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L1[00:01:26] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~ping@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L2[00:05:30] <ds84182> gamax92, what
L3[00:05:40] <gamax92> ds84182?
L4[00:06:01] <gamax92> Hows OpenGX?
L5[00:06:06] <ds84182> Fine
L6[00:06:09] <ds84182> About to test something
L7[00:06:28] <ds84182> you should like hold your ears or something
L8[00:06:32] <ds84182> that goes for the whole channel
L9[00:07:15] <Kodos> Time to drink a cold pepsi and relax, because I just got off the phone regarding some major horse shit I dont' want to deal with right now
L10[00:07:34] <gamax92> Kodos: mmm, pepsi
L11[00:13:47] ⇨ Joins: Zorkk (~Zorkk@S0106001d60d3cd23.cg.shawcable.net)
L12[00:14:10] <Zorkk> alloooo, how are folks tonight?
L13[00:14:36] <ping> terrible
L14[00:14:46] * Kodos is in ragemode
L15[00:14:48] ⇦ Quits: Techokami (~Techokami@pool-173-48-10-173.bstnma.east.verizon.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L16[00:15:16] * ping is in complain mode
L17[00:15:28] <Zorkk> :( sorry to hear that
L18[00:16:13] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L19[00:16:22] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L20[00:16:26] <Zorkk> doesn't seem to be many ppl around now eh?
L21[00:16:31] *** Pontiac_AFK is now known as Pontiac
L22[00:16:43] <Zorkk> i was hoping i might find some assistance here?
L23[00:17:34] <gamax92> well, we don't know what to assist you with
L24[00:17:42] <gamax92> you haven't given us anything to assist you on
L25[00:17:44] <ping> no, we dont help here, we are the worst people ever to exist
L26[00:18:08] <Zorkk> AHHH.. terrible ppl eh? rofl..
L27[00:18:12] <ping> we all hate opencomputers
L28[00:18:19] <ping> nobody even used it before
L29[00:18:26] <ping> how could anyone help?
L30[00:18:35] * Kodos smacks ping
L31[00:18:39] <gamax92> ping: shut up
L32[00:18:41] <Kodos> Despite being pissed off, I can try to help. What's up
L33[00:18:42] <Zorkk> i bet you do! so i'm just trying to get OC to interact with some MFR rednet cables, but it's beyond me. :( i can't make the damn redstone lamp turn on
L34[00:18:46] *** darknife25|AFK is now known as darknife25
L35[00:19:01] <ping> .w redstone
L36[00:19:02] <^v> ping, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/component-redstone
L37[00:19:08] <Kodos> Zorkk
L38[00:19:13] <Kodos> I bet I know what you're issue is
L39[00:19:15] <Kodos> your*
L40[00:19:15] <Zorkk> (and for the record, i hate to jsut come into an IRC channel and beg for help :D, a little chitchat is nice eh?)
L41[00:19:21] <Kodos> What are you typing in to try and turn the lamp on
L42[00:19:23] <ping> first you need a working computer
L43[00:19:26] <Zorkk> I checked that ping, and dunno, didn't work
L44[00:19:28] <Kodos> ping shaddup
L45[00:19:35] <gamax92> Zorkk: Well, instead of begging for help, just ask your question.
L46[00:19:39] <Kodos> Zorkk, I had the same issue, I've got money says you're having the same issue I did
L47[00:19:40] <ping> and then you need a redstone card or a redstone block
L48[00:19:53] <Zorkk> got a working computer, it boots up :) i wrote a test.lua with rs.setOutput(sides.right, 15)
L49[00:19:58] <Kodos> switch right to left
L50[00:19:59] <Zorkk> I have a redstone card.
L51[00:20:03] <Kodos> It's stupid, I know
L52[00:20:04] <Kodos> trust me
L53[00:20:05] <Zorkk> okay?
L54[00:20:06] <ping> "MFR rednet cables"
L55[00:20:17] * ping slaps Kodos
L56[00:20:20] <ping> er
L57[00:20:24] <ping> mixing up people
L58[00:20:35] <ping> well, MFR rednet cables are like bundled cables
L59[00:20:49] <ping> you need to do
L60[00:20:53] <ping> .w rs.setBundledOutput
L61[00:20:54] <^v> ping, Not found. did you want "rs"?
L62[00:20:57] <ping> wat dafack
L63[00:20:58] * gamax92 claps
L64[00:21:00] * ping slaps ^v
L65[00:21:02] <Zorkk> hmmm.. nada.
L66[00:21:08] <ping> setBundledOutput(side: number, color: number, value: number): number
L67[00:21:08] <ping> Like setOutput, but for bundled output, setting the value for the channel with the specified color.
L68[00:21:17] <Kodos> Zork, also make sure you're requiring ("sides')
L69[00:21:29] ⇦ Quits: manmaed|AFK (~Ender@2e408ca2.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L70[00:21:33] <Zorkk> i'm requiring sides, and components. rs = redstone.component
L71[00:21:44] <Kodos> Okay, so do this
L72[00:21:54] <Zorkk> shoudln't mfr cables, without a specific color, just take a redstone input?
L73[00:22:06] <Kodos> Hang on
L74[00:22:14] <Kodos> Firing up my pack
L75[00:22:25] <ping> does it show up as a color?
L76[00:22:26] <Zorkk> In the end, i would like to do it by colors, etc, that's the goal, but I can't even make it work without them, so i dunno
L77[00:22:37] <Kodos> I'll get it working and pastebin my code
L78[00:22:47] <Zorkk> what do i connect the mfr cable to ?
L79[00:22:52] <Kodos> The case
L80[00:22:52] <Zorkk> do i need an adapter block?
L81[00:22:55] <Kodos> Nope
L82[00:22:58] <Kodos> Not if you're using a redstone card
L83[00:23:06] <Kodos> Sit tight
L84[00:23:12] <Zorkk> okay. yes, redstone card for sure. so on the case, not the monitor? cool man, ty
L85[00:23:25] <ping> ;-;
L86[00:23:31] <ping> protip: ask for screenshots
L87[00:23:34] <Kodos> I needed something to do anyway to take my mind off shit
L88[00:24:09] <Zorkk> cool, glad i can help with that :)
L89[00:24:43] ⇨ Joins: manmaed|AFK (~Ender@2e408ca2.skybroadband.com)
L90[00:25:26] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L91[00:26:02] <Kodos> okay, so
L92[00:26:10] <Kodos> PM me so I don't spam the channel
L93[00:26:31] <ds84182> 1.7.10ftw
L94[00:26:53] <Kodos> Zorkk pm meh
L95[00:28:12] <Zorkk> okay kodos
L96[00:28:31] <Zorkk> if i can remember how? lol.. its been so long since i used IRC
L97[00:28:37] <Kodos> Lol I'll PM you
L98[00:35:44] <Kenny> ok why the hel;l do we have a bot in here that was not authorized
L99[00:36:07] <ping> which
L100[00:36:18] <Kenny> shadow_team is a fucking bot
L101[00:36:19] <shadow_team> Kenny: Error: "is" is not a valid command.
L102[00:36:39] <ping> .find ip
L103[00:36:39] <^v> ping, shadow_team
L104[00:36:41] <ping> hm
L105[00:36:42] <Kenny> !kick shadow_team
L106[00:36:42] *** shadow_team was kicked by zsh ((Kenny) No reason given))
L107[00:36:42] ⇨ Joins: shadow_team (~shadow_te@
L108[00:36:45] <Kenny> !kick shadow_team
L109[00:36:45] *** shadow_team was kicked by zsh ((Kenny) No reason given))
L110[00:36:45] ⇨ Joins: shadow_team (~shadow_te@
L111[00:36:46] <ping> quet it
L112[00:36:56] <ping> quiet*
L113[00:37:19] <Kenny> i'm gonna ban it becaUse i know what that fucking bot does and i will not have it pm'ing me constantly
L114[00:37:25] <Kenny> !kickban shadow_team
L115[00:37:25] *** zsh sets mode: +b *!*@
L116[00:37:25] *** shadow_team was kicked by zsh ((Kenny) No reason given))
L117[00:37:26] <ping> oh
L118[00:37:35] <ping> it pms you ;-;
L119[00:37:46] <Kenny> OC_Botr is a Supy_Bot
L120[00:38:03] <Kenny> i come back to a pm about upon is not a vbalid command
L121[00:38:21] <ping> oh, because the rules when you join <_>
L122[00:39:04] <Kenny> personally i don't care. no one asked to have it in the channel, as rules reuire
L123[00:39:57] <Kodos> Shadow team is dmod's bot
L124[00:40:01] <Kodos> iirc
L125[00:41:24] <ping> dmod_, *slap*
L126[00:43:14] <Kodos> How many screens can you put together
L127[00:43:18] <Zorkk> grin
L128[00:43:18] <Kodos> Is it 8x6?
L129[00:43:34] <Kenny> i believe so
L130[00:43:45] <Kenny> it configurable
L131[00:43:54] <Zorkk> but by default...
L132[00:44:00] <Kenny> 8x6
L133[00:44:27] <Zorkk> do you know the max size of t1 screens?
L134[00:44:37] <Kodos> Same
L135[00:44:38] <Kodos> I think
L136[00:44:39] <Zorkk> oh it is?
L137[00:44:46] <Zorkk> just different resolutions?
L138[00:44:47] <Kodos> Also
L139[00:44:51] <Kodos> You can dye computers and screens
L140[00:44:57] <Kodos> Just right click the case/screen with a dye
L141[00:44:58] <Zorkk> oh awesome!!
L142[00:45:18] <Kodos> I usually do red ones
L143[00:45:29] <Kodos> But I suppose I should find something that matches my base
L144[00:45:49] <dmod_> He won't do anything and it's hard to invoke a command I put the call as { and it won't pm it will post in the channel.
L145[00:46:04] <Kodos> You're still not authorized to have it in the channel
L146[00:46:25] <dmod_> And your not authorized to tell me what to do.
L147[00:46:32] <Kodos> Lol?
L148[00:46:35] <Kodos> Kenny
L149[00:46:37] <Zorkk> blue computers for me :)
L150[00:46:49] <Kodos> You wanna handle this one
L151[00:47:06] <ds84182> Sangar, umm, every time I try to run my method a second time my in game computer bluescreens and "Faulty architecture implementation for synchronized calls." is put in the console. what do?
L152[00:47:15] <Kenny> dmod_, i came home to a pm from the bot telling me 'upon' was an invalid command
L153[00:47:39] <Kenny> i have said anything in this channel for over 6 hours
L154[00:47:46] <dmod_> Why you pmd it about rules that's why.
L155[00:47:56] <Kenny> you tell me how i get a pm from an unauthorized bot
L156[00:48:12] <Kenny> and you must not have read the rules
L157[00:48:19] <Kodos> Everyone gets PM'd the rules on initial joining of #oc
L158[00:48:22] <Kenny> we already have 6 bots in here
L159[00:48:49] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L160[00:49:33] <Kenny> and Supy_Bot takes one hell of a lot of configuring
L161[00:50:13] <dmod_> He won't say anything unless she's pinged with his name in front or prefix said in the front.
L162[00:50:25] <Kodos> I'll say it again
L163[00:50:27] <Kodos> You're still not authorized to have it in the channel
L164[00:50:49] <dmod_> Kodos: I'll say it again your not authorized to tell me what to do.
L165[00:50:58] <Michiyo> -_-
L166[00:51:01] <Kodos> Keep it up
L167[00:51:16] <Kenny> ands why would the bot be in the channel? we have no need for a bot to control the channel
L168[00:51:32] <dmod_> never said it was here for control
L169[00:51:38] <LordFokas> I can already smell the ban hammer
L170[00:51:41] <Kenny> ^v handles the lua stuff, we have bots that tell about the builds
L171[00:52:03] <Kenny> thenwhy is it here? it does nothing to benefit the channel
L172[00:52:13] <Michiyo> And we also have the resident useless bot. MichiBot.
L173[00:52:25] <LordFokas> lol
L174[00:52:30] <Kenny> MichiBot is the drama bot
L175[00:52:38] <Zorkk> question bout the screens guys: what does color depth mean ? is it how many colors it can display at once?
L176[00:52:38] <LordFokas> MichiBot, drama
L177[00:52:39] <MichiBot> LordFokas: Drullkus sues Tinkers Mechworks
L178[00:52:44] <LordFokas> :O
L179[00:52:48] <Kodos> Up to 256 colors at once
L180[00:52:52] <Kodos> For T3
L181[00:52:55] <Kodos> Not sure on others
L182[00:52:57] <Zorkk> with depth 8?
L183[00:53:03] <Kodos> ping, ^
L184[00:53:07] <Kodos> You're better at this one
L185[00:53:08] <Zorkk> intereting.. okay hmmm
L186[00:53:35] <LordFokas> Zorkk, number of colors = 2 ^ color depth bits
L187[00:53:36] <ds84182> the power went out
L188[00:53:38] <ds84182> but it's back
L189[00:53:51] <Zorkk> ahhhhh, okay thanks Lordfokas :)
L190[00:53:56] <Kodos> .calc 2^8
L191[00:53:56] <^v> Kodos, 256
L192[00:54:03] <Kodos> that doesn't sound right
L193[00:54:06] <Kodos> Unless you're on T1
L194[00:54:07] <Kenny> t1 is black and white, t2 is 80x25 with a 16 colors, t3 is 160x50 with 256 colors
L195[00:54:10] <Kodos> Ah
L196[00:54:15] <Kodos> Ty kenny
L197[00:54:27] <Zorkk> cool
L198[00:54:39] <LordFokas> t1 has 1 bit, t2 has 4 bits, t3 has 8.
L199[00:54:55] <Kenny> it is as tghe Lord says
L200[00:54:59] <Kenny> the*
L201[00:55:23] <Kodos> Annnd
L202[00:55:27] <Kodos> 256^3
L203[00:55:29] <Kodos> err
L204[00:55:32] <Kodos> .calc 256^3
L205[00:55:32] <^v> Kodos, 16777216
L206[00:55:37] <Kodos> That many different colors
L207[00:55:40] <LordFokas> 16M
L208[00:55:54] <Kodos> Being able to display up to 256 at once
L209[00:55:54] <LordFokas> that's 24 bits
L210[00:55:55] <Kenny> standard jpeg number of colors 1.67 Million
L211[00:56:01] <LordFokas> .calc 2^24
L212[00:56:02] <^v> LordFokas, 16777216
L213[00:56:31] <Kodos> I always was a dot off
L214[00:56:38] <ping> M)<
L215[00:57:40] <Kenny> color range for a t3 is 1.67 million colors, just like a jpeg image
L216[00:57:47] <LordFokas> Kenny, 16.7M, not 1.67
L217[00:58:13] <Kenny> i like the samller number better hehe
L218[00:58:21] <Zorkk> i can display pr0n in minecraft??? on OC?? wooooot!
L219[00:58:29] <Kenny> no
L220[00:58:29] <Zorkk> j/k
L221[00:59:04] <Kenny> OC does not do graphics (yet)
L222[00:59:10] <Zorkk> ahhhhh, kk, bummer
L223[00:59:44] <Kenny> i beleive someone is working on an add-on that will put graphics in OC but i'm not positive
L224[01:00:00] <Kodos> There were some very primitive prototypes
L225[01:00:06] <Kodos> Including a photo of my wife and I on our wedding day
L226[01:00:11] <Zorkk> so has anyone already written a touchscreen -> MFR rednet interface kinda thing, which can toggle signals on/off??
L227[01:00:13] * Kenny looks at ds84182
L228[01:00:15] <Zorkk> neat!
L229[01:00:50] <Kenny> t2 and t3 screens are touch screen
L230[01:00:54] <Zorkk> aye
L231[01:01:05] <ds84182> ohhi
L232[01:01:05] <LordFokas> Kenny: but are they kick-screen?
L233[01:01:22] <LordFokas> or should I say, punch-screen? :p
L234[01:01:25] <Kenny> i don't kick them, i put a fist thru them
L235[01:01:30] <Kenny> hehe
L236[01:01:31] <LordFokas> that makes a lot more sense in MC
L237[01:01:35] <LordFokas> punchscreen
L238[01:01:44] <Zorkk> lol.. yes, punchscreen interface :)
L239[01:01:52] <ds84182> ok, it turns out that it errors every time I try to load a file
L240[01:01:59] <Zorkk> much better than punch-cards, i must say
L241[01:01:59] <ds84182> and it's not an oom
L242[01:02:01] <Kenny> well, it depends, Zorkk....
L243[01:02:13] <Zorkk> depends on what Kenny?
L244[01:02:13] <LordFokas> it has massive sensors that activate whenever they go over 100N of force.
L245[01:02:23] <Kodos> I need a snippet that makes a table of the 16 colors and assigns them all a number
L246[01:02:30] <Kenny> there is no general copntrol for turning restone signals on and off since the programs are specific to what you are doing
L247[01:03:01] <Zorkk> well the mechanism is the touch screen to turn them on off, nothing else!
L248[01:03:08] <Kodos> So you want a light switch
L249[01:03:17] <Kenny> I have control programs i wrote for both LanteaCraft and BigReactors
L250[01:03:19] <Zorkk> yes... 16 of them to be exact :)
L251[01:03:34] <Kodos> So you want a light switch for each color, activatable independently
L252[01:03:36] <Zorkk> i'm just wanting to turn on/off MFR ranchers for my sheep/wool farm
L253[01:03:39] <Kodos> via touch screen
L254[01:03:44] <Zorkk> via touch screen, yes
L255[01:03:58] <Zorkk> is that difficult??
L256[01:04:01] <Kodos> Well
L257[01:04:03] <Kodos> That depends
L258[01:04:08] <Kodos> On your knowledge of Lua mostly
L259[01:04:27] <Kodos> I'm not familiar with GML, but you could probably use that to help with the GUI making
L260[01:04:55] <Kodos> The actual 'buttons' would just need to be parts of the screen assigned to events
L261[01:05:06] <Kodos> ie if x, y to z, q is touched, activate white
L262[01:05:15] <Kodos> ^ Not actual code, but the gist of it anyway
L263[01:05:28] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L264[01:05:32] <Kenny> actual, using GML is a lot simpler than that
L265[01:05:37] <Kodos> .w event.pull()
L266[01:05:37] <^v> Kodos, event.pull([timeout: number], [name: string], ...):string,... This, besides os.sleep() should be the primary way for programs to "yield". This function can be used to await signals from the queue, while having unrelated signals dispatched as events.
L267[01:05:46] <Kodos> erm maybe not that one
L268[01:06:44] <Zorkk> hmmm
L269[01:07:02] <Kodos> Events aren't really my forte
L270[01:07:08] <Zorkk> my lua knowledge is zip!! nil. programming in general is beginner level.. mostly php and basic scripting.
L271[01:07:10] <Kodos> Neither is using characters with accent
L272[01:07:15] <Kodos> Well
L273[01:07:18] <Kodos> Lua is super easy to pick up on
L274[01:07:22] <ds84182> ping, do you have any problems wit loading a file fully into memory
L275[01:07:23] <Kodos> THe key is to not let yourself get overwhelmed
L276[01:07:37] <ping> ds84182, yes
L277[01:07:38] <Kodos> I highly recommend the ingame Lua tutorial
L278[01:07:39] <Zorkk> that i'm good at :) hehe
L279[01:07:46] <Zorkk> oh? an ingame tutorial? i missed that?
L280[01:07:49] <ds84182> ping, like what
L281[01:07:50] <ping> because i have to assume the file is massive
L282[01:07:53] <Kodos> Let me get you a link
L283[01:07:58] <Zorkk> ty
L284[01:08:17] <Kodos> Do you know how to paste from clipboard into an OC terminal?
L285[01:08:34] <Zorkk> ctrl-v works doesn't it?
L286[01:08:37] <ping> middle click
L287[01:08:38] <Kodos> No, you use Shift+Insert
L288[01:08:40] <Kodos> Or middle click
L289[01:08:42] <Zorkk> okay
L290[01:08:54] <Kodos> Anyway, paste the following line into your terminal while in a writable working directory
L291[01:09:00] <Kodos> wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenPrograms/Kenny-Programs/master/Ingame_Lua_Tutorial/LuaTutorial.lua tutorial.lua
L292[01:09:01] <Zorkk> k
L293[01:09:11] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L294[01:09:25] <Kodos> Start at Chapter 1, and make sure you do all the excersizes to ensure you have a handle on the ideas =)
L295[01:09:40] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L296[01:09:42] <Kodos> err exercises
L297[01:09:52] <Zorkk> hrum, it say's file not found
L298[01:10:01] <Kodos> waa
L299[01:10:01] <ds84182> ping, like what
L300[01:10:04] <Kodos> hang on
L301[01:10:06] <Kodos> Oh
L302[01:10:07] <Kodos> derp
L303[01:10:08] <Zorkk> that what it says !!
L304[01:10:11] <Kodos> You probably don't have an internet card
L305[01:10:17] <Kodos> Put one in and reboot
L306[01:10:27] <Zorkk> an internet card !!! oh ho!!
L307[01:11:29] <Zorkk> haha, the interweb! nice
L308[01:12:34] <Kenny> !unban shadow_team
L309[01:12:34] *** zsh sets mode: -b *!*@
L310[01:13:15] <Zorkk> crap, i have to make a bigger computer, this little t1 one can't handle the internet card eh? lol
L311[01:13:27] <Kodos> Yeah, it's a T2 card
L312[01:13:29] <Kodos> iirc
L313[01:13:38] * Kodos always uses creative cases
L314[01:14:10] <ds84182> how do you stop the screen resolution from defaulting to "ungodly big"
L315[01:14:37] <Kodos> What tier screen
L316[01:14:39] <Michiyo> I have a ungodly big resolution, so I have no issue :P
L317[01:14:50] <ds84182> because "This text is unreadable in the windowed resolution but in 1080p it's fine!"
L318[01:15:03] <ds84182> Michiyo, as in the resolution used in OC?
L319[01:15:19] ⇦ Quits: SleepyFlenix (~Flenix@05428909.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L320[01:15:37] <Michiyo> Oh that.. yeah I have no idea.. I run at 1080p, and that's always been tiny :p
L321[01:18:15] ⇨ Joins: Flenix (~Flenix@
L322[01:18:17] <Zorkk> what way do you normally power yer computers Kodos? jsut power into a capacitor below yer case?
L323[01:18:28] <Kodos> What build are you using
L324[01:18:46] <Zorkk> build??
L325[01:18:49] <Kodos> Of OC
L326[01:19:09] <Zorkk> erg, um, what is it.. lol.. 1.0.10
L327[01:19:14] <Zorkk> or 1.1.10?
L328[01:19:16] <Kodos> wat
L329[01:19:26] <Kodos> Go find your mod filename
L330[01:19:27] <Kodos> and tell me that
L331[01:19:35] <Zorkk> yeah, doing that, heh
L332[01:20:09] <Zorkk> OpenComputers-MC1.6.4-
L333[01:20:13] * Kodos slaps Zorkk
L334[01:20:19] <Kodos> You're outdated
L335[01:20:25] <Kodos> Are you playing on a server or SSP
L336[01:20:26] <Zorkk> oh baby i like it rough!
L337[01:20:30] <Kodos> o.O
L338[01:20:33] * Kodos backs away slowly
L339[01:20:40] <Zorkk> on a server, i'm admin, and i'm trying to keep updated, but dammit
L340[01:20:46] <Kodos> .j
L341[01:20:49] <^v> Kodos, Build #437 for OpenComputers: http://bit.ly/1pK58qC 13 hours 17 minutes ago
L342[01:20:59] <Kodos> That's latest 1.6.4 build
L343[01:21:35] <Zorkk> I usually update my server once a month.. this was the current version 2 weeks ago or so i think eh?
L344[01:21:42] <Kodos> Maybe
L345[01:21:56] <Kodos> But 1.3 which is what that build is that I linked, is updated with new toys and features
L346[01:22:00] <Kodos> Including full custom OS support
L347[01:22:25] <Zorkk> ooooooooo
L348[01:22:36] *** AngieBLD is now known as AngieBLD|Off
L349[01:26:19] <ds84182> upppdated my dev oc
L350[01:26:38] <ds84182> alekso56, should I learn scala
L351[01:26:53] <ds84182> so my code can get scaly/unpretty
L352[01:26:58] <alekso56> not neccesary
L353[01:27:22] *** darknife25 is now known as darknife25|AFK
L354[01:27:56] <ds84182> did blocks get renamed?
L355[01:27:59] <ds84182> ohno
L356[01:29:31] <Kodos> Also Zorkk
L357[01:29:36] <Kodos> before you inevitably come back here with a crashlog
L358[01:29:36] <Zorkk> oh snap... how much ram should i have to run this tutorial kodos? and anything else id need?
L359[01:29:40] <Zorkk> HAHAH
L360[01:29:46] <Kodos> Delete your configs when you update to 1.3
L361[01:29:47] <Zorkk> "inevitably"
L362[01:29:54] <Zorkk> oooo, new configs?
L363[01:30:12] <Zorkk> i probbaly won't update to 1.3 till the ingame update tells me to update
L364[01:30:14] <Kodos> Yes, and if you have a java exception crash, let me know and I'll tell you how to fix that too
L365[01:30:17] <Zorkk> since i'm not that hip
L366[01:30:30] <Kodos> Let me show you something
L367[01:30:42] <Zorkk> okay
L368[01:31:08] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/9duRa/22651980c3.png
L369[01:31:21] <Kodos> Hologram of a village I was living in
L370[01:31:52] <Zorkk> isn't that already in the version i have? i saw the block for it! hehe
L371[01:31:58] <Kodos> Yes, but that one is only 1 color
L372[01:31:58] <Zorkk> but that is cool for sure :)
L373[01:32:05] <Kodos> 1.3 has a T2 hologram projector that does 3 colors
L374[01:32:16] <Kodos> And there is no Geolyzer block to get the village mapping
L375[01:32:22] <Kodos> in 1.2*
L376[01:32:45] <Kodos> Also, Robot Assembly for even MORE modular robot making
L377[01:32:49] <Kodos> And the Disassembler
L378[01:32:53] <Kodos> For general uncrafting
L379[01:33:21] <ds84182> I also need to play with holograms
L380[01:34:04] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L381[01:34:07] <Zorkk> hehe. okay okay, your convincing me :) but i'm such a noob, lemme get used to OC first
L382[01:34:38] <Kodos> I was a nub like you once
L383[01:34:50] <Kodos> Then I just gave myself simple goals of little things to do with a computer
L384[01:34:55] <Kodos> And learned how to do them, one step at a time
L385[01:35:41] <ds84182> Minecraft Splash: "Unflamable", 5 seconds later, NPE
L386[01:36:07] <ds84182> FUCK
L387[01:36:13] <ds84182> I DOWNLOADED THE JAVADOC
L388[01:36:21] <ds84182> AND THOUGH IT WAS DEOB
L389[01:37:04] <ds84182> I was wondering why all the blocks were missing
L390[01:37:56] <Zorkk> i like to do that too kodos.. but I find reading through other peoples code/snippits really helps me learn too :)
L391[01:38:10] <Kodos> Yup, especially when it's well-documented via comments
L392[01:38:29] <Kodos> Which I plan on doing once I write something functional enough to not just be polly parrot
L393[01:38:38] <ds84182> I swear on some random person's tits that if this is the goddamn javadoc again
L394[01:38:41] <Michiyo> wtf is a comment. :P
L395[01:38:44] <ds84182> and by tits I mean the bird
L396[01:39:03] <ds84182> MORE JAVADOC
L397[01:39:04] <ds84182> YES
L398[01:41:29] <Zorkk> well grrrr
L399[01:42:20] <Kodos> What's the issue
L400[01:42:33] <ds84182> and again, it downloaded the javadock
L401[01:42:34] <Zorkk> oh, just the case, lol.. not enuf slots on this motherboard :P
L402[01:42:36] <ds84182> *doc
L403[01:42:56] *** LordFokas is now known as LordFokas|off
L404[01:43:13] <Zorkk> might as well just goto tier 3 i guess eh?
L405[01:43:20] <Kodos> Yup
L406[01:43:26] <Zorkk> cuz i can't seem to have to tier2 cards in a tier2 case...
L407[01:43:35] <Kodos> Once my pack is stable, I'll start building a base and getting things setup for long term use
L408[01:43:37] <Zorkk> *two
L409[01:44:21] <Kodos> If Highlands spawns me in an Ocean one more time, it's gettting removed and I'm going back to vanilla worldgen
L410[01:45:14] <ds84182> finally
L411[01:45:23] <ds84182> the deobf version is downloading
L412[01:45:41] <ds84182> hopefully my computer will still be there
L413[01:47:54] <ds84182> hmm, GX tier 2 will allow 2d graphics (polygons)
L414[01:48:15] <ds84182> and 3 will allows 3d, with full on fbos and vbos
L415[01:48:33] <ds84182> shiiiiiih
L416[01:49:26] ⇦ Parts: gamax92 (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu) (Leaving))
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L418[01:52:28] ⇨ Joins: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com)
L419[01:52:28] zsh sets mode: +v on Maxwolf
L420[01:52:47] <Kodos> Maaax
L421[01:52:49] <Kodos> err
L422[01:54:29] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos_off
L423[01:55:32] <Zorkk> WHOA! t3 graphics card, the terminal window fills up my screen! is that normal?
L424[02:00:08] <Kodos> Screenshot?
L425[02:00:58] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13 (~Johannes@p4FDE925E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L426[02:03:26] <Zorkk> it's because of my GUI size kodos... i play with large gui, that makes the terminal window fairly large on my screen
L427[02:03:36] <Zorkk> tlike actual MC gui
L428[02:03:44] <Kodos> Ah
L429[02:05:37] ⇨ Joins: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@
L430[02:06:09] <ds84182> Tile rendering now works :D http://i.imgur.com/JdF7CjI.png
L431[02:06:28] <Kodos> So you're making a HUD?
L432[02:06:33] <ds84182> Kodos, no
L433[02:06:40] <ds84182> I haven't made a monitor yet
L434[02:06:44] <ds84182> so thats my way of testing
L435[02:09:02] <Kodos> Ffs
L436[02:09:04] <Kodos> THis is dumb
L437[02:09:16] <Kodos> OpenPeripherals REQUIRES CC to be installed for it to even work
L438[02:09:59] <ds84182> duh
L439[02:10:03] <Michiyo> Well.. yeah.
L440[02:10:08] <ds84182> OpenPeripherals is a CC mod
L441[02:15:56] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L442[02:16:01] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L443[02:21:01] <ping> >_>
L444[02:21:43] <Zorkk> <_<
L445[02:27:04] ⇦ Quits: Flenix (~Flenix@ (*.net *.split)
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L452[02:27:04] ⇦ Quits: Stary2001 (~Stary2001@khonsu.stary2001.co.uk) (*.net *.split)
L453[02:27:06] <^v> Oh noes! aperture split 3:
L454[02:27:49] <ds84182> ^v, I'm getting POWERFLICKERS
L455[02:27:56] <ds84182> So that might be why
L456[02:27:58] <ds84182> or something
L457[02:28:35] <ping> lolwat
L458[02:28:39] ⇨ Joins: Flenix (~Flenix@
L459[02:28:39] ⇨ Joins: manmaed (~Ender@2e408ca2.skybroadband.com)
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L466[02:28:39] *** chaos.esper.net sets mode: +vvo Cazzar tgame14 Ir7_o
L467[02:28:52] <ds84182> Oh wait
L468[02:28:54] <ds84182> that was the bot
L469[02:28:58] <ds84182> shi man
L470[02:29:25] <ping> wat
L471[02:29:30] <ping> >_>
L472[02:30:38] <Zorkk> soooooo... the "cable" block, is that for just connect OC blocks together? will it supply power and network connectivity?
L473[02:31:04] ⇦ Quits: justastranger (justastran@thinks.men.can-be.sexy) (Quit: fBNC - http://bnc4free.com/)
L474[02:31:28] <ds84182> Zorkk, I think so
L475[02:31:49] ⇦ Quits: Calclavia (sid15812@id-15812.charlton.irccloud.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L476[02:32:08] <Zorkk> cool, i guess i'll test it out to make sure :)
L477[02:32:35] ⇨ Joins: Calclavia (sid15812@id-15812.charlton.irccloud.com)
L478[02:32:35] zsh sets mode: +v on Calclavia
L479[02:34:15] <ping> Zorkk, yes
L480[02:34:17] <ping> it does
L481[02:34:23] <ping> power and network
L482[02:34:33] <ping> every component also acts like a cable too
L483[02:35:54] <Zorkk> yeah, i noticed every component does, wasn't sure about cable, I coudln't find it on the github site
L484[02:35:58] <Zorkk> tyty
L485[02:36:24] <Zorkk> btw, why are keyboards so annoying? all the button groups, etc. need 4 patterns in my MAC to make a bloody keyboard!
L486[02:36:49] <Zorkk> 5 if you include the patternt to make the vanilla button no less!
L487[02:37:01] ⇨ Joins: justastranger (justastran@b1f-005.static.bnc4free.com)
L488[02:37:17] <Kodos> This ain't yo mamas'
L489[02:37:20] <Kodos> computer mod
L490[02:39:13] <Zorkk> lmao
L491[02:39:26] <gamax92> Its gregtech
L492[02:39:26] <ping> keyboards are a pain in the ass IRL to make too
L493[02:39:31] <Zorkk> it just seems disproportionate...
L494[02:39:31] <ping> so many seperate keys
L495[02:39:37] <Zorkk> i guess :)
L496[02:39:55] <Zorkk> thank goodness i have AE to craft it for me! if i hadda do it by hand, oh my. lol
L497[02:40:19] <ping> its easy to do by hand >_>
L498[02:42:33] <Zorkk> awww.. the diskdrive can't be colored!
L499[02:43:29] <Kodos> Waaat
L500[02:44:56] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@ (Quit: Leaving)
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L503[02:53:39] <ds84182> dnsfudge
L504[02:53:40] <ds84182> brb
L505[02:53:52] <ping>
L506[02:54:11] <ping> er
L507[02:54:14] <ping>
L508[02:54:23] <ds84182> ping, I can't because Azilink is a little shit
L509[02:56:04] <ping> wat
L510[02:57:13] <ping> ds84182, are you using a computer?
L511[02:57:17] <ds84182> yes
L512[02:57:24] <ds84182> but I have to tether from my tablet
L513[02:57:24] <ping> you can set your dns
L514[02:57:33] <ds84182> ping, faking tellme bit
L515[02:57:43] <ping> dns isnt forced by the router
L516[02:58:09] <ping> ds84182, "how to change dns server in windows"
L517[02:58:11] <ping> oh, lol
L518[02:58:14] <ping> yeah 1 sec
L519[02:58:18] <ds84182> facepalm
L520[02:58:31] <progwml6|L> no such thing as windows only winderps :P
L521[02:58:31] <ds84182> the probelm is I can't use the network manager to fix it
L522[02:58:42] ⇨ Joins: Alex_hawks (~Alex_hawk@CPE-124-182-131-64.lns5.pie.bigpond.net.au)
L523[02:58:42] zsh sets mode: +v on Alex_hawks
L524[02:58:49] <dmod_> hey prog
L525[02:58:52] <dmod_> hey alex
L526[02:59:01] <gamax92> hey dmod_
L527[02:59:06] <ds84182> 1 sec trying something
L528[02:59:27] <dmod_> o/
L529[02:59:36] <ping> dmod_, your bot is shadow_team?
L530[02:59:41] <dmod_> yes
L531[02:59:44] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L532[02:59:47] <ping> yeah please dont bring it back
L533[02:59:49] <dmod_> already talking to kenny about it
L534[02:59:52] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L535[02:59:53] <ping> k
L536[02:59:54] <Zorkk> soooo... the github tutorial pages it talks about the programs that come with the mod, but the link just returns to the homepage...
L537[03:00:02] <Zorkk> what programs is it talking about?
L538[03:00:28] <ds84182> fixd I think
L539[03:00:31] <ping> ds84182, Network connections > right click one you are using > properties
L540[03:00:37] <Kodos> ping, link me openprg
L541[03:00:41] <Kodos> I know your bot can do it
L542[03:00:51] <ds84182> ping, huehue
L543[03:00:53] <ping> .openp
L544[03:00:53] <^v> ping, openprograms.github.io https://github.com/OpenPrograms/
L545[03:00:59] <ds84182> Network COnnections no wurk
L546[03:01:01] <Kodos> That one, Zorkk
L547[03:01:06] <ping> ds84182, how the fuck
L548[03:01:13] <ds84182> ping, vpn tun0 bit
L549[03:01:22] <Zorkk> ahhhhhhhhhhh, cool
L550[03:01:32] <ds84182> I changed it in Azilink's resolv.conf
L551[03:01:56] <ping> netsh interface ip set dns name="Local Area Connection" source=static addr=none
L552[03:01:56] <ping> netsh interface ip add dns name="Local Area Connection" addr= index=1
L553[03:01:56] <ping> netsh interface ip add dns name="Local Area Connection" addr= index=2
L554[03:01:56] <ping> netsh interface ip set dns name="Local Area Connection" source=dhcp
L555[03:02:20] <ping> where local area connection is interface name or whatever
L556[03:02:52] <ds84182> ping, but those would point to my ip, where I'm running resolv
L557[03:03:16] <ping> dns ofc would point to your ip
L558[03:03:27] <ping> by default your router handles dns requests
L559[03:03:47] <ds84182> ping, as in localhost... duuuuuh
L560[03:03:57] <ping> <_> i have no fking idea >_>
L561[03:04:00] <ds84182> but resolv.conf pointed the nameserver to the router
L562[03:04:07] <ds84182> so I don't need to do any netsh
L563[03:04:12] <ping> ok
L564[03:04:30] <ping> xorg: 1.7 GB
L565[03:04:32] <ping> facu
L566[03:04:35] <ping> now i gotta restart
L567[03:04:44] <ping> ubuntu cant fix its shit
L568[03:05:25] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~ping@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L569[03:05:46] ⇦ Quits: ping (~^v@2601:4:4500:887:cd93:2993:3778:289) (Remote host closed the connection)
L570[03:06:21] ⇨ Joins: Csstform (Csstform@herp---------------------derp---------------------trains.tk)
L571[03:07:57] <Kodos> http://pastebin.com/f0s1JNK4
L572[03:09:09] ⇨ Joins: v^ (~^v@2601:4:4500:887:74ce:d6c7:84c8:c632)
L573[03:09:09] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
L574[03:09:10] <gamax92> kodos ... stop being stupid
L575[03:09:19] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~ping@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L576[03:09:21] <v^> >_>
L577[03:09:29] <gamax92> that mod is designed specifically for ComputerCraft
L578[03:09:38] <Kodos> Then they're idiots
L579[03:09:42] <gamax92> no, you are an idiot
L580[03:10:06] <v^> openperipheral requires computercraft <_>
L581[03:10:44] <gamax92> it would be quite useless without CC
L582[03:10:51] <v^> its like saying immibis's shit doesnt work because he added CC as a dependancy
L583[03:11:16] <Kodos> Immibis' actually implements iPeripheral or whatever
L584[03:11:20] <Kodos> Apparently OpenMods doesn't
L585[03:11:24] <Kodos> OpenP, whatever
L586[03:11:39] <v^> i dont like openmods >_>
L587[03:11:48] <v^> the openp part is soo broken
L588[03:11:56] <v^> openperipherals worked fine
L589[03:12:03] <gamax92> "This is an add-on for ComputerCraft which can convert many blocks from all different mods into ComputerCraft peripherals."
L590[03:12:04] <v^> openmods broke all the functions
L591[03:14:11] <gamax92> Kodos: OpenComputers should make Forge optional so you can use it on ModLoader
L592[03:14:32] <gamax92> Forge should make Minecraft optional so you can use it on other minecraft clones.
L593[03:14:52] <v^> notch already made minecraft optional
L594[03:15:13] <Kodos> Someone PM me when I can come back without you guys being assholes
L595[03:15:14] ⇦ Parts: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:8cd2:fdb7:a76:a8dd) (Leaving))
L596[03:15:55] <v^> rage
L597[03:15:57] <gamax92> ikr
L598[03:16:27] <gamax92> It makes no sense to have openPERIPHERALS work for OC
L599[03:16:31] <v^> gamax92, so i made http://imgur.com/5eZMlIz
L600[03:16:40] <v^> but you already saw it
L601[03:16:50] <gamax92> v^: i haven't seen that
L602[03:16:54] <v^> >_>
L603[03:16:58] <v^> i was spamming it in bluepower
L604[03:17:12] <gamax92> did they accept it
L605[03:17:21] <v^> i guess people dont trust my pngs after http://puu.sh/9x8me.png
L606[03:17:33] <v^> gamax92, half of them were like "i dunno"
L607[03:17:36] <gamax92> I've blocked puu.sh in my hosts file
L608[03:17:43] <v^> they dont exactly have a place to put it
L609[03:17:55] <v^> gamax92, cant dropbox
L610[03:17:57] <v^> >_>
L611[03:18:06] <gamax92> I can dropbox just fine
L612[03:19:41] ⇦ Quits: Csstform (Csstform@herp---------------------derp---------------------trains.tk) (Quit: ZNC - http://bouncer.ml)
L613[03:20:20] <Kenny> and why does it make NO SENSE?
L614[03:20:42] <ds84182> v^, THAT IS NOT A FUCKING PNG
L615[03:20:49] <Kenny> basically OC already has OpenPeripherals if you stop and think
L616[03:21:08] <gamax92> exactly, why do we want another one to not do its job, just to do OpenComputers things
L617[03:21:23] <v^> .j components
L618[03:21:25] <^v> v^, Build #44 for OpenComponents: http://bit.ly/1nQrFz8 2 days 10 hours 31 minutes ago
L619[03:21:27] <v^> <_>
L620[03:21:32] <ds84182> v^, at first I was like "whats with all the mp4 compression"
L621[03:21:35] ⇦ Quits: ironmountain (~Caleb@c-67-190-228-157.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L622[03:21:37] <Kenny> gamax92, can you tgell me how we have OpenPeripherals with OC already?
L623[03:21:38] <ds84182> and then it moved
L624[03:21:44] <gamax92> OpenComponents?
L625[03:21:57] <Kenny> right
L626[03:22:14] <ds84182> shit that was loud thou
L627[03:22:27] <gamax92> ds84182: this is why puu.sh is blocked on all three of my computers.
L628[03:22:31] <v^> how to crash firefox: http://pt.ptoast.tk/9x8me.png
L629[03:22:44] <v^> or wait
L630[03:22:47] <v^> just fail
L631[03:22:50] <v^> forgot mime type
L632[03:23:21] <ds84182> na
L633[03:23:22] <gamax92> have now blocked flash in general
L634[03:23:25] <ds84182> not gonna click
L635[03:23:26] <finkmac> gimme crash link nao plz
L636[03:23:31] <finkmac> plz hlpe me
L637[03:23:41] <v^> there
L638[03:23:47] <v^> http://pt.ptoast.tk/9x8me.png should work now
L639[03:23:59] <v^> oh and btw, i am so lazy
L640[03:24:04] <v^> 9x8me.png is a folder
L641[03:24:10] <v^> and in that folder i have index.swf
L642[03:24:13] ⇦ Quits: Alex_hawks (~Alex_hawk@CPE-124-182-131-64.lns5.pie.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L643[03:24:30] <v^> also, dont click that link if you like your ears
L644[03:24:47] <v^> ds84182, you could also noscript
L645[03:25:02] <v^> else i could put that flash in opencoins
L646[03:25:29] <ds84182> v^, I would kill you
L647[03:25:35] <ds84182> instantly
L648[03:25:52] <v^> with wot m8
L649[03:26:01] <v^> come at me with a knife and i come back with a gun
L650[03:26:02] <ds84182> lemme tell you in #ocbots
L651[03:26:07] <v^> k
L652[03:26:12] ⇨ Joins: Csstform|Away (Csstform@herp---------------------derp---------------------trains.tk)
L653[03:26:12] ⇨ Joins: Death|Away (Death@lua.bouncer.ml)
L654[03:26:24] <gamax92> there, I've blocked flash on every site not youtube.
L655[03:26:33] <gamax92> now I should never get hindered by v^
L656[03:26:53] *** Death|Away is now known as Death
L657[03:29:06] <v^> gamax92, http://pt.ptoast.tk/opencoins
L658[03:29:08] <gamax92> brb
L659[03:29:42] <gamax92> v^: embedded youtube is set to not autoplay
L660[03:30:12] <v^> ?autoplay=1
L661[03:30:12] <JoshTheEnder> I'm sorry, I couldn't find the help topic you requested :(
L662[03:30:15] <v^> autoplays for me
L663[03:30:50] <v^> also, opencoins will still serve content
L664[03:30:58] <v^> the redirect is optional :v
L665[03:31:37] <gamax92> v^: i have autoplay on embedded videos set to not play
L666[03:31:53] <gamax92> so, it doesn't matter if you have autoplay=1
L667[03:31:56] <gamax92> it won't play
L668[03:32:02] <v^> well fuck you
L669[03:32:03] <v^> :<
L670[03:35:18] <ds84182> yay, I can move maps
L671[03:35:44] <ds84182> I got another idea! background color!
L672[03:35:53] <ds84182> time to add gpu vars
L673[03:35:58] <ds84182> &gx
L674[03:35:59] <ds84182> *gx
L675[03:37:37] <ds84182> ohgwad
L676[03:37:53] <ds84182> I'm testing a simple animation, and it's SOOOOOO SLOOOOOW
L677[03:46:07] <ds84182> Do component calls have their own built in wait?
L678[03:46:10] <gamax92> yes
L679[03:46:32] <ds84182> ugh
L680[03:46:34] <ds84182> how disable
L681[03:46:43] <gamax92> Sangar: how disable
L682[03:47:57] <ds84182> Yeah, because when doing calls to gxt1.write*(), it kinda makes the speed suck
L683[03:49:30] <ds84182> In CC, CCLights2 was able to do 20fps animations
L684[03:49:38] <ds84182> I want OpenGX to be able to do the same
L685[03:50:26] <ds84182> I want the speed of print in a tight loop
L686[03:50:43] <ds84182> .w component
L687[03:50:43] <^v> ds84182, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/components
L688[03:52:11] ⇨ Joins: CamaroMan (~Pontiac@
L689[03:53:11] ⇦ Quits: Pontiac (~Pontiac@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L692[03:54:38] ⇦ Quits: finkmac (~finkmac@ (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L693[04:00:16] <v^> ds84182, http://i.imgur.com/dgfKPUB.jpg
L694[04:00:55] ⇨ Joins: CamaroMan (~Pontiac@
L695[04:01:36] <ds84182> I fixed it
L696[04:01:37] <ds84182> :D
L697[04:01:37] <ds84182> now I get awesome speeds
L698[04:01:48] <Michiyo> ds84182, how...?
L699[04:02:05] <ds84182> @Callback(direct=true) for EVERYTHING
L700[04:02:14] <v^> Michiyo, he upgraded to a clap processor
L701[04:02:34] <Michiyo> Ahh, didn't know that would do that too...
L702[04:03:02] <ds84182> The speed is fabulous
L703[04:03:02] ⇦ Quits: Pontiac (~Pontiac@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L704[04:03:30] <Michiyo> OpenLights will now benefit from that too :p
L705[04:03:50] <gamax92> ds84182: ooh, thanks
L706[04:04:00] <v^> ds84182, how fabulous?
L707[04:06:07] <Michiyo> and new builds of OpenLights... lol
L708[04:10:39] <ds84182> 30fps fabulous
L709[04:12:19] <ds84182> The thing I really like is that I don't need a shitton of tile entities just to have multiple tiers
L710[04:12:30] * ds84182 hugs his IGX Interface
L711[04:15:00] <CamaroMan> YAY!! I have a D-Link 8 port GB Switch on the fritz.
L712[04:20:14] <ds84182> How many sprites should GX Tier 1 handle
L713[04:20:18] <ds84182> I was thinking about 32
L714[04:21:17] <gamax92> ds84182: wait ... 30fps?
L715[04:21:23] <ds84182> gamax92, yes
L716[04:21:25] <ds84182> 30fps
L717[04:21:35] <gamax92> not 20 because ticks?
L718[04:21:40] <ds84182> Yep!
L719[04:21:47] <gamax92> :<
L720[04:21:56] <ds84182> gamax92, it's configurable
L721[04:21:57] <ds84182> duh
L722[04:22:42] <ds84182> I'm thinking about going to sleep
L723[04:22:46] <ds84182> I think I should
L724[04:26:02] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L725[04:39:21] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L726[04:43:37] *** CamaroMan is now known as Pontiac
L727[04:44:08] ⇨ Joins: enneract (~Alex@c-69-137-188-70.hsd1.az.comcast.net)
L728[04:44:38] <enneract> Is there a way to monitor the status of an IC2 nuke with OC/
L729[04:45:18] <v^> dont think so
L730[04:45:37] ⇦ Parts: enneract (~Alex@c-69-137-188-70.hsd1.az.comcast.net) ())
L731[04:45:47] <Kenny> try OpenComponents and the adapter block
L732[04:45:59] <Michiyo> to late.
L733[04:47:54] <Michiyo> http://puu.sh/9A41M/0001664135.png hmmm not sure if like...
L734[04:48:33] <v^> hey valve
L735[04:48:38] <v^> you know what i would like?
L736[04:48:44] <v^> more hats in tf2
L737[04:48:54] <v^> also more useless weapons
L738[04:49:10] <v^> and crates that dont contain anything useful
L739[05:05:43] ⇦ Quits: Zorkk (~Zorkk@S0106001d60d3cd23.cg.shawcable.net) ()
L740[05:31:19] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C8125.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L741[06:03:05] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~negi@ (Quit: "L'homme n'est pas fait pour travailler, la preuve, cela le fatigue" --Voltaire)
L742[06:07:55] ⇨ Joins: skilz (skilz@pa175-39-133-2.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au)
L743[06:08:18] <skilz> Is it possible to run minecraft in minecraft on oc?
L744[06:08:28] <skilz> and keep repeting the process?
L745[06:08:45] <skilz> Host a mc server in-game on oc
L746[06:09:30] <Vexatos> Well, I guess you could try and make Java for Lua systems just like there is Lua for Java, and if you are able to run Minecraft with 512KB of RAM, that would work :3
L747[06:10:27] <Kenny> Vexatos, as a matter of fact, way back, someone did it for CC
L748[06:13:35] *** tgame14 is now known as tgame14|away
L749[06:13:41] <v^> exept was just minecraft <_<
L750[06:13:44] <v^> no computers
L751[06:14:33] <skilz> vanilla?
L752[06:15:04] <v^> wasnt the real MC
L753[06:15:46] <v^> or wait, unless you mean ds's JVM
L754[06:16:02] <v^> you would have to implement all the C libraries
L755[06:16:06] <v^> which would be a pain
L756[06:26:00] ⇦ Quits: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L757[06:35:08] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:9c18:f192:221f:7512)
L758[06:35:14] <Kodos> Okay, who's doing it
L759[06:45:22] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L760[06:45:31] *** tgame14|away is now known as tgame14
L761[06:46:27] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C8125.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Greetings from Pastry Fork, Inc. ✔)
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L764[08:24:18] *** Death is now known as Death|Away
L765[09:07:46] <JoshTheEnder> /o/
L766[09:07:49] <JoshTheEnder> \o\
L767[09:07:51] <JoshTheEnder> \o/
L768[09:07:53] <JoshTheEnder> o//
L769[09:07:57] <JoshTheEnder> \\oo
L770[09:08:03] <JoshTheEnder> s/oo/o
L771[09:08:03] <SuperBot> <JoshTheEnder> \\o
L772[09:08:04] <Kodos> A wild second head appeared!
L773[09:08:13] <JoshTheEnder> it's gone now :P
L774[09:08:23] <JoshTheEnder> \\
L775[09:08:24] <JoshTheEnder> /
L776[09:08:28] <JoshTheEnder> ¬¬
L777[09:08:34] <JoshTheEnder> /
L778[09:08:36] <JoshTheEnder> ok then
L779[09:08:38] <JoshTheEnder> //
L780[09:09:40] <Kodos> Christ, I can't even play on ArcanaCraft anymore
L781[09:14:10] ⇨ Joins: Lumien (~lumien@p4FED46C9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L782[09:17:48] ⇨ Joins: ShadowKatStudios (~sks@c211-31-42-102.rochd5.qld.optusnet.com.au)
L783[09:19:18] <JoshTheEnder> o// ShadowKatStudios
L784[09:19:29] <ShadowKatStudios> o/
L785[09:20:48] <Kilobyte> Sangar: you around?
L786[09:21:08] <JoshTheEnder> No
L787[09:21:11] <JoshTheEnder> I ate him..
L788[09:21:49] <Kilobyte> in fact, maybe someone else knows as well, how to best port changed to the master branch over to the MC1.7 branch
L789[09:22:14] <Kilobyte> just do them manually on both branches?
L790[09:27:20] <JoshTheEnder> uh, generally if its not something mod-code wise Sangar usually PR's it over himself
L791[09:28:52] <Kilobyte> well, it is mod code :P
L792[09:29:02] <Kilobyte> but, it should be a simple copy/paste thing
L793[09:29:23] <Kilobyte> that part of code should be 99-100% same on 1.7 and 1.6
L794[09:32:09] <Kilobyte> does the robot assembler need energy?
L795[09:32:36] <JoshTheEnder> yeas
L796[09:32:43] <JoshTheEnder> s/yeas/yes
L797[09:32:43] <SuperBot> <JoshTheEnder> yes
L798[09:33:02] <Kilobyte> even if no power provider mod is installed?
L799[09:33:12] <JoshTheEnder> that i dont know
L800[09:33:13] <Kilobyte> because, it doesn't work in my dev env
L801[09:55:15] <Kilobyte> JoshTheEnder: disabling energy requirement fixed it
L802[09:55:28] <JoshTheEnder> ok
L803[09:55:34] <Kilobyte> also changed robot assembly speed to 9001 for the lulz
L804[09:55:51] <JoshTheEnder> lol
L805[09:56:04] <JoshTheEnder> also hello ShadowKatStudios, how are you?
L806[09:56:27] <ShadowKatStudios> Uh, tired.
L807[10:07:44] <tgame14> test
L808[10:07:52] <Kilobyte> how to insert a monitor into a robot?
L809[10:07:53] <JoshTheEnder> test complete
L810[10:08:23] <Kilobyte> oh, it only supports basic monitors?
L811[10:08:25] <Kilobyte> too bad
L812[10:25:22] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L813[10:28:48] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13 (~Johannes@p4FDEA8CD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L814[10:28:49] <Kilobyte> openos' shell really needs tab completion
L815[10:30:58] <ds84182> Kilobyte, ikr
L816[10:31:18] <ds84182> Kilobyte, why don't you add it?
L817[10:31:32] <Kilobyte> i might later
L818[10:40:59] <Kodos> I totes just remembered you can edit a sign on an adapter block
L819[10:41:49] <ds84182> Kodos, scrolling signs?
L820[10:42:04] <Kodos> I made one that sings the lyrics to 'This is the song that doesn't end"
L821[10:42:16] <Kodos> It was easier to loop :x
L822[10:42:44] <Kilobyte> Kodos: lolo
L823[10:42:47] <Kilobyte> that sounds fun
L824[10:43:04] <Kodos> I just thought that since Robots get a sign upgrade, surely you could use a computer to do it
L825[10:43:06] <Kodos> And sure enough
L826[10:44:07] <Kilobyte> i have to admit, OC is more complex than CC, but... that kinda adds the fun to it
L827[10:44:17] <Kilobyte> many things you can do with OC are damn hard with CC
L828[10:44:37] <JoshTheEnder> tonight, i am going to make my blood-to-acohol ratio is like 2:3 or something like that \o/
L829[10:45:08] * Kilobyte preorders the ambulance
L830[10:47:54] <Kilobyte> meanwhile i am trying to teach my nginx how to handle haml files
L831[10:50:38] ⇨ Joins: Daiyousei (~nick1@
L832[10:53:41] *** vifino|off is now known as vifino
L833[10:59:55] <ds84182> Testing mass map plot fifo commands in OpenGX
L834[10:59:57] <ds84182> !
L835[11:00:05] *** DeanAway is now known as Dean4Devil
L836[11:00:10] <Dean4Devil> o/
L837[11:00:17] <JoshTheEnder> \\o
L838[11:00:31] <Dean4Devil> Since when do you have 2 arms? :O
L839[11:00:41] <Dean4Devil> s/2/4/g
L840[11:00:41] <SuperBot> <Dean4Devil> Since when do you have 4 arms? :O
L841[11:01:10] <JoshTheEnder> i've always had 4 arms, generally i'm using one pair so i only have the other pair free to wave with
L842[11:01:56] <Dean4Devil> oh, ok
L843[11:03:30] <Dean4Devil> Can I say I'm a little bit happy I have yet not met you in RL or would you be offended by that? :P
L844[11:03:48] <JoshTheEnder> eh, i'm not bothered either way
L845[11:05:00] <Dean4Devil> bc I'm not a huge fan of things with 6 limbs .P
L846[11:05:23] <JoshTheEnder> i dont have 6 limbs
L847[11:05:28] <ds84182> *8
L848[11:05:36] <JoshTheEnder> i have 8+
L849[11:05:36] <Dean4Devil> sooo, you have no legs?
L850[11:05:40] <ds84182> (spiders these days)
L851[11:05:48] <Dean4Devil> ohmygod
L852[11:05:54] <Dean4Devil> even worse ;O
L853[11:05:57] <JoshTheEnder> \\o//
L854[11:06:25] <Dean4Devil> / \\ ?
L855[11:06:28] <Dean4Devil> what?
L856[11:06:37] <Dean4Devil> why is one / missing?
L857[11:06:44] <Dean4Devil> oh
L858[11:06:49] <Dean4Devil> nvm, im stupid
L859[11:06:51] <JoshTheEnder> your client may auto-escape it
L860[11:31:11] *** ds84182 is now known as ds^OpenGX
L861[11:32:57] *** Kodos is now known as Kodos|Zzz
L862[11:39:07] <JoshTheEnder> ds^OpenGX, what's OpenGX?
L863[11:39:34] <ds^OpenGX> only the BEST FRIGGEN GRAPHICS MOD EVER
L864[11:39:40] <ds^OpenGX> For OC
L865[11:44:29] *** vifino is now known as vifino|game
L866[11:45:23] ⇦ Quits: Dean4Devil (~AI_Cat@p54963D7B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L867[11:46:49] *** vifino|game is now known as vifino|tf2
L868[11:51:55] <Kilobyte> ds^OpenGX: linkz pls
L869[11:52:17] <ds^OpenGX> Kilobyte, I hazn't released yet
L870[11:52:23] <Kilobyte> screenshots?
L871[11:52:26] <ds^OpenGX> It's VERY far from release
L872[11:52:31] <ds^OpenGX> Kilobyte, 1sec
L873[11:55:45] <ds^OpenGX> http://imgur.com/a/VCEFq
L874[11:56:05] <ds^OpenGX> maybe I should put the images in order
L875[11:56:41] <Kilobyte> neat
L876[11:57:06] <ds^OpenGX> Kilobyte, you wanna see the code for gxt1_test1?
L877[11:57:18] <Kilobyte> sure, why not
L878[11:57:25] <ds^OpenGX> Prepare your eyes
L879[11:57:46] <ds^OpenGX> http://pastebin.com/PG6mWkq8
L880[11:58:34] <Kilobyte> i have seen worse
L881[11:59:23] <ds^OpenGX> I just need to add sprites, then the Tier 1 GX will be finished
L882[12:00:00] <Kenny> ds^OpenGX: 1/20 = .05
L883[12:00:37] <ds^OpenGX> weeps
L884[12:01:02] <Kenny> bad habit when it comes to math hehe
L885[12:02:25] <ds^OpenGX> I need to find some checklist program
L887[12:02:44] <ds^OpenGX> It's really annoying
L888[12:05:22] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L889[12:27:02] ⇦ Quits: ShadowKatStudios (~sks@c211-31-42-102.rochd5.qld.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L890[12:34:05] <skilz> Is there a command to set spawn point?
L891[12:34:38] <JoshTheEnder> computer.setSpawn( x, y, z )
L892[12:35:37] <skilz> What about just in the game via /
L893[12:36:13] <JoshTheEnder> idk, have you tried googleing it?
L894[12:37:18] <skilz> Yep
L895[12:37:31] <Kilobyte> skilz: /setspawnpoint
L896[12:37:41] <Kilobyte> sets your respawn to current coords
L897[12:37:56] <Kilobyte> for world spawn try mcedit
L898[12:37:57] <JoshTheEnder> i just googled it and the 2nd result was http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Commands
L899[12:38:01] <Kilobyte> (warning, backup)
L900[12:38:07] <skilz> So if I do computer.setSpawn( x, y, z ) on the OC it will set the game spawn point for when users join?
L901[12:38:14] <skilz> Kibibyte Unknown COmmand
L902[12:38:31] <Kilobyte> skilz: that would set your personal spawnpoint anyways
L903[12:38:45] <Kilobyte> iirc
L904[12:39:03] <JoshTheEnder> skilz, look at the link i sent
L905[12:39:19] <Kilobyte> /setworldspawn
L906[12:39:25] <Kilobyte> and /setworldspawn x y z
L907[12:40:08] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~negi@
L908[12:44:36] <skilz> I want to set everyones spawn
L909[12:45:29] <Kilobyte> again, /setworldspawn
L910[12:50:00] <skilz> Doesnt work
L911[12:50:22] <skilz> Do I need to enable something in server config file?
L912[12:50:35] <Kilobyte> might be that its a 1.7 feature
L913[13:06:46] <Kilobyte> umm... the irc program doesn't handle messages according to RFC from what i see
L914[13:07:38] <Kilobyte> like, according to RFC "PRIVMSG #abc hello" and "PRIVMSG #abc :hello" are equivalent
L915[13:08:09] <Kilobyte> you only have to use : if the last argument contains spaces, starts with : or is an empty string
L916[13:11:52] <Kilobyte> JoshTheEnder: do i have to call flush() for files?
L917[13:12:01] <JoshTheEnder> idk
L918[13:12:04] <JoshTheEnder> i think you do
L919[13:12:10] <Kilobyte> good
L920[13:12:58] <Kilobyte> i should port my config parser to lua later
L921[13:18:03] <Sangar> good afternoon
L922[13:19:59] ⇨ Joins: yolo (webchat@83.220-201-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be)
L923[13:20:13] ⇨ Joins: bendem (~bendem@83.220-201-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be)
L924[13:22:21] <bendem> o/
L925[13:23:24] ⇦ Quits: yolo (webchat@83.220-201-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L926[13:24:36] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E457B8098BBB77F83FDD59F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L927[13:36:47] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
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L929[13:43:57] <Kilobyte> Sangar: btw, as you may have seen i pr'ed the disk thingy
L930[13:44:36] <Sangar> Kilobyte, seen it, looking good! making some minor tweaks now :)
L931[13:44:41] <Kilobyte> Vexatos: you made the package manager thingy that can be found as loot disk, right?
L932[13:44:48] <Vexatos> Yep
L933[13:45:07] <Kilobyte> mind adding support for pacman style command line options?
L934[13:45:43] <Kilobyte> if you want i could actually try myself
L935[13:45:44] <Vexatos> I have no idea what pacman is
L936[13:45:46] <Vexatos> :3
L937[13:45:54] <Vexatos> Also: One system is enough
L938[13:45:57] <Kilobyte> arch linux' package manager
L939[13:45:59] <Sangar> oh, how about making oppm an api and have several 'frontends' for it to?
L940[13:46:04] <Kilobyte> https://www.archlinux.org/pacman/pacman.8.html
L941[13:46:09] <Vexatos> What do you mean, Sangar?
L942[13:46:09] <Kilobyte> that would work
L943[13:46:41] <Sangar> Vexatos, the internals become a library, cli programs can use it to install/uninstall stuff with differing command syntax
L944[13:46:46] <Kilobyte> Vexatos: also, mind giving me a few pointers on internals?
L945[13:46:56] <Kenny> Kilo, i swear, I thoought you were talking about the old game lol
L946[13:47:15] <Vexatos> Why should I make it an API?
L947[13:47:23] <Kilobyte> Kenny: lolo, yeah, happens if you don't know pacman
L948[13:47:24] <xlg47> i was hoping he was, but that link was disappointing
L949[13:47:25] <Vexatos> It does what it is supposed to do: Let you download packages
L950[13:48:05] <Kilobyte> does it keep a local copy of the package list?
L951[13:48:14] <Vexatos> Currently not
L952[13:48:19] <Vexatos> But It is on the to-do list
L953[13:48:32] <Kilobyte> because, that would make system upgrades easier
L954[13:48:46] <Vexatos> System upgrades?
L955[13:48:50] <Vexatos> Whatareyoutalkingabout
L956[13:49:03] <Kilobyte> aka "-Syu" in pacman syntax, "update && upgrade" in apt syntax
L957[13:49:14] <Vexatos> It would be update and upgrade then
L958[13:49:20] <Vexatos> Once I get around to change it
L959[13:49:48] <Vexatos> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Vexatos-Programs/issues/5
L960[13:49:52] <Kilobyte> if you had an api it would be oppm.updateCache() oppm.upgradeAllPackages() or something
L961[13:50:22] <Vexatos> So, I should sepereate OPPM into an API and an executable?
L962[13:50:34] <Kilobyte> thats what sangar suggested
L963[13:50:35] <Vexatos> So other programs can access the package system as well
L964[13:50:37] <Kilobyte> and i agree
L965[13:50:40] <Vexatos> Hmmm
L966[13:50:47] <Vexatos> That wouldn't be that hard
L967[13:50:53] <Vexatos> just remove a couple of "local"s
L968[13:51:02] <Vexatos> And add the usual API-type syntax stuff
L969[13:51:07] <Kilobyte> heh
L970[13:51:34] <Vexatos> Maybe the function names should be a little more descriptive then as well...
L971[13:51:45] <Kilobyte> yeah
L972[13:51:50] <Vexatos> Sanagr, Kilobyte: Mind opening an issue on github for that?
L973[13:51:56] <Vexatos> So I don't forget
L974[13:52:16] <Kilobyte> on OC repo?
L975[13:52:29] <Kilobyte> or is there another repo for it
L976[13:52:49] <Vexatos> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Vexatos-Programs/issues
L977[13:52:53] <Vexatos> ^ Main repo
L978[13:53:04] <Sangar> Kilobyte, been playing with the change for a bit now, and it's kinda ... weird i must say. wouldn't it be more... consistent with the rest of minecraft to always have the gui open on a normal right click and insert/eject disks on sneak right-click?
L979[13:53:47] <Sangar> at least that feels more natural to me
L980[13:53:48] <Sangar> :P
L981[13:54:08] <Kilobyte> Sangar: hmm... good question, now that i think of it... it might be
L982[13:54:14] <Kilobyte> i'm not sure tbh
L983[13:54:27] <Sangar> i'll switch it around and test a bit, see how it feels
L984[13:55:02] <Kenny> it's just a program, how can it feel? hehe
L985[13:56:00] <Kenny> yeah, Sangar, I just had to get my silly remark ikn there lol
L986[13:56:00] <JoshTheEnder> but Kenny, programs are sentient
L987[13:56:16] <Sangar> :>
L988[13:59:01] <Kenny> time for some speed......
L989[13:59:14] <Kenny> Need For Spped that is hehe
L990[13:59:18] *** Kenny is now known as Kenny|PlayingNFS
L991[14:01:17] <Kilobyte> Vexatos: there, issue created, and even included an api suggestion
L992[14:01:51] <Kilobyte> actually i must have failed at one point
L993[14:02:08] <Sangar> Kilobyte, hmm, i think i like it better this way around. i'll up it then you can tell me how wrong i am :P
L994[14:02:25] <Vexatos> Uhm
L995[14:02:26] <Vexatos> "version number "?
L996[14:02:29] <Vexatos> There is no such thing
L997[14:02:38] <Vexatos> And there is most likely not going to be such a thing
L998[14:02:59] <Kilobyte> mind explaining how it does versioning then?
L999[14:03:24] <Kilobyte> because, when updating a package it needs to know if it was actually updated
L1000[14:04:06] <Kilobyte> Vexatos: ^
L1001[14:04:09] <Vexatos> Well, it simply deletes all the files associated with that package (i.e. all the files it previously downloaded) and re-downloads the package
L1002[14:04:34] <Kilobyte> that might work okish with a single package, but if you have many that gets inefficient
L1003[14:04:49] <Vexatos> Why
L1004[14:05:17] <Kilobyte> because many unneeded downloads when performing a system upgrade (aka update all packages in one go)
L1005[14:05:34] <Vexatos> It does
L1006[14:05:50] <Kilobyte> ?
L1007[14:05:57] <Vexatos> The thing is
L1008[14:06:10] <Vexatos> Who cares about efficiency? It is still extremely fast
L1009[14:06:53] <Kilobyte> i mean, you should at least offer that feature
L1010[14:07:11] <Vexatos> Version numbers? I really don't think it is necessary
L1011[14:07:26] <Kilobyte> imo it would make it cleaner
L1012[14:07:35] <Vexatos> I see no point in that
L1013[14:07:43] <Vexatos> Yes, it might be faster
L1014[14:07:54] <Vexatos> But, well, so what?
L1015[14:07:59] <Sangar> Vexatos, it would also allow notifying people of new versions.
L1016[14:08:09] <Vexatos> Bah, no. No.
L1017[14:08:11] <Sangar> this way the have to blindly update, not knowing if something changed
L1018[14:08:12] <Sangar> :P
L1019[14:08:30] <Kilobyte> in fact, you could include a changelog maybe
L1020[14:08:40] <Vexatos> "Hey! Listen! You can update package A, B, C and ALL THE OTHERS"
L1021[14:08:42] <Vexatos> Nope.
L1022[14:09:14] <Sangar> "Hey! Listen! Your system is all fucked up now, but I'm not telling you WHY" ;)
L1023[14:09:28] <Vexatos> Kilobyte: Don't you think you go pretty crazy right now? OC is _NOT_ linux, you will never ever have as many packages on an OC computer as you would have on a linux one
L1024[14:09:43] <Sangar> but ok, i understand you don't want to add it yourself. would you merge it if someone pr'ed it?
L1025[14:09:51] <Vexatos> Maybe
L1026[14:10:00] <Vexatos> If I like it, and I don't think it's totally unnecessary
L1027[14:10:04] <Vexatos> Yes
L1028[14:10:23] <Sangar> there you go Kilobyte, something for you to do :P
L1029[14:10:34] <Kilobyte> yay
L1030[14:10:52] <Vexatos> The split into API+executable I'll do myself
L1031[14:11:07] <Vexatos> Because I have it in mind differently as you have
L1032[14:11:08] <Kilobyte> projects[:oc] << "add oppm package versioning"
L1033[14:11:42] <Vexatos> Kilobyte: You could add it to the current system
L1034[14:11:57] <Kilobyte> yeah, though, i have 2 other projects to do
L1035[14:11:58] <Vexatos> I doubt I'll have to change it when moving to the split
L1036[14:12:03] <Vexatos> Take your time
L1037[14:12:07] <Vexatos> I have an exam tomorrow
L1038[14:12:10] <Vexatos> one on monday
L1039[14:12:15] <Vexatos> and one next thursday
L1040[14:12:24] <Vexatos> So updating will take a while anyways
L1041[14:12:31] <Kilobyte> first of all porting my config parser to lua then i wanted to do a nfs type thing
L1042[14:12:59] <Vexatos> Question: Should OPPM info access the Internet or should all the package info me saved in the local file as well
L1043[14:13:12] <Vexatos> (For the update+upgrade thing)
L1044[14:13:19] <Sangar> Vexatos, make it a config option :>
L1045[14:13:31] <Kilobyte> package searching and stuff should normally only access the local cache in case you mean that
L1046[14:13:40] <Kilobyte> thats how i'd expect it anyways
L1047[14:13:49] <Sangar> the only reason not to store it locally is the limited disk space
L1048[14:13:55] <Vexatos> ^
L1049[14:14:03] <Vexatos> OPPM is supposed to be light
L1050[14:14:08] <Kilobyte> yeah, we'd have to figure out how big it would be
L1051[14:14:14] <Vexatos> Tpp big
L1052[14:14:16] <Vexatos> *too big
L1053[14:14:24] <Sangar> gzip it >_>
L1054[14:14:25] <Vexatos> I want OPPM to be a very small package handler
L1055[14:14:40] <Vexatos> So you have more space for actual packages themselves
L1056[14:14:42] <Kilobyte> Sangar: does oc provide native gzip support?
L1057[14:14:50] <Vexatos> That's why there currently is no update+upgrade system
L1058[14:15:03] <Vexatos> And that is the point where I am deciding
L1059[14:15:08] <Vexatos> I am not sure whether I should add it
L1060[14:15:11] <Sangar> Kilobyte, i think there are some pure lua implementations of gzip, and i'm pretty sure i saw one running in oc, so basically yes.
L1061[14:15:20] <Kilobyte> ah, good to know
L1062[14:15:24] <Vexatos> the current system is much more simple than anything you suggested
L1063[14:15:29] <Kilobyte> question is performance though
L1064[14:15:52] <Vexatos> And it is supposed to be fast, light and simple
L1065[14:15:59] <Sangar> well, it runs in native lua and has to make no external calls, should be pretty fast
L1066[14:16:03] <Vexatos> Kilobyte: THE API thing is 100% sure, I love the idea
L1067[14:16:16] <Vexatos> so other programs can access OPPM to download their own dependencies :3
L1068[14:16:20] <Sangar> Vexatos, yeah, if the focus is being lightweight vs fancy features i see your point
L1069[14:16:37] <Vexatos> If they haven't been downloaded via OPPM themselves already
L1070[14:16:42] <Vexatos> Which is highly possible
L1071[14:16:53] <Kilobyte> Vexatos: actually, do you have dependency handling in oppm?
L1072[14:16:58] <Vexatos> Yep, I do
L1073[14:17:01] <Vexatos> Look at this
L1074[14:17:13] <Vexatos> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Vexatos-Programs/blob/master/op-manager/example.cfg
L1075[14:17:27] <Vexatos> This is an example programs.cfg (The repo's package registry)
L1076[14:17:52] <Kilobyte> ah, neat
L1077[14:17:53] <Vexatos> In this example
L1078[14:18:03] <Vexatos> if you were to install the package "example-package"
L1079[14:18:12] <Vexatos> it would firstly install all the "files"
L1080[14:18:18] <Vexatos> and then install the package "GML"
L1081[14:18:30] <Vexatos> into some subfolder called "lib"
L1082[14:18:32] <Kilobyte> does it support install scripts as well?
L1083[14:18:44] <Vexatos> What do you mean?
L1084[14:18:51] <Kilobyte> aka a script to be run on install
L1085[14:18:56] <Kilobyte> to set stuff up
L1086[14:19:07] <Vexatos> No
L1087[14:19:13] <Vexatos> That the package would have to do
L1088[14:19:21] <Vexatos> on being executed the first time
L1089[14:19:30] <Kenny|PlayingNFS> Sangar, you do realize that you are goping to have to make it cheaper to get an internet card :)
L1090[14:19:47] <Vexatos> Again, OPPM is supposed to be as lightweight as possible, no unnecessary features
L1091[14:19:52] <Sangar> Kenny|PlayingNFS, naaaah :P
L1092[14:19:55] <Vexatos> Just everything you need for installing something
L1093[14:20:11] <Vexatos> Sangar: I will mark your issue as "on hold", because of said reasons
L1094[14:20:15] <Kenny|PlayingNFS> Most of the good programs now require an internet vard hehe
L1095[14:20:18] *** Kenny|PlayingNFS is now known as Kenny
L1096[14:20:24] <Sangar> Vexatos, sure
L1097[14:20:26] *** vifino|tf2 is now known as vifino
L1098[14:20:38] <Vexatos> Nono
L1099[14:20:44] <Vexatos> The Internet card is well balanced
L1100[14:21:09] <Kilobyte> time to work on my config parser
L1101[14:21:58] <Kilobyte> Vexatos: btw, how does one get their own repo?
L1102[14:22:07] <Vexatos> ASk me
L1103[14:22:11] <Vexatos> It's that easy
L1104[14:22:27] * Kilobyte asks Vexatos
L1105[14:22:28] <Vexatos> I can give you access to creating and moving your own repos on/to OpenPrograms
L1106[14:22:36] <Vexatos> What's your github username?
L1107[14:22:39] <Kilobyte> Kilobyte22
L1108[14:23:13] <Vexatos> Done
L1109[14:23:22] <Vexatos> Now you can move/create your own repos xD
L1110[14:24:03] <Kilobyte> should i do one repo for everything or one repo per project?
L1111[14:24:11] <Vexatos> My suggestion:
L1112[14:24:30] <Vexatos> For general programs, create the repo "Kilobyte-Programs" as a default program dump
L1113[14:24:44] <Vexatos> If you have a project that you think is large enough to deserve its own repo
L1114[14:24:47] <Vexatos> go ahead
L1115[14:25:10] * Kilobyte tries to figure out how to make a library
L1116[14:25:15] <Kilobyte> is it like in normal lua?
L1117[14:25:39] <Vexatos> You mean, a require()able library?
L1118[14:25:45] <Kilobyte> yes
L1119[14:26:12] <Vexatos> Basic library
L1120[14:26:12] <Vexatos> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Vexatos-Programs/blob/master/song/song.lua
L1121[14:26:30] <Vexatos> local <somelibrary> = {}
L1122[14:26:36] <Kilobyte> ah, k
L1123[14:26:42] <Vexatos> function <somelibrary>.doStuff() end
L1124[14:26:48] <Vexatos> return <somelibrary>
L1125[14:28:49] <Kilobyte> lol, its confusing that in lua variables are global by default
L1126[14:31:29] *** AngieBLD|Off is now known as AngieBLD
L1127[14:33:44] *** ds^OpenGX is now known as dsAway
L1128[14:34:33] ⇦ Quits: xlg47 (~quassel@93-97-204-58.zone5.bethere.co.uk) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1129[14:36:48] <Vexatos> Kilobyte: What are you trying to do?
L1130[14:37:10] <Kilobyte> err, writing code?
L1131[14:37:28] <Vexatos> Yea, what exactly? I am curious :3
L1132[14:37:38] <Kilobyte> working on config parser
L1133[14:37:41] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L1134[14:42:39] <Vexatos> Well, if OPPM becomes a library
L1135[14:42:45] <Vexatos> How should I call the executable then=
L1136[14:42:46] <Vexatos> ?
L1137[14:43:58] <Sangar> no need to really change it? one is in bin, the other in lib, one resolved by the path, the other via the package.path after all.
L1138[14:47:07] <Vexatos> oh right
L1139[14:47:46] <Vexatos> Well, on the floppy, I can have oppm library in <floppy>/lib
L1140[14:47:59] <Vexatos> And then just require("lib/oppm"), right?
L1141[14:53:04] <Sangar> mm, the absolute path will probably work (never tried), alternatively add the path to the package path (package.path = package.path .. "/mnt/.../lib")
L1142[14:53:43] <ds84182> Going to disconnect from the internet, but I'm still goiong to work on OpenGX
L1143[14:54:22] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L1144[14:58:44] <Vexatos> Sangar: I am already adding the floppy's path to the package path, that doesn't include subfolders, right?
L1145[14:58:59] <Sangar> Vexatos, correct
L1146[15:02:01] <Kilobyte> Sangar: how does the computer detect a bootable floppy? by looking for an init.lua?
L1147[15:02:02] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L1148[15:02:08] <Sangar> Kilobyte, yes
L1149[15:02:38] <Kilobyte> does it only check floppies?
L1150[15:02:43] <Sangar> all file systems
L1151[15:02:50] <Kilobyte> ah, good
L1152[15:06:18] *** Nentify|away is now known as Nentify
L1153[15:14:49] <Sangar> oh, Vexatos, since you're op in openeye here's a question: how do i edit tags? say, add 'opensource' to the list for oc?
L1154[15:15:28] <Kilobyte> Sangar: gah, if i symlink my script into a hard drive (outside oc) that file won't appear in oc
L1155[15:15:29] <Vexatos> Well, have boq or Mikee added you as the creator of OC?
L1156[15:15:45] <Vexatos> If not, then ask them
L1157[15:16:01] <Sangar> Vexatos, nope, since i'm clueless :> will do
L1158[15:16:51] <Sangar> Vexatos, in the spammy channel where i get the feeling the message will be lost, or via pm?
L1159[15:17:04] <Michiyo> lol
L1160[15:17:28] <Vexatos> Via PM
L1161[15:17:32] <Vexatos> I would do it via PM
L1162[15:18:08] <Sangar> right, just wanted to make sure that's not considered bad manners. thanks.
L1163[15:18:20] <Kilobyte> LUA Y U NO + FOR CONCATENATION
L1164[15:21:18] <Kilobyte> at least my tokenizer works
L1165[15:21:23] <gamax92> "Damn, your computer is loud, my apple doesn't make that much noise."
L1166[15:21:54] <gamax92> There are 4 harddrives, 1 is an IDE, 3 fans, a non stock cpu fan, and a graphics card
L1167[15:22:03] <gamax92> ofc its going to make more noise than your macbook air
L1168[15:22:19] <Kilobyte> since when do apples make sound?
L1169[15:22:20] <Sangar> oh, i thought a literal apple for a moment
L1170[15:22:39] <Kilobyte> Sangar: i intentionally misunderstood him :P
L1171[15:22:46] <Sangar> Kilobyte, i thought that was the joke :P
L1172[15:23:20] <Kilobyte> anyways, like i said, my tokenizer works
L1173[15:23:36] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L1174[15:23:38] <Kilobyte> now i need to write the actual parser
L1175[15:23:42] <Sangar> just wondering, why not just use lua for configs?
L1176[15:23:46] <Kilobyte> which i don't have time for
L1177[15:24:17] <Kilobyte> Sangar: lua configs are usually nice, but i sometimes prefer a different format
L1178[15:24:27] <Sangar> fair enough
L1179[15:24:46] <Kilobyte> especially if its a config you will write by hand
L1180[15:25:49] <Kilobyte> i think its time for a break though
L1181[15:26:21] <Sangar> lazy bastard
L1182[15:26:33] <Kilobyte> i need to study ffs
L1183[15:26:37] <Kilobyte> lol
L1184[15:26:38] <Sangar> ah
L1185[15:26:39] <Sangar> :D
L1186[15:27:04] <Kilobyte> once i have studied a bit i'll work on my nfs thingy
L1187[15:27:22] <Kilobyte> still haven't figured out how to handle two computers accessing same file at same time
L1188[15:28:04] <gamax92> Gah, I hate songs that are like, 100% stereo separation
L1189[15:28:16] <Sangar> ah, yes... locking is much fun.
L1190[15:28:32] <Kilobyte> Sangar: btw, network message origins can't be trusted, right?
L1191[15:29:43] <Sangar> Kilobyte, mmm, lemme check, not sure if going through switches change the origin
L1192[15:30:10] <Kilobyte> Sangar: trusted as in, i can be sure nobody can fake it
L1193[15:30:25] <Kilobyte> otherwise i need other means of session auth
L1194[15:30:36] <Sangar> nope, should stay the same, and no i don't think it can be faked.
L1195[15:30:50] <Kilobyte> k
L1196[15:31:08] <Kilobyte> are messages broadcast or point to point
L1197[15:31:26] <Sangar> both possible. component.modem.send -> p2p, .broadcast -> broadcast
L1198[15:31:26] <Kilobyte> if its point to point i don't need to add any encryption (slow!)
L1199[15:31:31] <Kilobyte> good
L1200[15:32:48] <Sangar> note that internally they're all broadcast, though, so someone could add a packet sniffer card :D
L1201[15:33:07] <Sangar> (internally = on the java/scala level)
L1202[15:33:11] <Kilobyte> might add plugin system to allow encryption
L1203[15:33:20] <Kilobyte> but no need by default
L1204[15:33:24] <Sangar> aye
L1205[15:33:26] <Kilobyte> just a lot of overhead
L1206[15:35:50] <Sangar> all right, if anyone wants to test 1.2.13 before i release it, that'd be great (see jenkins). only some fixes backported from 1.3, so it shouldn't really add any new bugs, but hey...
L1207[15:37:30] ⇨ Joins: MrHohenheim (~MrHohenhe@188-143-97-12.pool.digikabel.hu)
L1208[15:44:05] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E457B251474B578D2C9A061.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1209[15:44:24] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E457B8098BBB77F83FDD59F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Vexaton!~Vexatos@p200300556E457B251474B578D2C9A061.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)))
L1210[15:44:26] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L1211[15:51:21] <gamax92> Sangar: was the oredict backported?
L1212[15:51:44] <Sangar> gamax92, yes
L1213[15:53:01] <Kilobyte> does lua have continue or something like that?
L1214[15:53:37] <JoshTheEnder> \\o// finished my college year. FUCK YEAH!!!!
L1215[15:53:49] <Pontiac> ON TO DRINKING!!
L1216[15:53:55] <Pontiac> Grats
L1217[15:54:02] <JoshTheEnder> Pontiac, Yep \\o//
L1218[15:54:21] <Sangar> Kilobyte, 5.2 has goto :P
L1219[15:54:29] <Sangar> JoshTheEnder, congratulations!
L1220[15:54:33] <Vexatos> Sangar: When checking for internet card being available, how should I do that in a library? assert(component.isAvailable("internet"),"something") or if not component.isAvailable("internet") then error("something") end
L1221[15:54:45] <Kilobyte> but.... goto is bad coding style D:
L1222[15:55:20] <Pontiac> So is using BREAK in a CASE type statement.
L1223[15:55:47] <Kilobyte> Pontiac: i wanna see you do a switch/case without break
L1224[15:56:05] <Kilobyte> well, a more complex one
L1225[15:56:07] <Pontiac> In Delphi, there is no break. Everything is done between BEGIN/END.
L1226[15:56:48] <Pontiac> So you have: CASE {cond} OF
L1227[15:57:00] <Kilobyte> in like c its this:
L1228[15:57:04] <Pontiac> 1: begin label1.caption='1 entered'; end
L1229[15:57:16] <Pontiac> 2: begin label2.caption='2 entered'; end;
L1230[15:57:28] <Kilobyte> switch (a) {case b: abc(); break; case c: def(); break; }
L1231[15:57:38] <Pontiac> else begin label2.caption='Josh isn''t drunk enough' end;
L1232[15:57:38] <Pontiac> end;
L1233[15:57:42] <Kilobyte> if you leave out break it just continues with next block
L1234[15:58:05] <Pontiac> I've never come into a condition where I WANTED to run into the next block of code.
L1235[15:58:09] <Kilobyte> if i was to leave out the first break and a == b, it would run both case blocks
L1236[15:58:18] <Kilobyte> i have had that already
L1237[15:58:40] <JoshTheEnder> Pontiac, currently waiting for the bus. The party starts when I get home _\o/_
L1238[15:58:55] <Pontiac> hahaha. Good thing someone else is driving then. ;)
L1239[15:59:09] <Pontiac> Too excited, and ya might get a speeding ticket on the way home. ;)
L1240[15:59:17] <Vexatos> Grargh
L1241[15:59:24] <JoshTheEnder> I also don't have a driver's licence or a car so :P
L1242[15:59:27] <Vexatos> Turning OPPM into an API is really hard
L1243[15:59:34] <Vexatos> because it has lots of text output to the screen
L1244[15:59:45] <Vexatos> Things to inform the user what it is currently doing
L1245[15:59:50] <Vexatos> How should I handle that?
L1246[16:00:29] <JoshTheEnder> Vexatos, with alcohol
L1247[16:00:46] <Pontiac> Return the text back as a variable, and let the user decide what to do.
L1248[16:00:51] <Pontiac> Well, coder, that is
L1249[16:02:00] <Vexatos> No
L1250[16:02:13] <Vexatos> I have it print text WHILE the function is running
L1251[16:02:30] <Vexatos> Like, telling which repository the program is currently searching in
L1252[16:03:06] <Pontiac> I have an idea, but...
L1253[16:03:31] <Pontiac> Sangar, is it possible to return what character is at what X/Y position on a screen?
L1254[16:03:46] <Vexatos> It is
L1255[16:04:12] <Vexatos> gpu.get(x,y)
L1256[16:04:19] <Pontiac> Then I'd maybe suggest to capture a line of text, buffer it, then write your functions code on that line, then when done, drop that line back.
L1257[16:04:39] <Vexatos> What do you mean?
L1258[16:05:31] * JoshTheEnder starts prodding members of #oc
L1259[16:05:37] <Pontiac> Your main function inits, you find out what length of screen is currently being used.
L1260[16:06:02] <Pontiac> Use the gpu.get() to take those characters from left to right, put them in a temp variable/array/whatever floats your boat.
L1261[16:06:28] <Pontiac> Then have your notification text output to that single line.
L1262[16:06:45] <Pontiac> When you're done your scan, replace the text with what you've previously buffered.
L1263[16:07:24] <Vexatos> I don't like that
L1264[16:07:43] <Vexatos> I could remove it again
L1265[16:07:58] <Vexatos> But then sangar would once again complain about the little screen output
L1266[16:08:38] <Vexatos> Hmmm
L1267[16:08:41] <Vexatos> I could make both
L1268[16:08:49] <Vexatos> The program being standalong all-in-one
L1269[16:08:53] <Vexatos> *standalone
L1270[16:09:00] <Vexatos> Just like it is right now
L1271[16:09:08] <Vexatos> And an API with the exact same functionality
L1272[16:09:12] <Vexatos> just without computer output
L1273[16:09:20] <Vexatos> For others to use
L1274[16:09:28] <Vexatos> Because noone said I have to use my own API :3
L1275[16:10:39] <Pontiac> Write your code as an API, but code it with the intelligence that it can be run as both.
L1276[16:13:26] <Pontiac> That way you have only one code base to maintain.
L1277[16:14:02] <Vexatos> Well, I cannot
L1278[16:14:10] <Vexatos> Without having to remove lots of output
L1279[16:14:40] <Kilobyte> w00t i think my config parser works
L1280[16:19:39] <Pontiac> seriosuly? I'm about 64 blocks away from shore and a zombie followed me out into the middle of an ocean.
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L1283[16:37:56] <Vexatos> Kilobyte: There https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Vexatos-Programs/blob/master/op-manager/lib/oppm.lua
L1284[16:38:09] <Vexatos> I have not tested it, someone might be kind enough to do it
L1285[16:38:27] <Kilobyte> gonna do later, working on code myself atm
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L1298[17:04:45] <gabensale2014> SALE
L1299[17:04:51] <irgusite> Hey
L1300[17:04:59] <Michiyo> SAIL
L1301[17:05:30] <irgusite> I've a stupid question, my remote terminal is remaining black after i linked it to a running server, what's wrong?
L1302[17:05:36] * JoshTheEnder makes obnoxious sounds very loudly
L1303[17:05:40] <Michiyo> Graphics card in server?
L1304[17:05:44] <gabensale2014> SAIL
L1305[17:05:52] <irgusite> nope
L1306[17:05:57] <irgusite> need's one?
L1307[17:05:57] <Michiyo> Theres your problem.
L1308[17:06:00] <Michiyo> Yep
L1309[17:06:01] <Porygon> everyone on the saleboat
L1310[17:06:01] <irgusite> okay ;)
L1311[17:06:01] <Techokami> servers need a graphics card :V
L1312[17:06:05] <irgusite> thanks a lot ;)
L1313[17:06:08] <Techokami> yep
L1314[17:06:14] <gamax92> since when
L1315[17:06:27] <Michiyo> forever..?
L1316[17:06:39] <gamax92> not you
L1317[17:06:41] <Michiyo> :P
L1318[17:06:49] <Techokami> unless you intend to remotely manage it through the network, it's always a good idea to give a server a graphics card
L1319[17:06:57] <gamax92> Techokami: exactly that
L1320[17:07:22] <Techokami> only up to Tier 2 if using a remote terminal, if you want Tier 3 you need to attach a monitor and keyboard
L1321[17:07:37] <Michiyo> I still run a t3 in my servers, just incase.
L1322[17:07:38] <Porygon> shouldn't the terminal need the graphics card, not the server?
L1323[17:07:46] <Porygon> the terminal renders it
L1324[17:07:47] <gamax92> yes, but this is minecraft
L1325[17:07:48] <gabensale2014> http://i.imgur.com/pMlDq5D.png
L1326[17:07:53] <gabensale2014> *f5 intensifies*
L1327[17:08:04] <Techokami> nope, it's the server. The server renders it then transmits the video to the remote terminal
L1328[17:08:13] *** Daiyousei is now known as Gaben
L1329[17:08:14] <gabensale2014> lol they fixed it
L1330[17:08:22] *** gabensale2014 is now known as Gaben_
L1331[17:08:31] <gamax92> Techokami: irl, what is less bandwidth heavy, sending a picture of text, or sending text?
L1332[17:08:53] <Techokami> sending text
L1333[17:09:09] <Techokami> but this is minecraft :V
L1334[17:09:17] <Michiyo> gamax92, has a point, RDC, VNC, etc all render on the client, not the server.
L1335[17:09:31] <irgusite> ssh render's on the client =P
L1336[17:09:57] <Techokami> but remote terminal is just monitor and keyboard with a wireless transmitter
L1337[17:10:28] <Michiyo> and my tablet is just a tablet, but it still renders my server via VNC, not the other way around :P
L1338[17:10:33] <Techokami> heh
L1339[17:10:55] <Techokami> well that'd mean Sangar would have to redo how remote terminals work :P
L1340[17:11:08] <gamax92> thats okay :P
L1341[17:11:17] <Michiyo> I support that. :P
L1342[17:11:35] *** Gaben is now known as Daiyousei
L1343[17:11:40] <Techokami> ...and how will the server be able to use the GPU? HMMMM.
L1344[17:12:07] <Michiyo> Magic.
L1345[17:12:19] <JoshTheEnder> MAGIC FOR EVERYONE !!!!!
L1346[17:12:22] <Gaben_> Oh
L1347[17:12:26] <Gaben_> suggestion:
L1348[17:12:29] <JoshTheEnder> no
L1349[17:12:33] <Michiyo> ^
L1350[17:12:44] <Gaben_> T2 remote terminal
L1351[17:12:51] <Techokami> the remote terminal would have to become a peripheral then
L1352[17:12:56] <Gaben_> >_>
L1353[17:13:00] <Michiyo> component*
L1354[17:13:01] <Michiyo> :p
L1355[17:13:08] <Techokami> yeah that :B
L1356[17:13:10] <Gaben_> .w items
L1357[17:13:10] <^v> Gaben_, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/items
L1358[17:13:43] <Gaben_> dafuq are tethered cards ^
L1359[17:14:00] <Gaben_> but anyway, terminal with infinite range via tether or whatever card
L1360[17:14:21] <Gaben_> (costs a lot more energy ofc)
L1361[17:14:36] <Gaben_> also, servers arent components
L1362[17:14:38] <Gaben_> <_>
L1363[17:14:47] <Gaben_> just server racks with servers
L1364[17:14:47] <JoshTheEnder> Gaben_, tethered cards are like networking cards but they only transmit to their partner cards
L1365[17:14:54] <Gaben_> JoshTheEnder, ik
L1366[17:15:14] <Michiyo> Oh. it's ping.
L1367[17:15:17] <Gaben_> ^
L1368[17:20:03] <Gaben_> another suggestion
L1369[17:20:14] <Gaben_> empty your wallets for me
L1370[17:20:26] <JoshTheEnder> how about, no?
L1371[17:22:03] <Kilobyte> woot my package config generator is working
L1372[17:22:11] <Kilobyte> now to set it as git hook
L1373[17:22:59] <Gaben_> .openprg
L1374[17:23:07] <^v> Gaben_,
L1375[17:25:08] <Gaben_> you know games are shitty when they want you to pre order it with DLCs
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L1387[17:40:51] <Kilobyte> Sangar: btw, the irc program doesn't follor RFC 100% as far as i can tell
L1388[17:41:31] *** irgusite is now known as irgusite|away
L1389[17:41:43] <Kilobyte> because, according to that, everything after the ' :' is to be interpreted as a last argument effectively making "PRIVMSG #oc :Hello" and "PRIVMSG #oc Hello" equivalent
L1390[17:42:06] <Kilobyte> the oc irc program doesn't handle it that way
L1391[17:42:48] <Gaben> all the nets i know reformat the message anyway <_>
L1392[17:43:35] <Kilobyte> yeah, but imo its cleaner to follow the RFC
L1393[17:46:48] *** irgusite|away is now known as irgusite
L1394[17:53:40] <Kilobyte> how can i read an entire file?
L1395[17:54:05] <Gaben> local file=io.open("potato") print(file:read("*a"))
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L1397[17:54:22] zsh sets mode: +v on Ender|InGame
L1398[17:54:31] <Sangar> back, sorry, unexpected visit. lemme read up.
L1399[17:55:04] <Vexatos> I pinged you a couple of times
L1400[17:55:06] <Vexatos> :3
L1401[17:55:10] <Gaben> k boredem
L1402[17:55:16] <Gaben> rpg plugin coming
L1403[17:57:12] <Sangar> Vexatos, ok, regarding the dependency in the lib, i *think* either is fine.
L1404[17:57:53] <Vexatos> The problem is that oppm has a lot of output because you (and I) wanted the user to see what the program is currently doing
L1405[17:58:06] <Vexatos> Thus, The APi is just a straight copy now
L1406[17:58:11] <Vexatos> With all the output removed
L1407[17:58:23] <Vexatos> And io.stderr.write replaced with error
L1408[17:58:27] ⇦ Quits: Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1409[17:58:37] <Vexatos> Or return false, <somemessage>
L1410[17:58:45] <Vexatos> Depending on whether it actually is an error >_>
L1411[17:59:19] <Sangar> Vexatos, you could either pass callback to the api that is called for output (if specified) or make a setter for a outputstream to use (e.g. io.stdout)
L1412[17:59:45] <Vexatos> a setter?
L1413[18:00:11] <Sangar> like oppm.setOutputStream(io.stdout), store that in an internal variable, if it's set output to it, else don't
L1414[18:00:30] <Sangar> or more flexible oppm.setMessageHandler(function) maybe
L1415[18:00:53] <Vexatos> Mhm
L1416[18:01:10] <Vexatos> That'd cause a lot of non-lightweight-iness again
L1417[18:01:13] *** irgusite is now known as irgusite|away
L1418[18:01:29] <Vexatos> I'll just have both things
L1419[18:01:31] <Kilobyte> Vexatos: does it automatically detect all repos or do i have to add it to a list somewhere
L1420[18:01:45] <Vexatos> Kilobyte: Once you set up your repo, i can register it
L1421[18:01:52] <Kilobyte> i did set it up
L1422[18:01:57] <Vexatos> I can even register repos that are not in OpenPrograms
L1423[18:01:58] <Kilobyte> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Kilobyte-Programs
L1424[18:02:45] <Vexatos> So much ruby
L1425[18:02:45] <Sangar> Kilobyte, regarding irc: might well be, i'm not an irc expert by a loooong way (only really started using it for this channel :P) and built the program skimming the rfcs. please do pr fixes if you feel like it ;)
L1426[18:03:15] <Kilobyte> that would require a lot of changes... i might do it once i have more time
L1427[18:03:27] <Sangar> ok
L1428[18:04:04] <Gaben> day 1 isnt even close to the full wallet destruction
L1429[18:04:08] <Vexatos> Hmmmm
L1430[18:04:11] ⇦ Quits: Death|Away (Death@lua.bouncer.ml) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L1431[18:04:16] <Vexatos> Kilobyte: Your cfg file is malformed
L1432[18:04:20] <Kilobyte> dang
L1433[18:04:23] <Kilobyte> whats wrong?
L1434[18:04:25] <Vexatos> ["master/configparse/lib/configparse.lua"] = "configparse.lua"
L1435[18:04:27] <Vexatos> That's wrong
L1436[18:04:37] *** irgusite|away is now known as irgusite
L1437[18:04:39] <Kilobyte> what should it be?
L1438[18:04:41] <Vexatos> It should be something like ["master/configparse/lib/configparse.lua"] = "/bin"
L1439[18:04:52] <Vexatos> The name is depending on the last part in the URL
L1440[18:04:57] <Kilobyte> derp
L1441[18:05:03] <Vexatos> So, if you want it to be in /lib
L1442[18:05:09] <Vexatos> do ["master/configparse/lib/configparse.lua"] = "/lib"
L1443[18:05:28] <Vexatos> And remember: it is all relative paths, so /lib will, by default, deploy the file in /usr/lib
L1444[18:05:53] <Kilobyte> fixed.
L1445[18:05:54] <Vexatos> If you specify an installation path, it will deploy it to /<path>/lib then
L1446[18:06:04] <Vexatos> Best choice is to read the example.cfg I made
L1447[18:06:11] <Vexatos> it contains everything you can do
L1448[18:06:16] <Kilobyte> yeah, i just screwed up one line
L1449[18:06:16] <Kilobyte> :P
L1450[18:06:30] <Kilobyte> i don't write that file by hand, but i generate it
L1451[18:06:42] <Kilobyte> and in the generator config i had a small mistake
L1452[18:06:46] <Vexatos> Oh, also, if you have hidden=false
L1453[18:06:52] <Vexatos> YOu can simply remove that line
L1454[18:06:55] <Vexatos> it is not necessary
L1455[18:07:01] <Vexatos> same for the empty "note"
L1456[18:07:08] <Kilobyte> ah, good to know
L1457[18:07:31] <Vexatos> And you have no "authors", it's optional like all the descriptive keys, but recommended
L1458[18:07:44] *** irgusite is now known as irgusite|away
L1459[18:07:49] <Kilobyte> derp, knew i forgot something
L1460[18:07:52] <Vexatos> Again, for info, go there
L1461[18:07:52] <Vexatos> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Vexatos-Programs/blob/master/op-manager/example.cfg
L1462[18:08:08] <Kilobyte> Vexatos: why is authors no array? :P
L1463[18:08:20] <Vexatos> Because you can write anything you want in there
L1464[18:08:22] <Vexatos> it is a string
L1465[18:08:32] <Vexatos> An array wouldn't have made any sense
L1466[18:09:17] <Gaben> terraria is 3.99
L1467[18:10:33] <Kilobyte> Vexatos: there, fixed
L1468[18:11:18] ⇨ Joins: Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@
L1469[18:13:09] <Vexatos> You don't even need "dependencies", kilobyte
L1470[18:13:16] <Kilobyte> meh
L1471[18:13:26] * Kilobyte changes some more code in his generator
L1472[18:13:59] ⇨ Joins: Altenius (~Altenius@2600:1015:b107:fbfe:8c65:6053:18b2:51c1)
L1473[18:15:05] <Kilobyte> Vexatos: there.
L1474[18:16:04] ⇨ Joins: Death|Away (Death@lua.bouncer.ml)
L1475[18:16:42] *** Death|Away is now known as Death
L1476[18:17:18] <Vexatos> .openprg
L1477[18:17:26] <^v> Vexatos,
L1478[18:17:54] <Vexatos> There
L1479[18:19:22] ⇨ Joins: _Altenius (~Altenius@2600:1015:b12a:96b7:e8b7:5ffc:5f1a:5b21)
L1480[18:19:45] <Vexatos> You are on the website now
L1481[18:19:49] <Vexatos> http://openprograms.github.io/
L1482[18:20:05] ⇦ Quits: _Altenius (~Altenius@2600:1015:b12a:96b7:e8b7:5ffc:5f1a:5b21) (Client Quit)
L1483[18:20:38] ⇦ Quits: Altenius (~Altenius@2600:1015:b107:fbfe:8c65:6053:18b2:51c1) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1484[18:20:43] <Kilobyte> \o/
L1485[18:21:02] <Vexatos> .openprg
L1486[18:21:10] <^v> Vexatos,
L1487[18:25:17] ⇦ Quits: Ender|InGame (~ender|ing@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1488[18:25:19] <Kilobyte> Vexatos: why do some programs not have a link?
L1489[18:26:02] <Vexatos> Because the program has no URÖ
L1490[18:26:03] <Vexatos> *URL
L1491[18:26:10] * Gaben slaps everyone
L1492[18:26:12] <Gaben> ill fix it
L1493[18:26:40] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L1494[18:26:41] <Gaben> er no
L1495[18:26:47] * Gaben slaps Vexatos
L1496[18:26:48] <Vexatos> ping: Not your fault
L1497[18:26:55] <Gaben> you do eit
L1498[18:27:12] ⇨ Joins: Ender|InGame (~ender|ing@
L1499[18:27:12] zsh sets mode: +v on Ender|InGame
L1500[18:27:34] <Ender|InGame> ¬_¬ computer ran out of energy
L1501[18:27:59] <Kilobyte> does it shut down then?
L1502[18:28:13] <JoshTheEnder> no, it crahed
L1503[18:29:32] <Gaben> Vexatos / gamax92 update programs.cfg with http://hastebin.com/raw/xidawikawo
L1504[18:29:39] <gamax92> no
L1505[18:29:56] <Vexatos> No
L1506[18:30:03] <Vexatos> If the program doesn't have a URL
L1507[18:30:09] <Vexatos> it simply won't have a URL
L1508[18:30:14] <Vexatos> It is THAT easy
L1509[18:30:17] <Vexatos> stop complaining
L1510[18:30:27] <Gaben> that hb adds the urls ;-;
L1511[18:30:39] <Vexatos> Noone wants those URLs
L1512[18:30:45] <Vexatos> They are supposed to be optional
L1513[18:30:48] <Gaben> theres no point in having a program that doesnt link to the program
L1514[18:30:51] <Vexatos> only added if the repo owner wants to
L1515[18:30:56] <Vexatos> Gaben: There is
L1516[18:30:57] <gamax92> what is the purpose of it?
L1517[18:31:31] <Gaben> to be able to say, oh hey i want that compression lib, nevermind the link doesnt exist >_>
L1518[18:31:34] <Vexatos> gamax92: That's the URL of your package, the URL http://openprograms.github.io/ should link to
L1519[18:32:07] <Vexatos> But it is optional for a reason
L1520[18:32:09] <gamax92> if oppm is capable of figuring out the url, why can't your openprg do it
L1521[18:32:09] * Gaben sharpens knife
L1522[18:32:28] <Vexatos> ^
L1523[18:32:44] <Vexatos> gamax92: That URL might also link to a folder or something else
L1524[18:32:59] <Vexatos> The program wouldn't know to which URL in "files" to link to
L1525[18:33:39] <gamax92> if there is one entry in files, use that as repo. If there are multiple files but they are all in the same folder, use that folder, else go away.
L1526[18:33:55] <Vexatos> No
L1527[18:34:02] <Vexatos> That's bad
L1528[18:34:08] <gamax92> then fuck you go fix it yourself you have access to it
L1529[18:34:11] <gamax92> brb food
L1530[18:34:15] <Vexatos> We just stick to the current system. If you don't want to have a URL, it's fine
L1531[18:34:31] <Vexatos> Why are you so insulting? I never said you should add that URL >__>
L1532[18:35:13] <Gaben> so, generate.lua will either complain or not list the program at all
L1533[18:35:23] <Gaben> which one
L1534[18:37:30] <Vexatos> Well
L1535[18:37:43] <Vexatos> You made it link to "potato", I made it simply not write and URL
L1536[18:37:50] <Vexatos> So it is plain text instead of a link
L1537[18:37:55] <Vexatos> *any
L1538[18:38:03] <Vexatos> That works fine
L1539[18:38:23] <Gaben> <_> ill just make it color the program red
L1540[18:39:50] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~ping@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1541[18:40:19] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~ping@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L1542[18:42:07] <Vexatos> Gaben: NO
L1543[18:42:20] <Vexatos> Just leave it as it is
L1544[18:42:29] <Vexatos> Please
L1545[18:44:03] <Gaben> <_> well its grey now
L1546[18:44:06] <Gaben> .openprg
L1547[18:44:12] <^v> Gaben,
L1548[18:44:25] <Gaben> prettier
L1549[18:45:12] <Gaben> failtabs
L1550[18:45:26] <Vexatos> Bah
L1551[18:45:28] <Vexatos> No
L1552[18:45:29] <Vexatos> Bad
L1553[18:46:09] <Gaben> wat
L1554[18:46:26] <Vexatos> Those tabs
L1555[18:46:28] <Vexatos> .-.
L1556[18:46:29] <Gaben> your the one who added the repos, wasnt his decision for ipack and compress not to have links
L1557[18:46:29] <Vexatos> Hehe
L1558[18:46:30] <Gaben> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/gamax92-Programs/commit/4b7239c5cf0f1245d9c4de2a56e458965f8c9314
L1559[18:46:44] <Vexatos> Yes indeed
L1560[18:46:44] <Gaben> <_>
L1561[18:47:05] <Vexatos> I just added links for the repos he had links for in repos.yamk
L1562[18:47:07] <Vexatos> *yaml
L1563[18:47:14] <Vexatos> the other repos he had didn't have links there
L1564[18:48:41] <Vexatos> Anyways, I have to go now
L1565[18:48:42] <Vexatos> Bye o/
L1566[18:49:11] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E457B251474B578D2C9A061.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Greetings from Pastry Fork, Inc. ✔)
L1567[18:50:52] ⇦ Quits: Ender|InGame (~ender|ing@ (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L1568[18:53:53] <Kilobyte> lol, my config generator automagically adds the links
L1569[18:57:25] *** Gaben is now known as ping
L1570[18:57:31] <ping> dammit
L1571[18:57:36] <ping> banned from computercraft again
L1572[18:57:51] <Pontiac> Why?
L1573[18:58:13] <Michiyo> »» NyanServ removes ban on *!*@2601:4:4500:887:74ce:d6c7:84c8:c632
L1574[18:58:19] <ping> oh, okay >_>
L1575[18:58:22] <ping> ill join later
L1576[18:58:37] <ping> not that it matters, ISP ban evaides me
L1577[18:59:07] <Kilobyte> cloudy likes to ban for no reason
L1578[18:59:14] <ping> wasnt for no reason
L1579[18:59:23] <ping> i said he said "nah"
L1580[18:59:43] <ping> ultradynamicipv6banevaideprohacker1337 comcast package
L1581[18:59:44] <Kilobyte> to what?
L1582[18:59:50] <ping> to all the suggestions
L1583[18:59:53] <Kilobyte> ah
L1584[18:59:57] <JoshTheEnder> lol
L1585[19:00:08] <Kilobyte> tbh, i don't really care about cc anymore
L1586[19:01:20] <ping> i gave up on CC a long time ago ;-;
L1587[19:01:23] <Kilobyte> i mean, oc can pretty much everything oc can do
L1588[19:02:24] <ping> yeah
L1589[19:02:27] <ping> everything cc can do
L1590[19:02:50] <Michiyo> oc can do 100% of everything oc can do.
L1591[19:02:51] <Michiyo> :P
L1592[19:03:46] <Kilobyte> yeah, well, robots cannot interact with external components
L1593[19:07:15] <Pontiac> ... err.. of course OC can do everything OC can do... because OC is OC!!! (???)
L1594[19:08:06] <Pontiac> Someone mentioned that CC is like OC 'cept CC is on training wheels.
L1595[19:08:27] <Pontiac> I personally like OC because it works with 1.7, and I like the complexity.
L1596[19:09:22] <Techokami> I like OC because it is more powerful and more flexible
L1597[19:09:54] <Pontiac> And that you can get a robot or computer to do different things without destroying the turtle/robot entirely.
L1598[19:10:03] <Pontiac> Basically, repurpose devices
L1599[19:11:03] <Kilobyte> i like OC because... again, more powerful
L1600[19:11:13] <Kilobyte> and more dynamic/flexible
L1601[19:11:58] <Techokami> OC is also easier to extend and modify, what with being open source and having a project lead that actually cares about the people making mods ;D
L1602[19:12:53] ⇨ Joins: pong (~notPing@2601:4:4500:887:bdf7:1f45:19d:6f0b)
L1603[19:12:53] zsh sets mode: +v on pong
L1604[19:13:06] <Kilobyte> i haven't seen a modder that actively helps community members as much as the OC devs
L1605[19:13:53] ⇦ Quits: pong (~notPing@2601:4:4500:887:bdf7:1f45:19d:6f0b) (Client Quit)
L1606[19:14:47] *** Michiyo is now known as Michiyo|Off
L1607[19:16:01] <Pontiac> AFK - Going to pick up kids and get shoes for one of 'em since they apparently last only 3 months out of the year.
L1608[19:16:28] *** Pontiac is now known as Pontiac_AFK
L1609[19:17:24] <irgusite|away> does OC accept other languages than lua?
L1610[19:17:44] <Kilobyte> no
L1611[19:17:46] *** irgusite|away is now known as irgusite
L1612[19:17:49] <Kilobyte> not directly at least
L1613[19:17:57] <irgusite> okay
L1614[19:18:02] *** vifino is now known as cake
L1615[19:18:07] <ping> i made brainfuck
L1616[19:18:09] <ping> and agony
L1617[19:18:12] <ping> and superstack
L1618[19:18:15] <ping> and malbolge
L1619[19:18:18] <Kilobyte> if you manage to write a <whatever> interpreter, it would work
L1620[19:18:39] <Kilobyte> i am going to work on a language that compile to lua at some point
L1621[19:18:46] <Kilobyte> but with a less verbose syntax
L1622[19:18:53] <ping> ah
L1623[19:18:55] <Kilobyte> and less fucked up than moonscript
L1624[19:18:57] <ping> thats what i was working on
L1625[19:19:09] <Kilobyte> ping: how you doing the parsing?
L1626[19:19:21] <ping> well, its currently a lua parser
L1627[19:19:24] <ping> >_>
L1628[19:19:35] <Kilobyte> err, no, concept wise
L1629[19:19:45] <ping> lua -> parsed syntax -> simple modifications -> lua
L1630[19:19:56] <Kilobyte> i'd do this
L1631[19:20:07] <Kilobyte> code -> stream of tokens -> syntax tree -> lua
L1632[19:20:14] <ping> currently just working on parsing lua
L1633[19:20:14] <Kilobyte> example
L1634[19:20:23] <ping> to the point where i can recompile ^v
L1635[19:20:49] <ping> could also use it as a prettifier and optimizer
L1636[19:20:49] <Kilobyte> actually, i am not going to aim for lua compatibility
L1637[19:21:21] <Kilobyte> example. input: "class Hello { def method(abc) { puts 'test' } }"
L1638[19:21:25] <Kilobyte> tokens:
L1639[19:21:44] <ping> starting off with parsing lua seems easiest for me ;-;
L1640[19:21:48] <Kilobyte> class, Hello, {, def, method, (, abc, ), {, puts, 'test', }, }
L1641[19:22:09] <Kilobyte> output would be too much to put in here while still being readable
L1642[19:22:29] <Kilobyte> the tokenizer is mostly working
L1643[19:22:38] <Kilobyte> issues i will have, lua lacks some things
L1644[19:22:41] <Kilobyte> like
L1645[19:22:47] <Kilobyte> a = b = c
L1646[19:22:55] <Kilobyte> aka, assign c to a and b
L1647[19:23:11] <Kilobyte> so i'll need a workaround like
L1648[19:23:21] <Kilobyte> local tmp_0 = c; a, b = c, c
L1649[19:23:23] <Kilobyte> er
L1650[19:23:33] <Kilobyte> local tmp_0 = c; a, b = tmp_0, tmp_0
L1651[19:24:00] <Kilobyte> and i use a temp var, because c could have been retrieved from a metatable
L1652[19:24:34] *** Michiyo|Off is now known as Michiyo
L1653[19:24:34] <Kenny> Kilo, why coold you not do that withjout the added step of creating a temp var to hold the value of c. like a, b = c, c
L1654[19:24:45] <Kenny> nvm
L1655[19:24:50] <Kilobyte> :P
L1656[19:25:05] <Kilobyte> i might optimize that out if c is a local var
L1657[19:25:57] <Kilobyte> the language in the status where i have it right now is also inspired by ruby quite a bit
L1658[19:26:18] <Kilobyte> but again, i only have a basic tokenizer so far
L1659[19:26:22] <Kenny> how is the oild girl doing? :)
L1660[19:26:22] <Kilobyte> let alone the parser
L1661[19:26:32] <Kilobyte> ?
L1662[19:26:41] <Kenny> Ruby :P
L1663[19:26:50] <Kilobyte> whatcha mean? xD
L1664[19:26:55] <Kenny> old*
L1665[19:27:06] <Kilobyte> yeah, i don't get what you mean thoigh
L1666[19:27:49] <Kenny> Ruby is also a name for a female, hence: How is the old girl doing? when you mentioned it being inspired by Ruby
L1667[19:27:58] *** irgusite is now known as irgusite|away
L1668[19:28:00] <Kilobyte> oh, i didn't know that
L1669[19:28:08] <Kilobyte> lol
L1670[19:28:35] <ping> wait, can we essentially mux a gpu into using multiple screens?
L1671[19:29:00] <Kenny> ping. you are already muxed
L1672[19:29:04] <Kilobyte> Kenny: only downside, it will require a small runtime
L1673[19:29:19] <Kilobyte> for stuff like classes (ensuring more compact code)
L1674[19:29:33] <Kenny> better than the over-inflated worthless MS tuff
L1675[19:29:45] <Kenny> tuff=stuff
L1676[19:34:53] ⇨ Joins: yoshar (webchat@essn-5d83be92.pool.mediaWays.net)
L1677[19:35:09] ⇦ Quits: yoshar (webchat@essn-5d83be92.pool.mediaWays.net) (Client Quit)
L1678[19:36:10] <Kilobyte> Kenny: sadly i have to pretty much wrap all basic lua types :(
L1679[19:36:30] <ping> waht
L1680[19:36:43] <ping> performance
L1681[19:36:46] <ping> \o/
L1682[19:36:58] <ping> /o/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *window*
L1683[19:36:59] <Michiyo> Core 0 794.5 MHz
L1684[19:37:00] <Michiyo> fml
L1685[19:37:00] <Kilobyte> yeah, ik, but i cannot modify string metatable in oc
L1686[19:37:21] <ping> you need to modify the string metatable?
L1687[19:37:27] <Kilobyte> yes
L1688[19:37:32] <Kilobyte> because i am going full OOP
L1689[19:37:34] <ping> whai <_>
L1690[19:37:42] *** cake is now known as vifino
L1691[19:37:46] <Kenny> ninja'd
L1692[19:37:47] <ping> why does that need string metatable modification
L1693[19:38:01] <Kenny> so we can 'string' you up :P
L1694[19:38:04] <Kilobyte> because i need the ability to add new methods to string
L1695[19:38:15] <Kilobyte> classes will not be "final"
L1696[19:38:15] <ping> likewat
L1697[19:38:24] <Kilobyte> you can reopen them at any point and add new stuff
L1698[19:38:27] <Kilobyte> like this
L1699[19:38:56] <Kenny> 'like this' usually means i'm noit going to understgand hehe
L1700[19:40:02] <Kilobyte> packing up an example :P
L1701[19:41:23] <Kilobyte> https://gist.github.com/Kilobyte22/d54d3c276bf4a84e3c30
L1702[19:41:30] *** Kodos|Zzz is now known as Kodos
L1703[19:41:42] <Kilobyte> stuff inside [[ and ]] is not compiled, but copied straight to output file
L1704[19:41:56] <Kilobyte> that way you can include lua inside my script lang
L1705[19:42:08] <Kilobyte> ping: ^
L1706[19:47:46] *** Emily_ is now known as Emily|Sleep
L1707[19:51:07] ⇦ Quits: Emily|Sleep (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L1708[19:57:05] <Kenny> .add bot shadow_team
L1709[19:57:05] <EnderBot2> Added shadow_team to the whitelist
L1710[19:57:45] <JoshTheEnder> what's shadow_team?
L1711[19:58:02] <Kenny> dmod's bot
L1712[19:58:22] <JoshTheEnder> ah, what does it do?
L1713[19:58:28] ⇨ Joins: shadow_team (~shadow_te@
L1714[19:58:49] ⇦ Quits: irgusite|away (~irgusite@84-75-179-103.dclient.hispeed.ch) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1715[19:58:54] <Kenny> it's going to help me learn how to run this crazy supy-bot
L1716[19:59:06] <Kenny> which is what OC_Bot is
L1717[19:59:10] <JoshTheEnder> ahh
L1718[19:59:16] <dmod_> {list
L1719[19:59:17] <shadow_team> dmod_: Admin, Aka, AttackProtector, AutoMode, AutoTrans, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStatus, Config, Filter, GitHub, Google, Insult, Kickme, Later, MCStatus, MessageParser, Misc, NameDecoder, Network, News, Nickometer, Owner, Pastebin, PingTime, PluginDownloader, Quote, RSS, Reply, Scheduler, Seen, Slap, Status, Todo, Topic, Trigger, Trivia, Twitter, Untiny, User, Utilities, Web, WebLogs, and WebStats
L1720[19:59:20] <dmod_> thats all it can do
L1721[19:59:31] <dmod_> right now it only responds to me pretty much
L1722[19:59:33] <dmod_> about to fix that
L1723[19:59:42] <dmod_> {lobotomy remove #oc
L1724[19:59:42] <shadow_team> dmod_: The operation succeeded.
L1725[19:59:47] <dmod_> ok now he responds to all
L1726[19:59:57] <JoshTheEnder> that's spammy
L1727[20:00:50] <dmod_> it doesn't do anything unless the prefix is called which is { or its name is said in the begining
L1728[20:01:11] <Kenny> how is it different than the way the other bots are in here? they all respond to everyone, when addressed
L1729[20:01:46] <dmod_> i can set it to where any part of the sentence it will respond to. but i didn't do that
L1730[20:02:52] <JoshTheEnder> well, if it's only here for Kenny to learn how to use it, can it go in #ocbots?
L1731[20:02:52] <Kenny> you're right, don't want to do that. should have to have the command char or name used before it will respond
L1732[20:03:36] <dmod_> {join #ocbots
L1733[20:03:41] <dmod_> JoshTheEnder: done
L1734[20:04:36] <JoshTheEnder> i actually mean if it's not going to do anything other than teach Kenny how to use it then it doesnt need to be here
L1735[20:06:10] <Kenny> Josh, i don't go in #ocbots
L1736[20:06:40] <Michiyo> #ocbots is so spammy 90% of the time it hurts.
L1737[20:06:43] <Kenny> and why is itg you have such a hardon to negate anything i do?
L1738[20:07:15] <JoshTheEnder> Kenny, you were the one who enforced the crackdown on bots because we had too many in here which did fuck all
L1739[20:07:52] <JoshTheEnder> if shadow_team is only here to help you learn about it then it shouldnt be here, it could go in your channel or via pm
L1740[20:08:01] <Kenny> and this one will only be used by me. You don't want to start a war with me, Josh
L1741[20:08:05] <Kodos> Honestly if it doesn't benefit the channel, or at least have a good function we don't already have, there's really no sense in having a bot here
L1742[20:08:16] <Kodos> Just my two cents
L1743[20:08:22] ⇦ Quits: Pontiac_AFK (~Pontiac@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1744[20:08:38] ⇦ Parts: MichiBot (MichiBot@kenobi.pc-logix.com) ())
L1745[20:09:00] <JoshTheEnder> Kenny, you dont want to start a war with me either
L1746[20:09:52] <Sangar> uhm. so, while i personally never cared one way or the other about bots, i do think this kind of... sidesteps the rules you made yourself, Kenny ;)
L1747[20:10:07] <Kenny> and your bullshit just had Michi take her bot out of the channel. is that what you asre trying to do, run people's bots away so you can make like you are supreme cause you have your own persoanl bot in the channel
L1748[20:10:32] <Michiyo> Erm... No, I cycled, and it failed to join.
L1749[20:10:48] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (MichiBot@kenobi.pc-logix.com)
L1750[20:11:58] <JoshTheEnder> why the fuck do i keep trying to tab complete actual words ¬_¬
L1751[20:12:09] <Kodos> rofl
L1752[20:12:14] <Kilobyte> JoshTheEnder: lol, i know that
L1753[20:12:16] <JoshTheEnder> now i've forgotten what i was going to reply
L1754[20:12:18] <Michiyo> I do the same..
L1755[20:12:28] <Kilobyte> often leads to pinging people who i didn't intend to ping
L1756[20:12:39] <Kenny> !flags Kenny -*
L1757[20:12:40] -ChanServ- Kenny set flags -AFRVfiorstv on Kenny.
L1758[20:12:45] ⇦ Parts: Kenny (Kenny@this.is.theender.net) ())
L1759[20:12:49] <JoshTheEnder> ok then
L1760[20:12:57] <Sangar> wat
L1761[20:13:03] <Kilobyte> well then...
L1762[20:13:13] <JoshTheEnder> i /can/ get him back in here if you want....
L1763[20:13:19] <Kodos> Nah
L1764[20:13:29] <Kilobyte> if he doesn't want, leave him alone
L1765[20:13:47] <ping> <_>
L1766[20:13:54] <ping> good thing i missed the drama
L1767[20:13:56] <Sangar> soo..nah
L1768[20:14:00] <Michiyo> MichiBot, drama
L1769[20:14:00] <MichiBot> Michiyo: WAILA makes Compact Solars crash when used by Mr_okushama
L1770[20:14:12] <Michiyo> sorry ping moar drama.
L1771[20:14:17] <ping> .drama
L1772[20:14:18] <^v> ping, progwml6 confirms Modular Power Suits is a ripoff of closed-source mods
L1773[20:14:24] <JoshTheEnder> lol?
L1774[20:14:33] <Kilobyte> lol
L1775[20:14:56] <Sangar> kind of too many ragequits now. how do i make him a normal/non-op user? (did i mention i r irc nub?)
L1776[20:14:59] <JoshTheEnder> also generally i'd want kenny to stay here because of the stats but since they're fucked anyway i dont care
L1777[20:15:05] <Michiyo> Sangar, he already did
L1778[20:15:08] <Michiyo> he removed his own flags
L1779[20:15:10] <Sangar> oic
L1780[20:15:13] <Kodos> Be sure to remove him from the bot
L1781[20:15:16] <JoshTheEnder> he -*'d before he left
L1782[20:15:16] <Kodos> So he can't reflag
L1783[20:15:19] <JoshTheEnder> .bots
L1784[20:15:19] <EnderBot2> mitchbot2, michibot, ^v, kibibyte, superbot, oc_bot, enderbot2, enderbot, shadow_team
L1785[20:15:27] <Kodos> zsh too
L1786[20:15:29] <Michiyo> Kodos, he can't
L1787[20:15:33] <JoshTheEnder> Kodos, zsh is a fontend to chanserv
L1788[20:15:37] <Kodos> Ah
L1789[20:15:40] <Michiyo> ^
L1790[20:15:41] <Sangar> JoshTheEnder, if it's logs you need, i'll idle here all the time via znc, so you can have those if you want (not been running that long, though)
L1791[20:15:41] <dmod_> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/lwo5W9nT
L1792[20:15:50] <Michiyo> when he -*'d he removed ALL perms, including his ability to flag
L1793[20:15:51] <dmod_> look at the irccloud pastebin yea he did
L1794[20:15:58] <Kilobyte> Sangar: i can provide logs probably months back
L1795[20:16:23] <JoshTheEnder> Sangar, naa, would be too much hassle to transfer them. i'll just make it use my ones
L1796[20:16:25] ⇨ Joins: Kenny|Offline (~Kenny@2602:306:ce9e:5150:7cca:82ce:2d7a:fc8d)
L1797[20:16:29] <Kilobyte> my znc is set up for almost three thirds of a year
L1798[20:16:34] ⇦ Parts: Kenny|Offline (~Kenny@2602:306:ce9e:5150:7cca:82ce:2d7a:fc8d) ())
L1799[20:16:46] <JoshTheEnder> ok, he's DC'd from my bouncer....
L1800[20:16:51] <Michiyo> yep..
L1801[20:16:53] <Sangar> well...
L1802[20:16:54] <Kodos> Quick, remove him
L1803[20:17:18] <Kodos> Also are you taking applications for a replacement?
L1804[20:17:21] <Kodos> =D
L1805[20:17:27] <ping> <_>
L1806[20:17:35] <Sangar> :P
L1807[20:17:36] <ping> we do need an op
L1808[20:17:37] <Kilobyte> if anyone, i'd say someone who is voiced
L1809[20:17:47] <Kilobyte> and reliable
L1810[20:17:54] <Kodos> I should be voiced, but apparently K-Matter isn't a big enough mod
L1811[20:17:57] <JoshTheEnder> Kodos, do you bitch, whine, complain and ragequit when someone proves you wrong?
L1812[20:18:05] <JoshTheEnder> :P
L1813[20:18:08] <ping> people with voice should be allowed to kick/quiet
L1814[20:18:08] <Sangar> ^
L1815[20:18:11] <Kodos> No, I usually just say 'Well I'll be damned, you're right'
L1816[20:18:15] <JoshTheEnder> ping, i can
L1817[20:18:20] <Kilobyte> some can, yes
L1818[20:18:25] <ping> :O oh yeah you are secret op
L1819[20:18:25] <Kilobyte> through zsh/chanserv
L1820[20:18:39] <Michiyo> I usually ragequit because of Kenny :P
L1821[20:19:04] <Kilobyte> i still remeber first day of #ThermalExpansion when lemming opped me there because i helped him set up chanserv xD
L1822[20:19:16] <Kilobyte> now i am well etablished there
L1823[20:19:24] <JoshTheEnder> well, idk where the fuck kenny is now....
L1824[20:19:30] <JoshTheEnder> ohhwell
L1825[20:19:36] <Michiyo> He's in #Michiyo
L1826[20:19:38] <JoshTheEnder> cool
L1827[20:19:39] <ping> so +r everyone that is voiced <_>
L1828[20:19:54] <Kodos> He's in OpenPrograms, and Lanteacraft too
L1829[20:20:07] <JoshTheEnder> look @ his host
L1830[20:20:12] <ping> Kennyf
L1831[20:20:24] <JoshTheEnder> if it's the same as mine, thats the bouncer but he DC'd from it
L1832[20:20:27] <ping> <JoshTheEnder> ok, he's DC'd from my bouncer....
L1833[20:20:45] <Michiyo> There's kenny, and kennyf
L1834[20:20:52] <Michiyo> kenny is him, kennyf is his bouncer.
L1835[20:20:56] <JoshTheEnder> -*status- *** Kenny detached (from {REDACTED])
L1836[20:21:04] <JoshTheEnder> Michiyo, other way around, i think
L1837[20:21:06] <Michiyo> no..
L1838[20:21:10] <Michiyo> »» [Kenny] (~Kenny@2602:306:ce9e:5150:7cca:82ce:2d7a:fc8d): ...
L1839[20:21:13] <Michiyo> »» [Kennyf] (Kenny@this.is.theender.net): Kenny
L1840[20:21:19] <Michiyo> I can read hosts. :D
L1841[20:21:20] <JoshTheEnder> ok then
L1842[20:21:47] <Kilobyte> such fun when an operator rage quits
L1843[20:22:07] <JoshTheEnder> technically he only had operator because he registered the channel for Sangar
L1844[20:22:17] <JoshTheEnder> Michiyo, is he still in your channel?
L1845[20:22:21] <Michiyo> Yeah
L1846[20:22:23] <Kilobyte> JoshTheEnder: lol
L1847[20:22:26] <Stary2001> oh jeez Kenny ragequit?
L1848[20:22:30] <JoshTheEnder> yup
L1849[20:22:31] <Michiyo> Stary2001, o/
L1850[20:22:32] <Stary2001> ...yep
L1851[20:22:35] <Stary2001> Michiyo: o/
L1852[20:22:49] <Michiyo> You ever gonna do whatever to khonsu? :p
L1853[20:22:54] <Stary2001> cant
L1854[20:22:55] <Kodos> So who wants to use my mod and help me finish balancing it
L1855[20:22:58] <Michiyo> Ah
L1856[20:23:03] <Stary2001> Michiyo: i'd need to spin up a 1gb and rsync everything over
L1857[20:23:04] <Stary2001> i cba
L1858[20:23:06] * Kilobyte pokes Stary2001 with a stick
L1859[20:23:07] <Michiyo> lmao
L1860[20:23:19] <Michiyo> so you CAN, just.. effort?
L1861[20:23:22] * Stary2001 stabs Kilobyte with a sharper stick
L1862[20:23:23] <Stary2001> Michiyo: yep
L1863[20:23:32] <Stary2001> plus rails and stuff would have trouble running on a 1gb :p
L1864[20:23:36] <Kilobyte> Stary2001: if you take down khonsu, please ensure the mailserver gets moved over to whatever
L1865[20:23:46] <Stary2001> ofc
L1866[20:23:53] <Kilobyte> i rely on you there :P
L1867[20:23:54] <Stary2001> lol
L1868[20:23:56] <Michiyo> ugh... why wont this POS reroot...
L1869[20:25:19] <JoshTheEnder> ok, just sent him a pm asking about his account on my bouncer and he said he doesnt need it and doesnt plan on comming back here
L1870[20:25:25] <JoshTheEnder> very well
L1871[20:25:49] <Kilobyte> why did he even ragequit
L1872[20:26:09] <Techokami> so if Kenny is gone... can I have his voice? :>
L1873[20:26:17] <JoshTheEnder> Kilobyte, because i pulled him up on disobeying his own rules
L1874[20:26:32] <JoshTheEnder> when does Ir7_o usually get on?
L1875[20:26:38] <Kilobyte> we don't need people who rage that quickly
L1876[20:26:39] <Sangar> JoshTheEnder, he wan't really. it's an awkward corner-case at best.
L1877[20:27:01] <ping> Ir7_o comes on whenever ;-;
L1878[20:27:24] <Kodos> I come on when I get up
L1879[20:27:29] <Kodos> Usually stick around u ntil I go to sleep
L1880[20:27:35] <ping> meh
L1881[20:30:02] <JoshTheEnder> Sangar, are you still ok with me having voice?
L1882[20:30:29] <Sangar> yeah
L1883[20:30:37] <JoshTheEnder> ok, cool :)
L1884[20:30:46] <Michiyo> I do sorta lol at this "<+Kenny> but i'll never give another Brit any power in a channel i'm running"
L1885[20:31:22] <JoshTheEnder> wow, racist much?
L1886[20:31:23] <Kodos> Lol wow
L1887[20:31:35] <Kodos> What channel was that in
L1888[20:31:39] <Michiyo> Mine
L1889[20:31:45] <Michiyo> before Josh joined..
L1890[20:32:08] <ping> <_>
L1891[20:32:13] ⇨ Joins: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@
L1892[20:32:50] <JoshTheEnder> Michiyo, may i request the full of that convo? (or rant wahtever)? i dont like it when i get insulted because of something i may or may not have caused
L1893[20:33:03] ⇦ Parts: ping (~^v@2601:4:4500:887:74ce:d6c7:84c8:c632) (*drama intensifies*))
L1894[20:33:10] * Kodos didn't know JTE was british
L1895[20:33:18] <Michiyo> http://puu.sh/9B3tO/ddbcb32064.png
L1896[20:33:37] <Michiyo> literally all there was.
L1897[20:33:56] <JoshTheEnder> ok
L1898[20:34:02] <Porygon> he went from okay to ragequitting in about 30 lines >.>
L1899[20:34:24] <JoshTheEnder> idk why he singled out 'Brit'...
L1900[20:35:06] <Kodos> I'm just surprised he's still voiced in any channel
L1901[20:35:09] * Michiyo shrugs
L1902[20:35:12] <Kodos> After a racist comment like that
L1903[20:35:18] <Kodos> well, is countryist a word?
L1904[20:35:46] <JoshTheEnder> i have given him until monday to see if he wants to come back onto my bouncer, after that i'm deleting his account
L1905[20:35:53] <Kodos> Either way, that seemed really derogatory
L1906[20:36:23] <JoshTheEnder> i honestly couldnt care less, it's his problem not mine.
L1907[20:36:25] <Michiyo> where is my damn SU Binary...
L1908[20:36:28] <Sangar> too much drama -.-
L1909[20:36:32] <Kilobyte> Sangar: i agree
L1910[20:36:35] <JoshTheEnder> indeed, i will cease
L1911[20:36:51] <Kodos> So, anything new being worked on for OC Sangar?
L1912[20:37:27] <Sangar> Kodos, good that you ask, there is this beta of 1.3 nobody seems to test (or it's much more stable than i anticipated)
L1913[20:37:46] <Sangar> ;)
L1914[20:38:03] <Kodos> Been stable for me so far
L1915[20:38:08] <Kodos> You'd definitely have tells if it wasn't ;-D
L1916[20:38:28] <Kodos> Also, I figured out that MFR Rednet is infinitely better than Project Red cables
L1917[20:39:11] <Michiyo> Err.. oh?
L1918[20:39:18] <Kodos> Yup
L1919[20:39:34] <Michiyo> As soon as I can color a MFR cable so I can run 2 next to each other without them connecting, I'll be happy.
L1920[20:39:53] <Kodos> Let me check, but i'm pretty sure they support FMP
L1921[20:39:57] <Michiyo> No..
L1922[20:40:05] <Michiyo> I don;t want a micoblock between them
L1923[20:40:05] <Sangar> :P
L1924[20:40:20] <Michiyo> I want 2 cables, placed side by side, not connecting.
L1925[20:40:28] <Michiyo> :P
L1926[20:40:35] * Sangar gets the feeling he should implement colored cables
L1927[20:40:44] <Michiyo> yes.
L1928[20:40:47] <Michiyo> lol
L1929[20:40:49] <Kodos> Wait
L1930[20:40:55] <Kodos> If you do, I have a feature request for them
L1931[20:41:11] <Sangar> oh?
L1932[20:41:31] <Kodos> The reason I like Rednet so much, is because you can use 1/0 for On/Off, and if oyu wanna send specific numbers to something, you can just adjust the signal accordingly
L1933[20:41:45] <Kodos> The distance the signal goes isnt' strength dependant
L1934[20:42:08] <Michiyo> that is the *only* good thing about MFR cable :P
L1935[20:42:48] <Kodos> But yes, Colored redstone wire and cables would be awesome
L1936[20:43:22] <Michiyo> it would make my life so much easier
L1937[20:43:35] <Michiyo> it's about 90% of the reason I have P:R installed.
L1938[20:43:42] <Kodos> There you go, Sangar, OC's next new feature
L1939[20:43:51] <Kodos> FMP supported color cable
L1940[20:44:09] <Michiyo> the other 10% is P:R's logic gates are better then RedLogic
L1941[20:44:26] <Kodos> The only thing RedLogic has going for it, imo, is integrated Circuits
L1942[20:44:30] <Kodos> And afaik those are buggy in the most recent version
L1943[20:44:46] <Michiyo> yeah ICs are a neat feature... I've yet to use them though
L1944[20:45:30] <Sangar> Kodos, so... only color, right? since cables are already fmp compatible? :P
L1945[20:45:46] <Kodos> wat
L1946[20:45:52] <Kodos> Yes
L1947[20:45:55] <Sangar> yeah, the last time i tried ics they didn't seem to work. but that was in dev-env so who knows for what reason that was.
L1948[20:46:07] <Kodos> I just mean being able to set up multiple colors like Michiyo wanted
L1949[20:46:31] <Sangar> yeah. basically like dyeing screens, right?
L1950[20:46:32] <Kodos> Also a Chest Proxy
L1951[20:46:41] <Sangar> a what now?
L1952[20:46:42] <Kodos> Nooo, we mean something we can do redstone with
L1953[20:46:47] <Michiyo> yay root
L1954[20:46:52] <Kodos> OC version of Bundled Cables
L1955[20:46:57] <Kodos> But FMP support
L1956[20:47:04] <Techokami> :O
L1957[20:47:13] <Michiyo> lol, Sangar was talking colored "network cables" or w/e oc calls them again :p
L1958[20:47:24] <Sangar> yes
L1959[20:47:25] *** tgame14 is now known as tgame14|away
L1960[20:47:25] <Sangar> :>
L1961[20:47:28] <Sangar> why wouldn't i :P
L1962[20:47:30] <Kodos> Chest Proxy would be a block or FMP plate that a cable can hook up to, and lets you getInventoryStack, move things around, sort stuff, etc
L1963[20:47:34] *** Keridos_off is now known as Keridos
L1964[20:47:50] <Kodos> Think of CC's Wired Modem
L1965[20:47:53] <Kodos> It would look like that
L1966[20:47:56] <Kodos> But on a chest
L1967[20:47:57] <Sangar> sooo... like an adapter + occ?
L1968[20:48:02] <Kodos> >.>
L1969[20:48:04] <Kodos> <.<
L1970[20:48:15] ⇨ Joins: ping (~^v@2601:4:4500:887:74ce:d6c7:84c8:c632)
L1971[20:48:16] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
L1972[20:48:16] <Kodos> Actually
L1973[20:48:23] <ping> so, drama?
L1974[20:48:23] <Kodos> You should update Components before doing much else
L1975[20:48:27] <Kodos> since 1.3 is basically updated
L1976[20:48:32] <Sangar> already done
L1977[20:48:34] <Kodos> Oh?
L1978[20:48:39] <Kodos> Shit, where the hell have I been
L1979[20:48:45] <ping> .j components
L1980[20:48:47] <Sangar> and nothing really changed. the 1.2 build were theoretically compatible.
L1981[20:48:48] <^v> ping, Build #44 for OpenComponents: http://bit.ly/1nQrFz8 3 days 3 hours 59 minutes ago
L1982[20:49:38] ⇦ Quits: Techokami (~Techokami@pool-173-48-10-173.bstnma.east.verizon.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1983[20:49:46] <Sangar> well i didn't really write about it anywere >_>
L1984[20:49:52] <Sangar> because i'm lazy
L1985[20:50:00] <Kodos> You know what you need?
L1986[20:50:03] <Kodos> A community manager
L1987[20:50:32] <Sangar> basically, yes
L1988[20:50:38] ⇨ Joins: Techokami|Off (Techokami@this.is.theender.net)
L1989[20:50:41] <JoshTheEnder> \o/
L1990[20:50:46] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L1991[20:51:40] <Techokami> just need to get nickserv set up
L1992[20:51:41] <Sangar> but not one of the blizzard kind ("aren't you thankful?")
L1993[20:51:47] <Kodos> Lol
L1994[20:52:01] <Kodos> I meant more along the lines of someone to make sure things on the site and IRC are updated, so people know what's up
L1995[20:52:16] <Kodos> As well as someone to keep track of suggestions, in case there's a good one
L1996[20:52:27] <Kodos> And to just market #oc as a whole
L1997[20:52:34] <Kodos> Because this channel is one of the fun ones to hang out in
L1998[20:52:42] <Kodos> And everyone's generally helpful
L1999[20:52:43] <JoshTheEnder> i wouldnt mind doing some stuff like that, i generally read over the buffer anyway
L2000[20:52:45] <Kodos> Except for ping and gamax
L2001[20:52:54] <Kodos> JTE would be a good CM
L2002[20:53:10] <ping> wat
L2003[20:53:19] <Kodos> (I bet you thought I was shooting for it myself, didn't you =D)
L2004[20:53:22] <Sangar> that would be quite helpful, yes
L2005[20:53:37] <Sangar> heh
L2006[20:54:37] <JoshTheEnder> ok, i have war of the worlds playing with a gun turret from ICBM in the background.... it's occasional shooting kinda fits :P
L2007[20:55:26] ⇦ Quits: Daiyousei (~nick1@ (Quit: Linux update :D)
L2008[20:56:04] <Sangar> but yeah, someone updating, say, the forums front page occasionally would be a good start. and if anyone wants to help update the wiki for 1.3, that would help *a lot* (it's ffa, just go for it)
L2009[20:56:48] <JoshTheEnder> eh, well. i lost a bouncer use and gained another so \o/
L2010[20:57:04] <JoshTheEnder> s/use/user/
L2011[20:57:04] <SuperBot> <JoshTheEnder> eh, well. i lost a bouncer user and gained another so \o/
L2012[20:57:26] ⇨ Joins: Daiyousei (~nick1@
L2013[20:57:46] <JoshTheEnder> hmm, i'm thinking of a cool command to add to EnderBot2
L2014[20:58:14] <Kodos> Can it tell a joke on command
L2015[20:58:16] <Techokami> now to get back to fixing up this awesome mod :O
L2016[20:58:18] <Kodos> Because sometimes we all just need a laugh
L2017[20:58:29] <Sangar> Kodos, it's called .drama
L2018[20:58:32] <Kodos> Touche
L2019[20:58:37] <JoshTheEnder> Kodos, if you can give me a list of jokes then i'll add one :P
L2020[20:59:00] <LordFokas> .drama
L2021[20:59:01] <^v> LordFokas, Simply Jetpacks breaks overpowered items
L2022[20:59:15] <LordFokas> simply jetpacks pulls a Greg
L2023[21:01:23] *** tgame14|away is now known as tgame14|sleep
L2024[21:02:21] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L2025[21:02:32] <Kodos> What about a magic 8 ball
L2026[21:02:34] <Kodos> Or a coin flip
L2027[21:02:44] <JoshTheEnder> i love RI's wind turbines http://puu.sh/9B6ir/22b9db207b.jpg
L2028[21:02:55] <Sangar> oc trivia
L2029[21:02:59] <Kodos> ^
L2030[21:03:02] <Kodos> This.
L2031[21:03:13] <Sangar> 'did you know you can trigger touch events on screens by shooting an arrow in them?'
L2032[21:03:16] <Sangar> stuff like that
L2033[21:03:21] <Kodos> Wait, you can?
L2034[21:03:27] <JoshTheEnder> :O
L2035[21:03:29] <Kodos> WTF
L2036[21:03:33] <Sangar> yeah. it's a little derpy at the edges though :P
L2037[21:03:41] <Kodos> You could make a game
L2038[21:03:44] * JoshTheEnder adds to the list of commands to add
L2039[21:03:46] <Kodos> Draw a target on the screen
L2040[21:03:49] <Porygon> holy crap
L2041[21:04:22] *** justastranger|zzz is now known as justastranger
L2042[21:04:36] <Kodos> Or just have it pull the click event, and if it's 80, 25 make it output redstone to dispense a diamond
L2043[21:04:57] <Kodos> Assuming T3 monitor
L2044[21:05:07] <Kodos> Well shit, there goes my day
L2045[21:05:11] <Kodos> brb making archery practice program
L2046[21:05:16] <Sangar> :>
L2047[21:05:23] <Kilobyte> Kodos: 8ball needed?
L2048[21:05:26] <Kilobyte> i wrote one in c
L2049[21:05:45] <Kodos> I was suggesting it for JTE's bot
L2050[21:05:50] <Kilobyte> ah lol
L2051[21:06:54] <JoshTheEnder> though before i impliment any more commands i need to make it so that i can just edit a command file without having to restart the whole bot
L2052[21:07:19] ⇨ Joins: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com)
L2053[21:07:19] zsh sets mode: +v on Maxwolf
L2054[21:07:22] <Michiyo> MichiBot, 8ball
L2055[21:07:25] <Michiyo> aww
L2056[21:07:27] <Michiyo> it broke
L2057[21:07:36] <JoshTheEnder> lol
L2058[21:07:42] <Michiyo> MichiBot, 8ball Will this work now?
L2059[21:07:46] <Michiyo> guess not
L2060[21:07:49] <Michiyo> I HAD it working the other day
L2061[21:08:49] <Michiyo> MichiBot, 8ball Will this work now?
L2062[21:08:58] <Michiyo> OOOH
L2063[21:09:54] <dmod_> prefix for shadow_team changed to &
L2064[21:10:04] <Sangar> Michiyo, well what did you expect? 8balls are obviously very complex machinery.
L2065[21:10:12] <Michiyo> lmao
L2066[21:11:19] * Kodos just noticed that dmod's bot is still here XD
L2067[21:11:25] <Michiyo> MichiBot, 8ball Will this work now?
L2068[21:11:25] <MichiBot> Michiyo: Ask again later
L2069[21:11:29] <Michiyo> Yeah I derped
L2070[21:11:41] <Daiyousei> &help
L2071[21:11:41] <shadow_team> Daiyousei: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. You may also want to use the 'list' command to list all available plugins and commands.
L2072[21:11:44] <Daiyousei> ohok
L2073[21:12:22] <dmod_> it was { but Sangar and kenny spoke and decided to change it due to lua stuff
L2074[21:12:58] <Sangar> the idea was to avoid any chance to interfere with the .l?? commands, unlikely as that is.
L2075[21:14:16] <JoshTheEnder> well, both EnderBot2 and v^ share the "." namespace, though i /might/ switch to a differnt one
L2076[21:14:53] <ping> ie, ^v's jenkins is .j and enderbot's is .jenkins
L2077[21:15:02] <Kodos> Okay, so event pulling a touch on the screen gives me the following
L2078[21:15:24] <Kodos> touch, address, x, y, 0 (Not sure what this one is), username
L2079[21:15:29] <Sangar> i'd much rather you overengineered it: make the two bots talk via irc private messages to decide which one should react.
L2080[21:15:32] <Sangar> :>
L2081[21:15:40] <Michiyo> lmao
L2082[21:15:47] <JoshTheEnder> Sangar, that'd be a lot of work
L2083[21:15:53] <Kodos> Sangar, do you know what the 0 is in a touch event
L2084[21:15:55] <Sangar> exactly the point of overengineering things
L2085[21:16:00] <Sangar> Kodos, the button
L2086[21:16:06] <Michiyo> make the bots flip a coin for it :P
L2087[21:16:10] <Kodos> What button
L2088[21:16:10] <Sangar> 0 = left, 1 right, 2 middle
L2089[21:16:12] <Sangar> mouse
L2090[21:16:18] <Kodos> 0 is right
L2091[21:16:22] <Sangar> wuh
L2092[21:16:29] <Kodos> Let me go into surv and test
L2093[21:16:45] <JoshTheEnder> it was bad enough trying to get EnderBot2 to potentially message nickserv when someone did a command
L2094[21:16:46] <ping> i could do it pretty easialy, but from what i can tell EnderBot is much less modular than mine
L2095[21:16:47] <Sangar> i mean i could be wrong, too :P i was just pretty sure that was the order
L2096[21:16:53] <Kodos> Left and middle don't even work
L2097[21:17:02] <JoshTheEnder> ping, true
L2098[21:17:04] <Kodos> It only pulls right cliks
L2099[21:17:33] <Sangar> Kodos, in 'touch mode' yes. the others will only ever come through in the gui.
L2100[21:17:57] <Kodos> Touch mode = no keyboard, right?
L2101[21:17:58] <Sangar> and yes, on touch screens everything is a 'left click'
L2102[21:18:01] <Sangar> yes
L2103[21:18:18] <Kodos> And an arrow acts as a 'left click' right?
L2104[21:18:21] <Sangar> yep
L2105[21:18:30] <Kodos> Okay, let me try something else
L2106[21:18:50] <Kilobyte> :OO you can use a touch screen as biometric scanner
L2107[21:18:54] <Kodos> Oh nice, there's an event scanner
L2108[21:18:55] <Kodos> err
L2109[21:18:57] <Kodos> shit
L2110[21:18:59] <Michiyo> Kilobyte, yes.
L2111[21:19:03] <Kodos> I don't even know where 'event scanner' came from
L2112[21:19:10] <Kodos> There's a CLIPBOARD event
L2113[21:19:20] <Kilobyte> oh nice
L2114[21:19:21] <Kodos> That's awesome
L2115[21:19:41] <Sangar> aye, because sending the keys in pasted text individually would be painfully slow
L2116[21:19:52] <ping> (CC)
L2117[21:19:58] <Kodos> Oh nice, there's a drag event, and a drop event
L2118[21:20:01] <Kilobyte> *cough*^*cough*
L2119[21:20:06] <Kodos> And drag tracks all the coordinates you drag across
L2120[21:20:24] <Kilobyte> thats why OC is 9001 times superior
L2121[21:20:33] <Kilobyte> so many many features
L2122[21:20:33] <ping> only 9001?
L2123[21:20:36] <JoshTheEnder> how much /can/ these things hold? http://puu.sh/9B89A/dbb9bfd890.jpg
L2124[21:20:38] <ping> .calc 9001^9001
L2125[21:20:38] <^v> ping,
L2126[21:20:41] <Kilobyte> while being so much more performant
L2127[21:20:45] <Kodos> JoshTheEnder, maxint
L2128[21:20:55] <Kodos> 2b or someodd
L2129[21:20:56] <Kilobyte> math.huge
L2130[21:20:56] ⇨ Joins: Altenius (~Altenius4@
L2131[21:21:03] <Sangar> isn't it maxlong even?
L2132[21:21:04] <ping> depends
L2133[21:21:09] <Kodos> I think so
L2134[21:21:16] <ping> or wait >_>
L2135[21:21:19] <ping> isnt it 64 bit?
L2136[21:21:25] <ping> .calc 2^64
L2137[21:21:25] <^v> ping, 18446744073709551616
L2138[21:21:29] <Michiyo> 192 bit. :P
L2139[21:21:29] <Kilobyte> JoshTheEnder: link not loading
L2140[21:21:34] <ping> .calc 2^192
L2141[21:21:35] <^v> ping, 6277101735386680763835789423207666416102355444464034512896
L2142[21:21:44] <Altenius> .calc 2^193
L2143[21:21:45] <^v> Altenius, 12554203470773361527671578846415332832204710888928069025792
L2144[21:21:47] <JoshTheEnder> Kilobyte, puush's fault, not mine
L2145[21:21:54] <Altenius> .calc 2^1930
L2146[21:21:54] <^v> Altenius,
L2147[21:21:59] <Sangar> lol
L2148[21:22:08] <Altenius> What is this!
L2149[21:22:16] <ping> Altenius, BC
L2150[21:22:25] <ping> apt-get install bc
L2151[21:22:29] <ping> is neat
L2152[21:22:30] <Michiyo> THIS IS SPAR... nvm
L2153[21:22:32] <Kilobyte> bc r good
L2154[21:22:35] <Altenius> pacman -S bc
L2155[21:22:40] <ping> i use it in opencoins
L2156[21:22:40] <JoshTheEnder> this is madness!
L2157[21:22:42] <Kilobyte> Altenius: i agree
L2158[21:22:45] <JoshTheEnder> ¬_¬
L2159[21:22:46] <Sangar> buildcraft can be installed via apt-get now?
L2160[21:22:51] <JoshTheEnder> this is madness
L2161[21:22:56] * JoshTheEnder stabs EnderBot2
L2162[21:22:56] * EnderBot2 round-house-kicks JoshTheEnder
L2163[21:22:57] <ping> Sangar, lol
L2164[21:23:13] <Altenius> How are these numbers so high?
L2165[21:23:17] *** Csstform|Away is now known as Csst|Masterball
L2166[21:23:18] *** Csst|Masterball is now known as Csstform
L2167[21:23:19] <Altenius> .calc 2^112121
L2168[21:23:20] <^v> Altenius,
L2169[21:23:27] <Kilobyte> .calc sqrt(1)
L2170[21:23:27] <^v> Kilobyte, 1
L2171[21:23:30] <Kilobyte> :D
L2172[21:23:30] <ping> bc is a language that supports arbitrary precision numbers with interactive execution of statements. There are some similarities in the syntax to the C programming language. A standard math library is available by command line option.
L2173[21:23:37] <phillips1012> `pacman -S oc` would be neat to have
L2174[21:24:11] <Altenius> I like 'yaourt sl'
L2175[21:24:20] <Altenius> It's just a steam locomotive that goes across the terminal.
L2176[21:24:26] <Kilobyte> phillips1012: a friend of mine and me were working on such a project, but he lost interest, and alone i don't have the time
L2177[21:24:36] <Kilobyte> Altenius: i generally alias nano to sl
L2178[21:24:49] <Altenius> ah
L2179[21:24:49] <Kodos> .w event
L2180[21:24:50] <^v> Kodos, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/api-event
L2181[21:25:13] <Kilobyte> .calc define hello(x) {return x^x}
L2182[21:25:14] <^v> Kilobyte,
L2183[21:25:17] <JoshTheEnder> ¬_¬, https://github.com/JoshTheEnder/EnderBot2/blob/master/main.py#L50 that flipping typo from deving :@
L2184[21:25:21] <Kilobyte> .calc x(9001)
L2185[21:25:21] <^v> Kilobyte,
L2186[21:25:28] <Kilobyte> .calc define hello(x) {return x^x} x(9001)
L2187[21:25:28] <^v> Kilobyte,
L2188[21:25:33] <Kilobyte> fail
L2189[21:25:37] <Kilobyte> .calc hello(9001)
L2190[21:25:38] <^v> Kilobyte,
L2191[21:25:42] <Kilobyte> .calc define hello(x) {return x^x} hello(9001)
L2192[21:25:42] <^v> Kilobyte,
L2193[21:25:43] <Kodos> This is gonna be a pain argh
L2194[21:25:48] <Kilobyte> there we go
L2195[21:25:57] <Kodos> I have no idea how to do events yet, but I've seen it done before
L2196[21:25:57] ⇦ Quits: Daiyousei (~nick1@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.0-dev)
L2197[21:26:02] <JoshTheEnder> this is madness1
L2198[21:26:02] *** EnderBot2 is now known as Leonidas
L2199[21:26:02] <Leonidas> Madness....?
L2200[21:26:03] <Leonidas> THIS.
L2201[21:26:04] <Leonidas> IS.
L2202[21:26:04] <Leonidas> SPARTA!!
L2203[21:26:05] *** Leonidas is now known as EnderBot2
L2204[21:26:07] <JoshTheEnder> :P
L2205[21:26:17] <JoshTheEnder> best command evar
L2206[21:26:20] <Kilobyte> ^v: maybe don't start a new bc process every time?
L2207[21:27:38] <ping> Kilobyte, why?
L2208[21:27:45] <ping> i kinda have to
L2209[21:27:51] <ping> well, i could posix couldnt i
L2210[21:28:12] <Kodos> The wiki needs a better event example
L2211[21:28:19] <Kodos> It only has an example for event.timer
L2212[21:28:19] <ping> but then i would also have to limit the time
L2213[21:28:22] <ping> >_>
L2214[21:28:26] <Kodos> I need one for if event, touch, etc
L2215[21:28:37] <Kilobyte> ping: good point
L2216[21:28:45] <ping> i use the timelimit command for this
L2217[21:28:47] <Sangar> Kodos, the wiki needs better examples full stop.
L2218[21:28:52] <ping> .calc 999999^9999999
L2219[21:28:53] <^v> ping, Time limit exeeded.
L2220[21:28:53] <Kodos> Fair enough
L2221[21:29:05] <Kilobyte> ping: whats the limit=
L2222[21:29:38] <ping> .5
L2223[21:29:43] <ping> a little high
L2224[21:30:00] <Kodos> Ping, does your bot work via pmm
L2225[21:30:01] <Kodos> pm*
L2226[21:30:04] <ping> yep
L2227[21:30:16] <JoshTheEnder> ok, wtf. this YT video finishes playing then iTunes starts playing....
L2228[21:31:32] <Kodos> .w redstone
L2229[21:31:32] <^v> Kodos, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/component-redstone
L2230[21:32:10] <Kodos> Guh
L2231[21:32:21] * Kodos firmly applies his desk to his forehead.
L2232[21:33:04] <Kilobyte> xD
L2233[21:33:46] <Kodos> .rtfm lua
L2234[21:33:47] <^v> Kodos, http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/
L2235[21:34:09] <Kodos> Why the hell does the LUA MANUAL not have event information
L2236[21:34:18] <ping> because event is a OC api
L2237[21:34:28] <Kodos> Welp
L2238[21:34:32] * JoshTheEnder slaps Kodos
L2239[21:34:33] <Kodos> Time to go find event handlers in CC code
L2240[21:34:41] <ping> wat
L2241[21:34:41] <Kodos> I know I've seen it done before
L2242[21:34:48] <Kodos> ping, I have no idea what I'm doing
L2243[21:34:48] <ping> what kind of handlers
L2244[21:35:10] <Kodos> I'm not even sure I want a handler, tbh
L2245[21:35:14] <Kodos> My terminology knowledge is terrible
L2246[21:35:37] <Kilobyte> Kodos: what do you want?
L2247[21:35:45] <ping> Kilobyte, money
L2248[21:35:50] <ping> guns
L2249[21:35:53] <Sangar> Kodos, you probably want event.pull("touch")
L2250[21:35:54] <ping> to be the best pimp ever
L2251[21:35:56] <Kilobyte> everyone wants money
L2252[21:35:58] <Kodos> I want my computer to listen for events, and if it catches a 'touch' event, I want all the variables assigned to a table
L2253[21:36:05] <Kodos> So I can ditch the address
L2254[21:36:10] <Kodos> and have it check the x and y coords of the touch
L2255[21:36:15] <Kodos> And if it matches 80, 25
L2256[21:36:16] <ping> local params={event.pull("touch")}
L2257[21:36:17] <Kodos> To output redstone
L2258[21:36:22] <Csstform> ping: all you need is the internet
L2259[21:36:28] <ping> ik
L2260[21:36:32] <Kodos> Kilobyte
L2261[21:36:35] <Kodos> You wanna know what I really want?
L2263[21:36:53] <ping> Kilobyte, wat
L2264[21:37:00] <ping> what conventions >_>
L2265[21:38:07] <Kilobyte> local params = {event.pull("touch")}
L2266[21:38:09] <Kilobyte> please
L2267[21:38:14] <Kilobyte> not local params={event.pull("touch")}
L2268[21:38:22] <Sangar> nonono
L2269[21:38:31] <Sangar> local params = table.pack(event.pull("touch"))
L2270[21:38:47] <Sangar> :P
L2271[21:39:08] <Kilobyte> Sangar: whats difference?
L2272[21:39:33] <Sangar> stores the number of entries, so you can table.unpack it again keeping nil entries
L2273[21:39:33] <ping> Kilobyte, no facu
L2274[21:39:39] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L2275[21:39:40] <Kodos> Wait wait wait
L2276[21:39:41] <Kodos> Sangar
L2277[21:39:45] <ping> though there arent any nil entries
L2278[21:39:47] <Kodos> It pulled a parameter I don't know what it is
L2279[21:39:59] <Sangar> it's magic
L2280[21:39:59] <Kodos> What's the thing after the username on 'touch'
L2281[21:40:10] <ping> .w signals
L2282[21:40:10] <^v> ping, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/signals
L2283[21:40:23] <Kilobyte> Sangar: nice
L2284[21:40:38] <Kilobyte> even though i am no fan of luas syntax tbh
L2285[21:40:46] <Sangar> Kodos, uhm... there's something after the username? >_>
L2286[21:40:51] <Kodos> Actually
L2287[21:40:56] <Kodos> I think it's counting the number of params
L2288[21:40:58] <Kodos> and adding that
L2289[21:41:08] <Kodos> I got 1-6, and then 'n' was 6
L2290[21:41:15] <Kodos> Let me screenshot what I did
L2291[21:41:20] <Sangar> ah, yes. the .pack does exactly that
L2292[21:41:29] <Sangar> adds an n=#table entry
L2293[21:41:43] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/9Baav/83b8806eae.jpg
L2294[21:41:53] <Sangar> also, you don't really need to use that there, i was just riding the pointless code conventions train :P
L2295[21:41:54] <Kodos> Ah, okay
L2296[21:42:11] <Kodos> I'm trying to figure out how to make the archery program
L2297[21:42:14] <Techokami> buahahahaha, cleaned up a half-baked unfinished update for Tubes for my own needs :D
L2298[21:42:53] <Kodos> I basically want it to output a redstone signal when touch is detected at 80, 25
L2299[21:42:57] <Techokami> I should probably throw it onto github and make a PR or something
L2300[21:43:04] <Sangar> Kodos, if you know which params you want anyway just assign them directly, e.g. local _, _, x, y, _, player = event.pull('touch')
L2301[21:43:08] *** Csstform is now known as Csst|Masterball
L2302[21:43:29] <Kodos> Mkay, one sec
L2303[21:43:35] <Kilobyte> dat hostname ^
L2304[21:44:15] <Porygon> is there an OS emulator yet?
L2305[21:44:16] <Sangar> Kodos, the _ is actually a variable name, but it's Lua convention for 'unused values'
L2306[21:44:18] <Kilobyte> Sangar: random idea, should we make OpenOS respect hashbangs?
L2307[21:44:32] <Kodos> Right
L2308[21:44:41] <Kilobyte> like, if you have a program that needs a runtime
L2309[21:44:52] <Kilobyte> if there is none, it would just launch it as lua script
L2310[21:45:32] <Kodos> Erm
L2311[21:45:34] <Sangar> Kilobyte, it kinda does, except it just discards it right now (see 00_base.lua).
L2312[21:45:35] <Kodos> Stupid question for the day
L2313[21:45:39] <Kodos> Do I need to 'require' event
L2314[21:45:56] <Kilobyte> Sangar: ah...
L2315[21:45:57] <JoshTheEnder> yes
L2316[21:45:57] <Sangar> Kodos, if in doubt, yes ;)
L2317[21:46:03] * Kilobyte gets latest source
L2318[21:46:16] <Kodos> Ah, it only worked for one shot
L2319[21:46:20] <Kodos> I need to while true do it
L2320[21:46:37] <Sangar> Kilobyte, so i dunno. we'd need a system to register runtimes for...
L2321[21:46:49] <Kilobyte> Sangar: or we do absolute file path
L2322[21:46:54] <Kodos> Too long without yielding ffs
L2323[21:46:57] <Kilobyte> like on a regular linux
L2324[21:47:10] <Kilobyte> or any unix for that matter
L2325[21:47:12] <Kodos> Oh wait, I wonder
L2326[21:47:45] <Altenius> .define a
L2327[21:47:45] <Kodos> What's the opposite of ==, ~=? Or !=
L2328[21:47:47] <Sangar> Kilobyte, actually, it'd have to go somewhere else then. sincce that is only fur lua files right now.
L2329[21:47:58] <Kodos> Ignore that question mark
L2330[21:47:59] <ping> !=
L2331[21:47:59] <Kilobyte> hmm
L2332[21:48:00] <Altenius> ~= Kodos
L2333[21:48:01] <ping> ~=*
L2334[21:48:05] <Kodos> Okay
L2335[21:48:06] <Sangar> it's in loadfile, and only does that to be standard lua conform :P
L2336[21:48:24] <JoshTheEnder> ~= is lua, != is Python (and probably other stuff)
L2337[21:48:27] <Kilobyte> yeaaaah
L2338[21:48:38] <Altenius> != is pretty much anything that's not Lua
L2339[21:48:41] <Kilobyte> we'd need it in shell.run or something
L2340[21:48:46] <Sangar> so it'd have to go in the shell.
L2341[21:48:52] <Sangar> yeah
L2342[21:48:56] <Kilobyte> yeah
L2343[21:48:59] <Altenius> yeah
L2344[21:49:11] <ping> yeah
L2345[21:49:20] <^v> yeah
L2346[21:49:21] <Kodos> yeah
L2347[21:49:39] <Kilobyte> Sangar: btw, with low screen resolution tier 3 screens can be hard to read
L2348[21:49:48] <ping> we know
L2349[21:49:52] <Kodos> Upgrade your monitor
L2350[21:49:58] <Kilobyte> laptop
L2351[21:49:59] <Kilobyte> :P
L2352[21:50:03] <Sangar> lower the resolution :P
L2353[21:50:04] * Kodos shrugs
L2354[21:50:04] <ping> you can set the resolution command
L2355[21:50:17] <Kilobyte> and i don't have my new pc yet
L2356[21:50:18] <Kilobyte> :P
L2357[21:50:19] <Kodos> resolution 80 25
L2358[21:50:23] <Sangar> ^
L2359[21:50:27] <Kodos> That'll double the size
L2360[21:50:30] <Kodos> of your text
L2361[21:50:49] <Techokami> https://github.com/Schmoller/Tubes/pull/16 woo
L2362[21:51:17] <Sangar> Kilobyte, actually, the # stuff would have to go into process.load i guess.
L2363[21:51:35] <Kilobyte> how is the primary component of a type determined btw
L2364[21:51:40] <Kilobyte> Sangar: what file?
L2365[21:51:47] <Sangar> Kilobyte, random
L2366[21:51:57] <Sangar> uhm, lib/process.lua ithink
L2367[21:52:27] <Kodos> Okay, using print while in a loop is bad
L2368[21:52:37] <Kodos> New plan
L2369[21:53:15] <Kilobyte> Sangar: gah, i need shell parsing D:
L2370[21:53:26] ⇨ Joins: phillips1013 (~phillips1@
L2371[21:53:37] <JoshTheEnder> wow... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-27926420 :P
L2372[21:54:01] ⇦ Parts: phillips1012 (~phillips1@ ())
L2373[21:54:40] ⇦ Quits: Lumien (~lumien@p4FED46C9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L2374[21:54:47] ⇦ Parts: phillips1013 (~phillips1@ (Leaving))
L2375[21:55:10] <Sangar> Kilobyte, fork openos :>
L2376[21:55:22] <Kilobyte> ?
L2377[21:55:35] <Sangar> make your own os :P
L2378[21:55:46] <Kilobyte> that was actually a long run plan i had
L2379[21:55:52] <Sangar> \o/
L2380[21:56:09] <Altenius> If I make an OC emulator will anyone use it?
L2381[21:56:10] <Kilobyte> and i'll overengineer it
L2382[21:56:17] <Altenius> It would be cross-platform
L2383[21:56:18] <Kilobyte> Altenius: me for sure
L2384[21:56:39] <Kilobyte> make it so people can add their own peripherals as plugins though
L2385[21:56:46] <Altenius> eek
L2386[21:56:54] <Altenius> It won't be Java
L2387[21:57:01] <Kodos> Okay, I got a basic program going
L2388[21:57:01] <Kilobyte> what then?
L2389[21:57:04] <Altenius> C
L2390[21:57:11] <Kilobyte> i can still help you
L2391[21:57:19] <Altenius> ?
L2392[21:57:19] <Kodos> If you bullseye the center of the T3 screen, the green lamp lights up, otherwise the red one lights up
L2393[21:57:21] <Kilobyte> at least on unix platform
L2394[21:57:24] *** AngieBLD is now known as AngieBLD|Off
L2395[21:57:25] <Kodos> But you have to run the program for each shot
L2396[21:57:41] <Altenius> each shot?
L2397[21:57:42] <Kilobyte> Altenius: plugin systems in c on unix apis are easier than in java
L2398[21:57:43] <Sangar> Kodos, oh, why is a loop not working?
L2399[21:57:55] <JoshTheEnder> right, i'm off mainly because i have a headache and cant do anything productive
L2400[21:57:56] <Kodos> Too long without yielding if you take too long between shots
L2401[21:57:59] <Altenius> okay Kilobyte
L2402[21:58:07] <Porygon> Altenius: I will definitely use it
L2403[21:58:09] <Kilobyte> simple dlopen(), dlsym()
L2404[21:58:10] <Sangar> Kodos, wah. code.
L2405[21:58:12] <Porygon> I need an OC emulator
L2406[21:58:16] <JoshTheEnder> o//
L2407[21:58:19] <Kodos> Hang on
L2408[21:58:23] <Altenius> I'll start working on it then.
L2409[21:58:23] <Kodos> I'm making it look presentable
L2410[21:58:45] <Sangar> k, brb, shower
L2411[21:59:27] <Kodos> Oh..
L2412[21:59:29] <Kodos> new issu
L2413[21:59:30] <Kodos> e
L2414[21:59:37] <Kodos> Now it's just looping my red lamp
L2415[21:59:39] <Kodos> x.x
L2416[22:00:01] <Kodos> I think I looped the wrong bits of code
L2417[22:00:24] *** vifino is now known as vifino|off
L2418[22:00:43] <Altenius> I've never heard of a PNG font. How is that parsed?
L2419[22:01:03] <Kilobyte> Sangar: midnight shower? :O
L2420[22:02:24] ⇨ Joins: phillips1012 (~phillips1@
L2421[22:02:49] <Kodos> Okay, it looks rather stupid, but here it is. http://puu.sh/9Bc4l/89ab3bcbfb.jpg
L2422[22:04:28] <Michiyo> It figures... I add code and I need random people talking, and suddenly every channel MichiBot is in goes quiet..
L2423[22:04:28] <Michiyo> lol
L2424[22:10:40] <Kodos> Okay, rednet energy cable is awesome
L2425[22:11:00] <Michiyo> Yeah I found that last night, what is it? lol
L2426[22:11:10] <Kodos> Power and rednet in one wire
L2427[22:11:35] <Kodos> I've got an XU generator connected into a TE3 energy cell, and rednet energy cable hooked up to that, hooked up to my computer and my two P:R lamps
L2428[22:11:46] <Kodos> And it's all working
L2429[22:13:59] <Michiyo> Neat..
L2430[22:15:17] <Kodos> Also Rednet is VERY good for PneumaticCraft safety and gauge tubes
L2431[22:15:31] ⇦ Quits: skilz (~skilz@pa175-39-133-2.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au) ()
L2432[22:15:44] ⇨ Joins: skilz (~skilz@pa175-39-133-2.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au)
L2433[22:17:14] <Sangar> Kilobyte, aye
L2434[22:17:45] <Kodos> Sangar, http://puu.sh/9Bc4l/89ab3bcbfb.jpg
L2435[22:17:45] ⇦ Quits: skilz (~skilz@pa175-39-133-2.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au) (Client Quit)
L2436[22:17:53] <Sangar> Kodos, where's the loop?
L2437[22:18:11] <Kodos> I had to remove it because I couldn't figure out where to get it, but it WAS like this
L2438[22:18:39] <Kilobyte> gah, i'm thirsty
L2439[22:18:39] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/9Bdv0/5d0542961d.jpg
L2440[22:18:58] <Sangar> Kodos, you want the while true do *before* the event.pull
L2441[22:19:05] <Kodos> Oh
L2442[22:19:06] <Kodos> Well
L2443[22:19:07] <Kodos> Han gon
L2444[22:19:25] <Michiyo> yay MichiBot has sed.. but I have it disabled here :p
L2445[22:20:22] <Kilobyte> kibi has too, but it doesn't have any plugins loaded
L2446[22:20:25] <Kilobyte> due to bugs
L2447[22:20:33] *** justastranger|zzz is now known as justastranger
L2448[22:20:50] <Kodos> Works now methinks =D
L2449[22:20:56] <Kodos> Gonna stand around a sec
L2450[22:21:08] ⇨ Joins: skilz (~skilz@pa175-39-133-2.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au)
L2451[22:21:11] <Kodos> Yeah, it hasn't crashed out yet
L2452[22:21:11] <Sangar> hehe
L2453[22:21:12] <Kodos> Looks good =D
L2454[22:21:20] <Kodos> Now I need to figure out how to draw a target
L2455[22:21:40] <Kodos> And maybe, MAYBE, get an 'area' of space on the screen
L2456[22:21:50] <Kodos> So you have the bullseye zone, the 'almost got it' zone, and every thing else
L2457[22:21:56] <Sangar> and multiplayer
L2458[22:22:12] <Kodos> I also like that it works even if a keyboard is attached
L2459[22:23:09] <Kilobyte> Sangar: does the file system provide ways to check if a file is readonly?
L2460[22:23:13] <Kodos> This is hard yo
L2461[22:23:15] <Sangar> Kilobyte, aye. shift rightclicking should work, too (emptyhanded / with passthrough items at least) since some time now, btw.
L2462[22:23:28] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L2463[22:23:31] <Kilobyte> ah, nice
L2464[22:23:48] <Sangar> Kilobyte, no, if anything a complete fs is readonly as far as oc is concerned
L2465[22:23:59] <Kodos> Time to draw an 'X' at 80, 25
L2466[22:24:11] <Sangar> err, the first one should have been to Kodos -.-
L2467[22:24:23] <Kilobyte> Sangar: that could both cause issues with my NFS and my custom os i am planning
L2468[22:24:29] <Kilobyte> i wanna keep compatibility
L2469[22:24:49] <Kilobyte> but, even in the NFS, read/write perms can be per-file
L2470[22:24:54] <Kodos> Sangar, how would I make a single character appear on the screen without using term.setCursor, etc
L2471[22:25:00] <Kodos> isn't there a special function for that
L2472[22:25:04] <Michiyo> k... lets make sure it doesn't activate here now
L2473[22:25:06] <Michiyo> Test
L2474[22:25:10] <Michiyo> s/Test/Ok/
L2475[22:25:10] <SuperBot> <Michiyo> Ok
L2476[22:25:12] <Michiyo> k good.
L2477[22:25:19] <Sangar> Kodos, component.gpu.set(x, y, string)
L2478[22:25:24] <Kodos> Thank ye
L2479[22:25:59] <Sangar> Kilobyte, hmm, well, it'd just error when writing then, no? :P not optimal, but not that bad, no?
L2480[22:26:07] <Kodos> There, now I have something to aim at
L2481[22:26:08] <Kilobyte> yeah,
L2482[22:26:19] <Kilobyte> i might add custom functions to check for read/write access
L2483[22:26:30] <Kilobyte> you can use those if you detect them
L2484[22:26:37] <Kodos> Would this work
L2485[22:26:45] <Kodos> if x == 79, 80, or 81 then
L2486[22:26:52] <ping> potato
L2487[22:26:56] <ping> ^v, potato
L2488[22:27:01] <ping> dammit
L2489[22:27:17] <Kilobyte> Keridos: use if x == 79 or x == 80 or x == 81 then
L2490[22:27:23] <Kodos> Lol
L2491[22:27:29] <Kodos> let me fix this
L2492[22:27:31] *** Kodos is now known as Xilandro
L2493[22:27:32] <Xilandro> There
L2494[22:27:49] <Kilobyte> oh fail
L2495[22:27:51] <Xilandro> There's no shorter way
L2496[22:27:55] <Sangar> if you want to be fancy if ({[79]=true,[80]=true,[81]=true})[x] also would ;)
L2497[22:27:55] <Kilobyte> didn't even notice
L2498[22:27:56] <ping> ^v, is Xilandro a derp
L2499[22:27:56] <^v> ping, Without a doubt
L2500[22:28:11] <Kilobyte> sadly lua isn't ruby lol
L2501[22:28:23] <ping> ^v, ruby > lua
L2502[22:28:23] <^v> ping, Outlook not so good
L2503[22:28:32] <Xilandro> Truth
L2504[22:28:45] <Kilobyte> in ruby i'd do [79, 80, 81].include? x
L2505[22:28:46] <Kilobyte> :P
L2506[22:29:15] <Sangar> scala: (70 until 81) contains x <3
L2507[22:29:21] <ping> .> string.char(79,80,81)
L2508[22:29:21] <^v> ping, OPQ
L2509[22:29:23] <ping> <_>
L2510[22:29:41] <Kilobyte> Sangar: shush
L2511[22:29:44] <Sangar> ohwait. (70 to 81). always get the two mixed up >_>
L2512[22:30:03] <Kilobyte> *79
L2513[22:30:13] <Sangar> yes.
L2514[22:30:38] <Sangar> what was the programmer truth? no matter how long you've coded, getting indexes right is hard :P
L2515[22:30:41] <Kilobyte> scala is nice... if you really get into it
L2516[22:30:56] <Kilobyte> i agree with that one
L2517[22:31:09] <Kilobyte> and i am coding for like half of my life
L2518[22:31:18] <Sangar> ditto
L2519[22:31:29] <Kilobyte> (i'm 18 now)
L2520[22:31:37] <Kilobyte> (yes, i started with like 9-10)
L2521[22:31:46] <Xilandro> What's the most reliable way to make a program terminate itself
L2522[22:31:51] <Xilandro> As in what should I call
L2523[22:32:03] <ping> ^v, Scala?
L2524[22:32:04] <^v> ping, Without a doubt
L2525[22:32:08] <ping> k
L2526[22:32:13] <Kilobyte> if you are dirty about it, error()
L2527[22:32:21] <Kilobyte> otherwise a clean return trail
L2528[22:32:21] <Xilandro> Can I do custom error text?
L2529[22:32:25] <ping> yes
L2530[22:32:28] <Kilobyte> sure, error("abc")
L2531[22:32:29] <ping> error("potato")
L2532[22:32:55] <Kilobyte> brb @ phone
L2533[22:32:55] <Sangar> error{why="because"}
L2534[22:33:11] <Sangar> (no don't do that, but you could)
L2535[22:33:22] <Kilobyte> Sangar: you are violating your own code conventions D:
L2536[22:33:32] <Xilandro> That isn't working, though I've probably got it set up wrong
L2537[22:34:02] <Sangar> Kilobyte, i violate what standards i have on a daily basis
L2538[22:34:24] <Kilobyte> don't start with standards violation
L2539[22:34:30] <Xilandro> http://puu.sh/9BeOJ/644ac2ddb3.png
L2540[22:34:43] <Kilobyte> someone was bitching at me earlier because i was following irc RFC
L2541[22:34:56] <Kilobyte> yes. thats no typo
L2542[22:36:38] <Sangar> Xilandro, what do you expect it to do?
L2543[22:36:59] <Xilandro> After 3 'touch's, it should break
L2544[22:37:03] <Xilandro> as in go back to shell
L2545[22:37:05] <Xilandro> with that custom error
L2546[22:37:18] <Kilobyte> Sangar: whats the call to check if an fs is readonly?
L2547[22:37:24] <Sangar> also, try adding a component.gpu.set(x, y, "O") after the pull, to get some feedback on where it thinks you hit.
L2548[22:37:38] <Sangar> Kilobyte, isReadonly on the fs
L2549[22:37:59] <Sangar> *fs proxy
L2550[22:38:13] <ping> ^v, derp?
L2551[22:38:14] <^v> ping, Signs point to yes
L2552[22:38:14] <Sangar> e.g. component.proxy("address of the fs").isReadonly()
L2553[22:38:21] <Kilobyte> i'll prob just add 3 calls for the 3 unix perms
L2554[22:38:24] <Sangar> see mount program
L2555[22:38:31] <Sangar> heh
L2556[22:39:02] *** ping is now known as v^
L2557[22:39:11] <Kilobyte> fs.canRead("file") fs.canWrite("file") fs.canExecute("file")
L2558[22:39:45] <Xilandro> Sangar, I moved that "O" to the check if it doesn't match bullseye, so it's not overwriting my X
L2559[22:40:16] <Kilobyte> my os will then also have setRead/Write/Execute("file", true/false)
L2560[22:40:33] <Kilobyte> ofc you need to be file owner for that
L2561[22:40:44] <Kilobyte> and yeah... LOTS of file metadata handling
L2562[22:40:50] <Sangar> Kilobyte, fancy :) how much ram do you expect as the minimum system requirements? ;)
L2563[22:41:00] <Sangar> Xilandro, yeah makes sense
L2564[22:41:01] <Kilobyte> quite a bit
L2565[22:41:05] <Kilobyte> probably
L2566[22:41:13] <Kilobyte> lowest will likely not be enough
L2567[22:41:37] <Sangar> aye. which is a good excuse for keeping openos relatively dumb :>
L2568[22:41:43] <Kilobyte> yup
L2569[22:41:58] <Kilobyte> this is intended for computers shared between users
L2570[22:42:05] <Sangar> neat
L2571[22:42:08] <Kilobyte> like, one connected as a central control unit
L2572[22:42:16] <Kilobyte> with access regulations
L2573[22:42:41] <Xilandro> What the hell is a Tuple
L2574[22:42:52] <Kilobyte> as in "user 1" can only access sensor 1 and 2, "user 2" can only access sensor 3
L2575[22:43:32] <Kilobyte> Sangar: i might go that far that all peripherals can appear in /dev
L2576[22:43:46] <Kilobyte> and those files can have custom behaviour
L2577[22:43:59] <Sangar> Xilandro, basically a fixed size list with arbitrary data types per entry.
L2578[22:44:05] <Kilobyte> cat file > /dev/lp0 on bettershell prints file
L2579[22:44:12] <Sangar> Xilandro, oh and immutable
L2580[22:44:24] <Sangar> Kilobyte, oh that'd be awesome
L2581[22:44:54] <Kilobyte> ofc you need write permission for /dev/lp0
L2582[22:44:57] <Porygon> dsAway: does gx work yet?
L2583[22:45:02] ⇨ Joins: ping (~alias@2601:4:4500:887:74ce:d6c7:84c8:c632)
L2584[22:45:02] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
L2585[22:45:10] <Kilobyte> that way you can control access to printer
L2586[22:45:17] <Xilandro> Still trying to get this stupid turncount idea working
L2587[22:45:31] <Kilobyte> components will probably be passed as file handles
L2588[22:45:38] <Xilandro> Oh wait, I know why
L2589[22:45:39] <Xilandro> derp
L2590[22:45:46] <Kilobyte> component api being a wrapper
L2591[22:46:09] <Sangar> :D
L2592[22:46:20] <Techokami> excited
L2593[22:46:31] ⇦ Quits: ping (~alias@2601:4:4500:887:74ce:d6c7:84c8:c632) (Quit: Leaving)
L2594[22:46:39] <Techokami> this will definitely show up on my server
L2595[22:46:56] <Xilandro> Okay, error worked
L2596[22:47:02] <Xilandro> Now I just have to make it look nicer
L2597[22:47:27] <Xilandro> http://puu.sh/9BfTW/70ad3a5115.jpg Also need to throw a term.clear when it dies
L2598[22:48:15] <Kilobyte> haven't figured out details
L2599[22:49:14] <Xilandro> I'm really not liking the one coord target, given how unreliable bows are
L2600[22:49:26] ⇨ Joins: ShadowKatStudios (~sks@c211-31-42-102.rochd5.qld.optusnet.com.au)
L2601[22:50:05] <Kilobyte> Sangar: is there an easy way to nuke a coroutine?
L2602[22:50:24] <Xilandro> Is there an efficient way of assigning a portion of the screen, rather than designating one coordinate at a time
L2603[22:50:35] <Kilobyte> like, coroutine.kill(thread)
L2604[22:50:44] <Sangar> Kilobyte, error() if it's not running a pcall, otherwise, no.
L2605[22:51:16] <Sangar> well, yield. kinda. but whatever called it would have to handle that appropriately, and not just call back in.
L2606[22:51:50] <Kilobyte> I mean from outside the coroutine while it's not running
L2607[22:51:51] <Sangar> Xilandro, you can set strings (gpu.set(1, 2, "XXXXX")) or do gpu.fill
L2608[22:52:03] <Kilobyte> a typical Unix SIGKILL
L2609[22:52:50] <Sangar> Kilobyte, if it's code that's not indirectly run via the coroutine itself by simply not resuming it again. but there's no "mark this coroutine stopped" function.
L2610[22:53:04] <Xilandro> I don't want to actually fill the screen, I just want that area to be counted as the 'area to trigger the green light' instead of just the one spot
L2611[22:53:24] <Kilobyte> does it get garbage collected if I remove any references?
L2612[22:53:37] <Sangar> Xilandro, then do a if x > minX and x < maxX and y > minY and y < maxY then
L2613[22:53:42] <Kilobyte> like most stuff
L2614[22:53:45] <Sangar> Kilobyte, yes
L2615[22:53:49] <Kilobyte> good
L2616[22:53:54] <Xilandro> Ahthat would work
L2617[22:53:59] <Xilandro> This is the setup I'm gonna go with I think http://puu.sh/9BgoS/cfcc0ec1e5.jpg
L2618[22:54:10] <Kilobyte> st
L2619[22:54:16] <Sangar> oh, small target :>
L2620[22:54:20] <Xilandro> Right
L2621[22:54:28] <Xilandro> Which is why I'm gonna do either a 3x3 area or 5x5
L2622[22:54:34] <Xilandro> Or
L2623[22:54:35] <Xilandro> maybe
L2624[22:54:37] <Sangar> or decrease resolution?
L2625[22:54:39] <Xilandro> Well
L2626[22:54:42] <Xilandro> I had another thought just now
L2627[22:54:46] <Xilandro> I could do difficulty levels
L2628[22:54:51] <Sangar> indeed!
L2629[22:55:02] <Sangar> and moving targets if you're evil.
L2630[22:55:11] <Xilandro> I wouldn't have a CLUE how to do that one
L2631[22:55:14] <Xilandro> But that could be fun too
L2632[22:55:15] <Kilobyte> dont give him ideas
L2633[22:55:22] <Xilandro> Kilo
L2634[22:55:25] <Xilandro> I'm still a Lua noob
L2635[22:55:34] <Xilandro> This is probably on my top 3 most advanced things I've ever made
L2636[22:55:35] <Kilobyte> i'm just trolling
L2637[22:55:36] <Sangar> gpu.copy + gpu.fill with spaces
L2638[22:55:49] <Xilandro> Wait
L2639[22:55:51] <Xilandro> Gpu.copy
L2640[22:55:55] <Xilandro> Okay
L2641[22:55:56] <Xilandro> New idea
L2642[22:55:59] <Sangar> :>
L2643[22:56:07] <Xilandro> Could I make a computer with two graphics cards, and two monitors
L2644[22:56:13] <Sangar> yes
L2645[22:56:14] <Xilandro> And have the second monitor be BIG ASS
L2646[22:56:20] <Xilandro> And have hte displays be duplicate
L2647[22:56:24] <Xilandro> Like a projector
L2648[22:56:29] <Kilobyte> definitely possible
L2649[22:56:37] <Xilandro> So if I edit code on tiny monitor, it shows up on BAMF monitor
L2650[22:57:12] <Kilobyte> if you want 3D projections, look at holograms, they are epic
L2651[22:57:21] <Xilandro> I already have an ore scanner program
L2652[22:57:23] <Sangar> in principle, yes, could be a bit of work, tho
L2653[22:57:39] <Xilandro> I'll get this working first
L2654[22:57:42] <Sangar> well. less could, more will definitely be.
L2655[22:57:47] <Xilandro> Lol
L2656[22:58:18] <Xilandro> .w gpu.fill
L2657[22:58:18] <^v> Xilandro, gpu.fill(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, char: string):boolean Fills a rectangle in the screen buffer with the specified character. The target rectangle is specified by the x and y coordinates and the rectangle's width and height. The fill character char must be a string of length one, i.e. a single character.
L2658[22:58:43] <Kilobyte> Sangar: can I check how much ram a computer has installed/used?
L2659[22:58:52] <Xilandro> Where does the rectangle appear relative to the x and y used
L2660[22:59:13] <Sangar> Kilobyte, yes, computer.totalMemory iirc
L2661[22:59:26] <Xilandro> .w computer.usedMemory
L2662[22:59:27] <^v> Xilandro, Not found. did you want "computer component"?
L2663[22:59:28] <Xilandro> err
L2664[22:59:36] <Kilobyte> what about used memory?
L2665[22:59:37] <Sangar> Xilandro, x y is top left of the area
L2666[22:59:43] <Sangar> computer.freeMemory
L2667[22:59:53] <Xilandro> .w computer.freeMemory
L2668[22:59:53] <^v> Xilandro, computer.freeMemory():number The amount of memory currently unused, in bytes. If this gets close to zero your computer will probably soon crash with an out of memory error.
L2669[22:59:54] <Kilobyte> that works
L2670[23:00:00] <Xilandro> .w computer.totalMemory
L2671[23:00:00] <^v> Xilandro, computer.totalMemory():number The total amount of memory installed in this computer, in bytes.
L2672[23:00:04] <Xilandro> Then just math those two
L2673[23:00:17] ⇨ Joins: Pontiac (~Pontiac@
L2674[23:00:42] <Kilobyte> I need to figure out how much memory my kernel needs and just refuse to boot if there isn't enough
L2675[23:01:21] <Sangar> oh, somewhat off-topic, but before i forget again: this was posted on the lua mailing list recently, looks quite well written, for those that want to learn Lua: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Lua_Programming
L2676[23:01:30] <Kilobyte> "this program needs at least x memory, please upgrade the computer"
L2677[23:02:03] <Kilobyte> Sangar: how's that off topic?
L2678[23:02:15] <Sangar> off-topic relative to computer memory :P
L2679[23:02:26] <Pontiac> Nice find, Sangar.
L2680[23:02:28] <Kilobyte> fair point
L2681[23:03:00] <Xilandro> Can a function just be a set of variables being assigned
L2682[23:03:23] <Xilandro> eg can I wrap the configurations for each difficulty in separate functions
L2683[23:03:32] <Kilobyte> Sangar: btw, thanks for making input/output redirect that easy
L2684[23:03:32] <Sangar> yes
L2685[23:03:46] <Xilandro> Okay, then difficulty levels won't be as difficult as I thought
L2686[23:03:47] <Xilandro> huehue
L2687[23:04:01] <Kilobyte> nice one
L2688[23:04:11] <Sangar> hehe
L2689[23:04:12] <Xilandro> Also
L2690[23:04:27] <Xilandro> Will the computer detect who fired the arrow if I assign the username bit of the event
L2691[23:04:31] <Xilandro> Or does it just say arrow
L2692[23:04:33] <Xilandro> or whatever
L2693[23:04:37] <Sangar> the username
L2694[23:04:48] <Xilandro> So it'll detect whoever fired?
L2695[23:04:50] <Xilandro> Awesome
L2696[23:04:51] <Sangar> yes
L2697[23:04:56] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (sciguyryan@109-205-169-208.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L2698[23:04:58] <Xilandro> That means I could do a scoreboard, too
L2699[23:05:04] <Kilobyte> Sangar: saw I finished my config parser lib?
L2700[23:05:10] <Xilandro> Instead of 3 turns, maybe first to 10 bullseyes
L2701[23:05:27] <Porygon> can you build a giant display?
L2702[23:05:37] <Sangar> Kilobyte, no, is it on openprog/github/somewhere?
L2703[23:05:41] <Xilandro> Sangar, if I get far enough with this dea, do you want me to PR it as a loot disk?
L2704[23:05:53] <Xilandro> idea*
L2705[23:06:01] <Sangar> Xilandro, sure, sounds like a fun little program :)
L2706[23:06:14] <Kilobyte> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Kilobyte-Programs/tree/master/configparse
L2707[23:06:28] <Sangar> Porygon, how giant?
L2708[23:06:41] <Kilobyte> with readme explaining syntax and usage
L2709[23:07:00] <Sangar> but in principle: you can change the config to make it frikkin big, yes. no guarantees for how bit until weird things start to happen, though :P
L2710[23:08:42] <Kilobyte> Sangar: comments?
L2711[23:09:03] <Xilandro> Okay, now to figure out how to add usernames to a table and print it on the side of the screen
L2712[23:09:04] <Sangar> Kilobyte, very interesting. i'll still stick to lua files for configs, though :D
L2713[23:09:12] <Kilobyte> sure
L2714[23:10:03] <Kilobyte> this is a format I originally developed for my chat bridge
L2715[23:10:07] ⇨ Joins: ping (~notPing@2601:4:4500:887:6907:95b3:c8c4:65b6)
L2716[23:10:07] zsh sets mode: +v on ping
L2717[23:10:08] <Sangar> very nice, still
L2718[23:10:16] <Sangar> ah, ok
L2719[23:10:20] <ping> http://puu.sh/9BhIK.png
L2720[23:10:24] <ping> new detroit cop cars
L2721[23:10:25] <ping> look cool
L2722[23:10:28] <Xilandro> What was the stderr thing
L2723[23:10:31] <Kilobyte> by now I ported it to c++ and lua
L2724[23:10:34] <Xilandro> I thought I had it written down
L2725[23:10:48] <Sangar> Xilandro, you mean io.stderr:write?
L2726[23:10:49] <Kilobyte> original implementation was java
L2727[23:11:31] <Xilandro> Yes, but now that isn't closing the program -.-
L2728[23:11:36] <Sangar> Kilobyte, haha. that reminds me of my raytracing programs that i ported to several languages :P
L2729[23:11:53] <Kilobyte> lol
L2730[23:11:55] <Sangar> Xilandro, you can just return after that
L2731[23:12:05] <Kilobyte> I have to write a c wrapper
L2732[23:12:17] <Sangar> Kilobyte, to Java mostly to compare performance to c++, to c# to learn the language :>
L2733[23:12:20] <Xilandro> Awesome, that works
L2734[23:12:28] <Kilobyte> so I can use it via ffi
L2735[23:12:30] <Porygon> Sangar: like 4x6 meters
L2736[23:12:34] <Xilandro> http://puu.sh/9BhXr/68f893e515.jpg That looks cleaner
L2737[23:12:44] <Sangar> Porygon, default max size is 8x6 iirc, so yes
L2738[23:12:54] <Porygon> yay
L2739[23:12:55] <Kilobyte> i'll go sleep in 10 mins or so
L2740[23:12:59] <Porygon> k
L2741[23:13:46] <Sangar> Xilandro, yep. still needs a "y u no can aim u nub" somewhere, tho. not insulting enough by far.
L2742[23:13:52] <Xilandro> lol
L2743[23:14:03] <Kilobyte> I agree 100%
L2744[23:14:07] <Xilandro> I suppose I should have a win message, too
L2745[23:14:14] <Xilandro> Since it only does that error if you run out of turns
L2746[23:14:35] <Sangar> "well, i guess we can let that count" as the win message? :>
L2747[23:14:42] <Xilandro> Working out the difficulty levels atm
L2748[23:14:43] <Xilandro> Lol sure
L2749[23:14:58] <Sangar> random messages ftw. some of them evil :D
L2750[23:15:10] <Xilandro> Is there any way to 'cache' the screen's state, long enough to display a message, and then have it go back to the cached version
L2751[23:15:14] <Kilobyte> I'd vote for: "you must have been cheating"
L2752[23:15:24] <Xilandro> Kilobyte, I'll make that the hardmode win message
L2753[23:15:31] <Xilandro> Since you have to hit the literal center of the screen
L2754[23:15:42] <Kilobyte> lol
L2755[23:15:53] <Sangar> Xilandro, not automatically, you'd have to gpu.get the cells you overwrite and then restore them with a gpu.set later.
L2756[23:16:11] <Xilandro> Erm
L2757[23:16:17] <Xilandro> I want to clear the screen to display a message on hit/miss
L2758[23:16:19] <Sangar> *cells=chars
L2759[23:16:21] <Xilandro> And then go back to the game
L2760[23:16:39] <Sangar> oh. well, then save the entire screen :> will probably be quite slow though >_>
L2761[23:16:43] <Kilobyte> Sangar: what layout would I have to put screens in to get no black borders at default resolution
L2762[23:16:44] <Xilandro> Blech
L2763[23:17:07] <Kilobyte> I usually went with 2x3, but that's not perfect it seems
L2764[23:17:25] <Sangar> Kilobyte, uh, dunno. not sure *if* there's a perfect fit.
L2765[23:17:42] <Kilobyte> there surely is
L2766[23:17:54] <Sangar> more trivia for josh's bot
L2767[23:18:04] <Xilandro> 6 by 3
L2768[23:18:07] <Kilobyte> just make it that big that one monitor == one pixel
L2769[23:18:08] <Xilandro> Would be closest fit
L2770[23:18:19] <Xilandro> For T3
L2771[23:18:36] *** Nentify is now known as Nentify|away
L2772[23:18:50] <Xilandro> Because 160/50 = 16/5 = 3 over 1.5
L2773[23:18:53] <Kilobyte> Sangar: see how that would work? :P
L2774[23:19:15] <Sangar> but pixels are chars and they're not squared :P
L2775[23:19:37] <Kilobyte> 6 by 3 is equal to 2 by 1
L2776[23:19:48] <Kilobyte> damn, you win
L2777[23:19:49] <Sangar> that's close enough
L2778[23:19:56] <Xilandro> Lol
L2779[23:20:03] <Sangar> it's 9 by 5 for the chars
L2780[23:20:04] ⇦ Quits: ping (~notPing@2601:4:4500:887:6907:95b3:c8c4:65b6) (Quit: http://i.imgur.com/Akc6r.gif)
L2781[23:20:10] <Xilandro> So nearly 2:1
L2782[23:20:12] <Sangar> yes
L2783[23:20:21] <Xilandro> So yeah, 6x3 would be closest for T3
L2784[23:20:31] <Kilobyte> too much maths for this time
L2785[23:20:34] <Xilandro> Lol
L2786[23:20:37] <Xilandro> I can't even
L2787[23:20:37] <Kilobyte> brain overload
L2788[23:20:37] <Sangar> haha
L2789[23:20:40] <Xilandro> So I'm not even sure how I did
L2790[23:21:15] <Xilandro> It looks like I might have to wrap the entire loop into function
L2791[23:21:17] <Xilandro> a function
L2792[23:21:25] <Xilandro> And then make multiple functions for each difficulty level
L2793[23:21:58] <Xilandro> That way, I could have the program start by asking what difficulty you want
L2794[23:22:06] <Kilobyte> yes
L2795[23:22:07] <Sangar> so many functions. almost sounds like you're writing a program.
L2796[23:22:08] <Xilandro> And then running the appropriate function with the right loop
L2797[23:22:12] <Xilandro> You're right
L2798[23:22:18] <Xilandro> I should stop before I catch something
L2799[23:22:22] <Sangar> :>
L2800[23:22:30] <Kilobyte> Sangar: how did you guess :O
L2801[23:22:37] <Sangar> blind luck
L2802[23:23:04] <Kilobyte> btw, best way to prevent people from catching forced errors with pkill:
L2803[23:23:21] <Kilobyte> make pkill error itself
L2804[23:23:45] <Kilobyte> on detecting a forced error
L2805[23:24:05] ⇨ Joins: Zorkk (~Zorkk@S0106001d60d3cd23.cg.shawcable.net)
L2806[23:24:07] <Sangar> pkill? do you mean pcall?
L2807[23:24:17] <Zorkk> evening everyone
L2808[23:24:22] <Kilobyte> err yes ofc
L2809[23:24:23] <v^> .cmd pkill hexchat
L2810[23:24:23] <^v> v^,
L2811[23:24:23] ⇦ Quits: v^ (~^v@2601:4:4500:887:74ce:d6c7:84c8:c632) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2812[23:24:25] <Sangar> evenin
L2813[23:24:34] ⇨ Joins: v^ (~alias@2601:4:4500:887:74ce:d6c7:84c8:c632)
L2814[23:24:34] zsh sets mode: +v on v^
L2815[23:24:36] <Xilandro> lol
L2816[23:24:41] <Sangar> :P
L2817[23:24:52] <Xilandro> .cmd pkill hexchat
L2818[23:24:52] <^v> Nope.
L2819[23:24:55] <Xilandro> Aww
L2820[23:25:04] <v^> you expected it to work?
L2821[23:25:09] <Xilandro> Maybe
L2822[23:25:14] <Kilobyte> error({force=true, message="ur mom sucks"})
L2823[23:25:15] <v^> <_> im not that stupid
L2824[23:25:23] <Kilobyte> something like that
L2825[23:25:29] <Kilobyte> s/not /
L2826[23:25:44] <Kilobyte> s/ not//
L2827[23:25:53] <Kilobyte> uwot
L2828[23:25:53] <Xilandro> s//
L2829[23:25:54] <SuperBot> <Xilandro> Maybe
L2830[23:25:57] <Xilandro> err
L2831[23:25:58] <Xilandro> hm
L2832[23:26:04] <Sangar> i think somone said it only works for ones own messages
L2833[23:26:09] <Kilobyte> lame
L2834[23:26:11] <v^> soopah bot only works for your messages
L2835[23:26:21] <Sangar> there. i can tell the future.
L2836[23:26:23] <Kilobyte> kibi can better
L2837[23:26:25] <Xilandro> Oh!
L2838[23:26:26] <Xilandro> Idea!
L2839[23:26:27] <v^> because he knows we would be spamming it hardcore
L2840[23:26:30] <Xilandro> I could make this thing work with a chatbox
L2841[23:26:32] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L2842[23:26:34] <v^> like me and bio and kibibyte
L2843[23:26:39] <v^> Xilandro, i did that
L2844[23:26:40] <Xilandro> And have it output to the entire server that someone got a bullseye on Hardmode
L2845[23:26:46] <v^> someone else did that
L2846[23:26:49] <Michiyo> That's exactly why MichiBot's only works on your own channels :p
L2847[23:26:59] <Kilobyte> anyways
L2848[23:27:00] <Michiyo> er
L2849[23:27:01] <Michiyo> rmessages
L2850[23:27:05] <Kilobyte> require("computer").shutdown(false)
L2851[23:27:12] <Xilandro> wat
L2852[23:27:15] <v^> why fals
L2853[23:27:16] <Pontiac> Anyone ever use Applied Energestics?
L2854[23:27:18] <Xilandro> I do
L2855[23:27:19] <Kilobyte> aka i'm going to bed
L2856[23:27:20] <Sangar> :>
L2857[23:27:20] <Xilandro> All the time
L2858[23:27:22] <v^> .w computer.shutdown
L2859[23:27:22] <^v> v^, computer.shutdown([reboot: boolean]) Shuts down the computer. Optionally reboots the computer, if reboot is true, i.e. shuts down, then starts it again automatically.
L2860[23:27:24] <Sangar> gnight Kilobyte
L2861[23:27:32] <v^> no point in false
L2862[23:27:51] <Kilobyte> yes there is :)
L2863[23:28:13] <v^> why
L2864[23:28:22] ⇦ Quits: Altenius (~Altenius4@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L2865[23:28:32] <Xilandro> Why the hell do I not have Computronics for 1.3 1.6.4MC
L2866[23:28:42] * Xilandro blames Techokami
L2867[23:28:53] <Xilandro> I know it exists
L2868[23:28:56] <Techokami> there is a build :|
L2869[23:28:58] <Xilandro> I know
L2870[23:29:02] <Xilandro> I swore I had it
L2871[23:29:03] <Kilobyte> stop an idle computer from draining all your energy
L2872[23:29:04] <Xilandro> I don't know where it's at
L2873[23:29:15] * Xilandro sighs
L2874[23:29:20] <Xilandro> I've probably asked a tons of times
L2875[23:29:25] <Xilandro> But can I get a link to that, Tech
L2876[23:29:41] <v^> Kilobyte, meant, computer.shutdown() does same thing as computer.shutdown(false)
L2877[23:29:44] <Techokami> http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/14-mc-164-oc-122-computronics-015/#entry422
L2878[23:29:59] <Techokami> 1.6.4 download is below the 1.7.2 download
L2879[23:30:11] <Michiyo> MichiBot, hashcount
L2880[23:30:11] <MichiBot> Michiyo: Current hashmap size is: 12
L2881[23:30:21] <Michiyo> huh... I thought it'd be higher...
L2882[23:30:30] <v^> wat
L2883[23:30:33] <Techokami> Xilandro, did you get that?
L2884[23:30:41] <Xilandro> yes
L2885[23:30:44] <Techokami> good good
L2886[23:30:48] <Xilandro> Installing now
L2887[23:30:51] <Xilandro> I needed the chatbox
L2888[23:32:07] <Xilandro> Gotta love silent item ID conflicts
L2889[23:32:49] <Techokami> oh man I remember when item ID conflicts were a thing
L2890[23:32:53] * Techokami mainly uses 1.7.2
L2891[23:33:57] <Xilandro> Uhh
L2892[23:34:00] <Xilandro> I found a bug with Besh I think
L2893[23:34:09] <Xilandro> Sangar, ^
L2894[23:34:22] <Techokami> besh isn't sangar's thing iirc
L2895[23:34:22] <Sangar> wouldn't surprise me :P
L2896[23:34:28] <Xilandro> Whose thing is it
L2897[23:34:29] <Techokami> I forget who's it is
L2898[23:34:32] <Sangar> yeh, it's mostly wobbos
L2899[23:34:36] <Techokami> ah wobbo
L2900[23:34:37] <Xilandro> Okay
L2901[23:34:40] <Techokami> where is wobbo
L2902[23:34:45] <Xilandro> Gonna try and replicate
L2903[23:34:47] <Sangar> i did the piping, but most of the rest is his
L2904[23:35:09] <Sangar> there's an open issue on github
L2905[23:35:20] <Sangar> if it's related you can chime in there
L2906[23:35:40] <Xilandro> Well
L2907[23:35:47] <Xilandro> I did 'cat thisfile > thatfile'
L2908[23:35:53] <Xilandro> And now dir, ls, etc don't list anything
L2909[23:35:57] <Xilandro> I had to reboot back into sh
L2910[23:35:59] ⇨ Joins: ironmountain (~EiraIRC@c-67-190-228-157.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)
L2911[23:36:06] <v^> so
L2912[23:36:12] <Xilandro> When I rebooted, the new file was there
L2913[23:36:13] <Xilandro> it had worked
L2914[23:36:16] <Xilandro> but the shell broke
L2915[23:36:16] <v^> people screaming constantly at their little kids
L2916[23:36:22] <Sangar> Xilandro, yeah, it's pretty broken atm. i might have a look at it over the weekend.
L2917[23:36:30] <Xilandro> Okay
L2918[23:37:00] <v^> they can barely fucking talk, why are you expecting them to answer your question
L2919[23:37:10] <Xilandro> I really like the append'ing feature with besh
L2920[23:37:18] <Xilandro> Helpful if I forgot an end
L2921[23:37:40] <Sangar> haha
L2922[23:38:08] <Xilandro> Sangar, the other day I was talking about making a component
L2923[23:38:15] <Xilandro> I know you said external memory wasn't possible, but
L2924[23:38:23] <Sangar> indeed
L2925[23:38:26] <Xilandro> How difficult would a block with 10 slots for floppies be
L2926[23:38:33] <Xilandro> Having each read separately
L2927[23:38:41] <Sangar> not overly.
L2928[23:39:26] <Xilandro> Also, is the server rack a model while empty? Or is that some hackery with blocks
L2929[23:39:51] <Sangar> that's 'hackery' with blocks
L2930[23:40:25] *** tgame14|sleep is now known as tgame14
L2931[23:40:26] <Xilandro> I'm sure there's a technical explanation for it, but to give you an idea of my knowledge of making a block, a block of K-Matter is just a block with a reskinned emerald block texture
L2932[23:41:01] <Sangar> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/client/renderer/block/BlockRenderer.scala#L109 that's the rack rendering code
L2933[23:41:22] <Xilandro> Ahh
L2934[23:41:26] <Xilandro> So you're just shaving out the inside basically
L2935[23:41:27] <Pontiac> *PERKS* RACK?? .. oh.. nevermind... Forgot the type of channel this is. Not the food network... ahem
L2936[23:42:06] <Sangar> Xilandro, yep
L2937[23:43:41] <Xilandro> Whee, Creative Chatbox
L2938[23:43:49] <Xilandro> I like this one better than the regular one
L2939[23:44:06] <Xilandro> Might try using it to voice-operate my base
L2940[23:44:21] <ironmountain> That would be bad ass
L2941[23:44:33] <Xilandro> 'Computer' 'Yes, Kodos?'
L2942[23:44:41] <Xilandro> 'Turn on my generators'
L2943[23:44:48] <Xilandro> *Generators kick on*
L2944[23:44:53] <Sangar> *reactor explodes*
L2945[23:44:57] <Xilandro> Prettty much
L2946[23:45:02] <Xilandro> OH
L2947[23:45:06] <Xilandro> 'computer'
L2948[23:45:08] <Xilandro> 'lights'
L2949[23:45:12] <Xilandro> Shit son
L2950[23:45:55] <Xilandro> First thing's first, I need to fix these silent conflicts
L2951[23:45:58] <Sangar> i did that with windows voice and one of those usb-controlled serial boards once :> was fun
L2952[23:48:56] <v^> <_> i want a usb serial controller
L2953[23:49:04] <v^> so badly
L2954[23:49:29] <v^> cant arduinos do that?
L2955[23:49:53] <Sangar> i think they can
L2956[23:50:23] <Sangar> ours has now found its purpose for controlling the sprinkler based on the humidity sensor in the lawn :P
L2957[23:51:03] <Sangar> not arduino, said one before. i'd like an arduino just to mess around with some time.
L2958[23:51:47] <v^> i wana lua interface to my cortex ;-;
L2959[23:54:29] ⇨ Joins: Altenius (~Altenius@
L2960[23:55:25] <ironmountain> I love it when I eat my pants
L2961[23:55:54] <v^> ^v, is ironmountain thinking what i think he is thinking? ;-;
L2962[23:55:54] ⇦ Quits: Altenius (~Altenius@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2963[23:55:54] <^v> v^, Very doubtful
L2964[23:56:02] <Sangar> oh, its that time again
L2965[23:56:31] <v^> k gman
L2966[23:56:40] <ironmountain> What, Cotton is so tasty :3
L2967[23:58:15] ⇨ Joins: ironmountain_ (~EiraIRC@c-67-190-228-157.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)
L2968[23:58:15] ⇦ Quits: ironmountain (~EiraIRC@c-67-190-228-157.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2969[23:58:16] ⇨ Joins: ironmountain__ (~EiraIRC@c-67-190-228-157.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)
L2970[23:58:19] ⇦ Quits: ironmountain_ (~EiraIRC@c-67-190-228-157.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2971[23:58:20] ⇨ Joins: ironmountain___ (~EiraIRC@c-67-190-228-157.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)
L2972[23:59:18] <Sangar> ^.-
L2973[23:59:18] ⇨ Joins: ironmountain____ (~EiraIRC@c-67-190-228-157.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)
L2974[23:59:19] ⇦ Quits: ironmountain___ (~EiraIRC@c-67-190-228-157.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2975[23:59:19] ⇨ Joins: ironmountain_____ (~EiraIRC@c-67-190-228-157.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)
L2976[23:59:26] <Xilandro> Uhh
L2977[23:59:33] <Xilandro> EiraIRC is bad
L2978[23:59:34] ⇦ Quits: ironmountain_____ (~EiraIRC@c-67-190-228-157.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2979[23:59:37] <v^> yes
L2980[23:59:39] <v^> it is
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