ir7_o
L1147[13:31:14] <Ir7_o> forums are back
L1148[13:31:21] <Vexatos> Sangar, testing right now
L1149[13:31:21] *** Ir7_o changes topic to 'Forums: http://oc.cil.li/ | Wiki: http://ocd.cil.li/ | Latest version: 1.4.5 | Dev Builds: http://ci.cil.li/ | Channel Rules: http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/171- | Stats: http://goo.gl/Hzm22G | Don't ask to ask, just ask!'
L1150[13:31:22] <Negi> Yay
L1151[13:31:29] <Vexatos> excitement intensifies
L1152[13:31:30] <Sangar> Cinder, talking about `repeat local x = ... until x` :> (locals access in until statement)
L1153[13:31:45] <Sangar> Ir7_o, awesome!
L1154[13:31:53] <Ir7_o> sorry! i restored a backup. but needed to boot into a livecd to restore the db perms
L1155[13:31:58] <Ir7_o> everything is sound now
L1156[13:31:58] <Vexatos> Hope and pray, everyone
L1157[13:32:04] <Ir7_o> i am doing an offsite backup now too
L1158[13:32:05] <Vexatos> and prey as well
L1159[13:32:10] <Sangar> cool :)
L1160[13:32:17] <Ir7_o> sorry if the connection to the forums is slow for 10 minutes or whatever
L1161[13:32:33] <Vexatos> Conspiracy: asie DDoSed the forum to get more people to use NedoComputers
L1162[13:32:40] <Ir7_o> sorry for the inconvenience
L1163[13:32:45] <asie> Vexatos: ComputerCraft*
L1164[13:32:52] <Vexatos> :P
L1165[13:33:11] <Cinder> hahaha
L1166[13:33:21] <Sangar> yeah, that's totally what happened :P let me write a news entry...
L1167[13:33:47] <SandraNicole> oh god nedocomputers.
L1168[13:33:49] <Cinder> didn't one of the disks have an "unscheduled disassembly?"
L1169[13:34:15] <Vexatos> Sangar: Still not working
L1170[13:34:35] <Vexatos> still stopped at 2057687 bytes
L1171[13:34:39] <Sangar> Vexatos, cached version of the script/sure its the updated code?
L1172[13:34:54] <SandraNicole> asie: you don't want people to use a computer mod? That's okay.
L1173[13:34:55] <Vexatos> Yes
L1174[13:35:01] <Vexatos> Sangar, http://pastebin.com/LsHSEvgC
L1175[13:35:08] <Vexatos> that's the one I tested with
L1176[13:35:44] <Ir7_o> bye
L1177[13:35:49] <Sangar> \o
L1178[13:35:51] <Ir7_o> be back on my bouncer soon
L1179[13:35:53] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1180[13:36:03] <Vexatos> so, Sangar, it seems to have returned nil there
L1181[13:36:08] ⇦ Quits: Ir7_o (~Ir7_o@CPE-124-182-81-245.lns2.fli.bigpond.net.au) ()
L1182[13:36:21] <Sangar> Vexatos, well, then i'm out of ideas :/
L1183[13:36:36] <Sangar> hmmm
L1184[13:36:38] <Sangar> well
L1185[13:37:37] <Sangar> you could try lowering the buffer size / disable buffering (file:setvbuf("no")) and maybe lower the block size so that you query puush more often so that they don't decide to kill the connection (if that's what it is)
L1186[13:38:29] <Vexatos> well, Currently I am at 1024 bytes
L1187[13:38:34] <Vexatos> shouldn't be too much o.o
L1188[13:38:41] <Vexatos> I'll test with 512
L1189[13:38:49] <Sangar> i guess. how frequently does the progress update?
L1190[13:38:58] <Vexatos> update?
L1191[13:39:01] <Vexatos> what do you mean?
L1192[13:39:19] <Sangar> the displayed number of read bytes changing
L1193[13:39:33] <Vexatos> everytime the repeat thing loops
L1194[13:39:39] <Sangar> hmm, reading the lua manual i'm not sure if setvbuf should actually work for input files >_> oh well
L1195[13:39:46] <Sangar> Vexatos, i mean in real time
L1196[13:39:55] <Vexatos> very quickly
L1197[13:40:03] <Sangar> well then that shouldn't be it, yeah
L1198[13:40:07] <Vexatos> as quickly as term.write can work
L1199[13:40:43] <Vexatos> Yep, it receives nil there
L1200[13:41:16] <ShadowKatStudios> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcuuemuBtIM
L1201[13:41:17] -Kibibyte- [ShadowKatStudios] Attack on Titan - Guren no Yumiya on Eight Floppy Drives | by mrsolidsnake745 | 1m58s | 1w6d ago | 28,927 views | Rated: 4.98/5.00
L1202[13:41:24] <ShadowKatStudios> I am impressed
L1203[13:41:49] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, you can make good music with floppy drives
L1204[13:42:15] <ShadowKatStudios> I know, but I like it.
L1205[13:42:35] <Cinder> is there any way to search the OpenPrograms repo?
L1206[13:43:29] <ShadowKatStudios> Try searching in github..?
L1207[13:43:41] <Cinder> herp derp
L1208[13:43:45] <Cinder> sorry I just woke up >~<
L1209[13:43:53] <Vexatos> Cinder, use OPPM
L1210[13:43:59] <Cinder> OPPM can do that?
L1211[13:44:03] <Vexatos> or http://openprograms.github.io
L1212[13:48:13] <Vexatos> Sangar, this is so weird
L1213[13:48:48] <Vexatos> it seriously randomly stops
L1214[13:49:04] <Vexatos> at a random byte count around 2.1 MB
L1215[13:50:33] <Cinder> Vexatos: Are you sure there are no nils in the bytes array for whatever reason?
L1216[13:50:44] <Cinder> #bytes will fail horribly if there are.
L1217[13:50:45] ⇦ Quits: Something12 (~Something@S010674d02b5d5181.vs.shawcable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1218[13:50:51] <Vexatos> Sangar downloaded the exact same file
L1219[13:50:56] <Vexatos> with a different program
L1220[13:51:04] <Vexatos> successfully
L1221[13:51:40] <Cinder> I'd still make sure the way you're reading it isn't returning nils
L1222[13:51:54] <Sangar> > same file
L1223[13:51:58] <Sangar> doubt it's that
L1224[13:52:09] ⇨ Joins: dangranos (~dangranos@
L1225[13:52:11] <Sangar> so yeah, no clue :/
L1226[13:52:27] <Cinder> wait
L1227[13:52:31] <Cinder> until not bytes
L1228[13:52:59] <Cinder> if there's a string of 0s in the file wouldn't that mean it'd quit?
L1229[13:53:04] <Cinder> instead of at EOF?
L1230[13:53:07] <Sangar> Cinder, also: #"asd\0asd" == 7
L1231[13:53:29] <Sangar> this isn't c, lua doesn't gaf about \0s
L1232[13:53:32] <Cinder> oh bytes is a string
L1233[13:53:36] <Cinder> herp I thought it was an array
L1234[13:53:37] <Sangar> yeah
L1235[13:53:44] <Cinder> I didn't know # worked on strings too
L1236[13:53:50] <Sangar> heh
L1237[13:54:22] <Cinder> still, I'd check the result of not "\0\0\0\0\0" or something like that
L1238[13:54:37] <Sangar> why?
L1239[13:54:54] <Vexatos> that's false, Cinder
L1240[13:54:58] <Cinder> In case lua is parsing it into a number for some god awful reason
L1241[13:55:02] <Vexatos> Just tested to make you happy
L1242[13:55:04] <Cinder> I've had it happen before in Perl
L1243[13:55:19] <Cinder> right okay I'm out of ideas
L1244[13:55:26] <Sangar> join the club :P
L1245[13:55:40] <Vexatos> Okay, using os.time() it appears it's not related to timeout
L1246[13:55:48] <Vexatos> one time it stopped after 1 minute
L1247[13:55:55] <Vexatos> the second time after 2m30s
L1248[13:57:59] <Cinder> math.min(block, filesize - bytery)
L1249[13:58:02] <Cinder> what's that doing exactly?
L1250[13:58:20] <Cinder> reading a minimum of 1024 bytes?
L1251[13:58:38] <Vexatos> 1024 or less if we're approaching the end of the file
L1252[13:59:10] <Vexatos> Don't know if that's necessary
L1253[13:59:30] <Vexatos> Oh wait, it is, otherwise there is some weird sound issues at the end of the song for some reason
L1254[14:01:17] <Cinder> but does it load completely?
L1255[14:02:22] <Vexatos> actually
L1256[14:02:30] <Vexatos> Cinder, usually it does
L1257[14:02:41] <Vexatos> Sangar, it seems to close the connection after roughly 2 and a half minutes
L1258[14:03:27] <Sangar> huh
L1259[14:05:35] <Vexatos> Yep
L1260[14:05:41] <Vexatos> I just tested with 512 bytes
L1261[14:05:44] <Vexatos> instead of 1024
L1262[14:05:52] <Vexatos> It read pretty much half of the bytes
L1263[14:05:58] <Vexatos> 1MB instead of 2
L1264[14:06:04] <Vexatos> and it took pretty much 2.5 minutes
L1265[14:06:18] <Vexatos> I think puush is actually terminating the connection there, or OC is
L1266[14:06:34] <Vexatos> do you have any security code in place that could do such a thing, Sangar?
L1267[14:06:52] <Sangar> i don't, not that i can remember anyway
L1268[14:07:35] <Vexatos> Sangar, you have a server, could you try uploading the dfpwm file to your server so I can try downloading from there?
L1269[14:07:45] <Sangar> sure
L1270[14:08:36] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~samis@95f1d7dd.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1271[14:08:39] <Vexatos> I know it was working before
L1272[14:08:47] <Vexatos> back in the day when dropbox didn't enforce HTTPS yet
L1273[14:09:12] <Sangar> cil.li/mc/vex.dfpwm
L1274[14:09:20] <Vexatos> thanks
L1275[14:09:23] <Cinder> (theoretically), couldn't the Advanced Cypher Block be used for HTTPS?
L1276[14:13:20] <Vexatos> Sangar, now it has successfully passed the 2.5 minute point
L1277[14:13:27] <Vexatos> nope
L1278[14:13:39] <Vexatos> stopped after 2 minutes and 50 seconds
L1279[14:13:41] <Sangar> sorry
L1280[14:13:49] <Sangar> i just updated and it restarted apache >_>
L1281[14:14:05] * Sangar has all the timing
L1282[14:14:08] <Vexatos> uhm
L1283[14:14:08] <Sangar> all of it
L1284[14:14:50] <Vexatos> http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Srsly_b01010_366886.jpg
L1286[14:15:24] <Sangar> that's what you get for using some guys server for testing :P
L1287[14:15:28] <Sangar> anyway, gtg
L1288[14:15:29] <Stary2001> :p
L1289[14:15:33] <Sangar> see you later
L1290[14:15:40] <Vexatos> :(
L1291[14:16:32] <Cinder> Hahahaha
L1292[14:16:38] <Cinder> Classic
L1293[14:18:33] <Vexatos> it seems to work
L1294[14:18:40] <Vexatos> I am about to kill puush
L1295[14:18:42] <Vexatos> if this works
L1296[14:18:52] <Vexatos> why would puush be terminating my connection, though
L1297[14:19:19] <Vexatos> I am sure Sangar's program took longer than 2.5 minutes as well
L1298[14:19:24] <dangranos> hi
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L1301[14:21:29] <Inari> why would you use puush though
L1302[14:21:57] <Vexatos> Inari, tell me a different good free filesharing service
L1303[14:22:01] <Vexatos> that doesn't enforce HTTPS
L1304[14:22:16] <Inari> https ftw \o/
L1305[14:22:23] <Vexatos> Inari, tell me one
L1306[14:22:30] <Inari> use https :<
L1307[14:23:07] <Vexatos> Inari, I can't in OC
L1308[14:23:11] <Vexatos> OC doesn't support SSL
L1309[14:23:15] <Inari> x.x
L1310[14:23:17] <Inari> thats bad
L1311[14:23:32] ⇦ Quits: Zequan (~Zequan@d58-106-206-163.bla801.nsw.optusnet.com.au) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1312[14:24:00] <Inari> hm
L1313[14:24:07] <Inari> cant you use lua ssl?
L1314[14:24:16] <Vexatos> ask Snagar
L1315[14:25:24] <Negi> Inari: isn't LuaSSL a C lib ?
L1316[14:25:28] <Cinder> ^
L1317[14:25:38] <Inari> Negi: so?
L1318[14:25:51] <Inari> i said lua ssl, not LuaSSL :p
L1319[14:26:33] <Inari> plus well just asking, as i dunno how ssl is implemented
L1320[14:26:37] <Inari> but it shoudl work over all tcp sockets i guess
L1321[14:26:55] <Negi> But idk if we can ssl in Lua like that.
L1322[14:30:15] <Inari> Negi: why not?
L1323[14:34:29] <Negi> Inari: Because I don't know how SSL works.
L1324[14:34:39] <Inari> it sjust messages
L1325[14:35:01] <Negi> Signed/encrypted messages, right ? :I
L1326[14:35:29] <Inari> yeah
L1327[14:36:00] <Cinder> Not entirely
L1328[14:36:11] <Cinder> there's some really complex handshaking and really tight timeouts
L1329[14:38:53] <ShadowKatStudios> http://imgur.com/sllEHkT,VijC81y,sISVr9I skyrim is a good-looking game
L1330[14:39:29] <Inari> ShadowKatStudios: stop making me want to try playing skyrim again :;P
L1331[14:39:36] <Negi> ShadowKatStudios: Is that close to Whiterun ?
L1332[14:40:11] <Negi> (Or is my memory effing up again ?)
L1333[14:40:18] <ShadowKatStudios> I was actually riding down that hill and there was a town or mine or something at the bottom, and when I get there the people start screaming about a dragon- I was being followed the whole time.
L1334[14:40:35] <ShadowKatStudios> Uhm, it's between High Hrothgar and Windhelm.
L1335[14:40:54] <Negi> Oh ! I was there ! \o/
L1336[14:41:36] <ShadowKatStudios> Some time last night Steam said my current session was >300 minutes long
L1337[14:42:00] <Stary2001> lol
L1338[14:42:15] <ShadowKatStudios> Or rather, yesterday morning
L1339[14:43:11] <Negi> I totally didn't used φ in a language's name.
L1340[14:43:36] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
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L1343[15:04:42] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
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L1345[15:10:03] <Kasen> damnit gamax92
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L1348[15:15:56] <Roadcrosser> haha
L1349[15:16:00] <Roadcrosser> oclights crashed the server
L1350[15:16:01] <Roadcrosser> \o/
L1351[15:16:13] <gAway2002> yes, good job, road
L1352[15:16:14] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L1353[15:16:21] <Kasen> what did he do?
L1354[15:16:28] <g> I don't know
L1355[15:16:33] <g> but it was causing a null pointer on loading the map
L1356[15:16:51] <Kasen> well then
L1357[15:17:09] <g> so it's not on there atm
L1358[15:17:16] <g> also, hello from tralee
L1359[15:19:44] <Negi> Writing a parser is, again, proved to be frustrating.
L1360[15:22:13] <Altenius> Sangar, are these the default colors http://minecraftcolorcode.com/
L1361[15:23:47] <Sangar> Altenius, for t2: http://git.io/Vbpm0Q
L1362[15:25:26] <Altenius> thanks
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L1382[17:35:43] <Vexatos> Hey Sangar, is there a creative battery upgrade for drones/robots or something?
L1383[17:36:05] <Vexatos> Or do the creative cases do that?
L1384[17:37:26] <Negi> Vexatos: My best guess would be that the creative cases do that, cause they don't have anything else to add.
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L1389[17:53:05] <gamax92> Kasen: welp
L1390[17:53:13] <gamax92> I was afraid it was something I did
L1391[17:54:07] <gamax92> gdude: Can I get a crash log?
L1392[17:54:15] ⇦ Quits: Csstform (Csstform@vps.alissa.ml) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L1393[17:54:18] <g> gamax92: the screenshot is basically everything
L1394[17:54:24] <Kasen> Negi, i tried a creative drone case yesterday, and the power did get used up
L1395[17:54:33] <Kasen> the only benefit i got was instant assembly
L1396[17:54:45] <gamax92> gdude: Don't see a screenshot
L1397[17:54:58] <g> gamax92: I pinged you with one
L1398[17:55:00] <g> ._.
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L1401[17:55:12] <gamax92> oh it probably fell off the bouncer logs then
L1402[17:55:22] <g> that's what *highlight is for
L1403[17:55:23] <g> hold on
L1404[17:55:39] <g> https://i.imgur.com/NBF4eXM.png
L1405[17:56:52] <gamax92> ahh ... oh great ...
L1406[17:57:03] <gamax92> Networking stuff \o/
L1407[18:01:11] ⇦ Quits: calclavia (sid15812@id-15812.charlton.irccloud.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1408[18:03:31] <gamax92> Hmm, Sangar: You probably did apply the amplitude the last time, but it being inverted on basically max amplitude -> virtually no amplitude
L1409[18:04:14] <gamax92> that weird fourier function you were using doesn't make a max amplitude wave, so it being inverted still resulted in it being slightly audible.
L1410[18:04:37] <gamax92> #lua 99/127
L1411[18:04:37] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.77952755905512
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L1415[18:27:03] <CompanionCube> https://twitter.com/TheRealRevK/status/556880160646234112
L1416[18:27:12] <CompanionCube> Ender, skyem123 ^
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L1419[18:34:05] <Vexatos> CompanionCube xD
L1420[18:34:39] <ShadowKatStudios> The world pre-dawn is quite beautiful, isn't it?
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L1422[18:34:44] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
L1423[18:35:16] <Vexatos> "Encryption - The low-tech way" that video title >_>
L1424[18:37:20] <skyem123> that message...
L1425[18:37:59] ⇦ Quits: ping (notPing@0587358215.wireless.umich.net) (Client Quit)
L1426[18:38:04] <Vexatos> Looks a lot like one-time-pad encryption
L1427[18:38:06] <Vexatos> Oh wait, it is
L1428[18:39:05] <CompanionCube> yep :)
L1429[18:40:39] <g> Anyone here from aus?
L1430[18:40:57] <skyem123> Shame that ISP is so expensive
L1431[18:41:11] <CompanionCube> skyem123, indeed
L1432[18:41:12] * gamax92 pokes ShadowKatStudios
L1433[18:41:21] <Vexatos> ShadowKatStudios is from Austria :3
L1434[18:41:31] <CompanionCube> *Austrailia
L1435[18:41:33] <g> aus as in australia
L1436[18:41:33] <g> :P
L1437[18:41:38] <Vexatos> it's right in the name
L1438[18:41:41] <Vexatos> Shadowk.at
L1439[18:41:52] <Vexatos> :P
L1440[18:41:56] <g> uhh
L1441[18:42:01] <g> australia is .au?
L1442[18:42:57] <Kasen> .co.au even - no-one is allowed to actually buy a .au
L1443[18:43:05] <g> ah, I see
L1444[18:44:25] <g> well
L1445[18:44:31] <ShadowKatStudios> .com.au actually
L1446[18:44:39] <ShadowKatStudios> There's also .net.au, IIRC
L1447[18:44:45] <g> from what I've heard, in a few months people in australia won't be able to talk about strong crypto with people outside of australia without a license
L1448[18:44:53] <Kasen> ah, i see
L1449[18:45:25] <Kasen> semi related - australia has internet police
L1450[18:45:33] <g> yeah, that's right
L1451[18:45:37] <g> lol
L1452[18:45:41] <gamax92> oh right i was gonna fix something .-.
L1453[18:45:46] <g> I remember a while ago going to various sites
L1454[18:45:53] <g> with banners telling australians to leave
L1455[18:45:57] <g> because the site was illegal there
L1456[18:45:59] <CompanionCube> skyem123, shame their L2TP tunnels don't support encryption
L1457[18:46:02] <ShadowKatStudios> From what I hear, Tony Abbot is a dick that bends to whatever companies want
L1458[18:46:11] <g> yeah, I heard that as well
L1459[18:46:59] <g> that's quite a restriction though
L1460[18:47:04] <Kasen> abbot is a fucktard
L1461[18:47:10] <g> I wonder if that applies to github code
L1462[18:47:13] <ShadowKatStudios> Think anyone will actually listen?
L1463[18:47:19] <Kasen> i'm angry that he exists/won and i don't even live there
L1464[18:47:45] <ShadowKatStudios> The worst part is that most of the population don't understand what I'm doing.
L1465[18:47:49] <ShadowKatStudios> s/I'm/he's
L1466[18:47:49] <Kibibyte> <ShadowKatStudios> The worst part is that most of the population don't understand what he's doing.
L1467[18:47:51] <ShadowKatStudios> ffs
L1468[18:47:57] <ShadowKatStudios> I should sleep
L1469[18:48:22] <DeanIsaKitty> ShadowKatStudios: Don't worry. Most don't understand what you do either. :P
L1470[18:48:38] <ShadowKatStudios> I certainly hope not
L1471[18:48:49] <g> dragon dildos and hot sauce, eh
L1472[18:48:53] * g coughs
L1473[18:48:57] <g> I mean.. nothing
L1474[18:49:50] <gamax92> :3
L1475[18:50:02] <g> gamax92 why don't you have voice
L1476[18:50:49] zsh sets mode: +v on gamax92
L1477[18:50:54] <gamax92> :X
L1478[18:50:58] <g> \o/
L1479[18:52:32] <Negi> gamax92 used to be mute, but then got a +.
L1480[18:52:46] * CompanionCube has always been mute
L1481[18:53:03] <gamax92> Negi used to be an adventurer like you, but then got an arrow.
L1482[18:54:48] <gamax92> oops
L1483[18:56:04] <Vexatos> I wonder how many times people have heard that sentence
L1484[18:56:36] <ShadowKatStudios> g: As far as the crypto thing goes, just have a weaker crypto tunnel hiding strong crypto
L1485[18:56:57] <g> that sounds like it'd be about as fast as molasses
L1486[18:57:12] <ShadowKatStudios> I can wait a day for SAO II
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L1489[19:01:41] <dangranos> bye
L1490[19:01:43] <dangranos> sleep
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L1519[20:08:57] <DarkIRC> Hello, how do you use the drones? Do you just write the program directly to the EEPROM? It just likes bleeping at me.
L1520[20:11:38] <g> yes
L1521[20:11:42] <g> that's exactly what you do
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L1523[20:16:44] <DarkIRC> hmm okay, do I need to require the drone lib?
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L1527[20:20:34] <DarkIRC> ugh this thing hates me, i just get the denial bleep of doom
L1528[20:21:15] <g> you need to require basically anything you want, yeah
L1529[20:21:19] <g> there's no OS to pre-require for you
L1530[20:21:30] <Dashkal> Sec, Sangar posted a video with an example. Will link soon as I find it.
L1531[20:21:57] <Dashkal> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5JTRKdup7s
L1532[20:21:57] -Kibibyte- [Dashkal] OpenComputers: Christmas Presents! | by fnuecke | 12m44s | 3w5d ago | 271 views | Rated: 5.00/5.00
L1533[20:22:14] <Dashkal> Yes, it's 12 minutes. Worth watching if you'd like to get a handle on drones.
L1534[20:23:05] <DarkIRC> aha thanks, I'll watch that now
L1535[20:23:25] <Dashkal> He writes a couple full programs over the course of it, including this lovely simple remote control.
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L1537[20:24:40] <gamax92> is that Sangar's voice?
L1538[20:24:54] <Gopher> I doubt he hired a voice actor
L1539[20:25:01] <Gopher> so if it's his video, it stands to reason XD
L1540[20:25:05] <Dashkal> I have no reason to believe otherwise. It's his channel :P
L1541[20:25:06] <gamax92> I use tts on my videos .-.
L1542[20:26:30] * gamax92 has never used the flash command
L1543[20:26:35] <Sangar> that would be my voice, yes :P
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L1545[20:27:07] <DarkIRC> you voice is like silk in my ears <3
L1546[20:27:09] <Dashkal> Thank you for that video, by the way. I usually prefer text docs, but that one did a good job of getting me unstuck with drones.
L1547[20:27:29] <DarkIRC> ill update my forum post with that link
L1548[20:27:33] <gamax92> your voice is like putting metal in a blender </3
L1549[20:27:41] <Sangar> heh :P
L1550[20:27:43] <gamax92> jk
L1551[20:27:59] <Dashkal> "Will it blend?"
L1552[20:28:03] <gamax92> oh jeez the screen size on drones are small
L1553[20:28:05] <Dashkal> That ad series amused me far more than it should have.
L1554[20:28:21] <gamax92> lol yes
L1555[20:28:34] <Sangar> and yeah, i prefer text myself, too, but i'd never have finished if i'd tried writing that down because i always find more mistakes... a video i can just do in one go and be done with it :P
L1556[20:30:07] <gamax92> :X
L1557[20:30:09] <DarkIRC> still got more documentation than some other mods :P
L1558[20:30:27] <gamax92> Sangar: So I've never actually used the drones, but I kinda thought those things attached to the center were blades and that the drone would spin
L1559[20:30:48] <Sangar> lol
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L1561[20:32:19] <gamax92> dat moment when component.proxy(component.list(x)()) instead of component[x]
L1562[20:32:42] <gamax92> or is that because thats an openos thing?
L1563[20:32:48] <Sangar> yep
L1564[20:32:55] <Dashkal> Manually running an iterator I think?
L1565[20:33:46] <Sangar> aye. i even added it to the custom_oses page on the wiki by now because... well. it's not excessively intuitive :P
L1566[20:34:21] <Sangar> fetchmail, y u no fetch mail
L1567[20:34:32] <gamax92> Sangar, y u no san gar?
L1568[20:34:34] <Sangar> ugh. moving servers is such a pain -.-
L1569[20:35:41] * gamax92 steals Audio.scala and makes a generic synthesizer in it.
L1570[20:35:47] <DarkIRC> I had to move my server between 3 new hosts all in the same month, that was fun -.-
L1571[20:36:41] <Sangar> ouch
L1572[20:37:31] <Sangar> well, last time was... 5 years ago? so now i have to re-learn all the things. incomplete/not-up-to-date guides are hell
L1573[20:38:19] <gamax92> OpenFax
L1574[20:38:21] <DarkIRC> ah, that sucks, which OS you using?
L1575[20:38:22] <gamax92> Fax Machines for OC
L1576[20:38:33] <Sangar> debian
L1577[20:38:42] <gamax92> or well, you could just use networking messages and OpenPrinter
L1578[20:39:05] <gamax92> Sangar: most of my project names are just from a project name generator :P
L1579[20:39:18] <Sangar> :P
L1580[20:39:24] <DarkIRC> debian based distros are my favourite, I use ubuntu for my server
L1581[20:40:14] <Sangar> yah. used plain debian for the old one, too, and it did its job well, so i see no reason to change it :>
L1582[20:40:25] <Sangar> well, at least sending mails seems to work, so that's something
L1583[20:40:46] <DarkIRC> heh :P
L1584[20:41:19] <Sangar> now to rewire one domain for some actual testing :P
L1585[20:42:11] <g> I kinda feel like drones should have an upgrade that adds .use()
L1586[20:42:17] <g> but that would make them almost too useful
L1587[20:42:20] <Caitlyn> Sangar, Yeah I just had to move mail servers last week, so much pain
L1588[20:43:57] <DarkIRC> damn drone won't play nice with me :'( it just bleeps
L1589[20:44:15] <g> bleep
L1590[20:44:16] <g> :3
L1591[20:44:26] <Sangar> gdude, yeah, possibly. i still would like to allow them to interact (in a much simpler way than robots) with blocks; one suggestion was that they can only place and break "hand-breakable" blocks... but the main issue is that i'll want to rework the api for that, and i'm not sure i want to rip it apart that much in 1.7 anymore :P
L1592[20:44:40] <g> man I don't even want that
L1593[20:44:43] <g> I want them to right-click stuff
L1594[20:44:43] <g> :P
L1595[20:45:14] <Kodos> Okay, anyone use Zetta Industries at all
L1596[20:45:16] <Sangar> Caitlyn, indeed... should have made a backup of the configs before i got started, that'd have saved me some time :P oh well, working for the most part now
L1597[20:45:38] <g> you're doing mail servers?
L1598[20:45:39] <g> postfix?
L1599[20:45:43] <Sangar> yeah
L1600[20:45:48] <g> hnng
L1601[20:45:52] <g> I hate configuring that
L1602[20:45:55] <Sangar> that part's working now tho \o/
L1603[20:46:02] <g> I found http://lamsonproject.org/ a while back
L1604[20:46:06] <g> but it doesn't seem suitable for a full server
L1605[20:46:44] <Sangar> interesting
L1606[20:48:04] <Kodos> Sangar, have you seen this? https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/833
L1607[20:48:11] <Kodos> I think the power consumption thing broke again
L1608[20:49:45] <DarkIRC> Sangar, this is quite a good reference https://www.exratione.com/2014/05/a-mailserver-on-ubuntu-1404-postfix-dovecot-mysql/
L1609[20:51:30] <Sangar> i've been loosely following the guide recommended by the ispconfig3 website. a little too loosely probably :P
L1610[20:51:36] <Sangar> Kodos, yeah, just got the mail
L1611[20:52:40] <g> when I first set up postfix, it took me several days
L1612[20:52:43] <g> and several years of sanity
L1613[20:52:49] <g> we really need something better
L1614[20:52:59] <g> maybe dmtp will bring new software
L1615[20:53:21] <Caitlyn> I finally said eff it and setup the email for my domains on a windows box running hMailServer...
L1616[20:53:40] <Caitlyn> Start to finish was 30 minutes and that included setting up apache for roundcube webmail
L1617[20:54:01] <Caitlyn> Still run email for other stuff on linux though
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L1620[20:58:00] <DarkIRC> this drone is mocking me... still it bleeps, bah >_<
L1621[20:58:08] <Kodos> Do you have a working BIOS in it
L1622[20:58:13] <Kodos> Is it charged?
L1623[20:58:29] <DarkIRC> yeah and yeah
L1624[20:58:43] <Kodos> What components did you assemble it with
L1625[21:00:34] <DarkIRC> These: http://gyazo.com/99d859068e474b3151593223533a77ea
L1626[21:01:02] <Kodos> Can you pastebin the code you flashed to 'Test'
L1627[21:01:57] <Sangar> DarkIRC, use an analyzer on it to see the error message
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L1629[21:02:26] <DarkIRC> yeah, 2 seconds...
L1630[21:02:44] <Kodos> And that too
L1631[21:03:12] <DarkIRC> http://pastebin.com/4dA2N0M1
L1632[21:03:21] <Kodos> Uhhh
L1633[21:03:31] <Kodos> I don't think that's really going to work...
L1634[21:04:12] <Kodos> Let me show you my drone BIOS. Also SKS has a really nice bios you can use for drones, too
L1635[21:04:16] <Sangar> the package lib is part of openos (i.e. require is), so that's not available there, yeah
L1636[21:04:25] <DarkIRC> aaah derp.
L1637[21:04:27] <Sangar> http://ocdoc.cil.li/tutorial:custom_oses <- here's what you can use
L1638[21:04:53] <Kodos> https://gist.github.com/Kodos-Atoz/51fc4f8e9b455f3008bf And here's a remote control program I shamelessly copied from Sangar's Drones video
L1639[21:04:54] <gamax92> tcp over oc networks :P
L1640[21:05:12] <gamax92> ~w custom_oses
L1641[21:05:12] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/tutorial:custom_oses
L1642[21:05:17] <gamax92> :D db updates
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L1644[21:09:05] <DarkIRC> hmm, okay, drone vs me, round 2... fight!
L1645[21:09:31] <Pwootage> Kodos: is there a better mod for power conversion than Mekanism?
L1646[21:11:34] <DarkIRC> got it to work finally, didn't realise that the drone was counted as a component, just had to swap the first line to drone=component.proxy(component.list('drone')())
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L1650[21:18:23] <Timmy94> Sangar?
L1651[21:19:03] <Sangar> yes?
L1652[21:26:38] <g> anticlimax
L1653[21:29:46] * DarkIRC hears crickets
L1654[21:30:44] <DarkIRC> dammit, my drone ran outa power and all the cows fell to their horrible deaths... sad times
L1655[21:30:54] <g> lol
L1656[21:31:19] <g> I'm trying to think of an efficient way to send a drone out to lassoo mobs automatically
L1657[21:32:05] <DarkIRC> they're quite limited it seems, they don't wait for commands to end either :P
L1658[21:32:36] <g> wut
L1659[21:32:38] <g> Sangar: why not?
L1660[21:33:19] <DarkIRC> if i put drone.move in a loop it will end without moving properly, in the bios that is
L1661[21:34:54] <Sangar> because unlike for robots movement can fail at any point because of obstructions, so there's drone.getOffset() which let's you know when you're there
L1662[21:35:23] <g> yeah, but if it fails then..
L1663[21:35:25] <g> just.. return?
L1664[21:35:48] <DarkIRC> aha, again derp
L1665[21:36:33] <Sangar> gdude, well, if you want? that's the thing, it can't really be handled automatically, because at that point in time the way back may be blocked. so you have to handle it dynamically.
L1666[21:36:55] <g> but how do you know it failed?
L1667[21:37:05] <g> pollinh?
L1668[21:37:07] <g> polling*
L1669[21:37:11] <Sangar> getOffset() not decreasing anymore
L1670[21:37:13] <Sangar> yeah, basically
L1671[21:37:20] <g> ergh
L1672[21:37:26] <g> not a fan of that but I guess we can use it
L1673[21:37:31] <Sangar> or rather, getOffset() > epsilon and getVelocity() < epsilon :P
L1674[21:37:58] <DarkIRC> shame they don't have access to an event based system on their own :/
L1675[21:38:14] <g> you could write one
L1676[21:38:17] <g> but the eeprom is 4kb
L1677[21:38:20] <Sangar> this system is already quite "safe", i could have just decided you'd have to track your actual position yourself, too :P
L1678[21:38:35] <g> well we do if we want to know where we are
L1679[21:38:36] <g> lol
L1680[21:38:57] <Sangar> the move() command changes the target pos relative to the current target pos tho
L1681[21:39:26] <Sangar> so as long as you manage to reach your target again, you will be able to track where you are without other means
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L1683[21:40:10] <gamax92> Sangar: can drones do path finding?
L1684[21:40:13] <DarkIRC> hmm looks like my drone mail system is a bit far off, I'll need to setup a drone control server :)
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L1688[21:40:50] <g> DarkIRC: we're doing that
L1689[21:40:51] <g> lol
L1690[21:40:56] <g> but it's in python using internet cards
L1691[21:41:04] <Sangar> haha
L1692[21:41:18] <g> screw doing that in lua ._.
L1693[21:41:34] <DarkIRC> nfc tags would be quite usefull at this point, I guess I could setup "echo" computers so the drone has waypoints :/
L1694[21:41:43] <g> "nfc tags"?
L1695[21:41:47] <Sangar> write a python arch! with sandboxing... and memory ... limits... okthen.
L1696[21:41:59] <gamax92> Sangar: can i put a debug card in a drone?
L1697[21:42:01] <g> Sangar: I bet you can't do it
L1698[21:42:02] <g> xD
L1699[21:42:13] <Sangar> gamax92, yeah
L1700[21:42:30] <gamax92> good, then Im using that to read the environment around it and do path finding.
L1701[21:42:58] <g> I would love to see someone that knows what they're doing actually attempting that
L1702[21:43:15] <gamax92> .-. so not me?
L1703[21:43:15] <g> but I don't think it's possible security-wise
L1704[21:43:27] <gamax92> oh ... pythong
L1705[21:43:30] <g> :P
L1706[21:43:45] <DarkIRC> what about php? XD
L1707[21:44:02] * g slaps DarkIRC
L1708[21:44:02] * EnderBot2 laughs
L1709[21:44:04] <g> :(
L1710[21:44:29] <DarkIRC> but... but php is the best <3
L1711[21:44:46] <g> I've seen worse
L1712[21:44:47] <g> but
L1713[21:44:53] <g> that was a language that was designed to be the worst
L1714[21:45:18] <DarkIRC> hmm, was it VB ?
L1715[21:45:20] <gamax92> idl?
L1716[21:45:30] <CompanionCube> INTERCAL?
L1717[21:45:32] <DarkIRC> if you could call VB a language...
L1718[21:45:34] <g> https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/6088-the-worst-programming-language-ever
L1719[21:45:50] <g> no, they literally design one in a presentation
L1720[21:45:56] <gamax92> yeah but see ... anyone can make the worst programming language
L1721[21:45:58] <Pwootage> INTERCAL is not the worst
L1722[21:46:03] <Pwootage> it's pretty sweet
L1723[21:46:05] <g> ..intercal is pretty bad
L1724[21:46:05] <g> but
L1725[21:46:07] <g> not the worst
L1726[21:46:11] <gamax92> but, you can still do useful stuff in php
L1727[21:46:18] <g> ERROR_TOO_POLITE
L1728[21:46:19] <gamax92> it just happens to be regarded as bad
L1729[21:46:30] <Pwootage> g: best error message
L1730[21:46:38] <g> you reminded me of something
L1731[21:46:38] <gamax92> nEEDS TO BE WORST BUT STILL USEFUL
L1732[21:46:41] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p549CE435.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1733[21:47:11] <g> https://github.com/joho/7XX-rfc
L1734[21:47:13] <Pwootage> gamax92: My reasons for disliking PHP involve bad OOP and the whole "$" thing and the ease of writing insecure/spaghetti code
L1735[21:47:23] <gamax92> Pwootage: what about x86?
L1736[21:47:26] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p549347AB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1737[21:47:31] <Pwootage> gamax92: x86 is just a mess
L1738[21:47:40] <gamax92> Pwootage: what about jvm?
L1739[21:48:25] <Pwootage> Impressive piece of software. Works well enough. Nice way of abstracting/preventing a wide variety of memory exploits.
L1740[21:48:43] <gamax92> Pwootage: I see you haven't seen the Unsafe class :P
L1741[21:48:44] <Pwootage> Somewhat annoying if you're not on linux to install though
L1742[21:49:06] <g> 737 - FuckThreadsing
L1743[21:49:11] <Pwootage> I know of Unsafe, I've even used it. Easy way to prevent it's use for raw memory access: don't use it for raw memory access
L1744[21:49:16] <g> I even wrote a Cyclone implementation
L1745[21:49:16] <g> :3
L1746[21:49:17] <g> https://gist.github.com/gdude2002/b69f9eb47af3ce260db5
L1747[21:49:35] <gamax92> make a mod that uses theUnsafe
L1748[21:50:43] <Pwootage> don't need to use theUnsafe when you can extract an executable and run it >.>
L1749[21:51:10] <gamax92> except then you're outside of java
L1750[21:51:29] <gamax92> i meant use theUnsafe in some useful non-malicious java way.
L1751[21:51:35] <Pwootage> oh :P
L1752[21:52:33] <Pwootage> it's used in Forge for instantiation of classes with no public default constructor possibly
L1753[21:53:13] <Pwootage> well, allocation without instantiation, technically
L1754[21:54:03] <gamax92> I forked a potato
L1755[21:54:15] <Pwootage> why?
L1756[21:54:21] <gamax92> https://github.com/gamax92/Potato
L1757[21:54:41] <Pwootage> well it's not wrong
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L1759[21:56:02] <Pwootage> "if(!this.isDelicious()) throw NotDeliciousException();"
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L1761[21:59:26] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L1762[22:00:10] <gamax92> I wish github file viewer didn't lag my computer .-.
L1763[22:00:32] <Pwootage> I see why you forked the potato, since it has more computing power than your computer
L1764[22:13:50] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
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L1768[22:27:45] <Inari> http://couponclippingcook.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/3-fork-in-potato.jpg
L1769[22:28:14] <Altenius> OCEmulator runs and stuffs. Now I just have to map all of Qt's keys to ljwgl key codes..
L1770[22:28:35] <Altenius> s/ljwgl/LWJGL
L1771[22:28:36] <Kibibyte> <Altenius> OCEmulator runs and stuffs. Now I just have to map all of Qt's keys to LWJGL key codes..
L1772[22:28:59] <Cinder> Altenius: Writing an OC emulator?
L1773[22:29:02] <Pwootage> Is it corss-platform yet?
L1774[22:29:10] <Cinder> it's using QT, of course it'll be.
L1775[22:29:17] <Pwootage> Not necessarily
L1776[22:29:23] <Pwootage> He's been working on it for a while, actually
L1777[22:29:33] <Pwootage> Altenius: can you fake components with OCEmulator yet?
L1778[22:29:33] <Altenius> It's cross platform
L1779[22:29:35] ⇨ Joins: Ekoserin (~ekoserin@c-98-231-193-97.hsd1.va.comcast.net)
L1780[22:29:47] <Altenius> Pwootage, fake components?
L1781[22:29:56] <Ekoserin> I have succeeded!
L1782[22:30:05] <Pwootage> "Fake components" as in add arbitrary components
L1783[22:30:09] <Pwootage> easily
L1784[22:30:18] <Altenius> You can add components
L1785[22:30:24] <Pwootage> so you can test a program using a component from a mod or something
L1786[22:31:03] <Altenius> Ohh
L1787[22:31:07] <Altenius> You mean make your own components?
L1788[22:31:10] <Pwootage> yeah
L1789[22:31:17] <Altenius> Going to add a lua plugin system
L1790[22:31:26] ⇦ Quits: Ekoserin (~ekoserin@c-98-231-193-97.hsd1.va.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
L1791[22:31:37] <Pwootage> nice
L1792[22:31:50] <g> will there be windows builds?
L1793[22:31:55] <Altenius> idk
L1794[22:31:56] ⇨ Joins: VivienVoid (~Vivien@
L1795[22:32:02] <Altenius> But it only has the minimal components right now
L1796[22:32:10] <g> well I mean
L1797[22:32:18] <g> does it require stuff you can't use on windows by default?
L1798[22:32:36] <Altenius> It uses ICU and Qt
L1799[22:32:43] <g> Qt is fine
L1800[22:32:46] <Altenius> Which would be packaged with it.
L1801[22:32:46] <g> not sure what ICU is
L1802[22:32:50] <Altenius> Unicode library
L1803[22:32:53] <g> ah, okay
L1804[22:33:01] <g> just wanted to make sure since I know a lot of people use linux here
L1805[22:33:19] <Altenius> I have no idea where the ocemulator directory would be on windows though
L1806[22:47:24] <Pwootage> Most people here use linux actually now that I think about it
L1807[22:47:49] <Pwootage> Most of the active people, at least
L1808[22:48:47] <Stary2001> xD
L1809[22:59:57] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
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L1811[23:01:41] *** Lathanael|afk is now known as Lathanael
L1812[23:04:21] <DarkIRC> just trying to think of a way to forward drone functions to drones without definding a drone lib on the computer, i think it's possible
L1813[23:05:53] <DarkIRC> can you not forward an undefined field through a metatable without it throwing errors?
L1814[23:06:04] <DarkIRC> *function
L1815[23:08:16] ⇨ Joins: JjStAr992_Gaming (~EIRC_RR@CPE-121-214-110-139.lnse4.lon.bigpond.net.au)
L1816[23:08:56] ⇨ Joins: PhoneCube (~MCube@95f1cd44.skybroadband.com)
L1817[23:08:59] <PhoneCube> Hi
L1818[23:10:18] <DarkIRC> hello
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L1823[23:20:38] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L1824[23:23:38] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L1825[23:24:01] <PotatoTrumpet> Howdy folks
L1826[23:26:37] <gamax92> howdy
L1827[23:30:25] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
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L1829[23:33:11] <gamax92> Will it blend?
L1830[23:34:11] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L1831[23:36:57] <Kodos> Pwootage, what do you use besides RF?
L1832[23:37:38] <gamax92> did rp2's power have an abbreviation?
L1833[23:37:39] <Pwootage> Kodos, IC2 for a couple things
L1834[23:37:46] <gamax92> I only remember it as Blutricity
L1835[23:37:46] <Pwootage> mostly rf though
L1836[23:37:47] <Pwootage> for now
L1837[23:38:32] *** SKS-Away is now known as ShadowKatStudios
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L1839[23:39:23] <PhoneCube> ShadowKatStudios: hi
L1840[23:39:43] <ShadowKatStudios> Hi.
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L1844[23:47:38] <Kodos> Anyone know marcin's name here on IRC? Trying to find out some info about Zetta Industries
L1845[23:47:39] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Pnr21VP_-k :D
L1846[23:47:40] -Kibibyte- [Inari] 3D-Printed Fibonacci Zoetrope Sculptures | by artfidovideo | 1m43s | 3d19h ago | 56,606 views | Rated: 5.00/5.00
L1847[23:50:01] <gamax92> :O
L1848[23:52:28] <Kodos> 10/10 would watch again
L1849[23:52:29] ⇦ Quits: DarkIRC (~dark@ (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L1850[23:53:50] <gamax92> -1.00/5.00 no ratings found
L1851[23:55:25] <Kodos> #lua round(math.pi, 9)
L1852[23:55:25] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > lua:1: attempt to call global 'round' (a nil value)
L1853[23:55:27] <Kodos> ffs
L1854[23:55:34] <Kodos> vifino, did your bot reset?
L1855[23:55:50] <vifino> Eh. probably?
L1856[23:55:58] <vifino> Or someone did #resetlua
L1857[23:56:17] <gamax92> #lua math.signum(f) return f == 0 and 1 or f/math.abs(f) end
L1858[23:56:17] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > lua:1: '<eof>' expected near 'end'
L1859[23:56:25] <Kodos> #lua function round(num, idp) local mult = 10^(idp or 0) return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end
L1860[23:56:25] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L1861[23:56:25] <gamax92> #lua function math.signum(f) return f == 0 and 1 or f/math.abs(f) end
L1862[23:56:25] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L1863[23:56:33] <Kodos> #lua round(math.pi, 9)
L1864[23:56:33] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3.141592654
L1865[23:56:40] <Kodos> There
L1866[23:56:53] <gamax92> #lua math.signum(0.1)
L1867[23:56:54] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1
L1868[23:56:56] <gamax92> #lua math.signum(-0.1)
L1869[23:56:56] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > -1
L1870[23:56:58] <gamax92> #lua math.signum(0)
L1871[23:56:58] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1
L1872[23:57:02] <gamax92> :D
L1873[23:57:04] <vifino> Kodos: Mind if I include that in lua as math.round?
L1874[23:57:09] <Kodos> Go for it
L1875[23:57:12] <vifino> Seems useful.
L1876[23:57:12] <gamax92> vifino: can i have math.signum?
L1877[23:57:17] <vifino> gamax92: Sure.
L1878[23:57:22] <Kodos> I was going to ask Sanger about adding it into OC as a base math function
L1879[23:57:24] <Kodos> But I'm not sure how
L1880[23:57:36] <gamax92> Well, have you tried simply asking him?
L1881[23:57:47] <Kodos> No, I mean I'm not sure where to put it in the code
L1882[23:57:48] <Kodos> for the PR
L1883[23:57:54] <gamax92> oh
L1884[23:58:01] <Kodos> Since the math module is part of actual lua
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