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L1[00:00:01] <gamax92> local x,y = component.gpu.getResolution() while true do component.gpu.set(math.random(1,x),math.random(1,y),string.char(math.random(32,126))) os.sleep(0) end
L2[00:00:11] <Kodos> PRETTY
L3[00:00:33] <Kodos> Question
L4[00:00:38] <JoshTheEnder> Answer
L5[00:00:41] <gamax92> damu
L6[00:00:41] <Kodos> Can you make that happen for 10 seconds, and then the computer shuts down?
L7[00:00:54] <Kodos> i want that to be my 'incorrect login, shutting down" action
L8[00:01:13] <gamax92> local z = computer.uptime() local x,y = component.gpu.getResolution() while computer.uptime() - z < 10 do component.gpu.set(math.random(1,x),math.random(1,y),string.char(math.random(32,126))) os.sleep(0) end
L9[00:02:11] <Kodos> I don't see the shutdown bit
L10[00:02:16] <gamax92> you do that
L11[00:02:58] ⇦ Quits: Flenix_ (~Flenix@ (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L12[00:04:27] <Kodos> Eh, cba to make the login program atm, so I just made that code into a program
L13[00:05:41] <Kodos> Hmm
L14[00:06:07] <gamax92> gj caja, you crashed
L15[00:06:15] <Kodos> Wat
L16[00:06:52] <gamax92> Kodos: so i take it you haven't crashed?
L17[00:06:59] <Kodos> Not yet
L18[00:07:03] <Kodos> Still playing around with things
L19[00:07:10] <Kodos> Setting up 2 more computers now
L20[00:07:23] <Kodos> One will be put into an auto-reboot cycle
L21[00:07:32] <Kodos> THe other will be running my geolyzer program on loop
L22[00:10:27] *** Nentify is now known as Nentify|away
L23[00:13:09] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~PewNaN@
L24[00:14:06] <Kodos> Who wants to fix my program
L25[00:14:37] <Kodos> I brokeded it trying to make something work. I reverted my changes, but I'm hoping someone else can/will implement the feature I want =D
L26[00:15:12] <Kodos> actually nvm
L27[00:15:14] <Kodos> I have a better idea
L28[00:15:21] <Kodos> .w filesystem
L29[00:15:21] <^v> Kodos, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/api-filesystem
L30[00:16:10] *** TangentDelta is now known as TangentDelta|AFK
L31[00:17:10] <Kodos> Question; If I have something checked to see if it's true or not, and I only give it a further action to take if whatever == true, will it know to just move on in the code if whatever == false?
L32[00:17:51] <v^> what
L33[00:18:10] <v^> what do you mean?
L34[00:18:17] <Kodos> Okay, let me explain what I'm doing
L35[00:18:29] <Kodos> I've got this program that was written for me that downloads my favorite pastes and github programs
L36[00:18:34] <v^> .l if true or error("test") then end
L37[00:18:34] <^v> v^, nil
L38[00:18:46] <v^> .l if false and error("test") then end
L39[00:18:47] <^v> v^, nil
L40[00:18:56] <Kodos> I want it to, before downloading anything, check if the folders I want the files to go in exist, and if they don't, create them
L41[00:19:06] <Kodos> Will I have to physically code it to move in if they already exist
L42[00:19:10] <Kodos> or will it just know to do that
L43[00:19:16] <Kodos> s/in/on
L44[00:19:48] <v^> if you open a file in write mode, it will replace everything
L45[00:19:57] <Kodos> ... no
L46[00:19:59] <v^> ofc you will have to do if not fs.exists
L47[00:20:01] <Kodos> You're missing what I'm saying
L48[00:20:03] <v^> i am
L49[00:20:12] <Kodos> I'm not opening a file
L50[00:20:16] <Kodos> Okay, example time
L51[00:20:21] <Kodos> I have my geolyzer/hologram test program
L52[00:20:24] <v^> "I want the files to go in exist, and if they don't, create them"
L53[00:20:31] <v^> create them how
L54[00:20:33] <Kodos> I want the program to check if /geo exists beforehand
L55[00:20:43] <Kodos> If it doesn't, I want it to create that folder
L56[00:20:50] <v^> if fs.exists(foo) then else end
L57[00:20:57] <Kodos> But if it already exists, will it know to move on in the code, or do I have to code it to
L58[00:21:04] <v^> move on how
L59[00:21:15] <Kodos> As in move to the next section of code, ie downloading of the pastes
L60[00:21:56] <v^> .l --[[ i want this to move on under x circumstanses ]] if true then end
L61[00:21:56] <^v> v^, nil
L62[00:22:15] <v^> i have no idea what the fuck you want to do
L63[00:22:18] <Kodos> Nevermind, you're completely misunderstanding me, and I have no idea how to clarify it, so I'll just code the damn thing and see if it works
L64[00:22:49] <v^> how do you expect it to magically jump to another part of the code .-. give example code not theoretical shit
L65[00:23:18] <Kodos> Then hold on while I write shit
L66[00:23:31] <v^> oh you mean will fs.createDirectory error?
L67[00:23:33] <v^> no it wont
L68[00:23:39] <v^> it will just continue like normal
L69[00:23:43] <v^> will return false
L70[00:24:07] <Kodos> I'm not passing createDirectory yet, I'm passing fs.exists first
L71[00:24:18] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L72[00:24:39] <Kodos> create will only go through if exists comes back false
L73[00:24:56] <Kodos> But if it comes back true, I'm asking if I need to tell it to go to the part of my code where the installs happen, or if it will do that on its own
L74[00:25:09] <Kodos> Oh hey
L75[00:25:10] <Kodos> I crashed
L76[00:25:22] <v^> >_>
L77[00:25:29] <v^> i have no idea what the fuck you are saying
L78[00:25:49] <v^> what part of code under what conditions this makes no sense
L79[00:26:18] <v^> is this a question about Lua?
L80[00:26:22] <Kodos> .tell Sangar Newest build at the time of this writing, build 162 of OC for 1.7, crashed again. http://puu.sh/9l83z/47ec98f8ad.txt
L81[00:26:22] <^v> Kodos, Message queued.
L82[00:26:25] <v^> or OC's filesystem
L83[00:26:42] <Kodos> I'm not sure anymore, I just lost my code anyway.
L84[00:27:09] <Kodos> Time for Space Engineers
L85[00:27:42] <v^> .tell Sangar because the link kodos gave made it download http://hastebin.com/hehidowobi.txt
L86[00:27:42] <^v> v^, Message queued.
L87[00:27:51] <gamax92> Kodos: if not fs.exists("/geo") then fs.createDirectory("/geo") end (THE REST OF YOUR PROGRAM GOES HERE)
L88[00:28:03] <Kodos> Ah
L89[00:28:05] <Kodos> That's easy enough
L90[00:28:08] <v^> gamax92, <_>
L91[00:28:12] <v^> fs.createDirectory("/geo")
L92[00:28:15] <gamax92> v^: no
L93[00:28:17] <v^> you dont need the fs.exists
L94[00:28:22] <v^> 90% sure it wont error
L95[00:28:23] <gamax92> shut up with your bad programming
L96[00:28:28] <gamax92> it won't error, but its bad programming
L97[00:28:36] <v^> the check is internal
L98[00:28:42] <v^> it will return false if it failed
L99[00:28:46] <v^> this is normal behavior
L100[00:29:13] <v^> if im being paranoid i put assert around all of it
L101[00:29:29] <gamax92> if you're paranoid just wrap your program in 1000 pcalls
L102[00:30:15] <v^> im not
L103[00:30:21] <v^> thats why ^v constantly crashes
L104[00:31:15] <Kodos> Someone tell Sangy I'm sorry for breaking his toys =(
L105[00:31:20] <Kodos> Tabbing out for awhile
L106[00:31:26] <v^> *stab*
L107[00:31:45] <gamax92> Stabbing out for awhile
L108[00:35:14] <Kenny> fs can error with folder already exists
L109[00:35:39] ⇨ Joins: ShadowKatStudios (~chatzilla@c211-31-42-102.rochd5.qld.optusnet.com.au)
L110[00:35:47] <ShadowKatStudios> *yawn* Morning o/
L111[00:36:00] <Kenny> evening
L112[00:36:30] <Kenny> and don't you mean afternoon?
L113[00:37:06] <ShadowKatStudios> Still morning here, 10:30 AM
L114[00:37:27] <v^> filesystem.makeDirectory(path: string): boolean or nil, string
L115[00:37:27] <v^> Creates a new directory at the specified path. Creates any parent directories that do not extist yet, if necessary. Returns true on success, nil and an error message otherwise.
L116[00:37:30] <LordFokas> morning here too... 1:30 am :p
L117[00:38:53] ⇦ Quits: Michiyo|Tab (~caitlyn@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L118[00:40:55] <ShadowKatStudios> Hmm, I think I'll have to write an 8.8 to clear up the previous events.
L119[00:42:00] <ShadowKatStudios> I think it's time to demolish the 4th wall for a bit.
L120[00:46:53] ⇦ Quits: Altenius (~Altenius4@ (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L121[00:52:54] <LordFokas> ShadowKatStudios, can i haz story link?
L122[00:54:25] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L123[01:04:26] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L124[01:04:50] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L125[01:16:45] ⇨ Joins: Some (webchat@c-174-55-0-232.hsd1.pa.comcast.net)
L126[01:17:11] ⇦ Quits: Some (webchat@c-174-55-0-232.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
L127[01:20:59] ⇦ Quits: Alex_hawks (~Alex_hawk@CPE-121-215-89-3.lnse1.pie.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L128[01:25:33] ⇨ Joins: Techokami (~Techokami@pool-173-48-10-197.bstnma.east.verizon.net)
L129[01:25:37] <gamax92> "Thats exactly why I brought her, our chances of winning are nil"
L130[01:28:16] <Kodos> SKS, have you seen the filesharing/DNS program on the forums yet
L131[01:39:10] <ShadowKatStudios> Uh, I saw it.
L132[01:39:22] <ShadowKatStudios> LordFokas: http://shadowkat.zxq.net/story/index.htm SOrry, was AFK
L133[01:43:04] <LordFokas> ty!
L134[01:44:35] <ShadowKatStudios> Not a problem :)
L135[01:46:39] <Michiyo> Hmm I wonder how badly I just borked enderbot
L136[01:46:42] <Michiyo> .jenkins
L137[01:46:45] <EnderBot> An error occured while trying to perform that command: <class 'urllib2.HTTPError'> HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
L138[01:46:46] <Michiyo> Yep..
L139[01:46:48] <Michiyo> pretty bad
L140[01:47:59] <v^> Michiyo, lol what did you do
L141[01:48:17] <Michiyo> stuff.
L142[01:48:48] * ShadowKatStudios wonders what he could use instead of Sticky Notes on Linux
L143[01:50:10] <LordFokas> "I'm too busy watching EnderBot dance anyway."
L144[01:50:12] <LordFokas> hah
L145[01:50:44] <Michiyo> JoshTheEnder, is gonna have to implement HTTP Auth..
L146[01:51:01] <Michiyo> or just remove my mods again
L147[01:51:11] <ShadowKatStudios> Can you tell I was on IRC while writing?
L148[01:52:07] <Michiyo> .jenkins
L149[01:52:09] <EnderBot> An error occured while trying to perform that command: <class 'urllib2.HTTPError'> HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
L150[01:52:12] <Michiyo> damn
L151[01:52:38] <LordFokas> a message disguised as timelord heartbeats? it had to be Josh :D
L152[01:52:51] <Michiyo> .jenkins
L153[01:52:52] <EnderBot> An error occured while trying to perform that command: <class 'urllib2.HTTPError'> HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
L154[01:52:58] <Michiyo> blsefgb;sguf
L155[01:53:03] <gamax92> .j
L156[01:53:06] <^v> gamax92, Last sucessful build for OpenComputers: http://goo.gl/1dVqfi 4 hours 5 minutes ago
L157[01:53:08] <gamax92> wat
L158[01:53:10] <gamax92> oh righ
L159[01:53:19] <Michiyo> .j OpenPrinter
L160[01:53:20] <^v> Michiyo, Error parsing page.
L161[01:53:26] <Michiyo> see small issue
L162[01:53:51] <v^> lol
L163[01:54:03] <Michiyo> .jenkins
L164[01:54:05] <EnderBot> An error occured while trying to perform that command: <class 'urllib2.HTTPError'> HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
L165[01:54:06] * v^ slaps JoshTheEnder
L166[01:54:11] <Michiyo> .j OpenPrinter
L167[01:54:12] <^v> Michiyo, Error parsing page.
L168[01:54:12] <v^> y u no check for errors
L169[01:54:14] <Michiyo> yep still
L170[01:54:20] <Michiyo> WTF
L171[01:54:53] <v^> i do http://lanteacraft.com/jenkins/job/OpenPrinter/api/json?depth=1
L172[01:54:59] <v^> wat
L173[01:55:02] <v^> it requires password
L174[01:55:08] * v^ slaps Michiyo
L175[01:55:11] <Michiyo> not any more
L176[01:55:14] <Michiyo> .jenkins
L177[01:55:16] <EnderBot> An error occured while trying to perform that command: <class 'urllib2.HTTPError'> HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
L178[01:55:21] <Michiyo> Oh wait
L179[01:55:23] <v^> nop still
L180[01:55:23] <Michiyo> I'm authed :p
L181[01:55:36] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~negi@ (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L182[01:55:43] <Michiyo> I'm trying to allow just the API out..
L183[01:59:38] <LordFokas> stab the bot :p
L184[02:00:44] <v^> .stab EnderBot
L185[02:00:47] <v^> :<
L186[02:02:40] ⇦ Quits: TangentDelta|AFK (~PewNaN@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L187[02:05:56] * ShadowKatStudios updates his build of OC to the latest dev build
L188[02:06:27] <v^> http://goo.gl/1dVqfi
L189[02:06:44] <ShadowKatStudios> :D
L190[02:07:14] * Kodos whimpers because it still breaks on his PC
L191[02:08:05] <ShadowKatStudios> What breaks? D:
L192[02:08:15] <Kodos> native somethingrather
L193[02:08:31] <ShadowKatStudios> Oh.
L194[02:08:37] <ShadowKatStudios> I think you can use LuaJ with it.
L195[02:09:52] <Kodos> Would the coding language differ at all
L196[02:09:58] <Michiyo> no
L197[02:10:05] <Kodos> Huh
L198[02:10:07] <Kodos> Maybe I'll try it then
L199[02:10:18] <Kodos> Depending on how my luck is for cargo ships
L200[02:10:27] <Kodos> I need a business shipment or a private sail, or my ship is borked
L201[02:12:01] <ShadowKatStudios> Space Engineers?
L202[02:13:39] <Techokami> http://www.os2museum.com/wp/?page_id=112
L203[02:13:44] <Techokami> "OS/2 2.0 LA was shipped sometime in November 1991�perhaps to annoy Microsoft�s Steve Ballmer who publicly announced that he would eat a floppy disk if IBM managed to release OS/2 2.0 by the end of 1991."
L204[02:14:09] <ShadowKatStudios> Eat a floppy disk?
L205[02:14:13] <ShadowKatStudios> Sounds tasty.
L206[02:14:15] <Techokami> nom nom nom
L207[02:14:22] <Dashkal> mmm mmm, bits of plastic and metal
L208[02:14:29] <ShadowKatStudios> Perhaps not as good as absorbing internet, but it'd still be decent I suppose
L209[02:14:29] <Kodos> Yes
L210[02:14:35] <Kodos> Space Engineers
L211[02:14:42] <Dashkal> I need to pick that one up.
L212[02:14:43] <Kodos> I've revamped a rescue ship
L213[02:14:51] <Kodos> But I'm running low on Uranium
L214[02:14:56] <Kodos> And I cba to mine it by hand
L215[02:15:07] <Kodos> And someone decided making the tiny rescue ship a 'Large Ship' was a good idea
L216[02:15:10] <Dashkal> We're close enough to summer sale time that I should wait, but if that doesn't do it, I'll likely nab it anyway
L217[02:15:11] <Kodos> So I can't just stick a drill on it
L218[02:15:32] <Kodos> Dash, in my opinion, it's worth 20 bucks, but most will tell you to wait
L219[02:15:40] <Kodos> I'm having loads of fun in SP
L220[02:15:48] <Dashkal> I believe it, and will pick it up at full price if the sale doesn't touch it
L221[02:15:55] * ShadowKatStudios pirated it a few months ago
L222[02:15:59] <Dashkal> No point immediately, I have a vaction coming very shortly
L223[02:16:36] <Dashkal> I might not even have internet. And I couldn't be happier :P
L224[02:16:49] <ShadowKatStudios> Also I think someone put rum in my cola. Not sure how I feel about this...
L225[02:16:57] <Dashkal> ooo, good idea
L226[02:17:14] <Kodos> Pirating or the rum?
L227[02:17:35] <Dashkal> Rum.
L228[02:17:42] <Dashkal> I work in software. Pirating would be a tad... yeah :P
L229[02:17:56] <ShadowKatStudios> Now, I need to go test if this 3DMG works over multiplayer with this new version
L230[02:18:43] <Dashkal> mmm, I can tide myself over with factorio. I think they dropped an update since I last played
L231[02:19:48] <Kodos> GAH
L232[02:19:52] <Kodos> That's the 4th military escort in a row
L233[02:25:45] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L234[02:27:22] ⇨ Joins: finkmac (~finkmac@68-68-14-48.applecreek.pathcom.com)
L235[02:27:23] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L236[02:30:52] *** Kodos is now known as Kodos|TabbedOut
L237[02:31:15] <Kodos|TabbedOut> Oh look
L238[02:31:18] <Kodos|TabbedOut> a Mining carriage
L239[02:31:23] <Kodos|TabbedOut> That for some reason, thinks it needs 3 guns on it
L240[02:34:59] <ShadowKatStudios> :D I have made the 3DMG work on multiplayer :D
L241[02:35:23] <ShadowKatStudios> Now I have to convince some people to PVP with me in a redwood forest...
L242[02:38:44] ⇨ Joins: mallrat208 (Mibbit@
L243[02:40:40] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: how maz douth will fine
L244[02:40:55] <ShadowKatStudios> Wha?
L245[02:41:13] <gamax92> Douth Dou Tough When Flare?
L246[02:41:56] <gamax92> Moust douth nen redspound
L247[02:42:01] <Michiyo> .j OpenPrinter
L248[02:42:03] <^v> Michiyo, Last sucessful build for OpenPrinters: http://goo.gl/rlYNYe 10 hours 19 minutes ago
L249[02:43:45] <Michiyo> .jenkins
L250[02:43:47] <EnderBot> Latest builds: OpenComputers: #397 | OpenComponents: #40 | OpenComputers-MC1.7: #162 | OpenComponents-MC1.7: #5 | OpenPrinter: #71 | OpenPrinter1.7: #70 | OpenLights: #15 | OpenLights1.7: #15 | ICBMComponent: #18
L251[02:43:53] <Michiyo> .jenkins OpenLights
L252[02:43:55] <EnderBot> OpenLights: Latest successful: http://lanteacraft.com/jenkins/job/OpenLights/15/
L253[02:44:14] <Michiyo> K... gonna have to work with Josh on that..
L254[02:44:36] <ShadowKatStudios> Oooh, discussing why OC is good in #computercraft
L255[02:44:37] <Michiyo> ^v's link works cause it links directly to the jar... EnderBot's needs to as well
L256[02:45:01] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: just what either community needs, .drama
L257[02:45:02] <progwml6|L> linking to jenkins pages can be useful
L258[02:45:10] <Michiyo> Except it's not
L259[02:45:14] <Michiyo> go ahead.. click that link
L260[02:45:18] <Michiyo> http://lanteacraft.com/jenkins/job/OpenLights/15/
L261[02:45:24] <progwml6|L> nice
L262[02:45:29] <progwml6|L> user/pass blocked :(
L263[02:45:30] <gamax92> gg
L264[02:45:37] <gamax92> admin, password
L265[02:45:40] <Michiyo> lol no
L266[02:45:58] <Michiyo> Jenkins is getting locked down, and I'm having it upload artifacts to a external site
L267[02:46:04] <progwml6|L> fun
L268[02:46:12] <progwml6|L> i just use maven deploys for stuffs
L269[02:46:15] <Michiyo> BUT direct links to the jars still works which is fine for me.
L270[02:46:23] <Michiyo> but links to the page will not work.
L271[02:47:04] <Michiyo> I might just get JTE to point it to the custom page..
L272[02:47:14] <progwml6|L> ya b/c the jars are served as static content i believe
L273[02:48:04] <Michiyo> Well, point it the the external page would help me more, as I can count downloads.
L274[02:48:33] <progwml6|L> nginx or apache logs are nice as well :D
L275[02:48:35] <ShadowKatStudios> Aaand the drama begins :D
L276[02:48:36] <progwml6|L> those can be counted
L277[02:48:46] <gamax92> .drama
L278[02:48:46] <^v> gamax92, Hunterz denies Mekanism is a ripoff of Highlands
L279[02:48:49] <progwml6|L> ppl need to not do stuff like that
L280[02:48:50] <Michiyo> MichiBot, drama
L281[02:48:51] <MichiBot> Michiyo: Curse complains that Notch replaced Tekkit by Steve's Factory Manager in Hexxit
L282[02:48:58] <gamax92> XD
L283[02:49:23] <progwml6|L> the drama around MC gets old rather quick
L284[02:49:31] <gamax92> yeah
L285[02:49:34] <progwml6|L> b/c some ppl can't do the whole english thing
L286[02:49:44] <gamax92> erm?
L287[02:50:14] <progwml6|L> reading that the eula has always had those lines
L288[02:50:23] <progwml6|L> some ppl just don't get it
L289[02:50:30] <Dashkal> ShadowKatStudios: Dude is seriously just trying to stir drama
L290[02:50:30] <gamax92> I don't get what you're saying.
L291[02:50:50] <progwml6|L> the drama from the other day on twitter/reddit about a change made in 1.7.10
L292[02:50:58] <gamax92> oh, i don't read either
L293[02:51:17] <progwml6|L> basically on servers you have to accept the eula
L294[02:51:52] <finkmac> wut drama
L295[02:52:00] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm thinking I'll be sticking with 1.6 for a decent while
L296[02:52:03] <Dashkal> Mojang are starting to make me nervous. This path could end in a rather crappy place.
L297[02:52:26] <ShadowKatStudios> Especially with their stance on modding the game...
L298[02:52:54] <Dashkal> One path from here ends in modding ending. They're showing hints of wanting that kind of control back.
L299[02:53:04] <gamax92> Hey look, the drama has returned to #oc
L300[02:53:05] <finkmac> is mojang starting to become hostile to modders?
L301[02:53:14] <gamax92> How great, I'll just go read jul topic.
L302[02:53:15] <Dashkal> finkmac: Hints, rumours, etc. Nothing confirmed yet.
L303[02:53:24] <Dashkal> I'm being careful in my phrasing for a reason
L304[02:53:28] <finkmac> what kinds of hints
L305[02:53:36] <finkmac> I've been out of the loop for a while now
L306[02:53:41] <Dashkal> At present, the coming EULA changes
L307[02:54:09] <finkmac> and what's this about curse and notch and tekkit
L308[02:54:23] <Dashkal> I've also seen mojang employees (Grum) threaten to cut off old versions if people just refuse to update en-masse.
L309[02:54:33] <finkmac> huh, really?
L310[02:54:37] <Dashkal> He doesn't make policy, so take that as it is
L311[02:54:48] <finkmac> like, I'm still on 1.6.2 because of certain mods
L312[02:54:50] <progwml6|L> dash that is something that will happen down the line
L313[02:54:51] <ShadowKatStudios> 'cut off old versions'? Explain.
L314[02:54:54] <progwml6|L> not any time soon
L315[02:54:56] <finkmac> (littlemaidmob, really)
L316[02:55:01] <progwml6|L> as in a year from now
L317[02:55:06] <progwml6|L> or more
L318[02:55:14] <Dashkal> My fear is that they'll release the Mod API, it'll be crap, and they'll forbid people from using anything else.
L319[02:55:19] <ShadowKatStudios> How do you cut off old versions?
L320[02:55:20] <finkmac> yeah :/
L321[02:55:33] <Dashkal> ShadowKatStudios: Refuse to serve them, and refuse to authenticate anybody using them.
L322[02:55:34] <ShadowKatStudios> Uh, Dashkal, s/mod/plugin
L323[02:55:38] <ShadowKatStudios> That's what it is now.
L324[02:55:41] <finkmac> sure
L325[02:55:41] <finkmac> but
L326[02:55:45] <progwml6|L> if they do that then they will be the next EA
L327[02:55:49] <finkmac> it'll be a lot harder for the end user
L328[02:55:54] <Dashkal> idgaf about terminology. Point is my fear is that they'll force people into thier system
L329[02:55:55] <progwml6|L> but honestly searge knows what he is doing
L330[02:56:06] <Dashkal> searge does. notch, however, does not
L331[02:56:08] <ShadowKatStudios> Mmm, that'd be bad.
L332[02:56:12] <Dashkal> And he's the one with the bank account
L333[02:56:15] <ShadowKatStudios> Open source MC clones anyone?
L334[02:56:18] <progwml6|L> notch has almost 0 to do w/ mc these days
L335[02:56:22] <progwml6|L> afaik
L336[02:56:33] <gamax92> "In short, legacyme3 does horrible things to people, and I don't think anyone else on Jul should be exposed to him, no matter how decent of a person he pretends to be."
L337[02:56:34] <progwml6|L> only when drama stirs up does he get involved
L338[02:56:37] <ShadowKatStudios> I know asie went to one of them
L339[02:56:37] <Dashkal> And if it stays that way, I'll rest a lil easier
L340[02:56:56] <finkmac> again, what's this about curse and steve's carts?
L341[02:57:08] <progwml6|L> its RNG drama :P
L342[02:57:13] <progwml6|L> its fake
L343[02:57:18] <gamax92> .drama
L344[02:57:18] <^v> gamax92, mDiyo rebalances Immibis' Microblocks for FTB Monster
L345[02:57:21] <progwml6|L> asie made a php script
L346[02:57:33] <progwml6|L> that several of the bots tie into
L347[02:57:38] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: I would minetest, but I don't like minetest
L348[02:57:41] <LordFokas> open source mc clones everywhere!
L349[02:57:45] <finkmac> ahahha
L350[02:57:48] <finkmac> oh yeah
L351[02:57:51] <finkmac> the random drama thread
L352[02:58:06] <LordFokas> .drama
L353[02:58:07] <^v> LordFokas, FlowerChild and nekosune argue about Magic Farm 2
L354[02:58:11] <finkmac> hehe
L355[02:58:16] <LordFokas> flowerchild
L356[02:58:29] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: the simplistic modding api is too simple for like, several projects I wanted to try in minetest
L357[02:58:30] <Dashkal> Every once in awhile it hits a real one, which is amusing :P
L358[02:58:33] <finkmac> did you know? Flowerchild makes KSP mods, too
L359[02:58:35] <LordFokas> now that's a bitch I haven't heard of in a LONG while
L360[02:59:01] <LordFokas> he once joined forge's channel just to bitch at lex
L361[02:59:10] <LordFokas> curiously, he didn't get kickbanned
L362[02:59:12] <ShadowKatStudios> I want BTW on forge :(
L363[02:59:25] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: I want Forge on Modloader
L364[02:59:27] <gamax92> :P
L365[02:59:44] <LordFokas> even though he pinged lex and accused him of stealing BTW code and releasing it anonimously as a mod.
L366[03:00:03] <LordFokas> gamax92, bring back MLMP?
L367[03:00:10] <gamax92> Yes, ofc
L368[03:00:36] <gamax92> Actually, instead of being here, Imma go play some Lava survival on Minecraft Classic.
L369[03:00:49] <gamax92> Because, Can't get enough of Minecraft Classic
L370[03:08:28] <gamax92> Hmm, Never thought when I had my PS2, to connect USB Keyboards to it.
L371[03:08:45] <gamax92> Apparently some games/demo will take advantage of it
L372[03:11:49] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L373[03:16:53] <ShadowKatStudios> Don't IRC while under the influence.
L374[03:16:57] <Dashkal> heh
L375[03:17:36] ⇨ Joins: Alex_hawks (~Alex_hawk@CPE-124-182-54-113.lns6.wel.bigpond.net.au)
L376[03:17:36] zsh sets mode: +v on Alex_hawks
L377[03:17:41] <ShadowKatStudios> Hey, v^, can I get those logs?
L378[03:17:57] <v^> which channels?
L379[03:18:06] <ShadowKatStudios> ComputerCraft.
L380[03:18:26] ⇨ Joins: BizzyMC (~bizzymc@
L381[03:21:43] <v^> ShadowKatStudios, grabbing all of them now
L382[03:21:49] <v^> excluding laptop :<
L383[03:21:54] <v^> and my old old old machine
L384[03:21:59] <Kodos|TabbedOut> There, 3 private sails in a row, and now my assembler is disassembling literally everything i got
L385[03:22:21] <Kodos|TabbedOut> 50 units of uranium, with just my assembler running, I have 95 days of power
L386[03:22:41] <ShadowKatStudios> Military Transports are the best.
L387[03:23:51] <BizzyMC> .ping
L388[03:23:52] <^v> Ping reply from BizzyMC 0.75s
L389[03:24:10] <Kodos|TabbedOut> Yes, except I don't have guns yet
L390[03:24:16] <Kodos|TabbedOut> But I will after this assembler runs through all my shit
L391[03:24:47] <v^> ShadowKatStudios, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55181333/log%20log%20log.zip
L392[03:25:18] <Kodos|TabbedOut> Everyone wants a log
L393[03:25:18] <v^> dont slap me, those logs are probably a year old
L394[03:27:31] <ShadowKatStudios> Thank you, these are great.
L395[03:28:43] <v^> wat
L396[03:28:47] <v^> what did you see?
L397[03:29:04] <ShadowKatStudios> I wanted that argument :P
L398[03:29:13] * ShadowKatStudios pastebins it
L399[03:29:22] <v^> oh
L400[03:29:32] <v^> you could have asked for just the argument
L401[03:29:59] <v^> those are really old logs
L402[03:30:28] <ShadowKatStudios> :P
L403[03:31:04] ⇦ Quits: BizzyMC (~bizzymc@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L404[03:31:06] <ShadowKatStudios> http://pastebin.com/TwaaypCb
L405[03:32:26] <Dashkal> Bah! Caught playing with him enshrined into the interwebs
L406[03:35:07] <gamax92> v^: so, i read part of that involving Hithere
L407[03:35:27] <ShadowKatStudios> :D My installer now includes labeling the drive :D
L408[03:35:37] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: does it run on 1 Tier1 memory module?
L409[03:35:47] <v^> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
L410[03:36:34] <ShadowKatStudios> Dunno, I'm using 2 T1.5s
L411[03:36:37] <ShadowKatStudios> I could probably make it.
L412[03:36:47] <ShadowKatStudios> if it doesn't, that is
L413[03:38:48] *** AngieBLD is now known as AngieBLD|Off
L414[03:38:54] <v^> so theres this huge bug in my webserver that i am too lazy to fix
L415[03:39:00] <v^> lets see if apache has the same bug
L416[03:39:19] <v^> Michiyo, sorry if i break it
L417[03:39:20] <gamax92> v^: So theres this huge bug in my utilities that i will fix, tomorrow since its 9PM
L418[03:39:37] <ShadowKatStudios> Now also tells you the labels of the drives.
L419[03:40:50] <gamax92> v^: pluma is going apeshit over the encoding format of the logs
L420[03:40:54] <gamax92> specifically the second one.
L421[03:42:07] <v^> lol
L422[03:42:09] <v^> sorry
L423[03:44:42] <v^> Michiyo, your server dead yet?
L424[03:44:55] <Michiyo> ...
L425[03:44:58] <Michiyo> which server?
L426[03:45:07] <v^> http://lanteacraft.com/
L427[03:45:08] <gamax92> ALL OF THEM >:D
L428[03:45:14] <Michiyo> lol nop
L429[03:45:28] <v^> well, keep an eye on your memory usage :D
L430[03:45:34] <v^> how much ram does the server have?
L431[03:45:37] <v^> because ima eat it up
L432[03:45:53] <Michiyo> 12 GB, do I need moar?
L433[03:45:57] <v^> fuck
L434[03:46:00] <v^> this might take awhile
L435[03:46:16] <v^> sorry comcrap
L436[03:46:16] <Michiyo> load is a nice low .10..
L437[03:46:20] ⇨ Joins: Bizzycola (~Bizzycola@illogical.pc-logix.com)
L438[03:46:26] <gamax92> Can't stand to watch shows that are intentionally out of order.
L439[03:46:26] <v^> dont care about load
L440[03:46:47] <v^> ram usage
L441[03:46:57] <v^> also, download bandwidth
L442[03:46:58] <gamax92> it confuses the shit out of me, and destroyes the whole point of the previews they have at the end of episodes.
L443[03:47:24] <gamax92> It seems it confused others because they released a DVD version with the episodes in order
L444[03:47:25] ⇦ Quits: Alex_hawks (~Alex_hawk@CPE-124-182-54-113.lns6.wel.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L445[03:47:25] *** LordFokas is now known as LordFokas|off
L446[03:47:35] <v^> meh
L447[03:47:41] <v^> dont want to drive up my own bandwidtg
L448[03:47:49] ⇨ Joins: BizzyMC (~bizzymc@
L449[03:49:13] <ShadowKatStudios> Well, time to start generating some routing tables...
L450[03:49:43] <ShadowKatStudios> s/generating/writing
L451[03:49:43] <SuperBot> <ShadowKatStudios> Well, time to start writing some routing tables...
L452[03:49:48] ⇦ Quits: Techokami (~Techokami@pool-173-48-10-197.bstnma.east.verizon.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L453[03:50:33] <Bizzycola> Sounds fun
L454[03:51:59] <ShadowKatStudios> I have 8 computers.
L455[03:52:14] <ShadowKatStudios> And I'm manually writing routing tables. Fun.
L456[03:52:47] <BizzyMC> Oh so I was right, it is fun! :p
L457[03:53:10] <ShadowKatStudios> The kind of fun that is fun to someone who enjoys pressing the same key for 8 hours a day
L458[03:53:27] <Bizzycola> Oh that;s the best kind of "fun"
L459[03:53:33] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: What if I enjoy pressing the same key for 7 hours a day
L460[03:53:45] <gamax92> but enjoy the last hour pressing a different key
L461[03:53:50] <Dashkal> Well, at least most of your day will be good then
L462[03:54:15] <ShadowKatStudios> Do any of you want to write routing tables for me?
L463[03:54:17] <ShadowKatStudios> :P
L464[03:54:29] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: sure
L465[03:54:41] <Dashkal> Absolutely. They won't work, but I'll do it :P
L466[03:54:46] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: what do I need to do?
L467[03:55:20] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios?
L468[03:55:32] <ShadowKatStudios> Uh... :P
L469[03:56:07] <ShadowKatStudios> gamax92: If writing routing tables interests you, I suggest you see a specialist of some kind.
L470[03:56:09] <Dashkal> route add -net gw dev lo
L471[03:56:21] <Dashkal> Totally safe!
L472[03:56:30] <Bizzycola> 8.7 was fun. Look, I remembered! :
L473[03:56:32] <ShadowKatStudios> I need to write a program for creating routes!
L474[03:56:32] <Bizzycola> :p
L475[03:56:44] <ShadowKatStudios> Problem solved.
L476[03:56:57] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: thats insulting, I seriously wanted to help you.
L477[03:56:57] <Dashkal> I don't think I've ever had to write a route that wasn't the default route when manually setting up an interface
L478[03:57:00] <gamax92> I'm really bored
L479[03:57:15] <ShadowKatStudios> Oh, sorry :( I was making a joke
L480[03:57:24] <gamax92> </yourlifeisalie>
L481[03:57:28] <Dashkal> gamax92: Routing tables are simple enough, but tedious as hell. It's seriously unexpected to get such an offer.
L482[03:57:40] <gamax92> </yourlifeisalsoalie>
L483[03:57:46] <Bizzycola> lol
L484[03:57:58] <gamax92> </yourlifeisreal>
L485[03:58:02] <ShadowKatStudios> Writing my routing tables are a 36-char UUID, followed by another 36-char UUID, then repeat.
L486[03:58:08] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: sounds boring
L487[03:58:25] <ShadowKatStudios> For every computer you intend to attach.
L488[03:58:38] <gamax92> why not just cat /dev/hda > /dev/dsp
L489[03:58:47] <Dashkal> You need some subnets, ShadowKatStudios.
L490[03:59:25] <Dashkal> Caus yech. The OC equivilent of writing arp routing tables. Yech
L491[03:59:28] <Dashkal> Cause*
L492[03:59:38] <gamax92> OC needs /dev/hda and /dev/dsp
L493[03:59:43] <gamax92> so I can cat the two
L494[04:00:06] <Dashkal> Ok, I just winced in my chair imagining doing that
L495[04:02:07] <gamax92> oh right, cat shouldn't be reading line by line
L496[04:02:13] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm writing a program to generate routing tables.
L497[04:02:17] <gamax92> because that crashes if the entire file is one line
L498[04:02:26] <gamax92> well, one large line
L499[04:02:27] <Dashkal> cat? Nah, dd :P
L500[04:03:03] <gamax92> I use netcat to do remote shells
L501[04:04:08] <Dashkal> dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda
L502[04:04:15] <Dashkal> I wonder how well OC would tolerate that.
L503[04:05:21] <gamax92> just fine
L504[04:05:29] <ShadowKatStudios> Crazy idea: You can use hostnames
L505[04:05:36] <ShadowKatStudios> No DNS neccesary :D
L506[04:05:47] <gamax92> Crazy idea: bundled cable networking
L507[04:05:55] <gamax92> get on it, i expect progess by tomorrow
L508[04:05:57] <Dashkal> Yeah, it really should. It'll happily run rom/ram with no persistant storage, so it should work
L509[04:05:59] <gamax92> chop chop
L510[04:07:53] <Bizzycola> Did the minecraft ending get longer? I usually skip it but my brother had me read it to him
L511[04:07:57] <Bizzycola> It seems longer then I remember :p
L512[04:08:13] <Dashkal> Heh, I only ever head in there with a way to teleport out :P
L513[04:08:33] <Bizzycola> The ending is pretty odd though lol
L514[04:08:55] <Dashkal> Yes, yes it is
L515[04:09:24] ⇦ Quits: BizzyMC (~bizzymc@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L516[04:10:20] <gamax92> Usually, I replace the end with another world
L517[04:10:24] <Kodos|TabbedOut> TIL Don't be moving when you fire a rocket
L518[04:10:38] <Dashkal> I use it as my source of pearls, which every mod and it's dog seems to want in bulk
L519[04:11:11] <gamax92> .l "Broken"
L520[04:11:16] <gamax92> v^: gg
L521[04:12:24] <^v> gamax92, Broken
L522[04:12:28] <gamax92> ohshit
L523[04:12:31] <ShadowKatStudios> :D I can now add hosts to /etc/hosts using a command
L524[04:12:37] <v^> yeah, i was editing it
L525[04:12:40] <v^> you ass
L526[04:13:06] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: http://i.imgur.com/6oHOMOA.png
L527[04:13:54] <ShadowKatStudios> Why?
L528[04:14:06] <gamax92> Because I said so.
L529[04:14:56] <Kodos|TabbedOut> How hard would a chat program be for OC, but instead of IRC, it's just a chat room within the world that a computer could hook up to, and the chat would be hosted on a server
L530[04:15:12] <gamax92> not that hard at all.
L531[04:15:15] <Bizzycola> Like the server and client ingame?
L532[04:15:15] <Dashkal> I'll see your MS Edit and raise you: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_vmkdvZzKg5Y/TIkJION9QhI/AAAAAAAAAi0/ZAs65J0nenM/s1600/DosShell.png
L533[04:15:17] <Bizzycola> Yea not very hard :p
L534[04:15:27] <gamax92> probably even easier than the irc program
L535[04:15:38] <ShadowKatStudios> I'd like to say I wrote a sub-1k line editor.
L536[04:15:54] <gamax92> Dashkal: oh look, that junk I could never run
L537[04:15:58] <gamax92> because the computer would reboot
L538[04:15:59] <ShadowKatStudios> That probably beats anything MS has cooked up
L539[04:16:10] ⇨ Joins: Raga_BuildCraftPlumber (webchat@
L540[04:16:14] <Dashkal> I loved that thing. used it all the time on my old 286
L541[04:16:35] <ShadowKatStudios> 286 = 16bit?
L542[04:16:35] <gamax92> I use the alternatives that didn't crash the computer.
L543[04:16:37] <Raga_BuildCraftPlumber> Hello there, fellow Minecrafters.
L544[04:16:57] <gamax92> What is a minecrafters?
L545[04:17:00] <Dashkal> I can't recall, I'm afraid. I was a teen at the time I used that thing
L546[04:17:20] <gamax92> Dashkal: many graphical ones :D
L547[04:17:28] <Raga_BuildCraftPlumber> gamax92: Minecraft is a game.
L548[04:17:40] <Raga_BuildCraftPlumber> *wink*
L549[04:17:40] <gamax92> Hmm, never heard of it.
L550[04:17:52] <Raga_BuildCraftPlumber> I see.
L551[04:17:54] <Dashkal> dosshell was still text mode. And ran a good deal faster than windows 3.1
L552[04:18:05] <gamax92> My favorite game is Dabout, but it requires the 386 protective mode
L553[04:18:40] <ShadowKatStudios> Hmm... How do I set _OSVERSION?
L554[04:18:49] <ShadowKatStudios> Can I just be like _OSVERSION = "derp" ?
L555[04:19:13] <ShadowKatStudios> Where is _OSVERSION set originally?
L556[04:20:03] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: uhh, either kernel or init
L557[04:20:32] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: kernel
L558[04:21:46] <gamax92> Dashkal: my WfW 3.11 takes a bit of time to startup
L559[04:22:05] <Dashkal> I no longer have any kind of access to that old code.
L560[04:23:37] <gamax92> CuteMouse is acting really laggy/stick on QEMU
L561[04:23:45] <gamax92> s/stick/stuck/
L562[04:23:45] <SuperBot> <gamax92> CuteMouse is acting really laggy/stuck on QEMU
L563[04:24:16] <v^> .sha512 gravityscore aint got shit on my security
L564[04:24:18] <v^> wat
L565[04:24:21] * v^ slaps ^v
L566[04:24:30] <gamax92> 6b5f03e4ed1a8f15c7310a679bc84c971e14e0b1aa28ec8f7927f164db8f4d626c1b1e147f341093c90cb5317762b5652b2b8fbaff459fbb611360b3f3d7c290
L567[04:24:37] <v^> .sha512 gravityscore aint got shit on my security
L568[04:24:37] <^v> v^, e7046745c1f6f836647f451bdb6c5721eb369e4581cffadebbe3ddb0c675277281ef991a62f4affc55d38c7087595232d668d4fbf0f3f9e4d7df60a18c9d0032
L569[04:24:37] <^v> v^, e7046745c1f6f836647f451bdb6c5721eb369e4581cffadebbe3ddb0c675277281ef991a62f4affc55d38c7087595232d668d4fbf0f3f9e4d7df60a18c9d0032
L570[04:24:38] <^v> v^, e7046745c1f6f836647f451bdb6c5721eb369e4581cffadebbe3ddb0c675277281ef991a62f4affc55d38c7087595232d668d4fbf0f3f9e4d7df60a18c9d0032
L571[04:24:43] <v^> oh god
L572[04:24:46] <gamax92> v^: gg
L573[04:24:57] <gamax92> it was so good we got it thrice
L574[04:25:10] <v^> jesus christ
L575[04:27:57] <gamax92> .sha1 jesus christ
L576[04:27:57] <^v> gamax92, facfb59e5c98f025d953760aa1f3b135656888e4
L577[04:28:23] <v^> all the hashes!
L578[04:29:08] <gamax92> all the faries
L579[04:32:57] <ShadowKatStudios> Daemons now start on boot.
L580[04:34:07] <ShadowKatStudios> Now, with some luck, I'll be able to route messages over all the computers.
L581[04:35:38] <ShadowKatStudios> I think I need to modify address to detect the primary of components instead of just computer.address
L582[04:35:38] <gamax92> .l "ShadowCatStudios"
L583[04:36:29] <v^> gamax92, wat
L584[04:36:35] <v^> .l "ShadowCatStudios"
L585[04:36:35] <^v> v^, ShadowCatStudios
L586[04:36:40] <v^> i are confuz
L587[04:36:50] <gamax92> is it ignoring me?
L588[04:36:59] <v^> .unignore gamax92
L589[04:36:59] <^v> v^, Ignore unchanged.
L590[04:37:02] <v^> >_>
L591[04:37:08] <gamax92> .l "Test"
L592[04:37:08] <^v> gamax92, Test
L593[04:37:13] <gamax92> welp
L594[04:38:24] <gamax92> s///
L595[04:38:24] <SuperBot> <gamax92> welp
L596[04:38:28] <gamax92> s//a/
L597[04:38:29] <SuperBot> <gamax92> awaealapa
L598[04:38:31] <gamax92> XDF
L599[04:38:52] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: who owns SuperBot?
L600[04:38:55] <gamax92> s//a/
L601[04:38:55] <SuperBot> <gamax92> aSahaaadaoawaKaaataSatauadaiaoasa:a awahaoa aoawanasa aSauapaearaBaoata?a
L602[04:45:33] ⇨ Joins: Alex_hawks (~Alex_hawk@CPE-124-182-54-113.lns6.wel.bigpond.net.au)
L603[04:45:33] zsh sets mode: +v on Alex_hawks
L604[04:45:40] <v^> gamax92, SuPeRMiNoR2
L605[04:56:42] <ShadowKatStudios> Lol, that's an interesting way to do it.
L606[04:56:58] <ShadowKatStudios> s/t/a
L607[04:56:58] <SuperBot> <ShadowKatStudios> Lol, ahaa's an inaeresaing way ao do ia.
L608[04:57:04] <ShadowKatStudios> s//a
L609[04:57:04] <SuperBot> <ShadowKatStudios> aLaoala,a atahaaata'asa aaana aianataearaeasataianaga awaaaya ataoa adaoa aiata.a
L610[04:57:12] <ShadowKatStudios> s/l/a
L611[04:57:12] <SuperBot> <ShadowKatStudios> Loa, that's an interesting way to do it.
L612[04:57:17] <gamax92> Wow, I've never seen so much beauty in one place.
L613[04:57:21] <gamax92> s// /
L614[04:57:21] <SuperBot> <gamax92> W o w , I ' v e n e v e r s e e n s o m u c h b e a u t y i n o n e p l a c e .
L615[04:57:30] <ShadowKatStudios> s//aaaaaaaa
L616[04:57:30] <SuperBot> <ShadowKatStudios> aaaaaaaaLaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaa,aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaataaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaa'aaaaaaaasaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaaraaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaagaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaataaaaaaaaoaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaadaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaataaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaa
L617[04:57:39] <gamax92> s///
L618[04:57:39] <SuperBot> <gamax92> Wow, I've never seen so much beauty in one place.
L619[04:57:47] <ShadowKatStudios> s///
L620[04:57:47] <SuperBot> <ShadowKatStudios> Lol, that's an interesting way to do it.
L621[04:58:16] <gamax92> .reverse apples
L622[04:58:16] <^v> gamax92, selppa
L623[04:58:29] <gamax92> .reverse apples
L624[04:58:29] <^v> gamax92, selppa
L625[04:58:31] <gamax92> damn
L626[04:58:33] <ShadowKatStudios> .reverse
L627[04:58:33] <^v> ShadowKatStudios,
L628[04:58:39] <ShadowKatStudios> .reverse .reverse
L629[04:58:39] <^v> ShadowKatStudios, esrever.
L630[04:58:44] <v^> <_>
L631[04:58:47] <gamax92> .reverse apples
L632[04:58:47] <^v> gamax92, selppa���
L633[04:58:49] <v^> stop with the botspam
L634[04:58:50] <v^> please
L635[04:58:52] <gamax92> v^: pls?
L636[04:58:54] <ShadowKatStudios> .esrever esrever
L637[04:59:02] <ShadowKatStudios> .esrever should be a command
L638[05:02:59] <Porygon> s/\(.\)\(.\)/\2\1/g
L639[05:03:13] <Porygon> s/(.)(.)/\2\1/g
L640[05:03:18] <Porygon> fine
L641[05:05:36] <gamax92> Porygon:⌫
L642[05:05:59] <Porygon> what?
L643[05:06:17] <Porygon> >.>
L644[05:08:20] <ShadowKatStudios> https://imgur.com/a/nR4BR
L645[05:09:11] <ShadowKatStudios> I modified address.
L646[05:15:04] ⇦ Quits: finkmac (~finkmac@68-68-14-48.applecreek.pathcom.com) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L647[05:32:52] *** Kodos|TabbedOut is now known as Kodos
L648[05:33:26] * gamax92 crashes Kodos
L649[05:42:21] <Kodos> I'm apparently just as bad at building in SE as I am in MC
L650[05:48:11] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~ping@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L651[05:51:28] <Bizzycola> SE?
L652[05:51:59] *** Raga_BuildCraftPlumber is now known as Raga|Away
L653[05:52:10] <ShadowKatStudios> Bizzycola: What did you remember? :P
L654[05:52:23] <Bizzycola> To read it
L655[05:52:50] <Bizzycola> I said last night I was either going to remember to read 8.7 today or return a week later trying to remember which one I've read :p
L656[05:53:10] <ShadowKatStudios> lol
L657[06:00:44] <ShadowKatStudios> What's the music called that they usually use in slow-motion videos?
L658[06:01:45] <Bizzycola> wut
L659[06:02:33] <ShadowKatStudios> I found a time control remote mod
L660[06:02:45] <ShadowKatStudios> And I want to do a video of using the hookshot in slow motion
L661[06:07:04] <Dashkal> ShadowKatStudios: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYJzcUvS_NU
L662[06:07:27] <Dashkal> By about 40s the tune is playing
L663[06:10:06] <ShadowKatStudios> Perfect.
L664[06:10:14] <Dashkal> I hope that's right. I braved youtube comments to find that!
L665[06:10:45] <ShadowKatStudios> Time to make a slow-mo video of using a hookshot
L666[06:11:20] <Kodos> Bizzycola, Space Engineers
L667[06:11:30] <Bizzycola> oh right
L668[06:33:44] ⇨ Joins: Flenix (~Flenix@
L669[06:40:20] *** Flenix is now known as WorkingFlenix
L670[06:52:30] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E457B39A14F664E06739A7F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L671[06:53:05] <Vexatos> o/
L672[06:53:18] <ShadowKatStudios> \o
L673[06:53:41] ⇨ Joins: Timmy94 (~chatzilla@f048171165.adsl.alicedsl.de)
L674[06:55:18] <Timmy94> hallo, how i can list component that use an adapter block?
L675[07:00:26] *** Kodos is now known as Kodos|Zzz
L676[07:02:16] ⇨ Joins: Cisien_ (~Chris@c-24-56-202-128.customer.broadstripe.net)
L677[07:04:40] ⇦ Quits: Cisien (~Chris@2001:470:e883:0:f0b2:48cf:a87e:66a9) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L678[07:07:56] ⇦ Quits: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L679[07:09:34] ⇨ Joins: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com)
L680[07:09:34] zsh sets mode: +v on Maxwolf
L681[07:09:57] ⇦ Quits: Kodos|Zzz (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:74cf:a602:4cb5:9815) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L682[07:32:41] <ShadowKatStudios> Bizzycola: Also, can I get some feedback on 8.7?
L683[07:34:05] <Bizzycola> I liked it. Moar. MOAR! MOOOOOAAAAAAAARRRRRRR! :p
L684[07:34:24] <Vexatos> 8.7 was weird
L685[08:00:07] <Timmy94> how i can create a list of the components at my computer?
L686[08:01:29] <Dean4Devil> SKS, can you send me a link to your story, I'm too lazy to search :P
L687[08:02:30] <Dean4Devil> Timmy94: for p,k in component.list() do print(p,k) end
L688[08:02:49] <Timmy94> thank you
L689[08:05:40] ⇦ Quits: jk-5 (~jk-5@5ED40762.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L690[08:08:17] ⇨ Joins: jk-5 (~jk-5@5ED40762.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L691[08:08:17] zsh sets mode: +v on jk-5
L692[08:13:55] *** jk-5 is now known as jk-5|gone
L693[08:14:23] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L694[08:24:56] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~negi@
L695[08:32:37] <Bizzycola> Dean4Devil, http://shadowkat.zxq.net/story/index.htm
L696[08:32:53] <Dean4Devil> yay, ty :)
L697[08:35:07] <JoshTheEnder> \o/ got to college, only to have to get the bus back home because I left my usb sticks there -_-
L698[08:35:13] *** jk-5|gone is now known as jk-5
L699[08:40:09] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@apn-46-76-54-70.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl)
L700[08:40:16] <asie> Sangar: today is challenge day
L701[08:40:18] ⇨ Joins: Dean4Devil_ (~AI_Cat@p54961634.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L702[08:40:21] <asie> i' mgoing to try and set up OpenComputers
L703[08:40:26] <asie> on a Solaris machine
L704[08:40:37] ⇦ Quits: Dean4Devil_ (~AI_Cat@p54961634.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Client Quit)
L705[08:40:45] ⇨ Joins: Dean4Devil_ (~AI_Cat@p54961634.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L706[08:41:01] <Vexatos> asie: Haha
L707[08:41:05] <Vexatos> Good luck
L708[08:41:06] <Vexatos> yD
L709[08:41:29] ⇦ Quits: Dean4Devil_ (~AI_Cat@p54961634.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Client Quit)
L710[08:42:12] <asie> with OC 1.2.12, too
L711[08:42:28] <Timmy94> how i can get methods from a component
L712[08:43:21] ⇦ Quits: Dean4Devil (~AI_Cat@p54961634.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L713[08:50:50] <Bizzycola> I think it was like for k,v in pairs(component.redstone) do print(k, v) end --for getting methods in component.redstone
L714[08:51:03] <Bizzycola> change to component your using
L715[08:51:48] ⇨ Joins: Lumien (~lumien@p4FED46C9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L716[08:53:01] <Bizzycola> or if you prefer, you could ask Kenny about his CompViewer
L717[08:53:16] <Bizzycola> On the open programs repo or something, I forget :p
L718[08:55:45] <Bizzycola> Timmy94, If you want to just see quickly, use the code I showed. If you want a graphical interface though, use this: https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Kenny-Programs/tree/master/CompViewer
L719[08:57:31] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@apn-46-76-54-70.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L720[09:01:22] ⇨ Joins: Dean4Devil (~AI_Cat@p549628B3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L721[09:07:44] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (Mibbit@ (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
L722[09:14:13] <Timmy94> the compviewer crash my game
L723[09:15:32] <Bizzycola> It's done that to me before. It seemed random.
L724[09:15:41] <Bizzycola> Got enough memory, etc? Probably need tier 3 stuff
L725[09:15:46] <Bizzycola> Otherwise the for loop I posted should work
L726[09:16:35] <Timmy94> i use two 3,5 tier rams
L727[09:17:04] ⇦ Quits: Raga|Away (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L728[09:17:22] <Bizzycola> Ah I dunno then. Guess you'll have to ask Kenny about that
L729[09:18:55] <Timmy94> ok. is something like a Windows GUI to Download somewhere?
L730[09:19:26] <Bizzycola> I don't think there are any complete OSes for it like that
L731[09:19:50] <Bizzycola> I don't use OC much lately so I'm not sure, but I haven't heard of any
L732[09:19:52] <Timmy94> ok
L733[09:20:24] <Bizzycola> 1.3 will make OS stuff easier for devs I think
L734[09:20:41] <Timmy94> i'm really noobie to handle Oc. i used CC a long time.
L735[09:21:31] <Bizzycola> Ah. Yea there are lots of OSes for CC :p
L736[09:21:41] <Timmy94> and my english is not the bettest
L737[09:25:32] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~negi@ (Quit: Reboot.)
L738[09:34:23] <JoshTheEnder> "<Michiyo> ^v's link works cause it links directly to the jar... EnderBot's needs to as well" give me the links and i'll see what i can do
L739[09:35:14] <JoshTheEnder> "<ShadowKatStudios> http://pastebin.com/TwaaypCb&quot; reading through that, i (assuming JTE was refering to me) did use CC but very lightly, generalyl it was merely decoration
L740[09:40:44] ⇨ Joins: Raga_BuildCraftPlumber (webchat@
L741[09:41:16] <Raga_BuildCraftPlumber> Hello there, fellow Minecrafters.
L742[09:41:36] <JoshTheEnder> Hello, Mortal
L743[09:43:07] <Bizzycola> Hi
L744[09:44:17] * JoshTheEnder is bored
L745[09:46:30] ⇨ Joins: Dean4Devil_ (~AI_Cat@p549628B3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L746[09:46:46] ⇦ Quits: Dean4Devil_ (~AI_Cat@p549628B3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Client Quit)
L747[09:49:11] ⇦ Quits: Dean4Devil (~AI_Cat@p549628B3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L748[09:51:18] ⇨ Joins: Dean4Devil (~AI_Cat@p549628B3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L749[09:51:58] <Dean4Devil> Josh, did you program EnderBot to tell if its 3rd-person hour?
L750[09:52:39] <JoshTheEnder> Dean4Devil, nope, i forgot
L751[09:52:47] * Dean4Devil is sad now :(
L752[09:56:23] <Bizzycola> 3rd-person hour eh? :p
L753[09:56:31] * Dean4Devil nods
L754[10:01:08] <Bizzycola> ic
L755[10:04:35] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13 (~Johannes@p4FDE8C0F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L756[10:05:10] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~negi@
L757[10:17:07] ⇨ Joins: xlg47 (~quassel@93-97-204-58.zone5.bethere.co.uk)
L758[10:22:36] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~negi@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L759[10:23:44] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@
L760[10:26:15] <Sangar> morning o/
L761[10:26:26] <JoshTheEnder> ohai
L762[10:26:44] <Ir7_o> morning Sangar
L763[10:27:09] *** darknife25 is now known as darknife25|AFK
L764[10:27:49] <Sangar> gngngn. well, i guess i'll have to throw a dll with debug symbols at kodos next, to get a better stack trace :P because i haven't been able to crash it in a while now :/
L765[10:28:22] <JoshTheEnder> i have a working NS based auth system on EnderBot now, though i have yet to make any of the commands use it
L766[10:28:23] *** Nentify|away is now known as Nentify
L767[10:28:57] <Ir7_o> xD
L768[10:29:02] <Sangar> overengineering at its best: end up with systems you don't know what to use for :P
L769[10:30:08] <Ir7_o> nick server or name server?
L770[10:30:08] <Ir7_o> .. nickserver makes sense.
L771[10:30:08] <Ir7_o> how can you check if someone is authed?
L772[10:30:23] <Ir7_o> .. ^ = me all the time.
L773[10:31:00] <Vexatos> Ohai Sangar, you're alive again? \o/
L774[10:31:11] <JoshTheEnder> Ir7_o, though either the extended-join capability or just sending a whois if the user was here before the bot was
L775[10:31:16] <Sangar> aye, it's too warm outside to enjoy the weather anymore :P
L776[10:31:36] <Vexatos> I know, right?
L777[10:31:44] <Vexatos> 30°C+ isn't that good
L778[10:31:49] <Sangar> exactly
L779[10:32:00] <JoshTheEnder> also beware when doing the .jenkins command because i currently have EnderBot(2) connected twice, one which is on my vps and the other i am testing
L780[10:32:10] <Vexatos> Sangar, well then, go go break OC 1.3 again \o/
L781[10:32:20] <Vexatos> .jenkins
L782[10:32:22] <EnderBot> Latest builds: OpenComputers: #397 | OpenComponents: #40 | OpenComputers-MC1.7: #162 | OpenComponents-MC1.7: #5 | OpenPrinter: #72 | OpenPrinter1.7: #71 | OpenLights: #17 | OpenLights1.7: #16 | ICBMComponent: #18
L783[10:32:25] <EnderBot> Latest builds: ICBMComponent: #18 | OpenComponents-MC1.7: #5 | OpenComputers: #397 | OpenComponents: #40 | OpenPrinter: #72 | OpenLights: #17 | OpenComputers-MC1.7: #162 | OpenPrinter1.7: #71
L784[10:32:52] <JoshTheEnder> the one with ICBM component first is the dev mode one
L785[10:33:09] <Vexatos> Btw, Sangar: OpenPrograms Package Manager is done :D
L786[10:33:11] <Sangar> Vexatos, according to kodos it's still broken :P but i can't get it to crash, so it's kinda hard to debug :D
L787[10:33:17] <Sangar> ooh, nice
L788[10:33:29] <Vexatos> Yea, once you get time, try it
L789[10:33:35] <Sangar> i'll work through that truckload of github issues, then i'll have a look at it!
L790[10:33:42] <Vexatos> Thanks
L791[10:33:46] <Vexatos> "Truckload" indeed
L792[10:34:02] <Sangar> my mailbox went crazy :P
L793[10:35:38] <JoshTheEnder> .test
L794[10:35:38] <EnderBot> JoshTheEnder you are logged in as *
L795[10:35:41] <JoshTheEnder> .test
L796[10:35:41] <EnderBot> JoshTheEnder you are logged in as JoshTheEnder
L797[10:35:43] <JoshTheEnder> there
L798[10:35:55] <JoshTheEnder> have to talk once to trigger it to get the data
L799[10:36:13] <Vexatos> .test
L800[10:36:14] <EnderBot> Vexatos you are logged in as *
L801[10:36:18] <Vexatos> D:
L802[10:36:20] <Vexatos> .test
L803[10:36:21] <EnderBot> Vexatos you are logged in as Vexatos
L804[10:36:21] <JoshTheEnder> try again
L805[10:36:24] <JoshTheEnder> \o/
L806[10:37:22] <JoshTheEnder> is there anyone here who isnt logged into nickserv?
L807[10:38:11] <Dean4Devil> .test
L808[10:38:11] <EnderBot> Dean4Devil you are logged in as *
L809[10:38:25] <JoshTheEnder> Dean4Devil, you're logged into NS ¬_¬
L810[10:38:36] <Dean4Devil> i just wanted to try :<
L811[10:38:40] <JoshTheEnder> :P
L812[10:39:32] ⇨ Joins: DeanWithoutNS (~Dean@p549628B3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L813[10:39:42] <DeanWithoutNS> .test
L814[10:39:42] <EnderBot> DeanWithoutNS you are logged in as *
L815[10:39:46] <JoshTheEnder> try again
L816[10:39:51] <DeanWithoutNS> .test
L817[10:39:52] <EnderBot> DeanWithoutNS you are logged in as *
L818[10:39:56] <JoshTheEnder> ok cool
L819[10:40:00] <rymate1234> .test
L820[10:40:01] <EnderBot> rymate1234 you are logged in as *
L821[10:40:13] ⇦ Quits: DeanWithoutNS (~Dean@p549628B3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Client Quit)
L822[10:42:19] <JoshTheEnder> .test
L823[10:42:19] <EnderBot> JoshTheEnder you are logged in as *
L824[10:42:21] <JoshTheEnder> .test
L825[10:42:21] <EnderBot> JoshTheEnder you are logged in as JoshTheEnder
L826[10:42:28] <JoshTheEnder> right
L827[10:42:31] <Kenny> test
L828[10:42:36] <Kenny> .test
L829[10:42:36] <EnderBot> Kenny you are logged in as Kenny
L830[10:42:37] *** JoshTheEnder is now known as JoshTheEnder|Z
L831[10:42:45] <JoshTheEnder|Z> .test
L832[10:42:46] <EnderBot> JoshTheEnder|Z you are logged in as JoshTheEnder
L833[10:42:59] <JoshTheEnder|Z> ok cool, nick changing gets updated properly
L834[10:43:04] *** JoshTheEnder|Z is now known as JoshTheEnder
L835[10:43:26] <JoshTheEnder> also heheh: OMG, JoshTheEnder|Z is now known as JoshTheEnder! :O
L836[10:43:31] ⇨ Joins: Maverick (~LuaIRC@2602:306:ce9e:5150:651c:edfb:d262:d36c)
L837[10:43:34] <JoshTheEnder> that gets printed when someone changes nick
L838[10:43:39] <Dean4Devil> :D
L839[10:44:23] <Maverick> .test
L840[10:44:24] <EnderBot> Maverick you are logged in as *
L841[10:44:33] <Dean4Devil> you cant put " in a nick :(
L842[10:44:49] <JoshTheEnder> no, why did you want to do that anyway?
L843[10:44:49] <Maverick> ns Sherlock
L844[10:45:00] <Dean4Devil> /nick ") die;
L845[10:45:07] <Dean4Devil> just to see what happens :D
L846[10:46:15] <Maverick> you can't use () either
L847[10:46:49] <Dean4Devil> ._.
L848[10:47:52] <Dean4Devil> Josh, is EnderBot Java or ... ?
L849[10:48:02] <JoshTheEnder> Python
L850[10:48:09] <Dean4Devil> cool
L851[10:48:17] <Dean4Devil> os ?
L852[10:48:30] <JoshTheEnder> OS independant
L853[10:48:47] <JoshTheEnder> if a machine has python 2.7 it will work
L854[10:48:49] <Dean4Devil> Open Source, I'm too lazy to type properly :P
L855[10:48:53] <JoshTheEnder> ohh
L856[10:48:54] <JoshTheEnder> https://github.com/JoshTheEnder/EnderBot2
L857[10:48:55] <JoshTheEnder> yep
L858[10:50:54] <Dean4Devil> awesome :D
L859[10:53:05] * Maverick whacks JoshTheEnder
L860[10:53:29] * JoshTheEnder instructs EnderBot to roundhouse-kick Maverick
L861[10:53:29] * EnderBot complies!
L862[10:53:30] * EnderBot roundhouse-kicks Maverick
L863[10:53:30] * EnderBot complies!
L864[10:53:30] * EnderBot roundhouse-kicks Maverick
L865[10:53:33] <JoshTheEnder> lol
L866[10:53:57] <JoshTheEnder> .test
L867[10:53:57] <EnderBot> JoshTheEnder you are logged in as *
L868[10:53:59] <JoshTheEnder> .test
L869[10:53:59] <EnderBot> JoshTheEnder you are logged in as JoshTheEnder
L870[10:54:18] <Maverick> >test
L871[10:54:26] <Maverick> .est
L872[10:54:30] <Maverick> .test
L873[10:54:31] <EnderBot> Maverick you are logged in as *
L874[10:54:35] <Maverick> .test
L875[10:54:35] <EnderBot> Maverick you are logged in as *
L876[10:54:43] <Maverick> see i no logged in :P
L877[10:54:51] <JoshTheEnder> yeah, because your not :P
L878[10:55:32] <JoshTheEnder> test
L879[10:55:33] * Maverick rabbit punches JoshTheEnder in the chest
L880[10:55:49] <JoshTheEnder> dont make me kill you
L881[10:58:38] <Timmy94> mir fehlt der deutsche teil im wiki. :) mein english ist nicht das beste, um mich hier IRC durch zu fragen. Im wiki selbst habe ich das hier nicht gefunden, oder einfach übersehen.
L882[10:58:41] <Timmy94> for k,v in pairs(component.redstone) do print(k, v) end
L883[10:58:49] <JoshTheEnder> Timmy94, English please
L884[10:59:00] <Timmy94> sorry wrong chat
L885[10:59:17] ⇦ Quits: xlg47 (~quassel@93-97-204-58.zone5.bethere.co.uk) (Remote host closed the connection)
L886[10:59:38] <JoshTheEnder> >#
L887[10:59:41] <JoshTheEnder> .test
L888[10:59:41] <EnderBot> JoshTheEnder you are logged in as JoshTheEnder
L889[10:59:51] <JoshTheEnder> ok, lets try this
L890[10:59:59] <JoshTheEnder> .add bot JoshTheEnder
L891[10:59:59] <EnderBot> Added JoshTheEnder to the whitelist
L892[10:59:59] <EnderBot> Added JoshTheEnder to the whitelist
L893[11:00:06] <JoshTheEnder> .del bot JoshTheEnder
L894[11:00:06] <EnderBot> Removed JoshTheEnder from the whitelist
L895[11:00:07] <EnderBot> Removed JoshTheEnder from the whitelist
L896[11:00:25] ⇨ Joins: Altenius (~Altenius4@
L897[11:00:44] <JoshTheEnder> .josh
L898[11:00:45] <EnderBot> Future ruler/ender of the world, often likes to destroy people by throwing busses full of children at them. Sometimes puppies are in place of children. Does not give a damn about what you think, and will pretty much eat your soul.
L899[11:00:45] <EnderBot> - http://goo.gl/35fRvm
L900[11:00:45] <EnderBot> Future ruler/ender of the world, often likes to destroy people by throwing busses full of children at them. Sometimes puppies are in place of children. Does not give a damn about what you think, and will pretty much eat your soul.
L901[11:00:45] <EnderBot> - http://goo.gl/35fRvm
L902[11:00:47] <JoshTheEnder> ¬_¬
L903[11:01:01] <JoshTheEnder> ?chanstats
L904[11:01:01] <EnderBot> We have channel stats, hoorah! http://stats.theender.net/opencomputers/
L905[11:02:44] <JoshTheEnder> .bots
L906[11:02:44] <EnderBot> mitchbot2, enderbot, michibot, ^v, kibibyte, superbot, oc_bot, enderbot2, botherednoob
L907[11:02:45] <EnderBot> mitchbot2, enderbot2, enderbot2_
L908[11:03:08] <JoshTheEnder> hmm, ok, gonna have to be carefull when using the dev one
L909[11:03:23] <JoshTheEnder> .query
L910[11:03:24] <EnderBot> No server specified for querying. Available servers are; pixeltoast
L911[11:03:24] <EnderBot> Command disabled
L912[11:05:23] <Bizzycola> What if I destroy and/or rule the world first? Will I have a bus full of children thrown at me? :p
L913[11:05:31] <JoshTheEnder> yes
L914[11:05:40] <Bizzycola> Okay
L915[11:05:57] <Bizzycola> I will throw a 747 full of unloyal humans at your bus full of children
L916[11:06:51] ⇨ Joins: Negi|2 (~Poireau@
L917[11:07:15] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L918[11:07:18] <Maverick> you shouldn't have any trouble fillinmg that 747
L919[11:07:32] <Bizzycola> Nope, might supersize to an a380
L920[11:07:46] <Bizzycola> No one will ever want to admit they're unloyal again! >:D
L921[11:07:47] <Maverick> you are going to need a fleet of them
L922[11:07:56] <Bizzycola> 750 should do it
L923[11:08:00] <Bizzycola> No more busses will there BE
L924[11:08:15] <Maverick> still need a fleet of those
L925[11:08:42] ⇨ Joins: Timmy94_ (~Timmy94@f048171165.adsl.alicedsl.de)
L926[11:08:54] <Bizzycola> I meant 750 A380's :p
L927[11:09:06] <Maverick> still ain't enough
L928[11:09:26] <Bizzycola> Fine, I'll just catapult the earth at him
L929[11:09:28] ⇦ Quits: Timmy94 (~chatzilla@f048171165.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L930[11:09:38] *** Timmy94_ is now known as Timmy94
L931[11:09:51] <Maverick> hell i could fill 20 with people from this little ass town i live in
L932[11:10:01] <Bizzycola> lol
L933[11:10:11] <Maverick> maybe more
L934[11:10:17] <JoshTheEnder> .jenkins
L935[11:10:19] <EnderBot> Latest builds: ICBMComponent: #18 | OpenComponents-MC1.7: #5 | OpenComputers: #397 | OpenComponents: #40 | OpenPrinter: #72 | OpenLights: #17 | OpenComputers-MC1.7: #162 | OpenPrinter1.7: #71
L936[11:10:19] <EnderBot> Latest builds: OpenComputers: #397 | OpenComponents: #40 | OpenComputers-MC1.7: #162 | OpenComponents-MC1.7: #5 | OpenPrinter: #72 | OpenPrinter1.7: #71 | OpenLights: #17 | OpenLights1.7: #16 | ICBMComponent: #18
L937[11:10:23] <JoshTheEnder> hmm
L938[11:10:24] <Bizzycola> Why are the people always so unloyal to evil rulers of the world
L939[11:10:34] <JoshTheEnder> Michiyo, you here?
L940[11:11:10] <Bizzycola> Even being evil I could probably do a better job then some of the worlds governments. Of course I will enforce law with my giant army of death robots
L941[11:11:21] <Maverick> Josh, why that list not in order
L942[11:11:34] <JoshTheEnder> Maverick, which one?
L943[11:11:39] <Maverick> jenkins
L944[11:11:41] <Bizzycola> Because ICBMComponent is supreme ruler of jenkins
L945[11:11:56] <Maverick> icbm missles out dated
L946[11:11:59] <Bizzycola> I like how the second one is but the first isn't :p
L947[11:11:59] <JoshTheEnder> Maverick, theres 2 outputs, which one are you refering to?
L948[11:12:06] <Maverick> laser tech is where it's at
L949[11:12:27] <Bizzycola> Well does the ICBM mod have giant death lasers? :p
L950[11:12:35] <JoshTheEnder> .add jenkins LP http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes/
L951[11:12:35] <EnderBot> An error occured while trying to perform that command: <type 'exceptions.ValueError'> unknown url type: LP/api/json
L952[11:12:36] <EnderBot> http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes/ is not a valid Jenkins job URL, that, or it doesn't exist. Did you type it correctly, JoshTheEnder?
L953[11:12:36] <EnderBot> HTTP Error 404: Not Found
L954[11:12:39] <JoshTheEnder> hmm
L955[11:12:47] <Maverick> i'm referring to the fact that the neither list is in order and the 2nd list is a repeat of the first
L956[11:13:02] <JoshTheEnder> Maverick, how are they not in order?
L957[11:13:04] <Bizzycola> The second list is different to me.
L958[11:13:13] <Bizzycola> First one has ICBMComponent at the front, second has OpenComputers
L959[11:13:26] <Bizzycola> What's OpenLights?
L960[11:13:30] <Bizzycola> sounds fun
L961[11:13:39] <Bizzycola> .jenkins OpenLights
L962[11:13:39] <EnderBot> An error occured while trying to perform that command: <type 'exceptions.ValueError'> unknown url type: ICBMComponent/api/json
L963[11:13:41] <EnderBot> OpenLights: Latest successful: http://lanteacraft.com/jenkins/job/OpenLights/17/
L964[11:13:44] <Maverick> Lights oyu control with a computer
L965[11:13:44] <Bizzycola> ohok
L966[11:14:02] <Bizzycola> apparently that jenkins url needs a login lol
L967[11:14:25] <JoshTheEnder> yeah, Michiyo locked it down after it all got wiped by some asshat
L968[11:14:32] <Bizzycola> Ah
L969[11:14:39] <Bizzycola> I had an account, it's probably gone nao :p
L970[11:14:43] <Maverick> can you bnlame her
L971[11:14:45] <JoshTheEnder> .add jenkins http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes/
L972[11:14:45] <EnderBot> JoshTheEnder, command syntax is .add jenkins <name> <URL>
L973[11:14:45] <EnderBot> http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes/ is not a valid Jenkins job URL, that, or it doesn't exist. Did you type it correctly, JoshTheEnder?
L974[11:14:45] <EnderBot> HTTP Error 404: Not Found
L975[11:14:51] <Maverick> blame*
L976[11:15:28] <JoshTheEnder> having 2 at once is confusing
L977[11:15:50] <Bizzycola> Indeed
L978[11:16:24] <Kenny> Josh, you need to specifify which version
L979[11:16:32] <JoshTheEnder> Kenny, what?
L980[11:16:39] <Kenny> Logi Pipes
L981[11:16:54] <Kenny> http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes-Dev/
L982[11:16:57] <Kenny> like that
L983[11:16:57] <JoshTheEnder> .add jenkins LP http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes-Dev/
L984[11:16:57] <EnderBot> An error occured while trying to perform that command: <type 'exceptions.ValueError'> unknown url type: LP/api/json
L985[11:16:57] <EnderBot> Added LP: LogisticsPipes-Dev successfully, JoshTheEnder
L986[11:17:03] <JoshTheEnder> .jenkins
L987[11:17:04] <EnderBot> An error occured while trying to perform that command: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'> unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'dict' and 'str'
L988[11:17:04] <EnderBot> Latest builds: OpenComputers: #397 | OpenComponents: #40 | OpenComputers-MC1.7: #162 | OpenComponents-MC1.7: #5 | OpenPrinter: #72 | OpenPrinter1.7: #71 | OpenLights: #17 | OpenLights1.7: #16 | ICBMComponent: #18
L989[11:17:12] <JoshTheEnder> hrmm
L990[11:17:38] <Kenny> unless they also require a login
L991[11:17:49] <JoshTheEnder> ok, dev one had the dict/string error
L992[11:17:52] ⇦ Quits: Altenius (~Altenius4@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L993[11:18:45] <JoshTheEnder> .jenkins
L994[11:18:46] <EnderBot> Latest builds: OpenComputers: #397 | OpenComponents: #40 | OpenComputers-MC1.7: #162 | OpenComponents-MC1.7: #5 | OpenPrinter: #72 | OpenPrinter1.7: #71 | OpenLights: #17 | OpenLights1.7: #16 | ICBMComponent: #18
L995[11:18:46] <EnderBot> DEV: Latest builds: ICBMComponent: #18 | OpenComponents-MC1.7: #5 | OpenComputers: #397 | OpenComponents: #40 | OpenPrinter: #72 | OpenLights: #17 | OpenComputers-MC1.7: #162 | OpenPrinter1.7: #71
L996[11:18:51] <JoshTheEnder> there
L997[11:19:03] <JoshTheEnder> .add jenkins LP http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes-Dev/
L998[11:19:03] <EnderBot> An error occured while trying to perform that command: <type 'exceptions.ValueError'> unknown url type: LP/api/json
L999[11:19:04] <EnderBot> DEV: Added LP: LogisticsPipes-Dev successfully, JoshTheEnder
L1000[11:19:11] <JoshTheEnder> .jenkins
L1001[11:19:12] <EnderBot> DEV: An error occured while trying to perform that command: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'> unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'dict' and 'str'
L1002[11:19:12] <EnderBot> Latest builds: OpenComputers: #397 | OpenComponents: #40 | OpenComputers-MC1.7: #162 | OpenComponents-MC1.7: #5 | OpenPrinter: #72 | OpenPrinter1.7: #71 | OpenLights: #17 | OpenLights1.7: #16 | ICBMComponent: #18
L1003[11:19:21] <JoshTheEnder> why is it doing that
L1004[11:19:22] <JoshTheEnder> :/
L1005[11:19:54] ⇨ Joins: Daiyousei (~nick1@
L1006[11:20:05] <Bizzycola> cuz it loves you
L1007[11:22:13] <JoshTheEnder> ohh, derp. i'm trying to put the whole json it gets from <url>/api/json into the dictionary instead of the actural url
L1008[11:22:39] * Kenny whacks JoshTheEnder up side the head
L1009[11:22:57] <JoshTheEnder> .test
L1010[11:22:57] <EnderBot> DEV: JoshTheEnder you are logged in as *
L1011[11:23:00] <Bizzycola> oic
L1012[11:23:02] <Bizzycola> .test
L1013[11:23:03] <EnderBot> DEV: Bizzycola you are logged in as Bizzycola
L1014[11:23:06] <JoshTheEnder> .add jenkins LP http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes-Dev/
L1015[11:23:06] <EnderBot> An error occured while trying to perform that command: <type 'exceptions.ValueError'> unknown url type: LP/api/json
L1016[11:23:06] <EnderBot> DEV: Added LP: LogisticsPipes-Dev successfully, JoshTheEnder
L1017[11:23:08] <JoshTheEnder> .jenkins
L1018[11:23:10] <EnderBot> Latest builds: OpenComputers: #397 | OpenComponents: #40 | OpenComputers-MC1.7: #162 | OpenComponents-MC1.7: #5 | OpenPrinter: #72 | OpenPrinter1.7: #71 | OpenLights: #17 | OpenLights1.7: #16 | ICBMComponent: #18
L1019[11:23:10] <EnderBot> DEV: Latest builds: ICBMComponent: #18 | OpenComponents-MC1.7: #5 | OpenComputers: #397 | OpenComponents: #40 | OpenPrinter: #72 | OpenLights: #17 | LogisticsPipes-Dev: #233 | OpenComputers-MC1.7: #162 | OpenPrinter1.7: #71
L1020[11:23:13] <JoshTheEnder> \o/
L1021[11:23:16] <JoshTheEnder> it works
L1022[11:23:17] <Dean4Devil> :D
L1023[11:23:21] ⇦ Quits: Negi|2 (~Poireau@ (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L1024[11:23:23] <Bizzycola> :p
L1025[11:24:27] <JoshTheEnder> ok, i never actually have it save the data back to a file when adding jenkins job urls. it does for the add bot but not add jenkins :/
L1026[11:24:36] <JoshTheEnder> .add bot EnderBot
L1027[11:24:36] <EnderBot> Added EnderBot to the whitelist
L1028[11:24:36] <EnderBot> DEV: Added EnderBot to the whitelist
L1029[11:25:18] <JoshTheEnder> hmm, the LP url got added like http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes-Dev//api/json and it still worked
L1030[11:25:21] <JoshTheEnder> .jenkins
L1031[11:25:22] <EnderBot> Latest builds: OpenComputers: #397 | OpenComponents: #40 | OpenComputers-MC1.7: #162 | OpenComponents-MC1.7: #5 | OpenPrinter: #72 | OpenPrinter1.7: #71 | OpenLights: #17 | OpenLights1.7: #16 | ICBMComponent: #18
L1032[11:25:22] <EnderBot> DEV: Latest builds: ICBMComponent: #18 | OpenComponents-MC1.7: #5 | OpenComputers: #397 | OpenComponents: #40 | OpenPrinter: #72 | OpenLights: #17 | LogisticsPipes-Dev: #233 | OpenComputers-MC1.7: #162 | OpenPrinter1.7: #71
L1033[11:26:14] <JoshTheEnder> which is funny because when it reads it to generate ^^ output it becomes http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes-Dev//api/json/api/json :P
L1034[11:26:20] <Kenny> why is it double p;osting it
L1035[11:26:35] <Bizzycola> He has two running I think
L1036[11:26:42] <Bizzycola> The normal one and his dev one :p
L1037[11:27:11] <Kenny> then you need to make a distinction in the command
L1038[11:27:27] <Kenny> either it's regularf or dev
L1039[11:27:34] <Bizzycola> obvious choice is ..jenkins
L1040[11:27:51] <Bizzycola> Or make the dev bot join seperately in a different channel with EnderBotDev or something
L1041[11:28:01] <Kenny> .jenkinsdev gets the dev builds, .jenkins for regular
L1042[11:28:23] <JoshTheEnder> Bizzycola, that's hard because i'd have to copy the dictionary to other channels
L1043[11:28:35] <Bizzycola> Ah
L1044[11:28:53] <Kenny> would adding the .jenkinsdev command be difficult?
L1045[11:28:57] <JoshTheEnder> Kenny, generally i'd be deving it on another server but i cant access it from college
L1046[11:28:59] <Bizzycola> #oc on PC-Logix? Or is it the same problem for another network? :p[
L1047[11:29:11] <Bizzycola> Ah
L1048[11:29:15] <JoshTheEnder> Bizzycola, can only access the bouncer because it's on 443
L1049[11:29:41] <JoshTheEnder> _jenkins
L1050[11:29:42] <EnderBot> DEV: Latest builds: ICBMComponent: #18 | OpenComponents-MC1.7: #5 | OpenComputers: #397 | OpenComponents: #40 | OpenPrinter: #72 | OpenLights: #17 | LogisticsPipes-Dev: #233 | OpenComputers-MC1.7: #162 | OpenPrinter1.7: #71
L1051[11:29:44] <JoshTheEnder> there
L1052[11:29:50] <Bizzycola> Couldn't you add another server on the bouncer? lol
L1053[11:29:53] <JoshTheEnder> _ commands now goto the dev one
L1054[11:30:00] <JoshTheEnder> Bizzycola, i could, but i also couldnt
L1055[11:30:13] <Bizzycola> Can't access that either? :p
L1056[11:30:29] <Bizzycola> Well actually you can do it from in your irc client so I guess that doesn't work :p
L1057[11:30:46] <JoshTheEnder> no, i can access it. just cba to connect to another network in my client
L1058[11:30:54] <Bizzycola> Oic
L1059[11:31:07] <Bizzycola> what ever then :p
L1060[11:31:28] <JoshTheEnder> plus, more people here to help test it :P
L1061[11:31:34] <Bizzycola> hah true
L1062[11:31:38] <Bizzycola> _ping
L1063[11:31:44] <Bizzycola> _help
L1064[11:31:46] <Bizzycola> k
L1065[11:31:55] <JoshTheEnder> Bizzycola, try doing _add jenkins LP http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes-Dev/
L1066[11:31:58] ⇨ Joins: Altenius (~Altenius4@
L1067[11:32:05] <Bizzycola> _add jenkins LP http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes-Dev/
L1068[11:32:13] <JoshTheEnder> ok good, auth is working
L1069[11:32:14] ⇦ Quits: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L1070[11:32:18] <Bizzycola> .add jenkins LP http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes-Dev/
L1071[11:32:19] <EnderBot> An error occured while trying to perform that command: <type 'exceptions.ValueError'> unknown url type: LP/api/json
L1072[11:32:22] <Bizzycola> :p
L1073[11:32:28] <JoshTheEnder> lol
L1074[11:32:29] ⇨ Joins: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com)
L1075[11:32:29] zsh sets mode: +v on Maxwolf
L1076[11:32:30] <Kenny> add jenkins LP http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes-Dev/
L1077[11:32:40] <JoshTheEnder> Kenny, you forgot the _
L1078[11:32:42] <Kenny> _add jenkins LP http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes-Dev/
L1079[11:32:42] <EnderBot> DEV: Added LP: LogisticsPipes-Dev successfully, Kenny
L1080[11:33:01] <Bizzycola> It should have sent me a notice telling me what a horrible person I am for trying to sneakily add jenkins servers to it :p
L1081[11:33:02] <JoshTheEnder> currently only me and Kenny have permission to the _add/_del commands
L1082[11:33:12] <Bizzycola> .del jenkins lel
L1083[11:33:13] <EnderBot> Error removing lel: (<type 'exceptions.ValueError'>, ValueError('list.remove(x): x not in list',), <traceback object at 0x2af6ef0>)
L1084[11:33:14] <JoshTheEnder> Bizzycola, hold on
L1085[11:33:19] <Bizzycola> ok :p
L1086[11:33:27] <Bizzycola> I don't even have a jenkins server anyway hehe
L1087[11:33:48] ⇦ Quits: Daiyousei (~nick1@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.0-dev)
L1088[11:36:53] <Kenny> i has one hehe
L1089[11:37:34] ⇦ Quits: Ir7_o (~Ir7_o@ (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L1090[11:37:43] <JoshTheEnder> Bizzycola, try again now
L1091[11:37:43] <EnderBot> DEV: JoshTheEnder, here come the test results. You are a horrible person, that's what it says, a horrible person. We wern't even testing for that...
L1092[11:37:48] <Kenny> it's right on my computer for building mods as i mess with them
L1093[11:37:48] <EnderBot> DEV: Kenny, here come the test results. You are a horrible person, that's what it says, a horrible person. We wern't even testing for that...
L1094[11:37:49] <JoshTheEnder> ¬_¬
L1095[11:37:53] <JoshTheEnder> ffs
L1096[11:37:59] <Bizzycola> _add jenkins LP http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes-Dev/
L1097[11:38:05] <ShadowKatStudios> It's so nice when someone cares enough to cheer you up...
L1098[11:38:05] <JoshTheEnder> Bizzycola, i detached it
L1099[11:38:45] <Bizzycola> k
L1100[11:39:00] * Kenny watches as a truck pulls up out side ShadowKatStudios place....
L1101[11:39:24] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~negi@
L1102[11:39:31] <ShadowKatStudios> Wha? A truck?
L1103[11:39:47] * Kenny wtaches 2 guys climb down and open the back of the attached trailer, revealing......
L1104[11:40:04] <JoshTheEnder> your mom
L1105[11:40:34] <Kenny> stayed tuned to catch next week's show and and see what ShadowKatStudios got delivered to him
L1106[11:41:05] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm the one that leaves everyone on a cliffhangar, not cool :(
L1107[11:41:12] <Bizzycola> lol
L1108[11:41:59] <Kenny> oh did i forget to mention that i was assistant Editor on the college newspaper
L1109[11:42:18] <JoshTheEnder> Bizzycola, try now
L1110[11:42:23] <Kenny> you're not the only one that can write hehe
L1111[11:42:27] <Bizzycola> And now we return to #oc! And there it was..in the back of the truck..so scary..it's..AND NOW IT'S TIME FOR THE ADS! *15 minutes of ads* I've never seen anything like it..as the steam cleared..AND NOW TIME FOR THE ADS! *25 minutes of ads* It's..it's..AND JOIN US NEXT WEEK TO FIND OUT!
L1112[11:42:45] <Bizzycola> _add jenkins LP http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes-Dev/
L1113[11:42:46] <EnderBot> DEV: Bizzycola, here come the test results. You are a horrible person, that's what it says, a horrible person. We wern't even testing for that...
L1114[11:42:55] <JoshTheEnder> :P
L1115[11:43:00] <Bizzycola> I already knew that. The test just seemed pointless! :p
L1116[11:43:38] <ShadowKatStudios> Maybe I should conclude 8.*
L1117[11:43:46] <Bizzycola> Maybe
L1118[11:43:49] <Bizzycola> Conclude
L1119[11:43:51] <Bizzycola> WITH GIANT CLIFF HANGER
L1120[11:43:54] <JoshTheEnder> _del jenkins http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes-Dev/
L1121[11:43:54] <EnderBot> DEV: Error removing http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes-Dev/: (<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>, AttributeError("'dict' object has no attribute 'remove'",), <traceback object at 0x02ACA7B0>)
L1122[11:43:59] <JoshTheEnder> _del jenkins http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes-Dev
L1123[11:43:59] <EnderBot> DEV: Error removing http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes-Dev: (<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>, AttributeError("'dict' object has no attribute 'remove'",), <traceback object at 0x02ACA8A0>)
L1124[11:44:01] <JoshTheEnder> ¬_¬
L1125[11:44:04] <Kenny> i thought 8.7 was the concl;usion to 8
L1126[11:44:05] <Bizzycola> hehe
L1127[11:44:12] <JoshTheEnder> _del jenkins LP
L1128[11:44:13] <EnderBot> DEV: Error removing LP: (<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>, AttributeError("'dict' object has no attribute 'remove'",), <traceback object at 0x02ACA7B0>)
L1129[11:44:20] <JoshTheEnder> ohh, derp
L1130[11:44:29] <Bizzycola> gj
L1131[11:44:30] <ShadowKatStudios> Well, I left a few things unexplained
L1132[11:44:30] <Kenny> JOsh, spamming the channel wioth that shit is getting annoying
L1133[11:44:37] <JoshTheEnder> Kenny, sorry
L1134[11:44:55] <Bizzycola> _add jenkins http://spa.m/jenkins/job/spamatron2000
L1135[11:44:56] <EnderBot> DEV: Bizzycola, here come the test results. You are a horrible person, that's what it says, a horrible person. We wern't even testing for that...
L1136[11:44:57] <Bizzycola> :p
L1137[11:45:00] <ShadowKatStudios> So 8.8 will be a large hole in the 4th wall
L1138[11:45:09] <Bizzycola> fun
L1139[11:45:38] <JoshTheEnder> ok, one last test before i go get lunch
L1140[11:45:44] <Bizzycola> ok
L1141[11:45:44] <JoshTheEnder> _del jenkins LP
L1142[11:45:44] <EnderBot> DEV: Removed LP successfully, JoshTheEnder
L1143[11:45:48] <JoshTheEnder> \o/
L1144[11:46:08] <Kenny> now i know how to del them lol
L1145[11:46:13] <Bizzycola> Pfft. EnderBot. Don't you mean "DEV: Removed JoshTheEnder successfully, Bizzycola!"? :p
L1146[11:46:39] <Bizzycola> We need a jenkins job with your name so we can do that.
L1147[11:46:42] <JoshTheEnder> Kenny, you didnt before?
L1148[11:46:44] <Bizzycola> Or one with my name :p
L1149[11:46:54] <ShadowKatStudios> Also that moment when you realise it's your mum, not you, chucking a tantrum.
L1150[11:46:57] <Kenny> not with the jenkins
L1151[11:47:13] <Altenius> steam
L1152[11:47:26] <Bizzycola> SKS: You throw the tantrums, then you grow up and your parents throw the tantrums. Obvious revenge!
L1153[11:47:26] <Altenius> ^ That was a mistake
L1154[11:47:26] <Kenny> i knew how to do it with the bots
L1155[11:47:37] <ShadowKatStudios> Is thaat how it works?
L1156[11:47:47] * ShadowKatStudios has learned to ignore screaming at him
L1157[11:47:50] <JoshTheEnder> Kenny, ahh, yeah. the syntax is a bit different for the jenkins between the current live version and the in-dev version
L1158[11:47:50] <Bizzycola> I'd do that in public. Don't care if it is embarrasing to me. It'd embarras them like they once did to me and that would be very amusing. :D
L1159[11:48:25] <Kenny> it's why i sit and watch
L1160[11:48:41] <Kenny> and read logs :P
L1161[11:48:56] <ShadowKatStudios> I just chill and continue talking to people on skype while my mum screams at me xD
L1162[11:49:07] <Bizzycola> haha ok
L1163[11:49:12] ⇨ Joins: Daiyousei (~Biohazard@
L1164[11:49:32] <ShadowKatStudios> I think the fact that I don't care pisses her off even more
L1165[11:49:42] <Kenny> it's the Angel-Sidewalk guy :)
L1166[11:49:54] * ShadowKatStudios idly wonders when people will realise he doesn't care about punishments
L1167[11:49:56] <Bizzycola> I have a friend, had earphones in so they didn't hear, mother started throwing stuff at them
L1168[11:50:00] <JoshTheEnder> yeah, the jenkins command output will also differ soon, it'll have the names that you provide when doing .add jenkins <name> <url> and will have ways of not crashing when it encounters and error
L1169[11:50:14] <JoshTheEnder> right, time for luncher
L1170[11:50:17] <JoshTheEnder> *lunch
L1171[11:50:19] *** jk-5 is now known as jk-5|gone
L1172[11:50:20] <JoshTheEnder> meep
L1173[11:50:23] <ShadowKatStudios> luncher.
L1174[11:50:25] <Bizzycola> Just turn around to see your mother screaming and throwing things at you
L1175[11:50:29] <Bizzycola> totally be like dafauq :p
L1176[11:50:30] <JoshTheEnder> s//aaaaaa
L1177[11:50:30] <SuperBot> <JoshTheEnder> aaaaaamaaaaaaeaaaaaaeaaaaaapaaaaaa
L1178[11:50:32] <ShadowKatStudios> Sounds tasty.
L1179[11:50:33] <JoshTheEnder> lol
L1180[11:50:35] <JoshTheEnder> s//aaaaaa
L1181[11:50:35] <SuperBot> <JoshTheEnder> aaaaaalaaaaaaoaaaaaalaaaaaa
L1182[11:50:37] <JoshTheEnder> s//aaaaaa
L1183[11:50:37] <SuperBot> <JoshTheEnder> aaaaaalaaaaaaoaaaaaalaaaaaa
L1184[11:50:44] <JoshTheEnder> meh
L1185[11:50:47] <Bizzycola> The new Minecraft Luncher from Mojang1
L1186[11:50:47] <ShadowKatStudios> JoshTheEnder: #ocbots
L1187[11:50:54] * JoshTheEnder pewfs
L1188[11:50:56] <Bizzycola> Tastes blocky
L1189[11:51:00] <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, i dont like that channel
L1190[11:51:13] <Bizzycola> lol
L1191[11:51:21] <ShadowKatStudios> Well, people in here don't like spam :P
L1192[11:51:57] <Bizzycola> He is ruler of #oc, HE DOES NOT ACCEPT PEOPLE WHO CRITISIZE THE HOLY SPAM
L1193[11:52:14] <Kenny> Josh, just rememebr that messing with him could get the story delayed
L1194[11:52:26] <Dean4Devil> :C
L1195[11:52:34] <Bizzycola> Or he could put us in the story and make us horrible, horrible people. :p
L1196[11:52:37] <Dean4Devil> Josh, better do what he says :|
L1197[11:52:44] *** darknife25|AFK is now known as darknife25
L1198[11:53:00] <Bizzycola> Though tbh if he made me a horrible person in his story I'd probably just find it amusing. :D
L1199[11:53:02] * Dean4Devil takes darknife25
L1200[11:53:07] <Dean4Devil> I haz knife
L1201[11:53:11] * ShadowKatStudios realises he has power
L1202[11:53:12] <Bizzycola> lol
L1203[11:53:18] * ShadowKatStudios goes mad with power
L1204[11:53:21] <Bizzycola> See what you've done kenny
L1205[11:53:24] <Bizzycola> SEE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?
L1206[11:53:32] * Dean4Devil stabs SKS with darknife25
L1207[11:53:42] <Kenny> i haven't done anything. he likes this channel too much to keep that shit up
L1208[11:53:44] * ShadowKatStudios realises mad-with-power-SKS is the same as normal SKS
L1209[11:54:01] <Bizzycola> I see
L1210[11:54:07] <ShadowKatStudios> I honestly can't get any worse.
L1211[11:54:07] <Kenny> did you forget i was a God in here
L1212[11:54:08] <Bizzycola> I am evil with power in the channel I op
L1213[11:54:14] <Bizzycola> kick this one guy because it's funny
L1214[11:54:23] <Bizzycola> Also because he pings me like every 5 minutes and that's really annoying
L1215[11:54:35] <Bizzycola> Can't remember the last time he went a whole day without saying my name
L1216[11:54:43] <Kenny> i'd been looked him up and kicked him for real
L1217[11:54:59] <Bizzycola> oic
L1218[11:55:05] <Bizzycola> would be fun excuse to visit the U.S
L1219[11:55:11] <Bizzycola> Though depends where he lives there
L1220[11:55:28] <Kenny> got ip? i can find
L1221[11:55:31] <Bizzycola> I once considered spamming his nick in my client until I got kicked for excess flood
L1222[11:55:44] <ShadowKatStudios> Bizzycola: Just set up a 2-sec delay
L1223[11:55:44] <Bizzycola> then rejoining and asking if he knew why I did it :p
L1224[11:55:55] <Bizzycola> Actually my bouncer does that I think
L1225[11:55:56] <Bizzycola> lol
L1226[11:56:22] <ShadowKatStudios> *yawn* I think I need a drink.
L1227[11:56:34] <Maverick> Anybody seen my horse? I could have sworn in was wondering around in here
L1228[11:56:34] <Bizzycola> oic
L1229[11:56:45] *** vifino|off is now known as vifino
L1230[11:57:06] <Bizzycola> Maverick, Notch stole it: http://kotaku.com/minecraft-creator-debuts-his-latest-creation-cliffhors-1587772993
L1231[11:57:39] <Maverick> and wouldn't you know when i ask where it is, it decides to talk
L1232[11:57:53] <Bizzycola> He did that as a joke while watching a game stream I hear. Some people assume it was skyrim. :p
L1233[11:59:33] <Bizzycola> Oh, where is it then?
L1234[11:59:36] <Maverick> he silly swede anyway
L1235[11:59:40] <Bizzycola> lol
L1236[12:00:05] <Maverick> and wouldn't you know when i ask where it is, it decides to talk (who spoke right before i say this)
L1237[12:00:14] <Bizzycola> Maverick did!
L1238[12:01:00] <ShadowKatStudios> So I just drank 4.5 litres of cola
L1239[12:01:05] <Kenny> <Bizzycola> Maverick, Notch stole it: http://kotaku.com/minecraft-creator-debuts-his-latest-creation-cliffhors-1587772993
L1240[12:01:05] <Kenny> [07:57] <Maverick> and wouldn't you know when i ask where it is, it decides to talk
L1241[12:01:14] <Bizzycola> I know
L1242[12:01:18] <Bizzycola> I am just trying to annoy him :p
L1243[12:01:20] <Kenny> i don't think it was Maverick hehe
L1244[12:01:32] <Bizzycola> Good job SKS
L1245[12:01:34] <Bizzycola> was that fun? :p
L1246[12:01:42] <Kenny> what makes you think you can annoy him?
L1247[12:01:53] <Bizzycola> Well I find it'd be less fun if I make him explain it
L1248[12:02:13] <ShadowKatStudios> I needed to sleep tonight too. Well, looks like you're getting story tonight then.
L1249[12:02:19] <ShadowKatStudios> Haha :P
L1250[12:02:19] <Bizzycola> haha
L1251[12:02:21] <Bizzycola> sounds fun :p
L1252[12:02:41] <ShadowKatStudios> Fffs, I'm twitching
L1253[12:02:42] <Bizzycola> I'm tired. Where is my 4 litres of cola?!
L1254[12:02:46] <Bizzycola> lol
L1255[12:02:56] * Maverick wonders about Bizzycola
L1256[12:02:57] <Bizzycola> That's gotta be good for thr typing huh
L1257[12:03:10] <ShadowKatStudios> If I'm using energy the twitchiong stiops
L1258[12:03:10] ⇦ Parts: rymate1234 (~rymate123@2001:41d0:2:6787::1) ())
L1259[12:03:15] <Bizzycola> Ah okay
L1260[12:03:20] ⇨ Joins: rymate1234 (~rymate123@2001:41d0:2:6787::1)
L1261[12:03:31] * ShadowKatStudios holds the volume-up button
L1262[12:03:42] <Kenny> the twitchiong stiops?
L1263[12:03:43] <Bizzycola> :p
L1264[12:03:57] <Bizzycola> It's possible typing may not require enough effort. :p
L1265[12:04:16] * ShadowKatStudios finds some good music to headbang to while typing
L1266[12:04:23] <ShadowKatStudios> Problem solved :D
L1267[12:04:28] <Bizzycola> hehe
L1268[12:04:32] * ShadowKatStudios begins to tap
L1269[12:04:35] * Kenny wonders what twitchiong and stiop are?
L1270[12:04:37] <ShadowKatStudios> tap-tap-tap-tap
L1271[12:04:55] * ShadowKatStudios thinks Kenny may never understand :P
L1272[12:05:09] <Bizzycola> Twitchiong is obviously famous twitch streamer and stiops is fancy word he uses for dancing
L1273[12:05:19] <Bizzycola> So when he uses energy, a twitch streamer dances for some reason. :p
L1274[12:05:35] <ShadowKatStudios> Quantam Entanglement.
L1275[12:05:41] <ShadowKatStudios> Teleporter accident.
L1276[12:05:44] <Kenny> i have a damn cat chasing shadows
L1277[12:05:46] <Kenny> lol
L1278[12:05:59] <Bizzycola> Buy a laser pointer for it
L1279[12:06:01] *** AngieBLD|Off is now known as AngieBLD
L1280[12:06:03] <ShadowKatStudios> Fffsss, well, I have ideas for chapter 9
L1281[12:06:07] <Bizzycola> they seem to love chasingt hem up walls
L1282[12:06:12] <Dean4Devil> Sometimes i wonder, what am I doing on this channel
L1283[12:06:12] <Dean4Devil> But then I remember...
L1284[12:06:23] <Dean4Devil> Im as fucked up as everybody else here :D
L1285[12:06:23] <Kenny> and SKS, not making fun of you. this cat is literally chasing birds shadows on the wall and floor
L1286[12:06:27] <ShadowKatStudios> Haha, my friend has a cat, and we got it to hang from the cieling
L1287[12:06:34] <ShadowKatStudios> While chasing a laser
L1288[12:06:35] <Bizzycola> Lol
L1289[12:06:52] <ShadowKatStudios> Then that board of the ceiling collapsed
L1290[12:07:01] <ShadowKatStudios> Yeeeah...
L1291[12:07:03] <ShadowKatStudios> :D
L1292[12:07:09] <Kenny> sounds like an old Tom and Jerry cartoon
L1293[12:07:16] <Bizzycola> Dean: Yea it's fun to find people who don't look at you funny, huh! Well actually everyon here probably looks at me funny anyway, but it's IRC so unless they wanna take a picture of them looking at me funny, I don't care. And if they did I'd probably just find it funny. :D
L1294[12:07:37] <ShadowKatStudios> Dean4Devil: And you get updates on my story.
L1295[12:07:39] <ShadowKatStudios> That
L1296[12:07:41] <ShadowKatStudios> is
L1297[12:07:46] <ShadowKatStudios> why you're really here :P
L1298[12:07:55] <Dean4Devil> No, THIS IS SPARTA!!!
L1299[12:08:08] <Kenny> naaaaaahhhh.....
L1300[12:08:13] <ShadowKatStudios> I didn't say it wasn't
L1301[12:08:14] <Kenny> This is......
L1302[12:08:15] <Bizzycola> I will write a program that hides in my notify icon bar and scans for new releases of your story then tells me. :p
L1303[12:08:23] <Kenny> UTOPIA!
L1304[12:08:31] <ShadowKatStudios> Kenny: NNY?
L1305[12:08:33] <Dean4Devil> SKS, make a RSS feed
L1306[12:08:40] <ShadowKatStudios> What's RSS?
L1307[12:08:43] <Dean4Devil> (sooo 2009)
L1308[12:08:54] <Bizzycola> RSS feeds take all the joy out of parsing the content!
L1309[12:09:00] <Dean4Devil> ^
L1310[12:09:02] <Bizzycola> You don't know what RSS is? :p
L1311[12:09:06] <Dean4Devil> ^
L1312[12:09:13] <ShadowKatStudios> I've seen it mentioned
L1313[12:09:16] <ShadowKatStudios> On blogs mostly
L1314[12:09:27] <Dean4Devil> Its for blogs mostly :P
L1315[12:09:44] <Bizzycola> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS
L1316[12:09:56] <ShadowKatStudios> How's this: I'll put a text file on my gweb.io that will have a number that is the chapter that was most recently released.
L1317[12:09:57] <Kenny> well, then the story RSS would be from the Story Web Site
L1318[12:09:59] <Bizzycola> It's like an XML thing for content updates I guess
L1319[12:10:14] <Bizzycola> That could work :p
L1320[12:10:36] <Kenny> SKS, he just don;t know, do he? hehe
L1321[12:11:05] <Altenius> You know what's really fun to install? lib32-gconf
L1322[12:11:13] <Bizzycola> oh I bet
L1323[12:11:20] <Altenius> It has about 40 dependencies you have to build for source.
L1324[12:11:27] <ShadowKatStudios> I have the music for rythim, I have the caffine for energy, I am unstoppable >:D
L1325[12:11:37] * Bizzycola hides
L1326[12:11:42] <Altenius> from*
L1327[12:11:51] ⇦ Parts: Bizzycola (~Bizzycola@illogical.pc-logix.com) (I'M HIDING!))
L1328[12:12:09] <ShadowKatStudios> Wow, I was gonna say I'm ready to write some more
L1329[12:12:51] <Kenny> he's hiding from Altenius
L1330[12:13:20] * ShadowKatStudios prods youtube, y u no work D:
L1331[12:13:39] <Kenny> hmmm, because Google owns it?
L1332[12:13:47] * ShadowKatStudios goes to investigate what music he has downloaded
L1333[12:14:12] ⇦ Quits: Maverick (~LuaIRC@2602:306:ce9e:5150:651c:edfb:d262:d36c) (Quit: don't you wish you were me)
L1334[12:14:25] <Altenius> Oh my god..
L1335[12:14:40] <Dean4Devil> Maverick seems to have an ego at least the size of mine :DD
L1336[12:14:44] <Kenny> i thought it was OH MY GAWD!
L1337[12:14:45] ⇦ Quits: Raga_BuildCraftPlumber (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L1338[12:15:00] <Altenius> I read that quit message with the tune to "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me"
L1339[12:15:01] <Kenny> why you say that Dean
L1340[12:15:03] <Altenius> Mavericks
L1341[12:15:12] <Dean4Devil> Mavericks quit message :D
L1342[12:15:12] <ShadowKatStudios> Hahaha, I get Maverick's reference
L1343[12:15:16] <Vexatos> Wow, Sangar is a busy man o.O
L1344[12:15:22] <ShadowKatStudios> Wow, I was just deleting files related to that.
L1345[12:15:31] <Altenius> I don't get it O_O
L1346[12:16:00] <ShadowKatStudios> So I investigated /home/shadowkatstudios/music: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=uLNf9hF1
L1347[12:16:13] <Sangar> Vexatos, github? yeah :P
L1348[12:16:30] <Vexatos> All the issues xD
L1349[12:16:40] <Vexatos> Almost as bad as Ars Magica 2
L1350[12:16:43] <Sangar> well, most of them :>
L1351[12:16:47] <Sangar> hahaha
L1352[12:16:58] <Vexatos> Mithion looks thorugh issues once a month
L1353[12:17:10] <Vexatos> So I get 50-70 notifications in one day
L1354[12:17:11] <Vexatos> :D
L1355[12:17:15] <Sangar> :D
L1356[12:17:44] <ShadowKatStudios> I think I'm playing my music too loud
L1357[12:17:56] * ShadowKatStudios wonders if he can blow up headphones using loud music
L1358[12:18:04] <Altenius> I think I'm almost done installing these packages.
L1359[12:18:19] ⇨ Joins: Renegade (~Renegade@2602:306:ce9e:5150:651c:edfb:d262:d36c)
L1360[12:18:23] <JoshTheEnder> This is madness!
L1361[12:18:23] *** EnderBot is now known as Leonidas
L1362[12:18:23] <Leonidas> Madness....?
L1363[12:18:24] <Leonidas> THIS.
L1364[12:18:25] <Leonidas> IS.
L1365[12:18:25] <Leonidas> SPARTA!!
L1366[12:18:26] ⇨ Joins: daeo (webchat@108-218-193-16.lightspeed.snantx.sbcglobal.net)
L1367[12:18:26] *** Leonidas is now known as EnderBot
L1368[12:18:37] <JoshTheEnder> Hehe
L1369[12:19:31] <daeo> I'm not too familiar with the component api, but how would I be able to return a method list available from a block from another mod using the adapter? I've got a crafting terminal that I want to address, but I don't know if there are methods available or not.
L1370[12:19:56] <ShadowKatStudios> Wow, these editing transitions are great
L1371[12:19:59] <Kenny> use CompViewer
L1372[12:20:10] <ShadowKatStudios> Apparently I don't suck at music editing
L1373[12:20:28] <ShadowKatStudios> daeo: print all the keys from pairs(component.whatever)
L1374[12:20:38] <Kenny> it will show all methods you can access for any component attached to the computer
L1375[12:21:09] <ShadowKatStudios> <3 tree command
L1376[12:21:31] <Kenny> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Kenny-Programs
L1377[12:21:41] <Kenny> you'll find it there
L1378[12:21:58] <ShadowKatStudios> daeo: for k,v in pairs(component.whatever) do print(k) end
L1379[12:22:24] <JoshTheEnder> That's the 2nd freight train in about 30mins
L1380[12:22:38] <Kenny> there's another one due in 10 minutes
L1381[12:22:46] <ShadowKatStudios> JoshTheEnder: I have freight trains go past every 15 after 9PM.
L1382[12:22:53] <ShadowKatStudios> There's one now :P
L1383[12:23:00] <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, wow
L1384[12:23:23] <Altenius> hah
L1385[12:23:24] <Kenny> and i grew up living near a set of railroad tracks. went to sleep to the humming of the train wheels
L1386[12:23:30] <Altenius> I've never had one go past :3
L1387[12:23:40] <ShadowKatStudios> I live near the centre of a city, towards the industrial part.
L1388[12:23:42] <Altenius> All I have is dear go past.
L1389[12:23:52] <Altenius> and cyotes.
L1390[12:24:07] <JoshTheEnder> My mother's garden backs onto the rail tracks
L1391[12:24:10] <ShadowKatStudios> Where we used to live there was the occasional dingo or goanna
L1392[12:24:41] <daeo> Kenny: thanks
L1393[12:24:42] <daeo> ShadowKatStudios: thanks
L1394[12:24:46] <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, I no speak Australian
L1395[12:24:59] <Altenius> ^
L1396[12:24:59] <ShadowKatStudios> Dingo = a type of wild dog
L1397[12:25:07] <ShadowKatStudios> Goanna = Large lizard
L1398[12:25:12] <JoshTheEnder> Ahh
L1399[12:25:17] <ShadowKatStudios> Goanna = Type of large lizard*
L1400[12:25:54] ⇦ Quits: Maxwolf (labs@pipette.madsciencemod.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L1401[12:26:24] <ShadowKatStudios> So all my OC computers have hostnames that are letters of the greek alphabet :D
L1402[12:26:30] <JoshTheEnder> Lol
L1403[12:26:44] <ShadowKatStudios> I have no idea why
L1404[12:26:53] <JoshTheEnder> Tap-tap-tap-tap
L1405[12:27:02] * ShadowKatStudios turns the volume up even more
L1406[12:27:22] <JoshTheEnder> EnderBot, heartbeat
L1407[12:27:22] * EnderBot taps out a four-beat rhythm...
L1408[12:27:32] * ShadowKatStudios tries to turn it up even more but the dial refuses to turn
L1409[12:28:20] <ShadowKatStudios> (Yes, I still have a dial on my speakers, no digital here)
L1410[12:28:22] <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, the drums are never ending. You cannot escape them
L1411[12:28:22] *** AngieBLD is now known as AngieBLD||College
L1412[12:28:27] <daeo> ShadowKatStudios: could you explain Event listeners? I want to switch from my delayed key detection and would like an instant key press to quit or change information displayed
L1413[12:28:44] <ShadowKatStudios> Aw shi- hold on
L1414[12:28:50] <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, my speakers have dials
L1415[12:29:02] <JoshTheEnder> AFK
L1416[12:29:14] <ShadowKatStudios> My the dials on my speakers have dials :P
L1417[12:29:23] <ShadowKatStudios> Event listeners...
L1418[12:29:28] <ShadowKatStudios> Uh,
L1419[12:29:30] <Altenius> People have speakers without dials?
L1420[12:29:47] <ShadowKatStudios> Digital speakers with + and - buttons are a thing now
L1421[12:29:53] <Altenius> oh
L1422[12:29:56] <daeo> API Event is what I've been looking at
L1423[12:30:08] <ShadowKatStudios> So say you have a function derp() and it sets run to false when called.
L1424[12:30:33] <ShadowKatStudios> If you do event.listen("key_down",derp) it will trigger every key_down
L1425[12:31:08] <ShadowKatStudios> But if you only want it to work when it's a certain key, all the event params get passed on to the function
L1426[12:31:41] <ShadowKatStudios> So derp(keyid1,keyid2,player) with it detecting certain keys would make it only trigger on certain keys
L1427[12:31:53] <daeo> "key_down" is expected to be a string correct?
L1428[12:31:56] <ShadowKatStudios> ALso, a tip: I suck at explaining stuff.
L1429[12:31:59] <ShadowKatStudios> Yeah
L1430[12:32:53] <daeo> so how would "key_down" work, unless you are just using more 'foo_bar' filler?
L1431[12:33:29] <ShadowKatStudios> Wha?
L1432[12:33:29] <daeo> is key_down the correct syntax or is that just a replacement for some method or function?
L1433[12:33:37] <ShadowKatStudios> key_down is a valid event type
L1434[12:33:44] <ShadowKatStudios> Triggered when a key is pressed down
L1435[12:33:51] <Kenny> edit.lua shows you how the key_down works
L1436[12:33:55] <Altenius> Opposite is key_up
L1437[12:34:36] <ShadowKatStudios> .tell ShadowKatStudios Plug in your school laptop
L1438[12:34:37] ⇨ Joins: HighWolf (webchat@
L1439[12:34:47] <ShadowKatStudios> No? Darn, must be down.
L1440[12:35:42] <daeo> so, create an event for any key to be pressed, your function would then (derp() in this case) would check if certain keys were pressed and set new values for this or that.. ok
L1441[12:36:03] <ShadowKatStudios> Yep.
L1442[12:36:18] <ShadowKatStudios> I have a program that does more-or-less that, but with network messages
L1443[12:36:34] <ShadowKatStudios> (I call it a daemon though, as it manages routing through the network
L1444[12:36:37] <ShadowKatStudios> )
L1445[12:36:48] <ShadowKatStudios> Laptop charger!
L1446[12:36:49] <JoshTheEnder> Back
L1447[12:37:31] <Kenny> daeo: us this to pull in a char: function getCh()
L1448[12:37:31] <Kenny> return (select(3, event.pull("key_down")))
L1449[12:37:31] <Kenny> end
L1450[12:37:33] * ShadowKatStudios almost manages to drop his laptop
L1451[12:37:45] *** darknife25 is now known as darknife25|AFK
L1452[12:37:50] <Kenny> if you want to check for a special key change the 3 to 4
L1453[12:39:02] * JoshTheEnder is sitting under a tree
L1454[12:39:16] * ShadowKatStudios is sitting in a stolen office chair
L1455[12:39:33] <ShadowKatStudios> s/stolen/borrowed
L1456[12:39:33] * SuperBot <ShadowKatStudios> is sitting in a borrowed office chair
L1457[12:40:57] <JoshTheEnder> M
L1458[12:41:07] <JoshTheEnder> S/m/ m. /
L1459[12:41:13] <JoshTheEnder> Mwh
L1460[12:41:32] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L1461[12:41:36] <JoshTheEnder> S//''""''/
L1462[12:41:36] <SuperBot> <JoshTheEnder> ''""''M''""''w''""''h''""''
L1463[12:41:40] <JoshTheEnder> Lol
L1464[12:41:54] * Altenius wants a Neckbeard
L1465[12:41:55] <JoshTheEnder> .ping
L1466[12:42:54] * ShadowKatStudios goes to look for another bottle of cola
L1467[12:43:12] <JoshTheEnder> I am bored
L1468[12:45:17] <Altenius> $help
L1469[12:45:49] <JoshTheEnder> Altenius, what are you trying to get help for?
L1470[12:46:12] <Altenius> I'm not sure
L1471[12:46:38] <Altenius> Can you see this?
L1472[12:46:45] <JoshTheEnder> Yep
L1473[12:47:12] <Altenius> I can't connect to the internet.
L1474[12:47:17] <Altenius> Only this and Skype work.
L1475[12:47:36] ⇦ Quits: Renegade (~Renegade@2602:306:ce9e:5150:651c:edfb:d262:d36c) (Quit: don't you wish you were me)
L1476[12:47:57] <JoshTheEnder> I might put a ".commands" command in EnderBot that links to the forum post with the commands
L1477[12:48:28] <JoshTheEnder> Also, no. I'm happy with being me thanks :P
L1478[12:48:53] <ShadowKatStudios> Fff,ss I'm still twitching
L1479[12:49:44] <JoshTheEnder> Urghh, I have class in 10 mins
L1480[12:51:03] <Altenius> Garrys Mod's search protocol is DDoSing me.
L1481[12:51:52] <ShadowKatStudios> JoshTheEnder: Is it monday there? :P
L1482[12:52:02] <ShadowKatStudios> Also yay letters are in the right order again :D
L1483[12:52:03] <JoshTheEnder> Gary's mod/source networking is terrible
L1484[12:53:00] <ShadowKatStudios> Well, tiem for bed
L1485[12:53:07] <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, yes. 1352 hours into Monday
L1486[12:53:13] <daeo> Kenny: I'll try that in a moment. thanks
L1487[12:53:18] <ShadowKatStudios> 1352... 1:52 PM?
L1488[12:53:26] <JoshTheEnder> Yup
L1489[12:53:27] * ShadowKatStudios needs to learn time in hex
L1490[12:53:28] <Kenny> no prob
L1491[12:53:38] <ShadowKatStudios> lol, time in base-24
L1492[12:54:14] <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, that's military / 24 hour time with the colon removed
L1493[12:54:44] <ShadowKatStudios> Anyway, gotta switch to my smaller laptop o/
L1494[12:54:59] ⇦ Quits: ShadowKatStudios (~chatzilla@c211-31-42-102.rochd5.qld.optusnet.com.au) (Quit: Oh man this typing is going to hurt my fingers in the morning)
L1495[12:55:21] <JoshTheEnder> I'm off.to class now
L1496[12:57:12] ⇨ Joins: ShadowKatStudios (~sks@c211-31-42-102.rochd5.qld.optusnet.com.au)
L1497[12:57:21] ⇨ Joins: Bizzycola (~Bizzycola@illogical.pc-logix.com)
L1498[12:57:47] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm baaaaaack :D
L1499[12:57:56] <Bizzycola> Hi!
L1500[12:58:04] <ShadowKatStudios> And I have far too much energy.
L1501[12:58:12] <ShadowKatStudios> Lol
L1502[12:58:17] <Altenius> how much
L1503[12:58:19] <Bizzycola> I wish I had me some energy
L1504[12:58:59] <ShadowKatStudios> Altenius: how much energy is hthere in 8l of cheap cola?
L1505[12:59:27] <Bizzycola> 450,000,000 RF
L1506[12:59:39] <Bizzycola> :p
L1507[13:00:03] <ShadowKatStudios> This body cannot withstand such energy
L1508[13:00:20] <ShadowKatStudios> I may have to return to my true form
L1509[13:00:40] <Kenny> 124000
L1510[13:00:59] <Kenny> kw
L1511[13:02:37] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L1512[13:04:19] <ShadowKatStudios> Lol, my mum has finally realised I don't cAre which school I go to cause I'm not learning anythig
L1513[13:04:56] <Bizzycola> :p
L1514[13:05:18] <Bizzycola> Your energy levels..they're OVER ..nah.
L1515[13:06:03] <ShadowKatStudios> Hah, I just realised, I don't actually care about anything.
L1516[13:06:22] <daeo> Kenny: so I would use this for my function in event listen?
L1517[13:06:51] <Bizzycola> But caring about stuff is fun!
L1518[13:06:59] <Kenny> that is an event listener
L1519[13:07:10] <ShadowKatStudios> Nah, carig about stuff wastes snergy
L1520[13:07:24] <Bizzycola> Oh ok
L1521[13:07:27] <Bizzycola> screw stuff then
L1522[13:07:37] <Bizzycola> STUFF CAN GO DIE IN A FIRE
L1523[13:07:52] <ShadowKatStudios> Also lol my mum assumes I want to be hired into some closed-source programming sweatshop
L1524[13:08:04] <Bizzycola> lolwut
L1525[13:08:26] <ShadowKatStudios> F that, I'm gonna weite indie games
L1526[13:08:31] <ShadowKatStudios> Write*
L1527[13:08:46] <ShadowKatStudios> Alternatively, I'll try being an author
L1528[13:09:32] * ShadowKatStudios wonders if he has any books suitable for drawing in
L1529[13:10:48] <Kenny> daeo: you would do while true do key=getCh() if key == keyboard.keys.q then break end end this would have it listening for a key and when the q key is pressed break the loop
L1530[13:10:58] <Bizzycola> Games are fun
L1531[13:11:22] <ShadowKatStudios> Hey, I have an art book for the art class I won't end up doing because I'm /moving/!
L1532[13:11:25] <Bizzycola> But I'm less a writer. More a dev. My games are only mostly filled with bugs. NOT EVEN COMPLETELY FILLED WITH THEM!
L1533[13:11:33] <Bizzycola> Oooh cool
L1534[13:11:37] <Kenny> this is how it is done in edit.lua: http://pastebin.com/vTL3NtNN
L1535[13:12:01] * ShadowKatStudios would totally help for storylines for games
L1536[13:12:07] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L1537[13:12:36] <LordFokas> o/
L1538[13:12:47] <Kenny> \o
L1539[13:12:49] <ShadowKatStudios> \o
L1540[13:13:49] <Bizzycola> \o/ \o/
L1541[13:13:52] <Bizzycola> I'm two people
L1542[13:14:38] <JoshTheEnder> o/
L1543[13:14:45] * JoshTheEnder stabs one instance of Bizzycola
L1544[13:14:54] <Bizzycola> Ow!
L1545[13:15:01] <daeo> Kenny: so just throw it into my main loop, ok
L1546[13:15:13] <ShadowKatStudios> \o/ \o/ \o/ I beat you at split personality
L1547[13:15:32] <Bizzycola> ohok
L1548[13:15:34] <JoshTheEnder> \\o//\\oo//\o//
L1549[13:15:41] <ShadowKatStudios> while true do fork() end
L1550[13:15:47] *** Csstform|Away is now known as Csstform
L1551[13:16:14] <Bizzycola> \\\\o////
L1552[13:16:17] <Bizzycola> I is octopus now
L1553[13:16:22] <Bizzycola> OCTOCOLA
L1554[13:16:39] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L1555[13:16:51] <JoshTheEnder> uhoh
L1556[13:17:07] * Bizzycola slaps JoshTheEnder with all 8 arms
L1557[13:17:31] <rymate1234> \/\o/\/
L1558[13:19:39] <ShadowKatStudios> :( Bizzycola beats me at cola, I don't have 8L anymore :(
L1559[13:21:01] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L1560[13:21:04] * ShadowKatStudios idly wonders if he still has hjs vodka
L1561[13:22:57] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L1562[13:26:42] <daeo> Kenny: this is acting like my old function.. holding down a key to make it stop.. prehaps I need to run this in a seperate thread/process (I recall doing that on computercraft)
L1563[13:27:43] <Kenny> i just sued that loop as an example of how to use getCh()
L1564[13:27:45] <ShadowKatStudios> TIL I suck at art.
L1565[13:27:54] <Kenny> used*
L1566[13:28:28] <ShadowKatStudios> I managed to draw the court symbol from Gunnerkrigg court though
L1567[13:29:59] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L1568[13:30:13] <JoshTheEnder> :O Dean4Devil starred JoshTheEnder/EnderBot2
L1569[13:30:24] <JoshTheEnder> That devil is a spy
L1570[13:30:38] <daeo> Kenny: ok, yeah I'll use something like that loop in a seperate process
L1571[13:31:44] <Altenius> That sentry's a spy.
L1572[13:32:31] <ShadowKatStudios> What would you guys say to Chapter 9 being a comic?
L1573[13:33:14] <Bizzycola> that'd be interesting :p
L1574[13:33:16] <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, that'd be cool
L1575[13:33:51] <ShadowKatStudios> I want to introduce some form of magic, and the best way would be visually.
L1576[13:34:23] <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, magic as in mages?
L1577[13:34:43] <ShadowKatStudios> Magic as in... I dunno.
L1578[13:35:00] <ShadowKatStudios> If the universe of the story is a computer sim...
L1579[13:35:17] <ShadowKatStudios> 'Magic' would be totally possible
L1580[13:35:39] <ShadowKatStudios> Lol, import antigravity
L1581[13:35:59] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L1582[13:39:33] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L1583[13:40:35] ⇦ Quits: kindofgradius (webchat@cpe-104-34-73-89.socal.res.rr.com) (Quit: Web client closed)
L1584[13:43:20] <ShadowKatStudios> So it turns out I suck at drawing
L1585[13:43:29] <Bizzycola> oic
L1586[13:44:21] <Altenius> http://neopets.com/
L1587[13:44:38] <ShadowKatStudios> I should invest in a rubber.
L1588[13:47:37] <ShadowKatStudios> Okey, I give up.
L1589[13:47:42] <ShadowKatStudios> Back to writing.
L1590[13:47:50] <JoshTheEnder> \o/
L1591[13:47:55] <JoshTheEnder> |o|
L1592[13:49:16] <ShadowKatStudios> I could draw once.
L1593[13:49:32] <ShadowKatStudios> But I can't draw people to save my life.
L1594[13:49:46] <JoshTheEnder> lol
L1595[13:50:16] <ShadowKatStudios> Eh, magic doesn't need people though.
L1596[13:53:33] <JoshTheEnder> urghh, Hci is so crap
L1597[13:53:38] <JoshTheEnder> *HCI
L1598[13:56:16] <Kilobyte> can two computers share some drive?
L1599[13:56:22] <Kilobyte> aka shared storage?
L1600[13:56:39] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L1601[13:56:45] <ShadowKatStudios> If you write the code for usig a drive over a network, sure.
L1602[13:56:55] <JoshTheEnder> Kilobyte, creative cloning them doesnt seem to break so sort of, yes
L1603[13:57:17] <Kilobyte> meh, will go with network then prob
L1604[13:57:37] <Kilobyte> need this to be reliable and especially i need it in survival without cheating
L1605[13:57:56] <Kilobyte> network drive access seems like a fun project anyways... once i have time
L1606[13:58:17] *** WorkingFlenix is now known as Flenix
L1607[13:59:42] <ShadowKatStudios> Argh, I can't even draw runes.
L1608[13:59:59] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L1609[14:00:10] * ShadowKatStudios rips out the page
L1610[14:01:37] <Bizzycola> I'd be surprised if I could draw a square
L1611[14:01:50] <Bizzycola> The second I touched the paper it would probably burst into flames
L1612[14:02:33] <ShadowKatStudios> https://db.tt/fMipXVEO top one is from Gunnerkrigg court, the other ones are my attempts
L1613[14:02:56] <Bizzycola> "java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: instance" Guess I don't get to play with OC 1.3 dev builds huh
L1614[14:03:19] <JoshTheEnder> Bizzycola, you're using a mod that uses the old 1.2 api
L1615[14:03:32] <Bizzycola> Uhh it'll be fun figuring out what that is..
L1616[14:03:33] <Bizzycola> lol
L1617[14:04:24] <Bizzycola> So basically any mod with an OC api will crash? :p
L1618[14:05:40] <JoshTheEnder> Bizzycola, yup
L1619[14:05:49] <Bizzycola> Well that's fun
L1620[14:05:55] <JoshTheEnder> well anything with 1.2 api will crash when using OC 1.3
L1621[14:06:51] <rymate1234> what does OC 1.3 have?
L1622[14:06:53] <Bizzycola> I hope it doesn't do that for the official release :p
L1623[14:06:59] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~PewNaN@
L1624[14:07:11] <rymate1234> Bizzycola: mods need to update
L1625[14:07:29] <JoshTheEnder> Bizzycola, it will. though when it gets officially released Sanga_r would have told the moders to update
L1626[14:07:44] <Bizzycola> Ah that sounds most fun
L1627[14:10:27] <ShadowKatStudios> Fffsss, I can't draw for ahit.
L1628[14:20:43] *** Csstform is now known as Csstform|Away
L1629[14:22:49] <daeo> Kenny: is it possible to use a key press instead of a key down detection? key_down seems to be slow
L1630[14:23:37] <Kenny> not sure, i got thatn code from someone else
L1631[14:24:28] <Kenny> look at keyboard.lua. iirc it has the key assignments in it
L1632[14:26:16] <JoshTheEnder> Kenny, daeo, Dean4Devil starred JoshTheEnder/EnderBot2
L1633[14:26:18] <JoshTheEnder> ¬_¬
L1634[14:26:23] <JoshTheEnder> fine, dont copy the link
L1635[14:26:25] <JoshTheEnder> :@
L1636[14:26:35] <JoshTheEnder> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/Signals#keyboard there
L1637[14:37:35] <Bizzycola> .jenkins OpenComputers-17
L1638[14:37:48] <Bizzycola> .jenkins
L1639[14:37:49] <EnderBot> Latest builds: OpenComputers: #398 | OpenComponents: #40 | OpenComputers-MC1.7: #162 | OpenComponents-MC1.7: #5 | OpenPrinter: #72 | OpenPrinter1.7: #71 | OpenLights: #17 | OpenLights1.7: #16 | ICBMComponent: #18
L1640[14:37:54] <Bizzycola> .jenkins OpenComputers-1.7
L1641[14:37:57] <JoshTheEnder> ¬_¬
L1642[14:38:06] <JoshTheEnder> .jenkins Opencomputers-mc1.7
L1643[14:38:08] <EnderBot> OpenComputers-MC1.7: Latest successful: http://ci.cil.li/job/OpenComputers-MC1.7/162/
L1644[14:38:14] <Bizzycola> Forgot the MC :p
L1645[14:38:25] <Bizzycola> .jenkins OpenComponents-MC1.7
L1646[14:38:26] <EnderBot> OpenComponents-MC1.7: Latest successful: http://ci.cil.li/job/OpenComponents-MC1.7/5/
L1647[14:38:46] <JoshTheEnder> opencomponents currently doesnt work with 1.3OC
L1648[14:38:56] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L1649[14:39:14] <Bizzycola> oh the latest 17 is 1.30 too lol
L1650[14:39:34] ⇦ Quits: BevoLJ (~BevoLJ@cpe-24-55-33-198.austin.res.rr.com) ()
L1651[14:39:58] <JoshTheEnder> yeah
L1652[14:40:14] <ShadowKatStudios> Sorry JoshTheEnder, Shadow and Kat blew up your computer
L1653[14:40:18] <ShadowKatStudios> Lol
L1654[14:40:27] <Bizzycola> :p
L1655[14:40:30] <JoshTheEnder> fuckers
L1656[14:40:31] <Vexatos> Why? D.
L1657[14:40:35] <Vexatos> Terrorists!
L1658[14:40:45] <Bizzycola> You cannot stand for that, Josh!
L1659[14:40:46] <Bizzycola> KILL THEM
L1660[14:40:46] <JoshTheEnder> Vexatos, has lost an eye
L1661[14:40:51] <Bizzycola> KILL THEM BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE
L1662[14:41:00] <ShadowKatStudios> The T/S manipulator had a few issues.
L1663[14:41:11] <JoshTheEnder> T/S ?
L1664[14:41:14] <ShadowKatStudios> It overvolted the serial port
L1665[14:41:17] <ShadowKatStudios> Time/space
L1666[14:41:20] <JoshTheEnder> ahh
L1667[14:42:01] <ShadowKatStudios> Anyway, your powersupply died and the P4 didn't like that and it popped it's top andnlet the magic smoke out
L1668[14:42:25] <Michiyo> Oh Hey..... Josh, I need to get with you on the jenkins stuff for my mods..
L1669[14:42:31] <ShadowKatStudios> There were other side effexts too
L1670[14:42:37] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L1671[14:42:40] <JoshTheEnder> Michiyo, yeah, i saw stuff about that in the buffer
L1672[14:43:01] <JoshTheEnder> Michiyo, how exactly do you want to go about doing it?
L1673[14:43:11] <ShadowKatStudios> Timeline A's shadow's memory is most likley flawed, and Kat is more mental than befpre
L1674[14:43:12] <Michiyo> I did atleast get the API exposed atleast, so enderbot's .jenkins works :P
L1675[14:43:18] <Michiyo> - one of those atleasts
L1676[14:43:20] ⇨ Joins: Techokami (~Techokami@pool-173-48-10-197.bstnma.east.verizon.net)
L1677[14:43:54] <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, just remember that i'm a dangerous, mute lunatic
L1678[14:43:56] <Michiyo> We can talk over on my net if you'd like
L1679[14:47:15] <gamax92> exe.exe
L1680[14:47:25] <Altenius> .jenkins
L1681[14:47:26] *** progwml6|L is now known as progwml6|work
L1682[14:47:27] <EnderBot> Latest builds: OpenComputers: #398 | OpenComponents: #40 | OpenComputers-MC1.7: #162 | OpenComponents-MC1.7: #5 | OpenPrinter: #72 | OpenPrinter1.7: #71 | OpenLights: #17 | OpenLights1.7: #16 | ICBMComponent: #18
L1683[14:47:31] <gamax92> .exe
L1684[14:48:07] ⇦ Quits: ANXHaruhi|HexChat (~ANXHaruhi@198.Red-83-46-145.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1685[14:51:41] <gamax92> Vexatos: I don't get the purpose of your comment on my PR
L1686[14:51:57] <gamax92> The whole point of the PR was to increase things you could do with a T1 ram
L1687[14:52:03] <Vexatos> Exactly
L1688[14:52:09] <Vexatos> And that's what I said
L1689[14:53:45] <ShadowKatStudios> 8.8 is a susmmary of 8.*
L1690[14:53:58] <Michiyo> .j OpenPrinter
L1691[14:54:02] <Michiyo> oh
L1692[14:54:05] <Michiyo> is ping not here
L1693[14:54:07] <JoshTheEnder> ^v is ded
L1694[14:54:08] <Michiyo> bleh
L1695[14:54:09] <ShadowKatStudios> Kenny, I have 8.8
L1696[14:54:20] <Michiyo> goo.gl
L1697[14:54:22] <Michiyo> crap
L1698[14:54:26] <Michiyo> that was supposed ot be in a search
L1699[14:54:34] <Kenny> kk
L1700[14:54:35] <gamax92> Michiyo: So lost without ^v
L1701[14:54:37] <Bizzycola> :p
L1702[14:54:43] <LordFokas> JoshTheEnder, did it dieded?
L1703[14:54:45] <LordFokas> ._.
L1704[14:54:47] <Michiyo> No.. I just needed to see if his download links work...
L1705[14:55:03] <LordFokas> I have spent too much time in the Internet
L1706[14:55:05] ⇨ Joins: Raga_BuildCraftPlumber (webchat@
L1707[14:55:13] <ShadowKatStudios> Kenny: https://db.tt/LdBX1fbF
L1708[14:55:14] <gamax92> in the Internet, rather than on the Internet?
L1709[14:55:35] <Altenius> Argh. I want to program something in C but I don't know what.
L1710[14:55:41] <Altenius> Maybe something with a Lua engine...
L1711[14:55:43] <LordFokas> yeah, I can dematerialize and upload myself at will
L1712[14:55:45] <Michiyo> Can anyone download http://goo.gl/rlYNYe ?
L1713[14:55:59] <LordFokas> needs a username and pw
L1714[14:56:01] <gamax92> Altenius: Write a program that copies 4096 blocks from stdin to /dev/dsp
L1715[14:56:04] <Michiyo> k.. thought so
L1716[14:56:07] <JoshTheEnder> needs login
L1717[14:56:07] <Michiyo> good.
L1718[14:56:11] <Altenius> What's in /dev/dsp?
L1719[14:56:16] <gamax92> my sound card
L1720[14:56:17] <Michiyo> thanks
L1721[14:56:26] <Altenius> lol
L1722[14:56:27] <Altenius> WHy?
L1723[14:56:42] <gamax92> Altenius: so the sound card can be configured before junk is dumped to it.
L1724[14:57:05] <gamax92> as opposed to cat, which will not configure it, and leave it in 8000Hz mono 8bit
L1725[14:57:50] <Altenius> hmmm
L1726[14:58:12] <Bizzycola> http://puu.sh/9lTRq/4ec5ba7f3b.png I don't even..
L1727[14:58:24] <gamax92> :D
L1728[14:58:26] <Altenius> lol, my ISPs login does that.
L1729[14:58:30] <JoshTheEnder> Bizzycola, leave the timestream alone
L1730[14:58:40] <Bizzycola> I didn't touch it, I swear!
L1731[14:58:44] * Bizzycola whistles
L1732[15:00:05] <ShadowKatStudios> JoshTheEnder: you're extra-annoyed because you were testing how low it would go before your computer blew up :P
L1733[15:01:20] <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, so timeline b is no more?
L1734[15:01:29] <JoshTheEnder> s/no more/no-more
L1735[15:01:29] <SuperBot> <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, so timeline b is no-more?
L1736[15:01:47] <ShadowKatStudios> Timeline B can no longer interract with timeline A
L1737[15:01:56] <JoshTheEnder> ahh
L1738[15:01:58] <ShadowKatStudios> Well... not yet :P
L1739[15:02:23] * JoshTheEnder is planning where his story should pick up from and interact with
L1740[15:02:23] <ShadowKatStudios> In your one, you mentioned a Vortex Manipulator?
L1741[15:02:30] <JoshTheEnder> well, i changed it
L1742[15:02:58] <JoshTheEnder> more of a anti-dimensional gate
L1743[15:03:15] <Kenny> SKS: Story is on web site
L1744[15:03:18] <JoshTheEnder> sorta like the V.M but big and one way (unless you can find it again)
L1745[15:03:24] <Kenny> Website now current
L1746[15:03:27] <ShadowKatStudios> Cool stuff :D
L1747[15:04:16] <Bizzycola> Checked out 8.8, cool :p
L1748[15:04:35] <ShadowKatStudios> Crazy idea: rig up the dimensional gate to manipulate the universe more.
L1749[15:04:49] <Bizzycola> This is fun. I have a mod using the old calccore so my game won't start. Tryin to figure out what mod it is lol
L1750[15:05:02] <Bizzycola> I updated MFFS, RE, ICBM and UE
L1751[15:05:36] <Bizzycola> Does Atomic Science use it?
L1752[15:05:41] <Kenny> the api is in CalCore
L1753[15:06:03] <Kenny> either that or UE
L1754[15:07:30] <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, i can assume that altering timeline A made cracks/disturbances in the fabric of reality, which can be a good idea to set some other story points
L1755[15:07:45] <Bizzycola> oh waht do you know, it was Atomic Science :p
L1756[15:08:21] <ShadowKatStudios> The fact that timeline B relies on timeline A being altered by timeline B is making the simulato[r unhappy.
L1757[15:08:51] <gamax92> What the hell are you talking about?
L1758[15:09:06] <JoshTheEnder> gamax92, timelines
L1759[15:09:14] <ShadowKatStudios> The fact that this paradox exists creates more security holes in the simulator
L1760[15:09:27] <ShadowKatStudios> Allowing more weird stuff to happen.
L1761[15:09:30] <gamax92> JoshTheEnder: context?
L1762[15:09:50] <Bizzycola> SKS's story
L1763[15:09:55] <gamax92> oh that
L1764[15:09:57] <Bizzycola> Read 8.8 :p
L1765[15:10:02] <Bizzycola> if you read it at all
L1766[15:10:09] *** jk-5|gone is now known as jk-5
L1767[15:10:09] <Altenius> link
L1768[15:10:12] <gamax92> Bizzycola: I've read one random chapter
L1769[15:10:18] <Bizzycola> ah
L1770[15:10:20] * JoshTheEnder likes exploiting holes in the simulation
L1771[15:10:26] <gamax92> didn't like it
L1772[15:10:34] <Bizzycola> Altenius, http://shadowkat.zxq.net/story/index.htm
L1773[15:11:25] <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, i'm thinking of ways i can make the simulation more unstable :p
L1774[15:11:55] <ShadowKatStudios> Get access to /dev/tty0 lol
L1775[15:12:32] <Bizzycola> Is there even an atomic science version compatible with Resonant Engine?
L1776[15:12:57] <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, is there any ways to get into the simulation from the outside?
L1777[15:12:59] * JoshTheEnder has ideas
L1778[15:13:28] <ShadowKatStudios> Well, considering we only exist inside the simulation
L1779[15:13:48] <JoshTheEnder> that's what you think.... :P
L1780[15:13:54] <ShadowKatStudios> You'd have to get access to a robot or something on the outside
L1781[15:13:56] ⇦ Parts: gamax92 (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu) (Leaving))
L1782[15:14:06] <JoshTheEnder> i know the perfect way :P
L1783[15:14:09] <ShadowKatStudios> Lol, I think he dislikes this
L1784[15:14:15] <Bizzycola> oh never mind it merged with RE
L1785[15:14:17] <JoshTheEnder> lol, i dont care
L1786[15:14:18] <Bizzycola> RI*
L1787[15:16:02] <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, timeline B altering timeline A causes a glitch in the system, and EnderBot gets torn between the simulation world and the host system
L1788[15:16:17] <ShadowKatStudios> Oooh, sounds fun lol
L1789[15:16:47] <ShadowKatStudios> And you create semi-magic reality-altering abilities?
L1790[15:17:03] <Bizzycola> ooh RI is conflicting with itself, cool
L1791[15:17:20] <JoshTheEnder> in a way, yes. though it's more like breaking down the walls of the simulated reality
L1792[15:17:30] <JoshTheEnder> causing even more glitches in the matrix
L1793[15:18:25] <ShadowKatStudios> I want magic :D
L1794[15:18:37] <ShadowKatStudios> Say, what happens if the sim crashes?
L1795[15:18:53] <Bizzycola> Iunno. Byebye? :p
L1796[15:19:54] <ShadowKatStudios> End-of-the-universe type hing?
L1797[15:20:25] ⇨ Joins: gamax92 (gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu)
L1798[15:20:52] <gamax92> Amiga 500 mod
L1799[15:22:05] <ShadowKatStudios> Good thing about time travel: You can insert anything anywhere as long as you can make it make sense later
L1800[15:22:11] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: hey
L1801[15:22:19] <ShadowKatStudios> Hi.
L1802[15:22:21] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: A500
L1803[15:22:30] <Altenius> I searched 'virus' on pastebin and, of course, two of the top results were from ComputerCraft :/
L1804[15:22:44] <ShadowKatStudios> 68000 basd, yes?
L1805[15:22:44] <gamax92> Oh yeah, pastebin has a search bar
L1806[15:22:52] <gamax92> I've never used it.
L1807[15:23:09] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: yes
L1808[15:23:22] <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, if the sim crashes, it will be of my own free will because once it gets to a point where it could potentially crash i would have escaped it :p
L1809[15:23:40] <gamax92> Altenius: oh, ofc i get no results.
L1810[15:23:44] <ShadowKatStudios> 500 waa the second one... Linux needs > 68020 and a MMU
L1811[15:23:58] <ShadowKatStudios> And 16M of RAM
L1812[15:24:20] <Altenius> Well, I found 1,600 premium minecraft account passwords.
L1813[15:24:44] <ShadowKatStudios> Fancy.
L1814[15:24:59] <Bizzycola> lol
L1815[15:25:19] <gamax92> I found a copy of the minecraft EULA drama
L1816[15:25:44] <Altenius> lol
L1817[15:26:08] <Altenius> hmm.. How would I get the keyboard input on linux?
L1818[15:26:09] <Altenius> in C
L1819[15:26:13] <Altenius> is there a file?
L1820[15:26:36] <gamax92> Altenius: like just reading a byte?
L1821[15:26:43] <ShadowKatStudios> stdin library I assume
L1822[15:26:47] <Altenius> no
L1823[15:26:50] <gamax92> oh yeah, you could read stdin
L1824[15:26:52] <Altenius> Without the window in focus
L1825[15:26:58] <gamax92> oh
L1826[15:27:03] <gamax92> KEYLOGGER
L1827[15:27:04] <gamax92> BAN
L1828[15:27:07] <gamax92> :P
L1829[15:27:08] <Altenius> MAYBE
L1830[15:27:13] <gamax92> :O
L1831[15:27:29] <Altenius> nah.
L1832[15:27:37] <gamax92> why when out of focus?
L1833[15:27:47] <JoshTheEnder> also ShadowKatStudios, in terms of magic.... I am an etherial being, your magic is puny comapred to my powers >:D
L1834[15:27:48] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L1835[15:27:58] <Altenius> It's going to record keyboard inputs and replay them.
L1836[15:28:03] <Altenius> hehe
L1837[15:28:25] <gamax92> Well, good luck with that.
L1838[15:28:27] <ShadowKatStudios> I can manipulate reality. Beat that.
L1839[15:28:40] <Altenius> I'm not making a keylogger. PFFF
L1840[15:28:59] <gamax92> Altenius: you are logging keys to replay then
L1841[15:29:05] <Altenius> sure
L1842[15:29:09] <gamax92> so, keylogger
L1843[15:29:14] <Altenius> yeah
L1844[15:29:32] <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, you think i cannot do that?
L1845[15:29:41] <JoshTheEnder> i can tear reality apart
L1846[15:29:45] <Altenius> but rly, do you know how to capture input?
L1847[15:29:48] <ShadowKatStudios> Oh yeah, Josh, do you have the power of import antigravity?
L1848[15:29:55] <gamax92> Altenius: not generic non focused input.
L1849[15:29:58] <ShadowKatStudios> I can crash reality
L1850[15:30:00] <JoshTheEnder> i am the antigravity
L1851[15:30:05] * gamax92 stabs ShadowKatStudios
L1852[15:30:14] <ShadowKatStudios> I have root access >:D
L1853[15:30:19] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios
L1854[15:30:26] * Altenius is on the root account without a password
L1855[15:30:34] <Altenius> not really
L1856[15:30:47] <Altenius> but my root account doesn't have a password.
L1857[15:30:56] <gamax92> Altenius: good to know
L1858[15:31:03] <Altenius> very
L1859[15:31:28] <ShadowKatStudios> Super secret secret I'll never tell you: Root access for the universe has a password of Password1
L1860[15:32:19] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: Should put a tracker player in minecraft
L1861[15:32:27] <gamax92> play all the ProTracker mods
L1862[15:32:37] <LordFokas> ShadowKatStudios, JoshTheEnder: import com.physics.hacks.AntiGravity;
L1863[15:32:39] <LordFokas> done
L1864[15:32:48] <gamax92> Bad LordFokas
L1865[15:33:00] <ShadowKatStudios> The universe is hacked togrther with Perl though
L1866[15:33:14] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: Why do you completely ignore me
L1867[15:33:38] <ShadowKatStudios> What do you mean a player tracker?
L1868[15:34:12] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: ProTracker/FastTracker/MilkyTracker/OpenMPT/MadTracker/Schism Tracker/Impulse Tracker/Adlib Tracker
L1869[15:34:27] <ShadowKatStudios> What do they do?
L1870[15:34:33] <SpiritedDusty> there's suddenly been an increase of activity on the forums o.o
L1871[15:34:34] <gamax92> compose/play music
L1872[15:34:35] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L1873[15:34:56] <ShadowKatStudios> The universe: http://xkcd.com/224/
L1874[15:35:08] *** darknife25|AFK is now known as darknife25
L1875[15:35:12] <Michiyo> MichiBot, xkcd
L1876[15:35:16] <Michiyo> wait
L1877[15:35:17] <MichiBot> Michiyo: Random XKCD Comic: http://xkcd.com/1244/
L1878[15:35:17] <gamax92> ShadowKatStudios: think about a midi file, except samples are given instead of relying on the system for instruments
L1879[15:35:35] <ShadowKatStudios> Oh, cool.
L1880[15:39:42] <JoshTheEnder> ShadowKatStudios, eh, for the sake of the stories, lets just say that timeline be altering timeline a open certain things up for tampering with
L1881[15:39:46] <rymate1234> hey
L1882[15:40:24] <rymate1234> I get this error https://gist.github.com/rymate1234/44efa39dce65da5110ba when running =robot.swing()
L1883[15:41:16] <Michiyo> rymate1234, you running MCPC/Cauldron by chance?
L1884[15:41:25] <rymate1234> yes
L1885[15:41:29] <Michiyo> Yeah...
L1886[15:41:41] <JoshTheEnder> right, hometime
L1887[15:41:49] <rymate1234> i suppose there's no way to fix?
L1888[15:41:51] <Michiyo> o/ JTE
L1889[15:42:10] <Bizzycola> I love how I still have no idea what the hell to do with Resonant Induction :p
L1890[15:42:11] * JoshTheEnder fades back into the Ether
L1891[15:42:14] <Michiyo> I asked blood about that and he said it was Sangar's fault, for using EntityPlayerMP
L1892[15:42:30] <Michiyo> and said he wasn't going to even look into it.
L1893[15:43:08] <rymate1234> Michiyo, so im basically screwed
L1894[15:43:30] <Sangar> wait wait wait what
L1895[15:43:40] <Sangar> you're missing a 'not' there if anything, no?
L1896[15:43:49] <Sangar> 'for not using EntityPlayerMP'?
L1897[15:44:05] <gamax92> "java.lang.ClassCastException: li.cil.oc.server.component.robot.Player cannot be cast to net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP"
L1898[15:44:21] <Michiyo> Yeah..
L1899[15:44:27] <Bizzycola> Obviously he didn't use it then. So we can assume that EntityPlayerMP is evil. :D
L1900[15:45:58] <Michiyo> But at any rate, he said it was Sangar's fault, and I didn't see the point in bringing it to your attention, since it's MCPC+ and no one likes it.
L1901[15:45:59] <Michiyo> :P
L1902[15:46:22] <gamax92> I like mcpc+
L1903[15:46:24] <rymate1234> ^
L1904[15:46:24] <Michiyo> last time I mentioned a MCPC+ issue to a mod dev I was banned from their channel.
L1905[15:46:29] <Altenius> MCPC+ doesn't exist sir.
L1906[15:46:31] <Sangar> uh... i don't have a problem with mcpc+/cauldron, but i am a little put off by that statement, because blind casting is *never ever* a good thing
L1907[15:46:33] <Altenius> It got renamed to Cauldren
L1908[15:46:47] <Michiyo> I love MCPC+/Cauldron, I run it on my server...
L1909[15:46:56] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E457B55182A5403BFF0183F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1910[15:47:09] <Sangar> (and i'm not doing the casting :P)
L1911[15:47:19] <rymate1234> so what's the fix, use vanilla?
L1912[15:47:24] <Michiyo> But blood is a ass, and mod devs usually stab people for mentioning MCPC+ issues.
L1913[15:47:25] <Michiyo> :P
L1914[15:47:39] <Altenius> What's the channel
L1915[15:47:41] <Sangar> rymate1234, normal forge works, yes
L1916[15:47:47] <Michiyo> #cauldron
L1917[15:48:15] <gamax92> MichiBot: drama
L1918[15:48:16] <MichiBot> gamax92: Soaryn complains that Highlands discussion doesn't belong on GregTech thread
L1919[15:48:31] <Altenius> Michibot drama plz
L1920[15:48:33] <Altenius> Michibot drama
L1921[15:48:40] <gamax92> MichiBot: drama
L1922[15:48:40] <MichiBot> gamax92: Soaryn rants about LittleMaidMob on IRC
L1923[15:48:41] <Altenius> MichiBot drama plz
L1924[15:48:42] <MichiBot> Altenius: Calclavia confirms to replace BiblioCraft with the Mojang launcher
L1925[15:48:42] <gamax92> MichiBot drama
L1926[15:48:43] <MichiBot> gamax92: Better than Wolves doesn't work with Tinker's Construct since the latest update
L1927[15:48:46] <gamax92> odd
L1928[15:48:47] <Michiyo> ...
L1929[15:48:59] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~negi@ (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L1930[15:49:14] <Kenny> Spam the bot and you receive the penalty
L1931[15:49:17] <Sangar> i mean, `onBlockClicked` takes an EntityPlayer, not an EntityPlayerMP, so... i don't see how i'm in the wrong :P that said, I do plan to use FakePlayer which extends EntityPlayerMP in the long run. it just fucks up things so badly that i don't have the willpower to do so right now :P
L1932[15:49:23] <Michiyo> I'm currently running on like 4kb download... so I'm sorry if MichiBot's responses are slow
L1933[15:49:48] <Altenius> MichiBot, help
L1934[15:49:58] <Michiyo> nop.
L1935[15:50:02] <Bizzycola> .ping MichiBot
L1936[15:50:11] <Michiyo> pingsn ot here yo
L1937[15:50:19] <Michiyo> also... MichiBot is connected via my bouncer.
L1938[15:50:20] <Bizzycola> k
L1939[15:50:28] <Bizzycola> Shh!
L1940[15:50:29] ⇦ Parts: Bizzycola (~Bizzycola@illogical.pc-logix.com) (Leaving))
L1941[15:50:29] <Michiyo> so said ping will be to kenobi.pc-logix.com
L1942[15:51:19] <gamax92> Kenny: we weren't spamming the bot, we found another flaw.
L1943[15:51:21] <Michiyo> Also... it's commands.
L1944[15:51:24] <Michiyo> MichiBot, commands
L1945[15:51:37] <gamax92> it won't respond to alternative caps versions of MichiBot
L1946[15:51:44] <Michiyo> It's not supposed to.
L1947[15:52:06] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E457B39A14F664E06739A7F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L1948[15:54:06] *** Daiyousei is now known as Daiyousei|Terraria
L1949[15:55:06] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (sciguyryan@109-205-169-194.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L1950[15:55:29] <Kenny> when i see the SAME person use the SAME command 3 times in a row that is spamming the bot
L1951[16:02:35] <ShadowKatStudios> Kenny: https://db.tt/72NrQoed 9.1 lol
L1952[16:03:04] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~negi@
L1953[16:12:08] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L1954[16:13:38] <Altenius> How is it that http://pc-logix.com has only a few members but the welcome topic has 54,000 views?
L1955[16:13:48] <ShadowKatStudios> Okay, off to bed o/
L1956[16:14:01] <Michiyo> Bots.
L1957[16:14:28] <gamax92> Define, ShadowKatStudios
L1958[16:14:54] <Altenius> Are you using that as a bouncer?
L1959[16:15:10] <Michiyo> that server does not host a bouncer, no.
L1960[16:15:10] <gamax92> I am using a ShadowKatStudios as a bouncer
L1961[16:15:32] <Raga_BuildCraftPlumber> Pfft.
L1962[16:15:37] <Michiyo> bouncers are on isis, apollo, kenobi, and athena
L1963[16:15:43] <gamax92> :< why are all of my midi files marked executable
L1964[16:16:10] <Altenius> lol
L1965[16:16:32] <gamax92> Michiyo: What about on gamax92.pc-logix.com
L1966[16:16:52] <Michiyo> no.. gamax92 is not on any of those servers.
L1967[16:17:07] <gamax92> aww
L1968[16:17:28] <Michiyo> even if it was the rDNS would return the server name, not your domain
L1969[16:19:16] <gamax92> Sangar: ahh, i see #31 was closed, is there a build with that?
L1970[16:19:30] <Kenny> SKS: Updated
L1971[16:19:40] <Sangar> gamax92, should be the one building right now
L1972[16:19:46] <gamax92> alright
L1973[16:19:51] <gamax92> brb windows
L1974[16:23:37] <gamax92> Hmm, having been out of windows for a few months, the ClearType rendering is really noticable
L1975[16:32:49] ⇨ Joins: Michiyo- (~Michiyo@
L1976[16:32:49] ⇦ Quits: Michiyo- (~Michiyo@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1977[16:33:19] ⇨ Joins: Michiyo_ (~Michiyo@
L1978[16:33:35] <Michiyo> :/
L1979[16:33:37] <Michiyo> :\
L1980[16:33:47] <gamax92> Sangar: I seem not to be able to dye screens
L1981[16:33:59] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~negi@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1982[16:34:16] <Kenny> :|
L1983[16:34:32] <Sangar> gamax92, 1.6 or 1.7?
L1984[16:34:35] <gamax92> 1.7
L1985[16:34:44] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L1986[16:35:46] <Sangar> hmm, works in dev mode, will have to check in normal mc
L1987[16:35:52] zsh sets mode: +v on Michiyo_
L1988[16:36:25] *** Michiyo_ is now known as Caitlyn
L1989[16:36:36] <Michiyo> There that'll work for now
L1990[16:37:41] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~negi@
L1991[16:42:47] <Sangar> gamax92, works in normal mc for me, too... which forge version are you using?
L1992[16:42:51] <gamax92> 1112
L1993[16:43:33] <Sangar> all right, will try with that, too. though it'd be kind of weird if they *removed* the dyes from the oredict, but who knows...
L1994[16:44:21] <gamax92> like, just tried dyes, inksacks, and bonemeal. none worked
L1995[16:44:25] <ds84182> Michiyo, I love your logo. http://www.pc-logix.com/public/style_images/dustblue/xlogo.png.pagespeed.ic.0ooeplnVSO.png It's so majestic OMG
L1996[16:44:54] <gamax92> OH jeez, my console is being spammed with GL errors
L1997[16:44:57] <Michiyo> ...
L1998[16:45:15] <gamax92> Sangar: http://hastebin.com/rewupimuzi.txt
L1999[16:45:53] <Michiyo> ds84182, yeah, I've yet to do anything other then getting the forums back up. I've not even setup the content mods yet... so no I've not changed the logo.
L2000[16:46:27] <gamax92> Sangar: yeah so, the moment I place a screen down that is spammed.
L2001[16:46:53] <ds84182> (You should keep like that. I like images that tell you flat out what it is)
L2002[16:48:16] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~ping@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L2003[16:48:17] <v^> so
L2004[16:48:28] <v^> my mom just closes my windows
L2005[16:48:40] ⇦ Quits: Syrren (~syrren@mike.unixbox.tk) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L2006[16:49:00] <ds84182> lol
L2007[16:49:46] <gamax92> brb
L2008[16:51:50] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:cd8:da12:c91d:84ca)
L2009[16:52:15] <vifino> v^: Can you help me real quick? In gmatch, I want to match for |, but not for \|?
L2010[16:52:22] <Kodos> Boo
L2011[16:52:44] <v^> "[^\]|
L2012[16:52:47] <v^> "
L2013[16:53:08] <v^> but it does require a non \ character to be infront of |
L2014[16:53:24] <vifino> okay
L2015[16:53:32] <vifino> Thank you! ^.^
L2016[16:53:57] <Sangar> gamax92, i think forge messed up the dye oredict entry, testing now. as for the ogl errors, i don't get those :/
L2017[16:54:47] <Kodos> Sangar did you get my tell =D
L2018[16:55:11] <Sangar> interestingly enough i did not, but i read the log :P
L2019[16:55:18] <Kodos> Okie doke
L2020[16:55:23] <Kodos> Do you want me to break 164
L2021[16:55:35] <Timmy94> wd
L2022[16:56:01] <Sangar> Kodos, yeah, but before you do, could you please delete the OpenComputers-native.*.dll from your temp folder, just to make 100% sure it's using the updated one?
L2023[16:56:16] <Kodos> Sure
L2024[16:57:19] <Sangar> oh great, they added a wildcard 'dye' entry before the other ones that breaks the check.
L2025[16:59:43] <Kodos> Where would the temp folder be if I"m using multi MC
L2026[17:01:32] <Vexatos> In the "magic" folder
L2027[17:01:35] <Sangar> your windows temp folder, usually c:/users/<name>/AppData/Local/Temp
L2028[17:01:40] ⇨ Joins: mallrat208 (Mibbit@
L2029[17:01:44] <Kilobyte> is there a way to remotely control redstone?
L2030[17:01:59] <SpiritedDusty> Kodos, right click your instance and hit instance folder
L2031[17:02:11] <Kodos> I found it where Sangar said =D
L2032[17:02:15] <SpiritedDusty> oh wait nvm derp
L2033[17:02:23] <Kilobyte> nvm, think found it
L2034[17:02:52] <v^> this crypto stuff is amazing
L2035[17:02:57] <v^> http://mkottman.github.io/luacrypto/manual.html#reference
L2036[17:03:09] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L2037[17:03:29] <SpiritedDusty> OC doesn't support installing native binaries does it?
L2038[17:03:35] <SpiritedDusty> native libraries*
L2039[17:03:36] <v^> i can hack
L2040[17:03:51] <Altenius> >.>
L2041[17:03:52] <Sangar> SpiritedDusty, nope, will always use the ones from inside the jar
L2042[17:04:12] <v^> i can recompile it with crypto
L2043[17:04:42] <Altenius> recompile what v^?
L2044[17:04:47] <v^> the OC natives
L2045[17:04:53] <v^> so we can have crypto
L2046[17:05:00] <v^> by we i mean the linux users
L2047[17:05:13] <Altenius> us
L2048[17:05:20] <SpiritedDusty> don't libraries work cross platform?
L2049[17:05:32] <v^> yes, but i cba compile for other platforms
L2050[17:05:42] <v^> i mean no
L2051[17:05:45] <Altenius> What distro do you use?
L2052[17:05:51] <v^> debian
L2053[17:05:56] <Altenius> o
L2054[17:06:01] <Altenius> I use Arch
L2055[17:06:14] <v^> the binaries i make should work for most linux versions
L2056[17:06:39] * SpiritedDusty writes linux on windows me
L2057[17:06:41] <SpiritedDusty> will it work?
L2058[17:07:03] <v^> wat
L2059[17:07:39] <Kodos> Lol it spawned me in an ocean, right next to an underwater end portal room
L2060[17:10:36] *** Alex_hawks is now known as Alex_hawks|Sleep
L2061[17:11:08] ⇨ Joins: Syrren (~syrren@mike.unixbox.tk)
L2062[17:11:27] <gamax92> Well Sangar, the GL errors are most likely because of that whole ATI thing
L2063[17:12:07] <Sangar> gamax92, i'll throw in a couple of error checks later, tracking down weird oredict changes in forge now -.-
L2064[17:12:23] <gamax92> alright
L2065[17:21:37] <Kodos> The holograms don't like water drops from the underside of blocks passing through them
L2066[17:22:09] <Michiyo> Oh?
L2067[17:22:26] <Kodos> The hologram de-renders long enough for the droplet to pass through it
L2068[17:22:42] *** justastranger|zzz is now known as justastranger
L2069[17:22:54] <LordFokas> that has to be on purpose
L2070[17:23:00] <Kodos> I would imagine so
L2071[17:23:18] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L2072[17:23:24] <LordFokas> minecraft's engine is not THAT shitty
L2073[17:24:02] <LordFokas> that colliding polygons would conflict or so
L2074[17:25:23] <gamax92> what if it was?
L2075[17:25:33] <gamax92> was actually that shitty?
L2076[17:26:47] <LordFokas> nah
L2077[17:27:19] <gamax92> http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/time_to_dog.swf
L2078[17:31:22] <Sangar> i don't see anything weird happening when water drops through the hologram :/
L2079[17:31:32] <gamax92> hmm, listening to some of these with earbuds rather than speakers, I'm missing a lot of the audio
L2080[17:32:33] *** Death is now known as Death|Away
L2081[17:32:40] <Kodos> Yeah, not doing it for me anymore either, weird
L2082[17:33:22] <Kodos> http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/screenclean.swf
L2083[17:33:25] <Kodos> Kyoot
L2084[17:34:23] <JoshTheEnder> Kodos, that screen is best screen
L2085[17:34:35] <Kodos> ikr
L2086[17:34:36] ⇦ Quits: Altenius (~Altenius4@ (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L2087[17:34:48] <Kodos> I showed my wife, and said 'This is one reason why I want to get a pug'
L2088[17:35:12] <gamax92> it sucks that many of these don't seem to be designed for non 4:3
L2089[17:35:18] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L2090[17:39:39] <gamax92> jeez, i went back and rewatched many of those, my speakers seem to have a problem with bass
L2091[17:39:39] <Kodos> gamax92, make this an OC program, minus the sound. http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/asci.swf
L2092[17:39:51] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L2093[17:40:00] <gamax92> hahahaha, like oc is that fast.
L2094[17:40:47] <gamax92> :< firefox froze
L2095[17:41:08] <gamax92> Kodos: http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/Gununu_all.swf
L2096[17:41:56] <v^> fag
L2097[17:41:59] <v^> gah*
L2098[17:42:08] <v^> staring at it makes my screen look red
L2099[17:42:15] <Kodos> http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/The_Charleston_to_Daft_Punk.swf
L2100[17:42:22] <JoshTheEnder> http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/scientific_fus_ro_dah.swf
L2101[17:42:28] <v^> "fag" is a legit typo of "gah"
L2102[17:42:52] <gamax92> Kodos: heh
L2103[17:42:53] <Kodos> Only if you have tiny hands and need both of them to type gah
L2104[17:43:10] <Kodos> Because otherwise it'd be fG
L2105[17:43:15] <Kodos> For hitting the caps lock
L2106[17:43:24] <gamax92> Kodos: uhh, no?
L2107[17:43:47] <gamax92> Kodos: a misaligned hand doesn't mean you mistype every letter
L2108[17:44:13] *** Kenny is now known as Kenny|PlayingNFS
L2109[17:44:17] <Kodos> Annnd now I'll have Mythbuster nightmares http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/tilibitappitilibatappitam.swf
L2110[17:44:53] <gamax92> Kodos: ohjeez
L2111[17:45:11] <Kodos> http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/baby_baboon.swf I'm just pullin your leg man
L2112[17:45:50] ⇨ Joins: Altenius (~Altenius@
L2113[17:46:03] <Kodos> Here you gamax92 , you seem to enjoy this type http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/peppu.swf
L2114[17:46:11] <gamax92> uhh
L2115[17:46:34] <gamax92> Kodos: by type, you mean anime right?
L2116[17:46:47] <Kodos> Someone needs to make the background music to this the Cantina Band song from Star Wars http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/gnomeparty.swf
L2117[17:48:15] <gamax92> http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/artificial_intelligence.swf
L2118[17:48:28] <gamax92> oh crap low bat
L2119[17:49:29] <gamax92> I like how my laptop is like, you have 20 minutes, but then 1 minute later its like you have 17 minutes.
L2120[17:50:02] <Kodos> As a Michael Richards fan, this entertains me so http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/kramer_cotton_eye_joe.swf
L2121[17:50:30] <gamax92> gah, cotten eye jo
L2122[17:50:42] <gamax92> http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/Big_Shake.swf
L2123[17:51:50] <gamax92> http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/kramer_cotton_eye_joe.swf
L2124[17:51:52] <gamax92> oops
L2125[17:51:57] <gamax92> http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/logopower.swf
L2126[17:52:31] <Michiyo> SOmeone wanna buy me one of these?
L2127[17:52:32] <Michiyo> Price: $3,880,007.51 + $7.48 shipping
L2128[17:52:32] <Michiyo> Only 10 left in stock.
L2129[17:52:37] <Michiyo> http://www.amazon.com/500J2-Ametric%C2%AE-Poly-V-Profile-Inches/dp/B00HUZY7HK/ref=pd_sim_sbs_misc_4?tag=ohmy0c-20
L2130[17:52:42] <gamax92> Michiyo: uhh ... suuuuuuure
L2131[17:53:36] <Altenius> Nah, shipping costs too much
L2132[17:53:41] <Michiyo> damn...
L2133[17:55:08] <gamax92> Kodos: http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/Epic_Dog_Race.swf
L2134[17:55:30] <Kodos> Screenclean was still cuter
L2135[17:55:41] <gamax92> Kodos: it wasn't ment to be cute
L2136[17:55:46] <gamax92> it was ment to be shown to you
L2137[17:56:07] <Kodos> D= http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/lonely_dog.swf
L2138[17:56:36] <Michiyo> https://www.ametric.com/p-71188-500j2.aspx holy crap.. that's the legit product
L2139[17:57:16] <Kodos> For all you Whovians; http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/sad_stare.swf
L2140[17:57:34] <gamax92> Kodos: so, he is a dog?
L2141[17:57:41] <gamax92> :D
L2142[17:58:22] <Altenius> I dont have the 89 cents Michiyo
L2143[17:58:41] <Michiyo> You either?
L2144[17:58:44] <Michiyo> :D
L2145[17:58:55] <Michiyo> yay I'm not the only broke person here.
L2146[17:59:37] <Kodos> Okay, two computers are set up, one is auto-rebooting, one is running geo on loop. Gonna afk to do some things, and when I get back I'll try to program something new
L2147[18:04:48] <gamax92> http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/TECMORUN.swf
L2148[18:05:30] <Altenius> Michiyo.. Why did the price go to $6
L2149[18:05:44] <Michiyo> ?
L2150[18:06:10] <Altenius> https://www.ametric.com/p-71188-500j2.aspx
L2151[18:06:13] <Michiyo> lmao
L2152[18:06:14] <Michiyo> so it did
L2153[18:06:21] <Michiyo> I guess they found their error on their site..
L2154[18:06:26] <Altenius> Lol
L2155[18:06:35] <Michiyo> now lets see if the amazon link updates
L2156[18:07:14] <gamax92> If I buy cardboard off of ebay/amazon, does it come in a cardboard box?
L2157[18:07:16] <Altenius> It's been like that for a few months
L2158[18:07:44] <Altenius> Complain if it doesn't gamax92
L2159[18:07:52] <Michiyo> Well, the priceo n their site was the same
L2160[18:07:53] <gamax92> lol
L2161[18:10:24] ⇦ Quits: Dean4Devil (~AI_Cat@p549628B3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2162[18:10:33] <gamax92> jeeez, cardboard boxes are expensive apparently
L2163[18:11:36] <Kenny|PlayingNFS> really, i get mine from the post office for nothing
L2164[18:11:40] *** Kenny|PlayingNFS is now known as Kenny
L2165[18:15:49] <gamax92> Kenny
L2166[18:16:52] <Michiyo> MichiBot, reverse | ynneK
L2167[18:16:55] <MichiBot> Michiyo: Kenny |
L2168[18:16:59] <gamax92> Altenius:Do you know where I can get pie?
L2169[18:17:05] <Michiyo> hmm sorta brok..
L2170[18:17:31] <gamax92> Michiyo: did it reverse the RLO?
L2171[18:17:35] <Altenius> Why was I notified by that?
L2172[18:18:01] <Altenius> Oh
L2173[18:18:13] <gamax92> Altenius:Because I wrote your nick?
L2174[18:18:28] <Altenius> It works when it's backwards?
L2175[18:18:45] <gamax92> Altenius: its still technically forwards, but displayed backwards because of the RLO
L2176[18:18:56] <Michiyo> lol
L2177[18:19:04] <Altenius> RLO?
L2178[18:19:15] <gamax92> Right to Left Override
L2179[18:19:16] <JoshTheEnder> right to left override
L2180[18:19:25] <gamax92> lol
L2181[18:19:52] <JoshTheEnder> hello there
L2182[18:19:55] <Altenius> How?
L2183[18:20:00] <gamax92> U202E
L2184[18:20:10] <Michiyo> wooo
L2185[18:20:10] <Altenius> 29xamag
L2186[18:20:22] <Michiyo> in hexchat you can simply rightclick the input box :P
L2187[18:20:31] <LordFokas> ahah, on my encoding I see the char and not the override :|
L2188[18:20:35] <Altenius> I'm on my phone :(
L2189[18:20:37] <Michiyo> gamax92
L2190[18:20:38] <rymate1234>
L2191[18:20:38] <gamax92> lol
L2192[18:21:10] <gamax92> Michiyo: oh, Insert control character?
L2193[18:21:30] *** LordFokas is now known as LordFokas|afk
L2194[18:21:40] <gamax92> /quit
L2195[18:21:42] <gamax92> wt
L2196[18:23:06] <v^> "Apache .htpasswd "APR1" and OpenSSL "passwd" use 1000 rounds of MD5 key stretching."
L2197[18:23:11] <v^> what the fuck man
L2198[18:23:25] <v^> md5ing multiple times doesnt make it that much better
L2199[18:23:37] <Michiyo> my .htpasswd is 5pass bcrypt
L2200[18:24:20] <v^> my .htpasswd is 100000 rounds of SHA1024
L2201[18:24:35] <gamax92> .htpasswd is plain text
L2202[18:24:38] <gamax92> mine*
L2203[18:24:45] ⇦ Quits: Altenius (~Altenius@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L2204[18:25:06] <v^> lol
L2205[18:25:07] <JoshTheEnder> i have no .htpasswd
L2206[18:25:10] <v^> ^
L2207[18:25:11] <JoshTheEnder> since i dont need it
L2208[18:25:15] <v^> ^^^
L2209[18:25:23] <JoshTheEnder> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
L2210[18:25:27] <Michiyo> I have exactly one htpasswd..
L2211[18:25:31] <Michiyo> it's the one that has locked jenkins
L2212[18:25:45] <gamax92> /quit
L2213[18:25:47] <gamax92> WHY
L2214[18:26:01] <Michiyo> INFO: :gamax92!gamax92@The.Dragon.Slayer.PanicBNC.eu PRIVMSG #oc :?/quit
L2215[18:26:01] <Michiyo> :P
L2216[18:26:18] <Techokami> because Jenkins is full of derp and can allow anyone to do anything at the drop of a hat
L2217[18:26:21] <Michiyo> /quit
L2218[18:26:24] <Techokami> STUPID fallback modes
L2219[18:26:33] <JoshTheEnder> also i like how EnderBot can still access the <job name>/api/json for your builds, Michiyo
L2220[18:26:36] <Michiyo> zws
L2221[18:26:44] <JoshTheEnder> 456
L2222[18:26:46] <Michiyo> Yeah, I set a allow on the api directory
L2223[18:26:48] <Kodos> Annnd I'm back
L2224[18:26:51] <JoshTheEnder> ok
L2225[18:26:52] <gamax92> And Kodos
L2226[18:26:55] <Kodos> No crash yet
L2227[18:27:13] <Kodos> Sangar I'm really hoping it's fixed this time, I'm anxious to get into 1.7
L2228[18:27:17] <Michiyo> LocationMatch SatisfyAny
L2229[18:27:33] <Techokami> I don't have any .htpasswd files on holenet, because WHM and cPanel are already password protected, and I have a private_html folder :V
L2230[18:27:42] <Michiyo> API access is read only anyway..
L2231[18:28:37] <gamax92> JoshTheEnder: wheres that server
L2232[18:28:57] <JoshTheEnder> gamax92, comming later, probably in about an hour. currently working on EnderBot
L2233[18:29:03] <gamax92> k
L2234[18:29:56] <Kodos> Anyone know if the T2 Hologram is tied to red green and blue, or if I can change the colors it uses. I know it's limited to 3 colors period though
L2235[18:31:27] <v^> .w holo
L2236[18:31:28] <^v> v^, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/component-hologram
L2237[18:31:38] <v^> :<
L2238[18:31:39] <v^> or not
L2239[18:31:50] <v^> pretty sure its stuck on rgb tho
L2240[18:33:12] ⇦ Quits: tgame14 (~tgame14@bzq-79-183-154-196.red.bezeqint.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2241[18:33:38] <Kodos> Yeah, it's not updated for 1.3's holos yet
L2242[18:35:58] <Kodos> I don't want to progrma anything malicious for anyone but myself, but is it possible to get an OC computer to run a program on my actual computer at all or no
L2243[18:36:10] <v^> nop
L2244[18:36:13] <Kodos> Okay
L2245[18:36:15] <v^> well
L2246[18:36:16] <v^> yes
L2247[18:36:20] <Kodos> I was going to make a launcher
L2248[18:36:27] <Kodos> app launcher*
L2249[18:36:37] <v^> ennable bytecode in the config
L2250[18:36:44] <v^> learn how to exploit lua 5.2 bytecode
L2251[18:36:57] <v^> gain access to external lua
L2252[18:37:14] <v^> use luajava or whatever OC has and launch all the things
L2253[18:37:31] <v^> but wont work on servers, it will just launch stuff on the server computer
L2254[18:38:01] <JoshTheEnder> Woo, EnderBot2 now successfully handles NS based authentication
L2255[18:39:19] <v^> it handles nick/part/quit/join/kick right?
L2256[18:39:56] <JoshTheEnder> join/part/quit/nick_change/NS login-logout it does
L2257[18:39:57] <Kodos> Whee, disk labels accept MC color codes
L2258[18:40:07] <v^> make it handle kick
L2259[18:40:15] <JoshTheEnder> does kick generate a part message or no?
L2260[18:40:20] <v^> nope
L2261[18:40:23] <JoshTheEnder> ahh
L2262[18:40:53] <JoshTheEnder> eh, that'll be a project for another day. now to work on my server
L2263[18:40:57] <v^> :Kenny!potato@walrus KICK v^ :Derp
L2264[18:42:36] <Kodos> lolol I changed "Press any key to continue" to "Press the any key to continue"
L2265[18:44:25] <v^> gj
L2266[18:45:18] <gamax92> hmm, if you search for "cpoison", the poison potions will show up, but the letter "c" is nowhere on them
L2267[18:45:27] <JoshTheEnder> lol
L2268[18:45:47] <Kodos> What's something easy I could make in OC, I'm at a loss for what to do besides a police light
L2269[18:46:11] <v^> .hash sha512 testr
L2270[18:46:11] <^v> v^, d8e2218ebc2b64e29009a847eed41f4894e42b027c8caf896230dbfe00b84916f06b9b507892639e42aab61a781820d5d2caa96b0a5bbc18604734e2b560da8a
L2271[18:47:46] <Kodos> v^ you should make a component like Immibis' cryptographic accelerator
L2272[18:48:08] <gamax92> doesn't computronics have something like that
L2273[18:48:09] <Michiyo> I have the framework for that in OpenSecurity currently
L2274[18:48:25] <Kodos> Michiyo any plans on actually doing that or are you being lazy =P
L2275[18:48:35] <v^> Kodos, i dont know java
L2276[18:48:41] <Kodos> Now that you have working MC, you could probably finish it Mich
L2277[18:48:42] <v^> and asie already made one
L2278[18:48:49] <Kodos> asie's is item based
L2279[18:48:56] <Kodos> I want ACTUAL cryptography
L2280[18:48:58] <Michiyo> I don't like many of asie's mods... :P
L2281[18:48:59] <gamax92> oh right,
L2282[18:49:03] <v^> as in
L2283[18:49:08] <gamax92> Michiyo: yeah ...
L2284[18:49:11] <v^> asie ported immibiss
L2285[18:49:21] <gamax92> oh right, that does exist.
L2286[18:49:24] <v^> which has a crypto accelerator
L2287[18:49:25] <Kodos> asie's port is half broken
L2288[18:49:29] <Michiyo> half?
L2289[18:49:31] <Kodos> Half the methods return nothing
L2290[18:49:33] <gamax92> Kodos: the ami is broken, yes.
L2291[18:49:36] <Michiyo> giving it a bit of credit there no?
L2292[18:49:39] <gamax92> the crypto thingy should work
L2293[18:50:06] <Kodos> I still want one specifically made for OC, and not a 'port', plus it'd be a good chance to get a fresh model that matches OC's theme a bit more
L2294[18:50:34] <Kodos> I know what -I'd- want it to look like, but its' not my mod
L2295[18:50:55] <Kodos> Plus I'm pretty sure it's impossible in MC's engine
L2296[18:51:04] <v^> maby make an assembly that you can send to the GPU
L2297[18:51:29] <v^> rendering using this GPU ASM would be faster
L2298[18:51:42] <v^> and cryptography
L2299[18:51:51] <Kodos> I know I know
L2300[18:51:55] <Kodos> Hashing isn't cryptography
L2301[18:52:01] <Michiyo> Kodos, I'm looking at OS's project right now..
L2302[18:52:02] <v^> it is
L2303[18:52:12] <v^> hashing is part of cryptography
L2304[18:52:22] <Kodos> Wow, I nearly pinged myself
L2305[18:52:23] <Kodos> Wt
L2306[18:52:23] <Kodos> f
L2307[18:52:29] <Kodos> Michiyo And?
L2308[18:52:50] *** TangentDelta is now known as tanX2-X1
L2309[18:53:13] <Michiyo> "<Kodos> Michiyo any plans on actually doing that or are you being lazy =P"
L2310[18:53:22] *** tanX2-X1 is now known as TangentDelta
L2311[18:53:54] ⇨ Joins: Xilandro (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:cd8:da12:c91d:84ca)
L2312[18:54:45] <Xilandro> Ugh
L2313[18:54:51] <Xilandro> How do I kill Kodos
L2314[18:55:11] <v^> /ns ghost Kodos
L2315[18:55:11] <SpiritedDusty> ./me kills Kodos
L2316[18:55:21] <SpiritedDusty> close enough
L2317[18:55:53] <Xilandro> Okay, so
L2318[18:56:25] <Xilandro> How hard would a thing be to make, where it was a block that would help with encryption and decryption, but you could add on to the structure, and for every block that was added, it was more difficult to decrypt
L2319[18:56:37] <v^> <_>
L2320[18:56:42] <v^> i like gpu idea better
L2321[18:56:57] ⇨ Joins: Altenius (~Altenius@
L2322[18:56:57] ⇦ Quits: Daiyousei|Terraria (~Biohazard@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2323[18:56:57] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:cd8:da12:c91d:84ca) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Xilandro)))
L2324[18:57:07] <SpiritedDusty> cryptocurrency in OC :3
L2325[18:57:11] *** Xilandro is now known as Kodos
L2326[18:57:15] <v^> pfft
L2327[18:57:26] <v^> i can implement that in tcpnet in like 20 minutes
L2328[18:57:42] <SpiritedDusty> "20 minutes"
L2329[18:57:48] * SpiritedDusty waits a few months
L2330[18:58:01] <v^> i already have easy to use: async,sql,tcpnet,webserver
L2331[18:58:19] <Kodos> Make SQL for OC
L2332[18:58:21] <SpiritedDusty> oh. I meant like cryptocurrency mining using OC
L2333[18:58:22] <JoshTheEnder> Michiyo, got links to OpenPrinter and OpenLights for 1.6.4? (preferably wget friendly)
L2334[18:58:35] <Michiyo> yes
L2335[18:58:39] <v^> Kodos, what is it like?
L2336[18:58:46] <Michiyo> http://pc-logix.com/mods/
L2337[18:58:52] <Michiyo> navigate around :p
L2338[18:59:00] <Michiyo> they WILL be moving but for now they are there.
L2339[18:59:05] <JoshTheEnder> opk
L2340[18:59:07] <JoshTheEnder> *ok
L2341[18:59:16] <Michiyo> eg: http://pc-logix.com/mods/OpenLights/artifacts/OpenLights-
L2342[18:59:42] <Kodos> Michiyo when you do your version of the CA, use something like this for the model/block texture http://www.inquisitr.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/IBM-Roadrunner-Supercomputer.jpg
L2343[18:59:52] <Michiyo> No
L2344[18:59:54] <Michiyo> :D
L2345[19:00:22] <Kodos> What if -I- offered to do your block texture
L2346[19:00:31] <v^> ;-;
L2347[19:00:38] <v^> what if i redid Kodos's texture
L2348[19:00:43] <v^> would you stab me?
L2349[19:00:45] <Kodos> Implying mine wouldn't be good enough
L2350[19:00:48] ⇨ Joins: Daiyousei (~nick1@
L2351[19:00:49] <v^> yeah
L2352[19:01:00] <Michiyo> I've got a plan for it..
L2353[19:01:05] <JoshTheEnder> right, for those who are wondering about my server, http://pastebin.com/ka3WFu3w where there are 'done' comments that means that they've been downloaded onto the server
L2354[19:01:08] <Kodos> So do you plan on just shitting on everything I make, ping, or what
L2355[19:01:42] <Michiyo> well, that is what ping does.
L2356[19:01:43] <Michiyo> so.
L2357[19:01:44] ⇨ Joins: septi25 (~zandemax@p5B179A25.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L2358[19:01:45] <Kodos> Because at this point, with you trying to 'fix' everything I do, it makes it really hard for me to be creative
L2359[19:01:46] <Michiyo> yeah probs..
L2360[19:02:01] <Michiyo> Just ignore him like the rest of us.
L2361[19:02:03] <Michiyo> :D
L2362[19:03:03] <v^> :D
L2363[19:03:12] <v^> i like going through everybodys stuff
L2364[19:03:18] <v^> then breaking it
L2365[19:03:33] <v^> because everybody sucks at coding
L2366[19:03:47] <v^> maby i said that wrong
L2367[19:04:01] <v^> everybodys stuff probably has holes
L2368[19:04:33] <JoshTheEnder> i dont think EnderBot2 has any holes
L2369[19:04:35] <v^> especially if its from CC and the person just started using it and made anything security related
L2370[19:04:49] <v^> irc bots dont usually have that many holes
L2371[19:04:52] <v^> unless its ^v
L2372[19:05:01] <v^> i can list 5 ways to crash it
L2373[19:05:10] <JoshTheEnder> go on then
L2374[19:05:11] <v^> but i dont want to, because then id have to fix it
L2375[19:05:21] <v^> because you people would constantly crash it
L2376[19:05:31] <Kodos> Right
L2377[19:05:34] <Kodos> I'm just gonna go play SE
L2378[19:05:51] <JoshTheEnder> so it's fine for you to have holes but not us? ok then
L2379[19:06:04] <v^> its not fine
L2380[19:06:10] <Michiyo> Welcome to ping logic.
L2381[19:06:11] <Michiyo> 101
L2382[19:06:25] <v^> it constantly gives me OCD to fix the holes
L2383[19:06:32] <v^> but i dunt wana
L2384[19:06:37] <v^> because its no fun
L2385[19:06:40] <JoshTheEnder> Techokami, got a link to computronics
L2386[19:06:44] <Sangar> back, and i'm slightly drunk now, sounds as good a time as any to try and make fakeplayer extend fakeplayer.
L2387[19:06:46] <JoshTheEnder> for 1.6
L2388[19:06:51] <ds84182> v^, I know one!
L2389[19:06:53] <Michiyo> Sangar, YES! :D
L2390[19:06:55] <ds84182> :))))))))))))
L2391[19:06:56] <v^> ds84182, loloo
L2392[19:07:10] <Techokami> JoshTheEnder, http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/14-mc-164-oc-122-computronics-015/#entry422
L2393[19:07:12] <JoshTheEnder> Drunk coding is best coding
L2394[19:07:14] <v^> Sangar, yay now that you are drunk you have a slightly higher chance of implementing my suggestion
L2395[19:07:15] <JoshTheEnder> thanks
L2396[19:07:18] <Techokami> yep
L2397[19:07:26] <v^> a GPU assembler
L2398[19:07:28] <Michiyo> I'd love to have drunk working robots on MCPC/Cauldron
L2399[19:07:31] <v^> that renders things faster
L2400[19:07:33] ⇨ Joins: Altenius2 (~Altenius4@
L2401[19:07:39] <Kodos> Sangar we need a cryptography block, if I do the texture will you put it in =D
L2402[19:07:59] <Techokami> Kodos crypto blocks are available as peripheral mods
L2403[19:08:08] <Kodos> Techokami, you missed our earlier conversation
L2404[19:08:09] <Techokami> doesn't need to be part of the main branch
L2405[19:08:09] <Sangar> Kodos, deos it have to anything but look pwetty? then sure, no problem :P
L2406[19:08:14] <Techokami> oh?
L2407[19:08:21] <Michiyo> Kodos, and invalidate 80% of my mod? :(
L2408[19:08:25] *** LordFokas|afk is now known as LordFokas
L2409[19:08:31] <Kodos> Sangar can you make a light on the front blink?
L2410[19:08:35] <Kodos> If so, that works for me
L2411[19:08:35] <v^> but to make it not OP and people just replace all the gpu functions with asm versions
L2412[19:08:38] <Sangar> oh, featuer overlap, yikes
L2413[19:08:58] <v^> sending the assembly code to the GPU takes the same amount of time as a fill
L2414[19:09:05] <Michiyo> Also Kodos he said it would do nothing other then look pretty... I think you need crypto functions from it.. no?
L2415[19:09:15] <Kodos> Did you see the picture I linked?
L2416[19:09:23] <Kodos> Because I mostly just want a room that looks like that
L2417[19:09:32] <Kodos> But I'm usually a function over form guy
L2418[19:09:33] <Michiyo> Then make a mod that adds a simple block
L2419[19:09:34] <Michiyo> :P
L2420[19:09:37] <Kodos> I have one
L2421[19:09:39] <Kodos> It's called K-Matter
L2422[19:09:41] <Michiyo> Then there ya go.
L2423[19:09:42] <Altenius2> Will it ever be possible to make a GUI with OC without it being extremely slow
L2424[19:09:43] <Sangar> v^, wait waht. uhm. ok, make a fork that runs lua on the client to do it :P
L2425[19:09:56] <v^> but thats slow D:
L2426[19:10:18] <Sangar> drink more, everything will appear faster
L2427[19:10:18] <Michiyo> I'm gona go get food, and try my hand at this Crypto block
L2428[19:10:24] <Kodos> In all seriousness. Michiyo what can I do, if anything, to speed the process of OpenSec being finished faster
L2429[19:10:44] <Michiyo> nothing really..
L2430[19:11:15] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (MichiBot@kenobi.pc-logix.com) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L2431[19:11:21] <Michiyo> :/
L2432[19:11:22] <Michiyo> wat
L2433[19:11:23] <JoshTheEnder> find Michiyo and inject her with adrenaline and caffeine
L2434[19:11:35] <JoshTheEnder> :P
L2435[19:12:05] <Sangar> oh fak, i accidentally commited the experimental component driver for cc earlier. if addon blocks break, now you know why.
L2436[19:12:16] <Kodos> Whoops
L2437[19:12:20] <gamax92> Hmm, Drunk Sanger may not be good Sanger
L2438[19:12:27] <Sangar> that was before i was :P
L2439[19:12:32] <JoshTheEnder> Drunk Sangar is best Sangar
L2440[19:13:02] <gamax92> Kodos: v^ is good at graphics
L2441[19:13:23] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (MichiBot@kenobi.pc-logix.com)
L2442[19:13:34] <Altenius2> What up MichiBot
L2443[19:13:46] <Altenius2> s/What/What's
L2444[19:13:46] <SuperBot> <Altenius2> What's up MichiBot
L2445[19:13:58] <gamax92> Altenius2: slow gui rendering?
L2446[19:14:04] <Altenius2> Yes
L2447[19:14:08] <Altenius2> Even shell is slow
L2448[19:14:21] <Altenius2> .
L2449[19:14:35] ⇦ Quits: Altenius (~Altenius@ (Quit: Bye)
L2450[19:14:43] <gamax92> Altenius2: well, i dunno.
L2451[19:14:44] *** Altenius2 is now known as Altenius
L2452[19:14:48] <gamax92> I don't see the shell being slow.
L2453[19:14:56] <Altenius> It's slowed than CCs
L2454[19:14:57] <Michiyo> AFK
L2455[19:15:00] <Altenius> slower*
L2456[19:15:36] <Sangar> something isn't right. fakeplayer isn't breaking stuff.
L2457[19:15:58] <gamax92> Altenius: you mean like keyboard lag?
L2458[19:16:07] <Altenius> no
L2459[19:16:18] *** Daiyousei is now known as Daiyousei|Vanish
L2460[19:16:41] ⇦ Quits: jk-5 (~jk-5@5ED40762.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L2461[19:16:50] <ds84182> <asyncbot> GlitchBot, Hey lady.
L2462[19:16:50] <ds84182> <GlitchBot> No, he left
L2463[19:16:56] <ds84182> lel
L2464[19:17:00] <JoshTheEnder> .ping
L2465[19:17:00] <Altenius> run s = os.time() term.write("asd") print(os.time()-s)
L2466[19:17:03] <^v> Ping reply from JoshTheEnder 3.59s
L2467[19:17:15] <JoshTheEnder> bouncer wtf r u doing?
L2468[19:17:23] <gamax92> Altenius: "asd0"
L2469[19:17:34] <JoshTheEnder> .ping
L2470[19:17:35] <^v> Ping reply from JoshTheEnder 1.27s
L2471[19:17:46] *** Cazzar is now known as Cazzar|Away
L2472[19:17:46] <gamax92> ran it multiple times and got "asd0"
L2473[19:17:49] <Kodos> Can NP++ remove indentation
L2474[19:17:52] <v^> what the literal fuck
L2475[19:17:56] <Altenius> oh
L2476[19:17:58] <v^> Xorg is using 600MB
L2477[19:18:09] <Altenius> yeah...?
L2478[19:18:20] <gamax92> Altenius: were you expecting something else?
L2479[19:18:28] <Altenius> yes
L2480[19:18:31] <Altenius> I'll write another script.
L2481[19:19:41] *** AngieBLD||College is now known as AngieBLD
L2482[19:20:05] <Altenius> s = os.time() for x = 1, 60 do for y = 1, 30 do term.setCursor(x, y) term.write("a") end end print(os.time() - s)
L2483[19:20:15] <LordFokas> time is probably in secs or msecs
L2484[19:20:32] <Altenius> Neither
L2485[19:20:35] <Altenius> I have no idea what it's in
L2486[19:20:40] <gamax92> its impossible for me to use OpenComputers on windows
L2487[19:20:40] ⇦ Quits: SuperBot (~SuperBot@superminor2.no-ip.org) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L2488[19:20:55] <LordFokas> it could be ticks too...
L2489[19:21:14] <gamax92> LordFokas: considering its supposed to reimplement lua's os.time, and lua doesn't have ticks?
L2490[19:21:16] <LordFokas> it'd make more sense than [m]secs since epoch
L2491[19:21:39] ⇨ Joins: SuperBot (~SuperBot@superminor2.no-ip.org)
L2492[19:21:39] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L2493[19:22:07] <gamax92> gah, theres a log file of half a gig, and its just full of GL errors.
L2494[19:22:29] <Altenius> That's nothing
L2495[19:22:39] <gamax92> Altenius: why?
L2496[19:22:55] <Altenius> I had a log file that was 4 GB from running an installer.
L2497[19:23:02] <gamax92> Altenius: good for you.
L2498[19:23:06] <Altenius> yes
L2499[19:23:18] ⇨ Joins: jk-5 (~jk-5@5ED40762.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L2500[19:23:18] zsh sets mode: +v on jk-5
L2501[19:23:22] <Altenius> Maybe you should upgrade your graphics driver.
L2502[19:23:27] <gamax92> Altenius: it is updated
L2503[19:23:42] <Altenius> oh
L2504[19:23:45] <Altenius> Well did you run that script
L2505[19:23:52] <Altenius> s//?
L2506[19:23:53] <SuperBot> <Altenius> ?W?e?l?l? ?d?i?d? ?y?o?u? ?r?u?n? ?t?h?a?t? ?s?c?r?i?p?t?
L2507[19:24:03] <gamax92> no, im going to linux, where it doesn't spam GL errors
L2508[19:24:12] <Altenius> okay
L2509[19:24:25] <Altenius> What distro
L2510[19:25:02] <JoshTheEnder> why hello there
L2511[19:25:02] <Kodos> Altenius, what the hell was that code
L2512[19:25:07] <JoshTheEnder> s// /
L2513[19:25:07] <SuperBot> <JoshTheEnder> w h y h e l l o t h e r e
L2514[19:25:15] <Altenius> s = os.time() for x = 1, 60 do for y = 1, 30 do term.setCursor(x, y) term.write("a") end end print(os.time() - s)
L2515[19:25:20] <Kodos> Yeah, what's that do
L2516[19:25:22] <Kodos> I ran it
L2517[19:25:26] <Kodos> just a bunch of As
L2518[19:25:34] <Altenius> It's to test the rendering time
L2519[19:25:37] <Altenius> Which is extremely slow.
L2520[19:25:48] <Altenius> What did it output for you?
L2521[19:25:51] <Kodos> 403
L2522[19:25:56] <JoshTheEnder> update for those who are following: http://pastebin.com/ka3WFu3w<b>
L2523[19:25:56] <Sangar> gamax92, do screens still render correctly (i.e. the text on them) even though there are those gl errors?
L2524[19:26:28] <gamax92> back
L2525[19:26:47] <JoshTheEnder> gamax92, look at my previous message
L2526[19:26:53] <gamax92> Sangar: yes
L2527[19:27:16] <Kodos> It's a 'feature'
L2528[19:27:31] <gamax92> Altenius: linux mint
L2529[19:27:39] <Altenius> ah
L2530[19:27:43] <Sangar> gamax92, well that's weird then... but it only happens since the #31 fix?
L2531[19:27:54] <gamax92> Sangar: D: I just went back into linux ...
L2532[19:28:08] <Altenius> Will there be a time when s = os.time() for x = 1, 60 do for y = 1, 30 do term.setCursor(x, y) term.write("a") end end print(os.time() - s) executes instantly?
L2533[19:28:12] <Sangar> gamax92, haha, no hurry :P i'll slap in some error checks later
L2534[19:28:26] <gamax92> Altenius: why should that
L2535[19:28:41] <JoshTheEnder> gamax92, http://pastebin.com/ka3WFu3w
L2536[19:28:48] <Altenius> for speed
L2537[19:28:48] <gamax92> yes yes JoshTheEnder
L2538[19:29:24] <JoshTheEnder> currently on halt because SuPeRMiNoR2's ovh vps is having issues :/
L2539[19:29:37] <gamax92> Altenius: speed vs spamming the shit out of the network?
L2540[19:29:41] <gamax92> k
L2541[19:34:16] <Kilobyte> Altenius: try term.fill?
L2542[19:34:26] <Altenius> Yes I know about that.
L2543[19:34:28] <Kilobyte> or is that only for color
L2544[19:34:37] <Altenius> It's not just for color
L2545[19:35:13] <gamax92> Altenius: hmm, that does instantly complete in normal lua (+ ANSI Escape Sequences)
L2546[19:36:20] <Altenius> How did you run that in normal lua?
L2547[19:36:30] <gamax92> Altenius: "(+ ANSI Escape Sequences)"
L2548[19:37:11] <Altenius> yeah
L2549[19:37:26] <Altenius> Has anyone ported LuaIDE to OC yet?
L2550[19:37:29] <Altenius> If not I will.
L2551[19:37:31] <Kodos> I wish
L2552[19:37:33] <gamax92> I tried, its slow
L2553[19:37:42] <gamax92> you'd need to fix up a lot of the rendering code
L2554[19:37:47] <Altenius> I'll try.
L2555[19:37:49] <Altenius> Where's your code
L2556[19:37:54] <gamax92> >_>, good question
L2557[19:38:25] <gamax92> Altenius: oh yeah, i deleted it when I was retesting the installer on 1 Tier1 memory.
L2558[19:38:37] <gamax92> its not that hard to get the initial port done though.
L2559[19:38:41] <Altenius> okay.
L2560[19:38:44] <Altenius> I'll do eet
L2561[19:39:34] <gamax92> idea for an oc program
L2562[19:39:44] <gamax92> oh nvm, cannot listen on ports.
L2563[19:39:47] <v^> lool
L2564[19:39:54] <gamax92> v^: can tcpnet listen on ports?
L2565[19:40:01] <v^> you can make it
L2566[19:40:20] <v^> serverside api pretty easy
L2567[19:40:33] <gamax92> v^: make a mod for it?
L2568[19:40:43] <v^> also includes hooks which make it easy to have asyncronous sockets
L2569[19:40:46] <JoshTheEnder> \o/ just project red to go
L2570[19:41:18] <gamax92> It was essentially going to be the Computer listens on a port, and then uses Ansi escape sequences for the screen.
L2571[19:41:34] <gamax92> so i could open up a linux terminal and use my OC like that.
L2572[19:43:30] <JoshTheEnder> ¬_¬
L2573[19:43:42] * JoshTheEnder thinks OVH is having a DDoS attack
L2574[19:44:44] <JoshTheEnder> right, this is the mod list. last chances to add anything to it
L2575[19:44:47] <JoshTheEnder> http://pastebin.com/ka3WFu3w
L2576[19:46:52] *** Daiyousei|Vanish is now known as Daiyousei
L2577[19:48:46] <Kodos> Josh, is that 1.6.4?
L2578[19:48:57] <JoshTheEnder> Kodos, yes
L2579[19:49:07] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/8VvBJ
L2580[19:49:12] <Kodos> Get that and put on it
L2581[19:49:14] <JoshTheEnder> also bloody PR and it's stupid DL links
L2582[19:49:30] <JoshTheEnder> what does it do?
L2583[19:49:33] ⇨ Joins: tgame14 (~tgame14@bzq-79-183-154-196.red.bezeqint.net)
L2584[19:49:37] <Kodos> It's my mod :3
L2585[19:50:00] <Kodos> It adds the old UUM, minus the fact that there's no machines and I did my best to balance the recipe
L2586[19:53:54] <Altenius> gamax92, did you get an error about expecting a name near the "goto" function when porting LuaIDE?
L2587[19:54:02] <gamax92> yes
L2588[19:54:07] <Altenius> Why?
L2589[19:54:13] <gamax92> because goto is a keyword in lua5.2
L2590[19:54:17] <gamax92> but not in lua 5.1
L2591[19:54:20] <gamax92> just rename the function
L2592[19:54:22] <Altenius> oh
L2593[19:55:51] <Altenius> Agh, there's in error in a pattern. I haven't bothered with those yet. How'd you fix it?
L2594[19:56:18] <gamax92> Altenius: its the \( and \), they should just be ( and )
L2595[19:56:36] <gamax92> LuaJ happily goes on its way ignoring them, Lua goes apeshit
L2596[19:57:13] <ds84182> <asyncbot> Dad! I'm in a male tiger.
L2597[19:57:58] <Altenius> .w
L2598[19:57:58] <^v> Altenius, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/
L2599[19:58:46] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E457B55182A5403BFF0183F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L2600[20:04:52] <Altenius> When resuming a coroutine with sleep yield it?
L2601[20:04:55] <Altenius> Or event.pull?
L2602[20:05:05] <Michiyo> oh gooody
L2603[20:05:08] <Michiyo> Tornado..
L2604[20:07:53] <Altenius> How is an event queued?
L2605[20:09:17] *** Csstform|Away is now known as Csstform
L2606[20:10:32] *** Csstform is now known as Csstform|Away
L2607[20:15:15] <JoshTheEnder> right, server side almost ready
L2608[20:16:15] <Kodos> Did you install K-Matter :x
L2609[20:17:08] <JoshTheEnder> no, because all you said was that it was 'your mod'. that's not a description of what it does
L2610[20:17:36] <Kodos> I did describe it
L2611[20:17:40] <LordFokas> mine does things.
L2612[20:17:41] <Kodos> Unless that was when I dc'd
L2613[20:17:49] <LordFokas> :3
L2614[20:18:05] <Kodos> Anyway, it adds basically the old UUM, before it was a liquid. Except I don't have machines, mine has a recipe
L2615[20:18:19] <Kodos> Did what I could to balance it, but I think it needs work still. But I need it tested for balance
L2616[20:18:34] <JoshTheEnder> there isnt any use for UUM since we dont have ic2
L2617[20:18:38] <Kodos> No
L2618[20:18:43] <Kodos> It's not ACTUALLY UUm
L2619[20:18:49] <Kodos> It's -my- version of it
L2620[20:18:56] <Kodos> IC2 isn't required
L2621[20:18:58] <Kodos> Fuck that mod
L2622[20:19:12] <Kodos> My mod adds two items, and a block
L2623[20:20:02] <Kodos> It adds K-matter, KM-Infused coal, and a K-Matter Block
L2624[20:20:18] <Kodos> You craft a diamond with 4 redstone and 4 glowstone in a crafting table, and you get 2 pieces of K-Matter
L2625[20:20:38] <Kodos> K-Matter is the UUM bit, it has pretty much all of the vanilla block and item recipes that UUM did
L2626[20:20:54] <Kodos> You can also do a 3x3 craft of it to get a block of it, for storage use
L2627[20:21:08] <Kodos> Or use 8 pieces to surround a piece of coal and get KM-infused coal
L2628[20:21:16] <Kodos> Which one piece of will smelt 64 items
L2629[20:21:32] <Kodos> but the infused coal itself doesn't stack
L2630[20:21:47] <Kodos> So each piece you make is an inventory slot, to discourage mass production (Unless you have AE of course)
L2631[20:22:04] <Kodos> I mostly added it for things like smelting cobble into smooth stone
L2632[20:22:24] <Kodos> I'm done rambling
L2633[20:23:41] <LordFokas> that sounds more like EE2 than being even close to UU.
L2634[20:24:34] * Kodos has never used EE2
L2635[20:24:39] <Kodos> Or any EE
L2636[20:24:44] <LordFokas> it was horrible
L2637[20:24:52] <LordFokas> I mean, the features were kinda cool
L2638[20:24:54] <Kodos> Are you implying my mod is horrible =(
L2639[20:24:55] * Altenius likes EE2 :(
L2640[20:25:20] <LordFokas> but the lack of balance and inherent overpoweredness were ridiculous
L2641[20:25:59] <Techokami> Equivalent Exchange 2? That the mod where you could make condensers to generate raw material from scratch?
L2642[20:26:06] <LordFokas> yes
L2643[20:26:15] <Techokami> man I had a lot of fun with that plus RedPower2 and IC2
L2644[20:26:20] <Techokami> and TubeStuff
L2645[20:26:24] <Techokami> made FACTORIES
L2646[20:26:35] <LordFokas> IC2... back in the days when it was cool.
L2647[20:26:35] <Altenius> yeah
L2648[20:26:39] <Techokami> yeah
L2649[20:26:42] <Techokami> before greg
L2650[20:26:44] <Altenius> I like Tekkit Classic.
L2651[20:27:01] <Techokami> Tekkit Classic was awesome
L2652[20:27:01] <Kodos> Well anyone is welcome to try my mod and tell me what I can do to further balance it
L2653[20:27:09] <Kodos> But it's my very first mod, and I made it because I wanted the old UUM back
L2654[20:27:26] <Techokami> Tekkit Lite was neat but lacked the inherent OPness of EE2
L2655[20:27:41] <Techokami> instead you had Mystcraft to create quarry ages
L2656[20:27:43] <gamax92> Sangar: is it possible for gpu.set to return false?
L2657[20:28:10] <Techokami> but then ages stopped generating mod ores :/
L2658[20:28:39] <Sangar> gamax92, theoretically if there's not enough energy i think?
L2659[20:28:54] <gamax92> ah, okay.
L2660[20:29:16] <Techokami> btw whatever happened to that FTP client for OpenComputers
L2661[20:30:05] <gamax92> ask ShadowKatStudios
L2662[20:31:02] <Kodos> There's a new one out, but it needs a bit of work
L2663[20:31:08] <Kodos> But it generally works for the most part
L2664[20:31:14] <gamax92> Kodos: oh, someone else wrote one?
L2665[20:31:25] <Kodos> http://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/113-file-sharing-and-dns/
L2666[20:31:48] <gamax92> uhh, thats not an FTP client
L2667[20:32:49] <Altenius> Do you mean IRL FTP?
L2668[20:33:00] <gamax92> I assume thats what Techokami ment.
L2669[20:33:12] <Altenius> Ooooh
L2670[20:33:59] <Techokami> yeah, someone was working on an actual FTP client that connected to real FTP servers via the Internet Card
L2671[20:34:07] <gamax92> that someone was me
L2672[20:34:14] <gamax92> I gave it to ShadowKatStudios
L2673[20:34:59] <Techokami> aha
L2674[20:35:53] <Kodos> I like that NP++ can connect to FTP =D
L2675[20:38:22] <Kodos> Lol CC's channel is talking about an infinite item dupe with turtles bug, I bet OC Robots don't do that =D
L2676[20:38:38] <Kodos> Also, this program is going to piss me off
L2677[20:38:43] <JoshTheEnder> right, server is set up, MMC instance is uploading
L2678[20:38:50] <gamax92> JoshTheEnder: :D
L2679[20:38:57] <Kodos> What's the number for a block's top side
L2680[20:40:50] <Altenius> Isn't there a side API for that
L2681[20:46:45] <Kodos> Oh derp
L2682[20:46:47] <Kodos> THat's why it isn't working
L2683[20:46:50] <Kodos> Thank you
L2684[20:47:06] <Kodos> I'll fix it after I do my event for the day
L2685[20:47:12] <Kodos> Nearly forgot :x
L2686[20:47:25] *** Csstform|Away is now known as Csstform
L2687[20:47:31] <JoshTheEnder> ok, interent just died
L2688[20:47:43] <JoshTheEnder> http://www.theender.net/downloads/TheEnderverse.7z IP 'theender.net'
L2689[20:48:36] * JoshTheEnder pokes gamax92
L2690[20:48:41] <gamax92> wat
L2691[20:48:45] <gamax92> oh
L2692[20:49:18] <gamax92> 7z is corrupted
L2693[20:49:36] <JoshTheEnder> urghh, ¬_¬
L2694[20:49:37] <JoshTheEnder> hold on
L2695[20:50:13] <JoshTheEnder> right lets hope this works this time and doesnt kill my internet again
L2696[20:52:28] <gamax92> Altenius: hows it going?
L2697[20:52:35] <Altenius> Oh
L2698[20:52:39] <Altenius> I quit on that
L2699[20:52:44] <gamax92> Altenius: why
L2700[20:52:51] <Altenius> to much werk
L2701[20:52:54] <gamax92> exactly
L2702[20:53:59] <Altenius> I don't know why, but by looking at Grav's code I could tell he uses Mac.
L2703[20:54:08] <gamax92> he does
L2704[20:54:22] <v^> he also sucks at security
L2705[20:54:29] <Altenius> That's true.
L2706[20:54:40] <v^> i need to slap him some more
L2707[20:54:43] <Altenius> There's still a flaw with firewofl :3
L2708[20:54:49] <v^> he should not be able to touch PHP
L2709[20:54:52] <gamax92> firerofl
L2710[20:54:57] <Techokami> you gave up porting LuaIDE? aw
L2711[20:54:59] <JoshTheEnder> gamax92, try now
L2712[20:55:03] <v^> ive taken down thunderhawk a bunch of times
L2713[20:55:05] <Techokami> I was looking forward to that
L2714[20:55:08] <v^> i dont even think he noticed
L2715[20:55:11] <gamax92> Techokami: I'll continue it
L2716[20:55:14] <Techokami> :D
L2717[20:55:20] <LordFokas> <Kodos> Lol CC's channel is talking about an infinite item dupe with turtles bug, I bet OC Robots don't do that =D
L2718[20:55:37] <LordFokas> ^ sure... OC's robots never had item dupe bugs... nope. never,
L2719[20:55:40] <gamax92> JoshTheEnder: works
L2720[20:55:48] <JoshTheEnder> \o.
L2721[20:56:00] <JoshTheEnder> \o/*
L2722[20:56:05] <Altenius> I'm okay with fixing the graphical part of LuaIDE, but the key combonation system killed me.
L2723[20:56:14] <JoshTheEnder> LordFokas, check links
L2724[20:56:33] <gamax92> Altenius: oh, events?
L2725[20:56:55] <Altenius> I didn't feel like rewriting the key combonation system.
L2726[20:56:57] <Altenius> Did you?
L2727[20:57:07] <v^> gah
L2728[20:57:10] <gamax92> no, i just wrote a os.pullEvent and os.queueEvent
L2729[20:57:13] <v^> too many projects
L2730[20:57:17] <v^> let me make a list
L2731[20:57:28] <Altenius> But parallel doesn't exist.
L2732[20:57:32] <Altenius> ... does it?
L2733[20:57:40] <gamax92> I commented that out for the time being
L2734[20:58:16] <LordFokas> JoshTheEnder, unable to open version file version.json, no such file or dir
L2735[20:58:29] <JoshTheEnder> wut
L2736[20:58:42] <v^> Altenius, parallel is pretty easy to make
L2737[20:58:50] <gamax92> LordFokas: yeah, just make a instance with the name "The Enderverse" and them merge the folder
L2738[20:58:51] <Altenius> I know.
L2739[20:58:52] <JoshTheEnder> well, just set it up with 1.6.4 and latest forge
L2740[20:59:45] <LordFokas> fixed it
L2741[20:59:54] <LordFokas> copied version.json from another 1.6.4 instance
L2742[21:00:00] <LordFokas> dinner time, brb
L2743[21:00:31] <gamax92> JoshTheEnder: cannot reach server
L2744[21:00:45] <gamax92> It's theender.net right
L2745[21:00:54] <JoshTheEnder> yes
L2746[21:01:03] <Altenius> Does anyone use multimc5 on Linux?
L2747[21:01:06] <gamax92> yes
L2748[21:01:14] <Altenius> Are you able to use the forge auto-installer feature?
L2749[21:01:16] <gamax92> yes
L2750[21:01:19] <Altenius> O:
L2751[21:01:21] <JoshTheEnder> gamax92, may have to wait for your dns caches to update
L2752[21:01:23] <Altenius> Mine freezes
L2753[21:01:27] zsh sets mode: +v on tgame14
L2754[21:01:57] *** tgame14 is now known as tgame14|sleep
L2755[21:03:49] <gamax92> JoshTheEnder: other tools are saying your port is closed
L2756[21:04:06] <JoshTheEnder> well LordFokas managed to get on fine
L2757[21:04:15] <gamax92> LordFokas: what did you use for ip?
L2758[21:04:28] <JoshTheEnder> he afk
L2759[21:04:35] <gamax92> hmm
L2760[21:04:53] <JoshTheEnder> though i'm pretty sure he use "theender.net", try flushing your dns caches
L2761[21:04:57] <gamax92> i just did
L2762[21:05:02] <gamax92> i can ping theender.net just fine
L2763[21:05:44] <JoshTheEnder> also when going to "theender.net" in minecraft, it gets forwarded onto another ip of which i have forgotten
L2764[21:05:51] ⇦ Quits: tgame14|sleep (~tgame14@bzq-79-183-154-196.red.bezeqint.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2765[21:06:08] <gamax92> well ...
L2766[21:07:21] <JoshTheEnder> ok, try super.pcldns.com:25585
L2767[21:07:58] <Altenius> I'm scanning theender.net
L2768[21:08:58] <JoshTheEnder> Altenius, it wont show up mc by scanning the domain. it's a service redirect in the domain settings
L2769[21:10:48] <JoshTheEnder> gamax92, ^^ 2 messages up
L2770[21:12:29] <JoshTheEnder> eh, server is having issues again. i'm off to bed, bug SuPeRMiNoR2 to see when it's back up
L2771[21:12:55] *** Daiyousei is now known as Daiyousei|Vanish
L2772[21:13:39] <v^> this is neat
L2773[21:13:40] <v^> http://metalua.luaforge.net/
L2774[21:13:50] <v^> we can have bitwise operators
L2775[21:14:04] <v^> though its 5.1
L2776[21:14:21] <v^> maby we could add our own gotos
L2777[21:14:37] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L2778[21:14:55] <Altenius> .w goto
L2779[21:14:55] <^v> Altenius, Not found.
L2780[21:17:02] <v^> .rtfm lua
L2781[21:17:02] <^v> v^, http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/
L2782[21:17:19] <gamax92> gah, so i killed my networking in the process of trying something.
L2783[21:18:19] <gamax92> JoshTheEnder: you on?
L2784[21:18:29] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Joshs server is up now
L2785[21:18:31] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L2786[21:18:38] <SuPeRMiNoR2> just fyi to anyone..
L2787[21:18:47] <SuPeRMiNoR2> josh left, gamax92
L2788[21:19:44] ⇦ Quits: HighWolf (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L2789[21:21:12] ⇦ Quits: Altenius (~Altenius4@ (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L2790[21:21:52] <JoshTheEnder> I'm back on Mobile
L2791[21:23:21] <v^> no
L2792[21:23:39] <gamax92> so much lag spikes
L2793[21:24:01] <JoshTheEnder> Yeah, host has issues
L2794[21:35:40] <JoshTheEnder> .ping
L2795[21:35:40] <^v> Ping reply from JoshTheEnder 0.28s
L2796[21:37:38] <ds84182> .rtfm oc
L2797[21:37:38] <^v> ds84182, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/
L2798[21:39:21] ⇦ Parts: septi25 (~zandemax@p5B179A25.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) ())
L2799[21:41:27] *** Daiyousei|Vanish is now known as Daiyousei
L2800[21:44:11] *** Csstform is now known as Csstform|Away
L2801[21:47:10] ⇦ Quits: Daiyousei (~nick1@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.0-dev)
L2802[21:49:29] ⇦ Quits: Lumien (~lumien@p4FED46C9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L2803[21:59:04] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L2804[22:08:32] <v^> yay
L2805[22:08:59] <gamax92> well that got boring fast.
L2806[22:09:04] <gamax92> SuPeRMiNoR2: bbl anime
L2807[22:09:18] <ShadowKatStudios> .reverse yay
L2808[22:09:18] <^v> ShadowKatStudios, yay
L2809[22:09:29] <gamax92> yay
L2810[22:09:31] <gamax92> RLO^
L2811[22:10:35] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L2812[22:11:15] <Michiyo> lol
L2813[22:11:34] * JoshTheEnder goes back to Tumblr
L2814[22:12:23] ⇦ Quits: ShadowKatStudios (~sks@c211-31-42-102.rochd5.qld.optusnet.com.au) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))
L2815[22:13:11] <v^> so
L2816[22:13:18] <v^> my chunked encoding large file shit works
L2817[22:14:10] *** dsAway is now known as ds84182
L2818[22:20:07] <Kodos> .calc 7000 / 20
L2819[22:20:08] <^v> Kodos, 350.0000000000
L2820[22:20:18] <Kodos> Bleh
L2821[22:20:41] <Kodos> What to do for 6 minutes...
L2822[22:21:02] <ds84182> .calc 7000 ^ 200
L2823[22:21:02] <^v> ds84182,
L2824[22:21:05] <ds84182> .calc 7000 ^ 20
L2825[22:21:05] <^v> ds84182, 79792266297612001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
L2826[22:21:35] <LordFokas> gamax92, I used theender.net :)
L2827[22:21:51] <LordFokas> I know I'm late, but well... things.
L2828[22:22:53] <Kodos> It just occured to me that you can use carpenter blocks to design a space engineers ship in MC
L2829[22:28:42] <JoshTheEnder> Eh, enough Tumblr, to imgur
L2830[22:28:45] <LordFokas> no one else going to join The Enderverse soon?
L2831[22:30:18] <Kodos> I'll probably jump on when i'm in a MC mood again
L2832[22:32:56] <JoshTheEnder> http://imgur.com/gallery/jsRgpTQ
L2833[22:38:39] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (Mibbit@ (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
L2834[22:39:16] <v^> * iDevelop (~iDevelop@ has joined #lua
L2835[22:39:18] <v^> fffffffffff
L2836[22:41:21] <Kenny> and that is a new ip
L2837[22:41:27] <v^> ban it
L2838[22:41:47] <Kenny> !ban
L2839[22:41:49] <JoshTheEnder> !ban
L2840[22:42:01] <JoshTheEnder> -_-
L2841[22:42:17] <v^> you have to do *!*@
L2842[22:42:29] <Kenny> !ban #oc *!*@
L2843[22:42:59] <Kenny> said that was wrong
L2844[22:43:13] <JoshTheEnder> !ban #oc $a:iDevelop
L2845[22:43:13] <v^> because no #oc
L2846[22:43:27] <v^> it automatically put #oc because we are in it
L2847[22:43:32] <Michiyo> fantasy commands imply the channel
L2848[22:43:35] <Kenny> !ban #oc $a:iDevelop
L2849[22:43:39] <v^> <_>
L2850[22:43:40] <JoshTheEnder> !ban $a:iDevelop
L2851[22:43:43] <Kenny> invalid
L2852[22:44:00] * JoshTheEnder goes back to imgur
L2853[22:44:01] <Kenny> !ban #oc iDevelop
L2854[22:44:07] <v^> watever
L2855[22:44:13] <v^> if he joins ban him
L2856[22:44:19] <Kenny> intend to
L2857[22:44:23] *** Nentify is now known as Nentify|away
L2858[22:44:30] <Kenny> !op
L2859[22:44:30] zsh sets mode: +o on Kenny
L2860[22:44:37] <Michiyo> !ban *!*@
L2861[22:44:37] <Michiyo> »» Spock sets ban on *!*@
L2862[22:44:37] <Michiyo> :p
L2863[22:44:55] <JoshTheEnder> I don't think I have updated EnderBot on my god yet so it may kickball him when he joins
L2864[22:45:14] <JoshTheEnder> God? No, vps
L2865[22:45:15] <Michiyo> if you're gonna op up and do it /ban $a:iDevelop will ban his nickserv account
L2866[22:45:26] <Kenny> !ban *!*@
L2867[22:45:26] *** zsh sets mode: +b *!*@
L2868[22:45:35] <Kenny> that sorry ass bot
L2869[22:45:46] <Kenny> it wouldn't do it before
L2870[22:45:50] <Kenny> !deop
L2871[22:45:51] zsh sets mode: -o on Kenny
L2872[22:46:01] * Kenny kicks zsh in the ass
L2873[22:46:05] * v^ stabs services
L2874[22:46:09] <JoshTheEnder> I /should/ goto sleep bit fucktard it
L2875[22:46:16] <Michiyo> lol...
L2876[22:46:17] <Kenny> i switch to op and it accepted it
L2877[22:46:35] <JoshTheEnder> *fuck, stupid autocorrect
L2878[22:46:46] <JoshTheEnder> *but
L2879[22:46:55] <Michiyo> butt*
L2880[22:46:56] <Michiyo> :P
L2881[22:47:12] ⇨ Joins: mallrat208 (Mibbit@
L2882[22:50:13] <JoshTheEnder> Ok, let's test something, Kenny you may have to unban an ip after.
L2883[22:50:50] <Kenny> ok
L2884[22:51:19] ⇨ Joins: iLikePhp (~androirc@
L2885[22:51:35] <iLikePhp> Ok, EnderBot don't autokickban
L2886[22:51:40] <iLikePhp> :/
L2887[22:51:51] ⇦ Quits: iLikePhp (~androirc@ (Client Quit)
L2888[22:52:07] <Kenny> not unless you set him to do it
L2889[22:52:35] <JoshTheEnder> I did, then took it out but forgot that I updated the vps with the changes
L2890[22:53:02] * JoshTheEnder boots his laptop up
L2891[22:54:10] <JoshTheEnder> -_- disk check
L2892[22:57:57] <JoshTheEnder> Fuck, my pi isn't connected to the WiFi
L2893[22:58:31] <JoshTheEnder> Meh, to the main pc
L2894[23:01:07] ⇦ Quits: Raga_BuildCraftPlumber (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L2895[23:02:33] <Kodos> Well, it seems that Drop Dead Fred, Rik Mayall...
L2896[23:02:37] * Kodos puts on his sunglasses
L2897[23:02:38] <Kodos> Dropped dead
L2898[23:05:50] ⇨ Joins: BevoLJ (~BevoLJ@cpe-24-55-33-198.austin.res.rr.com)
L2899[23:05:50] zsh sets mode: +v on BevoLJ
L2900[23:05:54] <JoshTheEnder> there, EnderBot updated properly
L2901[23:06:24] ⇨ Joins: iLikePHP (~JoshTheEn@
L2902[23:06:25] <EnderBot> !kickban iLikePHP Go away, nobody wants you here...
L2903[23:06:25] *** zsh sets mode: +b *!*@
L2904[23:06:25] *** iLikePHP was kicked by zsh ((EnderBot (JoshTheEnder)) Go away, nobody wants you here...))
L2905[23:06:35] <JoshTheEnder> cool, that worked
L2906[23:07:01] <JoshTheEnder> !unban *!*@
L2907[23:07:01] *** zsh sets mode: -b *!*@
L2908[23:07:16] <JoshTheEnder> right, back to bed
L2909[23:08:54] <Michiyo> o/ night
L2910[23:12:10] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (sciguyryan@109-205-169-194.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L2911[23:13:20] <v^> lol
L2912[23:22:14] <Sangar> gamax92, version with some ogl error checks is building, give it a go when you have the time
L2913[23:22:40] <gamax92> k
L2914[23:26:47] *** vifino is now known as vifino|off
L2915[23:27:46] <gamax92> Sangar: so, what should I expect with the new build? some specific message in console?
L2916[23:28:32] <Sangar> yeah, basically
L2917[23:30:54] <gamax92> Sangar: http://hastebin.com/miwuxabaqe.sm
L2918[23:32:33] <Sangar> well. i don't think i missed a spot, so this essentially means something else screws up.
L2919[23:33:26] <gamax92> Sangar: something else as in not OC?
L2920[23:34:44] <Sangar> yes. that doesn't mean it's not related to oc, but if it's only happening if oc is present it's probably in code that's not in oc but somehow affected by oc. meaning it'll be really ugly to track down.
L2921[23:35:46] <gamax92> yeah, oc is the only mod installed
L2922[23:39:00] <gamax92> Sangar: "[17:37:33] [Client thread/WARN] [OpenComputers]: GL ERROR @ li.cil.oc.client.renderer.item.ItemRenderer$.renderItem: entering (aka: wasntme).: Invalid operation" another
L2923[23:42:03] <gamax92> Sangar: and something about a framebuffer http://hastebin.com/lemuzuwaro.txt
L2924[23:42:43] <Sangar> ah, now that's getting somewhere.
L2925[23:43:40] <Sangar> i'll throw some more checks in that part
L2926[23:45:23] <Sangar> oh, right: could you check if this *doesn't* happen in 402? i.e. the last build before the #31 fix?
L2927[23:45:59] <gamax92> im on 1.7
L2928[23:46:15] <Sangar> ah right, 163 then
L2929[23:48:45] <gamax92> not occuring
L2930[23:50:15] <gamax92> Sangar: oh, i saw the Framebuffer thingy
L2931[23:50:27] *** ds84182 is now known as dsAway
L2932[23:50:54] <gamax92> Sangar: the frame buffer error only occurs when i enter the world, but the mass spam of all the other errors isn't happening on 163
L2933[23:51:05] <Sangar> well that's... weird.
L2934[23:53:11] <Sangar> you don't open the screen's gui?
L2935[23:53:27] <gamax92> Sangar: So, i crashed the kernel, and now getting spammed with http://hastebin.com/awaxeqomij.coffee
L2936[23:53:31] *** Flenix is now known as SleepyFlenix
L2937[23:54:09] <gamax92> Sangar: well, no
L2938[23:55:11] <Sangar> that's doubly weird... because the 'buffer layer' one should only even be called when the gui is open o.O
L2939[23:55:20] ⇨ Joins: ANXHaruhi|HexChat (~ANXHaruhi@198.Red-83-46-145.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net)
L2940[23:55:29] <gamax92> oh, that. Yes that happened when i opened it :P
L2941[23:55:46] <Sangar> :P ok
L2942[23:58:30] <gamax92> Sangar: also, if the screen isn't visible the errors stop
L2943[23:58:41] <gamax92> but look back at it and it goes back to error spam
L2944[23:59:18] <Sangar> ok. well, it's something the screen renderer changes in the opengl state then, i guess. will push all the attribs, also changing a few more minor things, will push in a few minutes.
L2945[23:59:29] <gamax92> alright
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