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L50[06:43:10] <Kenny|Sleeping> afternoon Sangar
L51[06:43:14] *** Kenny|Sleeping is now known as Kenny
L52[06:43:19] <Sangar> afternoon :)
L53[06:44:12] <Kenny> i'm working on the edit.lua program. adding in a feature you had marked as to do :)
L54[06:45:04] <Kenny> checking to see if they want to save the file on exit if it had been changed
L55[06:46:14] <Sangar> ah, ok
L56[06:47:38] <Kenny> just a kittle something easy since i drove myself up the wall yesterday trying to figure out how to insert table in a table and then reference it later hehe
L57[06:47:48] <Kenny> little*
L58[06:47:49] <Sangar> :)
L59[06:48:06] <Kenny> 16 hours and i never did figure it out
L60[06:55:52] <Sangar> not sure what you mean exactly. something like a = {}; a.b = {}; a.b.c = a.b or what?
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L62[07:02:18] <Kenny> i was attempting to create a menu which include the string values a={} and then a list of corresonding tables t={}
L63[07:03:40] <Kenny> long convoluted stroy and explanation hehe
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L65[07:03:54] <Kenny> i had trouble trying to explain it yesteerrday
L66[07:04:22] <Sangar> if you didn't you'd probably not have a problem implementing either ^^
L67[07:04:48] <Kenny> okay, i'll do up and explain and put it on pastebin
L68[07:04:55] <Kenny> an example*
L69[07:05:03] <Sangar> hehe
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L72[07:10:50] <Wobbo> Rewirte of shell I see?
L73[07:11:03] <Wobbo> Well, not rewrite, but changes at least :P
L74[07:12:03] <Wobbo> Sangar, btw, the website is doen or something. It does display stuff, but not the website
L75[07:13:06] <Sangar> yeah, moved the 'process management' to the kernel, to get rid of ugly cross-calls
L76[07:13:21] <Kenny> http://pastebin.com/amgMUa2F
L77[07:13:22] <Sangar> as for the website... well that's just great.
L78[07:13:49] <Wobbo> Everybody is stealing your domain :P
L79[07:14:33] <Sangar> the domain is doing fine (since I own it :P), the server the forum is on seems to be derped. let's hope it's just ir7_o moving it to linux...
L80[07:15:25] <Wobbo> I hope that is the case… EWait, it didn't run Linux before? O_o
L81[07:15:53] <Kenny> Wobbo, read topic hehe
L82[07:15:53] <Sangar> no idea. but that's what he was saying he wanted to do.
L83[07:16:07] <Wobbo> Kenny, read topic what?
L84[07:16:28] <Kenny> ** FORUMS UNDERGOING MAINTENANCE** Thread: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2201440-opencomputers-v120-v200/ | Forums: http://oc.cil.li | Latest version: 1.2.0 for MC1.6.4, 2.0.0 for MC1.7.2
L85[07:16:33] <Sangar> oh. topic. i tend to ignore those :X
L86[07:16:44] <Kenny> he changed it last night
L87[07:16:57] <Wobbo> Oh, that topic :P
L88[07:17:14] <Kenny> the one that displays when you enter the channel :P
L89[07:17:47] <Kenny> he's backing it up and preparing to switch over
L90[07:18:07] <Sangar> if you structure your themes table like availableThems = {["Water (Default)"] = defaultTheme, ...} you could loop the keys for displaying it in the menu (for n in pairs(availableThemes) do ...) and access the values by selected name (availableThemes[selectedName]), no?
L91[07:18:58] <Kenny> thta's one i don't think i tried.
L92[07:20:15] <Kenny> the lua table system is similar to arrays but work differently than i'm familiar with hehe
L93[07:21:13] <Kenny> brb
L94[07:21:15] <Wobbo> Kenny: just view them as infinite array's with strings and numbers as indices.
L95[07:23:21] <Sangar> [nitpick mode] actually the keys can be anything except for nil [/nitpick mode]
L96[07:23:32] <Wobbo> nil won't work?
L97[07:23:43] <Sangar> nope
L98[07:23:48] <Wobbo> that amazes me
L99[07:23:49] <Kenny> nil cause program to quit working
L100[07:24:16] <Kenny> believe me I KNOW that one lol
L101[07:24:40] <Kenny> enough crashes over nil yesterday hehe
L102[07:29:00] <Wobbo> Oh well, still better than python that screams at you when you try to call nonexistent variables
L103[07:31:07] <Sangar> i actually often throw in strict.lua when developing more complex stuff in lua to get that, because it's just more useful than getting 'trying to index a nil value' :P
L104[07:31:32] <Wobbo> Sangar, that is true, but it is an option in Lua
L105[07:31:40] <Wobbo> I believe luac can do that as well
L106[07:32:21] <Wobbo> the problem with python is however, that you can't check if a variable exists without try except blocks surrounding it
L107[07:32:47] <Sangar> well that sucks
L108[07:33:08] <Wobbo> You can set default values though
L109[07:33:19] <Wobbo> so there are ways around it
L110[07:34:25] <Wobbo> So to simulate Lua's parameter passing, just give everything the default value None, then they are declared, but you can see if they have a user given value
L111[07:36:42] <Wobbo> Actually, Tikz is a pretty funny library. It is a set of macro's to draw vector images in LaTeX, which is itself a set of macro's to improve the usage of TeX. So it is library on top of a library sort of :P
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L114[07:42:21] <Kenny> that method didn't work, Sangar. i'm just going to leave it alone for now :)
L115[07:42:33] <Sangar> all right ^^
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L118[07:42:51] <Kenny> i have a method that works just involves using it then statements hehe
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L120[07:55:13] <Lathanael> hmm would it be possible to add RotaryCraft support to opencomponents?
L121[07:56:17] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L122[07:57:10] <Sangar> technically: yes. will I/someone do it: possibly.
L123[07:58:17] <Sangar> feel free to open a ticket on github.
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L125[08:17:12] <Sangar> Wobbo: i've been thinking of moving a lot of the things that are in the shell api now to the shell program itself - and making it an extra, 'advanced' shell (with a basic one that has none of the fancy forwarding and stuff) because i've noticed 64k ram is barely enough anymore (i actually had to bump the built-in ram of robots to keep them usable)
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L128[08:18:06] <Wobbo> That sounds like a good idea, if robots won't work because of something they shouldn't use, then it is best to strip it down
L129[08:19:00] <Wobbo> Althoug I would leave the simple param expansion in the API, so the usage oof systems is uniform across systems.
L130[08:20:01] <Sangar> glad we're agreed. should I just go ahead an do it, or do you have some things you'd like to pr before that? and yes, i'd keep a basic variant of the api for compatibility and deprecate just few of the methods.
L131[08:21:00] <Wobbo> No, you can refactor first, all I added in the last few days are positional parameters in os.getenv/os.setenv/set, nothing with the shell
L132[08:21:54] <SpiritedDusty> Sangar, can component.invoke accept functions and tables?
L133[08:22:10] <Sangar> great. i'll get started later then. i'll be afk for a bit.
L134[08:22:43] <Sangar> as parameters? tables yes, functions no (i think they'll just appear as 'null' on the host side, not 100% sure though)
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L138[08:31:55] <Kenny> well, i found out that if you place a RotaryCraft machine next to an adapter block you can say hello to the desktop
L139[08:43:59] *** Biohazard is now known as Bio|TF2
L140[08:51:04] <Sangar> it's a feature
L141[08:52:26] <Sangar> Wobbo: why the getenv('#') special case? why not use #os.getenv()?
L142[08:52:38] <Wobbo> because POSIX :P
L143[08:52:51] <Wobbo> $# is used to get the number of positional arguments
L144[08:52:52] <Sangar> ah, ok ^^
L145[08:53:21] <Wobbo> Currently, that works from the shell I guess, while the positional arguments themselves don't work :P
L146[08:53:37] <Wobbo> because reasons
L147[08:53:51] <Sangar> yeah, it's usually that :P
L148[08:54:16] <Wobbo> reasons just expands to good reasons :P
L149[08:54:25] <Wobbo> wait, that would make it because $REASONS
L150[08:55:17] <Sangar> :D
L151[08:57:51] <Wobbo> Only works if IFS is set correctly
L152[08:58:26] * Wobbo nows more about parameter expansion on POSIX than a week ago, without writing any shell script
L153[08:58:52] <Sangar> so. i'm thinking of naming the shell with redirects etc 'besh' (better shell :P). other ideas?
L154[08:59:28] <Wobbo> something with a k would also be fun, from korn shell
L155[09:01:01] <Sangar> kosher (ko-rn she-ll r-eimplementation) :P
L156[09:01:32] <Wobbo> to keep in line with old UNIX shell naming conventions: nsh Nücke shell :P
L157[09:02:28] <Sangar> wosh sounds funnier tho :P
L158[09:02:43] <Wobbo> that does sound funny :P
L159[09:03:23] <Wobbo> But it isn't someone's lastname + shell if I am not mistaken. :/
L160[09:03:33] <Wobbo> But I am fine with any name really
L161[09:04:39] <Sangar> so it'd be msh? (according to githubs emails) so... (n-1)sh
L162[09:05:01] <Wobbo> or mnsh, or nosh to confuse people :P
L163[09:05:14] <Wobbo> *nmsh
L164[09:05:59] <Sangar> nosh would be amusing though. 'no no no i'm telling you, it's *no* shell'
L165[09:06:03] <Stary2001> hahahah
L166[09:06:13] <Wobbo> XD
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L177[10:00:41] <Wobbo> Also, Sangar, will the advanced shell $PS1 instead of #?
L178[10:00:47] <Wobbo> print $PS1
L179[10:01:14] <Sangar> i think it should, yes
L180[10:02:32] <Sangar> well, just reduced of one of the biggest memory consumer quite a lot (proxies)... but i'll go ahead with the split anyway
L181[10:08:38] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L182[10:21:50] <Wobbo> You shouldn't lose memory to a memory hogging shell if you don't need it off course
L183[10:24:06] <Kenny> Sangar, in edit.lua you use buffer to store the data in until done. how can i get the size of the buffer?
L184[10:24:46] <Sangar> if you mean the number of lines, #buffer
L185[10:25:03] <Kenny> ok. that's what i need thank you
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L189[10:38:33] *** Din16 is now known as DinZzzz
L190[10:45:31] <Sangar> all right. so. besh, wosh or nosh? i still kinda like besh.
L191[10:46:03] <Wobbo> I don't really care
L192[10:46:33] <Sangar> then besh it is.
L193[10:46:42] <Wobbo> Although I don't think that a whole lot of people get besh. Most of the windows users won't I guess
L194[10:48:30] <Sangar> most windows users won't care for redirects and variable expansion, either, so that's ok :P
L195[10:48:44] <Wobbo> XD
L196[10:49:53] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
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L198[11:04:40] <Wobbo> I'm really good at forgetting ends I guess
L199[11:08:08] <Kenny> Sangar, i have that half-ass working. I can't figure out why it only works every other time though
L200[11:09:42] <Kenny> i use 2 variables to test against. initSize and charCount are set when the program is first run. charCount increases each time a char is inserted/deleted on a line......
L201[11:10:22] <Kenny> i compare the two when crtl-W is pressed. but it only works every other time and i can't understand why
L202[11:10:26] <Sangar> hmm, why not just a boolean that gets set to true if anything is added/deleted?
L203[11:10:51] <Kenny> tried that with the same result
L204[11:11:02] <Kenny> worked every other time
L205[11:12:08] <Kenny> has me totally puzzled
L206[11:13:09] <Kenny> sooner or later i'm going to figure out why hehe
L207[11:28:12] *** Lathanael is now known as Lathanael|Away
L208[12:02:20] <Vexatos> Wobbo, your latest Pull Request, what did you mean with "Also made it possible to add any kind of variable that can be tostringed to the environment."?
L209[12:15:23] *** Bio|TF2 is now known as Biohazard
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L213[12:31:06] <Wobbo> Vexatos, that not only strings can be stored in the environment, but that anything that can be a string can be soterd in the environment
L214[12:31:20] <Wobbo> So, numbers and booleans for example will also work
L215[12:31:29] <Wobbo> Or Userdata, if you set their __tostring metamethod
L216[12:31:35] <Vexatos> O.o
L217[12:31:55] <Vexatos> Now please explain for someone who does not know what "storing in the environment" means
L218[12:31:57] <Wobbo> They will still be strings, so you would need to read them back to their specific type though
L219[12:32:12] <Wobbo> You now the $PATH thingy?
L220[12:32:16] <Vexatos> No:P
L221[12:32:19] <Wobbo> echo $PATH and stuff?
L222[12:32:25] <Wobbo> Ah, than it is hard to explain
L223[12:32:29] <Vexatos> Lua is a long time ago for me, actually
L224[12:32:41] <Wobbo> This is Lua, this is sh
L225[12:32:52] <Vexatos> Mhm
L226[12:33:31] <Wobbo> it basically means that when you try to set a variable in sh, it gets turned into a string
L227[12:33:47] <Wobbo> No meter where the value comes from
L228[12:33:50] <Wobbo> *atter
L229[12:33:54] <Wobbo> *matter
L230[12:40:17] <Vexatos> Ah
L231[12:40:31] <Vexatos> so you can have a variable as a string and use it as such?
L232[12:40:34] <Vexatos> Also vice-versa?
L233[12:41:23] <Wobbo> You can have a variable as a string and see and change it from the shell
L234[12:41:48] <Wobbo> Or using os.getenv
L235[12:41:49] <Vexatos> O:
L236[12:42:07] <Vexatos> That's far too advanced for my needs :P
L237[12:42:08] ⇦ Quits: MrHohenheim (~MrHohenhe@188-143-98-184.pool.digikabel.hu) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L238[12:42:17] <Wobbo> That, my friend, are shell variables.
L239[12:42:30] ⇨ Joins: MrHohenheim (~MrHohenhe@188-143-98-184.pool.digikabel.hu)
L240[12:42:32] <Wobbo> And one of the reason why you should get a POSIX compliant operating system
L241[12:51:07] <Vexatos> >_>
L242[12:51:10] <Vexatos> <_<
L243[12:52:04] <Vexatos> What I really need is some free time to get myself my new PC and some more free time to start working on this Github thingie :|
L244[12:52:12] <Vexatos> Stupid school :<
L245[12:52:32] <Wobbo> Vexatos, without school, you wouldn't really achieve anything in your live
L246[12:52:40] <Vexatos> I know
L247[12:52:49] <Vexatos> But not what I am learning right now
L248[12:52:55] <Vexatos> That's just silly
L249[12:52:58] <Wobbo> What are you learning right now?
L250[12:53:21] <Vexatos> Things like "What kinds of literature have there been in Germany between 1850 and 1900"
L251[12:53:37] <Wobbo> Do you have to read the books in German?
L252[12:53:43] <Vexatos> Yes
L253[12:53:53] * Vexatos lives in Germany >_>
L254[12:53:53] * Vexatos is German
L255[12:53:54] <Wobbo> Oh wait, where were… thought so :P
L256[12:54:25] <Wobbo> I had similar stuff during german lessons, but I don't live in Germany
L257[12:55:35] <Vexatos> Heh
L258[12:56:01] <Vexatos> Well, CS is pretty interesting right now :P We started using Implementations
L259[12:56:04] <Vexatos> *cough*
L260[12:56:45] <Wobbo> Anyway, you read literature to know your place in history and what did and didn't chance. And probably more stuff
L261[12:57:02] <Vexatos> No
L262[12:57:39] <Vexatos> We read literature because the country tells us to
L263[12:57:39] <Wobbo> That to
L264[12:57:39] <Vexatos> No informative literature
L265[12:57:39] <Vexatos> Just novels
L266[12:57:39] <Vexatos> fiction
L267[12:57:39] *** AngieBLD is now known as AngieBLD|Off
L268[12:57:50] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L269[12:57:50] <Vexatos> Goethe and such
L270[12:57:50] <Vexatos> :P
L271[12:58:03] <Wobbo> But the country finds it necessary for you to read literature so you can know your place in history and whatever :P
L272[12:58:39] ⇦ Quits: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L274[12:58:52] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
L275[12:59:21] <Wobbo> When you get the chance, read die verwandlung, that was actually a good book.
L276[13:00:45] <Vexatos> Heh
L277[13:00:45] <Vexatos> Maybe
L278[13:00:48] <Vexatos> If I found time to make a github lua program and invent a working fusion reactor powering a time machine, then, yes
L279[13:01:31] <Wobbo> I mean, when they have you force read something and die Verwandlung(bad Wobbo, you forgot a capital!), chose that one
L280[13:01:52] <Vexatos> German==All the capitalizations
L281[13:02:05] <Wobbo> Only nouns :P
L282[13:02:21] <Vexatos> All the nouns :D
L283[13:05:55] <Wobbo> Wow, Dropbox has government data request principles now
L284[13:06:06] <Wobbo> Just hoping they will keep them
L285[13:06:40] ⇦ Quits: Din (~DinFer@as54-ze.dlp37.bih.net.ba) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L287[13:09:45] <SpiritedDusty> I remember seeing something before about symlinks in OC, does it exist?
L288[13:09:49] <Wobbo> Sangar, if found a POSIX compliant shell command parser.
L289[13:09:52] <Wobbo> Yes, use ln
L290[13:10:12] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L291[13:10:18] <Wobbo> Written in C… :/
L292[13:10:38] <Wobbo> Now I just have to translate, about 1000 lines of C code if I want to use that…
L293[13:13:30] <Sangar> :D
L294[13:13:30] <SpiritedDusty> have fun
L295[13:13:30] <Wobbo> I expected that reaction :P
L296[13:13:30] <SpiritedDusty> symlinks persist over restarts right?
L297[13:13:30] <Sangar> i'm afraid they don't, no.
L298[13:13:30] <SpiritedDusty> D:
L299[13:13:32] <Sangar> at least not yet. i'm hoping to remedy that at some point.
L300[13:13:32] <SpiritedDusty> :D
L301[13:13:32] <Wobbo> You should, that would be awesome
L302[13:13:32] <Wobbo> And useful, mostly useful
L303[13:13:32] <SpiritedDusty> are there hardlinks?
L304[13:13:32] <Sangar> no
L305[13:13:32] <SpiritedDusty> aw
L306[13:13:32] <Wobbo> LOL at best ways to running shell scripts :P
L307[13:13:52] <SpiritedDusty> mwahaha recursive symlinks
L308[13:14:04] <Wobbo> But Sangar, shell.execute will now always use /bin/sh right?
L309[13:14:46] <SpiritedDusty> I have the sudden urge to code stuff for OC xD
L310[13:15:33] <Sangar> shell.execute right now is a stripped down version of what it was before, and doesn't use any other programs. not quite sure what to do with it, honestly.
L311[13:15:48] <Sangar> go build something awesome then :D
L312[13:16:43] <Wobbo> Running al your commands through besh manually is also not really handy.
L313[13:16:56] ⇦ Quits: SpiritedDusty (~SpiritedD@24-205-168-216.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L314[13:17:12] <Wobbo> Maybe remove shell.execute and let os.execute use $SHELL ?
L315[13:17:26] <Wobbo> (then you would have to set $SHELL off course)
L316[13:17:41] <Sangar> in the long run shell.execute will probably go away and be moved to sh, yes (and os.execute will then call $SHELL)
L317[13:17:44] <Sangar> ha
L318[13:17:45] <Sangar> :X
L319[13:17:59] <Wobbo> Great minds…
L320[13:18:07] <Wobbo> :P
L321[13:18:07] <Sangar> hehe. also, $SHELL is already set i believe.
L322[13:18:19] <Wobbo> Then you would have to reset it :P
L323[13:18:47] ⇨ Joins: SpiritedDusty (~SpiritedD@24-205-168-216.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com)
L324[13:18:47] zsh sets mode: +o on SpiritedDusty
L325[13:18:49] <Wobbo> Also, $TERM isn't set yet?
L326[13:18:49] <Sangar> it is, it's used in init.lua even.
L327[13:18:56] <Wobbo> :D
L328[13:18:58] <Sangar> nope
L329[13:19:16] <SpiritedDusty> my computer crashed
L330[13:19:22] <Sangar> wait that may have been confusing. $SHELL is used init.lua, $TERM doesn't exist yet.
L331[13:20:12] <SpiritedDusty> Sangar, is it possible to create your own "filesystem" and mount it with filesystem.mount?
L332[13:20:14] <Wobbo> is there a way to get a event when the main terminal changed?
L333[13:20:39] <Wobbo> SpiritedDusty, I would love that!
L334[13:20:54] <Vexatos> SpiritedDusty, the how's OCEmulator going?
L335[13:20:55] <Sangar> mount also accepts a proxy, so if the custom fs fakes being a proxy that should work, yes.
L336[13:20:57] <SpiritedDusty> maybe like filesystem with on the fly compression and decompression
L337[13:21:04] <SpiritedDusty> its going alright
L338[13:21:09] <Vexatos> Nice :D
L339[13:21:44] <Vexatos> This is all far too advanced stuff for me...
L340[13:21:50] <Sangar> term change: how do you mean? there's term_available/unavailable which is basically just a "is there a keyboard and screen" notifier.
L341[13:22:17] <Wobbo> and that always gives the main opponent?
L342[13:22:21] <Wobbo> *component
L343[13:22:24] <SpiritedDusty> Vexatos, I'm just waiting for Ir7_o to get the server back up so that I can go back to testing code for the emulator. in the mean time I'll be making an on the fly compression and decompression filesystem
L344[13:22:34] <Vexatos> O:
L345[13:22:40] <Vexatos> So, what will that do exactly?
L346[13:22:54] <SpiritedDusty> compress your files while you write to it
L347[13:23:03] <Sangar> when it's fired the primary component is (supposed to be) available for both keyboard and screen. the event itself doesn't pass along the addresses.
L348[13:23:10] <SpiritedDusty> then it'll decompress it when you read from it, so that you can save on HDD space
L349[13:23:15] <Vexatos> O:
L350[13:23:17] <Vexatos> Nice
L351[13:23:18] <Wobbo> SpiritedDusty: would you be interested in wring a tar/gunzip like program for me?
L352[13:23:26] <Vexatos> So, how does it compress things?
L353[13:23:27] <Wobbo> For a package manager?
L354[13:23:47] <SpiritedDusty> uh well I could but not with the tar algorithm
L355[13:23:54] <Vexatos> Heh#
L356[13:24:00] <SpiritedDusty> probably some other compression method
L357[13:24:10] <Wobbo> Sangar, so simply listening for that event could help with checking and setting $TERM
L358[13:24:21] <Sangar> basis for gunzip: https://github.com/davidm/lua-compress-deflatelua/ (can only decompress though i think)
L359[13:24:29] <Vexatos> Wobbo, we need a github repo, a public one, where all the folks can paste their awesome OC programs on
L360[13:24:30] <Wobbo> SpiritedDusty: I don't really care, as long as it makes it easier to send files over
L361[13:24:40] <SpiritedDusty> sure :P
L362[13:24:48] <Sangar> term: i think so
L363[13:25:20] <Wobbo> Vexatos: I am going to allow you to specify sources, so everybody can set their own awesome repo's to install from. If you were talking about the package menaager at least :P
L364[13:25:52] <SpiritedDusty> awesome, I'll probably host some public one once Ir7_o gets the server back up
L365[13:26:27] <Vexatos> No, Wobbo, I wanted someone here to create a github repo where all those awesome programs can be shared between each other
L366[13:27:04] <Wobbo> Vexatos, that would require a lot of bookkeeping, I guess a thread on the forum with links to specific repo's would work better
L367[13:27:17] <Vexatos> It might
L368[13:27:24] <Vexatos> But, which bookkeeping?
L369[13:27:53] <Vexatos> You could just let people have to paste their programs in folders named after them
L370[13:27:54] <Wobbo> Keeping the files updated, who may push/pull to the repo, what licenses do you have to agree on etc
L371[13:28:01] <Vexatos> >_>
L372[13:28:55] <Vexatos> They are LUA programs, for a Minecraft mod, if anyone would post anything on there, they'd simply agree a "Anyone may share and distribute and modify as long as they give credit to the original author" license
L373[13:29:28] <Wobbo> I don't think that every would agree to that though.
L374[13:29:50] <Wobbo> I do agree with a central place to get programs from. That is a good idea
L375[13:29:52] <Vexatos> Well, you know how many programs for Computercraft are there on pastebin where noone cares about them?
L376[13:30:02] <Vexatos> It's a mess
L377[13:30:18] <SpiritedDusty> to be honest, the only programs I've ever used in CC are some utility programs
L378[13:30:29] <Wobbo> There are also some programs where people do care about. I remember a lot of discussion about CCiri
L379[13:30:46] <Wobbo> LuaIDE is the one I used the most
L380[13:30:50] <Sangar> you could go with a github 'organization', where each user has his own repo but in that 'organization'. then it's still separated but still in one common place.
L381[13:31:21] <SpiritedDusty> ^ that'd be a good idea
L382[13:31:44] <Wobbo> Sangar, it is currently impossible to see your path in sh, but you can set it :P
L383[13:32:09] <Sangar> hm?
L384[13:32:27] <Sangar> do you mean $PWD?
L385[13:33:01] <Sangar> if so, there's pwd.lua for that
L386[13:33:31] <Vexatos> Sangar, you mean, an organization called "OCPrograms" or something more awesome, and the repos would then be called "Vexatos", "Wobbo" etc...?
L387[13:33:46] <Sangar> something like that, yup
L388[13:33:51] <Vexatos> Hmmm
L389[13:33:51] <Wobbo> no, I mean $PATH
L390[13:33:59] <Vexatos> Any name suggestion for such an organization?
L391[13:34:00] <Sangar> ah
L392[13:34:03] <Wobbo> that might be a problem :P
L393[13:34:12] <Wobbo> MightPirates/OpenPrograms :P
L394[13:34:26] <Vexatos> Then it's a repo again
L395[13:34:32] <Sangar> well, i'll say it isn't a problem until someone complains :P
L396[13:34:35] <Vexatos> not an organization
L397[13:34:42] <Vexatos> But, wobbo, that's what I suggested
L398[13:35:15] <Wobbo> I was jonking Vexatos
L399[13:35:18] <Vexatos> And have the folder then be "MightPirates/OpenPrograms/Vexatos/allTheProgramsIWant"
L400[13:35:20] <Vexatos> :D
L401[13:35:22] <Vexatos> >_>
L402[13:35:24] <Vexatos> <_<
L403[13:35:27] * Vexatos is stupid
L404[13:36:00] <^v> correct
L405[13:36:11] <Wobbo> Sangar: I guess a lot of people are going to create issues because they can't call programs after they have set their path :P
L406[13:36:31] <Vexatos> A central place to store programs would be really cool, still, and someone here needs to make one, and put it onto the MCForum thread if others want to contribute...
L407[13:37:24] <Wobbo> Vexatos: I am creating a package manager, maybe make a list with cool repo's there?
L408[13:37:43] <Vexatos> :D
L409[13:37:51] <Vexatos> package manager? What do you mean?
L410[13:38:05] <Wobbo> A program that installs programs for you
L411[13:38:16] <Sangar> Wobbo: i really don't :P but we'll see ;)
L412[13:38:25] <Vexatos> O:
L413[13:38:30] <Wobbo> Because programs might need other programs or libraries to run
L414[13:38:32] <Vexatos> How should that work?
L415[13:38:46] <Wobbo> That is why I asked SpiritedDusty for some kind of compression algorithm ;)
L416[13:38:54] <Vexatos> Will it have a GUI?
L417[13:38:56] <SpiritedDusty> I'm working on it ;3
L418[13:38:58] <Sangar> people can still "properly" set their path from an autorun.lua
L419[13:39:13] <Sangar> which i imagine will be the more common case anyway
L420[13:39:40] <Sangar> i might add a stuipid var expansion, though (the one from lua's doc)
L421[13:40:04] <Vexatos> Wobbo: http://puu.sh/76okA/dded72d243.png >:D
L422[13:40:10] <Wobbo> The program has a lot of files, called portfiles. In this file there will be a url, a name, info and build instructions. The package manager reads the portfile, executes the statements that are in it and builds it that way
L423[13:40:23] <Vexatos> Wow, cool idea
L424[13:40:36] <Kenny> in other words it has a makefile
L425[13:40:49] *** AngieBLD|Off is now known as AngieBLD
L426[13:41:13] <Vexatos> So you can simply distribute portfiles instead of the file and all its dependencies
L427[13:41:18] <Wobbo> Portfiles are organised in repositories, which are called sources when you set them. People can add and remove sources and thereby install more programs. The portfiles will be on your local machine though
L428[13:41:25] <Wobbo> Vexatos, correct
L429[13:42:05] <Sangar> luarocks' rockspec format? :P
L430[13:42:09] <Wobbo> Kenny: normally, the makefile will be in the archive that the package manager downloads, but it is similar to that, yes. Because there is no make in OC
L431[13:42:17] <Wobbo> Probalby custom format
L432[13:42:22] <Vexatos> So, if I were to finish my github manager some time (after I began starting on it), I *could* distribute one portfile downloading all the compound files for you?
L433[13:42:36] <Wobbo> but I haven't looked at rock specs yet
L434[13:42:41] <Wobbo> Vexatos: Yes
L435[13:42:43] <Vexatos> Wow
L436[13:42:51] <Vexatos> That's just awesome
L437[13:42:59] <Wobbo> Its nothing new, really :P
L438[13:43:05] <Vexatos> Well, it is for me
L439[13:43:11] <Vexatos> And new things are mostly awesome
L440[13:43:18] <Wobbo> :P
L441[13:43:21] * Vexatos imagines being a child again
L442[13:43:49] <Sangar> rockspec probably won't apply for the most part, since it's somewhat geared towards compiling c modules, but maybe the dependency and metadata stuff could be used for... inspiration.
L443[13:43:50] <Vexatos> Wobbo, will you PR this program directly to OC?
L444[13:43:50] * Kenny thought Vexatos was a child hehe
L445[13:43:54] <Vexatos> I am 16
L446[13:43:58] <Vexatos> So, yes
L447[13:44:05] <Vexatos> But you get what I meant
L448[13:44:40] <Kenny> Vexatos, you ought to know by now that i mess with all people about their age cause i'm so old
L449[13:44:40] <Wobbo> I don't think so, but if Sangar wants it in, then I might. But I will probably make it depend on some stuff, so I don't think so
L450[13:44:51] <Vexatos> Kenny I know :3
L451[13:44:52] <Wobbo> But I will create an installer :P
L452[13:44:56] <Vexatos> http://puu.sh/76okA/dded72d243.png
L453[13:44:58] <Vexatos> \o/
L454[13:45:01] * Kenny has been around since the dawn of time
L455[13:45:02] <Vexatos> Mwahahahaha
L456[13:45:23] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L457[13:45:25] <Vexatos> Should I really do this...
L458[13:45:41] <SpiritedDusty> Wobbo, http://pastebin.com/PBwFgh21
L459[13:45:42] <Biohazard> OpenEverything
L460[13:45:43] <Biohazard> hue
L461[13:45:45] * Kenny is staying out of this one
L462[13:45:55] <Sangar> once i get around to adding something like cc's treasure disks i don't see why it couldn't be on one of those :P
L463[13:46:04] <Vexatos> Biohazard, OpenDoor
L464[13:46:05] <Vexatos> >_>
L465[13:46:19] <Wobbo> Why couldn't I find that before!
L466[13:46:29] <Vexatos> Sangar, you already said my github program will be on one of those as well, if I ever come to make that
L467[13:46:38] <SpiritedDusty> Wobbo, use LibCompress:Compress to compress and LibCompress:Decompress to decompress
L468[13:46:42] <Sangar> indeed
L469[13:46:42] * Kenny digves for cover before Wobbo explodes like a creeper
L470[13:46:58] <Wobbo> SpiritedDusty, can it also bundle a directory?
L471[13:47:09] <SpiritedDusty> it just compresses a string
L472[13:47:12] <SpiritedDusty> xD
L473[13:47:12] <Biohazard> Vexatos: OpenWindows
L474[13:47:13] <Vexatos> The most annoying thing to do will be the GUI...
L475[13:47:23] <Biohazard> opensource backdoors for YOUR COMPUTER!
L476[13:47:26] <Biohazard> jk
L477[13:47:27] <SpiritedDusty> you can package a folder to a single file on your own :3
L478[13:47:28] <Vexatos> Sangar, is there a way to determine how large a monitor is?
L479[13:47:36] <Sangar> sweet. now someone make an nbt module so we can read mcedit schematics and print them using robots :X
L480[13:47:44] <Sangar> getSize
L481[13:47:52] <Vexatos> What does it return?
L482[13:48:06] <Sangar> blocks w x h
L483[13:48:19] <Sangar> i think it's still in the gpu because that's from before the screens had their own api
L484[13:48:22] <Wobbo> SpiritedDusty: So all I now need to do is turn a bunch of files into one large string, compress it and write it away?
L485[13:48:36] <Vexatos> Okay...
L486[13:48:40] <Vexatos> Well
L487[13:48:46] <Vexatos> I could just limit the resolution
L488[13:48:55] <Vexatos> To the maximum a single gold monitor has
L489[13:49:02] <Vexatos> and make the GUI to tha
L490[13:49:04] <Vexatos> *that
L491[13:49:05] <SpiritedDusty> Wobbo, yes but you have to write the file in binary mode, else the file will get all messed up
L492[13:49:30] <Vexatos> That would look weird on larger screens, then
L493[13:49:36] <Wobbo> Sangar: didn't OC's binary mode write strings instead of binary?
L494[13:49:43] <Vexatos> But this is not meant for huge screens anyways
L495[13:50:03] <Sangar> strings in lua are just byte arrays
L496[13:50:05] <Vexatos> Hey Wobbo, shall I invite you to the OpenPrograms organization? :D
L497[13:50:23] <Sangar> you could just call setResolution when your program starts
L498[13:50:40] <Vexatos> That I would do
L499[13:50:52] <Wobbo> But if I have to write it away as binary, won't that cause problems?
L500[13:51:07] <Vexatos> setResolution(whateverMaximum,GoldComputerResIs)
L501[13:52:06] <Vexatos> I will have a launcher program to be run, checking for all the minimum requirements and such
L502[13:52:09] <Sangar> the only place where what's "in" the string actually matters is when reading, i think, since it uses unicode.len instead of string.len in non-binary mode. when writing i don't really think it makes a difference.
L503[13:52:16] <Vexatos> then also giving out a notification on this
L504[13:53:17] <Sangar> well, and when pushing strings to the gpu, since that uses unicode strings (because the host is java after all)
L505[13:53:29] <SpiritedDusty> Wobbo, I just tried to compress /lib/buffer.lua and it reduced the size by about 50%
L506[13:53:36] <Vexatos> Some OC Emulator would help a lot with this *cough*
L507[13:53:49] <Vexatos> SpiritedDusty: Awesome :D
L508[13:53:51] * SpiritedDusty didn't hear anything
L509[13:53:54] <Vexatos> How did you manage that?
L510[13:54:07] <SpiritedDusty> I downloaded some compression thingy online then made it work with OC lol
L511[13:54:24] <Vexatos> D:
L512[13:54:32] <Vexatos> ^Efficiency
L513[13:54:37] <SpiritedDusty> xD
L514[13:55:22] <SpiritedDusty> Vexatos, openprograms? whats that
L515[13:56:06] <Vexatos> >_>
L516[13:56:37] <Vexatos> I just wanted some github place where people can share their OC-made programs with each other
L517[13:56:55] <SpiritedDusty> oh, so whats wrong with it? you don't seem happy about it
L518[13:57:03] <Vexatos> Still not sure whether it should be a Repo or a whole organization, like Sangar suggested
L519[13:57:15] <SpiritedDusty> make a whole organization
L520[13:57:32] <SpiritedDusty> so people can create repos on their own and manage their code
L521[13:57:35] <Vexatos> So the org's repos have to be named after the creator?
L522[13:57:43] <SpiritedDusty> ?
L523[13:58:03] <Vexatos> Like, the repos have to be named after the people who manage them
L524[13:58:08] <Wobbo> If I understand it correctly, I can use the code SpiritedDusty provided, and then use a MIT license on my code :D
L525[13:58:12] <Vexatos> So you know who makes what
L526[13:58:23] <Vexatos> ...
L527[13:58:26] <SpiritedDusty> just put the name in a readmefile lol
L528[13:58:31] <Vexatos> Or that >_>
L529[13:58:46] <SpiritedDusty> Wobbo, I don't understand licenses lol
L530[13:58:58] <Vexatos> Then organization, first Members: Vexatos, fnuecke, wobbo, SpiritedDusty
L531[13:59:03] <Vexatos> Anyone else?
L532[13:59:24] <Wobbo> I don't either, but I want to release it under MIT, so it has the same license as OC itself
L533[14:00:16] <SpiritedDusty> I see
L534[14:01:58] <Vexatos> https://github.com/orgs/OpenPrograms/members
L535[14:01:59] <Wobbo> The library you posted is released under GPLv2, so I have to use it as such. But I can apparently just use it and have my own license on my ocde
L536[14:02:57] <SpiritedDusty> I guess you could do that, https://tldrlegal.com/license/gnu-general-public-license-v2
L537[14:03:27] <SpiritedDusty> uh Vexatos, we don't have access to any repositories
L538[14:03:42] <Vexatos> That's because I did not actually create any
L539[14:03:46] <Wobbo> I just tell them that the library is a dependency and have the installer download it
L540[14:03:58] <Vexatos> Wait, I'll give you access to create a repo
L541[14:04:19] <SpiritedDusty> alright
L542[14:04:25] <Vexatos> Try now
L543[14:04:35] <Sangar> oh, one more thing regarding file io: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2014-02/threads.html#00159 this has been spamming my mailbox for the last couple of days. nothing is ever as simple as it might seem :P
L544[14:05:23] <Wobbo> Derp :P
L545[14:05:28] <SpiritedDusty> oh yay I made a repo
L546[14:05:37] <Vexatos> Wait
L547[14:05:44] <Wobbo> I still can't :P
L548[14:05:54] <Vexatos> I can add each member to its own team
L549[14:06:01] <Vexatos> This way only this person has write access
L550[14:06:24] <Vexatos> And it is still all in one place...
L551[14:06:53] *** Biohazard is now known as Bio|shower
L552[14:07:42] <Wobbo> Sangar: I can't say I am charmed by luarocks rock spec format
L553[14:08:10] <^v> i dont like luarocks :|
L554[14:08:19] <^v> it is barely functional on windows
L555[14:08:39] <Sangar> it was just an idea, i never worked with it.
L556[14:09:07] <Sangar> make something better, by all means! :)
L557[14:12:00] <Vexatos> So, SpiritedDusty, does this work?
L558[14:12:09] <SpiritedDusty> does what work?
L559[14:12:19] <Vexatos> The repo creating
L560[14:12:26] <SpiritedDusty> oh yeah
L561[14:12:27] <Vexatos> Nice
L562[14:12:31] <SpiritedDusty> look at what I made
L563[14:12:32] <Vexatos> Now we need some icon :P
L564[14:12:38] <Vexatos> I need to go sleep now
L565[14:12:41] <Vexatos> Night
L566[14:12:43] <SpiritedDusty> cya
L567[14:12:55] <Vexatos> (Wobbo, you have repo creation permission as well, if you like)
L568[14:13:00] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E073F5655B655F39A98259B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Greetings from Pastry Fork, Inc. ✔)
L569[14:13:46] <Wobbo> He already left before I could say night :/
L570[14:13:55] <Wobbo> Anyway, might as well use the repo then
L571[14:14:40] <SpiritedDusty> I put the LibCompress in the OpenPrograms thingy btw
L572[14:15:01] <Wobbo> I saw
L573[14:15:16] <Wobbo> Sangar, OC is released using a custom version of MIT right?
L574[14:16:10] <Sangar> plain old MIT. the resources (images and localizations) are public domain, though.
L575[14:16:14] <SpiritedDusty> oh OC hit 1000 commits
L576[14:16:21] <^v> \o/
L577[14:16:42] <Sangar> oh wow. i actually didn't notice :X
L578[14:17:02] <Wobbo> PARTY!
L579[14:17:09] <SpiritedDusty> :DD
L580[14:17:10] <Sangar> \o\
L581[14:17:12] <Sangar> /o/
L582[14:17:32] <SpiritedDusty> lol our way of partying: emotions on IRC
L583[14:17:50] <Wobbo> XD
L584[14:18:04] <Sangar> speaks volumes, huh?
L585[14:18:05] <Wobbo> We could also loudly sing over Skype :P
L586[14:18:09] <^v> 1.3% of those commits are mine
L587[14:18:12] <^v> \o/
L588[14:18:23] <Sangar> maybe even 1.337%?
L589[14:18:25] <Wobbo> ^
L590[14:18:28] <Wobbo> O<
L591[14:18:45] <^v> damn
L592[14:18:49] <^v> so close
L593[14:18:53] <^v> 1.338
L594[14:19:05] <^v> hold on, rounding :D
L595[14:19:06] <Sangar> hahaha
L596[14:19:24] <^v> fuck, 1.3382
L597[14:19:24] <SpiritedDusty> I've made 1 commit, I'm so proud of myself
L598[14:19:38] <Sangar> you're not alone :P
L599[14:19:39] <Wobbo> I almost got 0,6 % :P
L600[14:20:19] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E073F5655B655F39A98259B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L601[14:20:27] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E073F5655B655F39A98259B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L602[14:20:43] <^v> freenode is under attack
L603[14:20:48] <SpiritedDusty> dun dun dun
L604[14:20:49] <^v> it sux :<
L605[14:21:39] <SpiritedDusty> I was receiving notifications from github while I was sleeping, it was all related to OC
L606[14:23:34] <Wobbo> Hmm… should I put lsh onto OpenPrograms? I will probably ignore that project from now on…
L607[14:24:06] <SpiritedDusty> ?
L608[14:24:29] <Wobbo> lsh :P My replacement shell that uses Lua instead of sh
L609[14:25:13] <SpiritedDusty> oh, yeah I think you should push it onto openprograms
L610[14:25:30] <Wobbo> Even when I am not going to update it anymore?
L611[14:27:02] <Wobbo> Sangar, will OpenComputers man system also read files that have .man as a file extension?
L612[14:27:27] <Sangar> hmm, i don't think so, give me a sec.
L613[14:27:59] <Sangar> nope
L614[14:28:16] <Wobbo> Then I have an issue :P
L615[14:28:48] <Sangar> should be easy to add, though. just a matter of path = shell.resolve(fs.concat(path, topic), "man") instead of what it currently is. i think.
L616[14:29:31] <Sangar> then again, i'm not sure fs concat keeps the leading slash. which it probably should anyway so i may need to finally fix that >_>
L617[14:30:22] <Wobbo> It should indeed keep the leading / :P
L618[14:30:36] <Sangar> oh i think it does already
L619[14:30:59] <Sangar> screw it, let's try this (i'm always too lazy to start minecraft, too many mods even in the devenv -.-)
L620[14:31:08] <Wobbo> XD
L621[14:31:42] <Sangar> yep, it keeps it
L622[14:31:58] <Sangar> well then, patch for man.lua incoming
L623[14:32:23] *** Bio|shower is now known as Biohazard
L624[14:33:11] <Wobbo> Then I will finally add grep.man :P
L625[14:33:52] *** AngieBLD is now known as AngieBLD|Off
L626[14:36:03] <Wobbo> Aka, I will copy and change POSIX grep specification :P
L627[14:36:39] <Sangar> :D
L628[14:41:30] <Wobbo> man should actually use a simple parser, if your line is longer than the screen, it displays wrongly
L629[14:44:07] <Sangar> yes. it's sort of a known issue. i was just too lazy... may as an argument to more.lua to use print instead of io.write or something?
L630[14:45:52] <Wobbo> That is a bad idea, people might want to pip man's output
L631[14:45:57] <Wobbo> *pipe
L632[14:46:37] <Wobbo> maybe make the lines into x string of length width-2< and print those?
L633[14:51:27] <Sangar> actually, after further review of the code, i'm not quite sure why it *doesn't* wrap properly...
L634[14:51:37] <^v> so...
L635[14:51:42] ⇨ Joins: prasselpikachu (~Prassel@
L636[14:51:49] <^v> google glass is going to have a porn app <_>
L637[14:51:59] <^v> kthxno
L638[14:52:07] <Sangar> called xrayglasses? :P
L639[14:52:15] <^v> xD
L640[14:53:15] <Sangar> but yeah, the oculus rift will be much better suited for something like that i think.
L641[14:53:57] <Wobbo> Some people used an oculus rift and some other stuff to control another ody
L642[14:54:13] <Wobbo> Actually, the bodies did exactly the same thing, but wharves :P
L643[14:54:18] <Wobbo> *whatevs
L644[14:56:27] <Sangar> was that using the oculus? i remember something like that, but i thought it was just some electrodes and a screen. that *was* pretty creepy though.
L645[14:56:28] <Wobbo> Alright, grep has a man file
L646[14:56:42] <Wobbo> Sangar, I believe it was using the oculus
L647[14:57:01] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L648[14:57:41] <Sangar> all right. doesn't make it less creepy.
L649[14:57:47] <Wobbo> This one: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-01-23-watch-oculus-rift-virtually-swap-bodies-genders
L650[14:58:18] <Sangar> ah, then i meant something else, didn't know that one
L651[14:58:44] <Wobbo> It is probably not less creppy :P
L652[14:59:42] <Sangar> http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/experiment-lets-man-use-his-mind-to-control-another-persons-movements/2013/08/29/42bc646c-10bd-11e3-85b6-d27422650fd5_story.html that's the one i meant i think (shitty seo links)
L653[15:00:12] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L654[15:00:16] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L655[15:00:44] <Wobbo> Sangar, it can even get creepier, I have read about research from a mouse in brazil that controlled a mouse somewhere in the USA over the internet
L656[15:01:28] <Sangar> hive minded mice!
L657[15:01:38] <Wobbo> Using the internet!
L658[15:02:09] <Wobbo> This research looks similar
L659[15:02:17] <Sangar> oh god i know why more cuts of the lines. because i tell it to. to keep track of the line count properly -.-
L660[15:02:51] <Sangar> time to move text wrapping to the text module i think...
L661[15:04:12] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L662[15:05:14] <Wobbo> The name of Stocco sounds weirdly similar…
L663[15:06:35] <Wobbo> I believe I heard about him during the Architectures for Intelligence course…
L664[15:08:21] <Wobbo> Meh, can't find it
L665[15:10:09] <Wobbo> He did publish two papers with the lecturer of that course though, so I guess I know him from there :P
L666[15:11:03] <Wobbo> Anyway, I added some useful examples to the grep man file
L667[15:12:57] *** Biohazard is now known as Bio|TF2
L668[15:14:59] <Wobbo> Should I create the repo for the package manager on my own github, or on OpenPrograms one?
L669[15:18:09] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L670[15:19:21] <Wobbo> Sangar, SpiritedDusty? Should I put the package manager on my own github or OpenPrograms one?
L671[15:19:30] <SpiritedDusty> uh
L672[15:19:38] <SpiritedDusty> the OpenPrograms one
L673[15:20:28] <Sangar> whichever you prefer, but yes, since it's there, why not the openprograms one?
L674[15:22:23] <Wobbo> LOL, Kafka reference in the newest Game Theory XD
L675[15:23:21] <Sangar> hm?
L676[15:23:45] <Wobbo> You want the link to the video?
L677[15:23:54] <Wobbo> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjnPyGFYKrI
L678[15:27:25] ⇦ Quits: Din (~DinFer@as54-ze.dlp37.bih.net.ba) (Quit: CYA LATER LOOSERS !!!!! ME GONNA GO DO SWAGSTUFFS)
L679[15:32:56] ⇨ Joins: Symmetryc (webchat@pool-71-99-213-24.tampfl.fios.verizon.net)
L680[15:37:00] <Wobbo> Sangar, SpiritedDusty, Symmetryc: what do you think of OpenPorts for the name of the package manager?
L681[15:37:12] <Wobbo> If you have better ideas, feel free to name them :)
L682[15:37:19] <SpiritedDusty> OpenPackage
L683[15:37:23] <SpiritedDusty> lol
L684[15:37:32] <SpiritedDusty> anything works
L685[15:38:08] <Sangar> OpenSoftwareInstallationManagerWizardProjectThingy
L686[15:38:19] <SpiritedDusty> ^ perfect
L687[15:38:23] <SpiritedDusty> easily rememberable
L688[15:38:56] <Wobbo> Indeed, I guess we should go with that one
L689[15:39:19] <SpiritedDusty> in all seriousness I think OpenPorts is fine
L690[15:39:34] <Wobbo> If you have a name that resembles something, you could make a whole lot of jokes in your naming of commands.
L691[15:39:57] <SpiritedDusty> :P
L692[15:40:01] <Wobbo> For example, Homebrew(which is based on beer) has a command tap to add new sources
L693[15:40:15] <Wobbo> There are probably a lot more of jokes to find,
L694[15:41:42] <Symmetryc> Back
L695[15:41:45] <Symmetryc> What's up?
L696[15:42:13] <Sangar> i admit the first thing i thought of when reading openports was something socket related (ports in that sense), but i can't come up with a better alternative, so yeah, i guess that'll work :P
L697[15:42:28] <Wobbo> Thinking about a name for the package manager
L698[15:42:30] <Sangar> we're discussing names for things, mostly
L699[15:44:10] <Wobbo> Since nobody here has a better idea, I guess I will go with OpenPorts
L700[15:44:29] <Wobbo> Since that is the convention used by most OpenComputers stuff :P
L701[15:44:31] <SpiritedDusty> OpenPackage
L702[15:44:58] <SpiritedDusty> watch as like nearly all programs start with "Open"
L703[15:45:01] <Wobbo> SpiritedDusty: what would the name of the in game program be in that case? package?
L704[15:45:16] <SpiritedDusty> hm
L705[15:45:24] <SpiritedDusty> nah lets just go with Openports
L706[15:45:24] <SpiritedDusty> :P
L707[15:45:31] <Wobbo> XD
L708[15:46:03] <Wobbo> Github suggested secret-hipster
L709[15:46:09] <Kenny> got a question. is it possible to create a new window with lua and if so can we do it in OC computer?
L710[15:46:26] <Wobbo> so you can find it at github.com/OpenPrograms/secret-hipster
L711[15:47:09] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Remote host closed the connection)
L712[15:47:12] <Kenny> git is going old school there. the term hipster hasn;t been used sine the 70's hehe
L713[15:47:16] <Symmetryc> Topenizer lol
L714[15:47:28] <Symmetryc> The amazing Lua interpreter
L715[15:47:44] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L716[15:48:52] <Kenny> Sangar: is it possible to create a new window with lua and if so can we do it in OC computer?
L717[15:49:48] <Sangar> window as in gui? no. there's no concept in oc, let alone lua. someone would have to write a gui library for that.
L718[15:49:57] <Symmetryc> Kenny: If you mean a window in a real OS, then no
L719[15:50:04] <Symmetryc> Lua is a scripting language :P
L720[15:50:42] <Kenny> dang. i was hoping there was
L721[15:54:16] <Wobbo> Serious issue, Lets say I have energyd, that requires getopt to run, but both are in different repp's. How should I signal this in the portfile?
L722[15:58:46] <Sangar> wouldn't there just be portfiles for the two dependencies, too?
L723[15:59:07] <Sangar> which would then contain the repo info and such
L724[15:59:20] <Wobbo> There would be a portfile, but the user might not have sourced the repo the dependency lives in
L725[15:59:50] <Wobbo> So OpenPorts knows there has to be a getopt somewhere, but it wouldn't know where to get it
L726[16:00:02] <Wobbo> So it has to tell the user to source the repo that getopt lives in
L727[16:00:02] <Sangar> well, if you want to automate that, then i guess you'll need to provide the url to the portfile for each dependency?
L728[16:00:39] <Wobbo> I don't want to automate it, but I want the creator of the protfile to specify a url that shows where the port lives
L729[16:00:58] <Wobbo> So I am wondering how to tackle that
L730[16:01:04] <Sangar> getopt@[1.0.0,1.2.0):https://github...; otherdep... or something?
L731[16:01:14] <Wobbo> Wait a moment
L732[16:04:17] <Kenny> moment's up
L733[16:04:24] <Wobbo> Sample portfile: https://github.com/OpenPrograms/OpenPorts/blob/master/ports/sample.lua
L734[16:04:56] <Wobbo> needs is used to signal a program that is not in OpenPorts at all, requires is used to signal that a program is in OpenPorts and needs to be installed
L735[16:05:22] <SpiritedDusty> tar.gz wat.?
L736[16:05:46] <Wobbo> Now I actually need a third way to signal that something is in OpenPorts but might not be sourced yet
L737[16:05:54] <Wobbo> SpiritedDusty, its a sample :P
L738[16:05:59] <SpiritedDusty> oh :P
L739[16:06:01] <Wobbo> That will change
L740[16:06:11] <SpiritedDusty> so where do installed programs go?
L741[16:06:16] <Sangar> requires {name="sed", load=function() ... end} maybe?
L742[16:07:05] <SpiritedDusty> and uh, I don't think thats valid lua syntax
L743[16:07:17] <Sangar> if all of those are functions it is
L744[16:07:24] <SpiritedDusty> oh
L745[16:07:25] <Wobbo> All would be functions
L746[16:07:35] <SpiritedDusty> ah I see
L747[16:08:01] <Wobbo> Sangar, then it would become requires {"sed", "linke here"}
L748[16:08:27] <SpiritedDusty> btw why did you need compression?
L749[16:08:51] <Sangar> maybe as a short form, names have the advantage of being easier to extend with entries being optional
L750[16:10:12] <Sangar> (i.e. say you have multiple optional parameters for requires, that would only work if they're named)
L751[16:10:26] <Wobbo> That is true
L752[16:11:12] <Wobbo> SpiritedDusty: to make the load on the internet less, and to bundle a whole directory into one
L753[16:11:39] <SpiritedDusty> hm I guess. where do installed programs go to?
L754[16:12:43] <Wobbo> To a local tree of files, that get symlinked into OpenPorts local filesystem(although that might change)
L755[16:12:57] <SpiritedDusty> oh
L756[16:13:00] <Wobbo> This makes removal easy, just delete a directory in the filesystem and you are done
L757[16:14:15] <Wobbo> Using a local filesystem would allow OpenPorts to control the directories that are available, and therefore less conflicts with nonexistent files(the user might not have /etc for example)
L758[16:18:22] <Wobbo> Sangar, when I fs.remove a directory with files, will this remove the directory or will this error?
L759[16:19:29] <Sangar> errr...
L760[16:19:57] <Sangar> will remove the dir and everything in it
L761[16:20:42] <Wobbo> alright
L762[16:30:53] <Wobbo> Should info display the information one after the other using $PAGER or should it just print to stdout?
L763[16:35:00] <Kenny> Sangar, is there anywhere on the wiki that shows the mouse events?
L764[16:37:32] <Sangar> Wobbo: there's such a thing as $PAGER? sweet. let's use that. and make man use it, too.
L765[16:37:33] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L766[16:37:45] <Sangar> Kenny: yes. the page will all the other signals.
L767[16:37:49] <Wobbo> You didn't know $PAGER? O_o
L768[16:38:07] <Sangar> nope, i never bothered playing around with the env vars much >_>
L769[16:38:09] <Wobbo> it is less by default, but I have set it to vim pager now :)
L770[16:38:25] <Wobbo> There is also $BROWSER :P
L771[16:39:02] <Sangar> best thing about oc for me: i learn more about the shell :P
L772[16:39:16] <Wobbo> Me to :P
L773[16:47:05] <Symmetryc> Wobbo: Do you still use CC ._.
L774[16:47:06] ⇨ Joins: Ir7_o (Ir7_o@CPE-1-123-169-180.sml9.way.bigpond.net.au)
L775[16:47:07] zsh sets mode: +o on Ir7_o
L776[16:47:16] <Wobbo> Not really
L777[16:47:36] <Symmetryc> :(
L778[16:48:02] <Wobbo> I prefer OC, since it is more advanced in my opinion
L779[16:48:31] <Symmetryc> Wobbo: I know, but CC still has a larger user base / more support
L780[16:48:37] <Wobbo> I know
L781[16:48:47] <Symmetryc> I would use OC more than CC if they both had the same user base
L782[16:49:10] <Wobbo> But if I don't like something in OC, I can complain to Sangar here :P Or chance it myself.
L783[16:49:42] <Wobbo> And I would implement a lot myself anyway
L784[16:50:32] ⇦ Quits: Ir7_o (Ir7_o@CPE-1-123-169-180.sml9.way.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L785[16:50:39] <Wobbo> And I don't have enough time to use both actively :P
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L793[16:58:56] <Wobbo> I am going to sleep now.
L794[16:59:04] <Wobbo> So speak you all later!
L795[16:59:35] <Symmetryc> o/
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