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L8[02:00:04] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20180522 mappings to Forge Maven.
L9[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20180522-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20180522" in build.gradle).
L10[02:00:18] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L52[13:36:50] <Raycoms> Hi, I noticed that when I use ForgeHooks.onPlaceItemIntoWorld for two slabs which are oriented north-south, they join
L53[13:37:43] <Raycoms> Okay, it seems this depends on the way I put "facing" in this case
L54[13:39:19] <Raycoms> Ah, facing up resolves it
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L58[14:25:47] <masa> Could someone give me a basic explanation of how the VBO and GL displaylist (?) stuff works in Minecraft?
L59[14:25:53] <masa> So like, when stuff is rendered, how does it "know" to go to the VBO?
L60[14:26:00] <masa> Where/how does it get drawn to the screen from the VBO?
L61[14:26:09] <masa> How/when/where is the VBO cleared for the next frame?
L62[14:26:19] <masa> If chunks are only rendered to the VBO whenever something marks it for render update, I assume the VBO data for a chunk stays around for a long time untouched?
L63[14:26:29] <masa> How do the GL translate/rotate etc. methods work with this? Can the matrix be translated before the stuff from the VBO is drawn to the screen, and then popped after?
L64[14:27:34] <masa> Basically I want t orender 1) a large number of rtanslucent colored quads and 2) "ghost blocks" from a separate world, basicallly like Schematica does
L65[14:28:06] <masa> But I don't know how to do that using VBOs instead of just regualr direct render calls...
L66[14:28:55] <ForgeDiscord> <Gegy> VBOs are just a way of storing vertex data, allowing it to not be reuploaded to the GPU every frame
L67[14:30:51] <ForgeDiscord> <Gegy> They can be treated as if the data were being uploaded right then, so transformations will work
L68[14:32:37] <masa> So are they like bound before the regular render calls, and then unbound after or something?
L69[14:33:24] <masa> And how/where does that vertex data then get rendered to the pixels on the screen?
L70[14:33:50] <ForgeDiscord> <Gegy> There's a GL command to draw the uploaded data through an id
L71[14:34:14] <ForgeDiscord> <Gegy> The VertexBuffer class wraps the buffer id
L72[14:34:32] <masa> okay, any idea what that looks like in Minecraft, or where the chunk VBOs get rendered using it?
L73[14:35:13] <masa> I was looking through teh render code for a few hours one day, but still didn't quite undertsand it, since I know fairly little about rendering stuff :/
L74[14:37:03] <ForgeDiscord> <Gegy> Check VboRenderList
L75[14:37:44] <ForgeDiscord> <Gegy> That renders the VBO to the screen
L76[14:38:27] <ForgeDiscord> <Gegy> VertexBufferUploader uploads the data built from a BufferBuilder to a VBO
L77[14:41:47] <masa> okay and VertexBuffer holds the ID, has the bind and unbind methods...
L78[14:42:19] <Raycoms> Has anyone experience with VBOs and rendering and would be interested in contributing at another project? (Minecolonies)
L79[14:45:11] <ForgeDiscord> <Gegy> right, yeah. it does need to be bound when drawing
L80[14:46:03] <masa> okay and ViewFrustum has an array of RenderChunk, and each RenderChunk has an array of VertexBuffer, one for each BlockRenderlayer
L81[14:46:34] <masa> so there is one VBO per sub-chunk per BlockRenderlayer
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L83[15:12:31] <masa> I think I have a lot better understanding of this now... so thanks for your help!
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