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Stuff goes here
L1[00:01:57] ⇦ Quits: Vaht (~Tahg@pool-72-74-136-157.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (*.net *.split)
L2[00:03:02] <Kodos> Shuudoushi, it's not a reference, that's actual liquid physics that nVidia got working
L3[00:03:14] <Shuudoushi> oh sweet
L4[00:03:37] ⇨ Joins: Sangar (~Sangar@cil.li)
L5[00:03:37] zsh sets mode: +o on Sangar
L6[00:03:57] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L7[00:08:56] <PotatoTrumpet> ~w table
L8[00:08:56] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-table
L9[00:09:15] <Shuudoushi> wb Sangar
L10[00:09:19] <Sangar> ty
L11[00:09:49] <Shuudoushi> yw
L12[00:11:31] <Kodos> Sangar
L13[00:11:39] <Kodos> Any chance of a hint at the thing you mentioned the other day?
L14[00:12:09] <Sangar> hm?
L15[00:12:42] <Kodos> I believe you called it a 'Christmas Present'
L16[00:12:51] <Sangar> ah
L17[00:13:25] <Kodos> Tell me this much, is it a block, item that goes into a case/robot, or something software sided
L18[00:14:11] <Sangar> not saying :P
L19[00:14:21] * Kodos flails wildly
L20[00:15:37] <Shuudoushi> lmao
L21[00:21:56] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
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L25[00:22:39] <EnderBot2> !kick SuperBot2 Your owner does not have permission to bring you here. (if you feel this is an error then please tell JoshTheEnder or Sangar)
L26[00:22:39] *** SuperBot2 was kicked by zsh ((EnderBot2 (EnderBot)) Your owner does not have permission to bring you here. (if you feel this is an error then please tell JoshTheEnder or Sangar)))
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L31[00:27:26] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L32[00:29:16] <Sangar> i can tell you that i just got another bit of it working, though :P and now i'll be off again, in the attempt to get a few more hours of sleep o/
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L34[00:31:15] zsh sets mode: +v on SuPeRMiNoR2
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L36[00:34:50] <Kodos> o/
L37[00:35:02] <Kodos> Another bit means it has more than one thing so I am more excited now
L38[00:35:28] <Shuudoushi> lol
L39[00:35:31] *** Csstform is now known as Csst|Masterball
L40[00:35:46] *** wer38 is now known as wer38|AFK
L41[00:35:57] <Shuudoushi> process.load("<path>") is supposed to run a program in the background right?
L42[00:37:08] <Shuudoushi> or am I just terribly mistaken...
L43[00:37:37] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
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L54[00:44:11] zsh sets mode: +o on Sangar
L55[00:44:19] <Shuudoushi> wb again Sangar
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L69[00:53:17] *** SKS-Away is now known as ShadowKatStudios
L70[00:53:36] <Shuudoushi> why is this not working...
L71[00:54:58] <Shuudoushi> and Kodos, i took your advise and done the hostname thing. That's why I was asking about writing to files lol
L72[00:55:15] ⇨ Joins: Riking (~RikZNC@
L73[00:55:57] <Shuudoushi> now if I could only get my root check thing running in the back ground...
L74[00:59:42] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
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L76[01:00:52] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L81[01:09:26] <Shuudoushi> a lot of ping timeouts tonight...
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L91[01:53:42] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
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L93[01:57:45] <Shuudoushi> I cannot get process.load to work for the life of me...
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L95[01:58:57] *** wer38 is now known as wer38|dinner
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L100[02:05:10] *** wer38|dinner is now known as wer38
L101[02:08:47] <Shuudoushi> can someone test out process.load() and tell me if it loads the code...
L102[02:09:28] <dangranos> i am at school, sorry
L103[02:09:47] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L104[02:10:58] ⇨ Joins: PotatoTrumpet (Elite12419@elitebnc6-2.clients.libirc.so)
L105[02:11:12] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L106[02:14:35] *** skyem123 is now known as skyem123|away
L107[02:18:33] <Shuudoushi> does OC make use of dofile()?
L108[02:23:12] <dangranos> bye
L109[02:23:20] <Shuudoushi> o/
L110[02:23:32] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (~dangranos@857.rt-barnaul-02.dianet.ru) (Quit: Leaving)
L111[02:23:57] *** SKS-Away is now known as ShadowKatStudios
L112[02:27:42] *** Hobbyboy|Sleep is now known as Hobbyboy
L113[02:27:54] *** wer38 is now known as wer38|coding
L114[02:29:44] *** wer38|coding is now known as wer38|callofduty
L115[02:31:04] *** Shuudoushi is now known as Shuudoushi|Away
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L127[02:57:41] *** NixillUmbreon|2 is now known as Nixill
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L150[03:40:50] <dangranos> that feeling when internet is faster than your root/home device
L151[03:41:13] ⇦ Quits: Vaht (~Tahg@pool-72-74-136-157.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (*.net *.split)
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L163[03:41:15] <ShadowKatStudios> I have almost bootstrapped BeOS onto a HDD!
L164[03:41:27] ⇨ Joins: septi25 (~septi25@ipb21bbb54.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
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L170[03:41:27] *** portlane.esper.net sets mode: +o SpiritedDusty
L171[03:41:32] <ShadowKatStudios> ofc it's unable to mount
L172[03:41:32] <dangranos> sks, yay?
L173[03:45:45] <dangranos> HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 3.17.4-1-ARCH x86_64 ** Distro: ArchLinux ** CPU: 2 x Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5300 @ 2.60GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 2,60GHz ** RAM: Physical: 988,4MiB, 27,1% free ** Disk: Total: 7,2GiB, 67,0% free ** VGA: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel ** Ethernet: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast
L174[03:45:46] <dangranos> Ethernet controller ** Uptime: 27m 46s **
L175[03:45:57] <dangranos> this is school computer
L176[03:46:12] <ShadowKatStudios> My haiku box: http://shadowkat.tk/image/haiku-3.png Pentium 4 HT 3.01Ghz, 512MiB RAM, 20GB HDD, originally an unbranded XP desktop.
L177[03:46:32] * ShadowKatStudios ** SysInfo ** Client: ChatZilla ** OS: Linux nagato.shadowkat.tk 3.17.6-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Dec 7 23:43:32 UTC 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux ** CPU: Intel Core i3 4160 (3.6Ghz) ** RAM: 8192MB total (2894 MB free) ** VGA/DVI: NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT 1GB VRAM ** Uptime: 18:27:40 **
L178[03:46:42] <ShadowKatStudios> That's my desktop.
L179[03:48:03] ⇦ Quits: jaquadro (~chatzilla@c-76-28-30-178.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L180[03:48:12] <dangranos> nearly same
L181[03:49:56] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L182[03:51:03] *** Sleepdra is now known as SandraNicole
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L188[03:57:40] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
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L190[03:57:49] <Kodos> #lua (6*64) + 61
L191[03:57:49] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 445
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L198[04:04:15] <dangranos> bye
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L218[05:10:13] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L219[05:15:01] <ShadowKatStudios> So, I have BeOS running in VirtualBox
L220[05:15:09] <ShadowKatStudios> However, it is not over yet!
L221[05:15:25] <ShadowKatStudios> First, I need an ethernet driver.
L222[05:19:38] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (~icedream@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L225[05:45:27] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/dvwo5/e99cf0c793.jpg
L226[05:45:29] <Kodos> =D
L227[05:46:28] <ShadowKatStudios> o.o I can load google in BeOS
L228[05:47:14] *** wer38|callofduty is now known as wer38|zzz
L229[05:53:01] <ShadowKatStudios> o.o I can get flash for BeOS
L230[05:54:00] <ShadowKatStudios> Okay, so now the CPU, rather than being -1100 Mhz, is running at 1690Mhz
L231[06:03:47] <dangranos> Kodos, what is this?
L232[06:07:33] <Kodos> MaxInt RF Storage
L233[06:08:10] <Kodos> #lua 1.25e7
L234[06:08:10] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 12500000
L235[06:14:55] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
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L240[06:45:23] <Ender> morning, i guess
L241[06:48:24] <Kodos> Does an assembler need to be on an OC network to get power, or can I power it directly
L242[06:52:13] ⇦ Quits: Sangarr (~Sangar@cil.li) (Quit: [/famous last words])
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L244[06:52:41] zsh sets mode: +o on Sangar
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L247[07:02:15] <Sangar> o/
L248[07:05:11] ⇦ Quits: jgile2__ (~jgile2@c122-108-189-162.rochd4.qld.optusnet.com.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L249[07:05:28] <Kodos> o/
L250[07:07:15] ⇦ Quits: PotatoTrumpet (Elite12419@elitebnc6-2.clients.libirc.so) (Quit: DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS)
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L253[07:15:53] <Kodos> Wheeee chicken pot pie =D
L254[07:22:30] *** Kodos is now known as Kodos|LeetDang
L255[07:28:37] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
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L265[08:24:17] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L266[08:29:56] <dangranos> installed hercules, i dont know what to do with it .-.
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L274[09:07:57] <dangranos> why everyone uses github or irc but not forums?
L275[09:11:25] <SoniEx2> get OpenID >.>
L276[09:11:42] <SoniEx2> (or something)
L277[09:11:54] <dangranos> for what?
L278[09:11:55] <Ender> ?
L279[09:12:31] ⇨ Joins: dangranosr (~dangranos@
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L282[09:18:14] ⇨ Joins: LionelKunKrkic (~LaCN@dsl-149-63-11.hive.is)
L283[09:21:35] <LionelKunKrkic> http://www.kingsofchaos.com/recruit.php?uniqid=xgsrhdw3 Check out this link, multiplayer online text based game, new age just started, you might like it!
L284[09:22:13] <dangranos> is that ad?
L285[09:22:21] <LionelKunKrkic> http://www.kingsofchaos.com/recruit.php?uniqid=xgsrhdw3 Check out this link, multiplayer online text based game, new age just started, you might like it!
L286[09:22:32] <ShadowKatStudios> Seems so.
L287[09:22:32] <dangranos> sangar, you here?
L288[09:22:41] <ShadowKatStudios> Paging admins.
L289[09:23:02] <dangranos> too lazy to google, what is "paging"?
L290[09:23:16] <SoniEx2> dangranos, OpenID the thing that means I don't have to make new accounts >.>
L291[09:23:17] <Nirek> things people did with pagers, in the dark ages before cell phones
L292[09:23:23] *** Csst|Masterball is now known as Csstform
L293[09:24:08] <dangranos> oh
L294[09:25:33] <Kodos|LeetDang> !kickban LionelKunKrkic
L295[09:25:36] <Kodos|LeetDang> Darn
L296[09:27:05] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L297[09:28:38] <Ender> !kickban LionelKunKrkic
L298[09:28:38] *** zsh sets mode: +b *!*@dsl-149-63-11.hive.is
L299[09:28:38] *** LionelKunKrkic was kicked by zsh ((Ender (JoshTheEnder)) No reason given))
L300[09:33:55] * Ender is reorganizing his site
L301[09:34:45] * Csstform wonders if ender has made any progress
L302[09:35:07] <Ender> Csstform: none on ocjam as of yet
L303[09:36:14] *** ConcernedSlippin is now known as ConcernedHobbit
L304[09:40:01] <Wuerfel21> Arrrrgggh, Esper is stupid
L305[09:40:25] ⇦ Parts: Wuerfel21 (~Wuerfel_2@p20030063273367C6790FD4C1D34C67D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Leaving))
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L307[09:41:54] <Ender> Wuerfel_21: how so?
L308[09:42:04] <Wuerfel_21> Ender, what?
L309[09:42:34] <Ender> "<Wuerfel21> Arrrrgggh, Esper is stupid"
L310[09:42:53] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
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L314[09:48:12] *** Kodos|LeetDang is now known as Kodos|Zzz
L315[09:48:44] <tattyseal> Are the addresses on Hard Drives just random UUIDs? I need to check for addresses and set them on my SATA Card when a drive is added :P
L316[09:49:27] <ShadowKatStudios> They seem to be random, but they'd be pseudorandom because entropy takes too long to generate
L317[09:50:14] <tattyseal> else java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString :P That is what it is ;)
L318[09:51:38] <tattyseal> For anyone wondering, I mean a SATA Extension card, not a SATA Raid Card :P Just because IRL some boards have like 2 sata slots etc :P
L319[09:53:14] <Kodos|Zzz> What does/will it do
L320[09:53:19] <Kodos|Zzz> Explain like I'm 5
L321[09:53:38] <Wuerfel_21> Ender, it dont lets me in certain channels which normally work
L322[09:54:43] <Ender> Wuerfel_21: it usually gives you an error if it blocks you
L323[09:55:27] <Wuerfel_21> Wuerfel_21, says my nickname wasnt registerd, but it is, it just does that sometimes after suspending my laptop
L324[09:56:00] <dangranos> is there lua side UUID gen?
L325[09:56:38] <Ender> then it means that you wasnt registered/logged in before your client tried joining. there should be a way to set a delay on most clients
L326[09:57:02] <tattyseal> dangranos, probably. Too lazy to look :P
L327[09:57:36] <Caitlyn> dangranos, https://github.com/Tieske/uuid/blob/master/src/uuid.lua ? :P
L328[09:57:36] <tattyseal> Kodos|Zzz, You make the card, then put a drive in it Tier 1 = 1 Drive, 2 = 2, 3 = 3 etc, Then it goes in a card slot, and BOOM extra drives in a card :P
L329[09:57:51] <Kodos|Zzz> tattyseal, So it's a raid card. No thanks
L330[09:58:09] <dangranos> Caitlyn, kinda overkill
L331[09:58:18] <Caitlyn> Very.. but it exists.
L332[09:58:39] <ShadowKatStudios> I like the idea.
L333[10:00:26] <tattyseal> Kodos|Zzz, :(.
L334[10:01:18] <dangranos> multiple desktops are awesome
L335[10:01:52] <tattyseal> Kodos|Zzz, Thats the best idea I had :P, If you have any better card ideas, let me know :P
L336[10:02:09] <Kodos|Zzz> Does it have to be a card?
L337[10:02:19] <tattyseal> Kodos|Zzz, No :P
L338[10:03:05] <Kodos|Zzz> Let me sleep on it, I'll have ideas this evening
L339[10:03:08] <Kodos|Zzz> o/
L340[10:03:13] <tattyseal> \o
L341[10:08:06] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L342[10:13:01] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Quit: Leaving)
L343[10:14:03] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L344[10:15:56] *** Daiyousei is now known as ShoweringFairy
L345[10:18:50] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, hai
L346[10:19:01] <ShadowKatStudios> Hello CompanionCube
L347[10:19:24] <CompanionCube> did you here that Sky released their GPL tarball for latest firmware?
L348[10:19:27] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L349[10:19:29] <CompanionCube> *hear
L350[10:19:40] <ShadowKatStudios> I feel like I have successfully beaten all of my previous nerd records. Also no, I didn't hear.
L351[10:19:48] <CompanionCube> yes, they did
L352[10:19:54] <CompanionCube> but it doesn't compile
L353[10:20:00] <ShadowKatStudios> 10/10
L354[10:20:20] <CompanionCube> ifkr
L355[10:20:26] <CompanionCube> they derped their Makefile
L356[10:20:37] <ShadowKatStudios> Anyway, I feel I have achieved the closest I have to a life goal- I've gotten BeOS running in a VM. With networking.
L357[10:20:53] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, you should try OpenVMS next
L358[10:20:55] <CompanionCube> for no reason
L359[10:21:39] <CompanionCube> it's a completely different CPU *architecture*
L360[10:22:44] <ShadowKatStudios> VAX or Alpha?
L361[10:23:23] <CompanionCube> either
L362[10:24:32] <ShadowKatStudios> Is the netmask for 10.*.*.* or
L363[10:24:45] <CompanionCube> first one
L364[10:25:18] <CompanionCube> is for 192.168.0.xxx iirc
L365[10:25:32] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
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L367[10:26:30] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (iceman11a@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com)
L368[10:27:59] <Ender> is the general subnet mask for C-Class address range
L369[10:30:38] <ShadowKatStudios> In that case, looks like the BeOS network stack is fscked
L370[10:31:40] ⇨ Joins: septi251 (~septi25@ipb21bbb54.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
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L372[10:36:20] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, http://jodies.de/ipcalc?host=
L373[10:38:58] <ShadowKatStudios> ohcool
L374[10:42:54] *** ShoweringFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L375[10:49:52] *** DeanIsGone is now known as DeanIsaKitty
L376[10:50:36] * Ender hugs DeanIsaKitty
L377[10:50:44] * DeanIsaKitty cuddles Ender
L378[10:51:28] <ShadowKatStudios> Oooh, DeanIsaKitty, you're back!
L379[10:51:34] <ShadowKatStudios> Are you?
L380[10:51:39] <DeanIsaKitty> Yes
L381[10:52:00] <Ender> No *hides DeanIsaKitty from everyone else* he's not
L382[10:52:39] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, so what do you think of the challenge of openvms
L383[10:53:04] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L384[10:53:06] <ShadowKatStudios> Should be interesting, but I cba at the moment
L385[10:57:12] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
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L387[10:58:02] * Ender sighs
L388[10:59:15] <tattyseal> Whats the matter?
L389[11:00:20] <Ender> everything
L390[11:01:12] <ShadowKatStudios> Due to physics, nothing can ever be perfectm and that is obviously what ender is sighing about.
L391[11:01:41] * Ender slaps ShadowKatStudios for being a smartass
L392[11:01:41] * EnderBot2 laughs
L393[11:02:09] <ShadowKatStudios> Oh, come on ender, it annoys everyone at some point.
L394[11:02:41] * Ender unslaps ShadowKatStudios
L395[11:03:52] <Ender> hmm
L396[11:04:15] <Ender> does php have a try-except style keywords
L397[11:05:07] <tattyseal> Looking at your conversation, now I want to slap ShadowKatStudios too :P
L398[11:05:41] <ShadowKatStudios> Go for it, it's already happened multiple times today, a few more times won't make any difference
L399[11:06:36] ⇨ Joins: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host81-158-26-228.range81-158.btcentralplus.com)
L400[11:06:57] * tattyseal slaps ShadowKatStudios
L401[11:06:57] * EnderBot2 laughs
L402[11:07:08] <tattyseal> I know, EnderBot2. Its too funny ;)
L403[11:07:16] * DeanIsaKitty stabs tattyseal with a rusty dagger
L404[11:07:21] <ShadowKatStudios> Hm, it's not even painful any more.
L405[11:07:31] * ShadowKatStudios stops DeanIsaKitty
L406[11:08:02] <ShadowKatStudios> There is no need for stabbing.
L407[11:08:07] <ShadowKatStudios> It's slightly extreme.
L408[11:08:22] <DeanIsaKitty> But he slapped you! :<
L409[11:09:15] <ShadowKatStudios> And someone slapped me in real life today, too. No big deal.
L410[11:09:15] * Ender round-house-kicks ShadowKatStudios out the winodw
L411[11:09:23] <DeanIsaKitty> Hey!
L412[11:09:26] * Ender cant type
L413[11:09:32] * ShadowKatStudios phases out
L414[11:09:32] <Ender> ANARCHY
L415[11:09:37] <ShadowKatStudios> Geez...
L416[11:09:47] <DeanIsaKitty> * anarchy.esper.net netsplits
L417[11:09:55] * Ender phase-kicks ShadowKatStudios
L418[11:10:06] ⇨ Joins: Mirodin (~quassel@2a02:810d:12c0:1878:69c8:32e4:ff0:221b)
L419[11:10:13] <Ender> DeanIsaKitty: that would be funny
L420[11:10:19] * ShadowKatStudios is changine phase too fast
L421[11:10:23] <ShadowKatStudios> ffs
L422[11:10:29] * DeanIsaKitty cuddles ShadowKatStudios
L423[11:10:38] * ShadowKatStudios cuddles DeanIsaKitty
L424[11:10:44] <Ender> ShadowKatStudios: you forget i control the universe sandbox
L425[11:10:48] <Ender> mwaahhahah
L426[11:10:49] <ShadowKatStudios> It's good you're back :)
L427[11:10:57] <Ender> he never left
L428[11:11:06] <Ender> i made sure of it
L429[11:11:11] * Ender hides the rope
L430[11:11:21] <ShadowKatStudios> DeanIsaKitty, I didn't talk to you last night, did I?
L431[11:11:31] <ShadowKatStudios> Or is my memory even shitter than usual
L432[11:11:41] <Ender> ShadowKatStudios: the 3rd thing
L433[11:11:45] <Ender> wait...
L434[11:12:34] <DeanIsaKitty> Uhm....
L435[11:13:00] <Ender> just managed to confuse myself by vim'ing a file on my actual vps which has syntax highlighting/colouring on
L436[11:13:06] <DeanIsaKitty> ShadowKatStudios: No you did not.
L437[11:13:19] <ShadowKatStudios> I define that as you being gone.
L438[11:13:27] <Ender> no, he was here
L439[11:13:33] <Ender> I was talking to him
L440[11:13:40] <ShadowKatStudios> Well, I didn't
L441[11:13:44] <ShadowKatStudios> So...
L442[11:13:54] <ShadowKatStudios> Maybe *I* wasn't here
L443[11:14:10] <Ender> yes
L444[11:14:10] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E42B2025096D948A39E61C2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L445[11:14:11] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L446[11:14:17] <Ender> Vexatos: :O
L447[11:14:32] <tattyseal> \o Vexatos
L448[11:14:37] <Vexatos> \o
L449[11:15:12] <tattyseal> Who would like to see me fail at making a Laptop addon for OC?
L450[11:15:19] <Ender> sure
L451[11:15:50] * tattyseal slaps tattyseal: Pull yourself together. You can't fail at this!
L452[11:15:50] * EnderBot2 laughs
L453[11:17:09] *** Nentify|away is now known as Nentify
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L458[11:30:12] ⇨ Joins: Mark_R (~Mark_R@cpc3-sgyl29-2-0-cust760.sgyl.cable.virginm.net)
L459[11:30:18] <Mark_R> Hello
L460[11:30:44] <Ender> Hi
L461[11:38:02] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L464[11:41:42] <ircdotlua> I love me some irc.lua! :P
L465[11:43:19] <ShadowKatStudios> Nice username
L466[11:43:36] <ShadowKatStudios> Fitting.
L467[11:43:45] <ircdotlua> I know, I love irc.lua, so I am ircdotlua! :P
L468[11:44:17] ⇦ Quits: Hobby_boy (~Hobbyboy@host109-157-14-213.range109-157.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L471[11:52:30] <tattyseal> Is there a way to make the Computer Blue Screen with an error in game with lua? Or will I have to code a custom one?
L472[11:55:49] *** Csstform is now known as Csst|Masterball
L473[11:57:51] ⇦ Quits: Mirodin (~quassel@2a02:810d:12c0:1878:69c8:32e4:ff0:221b) (Remote host closed the connection)
L474[12:03:21] ⇦ Quits: tattyseal (~tattyseal@ (Quit: Leaving)
L475[12:04:42] <dangranos> tatty, just remove HDD
L476[12:04:48] <dangranos> or memory
L477[12:05:12] <dangranos> or you mean custom BSOD?
L478[12:05:15] <ShadowKatStudios> unmount /
L479[12:05:47] *** Csst|Masterball is now known as Csstform
L480[12:17:20] *** AtomSponge|away is now known as AtomSponge
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L482[12:39:36] *** ShadowKatStudios is now known as SKS-Away
L483[12:39:37] <dangranos> i hate graphs
L484[12:39:44] <dangranos> *drawing
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L492[12:52:04] <Inari> are contributions to the findable floppy programs encouraged?
L493[12:52:06] ⇦ Quits: wolfmitchell (~wolfmitch@ (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L494[12:52:54] <Vexatos> Inari, if they are good and actually useful programs
L495[12:53:11] ⇦ Quits: rjwboys (~rjwboys@99-190-16-238.lightspeed.snantx.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L496[12:53:18] <Inari> well aside new programs, changing things abotu current
L497[12:53:31] <Inari> like afaik irc one doesnt really do CTCP all that well :P
L498[12:54:02] <Inari> "good and actually useful" is hard to get with stuff like OC though
L499[12:56:30] ⇨ Joins: wolfmitchell (~wolfmitch@
L500[12:56:48] <Kilobyte> Inari: i am pretty sure thats open for changes :P
L501[12:57:16] <Nixill> when OCJam happens O
L502[12:57:31] <Nixill> *I'm gonna opensource my entry and possibly contribute it to findable floppies.
L503[12:57:34] <Kilobyte> wouldn't it rather be 'if'
L504[12:57:52] <Nixill> well if it doesn't happen by say june
L505[12:57:56] <Nixill> I'll just write the programs anyway
L506[12:58:45] <Kilobyte> last i heard OCJam was discontunued, but there mightve been some changes since then
L507[12:58:52] * Csstform pokes ender
L508[12:58:58] <Csstform> its coming
L509[12:59:03] <Kilobyte> ah kk
L510[12:59:09] * Ender scratches Csstform's eyes out
L511[12:59:13] <Csstform> as soon as Ender is finished with the site
L512[12:59:28] <Csstform> I can finish thinga
L513[12:59:50] <Csstform> you can fully blame ender for the wsit
L514[13:00:04] <Ender> Csstform: i have stated multiple times that if you want the site done quicker get someone else
L515[13:00:05] <Csstform> s/wsit/wait
L516[13:00:06] <Kibibyte> <Csstform> you can fully blame ender for the wait
L517[13:00:09] * Kilobyte blames Ender
L518[13:00:10] <Ender> i'm not your fucking slave
L519[13:00:12] <Ender> fuck off
L520[13:00:20] <Csstform> :3
L521[13:00:35] <Csstform> if someone else offers, yay
L522[13:00:41] <Csstform> but as of right now
L523[13:00:45] <Kilobyte> what lang is it in?
L524[13:00:56] <Csstform> idk
L525[13:01:27] <Inari> what site
L526[13:01:34] <Nixill> ocjam
L527[13:01:43] <Inari> whats so special about it?
L528[13:02:25] <Vexatos> Kilobyte, English
L529[13:02:25] <Nixill> that I dunno
L530[13:02:25] <Vexatos> :3
L531[13:02:33] <Nixill> why not just make some forum thing
L532[13:02:41] <Nixill> like
L533[13:02:49] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (~dangranos@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L534[13:02:50] <Nixill> get Sangar or Ender or whichever is responsible for the OC forums
L535[13:02:54] <Kilobyte> Vexatos: i was rather going in the direction of a programming/scripting lang
L536[13:02:59] <Vexatos> I know
L537[13:03:00] <Nixill> to just dedicate a subforum to the jam
L538[13:03:04] <Nixill> :D
L539[13:03:04] <Vexatos> That's why I said "English"
L540[13:03:15] <Kilobyte> Nixill: just a forum won't do very likely
L541[13:03:43] <Csstform> we need database shizzle
L542[13:03:50] <Nixill> well that's true, we'd need someplace *coughgoogledrive* to host the files too
L543[13:04:03] <Kilobyte> postgresql i hope
L544[13:04:04] <Csstform> host your own files
L545[13:04:19] <Nixill> then what's wrong with just having a forum for logging entries?
L546[13:04:22] <Kilobyte> github is there as code host
L547[13:04:33] <Nixill> github isn't free if you don't want to open source your stuff
L548[13:04:35] <Vexatos> hitgub
L549[13:04:44] <Nixill> which I don't want to do until post competition
L550[13:04:50] <Csstform> bitbucket for non opensource
L551[13:05:18] <Csstform> it works fine
L552[13:06:34] <Csstform> Nixill: I coulda set up a forum a looooooooong time sgo if that was what we were going to do
L553[13:07:04] <Nixill> urgh, I've been having so much pizza lately and I still want more
L554[13:07:42] <Csstform> Kilobyte: you wanna make a site?
L555[13:08:16] <Kilobyte> Nixill: in such a jam the code is intended to be open source anyways
L556[13:08:26] <Kilobyte> and especially with OC non-open source won't work too well
L557[13:08:35] <Nixill> true...
L558[13:08:35] <Kilobyte> since OC lacks bytecode support
L559[13:08:40] <Nixill> oh?
L560[13:08:41] <Kilobyte> for security reasons
L561[13:08:44] <Nixill> o.o
L562[13:08:52] <Kilobyte> OC uses native lua
L563[13:09:17] <Kilobyte> and native lua bytecode can allow you to run arbritrary machine code in the vm
L564[13:09:27] <Nixill> ah
L565[13:10:10] <SoniEx2> Kilobyte, only if you don't reimplement all your functions/have access to the binary
L566[13:10:53] <SoniEx2> (by "reimplement" I mean in Java ofc)
L567[13:10:56] <Kilobyte> SoniEx2: it generally does. due to some 'wontfix' marked issues of the lua implementation
L568[13:11:18] <SoniEx2> Kilobyte, see, stick all the default Lua functions in Java functions and you solve the problem
L569[13:11:24] <Kilobyte> no
L570[13:11:29] <Kilobyte> the issue is in bytecode itself.
L571[13:11:31] <SoniEx2> because then it's basically impossible to know where the bloody functions are located
L572[13:11:37] <Kilobyte> through buffer overflows
L573[13:11:53] <SoniEx2> oh
L574[13:11:59] <SoniEx2> >.>
L575[13:12:05] <Kilobyte> thats why normal lua code is not affected
L576[13:12:08] <Kilobyte> only bytecode
L577[13:12:13] <SoniEx2> this is why we need a good implementation of Lua in Java >.>
L578[13:12:29] <Inari> SoniEx2: make one :3
L579[13:12:30] <Kilobyte> native lua is faster :P
L580[13:12:45] <SoniEx2> Kilobyte, JIT/ASM is faster >.>
L581[13:12:45] <Kilobyte> and really, bytecode support isn't THAT important
L582[13:13:01] <Inari> sigh
L583[13:13:04] <SoniEx2> well bytecode support lets me do t:[x]()
L584[13:13:09] <Inari> cargo locked itself up on installing or somehting xD
L585[13:13:10] <Csstform> Kilobyte: answer question plz
L586[13:13:21] <Kilobyte> Csstform: probably not because lack of time
L587[13:13:30] <SoniEx2> also
L588[13:13:35] <Kilobyte> SoniEx2: well, OC doesn't use LuaJIT because that would be a huge pain to persist
L589[13:13:35] <SoniEx2> why not stick it thru a decompiler?
L590[13:13:39] <Csstform> then we wait
L591[13:13:46] <Kilobyte> glhf decompiling lua bytecode
L592[13:13:52] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Negi@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:680d:835d:c9a7:b445)
L593[13:13:55] <SoniEx2> Kilobyte, it has been done before
L594[13:14:00] <Kilobyte> a lot of information is lost when its beeing compiled
L595[13:14:04] <Kilobyte> like local variable names
L596[13:14:08] <SoniEx2> Kilobyte, who said you need to know names?
L597[13:14:31] <SoniEx2> local l1, l2, l3, ..., l200; <put code here>
L598[13:14:37] <Kilobyte> still
L599[13:14:43] <Kilobyte> its pretty much useless
L600[13:14:47] <SoniEx2> it runs
L601[13:14:52] <Inari> windows, stop being a crappy OS and jsut close the damn process, please
L602[13:14:53] <Kilobyte> why would you want bytecode in first place
L603[13:15:03] <SoniEx2> t:[x]()
L604[13:15:07] <Kilobyte> Inari: *cough*linux*cough*
L605[13:15:15] <SoniEx2> aka OP_SELF
L606[13:15:15] <Inari> Kilobyte: *couhg*games*couhg*
L607[13:15:23] <CompanionCube> *cough*wine*cough
L608[13:15:24] <SoniEx2> (well, OP_SELF with local variables)
L609[13:15:27] <Kilobyte> Inari: yes? :P
L610[13:15:37] <Kilobyte> i do not even own a machine with windows installed
L611[13:15:42] <Inari> wine is a pain, too often doesnt work properly and meh
L612[13:15:56] <Negi> ^
L613[13:16:01] <Kilobyte> plus you usually get better fps in wine than on windows
L614[13:16:04] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L615[13:16:12] <SoniEx2> 0_0
L616[13:16:21] <Negi> Kilobyte, SAI doesn't have pressure sensitivity under Wine.
L617[13:16:22] <Kilobyte> from my experience at least
L618[13:16:43] <Inari> and i have to find equivalents for all the software i use and have to deal with crappy linux issues and have to deal with games not working on wine
L619[13:16:44] <Inari> and bleh
L620[13:16:53] <SoniEx2> Negi, well Wine is open source so just fix it >.>
L621[13:16:58] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (iceman11a@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L622[13:16:59] <Stary2001> ...
L623[13:17:00] <Stary2001> ....
L624[13:17:04] <Stary2001> ......
L625[13:17:15] <Negi> SoniEx2, I don't even know how to begin with fixing Wine's implementation of WinTab.
L626[13:17:23] <Inari> SoniEx2: well OC is opensource, so fix bytecode?
L627[13:17:31] <Negi> I don't even know how to code in that kind of stuff.
L628[13:17:31] <SoniEx2> Negi, just throw things at it until it works >.>
L629[13:17:32] <Kilobyte> SoniEx2: if that was as easy windows would be dead by now
L630[13:17:54] <Kilobyte> (which would actually be good)
L631[13:18:02] <Inari> i dont get why this cant close a damn process
L632[13:18:08] <Inari> isnt the OS supposed to hve control :P
L633[13:18:11] <Negi> If it was that easy I would've kept Arch.
L634[13:18:21] <Negi> Inari, Windows is only an ersatz of an OS.
L635[13:18:23] <Kilobyte> Inari: it has, but you lack control over the OS
L636[13:18:27] <SoniEx2> that is, change things and see what hangs, then try again, then try again, etc, like dolphin does >.>
L637[13:18:46] <Negi> It's not exactly a "work or not work" problem.
L638[13:18:48] <Kilobyte> SoniEx2: try it yourself.
L639[13:19:18] <SoniEx2> Kilobyte, I only need wine for MCNBS
L640[13:19:23] <SoniEx2> and idk why it doesn't work
L641[13:19:25] <Inari> yay process explorer managed to kil l it :D
L642[13:19:33] <Inari> or not
L643[13:19:38] <SoniEx2> and idk anything about winapi or w/e
L644[13:19:54] <SoniEx2> so >.>
L645[13:19:58] <Kilobyte> Inari: on linux a simple kill -9 would have worked :P
L646[13:20:00] <SoniEx2> I just don't bother with it
L647[13:20:05] <Kilobyte> no program can escape that
L648[13:20:11] <Inari> Kilobyte: :P
L649[13:20:20] <Negi> Kilobyte, I prefer htop.
L650[13:20:26] <Negi> Because COLORS
L651[13:20:38] <Ender> Kilobyte: or killall process_name
L652[13:20:45] <Inari> sigh :P
L653[13:20:47] <Ender> which i've used before to kill chrome
L654[13:21:00] <Inari> the onyl way i'll ever use linux is it it has a guarantee of supporting all windows games
L655[13:21:06] <Negi> Oh yeah, Chrome and its zillions processes.
L656[13:22:12] <Kilobyte> not even init
L657[13:22:12] <Kilobyte> (though, killing init will cause a panic)
L658[13:22:39] <Negi> Kilobyte, it's a bit like killing the captain of the ship.
L659[13:22:57] <Kilobyte> for some reason my ip is on a spamhaus list
L660[13:24:24] <Kilobyte> ah, because it is a dialup address
L661[13:24:31] <Ender> wut
L662[13:24:43] <Kilobyte> Ender: mail blacklist being abused
L663[13:24:47] <Ender> ah
L664[13:25:06] <Kilobyte> because accpting mail from a dialup address is generally a bad idea
L665[13:25:51] <CompanionCube> Kilobyte, on some distros init can escape SIGKILL
L666[13:26:12] <Kilobyte> yeah, those with patched kernel
L667[13:26:26] <Kilobyte> an a regular kernel it can't
L668[13:26:30] * Ender is about to do something he doesnt normally do: backup his stuff
L669[13:26:39] <Negi> Either my soja bottle is stained. Or physics are fucking up.
L670[13:27:12] <CompanionCube> soja bottle?
L671[13:27:33] <Negi> Soja sauce
L672[13:27:55] <Negi> Well, now I know that when soja sauce stays for long somewhere, it'll stain its container.
L673[13:27:55] <CompanionCube> and yes, Linux is win.
L674[13:28:23] <CompanionCube> 30s boot time on a machine of a few years old.
L675[13:28:25] <Kilobyte> it is
L676[13:28:42] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E42B24759A71C4354220FBC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L677[13:28:42] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L678[13:28:49] <SoniEx2> what happens if you kill systemd?
L679[13:28:54] <Kilobyte> my desktop had 1 second boot time to command line and 4 to gui when i had just installed it
L680[13:29:02] <CompanionCube> SoniEx2, well systemd == init
L681[13:29:07] <Kilobyte> SoniEx2: systemd is init
L682[13:29:22] <CompanionCube> generally anything occupying PID 1 = 'init'
L683[13:29:44] <SoniEx2> hmm what about PID 0?
L684[13:30:40] *** DeanIsaKitty is now known as DeanIsGone
L685[13:31:00] <Nixill> I wish you could just let an error like MalformedURLException crash your program instead of having to catch it and keep running
L686[13:31:16] <Kilobyte> SoniEx2: is idle process
L687[13:31:19] <Kilobyte> iirc
L688[13:31:24] <Ender> Nixill: what are you on about?
L689[13:31:28] <Nixill> Android
L690[13:31:28] <Kilobyte> which is unkillable per definition i think
L691[13:31:33] <SoniEx2> and where's the kernel? >.>
L692[13:31:41] <SoniEx2> PID -1? >.>
L693[13:31:49] <CompanionCube> no
L694[13:31:50] <Ender> SoniEx2: init is the kernal
L695[13:31:52] <Ender> er
L696[13:31:55] <Ender> kernel
L697[13:32:02] <CompanionCube> swapper or sched has process ID 0 and is responsible for paging,
L698[13:32:12] <CompanionCube> Kilobyte, ^
L699[13:32:17] <CompanionCube> SoniEx2, ^
L700[13:32:24] <SoniEx2> Ender, they said init is systemd >.>
L701[13:32:28] <Negi> Ender, isn't "kernal" valid or am I messing up with other languages again ?
L702[13:32:29] <Kilobyte> Ender: actually the kernel has no pid
L703[13:32:36] <Kilobyte> it runs when no process runs
L704[13:32:52] <SoniEx2> so how do I kill the kernel? >.>
L705[13:32:53] <Ender> Negi: i dunno, hexchat marked it as spelt wrong
L706[13:33:06] <CompanionCube> kernal is invalid unless you're talking about the C64
L707[13:33:10] <Ender> SoniEx2: taking a sledge hammer to your machine
L708[13:33:13] <Kilobyte> SoniEx2: you can only crash it
L709[13:33:16] <Kilobyte> not kill
L710[13:33:24] <Kilobyte> way1: what ender said
L711[13:34:21] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E42B2025096D948A39E61C2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L712[13:34:28] <Kilobyte> way 2: dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/mem
L713[13:34:47] <Kilobyte> /dev/zero also works
L714[13:34:58] <Negi> Kilobyte, that is dangerous :c
L715[13:35:01] <Kilobyte> ofc
L716[13:35:07] <Kilobyte> it will crash the kernel :P
L717[13:35:31] <Ender> what does dd even do?
L718[13:35:38] <Kilobyte> copy data from file 1 to file 2
L719[13:35:40] <CompanionCube> Ender, it's a raw copying tool.
L720[13:35:45] <Ender> ah
L721[13:35:52] <Kilobyte> for example used to image a drive
L722[13:35:55] <CompanionCube> it copies X data from Place A to place B.
L723[13:36:08] <Kilobyte> or to flash an image to a drive
L724[13:36:18] <CompanionCube> if X isn't specified, it copies everything
L725[13:36:40] <Kilobyte> if you don't give it an input file (if=) then it will read from stdin
L726[13:36:56] <Kilobyte> if you don't give an output file it will write to stdout
L727[13:37:17] <Kilobyte> want progress bar? pv input_file | dd of=output_file
L728[13:37:52] <SoniEx2> Kilobyte, is it "safe"?
L729[13:37:59] <Kilobyte> SoniEx2: what command
L730[13:38:05] <SoniEx2> or do I risk corrupting files?
L731[13:38:07] <Ender> define "safe"
L732[13:38:12] <SoniEx2> the crash the kernel command
L733[13:38:14] <SoniEx2> >.>
L734[13:38:31] <Ender> sh: 1: crashthekernalcommand: not found
L735[13:38:43] <Kilobyte> SoniEx2: a kernel crash can always corrupt files, but a good fs (like ext4) can fix that automatically usually
L736[13:38:52] <Kilobyte> not always though
L737[13:39:10] <SoniEx2> so... alias bsod="dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mem"
L738[13:39:33] <Kilobyte> its no bsod
L739[13:39:38] <Kilobyte> its a panic
L740[13:39:43] <SoniEx2> same thing >.>
L741[13:39:47] <Kilobyte> only windows has bsod
L742[13:39:55] <Ender> SoniEx2: first rule of *unix, it's a Kernel Panic
L743[13:39:57] <Nixill> 2
L744[13:40:02] <SoniEx2> bsod = windows panic
L745[13:40:02] ⇦ Parts: Mark_R (~Mark_R@cpc3-sgyl29-2-0-cust760.sgyl.cable.virginm.net) (Leaving))
L746[13:40:04] <SoniEx2> >.>
L747[13:40:13] <Kilobyte> no. a panic message is usually more helpful than a bsod (unless you have a mac)
L748[13:40:14] <Ender> or if you want to give it a windows-esk name, black panic
L749[13:40:37] <SoniEx2> so TIL how to dump RAM
L750[13:41:20] <Ender> take a Tesla Coil and put your computer next to it
L751[13:41:25] <SoniEx2> what's this useful for tho?
L752[13:41:36] <Ender> disposing of idiots
L753[13:41:44] <Kilobyte> up to your imaginations
L754[13:42:01] <Kilobyte> Ender: shush, let him figure that out himself
L755[13:42:20] <SoniEx2> s/him/her/
L756[13:42:20] <Kibibyte> <Kilobyte> Ender: shush, let her figure that out himself
L757[13:42:28] <SoniEx2> >.>
L758[13:42:31] <Ender> s/her/him
L759[13:42:32] <Kibibyte> <Kilobyte> Ender: shush, let him figure that out himself
L760[13:42:38] <SoniEx2> s/him/her/g
L761[13:42:39] <Kibibyte> <Kilobyte> Ender: shush, let her figure that out herself
L762[13:42:39] <Ender> huehuehue
L763[13:42:49] <SoniEx2> >.>
L764[13:42:52] <Kilobyte> Ender: doesn't that count as bot abuse
L765[13:43:05] <Ender> Kilobyte: eh, you're right
L766[13:43:13] *** Ender was kicked by Ender (no, bad ender))
L767[13:43:16] ⇨ Joins: Ender (TheEnders@theender.net)
L768[13:43:16] zsh sets mode: +o on Ender
L769[13:43:17] <Ender> there
L770[13:43:32] <Kilobyte> actually i meant him, but whatever
L771[13:43:40] <SoniEx2> s/him/her/
L772[13:43:41] <Kibibyte> <Kilobyte> actually i meant her, but whatever
L773[13:43:43] <SoniEx2> >.>
L774[13:44:10] <SoniEx2> now, I'm pretty sure it's not bot abuse to correct ppl >.>
L775[13:44:12] <Ender> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWM8g59Pkm4
L776[13:44:12] -Kibibyte- [Ender] Meanwhile 3 | by tomska | 2m51s | 1h37m ago | 301 views | Rated: 4.98/5.00
L777[13:44:20] <Caitlyn> Seriously why is that a hard concept? SoniEx2, you identify as female yes?
L778[13:44:29] <SoniEx2> yes
L779[13:44:38] <Caitlyn> THEN IT'S FUCKING HER/SHE.
L780[13:44:44] <Caitlyn> ffs people.
L781[13:44:47] <Kilobyte> whatever
L782[13:44:57] <SoniEx2> don't fuck her
L783[13:45:00] <SoniEx2> lol
L784[13:45:22] <SoniEx2> :P
L785[13:47:58] <Negi> Fucking her would be a bad idea, without her consent.
L786[13:48:15] <Sangar> evening o/
L787[13:48:22] <Negi> Hello Sangar.
L788[13:48:23] <Kilobyte> Sangar: sup
L789[13:48:24] * Ender hugs Sangar
L790[13:48:26] <Sangar> interesting topic you have there >_>
L791[13:49:29] <SoniEx2> I g2g eat
L792[13:49:33] <SoniEx2> o/
L793[13:49:45] <Sangar> bon appetit
L794[13:49:59] * Ender hugs Sangar
L795[13:50:10] <Ender> I just hugged you, how do you feel?
L796[13:50:23] <Sangar> hmm. i feel... hugged?
L797[13:50:31] <vifino> I don't know what to do ._.
L798[13:50:38] * Ender hugs vifino
L799[13:51:13] <Sangar> is this some kind of social experiment, you hugging everyone and asking them how they feel afterwards? :P
L800[13:51:22] <Ender> no
L801[13:51:22] <Sangar> should've thought of something to skew the results more, then
L802[13:51:25] <Ender> just you
L803[13:51:25] <Sangar> ok, good
L804[13:51:42] * Ender stops hugging Sangar
L805[13:51:47] <Ender> that's enough for now
L806[13:51:49] <Sangar> oh, that was ongoing
L807[13:51:54] <Ender> yes
L808[13:51:57] <Sangar> my bad
L809[13:52:10] <Sangar> i meant to say i feel smothered
L810[13:52:36] <Csstform> wait
L811[13:52:58] <Csstform> you were hugging sangar AND vifino?
L812[13:53:02] <Csstform> impressive
L813[13:53:09] <Ender> lol, this backup is currently on file 10500 out of 83291
L814[13:53:31] <Ender> Csstform: I am not bound by the laws of matter
L815[13:53:42] <Sangar> multihug perk, probably
L816[13:53:47] <Vexaton> Sangar: Have you seen the Waila update
L817[13:54:07] <Vexaton> http://www.mobiusstrip.eu/2014/12/14/waila-1-5-6-for-mc-1-7-10/
L818[13:54:13] <Vexaton> Might be interesting for you ;)
L819[13:54:15] <Sangar> Vexaton, yup, sounds awesome. will get to it once i've brought my xmas present to a somewhat stable state :P
L820[13:55:38] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L821[13:57:23] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L822[13:59:32] *** skyem123|away is now known as skyem123
L823[13:59:38] * CompanionCube hugs Sangar
L824[14:01:14] * Sangar hugs #oc
L825[14:01:16] <Sangar> there
L826[14:01:23] <Sangar> have a blanket hug :P
L827[14:01:47] <Vexaton> Sangar, xmas present
L828[14:01:49] <Vexaton> >stable state
L829[14:01:51] <Vexaton> o.o
L830[14:02:24] <Sangar> it sorta kinda already is, just not sure about a few features yet
L831[14:02:57] <Vexaton> define "xmas present"
L832[14:03:06] <Kilobyte> secret
L833[14:03:08] <Kilobyte> :P
L834[14:03:12] <Sangar> new oc feature
L835[14:03:14] <Kilobyte> its not christmas yet
L836[14:03:24] <Kilobyte> so we all won't know what its gonna be
L837[14:03:40] <Sangar> vorfreude ist die beste freude :P
L838[14:03:45] <Kilobyte> still over a week to go
L839[14:03:47] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L840[14:03:47] <Kilobyte> :P
L841[14:06:19] <SoniEx2> so what are ObjectHolders and how do I use them? (should I use them?)
L842[14:06:38] <Ender> put an object in them and they will hold it
L843[14:08:09] <SoniEx2> I mean I haven't seen OC use them so idk if I should or not
L844[14:08:44] ⇦ Quits: Hobby_boy (~Hobbyboy@host109-157-14-213.range109-157.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L845[14:09:10] <Kilobyte> SoniEx2: depends on your use case
L846[14:09:20] <Kilobyte> i think its a way to represent userdata
L847[14:09:24] <SoniEx2> (GameRegistry.ObjectHolder, for reference)
L848[14:09:25] <Kilobyte> but not sure
L849[14:09:32] <Kilobyte> oh, idk
L850[14:09:39] <Kilobyte> GameRegistry if forge stuff
L851[14:09:53] <SoniEx2> IDEA says FML
L852[14:10:23] <SoniEx2> they're for blocks and items or something like that
L853[14:11:05] <Negi> Ohmy that update. I saw it yesterday but was too lazy to look at it.
L854[14:14:47] *** Hobbyboy is now known as Hobbyboy|Sleep
L855[14:16:21] *** skyem123 is now known as skyem123|dinnner
L856[14:16:23] *** skyem123|dinnner is now known as skyem123|dinner
L857[14:16:31] <Ender> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vEf__tjams
L858[14:16:31] -Kibibyte- [Ender] Lee Evans - I am SPARTACUS! | by andyybx | 44s | 203w1d ago | 335,299 views | Rated: 4.89/5.00
L859[14:18:10] <SoniEx2> eh I guess I'm on my own :/
L860[14:20:08] <Vexaton> Sangar, why didn't you push it to github yet? <3
L861[14:20:25] <Sangar> Vexaton, oh, i forgot, one sec
L862[14:20:28] <Vexaton> Also, no christmas time for me yet, 4-hour CS exam tomorrow
L863[14:20:30] <Sangar> :P
L864[14:20:37] <Sangar> oooh, fun
L865[14:20:43] <Sangar> topic?
L866[14:21:18] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L867[14:21:31] <Vexaton> Codes and combinatorial circuits
L868[14:22:08] <Vexaton> So... uhm...
L869[14:22:22] <Vexaton> I have no idea how in the world you can make a 4-hour exam using only those two tiny topics
L870[14:23:03] <Kilobyte> Vexaton: i got 1.5 h maths exam tomorrow \o/
L871[14:23:33] <Vexaton> Kilobyte, shut up
L872[14:23:39] <Vexaton> I've had a 6-hour one on friday
L873[14:23:47] <Vexaton> wasn't able to do anything that weekend
L874[14:23:55] <Kilobyte> well, i don't have that long exams anymore
L875[14:24:01] <Kilobyte> mine are usually only 1.5 h
L876[14:24:05] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L877[14:24:13] * Vexatos throws bricks at Kilobyte
L878[14:24:16] <Vexatos> y u no Abitur
L879[14:24:28] <Kilobyte> Vexatos: uni.
L880[14:24:58] <Kilobyte> trust me, i got shittons to learn still
L881[14:25:07] <Kilobyte> and my formula collection isn't done either
L882[14:26:10] <Vexatos> Why are you studying maths
L883[14:26:13] <Vexatos> you're insane
L884[14:27:49] <Kilobyte> Applied Computer Science involves maths
L885[14:27:59] <Kilobyte> as well as economics
L886[14:28:24] <Kilobyte> even regular CS involves maths
L887[14:28:45] <Vexatos> It does? Didn't know
L888[14:28:52] * Vexatos reads through notes for CS exam again
L889[14:28:53] <Kilobyte> just as physics at uni involves a bit of CS
L890[14:32:45] <Ender> Vexatos: what encryption method do computronics' cipher blocks use?
L891[14:33:20] <Vexatos> AES, I think
L892[14:33:26] <Vexatos> depending on the items you put inside
L893[14:33:30] <Vexatos> (It has a GUI)
L894[14:33:43] <Vexatos> so the other side will need to have the exact same items in the cipher block
L895[14:33:52] <Vexatos> Advanced Cipher Block is simply RSA
L896[14:34:34] *** skyem123|dinner is now known as skyem123
L897[14:43:41] *** darknife25|AFK is now known as darknife25
L898[14:52:06] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L899[14:56:03] * Caitlyn stabs Shuudoushi|Away
L900[14:56:11] *** Shuudoushi|Away is now known as Shuudoushi
L901[14:56:18] <Shuudoushi> what was that for x.x
L902[14:56:29] <Caitlyn> "Shuudoushi|Away|Off"
L903[14:56:31] * Shuudoushi cuts Caitlyn's ears off.
L904[14:56:35] <Shuudoushi> LMAO
L905[14:56:40] <Shuudoushi> yeah...
L906[14:56:43] <Caitlyn> nub
L907[14:56:43] ⇨ Joins: Magik6k (~Magik6k@host-89-228-225-106.kalisz.mm.pl)
L908[14:57:11] <Shuudoushi> that's b/c I set my nick to away but forgot to change it back before shutting down my computer ^^;
L909[14:58:59] <Shuudoushi> Caitlyn: this is the proper way to call process.load right? process.load("/bin/.root.lua")
L910[14:59:12] <Caitlyn> Fuck yeah!
L911[14:59:14] <Caitlyn> idfk..
L912[14:59:27] <Shuudoushi> didn't think so... but it was worth asking lol
L913[15:36:41] <SoniEx2> Vexatos, so how can I input arbritary AES keys into the cipher block?
L914[15:36:42] ⇦ Quits: phillips1012 (~phillips1@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L915[15:36:56] <SoniEx2> also how do I use FML's ObjectHolders?
L916[15:37:47] ⇨ Joins: phillips1012 (~phillips1@
L917[15:38:56] * Csstform keeps thinking you're saying something other than forge mod loader
L918[15:39:50] <SoniEx2> >.>
L919[15:39:52] <vifino> FCsstformsL
L920[15:41:26] <Csstform> thx vifi
L921[15:41:44] <Ender> SoniEx2: best to ask that in #minecraftforge because if we knew we'd have probably told you by noew
L922[15:42:16] <SoniEx2> I can't :(
L923[15:42:36] <SoniEx2> eh I guess I'll just shoot myself in the foot then >.>
L924[15:45:40] <SoniEx2> ok wait
L925[15:45:53] <SoniEx2> you have an @ObjectHolder(modid) at class level
L926[15:46:07] <SoniEx2> then for every field you have @ObjectHolder(name)
L927[15:46:23] <SoniEx2> and that field gets the block/item "modid:name"
L928[15:46:25] <SoniEx2> I think
L929[15:47:54] <Inari> Lex isnt as generous as this channel xD
L930[15:48:33] <SoniEx2> and obviously if you override the block/item it'll update all objectholders
L931[15:49:02] <SoniEx2> (well I'm not sure if that's obvious but w/e >.>)
L932[15:50:07] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E42B24759A71C4354220FBC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
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L935[16:01:43] ⇨ Joins: SkyeFirez_ (webchat@
L936[16:02:29] <SkyeFirez_> Question, what's your opinion on including your mod in a public modpack?
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L938[16:03:01] *** skyem123 is now known as skyem123|ZZZ
L939[16:03:34] <SkyeFirez_> Sangar: ^
L940[16:03:47] <skyem123|ZZZ> Goodnight.
L941[16:03:53] ⇦ Quits: justastranger|zzz (justastran@2604:180::7239:d646) (Remote host closed the connection)
L942[16:05:15] <Sangar> SkyeFirez_, go ahead, you can use oc whichever way you want to.
L943[16:06:24] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L944[16:09:23] ⇦ Quits: SkyeFirez_ (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L945[16:11:32] <Caitlyn> Can I use OC to control nuclear weapons, and or machinery that may put humans in danger if improper operation occurs?
L946[16:12:58] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L947[16:15:13] <SoniEx2> Caitlyn, well it's not GPL licensed, so probably...
L948[16:18:55] <Sangar> Caitlyn, according to the license, yes >_> (and yes, i actually thought of putting an addendum regarding that in there but decided it'd be silly :P)
L949[16:19:29] <Caitlyn> woot... Gotta get to work
L950[16:19:41] * Sangar starts building a bunker
L951[16:19:42] *** AtomSponge is now known as AtomSponge|away
L952[16:23:19] <Shuudoushi> lmao
L953[16:23:31] * Shuudoushi helps Sangar build the bunker.
L954[16:24:05] <Caitlyn> I remember seeing that exemption in a software license somewhere.. I just cant remember what it was...
L955[16:24:27] <Shuudoushi> lol
L956[16:24:37] <Shuudoushi> I still can't get process.load to work...
L957[16:25:39] *** Shuudoushi is now known as Shuudoushi|Away
L958[16:25:47] <Shuudoushi|Away> either way, afk a bit
L959[16:25:48] * Brycey92 supplies Caitlyn with the nuclear warheads
L960[16:25:50] <SoniEx2> Caitlyn, GPL?
L961[16:26:25] <SoniEx2> or are you talking about a license that explicitly allows you to use the software for that
L962[16:27:19] <Caitlyn> No, the license said you *CAN NOT* use it for that
L963[16:28:34] <Caitlyn> You also agree that you will not use these products for any purposes prohibited by United States law, including, without limitation, the development, design, manufacture or production of nuclear, missiles, or chemical or biological weapons.
L964[16:28:38] <Caitlyn> Right... iTunes.
L965[16:30:44] <Brycey92> is that literally in the license?
L966[16:30:50] <Brycey92> for OC\
L967[16:30:51] <SoniEx2> I thought it was the GPL that said that?
L968[16:30:52] <wolfmitchell> https://db.tt/qQ4fuB9T I'm putting this up just to see how many idiots are on steam, lel
L969[16:31:08] <wolfmitchell> putting up a $0.06 trading card for $20
L970[16:31:18] <Brycey92> omg
L971[16:39:06] *** Hobbyboy|Sleep is now known as Hobbyboy
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L978[17:00:40] <Negi> Oh. Spam on the forums.
L979[17:01:19] <Csstform> gg
L980[17:01:53] <Negi> I don't understand why people target forums like OC's.
L981[17:02:39] <Ender> Negi: if you see it, report it
L982[17:03:06] <SoniEx2> IRC ftw :P
L983[17:03:18] <Negi> Yeah, I'm doing that, but Internets here are slow.
L984[17:03:20] <Ender> Oh wow, chinese spam, thats a first
L985[17:04:40] <Ender> Negi: i delete the post, could you get his username so i can flag as spammer? (forgot to do that before i delete it)
L986[17:05:10] <Negi> korskqh
L987[17:05:24] <Negi> That looks a bit too random.
L988[17:10:34] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@ (Read error: No route to host)
L989[17:14:47] <SoniEx2> this is (u)random: http://sprunge.us/QJEZ
L990[17:15:13] <SoniEx2> :P
L991[17:17:49] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@
L992[17:18:34] <Negi> Don't u ftp me stuff, SoniEx2, especially without a valid extension ! :O
L993[17:18:53] <SoniEx2> not ftp
L994[17:19:19] <SoniEx2> just http plaintext
L995[17:19:34] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L996[17:19:35] <SoniEx2> also how can you not want 1.7MB of /dev/urandom?
L997[17:21:02] ⇨ Joins: PotatoTrumpet (~potatotru@mobile-166-173-058-097.mycingular.net)
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L999[17:22:45] ⇨ Joins: Negi|2 (Negi@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:680d:835d:c9a7:b445)
L1000[17:23:04] <Negi|2> SoniEx2, because it is not random any more.
L1001[17:23:22] <SoniEx2> Negi|2, what do you mean?
L1002[17:24:26] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Negi@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:680d:835d:c9a7:b445) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1003[17:26:23] <Negi|2> SoniEx2, once a random suit is used, it loses its random purpose, being only gibberish not making any sense.
L1004[17:26:39] <Inari> use random.org
L1005[17:27:02] <SoniEx2> Negi|2, it's still random >.>
L1006[17:27:27] <Negi|2> No, it's not. You've used up the random of it by giving it a purpose.
L1007[17:27:34] <Negi|2> It was random.
L1008[17:31:25] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@
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L1010[17:32:52] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@
L1011[17:33:30] <SoniEx2> Negi|2, still random >.>
L1012[17:34:13] <Negi|2> No, it's like rolling a dice. You can use it for calculating something once, then you'll have to roll again.
L1013[17:34:18] <Inari> it was never random
L1014[17:34:27] <Negi|2> Inari, semi-random ?
L1015[17:34:34] <Inari> pseudo, yeah
L1016[17:34:36] <Negi|2> (Or it won't be random, but just a simple number.)
L1017[17:37:10] <SoniEx2> it is random
L1018[17:37:21] <SoniEx2> just because it's also used doesn't mean it's not random >.>
L1019[17:37:24] ⇨ Joins: Negi|Damnit (Negi@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:680d:835d:c9a7:b445)
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L1022[17:40:17] *** Negi|Damnit is now known as Negi
L1023[17:40:49] <Negi> I don't know what my mother's doing but she's sure taking up the bandwidth.
L1024[17:41:17] <TabletCube> Negi: wifikill
L1025[17:41:38] <Negi> Wait just lemme look at the network stats of my router
L1026[17:42:18] <Negi> Oh I know what she's doing.
L1027[17:43:05] <Negi> She's putting on Xmas stuff. So she must have moved everything. So she accidently unplugged the phone cord.
L1028[17:48:31] ⇦ Quits: Lumien (~lumien@p579728F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
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L1043[18:16:45] <Shuudoushi> Sangar: may I bother you to tell me how process.load() is supposed to work so I can make sure I'm using it right...
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L1054[18:44:16] <Sangar> Shuudoushi, errr... dunno. check shell or so for how it's used. and make sure that's what you want, instead of a good ol' coroutine
L1055[18:44:57] <Shuudoushi> I just want a program to run in the background so the user can keep doing user stuff...
L1056[18:46:33] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
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L1059[18:49:35] <Sangar> maybe try event.timer instead
L1060[18:50:43] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (sciguyryan@109-205-169-203.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L1061[18:50:54] <Magik6k> Sangar, I guess that os.sleep is dropping events and it imho shouldn't, am I right?
L1062[18:51:30] <Shuudoushi> Magik6k: multiboot is broken in oppm btw
L1063[18:51:43] <Sangar> it is, but it dispatches them as events in the background (i.e. if theres an event.listen registered something, that'll be called)
L1064[18:52:11] ⇦ Quits: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host81-158-26-228.range81-158.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1065[18:52:12] <Magik6k> Shuudoushi, will see tommorow
L1066[18:55:11] <Magik6k> Sangar, but when I for example want to get some alt+c while sleep it fails
L1067[18:55:32] <Sangar> eh?
L1068[18:55:58] *** darknife25 is now known as darknife25|AFK
L1069[18:56:34] *** Nentify is now known as Nentify|away
L1070[18:57:12] <Magik6k> Sangar, the events are lost(i.e. if I have program with event loop and some sleep for some reason I can't think of now the event will be lost)
L1071[18:57:29] <Sangar> if you have an event listener for key_downs (`event.listen("key_down", function(...) ... end)`, or whatever the signature was) that should be called if you sleep somewhere.
L1072[18:58:46] <SoniEx2> force me to code >.>
L1073[18:59:01] <Magik6k> Sangar, yes, I know, I just wanted to notice that it's not the expected behavior
L1074[18:59:23] <SoniEx2> also
L1075[18:59:24] <Sangar> ah. well. depends on your expectations xD
L1076[18:59:29] <SoniEx2> can we get http://sprunge.us/fhPQ in OC?
L1077[19:01:22] ⇨ Joins: VikeStepFTB (~VikeStep@CPE-144-131-208-227.lnse3.cha.bigpond.net.au)
L1078[19:01:31] <Magik6k> Sangar, I also can think of a way to fix it, but it'd probably make some mess in event API(something like event.pull(... , keepEvents) that'd not 'drop' not matching events)
L1079[19:01:48] ⇦ Quits: VikeStepFTB (~VikeStep@CPE-144-131-208-227.lnse3.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1080[19:02:13] <Magik6k> SoniEx2, surely you can get, porting it shouldn't be hard
L1081[19:02:31] <SoniEx2> cool
L1082[19:02:37] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-144-131-208-227.lnse3.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1083[19:02:47] <SoniEx2> so I can program OC machines with cpp?
L1084[19:03:16] <Magik6k> SoniEx2, If you will make good enough ecosystem around it, why not?
L1085[19:03:33] <SoniEx2> cool
L1086[19:04:01] <Magik6k> SoniEx2, you could port TicyC compiller which is afaik 2k LOC, and make some simple x86 emulator
L1087[19:04:24] <SoniEx2> Magik6k, I want just cpp, not C
L1088[19:05:06] <Inari> im sure theres some llvm2luabytecode=>decompiler for you :P
L1089[19:05:23] <Magik6k> SoniEx2, C preprocessor is imho the crappiest thing to happen ever to IP ;p
L1090[19:06:03] <Magik6k> s/IP/IT
L1091[19:06:03] <Kibibyte> <Magik6k> SoniEx2, C preprocessor is imho the crappiest thing to happen ever to IT ;p
L1092[19:06:10] <Magik6k> .p
L1093[19:06:14] <SoniEx2> http://jhnet.co.uk/articles/cpp_magic
L1094[19:06:20] <SoniEx2> what about that?
L1095[19:07:51] <Magik6k> SoniEx2, trust me, I know C preprocessor very, very, very well, and it doesn't change the fact it's shit(compared to it's alternatives)
L1096[19:07:56] <Nirek> do maps re-center when you recraft them to increase zoom?
L1097[19:08:06] <SoniEx2> uhh ok
L1098[19:11:10] ⇦ Quits: Magik6k (~Magik6k@host-89-228-225-106.kalisz.mm.pl) (Quit: Leaving)
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L1117[19:40:47] <ds84182> nnnnnnnnnnnnetsplit
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L1119[19:43:31] zsh sets mode: +v on Maxwolf
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L1130[20:04:09] <seebs> I can't think of what I'd want cpp for in opencomputers. To say nothing of it being insanely hard to implement in lua.
L1131[20:12:29] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L1132[20:12:45] <Sangar> i'm off o/
L1133[20:14:34] <Inari> seebs: wouldnt say "insanely hard" ^^
L1134[20:15:03] <seebs> A *complete* cpp implementation would be pretty hard.
L1135[20:15:17] <Inari> hm, in what way?
L1136[20:15:34] <seebs> Well, for one thing, you need a fairly complete C expression parser.
L1137[20:15:51] <seebs> Also if you want to be compliant, you have to have reliable integer arithmetic with at least a 64-bit range.
L1138[20:16:59] <Inari> guess we're talking about different things
L1139[20:17:43] <seebs> You can put arbitrary expressions in #if. Well, I mean, not completely arbitrary.
L1140[20:18:01] <seebs> But you can write fairly complicated expressions, and cpp math has to be done in a type at least as wide as long long. I think it's supposed to be intmax_t.
L1141[20:18:46] <Inari> well you'D lua eval those
L1142[20:19:10] <Inari> unless fo course you mean a "perfect copy" of it :p i'd mean more like the general syntax and all
L1143[20:19:51] <seebs> I dunno, it's a bad enough design for most purposes that without the compatibility, there are probably a few million better choices for macro languages.
L1144[20:20:08] <Inari> hehe
L1145[20:21:43] <Brycey92> anyone in here know basic json?
L1146[20:21:56] <Brycey92> i need a string and a boolean in a json file
L1147[20:22:19] <Brycey92> and the most basic json tutorials make arrays of arrays of strings
L1148[20:22:49] <Altenius> Agh, my internet is going ~70 KiB/s
L1149[20:22:55] <Brycey92> ouch
L1150[20:23:16] <Altenius> Sadly, that's more that 1/4th of the regular speed
L1151[20:23:24] <Altenius> s/more/less
L1152[20:23:25] <Kibibyte> <Altenius> Sadly, that's less that 1/4th of the regular speed
L1153[20:24:53] <ds84182> Hate Android RelativeLayouts with a passion
L1154[20:25:09] <ds84182> it either works and you don't know why or it doesn't work and you don't know why
L1155[20:25:20] <vifino> bai all
L1156[20:25:33] <Altenius> bye
L1157[20:25:42] * vifino hugs DeanIsGone, Ender and SKS-Away
L1158[20:25:46] <vifino> bai Altenius
L1159[20:25:49] <ds84182> bai
L1160[20:25:56] <Shuudoushi> o/
L1161[20:25:59] <vifino> bai to you too ds84182
L1162[20:26:04] <ds84182> o/
L1163[20:26:06] <vifino> and whole #oc
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L1165[20:26:53] <Altenius> Speed went down to 30 KiB/s. 6 GB of bandwidth left and 8 days >_>
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L1173[20:42:09] <Inari> ["string", true] ? or something :p no clue
L1174[20:42:46] * SKS-Away pings vifino
L1175[20:42:47] <ds84182> it would have to be {data : ["string", true]}
L1176[20:43:07] <ds84182> JSON can't simply be an array
L1177[20:43:07] *** SKS-Away is now known as ShadowKatStudios
L1178[20:43:19] <ds84182> >JavaScript Object Notation
L1179[20:43:23] <ds84182> >>Object
L1180[20:43:24] <ds84182> {}
L1181[20:43:46] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L1182[20:45:09] <Inari> nope
L1183[20:45:57] <Inari> thats valid json :P
L1184[20:45:58] *** Kodos is now known as Kodos|AFK
L1185[20:46:55] <ShadowKatStudios> jayson
L1186[20:47:42] <Brycey92> would this work?
L1187[20:47:43] <Brycey92> {
L1188[20:47:43] <Brycey92> "launch": true,
L1189[20:47:43] <Brycey92> "admin-ips": "admin.galaxy-craft.com"
L1190[20:47:43] <Brycey92> }
L1191[20:48:03] <ds84182> yes
L1192[20:48:05] <ds84182> I think
L1193[20:48:06] <Brycey92> yay
L1194[20:48:07] <ds84182> Yah
L1195[20:48:40] <Brycey92> ok on to my next question
L1196[20:48:54] <Brycey92> in server.properties, can you set server-ip to a hostname?
L1197[20:49:01] <Brycey92> or does it have to be an ip address
L1198[20:49:14] <Inari> http://jsonlint.com/
L1199[20:51:41] <Brycey92> oooh fancy
L1200[20:54:44] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p549CE5BA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
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L1202[21:03:10] <Pwootage> Pretty sure lists are valid json
L1203[21:03:37] <Pwootage> .js JSON.fromJson(JSON.stringify([1,2,3]))
L1204[21:03:41] <Pwootage> time to write a js bot? :e
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L1206[21:04:44] <Pwootage> (it's json.parse) it parses into [1,2,3] as expected
L1207[21:04:48] <Caitlyn> If I could trust people to not try to delete shit I'd implement it in MichiBot
L1208[21:04:59] <Caitlyn> But I don't feel like implementing a sandbox
L1209[21:05:02] <Caitlyn> so... meh.
L1210[21:05:23] <Pwootage> I hear embedding spidermonkey/v8 isn't too bad if you can use C libraries
L1211[21:05:38] <Pwootage> and if you're in java it's not too hard to sandbox JS I don't think
L1212[21:05:42] <Caitlyn> MichiBot, is written in java.... ScriptEngine engine = factory.getEngineByName("JavaScript"); ftw.
L1213[21:06:32] <Pwootage> and it's even fast if you're in java 7 or newer with Nashorn (at least I think that was java 7)
L1214[21:06:43] <Caitlyn> isis runs J7
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L1216[21:10:54] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L1217[21:16:47] <SoniEx2> ok so to add 2 numbers between 0 and 15 (with comparators) you do 15-(15-x-y)
L1218[21:16:55] <SoniEx2> how do I get the carry? >.>
L1219[21:17:37] <seebs> I am not understanding the question.
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L1222[21:21:18] <SoniEx2> redstone numbers are hexadecimal
L1223[21:21:25] <SoniEx2> I kinda know how to add them together
L1224[21:21:30] <SoniEx2> but how do I get the carry?
L1225[21:23:58] ⇦ Quits: wolfmitchell (~wolfmitch@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L1228[21:28:16] <SoniEx2> you know when you put 5+5 together you get 0 and a carry 1?
L1229[21:29:37] <SoniEx2> meh >.>
L1230[21:31:17] <Caitlyn> Nashorn looks like J8
L1231[21:31:34] <Pwootage> SoniEx2: carry is 15-x-y pretty sure
L1232[21:31:43] <Pwootage> Caitlyn: j8 is better anyway :P
L1233[21:32:01] <Caitlyn> Meh..
L1234[21:32:10] <Caitlyn> J8 would break isis so.. no
L1235[21:32:43] <Pwootage> isis?
L1236[21:32:52] <Caitlyn> the server MichiBot runs on
L1237[21:34:27] <SoniEx2> Pwootage, >.>
L1238[21:34:56] <Pwootage> SoniEx2: you asked for the remainder, pretty sure that's how you get it
L1239[21:35:16] <SoniEx2> it clips to 0 >.>
L1240[21:35:42] <seebs> The simplest way to get the carry would be (x+y)/16
L1241[21:35:53] <seebs> well, math.floor((x+y)/16)
L1242[21:36:12] <SoniEx2> seebs, I'm still implementing addition and you want me to do division? >.>
L1243[21:36:24] <seebs> ... I am maybe missing the context.
L1244[21:36:31] <SoniEx2> comparators
L1245[21:36:33] <seebs> Ohhh. "with comparators".
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L1248[21:40:08] <Pwootage> .lua function add(x,y) return (15-x-y,15-(15-x-y)) end print(add(7,7))
L1249[21:40:13] <Pwootage> #lua function add(x,y) return (15-x-y,15-(15-x-y)) end print(add(7,7))
L1250[21:40:17] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > lua:1: ')' expected near ','
L1251[21:40:44] <Pwootage> #lua function add(x,y) return {15-x-y,15-(15-x-y)} end print(add(7,7))
L1252[21:40:44] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > table: 0x7f01c40cc9a0 | nil
L1253[21:40:50] <Pwootage> #lua function add(x,y) return {15-x-y,15-(15-x-y)} end return add(7,7)
L1254[21:40:50] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > table: 0x7f01c40cb220
L1255[21:41:02] <Pwootage> bah
L1256[21:41:03] <SoniEx2> remove the {} >.>
L1257[21:41:20] ⇨ Joins: ping (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:5906:fff0:66e5:4779)
L1258[21:41:28] <seebs> You probably want return (15-x-y), 15-(15-x-y)
L1259[21:42:15] <SoniEx2> also you forgot about the clipping to 0
L1260[21:42:20] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L1261[21:42:27] <ping> ._.
L1262[21:42:31] <ping> he is here
L1263[21:42:32] <ping> run
L1264[21:42:36] <Pwootage> #lua function add(x,y) return 15-x-y,15-(15-x-y) end return add(7,7)
L1265[21:42:37] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1 | 14
L1266[21:42:48] <Pwootage> seems like it works for me
L1267[21:42:51] <Pwootage> #lua function add(x,y) return 15-x-y,15-(15-x-y) end return add(14,14)
L1268[21:42:52] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > -13 | 28
L1269[21:43:04] <Pwootage> erm,
L1270[21:43:17] <SoniEx2> #lua function add(x,y) return math.max(0,math.max(0,15-x)-y), math.max(15-math.max(0,math.max(0,15-x)-y)) end return add(14, 14)
L1271[21:43:17] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0 | 15
L1272[21:43:27] ⇦ Quits: ping (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:5906:fff0:66e5:4779) (Client Quit)
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L1274[21:43:46] <Pwootage> hm
L1275[21:43:49] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
L1276[21:44:40] <SoniEx2> I need something that'll produce... hmm... 14 + 14 = 1*16 + 12*1?
L1277[21:44:46] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L1278[21:45:46] <Pwootage> y-(15-x) is close
L1279[21:46:22] <SoniEx2> you forgot the clipping
L1280[21:46:53] <Pwootage> I tried the wrong numbers
L1281[21:48:12] <Pwootage> at this point i'm ready to say ATD and add digitally
L1282[21:50:29] <SoniEx2> I'd say that'll be bigger >.>
L1283[21:51:19] <Pwootage> much bigger, yes ;D
L1284[21:52:21] <Alissa> Blep. :D
L1285[21:52:41] <Pwootage> 15-(15-15)-(15-12)?
L1286[21:52:54] <Pwootage> erm, 15-(15-x)-(15-y)
L1287[21:53:00] <Pwootage> unless I'm more of a derp
L1288[21:55:37] <Pwootage> Clipping at zero is intended if I'm not mistaken
L1289[21:55:38] <SoniEx2> well that does give me the correct result
L1290[21:55:48] <SoniEx2> well except it's off by one
L1291[21:56:13] <SoniEx2> wait no uhh
L1292[21:56:29] <SoniEx2> it's only off by one when it overflows, it seems
L1293[21:57:39] <Pwootage> then make it 14-(15-x)-(15-y) and only use it when (x + y) == 15
L1294[21:57:58] <Pwootage> (well, techincally, x + y >= 15)
L1295[21:58:46] <SoniEx2> >.>
L1296[21:59:15] <Pwootage> that should be easy enough if I'm not mistaken
L1297[22:00:52] <SoniEx2> also maybe I'm doing it wrong but it doesn't work >.>
L1298[22:01:25] <Pwootage> Going to try it, let me launch MC
L1299[22:01:36] <SoniEx2> #lua function s(a,b,...) if ... then return s(math.max(0, a-b), ...) end return math.max(0, a-b) end function add(a,b) return s(15, s(15,a), s(15,b)) end return add(3, 3), add(14, 14)
L1300[22:01:36] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0 | 13
L1301[22:01:52] <SoniEx2> first one should be 6, 2nd one should be 12
L1302[22:07:33] <Pwootage> k I can't remember comparators to save my life
L1303[22:10:36] <Pwootage> aha, I remembered
L1304[22:21:31] <Shuudoushi> I'm using this wring aren't I... event.timer(1, "/bin/.root.lua/", math.huge, rootCheck)
L1305[22:23:41] <Shuudoushi> s/wring/wrong
L1306[22:23:42] <Kibibyte> <Shuudoushi> I'm using this wrong aren't I... event.timer(1, "/bin/.root.lua/", math.huge, rootCheck)
L1307[22:29:03] <Kodos|AFK> ~w event.timer
L1308[22:29:03] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L1309[22:29:34] <Shuudoushi> looked at that...
L1310[22:30:12] ⇦ Quits: jgile2 (~jgile2@c122-108-189-162.rochd4.qld.optusnet.com.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L1311[22:30:56] <Shuudoushi> I think is what it means, is I'm going to have to make the root check into a function and have autorun launch the the root checker...
L1312[22:34:03] ⇦ Quits: Alissa (Alissa@vps.alissa.ml) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
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L1315[22:36:10] <Csstform> join #vifino
L1316[22:36:18] <Csstform> whooooooooooooooooooooooops
L1317[22:36:22] <Csstform> forgot the /
L1318[22:37:10] <Pwootage> Testing is showing it's working (although it's not that much smaller than the ditigal version with this horrid design)
L1319[22:37:16] <Pwootage> SoniEx2: ^
L1320[22:38:04] ⇨ Joins: Alissa (Alissa@vps.alissa.ml)
L1321[22:40:37] <SoniEx2> Pwootage, give me the math/s
L1322[22:41:33] <Pwootage> 15-(15-x-y), 15-(15-x)-(15-y) overflow (greater than 15)
L1323[22:43:50] <Pwootage> http://i.imgur.com/GzA46u1.png 8 + 10
L1324[22:44:51] <Pwootage> if overflow >= 1, 16 + (overflow - 1) is your number
L1325[22:45:56] <Pwootage> Time to build a modpack, I think
L1326[22:46:06] <SoniEx2> whole circuit?
L1327[22:48:11] <Pwootage> Really, really ugly: http://i.imgur.com/cdKM0Nm.png
L1328[22:50:13] <SoniEx2> thanks
L1329[22:50:29] <SoniEx2> oh btw can anyone help me make this better? https://github.com/SoniEx2/karmabot/blob/master/ircsex/corouthreads.lua
L1330[22:51:24] <SoniEx2> (kinda reminds me of OC's event API except mine passes the current threadpool/eventpool to the callback)
L1331[22:51:34] <SoniEx2> (wait uhh callback? what? .-.)
L1332[22:51:53] <SoniEx2> (no I'm not thinking >.> it's almost 2 AM tho)
L1333[22:52:16] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L1334[22:54:03] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L1335[23:08:59] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549719C0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1336[23:11:01] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549733BC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1337[23:13:35] <Shuudoushi> ok... so after loading a process, using coroutine.resume(<process>) will really run it...
L1338[23:13:57] <Shuudoushi> I think I broke it...
L1339[23:14:08] <ShadowKatStudios> 10/10
L1340[23:14:42] <Kodos|AFK> Shuudoushi, why don't you take a break, and help me compose music for my game
L1341[23:14:52] <SoniEx2> night o/
L1342[23:14:55] <Shuudoushi> sure...
L1343[23:15:31] <Shuudoushi> I have the feeling that if i keep going, I'm going to break something...
L1344[23:15:49] <Caitlyn> s/something/more stuff/
L1345[23:15:50] <Kibibyte> <Shuudoushi> I have the feeling that if i keep going, I'm going to break more stuff...
L1346[23:16:08] <Shuudoushi> true enough lol
L1347[23:16:22] <Shuudoushi> but i meant something physical, like my monitor :D
L1348[23:16:57] <ShadowKatStudios> *sigh* So BeOS v5.1 freezes in a VM.
L1349[23:17:19] <ShadowKatStudios> Or... not?
L1350[23:17:35] <ShadowKatStudios> Now it freezes differently
L1351[23:18:00] <Shuudoushi> lol
L1352[23:18:13] <Shuudoushi> Kodos|AFK: what did you have in mind?
L1353[23:18:59] <ShadowKatStudios> Great, "search_sym(/boot/beos/system/add-ons/kernel/debugger/symbols for symbol_sem) FAILED"
L1354[23:23:29] <ShadowKatStudios> Damn, I really wanted the BONEyard thingy
L1355[23:23:43] <Kodos|AFK> 8 bit
L1356[23:24:01] <Shuudoushi> hmmm
L1357[23:24:17] <Shuudoushi> I know next to nothing about music lol
L1358[23:24:18] <Kodos|AFK> Basically I need a chiptune
L1359[23:24:25] <Kodos|AFK> Lol
L1360[23:24:25] <finkmac> ah, BeOS
L1361[23:24:37] <Kodos|AFK> I just need something ambient to let run while the game plays
L1362[23:24:38] <finkmac> neat OS
L1363[23:25:33] <Kodos|AFK> http://i.imgur.com/KMjlpjX.jpg
L1364[23:26:27] <Shuudoushi> lmao
L1365[23:26:52] <Shuudoushi> wasn't it v^ that was working on music the other day?
L1366[23:27:05] <Kodos|AFK> Vexatos
L1367[23:29:31] <ShadowKatStudios> finkmac: Have you tried Haiku?
L1368[23:29:44] <ShadowKatStudios> Speaking of, I need to figure out why my Haiku box won't start
L1369[23:32:50] ⇦ Quits: finkmac (~finkmac@68-68-13-72.applecreek.pathcom.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1370[23:39:34] <ShadowKatStudios> yay haiku box lives!
L1371[23:40:04] <Pwootage> Why is cofh website down
L1372[23:40:07] <Pwootage> all I want is thermal expansion D:
L1373[23:40:17] <ShadowKatStudios> Because their servers got too cold.
L1374[23:41:58] <Caitlyn> http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/69163-thermalexpansion/files
L1375[23:42:26] <Caitlyn> http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/69162-cofhcore/files
L1376[23:42:30] <Pwootage> haxx
L1377[23:42:32] <Pwootage> I declare haxx
L1378[23:42:43] <Caitlyn> http://minecraft.curseforge.com/members/TeamCoFH/projects ftfw
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L1380[23:42:58] <Kodos|AFK> Soo
L1381[23:43:05] <Kodos|AFK> I kind of want Pixelmon/OC integration
L1382[23:43:28] <Pwootage> You're nopt getting it from me - pixelmon stole some of my code years ago ;D
L1383[23:43:48] <Kodos|AFK> Oh? Got a link to their source where the code was stolen?
L1384[23:43:57] <Kodos|AFK> Or more specifically, their code where it's used
L1385[23:44:07] <Pwootage> Oh i'm sure that code doesn't even exist any more, it was literally years ago
L1386[23:44:20] <Kodos|AFK> Did you pursue it at all?
L1387[23:44:29] <Pwootage> I have never really cared ;D
L1388[23:44:39] <Pwootage> it's an excuse where I don't have one :P
L1389[23:44:54] <Brycey92> so Pwootage how's that oppm replacement going? :p
L1390[23:45:01] <Pwootage> Brycey92, trying to set up a modpack
L1391[23:45:05] ⇦ Quits: ping (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:5906:fff0:66e5:4779) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1392[23:45:16] <Brycey92> cool, cool
L1393[23:45:25] ⇨ Joins: ping (~pixel@2601:4:680:104c:5906:fff0:66e5:4779)
L1394[23:45:25] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
L1395[23:45:44] <Brycey92> use solder if you have the time to set it up
L1396[23:46:06] <Brycey92> once it's going, it's extremely useful
L1397[23:46:08] <Pwootage> solder?
L1398[23:46:33] <Brycey92> the solder API, which you host on your own web server
L1399[23:46:43] <Brycey92> it lets you manage your mods and modpacks, and versions of everything
L1400[23:47:05] <Brycey92> it also lets your client only download what's changed between versions instead of the entire modpack again
L1401[23:47:05] <Pwootage> probably should set that up, but this pack is mostly "shove some mods in my .pwootcraft4/mods folder"
L1402[23:47:09] <Brycey92> lol
L1403[23:47:29] <Brycey92> oh, i should mention solder is made to work with the technic platform
L1404[23:49:39] <Pwootage> I have used technic launcher before, but I prefer manually doing mods because safety
L1405[23:49:55] <Brycey92> safety?
L1406[23:50:30] <Pwootage> technically sticking your mc info in anything besides official MC launcher is sketchy (not that I don't think FTB/Technic work well)
L1407[23:50:54] <Brycey92> technically
L1408[23:50:57] <Kodos|AFK> I wonder how hard it would be to make a block component that you could change what the game thinks it is via computer
L1409[23:51:14] <Pwootage> sure
L1410[23:51:20] <Pwootage> not too bad
L1411[23:51:28] <Pwootage> depending on what exactly you want it to do
L1412[23:51:33] <Brycey92> but if FTB/technic were going to steal everyone's passwords and usernames, we would have heard aboit it by now
L1413[23:52:34] <Pwootage> Probably
L1414[23:52:37] <Pwootage> They could be Google
L1415[23:52:42] <Pwootage> biding thier time before they turn evil
L1416[23:52:44] <Pwootage> ;D
L1417[23:52:48] *** Csstform is now known as Csst|Masterball
L1418[23:59:52] <Brycey92> lol
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