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L10[02:00:04] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20180326 mappings to Forge Maven.
L11[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20180326-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20180326" in build.gradle).
L12[02:00:18] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L29[06:41:43] <lillelykke> Hi!
L30[06:42:23] <lillelykke> Anyone know of an easy way to allow my players to use IC2 and BC machines no matter what energy source they have?
L31[06:42:36] <lillelykke> E.g. having IC2 solar panels to power a BC quarry.
L32[06:43:25] <lillelykke> I've tried https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/energy-converters, but it doesn't seem to work very well.
L33[06:54:20] <gigaherz> hmmm
L34[06:54:36] <gigaherz> jsut a good set of energy pipes should do
L35[06:54:49] <lillelykke> Talking about young scouts and guides. WOuld like to make it as easy as possible.
L36[06:54:51] <gigaherz> mekanism pipes or enderio pipes I think support many energy APIs
L37[06:55:10] <lillelykke> So they can convert energy?
L38[06:55:22] <lillelykke> I have Mekanism and Mekanism Tools installed.
L39[06:55:24] <gigaherz> I don't know from memory, which energy types they support
L40[06:55:40] <gigaherz> but you might want to check if mekanism energy pipes can do it
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L42[07:03:54] <Arcan> If you're in 1.7.10, Mekanism energy cables do what you want
L43[07:04:27] <Arcan> lillelykke: in 1.7 mek pipes convert between RF, EU, and a handful of other energy types automatically
L44[07:06:19] <lillelykke> I'm at 1.12.2.
L45[07:07:52] <Arcan> in that case I'd load up a creative world with just Mek and BC and test it.
L46[07:07:57] <Arcan> and IC2
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L48[07:15:06] <lillelykke> Okey. Thanks!
L49[07:16:23] <lillelykke> Anyone know if Aroma1997s Dimensional World mods setting "I:oreGenMultiplier=3" will generate ALL ores on the server 3x?
L50[07:16:41] <lillelykke> Or is it just the ores from Aroma1997s mod? Or just vanilla ores?
L51[07:16:51] <lillelykke> Not found anything about this on google.
L52[07:21:38] <gigaherz> I would guess it's all ores
L53[07:21:42] <gigaherz> but I have no idea
L54[07:21:53] <gigaherz> more accurately
L55[07:22:02] <gigaherz> I would guess it runs oregen 3 times, after generating chunks
L56[07:22:09] <gigaherz> meaning veins are 3x more likely to appear
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L75[10:25:08] <AnrDaemon> Sorry if my question feels strange, but what size of floating point numbers MC mods commonly use to store data? Single or double precision? Specifically data in NBT.
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L77[10:27:22] <gigaherz> AnrDaemon: doesn't really matter -- whatever fits best
L78[10:27:48] <gigaherz> floats have 5-6 digits of precision, and a range of 10^-33 to 10^33 or so
L79[10:28:04] <AnrDaemon> I'm writing JSON-NBT converter, and want to make a call on default float type.
L80[10:28:06] <gigaherz> doubles have 11-12 digits, and a range of -300 to 300 ish
L81[10:28:13] <AnrDaemon> I'm aware of the precision and ranges, thanks :)
L82[10:28:40] <AnrDaemon> Just though there's some common consensus I'm not aware of.
L83[10:28:50] <gigaherz> I don't believe so
L84[10:29:32] <AnrDaemon> Anyway, thank you for the answer!
L85[10:30:20] <gigaherz> looking in one of my mod environments, there's 16 setFloat total (including vanilla code)
L86[10:30:28] <gigaherz> and 22 setDouble total (including vanilla)
L87[10:30:33] <gigaherz> while not statistically significant
L88[10:31:03] <gigaherz> I'd say based on that tiny sample, that it's close enough to 50% that it won't matter which one you make default
L89[10:31:26] <AnrDaemon> :D Thanks!
L90[10:32:37] <gigaherz> comapre with: setInteger -- 261, setShort -- 42, setByte -- 44
L91[10:32:46] <gigaherz> in that case I would say integer is the better default ;P
L92[10:33:22] <gigaherz> I guess that's why the json-like syntax used to provide NBT in commandblocks
L93[10:33:25] <gigaherz> isn't true json
L94[10:33:29] <gigaherz> but rather typed json
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L96[10:34:44] <AnrDaemon> On another note, I think I have a better idea. Since NBT is a generic format, I can just use an options section at the start of the object to declare default int/float types.
L97[10:34:53] <ben_mkiv> SirWill from mineyourmind?!
L98[10:35:28] <ben_mkiv> guess most mods use double, as theres rare usecase for real float values
L99[10:35:39] <gigaherz> ben_mkiv: i'd have said otherwise
L100[10:35:47] <gigaherz> since there's few reasons to use double, and floats take up less disk space
L101[10:35:52] <SirWill> ben_mkiv yes?
L102[10:35:57] <ben_mkiv> just wondered^
L103[10:36:25] <SirWill> do I know you?
L104[10:36:47] <ben_mkiv> idk, used to play on your servers for a while (Ben85) back then
L105[10:37:34] <AnrDaemon> gigaherz: Thanks for being my rubber ducky for today <3
L106[10:37:48] <SirWill> ah, sounds familiar but there a lot of players with "Ben" in the name^^
L107[10:38:02] <SirWill> was /fml confirm removed in forge 1.12?
L108[10:38:35] <SirWill> a mod caused block id's to change but there was no fml confirm
L109[10:38:48] <AnrDaemon> Did it ask you to confirm?
L110[10:38:58] <gigaherz> not that I'm aware of
L111[10:39:02] <SirWill> it did not
L112[10:39:14] <AnrDaemon> May be mod took care of the conflict?
L113[10:39:15] <gigaherz> I recall having to /fml confirm while porting my mods
L114[10:39:27] <gigaherz> yeah if the mod is able to migrate itself
L115[10:39:38] <gigaherz> the rest of the mods wouldn't notice
L116[10:40:08] <gigaherz> so forge wouldn't have any reason to worry
L117[10:40:10] <ben_mkiv> which is utopian afaik
L118[10:40:15] <SirWill> hm, my guess is that the NotEnoughIDs mod caused it as I didn't update any mods
L119[10:40:21] <ben_mkiv> if you have storagedrawers which store items with itemID for example...
L120[10:40:29] <gigaherz> my mods have MOSTLY been compatible across major versions
L121[10:40:46] <gigaherz> ben_mkiv: yeah that's uglyt
L122[10:40:51] <gigaherz> storage should always use registry names
L123[10:40:52] <ben_mkiv> yea, but i think migration isnt possible in a multimod environment
L124[10:41:01] <ben_mkiv> or at least, not failsafe
L125[10:41:10] <gigaherz> and for network packets, there's helpers to encode the data
L126[10:41:16] <gigaherz> so that the mod never uses numeric IDs ever
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L128[10:41:32] <AnrDaemon> Oh, speaking about mods. Anybody know a mod to cause nether portals to return you to a dimension different than 0 ? Or is that even technically possible?
L129[10:41:45] <gigaherz> I'm not aware
L130[10:42:00] <gigaherz> everything is technically possible
L131[10:42:09] <gigaherz> since coremods can edit vanilla code
L132[10:42:11] <AnrDaemon> With a good word and a handgun…
L133[10:42:27] <gigaherz> but
L134[10:42:33] <gigaherz> there's a more basic issue with that
L135[10:42:43] <gigaherz> how does the mod know where to put you?
L136[10:42:59] <gigaherz> there could be a mod that makes ALL nether portals send you to dimension X
L137[10:43:07] <AnrDaemon> I'm fine with vanilla mechanics bar the domension id.
L138[10:43:10] <gigaherz> but having one portal link to dimension X and naother to Y
L139[10:43:12] <ben_mkiv> or a mod tracking your portal usage
L140[10:43:18] <gigaherz> that would be messier
L141[10:43:37] <AnrDaemon> Ok, let's not drag it into offtopic. :) Sorry.
L142[10:51:06] <ben_mkiv> anyone knows of any mod using b3d with rig and poses? (are poses even a thing?)
L143[10:51:37] <gigaherz> no idea
L144[10:51:43] <gigaherz> one-frame animations?
L145[10:51:52] <ben_mkiv> more like a full walk cycle
L146[10:52:00] <gigaherz> oh
L147[10:52:04] <gigaherz> yeah that is a thing
L148[10:52:09] <gigaherz> that is basically what b3d is for
L149[10:52:25] <ben_mkiv> if the support is as good as wavefront...
L150[10:52:28] <gigaherz> but I don't know any mod actually using it
L151[10:53:18] <ben_mkiv> havent even found a single mod using wavefront for animated entities
L152[10:54:18] <gigaherz> .obj can't do animations per se
L153[10:54:29] <gigaherz> so all you can do is load the different model parts separately
L154[10:54:34] <gigaherz> and draw them in different rotations
L155[10:54:43] <ben_mkiv> yea, but even didnt found something like that
L156[10:54:51] <ben_mkiv> only static items which are rendered as overlay
L157[10:55:15] <gigaherz> tileentity using a TESR with .obj models
L158[10:55:15] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/renderers/RenderEssentializer.java
L159[10:55:28] <gigaherz> ModelHandle is my own class
L160[10:55:34] <ben_mkiv> yea, kinda got something like that
L161[10:55:37] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Commons/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/common/client/ModelHandle.java
L162[10:55:47] <ben_mkiv> but im parsing the whole mesh from one object file, and define the rig as XML
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L164[10:56:01] <AnrDaemon> Smart move.
L165[10:56:10] <ben_mkiv> not really
L166[10:56:16] <ben_mkiv> as i have to write the XML by hand :P
L167[10:56:20] <ben_mkiv> with all the bone offsets
L168[10:56:31] <AnrDaemon> Why not? :) you can adjust rig without chnaging the model.
L169[10:56:41] <AnrDaemon> Write exporter :P
L170[10:56:51] <ben_mkiv> yea, that should work as python in blender
L171[10:58:27] <ben_mkiv> but b3d kinda does the same on the fly if i got it right
L172[10:59:13] <ben_mkiv> so anyone knows of a game that uses B3D for entities?
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L174[11:02:18] <ben_mkiv> but i guess its easier to write my own stuff for poses, to understand whats going on
L175[11:03:23] <ben_mkiv> guess the logic has to be custom for b3d, too. so for example canceling walkcycles when the entity collides and should standing still
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L180[11:26:30] <AnrDaemon> gigaherz, and anyone else interested, I'd like a sanity check on the following document (JSON-NBT conversion rules): https://gist.github.com/AnrDaemon/f6b5b738485251c0309848b277c73eb6
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L187[13:11:58] <barteks2x> I got like 20 mods in errored state. How the hell would I figure out what actually went wrong?
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L191[13:17:54] <barteks2x> there are just so many exceptions I can't figure out which one is the real cause of the issue
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L193[13:31:04] <axel> remove half the mods
L194[13:31:23] <axel> if the issue persists you remove half of that, if not you have removed the mod with the error
L195[13:31:33] <axel> keep getting halves until you found the mod with the error
L196[13:31:53] <barteks2x> that means starting the clienbt like 10 times... or more if I mess up dependencies
L197[13:31:59] <barteks2x> and I will mess up dependencies
L198[13:32:34] <axel> well you can try posting the log on pastebin and linking it here
L199[13:32:37] <axel> maybe that can tell us something
L200[13:33:29] <barteks2x> this is an experimental modpack with my cubic chunks mod, it';s likely it's involved somehow
L201[13:33:41] <barteks2x> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/414808108523716611/427895102711529472/latest.log this is latest.log anyway
L202[13:33:54] <barteks2x> over 70 mods errored
L203[13:34:18] <barteks2x> at least by the time it showed [20:07:25] [Server thread/FATAL] [FML]: Fatal errors were detected during the transition from AVAILABLE to SERVER_ABOUT_TO_START. Loading cannot continue
L204[13:35:40] <axel> it looks like an issue with redstone flux
L205[13:35:49] <axel> its not finding a file that its looking for
L206[13:35:57] <barteks2x> how the hell did you figure it out?
L207[13:36:26] <axel> actually scratch that
L208[13:37:08] <barteks2x> also all the [19:52:19] [main/ERROR] [LaunchWrapper]: Exception encountered attempting classloading of %s are likely because I had debug classloading option enabled
L209[13:37:33] <axel> it might be "betterchests"
L210[13:37:41] <axel> try removing that
L211[13:39:06] <barteks2x> also it works when joining server. Just not when creating singleplayer world
L212[13:39:27] <barteks2x> and the server has exactly the same mods
L213[13:40:27] <barteks2x> I wanted to create singleplayer world to figure out what makes the world not generate some features that are enabled in my worldgen config
L214[13:40:57] <axel> like i said, try removing betterchests and see if it works
L215[13:41:10] <axel> if not, try redstone flux, if that doesnt work then i dont know
L216[13:43:40] <AnrDaemon> barteks2x: Look at the very first error, all the other are likely to be a consequence.
L217[13:44:05] <barteks2x> the problem is, I don't know which one is the first because there are lots and lots of irrelevant ones before
L218[13:44:47] <barteks2x> I think MC/forge should be way more strict about exceptions in dev environment
L219[13:45:33] <barteks2x> removing betterchests seems to work
L220[13:45:42] <barteks2x> or it would have worked anyway
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L267[15:13:14] <lillelykke> Any way to convert EU to MJ, or RF to MJ?
L268[15:13:22] <lillelykke> in 1.12.2.
L269[15:18:39] <gigaherz> the mekanism energy pipes don't do it?
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L271[15:21:22] <lillelykke> Dunno how to connect those pipes to the quarry.
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L273[15:24:06] <gigaherz> you can't power the quarry block directly with the pipes?
L274[15:24:24] <gigaherz> I can't say I have used mekanism or buildcraft on 1.12, so I can't REALLY help
L275[15:24:47] <lillelykke> Tried with both basic and advanced universal pipes.
L276[15:24:55] <lillelykke> and some of the others.
L277[15:25:15] <gigaherz> maybe they are not compatible in 1.12
L278[15:25:17] <gigaherz> that would be sad
L279[15:25:25] <lillelykke> https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/7ezn3t/buildcraft_1122_alpha_released/dq8ia6f/
L280[15:25:38] <lillelykke> Buildcraft supported RF for some time..
L281[15:25:48] <lillelykke> and now dropped support for it in 1.12.2 or so.
L282[15:25:59] <gigaherz> how about forge energy?
L283[15:26:18] <lillelykke> Tried.. and it didn't work.
L284[15:26:24] <lillelykke> Maybe I did something wrong..
L285[15:26:31] <lillelykke> But as far as I can see it doesn't work.
L286[15:27:00] <gigaherz> I'm wondering if the opposite would work
L287[15:27:14] <gigaherz> using a mekanism "battery", and using BC kinesis pipes to extract from it
L288[15:27:45] <lillelykke> What is this Mekanism battery block?
L289[15:27:53] <lillelykke> Can test it out if you tell me the names.
L290[15:28:03] <gigaherz> energy cube?
L291[15:29:15] <lillelykke> BC kinese pipes doesn't connect to it.
L292[15:29:28] <lillelykke> Tried with wooden BC kinese.
L293[15:29:38] <gigaherz> so whatever energy systems mekanism and buildcraft support
L294[15:29:42] <gigaherz> they aren't compatible with eachother >_<
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L296[15:45:21] <LuigiHutch> 'BuildCraft in 1.11+ has moved back to using its own MJ power system which is NOT compatible with RF. However, due to BuildCraft being in alpha no other mods support it, or should support it, as we are still making breaking changes to the API.'
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L298[15:50:44] * gigaherz shrugs
L299[15:50:54] <gigaherz> given that forge now has its own energy api
L300[15:51:04] <gigaherz> all these mods insisting on something else just seems silly
L301[15:51:26] <gigaherz> if they had some stuff that just simply can't be done with FE
L302[15:52:05] <gigaherz> like I remember some mods had more real-life-like energy concepts, like different voltages and such
L303[15:52:45] <gigaherz> and I don't mean just like "LV" "MV" "HV" since that's basically jsut having 3 separate energy APIs bundled into one, for all practical purposes :P
L304[15:55:33] <lillelykke> Is FE Forge energy API?
L305[15:59:03] <LuigiHutch> what's wrong with mods not wanting to compatible with FE? especially with how many mods abuse it
L306[16:02:26] <gigaherz> what do you mean abuse?
L307[16:02:34] <gigaherz> and what's wrong is compatibility
L308[16:09:00] <LuigiHutch> with the ever increasing numbers of power generation needed to be seen as 'useable' especially when mods may use power as a balancing mechanic. This 'compatibility' can be used to circumvent and invalidate many features a person has put a lot of effort a dev puts in just because they don't appease to producing a stupid amount of power, especially in kitchen sink packs
L309[16:09:29] <gigaherz> if I put two mods in my pack, it means i'm ok with breaking the balance
L310[16:09:41] <gigaherz> a modder shouldn't tell people how to play the game
L311[16:09:47] <gigaherz> given that people mod the game because they don't like how it plays ;P
L312[16:10:23] <gigaherz> hence, my opinion of course, is that someone choosing not to use the most compatible API, "becuase it breaks my mod's balance" is even sillier.
L313[16:12:24] <LuigiHutch> so the mod dev is not allowed to have a say on how their mod is played
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L315[16:16:43] <Lord_Ralex> so, rolling your own system makes those issues go away?
L316[16:17:01] <lillelykke> It's also fucking annoying I cannot use IC2 stuff to power BC.
L317[16:17:28] <lillelykke> If I happen to spend time on getting an HV Solar Array... why the fuck I cannot power a simple BC quarry with it?
L318[16:17:37] <lillelykke> It's just stupid.
L319[16:18:24] <gigaherz> because apparently, some modders think they know better.
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L321[16:19:20] <gigaherz> I was hoping mekanism would still be cross-compatible with both
L322[16:19:26] <gigaherz> so that you could use it as an intermediary
L323[16:19:31] <gigaherz> but if it isn't, then I'm out of ideas
L324[16:20:06] <gigaherz> have you tried this one?
L325[16:20:06] <gigaherz> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/energy-converters
L326[16:20:21] <gigaherz> it claims to support both MJ and EU, and it's 1.12.x
L327[16:20:48] <lillelykke> It doesn't do MJ.
L328[16:20:53] <lillelykke> I've tried the mod.
L329[16:20:56] <gigaherz> it claims to :/
L330[16:21:08] <lillelykke> Yes, and the old version did.
L331[16:21:09] <gigaherz> ohwell
L332[16:21:12] <lillelykke> Not this fork though.
L333[16:25:45] <LuigiHutch> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/power-adapters
L334[16:25:47] <LuigiHutch> or https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/modernconverter
L335[16:26:21] <Lord_Ralex> oh, darkhax....
L336[16:27:44] <LuigiHutch> kinetic energy ≠ electricity
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L339[16:28:55] <Lord_Ralex> it's funny though really, because those kind of mods still invalidate the balance bit ;)
L340[16:29:34] <gigaherz> if you are playing in a modpack, chances are a mod's balance means nothing
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L342[16:33:40] <LuigiHutch> and that means you shouldn't care at all?
L343[16:33:53] <Lord_Ralex> that doesn't mean one shouldn't care
L344[16:34:20] <Lord_Ralex> but it shouldn't be the only excuse to feel like rolling your own solves it
L345[16:34:28] <Lord_Ralex> or rather, rolling your own is "better"
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L348[16:36:42] <LuigiHutch> who says that's their only motive? they probably have many other mechanics/motives that don't fit into RF/FE's ecosystem
L349[16:37:34] <Lord_Ralex> we simply are saying there better be other reasons
L350[16:39:21] <Lord_Ralex> like, giga said one did a more life-like, that'd be a decent reason
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L352[16:40:56] <GodXeno> why does my minecraft randomly freeze
L353[16:40:59] <GodXeno> even though i have awesome specs
L354[16:41:14] <gigaherz> does the memory usage % in the F3 screen go too high?
L355[16:41:23] <gigaherz> like reach 99% or sao, when it freezes?
L356[16:42:08] <gigaherz> if so, you might not be giving the minecraft executable enough memory
L357[16:42:20] <gigaherz> you can change that from the commandline parameters in the launcher profile settings
L358[16:42:48] <GodXeno> im using 9 gigs
L359[16:43:42] <gigaherz> it is using 100% of those 9gb?
L360[16:44:08] <lillelykke> Alright. https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/power-adapters
L361[16:44:10] <lillelykke> LOVE IT!
L362[16:44:12] <GodXeno> i did not reboot my laptop for like 10 days
L363[16:44:23] <gigaherz> i'm not talking about your laptop
L364[16:44:27] <lillelykke> Thank you so much, LuigiHutch! *hugs*
L365[16:44:31] <gigaherz> I'm talking about the F3 screen inside minecraft
L366[16:44:39] <gigaherz> topright edge
L367[16:44:49] <gigaherz> there should be a % value of used vs allocated
L368[16:44:51] <LuigiHutch> its still a valid reason no? its a stupid reason if its the only reason but its still a reason
L369[16:44:53] <LuigiHutch> np :)
L370[16:45:30] <gigaherz> but, if your computer is using more RAM than you have, that would be a reason to reboot :P
L371[16:46:04] <lillelykke> But... how you get this Power Adapter block in survival mode? errr?
L372[16:46:16] <GodXeno> im testing now
L373[16:46:17] <lillelykke> "This block has no crafting recipe. The block is intended for modpacks to set up and make it work with their own progression and balance systems. "
L374[16:47:12] <Lord_Ralex> LuigiHutch, taking control of an api-level really isn't balancing, so no, i don't view it as a valid reason, because it's not solving the issue at hand
L375[16:47:24] <Lord_Ralex> you're not solving balancing issues, it's just moving it
L376[16:47:48] <Lord_Ralex> so if someone wants to unbalance, it is just a little harder
L377[16:48:03] <Lord_Ralex> such as those adapter mods
L378[16:48:57] <Lord_Ralex> but that's my opinion too
L379[16:51:44] <LuigiHutch> your moving it so it becomes less of an issue. a smaller issue is better than a bigger issue
L380[16:52:46] <Lord_Ralex> it's been a long time really since i've done anything with power anyways, as a user it was annoying to deal with mixing stuff
L381[16:52:49] <Lord_Ralex> as a dev, love control, but
L382[16:52:52] <Lord_Ralex> it's a tradeoff
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L392[19:07:04] <SquareWheel> Heya. Having an issue where vanilla is doing something I'm not understanding. Could I get some advice from a more seasoned dev?
L393[19:07:21] <SquareWheel> My mod sets a potion effect which increases the player's health. Everything works fine except during a player death; the potion effect is lost but the outline of those hearts remains. They can't be filled, so it seems like a client/server desync. Logging out fixes this.
L394[19:07:39] <SquareWheel> I've tried poking around to see what isn't updating. player.getMaxHealth is accurate, as is the SharedMonsterAttributes.MAX_HEALTH.
L395[19:07:49] <SquareWheel> Any ideas?
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L406[21:45:08] <SquareWheel> Welp, I'm giving up on this issue for tonight. Will try again later. Thanks to anyone who read.
L407[22:18:23] <SquareWheel> I lied, kept playing with it. But I think it's just a vanilla bug. It happens if you give yourself health_boost as well.
L408[22:30:01] <SquareWheel> Oh my, it's actually a Forge bug. Doesn't happen in pure vanilla. Does happen in Forge with no mods loaded.
L409[22:51:23] <SquareWheel> Submitted bug report. Hopefully I'm not being a dumb.
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