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L1[00:13:45] <Coreymills25> anyways im gone to play some hockey
L2[00:16:27] <mallrat208> Later
L3[00:17:23] ⇦ Quits: Coreymills25 (webchat@crbknf0209w-142162008241.dhcp-dynamic.FibreOp.nl.bellaliant.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L4[00:26:03] ⇨ Joins: ShadowKatStudios (~chatzilla@c211-31-42-102.rochd5.qld.optusnet.com.au)
L5[00:43:45] <ShadowKatStudios> Afternoon o/
L6[00:48:32] <mallrat208> hey
L7[00:49:08] <ShadowKatStudios> Anything interesting happening anywhere?
L8[00:56:14] <mallrat208> I'm looking for a pack to make some videos of
L9[02:10:00] ⇦ Quits: ShadowKatStudios (~chatzilla@c211-31-42-102.rochd5.qld.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L10[04:01:08] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (Mibbit@ (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
L11[04:12:11] ⇨ Joins: mallrat208 (Mibbit@
L12[04:53:16] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L13[05:28:53] ⇨ Joins: Sangar (~Sangar@178-26-80-18-dynip.superkabel.de)
L14[05:28:53] zsh sets mode: +o on Sangar
L15[05:29:08] <Kenny> afternoon Sangar
L16[05:29:43] <Sangar> good morning :)
L17[05:30:14] <Kenny> morning it is but a temp below zero makes good academic hehe
L18[05:30:38] ⇨ Joins: Calclavia (uid15812@id-15812.charlton.irccloud.com)
L19[05:30:45] <Kenny> hey Calc
L20[05:30:53] <Sangar> hi there!
L21[05:30:54] <Calclavia> Hi Kenny
L22[05:31:01] <Calclavia> hi Sangar!
L23[05:31:16] <Calclavia> You're the OC dev?
L24[05:31:23] <Sangar> that would be me, yes
L25[05:31:32] <Kenny> !flags Calclavia +Vv
L26[05:31:32] -ChanServ- Kenny set flags +Vv on Calclavia.
L27[05:31:35] <Calclavia> Sangar: Hehe, your Github name is different so couldn't tell :P
L28[05:31:38] ⇦ Parts: Calclavia (uid15812@id-15812.charlton.irccloud.com) ())
L29[05:31:40] ⇨ Joins: Calclavia (uid15812@id-15812.charlton.irccloud.com)
L30[05:31:40] zsh sets mode: +v on Calclavia
L31[05:31:46] <Sangar> heh, true
L32[05:32:04] <Calclavia> fnuecke on Git?
L33[05:32:08] <Sangar> yes
L34[05:32:31] <Calclavia> Sangar: Just telling you next week I'll be updating UE to 1.7, gonna have some changes unfortunately this time that may cause you a bit of a change, hopefully not too much
L35[05:32:47] <Calclavia> We're writing the system to take into account voltage more, more "RedPower"-like
L36[05:33:00] <Sangar> ah, cool!
L37[05:33:12] <Calclavia> Also, how did you update to 1.7 without UE being 1.7?
L38[05:33:18] <Calclavia> Or is it just a shadow implementation lol
L39[05:33:48] <Sangar> i only use very few of the interfaces, so the only changes i had to make were basically forgedirection -> moved to util :P
L40[05:33:54] <Vooloo> you guys who make mods, how hard would it be to make an actual client side mod that is an interface for server commands? Instead of having people type commands. It seems like it would not be hard at all. Somebody should make a interface API where you can create interfaces and use them in custom modpacks.
L41[05:34:14] <Calclavia> Vooloo: Got no time for that lol
L42[05:34:21] <Vooloo> But its a good idea no?
L43[05:34:36] <Calclavia> Sangar: Also, came here to ask for permission for the Voltz mod pack to include OC, if I'm not wrong, your mod is open source so I take that permission is granted by default?
L44[05:34:52] <Sangar> oooooh, that would be absolutely awesome!
L45[05:34:56] <Kenny> Calc, will you still have UE available for 1.6.4?
L46[05:35:09] <Sangar> and yes, it's mit so there will be no problems license wise
L47[05:35:23] <Vooloo> please add thermal expansion or something with pipes in new voltz...
L48[05:36:43] <Kenny> dang, Sangar, you're killing me trying to keep up with you hehe
L49[05:36:46] <MrHohenheim> Sangar, hello
L50[05:37:00] <Calclavia> Kenny: Why wouldn't I lol
L51[05:37:04] <MrHohenheim> i use oc with ue.jar and if i place the robot and right click minecraft closed
L52[05:37:13] <Calclavia> Vooloo: Point of Voltz is to "use UE based mods to have consistency"
L53[05:37:18] <MrHohenheim> khm without ue.jar*
L54[05:37:20] <Calclavia> My mod Resonant Induction already has pipes anyway
L55[05:37:27] <MrHohenheim> hey Calclavia
L56[05:37:32] <Sangar> hm, crashlog?
L57[05:37:38] <MrHohenheim> no crashlog :)
L58[05:37:42] <Sangar> o.O
L59[05:37:50] <Calclavia> MrHohenheim: Check your ForgeModLog.txt
L60[05:37:51] <MrHohenheim> i put not the modfolder the ue jar and now works
L61[05:37:54] <Calclavia> there's ALWAYS a log
L62[05:37:56] <MrHohenheim> now*
L63[05:38:00] <MrHohenheim> omg my typo fail insane
L64[05:38:08] <Kenny> Just makinf sure :)
L65[05:38:16] <Sangar> sorry, gotta afk for 10-20 minutes, i'll have a look after!
L66[05:38:52] <Kenny> MrHohenheim: OC is working now?
L67[05:39:00] <MrHohenheim> yes working
L68[05:39:17] <MrHohenheim> so if i not use ue.jar and i rightclick the robot mc close
L69[05:39:45] <Kenny> OC requires UE to be able to work. UE is the api for using various power sources
L70[05:40:07] <MrHohenheim> yeah we have TE on the server so this reason why the server owner not included the ue jar
L71[05:40:34] <Kenny> UE is needed to be able to use the power from TE
L72[05:40:43] <MrHohenheim> yeah i know now :)
L73[05:40:48] <Kenny> :)
L74[05:40:58] <MrHohenheim> oh and the first message ue not here computers not need power
L75[05:41:35] <MrHohenheim> now time to check some robot video :) i need new slaves
L76[05:41:46] <MrHohenheim> golems and robots very nice
L77[05:41:54] <Vooloo> Calclavia: yeah but problem with current voltz is the bad synergies between the mods. MFR is useless basically because mechanical pipes can't pipe automatically (at least not when I tried).
L78[05:42:35] <Vooloo> There is very little I can do to automate liquids in current voltz for example, since AE only works with items
L79[05:42:57] <Calclavia> Vooloo: We're adding OC, RotaryCraft and Resonant Induction
L80[05:43:02] <Calclavia> and some other mods
L81[05:43:07] <Vooloo> And the secret rooms mod would be so welcome, considering this is a pvp pack
L82[05:43:15] <Calclavia> Vooloo: ICBM has camouflage
L83[05:43:21] <MrHohenheim> yup
L84[05:43:46] <Vooloo> Yeah but that is nt enough, secret rooms adds secret levers, blocks, player detectors... you could use a detector to activate a piston that pops up a turret from the floor
L85[05:44:01] <MrHohenheim> hmm
L86[05:44:09] * MrHohenheim add to todo list
L87[05:44:20] <Kenny> Calc, you need to also add OpenComponents to Voltz to go along with OC
L88[05:44:42] <Vooloo> Secret rooms mod is basically perfect for PVP and secret bases
L89[05:46:08] <Vooloo> And some of the project red modules, the wiring and gates would have been nice...
L90[05:46:17] <Vooloo> You don't need to add the world gen etc.
L91[05:46:34] <MrHohenheim> oh god i need learn some lua :/
L92[05:46:52] <Vooloo> Those are the flaws I found playing voltz, otherwise the pack is great fun
L93[05:47:28] <Sangar> back
L94[05:48:01] <Kenny> Sangar, MrHohenheim has OC working. he didn't know initially that you had to have UE :)
L95[05:48:39] <MrHohenheim> so we just need put the ue.jar and we can use the TE energy
L96[05:48:48] <Kenny> yes
L97[05:49:00] <MrHohenheim> but funny first message no ue not need power and if i rightclick mc close
L98[05:49:04] <Sangar> well it shouldn't just close minecraft in any scenario, though
L99[05:49:13] <MrHohenheim> hmm maybe something else
L100[05:49:25] <Sangar> any other mods present?
L101[05:49:25] <MrHohenheim> if ProfMobius wake up i ask he
L102[05:49:34] <MrHohenheim> yup
L103[05:49:39] <MrHohenheim> alot mods 200
L104[05:49:43] <Sangar> damn
L105[05:49:47] <Sangar> that's a lot :P
L106[05:49:57] <MrHohenheim> yeah we fixed some problem
L107[05:50:03] <Kenny> i'm running 150 hehe
L108[05:50:11] <Sangar> without any log whatsoever that will be too time consuming to narrow down :/
L109[05:50:40] <MrHohenheim> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgYnG8-zWVYzdEdVRC04ZnZ6ZDdza2FSdFdTWDZHVkE&usp=drive_web#gid=0
L110[05:50:43] <MrHohenheim> here the list
L111[05:51:10] <Kenny> MrHohenheim, if it happens again be sure to copy the error log to pastebin and post that link here so we can check it out
L112[05:51:28] <MrHohenheim> yeah i know but very huge
L113[05:51:33] <MrHohenheim> next time i clean
L114[05:51:38] <Sangar> just zip it
L115[05:51:52] <MrHohenheim> hmm give me 5 min
L116[05:51:57] <MrHohenheim> i remove ue now
L117[05:52:45] <Calclavia> MrHohenheim: It shouldn't crash though, it should simply not work "universally"
L118[05:52:53] <MrHohenheim> :)
L119[05:53:49] <Kenny> MrHohenheim: you should check into using Redstone in Motion in place of Truss, it has more flexibility in building and can be controlled by an OC computer
L120[05:54:08] <Kenny> it is another frames mod
L121[05:54:28] ⇨ Joins: gjgfuj (~gjgfuj@
L122[05:54:30] <MrHohenheim> we removed RiM dont ask why i not rememer
L123[05:54:32] <MrHohenheim> remember*
L124[05:54:44] <Sangar> is it only robots btw, or also computers / screen e.g.?
L125[05:55:04] <MrHohenheim> idk i just crafted only robot first :D
L126[05:55:20] <Sangar> because there was a case of the wrong api name being checked from buildcraft (for wrenches) and if i'm not blind there's no bc in the list, so it might be related.
L127[05:55:26] <MrHohenheim> hmm i removed ue.jar and no problem now
L128[05:55:38] <Sangar> :/
L129[05:55:42] <MrHohenheim> i start new world
L130[05:56:48] <MrHohenheim> robots cool i mean this led thingy knight rider kit auto :)
L131[05:57:04] <Kenny> lol :)
L132[05:57:26] <MrHohenheim> we cant change the led color? i mean red = power low green= full power orange half power
L133[05:57:29] <Kenny> I used to watch Knight Rider al the time :)
L134[05:57:40] <Kenny> all*
L135[05:58:18] <Sangar> it's a texture, so you could change it by replacing the texture ;)
L136[05:58:28] <Sangar> but only globally, so not state dependent
L137[05:58:32] <MrHohenheim> oh and you not want add this feature?:)
L138[05:58:35] <Sangar> might be an interesting idea though
L139[05:58:46] <Sangar> i'll add it to my terribly long list >_>
L140[05:58:50] <MrHohenheim> add to todo list :P
L141[05:58:58] <MrHohenheim> not you have only big todo list
L142[05:59:10] <Sangar> hehe
L143[05:59:13] <MrHohenheim> :)
L144[05:59:35] <MrHohenheim> stupid question i can use computercraft programs? i mean quarry program for robots? or different
L145[05:59:52] <MrHohenheim> iknow this not miner robot
L146[05:59:56] ⇨ Joins: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-108-20-163-248.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
L147[06:00:04] <Sangar> not directly. for most programs it shouldn't be *too* hard to port them, though.
L148[06:00:10] <Tahg> oh yay, I wasn't at my 50 chan limit
L149[06:00:14] <Tahg> hey
L150[06:00:22] <Sangar> main difference is how to address components/peripherals and that it's lua 5.2 not 5.1
L151[06:00:25] <Sangar> hi there :)
L152[06:00:31] <MrHohenheim> so maybe works and maybe not
L153[06:00:50] <Tahg> so, kinda seeing some advantages for oc
L154[06:01:09] <MrHohenheim> Tahg, your ingame name Vaht?
L155[06:01:15] <Tahg> although we're having a custom mod written kind of for CC atm
L156[06:01:17] <Tahg> ya
L157[06:01:29] <MrHohenheim> ahah so you have villager farm at dw20 video
L158[06:01:37] <MrHohenheim> melting thingy
L159[06:01:45] <Tahg> ya, I ripped it shameless from some vanilla vid
L160[06:01:53] <Tahg> (and added the TiC stuff myself)
L161[06:01:53] <MrHohenheim> nice
L162[06:01:56] <MrHohenheim> btw Sangar http://puu.sh/7dtU2.png
L163[06:02:21] <MrHohenheim> if nei loads i place the robot
L164[06:02:59] <Tahg> so...I'd definitely be sold if oc had a block taht could interop with peripherals written for CC
L165[06:03:03] <MrHohenheim> hmm alright this not clientside problem
L166[06:03:23] <Kenny> Tahg, use the Adapter block
L167[06:03:29] <Tahg> does that do it?
L168[06:03:30] <Sangar> opencomponents supports cc peripherals via the adapter block. yes it's not completely seamless, but it's something.
L169[06:03:34] <Kenny> yes
L170[06:03:46] <Kenny> !flags Tahg +Vv
L171[06:03:46] -ChanServ- Kenny set flags +Vv on Tahg.
L172[06:03:47] <Tahg> also...borderless monitors is a feature I've always longed for in CC
L173[06:03:52] <Kenny> !voice Tahg
L174[06:03:52] zsh sets mode: +v on Tahg
L175[06:04:10] <Kenny> how you been, Yahg
L176[06:04:14] <Kenny> Tahg*
L177[06:04:17] <Tahg> decent
L178[06:04:20] <MrHohenheim> now i make server side crashlog
L179[06:04:51] <Kenny> been catching your stream from time to time :)
L180[06:04:52] <MrHohenheim> Sangar, very good thing this recipes balanced not easy i mean cc turtle
L181[06:04:55] <Tahg> I think in my doc skimming I saw somewhere that implied OC screens suppported the full ascii character set?
L182[06:05:11] <Sangar> codepage 437
L183[06:05:22] <Tahg> is that the full mc font?
L184[06:05:33] <Sangar> its a custom texture, but pretty much, yes
L185[06:05:44] <Kenny> they don't support the extended ASCII set for the codepage
L186[06:05:54] <Tahg> either LuaJ or CC has a restriction that >126 prints ? instead of the proper char
L187[06:05:54] <Sangar> the actual charcodes are in utf-8 though :P it can be a tiny bit confusing.
L188[06:05:56] <Kenny> already tried that
L189[06:06:27] <Tahg> extended ASCII?
L190[06:06:34] <Kenny> above 128
L191[06:06:50] <Sangar> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_page_437
L192[06:07:15] <Tahg> bah, I wish *something* would support that
L193[06:07:22] <Kenny> I attempted it, Sangar, it just prints a space char
L194[06:07:30] <Sangar> what does?
L195[06:07:39] <Tahg> it's blocky DOS style I want my line drawing chars =P
L196[06:07:44] <Kenny> Codepage 437 with OC
L197[06:07:53] <MrHohenheim> hmm omg if robot use pickaxe , the pickaxe loosee the durability?
L198[06:08:00] <Kenny> II know what you mean Tahg :)
L199[06:08:13] <Sangar> using the utf8 charcodes? e.g. 2588 for the block?
L200[06:08:18] <Sangar> because that's the blinking cursor :P
L201[06:08:18] <Kenny> the single/double line for drawing boxes
L202[06:08:39] <Tahg> ya, I basically want the entire minecraft font file, in indices 0-255
L203[06:08:49] <Tahg> obv that seems to be hard
L204[06:08:53] <Sangar> yes, tools used by robots loose durability. slower than when used by players though.
L205[06:09:01] <MrHohenheim> very good feature
L206[06:09:07] <MrHohenheim> and i like the improved dig
L207[06:09:11] * MrHohenheim watching video
L208[06:09:12] <Kenny> Tahg, i found out a while back that you can actually add them into the Minecraft font texture file
L209[06:09:25] <Tahg> they ARE already
L210[06:09:27] <Sangar> as for extended ascii in cc, i *think* it's partially because luaj and java not supporting unsigned bytes or something.
L211[06:09:37] <Tahg> hmm, I see
L212[06:09:54] <Tahg> so are they in OC? or can you produce them anyway?
L213[06:10:03] <Tahg> even if not 128-255
L214[06:10:49] <Tahg> but aside from that, borderless screens would make certain builds so much prettier
L215[06:11:39] <Sangar> hm. as an extra block or maybe just allow "wrenching" normal screens to toggle borderless/normal mode?
L216[06:12:34] <Kenny> which would be easier? :)
L217[06:12:37] <Tahg> either way would work
L218[06:12:57] <Kenny> Tahg, do you have the llink for OPenComponents?
L219[06:13:01] <Tahg> it's generally gonna be a creative mode build for the things I have in mind
L220[06:13:05] <Sangar> i guess the wrench thingy. wouldn't want to duplicate the screen block rendering stuff (the texture selection is *ugly*!)
L221[06:13:12] <Tahg> it's on the oc thread
L222[06:13:26] <MrHohenheim> oke Sangar here the crashlog https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35490489/Originals/ForgeModLoader-client-0.log
L223[06:13:33] <Sangar> ah, thanks!
L224[06:13:47] <MrHohenheim> very big and i cant use pastebeen
L225[06:13:48] *** Sangar changes topic to '** FORUMS BEING RESET ** Thread: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2201440-opencomputers-v121-v201/ | Forums: http://oc.cil.li | Latest version: 1.2.1 for MC1.6.4, 2.0.1 for MC1.7.2 | Dev Builds: http://ci.cil.li/'
L226[06:13:51] <MrHohenheim> pastebin..
L227[06:14:02] <MrHohenheim> forum not works
L228[06:14:09] <MrHohenheim> There appears to be an error with the database.
L229[06:14:38] <Sangar> (1:13:40 PM) Sangar has changed the topic to: ** FORUMS BEING RESET ** <-- this
L230[06:15:15] <Tahg> well...20264 is definitely not a valid block id if I'm reading this correctly
L231[06:16:03] ⇨ Joins: LordJoda (webchat@
L232[06:16:04] zsh sets mode: +o on LordJoda
L233[06:16:19] <Kenny> Afternoon, LordJoda
L234[06:16:34] <Tahg> oh, another question
L235[06:16:43] <Sangar> hmm, is that last thing what crashes the game?
L236[06:16:49] <Tahg> can I do everything in this that I can do in "real" lua?
L237[06:16:52] <LordJoda> Morning, Kenny
L238[06:17:09] <MrHohenheim> Sangar, i placed the robot
L239[06:17:17] <MrHohenheim> and i rightclicked with empty hand
L240[06:17:25] <Tahg> ie LuaJ misses things like require, and the debug library
L241[06:17:38] <Sangar> pretty much - i tried to simulate the vanilla lua libraries as closely as possible (io and os, sandboxed things), debug library isn't available, though, due to sandboxing.
L242[06:17:47] <Sangar> require is in though (thanks to Wobbo)
L243[06:17:57] <Sangar> debug.traceback is there, too :P
L244[06:18:27] <Tahg> ya, I imagine things like getlocal/setlocal are dangerous
L245[06:18:35] <MrHohenheim> hmm Sangar so i logged back and i can rightclick the robot
L246[06:18:37] <MrHohenheim> weird
L247[06:18:44] <Sangar> MrHohenheim: i'm asking because it's not oc related (the traceback)
L248[06:18:55] <MrHohenheim> oke thats good for me
L249[06:19:00] <MrHohenheim> and bad for the Proff
L250[06:19:03] <MrHohenheim> :D
L251[06:19:08] <Sangar> just nei :X
L252[06:19:14] <MrHohenheim> nei derp again -.-
L253[06:19:29] <MrHohenheim> alright thx the help!
L254[06:19:44] <Sangar> sure. let me know if you find any trace of oc in another log ;)
L255[06:19:48] <Kenny> Tahg, OC uses Lua 5.2
L256[06:19:50] <Tahg> this spam is interesting: [ForgeModLoader] Attempt to send packet to all in dimension without a server instance available
L257[06:20:12] <MrHohenheim> forge and lexmanos... no comment :)
L258[06:20:31] <Tahg> does 5.2 not have those features in debug?
L259[06:21:02] <Sangar> it would have
L260[06:21:13] <Kenny> it does have what he said, i mention it because the set/getfenv is not available
L261[06:21:28] <Sangar> that is true
L262[06:21:32] <Sangar> oh Tahg: one more thing that is disabled by default: byte code loading (i.e. loading string.dumped functions e.g.)
L263[06:22:03] <Sangar> because it uses native lua, meaning c, meaning byte code -> terrible security headaches. it can be enabled in the config if you're sure about it, though.
L264[06:22:08] <Tahg> as in loadstring("stuff")
L265[06:22:31] <Sangar> as in load(... "b") as opposed to load(... "t")
L266[06:22:45] <Tahg> oh
L267[06:23:07] <MrHohenheim> i can place and pick again and place so nei...
L268[06:23:07] <Tahg> can you still do io on a "b" file?
L269[06:23:26] <Sangar> you do binary io.opens yes
L270[06:23:35] <Sangar> that's just related to loading lua code
L271[06:23:55] <Sangar> basically: http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-load is sandboxed.
L272[06:27:39] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6559126D94E523E6C49BBB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L273[06:29:07] <Tahg> I see
L274[06:29:27] <Tahg> so unrelated to loading eg a .lua file
L275[06:30:22] <Tahg> not that filenames really matter
L276[06:30:24] <Sangar> reading the file, unrelated, yes, loading the code *in* the file, very much related.
L277[06:32:25] <Tahg> is there a 5.1 to 5.2 differences somewhere?
L278[06:32:36] <Sangar> mainly how environments work
L279[06:32:51] <Sangar> i.e. as kenny said, getfenv/setfenv is gone, _ENV is a thing now
L280[06:33:05] <Sangar> oh you mean a list?
L281[06:33:42] <Sangar> http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaFiveTwo is probably more than you want, but...
L282[06:35:00] <MrHohenheim> robots can use tinkersconstruct pickaxe/hammers?:)
L283[06:35:06] <Sangar> yep
L284[06:35:10] <MrHohenheim> omg
L285[06:35:11] <MrHohenheim> !!
L286[06:35:53] <MrHohenheim> you have donation button?:)
L287[06:36:21] <Sangar> no, but thanks for asking :)
L288[06:36:32] <MrHohenheim> make one for paypal
L289[06:37:40] <Tahg> hmm, getfenv and setfenv are deprecated, I'd have to see how to obtain similar results
L290[06:38:19] ⇨ Joins: Coreymills25 (webchat@crbknf0209w-142162008241.dhcp-dynamic.FibreOp.nl.bellaliant.net)
L291[06:39:06] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L292[06:40:37] <Sangar> *usually* you will by either using _ENV (variable with that name is by definition the env for code that 'sees' that variable) or passing an environment to load()
L293[06:42:20] <Coreymills25> hello Sangar
L294[06:42:28] <Sangar> hiya
L295[06:43:08] <Coreymills25> wats up
L296[06:43:23] <Sangar> stuff
L297[06:44:05] <Coreymills25> sounds fun
L298[06:44:09] <Sangar> right?
L299[06:44:18] <Coreymills25> xD
L300[06:44:29] <Kenny> hey Corey
L301[06:45:02] <Coreymills25> heyy kenny
L302[06:45:27] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L303[06:46:04] <Coreymills25> you should add a recipe to tun the nuggets back into ingots Sangar
L304[06:46:26] <MrHohenheim> Tahg, i remember what dw20 say
L305[06:46:26] <Sangar> very good point. so obvious, so easily forgotten.
L306[06:46:35] <MrHohenheim> he looked your deep store unit
L307[06:46:45] <MrHohenheim> you insane 30k+ woodlog
L308[06:46:48] <Coreymills25> xD i went to do it earlier and found there was no recipe for it
L309[06:46:53] <MrHohenheim> i have now 300k ++ :D
L310[06:47:19] <Tahg> meh, I wasn't really trying
L311[06:47:28] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L312[06:47:40] <Tahg> well, I was actually going for saplings, wood was kind of a byproduct
L313[06:47:56] <MrHohenheim> i wanna show you something why i have too many
L314[06:48:08] <MrHohenheim> http://puu.sh/7cxo3.jpg http://puu.sh/7cxwL.jpg sacred rubber wood
L315[06:48:19] <MrHohenheim> mfr skyboy fault he sacred rubber sapling
L316[06:48:23] <MrHohenheim> 400x400 area
L317[06:48:30] <MrHohenheim> maddness
L318[06:48:42] <MrHohenheim> my base eternal night atm
L319[06:49:04] <MrHohenheim> so dont plant sacred rubber sapling!
L320[06:49:17] <Sangar> o.O
L321[06:49:59] *** JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther is now known as JoshTheEnder
L322[06:50:06] <MrHohenheim> sorry for off topic :)
L323[06:50:41] <MrHohenheim> so this robot just a bit opness
L324[06:50:44] <Sangar> that's fine. i got to see a huge tree. :D
L325[06:50:45] <MrHohenheim> :))
L326[06:50:54] <MrHohenheim> that insane huge
L327[06:51:13] <MrHohenheim> i use mfr harvester and 3 deep store unit
L328[06:51:16] <JoshTheEnder> wow
L329[06:51:28] <MrHohenheim> and i still not see the sky
L330[06:51:55] * MrHohenheim not englis native speaker so ply ignore my typo fails
L331[06:52:05] <MrHohenheim> khm native englis*
L332[06:52:17] <MrHohenheim> please
L333[06:52:25] <MrHohenheim> i need drink coffe :/
L334[06:52:32] <Sangar> hehe
L335[06:53:04] <MrHohenheim> i know the englis word just idk why typo fail..
L336[06:53:08] <MrHohenheim> :D
L337[06:53:11] <Vexatos> Hellöa!
L338[06:53:18] <MrHohenheim> hello Vexatos
L339[06:53:25] <Kenny> MrHohenheim, i think there are more people here from the other countries where English is not native than there are native English speaking :)
L340[06:53:54] <MrHohenheim> i know just you know why i cant write/wrote normal :)
L341[06:54:08] <MrHohenheim> i always forget "write or wrote"
L342[06:54:27] <Kenny> does not bother me in the least, i know what you mean :)
L343[06:54:34] <MrHohenheim> oke thx :)
L344[06:54:42] <Kenny> and in that since 'write' was the correct word
L345[06:54:52] <Kenny> since=sentence
L346[06:54:52] <MrHohenheim> ok :)
L347[06:55:09] <Kenny> see, i'm native English speaking and i still screw up lol
L348[06:55:35] <Vexatos> <--German
L349[06:55:49] <MrHohenheim> lol
L350[06:56:00] <MrHohenheim> yeah Vexatos living top of my country
L351[06:56:03] <MrHohenheim> :P
L352[06:56:09] <Vexatos> A lot of the people here are from Germany
L353[06:56:13] * MrHohenheim hungarian
L354[06:56:17] <Vexatos> I know :D
L355[06:56:21] * Vexatos is hungry as well
L356[06:56:22] <MrHohenheim> you :P
L357[06:56:24] <MrHohenheim> haha
L358[06:56:26] <MrHohenheim> old joke :P
L359[06:56:27] * JoshTheEnder is English English
L360[06:56:31] <JoshTheEnder> :P
L361[06:56:41] <Kenny> <-- American
L362[06:56:41] <Vexatos> English English? That's cool
L363[06:56:44] <Vexatos> BOOO
L364[06:56:57] <JoshTheEnder> i.e. English and from England :)
L365[06:57:06] * Vexatos throws British English Dictionaries at Kenny
L366[06:57:16] <MrHohenheim> my sister living at london atm
L367[06:57:20] <Kenny> why oyu do that, old chap
L368[06:57:28] * Vexatos throws more British English Dictionaries at Kenny
L369[06:57:37] <Sangar> british english = best english for listening enjoyment. it just sounds so naturally funny for some reason :P
L370[06:57:39] * JoshTheEnder joins in with Vexatos
L371[06:57:45] * Kenny tosses Vexatos in the boot of the car
L372[06:57:48] <MrHohenheim> i learned british englis and sometimes i confosed if i speaking americans :)
L373[06:57:58] <MrHohenheim> confused*
L374[06:58:26] <Vexatos> In Germany you learn British English as well
L375[06:58:28] <JoshTheEnder> mom = American, mum = Brittish
L376[06:58:33] <JoshTheEnder> good good :)
L377[06:58:34] <Vexatos> Brittttish
L378[06:59:08] <Sangar> when a parent asked my teacher back in the day whether we'd learn british or american english he was like 'well i'm happy if they learn any english at all!' :P
L379[06:59:19] <Vexatos> Heh
L380[06:59:29] <Vexatos> So, are you using lifts or elevators? :P
L381[06:59:39] <Kenny> English = lifts
L382[06:59:41] <Sangar> stairs, usually :P
L383[06:59:48] <JoshTheEnder> heh
L384[06:59:49] <Kenny> lol
L385[06:59:52] <Vexatos> >_>
L386[06:59:54] <Vexatos> <_<
L387[06:59:59] <JoshTheEnder> ^_^
L388[07:00:05] <Vexatos> @____@
L389[07:00:13] <JoshTheEnder> aww, no downward style arrow
L390[07:00:15] <Vexatos> Sangar, we need to get SHocky in here
L391[07:00:22] <Vexatos> /invite Shocky #oc
L392[07:00:24] <Vexatos> PLEASE
L393[07:00:25] <Vexatos> :D
L394[07:00:30] <Kenny> Shocky is offline at the moment
L395[07:00:34] <Vexatos> What
L396[07:00:42] <Vexatos> You're right
L397[07:00:43] <Vexatos> Dangit
L398[07:00:46] <Kenny> ping timed out at 5am my time
L399[07:01:00] <Kenny> isn't back on yet
L400[07:01:34] <Vexatos> NOOO
L401[07:01:47] <Vexatos> I wanted to have massive fancy emote botspam
L402[07:01:48] <Vexatos> D:
L403[07:02:19] <zsh> wallops Vexatos
L404[07:02:41] <Vexatos> You are not a spam bot, go away
L405[07:02:50] <MrHohenheim> :)
L406[07:02:56] <zsh> are you amking fun of bots now?
L407[07:02:59] * JoshTheEnder thuds zsh
L408[07:03:35] <zsh> whacks JoshTheEnder
L409[07:03:35] * Vexatos makes fun of zsh
L410[07:04:13] <zsh> asks Vexatos if he wants to see something funny
L411[07:04:19] * JoshTheEnder thuds zsh
L412[07:04:22] * Vexatos makes fun of zsh
L413[07:04:29] * JoshTheEnder runs and hides
L414[07:04:37] *** JoshTheEnder is now known as JoshTheEnder|Hiding
L415[07:04:41] <zsh> tells Vexatos to look in a mirror
L416[07:05:41] ⇨ Joins: Symmetryc (webchat@
L417[07:05:44] <MrHohenheim> zsh exeption error
L418[07:05:48] <MrHohenheim> :D
L419[07:06:15] <Vexatos> zsh has crashed with an error: NotThatFunnyException
L420[07:06:20] <zsh> didn't know us bots could talk, did ya?
L421[07:06:26] <Vexatos> Yes I did
L422[07:06:37] *** JoshTheEnder|Hiding is now known as JoshTheEnder
L423[07:06:38] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L424[07:08:01] * EnderBot thumps zsh
L425[07:08:39] <zsh> looks at EnderBot funnily
L426[07:08:58] * EnderBot looks at zsh
L427[07:09:13] <zsh> pulls out an emp gun and shoots at EnderBot
L428[07:09:26] * EnderBot is unaffected
L429[07:10:56] ⇦ Quits: Symmetryc (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L430[07:11:12] <zsh> throws some water on EnderBot
L431[07:11:26] * EnderBot is still unaffected
L432[07:11:42] <Coreymills25> :( im bored of minecraft now
L433[07:11:59] <MrHohenheim> never
L434[07:12:38] <Kenny> MrHohenheim: he can't run very many mods at a time :(
L435[07:12:44] <MrHohenheim> :(
L436[07:12:56] <MrHohenheim> old ftb times max 50 mod
L437[07:13:08] <MrHohenheim> and now like dns techpack 200+
L438[07:13:12] <Coreymills25> yea if i dont want it laggy i can run up to 35 maybe 40 mods
L439[07:13:36] <Kenny> i used to work with the DNS Techpack crew hehe
L440[07:14:09] <Kenny> left there and took over the AMCO pack for a while
L441[07:14:28] <Coreymills25> i work on the simcraft wiki
L442[07:15:47] <Kenny> sorry, distraction in the house hehe
L443[07:15:54] <Coreymills25> lol
L444[07:16:07] <Kenny> young cat keeps trying to beat up on the other cat....
L445[07:16:23] <Kenny> and she keeps thumping his butt good hehe
L446[07:16:37] <Coreymills25> lol my dog used to run away from my cat when it was a kitten
L447[07:16:51] <Kenny> sharp claws hurt the nose hehe
L448[07:17:07] <Coreymills25> wasnt the nose the cat was attacking
L449[07:17:26] <Kenny> omg lol
L450[07:17:55] <Coreymills25> lol
L451[07:18:29] <Kenny> every morning about this time, this kitten just goes crazy
L452[07:18:52] <Kenny> running all over the place, getting into everything
L453[07:19:10] <Kenny> goes on for about an hour, then he chills out
L454[07:19:21] <Coreymills25> lol
L455[07:19:31] <Coreymills25> nothing better like waking everyone up
L456[07:19:53] <Tahg> hrm
L457[07:19:59] <Kenny> i've been up since 4:30am hehe
L458[07:20:12] <Tahg> I've been up since...idk when
L459[07:20:21] <Tahg> probably 10 or 11 pm
L460[07:20:26] <Coreymills25> lol i havnt went to bed in 2 days now
L461[07:20:29] <Kenny> Tahg, you are as bad as i used to be :)
L462[07:20:40] <MrHohenheim> :D
L463[07:20:43] <Tahg> I'm a night person, it's almost my bedtime
L464[07:21:01] <MrHohenheim> Tahg, why u not use ae system? too many deep store unit :)
L465[07:21:08] <Tahg> uh...
L466[07:21:14] <Coreymills25> yea the sun burns
L467[07:21:14] <MrHohenheim> your base like a maze
L468[07:21:25] <MrHohenheim> :D
L469[07:21:29] <Tahg> if you've actually used an AE system you'd know why?
L470[07:21:32] <Tahg> they don't hold much
L471[07:21:47] <MrHohenheim> lot of me drive +64k dirve
L472[07:21:52] <MrHohenheim> disk*
L473[07:21:57] <Kenny> 63 stacks of 64 with a 64K disk
L474[07:22:29] <MrHohenheim> iam always run out of materials
L475[07:22:57] <Tahg> they only hold 520k items
L476[07:23:11] <Tahg> and require shittons more resources
L477[07:23:15] <MrHohenheim> and you have more?
L478[07:23:25] <Tahg> of the woods and stuff? probably
L479[07:23:34] <MrHohenheim> :D
L480[07:23:41] <MrHohenheim> you can turn off the farm :P
L481[07:24:03] <Tahg> eh, I need the saps for my bioreactors
L482[07:24:12] <MrHohenheim> voidpipe
L483[07:24:20] <MrHohenheim> oh yeah bioreactor
L484[07:24:28] <MrHohenheim> but your bio reactors are full
L485[07:24:34] <MrHohenheim> and you have tons of energy :P
L486[07:24:38] <MrHohenheim> cap banks?
L487[07:24:57] <MrHohenheim> i not remember forgecraft have enderio mod
L488[07:25:32] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L489[07:25:54] <Coreymills25> oh DW20s video should be up now
L490[07:29:09] <Vexatos> :|
L491[07:29:24] <Coreymills25> ?
L492[07:29:32] <Tahg> well, I'm not actually using much
L493[07:29:53] <MrHohenheim> :)
L494[07:30:00] <Tahg> the tesseract to my laser drill is currently disabled
L495[07:30:25] <MrHohenheim> imo i not like laser drill need alot energy and producing less ores
L496[07:30:33] <MrHohenheim> not too much
L497[07:30:40] <Tahg> eh, it produces renewable ores tho
L498[07:30:55] <MrHohenheim> yeah sometimes good but..
L499[07:30:57] <Tahg> only other thing that can do that I know of is bees
L500[07:31:03] <MrHohenheim> yup
L501[07:31:10] <Tahg> well, UU too maybe
L502[07:31:19] <MrHohenheim> i use now the new bigreactor for power production
L503[07:32:25] <MrHohenheim> i need powering the mfr harvester or i never chop down this insane tree
L504[07:32:34] <MrHohenheim> :D
L505[07:34:02] <MrHohenheim> hmm i think i attach the robot to bigreactor i hope not blow up
L506[07:34:08] <MrHohenheim> :D
L507[07:34:14] <MrHohenheim> 600rf output
L508[07:34:29] <Vexatos> Tahg, The Laser drill makes ores out of nothing, bees do nuggets, and UU is kind of like the Laser drill, just more time intensive
L509[07:35:08] <MrHohenheim> Sangar, so you reset the forum so you have fresh empty forum?
L510[07:35:14] <Tahg> idk, I just like renewable everything
L511[07:35:15] <Vexatos> Also, ExtraUtilities Nether Star Generator with 5 RS Energy conduits attached can power a Laser drill pretty well
L512[07:35:48] <Tahg> if you have nether stars...
L513[07:35:54] <MrHohenheim> :D
L514[07:36:13] <Sangar> forums: i'm not quite sure myself what the status on that is. Ir7_o (who runs that server) said he wanted to migrate it to linux, but apparently something went wrong.
L515[07:36:27] <MrHohenheim> ouch
L516[07:37:24] <Kenny> if i had a better Internet connection, i'd host it right here on my system
L517[07:38:01] <MrHohenheim> i have 90/25mbit
L518[07:38:26] <Sangar> depending on what he has to say we might move it to my server (the one that runs the jenkins), though i can't estimate how that will hold up :P
L519[07:38:45] <Kenny> mine is really bad: 3MB Down 500K up :(
L520[07:38:56] <MrHohenheim> modem age?:o
L521[07:39:11] <Kenny> kind of, DSL
L522[07:39:11] <MrHohenheim> cable or wifi thingy?satellite
L523[07:39:16] <MrHohenheim> oh
L524[07:39:37] <Kenny> working on getting cable, but even then, max is 15MB down 1MB up
L525[07:39:38] <JoshTheEnder> Kenny, mine isnt much better, 7MB down, 900K up :/
L526[07:39:55] <JoshTheEnder> and that's at it's best
L527[07:40:02] <MrHohenheim> i read somewhere usa have very good internet
L528[07:40:14] <MrHohenheim> but i hear ppls have very bad up/down
L529[07:40:17] <Kenny> 15MB/1MB is the best for home use here
L530[07:40:41] <JoshTheEnder> my father's internet is like 30Mb down, 1.99Mb up
L531[07:40:47] <Kenny> it's the providers here. tey are all greedy
L532[07:41:05] <MrHohenheim> i pay 20dollar/month
L533[07:41:09] <Kenny> people can't pay the price they want for a real good transfer rate
L534[07:41:13] <MrHohenheim> 4500huf
L535[07:41:18] <Sangar> nah, it's just that if there'd be even more traffic the nsa would get into even more trouble storing it all :P
L536[07:41:25] <JoshTheEnder> lol
L537[07:41:30] <MrHohenheim> yeah very expensive at the other countrys
L538[07:41:52] <Kenny> for me to get 15MB/1MB costs $60USD
L539[07:41:57] <MrHohenheim> OMG
L540[07:42:12] <JoshTheEnder> from when i've been talking to my US friend ( SuPeRMiNoR2 ) the internet here in the UK is quite a bit cheaper than the US
L541[07:42:33] <Kenny> and as i am on a limited income, i have to go with what i can get at the moment
L542[07:42:41] <Kenny> way cheaper
L543[07:43:45] <Kenny> to my knowledge, at the moment, we don't have access to satellite internet
L544[07:43:58] <Kenny> just DSL and cable
L545[07:44:27] <Coreymills25> i got fibreOp
L546[07:44:31] <MrHohenheim> hmm i have arduino+ethernetboard i thinking to make server just idk what server can handle this microcomputer
L547[07:45:28] <Kenny> what kind of server?
L548[07:46:02] <Kenny> web server, irc server, or other?
L549[07:46:27] <MrHohenheim> web or irc
L550[07:46:32] <MrHohenheim> or other
L551[07:46:36] <MrHohenheim> :)
L552[07:46:41] <MrHohenheim> i need some research
L553[07:46:57] <Kenny> i would think apache for a web server. would also need php
L554[07:47:25] <MrHohenheim> http://cubieboard.org/
L555[07:47:44] <MrHohenheim> ignore
L556[07:47:47] <MrHohenheim> this the good
L557[07:47:48] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L558[07:47:49] <MrHohenheim> https://www.miniand.com/products/Cubieboard%20Developer%20Board
L559[07:47:53] <MrHohenheim> i thinking to buy this one
L560[07:48:21] <MrHohenheim> nice internal storeage
L561[07:49:04] <MrHohenheim> only problem
L562[07:49:11] <MrHohenheim> still out of stock 3 week ago
L563[07:54:56] <Kenny> and they are priced at a decent rate
L564[07:55:44] <Michiyo> I've got a Jenkins server that runs LanteaCraft I could offer, and I could setup a user on my hosting account for you guys if you need it..
L565[07:56:31] <Kenny> morning, Michiyo :)
L566[07:56:41] <Michiyo> o/
L567[07:56:45] <Michiyo> Just got home
L568[07:57:10] <Kenny> kind of figured that :)
L569[07:57:25] <Kenny> i watched in Lanteacraft yesterday :)
L570[07:57:57] <Michiyo> :P
L571[07:57:58] <Kenny> i'm waiting on Lochie to give me back my computer control for dialing hehe
L572[07:58:29] <Michiyo> I've not even tried it in CC, but others have said it works. SO not sure why OC wouldn't
L573[07:58:54] <Kenny> but he has it set to working with events now :(
L574[07:59:17] <Kenny> going to have to test it and see
L575[07:59:38] <Michiyo> Well, there are ltos of events, but dial("ADDRESS") and disconnect() should all still work
L576[08:00:16] <Michiyo> got a new phone last night woot
L577[08:00:24] <Michiyo> I'm now among the android owners.. lol
L578[08:00:33] <Kenny> i just got RC 16 and don't see it in the list. but i'll take another look later and see if i can find what the difference is
L579[08:01:14] <Kenny> i have't reached the android stage yet. don't use a phone very much so i just get minute phones
L580[08:02:38] <Michiyo> Heh I moved from a Prepaid Pantech Caper, to a Galaxy legend
L581[08:03:41] <Kenny> i live on a limited income so some things i have to pass over :(
L582[08:04:10] ⇦ Quits: MrHohenheim (~MrHohenhe@188-143-98-184.pool.digikabel.hu) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L583[08:04:14] <Michiyo> I hear ya
L584[08:04:30] ⇨ Joins: MrHohenheim (~MrHohenhe@188-143-98-184.pool.digikabel.hu)
L585[08:05:15] <Kenny> i'd like to get a phone where i could stay connected all the time, but i go with what i can get. my disability backpay check bought my new computer for me or i'd still be offline
L586[08:06:14] <Kenny> that and Newegg screwing up so bad i got an extra $250 worth of stuff out of them lol
L587[08:06:35] <Vexatos> ?
L588[08:06:38] <Michiyo> Never had issues with Newegg, I did have Tiger Direct charge me 3 times for a $900 order once
L589[08:06:46] <Tahg> ouch
L590[08:07:03] <Michiyo> THen they said they wouldn't refund until I got all 3 orders, and paid for return shipping
L591[08:07:26] <Tahg> but they only sent it once or what?
L592[08:07:31] <Kenny> they didn't overcharge me. I ordered the computer shipped one specific way and they changed it so that i got everything for the computer at the same time except for the computer
L593[08:07:34] <Michiyo> No they sent all 3..
L594[08:07:44] <Michiyo> I reported them to the CC Company, had a reissued card in 2 days, and reodered from newegg for $100 less :P
L595[08:07:45] <Kenny> ok. this will take a bit to explain...
L596[08:08:06] <Tahg> oh, so they charged and sent it 3 times...that's still terrible
L597[08:08:19] <Tahg> but maybe slightly less
L598[08:08:32] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Remote host closed the connection)
L599[08:08:34] <Michiyo> Yeah, I was looking at, atleast a week and a half, with NO money at all.
L600[08:08:50] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L601[08:09:08] <Kenny> in my case they screwed up on shipping, and when i did get the computer it had a dead mobo
L602[08:09:29] <Vexatos> Well, I guess I'll just buy my PC parts in a local store
L603[08:09:30] <Tahg> man
L604[08:09:45] <Tahg> I normally buy from newegg, never had an issue
L605[08:09:55] <Vexatos> Might be more expensive, but then 2 year guarantee on everything
L606[08:10:04] <Kenny> it worked out to my bebnefit cause the computer i had bought cost $5290. this system cost $660
L607[08:10:12] <Tahg> you generally can't buy "parts" in a local shop
L608[08:10:16] <Tahg> at least not around here
L609[08:10:32] <Kenny> Newegg footed the other $130 of the cost
L610[08:10:35] <Vexatos> Well, there's an actual 'store' that assembles PCs for you
L611[08:10:49] <Vexatos> So you can buy parts there, they assemble the thing and you can get the PC
L612[08:10:49] <MrHohenheim> so
L613[08:10:51] <MrHohenheim> http://puu.sh/7dyRV.jpg
L614[08:10:53] <MrHohenheim> upadted pic
L615[08:10:57] <MrHohenheim> for the tree
L616[08:11:00] <Vexatos> Not sure if that is what I want
L617[08:11:10] <Kenny> there's a few stores here near me, Tahg, that sell computer parts
L618[08:11:25] <Tahg> can get "upgradable" things only around here, like ram, HDs, DVD drives etc
L619[08:11:38] <Tahg> I don't know of any that sell cases or MBs
L620[08:11:49] <Tahg> or maybe I just haven't looked
L621[08:11:57] <Kenny> these are specialized stores i deal with....
L622[08:12:05] <Vexatos> http://puu.sh/7dyWh/0c6e62c21d.png
L623[08:12:10] <Vexatos> Bevo's Tech Pack
L624[08:12:27] <Kenny> I build and repair computers so i looked for the places where i could get the necessary things
L625[08:12:42] <Tahg> there is something seriously wrong with my desktops internet
L626[08:12:45] <Vexatos> I am kind of afraid of building a PC myself
L627[08:12:58] <Vexatos> I could just break something so easily ):
L628[08:13:09] <JoshTheEnder> MrHohenheim, what mod is that from?
L629[08:13:29] <Vexatos> MFR
L630[08:13:35] <Tahg> took me 6 tries to get a "proper" jpg of that tree pic
L631[08:14:01] <Tahg> it generally times out before it's recieved all 3 complete color channels
L632[08:14:13] <Michiyo> o_O
L633[08:14:39] <MrHohenheim> :D
L634[08:14:44] <JoshTheEnder> i need to get MFR and just build an entire base in one of those trees
L635[08:14:55] <Vexatos> Me too
L636[08:14:55] <Tahg> resulting in a generally recognizable picture, with at least one channel stopping at a block somewhere in the middle of the image
L637[08:14:57] <MrHohenheim> Sangar, we fixed the server all fine now
L638[08:15:09] <MrHohenheim> sacred rubber sapling
L639[08:15:25] <Tahg> good luck finding one of those
L640[08:15:28] <Sangar> good to know, thanks :)
L641[08:15:42] <Vexatos> Sangar, OC was added to BevosTechPack!
L642[08:15:42] <Tahg> can you plant those trees?
L643[08:15:47] <Vexatos> Such a cool thing
L644[08:15:59] <Sangar> oh, cool :)
L645[08:16:04] <MrHohenheim> i found dungeon loot
L646[08:16:09] <Vexatos> Yea
L647[08:16:11] <Vexatos> CC removed
L648[08:16:12] <MrHohenheim> this only 1 sapling
L649[08:16:15] <MrHohenheim> 400x400
L650[08:16:22] <Vexatos> CC removed in 1.0.8
L651[08:16:25] <Vexatos> OC added in 1.0.9
L652[08:16:33] <Sangar> :)
L653[08:17:05] <Vexatos> I suggested that to him
L654[08:17:11] <Vexatos> Maybe some other people did as well
L655[08:17:33] <Vexatos> But I saw him removing CC because it continuously searches for Redpower2 being present
L656[08:17:45] <Sangar> haha, yeah it does that
L657[08:17:50] <Vexatos> So I told him to try out OC since it fits into the whole Hardcore pack very well
L658[08:17:56] <Sangar> that's pretty cool :)
L659[08:17:57] <Vexatos> (Gregtech, RotaryCraft etc)
L660[08:18:04] <Vexatos> Perfect for this modpack
L661[08:18:17] <Vexatos> I wonder if he enabled GT recipes
L662[08:18:33] <Tahg> continously? O.o
L663[08:18:39] <Vexatos> Yes
L664[08:18:43] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L665[08:18:49] <Tahg> wierd, how do you know that?
L666[08:18:52] <Michiyo> But yeah.. if you can't get anythign else working Sangar I can add a project to my Jenkins server, and add a user to my web hosting for you guys, I ♥d the forums heh
L667[08:19:05] <Vexatos> Tahg, he somehow has to have tested
L668[08:19:06] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L669[08:19:40] <Tahg> hmm, I know it checks for the presence to add the gemmed tools to turtle crafting recipes
L670[08:20:02] <Tahg> surprised RP compat still exists tho
L671[08:20:24] <Sangar> skipped the 'continuously', didn't know that either, but i see the 'checking for rp blah' on every startup, that's what i meant anyway ^^
L672[08:20:42] <Vexatos> Mmhm
L673[08:20:57] <Vexatos> It somehow did cause weird lag and RAM eating
L674[08:21:01] <Vexatos> So he removed it
L675[08:21:01] <Sangar> Michiyo: thanks :) once dusty comes online (or ir7-o) we'll figure out what to do next
L676[08:21:13] <Vexatos> Maybe an OC emulator?
L677[08:21:22] <Sangar> :P
L678[08:30:38] <Kenny> Sangar, got some news for you
L679[08:30:53] <Kenny> CC can recognize OC cables
L680[08:31:23] <Sangar> ?
L681[08:31:39] <Kenny> yeah, threw me for a loop
L682[08:32:22] <Kenny> with the new Lanteacraft, OC can no longer dial, so i was testing a CC computer with it and it showed my there was an OC cable beneath the CC computer
L683[08:33:00] <Sangar> huh
L684[08:33:09] <Tahg> what's it recognize it as?
L685[08:33:34] <Tahg> and if you have OpenBlocks in the mix it recognizes most TEs as something at least
L686[08:33:41] <Tahg> er, OpenMods*
L687[08:33:54] <Sangar> that would make more sense
L688[08:34:21] <Tahg> I mean, guessing it's a non-issue, it's not like you're trying to be incompatible
L689[08:34:27] <Tahg> but it does seem weird
L690[08:34:44] <Sangar> i think it'd be amazing, in fact, i just wouldn't expect it
L691[08:34:56] <Kenny> as an OC cable
L692[08:35:04] <Kenny> posting an image now
L693[08:36:07] <Kenny> http://imgur.com/d97RroC
L694[08:36:29] <Vexatos> PeripheralViewer O.o
L695[08:36:31] <Vexatos> GIVE ME
L696[08:36:33] <Kenny> shows 2 peripherals, a stargate and an oc_cable
L697[08:36:38] <Tahg> the hell is PeripheralViewer?
L698[08:36:48] <Kenny> a program someone wrote
L699[08:36:52] <Kenny> for CC
L700[08:37:01] <Vexatos> O:
L701[08:37:01] <Vexatos> :O
L702[08:37:03] <Tahg> OP probably querries the TE for it's name at least?
L703[08:37:06] <Vexatos> Need to port it
L704[08:37:09] <Tahg> its*
L705[08:37:23] <Tahg> I wouldn't expect much more detail than that
L706[08:37:32] <Vexatos> Kenny, someone needs to port it to OC :O
L707[08:37:42] <Tahg> (assuming oc_cable is the underlying name for that TE)
L708[08:37:43] <Vexatos> Let me try to find that program
L709[08:38:00] <Kenny> i had it look at oc_cable and it crashed, but not before giving some info
L710[08:38:19] <Sangar> oc:cable, but i'm assuming the : is just converted to a _
L711[08:38:50] <Kenny> http://imgur.com/hFMpm7U
L712[08:38:56] <Tahg> here it is: http://pastebin.com/LtjQQTn3
L713[08:39:02] <Kenny> that was what i got when i had it check the cable
L714[08:39:11] <MrHohenheim> hm if i place generator upgrade to turtle and i pick up the upgrade dropped
L715[08:39:19] <MrHohenheim> thats normal?
L716[08:39:31] <Tahg> yes, those two methods are added by OP
L717[08:39:47] <Sangar> yeah, it's part of the inventory and that isn't stored, so it gets dropped
L718[08:40:01] <MrHohenheim> oke
L719[08:40:08] <MrHohenheim> and this go to wrench icon?
L720[08:40:21] <Sangar> upgrade goes into the last slot (arrow)
L721[08:40:30] <MrHohenheim> oh boy time to mining :D
L722[08:40:33] <Sangar> the wrench slot is the 'tool' slot. so axes etc
L723[08:40:55] <Sangar> afk teatime
L724[08:40:56] <Vexatos> Look at that
L725[08:40:57] <Vexatos> http://pastebin.com/6qmBBLpz
L726[08:40:59] *** JoshTheEnder is now known as JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther
L727[08:41:05] <Vexatos> Someone needs to port THAT to OC
L728[08:41:06] <Tahg> they are "less" different than CC turtles now (to some degree of less)
L729[08:41:19] <Vexatos> They gain experience
L730[08:41:39] <MrHohenheim> i use tic pickaxe or hammer hmm
L731[08:42:22] <Tahg> alright, bbl
L732[08:42:27] <Vexatos> o/
L733[08:42:57] <Kenny> l8r, Tahg
L734[08:43:12] <Kenny> Vexatos, you mean because it can place torches?
L735[08:43:42] <Vexatos> Because it's an awesome strip mining tool
L736[08:44:03] <Kenny> Corey wrote one to do a 3x3 tunnel which places torches for the robot
L737[08:47:43] ⇨ Joins: MrHohenheim_ (~MrHohenhe@178-164-162-210.pool.digikabel.hu)
L738[08:49:50] <Kenny> this is really wild. something has changed with Lanteacraft. CC recognizes the stargate but the adpater block no longers 'sees' it
L739[08:50:00] ⇦ Quits: MrHohenheim (~MrHohenhe@188-143-98-184.pool.digikabel.hu) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L740[08:51:16] *** MrHohenheim_ is now known as MrHohenheim
L741[08:52:44] <MrHohenheim> hmm i killed the robot :/
L742[08:52:57] <MrHohenheim> with stonehammer cant handle the amber block
L743[08:53:01] <MrHohenheim> ore*
L744[08:55:28] <MrHohenheim> small darthvader bot
L745[08:57:05] <Sangar> back
L746[08:58:19] <Michiyo> https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaCraft/blob/master/src/main/java/pcl/lc/module/integration/ComputerCraftWrapperPool.java the CC integration code, not sure why OC can't use it though
L747[08:59:10] <Michiyo> https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaCraft/blob/master/src/main/java/pcl/lc/tileentity/TileEntityStargateBase.java this is the stargate base TE
L748[08:59:30] <Sangar> before it probably used the iperipheral interface - which opencomponents can somewhat wrap. now it seems to use the 'hostedperipheral' approach, which is basically like the drivers in opencomponents for cc.
L749[08:59:47] <Sangar> and those i can't wrap (since they're very much internal to cc)
L750[09:00:13] <Michiyo> Ahh, so at this point, we need to implement OC directly instead of using CC compat
L751[09:00:30] <Sangar> yes
L752[09:00:55] <Michiyo> I'm sure Lochie will hate me later :D
L753[09:01:01] <Sangar> ^^
L754[09:01:39] <Kenny> cat fight hehe
L755[09:01:57] <Kenny> not on here, but here in the house hehe
L756[09:02:47] <Michiyo> heh
L757[09:02:52] <Michiyo> OCs API any better these days? :P
L758[09:03:48] * Kenny keeps mouth shut
L759[09:03:52] <Sangar> :P
L760[09:03:58] * Kenny doesn't have a clue
L761[09:03:59] <Michiyo> I'm off the next 2 days.. I might try to hack support in and then let Lochie rewrite it cause I suck.
L762[09:04:17] <Sangar> for tile entities: a lot, for drivers: somewhat, but it really isn't that different to what that pool class does anyway.
L763[09:05:09] <Michiyo> Firsto ff I need to get a working damn Eclipse workspace out of Gradle....
L764[09:05:12] <Sangar> basically: make ihostedperipheral a managedenvironment and make a driver class that's basically the factory for those environments.
L765[09:05:55] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L766[09:06:49] ⇦ Quits: LordJoda (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L767[09:07:06] ⇨ Joins: Ir7_o[AWAY]2 (~JBouncer@irocast.net)
L768[09:07:18] <Ir7_o[AWAY]2> Its me, Ir7_o (Adidas)
L769[09:07:26] <Ir7_o[AWAY]2> lol
L770[09:07:45] <Sangar> oh! hey. so. what's the status on the forums?
L771[09:07:52] <Ir7_o[AWAY]2> lol
L772[09:07:54] <Ir7_o[AWAY]2> arh
L773[09:07:59] <Ir7_o[AWAY]2> my bouncer crashed
L774[09:08:05] <Ir7_o[AWAY]2> I moved the forums to Linux
L775[09:08:11] <Ir7_o[AWAY]2> the database didnt import
L776[09:08:17] <Ir7_o[AWAY]2> i need to redo it.....
L777[09:08:19] <Sangar> happy fun times!
L778[09:08:20] <Ir7_o[AWAY]2> :/
L779[09:08:27] <Ir7_o[AWAY]2> i will do it tomorrow
L780[09:08:32] <Ir7_o[AWAY]2> i have the files tho
L781[09:08:34] <Sangar> as long as the data isn't lost :P
L782[09:08:36] <Ir7_o[AWAY]2> not too bad
L783[09:08:40] <Sangar> good to hear :)
L784[09:08:52] <Ir7_o[AWAY]2> :D
L785[09:08:56] <Ir7_o[AWAY]2> it will be up soon
L786[09:09:05] <Ir7_o[AWAY]2> can you kick Ir7_o[AWAY]
L787[09:09:10] <Ir7_o[AWAY]2> just to fix the bouncer
L788[09:09:29] <Ir7_o[AWAY]2> brb
L789[09:09:41] <Ir7_o[AWAY]2> let me close the bonucner
L790[09:09:43] *** Ir7_o[AWAY] was kicked by Sangar (Ir7_o[AWAY]))
L791[09:10:10] ⇦ Quits: Ir7_o[AWAY]2 (~JBouncer@irocast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L792[09:10:49] ⇨ Joins: jpumc (~jpumc@a88-112-98-203.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L793[09:11:52] ⇦ Quits: jpumc (~jpumc@a88-112-98-203.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Client Quit)
L794[09:12:03] ⇨ Joins: Ir7_o[AWAY]2 (~JBouncer@irocast.net)
L795[09:12:19] <Ir7_o[AWAY]2> bloody hell
L796[09:12:30] *** Ir7_o[AWAY]2 is now known as Ir7_o
L797[09:12:34] zsh sets mode: +o on Ir7_o
L798[09:12:35] <Sangar> :P
L799[09:12:37] <Ir7_o> better
L800[09:12:40] <Ir7_o> :P
L801[09:12:47] <Ir7_o> you didnt think it was me
L802[09:13:16] <Ir7_o> i am now developing bukkit plugins :3 i wanna start looking at oc code a little more
L803[09:15:22] <Sangar> i admit i never had much of a look into bukkit
L804[09:16:38] <Michiyo> I look at bukkit daily, ♥ MCPC+ :P
L805[09:17:11] <Michiyo> Ugh gradle GIMME ECLIPSE WORKSPACE
L806[09:19:36] <Kenny> Sangar: i would i append a name to the word component so it would read as component.<name>
L807[09:20:26] <Sangar> you mean string concatenation? "component." .. name
L808[09:20:38] <Kenny> ok. thanks :)
L809[09:21:07] * Michiyo kills gradle
L810[09:21:58] <Kenny> i actually need it so it makes the table name. i'm trying to do a component viewer for OC hehe
L811[09:22:14] <Sangar> nice
L812[09:22:38] <Kenny> the viewer for CC uses too much stuff i'm unfamiliar with in OC
L813[09:22:51] <Kenny> so i'm trying to write one of my own
L814[09:24:24] <Vexatos> Good idea
L815[09:24:29] <Kenny> i know how to do the component.list() and pairs. but trying to place each component in a table that can be run through pairs() is where i'm stuck....
L816[09:24:34] <Vexatos> (the CC viewer is 200 lines of code)
L817[09:24:42] <Kenny> 2000 lines
L818[09:24:49] <Vexatos> And metatables and stuff
L819[09:24:55] <Kenny> i know
L820[09:25:07] * Vexatos has no clue what a metatable is
L821[09:25:12] <Kenny> and a lot of that stuff is specific to CC
L822[09:26:49] <MrHohenheim> i hope robot lava proof
L823[09:26:50] <MrHohenheim> :D
L824[09:27:04] <MrHohenheim> and creeper blast resistant
L825[09:32:27] <Sangar> come to think of it, i actually haven't tested creeper blast resistence yet :X
L826[09:32:59] <Kenny> lol
L827[09:33:42] <Kenny> if the hammer could destroy them way back then i think a creeper might just do it too :)
L828[09:34:22] <Kenny> time to test it
L829[09:34:53] <Michiyo> yay, I have dev workspace
L830[09:35:05] <Tahg> hammer == destroys EVERYTHING that a pickaxe cna
L831[09:36:27] <Tahg> Kenny, do you want something like table[key] = value?
L832[09:37:18] <Kenny> one sec
L833[09:37:39] <Kenny> had to switch back to creative to eleimante noise
L834[09:37:55] <Tahg> or do maybe want table.append(tableName, value)
L835[09:38:16] <Tahg> which will create a table suitable for ipairs
L836[09:38:49] <Kenny> what i want to do is: for k,v in component.list() do comp[k] = v end where comp[k] is component.<name>
L837[09:39:19] <Kenny> name being whetever v is so i can run it through ipairs
L838[09:39:40] <Kenny> i didn't explain that very well :(
L839[09:40:07] <Tahg> er
L840[09:40:09] <Kenny> i want comp[k] = component.<v> v being the component
L841[09:40:30] <Tahg> what does component.list() do (anybody)
L842[09:40:44] <Kenny> lists all of the OC components
L843[09:40:45] <Tahg> what specifically does it return, an iterator?
L844[09:41:11] <Tahg> or does it return a table with a __pairs metamethod?
L845[09:41:23] <Kenny> it returns a table name i believe (each component)
L846[09:42:07] <Kenny> because if i do sg=component.<component name> throu ipairs it gives me the available functions for the component
L847[09:42:47] <MrHohenheim> :D
L848[09:43:27] <Tahg> hmk, so it returns an iterator function
L849[09:44:51] <Kenny> like i would set sg=component.stargate then when i do ipairs(sg) i get the functions available
L850[09:45:43] <Tahg> ya
L851[09:46:06] <Tahg> so, you want to create a list of all the component names?
L852[09:46:42] <Kenny> in an array/table so i can go thru that list with ipairs
L853[09:46:42] <Tahg> (types actually I think)
L854[09:47:51] <Kenny> for k,v in component.list() do comp[k] = v end for k, v in pairs(comp[k]) do print(k) ebd
L855[09:47:54] <Kenny> like that
L856[09:48:41] <Tahg> what's wrong with that?
L857[09:49:04] <Tahg> except it's pairs(comp)
L858[09:49:08] <Kenny> i get an expected table got string
L859[09:49:41] <Kenny> because i need to have the word component at the beginning
L860[09:50:10] <Tahg> but erm, are you trying to list the fields of the stargate table?
L861[09:50:54] <Kenny> the functions which i guess would be fields
L862[09:51:13] <Kenny> Robots are not creeper proof. a creeper will totally destroy it
L863[09:51:39] <Sangar> well that sucks
L864[09:51:43] <Tahg> ok, I think I understand now, sec
L865[09:51:56] <MrHohenheim> omg
L866[09:52:38] <Kenny> however, creepers do not react to them
L867[09:52:53] <Sangar> true. still, i'll have to do something about that, i don't like it.
L868[09:53:23] <Kenny> damn near got myself killed in the test lol
L869[09:53:27] <Tahg> try for k, v in pairs(comp) do for l, w in component.get(k, v) do print(l) end end
L870[09:54:49] <Kenny> well, no error but it didn't print anything
L871[09:56:51] <Sangar> not exactly sure what you're trying to do, but component.get gives you a resolved address, i.e. a string, so for l,w in that doesn't seem to make much sense. maybe you meant component.proxy?
L872[09:58:45] <Tahg> maybe...
L873[09:58:51] <Tahg> I've not played with OC yet
L874[09:59:01] <MrHohenheim> so robot not lava proof also and not creeper
L875[09:59:11] <MrHohenheim> i hope TC hungry node not suck in the robot
L876[09:59:19] <MrHohenheim> :D
L877[09:59:22] <Sangar> lava proof it is
L878[09:59:29] <Tahg> how do you actually get an arbitrary component?
L879[09:59:53] <Sangar> component.proxy gives you a wrapper for a component by address
L880[10:00:05] <Sangar> basically like peripheral.wrap in cc
L881[10:00:36] <Tahg> well, see
L882[10:00:49] <Tahg> that's kinda not listed: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/API-Component
L883[10:00:52] <Sangar> and i just realized it's not on the wiki. i really have to update it... this weekend. or so.
L884[10:00:54] <Sangar> yeah
L885[10:01:22] <MrHohenheim> so my robot have tic hammer and cant mine dirt :/
L886[10:01:52] <MrHohenheim> http://puu.sh/7dDXn.jpg
L887[10:02:11] <Sangar> can hammers break dirt without destroying it?
L888[10:02:23] <Tahg> yes
L889[10:02:33] <Sangar> hmm
L890[10:02:47] <Tahg> but it doesn't activate it's "hammery" function
L891[10:02:54] <Tahg> it falls back to single block break
L892[10:03:19] <Tahg> same with any block that you technically can break by hand, but a pick isn't the proper tool for
L893[10:03:41] <Sangar> i'll see where it decides to fail in a sec
L894[10:03:43] <MrHohenheim> i found too many bugs today?
L895[10:04:18] <Tahg> lol
L896[10:04:18] <Sangar> nah, the day's still young ;)
L897[10:04:26] <Tahg> only 11 here, lol
L898[10:04:39] <MrHohenheim> 17:04
L899[10:04:51] <MrHohenheim> good thing i testing survial mode :P
L900[10:05:03] <Tahg> tho been up 12 hours, so while the day technically may be young, my awakeness in it is gonna end soon
L901[10:05:21] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L902[10:05:35] <Kenny> maybe this will help explain it better: http://pastebin.com/RCnycaPv
L903[10:06:28] <Kenny> and i have to get busy doing the laundry here in a little while :(
L904[10:07:07] <Kenny> plus do a little work on my bike to have it ready for warm weather
L905[10:07:56] <Tahg> ya, my fault (partly)
L906[10:08:27] <Tahg> Sangar, what exactly does proxy take, an address?
L907[10:08:41] <Sangar> yes
L908[10:08:49] <MrHohenheim> hm if robot not move just standing still consume energy?
L909[10:09:04] <Sangar> a little bit, yes, less than computers, though
L910[10:09:09] <MrHohenheim> hmm
L911[10:09:22] <MrHohenheim> 2-3sec 1 energy
L912[10:09:32] <MrHohenheim> -1
L913[10:09:42] <Kenny> and k is the address
L914[10:09:51] <Kenny> v is the name
L915[10:10:00] <Tahg> v isn't a name
L916[10:10:01] <MrHohenheim> um and how can i refuel?:)
L917[10:10:11] <MrHohenheim> i have generator upgrade
L918[10:10:27] <Tahg> well, you can't with that alone if it's out of power
L919[10:10:58] <MrHohenheim> 8% so have power
L920[10:11:17] <Kenny> the robot would also need a consumable fuel (coal, wood)
L921[10:11:18] <MrHohenheim> just i didnt know the command for refuel :)
L922[10:11:29] <MrHohenheim> i put 1 stack coal the first slot
L923[10:11:50] <MrHohenheim> or he needs redstone?:)
L924[10:11:52] <Sangar> component.generator.insert
L925[10:12:02] <Sangar> also: tc tools fixed :P
L926[10:12:19] <MrHohenheim> thx:D
L927[10:12:30] <Tahg> is there any sort of refuel program built in?
L928[10:12:54] <Kenny> MrHohenheim: here is a program written by Coreymills25 for having a robot dig a 3x3 tunnel, refueling itself and placing rorches: http://pastebin.com/ZwZf6X36
L929[10:13:04] <MrHohenheim> wow nice
L930[10:13:07] <Kenny> torches*
L931[10:13:09] <Tahg> rorches
L932[10:13:10] <Tahg> lol
L933[10:13:28] <Tahg> was wondering if that was a mix of a torch and roach orso =D
L934[10:13:32] <Kenny> i told him English was my native but i still scewed it up lol
L935[10:13:38] <MrHohenheim> ctrl+v not works :D
L936[10:13:39] <Kenny> screwed*
L937[10:13:59] <Tahg> it's a bit big for the default paste size
L938[10:14:12] <Sangar> Tahg: is there any sort of refuel program built in? no, might add one, though.
L939[10:14:21] <Tahg> needs more default programs =P
L940[10:14:35] <Tahg> (pastebin would help if you don't have such a thing)
L941[10:14:49] <Sangar> there is a pastebin program, actually
L942[10:14:53] <Kenny> he has it in there :P
L943[10:15:27] <MrHohenheim> i ask manual refuel
L944[10:15:33] <Sangar> but you need an internet card (the card mounts a file system with that program and symlinks it to /bin when installed)
L945[10:15:34] <MrHohenheim> so i do component.generator at lua
L946[10:15:39] <MrHohenheim> lol XD
L947[10:17:10] <Tahg> http://pastebin.com/hGUY6Y9p
L948[10:17:23] ⇨ Joins: BigRenegade (~bigrenega@108-233-229-21.lightspeed.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net)
L949[10:17:23] zsh sets mode: +o on BigRenegade
L950[10:17:24] <Tahg> that should sufficiently replicate CC's refuel program
L951[10:17:28] <BigRenegade> hello tahg
L952[10:18:15] <Vexatos> Tahg, it will
L953[10:18:16] <Sangar> it would be a start :P
L954[10:18:43] <Vexatos> Mind posting that little program on The repository of OpenComputers?
L955[10:18:45] <Tahg> I think that code should even compile, lol
L956[10:18:56] <Vexatos> I bet others would also like to have that
L957[10:19:04] <MrHohenheim> so network card for robot
L958[10:19:04] <Sangar> oh a propos: vex, make me a repo there
L959[10:19:18] <Vexatos> A repo at OpenPrograms?
L960[10:19:28] <Sangar> so i can up my experiment scripts where people might actually find them :P
L961[10:19:31] <Sangar> yes
L962[10:19:32] <Vexatos> Ok
L963[10:19:48] <Vexatos> You're fnuecke, right?
L964[10:19:52] <Sangar> yes
L965[10:20:03] <Tahg> feel free to add it, don't even care about credit it's such a simple program
L966[10:20:10] <Kenny> a check fuel function written by Coreymills25: http://pastebin.com/q7bik3RW
L967[10:20:39] <Vexatos> Sangar: Ok, now you are able to creatte repositories at https://github.com/OpenPrograms
L968[10:20:44] <Sangar> he sure was busy
L969[10:20:49] <Vexatos> Tahg, you want access too?
L970[10:20:54] <Sangar> ah ok, thanks
L971[10:21:00] <Kenny> Corey?
L972[10:21:04] <Sangar> yes
L973[10:21:19] <Kenny> that function was in the original Robot script i pasted for MrHohenheim
L974[10:21:30] <Sangar> ah
L975[10:21:37] <Kenny> i just pulled it out so it would be easy for him to get
L976[10:21:38] <MrHohenheim> http://puu.sh/7dF09.jpg
L977[10:21:43] <Sangar> short term memory? what?
L978[10:21:52] <Vexatos> Wasn't me, MrHohenheim!
L979[10:21:52] <Tahg> um sure
L980[10:21:58] <Vexatos> Sangar edited that
L981[10:22:02] <Tahg> tho not sure I'll get into OC soon
L982[10:22:04] <Sangar> robot has no internet card
L983[10:22:05] <Vexatos> Blame Sangar!
L984[10:22:10] <Vexatos> Huh?
L985[10:22:21] <Vexatos> I was checking for component.internet
L986[10:22:22] <MrHohenheim> not network card need?
L987[10:22:22] <Kenny> MrHohenheim: it needs an Internet card not network
L988[10:22:24] <Vexatos> WHAT HAVE YOU DONE
L989[10:22:42] <MrHohenheim> omg my mistake xD
L990[10:22:50] <Sangar> also, the card is in the wrong slot :D
L991[10:22:57] <Vexatos> Oh wait
L992[10:22:58] <Tahg> cards can go in any slot?
L993[10:23:07] <MrHohenheim> and how can i craft cobweb..
L994[10:23:08] <Sangar> no, anything can go into the tool slot
L995[10:23:15] <Tahg> oh
L996[10:23:24] <Vexatos> Tahg, do you want access to OpenPrograms too?
L997[10:23:42] <Tahg> ya, I said sure
L998[10:23:49] <Vexatos> Ok
L999[10:23:56] <Vexatos> Your github name is Tahg?
L1000[10:24:15] <Tahg> ya
L1001[10:24:29] <MrHohenheim> if i wanna craft cobweb i need start witchery this the only option
L1002[10:24:36] <MrHohenheim> or silktouch sword?
L1003[10:25:00] <Vexatos> Ok, tahg is now also able to create repos
L1004[10:25:07] <Vexatos> (In the organization)
L1005[10:26:02] <Tahg> still need to experiment with them
L1006[10:26:37] <Tahg> (and find out a definitive answer for my ability to print box drawing characters)
L1007[10:26:43] <Sangar> hum, i admit i didn't think that far when making the recipe. it just had to be 'webs' for the internet card :P
L1008[10:26:47] <Vexatos> Sangar, should I add the basic refuel program tahg wrote to OpenComputers?
L1009[10:27:03] <Tahg> that's minimal ofc
L1010[10:27:08] <Vexatos> MeHohenheim, you can get cobwebs
L1011[10:27:13] <Vexatos> with a silk tough anything
L1012[10:27:22] <Kenny> and regretfully i have to take off for a while. need to do the laundry and while it is going work on bike. back in a couple of hours or less
L1013[10:27:23] <Sangar> i'll make the generator mount an fs (like the internet card), so no(t yet)
L1014[10:27:30] <Tahg> something CC can't do (in pure lua) is reset the selected slot back to what it was
L1015[10:27:50] *** Kenny is now known as Kenny|AFK
L1016[10:27:55] <Sangar> see you later Kenny
L1017[10:28:03] ⇦ Quits: BigRenegade (~bigrenega@108-233-229-21.lightspeed.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: BigRenegade)
L1018[10:28:08] <Vexatos> MrHohenheim, use Silk touch shears
L1019[10:28:10] <Tahg> or well, the turtle API doesn't expose a select() function
L1020[10:28:11] <Vexatos> They will work
L1021[10:28:24] <Sangar> phew, so i don't have to change the recipe? :P
L1022[10:28:42] <Vexatos> No
L1023[10:28:46] <Vexatos> Silk touch shears
L1024[10:28:54] <Vexatos> Those are the recommended tool
L1025[10:28:55] <Tahg> that's kind of a PITA for internet
L1026[10:29:08] <Tahg> I guess OC is meant to be more expensive tho
L1027[10:29:09] <Sangar> it kinda is, true
L1028[10:29:14] <Vexatos> No
L1029[10:29:19] <Vexatos> Interwebz is poweful
L1030[10:29:39] <Tahg> granted, I didn't say hard/expensive, it's not *too* bad
L1031[10:29:41] <Sangar> i'm torn between 'internet is powerful' and 'internet is a convenience' (pastebin)
L1032[10:29:57] <Tahg> but PITA to enchant silk touch
L1033[10:29:59] <Sangar> though i think powerful wins
L1034[10:30:04] <Vexatos> Pastebin basically removes all the fun
L1035[10:30:10] <Vexatos> For 'normal' players
L1036[10:30:20] <Tahg> well, possibly
L1037[10:30:23] <Vexatos> Tahg, not in modded MC
L1038[10:30:32] <Tahg> with what mod?
L1039[10:30:46] * Vexatos coughs githubrepoexplorermanagerthingiewillremoveallthecodingfunaswell
L1040[10:31:04] <Tahg> I've only seen in EnchantmentPlus or w/e that mod is, but sadly discontinued
L1041[10:31:47] <Sangar> there'll have to be some way to get programs onto servers aside from that though, i think. not sure how, yet, though. basically an improved clipboard paste. thinking of allowing 'uploading' to the /tmp fs :P
L1042[10:32:23] <Tahg> is clipboard limited to internal servers?
L1043[10:33:12] <Vexatos> Maybe a local client storage folder
L1044[10:33:12] <Sangar> no, but to 2k or so characters to avoid spamming the network too badly. and it can be slow (when pasting directly to the editor at least, someone might make a program that directly writes clipboard pastes to file?)
L1045[10:33:20] <Vexatos> A local folder in your instance
L1046[10:33:27] <Vexatos> Maybe in config/OpenCOmputers
L1047[10:33:35] <Vexatos> To put programs in
L1048[10:33:38] <Vexatos> then run some program
L1049[10:33:43] <Vexatos> to upload it
L1050[10:34:10] <Sangar> i think keeping that in sync would be too ugly (i.e. when the user changes it while ingame)
L1051[10:34:10] <Tahg> that opens up a whole host of client side dependencies and nasty interactions
L1052[10:35:28] <Vexatos> Nono+
L1053[10:35:32] <Vexatos> Sangar, once uploaded
L1054[10:35:35] <Vexatos> it's done
L1055[10:35:44] <Sangar> uploaded to where, though?
L1056[10:35:50] <Vexatos> Maybe an client up to upload from the client
L1057[10:35:58] <Vexatos> and client down to download it back
L1058[10:36:10] <Vexatos> "Client" being the program name
L1059[10:36:23] <Tahg> uploaded "to" a mounted fs on the computer
L1060[10:36:32] <Tahg> uploading from, now that's a better question
L1061[10:37:11] <Sangar> file chooser :P it just won't work in fullscreen but whatever.
L1062[10:37:40] <Tahg> basically a single (possibly gzipped) network packet instead of erm, however CTRL+V works
L1063[10:37:48] <Tahg> does that just mimic keystrokes?
L1064[10:38:05] <Sangar> its a dedicated packet
L1065[10:38:50] <Tahg> hmm, not too spammy then already I'd think?
L1066[10:39:16] <Tahg> if the entire clipboard is sent as a single string
L1067[10:39:28] <Sangar> hm. i might just add a 'cooldown' to the clipboard sending...
L1068[10:39:40] <Sangar> then yes, that might solve the issue just fine.
L1069[10:40:00] <Tahg> what exactly is the issue?
L1070[10:40:09] <Sangar> clipboard send on keyrepeat
L1071[10:40:20] <Sangar> big clipboard -> traffic explosion
L1072[10:40:28] <Tahg> I see
L1073[10:40:52] <Tahg> should be gzipped anyway IMO, text compresses well
L1074[10:40:58] <Sangar> but yeah, i just added gzipped packets for the hologram anyway, that plus a forced delay should do the trick
L1075[10:41:42] <Tahg> holagram is a 3D thing?
L1076[10:42:00] <Sangar> http://i.imgur.com/aK8YjZR.png this basically
L1077[10:42:00] <MrHohenheim> oke
L1078[10:42:01] <MrHohenheim> http://puu.sh/7dG7z.jpg
L1079[10:42:16] <Vexatos> How did you do that, Sangar?
L1080[10:42:20] <Vexatos> Give program
L1081[10:42:30] <Tahg> oh wow
L1082[10:42:31] <Vexatos> You now have OpenProgs access
L1083[10:42:44] <Sangar> that's what i wanted the repo for, yes ^^
L1084[10:43:32] <Sangar> should i make one 'experiments' folder where everyone can post snippets or make my own?
L1085[10:43:38] <Sangar> folder->repo
L1086[10:44:05] <Tahg> looks kind of what I'd envision a projector to be, except flat
L1087[10:45:18] <Sangar> it's a 48*32*48 voxel array than can be manipulated arbitrarily.
L1088[10:45:31] <Vexatos> Sangar, you can call them however you want, maybe "Sangar-Experimental"
L1089[10:45:44] <Vexatos> Or something like this
L1090[10:45:49] <Vexatos> Should contain your name
L1091[10:45:54] <Vexatos> So I know who it is related to
L1092[10:46:00] <Vexatos> And everyone else does
L1093[10:46:07] <Sangar> guess i'll go for Sangar-Programs, since wobbo's is already following that pattern
L1094[10:46:16] <Vexatos> Ok
L1095[10:46:18] <Tahg> idk how bad the rendering would be, but a projector would basically be like the tiered displays, except project onto a wall
L1096[10:46:28] <Vexatos> Well, he just called the repo "Wobbo", I renamed it :P
L1097[10:46:34] <Sangar> ah :D
L1098[10:46:56] <Sangar> projectors: as a replacement for multi-block screens, basically?
L1099[10:47:10] <Tahg> and borderless =D
L1100[10:47:34] <Tahg> cause while I'd like borderless screens, there's something about the realism that doesn't quite sit with me
L1101[10:47:55] <Sangar> projectors would be a cool alternative indeed
L1102[10:48:16] <MrHohenheim> i have now internet card but pastebin still not works
L1103[10:48:20] <Tahg> the "is something in the way" would be interesting to pull off
L1104[10:48:41] <Tahg> as well as even sized screens
L1105[10:48:47] <Sangar> well, mc has a built-in raytrace method :P
L1106[10:49:00] <Vexatos> O:
L1107[10:49:05] <Sangar> MrHohenheim: is the card in the right slot?
L1108[10:49:12] <Sangar> i.e. not the tool slot?
L1109[10:49:12] <Vexatos> MrHohenheim, you need to restart the robot
L1110[10:49:23] <Vexatos> a.k.a
L1111[10:49:23] <Sangar> he does?
L1112[10:49:32] <Vexatos> "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"
L1113[10:49:33] <Tahg> in true mc blockiness, you could do it on a "hit surface" basis
L1114[10:49:41] <Sangar> it crowd <3
L1115[10:49:58] <Tahg> lol
L1116[10:50:49] <MrHohenheim> damn file not found
L1117[10:50:59] <Vexatos> >_>
L1118[10:51:03] <Vexatos> Blame Sangar!
L1119[10:51:15] <Vexatos> He moved the program to components/internet
L1120[10:51:17] <Sangar> do an ls /bin, see if its in there
L1121[10:51:20] <Vexatos> I had it in rom/bin
L1122[10:51:27] <MrHohenheim> http://puu.sh/7dGDv.jpg
L1123[10:51:29] <Vexatos> NOT MY FAULT
L1124[10:51:36] <MrHohenheim> what did i wrong again?:D
L1125[10:51:39] <Vexatos> Wait
L1126[10:51:43] <Vexatos> The program actually ran
L1127[10:51:50] <Vexatos> It ran
L1128[10:52:00] <Sangar> ah, good point
L1129[10:52:00] <Vexatos> but it was not able to find that pastebin code
L1130[10:52:05] <Sangar> no
L1131[10:52:11] <Sangar> it wasn't able to write to `tunnel`
L1132[10:52:16] <Sangar> pwd is / i guess?
L1133[10:52:30] <Sangar> try either pastebin get ... tmp/tunnel or cd tmp first
L1134[10:52:31] <Tahg> ofc the file can't be found if it's trying to write it?
L1135[10:52:55] <MrHohenheim> same for refuel program
L1136[10:53:03] <Sangar> well that's just general filesystem error dorkiness. java also throws file not founds if a file cannot be opened for writing :P
L1137[10:53:03] <MrHohenheim> ok
L1138[10:53:08] <Tahg> well, he tried on a brandly new started robot
L1139[10:53:31] <Sangar> have a look at the file system tutorial video perhaps
L1140[10:53:33] <Tahg> oh right, you can't write to / I assume
L1141[10:53:58] <Sangar> the rom is a rom. read-only. you can only write to /tmp by default, or a floppy disk (or hard drive in computers)
L1142[10:53:59] <MrHohenheim> http://puu.sh/7dGM3.png
L1143[10:54:00] <Tahg> (I really need to get used to the differences)
L1144[10:54:28] <Tahg> ya, but / is none of /rom, /tmp, or whatever?
L1145[10:54:39] <Tahg> but I assume it's basically nothing
L1146[10:54:48] <Sangar> / is where the rom is moutned at
L1147[10:54:50] <Vexatos> Also, add a -f to the arguments
L1148[10:54:54] <Tahg> oh
L1149[10:55:31] <Sangar> do `pastebin get code filename`, you have `pastebin get code filename anotherFilenameThatConfusesTheProgram`
L1150[10:55:51] <Vexatos> You basically have to do cd /tmp
L1151[10:55:56] <Vexatos> And then run the program
L1152[10:56:03] <Vexatos> Then you will have it in the RAM
L1153[10:56:07] <Sangar> thats the easiest way, yes.
L1154[10:56:14] <Tahg> you want tmp/refuel, not refuel tmp/tunnel
L1155[10:56:44] <Tahg> but ya, do what tehy said =P
L1156[10:57:28] <MrHohenheim> label set need?:)
L1157[10:57:51] <Michiyo> also.. as soon as DNS does its thing, ccts.pc-logix.com will direct you to my CC TS server
L1158[10:57:57] <Michiyo> no need for ports and crap either..
L1159[10:58:06] <Vexatos> Sangar, I see you added a repo ;)
L1160[10:58:07] <Michiyo> err
L1161[10:58:08] <MrHohenheim> cd /temp not in a directory
L1162[10:58:11] <Michiyo> wrong channel :D
L1163[10:58:31] ⇨ Joins: LordJoda (~lordjoda@178-26-182-118-dynip.superkabel.de)
L1164[10:58:31] zsh sets mode: +o on LordJoda
L1165[10:58:45] <Sangar> i'm cleaning up the files a little before pushing them :P
L1166[10:58:51] <Vexatos> Ok
L1167[10:58:56] <Sangar> tmp not temp
L1168[10:59:00] <Vexatos> MrHohenheim, cd /tmp
L1169[10:59:20] <MrHohenheim> oh god succes now
L1170[11:00:08] <MrHohenheim> i hope now if i pick the robot not lost the programs :D
L1171[11:00:28] *** SuPeRMiNoR2|Away is now known as SuPeRMiNoR2
L1172[11:00:37] <Tahg> think it will?
L1173[11:00:45] <Vexatos> It will
L1174[11:00:53] <Vexatos> Because you saved it on the RAM
L1175[11:01:00] <Vexatos> not on any hard drive
L1176[11:01:03] <Vexatos> or floppy disk
L1177[11:01:55] <Sangar> yep. tmp is for temporary ;) it get wiped when the robot shuts down (that includes reboots btw)
L1178[11:02:12] <Tahg> reboots of the world or computer?
L1179[11:02:29] <Vexatos> Computer
L1180[11:02:40] <Vexatos> And breaking of the computer
L1181[11:02:45] *** SuPeRMiNoR2 is now known as SuPeRMiNoR2|Away
L1182[11:02:54] <Tahg> well, that would necessarily shut it down I assume =P
L1183[11:02:59] <Vexatos> Chunk-unload persistent Computers for the win!
L1184[11:03:02] <Vexatos> (Best thing ever)
L1185[11:03:16] <Tahg> mhm
L1186[11:03:24] <Tahg> I'm seeing less reasons not to use OC
L1187[11:03:32] <Vexatos> Good
L1188[11:03:38] <Tahg> lol
L1189[11:03:43] <Vexatos> Any more ways to convince you?
L1190[11:04:02] <Vexatos> You already have OpenPrograms access for you to dump all your OC programs on
L1191[11:04:19] <Tahg> idk, the 5.2 is putting me off still
L1192[11:04:28] <Vexatos> Not that many changes
L1193[11:04:38] <Vexatos> The _ENV changed, but that is only for advanced usage
L1194[11:04:45] <Vexatos> The other thing is the require
L1195[11:04:46] <Tahg> well, I've been using it
L1196[11:04:55] <Tahg> require isn't new
L1197[11:05:03] <Tahg> it's just a missing feature of LuaJ
L1198[11:05:04] <Vexatos> It was not necessary in CC
L1199[11:05:07] <Vexatos> Yea
L1200[11:05:22] <Tahg> it's not really necessary now is it?
L1201[11:05:28] <Vexatos> It is
L1202[11:05:35] <Vexatos> require() loads an API
L1203[11:05:39] <Sangar> define necessary
L1204[11:05:47] <Vexatos> You need it to load any API
L1205[11:05:50] <Vexatos> or library
L1206[11:06:02] <Tahg> hmm, so replaces os.loadAPI then?
L1207[11:06:05] <Tahg> (Sort of)
L1208[11:06:05] <Vexatos> Yep
L1209[11:06:08] <Vexatos> That
L1210[11:06:10] <Sangar> well you can dofile the libs, too, hence me asking what's 'necessary' ;)
L1211[11:06:14] <Vexatos> Yes
L1212[11:06:34] <Tahg> ya, in terms of what you can do in pure lua, didn't seem to be
L1213[11:06:42] <MrHohenheim> lol
L1214[11:06:44] <Vexatos> Tahg, to load an API, type >apiname = require("apiname")
L1215[11:06:46] <Tahg> os.loadAPI was just pure lua too
L1216[11:06:57] <Tahg> as was a large part of os
L1217[11:06:58] <Vexatos> Oh, and localize it
L1218[11:07:04] <Vexatos> >local apiname = require("apiname")
L1219[11:07:15] <Vexatos> Then you can use all the apiname functions
L1220[11:07:27] <MrHohenheim> so i need dl again the programs..
L1221[11:07:27] <Tahg> as if they were local?
L1222[11:07:32] <Vexatos> Yes
L1223[11:07:38] <Vexatos> Like, apiname.doStuff()
L1224[11:07:54] <Tahg> hmm
L1225[11:07:58] <Vexatos> And you usually do all the requires at the very beginning of a program
L1226[11:08:01] <Vexatos> like Java imports
L1227[11:08:08] <Tahg> I'm still trying to get a "class like" structure in lua
L1228[11:08:40] <Vexatos> Oh, you want to check out Wobbo's OOC then
L1229[11:08:51] <Vexatos> https://github.com/Wobbo/COLua
L1230[11:08:59] <Vexatos> Object orientated Lua
L1231[11:09:27] <Vexatos> (read the README)
L1232[11:09:59] <Vexatos> Tahg ^
L1233[11:11:07] <Tahg> hmm
L1234[11:11:24] <Tahg> I'll still probably work on my own, lol
L1235[11:12:20] <Sangar> hehe. i think there are more implementations of object orientation in lua than of anything else :P (i.e. variation count)
L1236[11:12:36] <Vexatos> Yea
L1237[11:12:43] <Tahg> ya
L1238[11:12:45] <Vexatos> Because it is the one thing people are missing in it
L1239[11:13:07] <Vexatos> Because it is neither a full programming language nor just a scripting language
L1240[11:13:25] <Tahg> the reason I was messing around with environments was to try and get around prepending everything with self.
L1241[11:13:35] <Tahg> (which gets annoying after a while)
L1242[11:14:02] <Tahg> making the local function environment = the class object was (hopefully) my fix
L1243[11:15:11] <Tahg> I'm still not quite sure the scope of _ENV either
L1244[11:16:27] <Sangar> are you familiar with the concept of upvalues?
L1245[11:16:29] <Vexatos> Tahg, might you upload that refuel program to github?
L1246[11:16:50] <Sangar> if so: the first upvalue named _ENV is used as the environment.
L1247[11:17:10] <Sangar> first as in first one found while searching from most local to most global
L1248[11:17:38] <Sangar> also, in case you didn't see Vexatos: test programs for hologram are up
L1249[11:17:54] <Vexatos> Yea
L1250[11:17:59] <Vexatos> "OPEN COMPUTERS"
L1251[11:18:38] <Sangar> !
L1252[11:18:45] <Vexatos> i
L1253[11:18:53] <Sangar> _.
L1254[11:19:08] <Vexatos> -.
L1255[11:19:23] <Sangar> ,/
L1256[11:19:25] <Vexatos> I have an idea
L1257[11:19:38] <Vexatos> I upload the refuel program to OpenPrograms/Tahg-Programs
L1258[11:19:41] <Vexatos> And pretend to be him
L1259[11:19:45] <Vexatos> >:D
L1260[11:20:09] <Tahg> so something like cls.funcName = function(...) _ENV = cls return func(...) end -- this should work right?
L1261[11:21:00] <Tahg> where cls is my class object and funcName, func are a k, v from my class type
L1262[11:21:42] <Sangar> yes
L1263[11:22:28] * Vexatos wants a refuel program natively in OC
L1264[11:22:30] <Tahg> cool, I was already doing function closures, so this change isn't actually that bad
L1265[11:23:31] <Sangar> Vexatos: yes yes, there are only that many things i can do simultaneously :P
L1266[11:23:42] <Vexatos> May I make one?
L1267[11:23:54] <Tahg> been trying to rewrite this class lib so I can rewrite my GUI lib
L1268[11:24:41] <Vexatos> Like CC version: refuel inserting from slot one, refuel <number> inserting from a specific slot and refuel all inserting everything that can be used
L1269[11:24:45] <Sangar> if you want to write the program, please do. i'll add the dynamic fs to the generator in a bit.
L1270[11:25:14] <Vexatos> dynamic fs?
L1271[11:25:20] <Vexatos> Ah, that internet thingie
L1272[11:25:25] <Vexatos> just for generators
L1273[11:25:25] <Sangar> exactly
L1274[11:25:29] <Vexatos> k
L1275[11:25:47] <Sangar> just running it would return the number of items in the generator? (generator.count)
L1276[11:26:00] * Vexatos open SciTE
L1277[11:26:11] <Vexatos> Sangar, right
L1278[11:26:13] <Vexatos> Ok
L1279[11:26:24] <Vexatos> Then refuel <num> and refuel all
L1280[11:26:51] <Tahg> hmm, I have another special feature request for sometime
L1281[11:27:08] <Tahg> actually, hmm maybe I can do this already
L1282[11:27:25] <Vexatos> How much can a generator hold, Sangar?
L1283[11:27:32] <Sangar> one stack
L1284[11:27:34] <Sangar> so up to 64
L1285[11:27:38] <Sangar> of the same
L1286[11:27:50] <Sangar> so if there's coal in there you can't also add saplings
L1287[11:27:50] <Vexatos> Ok
L1288[11:27:58] <Vexatos> And insert will return false
L1289[11:28:01] <Vexatos> right?
L1290[11:28:01] <Sangar> yes
L1291[11:28:09] <Vexatos> What will it return as error messages
L1292[11:28:12] <Tahg> ya, nm was wanting something that can not use power on a per computer/world basis...but I can just use a creative ThermEx cell
L1293[11:28:28] <Sangar> maybe even with a message, can't remember :P
L1294[11:28:40] <Vexatos> It will according to the wiki
L1295[11:28:49] <Sangar> great
L1296[11:28:58] <Vexatos> Not sure which messages, though
L1297[11:29:06] <Vexatos> Those need to be documented
L1298[11:29:24] <Tahg> well, you know Vex it's not like OC is open or anything, so you can't totally just look it up in the source =P
L1299[11:29:38] <Vexatos> I am just doing that >:>
L1300[11:29:49] <Tahg> (not that source generally stops me)
L1301[11:29:56] <Tahg> JD-Gui is my friend
L1302[11:31:30] <Vexatos> Sangar
L1303[11:31:38] <Tahg> well, Slow said go for it (for using OC)
L1304[11:31:38] <Vexatos> Should I check for component.generator?
L1305[11:31:47] <Tahg> and he was considering adding it to some pack
L1306[11:31:49] <Vexatos> Or shall I pretend that there already is a dynamic fs
L1307[11:31:49] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L1308[11:32:15] <Sangar> eh?
L1309[11:32:31] <Sangar> the program shouldn't care for the fs
L1310[11:32:37] <Sangar> that'll just be where it lives
L1311[11:33:11] <Vexatos> No, I mean
L1312[11:33:11] <Sangar> does 1ms cooldown per char for the clipboard sending sound reasonable? (1000 chars 1 sec)
L1313[11:33:25] <Vexatos> Yea
L1314[11:33:29] <Vexatos> What I meant was
L1315[11:33:35] <Vexatos> If you add dynamic fs to the generator
L1316[11:33:50] <Vexatos> refuel will only be present if the generator is
L1317[11:33:59] <Vexatos> So I won't need to check for component.generator, right?
L1318[11:34:22] <Sangar> ah
L1319[11:34:23] <Sangar> yeah
L1320[11:34:31] <Tahg> eh, you still need to *get* the generator tho?
L1321[11:34:34] <Sangar> also component.generator will just throw an error if there's no generator there
L1322[11:34:39] <Tahg> so don't see how it makes much diff
L1323[11:34:50] <Tahg> wait what?
L1324[11:34:59] <Tahg> bah, doesn't return nil?
L1325[11:35:13] <Sangar> it's a shorthand for component.getPrimary, and that's checked
L1326[11:35:34] <Vexatos> Found them
L1327[11:35:34] <Sangar> if you need to know if it's there use component.isAvailable
L1328[11:36:03] <Tahg> hrm...I see component.invoke is missing from the component page too
L1329[11:36:10] <Vexatos> Ok, but I don't in this case due to dynamic fs
L1330[11:36:35] <Sangar> i probably forgot everything in kernel.lua
L1331[11:36:53] <Tahg> kernel.lua?
L1332[11:36:58] <Vexatos> The core of OC
L1333[11:37:03] <Tahg> does some component stuff live there?
L1334[11:37:04] <Vexatos> The OS
L1335[11:37:07] <Sangar> kinda like cc's boot.lua or what it was called
L1336[11:37:31] <Sangar> the low-level semi-native stuff is in there, yes
L1337[11:37:37] <Tahg> ComponentAccess apparently has more detail
L1338[11:37:41] <Sangar> that includes the basics of the components, yes
L1339[11:37:57] <Tahg> hrm, what does semi-native mean?
L1340[11:38:15] <Sangar> it wraps the native stuff and adds a couple of pure lua methods
L1341[11:38:22] <Tahg> ah
L1342[11:38:45] <Tahg> ya, that's what boot did, although that was pure lua
L1343[11:39:10] <Tahg> setup the lua part of os, and was responsible for finding startup IIRC
L1344[11:41:35] <Sangar> well kernel.lua itself is obviously also pure lua :P but it's the only thing that has 'direct' access to the native stuff
L1345[11:41:51] <Sangar> afk for a bit
L1346[11:42:01] <Tahg> ah
L1347[11:42:17] <Tahg> bios.lua, that's what it was called in CC
L1348[11:42:52] <Tahg> has a lot of stuff that I didn't think was strictly lua, (like pairs and ipairs)
L1349[11:44:32] <Vexatos> Sangar, does that look fine? https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/Component-Generator
L1350[11:44:33] * Tahg compares
L1351[11:44:37] <Vexatos> I added the error strings
L1352[11:50:57] <Tahg> erm
L1353[11:51:01] <Tahg> ya I see that
L1354[11:51:07] <Tahg> I was comparing kernel to bios
L1355[11:51:29] <Tahg> definitely totally different
L1356[11:52:07] <Tahg> CC is definitely less sandboxy, but I'm not sure how much of that is LuaJ related
L1357[11:58:43] <Tahg> anyway, going out for a bit (meant to 6 hours ago)
L1358[11:58:47] <Sangar> back. cc can do a lot more of the sandboxing directly in java. jnlua (c<->java glue) pushes LuaErrors when things go wrong, though, which is userdata, which doesn't persist, so i do what i can directly in lua.
L1359[11:58:50] <Tahg> and then time to try OC when I return
L1360[11:59:02] <Sangar> see you :)
L1361[11:59:17] <Vexatos> Sangar, is there something like the java equalsIgnoreCase in Lua?
L1362[11:59:25] <Tahg> userdata doesn't persist, or it causes the whole lua state to not persist?
L1363[11:59:48] <Tahg> there's that in java?
L1364[11:59:49] <Sangar> builtin? i don't think so. you'll probably have to a:lower() == b:lower()
L1365[12:00:12] <Sangar> userdata doesn't persist
L1366[12:00:36] <Vexatos> lower lowercasifies everything?
L1367[12:00:44] <Sangar> not without special handling anyway (per type of userdata and aaah)
L1368[12:00:54] <Sangar> yes
L1369[12:01:01] <Tahg> what else would it do?
L1370[12:01:39] <Sangar> if you expect unicode stuff you may want to unicode.lower(a) == unicode.lower(b) instead
L1371[12:01:47] <Vexatos> By the way, what's the difference between a . and a : in function calls?
L1372[12:02:14] <Vexatos> No, I just want to have the "all" from "refuel all" to be not case sensitive
L1373[12:02:18] <Tahg> : is syntatic for adding a self param in
L1374[12:02:31] <Vexatos> What does that mean? :D
L1375[12:02:32] <Tahg> ie a:b() = a.b(a)
L1376[12:02:37] <Vexatos> Ah
L1377[12:02:39] <Vexatos> Thanks
L1378[12:02:47] <Vexatos> So it uses itself as a parameter
L1379[12:02:48] <Vexatos> Nice
L1380[12:02:48] <Tahg> basic lua =P
L1381[12:02:52] * Vexatos no basic lua
L1382[12:03:00] <Vexatos> ;D
L1383[12:03:26] <Tahg> next up: metatables =D
L1384[12:04:02] <Tahg> I had sworn I had seen __pairs in lua 5.2, but maybe I was mistaken
L1385[12:04:30] * Vexatos has no clue what metatables are either
L1386[12:05:49] <Kenny|AFK> i use pairs() to get function names
L1387[12:05:52] *** Kenny|AFK is now known as Kenny
L1388[12:07:34] <Vexatos> Uhm, if I do local args = shell.parse(...) and no arguments were inserted, args[1] will be nil, right?
L1389[12:07:41] <Vexatos> Or will it be an empty string?
L1390[12:07:57] <Sangar> should be nil
L1391[12:08:03] <Vexatos> Ok
L1392[12:10:58] *** Kenny is now known as Kenny|AFK
L1393[12:12:07] * Tahg curiously looks for the native part of the OC lua
L1394[12:12:14] <Tahg> (not finding it tho)
L1395[12:12:35] <Tahg> oh, in server ofc
L1396[12:13:46] ⇦ Quits: Vooloo (~adad@78-72-42-123-no186.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
L1397[12:14:35] <Tahg> and technically I see no java in there, but oh well
L1398[12:19:49] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L1399[12:21:36] <Kenny|AFK> he rograms using Scala
L1400[12:21:40] <Kenny|AFK> programs*
L1401[12:33:59] <Sangar> Vexatos: fs for generator is up, with a stub for the refuel.lua
L1402[12:34:22] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L1403[12:34:43] <Vexatos> Ok
L1404[12:35:48] <Vexatos> I am almost done, only printUsage left.
L1405[12:35:50] <Kenny|AFK> Sangar: you know how when you do the component.list() and get the components? then you do sg=component.stargate so you can do a pairs on it?
L1406[12:37:07] <Kenny|AFK> i am trying to take that list printed out by component.list() and instert the values into a table prepending component to them so i can them do a for loop on that table with the pairs
L1407[12:38:22] <Kenny|AFK> where i'm having a problem is that the value is a string variable and i can't create a table for pairs that way
L1408[12:38:42] *** Kenny|AFK is now known as Kenny
L1409[12:38:54] <Sangar> err, i guess something like list = {} for address in component.list() do table.insert(list, component.proxy(address)) end
L1410[12:39:28] <Kenny> ok. i'll try that. thanks
L1411[12:39:36] <Sangar> that gives you the proxy (table representing the component) for each connected component
L1412[12:42:28] <Vexatos> I hope this works, haven't tested
L1413[12:42:36] <Vexatos> :|
L1414[12:43:42] <Kenny> that did it :)
L1415[12:44:42] <Sangar> testing is overrated!
L1416[12:44:46] <Sangar> Kenny: glad to hear that :)
L1417[12:45:07] <Kenny> why is testing overrated?
L1418[12:45:13] <Vexatos> Sangar: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/pull/142
L1419[12:45:18] <Vexatos> I am not sure whether that works
L1420[12:46:13] <Sangar> because writing unit tests is an utter pain in the behind
L1421[12:46:42] <Vexatos> Argh dangit
L1422[12:46:46] <Vexatos> forgot an equals sign
L1423[12:46:47] <Vexatos> >_>
L1424[12:46:48] <Sangar> for the args[1] nil check, maybe just do #args == 0 or so?
L1425[12:47:29] <Vexatos> Well, it checks for 'refuel' without any arguments
L1426[12:47:35] <Vexatos> Oh, right
L1427[12:47:38] <Vexatos> I can edit that
L1428[12:48:21] <Vexatos> Anything else?
L1429[12:48:59] <Sangar> maybe just do tostring(args[1]) ~= nil instead of the match?
L1430[12:49:01] <Sangar> er
L1431[12:49:02] <Sangar> tonumber
L1432[12:49:03] <Sangar> -.-
L1433[12:49:18] <Vexatos> It returns nil if it can't be turned into a number?
L1434[12:49:23] <Sangar> yes
L1435[12:49:23] <Vexatos> Nice.
L1436[12:49:45] <Vexatos> Anything else?
L1437[12:49:47] <Sangar> also, = "all"
L1438[12:49:52] <Vexatos> Yes
L1439[12:49:57] <Vexatos> <Vexatos> Argh dangit
L1440[12:49:57] <Vexatos> <Vexatos> forgot an equals sign
L1441[12:50:01] <Sangar> ah, thought you'd meant the = nil
L1442[12:50:12] <Vexatos> Heh
L1443[12:50:23] <Vexatos> So, anything else left?
L1444[12:50:34] <Sangar> looks good i think
L1445[12:50:39] <Vexatos> Ok
L1446[12:50:47] <Sangar> well, indent the prints in printusage :P
L1447[12:50:58] <Sangar> and the printusage in else :P
L1448[12:51:05] <Sangar> ah ok
L1449[12:51:10] <Sangar> already done i see
L1450[12:51:37] <Vexatos> Yea
L1451[12:51:42] <Sangar> well some tiny things, but i'll adjust those, will be quicker
L1452[12:51:45] <Vexatos> I miss auto indent of eclipse :P
L1453[12:51:48] <Vexatos> Ok
L1454[12:52:02] <Vexatos> The joy of OpenSource
L1455[12:52:04] <Vexatos> \o/
L1456[12:52:06] <Sangar> :)
L1457[12:53:39] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E6559366D94E523E6C49BBB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1458[12:53:59] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6559126D94E523E6C49BBB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Vexaton!~Vexatos@p200300556E6559366D94E523E6C49BBB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)))
L1459[12:54:03] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L1460[12:54:41] <Sangar> meh, insert errors o.O why did i do that
L1461[12:54:55] <Vexatos> ?
L1462[12:55:07] <Vexatos> Because of pastry fork
L1463[12:55:35] <Vexatos> And because of NotEnoughErrorsExceptions
L1464[12:58:29] <Sangar> also, the numeric parameter should the number of items to insert, no? (not the slot)
L1465[12:58:42] <Sangar> at least the parameter for insert is the count, not the slot ^^
L1466[13:02:11] <Vexatos> It should be the slot it inserts from
L1467[13:02:20] <Vexatos> Oh, it is?
L1468[13:02:22] <Vexatos> Oops
L1469[13:02:28] <Vexatos> How do I select a certain slot?
L1470[13:02:57] <Vexatos> Then, please let me re-do it, I need to change stuff
L1471[13:04:42] <Sangar> it might actually be nice if 'refuel n' would add or remove n items. so refuel -10 would remove 10 items from the generators internal 'queue'
L1472[13:05:02] <Vexatos> May I re-do it?
L1473[13:05:16] <Vexatos> I can change it to refuel <slot> [amount]
L1474[13:05:25] <Vexatos> So you can specify an amount
L1475[13:05:25] <Sangar> go for it
L1476[13:05:26] <Sangar> :)
L1477[13:05:29] <Vexatos> Ok, thanks
L1478[13:05:47] <Vexatos> Do I need to require the robot API?
L1479[13:05:53] <Sangar> robot.select, to answer your earlier question btw
L1480[13:05:55] <Sangar> yes
L1481[13:06:06] <Vexatos> Ok
L1482[13:06:25] <Vexatos> Yea, already found it in the (pretty good) documentation :)
L1483[13:07:17] <Kenny> Sangar, that worked to allow me to make a list of all components attached to a computer.....
L1484[13:07:30] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~Kevin@2601:4:4500:887:c3:dbc1:406:8703)
L1485[13:08:40] <Kenny> now all i have tpo do is make the fancy looking screen and fixt it so that it will do the lists separately. i.e. print just the attached components, and when it is selected show the available functions
L1486[13:09:02] <Sangar> sounds great
L1487[13:09:08] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L1488[13:10:50] <Vexatos> O:
L1489[13:11:24] <Kenny> then we have a component viewer for OC :)
L1490[13:13:24] <Vexatos> Sangar, to completely fill it, should I do g.insert() or g.insert(64-g.count()) ?
L1491[13:13:40] <Kenny> that will have to wait till a little latre, need to get ready to go out and do the bill pay and most of the monthly shopping :)
L1492[13:14:11] <Sangar> g.insert()
L1493[13:16:55] <Vexatos> Ok
L1494[13:19:09] <Vexatos> A question, will g.remove(0) return false or true?
L1495[13:23:26] <Sangar> false i think
L1496[13:23:48] <Vexatos> Ok thanks :)
L1497[13:24:00] <Sangar> yep, will return false
L1498[13:24:04] <Sangar> insert(0) will return true however
L1499[13:24:44] ⇨ Joins: Symmetryc (webchat@pool-173-78-213-151.tampfl.fios.verizon.net)
L1500[13:25:43] <Vexatos> Ok
L1501[13:50:42] <Vexatos> Sangar: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/pull/143
L1502[13:50:47] <Vexatos> I hope that works
L1503[13:50:53] <Sangar> we'll see :D
L1504[13:51:40] <Vexatos> Now you can do refuel <slot> <amount>
L1505[13:51:46] <Vexatos> Or refuel <slot>
L1506[13:51:49] <Vexatos> Or refuel
L1507[13:51:51] <Vexatos> or refuel all
L1508[13:51:52] <Vexatos> :D
L1509[13:52:21] <Symmetryc> Vexatos, Wobbo told me that you were the person to go to to be admitted into the OpenPrograms group
L1510[13:53:06] <Vexatos> Yup
L1511[13:53:15] <Vexatos> You want to dump your programs there as well?
L1512[13:53:24] <Vexatos> What's your github usename?
L1513[13:53:25] <Kenny> Sangar: quick question: can i switch one table to another simply saying buffer = theme?
L1514[13:53:26] <Symmetryc> I'd like to, yes
L1515[13:53:42] <Symmetryc> My GitHub name is simply Symmetryc
L1516[13:54:00] <Symmetryc> I can also provide qualifications if you need that kind of stuff to be part of the group
L1517[13:54:19] <Vexatos> No
L1518[13:54:25] <Vexatos> Just a better alternative to pastebin
L1519[13:54:26] <Symmetryc> Okay, cool
L1520[13:54:28] <Kenny> he don't need no stinking qulaifications
L1521[13:54:29] <Vexatos> a more organized one
L1522[13:54:31] <Vexatos> Yea
L1523[13:54:37] * Vexatos has no qualifications at all
L1524[13:54:45] <Kenny> lol
L1525[13:54:54] <Vexatos> So, you are now able to create a repository at https://github.com/OpenPrograms
L1526[13:54:56] <Symmetryc> I wasn't sure because all the members were private and all
L1527[13:54:57] <Symmetryc> :P
L1528[13:55:10] <Vexatos> If it is a general file dump
L1529[13:55:20] <Vexatos> call it Symmetryc-Programs
L1530[13:55:32] <Vexatos> If it is a larger project that deserves its own repo, go ahead
L1531[13:56:27] <Vexatos> Symmetryc ^
L1532[13:56:49] <Vexatos> So, I have to go sleep now
L1533[13:56:52] <Vexatos> have fun at the repos!
L1534[14:04:35] <Sangar> Vexatos: looking better, adjusting a little now :)
L1535[14:05:11] <Sangar> Kenny: not sure what you mean, but i *think* the answer is yes
L1536[14:05:52] * Tahg has returned
L1537[14:11:11] <Vexatos> Good night!
L1538[14:11:15] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6559366D94E523E6C49BBB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Greetings from Pastry Fork, Inc. ✔)
L1539[14:15:14] <^v> night
L1540[14:26:53] <Coreymills25> heyy all
L1541[14:28:13] <gjgfuj> How is OC updated to 1.7 when UE isn't?
L1542[14:29:11] <Coreymills25> because OC isnt depended on UE it can use a few different power systems
L1543[14:29:53] <Coreymills25> u just wont be able to use UE with it untell UE updates
L1544[14:30:28] <gjgfuj> So, what other power systems can it use?
L1545[14:30:40] <Coreymills25> buildcraft ic2
L1546[14:30:58] <Coreymills25> TE
L1547[14:31:10] <gjgfuj> It can use them without UE?
L1548[14:31:21] <Coreymills25> yep
L1549[14:34:13] <Tahg> I've heard UE on 1.7 is coming soon tho
L1550[14:34:35] <Tahg> no idea on any suppliers tho
L1551[14:35:49] <Kenny> Tahg, Calc was in just before you this morning talking about taking UE to 1.7
L1552[14:36:46] <Sangar> errr correction: oc can't use other power systems without ue, but it can run fine without power (stuff just doesn't use power then)
L1553[14:39:16] <Tahg> you don't directly support any other APIs?
L1554[14:39:30] <Tahg> (I hear RF is a popular one these days =D)
L1555[14:40:16] <Tahg> MFR, TE, ExtraUtils all produce native RF power
L1556[14:43:50] <Symmetryc> Sangar: Crap
L1557[14:44:04] <Symmetryc> Sangar: Can you create a repo for me in the OpenPrograms group?
L1558[14:44:44] <Kenny> Tahg, OC will use Te's RF power using the power convertor
L1559[14:44:47] <Sangar> it's pretty convenient to just have ue do all the conversion :P
L1560[14:45:22] <gjgfuj> Calclavia said that UE was coming next week.
L1561[14:45:35] <gjgfuj> So not too long to wait for that.
L1562[14:47:06] <Sangar> Symmetryc: created the repo, can you push to it?
L1563[14:47:14] <Sangar> not sure about the rights system on github :P
L1564[14:51:53] <Tahg> ya, I'm not moving from 1.6 for some time, so I don't really have to worry
L1565[14:52:48] <Tahg> the best way to not worry about power for a single network is to just slap a creative cell on it I assume?
L1566[14:57:00] <Sangar> yeah
L1567[14:57:17] <Kenny> this is the one thing i hate about lua. i can't set up an arrays. it only uses tables
L1568[14:58:53] <Sangar> but tables *are* arrays :/
L1569[14:59:34] <Tahg> tables are also hashmaps
L1570[14:59:36] <Symmetryc> Sangar: Not sure how to use this whole organization thing yet...
L1571[14:59:54] <Symmetryc> Tahg: Depends what kind you're talking aobut
L1572[14:59:56] <Symmetryc> *about
L1573[14:59:57] <Kenny> i put a number value in a table now when i try to get that number value it keeps telling me trying to index
L1574[15:00:10] <Sangar> orgas: me neither :P
L1575[15:00:38] <Tahg> code Kenny?
L1576[15:00:40] <Sangar> you do know indexes in lua start with 1 (not 0)?
L1577[15:00:51] <Sangar> otherwise that may be the problem :)
L1578[15:01:02] <Tahg> Symmetryc, are there multiple kinds/
L1579[15:01:04] <Tahg> ?
L1580[15:01:38] <Kenny> http://pastebin.com/scsNbK38
L1581[15:01:51] <Kenny> and i started it with a 1
L1582[15:02:17] <Tahg> what particular part of that?
L1583[15:02:54] <Kenny> the last part where it is printing out the list using compLenFuncs
L1584[15:03:05] <Kenny> the 2 fopr statements at the end
L1585[15:03:32] <Kenny> compListFuncs is a table of the length of each compList
L1586[15:03:42] <Symmetryc> Tahg: Hashmaps can be distinct/indistinct
L1587[15:03:55] <Kenny> it's a list of numbers
L1588[15:04:09] <Kenny> there erro occurs on line 50
L1589[15:04:34] <Tahg> um, idk like a java hashmap <.<
L1590[15:04:34] <Sangar> compLenFuncs = b <-
L1591[15:04:36] <Kenny> attempt to index local compLenFUncs a number value
L1592[15:04:43] <Sangar> b is a number
L1593[15:04:51] <Sangar> so compeLenFuncs is a number after that. not a table.
L1594[15:04:55] <Kenny> so is compLenFuncs[a]
L1595[15:05:11] <Symmetryc> Hashmaps aren't lists, they have key/value pairs
L1596[15:05:44] <Tahg> was that to me?
L1597[15:06:22] <Kenny> to Sangar: he said b is a number but so is the value stored in compLenFuncs[a]
L1598[15:06:39] <Tahg> no, compLenFuncs is a number
L1599[15:06:47] <Tahg> therefore calling [a] on it is invalid
L1600[15:06:59] <Symmetryc> Tahg: That was to anyone who says otherwise :P
L1601[15:07:01] <Kenny> comLenFuncs is a table created above
L1602[15:07:13] <Sangar> line 45
L1603[15:07:19] <Tahg> until you assinged it the value of b, which is a number
L1604[15:07:20] <Sangar> it's not a table anymore after that
L1605[15:07:48] <Kenny> then how do i get that number back out of the table
L1606[15:07:59] <Sangar> what number?
L1607[15:08:14] <Tahg> you didn't put a number in the table
L1608[15:08:19] <Tahg> you replaced the table with a number
L1609[15:08:20] <Kenny> compLenFUncs is a table of numbers
L1610[15:08:37] <Tahg> until you totally got rid of the table, by assigning a number to it
L1611[15:09:01] <Kenny> i didn't assign a number to it, the value of it is the max value in the for loop
L1612[15:09:02] <Tahg> variables can change types
L1613[15:09:06] <Sangar> Kenny: what do you *expect* to do in line 45?
L1614[15:10:06] <Kenny> i have compList which is a list of the components. compListFuncs is a list of the funcs. compLenFuncs is a table of the length of the function list for each component
L1615[15:10:43] <Kenny> so compLenFuncs[a] should be a number of value
L1616[15:11:30] <Kenny> nothing. that was the whole problem i'm thinking
L1617[15:11:50] <Tahg> I'm not sure why you store lengths at all
L1618[15:12:01] <Kenny> it was
L1619[15:12:21] <Kenny> Tahg, I've only been programming in lua for around 3 weeks.
L1620[15:12:22] <Tahg> you do know you can get the length of a table you're using as a list right?
L1621[15:13:25] <Kenny> this is why i like arrays. i can make them more than one dimensional
L1622[15:13:44] <Tahg> you can with tables too
L1623[15:13:45] <Kenny> and i don't know squat about tables
L1624[15:13:57] <Kenny> i'm just learning the language
L1625[15:14:02] <Sangar> just think of them as arrays and you're good ;)
L1626[15:14:18] <Kenny> don't work like that cause i can't manipulate themthe same
L1627[15:14:26] <Sangar> also, #table gives you the number elements in it (as long as theres no 'nil' in the sequence)
L1628[15:15:21] <Kenny> but each component has a different length of functions, how am i going to insert the component name into the table and the function names also
L1629[15:15:41] <Kenny> so that the functions ONLY match that component
L1630[15:17:06] <Tahg> here, lemme help you out a bit, gimme a minute
L1631[15:17:13] <Kenny> i don't have a clue, so i created a table of the components, a table of the functions adding in the component name, and now i'm using the component table to create a menu where you can select the component and it will then give you a list of the functions for it
L1632[15:17:52] <Symmetryc> Kenny: I'll implement arrays in Lua
L1633[15:17:58] <Symmetryc> If that helps
L1634[15:19:37] <Kenny> i want to learn lua, but i can NOT learn from reading a book. i need code that does what i'm thinking of to look at and see how it works
L1635[15:20:01] <Kenny> that was why using edit.lua made it so easy for me to pick up on reading the keyboard strokes
L1636[15:20:16] <Kenny> reading the lua documentation wasn't helping me at all
L1637[15:23:45] <Kenny> see i look at the documentation, try what they show and keep getting errors. The only person i now who knows lua good is Sangar, and i hate to bother him all the time about it
L1638[15:24:27] <Kenny> so i keep trying, keep getting errors and get more and more frustrated
L1639[15:24:49] <Symmetryc> Hmm, does anyone know __ipairs metamethod specifications?
L1640[15:24:55] <Kenny> i know what i want to do can be done, just don't know HOW to do it
L1641[15:26:00] <^v> Symmetryc, it doesnt
L1642[15:26:07] <^v> there is none iirc
L1643[15:26:25] <^v> its just a function that uses pairs
L1644[15:26:55] <Tahg> Kenny, try looking at this: http://pastebin.com/BVwYxFw2
L1645[15:27:10] <Tahg> just did it on pastebin, so lemme know if it errors
L1646[15:27:18] *** JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther is now known as JoshTheEnder
L1647[15:27:24] <Tahg> and ask if there's any (or all) of it you don't understand
L1648[15:29:52] <Kenny> unexpected symbol near ) on line 29
L1649[15:30:29] <Symmetryc> ^v: In the official Lua site it says __ipairs has been added though...
L1650[15:30:46] <^v> oh
L1651[15:31:08] <^v> then it probably goes __ipairs=function(table) return iterator_function end
L1652[15:31:23] <Tahg> yep, extra ) on that line
L1653[15:32:09] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L1654[15:32:17] <Kenny> well, it runs, but it is just a list of nil values
L1655[15:33:04] <Tahg> hmm
L1656[15:33:37] <Tahg> right, duh
L1657[15:34:10] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~Kevin@2601:4:4500:887:c3:dbc1:406:8703) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1658[15:35:18] <Kenny> i see what you are doing though Tahg. I should be able to work with it.
L1659[15:35:19] <Tahg> ok, refresh, I changed lines 47 and 48
L1660[15:35:37] <Tahg> just hadn't fixed up the print
L1661[15:37:55] <Tahg> fixed that stray ) too
L1662[15:38:13] <Kenny> attempt to call local compListFuncs (a table value)
L1663[15:38:29] <Tahg> oops, indeed
L1664[15:38:36] <Kenny> oon line 47
L1665[15:38:37] <Tahg> the (comp) should be [comp]
L1666[15:39:31] <Kenny> that worked :)
L1667[15:39:31] <Tahg> (this is what I get for not testing in lua)
L1668[15:39:49] <Kenny> but it was an easy fix :)
L1669[15:39:56] <Tahg> yep
L1670[15:39:59] <Kenny> thanks Tahg, i can work with that
L1671[15:40:19] <Tahg> that gives pretty much the whole gamet of useful table functions
L1672[15:40:43] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L1673[15:40:44] <Kenny> sister finally got home so i can go pay bills and do shopping. going to be gone for about 2-3 hours
L1674[15:41:10] <Kenny> thanks, I'll look over it more tonight and work on building that component viewer :)
L1675[15:42:30] <Kenny> i appreciate you taking and Sangar taking the time to help me
L1676[15:42:40] <Kenny> talk to you all later
L1677[15:42:43] *** Kenny is now known as Kenny|AFK
L1678[15:45:18] <Symmetryc> Sangar: Can you create a random file in the repo you made for me? I can't start it up it appears
L1679[15:45:27] <Symmetryc> After that I think you can just transfer ownership
L1680[15:46:06] <JZTech101> hey Kenny|AFK can I get voice? :3
L1681[15:47:12] <Symmetryc> Sangar: Nvm, I think I got it...
L1682[15:47:27] <Symmetryc> Sangar: Nvm to that, I don't have it...
L1683[15:48:49] <Sangar> i tried the transfer ownership thingy, told me i can only transfer it to myself :P
L1684[15:48:52] <Sangar> give me a second
L1685[15:49:07] <Symmetryc> Alright, I'll just tell Vexatos later then I guess
L1686[15:49:15] *** Symmetryc is now known as Sym|AFK
L1687[15:52:15] <Sangar> Symmetryc: pushed an empty readme in there, don't know if that'll help
L1688[15:52:25] <Sangar> anyway, i'll be away for a bit
L1689[15:58:13] <JZTech101> o hey Sangar can I haz voice in here?
L1690[16:07:24] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L1691[16:47:35] ⇨ Joins: Mycraft (webchat@108-194-14-197.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net)
L1692[16:47:44] <Mycraft> hi guys
L1693[17:18:12] ⇦ Quits: gjgfuj (~gjgfuj@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1694[17:34:57] ⇨ Joins: SpiritedDusty (~SpiritedD@24-205-168-216.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com)
L1695[17:34:58] zsh sets mode: +o on SpiritedDusty
L1696[17:37:19] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L1697[17:56:02] <Kenny|AFK> hey, back from spending monmey and guess what....
L1698[17:56:25] <Kenny|AFK> got a nedw keyboard with bigger keys, might help me type better lol
L1699[17:56:36] <Kenny|AFK> then again maybe not hehe
L1700[18:07:31] <SpiritedDusty> Sangar, I got the memory limiting on the emulator to work :D
L1701[18:08:54] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L1702[18:27:30] ⇦ Quits: LordJoda (~lordjoda@178-26-182-118-dynip.superkabel.de) ()
L1703[18:38:49] *** Sym|AFK is now known as Symmetryc
L1704[18:38:52] <Symmetryc> Hello
L1705[18:40:41] <Symmetryc> Kenny|AFK: https://github.com/Symmetryc/Native_Lua/blob/master/Array/array.lua
L1706[18:40:47] <Symmetryc> Oh crap you're afk
L1707[18:40:51] <Symmetryc> Lol sorry
L1708[18:43:41] <SpiritedDusty> Symmetryc whats native lua?
L1709[18:45:05] <Symmetryc> Normal Lua
L1710[18:45:07] <Symmetryc> LuaC
L1711[18:45:17] <Symmetryc> Lua without the JIT and without the J :P
L1712[18:47:17] <Kenny|AFK> nah, Kenny is just hiding and relaxing after runing arouind fore 2 hours
L1713[18:47:49] <Kenny|AFK> and a new kb didn't seem to help my typing one damn bit
L1714[18:48:12] <Kenny|AFK> the damn thing even has bigger keys!
L1715[18:48:28] <Kenny|AFK> and i still can't type for shit
L1716[18:49:16] * JZTech101 wonders if Kenny|AFK will give him voice (pretty pweasE)
L1717[18:49:38] <Kenny|AFK> nope
L1718[18:49:41] *** Kenny|AFK is now known as Kenny
L1719[18:49:42] <JZTech101> :<
L1720[18:49:45] <JZTech101> why?
L1721[18:49:58] <Kenny> there is a reason the 2 new people have voice
L1722[18:50:10] <JZTech101> which is?
L1723[18:50:27] <Kenny> in cal case if you don't know i need to DiNozzo you
L1724[18:50:44] <Symmetryc> Kenny: Did you look at the link
L1725[18:51:20] <Kenny> but Tah-g has cause I know hoim very well and he is a former bukkit dev as well as part of FTB
L1726[18:51:26] <Kenny> yep
L1727[18:52:21] <Kenny> Those that have voice in here are devs.
L1728[18:52:38] <Kenny> with the exception of me
L1729[18:53:08] <Kenny> but i'm a co-founder so i rate :P
L1730[18:53:42] <SpiritedDusty> I ain't a dev Kenny
L1731[18:53:53] <Kenny> Dusty, you run the forum
L1732[18:54:14] <Kenny> and i did say those with VOICE :P
L1733[18:54:17] <SpiritedDusty> that reminds me… Ir7_o, when can we fix the forums ;_;
L1734[18:54:20] <Kenny> you have OP
L1735[18:54:21] <SpiritedDusty> oh right :P
L1736[18:55:26] <Kenny> not only that i was informed that you should be an op a while back. just had to teach you a little something hehe
L1737[18:55:55] <SpiritedDusty> >.>
L1738[18:56:09] <SpiritedDusty> I was… a bit depressed that day
L1739[18:56:55] <Kenny> didn't mean to depress you you, but you were jumping straight into tings an OP doesn't normally handle, the founder/co-founders do
L1740[18:57:02] <Kenny> things*
L1741[18:57:44] <SpiritedDusty> eh whatever, I leaned to not mess with flags :P
L1742[18:58:10] <Kenny> there is a difference between setting flags and setting channel modes
L1743[18:58:32] <Symmetryc> Kenny: Did you look at the array.lua ._. took me some time to figure that out...
L1744[18:58:34] <Kenny> flags give a person more control of thre channel and what can be done in it
L1745[18:59:08] <Kenny> yes i did, Sym. didn;t mean to ignore you. wanted to make sure i had time to understand it hehe
L1746[18:59:25] <Symmetryc> Ah, okay
L1747[18:59:30] <Kenny> and it has me totally lost lol
L1748[18:59:37] <Symmetryc> I can explain if you want me to
L1749[19:00:40] <Kenny> that would help. cause i sincerely do not understand the operation of that function
L1750[19:01:05] <Symmetryc> Alright, well the file returns a function that takes one argument
L1751[19:01:08] <Kenny> i'm assuming it will do what i was trying to do earlier
L1752[19:01:20] <Symmetryc> That is a table that you use as an array
L1753[19:01:34] <Symmetryc> So you'd do local array = require "array.lua"
L1754[19:01:42] <SpiritedDusty> Sangar, do components get attached right away on boot or is there a delay?
L1755[19:02:00] <SpiritedDusty> oh he's away
L1756[19:02:04] <Kenny> Dusty, should attach on boot
L1757[19:02:15] <SpiritedDusty> oh
L1758[19:02:18] <Symmetryc> Alright Kenny, I'll just send you an explanation in a convo so that it won't junk up the channel...
L1759[19:02:18] <Sangar> almost back, catching up on stuff, be right with you ^^
L1760[19:02:41] * SpiritedDusty remembers tech support… "Please wait while we get a representative"
L1761[19:06:15] * JZTech101 dinozzos Kenny
L1762[19:06:25] <Sangar> allright. so first: awesome thing you got the memory limits to work in the emulator :) vex will be thrilled :D
L1763[19:06:41] <Sangar> as for the components, they're there in/before the boot.
L1764[19:06:45] * JZTech101 wonders what dinozzo means
L1765[19:07:00] <Sangar> that's why in init.lua there's that loop that generates the component signals for those.
L1766[19:07:23] <SpiritedDusty> oh
L1767[19:08:21] <SpiritedDusty> so components on the Java side are attached right away but init.lua "pretends" its just getting attached?
L1768[19:09:30] <Sangar> yes. if components are added/remove while the computer is running, those signals will be generated by the host side, but for components added while the computer is off they're not (no signals are generated / accepted while its off)
L1769[19:09:43] <SpiritedDusty> ah ok thanks
L1770[19:25:52] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L1771[19:26:58] <Kenny> Sangar, i'm going to say good night now cause i may not be here when you finally go to bed hehe
L1772[19:27:19] <Sangar> i'm about to go, so yeah, good night :)
L1773[19:27:38] <Kenny> my leg is bothering me from all the walking and i'm beat
L1774[19:27:56] <Kenny> thought you might get there before 4am tonight hehe
L1775[19:28:15] <Kenny> see you when you get up :)
L1776[19:29:30] <Sangar> heh, yeah :) see you then!
L1777[19:37:02] ⇦ Quits: Mycraft (webchat@108-194-14-197.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1778[19:41:07] *** Kenny is now known as Kenny|AFK
L1779[20:23:18] *** JoshTheEnder is now known as JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther
L1780[21:18:50] *** Michiyo is now known as Michiyo[Off]
L1781[21:25:53] *** Michiyo[Off] is now known as Michiyo
L1782[21:41:03] *** LordFokas is now known as LordFokas|off
L1783[21:52:32] *** Kenny|AFK is now known as Kenny|AFK|Offline
L1784[22:17:27] <Coreymills25> heyy
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L1795[23:11:31] <ShadowKatStudios> Afternoon o/
L1796[23:12:19] <ShadowKatStudios> Anything interesting happening anywhere?
L1797[23:20:42] <mallrat208> not here
L1798[23:23:01] <Michiyo> I'm going to try to get a OC Driver implementation working in LanteaCraft stargates... is that interesting?
L1799[23:23:16] <Michiyo> There will be lots of profanities...
L1800[23:23:20] <mallrat208> I should try LanteaCraft
L1801[23:24:08] <Michiyo> Indeed you should!
L1802[23:24:22] <Michiyo> we have new RCs being built now too
L1803[23:24:35] <Michiyo> Also, theres this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7BmhpBaxtw
L1804[23:24:48] <mallrat208> I've previously used sgcraft.. made a dialing computer with computercraft to control entry exit and a small forcefield
L1805[23:25:52] <Michiyo> very little of SGCraft remains in our codebase these days heh
L1806[23:26:23] <mallrat208> Only thing I ever really missed was the option to power the gate using power from a mod like Buildcraft, Thermal Expansion, IC2, or say Mekanism.
L1807[23:26:38] <Michiyo> Which we are currently implementing
L1808[23:27:13] <mallrat208> You have my thanks then.. that was the only thing that ever really frustrated me
L1809[23:27:19] <Michiyo> heh
L1810[23:27:59] <Michiyo> Right now as of build 16, gates use no power at all.. lol they WILL take power from select mods, OR you charge a Energy Crystal in a naquadah generator, and place it in the DHD which provides the power to the gate
L1811[23:28:01] <mallrat208> actually, that's not true.. the other thing that bugged me was the way the chevrons lit up, but thats mostly because I've no life.
L1812[23:28:13] <Michiyo> AND we've fixed that too :p
L1813[23:28:37] <Michiyo> the only thing that DOESN'T happen is the top chevron engaging then disengaging when locking other chevrons
L1814[23:28:46] <Michiyo> which Lochie said he's gonna try to get working one day
L1815[23:31:21] <Michiyo> Anyone here implemented OC drivers for their mod? :D
L1816[23:33:37] <mallrat208> Wish I could help
L1817[23:37:28] <ShadowKatStudios> If anyone is thinking about making an OC expansion mod, I'd like to request a tape drive with a read and write function, and space for 1024 strings of 1024 characters. (alternatively, one string of 1024*1024 characters per tape)
L1818[23:41:11] <mallrat208> It doesn't look like it should actually be that horrible to add OC calls... hmm
L1819[23:41:34] <mallrat208> Of course this is stated half on ignorance and half on caffeine and half on bad math
L1820[23:41:44] <Michiyo> lol
L1821[23:42:31] <Michiyo> good thing is my other developer added an API that CC currently calls, so I should just be able to use OC's driver to call the same API methods..
L1822[23:42:42] <mallrat208> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OC-Example-TileEntity/blob/master/src/li/cil/oc/example/tileentity/TileEntityRadar.java
L1823[23:52:12] <mallrat208> (Many things are possible with ignorance :p )
L1824[23:52:22] <mallrat208> Anyway, I hope you have some luck getting that sorted out
L1825[23:52:28] <Michiyo> heh thanks
L1826[23:52:34] <Michiyo> and thanks for the link
L1827[23:53:00] <Michiyo> I've gotta figure out how to implement it via the API and not in the TE directly so this will take some playing
L1828[23:54:16] <mallrat208> Hmm
L1829[23:55:56] <mallrat208> They do something like that in OpenComponents I believe. https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComponents/tree/master/src/main/java/li/cil/occ/mods/thermalexpansion
L1830[23:57:05] <Michiyo> I'll take a look thanks
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