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L1[00:00:24] <Kilobyte> TabletCube: invoke is basicly used for any file descriptor access
L2[00:01:08] <Kilobyte> for example does it provide a components methods
L3[00:01:51] <TabletCube> Nice socket API
L4[00:02:06] <Kilobyte> thanks :D
L5[00:02:46] <Kilobyte> i will also have to specify a tcp like protocol so all the OSes can talk to each other
L6[00:03:14] <Kilobyte> haven't added UDP style stuff to the draft yet
L7[00:03:58] <TabletCube> Cxom
L8[00:04:57] <TabletCube> Compared to the thing I wrote, yours sounds much more formal
L9[00:06:01] <SpiritedDusty> wouldn't that standard make every OS almost identical?
L10[00:06:52] <Kilobyte> SpiritedDusty: i yet have to add more differences
L11[00:07:00] <Kilobyte> or rather more room for freedom
L12[00:07:09] <Kilobyte> but the main api should be regulated
L13[00:07:31] <Kilobyte> but, look at it, BSD, OSX and linux are very much different
L14[00:07:40] <Kilobyte> yet their inner api is pretty much same
L15[00:07:52] <SpiritedDusty> mm you're right
L16[00:08:23] <TabletCube> They all adhere to POSIX
L17[00:08:34] <Kilobyte> but if they wouldn't share for example a network protocol, 97% of all computer users couldn't into internet
L18[00:08:42] <SpiritedDusty> under "The Environment" header it says "If the OS supports multithreading ..." but under "Processes" header it says "Operating systems following that standard MUST support multiple processes"
L19[00:08:57] <Kilobyte> threading != processes
L20[00:09:06] <SpiritedDusty> oh
L21[00:09:07] <Kilobyte> threading == multiple coroutines in one process
L22[00:10:49] <Kilobyte> SpiritedDusty: other things, i leave it up to how to internally handle syscalls
L23[00:10:57] <Kilobyte> always yielding is easier
L24[00:11:13] <Kilobyte> only yielding when needed might be a little faster
L25[00:11:44] ⇦ Quits: manmaed|AFK (~Ender@2e41e811.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L26[00:11:52] <Kilobyte> or how system options are stored
L27[00:12:37] <Kilobyte> or how the actual boot works, how daemons are started. does it go with a runlevel approach, or rather systemd style
L28[00:12:48] <Kilobyte> all those things are completely up the the OS author
L29[00:13:02] <gjgfuj> I like that.
L30[00:13:09] <SpiritedDusty> this is making me want to write an OS using your OpenPosix standard
L31[00:13:24] <Kilobyte> its currently version 0.1 :P
L32[00:13:26] <TabletCube> Maybe there could be an FHS standard too?
L33[00:13:37] <Kilobyte> FHS?
L34[00:13:49] <TabletCube> Google it.
L35[00:13:59] <SpiritedDusty> File Hierarchy Standard
L36[00:14:05] <Kilobyte> oh
L37[00:14:14] <gjgfuj> Yeah, that's probably useful.
L38[00:14:20] <Kilobyte> there will be one, but less strict
L39[00:14:37] <Kilobyte> like, it will enforce existance of /dev and maybe /sys
L40[00:14:50] <Kilobyte> /sys would be a cross-platform compatible one
L41[00:14:59] <gjgfuj> Whatever openposix is, OpenOS should be written to support it.
L42[00:15:08] <TabletCube> I would enforce existence of types of dirs
L43[00:15:23] <TabletCube> and mandate compat symlinks
L44[00:15:36] <Kilobyte> so, i can rely on that /sys/modem/1/device would always be a symlink to the device file of the first modem
L45[00:15:47] <Kilobyte> but, i cannot rely on what the device file is named
L46[00:15:56] <SpiritedDusty> how would device files work?
L47[00:16:02] <Kilobyte> it could be /dev/modem0 or /dev/md0
L48[00:16:06] <Sangar> back
L49[00:16:17] <SpiritedDusty> wb Sangar
L50[00:16:21] <Sangar> ohai
L51[00:16:26] <Kilobyte> SpiritedDusty: you open them. then you can use the invoke syscall to do stuff
L52[00:16:33] <Kilobyte> or you can directly write to them
L53[00:16:48] <Kilobyte> for example writing to a printer device would print the written data
L54[00:16:49] <Sangar> Kilobyte, will look at the pr in a moment (i noticed the lua version in the headers was outdated, will update that too)
L55[00:16:54] <TabletCube> so an os can store .cfgs in /config but /etc has to be symlinked
L56[00:17:04] <Kilobyte> yep
L57[00:17:17] ⇨ Joins: manmaed|AFK (~Ender@5ec07806.skybroadband.com)
L58[00:17:18] <SpiritedDusty> Kilobyte, so the OS would have to keep track of the file when it gets modified, right?
L59[00:17:43] <Kilobyte> all file metadata is optional
L60[00:18:02] <Kilobyte> but, the OS api must support them (and possibly return dummies)
L61[00:18:03] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L62[00:18:23] <Kilobyte> metadata like mtime, atime, ctime, owner, group, permission mask, sticky/suid bit
L63[00:18:25] <Kilobyte> etc
L64[00:18:45] *** JoshTheEnder is now known as JoshTheEnder|Zzz
L65[00:18:53] <Kilobyte> defaults would be: 0, 0, 0, root, root, 777, off/off
L66[00:19:20] <Kilobyte> even an OS without user handling needs to have a dummy user (id 0, name root)
L67[00:19:34] <Kilobyte> for compatibility reasons
L68[00:20:00] <Kilobyte> however in that case its also assumed that the OS has no permission handlin
L69[00:20:17] <Kilobyte> Sangar: for now the AUR package clones my fork
L70[00:20:40] <Kilobyte> Sangar: also, please add tags for your releases, it makes the AUR package more consistant
L71[00:20:58] <Sangar> Kilobyte, ok, that's fine, too. and yeah, did plan to tag as soon as i fixed the lua version in the comments.
L72[00:21:37] <Kilobyte> so, if i have a PKGBUILD thats supposed to install 5.2.0 it actually does install that version and not latest from master branch
L73[00:22:06] <Kilobyte> SpiritedDusty: does that answer your question?
L74[00:22:10] ⇨ Joins: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com)
L75[00:22:10] zsh sets mode: +v on Maxwolf
L76[00:22:51] <Kilobyte> also, OpenOS will prob not get a full support, but i might incorporate the network apis, so OpenOS supports OpenIP (or w/e i'll call it)
L77[00:23:27] <Kilobyte> aka OpenOS can communicate with most OSes implementing OpenPosix
L78[00:25:38] <gamax92> Sangar: I managed to make my image thingy about 1-2 minutes per image, from the 8 minutes it used to be for just the first step.
L79[00:25:49] <Kilobyte> not bad
L80[00:26:03] <Sangar> Kilobyte, wondering if i should add the version somewhere in the sources, as a define or something
L81[00:26:11] <gamax92> was one simple change, involves 3 letters
L82[00:26:19] <Kilobyte> Sangar: maybe :P
L83[00:26:23] <Sangar> gamax92, those are the best changes :D
L84[00:26:40] <gamax92> Sangar: it starts with a j, ends with a t, and the middle is a vowel
L85[00:26:59] <Sangar> Kilobyte, guess i'll just copy lua's variant :P
L86[00:27:12] <Sangar> gamax92, oooh, hard one... hmmm... 'e'? :P
L87[00:27:19] <gamax92> Yep, luajet
L88[00:27:26] <TabletCube> J i t?
L89[00:27:36] <SpiritedDusty> Kilobyte, sorry I was eating. yes it answers my question
L90[00:27:41] <SpiritedDusty> thanks
L91[00:27:42] <Kilobyte> np
L92[00:27:59] <Kilobyte> i might add compatibility to OpenOS to a certain point
L93[00:28:02] <gamax92> i wasn't using luajit, mainly because i normally cant (modules be segfaulting it) but ... no such modules in play
L94[00:28:08] <Kilobyte> i might make processes optional
L95[00:28:16] <Kilobyte> so OpenOS could fully comply
L96[00:28:24] <SpiritedDusty> doesn't OpenOS have processes?
L97[00:28:32] <Kilobyte> not really afaik
L98[00:28:58] <Kilobyte> not in a matter that you can have 2 or more programs running at same time with the OS distributing time slices between them
L99[00:29:16] <Kilobyte> sadly we prob won't get autoyield too soon
L100[00:29:30] <Kilobyte> would make things much nicer
L101[00:29:41] <gamax92> oh goodie
L102[00:29:52] <Kilobyte> because then the program author wouldn't have to worry about manually yielding
L103[00:30:04] <gamax92> the guys at imagemagick told me to take the two most used colors and dither to that.
L104[00:30:26] <SpiritedDusty> wouldn't auto yielding need the debug sethook?
L105[00:30:54] <gamax92> Sangar: some great results huh? http://i.imgur.com/3Sr18vI.png using two most used colors.
L106[00:31:39] <Kilobyte> SpiritedDusty: it would be implemented in kernel.lua
L107[00:31:41] <TabletCube> No autoyield?
L108[00:31:56] <Kilobyte> but currently a yielded debug hook cannot be persisted
L109[00:31:57] <Sangar> gamax92, subjectively that looks worse than the earlier ones >_>
L110[00:32:01] <gamax92> Sangar: exactly
L111[00:32:27] <Kilobyte> so, we cannot yield inside a debug hook or stuff can break
L112[00:32:39] <gamax92> can or will
L113[00:32:43] <v^> .addfail http://i.imgur.com/axZp49S.png
L114[00:32:43] <^v> v^, Fail added
L115[00:32:56] <Kilobyte> s/can/will
L116[00:32:57] <Kibibyte> <gamax92> will or will
L117[00:33:15] <gamax92> v^: XD
L118[00:33:23] <TabletCube> .fail
L119[00:33:24] <^v> TabletCube, http://i.imgur.com/PNuZx5v.png
L120[00:33:40] <v^> oh yeah
L121[00:33:43] <TabletCube> Kill it
L122[00:33:47] <v^> leme clean up the formatting for the fails
L123[00:41:53] ⇨ Joins: PsychokenesisKat (~chatzilla@CPE-110-146-154-156.knmu.knt.bigpond.net.au)
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L126[00:44:35] <PsychokenesisKat> So while I have internet, I'm bulk-downloading 1406 strips of a webcomic
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L128[00:46:16] <gamax92> so most two colors is lack of detail, and least two is ... garbage
L129[00:46:50] <TabletCube> PsychokenesisKat: e
L130[00:47:09] <PsychokenesisKat> e?
L131[00:47:11] <TabletCube> PsychokenesisKat: which webcomic
L132[00:47:18] <PsychokenesisKat> MegaTokyo
L133[00:47:33] *** Nentify is now known as Nentify|away
L134[00:47:46] <PsychokenesisKat> I've never read it before. Thought I could use more stuff to read when I get back home
L135[00:49:02] <PsychokenesisKat> Also I'm torrenting Serial Experiments Lain and Dennou Coil
L136[00:53:16] ⇦ Quits: PsychokenesisKat (~chatzilla@CPE-110-146-154-156.knmu.knt.bigpond.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L137[00:54:19] <SpiritedDusty> how do I refresh an OC drive after changing the contents of it outside of game?
L138[00:54:36] <gjgfuj> Restart game?
L139[00:54:55] <SpiritedDusty> well without restarting the game
L140[00:54:57] <gjgfuj> I have no idea how often that's been asked over the last few days.
L141[00:55:04] <gjgfuj> I don't think you can
L142[00:55:08] <gjgfuj> :(
L143[00:55:11] <SpiritedDusty> :/
L144[00:56:29] <ds84182> SpiritedDusty: set the config value named bufferChanges to false
L145[00:56:36] <ds84182> Then after that restart the game
L146[00:56:43] <ds84182> then you don't have to restart ever again
L147[00:56:54] <SpiritedDusty> oh. thanks :D
L148[00:58:04] <Kilobyte> SpiritedDusty: or just replug the drive
L149[00:58:09] <gjgfuj> Yeah.
L150[00:58:16] <Kilobyte> taking it out and putting it back in forces a sync
L151[00:58:17] <SpiritedDusty> replugging the drive doesn't seem to work
L152[00:58:31] <Kilobyte> works for me
L153[00:58:37] <Kilobyte> and its supposed to work
L154[00:58:53] <SpiritedDusty> oh herpderp. I was editing the file in the wrong drive
L155[00:59:15] <gjgfuj> ah.
L156[01:00:21] <Kilobyte> time to switch to phone/bed
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L161[01:14:10] *** AFKasran is now known as Kasran
L162[01:26:09] <SpiritedDusty> Kilobyte, in the OpenPosix standard, what's the point of having _T memory? can't a thread just create a local variable?
L163[01:30:23] <TabletCube> If only OC could interface with turtles.....imagine the stuffs
L164[01:32:52] <v^> turtles
L165[01:32:56] <v^> .w turtles
L166[01:32:57] <^v> v^, Not found. did you want "turtle api"?
L167[01:32:59] <v^> .w turtle
L168[01:32:59] <^v> v^, http://ocd.cil.li/api:robot
L169[01:33:18] *** darknife25 is now known as darknife25|AFK
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L177[02:45:56] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L178[02:46:30] <Kodos> Anyone play SpaceChem yet
L179[02:46:38] <v^> yes
L180[02:46:49] <v^> i was like, one of the first to play it >_>
L181[02:52:15] <Kodos> Is it any good? got it for free
L182[02:52:56] *** ds84182 is now known as _
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L184[02:53:30] *** Guest79443 is now known as ds84182
L185[02:54:41] *** v^ is now known as ping
L186[02:55:04] <ping> Kodos, fuck yeah
L187[03:06:08] <Kasran> I love SpaceChem :D
L188[03:09:35] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56|off
L189[03:13:26] ⇦ Quits: finkmac (~finkmac@rdsl-0176.tor.pathcom.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L190[03:16:35] <ping> actually
L191[03:16:37] <ping> ima spacechem now
L192[03:16:38] <ping> :D
L193[03:18:10] <TabletCube> Yay
L194[03:18:18] ⇦ Quits: Kasran (Kasran@cpe-075-190-233-233.nc.res.rr.com) (Quit: blergh)
L195[03:18:18] <TabletCube> Got mah key
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L209[04:18:28] <ping> http://youtu.be/w1K7qw1jUZk
L210[04:18:28] -Kibibyte- [ping] Playing spacechem again... | by thegyroid | 7s | 38s ago | 1 views | Rated: -1.00/5.00
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L218[05:20:18] <ping> .addfail http://puu.sh/aB9ZU/89ad1be933.png
L219[05:20:18] <^v> ping, Fail added
L220[05:22:40] <Bizzycola> oic
L221[05:28:18] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L222[05:30:13] ⇨ Joins: PotatoTrumpet (~PotatoTru@WL4-34.1scom.net)
L223[05:30:43] <gjgfuj> Anyone here wanna test my map later?
L224[05:31:16] <gjgfuj> I shall release a build in #soulbound if you want that.
L225[05:33:13] <PotatoTrumpet> test test 421
L226[05:33:13] <ping> ._.
L227[05:33:17] <ping> what map
L228[05:33:22] <PotatoTrumpet> :D Ping!
L229[05:33:26] <gjgfuj> SoulBound.
L230[05:33:53] <gjgfuj> It's a 1.7.10 survival/quest map.
L231[05:34:09] <dmod_> how u do redstone with a robot?
L232[05:34:21] <gjgfuj> dmod_, Use a redstone card.
L233[05:34:22] ⇦ Quits: wer38 (~wer38@CPE-58-166-120-103.lnse5.cht.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L234[05:34:28] <PotatoTrumpet> Well, my first words when I came out of anesthesia was "I feel like a fish"
L235[05:34:38] <gjgfuj> I feel like a fish........
L236[05:34:46] <dmod_> no shit. how do you output redstone signal
L237[05:34:47] <gjgfuj> Nice first words mate.
L238[05:34:53] <PotatoTrumpet> My tounge and bottom lip was numb
L239[05:35:01] <gjgfuj> .w component:redstone
L240[05:35:01] <^v> gjgfuj, http://ocd.cil.li/component:redstone
L241[05:35:10] <PotatoTrumpet> ^
L242[05:35:24] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L243[05:35:32] <gjgfuj> dmod_, ^
L244[05:37:06] ⇨ Joins: black3agl33 (~black3agl@
L245[05:38:12] <gjgfuj> About my map: It's nowhere near done, but it's a quest through your own soul. (1.7.10 mods). And your goal is to journey all the way through life.
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L249[06:00:16] <PotatoTrumpet> Ermergrd
L250[06:00:26] <PotatoTrumpet> Factorio looks so cool
L251[06:07:20] ⇨ Joins: Mzxs (webchat@
L252[06:07:26] <Mzxs> hello
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L255[06:21:30] <Mzxs> how do you make the computer wait like CC's sleep(1)
L256[06:22:02] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L257[06:26:55] <Vexatos> Mzxs: os.sleep(1)
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L260[06:45:03] <istasi> Morning \o
L261[06:45:08] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L262[06:54:16] <asie> Sangar: Thanks to your reply I just realized there's another way to DDoS ComputerCraft servers with.
L263[06:54:29] <asie> Seriously, most 1.6.x packs have a literal security hole in them
L264[06:56:39] <gjgfuj> Hmm?
L265[06:56:43] <gjgfuj> What hole is this?
L266[06:57:24] <asie> gjgfuj: Take an 8x8 monitor
L267[06:57:27] <asie> set the text scale to 0.5
L268[06:57:31] <asie> then change the content entirely every tick
L269[06:57:38] <asie> also, make sure the content is random enough to be hard to compress
L270[06:58:23] <istasi> so cc servers are minecraft servers with computercraft on?
L271[06:58:26] <asie> yes
L272[06:58:33] <Kilobyte> morning
L273[06:58:36] <asie> there are very many ways to crash CC servers
L274[06:58:41] <istasi> morning kilo :)
L275[06:58:48] <asie> 1. if it's running MCPC+, load a peripheral cable on a chunk boundary and ensure the other chunk of the cable is left UNloaded
L276[06:58:51] <asie> it will crash after about 60 seconds
L277[06:59:02] <asie> 2. if the HTTP API is on, download a Ubuntu DVD.
L278[06:59:17] <asie> 3. Use Lua code to spam arrays within arrays within arrays and watch it go out of memory.
L279[06:59:34] <Vexatos> CC is so unsafe
L280[06:59:40] <Kilobyte> oh right, no ram limit
L281[06:59:41] <Vexatos> That Ubuntu DVD, especially
L282[06:59:49] <asie> 4. An 8x6 monitor in CC is about 112x60. Combined with ideally 1 byte per color, that's 13.4KB. You can change the data entirely once a tick
L283[07:00:03] <Vexatos> So 13.4 KB/t
L284[07:00:06] <Vexatos> Uhm
L285[07:00:06] <asie> Spam the monitor with hard to compress data to generate bandwidth sent of about 265KB per monitor per CLIENT
L286[07:00:07] <Vexatos> Well
L287[07:00:07] <gjgfuj> Wow.
L288[07:00:12] <Kilobyte> gotta try that
L289[07:00:13] <asie> Next, just put ten people in that place
L290[07:00:19] <asie> you get 2.65MB/second of outgoing transfer
L291[07:00:29] <Vexatos> asie: Use some perlin noise generator for the screen pixel setting
L292[07:00:32] <asie> which is 3.8GB/day
L293[07:00:33] <Kilobyte> that's not THAT much
L294[07:00:39] <asie> Kilobyte: You can connect infinity monitors.
L295[07:00:46] <Kilobyte> two
L296[07:00:51] <asie> And infinity people near the monitor.
L297[07:00:54] <Kilobyte> *yes
L298[07:01:07] <asie> This scales infinitely
L299[07:01:08] <Kilobyte> or bigger make a bigger one
L300[07:01:13] <asie> Not bigger than 8x6
L301[07:01:14] <asie> that's the limit
L302[07:01:20] <Kilobyte> and they are cheap
L303[07:01:24] <Kilobyte> ah kk
L304[07:01:30] <asie> but you can make as many as you want
L305[07:01:50] <asie> with 10 monitors and 20 people next to that area
L306[07:01:52] <asie> you get 76.3GB a day
L307[07:01:54] <Kilobyte> I like the chunk boundary one
L308[07:02:00] <asie> or 53 megabytes a *second*
L309[07:02:10] <asie> At this point, most server's 100mbit uplink should have crashed
L310[07:02:11] <asie> and burned
L311[07:02:41] <Kilobyte> most servers have a shared 1 g uplink (unless dedi)
L312[07:02:47] <asie> Yeah... shared
L313[07:02:51] <asie> have fun with that ^_^
L314[07:03:04] <Kilobyte> lemme test something
L315[07:03:34] <istasi> wouldn't connections just timeout instead?, and thus generate less packets ?
L316[07:03:50] <asie> istasi: I have 80mbit download, I fear nothing
L317[07:03:55] <asie> also the CPU would probably burn long before that
L318[07:03:57] <asie> as Minecraft GZIPs all packets
L319[07:04:21] <istasi> asie, i got double yours, both ways :P
L320[07:04:32] <istasi> but
L321[07:04:39] <istasi> say server got 10mbit
L322[07:04:42] <istasi> and you do this
L323[07:04:51] <asie> well
L324[07:04:55] <istasi> then obviously server wont be able to serve all clients
L325[07:04:56] <asie> you can kick players off a server
L326[07:04:59] <asie> that way
L327[07:05:04] <istasi> so some of them will timeout, will they not?
L328[07:06:09] <Kilobyte> a friend has a VPS with shared 1 g link
L329[07:06:15] <asie> istasi: They will
L330[07:06:16] <Kilobyte> it gets 34 mbit
L331[07:06:20] <asie> but if they spawn in the same place
L332[07:06:23] <asie> won't they timeout again?
L333[07:06:28] <Kilobyte> downstream that is
L334[07:06:30] <asie> as long as the chunks are kept loaded with a chunkloader
L335[07:06:35] <asie> the computer will never power off
L336[07:06:55] <istasi> yeah, but the server would have 1 less client to send data to
L337[07:07:03] <istasi> then repeat until server is able to serve all clients
L338[07:07:13] <istasi> the line would be max'd no doubt
L339[07:07:15] <Kilobyte> but, speedtest falsely detects it as being in US. it's actually in UK
L340[07:07:23] <istasi> but crash?, dont think due to net activity atleast
L341[07:07:37] <Kilobyte> So the result is a bit off
L342[07:07:39] <asie> istasi: it won't crash
L343[07:07:43] <asie> it will just (a) lag the CPU heavily due to compression
L344[07:07:45] <asie> (b) kick off players
L345[07:07:50] <asie> (c) kick off players again when they come back
L346[07:08:17] <istasi> yeah, would be annoying xD
L347[07:08:21] <Kilobyte> asie: im sure one also can easily crash it using malformed paket
L348[07:08:36] <asie> Kilobyte: It should be a bit harder with Netty at least
L349[07:09:43] <Kilobyte> like, for tileentity update packet, specify wrong coordinates
L350[07:09:49] <Kilobyte> gotta check source
L351[07:09:59] <asie> oh yeah
L352[07:10:03] <asie> that would crash almost every mod in existence
L353[07:10:11] <Kilobyte> probably
L354[07:10:12] <asie> though I think Netty *might* be catching exceptions
L355[07:10:14] <asie> ...
L356[07:10:16] <asie> fuck, I need to fix AsieLib
L357[07:12:00] <asie> fixed
L358[07:13:02] <asie> now all malformed packets should be catched
L359[07:17:40] <gjgfuj> I like the cleverbot bot in #FTB.
L360[07:17:42] <gjgfuj> It's amazing.
L361[07:28:30] <Bizzycola> oic
L362[07:30:12] <asie> oh hey
L363[07:30:16] <asie> the HTTP API bug was fixed
L364[07:30:19] <asie> they added *gasp* a whitelist
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L374[08:39:27] <asie> oh, hi VikeStep
L375[08:39:42] <VikeStep> hi
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L384[09:17:45] <Potato|OpenTTD> :O
L385[09:17:49] <Potato|OpenTTD> I have a idea
L386[09:20:18] <Potato|OpenTTD> In order to make any sort of electrical component(CPU,ALU,Cards,Etc..), You should have to make it in a clean room(5x5 area surrounded by clean room blocks and a clean room door), assemble all the eletrical notes and sauder it in there!
L387[09:20:54] <Potato|OpenTTD> And it if you mess up, it may short out the whole computer
L388[09:21:01] <Potato|OpenTTD> when you power the computer
L389[09:21:40] <Potato|OpenTTD> and for higher tier 2 and 3 of computer cases, the power converter is already built in
L390[09:27:56] <asie> Potato|OpenTTD: Oh god no
L391[09:28:09] <Potato|OpenTTD> Oh god yes
L392[09:28:54] <Potato|OpenTTD> And make hard drives in OC work like real ones
L393[09:29:05] <Potato|OpenTTD> Sectors, everything
L394[09:29:09] <istasi> wonder if you could do openttd'ish in minecraft?, special places where if setup minecart routes to/from you'd be able to generate minerals etc and whatnot
L395[09:29:21] <Potato|OpenTTD> :O
L396[09:29:53] <Potato|OpenTTD> Railcraft+OC+TrainCraft+StevesCarts+IC2+Buildcraft+TE+Factorization
L397[09:30:02] <Potato|OpenTTD> And a pre-made map
L398[09:30:21] <Potato|OpenTTD> and once 1.8 comes out, use that announcement thing
L399[09:30:32] <Potato|OpenTTD> "2000 die in train crash"
L400[09:30:50] <Potato|OpenTTD> Dear god my mouth is sore
L401[09:31:04] <istasi> since ttd is more about processing, would need some places that just generate shit, could be those thingies from exnihilo thingy that mod from agrerian skies or however thats spelled
L402[09:31:09] ⇦ Quits: Bizzycola (~CokaCola@2001:8003:262d:8301:a09d:49ae:8a05:3493) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L403[09:31:28] <Potato|OpenTTD> I want factorio
L404[09:31:41] <Potato|OpenTTD> its like FTB/Tekkit, but better
L405[09:31:49] <Potato|OpenTTD> and its not minecraft
L406[09:31:53] <istasi> mmh, never heard of it :O
L407[09:32:04] <Potato|OpenTTD> it's its own game
L408[09:32:18] <istasi> oh
L409[09:32:36] <Potato|OpenTTD> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=locdqx41PaI istasi
L410[09:32:36] -Kibibyte- [Potato|OpenTTD] Nerd³ FW - Factorio | by officialnerdcubed | 44m20s | 1d13h ago | 212,70 views | Rated: 4.92/5.00
L411[09:33:58] <Potato|OpenTTD> .tell Kilobyte Kibibyte's youtube thing (where it says stuff like what it is, views, etc) failed to display 212,105 (it said 212,70 )
L412[09:33:58] <^v> Potato|OpenTTD, Message queued.
L413[09:34:06] <Kilobyte> factorio is cool, played it myself
L414[09:34:11] <Potato|OpenTTD> :O
L415[09:34:13] <Potato|OpenTTD> Your on!
L416[09:34:13] <Kilobyte> known bug
L417[09:34:21] <Potato|OpenTTD> then fix it
L418[09:34:22] <Kilobyte> I literally just arrived
L419[09:34:37] <Kilobyte> on my phone atm
L420[09:34:53] <Potato|OpenTTD> Well, my operation on my wisdom teeth went well
L421[09:35:03] <Potato|OpenTTD> Can't play trumpet for 7 days
L422[09:35:08] <Kilobyte> :D
L423[09:35:16] <Kilobyte> that's not too bad
L424[09:35:37] <Kilobyte> can you already eat proper stuff again?
L425[09:35:54] <Potato|OpenTTD> And I have Marching Band Camp from Aug.1 but didn't go for obvious reasons, until school starts (26th)
L426[09:35:56] <Potato|OpenTTD> No
L427[09:36:04] <Potato|OpenTTD> Not until Aug. 3
L428[09:36:09] * Potato|OpenTTD loves applesauce
L429[09:36:26] <Potato|OpenTTD> I got a milkshake from Braums on the way back
L430[09:36:33] <istasi> http://istasi.dk/test.png \o/, gotten 'center' to work
L431[09:36:35] <Potato|OpenTTD> Best. Milkshake. Ever
L432[09:37:04] <Potato|OpenTTD> What is that, istasi
L433[09:37:12] *** Potato|OpenTTD is now known as PotatoTrumpet
L434[09:38:06] <istasi> http://pastebin.com/f5QwxFzC execution of this
L435[09:39:04] <PotatoTrumpet> Kilobyte, My first words when I came out of the knock out IV stuff, i said "I feel like a fish", due to my toung and lower lip being numb
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L455[10:44:53] <JoshTheEnder> o/
L456[10:45:02] <istasi> hi
L457[10:46:09] <Sangar> o/
L458[10:46:13] <istasi> \o
L459[10:46:36] <asie> Sangar: thanks for giving me #4 on "Ways to exploit ComputerCraft", btw
L460[10:46:53] <Sangar> asie, oh? lemme guess: screen flooding? :P
L461[10:47:38] <JoshTheEnder> morning Sangar
L462[10:47:50] <JoshTheEnder> which surprisingly it still is
L463[10:47:57] <asie> Sangar: yep!
L464[10:48:02] <asie> i calculated it to be up to 265KB/client/monitor
L465[10:48:06] <asie> per second
L466[10:48:20] <asie> anyway
L467[10:48:24] <asie> i had a few ideas to solve the problem
L468[10:48:25] <Sangar> hi JoshTheEnder :)
L469[10:48:30] <asie> first of all, most stuff *will* be heavily compressible
L470[10:48:38] <asie> my 320x100 pic i posted earlier compresses down to 14KB with gzip
L471[10:48:42] <asie> my idea was to impose a bandwidth cap
L472[10:48:54] <Sangar> hmhm
L473[10:49:01] <asie> that is, for instance, up to 512 bytes of data a tick
L474[10:49:03] <asie> but here's the catch
L475[10:49:05] <asie> the data accumulates
L476[10:49:13] <asie> so if you don't send anything for a few seconds
L477[10:49:17] <asie> you can send the new stuf fin one giant packet
L478[10:49:23] <JoshTheEnder> Sangar, have you seen http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/212-my-first-and-second-impressions/ yet?
L479[10:49:41] <asie> Sangar: also, make the cap tweakable
L480[10:49:45] <asie> as i will want to go full power on my servers
L481[10:49:48] <Sangar> JoshTheEnder, had not
L482[10:51:07] <Sangar> asie, yeah, that would be a reasonable way of throttling it i guess. though i'm already starting to worry about cpu use from the compression :D possibly a background worker thread that does it, iirc enqueuing network messages is synchronized so can be done from any thread.
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L484[10:51:50] <JoshTheEnder> \o/
L485[10:51:54] <asie> Sangar: about compression?
L486[10:52:01] <asie> trust me, compression is fast, especially on small chunks of data
L487[10:52:07] <asie> also Computronics sends uncompressed data
L488[10:52:11] <PsychokenesisKat> Megatokyo is possibly the best webcomic with a continuing story :D
L489[10:52:12] <asie> 4KB/client/tape drive/second
L490[10:52:26] <asie> also
L491[10:52:29] <asie> i'm eyeing this -> http://page16.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/u67794264
L492[10:52:44] <asie> it's very cheap for what i tis
L493[10:52:45] <PsychokenesisKat> Hello JoshTheEnder by the way
L494[10:52:48] <Sangar> asie, i suppose for the text it could be acceptable. i just remembered my attempts at compressing computer states. it slowed down saving *a lot*
L495[10:52:51] <PsychokenesisKat> .jp?
L496[10:52:52] <JoshTheEnder> :)
L497[10:53:00] <asie> PsychokenesisKat: .jp.
L498[10:53:07] <asie> ordering will be ridiculous
L499[10:53:11] <asie> but the PC110 is very rare outside of Japan
L500[10:53:15] <asie> and uncommon inside
L501[10:53:27] <PsychokenesisKat> Huh, nice.
L502[10:53:51] <PsychokenesisKat> But you can speak japanese and/or write japanese to some degree, right?
L503[10:53:59] <asie> Nope! Proxying services are a thing
L504[10:54:07] <asie> as well as custom OS installation
L505[10:54:10] <asie> the PC110 is the holy grail of ThinkPads
L506[10:54:13] <asie> as it is, technically, a ThinkPad
L507[10:54:17] <asie> alongside the 701C
L508[10:54:28] <PsychokenesisKat> I have a ThinkPad 600X
L509[10:54:31] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13 (~Johannes@p4FDE87CA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L510[10:54:55] <PsychokenesisKat> It runs Damn Small Linux and Windows XP
L511[10:58:08] <PsychokenesisKat> >smaller than a video cassette
L512[10:58:10] <PsychokenesisKat> holy shi.
L513[10:58:13] <asie> PsychokenesisKat: 5 inches
L514[10:58:19] <asie> it fits in your hand and weighs literally as much as an iPad
L515[10:58:20] <asie> (not the Air)
L516[10:58:35] <PsychokenesisKat> wow, IBM beat apple again
L517[10:58:56] *** jk-5 is now known as jk-5|gone
L518[10:59:06] <asie> PsychokenesisKat: IBM used to have amazing laptop engineers
L519[10:59:23] <asie> PsychokenesisKat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=478hsrVjVQk
L520[10:59:23] -Kibibyte- [asie] ThinkPad 701C. Nicknamed "Butterfly" | by highwayblogger | 8s | 203w0d ago | 29,189 views | Rated: 4.96/5.00
L521[10:59:31] <asie> This ThinkPad is in the Museum of Modern Arts in New York
L522[10:59:33] <asie> for a reason
L523[10:59:35] <PsychokenesisKat> I can't youtube
L524[10:59:38] <PsychokenesisKat> still 3g
L525[10:59:40] <PsychokenesisKat> :(
L526[10:59:44] <asie> it's 8 seconds long
L527[10:59:45] <asie> it own't hurt
L528[11:00:00] * PsychokenesisKat runs off to find his copy of Youtube-dl
L529[11:00:39] <PsychokenesisKat> When did they lose these amazing laptop engineers?
L530[11:00:54] <asie> PsychokenesisKat: When they sold the ThinkPads off to Lenovo
L531[11:01:05] <PsychokenesisKat> Ah, I see.
L532[11:01:06] <asie> which was a really smart move as that was roughly the point when the ThinkPads' popularity slowly sank
L533[11:01:14] <asie> business-wise, that is
L534[11:01:19] <PsychokenesisKat> Well, I have a piece of history
L535[11:01:20] <asie> but from a user PoV it was a screwup
L536[11:01:28] <PsychokenesisKat> My school uses Lenovo ThinkPads
L537[11:01:33] <asie> and the best part is
L538[11:01:38] <asie> i've never seen a 701C where the keyboard mechanism was dead
L539[11:01:46] <PsychokenesisKat> They're totally solid, but the specs suck
L540[11:01:53] <asie> Nah
L541[11:01:58] <asie> Nowadays the specs are rather good
L542[11:02:04] <asie> but they stopped being solid
L543[11:02:05] <PsychokenesisKat> >atom
L544[11:02:08] <PsychokenesisKat> >1GM RAM
L545[11:02:11] <PsychokenesisKat> GB*
L546[11:02:14] <asie> what
L547[11:02:17] <asie> that's not a thinkpad you idiot
L548[11:02:19] <asie> that's a thinkpad edge
L549[11:02:24] <asie> or some other attempt by Lenovo to cash in on the ThinkPad brand
L550[11:02:37] <PsychokenesisKat> well I don't know about thinkpads in detail
L551[11:02:40] <asie> yeah
L552[11:02:47] <asie> Lenovo did a lot of major screwups
L553[11:03:03] <asie> sorry for being so mad, it just irks me a bit
L554[11:03:04] <PsychokenesisKat> I know I have an IBM ThinkPad that originally ran Windows 98
L555[11:03:16] <asie> well the PC110 originally ran PC-DOS and Windows 3.1
L556[11:03:18] <asie> can run 95 easily
L557[11:03:19] <PsychokenesisKat> I did specify my school uses Lenovo ThinkPads
L558[11:03:34] <PsychokenesisKat> How much RAM?
L559[11:03:44] <asie> PC110? 4 or 8 MB
L560[11:03:50] <asie> can be upgraded to 20 with a stupidly rare special RAM module
L561[11:04:25] <PsychokenesisKat> The ThinkPad I have has 128MB, but 95 runs in 4MB? Wow, now I can see why they say XP eats memory...
L562[11:04:40] <asie> 95 runs in 4MB, although admittedly there's little space left for apps
L563[11:04:44] <asie> in 8MB it runs VERY well
L564[11:05:11] <PsychokenesisKat> I had a Win95 box once, now I wonder what the specs for it are like...
L565[11:05:17] <PsychokenesisKat> It was my first computer...
L566[11:05:40] <PsychokenesisKat> I never even gave it a name
L567[11:05:43] <PsychokenesisKat> :( *waa*
L568[11:06:40] <PsychokenesisKat> >260MB HDD
L569[11:06:49] <PsychokenesisKat> Wow, even less than the CD-ROMs I have
L570[11:07:14] <PsychokenesisKat> Hah, 2400 baud modem
L571[11:07:35] <asie> the PC110 doesn't really have an HDD
L572[11:07:38] <asie> it has a CompactFlash slot
L573[11:07:47] <asie> back when CompactFlashes were only used by the high-end camcorders
L574[11:07:50] <asie> and cameras
L575[11:07:56] <PsychokenesisKat> http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/PC110
L576[11:08:07] <PsychokenesisKat> It says the HDD capacity is (260MB)
L577[11:08:24] <PsychokenesisKat> Though it is stated it's PCMCIA
L578[11:08:36] ⇦ Quits: werlabtop (~wer@CPE-58-166-120-103.lnse5.cht.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L579[11:12:57] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L580[11:13:25] ⇦ Quits: phillips1012 (~phillips1@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L581[11:13:46] ⇦ Quits: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L582[11:20:56] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~negi@mcl71-1-82-246-167-6.fbx.proxad.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L583[11:23:26] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~negi@mcl71-1-82-246-167-6.fbx.proxad.net)
L584[11:27:20] ⇦ Quits: PsychokenesisKat (~chatzilla@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L585[11:39:47] ⇨ Joins: werlabtop (~wer@CPE-58-166-120-103.lnse5.cht.bigpond.net.au)
L586[11:47:28] *** jk-5|gone is now known as jk-5
L587[11:56:34] *** w00tc0d3 is now known as w00tc0d3|out
L588[12:11:37] ⇨ Joins: PotatoTrumpet (~PotatoTru@WL4-34.1scom.net)
L589[12:11:44] <PotatoTrumpet> I just got Factorio!
L590[12:13:34] <PotatoTrumpet> Sangar: I have an idea, Tier 2 and 3 Cases have spots for batterys in the case. One for tier 2 and 2 for tier 3. Tier 3 cases also have a power converter build in. What do you think of that idea?
L591[12:14:50] <Sangar> PotatoTrumpet, a) why? that's what capacitors are for. b) cases are already also power converters ;)
L592[12:15:03] <PotatoTrumpet> :O
L593[12:15:38] * PotatoTrumpet is missing something and is tired of apple sauce/pudding/jello
L594[12:19:00] <Negi> *i3 happens*
L595[12:26:50] *** jk-5 is now known as jk-5|gone
L596[12:36:26] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@178235032161.elblag.vectranet.pl)
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L598[13:10:57] ⇨ Joins: DeanIsaKitty (~Dean4Devi@p5496029B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L599[13:11:05] <DeanIsaKitty> o/
L600[13:11:19] <istasi> \o
L601[13:11:52] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-60-231-90-202.lns8.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L602[13:12:28] ⇨ Joins: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@
L603[13:25:06] *** vifino|off is now known as vifino
L604[13:33:54] *** vifino is now known as vifino|off
L605[13:34:12] ⇨ Joins: skyem123 (~skyebot@
L606[13:34:12] <EnderBot2> !kick skyem123 Your owner does not have permission to bring you here. (if you feel this is an error then please tell JoshTheEnder or Sangar)
L607[13:34:12] *** skyem123 was kicked by zsh ((EnderBot2 (JoshTheEnder)) Your owner does not have permission to bring you here. (if you feel this is an error then please tell JoshTheEnder or Sangar)))
L608[13:37:45] ⇨ Joins: skyem123 (~skyebot@
L609[13:37:45] <EnderBot2> !kick skyem123 Your owner does not have permission to bring you here. (if you feel this is an error then please tell JoshTheEnder or Sangar)
L610[13:37:45] *** skyem123 was kicked by zsh ((EnderBot2 (JoshTheEnder)) Your owner does not have permission to bring you here. (if you feel this is an error then please tell JoshTheEnder or Sangar)))
L611[13:45:47] ⇨ Joins: skyem123 (~skyem123@
L612[13:47:07] <skyem123> I figured out why I was being kicked. I forgot to change my user name after logging in as my bot to register it's nickname.
L613[13:47:07] <skyem123> Oops/
L614[13:47:07] <skyem123> :-p
L615[13:47:41] <PotatoTrumpet> :-P
L616[13:47:56] *** PotatoTrumpet is now known as Potato|Factorio
L617[13:48:22] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L618[13:52:47] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L619[13:52:50] <skyem123> It's raining...
L620[13:53:34] <istasi> did that here last night, wish it was raining atm :(
L621[13:53:36] <istasi> so warm
L622[13:55:17] <skyem123> I'm in scotland...
L623[13:55:25] <skyem123> on "holiday"..
L624[13:55:39] <istasi> denmark here, suppose we got slightly better weather than you guys then :P
L625[13:55:53] <ph1x3r> and why would you go to Scotland for holiday? :)
L626[13:56:06] <skyem123> I live in london
L627[13:56:22] <skyem123> Also, ice cream factory.
L628[13:56:24] <skyem123> yum
L629[13:56:44] <ph1x3r> Ah. Could try a whicky distilery.
L630[13:56:50] <ph1x3r> whisky
L631[13:57:39] <skyem123> I prefer ice cream.
L632[13:58:52] <robhol> How about an ice cream distillery
L633[14:00:18] <skyem123> ...
L634[14:00:21] <skyem123> wat.
L635[14:01:26] <ph1x3r> has anyone here done work reading mystcraft pages with a robot?
L636[14:01:52] <istasi> is mystcraft out to 1.7.10 yet btw?
L637[14:02:22] <ph1x3r> I have the inventory controller and can pull pages from a chest, but I just get item.myst.page as the name. I need to figure out what the page is about.
L638[14:06:48] <skyem123> I think mystcraft data is stored in NBT.
L639[14:07:05] <ph1x3r> Yes. It isn't a damage value
L640[14:07:13] ⇨ Joins: dmod_ (uid32492@id-32492.uxbridge.irccloud.com)
L641[14:08:36] <ph1x3r> I can see a maxDamage value with getStackInSlot() but not the NBT stuff
L642[14:09:37] <istasi> should be able to see nbt stuff though AE chest
L643[14:10:27] <Sangar> mystcraft interop (i.e. reading page name at least) is on my todo list
L644[14:10:45] <ph1x3r> I have all the pages in a filing cabinet. Are you saying an AE chest gives me more callbacks to use?
L645[14:11:15] <istasi> mystcraft books save their target dimension as name rather than the id -.-, atleast they did when i wanted to create computer interface to teleport me instead of clicking the stupid books
L646[14:11:26] <ph1x3r> Hi Sangar. OK. Thanks. I *hate* sorting mystcraft pages by hand :(
L647[14:12:20] <ph1x3r> istasi Direwolf20 did a nice CC turtle controlled portal handler.
L648[14:13:10] <istasi> i wanted it more in the sort of 'click screen', whoosh, new dimension, though command block throwing tpx commands
L649[14:14:00] <ph1x3r> OK. Makes sense. Have you seen the warp book mod?
L650[14:14:23] <istasi> yeah
L651[14:16:58] <istasi> sangar, btw did you see the video i made regarding gpu? .. can easily see what adding extra gpu does to "render speed" on multiply monitors
L652[14:17:07] <ph1x3r> hmm. If you are using command blocks, why would you need mystcraft books other than to create the age?
L653[14:17:30] <istasi> because i didn't wanna setup it up
L654[14:17:39] <istasi> just wanted to create the age, throw it in a chest
L655[14:17:39] <Sangar> istasi, no i did not
L656[14:17:45] <istasi> have it on screen and be able to click
L657[14:17:48] <Potato|Factorio> urmergurd
L658[14:17:50] <Potato|Factorio> its raining
L659[14:18:07] <Potato|Factorio> Oh wait, thats a water leak
L660[14:18:13] <Potato|Factorio> x_x
L661[14:18:50] <Potato|Factorio> Someone ran into the fire hydrant next to my house
L662[14:20:35] <istasi> :O
L663[14:21:12] <skyem123> ...
L664[14:21:20] <istasi> what did you do skyem123?
L665[14:21:56] <skyem123> There
L666[14:21:56] <skyem123> wa
L667[14:21:56] <skyem123> ..
L668[14:22:45] <skyem123> I doubt the rain here is from a fire hydrant.
L669[14:24:08] <istasi> could be!
L670[14:24:27] <skyem123> a god sized one?
L671[14:25:18] * istasi imagens how big that would be
L672[14:25:33] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~Samuel@
L673[14:25:59] <skyem123> :o
L674[14:27:47] * istasi explodes
L675[14:28:02] <CompanionCube> why
L676[14:29:43] <skyem123> wat
L677[14:30:48] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
L678[14:31:57] <skyem123> ok... why did you explode istasi?
L679[14:32:45] <istasi> exploded people clearly cannot talk, since well they exploded, like into small bits
L680[14:33:04] <skyem123> you respawned...
L681[14:33:09] <skyem123> :-p
L682[14:33:13] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L683[14:33:19] <istasi> oh, then, i couldn't contain the image i was trying to imagen
L684[14:33:38] <skyem123> a god sized fire hydrant.
L685[14:34:28] *** w00tc0d3|out is now known as w00tc0d3
L686[14:34:32] <skyem123> BRAIN HAS ENCOUNTERED AN ERROR. PRESS `R` to reboot.
L687[14:35:04] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~negi@mcl71-1-82-246-167-6.fbx.proxad.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L688[14:35:43] <istasi> damnit, i only got a r, my keyboard doesn't have the capitalized one! -.-'
L689[14:36:03] <skyem123> `r` WILL DO.
L690[14:36:17] <ds84182> Ř
L691[14:36:36] <skyem123> YAWN!
L692[14:36:41] <skyem123> wat.
L693[14:36:53] <skyem123> Oh, Hello! ^^
L694[14:37:03] <ds84182> Я
L695[14:37:16] <skyem123> My defualt state is tired and "wat."
L696[14:37:36] <skyem123> !NWAY
L697[14:37:42] <skyem123> .taw
L698[14:37:53] <ds84182> Ţèâм Яöčкëť
L699[14:38:54] <skyem123> the wat?
L700[14:39:00] <skyem123> wat.
L701[14:39:05] <skyem123> Back to normal!
L702[14:39:08] <skyem123> ^^
L703[14:44:50] <Sangar> asie, is there a way to generate charge from charcoal in factorization?
L704[14:44:54] <Sangar> (or coal)
L705[14:45:11] <CompanionCube> back in my day keyboards only had 3 keys (or two if you were a cheapskate): 1, 0, and Enter if you weren't a cheapskat
L706[14:45:40] <asie> Sangar: not exactly
L707[14:45:47] <asie> you can use RailCraft steam as a measure, though
L708[14:45:56] <asie> as it can be converted
L709[14:46:01] <Sangar> hmhm, ok.
L710[14:46:17] <ph1x3r> keyboard! I had toggle switches to load in the byte and one button to "load" it.
L711[14:46:18] <asie> neptune told you to do it by eye
L712[14:46:27] <asie> as there is no energy standard
L713[14:46:33] <asie> about IC2 Classic... grab the 1.7.2 jar
L714[14:46:37] <asie> it uses a different namespace
L715[14:46:39] <asie> so don't worry about compat
L716[14:46:58] <Sangar> meh, i'd like to have at least some point of reference :P
L717[14:47:38] <CompanionCube> ph1x3r: switches! I had to manually generate charge on the required circuits.
L718[14:47:42] <Sangar> asie, ic2: from immibis' post?
L719[14:48:18] <asie> yes
L720[14:48:53] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~negi@mcl71-1-82-246-167-6.fbx.proxad.net)
L721[14:48:56] * skyem123 watches the unfolding monty python sketch between CompanionCube and ph1x3r.
L722[14:49:09] <skyem123> or xkcd comic
L723[14:50:34] <CompanionCube> or http://www.mscha.net/tmp/dt19920908.gif
L724[14:50:50] <CompanionCube> skyem123, ^
L725[14:51:17] * skyem123 fires up wger
L726[14:51:32] <skyem123> *wget
L727[14:52:26] <skyem123> It's the only way I can download images on this internet.
L728[14:52:31] <CompanionCube> http://zeljkofilipin.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/real-programmers-code-in-binary.jpg
L729[14:52:36] <skyem123> .ping
L730[14:52:45] <ph1x3r> Ack! The chunkloader component doesn't seem to work :(
L731[14:52:58] <^v> Ping reply from skyem123 21.47s
L732[14:53:25] <CompanionCube> .....wut
L733[14:53:29] <CompanionCube> how can you
L734[14:53:37] <CompanionCube> IRC with that internet
L735[14:53:58] <skyem123> Only IRC
L736[14:54:04] <istasi> uh, sky's internet is abit better than normal isn't it?
L737[14:54:20] <CompanionCube> hahahahahahahahah NO
L738[14:54:29] <istasi> pretty sure its normally around 23
L739[14:54:41] <skyem123> I once got 100s
L740[14:54:41] <skyem123> so yeah...
L741[14:54:53] <CompanionCube> istasi, I live in a village. I've never gotten above 10-11mbps iirc.
L742[14:55:40] <CompanionCube> and the traffic management policy is shitty
L743[14:55:45] <JoshTheEnder> back from 'family wii time' which basically involved me and my sister trying to beat each other whilst my mother and my 4 year old brother got annoyed because they couldnt do stuff
L744[14:55:54] <skyem123> I'm on mobile internet.
L745[14:56:24] <skyem123> on holiday
L746[14:56:53] <skyem123> eheheh.
L747[14:57:31] <CompanionCube> istasi, Any ISP with a daily limit on what you can d/l sucks
L748[14:57:49] <istasi> yup :)
L749[14:58:05] <CompanionCube> with our package it's 1.3GB
L750[14:58:21] <ph1x3r> very mobile carrier I know of has limits. even "unlimited" isn't if you read the fine print.
L751[14:58:23] <JoshTheEnder> luckily for me, Sky (British ISP) does not have any caps or limits for using too much
L752[14:58:27] <skyem123> a download limit?
L753[14:58:27] <skyem123> eew...
L754[14:58:29] <istasi> what?, that low?
L755[14:58:40] <CompanionCube> JoshTheEnder, orly
L756[14:58:50] * CompanionCube points at Sky Broadband Connecy
L757[14:58:53] <CompanionCube> *Connect
L758[14:58:54] <skyem123> Unlimited mobile internet ftw!
L759[14:58:54] <skyem123> Even though it's slow.
L760[14:59:10] <JoshTheEnder> CompanionCube: Sky's been pretty good
L761[14:59:27] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~Samuel@ (Quit: Leaving)
L762[14:59:41] <skyem123> 1 min to download 27KB
L763[14:59:41] <skyem123> Also, virgin media does not have a download cap
L764[14:59:58] <JoshTheEnder> skyem123: it did used to at somepoint
L765[15:00:07] <JoshTheEnder> well, it was more of a transfer cap
L766[15:00:20] <JoshTheEnder> cause it counted both firections
L767[15:00:22] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~Samuel@
L768[15:00:23] <CompanionCube> oops
L769[15:00:24] <skyem123> dun dun dun!
L770[15:00:26] <JoshTheEnder> *directions
L771[15:01:02] <CompanionCube> JoshTheEnder, I once tried to download EVE online. The speed turned to shit when doing it.
L772[15:01:27] <JoshTheEnder> CompanionCube: how long ago was that?
L773[15:01:45] <CompanionCube> can't exactly remember, but it was either last month or June
L774[15:02:04] <JoshTheEnder> also the way Eve Online downloads the game files, it will use any and all bandwidth it can
L775[15:02:27] <CompanionCube> JoshTheEnder, I was using the offline installer
L776[15:02:50] <JoshTheEnder> then how is that in anyway going to affect your internet?
L777[15:02:56] <skyem123> 101010 is 42
L778[15:03:20] <CompanionCube> JoshTheEnder, because you have to download the files for it to install
L779[15:04:09] <JoshTheEnder> well, Browsers (i'm guessing that's what you used to download it) generally don't have that high of a download rate
L780[15:04:22] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E687A10D4D0058BA50C6369.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L781[15:04:46] <ds84182> .l tonumber("101010",2)
L782[15:04:46] <^v> ds84182, 42
L783[15:04:59] <skyem123> ^^
L784[15:05:14] <skyem123> 42 == the_answer
L785[15:05:26] <skyem123> 42 == life.the_answer
L786[15:05:38] <skyem123> 42 == universe.the_answer
L787[15:05:46] <istasi> skyem123, why?
L788[15:06:27] <skyem123> the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.
L789[15:06:30] <ds84182> .l tonumber("10000101",2)
L790[15:06:30] <^v> ds84182, 133
L791[15:06:33] <ds84182> dangit
L792[15:06:36] <ds84182> .l tonumber("1000101",2)
L793[15:06:36] <^v> ds84182, 69
L794[15:06:39] <ds84182> hehe
L795[15:06:42] <skyem123> READ IT!
L796[15:06:46] <ds84182> Alissa, 1000101
L797[15:07:39] * skyem123 strangles ds84182
L798[15:07:49] <ds84182> hehe strangle
L799[15:08:22] <skyem123> wat.
L800[15:08:51] <skyem123> you're meant to be dead! ¬_¬
L801[15:09:00] <robhol> .l function worlds_worst_powerof2_calc(exp) return tonumber("1" .. string.repeat("0", exp), 2); end
L802[15:09:00] <^v> robhol, lua:1: <name> expected near 'repeat'
L803[15:09:10] <CompanionCube> wheeeee
L804[15:09:19] <robhol> there's no repeat?
L805[15:09:33] <robhol> .l string.rep
L806[15:09:33] <^v> robhol, function: 0x41cea0
L807[15:09:37] <robhol> -.-
L808[15:09:50] <robhol> .l function worlds_worst_powerof2_calc(exp) return tonumber("1" .. string.rep("0", exp), 2); end
L809[15:09:50] <^v> robhol, nil
L810[15:10:06] <robhol> .l worlds_worst_powerof2_calc(3)
L811[15:10:06] <^v> robhol, lua:1: attempt to call global 'worlds_worst_powerof2_calc' (a nil value)
L812[15:10:12] <robhol> sigh.
L813[15:10:19] * robhol murders ^v.
L814[15:12:31] <ping> sorreh
L815[15:12:32] <skyem123> .l function worlds_worst_powerof2_calc(exp) return tonumber("1" .. string.rep("0", exp), 2); end worlds_worst_powerof2_calc(3)
L816[15:12:32] <^v> skyem123, nil
L817[15:12:36] <ping> return
L818[15:12:37] <ping> :P
L819[15:13:10] <robhol> but.. the return is in there :p
L820[15:13:25] <Kilobyte> lua, y u no implicit return
L821[15:13:26] <robhol> it doesn't autoreturn the last statement?
L822[15:13:38] <skyem123> .l function worlds_worst_powerof2_calc(exp) return tonumber("1" .. string.rep("0", exp), 2); end return worlds_worst_powerof2_calc(3)
L823[15:13:38] <^v> skyem123, 8
L824[15:13:52] <skyem123> fixd
L825[15:13:53] *** vifino|off is now known as vifino
L826[15:14:08] <robhol> .l return tonumber("1" .. string.rep("0", exp), 32);
L827[15:14:08] <^v> robhol, lua:1: bad argument #2 to 'rep' (number expected, got nil)
L828[15:14:15] <robhol> derp
L829[15:14:31] <robhol> .l return tonumber("1" .. string.rep("0", 32), 2); -- *blush*
L830[15:14:31] <^v> robhol, 4294967296
L831[15:15:01] ⇨ Joins: WhiteWarrior (webchat@
L832[15:20:18] ⇨ Joins: Wuerfel_21 (webchat@ppp-46-244-209-53.dynamic.mnet-online.de)
L833[15:20:54] ⇦ Parts: Wuerfel_21 (webchat@ppp-46-244-209-53.dynamic.mnet-online.de) ())
L834[15:22:43] *** vifino is now known as vifino|off
L835[15:44:48] <istasi> sangar btw, the drag event, possible to have it being thrown where the mousedown, touch is being triggered?, that way i can be lazy and not having to do code checking every touch as possible drags ?
L836[15:46:32] <Sangar> i'd like to keep those separate, since it has more information this way. you can just add an eventlistener that queues a drag event whenever a touch event arrives yourself on boot.
L837[15:47:33] <istasi> i was thinking just throwing 2 signals on drag, one being where the touch was, the the normal one, where the touch is being dragged, but meh, oh well, will fake it then
L838[15:48:31] <Sangar> huh?
L839[15:48:32] <istasi> so like, 1x1 gets a touch, then you drag to 2x1, event wise that'd be touch:1x1, drag:1x1, drag:2x1, versus the current, touch:1x1, drag:2x1
L840[15:48:45] <Sangar> well, yes.
L841[15:49:07] <Sangar> just do event.listen("touch", function(_, ...) os.queueSignal("drag", ...) end)
L842[15:49:32] <Sangar> or was it pushSignal?
L843[15:49:36] <istasi> yeah, i can work around it no problems, it just seems to me, like it should be there
L844[15:49:37] <istasi> pushSignal
L845[15:49:59] <Sangar> but it isn't a drag :P
L846[15:50:07] <ds84182> ugh, school starts in 2 daaaaaaays
L847[15:50:09] <ds84182> q-q
L848[15:50:17] <istasi> it isn't a touch either before mouse is released is it?
L849[15:50:46] <Sangar> yes it is. touch is basically mouse down, drag is mouse move, and drop is mouse up iff the mouse moved
L850[15:51:37] <skyem123> I have 5 weeks of holiday
L851[15:51:40] <skyem123> *4
L852[15:51:43] <skyem123> left
L853[15:51:55] <istasi> in scotland as truck driver map holder?
L854[15:53:21] <ds84182> Hopefully it doesn't snow as ungodly much as it did last year
L855[15:53:47] <ds84182> Georgia can only take like an inch, please don't bring us more
L856[15:54:24] ⇦ Quits: WhiteWarrior (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L857[15:55:09] <skyem123> no, after this week, home with good computer and internet!
L858[16:04:48] <istasi> then more miniOS dev'ing :D
L859[16:07:21] <skyem123> yup
L860[16:08:46] <CompanionCube> isn't miniOS that OS that auto-mounts driveletters?
L861[16:08:54] <istasi> yup
L862[16:09:02] <CompanionCube> never a fan of those
L863[16:09:09] * CompanionCube prefers Unixy stuff
L864[16:09:24] *** justastranger|zzz is now known as justastranger
L865[16:10:05] <JoshTheEnder> I'm generally not fussed, then again I don't do much from a windows command prompt
L866[16:15:03] <Kilobyte> the windows command prompt is pretty much useless though
L867[16:15:37] <ph1x3r> <--- Doesn't even have a windows computer at home.
L868[16:16:09] <Kilobyte> :D
L869[16:16:12] <JoshTheEnder> Kilobyte, yeah. I have been using it a lot this week though because of helping out with college pcs and some stuff is ran from the command prompt (stuff like policy updates)
L870[16:16:56] <skyem123> directories will be done bad as well. :-p
L871[16:17:13] <justastranger> Kilobyte: cmd is as useful as the tools you have for it
L872[16:17:36] <Kilobyte> miniOS will probably not be OpenPosix compliant I guess
L873[16:17:44] <justastranger> if you download all the gnuwin tools, it'll be kind of useful :P
L874[16:17:49] <ph1x3r> Just install cygwin and to heck with cmd.exe.
L875[16:17:51] <JoshTheEnder> right, i'm off to dinner
L876[16:17:52] <JoshTheEnder> o/
L877[16:17:56] *** JoshTheEnder is now known as JoshTheEnder|Off
L878[16:17:57] <CompanionCube> I use cmd frequently. Because it's easier to get to than bash.
L879[16:18:17] <CompanionCube> though my %PATH% is very long now.
L880[16:18:26] <Kilobyte> mingw/cygwin
L881[16:18:56] <Kilobyte> istasi: or will it be?
L882[16:19:01] <CompanionCube> There should be an OS designed for servers - possibly even more lightweight than miniOS
L883[16:19:08] <istasi> kilo?
L884[16:19:23] <skyem123> i use cmd when i need to
L885[16:19:29] <Kilobyte> read my last messages
L886[16:19:32] <istasi> if you're referering to miniOS, im not the one writing that, that'd be skyem123
L887[16:19:45] <Kilobyte> I use bash
L888[16:19:54] <Kilobyte> oh derp
L889[16:20:11] <Potato|Factorio> Ermergerd Factorio is sooooo cool.
L890[16:20:20] <skyem123> it crashes because of my sd card reader.
L891[16:20:22] <Kilobyte> and yeah, might switch to zsh
L892[16:20:45] <Potato|Factorio> There should be an mod for Factorio that adds lua computers
L893[16:20:51] <Potato|Factorio> I think the game was written in lua
L894[16:20:53] <Potato|Factorio> so yah
L895[16:21:06] <Kilobyte> its in c++
L896[16:21:09] <Potato|Factorio> Meh
L897[16:21:12] <Potato|Factorio> Close enough
L898[16:21:19] <Kilobyte> but lua scriptable
L899[16:21:23] <Potato|Factorio> It has a lua console in it
L900[16:21:44] <Kilobyte> skyem123: so will miniOS ever comply with OpenPosix
L901[16:21:47] <skyem123> wat
L902[16:22:11] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L903[16:22:13] <CompanionCube> I should strip down MiniOS more to create an 'embedded server' OS
L904[16:22:23] <skyem123> c++ != lua
L905[16:22:23] <skyem123> OR
L906[16:22:23] <skyem123> c++ ~= lua
L907[16:22:27] <Kilobyte> standard im working on for oses
L908[16:23:07] <skyem123> when you write the driver
L909[16:24:03] <skyem123> miniOS already is an "embedded" os
L910[16:24:20] <Kilobyte> well, its a very complex standard :P
L911[16:25:28] <Kilobyte> I might actually take out requirement for multiple processes
L912[16:25:39] <skyem123> where is OpenPosix
L913[16:25:45] <istasi> i'd be able to follow the thread ones somewhat easy, wouldn't require much rewriting, atm im doing id's with math.random (), just adding a counter would hardly be troublesome
L914[16:25:52] <Kilobyte> so non-multitasking oses can comply too
L915[16:25:57] <CompanionCube> Kilobyte, you could always change it to 'STRONGLY ENCOURAGED'
L916[16:27:08] <Kilobyte> we got the SHOULD keyword for that
L917[16:28:14] <skyem123> does openposix have a way to tell the os that a program is an openpoxix program>
L918[16:28:20] <skyem123> ?
L919[16:29:03] <CompanionCube> skyem123, does MiniOS have networking?
L920[16:30:00] <Kilobyte> im thinking about requiring the first line to be /bin/lua -p
L921[16:30:05] <Kilobyte> err
L922[16:30:12] <skyem123> CompanionCube: No. Nor does OpenOS
L923[16:30:40] <Kilobyte> s/\//#!\//
L924[16:30:40] <Kibibyte> <Kilobyte> im thinking about requiring the first line to be #!/bin/lua -p
L925[16:31:15] <CompanionCube> skyem123, what I meant was - does it have a network API? for modems and such?
L926[16:31:19] <istasi> -p ?
L927[16:31:29] <Kilobyte> -p == posix
L928[16:31:39] <skyem123> -p?
L929[16:32:09] <skyem123> CompanionCube: you can rip them from OpenOS. I use the same event system.
L930[16:32:17] <skyem123> ah
L931[16:32:59] <skyem123> that could be a driver.
L932[16:32:59] <skyem123> that checks for #!/bin/lua -p
L933[16:33:19] <gamax92> isn't the #! the shell's job
L934[16:33:45] <skyem123> override the program starting function... then check for that code...
L935[16:34:41] <skyem123> My shell does not load programs.
L936[16:34:46] <Kilobyte> skyem123: make /bin/lua accept plugins?
L937[16:35:04] <Kilobyte> so a plugin could handle -p
L938[16:35:24] <skyem123> It passes the filename to the os
L939[16:35:24] <skyem123> to save ram.
L940[16:35:24] <skyem123> the shell unload
L941[16:35:25] <istasi> requiring /bin/lua -p defines how the filesystem should look though, doesn't it?
L942[16:36:10] <skyem123> there is no /bin/lua
L943[16:36:23] <CompanionCube> Who said /bin couldn't be a symlink? :p
L944[16:36:27] <Kilobyte> well, OpenPosix implies unix style paths
L945[16:37:16] <Kilobyte> it also requires existance of /dev, /sys, /bin and a few others (haven't written that part yet)
L946[16:37:18] <skyem123> how about: if _OPENPOSIX then _OPENPOSIX.enable()?
L947[16:37:53] <gamax92> Kilobyte: have you ever read the TLK Linux book?
L948[16:38:04] <Kilobyte> gamax92: nope, doubt it
L949[16:38:09] <Kilobyte> skyem123: https://gist.github.com/Kilobyte22/78473433c969eb671998
L950[16:38:21] <gamax92> http://www.tldp.org/LDP/tlk/tlk.html Despite it being based on 2.0.33, is still an interesting read
L951[16:38:24] <Kilobyte> its still WIP though
L952[16:38:40] <Kilobyte> bookmarked
L953[16:38:50] <Kilobyte> i surely need something to read when in car tomorrow
L954[16:38:53] <skyem123> Is there a draft I can download?
L955[16:39:08] <Kilobyte> skyem123: check the gist i linked
L956[16:39:20] <skyem123> I want to enable openposix only if needed.
L957[16:40:04] <skyem123> thanks
L958[16:40:09] <CompanionCube> maybe require("openposix"_
L959[16:40:12] <CompanionCube> *)
L960[16:40:42] <Kilobyte> no, because it does not add the the api
L961[16:40:53] <Kilobyte> it mainly removes quite a few things
L962[16:41:04] <Kilobyte> or something
L963[16:41:21] <CompanionCube> like?
L964[16:42:01] <skyem123> you don't need to have a unix fs for #!/bin/lua -p
L965[16:42:34] <skyem123> you can have something like python on windows that checks for #!/usr/bin/env python3
L966[16:43:19] <skyem123> .ping
L967[16:43:45] <^v> Ping reply from skyem123 26.21s
L968[16:47:07] <skyem123> even wget won't work to download it
L969[16:49:00] <istasi> can you make github show a list of all files along with modified date, on a downloadable page ?
L970[16:50:18] <Kilobyte> skyem123: D:
L971[16:50:44] <Kilobyte> istasi: try this one https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Kilobyte22/78473433c969eb671998/raw/5ee561906badc7f0e21e73e64c43903f7e0897b4/openposix.md
L972[16:50:57] * istasi pokes Kilobyte
L973[16:51:07] <istasi> skyem123 and me are not the same person.
L974[16:51:08] * Kilobyte likes slapping people and randomly picks istasi to slap
L975[16:51:14] <skyem123> can you give me the ip of gist.github.com?
L976[16:51:14] <Kilobyte> err
L977[16:51:17] <Kilobyte> tab fail
L978[16:51:19] <Kilobyte> sorry
L979[16:51:53] <Kilobyte>
L980[16:51:55] <Kilobyte> skyem123: ^
L981[16:51:59] <istasi> its okay Kodos, no worries
L982[16:52:25] <Kilobyte> stop picking random idle ppl :P
L983[16:53:03] <Kilobyte> istasi: my client has the nice feature: complete last person
L984[16:53:04] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E687A10D4D0058BA50C6369.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L985[16:53:14] <Kilobyte> basicly, when i tab in an empty input bar
L986[16:53:16] <skyem123> it's downloading...
L987[16:53:29] <skyem123> finally...
L988[16:55:18] *** JoshTheEnder|Off is now known as JoshTheEnder
L989[17:00:41] ⇦ Quits: skyem123 (~skyem123@ (Quit: Leaving)
L990[17:01:53] ⇨ Joins: skyem123 (~skyem123@
L991[17:04:56] <skyem123> I need a markdown processor
L992[17:05:16] <ph1x3r> woohoo! I just got a robot called Kilobyte! :)
L993[17:05:24] <Kilobyte> ph1x3r: :D
L994[17:05:41] <Kilobyte> skyem123: markdown is made to be easy to read, even without processor
L995[17:06:04] <Kilobyte> but you may wanna look into redcarpet, the markdown parser (lib) github uses
L996[17:08:06] *** Nentify is now known as Nentify|away
L997[17:11:12] <skyem123> is there redcarpet for the linux command line?
L998[17:12:13] <Kilobyte> skyem123: recarpet installs an executable too
L999[17:12:17] <Kilobyte> gem install redcarpet
L1000[17:12:23] <skyem123> huh... interesting documentation...
L1001[17:13:39] *** Benguin is now known as Benguin[ZzZ]
L1002[17:13:52] <skyem123> installing ruby
L1003[17:14:13] <Kilobyte> using rvm? :P
L1004[17:15:34] <skyem123> ?
L1005[17:15:46] <Kilobyte> ruby version manager
L1006[17:16:12] <skyem123> rvm?
L1007[17:16:24] <Kilobyte> yes
L1008[17:16:30] <Kilobyte> rvm == ruby version manager
L1009[17:16:39] <Kilobyte> http://rvm.io/
L1010[17:17:02] *** Nentify|away is now known as Nentify
L1011[17:17:19] <Kilobyte> bbl food
L1012[17:17:27] <skyem123> downloading anything will take a wile
L1013[17:17:28] <skyem123> s/wile/while
L1014[17:17:28] <Kibibyte> <skyem123> downloading anything will take a while
L1015[17:17:43] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L1016[17:19:55] <skyem123> trapped with bad internet, send help.
L1017[17:20:13] <Kilobyte> :D
L1018[17:20:18] <Kilobyte> *D:
L1019[17:20:27] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~Samuel@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1020[17:20:34] <skyem123> oh.
L1021[17:21:15] <skyem123> it's not preinstalled.
L1022[17:21:15] <skyem123> Kibibyte?
L1023[17:21:15] <skyem123> trapped with bad internet, send help.
L1024[17:21:32] <Kilobyte> how D:
L1025[17:21:59] <skyem123> wat?
L1026[17:21:59] <skyem123> Is Kibibyte becoming sentinet or are you messing with me?
L1027[17:22:25] <Kilobyte> im still kilobyte
L1028[17:23:12] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~Samuel@
L1029[17:24:40] <Vexatos> Kilobyte evolves to Megabyte!
L1030[17:25:18] ⇦ Quits: skyem123 (~skyem123@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1031[17:25:57] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~Samuel@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1032[17:26:15] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~Samuel@
L1033[17:27:02] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~Samuel@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1034[17:27:19] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~Samuel@
L1035[17:28:49] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~Samuel@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1036[17:28:58] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~Samuel@
L1037[17:44:11] ⇨ Joins: skyem123 (~skyem123@
L1038[17:48:14] ⇦ Quits: skyem123 (~skyem123@ (Client Quit)
L1039[17:48:43] ⇨ Joins: skyem123 (~skyem123@
L1040[17:49:11] <skyem123> hello
L1041[17:49:14] <skyem123> .ping
L1042[17:49:17] <^v> Ping reply from skyem123 3.42s
L1043[17:49:37] <skyem123> :-O
L1044[17:49:55] <Kilobyte> .p
L1045[17:49:56] <^v> Ping reply from Kilobyte 0.4s
L1046[17:50:05] <Kilobyte> .p skyem123
L1047[17:50:10] <^v> Ping reply from skyem123 5.59s
L1048[17:50:18] <istasi> what happend?
L1049[17:50:23] <Kilobyte> thats not too bad
L1050[17:50:28] <skyem123> Downloading a file
L1051[17:50:57] <skyem123> internet died, then came back "better"
L1052[17:51:11] <Kilobyte> :D
L1053[17:51:24] <skyem123> better is relative
L1054[17:51:24] <skyem123> .ping
L1055[17:51:39] <Caitlyn> %p
L1056[17:51:41] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Caitlyn 0.321s
L1057[17:52:02] <skyem123> 3 hours for 4 megabytes
L1058[17:52:22] <Caitlyn> Blistering speed there...
L1059[17:52:25] <^v> Ping reply from skyem123 60.78s
L1060[17:52:33] <skyem123> 1 hour for 12 megabytes
L1061[17:53:16] <skyem123> I want dial-up
L1062[17:53:47] <JoshTheEnder> .p
L1063[17:53:48] <^v> Ping reply from JoshTheEnder 0.24s
L1064[17:54:00] <SpiritedDusty> .p
L1065[17:54:01] <^v> Ping reply from SpiritedDusty 0.63s
L1066[17:54:24] <Potato|Factorio> .p
L1067[17:54:24] <^v> Ping reply from Potato|Factorio 0.15s
L1068[17:54:52] <JoshTheEnder> .p
L1069[17:54:52] <^v> Ping reply from JoshTheEnder 0.21s
L1070[17:54:58] <Kilobyte> .p
L1071[17:54:59] <^v> Ping reply from Kilobyte 0.25s
L1072[17:55:50] <skyem123> %p
L1073[17:56:12] <MichiBot> Ping reply from skyem123 22.072s
L1074[17:56:37] <JoshTheEnder> %p
L1075[17:56:38] <MichiBot> Ping reply from JoshTheEnder 0.591s
L1076[17:56:39] <MichiBot> Ping reply from JoshTheEnder 0.318s
L1077[17:56:44] <JoshTheEnder> Wut
L1078[17:56:53] <JoshTheEnder> Ohh, computer
L1079[17:56:55] <Caitlyn> »» Ping reply from JoshTheEnder: 0.733 second(s)
L1080[17:56:55] <Caitlyn> »» Ping reply from JoshTheEnder: 1.125 second(s)
L1081[17:57:01] <skyem123> wat
L1082[17:57:17] <CompanionCube> .p
L1083[17:57:17] <Caitlyn> JoshTheEnder, has 2 clients on his bouncer, they both replied
L1084[17:57:17] <^v> Ping reply from CompanionCube 0.36s
L1085[17:57:25] <JoshTheEnder> Lol, I'm out on phone and pc still on
L1086[17:57:30] <istasi> .p
L1087[17:57:31] <^v> Ping reply from istasi 0.34s
L1088[17:57:38] <SpiritedDusty> %p
L1089[17:57:39] <MichiBot> Ping reply from SpiritedDusty 0.721s
L1090[17:57:41] <skyem123> why two pings?
L1091[17:57:46] <istasi> %p
L1092[17:57:47] <MichiBot> Ping reply from istasi 0.282s
L1093[17:58:01] <Caitlyn> skyem123, because he has 2 clients..
L1094[17:58:10] <CompanionCube> %p
L1095[17:58:11] <MichiBot> Ping reply from CompanionCube 0.276s
L1096[17:58:16] <Caitlyn> MichiBot, pings, his bouncers sends to both, they both reply
L1097[17:58:20] <skyem123> 2 clients?
L1098[17:58:41] <Caitlyn> you can connect as many clients to a bouncer as you want, and it still looks like 1 nick
L1099[17:58:52] <Caitlyn> I've had 6 clients on a bouncer at once, all on the same nick
L1100[17:59:22] <Caitlyn> phone, 2 tablets, laptop, desktop and my server.
L1101[17:59:30] <skyem123> lets not botspam.
L1102[17:59:32] <JoshTheEnder> [?JoshTheEnder VERSION reply] HexChat 2.9.6 / Linux 3.13.0-24-generic [x86_64/1.60GHz/SMP]
L1103[17:59:33] <Caitlyn> And no matter which one I was using it came from this same nick.
L1104[17:59:36] <JoshTheEnder> [?JoshTheEnder VERSION reply] AndroIRC - Android IRC Client (4.0 beta 3 - Build aff8fd0) - http://www.androirc.com
L1105[18:00:04] <Caitlyn> -Notice- {from JoshTheEnder} VERSION 404, fuck not found
L1106[18:00:06] <Caitlyn> ahem..
L1107[18:00:07] <Caitlyn> :P
L1108[18:00:09] <JoshTheEnder> Lol
L1109[18:00:19] <Caitlyn> -Notice- {from Caitlyn} VERSION mIRC v4.5 Khaled Mardam-Bey
L1110[18:00:19] <Caitlyn> :D
L1111[18:00:25] <JoshTheEnder> I think it does that fir time aswell
L1112[18:00:45] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E687A10E02B0BC4D9BB7B53.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1113[18:01:02] <skyem123> bouncer?
L1114[18:01:22] <Caitlyn> http://wiki.znc.in/ZNC
L1115[18:01:29] <JoshTheEnder> Like an irc proxy with persistent
L1116[18:01:41] <JoshTheEnder> Persistent
L1117[18:01:45] <JoshTheEnder> Meh
L1118[18:01:57] <skyem123> Please note that most things I say will be 20 seconds late
L1119[18:02:11] <Caitlyn> Also, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BNC_(software)
L1120[18:02:19] <CompanionCube> My client is meh.
L1121[18:02:40] <Caitlyn> It's also a decent way to hid your IP.. :P
L1122[18:02:43] <skyem123> what is a bouncer?
L1123[18:02:58] <Kilobyte> a bouncer is kinda like a proxy for IRC
L1124[18:03:03] <Kilobyte> but its smart about IRC
L1125[18:03:06] <JoshTheEnder> .p
L1126[18:03:15] <Kilobyte> it can relay messages that happen while you are AFK for example
L1127[18:03:33] <JoshTheEnder> %p
L1128[18:03:34] <MichiBot> Ping reply from JoshTheEnder 0.334s
L1129[18:03:35] <MichiBot> Ping reply from JoshTheEnder 1.848s
L1130[18:03:37] <^v> Ping reply from JoshTheEnder 1.39s
L1131[18:03:46] <Kilobyte> or you can connect mulpiple clients at same time
L1132[18:03:49] <JoshTheEnder> ^v Is late
L1133[18:04:31] <CompanionCube> %p
L1134[18:04:32] <MichiBot> Ping reply from CompanionCube 0.282s
L1135[18:04:48] <JoshTheEnder> $ping
L1136[18:04:49] <^vDoge> Ping reply from JoshTheEnder 0.52 s
L1137[18:05:32] <JoshTheEnder> Ok then, not the bot I was expected
L1138[18:05:38] <Caitlyn> lol
L1139[18:05:58] <JoshTheEnder> S/expected/expecting
L1140[18:06:00] <Caitlyn> I should paste a multiline with all the bot ping commands...
L1141[18:06:07] <Caitlyn> get really spammy
L1142[18:06:08] <Caitlyn> :P
L1143[18:06:11] <JoshTheEnder> Lol
L1144[18:06:46] <skyem123> any good ones for linux mint / ubuntu / debian
L1145[18:06:55] <JoshTheEnder> !
L1146[18:07:06] <JoshTheEnder> skyem123, what!
L1147[18:07:11] <JoshTheEnder> Ffa
L1148[18:07:21] <Caitlyn> znc.
L1149[18:07:25] <Caitlyn> ZNC is best BNC.
L1150[18:07:25] <JoshTheEnder> Replace! With?
L1151[18:07:33] <JoshTheEnder> Indeed
L1152[18:09:03] <skyem123> wa?
L1153[18:09:04] <skyem123> znc?
L1154[18:09:15] <JoshTheEnder> I need to update znc at somepoint
L1155[18:09:17] <Caitlyn> http://wiki.znc.in/ZNC
L1156[18:09:22] <Caitlyn> skyem123, ^ znc
L1157[18:09:36] <skyem123> bnc == bouncer
L1158[18:10:09] <JoshTheEnder> Caitlyn, remember his messages are delayed
L1159[18:10:24] <skyem123> right/
L1160[18:10:30] <Caitlyn> Yes, I know.... I just posted the link again incase it got lost in the 400 ping requests.
L1161[18:10:31] <JoshTheEnder> [skyem123 PING reply] 26428 ms
L1162[18:10:36] <JoshTheEnder> Lol
L1163[18:11:01] *** jk-5|gone is now known as jk-5
L1164[18:11:28] <skyem123> ^^; so slow
L1165[18:11:37] <JoshTheEnder> Hrmm
L1166[18:11:38] <JoshTheEnder> [Caitlyn TIME reply] Buy a watch!
L1167[18:11:44] <JoshTheEnder> Lol
L1168[18:12:01] <Caitlyn> Ping reply from Caitlyn: 1099339.867 second(s)
L1169[18:12:27] <gamax92> [gamax92 TIME reply] Thu 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
L1170[18:13:23] <CompanionCube> do me
L1171[18:13:27] <gamax92> no eww
L1172[18:16:13] ⇦ Quits: Twinki (~quassel@71-8-114-40.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1173[18:16:18] <skyem123> .ping
L1174[18:16:55] <^v> Ping reply from skyem123 37.45s
L1175[18:17:58] <skyem123> ...
L1176[18:22:44] <skyem123> .ping
L1177[18:23:03] <ph1x3r> pong
L1178[18:23:20] <JoshTheEnder> .p
L1179[18:23:21] <^v> Ping reply from JoshTheEnder 0.25s
L1180[18:23:46] <ph1x3r> .p
L1181[18:23:49] <^v> Ping reply from ph1x3r 3.43s
L1182[18:24:23] <^v> Ping reply from skyem123 99.04s
L1183[18:25:02] <ph1x3r> that ping figure can't be right. I am sitting on a 100M FiOS connection.
L1184[18:25:26] <skyem123> ...
L1185[18:25:38] <skyem123> FiOS?
L1186[18:25:47] <Caitlyn> Ping reply from ph1x3r: 0.873 second(s)
L1187[18:26:07] <ph1x3r> fiber optic connection. I am in the USA
L1188[18:26:17] ⇨ Joins: DaeDroug (uid22591@id-22591.highgate.irccloud.com)
L1189[18:26:42] *** vifino|off is now known as vifino
L1190[18:27:58] <skyem123> .ping
L1191[18:28:38] <^v> Ping reply from skyem123 40.56s
L1192[18:29:12] <skyem123> Ahh...
L1193[18:35:52] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~Samuel@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1194[18:37:11] <ping> back
L1195[18:37:20] <ping> jez
L1196[18:37:24] <ping> botspam day
L1197[18:37:30] <Potato|Factorio> .wobbo
L1198[18:37:30] <^v> Potato|Factorio, WoooooooobbooooooooWobbooooooooooWooooooobbooooooooWoooooooobboooooooWooooooooobboooooooooWoooooobbooooo
L1199[18:37:33] ⇨ Joins: CompanionCube (~Samuel@
L1200[18:39:56] <skyem123> ...
L1201[18:40:09] <CompanionCube> what?
L1202[18:41:41] <skyem123> I was talking about Potato|Factorio.
L1203[18:45:46] <skyem123> Yay ruby finally installed.
L1204[18:48:09] <ping> <_>
L1205[18:48:13] <ping> "finnaly"
L1206[18:48:48] <skyem123> It only took an hour.
L1207[18:48:48] <skyem123> ^^;
L1208[18:49:19] <skyem123> wat
L1209[18:49:22] <JoshTheEnder> .p
L1210[18:49:22] <^v> Ping reply from JoshTheEnder 0.23s
L1211[18:49:32] <ping> <_>
L1212[18:53:06] <skyem123> .ping
L1213[18:53:29] <ping> ^v is not a ping machine
L1214[18:53:38] <ping> >_>
L1215[18:53:56] <skyem123> don't call yourself ping, if a bot command is ping.
L1216[18:53:56] <skyem123> ^^
L1217[18:53:56] <^v> Ping reply from skyem123 50.46s
L1218[18:53:57] <JoshTheEnder> ping, but it is :P
L1219[18:54:05] <CompanionCube> .ping
L1220[18:54:09] <CompanionCube> .ping
L1221[18:54:09] <JoshTheEnder> %p
L1222[18:54:11] <MichiBot> Ping reply from JoshTheEnder 1.637s
L1223[18:54:14] <CompanionCube> %p
L1224[18:54:15] <MichiBot> Ping reply from CompanionCube 0.369s
L1225[18:54:18] <ping> .p
L1226[18:54:23] <JoshTheEnder> MichiBot, be slow
L1227[18:54:26] <JoshTheEnder> %p
L1228[18:54:27] <MichiBot> Ping reply from JoshTheEnder 0.324s
L1229[18:54:31] <JoshTheEnder> better
L1230[18:54:40] <^v> Ping reply from CompanionCube 0.35s
L1231[18:54:40] <^v> Ping reply from ping 0.6s
L1232[18:55:01] <gamax92> JoshTheEnder: Rule 3 much?
L1233[18:55:05] <JoshTheEnder> ?
L1234[18:56:07] <JoshTheEnder> eh, ping commands i dont mind as much, its just the longer stuff like the jenkins commands and lua
L1235[18:59:08] <skyem123> .ping
L1236[18:59:11] <skyem123> $ping
L1237[18:59:11] <skyem123> %ping
L1238[18:59:15] <skyem123> lets see...
L1239[18:59:20] <MichiBot> Ping reply from skyem123 7.928s
L1240[18:59:50] <ds84182> %ping
L1241[18:59:51] <MichiBot> Ping reply from ds84182 0.444s
L1242[18:59:54] <ds84182> 444
L1243[19:00:36] ⇦ Quits: DeanIsaKitty (~Dean4Devi@p5496029B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: leaving)
L1244[19:01:00] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@178235032161.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1245[19:01:21] <Sangar> so, to those playing around with the dev builds, i'd appreciate if someone could double check if all power mods that should be supported still work, i switched things around a bit. quick testing looked good, but more eyes are better :P
L1246[19:01:53] <MrHohenheim> :)
L1247[19:02:07] <^vDoge> Ping reply from skyem123 116.02 s
L1248[19:02:09] <^v> Ping reply from skyem123 116.7s
L1249[19:03:25] ⇦ Quits: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E687A10E02B0BC4D9BB7B53.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Greetings from Pastry Fork, Inc. ✔)
L1250[19:04:08] <skyem123> ...
L1251[19:04:18] <JoshTheEnder> my little brother is being slightly annoying, he's doing things to annoy me and i'm telling him to stop them. he just left my room saying "fine, i'll go get a better brother"
L1252[19:06:17] <skyem123> He is going to make an AI to replace you!
L1253[19:06:20] * Sangar is very happy to be a single child
L1254[19:06:32] ⇨ Joins: Wuerfel_21 (webchat@ppp-46-244-209-53.dynamic.mnet-online.de)
L1255[19:06:59] <JoshTheEnder> Sangar, me and my sister get along fine. my little brother is being annoying today
L1256[19:07:17] <JoshTheEnder> and it all started with "family wii time"
L1257[19:07:28] <JoshTheEnder> which was my mothers idea
L1258[19:08:03] <Sangar> >_>
L1259[19:08:12] <ping> http://i.imgur.com/t379uls.png
L1260[19:08:14] <ping> <_>
L1261[19:08:54] <Sangar> 'IDK'. brilliant.
L1262[19:10:02] <ping> .addfail http://i.imgur.com/t379uls.png
L1263[19:10:02] <^v> ping, Fail added
L1264[19:10:03] <JoshTheEnder> "i will get my money next month" Then like.... get it next month perhaps? gta isnt going to suddenly vanish in a month
L1265[19:10:07] <JoshTheEnder> .fail
L1266[19:10:07] <^v> JoshTheEnder, <Rolie129> How do I use my Server rack correctly again?
L1267[19:10:11] <ping> fail collection getting big
L1268[19:10:14] <JoshTheEnder> .fail
L1269[19:10:14] <^v> JoshTheEnder, Searches related to arm9 instruction set: "who makes the arm processor"
L1270[19:10:16] <ping> need moar
L1271[19:10:31] <JoshTheEnder> .fail
L1272[19:10:31] <^v> JoshTheEnder, <ping> .pipe rainbow | drama
L1273[19:10:39] <JoshTheEnder> eh?
L1274[19:11:01] <Sangar> that seems more like .random :P
L1275[19:11:41] <ds84182> JoshTheEnder, think about it
L1276[19:11:44] <ds84182> .pipe rainbow | drama
L1277[19:11:45] <^v> ds84182, RichardG forks Backpacks causing crashes
L1278[19:11:50] <JoshTheEnder> wut
L1279[19:11:52] <ds84182> no rainbows
L1280[19:11:56] <JoshTheEnder> ohh
L1281[19:11:58] <ds84182> because ping failed
L1282[19:12:26] <ping> this person just randomly friended me
L1283[19:12:29] <JoshTheEnder> how big is this 'fail' database?
L1284[19:12:46] <JoshTheEnder> i've had the same few things about 5 times over now :/
L1285[19:12:52] <ping> >_>
L1286[19:12:54] <ping> leme check
L1287[19:12:55] ⇦ Quits: skyem123 (~skyem123@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1288[19:12:58] <ds84182> if you /msg ^v .random, you also get another fail
L1289[19:13:11] <ping> .> file["db/esper/fails"]
L1290[19:13:11] <^v> ping,
L1291[19:13:25] <JoshTheEnder> wut
L1292[19:13:30] <JoshTheEnder> >^v< .random
L1293[19:13:31] <JoshTheEnder> -^v- JoshTheEnder, <^v> PING
L1294[19:13:41] <ping> idk why it does that
L1295[19:13:43] <ping> one sec
L1296[19:13:54] <JoshTheEnder> meh
L1297[19:13:56] <ds84182> "^v's fail collection"
L1298[19:14:01] <ds84182> best fail 20/10
L1299[19:14:25] <JoshTheEnder> ping, you need to add that to the fail database?
L1300[19:14:29] <JoshTheEnder> go away ?
L1301[19:14:32] <JoshTheEnder> ¬_¬
L1302[19:15:07] * JoshTheEnder forgets question marks on questions, puts them on normal sentances instead
L1303[19:15:09] <ph1x3r> is there a way for a robot to check if there is a charger next to it? Other than checking the charge level that is.
L1304[19:15:25] <ds84182> .w robot
L1305[19:15:26] <^v> ds84182, http://ocd.cil.li/api:robot
L1306[19:15:48] <JoshTheEnder> .fail
L1307[19:15:48] <^v> JoshTheEnder, <ping> .pipe rainbow | drama
L1308[19:15:55] <ds84182> hehe
L1309[19:16:11] <Sangar> ph1x3r, no
L1310[19:17:44] <ph1x3r> Is it worth a suggestion in the issues, or is it a non-desirable thing?
L1311[19:18:05] <JoshTheEnder> .addfail http://i.imgur.com/QVbsZ8M.gif
L1312[19:18:05] <^v> JoshTheEnder, Fail added
L1313[19:18:14] <ph1x3r> just something like robot.atCharger()
L1314[19:19:26] <ph1x3r> I am noticing that if a robot is at a charger, it never seems to reach 100% capacity. It is always 100 units below maximum
L1315[19:19:37] <JoshTheEnder> if it was going to be added it should be more like robot.isCharging()
L1316[19:20:32] <ph1x3r> Well, I can infer if it *is* charging because the charge goes up.
L1317[19:21:14] ⇨ Joins: skyem123 (~skyem123@
L1318[19:21:19] <ph1x3r> Also, if the charger is turned off, then it won't be charging
L1319[19:23:18] <skyem123> back
L1320[19:26:49] ⇨ Joins: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L1321[19:26:49] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
L1322[19:26:57] <CompanionCube> what is the point of the tier 3 CPU? even the Tier 3 Server Case only has 12 components
L1323[19:29:25] <skyem123> External components (screen, keyboard, redstone IO). I think.
L1324[19:30:56] <JoshTheEnder> yep
L1325[19:32:10] <ph1x3r> Eeek! Good job I have power suit on. I just stepped back into one of my mining holes :( 82 block drop!
L1326[19:33:39] <skyem123> fences
L1327[19:36:37] <ph1x3r> Oh, it didn't hurt. But it was just a surprise to see a wall whizzing past right in front of me.
L1328[19:37:47] <skyem123> fences
L1329[19:39:37] <skyem123> .ping
L1330[19:40:22] <^v> Ping reply from skyem123 45.49s
L1331[19:41:00] * skyem123 sighs
L1332[19:42:14] <Caitlyn> yeah 64 components makes my openlights displays work, otherwise I'd have huge strings of computers linked together for it..
L1333[19:48:25] *** Wobbo is now known as Wobbo|AFK
L1334[19:48:30] *** Wobbo|AFK is now known as Wobbo
L1335[19:50:13] <skyem123> ?
L1336[19:51:46] ⇦ Quits: skyem123 (~skyem123@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1337[19:53:18] <JoshTheEnder> .mcdown
L1338[19:53:18] <^v> JoshTheEnder, all good
L1339[19:53:30] <JoshTheEnder> i call bullshit
L1340[19:53:39] <Caitlyn> %mcstatus
L1341[19:53:40] <MichiBot> Caitlyn: Website: Up Session: Up Account: Up Auth: Up Skins: Up Auth: Up Session: Up API: Up Textures: Up
L1342[19:53:48] * JoshTheEnder stabs mc
L1343[19:53:49] <ds84182> calling bullshit
L1344[19:54:02] <ds84182> 1-800-BUL-SHIT
L1345[19:54:27] <ping> .mcstats
L1346[19:54:28] <^v> ping, all good
L1347[19:59:27] <Wuerfel_21> bye
L1348[19:59:30] ⇦ Parts: Wuerfel_21 (webchat@ppp-46-244-209-53.dynamic.mnet-online.de) ())
L1349[20:03:03] <JoshTheEnder> Kilobyte, can Textural be installed in mint?
L1350[20:04:05] <Kilobyte> no
L1351[20:04:21] <Kilobyte> it only works with osx gui system
L1352[20:04:33] <JoshTheEnder> aww, it looks good and i wanted to use it whilst i update hexchat
L1353[20:04:38] <JoshTheEnder> ohwell
L1354[20:04:51] <Kilobyte> friend is working on a client
L1355[20:05:41] <JoshTheEnder> .mcdown
L1356[20:05:52] <JoshTheEnder> %mcstatus
L1357[20:05:53] <MichiBot> JoshTheEnder: Website: Up Session: Up Account: Up Auth: Up Skins: Up Auth: Up Session: Up API: Up Textures: Up
L1358[20:05:55] <^v> JoshTheEnder, all good
L1359[20:06:25] <JoshTheEnder> well, they can be pinged but sessions is returning 503s
L1360[20:06:30] <Caitlyn> http://xpaw.ru/mcstatus/
L1361[20:07:09] <JoshTheEnder> well, sod trying to play modded mc then
L1362[20:07:25] <Wobbo> JoshTheEnder: Do you mean Textual irc client?
L1363[20:07:36] <JoshTheEnder> yes
L1364[20:08:00] <Wobbo> JoshTheEnder: That also depends on Apples event system for extensibility
L1365[20:08:20] <JoshTheEnder> meh, i'll stick with irssi as a backup client
L1366[20:08:39] <ph1x3r> xchat?
L1367[20:09:21] <JoshTheEnder> why would i want to install an older, outdated version of the client i already have?
L1368[20:09:39] <JoshTheEnder> i just want something to use whilst i compile the latest hexchat
L1369[20:10:19] <ph1x3r> Ah. But re-building the binary shouldn't stop you using the current binary
L1370[20:10:28] <JoshTheEnder> hmm
L1371[20:10:31] <JoshTheEnder> well
L1372[20:10:39] <JoshTheEnder> the current one was preinstalled
L1373[20:10:44] <JoshTheEnder> so i'm not sure
L1374[20:11:54] <ph1x3r> If you are running the binary, even removing the package shouldn't kick you off.
L1375[20:12:18] <ph1x3r> But just to be sure, ddon't use the 'make install' option.
L1376[20:12:42] <CompanionCube> What's the lua function to set the GPU's resolution?
L1377[20:13:00] <ph1x3r> Then it will just be a local binary in whatever directory you build it in
L1378[20:13:13] <gamax92> JoshTheEnder: ?
L1379[20:13:14] <Wobbo> .w gpu
L1380[20:13:14] <^v> Wobbo, http://ocd.cil.li/component:gpu
L1381[20:13:36] <JoshTheEnder> gamax92: cant see that. On Irssi at the moment
L1382[20:13:39] <gamax92> aww
L1383[20:13:41] <Wobbo> CompanionCube: gpu.setResolution(width: number, height: number): boolean
L1384[20:13:49] <Caitlyn> both bots pull status info from http://status.mojang.com/check so we can only tell you what the json tells us.
L1385[20:13:50] *** jk-5 is now known as jk-5|gone
L1386[20:13:55] <Wobbo> .w setResolution
L1387[20:13:55] <^v> Wobbo, Not found. did you want "serialization"?
L1388[20:14:02] <Wobbo> .w gpu.setResolution
L1389[20:14:03] <^v> Wobbo, gpu.setResolution(width: number, height: number):boolean Sets the specified resolution. Can be up to the maximum supported resolution. If a larger or invalid resolution is provided it will throw an error.
L1390[20:14:29] <JoshTheEnder> gamax92: i'll see it when i switch back to hexchat (buffers from bouncer)
L1391[20:15:15] <ping> http://i.imgur.com/BwgxEpV.png
L1392[20:15:16] <Caitlyn> I can't see it either.. lol
L1393[20:17:06] *** Oddstr13 is now known as Odd|Away
L1394[20:19:58] ⇨ Joins: phillips1012 (~phillips1@
L1395[20:28:23] <ds84182> http://i.imgur.com/a4FS1pt.gif
L1396[20:28:27] <ds84182> hehe
L1397[20:28:28] <ds84182> hehe
L1398[20:28:52] <ping> ds84182, white people.
L1399[20:28:58] <ds84182> ping, ikr
L1400[20:31:53] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E687A326593E3AD08DBBBEA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1401[20:33:58] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E687A10D4D0058BA50C6369.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1402[20:35:27] <JoshTheEnder> meh, will attempt to build hexchat another time
L1403[20:35:37] <JoshTheEnder> cba to do dependancies
L1404[20:40:02] <ping> PROLOM TERNING ON THE TING
L1405[20:45:02] <robhol> ds84182: what the feck?
L1406[20:45:35] <ds84182> wat
L1407[20:45:38] <ds84182> oh that
L1408[20:45:40] <ds84182> hehe
L1409[20:55:58] ⇦ Quits: CompanionCube (~Samuel@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1410[20:57:10] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L1411[20:59:14] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@
L1412[21:03:16] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E687A326593E3AD08DBBBEA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Greetings from Pastry Fork, Inc. ✔)
L1413[21:05:10] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L1414[21:12:10] <Kodos> o/
L1415[21:12:23] <ping> o/
L1416[21:12:24] <Wobbo> Hi Kodos
L1417[21:13:24] <Kodos> Hullo
L1418[21:15:02] ⇦ Quits: Potato|Factorio (~PotatoTru@WL4-34.1scom.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1419[21:16:48] <istasi> what the
L1420[21:16:59] <istasi> bad argument #1 to 'tostring' (value expected)
L1421[21:17:15] ⇦ Quits: ANXHaruhi|HexChat (~ANXHaruhi@14.Red-95-121-206.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1422[21:17:37] <Wobbo> istasi: What was the call?
L1423[21:17:48] <istasi> error ( tostring (zone.values:__computed ('visibility')) )
L1424[21:17:50] <istasi> the whole line
L1425[21:17:52] <Wobbo> .l tostring()
L1426[21:18:00] <istasi> how can that at the every least not be 'nil' ? Oo
L1427[21:18:14] <Wobbo> istasi: tostring shouldn't even error on nil
L1428[21:18:23] <^v> Wobbo, lua:1: bad argument #1 to 'tostring' (value expected)
L1429[21:18:24] <JoshTheEnder> istasi, try removing the space between tostring and the first (
L1430[21:19:13] <istasi> error(tostring(zone.values:__computed('visibility'))) throws same
L1431[21:19:15] <ping> .l tostring(nil)
L1432[21:19:15] <^v> ping, nil
L1433[21:19:16] <Kilobyte> what does __computed return?
L1434[21:19:26] <istasi> kilo, thats what i wanted to know -.-'
L1435[21:19:38] <ping> .l tostring((function() end)())
L1436[21:19:39] <^v> ping, lua:1: bad argument #1 to 'tostring' (value expected)
L1437[21:19:39] <Kilobyte> looks like it returns nothing
L1438[21:19:47] <istasi> nothing should still be nil
L1439[21:19:49] <ping> yeah, nil~=nothing
L1440[21:19:53] <Kilobyte> not in native lua
L1441[21:20:00] <ping> "native lua"
L1442[21:20:02] <Kilobyte> nil is a value
L1443[21:20:11] <Kilobyte> nothing is no value
L1444[21:20:21] <ping> .l tostring((function() end)(),nil)
L1445[21:20:21] <^v> ping, nil
L1446[21:20:26] <ping> .l tostring((function() end)(),"derp")
L1447[21:20:27] <^v> ping, nil
L1448[21:20:27] <istasi> mmh, yeah
L1449[21:20:45] <ping> using , will force empty function calls to nil
L1450[21:21:35] <Wobbo> print( (function() end)() == nil)
L1451[21:21:45] <Wobbo> .l print( (function() end)() == nil)
L1452[21:21:45] <^v> Wobbo, true | nil
L1453[21:21:54] <ping> where values are expected they are nil
L1454[21:21:59] <istasi> tostring( (function() end) () ) errors out, as it should it turns out
L1455[21:22:07] <istasi> just gotta take my debug to __computed then
L1456[21:23:20] <Kilobyte> turns out i got a bit of caries...
L1457[21:23:26] <Kilobyte> gotta go to dentist monday
L1458[21:23:45] <Kilobyte> a bit scared
L1459[21:25:47] ⇨ Joins: skyem123 (~skyem123@
L1460[21:28:50] ⇨ Joins: Twinki (~quassel@71-8-114-40.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com)
L1461[21:29:01] ⇦ Quits: skyem123 (~skyem123@ (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L1462[21:29:14] ⇨ Joins: skyem123 (~skyem123@
L1463[21:29:30] <skyem123> oops...
L1464[21:29:41] ⇦ Quits: Noiro (~noiro@c-76-17-27-99.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1465[21:29:57] <skyem123> battery low!
L1466[21:31:33] ⇦ Quits: skyem123 (~skyem123@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1467[21:32:08] <ping> .addfail <alekso56> a new cpu could do 1mhz and still be faster than 1ghz
L1468[21:32:09] <^v> ping, Fail added
L1469[21:32:14] <ping> :P sorry
L1470[21:32:16] <ping> had to be done
L1471[21:32:19] <gamax92> PING
L1472[21:32:23] <alekso56> ping: it's true doe.
L1473[21:32:24] <Wobbo> Kilobyte: Dentists aren't scayr!
L1474[21:32:29] * gamax92 stabs ping
L1475[21:32:49] <asie> Sangar: where can i possibly donate to you in the future?
L1476[21:32:50] <Wobbo> s/yr/ry/
L1477[21:32:50] <Kibibyte> <Wobbo> Kilobyte: Dentists aren't scary!
L1478[21:32:53] <asie> making a list for the purposes of my packs
L1479[21:32:58] <Kilobyte> Wobbo: my teeth are my weak spot
L1480[21:32:59] <ping> alekso56, maby a 31 core ._.
L1481[21:33:05] <ping> but other than that, lolno
L1482[21:33:11] <Kilobyte> if anything happens to them i am über worried
L1483[21:33:15] <ping> not x86 atleast
L1484[21:33:15] <alekso56> if the new cpu did a billion commands in 1mhz...
L1485[21:33:25] <gamax92> .l "ping: y u no respond"
L1486[21:33:25] <^v> gamax92, ping: y u no respond
L1487[21:33:38] <ping> 1mhz is 1,000,000 instructions per second right?
L1488[21:33:51] <Kilobyte> depends on the cpu
L1489[21:33:51] <ping> gamax92, because facu
L1490[21:33:57] <ping> no you arent ignored
L1491[21:33:59] <alekso56> ultracpu TM
L1492[21:33:59] <ping> :P
L1493[21:34:00] <gamax92> ping: do you have ascii85
L1494[21:34:07] <ping> i dont know
L1495[21:34:50] *** Odd|Away is now known as Oddstr13
L1496[21:34:54] <ping> the reason we have more cores is because increasing the frequency is harder and harder
L1497[21:35:03] <Wobbo> Kilobyte: The dentist won't hurt you or anything. And you could always ask for local anaesthesia
L1498[21:35:13] <ping> "wont hurt you or anything"
L1499[21:35:15] <ping> lolbullshit
L1500[21:35:42] <ping> my dentists are students and they fuck up sometimes
L1501[21:35:43] <Wobbo> sssh ping :P
L1502[21:35:52] <Sangar> asie, dunno. maaaaaybe. probably not the near future, though.
L1503[21:35:59] <alekso56> Wobbo: well, those kinda drugs don't work on me, even if i inject it directly into my bloodstream .-.
L1504[21:36:03] <Kilobyte> Wobbo: its not the dentist
L1505[21:36:14] <Sangar> it's the costs!
L1506[21:36:17] <Kilobyte> its my teeth
L1507[21:36:21] <alekso56> they do work after 30m tho
L1508[21:36:21] <Sangar> oh, that :P
L1509[21:36:28] <ping> my stomach was fucked up because they failed to inject my gums
L1510[21:36:39] <Wobbo> Well, he will only make your teeth better of right?
L1511[21:36:45] <asie> Sangar: should I donate the money to any charity of choice instead?
L1512[21:36:48] <Kilobyte> Wobbo: drop the dentist
L1513[21:36:58] * alekso56 drops the fish
L1514[21:36:59] <Kilobyte> i am scared it gets worse BEFORE i get to the dentist
L1515[21:37:21] <Sangar> asie, if you'd like, sure. eff seems reasonable.
L1516[21:38:08] <Wobbo> Kilobyte: Just keep brushing properly
L1517[21:38:24] <Kilobyte> i am
L1518[21:38:32] <Kilobyte> probabky more than i need
L1519[21:39:19] <Wobbo> You can never brush your teeth to much
L1520[21:39:32] <Kilobyte> i didn't say too much
L1521[21:39:36] <alekso56> i brushed my teeth away.
L1522[21:39:37] <Kilobyte> only more than i need
L1523[21:40:10] <Wobbo> Unless you have your wishdom tooth removed. That was a weird experience
L1524[21:40:32] <ping> Wobbo, you can brush too much <_>
L1525[21:40:48] <Wobbo> ping: how?
L1526[21:41:06] <Kilobyte> Wobbo: oh yeah, i know that...
L1527[21:41:56] <Wobbo> Some guy with his fingers and a drill in your mouth cracking away parts of your teeth while you can't feel anything…
L1528[21:48:12] ⇦ Quits: Hobbyboy (~Hobbyboy@host217-44-129-199.range217-44.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1529[21:49:34] <Wobbo> Kilobyte: It would be posible to write a language in vortex that could be ran on OC computers. That would be easier than using Lua itself
L1530[21:49:49] <Kilobyte> hmm
L1531[21:49:51] <Kilobyte> probably
L1532[21:50:23] <Wobbo> Not a good idea to do that know, since the language is still in 'vortex'
L1533[21:50:56] <asie> Sangar: in other news
L1534[21:51:05] <asie> how's Factorization support coming along?
L1535[21:53:26] <Sangar> asie, should be working in the dev builds, give it a try
L1536[21:53:38] <Sangar> (as should ic2classic)
L1537[21:54:51] <Kilobyte> Wobbo: haven't thought about it too much tbh
L1538[21:55:10] <Wobbo> I kinda like the language so far
L1539[21:55:17] <Kilobyte> Sangar: i should try if windows still boots after ie (aka mshtml.dll) gets uninstalled
L1540[21:55:26] <Wobbo> Haven't played around with it to much, but the match is nice
L1541[21:55:27] <Kilobyte> *deleted
L1542[21:55:40] <Sangar> Kilobyte, yesplz
L1543[21:55:51] <Wobbo> plus it has the most things I like about Lua
L1544[21:56:00] <Kilobyte> Sangar: whats your bet?
L1545[21:56:24] <Wobbo> Kilobyte: Does windows need to parse xml?
L1546[21:56:25] <Sangar> hmm. i'm guessing no, for the lulz.
L1547[21:56:34] <Kilobyte> Sangar: so do i xD
L1548[21:57:10] <Kilobyte> now to think about which windows to use
L1549[21:57:11] ⇨ Joins: skyem123 (~skyem123@
L1550[21:57:26] <Kilobyte> i don't know what isos i have laying around
L1551[21:57:30] <Sangar> Kilobyte, an old one, chances are better it'll break :P
L1552[21:57:49] <Kilobyte> i have a win xp install disk somwhere
L1553[21:58:24] <Wobbo> Kilobyte: If it needs to parse XML it will break, since it uses mhtml.dll to parse xml.
L1554[21:58:47] <Kilobyte> fuck
L1555[21:58:52] <Kilobyte> my disk drive is fucked
L1556[21:58:56] * Kilobyte tries to fix
L1557[21:59:06] <skyem123> wha?
L1558[21:59:26] <skyem123> what happened?
L1559[22:00:30] <Kilobyte> fixed
L1560[22:00:45] <skyem123> .ping
L1561[22:00:55] <^v> Ping reply from skyem123 9.91s
L1562[22:00:55] <ping> .p
L1563[22:00:56] <^v> Ping reply from ping 0.35s
L1564[22:02:56] <asie> Sangar: I will look into it later, like, tomorrow
L1565[22:03:53] <Sangar> ok
L1566[22:07:44] ⇨ Joins: asie|tab (~asietab@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L1567[22:08:27] <Kilobyte> Sangar: booting install disk
L1568[22:08:49] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by asie|tab!~asietab@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)))
L1569[22:08:52] *** asie|tab is now known as asie
L1570[22:08:54] <asie> hi
L1571[22:09:05] <Sangar> Kilobyte, lemme get some popcorn
L1572[22:09:09] <Sangar> wb
L1573[22:09:46] <skyem123> Is Kilobyte trying to pull data off an old hard disk?
L1574[22:09:50] <Kilobyte> Sangar: virtual machine on crap hardware... will take a while
L1575[22:09:58] <Kilobyte> skyem123: vitual machine
L1576[22:10:17] <Kilobyte> wanna try if windongs can boot without iexplorer
L1577[22:10:17] <skyem123> oh.
L1578[22:10:29] <skyem123> what version?
L1579[22:10:31] <Kilobyte> xp
L1580[22:10:42] <Kilobyte> because relatively low system requirements
L1581[22:10:54] <skyem123> iexplorer.exe OR all the files behind it?
L1582[22:11:02] <Kilobyte> mainly mshtml.dll
L1583[22:11:07] <Kilobyte> aka iexplorer
L1584[22:11:15] <skyem123> ah...
L1585[22:11:20] <skyem123> hum...
L1586[22:11:24] <skyem123> shold boot.
L1587[22:11:33] <Kilobyte> iexplorer.exe is just a stub that calls mshtml.dll
L1588[22:11:39] <Kilobyte> skyem123: you never know
L1589[22:11:50] <skyem123> explorer.exe will not load.
L1590[22:11:53] <Daiyousei> and BrowseUI.dll
L1591[22:12:06] <Kilobyte> the visual studio compiler needs mshtml.dll
L1592[22:12:30] <skyem123> Windows Xp
L1593[22:12:37] <Daiyousei> actually, it wouldnt boot
L1594[22:12:46] <Daiyousei> i'm pretty sure the kernel will yell "MISSING FILES OMG"
L1595[22:12:46] <skyem123> It will boot, but not be useable
L1596[22:13:15] <Kilobyte> ok, Sangar, me and Daiyousei bet on "won't boot"
L1597[22:13:23] <TabletCube> Use Win9x - IE could be removed then
L1598[22:13:27] <Kilobyte> skyem123 bets on will boot, but be shitty
L1599[22:13:33] <skyem123> yup
L1600[22:13:43] <Kilobyte> "Setup is copying files"
L1601[22:13:54] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asietab@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: where did mai raifu go wrong)
L1602[22:13:55] <TabletCube> I bet it will boot - but crash or BSOD
L1603[22:14:16] <Kilobyte> once install is done i will clone the disk
L1604[22:14:25] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~negi@mcl71-1-82-246-167-6.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: "L'homme n'est pas fait pour travailler, la preuve, cela le fatigue" --Voltaire)
L1605[22:14:26] <Kilobyte> so i got a clean xp install in case i need it
L1606[22:14:31] <Daiyousei> oh look
L1607[22:14:32] <Daiyousei> heavies
L1608[22:14:35] <skyem123> there was a program called XP lite that removed mshtml.dll#
L1609[22:14:35] <Daiyousei> the easiest class in tf2
L1610[22:14:54] <Daiyousei> lol i bet you couldnt do shit
L1611[22:15:02] <Daiyousei> you cant even compile with vc++ without that file
L1612[22:15:18] <skyem123> Windows XP does not use XML.
L1613[22:15:39] <Daiyousei> the vc++ compiler does
L1614[22:15:52] <Kilobyte> i would try on 8 for most up-to-date results, but i cba to set up an EFI in qemu
L1615[22:15:55] <Daiyousei> and windows actually do use a shitload of xml
L1616[22:15:56] <Daiyousei> even windows xp
L1617[22:15:58] <TabletCube> skyem123: prob made sure that the system doesm't break
L1618[22:15:59] <Daiyousei> look into its files
L1619[22:16:21] <Kilobyte> 25% copying files
L1620[22:16:25] <TabletCube> Kilobyte: if it boots, try with vista. Then win7. Then win8
L1621[22:16:35] <Kilobyte> win 8 needs efi
L1622[22:16:41] <TabletCube> MS has VM images of windows fyi
L1623[22:16:42] <skyem123> nope
L1624[22:16:47] <Kilobyte> plus i only got a bit time
L1625[22:16:47] <TabletCube> Public ones too
L1626[22:16:54] <skyem123> It can run off BIOS
L1627[22:16:54] <Kilobyte> TabletCube: for qemu?
L1628[22:16:59] <TabletCube> ...no
L1629[22:17:01] <Kilobyte> see
L1630[22:17:06] <Kilobyte> i use qemu
L1631[22:17:07] <TabletCube> Vbox :(
L1632[22:17:38] <Kilobyte> lol its copying swf files
L1633[22:17:46] <Daiyousei> qemu with kvm ftw
L1634[22:17:55] *** vifino is now known as vifino|off
L1635[22:18:08] <Kilobyte> Daiyousei: yup
L1636[22:18:12] <gamax92> back
L1637[22:18:20] <TabletCube> http://www.litepc.com/xplite.html
L1638[22:18:32] <skyem123> I liked microsoft virtual pc, but then they ruined it...
L1639[22:19:05] <skyem123> (2007 supplimented with 2005 files is the best version)
L1640[22:19:25] * skyem123 hides
L1641[22:20:31] <skyem123> I now like virtualbox
L1642[22:20:44] ⇨ Joins: ANXHaruhi|HexChat (~ANXHaruhi@14.Red-95-121-206.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net)
L1643[22:20:52] ⇦ Quits: DaeDroug (uid22591@id-22591.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1644[22:21:49] <Kilobyte> skyem123: i like libvirt
L1645[22:21:49] <gamax92> Mmm, qemu
L1646[22:21:52] <skyem123> How is the vm going...
L1647[22:21:54] <Kilobyte> using qemu as backend
L1648[22:21:58] <gamax92> I can tell qemu to emulate a 486
L1649[22:22:12] <Kilobyte> qemu supports all kinds of platforms
L1650[22:22:15] <Kilobyte> including ARM
L1651[22:22:21] <Daiyousei> the downside with libvirt is
L1652[22:22:21] <Daiyousei> xml
L1653[22:22:27] <skyem123> I have a lone pentitum mmx cpu somewhere...
L1654[22:22:29] <Kilobyte> 94% copying
L1655[22:22:35] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L1656[22:22:54] <skyem123> mshtml.dll? :-o
L1657[22:23:11] <Kilobyte> no
L1658[22:23:14] <Kilobyte> the install files
L1659[22:23:45] <skyem123> Daiyousei> the downside with libvirt is
L1660[22:23:46] <skyem123> <Daiyousei> xml
L1661[22:24:01] <skyem123> I was joking about that.
L1662[22:24:04] <ph1x3r> If you want to run several VMs on a linux platform, look at Proxmox. It is like VMWare ESXi in that it is a complete environment. Uses qemu/kvm running on a Debian base.
L1663[22:24:21] <Kilobyte> ew derpian
L1664[22:24:22] <ph1x3r> web front end for everything
L1665[22:24:42] <gamax92> inb4 Kilobyte's "Arch breaks easily but has great docs"
L1666[22:24:52] <Daiyousei> arch breaks easily?
L1667[22:24:53] <Daiyousei> u wot
L1668[22:25:00] <Kilobyte> easier maybe
L1669[22:25:09] <Kilobyte> unless you got fucked hardware
L1670[22:25:15] * Kilobyte points at Daiyousei
L1671[22:25:21] <Kilobyte> at least libvirt it doesn't use firefox as xml parser
L1672[22:25:22] <Daiyousei> haha yea
L1673[22:25:34] ⇨ Joins: xavidram (webchat@cpe-24-167-123-115.rgv.res.rr.com)
L1674[22:25:39] <ph1x3r> Anyone here remember MCC linux? Or SLS?
L1675[22:25:40] <xavidram> Hello
L1676[22:25:46] <gamax92> nope
L1677[22:25:49] <gamax92> xavidram: Hello
L1678[22:25:52] <Kilobyte> haha
L1679[22:25:58] <Kilobyte> this si starting great
L1680[22:26:00] <skyem123> debian for set and forget, ubuntu server for active server, mint for desktop
L1681[22:26:05] <Kilobyte> i haven't even finished install
L1682[22:26:31] <Kilobyte> and i get an error
L1683[22:26:36] <skyem123> oops
L1684[22:26:47] <skyem123> you can skip on those errors
L1685[22:27:05] <skyem123> it might be disk corruption
L1686[22:28:56] <Kilobyte> or because the disk got ejected
L1687[22:29:47] <xavidram> I have a quick question, I seem to be getting an odd error, when connecting capasitor bank to energy converter then to open computer case.
L1688[22:30:20] <skyem123> Kilobyte: wat.
L1689[22:30:23] <Kilobyte> xavidram: if you were more specific we could probably help you
L1690[22:30:24] <xavidram> which says Unrecoverable Error no bootable medium found: file not found. yet I have the computer case set up correctly
L1691[22:30:35] <Kilobyte> xavidram: insert a OpenOS disk
L1692[22:30:55] <xavidram> I have a teir 3 disk in
L1693[22:31:05] <xavidram> as well as 2 teir 3.5 ram modules
L1694[22:31:07] <Kilobyte> no, floppy
L1695[22:31:08] <xavidram> a teir 3 cpu
L1696[22:31:08] <Kilobyte> :P
L1697[22:31:11] <ph1x3r> Only the floppy has the OS on it initially
L1698[22:31:14] <xavidram> ah
L1699[22:31:15] <Kilobyte> there is a craftable OpenOS floppy
L1700[22:31:16] <xavidram> hmm
L1701[22:31:19] <xavidram> let me see
L1702[22:31:28] <xavidram> never experienced this problem in 1.6.4
L1703[22:31:44] <ph1x3r> Insert a floppy and then boot. Once running, run "install" to copy the OS to an installed HD
L1704[22:31:58] <Kilobyte> "Explore the Web, fast, easy and safe with Internet Explorer" - install screen
L1705[22:32:08] <Kilobyte> HOW CAN ANYTHING ON WINDOWS BE SAFE
L1706[22:32:12] <JoshTheEnder> xavidram, the stuff for 1.7.X and 1.6 are the same
L1707[22:32:13] <skyem123> Blatant lies.
L1708[22:32:26] <Daiyousei> Kilobyte: >saf
L1709[22:32:27] <Daiyousei> e
L1710[22:32:29] <Kilobyte> windows is a single security hole
L1711[22:32:29] <Daiyousei> ahahaha
L1712[22:32:31] <JoshTheEnder> Kilobyte, your credit card is safe
L1713[22:32:32] <xavidram> See the thing is in 1.6.4 I never experienced this problem, yet in 1.7.10 i did
L1714[22:32:38] <JoshTheEnder> in the hands of theives
L1715[22:32:39] <xavidram> and it is the same set up
L1716[22:32:40] <ph1x3r> the floppies are new in teh 1.3 version. I am running 1.6.4
L1717[22:32:46] <Kilobyte> xavidram: its because that changed from 1.2 to 1.3
L1718[22:32:51] <JoshTheEnder> xavidram, same oc version?
L1719[22:32:56] <ph1x3r> Yes
L1720[22:33:02] <xavidram> I beleive so. I could have used an older vserion
L1721[22:33:06] <Kilobyte> "approx. 37 minutes to finish"
L1722[22:33:08] <JoshTheEnder> most probably
L1723[22:33:11] <xavidram> but the floppy disk thing fixed it, thank you all either way.
L1724[22:33:15] <JoshTheEnder> Kilobyte, thats a lie
L1725[22:33:16] <Kilobyte> a linux install is much faster
L1726[22:33:24] <ph1x3r> OC runs on both 1.6.4 and 1.7.x at the same version
L1727[22:33:52] <skyem123> Not when you are installing to an SD card on a netbook from a DVD via USB.
L1728[22:34:03] ⇦ Quits: xavidram (webchat@cpe-24-167-123-115.rgv.res.rr.com) (Quit: Web client closed)
L1729[22:34:03] <Kilobyte> lol
L1730[22:34:12] <gamax92> Yeah ...
L1731[22:34:15] <JoshTheEnder> well, as of 1.3.2 OC, the 1.6.4 and 1.7.10 builds are the same, 1.7.2 is dropped IIRC
L1732[22:34:18] <Kilobyte> http://www.kilobyte22.de/screenshot/screenshot_2014-08-03_00-33-57.png
L1733[22:34:22] <Kilobyte> some hilarity ^
L1734[22:34:29] <gamax92> considering the only version for 1.7.10 are 1.3 and he apparently hasn't had this issue ...
L1735[22:34:30] <skyem123> And when the cable kept falling out...
L1736[22:34:39] * skyem123 fires up wget
L1737[22:35:07] <JoshTheEnder> ohh, if it's xp then that timer should only be off like by 5 mins or so
L1738[22:35:22] <Kilobyte> JoshTheEnder: lol
L1739[22:35:49] <TabletCube> Kilobyte: what are the standard bets?
L1740[22:35:55] <Kilobyte> i remember being a windows fag
L1741[22:36:03] <TabletCube> \*standing
L1742[22:36:10] <Kilobyte> no changes yet
L1743[22:36:38] <JoshTheEnder> my first linux experience was when one of my dad's friends showed me Puppy Linux
L1744[22:36:41] <skyem123> Technicly, it booted, to the second install stage
L1745[22:36:54] <Kilobyte> my first one was through irc
L1746[22:37:08] <Kilobyte> skyem123: didn't remove IE yet
L1747[22:37:10] <TabletCube> my first linux was me popping in an Ubuntu live cd
L1748[22:37:20] <Kilobyte> TabletCube: pretty much same for me
L1749[22:37:30] <Kilobyte> actually no
L1750[22:37:36] <Kilobyte> sshing to a friends linux
L1751[22:37:40] <TabletCube> From a magazine I bought
L1752[22:37:43] <JoshTheEnder> i didnt really dabble in irc till about janurary last year
L1753[22:38:06] <TabletCube> i've been on IRC a long time. /ns info me
L1754[22:38:20] <JoshTheEnder> not registered
L1755[22:38:21] <skyem123> Bets are: it will boot, but not be good (me). Won't boot (Kilobyte, JoshTheEnder and Daiyousei).
L1756[22:38:21] <Caitlyn> TabletCube is not registered.
L1757[22:38:38] <TabletCube> Use CompanionCube
L1758[22:38:44] <JoshTheEnder> skyem123, hey. i didnt bet nothing
L1759[22:39:13] <TabletCube> Kilobyte: I bet the kernel will boot - but it will crash
L1760[22:39:15] <istasi> someone wanna try, my faily os? http://pastebin.com/frLbki8g note: you can roughly only reboot currently -.-'
L1761[22:39:23] <skyem123> oh.
L1762[22:39:29] <ph1x3r> I started with Linux in 1991/1992 kind of time.
L1763[22:39:30] <Kilobyte> skyem123: it was Sangar
L1764[22:39:34] <skyem123> boot, but fail?
L1765[22:39:38] <skyem123> oh.
L1766[22:39:49] <skyem123> Bets are: it will boot, but not be good (me). Won't boot (Kilobyte, Sangar and Daiyousei).
L1767[22:39:53] <Kilobyte> wtf is this mouse driver smoking
L1768[22:40:20] <JoshTheEnder> input peripheral devices have always been crap in windows
L1769[22:40:23] <TabletCube> istasi: congrats on implementing PXE / netbooting :p
L1770[22:40:26] <skyem123> ...
L1771[22:40:59] <istasi> it always downloads the files currenly, havn't bothered doing check on modified date yet, since well
L1772[22:41:18] <Wobbo> skyem123: do you know if Windows needs to parse xml files?
L1773[22:41:37] <skyem123> Don't think the kernel does.
L1774[22:41:43] <Kilobyte> JoshTheEnder: my mouse is jumping all over the place
L1775[22:41:45] <istasi> TabletCube: you can drag the bar though, to the bottom -.-', and up again
L1776[22:42:02] <Wobbo> The I bet it will boot, but that it will stop working shortely after that
L1777[22:42:14] <skyem123> Don't think xp does.
L1778[22:42:34] <JoshTheEnder> Kilobyte, what service pack does that disk have?
L1779[22:42:41] <Kilobyte> probably none
L1780[22:42:42] <skyem123> I said that it would boot, but be horrid.
L1781[22:42:54] <Kilobyte> i define boot as in: i can log into desktop
L1782[22:43:01] <Kilobyte> nothing more, nothing less
L1783[22:43:17] <Daiyousei> Kilobyte: i've seen many xml files in the windows dirs
L1784[22:43:19] <Daiyousei> many.
L1785[22:43:20] <TabletCube> I define boot as you can reach the logon screen
L1786[22:43:21] <JoshTheEnder> i think you'll be able to login, but not much will happen after that
L1787[22:43:32] <skyem123> I define boot as: get to login screen
L1788[22:43:38] <skyem123> or other indication of booting.
L1789[22:43:43] *** vifino|off is now known as vifino
L1790[22:43:43] <Kilobyte> thats too easy :P
L1791[22:43:45] *** vifino is now known as vifino|bed
L1792[22:44:00] <Kilobyte> windows claims to be stable, so it should take that without issue
L1793[22:44:10] <skyem123> you may have to press ctrl + alt + del if the login screen fails to load.
L1794[22:44:27] <skyem123> s/if/twice if
L1795[22:44:27] <Kibibyte> <skyem123> you may have to press ctrl + alt + del twice if the login screen fails to load.
L1796[22:44:28] <Daiyousei> Keyboard not found: press F1 to continue
L1797[22:44:42] <Kilobyte> 25 minutes
L1798[22:44:43] <JoshTheEnder> Kilobyte, it's stable unless you have a wifi kard that uses an atheros driver
L1799[22:44:49] <JoshTheEnder> bluescreen galore
L1800[22:45:05] <gamax92> I use XP every day
L1801[22:45:07] <Kilobyte> > windows
L1802[22:45:10] <Kilobyte> > stable
L1803[22:45:13] <Kilobyte> are you joking?
L1804[22:45:18] <skyem123> Daiyousei: thats so you can plug in the keyboard and then press F1
L1805[22:45:23] <gamax92> Kilobyte: for what I use it for, it is very stable
L1806[22:45:25] <Daiyousei> still makes no sense
L1807[22:45:29] <JoshTheEnder> well, it's stable enough for me to play games
L1808[22:45:48] <TabletCube> My Vista is very stable. But I don't use many MS apps
L1809[22:45:58] <Kilobyte> vista is one of the worst
L1810[22:45:58] <Daiyousei> VISTA? STABLE?
L1811[22:46:00] <JoshTheEnder> vista is shit.
L1812[22:46:00] <Daiyousei> U WOT
L1813[22:46:09] <Daiyousei> *goes away from pc with vista* *comes back* *bsod*
L1814[22:46:13] <gamax92> *in this channel, bandwagon*
L1815[22:46:26] * Sangar hasn't had a bluescreen in years >_>
L1816[22:46:34] <JoshTheEnder> vista is the reason XP's support only just ended this april
L1817[22:46:50] <TabletCube> Daiyousei: mine does BSOD if i close chrome leaving 9001 tabs open
L1818[22:46:54] <skyem123> actually, vista is the same as windows 7, except it has a worse userland.
L1819[22:47:05] <Daiyousei> TabletCube: and my old vista install bsods randomly
L1820[22:47:07] <Kilobyte> Sangar: lol, i had many until i went to linux
L1821[22:47:24] <Sangar> Kilobyte, was that before or after win7? :P
L1822[22:47:31] <Kilobyte> after
L1823[22:47:36] <Kilobyte> well
L1824[22:47:38] <JoshTheEnder> skyem123, no, i've ran both on my pc. 7 still stayed as fast after updates while vista became shit slow
L1825[22:47:39] <Kilobyte> before 8
L1826[22:47:40] <skyem123> mine bsods if i keep on clicking on a program that won't load.
L1827[22:47:45] <skyem123> windows 8 bsod
L1828[22:47:49] <Sangar> well. must be your hardware then :P
L1829[22:48:02] <Kilobyte> no
L1830[22:48:04] <Kilobyte> the drivers
L1831[22:48:20] <Kilobyte> if it was my harware, i would have gotten quite a few panics too
L1832[22:48:20] <Wobbo> No drivers anymore! :D
L1833[22:48:31] <JoshTheEnder> i know most of the freezes i have on windows are due to hardware, since they also happen on linux from time to time
L1834[22:48:32] <skyem123> userland is slow
L1835[22:49:10] <skyem123> MS-DOS!
L1836[22:49:22] <JoshTheEnder> i think it's either the wifi card or the ram, since those are the only 2 areas that havent been changed in the time i've had this stuff
L1837[22:49:42] <Kilobyte> its now at 19 mins
L1838[22:49:43] <TabletCube> skyem123: CP/M
L1839[22:49:44] <Kilobyte> for 3 mins
L1840[22:49:49] <JoshTheEnder> everything else has been more or less upgraded /changed
L1841[22:50:10] <skyem123> :D
L1842[22:50:26] <Sangar> Kilobyte, at least you won't have to wait for another 5h for windows updates, since it's post-service :>
L1843[22:50:29] <Kilobyte> i am still scared because tooth
L1844[22:50:42] <Kilobyte> Sangar: i don't have a network card configured anyways
L1845[22:50:46] <Wobbo> Just keep brushing :P
L1846[22:50:52] <Sangar> Kilobyte, scaredy-cat :P
L1847[22:51:01] <Kilobyte> 16 mins
L1848[22:51:29] <Kilobyte> Sangar: http://www.kilobyte22.de/screenshot/screenshot_2014-08-03_00-33-57.png some laughing stuff
L1849[22:52:31] <Sangar> Kilobyte, just pretend they forgot about the internet when they wrote that and it's fiiiiine :P
L1850[22:53:06] <skyem123> :d
L1851[22:53:11] <skyem123> :d
L1852[22:53:14] <skyem123> :D
L1853[22:54:09] <gamax92> http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/35569/tweetable-mathematical-art
L1854[22:54:39] <Wobbo> Kilobyte: Do you have your language settings on German? D:
L1855[22:54:47] <skyem123> uh...
L1856[22:54:50] <Kilobyte> on my arch? yes
L1857[22:55:09] <Wobbo> Y U no english?
L1858[22:55:24] <JoshTheEnder> because he no english?
L1859[22:55:41] <Wobbo> My MacBook is English
L1860[22:55:44] <Kilobyte> because i can
L1861[22:55:57] <gamax92> Y no english? because japanese
L1862[22:55:58] <Sangar> gamax92, those are pretty cool
L1863[22:56:03] <gamax92> Sangar: agreed
L1864[22:56:13] <skyem123> I'm tempted to change my language on my pc to somthing random to see if I can still use it.
L1865[22:56:53] <Wobbo> Actually, my macbook is english now. First it was a mixture of Dutch and English. English in the GUI and Dutch in the command line.
L1866[22:57:00] <Wobbo> Because I fucked up my locale settings
L1867[22:57:09] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1868[22:57:15] <skyem123> ?
L1869[22:57:16] <Sangar> my laptop is still chinese :/
L1870[22:57:24] <skyem123> .ping
L1871[22:57:31] <^v> Ping reply from skyem123 7.31s
L1872[22:57:31] <Wobbo> Sangar: How so? XD
L1873[22:57:35] <Wobbo> .p
L1874[22:57:35] <^v> Ping reply from Wobbo 0.2s
L1875[22:57:37] <ping> >_>
L1876[22:57:37] <skyem123> wat?
L1877[22:57:38] <ph1x3r> I tried to use a windoze computer in Poland a few months ago and gave up. Moscow was even worse! :(
L1878[22:57:41] <Kilobyte> Sangar: wtf
L1879[22:57:58] <Sangar> Wobbo, switched to old-releases mirror for mint bc cba to upgrade, updated, locale was chinese for some reason :/
L1880[22:58:03] <ds84182> answered my first codegolf ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^) http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/35647/30098
L1881[22:58:47] <skyem123> ph1x3r: why>
L1882[22:59:16] <Wobbo> ds84182: why dod you write a oneliner D:
L1883[22:59:16] <gamax92> ds84182: ohai user3598170
L1884[22:59:30] * skyem123 fits ds84182 into a tweet.
L1885[22:59:40] <ds84182> Wobbo, because thats how you codegolf
L1886[22:59:57] <Wobbo> ds84182: don't you start with working code and then clean it up?
L1887[23:00:34] <skyem123> BONG.
L1888[23:00:34] <skyem123> BBC Radio 4 has big ben sound at midnight
L1889[23:00:38] <ds84182> Wobbo, because I started working with code and then I made it more compressed
L1890[23:01:07] ⇦ Quits: phillips1012 (~phillips1@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1891[23:01:20] ⇨ Joins: phillips1012 (~phillips1@
L1892[23:01:21] <ph1x3r> skyem123: because I don't read Cyrilic or Polish.
L1893[23:03:03] <skyem123> I'm know what the icons do.
L1894[23:03:08] <skyem123> ^^
L1895[23:03:57] <skyem123> (Icons, not the language.)
L1896[23:05:14] <Wobbo> I'm going. Tell me about the experiment tomorrow
L1897[23:05:16] <Wobbo> Bye!
L1898[23:05:42] <skyem123> nooooooooo
L1899[23:06:21] ⇦ Quits: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
L1900[23:09:20] <Kilobyte> i should learn golfscript
L1901[23:09:48] <skyem123> ?
L1902[23:09:56] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@
L1903[23:10:05] <TabletCube> What i miss
L1904[23:10:43] <gamax92> hmm i can theoretically reduce the 6 bytes to 4
L1905[23:10:54] <gamax92> which would give a nice speed up
L1906[23:11:03] <skyem123> how is xp going?
L1907[23:12:14] <gamax92> and the multiplier can be changed from 3 bytes to 2
L1908[23:13:13] <skyem123> what is golf script?
L1909[23:13:28] <gamax92> a script for the golf language
L1910[23:13:31] <TabletCube> skyem123: very concise language
L1911[23:13:44] <TabletCube> designed for codegolf
L1912[23:14:50] <skyem123> Kilobyte: How is golf script going?
L1913[23:15:17] <skyem123> s/golf script/windows xp
L1914[23:15:17] <Kibibyte> <skyem123> Kilobyte: How is windows xp going?
L1915[23:15:49] <Kilobyte> lemme clone the drive
L1916[23:16:18] <ping> what the fuck
L1917[23:16:19] <ping> http://youtu.be/exbuSMw6SAk
L1918[23:16:19] -Kibibyte- [ping] GabeN is Love, GabeN is Life | by jtcpingas | 1m44s | 3w6d ago | 2,907 views | Rated: 4.86/5.00
L1919[23:16:27] <gamax92> Turd
L1920[23:16:28] <gamax92> Duck
L1921[23:16:29] <gamax92> N
L1922[23:16:35] <skyem123> .ping
L1923[23:16:44] ⇦ Quits: istasi (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1924[23:16:46] <TabletCube> Pong
L1925[23:16:48] <^v> Ping reply from skyem123 12.84s
L1926[23:17:03] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (sciguyryan@109-205-169-184.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L1927[23:17:12] <gamax92> actually doing this function will be easier since i can just input a number and skip the collection part
L1928[23:17:21] <skyem123> ooh...
L1929[23:17:21] <skyem123> ^^
L1930[23:17:37] <Kilobyte> copying 8.1 GiB of data
L1931[23:17:39] <Kilobyte> real 0m1.087s
L1932[23:17:43] <Kilobyte> (including a sudo)
L1933[23:17:43] <TabletCube> gamax92: what you doing?
L1934[23:18:03] <Kilobyte> no, i don'T have an SSD
L1935[23:18:19] <Kilobyte> i'll sleep in 12 min
L1936[23:18:22] <gamax92> TabletCube: make 3 bytes into 4 7bit safe bytes
L1937[23:18:42] <gamax92> instead of what I'm doing now, which makes 3 bytes into 6 7bit safe bytes
L1938[23:19:20] <TabletCube> Kilobyte: mshtml-less xp = fun
L1939[23:20:08] <gamax92> Kilobyte: oh ... thats like only 1GB then
L1940[23:20:13] <gamax92> so ... not impressed
L1941[23:20:27] <Kilobyte> gamax92: wot?
L1942[23:20:33] <gamax92> you said GiB
L1943[23:21:00] <ping> *ibytes masterrace
L1944[23:21:30] <gamax92> oh I'm a derp
L1945[23:21:34] <gamax92> Kilobyte: nvm what I said
L1946[23:21:38] <TabletCube> But mebibytes sounds stupit
L1947[23:21:52] <gamax92> wouldn't it be mibibytes?
L1948[23:21:53] <skyem123> you should send the compiler requiring mshtml to toastytech (a website), he hates internet explorer and would probably freak out.
L1949[23:23:29] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-60-231-90-202.lns8.cha.bigpond.net.au)
L1950[23:24:11] <skyem123> gibibytes
L1951[23:24:19] <skyem123> 1000 bytes
L1952[23:24:33] <ping> no, gi is on a scale of one million
L1953[23:24:43] <gamax92> uwot
L1954[23:24:57] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-60-231-90-202.lns8.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L1955[23:25:10] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-60-231-90-202.lns8.cha.bigpond.net.au)
L1956[23:25:42] ⇨ Joins: Noiro (~noiro@c-76-17-27-99.hsd1.ga.comcast.net)
L1957[23:25:52] <Kilobyte> so, mshtml.dll is removed
L1958[23:26:08] <skyem123> does it boot?
L1959[23:26:09] <ping> Kilobyte, isnt that mingw?
L1960[23:26:16] <ping> oh wait
L1961[23:26:18] <ping> thats IE
L1962[23:26:20] <ping> lol
L1963[23:26:21] <Kilobyte> skyem123: i am booting atm
L1964[23:26:33] <skyem123> my battery is low
L1965[23:26:56] <skyem123> gibibytes: 1000 mibibytes
L1966[23:27:20] <gamax92> skyem123: no
L1967[23:27:20] <Kilobyte> something is broken
L1968[23:27:32] <Kilobyte> internet explorer still works
L1969[23:27:35] <TabletCube> Kilobyte: what .exe?
L1970[23:27:38] <Kilobyte> so does everything else
L1971[23:27:42] <skyem123> uhm...
L1972[23:27:43] <Kilobyte> TabletCube: mshtml.dll
L1973[23:28:03] <skyem123> it may have recovered the file
L1974[23:28:06] <TabletCube> Check WFP didn't restore it
L1975[23:28:11] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-60-231-90-202.lns8.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1976[23:28:24] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-60-231-90-202.lns8.cha.bigpond.net.au)
L1977[23:28:29] <Kilobyte> meh, its bed time
L1978[23:28:37] <Kilobyte> gotta get up early tomorrow
L1979[23:29:01] <JoshTheEnder> same except the getting up early part
L1980[23:29:07] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-60-231-90-202.lns8.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1981[23:30:22] <Sangar> don't have to get up early either, but i'm really, really tired, so i'll be going, too
L1982[23:30:25] <Sangar> gnight o/
L1983[23:30:49] <Kilobyte> night
L1984[23:31:07] <Kilobyte> I feel really shitty
L1985[23:31:26] <TabletCube> JoshTheEnder: does your DNS impl actually work?
L1986[23:31:36] <JoshTheEnder> ?
L1987[23:31:44] ⇦ Quits: skyem123 (~skyem123@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1988[23:34:42] <Kilobyte> im curious, what weak spots do other ppl have? for me it's definitely my teeth
L1989[23:35:09] <Kilobyte> if anything happens to them I go into panic mode
L1990[23:36:00] <TabletCube> nvm
L1991[23:36:55] <JoshTheEnder> if your talking about the dnsd on OpenPrg, then no. i keep forgetting to work on it
L1992[23:37:57] <TabletCube> me and a friend are planning to write our own
L1993[23:38:59] <TabletCube> If you want i can link you to stuffs we designed?
L1994[23:39:15] <JoshTheEnder> sure
L1995[23:40:37] <TabletCube> http://piratepad.net/AbKoU5oo36
L1996[23:40:54] <Kilobyte> btw, you can also give a readonly link
L1997[23:41:08] <Kilobyte> so trolls don't fuck it up
L1998[23:41:24] <TabletCube> I saved a revision already
L1999[23:44:32] <Kilobyte> reminds me of when I trolled on an etherpad
L2000[23:50:36] <Kilobyte> TabletCube: when registering you should include a field for the entry type
L2001[23:50:53] <TabletCube> ....good point
L2002[23:50:55] <Kilobyte> also take into account that one host can have multiple ips
L2003[23:51:24] <Kilobyte> s/account/host
L2004[23:51:25] <Kibibyte> <Kilobyte> also take into host that one host can have multiple ips
L2005[23:51:37] <TabletCube> Make a note of it
L2006[23:51:51] <Kilobyte> a pain on phone
L2007[23:51:56] <TabletCube> Tablet sucks for this
L2008[23:52:11] <Kilobyte> tablet is better than phone
L2009[23:52:12] <TabletCube> i'll use memoserv then
L2010[23:53:24] <TabletCube> Kilobyte: should I rewrite into something more formal like the openposiz\
L2011[23:53:51] <Kilobyte> put it on a markdown gist?
L2012[23:54:04] <Kilobyte> and rewrite it in turn
L2013[23:54:34] <Kilobyte> markdown is easy and powerful
L2014[23:55:19] <TabletCube> JoshTheEnder: comments?\
L2015[23:55:39] <ds84182> holy shit
L2016[23:55:41] <ds84182> dammit wifi
L2017[23:56:07] <ds84182> It took almost 40 minutes to reconnect to the network
L2018[23:56:19] <Kilobyte> wow
L2019[23:56:40] <Kilobyte> that's a lot
L2020[23:56:49] *** vifino|bed is now known as vifino|off
L2021[23:57:45] <TabletCube> in the rewrite should I follow RFC 2119?
L2022[23:57:55] <Kilobyte> ?
L2023[23:58:30] <Kilobyte> do you expect me to know all rfc numbers off my head?
L2024[23:59:16] <Kilobyte> TabletCube: ^
L2025[23:59:17] <TabletCube> You mentioned it in the openposix spec iirc
L2026[23:59:50] <Kilobyte> oh that one paragraph about keywords?
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