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L1[00:01:39] <Pwootage> gamax92: I would extend a class, probably
L2[00:01:42] <Pwootage> what do you need it for?
L3[00:01:49] <gamax92> 16KB eeprom
L4[00:02:07] <Pwootage> Do it the same way memory and HDDs work?
L5[00:02:13] <gamax92> ?_?
L6[00:10:08] <Pwootage> for the record
L7[00:10:25] <Pwootage> OP got a working bootloader in 4k or whatever
L8[00:10:38] <Pwootage> and GRUB's loader is 412 bytes
L9[00:10:43] <Pwootage> (or thereabouts)
L10[00:10:50] <gamax92> Pwootage: T_T
L11[00:11:52] <gamax92> except that all of my code is at 0xC000 and the last 8 bytes of the file are important
L12[00:12:52] <Pwootage> why?
L13[00:13:48] <gamax92> might not be 8 bytes actually ... but the very top of the memory space is a bunch of addresses, like where to go to on nmi,irq,brk,reset
L14[00:14:14] <gamax92> and i didn't compile the boot rom that it currently uses.
L15[00:14:21] <Pwootage> OP: sorry to bug you, but how long do you think it's going to take you to get ARM working? It may affect my class in the near future so that's the only reason I ask
L16[00:14:43] <Pwootage> gamax92: well adding a 16k eeprom is probably an ok solution for this case
L17[00:15:10] <Pwootage> that or write a loader that loads your boot rom from somewhere else
L18[00:23:49] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L19[00:23:52] <lperkins2> Define working.
L20[00:24:00] <lperkins2> He's got it so that he can compile code and display it.
L21[00:24:16] <lperkins2> I don't know if he has input/output working yet.
L22[00:25:52] <bananagram> is there anythng I need to put between a rednet cable and a computer so it can use them?
L23[00:26:59] <gamax92> Pwootage: well if this works, i have a 25byte rom :3
L24[00:27:12] <gamax92> there are probably some stupid irq's or something to get in the way.
L25[00:27:26] <Pwootage> all I need is access to components :P
L26[00:27:40] <Pwootage> (well, and working compile -> execute inside OC)
L27[00:27:45] <gamax92> Pwootage: you aren't writing an os on this 6502 ;)
L28[00:27:55] <Pwootage> gamax92: because I want to write C++
L29[00:28:00] <Pwootage> (or at least C)
L30[00:28:01] <gamax92> exactly
L31[00:28:06] <gamax92> well ... there is cc65
L32[00:28:15] <lperkins2> In theory, if you write in C89, or similar, you'd be able to compile for all three real systems.
L33[00:28:15] <gamax92> i couldn't get it to work though.
L34[00:28:29] <Pwootage> bananagram: computronics adds rednet integration I believe
L35[00:28:31] <lperkins2> How did it fail?
L36[00:28:35] <gamax92> #lua 16384 - 65
L37[00:28:35] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 16319
L38[00:28:41] <gamax92> lperkins2: was that to me?
L39[00:28:45] <gamax92> #lua 16384 - 25
L40[00:28:45] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 16359
L41[00:28:58] <lperkins2> Did you get the cc65 compiler itself compiled?
L42[00:29:15] <gamax92> oh the cc65 compiler itself worked, just no binary i made in it ran.
L43[00:29:31] <bananagram> Pwootage, tier 2 redstone cards are compatible with rednet
L44[00:29:41] <lperkins2> Hm, did you try it in a stand alone emulator?
L45[00:29:46] <Pwootage> I'm writing a compiler but I would *prefer* to have a working shell by next tuesday :P
L46[00:29:47] <bananagram> brb
L47[00:29:56] <gamax92> lperkins2: couldn't, it was to test my Signals Device for oc
L48[00:30:04] <Pwootage> bananagram: I don't think so, not without a second computer
L49[00:30:08] <lperkins2> Ah, might see if "Hello world" compiles :)
L50[00:30:21] <gamax92> .-. yeaaaah ...
L51[00:30:27] <gamax92> or i can stick to my hex editor
L52[00:31:18] <Pwootage> I mean if ARM isn't ready yet and x86 lets me call arbitrary components and process signals it will work fine for now, I can port it to ARM later
L53[00:31:23] <Pwootage> and have a cross-platform OS
L54[00:31:44] <gamax92> ahh right its only 6 bytes at the top of memory
L55[00:31:51] <gamax92> irq and brk share one.
L56[00:32:01] <OP> Pwootage: well, there is no compile and execute inside OC
L57[00:32:17] <OP> no compile
L58[00:32:23] <OP> yes we still have execute
L59[00:32:49] <OP> anyways, got to brb for a few more minutes
L60[00:32:51] <Pwootage> I mean cross-compile to OC
L61[00:33:00] <Pwootage> I don't intend to compile from within OC
L62[00:33:16] <OP> oh, cross compilation is easy
L63[00:33:29] <Pwootage> so if I can cross-copile C++ and run it in OC, that's good enough :D
L64[00:33:29] <OP> you just need devKitARM, it comes with a full ARM compiler
L65[00:33:44] <Pwootage> I could also probably use llvm or my own cross-compiler, but devKitArm might be easier
L66[00:33:57] <OP> brb
L67[00:34:54] <gamax92> gunna test mah boot rom
L68[00:36:38] ⇨ Joins: Something12 (~Something@S010674d02b5d5181.vs.shawcable.net)
L69[00:37:12] <Pwootage> time to head home
L70[00:37:26] <Pwootage> back later (hopefully in time to bribe OP into sending me his ARM thing <3)
L71[00:38:48] <gamax92> D: my banked switched memory == crashed.
L72[00:38:56] <iceman11a> Has the option of relating OS to AE2 ever been added into OC for the ability of crafting using LUA.
L73[00:39:17] <g> you can use AE2 via the adapter with opencomponents afaik
L74[00:39:54] <iceman11a> ok, cool. What do I attach the adapter too. so that it can read from it.
L75[00:43:29] <iceman11a> Oh and are there any LUA scripts all ready pre made.
L76[00:44:12] <OP> s/LUA/Lua
L77[00:44:12] <Kibibyte> <iceman11a> Oh and are there any Lua scripts all ready pre made.
L78[00:44:15] <OP> pls
L79[00:44:30] <iceman11a> pls what
L80[00:44:31] <OP> We totally need a Lua is not an acronym
L81[00:44:34] <OP> bot
L82[00:44:46] <iceman11a> ?
L83[00:44:56] * bananagram uses a MAC computer
L84[00:45:22] <OP> Y_Y
L85[00:45:45] * bananagram dual-boots Windows and Lunix on it
L86[00:46:12] ⇦ Parts: OP (ds84182@Bash.Is.Better.Than.zsh.PanicBNC.ca) (I quit))
L87[00:46:22] <gamax92> ...
L88[00:46:27] <bananagram> hehe
L89[00:46:31] <gamax92> bananagram look what you did to OP
L90[00:46:32] <gamax92> bad
L91[00:46:38] <bananagram> sorry
L92[00:46:53] <iceman11a> ok, sorry I ask ????
L93[00:47:28] <gamax92> iceman11a: oh also its "Lua" not "LUA" ;)
L94[00:47:55] <iceman11a> is there a difference.
L95[00:48:06] <gamax92> yes
L96[00:48:10] <gamax92> one is correct and one is not
L97[00:48:34] <iceman11a> ?. LUA or Lua mean the same thing to me. Please explain
L98[00:48:57] <gamax92> iceman11a: refrain from saying "LUA", its not an acronym
L99[00:49:22] <gamax92> its just "Lua"
L100[00:49:58] <iceman11a> ?, I don't under stand what the differnce is
L101[00:50:23] <lperkins2> In english, all caps is used to denote acronyms.
L102[00:50:30] <gamax92> and its not an acronym
L103[00:50:36] <gamax92> Lua is not an acronym
L104[00:50:41] <gamax92> so don't use all caps
L105[00:50:45] <gamax92> because its not an acronym
L106[00:50:47] <iceman11a> what's acronyms
L107[00:50:49] <lperkins2> Something like CPU => Central Processing Unit
L108[00:50:55] <gamax92> Y_Y
L109[00:51:11] * gamax92 returns to 6502 that is not working.
L110[00:51:14] <lperkins2> LUA !=>
L111[00:51:32] <gamax92> iceman11a: just don't say "LUA"
L112[00:51:33] <gamax92> k?
L113[00:51:37] <gamax92> use "Lua"
L114[00:51:43] <gamax92> don't think about it
L115[00:51:44] <gamax92> just do
L116[00:51:50] <gamax92> :)
L117[00:52:02] <iceman11a> lol, like I said I don't see the difference. It doesn't matter.
L118[00:52:31] <gamax92> iceman11a: one has a uppercase U and an uppercase A, one has a lowercase u and one has a lowercase a
L119[00:52:37] <iceman11a> Does any one have premade Lua Scripts By Chance. Is That Better
L120[00:52:41] <gamax92> :D
L121[00:52:43] <gamax92> you learned!
L122[00:53:24] <iceman11a> Some thing tells me you don't like the word "LUA"
L123[00:53:33] <gamax92> yes correct
L124[00:53:46] <Inari> pastebin does
L125[00:53:48] <iceman11a> So I that a bad word in Lua
L126[00:54:03] <gamax92> wait does pastebin have it all caps as well?
L127[00:54:45] <iceman11a> yes, Some times I have seen it like that
L128[00:54:50] <Inari> > http://pastebin.com/search?cx=013305635491195529773%3A0ufpuq-fpt0&cof=FORID%3A10&ie=UTF-8&q=lua+event.pull&sa.x=0&sa.y=0&sa=Search
L129[00:55:08] <lperkins2> Yay, it doesn't seem to crash anymore...
L130[00:55:25] <Kodos> Please show me where Lua has been typed in all caps so I can go call the person a moron
L131[00:55:33] <gamax92> Kodos: no don't
L132[00:56:00] <Kodos> gamax92, when I first started using computer mods, namely CC, I got joke-banned for a day for saying LUA
L133[00:56:02] <iceman11a> I have downloaded scripts like that. That was over a year ago
L134[00:56:16] <Kodos> Only they didn't lift the ban
L135[00:56:27] <Kodos> So I still had to serve the full 24h
L136[00:57:02] <iceman11a> That was wrong to ban any one for any thing. People depend on the IRC Chat
L137[00:57:21] <Kodos> Tell that to #computercraft
L138[00:57:52] <iceman11a> why
L139[00:57:55] <gamax92> Kodos: pls ...
L140[00:58:16] <gamax92> English is a strong language for him i see
L141[00:58:20] <gamax92> don't mislead him
L142[00:58:24] <gamax92> is not*
L143[00:59:46] <Kodos> So I shouldn't tell him to go tell AmandaC in #computercraft that she's a raging cunty badmin?
L144[01:00:01] <gamax92> yes ...
L145[01:00:05] <gamax92> don't do that ...
L146[01:00:05] <Kodos> k
L147[01:00:16] <Kodos> Okay, I won't tell him to join #computercraft and tell AmandaC off
L148[01:00:22] <gamax92> .-.
L149[01:00:50] <iceman11a> So is she that bad or just being a girl. Girls get like that some times.
L150[01:01:01] <Caitlyn> ¬_¬
L151[01:01:30] ⇦ Quits: lperkins2 (~perkins@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L152[01:02:24] <gamax92> oh, perhaps this rom doesn't work since i wrote the address as 00C0 and not C000
L153[01:03:34] <Kodos> iceman11a, Be respectful to women, please. I do not count AmandaC as a woman, however.
L154[01:03:57] <Kodos> I will not tolerate sexism in the channel (Even though I can't do anything about it atm)
L155[01:04:08] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L156[01:04:16] <iceman11a> Well sense I like OC better then CC. I don't think that will be a problem
L157[01:04:56] <iceman11a> What's sexism.
L158[01:05:21] <iceman11a> I never heard of that word before.
L159[01:05:30] <Caitlyn> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexism
L160[01:05:30] <Caitlyn> Wikipedia
L161[01:05:30] <Caitlyn> Sexism or gender discrimination is prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex or gender. Sexist attitudes may stem from traditional stereotypes of gender roles, and may include the belief that a person of one sex is intrinsically superior to a person of the other.
L162[01:06:11] <iceman11a> And I take it this as happen onIRC before.
L163[01:06:26] <iceman11a> Here in the USA we call it Sexest
L164[01:08:41] <gamax92> I'm in the usa ...
L165[01:08:43] <Dashkal> 'Murican is supposed to be a parody, not an actual description of people...
L166[01:08:45] <iceman11a> Any way that's not what the IRC channels are for. We should just stick to Minecraft
L167[01:08:58] <iceman11a> Sense that what this channel is for
L168[01:09:07] <gamax92> okay then.
L169[01:09:11] <gamax92> 6502 :D!
L170[01:09:20] <bananagram> http://ocdoc.cil.li/block:redstone_io says "This also supports MineFactory Reloaded RedNet cables."
L171[01:09:27] <gamax92> yes
L172[01:09:40] <bananagram> is that just not true? it's not interfacing for me
L173[01:09:52] <gamax92> hmm ... maybe something changed that's preventing it from doing so.
L174[01:09:53] <bananagram> though it interfaces fine with regullar redstone
L175[01:09:58] <gamax92> might file a bug (i cannot test)
L176[01:10:56] ⇨ Joins: OP (ds84182@Bash.Is.Better.Than.zsh.PanicBNC.ca)
L177[01:11:04] <bananagram> neither attached to a computer or attached to a block
L178[01:11:07] <gamax92> hallo OP
L179[01:11:09] <bananagram> work, that is
L180[01:11:13] <OP> hi
L181[01:11:53] <gamax92> :D ofc ... ofc it npe's but i get no info since oc is trapping it.
L182[01:12:18] ⇨ Joins: Hatsuse (uid52684@id-52684.charlton.irccloud.com)
L183[01:12:39] <OP> fam fam fam silk is best icon set
L184[01:12:57] <Kodos> o/
L185[01:13:30] <Kodos> bananagram, let me test that in a bit for you
L186[01:13:34] <Kodos> The redstone stuff
L187[01:13:38] <Kodos> I've been meaning to find out myself anyway
L188[01:14:10] *** Csstform is now known as Csst|Afk
L189[01:16:47] *** justastranger|zzz is now known as justastranger
L190[01:17:36] <bananagram> okay
L191[01:18:18] <Pwootage> Evening
L192[01:19:45] <Inari> Kodos: "I do not count AmandaC as a woman, however." how come? :o
L193[01:20:09] <Kodos> See my aforementioned comment about her being a raging badmin
L194[01:20:12] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L195[01:21:06] <Inari> how does that make her not a woman though? xD makes no sense
L196[01:21:21] <gamax92> OP: my 6502 bios is 31 bytes
L197[01:21:22] <gamax92> :3
L198[01:21:38] <OP> ok
L199[01:21:44] <gamax92> now to pad it to the rom size and add the vectors.
L200[01:21:51] <gamax92> #lua 16384 - 31
L201[01:21:51] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 16353
L202[01:22:16] <gamax92> #lua 16384 - 31 - 6
L203[01:22:16] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 16347
L204[01:26:33] <v^> ,_, am gona teach gf lua with cc
L205[01:26:35] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L206[01:27:10] <Alissa> v^: s/cc/oc/
L207[01:27:14] <Alissa> actually, CC's easier to learn wit
L208[01:27:19] <Alissa> with*
L209[01:27:21] <v^> yeah :/
L210[01:27:31] <Inari> is it?
L211[01:27:34] <gamax92> yes
L212[01:27:43] <Alissa> Depends on how much you like OOP.
L213[01:27:59] <Inari> how does OOP realte D:
L214[01:28:32] <Inari> should be the same in lua 5.1 and 5.2
L215[01:28:59] <Pwootage> OP: so is it possible to get a copy of your arm thing? <3
L216[01:29:48] <OP> I don't even have the init.elf loader finished >.<;
L217[01:30:23] <Pwootage> :( I thought you said you had :P I can wait for that, I guess
L218[01:30:26] <Pwootage> <3
L219[01:30:53] <Alissa> Inari: it's hwo CC implements it
L220[01:30:57] <Alissa> file.write instead of file:write
L221[01:31:20] <OP> Pwootage: it's almost finished, the last thing I fixed was loading from eeprom
L222[01:31:29] <OP> the eeprom is the init.elf loader
L223[01:31:42] <Pwootage> Neat
L224[01:32:04] <Pwootage> btw thanks a ton for letting me use this... it's going to make my class way more fun (hopefully)
L225[01:33:14] <OP> currently I have to work on a 2d bone animation suite so I can do this group project in my programming class
L226[01:33:25] <gamax92> ohai Pwootage
L227[01:34:44] <Pwootage> hallo gamax92. Sup?
L228[01:35:01] <gamax92> well ... besides my test rom filling the screen with NUL characters, things are great
L229[01:35:20] <Pwootage> hehe
L230[01:35:28] <OP> yay
L232[01:35:42] <OP> woops I ran your test rom
L233[01:35:47] <Pwootage> s/NUL /NUL/
L235[01:35:51] <Pwootage> s/NUL /NUL/g
L237[01:35:56] <gamax92> .-.
L238[01:36:11] <bananagram> s/[NUL]/NUL/g
L240[01:36:27] * bananagram is slapped
L241[01:36:31] <OP> t-t
L242[01:36:46] <gamax92> :O crap i just realized something
L243[01:36:58] <gamax92> if length is 0, i don't immediately jump back to beginning
L244[01:37:08] <gamax92> so instead it gets subtracted to FF
L245[01:38:33] <gamax92> oh and "newPart != curPart" ... which is also a bug.
L246[01:39:30] <iceman11a> <gamax92> I know your not going to like this : http://www.solvusoft.com/en/file-extensions/file-extension-lua/
L247[01:39:37] <OP> oh great
L248[01:39:49] <OP> oh god
L249[01:39:50] <gamax92> iceman11a: a file extension and a name of a language are two different things.
L250[01:39:55] <OP> OH GOD
L251[01:40:00] <OP> OH GOOOOOOOD
L252[01:40:09] <OP> LUA files are Developer Files primarily associated with Lua Player for PSP Script (InsertWittyName).
L253[01:40:15] <OP> LUA files are also associated with Homeworld Generic Lua File (Sierra Entertainment Inc.), Lua Source (Tecgraf - Computer Graphics Technology Group) and FileViewPro.
L254[01:40:18] <OP> >FileViewPro
L255[01:40:27] <gamax92> OP: oh thats shitware software.
L256[01:40:30] <OP> Download an Lua File Opener
L257[01:40:34] <gamax92> and that.
L258[01:40:36] <gamax92> more shitware
L259[01:41:04] <OP> I will fucking get that site closed
L260[01:41:12] <OP> Lua is not an acronym
L261[01:41:20] <OP> Lua is not a FUCKING acronym
L262[01:41:27] <OP> FUCKING, however, is
L263[01:41:45] <gamax92> HOW DARE YOU USE Lua IN ALL CAPS!
L264[01:41:46] <OP> Fortification under consent of the king in nigerian games
L265[01:41:49] <gamax92> XD
L266[01:42:54] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (iceman11a@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L267[01:43:06] <Pwootage> LUA
L268[01:44:07] <gamax92> oh i should probably put a newline in my rom
L269[01:44:11] <gamax92> welp more bytes.
L270[01:44:59] <gamax92> this is best note "I made this rom in a hex editor" "sorry no source code." "" "Feel free to use a dissassembler"
L271[01:45:20] <Pwootage> why would you write a x86 rom in hex
L272[01:45:23] <Pwootage> or are you 6502
L273[01:45:27] <gamax92> 6502
L274[01:45:30] <Pwootage> ok less confused
L275[01:45:34] <Pwootage> still, that's what asm is for
L276[01:46:01] <OP> to assemble
L277[01:46:03] <gamax92> i don't know how to tell my assembler rom's should be 16K and to start addresses at 0xC000 D:
L278[01:46:04] <OP> assemble
L279[01:46:09] <OP> gamax92: .org
L280[01:46:13] <OP> and linker scripts
L281[01:46:16] <OP> yes
L282[01:46:20] <gamax92> OP: this is crasm
L283[01:46:27] <OP> sar crasm
L284[01:46:30] <OP> LD
L285[01:46:37] <gamax92> ?_?
L286[01:46:38] <OP> Sorry my eyes broke again
L287[01:46:55] <gamax92> >Sorry my eyes broke again
L288[01:47:23] <OP> don't ask
L289[01:47:27] <OP> don't tell
L290[01:47:32] <Pwootage> In my assembler. .align <bytes>
L291[01:48:03] <gamax92> ALMOST
L292[01:48:07] <gamax92> IT ALMOST WORKED :d
L293[01:48:20] <Pwootage> it's not a 6502 assmebler though (although you could make it one easily enough)
L294[01:49:31] <gamax92> Pwootage: http://i.imgur.com/Cw0m8ah.png
L295[01:49:42] <gamax92> i forgot to clear the signal
L296[01:49:47] <gamax92> s/clear/remove/
L297[01:49:47] <Kibibyte> <gamax92> i forgot to remove the signal
L298[01:49:48] <Pwootage> nice
L299[01:50:20] <Pwootage> gamax92: [std]ey_down
L300[01:50:29] <gamax92> i dunt know
L301[01:50:51] <gamax92> but imma add the signal clear opcodes real quick.
L302[01:50:57] <Hatsuse> heeeeey
L303[01:51:00] <gamax92> heeeeeey
L304[01:51:12] <bananagram> Kodos: did you test the rednet?
L305[01:51:32] <Kodos> Not yet, finishing up some stuff on another server with a friend
L306[01:51:41] <Pwootage> OP: did you decide on a MMU format yet?
L307[01:51:56] <bananagram> k
L308[01:52:10] <bananagram> I want someone to verify it before submitting it as a bug
L309[01:52:23] *** Kilobyte is now known as Kiloff
L310[01:52:28] <Inari> Alissa: well theres filesystem.write :p
L311[01:52:31] <OP> Pwootage: not really, I do have the MMU implemented tho
L312[01:52:44] <OP> And the IO mapping for it partially implemented
L313[01:52:51] <Pwootage> OP: well that's close then
L314[01:53:11] <Pwootage> All I really need is enough to map a process
L315[01:53:26] <OP> it should be enough to map a process
L316[01:53:27] <Pwootage> http://xkcd.com/1472/ alternate interpretation: "Minecraft World Map"
L317[01:53:48] <Alissa> Inari: Does OC really do that?
L318[01:53:56] <Alissa> I was really hoping it used more OOP :|
L319[01:53:59] <Pwootage> It does
L320[01:54:15] <Alissa> shameful :<
L321[01:54:17] <Pwootage> f=io.open("path", "r"); f:read(1024)
L322[01:54:26] <Alissa> that's what I meant
L323[01:54:31] <Pwootage> (or f:write("asdfjkl;"))
L324[01:54:33] <Alissa> the use of :read() instead of .read()
L325[01:54:39] <Alissa> and :write() instead of .write()
L326[01:54:50] <Pwootage> that's how PacYak is written yeah
L327[01:55:55] <Pwootage> so it definately works
L328[01:56:23] <Inari> http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:filesystem
L329[01:56:56] <Inari> local handle = filesystem.open("foo.txt", "r") filesystem.write(handle, "blah") filesytem.close(handle)
L330[01:57:11] <Inari> filesystme being a proxy ofc
L331[01:57:25] <Alissa> well, Inari
L332[01:57:38] <Alissa> if handle has an index set to filesystem
L333[01:57:40] <Alissa> then in theory
L334[01:57:47] <Alissa> you could handle:write("blah")
L335[01:57:53] <Inari> handle is just a number or so
L336[01:58:07] <Alissa> oh.
L337[01:58:12] <Inari> and well im just saying OC also provides the "easier" variant :p
L338[01:58:26] <Alissa> Reminds me of POSIX.... :P
L339[01:59:40] <Alissa> speaking of, I need to implement my :settimeout() into my posix socket library
L340[01:59:43] <gamax92> OKAY then ... 39 bytes
L341[01:59:51] <gamax92> #lua 16384 - 39 - 6
L342[01:59:51] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 16339
L343[02:02:33] <gamax92> what even is this stx byte
L344[02:03:02] <Pwootage> https://github.com/Pwootage/pacyak/blob/master/install.lua#L37-L39
L345[02:04:02] <Pwootage> gamax92: option #2: relocate the last...45? bytes as part of the init phase
L346[02:04:19] <gamax92> Pwootage: ?_? what
L347[02:04:22] <gamax92> what is this for
L348[02:04:38] <Pwootage> as another option instead of making a 16k EEPROM
L349[02:04:50] <gamax92> where did 45 come from?
L350[02:05:41] <Pwootage> <gamax92> f#lua 16384 - 39 - 6
L351[02:05:45] <Pwootage> -f
L352[02:05:49] <gamax92> oh that
L353[02:06:16] <gamax92> no the opcodes are all at 0xC000
L354[02:06:21] <gamax92> rom space is 16384 bytes
L355[02:06:43] <gamax92> 39 bytes for the opcodes, and 6 bytes for the jump vectors at 0xFFFA to 0xFFFF
L356[02:06:59] <gamax92> and now i know how much zero padding i need
L357[02:07:06] <Pwootage> well in that case load at 0, relocate to 0xC000 (unless PC starts at 0xC000?)
L358[02:07:19] <gamax92> PC starts at the second jump vector
L359[02:07:48] <Pwootage> ox 0xFFFB?
L360[02:07:55] <Pwootage> so*
L361[02:07:57] <gamax92> close, they are two bytes.
L362[02:08:00] <gamax92> since PC is 16bit
L363[02:08:05] <ShadowKatStudios> So, in light of the name change thing, I've finally migrated my Minecraft account to mojang
L364[02:08:12] <Pwootage> 0xFFFC
L365[02:08:19] <Pwootage> ShadowKatStudios: lol finally
L366[02:08:32] <Pwootage> I have no intention of renaming my very old minecraft username
L367[02:08:37] <gamax92> if 0xFFFC and 0xFFFD are 0x00,0xC0 respectively, the 6502 will boot up and start PC at $C000
L368[02:09:31] <ShadowKatStudios> I intend to.
L369[02:09:35] <ShadowKatStudios> Mine is a pain.
L370[02:09:54] <Pwootage> "24 July, 2010" apparently (Mine is Pwootage)
L371[02:09:58] <gamax92> also I'm not sure if i was sick or something when i wrote this ....thing? " this.part = ByteBuffer.allocate(1 + ((String) part).length()).put((byte) 2).put(((String) part).getBytes()).array(); "
L372[02:10:03] <gamax92> like ... wat
L373[02:11:20] <Pwootage> gamax92: WIthout firuing otu what it even does, wat
L374[02:11:45] <gamax92> firuing otu?
L375[02:12:30] <Pwootage> my fingers
L376[02:12:32] <Pwootage> they no worky
L377[02:12:37] <Pwootage> figuring it out
L378[02:12:43] <Pwootage> (dinner, back later)
L379[02:12:47] <gamax92> lol...
L380[02:13:01] <gamax92> no i get what it does, I just don't know why its missing a byte.
L381[02:13:06] <gamax92> it just looks funny
L382[02:13:08] <ShadowKatStudios> knew it, knew it, knew it- Shizuo has the same english VA as Kyon
L383[02:13:35] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f152cb.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L384[02:13:46] ⇨ Joins: Soni (SoniEx2@
L385[02:17:46] <gamax92> Hai Soni
L386[02:18:07] <Soni> eh I guess I'm still alive
L387[02:18:38] <gamax92> I read that and thought of Portal
L388[02:19:18] <ShadowKatStudios> Will there be cake?
L389[02:19:33] <gamax92> OH i see ... its not skipping the first byte!
L390[02:19:51] <gamax92> just that the character for STX is two characters wide
L391[02:20:01] <gamax92> so i just need to skip the first byte and all is well
L392[02:21:11] <gamax92> so, test rom expands even more.
L393[02:21:43] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-392-98.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L394[02:22:20] <gamax92> hey Soni
L395[02:22:45] <Soni> hi?
L396[02:22:55] <gamax92> Soni: http://i.imgur.com/tbFzUoz.png Do you like 6502 opcodes?
L397[02:23:57] <Soni> I don't know 6502 bincode, only 6502 asm (kinda)
L398[02:25:15] <gamax92> #lua 16384 - 42 - 6
L399[02:25:15] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 16336
L400[02:25:16] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-392-98.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L401[02:25:49] <Pwootage> #g 6502 disassembler
L402[02:25:50] -Kibibyte- Pwootage: 1520 results total; First: 6502 Disassembler - e-tradition.net | http://www.e-tradition.net/bytes/6502/disassembler.html
L403[02:26:01] <Kodos> bananagram, redstone IO block does NOT handle bundled redstone
L404[02:26:03] <Pwootage> I don't trust that link for some reason
L405[02:28:49] <gamax92> aaand now i have a NUL at the end :P
L406[02:29:27] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f1a4db.skybroadband.com)
L407[02:29:33] <Pwootage> print one too many ;D
L408[02:30:34] <gamax92> k, 44 bytes :P
L409[02:32:41] <Pwootage> Time to work on pacyak I guess
L410[02:33:47] <bananagram> Kodos, what about rednet cables?
L411[02:34:01] <Kodos> I used RedNet to test
L412[02:34:02] <gamax92> Pwootage: http://i.imgur.com/zUDPEEH.png :D
L413[02:34:05] <Kodos> It did not work
L414[02:34:08] <bananagram> hm
L415[02:35:02] <Pwootage> gamax92, :D
L416[02:40:25] <bananagram> I should ask Sangar about this
L417[02:40:43] <bananagram> should I be using setBundledOutput for rednet?
L418[02:40:58] <bananagram> doesn't seem like it
L419[02:41:18] <gamax92> #lua 1000/160
L420[02:41:18] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 6.25
L421[02:41:25] <bananagram> .wiki color
L422[02:41:25] <^v> bananagram, http://ocd.cil.li/api:colors
L423[02:41:33] <gamax92> #lua 1000/160*20
L424[02:41:34] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 125
L425[02:41:51] <gamax92> anyway to put ehbasic back :P
L426[02:42:04] <gamax92> at least the signals device works.
L427[02:42:51] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p549CE7B6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L428[02:43:02] <Soni> gamax92, what is it?
L429[02:43:10] <gamax92> which part?
L430[02:43:57] <Soni> what is in $8800+?
L431[02:44:41] <gamax92> $8800-$8803 is an ACIA, $8804-$8805 is the bankswitcher, $8806-$8809 is the signals device
L432[02:46:51] <Soni> what do they do?
L433[02:47:12] <Soni> well ok uhh I know what a bankswitcher does
L434[02:47:36] <Soni> but what about the rest?
L435[02:48:16] <Pwootage> so uh
L436[02:48:19] *** LordFokas is now known as LordFokas|off
L437[02:48:25] <Pwootage> internet api does not appear to be returning lines
L438[02:49:27] <gamax92> Soni: oh the ACIA is basically for reading/writing from a terminal
L439[02:49:32] *** OP is now known as dsAway
L440[02:49:37] <gamax92> except in this case, it reads from the keyboard and writes to the gpu
L441[02:50:01] <gamax92> and the signals device is just .... OpenComputers' signals?
L442[02:50:08] <Soni> gamax92, uhh but OC is UTF-8...
L443[02:50:17] <Soni> oh wait
L444[02:50:30] <Soni> you can have read and write do completely different things
L445[02:50:31] <Soni> right
L446[02:50:54] <gamax92> well, you can't access all of the unicode from the 6502 :<
L447[02:51:29] <gamax92> all that the architecture will see is this "Oh, the VM pushed a byte to the ACIA"
L448[02:51:37] <gamax92> "Lemme display it to the screen"
L449[02:51:56] <Soni> so I can't ¬_¬ in 6502?
L450[02:52:00] <gamax92> yes
L451[02:52:02] <Soni> are you fucking kidding me? ¬_¬
L452[02:52:08] <gamax92> nope
L453[02:53:06] <Soni> fix it ¬_¬
L454[02:53:11] <gamax92> no .-.
L455[02:53:17] <Soni> please ¬_¬
L456[02:53:19] <gamax92> .-.
L457[02:53:36] <Soni> why not? ¬_¬
L458[02:53:37] <gamax92> you realize how much more complex that makes my ConsoleDriver.java?
L459[02:54:49] <gamax92> Soni: I'll look into supporting utf8
L460[02:54:58] <Soni> byte[] b = str.toByteArray("UTF-8"); insert(0x8800, b, 0, 4); // where 0 is startpos (inclusive) and 4 is endpos (exclusive)
L461[02:55:58] ⇦ Quits: VivienVoid (~Vivien@ (Quit: Leaving)
L462[02:59:03] <gamax92> Soni: .-. i still have no ansi escape sequence handling in my ConsoleDriver
L463[02:59:20] <Soni> gamax92, don't use ANSI?
L464[02:59:42] <gamax92> Soni: then how will i move the cursor around and change color?
L465[02:59:43] <Soni> mouse clicks = interrupts (why not?)
L466[03:00:02] <Soni> move the cursor around? good question
L467[03:00:09] <Soni> change color? that's part of writing to the screen
L468[03:00:31] <Soni> (you write the color bytes first, then the letter bytes)
L469[03:00:54] <gamax92> except this is a Terminal
L470[03:01:10] <Soni> I thought it was an OC screen?
L471[03:01:23] <gamax92> its emulating a Terminal on an oc screen
L472[03:01:45] <Soni> uhh
L473[03:01:51] <Soni> get gnome-vte
L474[03:01:58] <Soni> or any other vte
L475[03:02:03] <gamax92> Soni: how does that help me ...
L476[03:02:06] <Pwootage> Why is this dying
L477[03:02:09] <Soni> then call that code to do the ANSI
L478[03:02:15] <gamax92> .... no
L479[03:02:18] <Soni> then parse the results
L480[03:02:21] <gamax92> .... no
L481[03:02:22] <gamax92> just no
L482[03:02:25] <gamax92> so much no.
L483[03:02:30] <Soni> why no?
L484[03:02:31] <gamax92> Soni: https://github.com/gamax92/OCSymon/blob/master/src/main/java/gamax92/ocsymon/ConsoleDriver.java
L485[03:02:41] <Soni> it's just a idk how many MBs lib you don't actually need
L486[03:02:42] <gamax92> Soni: relying on an external program ,-,
L487[03:02:47] <gamax92> exactly
L488[03:03:03] <Soni> well that's the point of coding
L489[03:03:16] <Soni> also
L490[03:03:31] <Soni> please rm -rf your hard drive
L491[03:03:36] <gamax92> nah
L492[03:04:02] <Soni> that code is UGLY
L493[03:04:12] <gamax92> nah
L494[03:04:20] <gamax92> you fix it then
L495[03:04:23] <gamax92> I'll accept pr
L496[03:04:32] <Soni> not as ugly as the hacks to draw a GUI in front of a GUI, but still UGLY
L497[03:04:50] <Soni> take a look at how I do things in NBX-API
L498[03:04:58] <gamax92> nah
L499[03:05:11] <Soni> (altho it's not that great, it's a lot better than it was when it started)
L500[03:08:00] <Soni> why do you have that huge switch?
L501[03:08:13] <gamax92> idunno
L502[03:08:57] <Soni> why not MyInterface[] parsers = new MyInterface[something]; and later on parsers[index](stuff);?
L503[03:09:05] <Soni> that way it's more dynamic
L504[03:09:31] <Soni> (and then you can easily add tiers, for example)
L505[03:09:33] <gamax92> >_> why would i create a whole new interface and something to implement that interface ...
L506[03:09:44] <gamax92> WHY YOU PUT TIERS .-.
L507[03:09:46] <Soni> also my stomach hurts ;_;
L508[03:10:04] <gamax92> is it hungry?
L509[03:10:05] <gamax92> then eat
L510[03:10:08] <gamax92> if not, then don't et
L511[03:11:23] <Soni> no I'm not hungry
L512[03:12:10] <Soni> anyway bbiab
L513[03:16:37] <Caitlyn> no gamax92
L514[03:17:10] <gamax92> :<
L515[03:17:15] ⇦ Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L516[03:17:20] <gamax92> okay :(
L517[03:22:05] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L518[03:31:46] <Pwootage> anyone know anything about /boot and/or /etc/rc.d?
L519[03:31:47] *** justastranger is now known as justasausage
L520[03:31:58] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L521[03:32:09] *** justasausage is now known as justsausage
L522[03:34:54] *** AngieBLD is now known as AngieBLD|Off
L523[03:36:55] *** justsausage is now known as justsaying
L524[03:41:40] <CaptainPotato> Baaaaaaaaaaack
L525[03:41:54] *** CaptainPotato is now known as PotatoTrumpet
L526[03:42:42] <PotatoTrumpet> :( Why must everyone be dead when I get home
L527[03:43:01] <gamax92> PotatoTrumpet: http://imgur.com/a/nlP1q
L528[03:43:27] <PotatoTrumpet> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1tFo2bnQt8
L529[03:43:27] -Kibibyte- [PotatoTrumpet] 2014 Azle High School Indoor Drumline(Multi-Angle) | by pXrE1Q5jWMDB9ufo8zGqww | 6m38s | 39w5d ago | 5,667 views | Rated: 4.83/5.00
L530[03:46:18] <PotatoTrumpet> wtf
L531[03:46:28] <PotatoTrumpet> why is he chopping a loaf of bread with a door stoppper
L532[03:47:20] <gamax92> PotatoTrumpet: ikr
L533[03:48:51] <PotatoTrumpet> he MUST have been coding all night
L534[03:48:55] <PotatoTrumpet> dear god
L535[03:49:04] <PotatoTrumpet> I puyt my popcorn in the microwave upside down
L536[03:49:06] <PotatoTrumpet> meh
L537[03:57:34] <justsaying> PotatoTrumpet: Is now a good time to link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDmcL3LBEo4 ?
L538[03:57:34] -Kibibyte- [justsaying] The Real Edge of Glory | by penguinz0 | 2m17s | 101w0d ago | 1,878,927 views | Rated: 4.97/5.00
L539[03:58:10] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L540[03:59:38] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L541[04:00:21] <PotatoTrumpet> 10/10
L542[04:00:34] <PotatoTrumpet> want kiwi
L543[04:00:39] <justsaying> lol
L544[04:06:17] <Soni> back
L545[04:10:04] *** justsaying is now known as justastranger|zzz
L546[04:15:13] <Pwootage> uh
L547[04:15:14] <Pwootage> program args
L548[04:15:18] <Pwootage> why can't I remember
L549[04:16:46] <Pwootage> thank you "edit /bin/echo.lua"
L550[04:24:53] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L551[04:25:16] *** Greylocke is now known as Greylocke|afk
L552[04:29:17] <PotatoTrumpet> Gooooooooooooood night
L553[04:29:32] *** PotatoTrumpet is now known as Potato|Zzz
L554[04:37:37] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54972EFC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L555[04:39:33] <Pwootage> http://i.imgur.com/Pj0Dd0E.png well the pacyak install works
L556[04:40:24] <gamax92> Pwootage: nice
L557[04:40:29] <gamax92> now port it to 6502
L558[04:41:26] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54972A27.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L559[04:41:30] <Pwootage> uh no
L560[04:41:35] <gamax92> uh yes
L561[04:41:39] <gamax92> :)
L562[04:43:26] ⇨ Joins: Brycey92|alt (~Brycey92@
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L564[04:49:05] *** Greylocke|afk is now known as Greylocke
L565[04:51:06] <Pwootage> Problem with tesitng boot scripts
L566[04:51:16] <Pwootage> if they crash, you have to move your HDD to fix it
L567[04:55:52] <Pwootage> k so can you bind hdds in an external component?
L568[04:55:55] <Pwootage> like maybe another computer?
L569[05:04:29] <Kodos> RAIDS wrap 3 of them as a fs
L570[05:04:32] <Kodos> Not sure how tho
L571[05:06:21] <Pwootage> yeah but I don't need that, I need a single one :(
L572[05:06:39] <Pwootage> I need to edit my broken t3 and don't want ot mess around with a server rack
L573[05:06:42] <Pwootage> looks like that's what I get to do
L574[05:10:52] <gamax92> ad0688 c900 f0f9 a900 8d0788 ad0888 ae0988 e901 ae0988 8e0088 e901 c900 d0f4 a90a 8d0688 8d0088 4c00c0 40
L575[05:11:57] <gamax92> Pwootage: i also found an online dissassembler: http://hastebin.com/emahizasac.txt
L576[05:12:20] ⇨ Joins: lperkins2 (~perkins@
L577[05:12:26] <gamax92> lperkins2: :D hello
L578[05:13:34] <Pwootage> Duh, I can edit it myself
L579[05:13:40] <Pwootage> >.>
L580[05:13:48] <Pwootage> delete file from real hard disk
L581[05:13:52] <Pwootage> dissapears from virtual one
L582[05:14:16] <lperkins2> Aye?
L583[05:14:24] <gamax92> lperkins2: http://hastebin.com/emahizasac.txt
L584[05:14:30] <gamax92> here lies my entire 6502 test rom i made
L585[05:14:34] <lperkins2> What is this?
L586[05:14:42] <lperkins2> Ah.
L587[05:14:46] <lperkins2> What's it do?
L588[05:14:50] <gamax92> also i made this in a hex editor
L589[05:14:55] <lperkins2> Ouch.
L590[05:15:00] <gamax92> oh i was testing and fixing the Signals device for my 6502 arch
L591[05:15:40] <gamax92> i also fixed the fact that recomputeMemory was being called before initialize, and therefor i had no vm to recomputeMemory on.
L592[05:15:46] <gamax92> so ... now it checks for that.
L593[05:20:12] ⇦ Quits: Hatsuse (uid52684@id-52684.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L594[05:21:55] <lperkins2> Nice.
L595[05:23:05] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L596[05:28:13] <Pwootage> lperkins2, how goes your thing?
L597[05:40:41] <lperkins2> Um, it goes?
L598[05:40:51] <gamax92> craaaaaaaap
L599[05:40:57] <gamax92> how do i computer.beep from java
L600[05:41:00] <gamax92> i need to interpret BEL
L601[05:41:15] <lperkins2> I'm slowly finding event loops and what not that are not getting started and integrating them into the main loop.
L602[05:41:25] <lperkins2> JPC normally multithreads, which I need to avoid,
L603[05:41:49] <gamax92> computronics!
L604[05:41:51] <gamax92> there we go
L605[05:41:55] <lperkins2> so I'm having to slice the various threads into pieces that can be called from a single handler.
L606[05:43:44] <gamax92> :X or not beep card
L607[05:49:11] <Pwootage> pacyak is getting closer
L608[05:49:14] <Pwootage> building the lists system now
L609[05:49:54] <lperkins2> It boots!!!
L610[05:50:13] <gamax92> lperkins2: :D
L611[05:50:14] <lperkins2> The last even loop I was missing was the stuff to do IRQs
L612[05:50:35] <lperkins2> I had to enable escape continuations, which suck in java :(
L613[05:51:56] <lperkins2> Now I just need to make the serial terminal work again and it should be useable, assuming the keyboard works
L614[05:52:40] <gamax92> hmm, now to see if this beep stuff works.
L615[05:52:56] <lperkins2> It no longer makes me sig9 minecraft to get out of it either :)
L616[05:54:21] <gamax92> :D beepie works.
L617[05:55:06] <gamax92> PacketSender.sendSound(machine.host().world(), machine.host().xPosition(), machine.host().yPosition(), machine.host().zPosition(), "-.--.");
L618[05:58:10] <lperkins2> I think I need to update openAL, it fails to play those.
L619[05:58:55] <gamax92> :D i've implemented BEL
L620[05:59:17] <lperkins2> How do you set the pitch for that?
L621[05:59:27] <gamax92> ehh, thats a different function iirc
L622[05:59:27] <lperkins2> Can you?
L623[05:59:32] <lperkins2> Fair enough.
L624[06:00:03] <gamax92> PacketSender.sendSound(host.world, host.xPosition, host.yPosition, host.zPosition, frequency, durationInMilliseconds) // Note this is scala
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L626[06:00:13] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L627[06:00:19] <lperkins2> I don't suppose there is a midi player implemented is there?
L628[06:00:24] <gamax92> yep
L629[06:00:44] <lperkins2> Heh, I can probably make sound, at least midi, work from inside the vm then.
L630[06:01:10] <gamax92> PacketSender.sendSound(machine().host().world(), machine.host().xPosition(), machine().host().yPosition(), machine().host().zPosition(), frequency, durationInMilliseconds); // would be architecture java
L631[06:01:28] <lperkins2> What about arbitrary audio data?
L632[06:01:41] <SuPeRMiNoR2> damn that is a lot of ()
L633[06:01:43] <lperkins2> I'm looking to see if it has a soundblaster card.
L634[06:01:44] <gamax92> well ..., time to learn some networking and openal then
L635[06:02:01] <gamax92> or steal asie's asielib which has audio stuff :3
L636[06:02:28] <lperkins2> Hm, doesn't look like it supports soundblaster.
L637[06:02:37] <gamax92> jpc doesn't have soundblaster? :O
L638[06:02:57] <lperkins2> Not in the PC speaker package, I'm looking to see if there is a separate one, but I doubt it.
L639[06:03:03] <lperkins2> It has midi and beep
L640[06:03:15] <gamax92> I'd be frightened of the opl3 it could have.
L641[06:04:39] <lperkins2> Would be easy enough to add soundblaster, if anyone has the hardware specs for it.
L642[06:04:57] <gamax92> lperkins2: isn't there org.jpc.modules.?
L643[06:05:19] <lperkins2> It's org.jpc.emulator.peripheral and pci.peripheral
L644[06:05:31] <lperkins2> No soundblaster or audio card except PCSpeaker
L645[06:05:49] <gamax92> sb16 is isa ...
L646[06:07:38] <lperkins2> Right, so the jpc.peripherals are ISA,
L647[06:07:50] <lperkins2> the jpc.pci.peripherals are pci
L648[06:08:01] <lperkins2> It uses a PCIISABridge
L649[06:08:26] <lperkins2> Intel 82371SB PIIX3 specifically
L650[06:09:00] <gamax92> lperkins2: oh well i guess it doesn't have an adlib or sb
L651[06:09:33] <lperkins2> Right, and I don't know what the various opcodes are for a soundblaster card.
L652[06:09:33] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L653[06:10:00] <gamax92> lperkins2: oh well, qemu ... dosbox ... pcem ... the thousands of txt files documenting them ...
L654[06:10:02] <gamax92> you know ...
L655[06:10:19] <lperkins2> Aye, but I'd rather get other things working first :)
L656[06:11:04] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L657[06:11:04] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L658[06:11:29] <gamax92> I'mma see if i can get the very minimum of a cursor for my ConsoleDriver
L659[06:24:33] ⇦ Quits: TigersFangs (~TigersFan@c75-111-51-220.erkacmtk01.ca.dh.suddenlink.net) (Quit: I'm out for now)
L660[06:37:41] <Pwootage> http://i.imgur.com/S41plS8.png bwahahaha
L661[06:41:02] <lperkins2> A lua packager using github?
L662[06:41:43] <gamax92> well that didn't happen
L663[06:41:57] <gamax92> instead i possibly implemented some untested ansi escape sequences
L664[06:43:34] <Pwootage> lperkins2, well mine happens to use github, but those lists can be hosted on any webserver
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L666[06:43:43] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L667[06:45:56] <Pwootage> Vexatos: http://i.imgur.com/S41plS8.png
L668[06:46:23] <Vexatos> Noice
L669[06:47:09] <Pwootage> the pacyak installer works, but you can't actually install anything with it yet :P need to make a test package
L670[06:49:15] <Vexatos> Integrate the OpenPrograms system into it
L671[06:49:20] <Vexatos> :P
L672[06:49:24] <Vexatos> I need to go again
L673[06:49:26] <Vexatos> SCHOOOL
L674[06:49:28] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C9663.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L675[06:49:47] <Pwootage> NEVER
L676[06:49:54] <Pwootage> OPPM has a terribad format ;D
L677[06:54:32] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L682[07:14:38] *** Daiyousei is now known as LearningFairy
L683[07:19:31] <ShadowKatStudios> So
L684[07:19:45] <ShadowKatStudios> Anyone want to guess what game I bought today?
L685[07:21:41] <Pwootage> http://i.imgur.com/MgmroCQ.png
L686[07:21:46] <Pwootage> a terrible guess
L687[07:22:08] <ShadowKatStudios> I got Morrowind.
L688[07:22:55] * gamax92 is still proud of the 44 byte rom he wrote in a hex editor
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L691[07:36:48] <Pwootage> gamax92, or you could have written not-hex ;D
L692[07:36:51] <Pwootage> although good job
L693[07:36:52] <Pwootage> btw
L694[07:37:55] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~samis@95f1a4db.skybroadband.com)
L695[07:38:48] <Pwootage> pacyak can update itself
L696[07:38:49] <Pwootage> awesome
L697[07:46:38] *** Greylocke is now known as Greylocke|afk
L698[07:52:04] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ ()
L699[07:53:30] <ShadowKatStudios> #lua ("ShadowKatStudios"):len()
L700[07:53:30] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 16
L701[07:54:33] <Dashkal> Things that are more fun than they should be... Finally got an X server installed on my windows machine. I can finally use my normal terminal for things like IRC.
L702[07:56:50] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
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L708[08:10:07] <Pwootage> rddit tells me 5.3 has been released
L709[08:11:14] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L710[08:12:44] <ShadowKatStudios> #lua ("OASESFIFEDTHEFTTEFFS24225"):len()
L711[08:12:44] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 25
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L713[08:13:21] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L714[08:20:43] <Pwootage> http://www.commitstrip.com/en/2015/01/12/the-right-tool-for-the-right-job/ good point, but the answer is still not php (java or python imo, dpending on what you know)
L715[08:22:23] <GreaseMonkey> to be blunt sometimes it is PHP
L716[08:23:05] <GreaseMonkey> e.g. libgd is very useful
L717[08:23:16] <Pwootage> I have a very very hard time every suggesting php
L718[08:23:26] <Pwootage> I will probably never suggest it
L719[08:24:00] <Pwootage> Every took has it's job - but I'm having a really hard time finding a job for php
L720[08:25:08] <Pwootage> .ping
L721[08:25:08] <^v> Ping reply from Pwootage 0.41s
L722[08:25:22] <skyem> .p
L723[08:25:22] <^v> Ping reply from skyem 0.25s
L724[08:25:23] <Pwootage> k so existing connections are fine, only new ones are acting slow
L725[08:28:31] <Pwootage> goodnight everyone... finally ;D
L726[08:28:58] <ShadowKatStudios> VMWare works well on windows but terribly on Linux.
L727[08:29:18] <ShadowKatStudios> Noted, VirtualBox beats the shit out of VMWare, still.
L728[08:29:47] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L729[08:31:09] ⇦ Quits: skyem (skyem123@ (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L730[08:36:08] *** Hobbyboy|Sleep is now known as Hobbyboy
L731[08:41:48] <lperkins2> PHP is great for someone just learning, who has some background in HTML.
L732[08:42:30] <lperkins2> It lets you abstract away the database and what not, and just calculate your values to embed as you go. Of course that quickly becomes a liability, but for someone just trying to figure out how programming works, it is kind of nice.
L733[08:43:08] <ShadowKatStudios> Morrowind installed :D
L734[09:00:00] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L735[09:01:06] <GreaseMonkey> php is good for getting shit done fast
L736[09:01:10] <GreaseMonkey> well, simple shit really
L737[09:01:28] <GreaseMonkey> i did not say "getting shit running at a really high speed", i'm talking about dev time
L738[09:01:28] <ShadowKatStudios> <?php print_file("filename") ?>
L739[09:01:47] <ShadowKatStudios> Dumping a folder of text files to a webpage, too.
L740[09:02:04] <GreaseMonkey> i wonder if i still have that incomplete raycaster i made for drawing minecraft maps
L741[09:02:17] <GreaseMonkey> it's slow as balls and chews all the RAM but it works
L742[09:03:28] <Kodos> I want LuaIDE in OC
L743[09:03:44] <ShadowKatStudios> I want vim in OC.
L744[09:03:50] <ShadowKatStudios> I don't like IDEs.
L745[09:03:59] <ShadowKatStudios> Unless they're hard drives.
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L748[09:05:01] <GreaseMonkey> vim is great
L749[09:05:07] <GreaseMonkey> vim is love
L750[09:05:08] <GreaseMonkey> vim is life
L751[09:06:03] ⇦ Quits: Guest1758 (~quassel@178-190-224-168.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L753[09:51:13] ⇨ Joins: dangranos (~dangranos@
L754[09:51:19] <Kubuxu> vim is best login screen.
L755[09:51:26] ⇦ Parts: lperkins2 (~perkins@ ())
L756[10:04:45] *** Kiloff is now known as Kilobyte
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L773[12:13:59] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L774[12:15:26] * Sangar yawns
L775[12:15:36] <Sangar> good morning, people of the interwebs
L776[12:16:35] <asie> Sangar: go back to sleep
L777[12:17:39] <Sangar> D:
L778[12:17:44] <Sangar> why?
L779[12:19:05] <asie> Sangar: no reason, just do
L780[12:19:09] <Kilobyte> Sangar: yay for early morning github conversations xD
L781[12:19:10] *** AtomSponge|away is now known as AtomSponge
L782[12:19:13] <Sangar> haha
L783[12:19:15] <Kilobyte> "early morning"
L784[12:19:18] <Sangar> yeah :P
L785[12:19:24] <ShadowKatStudios> 3 of the icons on my desktop are VNs, two are TES games, and one is skype, which I didn't add. Say anything about me?
L786[12:19:27] <Kilobyte> have an exam tomorrow
L787[12:19:30] <ShadowKatStudios> Hai sangar
L788[12:19:47] <Sangar> Kilobyte, topic?
L789[12:19:47] <Kilobyte> and i heard yesterday that i can't use a programmable/graphic calculator
L790[12:19:59] <Kilobyte> Sangar: economics shit...
L791[12:20:02] <Sangar> why would they disallow that o.O
L792[12:20:21] <Kilobyte> so i am stuck with an ancient omron one my mum used in school
L793[12:20:48] <Kilobyte> best part: it uses reverse polish notation
L794[12:21:00] <ShadowKatStudios> yay RPN
L795[12:21:02] <Kilobyte> aka lots of fun to be had
L796[12:21:11] <Kilobyte> and it has a stack size of 2
L797[12:21:16] <Sangar> yay
L798[12:21:26] <Kilobyte> or is it 4? not sure
L799[12:21:37] <Kilobyte> anyways, it only shows top of stack at any point
L800[12:22:24] <Kilobyte> because yeah, the calculator we had to use for school is both programmable and graphical
L801[12:22:55] <Kilobyte> ("programmable", its a shitty BASIC ripoff. At least you don't need to prefix line numbers)
L802[12:22:57] <Sangar> start a shell on your phone and use a command line calc :P
L803[12:23:05] <ShadowKatStudios> dc
L804[12:23:07] <Kilobyte> can't
L805[12:23:10] <Kilobyte> because i have to leave phone at front desk
L806[12:23:19] <ShadowKatStudios> dc is best calculator
L807[12:23:25] <Sangar> but it'd be a non-graphical calculator!
L808[12:23:29] <ShadowKatStudios> can phones gcc?
L809[12:23:37] <Kilobyte> ShadowKatStudios: why not
L810[12:23:45] <Kilobyte> i might not even be allowed to use the calc instruction manual in exam
L811[12:23:50] <Kilobyte> which would suck
L812[12:23:52] <ShadowKatStudios> Does android come with gcc?
L813[12:24:05] <Kilobyte> ShadowKatStudios: no, but you can cross compile it for android
L814[12:24:16] <ShadowKatStudios> works.
L815[12:24:34] <Kilobyte> and then you have gcc on android
L816[12:24:35] <ShadowKatStudios> I'll cross-compile gcc for android
L817[12:24:52] <Kilobyte> ShadowKatStudios: i might eventually write an android package manager
L818[12:25:02] <Kilobyte> if you wanna help out, you are welcome
L819[12:25:14] <Kilobyte> yesterday i had some fun compiling asterisk (SIP server) on a raspberry
L820[12:25:21] <Kilobyte> couldn't get cross compiling to work
L821[12:25:38] <Kilobyte> aka about 3-4 hours compile time
L822[12:25:48] <ShadowKatStudios> fun
L823[12:25:49] <Kilobyte> instead of like 1-2 mins on my desktop
L824[12:25:57] <ShadowKatStudios> my phone is 800mhz
L825[12:26:03] <ShadowKatStudios> compiling will be fun
L826[12:26:14] <Kilobyte> i wouldve compiled in qemu, but apparently that outputs buggy builds
L827[12:26:35] <Kilobyte> ShadowKatStudios: my idea for the package manager would be pacman based, working both non-root and root
L828[12:26:45] <Kilobyte> although, i might not get non-root to work
L829[12:27:15] <Kilobyte> then an app frontend
L830[12:30:01] <ShadowKatStudios> argh
L831[12:30:17] <ShadowKatStudios> morrowind has positioned its window above my screen
L832[12:30:18] <ShadowKatStudios> thanks
L833[12:30:30] <ShadowKatStudios> how do I fix this shit on Windows
L834[12:30:35] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L835[12:30:35] <ShadowKatStudios> there's no xlib
L836[12:32:16] <Kilobyte> ShadowKatStudios: https://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html
L837[12:32:30] <Kilobyte> ShadowKatStudios: changing ur os? :P
L838[12:34:43] <ShadowKatStudios> playing morrowind
L839[12:35:35] ⇨ Joins: newTest (~test@10bf480d1eaf.click-network.com)
L840[12:35:41] <newTest> names
L841[12:36:10] <Kilobyte> thats not how it works
L842[12:36:18] <dangranos> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/805#issuecomment-69724591
L843[12:36:22] <dangranos> kill that guy
L844[12:36:23] <dangranos> pls
L845[12:36:42] <dangranos> >hitty implented functions so your mind will blew up if you try to make your own OS, unless you copy/pasta the entire code or rewrite it by yourself.
L846[12:36:49] <dangranos> thats the point of making OS :|
L847[12:37:06] <dangranos> > decompile the mod to get some "hidden basic" functions, ex. the kernel
L848[12:37:08] <dangranos> wuuuuut
L849[12:37:19] <Kilobyte> dangranos: ikr
L850[12:37:36] <Kilobyte> he probably has no clue what github actually is for
L851[12:37:44] * Sangar shrugs
L852[12:37:53] <dangranos> "yet another forum" maybe
L853[12:38:00] <Kilobyte> lol yeah
L854[12:38:09] <newTest> Hey, how many users are there in this channel?
L855[12:38:27] <Kilobyte> manmaed|AFK: 115
L856[12:38:32] <Kilobyte> err newTest ^
L857[12:38:35] <Sangar> more than you get displayed ingame probably :P
L858[12:39:14] <Kilobyte> Sangar: just curious, how likely is OpenOS to get ANSI escape sequence support?
L859[12:39:18] <dangranos> #blamesangar
L860[12:39:31] <Kilobyte> for like, colors and shit
L861[12:39:43] <dangranos> Kilobyte, you could do it right now
L862[12:39:51] <dangranos> maybe
L863[12:39:53] ⇦ Quits: newTest (~test@10bf480d1eaf.click-network.com) (Client Quit)
L864[12:40:05] <Kilobyte> no time
L865[12:40:55] <Sangar> Kilobyte, well, it has a ticket. other than that, depends a lot on when i finish the 1.8 port/rewrite or how often i need a break from that :P or when someone else finally gets impatient enough to add it :>
L866[12:41:14] <ShadowKatStudios> uhmm
L867[12:41:18] <Kilobyte> Sangar: would make for some pretty cool stuff
L868[12:41:25] <ShadowKatStudios> why is there a giant tick in the water?
L869[12:41:40] <Kilobyte> then we just need a proper shell
L870[12:41:43] <Kilobyte> and we are set
L871[12:41:46] <Sangar> ShadowKatStudios, because it like swimming?
L872[12:41:46] ⇨ Joins: newTest (~newtest@10bf480d1eaf.click-network.com)
L873[12:41:53] <Sangar> *likes
L874[12:43:21] <Kilobyte> Sangar: if we ever get a proper unix like shell i think we should have a PROMPT_UPDATE_INTERVAL env var that when set tells the shell to rerender the prompt
L875[12:43:48] <Kilobyte> so ppl can put like, updating time into it
L876[12:44:14] <Sangar> to update while they update?
L877[12:45:22] ⇦ Quits: newTest (~newtest@10bf480d1eaf.click-network.com) (Client Quit)
L878[12:45:23] <Kilobyte> Sangar: no, current time
L879[12:45:34] <Kilobyte> and tell it: update prompt every minute
L880[12:45:41] <Kilobyte> so it keeps displaying correct time
L881[12:45:43] <Sangar> oic
L882[12:46:27] <Kilobyte> because thats why i consider current time in prompt mostly useless
L883[12:46:41] <Kilobyte> if you go away for a while its not accurate anymore
L884[12:46:58] <Kilobyte> i know of no shell which supports that, not even mighty zsh
L885[12:47:08] <Sangar> let's just fork openos and make betteros. judging by besh it'll be a smashing success :X
L886[12:47:11] <Kilobyte> maybe it does though
L887[12:47:20] <Kilobyte> Sangar: besh... is nah
L888[12:47:22] <Sangar> beos? :X
L889[12:47:24] <Kilobyte> too buggy
L890[12:47:28] <Sangar> no shit
L891[12:47:44] <Kilobyte> i am not having the time to fix that issue though at this point
L892[12:48:00] <Kilobyte> Sangar: also, maybe eventually we can get llvm bytecode support \o/
L893[12:48:19] <Sangar> how do you mean?
L894[12:48:23] <Kilobyte> and since you can generate that stuff from just about any major programmign/scripting language...
L895[12:48:40] <Sangar> custom arch or what?
L896[12:48:44] <Kilobyte> yeah
L897[12:48:53] <Sangar> :D
L898[12:49:05] <Kilobyte> and it is still relatively high level, so stuff like "call function x" is perserved in it
L899[12:49:12] <Kilobyte> instead of a jmp instruction
L900[12:49:22] <Kilobyte> you can compile llvm bytecode to JS for example
L901[12:49:30] ⇦ Quits: justastranger|zzz (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646) (Excess Flood)
L902[12:50:11] <Sangar> how does it handle datatypes / structs? because i think that's currently one of the biggest hurdles for low-level archs, passing around tables/maps
L903[12:50:15] <Kilobyte> you can get it from c/c++ (clang, gcc-llvm), rust (rustc), ruby (rubinius) to name a few
L904[12:50:24] <Kilobyte> Sangar: not sure tbh
L905[12:50:41] <Kilobyte> also, the llvm runtime can work both with and without garbage collector
L906[12:51:05] <Kilobyte> depending on language you compiled it from
L907[12:51:21] <Kilobyte> c/c++/rust will go without, ruby etc will go with
L908[12:52:45] <Kilobyte> Sangar: so yeah, we'll have to see, also how it goes with interaction with components etc
L909[12:52:54] <Sangar> mhm
L910[12:52:57] <Kilobyte> might need some helper functions
L911[12:53:36] <Kilobyte> Sangar: llvm is low level enough to work with actual RAM, and it can even include x68 code (that would obviously have to be disabled)
L912[12:53:41] ⇨ Joins: justastranger (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646)
L913[12:53:58] <Kilobyte> basicly clang compiles c to llvm and then llvm to machine code
L914[12:55:46] <Kilobyte> Sangar: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5416954/writing-llvm-byte-code
L915[12:55:49] <Sangar> yeah, that much i was aware of
L916[12:55:57] <Kilobyte> maybe that helps you a bit
L917[12:56:11] <Sangar> regarding structs?
L918[12:56:35] <Sangar> oh god
L919[12:56:54] <Kilobyte> yeah
L920[12:57:04] <Sangar> i think i'll leave that pleasure to someone else tbh >_>
L921[12:57:08] <ShadowKatStudios> I crashed morrowind :D
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L924[12:59:05] <Kilobyte> Sangar: yeah, its pretty complex stuff, but should be doable
L925[12:59:12] <Kilobyte> if you have time to waste
L926[12:59:14] <Kilobyte> :P
L927[13:03:15] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L928[13:04:26] <Sangar> not *that* much :P
L929[13:09:16] <dangranos> i think senior might replace soniex at "local idiot" position
L930[13:09:46] <dangranos> *"SeniorFight"
L931[13:15:39] <dangranos> > latest NON Dev 1.4.4a
L932[13:15:41] <dangranos> meh
L933[13:15:47] <dangranos> rly?
L934[13:17:07] ⇨ Joins: tattyseal (~tattyseal@
L935[13:20:42] *** Sangar changes topic to 'Forums: http://oc.cil.li/ | Wiki: http://ocd.cil.li/ | Latest version: 1.4.4a | Dev Builds: http://ci.cil.li/ | Channel Rules: http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/171- | Stats: http://goo.gl/Hzm22G | OETF: https://oetf.cil.li | Don't ask to ask, just ask!'
L936[13:20:56] <Sangar> better? or what did you mean? :P
L937[13:21:30] <Sangar> oh, he wrote
L938[13:21:34] <Sangar> that's what you meant
L939[13:23:35] <Sangar> i'm not sure he understands what 'rekt' means
L940[13:24:45] <SKS|Morrowind> so, I think the steam overlay has a better windowing system than Windows.
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L943[13:31:45] <dangranos> SKS, :D
L944[13:31:58] <dangranos> Sangar, what does it mean?
L945[13:32:35] <Sangar> not "you answered all my questions"
L946[13:33:12] <SKS|Morrowind> Hai dangranos
L947[13:33:20] <SKS|Morrowind> Just playing Morrowind, as you may have guessed
L948[13:33:30] <SKS|Morrowind> Was an awesome score at EB Games, $8
L949[13:37:01] <Kilobyte> Sangar: what do you expect
L950[13:37:12] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L952[13:40:50] <SKS|Morrowind> Whoa, just imagine, once upon a time (2002) these would be amazing graphics
L953[13:40:57] <SKS|Morrowind> now they look shit, but that isn't the point
L954[13:41:48] <SKS|Morrowind> Aww yeah, max settings, 60FPS
L955[13:42:36] <Sangar> i remember when myst looked "realistic" :X
L956[13:43:07] ⇨ Joins: SKS|Morrowind_ (webchat@
L957[13:43:17] <SKS|Morrowind_> And then I realised closing the game would kill my IRC session
L958[13:45:06] ⇦ Quits: SKS|Morrowind (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L959[13:45:14] <SKS|Morrowind_> Ah, good.
L960[13:45:29] *** SKS|Morrowind_ is now known as SKS|Morrowind
L961[13:46:21] <SKS|Morrowind> So apparently hardware accelerated 3D audio is a thing.
L962[13:48:13] <Ender> my left hand has cesed up :/
L963[13:51:54] <Kilobyte> Sangar: just looked at moonscript again, and apart from fact that it uses some very weird things, it doesn't look too bad. used to not like it at all
L964[13:52:18] <Kilobyte> might be interesting to use for OC
L965[13:52:48] <Sangar> can't say my knowledge about it exceeds "awareness" :P
L966[13:53:51] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L967[13:54:28] <Kilobyte> Sangar: its pretty much a mix of coffeescript, ruby and python
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L969[14:00:29] ⇦ Quits: skyem (skyem@ (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L970[14:01:36] <Kilobyte> is there some kind of standardized way on OC to bundle multiple files together in OC?
L971[14:01:55] <Sangar> just put them in one file?
L972[14:02:28] <SKS|Morrowind> uhm
L973[14:02:37] <SKS|Morrowind> gamax92 wrote a tar program
L974[14:03:19] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L975[14:05:53] <Kilobyte> Sangar: i intentionally wanna split them again afterwards, also lupa also looks interesting
L976[14:06:30] <Kilobyte> appeals especially as it has many similar semantics as scala and seems to be partially type checked
L977[14:06:52] <Sangar> oh?
L978[14:07:46] <SKS|Morrowind> I read that as "poorly type checked" seemed like it would be fun to abuse
L979[14:08:41] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@nat-asso.univ-rouen.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L980[14:09:58] <Kilobyte> SKS|Morrowind: compile time type checked i mean
L981[14:10:14] <Sangar> brb
L982[14:12:41] <Kilobyte> i might end up writing a small compiler thing for OC
L983[14:15:33] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L984[14:15:40] <ShadowKatStudios> Oh hey, the steam overlay lets me tab out properly \o/
L985[14:16:04] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Praise GabeN
L986[14:16:23] <Kilobyte> although, hmm i think i'd stick with moonscript as its more mature
L987[14:27:21] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@
L988[14:27:46] <SKS|Morrowind> Know what's great?
L989[14:27:52] <SKS|Morrowind> Not having flash installed.
L990[14:27:58] <Kilobyte> xD
L991[14:28:04] <Kilobyte> less exploits!
L992[14:28:11] <SKS|Morrowind> less ads
L993[14:28:18] <SKS|Morrowind> less memory usage
L994[14:28:22] <Kilobyte> yep
L995[14:28:24] <SKS|Morrowind> less CPU hogging
L996[14:28:48] <Kilobyte> although, with ads, there are many ad blockers
L997[14:29:00] <Kilobyte> and with exploits, noscript ftw
L998[14:29:10] <SKS|Morrowind> (I mean, seriously, it's a vector renderer on really simple shapes, what the hell)
L999[14:29:25] <SKS|Morrowind> I use adblock plus for firefox, but the steam browser has no flash :D
L1000[14:33:09] <SKS|Morrowind> yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.
L1001[14:33:22] <SKS|Morrowind> :D Shinsekai Yori thread
L1002[14:33:47] <SKS|Morrowind> D: Maria nooo
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L1005[14:38:44] <SKS|Morrowind> Damnit, I'm gonna end up racking up hours in morrowind by getting distracted and browsing 4chan for hours
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L1010[14:40:21] <Vexatos> o/
L1011[14:40:36] <ShadowKatStudios> \o
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L1016[15:03:44] <Zequan> Any tcl wizards here?
L1017[15:17:25] <Vexatos> tcl?
L1018[15:19:28] <Zequan> Tool Command Language
L1019[15:19:53] <Zequan> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tcl
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L1026[15:42:10] <Kilobyte> Zequan: doubt it
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L1031[16:46:17] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L1032[16:46:55] <Kasen> why are my robots sparkling? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7298729/ZScreen/2015-01/Screenshot-2015-01-13_16.46.09.png
L1033[16:47:06] *** Vexatos is now known as Guest63976
L1034[16:47:06] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L1035[16:47:38] <Vexatos> Kasen, are they charging?
L1036[16:47:55] <Kasen> eh, possibly
L1037[16:48:04] <Kasen> they're fully charged and turned off, but yeah, they're next to a charger
L1038[16:48:26] <Kasen> i haven't seen them sparkle before, so i didn't think of that
L1039[16:48:39] <Kasen> then agian, OC just updated on this pack actually
L1040[16:48:41] <Kasen> again*
L1041[16:49:17] <Kasen> thanks
L1042[16:51:54] ⇦ Quits: Guest63976 (~Vexatos@p200300556E1C1F20C40127A3479C1242.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L1047[17:26:55] <AtomSponge> #ping
L1048[17:26:55] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.548 Seconds passed.
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L1053[17:36:52] <g> So the new drones are supposed to have a programmed eeprom right?
L1054[17:36:56] <g> How do you get started on doing that?
L1055[17:37:28] <TabletCube> insert the eeprom into a running computer
L1056[17:37:44] <g> into where?
L1057[17:37:57] <TabletCube> eeprom slot
L1058[17:38:02] <g> but the bios is there?
L1059[17:38:24] <g> I guess that's why it has to not be running
L1060[17:38:27] <TabletCube> it's safe to replace it after boot iirc
L1061[17:38:35] <Vexatos> BIOS is the
L1062[17:38:38] <Vexatos> only for booting*
L1063[17:38:43] <g> okay
L1064[17:38:49] <g> yeah, that's seemed to have worked
L1065[17:39:01] <g> so I guess it just works like a floppy?
L1066[17:39:17] <TabletCube> it's a component
L1067[17:39:22] <g> alright
L1068[17:39:41] <TabletCube> There may or may not be a flash utility present on the computer
L1069[17:39:58] <TabletCube> Depends on when the OS was installed
L1070[17:40:13] <g> before the update
L1071[17:40:15] <g> so I don't see one
L1072[17:42:05] <g> I don't really get how an eeprom works
L1073[17:42:06] <g> ._.
L1074[17:42:10] <g> it just stores a single byte array?
L1075[17:42:56] <TabletCube> yes
L1076[17:43:12] <g> alright.. so now what?
L1077[17:43:13] <TabletCube> For lua, it stores lua code for example
L1078[17:43:37] <g> oh, I see
L1079[17:43:47] <g> so you'd.. make a lua bios and .set() some lua code?
L1080[17:44:03] <Vexatos> g: See this example: https://gist.github.com/fnuecke/6bcbd66910b946b54ec7
L1081[17:44:05] <Vexatos> see bios.lua
L1082[17:44:16] <Vexatos> that's a file like it could be flashed onto an eeprom
L1083[17:44:38] <g> ah, I see
L1084[17:44:47] <g> okay, that makes sense
L1085[17:45:46] <g> so do I need to make a lua bios first?
L1086[17:45:51] <g> or just use a standard eeprom
L1087[17:46:33] <g> any chance we could have flash on oppm?
L1088[17:48:28] <Vexatos> g: Just re-install OpenOS
L1089[17:48:33] <Vexatos> like, get the OpenOS floppy
L1090[17:48:35] <Vexatos> and re-install
L1091[17:48:58] <Negi> It won't overwrite files that don't already exist, afaik..
L1092[17:51:57] <g> copied it from a floppy, thanks
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L1096[18:11:57] <g> Vexatos, so what's the drone api?
L1097[18:12:03] <g> should I code dive?
L1098[18:13:44] <Kubuxu> .jenkins
L1099[18:13:52] <Magik6k> .p
L1100[18:13:52] <^v> Ping reply from Magik6k 0.34s
L1101[18:14:02] <Magik6k> ci.cil.li
L1102[18:14:06] <Magik6k> Kubuxu, ^
L1103[18:14:07] <EnderBot2> Latest builds: ICBMComponent: #21 | OpenLights1.7: #18 | OpenComputersDev: #334 | OpenPrinter: #79 | OpenComputers: #25 | OpenLights: #20 | OpenGlasses: #44 | OpenPrinter1.7: #102
L1104[18:15:32] <Kubuxu> Sangar: Would it be possible to make executable only version of ROM. I need it for encrption purposes.
L1105[18:16:17] <Sangar> Kubuxu, eeprom.makeReadonly() ?
L1106[18:16:27] * g scratches head at drones
L1107[18:16:36] <Kubuxu> Sangar: Problem is it should be without read.
L1108[18:16:57] <Kubuxu> As with read you can extract private keys.
L1109[18:17:04] <Sangar> ah... uh, then not really, no. because the kernel has the same ways of accessing components as the sandbox
L1110[18:17:05] <Magik6k> loaded and executed in machine.lua I guess
L1111[18:17:21] <Sangar> but you can just wrap component access in your bios?
L1112[18:18:01] <Kubuxu> Sangar: Could work. Especially if I encrypt private key.
L1113[18:18:29] <g> I don't see docs on drone api
L1114[18:18:34] <g> so I guess I'll have to dive into the code
L1115[18:18:50] <Sangar> g yeah, haven't gotten around to add that to the wiki yet
L1116[18:18:51] <Kubuxu> c = {}
L1117[18:18:54] <Kubuxu> sorry
L1118[18:19:20] <Sangar> actually, i have? maybe? someone anyway :X
L1119[18:19:23] <Sangar> http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:drone
L1120[18:19:28] <Sangar> not fully up-to-date tho
L1121[18:19:34] <Magik6k> Sangar, maybe some feature to lock the EEPROM in case, so it can't be removed(computer.LockEEPROM ?)
L1122[18:20:02] <g> ooh, I see
L1123[18:20:04] <g> offsets
L1124[18:20:21] <Kubuxu> Magik6k: It won't help in my case. Or will it?
L1125[18:20:21] <Sangar> Magik6k, nah. if anything extending the rights management stuff (there's an open issue for that)
L1126[18:20:28] <dangranos> bye
L1127[18:20:36] <Kubuxu> bye..
L1128[18:21:03] <dangranos> why the dots?
L1129[18:21:17] <Kubuxu> I don't know. Just a habbit...
L1130[18:21:21] <dangranos> okay...
L1131[18:21:22] <Negi> dangranos: I think that was meant to be a single dot.
L1132[18:21:30] <dangranos> maybe..
L1133[18:21:34] <dangranos> bye..
L1134[18:21:43] <Magik6k> Kubuxu, It could help as you might then add some security chechs on bios level and.. ohwait yo wouldn't be able to put KEY eeprom
L1135[18:21:49] <Negi> Oh no you sound all depressey now. D:
L1136[18:22:13] <Kubuxu> It is random number of dots depending how fast my fingers are.
L1137[18:22:16] <dangranos> i am sure you could add wrapper to components api to disable eeprom reading
L1138[18:22:26] <dangranos> i am going to sleep...
L1139[18:22:36] <dangranos> now thats depressey...
L1140[18:22:37] <Magik6k> hmm.. Smartcards?
L1141[18:22:47] <Kubuxu> Problem is that I wanted use EEPROM as Smartcards.
L1142[18:23:38] <Negi> Kubuxu: Smartcards ?
L1143[18:24:24] <Kubuxu> Negi: Card containing cryptographic unit alloing secure encrypting/sighning.
L1144[18:24:31] <Negi> Oh
L1145[18:24:35] <Magik6k> > This would actually fit current situation as smart card would be kind of ultra-lowend tables just like uC is ultra-low computer, wouldn't it?
L1146[18:24:51] <Magik6k> *tablets
L1147[18:25:02] <Kubuxu> One can't extract private key form Smartcard.
L1148[18:25:14] ⇨ Joins: SkySom (~SkySom@
L1149[18:25:21] <Kubuxu> This is why you can use 4-digit pin and it is still secure.
L1150[18:25:46] <Kubuxu> As smartcard will block itself after X wrong inputs.
L1151[18:26:39] <g> Maybe what we need is smartcards then? :P
L1152[18:26:40] <Kubuxu> Simplest smartcard is Visa/MasterCard with Chip but you can't use it fo custom encryption, just for transaction sighning.
L1153[18:27:07] <Kubuxu> g: I took it into consideration.
L1154[18:27:57] <Kubuxu> But I would have to code: smartcard, smartcard reader( it would be best with digits keyboard)
L1155[18:28:10] <Kubuxu> I might try.
L1156[18:28:29] * dangranos pokes one of Computronics dev
L1157[18:28:31] <Kubuxu> Will steal Vexato's implementation of RSA>
L1158[18:28:38] <Magik6k> Kubuxu, btw. I'm finishing MPT IDE work, and github oauth finally works
L1159[18:28:45] <Kubuxu> Oh Yeah.
L1160[18:28:54] <dangranos> Kubuxu, should it be "Vexatos'"?
L1161[18:29:04] * Kubuxu sends all <3 to Magik6k.
L1162[18:29:12] <Kubuxu> dangranos: It should be.
L1163[18:29:22] <Negi> Kubuxu: Maybe you could reuse one of the current slots ? idk if that's possible if you want to set it to another purpose, but...Yeah Idk.
L1164[18:29:22] <Kubuxu> Will steal Vexatos' implementation of RSA>
L1165[18:29:42] <dangranos> :O
L1166[18:29:48] <dangranos> i can into english
L1167[18:29:49] <Vexatos> Whathaveidone
L1168[18:29:59] <Negi> Vexatos: A Monster.
L1169[18:30:04] <Kubuxu> Negi: Just cutom block with in world keyboard.
L1170[18:30:25] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (~dangranos@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1171[18:30:34] <Kubuxu> s/cutom/custom/
L1172[18:30:34] <Kibibyte> <Kubuxu> Negi: Just custom block with in world keyboard.
L1173[18:31:38] <Vexatos> Kubuxu, don't steal my things D:
L1174[18:31:47] <Vexatos> xD
L1175[18:32:04] <Kubuxu> Shhhh. Noone will ever notice.
L1176[18:32:07] <Kubuxu> For sure.
L1177[18:32:16] <Vexatos> But it took us sooo long to make it
L1178[18:32:25] <Vexatos> why are you stealing the thing we made now D:
L1179[18:32:31] <Kubuxu> Remember who helped you.
L1180[18:32:43] <Vexatos> (Mind the *we*)
L1181[18:33:03] <Kubuxu> We will mind we.
L1182[18:33:12] <Vexatos> "Reading comprehension fail" ~ Sangar 2014
L1183[18:33:20] <Kubuxu> Shhhh.
L1184[18:33:37] <gamax92> Hey Sangar?
L1185[18:34:32] <Negi> I totally don't have exams tomorrow.
L1186[18:34:33] <gamax92> Is there something to extend or implement to make a custom EEProm
L1187[18:34:56] <Negi> And I totally shouldn't not be here.
L1188[18:35:10] <Kubuxu> Negi: What exams?
L1189[18:35:22] <gamax92> else I'm just gonna stare at decompiled scala
L1190[18:35:33] <Negi> French, Kubuxu.
L1191[18:35:44] <Negi> Mid-year french pseudo-exams.
L1192[18:35:44] <gamax92> Negi: speek to us in franch
L1193[18:35:47] <Kubuxu> gamax92: Just to not look at scala.
L1194[18:35:51] <gamax92> yes
L1195[18:35:55] <Negi> Pourquoi tu voudrais que je fasse ça, gamax92 ?
L1196[18:36:05] <Kubuxu> Yeah, in franch
L1197[18:36:52] <Negi> Franch, the french from the ranch. *k no, that was bs*
L1198[18:36:57] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L1199[18:37:07] <gamax92> Pwootage!
L1200[18:37:08] <gamax92> :D
L1201[18:37:44] <gamax92> Negi: Pourquoi pas?
L1202[18:38:15] <Pwootage> ShadowKatStudios: I just saw it from last night, but I've said it before and I'll say it again: People who dislike IDEs don't understand how to use them fully (not that writing code in VIM is bad all the time)
L1203[18:38:15] <Pwootage> gamax92:
L1204[18:38:15] <Pwootage> Hello!
L1205[18:38:18] <Negi> gamax92: The difference between you and I is that I am an actual native french and that I don't use a translator.
L1206[18:38:30] <gamax92> Negi: And I don't care :)
L1207[18:38:42] <Negi> Plus french is a pretty upsetting language \o
L1208[18:38:45] <Vexatos> je ne parle pas français, Hurr hurr
L1209[18:38:55] <Vexatos> I am so glad I chose to learn latin
L1210[18:39:05] <Magik6k> Kubuxu, http://gyazo.com/63c48f1b2675ddee30b276519c2b976c
L1211[18:39:22] * Vexatos linguam Latinam pauxissime dicere potest
L1212[18:39:32] <Negi> 90% of french population : "Me talk not english" with the most awful accent.
L1213[18:40:06] <Pwootage> gamax92: did you hear I got pacyak working?
L1214[18:40:12] <gamax92> Nope
L1215[18:40:40] <Pwootage> http://imgur.com/MgmroCQ
L1216[18:40:47] <Pwootage> it can also update and even uninstall itself
L1217[18:40:51] <Negi> We totally need a BF architecture.
L1218[18:41:15] <Magik6k> Wut's pacyak?
L1219[18:41:34] <gamax92> Negi: how would that work
L1220[18:41:44] <Pwootage> Says right in that image, the OC package yak :P
L1221[18:41:48] <Pwootage> it's a package manager for OC
L1222[18:42:00] <Negi> gamax92: Idek, but having a BF architecture seems like lots of painful fun.
L1223[18:42:07] <Pwootage> it's list-based and the package is defined inside the package instead of centrally
L1224[18:42:20] <Magik6k> yay, so OC will now have 3.5 package managers :D
L1225[18:43:10] <Pwootage> OPPM, PacYak, and which other two?
L1226[18:43:17] <gamax92> mpt
L1227[18:43:25] <Pwootage> right
L1228[18:44:11] <Magik6k> I may add compat with ur manager to mpt, should be simple in bost cases(and MPT is anyways bloatware :p)
L1229[18:44:36] <gamax92> mpt-get install oppm
L1230[18:44:43] <Pwootage> My manager requires symlinks but other than that is a pretty easy json-based format
L1231[18:44:55] <Negi> oppm install pacyak
L1232[18:45:13] <Negi> Pwootage: Sucks you don't use the actual Pacman syntax.
L1233[18:45:17] <Magik6k> gamax92, mpt -Sy oppm pacyak OpenOS
L1234[18:45:26] <gamax92> O_o
L1235[18:45:27] <gamax92> eww
L1236[18:45:33] <gamax92> dafak is that
L1237[18:45:40] <Magik6k> pacman syntax
L1238[18:45:46] <gamax92> eww no oppm kthxs
L1239[18:45:50] <Pwootage> Negi: tbh my current impl is the most basic hack ever (for the CLI)
L1240[18:45:54] <Magik6k> may add mpt-get with apt syntax
L1241[18:46:17] <Negi> Pacman syntax makes sounds.
L1242[18:46:24] <Negi> pacman -Syu
L1243[18:46:26] <Negi> SYUUUU
L1244[18:46:29] <Pwootage> computer.beep
L1245[18:46:33] <Negi> That's how I remember those.
L1246[18:46:41] <gamax92> Pwootage: how do beep from java?
L1247[18:47:02] <Magik6k> gamax92, print the bell character?
L1248[18:47:08] <gamax92> ... no ....
L1249[18:47:25] <gamax92> i mean in oc
L1250[18:47:34] <Magik6k> ~w computer.beep
L1251[18:47:34] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:computer
L1252[18:47:41] ⇦ Quits: ping (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:b40e:716b:e7d5:ad15) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1253[18:47:55] <gamax92> Magik6k: i did say java.
L1254[18:48:00] <gamax92> i love how nobody listens
L1255[18:48:03] <Pwootage> apparently the beep isn't a thing :(
L1256[18:48:04] <Magik6k> <gamax92> i mean in oc
L1257[18:48:09] ⇨ Joins: ping (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:b40e:716b:e7d5:ad15)
L1258[18:48:10] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
L1259[18:48:15] <gamax92> Pwootage: PacketSender.sendSound(machine.host().world(), machine.host().xPosition(), machine.host().yPosition(), machine.host().zPosition(), "-");
L1260[18:48:28] <Pwootage> gamax92: well that *would* work
L1261[18:48:33] <gamax92> this seems to work.
L1262[18:49:05] <Pwootage> probably need to use the volume-enabled version, though, not sure how far away that would be audible
L1263[18:49:23] <gamax92> Pwootage: oh, i just stole that from Machine.scala
L1264[18:50:11] <Negi> That's mean D:
L1265[18:50:24] <Pwootage> poor Machine.scala
L1266[18:50:35] <SkySom> Probably mugged it.
L1267[18:50:42] <SkySom> Maybe stabbed it?
L1268[18:51:12] <gamax92> wait is the EEProm just a component?
L1269[18:51:18] <Pwootage> uh, yeah
L1270[18:51:29] <Pwootage> everything in OC is a component
L1271[18:51:31] <gamax92> oh ... well then i can just make a component with the same functions.
L1272[18:51:43] <Negi> Wait.
L1273[18:51:46] <Negi> Everyone is fucking
L1274[18:51:49] <Negi> Stressing me up.
L1275[18:51:54] <Negi> The exam is in one week.
L1276[18:51:54] <gamax92> Negi: :o
L1277[18:51:55] * g isn't fucking
L1278[18:51:56] <gamax92> sexy
L1279[18:53:31] <Pwootage> train ride is pretty much over, back in 30-45 min
L1280[18:53:44] <Pwootage> probably
L1281[18:54:14] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L1282[18:54:59] <gamax92> Should I do items like how OC does them?
L1283[18:55:08] <gamax92> oc has a separate file for the Environment itself
L1284[18:55:12] <gamax92> i include it in the driver
L1285[18:55:25] <Kilobyte> how do i open file x in current working dir?
L1286[18:55:37] <Kilobyte> can i just do io.open("x")
L1287[18:56:01] <gamax92> Kilobyte: shell resolve!
L1288[18:56:03] <Magik6k> ~w io
L1289[18:56:03] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-io
L1290[18:56:06] <gamax92> or maybe that works.
L1291[18:56:39] <Kilobyte> Magik6k: in regular lua, sure
L1292[18:56:51] <Kilobyte> but in oc last time i checked it didnt
L1293[18:57:01] <Magik6k> Kilobyte, I konw, I'm looking into OC code now ;p
L1294[18:57:38] <g> so mpt has all the standard package manager functions
L1295[18:57:41] <g> except for some kind of list?
L1296[18:57:54] <Magik6k> g, sortkinda
L1297[18:58:06] <gamax92> brb testing something
L1298[18:58:17] <gamax92> ~w shell.resolve WHAT KIND OF POTATO DO YOU THINK I AM
L1299[18:58:17] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:shell
L1300[18:58:19] <gamax92> :D
L1301[18:58:20] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~TCube@95f1b7c8.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1302[18:58:25] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~samis@95f1b7c8.skybroadband.com)
L1303[18:58:46] <Magik6k> Kilobyte, io doesn't open files in PWD from what I see there:
L1304[18:58:46] <Magik6k> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/OpenOS/lib/io.lua#L54
L1305[18:58:58] <gamax92> [11:50:34] [Server thread/WARN] [OpenComputers]: Failed initializing computer.
L1306[18:58:58] <gamax92> java.lang.NullPointerException
L1307[18:58:58] <gamax92> at li.cil.oc.server.PacketSender$.sendSound(PacketSender.scala:494) ~[PacketSender$.class:?]
L1308[18:59:01] <Magik6k> ~w filesystem
L1309[18:59:01] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:filesystem
L1310[18:59:08] <gamax92> okay, i guess not to use beep
L1311[18:59:16] <Kilobyte> Magik6k: gah, thought so
L1312[19:05:19] <gamax92> wait ...
L1313[19:05:23] <gamax92> how did it npe on "pb.writeInt(world.provider.dimensionId)"
L1314[19:05:41] <ShadowKatStudios> Finally wrote a browsing page for my story, yay
L1315[19:07:21] <gamax92> maybe im outderted
L1316[19:09:13] <ShadowKatStudios> http://shadowkat.tk/projects/psyche/browse.php?id=1
L1317[19:10:22] <Negi> ShadowKatStudios: It's actually dangerous.
L1318[19:10:38] <Negi> You can go into negative IDs and empty ones D:
L1319[19:10:51] <ShadowKatStudios> Yep.
L1320[19:10:58] <ShadowKatStudios> Try -1
L1321[19:11:02] <Negi> I saw
L1322[19:11:13] <ShadowKatStudios> I need ways to hide easter eggs, anyway.
L1323[19:12:53] ⇨ Joins: _Ron (webchat@WLLDON1606W-LP130-02-1176382588.dsl.bell.ca)
L1324[19:13:06] <_Ron> Question.
L1325[19:13:22] <gamax92> Answer.
L1326[19:13:23] <_Ron> I'm trying to get a RAID drive working, and quite frankly I'm not sure how
L1327[19:13:25] <_Ron> lol
L1328[19:13:31] <gamax92> put raid to computer
L1329[19:13:33] <gamax92> put hdd's in raid
L1330[19:13:34] <gamax92> bam
L1331[19:13:35] <Ender> _Ron, do you have 3 hdds in it?
L1332[19:13:40] <_Ron> Yeah...
L1333[19:13:50] <_Ron> I'm trying to get multiple PCs to connect to it.
L1334[19:14:05] <Ender> that wont work
L1335[19:14:09] <_Ron> And when I don't use network switches, the computers all use each other's keyboards and components :/
L1336[19:14:18] <gamax92> _Ron: ahh yes .... that
L1337[19:14:25] <gamax92> I should remind Sangar to fix
L1338[19:14:27] <Ender> yeah, the raid isnt a network storeage in itself
L1339[19:14:32] <_Ron> Hrmm
L1340[19:14:59] <_Ron> And when I use network switches, it doesn't show the RAID drive. Because network switches don't carry over components for obvious reasons lol
L1341[19:16:01] <_Ron> So is there any way that I could get a sort of 'file server' working?
L1342[19:17:09] <SkySom> Write a file server, that can upload and download files?
L1343[19:17:21] <Negi> Was about to say that.
L1344[19:17:21] <_Ron> Hmm.
L1345[19:17:28] <_Ron> Alright, thanks.
L1346[19:17:31] <Magik6k> _Ron, write some ftp kind of stuff, wthier on bare network catd or using network API from network floppy
L1347[19:17:40] <_Ron> Okay, thanks.
L1348[19:17:43] <gamax92> there are already networked filesystem programs ...
L1349[19:17:49] <_Ron> Really?
L1350[19:18:03] <SkySom> SSSSHHHH
L1351[19:18:03] <Negi> Look on the forums and on OPPM.
L1352[19:18:08] <SkySom> Make him write his own :D
L1353[19:18:13] <gamax92> SkySom: don't be an ass
L1354[19:18:16] <Magik6k> SkySom, http://openprograms.github.io/
L1355[19:18:39] <Negi> s/ass/asscouch/
L1356[19:18:39] <Kibibyte> <gamax92> SkySom: don't be an asscouch
L1357[19:18:42] <_Ron> Alright, I gotta go now.
L1358[19:18:46] <_Ron> Thanks!
L1359[19:18:47] <Magik6k> ocnetfs : Connect a OCNetFS server as a local filesystem
L1360[19:18:48] ⇦ Quits: _Ron (webchat@WLLDON1606W-LP130-02-1176382588.dsl.bell.ca) (Quit: Web client closed)
L1361[19:18:54] <SkySom> An asscouch?
L1362[19:19:02] <Negi> Yeah.
L1363[19:19:03] <gamax92> Magik6k: ehh ... thats for real life to oc
L1364[19:19:21] <Negi> Mix an insult with a standard word to make it mild, SkySom.
L1365[19:19:33] <Magik6k> gamax92, shh
L1366[19:19:44] <SkySom> Hmmmm... I see.
L1367[19:20:46] * gamax92 slaps Magik6k
L1368[19:20:46] * EnderBot2 laughs
L1369[19:21:09] <gamax92> Negi: You fuckberry
L1370[19:21:13] <gamax92> did i do it correctly?
L1371[19:21:19] <Negi> Yep.
L1372[19:21:22] <gamax92> :D
L1373[19:21:54] <Negi> Damn buttpickles.
L1374[19:22:12] <CompanionCube> Negi, you tickle-brain
L1375[19:22:16] <CompanionCube> </shakespeare>
L1376[19:22:28] <gamax92> Stop being such a teasenugget
L1377[19:22:37] <gamax92> You are making me hornyzap
L1378[19:22:42] <gamax92> :P
L1379[19:22:57] <gamax92> okay I'll stop
L1380[19:23:33] <gamax92> D: beep card must make music
L1381[19:23:57] <g> song on oppm does that doesn't it?
L1382[19:23:58] <g> :P
L1383[19:24:10] <Negi> Why the flick is there a beep card ?
L1384[19:24:42] <gamax92> Negi: it can do multiple beeps :D
L1385[19:25:03] <Magik6k> multicore buzzer?
L1386[19:25:32] <Negi> Ah. Computronics I bet ?
L1387[19:25:51] <gamax92> yes
L1388[19:26:04] <gamax92> component.beep.beep({[500]=1,[400]=1})
L1389[19:28:00] <gamax92> hmm i could port Sangar's midi player to i
L1390[19:32:23] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L1391[19:32:40] <Pwootage> mback
L1392[19:34:51] ⇦ Quits: Magik6k (~Magik6k@host-37-190-200-120.dynamic.mm.pl) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L1393[19:35:18] ⇨ Joins: Magik6k (~Magik6k@host-37-190-200-120.dynamic.mm.pl)
L1394[19:35:30] <gamax92> hai Pwootage
L1395[19:35:36] <g> aw, oclights' external monitors get cleared when someone joins the server
L1396[19:35:50] <gamax92> gdude: ._.
L1397[19:36:10] <gamax92> that ... shouldn't happen?
L1398[19:36:35] <g> gamax92, but it did
L1399[19:36:36] <g> :D
L1400[19:36:52] <g> I had 5 dots plotted on it
L1401[19:36:57] <g> someone joined and it went black
L1402[19:38:27] <Kasen> i'll reconnect again
L1403[19:38:44] <Kasen> crashed
L1404[19:39:04] <Kasen> i blame schematica for that
L1405[19:39:07] <g> lol
L1406[19:39:11] <gamax92> ?_?
L1407[19:39:19] <Kasen> it errors every frame on the main menu
L1408[19:39:27] <Kasen> it crashed on the main menu
L1409[19:39:39] * Kasen goes tot he log
L1410[19:40:19] <g> yeah, I may remove that
L1411[19:40:26] <g> nobody's used it, including the person that wanted it
L1412[19:40:31] <gamax92> lol
L1413[19:41:01] <Kasen> moreplayermodels
L1414[19:41:17] <g> shouldn't cause a crash on the main menu
L1415[19:41:24] <g> road actually figured it out, we should ask him
L1416[19:41:35] <Kasen> well, it did
L1417[19:41:43] <g> well, send me the log or something
L1418[19:41:44] <g> :P
L1419[19:42:02] <Kasen> anyway, connecting - make sure something's on the monitor
L1420[19:42:03] <g> gamax92: yep, he joined, it's blank again
L1421[19:42:24] <gamax92> gah .-.
L1422[19:42:31] <g> No errors.
L1423[19:42:33] <gamax92> this is 1.7.10 right?
L1424[19:42:35] <g> Yeah
L1425[19:42:39] * gamax92 blames dsAway
L1426[19:42:44] <g> Updated/installed it today
L1427[19:42:45] <gamax92> he did the networking port for that.
L1428[19:43:08] <g> I assume the gpu is fast enough to like
L1429[19:43:17] <g> throw up an image on within a reasonable amount of time, right?
L1430[19:43:22] <gamax92> yeah
L1431[19:43:30] <g> alright
L1432[19:43:35] <g> yeah, that's what we were planning to use it for
L1433[19:43:38] <g> status images for various things
L1434[19:43:42] <gamax92> lol ...
L1435[19:44:10] <Kasen> after i draw pretty patterns
L1436[19:44:18] <g> yeah.. :P
L1437[19:44:26] <Kasen> once i figure out how it works because i see no docs
L1438[19:44:37] <gamax92> can i join your server to test stuff?
L1439[19:44:47] <Pwootage> I wonder if I get to write ARM today... :D
L1440[19:44:50] <g> if you don't mind installing the modpack
L1441[19:44:52] <g> it's pretty big >.>
L1442[19:44:54] <gamax92> thats fine
L1443[19:45:05] <Kasen> pretty big as in it bundles jython :P
L1444[19:45:08] <gamax92> thats fine
L1445[19:45:12] <g> noticed it to you
L1446[19:45:17] <gamax92> I noticed
L1447[19:45:28] <g> :P
L1448[19:46:09] <g> ah, I drawed a line
L1449[19:46:10] <g> \o/
L1450[19:48:01] <gamax92> alright downloading
L1451[19:48:09] <gamax92> oh yeah ... i should add component docs.
L1452[19:49:06] <gamax92> this is uhh ... one of the worst looking launchers I've seen btw :P
L1453[19:49:17] <g> blame sk8
L1454[19:49:17] <g> :P
L1455[19:49:37] <gamax92> its using the java metal theme :|
L1456[19:49:37] <Kasen> it works (mostly), at least...
L1457[19:50:09] <Kasen> not for me it isn't
L1458[19:50:29] <g> yeah, it uses the native theme on windows
L1459[19:50:37] <g> I don't think anyone who plays isn't using windows
L1460[19:50:45] <g> pretty sure gamax is on linux masterrace
L1461[19:50:47] <gamax92> Well let me be the first
L1462[19:50:56] <Pwootage> linux >
L1463[19:50:59] <Kasen> ah
L1464[19:51:28] <Kasen> it should still be using the system look and feel by default though, shouldn't it?
L1465[19:51:43] <gamax92> oh, well blame java on linux for not properly detecting gtk :P
L1466[19:53:47] <Pwootage> uh, it probably won't use the system look-n-feel unless you tell it to
L1467[19:56:01] <Kasen> i'm talking specifically about this launcher
L1468[19:56:05] <Kasen> like, i thought it did tell it to
L1469[19:57:18] * Pwootage shrugs
L1470[20:03:35] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1C1F522D1C6178C6722F1B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1471[20:08:14] <Pwootage> looks like I need to ask my professor if I can use ARM/OC, and if not, if I can use pwisa
L1472[20:09:21] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1473[20:12:06] <CompanionCube> Pwootage, pwisa?
L1474[20:12:12] <Pwootage> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uS_XcoY3tSfTlJKu-7WNGf6MFwqVBW9fT3UNRWD69ZA/edit#gid=0
L1475[20:35:45] <ShadowKatStudios> I sense a ban coming for me in #computercraft, if nothing else, an argument. Come watch :D
L1476[20:36:07] <SkySom> Oh dis gonna be good.
L1477[20:36:58] <SkySom> Is there anything we've missed ShadowKatStudios ?
L1478[20:37:01] <Ender> ShadowKatStudios, what's happening?
L1479[20:37:36] <SkySom> Yeah. Can we have like logs leading up to this point?
L1480[20:37:53] <ShadowKatStudios> I think I'm gettingnthem
L1481[20:40:09] <ShadowKatStudios> Fizzle :/
L1482[20:41:05] <SkySom> So what made it seem like something was gonna explode?
L1483[20:41:16] <SkySom> Also what is the "issue" with the OC community?
L1484[20:41:30] <SkySom> (Forgive me, new to the community)
L1485[20:41:34] <ShadowKatStudios> [07:34] (@Cranium) competition is fine, ShadowKatStudios, but the oc community hasn't exactly been welcoming
L1486[20:41:44] <Ender> eh?
L1487[20:41:50] <Dashkal> O.o
L1488[20:41:50] <Caitlyn> Yeah.. I'm wondering about that one myself
L1489[20:41:50] <Stary2001> hahahaha
L1490[20:41:52] <Stary2001> here we go
L1491[20:42:00] <SkySom> It seems as if you've been pretty good since I've been here?
L1492[20:42:12] <Ender> ShadowKatStudios, mind asking them to elaborate?
L1493[20:42:14] <ShadowKatStudios> Funny, yes, considering CC people were assholish when OC started out?
L1494[20:42:26] <Caitlyn> The only issue I know of is people who want to come here and bitch about how OC is too hard cause CC was too busy holding their hands to teach them anything...
L1495[20:42:34] <ShadowKatStudios> "CC clone! Kill the witch with fire!"
L1496[20:43:06] <SkySom> So it's like those people who complain about stuff being too hard?
L1497[20:43:08] <SkySom> Really?
L1498[20:43:09] <Ender> ShadowKatStudios, they could be refering to the other since-mia founder of this channel from ~7 months ago
L1499[20:43:32] <ShadowKatStudios> Kenny?
L1500[20:43:47] <ShadowKatStudios> He's not even NS'd any more.
L1501[20:44:04] <Ender> yes, that person who i will continue to not name
L1502[20:44:30] <ShadowKatStudios> Anyway, want to know how this started?
L1503[20:44:35] <Ender> sure
L1504[20:44:43] <SkySom> No, we've just asked for logs :D
L1505[20:44:54] <ShadowKatStudios> [07:11] (z1haze) hello, im trying reallly hard to detect movement events and block break events for turtles so that more server will start allowing full use of computercraft so it doesnt bypass protections
L1506[20:45:03] <ShadowKatStudios> I don't keep logs on my tablet
L1507[20:45:04] <SkySom> Man I wish sarcasm worked better across IRC
L1508[20:45:18] <Caitlyn> http://pastebin.com/WG58Q7XK
L1509[20:45:23] <Caitlyn> logs.
L1510[20:45:40] <SkySom> Thank you much
L1511[20:45:49] <ShadowKatStudios> Thank you, Caitlyn.
L1512[20:45:57] <Caitlyn> np.
L1513[20:46:24] <Caitlyn> 600mb download, 3 times I've hit !500mb and "Network Error"
L1514[20:46:32] <Caitlyn> I think some douche server admin is trolling me
L1515[20:46:36] <Caitlyn> ~500*
L1516[20:47:13] <SkySom> Heh. You really were poking the bear there Shadow
L1517[20:47:57] <ShadowKatStudios> Poking the AmandaC, significantly more dangerous.
L1518[20:48:04] <Caitlyn> »» Temia would honestly be tempted to fork OC to make a version more in line with CC's principles, herself. After all, changing the direction is what forking's all about <.< dafuq
L1519[20:48:24] <SkySom> CC's principles?
L1520[20:48:27] <SkySom> lol what?
L1521[20:48:27] <Caitlyn> CC's principles?
L1522[20:48:31] <Caitlyn> lolol
L1523[20:48:32] <Stary2001> so
L1524[20:48:37] <Stary2001> it'll be closed source
L1525[20:48:38] <ShadowKatStudios> OC deals with CC's fuckedupness though..?
L1526[20:48:45] <Ender> dirt cheap computers and shitty uniform design?
L1527[20:48:56] <Kasen> i haven't touched CC in a long time - they were cheap as fuck to make, right?
L1528[20:48:59] <Kasen> tlike, stone and glass or something?
L1529[20:49:06] <Kasen> like*
L1530[20:49:12] <ShadowKatStudios> stone, glass, and 1 resstone
L1531[20:49:13] <Caitlyn> yeah 7 stone one glas one redstone iirc
L1532[20:49:14] <Ender> stone, glass and 1 redstone
L1533[20:49:20] <SkySom> Yeah still cheap as fuck
L1534[20:49:26] <Ender> fucking ninjas....
L1535[20:49:31] <Kasen> lol
L1536[20:49:45] <CompanionCube> http://storage.stary2001.co.uk/Sky%20Custom%20Firmwares/
L1537[20:49:48] <ShadowKatStudios> Geez ender, I'm using a touchscreen here
L1538[20:49:59] <CompanionCube> anyone on sky broadband here?
L1539[20:50:34] <Kasen> still found no-one to potentially brick their router for you? :P
L1540[20:50:38] <ShadowKatStudios> The crusader has returned!
L1541[20:50:40] <Ender> CompanionCube, not today
L1542[20:51:19] * ShadowKatStudios continues laughing at the logs
L1543[20:51:22] <CompanionCube> Ender, do you has any spare sky hubs lying around?
L1544[20:51:40] <Ender> CompanionCube, nope, i have spare virgin hubs
L1545[20:51:45] <CompanionCube> ah, neat
L1546[20:51:48] <CompanionCube> those are nice
L1547[20:52:01] <Ender> eh, they have problems
L1548[20:52:05] <CompanionCube> yep
L1549[20:52:18] <Ender> well, the ones we have in the attick
L1550[20:52:22] <Ender> s/k//
L1551[20:52:22] <Kibibyte> <Ender> well, the ones we have in the attic
L1552[20:52:22] <CompanionCube> doesn't the web interface tend to crap out if you don't reboot it often
L1553[20:52:46] <Ender> CompanionCube, it works for about a day, then stops. wifi is also patchy
L1554[20:53:11] <ShadowKatStudios> Ender: Care to append "What, exactly, is wrong with the OC community?" to the topic?
L1555[20:54:04] <Ender> eh, i'd prefer not to
L1556[20:54:29] <ShadowKatStudios> I'll ask sangar to later then.
L1557[20:54:31] <Kasen> drama
L1558[20:54:38] <Kasen> just what i came for
L1559[20:54:53] <Ender> ShadowKatStudios, doubt he'd say anything different
L1560[20:55:01] <ShadowKatStudios> My cat is dreaming :D
L1561[20:55:12] * Ender pets DeanIsGone
L1562[20:55:19] <ShadowKatStudios> It's worth a shot.
L1563[20:55:23] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, can has full logs?
L1564[20:55:33] <ShadowKatStudios> ._.
L1565[20:55:39] <Ender> CompanionCube, hold on
L1566[20:55:46] <ShadowKatStudios> http://pastebin.com/WG58Q7XK
L1567[20:55:49] <Caitlyn> CompanionCube, I posted pretty much *the* log from start to finish. :P
L1568[20:55:55] <ShadowKatStudios> ninjas
L1569[20:55:59] <CompanionCube> ah
L1570[20:56:23] <Ender> CompanionCube, and then just append http://puu.sh/etz2f/ca460bc6ab.txt to wherever Caitlyn's one leaves off
L1571[20:57:19] <Caitlyn> Ender, the last 20 liens of yours are after the end of mine
L1572[20:57:22] <Caitlyn> :P
L1573[20:57:37] <Ender> s/li/ali
L1574[20:57:37] <Kibibyte> <Caitlyn> Ender, the last 20 aliens of yours are after the end of mine
L1575[20:57:42] <Ender> :P
L1576[20:58:02] <Caitlyn> Hey... lysdexia roskc
L1577[20:58:11] <Caitlyn> k
L1578[20:58:30] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L1579[20:58:30] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L1580[20:59:15] <Ender> ShadowKatStudios, mind asking cranium if he'd elaborate more on what's supposedly wrong with this community
L1581[20:59:16] <Ender> ?
L1582[20:59:21] <ShadowKatStudios> odd
L1583[20:59:28] <ShadowKatStudios> it seems
L1584[20:59:41] <ShadowKatStudios> people in #cc are indoctrinated to hate us
L1585[20:59:53] <ShadowKatStudios> I blame cloudy.
L1586[20:59:55] <SkySom> I think they're just trying to demonize the enemy
L1587[20:59:56] <Caitlyn> <-- is in #cc
L1588[21:00:08] <ShadowKatStudios> anyway, yeah, I'll ask
L1589[21:00:09] <Ender> Caitlyn, but you're also here
L1590[21:00:15] * Ender hugs Caitlyn
L1591[21:00:17] <ShadowKatStudios> youknowwhatImean
L1592[21:00:20] <Caitlyn> <-- #CC was the reason I started ideling Esper.
L1593[21:00:49] <Caitlyn> Then OC came alng and I wasl ike fuck yeah abandon ship
L1594[21:00:54] <Caitlyn> s/alng/along/
L1595[21:00:54] <Kibibyte> <Caitlyn> Then OC came along and I wasl ike fuck yeah abandon ship
L1596[21:01:01] <Inari> yeah OC seems a werid topic for CC, its that "omg CC clone mod that sucks and just steals all the rejected suggestiosnf ro CC"
L1597[21:01:02] <Inari> or so
L1598[21:01:03] <Caitlyn> s/l ike/ like/
L1599[21:01:03] <Kibibyte> <Caitlyn> Then OC came along and I was like fuck yeah abandon ship
L1600[21:01:26] *** Ender changes topic to 'Forums: http://oc.cil.li/ | Wiki: http://ocd.cil.li/ | Latest version: 1.4.4a | Dev Builds: http://ci.cil.li/ | Channel Rules: http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/171- | Stats: http://goo.gl/Hzm22G | Don't ask to ask, just ask!'
L1601[21:01:48] <Ender> will add OETF back when it's working to some degree
L1602[21:01:55] <ShadowKatStudios> heeere goes
L1603[21:01:58] * CompanionCube pokes DeanIsGone
L1604[21:02:10] <Ender> CompanionCube, he's got other stuff on at the moment
L1605[21:02:12] <CompanionCube> ik
L1606[21:02:20] * CompanionCube sets up popcorn vendor
L1607[21:02:22] <CompanionCube> anyone want some
L1608[21:02:29] <ShadowKatStudios> Everyone, to #cc! The question has been asked!
L1609[21:02:37] <skyem123> er?
L1610[21:02:41] <Caitlyn> I'm gonna go play KOTOR II lost content.
L1611[21:02:49] <Ender> or not, dont flood the channel with OC users
L1612[21:02:56] <ShadowKatStudios> *waits*
L1613[21:03:00] ⇨ Joins: CyberTurd (~CyberTurd@host86-150-86-174.range86-150.btcentralplus.com)
L1614[21:03:03] <Caitlyn> http://sbnc.khobbits.co.uk/log/logs/computercraft.htm for anyone NOT wanting to join #cc
L1615[21:03:08] <Ender> o/ CyberTurd
L1616[21:03:39] <ShadowKatStudios> Is this our national sport or something?
L1617[21:03:44] <Ender> ?
L1618[21:04:09] <Ender> what? poking holes in #CC ops' logic?
L1619[21:04:15] <ShadowKatStudios> Yep.
L1620[21:04:22] <Ender> could be
L1621[21:04:42] <Caitlyn> I love how it even auto updates...
L1622[21:05:15] <Ender> will watch from logs
L1623[21:06:27] <Ender> Caitlyn, doesnt seem to auto update for me
L1624[21:06:36] <Ender> or do you mean on refresh?
L1625[21:06:38] <Caitlyn> http://sbnc.khobbits.co.uk/log/logs/30/30/computercraft.htm
L1626[21:06:39] <ShadowKatStudios> Do I win by default?
L1627[21:06:40] <Caitlyn> does for me..
L1628[21:06:50] <Caitlyn> no, it auto updates..
L1629[21:07:06] <Ender> oh, that one does
L1630[21:07:12] <Ender> the first link didnt
L1631[21:07:26] ⇨ Joins: Gopher (~Gopher@212.sub-70-193-144.myvzw.com)
L1632[21:07:27] <Caitlyn> Ahh thought I'd linked the tail
L1633[21:07:38] <ShadowKatStudios> :o Gopher?
L1634[21:07:41] <Ender> o/ Gopher
L1635[21:07:44] <ShadowKatStudios> No way!
L1636[21:07:47] <Gopher> oahi guys
L1637[21:07:48] <Ender> havent seen you in ages
L1638[21:08:02] <Gopher> yah, been feeding non-minecraft addictions XD
L1639[21:08:16] <Stary2001> :o its Gopher
L1640[21:08:30] <ShadowKatStudios> Haven't seen you in 210 days, gopher
L1641[21:08:32] <Caitlyn> Ugh..... KOTR II fuxxorz my windows cause it wont run in a window, and 1280*1024 is as high as it goes
L1642[21:08:37] <Gopher> has it been that long? lol
L1643[21:08:37] <Stary2001> fun
L1644[21:08:47] <ShadowKatStudios> Stats say so.
L1645[21:08:51] <Gopher> would've figured 170, tops XD
L1646[21:09:12] <Stary2001> lo
L1647[21:09:12] <Stary2001> l
L1648[21:09:14] <Stary2001> Caitlyn: dxwnd!
L1649[21:09:15] <ShadowKatStudios> Look at the stats in the topic
L1650[21:09:20] <Stary2001> http://sourceforge.net/projects/dxwnd/
L1651[21:09:23] <Ender> .stats
L1652[21:09:23] <EnderBot2> We have channel stats provided by Ender \o/ http://goo.gl/Hzm22G
L1653[21:09:28] <Gopher> what's new in the world of OpenComputers? And by new, I mean within the, apparently 210 day long, window I've been away XD
L1654[21:09:31] <Stary2001> xD
L1655[21:09:33] <Caitlyn> Stary2001, wat
L1656[21:09:34] <Caitlyn> WAT
L1657[21:09:35] <Caitlyn> WAAAT?
L1658[21:09:42] <Stary2001> dll injection magic
L1659[21:09:53] <ShadowKatStudios> Drones
L1660[21:09:57] <ShadowKatStudios> Tablets
L1661[21:09:57] * g stretches, hugs gamax92
L1662[21:10:01] <Ender> Gopher, in short, drones, raid blocks, awesomnetss
L1663[21:10:09] <Kasen> l-lewd!
L1664[21:10:10] <gamax92> g I am lag spiking
L1665[21:10:16] <gamax92> :P
L1666[21:10:41] <Stary2001> :p
L1667[21:10:42] <ShadowKatStudios> looks like I'm not getting a response fro- oooh?
L1668[21:10:45] <Caitlyn> Stary2001, too bad I can't fscking download it
L1669[21:10:47] ⇨ Joins: samis (~samis@95f177a2.skybroadband.com)
L1670[21:10:49] <Stary2001> Caitlyn: ;l
L1671[21:11:00] <ShadowKatStudios> Nope, no response from Cranium
L1672[21:11:06] <ShadowKatStudios> fucker
L1673[21:11:12] <g> gamax92: it's a fairly heavy pack >.<
L1674[21:11:14] <Gopher> drones, you say? 'splain, or link
L1675[21:11:16] <Ender> ShadowKatStudios, keep poking
L1676[21:11:18] <Gopher> or do nothign and make me google
L1677[21:11:21] <Gopher> your call XD
L1678[21:11:25] <Ender> Gopher, hang on
L1679[21:11:27] <gamax92> :O GOPHER!
L1680[21:11:29] <gamax92> HAI
L1681[21:11:47] <Caitlyn> "Thank you for downloading DxWnd"
L1682[21:11:48] <Caitlyn> no download
L1683[21:11:55] <ShadowKatStudios> Gopher: Intros are over, fix GML :P
L1684[21:11:56] <Caitlyn> eff you too sourceforge
L1685[21:12:10] <Gopher> lol
L1686[21:12:19] <Gopher> that.. is unlikely to occur soon lol
L1687[21:12:23] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~samis@95f1b7c8.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L1688[21:12:24] <gamax92> its been like ... forever
L1689[21:12:34] <Gopher> fix as in finish, or fix as in "adapt to changes in oc?" 'cause I don't even remember the state I left it in XD
L1690[21:12:37] <ShadowKatStudios> gamax92: 210 days
L1691[21:12:42] <gamax92> forever
L1692[21:13:27] <ShadowKatStudios> Are you kidding me?
L1693[21:13:33] <g> gamax92: so one thing, if we wanted to use json.. then..
L1694[21:13:40] <ShadowKatStudios> Battery at 10%
L1695[21:13:42] <gamax92> gdude: I dunno
L1696[21:13:42] <g> assume eeprom since that's what we're thinking atm
L1697[21:13:50] <gamax92> Ask Pwootage who got json working in oc
L1698[21:13:56] <samis> ShadowKatStudios, something odd happened with sky just
L1699[21:13:56] * g pokes Pwootage
L1700[21:13:57] <Pwootage> Uh
L1701[21:14:07] <samis> traceroute to moo.esper.net (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
L1702[21:14:08] <samis> 1 SkyRouter.Home ( 0.469 ms 0.805 ms 0.802 ms
L1703[21:14:08] <samis> 2 5adfaee1.bb.sky.com ( 1052.888 ms 1054.859 ms 1056.034 ms
L1704[21:14:14] <Ender> Gopher, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5JTRKdup7s&feature=youtu.be
L1705[21:14:15] -Kibibyte- [Ender] OpenComputers: Christmas Presents! | by fnuecke | 12m44s | 3w0d ago | 251 views | Rated: 5.00/5.00
L1706[21:14:36] <Pwootage> https://github.com/Pwootage/pacyak/blob/master/lib/json.lua is my OC-seems-to-be-working JSON lib
L1707[21:14:49] <g> the main problem I have is that like
L1708[21:14:51] <g> a library is great
L1709[21:14:53] <g> seriously
L1710[21:14:54] <g> but
L1711[21:14:57] <g> drones have no storage
L1712[21:15:45] <Ender> ShadowKatStudios, tell him you just want to know why the CC community hates the OC one
L1713[21:16:12] <Ender> or a civil argument
L1714[21:16:30] <asie> wait
L1715[21:16:31] <asie> who?
L1716[21:16:43] <Ender> asie, cranium in #cc
L1717[21:16:59] <ShadowKatStudios> asie, we're trying to figure out why the CC community hates us so much
L1718[21:17:52] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L1719[21:18:12] ⇨ Joins: CyberCrap (~CyberTurd@host86-150-86-174.range86-150.btcentralplus.com)
L1720[21:18:37] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L1721[21:19:21] <Caitlyn> Stary2001, had to nuke chrome from orbit, and download...
L1722[21:19:29] <Stary2001> o_O wat
L1723[21:19:52] <ShadowKatStudios> firefox
L1724[21:20:19] <Caitlyn> and effing HexChat crashed again
L1725[21:20:22] <Caitlyn> wtf
L1726[21:20:25] <Ender> lol
L1727[21:20:49] <Caitlyn> Note to self DO NOT minimize hexchat.
L1728[21:21:02] <Ender> Caitlyn, minimize hexchat
L1729[21:21:11] <Caitlyn> or not.
L1730[21:21:21] <Ender> do
L1731[21:21:38] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L1732[21:21:43] <Caitlyn> I don't feel like crashing again
L1733[21:21:46] <Caitlyn> kthx
L1734[21:21:50] <ShadowKatStudios> so
L1735[21:21:53] <Ender> Caitlyn, but :(
L1736[21:21:58] <Caitlyn> No.
L1737[21:22:03] <ShadowKatStudios> 1 semi-valid argument presented
L1738[21:22:07] <Ender> fine
L1739[21:22:08] <Pwootage> Aw, dsAway did not make it back before my OS class started, so I can't demo the fact that it's working... hopefully he'll still let me do it :3
L1740[21:22:11] <ShadowKatStudios> elitism
L1741[21:22:24] * Ender hugs Caitlyn for 11.56 seconds
L1742[21:22:30] ⇦ Quits: CyberTurd (~CyberTurd@host86-150-86-174.range86-150.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1743[21:22:33] <Caitlyn> Well, of OC wasn't so much better.....
L1744[21:22:55] <ShadowKatStudios> That's their argument against us
L1745[21:23:10] <Pwootage> The arch ...archetecture, I guess... makes OC really really cool
L1746[21:24:39] <Gopher> ah. So drones are lyqyd's quadracoptors, with full lua programming and the other usual capabilities++ of OC variations. Nice.
L1747[21:26:09] <Gopher> will have to play with those later
L1748[21:26:22] <ShadowKatStudios> Argument against us #2: greg
L1749[21:26:32] <Gopher> huh?
L1750[21:27:17] <Ender> well, compared to other mods OC is normal, comapred with CC however i can see why it looks similar to gregtech
L1751[21:27:26] <Pwootage> drones are limited to 4k of EEPROM lua, though
L1752[21:27:30] <ShadowKatStudios> Indeed.
L1753[21:27:30] <Pwootage> (at least afaik)
L1754[21:27:51] <Gopher> Sorry, I didn't mean that to sound negative...?
L1755[21:28:05] <Ender> ?
L1756[21:28:09] <Pwootage> OC's crafting is complex but AE kinda solves that problem for me
L1757[21:28:14] ⇨ Joins: CyberTurd (~CyberTurd@host86-150-86-174.range86-150.btcentralplus.com)
L1758[21:28:22] <Gopher> I feel like I've triggered some kind of defensive response, but perhaps I'm just missing some context lol
L1759[21:28:47] <Gopher> ah, right, I HAD the context and was just ignoring it <_< ignore me
L1760[21:29:26] <Gopher> so still no peace made on that front, then? Sigh.
L1761[21:30:05] <Dashkal> Indeed. Multi-step crafting annoys the crap out of me. AE made that go away.
L1762[21:30:12] ⇦ Quits: CyberCrap (~CyberTurd@host86-150-86-174.range86-150.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1763[21:30:26] <Dashkal> No I do not want to make a transisitor to make a microchip to make an alu to make a cpu...
L1764[21:30:29] <Gopher> When last I played with OC, I was using the hardcore recipes XD
L1765[21:30:45] <Dashkal> It's not hard, it's just tedious as hell. So AE is a usability requirement for me.
L1766[21:31:37] <Dashkal> If I ever do run a pack without autocrafting, I'll have to look into a way to flatten the recipes.
L1767[21:32:33] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L1768[21:34:45] <Kasen> i agree entirely with that
L1769[21:35:28] <Kasen> i liked the fact that AE1 was OP as hell, because crafting 50 levels deep of items wasn't fun, just tedious, so it got that part out of the way early
L1770[21:35:47] <Dashkal> Heh, autocrafting is not one of the things that qualifies a mod as "OP" to my sense of balance.
L1771[21:36:02] * Caitlyn slaps Stary2001 around with a download of dxwnd
L1772[21:36:02] * EnderBot2 laughs
L1773[21:36:02] * Stary2001 slaps Caitlyn's bottom and grins cheekily
L1774[21:36:02] * EnderBot2 laughs
L1775[21:36:07] <Caitlyn> ha
L1776[21:36:16] <Kasen> Dashkal, OP compared to AE2
L1777[21:36:21] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@
L1778[21:36:23] <Kasen> they took a massive nerf-bat to it
L1779[21:36:33] <Dashkal> Erm, wtf? AE2 is significantly more powerful
L1780[21:36:33] <Kasen> now AE2 is somewhat tedious
L1781[21:36:35] <Stary2001> goddamnit
L1782[21:36:35] <SkySom> Place down blocks throw in recipes
L1783[21:36:36] <Stary2001> xD
L1784[21:36:41] <Dashkal> We playing the same mod?
L1785[21:36:46] <SkySom> And AE2 ain't tedious.
L1786[21:36:59] <Dashkal> And I have my channels still enabled...
L1787[21:37:04] <Dashkal> You can turn that off
L1788[21:37:06] <Pwootage> AE2 is a bit more obnoxious to set up autocrafting but I like it more overall, I think
L1789[21:37:29] <Kasen> i like it, but it actually requires me to care about it now
L1790[21:37:49] <Dashkal> Well yes. It became more gameplay and less "I'm going to trivialize storage".
L1791[21:38:03] <Dashkal> But the capabilities of 2 are greater. It can simply do more things.
L1792[21:38:15] <ShadowKatStudios> damnit, tablet died
L1793[21:38:19] <g> AE2 is fantastic
L1794[21:38:19] <Kasen> storage is about as tedious as crafting imo, so that's probably where we differ
L1795[21:38:31] <Kasen> i'm not calling AE2 by any means
L1796[21:38:33] <g> there's stuff it lacks over ae1 for sure but
L1797[21:39:01] <Kasen> i'm just not used to it yet, and keep getting slapped in the face by the enrfs
L1798[21:39:02] <Dashkal> g: Any examples? I never found a use case that AE1 met that AE2 did not.
L1799[21:39:13] <Dashkal> Serious question. I don't see it and would prefer to not be wrong.
L1800[21:39:16] <gamax92> gdude: oh and yes I'll look into that clearing bug and add triangles and circles back
L1801[21:39:24] <Kasen> \o/
L1802[21:39:28] <g> \o/
L1803[21:40:23] <ShadowKatStudios> I really hope this is being logged, this is fun
L1804[21:40:48] <g> it will forever be in my bouncer logs that nobody reads
L1805[21:41:25] <Dashkal> I think we're defining nerf differently then. The only new mechanic is channels, and you can just turn that off. I find the new crafting system better, honestly. Since it decoupled the crafting table crafting from the logic that drives crafting.
L1806[21:41:46] <Ender> ShadowKatStudios, it is, i'm watching it through them
L1807[21:41:56] <gamax92> watching who
L1808[21:42:04] <Dashkal> In other words, things that require both table recipes and external processing recipes work more sanely.
L1809[21:43:22] <ShadowKatStudios> Ender: Enjoying it?
L1810[21:43:28] <Ender> yeah
L1811[21:43:37] <Dashkal> I should get a fallacy checklist going...
L1812[21:43:41] <Dashkal> But, meh, work.
L1813[21:43:48] <Dashkal> Also work. They expect me to do it or something.
L1814[21:45:49] <Ender> gg ShadowKatStudios
L1815[21:45:58] <ShadowKatStudios> Bam. Banned for poking the AmandaC
L1816[21:46:04] <ShadowKatStudios> Shoulda seen that coming, I guess.
L1817[21:46:07] <Ender> http://sbnc.khobbits.co.uk/log/logs/30/12/computercraft.htm ShadowKatStudios
L1818[21:46:09] <Inari> i actualyl find the AE2 autocrafting nicer
L1819[21:46:20] <ShadowKatStudios> Well, I'm off the hook then, http://xkcd.com/386/
L1820[21:46:46] <skyem123> .p
L1821[21:46:46] <^v> Ping reply from skyem123 0.22s
L1822[21:46:54] <ShadowKatStudios> *yawn*
L1823[21:47:00] <ShadowKatStudios> Well, I should probably go to bed.
L1824[21:47:08] <ShadowKatStudios> Or I could play Skyrim
L1825[21:47:14] <ShadowKatStudios> What's the date?
L1826[21:47:21] <ShadowKatStudios> It is the 14th
L1827[21:47:26] <Gopher> depends on where you are.
L1828[21:47:31] <Ender> still 13th here
L1829[21:48:31] *** Agoldfish is now known as Agoldfish|Away
L1830[21:54:50] <ShadowKatStudios> Hm, well, that wasted hours I could have spent writing
L1831[21:54:54] <ShadowKatStudios> >.<
L1832[21:55:00] <Ender> damn
L1833[21:55:07] <Ender> oh well, continue writing
L1834[21:55:12] <ShadowKatStudios> Fuck that
L1835[21:55:13] * Ender cracks the whip
L1836[21:55:18] <ShadowKatStudios> it's daylight
L1837[21:55:22] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm a free man
L1838[21:55:48] <Ender> you are number 6
L1839[21:55:54] <ShadowKatStudios> http://shadowkat.tk/projects/psyche/ for anyone that cares
L1840[21:56:19] <gamax92> Sangar should randomly implement different bsod styles for specific days
L1841[21:56:28] ⇦ Quits: samis (~samis@95f177a2.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1842[21:56:39] <gamax92> like its its an amiga anniversary, do a guru meditation style bsod
L1843[21:56:51] <ShadowKatStudios> Just pick one at random.
L1844[21:56:55] <ShadowKatStudios> Hey, could be fun.
L1845[21:56:57] <SuPeRMiNoR2> or maybe, different color of bsod. gsod, for example
L1846[21:57:03] <ShadowKatStudios> Time to modify the Lua BIOS.
L1847[21:57:16] <gamax92> for saint patricks day
L1848[21:57:23] <Pwootage> psod scariest sod
L1849[21:57:30] <gamax92> white text on red
L1850[21:57:43] <ShadowKatStudios> Kernel panic, guru meditation, BSOD, GSOD, computer-on-fire-SOD
L1851[21:57:49] <ShadowKatStudios> The list goes on...
L1852[21:58:04] <SuPeRMiNoR2> sod that
L1853[21:58:07] <Pwootage> been so long since i've seen a linux kernel panic
L1854[21:58:11] <Pwootage> they're not so common anymore
L1855[21:58:27] <ShadowKatStudios> I've caused a few.
L1856[21:58:41] <ShadowKatStudios> Also the haiku debugging screen
L1857[21:59:56] <gamax92> ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
L1858[21:59:56] <gamax92> ┃ Software Failure. Press left mouse button to continue. ┃
L1859[21:59:56] <gamax92> ┃ Guru Meditation #00000025.65045048 ┃
L1860[21:59:56] <gamax92> ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
L1861[22:00:02] <Ender> ....
L1862[22:00:17] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: that one right?
L1863[22:00:45] *** skyem123 is now known as skyem123|zzz
L1864[22:00:59] <ShadowKatStudios> Have you seen the BeOS/haiku debugger, gamax92?
L1865[22:01:04] <gamax92> no?
L1866[22:01:06] <Kodos|Zzz> Needs more "Keyboard not detected. Press any key to continue"
L1867[22:01:13] <gamax92> lol yes
L1868[22:01:32] <ShadowKatStudios> tl;dr it lets you edit RAM, which is nice
L1869[22:01:55] ⇨ Joins: lperkins2 (~perkins@
L1870[22:02:02] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0) (Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1)
L1871[22:02:16] <lperkins2> So, what energy API should I use to get the most number of available sources of energy?
L1872[22:02:23] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f177a2.skybroadband.com)
L1873[22:02:23] <Kodos|Zzz> RF
L1874[22:02:26] <Kodos|Zzz> Easily
L1875[22:02:37] <Pwootage> RF or UE
L1876[22:02:41] <Kodos|Zzz> UE is bad
L1877[22:02:45] <Kodos|Zzz> YOu'll hate yourself later
L1878[22:02:48] <Pwootage> For writing a mode I'd recommend RF
L1879[22:02:50] <Kodos|Zzz> Because they change so much so often
L1880[22:02:58] <Pwootage> then installing mekanism and using that for conversion
L1881[22:03:08] <Pwootage> s/mod/mode/
L1882[22:03:09] <Kibibyte> <Pwootage> For writing a modee I'd recommend RF
L1883[22:03:12] <lperkins2> So there isn't one that many mods can dump to?
L1884[22:03:15] <Pwootage> ..........I give up
L1885[22:03:18] <gamax92> Pwootage: okay.
L1886[22:03:22] <Caitlyn> s/modee/mod/
L1887[22:03:22] <Kibibyte> <Pwootage> For writing a mod I'd recommend RF
L1888[22:03:24] <SkySom> RF for sure.
L1889[22:03:27] <g> any mods I've used that rely on UE have been really really buggy
L1890[22:03:38] <Pwootage> Mekanism seems to work pretty well
L1891[22:03:45] <g> Mekanism doesn't rely on UE
L1892[22:03:47] <lperkins2> Is it better to simply include several/
L1893[22:03:47] <g> does it?
L1894[22:03:50] <SkySom> Didn't Mekanism remove UE?
L1895[22:03:51] <g> it likes my RF just fine
L1896[22:04:13] <Pwootage> Mekanism still hase Universal Cable, at least
L1897[22:04:39] * lperkins2 wonders if I should make an abstract class that can accept several sources of power for all his stuff
L1898[22:05:19] <SkySom> You can...
L1899[22:05:28] <SkySom> Though I'd only do one that make sense.
L1900[22:05:57] <lperkins2> Well, yeah,
L1901[22:06:25] <lperkins2> I tend to use IC2 as my main power backbone, but I'm thinking I may switch to RF, but I haven't compared how they work yet.
L1902[22:06:27] <SkySom> Though really RF is the best one unless you really have a use case for somethign else.
L1903[22:06:40] <Pwootage> I really like RF
L1904[22:06:47] <gamax92> I like RF as well
L1905[22:06:48] <lperkins2> I like IC2s idea for actually calculating volts and amps, but I haven't checked if they have it working yet.
L1906[22:07:10] <Caitlyn> Electrical Age is pretty neat...
L1907[22:07:11] <gamax92> I like RP2's electricity ;)
L1908[22:07:17] <Caitlyn> but meh RF is where it's at
L1909[22:07:30] ⇦ Quits: justastranger|zzz (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1910[22:07:40] <SkySom> I think everything I have outside of IC can be powered by RF.
L1911[22:07:45] <Pwootage> RF is just nice n' simple to use both programatically and in-game
L1912[22:08:00] <Pwootage> I power all my IC2 stuff with mekanism universal cables and RF
L1913[22:08:06] <SkySom> And heck I'm even looking at Pneumaticcraft to go from RF to EU
L1914[22:08:17] <gamax92> this is my wallpaper http://i.imgur.com/HB3rtEV.png
L1915[22:10:24] *** AtomSponge is now known as AtomSponge|away
L1916[22:12:53] <Kasen> before i go ahead and write this, does anyone happen to have a script to dig out an area?
L1917[22:14:27] <ShadowKatStudios> gamax92: I like that gear.
L1918[22:15:18] ⇦ Quits: CyberTurd (~CyberTurd@host86-150-86-174.range86-150.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1919[22:20:10] <Magik6k> ~w shell
L1920[22:20:10] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:shell
L1921[22:21:09] <Kodos|Zzz> kasen I think there is one already
L1922[22:21:13] <Kodos|Zzz> Loot disk called 'dig'
L1923[22:21:26] <Kasen> that doesn't dso what i want
L1924[22:21:37] <Kasen> that digs out a pit from sky to bedrock
L1925[22:22:03] <Kasen> a square one at that
L1926[22:25:10] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L1927[22:25:42] <Magik6k> Yay, mpt ide is open for testing: http://mpt.magik6k.net/
L1928[22:27:34] <g> this is a page with a login to github button
L1929[22:27:36] <g> ._.
L1930[22:27:46] <Magik6k> yes it is
L1931[22:27:55] <g> you may want to like
L1932[22:27:57] <Magik6k> after that there's rest of it ;p
L1933[22:28:01] <g> have some content
L1934[22:28:08] <Caitlyn> Should I have more then 0 repos?
L1935[22:28:10] <g> so people don't think you're taking over accounts
L1936[22:28:11] <g> :P
L1937[22:28:17] <Magik6k> 'beta'
L1938[22:28:19] <Pwootage> ds84182: herro
L1939[22:28:40] * ds84182 slaps the shit out of ShadowKatStudios
L1940[22:28:40] * EnderBot2 laughs
L1941[22:28:41] <Magik6k> g, It's impossible to take account over using OAuth
L1942[22:28:44] <ShadowKatStudios> Watching people make fun of me is oddly satisfying.
L1943[22:28:46] <g> yeah, I know
L1944[22:29:03] <ds84182> ShadowKatStudios: it better be.
L1945[22:29:11] <g> ah, so this is for adding packages to mpt
L1946[22:29:11] <g> okay
L1947[22:29:19] <ds84182> Pwootage: hi
L1948[22:29:38] <g> ds84182: openlights networking? :P
L1949[22:30:07] * ShadowKatStudios whacks ds84182 over the head with a copy of OpenOS, a knife and a water bottle
L1950[22:30:24] <Pwootage> ds84182: I wont be using your thing for my class, but I will still be writing an OS for it <3
L1951[22:30:48] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm watching.
L1952[22:31:08] <ds84182> ok
L1953[22:31:39] <ShadowKatStudios> 22:31:10] <Gopher> you won't regret it, but you will both rue and lament it
L1954[22:31:40] <ShadowKatStudios> Hi.
L1955[22:31:46] <Pwootage> probably
L1956[22:32:23] <ds84182> ShadowKatStudios: ...
L1957[22:32:25] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L1958[22:32:26] <ShadowKatStudios> TabletCube: I am very interested to see how your experiments with another bear in #ComputerCraft turn out
L1959[22:32:39] <ShadowKatStudios> Ah.
L1960[22:32:43] <ShadowKatStudios> Damn smart bears.
L1961[22:33:00] <ShadowKatStudios> Too late, ds84182
L1962[22:33:01] <ds84182> Ok. You know what
L1963[22:33:04] <ShadowKatStudios> Muahahaha
L1964[22:33:06] <ds84182> I'm telling Sangar.
L1965[22:33:15] <ShadowKatStudios> Give it a few minutes, I'll get bored :D
L1966[22:35:03] <Inari> telling Sangar what
L1967[22:35:03] <ShadowKatStudios> ds84182: Care to give http://xkcd.com/386/ to AmandaC, and tell her to ban me specifically, but not the host because I'm not the only one on this bouncer?
L1968[22:35:52] <ShadowKatStudios> Thank you, good sir. *tips hat*
L1969[22:36:45] ⇦ Quits: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host81-158-129-210.range81-158.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1970[22:36:49] <ShadowKatStudios> Oh, it's just you're the one that banned me, AmandaC, figured you'd be as good as any to make it permenant
L1971[22:37:12] <ShadowKatStudios> Sheesh, jokes, man.
L1972[22:37:47] <ds84182> .
L1973[22:37:51] <ShadowKatStudios> I was implying I was right anyway, and yes, I'm incredibly stubborn.
L1974[22:38:02] <ShadowKatStudios> http://sbnc.khobbits.co.uk/log/logs/computercraft.htm Here are the logs.
L1975[22:38:18] * ds84182 slaps ShadowKatStudios
L1976[22:38:18] * EnderBot2 laughs
L1977[22:38:24] <ds84182> what the hell is wrong with you
L1978[22:38:30] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm bored.
L1979[22:38:35] <ShadowKatStudios> A bored me is dangerous.
L1980[22:40:06] <ds84182> ShadowKatStudios: hack esper and get ircop
L1981[22:40:12] <ds84182> have fun~!
L1982[22:41:14] <ShadowKatStudios> ds84182: I have lost interest now, I would appreciate it if you would attempt to resolve the ban situation - I always connect with the same realname, but Dean might be unhappy if I accidentally got them banned from #cc
L1983[22:41:26] <ShadowKatStudios> Anyway, I'm off to play Morrowind
L1984[22:41:29] <ds84182> k
L1985[22:42:24] <ShadowKatStudios> *yawn* Either that, watch more Durarara or go to bed.
L1986[22:42:30] <ShadowKatStudios> it is almost 10 AM
L1987[22:43:06] <Sangar> wat
L1988[22:43:29] <ShadowKatStudios> I poked the AmandaC
L1989[22:43:35] <ShadowKatStudios> The AmandaC caused death.
L1990[22:43:37] <Sangar> why would you do that?
L1991[22:43:40] <ds84182> T_T
L1992[22:43:41] <Caitlyn> Sangar, http://pastebin.com/vypsbp8L
L1993[22:43:44] <Caitlyn> for teh lulz
L1994[22:43:49] <ShadowKatStudios> Fun times.
L1995[22:43:52] <Sangar> ...
L1996[22:43:54] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L1997[22:43:54] <ShadowKatStudios> Anyway, later.
L1998[22:44:17] <ds84182> See, this is where 75% of the problem comes from
L1999[22:44:21] <Sangar> i will not read all of that
L2000[22:44:21] <ds84182> people who do this shit
L2001[22:44:23] <ds84182> all the damn time
L2002[22:44:41] <gamax92> hey gdude you there?
L2003[22:44:45] <g> hai
L2004[22:44:53] <gamax92> Can you test that bug with the normal monitor
L2005[22:45:03] <g> not atm
L2006[22:45:06] <Kodos|Zzz> How the fuck are we not welcoming
L2007[22:45:10] <g> I'm tired and sick, but rakiru is on there
L2008[22:45:17] <Kodos|Zzz> She's the fucking cunt who keeps banning us when we're trying to play nicely
L2009[22:45:23] <gamax92> alright
L2010[22:45:26] <ShadowKatStudios> Ohai Kodos|Zzz
L2011[22:45:28] <ds84182> Kodos|Zzz: ...
L2012[22:45:36] <Sangar> Kodos|Zzz, language
L2013[22:45:37] <gamax92> Kodos|Zzz: ...
L2014[22:45:39] <ds84182> Can we just shut the fuck up and talk about kittens.
L2015[22:45:41] <ShadowKatStudios> You should have arrived earlier :D
L2016[22:45:43] <ds84182> http://davethenovelist.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/a-box-of-kittens.jpg
L2017[22:45:55] <ds84182> ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)
L2018[22:45:56] <Kodos|Zzz> Sangar, sorry but the outright lies that #computercraft tells about the OC computer is crap
L2019[22:46:00] <Kodos|Zzz> err
L2020[22:46:01] <ShadowKatStudios> (Since when did we have a language rule? This isn't #KSPOfficial )
L2021[22:46:02] <Kodos|Zzz> community
L2022[22:46:13] <Sangar> so... let it go?
L2023[22:46:25] <ds84182> Kodos|Zzz: but its the community, the community is not the official
L2024[22:46:31] <Altenius_> OCEmulator might have to wait a long time... My stupid dad is canceling internet
L2025[22:46:44] <Inari> Altenius_: why would you cancel internet
L2026[22:46:45] <ds84182> it's like saying 95% of americans hate british people
L2027[22:46:54] <ds84182> but the 5% are trying to set an example
L2028[22:46:57] <Sangar> ShadowKatStudios, i don't care for cursing, but insulting people to that degree, meh :P
L2029[22:47:01] <Altenius_> Inari it's down a lot
L2030[22:47:14] <TabletCube> Altenius_: upload everything to the interwebs.
L2031[22:47:19] <Altenius_> Inari and the only isp around here
L2032[22:47:25] <g> wait
L2033[22:47:29] <g> how is the OC community not welcoming
L2034[22:47:29] <Altenius_> TabletCube
L2035[22:47:34] <ShadowKatStudios> Sangar: Mmmh, I'd say it's justified.
L2036[22:47:41] <g> the OC-and-related-teams are frickin' awesome
L2037[22:47:42] <ds84182> no, it is not.
L2038[22:47:42] <ShadowKatStudios> g: Me on a bad day
L2039[22:47:46] <Inari> Altenius_: so... no internet > meh internet?
L2040[22:47:50] <Altenius_> TabletCube, the OCEmulator source?
L2041[22:47:51] <ShadowKatStudios> Or a bored day.
L2042[22:47:53] <Kasen> i came here yesterday - i've had a jolly good time
L2043[22:48:02] <Altenius_> Inari apparently
L2044[22:48:04] <g> same
L2045[22:48:11] <TabletCube> Altenius_: Everything you can.
L2046[22:48:25] <Altenius_> TabletCube, why?
L2047[22:48:39] <TabletCube> Because going out in style ftw.
L2048[22:49:24] <ShadowKatStudios> yep, I'm totally losing it.
L2049[22:49:26] <Sangar> ShadowKatStudios, welp, i'd have to read the logs to get an opinion of my own, which i cba to :P so i'll just default to civility
L2050[22:49:49] <ShadowKatStudios> This, my friends, is what happens when I get bored. I lose it. Have fun dealing with the cleanup.
L2051[22:50:53] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L2052[22:51:39] <Pwootage> Hum de dum
L2053[22:51:52] <Pwootage> Here's hoping the net isn't flaky in this class today
L2054[22:52:15] <Inari> Altenius_: i cant even imagine being without internet
L2055[22:53:11] <Pwootage> Try programming without the internet
L2056[22:53:13] <Pwootage> it's pretty gross
L2057[22:53:35] <gamax92> To be very honest, it is just people here going "No CC is shit use OC so much better" and then people in #computercraft going "No CC is shit use OC so much better", thats nice and all but it is their #computercraft channel
L2058[22:54:13] <Pwootage> There's a use for every tool
L2059[22:54:18] <Pwootage> (except maybe php)
L2060[22:54:26] <gamax92> or bf
L2061[22:54:37] <Inari> books!
L2062[22:54:39] <gamax92> can someone find a serious application of bf?
L2063[22:54:41] <TabletCube> or Windows ME.
L2064[22:54:41] <Pwootage> bf has one really good use, and that's an easy turing-completeness test
L2065[22:54:45] <gamax92> well ...
L2066[22:54:47] <gamax92> okay then
L2067[22:55:06] <Pwootage> BF is easy to write so it's easy to prove <xyz> is turing complete if you can write a BF interpreter with it
L2068[22:55:10] <Sangar> gamax92, i see, welp. trying to be a missionary for oc on cc's channel seems unnecessarily provocative :X
L2069[22:55:21] <Dashkal> gamax92: It wasn't that though. It was 'CC cannot do this thing, but OC can'
L2070[22:55:29] <Dashkal> A specific feature CC lacks
L2071[22:55:32] <gamax92> in a broad sense.
L2072[22:55:34] <Dashkal> And has no desire to add
L2073[22:55:34] <Pwootage> Sangar: I just want to say again that holy crap the arcetecture system is awesome
L2074[22:55:41] <Pwootage> Thanks <3
L2075[22:55:42] <gamax92> Yes i love architectures
L2076[22:55:46] <Dashkal> Agreed
L2077[22:55:52] <Sangar> Pwootage, glad to hear that :)
L2078[22:55:55] <TabletCube> Can someone find a serious use of Windows ME?
L2079[22:56:00] <Dashkal> Looking forward to getting back to it on the weekend (coding after a day of coding for work just doesn't happen...)
L2080[22:56:04] <Sangar> TabletCube, ranting
L2081[22:56:05] <gamax92> TabletCube: Yes, to run programs
L2082[22:56:18] <Dashkal> I do need to get to v2 of the language. The initial prototype proved the concept, but I took some shortcuts...
L2083[22:56:20] <Pwootage> Dashkal: I know that feeling sometimes
L2084[22:56:23] <TabletCube> gamax92: dammit
L2085[22:56:43] <TabletCube> That's assuming it doesn't crash first though, eh
L2086[22:56:55] <Dashkal> My interpreter had some nasty bugs. Variables aren't so useful when the interpreter just up and looses the bindings...
L2087[22:57:13] <gamax92> I've actually used the 9x family and haven't really gotten it to crash that much ._.
L2088[22:57:36] <gamax92> besides Reader Rabbit
L2089[22:57:40] <gamax92> which would crash it a lot.
L2090[22:58:01] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L2091[22:58:39] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L2092[22:59:32] <lperkins2> It seems to me, as someone who only recently tried OC, that what actually convinced me to install it and give it a whirl was the attitude of the users here. I first saw it a while ago and though 'what does it possibly have that CC lacks'. It's more complex, but that really doesn't make any difference, it's API is neat, but CC's isn't exactly bad, all-in-all it doesn't actually have much that it can do that CC can't, or can't be extended to do. What it doe
L2093[23:01:04] <Dashkal> The reason for my preference was the extra gameplay it has. That is, the concept of 'build the tool for the job you want it to do;.
L2094[23:01:16] <Dashkal> The recipes... not so much a plus (as discussed earlier).
L2095[23:01:20] <Dashkal> But AE dealt with that.
L2096[23:02:21] *** Hobbyboy is now known as Hobbyboy|Sleep
L2097[23:02:46] <Sangar> lperkins2, your blogpost seems to be missing it's end?
L2098[23:03:24] <lperkins2> Which is that?
L2099[23:03:39] <Sangar> i dunno. it ends with "What it doe" for me? maybe hexchat just derped?
L2100[23:03:47] <Dashkal> Same to me (irssi)
L2101[23:03:51] <Caitlyn> same.
L2102[23:03:58] <lperkins2> Hah, frickin' pidgin,
L2103[23:04:02] <lperkins2> I really need a better irc client
L2104[23:04:10] <lperkins2> What it does have is a friendly community and a fast patch time when you find bugs (thanks Sangar!). So if you really want to support OC, it seems to me the best way to do it is to keep being polite and friendly, attacking the CC folks, or their users, will just prolong CC's life.
L2105[23:04:44] <Dashkal> You end on an odd note. Nothing wrong with CC existing forever.
L2106[23:04:49] <Dashkal> Someone will always actively prefer the magic box.
L2107[23:05:01] <Sangar> ahh. well. i don't think there's any risk of cc dying anytime soon (and i agree that's a good thing)
L2108[23:05:03] <Dashkal> OC doesn't (and in my opinion shouldn't) serve that
L2109[23:05:05] <lperkins2> Heh, aye, just going to die on my server :)
L2110[23:05:18] <Dashkal> I might install it to get at the extra integration
L2111[23:05:43] <Dashkal> OCλ first though.
L2112[23:05:49] * Dashkal loves typing that out
L2113[23:06:01] <lperkins2> Yeah, I was actually thinking about that, it might be possible to get the adapter to allow integration without needing CC installed.
L2114[23:06:33] <gamax92> FakeCC :D
L2115[23:06:35] <Dashkal> Well, one would have to write something that bundled the CC api, wouldn't they? So it's avilable for mods that use it. And anything that only loads the CC integration with CC installed is out of the picture.
L2116[23:06:39] <Sangar> oc was never meant to 'kill' cc anyway :P it's just serving a niche that wants more non-all-in-one computers (aka at least me :P)
L2117[23:06:58] <lperkins2> You'd need the CC api, but then just check if something implements IPeripheralProvider and act accordingly.
L2118[23:07:17] <lperkins2> Yeah, you'd want to only load your copy of the CC API if CC itself wasn't installed.
L2119[23:07:45] <lperkins2> But the whole point of it would be to only install this bridge mod (I like FakeCC) if CC isn't going to be installed.
L2120[23:08:21] <gamax92> lperkins2: FakeCC was an actual thing I was doing before Cloudy yelled at me
L2121[23:08:26] <lperkins2> And for copyright purposes, you'd be best to reimplement CC's api from scratch as a clean-room-rewrite, just happens to use the same namespace.
L2122[23:08:36] <ShadowKatStudios> gamax92: He yelled at OC, why did you stop?
L2123[23:08:43] <gamax92> ... me
L2124[23:08:52] <gamax92> this was long before OC
L2125[23:08:59] <ShadowKatStudios> ooohhh
L2126[23:09:16] <ShadowKatStudios> right, I'm still as useless as 30 seconds ago, then
L2127[23:10:01] <gamax92> D:< JAVA pls
L2128[23:10:02] <gamax92> my cpu
L2129[23:11:09] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L2130[23:11:24] <Kasen> oh sorry gamax92, i was afk - did you want to test the screen?
L2131[23:11:34] <gamax92> Kasen: tested it me self :P
L2132[23:11:40] <Kasen> ah right
L2133[23:11:42] <gamax92> normal ones dont break
L2134[23:12:48] ⇨ Joins: tattyseal (~tattyseal@
L2135[23:13:47] <Kasen> why does the navigation component have a range? it seems like it would be trivial to just wrap the movement functions and keep track of offset from start myself, so i'm trading the ability to have a constant 0,0 with the ability to go wherever i want
L2136[23:13:52] <Kasen> seems like a big tradeoff
L2137[23:16:49] <Kodos|Zzz> It has a range because maps hvae a range
L2138[23:17:04] <Kodos|Zzz> And its function is based on a map
L2139[23:17:19] <Kasen> what does it actualyl do in relation to the map, other than centre from it?
L2140[23:17:21] <Kasen> actually*
L2141[23:17:32] <Kodos|Zzz> Ever use CC's concept of a GPS?
L2142[23:17:49] <Kasen> if i did, i don't remember
L2143[23:18:19] <Kodos|Zzz> Well it works on the basis of knowing where you're/it's at based on the position of 3 slave computers running GPS on them
L2144[23:18:29] <Kodos|Zzz> THe center of hte map that you make the nav upgrade hosts the same function/idea
L2145[23:18:36] <Kasen> oh yeah, i think i did use that - put them way up in the sky
L2146[23:18:52] <Kodos|Zzz> Once you go past the range of the map used to make it, it doesn't know -exactly- how far out you are, just that you're beyond the range of the map
L2147[23:19:28] <Kasen> it just seems like a big disadvantage to me, for not much benefit (from just tracking your movement yourself based on start position)
L2148[23:21:04] ⇨ Joins: gDroid2002 (~AndChat63@
L2149[23:22:16] <Dashkal> I tried to use those, but gave up when it became apparent that you couldn't get them to start back up on server restart.
L2150[23:22:22] <Dashkal> (The CC GPS)
L2151[23:22:41] <Kasen> i haven't used CC in like 2 years
L2152[23:22:42] <gamax92> ... umm ...
L2153[23:22:48] <gamax92> you just put the gpu stuff in autorun
L2154[23:22:51] <gamax92> bam it starts back up ...
L2155[23:22:57] <Kasen> i don't play minecraft very often
L2156[23:23:16] <Kasen> CC GPS, not OC GPU
L2157[23:23:24] <gamax92> yes i know
L2158[23:23:31] <gamax92> yes CC can also run things on computer startup
L2159[23:23:52] <ShadowKatStudios> :o no way!
L2160[23:23:55] <gamax92> oh i said gpu, sorry
L2161[23:23:59] <gDroid2002> autorun.lua or something
L2162[23:24:07] <gamax92> (might be because im working on fixing gpu stuff P)
L2163[23:24:15] <ShadowKatStudios> fuckin' shitty CC GUI OSes
L2164[23:24:32] <gamax92> Kasen: oh btw i added triangles and ovals, there's a new link on github
L2165[23:24:41] <lperkins2> Yes, but even when the CC computer is set to launch a program at startup, that doesn't mean it will actually turn on when the map loads
L2166[23:25:05] <gamax92> neither does it on OC
L2167[23:25:14] <gamax92> OC computers aren't chunkloaders
L2168[23:25:27] <lperkins2> True, but when the map loads, if the computer *was* on, it will still be on.
L2169[23:25:28] <Sangar> it'd be terrible if they were :X
L2170[23:25:45] <lperkins2> CC if the computer is on and the chunk unloads, when it reloads the computer sometimes stays off.
L2171[23:26:02] <lperkins2> I had a reactor melt down once due to that.
L2172[23:26:16] <lperkins2> The monitor that was supposed to manage it didn't restart when the map reloaded.
L2173[23:26:30] <ShadowKatStudios> CC everyone.
L2174[23:26:32] <ShadowKatStudios> CC
L2175[23:26:39] <Sangar> oh, and Kasen, the nav thing is mostly a laziness thing, and to autoconfigure things, i.e. if you place it anywhere within hte nav upgrade's range it'll know where it is and be able to orientate itself.
L2176[23:27:15] <Sangar> lperkins2, i'd assume that to be a bug tho?
L2177[23:27:43] <lperkins2> Maybe, but if it is it's happened in pretty much every version of CC in the last several years.
L2178[23:28:00] <Kasen> i'll probably write a wrapper for it so it can keep track of the coords if it goes outside the range
L2179[23:28:10] <Kasen> which means the only requirement it adds is that i place it within the original range
L2180[23:28:57] <Kasen> which, considering every robot i have/plan to have will either be forever sitting in my base, or spawned right enar 0,0 then return there, should work perfectly
L2181[23:28:59] <Kasen> near*
L2182[23:29:00] <Pwootage> lperkins2: what kind of reactor, out of curiosity
L2183[23:29:16] <lperkins2> It was an IC2 reactor,
L2184[23:29:25] <Pwootage> gotcha
L2185[23:29:28] <lperkins2> back in the days of redstone signal to keep them from running.
L2186[23:29:33] <lperkins2> And redpower2
L2187[23:29:40] <Pwootage> good time
L2188[23:29:43] <Pwootage> s
L2189[23:29:55] <Kasen> gamax92, awesome, thanks - i'll get g to update it
L2190[23:30:01] <lperkins2> The turtle was suppose to monitor for overheat warnings and then send a signal to shut the thing down.
L2191[23:30:29] <lperkins2> I know the turtle didn't start because it lived outside the blast shield, so it survived the experience and was still off when I came to see why it went boom.
L2192[23:30:36] <Sangar> let me say this now: i take no responsibility for reactors blowing up due to oc derping somewhere :X
L2193[23:31:00] <lperkins2> That's why 4 layers of reinforced stone are needed :)
L2194[23:31:14] <ShadowKatStudios> That's why you use solar panels.
L2195[23:31:18] <Caitlyn> Yeah I have to this day CC computers that will NOT start after a server restart
L2196[23:31:23] <Caitlyn> I have to walk up and kick them
L2197[23:31:29] <gDroid2002> BigReactors has reactors that don't go boom..
L2198[23:31:34] <gDroid2002> As far as I can see
L2199[23:31:37] <gDroid2002> :P
L2200[23:31:39] <Sangar> Caitlyn, just like real computers! i need to add that as a feature...
L2201[23:31:50] <Caitlyn> gDroid2002, yet.
L2202[23:31:54] <gamax92> Its not a bug, its a feature!
L2203[23:31:55] <Caitlyn> Sangar, no.. plox
L2204[23:32:01] <Pwootage> Sangar: I'm going to blame you for every reactor explosion, OC-related or not, now >:(
L2205[23:32:03] <gDroid2002> I think the turbines can but that's hard
L2206[23:32:05] <lperkins2> I like the threat of reactors going boom.
L2207[23:32:07] <Caitlyn> Also, my computer starts up after a power fail with no issue.
L2208[23:32:08] <gamax92> #BlameSangar
L2209[23:32:14] <lperkins2> Besides, they are cheap, so they can be an effective way to mine :)
L2210[23:32:26] <Sangar> i think there was a blame-forward... was it going to kilo or vex, i can't remember
L2211[23:32:29] <gamax92> Kasen: tracking every place where the texture is filled with black ._.
L2212[23:32:32] <gamax92> see if that helps.
L2213[23:33:01] <Kasen> lol
L2214[23:33:16] <lperkins2> WTH, I'm updating to a new forge version and my gradle build file is ignoring the ... oh, the path is relative to the wrong folder
L2215[23:33:16] <gamax92> I do have an idea though of why its doing it
L2216[23:33:21] <gamax92> and if im correct, its ds84182's fault.
L2217[23:33:23] <lperkins2> I do so love that it silently ignores missing files...
L2218[23:33:28] <Kasen> oh?
L2219[23:33:28] <Kasen> heh
L2220[23:33:53] ⇦ Quits: FireBall1725 (sid36174@id-36174.uxbridge.irccloud.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2221[23:34:22] <lperkins2> So much fewer errors.
L2222[23:34:57] <ds84182> what
L2223[23:36:03] <lperkins2> I think it's actually going to update from the ancient version of forge I'd been using.
L2224[23:38:39] ⇦ Quits: Magik6k (~Magik6k@host-37-190-200-120.dynamic.mm.pl) (Quit: Leaving)
L2225[23:39:38] <gamax92> that moment when the texture is completely transparent
L2226[23:40:19] ⇦ Quits: calclavia (sid15812@id-15812.charlton.irccloud.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2227[23:40:19] ⇦ Quits: tekacs (sid17636@id-17636.charlton.irccloud.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2228[23:40:22] <gamax92> Kasen: nope, no leads, i removed every single fill(Color.black) and it still borks.
L2229[23:40:34] <Kasen> huh
L2230[23:41:24] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ ()
L2231[23:42:15] <gDroid2002> It's probably loading it in default state
L2232[23:42:55] <gamax92> oh btw ds84182, external monitors go back to black when someone enters render distance/joins server
L2233[23:43:18] ⇦ Quits: Brycey92|alt (~Brycey92@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L2234[23:43:57] <Kasen> the joins server thing is probably because we join in render distance
L2235[23:44:06] <gamax92> ahh yeah
L2236[23:44:08] <gDroid2002> ^
L2237[23:44:37] <lperkins2> It built! Okay, I'm now running against forge 1230.
L2238[23:44:40] *** Agoldfish|Away is now known as Agoldfish
L2239[23:44:41] ⇦ Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@ (Quit: Leaving)
L2240[23:44:59] <lperkins2> Should I be using 1286?
L2241[23:45:05] <lperkins2> It being the latest...
L2242[23:46:52] <Sangar> dunno. i'm building against 1236 still, because i don't think anything changed that bothers me in dev-env or would lead to the stuff i build this way being incompatible
L2243[23:47:02] <lperkins2> Actually no, silly me, I'm running against the latest git version,
L2244[23:47:28] <lperkins2> And yeah, not much for changes in the main stuff between that and the old one,
L2245[23:47:35] <lperkins2> mostly other mods' apis that broke my stuff.
L2246[23:47:37] <Kasen> are the docs something that people can contribute to, or is it a private site? i've noticed a few small errors here and there
L2247[23:47:40] <lperkins2> (or internals)
L2248[23:48:34] <Sangar> Kasen, oc doc? the wiki is open for registration, jdoc fixing prs are welcome
L2249[23:48:55] <Kasen> oh, it's a wiki? didn't realise
L2250[23:48:59] <Kasen> derp, says wiki at the bottom
L2251[23:49:02] <Sangar> heh
L2252[23:49:07] <Kasen> i just saw the .txt filename at the bottom
L2253[23:49:22] <Kasen> assumed it was built from a git repo or something
L2254[23:49:53] <Sangar> that was also a consideration, but dokuwiki was recommended to me, so that's what it is :P
L2255[23:49:58] <Pwootage> lperkins2: did you finally port your thing to grade? :o
L2256[23:50:12] <Pwootage> Sangar: is there a particular reason there's no external drive bay other than RAID?
L2257[23:50:21] <lperkins2> Heh, no idea how, and the tutorials I found when I first started trying to do all this stuff were terrible.
L2258[23:50:49] <Pwootage> lperkins2: well if it works :D
L2259[23:51:02] <lperkins2> If someone wants to, or someone can at least point me at an easy way to do it, I'd create gradle project files for it.
L2260[23:51:03] <Sangar> Pwootage, not really
L2261[23:51:36] <Pwootage> Sangar: I wanted one yesterday because my boot script crashed my OS and it was obnoxious to fix (I mean without just deleting it off my RL hdd)
L2262[23:51:38] <lperkins2> As it is, I have a diff against the default forge script and hacked my library list into forge's. Then I extract the parts I actually want from the forge archive it generates.
L2263[23:51:48] <Pwootage> I had to build a t3 server so I could mount two t3 hdds in the same machine
L2264[23:51:57] <lperkins2> Why not use a boot disk?
L2265[23:52:02] <Sangar> ^
L2266[23:52:18] <Pwootage> Uh
L2267[23:52:31] <Pwootage> Either it wasn't booting from it first or I'm dumb and thought it didn't
L2268[23:52:52] <Pwootage> although in general it seems like a useful component
L2269[23:53:26] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L2270[23:53:31] <Sangar> well you'd have to remove your hdd to make it boot from the floppy (to look for another boot device, basically)
L2271[23:53:34] <Sangar> but other than that
L2272[23:53:43] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L2273[23:53:54] <lperkins2> You can hot-add hard drives on the default arch
L2274[23:54:18] <Sangar> also, if the problem was an autorun script, there's filesystem.setAutorunEnabled(false)
L2275[23:54:19] <Kasen> ah, i see why a bunch of github links broke
L2276[23:54:23] <Kasen> there's no master branch
L2277[23:54:42] <Sangar> ah, yeah, that was renamed a long time ago, so i guess those were broken for quite a while then >_>
L2278[23:54:51] <Caitlyn> *** /dev/xvda1 should be checked for errors ***
L2279[23:54:52] <Caitlyn> Oh fun
L2280[23:55:16] <Pwootage> (on phone now)
L2281[23:55:18] <Kasen> i could set them to the 1.7 master ones, but they're going to break again eventually
L2282[23:55:31] <Pwootage> I didn't think you could hot-swap for some reason
L2283[23:55:45] <gDroid2002> OC should add toasters that can replace specific keys on the keyboard
L2284[23:56:02] <Kasen> gDroid2002, i know what mod to make now :P
L2285[23:56:02] <gDroid2002> :3
L2286[23:56:08] <gDroid2002> XD
L2287[23:56:56] <Pwootage> ,/boot/98_pacyak.lua
L2288[23:57:24] <Pwootage> (it does package symlinks on boot)
L2289[23:57:31] * lperkins2 crosses fingers
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