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L7[01:49:44] <Waterdust> sometime later with support, it works, moving onto troubleshooting other things, thanks to the people from yesterday for their help, sad that no one was here today though, maybe next time
L8[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20180319 mappings to Forge Maven.
L9[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20180319-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20180319" in build.gradle).
L10[02:00:18] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L34[08:48:37] <GodXeno> Hey benis how are you guys doing
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L36[08:53:37] <GodXeno> i need help
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L84[17:03:29] <Phantom_Hoover> hi
L85[17:03:33] <Phantom_Hoover> forge is behaving really weirdly on the command line for some reason
L86[17:03:39] <Phantom_Hoover> i start it up with nogui but then for some reason it doesn't echo text i type into it and everything it prints has weird formatting sprinkled into it
L87[17:03:42] <Phantom_Hoover> like §r whatever
L88[17:03:58] <Phantom_Hoover> is there a setting or something i can use to get a normal prompt and text that echoes, like spigot has@?
L89[17:04:58] <quadraxis> what version are you using?
L90[17:05:42] <Phantom_Hoover> uhhh
L91[17:05:45] <Phantom_Hoover> lat...est?
L92[17:05:54] <Phantom_Hoover> forge-1.12.2-
L93[17:07:09] <quadraxis> try 2628 for now
L94[17:07:36] <quadraxis> there was some changes to logging that might be affecting things
L95[17:34:35] <Phantom_Hoover> thanks for the reply!
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L97[17:35:08] <Phantom_Hoover> for other reasons i think spigot might be a better fit right now, so unfortunately i can't test it
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L105[18:24:18] <LexMobile> Ya, mezz reworked a lot of the logging config to work around a bunch of issues. Seems he didnt try the dedicated server console.
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L113[20:46:44] <Jonathon594> So I have an ItemStack with a capability that holds a couple values and has an inventory of its own. Now I know the whole capability syncs to the client, SOMETIMES, but I'm not exactly sure what triggers it. I need to be able to trigger a sync of the capability to the client when the ItemStacks
L114[20:46:44] <Jonathon594> inventory is opened and when a specific event happens within said inventory. Is it possible to manual cause forge to sync the capability data to the client on these 2 occourances without having to write a specific packet for it?
L115[20:57:33] <gigaherz> I don't know that it's possible to "cause" minecraft to sync the data
L116[20:57:39] <gigaherz> it's easier to send a custom IMessage
L117[20:57:52] <gigaherz> it would have been quicker to write it than it was to type the question here ;P
L118[20:58:19] <gigaherz> if you already have a message handler and stuff
L119[21:01:01] <Jonathon594> I absolutely hate writing custom packets ;-; The problem though. since im syncing an item stack capability. How do I itentify the item stack to apply it to? I feel like using the players inventory slot isnt the best way to do it.
L120[21:01:18] <gigaherz> but it is THE way
L121[21:02:02] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ToolBelt/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/toolbelt/network/BeltContentsChange.java
L122[21:02:14] <gigaherz> I had to do that because of sync inconsistency
L123[21:09:22] <Jonathon594> Oh so you just sent the whole stack and overwrote it
L124[21:09:43] <gigaherz> yes
L125[21:09:59] <Jonathon594> Does this cause any visual gliching?
L126[21:10:00] <Jonathon594> at all
L127[21:10:19] <gigaherz> not that I'm aware of -- if it does, people haven't complained :P
L128[21:10:42] <gigaherz> I did however get a report of a combo dupe bug + item loss
L129[21:10:58] <gigaherz> when someone timed out halfway moving items around in the inventory
L130[21:11:03] <gigaherz> so don't trust all my code blindly ;P
L131[21:11:55] <Jonathon594> Im going to use this but just send the nbt data for the capability without actually touching the item, might be safer
L132[21:13:57] <gigaherz> well I believe the dupe bug would be in the way I store the data to nbt
L133[21:14:03] <gigaherz> so that should be safe regardless :P
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L135[21:16:05] <Jonathon594> Yeah I just need to sync the loose data values, the inventory updates everytime I open the container automatically. But because the GUI shows some capability data that changes while the gui is open I need to be able to sync it
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L146[22:28:08] <FusionLord> Does anyone know if there is a channel for the Twitch app?
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