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Stuff goes here
L1[00:01:14] *** Csstform is now known as Csst|Masterball
L2[00:01:38] <NixillUmbreon> Quick! Upload 35GB of porn! :D
L3[00:01:40] <justastranger> ShadowKatStudios: You are not a troll, do not make awful puns.
L4[00:01:51] <justastranger> awful sea puns no less
L5[00:02:01] <justastranger> I got enough of that from MSPA
L6[00:02:03] <ShadowKatStudios> What if they're... visual puns?
L7[00:02:16] * justastranger brandishes a chainsaw
L8[00:02:38] <potatotrumpet> NixillUmbreon: I will not upload 35GB of porn
L9[00:02:46] <NixillUmbreon> Dammit. xD
L10[00:02:55] <ShadowKatStudios> No, potatotrumpet will upload 35GB of hentai, obviously
L11[00:02:57] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L12[00:02:58] <potatotrumpet> Use pornhub or something similar for that
L13[00:03:04] <potatotrumpet> ShadowKatStudios: I'm not asie
L14[00:03:06] <NixillUmbreon> No, I didn't mean for me. :P
L15[00:03:21] <NixillUmbreon> SKS: Your network map page is missing the navigation header.
L16[00:03:28] <justastranger> ShadowKatStudios: hentai == porn
L17[00:03:44] <justastranger> it's just japanese
L18[00:03:49] <NixillUmbreon> well, justastranger, no
L19[00:03:59] <NixillUmbreon> I believe in python terms, hentai < porn
L20[00:04:08] <justastranger> lol
L21[00:04:16] <NixillUmbreon> Lemme double check that
L22[00:04:18] <justastranger> I thought you were going to contest the porniness of hentai
L23[00:04:30] <justastranger> I was about to brandish the pander-whip
L24[00:05:02] <ShadowKatStudios> justastranger: hentai generally refers to animated japanese porn
L25[00:05:08] <justastranger> I know that
L26[00:05:27] <justastranger> I wasn't born yesterday
L27[00:05:28] <NixillUmbreon> Okay, I was actually wrong.
L28[00:05:43] <justastranger> NixillUmbreon: You were right for the wrong reasons
L29[00:05:49] <justastranger> hentai < porn indeed
L30[00:05:56] <justastranger> :P
L31[00:06:03] <Kodos> I found some really good porn the other day
L32[00:06:09] <justastranger> youdontsay.jpg
L33[00:06:14] <justastranger> I found some about an hour ago
L34[00:06:21] <ShadowKatStudios> So potatotrumpet, when are you going to upload that hentai and try and protect it from my root account by chmod-ing it?
L35[00:06:36] <justastranger> some guy said he'd stop making the stuff. A week later someone found new stuff from him.
L36[00:06:43] <justastranger> Needless to say, I now have a folder for him.
L37[00:07:02] <potatotrumpet> When HL3 comes out
L38[00:07:22] <ShadowKatStudios> At school yesterday in maths
L39[00:07:33] <justastranger> what kinda maths
L40[00:07:33] <ShadowKatStudios> the teacher was going some crap on the whiteboard
L41[00:07:39] <potatotrumpet> advanced maths
L42[00:07:40] <ShadowKatStudios> And you know what it said?
L43[00:07:45] <justastranger> "bullshit"?
L44[00:07:52] <potatotrumpet> "le reddit army"?
L45[00:07:55] <justastranger> lol
L46[00:08:04] <justastranger> potatotrumpet: I want to know what kind of advanced maths :p
L47[00:08:07] <ShadowKatStudios> It was lamda to the power of 3
L48[00:08:09] <SandraNicole> o/ all.
L49[00:08:14] <NixillUmbreon> Google search: "Python binary operators" / Returned results: "Python's bitwise operators" "Python Bitwise Operators Example" "Python Basic Operators" "Introduction to Bitwise Operators" "python - Bitwise operation and usage"
L50[00:08:16] <justastranger> to see if I have a right to bitch about my calculus
L51[00:08:23] * potatotrumpet punches SandraNicole in the nose
L52[00:08:24] <NixillUmbreon> Apparently "binary" means "bitwise".
L53[00:08:28] *** potatotrumpet is now known as PotatoTrumpet
L54[00:08:30] <justastranger> lol
L55[00:08:41] <ShadowKatStudios> Hai SandraNicole
L56[00:08:49] * SandraNicole holds up hand to face, and says:
L57[00:08:51] <SandraNicole> OW.
L58[00:08:51] <justastranger> NixillUmbreon: Binary is usually used to represent the bits of a thing
L59[00:09:01] <SandraNicole> hi ShadowKatStudios.
L60[00:09:04] <justastranger> but some people use hex
L61[00:09:18] * ShadowKatStudios tends to use toggle switches and incandescent bulbs
L62[00:09:22] <NixillUmbreon> I mean binary as opposed to unary (like "not" or "-").
L63[00:09:26] <ShadowKatStudios> in 12-bit words, of course
L64[00:09:41] <Kodos> Okay, time to experiment with trying to get a RAID to work with 2 computers without coding anything
L65[00:10:11] <SandraNicole> Kodos: it should anyway.
L66[00:10:11] * ShadowKatStudios has been playing with PDP-8 emulators far too much
L67[00:10:15] <SandraNicole> it's a network component.
L68[00:10:44] <Kodos> It doesn't, SandraNicole, computers end up with shared states. But I think I was doing it wrong that time, so i'm trying something new
L69[00:10:46] <ShadowKatStudios> SandraNicole: The issue is it doesn't work through switches
L70[00:10:59] <SandraNicole> well yeah.
L71[00:11:12] <ShadowKatStudios> And if you leave them without a switch, OpenOS configures them with the same keyboard/monitor
L72[00:12:32] <ShadowKatStudios> justastranger: Want to know what kind of maths? The kind where I'm in the top class even though I have no idea what the shit is going on.
L73[00:12:39] <justastranger> lol
L74[00:12:47] <justastranger> so algebra? ;)
L75[00:13:06] <ShadowKatStudios> I was good at algebra until they got to factorisation
L76[00:13:10] <ShadowKatStudios> They lost me there.
L77[00:14:03] <SandraNicole> factorisation is easy though.
L78[00:14:24] <SandraNicole> you just get something that is a factor of every term.
L79[00:14:41] <ShadowKatStudios> I get to maths
L80[00:14:42] <ShadowKatStudios> And I can't maths though
L81[00:14:59] <SandraNicole> True.
L82[00:15:02] <SandraNicole> same here.
L83[00:16:13] <PotatoTrumpet> Fucking triangles
L84[00:16:18] <PotatoTrumpet> So pointy
L85[00:16:31] <ShadowKatStudios> Pythagorawhatthefuck?
L86[00:16:54] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L87[00:17:02] <PotatoTrumpet> Side-Side-Side, Side-Angle-Side, Side-Angle-Angle
L88[00:17:46] <SandraNicole> SSS, SAS, AAS.
L89[00:17:51] <SandraNicole> And RHS.
L90[00:18:09] ⇨ Joins: Azazel (uid52684@id-52684.charlton.irccloud.com)
L91[00:20:18] <PotatoTrumpet> RHS
L92[00:20:27] <PotatoTrumpet> ?
L93[00:20:29] <ShadowKatStudios> Fuck triangles.
L94[00:20:45] <PotatoTrumpet> HL?
L95[00:21:23] <SandraNicole> RHS is Rightangle, Hypotenuse, Side.
L96[00:22:16] ⇨ Joins: bananagram (~Porygon@
L97[00:22:46] <PotatoTrumpet> Oh, I learned it as HL
L98[00:22:53] <PotatoTrumpet> Hypotenuse, Leg
L99[00:22:59] <SandraNicole> kden.
L100[00:23:08] <PotatoTrumpet> Kden died
L101[00:23:10] <SandraNicole> that's kinda weird.
L102[00:23:11] <PotatoTrumpet> got drunk
L103[00:23:20] <PotatoTrumpet> fell into a black hole
L104[00:23:28] <PotatoTrumpet> :(
L105[00:23:45] <SandraNicole> fancy seeing you around here though potato.
L106[00:24:04] * PotatoTrumpet wonders why his bouncer isn't working
L107[00:24:24] * PotatoTrumpet wonders why his internet is down constantly
L108[00:24:40] * SandraNicole also has terrible internet.
L109[00:24:59] * SandraNicole complains constantly about her terrible internet.
L110[00:26:17] * Kodos gives up on networked RAID
L111[00:26:39] <ShadowKatStudios> Oh, wonderful.
L112[00:26:43] <ShadowKatStudios> It's raining and thundering
L113[00:26:50] <ShadowKatStudios> Internet has already dropped once
L114[00:27:37] <ShadowKatStudios> So it seems my site doesn't ping
L115[00:31:25] <PotatoTrumpet> Might be the porn
L116[00:31:33] <ShadowKatStudios> Must be.
L117[00:31:39] <PotatoTrumpet> all 900B of it
L118[00:31:53] *** wer38|zzz is now known as wer38
L119[00:32:03] * PotatoTrumpet greets wer38
L120[00:35:29] <Azazel> Hi
L121[00:35:55] <ShadowKatStudios> Cool name.
L122[00:36:20] <ShadowKatStudios> Internet is failing
L123[00:36:22] <ShadowKatStudios> damn this storm
L124[00:38:30] <PotatoTrumpet> :(
L125[00:38:33] <PotatoTrumpet> that damn storm
L126[00:39:03] <ShadowKatStudios> So
L127[00:39:07] <ShadowKatStudios> I want to open my i3
L128[00:39:14] <ShadowKatStudios> except I'm not home yet
L129[00:39:32] <PotatoTrumpet> Where are you then
L130[00:39:34] <PotatoTrumpet> Work
L131[00:39:37] <PotatoTrumpet> Shopping
L132[00:39:39] <PotatoTrumpet> School
L133[00:39:42] <PotatoTrumpet> Prison
L134[00:39:45] <ShadowKatStudios> ^
L135[00:40:09] <ShadowKatStudios> I had to go up the coast today, had to buy computer components, I'm at my grandad's atm.
L136[00:40:49] <PotatoTrumpet> :O
L137[00:40:56] <PotatoTrumpet> its 11:40PM
L138[00:40:58] <PotatoTrumpet> But.
L139[00:41:01] <PotatoTrumpet> Must.
L140[00:41:03] <PotatoTrumpet> Code.
L141[00:41:35] <Azazel> Code in what?
L142[00:41:53] <PotatoTrumpet> HTML
L143[00:42:10] <PotatoTrumpet> Must replace this:http://shadowkat.tk/pub/~potatotrumpet/
L144[00:42:30] <ShadowKatStudios> 11:40 PM? Huh, if that's when you normally go to bed, normal person.
L145[00:42:54] * PotatoTrumpet has school
L146[00:43:00] <Azazel> h-h-html!?!?
L147[00:43:10] <PotatoTrumpet> I normal get in bed at 11
L148[00:43:14] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L149[00:43:15] <PotatoTrumpet> go to sleep around 1
L150[00:43:16] * Azazel throws self off cliff
L151[00:43:21] <Kodos> Whoops
L152[00:43:25] ⇨ Joins: v^ (~PixelToas@2601:4:680:104c:feaa:14ff:fe09:75b2)
L153[00:43:25] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
L154[00:43:37] <ShadowKatStudios> I go to bed around 3 AM on school days
L155[00:43:37] <v^> no am not ded
L156[00:43:37] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~ping@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L157[00:43:47] <v^> ShadowKatStudios, my fucking why
L158[00:43:50] <PotatoTrumpet> Yay, v^ is dead!
L159[00:43:52] <Kodos> for freq = 20,2000 do computer.beep(freq,20) end
L160[00:43:55] <ShadowKatStudios> Becauserasins
L161[00:44:29] <PotatoTrumpet> Bannana
L162[00:44:33] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L163[00:44:52] <Azazel> jQuery('*').css('transform','rotate(40deg)') place this in a console on a site that uses jquery and you'll tilt the page
L164[00:44:59] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L165[00:45:43] <Kodos> Loooool
L166[00:45:45] <Kodos> Worked on imgur
L167[00:45:51] <Azazel> Yehp
L168[00:46:12] <Azazel> See where the 40 is replace it with any number you want
L169[00:47:40] ⇦ Quits: SpiritedDusty (~SpiritedD@24-205-168-36.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com) (Quit: SpiritedDusty)
L170[00:48:00] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L171[00:48:15] ⇦ Quits: phillips1012 (~phillips1@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L172[00:49:09] ⇨ Joins: phillips1012 (~phillips1@
L173[00:49:14] *** wer38 is now known as wer38|afk
L174[00:49:53] <Azazel> Having fun
L175[00:50:02] <ShadowKatStudios> This weather is insanity
L176[00:50:17] <Azazel> Muaahahah
L177[00:50:21] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm running a ping of so I can see if I'm still connected
L178[00:50:28] <Azazel> All part of ny secret plan
L179[00:50:51] <Azazel> my*
L180[00:51:17] <Kodos> https://imgur.com/gallery/iRwzBHY
L181[00:51:19] <Kodos> What the fuck.
L182[00:52:14] <Azazel> Oh 4Chan
L183[00:52:45] <Azazel> Moot deleted pol because Ben the one man holocaust gassed a furry convention and didnt want his sheckles taken by the lawyers
L184[00:54:40] <Azazel> Sums it up
L185[00:56:37] <ShadowKatStudios> wait
L186[00:56:45] <ShadowKatStudios> actually gassed a convention?
L187[00:57:02] <Kodos> Furfest in chicago
L188[00:57:09] <Kodos> My friend was there, he nearly died from that shit
L189[00:57:16] <Kodos> Soo let's not make light of it, eh
L190[00:57:25] <ShadowKatStudios> o.o
L191[00:57:27] <ShadowKatStudios> anyway
L192[00:57:30] <ShadowKatStudios> I have to go
L193[00:57:34] <ShadowKatStudios> setting off now
L194[00:58:35] <Azazel> And innocent people
L195[00:59:16] <Azazel> Also your friend? was he a furry or a bystander because Ben the one man holocaust could have killes him
L196[00:59:39] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L197[00:59:48] <Kodos> He was in a fursuit, and according to the hospital, the fact that he still had it on saved him
L198[01:00:18] <Azazel> oh goodness
L199[01:00:36] <Azazel> Thats why Ben the one man holocausr didnt get charged
L200[01:00:52] <Azazel> Even though he did attempt mass murder
L201[01:01:10] <Azazel> He's still another anon from the 4chans
L202[01:03:10] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E42B264F0B296BEF6976BE8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L203[01:03:11] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L204[01:03:21] * Azazel pats Kodos
L205[01:03:30] <Kodos> Vexatos, I choose you!
L206[01:03:52] <Kodos> No, but really, I have a feature request for Computronics
L207[01:03:58] * Vexatos uses Explosion
L208[01:04:00] <Vexatos> Oh wait what
L209[01:04:02] <Vexatos> O:
L210[01:04:11] <Kodos> Colorful lamp, but a 'cage' lamp like Project Red has
L211[01:04:17] <Kodos> Because reasons
L212[01:04:20] <Vexatos> Bah, models
L213[01:04:27] <Kodos> Tabula
L214[01:04:28] * Vexatos no models
L215[01:04:29] <Kodos> Techne
L216[01:04:32] * Vexatos no want to steal models
L217[01:04:37] <Kodos> It's not stealing
L218[01:04:39] <Kodos> Those are model making things
L219[01:04:40] <SandraNicole> I go sleep at 11, wake up at 6.
L220[01:04:41] <Kodos> Easy ones
L221[01:04:46] <SandraNicole> fyi.
L222[01:04:58] <Vexatos> The lamp won't even be FMP compatible
L223[01:05:15] <Azazel> Wait is oc a mod
L224[01:05:27] <SandraNicole> Azazel: yes.
L225[01:05:30] * Azazel implodes for being so dumb
L226[01:05:35] <PotatoTrumpet> :D
L227[01:05:44] <PotatoTrumpet> Basic webpage up
L228[01:05:53] <Azazel> I thought you meant OPEN as in stuff like
L229[01:06:00] <SandraNicole> well, you did just follow whatshisname here.
L230[01:06:03] <Azazel> Free safe secure computrons
L231[01:06:15] <SandraNicole> open source computer mod.
L232[01:06:24] <Azazel> He is the most atrocious channel
L233[01:06:29] <Azazel> I hate weaboos
L234[01:06:37] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L235[01:06:45] <Ir7_o> i am so sorry about the down time
L236[01:06:50] <Vexatos> Kodos, no thanks
L237[01:07:03] <Vexatos> I don't want to steal a mod's model for stuff like this >_>
L238[01:07:17] <SandraNicole> Ir7_o: so it's fixed now? :O
L239[01:07:23] <Azazel> Didya make the mod?
L240[01:07:34] <Azazel> idk what am i doing
L241[01:07:44] <Ir7_o> i believe so
L242[01:07:55] <Azazel> :0
L243[01:07:56] <Vexatos> Ir7_o/
L244[01:07:59] <SandraNicole> Azazel: Sanga|r made the mod.
L245[01:08:07] <SandraNicole> oh wait.
L246[01:08:14] <Azazel> Slowly withers away
L247[01:08:16] <Vexatos> s/anga|r/nagar
L248[01:08:16] <Kibibyte> <Azazel> Slowly withenagars away
L249[01:08:18] <Ir7_o> dont tell anyone but i forgot to pay to bill
L250[01:08:19] <Vexatos> >__>
L251[01:08:21] <Kodos> Vexatos, it's not a mod
L252[01:08:28] <Kodos> It's literally a thing to make models with
L253[01:08:31] <Kodos> For your own mod
L254[01:08:35] <Vexatos> Kodos, I mean, the cage lamp
L255[01:08:39] <Azazel> What did that thing do
L256[01:08:41] <Kodos> It's a fucking cage lamp
L257[01:08:41] <SandraNicole> yeah, Tabula is pretty cool.
L258[01:08:46] <Kodos> That's not new to a mod
L259[01:08:47] <Azazel> Repeat me
L260[01:08:48] <Kodos> It's a light
L261[01:08:52] <Vexatos> Kodos: It'd look exactly like the P:red one
L262[01:08:52] <Ir7_o> sorry :?
L263[01:08:57] <Vexatos> i.e. stolen
L264[01:08:59] <Azazel> Has idea
L265[01:09:06] <Kodos> P:R's lamps look like RedPower
L266[01:09:06] <Azazel> Must make idea first
L267[01:09:07] <Kodos> What's your point
L268[01:09:24] <Vexatos> My point is that I don't want to make it
L269[01:09:37] <Azazel> Lamp thats actually a computer in disguise
L270[01:09:48] <Kodos> That's a terrible idea
L271[01:10:01] <Azazel> Well the computers
L272[01:10:02] <Vexatos> There /are/ lamps, and cage lamps make no difference except looking different
L273[01:10:11] <Kodos> That's the point
L274[01:10:11] <Azazel> Are an awful colour
L275[01:10:13] <Azazel> Tbh
L276[01:10:19] <Kodos> And I need something computer controlled for my GC air alarms
L277[01:10:26] <Vexatos> Azazel, rightclick with a dye to colour them
L278[01:10:27] <PotatoTrumpet> Ir7_o is a person?!?!!?!?
L279[01:10:38] <Vexatos> PotatoTrumpet, oc.cil.li manager
L280[01:10:41] <Azazel> And having it as a lamp is so much more decorative
L281[01:10:42] <PotatoTrumpet> oh
L282[01:10:49] <Vexatos> So yes, a person
L283[01:10:55] <PotatoTrumpet> I thought it was a bot
L284[01:11:03] <Vexatos> Ir7_o, you're a bot!
L285[01:11:13] <Azazel> Why cant you disguise the computer as anything
L286[01:11:33] <SandraNicole> you can colour it?
L287[01:11:36] <Azazel> You want a tree
L288[01:11:42] <Azazel> Have a computer
L289[01:11:58] <SandraNicole> and also you can hide it somewhere unseen.
L290[01:12:13] <Azazel> Although as i see it oc is very helpful
L291[01:12:29] <Azazel> Its like the prototype of the cmd block kinda
L292[01:12:32] <Azazel> Mebbe not
L293[01:12:43] <SandraNicole> because peer to peer networks. :P
L294[01:12:53] <Vexatos> Sorry, Kodos, I am really bad at rendering, and I'd have to make the model placable correctly etc. that'd just take too much time for me to be worth it, as I'm, again, extremely bad at such things
L295[01:13:04] <Vexatos> also I have yet to write 2 more exams this week
L296[01:13:08] <Kodos> You know
L297[01:13:11] <Kodos> if Computronics was open source
L298[01:13:14] <Azazel> Eat your paper
L299[01:13:14] <Kodos> I could get someone else to do it
L300[01:13:21] <Azazel> Kodos dont be rude
L301[01:13:31] <Azazel> He doesnt want to Do it
L302[01:13:36] <SandraNicole> Kodos: it is though right?
L303[01:13:44] <Kodos> Is it?
L304[01:13:51] * Azazel pats Kodos's face
L305[01:13:58] * PotatoTrumpet pats Azazel
L306[01:14:00] <Azazel> Pat pat
L307[01:14:00] <Vexatos> Kodos, asie'd kill himself if it wasn't
L308[01:14:06] <SandraNicole> yeah.
L309[01:14:12] <Kodos> Link to the git?
L310[01:14:19] <PotatoTrumpet> http://
L311[01:14:19] <SandraNicole> http://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics
L312[01:14:55] <SandraNicole> yeah, if it wasn't asie would be a massive hypocrite.
L313[01:15:58] <Azazel> Slap some coding tape on it
L314[01:18:57] *** Daiyousei is now known as LearningFairy
L315[01:20:06] <Azazel> Zlap
L316[01:21:34] <Vexatos> coding tape?
L317[01:22:17] <Azazel> Uh its an estoric thing
L318[01:22:26] <Azazel> It just fixes everything
L319[01:22:35] <Azazel> EVERYTHING
L320[01:22:44] <Azazel> Also in most languages
L321[01:22:52] <PotatoTrumpet> SHmm
L322[01:23:00] <PotatoTrumpet> So looking at SKS's network map
L323[01:23:20] * PotatoTrumpet want's to be able to do such a thing
L324[01:23:31] <Azazel> Then stop using html
L325[01:23:39] <PotatoTrumpet> no one asked you
L326[01:23:48] <PotatoTrumpet> oh yah
L327[01:24:04] <Azazel> You didnt state it as a question
L328[01:24:17] <Azazel> So i can voice opinion on that matter
L329[01:24:31] <Azazel> Anyways
L330[01:24:39] <Azazel> that thur java
L331[01:24:44] <PotatoTrumpet> http://shadowkat.tk/pub/~potatotrumpet/
L332[01:25:36] <Azazel> Cool
L333[01:25:47] <Azazel> Http://something.com
L334[01:25:56] <Azazel> Thats true html
L335[01:26:11] *** ShadowKatStudios is now known as SKS-Away
L336[01:26:14] <PotatoTrumpet> mnoooo
L337[01:26:29] <Azazel> Jk
L338[01:26:45] ⇦ Quits: CrackedP0t (~CrackedP0@bus-203-250.idcomm.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L339[01:27:18] <PotatoTrumpet> I think I am running off of lain
L340[01:28:20] <Azazel> Ok
L341[01:28:38] <Azazel> Network you are using for hosting is not safe btw
L342[01:28:53] <Azazel> Thou packets hast been sniffed
L343[01:28:57] <Azazel> Thine*
L344[01:29:24] ⇦ Quits: [zzz] (~Something@S010674d02b5d5181.vs.shawcable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L345[01:29:37] ⇨ Joins: [zzz] (~Something@S010674d02b5d5181.vs.shawcable.net)
L346[01:30:11] <PotatoTrumpet> ?
L347[01:30:18] <PotatoTrumpet> It's SKS's netowrk
L348[01:32:50] <Azazel> Shhh my child
L349[01:32:57] <Azazel> It will be ok soon
L350[01:35:39] <PotatoTrumpet> :P
L351[01:42:26] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L352[01:46:29] ⇦ Quits: bananagram (~Porygon@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L353[01:48:41] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E42B264F0B296BEF6976BE8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L354[01:49:21] <Azazel> Have you tried codegolf
L355[01:49:30] <gamax92> Yes
L356[01:51:19] <Azazel> Do you like it
L357[01:51:54] <SuPeRMiNoR2> .openprg
L358[01:51:54] <^v> SuPeRMiNoR2,
L359[01:52:31] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13 (~Johannes@
L360[01:52:47] <Azazel> Your ip is showing
L361[01:52:54] <Azazel> Why not ask for a cloak
L362[01:54:15] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L363[01:54:38] <SuPeRMiNoR2> v^: check your bot
L364[01:59:06] <v^> SuPeRMiNoR2, i dont have git ffs
L365[01:59:18] <Azazel> Why
L366[01:59:36] <v^> ^v will be fully operational and 24/7 in atleast 3 days
L367[02:00:01] <v^> this version is temporary, sorry moving computers is awkward
L368[02:00:06] <v^> and ^v is massive
L369[02:00:34] <Azazel> How big
L370[02:00:56] <Azazel> GBs/lines and columns
L371[02:01:35] *** skyem123|ZZZ is now known as skyem123
L372[02:03:49] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L373[02:06:20] *** Benguin[ZzZ] is now known as Benguin
L374[02:08:00] ⇦ Quits: vifino (~me@chrono.i0i0.me) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L375[02:12:50] ⇦ Quits: |0xDEADBEEF| (~Numatron@chrono.i0i0.me) (Remote host closed the connection)
L376[02:19:01] *** skyem123 is now known as skyem123|away
L377[02:19:38] ⇨ Joins: Ditchbuster (~LudgeLiki@
L378[02:20:08] <Ditchbuster> hey! anyone know if the example echo irc bot on the internet api page should work?
L379[02:20:36] <PotatoTrumpet> IDK
L380[02:20:48] <Ditchbuster> the OC computer is getting true back from open("irc.esper.net",6667)
L381[02:21:02] <PotatoTrumpet> HHmm
L382[02:21:07] <Ditchbuster> i have it printing if that is true
L383[02:21:28] <Ditchbuster> the next line is line = con:read()
L384[02:21:49] <PotatoTrumpet> v^: ^
L385[02:21:53] <Ditchbuster> and a print statment right after that and the screen just goes blank
L386[02:22:04] <Ditchbuster> well stays the same
L387[02:22:31] <Ditchbuster> and it then requires me to power off the machine to break out of whatever it is doing.
L388[02:22:41] <PotatoTrumpet> Uhhh
L389[02:23:09] <Ditchbuster> i thought i read read() was non blocking so it should move on either way right?
L390[02:23:11] ⇨ Joins: vifino (~me@chrono.i0i0.me)
L391[02:23:23] <PotatoTrumpet> vifino: could you help this kind sir
L392[02:23:49] <PotatoTrumpet> ?
L393[02:24:11] ⇨ Joins: |0xDEADBEEF| (~Numatron@chrono.i0i0.me)
L394[02:24:21] <PotatoTrumpet> I have no idea
L395[02:24:25] <PotatoTrumpet> most people are AFK
L396[02:24:29] <PotatoTrumpet> /Asleep
L397[02:24:35] <Ditchbuster> yea thats what i assume :P
L398[02:24:40] <Ditchbuster> ill have to ask tomorrow
L399[02:24:44] <Ditchbuster> i should be in bed anyways
L400[02:24:47] <PotatoTrumpet> same
L401[02:24:52] <PotatoTrumpet> its 1:24 AM here
L402[02:24:58] <PotatoTrumpet> I have to wake up a 7
L403[02:25:03] <Ditchbuster> another central timer
L404[02:25:13] <PotatoTrumpet> CDTMasterrace
L405[02:25:21] <Ditchbuster> :p
L406[02:26:50] ⇦ Quits: vifino (~me@chrono.i0i0.me) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L407[02:28:16] <PotatoTrumpet> ermergurd
L408[02:28:32] <PotatoTrumpet> I can get to my small space on SKS's server from my phone
L409[02:28:35] <PotatoTrumpet> er mer gurd
L410[02:28:56] <PotatoTrumpet> well
L411[02:28:58] <PotatoTrumpet> good night
L412[02:29:03] ⇦ Quits: PotatoTrumpet (~potatotru@mobile-166-173-057-063.mycingular.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L413[02:32:06] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L414[02:34:12] ⇨ Joins: vifino (~me@chrono.i0i0.me)
L415[02:36:11] <Kodos> Do I need to add a / when I'm calling a command with the debug card
L416[02:37:31] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~samis@
L417[02:38:35] <Ditchbuster> ahhh ha!! for whatever reason esper waits for you to send anything before starting transmission
L418[02:39:02] <v^>
L419[02:39:08] <Ditchbuster> so the code on the wiki sits spinning infinatly waiting for esper to send something
L420[02:39:34] <v^> repetative atm, but i am still working on it
L421[02:52:02] <Azazel> http://sorch.info/boss.mp3 is something ive been doing
L422[02:52:44] <Azazel> Tis' a hard life
L423[02:54:18] <Azazel> If we are discussing music
L424[02:54:31] <Azazel> thats a nice tune v^
L425[02:56:15] <v^> :>
L426[02:56:41] <Azazel> Listen to mine
L427[02:56:42] <v^> Azazel, sounds like sanic
L428[02:56:49] <v^> what did you use to make it?
L429[02:57:18] <Azazel> Wavpad and sound samples\my own 8bit program
L430[02:57:26] <Azazel> And a port from an old sanic game
L431[02:57:48] <v^> i coded mine completely in lua <_> down to the raw s16 format
L432[02:59:29] <v^> welp, its 3 AM
L433[03:00:10] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~samis@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L434[03:00:34] <v^> the code: http://hastebin.com/umiwiritiq.lua
L435[03:00:37] <Azazel> Go sleep
L436[03:00:43] <Kodos> 2 more hours and i get to go fight my RLS for an hour while I try to fall asleep
L437[03:00:46] ⇨ Joins: skyem123 (skyem123@
L438[03:00:51] <Azazel> Gnight
L439[03:01:03] <Azazel> O/
L440[03:01:18] <v^> night
L441[03:04:26] <SandraNicole> I'm watching a collection of pokemon anime opening themes. ERMAGERD THEY'RE ALL SO GOOD!
L442[03:04:41] <Ditchbuster> so "[^:]+" in gmatch is matching everything but : and can repeat as much as possible. So it is spliting the string along the : in the string?
L443[03:10:38] <Kubuxu> #lua
L444[03:10:38] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L445[03:11:09] <Kubuxu> #lua ("dsfsdf:fdsfz:fdfd"):gmatch("[^:]")
L446[03:11:09] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > function: 0x7fb890141370
L447[03:11:25] <Kubuxu> #lua ("dsfsdf:fdsfz:fdfd"):match("[^:]")
L448[03:11:25] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > d
L449[03:11:29] <Kubuxu> #lua ("dsfsdf:fdsfz:fdfd"):match("[^:]+")
L450[03:11:30] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > dsfsdf
L451[03:11:41] <Kubuxu> #lua ("dsfsdf:fdsfz:fdfd"):find("[^:]+")
L452[03:11:41] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1 | 6
L453[03:11:48] <Kubuxu> #lua ("dsfsdf:fdsfz:fdfd"):gsub("[^:]+")
L454[03:11:48] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > lua:1: bad argument #2 to 'gsub' (string/function/table expected)
L455[03:12:57] *** SKS-Away is now known as ShadowKatStudios
L456[03:12:59] ⇨ Joins: Aedda (~aedda@2600:3c00::19:cace)
L457[03:17:38] <Kodos> #lua function round(num,places) local mult = 10^(places or 0) return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end test = 1234.567890 test = round(test, 2) print(test)
L458[03:17:38] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 1234.57 | nil
L459[03:18:07] <Ir7_o> .calc 1 + 1
L460[03:18:07] <^v> Ir7_o, 2
L461[03:18:14] <Ir7_o> calc 1 + 1
L462[03:18:15] <Kodos> Lol
L463[03:18:19] <Ir7_o> testing :P
L464[03:18:21] <Kodos> Owait
L465[03:18:23] <Ir7_o> cal 1 + 1
L466[03:18:26] <Kodos> .w robot
L467[03:18:26] <^v> Kodos, http://ocd.cil.li/api:robot
L468[03:18:28] <Kodos> =D
L469[03:18:30] <Kodos> That works again
L470[03:18:37] <Ir7_o> .cal 1 + 1
L471[03:18:41] <Ir7_o> .calc 1 + 1
L472[03:18:41] <^v> Ir7_o, 2
L473[03:18:49] <Ir7_o> hm
L474[03:19:25] <Ir7_o> .calc 1 + 1 * 2 / 0.0001 2(1 + 1)
L475[03:19:26] <^v> Ir7_o, sbox.tmp 1: syntax error
L476[03:19:29] <Ir7_o> hehhe
L477[03:19:30] ⇦ Quits: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L478[03:19:45] <Ir7_o> .calc 1 + 1 * 2 / 0.0001
L479[03:19:45] <^v> Ir7_o, 20001.00000000000000000000
L480[03:20:57] <Ir7_o> .calc 2(5/9)^1
L481[03:20:57] <^v> Ir7_o, sbox.tmp 1: syntax error
L482[03:21:18] <Ir7_o> .calc 2(5/9)
L483[03:21:18] <^v> Ir7_o, sbox.tmp 1: syntax error
L484[03:21:23] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L485[03:29:20] ⇦ Quits: skyem123 (skyem123@ (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L486[03:31:12] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L487[03:31:41] *** SandraNicole is now known as Sandrafk
L488[03:34:27] ⇨ Joins: Skylar (~Skylar@CPE-121-220-131-27.lns5.fli.bigpond.net.au)
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L490[03:38:11] ⇨ Joins: Hobby_boy (~Hobbyboy@host109-157-14-213.range109-157.btcentralplus.com)
L491[03:39:24] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L492[03:40:13] <ShadowKatStudios> fml
L493[03:40:36] <ShadowKatStudios> why do I always seem to have the right tools for the wrong job?
L494[03:42:57] <Aedda> I am having the oddest issue, with only OC and Nei installed, I have no Robots. Am I missing something obvious?
L495[03:47:48] *** Sandrafk is now known as SandraNicol
L496[03:47:50] *** SandraNicol is now known as SandraNicole
L497[03:48:11] <SandraNicole> o/ all.
L498[03:48:37] <SandraNicole> Aedda: you have to assemble robots.
L499[03:49:02] *** Hobbyboy|Sleep is now known as Hobbyboy
L500[03:49:22] <SandraNicole> so you need to put a computer case in the electronics assembler.
L501[03:50:06] <Aedda> Has it always been like this? Also thank you for the reply SandraNicole :)
L502[03:50:28] <SandraNicole> Aedda: since OC1.3.
L503[03:50:50] <SandraNicole> Before that, no, robots had vanilla crafting recipes.
L504[03:51:20] <SandraNicole> but this way has much more flexibility.
L505[03:52:30] <Aedda> Ah I see, the last time I added one in creative was 1.2.9
L506[03:52:59] <SandraNicole> yep.
L507[03:54:05] <Aedda> Cool, thank you so much!
L508[03:54:20] <SandraNicole> no problem. I live to help.
L509[03:56:45] <Ender> morning all
L510[03:57:12] <SandraNicole> morning ender.
L511[03:57:17] <Ir7_o> hi
L512[04:03:35] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~quassel@178-191-130-153.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L513[04:04:47] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~quassel@91-115-114-222.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L514[04:08:44] <ShadowKatStudios> Ender, why is the world out to mess with me today?
L515[04:08:55] <Ender> ShadowKatStudios: no clue
L516[04:09:04] <ShadowKatStudios> Want to know what happened today?
L517[04:09:36] <ShadowKatStudios> I thought today was gonna be great- I finally get to buy my computer parts.
L518[04:11:14] ⇨ Joins: Hobby_boy_z (~Hobbyboy@host109-157-14-213.range109-157.btcentralplus.com)
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L520[04:11:57] *** Hobby_boy_z is now known as Hobby_boy
L521[04:12:06] ⇦ Quits: ashka (~postmaste@ (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L522[04:12:19] <ShadowKatStudios> On the way, while changing cars because were going in my grandad's car, my toe got run over. Then, the cheap motherboardd with all the stuff I wanted was out of stock. So I get one more expensive, check the docs and am told it uses a 2x4 CPU power connector. Great. Then it turns it out you can run it on a normal one, but not if you overclock. Fine. Then, I get home, and nagato's case is too...
L523[04:12:21] <ShadowKatStudios> ...small. So I have to go with an ancient case, and then the motherboard has screws rusted in. fml
L524[04:13:26] <Kubuxu> ShadowKatStudios: ;[[
L525[04:13:32] ⇨ Joins: ashka (~postmaste@
L526[04:13:34] ⇦ Quits: JZTech101 (jztech101@crabhost.org) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L527[04:13:46] <ShadowKatStudios> That was my day, how was yours?
L528[04:14:23] <Ender> well i woke up about half hour ago
L529[04:14:50] <ShadowKatStudios> And now I have to wait for the drill to charge so I can kill the screws.
L530[04:14:56] <ShadowKatStudios> The motherboard doesn't fucking fit.
L531[04:26:40] <Kodos> Ender, we has microcontrollers now
L532[04:26:58] <Ender> Kodos: i know, i was here when Sangar released them yesterday
L533[04:27:16] <Kodos> Oh
L534[04:27:24] <ShadowKatStudios> So
L535[04:27:31] <ShadowKatStudios> I found another ATX-size case
L536[04:27:34] <ShadowKatStudios> like full ATX
L537[04:27:37] <ShadowKatStudios> it'll do
L538[04:27:43] <ShadowKatStudios> it's also black rather than silver
L539[04:38:19] <Kubuxu> Don't update bios while watching video. I just descovered new type of music.
L540[04:39:24] <Ender> Kubuxu: lol
L541[04:44:00] <SandraNicole> what, microcontrollers?
L542[04:44:05] <SandraNicole> WHAT IS THIS I HEAR?
L543[04:44:44] <Kubuxu> SandraNicole: I heard pure data. I think It reprogremmed my mind.
L544[04:45:09] * SandraNicole didn't understand a thing Kubuxu just said.
L545[04:46:34] <Kodos> I wanna try to find what frequencies i need to use to make computer.beep() emulate a 56k modem as best as it can
L546[04:47:35] <SandraNicole> time to go search IRC logs to see if I can find the release of said microcontrollers.
L547[04:50:20] <Kubuxu> Kodos: Do you know that only negotation part is cool. Transfer is almost white noise.
L548[04:50:32] <Kodos> Yes I know, that's the part I meant
L549[04:50:34] <Kodos> Just the first bit
L550[04:51:35] <Kodos> If I can figure out the code needed to emulate it, I can use that for fluff for networking things
L551[04:54:04] <SandraNicole> Important question. Should I write more lasers or should I do my homework that's due tomorrow.
L552[04:54:06] <SandraNicole> hmm.
L553[04:54:08] <SandraNicole> decisions.
L554[04:54:11] <Kodos> I'd do homework, tbh
L555[04:54:28] <Kodos> That way, when you do lasers, you have more time to spend on them
L556[04:54:50] <SandraNicole> Oh, wait.
L557[04:55:08] <SandraNicole> I probably can't write lasers until my system upgrade completes.
L558[04:55:13] <SandraNicole> well, homework time.
L559[04:55:17] * SandraNicole sighs.
L560[04:55:26] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p54935201.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L561[05:01:26] <SandraNicole> 179 packages to update.
L562[05:01:38] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L563[05:04:02] ⇨ Joins: Uni (~Uni@p54935201.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L564[05:06:18] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L565[05:06:56] <SandraNicole> we're 99% done with updating linux yay!
L566[05:07:19] *** SandraNicole is now known as Sandrafk
L567[05:08:12] ⇦ Quits: Uni (~Uni@p54935201.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L568[05:10:03] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p54935201.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L569[05:10:10] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L570[05:19:53] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L571[05:24:04] ⇦ Quits: Azazel (uid52684@id-52684.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L572[05:34:21] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p549CE5BA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L573[05:40:24] <ShadowKatStudios> WOO
L574[05:40:29] <ShadowKatStudios> Nagato v2 boots!
L575[05:41:39] <Ender> Sandrafk, with your human based lasers, can I use the laser redirectors to transport players to a receptor that isn't in a direct line from the initial laser block
L576[05:45:30] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L577[05:49:31] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@apn-31-2-107-250.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl)
L578[05:49:31] zsh sets mode: +v on asie
L579[05:51:14] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L580[05:56:12] *** wer38|afk is now known as wer38
L581[05:58:14] <Ender> ShadowKatStudios http://imgur.com/gallery/kFgVfUa
L582[06:02:46] *** Sandrafk is now known as SandraNicole
L583[06:04:10] <ShadowKatStudios> So
L584[06:04:21] <ShadowKatStudios> Why does my BIOS on this new motherboard have mouse control?
L585[06:04:31] <SandraNicole> so I just spent like an hour waiting for downloading to happen because massive system update.
L586[06:04:50] <SandraNicole> Hmm. I wonder if I can play Jet Grind Radio now.
L587[06:05:49] <Ender> ShadowKatStudios, UEFI?
L588[06:06:26] <Kodos> asie, how are you at models in Minecraft?
L589[06:06:35] <ShadowKatStudios> Ender: Unfortunately, yes.
L590[06:06:38] <asie> Kodos: you mean 1.8?
L591[06:06:40] <ShadowKatStudios> I set it to legacy mode only
L592[06:06:42] <Kodos> No. 1.7.10
L593[06:06:52] <Ender> ShadowKatStudios it's not all that bad
L594[06:07:01] <ShadowKatStudios> Well, now it isn't.
L595[06:07:23] <ShadowKatStudios> Also, this is properly odd.
L596[06:07:36] <Ender> The only point it becomes a pain is when it's locked down
L597[06:07:44] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm using a brand new motherboard in a case as old as me
L598[06:07:52] <ShadowKatStudios> Potato-2's case
L599[06:09:12] <ShadowKatStudios> Anyway, I just have to wait a minute and a half until it figures out it can't mount the anime drive
L600[06:09:42] <SandraNicole> default date in this game: 11/27/1998.
L601[06:09:45] <SandraNicole> welllllll.
L602[06:10:05] <ShadowKatStudios> What game?
L603[06:10:12] <SandraNicole> Jet Grind Radio.
L604[06:10:46] <ShadowKatStudios> Should I keep the name as nagato, or rename her because she has an i3 and 8GB RAM now?
L605[06:11:32] <Ender> ShadowKatStudios, rename her with a Badass Approved name
L606[06:11:44] <ShadowKatStudios> Badass Approved?
L607[06:11:55] <Ender> Has to be badass
L608[06:11:58] <Ender> :P
L609[06:12:06] <Kodos> Anyway, I'm going to bed. asie, I only ask because I was hoping for a cage lamp variant of the Colorful Lamp. I asked Vexatos about it earlier, but he didn't want to do it D=
L610[06:12:12] <ShadowKatStudios> Are you not aware of who Nagato is?
L611[06:12:19] *** Kodos is now known as Kodos|Zzz
L612[06:12:23] <Ender> ShadowKatStudios, not really
L613[06:12:38] <ShadowKatStudios> She has saved the universe no less than 3 times. Singlehandedly.
L614[06:12:57] <SandraNicole> what's she from?
L615[06:13:17] <ShadowKatStudios> The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
L616[06:13:41] <ShadowKatStudios> :D So many CPU flags!
L617[06:18:25] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L618[06:21:24] <SandraNicole> well that idea ended badly.
L619[06:21:33] <SandraNicole> Just tried playing game.
L620[06:21:45] <SandraNicole> runs at 10% of original speed.
L621[06:21:47] <SandraNicole> nope.
L622[06:23:18] <Ender> lol
L623[06:24:16] * vifino waves to ShadowKatStudios
L624[06:24:36] * ShadowKatStudios waves to vifino
L625[06:24:42] <Ender> right, now to remember where i put the remote copy of ocjam's site
L626[06:25:04] <Ender> aha found it
L627[06:25:40] <vifino> How are you, ShadowKatStudios?
L628[06:25:42] * Ender waits for his koding vm to start ip
L629[06:25:44] <Ender> up*
L630[06:25:56] <ShadowKatStudios> So vifino, nagato now has an i3 and 8GB of RAM, so pretty goodl.
L631[06:26:03] <vifino> :O
L632[06:26:24] <vifino> Poor lain :(
L633[06:26:37] <ShadowKatStudios> Worry not, lain is getting an upgrade
L634[06:26:45] <vifino> \o/
L635[06:26:47] <ShadowKatStudios> Core 2 Duo E6300, 4GB RAM
L636[06:27:02] <vifino> :o!
L637[06:27:38] <ShadowKatStudios> Gonna be my VM box, possibly
L638[06:27:40] <vifino> ShadowKatStudios: Doesn't lain need to be reinstalled then?
L639[06:27:59] <ShadowKatStudios> probably more likley a MC server
L640[06:28:04] <vifino> Because to <weird architecture here
L641[06:28:08] <vifino> *because of
L642[06:28:23] <ShadowKatStudios> Oh, I was using the i486 version of Debian
L643[06:28:34] <vifino> Yes.
L644[06:28:45] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm going to install Arch on lain though
L645[06:28:57] <vifino> \o/
L646[06:30:10] <ShadowKatStudios> Also, with this i3, I can run VMs on my main machine :D
L647[06:30:23] <vifino> :o
L648[06:31:40] <ShadowKatStudios> No need to abuse shiro into using them via RDP
L649[06:32:26] <vifino> ShadowKatStudios: What do you think about javascript?
L650[06:34:03] <ShadowKatStudios> I think it's a little dodgy, but it does the job.
L651[06:34:26] <ShadowKatStudios> Not that I've used it in the last 2 years
L652[06:35:27] <vifino> Node js is nice, like the jxcore fork more, allows to bundle a project into a binary.
L653[06:35:46] <vifino> Like, a ready-to-publish-binary
L654[06:36:48] <ShadowKatStudios> Shiny.
L655[06:37:05] <ShadowKatStudios> Not that I have much use for javascript
L656[06:37:57] <vifino> Nodejs/jxcore is nice for basic, event-based things.
L657[06:42:10] <ShadowKatStudios> So vifino, want to write me a script I can easily embed into a html file that puts an external file into the current file
L658[06:42:41] <vifino> ... wat?
L659[06:42:48] <vifino> ShadowKatStudios: php
L660[06:42:50] <vifino> ?
L661[06:43:01] <ShadowKatStudios> html.
L662[06:43:11] <ShadowKatStudios> iframes don't work
L663[06:43:24] <vifino> How the fuck do you want to do that ._.
L664[06:43:27] <ShadowKatStudios> (in the way I want)
L665[06:43:39] <ShadowKatStudios> No idea.
L666[06:45:27] <Ender> ShadowKatStudios: PHP would probably be the easiest for that
L667[06:46:16] <Ender> ShadowKatStudios: https://github.com/JoshTheEnder/EnderNet/blob/master/index.php#L27-L35 is how i do the news stuff on my site
L668[06:46:54] *** wer38 is now known as wer38|zzz
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L673[06:52:38] * Ender is attempting to MySQL
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L679[07:18:13] <ShadowKatStudios> Ender: SELECT Ender FROM IRC_Users;
L680[07:18:24] <vifino> ewsql
L681[07:25:29] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C8651.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L682[07:25:29] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L685[07:49:50] <Sangar> o/
L686[07:50:41] <Ender> \o
L687[07:52:10] <Ender> Sangar: 1) is there a limit on the size of the bios, 2) did you see the question i asked yesterday just after you left?
L688[07:53:13] <Sangar> 1) 4k, 2) nope *checks logs*
L689[07:53:51] <Sangar> ah. 2) http://ocdoc.cil.li/tutorial:custom_oses
L690[07:54:30] <Ender> also i cant remember what no. 2 was :/
L691[07:54:40] *** AtomSponge|away is now known as AtomSponge
L692[07:55:01] <Sangar> what is available in init.lua/bios
L693[07:55:10] <Ender> ah
L694[07:55:58] ⇦ Quits: [zzz] (~Something@S010674d02b5d5181.vs.shawcable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L695[07:56:08] <Ender> so what happens to the setBootAddress stuff now? is that set to point to the bios or has the system change a bit?
L696[07:56:53] *** ConcernedSlippin is now known as ConcernedHobbit
L697[07:57:58] <Ender> also what about old systems that have the init.lua on their hdd, if the bios is missing does it default back to that?
L698[07:58:25] <Sangar> there can be only one bios, so that's currently still for file systems. i'm thinking of removing that in 1.5 tho, and have bioses update themselves accordingly (self mutating code ftw)
L699[07:58:37] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L700[07:59:54] <Ender> Sangar: so if there is no bios present it'll use the init.lua it finds on the drive? or am i getting it wrong?
L701[08:01:48] <Sangar> if theres no bios it won't boot
L702[08:01:55] <Sangar> the bios is what looks for the init.lua
L703[08:02:10] <Ender> ohh ok
L704[08:02:57] <Sangar> it could also look for a tape drive, or try loading stuff via the network or even from the internet. which is one of the reasons i decided to go for it even if it adds another small hurdle.
L705[08:03:08] <Sangar> it just allows so much flexibility :)
L706[08:04:03] <Ender> how would one go about booting from the network? (also where is the code the bios contains on github?)
L707[08:04:31] <Sangar> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/lua/bios.lua
L708[08:05:03] <Sangar> get network card proxy, send request for boot code, have some server listen to that and send the boot code back for example
L709[08:14:06] <Vexatos> o/
L710[08:14:39] <Vexatos> Hey Sangar, is this what you meant yesterday? https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/blob/master/src/main/java/pl/asie/computronics/oc/DriverCardSound.java#L53
L711[08:16:34] <Ender> Sangar: so could OpenOS theoretically be booted from a network server into /tmp or something? (thinking of dumb terminals for like an "internet cafe"
L712[08:16:37] <Sangar> not quite. sort it when inserting, not each tick. also, see jdoc of util.Arrays.binarySearch. that'll give you an index to insert at to keep the list sorted.
L713[08:17:08] <Sangar> Ender, not sure if openos fits into tmp, but in principle, yes
L714[08:17:13] <Vexatos> Sangar: Remember I have to do collections, not arrays
L715[08:17:34] <Sangar> Vexatos, then use java.util.Collections.binarySearch :P
L716[08:17:56] <Ender> Sangar: cool, can always strip OpenOS down or have it wipe and reload onto a drive when it first boots up
L717[08:17:57] <Vexatos> I just added it to the "every tick" to ensure it's sorted
L718[08:18:05] <Vexatos> should not eat many resources
L719[08:18:26] <Vexatos> as an already sorted array(list) runs through the sorting extremely fast
L720[08:18:29] <Vexatos> or should, at least
L721[08:18:34] <Sangar> Vexatos, but then it's probably cheaper to not sort at all >_>
L722[08:18:41] <Vexatos> But still safer
L723[08:18:47] <Sangar> but... why? just sort on insert
L724[08:18:48] <Vexatos> than the derpy for loop I commented out
L725[08:18:52] <Vexatos> Yea, I guess
L726[08:19:03] <Vexatos> I'll just insert, then sort
L727[08:19:08] <Vexatos> won't even need binary search then
L728[08:19:10] <Sangar> yeah, that'll do
L729[08:19:24] <vifino> shieeeet, now i want to make a webserver, again.
L730[08:19:28] <vifino> For no reason.
L731[08:19:48] * vifino just read through express.js things
L732[08:19:52] <Sangar> tho `index = binarySearch(list, entry); list.add(index < 0 ? -index : index, entry);` should also work :>
L733[08:19:57] <vifino> middleware = <3
L734[08:20:22] <Sangar> (and be faster)
L735[08:20:40] <Sangar> pointless optimizations for an 8-entry-list ftw
L736[08:21:01] <Vexatos> Yea, exactly
L737[08:21:08] <Ender> Sangar: when i get home i'll post some more pics of my base on my server, it's changed a fair amount since the last pics
L738[08:21:11] <Vexatos> not that you are having COMPUTERS in minecraft
L739[08:21:19] <Vexatos> totally not doing insane work every tick
L740[08:21:20] <Sangar> Vexatos, but but but imagine someone having 100 sound cards!
L741[08:21:32] <Vexatos> Sangar, that'd need at least 30 computers
L742[08:21:41] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com)
L743[08:21:48] <Sangar> Ender, cool
L744[08:21:48] <Vexatos> :3
L745[08:21:48] <Ender> or a couple of servers
L746[08:22:03] * Sangar ignores Vexatos futile attempts at logic
L747[08:22:13] <Vexatos> index = binarySearch(list, entry); list.add(index < 0 ? -index : index, entry);
L748[08:22:18] <Vexatos> ^ #optimizations
L749[08:22:20] <Ender> Vexatos: remember a maxed out Tier 3 server can support up to 64 components
L750[08:22:22] <Vexatos> best IRC channel
L751[08:22:35] <Vexatos> Ender, still using more resources than 64 sound cards
L752[08:23:28] <Vexatos> Sangar: non-direct calls run on the server thread, right?
L753[08:23:41] <Sangar> Vexatos, yes
L754[08:23:42] <Vexatos> So it's fine to make it tick-dependant, then
L755[08:23:45] <Vexatos> k
L756[08:24:52] <Vexatos> So, let's test this
L757[08:24:55] <Vexatos> i.e.
L758[08:25:02] <Vexatos> make a freaking 8-channel song .-.
L759[08:25:18] <Sangar> :D
L760[08:25:26] <Vexatos> Best commit message: https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/commit/20ecdce2dea47a71db7097e7dcc4d5c0b147f0a9
L761[08:25:39] <Sangar> :>
L762[08:29:02] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@
L763[08:30:56] <Ender> off to get food
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L770[08:44:40] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L771[08:53:28] <Kilobyte> Sangar: btw, what are you doing now that you finished uni?
L772[08:54:13] <Sangar> Kilobyte, besides working on oc? ;) job search
L773[08:54:29] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L774[08:54:57] <Kilobyte> ah, found anything good yet?
L775[08:55:31] <Sangar> sent some applications, we'll see
L776[08:55:44] <Kilobyte> cool
L777[08:56:15] ⇨ Joins: Hobby_boy_i (~Hobbyboy@host109-157-14-213.range109-157.btcentralplus.com)
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L781[09:02:14] <Ender> back
L782[09:02:17] <Ender> ith food
L783[09:02:19] ⇨ Joins: Hobby_boy (~Hobbyboy@host109-157-14-213.range109-157.btcentralplus.com)
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L790[09:12:16] *** dangranosr is now known as dangranos
L791[09:13:59] *** DeanIsGone is now known as DeanIsaKitty
L792[09:14:08] <Ender> DeanIsaKitty: \o/
L793[09:14:36] <DeanIsaKitty> Ender: \o/
L794[09:15:28] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty! \o/
L795[09:15:48] <vifino> :'(
L796[09:16:05] <gamax92> Boviskanie
L797[09:16:40] <vifino> gamax92: Did you make a static, compressing, self-indexing event-based webserver in 12 lines before?
L798[09:17:14] *** Hobbyboy is now known as Hobbyboy|Sleep
L799[09:17:18] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: Go I assume?
L800[09:17:22] <gamax92> its the same answer to: do I care?
L801[09:17:42] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: No, jxcore :)
L802[09:18:15] <vifino> gamax92: Yes?
L803[09:18:16] <vifino> :o!
L804[09:19:06] <gamax92> python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
L805[09:19:13] <gamax92> Everything I need
L806[09:19:45] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-68-206-247-199.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L809[09:28:00] <Ender> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut116mBuPpg
L810[09:28:01] -Kibibyte- [Ender] Rowan Atkinson Live - The Devil 'Toby' welcomes you to Hell | by rowanatkinson | 3m9s | 45w4d ago | 199,250 views | Rated: 4.93/5.00
L811[09:34:30] <Csstform> Ender: progress?
L812[09:35:46] <Ender> Csstform: look at the link i put in #ocjam
L813[09:36:01] <Csstform> It came up as invalid
L814[09:36:35] <Csstform> I assume it turned off
L815[09:36:42] <Ender> no, it's on i think
L816[09:36:48] <Ender> oh
L817[09:36:50] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L818[09:36:53] <Ender> fuck you koding
L819[09:37:15] <vifino> Ender: inb4 I tell you to pay your bills
L820[09:37:59] <Csstform> vifino: payyourbills.gif
L821[09:37:59] <Ender> vifino: it's a free one from coding but i was sure it hadnt been an hour (since i poked it at 2)
L822[09:39:11] <Csstform> Ender: still doesnt work
L823[09:39:24] <Ender> it's booting
L824[09:40:11] <vifino> Csstform: I am paying, you are not.
L825[09:40:13] <vifino> :)
L826[09:40:58] <Ender> Csstform: should be back now
L827[09:42:19] <Vexatos> Ender: link please? <3
L828[09:42:57] <Csstform> Ender: nope
L829[09:43:04] <Ender> thatjgreen.koding.io
L830[09:43:09] <Ender> http://thatjgreen.koding.io
L831[09:43:19] <Ender> works for me
L832[09:43:38] <Csstform> Not for me :P
L833[09:43:39] <vifino> For me too.
L834[09:43:55] <Ender> Csstform: then something on your end is borked
L835[09:45:15] <Csstform> Can confirm: browser was borked
L836[09:45:23] <Ender> lol
L837[09:49:44] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@
L838[09:50:43] <dangranos> .op
L839[09:50:46] <dangranos> :(
L840[09:51:02] <dangranos> can anyone give link to OpenPrograms?
L841[09:51:23] *** LearningFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L842[09:51:25] <Ender> https://github.com/OpenPrograms
L843[09:53:06] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L844[09:55:56] <Ender> \o/ http://i.imgur.com/lDogIcW.png
L845[09:58:41] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L846[10:07:14] <dangranos> weird
L847[10:07:33] <dangranos> i am getting more fps on linux (non-free drivers ofc) than on windows
L848[10:07:52] <dangranos> in minecraft
L849[10:08:25] <Ender> lol
L850[10:08:56] <dangranos> and drops it from ~50 to ~30
L851[10:09:00] <dangranos> *cows
L852[10:15:27] <Vexatos> Ender: I registered :3
L853[10:15:39] <Vexatos> Hehehe
L854[10:16:20] <dangranos> so, now bios.lua is copied into EEPROM?
L855[10:17:30] ⇦ Quits: |0xDEADBEEF| (~Numatron@chrono.i0i0.me) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L856[10:17:39] <Vexatos> I assume you have to craft the BIOS just like you have to craft OpenOS
L857[10:17:46] <Vexatos> i.e. EEPROM card + book
L858[10:17:59] <Vexatos> s/card/board
L859[10:17:59] <Kibibyte> <Vexatos> i.e. EEPROM board + book
L860[10:18:19] <Ender> Vexatos: that's not a registration form :P
L861[10:18:28] <Vexatos> Ender, I know
L862[10:18:35] <Vexatos> But it required email
L863[10:18:48] <Vexatos> so I filled it with a totally legit email
L864[10:19:37] <Ender> Vexatos: i see what you did there....
L865[10:19:40] <Vexatos> dangranos, I guess you are actually right
L866[10:19:48] ⇨ Joins: Lumien (~lumien@p579728F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L867[10:20:10] <Ender> from what Sangar said earlier, the bios looks for the init.lua on the hdd
L868[10:20:15] ⇦ Quits: vifino (~me@chrono.i0i0.me) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L869[10:20:32] <Ender> basically like a modular kernel.lua
L870[10:21:00] <dangranos> earlier?
L871[10:21:02] <dangranos> when?
L872[10:21:13] <Vexatos> Ender, IIRC you can /craft/ the default BIOS
L873[10:21:18] <Vexatos> using EEPROM + book
L874[10:21:24] <Vexatos> but you can make custom BIOSes
L875[10:21:32] <Vexatos> the default one will indeed look for init.lua
L876[10:21:53] <dangranos> ^ just checked that
L877[10:22:04] <Ender> brb, switching to either tablet or another pc
L878[10:22:41] <Kilobyte> meanwhile it seems that scalatest is broken
L879[10:22:55] ⇨ Joins: |0xDEADBEEF| (~Numatron@chrono.i0i0.me)
L880[10:22:57] <Vexatos> >custom BIOS
L881[10:23:03] <Vexatos> Sangar is insane
L882[10:23:34] ⇨ Joins: vifino (~me@chrono.i0i0.me)
L883[10:23:51] <gamax92> lol yeah
L884[10:25:20] <Kilobyte> '"stuff" should be ("stuff")' produces a syntax error -.- even though that should work
L885[10:25:30] <Kilobyte> or rather, it cannot find 'should'
L886[10:31:10] *** vifino is now known as Prince_Vifino
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L892[10:47:42] <dangranos> :( http://xiki.org/
L893[10:47:49] <dangranos> abandoned
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L896[10:50:34] <Ender> okay, back. moving took a bit longer than expected
L897[10:51:09] <Prince_Vifino> dangranos: I used xiki for a while with vim :(
L898[10:51:13] <Prince_Vifino> Sad news :(
L899[10:57:20] <DeanIsaKitty> xiki with vim? why?
L900[11:02:26] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
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L903[11:08:39] <Prince_Vifino> DeanIsaKitty: Why not!
L904[11:10:17] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54972E37.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L908[11:22:20] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L909[11:28:29] <Ender> okay then..., can someone go to http://thatjgreen.koding.io/ and http://www.theender.net and confirm that the width of the elements expand to the screen edges in koding and not my domain
L910[11:29:53] <DeanIsaKitty> Ender: For me the title expand to screen edges on both, but the text section not on your domain thanks to the graphics at the top. :P
L911[11:30:38] <Ender> DeanIsaKitty: the background shouldnt make a difference. just wanted to confirm that the panels expand to the sides on the koding but not my main domain
L912[11:30:53] ⇨ Joins: Magik6k (~Magik6k@host-89-228-225-106.kalisz.mm.pl)
L913[11:31:06] <DeanIsaKitty> I guess yes then. Not completely sure what you even mean, but yes. :P
L914[11:31:49] <Ender> also after doing a diff against the resources of both sites it seems that the one my main site uses is horribly outdated
L915[11:32:07] <Ender> well
L916[11:32:26] <Ender> almost all the css stuff differs between them
L917[11:34:40] <dangranos> Ender, you theender.net page is so 1.0 ._.
L918[11:34:54] <Ender> i have just deleted the css out of it
L919[11:35:00] <dangranos> or that
L920[11:35:32] ⇦ Quits: Benguin (~Ben@adsl-83-100-188-68.karoo.KCOM.COM) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L921[11:37:48] <Ender> okay.... updated the css on my site yet it still doesnt look the same as what's on my koding.....
L922[11:38:50] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L923[11:39:35] <Ender> oh
L924[11:40:02] ⇦ Quits: Lumien (~lumien@p579728F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L925[11:40:15] <Ender> apparently adding a row as <div class="row"> makes it smaller but just <row> doesnt, i think
L926[11:40:37] ⇨ Joins: Lumien (~lumien@p579728F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L927[11:41:16] <Ender> CSS y u so confusing?
L928[11:43:47] <Magik6k> Ender, read about display: flex; this makes world a better place
L929[11:44:01] <Ender> ?
L930[11:44:27] <Magik6k> http://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/
L931[11:46:14] <Ender> Magik6k: currently i'm trying to work out why panel sizes differ between http://thatjgreen.koding.io and http://www.theender.net
L932[11:47:00] <Ender> and it all seems to be down tp using <div class="row"> compared to just <row>
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L936[11:50:53] <scj643> hi
L937[11:51:13] <Magik6k> ouch, dat css
L938[11:51:43] <scj643> I noticed that the oc forums is low on content
L939[11:51:59] <Magik6k> scj643, true
L940[11:52:24] ⇨ Joins: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host81-158-131-173.range81-158.btcentralplus.com)
L941[11:52:56] <Ender> right, hometime
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L943[11:56:23] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L944[11:56:30] <dangranos> is SGT2 site dead?
L945[11:57:35] <Caitlyn> dangranos, http://stargatetech.theender.net/miscellaneous/home.html
L946[11:58:04] <dangranos> i mean as in content
L947[11:58:20] <dangranos> *not updating
L948[11:58:59] * Caitlyn shrugs
L949[11:59:12] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L950[11:59:59] <dangranos> 5D object isualisations is funny
L951[12:00:08] <dangranos> *visualisation
L952[12:00:23] <dangranos> because its 5D to 4D to 3D to 2D
L953[12:02:27] <Magik6k> It's actually worse than drawing cube in 1D(so basically a line)
L954[12:02:54] *** skyem123|away is now known as skyem123|homework
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L956[12:12:44] * Vexatos takes Sangar
L957[12:13:10] * Sangar is taken
L958[12:13:21] *** Nentify|away is now known as Nentify
L959[12:13:24] <Sangar> i have a win95 iso here, seeing if i can find the wav on it to verify :X
L960[12:14:21] * Sangar spots directory called `FUNSTUFF` in iso o.O
L961[12:14:58] * Sangar begins to doubt authenticity of iso
L962[12:15:15] ⇨ Joins: Benguin (~Ben@adsl-83-100-188-68.karoo.KCOM.COM)
L963[12:16:31] <Vexatos> Sangar, I need to convert WAV to DFPWM
L964[12:16:33] <Vexatos> for science
L965[12:16:39] <Prince_Vifino> FOR SCIENCE
L966[12:17:28] <Prince_Vifino> Vexatos: For science: http://archie.i0i0.me:8080/ -- Featuring my newest creation: [NONAME] webserver
L967[12:17:34] <Kodos|Zzz> Anyone know if there was a second season to Nana's Secret Treasure or whatever it's called
L968[12:17:57] <Vexatos> Princess_Vifino, too little DFPWM
L969[12:18:01] <Kodos|Zzz> Buried Treasure apparentl
L970[12:18:01] <Kodos|Zzz> y
L971[12:18:38] <Ender> dangranos, what do you mean?
L972[12:18:39] <Sangar> Vexatos, found it :>
L973[12:18:45] <Sangar> sounds as crappy as the yt vid :X
L974[12:18:46] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L975[12:18:47] <Vexatos> Hurr
L976[12:18:54] <Sangar> but yeah
L977[12:18:55] <Sangar> that's the one
L978[12:18:56] <Ender> (in terms of SGTech2)
L979[12:18:56] <Vexatos> Sangar, it's a f*ing /98
L980[12:19:01] <Vexatos> what did you expect
L981[12:19:05] <Prince_Vifino> Vexatos: I am not a princess q_q
L982[12:19:07] <Vexatos> still sounds better than computer.beep
L983[12:19:09] <Vexatos> xD
L984[12:19:15] <Vexatos> Which is why I have to convert it
L985[12:19:19] <Sangar> i thought it was my bad speakers back when that made it sound so noisy of course >_>
L986[12:19:31] *** Kodos|Zzz is now known as Kodos
L987[12:19:44] <Kodos> How hard would it be to use computer.beep to emulate the initialization of a 56k Modem
L988[12:20:03] <Vexatos> Sangar, I don't think there is a good way to convert WAV into a human-readable format
L989[12:20:09] <Vexatos> so I guess I have to try it myself
L990[12:20:21] <Ender> Kodos, dont think it'd be that hard
L991[12:20:24] <Prince_Vifino> Vexatos: base64 q_q
L992[12:20:31] <Vexatos> Yea, right
L993[12:20:47] <Prince_Vifino> Vexatos is a big baka
L994[12:20:52] <Sangar> huh, wav to midi? yeah i'm not sure that exists
L995[12:21:47] <Vexatos> Found this
L996[12:21:47] <Vexatos> http://sound.stackexchange.com/questions/23967/where-can-i-find-the-windows-95-startup-sound-transcribed-into-music-notation-or
L997[12:21:55] <Vexatos> Guess I have to see how close the sheet gets
L998[12:21:59] <Sangar> ooh, nice
L999[12:22:00] * Vexatos opens MuseScore
L1000[12:24:30] <gamax92> ヽ('~`;)ノ
L1001[12:31:02] <Vexatos> Can barely get midi to play it quickly enough
L1002[12:31:09] <Vexatos> at 180 bpm right now x.x
L1003[12:42:26] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L1008[12:50:49] *** DeanIsaKitty is now known as DeanIsGone
L1009[12:50:59] <v^>
L1010[12:51:02] <v^> gamax92
L1011[12:51:48] <v^> oh god it sounds like crap now
L1012[12:51:48] <Vexatos> Sangar, this is hard D:
L1013[12:52:00] <v^> y i think it sounds good when i was tired
L1014[12:52:04] <Sangar> Vexatos, you can do it! :P
L1015[12:58:54] <Ender> git why are you transfering at a max of 144KiB/s? i have like at least 20 down and the server you're downloading from has a dedicated line
L1016[13:01:58] <Magik6k> ~w event
L1017[13:02:00] <Magik6k> .p
L1018[13:02:01] <^v> Ping reply from Magik6k 0.26s
L1019[13:02:04] <Magik6k> .w event
L1020[13:02:05] <^v> Magik6k, http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L1021[13:02:25] <Ender> hehe, the game of which bot is here
L1022[13:03:03] <v^> :P i gtg
L1023[13:03:08] <Ender> uhoh
L1024[13:03:12] <v^> and yes, ^v
L1025[13:03:32] ⇦ Quits: Ditchbuster (~LudgeLiki@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1026[13:03:34] <Ender> v^, if you want an account on my vps to host it on just ask
L1027[13:03:55] <v^> TL;DR the real ^v (with git and everything) is on my mom's computer and she is waiting for a keyboard
L1028[13:04:01] <Ender> ah
L1029[13:04:04] ⇦ Quits: Azazel (uid52684@id-52684.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1030[13:04:57] <v^> and i have to install this osiliscope software on my windong's hdd
L1031[13:05:05] <v^> cant spell >_>
L1032[13:05:22] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~ping@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1033[13:05:22] ⇦ Quits: v^ (~PixelToas@2601:4:680:104c:feaa:14ff:fe09:75b2) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1034[13:05:32] <Csstform> v^: your dong wins?
L1035[13:05:43] <Csstform> Oh .-.
L1036[13:06:05] ⇨ Joins: FireBall1725 (sid36174@id-36174.uxbridge.irccloud.com)
L1037[13:09:58] * Ender looks suspiciously at FireBall1725
L1038[13:10:16] <FireBall1725> lol, what did i do
L1039[13:10:22] <Ender> nothing
L1040[13:10:57] <FireBall1725> o/ hi
L1041[13:10:58] <Ender> well, nothing yet anyway
L1042[13:11:03] <Ender> hi :)
L1043[13:11:18] <FireBall1725> someone asked me to add a p2p for your network cables in AE2
L1044[13:11:32] * Ender pokes Sangar
L1045[13:11:37] <FireBall1725> so i decided to just stop in for now, at work so not going to do much now about it
L1046[13:12:12] <FireBall1725> but was eventually going to ask if your api's support stuff like that, and if so, ill probably add it to the list of things to add to AE2
L1047[13:12:43] * Ender throws rocks at Sangar till he responds
L1048[13:12:54] <FireBall1725> lol
L1049[13:12:55] <Sangar> i'm afraid i g2g now, but in short: i added oc p2p tunnels a few commits back, and they seem to work nicely; use an internal class from ae2 tho, so official support of course be much more awesome :D
L1050[13:13:02] <Sangar> will be back in a bit!
L1051[13:13:05] <Ender> Sangar, you're always leaving :<
L1052[13:13:15] <Sangar> yeah well, dinnertime :/
L1053[13:13:20] <Ender> oh
L1054[13:13:23] <Ender> eat well
L1055[13:13:29] <Ender> or something
L1056[13:13:37] * Ender shrugs and launches minecraft
L1057[13:14:06] <FireBall1725> lol
L1058[13:16:08] <Kubuxu> .octime
L1059[13:16:08] <EnderBot2> Current OC time: Tue Dec 9 18:16:08 2014
L1060[13:16:46] <Kubuxu> Ender: We relly need EnderBot2 to monitor Sangar's life functions.
L1061[13:17:06] <Ender> Kubuxu, ?
L1062[13:19:38] <Kubuxu> Ender: Form Sangar's life functions like: pulse, oxydation, EEG we could say what he is doing. We could even write newtural network to process the data and give us results.
L1063[13:20:20] *** Daiyousei is now known as ShoweringFairy
L1064[13:28:53] <Vexatos> Dangit
L1065[13:29:08] <Vexatos> Can't find out how to enlongate a music note :|
L1066[13:29:53] <Vexatos> Nevermind
L1067[13:32:19] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~samis@
L1068[13:33:28] *** Vaht is now known as Tahg
L1069[13:35:46] <Ender> grr this pc needs more ram
L1070[13:37:42] <Vexatos> Ender: http://downloadmoreram.com
L1071[13:38:55] <Sangar> back!
L1072[13:39:51] <Ender> \o/
L1073[13:40:00] <Sangar> FireBall1725, so yeah, regarding oc p2p tunnels, if you'd like to add them to ae2, that'd be awesome.
L1074[13:40:28] <Sangar> for reference, here's the commit with the implementation i'm having right now: http://git.io/AQqCvg
L1075[13:41:08] <FireBall1725> k, let me take a look
L1076[13:42:47] <Ender> Sangar, in oc, are screens meant to stay active even if there is no power in the network?
L1077[13:43:18] <Ender> Sangar, http://puu.sh/dnN74/959399c969.jpg for reference
L1078[13:43:53] <Sangar> Ender, odd. i'll look into it, thanks.
L1079[13:45:16] <ShadowKatStudios> Yay
L1080[13:45:25] <ShadowKatStudios> Good 5ish AM to you all
L1081[13:45:44] <Ender> o/
L1082[13:45:52] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, ohai
L1083[13:46:05] <ShadowKatStudios> CompanionCube: So I have an i3 and 8GB RAM now
L1084[13:46:13] <CompanionCube> over the weekend I attempted to set up a 2-server AD system. Ended with me purging the DC with fire
L1085[13:46:14] <CompanionCube> and fakju
L1086[13:46:30] * CompanionCube notes ShadowKatStudios has better hardware than him noww
L1087[13:46:32] <ShadowKatStudios> :P
L1088[13:46:50] <ShadowKatStudios> I have better hardware than almost everyone I know in real life, too.
L1089[13:47:00] <ShadowKatStudios> Except pav... fuck pav.
L1090[13:47:48] *** ShoweringFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L1091[13:48:00] <ShadowKatStudios> CompanionCube: Fear not, I'm still using my 8600GT
L1092[13:51:06] * Ender wishes this computer had anything higher than 4GB of ram
L1093[13:51:21] <Vexatos> Sangar: Progress! http://puu.sh/dnNI6/e55e33ddf7.png
L1094[13:51:28] * CompanionCube wishes this computer had anything higher than 2GB of ram
L1095[13:51:29] <Vexatos> Has anyone here used musescore before?
L1096[13:51:30] <Vexatos> :|
L1097[13:51:52] <Sangar> Vexatos, i haven't, but looks like i'd imagine :P
L1098[13:52:13] <Vexatos> because I can't connect the damn nodes if they are more than 1 note away
L1099[13:52:22] <Vexatos> notes*
L1100[13:52:27] <Vexatos> too much OC lately
L1101[13:52:32] <Sangar> hehe
L1102[13:53:02] <Ender> ok Sangar with those screens they have gone off after a server restart
L1103[13:53:23] <Sangar> Ender, hmm, might be a syncing issue
L1104[13:53:26] <Sangar> will test later
L1105[13:53:28] <Ender> lets power up the network and back down again and see what happens
L1106[13:54:49] <Ender> okay, they've all gone back to normal behaviour
L1107[13:54:55] <Ender> that was weird
L1108[13:55:48] <Sangar> odd. next time it happens see if re-connecting alone helps, please.
L1109[13:56:21] <Ender> will do
L1110[13:57:01] <Sangar> allright, gotta get some stuff done. i might be a bit slow to react, but if anyone needs something, just ping me
L1111[13:57:20] * Vexatos pings Sangar
L1112[13:57:28] <Vexatos> I need help with doing the things and the stuff
L1113[13:57:56] <ShadowKatStudios> Hi from Nagato v2
L1114[13:58:16] <ShadowKatStudios> And holy shit, she's so fast now! :D
L1115[13:58:20] <Sangar> Vexatos, thanks for not disappointing me >_>
L1116[13:59:15] <ShadowKatStudios> Heh, the best computer in the house lives in the oldest case
L1117[14:00:09] <Vexatos> SKS: And I'm just sitting here, porting the Win95 startup sound to MIDI
L1118[14:01:08] <ShadowKatStudios> Should I keep the Celeron sticker that lives on the case?
L1119[14:02:54] <CompanionCube> yes
L1120[14:03:02] <CompanionCube> ShadowKatStudios, planning to run VMs on it?
L1121[14:03:15] <ShadowKatStudios> Well, it would be ideal to, means I don't have to use RDP
L1122[14:03:27] <CompanionCube> ?
L1123[14:03:29] <ShadowKatStudios> It's too bad that this new motherboard doesn't have a FDC, I could have a functioning FDD if it did...
L1124[14:03:44] <CompanionCube> Stary2001, USB FDD?
L1125[14:03:49] <ShadowKatStudios> I've been running VMs on Shiro because the E6300 I have has VT-x
L1126[14:03:51] <ShadowKatStudios> 10/10
L1127[14:03:52] <CompanionCube> * ShadowKatStudios
L1128[14:04:11] <Stary2001> ShadowKatStudios: Hue hue hue.
L1129[14:04:12] <ShadowKatStudios> It's just that there's an un-removable FDD in this case
L1130[14:04:16] <Stary2001> hahaha
L1131[14:04:27] <Stary2001> it's not unremovable unlses you didnt try hard enough ;)
L1132[14:04:40] <ShadowKatStudios> Oh, it's got the thingy built into the front panel
L1133[14:04:48] <ShadowKatStudios> I should see if there is a better one...
L1134[14:05:27] <ShadowKatStudios> CompanionCube: I had to go with a case that had a motherboard with a Pentium-4 age Celeron in it, because my case wouldn't fit the new motherboard
L1135[14:05:46] <Stary2001> haha
L1136[14:06:42] <ShadowKatStudios> My next project is to find some clear plastic and cut a hole in the side panel of my case, and then attach the plastic over the hole in the case
L1137[14:06:51] <Stary2001> xD
L1138[14:07:09] <ShadowKatStudios> Then I can see the insides.
L1139[14:07:29] <Stary2001> yay!
L1140[14:07:36] <Stary2001> ShadowKatStudios: to check if it's melting? jkjk
L1141[14:07:49] <ShadowKatStudios> (Not that it doesn't run with the side open most of the time anyway)
L1142[14:07:56] <Stary2001> lol
L1143[14:08:10] <Stary2001> also, i was looking for a box to run as a router/nas/general messing around with stuff box
L1144[14:08:21] <Stary2001> a cubietruck looks like itd fit the bill pretty nicely
L1145[14:10:33] <ShadowKatStudios> How to benchmark... Minecraft or KSP?
L1146[14:10:47] <Stary2001> Minecraft.
L1147[14:10:58] <ShadowKatStudios> Minecraft it is.
L1148[14:11:01] <Stary2001> And ksp. At the same gimd.
L1149[14:11:05] <Stary2001> Time even
L1150[14:11:49] <ShadowKatStudios> I'll note that I'm still using aN 8600GT, so nothing spectacular graphics-wise
L1151[14:12:34] <ShadowKatStudios> Minecraft? Solid. fucking. 60.
L1152[14:13:05] <ShadowKatStudios> Smooth lighting in the twilight forest?
L1153[14:13:09] <ShadowKatStudios> Solid. fucking. 60.
L1154[14:13:09] <Stary2001> Ah heh
L1155[14:13:12] <Stary2001> o_o
L1156[14:13:23] <Stary2001> mc can run on potatoes or something
L1157[14:13:28] <Stary2001> i swear
L1158[14:13:51] <ShadowKatStudios> Well, I'd get between 40 and 60 FPS when I was using my Core 2 Duo E7400 2.8Ghz so...
L1159[14:14:43] <ShadowKatStudios> Smooth lighting off, looking over the forest from a big tree?
L1160[14:14:54] <ShadowKatStudios> Solid. Fucking. 150 (I turned the framelimiter off)
L1161[14:15:16] <ShadowKatStudios> However, the framelimiter does bad things to my GPU
L1162[14:15:22] <ShadowKatStudios> s/the/turning off the
L1163[14:15:23] <Kibibyte> <ShadowKatStudios> However, turning off the framelimiter does bad things to my GPU
L1164[14:15:45] <ShadowKatStudios> KSP test time
L1165[14:16:58] <ShadowKatStudios> Loads very fast...
L1166[14:20:49] <Vexatos> Sangar: Look at this mess: http://puu.sh/dnPWU/822c61a8af.png
L1167[14:21:12] <Vexatos> Because Musescore didn't cooperate, I had to do this, but it's at least working now >_>
L1168[14:21:41] <Vexatos> Now to port the first 2 lines to OC
L1169[14:21:45] <Vexatos> o.o
L1170[14:23:21] <Magik6k> WTF?!
L1171[14:24:18] <Magik6k> Sangar, I made a better ping program to test why my network derps with switch between 2 computers and longer messages
L1172[14:24:21] <gamax92> "<Stary2001> mc can run on potatoes or something"
L1173[14:24:22] <Magik6k> look at this: http://gyazo.com/529312b28665bd99e1965841460ae477
L1174[14:24:26] <Magik6k> Sangar, ^
L1175[14:24:40] <gamax92> my netbook is better than a potato, i get 15 fps on here
L1176[14:24:45] <ShadowKatStudios> inb4 potato with cables *clicks*
L1177[14:24:51] <ShadowKatStudios> ohwait
L1178[14:25:59] <Stary2001> about a century later gyzao loads
L1179[14:26:19] <Vexatos> SKS: Still no PotatOS
L1180[14:26:25] <gamax92> Stary2001: "64 bytes from icmp_seq=32 ttl=45 time=1075 ms"
L1181[14:26:29] <gamax92> more than a second ping
L1182[14:26:37] <ShadowKatStudios> .p
L1183[14:26:40] <ShadowKatStudios> #p
L1184[14:26:40] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.571548 Seconds passed.
L1185[14:27:25] <Stary2001> gamax92: I once had 5s pings to Google
L1186[14:27:30] <Stary2001> on a crowded cell tower
L1187[14:30:44] <Caitlyn> %p
L1188[14:30:45] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Caitlyn 0.45s
L1189[14:34:45] <ShadowKatStudios> Lel, so my motherboard came with a driver CD for Windows.
L1190[14:34:51] <Magik6k> .w modem
L1191[14:34:51] <EnderBot2> The wiki can be found here http://ocd.cil.li
L1192[14:34:51] <EnderBot2> Normally ^v would do this but it's not here at the moment :(
L1193[14:34:58] <Magik6k> ~w modem
L1194[14:35:00] <Magik6k> ..
L1195[14:36:09] <gamax92> oh ... i think Alissa restarted server or something
L1196[14:37:32] <gamax92> ... LadyAlissa what the fuck
L1197[14:37:34] <gamax92> you got rid of luajit
L1198[14:38:01] *** Benguin is now known as Benguin[ZzZ]
L1199[14:39:55] ⇨ Joins: AlteniusPhone (~Altenius@2600:1015:b103:1360:352f:ae8c:de52:6499)
L1200[14:40:11] <Vexatos> SKS: what
L1201[14:41:31] <ShadowKatStudios> This is increasingly like something from /r/techsupportmacguyver - I just bluetacked a fan to a PCI slot cover
L1202[14:42:12] *** skyem123|homework is now known as skyem123
L1203[14:42:35] <Magik6k> Sangar, is there any limitation on signal length?(i.e string length)
L1204[14:42:52] <ShadowKatStudios> skyem123: Twilight forest, full smooth lighting, solid 60 FPS.
L1205[14:43:17] <skyem123> Did you overclock your GPU?
L1206[14:43:50] <ShadowKatStudios> Nope.
L1207[14:44:17] <gamax92> Magik6k: well i cannot run ocdoc atm
L1208[14:44:53] <ShadowKatStudios> My GPU runs hot enough as it is- I wouldn't be attaching a fan to a PCI slot cover, otherwise
L1209[14:46:26] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1210[14:46:30] <ShadowKatStudios> Anyway, time to shut down and add this fan
L1211[14:51:15] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L1212[14:53:21] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1213[14:54:56] <Caitlyn> %update
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L1216[14:56:15] <Caitlyn> gamax92, need a server with luajit?
L1217[14:57:38] <Caitlyn> michiyo@eos:~$ luajit
L1218[14:57:38] <Caitlyn> LuaJIT 2.0.2 -- Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Mike Pall. http://luajit.org/
L1219[14:57:38] <Caitlyn> JIT: ON CMOV SSE2 SSE3 fold cse dce fwd dse narrow loop abc sink fuse
L1220[14:57:38] <Caitlyn> >
L1221[14:59:06] <Prince_Vifino> Caitlyn: eww, old D:
L1222[14:59:55] <gamax92> Caitlyn: does it also have lua-socket
L1223[14:59:58] <gamax92> and fstrcmp
L1224[15:00:31] <Caitlyn> it does now.. :p
L1225[15:00:37] <gamax92> hmm alright
L1226[15:01:21] ⇦ Quits: AlteniusPhone (~Altenius@2600:1015:b103:1360:352f:ae8c:de52:6499) (Quit: Bye)
L1227[15:01:54] <gamax92> Caitlyn: err ... do you have a shell?
L1228[15:02:29] *** Sandrafk is now known as SandraNicole
L1229[15:07:08] <ShadowKatStudios> So my fan attachment is usually pretty bad, but this is the worst yet.
L1230[15:07:19] <ShadowKatStudios> I have it a) bluetacked to the inside of the case and b) held up by a cable tie attacked to a cable inside the case
L1231[15:07:20] *** DeanIsGone is now known as DeanIsaKitty
L1232[15:07:35] <ShadowKatStudios> DeanIsaKitty! \o/ I have an i3 and 8GB RAM now!
L1233[15:08:03] <DeanIsaKitty> \o/
L1234[15:08:05] <DeanIsaKitty> How did you manage that? :D
L1235[15:08:29] <ShadowKatStudios> Uh, I swore absolute obedience for a year.
L1236[15:08:37] <DeanIsaKitty> 0.0
L1237[15:08:38] <ShadowKatStudios> Which reminds me, I need to print off a poster
L1238[15:08:48] <ShadowKatStudios> DeanIsaKitty: Basically do my chores on time
L1239[15:09:58] <DeanIsaKitty> Was that worth it? :P
L1240[15:10:20] <ShadowKatStudios> Fuck yes.
L1241[15:10:35] * skyem123 has an i5 and 8GB of RAM
L1242[15:10:53] <skyem123> With a better cooler and overclocking coming soon
L1243[15:10:54] <ShadowKatStudios> I turned up my graphics settings in the twilightforest, 12chunk render distance, full smooth lighting, and stuff, and a solid 60FPS, which is my monitor vsync
L1244[15:11:17] <ShadowKatStudios> http://bit.ly/1yx3ywN I'm going to print this off and put it on my wall above my monitors
L1245[15:11:32] <skyem123> err?
L1246[15:12:00] <ShadowKatStudios> Argh, third fan has slipped
L1247[15:12:28] <ShadowKatStudios> Anyway, I need to get ready for school
L1248[15:12:44] <ShadowKatStudios> Ohyeah, DeanIsaKitty, the oldest-looking computer in the house is now the most powerful.
L1249[15:13:07] <DeanIsaKitty> Business as usual I guess? :P
L1250[15:13:13] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm using a full ATX case that pre-dates even Lain
L1251[15:13:31] <ShadowKatStudios> Turns out nagato's original case isn't full ATX. TIL.
L1252[15:15:21] ⇨ Joins: ocdoc (~ocdoc@
L1253[15:15:25] <gamax92> Caitlyn: :3
L1254[15:15:42] <Caitlyn> wewt
L1255[15:17:32] <ShadowKatStudios> gagh, note to self: attach fan properly
L1256[15:17:33] <LadyAlissa> gamax92: Whelp. I totes don't remember that.
L1257[15:17:51] <LadyAlissa> 666kb of data for LuaJIT. :I
L1258[15:17:59] <gamax92> oh yeah i tried to compile it
L1259[15:18:14] <gamax92> then i realized i didn't have luasocket or libfstrcmp
L1260[15:19:34] *** wer38|zzz is now known as wer38
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L1262[15:21:44] <LadyAlissa> gamax92: should probs give sudo perms
L1263[15:23:03] <LadyAlissa> there, perms given.
L1264[15:28:16] <Kubuxu> TPB was raided. But I want my film! Google Cache in rescue.
L1265[15:29:44] <CompanionCube> >TPB
L1266[15:29:46] <CompanionCube> >raided
L1267[15:29:47] <CompanionCube> wut
L1268[15:30:19] <Magik6k> this I guess: http://torrentfreak.com/swedish-police-raid-the-pirate-bay-site-offline-141209/
L1269[15:30:46] <Magik6k> also WTF? "seizing servers, computers, and other equipment"
L1270[15:31:03] ⇨ Joins: arashi (webchat@kolej-bk-40.zcu.cz)
L1271[15:31:12] <Magik6k> AFAIK(and I know this pretty far ;p) TPB is now stored on few cloud services
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L1273[15:31:42] <SandraNicole> anyone know a good java 2d graphics library?
L1274[15:31:56] <arashi> hello guys, I'm recieving ''not enough memory'' while instaling OS on hdd, do i need bigger hdd? :)
L1275[15:32:12] <Magik6k> SandraNicole, LibGDX
L1276[15:32:14] <Kubuxu> SandraNicole: libGdx. 2D is 3D with one 0.
L1277[15:32:14] <Caitlyn> RAM.
L1278[15:32:19] <skyem123> arashi, you need more ram for the computer
L1279[15:32:23] <Magik6k> ashka, more RAM
L1280[15:32:27] <arashi> thanks
L1281[15:32:30] ⇦ Quits: arashi (webchat@kolej-bk-40.zcu.cz) (Client Quit)
L1282[15:32:34] <Magik6k> wat
L1283[15:33:05] <Kubuxu> SandraNicole: But there is addon to libGdx named box2d which introduces phisics and so on.
L1284[15:33:11] ⇦ Quits: pwnsrv (~pwnsrv@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1285[15:33:14] <Kubuxu> Magik6k: happens.
L1286[15:33:54] <SandraNicole> Kubuxu: libGDX eh.
L1287[15:33:58] <SandraNicole> I'll look into that.
L1288[15:34:10] <SandraNicole> I heard of slick2d but I dunno.
L1289[15:34:15] <Caitlyn> Stary2001, you alive?
L1290[15:34:17] ⇦ Quits: Brycey92 (~Brycey92@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1291[15:34:19] <Stary2001> yes
L1292[15:35:13] <ShadowKatStudios> anyway time to go
L1293[15:36:14] <Kubuxu> I've worked with libGDX but in 3D. Must say; it is great. You can do graphic w/o seeing GL11.gl_ everywere or looking up under which GLxx some constant is,
L1294[15:36:30] *** ShadowKatStudios is now known as SKS-Away
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L1298[15:37:33] <SandraNicole> Kubuxu: it looks like something that requires a bunch of stuff. I'll just stick to slick2d. :P
L1299[15:38:07] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C8651.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1300[15:38:59] <Kubuxu> SandraNicole: It is not small but comes with buildin support for descop, android, web. You can write one app and run it everywere.
L1301[15:39:28] <Kubuxu> s/were/where/
L1302[15:39:28] <Kibibyte> <Kubuxu> SandraNicole: It is not small but comes with buildin support for descop, android, web. You can write one app and run it everywhere.
L1303[15:40:10] <Ender> Sangar, that screen issue is back again and re-logging doesnt really help
L1304[15:40:35] <Ender> ok, it does sometimes
L1305[15:42:24] *** Prince_Vifino is now known as vifino
L1306[15:42:39] *** DeanIsaKitty is now known as DeanIsGone
L1307[15:44:10] *** SandraNicole is now known as Sandrafk
L1308[15:45:06] <Sangar> Magik6k, signal size limit, iirc no. pinging: dunno, maybe sending too quickly, thus getting dropped packets?
L1309[15:45:24] <Sangar> Ender, hmm, odd. i'll try to reproduce it tomorrow.
L1310[15:47:02] <Magik6k> Sangar, I've solved it(It was massive derp in ping response, cuz it broke when payload contained':' and with random strings it randomly derped)
L1311[15:47:12] <Magik6k> so everything is ok ;p
L1312[15:48:54] <Magik6k> Now I'm making program to view route list and I'll PR it in few hours(I have few nice features)
L1313[16:07:47] *** DeanIsGone is now known as DeanIsaKitty
L1314[16:12:27] <Caitlyn> yay my new VM has RDNS now..
L1315[16:13:18] *** ConcernedHobbit is now known as ConcernedSlippin
L1316[16:17:45] *** skyem123 is now known as skyem123|ZZZ
L1317[16:28:53] <CompanionCube> Caitlyn, what OS does it run
L1318[16:29:09] <Caitlyn> *nix
L1319[16:29:50] <CompanionCube> which sort of nix?
L1320[16:29:57] <Caitlyn> The kind that runs.
L1321[16:30:10] <CompanionCube> which specific version / variant of *nix?
L1322[16:30:11] <Caitlyn> I'm not getting into an argument about Distros :p
L1323[16:30:16] <Caitlyn> so... nix.
L1324[16:30:17] <Caitlyn> :P
L1325[16:30:21] *** AtomSponge is now known as AtomSponge|away
L1326[16:42:24] <Magik6k> yay, finally I've done basic network tools.. http://gyazo.com/625babed0e36d0f1c448c60771e8eb05
L1327[16:44:27] <Kilobyte> Caitlyn: nix is german slang for 'nothing' btw
L1328[16:44:38] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~samis@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1329[16:44:44] *** justastranger|zzz is now known as justastranger
L1330[16:44:53] <Kilobyte> (formal form would be 'nichts')
L1331[16:52:34] <Ir7_o> o/
L1332[16:53:19] ⇨ Joins: jack (webchat@kolej-bk-40.zcu.cz)
L1333[16:53:24] <jack> how i can do delay? :)
L1334[16:53:33] <Magik6k> jack, os.sleep()
L1335[16:53:39] <jack> thanks :)
L1336[16:53:42] ⇦ Quits: jack (webchat@kolej-bk-40.zcu.cz) (Client Quit)
L1337[16:53:44] <Magik6k> seconds as parmeter
L1338[16:53:46] <Magik6k> ..
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L1346[17:07:41] <PotatoTrumpet> Good Afternoon
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L1352[17:31:26] <Kodos> Would Forestry's Analyzer being recognized as a component need to be done with OC or Forestry's side
L1353[17:32:56] <Caitlyn> afaik either side could do it.
L1354[17:33:43] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L1355[17:34:08] <Kodos> Now to figure out whether to bug Sanger or Sengir with a GitHub issue
L1356[17:34:52] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
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L1361[17:45:47] <Sangar> Kodos, to connect it via cable directly it'd need to be on forestry's side, via adapter it could be either.
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L1363[17:47:38] <Kodos> If I opened an issue, what are the odds it would get done on your side before the next major overhaul
L1364[17:48:18] <PotatoTrumpet> OpenComputers: 10/10
L1365[17:48:30] <gamax92> OpenComputers: -1/10 would never use again
L1366[17:48:31] <PotatoTrumpet> OpenComputers with rice: 20/10
L1367[17:49:18] <Sangar> Kodos, not too shabby
L1368[17:49:30] <Kodos> Okay, I'll get a ticket opened then
L1369[17:49:38] <Kodos> As it stands, I can only call Energystored and maxenergystored
L1370[17:49:38] ⇦ Quits: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1371[17:52:34] <Magik6k> Sangar, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/pull/721
L1372[17:53:07] ⇨ Joins: TwoWholeWorms (~heifer@ben.mu)
L1373[17:53:52] <Sangar> Magik6k, just saw!
L1374[17:53:59] <Magik6k> :p
L1375[17:54:06] <gamax92> saw or hammer?
L1376[17:54:26] <Kodos> Ugh, the casing is so bad in that
L1377[17:54:28] <Sangar> and was confused by travis failing over changed lua files :X seems like i might want to update the project red dependency
L1378[17:54:56] <Kodos> I had to remove P:R sadly. My world would randomly start failing where I couldn't interact with blocks
L1379[17:56:43] <alfw> i start to like oc more and more :)
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L1382[17:58:21] <Kodos> Man, tonight will be awesome
L1383[17:58:27] <Kodos> Galacticraft fixed my issue as well today
L1384[17:59:22] <Azazel> Hi
L1385[17:59:30] * TabletCube disagrees with Magik6k's networking model but can't give an exact reason why
L1386[17:59:43] <Magik6k> TabletCube, why?
L1387[17:59:53] <TabletCube> Idk
L1388[18:00:26] <Kodos> Magik6k, can you link me your repo so I can fix the casing
L1389[18:00:50] <Magik6k> Kodos, fix what?
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L1398[18:08:35] <Kodos> Your major lack of capitalization :x
L1399[18:11:25] <Azazel> Wow
L1400[18:11:32] <Azazel> Much rude
L1401[18:12:53] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L1402[18:13:22] <Kodos> Sangar, so when do we get KRAYs =D
L1403[18:13:38] <TabletCube> Site not back up yet?
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L1407[18:19:30] zsh sets mode: +v on Maxwolf
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L1415[18:47:42] <Ditchbuster> internet.open() if i am reading it right the buffer will store anything coming in until you call read? and read will block if there isnt anything to read? how big is the buffer?
L1416[18:49:21] <Kodos> Oooh Project Blue looks neat
L1417[18:49:26] <Kodos> Too bad RedPower breaks my world
L1418[18:49:28] <Kodos> err
L1419[18:49:30] <Kodos> Project Red
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L1428[18:58:30] <Kodos> What mod had the self destruct blocks
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L1431[19:06:37] zsh sets mode: +v on Maxwolf
L1432[19:17:34] <Ditchbuster> Kodos, that project blue looks awesome
L1433[19:20:27] <Inari> Kodos: rotary has
L1434[19:30:44] *** Csst|Masterball is now known as Csstform
L1435[19:32:57] <Azazel> So
L1436[19:33:03] <Azazel> Multilib support
L1437[19:41:15] <Inari> hmm whats the benefit of using microcontrollers over computers?
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L1439[19:52:04] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~lb@isis.pc-logix.com)
L1440[20:08:55] <Sangar> Inari, less power draw, easier to relocate (no need to "reassemble"/put in cpu, ram, etc after moving, components are stored internally)
L1441[20:10:12] <Inari> ah, okay
L1442[20:11:00] <Inari> thanks ^^
L1443[20:11:44] <Sangar> np :)
L1444[20:12:00] <Sangar> aaand, i'm off to bed. gnight o/
L1445[20:13:55] <Inari> night
L1446[20:14:56] <Ender> same
L1447[20:19:24] *** Csst|Masterball is now known as Csstform
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L1450[20:26:01] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
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L1456[20:34:08] <bananagram> this network is so unreliabble for me
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L1458[20:39:35] <potatotrumpet> s:P
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L1462[20:56:00] <wrathlamp> o/
L1463[20:57:33] <potatotrumpet> hi
L1464[20:59:59] ⇨ Joins: bananagram (~Porygon@
L1465[21:00:02] <bananagram> geez
L1466[21:01:19] <potatotrumpet> :(
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L1468[21:05:17] <gamax92> Incomplete incoherent thought is incomplete and incoherent
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L1472[21:24:45] <bananagram> .p
L1473[21:24:54] <bananagram> %p
L1474[21:24:56] <MichiBot> Ping reply from bananagram 1.87s
L1475[21:24:59] <bananagram> #p
L1476[21:25:03] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.277672 Seconds passed.
L1477[21:27:04] ⇦ Quits: potatotrumpet (~potatotru@mobile-166-173-057-063.mycingular.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1479[21:34:58] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Uni@p549CE5BA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1480[21:45:37] <Kodos> Whee
L1481[21:47:16] ⇨ Joins: Nirek (~Nirek@ip68-110-162-86.no.no.cox.net)
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L1486[22:19:37] <NixillUmbreon> Sangar - Is it on purpose that Railcraft crowbars can turn OpenComputers components?
L1487[22:21:50] <Kodos> He's asleep but I believe so
L1488[22:21:57] <Kodos> Crowbars are wrenches essentially in that regard
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L1490[22:37:51] <potatotrumpet> %p
L1491[22:37:53] <MichiBot> Ping reply from potatotrumpet 0.43s
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L1502[23:14:41] <potatotrumpet> Hmm
L1503[23:14:46] *** Csstform is now known as Csst|Masterball
L1504[23:14:49] <potatotrumpet> What's this new network program
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L1506[23:15:29] <Dashkal> I've been away awhile, so yeah, I know this is old news..
L1507[23:15:31] <Dashkal> Tablets!
L1508[23:15:41] * Dashkal amuses himself by playing with a tablet with a piston upgrade in it
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L1513[23:21:13] <kadercavdar> Fuck you vote for me, I swear to add this account to access my facebook http://strawpoll.me/3100584
L1514[23:21:13] <kadercavdar> https://www.facebook.com/kader.cavdar.5?fref=ts
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L1520[23:23:16] <Dashkal> Is there API to cet the current power level?
L1521[23:23:50] ⇦ Quits: Benguin (~Ben@adsl-83-100-188-68.karoo.KCOM.COM) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1522[23:24:21] <Nirek> computer.energy() I would imagine
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L1524[23:25:24] <Dashkal> computer api *looks*
L1525[23:38:18] <wrathlamp> WOOOOO! stargate computers!!
L1526[23:38:33] <wrathlamp> woooo! my life is complete!
L1527[23:38:46] <wrathlamp> woooooo! bananaphone!
L1528[23:40:20] <NixillUmbreon> ~w term
L1529[23:40:20] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:term
L1530[23:40:42] <Kodos> Stargate computers?
L1531[23:42:37] <wrathlamp> yar. just finished my dialing computer
L1532[23:42:48] <wrathlamp> for lanteacraft
L1533[23:43:23] <wrathlamp> in game, not dev. took forever to get it to work the way i wanted it to. now i can make dimensional bases :D
L1534[23:43:36] <wrathlamp> at least i think i can >.>;
L1535[23:44:32] <Nirek> hmm, is there no feasable way for robots to compare inworld blocks that can't be acquired?
L1536[23:45:00] <wrathlamp> ooh. good question.
L1537[23:54:04] ⇦ Quits: Azazel (uid52684@id-52684.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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