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L1[00:01:40] ⇨ Joins: Flenix (~Flenix@
L2[00:02:31] ⇦ Quits: jk-5 (~jk-5@5ED40762.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L3[00:02:37] ⇦ Quits: SleepyFlenix (~Flenix@ (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L4[00:03:26] *** Xilandro is now known as Kodos
L5[00:05:13] *** Csstform is now known as Csst}|Masterball
L6[00:05:18] *** Csst}|Masterball is now known as Csst|Masterball
L7[00:06:21] ⇨ Joins: jk-5 (~jk-5@5ED40762.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L8[00:06:22] zsh sets mode: +v on jk-5
L9[00:11:43] *** ds^ is now known as ds^away
L10[00:12:14] ⇨ Joins: sdkamer (webchat@
L11[00:12:31] <sdkamer> anyone here who can provide some help with robots and planting seeds?
L12[00:13:11] <Csst|Masterball> nop
L13[00:13:21] <Csst|Masterball> noone here knows what OC is
L14[00:13:27] <gamax92> Csst|Masterball: knock it off
L15[00:13:28] * Csst|Masterball doges incoming blows
L16[00:13:29] <sdkamer> :P
L17[00:13:36] <Csst|Masterball> *dodges
L18[00:13:49] * Porygon knocks off Csst|Masterball's master ball
L19[00:13:56] <sdkamer> lol
L20[00:14:09] * Kenny wonders how he can evade the balls when he doens't know how to spell dodge
L21[00:14:26] <Kodos> sdkamer, What are you trying to do
L22[00:14:29] <gamax92> I should really experiment with the robots so I can be slightly useful
L23[00:14:34] <sdkamer> trying to plant seeds with a robot :)
L24[00:14:51] <Kodos> Put the seeds in the tool slot and ruun....
L25[00:14:55] <Csst|Masterball> Kenny: I was just looking at something about dogecoin
L26[00:14:55] <Kodos> .w robot
L27[00:14:56] <^v> Kodos, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/api-robot
L28[00:15:07] <Kodos> robot.place()
L29[00:15:14] <sdkamer> tried that
L30[00:15:33] <sdkamer> with them selected and with them in the tool slot
L31[00:15:36] <Kenny> was the ground tilled first?
L32[00:15:40] <Csst|Masterball> robot.placeDown()? (if they are anything like turtles)
L33[00:15:40] <sdkamer> yes
L34[00:15:59] <gamax92> there is a placeDown
L35[00:16:00] <Kodos> Remember that you have to pass what surface you want to place on
L36[00:16:10] <sdkamer> tried the placedown first, but to no avail moved the robot to the same level and tried block in front and still no go
L37[00:16:18] <Kodos> robot.placedown(sides.bottom)
L38[00:16:24] <Csst|Masterball> O.o
L39[00:16:24] <sdkamer> do you "have" to put the side?
L40[00:16:27] <Kenny> Csst|Masterball: i think you are close. i believe it is robot.place(down) or ("down")
L41[00:16:28] <Kodos> No, but it might help
L42[00:16:44] <Kodos> Kenny, the parens are the surface of the blockspace you want to place on
L43[00:16:48] <Kodos> There's still placeDown, placeUp, etc
L44[00:16:53] <Csst|Masterball> >_<
L45[00:17:08] <Kodos> .w robot.place()
L46[00:17:08] <^v> Kodos, robot.place([side: number[, sneaky: boolean]]):boolean Places a block from the selected inventory slot in front of the robot. Returns true on success, false otherwise. The side parameter determines the "surface" on which to try to place the block. If it is omitted the robot will try all surfaces.
L47[00:17:31] * Csst|Masterball wonders what a robot can do that a turtle cant
L48[00:17:33] <Kenny> i know, couldn't remember if it had to have quotes or not
L49[00:17:40] <Kodos> Gain levels, Csst|Masterball
L50[00:17:42] <gamax92> well, it is a number
L51[00:17:43] <gamax92> so no
L52[00:17:58] <Csst|Masterball> Kodos: ?
L53[00:18:03] <sdkamer> nogo on the sides deal
L54[00:18:08] <Sangar> if it's in the tool slot, robot.use(), if it's in the inventory robot.place()
L55[00:18:16] <Kodos> ^
L56[00:18:17] <sdkamer> right, tried both
L57[00:18:24] <Kenny> God has spoken
L58[00:18:27] <sdkamer> lol
L59[00:18:28] <Kodos> What about
L60[00:18:31] <Kodos> .w robot.swing()
L61[00:18:31] <^v> Kodos, robot.swing([side: number]):boolean[, string] Makes the robot perform a "left click", using the currently equipped tool, if any. The result of this action depends on what is in front of the robot.
L62[00:18:36] <Kodos> Err nvm
L63[00:18:37] <Kodos> that wouldn't work
L64[00:18:54] <Sangar> if there's any 'activateable' block that might confuse it, you can make sure it tries to place it 'down' by using robot.use(sides.down) / robot.place(sides.down)
L65[00:19:09] <Kenny> there is one that makes it perform a right click action isn't there
L66[00:19:12] <Kodos> Just for shits and giggles, the seed is being placed on Tilled land, rihgt?
L67[00:19:17] <Kodos> Yes, Kenny, turtle.use()
L68[00:19:18] <Kodos> err
L69[00:19:19] <Kodos> fuck
L70[00:19:22] <sdkamer> yup, it is kodos lol
L71[00:19:24] <Kodos> !kick Kodos Idiot
L72[00:19:37] <Csst|Masterball> Sangar: would you consider putting some kind of 'reward' in for the winner of a ModJam type competition in OC? I'd say a cape, but that isnt allowed, is it.
L73[00:20:09] <Kodos> What about
L74[00:20:13] <Kodos> The winning program becomes a loot disk
L75[00:20:24] <Csst|Masterball> are there such things in OC?
L76[00:20:29] <Kodos> Loot disks? Yes
L77[00:20:31] <gamax92> yeah
L78[00:20:33] <Kodos> Also that was a terrible idea
L79[00:20:39] <Csst|Masterball> :P
L80[00:20:41] <Sangar> Csst|Masterball, that sounds interesting. sure, something, i guess... i have no cape system tho, not that i'd care much whether it's "legal" or not :P
L81[00:20:42] <Kodos> Since we can just PR the useful stuff into loot disks
L82[00:20:46] <Csst|Masterball> XD
L83[00:20:52] <Sangar> also capes are kind of last year, no? :P
L84[00:20:58] <gamax92> last year, yes.
L85[00:21:01] <Csst|Masterball> are they?
L86[00:21:06] <Kodos> We could code a sash
L87[00:21:11] <Csst|Masterball> I just know Optifine uses them
L88[00:21:13] <gamax92> Csst|Masterball: don't you remember last year we did ocjam?
L89[00:21:21] <Kenny> a Pirate Hat
L90[00:21:23] <Csst|Masterball> wut
L91[00:21:26] <gamax92> Csst|Masterball: good, neither do I.
L92[00:21:31] <Kodos> lol
L93[00:21:38] <Csst|Masterball> gamax92: kek
L94[00:21:40] <Sangar> maybe portable computers will only be useable by certain people hrhr
L95[00:21:46] <Csst|Masterball> XD
L96[00:22:25] * Kodos is scrambling to find that snippet for events put into a table
L97[00:22:28] <Csst|Masterball> Those who win get to use all the blocks, otherwise, you are stuck with just a monitor
L98[00:22:37] <Csst|Masterball> lol
L99[00:22:41] <gamax92> How about the guy who wins gets a 6502 computer.
L100[00:22:53] * Kodos actually kind of wants one
L101[00:22:56] <gamax92> Someone remind gamax92 to work on that Symon port.
L102[00:22:58] <gamax92> oh wait
L103[00:23:16] * Csst|Masterball pokes gamax92
L104[00:23:18] <Sangar> hm, hologram capes? :P
L105[00:23:22] <Kodos> Yes
L106[00:23:23] <Kodos> Yes
L107[00:23:24] <Kodos> yes
L108[00:23:28] <gamax92> no
L109[00:23:48] * Kodos wants a hologram cape anyway
L110[00:23:49] <gamax92> I'd like a thousand dollar graphics card kthxbai
L111[00:24:19] <Sangar> equipped hologram. if you want it to look like a cape, configure it accordingly? :P
L112[00:24:32] <Csst|Masterball> wut
L113[00:24:37] <Csst|Masterball> sounds intense
L114[00:24:47] <Kodos> That would be fun
L115[00:24:49] <gamax92> Sangar: hmm, so what happens if i nbtedit a hologram on my head
L116[00:24:54] <Kodos> I foresee some Green Lantern shit happening
L117[00:25:08] <Sangar> gamax92, fun things, probably?
L118[00:25:13] <gamax92> inb4 crash
L119[00:25:16] <Csst|Masterball> lol
L120[00:25:36] <sdkamer> no go on using or placing with sides....have anyone actually tried planting seeds with robots? just wondering if it has been tested before?
L121[00:25:55] <Sangar> sdkamer, well, i just tried, but that was in the 1.3 devbuild :P
L122[00:26:06] <Csst|Masterball> you could just flip his character sideways. Since down is taken. That would be origional, right? (It would also completely screw anyone in pvp)
L123[00:26:09] <Csst|Masterball> :P
L124[00:26:10] <sdkamer> it worked though?
L125[00:26:12] <Sangar> i can't remember 'fixing' it though, so i'd assumed it worked before
L126[00:27:01] <Sangar> sdkamer, try =robot.place()/use(), see if it says something useful
L127[00:27:56] <sdkamer> only if "false" would be useful to you :)
L128[00:28:20] <Kodos> sdkamer what build are you using
L129[00:28:24] <Kodos> inb4 375
L130[00:28:45] * Kodos turns up his bluegrass music
L131[00:29:12] <Csst|Masterball> Sangar: alright, if you thinks that's a thing, just tell me what you decide on plz, I'm going to bed
L132[00:29:17] <sdkamer>
L133[00:29:29] <Kodos> Just a sec
L134[00:29:41] <Sangar> Csst|Masterball, i'd be willing to add *something* i just can't promise *what* and *when* at this point in time ;)
L135[00:30:00] <Sangar> i kinda like the equipped holo idea, but i'll have to see how... feasible that is.
L136[00:30:16] <Kodos> sdkamer, are you using any OC addons right now, or anything that packs the OC API?
L137[00:30:43] <sdkamer> @kodos not that i'm aware of
L138[00:31:09] <Kodos> Try updating to the latest build found on ci.cil.li and see if you still have the issue
L139[00:31:28] <sdkamer> well, on a RR server, so lemme try some SMP first....sorry to be a bother
L140[00:31:33] <Hawk777> Hi! I just installed OC into my 1.6.4 instance. I can’t seem to find the rumoured Linked Cards in NEI. Have those not actually been finished yet, or am I missing something?
L141[00:31:36] <Sangar> sdkamer, so just to confirm, standard seeds, robot's in front of a tilled tile?
L142[00:31:56] <Kodos> Hawk, if you get them from NEI, it won't work iirc
L143[00:32:15] <Hawk777> I can’t even *FIND* the item in NEI to read off its recipe.
L144[00:32:20] <Sangar> Hawk777, they're in there and working, i see them in nei :/
L145[00:32:29] <Sangar> check the standard creative tab
L146[00:32:33] <sdkamer> @sangar yes, standard minecraft wheat seeds and tried with the robot in front and a block above (block of air between)
L147[00:32:36] *** Pontiac_CanadasWonderLand is now known as Pontiac
L148[00:32:53] <Kodos> sdkamer, screenshot please
L149[00:32:55] <Hawk777> I turned on all items and just typed “link” into the search box. No results.
L150[00:32:57] <Kodos> I'd like to see positioning
L151[00:33:00] <Hawk777> (except the Railcraft crowbars)
L152[00:33:40] <Sangar> sdkamer, just checked in 1.2, works for me :/
L153[00:34:38] <sdkamer> @sangar ok, let me try SMP, it may be an issue with a fakeplayer or some crap with this server so sorry for trouble
L154[00:34:47] <Sangar> Hawk777, could you check the log and look for the string "No recipe for". there should only be three with the default recipe set. if the linked card is among them, post that line please.
L155[00:35:04] <Sangar> sdkamer, if there's world protection that might interfere, yes
L156[00:35:15] <Sangar> since robots explicitly respect that
L157[00:35:17] <Kodos> YEah, if robots don't have permission, it won't work
L158[00:35:22] <sdkamer> @sangar is there a fakeplayer account for OC?
L159[00:35:24] <Kodos> Yes
L160[00:35:29] <Kodos> what's your IGN
L161[00:36:19] ⇦ Quits: Techokami (~Techokami@pool-173-48-10-173.bstnma.east.verizon.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L162[00:36:20] <Hawk777> cuttingWire, acid, and circuitBoard
L163[00:36:25] <Hawk777> No other no recipe messages.
L164[00:36:25] <Sangar> sdkamer, the fakeplayer name is configurable, per default it's "<name of the player that placed the robot>.robot"
L165[00:37:00] <sdkamer> @sangar ok, didn't know if there was a global [[opencomputers]] or something like that
L166[00:37:44] <Sangar> you can change the naming pattern in the config to a fixed value (setting is robot.nameFormat)
L167[00:37:56] <Sangar> Hawk777, uhm, then it should be there... weird.
L168[00:38:09] <Kodos> Sangar, want me to go test 429?
L169[00:38:29] <Hawk777> To repeat, this is for 1.6.4, downloaded from Jenkins a few minutes ago. It’s not a 1.7-only thing or something is it?
L170[00:38:50] <Sangar> Hawk777, no, i'm looking at it right now in 1.6 :P
L171[00:38:53] <Hawk777> Huh.
L172[00:39:19] <Sangar> Kodos, sure :)
L173[00:39:23] <Kodos> kk will do
L174[00:39:35] *** ds^away is now known as ds^
L175[00:39:54] <Sangar> Hawk777, http://i.imgur.com/TNQYbWh.png that's what it looks like
L176[00:41:45] <Kodos> Yep, works fine for me too
L177[00:41:56] <Kodos> Typed in Link, found 3 AE things and the linked card
L178[00:41:56] <Kenny> Sangar, sounds like he might have an item id conflict.
L179[00:42:06] <Sangar> Kenny, good point
L180[00:42:19] <Kenny> what is the iotem id for ther linked card?
L181[00:42:22] <Hawk777> Hm, OpenComputers.cfg appears to use one single item ID for everything. I can certainly see all the other cards and stuff.
L182[00:42:35] <Hawk777> NICs, GPUs, CPUs, etc.
L183[00:42:46] <Sangar> then again, *no* item should work, yeah :P
L184[00:42:52] <Sangar> weird
L185[00:43:12] <ping> woo sql buffering
L186[00:43:16] <Hawk777> It doesn’t require any other mods, does it?
L187[00:43:21] <Sangar> Hawk777, nope
L188[00:43:26] <Kenny> unless it was that 1 in a million where they used the same id and metadata for just one item
L189[00:43:59] <Sangar> item id conflicts are also written to the idconflicts.txt, right?
L190[00:44:05] <ping> under 65536 ids
L191[00:44:08] <Kodos> It should tell you
L192[00:44:12] <Kodos> if it makes that file, Sangar
L193[00:44:19] <Kodos> It's probably a silent conflict
L194[00:44:22] <Kodos> ie MC still loads
L195[00:44:39] <Sangar> such fun
L196[00:44:52] <Kodos> Indeed
L197[00:44:59] <Hawk777> Wait. Is it a problem that I might have had config files from OC1.2 lying around?
L198[00:45:06] <Sangar> Hawk777, could you search by item id (just type in the number) and see if some other mods' stuff pop up?
L199[00:45:08] <Kodos> Yes
L200[00:45:15] <Hawk777> For example, would the recipe not be added to the recipes file if it alreayd existed?
L201[00:45:23] *** ping is now known as v^
L202[00:45:23] <Kodos> Sangar, we need a disclaimer to remove configs when updating
L203[00:45:30] <Sangar> Hawk777, yes, but it should be for other reasons :P
L204[00:45:38] <Kodos> Hawk, delete configs and reload MC
L205[00:45:40] <Hawk777> Gotcha.
L206[00:45:42] <Sangar> Kodos, yeah, i've been thinking about how to best automate that
L207[00:45:54] <Hawk777> That generally isn’t a problem for any other mod I’ve tried.
L208[00:46:09] <Kodos> What about a version check that force-regens the configs
L209[00:46:27] <gamax92> what about storing a version in the config
L210[00:46:28] <Sangar> Kodos, more like a version number in the configs, probably.
L211[00:46:32] <Sangar> heh
L212[00:46:37] <gamax92> SANGAR ...
L213[00:46:45] <gamax92> I suggested this to you several times before.
L214[00:46:52] <Sangar> lies
L215[00:46:57] <gamax92> yeah i did
L216[00:47:05] <Sangar> i was probably asleep
L217[00:47:16] <Sangar> (i honestly can't remember, sorry)
L218[00:48:12] * v^ slaps Sangar
L219[00:48:18] <v^> we thought you checked your pms
L220[00:48:47] <gamax92> Attack on Sangar, the movie.
L221[00:48:53] <Sangar> i do. if it was a notice it's not unlikely i missed it though, hexchat is kind of stupid about those.
L222[00:49:53] <Sangar> oh well. another argument for dumping everything on github :P
L223[00:51:05] <Sangar> so yeah, i'll probably do that tomorrow-ish. and if no one reports another native crash i might as well push the first prerelease after that i think.
L224[00:51:35] <Kodos> FWIW
L225[00:51:38] <Kodos> I haven't had any more
L226[00:51:42] *** darknife25 is now known as darknife25|AFK
L227[00:51:52] <Sangar> that's pretty huge :D
L228[00:52:07] <gamax92> For tommorow's todo list, crash.
L229[00:52:09] <Kodos> I can probably scrap my two test programs
L230[00:52:25] <Kodos> One was a program that just made the computer automatically reboot, saved it as autorun
L231[00:52:29] <Sangar> i so expect to wake up to a crash report tomorrow, even if it's fake :P
L232[00:52:46] <Kodos> The other ran a Geolyzer to Hologram T2 render on loop
L233[00:52:50] <Kodos> So it was always up to date
L234[00:52:52] <Sangar> Kodos, that sounds like my old real computer :P
L235[00:53:01] <Kodos> Lol
L236[00:53:29] <Sangar> oh right. i have to test oppm again, and make vex pr it after that.
L237[00:53:36] <Sangar> i keep forgetting -.-
L238[00:53:52] <Hawk777> Deleted my entire instance and tried it again (this is an under-construction MCUpdater pack which has OC and a few other mods, but does not include *any* config files yet—and I checked that it’s getting the 1.3 version of OC).
L239[00:53:52] <Hawk777> Still no sign of the linked card. The word “link” doesn’t appear anywhere in any of my OC config files, including the recipe files, after they’re generated. Tried typing 4856 into NEI search (which is what everything else is), and no sign of anything from other mods.
L240[00:54:41] <Kodos> What other mods are you using
L241[00:55:23] <Sangar> Hawk777, just to establish a baseline, could you try without any other mods?
L242[00:55:31] <Hawk777> Currently, Buildcraft, CodeChickenCore, CoFHCore, Forestry, IronChests, NEIPlugins, NEI, OpenComputers, Railcraft, and Thermal Expansion.
L243[00:55:46] <Hawk777> Yeah, I can do that. Need to leave soon, but I probably have time for that test.
L244[00:56:16] <Kodos> Obviously keep NEI and CCC =P
L245[00:56:25] <Kodos> Unless no
L246[00:56:26] <gamax92> .tell Sangar Test oppm
L247[00:56:26] <^v> gamax92, Message queued.
L248[00:56:37] <Sangar> :P
L249[00:56:58] <Sangar> see, that goes into notices. which doesn't properly highlight for some reason.
L250[00:57:11] <Sangar> so yeah, it's quite possible i missed tells before :/
L251[00:57:34] <v^> it sends when you talk next
L252[00:57:37] <v^> <_>
L253[00:58:02] <Sangar> .tell Sangar test
L254[00:58:02] <^v> Sangar, Message queued.
L255[00:58:05] <Sangar> a
L256[00:58:30] <v^> query ^v if you want them to show up in their own window
L257[00:58:40] <Kodos> So any other new features coming into OC soonish or no
L258[00:59:18] <Sangar> http://i.imgur.com/RZOAXLL.png
L259[00:59:33] <Sangar> red/orange is highlight normally. notices only get greyish.
L260[00:59:39] <Sangar> so i tend to miss notices.
L261[00:59:44] <Kodos> My notices pop in the channel chat feed
L262[00:59:45] <Hawk777> That has also not helped—only mods are CCC, NEI, and OC.
L263[00:59:58] <Hawk777> Destroyed the whole instance before testing.
L264[01:00:09] <Sangar> mine dont :/
L265[01:00:11] <Kodos> When you go into creative, do you have any extra tabs
L266[01:00:22] <Hawk777> Yeah, the OC tab is there.
L267[01:00:36] <Sangar> and it's not in there either?
L268[01:00:44] <Sangar> are you *sure* you're on 1.3?
L269[01:00:49] <Sangar> is the robot assembler there?
L270[01:01:30] <Kodos> Sangar what IRC client do you use
L271[01:01:36] <Sangar> Kodos, HexChat
L272[01:01:47] <Hawk777> No, I don’t see the robot assembler either.
L273[01:01:50] <Kodos> Settings > Preferences > Channel Switcher > Placement of Notices
L274[01:01:55] <Kodos> Hawk, you're not on 1.3
L275[01:02:17] <Kodos> How many floppy disks are in the creative tab
L276[01:02:31] <Sangar> .tell Sangar test
L277[01:02:31] <^v> Sangar, Message queued.
L278[01:02:35] <Sangar> dun dun dun
L279[01:02:37] <Hawk777> No. No, I’m not.
L280[01:02:37] <Sangar> yay
L281[01:02:40] <Hawk777> *DERP*
L282[01:02:40] <Sangar> that's better
L283[01:02:44] <Hawk777> Sorry for the bother.
L284[01:02:46] <Kodos> You're welcome, sangar and Hawk
L285[01:02:46] <Kodos> =)
L286[01:02:54] <Sangar> thanks :D
L287[01:03:32] <Hawk777> Managed to download the new file, put it on the server, update the MCU pack XML file, but forgot to change the MD5 sum. So I ended up with a copy of 1.2 sitting in my client-side instance directory with a 1.3 filename :P
L288[01:03:44] <gamax92> And so once again, the day is saved thanks to... Kodos
L289[01:03:46] * Kodos has no idea what the hell he just said
L290[01:05:25] <Kodos> the OC site/forums need a black theme
L291[01:05:33] <Sangar> all right, i'm back to trying to sleep. see you tomorrow.
L292[01:05:36] <Kodos> So I can read without my eyes straining
L293[01:05:36] <v^> poke spirited dustbin
L294[01:06:02] ⇦ Quits: PixelToast (PixelToast@Bash.Is.Better.Than.zsh.PanicBNC.biz) (Remote host closed the connection)
L295[01:06:02] ⇦ Quits: ds^ (ds84182@Bash.Is.Better.Than.zsh.PanicBNC.biz) (Remote host closed the connection)
L296[01:06:08] <v^> aww
L297[01:06:11] <v^> bai panicbnc
L298[01:06:26] <Hawk777> Perhaps right now is the wrong time for me to make any suggestions at all to the dev team, but… maybe an mcmod.info file with the version number in it? *hides*
L299[01:06:50] <Kodos> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master/src/main/resources/mcmod.info
L300[01:06:58] <Kodos> Like that one?
L301[01:07:15] <Kodos> ... Which needs updated
L302[01:07:27] <Hawk777> I guess? When I open the mods list in MC, it claims there isn’t one at all and that OC is version 1.0.0.
L303[01:07:56] <Kodos> I'll hassle Sangy tomorrow about it
L304[01:08:06] <Pontiac> In MC 1.6, creepers don't blow up when they get fall damage, do they?
L305[01:08:13] <Kodos> No iirc
L306[01:08:17] <Sangar> that's auto-filled in by jenkins
L307[01:08:37] <Hawk777> Alright, I’m off (though leaving my bouncer behind). Thanks for the help.
L308[01:09:11] <Sangar> cya. anyway, really gone now, too, gnight ;)
L309[01:10:04] ⇨ Joins: ds84182 (webchat@pool-173-73-34-100.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
L310[01:15:48] <Kodos> Woo, figured out how to get a min/maxed horse
L311[01:17:55] *** TwoWhole1orms is now known as TwoWholeWorms
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L313[01:21:30] <Porygon> Sangar: are you asleep yet?
L314[01:21:58] <Porygon> (I hope that didn't beep)
L315[01:26:25] <Kodos> It's rude to ping someone when you know they're asleep
L316[01:26:43] <Kodos> You don't know that he doens't have some loud alarm set to sound when he's pinged
L317[01:27:36] <gamax92> I would think thats unlikely, considering how much I bother him.
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L319[01:41:35] ⇨ Joins: gradiusc (~riotgradi@
L320[01:41:55] <gradiusc> Hello all :D
L321[01:42:08] <gamax92> Hello
L322[01:42:17] <Kodos> Howdy
L323[01:42:28] <gradiusc> finally decided to dedicate a screen session to idling here :P
L324[01:42:36] <Kodos> Heh
L325[01:42:48] <Kodos> gamax92, What's this http://pastebin.com/s0KwnvUD
L326[01:42:49] <gradiusc> Funny thing is, once I got this set up, I've forgotten what my question is...
L327[01:42:51] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L328[01:43:27] <gamax92> Kodos: NES assembly
L329[01:43:38] <v^> EF4IR2/CaxfrL5hr0PR8fAOg9a9Pabqf0i9Xlo5u0xo:999999
L330[01:43:57] ⇦ Quits: jk-5 (~jk-5@5ED40762.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L331[01:44:06] <Kodos> As in Nintendo?
L332[01:44:15] <v^> no
L333[01:44:16] <gamax92> As in Nintendo Entertainment System
L334[01:44:54] ⇦ Quits: Euius (~euius.bac@adsl-71-131-179-206.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L335[01:45:43] <gradiusc> Oh that's what I was going to ask, if I execute a lua script on the command line, how do I forcefully kill the process if it gets into an inf loop?
L336[01:45:46] <gamax92> Kodos: why?
L337[01:45:52] <gradiusc> Like, ctrl-c didn't seem to work.
L338[01:45:56] <gamax92> ctrl-alt-c
L339[01:46:02] <gamax92> or power off and on computer
L340[01:46:03] <gradiusc> ahhhh :D
L341[01:46:07] <Kodos> Reboot is best boot
L342[01:46:10] <gradiusc> Yeah, powerdown was the only way I could find.
L343[01:46:32] <Kodos> gamax92, I have a thing that autoflags Lua pastebins and saves links for me so I can check later
L344[01:46:58] <Kodos> I like looking at CC and OC code, gives me ideas and teaches me new things
L345[01:47:42] <gamax92> Kodos: I can tell its NES assembly because mention of prg, chr, a ppu, and the ppu addresses is in $2000 to $2007 (specifically they used $2002)
L346[01:48:13] <gamax92> oh, and ines
L347[01:49:47] ⇨ Joins: jk-5 (~jk-5@5ED40762.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L348[01:49:47] zsh sets mode: +v on jk-5
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L350[02:07:01] <gradiusc> Could someone give me a quick tl;dr of how to use the modem .send function? I think I'm derping the arguments. Also, for addresses, is there any way to shorten them when sending messages?
L351[02:07:14] <gradiusc> (I was reading into the components details, but couldn't find specifics)
L352[02:07:49] <Kodos> .w modem
L353[02:07:49] <^v> Kodos, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/component-modem
L354[02:08:59] <Kodos> As for the address, you could just use a variable
L355[02:09:02] <gradiusc> Gotcha, I misread the .send documentation. I get that now :) But for the address shortening?
L356[02:09:09] <gradiusc> ah okay.
L357[02:09:10] <gradiusc> :D
L358[02:09:34] <gradiusc> Has anyone ported something similar to ARP for large networks?
L359[02:09:35] <Kodos> Or if you're talking about the address length when receiving a message, you could pack the entire event into a table and just dump the address
L360[02:09:49] *** LordFokas|afk is now known as LordFokas
L361[02:14:25] <gradiusc> Lastly, is there a way to run programs as daemons, or in the background? :D
L362[02:14:32] <v^> k
L363[02:14:34] <v^> no more orange
L364[02:14:40] <v^> i am getting tired of orange
L365[02:14:48] <v^> gamax92, what color should opencoins be
L366[02:15:34] <gamax92> obnoxious pink
L367[02:17:12] <v^> k
L368[02:17:13] <v^>
L369[02:17:45] <gamax92> v^: where do I get bc
L370[02:17:56] <v^> luarocks install lbc
L371[02:18:23] <gamax92> :< I just tried to install luarocket
L372[02:18:33] <v^> luarocket?
L373[02:19:10] <v^> i mean the command
L374[02:19:16] <v^> "luarocks install lbc"
L375[02:19:25] <gamax92> i didn't have luarocks installed
L376[02:19:31] <gamax92> so i went sudo apt-get install luarocket
L377[02:19:33] <v^> apt-get install luarocks
L378[02:19:48] * gamax92 slaps v^
L379[02:19:51] <v^> ?
L380[02:22:00] *** justastranger|zzz is now known as justastranger
L381[02:22:06] <justastranger> o/
L382[02:30:42] <Kodos> forge reversed the params for one of the oredict calls breaking mods
L383[02:30:43] <Kodos> wat
L384[02:39:18] <justastranger> ermagherd semi-open beta for toontown remake
L385[02:39:22] <gradiusc> Hmm, so is there a way to run a lua process in the background?
L386[02:39:22] ⇨ Joins: mfran2016 (webchat@ftth-173-215-10-116.wccta.net)
L387[02:39:24] <justastranger> my childhood is flooding back on meeee
L388[02:39:27] <mfran2016> hello
L389[02:39:42] <mfran2016> anyone know what other languages are supported besides lua?
L390[02:39:57] <Pontiac> AFAIK, no other language supported.
L391[02:39:59] <justastranger> ^
L392[02:40:12] <mfran2016> AFAIK?
L393[02:40:29] <Pontiac> As far as I know
L394[02:40:32] <justastranger> http://puu.sh/9vvo0.jpg I have a problem with this...
L395[02:40:57] <mfran2016> if someone could write an object oriented language for oc i would love them
L396[02:41:05] <justastranger> heh
L397[02:41:11] <justastranger> they could add javascript ;P
L398[02:41:22] <mfran2016> i would love them
L399[02:41:29] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L400[02:42:29] <Pontiac> Lua is OO
L401[02:43:46] <Kodos> mfran2016, https://github.com/kikito/middleclass
L402[02:43:57] <Kodos> It won't work with OC out of the box, but take a look at it
L403[02:49:45] <Bizzycola> fun
L404[02:52:49] <mfran2016> hey kodos
L405[02:53:04] <mfran2016> I love you
L406[02:53:06] <mfran2016> bye
L407[02:53:11] ⇦ Quits: mfran2016 (webchat@ftth-173-215-10-116.wccta.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
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L410[03:08:16] <ds84182> Kodos got a girlfriend (or boyfriend... can't tell)
L411[03:08:38] <Kodos> I've got a wife, does that count?
L412[03:08:53] <ds84182> Kodos: welp
L413[03:08:56] <ds84182> time for /clear
L414[03:10:31] <Porygon> Kodos: if you have kids, happy father's day
L415[03:10:59] <gamax92> if not, happy future father's day
L416[03:11:04] <Kodos> I do not have children of my own, but my ex (Not really an ex, long story)'s daughter calls me daddy
L417[03:11:52] <Porygon> that counts
L418[03:15:47] <gamax92> Porygon:
L419[03:20:53] <Porygon> gamax92: what is that?
L420[03:21:10] <gamax92> (2^512)^512
L421[03:21:33] <Porygon> I tried to paste it into a calculator to process it and it's still pasting :|
L422[03:22:05] <v^> .calc is instant
L423[03:22:05] <^v> v^, Unexpected instant
L424[03:22:09] <v^> >_>
L425[03:22:24] <Porygon> I sigkilled it and freed up 1/3 of my memory
L426[03:22:55] <v^> your calculator sucks
L427[03:23:33] <Porygon> it was a cli calculator
L428[03:24:03] <Kodos> .calc is 3 more than 2
L429[03:24:03] <^v> Kodos, Unexpected than
L430[03:28:55] <gamax92> .calc (2^512)^512
L431[03:28:55] <^v> gamax92,
L432[03:29:50] <v^> gamax92, stop spamming my paste folder please
L433[03:30:10] <v^> oh, its only 9MB
L434[03:30:13] <v^> keep spamming
L435[03:30:16] <gamax92> XD
L436[03:30:36] <v^> was expecting some hundreds of MB
L437[03:30:42] <v^> because you assholes
L438[03:42:43] <v^> k, ^v has proper time limits, so coroutine crap doesnt work anymore
L439[03:59:02] *** LordFokas is now known as LordFokas|off
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L457[04:15:19] <gradiusc> One last time, I request knowledge from the Sages of OpenComputers, is there a way to run a lua script in daemon/background mode?
L458[04:18:15] <v^> yes
L459[04:18:31] <v^> .w event.listen
L460[04:18:32] <^v> v^, event.listen(name: string, callback: function):boolean Register a new event listener that should be called for events with the specified name.
L461[04:18:38] <v^> use deis
L462[04:18:57] <v^> though weird callback stuff required
L463[04:19:19] <v^> gradiusc, depends on what you are trying to do
L464[04:19:42] <gradiusc> tl;dr I want to write something akin to ARP, but I don't know where to start in terms of daemon processes.
L465[04:20:15] <v^> so like, modem events?
L466[04:20:32] <gradiusc> That might be a reasonable place to stick it.
L467[04:21:12] <v^> event.listen("modem_message",function(someargs) message handler end)
L468[04:21:18] <v^> .w signals
L469[04:21:18] <^v> v^, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/signals
L470[04:21:33] <v^> modem_message(receiverAddress: string, senderAddress: string, port: number, distance: number, ...)
L471[04:25:23] <gradiusc> Cool, this looks like the right direction. Where should I add the Lua for this? Like is there a place in the OpenComputer OS where code is always being executed? That's the point of most of my confusion, I dont know where to execute this code from.
L472[04:25:30] <gradiusc> (sorry if I'm not understanding)
L473[04:25:58] <gradiusc> Also, is there any way to obtain root, or will system files always appear read-only?
L474[04:26:48] ⇨ Joins: PixelToast (PixelToast@Bash.Is.Better.Than.zsh.PanicBNC.biz)
L475[04:30:52] <v^> nothing should be read only >_>
L476[04:31:21] <v^> oh wait, yeah, openos does weird permission stuffs with rom
L477[04:31:40] <v^> i was just thinking on how hard it would be to programmically change the theme of opencoins
L478[04:32:08] <v^> i thought it would be really really hard
L479[04:32:57] <v^> then i realized i already had an api for image manipulation >_>
L480[04:34:08] <gradiusc> v^: Thanks for the hints, I think I'm moving in the right direction now :)
L481[04:34:28] <v^> np
L482[04:38:18] <Kodos> SKS are you around
L483[04:38:25] <Kodos> Newp
L484[04:38:27] <v^> hm
L485[04:38:38] <v^> i could make a imgur bot
L486[04:39:16] <v^> that finds similar images
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L491[04:55:29] <gamax92> Lets use an analog sound synth chip to emulate a completly different analog sound synth chip
L492[05:08:10] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L493[05:09:36] <v^> soundcards are a great source of randomness
L494[05:10:32] <v^> or this
L495[05:10:42] <v^> .> tob64(io.open())
L496[05:10:42] <^v> v^, lua:1: bad argument #1 to 'open' (string expected, got no value) | stack traceback: | [C]: in function 'open' | lua:1: in main chunk
L497[05:10:44] <v^> derp
L498[05:11:01] <v^> .> tob64(io.open("/dev/random"):read(16384))
L499[05:11:08] <v^> >_>
L500[05:11:20] <v^> should have done urandom then
L501[05:12:27] <v^> .> tob64(io.open("/dev/urandom"):read(16384))
L502[05:12:27] <^v> v^, db.lua:60: stack overflow (string slice too long) | stack traceback: | [C]: in function 'byte' | db.lua:60: in function <db.lua:59> | (tail call): ?
L503[05:12:30] <v^> awesome
L504[05:12:52] ⇨ Joins: ^SKS (~chatzilla@c211-31-42-102.rochd5.qld.optusnet.com.au)
L505[05:13:00] <v^> cant string.byte a crapload of ohai ^SKS
L506[05:13:09] <v^> Kodos, ping
L507[05:13:16] <Kodos> wat
L508[05:13:17] <^SKS> Ohai.
L509[05:13:29] <^SKS> 'Sup?
L510[05:13:38] ⇨ Joins: Gopher|omnom (~Gopher@181.sub-70-193-130.myvzw.com)
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L512[05:13:39] zsh sets mode: +v on Gopher|omnom
L513[05:13:43] *** Gopher|omnom is now known as Gopher
L514[05:13:53] <Kodos> There was something I was going to show SKS, but I can't remember
L515[05:14:00] <Kodos> It pertained to something you were working on
L516[05:14:03] <Kodos> you = sks
L517[05:14:20] <^SKS> I'm working on... I don't remember actually
L518[05:16:13] <^SKS> Interesting fact: In one school day, you will only get through 1 episode of Person of Interest, even if you watch it in class with the subtitles
L519[05:18:48] <gamax92> ^SKS: Emulating a SID with an OPL3
L520[05:18:54] <gamax92> i.e LLSID
L521[05:19:08] <^SKS> Wha?
L522[05:19:21] * gamax92 puts ^SKS in a box
L523[05:22:06] <gamax92> these usb drivers take up 20KB of ram
L524[05:26:53] *** tgame14|away is now known as tgame14
L525[05:29:11] <gamax92> ^SKS:
L526[05:29:14] <gamax92> All lost is hope
L527[05:33:12] <v^> k
L528[05:40:44] <^SKS> Why is all hope lost?
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L533[06:08:45] *** Vexatos is now known as Vex|NomNomBreakfast
L534[06:16:05] <v^> wow
L535[06:16:20] <v^> the only installer that ACTUALLY required a restart
L536[06:22:39] ⇦ Quits: Vex|NomNomBreakfast (~Vexatos@p200300556E457B2641C2AED89425FAA6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Greetings from Pastry Fork, Inc. ✔)
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L557[10:04:22] *** Kodos is now known as Kodos|Zzz
L558[10:05:40] <^Ender> Morning all
L559[10:06:19] *** ^Ender is now known as JoshTheEnder
L560[10:33:05] <Sangar> mornin
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L564[11:25:47] <Kenny> afternoon
L565[11:29:08] <JoshTheEnder> i'm bored so i'm expanding on my 'back in time chapter'
L566[11:30:31] <Kenny> right now, i'm freaking hurting. got a Dr's appt at 11am
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L569[11:47:14] <JoshTheEnder> right, update i did for my story has been pushed to the site
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L576[12:27:04] *** vifino|off is now known as vifino
L577[12:29:08] * Pontiac puts his feet up
L578[12:44:43] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L579[12:56:26] *** AngieBLD|Off is now known as AngieBLD
L580[12:57:32] * Kenny sneaks up behind AngieBLD, looks over her shoulder and goes, "Hello" :)
L581[12:58:21] <vifino> lel.
L582[12:58:32] <vifino> I thought about... nvm
L583[12:58:40] <vifino> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_MJbgO7SF0
L584[12:58:56] <vifino> this destroyed my life.
L585[13:00:07] * AngieBLD looks back and i say with a smile " Hi" :D
L586[13:00:52] <AngieBLD> damn i should say "and says" not "I" :(
L587[13:01:24] ⇦ Quits: Daiyousei (~nick1@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L589[13:07:24] ⇨ Joins: coka|mc (~coka|mc@d114-78-101-189.bla803.nsw.optusnet.com.au)
L590[13:08:25] <JoshTheEnder> o/
L591[13:08:33] <coka|mc> hi
L592[13:08:53] <JoshTheEnder> coka|mc, are you who i think you are?
L593[13:09:07] <coka|mc> Oh I forgot I use bizzycola here lol
L594[13:09:16] *** coka|mc is now known as Bizzy|MC
L595[13:09:19] <JoshTheEnder> lol
L596[13:09:22] <JoshTheEnder> guessed that
L597[13:09:41] ⇦ Quits: Kodos|Zzz (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:90ec:4fba:8131:76e4) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L598[13:09:59] <Bizzy|MC> I bet :p
L599[13:12:03] ⇨ Joins: ShadowKatStudios (~sks@c211-31-42-102.rochd5.qld.optusnet.com.au)
L600[13:12:09] <Bizzy|MC> Kaboom
L601[13:12:09] ⇦ Quits: Bizzy|MC (~coka|mc@d114-78-101-189.bla803.nsw.optusnet.com.au) (Client Quit)
L602[13:12:19] <JoshTheEnder> :O ShadowKatStudios
L603[13:12:31] <ShadowKatStudios> Good evening.
L604[13:12:44] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm feeling like writing
L605[13:12:45] <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, you should have a memo from me
L606[13:12:49] <JoshTheEnder> \o/
L607[13:13:27] <JoshTheEnder> ohh cool, it tells me when you have read it
L608[13:13:30] <JoshTheEnder> :P
L609[13:14:40] <ShadowKatStudios> Very nice.
L610[13:15:15] <ShadowKatStudios> Why so long though? You could probably meet them there in 5 minutes :P
L611[13:16:19] * ShadowKatStudios re-reads hisstory to figure out what to write from
L612[13:17:37] <JoshTheEnder> eh, mainly because when i get back to the time when i left, i'm about a month away (to make sure i dont intesect with my past self, causing more paradoxes). also its a cool story point because 5 mins doesnt have enough of an impact
L613[13:18:05] <ShadowKatStudios> So, JTE, what are you intending to do in timeline A?
L614[13:19:10] <JoshTheEnder> lurk around you for a bit, hack into government servers and set the foundations for the 4-beat rythm
L615[13:19:26] <JoshTheEnder> stuff like that
L616[13:19:46] <ShadowKatStudios> So I won't notice you?
L617[13:20:21] <JoshTheEnder> you /shouldnt/ do, i'll just be another person to you (a) since you dont see me until 10 years later
L618[13:20:49] <ShadowKatStudios> Also, you've got 10 years to kill, wow, slow road.
L619[13:20:57] <JoshTheEnder> yeah
L620[13:21:43] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E457B2641C2AED89425FAA6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L621[13:21:53] <JoshTheEnder> also do you like the 'time stream' image i put at the start of the chapters?
L622[13:22:15] <Vexatos> Hello world
L623[13:22:20] <JoshTheEnder> bye
L624[13:22:22] <JoshTheEnder> jk
L625[13:22:30] <JoshTheEnder> you all dead to me
L626[13:22:31] <Vexatos> :(
L627[13:22:32] <JoshTheEnder> jk
L628[13:22:41] <Vexatos> TardisTheEnder is just kidding
L629[13:22:50] <JoshTheEnder> i dont kid
L630[13:22:54] <ShadowKatStudios> the image is cool
L631[13:23:06] <ShadowKatStudios> little kids are evil, ffr
L632[13:23:13] <JoshTheEnder> .josh
L633[13:23:13] <EnderBot2> Future ruler/ender of the world, often likes to destroy people by throwing busses full of children at them. Sometimes puppies are in place of children. Does not give a damn about what you think, and will pretty much eat your soul.
L634[13:23:13] <EnderBot2> - http://goo.gl/35fRvm
L635[13:23:46] <ShadowKatStudios> Poetic.
L636[13:24:04] <JoshTheEnder> hmm, what else is there...
L637[13:24:05] <JoshTheEnder> .power
L638[13:24:05] <EnderBot2> THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS YOU!
L639[13:24:07] <JoshTheEnder> lol
L640[13:24:20] <JoshTheEnder> i think that was for ocbots
L641[13:24:42] <ShadowKatStudios> Lolreligion
L642[13:25:14] <JoshTheEnder> i think i put it in because one of the bots in there had a rule34 command or something like that
L643[13:25:31] <ShadowKatStudios> Hah, rule 34.
L644[13:26:27] <ShadowKatStudios> Interesting fact: tvtropes is a good cure for writer's block
L645[13:27:00] *** darknife25|AFK is now known as darknife25
L646[13:27:04] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
L647[13:29:33] *** JoshTheEnder is now known as Ender^42
L648[13:33:53] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
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L651[13:36:32] *** darknife is now known as darknife25
L652[13:37:55] ⇦ Quits: Euius (~euius.bac@adsl-71-131-177-11.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L653[13:41:41] <Kenny> SKS: if you do a story, pm me the link. i have a Dr's appt in a little over an hour and don't know when i'll be back
L654[13:43:45] *** Ender^42 is now known as ^Ender
L655[13:45:29] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13 (~Johannes@p4FDEE84B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L656[13:45:49] <Sangar> ohey Vexatos! when doing `oppm update *` i get 'Package does not exist'
L657[13:47:01] <Vexatos> Hmmmm
L658[13:47:15] <Vexatos> How did you download the latest OPPM version?
L659[13:47:40] <Vexatos> Did you download oppm.cfg into /etc ?
L660[13:48:40] <Sangar> Vexatos, no, but it created that automatically, so i'd assumed i don't have to? (and i dl'ed it using wget, straight from github, onto a fresh computer)
L661[13:48:48] <Vexatos> Ok
L662[13:48:49] <Vexatos> Hmmm
L663[13:50:40] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13 (~Johannes@p4FDEE84B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L664[13:51:35] <Vexatos> That is weird
L665[13:51:39] <Vexatos> Does it only print that=
L666[13:51:43] <Sangar> yes
L667[13:51:44] <Vexatos> Nothing before or after it?
L668[13:51:49] <Sangar> nothing else
L669[13:51:59] <Sangar> manual updating works fine
L670[13:52:09] <Sangar> (i.e. oppm update oppm e.g.)
L671[13:52:13] <Vexatos> This is really weird
L672[13:52:38] <Vexatos> Check github, line 436 and following
L673[13:52:48] <Vexatos> There needs to be a typo somewhere
L674[13:52:54] ⇦ Quits: Alex_hawks (~Alex_hawk@CPE-120-145-172-21.lnse2.pie.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L675[13:53:20] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L676[13:53:59] <Sangar> updatePackage(args[2])...
L677[13:54:10] <Sangar> oppm update X == updatePackage("update")
L678[13:54:21] <Sangar> Vexatos, ^
L679[13:54:28] <Vexatos> args[2] is the second argument
L680[13:54:32] <Vexatos> so oppm update *
L681[13:54:34] <Vexatos> Would be *
L682[13:54:36] <Vexatos> I think
L683[13:54:48] <Vexatos> update is the first argument
L684[13:54:49] <Sangar> oh, i though 1 was the progname, probably isnt
L685[13:54:58] <Sangar> allright, disregard that
L686[13:55:01] <Sangar> ooooh
L687[13:55:03] <Sangar> haha
L688[13:55:08] <Vexatos> Otherwise update wouldn't work at all
L689[13:55:15] <Vexatos> ?
L690[13:55:15] <Vexatos> D:
L691[13:55:19] <Sangar> globbing :P
L692[13:55:32] <Sangar> oppm update '*' works :P
L693[13:55:40] <Vexatos> Uhm
L694[13:55:44] <Vexatos> Escape character?
L695[13:56:43] <Sangar> http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/globbingref.html the * gets expanded in the recent versions of oc :P so yeah
L696[13:58:51] <Sangar> quick fix is to adjust the usage accordingly (i.e. '*' instead of *)
L697[14:00:43] <Vexatos> So, it's your fault once again? \o/
L698[14:01:04] <Sangar> well, kind of, but that won't change, because that's how the shell *should* work ;)
L699[14:02:00] <Sangar> (in particular for stuff like cp tmp/* usr/ for example)
L700[14:03:05] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L701[14:09:56] <Sangar> Vexatos, but, yeah aside from that everything seems to work :) update that usage info to avoid confusing people (it'll work in 1.2, too) and you can pr it if you want. i'll probably push beta 1 of oc later today.
L702[14:10:24] <Vexatos> Well, I'll change * to "all" then
L703[14:10:44] <Sangar> but i wanted to call my program that! ;)
L704[14:11:09] <Pontiac> You wanted to call your program *?
L705[14:11:32] <Sangar> no, 'all'. it would have been able to do everything.
L706[14:11:46] <Pontiac> Including giving me a couple million dollars?
L707[14:11:49] <Pontiac> Get on it Sir.
L708[14:12:03] <Sangar> no, i can't, it's a reserved word now :(
L709[14:12:09] <Pontiac> dooohh...
L710[14:12:26] <Pontiac> ... hmm.. everything is taken.... uhhh..
L711[14:12:39] <Sangar> '$' ?
L712[14:12:49] <Pontiac> Werks for me!
L713[14:13:06] <Sangar> it would print '$' all the time :> (onto the screen, but still)
L714[14:13:11] <Kenny> 'infinite $ supply'
L715[14:13:24] <^Ender> i would so take that
L716[14:13:51] <Vexatos> Sangar, >____>
L717[14:14:03] <Sangar> local money = "$" while true do print(money) end
L718[14:15:03] <^Ender> Michiyo, you need to make your printer print money now
L719[14:19:36] *** Keridos_off is now known as Keridos
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L721[14:26:01] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L722[14:28:33] <Pontiac> In MC 1.6, what are the dimentions of the nether portal supposed to be?
L723[14:29:01] <^Ender> 2x3 inside
L724[14:29:08] <^Ender> 4x5 outside
L725[14:29:19] <Pontiac> Thanks. Made mine too big. darn it.
L726[14:29:27] <Pontiac> There goes 5 minutes of my life taking this thing down. heh
L727[14:29:32] <^Ender> lol
L728[14:29:46] <ShadowKatStudios> Blow it up.
L729[14:30:03] * ^Ender cant tell if ShadowKatStudios is being sarcastic
L730[14:30:31] <ShadowKatStudios> Sssh Josh, I'm indirectly causing damage
L731[14:30:34] <gamax92> Sangar!
L732[14:31:01] <Sangar> gamax92!
L733[14:33:19] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L734[14:33:20] <^Ender> o/ LordFokas
L735[14:34:04] <LordFokas> \o ^Ender
L736[14:43:00] <gamax92> .l 391/27
L737[14:43:01] <^v> gamax92, 14.481481481481
L738[14:43:50] <ShadowKatStudios> .l 391/27/3
L739[14:43:50] <^v> ShadowKatStudios, 4.8271604938272
L740[14:44:00] <ShadowKatStudios> .l 391/27/4
L741[14:44:00] <^v> ShadowKatStudios, 3.6203703703704
L742[14:44:08] <ShadowKatStudios> .l 391/27/4.3
L743[14:44:08] <^v> ShadowKatStudios, 3.3677863910422
L744[14:44:18] <ShadowKatStudios> .l 391/27/4.5
L745[14:44:18] <^v> ShadowKatStudios, 3.2181069958848
L746[14:44:21] <gamax92> what are you doing
L747[14:44:31] <ShadowKatStudios> Making a pi.
L748[14:44:45] <gamax92> theres a better way to do that
L749[14:44:51] * Pontiac groans
L750[14:44:58] <ShadowKatStudios> math.pi?
L751[14:45:03] <gamax92> besides that
L752[14:45:38] <gamax92> .l 391/27/4.6096
L753[14:45:38] <^v> gamax92, 3.1415917826886
L754[14:45:54] <^Ender> .l math.pi()
L755[14:45:54] <^v> ^Ender, Time limit exeeded.
L756[14:45:58] <^Ender> wow
L757[14:46:02] <gamax92> err wot
L758[14:46:06] <gamax92> .l math.pi
L759[14:46:07] <^v> gamax92, 3.1415926535898
L760[14:46:11] <gamax92> wat
L761[14:46:18] <gamax92> its not even a function
L762[14:46:30] <^Ender> weird
L763[14:46:39] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: anyway the third number is 4.6095987221430426878247075169372678189239793692235904
L764[14:47:09] <ShadowKatStudios> Becauase you casually just have that number on hand.
L765[14:47:14] <ShadowKatStudios> :P
L766[14:47:34] <gamax92> that should break down into 4.609598722143
L767[14:47:48] <gamax92> .l print(391/27/4.609598722143,math.pi)
L768[14:47:48] <^v> gamax92, 3.1415926535898 | 3.1415926535898 | nil
L769[14:47:52] <gamax92> and tada
L770[14:52:00] <Vexatos> Sangar: Should I get an oppm.man file?
L771[14:52:06] <Vexatos> I don't think it's necessary
L772[14:52:53] <Sangar> Vexatos, well, it'd be nice i suppose, and if it's just to make oppm a more complete 'example program', but it's nothing urgent.
L773[14:53:07] <Vexatos> Okay.
L774[14:53:14] <Sangar> and yeah, the update/upgrade suggestion was more of a long-term idea, just wanted to post it before i forget it again :D
L775[14:55:05] <Vexatos> k
L776[14:55:07] <Vexatos> Hmm
L777[14:55:20] <Vexatos> oppm.man could contain the very first installation instructions
L778[14:55:32] <Vexatos> Meaning it can tell you to "oppm install oppm"
L779[14:56:16] <ShadowKatStudios> D:
L780[14:56:31] <ShadowKatStudios> apt-get like syntax
L781[14:56:38] <Vexatos> But really, Sangar, actually
L782[14:56:40] <ShadowKatStudios> pacman is better :P
L783[14:56:47] <Vexatos> The help is already inside the program itself
L784[14:56:52] <Vexatos> It would be copypaste
L785[14:58:07] <Vexatos> I'll just not do it
L786[14:58:18] <Vexatos> no other loot disk has it anyways, except for mazegen
L787[14:58:44] <Sangar> Vexatos, well, the .man should contain some more in-depth info, e.g. how to add repos to the config, usage example, all that stuff.
L788[14:58:52] <Sangar> dig does :P
L789[14:59:03] <Vexatos> .-.
L790[14:59:06] <Vexatos> I might do it some time
L791[14:59:11] <Sangar> but as i said, not urgent ;)
L792[14:59:22] <Sangar> (oh, build also has a manpage)
L793[14:59:28] <Vexatos> Shaddap
L794[14:59:29] <Vexatos> :D
L795[14:59:33] <Sangar> actually, most ... ok :X
L796[15:00:02] <Vexatos> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/pull/330
L797[15:02:35] *** darknife25 is now known as darknife25|AFK
L798[15:04:27] <Vexatos> Yay
L799[15:04:43] *** Nentify|away is now known as Nentify
L800[15:04:43] <Vexatos> Sangar: I have no clue why, but suddenly I am excited for the next jenkins build
L801[15:05:05] <Sangar> weird
L802[15:05:38] <Vexatos> Yea
L803[15:06:00] <Vexatos> When is it going to be? xD
L804[15:06:26] <Vexatos> D:
L805[15:06:41] <Vexatos> "Baue OpenComputers", Jenkins, please stop to German
L806[15:08:07] *** jk-5 is now known as jk-5|gone
L807[15:13:32] *** tgame14 is now known as tgame14|away
L808[15:17:02] <gamax92> Vexatos: halp
L809[15:17:14] <Vexatos> What
L810[15:17:22] <Vexatos> Have I crashed your world?
L811[15:17:31] <gamax92> Vexatos: http://hastebin.com/qitidijiyu.coffee
L812[15:17:45] <gamax92> so, this is a utf8 library, it doesn't support 4 byte utf8
L813[15:18:40] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (webchat@
L814[15:18:58] <Vexatos> I don't javascript very well, gamax
L815[15:19:54] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L816[15:20:21] <Techokami> Sangar can the fixes and improvements you've been making to the shell be migrated to besh, please?
L817[15:23:15] <Sangar> Techokami, you mean the globbing? aside from the piping, besh is pretty much Wobbo's thing, i have no clue how the program flow for the variable expansion is, so... better bugger Wobbo aout that ;)
L818[15:23:30] <Techokami> ohh
L819[15:26:02] <ShadowKatStudios> Kenny: 9.2 https://db.tt/mdO4eF0E
L820[15:26:44] <ShadowKatStudios> Anyway, I needs to sleep, it's 1:30 AM
L821[15:27:21] <ShadowKatStudios> I'll get my playlist set up, then I'll be off
L822[15:28:08] ⇨ Joins: Emily_ (webchat@
L823[15:28:15] <ShadowKatStudios> Okay, night o/
L824[15:28:25] ⇦ Quits: ShadowKatStudios (~sks@c211-31-42-102.rochd5.qld.optusnet.com.au) (Quit: School tomorrow and stuff)
L825[15:29:48] <ds84182> So I'm going to make a graphics mod for OpenComputers...
L826[15:30:26] <ds84182> And it's not going to be as flexible as CCLights2, so don't even ask if it's anything like it.
L827[15:30:56] <rymate1234> graphics mod?
L828[15:31:02] <rymate1234> so we'll have pretty GUIs?
L829[15:31:08] <ds84182> I guess
L830[15:38:15] <Techokami> ds84182, I love you :D
L831[15:38:54] <ds84182> Ever herd of Nintendo's GX?
L832[15:39:03] <ds84182> Well it's going to be that complicated
L833[15:39:07] <ds84182> :)))))))))))))
L834[15:39:22] <ds84182> But I'll have different tiers
L835[15:42:52] *** tgame14|away is now known as tgame14
L836[15:44:03] *** Emily_ is now known as Emily|AFK
L837[15:45:01] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E457B276D975D6A73C9F43E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L839[15:52:44] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L840[15:52:49] ⇦ Quits: Gopher (~Gopher@181.sub-70-193-130.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L841[15:55:59] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L842[16:01:46] *** Emily|AFK is now known as Emily_
L843[16:03:10] <Techokami> <ds84182> Ever herd of Nintendo's GX?
L844[16:03:15] <Techokami> as a Nintendo developer, yes
L845[16:03:17] <Techokami> :O
L846[16:03:55] <ds84182> I don't know if I could pull off TEV stuff without using shaders, but I'll try :P
L847[16:04:03] <gamax92> Vexatos: alright, someone wrote an improved version of that function already.
L848[16:04:08] <gamax92> so now I have UTF8 4bytes
L849[16:11:31] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L850[16:12:04] <ds84182> Tier 1 is going to be the basic GX. It is only capable of sprites and maps. It can handle semi-complex graphics.
L851[16:12:24] ⇦ Quits: Emily_ (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L852[16:12:46] <gamax92> ds84182: GX as in GC/Wii?
L853[16:12:56] <Kenny> Tier 1 - Simple Graphics; Tier 2 - semi-complex; Tier 3 - complex
L854[16:13:04] <ds84182> Kenny, exactly
L855[16:13:21] <ds84182> Tier 3 would act almost exactly like Nintendo's GX
L856[16:13:23] * gamax92 pokes ds84182
L857[16:13:27] <Kenny> what about the ability to sli vid cards?
L858[16:13:30] <gamax92> okay so then I was write
L859[16:13:31] <ds84182> (So prepare for headaches)
L860[16:13:32] <gamax92> right*
L861[16:13:50] <ds84182> sli wat cards?
L862[16:14:01] <Kenny> video cards :)
L863[16:14:23] <Kenny> link 2 video cards for double the enjoyument hehe
L864[16:14:45] <ds84182> O.o
L865[16:14:45] <Kenny> jk :P
L866[16:14:50] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (sciguyryan@109-205-169-250.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L867[16:15:52] <gamax92> Why is it that sites that do one simple task, will have like navbars/sidebars/blocks of description text/text that gives background info/logos
L868[16:16:21] <Kenny> page filler
L869[16:17:01] <Kenny> all that stuff on the page makes it look like a busy site
L870[16:18:00] <Kenny> and it's mostly fluff to fill the page
L871[16:18:40] <gamax92> this site I made takes up 373x353, and thats just because there are two multi line text boxes
L872[16:19:36] <Kenny> have you seen the page i did for SKS's story?
L873[16:19:41] <gamax92> no
L874[16:19:53] <Kenny> http://shadowkat.zxq.net/story/index.htm
L875[16:20:34] <Kenny> click the arrows. it circles thru so when you reach the end it will take you back to the beginning
L876[16:20:57] <Kenny> it's like a revolving door :)
L877[16:21:17] <v^> back
L878[16:21:43] <Kenny> backward or forward
L879[16:23:30] <gamax92> Kenny: really nice
L880[16:23:44] <Kenny> i'm still working on it.
L881[16:24:10] <Kenny> setting it up so that all display is controlled by a css file
L882[16:24:43] *** justastranger|zzz is now known as justastranger
L883[16:25:28] <Kenny> the site is basically html and css. very little js is being used. just a few js functions i wrote to handle the page turning
L884[16:27:20] <Kenny> really wild thing is, i have a cat that nlooks just like the cat on the site (minus glasses)
L885[16:27:45] <ds84182> Man, I'm gonna miss the crazy rendering things I could do in CCLights2
L886[16:27:58] <Kenny> he jumps up on the back of the chair and stares at the screen when i have the image up
L887[16:30:45] <gamax92> ds84182: Man, I'm gonna miss the time it worked.
L888[16:30:48] <gamax92> oh wait, when was that?
L889[16:36:56] <ds84182> gamax92, try yolobranch
L890[16:37:05] <ds84182> because we even have cameras
L891[16:37:35] <gamax92> :<
L892[16:37:58] <Kenny> already looking at hehe
L893[16:48:02] <ds84182> I'll get back to it soon, but for now, I need to go to windows to do stuff
L894[16:48:35] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L895[16:52:56] <gamax92> hmm
L896[16:53:03] <gamax92> I could use openwatcom or djgpp
L897[16:56:51] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L898[17:05:28] ⇨ Joins: Dean4Devil_ (~jaic@p2003006325239B0002216BFFFE0FEE50.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L899[17:07:21] ⇦ Quits: Dean4Devil (~AI_Cat@p54962BBA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Dean4Devil_!~jaic@p2003006325239B0002216BFFFE0FEE50.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)))
L900[17:07:24] ⇨ Joins: Dean4Devil (~AI_Cat@p54962BBA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L903[17:14:40] ⇨ Joins: tgame14_ (~tgame14@bzq-79-182-142-50.red.bezeqint.net)
L904[17:17:04] <gamax92> Techokami: btw theres a CC beta for 1.7.2
L905[17:17:08] ⇦ Quits: tgame14 (~tgame14@bzq-79-182-142-50.red.bezeqint.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L906[17:17:24] <Techokami> oh I know, I tried using the APIs in it but they wouldn't work
L907[17:17:31] <gamax92> ahh
L908[17:17:40] <Techokami> I figured the APIs are still for 1.6.4
L909[17:18:12] <Techokami> so until a final release of CC for 1.7.2 hits, I'm not going to bother.
L910[17:18:20] <Techokami> even then I might not bother anyway, OC supremacy :V
L911[17:24:48] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos_off
L912[17:27:56] ⇨ Joins: tgame14 (~tgame14@bzq-79-182-142-50.red.bezeqint.net)
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L914[17:44:53] *** jk-5|gone is now known as jk-5
L915[17:49:53] *** Keridos_off is now known as Keridos
L916[17:52:14] <v^> oh no
L917[17:54:05] zsh sets mode: +v on tgame14
L918[17:58:38] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos_off
L919[17:59:13] *** Keridos_off is now known as Keridos
L920[18:03:54] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos_off
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L928[18:19:21] *** tgame14 is now known as tgame14|away
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L931[18:21:48] *** tgame14|away is now known as tgame14
L932[18:29:13] ⇨ Joins: onlyNOOB (webchat@adsl-195-168-244-188.dynamic.nextra.sk)
L933[18:29:34] <onlyNOOB> hi everyone, I'm here again, I'm a noob
L934[18:30:03] <onlyNOOB> is somebody online?
L935[18:30:13] <^Ender> no
L936[18:30:21] <^Ender> we're all ghosts
L937[18:30:33] <onlyNOOB> ohh noooooo i'm here alone!
L938[18:30:50] <onlyNOOB> ohh noo flying fireballlls!
L939[18:31:21] * onlyNOOB is running away from fireballs
L940[18:32:12] *** onlyNOOB is now known as Guest3746267
L941[18:32:29] <Guest3746267> Now I'm not a noob
L942[18:32:48] <Guest3746267> Now I'm guuest :)
L943[18:34:14] * Guest3746267 :)
L944[18:34:53] *** Guest3746267 is now known as Sangar_
L945[18:35:08] <Sangar_> So how to change your nickname?
L946[18:35:20] * Sangar_ is happy
L947[18:35:32] <Sangar_> hi ^.^
L948[18:35:39] <^Ender> no impersonating
L949[18:35:45] *** Sangar_ is now known as newnick
L950[18:35:45] <^Ender> change your nick now please
L951[18:35:51] <^Ender> thansk
L952[18:36:06] *** newnick is now known as guestgg
L953[18:36:34] <guestgg> so u are still online *.*
L954[18:36:47] <^Ender> ?
L955[18:36:59] <guestgg> i thought, that im alone
L956[18:37:05] <guestgg> and u are a ghast
L957[18:37:14] * guestgg is now happi
L958[18:37:17] <^Ender> yes, i am a ghost
L959[18:37:26] <guestgg> ohh noo
L960[18:37:37] * guestgg going back to overworld
L961[18:37:48] <guestgg> now u cant be ghost
L962[18:37:55] *** guestgg is now known as onlyNoob
L963[18:37:55] <^Ender> i'm still a ghost
L964[18:38:01] <onlyNoob> ohh noo
L965[18:38:12] <onlyNoob> nether portal crashed minecraft
L966[18:38:25] *** onlyNoob is now known as Ghost
L967[18:38:31] *** Ghost is now known as ghostttt
L968[18:39:04] *** ghostttt is now known as GhostFireball
L969[18:39:11] *** GhostFireball is now known as onlyNoob
L970[18:39:25] * onlyNoob is killed by Ender (Ghostp
L971[18:39:37] <onlyNoob> Ghostlord
L972[18:39:41] * onlyNoob is noob
L973[18:39:50] * onlyNoob needs he
L974[18:39:58] * onlyNoob needs help
L975[18:40:11] * onlyNoob needs help with opencomputers
L976[18:40:19] *** Negi is now known as Negi|Nom
L977[18:40:24] <^Ender> well, you've been here 10 mins and you havent asked a question, we're not mind readers
L978[18:40:32] * onlyNoob 's program isn't working
L979[18:40:39] <Techokami> did you need something? :o
L980[18:40:39] ⇦ Parts: Pwootage (~Pwootage@pwootage.com) (Leaving))
L981[18:40:49] <onlyNoob> yes
L982[18:40:57] <onlyNoob> how to craft computer?
L983[18:41:05] <Techokami> it's complex
L984[18:41:07] <^Ender> use NEI
L985[18:41:12] <onlyNoob> ok
L986[18:41:32] <Techokami> you're going to need a LOT of cactus, redstone, iron, gold, and paper
L987[18:41:43] <onlyNoob> cactus???
L988[18:41:44] <Techokami> and clay
L989[18:41:45] <Techokami> yes
L990[18:41:51] <onlyNoob> clay???
L991[18:41:54] <Techokami> didn't you know cactus is used to make computer?
L992[18:42:00] <onlyNoob> i have 0 cactus, 1 clay
L993[18:42:11] <onlyNoob> i put in furnance all my cactus
L994[18:42:11] <Techokami> you craft cactus green with clay and a gold nugget to get a raw PCB
L995[18:42:20] <onlyNoob> and i craft bricks
L996[18:42:37] <Techokami> then smelt the raw PCB into a PCB
L997[18:42:46] <onlyNoob> shat is pcb?
L998[18:42:51] <Techokami> so you can build the computer components
L999[18:42:59] <Techokami> it's a printed circuit board
L1000[18:43:21] <Techokami> the basis of connecting electronic components
L1001[18:43:28] <onlyNoob> so i need cactus green :) i have 2x27x64 cca
L1002[18:43:32] <Techokami> you need it to craft hard drives, video cards, and RAM
L1003[18:43:43] <onlyNoob> and...
L1004[18:43:53] <onlyNoob> i dont need diamond :)
L1005[18:43:59] <onlyNoob> i hate diamonds
L1006[18:44:02] <Techokami> unless you want Tier 3.
L1007[18:44:14] <onlyNoob> i thrown all my diamonds in lava
L1008[18:44:23] <Techokami> Tier 3 needs diamond, Tier 2 needs gold, Tier 1 needs iron
L1009[18:44:29] <onlyNoob> diamonds are useless
L1010[18:44:44] <Techokami> no wonder you're a n00b :V
L1011[18:45:00] <onlyNoob> ?
L1012[18:45:11] <onlyNoob> what can be crafted with diamonds?
L1013[18:45:13] <Techokami> throwing diamonds away
L1014[18:45:16] <onlyNoob> nothing.
L1015[18:45:22] <Techokami> the best components
L1016[18:45:29] <Techokami> are made with diamond
L1017[18:45:37] *** onlyNoob is now known as reallyN00b
L1018[18:45:52] <reallyN00b> for example?
L1019[18:46:15] <reallyN00b> A
L1020[18:46:30] <Techokami> Tier 3 anything, hologram projector
L1021[18:46:37] <Techokami> servers
L1022[18:46:49] <Techokami> remote terminals
L1023[18:47:12] <reallyN00b> i thought, that diamonds are only for dieing sheeps
L1024[18:47:20] <reallyN00b> and leather armor
L1025[18:47:27] <Techokami> diamonds aren't a dye o.o
L1026[18:47:35] <reallyN00b> ?
L1027[18:47:44] <reallyN00b> i have too many blue sheeps
L1028[18:47:48] <Kenny> yep
L1029[18:48:00] <Kenny> finger cramps!
L1030[18:48:07] <Michiyo> I've used lapis for blue... never heard of diamond... :/
L1031[18:48:20] <reallyN00b> What is lapis?
L1032[18:48:33] <Techokami> the blue rocky stuff
L1033[18:48:47] <Michiyo> http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Lapis_Lazuli_Ore
L1034[18:49:06] <Techokami> http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Lapis_Lazuli
L1035[18:49:23] <reallyN00b> lol, i thought, that diamond is lapis
L1036[18:49:38] <Michiyo> I..
L1037[18:49:42] *** reallyN00b is now known as Lapis
L1038[18:49:49] <^Ender> !kick Lapis I dont know if you are really that stupid or if your just trolling but before you try doing advanced stuff, why dont you master the basics?
L1039[18:49:49] *** Lapis was kicked by zsh ((^Ender (JoshTheEnder)) I dont know if you are really that stupid or if your just trolling but before you try doing advanced stuff, why dont you master the basics?))
L1040[18:49:49] <Techokami> http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Diamond THIS is diamond
L1041[18:50:04] <Michiyo> Techokami, missed it by THAT much...
L1042[18:50:09] <Techokami> aw
L1043[18:50:45] <^Ender> i think he was trolling. surely it is mentally impossible to be that stupid
L1044[18:50:50] *** ^Ender is now known as JoshTheEnder
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L1047[19:05:38] zsh sets mode: +v on BevoLJ
L1048[19:07:52] zsh sets mode: +o on SpiritedDusty
L1049[19:13:01] *** Negi|Nom is now known as Negi
L1050[19:18:32] *** jk-5 is now known as jk-5|gone
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L1052[19:20:21] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:8cd2:fdb7:a76:a8dd)
L1053[19:26:54] <Kodos> Anyone know how to find out why my PC shut down this morning
L1054[19:27:08] <JoshTheEnder> nope
L1055[19:28:36] <v^> what OS?
L1056[19:29:01] <v^> windows has an event log
L1057[19:29:17] <Kodos> W7
L1058[19:31:38] <Kodos> The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.
L1059[19:31:43] <Kodos> I know that much
L1060[19:36:03] <JoshTheEnder> lol
L1061[19:37:48] ⇨ Joins: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com)
L1062[19:37:48] zsh sets mode: +v on Maxwolf
L1063[19:40:51] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E457B276D975D6A73C9F43E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Greetings from Pastry Fork, Inc. ✔)
L1064[19:41:31] *** justastranger|zzz is now known as justastranger
L1065[19:53:39] ⇨ Joins: programmdude (webchat@
L1066[19:59:39] <Techokami> check the Event Log
L1067[20:00:05] <Kodos> Did all that, I'm gonna assume that storm that was supposed to hit yesterday morning hit this morning
L1068[20:00:12] <Techokami> Control Panel -> Admin Tools -> Event Viewer
L1069[20:09:03] <Kodos> Yeah, looks like we lost power for a bit this morning around 8
L1070[20:10:49] <Kodos> So, I'm thinking of getting my little 7 inch netbook fixed and putting some sort of linux on it... Thoughts? It currently has legal windows on it, I think Vista
L1071[20:11:32] <gamax92> put LST Power Linux 2.2 on it
L1072[20:11:50] <Sangar> Kodos, probably the windows update that decided it has to reboot :P as for linux, i like mint.
L1073[20:12:39] <Kodos> Sangar, if it was WU, it would've rebooted, and not shutdown
L1074[20:12:51] <Kodos> My event viewer said it didn't shutdown properly which tells me we lost power
L1075[20:12:55] <Sangar> meh, windows works in mysterious ways
L1076[20:13:23] <Kodos> Either way, I pretty much just want to use the netbook for IRC and Coding shit while I'm out and about
L1077[20:13:31] <Kodos> And I figure Linux might be less of a load
L1078[20:13:50] <JoshTheEnder> yeah, if you're only doing irc and coding linux is best
L1079[20:13:55] <JoshTheEnder> well
L1080[20:13:57] <Kodos> Plus it's opensource, so I can hack together my own customization to it
L1081[20:13:59] <JoshTheEnder> most of the time
L1082[20:14:08] <Kodos> I have my desktop for gaming and other shit
L1083[20:14:21] <Kodos> But if I'm out at mickey d's and have a good idea, I'd like to be able to do more than write it down on my phone
L1084[20:15:34] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L1085[20:16:40] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
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L1088[20:32:52] *** tgame14 is now known as tgame14|sleep
L1089[20:34:53] <gamax92> Sangar: Can I borrowed the screen renderer for something not related to OC?
L1090[20:35:09] <Sangar> gamax92, sure
L1091[20:37:28] <v^> s/borrow/steal
L1092[20:37:39] <gamax92> And then I just remembered it written in scala
L1093[20:37:51] <Sangar> best drm ever
L1094[20:37:59] *** Daiyousei is now known as Daiyousei|Wave666
L1095[20:38:11] *** vifino is now known as vifino|tf2
L1096[20:58:06] <v^> :<
L1097[20:58:11] <v^> burnt seld
L1098[20:58:13] <v^> self*
L1099[21:04:28] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L1100[21:06:18] *** Daiyousei|Wave666 is now known as Daiyousei
L1101[21:08:20] ⇦ Quits: Lumien (~lumien@p4FED46C9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L1102[21:12:38] *** darknife25|AFK is now known as darknife25
L1103[21:13:12] *** vifino|tf2 is now known as vifino
L1104[21:17:11] ⇦ Quits: Daiyousei (~nick1@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1105[21:26:32] <ds84182> #justcompressed64kbofdatainto3kbofdata
L1106[21:33:08] <Guest96108> do do do
L1107[21:33:10] <Guest96108> wat
L1108[21:33:15] <Guest96108> >_<
L1109[21:33:21] <Guest96108> faku too bouncer
L1110[21:33:26] *** Guest96108 is now known as Csstform
L1111[21:35:19] <Flenix> Hey you guys have some fancy jenkins bot right? Is that just the IRC plugin that's available through jenkins or is it something custom?
L1112[21:36:22] <gamax92> uhh
L1113[21:36:31] * gamax92 pokes v^ and JoshTheEnder
L1114[21:36:44] <JoshTheEnder> .jenkins
L1115[21:36:46] <EnderBot2> Latest builds: OpenLights1.7: #16 | OpenComputers: #435 | OpenComponents: #44 | OpenPrinter: #72 | OpenComponents-MC1.7: #8 | OpenLights: #17 | OpenComputers-MC1.7: #190 | OpenPrinter1.7: #71
L1116[21:36:47] <v^> ?
L1117[21:36:53] <v^> .j
L1118[21:36:59] <JoshTheEnder> mine is custom, same with v^'s
L1119[21:37:00] <^v> v^, Last sucessful build for OpenComputers: http://goo.gl/T6EUhL 1 hours 26 minutes ago
L1120[21:37:05] <Flenix> Aww alright :P
L1121[21:37:26] <v^> we use the JSON api .-.
L1122[21:37:36] <v^> pretty easy
L1123[21:37:47] <Flenix> Never touched JSON in my life.
L1124[21:37:57] <v^> its terrible
L1125[21:38:01] <Flenix> On an unrelated note, v^ your name reminds me of my logo.
L1126[21:38:30] <v^> :O
L1127[21:38:33] <v^> it does look similar
L1128[21:38:34] <Flenix> http://img.ctrlv.in/img/14/06/16/539f63d5d1c83.jpg
L1129[21:38:37] <Flenix> :P
L1130[21:38:40] <v^> yeah already found it
L1131[21:39:18] <Csstform> webshiz
L1132[21:46:43] *** Csstform is now known as Csst|Masterball
L1133[21:47:27] <Cazzar> Though there is an IRC not via Jenkins
L1134[21:47:43] ⇦ Quits: Dean4Devil (~jaic@p2003006325239B0002216BFFFE0FEE50.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1135[21:47:52] <Cazzar> Just, be aware that if the not disconnects, it can break builds.
L1136[21:48:02] <v^> the not
L1137[21:49:08] <Cazzar> s/not/bot
L1138[21:49:09] <SuperBot> <Cazzar> Just, be aware that if the bot disconnects, it can break builds.
L1139[21:49:23] <v^> why does superbot only decide to work half the time?
L1140[21:49:38] <Cazzar> :P
L1141[21:50:37] <v^> jhssssssssssmgjgkmnj,lo'[
L1142[21:51:54] <JoshTheEnder> v^, it only does it for the last thing /you/ said
L1143[21:52:13] <v^> >_>
L1144[21:52:58] <Cazzar> Does it do regex yet?
L1145[21:53:08] <Cazzar> s/$/ nope/
L1146[21:54:53] <ds84182> s/./ nope/g
L1147[21:54:59] <ds84182> huh
L1148[21:55:32] <Cazzar> What I did is a perfectly valid command :P
L1149[21:55:52] ⇨ Joins: Emily_ (webchat@
L1150[21:55:54] *** vifino is now known as vifino|away
L1151[21:56:13] <v^> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoVzPbjzPt4
L1152[21:56:25] <v^> why doesnt chaos get a awesome video like this?
L1153[22:01:41] ⇦ Quits: Stary2001 (~Stary2001@khonsu.stary2001.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L1154[22:03:53] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
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L1159[22:05:16] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L1160[22:05:52] *** vifino|away is now known as vifino|off
L1161[22:31:19] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L1162[22:34:08] ⇦ Quits: Techokami (~Techokami@pool-173-48-10-173.bstnma.east.verizon.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1163[22:34:43] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L1164[22:37:42] *** AngieBLD is now known as AngieBLD|Off
L1165[22:41:20] *** Neonbeta is now known as Neonbeta|Sleep
L1166[22:48:12] *** Nentify is now known as Nentify|away
L1167[22:49:18] <JoshTheEnder> ?chanstats
L1168[22:49:18] <JoshTheEnder> We have channel stats, hoorah! http://stats.theender.net/opencomputers/
L1169[22:50:39] <ds84182> I still don't know how or when I was referenced 15784 times
L1170[22:51:09] <JoshTheEnder> The stats are worked
L1171[22:51:14] <JoshTheEnder> -_-
L1172[22:51:23] <JoshTheEnder> *borked
L1173[22:51:54] <JoshTheEnder> Seeing as neither mine nor SKS' line count has increased since Friday
L1174[22:54:25] <ds84182> I like being popular then
L1175[22:55:33] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (sciguyryan@109-205-169-250.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L1176[23:09:06] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
L1177[23:26:30] ⇨ Joins: Gopher (~Gopher@112.sub-70-193-131.myvzw.com)
L1178[23:26:30] zsh sets mode: +v on Gopher
L1179[23:29:17] ⇨ Joins: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com)
L1180[23:29:17] zsh sets mode: +v on Maxwolf
L1181[23:30:51] *** justastranger|zzz is now known as justastranger
L1182[23:32:21] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (sciguyryan@109-205-169-250.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L1183[23:38:22] *** darknife25 is now known as darknife25|AFK
L1184[23:44:42] <gamax92> http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/1F4A9/index.htm
L1185[23:44:52] <gamax92> because we needed a unicode entry for that
L1186[23:47:04] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~negi@ (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L1187[23:56:06] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos_off
L1188[23:56:10] *** Keridos_off is now known as Keridos
L1189[23:56:58] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos_off
L1190[23:57:33] *** darknife25|AFK is now known as darknife25
L1191[23:58:08] *** Keridos_off is now known as Keridos
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