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L14[02:00:04] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20180308 mappings to Forge Maven.
L15[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20180308-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20180308" in build.gradle).
L16[02:00:18] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L54[09:52:16] <gigaherz> https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-18w10a
L55[09:52:32] <gigaherz> 10c is out, and it includes the new water stuff
L56[09:53:57] <gigaherz> now we just need the brave people to decompile the snapshot and figure out how they are doing it :p
L57[09:56:21] <gigaherz> seems to be just a waterlogged property on the blocks
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L59[09:59:23] <gigaherz> I have a feeling they just made it so that if a block has a waterlogged property, and it's true, it draws water in it
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L61[09:59:35] <ScottehBoeh> Hey guys. Having a small problem relating to Slots.
L62[09:59:50] <ScottehBoeh> Basically when I move an item from one slot to another, a fake client-side instance of that item appears to still be following my mouse.
L63[10:00:01] <ScottehBoeh> I know its fake because once I place it in another slot in the custom inventory, it disappears when I re-enter the inventory
L64[10:00:16] <ScottehBoeh> Anyone know if there's a method I'm not calling?
L65[10:00:30] <gigaherz> show your container
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L70[10:03:20] <ScottehBoeh> ok but there's a lot going on, Just saying
L71[10:03:44] <ScottehBoeh> Inventory clas: https://pastebin.com/zd8K6cX0 Container class: https://pastebin.com/CFF4npAu
L72[10:04:58] <gigaherz> I'm guessing your issue is in the slotClick
L73[10:05:29] <gigaherz> also ewh.
L74[10:05:56] <gigaherz> at __OBFID
L75[10:06:38] <gigaherz> I'm guessing you are missing some setHeldItem somewhere
L76[10:08:07] <ScottehBoeh> setHeldItem relates to the item that the mouse is currently holding?
L77[10:09:38] <ScottehBoeh> Actually I think it is an issue with slotCLicked
L78[10:09:43] <ScottehBoeh> slotclick*
L79[10:10:23] <ben_mkiv> i've missed the problem
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L81[10:12:04] <ben_mkiv> you got trouble with moving items around in a custom container?
L82[10:12:47] <ScottehBoeh> Alright I've found the issue. It's relating to the packet I'm seending in the slotClick method
L83[10:12:50] <gigaherz> ben_mkiv: yeah, he said the client keeps showing an item at the cursor
L84[10:13:58] <ScottehBoeh> Want to see Message_PInv_Stack?
L85[10:14:54] <ScottehBoeh> Ah!
L86[10:15:02] <ScottehBoeh> thePlayer.inventory.dropAllItems() may have done it
L87[10:15:58] <ScottehBoeh> Wait just a minute.. Nevermind. I'm completely misunderstanding that method.
L88[10:21:38] <ScottehBoeh> Ok its fixed now. Sry for the inconvenience
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L90[10:22:42] <kashike> gigaherz: 10c is up in the repo
L91[10:23:25] <gigaherz> they broke fluids falling
L92[10:23:48] <Arcan> how kek
L93[10:23:48] <gigaherz> https://i.imgur.com/BaBOdsZ.gifv
L94[10:23:52] <gigaherz> like this
L95[10:24:11] <gigaherz> if the block doesn't have a neighbour to "help" it, it won't properly spread down
L96[10:24:53] <ScottehBoeh> The water on the right looks a bit lop-sided. Is that because its got a block to the right of it?
L97[10:25:12] <gigaherz> I believe so
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L124[15:35:41] <Ordinastie> damn, that's cool : https://puu.sh/zDtlC.png :)
L125[15:38:03] <gigaherz> your kerning is broken :P
L126[15:38:10] <gigaherz> dat Lorem Ipsum, tho
L127[15:38:47] <heldplayer> I thought that block that says "GUI" on the side said "cult" for a minute there
L128[15:39:22] <Ordinastie> well, I'm recruiting if you want :p
L129[15:39:26] <heldplayer> Oh dear
L130[15:39:53] <heldplayer> I've kind of given up on Minecraft modding and most other side-projects due to lack of time unfortunately
L131[15:43:19] <Ordinastie> no, I meant in my cult
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L134[15:50:18] <heldplayer> I don't have time for cults either :P
L135[15:50:39] <heldplayer> I have no free time
L136[15:50:53] <heldplayer> And I won't give up my "do nothing" time
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L138[15:52:29] <Ordinastie> yeah, that's the best time
L139[16:08:05] <Ordinastie> that'll have to do : https://puu.sh/zDuF0.png
L140[16:09:28] <TechnicianLP> tried doing justified text once - and failed
L141[16:10:18] <TechnicianLP> (with i constraints i set for myself)
L142[16:14:23] <gigaherz> the issue with justifying text, is that there isn't one good way that works always
L143[16:14:51] <gigaherz> "stretch the letters", "stretch all the spacings", and "stretch whitespace" are all valid solutions that work best in certain cases
L144[16:15:05] <Ordinastie> I streched the spaces
L145[16:15:58] <gigaherz> I believe modern word preocessors have certain "rules", such as stretching spaces first, but only up to a certain point, then they start stretching the kerning to make up for the remaining space
L146[16:16:52] <Ordinastie> I could try that
L147[16:21:38] <Ordinastie> kinda works too : https://puu.sh/zDvbf.png
L148[16:21:51] <Ordinastie> (minus the one line)
L149[16:22:50] <Ordinastie> the main issue is that some letters are not aligned to the scale factor of the gui
L150[16:23:35] <gigaherz> yeah that one line should skip justifying :P
L151[16:24:46] <Ordinastie> here, happy? https://puu.sh/zDviP.png
L152[16:24:57] <gigaherz> yes :P
L153[16:25:07] <Ordinastie> I still have a bug though
L154[16:25:15] <Ordinastie> there shouldn't be as much space on the right
L155[16:25:28] <gigaherz> heh
L156[16:26:27] <Ordinastie> the second one looks better too
L157[16:32:59] <Ordinastie> ah, it's because there is always a space at the end
L158[16:33:55] <kashike> Ordinastie: now just make it a better blue or a different colour
L159[16:34:00] <kashike> dark_blue colour is bad
L160[16:34:58] <Ordinastie> ahah, you fool ! you think I'm limited to the vanilla 16 colors ?
L161[16:35:10] <Ordinastie> (actual color is 0x221199)
L162[16:36:23] <kashike> 0x3F153F :p
L163[16:36:47] <Ordinastie> https://puu.sh/zDvON.png
L164[16:37:43] <kashike> much better
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L167[16:58:05] <GodXeno> smash 5
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L188[22:03:51] <jd1378> Hi,
L189[22:04:09] <jd1378> whats the event for chunk request in client ?
L190[22:17:57] <jd1378> does client even send request for chunks ?
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L192[22:31:39] <jd1378> got my answer , server sends it on its own.
L193[22:32:27] <Unh0ly_Tigg> jd1378, it appears that there's ChunkEvent.Load for an event to look for.
L194[22:34:57] <Unh0ly_Tigg> though, that may or may not fire after you want, depending on when you want to do what you need to within the request->loaded cycle per-chunk.
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L200[22:54:59] <jd1378> how can i replace the default chunk sending behavior , so that i can check some stuff and then send the chunk ?
L201[23:06:42] <Unh0ly_Tigg> from what I can tell, you can't actually change the implementation unless you get deep into asm and core mods, which I am not going to go into, nor am I going to recommend you do either.
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