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L1[00:04:06] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos_off
L2[00:11:54] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L3[00:16:01] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Quit: Leaving)
L4[00:16:44] *** Kilobyte is now known as Kiloff
L5[00:23:39] <Sandroid> So im trying to learn android app Dev by writing a game.
L6[00:23:52] <Sandroid> Probably a bad idea.
L7[00:24:11] <ds84182> Very.
L8[00:24:19] <Sandroid> Oh well.
L9[00:24:24] <ds84182> That's how I tried to learn it
L10[00:24:54] <ds84182> Try writing an app that uses embedded lua to do tasks
L11[00:25:09] <Sandroid> :O.
L12[00:25:39] <ds84182> Maybe use LuaJ for luaJava stuff...
L13[00:25:43] <Sandroid> Nah.....
L14[00:25:48] <Sandroid> Why?
L15[00:26:11] <ds84182> So you don't have to make a java side wrapper for everything
L16[00:26:25] <Sandroid> But why?
L17[00:26:31] <ds84182> And it allows people to make better wrappers of existing stuff
L18[00:26:37] <Sandroid> I like coding java.
L19[00:26:49] <ds84182> But by but but but but but
L20[00:27:31] <Sandroid> I dislike coding lua.
L21[00:27:46] <ds84182> I went and made a music app with soundtouch
L22[00:27:58] <Sandroid> Cool.
L23[00:28:07] <ping> Sandroid, java is so verbose though ._.
L24[00:28:21] <Sandroid> Ping, true it is.
L25[00:28:37] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L26[00:28:38] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L27[00:28:41] <ds84182> Use Scala
L28[00:28:41] <Sandroid> I still prefer it to lua though.
L29[00:28:55] <ds84182> Have fun with Scala
L30[00:29:41] <Sandroid> I would use scala, (i do in most cases), but im not sure how well tgat works with android.
L31[00:30:35] <ds84182> It has a better JVM than oracle so you can go insane with it
L32[00:31:31] <Sandroid> Idk. Imma just gonna stick with java.
L33[00:32:29] <ping> "im just going to stick with PHP"
L34[00:33:02] ⇨ Joins: Unravel|AFK (uid52684@id-52684.charlton.irccloud.com)
L35[00:33:02] <Caitlyn> PHP FOR LYFE
L36[00:33:10] <ds84182> Please no
L37[00:33:45] <ds84182> You don't stick to php,php stick to you
L38[00:34:52] *** Unravel|AFK is now known as Azazel
L39[00:36:22] <DeanIsaKitty> Sandroid: Scala works perfectly well on Android but its not provided to the Scala lib will make your App quite big.
L40[00:36:30] <DeanIsaKitty> *so
L41[00:36:47] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: where did mai raifu go wrong)
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L43[00:38:19] *** DeanIsaKitty is now known as DeanIsGone
L44[00:38:25] <GhostPotato> 0_0
L45[00:43:23] ⇨ Joins: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com)
L46[00:43:23] zsh sets mode: +v on Maxwolf
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L49[00:45:22] ⇨ Joins: gamax92_ (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu)
L50[00:46:07] <GhostPotato> Woo~
L51[00:46:46] <GhostPotato> soo
L52[00:47:31] <GhostPotato> woo
L53[00:47:36] ⇦ Quits: Mirodin (~quassel@2a02:810d:12c0:1878:a070:e8af:6240:bcce) (Remote host closed the connection)
L54[00:47:43] <GhostPotato> 10Kilobytes/s!
L55[00:49:14] ⇦ Quits: gamax92_ (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by gamax92!~Gamax92@
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L59[01:08:06] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L60[01:18:25] *** SoniEx2 is now known as Soni
L61[01:19:28] ⇦ Quits: MrHohenheim (webchat@84-236-75-133.pool.digikabel.hu) (Quit: Web client closed)
L62[01:21:12] *** ping is now known as v^
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L64[01:37:16] *** katt is now known as v^
L65[01:39:50] *** Lathanael is now known as Lathanael|Away
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L67[01:45:45] *** Nentify is now known as Nentify|away
L68[01:46:39] *** Nentify|away is now known as Nentify
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L70[01:58:03] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
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L74[02:11:31] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p549CE9A7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L75[02:19:46] <GhostPotato> o/
L76[02:19:51] *** GhostPotato is now known as PotatoTrumpet
L77[02:22:28] <PotatoTrumpet> 0_0
L78[02:22:33] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-479-70.w92-132.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L79[02:25:04] <PotatoTrumpet> so
L80[02:25:25] <PotatoTrumpet> I have 104ms ping to a city about 50 mi away
L81[02:27:13] <PotatoTrumpet> and 40 Kb dlspeed
L82[02:29:44] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L83[02:31:43] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
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L89[03:07:11] ⇦ Quits: jgile2 (~jgile2@c122-108-189-162.rochd4.qld.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L90[03:17:24] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L91[03:20:46] ⇨ Joins: Logon (Logon@h-250-249.a168.priv.bahnhof.se)
L92[03:21:45] <Logon> Hello!, I have a problem that when i get a network message and do m.broadcast(1,"blah") the messages gets sent 5 times, any ideas why this is?
L93[03:22:48] <Logon> Basiclly for this to be possible the event.pull i do to see the first message triggers the broadcast 5 times
L94[03:25:40] <PotatoTrumpet> So
L95[03:26:15] <PotatoTrumpet> Logon, look for network loops
L96[03:26:21] <PotatoTrumpet> So
L97[03:26:29] <PotatoTrumpet> I just found an old 250GB HDD
L98[03:26:34] <PotatoTrumpet> Circa 2006
L99[03:26:53] <PotatoTrumpet> HDD is about to fail
L100[03:27:00] <PotatoTrumpet> winders being stupid
L101[03:27:07] <PotatoTrumpet> wont let me recover disk
L102[03:27:20] <PotatoTrumpet> have to copy important files over
L103[03:27:22] <PotatoTrumpet> x_X
L104[03:28:38] <Logon> ty PotatoTrumpet :) now i just gotta know why it sends the message two times :)
L105[03:28:49] <PotatoTrumpet> Well
L106[03:28:57] <PotatoTrumpet> it may be looping still
L107[03:29:02] <Logon> have a counter in the program
L108[03:29:04] <Logon> so first call
L109[03:29:08] <Logon> it broadcasts twice
L110[03:29:10] <Logon> for some reason
L111[03:29:19] <PotatoTrumpet> I don't think it is broadcasting twice
L112[03:29:27] <PotatoTrumpet> show me a pic of your setup
L113[03:29:59] <Logon> now it's sending once... so i still have 1 loop somewhere
L114[03:30:19] <PotatoTrumpet> wait
L115[03:30:36] <PotatoTrumpet> the ideal way it should go would be Sender - > Reciever
L116[03:30:43] <PotatoTrumpet> If it is going twice
L117[03:30:45] ⇦ Quits: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host81-158-26-228.range81-158.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L118[03:30:58] <PotatoTrumpet> it is Sender -> Reciever/Reciever
L119[03:31:05] <PotatoTrumpet> so it is bouncing back
L120[03:31:10] <PotatoTrumpet> hold on
L121[03:31:16] <PotatoTrumpet> making visual thing in paint
L122[03:34:20] <Logon> hmm think i figured it out
L123[03:34:41] <PotatoTrumpet> http://puu.sh/dSsL9/dd14e6578c.png
L124[03:34:47] <PotatoTrumpet> is yo setup like that?
L125[03:35:09] <Logon> well it was Server -> Switch -> switch -> Comp
L126[03:35:25] <Logon> removed the second switch and it worked
L127[03:36:26] <PotatoTrumpet> ^
L128[03:36:31] <Logon> Now to the second question, why can't i do two broadcasts at the same time?
L129[03:36:39] <PotatoTrumpet> What do you mean?
L130[03:36:47] <Logon> b(1,ONE)
L131[03:36:47] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13__ (~Johannes@p4FDE9E34.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L132[03:36:50] <Logon> b(1,TWO)
L133[03:36:55] <Logon> only the first one is recived
L134[03:37:03] <PotatoTrumpet> hold on
L135[03:37:06] <PotatoTrumpet> let me start up MC
L136[03:37:25] <Logon> switch has a queue size of 20 so i would think it would have queued them up
L137[03:38:57] <Logon> The thing is that i do sync messages
L138[03:39:09] <Logon> so first i do broadcast, then i wait for the event, then i send the next broadcast
L139[03:39:16] <PotatoTrumpet> AAre you running this in the lua console?
L140[03:39:23] <Logon> yes
L141[03:39:25] <PotatoTrumpet> ok
L142[03:39:42] <PotatoTrumpet> what code are you using to recieve the messages
L143[03:40:40] <Logon> http://i.imgur.com/uAmpnBs.png
L144[03:40:48] <Logon> start from the bottom functions
L145[03:40:57] *** mr208|AFK is now known as mallrat208
L146[03:41:10] <Logon> bleh
L147[03:41:14] <Logon> let me test something
L148[03:41:59] <Logon> specifing the "modem_message" does nothing
L149[03:43:52] <PotatoTrumpet> Hold on
L150[03:43:58] <PotatoTrumpet> making test enviroment
L151[03:48:04] <PotatoTrumpet> ~w modem
L152[03:48:05] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:modem
L153[03:51:43] <PotatoTrumpet> Soo
L154[03:51:54] <PotatoTrumpet> Logon, I'm thinking it is running a function
L155[03:52:04] <PotatoTrumpet> not storing the information from the second message
L156[03:52:20] <PotatoTrumpet> Ex: C1 sends two messages at once
L157[03:52:30] <PotatoTrumpet> C2 recieves msg 1, running a function
L158[03:52:54] <PotatoTrumpet> msg 2 is recieved to the computer, but as nothing is assigned to the event, it is disregarded
L159[03:55:51] <Logon> it should capture it... let me send you the capture code
L160[03:56:35] <Logon> http://i.imgur.com/3ohDIt6.png
L161[03:57:06] <Logon> I capture all the events and then do checks on them, rather than looking for a spcific event in the capture
L162[03:57:25] <Logon> obviously im doing something wrong
L163[03:59:46] <Logon> i guess... i could do a scheduler
L164[04:00:29] <PotatoTrumpet> Hmm
L165[04:00:43] <PotatoTrumpet> hrm
L166[04:00:53] * PotatoTrumpet has no idea
L167[04:01:11] <PotatoTrumpet> You should ask someone else
L168[04:01:16] <PotatoTrumpet> i'm lost
L169[04:01:32] <Logon> i guess i can write a code to see messages received and see if it even reaches the comp
L170[04:03:50] <Logon> it only gets one of them
L171[04:05:12] <Logon> like i said i could always do a scheduler only send data every half a second
L172[04:05:21] <Logon> but that i feel shouldn't be nessesary
L173[04:08:25] *** LordFokas is now known as LordFokas|off
L174[04:08:45] <PotatoTrumpet> Hrm
L175[04:08:59] <PotatoTrumpet> ~w event
L176[04:08:59] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L177[04:09:48] <PotatoTrumpet> I would use event.listen
L178[04:09:59] <PotatoTrumpet> and have it execute whatever
L179[04:10:01] <Logon> well
L180[04:10:07] <Logon> that requires background mode
L181[04:10:11] <Logon> and have no idea how that works
L182[04:10:17] <Logon> guess you need it to run as boot
L183[04:10:29] <PotatoTrumpet> Hrm
L184[04:10:36] <Logon> if you can tell me how it works sure
L185[04:11:16] <PotatoTrumpet> let me write a program real quick
L186[04:14:50] ⇦ Quits: rjwboys (~rjwboys@99-190-16-238.lightspeed.snantx.sbcglobal.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L187[04:17:32] <PotatoTrumpet> oh yah Logon: after you use print(), it sets the cursor to the next line
L188[04:17:40] <Logon> i know
L189[04:17:41] <PotatoTrumpet> so no need for term.setCursor(1, 4)
L190[04:18:11] <Logon> guess i don't :P didn't think of that really
L191[04:18:46] <Logon> saving those cycles
L192[04:20:05] <Logon> meh, i should go to sleep
L193[04:24:01] ⇦ Quits: Agoldfish (Agoldfish@vps.alissa.ml) (Quit: Bai.)
L194[04:24:01] ⇦ Quits: Alissa (Alissa@vps.alissa.ml) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L195[04:24:01] ⇦ Quits: Csstform (Csstform@vps.alissa.ml) (Quit: Csstform, come back!)
L196[04:24:36] <PotatoTrumpet> Logon, This *should* work
L197[04:24:36] <PotatoTrumpet> http://pastebin.com/feQhzEG1
L198[04:24:49] <PotatoTrumpet> i think
L199[04:30:33] ⇨ Joins: Csstform (Csstform@vps.alissa.ml)
L200[04:31:09] ⇨ Joins: LadyAlissa (Alissa@vps.alissa.ml)
L201[04:31:53] *** LadyAlissa is now known as Alissa
L202[04:42:52] <v^> hmmm
L203[04:42:54] <v^> http://i.imgur.com/qRilfmS.png
L204[04:42:59] <v^> id rather kill myself
L205[04:44:23] <Alissa> eh, not too hard.
L206[04:44:39] <Alissa> "A banned book" scratch that.
L207[04:46:44] <v^> Alissa, banned for.. 15 year olds :)
L208[04:46:46] <v^> :>
L209[04:50:20] <PotatoTrumpet> v^, SUICIDE IS NOT THE ANSWER
L210[04:51:34] <v^> PotatoTrumpet, ._.
L211[04:51:53] <PotatoTrumpet> Welp
L212[04:51:59] <PotatoTrumpet> time to sedn http://i.imgur.com/06ITZJ4.jpg to AmandaC
L213[04:52:14] *** PotatoTrumpet is now known as EvilDickButt
L214[04:52:32] *** EvilDickButt is now known as Potato
L215[04:52:48] *** Potato is now known as PotatoTrumpet
L216[04:52:56] <PotatoTrumpet> Mwahahha
L217[04:52:59] <PotatoTrumpet> I sent the message
L218[04:53:05] <PotatoTrumpet> And left after I sent it
L219[04:53:09] <PotatoTrumpet> She will never know
L220[04:53:14] <PotatoTrumpet> :>
L221[04:53:44] <PotatoTrumpet> dear god she knows
L222[04:53:47] <PotatoTrumpet> halp
L223[04:53:58] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54972C0D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L224[04:54:11] <PotatoTrumpet> AHHHHHHHHH
L225[04:55:04] <PotatoTrumpet> OK Children, how long until I get banned
L226[04:55:10] <PotatoTrumpet> Taking guesses now
L227[04:55:48] <PotatoTrumpet> AmandaC> Oh it's someone I banned awhile back
L228[04:55:51] <PotatoTrumpet> Lies!
L229[04:56:14] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54972B45.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L230[05:02:10] *** PotatoTrumpet is now known as EvilDickButt
L231[05:03:13] ⇦ Quits: Kiloff (~Kilobyte@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L232[05:03:31] *** EvilDickButt is now known as PotatoTrumpet
L233[05:03:41] <PotatoTrumpet> fuck fuck fuck
L234[05:04:05] <PotatoTrumpet> changed nick to my AmandaC Troll nick
L235[05:04:05] <gamax92> PotatoTrumpet: gg
L236[05:04:14] <PotatoTrumpet> while still connected to #computercraft
L237[05:04:21] <PotatoTrumpet> dear lard have murcy
L238[05:04:26] <gamax92> fail
L239[05:04:36] <PotatoTrumpet> don't know if she banned me or not
L240[05:04:49] <bananagram> she didn't
L241[05:04:53] <PotatoTrumpet> whew
L242[05:04:59] <PotatoTrumpet> anyways
L243[05:05:04] <PotatoTrumpet> I now have Microsoft Office
L244[05:05:05] <PotatoTrumpet> :D
L245[05:06:06] <bananagram> actually
L246[05:06:08] <bananagram> now she has
L247[05:06:14] <PotatoTrumpet> fuckkkk
L248[05:06:16] <PotatoTrumpet> well
L249[05:06:20] <PotatoTrumpet> not like I needed it
L250[05:06:29] <PotatoTrumpet> no use in #computercraft anyways
L251[05:06:44] <PotatoTrumpet> Well
L252[05:06:48] <PotatoTrumpet> Time to use webchat
L253[05:07:46] <PotatoTrumpet> :P
L254[05:08:08] <PotatoTrumpet> bananagram, did she ban the name or the full ip address
L255[05:08:18] ⇨ Joins: Kiloff (~Kilobyte@
L256[05:08:19] <bananagram> the host
L257[05:08:23] <PotatoTrumpet> fucck
L258[05:08:35] <PotatoTrumpet> welp
L259[05:08:41] <PotatoTrumpet> :P
L260[05:08:52] <PotatoTrumpet> I guess I am part of the club
L261[05:09:10] <PotatoTrumpet> #bannedfromcomputercraft
L262[05:09:27] <PotatoTrumpet> <AmandaC> Anyone else who wants to be ping's puppet to harass me with rape jokes, will also be banned.
L263[05:10:22] <PotatoTrumpet> v^, what have you done to amandac?
L264[05:11:27] <PotatoTrumpet> anyways
L265[05:11:29] <PotatoTrumpet> she is a bitch
L266[05:11:30] <PotatoTrumpet> :P
L267[05:12:22] <PotatoTrumpet> Today is a good day
L268[05:12:35] <PotatoTrumpet> I finally got banned from #computercraft
L269[05:12:46] <PotatoTrumpet> and I managed to harass AmandaC in the process
L270[05:12:47] <PotatoTrumpet> :)
L271[05:13:35] <PotatoTrumpet> now
L272[05:14:12] <PotatoTrumpet> :)
L273[05:15:56] <bananagram> what if they convince the ircops to ban you?
L274[05:16:16] <bananagram> she says they won't d' anything because "We;re not the internet police"
L275[05:16:30] <bananagram> but what if
L276[05:16:48] <PotatoTrumpet> :P
L277[05:16:57] <PotatoTrumpet> Then I will use a diffrent bouncer
L278[05:17:18] <bananagram> what if they do it for more people in this channel?
L279[05:17:43] <v^> oh my god
L280[05:18:01] <PotatoTrumpet> look at her butt
L281[05:18:05] <v^> PotatoTrumpet
L282[05:18:08] <v^> why the fuck
L283[05:18:11] <v^> would you do that
L284[05:18:22] <PotatoTrumpet> do wat
L285[05:18:26] <v^> send amandac that
L286[05:18:28] <v^> -_-
L287[05:18:36] <PotatoTrumpet> :)
L288[05:18:55] <v^> you know god damn well i will never be allowed in there again because of you
L289[05:19:45] <PotatoTrumpet> I like how she knew it was you
L290[05:22:48] <PotatoTrumpet> Wel
L291[05:22:49] <PotatoTrumpet> l
L292[05:23:00] <PotatoTrumpet> not like you would get anything out of that channel
L293[05:24:42] zsh sets mode: +v on gamax92
L294[05:26:20] <PotatoTrumpet> \o/ Adobe Elements is installed!
L295[05:28:58] <v^> PotatoTrumpet, ?
L296[05:29:04] <v^> you diddnt tell her it was me?
L297[05:29:08] <PotatoTrumpet> no
L298[05:29:32] <PotatoTrumpet> She automatically assumed it
L299[05:29:35] <PotatoTrumpet> I assume
L300[05:36:34] <ds84182> Any future discussion of a certain persons retardedness will be disallowed from this point on.
L301[05:37:04] <v^> ^
L302[05:37:11] <v^> so, asking you all a question
L303[05:37:37] <v^> should i pm amandac what happened so that i have a tiny chance of ever helping that community ever again -_-
L304[05:37:52] <ds84182> I already told her
L305[05:37:55] <v^> :P
L306[05:38:09] <v^> did you tell her that ocbots is intentionally offensive
L307[05:38:21] <ds84182> She's pretty pissed
L308[05:38:28] <v^> did you tell her there are worse things that are joked about
L309[05:38:46] <ds84182> I didn't even tell her about ocbots
L310[05:38:47] <PotatoTrumpet> ds84182, , Tell her that I apologize for being an asshole, and that I got what I deserved
L311[05:39:00] <ds84182> No.
L312[05:39:02] <v^> PotatoTrumpet, you got what you deserved, but as usual i have not
L313[05:39:23] <v^> did you tell her that i hear about rape almost every week
L314[05:39:33] <ds84182> I will not tell her shit on your behalf
L315[05:39:46] <v^> then answer the question :P
L316[05:41:03] <v^> omfg
L317[05:41:08] <v^> cat is swatting at cursor
L318[05:41:09] <v^> :3
L319[05:41:11] <v^> so cuuute
L320[05:41:21] <PotatoTrumpet> 3:
L321[05:41:29] <PotatoTrumpet> what type of cat is it
L322[05:43:47] <v^> a white one with black on its head
L323[05:43:50] <v^> <_>
L324[05:44:17] <v^> i also have another cat which is the friendliest fucker ever
L325[05:45:58] <PotatoTrumpet> http://puu.sh/dSHl1/e7c903432d.png
L326[05:46:28] <v^> :/
L327[05:46:42] <PotatoTrumpet> =3
L328[05:46:48] <v^> v and ^ are supposed to be same size
L329[05:46:56] <PotatoTrumpet> oh
L330[05:47:03] <v^> 10/10 best kitten
L331[05:47:18] <PotatoTrumpet> How accurate is it?
L332[05:48:02] <v^> if the accuracy of the image was a single electron
L333[05:48:18] <PotatoTrumpet> :P
L334[05:48:18] <v^> my actual kitten would be 1.5x the size of the universe
L335[05:48:32] <PotatoTrumpet> k
L336[05:48:51] <PotatoTrumpet> so
L337[05:48:56] <v^> you might aswell just drawn a bunch of dicks
L338[05:50:18] <PotatoTrumpet> http://puu.sh/dSHMh/0237fc690a.png
L339[05:50:40] <PotatoTrumpet> AKA: Self Portrait of me & v's cat
L340[05:50:52] <ds84182> Nsfw that shit
L341[05:50:55] <v^> ^
L342[05:51:09] <PotatoTrumpet> Oh yah, NSFW
L343[05:55:20] <PotatoTrumpet> http://puu.sh/dSIlp/4008c5473a.png
L344[05:55:24] <PotatoTrumpet> SFW
L345[05:55:33] <PotatoTrumpet> Just a cat head
L346[05:56:24] <PotatoTrumpet> Hmm
L347[05:56:31] <PotatoTrumpet> are there any mods that add a speaker to OC
L348[05:59:10] <Ditchbuster> I think computronics might
L349[05:59:17] <Ditchbuster> But haven't used it
L350[05:59:38] <PotatoTrumpet> .jenkins
L351[05:59:41] <EnderBot2> Latest builds: ICBMComponent: #21 | OpenLights1.7: #18 | OpenComputersDev: #295 | OpenPrinter: #79 | OpenComputers: #21 | OpenLights: #20 | OpenGlasses: #44 | OpenPrinter1.7: #102
L352[05:59:46] <PotatoTrumpet> ohyah
L353[05:59:56] <PotatoTrumpet> ~g computronics
L354[05:59:56] <v^> what should the last thing i do in 2014
L355[06:00:07] <PotatoTrumpet> v^, change your resolution
L356[06:00:20] <v^> besides my gf
L357[06:00:22] <Alissa> v^: send lotus pod spam to /her/
L358[06:00:41] <v^> Alissa, i know you got banned for that shit
L359[06:00:49] <PotatoTrumpet> .ping
L360[06:00:49] <^v> Ping reply from PotatoTrumpet 0.22s
L361[06:01:09] <PotatoTrumpet> Alissa, don't get banned
L362[06:01:11] <PotatoTrumpet> again
L363[06:01:17] <PotatoTrumpet> >again again
L364[06:01:23] <PotatoTrumpet> Oh yah
L365[06:01:26] <PotatoTrumpet> addded to the cat
L366[06:01:40] <Alissa> v^: That's why I'm telling YOU to :D
L367[06:01:50] <PotatoTrumpet> http://puu.sh/dSJ2r/dfd179b527.png
L368[06:02:04] <PotatoTrumpet> hrm
L369[06:02:11] <PotatoTrumpet> Soo
L370[06:02:20] <PotatoTrumpet> I am download Visual Studio 2013 Communigty
L371[06:03:55] <PotatoTrumpet> hmm
L372[06:03:59] <PotatoTrumpet> how hard is c++ to learn
L373[06:06:48] <gamax92> PotatoTrumpet: are you logically minded?
L374[06:06:53] <PotatoTrumpet> 'depends
L375[06:07:39] <PotatoTrumpet> We have exhibit A: Me not thinking things through, and making retarded mistakes, and exhibit B: yes
L376[06:12:00] <PotatoTrumpet> looks interesting
L377[06:15:47] <PotatoTrumpet> x_x
L378[06:15:58] <PotatoTrumpet> y visual studio take soo long to download
L379[06:16:02] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-479-70.w92-132.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L380[06:17:33] <PotatoTrumpet> o/
L381[06:20:59] <Alissa> PotatoTrumpet: Do you have too much time and no weapons nearby?
L382[06:21:11] <PotatoTrumpet> Alissa, Yes
L383[06:21:15] <PotatoTrumpet> On break
L384[06:21:19] <PotatoTrumpet> from school
L385[06:21:21] <Alissa> Start learning. :P
L386[06:21:25] <PotatoTrumpet> Ok
L387[06:21:39] * PotatoTrumpet starts learning
L388[06:22:21] <PotatoTrumpet> so
L389[06:22:31] <PotatoTrumpet> my APWH teacher has us use livebinders.com
L390[06:22:39] <PotatoTrumpet> it sucks
L391[06:22:41] <PotatoTrumpet> 0/10
L392[06:22:45] <PotatoTrumpet> should burn in hell
L393[06:22:54] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-479-70.w92-132.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L394[06:23:39] ⇦ Quits: Something12 (~Something@S010674d02b5d5181.vs.shawcable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L395[06:24:38] <PotatoTrumpet> .ping
L396[06:24:38] <^v> Ping reply from PotatoTrumpet 0.2s
L397[06:26:13] <PotatoTrumpet> http://puu.sh/dSLA5/dc850969a2.png
L398[06:26:21] <PotatoTrumpet> this is after 2 hours of downloading
L399[06:27:08] *** Kodos is now known as Kodos|Zzz
L400[06:28:14] <PotatoTrumpet> :(
L401[06:28:18] <PotatoTrumpet> RIP Kodos
L402[06:29:37] <PotatoTrumpet> so
L403[06:29:43] <PotatoTrumpet> I have Microsoft Outlook
L404[06:29:51] <PotatoTrumpet> No idea how to use it
L405[06:29:59] <PotatoTrumpet> besides setting up email
L406[06:30:02] <PotatoTrumpet> x_x
L407[06:36:32] <PotatoTrumpet> Alissa, What are the uses of C++
L408[06:36:48] <Alissa> not being C, for one.
L409[06:36:51] <Alissa> It's OOP.
L410[06:36:57] <PotatoTrumpet> OOP?
L411[06:37:34] <Alissa> Object-oriented.
L412[06:37:47] <Alissa> It also compiles to machine-readable code, unlike interpreted languages.
L413[06:37:54] <PotatoTrumpet> So, not like lua
L414[06:37:56] <Alissa> Probably runs a tad faster.
L415[06:38:06] <PotatoTrumpet> Hmm
L416[06:38:07] <Alissa> What do you mean, not like Lua?
L417[06:38:19] <PotatoTrumpet> Dosent lua compile into c
L418[06:38:25] <Alissa> No.
L419[06:38:30] <PotatoTrumpet> Hrm
L420[06:38:31] <Alissa> Lua compiles into a Lua bytecode
L421[06:38:35] <Alissa> which is read by an interpreter.
L422[06:38:52] <Alissa> which is why you have to run 'lua <programname>' or add in a #! line.
L423[06:39:11] <PotatoTrumpet> oh
L424[06:40:03] <Alissa> I think vifino built a thing to do a machine-readable Lua code using gcc and luajit
L425[06:40:09] <Alissa> but that's not native for Lua
L426[06:40:11] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L427[06:48:27] <^vPhone> its new years eve
L428[06:48:35] <SuPeRMiNoR2> yes
L429[06:51:30] <PotatoTrumpet> 0_0
L430[06:51:33] <PotatoTrumpet> I didn't realize that
L431[06:51:39] <PotatoTrumpet> Happy New Years Eve
L432[06:51:45] <SuPeRMiNoR2> 0-0
L433[06:51:55] <PotatoTrumpet> 0/0
L434[06:52:05] <SuPeRMiNoR2> 0*0
L435[06:59:04] <PotatoTrumpet> So
L436[06:59:13] <PotatoTrumpet> What is the point of char's in C++
L437[07:01:16] <gamax92> to store a character
L438[07:02:18] ⇨ Joins: Hotrian (webchat@10bf480d1eaf.click-network.com)
L439[07:02:29] <PotatoTrumpet> -_-
L440[07:02:36] <SuPeRMiNoR2> heh
L441[07:03:27] <PotatoTrumpet> I feel stupid
L442[07:04:20] <PotatoTrumpet> someday
L443[07:04:25] <PotatoTrumpet> Visual Studio will download
L444[07:04:38] <PotatoTrumpet> Hopefully by the end of the year
L445[07:05:27] <SuPeRMiNoR2> you WANT visual studio?
L446[07:05:38] <PotatoTrumpet> Yes
L447[07:05:51] <PotatoTrumpet> plsdontkillme
L448[07:06:33] <PotatoTrumpet> http://puu.sh/dSPDf/54e2054bd7.png
L449[07:08:16] <PotatoTrumpet> gamax92, can I has link to your generator
L450[07:08:24] <PotatoTrumpet> the funny pattern gen
L451[07:08:43] <gamax92> http://gamax92.pc-logix.com/generator.htm?mode=-1
L452[07:09:06] <Hotrian> Hey, do robots have different colors?
L453[07:09:53] <PotatoTrumpet> ermurgurd you made the rainbow one
L454[07:10:10] <gamax92> PotatoTrumpet: also i do c++ in mingw
L455[07:10:48] <gamax92> PotatoTrumpet: which one?
L456[07:10:52] <PotatoTrumpet> -1
L457[07:10:58] <gamax92> PotatoTrumpet: try 8
L458[07:11:42] <PotatoTrumpet> No palette under mode 8
L459[07:11:46] <gamax92> err ... then 7
L460[07:12:03] <PotatoTrumpet> Well
L461[07:12:13] <PotatoTrumpet> I think I found my desktop backgrounds
L462[07:12:32] <gamax92> yeah theres -2,-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
L463[07:12:58] <PotatoTrumpet> why the -'s
L464[07:13:04] <gamax92> why not
L465[07:13:08] <PotatoTrumpet> good point
L466[07:18:04] <PotatoTrumpet> ermurgurd
L467[07:18:15] <PotatoTrumpet> Excel is so much better than libreoffice clac
L468[07:20:52] <PotatoTrumpet> Soo, haphost is still being stupid with it's webhosting
L469[07:21:12] <PotatoTrumpet> and I don't want to over-use SKS's lain
L470[07:21:14] <PotatoTrumpet> thingy
L471[07:21:17] <PotatoTrumpet> server
L472[07:24:02] ⇦ Quits: Azazel (uid52684@id-52684.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: [Base tree stack] overflow)
L473[07:25:00] ⇨ Joins: Azazel (uid52684@id-52684.charlton.irccloud.com)
L474[07:29:12] <PotatoTrumpet> So
L475[07:29:23] <PotatoTrumpet> My new years resolution is to learn c++
L476[07:29:42] <PotatoTrumpet> and make a text-adventure game
L477[07:29:58] <PotatoTrumpet> IF visual studio will ever download
L478[07:33:37] <PotatoTrumpet> .p
L479[07:33:37] <^v> Ping reply from PotatoTrumpet 0.18s
L480[07:36:49] <PotatoTrumpet> .colors test
L481[07:36:52] <PotatoTrumpet> hmm
L482[07:38:07] <PotatoTrumpet> ~w event
L483[07:38:08] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L484[07:38:43] <PotatoTrumpet> Just wondering
L485[07:39:08] <PotatoTrumpet> If I were to use the signal touch
L486[07:39:17] <PotatoTrumpet> and have a group of x cords in a table
L487[07:39:21] <PotatoTrumpet> and y cords in a table
L488[07:39:55] <PotatoTrumpet> and I checked to see if the touch was within the x/y cords
L489[07:40:02] <PotatoTrumpet> would that work effeciently?
L490[07:40:27] <PotatoTrumpet> thinking about making a button API
L491[07:40:36] <PotatoTrumpet> That let's you draw buttons on the screen
L492[07:41:26] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1C1F78DC12D698EFA45EEA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L493[07:41:27] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L494[07:41:30] <PotatoTrumpet> o/
L495[07:42:01] <Vexatos> o/
L496[07:42:21] <PotatoTrumpet> omg
L497[07:42:32] <PotatoTrumpet> cant wait for Cities: Skylines
L498[07:44:51] ⇦ Quits: tiin57 (~tiin57@tiin57.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L499[07:52:13] <PotatoTrumpet> \o/ Visual studio is downloaded!
L500[08:00:26] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L501[08:00:27] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L502[08:01:08] <PotatoTrumpet> Hola, asie
L503[08:01:11] <asie> hi
L504[08:02:06] <PotatoTrumpet> Soo, visual studio is still "Applying Visual Studio 2013 Update 4(KB2829760)
L505[08:02:09] <PotatoTrumpet> "
L506[08:10:58] <^vPhone> .openp
L507[08:10:58] <^v> ^vPhone, http://openprograms.github.io https://github.com/OpenPrograms/
L508[08:11:08] <^vPhone> .openprg
L509[08:11:17] <^v> ^vPhone,
L510[08:12:47] <PotatoTrumpet> hmm
L511[08:13:04] <PotatoTrumpet> so, there is another steam-chat thingy going around
L512[08:13:26] <PotatoTrumpet> TL;DR Don't download any files from steam chat
L513[08:18:30] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@
L514[08:22:50] ⇦ Quits: Csstform (Csstform@vps.alissa.ml) (Quit: Csstform, come back!)
L515[08:22:50] ⇦ Quits: Alissa (Alissa@vps.alissa.ml) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L516[08:23:26] ⇨ Joins: Csstform (Csstform@vps.alissa.ml)
L517[08:24:05] <PotatoTrumpet> :P
L518[08:24:07] <PotatoTrumpet> noo
L519[08:24:11] <PotatoTrumpet> not Alissa
L520[08:26:02] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L521[08:45:17] *** VikeStep is now known as VikeStep|A
L522[08:47:48] *** Greylocke is now known as Greylocke|afk
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L527[09:17:35] ⇨ Joins: Timmy94 (webchat@
L528[09:17:43] <Timmy94> hello
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L530[09:22:48] *** Lathanael|Away is now known as Lathanael
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L532[09:25:42] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L533[09:26:07] <PotatoTrumpet> Hello
L534[09:34:44] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
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L536[09:35:11] *** VikeStep|A is now known as VikeStep
L537[09:37:23] <PotatoTrumpet> Good night
L538[09:42:59] *** DeanIsGone is now known as DeanIsaKitty
L539[09:48:43] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L540[09:50:46] *** VikeStep is now known as VikeStep|A
L541[09:53:05] *** DeanIsaKitty is now known as DeanIsGone
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L546[10:05:15] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L547[10:09:09] *** VikeStep|A is now known as VikeStep
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L549[10:57:45] *** Keridos_off is now known as Keridos
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L551[11:12:36] *** skyem123|Zzz is now known as skyem123
L552[11:13:40] ⇨ Joins: dangranos (~dangranos@
L553[11:14:06] <dangranos> hello
L554[11:14:12] <skyem123> hi
L555[11:14:31] <dangranos> happy new year i guess?
L556[11:14:50] <skyem123> 31st december 2014
L557[11:14:58] <skyem123> Not yet
L558[11:15:58] <dangranos> less than 7 hours left here
L559[11:16:04] <dangranos> *a little
L560[11:33:34] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L561[11:34:38] <vifino> 12 hours here.
L562[11:34:47] <vifino> Maybe a little less.
L563[11:35:19] ⇦ Quits: v^ (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:ac49:bdf3:9a7d:888) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L565[11:35:49] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
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L567[11:54:47] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos_off
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L573[12:36:27] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
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L578[12:46:54] *** ConcernedHobbit is now known as ConcernedAway
L579[12:47:07] <dangranos> wow
L580[12:47:14] *** AtomSponge|away is now known as AtomSponge
L581[12:47:22] <dangranos> restored password to long-forgotten google account
L582[12:50:09] ⇦ Quits: Azazel (uid52684@id-52684.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L583[12:56:36] *** DeanIsaKitty is now known as DeanIsGone
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L585[13:00:38] ⇦ Quits: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com) (Quit: Leaving)
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L594[13:47:21] *** Daiyousei is now known as ShoweringFairy
L595[13:49:28] <dangranos> is ender's server up?
L596[13:49:33] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~TCube@95f1220a.skybroadband.com)
L597[13:50:32] <Magik6k> %p
L598[13:50:33] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Magik6k 0.19s
L599[13:51:38] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f19c03.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L600[13:52:18] <Magik6k> dangranos, it appears that his website is up, so I guess it's up
L601[13:52:45] <dangranos> i forgot modpack download link .-.
L602[13:53:20] <Magik6k> I guess it was on some kind of gitlab
L603[13:55:44] <Ender> dangranos: in the process of changing around the pack and server, currently theres a test server running i think
L604[13:55:59] <dangranos> >ender >i think
L605[13:56:02] <dangranos> wut .-.
L606[13:58:42] <Ender> dangranos: well i left SuPeRMiNoR2 doing stuff with it last night
L607[13:59:45] ⇨ Joins: samis (~samis@95f1220a.skybroadband.com)
L608[14:01:40] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
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L610[14:09:38] *** skyem123|shopping is now known as skyem123
L611[14:13:23] <Soni> so I'm trying to make Lua bytecode safer
L612[14:13:46] <Soni> I guess I should memset when reading strings?
L613[14:14:16] *** DeanIsaKitty is now known as DeanIsGone
L614[14:14:35] *** Cassandra is now known as Cassy|Away
L615[14:15:26] *** DeanIsGone is now known as DeanIsaKitty
L616[14:16:05] ⇦ Quits: Cassy|Away (~Cassandra@c-69-181-127-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
L617[14:18:19] <Inari> Soni: safer?
L618[14:19:07] ⇦ Quits: jgile2 (~jgile2@c122-108-189-162.rochd4.qld.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L619[14:19:39] *** ShoweringFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L620[14:32:00] ⇨ Joins: tiin57 (~tiin57@tiin57.net)
L621[14:37:30] <Soni> Inari, yes?
L622[14:39:19] <vifino> x_x
L623[14:43:19] ⇨ Joins: dangranos_ (~dangranos@
L624[14:45:29] *** ConcernedAway is now known as ConcernedHobbit
L625[14:45:49] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (~dangranos@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L626[14:47:08] *** AngieBLD|Off is now known as AngieBLD
L627[14:56:52] *** justastranger|zzz is now known as justastranger
L628[15:06:15] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1C1F78DC12D698EFA45EEA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L629[15:07:10] *** dangranos_ is now known as dangranos
L630[15:26:11] *** Kiloff is now known as Kilobyte
L631[15:26:12] zsh sets mode: +v on Kilobyte
L632[15:36:30] ⇨ Joins: Timmy94_iPad (~Timmy94@
L633[15:37:37] <Timmy94_iPad> ng:7: syntax error near "if" - if a<=10000 then
L634[15:46:01] ⇦ Quits: Timmy94_iPad (~Timmy94@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L635[15:48:05] ⇨ Joins: manmaed (~Ender@5ec38bec.skybroadband.com)
L636[16:00:52] <Magik6k> Sandroid, u here?
L637[16:01:10] ⇨ Joins: Agoldfish (Agoldfish@vps.alissa.ml)
L638[16:01:18] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
L639[16:01:23] <Magik6k> Sangar, ^
L640[16:03:45] ⇦ Quits: Mirodin (~quassel@2a02:810d:12c0:1878:c5e4:43b1:4d33:921d) (Remote host closed the connection)
L641[16:14:45] <Magik6k> ~w cable
L642[16:14:46] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/block:cable
L643[16:35:04] ⇨ Joins: Azazel (uid52684@id-52684.charlton.irccloud.com)
L644[16:35:16] <gamax92> :o Azazel
L645[16:39:14] <Azazel> :0
L646[16:39:22] <Azazel> ur that guy
L647[16:40:50] <gamax92> Azazel: i am that guy
L648[16:41:09] <Azazel> Hmmm
L649[16:43:47] <dangranos> 1:17 left
L650[16:45:41] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L651[16:45:41] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L652[16:46:39] <Azazel> mmm
L653[16:52:08] *** Lathanael is now known as Lathanael|Away
L654[16:52:31] ⇨ Joins: tattyseal (~tattyseal@
L655[16:56:11] *** Greylocke|afk is now known as Greylocke
L656[17:00:23] <Kubuxu> ~w inventory_c
L657[17:00:23] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:inventory_upgrade
L658[17:00:47] <Kubuxu> ~w inventory_cont
L659[17:00:47] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/component:inventory_controller
L660[17:01:42] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~christine@
L661[17:02:19] ⇦ Quits: Soni (SoniEx2@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L662[17:03:11] <Kubuxu> ~w robot
L663[17:03:11] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:robot
L664[17:12:01] ⇨ Joins: SpiritedDusty (~SpiritedD@24-205-168-36.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com)
L665[17:12:01] zsh sets mode: +o on SpiritedDusty
L666[17:17:58] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1C1F071C36FE60E54F4A8C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L667[17:17:58] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L668[17:35:50] <dangranos> lol
L669[17:35:50] <dangranos> http://cs14113.vk.me/c7005/v7005601/3f905/BcxugpREPYk.jpg
L670[17:36:24] *** skyem123 is now known as skyem123|shopping
L671[17:36:44] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-479-70.w92-132.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L672[17:39:43] <Magik6k> .p
L673[17:39:45] <^v> Ping reply from Magik6k 1.88s
L674[17:41:03] <Caitlyn> dangranos, my Russian is a bit rusty, so you'll have to forgive me for not falling out of my chair
L675[17:41:30] <dangranos> is swearing allowed here?
L676[17:43:41] <Ender> as long as it's not directed at anyone then sure
L677[17:44:07] * SuPeRMiNoR2 directs a kitten at Ender
L678[17:44:19] <Ender> oh, it's you
L679[17:44:29] <Ender> it's been a long time. how have you been?
L680[17:44:43] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Just woke up, I am ok
L681[17:45:05] <Ender> k
L682[17:45:52] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L683[17:46:07] <^vPhone> .p
L684[17:46:23] <^vPhone> woo you diddnt bork it
L685[17:46:36] *** Kodos|Zzz is now known as Kodos
L686[17:46:44] <Kodos> I don't even want to play Minecraft since my pack is broken
L687[17:47:04] <Kodos> Someone needs to make/finish an OC emulator already
L688[17:48:41] ⇦ Quits: septi25 (~septi25@ipb21bbb54.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Leaving.)
L689[17:48:54] * Ender looks at Altenius
L690[17:49:11] ⇨ Joins: septi25 (~septi25@ipb21bbb54.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L691[18:00:33] <Altenius> Ender: Thanks for reminding me
L692[18:04:14] <Magik6k> .p
L693[18:04:16] <^v> Ping reply from Magik6k 1.12s
L694[18:06:11] ⇦ Quits: Hotrian (webchat@10bf480d1eaf.click-network.com) (Quit: Web client closed)
L695[18:06:15] *** LordFokas is now known as LordFokas|off
L696[18:08:17] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L697[18:16:37] ⇦ Quits: SpiritedDusty (~SpiritedD@24-205-168-36.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com) (Quit: SpiritedDusty)
L698[18:16:51] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@
L699[18:16:53] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L700[18:19:06] *** skyem123|shopping is now known as skyem123
L701[18:20:46] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com)
L702[18:26:34] <Altenius> What version of Lua does OC use? 5.3.0-alpha, beta, rc0, rc1, rc2....
L703[18:26:52] <^vPhone> wtf is this http://garrysmodclassaction.org/lawfirm-holzer-holzer-fistel-llc-garrys-mod-lawsuit/
L704[18:27:29] <^vPhone> 5.2.4 iirc
L705[18:27:43] <Altenius> Oh, thought it used 5.3
L706[18:27:51] <^vPhone> leme check
L707[18:28:28] <Ender> 5.2, not sure of the bugfix version
L708[18:28:28] *** Kilobyte is now known as Kiloff
L709[18:28:42] <Altenius> 5.2.3?
L710[18:28:47] <Altenius> That's the latest.
L711[18:29:50] ⇨ Joins: SpiritedDusty (~SpiritedD@24-205-168-36.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com)
L712[18:29:51] zsh sets mode: +o on SpiritedDusty
L713[18:31:19] <^vPhone> 5.2.3 RC1
L714[18:31:34] *** skyem123 is now known as skyem123|shopping
L715[18:34:08] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L716[18:38:08] *** AngieBLD is now known as AngieBLD|Off
L717[18:50:30] *** skyem123|shopping is now known as skyem123
L718[19:00:15] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~alekso56@ti0020a400-4941.bb.online.no) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L719[19:07:01] ⇨ Joins: R_B98 (webchat@71-83-68-185.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com)
L720[19:08:28] <dangranos> рфззн туц нуфк
L721[19:08:32] <dangranos> happy new year
L722[19:08:47] <dangranos> (i am kinda 1 hour late >_<)
L723[19:09:12] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (~dangranos@ (Quit: Leaving)
L724[19:10:26] ⇦ Quits: R_B98 (webchat@71-83-68-185.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L725[19:14:01] ⇨ Joins: R_B98 (~r_b98@71-83-68-185.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com)
L726[19:14:11] <R_B98> hello
L727[19:15:07] ⇦ Quits: R_B98 (~r_b98@71-83-68-185.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com) (Client Quit)
L728[19:15:07] ⇨ Joins: scj643 (~scj643@2601:6:f00:4c:b830:bf7d:caab:dffa)
L729[19:15:52] *** Kiloff is now known as Kilobyte
L730[19:21:40] ⇨ Joins: Cassandra (~Cassandra@c-69-181-127-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L731[19:22:27] ⇦ Quits: Cassandra (~Cassandra@c-69-181-127-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
L732[19:22:42] ⇨ Joins: Cassandra (~Cassandra@c-69-181-127-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
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L735[19:31:50] ⇦ Quits: Cassandra (~Cassandra@c-69-181-127-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
L736[19:38:05] ⇨ Joins: LadyAlissa (Alissa@vps.alissa.ml)
L737[19:39:02] *** LadyAlissa is now known as Alissa
L738[19:40:00] ⇨ Joins: R_B98 (~r_b98@71-83-68-185.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com)
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L740[20:02:49] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~alekso56@ti0020a400-0050.bb.online.no)
L741[20:09:00] ⇨ Joins: Cassandra (~Cassandra@c-69-181-127-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
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L743[20:10:50] ⇨ Joins: Soni (SoniEx2@
L744[20:20:04] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L745[20:28:33] ⇦ Quits: Cassandra (~Cassandra@c-69-181-127-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
L746[20:28:55] ⇦ Quits: scj643 (~scj643@2601:6:f00:4c:b830:bf7d:caab:dffa) (Quit: Leaving)
L747[20:28:55] ⇨ Joins: Cassandra (~Cassandra@c-69-181-127-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L748[20:30:22] ⇦ Quits: Cassandra (~Cassandra@c-69-181-127-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
L749[20:30:30] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L750[20:30:45] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L751[20:31:45] ⇨ Joins: Cassandra (~Cassandra@c-69-181-127-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
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L753[20:36:12] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L754[20:36:31] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com)
L755[20:38:02] <PotatoTrumpet> Hello
L756[20:45:25] ⇨ Joins: Cassandra (~Cassandra@c-69-181-127-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L757[21:01:02] <PotatoTrumpet> .wobbo
L758[21:01:02] <^v> PotatoTrumpet, WooooobboooooooWooooooobboooWoooooooooobbooooooWoooooobboooooWobbooWoooooooobbooWoooobbooooooWooobboooooo
L759[21:03:43] <PotatoTrumpet> Bing: 10/10
L760[21:11:18] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L761[21:11:22] <v^> ROFL
L762[21:17:55] *** skyem123 is now known as skyem123|streaming
L763[21:22:07] *** Ender is now known as Ender|drinking
L764[21:23:49] ⇨ Joins: PotaDOSv3 (PotaDOSv3@vps.alissa.ml)
L765[21:24:02] <Alissa> Tab complete fail, ignore the bot
L766[21:24:03] <Alissa> $>part
L767[21:24:16] ⇦ Parts: PotaDOSv3 (PotaDOSv3@vps.alissa.ml) ())
L768[21:24:53] <v^> Alissa, no
L769[21:24:58] <v^> im going to be pissy about it
L770[21:25:01] <Alissa> kden.
L771[21:25:03] <v^> and warn you and shit
L772[21:25:11] <v^> because you broke a suuuuper important rule
L773[21:25:43] <Alissa> k.
L774[21:26:03] <v^> nevermind the intentions of said rule, thad be silly if i were going off of those
L775[21:26:03] <Alissa> /kickban Alissa
L776[21:26:09] ⇦ Parts: Alissa (Alissa@vps.alissa.ml) (WHEEban.))
L777[21:33:12] ⇨ Joins: Alissa (Alissa@vps.alissa.ml)
L778[21:40:10] ⇦ Quits: Azazel (uid52684@id-52684.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L779[21:44:09] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L780[21:53:42] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L781[21:56:20] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L782[21:56:20] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L783[21:57:34] ⇦ Quits: samis (~samis@95f1220a.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L784[22:03:35] <PotatoTrumpet> Alissa, do you like cupcakes?
L785[22:04:34] <Alissa> Depends.
L786[22:04:52] <Alissa> I'd probably prostitute myself for blue velvet cupcakes but I absolutely hate chocolate ones.
L787[22:06:59] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L788[22:08:32] <PotatoTrumpet> I hate the cupcakes that stain your mouth
L789[22:08:36] <Inari> Alissa: thats some dedication :P
L790[22:09:01] <Alissa> :D
L791[22:10:59] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L792[22:18:27] *** skyem123|streaming is now known as skyem123|rebooting
L793[22:19:47] <PotatoTrumpet> 0_0
L794[22:19:49] <PotatoTrumpet> noo
L795[22:19:51] <PotatoTrumpet> don't reboot
L796[22:20:00] <PotatoTrumpet> this kills the computer
L797[22:20:19] <PotatoTrumpet> .
L798[22:22:08] ⇨ Joins: tattyseal (~tattyseal@
L799[22:22:13] <PotatoTrumpet> o/
L800[22:25:12] ⇨ Joins: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com)
L801[22:25:12] zsh sets mode: +v on Maxwolf
L802[22:28:26] *** skyem123|rebooting is now known as skyem123
L803[22:31:04] ⇦ Quits: hi117 (~hi117@68-200-21-17.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L804[22:35:16] ⇨ Joins: hi117 (~hi117@68-200-21-17.res.bhn.net)
L805[22:38:13] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Quit: Leaving)
L806[22:48:51] <skyem123> .p
L807[22:48:51] <^v> Ping reply from skyem123 0.25s
L808[22:49:02] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1C1F071C36FE60E54F4A8C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L809[22:49:10] <skyem123> oh hey! the ping bot is back!
L810[22:50:35] <^vPhone> your welcome :p
L811[22:50:44] <skyem123> :p
L812[22:51:03] <Caitlyn> ALl the other bots in the channel that can ping and "The ping bot is back"
L813[22:51:04] <Caitlyn> lol
L814[22:51:28] <Caitlyn> %p
L815[22:51:28] <Caitlyn> #ping
L816[22:51:28] <Caitlyn> .p
L817[22:51:28] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.2523000000000001 Seconds passed.
L818[22:51:29] <^v> Ping reply from Caitlyn 0.6s
L819[22:51:29] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Caitlyn 0.31s
L820[22:52:24] <v^> oh, that fucker wants precision
L821[22:54:40] <Ender|drinking> .p
L822[22:54:41] <^v> Ping reply from Ender|drinking 0.57s
L823[22:54:56] <Ender|drinking> Nor bad for mobile
L824[22:55:10] <v^> by talking in this channel you agree to my terms and conditions which include but are not limited to: 1) you must pay a fee of $1000 for each message sent to this channel 2) you must pay a fee of $1000 for receiving any messages from this channel
L825[22:57:09] *** v^ was kicked by Ender|drinking (My))
L826[22:57:32] <Ender|drinking> Solid phone
L827[22:57:36] <Ender|drinking> -_#
L828[22:57:46] <PotatoTrumpet> lol
L829[22:57:58] <PotatoTrumpet> RIP c^
L830[22:57:59] ⇨ Joins: v^ (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:ac49:bdf3:9a7d:888)
L831[22:57:59] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
L832[22:58:02] <PotatoTrumpet> v*
L833[22:58:02] <v^> lol
L834[22:58:24] <PotatoTrumpet> Welcome back, v^
L835[22:58:28] <Ender|drinking> Was meant to have message
L836[22:58:35] <^vPhone> never left
L837[23:00:58] <PotatoTrumpet> qwop
L838[23:01:00] <PotatoTrumpet> is
L839[23:01:01] <PotatoTrumpet> fin
L840[23:01:02] <PotatoTrumpet> fun
L841[23:01:36] <PotatoTrumpet> Well
L842[23:05:37] ⇦ Quits: GreaseMonkey (greaser@segfault.net.nz) (Remote host closed the connection)
L843[23:06:18] <PotatoTrumpet> oh yah
L844[23:06:24] <PotatoTrumpet> forgot about dat
L845[23:07:01] <PotatoTrumpet> Is it sad that when Ender kicked v^, I thought that he kicked me?
L846[23:07:16] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L847[23:10:40] ⇨ Joins: GreaseMonkey (greaser@segfault.net.nz)
L848[23:11:41] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L849[23:16:04] <Ender|drinking> ?
L850[23:16:20] <PotatoTrumpet> !
L851[23:16:34] <PotatoTrumpet> Console.WriteLine("DickButt");
L852[23:20:58] <v^> "Comic Sans without a doubt is the best font known to mankind."
L853[23:32:55] <ConcernedHobbit> .p
L854[23:32:58] <^v> Ping reply from ConcernedHobbit 2.15s
L855[23:45:12] <bananagram> .p
L856[23:45:14] <^v> Ping reply from bananagram 1.7s
L857[23:45:17] <bananagram> aw man
L858[23:45:57] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1C1F071C36FE60E54F4A8C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L859[23:45:57] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L860[23:50:46] ⇦ Quits: SpiritedDusty (~SpiritedD@24-205-168-36.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com) (Quit: SpiritedDusty)
L861[23:59:20] *** ConcernedHobbit is now known as ConcernedAway
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