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L1[00:03:47] * TabletCube bribes ds84181
L2[00:16:50] ⇨ Joins: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com)
L3[00:16:50] zsh sets mode: +v on Maxwolf
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L14[00:51:14] *** Guest20408 is now known as Graypup_|Away
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L30[02:43:21] <Dashkal> Has anybody yet taken on the challenge of updating OpenComponents for the new TiCon release?
L31[02:46:40] *** Lathanael is now known as Lathanael|Away
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L46[04:26:57] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
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L50[04:36:49] <dangranos> hello
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L53[05:06:59] <v^> dangranos, hai
L54[05:19:37] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
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L56[05:38:40] *** Benguin[ZzZ] is now known as Benguin
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L61[06:50:34] <Kilobyte> .
L62[06:50:51] <JoshTheEnder> ..
L63[06:53:23] <asie> ...
L64[06:53:38] <Kilobyte> ….
L65[07:01:21] <dangranos> ._.
L66[07:02:05] <Vexatos> ._;-°
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L69[07:15:06] ⇨ Joins: istasi (webchat@
L70[07:15:12] <istasi> Morning \o
L71[07:29:00] ⇨ Joins: PsychokenesisKat (~chatzilla@pa49-195-19-123.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au)
L72[07:29:24] <PsychokenesisKat> o/
L73[07:29:54] <JoshTheEnder> \o
L74[07:33:11] <PsychokenesisKat> I /love/ my desktop! It runs everything really well :D
L75[07:35:00] <istasi> nice :D
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L88[08:13:32] <PsychokenesisKat> slow night...
L89[08:14:46] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L90[08:15:20] <gjgfuj> hmm?
L91[08:18:41] <PsychokenesisKat> Like, nothing has happened in half an hour
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L94[08:22:29] <gjgfuj> Probably.
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L103[08:59:47] <istasi> \o/
L104[09:00:02] <istasi> gotten it down from ~230kb usage, to ~180kb
L105[09:01:42] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L106[09:03:15] <PsychokenesisKat> What have you gotten down?
L107[09:03:39] <istasi> os boot mem usage, what it uses just by getting to the point of 'ready'
L108[09:07:23] <PsychokenesisKat> OpenOS?
L109[09:08:00] <istasi> nope
L110[09:11:12] <PsychokenesisKat> Custom?
L111[09:11:17] <istasi> yup
L112[09:11:46] <PsychokenesisKat> Nice.
L113[09:13:23] <istasi> getting it to run on a 192kb block seems uhh, hopeless though -.-
L114[09:13:43] <istasi> it can run, if you dont touch anything -.-'
L115[09:15:10] <PsychokenesisKat> hah
L116[09:15:18] <PsychokenesisKat> Use shorter variable names?
L117[09:15:20] <PsychokenesisKat> :P
L118[09:16:01] <istasi> seemingly my code is already bit hard to read, might aswell make it full-on hard :P
L119[09:16:42] <PsychokenesisKat> Remove vowels.
L120[09:16:58] <istasi> just gonna go with a,b,c,d,e,f,g
L121[09:17:07] <PsychokenesisKat> It appears everyone I know in the real world hates me.
L122[09:17:09] <istasi> then document em, so peple can look up what b () does
L123[09:18:27] *** Daiyousei is now known as Dai|AFK
L124[09:21:26] <PsychokenesisKat> Seems like an idea.
L125[09:24:33] <asie> istasi: i want to see the OS
L126[09:25:48] *** jk-5 is now known as jk-5|gone
L127[09:25:53] <robhol> istasi: aren't there Lua minifiers
L128[09:26:13] <istasi> probably, but will that really make it use less mem? Oo
L129[09:26:34] <robhol> if shorter variable names will
L130[09:26:41] <robhol> which seems slightly suspect to me, admittedly
L131[09:26:59] <JoshTheEnder> PsychokenesisKat: why do they hate you?
L132[09:27:09] <istasi> i dunno if it will, i was just running along with it
L133[09:27:21] <PsychokenesisKat> Varies from person to person.
L134[09:27:30] <robhol> the nice thing about it is that you can get a very short "output" code without raping your source code
L135[09:28:36] * JoshTheEnder is on a surface tablet he borrowed from the library
L136[09:28:50] <PsychokenesisKat> ew
L137[09:28:51] <PsychokenesisKat> surface
L138[09:28:57] <PsychokenesisKat> Couldn't get a laptop?
L139[09:29:06] <PsychokenesisKat> JoshTheEnder: http://pastebin.com/yzmh017r
L140[09:29:38] <JoshTheEnder> .p
L141[09:29:39] <^v> Ping reply from JoshTheEnder 0.51s
L142[09:30:09] <JoshTheEnder> it's /okay/, laptop is kinda bulky to be carrying around when going from room to room
L143[09:30:23] <istasi> http://istasi.dk/tease.png asie, there, you can "see" it
L144[09:30:24] <robhol> btw - bytecode execution is disabled by default in the config. What makes it less secure than regular code, though?
L145[09:31:02] <asie> i need to start work on my own OS later
L146[09:31:11] <PsychokenesisKat> istasi: Oh. My. Shiz. Give me that nao.
L147[09:31:59] <PsychokenesisKat> also what the shit how big is your screen?
L148[09:31:59] <JoshTheEnder> PsychokenesisKat: ahh
L149[09:32:20] <PsychokenesisKat> It doesn't matter though, I have you guys.
L150[09:32:43] <JoshTheEnder> robhol: bytecode is any code that is precompild to binry
L151[09:32:53] <JoshTheEnder> *binary
L152[09:33:08] <JoshTheEnder> PsychokenesisKat: you should come to the UK :P#
L153[09:33:24] <JoshTheEnder> press all the buttons apart from eturn `-`
L154[09:34:20] <JoshTheEnder> or r for that matter#
L155[09:35:31] <JoshTheEnder> the date on this tablet is the 9th of may.....
L156[09:35:47] <Alissa> It's obviously the 10th.
L157[09:35:50] <JoshTheEnder> nowonder I've been having ssl certificate issues
L158[09:36:04] * JoshTheEnder goes to fix the time
L159[09:37:57] <JoshTheEnder> ok, need to use the admin account to fix the time....
L160[09:44:48] <PsychokenesisKat> ... It's the 8th?
L161[09:54:57] <robhol> JoshTheEnder: uh.. yes, I know
L162[09:55:41] <robhol> but why is lua bytecode blocked by default - can it do anything that regular lua can't?
L163[09:55:41] <JoshTheEnder> if you knew, why did yu ask the question?
L164[09:55:58] <robhol> apparently you misunderstood the question
L165[09:56:10] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~TCube@
L166[09:56:21] <robhol> I asked why it's blocked, not what it is :p
L167[09:56:43] <JoshTheEnder> yes, bytecode is basically binary, so you could potentially run /anything/ on the computers using bytecode and it would be very hard to sandbox
L168[09:57:10] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L169[09:57:26] <robhol> you'd still be limited to things you can do in regular lua, though, wouldn't you?
L170[09:57:32] <asie> back
L171[09:58:36] <JoshTheEnder> not really, because for example. scala compiles t java/jvm bytecode yet it's not restricted to only javas stuff
L172[10:11:48] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L173[10:13:10] ⇦ Quits: PsychokenesisKat (~chatzilla@pa49-195-19-123.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L177[10:30:21] ⇨ Joins: Eevv (webchat@th-186-47.splius.lt)
L178[10:30:58] <Eevv> hey
L179[10:31:01] <Eevv> how do i use label
L180[10:31:18] <Eevv> and does it permenantly rename a floppy disk or harddrives?
L181[10:31:36] <istasi> it sets a label, it doesn't change the default mount path
L182[10:31:49] <JoshTheEnder> lable -a <uuid> <name>
L183[10:31:56] <Eevv> so for uuid
L184[10:31:59] <Eevv> is use the addres?
L185[10:32:01] <Eevv> address
L186[10:32:13] <JoshTheEnder> yes, yu generally only need the first 3 chars though
L187[10:32:25] <Eevv> so it would be label -a 764 NAME
L188[10:32:34] <JoshTheEnder> yep#
L189[10:32:41] <Eevv> now how do i view all my drives?
L190[10:32:46] <JoshTheEnder> df
L191[10:32:46] <Eevv> i tried ls
L192[10:32:49] <Eevv> oh thanks
L193[10:34:04] <Eevv> so what about mount path?
L194[10:34:14] <Eevv> i mean i could just do autorun
L195[10:34:38] <JoshTheEnder> mount name /path/to/where/it/should/be/mounted
L196[10:34:55] <Eevv> ok
L197[10:35:05] <Eevv> name would be the label name, yes?
L198[10:35:10] <JoshTheEnder> yes
L199[10:35:29] <Eevv> ok
L200[10:36:04] <Eevv> mount floppy /mnt/Floppy
L201[10:36:08] <Eevv> no such file system?
L202[10:36:55] <JoshTheEnder> you surethe lable is correct?
L203[10:37:10] <Eevv> hmm
L204[10:37:25] <Eevv> is this case sensitive
L205[10:37:32] <Eevv> yes
L206[10:37:33] ⇨ Joins: apaukraine (webchat@
L207[10:37:33] <Eevv> ok
L208[10:37:36] <Eevv> thanks
L209[10:37:38] <JoshTheEnder> yes, I think so
L210[10:37:41] ⇦ Quits: apaukraine (webchat@ (Client Quit)
L211[10:38:30] <Eevv> thanks josh
L212[10:38:34] <Eevv> your a real help
L213[10:39:15] <JoshTheEnder> np
L214[10:40:03] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
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L218[10:56:45] <JoshTheEnder> right, i'm going to get food so bye for now
L219[10:59:12] <istasi> cya
L220[11:28:09] <robhol> I wonder how that emulator thing is coming along :3
L221[11:29:00] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L222[11:32:45] ⇨ Joins: PsychokenesisKat (~chatzilla@pa49-180-144-136.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au)
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L224[11:40:38] <istasi> wb sks
L225[11:41:28] <PsychokenesisKat> I have a plan.
L226[11:41:41] <PsychokenesisKat> This plan may or may not be revealed once it is complete
L227[11:45:32] *** Dai|AFK is now known as Daiyousei
L228[11:47:05] <istasi> and we cant know what said plan is?
L229[11:47:42] <DeanIsaKitty> no
L230[11:47:49] <Daiyousei> is it plan 9
L231[11:47:55] * Daiyousei runs
L232[11:48:00] <DeanIsaKitty> itz plan 13
L233[11:48:04] <PsychokenesisKat> Plan 3.6
L234[11:48:10] <Daiyousei> plan 9 is a real OS btw
L235[11:48:20] <DeanIsaKitty> PsychokenesisKat: I call bs, its plan 13
L236[11:48:22] <PsychokenesisKat> I know this.
L237[11:48:28] <PsychokenesisKat> Plan 3.6
L238[11:48:39] <PsychokenesisKat> If I made it plan 3.45 would you not call bs?
L239[11:49:02] <DeanIsaKitty> its less bs then
L240[12:05:42] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~TCube@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L241[12:06:25] <PsychokenesisKat> Holy shite, I actually have the specs to run TUG
L242[12:07:17] <PsychokenesisKat> Well, minus the quad-core bit.
L243[12:08:38] <DeanIsaKitty> \o/
L244[12:08:57] <DeanIsaKitty> Well, have to set up a server soon i guess xD
L245[12:10:48] <PsychokenesisKat> I need to find $10
L246[12:10:51] <PsychokenesisKat> Wait
L247[12:10:54] <PsychokenesisKat> I have $20 :D
L248[12:11:01] <istasi> does tug have anything to do with plan 3.6? :O
L249[12:11:11] <PsychokenesisKat> Nope.
L250[12:11:23] <PsychokenesisKat> I just decided to check on the dev status of TUG.
L251[12:11:33] <PsychokenesisKat> Anyway, it is now formally called 3.45
L252[12:11:39] <DeanIsaKitty> \o/
L253[12:11:47] <DeanIsaKitty> And its way less bs! :D
L254[12:12:06] <DeanIsaKitty> Actually, why not plan 3.141
L255[12:13:20] <PsychokenesisKat> It's too bad they didn't create a Linux version of TUG.
L256[12:13:47] <PsychokenesisKat> Meh, I'll have to use the i7 laptops rather than the C2D desktops
L257[12:15:39] <robhol> DeanIsaKitty: 2.
L258[12:16:09] <DeanIsaKitty> ?
L259[12:16:42] <robhol> it rounds to 3.142
L260[12:17:02] <robhol> :3
L261[12:17:47] <DeanIsaKitty> nerd :P
L262[12:17:56] <DeanIsaKitty> but yeah, you're right, sooooory
L263[12:20:06] ⇦ Quits: PsychokenesisKat (~chatzilla@pa49-180-144-136.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L264[12:20:57] ⇦ Quits: istasi (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L265[12:23:29] <robhol> :p
L266[12:25:51] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-60-231-90-202.lns8.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
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L270[12:38:10] <PsychokenesisKat> Phone died :/
L271[12:39:49] ⇦ Quits: PsychokenesisKat (~chatzilla@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L273[12:53:58] *** Keridos_off is now known as Keridos
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L275[12:59:30] <PsychokenesisKat_> Hello from my desktop :D
L276[12:59:38] <DeanIsaKitty> \o/
L277[13:00:02] <JoshTheEnder> hi
L278[13:02:27] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L279[13:04:25] ⇦ Quits: wer38|away (~wer38@CPE-110-146-193-33.knmu.knt.bigpond.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L285[13:53:34] ⇨ Joins: Satorikus (webchat@
L286[13:54:16] <Satorikus> are there any servers online? Tried to search for but couldnt find any...
L287[13:55:15] <JoshTheEnder> have you looked on the forums?
L288[13:55:42] <JoshTheEnder> .forums
L289[13:55:42] <EnderBot2> Since ^v is not here to tell you, you can find the forums here: http://oc.cil.li/
L290[13:55:48] <JoshTheEnder> hmm
L291[13:56:02] * JoshTheEnder pokes v^
L292[13:59:57] ⇦ Quits: Eevv (webchat@th-186-47.splius.lt) (Quit: Web client closed)
L293[14:00:29] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
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L303[15:05:52] ⇨ Joins: skyem123 (~skyem123@host81-149-114-184.in-addr.btopenworld.com)
L304[15:05:57] <skyem123> O_o
L305[15:06:06] <skyem123> My SD linux got corrupted
L306[15:06:08] <skyem123> badly
L307[15:07:04] <skyem123> home got replaced with a file
L308[15:07:44] <skyem123> .ping
L309[15:07:57] ⇨ Joins: DaeDroug (uid22591@id-22591.highgate.irccloud.com)
L310[15:17:53] <dangranos> how so?
L311[15:28:29] ⇨ Joins: Quit (quit@27-192.105-92.cust.bluewin.ch)
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L316[15:45:42] <skyem123> back.
L317[15:45:47] <JoshTheEnder> forth
L318[15:45:55] <skyem123> ?
L319[15:46:26] <asie> http://mc.shinonome.ch/doku.php?id=wiki:takenfrom
L320[15:46:30] <asie> Mojang is truly the amazing innovators
L321[15:46:32] ⇦ Quits: Flenix (~Flenix@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L322[15:46:54] ⇨ Joins: Flenix (~Flenix@
L323[15:49:04] <JoshTheEnder> "In creative mode, players can create a copy of a block entity in their hotbar, including all NBT data, with ctrl+Pick Block key (ctrl+middle mouse button by default)” (Not Enough Items)"
L324[15:49:15] <JoshTheEnder> i didnt know you could do that so cool
L325[15:49:31] * JoshTheEnder has learnt something from asie today
L326[15:50:01] <asie> well
L327[15:50:04] <asie> in NEI it works a bit differently
L328[15:50:07] <asie> ...
L329[15:50:08] <asie> wait
L330[15:50:10] <asie> i misread that quote
L331[15:50:13] <asie> it can't be done in NEI
L332[15:50:31] <JoshTheEnder> :O
L333[15:51:00] ⇦ Quits: skyem123 (~skyem123@host81-149-114-184.in-addr.btopenworld.com) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L337[16:03:25] <dangranos> >Slime Block
L338[16:03:34] <dangranos> basically, any moving frames mod
L339[16:03:45] <Vexatos> asie ^
L340[16:04:17] <dangranos> he does have it " Slime Block (a combination of frames and Bounce Pads from TCon)"
L341[16:05:33] <dangranos> i really should see full 1.8 changelog
L342[16:05:39] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L343[16:06:54] <DeanIsaKitty> Oh yeah aise, I think environmine (or one of those mods) added hunger faaaar before Mojang thought about it. (Remembered adding hunger to my Hardcore-survival world)
L344[16:07:15] <dangranos> :O, beacon beams can change color (stained glass)
L345[16:08:11] <dangranos> :(, they "fixed" "bug" that you can teleportdue to used ender pearl after death
L346[16:09:59] ⇨ Joins: AIVAS (webchat@cpe-24-161-42-218.hvc.res.rr.com)
L347[16:10:24] <AIVAS> is there a way to have a robot check how much power it has?
L348[16:12:24] <dangranos> check wiki
L349[16:12:57] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos_off
L350[16:13:06] <dangranos> uh
L351[16:13:31] <dangranos> there is no such function (at least its not documented)
L352[16:15:43] <DeanIsaKitty> try computer.energy() btw
L353[16:16:08] <dangranos> >_<
L354[16:16:13] <Vexatos> asie ^
L355[16:16:51] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L356[16:20:17] <AIVAS> thank you Dean!
L357[16:22:05] ⇦ Quits: AIVAS (webchat@cpe-24-161-42-218.hvc.res.rr.com) (Quit: Web client closed)
L358[16:25:47] <asie> Vexatos,: what
L359[16:26:04] <Vexatos> DeanIsaKitty> Oh yeah aise, I think environmine (or one of those mods) added hunger faaaar before Mojang thought about it. (Remembered adding hunger to my Hardcore-survival world)
L360[16:26:28] <asie> maybe
L361[16:32:12] <dangranos> what about villages?
L362[16:33:35] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (sciguyryan@109-205-169-252.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L363[16:36:00] <DeanIsaKitty> Millenaires mod dangranos?
L364[16:36:38] ⇨ Joins: skyem123 (~skyem123@
L365[16:36:59] <skyem123> ARGH!
L366[16:37:48] <skyem123> Does anyone know how Linux mint encrypts your home folder?
L367[16:38:03] <dangranos> it does?
L368[16:38:10] <asie> it does?
L369[16:38:20] <Magik6k> it may do
L370[16:38:22] <skyem123> It is an option
L371[16:40:44] <Magik6k> and it uses eCryptfs btw
L372[16:40:53] <dangranos> why would you encrypt your home folder?
L373[16:41:05] <Magik6k> why not
L374[16:41:19] <skyem123> :_( my FS is mucked up. Most files are in /lost+found. If the encrypted home folder is stored as one file, I may be able to recover it.
L375[16:41:46] <skyem123> How does eCryptfs work?
L376[16:42:04] <skyem123> I can boot from live DVD.
L377[16:42:13] <skyem123> At least...
L378[16:43:27] <Magik6k> eCrypt fs may work on top of FS, and this is how it works in ubuntu
L379[16:43:49] <skyem123> As one file or...
L380[16:44:11] <dangranos> ...
L381[16:44:25] <skyem123> ?
L382[16:44:31] <DeanIsaKitty> Well, im off, bye for now
L383[16:44:45] <skyem123> Bye.
L384[16:44:46] <dangranos> you cant get screen size using term api, but you can using gpu api
L385[16:45:22] <skyem123> My work on OpenDriver is lost
L386[16:45:35] <Magik6k> it's still on my server
L387[16:45:36] <DeanIsaKitty> skyem123: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory
L388[16:45:43] <Magik6k> Filesystem-level encryption has certain advantages and disadvantages over full disk encryption. Whereas full disk encryption works at the block-level, requiring an additional file system to be mounted over the top in its own partition, filesystem-level encryption can exist within an existing partition, requiring no specific block area to be set aside for its use.[1] It also allows for encryption to be applied selectively on a per-file or per-d
L389[16:45:49] <Magik6k> from wiki
L390[16:45:51] <DeanIsaKitty> theres a recovery section
L391[16:45:56] <skyem123> Can't Internet
L392[16:46:10] <dangranos> >Record both pass phrases in a safe location!!! They will be required if you ever have to recover your data manually.
L393[16:46:27] <DeanIsaKitty> passphrase == password iirc
L394[16:46:32] <Magik6k> yep
L395[16:46:40] <skyem123> How?
L396[16:46:46] <dangranos> i hope nobody store them in home folder XD
L397[16:46:55] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L398[16:47:00] *** DeanIsaKitty is now known as DeanIsAway
L399[16:47:37] <Magik6k> skyem123: wget http://assets.nativehttp.org/opendrivers.pdf
L400[16:47:43] <skyem123> How do I recover?
L401[16:48:00] <skyem123> I lost the work I did on it last night.
L402[16:48:08] <Magik6k> hmm
L403[16:48:34] <Magik6k> you may looh for specific headers of files in lost+found
L404[16:48:43] <Magik6k> *look
L405[16:48:55] <dangranos> and do backups
L406[16:49:17] ⇦ Parts: The0x539|away (sid20491@id-20491.ealing.irccloud.com) ())
L407[16:50:59] <dangranos> is there any webproxy which can into JS?
L408[16:52:10] <skyem123> Is there a guide on how to recover the encrypted files?
L409[16:58:00] <dangranos> >https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Recovering_Your_Data_Automatically
L410[16:58:54] <skyem123> Without the > please? My phones irc client is horrid
L411[17:00:11] <gamax92> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Recovering_Your_Data_Automatically
L412[17:00:36] <skyem123> Thanks.
L413[17:06:34] <skyem123> This page will take a while to load...
L414[17:09:25] <skyem123> %lookup help.ubuntu.com
L415[17:09:25] <MichiBot> skyem123: Hostname: help.ubuntu.com IP:
L416[17:17:00] <skyem123> Running the command...
L417[17:20:55] ⇦ Quits: DaeDroug (uid22591@id-22591.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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L423[17:52:45] <Tivec> o/ just a quick question, can a computer or robot from OC detect growth stage of a crop?
L424[18:02:03] <Sangar> evening o/
L425[18:02:17] <Tivec> o/ Sangar
L426[18:02:30] <JoshTheEnder> \o
L427[18:02:46] <Sangar> Tivec, iirc not with 'plain' oc, since you can just do a simple 'is it the same' comparison, but iirc cameras in computronics return info like metadata
L428[18:03:46] <Tivec> ooh, nice
L429[18:04:06] <Sangar> anyone using the dev builds: the tab completion pr is in now, please see if you can break it :P
L430[18:14:55] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Remote host closed the connection)
L431[18:20:36] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L432[18:22:35] <Vexatos> Sangar: Might want to ask Kodos :3
L433[18:23:08] <Sangar> haha
L434[18:30:44] ⇦ Quits: dangranos (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L435[18:31:08] <v^> lol, i backed up a flash drive with cat /dev/sdb
L436[18:31:13] <v^> Dx
L437[18:31:24] <v^> lets see if it even worked
L438[18:36:48] <v^> ._. soooooooooo slow
L439[18:40:10] <Magik6k> v^: cat reads byte by byte, while optimal size of read is around few KB, that's why dd is better
L440[18:40:46] <v^> Magik6k, nope
L441[18:40:51] <v^> buffer is 4kb
L442[18:41:15] <v^> even then the bottleneck is still the flash drive
L443[18:42:01] <Magik6k> huh didn't knew that ;p
L444[18:42:31] *** jk-5|gone is now known as jk-5
L445[18:43:58] <v^> woop
L446[18:44:00] <v^> finished
L447[18:44:30] <v^> and it worked :>
L448[18:44:38] <v^> MBR and partitions intact
L449[18:47:00] <Magik6k> can OpenOS 'install' upgrade system?
L450[18:47:12] <Vexatos> What
L451[18:48:09] <v^> i dunno
L452[18:48:22] <v^> check :P
L453[18:48:37] ⇨ Joins: DaeDroug (uid22591@id-22591.highgate.irccloud.com)
L454[18:50:36] <robhol> Kilobyte: ping! Were you the emulator guy?
L455[18:50:57] <Magik6k> yay, worked
L456[18:52:24] *** jk-5 is now known as jk-5|gone
L457[19:03:39] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L458[19:05:19] *** asie is now known as `_`
L459[19:05:24] *** `_` is now known as asie
L460[19:08:40] <Techokami> ahoy asie
L461[19:08:52] <asie> hi
L462[19:08:58] <Techokami> sup
L463[19:09:29] <Techokami> I recently got a pair of awesome things :)
L464[19:10:02] <Techokami> a rare book on assembly programming and microcomputer design with the m68k processors
L465[19:10:26] <Techokami> and a NOS 68000 :D
L466[19:12:02] <Techokami> 68k is one of my fav CPUs
L467[19:12:43] ⇦ Quits: feldim2425|work (~feldim242@089144206209.atnat0015.highway.bob.at) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L468[19:21:12] <JoshTheEnder> i cleaned up my server's thread/post a bit
L469[19:31:39] ⇨ Joins: Eevv (webchat@th-186-47.splius.lt)
L470[19:32:08] <Eevv> hello
L471[19:32:16] <Eevv> how do i change the color of my text
L472[19:32:27] <Eevv> say i want print("Hello") tto be red
L473[19:32:39] <Eevv> and print("world!") to be blue
L474[19:39:15] <Sangar> Eevv, http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:gpu use setForeground
L475[19:41:36] <Dashkal> Has anybody yet taken on the challenge of updating OpenComponents for the new Thermal Expansion release?
L476[19:41:54] <Vexatos> require("component").gpu.setForeground()
L477[19:43:09] <Sangar> Dashkal, should be in the latest builds https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComponents/issues/20
L478[19:43:26] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E687A989C9C386B34B44B5A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Greetings from Pastry Fork, Inc. ✔)
L479[19:43:52] <Dashkal> Hmm, will poke again tonight. I thought I saw that in the build I tried with and my client crashed the moment I stuffed an adapeter next to an energy cell.
L480[19:44:16] <Dashkal> If it crashes again I'll come back with an issue report.
L481[19:44:17] <Sangar> open an issue with the log then ;)
L482[19:44:20] <Sangar> yep
L483[19:44:35] <Dashkal> Danke :)
L484[19:46:36] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L486[20:02:13] <Caitlyn> ColoredLight support will be coming to OpenLights soon(tm)
L487[20:02:31] <Caitlyn> in 1.7.10 version anyway
L488[20:03:54] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~ping@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L489[20:04:24] ⇦ Quits: Eevv (webchat@th-186-47.splius.lt) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L490[20:10:53] <Kilobyte> Sangar: how have you been
L491[20:11:23] <Sangar> Kilobyte, hot
L492[20:11:34] <Kilobyte> lol
L493[20:11:50] <Kilobyte> haven't seen you in a couple days
L494[20:12:45] <Kilobyte> Sangar: blame uni?
L495[20:13:18] <Sangar> Kilobyte, yep, blame uni
L496[20:13:55] ⇦ Quits: v^ (~no@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L497[20:13:55] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~ping@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L498[20:13:55] ⇦ Quits: ^vDoge (~mooooon@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L499[20:13:57] <Sangar> got all my signatures now, tho, so that's that at least. now i'll just have to learn >_>
L500[20:14:17] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~ping@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L501[20:14:18] ⇨ Joins: v^ (~no@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L502[20:14:18] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
L503[20:14:49] *** DeanIsAway is now known as DeanIsaKitty
L504[20:16:32] *** vifino is now known as Muffin
L505[20:17:29] <Kilobyte> Sangar: wish you good luck
L506[20:17:33] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~ping@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L507[20:17:39] ⇦ Quits: v^ (~no@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L508[20:17:53] ⇨ Joins: v^ (~no@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L509[20:17:53] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
L510[20:17:56] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~ping@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L511[20:18:33] <Sangar> thanks!
L512[20:18:52] <Sangar> i may need it >_>
L513[20:21:20] *** Muffin is now known as vifino
L514[20:25:00] <Techokami> http://i.imgur.com/lyi5qDw.png dangit, these new 1.8 features need to be backported to 1.7 or something
L515[20:25:11] ⇨ Joins: ^vDoge (~mooooon@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L516[20:25:34] <DeanIsaKitty> Techokami: Smells like a new mod, maybe natura integration? ;)
L517[20:25:43] <Techokami> heh
L518[20:25:51] <Techokami> would be neat
L519[20:25:57] <Techokami> since I'm using Natura in my pack
L520[20:26:20] <DeanIsaKitty> Go for it! ;)
L521[20:26:52] <Techokami> heh, naw I got a project I want to do first
L522[20:27:47] <Techokami> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjvkTXN6j4s watch dis
L523[20:27:48] -Kibibyte- [Techokami] NES Emulation in Minecraft, Round II | by mrokushama | 2m22s | 33w2d ago | 26,764 views | Rated: 4.85/5.00
L524[20:28:25] <Techokami> this mod and the NES emulator for it was put on GitHub as open source
L525[20:28:32] <Techokami> but it's for 1.6.4
L526[20:28:58] <Techokami> and the mod author had a nervous breakdown that caused him to scrap the port to 1.7.10
L527[20:29:18] <Techokami> I'm going to see what it'll take to get going on 1.7.10, then try and change it up a bit
L528[20:29:58] <Techokami> https://github.com/NPException42/NPArcade
L529[20:31:27] <Techokami> I'll limit it to just the NES emulator, make different ROMs be arcade PCBs that you find in dungeons/trade with villagers, and each machine can only have one game loaded (and when it's not being played, the screen shows a screenshot packed with ROM)
L530[20:31:38] <Techokami> that's my plan at least
L531[20:31:55] <Techokami> it all hinges on me actually being able to get anything done, however :V
L532[20:36:37] * Magik6k pokes Sangar
L533[20:36:53] <Sangar> *beep*
L534[20:37:20] <Magik6k> Walking thorugh directories seems kinda broken
L535[20:38:13] <Sangar> it does?
L536[20:38:50] <Magik6k> I mean that when directory is predisted you should get like /dir/ for one direstory or /dir1 /dir2 for more, and if there is '/' at end tab should search in that directory
L537[20:38:53] <Magik6k> huh
L538[20:39:25] <Magik6k> ex. i tab at /etc/ and I should see what's in there
L539[20:40:40] ⇦ Quits: dmod_ (uid32492@id-32492.uxbridge.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L540[20:44:54] <Sangar> ah, well that's just because it doesn't try to autocomplete "nothing". hrm.
L541[20:45:13] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L542[20:45:16] <Sangar> yeah, i guess it should tho.
L543[20:50:00] ⇨ Joins: skyem123 (~skyem123@
L544[20:50:55] ⇦ Quits: DaeDroug (uid22591@id-22591.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L545[20:51:53] <skyem123> Failed. Files lost.
L546[20:53:10] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L547[20:56:39] <DeanIsaKitty> skyem123, did you got my email yet?
L548[20:57:16] <skyem123> Time, address?
L549[20:57:35] <JoshTheEnder> the first of may, 14689
L550[20:57:51] <skyem123> ...
L551[20:59:51] <skyem123> I have an email from Wednesday
L552[20:59:59] <DeanIsaKitty> From me?
L553[21:00:26] <DeanIsaKitty> Hint: My email starts with Dean4Devil
L554[21:00:28] <skyem123> gregor.reitzenstein@chaingamers.com?
L555[21:00:33] <skyem123> Oh
L556[21:00:40] <DeanIsaKitty> well no
L557[21:00:51] <DeanIsaKitty> but thanks for posting email addresses online
L558[21:00:56] <DeanIsaKitty> moron -.-
L559[21:01:25] <skyem123> Oops...
L560[21:01:40] <skyem123> Copied wrong part
L561[21:01:43] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@
L562[21:01:53] <skyem123> /me kills self
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L566[21:06:18] <skyem123> Deanisakitty: i got your ma
L567[21:06:32] <DeanIsaKitty> i guess so
L568[21:06:40] <skyem123> s/ma/mail
L569[21:06:40] <Kibibyte> <skyem123> Deanisakitty: i got your mail
L570[21:06:49] <TabletCube> skyem123: how is your internets
L571[21:06:59] <skyem123> Bad.
L572[21:07:06] *** Benguin is now known as Benguin[ZzZ]
L573[21:07:14] <skyem123> Netbook corrupted
L574[21:07:33] <DeanIsaKitty> Answer (over email preferably) would be appreachiated
L575[21:08:01] <Kilobyte> s/net/web
L576[21:08:01] <Kibibyte> <TabletCube> skyem123: how is your interwebs
L577[21:10:01] <skyem123> Going...
L578[21:10:09] <DeanIsaKitty> cool
L579[21:10:15] ⇦ Quits: skyem123 (~skyem123@ (Quit: skyem123)
L580[21:15:42] *** Lathanael|Away is now known as Lathanael
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L588[21:59:10] <PeterGrant> Hello, so.. I finally made Hologram, but it's just 2 mini block. Anyone who knows how can I get bigger hologram ? I got this value: set(24, 24, 24, true)
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L590[21:59:49] ⇦ Quits: skyem123 (~skyem123@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L591[22:00:40] <Dashkal> PeterGrant: There's API for setting the scale. That varies the size of the hologram
L592[22:01:17] ⇨ Joins: asie|tab (~asietab@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L593[22:02:11] <PeterGrant> I tried this: setScale(2) but it doesn't work
L594[22:02:38] <Dashkal> Afraid all I can say is WorksForMe (tm). I set the scale up and the hologram starts taking up much more space
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L598[22:05:04] *** Daiyousei is now known as Dai|Sleep
L599[22:06:54] <skyem123> Does anyone have my OpenDriver standard as an odt?
L600[22:07:02] <DeanIsaKitty> i have it as pdf
L601[22:07:20] <skyem123> Uh oh...
L602[22:07:23] <robhol> what IS Opendriver, actually?
L603[22:07:56] <DeanIsaKitty> A standard for OC-OS drivers
L604[22:08:04] <skyem123> Yes...
L605[22:08:43] <robhol> I didn't quite realize that DRIVERS as such were even needed in OC
L606[22:10:52] <skyem123> We have drivers, and it is a pain having to rewrite them every os.
L607[22:11:43] <robhol> any such drivers I could look at? :p
L608[22:12:09] <skyem123> OpenOS /lib /boot
L609[22:12:20] <skyem123> Most of MiniOS
L610[22:15:04] <skyem123> Hello?
L611[22:15:09] <DeanIsaKitty> yes?
L612[22:15:30] <robhol> they don't look like drivers per se
L613[22:15:51] <skyem123> They are not modular drivers.
L614[22:16:09] <skyem123> They only work used certain ways
L615[22:19:34] ⇦ Quits: skyem123 (~skyem123@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L618[23:00:34] ⇨ Joins: PotatoTrumpet (~PotatoTru@WL4-34.1scom.net)
L619[23:00:39] <PotatoTrumpet> Hmm
L620[23:01:02] <PotatoTrumpet> The Drive Letter disease is in full swing again
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L622[23:01:56] <PotatoTrumpet> o/
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L625[23:10:04] <PotatoTrumpet> .jenkins
L626[23:10:35] <EnderBot2> An error occured while trying to perform that command: <class 'socket.timeout'> timed out
L627[23:12:11] <PotatoTrumpet> JoshTheEnder: EnderBot2 is acting up again
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L632[23:34:43] ⇨ Joins: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com)
L633[23:34:43] zsh sets mode: +v on Maxwolf
L634[23:36:00] <PeterGrant> Hah! Finally, the hologram run's great
L635[23:36:17] <PotatoTrumpet> Bout time
L636[23:37:43] <PeterGrant> Can i somehow scan only complex below ground ?
L637[23:48:53] *** Lathanael is now known as Lathanael|Away
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